#mammon x tabitha (oc)
venusimi · 1 year
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Under a million stars: Take me back to the night we met
(REDO OF THE SERIES "Let's love again") > "Take me back to the night we met" - Lord Huron > Mammon x OC (Tabitha), (Past) Mammon x mc > You/yours & she/her > Death, mourning, angst with a sad ending, crying, regrets
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Mammon is the lord of greed. The second oldest brother. He is strong, his strength surpasses that of Leviathan, the third. He's loud, greedy, and rarely ever keeps his promises. He's a thief and spends far too much money.
Everything everyone says about him is true, except the part where he cried the loudest. In fact, he was the most quiet. The day of your death, he did not cry. He did not scream. He stood there motionless, silently hoping you'd return like you did before.
Everyone says he immediately ran to gamble, but that's not true. He stayed in his room and if he wasn't there, he's at lord Diavolo's castle on his knees willingly offering his entire being just to be with you again and yet the demon just shook his head and left the lord of greed to mourn with no tears, he bargained with witches, and made pacts with anyone that he thinks can revive you.
It was all fruitless.
They said it was impossible, but how would they know? They haven't tried.
So he went to another witch...
"Revive someone? I-I can't do that! That's an impossible task, no witch can achieve such great feat. Even if there was... I doubt he'd be willing to revive someone who had died in peace."
The witch had told him. Funnily enough, she looked like you. Her hair was similar to yours, only it had been in a different color and shade. Her eyes was exactly yours. Her eyes shone brightly like yours would. It was breathtaking.
What was her name again? Tammy? No, that's a different witch. Taser? That's a defensive items humans own for safety, it doesn't work on demons though. Oh! Tabitha. That was her name.
It was pain having to hear the same words, and yet he kept enduring it all in hopes for good news.
He spent weeks on the streets searching for someone who can save you, he hadn't gone to Barbatos because he knows that the reality is... You're dead. And he can't bring you back.
But, he tried anyways.
"Barbatos. Please, I know you can-"
"I can't."
A quick and easy shut down. A simple "I can't" spoke so many unsaid words.
He can't accept the rational solution: acceptance, and chose to deny all truth in hopes it's all a mere bad dream that he was unfortunate enough to be stuck in.
At some point in time, he desperately pleaded his father up above to bring you back. To allow him a bit more time to at least say goodbye.
He had begged Lucifer to put him in a sleep where he can meet you.
He had begged Leviathan, lord Diavolo... Everyone he can talk irrationally to. And yet, he was met with the exact same response each and every time.
"MC isn't coming back. Let her rest, she would've wanted you to be happy."
It hurt.
Did you know that?
Did you know that when you left him to hold your body one last time, it broke him in ways that felt impossible?
His room was dark, and devoid of life other than his own.
On his knees with his hands clasped together, and his most gentle soft voice, he whispers a prayer.
Can't you believe that?
A demon, praying?
Unheard of.
But if it's for you, he's willing to defy all odds and endure the burning flame that burned his entire body.
"Father... Take me back to the night I met her...
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venusimi · 2 years
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It's special again
*Takes place after some indefinite time in the storyline.
Mammon and Tabitha finally share their first kiss but the happy ending never comes unless there is an issue.
Mammon x OC, implied/referenced Mammon x GN!MC
Fluff, romance, first kiss, angst, mentioned sex
PART 1 // PART 2
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Tabitha watches from the sidelines as Mammon counts the money he received that day from the gambles he's been doing.
She thinks about you, does he always do this? He does.
Does he always look this occupied? No.
Is it me? No.
She wonders what you would be doing if you were here. Would you lay down on his lap? Would you play with his hair? Or would you also sit down and watch like what she's doing? Or would you help him count?
Tabitha is at a loss, she feels so pathetic. So useless.
"MC used to bring me snacks sometimes whenever I get back from work. Homemade snacks! And sometimes, they'd come home with all sorts of baked goods from the castle!"
He boasts about your closeness with the king, the butler...
Today is their anniversary and yet, he doesn't seem all that excited for it.
He's occupied with something else and it isn't about her.
It hurts.
But he loves her. She can feel it.
"Tabi?" She was cut out of her trance, she sees he had stopped counting to look at her with worried eyes.
"Mammon... What's wrong?" She shifts slightly to face him.
"Nothin' wrong with me. What 'bout ya? Ya look like somethin' is buggin ya." He sets the cash aside and takes her hand, it makes her wonder if you held his hands softly or firmly.
She didn't know what to do.
"I'm okay, but Mammon... I... Never mind, it sounds really stupid." He keeps his hands firmly on hers.
"Nothin' is stupid if it's buggin' ya. Everyone has a different level of endurance y'know?"
