#(I cant tell you how many times I say I cant smell and the response is just ‘Yes you can’
poisonedapples · 1 year
Things that being born with no sense of smell affects:
- Cleaning. Cleaning is an absolute nightmare to me, because I never actually know if a mess is cleaned up or not. My dog vomited on the kitchen floor, and even though wiping it away made it LOOK clean to me, I had no way to tell if it still smelled like vomit or not. I also had no idea what I could use to cover up a smell that may or may not be there
- Memory. Your sense of smell is one of, if not the biggest memory retrieval device. Non-anosmics remember a lot of things based on what they’re smelling. For me, it’s one less sense to be able to remember things by, and I do notice that my memory is a lot worse than average
- Taste. Yes, I can taste, never ask an anosmic if they can taste because it is the most annoying question in my experience. But, I do notice that my taste is very dulled down. Lots of food is very bland by default, so eating is very often not a fun experience, and I rely a lot more on texture. It’s very rare to find foods that give me a strong reaction. Hence why I love blue cheese, it’s one of the few things I can eat and actually feel a good kick for
- Human connection. This is one I had to research a little bit and have no idea how true it is, but apparently pheromones which helps you connect to people and sense their emotions is by smelling pheromones??? And I can’t smell pheromones. So I probably have a harder time spotting emotions because of that, but I’m also just autistic, so I have no idea how true this is
- General life safety. I can’t smell gas leaks, so I can never live alone. I can’t detect fires until I see the smoke. Cooking for me is very dangerous, and I don’t leave the kitchen when I have something in the oven because I’m terrified of missing the beep and causing the alarm to go off. I have a MASSIVE fear of my car exploding because something is up with the gas tank and I can’t notice. Also, so many safety things are stuff you have to smell out??? Especially with vehicles??? It’s such bullshit
- CONSTANT smell anxiety. Do I smell??? Is my deodorant still working??? Is that smell people are complaining about coming from me??? No way to tell, baby! You just gotta hope and pray!
For so long in my life, people’s reactions to hearing I have no sense of smell has been “Oh my God, you’re SO lucky you can’t smell farts!” (Which has thankfully dulled down after COVID when everyone lost their smell and really hated it), and it’s the most annoying thing. I am missing one of the major senses. Missing a major sense affects everything about your life, whether it’s noticeable or not. If we could start seeing anosmia as something more than “Can’t smell cookies or farts”, I would GREATLY appreciate it
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rodolfoparras · 9 months
okay i have this issue where my zoloft makes me like… really sweaty for some reason??? just all the time night or day hot or cold. anyways i was just thinking abt reader who has something like that and is always trying to shower before price can tell meanwhile price whi is just Obsessed with how his sweaty bf smells 😩
i want to send more anons but i get nervous… but could i be 🐶 or 🐾 anon?
Pairing: John Price x Male Reader
Cw: 18+, scent kink, somnophilia,
Price would rather be caught dead than to openly admit this but he loves the way you smell.
And while many may say that they feel the same way about their own partners, they probably haven’t gotten hard just from their partner’s sweat and musk. They probably haven’t had their nose buried deep in one of their partner’s dirty gym shirts or worn work uniform while jerking off. They probably haven’t spent hours buried between their partner’s legs because they liked the way their partner’s cologne or lotion smelled.
Yeah Price would rather be caught dead than admit to any of it.
And while a part of him feels guilty for not telling you about it another part of him cant help but find it exciting
You’ll happily let him cuddle up in your embrace after a long day, completely unaware of the thoughts rushing through his head. You don’t say a thing when you notice most of your clothes missing, and you’ll happily let him suck you off, not putting much thought into what’s gotten him so worked up.
But you find out soon enough.
It’s when you get home from work one day, limbs aching, and in need of sleep but before you can do so you desperately need to get under a hot stream.
However Price is adamant on getting you in bed, and while you’d happily stumble into the sheets with him, he had made it clear that he just wants to sleep.
“Let’s just go to bed” he says, wrapping an arm around your waist and gently nudging you over to the bed.
“But I’ll be quick, I promise, give me like 5 minutes,” you insist, not budging an inch.
“Don’t you think I know you kid? You’ll wake up the whole neighborhood by the time you’re done, besides I don’t get what’s the issue here,” Price says while folding his arms across his chest
“The issue is that I stink” you say thinking that will be enough to convince him.
“Not like you’re going anywhere anyways” You raise a brow at his words, and he only mirrors your action in response.
“Fine you win” you say with a roll of your eyes trying your best to hide your smile . “But if I hear any complaining about how I smell I’m kicking you out of bed,”
“Just turn the lights off, will you?” He says with a chuckle before he lays down.
“Yeah yeah” is all you say as you discard your pants and Price takes a second to appreciate the view before the room is engulfed in darkness.
As soon as you lay down in bed he crawls up into your embrace, burying his head in your neck while wrapping his arms around your waist.
Price let’s out a relived sigh.
This is all he’d wanted today, to feel your warm skin press up against him, to hear your heartbeat against his ear and to have your smell engulf his senses.
He feels relaxed, at ease, should be falling asleep but instead he feels his cock twitching in attention
Price’s eyes snap open, cerulean eyes gazing into the darkness, painfully aware of the way blood is pooling to his lower half all of a sudden.
You on the other hand, are dead asleep next to him. He can hear the soft snores escaping your lips.
Price can't blame you. It’s been a long day for you. He too should go to sleep, but instead he’s painfully hard because he can smell you all over him.
How fucking embarrassing.
Price scoffs at himself, tries to pull away from your embrace but just as he tries to do so you tighten your arms around his waist.
Price exhales, squeezes his eyes shut, tries to scramble his brain for anything that might kill his boner but it’s practically impossible when he’s a hair away from your pit, engulfed in the smell of your cologne and the sweat that’s still sticking to your skin.
On top of that he’s got his hard on firmly pressed up against your very naked thighs.
He can’t think about anything other than about how much he needs you right now.
I really wouldn’t mind if you woke me up during the night or you know, if you didn’t..
The words you had once said to him ring through his head, and for a second he wonders if he should take you up on the offer. I mean you did said you wouldn’t mind it but…
Before he can register what he’s doing, he starts moving his hips, eyes fluttering shut as needy noises start escaping his lips.
It’s disgusting
it’s wrong
He shouldn’t be doing this
But he can’t get himself to stop moving his hips.
Whines and whimpers escape his lips as he continues to rock his hips, head burying deeper in your chest and engulfing himself in your scent completely.
You’re still asleep going by your soft snores and the way you lay lax next to him. Something about the fact that you’re unaware of what he’s doing has goosebumps rising across his skin, and slowly but surely he feels himself inching closer to his release.
“Please,” he croaks out just the way he would if he was riding your cock right now and that’s all it takes before he’s tipping over the edge, coming with a cry and soiling his sweats.
“John?” He hears your sleep coated voice trickle through the dark.
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randomwriteronline · 9 months
I wonder if the toa mata recognized themselves in their own memories from before mata nui.
I dont know, i think theres possibilities to be explored about that. Suddenly remembering yourself and what you find being a complete stranger is a common thing for amnesia plots i guess but also i think this could be even more jarring. Like a more genuine difference between killing machine and living being.
Its less a matter of nature vs nurture and more a matter of nature with a certain type of nurture. Nature dictates they are powerful and driven and well meaning, but the way they are brought up produces completely different people.
Their first taste of life was a sterile room with nobody but each other and a disembodied voice reading out their duties, establishing an arbitrary hierarchy within them, and then sending them to a glorified bootcamp where a ruthless instructor worked on making them into skilled combatants and nothing else, teaching them how to use their elements as tools and weapons without indulging in them; they got a vague sense of what and how a community feels like with the Av-Matoran - as outsiders, as its protective shield, there for them but not with them - only to get that stripped away from them too because their role as life saving tools to be preserved under glass just in case of a crisis was more important.
I wonder if the Toa Mata, the ones who were taken to the Koro of Mata Nui and listened to the Turaga's tales and reprimands and would have moved mountains for the Matoran who treated them like older siblings, return with their minds to things they said or thought or did from before the Island of Mata Nui and stop in their tracks. Whose memory is that, they think? That can't be mine. I am not like that. My siblings are not like that. Some things are perfectly right, they cant deny that; but just as many if not more are so wrong that they almost feel like a really cruel joke somebody planted into their heads.
Kopaka and Tahu got along, even if they dont want to admit it because they need to bicker like children or theyll die, but are more surprised that they werent as tentatively close with anybody else. Lewa remembers so much frustration and tedium and anger that if he stalls in his memories too much he genuinely starts feeling queasy, Pohatu has remnants of bitterness and passive aggression that still cling to him like the smell of a cigarette on someone who gave up smoking, and they both hate that because its nothing like them. Onua and Gali feel like theyre peering into some kind of imperfect clone's brain when they try to remember - its themselves, they know that, it has to be, but there are certain things they know about themelves that are just completely missing and its kind of dizzying to realize that.
Im not even sure they liked each other. They work together because its their destiny, but they don't seem to seek each other out for fun or anything else. In their training days they had to be shoved in each others direction or they would have never solved their obligatory group assignments.
I wonder if their terrors and flaws could partially come from this first life that they had too. Gali's fear of her anger and Lewa's disregard for duty stemming from Hydraxon's methods - she internalized his reprimands about feeling guilt for living enemies, but without any memory of him she believes the words resurfacing in her mind from time to time are her own, and is appalled by their cruelty; he was forbidden from enjoying himself, from indulging in any form of fun, of entertainment, of joy, and unconsciously now he rebels by shirking away from responsability to do whatever he wants.
The responses to Tahu's decision regarding the codrex haunt him, the whole situation, really; how he stripped his siblings of any say on their fate because he was the leader, not even telling them or explaining himself until they had no other choice, and if he could treat them like that once then what would stop him from doing so again and again until he doesnt even think about it? Kopaka is uneasy about it too. He knew the plan and supported Tahu only because he tagged along, but hes very, very acutely aware that he would have been left just as much in the dark as everybody else otherwise, and he would gave not even had anybody to seek any comfort from because hes fairly certain none of the others would have liked him enough to care.
Onua as @cantankerouscanuck pointed out to me mightve taken Hydraxon's teachings to heart, hence why he's so quiet: no use in expressing weakness, right? But karda nui must have been hellish on his senses, with all that light - a tangible physical discomfort that would bleed out into an emotional one as he becomes conscious of how none of his siblings go through this, thus he must be damaged in some way, faulty, out of place, and so he seeks to be alone, digging himself away. And its not hard to imagine how Pohatu (who hasnt had the chance to grow into the affable, kind toa his siblings can always lean on when they need to yet) would become convinced of his uselessness within the team and seethe about it.
They arrive on Mata Nui as broken war machines with no clue who they even are and suddenly find nature and community and love, and in a moment theyre people.
I wonder if the environment helped. Being thrown upon a beach in the open air with nothing but a whole world that is so alien and yet feels so right beckoning them to come closer. Discovering their powers and their domains freely, immediately - first thing they did was dive into their respective elements without a second thought, naturally magnetized, taking after them like it was the simplest thing in the world, because they are the first toa, the first beings capable of harnessing these powers in their whole universe, and its in their nature to be so connected to them. Maybe it helped. Maybe it made them feel connected to their own selves enough to figure themselves out in a way they couldnt have done so before.
