#manipulated outcome
johnskleats · 5 months
can y'all IMAGINE zuko's reaction if he were a@ng's teacher during the katara burn incident
can you imagine
*if zuko had been there, it wouldn't have happened because he's very visible proof of what fire can do, BUT
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roseseatea · 4 months
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New Rain Code OC just dropped, (info subject to change!)
Name: Soul Eis
Forensic Forte: Memory Perception
Soul can peer into the memories of people from a first person perspective. Soul can also view the dead’s memories, but the amount of time he can view decreases the longer the victim has been dead ; 24 hours after death, Soul can no longer view the memories. Soul has to physically touch the person to see their memories, even if it's just a bump in the shoulder or a poke on the cheek (he has to consciously choose someone to see their memories).
Part of a group of rogue master detectives who are ex-members of the WDO. All of them have either left of their own accord or have been kicked out.
Soul left the organization due to not agreeing with their principles or how they operate.
The ex-members of the WDO end up joining a detective agency affiliated with Amaterasu Corporation (hence why the badge is a combo of the WDO and Amaterasu logos)
The agency is there so that Amaterasu can say “we don’t need the WDO’s detectives, we have our own capable ones.
Soul doesn’t necessarily agree with Amaterasu’s principles either, but says he would rather perish than be associated with the WDO.
Childhood friends with Luna Luckytune
Was still on the quiet side as a child, but was more optimistic. He has since grown jaded and anti-social. Does have a sense of care for his other members however.
Will I actually bother drawing all of the ex-WDO detectives....we'll see...
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mishapen-dear · 3 months
That FAILED stamp on tbe qjaiden poster in the jail was so fucked before and its STILL fucked but theres like. a level of Get Fucked to it, now. before, it was like- you do all of That to her, cucurucho, and you fucking dare to label her a failure? an experiment that just didnt turn out? didnt act how you wanted?
but now its like Get Fucked. it doesnt matter how much work you put into her, into hurting her, into making her into whatever ~success~ you were planning. she isnt yours and you dont get to keep her. she left you. she never would have chose to stay on that island if bobby were around and you failed to replace bobby and you and your stupid games could have never made her go home. get fucked.
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justbreakonme · 8 months
I’m a writer cause I’m a manipulator, that is all.
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moe-broey · 5 months
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Certified Alfonse Moment
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ariquar · 5 months
one day I'll write the actual fic I have in mind about how Ari completely ruins Ulfric's life with one simple action (handing him the Thalmor dossier on himself while Elenwen, across the table, threatens Ari with ratting him out to his father) and the aftermath (Ulfric ultimately stepping down as Jarl while he readjusts his entire worldview, attempts to start a normal, civilian life, and grapples with the fact that he'd unintentionally been doing the dirty work for the people he thought he was fighting against) but for now i will sit with these brainworms I have of Ari just seeing this miserable nord man's life crumble and knowing that ruining his life was the best thing to happen in this situation
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blackjackkent · 6 months
OK, so I might have to take back some of my decisions in the last post. Getting to the Inquisitor is more complicated than I thought.
He's currently behind a barrier, to which Therezzyn is holding the key. Our options, according to Google, are to a) give Therezzyn the artifact and get access given to us, b) pickpocket Therezzyn when she's not looking, or c) kill her.
Hector doesn't want to do any of these things, and I'm trying to figure out which one would be least out of character. :/
Really (going back to what I said in the previous post about Hector's usual compulsive honesty), option A makes the most sense for him. And, apparently, it doesn't actually take the artifact from us long-term and does actually get some approval from Lae'zel. The downside, of course, is everyone ELSE disapproves, and I want to get Karlach's romance going, goddammit. :P
Hypothesis. What if I ungroup Karlach and Gale and leave them outside the door on the (in-character) grounds that Therezzyn will be more likely to listen to a smaller number of random strangers barging into her office.
OK, apparently that does work. We don't get any disapproval from the rest of the party, we still get Lae'zel's approval, we keep the artifact in the long run, and Hector gets to be his usual honest self. (The Dream Guardian is pretty unhappy with us, but hopefully she'll get over it and still keep us from turning into a squid in our sleep.)
On the bright side, also, this doesn't negate any of the previous scene, as we can pick up from right afterwards:
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"I presume you are not stupid enough to return empty-handed. So give me the weapon - NOW."
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"Here it is." Wondering if he is making the right decision, Hector reaches into his pack and pulls out the small, strangely-shaped item. Inwardly he thinks a small apology to Shadowheart. There seems no point to trying to navigate this place without being forthright, but it is such a dangerous choice...
Then again, no choice seems safe at present. Not anymore.
He can feel his dream guardian rebelling against this choice, her voice piercing in his mind. "No. NO!"
But he has no choice but to be forthright, and he extends his hand with the item held carefully between his fingers.
The kith'rak's eyes light with sudden glee. She flicks her hand outwards, pulling the object towards her with a spell and examining it as it hovers in her grasp.
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"Yes...there it is...exactly as described. The inquisition will finally come to an end."
She moves as if to pocket the artifact...and suddenly, a familiar glow bursts around it, knocking her backwards against the wall. The artifact erupts from her hands and crashes back into Hector, settling itself back into his hands, vibrating with power.
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"Tsk'va!" Therezzyn scrambles back to a standing position and glares at him furiously. "Trickery! Heresy! How did you--" She stammers incoherently, fists clenching at her sides. "You manipulate it when I cannot?!"
