oinonsana · 4 months
belated happy vesak! went to our local temple and participated in the saga dawa puja
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i also did a solo merit-making gubat banwa game!
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In the solo game, the Mantrika Busalian Rasru and their consort vajra Bladeweaver Bajregame travel on foot across a dense forest traveling to the Kuta Ragam in an island in the Gatusan Isles. While traveling, they came across a weeping diwata.
The diwata resided within a single spirit house in the middle of Utoragam Wood. It wept because a band of unmeritorious warriors from the nearby town were coming to destroy the shrine. Rasru and Bajregame were sensitive to the cries of the diwata.
The three warriors saw Rasru and Bajregame coming to the god's aid. Aggravated, they yelled their reason: "Raja Rangin must see to it that the diwata is pushed out, so that the new gods may settle in."
"But this diwata has been the steward of this land for centuries."
"Then they must be tired of their duties!" And the warriors entered violence. Unfortunately for them, both Rasru and Bajregame were inducted into the ways of both violence and of sorcery. They're Kadungganan, after all.
In the chaos of the fight, the diwata's spirit shrine was damaged heavily by wild swing axes from the large leader of the gang. But Bajregame's mastery over Eskrima Mahika proved true, and she struck him down quickly with an intricate flying sword combo to prevent harm.
The kamikam assassin wielding two knives leapt up immediately to imbue many bleeding strikes upon Rasru, who was busy performing mudras to ready his sorcery. With a flex of sakti, they unleashed scathing magicks that punctured and then bound with a slowing poison.
"All things have the right to liberation," Rasru uttered, as they defeated the last of the warriors, an archer too cowardly to fight up close. They were all incapacitated, one way or another, but not killed. With an utterance of a mantra, roots came to bind them.
With all the ruffians bound, Bajregame took them up and begins carrying them out to the nearby river, where they will awake discombobulated. Rasru performs obeisances to the god, and says: "May you walk in light."
The diwata spoke to them, then. "I thank you, and whatever illumination leads you! Here, take the offerings."
Rasru refused them. "I am no biksu, give them to someone in need. May the ancestors and the annusattva grant you joy."
"You speak in interesting songs. Pray, herald to me what vehicle you ride." And so Rasru spoke to him of the path of Annuva and the teachings of Kritanagara, Violence Annusatva, as taught to him by the Witch-Monk Sri Dvaya Sattva.
When Bajregame returned, the path of the Annuva had been sung to the diwata, who found it interesting at the least. "I will have to go to the nearest monastery, then," he would say. "Or perhaps find dewa (sky gods) to ask about this."
"I am glad you are interested in liberation. Walk in light." And with another bow and folding of hands, the two Kadungganan were off.
When the three ruffians awoke, still bound, the diwata spoke to them about the Law of Annuva.
"Proselytizing? I did not expect that to be among your list of skills," spoke Bajregame as they neared Kuta Ragam.
"Still the thought. Not one I have proselytized to. I sing and only I sing. Until all beings are free."
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Scriptures dedicated to Brahmans
The scriptures dedicated to Brahman in Hinduism are called UPANISHADS they are categorised as major and minor.
Major Upaniṣads
1. Aitareya, 2. Kauśitaki, 3. Taittiriya, 4. Kaṭha, 5. Maitri, 6. Bṛhadaraṇyaka, 7. Śvetāśvatara, 8. Īśa, 9. Chāṇḍogya, 10. Keṇa, 11. Muṇḍaka, 12. Māṇḍukya, 13. Praśna.