Maybe it helped to find out their collective destiny each on their own, in their own environment, at their own pace, surrounded by younger siblings who look at them with awe and curiosity and frustration sometimes, guided by people who know how being alive works with all its good parts and messy bits and who can tell what having so much power means when youre barely aware of how to use it or what to do. And maybe it helped to find out who their siblings were in a similar way, introducing themselves as they wanted, as they felt like, without a specific order, and learning to recognize each other as siblings with all the things that make them insufferable and all the things that make them the best and what makes them happy and what makes them angry and how they sound when theyre worried and how likely they are to chase you down to the other edge of the island for doing something stupid, and like real people they grow and develop and change and stay the same, and then they meet the memory of themselves from before becoming people and its...
Idk. Its like the realization of who they used to be and the distance between themselves and those selves, and the fact that they dont like them.
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onskepa · 9 months
How about law'si and neteyam? One day he lays on top of her and she cries her heart out and he's like: fuck, i forgot ur smol
Thank you!
ngl, I forgot I wrote that one. Went back to re-read it. But now I have a good idea for it! Hope you and everyone like it!
Law'si: Same face, new changes.
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A new day has begun for the metkayina people. As soon as the sun peaks its rays, people are out of their homes to start on their duties. After the battle against the humans, the na’vi were still healing, but everyone has moved on from the nightmare. They look on the brighter side of life rather than staying in the dark. 
And who could hold a better example than neteyam. After learning of the truth of his mate, there were many things to adjust but life has been the same. Almost as if her “death” never happened. 
Except, when he sees his mate’s true face he is reminded of reality. Neteyam loves his mate, his precious law’si, and is forever grateful. He sees it as a second chance in life, a life with her. And he be damn to lose this second chance.  
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“Neteyam….?” law’si muttered, yawning a bit, waking up from her sleep. Neteyam snoozes on top of her, she sighs. She missed this, being cuddled and protected by neteyam even when they are asleep. But now, its different since she is back to her human body, body mass have now been an issue. 
“Neteyam please move a bit, I cant move a lot” Law’si squeaks meekly. Gently trying to push herself away from her husband. Forgot he can be a heavy sleeper at times. So slowly, gently, she moves her hips and drags herself just a bit away from Neteyam's heavy body. Things were so much easier when she had her avatar. 
Once she was fully out of neteyam’s body trap, she took a sigh of relief and began to make breakfast. It is still early so a nice fish grill will fill his stomach and heart. Humming to herself she begins to cook. 
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Neteyam wakes up to the smell of something delicious. Opening his eyes, rubbing the sleep away, in the middle of his home was his cute mate. Humming to a familiar tune as she cooks. He doesn't make a lot of sound to tell her he is awake. Sitting in a cross legged position, neteyam watches her. Taking in all that she is. 
It has been weeks, but neteyam is still getting used to how small law’si is. Overall everything. From her body, her beautiful face, her height, everything. She is lighter than anything. Smaller than his baby sister. And the more he realizes how easily vulnerable law’si is to the world, the more he wants to protect her. From the world, and himself. 
Yes himself because he forgets at times just how damn short his mate is. 
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Carefully, neteyam wraps his arms around law’si, she gasped a bit, feeling startled by the sudden hold. Looking up, law’si see's neteyams lazy smile. Letting a fit of giggles escape her lips, she gently strokes his cheek with her small hand. 
“Slept well?” She asks, her smile radiant as ever. 
“Mhm” Was neteyam's response as he buried his face at the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Still holding her close but giving her enough space to stir the pot. This is something that hasn't changed, their morning routine. A piece of heaven in the form of comfortable silence. 
“Come on, eat up big guy, its ready” law’si says. Neteyam helps with setting the bowls. Looking down, neteyam placed back one bowl and grabbed a smaller one. A new bowl he personally made for law’si human size. One of many things he made for her. 
“Neytiri asked me to join her today. Says she has something for me-my love when are you looking up?” Law’si asks as she stares at neteyam who in return was looking at the open air. But quickly he looked down to meet her eyes. Smiling nervously, he replies “S-sorry, old habit of meeting you in the same eye level” . 
Law’si giggled a bit, she understands. “It is alright my love. I am trying to handle everyday things when some items have become too big or too heavy. But that won't stop us from doing our best”. 
Nodding, neteyam resumes eating. 
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Night arrived and it was time to settle for another blissful sleep. Law’si was setting up their hammock while tip-toeing around. Neteyam couldn't help but find it cute. He insisted to help but was kindly denied ‘I can do it’ as law’si says. A lot. 
“There, all set” she announces proudly. Neteyam joins her. He was in the process of having her under him like usual but law’si rolls a bit to the side. He looks at her confused. “How about I sleep at your side? It has gotten harder to sleep with you on top of me” Law’si says. Pouting a bit, neteyam agrees and she gets in a more comfy position next to him. They both drift off to sleep, letting their dreams take over. 
Until neteyam subconsciously rolled on top of law’si. Again. Mentally he knows law’si is small again. But his instincts and old habits haven't. 
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Aaaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! A cute fluffy fic! Until next time! see ya!
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merginyourface · 2 years
Controlled Burn
WC: 1512 
Aether watches over Dew as he undergoes the transformation into a fire ghoul. 
Warnings! The themes in this are pretty heavy? I’m sure a lot of yall have read worse but I’ve never written worse and I don’t want to seriously upset anyone! Themes of death, decay, grief, etc. so forth. If that’s stuff that might make you upset pls avoid!!!!
“It fucking hurts, Aeth.” Dew says on a large exhale after drawing in his first full breath in what felt like hours.
“I know,” Aether says in the softest voice he can manage, running a free hand down his back, up to his shoulders, and over again. His own voice is tight, the ever-present burning in the back of his throat showing how close he is to losing it. But he can’t. Not while Dewdrop is here.
He crouches down in front of the seated ghoul and wipes the tears from his face. He was losing control, Aether could tell as the water slipped down his cheek, cascading over his jaw until it fell solid on the floor, splashing out. The quintessence ghoul watches the droplet on the floor, as if maybe if he could collect it, he could give Dew back what he was losing.  
“Fuck.” Dew’s voice cracks. It seemed like might have been supposed to be a scream, but it comes out as no more than a broken whine. He fists his hands into his light hair, grabbing at his horns as if he might pull them out.
Aether tries to pull his hands away from the mess he’s making of his hair, but Dew just pulls away from his touch and locks his hands harder in, curling in on himself as if he might collapse into nothing. He wanted nothing more than to collapse into nothing. To have never been, that’s how bad it’s hurting.
And maybe he’d vocalize this. Certainly, he would. If not for the nausea that burns so violently through him every time he opens his mouth, nausea so intense it makes his legs cramp.
Aether can see the way he tenses at the thought, “You need to breathe, droplet.” He uses the nickname out of habit and it pulls a cynical one-huff laugh from Dew. Aether picks up all he needs to know about what Dew thinks about the nickname now just from the laugh. He’ll have to be careful not to use it again.
This was the most responsive he’d been since the beginning of this. Damn them for making him do this. Damn Dew for agreeing. Aether knew, too, that this at best was the eye of the hurricane. He didn’t know how Dew was going to make it through this if it really was going to get worse again. He didn’t know how he was going to get through this having to watch.
“Dewdrop, you need to lay back down.” Aether tried to guide him back down, but he weakly pushed his hands away.
“I fucking can’t” He grits out, before picking up the small trashcan next to him and hacking violently. He coughs and chokes until something comes up. Aether’s stomach turns. It looks like slime but smells like pond scum. Dew takes a shakey breath, struggling to hold his head upright as his eyelashes flutter.
Quickly after, his eyes roll back into his skull and he starts to slump forward. Aether catches his dead weight and slings him back so he doesn’t crash forward. The pail falls forgotten to the side.
“Dew?” Aether tries, shaking the smaller ghoul’s shoulders ever so slightly. Aether calls his name, again and again. Because even as they went into hour 15 of this mess, he’d never passed out like this before. The longer Dew isn’t responsive, the harder and harder Aether’s heart seems to beat.
Heartbeat. He thinks, throwing his head down onto Dew’s chest. But he can’t keep still, he cant focus enough in the panic to hear anything. Does he hear anything? Is there nothing to hear? Did he give up? Is he—?
Bile rises in his throat. “No. No, no, no, no. You’ve gotta—you can’t—” He’s already lost so much. So many people. He can’t lose Dewdrop.
“Dew!” He calls, shaking limp shoulders.
“Dew.” He tries again, but it’s broken, borderline empty. And for a second, all the pain settles away. He stares blankly down at Dew, who’s gone completely pale. And he just…
He can’t believe it. Deep in his chest, he can feel the pain there. He wants to bring it to the surface. He wants to feel it. But, nothing. He feels like he doesn’t even recognize the sharp cheekbones. He doesn’t recognize the face below him without a sneer, a line of tension, a frown of annoyance. This can’t be Dew.
Delicately, as if he might fade into dust, Aether lifts Dew’s limp hand. He brings the soft, cool skin to his face and rests it against his cheek. This is wrong. It can’t be real. He lets go, expecting Dew to hold his hand to his face, but the arm just falls back beside him.
And in an instant, the pain slams back into him. Aether’s lip quivers as his lung coughs out a small, choked sound. Tears well up and spill down his face as his chest shakes and heaves over and over again. In the back of his mind, he’s aware that words are spilling out of his mouth in desperate gasps and pleas.
They had agreed to do this alone. Dew didn’t want anyone else besides Aether to see him when he shifted. But now, Aether felt like he was the only person left. Like the world was a desolate space. That if Dew was gone, beyond that door there would be nothing but shattered buildings and fallen trees. Brittle grass and raging fires.
All he knew, was that he didn’t know what to do. He felt like jumping up, running, screaming. He felt like breaking shit. Killing someone. Killing anyone who ever thought that putting this shit on Dew was a good idea.
But he didn’t move. Barely even a muscle, he wasn’t even sure if he was breathing anymore either.
He couldn’t hold himself upright anymore. Miserably, he collapsed forward, resting his head on Dew’s chest, trying not to think about the way it didn’t move. And would never move again.
He thinks he might lay there forever. Wait until they both turn to bones and the earth swallows them whole.
Eventually, the place where Aether touches Dew stops being cold. His own heat must be keeping him warm, and the thought is sour in his stomach.
That is what he thinks until the places they touch heats up even more, until a sweat breaks on Aether’s brow.
His head shoots up, analyzing Dew for any signs of… anything. He hasn’t moved yet but… has some of the color returned to his skin? Aether couldn’t be positive this wasn’t all some sick trick his mind was playing on him.
And he believes this, that it was nothing more than his imagination, until Dew’s eyebrow twitches. Quickly, Aether sits up and grabs hold of Dew’s hand again, calling his name.
And Aether was right, Dew’s skin was hot before, but burning up now. It continues to burn, to grow hotter and hotter until Aether can’t bear to touch him anymore.
Suddenly, Dew’s eyes shoot open and he tenses up on the bed. Aether is about to ask if he’s okay, as well as a million other questions but he never gets the chance. Dew takes a deep breath in and uses it to scream like nothing Aether has ever heard in his entire existence.
Aether does his best to try and soothe him, but even being in the space around him was growing more difficult as his temperature seemed to climb beyond anything he’d ever experienced. Ifrit had told him not to get involved in the process, to not try and fix the pain. He’d told Aether the Dew needed the pain or else he would never be able to tolerate his own flame.
But the way Dew’s skin was starting to dry, to crackle and split. It was making him sick.
Eventually, Dew’s skin went beyond drying and cracking as his screams and twitches continued. It darkened and darkened until it was entirely the color of ash. Dew began to thrash harder, breaking off chips of skin and leaving a new layer beneath it all.
