#manly men magazine
facialhairy · 1 year
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army-in-the-stars · 13 days
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Lee Junho x Men Noblesse
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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Three male models wearing Jack Winter patterned trousers. Photo Ken Haak. QC Magazine, November 1, 1971
Trois mannequins masculins portant des pantalons à motifs Jack Winter. Photo Ken Haak. QC Magazine, 1er novembre 1971
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immortalmrwavell · 21 days
The Magic Swapping Stone
(Original Story posted July 27th 2021) This story has been Updated!
At 1 o’clock dead on, Dennis heard a loud knock at his studio door. He practically leap out of his desk chair and dashed over to the door. He already knew exactly who was behind the door and he couldn’t have been more pumped. As he swung the door open, there stood Steven, the massive hunk of a man he’d hired for a photo shoot.
Steven was quite a large and stocky man who’d been modelling for about just over a year now. He wore glasses and was proudly bald but to make up for it he had a thick rugged beard which along with his strong manly features made him the picture of masculinity. and that wasn’t even taking into account Steven massive build. Standing at a staggering 6’2 and weighing just over 300 pounds in what was mostly muscle. From the pictures Dennis had seen of him, he also knew the man was rather hairy underneath the tight black t-shirt that was struggling to contain Steven’s pecs.
Dennis was quick to let the model in before briefing him on what exactly they were going to be shooting. Steven already knew he’d be shooting for a men’s magazine as Dennis went in to explain they’d take a few shots in the studio first before going out to do some shots outside as well which Steven seemed happy enough with.
And so they got straight to it. They got on with taking some shots inside the comfort of the studio with Steven doing plenty of different poses that showed off his incredible form. Eventually taking off his tight shirt at the request of Dennis. As soon as he did though Dennis had to try and not stare too much at the man’s large hairy pecs as tempting as they were. Doing his best to remain professional as he took some rather flattering shots of the gorgeous male specimen before him.
After taking some more photos, Dennis decided it was time to move to some of the outdoor locations he’d picked out. Just before they left however, Dennis was sure to send a quick message to his buddy John reading “Now heading your way.” To which John responded with a thumbs up.
It wasn’t long before the two arrived at a train station only a 5 minute walk from the studio. It seemed to be all but deserted save for one man, seemingly in his forties, sitting on a bench in a green t-shirt and black shorts who glanced at them as they stepped onto the station. He seemed normal enough so Steven did pay him much mind.
Dennis informed the stocky model that this was where he wanted to take their next set of photos. Steven glanced around, looking a little confused as to why they’d wanna do a shoot on an old looking train station. Yet he didn’t question it. Dennis was the photographer afterall. He must’ve known what he was doing.
They began taking a few more photos, Dennis moving around Steven as the hulking man took up a few poses as per Dennis’ instruction. However while he was behind Steven and out of the bigger man’s field of vision, Dennis glanced over his shoulder at the man sitting on the bench. He subtly motioned towards Steven to which the man seemed to understand in a wordless exchange of nods. Little did Steven know that the man was actually Dennis’ good friend and the pair of them had a surprise that was gonna scare Steven right out of his own skin… so to speak.
Dennis quickly moved back around to the front of Steven again, taking more photos as inconspicuously as he could. Meanwhile, John stood up before slowly making his way towards the two. Taking small quiet steps as he crept up behind Steven. Dennis on the other continued to take photos, asking Steven to pull his shorts up a little to show off his meaty thighs some more. All the while pretending not to see John stood behind Steven, checking him out like a tasty piece of meat.
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It was at this moment that the forty-something year old reached into his pocket and pulled out a small purple glowing orb of sorts. John held it in his hand for a moment, looking at it before looking at Steven, then at Dennis. Dennis nodded.
Steven looked confused for a moment before suddenly, John came up behind him and pressed the glowing orb against his muscular back. Dennis watched as the two men were engulfed in a purple light until eventually…it faded.
“John! Did it work?!” Dennis shouted with nervous excitement.
Steven’s body looked down at himself in bewilderment before looking up at Dennis and grinning. “Oh you better fucking believe it.” He finally answered with a twisted look of joy spreading across his newly stolen face. Already loving the much deeper and gruffer tone to his voice as he spoke.
Those body swapping stones they’d gotten from that creepy magic shop owner had actually worked. John, a chubby forty something year old man had swapped bodies with a massive buff hairy model in his late twenties! It was a miracle!!
John started to feel up his new body almost immediately. Rubbing his hands though the abundance of hair that now coated his stomach before bringing them up to feel through his newfound forest of chest hair. All the while relishing in the feeling of solid muscle where fat used to be. Having a pair of big hairy pecs was everything he’d ever dreamed it would be. And the fun wouldn’t seem to stop there as John’s eyes wandered across his new arms. Scanning over his thick new biceps while taking note of just how large his new hands were. Before he could get any further however, he was interrupted by his former body.
“HEY!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?! GIVE BACK MY BODY!” the real Steven screamed in a blind panic.
John turned to face the man properly and smirked. “No can do old man, the orb I used to switch us is only good for one use. This is MY body now.” He stated as he brought his arms up into a double bicep pose and flexed them hard. “And I’m loving it already.” John said as Steven looked on mortified at the sight of a stranger piloting his former hairy Goliath of a body. Even starting to learn how to bounce his pecs thanks to the muscle memory. “Fuck yeah! I’ve always wanted to do that.”
During all this neither of them had failed to notice the quickly growing erection in John's white shorts. “I can already feel how huge of a monster this cock is! Way better than my old pathetic one that’s for sure.” John said while rubbing his fattening bulge through the shorts. “I haven’t been this hard in years!”
“HEY!! Stop touching my fucking cock!!” Steven managed to say through all the panic and confusion.
John smirked as he plunged a hand into his shorts and grasped his new pulsing cock. “It’s not your cock anymore. It’s mine! And can’t wait to start jerking it off and shoving it inside some hot dudes!” John taunted as he tugged at his now 8.5 inch cock. “But first we’ve gotta take care of you.” He said taking hand out of his shorts before beginning to stomp over to his former body.
Scared, Steven tried to turn and run but the fat middle aged body he now had was no match for his old body. John quickly caught him before restraining Steven. “Quickly Dennis! Now!” John shouted.
Dennis, who had been watching the exchange between the two men in wonder, dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a syringe. Steven’s eyes widened with fear as he tried to break free to no avail against his own beefy arms.
Dennis made his way over to the two of them, flicking the tip of the needle on the way. Getting up close and personal, he inspected Steven’s now flabby arm in an attempt to enter the needle safely. But despite his best attempts teven was wriggling far too much for him to get a safe shot. “John, can you get him to stay still?!”
“Well… I think I’ve got one idea that could work.” As John said this, an almost malicious grin began to form on his face. He carefully maneuvered Stevens head while raising up one of his arms until he was finally able to shove Steven’s face into his damp hairy armpit. Suddenly Steven was overwhelmed with the musky smell that used to belong to him. He didn’t know how to react as the sweaty scent permeated his nostrils. Part of him wanted to pull away but he didn’t have the strength as his nose was forced to dig deeper into his former armpit. This left Steven dazed just long enough that Dennis was able to stick him with the needle at last.
“There you go. Just fall asleep in your own musk.” John sniggered while continuing to hold Steven nice and deep in his pit. And slowly but surely Steven lost consciousness, leaving John to catch him before he collapsed.
