#marauders as dads is so special to me
elilelibeli · 6 months
When Remus and Sirius decided to adopt a kid, Sirius was excited. He imagined taking walks with his Remus and their kid, imagined baking with them, reading, playing music. It was a beautiful thought and dad Remus looked very good in it. But when he realized he would have to be left alone with a child, would have to deal with serious conversations, nights alone with the kid, making decisions he freaked out a little. Okay he freaked out a lot, but he didn’t tell Remus because he was really excited and didn’t want to give his husband doubts. So he tried to ignore the feeling. But it became a bit impossible while Regulus pointed out a ridiculous baby leather jacket while shopping for Luna.
Sirius wasn’t about to have a mental breakdown between the baby clothes and women’s underwear section in the shops, so he ran outside the store to get some much needed air.
“A bit dramatic for a leather jacket isn’t it? I know it’s not vintage and cool enough for your standards but it’s for a baby Sirius.” Regulus tried to joke as he was looking at his panting brother, worried.
Ignoring his brother’s poor attempt of a joke, Sirius sat down on the curb of a parking lot pavement. Quiet curse words left his lips as he tried to even out his breathing.
“Sirius what’s going on?” Regulus’s worry grew as he set next to his older brother.
“I will fuck up this child, this kid will trust me and I will break their heart, I can’t do that to our kid Reggie.” murmured Sirius with his head down.
“Whoa what are you talking about? Where is this coming from?”
“Well Regulus it’s coming from the fact that we come from the most fucked up family of all Europe.“ Sirius’s tone changed from devastated to annoyed. “Ah it was so stupid of me to think this was a good idea. People I am meant to take a parenting example from are, well I should not take example of anything from them. And I had this thought of my child coming to me crying and what if I just wouldn’t know how to comfort my own kid, what if It’s not natural for me? You know what I did the first time Effie hugged me Reggie? I cried in my room afterwards because that was the first time I had ever felt safe in the hands of an adult. My hands are same hands of my mother, what if my child can’t hug me because they feel unsafe with me?” Sirius was not breathing between sentences, staring at his brother with eyes filled with pain and fear.
“Stop it! Your hands are not mother’s hands. Your hands are hands that hugged me after I fell from the tree. Your hands were the ones soothing me as a kid, they were the ones giving me sweets, holding me and pulling me to dance and run. Hands that I felt brave and good in. Your hands made the best high chair in the world for my Harry the other day. These are not the hands your child will be uncomfortable being in Sirius”
“How did you.. how were you not freaked out by this? You grew up with them. You know what they are capable of, how could you be sure that you would do it when you didn’t even know what it really meant to be?” asked Sirius while staring at his brother, searching for answers with his eyes.
“Well I knew what it was supposed to look like. Yes maman et papa had nothing to do with that but I always had you. did I freak out at first? of course! And then James told me something that made it all look possible, he said that the main thing was to have love, do everything with love, make every step or decision with love and for the sake of love for the kid and it would be okay. “Yes we are going to make mistakes and wrong decisions, love, but if we treat our child with love and respect those mistakes will not be the end of the world” he said. And I realized he was correct. You practically raised me Sirius and you were a child yourself. I knew love and respect from you, I saw care and safety and while I will never know that from my parents I knew I had it in me cause you had it in you even back then. You had it and you taught me. “ Regulus answered, his voice full of sincerity.
Sirius’s eyes were glistening from tears. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead he hugged his brother tightly. “Your James voice is terrible, Reggie” he said smiling in his brothers shoulder.
“Wanker.” replied Reggie lightly hitting Sirius’s head. “Talk to Remus Sirius, trust me it will make you feel better”
“Oh daddy Remus will be so hot” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows while sniffing.
“Gross, Sirius, gross” replied Reggie, standing up from the pavement and picking up a bag with a baby leather jacket for his stupid brother’s future kid in it.
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moonymiel · 8 months
i just know james would have the most insane dad reflexes. harry is riding his first broom and falls off? james catches him by the belt loop. harry accidentally sends a spoon flying? it’s caught in james’ hand before he can blink. harry is running straight into a corner? james is already covering it with his palm. no one (not even him) knows how he does it every time but harry stumbles daily and yet he never hits the floor
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pensymbols · 2 years
do i think remus lupin has daddy issues? sure.
do i think lyall lupin was a shit dad? no.
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ginevrapng · 1 year
I saw that you were accepting requests and I was wondering if you could write something about best friends’ dads!marauders x reader or something like that?
If not, I completely understand! <3
i've never written bestfriends!dads before so i hope you enjoy it! i didn't know if you wanted me to include peter but the majority of marauders fics leave out peter and i think this concept works better without him. <3
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there was a lot of great things about being harry potter's best friend, one of those things happens to be getting to spend time with his hot dad james, completely off limits dad. that doesn't stop you from thinking about how charming he is though.
you've seen photos of james when he were younger and harry is a spitting image of him. now with age he's changed in all the best ways, his hair less messy, neater with slightly having the appearance of being slicked back and with thicker frame glasses. a distinction between him and harry, both younger and older is his build, james being more built with broader shoulders and more muscular.
he's kind and considerate and always calls you 'sweetheart' making you flush and every time leaves you wide eyed. you've never heard him call anyone else sweetheart so it's always leaving you feeling bashful.
james tells you that you can come and visit and stay whenever you want and you're always welcome so whenever you spend time at harry's you also end up seeing his two godfathers who also spend a lot of time there. whenever that happens you are rather reluctant to leave the house, not just enjoying all the company that they deliver but also how attractive they are, just like james.
remus somehow always memorising you. like when he rolls his sleeves up so you can see his arms or how you swear you sometimes see in the corner of your eye glimpses of him looking at your lips while you're talking. his jumpers and cardigans always looking so comfortable and soft, you wonder what they'd look like on you. you think about his sandy hair that covers his eyes and his beautiful hazel eyes that crinkle when he smiles and how he always looks tired and how you'd happily let him rest and sleep on you. he never talks about his work but it must be pretty rough for him to constantly look so tired.
sirius is ruggedly handsome always leaning against walls instead of sitting down, even when a seat is available. leaving you watching longer than you should as you watch his pose and see him stretching causing his tshirt to rise, exposing a bit of his torso. he has his long jet black hair which now has streaks of grey that he constantly runs his hands through.
you're going back into the living room, where everyone is, after you went to the kitchen to get a glass of cold water due to the heat and see sirius moving in a way that momentarily makes you freeze.
"you alright doll?" sirius smirks at you after spotting you. you nod but are unable to stop shifting side to side nervously after being caught, causing him to raise his eyebrow, looking amused as he chuckles at you.
this is the first time any of them has addressed your behaviour towards them but they have all noticed your longing looks and shy glances.
they've all been waiting for the moment to make a move and they're starting to lose their patience. you were none the wiser with their intentions, trying to get you alone, away from your friends and away from harry, asking you personal questions and give you special attention.
"you got a boyfriend or girlfriend doll? sirius asked you out of the blue one day, catching you completely off guard.
you splutter and try to answer while james starts speaking. "you're not dating my harry are you sweetheart?"
"what! of course i'm not! we're just friends." you say probably louder than you should, wanting to defend yourself.
you hear someone coming up behind you, "good." remus clasps your shoulders with his hands, slowly rubbing them and making patterns with his thumbs before he moves away and goes to help sirius with the washing up.
fiddling with your fingers you watch them all clear the table and sort out things that needed to be doing in the house with a small dreamy smile on your face.
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justagirlwholikesadam · 8 months
Best Friend's Little Sister
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Remus Lupin x Muggle! Evans! Reader
Summary: Lily Evans takes the Marauders to her muggle sister's football game where she is captain of the cheerleading squad.
Warning: The Marauders and Lily not understanding football. Sirius and James want lockers in Hogwarts. SFW, drinking, smoking, OC
A/N: I know nothing of sports or cheering so please be warn if there's a mistake. In HS, I was the one smoking pot under the bleachers lol. please like or comment below. Enjoy - L || Border Credit: @cafekitsune
Word Count: 7.4K
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Unlike Petunia, you were proud of Lily. Never making her feel bad for being different. Lily had lost count on how many times you have told her that she is special to be a witch and she should be proud of it. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of letters have been exchanged between Lily and you when she started Hogwarts. You would ask her about her time in Hogwarts, asking her about how her classes were and her friends. Lily did the same, asking you how life is back home and about your wellbeing. Today Lily received a letter and she was so excited to read it since you told her last week about trying out for a new position in the cheer team at your school. Quickly, opening it she had drawn the attention of the boys around her who were talking and laughing about a prank they recently did. James looks over at Lily when she lets out a gasp and covers her mouth. Lily felt James’ place a hand on her back. He asked her if she's alright.
The boys stopped talking and looked at Lily who gave James a bright smile and nodded. “Yes, it’s my sister. She told me she was made captain and is so excited. She wanted me to go to the last game of the term. She wrote here that I can invite you guys. If you are up for it.”
Lily gave James a picture you had sent along with the letter. Sirius and Peter quickly went over to James and looked over his shoulders. Sirius let out a whistle while Peter's eyes grew wide. The photo was a regular muggle photo of you.
“Evans, where have you been hiding this lovely girl!?” Lily rolled her eyes at Sirius then took the photo from James.