He leaned as close as he could manage to Dew, using a façade of calm to try and comfort him. Wanting nothing more than to hold him and let him take the rest he needed while Aether cradled him. But it wasn’t possible.
The cloud of heat was so thick around him that it was like a force field keeping Aether out. But he continued to whisper everything he loved about Dew. Everything he cherished about their time together. Everything he looked forward to with him. Everything and anything he thought of.
That seemed to go on for hours until every piece of blackened skin had dissolved away and the heat finally died down.
Delicately, Aether laid a single finger on his arm, worried about hurting him. The skin was impossibly smooth and flawless. Dew shivered but didn’t wince.
And for the first time as a fire ghoul, Dew opened his eyes.
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quintential · 1 year
Caught between a rock and a hard place
Not feeling so good.
one cigarette too many,
i don't fly as high or spin as fast anymore on twice as many drags;
and now i hate that i cant scrub the smell from my hands.
My breasts are heavy with the shame of telling my birdie how much i care for her. its embarassing, to let her know how much i love her. i hate that she'll find out. i hate that she spent so much time picking out birthday gifts for me, and how 
and how much , and how deseperately, we want to please each other,
for different reasons and not all at the same time.
No, she's not beige at all,
the color of a new yellow chick would be more fitting.
With a heavy heart, i must accept my squirelly friend will not visit me. I try and accept it's her having a hard time,
but when you spend hours on the phone with someone helping them book a ticket to your home, and telling them all the marvelous things you'll do together,
only for her to say- weeks later, she never booked a ticket-
it's hard not to hurt.
And hurt i do. 
i will grieve this lost future time, and for her as well. I wonder when, or if, we'll speak next.
for my racoon, i wonder why you sent me those meaningless words and read my earnest response and did not say anthing back. was it a revenge, to get back at me? That's okay, and i'm sorry, and i'll never know why, but the shame will eat me up inside regardless.
no matter how many times my hummingbird will tell me she loves me,
and she'll say it everytime i ask her, 
i won't believe her.
it's hard to believe her love is so unconditional.
when people do things for me, i'm always shocked they do. i try to measure their love; when will i realise i'll never succeed.
i'm simply caught between a rock and hard place. Maybe I'll die here, or maybe i will make my way out, back to the ocean.
i need to breathe, after all.
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m0m3nt0-m0r1 · 1 year
"i feel like ive known you my whole life." they said, their eyes glimmering with a certain sense of naivety and wonder that one only finds as a rouge teenager.
i had heard this song many times before, sung by an ensemble of faces i could no longer place a name for. its always sung the same way, with the verses of "i cant believe we didnt meet sooner," and "i dont know what i did without you" scattered intermittently.
there is a deep sadness hidden within this implied compliment, and that is: they always think they know me. they have met me years and years ago, or perhaps in a past life, and it went really well. it turns out, when youve already been made up in someones mind, they tend not to dig any deeper. it didnt help that i was always such a good listener.
"enjoy it while you can," i blurted out in exhaustion. "i dont tend to stick around very long." i was tired of having the same conversation with another face that soon would become nameless.
"may i ask why?" they said with confusion, as they had not predicted my response.
"i couldnt quite tell you. maybe im too restless, maybe im easily bored, maybe i cant stop running away just in case things get bad. nonetheless, life is too full of adventure to stay stagnant. im always on the lookout for something."
"i never thought about it that way." they said, and the conversation paused. immediately my heart began to race, and i knew i must start running again. i messed everything up. before i was able to make up some excuse as to why i was leaving, they spoke up once more. "do you ever stop? running, that is. i mean, if you dont smell the roses, how will you remember them during the winter?"
i shook my head in thought.
"i guess what im trying to say is," another pause came about, shorter this time. they were trying to pick their words carefully, as to not invoke more panic in me than they already saw. "maybe you could stick around a little longer this time. take a break from running towards your something, and start walking through your everything else."
the corners of my mouth perked up into a crooked smile and one of my teeth poked out behind my top lip. my hair was disheveled and my clothes hung loose around my slouched back, and for a moment, i could have sworn i was human.
what an incredible adventure that i had never considered before. maybe that was the something all along.
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jem1701 · 2 years
2022 Recap
A little late but here it is
2022 has come and gone, and a relatively simple year it was.
From a work perspective, nothing really new. Getting more supercomputers in that we are working hard to get going and will continue to receive more this coming year, hopefully with much better progress. Work is work, there is nothing else to tell about it that I can talk about or want to talk about. If you want to ask me about it though, go ahead.
Everything else was an interesting journey. Still managed to not get sick, but I have a feeling it is coming soon. Ive avoided it for many years now as well as other illnesses so not sure how much more I can run and hide from it.
One big change I did this year was get back into dance. I had been trying to do it for a long time and was not in the best shape to do it. But getting the feedback from my doctor that I need to lose weight was a big wake up call. I got back into the dance studio, starting eating better and less, going on more walks, and that has helped me overall to get into better shape and health. I still have a ways to go. But I took my first ballet class in 13 years, but first modern class in 15 years, and my first tap classes again in 7 years. All initial classes were extremely hard and painful on my body, but overall rewarding. I have been taking zumba classes again which have been a huge help as well. I missed being in the dance studio..I use to be in the dance studio 6 days a week every day after school and on saturdays and had so many memories. Most of them dancing of course, but the overall experience with being with my friends and the ones I stay close to today. I miss those days every day spending them in tap shoes, ballet and jazz shoes, and getting there early to hang out with my friends. The hard work we put in made us into a family and although we are all not together anymore, it still gives me those memories to go back to and relive.
I feel like I havent moved on from that point in my life...I still feel like I live in those days and havent grown beyond that. Not that I want to be doing it again, but that it was a special time in my life that I feel like I have not had that after that time. I dont want to let those feelings go and being back in the studio now and dancing again is giving me that chance to be close to the arts and express myself the way I use to, because I feel like I cant and dont anymore, as much as I want do. I dont have the words or courage to really express myself the way I want, but when I dance, I feel like that is when I am most connected and able to express myself the way I want..but thats all I think ill be able to do.
I have relied on everyone close to me this year to help me in many different ways, whether its support me, listen to me, or just overall be there for me. I know I have social anxiety, and I have been trying to work on it, but I know I have a ways to go. I still feel like I dont have anything to say, or cant say anything when Im with others. If we talk about something I know about and interested in it I know I can be more responsive, and I have her to help me with it as she helps to break me out of my shell. I have her in my life, and we have grown so much together all these years, and I think about all the good times with her every single day as its calming and helps me with my anxiety. The smell of coffee and rain will always soothe me as she is the life embodiment of that which calms me. We have been through a lot, and I cant imagine life without her... She is my everything and I dont know what I would do without her. I want her to know how much I love her..she deserves so much better than me, but I need her to know that I will always be there for her through thick and thin and do my best to make sure she is safe and happy forever.
The house has been doing good, we finished putting in the fence which came out so good! she did such a good job of designing and planning it out! Naya loves it so much. It was so much work though...but it was worth it in the end.
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The rest of the year was spending it with family and friends, officially getting back together in person for events and just hanging out. It was so great to have so many friends come back into town and get to hang out with them without the worry of masks or getting sick with all of our booster shots. I hope that continues for this year.
A life long friend of mine also get married this year! I am so happy for her and her husband now. My social anxiety didnt really let me go up to them to really congratulate them and talk with them more, but I hope they know how happy we are for them and so excited for them to start this journey together! They dont live in NM anymore, but are not too far away and hope to see them as much as we can when they come back home or I go there for trips and conferences.
I also started more official work with my dance company and helping them more from an official capacity, which I thought I would never do! It has been rewarding and definitely a life experience to be able to help in this way and try and bring the same about of joy and support to the children of NM that my dance company did for me!
D&D adventures continue and we have made so much progress. I love playing with my friends and seeing them every week to do this. This is something I look forward to every single week and I hope they feel the same for me. I tried to do my best for them this year when a lot of things started to get difficult for everyone, and I hope they know they helped me as well. That's what friends are for!
Overall, I think thats all for now. 2023 is aiming to be an interesting year and im looking forward to continue the betterment of my health and hopefully reach my goals. I hope to continue dancing and expressing myself as much as I can, and I hope my knees can continue to carry me through that.
That is all for now!
Hello World! Live long and prosper 🖖and keep the rhythm alive!
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michelle-is-writing · 3 years
Drunk, Ben Hardy
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Word count: 800~
Ben isn't usually one to get drunk when he's out with friends. In fact, that rarely ever happens except when he and his friends are at our place or one of theirs, but not in a public place. Besides, Ben has told me on multiple occasions that he doesn't necessarily enjoy getting super drunk. It's not his cup of tea, but if you could see him now, you'd think differently.
"My God, Ben," I mutter to myself, dragging him out of the doorway, his body limp because of his drunken state. "Don't you have a cut off limit?" I question him, surprised at his current condition. He looks at me with a goofy smile.
"Of course I do," He answers, his words slurred. "But I... lost count," I roll my eyes with a smile. No matter how big of a mess he is right now, I still cant help but think he's funny, yet cute at the same time.
"You seem kind of m-mad... what's wrong, (Y/n)?" he asks as I begin to open our bedroom door. "Don't you like carrying me? Am I not your Cinderella or some other princess shit like that?"
Shaking my head, I lightly chuckle while I lean Ben against the bedpost, removing his wrinkled clothes from his slumped body before moving the sheets in the bed over. "Sure, babe," I joke, laying him down in our bed, now in his boxers. "I'll be your prince, but I'm not exactly sure that many other princes had to carry princesses that were almost six feet tall," I argue, tucking him into bed. Seeing him quickly become comfortable, I smile and lean down to kiss his forehead. "Now, go to sleep."
Smirking up at me, Ben reaches up and cups my cheek before speaking. "But what if I don't want to go to sleep?" He asks, my hands pulling the covers up to his chin.
"Then I'll smother you," I answer him bluntly, his facial features never changing as I say this. God, he has to be so hammered right now.
"...Okay," He responds drunkenly after a few seconds, turning his head away from me and into the pillow. Not being able to help myself, I lean down once more and kiss his forehead again before heading over to our dresser and changing into pajamas. Once I have on more comfortable clothes, I climb into bed where Ben instantly cuddles me to him.
In his sleep, he snores loudly while nuzzling his head into my neck and placing one of his legs over mine so I can't move away from him. "Ben," I say his name, trying to move over to turn the lights off. Despite me saying his name loudly, he still doesn't wake up, and instead, holds me even closer. "Ben, I need to turn the light off," I explain, once again, receiving no response.
Groaning, I shake my head before turning in his arms to face him. Once I do so, I quickly catch the smell of the vodka he and his friends were drinking earlier lingering from his open mouth. I sigh when I see his utterly exhausted face, knowing I won't be out of his arms for a while. "Ben, I might actually have to smother you," I jokingly threaten him, smiling.
Having no choice, I turn him on his back and practically crawl on top of him to turn the lights off, his hands now resting on my hips as my legs almost straddle his chest. If Ben were awake (and sober, of course), he would have deftly taken this as an opportunity to start the night off with passion and love-making, but currently, he's just snoring and drooling.
Flicking the switch on the small lamp, I watch the room fill with darkness just before I catch a quick glimpse of Ben’s smirking face as I lay back down beside him, his body now back on its side as his arms reclaim his previous hold on me. Laying my head on my pillow, I close my eyes and move my arms to wrap around his torso. "I love you too much to smother you, in all honesty," I tell him, smiling. "Goodnight, Ben."