“He should be out cold for at least an hour or so. Go sit him down on the bench you were sitting on earlier.” Dennis suggested.
And so John did just that, using his incredible new strength to lift his old body and carry it over to the bench. Sitting it down next to a brown bag Steven had brought with him. Inside the bag was some money, car keys, his home address and more so that Steven would at least have somewhere to go when he wakes. The train platform was normally abandoned so they figured he should be fine on his own for now. He wasn’t their problem anymore regardless.
“Alright let’s head back to your studio to pick up my stuff and then go to your place until my new memories kick in.” John couldn’t stop touching himself. Flexing each and every hairy muscle that he could. Groping his biceps. Kneading his pecs. Smacking his thighs. Everything about his new body just felt so euphoric. Not to mention the rush he was still feeling from stealing it.
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“Fine but as soon as you’ve got those memories, you’ve gotta help me get MY new body as well remember?” Dennis reminded his now hairy hulk of a friend.
John hummed in agreement as continued flexing. Adoring the sensation of his muscles rippling with pure power when he did. All the while his cocky as still hard as a rock and begging to be let out of its fabric prison. “Fuuuuck. Mind if I take care of this when we get to your place? This giant dick is driving me nuts. As soon as I bust a load I’ll be golden.” He claimed while not being able to help letting his hands wander south to caress his bulge.
Dennis couldn’t stop a small smirk from crossing his face. “Well in that case I suppose I’d better help you drain those bull nuts before you go crazy.” He cooed while taking John’s hand and dragging him in the direction of the studio. Already picturing the idea of having that fat stolen cock stuffed down his throat…
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oh-stars · 8 months
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Love is letting someone take care of you.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 1,607 words | CW: injury | Rating: G
Steve has tried really hard these last five years to be more than what others expect of him. At first, it was just about being a better person and not the dickhead kid he used to be. That was easy enough, to choose kindness over the cruel words and inaction, but he didn’t realize there would be so much involved in being a better person overall, like beyond not kicking people when they’re down or holding open the door for a stranger, fundamentally changing the way he thinks to be a better friend and man. 
He’s not stupid, no matter what his dad always says. He knows there are cultural differences between guys and girls, but he also knows a lot of that is bullshit and misogynary (or whatever the word Robin is always saying) – that it comes from hating women and people who are different.
Steve’s thought a lot about manliness over the last few years. He doesn’t have a sister and other than Carol, who was always ‘one of the guys’ in Steve’s eyes, he really doesn’t have much experience hanging out with girls he’s not actively trying to date. Now he gets a ton of one-on-one time with women without the haze of attraction or ulterior motives. He’s seen the guys Max and Eleven giggle over in their magazines and none of them are the action stars they’re supposed to be drooling over – it’s all the cute guys with soft looks and kind eyes. 
He gets it now. Especially when he wakes up in the morning and looks down to find the hottest guy of them all curled up on his chest. Eddie’s not the epitome of masculinity, nor is Steve, but that doesn’t make them any less of a man. Their sexualities, interests, the way they share their emotions – none of that makes them more or less of a man. 
After years and years of relearning what being a man means to him, you would think Steve wouldn’t fall into the same stereotypes of his fellow men. And yet… 
He adjusts his grip on the crutches. It’s been hell trying to get inside, taking ages so he doesn’t fall again and break his other leg. Should he have called someone? Yes. Should he let Eddie know he needs a hand? Absolutely. Will he be admitting defeat? Never. He doesn’t even really understand why, if he’s honest. It’s not like Hopper’s going to come speeding down, sirens blazing, and demand Steve hand over his Man Card because he asked for help. 
Steve manages to make it to the door, out of breath and sweating under his coat and layers. He leans against the doorframe as he digs for his keys. It takes way too much effort, but eventually, he’s able to get inside. Steve drops his bag, then walks carefully to the couch, cringing with each swing-step he takes as his snowy boot tracks water all along the rug. 
Fuck. He knew Eddie would be home, he saw his van in the driveway after all, but Steve still hoped he’d be out or that one of the guys swung by and picked him up. It’s not like he could hide this from him, but it would be nice to have a bit more time to figure out his story. Because Eddie finding out means Steve has to admit he was wrong in the first place. 
“Yeah,” he calls back as he tugs off his lone boot, his other one is still on the floorboard of his car, and sets the crutches down beside him. He lifts his broken leg up, the action stiff with how awkward and new the cast feels and quickly covers it with a blanket. It’ll buy him some time. 
“I was wondering where you went,” Eddie says as he slides into the living room on his socks. He’s already in his sleepwear: one of Steve’s old shirts, Steve’s favorite sweatpants that are too big for him, and Steve’s gym socks. It hits him that he won’t be able to wear Eddie’s sweats, the ones he’s stretched out and are so thin they may as well be threads held together by dreams, until he gets this cast off. Well shit. 
Eddie pauses for just a moment before he’s walking over and sitting on the ottoman in front of Steve. “You’re wearing your coat still,” he says.” 
Steve shrugs and hugs his chest. “I’m cold.” 
“Why don’t you go shower and warm up?” Eddie asks, face neutral but his eyes tell a different story. He’s suspicious. How is he already catching on? Steve’s like the king of stealth. 
“I don’t feel like washing my hair right now,” he says instead. “I just want to lay here for a bit.” 
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “It’s Thursday,” Eddie says, “it’s your hair washing day according to your meticulous hair schedule. And you don’t want to wash it?” 
Steve can only shrug again. “Maybe later?” 
“Right, right,” Eddie says. He leans forward and kisses him all sweetly. Eddie brushes a hand through Steve’s hair and it nearly brings him to tears, if he’s honest. His body is sore, there’s probably a bruise the size of Alaska on his back and ass, and his leg is starting to hurt more now that his meds are wearing off. It’s been a harrowing few hours of trying to get to the hospital, being seen and dealing with the horrors of doctors and nurses touching him (he can’t even begin to think about how he’ll react to getting the cast removed, the saw too much like the one the Russian wanted to use–), and now that it’s all over and Eddie’s being sweet… Steve just wants to give up the charade.
“Baby,” Eddie says softly, “talk to me.” 
Steve looks up, blinking away the tears and leans into Eddie’s touch. “I fell,” he mumbles, cheeks hot. It’s so humiliating. He’s a grown man. So he fell? Big deal. But he fell doing a thing that Eddie told him he should probably wait to take care of until someone else could spot the ladder, that Steve made a bigger deal about doing it solo because he’s Steve. 
“On the ice?” 
He shakes his head and drops his eyes back down to Eddie’s. He watches in real time as Eddie realizes what Steve means, as confusion morphs into shock then concern. “Stevie,” he whispers, “how bad is your leg?” 
Steve pauses. “How did you know it was my leg?” 
Eddie pointedly looks at the crutches leaning against the arm of the couch. Oh. 
He sighs. “It's a clean break,” he says. “But I broke my tibula.” 
“Your tibia or your fibula?” Eddie asks, no judgment in his words. 
“Honestly, couldn’t tell you. Paperwork is in my bag though.” 
Eddie laughs softly and leans forward to kiss Steve’s cheek. “I’ll look later. How are you feeling?” 
“Everything hurts,” he says with only the hint of a whine. It’s like he’s accidentally given his body permission to feel everything. Steve reaches for the blanket, tugging it off his leg to show his foot and knee wrapped in a cast. “I have to wear it for two months.” 