Minor Upaniṣad
1. Adhyātma Up. 2. Advaya-tāraka Up. 3. Akṣa-mālika Up. 4. Akṣi Up. 5. Amṛta-bindu Up. 6. Annapūrna Up. 7. Atharva-śikha Up. 8. Atharvaśirasa Up. 9. Ātma Up. 10. Ātma-bodha Up. 11. Avadhūta Up. 12. Avyakta Up. 13. Bahvṛicha Up. 14. Bhasma-jābala Up. 15. Bhavana Up. 16. Bhikṣuka Up. 17. Brahma Up. 18. Brahma-vidya Up. 19. Brihad jabāla Up. 20. Dakṣina-mūrti Up. 21. Dattatreya Up. 21. Devi Up. 23. Dhyāna-biṇḍu Up. 24. Ekākṣara Up. 25. Ganapati Up. 26. Garbha Up. 27. Garuḍa Up. 28. Gopāla-tāpiniya Up. 29. Gopāla-pūrva-tāpini Up. 30. Haṁsa Up. 31. Hayagrīva Up. 32. Iśāvāsya Up. 33. Jabāla Up. 34. Jabali Up. 35. Kaivalya Up. 36. Kālāgni-rudra Up. 37. Kali-santaraṇa Up. 38. Kaṭha Up. 39. Katha-rudra Up. 40. Kṣurika Up. 41. Mahā Up. 42. Māhā-nārāyana Up. 43. Mahā-vākya Up. 44. Maitrāyani Up. 45. Maitreyi Up. 46. Maṇḍala-brahmaṇa Up. 47. Maṇḍūkya Up. 48. Mantrika Up. 49. Mudgala Up. 50. Muktika Up. 51. Nāda-biṇḍu Up. 52. Nārada parivrājaka Up. 53. Nirālamba Up. 54. Nirvāna Up. 55. Nṛsimha uttara tāpini Up. 56. Nṛsimha-pūrva-tāpini Up. 57. Paingala Up. 58. Pañca-brahma Up. 59. Para-brahma Up. 60. Paramahaṁsa Up. 61. Paramahaṁsa-parivrājaka Up. 62. Paśupata-brahmaṇa Up. 63. Prāṇāgnihotra up. 64. Rāma rahasya Up. 65. Rāma-pūrva-tāpiniya Up. 66. Rāma-tāpiniya Up. 67. Rudrakṣa-jabāla Up. 68. Śāṇḍilya Up. 69. Sanyāsa Up. 70. Śarabha Up. 72. Sarasvatī-rahasya Up. 73. Śarīrika Up. 74. Sarva-sāra Up. 75. Satyayanīya Up. 76. Saubhāgya-lakṣmi Up. 77. Sīta Up. 78. Skanda Up. 79. Subāla Up. 80. Śuka-rahasya Up. 81. Sūrya Up. 82. Tārasāra Up. 83. Tejo-bindu Up. 84. Tri-śikhi-brahmaṇa Up. 85. Tripura tāpini Up. 86. Tripura Up. 87. Turīyatīta avadhūta Up. 88. Tripāda-vibhūti-mahā-nārāyaṇa Up. 89. Varāha Up. 90. Vāsudeva Up. 91. Vajrasūcika Up. 92. Yajñavalkya Up. 93. Yoga-cūḍāmaṇi Up. 94. Yoga-kuṇḍalini Up. 95. Yoga-śikha Up. 96. Yoga-tattva Up.
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shivaom99 · 2 years
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💙🌺🌺💙💙🌺🌺💙 Incredible PHENOMENAL DEVI MAA from @mr_artist_shivam_kr beautiful Devi Maa artwork 🌼 • अष्ट मत्रिका Slide for all mantrika paintings दुर्गा सप्तशती के सातवें अध्याय में देवी और शुंभ निशुंभ के मध्य जब युद्ध होता रहता है तो देवी चारों और असुरों से घिर जाती हैं उनकी सहायता के लिए विभिन्न देवताओं के अंदर से अलग-अलग उनकी स्त्री शक्तियों का आविर्भाव होता है वही आठ प्रमुख शक्तियां अष्ट मातृका कहलाती हैं ।वह आठ शक्तियां इस प्रकार है जिसे ब्रह्मा की शक्ति ब्राम्ही, विष्णु की शक्ति वैष्णवी ,महेश्वर की शक्ति माहेश्वरी l इसी प्रकार कार्तिकेय की शक्ति कौमारी, इंद्र की शक्ति इंद्राणी नर्सिंग किस शक्ति नर्सिंग वराह की शक्ति वाराही। चंड मुंड का वध करने के कारण ही कालिका को चामुंडा की संज्ञा दी गई। इस प्रकार यही अष्ट मातृका कहलाती है। #drawing #collab #art #artist #maa #durga #navratri #navdurga #kali #mata #matarani #god #goddess #veshnodevi #mata #maa #kali#bhairvi #shiv #shiva #shivratri #parvati #shankar #bholenath #bholebaba #mahadev #mahakali#mahakalianthhiaarambhhai #shakti #kali #omshaktiarts https://www.instagram.com/p/CndHMEgpWZ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mikaharuka · 2 years
Hi Mika!! Could I know more about Apricity: Celandine Efflux? 💜💜
Heyo Potato! Thanks for the ask! Celandine Efflux will be chapter 17 of Apricity, assuming no major curveballs are thrown my way!
