#manifesting not being sent to the same location as her please
strzyggus · 10 months
Durge slurping the intestines like a spaghetti.
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animeniacss · 5 months
drabble request: an update for hah balla?? could be whatever you please, but some ideas i had were him actually cutting his hair, visiting her on leave, or you could even jump way in the future and show him getting out? 🥰
Here is the final part of this Tae mini-series!
Taehyung x Reader - Hah Balla Part 3: Bah Halla-lujah
Synopsis: Taehyung and you are supposed to see each other after his discharge from the army.
Word Count: approx. 2.3k words
Enjoy @wintaerbaer <3
“I’m nervous.” 
“Why are you nervous?”
You turned to the man at your left, Seokjin, who was sipping water. He had been discharged from the military shortly after Taehyung and Jimin’s enlistment and, therefore, has been the one with whom you had spent most of your time. “I haven’t seen him since his last leave. That feels so long ago.” 
“It was like two months ago.” Another voice at your right said, and you turned to see Hoseok gently loop your arms together, patting your arm reassuringly. You smiled, resting your head on his shoulder, allowing his comforting gesture to do just that. 
“Well, for two codependent people like them, it seems fitting that they can’t go two months without being about each other,” Yoongi smirked a bit when you shot an unamused look in his face, raising his hands to claim he was done with his teasing for now.
However, Seokjin just kept pestering you. “I’m surprised you didn’t Mulan yourself and enlist.”
Hoseok laughed, and you immediately yanked your arm from his grasp, crossing it over your chest instead.
The four of you were waiting at a restaurant, one of Taehyung’s favorites, a ramen shop right in the heart of Seoul that you would all frequent often in some combination of friends. It was the best spot for afternoon drinks after a long day of work, and the last location where the both of you had drinks right before Taehyung’s enlistment. He had gotten discharged earlier that morning from his active duty, eighteen long months of seeing each other only through short leaves and communicating through letters. It was hard, but the two of you made it work for the fact that you had no other choice. You and Taehyung were not far from each other much in the history of your friendship. 
But that was then, and this is now. You were sitting beside Hoseok as he skimmed over the ramen add-ons and watched as Seokjin poured the three of you a shot. All you were waiting for was Taehyung to enter the front door and-.
“Taehyung’s not coming.”
Your eyes shot up at Seokjin as he set his phone down, a pout on his face. 
“Why?” You had to actively try to keep your voice from shaking. Hoseok had also looked up from his menu, which he had raised to cover his nose and lips. Yoongi was leaning over to the oldest man’s phone to get a look.
“He said something came up and his grandparents came to Seoul earlier than expected. So, he asked if we can move the dinner to the end of the week instead.” Seokjin turned his phone towards you and Hoseok, both of you leaning in to read the message.
Taehyung (sent now): Tell everyone I’m so sorry. My grandparents were supposed to come tomorrow. I’ll pay for dinner, okay? 
“Oh no…” Hoseok sighed. “That stinks. I was looking forward to seeing him.”
Your eyes were glued to the cellphone message, skimming the same few words over and over again. You were hoping eventually, with enough manifesting and eye strain on the screen, another text would pop up from Taehyung saying he was on his way and he made it work. Two seconds…three seconds…four seconds…
No reply.
Seokjin finally pulled the phone back, typing a quick response and setting his phone into his back pocket. “I’m sure we can see him before the end of the week, don’t look so upset.” 
“It’s just last minute.” You sighed. “I already wanted to go see him get out, and I couldn’t, and now we-.” You reached forward and took the bottle Seokjin was using to pour, using it to top you shot glass. The boys watched you throw the entire thing back, face scrunching up as the alcohol burned along your throat and mixed with the disappointment settling in your gut. 
“It’s only a little longer,” Hoseok assured. You turned to him as he pointed out a few options on the menu, hoping it would distract you through the meal. From the corner of your eye, you saw Seokjin already refilling your glass. 
Even though you’d already waited long for this to come, it wouldn’t make the next few hours any less tolerable. 
“Maybe you should uh…stop drinking so much.” The concerned tone in Hoseok’s voice made you turn towards him. He was smiling, but you could smell the concern on his voice in the same way he could smell the alcohol on your lips. You had been turning your head to the door at the sound of every welcome bell, but felt the same disappointment each time the owners shouted a bellowing ‘hello’ to someone without a familiar boxy smile or stunning dark brown curls (fuck, he has a buzz cut now so he wouldn’t even have curls anymore!).
“I’m fine.” You assured, turning your head from another unsuccessful glance to the door. You had also been punctuating your disappointment with another shot. Hoseok reached out and took the shot glass from your hand, a half-eaten ramen bowl pushed in your direction instead. 
“Enough. Or you’ll make a fool of yourself.” Yoongi said in support of Hoseok’s attempts to get you to stop throwing back shots. 
“Again.” Seokjin snorted but earned a glazy-eyed glare from you. 
When your mind was pulled back to the drunken stupor Taehyung has never let you forget, even now, and you sighed. “Alllright.” Chopsticks in hand, you slurped up another bite of your ramen, then reached across the table for some of the extra sides they had set out for you guys. You four had already been there about an hour since Taehyung flaked; your alcohol intake was much too high already. Another mouthful of ramen, and you could feel your body screaming to go home. You wanted to curl up under your covers, in the dark of your room, and not come out until the headache you knew was right around the corner was long gone. You heard the bell at the front of the store ring through the small ramen shop, and you groaned, resting your head on Hoseok’s shoulder. Enough disappointment for one evening. It was enough. “Hobi, my head hurts.” You murmured.
“You’re already drunk.” Hoseok sighed, stroking your hair affectionately. You looked up at him and saw his gaze snap up to Seokjin. When you followed the gaze, Seokjin was only smiling in amusement from the other side of the table, cheeks puffed out with food stored inside. “Why don’t we take a few minutes to sober up and-.”
“Oh shit, is this the sequel to Hah Balla?” The sudden deep voice that hit the back of your head made you flinch in sheer surprise. You lifted your head, studying the grin growing on Seokjin’s face. Then, you turned to Hoseok, who had covered his mouth with his hand. It was not enough to hide the growing grin on his face. 
Turning your head, a familiar boxy grin and buzz-cut – wait, it’s grown out a bit in the last two months – staring down at you. Head tilted back, you blinked up a few times and wondered if you had just gotten so drunk in such a short period you had started to hallucinate. However, when a familiar hand reached down and poked your forehead, a familiar tingling sensation coursing your body, you knew it was the real deal. 
“Hey.” He grinned. 
“Taehyung!” You shot up like a bullet, the effects of being a bit drunk making you sway a bit. Taehyung reached out and steadied you, but that only gave you more leverage. You grabbed his arms and tugged him into a tight hug. “What the hell!? I thought you weren’t able to come tonight anymore!” 
“I lied.” He grinned. “I wanted to surprise you.”
“What?!” Your head shot towards the three boys grinning at the table. “You punks!” 
“It wasn’t our idea!” Hoseok gasped. 
“It was Hoseok’s idea,” Yoongi said behind his drink. 
“Taehyung said he’d pay for dinner if we helped.” Seokjin pointed to the food around him.
“And you took advantage, hyung.” Taehyung frowned, already picturing the large bill that was waiting for him. His emptying wallet only distracted him for so long, however, as you gripped his arms again and he turned his attention back to you. Your pink cheeks and beaming smile immediately made him grin again. “You look so drunk.” He mused.
“I am.” 
“Did you really think I wouldn’t show?”
“You took a whole hour to surprise me?” You huffed.
He mimicked your huff with a more dramatic one. “It’s only been forty-five minutes.” His hands were resting on your arms, squeezing you as if he also needed to check to make sure it was really you in his arms. The warmth of his hands felt so familiar and comforting, you couldn’t help but pull him into another hug. 
“Aahh, I hate you.” You slurred a bit, and Taehyung laughed again, hugging you back. “Let’s sit and get you something to drink!” You gasped. “Let’s all do a shot!” 
“No! You’re so drunk already!” Hoseok called out. 
“No, let’s drink!” You begged. “Taehyung just got discharged from the army and he needs to drink.” The man laughed at how dramatic and over the top you were being, finally managing to sit you back down as Seokjin called for the owner to bring another menu and a few more bottles of alcohol, well aware of the chaos it could bring. 
The owner gave the table a few side dishes and a bottle of alcohol for free to celebrate Taehyung’s discharge, and you were now the one to pour. Taehyung lifted his up, already grinning devilishly. You may be drunk, but you knew exactly what he was thinking. 
“Kim Taehyung.”
“That’s me.” He grinned, unphased. “I’m going to say it.”
“Please don’t.”
“I told my entire squad about it.”
“I knew you would.” You pouted. Taehyung grinned. “Fine, fine. Hopefully I’m drunk enough that I'll forget."
Taehyung took a deep breath before shouting. "HAH BALLA!” And alerting the attention of the other patrons nearby. You laughed into your hand, covering your burning cheeks as Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin repeated the cheer just as loud. You sighed, raising your own shot glass up.
“Hah balla.” You mumbled being your laughter, and the group of you threw back a shot. The burning sensation had long since disappeared, and you simply reached for a bite of kimchi. Taehyung leaned closer to you, grinning.
“I won’t ever let you forget.” He hummed softly. When you turned to face him, you noticed how close together you were, and you blinked up at him.
“You’re cruel.” A smirk formed on your face, and his soon followed. 
“Ah, no kissing at the table.” Seokjin immediately cooed, stuffing a bite of rice into his mouth and looking away when Taehyung shot him a glare. 
“No, let them do it. It’s about time.” Yoongi nudged Seokjin, who only laughed so hard behind his hand he coughed on the rice. 
“That’s what you get.” Taehyung hissed, nose scrunched up in annoyance as he watched the oldest at the table down water to keep himself alive. Taehyung pulled back, setting some distance once again as you all continued to eat and drink. Maybe it was because you were drunk, or happy to see Taehyung again, but you simply scooted closer to him and rested your head on his shoulder. He looked over at you and smiled in amusement, patting your head. 
“What did I tell you?” Yoongi motioned to the sight before him. “Codependent.” 
That night, Yoongi pushed Seokjin and Hoseok into a cab, the three hugging Taehyung and you off with the promise to get together again soon. Hopefully, their schedules would line up. You watched the cab drive off, and put a hand to your head.
“I feel like I’m swimming.”
“Well, you drank a lot.” Taehyung hummed.
“So did you!” You pointed to his cheeks.
“I was celebrating, I’m allowed.” He snorted, putting his hands in the pockets of his beige slacks. You looked him up and down, taking in the sight of him outside of a military uniform that you had seen on him so often it felt as if it were stuck to him like an old paper dress-up doll. 
You reached forward and looped your arm through his, tugging at the dark grey sleeve of his shirt. “I’m happy you’re back.” He looked down at you and smiled, warm despite the night air being a bit chilly.
“I am too.” He said. “It was hard getting through the last two months without teasing you. My friends in the squad only let me talk about you so much.”
A laughed, and the both of you began walking down the street. “You talked about me?”
“All the time.” He admitted. “I mean, let’s face it, every memory worth talking about has you in it, so of course your name would come up all the time.” The fondness in his voice made your already flustered cheeks heat up even more, and you nodded, resting the side of your head on his arm as you walked. “You must have talked about me, too.”
“Eh, not really.” You hummed, and Taehyung stopped walking, yanking you to stop as well. You looked up at him and smiled. “Kidding~.”
“Alright, rude.” He pouted, finally continuing to walk as you laughed a bit. “I’m taking you home and I won’t even hold your hair when you inevitably vomit.”
“I’m not that drunk anymore, I sobered up.” Despite your reassurance, the heightened slurring of your words didn’t convince Taehyung, and he only grinned his boxy, lop-sided grin once again. 
As the two of you continued to walk in silence for the next little while, you glanced back up at him and smiled. “You can stay if you want.” 
He glanced down. “…At your house?” You nodded. “Alright, if you insist. I’ll take the couch.” You nodded, eyes looking down at your arm wrapped around his. Taking a deep breath, you lowered your hand down and pressed the back of your knuckles against his. Taehyung looked down, studying what you were trying to do. Without giving you another glance, he simply turned his hand, opening up his fingers and allowing yours to intertwine with his. 
“I’m happy you’re home, Taehyung.” You breathed, eyes locked on the warm hand enveloping yours. 
“I know…” Taehyung’s voice was soft. “You said that already.”
You nodded, squeezing the hand that felt as if it belonged in yours. “I know…” you said softly. “I just wanted to say it again.”
Taehyung nodded, his head tilting a bit to rest on top of yours as you both continued to walk. 
“I am, too….” He said.
If you want to DM me with a request, you can send me an ask. Here is the DM request post I made.
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softloved · 2 years
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sanrezia is a luxury housing complex that has served as a summer getaway for the rich and affluent for years. but recently there's been a change, a shift in the food chain, manifesting in more affordable housing and the addition of new money kids encroaching on the old money kids territory. for a while, coexisting between the two groups seemed impossible, enter iris abrams who served as a mediator of sorts. bringing the two groups groups together in the most harmonious way possible. but now iris is missing, threatening anonymous texts are being sent, both groups are at risk of being exposed, and everyone is a suspect. what happened to iris ? and more importantly will either group make it out of this summer alive ?
sanrezia  is  a  luxury  house  complex  /  condo  developed  in  the  1980's  by  the  italian-american  ricci  family  as  the  ideal  summer  vacation  paradise  for  the  powerful  &  affluent  .  it  is  located  in  the  small  beach  town  of  lila  in  italy  ,  a  truly  beautiful  place  for  those  looking  for  a  break  from  the  hectic  city  life  .  for  decades  ,  the  wealthiest  families  around  the  world  bought  land  in  sanrezia  and  built  exuberant  mansions  for  them  to  spend  the  hottest  months  of  the  year  and  it  became  a  very  popular  summer  spot  for  those  who  can  afford  it  .  in  the  early  2010's  ,  everything  changed  .  seeing  an  opportunity  to  make  more  money  ,  the  riccis  launched  some  budget-friendly  houses  in  the  complex  ,  attracting  middle-class  people  who  wanted  to  try  the  luxury  of  sanrezia  for  an  affordable  price  .  the  change  didn't  make  the  old  money  kids  ,  as  they  are  called   ,  very  happy  .  there  has  been  some  tension  between  new  money  kids  and  old  money  kids  around  ,  and  there  are  often  fights  and  arguments  between  the  two  groups  ,  for  various  and  mostly  superfluous  reasons  .   some  people  are  able  to  navigate  between  groups  easily  ,  despite  social  status  or  how  long  they've  been  going  to  sanrezia  .  meanwhile  ,  others  don't  even  dare  to  speak  to  someone  who  doesn't  belong  to  their  own  group  . iris  abrams  was  one  of  those  who  everyone  loved  .  she  could  be  called  a  popular  girl  around  sanrezia  and  even  the  town  of  lila  .  so  it  was  a  shock  to  everyone  when  ,  this  summer  ,  she  was  nowhere  to  be  found  and  no  one  was  able  to  reach  out  to  her  .  around  the  same  time  ,  strange  anonymous  texts  started  to  be  sent  to  the  residents  of  lila  .  could  it  be  iris  ?  what  happened  to  her  ?
sanrezia  is  an  appless  discord  group  revolving  around  the  disappearance  of  iris  abrams  and  the  lives  of  those  who  knew  her  .  please  send  any  inquiries  to  my  inbox  or  @candiedstrwb  and  apps  to  either  of  our  submit  boxes  . graphics by llillards .
BASICS  .  -  roleplay  etiquette  :  racism  ,  xenophobia  ,  homophobia  or  any  form  of  disrespect  will  not  be  tolerated  .  do  not  bubble  roleplay  ,  godmod  or  metagame  .  no  ooc  drama  . -  this  group  will  contain  mature  themes  and  topics  .  please  let  us  know  of  any  triggers  you  have  . -  there  will  be  initially  twelve  mun  spots  ,  of  which  two  are  taken  by  the  admins  . ACTIVITY  . -  weekly  vibe  checks  will  be  done  in  the  server  .  please  let  us  know  if  you  need  a  hiatus  or  semi-hiatus  !  FCS  &  MUSES  .  -  muns  ,  fcs  and  muses  must  be  21+  .  the  age  range  for  muses  is  21  -  30  . -  you  may  age  your  muse  up  /  down  five  years  from  the  fc's  original  age  . -  please  respect  your  fc's  ethnicity  when  making  a  muse  . -  if  you  bring  two  muses  ,  one  should  be  diverse  (  ethnicity  ,  body  diversity  ,  gender  diversity  )  .  BANNED  FCS  . -  anyone  deceased  ,  that  has  asked  not  to  be  used  ,   accused  of  crimes  ,  under  21  years  old  and  overall  problematic  .  feel  free  to  ask  us  if  you're  not  sure  . -  some  of  our  banned  faces  are  amber  heard  ,  cole  sprouse  ,  ester  expósito  ,  gavin  leatherwood  ,  the  kardashians/jenners  ,  kj  apa  ,  nicola  peltz  ,  timothee chalamet  . 
(  faceclaim  ,  age  ,  pronouns  )  look  who's  back  for  another  summer  in  sanrezia  ,  it's  FULL NAME  !  the  AGE IN LETTERS  years  old  OCCUPATION  is  a  familiar  face  around  since  TIME THEY'VE COME TO SANREZIA  ,  which  makes  them  A  NEW  MONEY  /  AN  OLD  MONEY  kid  .  they're  known  to  be  POSITIVE  TRAIT  ,  but  can  also  be  NEGATIVE TRAIT  .  i  heard  RELATIONSHIP WITH IRIS is  what  makes  them  a  suspect  in  iris's  disappearance  ,  do  you  think  that's  true  ?  the  rumor  that  SECRET  doesn't  make  them  look  good  either  .  .  .  [  ooc  name  ,  age  ,  pronouns  ,  timezone  ]
if  you  want  ,  feel  free  to  add  any  extras  here  (  bios  ,  headcanons  ,  pinterest  board  ,  spotify  playlist  ,  etc  !  )
FACES : khadijha red thunder , kiana ledé & lorenzo zurzolo . SECRETS : they sew designer labels on regular clothes , they are hiding the fact that they're a recovering addict , they almost killed someone in a car accident . CONNECTIONS: frenemies , unrequited crush , new best friend .
lizeth selene , kail peery , misthi rahman & park jimin .