“Shit, Stevie,” Eddie says, moving to squeeze himself onto the edge of the sofa. He leans over Steve, boxing him in. “You know, you’ve got to be more careful,” he says as he takes Steve’s face in his hands, “if you want to grow old together like you’re always talking about, then you’ve got to actually get there. And that starts with taking care of yourself.” 
Steve sighs. “I can take care of myself–” 
“But let me help,” Eddie says, leaning forward again to kiss Steve’s forehead. “Not because you need it, but because I want to. Why make things harder on yourself just to prove a point?” 
He doesn’t have much to say to that. 
Eddie pushes himself up and stands. “I know you wanted to make a roast for dinner, but want to get take out and smoke some? May help with the aches?” 
Steve nods and scoots forward so he can wrestle his way out of his coat. “You can’t baby me the whole time I’m in this cast, by the way.” 
“Oh, I could,” Eddie says, “but I do actually want to stay together by the time you get it off, so I’ll let you do some things by yourself.” He takes Steve’s jacket and grabs a few pillows to prop up Steve’s leg. “Will you let me take care of you tonight, though?” 
He feels so helpless and embarrassed to need the help, but with the way Eddie’s looking at him, Steve can’t tell him no. “Please?” 
Eddie beams as he basically skips to the coat closet. 
All Steve can do is watch as Eddie flits around the house: getting the good cuddling blankets and the pillows off their bed, grabbing his lunchbox, bringing Steve a pop to drink, all while he orders food from their favorite takeout place, phone sandwiched against his ear. 
He hates how nice it feels to be taken care of, especially over something as silly as a broken leg from a dumb mistake. Who takes down Christmas lights by themselves after a frost? Knowing their ladder is finicky at best on a good day? He was asking to fall off the roof! He should be glad he didn’t break more than his leg! 
But it’s a little easier to let it happen than it had been when they first started dating. He’s not perfect, he can be too proud sometimes, but he’s working on it. 
Thank you @lady-lostmind for betaing this fic!
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altocat · 3 months
Given the way Shinra market the Firsts - especially Sephiroth - it seems like they're trying to go with some influencer vibes. So my question is this - how far do you think this goes?
Are there make up palettes or nails along the lines of holo taco, an energy drink like Prime marketed as SOLDIER adjacent, Vegas style restaurants where you have someone's name attached to it or even happy meal style toys (moogle meal toys?) in partnership with with other companies? Maybe cafes like you get with K-pop stars where you go and can order a person's 'favourite' drink?
I think they probably tailor brands depending on each Firsts' area of personal expression. Genesis owns hair, makeup, and general fashion. Angeal is outdoor gear, professional clothing, and really anything that involves a level of manly responsibility. Sephiroth is mostly military, with lots of time spent on stupid meaningless things like shampoo, colognes, etc.
That said, I think that Shinra also tends to go apeshit when it comes to cutesy nonsense too--just look at Stamp. So Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth are probably subjected to all kinds of silly and unwanted fanfare related to innocuous child-friendly media. The goal is to have them be warm and cuddly mascots for the kiddos to enjoy (SO THEY'LL ENLIST!!!) and Shinra makes sure to have its hands in EVERYONE'S pockets. There's something genuinely disturbing at having Genesis be an adorable chibi fridge magnet one moment and then having a rather scantily clad beach shoot for a men's fashion magazine the next.
Angeal is probably the least popular of the three, and mostly just gets shoved onto "assignments" that don't require that much self-debasement. Which is good news for him because he's not stuck making special guest appearances at the In-N-Out every other week. Genesis honestly enjoys the attention regardless of the circumstances. Sephiroth, conversely, is almost always completely miserable and his clear disdain for the audience requires a LOT of late evening hours spent on the editing floor.
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brainrotdotorg · 2 years
Requires 8 hours research time. Endurance must be greater than 5 (manly man things) and pass a Perception check (to notice the hidden magazine)
PROBLEM The zine you found underneath the Student Communist’s couch reads in screen-printed text MAZOV/NILSEN- A/B/O. A fictional world, populated only by men. The idea of a world without women intrigues you. Their status in the world is denoted by Meteian letters- Alpha, Beta, Omega. Alphas sound strong. Top dogs. You’d probably be an Alpha. You can practically smell the testosterone coming off the pages- you know whatever is in this booklet isn’t for pussies. This is about men, by men, for men. What masculine secrets will this story hold?
SOLUTION Rutting, scent marking, breeding, heat cycles, slick– the terms fill your head at a dizzying rate, reddening your face and making you shift in your seat as you read. You aren’t quite sure if you think you’re an Alpha anymore; this was the last thing you expected these zines to be about. With such an open-ended and fascinating concept for a world, the authors creating stories in it sure do love to only focus on how these men fuck. Not that you mind.
RESEARCH +1 Electrochemistry: This Is Kinda Hot?
COMPLETION +1 Encyclopedia: New Knowledge (Yaoi) +2 Electrochemistry: Yeah, You Think This Is Hot.
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i aspire to be the level of autism you are with cars with my own interests, please tell me, car overlord, how long will i need to hone my craft
for me a large part of it is that i’ve been obsessed since i was a toddler, no exaggeration. 21 years is a pretty long time to hone in a single hyperfixation. my parents were also super supportive of my fixation on them, they subscribed to several industry magazines for me when i was a kid, took me to car shows and auctions, played racing games with me, all while having a significantly more passive interest. honestly a fun trick to get more into something you’re already interested in is to get like coffee table books on them. i’ve had so many books on cars that were definitely meant to sit on a car guy’s coffee table as decoration that says “look i know cars, i keep gq’s top 50 greatest cars for big manly men as a decoration” but that i read and reread until the spines split when i was like 14, they’re like picture books for adults and they’re awesome
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zombieheroine · 6 months
Initial D character headcanons (1/?)
Screw canon, I'll add my own. Here are some headcanons I came up with, take it, leave it, add your own, whatever we keep drifting.
Fujiwara Takumi
Music of choice: Eurodance, to stay awake. Works better than any caffeinated drink ever could. In his glove compartment: Take-out fliers, loose coins to spend on vending machines. Parallel parking skill: Has never parallel parked, but would succeed on first try. Could drift into the spot but doesn't want to look like a show-off. Driving pet peeve: Slow drivers who don't give way. Ticket score: Zero. He doesn't want to find out what Bunta would say.
Itsuki Takeuchi
Music of choice: Whatever is on the radio In his glove compartment: His driving license and the manual of the car, list of his work shifts, a car magazine, a pair of fluffy dice he hasn't dared to hang yet. Parallel parking skill: He's super nervous and sweats it every time, but does okay, even though he needs multiple tries. Driving pet peeve: Tailgaters. Ticket score: Since the first accident, he's a very responsible driver and doesn't have any additional tickets, but the points on his license remain.
Iketani Koichiro
Music of choice: Classic Japanese rock/pop ballads for strong independent manly men who need no woman In his glove compartment: A water bottle, a spare bowtie for work, forgotten old tests from high school, personal hygiene kit with mouthwash and a disposable razor, but he's forgotten to buy shaving cream. Parallel parking skill: He's proficient, but if someone's watching he gets too self-concious to even try. Driving pet peeve: Ending up on the slow lane and watching cars pass him on his left. Ticket score: He caught a few speeding tickets in his first year with a license due to being over eager and careless in urban areas, but wisened up before maxing out the points.