So Celandine takes place during the Seattle arc (a two day-arc spanning Saturday and Sunday) - specifically on Sunday morning.
It is one of the two climatic chapters for Beau - you see, Beau finally sits with his dad, Charlie, and they talk about all sorts of things.
So far, Beau knows that his dad knows about the ongoings in town, and that he's connected to the mantrikas (magic users) in Seattle - it's why Charlie is headed to the city after stuff goes down, after all. There's also the whole deal with his parents' divorce, the Mandala he's hiding, and family history. Then... just them, as father and son.
I find Celandine so important because I wanted Apricity to put just as much weight on familial and friend dynamics as it did on romantic dynamics - so Celandine also serves as a platonic counterpart to another upcoming chapter (that is also on the WIP list~).
You can find links to other answers in the WIP list in this post!
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agorajohn · 8 months
Dakshina Kali Mantrika Peedam
It's all about;- Solutions to all sorts of
1. Black Arts
*Enchantment Removal
*Removing Evil Eye
2.Spirit Exorcism
Driving away spirits @ Evil spirit possessions.
3. Lucky Stones According to Zodiac Signs
* for growth of one's desired fate
* boost of relevant energy according to our birth chart
4. Yantra's
* Associated with particular deity for specific benefits such as
# Protections
# Development
Attraction of Wealth / Success
5. Tayathu @ Mudi kayiru
* Talisman
* Amulets
* Pendants
Whatsapp Mr Agora John 010-252 0183 Press for WhatsApp: https://wa.link/nj38o9
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mossy-candy · 1 year
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Meet Ishakiran! She's an Oc I made after a lot of tweets!٩( ◡ ᴗ ◡ ԅ) She's a Mantrika, and her name means "Ray of Wisdom" in Sanskrit! She's also a Undertale Oc
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koufax73 · 2 years
Marco Bonvicini feat. Alice Cucaro: "Wild Silence" è il nuovo video
Con il featuring di Alice Cucaro, "Wild Silence" è il nuovo video pubblicato da Marco Bonvicini, cantautore, interprete ed eclettico compositore
Con il featuring di Alice Cucaro, Wild Silence è il nuovo video pubblicato da Marco Bonvicini, cantautore, interprete ed eclettico compositore noto alla scena bolognese, da cui proviene, per aver suonato e cantato con le band Leit Motiv (progressive rock; dal 1999 al 2002, un disco pubblicato); Novevite (funky; dal 2001 al 2002, un disco) e Mantrika, rock band di cui è fondatore e leader e con la…
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kidsone · 2 years
ദയയുള്ള കടയുടമയും മാന്ത്രിക പശുവും | dayayulla  katayutamayum mantrika pasuvum | The kind shopkeeper and the magical cow Story | Malayalam Fairy Tales | Malayalam Cartoon | Stories in Malayalam | KidsOne Malayalam KidsOne Malayalam is an Entertainment channel, where you can find the best collections for the Kids consisting of malayalam cartoon, malayalam fairy tales, malayalam story, malayalam stories for kids, malayalam story for children, malayalam story fairy tales, malayalam kids song, malayalam kids story, malayalam kids cartoon, malayalam kids rhymes, malayalam story cartoon and many more. #ദയയുള്ള കടയുടമയും മാന്ത്രിക പശുവും #MalayalamFairyTales #Malayalam Cartoon #moralstoriesmalayalam #KidsOneMalayalam #malayalamstories #storiesinmalayalam
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teluguonesblog · 2 years