Ben then snuggles his head closer to mine, his hair brushing against my chin as his cold nose pushes into my neck. "Goodnight to you, babe..." He slurs, sounding tired as hell. Smiling at his words, I slowly start realizing something after a few seconds pass by with Ben sleeping soundlessly - the complete opposite of his actions mere seconds ago.
"You bitch, you were awake this whole time."
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
levi with a super bratty reader that drives him insane, never listens, is constantly defying his commands... they get snowed into a camp together while on a scouting mission... which leads to some hatefucking mayb... 🤧 ps allie dont forget to take care of yourself babes iluvvvm
i adore your requests mwah pls also take care please we cant keep having these all nighters and then sleep all afternoon fkjdshfks
tw: female reader, dom themes, brat taming, impact play (with a belt), degradation, overstimulation
Never before Levi had been su infuriated by someone. Not even by Eren and his stubborness or Mikasa and her death glares. It had to be you and your eye rolls, the way you talked back whenever he gave you an order and sometimes even went behind his back. He has talked to Erwin about it and while he promised to talk with you, he asked him to consider your choices had saved the lives of many soldiers and that you were really talented.
Levi didn’t give a shit.
And now, besides being stuck in a snow storm and having to wait it out, he had found you had been neglecting your cleaning duties, leading him to pull you from your hair to the space destined to be his office for the time being.
“Why the fuck weren’t you cleaning, brat?” he spat, pushing you against the wall. Far for flinching, you looked at him menancingly.
“It’s already clean. Not my fault you’re a freak who obsessed over the small details. It doesn’t smell like piss anymore, it’s enough.”
“I don’t care about what you think, if I give an order you do it. That’s it,” he said.
“Oh, please, Levi,” you rolled your eyes. “Why are you so insufferable? Go get laid or something, seems like you need it.”
Before you could say anything else, he had his hand around your throat holding you against the wall.
“Whoa, it’s really been that long since you fucked, huh?” you chuckled. “Don’t worry, Captain,” you mocked him. “If it comes to it, I volunteer to suck your dick. You seem like someone who comes quick so it shouldn’t take a lot of my time.”
“Don’t you get tired of talking so much shit?” he hissed.
“I really don’t,” you smiled.
“If I wanted to fuck someone I wouldn’t fuck a spoiled brat who only knows how to bring problems to the corps.”
“Oh, that was rough,” you said, pretending to be upset. “Why are you being so mean to be, Captain, when I can be so good to you?”
You smirked as you pressed your thigh against his crotch, feeling him tense at your moves.
“Want to take your anger out?” you joked, licking your front teeth. “I bet it’s--”
Your sentence was cut short by Levi’s lips pressing against yours. Your body reacted immediately, drawn to the warmth and strenght in the man’s touch. His hand was still grabbing your hair, keeping you still as you shared a rough kiss. You rolled your body against his, his erection poking on your thigh. His tongue invaded your mouth and soon enough, you were tearing each other’s clothes letting them fall to the floor while your hands roamed around each other’s bodies, quiet moans and sighs escaping from both your mouths.
When you were just in your panties, Levi pulled you to the other side of the room, bending you over the desk. He put a hand over your head, leaning over until his lips were grazing your ear.
“I still need to teach you a lesson,” he muttered. You couldn’t help but laugh.
“What do you mean, less--”
A hard hit on your ass cuy your sentence short. Without having to look back, you could just tell what he had just hit you with. Of course he had chosen his belt. At least he wasn’t using the buckle.
“Lets see how much until you learn,” Levi said. You hated how you pressed your legs together in anticipation.
Another hit. You felt your skin burning but didn’t move as Levi continued with a third one. Even if you could feel yourself getting wet already, you were determined not to let him know how much you were enjoying this. You let him hit you more times and bit your lip, trying your best to conceal your moans.
You had lost count of all the impacts on your ass when you felt his fingers easily sliding across your folds.
“You may be silent, but you’re creaming like a whore,” you heard him say and felt your legs trembling for a second. “Oh, was it always like that? You like to be reminded what a dirty slut you are?” he asked in a mocking tone.
The next hit was much harder than the previous one, finally making you whimper.
“There it is,” Levi said, a dark chuckle escaping his lips. His left hand went back to your folds, two of his fingers sliding inside you and fucking you slowly. The belt collided against your ass again and you clenched around his fingers.
“Can’t believe how much you’re enjoying this,” he huffed, still fucking you with his fingers. "You're such a needy white."
Another hit, a moan and Levi's fingers curling inside you. It doesn't take long for him to find your sweet spot and once he does, he makes sure to run his fingers against it.
Your hips buck against his fingers, but everything he thinks you're doing it too much, you get hit with his belt again. The sole sound of it impacting your skin makes you quiver. You come hard around his fingers while you try to muffle your moans with your hand. Your legs are trembling when he pulls his fingers away and leaves the belt on the desk next to you. Just as you were about to stand up, you feel Levi's cock teasing your entrance.
"I— I'm too sensitive," you stutter.
"Well you do seem to be the type that comes too fast," he shot back, using your own words. "Just tell me to stop" he says. His tip is already stretching your entrance but doesn't move even an inch, waiting your response. You know you're sensitive but fuck if you don't want Levi's cock inside of you. You swallow.
"Fuck me," you sigh and Levi is immediately pushing inside you, stretching you open. You weren't expecting him to be so thick and now you can't do anything but moan as he fills you up.
Levi starts fucking you from behind, his hands grabbing youe hips so tight you know you're going to end with bruises. You listen to him grunt everytime he bottoms out, filling you up completely. His rhythm increases and you are already whimpering again, the closeness of your last orgasm making you want to come again.
Levi seems to notice it too.
"Touch yourself," he orders, but you don't make a move. He waits a couple of seconds before he’s spanking you hard, making you clench around his cock. "I said touch yourself."
Your hand travels to your clit and it only takes a few gently strokes for you to come around Levi. He curses under his breath as you squeeze him jus right, but never breaks his rhythm.
"Keep touching yourself," he commands and you whine.
"Please. Please, I already came two times, I—"
"I think three is enough for you to learn your lesson," he said, squeezing the plus on your ass, spreaing yourself further as he keeps fucking you. “I know you have it in you,” he smirks.
You grab the edge of the desk, looking for support as your mind . Every trace of defiance is gone by this moment, you feel like nothing but a mess of limbs that wants to be used by the same man you had been challenging these past few years.
It was over. You had lost.
“I said fucking touch yourself,” he reminds you, slapping your ass forcefully. You hate the way you start circling your clit again, overstimulation making the pain and pleasure mix together dangerously.
Levi slides out almost completely to ram into you again, making your eyes water. You let out a mix of moans mixed with incoherent curses, your legs shaking as you feel your third orgasm drawing near.
“Fuck, I can’t-- I can’t,” you pant.
“If you can be a fucking pain in the ass every day, you can do this,” Levi said, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pushing your head further on the desk.
It takes Levi slapping your ass again to reach your high. It’s almost as hard as the first one and you whimper as he fucks into you more rapidly. He comes inside you with a hiss, his cock twitching as he releases his load. The moment he pulls away, you feel both your releases dripping down your inner thighs.
There’s silence for the next few moment while you try to regain your breath. Your limbs feel too heavy when you try to stand up, legs wobbly as you walk to the nearest chair and take a seat. You let your head fall, your hands on your knees as you try to form coherent thoughts.
Suddenly, you feel someone yanking your hair, making you look up. You notice Levi has already dressed himself again, the only clue of your previous activity in the way his hair looks a little more messier than usual.
"Hope you learnt your lesson, brat," he whispers before letting go of your hair and walking out of the room.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having come clean about being single for a very long time now and considering herself completely out of the dating scene, Y/N’s confession is taken and responded to with a ton of kindness, especially from a special someone...
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was such a joy to write! I’m so sorry for the long wait you had to go through but the fic is finally here and I hope you enjoy reading it! Love, Vy ❤
I roll out of bed with little to no desire to start my day. We haven’t got a scheduled stream for today and the clouds glooming in the sky seem to be promising rain so really what do I have to get up for except that it’s a rule society installed?
Just kidding, I’m basically stalling and that’s all.
So what happened was the streamer gang and I were playing Among Us last night and our conversation during the pause between rounds somehow swerved into relationship territory. I stayed quiet the majority of if not all the time because I had no valid input to offer. 
If you know me you know I’m not one of the performers on the dating scene. I have never really confirmed it with my fans - well, until last night, that is - but I bet they have picked up on that fact considering I’ve been on YouTube for around a decade and have never had a partner. That being said, I’d have to also mention that I have in fact dated but someone but it was before my YouTube era started. Me choosing this career path, which back then was just a hobby, had nothing to do with the relationship ending but it still motivated me to not to actively look for a relationship while I’m still focused on my career. It’s too much work, too much stress and requires a lot of balance I most certainly either don’t have or I don’t have the energy to put in balancing my romantic and professional lives. Luckily, no one’s ever pressured me into finding a significant other, not yet at least, so no societal pressure for me!
But I gotta admit I felt real awkward admitting all this last night.
“Hey Y/N what do you think? You’ve been awfully quiet?“ Rae asks, causing me to jolt in my seat from where I’ve been reading my chat for the past five minutes, my mic muted.
I quickly unmute to reply, blushing ever so slightly, “Um, sorry I was reading my chat. What do I think about what?”
“The gesture of giving flowers to your significant other, is it romantic or a waste of money and plant murder?“ Rae explains, still managing to catch me off-guard with her question.
I ponder what my response should be for a little bit before deciding to level it to a neutral level where I almost sound indifferent, “It is in fact plant murder basically and artificial flowers would definitely be a better gift - plus they’ll last longer.”
“Mhmm yeah that’s true.“ Poki agrees with me, “But there’s still the question of whether it’s a romantic gesture or not. I personally don’t think it’s overrated or cheesy, I actually quite like it. What about you, Y/N?“
And now she’s got me in a real trap that I can’t wiggle out of without speaking my truth. I don’t know where this sudden anxiety around the subject came from but it now resides within me rent free and makes me feel self-conscious and embarrassed of the confession I’m inevitably make.
“Um, I wouldn’t know for certain, I’ve never received flowers myself...“ I say sheepishly, cringing at the sound of my own voice, “It’s not like I’ve dated plenty of people and the one guy I did date wasn’t really romantic or anything, I mean - we were teenagers, after all. But when I think about it in theory I think I’d like the gesture: it’s thoughtful, plus you get a temporary but beautiful piece of décor out of it.“
I’m gonna hope I didn’t sound too pitiful or desperate. Of course I’m not gonna check afterward on the stream cause I’d rather live in the illusion of having sounded humorous rather than be given the confirmation that I didn’t.
“Wait, wait, wait, did you date your last boyfriend like a decade ago?“ Corpse is now the one talking and that makes me feel even more anxious. This is not the impression one would want to give to their crush, is it? Oh well, no turning back now.
“Correct.“ I reply with a laugh that I hope didn’t sound as nervous as it was.
“And you’ve never, like in your whole life, received flowers from someone?“ He sounds astonished which sort of makes me want to shrink up in my shell like a turtle. Too bad I don’t have a shell though. I’m genuinely thinking of the option to rip the router out of the outlet right now to save me the troubles but I’m not that immature. I’m surprised I’m even reacting this way - this topic doesn’t usually bother me at all but now for some reason I’m red as a tomato and shrinking in my chair. 
I know what the obvious answer is but I’d rather die than admit to it.
“Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds bad but I really don’t care.“ I make an attempt at changing the subject, swerving it back to the main topic rather than my lack of a love life, “I do, in fact, find the gesture sweet - it adds vibrancy to the relationship just like the flowers would add vibrancy and color to the space they’re put in.“
“Oh my gosh, that’s such a cool analogy!“ Rae gushes, “You’re totally right, it might be an old trick, but it’s aged like fine wine.“
Phew, God bless you Rae.
“Exactly, exactly.“ Corpse agrees as well but I don’t think he’s fully heard what Rae said since he sounds to have fallen in deep thought.
At least I got away with it with only making a SLIGHT nervous wreck of myself.
Yikes, was that horrible, though I don’t people will remember it for long. Sure, my fans have sent me thousands of lovely messages and pictures of bouquets and will maybe continue sending them for another day or two - which I highly appreciate, don’t get me wrong. I’m severely touched by this gesture of theirs and it almost makes me glad I finally ‘came clean’ about my romance-less life - however, it’ll fade overtime. I mean, who the heck cares if I’m single or not?
As I pour the milk over my cheerios which I’ve been snacking on dry for the past half hour as I rifled through the many notifications clogging up my lock screen, I hear the doorbell ring. I’m understandably puzzled by this, seeing as how I never get visitors so that doorbell rings only when I’ve ordered something, be it takeout or a random item off Amazon. However, I can’t remember ordering anything, at least not anything that should be arriving at the moment or even anytime soon - that glow-in-the dark curtain isn’t supposed to arrive until next week.  I make my way to the door, unbothered by the fact I’m still in my pajamas, and take a look through the peephole.
It’s a delivery guy...and he happens to be holding a huge-ass bouquet.
“What the...“ I mutter to myself as I unlock and swing open the door in the blink of an eye, “Hi?“
“Hi there, are you Y/N L/N?“ The delivery guy, who I’ve seen many times before and who I’m on pretty friendly terms with, asks me jokingly, sending a wink my way.
“I sure am.“ I reply, my gaze fixated on the breathtaking flowers he’s holding, “But those can’t be for me, that’s for sure.“
He fishes looks at his clipboard one more time, nodding before he looks back at me, “I double and triple checked, Y/N, they’re for you. Here, have a look if you don’t believe me.” He turns the clipboard  for me to see and he is actually telling the truth. I mean, I doubt he’d have any reason to lie to me but mix-ups happen all the time.
“Um, ok thanks. Sorry for the halt, it’s just...I’d hate to be the recipient of the flowers meant for another girl.” I apologize as I take the bouquet for him, still in awe of the fact I’m the one it was made and meant for and sent to.
I say a quick ‘bye’ to the delivery guy before practically running inside to inspect this bouquet for a card from the sender. I have my guesses: it has to be someone who was present during the stream last night and someone who knows my address. Hopefully it’s someone from my friend group and not a fan who watched the stream and just happens to know my address. I’d still appreciate the gesture, but I’d also install security cameras if that was the case.
Something about the color scheme of the flowers - pink and black - gives me Rae vibes since she constantly teases me about my aesthetics contradicting each other. But then again, Poki does it too so it could be her as well....
                                                               ~ ~ ~
I’ve been sitting here, keeping myself a safe distance from my phone so I’m not the first one to send her a text. So I don’t ask if she got what I sent her. So I don’t ask what she thought of it, how the bouquet looks in her living room, how it smells, how it makes her feel. I have so many questions so that phone is best off at a major distance from me. I’m the one who’s better off with such a huge distance between me and the device, to be perfectly honest.
Was it a bad idea? Should I have slept on it - or just thought about it longer cause sleep and I don’t get along? Should I have at least waited a day or two? Should I-
My phone vibrates with a notification and I practically fly to it from across the room, grabbing it and unlocking it asap. My heart sinks and takes off like a rocket simultaneously when I see I’ve been tagged in Y/N’s Instagram story. I nervously tap the notification that sends me to the picture of the bouquet I sent her with some text written over it.
“Thank you, Romeo ;)“
Somehow that one sentence answers all those aforementioned questions.
Is this what people refer to as butterflies in one’s stomach? Cause it feels significantly more like a crush...oh wait.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
just a day
welcome to the poly frontier? 
listen absolutely no shade to the other authors who write triple frontier poly fics (I got permission) I just wanted to try my take on what relationships with this group of guys would look like - and I honestly think my execution is going to look really really different. This one’s just for me to explore and start to develop the dynamics, so I really hope you all enjoy!
note: I’m going to say this is an 18+ series, sorry!
pairing: triple frontier guys - Will “Ironhead” Miller, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Francisco (Frankie) “Catfish” Morales, and Ben “Benny” Miller x (f) reader
wordcount: 2k?
warnings: obviously a poly relationship, which includes kissing, domestic intimacy with all of them (not just with the reader, but not in-between Will and Ben because nope), mild sexual themes
another note: I will not be fetishizing male/male relationships, nor will I be including any romance or sexual between the brothers
You wake up tucked into Will’s chest, his beard tickling your hairline like he fell asleep kissing it. Hand on his chest, you feel the steady rise and fall of it, slow and peaceful in the murky morning light. His arm is around your shoulder, half tangled in your hair, and there’s another arm tucked around your waist from behind - Santi's.
Pressing a kiss to Will’s collarbone, you gently begin the process of extracting yourself, apologizing with soft squeezes instead of words. Their hands find each others in their sleep, and you almost think you made it, for once, before Will’s blue eyes find yours for just a moment. It happens every morning – they need to know you’re okay. 
Verifying the time, he gives a bleary smile before rolling, free arm searching for a pillow to hold against his body in your place during the precious few minutes he has before he needs to get up, too. 
Frankie is in the kitchen already, and of all of them, he’s the best at hearing your quiet footsteps. His arms wrap around your frame, gathering you into him as he relishes the feeling of just you and him, for a moment.
Your nails run over his back, and he shudders at the feeling, smiling at you a little as the two of you pull things out of the fridge. It’s unreasonable, how many groceries you all go through, but feeding them is important to you, a love language in itself. Frankie was the first awake – his coffee is already brewing. In half an hour, give or take, Will and Santi will wander out, and the smells in the kitchen will change, but not yet.
For now, it’s dark roast coffee and there are quiet crunches of the apple you tossed into his broad palm. It’s not enough for the whole day so you tuck a breakfast bar into his work bag for later, with and extra jacket and a water bottle. There’s no need for notes, with him, the slow kisses he shares with you at the door are more than enough to bring him home to you in the evening. Before he can give up his time with you his hand slips under the shirt you’re wearing, just running over your bare side like he has all the time in the world. 
Then his hat is firmly on his head, and he brushes his rough thumb over your cheek, looks at the stairs to the bedroom with just a touch of longing, and slides out the door.
You’re mixing peanut butter into a premade jar of overnight oats when Will wraps his arms around you from behind, pressing his warm chest against your back. He’s tired – more than the others, and you let him borrow your strength for long moments. Santi watched from the doorway, giving them too you, his eyes fiercely affectionate, before he sandwiches Will between you half crushing you with their weight.
Laughter is a good way to start the day, even if it breaks the quiet. 
They bump into each other, happy, but silently arguing over who’s turn it is, before Santi relents and slips off to the shower. When you hand Will the jar, he kisses your temple before your mouth, and his hand is firm on your hip. He makes you eat with him, would make you pancakes if he had time, and asks what you’re working on today. His fingers flip the pen in his hand, but he’s too distracted by you to work through the paper like he did before. It’s new, all of you sharing the same space, and there are pros and cons. 
Then they trade places and Santi's body is damp and insistent as he kisses you, a little too needy for a man who has less than twenty minutes before he has to leave. You cant really deny him, though, indulging his touching while exploring him in turn, before pushing his distractingly bare chest away from you. He talks about his day a lot, considering it hasn’t happened yet, but his passion is contagious. He isn’t planning on telling you, but he fixed a bug on your laptop last night before he went to bed, and hid your favorite chocolate in your desk.
The kitchen smells like juice and granola now, and the ache of waking up is seeping out of your limbs.
When Benny comes out, you expect him to complain about the noise, but he doesn’t, just ruffles his hair and hugs Santi sleepily from behind.
His energy hasn’t quite built for the day, but he cant really sleep in like he wants to, and likes to see them off. He was restless last night, you could tell even with Santi between you on the bed, and you wonder if he relaxed at all. You give them space, retreating to get yourself ready and set up in your home office, pausing to send Will off with kisses and well wishes. When he forgets his timing and kissed down your neck, you hook your fingers in to his belt loops and he almost calls in sick.
It doesn’t happen, though, he’s too responsible without extra encouragement, and his eyes crinkle as he promises to continue, later.
Then it’s Santi and Benny’s turn, looking silly with the former prepared for tedious meetings and the other in his pajama's with a duffle bag, but that’s how it goes, sometimes. 
When Benny finishes at the gym, he finds you working away, lost in your music, and hovers at the door for awhile before his eagerness for you wins out. His hands are needy, but he doesn’t say words – his eyebrows speak for him and you nearly give in to his big, pleading eyes. 
He likes it when you run your hands through his hair, and you do, and press a promise into his cheek with your lips. You know today isn’t a day he wants to plan fights or check emails or update his socials, but he gets to it anyway, waiting for you, and needed to feel productive. They’re all too smart, beautifully, wonderfully overpowered with strength and mind and love and you know they cant help but direct it somewhere, Benny included.
As you finish your work for the morning your phone tells you the others are meeting up for lunch, and you thank them individually for the chance to give Ben a little extra attention.
Last night’s fight hadn’t gone great. The four of you had rallied behind him afterwards, patching him up while Santi yelled about justice and Frankie forced him to eat and drink, but now was time for something different. You were the center of this world they’d created, the one who’s undivided attention meant everything to them. 
Ben rarely wanted to talk about the pain, during, needed to punch it out at the gym or be soothed by Santi's validation before seeking you for heated, slightly painful kisses. Now, though, he’s frustrated with himself, and seeing it hurts in your chest like the cut across his skin.
You settle onto the huge bed in his corner, offering him your arms and a smile that soothes the throbbing in his bruises. This is a moment just for the two of you, and he takes full advantage, tucking his head onto the pillow of your chest and letting your hands wander his shoulders and hair and neck. Ben starts out ranting, but gets distracted along the way, soaking in your attention and the sliver of skin exposed on your stomach.
He kisses along the line, unable to resist half smiling at you as he licks it, almost losing himself to the temptation to go a round with you all on his own. They wouldn’t mind, really, but he doesn’t, just shifts back up to press your mouth against his. It’s slower and it’s nice for him not to have to be intense, with you.
The afternoon is spent quietly, both of you working diligently, knowing the others are doing the same, so you can cherish your precious free evening. You find a note from Frankie, a little inside joke that he knows will remind you of a story, and it makes you text him something that will make him laugh. 
At some point Santi calls you, frustrated, needing to verbal process, and the three of you on speaker phone navigate it with the gusto of heroes on a fantastical adventure. Will’s logic is absent with him, but you get the feeling it hardly matters, this time around. In truth, Ben is better at working the tightness out of Santi’s voice, and when you talk, you can hear him sigh like you’ve scrubbed a bit of darkness out of his day. 
When he gets home his mood is much improved and he picks Benny up with a grunt, spinning him around once, thick arms careful of the younger man’s sore spots. You get an equally soft kiss, and you smack him when he squeezes your ass, a glint in his eye.
There’s still a bit of shyness in Ben as he asks Pope to look over the videos from the fight, still a bit of awe and raw respect for the older man, and it makes you melt a little to see. The men are tentative sometimes, about the developments in their relationships with each other, but some things needn’t change. 