Dayjob: A baker, which leaves him with lots of free time to bother his friends at their work place. Music of choice: Rock'n'roll from all over the world, to both knead bread dough and drive fast to. He burns his own mix CDs. In his glove compartment: CDs, several tubes of prescription hand cream, manga magazines, marker pens, post-it-notes and old shopping lists, crumbled up receipts. Parallel parking skill: None. This man has so far never been forced to even try, and so he won't learn. There's always a free spot somewhere in a small town, especially very late and very early. He would never want to drive in a metropolitan area. Driving pet peeve: Drivers who rev their engines and screech their tires to show off. Ticket score: A few parking tickets because he tends to forget himself in chatting with friends.
Takahashi Keisuke:
Dayjob: This rich problem youth has not worked a day in his life. His parents may have given up on him, but his allowance was never wholly cut to keep him from getting into even more serious trouble. Music of choice: Synth pop, like all the cool scene kids in the 90s. In his glove compartment: Snack bar wrappers, a cell phone charger, cigaretters and several half empty lighters, emergency condoms and a totally unrelated tube of body lotion (water-based). Parallel parking skill: He could, but would never expose his precious car to the other parked cars and their drivers like that. If there's no spacious parking spot, he won't leave his car for anything or anyone. Driving pet peeve: Prone to road rage just in general. Ticket score: Zero, but the local police knows him by name.
Takahashi Ryosuke
Day job: Full-time med student, favorite child. Music of choice: Heavy metal, it's excellent stress relief In this glove compartment: Vehicle license, the manual of his car, a logbook, maps, first aid kit. Parallel parking skill: Perfect, what did you expect? Driving pet peeve: People who get road rage. Ticket score: Surprisingly high. He's been caught speeding multiple times when looking for his brother during his gang days, and caught the occasional parking ticket due to forgetfullness.
Nakamura Kenta
Dayjob: An employee at a 7/11 Music of choice: Same as Keisuke's In his glove compartment: Wrappers from various snacks, empty noodle cups and an uneven number of disposable chopsticks, crumbled up energy drink cans. Parallel parking skill: Could do it, as long as he concentrates instead of trying to act too cool Driving pet peeve: Drivers who hit puddles on purpose, either spraying the pedestrians or risking hydroplaning needlessly Ticket score: He's got his license suspended once for three months. Since joining the RedSuns he's cleaned up his act in general.
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itscherrylipsforme · 3 months
please please please write something about big, muscly, manly Patrick Zweig being deathly afraid of spiders
Little friend: Patrick Zweig x fem!reader
Blurb. I had 5 years by Bo Burnham playing on my mind while writing this and idk what that says about me 😅 Btw I have realized that I have a thing for big men who would seem strong and actually are losers. Enjoy your treat 🫶🏼
Masterlist Characters I write for
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Getting your boyfriend to stop by for a visit on campus when he was in the middle of tournament season resembled too much to mission impossible. Art, the person who knew him best from his childhood, would say it would be almost a miracle. But it is well known that only two supplies were needed to make a prodigy. A bit of charm and a saint, luckily you had both.
So there you were sitting on the bed in your bedroom, a romantic movie on the laptop in the background and some takeaway food that Patrick wasn't planning to pay much attention to. He had never been too discreet in his intentions, and now with the sweet kisses and the occasional nibbles on your neck what he longed for was clearer than ever. When you had decided to stop teasing him and finally give him the attention he wanted, a little friend decided to join the party without invitation.
“Look at that!” You chuckled gazing at the bug which was now resting on the corner of the screen “What are you doing here little one?” You whispered to the spider.
Before you knew he was standing in the middle of the bed. Face white as talc, even though he tried his best to hide it.
"Baby, are you okay?"
"Yeah, sure" A nervous laugh was all that he managed to say "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Please, don't tell me you are scared of this little one?" You couldn’t help laughing a bit although you did’t want him to feel embarrassed for his phobia.
"Little one??? How could you consider that thing little???” There was no denying it anymore, his cool facade had completely fallen down.
There was no way to be calm when a gigantic (or so he thought) fluffy and nauseous eight eyed monster was ruing your date night. How could you not understand it?
“Come on Pat! It’s just a bug”
“Just a bug? Just a bug, y/n?” He tried to move the laptop away with his feet but that only made the spider fall into the bed. The state of panic he suffered went from bad to worse.
“Fine, would you feel better if I let you kill it?” You resolved, downplaying the issue.
“You can’t be serious! That thing could bite, sting or God knows what else!"
"Pat, grow a pair”
"Oh we are going for that kind of discouraging phrases now? I thought better of you, princess" A mock offense in his face "Girls are always against the patriarchy until insects arrive. If you realized how much of…”
You didn’t want to listen to the rest of his ramble and with the help of an old magazine you caught the small spider in your hand and helped her out of the window.
"Happy now?”
"Very much so” He conceded “But I won’t be touching those hands full of... Wait, do they transmit any germs?”
He was even easier to handle than a spider, a couple of kisses would make the deal to stop him from thinking about the whole issue. After all you were much more an interesting specimen to focus than a bug.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
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crystlizabeth · 1 year
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Young!Toshinori Yagi x Black!femreader
Summary: All might having his big debut in america and an upcoming hero catches his eye, lucky for him Dave knows the women and introduces them.
Warnings: cursing and suggestive, smut 18+, size kink, dom reader(kinda), unprotected p in v, mommy kink. Slight breeding kink. as always its kinda a self insert💋
A/n: this is me because i love the idea of young all might enjoying himself in America especially loving the black women and myself insert is very very media loved she reminds me of Rihanna and Nicki in the 2000s and 2010s 🙏🏽
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America was definitely a big cultural change for All might, the new hero has been in the states for quite a while and had to say it was enjoyable. The food, the music, the city, the people, especially the women.
When it came to the women god were they beautiful, specifically the black women. They were carefree yet had class he saw very few black women in japan, but now he saw them everywhere and he couldn’t complain one bit. The low waist jeans, how their curves filled out everything they wore, their hair braided, loced, pressed or natural danm it was all good.
But a new hero like himself caught his eye. She went by Minerva her qurik Labyrinth. It was powerful and quite unique, its allowed her to make illusions and create beings as well as objects from crystal balls. She could hallucinate people with them aswell, little other things wither her quirk she could also create rabbit holes with my quirk aka teleport, she had her own type of worlds Labrinths/mazes, also able to use telekinesis to an extent. She was astonishing, and very liked my the media he saw her on lots of buildings and in ads.
He saw her everywhere, on magazine fronts, in the news. She was a sight for eyes the media’s favorite, how she posed in her work the outfits she wore. She knew how to please the paparazzi she smile wide for them, either blowing them a kiss or waving.
Now she stood a few tables away at a convention cameras still on her, she wore a denim two peace, mini skirt with a halter vest a white bottom up under it that hung above her belly button that was priced. She wore lether white platform heels, gold jewelry finishing up the look. Her hair was thick and long and in its natural state, her two toned lips glossy. All might couldn’t remove his yes from her she filled everything out so perfectly her stomach slightly coming over her skirt here thighs plush and crossed over as she stood talking to a friend, he noticed a birth mark on the back of her thigh it the opposite of her complexion. His eyes scanned her takings in the sights before him moving little as people walked by never wanting to looks away.
“You know I could introduce you to her.” Dave said snaping Toshinori out of thought.