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leiawritesstories · 3 years
First Burn
Rowaelin Month, day 20 & 21: playing with magic AND Rowan, Aelin, and toddler princess. Canon. Combined two prompts because 1) I am lazy and 2) I have a paper due soon and I shall need to give that my attention.
Word count: 1085
Warnings: couple of naughty words, one adorable Fae child
E N J O Y! 
Aelin woke up to an empty bed, the imprint of Rowan’s body still on the mattress. Yawning, she reached down the bond and felt for her mate’s location.
And smiled when the tether between their souls pointed to the training yard.
Buzzard, why are you training so early?
It’s nearly ten, Fireheart; I wouldn’t call that early.
I would.
He chuckled. When you manage to pull yourself out of bed, come down here. There’s something Lyria and I want to show you.
Lyria’s down there with you?!
Our four-year-old is in the training yard?!
You brought our toddler down to the training yard and didn’t tell me?!
Halfway out the door, she paused. What?
I promise you that our daughter is perfectly fine and perfectly safe. She’s well away from the training ring, and Aedion is watching her.
Aelin relaxed. I’m still not exactly pleased you brought her down…but I’m not panicking.
Good. She heard the relief in his voice. Oh, and don’t forget to actually get dressed before you come downstairs.
She looked down, finally registering that she was wearing one of Rowan’s shirts.
And nothing else.
Would you mind terribly if I walked into the yard like this?
He swallowed. Hard. I wouldn’t, Fireheart, but we aren’t alone.
Pity, that. I’ll be down in ten minutes.
Precisely ten minutes later, Aelin entered the training yard, clad in a simple tunic, leggings, and comfortable boots, her hair braided down her back. No sooner had she stepped into the area than a little blur of excitement launched at her.
“Mama! Mama! Looklooklook!”
Scooping her four-year-old daughter into her arms, Aelin laughed. “Look at what, my little princess?”
Lyria Evalin Whitethorn Galathynius, crown princess of Terrasen, smiled a huge, giddy toddler smile at her mother. “Found a king--kingf--kingfame!”
“A kingsflame?”
“Yes yes yes! Looky!” Lyria held up a somewhat smushed kingsflame, its petals a brilliant shock of crimson.
“Goodness, it’s beautiful, my love. Where did you find it?”
“I show you, Mama.” Aelin set her daughter down and followed her across the yard to the corner she’d clearly been sitting in while her father trained, and pointed. “On’a ground.”
“And what did you do when you saw it, Lee?” Rowan, who’d obviously followed them, asked.
The princess looked up into her father’s eyes, widening her matching ones into an angelically innocent face. “I hold it careful.”
Rowan winked at Aelin. “Good job, my love.”
Lyria grinned. “I have it in my hair, Mama?”
“Of course you can.” Aelin swiftly tucked the flower behind the delicate point of her daughter’s ear, nestled into the mussed golden waves so much like her own. Lyria clapped her hands and twirled, admiring her new hairpiece. She ran back across the yard to show it to Uncle Aedion, who swung her up, making her laugh her adorable little belly laugh. He tossed her into the air, something her parents, aunts, and uncles had discovered she very much enjoyed, and she squealed in delight.
And spurted a burst of flame right across Uncle Aedion’s shoulder as he caught her.
“SH--” Aedion barely stopped himself from swearing in shock.
Rowan was across the yard in seconds, taking his daughter and asking her if she was okay.
Aelin yanked her cousin’s shirt off his shoulder to inspect it. He hissed.
“Calm down, Aed, you’re fine.” She ran her hand lightly over the red stripe atop his shoulder. “She barely nicked you; it’s about as bad as a mild sunburn. I’m sure the shock is worse than the injury.”
Aedion shook his head. “Gods,” he breathed, “did she really just start showing her magic?”
Aelin nodded. “Yes. Yes, she did, and it’s terrifying.”
“And exhilarating.”
“But did it really have to hit me?” Aedion grumbled. Aelin smirked. 
“Like mother, like daughter, cousin.”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t remember that, but apparently some memories just won’t go away.”
She laughed. “Wait until Emerson shifts into a ghost leopard at the dinner table.”
“So help me gods, I will shit myself if he does that.”
“Hope I’m there to see that.”
“You shut it.”
She just smirked at him and headed toward her mate and daughter. 
Rowan hadn’t believed his eyes when he saw the flames burst from his daughter’s hands. Yes, he and Aelin both had been expecting their children would inherit magic, but neither of them anticipated that it would manifest itself until the children were seven or eight. 
“Lyria, sweetheart, can you show me the flames again?”
“Scared, Da.” Indeed, she’d been practically in tears when Rowan took her from Aedion, petrified by the unexpected fire.
“I know, little one. I was scared too. But look, now I can do this.” He summoned a soft breeze, winding it through his daughter’s hands, watching as she wiggled her fingers as if she was the one controlling it. “It takes practice, Lyria, but remember that you are in charge of your magic. Always. It won’t scare you unless you let it.”
“I not wanna get burned, Da.”
“Does Mama get burned, sweetheart?”
“And you got your flames from Mama……do you know what that means?”
“Flame not burn me?”
“Exactly.” Rowan smiled at her. “Your magic won’t burn you. Can you show me, now?”
Lyria took in a big breath, scrunched up her face, and splayed her hands, physically trying to pull the fire out of herself.
Tears welled in her big green eyes. “I can’t, Da!”
Aelin knelt down on the other side of her daughter. “Lyria, lovey.”
She sniffled. “What, Mama?”
“You don’t pull on the flames; they’re grumpy and don’t like being told what to do.” She made a comical scowling face.
Lyria giggled. “Really?”
“Yes, really. So do you know how we get the flames?” Cupping her hand, she produced soft, flickering flames, sent them dancing in front of her daughter’s wide eyes. 
“How, Mama?”
Aelin grinned. “Close your eyes and imagine yourself at a little house full of grumpy flames. Imagine yourself knocking on the door, and when it opens, you say ‘I’m having a party, and you’re the star guest.’ Can you do that?”
Her daughter nodded and closed her eyes. A moment later, they heard her mumbling “I having party, peas come be guest. I having party, peas come be guest.”
And then flames burst forth from her little hands again.
Rowan looked at Aelin.
Aelin looked at Rowan.
Both sets of parental Fae eyes held the same thought.
Lyria’s flames were silver.
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067supremacy · 3 years
Trigger warning: this entry features the reader being followed and grabbed at knifepoint. If this is something that will make you uncomfortable, then please don't read it!!!!
So, I wrote this about a month before Resident Evil Village came out. As you can probably tell as this includes ideas of my own; and missed out some obvious problems that now show after playing the game. It was fun to imagine what the character was like at the time, from what we had to go on! :’) (also, I originally wrote this for the blonde who was rumoured to be called Daniela, but Daniela doesn't get enough love!!)
Living your life at night had become your new regular. Your girlfriend Daniela is unable to live her life during the day, and despite the hardships, it came with, you were more than happy to give up the daylight to be with the woman you love.
Living with a vampire had its ups and downs, but you wouldn't change her for a second. You had been something of a stabilizer for her. When you first met her, she was stuck in her crazy gothic look. She was deadly and bloodthirsty, but you had a way of calming her to a tranquil state. Daniela had two different looks that were determined by her mood. When Daniela was calm, she was a natural beauty. Her Red hair was long and healthy, she had clear skin, and her attitude was caring. But when she was upset, Daniela was utterly different. She was full of anger, covered in black from head to toe, the surrounding area of her mouth was covered in crimson red, her fangs would grow through frighteningly sharp, and wasps would manifest seemingly out of nowhere.
You knew the dangers of living with a vampire, but it didn't matter to you. You trusted Daniela with your life. The first time you slept in the same bed as her, you couldn't help but worry about the possibility of her biting you. Little did you know that she could sense your worry and had even decided to tease you about it by resting her face in the crook of your neck. Daniela was in love with you. And deep down, she feared that one day your time would come. After all, she would be here long after your demise. The conversation of turning you was something she had yet to do, but the thought was always there. She had come close plenty of times to ask you to be with her for life, but her idea of rejection led her to remain happy with what she had.
It had just gone 1 am when you left 7-Eleven in a hurry. The pitch-black sky was unnerving but relaxing at the same time. There was a lot to enjoy about the night-time. Like, how quiet the streets were, how empty the store was, and how the sleepy nightlife was stunning to look overhead. The stars lead you home as you silently walk by yourself, you curse at the fact you left your headphones at home, but at least you could enjoy the walk back.
The dim streetlights ahead offer little visibility, but they give you absolute comfort. You come to the end of the high street where fast-food restaurants end, and the streets get much darker. With no cars going by, it's hard to tell what's up ahead when you turn right into a second street in which should be a straight shot to your apartment. You notice a man traveling just a few steps behind you. You felt uneasy about it but pushed the thought to the back of your mind. You speed up slightly to put some distance between you. The way the world was nowadays, you couldn't trust this situation; it is sad but true.
You decide to do a full circle through an alleyway and back out to the street out of curiosity. Sure enough, the shadow figure follows your every move, and that's the last that you were going to play with this. You pull out your phone and call Daniela with shaky hands. The phone rings once, and the voice you love so much answers cheerfully, but you can't even remember what she said as you were blinded with panic.
"Dani, I think someone is following me," you say in a hushed tone as to not alert the shadow figure following you. Almost as quickly as you finished the sentence, you can hear the familiar sound of wasps manifesting in the background. There is no time to be wasted in Daniela's mind. You can already hear the change in her voice as she asks for your location.
It's like you can feel Daniela's heart aching at the thought of your discomfort, something inside you doesn't feel right when Daniela gets like this, and it's ultimately why she agreed to stay calm in all circumstances.
"Just keep walking home, baby. I'll come and meet you." Your vampire girlfriend replies as you hear the phone fall to the floor and the raging hive leaves the apartment. The sound goes quiet, and you're left with your thoughts, but not for long as the footsteps get closer and louder. You can feel the presence on your heels. Before you know it, a large hand had taken you by the arm and directed you into the closest alleyway.
You yelp at the tight grip on your arm, the groceries you had from shopping had been sent to the floor, but you clutched your purse for dear life. The shadow figure was around 5ft 10Inches tall. The person was stocky in build, rugged looking. They wore a black hoodie and a black balaclava. The only thing you could see was the person's eyes. They pierced through you, you couldn't tell if they held hostile intent or if they were just trying to scare you, but that didn't matter. The person pushes you to a corner and unsheathes a small blade.
A man's voice, deep and resonant, shoots out from his mouth. "I'm gonna need that purse and whatever jewelry you have on you," He waves the blade before your eyes, almost teasing you that he had the upper hand.
Your fears boil over as the tears start to stream, and you feel powerless. You fold your arms over your purse in an act of defiance. The man in front of you seems to be getting impatient already, but you manage to bumble out a small plead, "Please, just let me go," The man chuckles at your plea.
"Just give me your shit, and then you can go. I won't even hurt you," the man jokes dryly. At this point in time, the tables had turned, "You can go now, and you won't get hurt," you confidently claim. Your confidence comes from the single wasp that crawls up the sleeve of the man's hoodie, but the single wasp was soon joined by another one, and then two more.
"I'm not fucking playing around now, give me your th- "he's cut off by the sting of a wasp on his neck. The few on his hoodie fly to the end of the alleyway. A woman's laugh surrounds the area, an angry hive of wasps come together and begin to form the silhouette of a tall woman. Your woman.
The man takes a step back in fear, which gives you the chance to storm toward the love of your life. You smoothly run straight past the form of Daniela, something that the man tries to replicate, but the swarm of wasps begins to surround him. They trap him within a tunnel. You knew what this was and where it was going. Daniela was manifesting into her proper, vampire form.
"the man screams and thrashes around, attempting to swat the wasps away from him, but his attempts were futile. The manifestation of her form becomes complete when she pushes him to the floor. Her movement is quirky but calculated. The wasps cocoon the two in a small dome. Keeping him grounded, Daniela laughs at the man's terrified figure. She taunts him with her newfound power.
"She gave you a chance, oh darling, you should have listened to her." Daniela spits her venomous, spiteful tone at the robber. The man attempts to slash at Daniela, and he catches her with the tip of the blade, but her form sheds more of the wasps surrounding the two instead of blood. She laughs demonically as she picks him up with effortless strength. She shoves him against the wall and prepares to end him.
From behind her, you force your way through the hive and touch her shoulder, which has a visible effect on her. She lets her grip on his shoulder loosen slightly. You assure her that you were unharmed, which seems to sway her, but you can still feel her rage within you. You use the power that you hold over Daniela by commanding that she let him go. She's come too far in her time with you to collapse into her bloodthirsty stage again.
And so, she lets the man run, he quickly flees the scene looking like he had just seen a vampire....... Daniela carefully watches the man disappear into the night. The second he is gone, her walls break down, and her softer side comes back out. The crazy gothic vampire look is gone without a trace. Daniela pulls you into her and crushes you into a tight hug. She couldn't lose you. The thought broke her every emotion as she held you. You could hear her breath hitch as she let it all out. Daniela was crying on your shoulder in a dark alleyway at 1:30 am.
"I love you, Y/N. I can't lose you; it would destroy me. I need you safe. I need you alive." She continues to unload every emotion. You reciprocate everything. The massive hug is filled with love and passion. Before you break the hug, you lean into her ear and whisper, "I love you too, Dani. I'm not going anywhere; nothing is going to happen to me. Not when I have my Guardian-Angel protecting me,"
I'm planning on doing part two, where Daniela has the talk with the reader about turning them into a Vampire. P.S I absolutely love the idea of her being like a normal looking girl when she's calm, but you piss her off........ Game over.
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lunasilvermorny · 3 years
Maria Black - Harry Potter OC
This is my HP OC that I created a long time ago, when I was around 12-13 y.o.  (so, you know... it’s been a while!)
Over the years I’ve developed her story more and more, changed it as I got older and basically kept the headcanon alive for years - but I never wrote about her. Everything I had I kept inside my head, and all the potential stories remained as nothing but a day-dream.
Until today! (or a few days ago, when I came up with the idea.)
It’s time to document this headcanon, even if it’s not going anywhere serious other than some stories and drawings.
I can’t emphasize it enough - I made most of it during the mid/late 2000′s, waaaay before the Cursed Child. So please don’t associate any part of my HC with this terrible excuse of a canon. JKR already proved that her judgement is questionable, so for me the only thing that is canon are the books and my headcanon relates to them and nothing else!
Anyway, let’s dive in!
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Bonus drawing from baby-OP:
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General plot:
Maria is the daughter of the Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange and was born a few months before they were sent to Azkaban. Her aunt Narcissa took her in and she was raised by the Malfoy family.
When she was about 5/6 y.o., she went to Azkaban to see her mother. (in the headcanon, her father died in Azkaban). She got scared by the Dementors and when she tried to find the exit, she came upon Sirius’ cell. This encounter changed her life and made her realize that her family is one of the “bad guys”, and she’s decided to leave the first chance she gets.
The day she left to Hogwarts was the last day she spent with her family.
Since it’s a HP OC-insert kind of headcanon, she befriended Harry, Ron and Hermione and was practically the 4th member of this friend group. So most of the plot of the headcanon correlates with the plots of the books, so I’m going to focus more on the individual parts that doesn’t relate the regular plot.
Before she got to Hogwarts she asked to be referred to as Maria Black and not Maria Lestrange. In the future she’d also legally change her name.
Because she’s decided to never go back to the Malfoys ever again, she was basically homeless for the first two summers away from Hogwarts. She mostly relied on magic (around other wizards, so no one will know she’s a minor using magic) and some friends that let her stay with them every once in a while.
(The is a LOT more, so if you’re interested, keep reading ^^ )
After the 3rd year was over, one of her friends that was an exchange student from Beauxbatons, invited her to spend the summer at his house in France. The reason he wanted her to come over was because his father was a coach for the French junior-league Quidditch team and wanted him to let her into the team, so in the future she’d be able to become a professional player. He knew that she plans on filing for Emancipation of minors, that will strip all the legal rights from her family and free her from them - but for that she needed a sufficient income. Her friend’s father was glad to help and after she showed him her skills, he let her into the team. When she was 15, she got into the professional league. (I based this part of the HC on the fact that Viktor Krum was also a student, when he became a Quidditch star.)
Sirius was the most important figure in her life and became like a father figure to her. Through him, she also felt that Harry and her (although not by blood) were related.
For a long time, the ending of the headcanon was that Maria killed herself after Sirius was murdered, but in recent years I’ve reversed this decision and kept her alive for the duration of the book and beyond that.
During her 6th year, after her mother already escaped Azkaban, she was forced to hide in Hogwarts (she wasn’t allowed to keep her role in the Quidditch team anymore), because Bellatrix made it clear that she’s going to kidnap Maria and force her to join Voldemort’s side.
She was able to avoid this fate only up to the plot of the 7th book, that’s when she was finally captured and held hostage in an attempt to force Harry’s hands and save her. However, before she was kidnapped, Maria asked from the Order and Hermione that if she’s ever to fall captive, to prevent Harry from saving her at all cost, since it’s an obvious trap.
Frustrated by the fact that the trap hasn’t worked combined with Maria’s general resistance, Bellatrix tortured her daughter for the entire duration of her incarceration, mostly by using the Cruciatus curse on her over and over again. At a near-dead state, Bellatrix used the Imperius curse on her to try and make her fight on Voldemort’s side at the Battle of Hogwarts, but Maria was too weak and wasn’t much of use to her in the end.