The couch is nice, a recent purchase, and you have a matching chair you like to settle in, mostly ignoring the distant voices and glancing out the window through the leaves of a large tree in the front yard. There’s a story on your phone you’ve been meaning to catch up on, and it’s peaceful, reading as the clouds float by.
There’s sounds of tires rolling over the gravel, and it makes you laugh when you open the door to see Ironhead and Catfish carrying no less than a small crate of take-out from Benny’s favorite Italian place. Unpacking it, Will spends more time invading your space, catching up, and flirting with you than Frankie does. He would never say it aloud, but he’s excited to see the reaction to their surprise.
He gets a perfect one – Benny yells when he smells it, and is jumping up and down, and the way Frankie’s chest puffs tells you it was his idea. Will gives you a squeeze and you know he’s proud, too, if for different reasons. He takes the moment of distraction, while the attention is on his brother, to slip his hand in your back pocket and kiss you without anyone noticing. If he had his way, he would yank you into the laundry room, but the idea of eating together keeps your feet planted and he sighs against your mouth. 
The boys eat like they’re starved, before they’re grabbing at you, coaxing you into the living room, and you’re beyond thankful there’s not really dishes to do. It’s not that they would make you do them, but it’s nice for all of you to be able to ride out the remarkably low-effort evening. 
Santi is insistent it’s his turn – the others have all had their time with you today, and only Will grumbles. They compromise, your legs over the later,  your side in the protective hallow of the formers chest. You choose a movie at random, knowing they’ll talk through it if you do. It’s nice, to listen to them banter from the cozy arms wrapped around you.
They get caught up talking about an old friend you’ve never met, and Frankie tries to explain things to you as they rapid-fire stories and bets on where he is now. You roll your eyes when you lose track again and again, but it’s full of joy, and he catches it before getting pulled into a ridiculous debate. 
Hands run over your calves, gently kneading, and you wonder if Will even knows he’s doing it – taking care of you is his second nature.
The film is finished but the talking hasn’t, now moved on to the inaccuracies in the movie as they try to outdo each other with random useless knowledge. There’s no real annoyance in their voices as they bite at each other, and you think that really, nothing has changed, and it’s good.
At some point you doze off.
There’s hushed arguing, and Frankie wins, scooping you into his sturdy arms and carrying you to bed. He likes the way you murmur your thanks, and his heart pounds as you sleepily pull off his hat and toss it somewhere. It makes him feel like you knew it was him, could feel it was, even in your mostly unconscious state. It’s a nice feeling, and he tucks it away in his mind, hoping to save it for if ever he get’s jealous. 
The sleeping arrangements are a mess – Will has tried multiple times to make cohesive charts, and none of them stick. It’s a tangle of limbs and everyone shifts depending on temperature and general neediness. Santi laments the choice of a movie over a long evening of unhurried lovemaking, and receives and smack on the stomach in return. It makes you wake, halfway, and when your arms reach for him, he forgets his previous complaints.
They settle at their own pace, quiet conversations floating in and out of your dreams, and the sounds of teeth being brushed and plans being made make you smile. Tomorrow maybe, you’ll be up without a thought, awake and talking or kissing with whoever else didn’t need as much sleep, but for now, you didn’t mind. It was just day, with many before and many to come.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge
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levisgirll · 3 years
hello! if it's okay can i please request a little levi comfort one shot or headcanons? basically where he helps his s/o through a point in her life where she feels like she isn't good enough for levi or anyone and is just a crying mess in her room? lots of fluff please! thank u so much <3
𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬) ♡
text: wow thank you so much sweet anon for your request!!💕💕 i took my time to write this because i wanted it to be special and tried my best so i hope u enjoy this :,) pls send another request if you want to later in the future! ( i like ur ideas-). also sorry this was super late, i was busy with personal things and it got really hard for me to handle which took long ;c
synopsis: you were going through a really hard phase in your life right now. thinking you are not good enough to anyone, and not just anyone but especially your boyfriend, levi. he knows you well, too well, and he knows something is definitely up with you. once he finds out the reason he becomes devastated and comforts you in his own way which you realize it was quite unique and rare.
okay but big warning this is super fluff which will warm your heart (i promise!), and a lil bit of angst I guess🥺💕 enjoy!
He started to pick this up when you did not say ‘love’ back to him and when you started to avoid him, and talk less with him.
He tries to go closer to you and I find Levi trying to find the the right words what to say to you and he struggles to get the chance to hold your hand.
This actually made him upset and I find Levi a guy who later goes back and reflects everything he might have done to upset his girlfriend.
And this is canon, because Isayama stated the scene with rod, when Eren stopped as soon as he said that ‘comment’ when Levi was behind him, this made Levi think that had to mean this is how Eren and probably the others sees him. So when you slowly started to avoid him or not reply to him, this made him sad and he HAD to find out how to comfort u! sure he got upset but he wont sit down and do nothing.
It hurts his heart, because you are his lover.
But one day, he entered your bedroom and saw you crying your eyes out. Holding on to yourself as you sat down on the edge of your bedroom, sobbing. This shocked him, and his eyes would be wide open.
Since he shows a lot with actions, when he sees you crying, he goes and sits next to you and starts to rub from the nape of your neck and going down to your back slowly, showing that he is trying to calm down your sobbings and that he is here for you. “Let it out love, you have been strong for too long so don't hold back your tears.” Levi would say as you started to calm down. His heart would hurt and be in pain as he sees his lover cry, he wanted to help but he knew that it was always good to let it out first and wait till you are ready.
He then would mention all the times you were so nice, great and the many things you have done for him and others (just to cheer you up a bit) that y/n never even acknowledged. “D-Did I do that? I can’t seem to remember...” You would say as you wipe your tears with your fingers, Levi would sigh and give you a small smile, “You cant be forgetting that? that's why you mean a lot to me.” as he ruffled your hair.
He would go on and say that if you had close friends, family, etc and then including himself, there were people who care and love you. “And, you know I am always rooting for you to pull though whatever phase you are going through. I want you...to feel happy again, Y/N.” He would say quietly and softly rub your hands while looking at your E/C eyes, he was also clearly blushing and he tried his best not to stutter (cause that's how he is when he has a heart to heart conversation with you and he wants you to feel his warmth and love through his words)
“Whenever your ready to tell me either tomorrow or in a couple of days, that is fine but just know...I'm here.” Levi would say and hug your chest so lovely, you finally calmed down and decided to tell him what was bothering you.
Y/N: “It’s just....I feel like am”
Levi: “Like?”
Levi would patiently wait for your response and still looking at your eyes waiting for your answer as he was holding your face with both of this hands. “Like I’m not enough for....you” you looked away and pulled your face away from his face.
He was looking at you with a hurtful look on his face. Levi feels bad actually that you been thinking like this around him this whole time. “I thought I made u feel somehow special, cause you make me feel like that.”
He moved away and was by your side, he touched your hand and was pulling your fingers that was on the bed. “I’m sorry you were feeling like this. But, what is enough to begin with? Isn’t just being who you are...the good, kind, badass and lovely person you are is enough instead? To be good is enough, and I value that about you..”
“Levi….Love.” You say as you hiccup from your tears. That signaled him to go near you, so he got a chair and brought that in front of you as you were sitting on the edge of the bed and he held your hands softly and carefully while brining his handkerchief to wipe your tears that was running down your cheeks. “You know…I don’t think there was a day I did not think of you or did not love you. I cant even think of a day where I wasn't....and instead the days you weren’t by my side my mind was just filled with you.”
He does small affections and talks from the bottom of his heart while looking at you filled with love, and it was only to you and that meant a lot. He wouldn’t even do this to anyone as he doesn’t let anyone see this side of him but y/n, he cherishes this relationship so much.
He starts to take this opportunity to compliment you when he was longing to do that but, never knew how and when cause he was really nervous. He starts to talk how pretty your eyes, scars, hair, lips, body and so on is.
As he is complimenting you, go would go near you and towards your shoulders to leave some kisses there while he would brush your hair with his slender fingers smoothly “Is this okay?”. He wants to know if what he is doing is making you feel calm so he would continue if you nodded. He then whispers to your ear as he closes his eyes, “do you feel my love?”
He will encourage your self-care and confidence, because he really wants the best for you and realize how amazing you are!
“You know, I would be a fool to leave you alone tonight. I promised you that I will do everything in my power to help you once we got together to make us happy, Hm? So let me remind you tonight how special and enough you are to me..”
He would hold each of your finger one by one and stating every reason how much you mean to him “...even your fingers cant match up to the many reasons why you mean a lot to me.” Levi said with a soft chuckle and you started to blush.
After you and Levi spent a long time together, you both laid down on your bed and y/n slept first which gave Levi the chance to stare at your beautiful face this whole night. He loves it when you sleep next to him as he held you with his strong muscular arms, because this makes him at ease and at peace, he loved your presence it was magical to him.
After that long evening, he doesn't stop to show you his love and how much he thinks of you so he leaves you flowers on your bed whenever he goes out on a mission or even to wall sina/rose and you find that so pure. I see Levi actually doing this for his s/o as he tries to make up for his lack of words(cause he is kind of awkward with romantic words but that is only because he loves u deeply!!) he leaves u these flowers and you collect them all in a vase and that makes him wanna get you more.
Your presence meant the world to him, and Levi does not just pick ‘anyone’ to be his significant other and he felt such a lucky man to find you instead. This guy really loved his girlfriend, y/n.
Levi starts to interlock your pinky, he took this chance to finally overcome his awkwardness and shyness and he would do it anywhere.
Whenever you guys go out to buy something Levi would not let you leave the shop until you pick something. “Go on then, pick what you like.”
If you ask him literally ANYTHING, he is more than happy to try his best to help you and if he might not be able to, he will get others that will help you. In the end of the day you are gonna get that help.
When you both clean and you are both alone while the others went off to clean the other places, he would go behind you and hug you tightly around your waist and breathe in “you smell nice love, and you look nice.” And he would give you a long and soft kiss on the nape of your neck. No one would even believe you if you tell them that he is now recently doing this, but that just shows how special, important and enough you are to him and not anyone can see this side but you ❤️
He actually goes out and look for you one evening and he takes you to a nice spot in the cliff and u guys star gaze together?? I really see Levi doing this to cheer up his significant other and he would make his move later on by putting his hand around your waist and would give you kisses on your cheek under the moonlight. “Wow, it’s a beautiful night sky” his girlfriend would say looking up with finally a smile on her, this made Levi extremely happy inside. “It sure is, love.” Looking at you instead of the night sky with his soft smile that warmed your heart. It made your mind race. You were the only one who made him feel like this and even smile. You were more than enough to him.
Y/N: “Can we stay a little bit longer?”
Levi: “Little? Tch, I don't mind all night for you.” He would say while looking away to hide his face cause he was being nervous and he knew his face was red now!
He likes to watch your face reactions and expressions to any of his tea he would make for you or some snacks he would buy for you, and he finds it so cute. It was another of many ways to show his affection towards you.
Things happen for a reason right? and this made you see more of Levi and your bond with him was now stronger than ever.
Now, whenever you feel sad or want to cry, you now realize you have a shoulder to cry on and it was your amazing boyfriend, Levi.
He is literally more than ready to drop everything and give you one big embrace. “Darling, just know I am deeply in love with you. And I’m here to help, I mean what are partners for, Hm?” 