He looked over at his friend taking his eyes off of you for the first time, “Could you please?” He said pleading in a way making Dave laugh.
“Common.” Dave spoke standing up grabbing his drink. The two men stood up making there way over to her the closer they got all might couldn’t help but feel excited he had a little school girl crush on this woman so of course he was excited.
“Yo N/N !” Dave spoke out, Might watched as she turned around the twos hands meeting in a small hand shake.
“Hi Davy, whats good!” She said smiling at the man her voice was a little deeper compared to alot of girls but not in a manly matter but more mature.
“I just wanted to introduce you to my friend.” He spoke turning to Tosh.
“Oh?” She smiled her head tilting and she looked at him up and down.
“Im Toshinori Yagi, pleasure meeting you miss Minerva.” He spoke bowing quickly then sticking his hand out for you to shake.
She laughed lightly “Call me Y/n babe, but is nice meeting you too Toshinori. Hows your time been in the states?”
He smiled, they continued the conversation for a while Dave leaving them be soon enough. They shared drinks keeping the conversation casual and talk about the new hero life.
“You know ive been planning on going to japan for hero work test the waters there you know?” She said as she leaned on the bar looking at the blonde.
“Really? Wow I think you would enjoy it there to be honest.” He said.
“You could show me around..get me used to things hm?” she said her tone flirty.
Toshinori could feel his cheeks heat up “I- I could do that..” he spoke straightening his posture.
She laughed amused at the reaction “common baby you cant be that easily flustered, you’re a debuting hero in America got to have girls all over you?” She said pushing in his arm a bit. He laughed at her remark she was right but he wanted some else all over him, her nails tearing at his back and shoulders as she laid under him calling out his name, he shook his head getting rid of the dirty thought that lingered focusing himself back on her.
That night Toshinori found himself actually falling for her, he always found himself thinking about her the way he made her laugh and smile even at the stupidest things, how she actually wanted to get to know him. How her body always faced him when she talked to him keeping eye contact. He spent two months in America and found himself head over heels in such a short amount of time. The media took advantage of this friendship as pictures of them flooded around. But, soon enough he found his trip coming to an end and having to head back to Japan, but not without saying goodbye right?
He remembers her giving him her address but he never got the chance. “Hey I got to make a stop before we leave.” Toshinori spoke to his manager.
So the stop was made just him nobody else. His took a breath collecting himself before he knocked. He could hear footsteps getting closer and locks being undone. The door opened revealing her, she looked up at him about to speak only for him to cut her off.
“I know its late, but Im supposed to leave for Japan tonight.” He said not totally finishing his sentence, he watched the woman lean on the door her arms crossed an amused smile on her face.
“Oh? Then what brings you here Tosh?” She asked.
He took a breath “I didn’t want to leave without seeing you again.”
She pushed herself of the door way “Here come in.” She said moving letting the man enter her home closing the door behind them.
“When is your flight?” Her voice quiet.
“In a few hours..” he said, he wasn’t just going to leave he had come all this way.
“Why did you really come here Toshinori..?” Her eyes looking up at him as she fell against the door facing him.
He felt his words get caught in his throat, quickly he cleared it “I wanted to see you, I couldn’t just leave without saying goodbye.” His eyes wondered on her she wore a silk set a dress and robe.
“I do have to admit I hate to watch you leave, shit i don’t even know when i’ll get to see you again..” she spoke pushing of the door walking over to the couch.
He slowly followed taking a seat next to her. Her eyes connecting with his. “You could always visit, but i feel the same Im so thankful i got to meet you. You’ve been my favorite part of America.” He said his body facing hers.
Her hands grabbed his, hers so small compared to his, her skin was so soft. “You know Tosh I couldn’t just let you leave with a goodbye hm?” She said her words in a tone of want as she sat on her knees the silk night gown rudding up her thighs.
“What are you suggesting..” he knew what she was suggesting.
He watched her carefully, she guided his hand to her face. He took the sign bring her in close to him, kissing her, her other hand falling on his lap keeping her balance. The kiss was soft them pulling a was a few times only for them to connect continuously kissing, the heat between then getting hotter as they made out.
He grabbed her pulling hie on his lap, his arms wrapping around her torso pulling her closer their bodies pressed together. The sound of her soft moans as they kissed her hips adjusting causing friction between them. Her hands ran through his hair the blonde groaning as she shifted her weight on him her fingers slightly pulling his hair. His hands placed on her hips making their way under the fabric causing it to ride up as he squeezed the flesh.
“God..” she groaned her breath heavy.
He pulled away he face fell into his shoulder their breath heavy, his hands moving to her hips holdings her in a hug again making sure her body never left his. Toshinori’s mind was foggy, “How much time you got?” He heard her say her voice muffled as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders like a hug keeping him as close as he did her.
“Thats dosnt matter I’ll get a flight for Monday night.” He said, his lips kissing her neck softly.
“Your gonna spend all weekend in the states?” She said lifting her head looking at him.
“With you, if thats all right?”
“Of course! I wouldn’t mind the company, would say Id take you on a proper date but, i dint need the cameras in our face.” She spoke leaning in kissing him once more through a smile.
He laughed, kissing her once more. “No one has to know..” she spoke.
She was right nobody did, plus it would keep them both out of danger. A secret just form them.
“Hey, aren’t i the one that’s supposed to take you on a date?” He pulled away.
She laughed as the man “Cook me dinner, call it a date.”
“Works for me.” He kissed her again picking her up a laugh erupting from her, she painted towards her room as he made his way there.
He worked with her body in such a gentle manner not wanting to hurt her, for the fact he was twice her size. Y/n laid back watching him take his shirt of the fabric coming over his head. She watched as he took his shoes soon falling in top of her, hes hands wandering her body. Soon slipping the dress over her head.
Pulling away from her lips kissing down her body taking in all of her, the soft whines that left her life motivating him to keep going. He stoped at the top of her panty line looking up at her as she sat up on her elbows. “Can I please take them off?” He asked his tone innocent.
“Yes you may.” She said a smile displayed on her face.
His large hands tapping her to lift herself up a little as he pulled them off throwing them somewhere on the floor. He teased her kissing her inner thighs leaving her sex untouched, he moved her legs over his shoulder them resting on his back she could feel his muscles shift as he moved.
“Fuck.. Tosh stop teasing!” He voice reached his ears the irritation making him laugh lightly earning a light smack on the head.
He looked up his eyes heavy “tell me what you want..” he said slightly hesitant.
“Your not good at this dominant thing are you?”
“I-I am!”
“Wheres your confidence baby? Common,” she head her voice seductive as she reached down touching his face making him crumble. “Go on Tosh be a good boy and eat me, eat me like you wont see me again.”
She said her hand leaving his face going down to her cunt rubbing small circles on her clit, she watched as his eyes watched her play with herself, the woman’s fingers moving in and out of her her slick coating her fingers. His mouth agape slightly, “wanna taste?”
He nodded soon the taste of her on his tongue as she stuck her finger in his mouth, he suckled on her fingers cleaning them before she moved them out. “Go on,” she said, with that he wrapped his arms around her thighs pulling her closer in. The first few taste were hesitant finding the right spots, him losing control starting to practically make-out with her cunt.