"Mammon... I think... I think we should take a break. It's been so long since MC has passed and yet it feels like I'm only here to help you get away from the hurt." Tabitha pulled away from him, she curls into herself.
Mammon was stunned.
Was he only running from your death?
Has he even ever cried for you?
"Tabi... I-"
"The way you look at me... You look at me with disappointment but pure love and I don't know what hurts. the disappointment because I'm not them or the love you feel for me is just love you could no longer give to them? Mammon, you can mourn. You can love again. But don't make others feel like they're only there for a replacement."
"Tabi, yer not a replacement! Is that how you feel?" He inches closer but she moves away.
"I know! But... I can't help it. You always mention MC! Can't we go a day without hearing you mention their name in everything we do? It's not easy trying to make you happy when all you do is think of them! Think of me? I'm here! Sitting in front of you and yet you keep looking back. You miss them, and I do too! We all do but- ah fuck..." Tears continued down her face.
It hurt so much.
"...How can I compete against them? It would have been different if it were Lilith, she was your sister, but MC... They were your ex lover. Am I just their replacement? Am I just someone to pass the time with? Mammon, I've been with you for years! And not once do I remember going to bed without hearing their name... You still can't kiss me either..."
Tabitha stands up, "We'll talk again once you're ready." She said nothing more so she left leaving the greedy demon to sit and let the words sink deeper than 6 feet below.
His mouth becomes dry with realization.
Pain and absolute anger. At himself.
He hurt her.
For how long has she kept it to herself?
For how long did she lay on his chest, crying to herself softly as he mutters your name?
How badly did it hurt when he called your name when they had sex?
How was he able to fuck her but not kiss her?
How could he allow himself to pretend she was you, while loving her at the same time? Has he gone mad?
Had your loss drove him towards insanity?
He thinks to himself, head tilted back on his couch.
He wanted to run after her but he felt like this situation was more than just an 'I'm sorry', it was more than that. He had to think about others that aren't his brothers, you, or himself anymore.
He was the reason Tabitha came into his life.
He let her in, and he made her fall in love with him.
Days eventually turned to weeks.
The hurt came back again, and it kept him glued on his bed despite the burning desire to spend. To gamble.
To gamble his life away until he is nothing but a useless shell of a prince. It felt like he was going insane, the hot prickly feeling was foreign.
The ragged breathing.
The bright golden eyes.
He couldn't lose control, he never had so why now?
Then he realizes.
It was Tabitha that kept him calm when you passed.
It wad Tabitha that held his hand when you no longer could.
It was she who loved him more than he could ever learn to love, she loved him despite knowing his real intentions.
Despite knowing the hurt she might get.
She loved him.
And he hurt her.
The feeling hadn't fully sunk until tears finally streamed down his face.
Until the burning sensation eventually turned to fire.
Until his vision finally turned red with the lack of sin indulgence. He was going mad.
He already is.
"MAMMON!" Lucifer called out as Beelzebub held his older brother back, but even he couldn't hold on much longer.
His brother's speed was too fast.
His strength was nothing compared to the overwhelming speed of his brother's greed and hurt.
Golden tears streamed down his face, but he is contorted angrily. Or tearfully. It changes depending on who you had asked.
"Asmodeus! Can't you charm him!?" Leviathan begged.
"You think I didn't try that!?" Asmodeus retorted back, sweat glistened his skin.
Belphegor stood silently beside Satan who only stood stunned at the scene. He has never seen Mammon lose control, but honestly, who has?
"Mammon!" Satan called out.
"Mammon!! Listen to me!" He calls out again, demon form and all.
Lucifer looks at Satan with disbelief, "Do you plan on taking him down? You can't! Even Leviathan couldn't-"
"You think I don't know that!? I'm trying to get him to be calm!" Which was stupid because he was always in tune with his emotions so clearly, he is in control. (He's not.)
"That won't work, he's too far gone..." Belphegor muttered helplessly.
"Mammon!! You dummy!"
Mammon's growling stopped.
He turns slowly at the sound, "...Ta..bi...tha?"
Tabitha stood in front of him, she looks at him with sadness. Sympathy. How did it turn to this?
She brings her hands up to his face very slowly.
The gold tears stung her like boiling water, but regardless, she wipes all tears away.
"Shhh... It's okay. You deserve to finally mourn."
He cries harder.
He cried on your funeral.
But it never lasted long enough to release the actual hurt.
His cries echoed horrifically.
"Ta-Tabitha!" He calls out.
"Mm..." She hums as his head collapses onto the crook of her shoulder blades.