Like how he is always here to save you, have your back, support you, he will surely do anything else for you.
i hope you liked this anon and you are able to see this post c: <3 and if anyone else perhaps enjoyed it please leave a like or a reblog! I would appreciate it a lot <3 thanks again everyone :,)
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mike-wheel · 3 years
here’s my byler autumn event one shot i kinda hate it
Drunk on Halloween
inspired by the song “drunk on halloween” by wallows
⚠️TW: drinking/alcohol consumption⚠️
Michael Wheeler was being dragged to a high school party that one of Lucas’s basketball teammates were throwing. It was a halloween party and the rest of the party had begged Mike to dress up as the Mystery Gang with them but he refused. Ever since Will had moved away 3, now almost 4 years ago, it was hard to spend Halloween together, especially because of the distance but they did, every year. Except for this one apparently. And Mike didn’t like celebrating without him, so for the first time ever, he didn’t dress up this year.
This year El had come into town to celebrate Halloween with them. Will had come to, but he wasn’t at the party. He didn’t know where he was and even if he did, Will probably wouldn’t want to see him, not since last Halloween.
“Mike!” Max called to him from the back door, “We’re gonna go out back and play a quick game of basketball, wanna come?”
He just shook his head, resulting in Max rolling her eyes and heading out the back door. Mike stayed in the corner, leaning against the wall, drinking his can of coke. He didn’t like parties. He didn’t like being around all these people, yelling, dancing, just so many people. He couldn’t just go dance and drink without thinking about if people were watching him and if they were, what they were thinking. So he stayed in the corner. Away from everything.
Usually he and Will would be in the corner together. Laughing and talking about people’s costumes and dance moves. Drinking soda because neither liked the feeling of alcohol, and waiting until their friends would say it’s time to go. Usually they’d be together, this time was different.
Well only for about 10 minutes when Will bumped into him in the corner.
“Sorry I hope you don’t mind I’m here with you, it’s just loud and I can’t find my sister, she said we’d only have to be here- Mike?”
“Will. Hey” Mike said awkwardly, tugging at his hair a little “I thought you weren’t coming to the party”
“Yeah well El made me, my mom too. Said it was important to come, see my friends again, you know the same stuff. But I was tired and didn’t want to go, so El promised only for an hour, I don’t know where she is though” He shrugged
“Yeah totally” But Mike knew he didn’t want to come because he didn’t want to see him. “You didn’t come with us though?”
“Robin dropped me off”
“Oh” Even though the party was loud as all hell, the silence between him and Will killed him. “Are you drinking?” He asked, pointing to the cup in Wills hand
“Ha no, you know I don’t like alcohol, it’s just sprite.” He smiled for the first time he’d seen him that night.
And Mike smiled back. And it stayed like that for a little, both smiling with each other in the corner, like old times. And Mike took a risk. He got the confidence to bring it up. He finally got it in that moment.
“Will about that night, last Halloween,” And he fucked it up. Because the smile immediately disappeared from Wills face and his eyes became wide with panic, as he looked around the room for some kind of escape.
“Will I, I’m sorry okay-“
“No Mike, just forget it okay? I want to forget it, we’re fine”
“Will I know we aren’t, I just want to talk about it. Please”
“You had all year to talk about it. I wanted to talk about it, but you chose to forget it, and now i want to too.”
Mike opened his mouth, searching for some kind of response, any reply to make it better, but he couldn’t think, he couldn’t find one.
“I should go Mike.” He sighed “Tell El I went home. We’re staying at Dustins, make sure she gets home safe.”
“Okay” And he got that same feeling he got when he watched Will bike away that summer of ‘85. The guilt, heartbreak, anger at himself all coming back. And then the music felt louder than normal. It hurt his head and he just wanted to leave. And as babyish as it sounded, he wanted to be in his moms arms.
He threw his coke away and went to the front, and took a seat on the porch steps. Putting his head in his hands, trying to block out the sounds, the loud music that gave
him a headache. He just wanted to talk to Will, to be with him, talk to him, make things right. He wanted to try it, he didn’t want to be scared. He knew what he wanted and wanted to go through with it.
“Mike?” Dustin and Max were in front of him now, “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Are you drunk?” Mike laughed as Will slumped his head on his shoulder. They were sitting on the bathroom floor. Will said it was too loud for him and Mike took him to the bathroom. He had a red solo cup full of something. He didn’t know what, but Wills breath smelled a little like alcohol.
“I’m not drunk! You know I only drink soda” Will said smiling up at Mike
“I think you mistook some alcohol for soda William” He teased, brushing some of Wills hair out of his face. “How are you feeling?”
“Do you want to go home?”
“No I like being here with you. Do you like being here with me?” He asked, eyes closed now
“Of course I do. I’ve missed you a lot Will, I’m really glad you came home for Halloween”
“I’ve missed you too. My friends don’t like Halloween” He pouted a little
“They sound crazy”
“No were crazy remember?”
“Ha yeah we are. Are you feeling a little crazy Will?” He asked looking down at Will who was playing with Mikes jacket zipper
“How come?”
“I like someone”
“Really? I never thought this day would come” Mike chuckled “Who?”
And to Mikes surprise, Will sat up, looked him in the eyes, and placed a soft quick kiss on his lips. And for a couple seconds, Mike kissed back and then he felt a snap of reality and pulled away.
“Mike” He smiled
“You’re drunk, you don’t mean that.”
And his smile fell
“Yes I do, I like you Mike.”
“Will cmon this” he motioned between them “It wouldn’t work”
“You kissed back, don’t you want it to?”
“I- I don’t know. I mean the kiss was nice, but it wouldn’t work. It couldn’t. We’re both boys Will, what would my family think? Our friends?”
“They might not care, our friends love us, and your mom and nancy cares about you so much.”
“That’s a big might Will. And I cant trust my family. Nancy maybe but my mom? My dad, holly even.” He started tugging at the back of his hair. He really needed to stop doing that.
“But Mike-“
“I don’t want to talk about this Will!” Mike softened his voice “I just, I don’t want to talk about this, please” He put a hand on Wills shoulder, but Will pulled away.
“Fine Mike. But maybe you should try facing your feelings, instead of running away from them all the time.”
“Can you take me to see Will, Dustin?”
The car ride was quiet as everyone kept giving side eyes to Mike. They didn’t know what was wrong, but knew if it was about Will, it was important.
Dustin dropped Mike off at his house, saying the rest of them were gonna go get some dinner and bring some back.
“Will?” Mike said knocking on the guest room door, “I’m gonna come in okay?”
“Okay” he called from the other side of the door
“Can I sit?” Mike asked, pointing to the second twin bed, next to Wills.
Mike took a breath of relief, “Okay, I want to talk about last halloween. And before you say anything I know I made the choice to not talk about it. And that’s my fault. But I’m sorry. I really am. I was just scared of what people would think of me. I said stupid shit and I should’ve been worried about you. You were brave and took an insane risk, and if I’m being honest. I loved that kiss. I think about it a lot, well all the time. And that night. I would’ve done that night completely differently if I could. And I’m just really sorry Will.”
And Will laughed. A laugh of relief and Mike laughed with him.
“Thanks Mike, and I’m sorry too. I was kind of a jerk. I know facing your feelings is really hard. Shit it took me like 2 years, and I just put so much pressure on you. And that was super unfair.”
“Yeah we were both kind of stupid that night huh?”
“I guess we do make each other crazy”
“Yeah we do.” Mike smiled at him
“So you loved that kiss?” Will teased, “Want to do it again?”
“I- I uh yes” Mike laughed awkwardly as he moved over to sit next to Will, “Is this okay?” He asked, placing a hand on Wills cheek
“Yes” Will smiled brightly as he put a hand on Mikes waist and leaned in a little
“Are you sure about this Mike? I want to make sure you’re okay with this”
“More than okay” He smiled and closed the gap between them.
“Happy Halloween Mike” Will whispered as he put his forehead against Mikes
“Wow both our ‘first’ kisses with each other on Halloween”
“Yeah, I guess it’s kinda our holiday hm” Will laughed
“I guess so”
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🦈Kirishima HC’s🦈
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Absolutely no one asked for this i just like him a lot
He’s an adult in all of these. 20s-30s at least. Some NSFW because I’m a big perv. Minors do not interact. Shoo.
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He is in the dictionary under Himbo, right next to Kronk.
Works part-time as a fitness instructor before making a name for himself as a pro hero. Most of his clients are middle-aged women, because he makes people feel safe. Before long, word gets around and he amasses this like. Loyal army of jacked housewives and older ladies who are his biggest possible fans. They mother-hen him like crazy.
Has a large and complicated extended family. Lots of cousins. You will never learn all their names, don’t even try. I have no idea if his parents have canon occupations but no matter what Horikoshi says, they actually own a mountain onsen. Kirishima went to the city by himself to go to middle/high school, his family is all off in the country somewhere and he gets homesick a lot but never admits it. He’s broke for a long time even after making it as a pro hero, because he sends most of his money back home.
He’s a dog dad. You cannot, WILL not convince me otherwise. Big dogs. Small dogs. Fancy dogs. Ugly dogs. He has a whole pack. He calls them all baby, sweetie, pupper, the worst and most embarrassing baby talk. Tells them about his day. All of his furniture is wrecked. He’s an active member in online dog groups, where he is careful to use a pseudonym and never show his face, but eventually people are going to figure out that Red Riot’s dogs look an awful lot like this one user’s....
He’s in a casual taiko group, always on the o-daiko. Loves participating in festivals and parades. He has never, ever, not once, worn a shirt while drumming. Probably has been gifted at least one antique taiko drum for his hero work, and he keeps it in his house but is too afraid to play it because it’s scary valuable “uhh it’s definitely haunted”
Regularly goes out drinking. Socially and responsibly, like clockwork, always with the same people. He’s a goddamned lightweight, and no one understands why. Will mope if he has to miss a night out at the izakaya.
So he’s clean, but sloppy. House looks like a tornado ripped through it, and nothing he owns matches. Not a single thing. I mentioned the dogs.
Will absolutely use “manly” as a replacement for “awesome,” and will constantly tell you how manly you are. Your actual gender is a non-issue. If you hang out with him for more than five minutes you’re manly as hell now.
He cries a lot? Sometimes it’s for show but he gets genuinely misty-eyed over the dumbest things. Do NOT show him pictures of puppies.
He’s good at braiding hair. His or yours. When his hair isn’t hardened, he likes doing all kinds of wacky stuff with it. He usually keeps it long enough for braids, ponies, buns, quirk-assisted faux-hawks, whatever. Mina has given him many bad ideas. He will definitely steal your hair bands and accessories, if you use them.
His fridge is just like, meat and beer. He will, if forced, consume perhaps one single vegetable. Unfortunately, his B.O. reflects this. God bless him - he showers and bathes daily, because he works out a lot and is just generally hygienic. But don’t ever touch his socks barehanded.
He wears the cheapest, most predictable cologne you can imagine, the kind that comes in an aerosol can and punches a hole in the ozone every time he sprays his pits. It smells stupidly good on him. How. so fucking manly. you kind of hate him for getting away with it.
- - - - -
And now, the 🌶 Spicy Ones 🌶
Does not date or hook up much; wants a serious relationship.
Has a tough time getting dates, weirdly. He’s still secretly insecure, but mostly he’s got rocks for brains and never knows how to flirt. He ends up friendzoning most of the people interested in him, because he is, in fact, a little too chivalrous for his own good and can never make the first move. He’s an emotional open book, but clueless romantically. I recommend being extremely straightforward. Draw him a map if you have to.
Is afraid to kiss you too deeply because of the teeth. Will take a lot of gentle encouragement to get him comfortable, but once he knows you’re safe, he’s going to be kissing you all the time. Like, too much. People are gawking, Kiri, for God’s sake.