Tightening his grips holding her down so she didn’t move away. Her sweet moans being music to his ears motivating him to continue. He let out a groan feeling her fingers pull on his hair her nails scraching his scalp lightly. He sat up a little un wraping his arm bringing his hand down, sliding a finger in as he sucked on her clit.
The movement on his two fingers causing her to throw her head back in to the bad letting out breathy curses, the lewd sounds of her slick and his saliva mixing as he toyed with her more. Her legs shaking slightly soon feelings her thighs tighten around his head.
“Common sweetheart, cum for me..” he spoke his tone heavy.
Her body shook slightly as she came over her high, her hands pulling on the blondes hair. He finished cleaning her cunt clean looking up his mouth covered in her slick.
He sat up coming up placing a soft kiss on her lips, her hands holding the side of his face pulling him in more. “Mmm you did so good baby, such a good job.” She praised, Toshinori’s eyes clouded and he mumbled out something.
“Hm? Common use your words, so pussy drunk huh…” her voice teased and he nodded in her hands.
She pushed him up flipping him over, “let me treat you Toshi.” Her hands pushing him down flat on his back. His hands found their way to her hips grabbing them softly. Undoing his pants she pulled the slightly Tosh getting the memo lifting his hips kicking them of. He sat up leaning on his hands as he watched her align herself with him, his head fell back feeling her walls clamp down on him as she lowered down on his cock. Looking back but moaning at the sight of her swallowing him whole.
Y/n letting out soft moans and she let herself adjust to his size, her nails digging into his shoulders. He pulled her in a hugging position his face buried in her shoulder as she rode him the pace slow and first. “Let me see your face..” she whispered, he pulled his head up looking as her his brows frowned trying to hold in his noises.
“I wanna hear you, let me hear you.” She spoke he hips moving slightly faster now.
He did as that they were quite moans, as she moved her hips. Lifting herself up and doing back down every time making him break In every way possible. “Fuck mo-.” He cut himself off tightening his grip on her hips and she moved him laying flat on his back now.
“What was that baby, hm..” she said slowly her pace down painfully, “common tell me what you want.” She teased moving back and forth.
“Please, please mommy im so close.” He begged.
“Is mommys pussy good?” She asked teasing him.
He grounded his knees coming up, Y/n leaning on his legs moving faster again, “so good, so good… please dont stop,” he begged he sat up wrapping his arms around her again. She kissed and sucked on his neck pushing him closer.
She felt him shift pulling her down with him, skin to skin her boobs pressed up against him, his hips meeting with hers as he fucked himself with her, the sound of skin slapping and moaning filling the apartment. “Oh fuck tosh, common baby dont stop.”
He could feel her walls tightening around him that pushing his limt, “common fill me up, stuff me full.” Her lewd comment was his breaking point, his grip tightened painfully around her waist as she rode out his high. His thick cum fulling her up erupting more as she finished herself on him milking him. The fullness making her moan out her high reaching again, tosh in her shoulder begging her to cum. Her body shifting as she reached her high.
They just laid there him still in her, cum running down her thighs. Their heavy breaths in sync, Y/n lifting her head off his shoulder, leaning down kissing him her arms wrapped around his neck. “You did so good, so fucking good.” She praised the man.
He kissed her softly thanking her, he pulled her up his cock falling out of her the feeling of cum hitting his stomach as she dripped on him. His lips met hers once more before she crawled over him stepping of the bed. He watched as his seed ran down her leg, letting out a pleased groan he sat up ready to follow her.
“Stay.” He voice stern.
He signed “I wanna help you clean up, please let me help.” He finished putting his hands together.
“Let me pee first.” She said walking into her bathroom as she heard a small laugh from him. He stood up following her, “What are you pee shy?”
She glared at him from the toilet, “no I am not.” She answered simply her face looking away from him. He let her finish soon after entering the bathroom with her.
He turned her around lifting her up on the counter. “What are you doing, on my god.” She laughed.
“Cleaning you up.” He spoke grabbing a washcloth of the shelf. Wetting it with warm water he ran it down her leg his touch delicate. Cleaning the cum off her legs, rinsing the cloth off then cleaning himself.
She watched him closthing her legs sitting on the counter bare. “Mommy huh? You know now you ow me a mothers day gift.” She teased. He looked up after putting his brefs on. Her panties in his hand, “W..What?” His laugh nervous.
“You called me mommy Toshinori.” She said, taking the underwear from him.
Embarrassment fell over his face, his cheeks bright red. “Oh god.” He groaned his hands coming up covering his face.
The woman let out a laugh as she pulled up her underwear. “Oh baby doll be all nervous.” She spoke looking up at him her hands grabbing his pulling them down, she brought them to her boobs having him cup them. His head falling on her shoulder his back bending uncomfortably, she felt him fondling them a little. “You did just fill me up like a cream puff sooo…” she teased. He let out a laugh pulling away.
“You are filthy. Oh my gosh.” He said his face still bright red, a shit eaten girl laid on the women’s face.
“Says the one who called me mommy!”
“Stop, Ugh!” He turned around facing away from him.
He felt her nails graze up his back, her snaking her arms around him hugging him. “Its okay gorgeous I don’t mind.” She said kissing the small scratch marks on his back.
“Gorgeous?” He asked.
“Dont like it? I think it suits you.” She said watching him turn around.
“I mean, everything about you is gorgeous. I might not know you fully but, I would love to. Considering you just had you dick in me.” She said.
His head tilted “I would hope so, but really i think your the gorgeous one. Look at you Y/n, everything. Your humor, the way you carry yourself so confidently, and god I love your hair, i love the birth mark under your boob, i love how you welcomed me so cautiously, but so openly.” He finished.
“God, that made me wet.” She joked. Catching him off guard.
“You’re horrible.” He laughed holding her face pulling her in kissing her.
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There we go I actually like this haha! This is my first MHA and I plan on doing more! I love writing about ocs! I hope this was some what reader vibe, but this was a little taste from my MHA dr! Just wait till i mention my daughter in this dr. (You get repeats of names bc i love them)
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dwellordream · 6 months
“Sex and reproduction affected women’s lives much more powerfully than men’s. The mid-century decades were particularly treacherous ones because the codes of sexual conduct were changing so rapidly. On the one hand, traditional sexual mores and the “double standard” remained so strong that a woman’s reputation could be “ruined”--in the lingo of the day--if she behaved in ways that were outside the boundaries of acceptable sexual conduct for women. If she became pregnant as a result, the consequences were extremely dire. On the other hand, these were the years when sex became big business; sex was used to sell products from cars to toothpaste.
Magazines, movies, and every form of advice literature encouraged women to be attractive and sexy to catch a man--but to put on the brakes when it came to sex itself. Birth control devices were becoming more effective and available, but abortion remained illegal except under exceptional circumstances, and illegal abortions were extremely dangerous. If women were confused by all these mixed messages, it is no wonder. As one woman recalled, “Postwar America was a society with Stop-Go lights flashing everywhere we looked. Sex, its magic spell everywhere, was accompanied by the stern warning: Don’t do it.”
…It was now obvious that homosexuality, once considered a deviant fringe element of society, was pervasive. But in the hostile climate of the Cold War years, this knowledge did little to make life easier for gay men and lesbians. In fact, the postwar era was a time of heightened persecution of homosexuals. Anyone who did not display the appropriate sexual behavior of the era--heterosexual dating, young marriage, and childbearing--was suspected of being a “pervert.” This pejorative term was widely used during these years and implied not only sexual deviance, but danger. The Republican party national chairman, Guy Gabrielson, claimed that “sexual perverts… have infiltrated our Government in recent years,” and they were “perhaps as dangerous as the actual Communists.”
