#many small birds
tea-time-terrier · 1 year
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House Wrens my beloved!
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daniels-drawing-dump · 6 months
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I am but a bird enjoyer
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oplishin · 5 months
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Bryan Danielson and Tyler Black did this sequence a couple times in ROH: Tyler hits a hurracanrana which Bryan immediately rolls and counters into a pin. I'm always entertained by this because 1) super gay 2) tyler is so much taller than bryan he always ends up really awkwardly crumpling when his neck/shoulders hit the ground.
(ROH Southern Navigation, May 9 2008, ROH New Horizons, September 26 2008)
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xenomorphicdna · 11 months
Map boi is back with more map
This time it's the ★exterior★
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It's not as nice looking as the interior, (which you can find → here btw) but i think it's bigger as a region.
I will be making at least one more, and it will be of Two Birds' can because it's got lots of rot bits and that sounds like fun to design.
Pearl dialogue and some rambles below the cut↓
I know I said dialogue but fr look at this
THE DIFFERENCE in canvas size here
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Pearl dialogue for both of the two regions
Bright Pink pearl dialogue when read by Veil Of Dreams:" What is it Mouse? Oh a pearl, alright I'll have a look. Ah this one is one of mine, it contains various notes regarding Four Blue Flames when he was still being constructed. It was actually a personal request of mine to have him built, his technology is better than mine in practically every way and he makes for a great research partner. I admire his work ethic, but I do wish he took breaks. After our creators' Ascension he's only become more wrapped up in the Great Problem, I worry for him. ... There is nothing more on this pearl that would interest you, you can have it back, I do not need it."
Bright Pink pearl dialogue when read by Four Blue Flames: "Hello Mouse, a pearl? Let's have a look. Hm, where did you find this? It's encrypted so I cannot read it to you, but I can guess that it was written by one of us. Unfortunately, I am of no use to you, but if you like pink then the pearl would make for a great decoration. Or alternatively, you can trade it to the scavengers. Of course, they will ruin the pearl like they do with the rest but if you are in need of explosives the scavengers excel in their creation. Now if you do not mind, allow me to get on with my work."
Deep Red pearl dialogue when read by Veil Of Dreams: "Rodent, you've got a pearl, allow me to read it for you. Oh, this one holds digital copies of several pieces of literature, I was missing many of these from my memory banks. I have them saved now, but I do not like the implications of this. Please Mouse, take the pearl and bring it to the library in the Capital."
Deep Red pearl dialogue when read by Four Blue Flames: "Oh a pearl, let's see what it says. This one is filled with all sorts of religious literature, it's rather old, from the Green hegemonic linguistic dynasty. It contains texts for meditation and prayers and various forms of religious guidance. I actually did not have this archived, so I appreciate your fondness of treasure hunting, you are a great help. I think this one would fit nicely in the Capital's library, please, bring it to Veil Of Dreams and he will guide you from there."
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shelandsorcery · 1 year
Got the rest of my work back from my first pottery class! it was a wild ride!
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I will never underestimate underglaze again, i tell you what.
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shopcat · 2 months
making everyone grow melons cuz it's so easy and they (society) trick you into thinking you need land or to do 500000 steps in order to grow pretty much well anything but especially melons the easiest thing on earth to grow yourself and will grow in really any condition except straight up well snow. go to the grocery store buy something with seeds in it eat it and throw the seeds in your garden and water them. and just keep watering them. That's literally all you need to do don't listen to ANYONE ELSE. don't grow them as seedlings don't transplant you dont even have to BUY seeds but i mean you can but every melon on earth can be grown from the same seed that's inside them. and then the things you grow will also have those seeds in them and when u harvest them it is a continuous cycle. you can also do this with tomatoes but to be fair they do need a bit more care but it's also like as in just put them somewhere shaded / throw some some basic sticks and perpendicular strings up you can literally just throw tomatoes whole into the ground and cover it with dirt and it will grow. also sunflowers. everything grows. also peppers.