“Don't even think about it!” Lily said before handling it to Remus who remained in his seat in front of Lily.
He grabbed the photo and noticed why Sirius whistled. Remus had met you before, Lily had introduced you to him. He always visited Lily whenever they were on break. Remus knew you were very different from Lily’s older sister. Petunia always gave him a harsh look and would shut the door on his face whenever he came over.
“Don’t be a daft cow.” He hears you behind the door before opening it.
“Rem Rem.” You shouted as you hugged him. Remus always smiles at the nickname and hugs you back.
“She’s captain of what?” Peter asked walking back to his seat to continue on with his breakfast.
“She’s captain of the cheerleading team at her school. She has been wanting that spot for so long.” Lily said with a proud smile.
Remus continued to stare at the photo. His eyes looking at every detail, oh how he wished the photo could move. You had a red and gold uniform with black lining on the hem. Your hair was in a ponytail and he saw the glitter around your eyes, making them pop out even more. You looked beautiful, he says to himself. You had two big red pom-poms in each hand. The smile on your face was big and it reminded him of the smiles you always gave him.
“That’s exciting.” James commented as Lily took out the tickets from the envelope.
“If you guys are up for it.” Lily said, waving the tickets in her hands. Sirius and James looked at each other with a grin, any chance they got to see the muggle world, they took it. Peter nodded before letting them know he would have to ask his parents first.
“Moony?” Sirius said, placing an arm over his friend’s shoulder. Remus looks away from the picture and nods at Lily.
The Marauders stood in front of the school as Lily thanked her dad for giving them a ride.
“It’s a bit small.” Peter commented. “Well, it’s not a castle.” Sirius said, looking at the school. They jumped when a group of guys came walking beside them. James’ eyes widened when he saw they were shirtless with red and gold paint over their chest including their faces.
“Are we safe here?” Peter asked them and Lily came behind them. “Of course, it’s a high school football game.”
“Think of how fans are for quidditch. They are the same for football.” Remus told Peter and gave him a pat on his shoulder.
“What’s football?” Sirius asked, putting his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. Lily glanced over at Remus who shrugged his shoulders.
“Like quidditch but running.” Lily said not really knowing how to explain it better. Walking up to the front of the school Lily soon realized she didn't know where she was going. She hasn't been to a public school in years.
“Are you Lily?” The Marauders looked over at a tall boy with blonde hair and he wore a red and gold cheer uniform just like the one you wore in the picture.
“Who’s asking?” James said, stepping in front of Lily. James puffed his chest out trying to intimidate the boy who was taller than him. Lily rolled her eyes at James and pushed him behind her before greeting the boy. The boy gave them a smile and shook her hand, ignoring the small dramatic gasp from James and Sirius.
“I’m Chris, I'm in the squad. Your sister wanted to make sure you guys won’t get lost. Follow me.” Chris told them as he opened the front door of the school for them. He explained to them, it's easier to go this way so they wouldn't have to wait in line. Remus thanked him as Peter and Sirius looked at Chris with a shady look but soon it went away when they noticed the inside of the school. As they walked they looked inside the classrooms and looked at the papers stapled in the bulletin board.
“Wow.” Sirius said as they walked down the hallway.
“James! Sirius!” Lily called out when she noticed they were not following her. Remus looked over his shoulder and frowned when he saw James and Sirius in front of a wall of lockers.
“What's this contraception?” Sirius said, knocking on the red locker. James twisted the lock and pointed at the numbers.
“It’s a locker.” Remus told them and Peter walked over to look at it. James and Sirius look over at Remus with a curious look. “What is it for?”
Remus fought the urge to laugh. James, Sirius and Peter were pureblood, they had no idea what this was. Pushing James and Sirius back to follow Lily, he answered them. “It’s where students put their coats, books and bags while they attend classes. They use the lock to put their code to open it and lock it so nobody steals their belongings.”
“We should ask Dumbledore for lockers!” Sirius said with a nod thinking how cool it will be to have one. He always forgets his books in his room.
“Where do you guys go to school, again?” They froze when Chris asked them. Lily looks over at them with a stern face before dropping it to answer Chris.
“I’m sure, my sister told you. We go to a boarding school.” Lily said. Remus nods at the tall boy.
“We have dorms so we don't use lockers.” He added convincing Chris who looked over at Peter who was twisting the lock of a nearby locker.
“She probably did.” Chris said, shaking his head. “You guys want to see mine?” Chris asked, pointing over his shoulder at the lockers.
“Yes!” James and Sirius shouted and quickly followed Chris with Peter behind them. After 10 minutes of Chris showing them how to open a locker, they finally made it to the football field after providing the tickets to Chris. Remus stayed in the back making sure all the guys were following Lily. The stands were filled with people and students already. Chris waved bye at them and told them he’ll let you know they are here.
“It’s like a quidditch field.” James said as he looked around excited. Remus sat next to Lily as James sat on the other side with Peter. Sirius sat next to Remus in the middle of the stand getting a good view at the field.
“I haven't seen her in so long.” Lily said as she got comfortable on the metal bleachers. “Has your older sister seen her cheer before?” James asked and Lily shook her. “Petunia says cheering is for sluts.”
“I swear, Evans, your older sister hates everything.” Peter said, making her nod.
“She does but at least Y/n doesn't hate me.” Lily said with a soft tone as she stared at the field. Remus hooks Lily’s arm around with his and James snuggles close to her grabbing a hold of her hand. They knew about Lily's family and how her oldest sister always made her out to be a freak. The Marauders were happy she had you for a sister.
The game started and The Marauders jumped at the sound of the horn playing through the intercom. The people around them stood up and shouted, waving and pumping their arms in the air.
“They look so huge.” Peter shouted as the football team came running out of the field pumping their arms in the air, exciting the crowd even more.
“Oh my! She’s there.” Lily shouted standing up as the crowd hollered at the sight of cheerleaders running out. Remus stood up as well and watched a few girls do a flip as they ran in front of the bleachers.
Sirius smirks to see his tall lanky friend staring at the cheerleaders knowing who he was trying to find. Remus told Sirius on their way to Lily’s town after they left Hogwarts for break. Sirius found Remus shaving his face in the bathroom of the train.
“Oi! Who are you trying to impress, mate?” Sirius asked as he went inside the bathroom and shut the door. Sirius couldn't help but laugh at Remus who was trying to come up with a lie. Remus couldn't lie to Sirius for shit. That’s when Remus told Sirius he had a crush on you and wanted to look good for you.
“Is this why you never go out with the girls at school? And is this why, every time Lily gets a letter you get so happy when you find out it’s from her? Have you tried anything with her yet?” Remus turns red in the face and looks away from his friend. He gets nervous and Sirius can see his hand holding the razor shakes.
Sirius lets out a sigh when Remus didn’t say anything. He tells Remus to sit his ass down on the toilet seat so he can help him shave. Pushing his legs apart, Sirius gets to work and shaves the other side of Remus’ face.
“I’m just gonna say this once mate because you’re my best friend and I love you so much but you can be thick sometimes.” Remus tenses up as Sirius wipes the excess shaving cream off his cheekbone with a paper towel.
Sirius continues, “You should tell her how you feel. I’m hoping you’re not letting Moony get in between her and you because I’m pretty sure she will understand just like Lily did and if her sister is anything like her, she would love you and Moony just like we do."
“She is like Lily. Kind and smart. Dare I say more beautiful than her.” Remus said without a second thought to Sirius.
“Don’t say that in front of James.” Sirius warned jokily before heading back to his seat.
Sirius grabbed Remus by the hand when he noticed everyone sat down when the cheerleaders started to get in their position in front of the bleachers. Remus was pulled down forcibly and was about to snap at Sirius when he leaned against him and pointed ahead. Remus followed his hand and saw you walking in the front of the group. Remus hears Lily squeal beside him at the sight of you. His cheeks grew pink at the sight of you. You had a red skirt showing your legs off, Remus felt his mouth go dry at the sight of your bare thighs and legs. The sleeveless top you had on had the school logo printed on it and you wore a red long sleeve shirt it. It was tight and short showing just a bit of the skin of your stomach. Your hair is in a ponytail tied in a red scrunchie.
“I think I'm in love.” Peter said as the cheerleaders started to dance, his eyes stared at a blonde who stood next to you. James laughed, bumping his shoulder at his friend as they watched the show.
Remus saw you raising your hands in the air above your head and shouting the school name before clapping three times. It wasn't the sound of the music playing or the people around him cheering that had him mesmerized but it was the way you move your hips along with the rest of the girls to the beat of the song.
“LETS GO BABY!!” Remus hears a guy scream from the top of the bleacher as they continue to cheer.
Remus watched as Chris came behind you as the girls walked towards the rest of the guys. You came in front of Chris and he turned you around and lifted you in the air. The crowd went wild as the rest of the girls did the same. They began to clap when you turned to the side and grab your leg with both hands pulling the foot behind your head holding the position all while Chris held you up in the air. Remus grew worry when he saw you were going to come down but Chris caught you with ease, it was part of the show.