It was widely believed that only “manly” men could stand up against the threat of communism, and that “perverts” were security risks. The persecution of homosexual men and women became more intense than ever before. Homophobia became ferocious, destroying careers, encouraging harassment, and forcing homosexuals to name others with whom they associated. In 1950, the Senate issued a report on the Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government, which asserted that, “those who engage in overt acts of perversion lack the emotional stability of normal persons… Indulgence in acts of sex perversion weakens the moral fibre of the individual.”
Male homosexuals were considered the greatest menace. Lesbians were also condemned, but since displays of affection between women were not uncommon, lesbianism more easily went unnoticed. Nevertheless, lesbians established strong communities with distinctive styles of dress, behavior, and social institutions. Lesbians who were open about their identity faced extreme hostility and even violence.
…Dating began the path to marriage. Most young people dated during high school, and many, especially young working-class women who did not go on to college, married right after graduation. The dating system established a certain amount of physical intimacy between unmarried men and women. Although the proportion of young men and women having sexual intercourse did not increase substantially between the 1920s and the 1960s, there was a significant increase in physical intimacy that stopped short of intercourse. As Kinsey noted, “on doorsteps and on street corners, and on college campuses, [petting] may be observed in the daytime as well as in the evening hours.” He claimed that petting was “one of the most significant factors in the sexual lives of high school and college males and females.”
Dating and petting in high school often encouraged young coupling, and those who were steady dates were more likely to become sexually involved. One teenager explained that it had more to do with love than with sexual experimentation: “Something you go all the way in should only be with someone you really love, not just any date.” Although adults at the time were sometimes alarmed at what they saw as promiscuous behavior, dating and petting, and even intercourse between steadies, was part of a system of dating that was expected to lead, ultimately, to the rational choice of a marriage partner.
The dating and petting system, however, contained many dangers for women. It was very difficult for a young woman to know how to avoid being a “prude,” and at the same time to know how far was “too far” to go and still maintain her reputation and desirability. The “double standard” was fiercely enforced, which meant that boys could experiment sexually with little risk, but girls were condemned if they did so.”
- Elaine Tyler May, “Sex: Dating, Marriage, and the Double Standard.” in Pushing the Limits: American Women, 1940-1961
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haggishlyhagging · 1 month
Words exist and are created because they serve the values and attitudes central to a culture. Dictionaries record cultural meanings. Definitions of womanly, mannish, and manly, feminine and masculine from the Random House Dictionary reveal the cultural values modifiers denote and perpetuate. As long as women use these words as though they describe something real or explain observable phenomena, we lend credence to the idea that people can and should be characterized by the dichotomy they represent. As one could predict, the "real meaning" of each word is revealed in the definition of its opposite.
womanly—like or befitting a woman; feminine; not masculine or girlish. Womanly implies resemblance in appropriate, fitting ways; womanly decorum, modesty.
manly—having the qualities usually considered desirable in a man; strong, brave; honorable; resolute; virile. Manly implies possession of the most valuable or desirable qualities a man can have, as dignity, honesty, directness, etc., in opposition to servility, insincerity, underhandedness, etc. It also connotes strength, courage, and fortitude.
feminine—pertaining to a woman or girl: feminine beauty, feminine dress. Like a woman; weak; gentle.
masculine—having the qualities or characteristics of a man; manly; virile; strong; bold; a deep, masculine voice. Pertaining to or characteristic of a man or men: masculine attire.
mannish—applies to that which resembles man: . . . Applied to a woman, the term is derogatory, suggesting the aberrant possession of masculine characteristics. [My emphasis]
The qualities listed under manly and masculine are the "good" things an individual might wish to be: strong, brave, determined, honest, and dignified. Not a single one of the negative qualities commonly attributed to maleness are listed here: aggressive, violent, narrow-minded, self-centered, defensive, easily threatened, domineering, penis-obsessed, intrusive, predatory, immature, dependent, energy-sucking, or territorial, egotistical, and war-mongering. In contrast, the adjectives womanly and feminine are not really defined. Look closely at the long list of characteristics in the definition for manly compared to the circularity of the pseudo-definition for womanly, "like or befitting a woman." That's not a definition; it assumes that we already know the behaviors that "befit" a woman. The real definitions for womanly are implied as "oppositions" to "manly qualities": "servility, insin-cerity, and underhandedness." Under feminine, we find two more adjectives, weak and gentle, but that's it. Positive attributes commonly associated with females, nurturing, kind, and loving, have been omitted, exactly the "feminine" traits that some women want to "reclaim." But those didn't make it into the RHD descriptions.
Most speakers of English accept as "fact" the descriptions forced by this semantic structure. They assume that the descriptive limits of English are, in fact, the limits of reality. One is or is not a man. This assumption was expressed in a television advertisement for a magazine, Savvy, aimed at a female audience: "You don't have to be like a man to succeed in business. You can allow yourself to be a woman." The opposition of woman and man in the ad accepts the idea that members of both sexes are utterly different, assumes as givens the descriptive adjectives for both sexes omitted from the RHD definitions, and implies that being "like a man" is an undesirable thing for a woman, even if she wants to "succeed in business" (a "man's world").
But PUD [Patriarchal Universe of Discourse] dictates that "being a woman" cannot be a "good thing." What isn't apparent in Diagram 3.1 is the equation of "feminine" and "childish" behaviors described by Otto Jespersen. This equation turns up in other places where it isn't as obvious. Consider, for example, paired phrases like "jock itch"/"feminine itch," "adult supporter" (jock strap)/"feminine apparel" (underwear), or the euphemistic "adult movies," "adult bookstore," both of which refer to male pornography. Such examples reflect the equation of [+ male] with 'adulthood', and the corollary notion that women, because [- male], are non-adult ("childish").
When we consider the definition for mannish, "the aberrant possession of masculine characteristics," the idea of a woman who is honest, strong, dignified, forthright, and brave is revealed as negative. Men have reserved the positive attributes for themselves. Women are implicitly defined as "appropriately" weak, gentle, insincere, servile, and underhanded, and any woman who is honest, forthright, dignified, brave, or resolute is "aberrant," that is, mannish. PUD dictates that those born female who reject the dichotomy, who refuse to behave in feminine, "appropriate" ways, will be labeled "masculine" by semantic default. This semantic trick makes it seem as though the adjectives describe behavior accurately, but their existence maintains patriarchal consensus reality at the cost of the individual's integrity. These words will become obsolete just as soon as speakers, especially women, realize such words name culturally valued behaviors, not inherent, biological attributes, and stop using them. Our continued use validates these descriptions.