KidsOne Malayalam is an Entertainment channel, where you can find the best collections for the Kids consisting of malayalam cartoon, malayalam fairy tales, malayalam story, malayalam stories for kids, malayalam story for children, malayalam story fairy tales, malayalam kids song, malayalam kids story, malayalam kids cartoon, malayalam kids rhymes, malayalam story cartoon and many more. #മാന്ത്രിക വഞ്ചി #MalayalamFairyTales #Malayalam Cartoon #moralstoriesmalayalam #KidsOneMalayalam #malayalamstories #storiesinmalayalam
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saikrish7780 · 2 years
മാന്ത്രിക ഹംസം | Mantrika Hansan | The Magical Swan| Malayalam Fairy Tales | Malayalam Cartoon | Stories in Malayalam | KidsOne Malayalam KidsOne Malayalam is an Entertainment channel, where you can find the best collections for the Kids consisting of malayalam cartoon, malayalam fairy tales, malayalam story, malayalam stories for kids, malayalam story for children, malayalam story fairy tales, malayalam kids song, malayalam kids story, malayalam kids cartoon, malayalam kids rhymes, malayalam story cartoon and many more. #മാന്ത്രിക ഹംസം #MalayalamFairyTales #Malayalam Cartoon #moralstoriesmalayalam #KidsOneMalayalam #malayalamstories #storiesinmalayalam
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teluguone-videos · 2 years
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phuoclinhtemple · 3 years
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༄༅། །རྡོ་རྗེ་ཐེག་པའི་རྩ་བའི་ལྟུང་བ་བཞུགས་སོ།།🌼🙏
བོད་སྐད་དུ། རྡོ་རྗེ་ཐེག་པའི་རྩ་བའི་ལྟུང་བ།
Paying Homage and the Promise to Compose:
ཀུན་ནས་དང་བས་བླ་མ་ཡི། ཞབས་ཀྱི་པད་མོར་རབ་བཏུད་དེ།
རྩ་བའི་ལྟུང་བ་བཅུ་བཞི་ནི། རྒྱུད་ལས་གསུངས་པ་བཤད་པར་བྱ།
I pay homage to the Youthful Manjushri!
With deep faith, I bow at the lotus feet of the Guru.
I will now explain the fourteen root downfalls as taught in the Tantras.
14 Root Samaya Downfalls:
Since it is taught that the siddhis of the Vajra holders
follow after the spiritual Master,
to hold contempt for the Master
is taught as the first root downfall.
Openly admit and confess to have had the first fault.
To deviate from the teachings of Buddha,
Is taught to be the second downfall.
Openly admit and confess the second fault.
To be angered with one’s vajra kin,
and speak viciously to them, is the third downfall,
openly admit and confess the third fault.
To relinquish one’s love for sentient beings,
the Buddha taught as the fourth downfall,
openly admit and confess the fourth fault.
The root of Dharma is Bodhichitta, the mind of enlightenment.
Abandoning it is the fifth downfall.
Openly admit and confess the fifth fault.
To disparage one’s own or others
spiritual traditions is the sixth downfall,
openly admit and confess the sixth fault.
Propounding the secret doctrines to beings
who are not fully ready is the seventh root downfall.
Openly admit and confess to have had the seventh fault.
Reviling the aggregates, one’s body,
Which is the embodiment of the five Buddha families
is the eight root downfall.
openly admit and confess the eighth fault.
To be in doubt regarding all phenomena
being naturally pure is the ninth downfall.
Openly admit and confess the ninth fault.
Always holding dear poisonous companions
is the tenth root downfall.
Openly admit and confess the tenth fault.
To conceptualize phenomana which are free
of labels and so forth is the eleventh downfall.
Openly admit and confess the eleventh fault.
To cause regret to arise in the mind
of those with faith is the twelfth downfall.
openly admit and confess the twelfth fault.
To not rely on samaya substances
as they are to be engaged is the thirteenth root downfall.
Openly admit and the thirteenth fault.
To disparage women who are
the nature of wisdom is the fourteenth fault.
Openly admit and confess to have had the fourteenth fault.
