#mandalorian season 1
stardusthuntress · 10 months
YOU GUYS!!! I noticed something while rewatching the Mandalorian today and needed to share it with my fellow Star Wars nerds!!! (Galactic geeks perhaps? We need a name for us Star Wars nerds!)
They specify in Mando that the last 4 digits of the chain code tell the individual’s age!
Which tells us a few things:
1) there are at least a few species of interest to the empire that can live up to or beyond 1000 years of age, or they wouldn’t really care about that. We know over 100 years is fairly common, Ugnauts for example, but only a few examples of species over 1000. Even Yoda didn’t live for 1 whole millennia, tho it’s hard to say if that’s common for his species or if his life was actually cut short because Jedi have a tendency to have shorter lifespans than their natural species
2) with every year that passes the chain code changes. Making it easy for them to catch someone if they type the wrong age, whether accidentally or not
3) it’s also why it’s hard to hide a clone. Even with forged identities and fake ages, they’d have to keep forging new identities every few years, or the empire is gonna notice that their ages increase too fast for a normal human
Layer upon layer, the empire has built bias into everything they do… but in such a way that it is easy to miss and difficult to avoid. Tho, making them “chain” code is very symbolic. They really are chains shackling all people of the Galaxy to the Empire
I wonder if Thrawn gave them his real age…
I wonder if the chain codes also include a species code… and what else is contained in them? Anyone know more details about these chain codes?
This also means that Din’s age might be on screen in that one episode with Jack Black and the Lizzo when Din and Bo show their chain codes! Will update this if I find it when I get there!
Side note: I also love the way the subtitles translate “e chu ta” as “hey” in episode 1, as though it’s just a minor thing
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babygirlrex0504 · 1 year
Bounty Pt 2
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It’s been a couple months since the bounty that was put out for hunters to get you. However, there was no problems until the another bounty that you sensed that could change the whole situation between you, Mando, and the client.
A/N: JK I am posting it now, I didn't think I would have time buuuut here we are! This is during the episode one of season one! Any hoodles, I am super happy and shocked about the amount of people that wanted to see a part two! I have been thinking to make it into a series, depending on how well this goes out. :) But thank you to all, I have tagged the people that want to be but if you want to as well don’t hesitate to ask <3
Warnings: violence, mentions of blood, memories, trauma, mentions of clone wars, force users, swearing, soft din.
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Tag List: @pascalshimbo @flowersgirl02 @yourunstablegf
It had been months since the last encounter that both of you had with being hunted. You thought it was over due to no one else coming after you, until you found yourself walking to a client that was after jedi, of course you didn’t find that out until way later. Greef stated that the client wanted to meet you and Mando personally, face to face. You had a bad feeling when those words left your mouth.
You didn’t know if it was cause of you being on edge or it was rare for meeting clients face to face. Usually also they client is high profile type ones. That really need to get the job dirty, professionally, and efficiently. No fuck ups that was the way with clients like these.
Mando stopped right before where the door was to where the client was. “What?” You asked looking around, trying to sense anything that would pop out or out of the ordinary.
“Stop being tense.” He plainly replied.
You snapped your head and glared. “I’m not being tense.”
He stared at your for a moment before whispering. “Alright cyare, just be on guard.”
You both walked down to the door to knock on it. The gatekeeper popped out looked up and down at Mando before Mando showed the puck. It went back in and he turned to me then at the door. The door opened and your heart dropped. Stormtroopers.
You slowly looked at Mando and he started to walk in. You couldn’t move for a minute as the troopers stared at you. “You coming?” One snapped out.
You nodded slowly before walking passed them. Now you were tense, walking through the cement walls as two of many that came after jedi like you. You were following close to Mando as two more appeared in front of him. How are they here? Why are they here?
They opened the next door to find an older man sitting behind a desk. More troopers in the room. You kept staring at the old man, he didn’t look familiar, from what you knew. You wanted to run out wanted to start killing them, there isn’t an empire. No empire so they can just be stopped now.
All of the sudden Mando had this weapons out and so did the troopers. You pulled out your blaster and pointed it at another trooper. That’s when you noticed another man coming in, with a data pad, glasses, white clothing that looked like a doctor from the Empire. You were pretty sure your heart could be heard everywhere in the room.
“No no no no! Pardon. Uh, sorry.” He exclaimed putting his hands up in some sort of surrender. “I didn’t mean to alarm.”
The troopers still had their blasters up so Mando and you did not put yours down. The older man gestured to the skinny one. “The is Doctor Pershing. Please excuse his lack of decorum. His enthusiasm outweighs his discretion. Please lower your blasters.”
“Have them lower theirs first.” Mando said looking back and forth at some of them.
“We have four to two.” One of them snapped back.
I snapped my head over to him. “We are fine with those odds.”
“He has also mentioned that you both are expensive,” The man leaned closer. “Very expensive. Please sit.”
Mando looked over at you and both of you lowered you blasters. Mando sat and you stood. “You can sit too miss.” the Doctor spoke gesturing the beat up chair.
“I rather stand.” You said not looking over at him. That’s when you heard a light but heavy tap on the table. You looked down and saw a silver block that had the Empire logo on it.
You felt Mando tense up before snapping his head up from the block to the man. “Beskar?” Mando whispered before looking down at it.
“Go ahead it’s real.” The man said leaning forward a bit as Mando picked it up, examining it. “This is only down payment. I have a camtono of Beskar waiting for you upon delivery.”
“Alive?” You ask looking over at the Doctor.
“Yes, alive.” The older man answered looking over at you.