He radiates massive doses of husband/dad energy. Will immediately marry the hell out of you. If you are capable of and willing to have his children, you are going to get extremely pregnant. Very quickly. Not necessarily a breeding kink (though why not), he just really wants to start a family with you.
He’s Big. Just huge. Tall and broad, and also... his dick is a summit and you will need to prepare for the climb. He’s had problems in the past because no, not everybody wants ALL THAT inside them. That said, if you can handle it? Woof.
Hard as a rock is No Joke with this man. Can and WILL use his quirk on his dick. If you don’t think that’s the first thing he mastered as a teenager I dont know what to tell you. Ever used a glass dildo? Well buckle up cuz it’s like if a massive glass dildo whispered sweet nothings in your ear and held you close in big strong arms and fucked you till you cried. It’s a sometimes thing. Otherwise you’d simply pass away.
He loves your brains. Your smarts and wit are a huge turn on, and he gets a boner when you use a word he doesn’t know. He also loves fucking your brains completely out, so that you cant use any words at all.
He’s a devout church-going body-worshipper. He’s so jacked that’s it’s constantly intimidating, like, how dare you stand next to this chiseled statue of a man?! but whether you love power-lifting with him or would rather die than exercise, he’s gonna treat you like the prettiest fucking piece of cake on planet earth.
Size kink ahoy; he gets his big grabby mitts on you... and you psychologically lose three feet. Doesn’t matter how tall or small or fat or thin you are, you are getting groped, squeezed, and manhandled. You didn’t even know it was possible to get thrown around like that; always onto something soft.
Not dominant. Not unless you ask very, very nicely. had a brief pushy phase at the peak of his teenage manliness obsession, unconsciously trying to be more like Bakugou, but he quickly realized controlling people wasn’t really him. It certainly isn’t very manly. Doesn’t want any toxic masculinity in his love life, even as roleplay.
That said, he can and will be a soft dom, if that’s what you want. After some practice, he’d get pretty good at it too. But his natural sexual groove is goofy, a bit awkward. Usually finds a non-sexual excuse to touch you at first; prepare to get tickled a lot. If you sit in his lap it’s all over.
If you get dominant with him, even a little, he’s gonna turn to putty in your hands. Go ahead and boss that big dumb puppy around. Nothing turns him on like seeing you get exactly what you want.
You’ll have morning wood pressed up against your ass. Every damn day. He might hump and grope you in his sleep, moaning a little. Usually it just wears off. If you wake him up to fuck, he’ll have no idea what’s going on but will be like “hell yeah i guess this is happening”
Gives oral like a starving man. Has absolutely zero reservations, because he knows his tongue and hands can’t hurt you. Will be as loud and messy as possible. If you get embarrassed or shy about it, he’s going to mumble sweet talk directly into your junk until your teeth fall out.
He’s vocal in bed. Growly. A moaning groaning disaster. He says the sweetest, gentlest things... has the cleanest dirty talk you’ve ever heard, but tenderness filtered through his bourbon-barrel chest comes out all dark and rumbly, especially when he’s close. you feel his “I love you” in your bones
He thinks making his partner cum is the manliest thing he can do. Any orgasm is good, but if you cum untouched on his dick, he’ll be riding that high for days
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Hi, it’s me, riling up anon (I really should get a tumblr account to ease my introductions and so we can become besties). Obviously, LOVE part 4! Part 5 ideas- Lucien repays the favor (obvs). He wakes up wondering how he is going to get Elain alone in the house when a gift falls into his lap - a rogue Illyrian war band is attempting to gain new territory. Exit the IC, enter elucien smut in the garden.
First of all, I would love to be besties.
Second of all, no rest for the wicked am I right? Like yesterday this is NSFW, 18+, practically unedited and obviously guarantees a part 6. It's also the longest part I've written so far. PART 5!
Elain woke with some regrets. The throb between her legs was at an all-time high and with so many people around, there was little she could do but put on a breezy, cotton gown, her wide-brimmed sun hat, and vanish into the garden where at least no one would be able to smell what was going on with her. Elain kept her thighs pressed together, hoping some of the friction would help alleviate the burn.
It didn’t, and by the time the sun was high in the sky, Elain was weeding with a grim brutality. Had Lucien left? She wanted to tug on the bond and see where he was but she didn’t want to bring him anywhere near her. Her control was too tenuous as it was. She might jump him in front of her sisters and then what? How would she possibly explain what was going on between them? She barely knew herself. None of it was ladylike…and perhaps some small part of her liked having something that was just for her. No one could offer an opinion or butt in if they didn’t know.
“Elain?” Feyre’s voice wafted from the garden wall. A moment later her youngest sister appeared in her Illyrian leathers. Elain stood, dusting off her dirty hands. “Hey…it’s nothing to worry about and not a big deal, but there was a disturbance with the Illyrian’s. One of the chiefs slaughtered a village and is attempting to take more territory. Rhys and I are going up to handle it, and I know Cassian and Nesta plan to join with the Valkyries….you’ll be alone in the house.”
Elain shrugged. “That’s fine,” she agreed, wiping sweat with the back of her arm.
Feyre bit her bottom lip, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Mostly alone…”
Elain narrowed her eyes. “What does that mean?”
Lucien will be in the house too…not all day! But…for a while. He’s working on a treaty for Rhys and should stay in the study. He’ll leave you alone but…just in case you wanted to go out…”
Right. Elain offered Feyre a tight smile, her heart pounding in her chest. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about me.”
Feyre’s shoulders visibly relaxed. “If we can’t make it back tonight I’ll send word.”
“Be safe.”
Feyre vanished, leaving Elain alone in the garden. She stood there, wondering if she ought to find him in the study and demand…demand what, exactly? It wasn’t like she was well-practiced. As she stood there, contemplating how to get what she wanted without having to just blurt it out, a hand brushed the hair from the back of her neck. Warm breath tickled her skin and when Elain spun, already aware of who was just behind her, Lucien caught her easily. He was smiling, his one russet eye dark and hungry as he gazed down at her.
“I’ve promised your sister not to bother you unless you ask,” he told her, his deep voice a shade darker than it typically was. “May I bother you, Lady Elain?”
“That depends,” she replied primly, unable to take her eyes off his lips. “On what kind of bothering you plan to do.”
A grin began to stretch across Lucien’s face, giving him a near feral appearance. “I owe you for last night.”
She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear nervously. “Of course you don’t.” Lucien’s body was pressed against her own as he reached for her face, tilting it towards him. “Wrong, Elain. Tell me…can I bother you?”
“Bother me how?” She whispered, the words nearly sticking to the back of her throat.
“With my mouth, ideally,” he murmured, ghosting his lips across her own. “But I’m happy with just my hands.”
“Why not both?” She asked without thinking. She felt him smile against her skin.
“I like the way you think,” he practically purred before kissing her gently, out in the open where anyone could see. There was nothing to hide them; the garden wall would hardly come up to his hip were he standing right beside it, and though there were some lovely trees scattered about, none were broad enough to obscure what was happening between them.
Elain felt a thrill run up her spine at the thought of being so open with him. It was her that deepened the kiss, running her tongue along his lips until he opened for her. She surged upwards on her tiptoes, arms wrapped around his neck so she could revel in the way he tasted. No one had the right to smell half as good as Lucien did, like crisp Autumn air and sun washed apples, but for however good he smelled, he tasted ten times better.
She was half-drunk on the moment, lost in the feel of his hands running the length of her spine. It was so sweet, so unhurried that some small part of her wanted to revel in it. Lucien, though, had decidedly different ideas regarding what he hoped to do. Some of the sweetness shattered when his hand cupped her breast through the thin, white material of her dress while his other began rouching up the fabric.
She broke the kiss with a gasp. “Out here?” She asked. He chuckled, teasing her nipple almost absently as he gazed down at her.
“You have somewhere better in mind?”
She opened her mouth to protest, to say yes, very much so, but the look on his face stopped her. She glanced at the soft grass just beneath her feet and, before she could talk herself out of it, promptly sat down at his feet. Lucien stared for a moment and then laughed as if she’d told him the most hilarious joke, his tanned face reddening as he attempted to keep himself together.
“What?” She demanded as he dropped to one knee, and then the other until he was kneeling before her.
“You’re funny,” was all he said in response. No one thought she was funny…and never had. She wasn’t sure what to do with that information, so she tucked it away for later. “I never meant for you to sit in the grass, though.”
She frowned. “Oh?”
He was chuckling again as he hefted her into his lap. “I ama gentleman, you know.”
“Where should I sit, then?” She asked, genuinely curious. His lips curled upwards as he lowered himself to the ground and gestured at his face. Heat rose through her body and she balked, one hand pressed against her mouth.
“You’re obscene,” she accused, completely unaware people did such things. Lucien waited a beat and then, with strong, sure hands, merely dragged her across his chest until he had her placed exactly where he wanted.
“Tell me to stop,” he replied, his face half hidden beneath her dress, his breath hot against the fabric of her underwear. Oh, Gods,she thought, her embarrassment shifting towards anticipation. She swallowed hard and draped her gown over his face entirely, not that it was keep anyone from instantly recognizing what was going on between them.
“Off,” his muffled voice ordered, his finger hooking in the fabric of her underwear. It was awkward, shimmying them off while he attempted to keep her exactly as she was, but Elain managed it. Still nervous, she shoved them into the pocket of his pants, just in case anyone came by. They were still clothed…perhaps she’d lie and say she was injured and he was patching her up.
She gasped when she felt his fingers spread her open. Lucien hissed softly. “Pretty,” he murmured, she suspected more to himself than for her though the praise settled hot in her belly.
“What are you—”
He licked right up the center of her cunt and Elain nearly flew off his face. He brought one hand from beneath her skirt to hold her in place, dragging her even closer. Was he breathing, she wondered wildly, suddenly desperate for him to continue?
He licked a slow circle and Elain whined, grinding her hips against his face without thinking. Lucien groaned beneath her, the guttural sound spearing pleasure through her but.
“Am I frustrating you?” His muffled voice asked, his lips speaking practically into her cunt.
“Yes,” she gritted out, wishing he’d shut up.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asked, withdrawing his mouth completely.
Elain screamed softly, shoving him back into her wet folds. She heard him groan again and she wondered which he liked; the assertiveness or being that close to her body. He gave her what she was asking for, licking up the center of her, letting his tongue work over her clit in the same circular motion as before, faster, then slower, while she canted against him, urging him on.
Heat mingled with pleasure, building up, up, up and when she thought she might fall over the edge, Lucien’s tongue vanished from her clit and dipped into her entrance to fuck her with his mouth instead.
“Lucien please—” She begged. She was close, so mind-shatteringly close it had stolen her ability to think of anything else but his soft, wet mouth rubbing against her, the sweet friction almost unbearable in its pleasure.
He dragged his tongue back to his clit, his pace quickening as one finger slid into her body. Elain was lost to the sensation, unable to do anything but grind against him. Darkness crept into the edge her vision as the heat in her gut threatened to take her completely.
“Please, don’t stop, Lucien—” Her legs clamped around his head, his cunt pulsating on his finger as she screamed his name to the sky. Lucien rode her through it before sliding her down his chest just enough to sit up and kiss her roughly. His mouth tasted like her and she thought she ought to have found it disturbing or disgusting but she found the taste of her mingled in his mouth erotic.
“Lucien?!” A distant voice called. Feyre, she realized. Lucien groaned.
“We’ll continue this later,” he promised, quickly righting himself. She looked away from the bulge in his pants, still panting on the ground. Lucien vanished a moment later and she realized when she’d finally managed to climb back to her shaking legs that he’d taken her underwear with him.
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