“How did they do that without magic?” Sirius asked, looking at Lily when the game began to start. Remus was too busy looking at you to listen to Lily's answer. He noticed you were talking and laughing with the team as the players started the game. Peter and James were watching in awe as the players tackled the other team pushing them to the ground with a harsh force. Lily and Remus were looking at the players running back and forth not understanding anything, they wince when one of the players tackled one while holding the ball. Half way through the game Sirius had his head against Remus’ shoulder as he took a nap with a half empty bucket of popcorn on his lap, he begged Lily to buy it for him since they don’t accept galleons.
The horn rang out loud again making Sirius yelp as he woke up spilling his popcorn on the floor.
“Did she win?” He asked in a sleepy tone to Remus, making him chuckle. “She is not the one playing, Padfoot.” James answered as the game went into halftime.
“Who’s winning?” Lily looked at the giant screen showing the count. “This school is.”
“Yay! It means she is winning.” Sirius said, picking up the bucket from the ground with Remus’ help. James and Peter were dancing around when a catchy song started to play through the intercom. Remus watched ahead at you as the girls started to shout out phrases making the crowd cheer.
Remus saw your eyes widen when you saw Lily. You waved at her as you continued to shout. Lily let out a squeal as she waved back at you. You were doing the usual routine, clapping your hands and turning around to shake your hips when you saw your sister. Your heart grew at the sight of your sister, she came to see you. You missed her so much. Looking to her left, your mouth dropped when you saw him. It was Remus Lupin, your sister’s best friend who you had a crush on since you were little. Quickly closing your mouth you continued with the routine but didn’t look away from him. Remus gave you a smile and you gave him one as well. You met Remus when Lily got back home after her first year in Hogwarts. He was tall for his age and nervous. He had scars on his face and you noticed he had it on his arms as well. You didn't ask him about it, you just told him if he wanted to play in the backyard. As the years passed the three of you would play around and walk around town. He always came to visit every year. Remus has always been kind and treated you respectfully. Giving you his cozy sweater or cardigan whenever you were cold or he would grab something from the top shelf for you when you couldn’t. He would let you grab a hold of his arm when walking around town knowing he walked faster since he had long legs.
You didn't know when the feelings for Remus began. You think you always liked him and the moment you realize when you really did was when Remus noticed one of your shoes had become untied while taking him to the bookstore as Lily stayed home with her parents helping them get started with dinner. He told you to lean against the nearest building and you obey. He knelt down in front of you on one leg and helped you place your foot on his knee. You couldn't help but tense up when you felt his hand on your leg. His long fingers work on your shoe laces; he looks up at you when he's done. He gives you a smile making your cheeks flare up.
“Thanks Rem Rem.” You said removing your foot from his knee. Remus doesn't move from his spot when you get closer to him. He’s too busy looking at you to notice your hand coming up to his face. He feels your fingers run through his sandy curls, something you were dying to do when he began to grow his hair out.
Before both of you could say anything, someone had cleared their throat and stood in front of them. “Excuse me.”
The older woman with a cart passed by , walking down the side walk ignoring Remus and your apologies.
That was two summers ago. You couldn't see Remus' last break since you went to cheer camp. You had written to Lily asking about him and how he was doing. You wanted to write to him. You really did but you were nervous he wouldn’t reply back. You wonder if he had a girlfriend. You didn't ask Lily about it, you were far too embarrassed. You didn't think he would ever want to be with a “Muggle.” Lily told you the term when she told you about Hogwarts and her magic. You continued to hold your stare at Remus. You couldn't look away, he looked so handsome. Lily notices your smile and your blushing face, she looks over at Remus who had a smile on his face.
“You were so eye fucking him.” One of your friends said after the routine was done and the football players started to head back to the field.
“No, I wasn’t.” You said turning around looking seriously at the field. The rest of the girls giggled before one spoke. “He got a lot of scars on his face.”
“He was in an accident.” You lied to them before looking over at your shoulder at your sister and her friends. You have only met Remus but you've heard of the rest and known their names. Your sister had told you about Remus and his wolf problem. You didn't believe it at first but you knew Lily wasn’t the type to make shit up. You were okay with it, Remus never changed, he was still the nice guy you knew and you came to term that the guy you liked became a werewolf once in a full moon. You were glad, Remus had his friends helping him during those times. You never told Remus you knew, not even that day when he so kindly knelt down to tie your shoe or when he gifted you a book.
“The guy next to him with long dark hair is pretty cute.” You just smiled at the girls gushed at your sister's friend. Lily and the Marauders stood by the parking lot of the school waiting for you to come out. James noticed how nervous Lily was as she kept looking for you over the mass of people.
“She’ll be here, dear.” James said, rubbing Lily’s back as they waited for you.
“Yeah, Lils.” Sirius said getting near her. He looks over at Remus who was looking for you as well.
“Oi! There she is.” Peter shouted out and pointed at the exit of the school. Remus watched as you walked out with a duffel bag, hanging on your shoulder as you spoke with someone. Remus smile dropped when he saw it was one of the football players. He wore a jersey with the number 6 and had his own bag over his broad shoulder. Remus can't help but notice how the player looked. The guy was taller then him, had muscles and another thing that made Remus' heart sink was the guy had no scars on his face.
He wouldn't be surprised to find out that he was your boyfriend. Cheerleaders go out with football players, that's the normal thing, Remus thought.
Lily yells your name as she waved her hands in the air. Remus saw you quickly look at them and placed a hand on the guy’s arm before running towards Lily. Remus couldn't help but smile as you threw your bag at the ground and hugged Lily. Shoving his hands in the pocket of his cardigan, he looks over at the sisters embracing each other.
“I missed you so much.” You cried in Lily’s neck. “Me too.” Lily said, pulling away to kiss your cheek.
“I brought the boys.” Lily said, looking over at her shoulder. Remus saw you smile bright at the sight of him.
“REM REM.” You called out, speed walking to Remus. Sirius and James shared a look when you wrapped your arms around Remus’ body. Remus did the same hugging you by the shoulders with both arms. Remus couldn't help but run his fingers through your hair as you looked up at him. You had taken the scrunchie out, he noticed you wore it on your wrist.
You gave Sirius and Peter a hug, greeting them. Lily introduced you to James and you immediately frowned.
“Should I kick your ass now or later?” James' mouth dropped out and was about to say something when Lily and you started to burst out in laughter.
“She told me you were a little shit.” Sirius and Peter laughed.
“How can you say that about me, Lils?” James said with a gasp not understanding it was a joke. You knew about James Potter and knew your sister liked him before she even realized it herself. You have read pages of Lily, telling you about James Potter. She wrote how ridiculous and rude he was but at the end of the letters Lily always wrote that James' hair looked cute.
“She was joking, dear.” You nodded at him as Lily gave him a kiss on his cheek.
“That's right. I'm just joking. She said far worse things.” You said making Lily shout your name. “I’m joking.” You told him before looking over at Sirius, Peter and Remus shaking your head making them laugh.
“My brother in law isn’t a little shit.” You said as you hugged James who grew red like Lily’s hair when you called him brother in law.
“Keep messing with him, Y/n. He’ll turn you into a toad.” Lily said, making you gasp then looked at James.
“Can you really do that?! Can you make me into a tiger instead?” You asked frantically as you looked at James who laughed at your enthusiasm.
“Oh my god, can you turn this guy’s hair red for me?” You asked James. “Remember, we have rules. We can’t use magic outside of the school grounds.” You sighed at her.
“That’s so dumb.” You said as Sirius walked towards you. He placed an arm over your shoulder and agreed with you.
“Wait for next year. We got you. What color tiger do you want to be?” Sirius asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. Remus watched as you smiled at Sirius before tapping your chin as you thought of an answer. You were about to answer when he heard your name being called out.
Remus watched as the same football player came running towards you. Sirius noticed Remus’ face and tugged you closer to him. He wasn’t going to let some beefy guy with a helmet who runs over people for fun get a hold of his best friend’s girl.
“Lincoln is throwing a house party to celebrate our win. Are you coming?” You looked over at Lily and looked back at him.
“Can my sisters and her friends come too?” He quickly nodded as a green jeep drove up by them.
“Yo! Evans! Are you coming to the party?!” The driver asks you. “Yeah! She is going to bring some people.” The football player told the driver.
“You guys want to come?” You turned to them. James looks over at Lily.
“You haven’t been to a house party before, Lily. This can be a good experience for you.” Peter and Sirius agreed while James waited for Lily to answer.
“Rem Rem?” You asked as you walked towards Remus.
“I guess we can stop by for a few hours.” Remus said as you grabbed a hold of his hand. Remus looks over at Lily and tilts his head at her.
“Let's go.” You let out a squeal and kiss her cheek. “Mike, can we hitch a ride with you?” You asked the driver.
“Sure thing, love. Seb, I’ll follow you.” Mike said, looking out the window at the football player.
“Alright, I’ll be back.” Seb said as Mike parked his car in front of them.
“What about dad?” Lily asked as James and Peter got inside the car. Sirius grabs your bag from the ground, throwing it in the back of the car.
“Don’t worry. I’ll call dad when we are there.” Sirius helped Lily up in the jeep car.
“One of you guys can come in the front.” Mike said as he waiting for them to get in. Sirius looks at Remus and you, both of you are still holding hands.
“Moony! Go to the back with Little Evans.” Sirius said as he walked to the passenger seat. Mike looks at Sirius who sat beside him and shut the door.