After the fight, Maria was in a coma for a few months and even after she woke up, she had a very long recovery period. The worst expression of it manifested in her PTSD from the Cruciatus curse that caused her to scream in agony almost every time she went to sleep. At some cases she was in such bad shape that no one was able to wake her up.
After a partial recovery, she returned to her pending career as a Quiddich player.
Her relationship with Fred Weasley:
Maria was fairly popular and had dated a few people (in a non-serious way, due to her age), but her first love was Fred Weasley. They’ve started dating in secret when she was in her 5th year.
During the 6th year, she has prepared him for the possibility of the kidnapping and asked him not to come rescue her if it ever happened.
In the summer after her 6th year, to reassure her that they will both survive the war, Fred gave her a ring and told her that after it’s all over, they’ll get married. (It wasn’t a proposal per se, but an attempt to give her hope when she was sure she’s going to die.)
Maria wasn’t aware that Fred died since she almost met the same fate herself at the Battle of Hogwarts, and found out about it from George after she woke up from the coma.
Her relationship with Neville Longbottom:
At the beginning, no one knew she’s Bellatrix’s daughter. People were suspicious of her during year 3 (after all, she is Maria Black) because they thought she was assisting Sirius (and at some point there were rumors that she was his secret child), but it wasn’t until year 5 that the news about her being Bellatrix’s daughter has spread out by Malfoy.
Maria considered Neville a close friend and was afraid of his reaction once he finds out, but even though he had to get over the initial shock, he told her that he knows that she’s nothing like her mother, that she has proven she’s on their side and that he’s not going to judge her over something that is out of her control.
After the Battle of Hogwarts, during her recovery, she’s met Neville’s parents and also spent time with them while she was admitted. The fact that she was tortured by Bellatrix too was a bonding factor and made her and Neville even closer.
After a few years, Neville and Maria have started dating, but their future together in unknown.
PTSD and irreversible damage:
I mentioned that due to the torture she experienced, Maria suffered from PTSD, caused primarily by the Cruciatus curse. She would have recurrent nightmares that caused her to scream and cry in agony, as her body turned and twitched, as if she was under the curse.
In most cases people were able to wake her up, but in more severe cases, she was able to stay in that state for hours. The worst case was a day and a half without a break. She was taken to the hospital by apparition, but the snap switch in location has severely worsen the situation and she was taken to the ER (or a magical equivalent of an ER), where she was under treatment for days until the outburst finally got under control. She was in a coma for two months after that and had to go through the long recovery once more.
In addition to that, Maria also suffered an irreversible damage in her reproduction system. Bellatrix knew she doesn’t share her purist views, so to make sure she doesn’t “taint” the family legacy with a mixed-blood offspring, she completely destroyed the system, to a point that it was almost impossible to reconstruct, even with magic. Maria went through many treatments, but was eventually considered infertile.
Her relationship with the Weasley family:
Maria was accepted as one of the family back when she was still in Hogwarts.
Even though her relationship with Fred was a secret - Molly, George and Ginny knew about it. After Fred’s death, Molly has told Maria that she still views her as a daughter and said she’s always welcome at their house.
She usually spent the holidays with them and came to visit Molly and Arthur almost every weekend. She usually brought game-tickets to anyone that was interested, especially when she’s started playing for the biggest teams. (Nothing will make me do the proper research of all the Quidditch teams, so let’s just suspend our disbelief just a bit more, because I don’t have a specific name.)
Her relationship with the Malfoy family:
During the year she was Bellatrix’s prisoner, she was held captive at the Malfoys’ mansion. Even though Bellatrix showed nothing but cruelty to her, Narcissa secretly tried to help her, mostly by giving her food during starvation punishments, clean her room and at extreme circumstances - heal her wounds.
Even though she hasn’t set her free, Maria appreciated the fact that Narcissa risked herself by helping her, so after she heard about Lucius’s death, she agreed for a reconciliation.
Although there were some push-backs (especially from Ron), she accepted an invitation for dinner at the Malfoys’ mansion, where she reconnected with both Narcissa and Draco.
After that she came to visit every now and then, although not as frequently as she visited the Weasleys.
Maria and Harry:
As I mentioned before, Maria is basically an OC inserted into the main plot, so she’s best friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Harry and Maria always had a sort of sibling connection, that was reinforced by their connection with Sirius. After his death, they referred to each other as the only family they’ve got left. (Even though Maria technically had Tonks, but that’s a story for another time.)
Maria and Ron:
Their friendship was a bit more complicated. Although not romantic in nature, they had a mutual crush on each other at a certain point (but nothing came out of it), and they always had a certain tension afterwards.
They also have very different personalities and got into many conflicts. Ron usually accused Maria of being a fake friend, because she was very friendly in nature and had many friend-groups other than the main three characters. Maria in return accused him of being too judgemental and had a hard time taking him seriously.
However, with all the flaws, they also had many things in common - their love of Quidditch, their disregard to the rules and in general they had a lot of fun hanging out with each other.
Maria and Hermione:
Probably have the rockiest friendship out of the three main characters. They are almost opposites, aside for their academic approach. Maria is more reckless and easy going, and she usually can’t handle Hermione’s stiffness.
Maria was especially sensitive to any criticism of Sirius, and they had many fights over it during their 5th year.
But even though their friendship wasn’t ideal, when it came to real struggles, they were there to support each other, especially emotionally.
Her special connection to Sirius:
Sirius was the catalyst that made her realize that she was born to a dark wizards family. She’s met him only once (before the events of the 3rd book), but it was a strong enough impact that affected her entire world view.
She put Sirius on a high pedestal and saw him as a parental figure. He was the first in the family to openly rebel and she followed his footsteps when she left the Malfoys’ household. This is also the reason why it meant so much to her that she was sorted into Gryffindor and not Slytherin.
During the 3rd year, everyone suspected that she helped sneak Sirius into the castle and was covering for him, since she refused to accept the accusations against him. She didn’t have any proof that he’s innocent and Sirius never told her that he is, but she was determined that he’s a good guy.
After Sirius escaped, he hasn’t kept in touch with her as much as with Harry, but it didn’t discourage her. She had a feeling that he’s hesitant to accept her because she’s still Bellatrix’s daughter and never resented him for it. However, after his death, Lupin told her that Sirius was very proud of her and had greats hopes for her - he just didn’t know how to show it.
Since she grew up with the Malfoys, she has known Dobby her entire life. They were pretty friendly toward each other, but they were instructed not to talk with each other.
Once, she tried to give Dobby clothes to set him free, but because she wasn’t technically a Malfoy, it didn’t work. After that, Lucius forbid Dobby from ever interacting with her again.
Did you really think I don’t have like 200 different AUs for this headcanon? Of course I have! I’ve been building this headcanon since I was a literal child!
My favorite AU is the one where Fred didn’t die in the Battle of Hogwarts, and he and Maria got to be together after all. They usually get married (although there is a variation where she broke up with him instead), and in one AU in particular, healers are able to restore her fertility and they have a child together.
Maybe in the future I will make more posts about these AUs.
Since Luna is very close with the Weasleys too, in most AUs Maria gets to meet Luna and the two become friends. Luna is also Maria’s private healer, since Maria gets injured a lot during Quidditch games.
There is so much more!!
But I will leave something for future posts :)
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marlinspirkhall · 4 years
please tell me more about sybok never existing?
I apologise that I can't get a "read only" on mobile, maybe I'll wait until tomorrow to post this from a computer.
Extended Star Trek Universe:
- Sybok is never mentioned in Discovery? We see Michael being introduced to the other members of the household, so where is Sybok? You'd have thought he'd have interacted with her in at least some capacity, and, if the reason he's never mentioned is that he's already left to start his Emotional Cult™ that the VSA would have made some allusion to this when rejecting Michael from the VSA.
- Sarek in Discovery: "I am not prepared to lose both of our children in one day" (I know the counter point to this is "Ah but he was talking about He And Amanda's children," but there's evidence that Sybok was raised by Amanda (some star trek book has a picture of a letter he sent her as a young child when his biological mother died and he went to live with Sarek)
- "Ah, Marlin," you say, "If there's evidence that Sybok sent a letter to Amanda as a child, then surely you've contradicted your own point? He must exist, canonically."
- You are too clever an opponent and I concede the argument.
- Star Trek V deliberately references dreaming, unreality and dream sequences many times (yeah I know shatner's the screenwriter, so it's flimsy evidence). Here we go:
Common things people do while dreaming:
- Symbolic representation of Overcoming Obstacles (Captain Kirk is Climbing A Mountain. Not only that, he's free-climbing)
- Flying unaided (Spock's rocket boots)
- Anxieties revealed (Kirk: "I need a shower". Spock: " Yes". Kirk: *looks crestfallen*)
- Loved Ones betray you/Are angry with you (Sulu, Uhura and Chekhov all fall sway to Sybok's persuasion. This is a symbolic representation of Kirk feeling upset that the Enterprise crew have told him to go to therapy, jealously that therapy has worked for them, fundamental misunderstanding of how 'easy' he perceives their recoveries to be compared to his/as an outsider looking in)
- Being Chased (Sulu: "Captain, come back!" This also represents anxieties about getting older and the inevitability that Kirk's going to lose his command (again) to retirement)
- Inability to move your legs due to sleep paralysis & therefore resorting to flying to help escape a pursuer who's about to catch up to you (see: Rocket Boots. I'm a rocket man, and it's gonna be a long long time-)
- Unfamiliar/Exaggerated/Labyrinthine architecture (Scotty: "I know this ship like the back of my hand" *immediately walks into a beam*, when Kirk/Spock/Bones ascend through the central tunnel, they zoom past a greater number of deck numbers than the Enterprise actually has)
- Things Chasing You can teleport to your location instantly (Despite taking a shortcut, as soon as Kirk tries to send a distress call, Sybok and Sulu burst in on them)
Kirk is undergoing hypno-therapy. We see him working back through layers of his own trauma, finally reaching the core of his own issues at the climax of the movie. In The Conscience Of The King, we can see that Kirk believes he's resolved his trauma relating to Tarsus IV, so it's not quite as active a part of his subconscious reality at first. Sybok represents the voice of the hypnotherapist, which he initially resists. He first has to be "Captured" (called back to the Enterprise, taken to the brig by Sybok, escaping the brig, captured again) before we see him in familiar surroundings, somewhere he feels safe: his quarters on The Enterprise. Here, finally, he begins to open up: Sybok asks Kirk, "Spock" and "Bones" to open up about their trauma.
Kirk, the active dreamer, still resists, but his subconscious manifests his own trauma- relating to the death of a parent- as Bones'. It's unlikely that Kirk's parent died in the same way Bones described, but it is likely that Kirk feels some manner of grief over it. Plus, the first draft of The Conscience Of The King had Kirk's father being killed by Kodos (This is negated by Star Trek 2009, where Spock says George Kirk "lived to see Kirk become Captain of The Enterprise," but the point still stands: regardless of the cause, it's devastating to lose a parent at any age, and an individual is capable of feeling guilty even if they died of natural causes).
Next up, we have what Spock represents. Everyone always points out how nonchalant Spock is when Sybok creates a visual (mis)representation of Spock's birth (and the fact that it takes place in a cave- I apologise for pulling a Freud on you, but that's WOMB symbolism, babyyyyy), and Spock's response is that he resolved that trauma already. This is true. So why the hell would it get shown otherwise?
Because Kirk still has anxiety that Spock's going to leave him again. He did it before, when he underwent Kolinhar, and Kirk spent The Search For Spock trying to get him to remember aspects of their relationship which he'd forgotten, and you can see how he's hurt by this.
But Spock (and Bones) stand by him.
Finally, they pilot The Enterprise to "the centre of the Universe", I.e, Kirk's deepest trauma. The big one. Tarsus IV.
"What does God need with a Starship?"
Kirk, finally, confronts "God". Or, rather, he's asking a huge, existential questions. There's a bit of 'if there's a god he'd have to be pretty cruel to let Tarsus IV evil in general happen' in there and also some other stuff, but Kirk essentially concludes that: yes, God is evil, and promptly kills him. This really represents the shock of finding Kodos alive in The Conscience Of The King. Having no use for therapy anymore now that he's resolved all his issues (ha), Sybok is promptly zapped.
Oh, what's this? Kirk has a little more trauma to resolve? Yeah it's not like he lost a son in the previous movies or anything.
He tells Spock "I lost a brother, once", then we have what's, essentially, a t'hy'la speech, (Yeah Spock's your brother... And your lover, and your friend.) and "We're A Family" and lots of fluffy good stuff. Then they go back to the campfire and sing Life Is But A Dream again, because this film isn't subtle.
Ergo, Sybok- at least, Spock's brother, Sybok- doesn't exist.
Also, note how Kirk's not quite as angry with the Klingons in this movie as he is in the next? His rage is suppressed for now, because "Not In Front Of The Klingons" obviously represents: Maybe Don't Give Out Free Info To The Klingons That We're Married, but he's still in grieving for his son, because there's only so much you can cover in one therapy session, no matter how good Sybok claims to be.
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DSMP AU LOCATION - Place of No Sound
AU - World of Hate
“The Place of No Sound is where those who have strayed from their paths. It is for those who have committed heinous crimes. It drives them insane.”
“How.. do you know that?”
“As someone of despair, I must walk it every day to make sure they serve their penance.”
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Place Of No Sound:
The Place of No Sound is watched over by the younger twin goddess of Despair.
She created it for one reason - For horrible people to feel horrible pain.
As stated in the name, there is absolutely no sound. If someone knocks something over, punches something, or throws something, there will be no sound.
No one in this horrible place can talk. They lose their voices once coming here.
It’s all grey, white, and black. Even the people.
It is shaped like an abandoned kingdom. Some say it is slowly crumbling.
When someone is caught doing heinous crimes by the younger twin goddess of Despair, she will drag them to the Place of No Sound for the rest of their life.
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Nysaliphis(M), Hipeia(F), Cirirei(NB), Azanore(M), Mariviane(M), Eathenna(F) are the young demons, yet still powerful. They can mess with people by changing what objects look like. They can also imitate prisoner’s loved one’s voices to drive them even more insane. They love taunting the prisoners of this hell, telling them that their loved ones will never, ever love them again. They taunt them with their past, and how stupid they were to ever commit such horrible crimes to be sent here.
Yubumi(MtF), Ieyaki(NB), Ryutsumi(M), Naohiro(M), Irei(F), Rikio(F), Komugi(FtM), Yuniko(M), Mizuru(M), Utaba(F) are all powerful kitsunes. They hold all the normal powers of kitsunes (possession, generating fire or lightning, willful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility, and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality). They do this to taunt the prisoners of the Place of No Sound. They use their illusions to create images of their loved ones that berate them for their crimes.
Torqaz(M), Nedjoq(M), Drazzox(M), Katrud(F), Kirqonz(F), Drishukku(F), Thuqqodha(F) are the guards of the Place of No Sound. Their fire is so hot it can melt a person in an instant. Their scales tend to be muted colors of the rainbow, or any other color. Their roars tend to be so loud that they shake the entire kingdom.
It’s unknown how many people are in the Place of No Sound. But many are there for heinous crimes; terrorism, mass murder, serial killers, murder, r#pe, torture, treason, and much more. Many of them here go insane from the constant taunting and not being able to speak. 
The servants are those who work under the younger twin goddess of despair. They maintain the kingdom, and give food to the prisoners. They are usually accompanied by illusions of guards made by the kitsunes. This gives them protection from those who want more food. They are the only known humans who can speak, but they only speak to the demons, kitsunes, and wvyerns. They are completely devoted to the younger goddess of despair.
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Younger Twin Goddess of Despair:
Not much is known of the younger twin. None speak of her name, and no book seems to have it recorded. It is known she is close to her elder twin, who is also a goddess of despair. It is said while they tend to wear the opposite colors of one another (the younger wearing soft pink and purple, while the elder wears red and black), they are one in the same.
(More of this AU to come soon!!)
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Owl House AU Ideas, ZA FIRST!!
Hello all, this has been a long time coming on my part. After procrastinating on the subject, I have decided to upload my personal AU ideas for the Owl House. Here’s hoping ya’ll like them, and feel free to make your own stuff based on them as you please!!
Tough Love: This AU is my own twist on the classic Siblings AU, in which I fleshed it out into my own little niche using whatever I had available in my brain.