You both stared for a moment. Not breaking, Mando looked over at you then the man cleared his throat. “Although, I acknowledge that bounty hunting is a complicated profession. This being the case, proof of termination is also acceptable for a lower fee.”
The Doctor snapped his head over. This is not what we agreed upon.”
“I’m simply being pragmatic.” He responded back to him.
You clenched your jaw quickly fixing it before anyone could see it. That is what the Empire was, kill without giving a second thought. You inhaled deeply before looking back at the old man. “Is there a puck?” You asked looking at him once more.
The man looked over at the doctor then you. “I’m afraid discretion dictates a less traditional agreement,” You looked down at Mando who shifted a moment. “We can only offer a tracking fob.”
“What’s the chain code?” Mando asked sitting more straighter then he was about to type it in his wrist.
“We can only provide the last four digits.” He replied lookin at Mando.
You glared for a moment as Mando spoke. “Their age? That’s all you can give me?”
“Yes, they’re 50 years old. We can also give you last reported positional data. Between that and the fob, for the people of your skills should make short work of this.” He commented, you internally rolled your eyes. The bounty is 50 years old? They couldn’t grab this guy by themselves. You have plenty of times encountered people that were in their 50s, some yes were healthier then others but nothing then these troopers couldn’t handle.
“It is good to restore the natural order of things after a period of such disarray, don’t you agree?” Mando looked down at the Beskar then up at me, nodding once before getting up. You both walked out with two troopers following you both out.
Once you reached outside you both walked out to where the public was. “We are really doing this?” You asked quietly walking passed the small shops and weaving through people.
Mando just nodded before turning to you. “I will meet you at the Crest.” He waited for your response.
You know what it meant, you didn’t know what he did when he would tell you that he would meet you there but the last time you did he wasn’t too thrilled. Standoffish. Ignored you even. Until he told you later on that week to never ask again. So you didn’t. You nodded to him. “Sounds good be careful.” You said turning away.
You ignored everything around you. You were too worried about helping the Empire with this bounty, what it could be, who it could be. You tried to think about who was 50 at this time. If you knew anyone. The Empire wouldn’t just give something so valuable as Beskar to anyone. You at first didn’t recognize it but when the name was thrown out, it hit you.
Back during the Clone Wars you ran into a couple of Mandalorians. You also have read their culture, beskar is just as important to them as your lightsaber. They use it for basically everything and anything, it’s the strongest metal that you know of. You pressed the button to open the hull of the Razor Crest.
If you are ever alone out there young one. Trust in the force. Never let go of it. The force will guide you through any trails you are in.
You walked in the Crest having those words echo through the walls of your mind. That was your master going through one of your lessons in a deep forest. Trying to listen to the surroundings, finding your old commander through the force. This is another moment you had to use the force, to guide you to this bounty. Make right decisions.
You closed the ramp of the Crest and reached up to your sabers. You looked at them before backing up to ignite them. The y/cs shinning brightly through the darkness of the hull. You twirled one to rest horizontally while the other one was up vertically. They still fit perfectly in your hands, weightless.
Your saber is something that you have to hold dear. You can not and will not lose it. It is your lifeline. It is part of you. Your saber is your life.
You sighed and turned your sabers off, you put them in the back pouch for them to be hidden. You wanted to bring them on this mission, just for emergency back up. Especially with the Empire being involved, you never know what could happen.
You heard the ramp coming down as you grabbed some more gear and weapons. When you turned you noticed the new armored shoulder, you smiled at the sight. “Nice upgrade.” You commented watching as he walked right up to you.
He was close to you lately, you took note of the nickname he had said a couple of times the last couple of weeks. Your breath hitched as he looked down at you, you looked into his visor. Imagining what his eyes would look like, you can’t lie. You had the butterflies hit many of times inhaling the gunpowder and pine.
“Thank you.” He whispered he pushed your hair behind your ear. “You can rest while we head to the location.”
You shook your head. “No I want to stay up.” You whispered back fighting the urge to lean into his finger.
Mando hummed, giving one solid nod, before walking passed you. You watched as he climbed the latter up to the cockpit. You inhaled deeply, realizing you forgot how to breathe. You followed him up to the cockpit and sat in the co pilot chair, watched as he rose the Crest to the atmosphere.
It was quiet in the cock pit, it usually was between the both of you. “What do you think the bounty is, I mean the Empire being involved has to be serious.”
He was quiet for a moment before sighing as he let the Crest jump in slip space. “I agree.” He answered looking over before leaning back. “Especially wanting them alive.”
You nodded in agreement. “Beskar is huge too.”
Mando was quiet before looking over at you. “We can half the beskar, it is worth a lot in the…”
“I don’t want the Beskar Mando,” You said softly. “It doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to you. I’m just here for the ride.”
It was quiet for a moment, you could feel his stare. You knew how important it is to Mandalorians, you couldn’t take that away from him. “You sure.” He finally said.
You turned to him and nodded. “Mando, it doesn’t belong to me. I mean it’s upgrading your armor. The silver is the new red.” You winked at him referring his old armor. It was battered, breaking, old. He need something to protect him more.
Mando nodded before looking forward and inhaling deeply. “Alright Mesh’la.”
Your heart stopped, you knew that one. The clones explained that word when they were talking some women back at Coruscant. Mesh’la meant beautiful. Which made you think what the other two nicknames he stated earlier. You looked forward thinking about the times you learned some Mando’a during the Clone Wars when you were a padawan but nothing was coming to mind.