She visibly stills herself. Hector has seen this movement before in Lae'zel, and in himself - the grounding, centering, shoving aside the inconvenient, chaotic emotions. Her face goes hard as stone.
"It appears you have been chosen, istik," she says coldly. "You are lucky it is not for me to question why."
She pulls the glowing keystone from her pocket and stalks past him to the barrier blocking the way to the ch'r'ai. "Go. Seek the inquisitor below. And take the cursed thing with you."
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bolly--quinn · 2 years
For an art request maybe beth as a teenager (with or without jerry?) :)
I literally haven't stopped thinking about them since the s5 finale ok
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chronurgy · 6 months
Struggling to decide on an exact timeline for Vesper and Gortash's relationship. Part of me thinks the first time they have sex is right after the crown of karsus heist, because pretty much ever since they met they've been engaging in some insane psychosexual warfare (they're sitting in each other's laps. they're touching each other's faces and playing with each other's hair. Vesper's clothes get covered in blood so they spend several hours lounging around Gortash's bedroom in nothing but one of his overlarge shirts while they wait for their clothes to be cleaned. Gortash works on some mechanism shirtless in front of Vesper just because he doesn't want to get his fancy shirt dirty, no other reason) to try and get the other person to crack and start things first because they both think that would mean they've won and put the other person in their power and they need the adrenaline high from the successful heist to let that go but that does put a somewhat limited timeline on their relationship. On the other hand it feels pretty true to character so hm. I know you're like, gortash the mega slut not having sex with someone is in character? Yeah, because I think in his many relationships with other people he does usually try to get them to make the final move as a sort of ego trip but also because this relationship is planned to be a long term relationship of equals so manipulation and winning within that context do look different than in his disposable relationships
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mister13eyond · 20 days
🍓, 🍄, 🍬!
how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
god, i think i was writing fanfiction so far back that i don't remember how i first "learned" about it- I used to hand-write stories in my notebook in elementary school about my favorite characters hanging out, before I ever really even had internet access. my sister and i used to make up really elaborate scenarios about yu gi oh and sailor moon and dbz characters, and I'd write stories and draw little comics... I think I learned other people did the same thing around middle school, when i started making friends who Also wrote fic and drew fanart. I think the first time i ever PUBLISHED anything was back in ye olde ff.net days, likely also in middle school.
tl;dr as long as i've known how to write, i've written fic!
share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
oh lord what headcanons HAVEN'T i shared? ok ok, here's a giodiadop one, since i havent talked about that ot3 in a while: doppio cannot STAND giorno at first. he sees him as a threat, and more than that- he doesn't like that giorno can see through him so easily. he's used to it with the Boss, of course, but something about Giorno seeing directly into his heart is Unsettling, like he's not supposed to be there.
giorno, of course, takes this as a challenge, and immediately devotes his full effort into operation Get Doppio To Like Me. It takes... a while, but eventually he finds their shared interest in biology and entomology and once he gets into that, Doppio can't HELP but be excited to have someone to talk about this with
post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
giorno is, genuinely, a bit manipulative. he has good intentions, but he also has a way of Knowing what people want to hear him say, or what they're looking for- that insight and uncanny ability to read people doesn't switch OFF. he justifies it to himself with good intentions, but winning over everyone on the bucci gang was a deliberate, targeted series of moves to get them to trust him. that doesn't mean he doesn't sincerely care about them- he does!- but he knew he Needed them to respect him to achieve his dream, and he deliberately did things to earn their trust that he knew would get through to them.
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godisasimp · 1 year
Stellarons Hunters in a nutshell
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beautiful steampunk cultist women. in my library .
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becauseplot · 3 months
writing and whoops accidentally inflicted more trauma onto ur fave character haha sorry it will happen again
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profanetools · 1 year
instead of a coherent narrative, you could dissect my brain precisely and find a fully rendered demonically difficult 8-bit metroidvania game where you play bthemetz, a once prestigious academic, now wayward dwemer, who has to make her way through the labyrinthine red mountain stronghold in full 'siege defence' mode on the last day of the battle of red mountain, to confront her ex-girlfriend one last time
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queueing the final heritage month poll. we're going to have a very fun week. good shabbos, everyone <3
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vidalinav · 2 years
Aside from the deranged and almost derailing way that Nesta ended up in the House, I actually love the House as a symbolism for Nesta and her personality. A house that is hard to reach, covered in unshakeable rock, menacing and looking down at everyone. A house that has too many stairs to climb so climbing is a punishment or lesson and no one can really reach unless they’re born with a particular set of wings. A house that’s warded away from the rest, which means that effort must be made to reach it. A house that’s used for courtly functions, who’s value is based on its purpose. A house where its cold and lonely and secluded from the rest, and which was never really going to be anyone’s home...
A house that for the people who find themselves here when they have no where else to go, who find themselves seeking refuge from dark and decrepit things, people so broken they feel they can never be fixed... for those who find value in the rock, love this mountain so high that there’s no easy way down, it’s a house that means security, a solid foundation... a library and friends and even some magic hidden in its heart. Such wonderous understanding. Empathy in its depths, even if it at first appears to be monstrous. A house that cares. A house that loves. A house that lives despite all odds. A house that reminds me so very much of Nesta Archeron that it’s marvelous that it’s an expression of self-love. 
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