“Moony?” Mike asked as he looked over at Sirius who sat down and shut the car door. “It’s just a nickname. Name is Sirius but you can call me, Padfoot.” Sirius said as Lily told him to put on his seatbelt but Sirius was too in enthrall looking at Mike to even listen to her.
“Nice to meet you, Padfoot. I’m Mike.” Sirius leaned back in his seat when Mike got close to him. Sirius blushes when Mike got close to him. Mike had short black hair showing his pierced ears and his eyes were light brown.
“Seat belts are important.” Mike said in a soft tone as he grabbed it for Sirius. Mike gives him a smile when he clicks it, making sure it was correctly in place and leans back in his seat.
“Rem Rem, would you mind if I sit on your lap?” Remus looks over to see Lily sitting on James lap as Peter sat in the middle.
When Remus didn’t answer, you whispered to him. “It’s alright, if you mind. I can catch a ride with someone else.”
Remus still didn’t answer and with a heavy heart you were about to shut the door when he grabbed a hold of your arm.
“Yes, you can sit down. Please do.” James snorts a laugh behind Lily’s hair as Remus practically tugs you inside the car. Remus shuts the door as you settle down in his lab. He spreads his legs to make room for your legs. Remus can smell the light scent of your body spray, he’s so close to you. The car started to move and there was a bump in the road. You were about to fall forward when he wrapped his arms around your stomach, pulling you to his chest.
“You okay?” Remus asked behind you. Your cheeks grew hot when you felt his breath behind your ear.
“Yeah.” You whispered as you grabbed his arm. Your fingers began to play with the fabric of his cardigan. He feels so warm behind you. So comfortable, you feel the roughness of his jeans against your bare legs. You hear Lily and James talking to Mike about their “boarding school.”
Remus was thinking hard as he shut his eyes. He thought of vomit, James vomiting, Peter vomiting, Sirius vomiting on Peter and James. He thought of it as he felt your ass against his crotch.
“Gross thoughts. Gross thoughts.” He tells himself.
He felt you lean back and look at him. “I did miss you, Remus.” You whispered as the window of the car rolled down.
Remus looks at you and holds you close as Mike makes a left.
“I missed you too.” Remus admits. He always waited for Lily to receive your letter so he could find out how you were. He was devastated when Lily told him you were going to cheer camp last summer. He didn’t see you that summer and he felt bad for lying to Lily whenever she asked him why he had a long face.
“You know maybe next time, I can write-.” Peter's wow cuts them off when Mike parked in front of a large house.
Remus stood behind you as everyone made their way into the house. Sirius and Peter stood close as they walked inside looking at the other students on the couch, or dancing in the living room. Some where in the corner smoking while others were in the back yard playing something Remus told them was called Beer Pong.
“Holy shit! If it isn’t the captain in the flesh.” A girl came at you, hugging you. She was a bit taller and wore the same cheerleading uniform as you.
“When Seb told me you were coming. I couldn’t believe it. He went out to get more beer for you.” You tsk at her before shaking her head.
“Christina, he didn’t have too. I’m not planning on drinking. I just wanted to show my sister and her friends who just came to visit me the party.” You said looking over Lily and the guys. Peter's eyes were wide as he saw it was the blonde he was fawning over earlier. Peter thought he was going to have a stroke when the blonde introduced herself to everyone and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.
“Please tell your sister to relax.” Christina said, looking over at Lily.
“She never comes to our house party. Our captain is a good girl but finally she is at her first party. She needs to have a drink.”
“Peter, why don’t you help her get some drinks for us.” Peter looks over at you with a face. You gave him a wink and signaled your head to Christina. It was painfully obvious that he liked her.
“Oh yes, come with me.” Christina said, holding out her hand for Peter. Everyone smiled as Peter without a single thought, grabbed a hold of her hand and let Christina drag him to the kitchen.
“She’s harmless. I swear.” You said looking over at the kitchen again.
“Is it true then?” Sirius asked with a smirk. “You’re a good girl? You never drink?”
“Of course, she is. She’s just like me.” Lily said, walking over to you making you chuckle.
You tried your best to not look Remus. A bit embarrassed that your friends had outed you and told your sister and her friends that you were a prude and a good girl who doesn’t do anything bad.
“Yo!” Remus watched the same football player you were talking come behind you.
“Christina said you’re drinking.” Lily's eyes widened at the sight of the football player towering over them. He had a case of beer over his shoulder, showing his muscles.
“Only one, Seb. By the way, this is my sister and these are her friends.” Remus felt like he needed to drink something before lashing out when he saw Seb placing a hand on your shoulder after handing them the cans of beer.
“I want you guys to meet my boyfriend. BABY!” Remus looks up from his beer at the guy. Wait boyfriend, Remus and Sirius glance at each other as Chris from earlier comes towards them with a smile.
James saw Chris come over and give a kiss to Chris before looking over at them. “You met my boyfriend, Seb.”
Remus chuckles to himself. Seb wasn't your boyfriend. Remus liked how you interacted with them. He liked seeing you smiling and talking. He didn’t know you were quite popular. He felt childish whenever he got a little bit jealous when a guy came over to talk to you. He couldn’t help it though you were so beautiful. Of course, guys are going to come up to you. He was glad that you didn’t leave them to talk to someone else. You had introduced them to practically everyone.
Lily and James were dancing while Peter and Christina were in the kitchen, getting their seventh drink of the night. Remus can’t help but smirk when he sees Sirius and Mike leaning close together against the wall. Sirius was showing Mike, his silver rings on his fingers. Remus looks away when he sees you walking back to him with two more beers. He made room for you on the couch and thanked you when you handed him one.
“Are you having a good time?” Remus looks over at you. Your cheeks were a bit flushed and your eyes were glossy, you had more than one beer. You had a smile on your face as you played with the tab of the can. Remus bumps his knee with yours.
“I am. You?” You nod at him as he takes a sip. Remus notices as a couple walking in front of you and sat across from him and you. The girl recognized you as well as the guy she was with. The girl had bright red hair while the guy had his hair neon green. The couple were from your art class, you told him. You were talking with them when you accidently placed your hand on top of his. Remus blushed when you grabbed a hold of his hand as you laughed at them.
"Did you hear them?" Remus smiles and nods at you. He haven't heard a thing, he was freaking out on inside that you were holding his hand. He didn’t let go, he didn’t want you to let go
“To be honest, I’m surprised you’re here. You’re usually reading or in the library. Always reading that weird brown book.” Remus looks up at the girl's words.
“What?” He asked and looked over at you who was blushing really hard.
“She always has this brown book. A fairytale about these four people. They are witches or something.” She said before looking over at her boyfriend.
“Yeah, what is it again? Dude is a lion and one is a snake.” Remus frowns as they continue to speak. “You looked inside of it?” Remus felt you sit up straight.
“Only for a second, we just wanted to know what it was. You're always reading it.”
“Oh shit! I remember! They were wizards and they made this school or something.” Remus' heart dropped when she said that.
You still had the book he gifted you a while back. It was a gift he had given you for your birthday. He remembered he had bought it in Hogsmeade and wrapped it in a paper bag. He remembers the face you make when he sat beside you as you open the book. It was filled with colorful photos and all information about Hogwarts and the four founding members. You had given him a kiss on the cheek when you turned a page and saw the photos were moving.
“They have an orgy at the end?” The guy asks you with a laugh and Remus notices the awkward look on your face.
“They all die.” Remus answered a bit harshly.
“I’m going out for some air.” You said quickly getting up from the couch, letting go of his hand and walking out the back door.
You didn’t realize Remus was following you. He excuses himself to your friends and follows you. He placed his beer on the kitchen counter as he went through the back door where you went. Making your way further to the backyard, you threw your beer on the ground. You sighed to yourself, you felt embarrassed and worry. You were sure that Remus was angry at you for letting someone look in the book that he had gifted you. It would be best if no one got a hold of it, he had told you and made you promise to never show it to anyone. That book was the only thing from Remus and you had carried it everywhere with you. You had read countless times front to back. You read all the stories about the houses and the professors in it. You had daydreamed about going to Hogwarts to see your sister and Remus.
Remus calls your name out when he sees you leaning against a tree. Looking over your shoulder, he saw you were going to cry. He quickly goes to you.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he wrapped an arm around you.
“I’m sorry. They saw the book. I know I promise you no one would look at it. Please don’t be mad at me.” Remus shakes his head as he drops his arm around you.
“It’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” You look up at a Remus with tears welled up in your eyes. Remus quickly wipe the single tear that managed to escape your eye.
“You kept the book.” Remus said as his hand cupped your cheek then slowly dropped down at your neck. His fingers touched the neckline of your uniform. You lean against him before looking down at the ground all shy.
“Of course, you gave it to me as a gift. I love it.” You didn’t say anything else when Remus brought his hand under your chin.
“It’s been years and you still read it?” You nod at him when he made you look up at him.
“Why?” He asked, looking down at your face.
“It reminds me of Lily.” Remus was going to pull away at your answer. Perhaps he thought wrong, he thinks to himself. Maybe you didn’t feel anything for him.
“I think of you too, Remus.” He comes to a halt. "I imagine what it would be like to go to school with you."