“I’m going to get some rest before landing,” He said getting up as he was walking out. “When we are close wake me?”
“Of course.” You whispered watching him walk out.
You remembered the first time you and Mando met, back on that desert planet, Tatooine. You were on a bounty so damn close to get them when they shot you in the side, you pulled them with the force to stumble backwards. That’s when Mando came and grabbed him, knocking him out. When you stumbled towards the target, your side burned too much. Blood seeping through your tunic.
Mando looked back at you as you watched him throw him over his shoulder. You thought you were going to die right then and there thinking the bastard would leave you. You passed out but woke up in the Razor Crest. Your side was patched up and your tunic was gone but had a bigger shirt on. You remembered he made sure you were fine when you landed before you separated ways, until you both met again on another bounty on the same planet. Eventually you both decided to work together, you both worked amazing together. Got the job done faster.
You didn’t realize that you fell asleep in the chair before hearing the beeping of the warning coming out of slip space. You helped the Crest get out of slip space before coming down the ladder. You knocked on the steal door. “We are here.” He hummed back before you walked back up to the cockpit.
You waited as Mando came in as he landed onto the planet. Arvala-7 was a desert planet, Jawas a lot of them were there. You remembered you master telling you about how there are more here then Tatooine. They were fun to interact with, crazy little theives.
As we landed you walked down the ladder and prepared for the heat. You took off the sleeves of your outfit and only had your skin show up to your shoulders. You left the leggings and boots on, you heard the Crest land and Mando come down. He looked over at me before opening the ramp, you both walked off as he pulled out the tracking fob.
You pulled up the mask around half of your face. As you looked over the terrain, you never really liked the desert planets but this one was beautiful to you. How the hills looked with the sunset. It was peaceful until you felt a disturbance. Mando did to when he pulled out his rifle, looking around. He stopped and I looked over where he was staring at, you recognized the animals. They seemed domestic.
You turned away to look behind you both and didn’t see a threat until you heard a roaring sound. You turned to see Mando, release his flame thrower on his arm and the Blurgg biting him lifting it up. You pulled out your blaster and as the Blurgg tossed him back and forth, Mando punching it with no avail.The Blurgg got down with it and tossed Mando to the side. He fell to the ground with a grunt.
You shot a warning shot before it charged at you. Right before the Blurgg could reach there was a small shock and the Blurgg fell to your feet sliding along the ground. You stared down at it before looking up to see another Blurgg and someone riding it. Mando sat up groaning a bit. "Thank you." Mando said looking up at the Ugnaught, you heard about their species but never knew about them.
You nodded at the Ugnaught. "Yes, thank you."
"You are bounty hunters?" He asked looking at both of you.
You nodded your head once more. "Yes, we are." Mando got up and walked to you.
"I will help you," You and Mando exchanged looks before he finished. "I have spoken."
Both you and Mando packed with him as you travelled through the desert, you watch the hills as the sun started to set more. You looked over to Mando who was fixing his flame thrower. He looked up at you not noticing you were looking for a while and tilted his helmet at you. You just half smiled and looked back at the sunsetting. When you arrived to the home of the Ugnaught, you took note that he was some sort of farmer. Small home but with other building surrounding it. Once he stopped he gestured to his home as he put his blurgg away.
You and Mando sat as the Ugnaught came in and started to rumage through the small kitchen area. "Many have passed through." He stated looking over at both you and Mando. "They seek the same one as you."
You looked over at Mando, both of you were under the impression that you were assigned this bounty. Mando kept looking at the Ugnaught. "Did you help them?"
"Yes." He answered quickly "They died."
You were taken a back and thought that maybe it was just best with just the two of you. Meaning Mando and you. Like Mando read your mind he said. "Well, then I don't know if we want your help."
The Ugnaught walked over towards us. "You do, I can show you to the emcampment."
"What is your cut?" You asked watching him put his hands on his hips.
"Half." He stated sitting down across from the both of you.
"Half the bounty to guide? Seems steep." Mando stated watching him sit down.
"No. Half of the blurrg you helped capture." He explained.
"The blurrg? You can keep them both." Mando said, which you mentally giggle. From how his tone of voice was, you already knew he hated the damn thing.
"No you both will need one to ride," It was silent for a moment so the Ugnaught continued. "The way is impossible to pass without a blurrg mount."
Mando looked over at you then back at him. "We don't know how to ride a blurrg."
You nodded in agreement, even though it would be easy to train to mount or even ride one. Before the fall of the Jedi you were trained on how to communicate with creatures, to calm them, to help them. However, mastering it wasn't finished...You taught yourself, how well you were was debatable.
The Ugnaught sighed before nodding. "I have spoken."
Time passed as night fell, the Ugnaught had another hutt outside of his main one. It was basically some sort of barn. He gave us blankets to sleep with. Mando and you picked your places to sleep, which you choose a stack of boxes put aside. He slept on the floor. You both laid there for a moment. "It will be fun to learn how to ride a Blurrg. We can brag to all of our bounty friends." You joked.
He just grunted a response. "What friends?" He asked before you heard shuffling from him.
You chuckled. "You right huh?" It was quiet once more. "I bet 20 credits it will take you longer to mount one."
You heard a small chuckle from him. "Deal."
Once morning rolled over you and Mando got up to see the Ugnaught already getting the blurrg ready. "One of you will be mounting this one," When you both didn't say anything he pointed at Mando. "I have spoken."
You watched as Mando was mounting the blurrg he would be thrashing around before bucked off of the blurrg. Lots of groans, thuds, curses. When he hit the ground once more the Ugnaught yelled over. "Perhaps if you removed your helmet."