When mantrikas relinquish these faults the siddhis are certain to be achieved.
On the other hand when samayas are transgressed such degenerate individuals will become possessed by demons.
Such a being will experience much suffering
and eventually arrive in hell.
Therefore you must understand perfectly.
Begin by settling in meditative equipoise.
Then offer whatever enjoyments one has to the gurus
and take refuge in the three jewels.
Regarding the various other vows such as those of Bodhichitta and so forth
if one wishes to benefit oneself such a mantrika should strive in upholding them.
རྡོ་རྗེ་ཐེག་པའི་རྩ་བའི་ལྟུང་བ་སློབ་དཔོན་རྟ་དབྱངས་ཀྱིས་མཛད་པ་རྫོགས་སོ། །སརྦ་མངྒ་ལཾ།།
This completes the teaching of the root downfalls of Vajrayana by the Master Ta Yang. May all become auspicious!
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A Tamil book titled 'Mantrika Vasiya Yantra Thagadu' gifted to The young Avatar by Narayanasamy thatha, His Guru in the Science of Aushadha - energising sacred herbs for healing and enlightenment - with whom He would also discuss the Science of Yantra - sacred geometric representations that manifest results in the physical plane. This book explores the Science of energised copper Yantras as tools for blissful living. Today, SPH has successfully revived the Aushdha and Yantras to be part of the lifestyle of millions worldwide, in His Divine endeavor of reviving KAILASA - the ancient, enlightened, Hindu civilizational Nation. #aushada #herbalmedicine #herbaldoctor #hindumedicine #hindu #traditionalmedicine #medicine #siddha #ayurveda #kailasa #kailaasa https://www.instagram.com/p/CKl_47ZhQ6V/?igshid=vbdlzenujxng
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mikaharuka · 2 years
Hey, how's it going? So, quick little thing in regards to this post, I was figuring on asking for 6, 10, and 12.
Happy hunting!
Also, good luck on your WIPS
Heyo Salty! Thanks for the ask and sorry for the delay~ I'm finally getting around to clearing out my asks, so here I finally am!
#6 - "What work of yours is it most similar to?"
Apricity has a vague predecessor in this short 1.6k word (I know, shocking) fic I wrote 3 years ago during my short stint in the FE3H world - The Forsaken Throne. This was supposed to be my first multi-chapter fic... except real life got in the way, so I left it alone. This has that same sort of dream-like, eerie, sensory feel. Here's a bit of it:
As the years passed, the mysterious woods morphed into a haunted forest, the spring creatures fleeing and the delicate gardens shriveling as a frigid gust consumed all life in its path. An eerie violet frost clung to the castle as thorn-filled vines lined with deadly icicles scaled the walls of the castle and trails of black ice formed intricate sigils that decorated the courtyards. The interior of the fortress carried an oppressive aura, accentuated by the frosty air. The fortress itself was an ominous warning for all who dared to enter.
#10 - "Is your WIP an AU or canon-compliant? Either way, talk about any research you had to do, lore you had to make, or timelines you had to screw with to make it work. Talk about what makes your universe tick!"
Haha, this goes past AU into "almost original work" territory! You asked for it, so strap in for a wild answer, even though I simplified it!
The tl;dr - I threw out 98% of canon. I only kept superficial things like most character names/appearances, vague supernatural abilities, the general geographic setting of Forks/West Washington, most character relations, and a few superficial plot beats. But all of that is defined differently thanks to the fundamentals of this world.
What I changed... the biggest things, at least.
General Timeline - Canon Twilight took place in 2005. I pushed it forward to 2020 to do some interesting stuff and test out other challenges. Also, a certain C-pandemic isn't a thing in this world, but that's only out of sheer convenience. My one lazy act in this verse XD
The basic framework of the world - it is an Eastern one, inspired by what I grew up with and know (and seeing a bit of that reflected in my work was nice). Along those vein, a much stronger Asian-American presence and more diversity overall.
Vampire biology/lore/themes - this ties quite heavily into the framework bit, but I changed everything from surface stuff (no sparkling thing and they can eat human food, but get no sustenance from it), to fundamentals (animal blood doesn't cut it - they are very much human-blood vampires... and certain societal stuff but spoilers), and to the more ambiguous/sensual feel of the genre.