"I imagine that too." Remus admitted. "I would walk you to your classes. I'll take you to the Black Lake and to the Astronomy Tower. Then at the weekends, I'll take you out to Hogsmeade."
"I would have love that." You tell him. "Lily told me that the Astronomy Tower is usually where people go to.." You don't finish your sentence, there was no need because Remus knew. People go up there when feeling frisky.
He chuckles and rub the back of his neck avoid eye contact with you. You knew it was now or never when Remus began to stutter, trying to come up with something.
“I want to tell you something. It might seem dumb to you because I'm your best friend's little sister. I like you and before you say anything. I’m sure there are pretty witches at your school and you might have someone already but I like you, Remus. I like you a lot.” Remus felt you about to back away when he didn’t say anything.
He quickly leans down to kiss your lips, give you a peck. Sirius’ words echoed in his mind about telling you the truth.
“Remus..” You said his name softly.
“I like you too.” Remus shyly said as he pulled you into his chest.
“I like you so much that I don’t even look at the witches in school. I don’t care that you’re a muggle.” Remus said easing your insecurities.
When it was time to leave, Remus didn’t want to go. There was one last week until starting a new school year. He had begged his parents to let him stay for a few more weeks after the house party. Your relationship with him blossomed after that night. When he stayed over at the Evans, he slept on the couch. Every night he stayed, he waited up for you to quietly go down the stairs. He would bite his bottom lip to not make a noise when you straddle him to kiss him. Making out until dawn and talking in hushed whispers about his interests and yours, talking about books and movies.
When it was time to go, Lily’s father was nice enough to take me to the train station. Remus and you were behind the house away from everyone, he towered over you as he kissed you.
“Write to me. Promise me you’ll write to me.” He begs as he nuzzles into your neck.
“I will. I promise it. Once a week.” Remus shakes his head. “Everyday.” You looked at him with wide eyes and repeated it in a shocking tone.
“Your owl will get tired.” Remus shakes his head once more.
“I’ll give him treats and feed him more.” Remus said with a smile before sighing.
“I’m going to miss you.” Remus told you sadly.
“One more year and you’re out.” You whispered to him as you kissed him. You pulled away at the sound of Lily calling for him and you.
Remus wants to tell you about Moony. He really did it every time he was going to bring it out, something or someone will get in the way. He was sure that you were going to break up with him once you found out. It was crazy enough that he was a wizard but he’s a werewolf as well. Remus was deep in thought as he gave Mr. Evans his luggage so he could put it in the trunk of his car.
“Bye, Moony!” Remus' head shot up and saw you waving at him by the front door. Lily comes out behind you and waves bye at Remus.
It was a week back in school and Remus was eating breakfast when the mail started to fly in. One by one owls came flying though and dropped letters and mail to the students. Remus knew you wouldn’t write back. You knew his nickname. Moony, he was pretty sure you were smart enough to figure it out. He didn’t mention it to Lily about it. Afraid to ruin his friendship with her but he told Sirius it.
“Oh! Moony!” Sirius shouted as he watched the white envelope slowly falling down in front of Remus.
Remus looks up from his plate and stands up, reaching to grab the letter. Sirius looks over as Remus quickly opens it. Sirius can’t help but smile at the sight of his best mate looking happy as he read the letter from you.
"She knows." Remus said looking at Sirius. "And?" Sirius asked worry as Remus went back to read the letter.
"If you think being one will make me like you less. You are wrong, Remus Lupin." They shared a smile and Remus pulls out a red scrunchie from inside the envelope. Remus pulls his sleeves up so he can put it around his wrist.
Sirius turns back to his plate and raises a brow when he notices a letter next to him. Opening it up, he can’t fight the urge to smile wide when he sees it was from Mike.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 3 months
Bickering (lovingly)
regulus black x potter!reader
note: an edit of luke and lorelai cane on my fyp and they are so reggie x potter!reader coded!!
word count: 1.3 k
warnings: eating, lightest black brother angst
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Regulus made his way up the stairs to the Gryffindor dorms in search of his bag that his darling girlfriends had been using since her bag was being used for some special prank. But the weekend was up and Regulus needed his bag back for classes tomorrow,
He knocked on the door, Y/n had told him there was no need, but it was a habit instilled into him from an infant so he still did, James opened the door with a cheerful look which dropped when he noticed who was there, “Ugh, Y/n, your boyfriend’s here!”
The door was opened wider for him, he saw his brother and his boyfriend on a bed, Peter on his, James once again getting comfortable at the desk and Y/n coming out of the bathroom.
“Hey, hun.” “Hi. Do you have my bag?” Regulus was usually short with his words around other people, he only got really chatty alone with her, then she couldn’t get him to shut up sometimes; not that she ever wanted to.
“..Yeah, it’s here, but I was gonna ask to use it for a couple more days…” “No, I need it. You have your own bag” “It’s being used for prank supplies.”
She handed the bag over, all her things still in it when Regulus looked.
“Could you take your stuff out, love?”
“I have nowhere to put them, that’s why I need the bag.” “But I need you to take your stuff out because it’s my bag and I need it.”
“But I don’t have a bag for my books tomorrow.”
“You have your own bag.”
“It’s being used for prank supplies, that’s why I asked for a couple more days..”
“But I need my bag.”
“But I don’t have a bag for my books tomorrow.”
“You have your own bag.”
“It’s being used for prank supplies, that’s why I asked for a couple more days..”
“We’ve been here before.”
“I recognise that tree.”
“Good! Why don’t you shut up now!”
Sat across from each other on the sofa, Y/n had been waiting weeks for a moment to watch a movie alone with Regulus, her family got a muggle TV a couple years ago after Remus explained it to her dad and he said they ‘needed’ it.
What they were watching was one of her favourites and she loved watching movies with people that have never seen them, before something big she would sneak a look at Regulus to catch his reaction.
“Stop doing that.” He sat with his arms crossed, her legs rested over his lap under their blanket.
“Shh! No talking.” That made him roll his eyes, lovingly of course, it was always lovingly.
“Then stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Looking at me.”
“What? I can’t just look at you? Admire my very very pretty boyfriend?”
“Not during movies.” Y/n gasped and her jaw dropped comically.
It was Christmas, everyone decided to stay at Hogwarts for their last year (plus Regulus)
Owls came flying down the table with letters between their talons, it was about a week before Christmas day so not many letters came, but funnily enough Regulus got one, at first Y/b was worried but seeing the small smile on his face she knew it was nothing bad. They sat next to each other at the gryffindor table along with the marauders.
“Guess where I got a letter from.” “God?”
He didn’t even flinch at her dry comments anymore.
“London…” He said, giving a hint, naïvely assuming she would guess.
“God lives in London?!”
“Your mother lives in London.”
“My mother is God! Mmm so God is a woman.. And my mom, that is so cool! This will make asking for favours so much easier.”
“Why do I even try with you… Your mother asked me if I-”
Reaching for the syrup and putting it back after drowning her waffle, Y/n gets back to what she was complaining about.
“I’m sick, I have a cold, I can’t go to classes today.”
Only after finish chewing his eggs does Regulus reply to his girlfriend, “Do you know what would help get rid of a cold?” “You cuddling me all day?”
“Eww!” “I’m eating here, goldie!”
“A good immune system. Do you know how you get a good immune system?”
“Endless vague questioning from one’s boyfriend first thing in the morning?”
“From not eating crap for breakfast. Would it kill you to eat a protein?”
“Remember when you hated me? That was fun wasn’t it?”
A lazy sunday was one of Y/n’s favourite moments to spend with Regulus, the boys would be off doing something, and the couple had all day together.
At the moment the two were reading ‘Emma’ together, with Y/n reading aloud and as always Regulus listened to every word to come from her mouth.
“What’d you think?” Between each chapter they would talk about their thoughts, Y/n is so thankful for a boyfriend who likes books just as much as her.
“I think that the bump on your nose is my favourite feature of yours.” He traced her nose bridge with his delicate ring finger.
From a young age Y/n hated her nose, her best friend growing up was the perfect cookie cutter ideal, with blonde hair and blue eyes and a little button nose. She didn’t have any of those things, she was not the standard.
Yet Regulus never failed to make her feel loved, like she was the most gorgeous girl and Regulus is lucky for even a second of her time, in his own words.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, darling.”
“Why’re you so grumpy?”
Regulus and Y/n had agreed to meet at the muggle library in Hogsmeade so when Regulus saw his girlfriend angrily stomping out of the store empty handed he knew something was up, she never left the library empty handed. She was looking at the librarian through the window in what she thought was a discreet fashion.
“I’ve been exiled. For what feels like an eternity.”
“How long are you suspended from your book borrowing activities?”
“A month.”
“C’mon, love, that’s not too long,”
“Four Hogsmeade trips I cannot take books home. And for that he must die!”
“You’re not going to kill the librarian.”
“Why not?”
“It’s free library card day, everyone will be livid with you.”
It was James and Y/n’s birthday, she got up before James of course but not before her parents and Regulus who were all gathered in the kitchen.
The girl sleepily walked in leaning on her boyfriend to support herself, when she finally opened her eyes she saw a display of oreos spelling out ‘happy birthday James and Y/n!’
“Awww mom! This is so cute! Thank you!”