You shook your head knowing the answer to that one. Mando called back out. "Perhaps he remembers I tried to roast him."
"This is a female. The males are all eaten during mating." You winced disgustingly towards him. That is...wow.
Mando shook his head and got back up, shaking his head a bit before jumping back on. The Blurrg yelled and growled and Mando was yelping from the sudden thrashing motion she was creating. "Come on." You whispered before he was thrown off again.
You watched as he angrily got up and marched over. "I don't have time for this," He said stopping in front of the Ugnaught. "Do you have a landspeeder or speeder bike that I could hire?"
The Blurrg gestured his hand towards Mando. "You are Mandalorain!" You were quiet and looked over at Mando before looking back down at the small man. "Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur. Surely you can ride this young foal."
You looked over at Mando again, who looked over at you before sighing then walked back to the blurrg. The blurrg was getting uneasy again as Mando approached slowly putting his hand out. "Easy, easy," He kept trying to calm her down as he approached more and more until he had his hand on her. "All right." He walked to mount her and she was settled.
You turned to the Ugnaught. "Will I be riding one?"
"Yes you will be she will be easy to ride. Already broken," He pointed to another one. "I have spoken."
You all mounted on your own blurrgs running across the terrane. Jumping over the large cracks that split the ground, the sand passing every paw the blurrg left. You had goggles on that would protect your eyes from the sand and the mask half up once more. The blurrgs were slowing down as you approached the edge of the cliff.
"That is where you will find your quarry." He pointed over the cliff.
Mando pulled out a pouch and handed it to the Ugnaught. The ugnaught shook his head. "Please. You deserve this."
"Since these ones arrive, the territory has been an endless stream of mercenaries seeking reward and bringing destruction." He explained.
"Then why bring us here?" You asked, as the Ugnuaght turned to look over at you.
"They don't belong here," He looked over at Mando. "Those that live here come to seek peace. There will be no peace until they're gone."
"Then why help?" Mando asked.
"I have never met a Mandalorian, I've only read the stories. If they are true, you will make quick work of it. Then there will be peace," He started to turn around and waved at the both of you. "I have spoken."
Mando got off and reached his hand to you, helping you off. "I will give you 10 credits cause I never got to tame one." You mumbled pulling out 10 credits.
He grabbed them softly brushing your hand. "Thats fair."
You both walked over the edge crawling all the way to the end, you both pulled out your scopes. There were men working outside of the compound placing things here and there. "Looks like there about what couple dozen?" You said looking towards the larger part of the compound with the door open.
"Yeah nothing we can't handle," He looked over the same door. "He could be held in there. If we are..." You both nocitced the people down there got into a defensive movement.
You both followed to a droid walking over to the men. "Oh no," Mando whispered. "Bounty droid." You heard the irrtation that came out of his words. He always hated droids, so did you. Some for the most part. You loved the R2 units, thought they were harmless. However, Mando did not like any one of them. No matter how harmless they were.
The IG Unit started to open fire, gunning down anyone that stood in its way. You watched as the doors closed everywhere. "Damn." You said rolling your eyes, as both of you stood up. You heard the long sigh that left Mando's helmet.
The more you worked around IG Units the more annoying it was becoming. Both of you slide down the hill walking around with blasters up, then turned a piller. "IG Unit! Stand down." Mando yelled over at it.
A blaster bullet came ringing through hitting him in the shoulder. I raised my blaster up ready to shoot it but Mando grabbed the tracker out and lifted it up with a grunt. "We are in the Guild!" He yelled.
The IG Unit looked over at me lowering his weapon, so I followed suite. "You are a Guild member," You walked to Mando helping him up. "I thought I was the only one on assignment."
"That makes the three of us." You whispered walking behind the barrels he fell into, and he went behind a pillar.
"So much for the element of surprise." Mando irritability said towards the unit.
"Sadly, I must ask for you fob. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine." The unit stated to you both.
You rolled your eyes as you looked around at the property to see if there was anyone about to attack. "Unless I'm mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed."
You rolled your eyes once more. "So until then?"
Mando looked over at you then at the Unit. "I have a suggestion," The unit told him to proceed with his idea. "We split the reward."
It was quiet for a moment before the unit agreed to it. Thank the maker you thought, never would you think that it would have. You watched as the Ig unit walked over to Mando after suggesting we should make a plan. IG Unit stopped and looked over at you. "I will of course receive the reputation merits associated with the mission."
"You really want to talk about this now?" You asked half standing.
"I require an anser if I am to proceed..." There was a shot that rang out and hit the unit. You ducked as the unit started spilling out the word alert.
No shit. You thought as you shot towards that direction. More came out from the sides and the buildings. Blaster fire missing you just barely as Mando looked over at you. "Let's go!" He yelled moving forward, you shot the man above you as Mando was being attacked from behind. You watch as he threw the man on the ground and shot him.
You all hid behind a carrier. Mando pulled out his fob and scanned around us to point at the door we suspected he would be in. You felt a weird pull towards that door. You froze for a minute as everything slowed down around you, you knew that pull. You were confused for a moment when you looked up at the door it was stronger. The force. You broke out of the haze when both Mando and IG got up hiding behind the pillars, you were on the right side of Mando. The shooting stopped and you were all cornered.
"It appears that we are trapped. I will initiate self-destruct sequencing." IG announced.
Mando looked over at you and you gave him a ' what the kriff did he just say?' Mando snapped his head over to him. "Whoa! You're what?"