Victoria Noceda: My name for Beta Luz, who in this Idea is the oldest of the three Noceda sisters. Brash, belligerent, always ready with a smart remark, Victoria is a tough girl who takes no crap from anyone, with her weapon of choice being a metal bat carved with glyphs. A short temper mixed with both a strict demeanor and a flippant attitude has earned her a reputation as a thug, one which she has done nothing to reject or deny. Growing up, Victoria quickly grew familiar with the uglier side of humanity, and when her sisters were born vowed to shield them from the harshness of the world, by any means necessary. She is highly cynical, yet being around Luz chips away at this persona of hers. Despite her attitude and behavior, she is highly intelligent, graduating from school as valedictorian to the shock of everyone bar her teachers. Victoria first ended up in the Isles by chasing down Owlbert after the Palisman tried (and failed) to pickpocket her. She and Eda, to their mutual surprise, hit it off rather well, with Victoria often acting as her Stall Manager, Gopher, Muscle, etc., and has amassed a large quantity of glyphic spells, which she keeps as tattoos climbing up both arms (she actually has enough to cover nearly her whole torso and part of her neck, but uses illusion glyphs to hide them so Eda doesn't ask how she discovered them... some of them were highly unpleasant for lack of a better word). Using her work with Eda to avoid getting a job on Earth, Victoria has a LOT of money, mostly due to Eda paying her with whatever bills and coins Owlbert brings her without consideration for how much they actually are worth. Offered to house her sisters so they could "branch out and get some real world experience," really an excuse to get her sibs away from the toxic environment at school. Convinced (threatened) Principal Hal to have Luz sent to stay with her for the summer. Her aggressive tendencies and willingness to use incredible violence to solve her problems has resulted in her relationship with her sisters partially atrophying, though she is unaware of it herself. Her first encounter with Boscha, in the body swap episode, is meant to illustrate this as she very clearly and deliberately tormented and ridiculed the girl for bullying Luz, refusing to let up even when Luz begged her to stop until Boscha apologized and begged for forgiveness; Luz rushing off to help bandage Boscha's nearly broken hands implies this isn't the first time she has done this, or at least something like this. Victoria has a bad temper when roused and often resorts to extreme verbal haranguing when she's cross with Luz, not knowing that this reinforces the idea that she doesn't like or care for her youngest sister, as she can't bring herself to raise a hand to her sisters. Finds Amaryllis hot and enjoys teasing her. Will answer to Victoria, Tori, or Ria, NEVER to Vic or Vicky, which will result in her threatening to break the offender's legs, THIS IS NOT A BLUFF SHE HAS DONE IT TWICE BEFORE. Mari Noceda: My name for Pilot!Luz, the middle child. Easily the most well-behaved of her siblings, though that isn't saying much. Unlike her hyper-impulsive younger, and her super aggressive elder, Mari is calm, logical, and significantly more easy going. However, she is an absolute snoop with a very poor understanding of personal privacy, resulting in her being sent to the principal for breaking into other students' lockers, on multiple occasions. After Victoria basically dropped off the map, she became hellbent on tracker her down, resulting in her discovering the Boiling Isles and magic. As is her usual, she quickly got over whatever shock she felt and proceeded to brow beat her mom, Victoria, AND EDA to let her stay in the Isles by homeschooling (Camila doesn't know she went to the Isles, just that she wanted to move in with her sister... it hurt her more than Mari thought it would), she soon set herself to studying everything the Isles has to offer, to Eda's chagrin. While her repertoire is much smaller than Tori's, she knows quite a few spells herself, all of which she has studied to a ludicrous degree. After reading up on some of Luz's fantasy novels, she has started viewing herself as an artificer, blending magic and technology together. Is VERY GOOD FRIENDS with Vela Blight (they are dating but don't want anyone to know). Often puts down Luz's fantasies as ridiculous. Luz Noceda: Canon cinnamon roll, sorta. Plucky, sweet, optimistic, and, oh yeah, Kinda mental. Was introduced to the Boiling Isles and Eda via Victoria picking her up and driving through a portal that opened up in Eda's living room. When she asked her sisters' to share what they know about magic with her, they both laughed and told her they would teach her how to use any spells she figured out on her own, and no more. Basically the same as canon, she is somewhat more fragile emotionally as a result of Mari's unintended put-downs, and Victoria's angry rants. She is convinced that part of the reason she didn't have friends was due to everyone being afraid of Victoria beating them silly, or Mari invading their privacy. While very similar to her original self, this version of Luz has a lot of repressed anger, which manifests as a slight twitch in her left eye and a compulsive hiccup when stressed. Eda: Due to taking in Victoria and Mari, she is much more in touch with her caring side earlier on than Canon, welcoming Luz easily and more willing to play the mentor role. Quickly picks up on the warning signs in the sisters' interactions but is repeatedly shut out, to her frustration and concern. King: Mellower than in canon due to having Mari, who considers him a fount of demonic knowledge, and Victoria, who appreciates his street wise wisdom when it peeks through his megalomania, to talk and interact with. Clings to Luz as a "new general in my Army! Rejoice, Mr. Ducky, REJOICE!!" Amaryllis Blight: My name for Beta!Amity, and the eldest sibling. Ruthless, ferocious, and feral, Amaryllis always possessed the hallmarks of a problem child, bucking her parents authority at every turn, which she got away with due to her immense magical power even as a toddler. Wears green hair dye to spite her parents after they virtually disowned her. Regularly forgets any and all information that she deems useless, which includes her parents' names, resulting in her always referring to them as Mr. and Mrs. Blight at all times, even in her head. Leads the Predators, an elite section of the Emperor's Coven tasked with locating and sealing dimensional breaches, as well as purging anything that crosses through. Has a severe survival of the fittest mindset; if you don't have the strength and will to survive and succeed, you are nothing. Ironically, she hates bullies, claiming them as weaklings who tear down those with true potential for greatness, and often curses herself for being too weak to separate from Belos. Her sheer power and accomplishments have forced the Blight parents to recognize her as their child, if only to capitalize on her success and prevent difficult questions being aimed their way, yet none are comfortable with the arrangement. Strongly admires Eda, genuinely believing her to be the greatest Witch of all time, which leads to her verbally, and sometimes physically, tearing a new one in anyone who speaks ill of her in Amaryllis' presence. The biggest inspirations for Amaryllis were Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia, and Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill, being strangely friendly and amicable to her fellow Predators and anyone who she finds sufficiently impressive in terms of combat, though she has no ability to register those she thinks of as weak, often being incapable of recalling any real information about them beyond whatever part of their appearance stuck out most to her. She has no respect or regard for Emira and Edric, regarding them as fools and cowards, and is genuinely incapable of telling them apart, despite the fact that they are different genders, and often needs a moment to remember who they are. Often verbally scolds Vela for being weak, with the first "kind" thing she has ever said to her since graduating was congratulating her for taking the first steps to realizing her true potential. Admires Amity's dedication to be the best, but detests her kowtowing to their parents. Has a huge crush on Victoria, but is both better at hiding it than Amity, by a mile, and severely conflicted over it, due to regarding humans as "the weakest existence on the whole of the Isles." Amaryllis' animalistic mentality is considered extremely unusual, even by the standards of the Boiling Isles and results in everyone being incredibly wary of her. Amaryllis is insanely loyal to those she holds regard to and works with, viciously destroying anything that dares bring harm to her comrades, or "pack" as she insists on calling them, and has a win by any means necessary mindset, being genuinely puzzled by the crowd and Amity's distress at Lilith's cheating during the Covention, seeing the power glyph as a perfectly acceptable tactic and applauding Luz and Eda's mines to circumvent the Human's lack of spells, however even she disapproves of cheating that can result in permanent injury, which is her sole complaint about the duel. Vela Blight: My name for Pilot!Amity, and the Middle child of the Blight Triplets. Timid, meek, and polite to a fault, Vela is near totally lacking in confidence. Is hopelessly mediocre in every form of magic, despite her higher than average power, and regarded as a failure to the Blight name. Her parents disowned her shortly before Canon, but allow her to stay in the Manor as her siblings' attendant, even Amaryllis is better regarded than she is by the Blight parents. Is good friends with the Detention Track kids, and eagerly jumped on the bandwagon when they became multi-track students, joining Luz as an All-Tracker, which also exposed her immense talent for magic mixing, allowing her to merge different forms of Magic with ease and fluidity. Vela's sheer passion for learning magic exceeds both Amity and Luz combined, and is genuinely puzzled why more witches weren't trying to multi-track too. Is something of a teacher's pet, to her own embarrassment, as even with her poor abilities her sheer passion for learning has caused many of the Teachers and Bump himself to develop a soft spot for her. Has a complicated relationship with Ed and Em, as while she loves them, she envies their talent, and despises their pranks, as she is often punished for them whether she had a hand or not, and often when she tried to stop them. When her trip-mates decided to prank Amity, she lividly tore into them with a brutal "The Reason You Suck" Speech before storming off in tears, resulting in Ed and Em chasing after her and leaving Amity and Luz alone in the library. During the trip to the Knee, she was still bitter, and went out of her way to be as difficult for Ed and Em as possible, only forgiving them after took on the Slitherbeast. Vela is very close to Amity, as well as the Nocedas. Vela regards Amity as a treasure and has the healthiest relationship with her out of all their siblings, instantly pegging to Amity's crush on Luz (She ships them so hard), though she doesn't call her out on it. Vela is scared of Amaryllis. Ed and Em: Are wilder than in Canon, willing to resort to harsher pranks to meet their goals. They adore Vela, and assumed she adored them; having her verbally tear them a new one served as a massive wake-up call to how jerky they could be, and often were, provoking them to be better siblings and people all around, still tricksters though. Are jealous of Amaryllis due to her being unshackled from their parents, and are often rendered livid by her casual dismissal of them. Amity Blight: Mostly the same, but a bit more assertive against the toxic influences in her life. Idolizes Amaryllis due to her power and freedom, and trusts Vela with the same secrets as her diary. Sallix Park: Name for Beta!Willow. A maverick and an agitator, she enjoys stirring up trouble for the heck of it, but only when she's the one to cause it. Adores her little sister, but insists on her fighting her own battles, and enjoys training Willow through random plant attacks. Has been secretly gaslighting Boscha, in the hopes of the brat having some kind of epiphany and cleaning up her act, not knowing that her actions were causing the triclops to develop conflicting impulses and feelings regarding Willow, as well as an unhealthy fixation. Is good friends with both Victoria and Amaryllis, resulting in her serving as referee whenever they fight, which is often. Willow Park: Same as canon, but more assertive over her behaviors.
Let me know if any of you have any questions or opinions on it.
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Indulgence of Divinity: Chapter 1
Michael Langdon x OFC
Four months after the events at Outpost 3, Michael begins to grow restless in the Sanctuary. His powers continue to grow seemingly without a purpose, and the Cooperative is clamoring to know his next move. Help arrives from an unlikely source that changes everything Michael thought he knew about being the Antichrist.
Rebuilding the world requires a delicate balance-destruction and creation, death and life, dark and light. Thankfully, he doesn’t have to do it alone.
Chapter Warnings: Mild Language (we’re just warming up)
Word Count: 3846
So excited to finally have the first chapter posted! Hope you enjoy! (Also posted on AO3 under the same title.)
Chapter One: Court of the Divinity
Water droplets traced the lean outlines along his torso and thighs while others collected in the hollow at the small of his back. The aqueous kisses briefly reminded him of caresses that yearned to memorize each dip and swell of a lover’s form. His eyes drifted closed as he tipped his head back, lips drawing apart to pass contented sighs, in an attempt to savor the sensation. How long it had been since it was more than an illusion… His head lulled with a deliberate slowness to feel the tension ebb and flow from the corded muscles across his shoulders, up the base of his skull, and down the center of his spine. A delicate floral note occasionally touched his senses that he couldn’t quite place as past or present, simply familiar; nonetheless, it momentarily quelled the chaotic swarm of thoughts plaguing his mind. Even kings deserved a reverie now and again.
Michael’s gaze flitted about the room as he stood from the bathing pool and retrieved his towel hanging from the decorative iron gate.
Flickering candles lined the stone alcoves and shelves carved centuries ago out of the grotto rock and filled the room with a serene luminance. Their reflections danced and swayed on the surface of the water only to writhe in the wake of his languid movements. The sheer array of burning wicks had produced a surprising warmth in the chamber–a warmth that drew memories from the rugged stone and imparted the scent of incense from pilgrimages long-forgotten into the air. A shrine to the Lord and his archangel Michael that once stood proudly at the front of the holy cavern had been reduced to nothing more than an opulent light fixture. It brought him a sense of satisfaction in no small measure, and a smug curl of his lips accompanied the thoughts of sacrilege.
‘How fitting that the Sanctuary of Saint Michael Archangel, his oldest shrine in Western Europe and a holy destination for centuries, would become the seat of power for the Antichrist of the same name. The Sanctuary of the Apocalypse,’ Michael mused while patting himself dry. The infernal heat thrumming through his veins made short work of any dampness left to his skin. The grotto he stood in had once been the location of a church. Since coming into the possession of the Cooperative, the pews had been removed to make room for a stepped recess to be carved into the floor and filled with water in the style of an ancient bath–an extension of his personal chambers. ‘Someone clearly thrives on irony.’ Of course, it was not to be lost on him and his smirk of satisfaction only grew as he pulled on the sleek black fabric of his pants.
The journey back to his rooms saw the return of Michael’s incessant thoughts of uncertainty. The existence of the Sanctuary had been somewhat of a surprise even to him. Then again, the best lies were always built from a foundation of truth. What had begun as a ruse to incite panic and chaos amongst survivors was apparently very much an actuality. An actuality that he had been living in for the last four months.
Outpost 3 had been the last for…liquidation. Once the task was completed, the Cooperative had sent him a communication informing him of an automated jet waiting to take him to a “safe place”. They didn’t want to risk the use of Transmutation, despite his ever-growing powers. The flight was long and turbulent from the dramatic air currents and storms swirling in the wake of the cataclysm. A coastal mountain topped with a medieval structure loomed outside the window as the plane started to descend. The Sanctuary.
Noticeable architecture and the few remaining geographical features alluded to a location somewhere most likely Mediterranean. Michael’s lips stretched into an open-mouthed grin, and his eyes burned from how widely they were opened as he looked at the landscape of his making. Previously turquoise oceans undulated in new scarlet waves onto a gray shore. Bare branches strained against the raging wind–their leaves decimated long ago. Armageddon had truly come, and it was by his hand. Sure, he had seen first hand the result of his handiwork in America, but the satisfaction of seeing the effects clear across the world… Michael remembered the way his chest swelled and his shoulders straightened with pride.
That had been four months ago . Fucking hell… What great accomplishments had he achieved since those glorious days of revelation? Once again, he had been left to do his father’s will with no direction, no help of any kind. The remaining Cooperative members were breathing down his neck like hellhounds, either trying to curry favor with absurd and depraved behavior (which he may or may not have accepted on occasion) or hovering for a command. How could he lead his people when he had no means of navigating the future himself? Even the stars were silent behind the eternal midnight cinders cloaking the sky.
He dropped onto the lush mattress and draped his forearm over his eyes. In times of stress, Michael’s mind conjured up images of a world that no longer existed and perhaps never had. The sense of familiarity surrounded him once again as he stood amongst the tall pines and colorful oaks. He remembered these woods. Birds trilled happily above as if pleased by his return. His blood no longer marred the earth in a ruby pentagram; sprigs of white bell-shaped flowers sprung up from the circle and perfumed the air with their sweetness. They were larger than last time. Michael crouched to slowly reach out a hand, palm up, to cradle one of the drooping blossoms.
“Do you like them? I’ve been practicing.” A soft voice reached his ears just as the scalloped tepals dusted the tip of his middle finger. The uncertainty in the voice made his brow crease. He turned his head with a frown to face the shimmering specter, their radiance shrouding any distinguishable features aside from their feminine figure. She was always there, stood in the same space his frantic young mind had hallucinated an angel while begging for his father’s aid.
“You thought I wouldn’t?” It was much more a statement than a question. Had his own imagination turned against him, too? Was this a subconscious manifestation of his own doubt?
“White and delicate isn’t exactly your style,” the figure said. Her tone had relaxed a bit at the sound of his disappointment.
“Perhaps that’s all the more reason for me to like it. A palate cleanser to the world before my eyes every other minute of the day.” The flowers captured his attention again when they began to bob in the breeze. “Beautiful,” he breathed. He couldn’t see a smile, but he got the distinct feeling of happiness from his companion. Curiously, his own heart beat a bit easier as the aura permeated his space. Michael straightened again to take in the full effect of the flowers and surround woods.
“Something’s bothering you, Michael. You’re never here otherwise,” she mused. The light shifted as she moved to sit on a mossy rock. He titled his head to look at her without turning his body. Long strands of golden hair fell over his shoulder and framed his face in the sunlight. A shrug tugged at his shoulder as he spoke.
“What comes next? Have I done all I was meant to do?”
“Is fire, blood, and chaos all you were born for?” A tight nod answered her question. “Doubtful.” She rose and stepped into the ring of flowers with him. The hair hanging in his face was pushed behind his ear by misty tendrils he perceived to be fingers. A slight chill tickled his cheek from the contact and caused the hair at the base of his neck to rise. “With each breath, you grow in strength and purpose.” One of the flower stems was placed in his hand. “Why do you think these have flourished? As you grow stronger, so do I. It would be pointless to give you more power with no purpose behind it, especially since you already hold more power than any being left in the world.” A dark chuckle bubble in his throat at that. Her words satisfied him when similar grovels from those in the Sanctuary would find his ire.
“Then why -” The presence of a frosted hand directing his gaze back towards the glowing woods stopped him short.
“Patience, Michael. Having power does not mean you have to be omniscient. It simply means you will be more than capable of whatever is required in time. You’ve given them what they wanted–there’s no reason to believe you would fail at that in the future.” Phantom fingers slid up his cheek and into his hair in a gesture of comfort and Michael closed his eyes with a sigh. “Patience, my king.”
The stone ceiling of his bedroom greeted him when he next opened his eyes. Goosebumps still prickled his skin as a reminder of his dream. For a few moments he did nothing but stare blankly, wondering if he could close his eyes again and return to the simplistic visions of his mind.
“Patience…” he grumbled, dragging a hand down his high cheeks and chiseled jaw. Could the Antichrist possess such a heavenly virtue? Michael couldn’t remember any recent time he was met with less than near-instant gratification. Several soft yet pronounced raps on the door put an end to his wishful thoughts of mental escape. That would be Ms. Mead, and he certainly didn’t want to keep her waiting. It wouldn’t do to treat the one person here that was truly on his side so poorly, and certainly not after she’d undergone such extensive repairs from the events at Outpost 3.
A rare, genuine smile graced his full lips when he pulled the door open to reveal the woman. The deep furrow of her brow and the shift of her eyes promptly removed the carefree expression from his face.
“You’re needed in the great hall.” The muscles around Michael’s eyes twitched in scrutiny. Only incredibly important or special occasions called for the use of the great hall, and he certainly hadn’t issued any grandiose decrees. She wasn’t pleased to be ignorant about whatever situation had arisen, either.
“I will be with you shortly once I’ve made myself presentable.” Michael acknowledged her request with an elegant incline of his head. Ms. Mead nodded quickly and turned on her heel to await him outside his chambers.