Magic (mystic) system - ties into the first point. The super short tl;dr is that there is cosmic energy (shakti) that pervades the universe and everything within. Non-humans are mystic by nature, some humans have more shakti than others and can become a mystic user (mantrika, Sanskrit for enchanter, or one who chants mantras, but can be used as a general 'magic user' term). Shakti influences space-time in a "soft fate" way (think... nothing is set in stone, but some outcomes are favored since they are more stable).
History and Lore - Most notably seen in Quileute history and lore/origin stories (totally wrong in canon), but also with when and how vampires and other mystic communities interacted with general human history, major conflicts, political status, and more.
Specific Backstories + Personality Traits + Relationship Dynamics - Although I changed backstories, a few traits, and dynamics to make sense with this world, I kept general plot beats for most characters. The four huge exceptions are Carlisle, Edward, Mina, and Mike.
In Mina's case, I kept her age/time the same (mid-1800s) and changed her human origin story because I wasn't ever going to do the Confederate thing. Also, I wanted her to show up earlier, so she doesn't join the Cullens in the 1950s, but in the 1800s itself. And her ability... she can subtly affect aura to make things more likely, but she's not OP-levels of directly changing emotions like in canon.
In Edward's case, I kept the vague concept of him and his human mother being caught up in a plague... except you see Salty? Canon Edward is dated to the Spanish Flu in 1918. You know how far back I moved him? To the Plague of the Justinian - mid-500s CE. Of course, his birth name isn't Edward - he changed his name (alongside Carlisle) when they showed up in the Americas. This part alone pretty much erases most his canon personality. I only kept the general premise of the mind-reading, but also changed the mechanics of how that worked.
In Carlisle's case, obviously he's older than Edward. I haven't 100% finalized the exact years he was human or what his exact turning story is, but you know where I pinned that guy? In the Late Roman Republic - 200-27 BCE. It goes without saying that his birth name is different... but it's already been mentioned in Apricity so far! Well, thanks to the worldbuilding, vampire biology, and timeline, Carlisle is very different. He is absolutely NOT parental in any sense whatsoever. He is very much fraternal/older brother-like. I could go on forever about how he came across as a mentor rather than parental in canon... and how strangely perverse it is for vampires (inhuman, queer concept) to be posing as a picture perfect nuclear family (very human, heteronormative concept), but I'll save that for another day. Just know that I went with "queer found family/siblings" vibes instead. With that said, though, he retains a decent number of his canon traits... adapted to this new world, in any case.
in Mike's case, he's still your standard human teenage guy in high school. Canon didn't give him (or the other students) much of a light, but canon Mike was entitled, manipulative, and just an all around asshole defined solely around Bella as most characters were. I was always planning on doing justice to the human students of Forks High, but Winter Light's Mike was the 100% winner of that. Not only did he end up becoming co-MCs with Beau and have his own connections and dynamics not centered on Beau so directly (but still influenced, because social connections are webs were everyone affects everyone else)... but his personality was a fun one to alter. He was a manipulative asshole who did stuff in canon... so I simply toned down those traits massively. So now, he's this super observant guy, is extremely quick on the uptake, can logic/deduce things really quickly, can subtly influence the odds in his favor, and has a hilariously petty/sassy narrative voice. However, he also has a defined family, personal circumstances, and is empathetic to a fault. He's kind of stoic on the outside and is the middle child of a well meaning, but huge family... so he's very used to prioritizing others instinctually, thanks to his loud siblings.
Well, I'll leave it at that for now, since I could go on forever lol
#12 - "How did you come up with this fic? Where were you/what were you doing when you thought of it?"
Oh no. You asked the one question that I could go on even longer about, than the previous question! HOWEVER... you're in luck :)
You very, very, conveniently left me another general ask that is closely related to this question. The umbrella question, even!
"Okay, so, this just came to mind for me, but I was actually wondering if you could tell us what originally got you into the whole vampire genre."