"Manufacturers Protocol dictates I cannot be captured. I must self-destruct."
"Do not self-destruct."
You listened until you felt the pull again. Once again everything zoned and slowed. You closed your eyes to hear or see what was trying to pull you in the force. You inhaled slowly until you heard Mando yell cover me. You snapped back once more and watched as he ran over to where the IG was and you shot over to the Niktos. He stopped at the door trying to wire it, both IG and you kept shooting. When a blaster bolt when passed you head, you could feel that pull again. Trying to ignore it, the pressure kept coming, you looked over at Mando who was struggling to get it to wire up. "Go go go!" He yelled as all three of us hid behind the pillars once more.
You shot once more but the firing stopped. You heard both IG and Mando bickering towards each other but couldn't hear from how you wanted to focus on the pull. The force was calling you to get inside and it frustrated you that you couldn't do anything. You looked over as Mando and IG popped out to see a machine gun, hovering towards you all. "Maker." You whispered as all three of you went back.
"New plan!" Yelled Mando looking over at you.
The machine gun was shooting where Mando and IG was at. You started to get nervous, you kept thinking about you sabers, you have to do something now or we all could die. You inhaled deeply as you looked over at Mando who nodded his head, you watched as IG ran out and the gun following him. Mando then came out from the pillar and shot his wire towards the gun making it swung over in his direction, you shot any standbys watching, he jumped on and shot anyone and anything.
You watched with joy as he did so. Watching him do that brought a new feeling you have never felt, he turned to you when he hopped off. You walked towards him but froze from the force pulling again. Before Mando spoke IG spoke. "Well done, I will disengage self-destruct initiative."
Mando looked over at you and walked over to the IG. You still standing there, you closed your eyes to see the room. The force showing you what the inside will look like, it guided you to a small pod. "Y/N," You snapped your eyes open. You saw Mando on the gun. "We are using this."
You nodded and moved over to where the both of them stood. The IG Unit watch as he gunned the door. "Have you been injured?" The unit asked.
You knew that the Unit wouldn't stay quiet about your odd behavior. That is how all droids are. "I'm fine." You shortly answered watched as the door fell open.
You all walked towards the door and you thought it was stronger from the outside but it felt like a truck hit you. You tried not to make any sudden movements or outburst, which luckily Mando was busy getting the fob out. You looked around and looked to where they found the pod. A man popped out and Mando shot him as he fell, you walked fully in pretending you didn't sense it coming from that direction. "Anyone else?" Mando asked as nothing came out.
"The tracking fob is still active. My sensors indicate that there is a life form present." IG announced as they walked fully in.
Every beeping sound your heart would thump. You looked over at the pod just in time for the fob to indicate that the bounty was there. You all walked towards it, as Mando pushed the mesh off of the pod and opened it. Your heart stopped, the force disappeared as fast as it appeared. You knew what this meant, as you all froze looking down at the small creature. "Wait, they said 50 years old." Mando exclaimed.
"All species age differently. Perhaps it could live many centuries," You watched as the small child pushed its blanket down. It looked over at Mando then you, the force pulling once more. "Sadly, we'll never know."
You snapped your head up as Mando stopped IG's weapon. "No, we'll bring it alive."
"The commission was quite specific. The asset was to be terminated." IG explained putting his arm back up.
You slowly brought your hand to your sabers, this is a child of the force. You cannot have this stupid droid kill it. Before you could take out your sabers, you heard a shot snapping you back into reality. You looked over and saw the IG unit slam to the ground. You looked back over to Mando and he slowly put his finger towards the child wiggling it in front of it. The child reached up trying to grab it.
"What now?" You asked looking down at the child. The child snapped its head towards you and gave you a toothy smile. You smiled back at him while reaching down to his ears. Rubbing them. You couldn't ignore the force that surrounded him, you knew he felt it too.
Mando watched before syncing the pod to his wrist. "We take it back."
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Okay, I noticed something in the WIP construction of my Mandalorian armor…
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The Mando’a characters in on his right gauntlet spell “TLO”
Does anyone know what this means? I did a quick google search but didn’t find anything I could immediately connect.
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dindjarindiaries · 1 month
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space dads getting happy endings >>>
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salome-c · 1 year
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- Why would an enemy help you in battle? - It... did not know it was my enemy.
The Mandalorian gifs til season 3 is out
Taglist: @oscarseyebrow @the-little-ewok @mypedrom @prettylilhalforc @princessxkenobi @mariesackler @dailyreverie @nowritingonthewall @mandelirious @zinzinina @nadja-antipaxos @einno-arko
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
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Din Djarin + Chapter 2 - The Child
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 5 months
Rewatching season 1 and just marvelling at how smart they made Din… without making it showy or unbelievable.
Chapter 6 especially highlights this. When they’re all gathered around the hologram of the ship, laying out their plan, Mayfeld’s very careful to call it a “transport ship” but Din knows by just looking at it that it’s a New Republic prison ship.
When they encounter the patrol droids, Din pulls a clever trick by firing (but missing) first. I used to think he just panicked but I realize now he did that on purpose. He was behind the others, closest to the hall that loops around. By firing first, he pushed the droids to return fire, getting them to focus on the others going on the defensive in front of them and not behind them where he then caught them by surprise.
Both Din and Mayfeld recognized the tracking beacon for what it was at a glance.
I believe a whole dissertation could be written on his strategy in splitting up the crew and using their strengths against them. (Also: I feel we should acknowledge Din’s sleight of hand capabilities more—he slipped that tracker in Qin’s belt without him noticing a thing.)