Michael quite enjoyed catering his looks to maximize the effect of his presence. Without knowing the purpose of this engagement, he would have to work with what previously resulted in the most success. Within three minutes, he was walking through the halls with Ms. Mead and rather pleased with his appearance. He had donned his usual black dress pants and tucked button-up, the buttons of the cuffs trailing well up his forearms. A luxurious black side button dress coat accentuated his broad shoulders and lean stature; Michael enjoyed the feeling of the fabric conforming so perfectly to his body.
Many survivors admired the thought that went into the Sanctuary’s design each time they walked the halls. Displays had been embedded into the mountain walls where the builders encountered the fossilized remains of prehistoric flora and fauna–lingering reminders that all origins were followed by the same undisputable end in time. Rivers of fire ran down trenches parallel to the walkways for sufficient lighting. Without access to the outside world, they set the fire to cycle intensity and mimic the path of the sun. At night, minerals were added to the oil to make the fire burn blue in homage to moonlight. Large fireplaces dotted the hallways for added warmth and light in the deeper parts of the mountain.
Today, residents of the Sanctuary that had found themselves a partner were happily clinging to each other in alcoves or corners. Some exchanged gifts they’d either made or traded for tied with red ribbon. Someone had poorly scribbled hearts decorating their package, and Michael’s eyebrows jumped momentarily in realization. Of course. It was February. Many of the survivors had chosen to observe the old holidays in a vain attempt at normalcy. If it gave them reason to remain happy and kept morale high, then he would allow them to cling to their absurd traditions. They smiled and waved, some bowing their heads in respect, as he passed them. An occasional brave soul wandered his way with the intention of handing him chocolates or paper flowers. Michael held up his hand to stop them with a small, appreciative quirk of his lips but shook his head.
“There’s no need for that. Your loyalty and support are enough.” They held eye contact for a moment until the person scampered away to a cluster of others standing by a fire pit. Almost immediately, Michael’s jaw squared and returned his expression to simmering annoyance.
“Ms. Mead,” he drawled, “why am I on my way to the great hall for an obligation that I can’t seem to recall arranging?” Her head shaking slightly was barely visible off to his side.
“This wasn’t arranged at all. These…people–Court of the Divinity they called themselves–just showed up and wanted to see you. Wouldn’t say what for, but I recognized the man in charge as a member of the Cooperative. Some high ranking clergyman or some bullshit.” Ms. Mead continued to shake her head and gave him a sidelong glance. “I don’t know where they get off thinking they can make such demands of their king. It’s impertinent if you ask me.” Her voice dropped to a conspiratory level. “We shouldn’t trust them.” Michael’s head tipped back with a pleased laugh.
“Oh, not to worry, Ms. Mead. We must attend to the needs of our people.” Michael stopped outside of the oversized mahogany doors and turned to the older woman. His hands came to rest on her shoulders as he fixed her with a pointed gaze. “And if they waste my time, it will be the last time that they do so.” Ms. Mead returned his look with a smile and watery eyes, one of her hands reaching out to delicately stroke the long curls resting over his collarbone before she replied. The pride rolled off of her in waves nearly as strong as the electronic pulses of her fabrication.
“That’s my beautiful boy.” Michael would always hold her affection in highest regard. With a deep breath, Ms. Mead returned to the moment and smoothed down his hair. “You go in ahead. I’ll retrieve your guests from the auxiliary hall. My king.” She left with a bow and beaming smile so Michael could take his rightful place in the extravagant throne chair at the front of the hall. He certainly cut an imposing figure. One leg rested crossed over the knee of the other, his elbows firmly on the arm rests to allow his steepled fingers to remain steady in front of his chest, and his jaw clenched with a minute grinding the longer he waited.
Several minutes passed before the heavy doors were opened and Ms. Mead, now wielding a stern expression, led in a bizarre group of men. Michael couldn’t help leaning forward a fraction in interest. Each man was dressed in different holy garb. A Buddhist lama, a Hindu sadhu, a Jewish rabbi. Those were only the ones in clear view. Still more troubling, not one of them did he recognize beyond the cardinal standing at their front. He had worked as the Cooperative’s source inside the Vatican for decades under the guise of a faithful God-worshipper. Michael lifted his chin out of habit at the man’s approach, heightened even more as the small congregation bowed before his dais.
“Cardinal Vicente Santori.” The name dripped off Michael’s tongue like saccharine wine. “To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure of your audience? For your sake, I would hope it’s something of the absolute utmost importance.” The cardinal bowed again. The tone in their king’s voice left no conflict regarding his displeasure.
“My king, as you know, we are more than 20 months through your prophesied reign,” Santori began. Michael’s intrigued gaze turned to that of ice, and he brought his chin to rest on his bejewelled fist.
“I am aware. So…what is this?” He opened his palm up towards them inviting silent answers. “As you said yourself, we are beyond the halfway point of the Apocalypse. It’s a bit late for any religious intervention.” Michael’s patronizing chuckle reverberated in the vaulted room, “Especially from you, Cardinal.” The man quickly shook his hands to brush away those notions.
“No. No, we are here for quite the opposite.” The slight tilt of the king’s head drew the cardinal’s attention before he continued. “You have done well in cleansing the stain of humanity from the world. You’ve also grown stronger since coming to the Sanctuary, haven’t you, my king?” When he did not receive a denial, Santori delved into further explanation. “We are the Court of the Divinity, tasked with a special purpose. We have the answers to that phenomenon: there is still more work to be done. Work that you cannot be expected to complete on your own. What we have experienced is only the beginning of your father’s great plan. Preparation of a canvas about to become your greatest masterpiece.”
“What would you know of this ‘work to be done’?” His father had refused to answer his own questions, yet these heretics claimed to have knowledge of his purpose? All Michael had ever wanted was answers. Would it be washed-up clerics that gave them to him? Michael ran his tongue over his teeth. The most irritating aspect of it all was that not a single one of them held a lie within their heart or mind.
“Satan was cast into the fire and chained amidst the burning lake against his will. Would you wish to remain in a prison for all eternity? Is that what you would base your greatest wish from? It is one thing to condemn others to share your fate, but it’s something else to rise above it. There has always been a deeper longing for Paradise, and what better way to secure his claim on Earth than by his son creating something that surpasses that of God. However, you will not succumb to such hubris as God, my king, for you won’t be alone.” There was a pause in the cardinal’s ramblings to let the information settle. Silence hung heavy in the air for so long that some of the men began to shift uncomfortably. Even Ms. Mead seemed to be holding her breath off to Michael’s side.
Their king stood, each vertebra aligning themselves one by one, until he reached his full height. His descent from the dais was marked by the crisp, measured knocking of his heeled shoes on the stone floor. Arms clasped elegantly behind his back, Michael approached the cardinal and looked him up and down. The older man was in his choir dress for what he must have deemed a special occasion; vibrant scarlet cassock with matching scarlet trim, red elbow-length cape over the lace-trimmed white rochet, and a red cleric’s skullcap. One item was notably missing; Cardinal Santori no longer burdened himself with the symbol of the cross. Michael stopped directly in front of the man to give him a sardonic smile.
“Will it be you, Cardinal, and your men that seek to help me with this task of surpassing God? The one you once promised to worship and honor with every breath and whom you have now forsaken?” They were so easily swayed by a little show of power. Michael had won their faith by hardly lifting a finger. The cardinal stepped aside and issued a beckoning wave back to the others. The group parted, three men on either side, to form a passage for the remaining associate at the back of their cluster.
“Unfortunately, the act of creation has always been a divine gift. We have never been blessed in such a way, though we have been given the honor of upbringing for the one who has. Our glorious purpose.” Soft heels clicked across the thin carpet runner approaching the dais. “God failed because there was no balance, which he now knows. There cannot be creation without destruction, no life without death, no light without the dark. To force one into extinction is to condemn the other. Someone once called you ‘the Alpha and the Omega,’ correct? Well, they were halfway right.” A slim hand settled into the one the cardinal left outstretched.
“My king.” Michael’s eyes quickly darted to the speaker when they stepped into his view, dipping into a low curtsey.
She was his opposite in every way. Delicate feminine features and form contrasted his strong, masculine bone structure and build. Her lustrous amber eyes met his aquamarine, and both pairs widened at the sudden jolt they received. Fire and ice. Twisting. Turning. Climbing from earth to sky. Something about her called to him. Something quietly familiar. Michael stepped forward with a creased brow while she allowed him to continue his observation. He swept a wave of her silken obsidian hair over her shoulder. Her breath shuddered momentarily, but her smile widened when their gaze met again. She waited patiently, allowing him as much time as he needed. After all, she had been patient long enough in waiting to meet him, and this gave her an equal opportunity to drink him in as well. His skin held the warmth of the fire he was born from in both color and temperature. She, on the other hand, seemed to be risen from the first winter snow. Could it be true that he wouldn’t be left to rebuild the world alone? Their proximity caused a breeze to weave through the room that centered around them. Years of waiting and begging and training…would this be the beginning of their purpose?
Clothed in flowing white, the crystalline vine embellishments captured the firelight to give her a glowing illusion. Chiffon draped from her shoulder straps and down her back in a delicate cape veil that did nothing to obscure the expense of her open back. More of the gentle fabric was braided across her chest to protect her dignity. A large portion of the bodice remained sheer except for more sparkling embellishments designed in the same intricate vine pattern. In place of a slit, the sheer fabric continued from the bodice, over her left hip, and down the entire left side of the otherwise modest, floor length skirt. It was a look meant to make an impression while still conveying the purity within her body and blood. Sensual yet sinless. She wanted him to be pleased, to be intrigued. And he certainly was in both respects. Cardinal Santori’s voice broke through Michael’s considerations.
“This… is the Divinity.”
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cummingforkylo · 5 years
ok idk if ur taking requests... but imagine reader x kylo... reader is on a diff planet or away from kylo but shes connected w him mentally w the force so they can still talk and stuff and one night reader is feeling in da mood and one thing leads to another and suddenly kylo is manifesting himself into her room like in tros when him and rey battle and they are jumping from eachothers locations.... just.... imagine......
Hi! I did something a little different with this one. It basically goes off this prompt but I did a little bit of a weird free form poetry thing in parts of it? I dunno if its poetry or if it worked at all but I was feeling something different. I’ve done similar stuff in some of my other work for my other fandom and I liked it then but idk if it worked here. Let me know.
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By All MeansRating: Explicit/NSFWCW: Sex?Word Count: 1,668Prompt/Summary: You and Kylo were far away from each other. But thank the stars for the Force.
Kylo was so far away, but you could still feel him. He was there in your mind, when you closed your eyes you could see him. Was he aware of this connection too? Were you really seeing him, or was this just in your mind? You couldn’t  be sure. You missed him. You never thought you’d even think that. You missed his touch. From your spot in your bed you ran your fingers down your body, stroking over the skin on your belly and you thought of him, thought of his hands and the rough way they gripped at your skin, fingers digging into flesh.
Your face flushed red
Hands shake
Lip bite
Grab at fabric
You could see him so clear, in his quarters, his eyes wild, searching.  Shirtless, chest slightly sweaty. His hair a mess, flopping in his eyes, face fleshed with effort. Effort of what? You couldn’t place what he was doing but he was so close, right there, you could reach out and touch him if you wanted. And you wanted. Everything about him stoked the fire in your belly. Your fingers itched for it.
Breath sticks in your throat
Burning and aching
Tautened nipples
Slicked wet slit
Hand dropping lower
Your fingers  inched into the shorts you were wearing to bed, all you did was long for him to be closer, to be near. To be so close you could feel his breath in your ear, hear the command in your ear, Strip.
Laid bare
You couldn’t deny yourself, you pressed your fingers into your shorts, bypassing your undies and going straight in. You were wet, just thinking about his face, those strong features, the burning in his eyes. Were you just thinking about him though? Or was he there? Unaware of your connection? Your fingers trailed through your wetness, it collected against your fingers and you shuddered as your fingers stroked against your lips. You could only stare at his actions in his room in your mind’s eye. Thank the stars, whatever was happening in the Force wasn’t making him see you.
“Isn’t it?” The sudden deep voice that seemed to fill your entire room sent a shiver through you. Your cheeks flared red and you stared across the bed at him. He was in your space now, staring down at you with your legs splayed, your hand tucked inside your shorts, fingers dancing over your slit. He knew you were thinking of him, looking at him within this connection. Now here he was, in your room. You were confused and red hot embarrassment colored your cheeks as he gazed down at you. He was standing at the end of your bed, watching as you masturbated. Your breath let out in a gasp, your chest rattling a little in fear.
“By all means, keep going,” He breathed. You didn’t need telling twice so you started to rub your fingers across your clit, your fingers working gently.
Even strokes
Around the sides
Up and down
Slid across
Right there
You were losing your breath, it felt too good, especially with him watching you. Kylo’s eyes were trained on you, even though you were still dressed. As if he read your mind he lifted his eyes to your face.
“Strip.” The word you had thought earlier, the word that had launched you into this. He knew. He had to. You ripped your hand out of your shorts and then reached up into the sides and shoved them and your underwear down at the same time. It took you a second to get them off of your feet, his eyes ate you up.
Raking over your body
Penetrating into your depths
Sending shivers through your whole being
You shook where you were laying but he didn’t give you time to start touching yourself again. He grabbed your ankle and yanked you down towards him. In that fleeting tug your surroundings changed to his dark quarters on the supremacy, everything was dark, chrome, sterile looking. You gasped, but as you recovered reality he was already grabbing at your shirt, ripping it off over your head. Finally feeling like you could touch him you reached up and ran your fingers along the top of his trousers. You started to undo them. Your breathing was ragged, his big hands reached down and cupped your breasts as you managed to get his trousers undone.
“You thought you could only see me? And I couldn’t watch you touch yourself to the thoughts of me?” he asked, he leaned down close to you. Your lips were a centimeter apart, his breath was hot. You nodded, looking up into his eyes. You were about to answer but his lips silenced yours by pressing into them. You kissed him back as he threw your shirt away. You tugged back to breath and you saw your shirt hit a table but it wasn’t your table, it was his, dark and unfamiliar in your room. Next thing you knew he was on top of you, moving over you. His hands on your white sheets, his body pressed into yours.
His weight
Pinning you down
Hand in your hair
Holding you into him
Tongues touching
Hips raise
You had been aching for it, and suddenly it was here, so close. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pushing his shoulders. Kylo allowed you to roll onto of him.
Black sheets now
Throbbing heat
Glowing excitement
You saw him against his bed, the scene around you changing. It didn’t matter though, what mattered was connecting with him. Whether this was real, a dream or he Force didn’t matter, all that mattered was that underneath you, you could feel his hard cock, barely contained by his trousers that were falling down. You wanted it inside you. With fumbling fingers you tugged his trousers down more, his cock fell out now against his belly.
Practically pulsing
Aching with need
It matched your pussy and you knew he had missed you too. You sat up on your knees and then sank down onto his cock. You watched as his brow furrowed and then relaxed with pleasure as you moved your hips against him. It was the instant relief of a drug striking your veins. Your head spun and you spun back into your reality, Kylo intruding in your space again. His back against white sheets and soft pillows and blankets. Your hips bounced up and down, his hands found your tits. His fingers teased across your nipples, they hardened even more under his touch. He pinched them between his thumb and forefinger. With a whimper of pleasure you slowed your hips, grinding down on him, chasing your own orgasm, ignoring his need.
This must have irritated him, because his arms wrapped around your waist and he flipped you over onto your back. Your body against his dark sheets now, looking up at him framed by dark walls and ceiling. Unfamiliar smells, and cool filtered air making you second guess what was real and what was the Force. He slammed his hips forward, his cock rocking hard into you.
“You don’t get to do that,” he snarled angrily, he reached out and grabbed your throat, closing your windpipe for only a second before releasing and then closing again. His cock filled you up completely, giving you the stretch you needed, helping the ache unravel.
“Oh, Kylo…yes…yes.” You moaned, lifting your hips, trying to meet his movements.
“Tell me how badly you need it,” He growled.
“So badly! I need you!” You whined. Your head thrown back against his pillows, your chest heaving.
“You needed my cock to please your dirty cunt, didn’t you?” he asked, he grunted with the effort and his own need. Pleasure built in you, your mind was becoming undone but your orgasm was winding up tighter and tight read to burst open.
“Y-Yes,” Was all you could squeak out. His eyes are transfixed on you, his hips snap forward, his cock egging on that winding excitement in your cunt. You were so close.
“Beg,” he snarled, because he could sense it. You whined incoherently, you couldn’t find the words. “Beg or I’ll walk away, slut.” He said, but you could hear how undone he was. His teeth were gritted, his brow furrowed and it voice shook a little with his own need. You wanted to call his bluff but his movements had slowed and you couldn’t find it in you to risk it.
“Kylo! Please! Please…oh stars! I need it, I need your big cock…. I need your cum inside of me and I need to cum! I need it so badly.” Your voice was garbled and you spewed everything you could think of. Your heat thrummed faster, faster and you were so close, you were about to tip over the edge and be unable to stop it.
“Cum for me then, girl.” He said, he redoubled his thrusts. His cock slammed all the way into you again, you felt your walls pulse, gripping at his cock to keep him inside of you. Your head tilted back in pleasure and you lost any sense of where you were.
White sheets, heat billowing around you
Black sheets, sparks inside your belly
White walls, exploding in your cunt
Black panels of a ship, breath gone
Darkness, hot cum filling you
Light, hips raising to meet his
Cool air, white light behind your eyes
Warm breath
You grabbed at his back and you wanted nothing more than for this to be real. For him to be right there with you, not lightyears away. He pulled back from you and looked down at you. He was in your space again, intruding on your privacy. You stared as he stood up.  You reached out for him but he was fading away just as your orgasm subsided.
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
Saving You - Anakin Skywalker
For as long as you had known him, Anakin Skywalker had a knack for getting into trouble. Whether it was on a mission or through the words of the Jedi Council, Master Skywalker always seemed to find himself in hot water. Luckily for him, you always seemed to be ready to run to his aid at a moments notice.