I'll spare everyone's time and quit while I'm ahead, before this post gets even longer... but I'll spill the beans when I get to that ask, since a number of people have asked me just how this whole "Vampire Brainrot + Twilight Rewrite + Winter Light Verse" thing even started.
So... stay tuned for that!
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Purusha and Prakriti: divine dance on sankhya's stage Purusha is a complex concept whose meaning evolved in Vedic and Upanishadic times. Depending on source and historical timeline, it means the cosmic man or it means Self, Consciousness, and Universal principle. In early Vedas, Purusa meant a cosmic man whose sacrifice by the gods created all life. This was one of many creation theories discussed in the Vedas. The idea parallels Norse Ymir, with the myth's origin in Proto-Indo-European religion. In the Upanishads, the Purusa concept no longer meant a being or cosmic man. The meaning evolved to an abstract essence of Self, Spirit and the Universal Principle that is eternal, indestructible, without form and all pervasive. The Purusa concept is explained with the concept of Prakrti in the Upanishads. The universe is envisioned, in these ancient Sanskrit texts, as a combination of perceivable material reality and non-perceivable, non-material laws and principles of nature. Material reality, or Prakrti, is everything that has changed, can change and is subject to cause and effect. Purusa is the Universal principle that is unchanging, uncaused but is present everywhere and the reason why Prakrti changes, evolves all the time and why there is cause and effect. Purusa is what connects everything and everyone, according to various schools of Hinduism. There is a diversity of views within various schools of Hinduism about the definition, scope and nature of Purusa Prakriti is described in Bhagavad Gita as the "primal motive force". It is the essential constituent of the universe and is at the basis of all the activity of the creation. According to Samkhya and the Bhagavad Gita Prakrti or Nature is composed of the three gunas which are tendencies or modes of operation, known as rajas (creation), sattva (preservation), and tamas, (destruction) Sattva encompasses qualities of goodness, light, and harmony. According to the Yoga Vasistha, people who are of a sattvic nature and whose activities are mainly based on sattva, will tend to seek answers regarding the origin and truth of material life. With proper support they are likely to reach liberation. Rajas is associated with concepts of energy, activity, ambition, and passion; so that, depending on how it is used, it can either have a supportive or hindering effect on the evolution of the soul. Tamas is commonly associated with inertia, darkness, insensitivity. Souls who are more tamasic are considered imbued in darkness and take the longest to reach liberation.Prakriti is closely associated with the concept of Maya within Vedic scripture. Mulaprakruti can be translated as "the root of nature" or "root of Prakruti"; it is a closer definition of 'fundamental matter'; and is often defined as the essence of matter, that aspect of the Absolute which underlines all the objective aspects of Nature. While plain Prakruti encompasses classical earth element, i.e. solid matter, Mulaprakruti includes any and all classical elements, including any considered not discovered yet (some tattvas.) Devi prakruti shakti in the context of shaktis as forces unifies kundalini, kriya, itcha, para, jnana and mantrika shaktis. Each is in a chakra.
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cosimoalberti · 6 years
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💀💔💀 Delirio per Tammorra e voce🌛MANTRIKA🌜...Che il delirio sia con voi...💀✨💀✨💀✨💀...💀⭐️💀💀 ✨💀💀💀✨🌞🌟 Magic and religious traditions Neapolitan cult of the dead between the sacred and the profane!#mantrika COSIMO ALBERTI & DANILO ROVANI due straordinari attori che incarneranno le anime dannate di un Purgatorio tutto Napoletano, dove incontrerete i personaggi più famosi O Capitan, Donna Cuncett, o' Bell Bell", tra Canti, Liturgie, Mantra, rituali devozionali! "Requie, Repuose, refrische, cunsuole" litanie di un culto popolare, una devozione da inserire tra le "stranezze" della religione, un momento di incontro tra vivi e morti in cui sacro, profano, magia e religione si fondono e si confondono...#mantrika #sexybeast #flick #movies #theatre #video #movie #film #films #videos #actor #actress #cinema #dvd #amc #instamovies #star #moviestar #photooftheday #hollywood #goodmovie #instagood #man #boyfriend #instaflick #muscle #hotboy (presso Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvJFK-eFgX3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pjoezkgmg5pu
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