I just love how they demonstrated that this guy is creative and clever, and they did it without an ounce of cockiness. And it wasn’t effortless: there are so many points, like when he’s trapped in the cell, that you genuinely can’t figure out how he’s gonna get out of this, but he does and it’s a bit messy but it’s still really clever.
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azertyrobaz · 2 years
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Din gently picking up his son
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ahhlehlehlehleh · 1 year
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I would like to thank my good friend @choco-banana-crepe for this diamond jewel of a text that made my day.
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hischeapcigar · 5 months
I want the mandalorian to return as the mandalorian s1. I want din. I want fighter din. I want cocky din. I want intimidating din. I want that back. I don't want to see his ass fall for thousand times through the season. I know "the story has moved on and we need to explore more characters" but idgaf I want the mandalorian s4 solely about din djarin and grogu. The rest can stay as SIDE characters
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trapezequeen · 1 year
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Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren
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gingy7891 · 1 year
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The Mandalorian Season 1 Comic Adaptation Cover 
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xxhypersomnia · 18 days
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Ah… we meet again 💜
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handsonurknees · 1 year
last kiss
din djarin x gn!reader
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a/n: just a little preface, i am not a star wars expert i literally watched mando because of pedro and that’s it (don’t kill me) but sorry if anything is inaccurate! also thank you for all of the love on my first post!
(i did not proofread this so i’m sorry if there’s any mistakes)
warnings: mentions of graphic injuries, angst, hurt/no comfort because i’m evil, main character death (yikes)
wc: 1.8k
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“let’s go!” you hear cara yell at you, her voice hoarse from shouting over shots and the fire burning just some feet away. your eyes flickered from her and your friends to the injured mandolorian sat against the flipped booth. when she realized what you were thinking, even more panic creeped into her face. “no, no. you can’t. he’ll be okay. we need to go!” she pleads, but your eyes never leave the beskar-clad man. you hear him grunt through the voice modulator and you flinch. you can’t leave him, he can’t die not knowing how you feel.
“she’s right. go, i’ll be alright.” he offers, unconvincingly. you feel tears well up behind your eyes, fighting them back before turning back to the group.
“go. you all go and both of us will catch up. IG, give me the bacta spray, i can do this. i used to be a trained medic.” cara sighs at your attempt at a deal, but clearly worried about running out of time, she turns to the droid beside her.
“do you think the two of them can make it out alive?” she questions.
“more likely than not.” is all the bot says in response. the droid removes a vile from its arm and tosses it to you. “though i should be the one staying, i’m sure she would stay as well anyways. i can confirm her medical history., he is in good hands.” sweat pours down your back due to the warmth of the fire as cara looks at you and the mandolorian, and she realizes deep down she won’t be able to change your mind. you almost think you see a glisten in her eye and a small smile directed at you, but that’s just before she turns around and crawls through the grate as fast as possible, the child in her arms. she won’t say goodbye because this isn’t goodbye. she’ll see the two of you again in only a matter of minutes. you quickly turn to mando, hovering with worry over him.
“i didn’t know you were a medic.” he drowsily says, the effects of his injuries settling in as you begin to move with more haste.
“yes mando. you forget i had a life before i met you.” you respond, swallowing quickly as you uncap the spray. he laughs, and you smile. it’s been a while since you’ve heard him laugh, and even longer since it’s been you who made him laugh. “stay with me, alright? talk to me.” you say like routine, all of your knowledge flooding back to you from when you first learned how to deal with a patient drifting in-and-out of consciousness.
“why did you stay? i told you to go.” he asks genuinely. “i was fine here, peaceful. i’ve always thought that if i were to die i would want to die a warrior’s death.” he continues, voice wavering occasionally. your heart lurches at the idea of him knowing the really reason why you stayed. once the mist is all set up, you look at him, searching for his eyes under his visor.
“you are not dying tonight, mando. that’s why i stayed” you respond, and while it’s not technically a lie, you still feel guilty. that’s when your breath suddenly stops, realizing what you have to do next.
“w-whats wrong?” he questions your hesitation. when you look down at the bacta spray and don’t meet his eyes again, the air shifts in a way that sends shivers down your spine, even while the sweltering heat just feet away from you tickles your face.
“i have to do it to save you.” you whisper, still looking at the spray. “you won’t live much longer if we don’t do it now.” your voice getting hung up on the last word. you both know this is the last chance. part of you screams internally, baffled by how he’s even considering the possibility of not getting the spray. that part burns with white, hot, boiling rage, wondering if you were just going to give up, why did i stay for you? you don’t even ask me to stay and i did. how can you make me watch you die? but before you are able to voice any of this aloud, a gloved hand meets yours and shakily leading you the side of his helmet. “are you sure?” you ask a final time. even though every bone in your body aches to rip that helmet off the second the metal touches your fingers.
“don’t make me s-second guess myself.” he answers dryly. you just nod and carefully remove the helmet with a gentle hiss. slowly revealing the features you’ve been trying to piece together in your brain for months. in the amber glow of the room, you wish to memorize his eyes and his nose and his lips and his cheeks. but instead of studying every ridge and line in his face like you’ve always dreamed of doing, you imagine his face as one you’ve seen one million times. you don’t even flinch when big brown eyes meet yours. as soon as the helmet is off, your hands work quickly. you quickly lift the spray to his head and administer it. a breath escapes you that you hadn’t even know you were holding in. he’s okay. he’s okay is all you can think, the feeling overwhelming you so much that you don’t hear the heavy footfalls behind you, or mando’s failed attempts to shove you out of the way and shouts of ‘get down!’