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“Do you ever tire of this General?” You glanced over at Commander Cody as the clone spoke. His voice was distorted slightly by the helmet, but you could still detect the hint of sincerity in his question. With a smile you turned back to the viewing port.
“War is tiring, Commander. Yet, everyday, here we stand.” “I wasn’t talking about the war, Master L/N.” “I know, Commander,” you sighed, “the answer remains the same.” The clone nods and turns to brief the platoon that was accompanying you on this mission.
You picked up on their murmurs, their voiced wonderings of the rescue. Blocking the noise out, you closed your eyes. A rush of wind rustled your cloaks, pushing your hood off of your head. The Force, like the clones, joked about. It teased you with the location of your mission; it knew you all too well. Many times before had you used the Force to locate Anakin. Sometimes it was similar to the situation surrounding you in the present moment. The reckless Jedi Knight had gotten himself captured, wounded in some fashion and needed your assistance. Like a trained hound, you came to his call; but it wasn’t obedience that pulled you towards his side.
No, it was something more. Through the years of shared training, of learning side by side, you and Anakin had bonded. Your Masters had sensed hints of it in your younger years but by the time you had both passed the Trials, there was nothing that could be done. Despite the rules the Council set, you and Anakin were one. It was far from what was considered traditional, as it was the need of the beast. The Jedi were strict in their teachings and even more strict with punishment. In order to hide your relationship, you and Anakin had to control yourselves. Much to your luck, Jedi training centered around discipline. In public, you held yourselves together. Any hint of affection that passed between you and Master Skywalker was read as platonic. There were those risky stolen glances and those rare lingering touches that snuck undetected. Those were the moments you cherished. It was those moments that gave you a taste of what it could be like. Public displays of affection, while frowned upon by the Jedi, had always been a source of curiosity for you. To have someone hold you that way for others to see; to have someone kiss you so openly. You imagined it must be exhilarating. Sadly, it was not in the cards for you or Anakin. It was through the Force where you gave him that reassuring peck; simulated a comforting hug while meters away; or held his hand despite being in your separate quarters. Part of you felt like you were merely imagining it. That those touches were manifested in your mind alone. Then, as if sensing your doubt, you would feel Anakin reach out. His strength in the Force would wrap around you, calming your worries. Now, the Force acted as your guide to him. You can almost see his form, tied up against a wall. Ahsoka’s presence is lost to you, the young girl must have escaped. At least, that is what you hoped. The outline of his being seemed to pull your towards it as you ordered the ship to land. The clones beside you jostled about while the Force kept you steady. “Master L/N, is he-”
“Follow me, Commander. Let the Force guide you.” You jumped from the troop carrier and, brandishing your lightsaber, darted inside the cave. Darkness enveloped you and the clones that trailed after you. Reaching out once more, you sensed Anakin’s crumpled form. “Be weary, whatever took him calls this cave its home.” “Roger that, General,” Cody said, gesturing to a portion of his troops. The group split then, with four troopers heading to the left and the others to the right. “Look out for Ahsoka Tano as well,” you added, “I do not sense her but I doubt she would leave her Master without helping him.” The commander nodded before following one the groups that had splintered off. With your troops sent out, you kept your pace and took the middle path alone. Using your saber as a source of light, you were able to make out two doors. “Anakin,” you whispered, reaching out with the Force once more. With its power, you felt yourself being pulled by the heart towards the left. “There you are.” Quickly, you made your way towards a large chamber. The air was musty, almost like the physical atmosphere of the planet had changed within it’s thick walls. If it wasn’t for the man chained against the wall, you would have taken notice of the other details that were etched into the stone surroundings. However, like always, Anakin blinded you. “Anakin,” you said as you rushed towards him. Falling to your knees, you cupped his face. “Anakin, please. Wake up. Please.” Your fingertips traced over his cheekbones to his chin as worry dripped from your words. Something must have struck Anakin in his unconscious state, because his eyelids fluttered as you spoke. “Y/N? Wh-what are you…” His bright blue eyes met your gaze, taking in your features as if it were the first time he was truly seeing you. His wrists jerked against the chains as he attempted to reach for you. Sensing his need, you stood up and bending the Force to aid in your effort, broke his bindings. Anakin fell to his knees before you and you knelt down before him. “I’m saving you,” you teased. Despite the humor in your words, sincerity and love oozed from your tone. The smallest of smile started in the corner of Anakin’s lips. As you felt yourself smile too, you brushed his long hair away from his face. “Let’s get you out of here, yeah?” “Y/N,” Anakin said, his voice still hoarse as he held you still. You stopped your attempt to stand and stared into his eyes. “What? Are you hurt?” “Just,” Anakin never finished his thought. Leaning forwards, he captured your lips with his. You felt the worry in your chest release as his lips melded to yours. His gloved hands cupped your jaw, pulling your face closer to his. Anakin’s nose nuzzled against your own as you moved your lips against his own. A small hum sounded from deep within his throat. “Well you must be fine. You’re still as dramatic as ever,” you said between breaths when you managed to pull yourself away from Anakin’s lips. “But we should really get out of here before-” As you spoke, you helped Anakin stand. Before you could finish your thoughts, your eyes landed on Ahsoka. Anakin’s apprentice stood with her hands curled against her hips as she stared at the two of you. You could sense her shock and worry, even without the aid of the Force. Heat rose to your cheeks as you realized that Ahsoka had witnessed the kiss. “Ahsoka,” Anakin started but she merely raised a hand. “Don’t worry,” she said, turning away from you both, “we can talk about it later. Commander Cody is waiting. We handled the creature.” You glanced at Anakin as the Togruta girl walked away, her lekku swaying with her gait. His blue eyes held a saddened glimmer in them, his regret readable as it showed across his face. “I wanted to tell her….one day…” Your brow furrowed at his hurt, wishing you could do something to ease the pain. “Anakin, she would have known eventually.” “I know,” he whispered, turning his face away from you. You straightened, lifting him up slightly as his left arm was wrapped across your shoulders. At the movement, he turned his somer gaze back to you. You leaned up, pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth. “She’s right, we can talk about this later. I want to see you truly safe first.” Anakin nodded at your words, the hints of a smile playing at his lips. He admired your wisdom and your strength, wishing he possessed both as you do. Even when he was chained, Anakin’s thoughts were always of you, never himself. He longed to see you again, he knew he had to. He had something to tell you. “I-I love you, Y/N,” he replied. A wave of heat washed over you when his words hit your ears. You turned to him in shock, eyes wide and full of something Anakin couldn’t place. He had imagined it was fear, maybe even anger. While your ideals fell beside his own, Anakin knew you held the Jedi Order in high esteem. Betraying their teachings about love...he was unsure about how you would react.
In the moment you smiled and leaned in to kiss him once more, Anakin knew everything would be alright. You saved him in more ways than one. “I love you too, Skywalker.”
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bastardsunlight · 3 years
The world was cold, being alone after escaping an Asylum. So many days had moved by, surely weeks now. Months perhaps, since freedom? Time had all began blurring together after that fateful evening deep within the mental institutions basements. That strange man that had claimed so many impossible things, told even more wild tales, arrived in a crater, had been the first person in quite a long time to truly become a friend for the woman simply known as 'Blue'. The most coherent and enjoyable to hold a conversation with, enraptured by the tales he could share. While many of the doctors there had never believed a word he said, let alone the name, 'Raiden', the woman had. Younger years of being obsessed with history or mythology, instead of dinosaurs or horses, helped surely. But still, she had been locked up too.
In the end? It had been a brilliant plan. For him to escape, incarnate somewhere else, from killing his physical body. The blue blood had gone everywhere, along the metal floors, walls, her clothes and bandages... But the cost came at her being horribly treated for the actions that came after. Locked into isolation and tormented for weeks on end. Blue did not regret a moment. Until finally released for her wandering once more... But the healing of her injuries, the cuts she inflicted on herself- they all healed, over and over. she couldn't stop it. and sometimes she could feel more than she could see and had no idea just what was happening, what she might be becoming. So... Now she planned. More clarity in her mind than before, an understanding, despite her anxieties and depressions. It had been late one night when she escaped, into the dark. And she never stopped running.
But now the dirty blonde had wandered so very far and wide, long since having lost track of locations. Working with what she could, and hiding where needed. Her blue hoodie dirtied and tattered. Brown jeans ripped and torn, while boots too big for her held on with several extra shoelaces. No idea just where she was, needing to keep moving. No where felt safe. Not with the history under her belt. not even a home with family, with how she'd been treated, abused, then abandoned into the asylum. And then running for her life... Between each place of temporary respite she kept getting moments of odd understanding of the world under her feet. Like she could almost hear it in a way, and sometimes odd things kept happening. Moving faster than should be normal, jumping further than any physical body should, taking hard falls like they were nothing. Feeling some odd power tingle at the ends of her finger tips and threatening too burst, until she bit down on her lip, and bunched the hands in fists to hold whatever it is in. Blue was confused, lost, scared, and yet driven by some unknown new lit fuse within her soul, despite even the moments of self inflicted harm or thoughts of taking a final dive in some lake. It never left, and she never stopped.
One hand wiped some dirt from her face while rain had begun to fall, a distant rumbling of thunder echoing somewhere far off as an indication of turning weather. Blue's legs jogging to find nearest shelter, a rock hanging or hole in the ground, anything. She was not picky considering. Anything was better than going back. Maybe this was a good omen... Soon as she found herself slightly sheltered under large over hanging tree branches, the woman had too pause in thought. Fingers flexing as she started to feel the tingle once again, but didn't stop it. It was middle of nowhere what could it hurt? so... she let it flow free, the air tingling as hair began to stand on end. Little sparks of various colors flickering about her hands- until something happened. Her hand jerked from a sudden shock, causing her to fling this raw chi outwards- and explode in a deafening crack of just sheer energy, not even of any element. Ears ringing as Blue waved her hand and hissed. "Not again, not again. Nope."
In truth, Raiden had not known how his body would react. He knew there was no mortal means of killing him, but his control had slipped, so badly, in fact, that he was mildly disoriented for a few seconds upon completion of the corporation process. Being incarnate, walking amongst mortals, appearing (mostly) human, was something he had always done, something which had come surprisingly naturally to the white-clad lord of the skies. After all, what was it to guard a people whom he did not know?
That being said, they were still mortals and their lives, so fleeting—they were a breath into a gale, little more, in the grand scheme of things—were often beneath his notice. This was not done purposefully, or felt out of any malice toward them. He loved humanity, else he would not have taken up the post of Earthrealm’s protector. Rather, his mind worked on such a scale that it was often difficult to relate to them and their individual struggles. Appearing as a mortal himself had softened his presence among them, but no one was ever fooled into thinking he was one of them.
Then sorcery and semi-divine meddling had sent him crashing to earth in the yard of a so-called mental health institution. On principle and with his understanding—as much as an entity like Raiden could understand—of human history, he had known mortals were capable of great cruelty. Long-lived as they were, the people of Outworld were also mortal and their viciousness, it seemed, knew no bounds, on occasion. Earthrealmers were no different.
He had never before found himself asking if it was worth the effort, sacrificing good people in Mortal Kombat, just to keep Shao Kahn out. On one level, the more realms merged, the closer they all came to having never existed in the first place. Should the One Being awaken from its dream state, it would not be wholesale destruction, nothing so grandiose as annihilation—not a bang, not even a wheeze or a whimper. It would simply not be. But Orderrealm and Chaosrealm were filled with demons of immense strength who could make the same deal with the Elder Gods as Raiden had done and hold their line forever.
As he gained his bearings and manifested properly, that is, clothed, he did contemplate these things. No longer, he thought, will I masquerade as one of them. They will know what I am and they will fear it, accept it, or stand aside. He strode forward, seven feet tall, eyes ablaze with divine light, white hair dancing in loose curls about his shoulders, dark brows knitting at the center of his forehead, and jaw tight. He had one more thing to do.
A bolt of lightning crashed down as he stretched one hand upward, summoning it, and he was instantly transported to the place where his friend—his savior; she had saved him—was huddled, pleased it was no longer the asylum, but fully intending to visit at some point, and instantly evaluating her physical state.
“You have something of mine.”
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I think I made you up inside my head - chapter three
Chapter three my select few darlings! Yes, it’s already on wattpad (sorry if you’ve read it already) but I like to share!
Are you ready kids?
Chapter Three - I am only what you made me. I am only a reflection of you
Trigger warning - mental health issues and blood/gore.
If you're not comfortable, please skip. 💛
Sharp tears prickled in his hazel eyes as the ability to form coherent words seemed to escape him. He had known the minor details surrounding Lindsay's untimely death - a reality tv darling dropping dead was headline-worthy - but her family were tight-lipped about the exact circumstances of her demise. His mind raced as he tried to comprehend how Izzy had known all of this; her knowledge rivalled that of a fly on the bathroom wall. As if she could hear his innermost thoughts, Izzy answered his unspoken question.
"I knew the right people to ask," she told him, brushing the hair out from in front of her eyes, "I knew she didn't just die. I wasn't going to let her death be treated in such a blasé fashion."
Axel choked, the words lodged deeply in his throat. "Bu- I mean... how did you get the mirror?"
"I found it one day. It was in a box on my doorstep. Any sane person would leave it be, but if the media established anything, I'm clearly not seen as sane. So I opened it. I don't know who sent it to me. My money's on a producer who revels in the sadistic thrill derived from the torment and suffering we went through. I couldn't throw it away though, because what would be left of her if I did? She was already condemned to the ground. I wasn't going to be the one to throw her memory to the wind."
Izzy looked to her left, her reflection dimly lit in the glass cabinet on the far wall. "In my head... all I think of is when it's all over, is this how I'll be defined? The final victim of Total Drama... that's etched into my brain. I'll become another knick-knack in a hall of curiosities. We're no longer people in here, Axel, we're collectables."
Thoughts bounced around erratically in Axel's head - conflicting notions manifesting like an angel and a devil on his shoulder. In front of him was a woman who was struggling with the turmoil outliving all of her friends. Yet, the magnetic pull of the almighty dollar swayed his actions towards chasing stardom.
He lightly gripped her forearm, giving her his best convincing empathetic smile.
"Tell me the stories. Let the voices out of the purgatory that is your mind. Everything...one, everyone in here will not be relegated to the sidelines, I won't let that happen." Axel assured Izzy, his warm smile twitching at the corners of his mouth.
Ignoring the suspicion that washed over her thoughts - for the time being at least - Izzy continued walking down the aisles of shelves. Axel shadowed her, following a few paces behind, mindlessly fiddling with the items on display. Two tarnished faux-gold lockets sat near each other, the two halves of the 'BFF' heart separate from one another. As he went to push the two sections together, Izzy stopped him abruptly and pushed his hand away.
"No," she started, startling Axel with the sudden sternness. "They can't be together. They don't share a heart anymore."
"So what? They grew out of being obnoxious teenage girls and went their separate ways. Big fucking deal!"
She stared daggers into him, holding the shelving for support. "You've got no idea, kid. Just because the sun's covered, it doesn't mean your shadow's gone."
As far as appearances were concerned, Katie and Sadie were almost each other's doubles. Matching short pigtails with bright pink hair ties, coordinated short shorts, crop-tops and wedged sandals... the two looked like they fell from opposite sides of a funhouse mirror. To all of us on the cast, and the audience at home, no doubt, the only differentiating factor between the two was their build. Katie was slim and taller than Sadie by about four inches, whereas Sadie was shorter and carried more weight.
The two 'BFFL's sat together on the stairs leading to the dock, ready to film their segment for the opening sequence. Waiting for the crew to finish setting up the camera equipment, Katie busies herself with refastening her hair ties.
"Okay girls," an unseen producer informs them, "we need your best-infatuated expression. So give up wide eyes, big smiles, the whole nine yards."
The girls nod in response, awaiting their cue. Sadie clasped her hands against her chest - a wide smile plastered on her face - and Katie bit her lip coyly.
"And.... cut. Alright, move set to the dock for Beth's fire-baton stunt. Doug, remember the extinguisher this time." The producer called about. "Great job, girls. Especially you, Katie. That lip bite was dynamic."
Sadie looked to her right at her best friend. "Wait, you bit your lip? We agreed on a wide-mouthed smile."
"It's no big deal, I just wanted to try something different," Katie shrugged, readjusting her shoulder strap. "We can't always be the same, you know?"
Personality-wise, once you got to know them separately, it was like night and day. Katie was free-spirited, leading with her heart. Her passion for all things fashion was evident through her and Sadie's matching outfits and her behind-the-scenes chats with the likes of Lindsay and Heather. Sadie, on the other hand, was more logical, leading with her head. She was more likely to be the sheep as opposed to the shepherd. And when Katie was eliminated early? It was like leading a lamb to the slaughter.
Sadie sat on a jagged log at the campfire, head in her hands violently sobbing. Bridgette futilely offered her support, attempting to coax the girl from her hysterical state.
"Hey, Sadie, it'll be okay. You've got all us Killer Bass on your side." Bridgette lightly rubbed circles on the crying girl's back.
"No!" Sadie snapped at Bridgette, tears staining her cheeks. "It's not okay! I need Katie. When she's not near me, I break out in hives. She's my everything! I need her more than oxygen! Without her... I'll just die!"
Concerned expressions flashed on the faces of their fellow teammates as Sadie's wails echoed through the woods of Camp Wawanakwa. She clutched the debris from the dock closer to her chest; small cracks formed as wooden shrapnel shattered from around the edges.
What we thought back then was just a toxic 'uber' friendship between two sixteen-year-old girls was far more deep-rooted than any of us anticipated. Regarding Sadie... the best way to sum that up is to quote my dearly missed best friend Noah: 'Sadie is a whackjob with more baggage than an airport terminal'. But I suppose that is giving her a disservice. Upon Katie's departure, Chris was notified by Sadie's therapist of the extent of her mental state. I found out too because back then, well, let's just say you couldn't leave me in the dark for too long.