"I'm- I'm sorry! *hic* I- I hurt you a-and made you feel like a-a replacement f-for mc!!" He cries pathetically like a child. His reputation as a lord be damned.
Tabitha is silent.
"N-No words could tell you honestly h-how sorry I am! You- *hic* You deserve so much better, Tabi, but I'm so greedy!!"
"Then be greedy! Be as greedy as you want! Show me that you are truly sorry, and tell me that you want me for me!" She cried out to him.
They both were a sobbing mess.
But the silent stare was enough to speak volumes.
"Tabi..." He whispers through ragged breath.
"Mammon..." She whispers back.
Their lips touch.
It felt blissful.
Like paradise where nothing hurts.
Where it's just them.
Paradise where there is freedom but the fire doesn't burn.
A place where they can hold hands, kiss, and live their lives as free as they could.
The lips was soft. Gentle.
Her sweet cream tasting lips was a perfect fit against his own.
His touch on her back, and her hands on his cheeks.
It reminded him of you paradise.
They pull back, "...I want to stay that way forever."
"...Me too."
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venusimi · 2 years
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Let's love again
MC passes away and Mammon was not happy about that. He meets a new human, someone that made him feel whole again.
GN!MC x Mammon, Mammon x oc
Slight angst, bittersweet, hurt/comfort, major character death
PART 2 // PART 3
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Love is a curious thing.
Love makes you stupid, some might say. But others say that love makes you whole. Which do you believe in most?
The day of your passing was silent other than the agonized crying of Asmodeus and Mammon's frantic careless whispers. He begged you not to leave him but you do anyways.
The brothers took their time to mourn in their own ways, but Mammon... He took it the hardest.
You were his first kiss.
You were his first master that never abused their authority.
It was you who recognized his worth when others couldn't. You helped him push through, and he shielded you against the evil as a thank you.
And you were his first ever true love.
He thinks about the time you two spent, the joy in your voice whenever something funny or good happens. The sparkle in your eye is hard to miss.
He remembers your voice, the first he met you, your first kiss, and your first date. It was like a fever dream to him now.
He laid lifeless in his room for so long, until eventually, he met someone. A witch actually. Funny, he never had any good relations with a witch but it was different with her.
He is suddenly reminded of your love for him and his love for you.
Her laughs made him warm.
The sparkle in her eyes when she accomplishes something.
He was in love.
"Mammon!" She smiles.
Mammon looks at her, "...Tabitha." She was dressed beautifully for their first date.
Yes. Date.
He figured, since he can't stay in his room forever, he might as well try meeting new people. It hurts, he admits but he's even starting to neglect his brothers.
If it doesn't worth with Tabitha, then it's okay.
The two of them spent the day together, visiting places she wanted to go.
Then when the sun began to set.
She asks him.
"Who was MC to you?"
His body freezes at the mention of your name, he felt tense. He breathed and everything was okay.
"They were a good person. My first love, they had the smile that lit up the midnight sky of Devildom and their eyes shimmered like the night sky littered with stars." He whispers as though he has said it many times.
Maybe he has.
Tabitha looks at him with a smile, "I would love to meet them if they made you feel such love."
The silence was comfortable.
It never felt like she was trying to replace you, her love for him felt genuine.
"I'm not trying to replace them, but if you're not ready-"
"-No. I know, thanks... I'm sure MC woulda loved you."
"I'm sure I would have loved them too."
She places her head on his shoulder, "Tell me more about them. Your brothers told me lots, but I wanna hear about them from their first man's pov."
He blushes.
He recounts your stories, he tells the small things you did, everything. And she listened throughout all of it.
She laughed at parts she was supposed to.
She asked questions on parts that were appropriate to ask.
She enjoys hearing about his first love just as he enjoys talking about you.
"MC, do ya remember Tabitha? I told ya about her, well, this is her now! Pretty, ain't she?"
He sits in front of your gravestone with flowers in hand.
"From me and Tabitha."
Tabitha sits down beside him, she looks at your gravestone. Your name written on it.
"I've heard lots about you MC! You left a long lasting impact on the brothers... I hope you're at peace." Then she opens her purse to pull out candy.
"I heard you liked those?" Mammon snorts as her eyes lit up as if you replied to her.
"I do too actually!! So don't feel bad about troubling me, I grew up eating these, I've never seen anyone else who did. My friends say it tastes like durian... But honestly it taste great that way!" She continues to babble while Mammon adds to the conversation.
By the time they needed to go, Tabitha allowed him to have a bit of silence. She watches as he whispers to you. She doesn't know what he is saying but she hears a bit.
"...-iss ya. Tabitha's real good to me, she's not tryna replace ya so I hope ya understand. We'll come again... I love ya, human. I always will." Tabitha smiles as he brushes his hands on your gravestone, tracing your name so delicately.