‘he’s okay’ is all you can think, even when you’re shot by a stormtrooper who wasn’t killed in the shootout. luckily, by you crouched in front of the mandolorian, you blocked him from the view of the trooper. mando instinctively grabbed his blaster and shot a perfect hit into the the gap of the trooper’s armor between his neck and his head. the trooper falls limply to the ground, but all you can focus on is the pain radiating from the new hole in your back. your ears ring and something in you calls out. something that made you suddenly understand what mando meant about being peaceful with dying a warrior’s death. in a strange moment, the two of you are transported back to only moments before, but this time, with the roles reversed.
“dank farrik!” he curses, searching your eyes, his eyebrows furrowed together tightly. your knees feel weak, giving out in your current squat above the armored man. you fall flush against his chest, eliciting a hoarse cough. your hands press firmly into his chest, pushing yourself up to look him in the eyes. in any other situation, your mind would be completely foggy due to the proximity between you two, but somehow what you want to say is completely clear. he swallows, holding a firm hand over your wound, frantically looking around the room, despite knowing it’s far too late.
“you know, this is not how i expected this to end.” you joke weakly, woozy from the pain. the mandolorian pants, his face drowning in concern at your state. you set a hand on his face, his scruff scratching your palm pleasantly. “it’s alright. this way-“ you wince “you won’t have broken your creed. no living thing will have seen you.” you chuckle, which turns into a cough, followed by the metallic taste of blood in your mouth. he just sits speechless, words failing him. there’s so much he wishes he could say, but shock keeps his mouth shut. you feel the familiar feeling of tears for the umpteenth time that day. your thumb grazes his cheekbone, and he just watches as you fight this losing battle. sadness swells in his heart, a hurt that hasn’t hit him in years. for a person, that is. “i love you.” and you’re unsure if it’s the adrenaline or if it’s your sort of last words, but he snaps back into reality and brings his focus back to you.
“what?” he attempts to confirm, even though he heard you the first time.
“please don’t. i just-“ your tears fall down your face numbly, in steady streams. “i just need you to know that i love you. before i die. i need you to know the real reason i couldn’t leave you behind.” your words stumble out of your mouth quickly, but you know if you don’t say them now, you’ll never have the chance to. his leather covered hands move to hold on to both sides of your face, and he starts to quietly laugh. “what?” you ask, confused.
“i cannot believe that you are telling me this now. this was not supposed to go this way. everything was supposed to be different-“ he continues to dryly laugh “you weren’t supposed to die before i could even-“ he’s cut off by the startling reminder that the room around you that was once just taken up by the warmth of fire feet and feet away from you, is now engulfed in flames. smoke finally begins to fill both of your lungs and the ashes make mando’s eyes water (or at least that’s what he tells himself it is.)
“go. go now. please go find them.” he feels a weight on his shoulders, pulling him into the ground beneath him, holding him in place. he can’t leave you. you stayed for him, he has to stay for you. but his eyes flicker to the grate and how the fire is getting increasingly close to blocking his path. he knows your right, he knows he should go. “it’s okay. it’s okay.” you assure him “just don’t forget me, okay?” and he has to stop himself from guffawing. how in the world could he forget about you? he just breathes shakily, grabbing his helmet.
“i have thought of you every second while we were together, and i will think about you every second we are apart.” he admits with a sort of finality that scorches you. this is the end. in a desperate burst of energy, you slam your lips into his, reveling in every last second. you want to die with his lips being the last thing you feel. not the pain of your wound, not the pain of him leaving, just him. he kisses you back clumsily, making it obvious to you that this is his first kiss. selfishly, you hold on for just a moment longer, then letting him go, letting your hand trace his face one for time before he gets up.
“and for what it’s worth, i love you too.” he says, turning away in a way that shatters your heart. still, even while the live of your life leaves you in the flames, even while your back lets out one final wave of pain, even while taking your last breath, all you can think is;
he’s okay.
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
The Mandalorian Seasons 1 & 3: Direct Parallels
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After rewatching The Mandalorian season 3 cohesively and thinking back to season 1, I came upon a realization that every episode of season 3 somehow directly parallels back to each respective episode of season 1. Below is a breakdown going episode-by-episode and diving deep into each parallel I noticed. Please keep in mind that these are my observations and theories, nothing more!
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“Chapter 1: The Mandalorian” is all about setting up Din Djarin’s journey, mainly the job he’s tasked with that causes him to cross paths with a new ally, Grogu. “Chapter 17: The Apostate”—like many season openers—accomplishes the same thing: setting up Din’s journey and causing him to cross paths with a reluctant ally, Bo-Katan Kryze. IG-11 is an important part of each episode and helps to bring some comedic relief to the screen. In Chapter 1, Din utters the infamous “I like those odds” line when his odds are 4 to 1. Din also finds himself with 4 to 1 odds during the pirate showdown, where he takes down four of them and leaves Vane standing. Lastly, Chapter 1 reveals that the job Din’s taken is a very difficult one that other hunters either can’t complete or refuse to. Chapter 17 proves that Din’s journey to Mandalore is also seemingly impossible and many others refuse to do it.