“Hold on, how’d you know it was your mother's work and not mine or Regulus’?”
“Because only mom would take the time.”
After the thank yous, Monty went back into his office and Effie went to set the dining table. Y/n got up on the bar stool and sat next to the boy, taking a cookie to eat, only to get up and go to the pantry to get the box and replace the cookie she ate on the table.
“What did you just do?”
“You put the cookie down.”
“You ate the cookie then you took a cookie out of the box and put it down where the cookie you just ate was.” She made little actions as if retracing her steps as the black-haired boy went on.
“Well.. That’s nuts.”
“My mom made this for me, I don't want to ruin it, and not before James can see it.”
“Then why eat the cookie?”
“Because I wanted an oreo.”
“Then why didn't you just eat out of the box?”
“Because this one was close and the box was all the way in the cabinet.”
“But you had to go into the cabinet to get the box to replace the cookie you ate.”
“So that’s nuts.”
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hotchfiles · 9 months
lover to lover.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅
pairing: james x fem!reader.
summary: it's your first gift exchange as a couple and you are both dangerously lovesick.
content warnings: JUST FLUFF. I SWEAR.
word count: 1,4k
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      You felt silly, you felt like your gift was silly and felt even sillier for worrying so much about it your palms were sweaty even though it was very late at night and the house was surrounded by the whiteness of snow. This was your first Christmas as James' girlfriend and even though you had been to his home before, that was the first time you would be staying the night as well.
      To top that kind of pressure, it was the first year your gift to James would actually matter, you couldn't just give him a sweater, or a book or a coupon for free of charge homework help, it had to be good, it had to be meaningful.
      And it was hard to do that for someone who had everything. He was the golden boy, not only were his parents generational wealth loaded, they were caring, loving and were always making sure he and his friends had everything they could ever need. How could anything you try to give him compare to that?
      Nonetheless, you tried your best, and now the party was over, the other three marauders black out drunk in Sirius' room from spiked eggnogg Mr. Fleamont pretended not to see them drink and you on James' bed waiting for him to come back after helping them out.
      His smile brightened up the whole room, even though the lights were on and the warmth in his eyes made you forget about any worries that surrounded your mind while he was gone. You stretched your arms to pull him in a hug after he closed the door, though he ignored completely, simply laying on top of you with all of his weight, forcing you to lay down as well. "Honeyyyy, I'm so tired," he whined, his cheek touching yours as he spoke.
      One of your hands went to his arm, while the other played with his hair, he was such a baby when he wanted to, but you were lovesick, dangerously lovesick, so it was endearing to you. "No gifts today, then?" That made him get up in a jump, excitement filling him with the energy he had lost to sleepiness.
      "Nooooo, not what I meant." He pouted, batting his beautiful eyelashes at you, you laughed, knowing that would be the reaction, he had been extremely curious by your present from the time you showed up engulfed in green flames inside his family's fireplace, a big heavy something, perfectly wrapped, to Jamie written in your handwriting in a heart shaped note that he knew he would keep safe inside his wallet to the rest of his days.
      You got the gift from his nightstand and handed it to him, the anxiety coming back again as you started overexplaining yourself to him, "Wanted to make something special, but you have so much stuff I... Didn't know what... So I asked your mum to help me with this. I know it's like, nothing super unique but... I don't know." You fumbled completely over your words and he looked so deep into your eyes you knew he was able to read your whole entire soul without even trying at all.
      "Even a rock you find on a road and decides it reminds you of me would be special." Everything you do, everything you touch is special, it's what he actually wants to say, but he refrains from it, carefully taking out the tape holding the wrapping paper together, refusing to rip it apart. His eyes sparkled when he saw the leather cover, his name golden along with his Gryffindor quidditch number.
      He opens it, not sure what would be inside, the first page had your handwriting again, written in red and filled with doodle hearts: My quidditch lover boy, know that wherever you play, I will always be your biggest cheerleader.
      The rest was pictures, from the first one his mum took of him with a broom when he was still barely a person, his little arms holding tight to his dad. The first time he flew alone to show them. The letter he sent when he made the Gryffindor team, his first captain's armband, tickets from matches he went with his father. The last picture was from his last victory, you both kissing with the biggest smiles while Sirius covered you both with red paint.
      It was a good thing he never pretended to be one of those emotionless guys, because his nose was red, his eyes watering as you heard him sniffing. "This... Honey, this is the most beautiful thing." His fingers passed over the picture, with such care it seemed he was afraid to ruin it, he pulled you into a hug and then lifted your chin to face him, his lips touching yours like you were a treasure he needed to protect. You felt the saltiness of his tears and you couldn't help but laugh, it was just too adorable.
      James let go of you, but not before kissing your whole face. He found a spot on his desk for your present, where it would be the first thing anyone spotted when looking around his room, and then took a small box and a piece of parchment from the first drawer of his nightstand.
      "M'feeling a tad inadequate now, mine isn't as thoughtful but... Ms. Euphemia did help me with it too." You laughed at the way he talked of his mum, "I wanted to give you some sort of jewelry, but everything I chose was simply grim, James darling." he gestured air quotes while trying to get his mother's tone across.
      He handed you the velvet box, parchment still in hand as he waited for you to open, you were still stunned by the information he wanted to give you jewelry, you felt like your heart and your stomach were dancing and twirling around inside of you as how official that sounded. Opening the box you find a beautiful, seemingly antique, silver ring, it had a red gem on top in the form of a triangle. You were completely speechless as you touched it lightly.
      "M'dad proposed with that ring." Your eyes widened at that, positive you were gonna pass out at any moment. "It's very old, and it's been in our family for generations, if you look closely you can see a symbol, the triangle one is for my invisibility cloak."
      "James, this is beautiful, but... I can't accept this, it's a family heirloom I... It belongs to your family." You couldn't even look at him, you were out of breath, out of words, out of ways to react.
      "Yeah, that's sorta it. You're part of my family now." He takes the ring out of the box and slides it on your right index finger, so not to pressure you, so you knew it was a present, a promise of commitment, but not an obligation or a way to imprison you to him. "And my mum kept this for years, I had no idea, she says it's adorable, so..." James hands you the parchment finally, and you open it to see the date on top, stating it was a letter from two years before.
      A letter he sent to his mum, from Hogwarts, talking about you.
      He went on and on talking about sometimes he felt like his heart was gonna jump out of his chest when you were around and that wasn't normal, that didn't happen before. And how he could smell your perfume before even seeing you had got into the room.
      He was fifteen and down bad for his best friend and was so confused he asked his mum for advice. It was indeed the most adorable thing.
      Euphemia was so sure something would come out of it she kept the letter. You had to put it down on his bed so you wouldn't wet it with your tears. "You're such a sap oh my god," you said in a mocking tone even though you were the one crying like an absolute baby.
      "Enjoy it now, next year you're getting a simply grim necklace and a honeydukes discount coupon." James replied matter-of-factly, but his grin and his eyes showed how glad he was that you had enjoyed the gifts that much, "I love you too much, you're gonna wake up one day and m'gonna have inflated and exploded by how much."
      You couldn't even reply to that with anything other than a loud laugh, your hands quickly going over your mouth when you remembered how late it was.
      You felt his weight over you again, but this time before he could be completely lay over you using you as a mattress, he slides beside you, pulling you closer to him, and closing his eyes. "Happy Christmas, lover boy." Is the last thing you say before falling asleep in his embrace.
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jellyfishsthings · 1 year
Hi love! Do you have a master list? Love your work!
I'm sorry it's not very organised with titles and stuff like other master lists but I didn't have much te to prepare it... enjoy tho these have to be my favorite works from many accounts. It includes both fluff and smut and a bit of angst....
more on the way in a second masterlist
🙏 please tell me if there is a problem with the links....