Sadie's childhood wasn't easy in the slightest. Her relationship with her birth parents was relatively non-existent. Therefore, she was surrendered into the custody of the state. The conveyor belt life of passing through the foster care system took a toll on the girl, with an absence of permanent parental love leaving holes in her heart. Her talkative nature and inhibitions to talk and hug strangers lead to her first visit to the therapist. She was a clear cut case for the child behavioural scientists: disinhibited social engagement disorder, an attachment disorder. Looking back, this was evident in all her future actions, particularly those with Katie.
The bell rang on the first day of their last year of high school. Sadie - dressed as per usual in fuchsia shorts and a striped crop top - eagerly skipped over to the locker of her best friend. As the locker door slammed and her friend came into view, the excited expression on Sadie's face dropped.
"K-Katie? What's this?" Sadie questioned, holding her sticker-covered folder flush against her chest.
Katie raised an eyebrow quizzically, straightening out her paper timetable to find her first classes location.
"What do you mean, Sadie?"
"I mean that!" the shorter girl exclaimed, gesturing at Katie's outfit. The taller girl had moved away from her typical Total Drama outfit, substituting it with a pair of denim jeans and a pastel pink cardigan.
"Oh, this? I just wanted to branch out a bit. I mean, matching outfits? What are we, twins?"
Katie giggled at her observation, with Sadie clearly missing the joke.
"Anyway, I have to get to English, but I'll see you around, yeah?" Katie chirped before walking off with two other girls.
Sadie stalked over to Katie's locker, using a spare hairpin to open it. Her heart broke upon looking at its contents. Gone were the photos of her and Sadie plastered onto her locker door. Cutouts from fashion magazines and runway shows lay in their wake and stuffed under a pile of books was the BFF necklace Sadie gifted her years prior.
Following their graduation, the pair had drifted apart. Katie received an offer to the most prestigious fashion school in Canada and left their small town for Toronto. Unbeknownst to her, Sadie followed suit and got a job at a sewing goods store. Sadie became Katie's shadow, desperately following her every move. Her morning routine was memorised, her coffee order became part of her mental wallpaper. Sadie's infatuation only grew, as in her mind, distance made the heart grow fonder. If only Katie knew that this distance was all of a few metres.
A harsh squeak dripped from the tired hinges of the ladder as Sadie climbed up the rungs, fastening something onto her wall. For her neighbours, the sound had become a part of their daily lives, as day after day, Sadie adhered more photos on the apartment wall. The collage of the lush green of leaves, the yellow of the bustling taxis and blue of the cloudless sky swirled around on the wall, catching a person's attention as they entered the room. A timber coffee table was neatly placed on the left, adorned with additional photo frames and miscellaneous decorations. The centrepiece to her display shimmered brightly when the morning sun shone through the gap in the curtains. Perched in a small, open velvet lines box was one half of a golden heart-shaped 'BFF' necklace.
Sadie took a step back and tilted her head, taking in the view from as many angles as she could. She had finally achieved the pinnacle of her undying love and infatuation for her former 'BFFL'. Neatly arranged across the length of the wall was a mural, dedicated to her muse, to the reason she woke up every morning. Candid photos of Katie walking down the street, exiting cars and meeting friends for coffee dates were carefully taken by the shadow she didn't know that she had.
A year and a half passed. There was a stark dichotomy between Katie and Sadie's lives. The final year of her fashion degree was approaching quickly, and Katie was not entering it alone. I don't know how many of us predicted it - probably Noah with his impeccable 'gaydar' - but Katie had fallen in love with an architecture student called Daisy. From what was depicted on their respective social media accounts, it was clear to us that they were enamoured with one another. The presence of another woman in Katie's life infuriated Sadie, as she believed that that position was reserved for her and her alone.
Then came the drop in the ocean that caused the whole tsunami. If it wasn't for Katie's selfless nature... well, I imagine things would've turned out a lot differently.
Katie sat cross-legged on the couch, a decorative throw rug draped across her lap. Their rescue cat, Archibald - a male calico - rested behind her head, purring with content as she opened her laptop. Her fingers barely touched the trackpad as she scrolled through her Facebook feed, bypassing ads for strange items and memes about the current political climate.
"Ekaterina," an auburn-haired girl walked through the doorway, a basket of washing in her hands. "I'm making something for lunch after I finish this washing. I'll probably use what's left in the fridge and make a frittata. D'you want some?"
"Ooh, yes please, Dais," Katie smiled at her partner, who poked her tongue out at the use of her nickname.
Katie clicked on her latest post to see who had reacted and liked. A smile crept across Katie's face as she clicked onto the picture: a photoshoot in a field on flowers where a bright ring sparkled on Katie's ring finger. She looked down at her left hand, still in a state of shock at Daisy's proposal. One name stuck out as Katie scrolled through the comments. She hadn't thought of them for years now and wondered what they were getting up to.
She clicked on their profile to compose a new message. Daisy walked up behind her and scratched Archibald's head before planting a kiss behind Katie's ear.
"Oooh, who are you talking to? Not your girlfriend, I hope," Daisy taunted, giggling breathlessly.
Katie threw her head back against the couch cushion and looked up at her fiancée.
"Yeah, I'm shopping elsewhere. I need someone who appreciates my nicknames!" Katie threw back, puffing her cheeks out comically. "No, you goose. It's this girl I used to go to school with. It's been forever and a day, and I thought I'd see how she's going."
"Sadie Calhoun... isn't she that one you went on that show with?"
"Yeah... I felt like such a poser back then. I don't think I've ever squealed since," Katie responded.
"Hey, people change. I had such a crush on you when I saw you on TV, and look now!" Daisy told her before walking away towards the kitchen. "I snagged the girl of my dreams!"
Katie laughed as she typed an introductory line, sending it through before closing her laptop.
A sudden buzz from her phone against the wooden table shook Sadie out of her delirium. She had been sat before her photo wall, carefully cutting out photos of her face for what could have been hours. Paper scraps lined the wooden flooring like irregular speckles of snow as Sadie rose to her feet. Picking up her phone, her eyes shone brightly with its blue light as a squeal escaped from between her lips.
On her screen - behind the myriad of cracks and scratches - sat a notification that held Sadie's heart in a tight grip: Message request from Ekaterina Byers.
If this were a sitcom, I'm sure Sadie would've pinched herself at that moment to assure that she wasn't dreaming. But with one olive branch in the form of an instant message, Katie had signed her own death warrant.
Sadie opened the notification with bated breath, her cheeks aching from the smile that was cemented in place. Her heart fluttered with anxious butterflies as she read the message.
Ekaterina Byers:
"Hi, Sadie. I wonder if you remember me, probably not! High school seems like forever ago! Haha! 😝  I just thought I'd reach out and see if you wanted to get a coffee sometime and just catch up on life!"
The words swirled and danced before Sadie, who lovingly took in every single one with deep adoration and love. Everything she had wanted to tell her, the praise she had wanted to shower Katie in bounced around in her head. She placed her phone down, forcing herself to calm down before she wrote a response.
Sadie Calhoun:
"Oh, hi! OMG! Of course, I remember you! I'd love to catch up! You're the busy fashion designer, so you pick a time when you can squeeze an old friend in! 😎 💕" Watching the three dots in the bottom left corner caused Sadie's breath to hitch in her throat. She was typing... Katie was typing. They'd finally be reunited, not just from behind a camera lens. She felt as if she was in the painting 'The Creation of Adam', just a fingers touch away from her god, her whole world.
Ekaterina Byers:
"Haha, as if! I'm not there yet 😂  Would next Friday suit? Say about 9am at the Good Coffee Co. I need to hand in my portfolio at 8:30 so that'd work well."
Impulsively, acting out of desperation alone, Sadie immediately responded.
Sadie Calhoun:
"Yes! I'll be there! See you soon, Katie! 💕"
Sadie locked her phone before focusing her attention back to her craft. She picked up her scissors, skilfully manoeuvring around the edges of the photos. She stuck the product onto the wall and gazed upon it proudly. Hundreds of small cut out photos of her head were plastered on the wall, covering up any person Katie was with, replacing them with herself.
They did meet up, that much we do know. Testimonials from five different individuals confirmed that they saw the two girls at that café on Friday the 25th. What they talked about is up for speculation, because that stayed between the two of them. Why were testimonials needed if two young adults were just catching up over a cup of coffee? Because that was the last time Sadie Calhoun and Ekaterina 'Katie' Byers were seen alive.
Katie's eyelids drooped as she sat in the passenger seat of Sadie's car. Sadie - the 'good samaritan' that she was - had offered to drive Katie home after she suddenly felt light-headed following her coffee. Sadie parked in the driveway and opened Katie's door for her, helping her up as she tiredly hobbled towards the front door. Katie wearily collapsed onto the couch, her eyes barely registering the environment around her. She could hear faint crashing and shattering sounds as she struggled to keep her eyes open. She looked down upon the couch she was dozing on and sat up with a start.
"This isn't my house," she whispered to herself, scanning the room for any familiar objects. She froze in place when she spotted something utterly recognisable to her: her face. Hundreds of different angles of her face created a mosaic, a shrine to a friendship that was never meant to last.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Sadie smiled sweetly as she entered the room. "It couldn't be anything but. Not when the subject is as exquisite as you."
Confusion washed over Katie's face as Sadie approached her, a clothed parcel delicately held in her hands. Sadie reached up to caress her old friend's cheek; Katie snaked away from the touch, petrified of the girl in front of her.
"Hmm. That's the problem, isn't it?" Sadie soliloquised, her grey eyes meeting Katie's scared onyx eyes. "You stopped being Katie. You stopped being my best friend. I know Katie is living in those photos, not 'Ekaterina'. Katie wouldn't have left me. No, not at all. Forever isn't a term to just throw around."
Black tears dripped down Katie's face as she silently sobbed. "W-we were kids. What we were wa-wasn't healthy. We're two separate people, Sadie! I couldn't live being so connected to a shadow. I wanted t-to shine on my own."
"But I don't wanna be separate people! I want to be with you... to be you. To never be apart from you!" Sadie passionately yelled as Katie started to slump down in front of her. The world around her became dark as her lids closed tightly. As her consciousness drifted, a phrase echoed through her head.
"Don't worry now. We'll never be apart again."
Excruciating pain emanating from her side woke her with a jolt. A dull haze covered her field of vision, but as she pulled her hand away from her waist, she could see it as clear as day. A warm layer of blood coated her hand like a glove. Her eyes slowly settled to the room she was in. Metres ahead of her was the collage of photos, but the furniture has been removed, leaving a wide-open space.
Her fingers felt around to find the source of the pain, coming across thick strands of string attached to her waist. A scream silently bubbled up inside her, threatening to explode.
Rough, uneven strands of double-wound fishing wire had been haphazardly sewn into both her and Sadie's sides, connecting them to each other.
A groggy smile spread across Sadie's plump cheeks as she revelled in her actions. "I told you we'll never be apart again."
An extreme shock was the only emotion Katie was able to come to terms with. Her body was statuesque; set in place by a fear-driven paralysis. A dryness inhabited her mouth, inhibiting her ability to swallow the truth in front of her. The room swayed and distorted around her - a prison cell painted with her face - as she forced her eyelids shut. This couldn't be reality. It was the sick dream of a girl trapped in the suffocating world of a teenage girl.
The pain Sadie felt in her abdomen only further fuelled her pleasure, letting every wave of pain wash over her in euphoric ecstasy. Her heart felt complete again as if she had regained a long-lost limb.
"I knew we'd become one again," Sadie hummed, intoxicated by being in Katie's presence. "Daisy was just a placeholder... keeping the bed warm for me. With every thread... every stitch... our closeness is now defined. We'll never be apart again. Best friends for life."
"...for...life," Katie mumbled, fresh blood weeping from her wounds.
Night and day passed slowly, the shadows cast from the pair forming contorted, misshapen dark splotches on the walls. A sickening warmth surrounded Katie, whose heartbeat pounded heavily in her ears. Her waist was bruising a deep purple, with the surrounding blood vessels snaking across her abdomen. Sadie was shaken awake by Katie's convulsions as her body became slick with a layer of sweat.
"Katie? I'm here, it's okay."
"I don't feel good... I want Daisy," Katie slurred, lazily searching the room for her partner.
The 'tethering' procedure was as wildly unsuccessful as one could imagine. Sadie's homemade suture kit - a sharpened metal knitting needle and fishing line - only managed to pierce through Katie's large intestine. Bile and stool seeped into her abdomen, eventually finding their way into her bloodstream. The coroner estimated she died two days later of septic shock.
A thin beam of light eclipsed the drawn curtains and rested on Sadie's face as dawn broke. Her hand moved softly to caress Katie's hand; a stiff claw lay in her wake. An overwhelming panic flooded Sadie's system as she attempted to wake the other girl from her 'deep' slumber. Half-lidded blood-red eyes stared back at Sadie, a trickle of dried blood pooled at her temple. Sadie's heart shattered like a golden locket as she cradled the limp body in her arms, pulling the skin taut around her suture wounds. The shadow had won. It had succeeded in snuffing out what was left of the light.
"What happened to Sadie in the end?" Axel asked, taking a minute amount of sadistic glee from the story.
Izzy turned to face the young man. A single tear crept down her cheek as she fiddled with her rings. "She refused to live without Katie. She starved to death, all the while she left Katie's decomposing corpse attached to her hip like a growth."
Izzy wiped the tear from her eye, suppressing sniffles as Axel glanced around the room.
"Hmm...Alright. Who's next then?"
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randonauting experience: manifesting my cousin’s future, a drug addict
I’ve been dying to write out the experience I had using the Randonautica app a couple weeks ago, so I’m really happy I decided to get back on tumblr last night and being able to finally do this!!! (Even if no one reads it, it’s ok). If you don’t know what Randonautica or randonauting is, please look it up. There’s also tons of TikTok videos that explain it well. I literally can’t explain this app or how it works because It’s crazy. Unbelievable.
So before I get into the details, here’s some context: My older cousin & I have been more like sisters my entire life. She is currently struggling with addiction to meth, and it has left me literally heartbroken. It completely ruined her life, our relationship, and her relationships with friends and our family. Every single day, I worry that she will die. And i don’t know if I can handle a death quite that significant to me, especially at this point in time in my life. Despite how close we were and always had been, my cousin has a very toxic relationship with my sibling. which, of course, has caused problems in our family, between the two of them and also between my sibling and I. Anyway. This isn’t even the actual experience i had, but one Saturday night, we couldn’t find my cousin anywhere. We were all extremely worried. We didn’t know where she was, who she was with, and she was not responding to anyone’s calls/texts. It was getting pretty late so we were on edge - my sibling included. I was sitting home alone when I stumbled onto a Reddit thread about some app called “Randonautica”. I didn’t really understand what it was or what “manifesting” meant, but I was INTRIGUED by the experiences other people had using this app that I was reading. I didn’t think that it was even real. I thought it was some type of troll shit. So anyway, jokingly, i said to my sibling: “I’m going to go on this app I heard about and think about finding her”. I really didn’t expect anything much, all you do - literally - is think, pretty much, of something (or someone?) that you’d like to “manifest”. So out of curiosity, I tried it out, repeatedly thinking to myself, “find *her*” (of course using my cousin’s name). After a couple seconds it gave me 2 locations (which, by the way, I didn’t go to this night). The first one was just some house on the outskirts of where I live, and nothing stood out to me or seemed too unusual, as far as i could tell looking at it from street view on google maps. When I opened the second location, though, I literally dropped my phone and instantly started crying and freaking out. I had goosebumps all over my body. The second location it had sent me was a specific house on a specific street where I live, specifically known as a particular house where molly & meth dealers and addicts live / party / etc. we have had to go get my cousin, along with her sister, at this house SEVERAL times before. At this point, I knew that this app was bizarre, but very fucking real, because that shit was unexplainable. I decided to revisit the first location it sent me and realized something I hadn’t before. There was a car in the driveway (from Google map images). It was the SAME EXACT CAR that my cousin drives. Same fucking car. Like how.... what???? So at this point, I’m calling my sibling, freaking out, completely psyched out. Naturally, my sibling said, “well clearly we have to go randonauting tomorrow and see what happens”. Obviously I agreed because that shit was wild and I had to go see it for myself.
The next day around 5PM, we decided to go randonauting. It was a Sunday and it was really nice out; sunny all day, no clouds, warm, perfect. my sibling and I decided to manifest “our cousin’s future”, using her name of course, and got one location about 5 minutes from where we live.
Okay, so, my cousin is very, very sick with this disease of addiction, right - like people are dying everyday from drugs.... yet we decide to manifest her future. Mind you, another important thing i should probably mention is that my sibling and I are POLAR opposites, which makes sense when thinking about how close I am with my cousin and their damaged relationship.
On our way to the location, one of the first things we saw was an ambulance with it’s lights on at a house nearby. Nothing *too* strange or out of the ordinary, but we definitely noted it as a possible sign. Shortly after, we saw a black dog being walked on the sidewalk. I’m trying to get to the point so I’m not going to explain the significance in detail of the black / white dogs while randonauting, but to sum it up, there’s a belief that if you see a black dog while doing it, it’s supposed to signify “danger”, while a white dog signifies “protection”. there’s much more to that but like I said feel free to look that up for yourself. So anyway, we took that as another possible sign.
About 2 minutes later we arrived at our location. It was behind a transportation company that neither of us have ever really seemed to notice or heard of, yet we’ve lived in this town our entire lives and it was barely 5 minutes from where we live. It was a Sunday so it was closed and no one was around, but the whole entire property felt just.. odd, can’t really explain it. Behind it was tons of tractor trailers, tons of pavement, and woods. The exact location on the app sent us way back behind a huge mound of what I think might’ve been gravel or something. We drove up and around this strange little mountain to the coordinates, since the mound was obscuring our view of where we were going. It brought us behind the mound, right to the edge of the woods. The area was littered, but nothing stood out as strange or anything before we got out of the car.