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“Chapter 2: The Child” seals the bond between Din and Grogu as Din faces trials in his journey to bringing Grogu back to Nevarro. “Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore” seals the bond between Din and Bo-Katan as allies while Din faces trials in his journey to redemption on Mandalore. In both episodes, Grogu has to rescue Din when he’s in danger, and both times he tries to use the Force to do so. Each episode also features Din fighting off an ambush on his own, though that tends to be pretty common for him. Both episodes also featured a creature that hasn’t been seen in Star Wars live action before: the mudhorn and the Mythosaur, respectively. By the end of each of these episodes, Din’s gained at least one new ally and has accomplished his original goal (getting Grogu back to Nevarro and earning his redemption).
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“Chapter 3: The Sin” and “Chapter 19: The Convert” both see their protagonists going against a set of rules they’re expected to follow in order to further what they view as the greater good. In Chapter 3, it’s Din breaking the Guild Code to rescue Grogu. In Chapter 19, it’s Penn Pershing breaking the rules of the Amnesty Program to restart his research. Both episodes feature a betrayal of sorts, Greef Karga and Elia Kane respectively. Additionally, the Children of the Watch in both episodes—most notably Paz Vizsla—start both episodes off by being hostile towards Din only to end up helping him in some way. In Chapter 3, it was saving him and Grogu from the hunters, and in Chapter 19, it was accepting his redemption as well as Bo-Katan’s. Each episode title also uses religious language.
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“Chapter 4: Sanctuary” and “Chapter 20: The Foundling” each start off a 3-episode run of different adventures that fill in the storytelling space and offer the characters time to face trials and grow before the overall story starts to wrap up. In Chapter 4, Cara Dune mostly leads the effort to rescue the village. Bo-Katan fills this same role in Chapter 20 by leading the Mandalorians to rescuing the foundling. Interestingly enough, both these episodes also are some of the only to address how and when a Mandalorian should remove their helmets to eat. Chapter 4 offers some Din backstory that he gives to Omera while Chapter 20 offers some Grogu backstory. At the end of each episode, the rescues are complete, but another call to adventure haunts the protagonists.
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These two are probably the hardest to draw parallels on. “Chapter 5: The Gunslinger” starts with a dogfight, while “Chapter 21: The Pirate” features quite a long dogfight as well. Peli Motto was originally meant to appear in Chapter 21 and her introduction to the Star Wars galaxy was in Chapter 5. Fennec Shand tells Din of the Mandalorians’ fate on Nevarro in Chapter 5, but in Chapter 21, the Mandalorians are the ones taking down others on Nevarro. Each episode also leaves off on a cliffhanger that isn’t resolved by the next episode, with Chapter 5 featuring Boba Fett saving Fennec and Chapter 21 featuring the New Republic finding beskar within a destroyed shuttle.
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This one has some of my favorite parallels, and for no good reason! In “Chapter 6: The Prisoner,” Din teams up with mercenaries he used to work for, while we see in “Chapter 22: Guns For Hire” that Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, and other Mandalorians have become their own band of mercenaries. Both episodes feature Din being very hostile towards droids, even more so than usual. They also both include notable cameos, Bill Burr and Matt Lanter for Chapter 6 and Lizzo, Jack Black, and Christopher Lloyd for Chapter 22. In Chapter 6, Din is against the side of the law, while in Chapter 22, Din is united with Bo-Katan on the side of the law. The end of Chapter 6 saw Ranzar Malk and Qin sharing some choice words about Din while the end of Chapter 22 saw Axe also sharing some choice words about Din. (It’s fun how similar these two episodes are to each other in my head!)
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“Chapter 7: The Reckoning” and “Chapter 23: The Spies” each act as a part one of the overall grand finale of their respective seasons, with each ending on a devastating cliffhanger of a main supporting character’s tragic death. Both episodes start with a somewhat reluctant team-up of Din’s collected allies to continue a journey. Each episode is also Moff Gideon’s first appearance in their respective seasons, with both featuring Moff Gideon’s holographic image on a call before his actual physical appearance. Both episodes see the groups venturing across a desolate landscape to get to where they need to go only to get led into an ambush. In Chapter 7, it’s Grogu who gets captured by Gideon, while in Chapter 23, it’s Din who gets captured by Gideon. Additionally, each episode has peril in which allies cannot be contacted by comms. Lastly, as referenced before, Chapter 7 ends with Kuiil’s tragic death, and Chapter 23 ends with Paz’s.
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“Chapter 8: Redemption” and “Chapter 24: The Return” both end on a hopeful and somewhat peaceful note for Din and Grogu with a brand-new call to action. In Chapter 8, Moff Gideon blows up Din, while in Chapter 24, Moff Gideon gets blown up. Grogu protects Din and his allies from fire in both Chapter 8 as well as Chapter 24. In Chapter 8, the Armorer tells Din he is as Grogu’s father, while in Chapter 24, Din officially adopts Grogu as his son. Din earns a mudhorn signet for Grogu in Chapter 8 and Grogu earns part of Din’s name in Chapter 24. IG-11 sacrifices himself in Chapter 8, but comes back to life to serve as the marshal of Nevarro in Chapter 24. Both episodes contain big battle scenes that eventually lead to an entire planet being liberated. Chapter 8 features the Darksaber’s first appearance in live action, while Chapter 24 features the destruction of that same weapon. Finally, Chapter 8 sees Din and Grogu leaving Nevarro, but Chapter 24 sees Din and Grogu staying there in a home of their own.
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salome-c · 1 year
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This is how it went in my head. The Mandalorian S01E03
Taglist: @oscarseyebrow @the-little-ewok @mypedrom @prettylilhalforc @princessxkenobi @mariesackler @dailyreverie @nowritingonthewall @mandelirious @zinzinina @nadja-antipaxos @einno-arko
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