Masterlist No.1 (no.2 here)
Edit: Updated version ✌️
¤ = smut
smau = social media au
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Marauders Era:
Remus Lupin:
Remus & lazy hickeys , Version 2 ¤
Remus adoring breasts ¤
Remus making you scream ¤
Getting you so worked up, you can not speak ¤
Kinda Meanie Remus ¤
Shirtless Remus ¤
Remus and his kisses ¤
Mean streak ¤
Summer vibes , Version 2 ¤
Taunting ¤
Rivals to lovers ¤
No homework done I guess ¤
Annoying distraction ¤
Wolfy traits¤
Making Birthdays special ¤
Remus in his feels ¤
Comforting reader , Version 2 , Version 3, Version 4
Taking care of you, Version 2
Warning label
Stress reliever ¤
Angsty Confession
Study Motivation ¤
Mean Remus, vol.2 ¤
Bad mood
Baby fever
Slowest slow burn to ever burn ¤
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Formula One:
Charles Leclerc:
Baby Leclerc (smau)
Lotta history (smau)
It's never over ¤
Cat mama
Single mom
Jealousy jealousy (smau)
Lighting McMarried (smau)
For the hope of it all (Series smau)
Married to who (wolff reader)
Domestic Bliss (smau)
Bffs angst
Enemy racers (smau)
Vacation (smau)
Married angst
Revenge Reader (smau)
Overprotective (smau)
Charles as a dad, vol.2 (smau) , vol.3 (smau)
Max Verstappen:
Max being late
Max as a dad
U dumbfuck (smau)
Sexy times ¤
Crazy Cat Lady (series)
Carlos Sainz:
Obsessed (smau)
Mich Shumacker:
Rosy cheeks and salty hair ¤
Lando Norris:
Star wars? (smau series)
Danny Ric:
Best friends to lovers (smau)
Oscar Piastri:
Bookish (smau)
Soft launching? (smau)
This is about Oscar? (smau)
Who is Oscar Piastri? (smau)
Sweetener ¤
Grumpy x Sunshine (smau)
Kiss it better (smau)
Oblivious besties (smau)
My girl ¤
Vroom vroom bitch (smau)
Arthur Leclerc:
WHAT? (smau)
Oblivious bitches, pt.2 , pt.3 (smau series)
Ollie Bearman (i think you can tell that he is my fav) :
Besties to more (smau)
Insta dumps (smau)
Sunshine x grumpy (smau)
The black card life (smau)
Birthday boy (smau)
Race bffs (smau)
Teddy bear (smau)
Sickenly in love (smau)
(Extra)ordinary (smau)
Dating Ollie , vol.2 , vol.3, vol.4
No one else
In sickness and in health
Comfort after a race , vol.2
Domestic - ish
Morning snuggles
Those three words
Olives and Lemonade
Call me cupid
Only you (smau series)
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bruisedboys · 11 months
Your characterization of the marauders is spot on for all of them!! Ok, here are my insane thoughts about Remus in no particular order:
- he’s obviously insecure about his scars, but nothing makes him feel better or more loved than when you trace them softly or kiss along one of them because you think he’s beautiful no matter what and you need him to know that
- he’d be the perfect boyfriend around the holidays, helping with baking and taking you around to see the lights and always making sure you have a warm drink and letting you borrow his sweaters because you just look so beautiful in them and doing a gift exchange where he gives you the most thoughtful gift ever because he always listens and always remembers every little thing you say
- he’s a great chef and he’ll never let the boys know, and as much as he loves taking you out and showing you off, his favorite dates are at home where he cooks a nice meal and you cuddle up to watch a movie after or he’ll read to you (omg his voice would be all soft and a little scratchy ahh)
- bookstore dates are the best, and you’ll go and pick out a book for him and he’ll pick one out for you and if it’s nice you’ll go read in the park or on your back porch but if it’s cold (like it is now) you’ll curl up on the couch together and read for the whole afternoon, just enjoying being near each other
- lately I can’t stop thinking about dad!Remus, he’d be so great while you’re pregnant and he’d read all the baby books and he’d baby proof your apartment and he’d get you whatever you needed or wanted at any hour of the day all while being stressed beyond belief but he’d never let you know that when you have much more important things to worry about and once the baby comes, she’s got him wrapped around her tiny little fingers (because he’s obviously a girl dad) and just imagine this tiny little baby being held so gently by this tall, deceptively strong man
- also I have some very detailed thoughts about book store reader x single dad Remus if you’d like to hear…
omg so many good thoughts thank you angel!!!! I will be thinking about all of these for the next 2-5 business days…..
- ok firstly YES. bf is very insecure about his scars but you tell him they’re pretty and make him look really handsome and he just loses it!!!!! the second you kiss or even just caress one of his scars he melts. also if you’re ever insecure about your own scars/stretch marks/other marks on your body he’ll show you his and be like but look :))) we’re matching babe :))))
- yes he is so christmas boyfriend!!!!! he’s such a good gift giver because he remembers everything about you and yes his gifts are always so thoughtful!! I feel like he’s very into handmade gifts too! I’m imagining a handmade clay vase or something like that. or a wooden jewellery box. omg!!
- real!!!! he cooks the best homey meals (domestic!remus 😵‍💫) like pasta dishes, soups, homemade bread. omg bread is definitely his speciality and he’ll make it fresh for you at the drop of a hat if you’re craving it <3
- bookstore dates!!! stop I am literally swooning. you and him will do a little game where you don’t let the other person see what book you’re getting until you’re out of the store and then you present it to them once you’re out!! he has the best taste in books so you always know it’ll be good 😌 and then when you read together he’s always gotta be touching you, your legs in his lap or his hand on your thigh, sometimes he’ll even lay in your lap!!!
- dad!remus will actually be the death of me. for some reason the idea of any of my favourite characters being dads just awakens something feral inside of me. he’s definitely the best ever when you’re pregnant!!! you better believe he’s doing everything for you, you’re not allowed to lift a finger babe. he’s very protective of you too, very gentle with you and aware of anything and everything that could hurt you or the baby even a tiny bit. if you’re emotional or sick or just having a really rough time he always holds it together for you, never losing his patience and always reminding you that you’re incredible and strong and he loves you!!! also also he loves his friends but he doesn’t let them rub your tummy or talk to the baby for too long, that’s his baby thank you very much 😇
oh em gee I’d love your thoughts on bookstore reader x single dad!remus 🤭 all of your thoughts so far were soooo good and fuelled my brainrot successfully
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
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here's the 1st part of a recs list of my favourite fics! (had to split in two because tumblr was being a nightmare) have it mind that they can either be on tumblr or ao3.
the (+) means it has a smut masterlists: [0.1] [0.2]
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↬flight risk by @brywrites (s.reid x reader) (series)
I didn't know I could feel so safe reading about a pilot and a profiler, given their jobs, but I did and this fic is so magical. I loved the analogies the angst everything plz read it.
↬the sleep chronicles by @stickseasn (s.reid x reader)
↬a moment of weakness by @writer-in-theory (s.reid x reader) (series)
↬lepus the hare by @↑ (s.reid x reader)
↬(in)visible by @foxy-eva (s.reid x reader)
I felt like the words were being said to me *crying*
↬sundays by @definitelynotkatesblog (s.reid x reader)
↬ if you'll have me by @reidscanehand (s.reid x reader)
↬mister spencer by @imagining-in-the-margins (s.reid x singlemom!reader)
↬fall apart by @spencersimp (s.reid x reader)
↬bluebell by stillmarauding (ao3)
this one is really good, 90 chapters so far and still updating.
↬lost at sea by @five-bi-five-mind (j.jareau x reader)
literally everything written by this account is amazing.
↬breakfast by @↑ (j.jareau x reader)
↬ spontaneous phenomena by @luveline (a.hotchner x reader)
1. [marauders era]
↬interrupted by @cosmal (rubgy!james x f!reader)
↬chocolate orange by @↑ (r.lupin x reader)
↬crooked ties by @cupids-crystals (j.potter x reader)
↬mary macdonald by @↑ (r.lupin x sister!reader)
↬first class let down by @starstruckwillows (adhd!j.potter x reader)
↬oh bloody hell by @gtgbabie0 (j.potter x reader)
↬championship cups by @perpetuallydaydreaming (j.potter x reader)
↬bun in the oven by @letterstotheflre (r.lupin x f!reader)
↬never be another by @cryonme (r.lupin x reader)
↬he loves you by @↑ (r.black x reader)
↬cursed by @pregnant-piggy (s.black x reader) (series)
all of their fics are great.
↬off days by @messers-moony (s.black × daughter!reader)
I love everything they write + wolfstar dads&lt;;33
↬she's a fighter by @stylesparker (r.black x reader)
↬little king by @acosmis-t (r.black x reader)
↬cocoa by @earlgreydream (r.black x reader)
from time to time I come back to reread it. it's a comfort blurb &lt;3
↬ours by @janesociety (l.evans x f!reader)
why are there barely any lily evans fics??? let's change that.
↬loving is easy by rxgulus (jegulus; background wolfstar)
I've gushed about this fic on here. I love everything about it, remus being a tease, james being a simp, sirius being a drama queen and regulus being regulus. there's also baby harry at some point. it is my favourite one for a reason go read it.
↬step into the daylight and let it go by serendipitysirius (jegulus; background wolfstar) (currently being updated)
I have at least five quotes from this fic glued on my bedroom walls. it is that special to me.
↬drugs and surgical scrubs by anauro (jegulus; background wolfstar; rosekiller) (currently being updated)
one of the best piece of work I've ever read, worth every tear.
↬absent mindedly making me want you by calamitoustide (jegulus; background wolfstar) (completed)
my FAVORITE fic of all time, I love the way james and reg are portrayed in this, it's so raw and innocent and special.
↬papa mia! by chasingthestar (jegulus; background wolfstar & marylily) (currently being updated)
the angst kills me but the fluff is worth it.
↬a doorstep of affection by @marauders-venting (wolfstar)
↬unlovable by @masivechaos (dads!wolfstar x reader)
↬panic by @sp1rit-realm (platonic/poly! marauders x reader)
all of their fics are amazing.
↬boyfriend swap by @v1oletvenus (s.black x reader; platonic!j.potter x reader)
↬mouth of september by @luveline (platonic!marauders x reader)
one of my favourites.
1. [golden trio era]
↬ just the medicine by @vanillann (d.malfoy x reader)
↬evergreen by @starlitsilvereyes (drarry)
↬say the words then stay around by teatrolley (drarry)
it's an orphan account but it's still available and it's so so good.
↬ all wounds heal by @willowbleedsonpaper (t. nott x reader; d.malfoy x reader)
funfact: theo nott fics was what got me into the marauders wormhole plus this is a work of art.