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a-cat-in-toffee · 4 months
I'm gonna talk about davesprite for a few paragraphs
He spent four months in a doomed timeline knowing two of his friends were dead, using the “training” Bro gave him, being haunted by Calsprite. When he had to travel back in time to  save his best friend's life, he had to prototype himself and turn into a sprite, and then instantly got hit with not being the “real Dave” anymore. He actually, in contrast with later pages, denies being not the “real Dave” saying that he’s “more real actually cause [he’s] been through some heavy shit already hopping around on red hot gears and i-beams for like a year and grinding shit out for [John’s] ungrateful ass.” (Hussie 1692)
After that he went to find Bro, fought Jack Noir with him, and watched Bro die in front of him. As far as Davesprite was aware, all Bro ever did was make sure he was prepared for the game because he needed everything he “learned” from Bro. It would probably never occur to him that all the strife he did growing up was even a little bad because in the end in his  mind he wouldn’t have been able to save his friends without it. It wouldn’t matter to him that John never had anything like that and made it through the game, because Davesprite’s John fucking died. Same thing with all of his friends.
And then, after all of that, he ends up on the Prospitian battleship for three years with Jade and John, who treat him like a fake Dave. The replacement Dave for their actual friend. Even if John initially sees Davesprite as just “a magical orange dave with wings.” (Hussie 4732) we can see how being a “fake” Dave wears on Davesprite, especially in some of his later dialogue.
Davesprite is used to being forgotten (Page 4343, 7875) and doesn’t see himself as a real Dave (which he states multiple, 3927 and 5943) despite clinging on to  his identity as a Dave, referring to himself as “bird dave” in his monologue to John’s sleeping body on 5943. Actually the entirety of that monologue shows us a lot about Davesprite’s mental state and sense of identity by the end of the boat trip. He considers himself lesser for being “bird Dave,” and is convinced that isolating himself and leaving all of his friends to the “real” Dave is the best course of action.
Davesprite is a traumatized teenager who never had a chance to grow, who was repeatedly told he wasn’t the “real” version of himself, and had to deal with the weight of an entire doomed timeline on his own. He’s stuck in a body that isn't his, with friends that aren't his, in a timeline that isn't his.
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poisonedapples · 1 year
Things that being born with no sense of smell affects:
- Cleaning. Cleaning is an absolute nightmare to me, because I never actually know if a mess is cleaned up or not. My dog vomited on the kitchen floor, and even though wiping it away made it LOOK clean to me, I had no way to tell if it still smelled like vomit or not. I also had no idea what I could use to cover up a smell that may or may not be there
- Memory. Your sense of smell is one of, if not the biggest memory retrieval device. Non-anosmics remember a lot of things based on what they’re smelling. For me, it’s one less sense to be able to remember things by, and I do notice that my memory is a lot worse than average
- Taste. Yes, I can taste, never ask an anosmic if they can taste because it is the most annoying question in my experience. But, I do notice that my taste is very dulled down. Lots of food is very bland by default, so eating is very often not a fun experience, and I rely a lot more on texture. It’s very rare to find foods that give me a strong reaction. Hence why I love blue cheese, it’s one of the few things I can eat and actually feel a good kick for
- Human connection. This is one I had to research a little bit and have no idea how true it is, but apparently pheromones which helps you connect to people and sense their emotions is by smelling pheromones??? And I can’t smell pheromones. So I probably have a harder time spotting emotions because of that, but I’m also just autistic, so I have no idea how true this is
- General life safety. I can’t smell gas leaks, so I can never live alone. I can’t detect fires until I see the smoke. Cooking for me is very dangerous, and I don’t leave the kitchen when I have something in the oven because I’m terrified of missing the beep and causing the alarm to go off. I have a MASSIVE fear of my car exploding because something is up with the gas tank and I can’t notice. Also, so many safety things are stuff you have to smell out??? Especially with vehicles??? It’s such bullshit
- CONSTANT smell anxiety. Do I smell??? Is my deodorant still working??? Is that smell people are complaining about coming from me??? No way to tell, baby! You just gotta hope and pray!