He stands up slowly, and she stands still.
Mammon walks up to her.
They make eye contact.
Then, he places his hands on her face.
"I love ya too, Tabitha... But I hope ya understand that I can't kiss ya..."
She smiles softly.
"Of course I do. It's okay."
Their foreheads touch and he felt warmer again, their eyes stayed close.
He does not think of you,
Because she is not replacing you and she does not want to.
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venusimi · 2 years
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Inferiority complex
Tabitha struggles with inferiority complex the more she hears about you.
(PAST) Mammon x GN!MC, Mammon x OC
Emotional hurt/comfort
> TAGS: @bavaxfv
PART 1 // PART 3
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Tabitha is a good girl, talented in her own way despite having no pacts with a demon. She does not want to, not anymore.
After hearing that your first pact with a demon was Mammon, her current lover, she was devastated but showed no signs of it. She did not want him to feel hurt all over again because of the reminder that he was your first man.
Everyday, she wakes up on Mammon's bed and sees you.
Your photo. It was hidden away but it was there, you could see it if you just try hard enough and it hurt.
In no way was he comparing you to her, but she couldn't help but think that she wouldn't have fallen for him if you hadn't gone and left.
His midnight kisses would be yours.
His gentle touches would be yours.
And it seems as though she had taken something that belonged to someone else and it didn't feel right.
She said nothing of the things she felt.
How could she? You were so much better.
Solomon had said that your magic was beyond even he could see.
Satan had said that your love was as big as it can be and you were always putting them above you. Selfless, he had said.
Asmodeus told her of your exquisite beauty. Unique. One of a kind, only you could rival his beauty. Absolutely no one else can because you were one in a trillion.
Beelzebub had also mentioned that your willingness to save everyone in exchange for your life. He thought of how considerate you were.
Belphegor, he was tough to crack open when it came to talking about you. So he said something small and simple.
"She faced death head on and did not lose against it. Brave and unafraid."
Tabitha knows of your history, from when you arrived up until your dying breathe. So she knows of the many times you had almost died and, well, died then came back. No one knows what happened but no one dare know.
Then Lucifer.
Oh dear...
He gave her death glares at the mention of your name, or whenever she does anything remotely similar to yours.
Then one day, he got drunk.
"Tabitha... Y'know... MC isn't just anyone. They... They loved all of us despite... Despite seeing the ugly truth..." He didn't say it but she heard it.
Are you capable of loving our darkest side too? He implied.
Tabitha was quiet.
She couldn't speak, she hasn't seen it. But you have!
You've seen everything during the small time you spent here, you were amazing and Tabitha couldn't compare...
She wasn't as strong, she couldn't stay as selfless as you for so long, she wasn't as beautiful either. She has seen your face, not in person but it's enough to know truth.
She wasn't as unafraid as you were though, you were brave. Braver than anyone she has ever seen or known.
She was afraid of death.
You weren't.
You faced it head on with a laugh, a genuine, and playful laugh.
Even lord Diavolo and Barbatos had said so.
They've expressed how amazing you were, it made Tabitha's heart hurt and feel like she has taken something that was never hers.
So she gets drunk.
She hears your voice sometimes, though she has never met you.
One shot.
Then three...
Then eventually she drank a whole bottle.
Then Mammon came, "Tabitha! 'Was worried ya disappeared! If ya got lost, Lucifer wouldn't let me hear the end of it..."
She slurred her words.
"Mam...mon... Will I... ever be like them?" Her head lays low.
Mammon's eye widened with shock, "What? Yer drunk, quit speakin' and start walkin', unless ya can't do that either."
Tabitha is quiet.
"Mammon... Tell me honestly. Am I enough?"
His breath got caught in his throat the moment he sees her tears trail down her face.
"I feel so inferior to them! They're amazing and-! And beautiful! They have a giant painting of them in lord Diavolo's castle for everyone to see!! So, am I enough?"
Mammon stays silent.
Then he speaks.
"Ya are. MC may have been more talented, more beautiful, and much more but ya are not them. Yer different from them. Okay? Yer more than enough... We miss them, not a day goes by without us missin' them but we don't dare hurt ya. Are we hurtin' ya?"
"...No, it's just me..."
He pulls the drunk girl into a hug, she sobs into his chest. She sobbed loudly.
"MC would've been proud of ya. Yer not a replacement, yer different from them. So don't ya dare feel inferior! 'Kay!?"
Her drunken sobs continues.
They stand still in each other's embrace.
Mourning you once more.
Is she allowed to miss someone she has never met?
She hopes it is...
Because she misses you too.
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