-Julia Penelope, Speaking Freely: Unlearning the Lies of the Fathers’ Tongues
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frankensteinical · 9 days
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Forty Days of Frankenstein, Day Three: Back in the 1950s there was this array of "Men's Adventure Magazines," with names like "Man's Life," or "Argosy," or whatever. Covers usually featured paintings of manly men doing manly things, sometimes with scantily clad women-in-peril being rescued by said men. They contained lurid stories of adventure presented often in the first person as though true, and breathless "the real truth about" articles. The April, 1959 issue of "Spur" magazine contained the article "The REAL Dr. Frankenstein," (spoiler: no) with a two page illustration of a crazy mad scientist working on his monster. The monster half of the illustration, by artist Emile Ferrari, I present to you forthwith. Note that by this point, we are firmly in Karloff/Pierce territory, with many excellent stitchy stitches and head electrodes.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year
☆ punch out sexuality headcanons ☆
im running out of funny things to say help me, also tw for mentions of homophobia & transphobia
Glass Joe
- aromantic asexual (sex neutral, romance positive) + trans, he/him
- Just because hes ace doesnt mean he doesnt make inappropriate jokes on a daily basis, if there was a ranking of who made the most sexual jokes he'd be at the top
- when he came out as trans to his parents they were suprisingly supportive even though they didnt understand much, it just went like: "mom, dad, im a boy and if you dont like that too bad" "we dont care as long as you dont murder anyone" And they were generally chill with him
- when he first binded he used bandages & cloth instead of a actual binder (before he came out) and due to that he almost wasnt able to get top surgery
- has faked a lot of crushes to fit in during his childhood, ended up dating 3-5 people he didnt even like
- thought his gender envy was attraction until he just asked himself "do i wanna be them or be with them" And boom, gender confusion
- fell down the "im not like other girls!" to "im not a girl." pipeline
Von Kaiser
- demiromantic, demisexual + bi with a preference for men, he/they
- when he didnt know the demi labels he just saw himself as a picky dater, when he saw the demi labels he was like "Wait thats me" And pretty much ascended on the spot
- thought everyone just liked both men & women until he said it out loud and got met with pure shock
- his first crush was a famous model he saw in a fashion magazine, also slipping down the "do i wanna be them or be with them" pipeline
- his dad wasnt really supportive but became a bit more open minded once he realized that his hatred distanced himself from his son even more
Disco Kid
- nonbinary,gay, he/she
- okay with both feminine & masculine terms
- somebody tried to call him "princess" to insult him when he was little, instead he took it as a compliment and saw them as a friend, still in contact with said person & theyre besties now, the princess thing has become a nickname for him
- when he first came out his parents were like "the closet was wide open" and were not suprised at all, they saw it coming 1000 miles away as soon as he started it out with the "i have to say something important"
- started doing make up & playing around with dresses thanks to a close friend of his (the childhood friend) , when he first put on a dress he was like "i think i realized something"
King Hippo
- #1 label hater + all pronouns
- if he were to use labels, he would count as gender apathetic and pan oriented aroace
- labels are for losers to him
- not out but his parents know that he doesnt give a shit about labels, they first found out when he didnt care about being called "queen" and liked it, they have no problem with it
Piston Hondo
- pan, cis (?) + he/him but likes to refer to himself with feminine pronouns in japanese
- not out to his parents but dropping hints, theyre struggling to pick up on it and hes going mad over it
- going through some major gender questioning™
- playing around with dresses & femininity and enjoying it
Great Tiger
- polysexual (prefs are enbies, men & genderqueer ppl), genderqueer + all pronouns
- closeted it but trying to make it clear hes not straight,its just flying over his parents head like "oh me oh my our son is sure close with his friends!! Such close bros"
- likes dresses not only for spinning skirts but also how comfy they are
Bear Hugger
- gay, bear (ITS IN THE NAME. COME ON THE CLOSET IS GLASS), trans + he/him but ok with they/them
- when he first came out there was a lot of crying, not in the "i wont accept this wahh" way but more in the "i cant believe you trusted me enough to tell me this" way
- didnt know he was trans until he said "yeah i like being called son, yeah i like being called manly, im a girl though" out loud and he was like "wait a minute"
- has had 2-3 boyfriends during his teen years and is still in touch with them since the break ups were done without any harsh feelings & grudges, hes the only person that can see his exes all chatting together and not die of a heart attack on the spot
Don Flamenco
- gay, trans + he/they
- got called gay way before he knew it since he kept calling his male friends handsome often, always passed it off like "cant a man call his friend handsome?"
- the only feminine terms he will accept is queen and aunt, refer to him as anything other than that and he will punch you to orbit
- cut off contact with his parents since they didnt accept him & kicked him out, the only person who took him in was his aunt, she helped him get t & bind safely before he got top surgery
Aran Ryan
- genderfluid, pomosexual + all pronouns
- label hater but still uses them because why not
- came out in the most casual way possible, was just chilling on the couch with his dad and he just said "i kinda like being called miss sometimes" from boredom just to see dad go "huh??"
- sometimes does drag when he feels fem
Soda Popinski
- gay, cis + he/him
- Rocky dating history, most break-ups of his were really sad since it was either forced by family members or over arguments
- exes with bald bull but they still get along & dont care about their past, they just had better platonic connection and decided together
- out but not, making it clear hes a bit fruity but not too much for it to snowball into "the rumour come out: does soda popinski is gay?"
Bald Bull
- Boyflux, gay + he/they
- flamboyantly gay and cannot hide it no matter how much he tries, the closet is not even present, show him someone he has a crush on and you'll hear the gayest squeal in your life before he evaporates into thin air and holds you at gunpoint
- has the Don Flamenco issue going for him, compliments his male friends and calls them handsome wayyy too often, this time its 99% more obvious
- either really bitter with his exes or close friends, no inbetween, if you tell him "yeah your exes asked about you, theyre there" theres a 50% chance its gonna have his soul physically exit him and another 50% chance hes gonna walk right over to them and say hi
- not out publicly since it would cause a shitstorm, only out to a few people he trusts, has issues trusting people to not say his secrets since a close friend of his outed him during his teen years
Super Macho Man
- bi (slight pref for women), cis + he/she
- didnt really come out, he just showed up to his parents door with his (now ex) bf and was like "heyy say hi to my boyfriend" and everyone just kinda accepted it
- thought the attraction to men was envy for a long time until he learned the fact that wanting to be lifted into the arms of a man and making out with said man is not really straight
Mr Sandman
- gendervoid, demiromantic, acespec, pan + all pronouns
- feels like he should be more masculine but cant bring himself to it,he cant force his behavior to act in a way that doesnt fit him
- out and about, hes not repressing himself for anyone
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art-of-manliness · 3 days
Podcast #1,025: The Life and Legacy of Louis L’Amour
With over 300 million books sold, Louis L’Amour is one of the bestselling authors of all time. All 120 of his books remain in print. But the greatest story L’Amour ever penned was his own. He spent the early part of his life traveling in a circus, working as a lumberjack and miner, circling the world as a seaman, winning over 50 fights as a professional boxer, and serving in WWII. Today on the show, I talk about both the personal and professional aspects of Louis’ life with his son, Beau L’Amour. We discuss some of Louis’ adventures and the autodidactic education he gave himself by way of a voracious reading habit. We then turn to how Louis got started as a writer and how he cut his teeth writing for pulp magazines before breaking through as a Western novelist and becoming a blockbuster success in his sixties. Resources Related to the Podcast * Louis L’Amour works mentioned in the show: * Education of a Wandering Man: A Memoir * Hondo * Yondering * No Traveller Returns * The Walking Drum * Last of the Breed * Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures, Volume 1 and Volume 2 * “Holding Her Down” by Jack London * AoM Article: How and Why to Become a Lifelong Learner * AoM Article: The Libraries of Famous Men — Louis L’Amour Connect With Beau L’Amour * The Louis L’Amour website * Beau’s website Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!)   Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Transcript Coming Soon   Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/TDbKqW
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