For so long in my life, people’s reactions to hearing I have no sense of smell has been “Oh my God, you’re SO lucky you can’t smell farts!” (Which has thankfully dulled down after COVID when everyone lost their smell and really hated it), and it’s the most annoying thing. I am missing one of the major senses. Missing a major sense affects everything about your life, whether it’s noticeable or not. If we could start seeing anosmia as something more than “Can’t smell cookies or farts”, I would GREATLY appreciate it
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okay, propaganda for the batch currently up.
bonetrousel is essentially a leveled up version of nyeh heh heh, with more vibrant acoustics and a bit livelier instrumental. btcyoadsg is awesome but core has some undeniable futuristic rollerskate rink vibes and is easier to dance to. while spider dance is great for the same reasons as core it's raining somewhere else is both calming and nostalgic, as well as being incredibly fitting of the scene.
that is all.
Thank you!
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me, spamming @shinygoku with screenshots from "thomas and the fat controller's engines": you know, there are so many good bits here that you might start to get the idea that this is a good book
me: but you'd be wronnng
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kiddokori · 7 months
me: yeah im not leaving tumblr unless something drastic happens im stuck here lol
tumblr literally two days later: what if we start ruthlessly harassing trans women. and also sell your data to ai. lol
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swan2swan · 4 months
Thinking about Ankylosaurus ovulation and honestly I need more arguments for and against clutch sizes.
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muppenthings · 2 years
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To counter my art slump I played around with a little "What if" with Keiki. What if the crew wasn't around to adopt him?
In this alternative universe, he was instead feared and they tried to eliminate him before he grew too big. They failed and instead created a fearful monster.
Made a little drabble to go with the image!
CW: Fear, dehumanization, that's it I think
The Ocean Watch had lost track of the big beast a few weeks ago, keeping all sea travelers on their toes. 
Captain Boone was no stranger to navigate through the Serpent’s Isles, named after its high population of sea serpents. The serpents were nocturnal, making daytime travels perfectly safe.
Or so he thought.
An ominous rumbling and the distant crashes of waves brought the captain out of his daydream.  Soon it was followed by the fearful cries of his crew to look towards the cliffs.
For a delirious moment, it looked as though the ocean itself was rising into the sky. 
It kept rising. 
And rising.
The captain and the crew all came to the realization that it was a head, taller than the very cliffs around them. A cold, blue eye locked onto their ship; they had unknowingly stumbled upon the great beast. Boone struggled to take in its features, everything on its face was so absurdly large. 
How did he miss it sailing into the isles?
The beast pulled its lips up in a snarl. 
An overwhelming sound filled the air, the sheer volume of it making everyone on the ship cover their ears, the vibrations rattling their very bones. 
It went on for a few seconds before mercifully petering out. Able to gather his thoughts again, Boone realized that it had been a vocal warning from the beast. All reports from the Ocean Watch inform that the beast only offers a single warning before striking a ship down.
He immediately ordered his first mate to alter their course, praying to the gods that the beast would understand that they were heeding its warning and turning around.
The turning of the ship felt agonizingly slow for all of its occupants holding their breaths and watching the immense beast intently. The isles trembled as it adjusted itself ever so slightly, sending a hail of boulders tumbling into the ocean below. 
If the cliffs hadn’t been between the ship and the beast, the captain didn’t doubt that the waves resulting from the movement would capsize them. 
To all of their relief, the beast did nothing else but watch as their ship turned tails. Its lips went down over large fangs again but it kept the glare until they were little more than a speck in the horizon.
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sourtomatola · 4 months
Moana 2 trailer spoilers
"Why didn't you bring the pig last time?" -Maui
I'll tell you why
Cause the pig was BORING!! The pig is every other Disney princess sidekick that's cute but otherwise forgettable. I cheered internally SO HARD when the chicken came with her instead!
I had a chicken like Hei hei, so this was an amazing addition. An arrow is shot at him, *curiously and comically pecks at it*
What would have the pig done? The boring logical thing of squeal and hide Probably. He's cute, but predictable and dull. Would have added nothing to the trip other than an extra face.
Leave the pig at home, or give it an actual purpose. The chicken was at least comedy relief.
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appleonjust-ice · 4 months
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assorted dunmeshis‼️‼️💥
(closeups under cut)
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ballisters-lawyer · 1 year
Do I write a short few chapter homoerotic sparring fic to motivate myself or do I just jump straight into “a little death” and make you guys wait a bunch until we finally get to the homoerotic sparring?
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