When she pulled into the area we were going to walk around in, I immediately started feeling weird. I still can’t explain it, I just felt funny right away. My sibling, however, did not at all and told me it was just in my head because I was supposedly expecting some crazy shit to happen. So I agreed and thought maybe she was right and my anxiety was just fucking with me.
Lmao but nooo this was very very weird. The minute I stepped out of the car, the first thing I noticed was the air. It was a beautiful day and we were surrounded by trees, but for some reason, I felt like there was barely any oxygen around us. The air felt thick, dense, heavy- I can’t think of a better way to describe it. The second thing I noticed was that I immediately had a huge pit in my stomach, and my heart started racing. My body was literally preparing itself for fight or flight, and that’s when I started having an eerie feeling that we either weren’t alone, or that someone was watching us.
I tried to brush it off because my sibling was having a totally different experience, completely fine, not thinking anything of anything. Their vibe calmed me a little so I started walking with them towards the coordinates, which were only about 20 feet from where we parked. As I started walking, I felt even fucking stranger. Not scared or anxious, but almost as if I was high or on a trip. I cannot explain it, but the only way I can try to is by saying I felt like I was dreaming, like I wasn’t really there, or that the energy was trying to make me leave. It was fucking weird man.
So then i started telling my sibling I don’t feel right and that we should go, and my sibling was completely confused because she did not sense any bad energy or bad vibes at all. She was completely fine which confused the hell out of me because something was fucking very off with this place.
A minute later she pointed out something to me on the ground and we both just kind of stopped and looked at it, mesmerized. It was this shallow indent in the dirt and grass, surrounded by dead grass and flowers. However, this particular area was completely filled with beautiful, very alive yellow flowers. Oh yeah, this area also looked like a very shallow grave by the way, and had an eerie similarity in size to my cousin- width, length, alll of it.
Another very strange thing that was happening during all of this was that my sibling kept saying that “we should go over there, to the left”, which freaked me out because something was telling me to go over to the right, like we were being pulled in opposite directions. IN ADDITION, my sibling kept hearing odd noises that I literally did not hear... even when we’d stop and be silent so that I could hear as well. My sibling would go, “See!!! Didn’t you hear that??!” But I had no idea what they were referring to, at all, yet we were standing right next to each other.
After being in the area for about 10 minutes, I started feeling really anxious again, like we were not alone at all. And we were completely vulnerable, no one was around. So I began feeling panicky and told my sibling that it’s time to go because shit did not feel right. We got into the car, and for the first time, we noticed that the entire area was dark and gloomy, but it wasn’t like it was a shaded area and it was really sunny out. The MINUTE we started to reverse, the sun started shining immediately on the area again, almost as if it went away just because we were there. Idk. Spooky
So we’re starting to drive away and go home, when all of a sudden my sister stops her car randomly, about halfway out of the lot. As if it was an automatic response, like we were the same person or on the save wave length or some shit, we both turned and looked to the right. Standing there by itself was a deer, probably one of the prettiest either of us have ever seen- I kept describing it as “Bambi” because of how perfect it appeared. We both just looked at it, and it was staring back at us, mesmerized. Then my sibling said give us a sign that you’re our uncle or cousin (two relatives that have passed). We both kind of laughed because we were over the whole thing at this point, but then, this deer stopped looking back at us, turned it’s head, and began walking away extremely gracefully into a small area of brush that it was standing besides.
As I watched this deer walk into the small area of brush (idk how else to describe it, but it was a very small patch of bushes and weeds and grass, not thick and not tall, separated by two large lots), I immediately thought that it looked like this deer had just walked through a fucking door. Or a fucking portal or something man I don’t even know. I can’t explain it, I just knew it was gone.
My sibling was like ok, relax, it’s just laying down or something, it’s definitely there. I knew immediately that that wasn’t fucking true, I saw it leave us and I knew it right away. To prove my point, we went to the side of the brush where the deer would’ve walked out of on the other side to try and look for it. As i said, this area of brush was NOT dense. It wasn’t high, it wasn’t bushy, you could clearly see through it and could also see very easily if a huge fucking deer was laying in it or sitting down.
My sibling is a HUGE animal lover so she fought my theory on this, saying deer are very good at hiding, irs definitely in there or it somehow beat us and made its way through and ran off. I thought she could be right, until I noticed a very old metal fence running straight through the middle of the brush, perfectly dividing it into two. There was also a bunch of old shit stacked up oddly and laying around, so that deer would’ve had a very difficult time getting through the brush to the other side, fence or no fence. When I pointed out the fence, my sibling just looked at me, and I knew by the look on their face that they knew this deer just fucking vanished too.
But because we both are extreme realists and very logical people, my sibling insisted on getting out and investigating it themselves. She walked back around to where we first saw the deer, walked all over, looked through some of the tall grass. Nothing. When my sibling got into the car saying no deer, they also pointed out that there was a dip in the ground walking into the brush from where the deer was standing. We both sat there silently for a minute trying to process that because we both saw this deer walk STRAIGHT AHEAD on FLAT GROUND. Even if this deer did escape us *somehow*, how the fuck do you explain it defying gravity? Walking on air? Walking on flat ground when it was curved downwards???? Like what
At this point, we’re both shook as hell and ready to leave and never look back (didn’t last long, we went randonauting later that same night and had an even crazier experience). But then my sibling asked me about the way the deer looked. They asked me to describe it. I was like... why? We both saw the same one? And my sibling said, “I know but, don’t you think it looked different from the deer around here?” So i thought about it and said idk yeah maybe I guess but what the fuck do I know about deer species I mean come on
Stuck on this, my sibling kept talking about the deer’s spots and ears and black stripe on its tail going on and on about it. So I said idk just look it up then? SO WE DID. AND GUESS WHAT. we pulled up a pic of the kind of deer we had just saw. Definitely different from the deer we normally see.
But that’s not even the thing, no, because the thing is.... the deer we saw, it’s species or whatever the fuck, ARE NOT NATIVE to where we live. Not even native to our state, to the east coast, no where nearby. In fact, I believe it said these kind of deer only live in Alaska, Washington, and maybe some other states on the upper west coast. PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT.
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nelllraiser · 4 years
mori | montgomery & nell
LOCATION: Deep in the Woods
TIME:  7:19 PM
PARTIES: Montgomery de Ville and Nell Vural
It was just a regular evening for Nell. The sun was just beginning to set, and it was the start of her prowl for the night. Not yet having a particular target in mind, she’d lingered close to the house, not drifting all that far into the Outskirts just yet. But maybe tonight’s hunt for something to bring into the Ring would be short, and she’d be able to turn in for the night sooner rather than later. It’d been something like thirty-six hours since she slept, having been on the trail of a monster that’d bring in big cash the day before, and being unwilling to lose out on such a victory. So tonight would be quiet, and easy. Or at least she hoped as much. Ever since Morgan had mentioned the Tenome that has chased her and Blanche, Nell had been hoping to find it. She walked on through the forest, aimless at the moment as she readied herself to cast a tracking spell. Not for a moment did she think that the hunter might become the hunted. After all, these were her woods, her home territory. These dense branches and enormous trees were practically a second home by now. 
Montgomery hadn’t forgotten everything that they had been meticulously learning about their target. The hunt was something they relished, but when you were hunting for money and a human at that, the pleasure was somewhat diminished. At least in the build up. The pleasure of the kill was intricate and more importantly absolute. The one thing in the universe that Montgomery could always keep faith in. She was collecting creatures again, her skill was undeniable and she moved like an expert. Montgomery would’ve enjoyed hunting alongside her but clearly that wasn’t an option. Creeping forward, they moved parallel to their prey, keeping down wind from her and out of sight. Their opportunity would come soon enough, patience was a virtue for a reason after all.
For a moment, Nell stilled, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck prickle. It was the unmistakable feeling of being watched. Honestly, she should be used to it in woods such as these, with all sorts of creatures roaming the undergrowth, and even the trees above. Maybe tonight would be over sooner than she’d thought if something blood-thirsty was already nearby, making her hunt much shorter and less tiring than it needed to be. Already she could envision the smell of the freshly baked bread Bea had been making when she’d left the house, and Nell was all too eager to get home and chomp into it with little regard for manners or anything of that like. And then...sweet sweet release and she’d lay her head down to rest. Another night passed, finally able to close her eyes to rest and recharge.
Pausing for a moment, Montgomery sniffed the air cautiously. He wasn’t sure why he did it, it didn’t achieve anything. But it had become a habit and he was too stubborn to change it now. Creeping forward through the undergrowth on all fours, he stayed as low as he could. Moving with an athletic ease that had come from years of hunting game. This was just a different kind of hunt. Pulling the tranquiliser rifle from his shoulder he slid it through the grass alongside him. Positioning himself with a clear line of sight, Montgomery was pleased with the altitude they’d gained and took a second more to really settle in. There would only be one shot needed. Settling the rifle into his shoulder, Montgomery popped the cap off of the lense and peered through the telescopic view. Taking account of distance, wind, and of course natural projectile drop, Montgomery took his time, calmly taking a breath, his index finger slipped the safety off and curled around the trigger, pausing once more to make sure everything was perfect- he fired.
The longer this creeping sensation gripped Nell...the more foreign it felt. Rather than simply being watched, she almost felt...like prey. Like a vampire was going to jump out at any moment in an attempt to chomp down on— her neck. At the same moment the thought passed her mind, something else hit her, as if the universe had set her inner thoughts into motion. A sting in her neck, and a hand was automatically darting towards whatever had struck. What the fuck? Instinctively, she pulled the projectile from her neck, looking down at what appeared to be a tranquilizer nestled in her hand. Shit. Fuck. Adrenaline began to race through her veins, magic already sprouting to her fingertips. Her time was limited now. The chamber in the dart had been empty, and who knew what might have been in it. Anger, pure and hot shot through her as she yelled out. “Show your fucking self, coward!” Stomping her foot into the ground, the spell went out from there, designed to detect any living creature within a thirty foot radius. There, not too far from her in the tall grass. Without holding back, she sent an instinctual blast of magic in the direction of the body, summoning it towards her whether they wanted to face her or not. Her other hand had already drawn a dagger from its hiding spot, slicing a sizeable cut along her arm in preparation for her next move.
Would’ve been nice if Montgomery had been able to work out that was an option for Penelope Vural. Having literal magic at your fingertips must be convenient. Montgomery was sure that it would make his job much easier. “It wouldn’t be called hunting if I just showed myself now would it,” he protested in his Afrikaneers drawl as her magic dragged him towards her, but they knew that it wouldn’t be long now until the tranquiliser really started to take affect and then it would be all that much harder for her to really do anything. Then it would just be a matter of doing his due diligence, taking a trophy and confirming the kill for that little shit of a man August Thompson. Honestly Montgomery was almost tempted to let her live, almost. The money on this job was too good and this really wasn’t an inconvenience. Montgomery struggled against her magic, pulling their revolver out alongside the large hunting knife that he had strapped to his upper right thigh. “Are you sure you want to play this game little girl?” he asked smugly as he waited for the sedatives to take effect.
A sneer marred Nell’s features as the voice reached her. It would be impossible not to recognize that accent and tone. It only made the fight in her rear its head more passionately, knowing it was Montgomery that had come after her. What the fuck was his problem, anyway? Who the hell just hunted for sport? At least, that’s what she’d assumed. Why else would he be after her? Though...it was true she’d made plenty of enemies in her past. But surely he wouldn’t know any of them, right? Already she could feel herself becoming sluggish, her reactions taking longer to manifest than they usually did. Vainly, she pushed a bloodied thumb to the summoning tattoo on her arm in an effort to bring forth her three favorite hellhounds. Nothing happened. Looking down, she realized that with the world beginning to spin, she’d missed the tattoo, a finger’s swipe of blood now running just below the ink she’d been aiming for. “I’ll kill you first,” she spat out, trying her best to figure out which of the fuzzy Montgomery’s she was seeing was the real one. She threw her first knife, magic behind it’s throw to help it hit its intended target, both supplying assisted aiming in a time like this, and putting more force behind the dagger.
The irony in Penelope Vural’s logic was one of the most ironic parts of all of this. Normally Montgomery hunted for sport. They did it for the pleasure of the kill, they did it to make their blood rush and to feel the visceral pleasure of hauling a carcass back. He was an expert now, he’d clean it themselves and make trophies, sell what they could and he would eat what he couldn’t. His dogs got the rest. If it was edible of course. Montgomery was cruel but he wasn’t a cannibal. Not yet anyway. But today he had been forced into this position by a large sum of money. Perhaps forced was a bit of a stretch, perhaps he should simply accept that he could’ve walked away. But that was no fun. The dart was one of his own special creations. Years of studying medicine had made it easy to mix natural and supernatural sedatives and if Penelope died from the weird cocktail of magic and sleeping drug that was rushing round her system then who was Montgomery to complain? She seemed to be realising the predicament that she was in and as she pulled a knife and hurled it in his direction Montgomery side stepped it easily. His right hand snapped out and caught the handle of the blade as it sailed roughly near where his face had been. “Naughty, naughty,” Montgomery said wagging his finger and loudly tutting like a concerned nurse as he looked at the bright and shiny blade sighed, “such a beautiful creation, such a shame it’s user is so … unfortunate.”
A nearly animalistic snarl rang out from Nell as her knife was caught, wasting no time as she drew another knife as quickly as she could, though it was much slower than she normally moved, the tranquilizer still doing its work well. Pure spite was what was keeping her going, and her simple refusal to go quietly. She’d take a part of Montgomery with her or die trying. That was her only thought as she let the next knife fly, fueled by magic in the same way the first had been. As it grew nearer, it duplicated, spurred on by her magic to create an illusion that was meant to keep the intended target guessing as to which was the real knife. But to Nell it wasn’t all that different from her current vision, the world still taking strange shapes as her awareness ever so slightly began to flicker in and out. “Piece of shit!” she gasped with as much anger as she could muster, trying to remind her lungs how to draw air normally. “You fucking cunty-ass sad excuse for a human!” When was the last time she’d felt anything this strongly? Did it make sense that in her possible last moments, those would be the ones she felt the most emotion? “Shut your fucking mouth!” Each word was punctuated with effort as her magic burst forth once more, closer to the lines of instinctual now that things were getting down to the wire. She wanted him hurt. She wanted him maimed. She wanted him dead. To bring him to his knees.
Montgomery ducked beneath the shower of daggers that went flying in his direction. She was creative, he would give her that much, after all who would’ve thought that this is the way that she would choose to do things. He had always imagined that if he had been fortunate enough to have magic that he would be much flashier and creative with it. But each to their own. “If it makes you feel better to call me all of those things th- th- the-” Montgomery couldn’t finish his own sentence, looking down at his arms he found his veins bulging as the blood seemed to stop flowing around his veins and arteries. Suddenly his entire body was on fire as agony lanced through him. He couldn’t move. At least, not without it being agonisingly painful. His eyes raced around, what the fuck was going on? It took less then a second for them to train on Nell, she was doing something, it had to be a trick. Magic. Something that was stopping him from being able to move, being able to truly fight this. With a visceral, primal grunt of pain, Montgomery took the final three steps that spanned between him and Penelope Vural. The agony was almost too much. They cursed themselves for not using a higher dosage of the tranquiliser as his entire body screamed in pain. Grunting once more, Montgomery drew all their effort into one strike and with the butt of their pistol he clattered into Penelope’s temple. There was a sickening crunch as the metal contacted the bone and cartilage of her skull. 
Nell watched as Montgomery paused, sleepy brain unable to truly process what exactly was going on. All she knew was that she’d done something, expended some magical energy and suddenly he'd stopped. As the magic left her, Nell fell to her knees, a combination of the effort she’d exerted and the tranquilizer finally finishing it’s job pushing her to the ground paying no mind to her fighting tooth and claw against it. No. No. This would not be how she went. This would not be how she died. All those times she’d escaped by the skin of her teeth, all the near misses who’s tales she’d lived to tell. Being shot in the neck by a tranquilizer via a coward who hid in the bushes wouldn’t be her last stand. Her last stand. In truth, part of her had believed she’d never had one, the invincibility of youth and confidence lending her their strength when it came to the endless path that had seemed to unfold in front of her. Even though she’d seen so much more in her life than most did, there was still so much more she’d wanted to see, to touch, to feel.  She looked up as Montgomery readied the kill, biting down on any part of him she could manage to find hold of. Would this really be her last sight? She met his eyes, glaring at him even now as something glinted in the moonlight. Whatever he was meaning to kill her with, no doubt. She wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction of watching her eyes close, anger and defiance still burning in their depths.
Montgomery had to admit that as they watched her collapse, as he observed, the tranquiliser really begin to enter her blood stream and start impacting her organs and functions. Montgomery could’ve given a whole lecture just on how it all worked. He was Doctor Montgomery de Ville for a reason after all, but now wasn’t the time. He had to admit that her magic had been something new. He had never felt that sensation or anything like it. It was like his very blood was boiling. Stepping forward, Montgomery reached down and drew their hunting knife once more. A wicked blade with a razor sharp edge and even serated towards the base of the hilt. Perfect for decapitation. Oh how it shone in the light, the reflection glinting off of the sheen of the blade. 
Luce. Bea. Winston. Jared. Blanche. Countless others Nell had met and loved since coming back to White Crest. It wasn’t her life flashing before her, but the faces of those that had made it all the better in the past months and years, even those she wouldn’t have expected to etch a place in her soul. Nic. Morgan. Adam. Remmy. Her father. Her mom. God, her mom. She was going to die without so much as ever being a point of pride to her own mother. What would her legacy be? Did she even have one? Did it fucking matter? The dead were dead. Even now she still struggled, as if somehow her weak attempts to break free would find some way to be successful, that she’d find a way out of this like she always did, always had. Nell had never once stopped fighting in her entire life, and she wasn’t going to start now simply because it was coming to a close. She was going to leave this world the way she came into it, yelling, kicking, screaming as much as she could. Montgomery tensed behind her, that silver flashing once again and suddenly all she could see was—
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