↬ twinkle by @sapphicwhxre (h.granger x reader)
↬not like any other by @hadesrise (h.potter x slytherin!male!reader)
↬harry calls you after a breakdown by @igncrantbliss (h.potter x reader)
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liggy-not-potter · 5 months
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hello :3 i’m liggy, i go by she/her pronouns, i’m 14 (a minor, don’t be creepy), acespec and possibly arospec. if you follow me i will most likely refer to you as my child out of a mom friend habit.
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i’m a freaking nerd, so book and movie recs are welcome! i’m in a lot of fandoms, so i probably can’t list them all here. harry potter, both canon era and marauders (fuck jkr) and the fanfic i’m writing where harry has a sister no one knew abt. (posting that on ao3). legendborn by tracy deonn, percy jackson (i’m not done with it so no spoilers please), mcu, the owl house, gravity falls, amphibia
i write songs and poetry, i play piano, ukulele, violin and guitar i like drawing but i’m not very good at it all the time, i have thousands of failed art pieces.
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the usual. if you discriminate against any minorities or hate people solely because of a group they belong to (religion/lack thereof, race, sexuality, gender orientation)
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random shit about liggy
i have a gluten intolerance meaning i can’t have anything containing wheat, and i make jokes about it. well, brie does most the joking.
i have adhd and most likely a hint of something else neurodivergent. i’m a mess, but at least i’m not boringly neurotypical ur local owl (do not ask questions) i’m a minor so don’t be creepy, i don’t care abt interacting with adults as long as you aren’t being a creep gryffindor - enfp - scorpio
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the rats (my moots) @jamespotterbbg — kay — my first moot, chaotic, mentally ill as the rest of this site, is the reason i’ve even interacted with half of these people @garden-of-runar — runaround — talented poet, fellow defender of bagels, absolutely and entirely concerning, you’ll never know her next move @melonhead10 — wife of mine — silly little rat, one of the only people on here i know irl, rarely online bc strict parents, if she is online it’s to look at shiny duo and tangled the series @omlettejunkie — british ethan — the gay dad friend of this whole hellsite. king of deactivating and coming back out of nowhere. happily in love with @kawaiibarty @kawaiibarty — james the baked bean — short, gay and irresponsible. has too many doggies but we don’t care bc doggies are great. changes his url every two seconds. in love with @omlettejunkie @tequilaqueen — bea — possibly an alcoholic, you’ll never know. hates bagels and commits war crimes. @picklerab23 — dill — lives in a jar on a shelf in a grocery store in wales. speaks in consonants and y’s. @crowleys-mortalcounterpart — brie — my child. genderfluid lesbian variant of remus lupin. descendant of the scottish. some unknown flavor of neurodivergent. i also know them irl. @0urazz — satan — brie’s sister and my daughter. chaos incarnate, never online, addicted to roblox. one step away from being gen alpha. the attention span and brain capacity of a grain of rice. violently affectionate. ik her irl as well @thejudeduarte — jude — cruel prince and legendborn fan. really nice and sometimes chaotic. @iamaladder — stepladder (ethan’s version) — chaotic aarakocra boi, old crusty man (in other words a year older than me) another person i know irl @thestrawberryapologist — mari — purchaser of jams, very goofy, does silly sitcom rp with me, recently returned to tumblr after disappearing on us (she hasnt followed me back but i’m moots with her other acc)
(if u want to be added ask me, i just gotta save it for now)
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blow up my ask box, tag me on stuff, and message me all you want. i love being on here and talking to people and making friends <3
my pinterest poetry side blog: @liggy-attempts-poetry ask game: here moodboard on banner is a collage on my pinterest my tags: liggy rambles: all my random ass posts liggy found an ask: i answer asks liggy special: i most likely did something fucking stupid jam murder sitcom: a silly sitcom thing i do with mari to the queue you go motherfucker: my queued posts, most likely because i’m out of town cus haven’t ever got post blocked yet
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eelfuneral · 2 years
Tech Was Never Cold or Uncaring
In the wake of Tech’s broken-femured heroics in the newest season of The Bad Batch, I am overjoyed (read smug and obnoxious) about the fact that more people seem understand that Tech is, in fact, capable of being a caring individual. The assertion that he is somehow a cold or uncaring character always confused me, because textual evidence points to a very different characterization. I think people got hung up on his formal speaking register, social difficulties, and problems verbalizing his emotional state and kind of ran with an alternate character interpretation that completely ignored his actions and reactions. So in case you are curious about what I mean, here are some moments from the TBB arc of TCW and TBB Season 1 where Tech is a genuinely nice guy.
1. Standing up for Hunter
When Jessie and Kix asked what was “so special” about Hunter, Tech immediately stepped in and explained Hunter’s mutations and how they were beneficial.
2. Physically carrying Echo to safety
During Echo’s rescue, Tech carried Echo (a grown man) on his back while also using his strength to climb. He could have easily pawned this duty off to someone like Wrecker if he didn’t care to do it.
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3. Being disgusted at the slaughter of the Jedi
Tech was so upset by the deaths of the Jedi that in the second episode of TBB Season 1, he brought it up verbally as one of the big issues that he had with the Empire.
4. Worrying about Omega when she cried
Omega cried after being rescued from the Nexu on Cut’s farm, and Tech had a genuine emotional reaction to seeing her in that state:
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5. Helping Omega over the comm
After Omega managed to get her comm back and get into contact with her dads again after being kidnapped by Cad Bane, Tech made it a point to calmly talk her through what he needed her to do next to help them find her.
6. Not wanting to let Omega fly the Marauder until she knew it inside and out
Omega made an offhanded comment to Hera about Tech not wanting her to fly until he felt that she was sufficiently knowledgeable about their ship. I don’t know about you, but that screams “worried dad” to me.
7. Catching Omega when she jumped down from the upper level of the Marauder
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Enough said. There’s also a really sweet moment in a later episode where he helped steady Omega when she climbed down from Wrecker’s shoulders.
8. Being reluctant to leave Hunter after he was captured by the Empire on Daro
Hunter ordered Tech to just leave him after his capture, but Tech tried argue against it by stating that Hunter’s odds of escape were not good. When he prepared to comply with Hunter’s order, you could see him hesitate to initiate the jump to hyperspace because he didn’t want to leave Hunter.
9. Getting genuinely worried about Wrecker after his chip removal
It took a while for Wrecker to come to after the surgery, and you could tell by the tone of Tech’s voice that he was very, very worried. When Wrecker finally stirred, Tech sprang right up from his nap to see.
This isn’t even a complete list of all of the little moments where we got to see Tech’s caring nature, and I may expand on this list later.
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aanoia · 1 year
Can I also have pancakes for dinner with James 🥺🥺
Ofc anything for u bae <3
Pancakes for Dinner
James Potter x reader words; 1,859 song; Pancakes for Dinner by Lizzy McAlpine warnings; heavy anxiety omg, plane crash-ish? yall let me tell you. i had such a scare, my mom had to call an ambulance and go to the hospital and i fr have watched too much greys anatomy bc my first thought was oh she's gonna die. like ik how simple freaking back procedures can result in becoming brain dead. is that crazy? doesn't matter bc shes okay now :) if you love a song, the marauders, and my writing, request a song fic and your wish shall be my command. bold is the letter, and yes the lyrics are the letter partly :) ENJOY
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Don't wanna be forward
Don't wanna cross a line
“I can’t believe you’re leaving!” Lily whined, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly. 
“I’ll be gone for two weeks, Lils.” I said with a soft smile. 
“Two weeks is a lot, I agree with Lily.” Sirius said, walking up to us and giving me a hug as well. “I’ll miss you, I guess.” He teased and I pinched his arm before locking eyes with my best friend, James Potter.
We said nothing as he threw his arms around me, “Only two weeks?”
I nodded, “Only two.”
But if I were to crash in this plane tonight
I'd want you to know this
“What happened?” I asked my mom as we were heading towards our gate in the airport.
“Apparently a plane going out malfunctioned and crashed to the ground. Thankfully they hadn’t gotten very high up in the air so everyone survived, but that’s still scary.” She explained and my breath hitched. 
“How much time do we have until we need to board?”
“Two hours, your dad wanted to be early.” 
I nodded as she sat down on the waiting chairs, “I’m gonna go to the desk over there, is that okay?” She nodded as she pulled out her book and began reading.
Don't wanna say too much
Intrude on your space
I pondered for a minute, an empty piece of paper in front of me and a muggle pen I stole from our hotel in my hand. I didn't want to be too forward about my feelings to James, but I didn’t want to get in a crash and not be able to say them at all. Better safe than sorry?
Don't wanna say too much
Intrude on your space
Dear James,
I’d like to start this letter off by saying a plane leaving the airport, not even two hours before mine, has gone down. As far as I know, there were no fatalities. The plane wasn’t high enough in the air to do any fatal damage to anyone once it went down. It does not, however, relieve the fear I feel boarding a plane, instead it only adds fuel to the fire.
Oh, and to tell you is too scary
So I'll just say something else
I need to confess my secrets to you, in case something happens and I can’t anymore. This scares me more than the chance of a plane crash does, but I can’t die without you knowing. I’ll be using a special method of getting this letter to you, so you receive it almost the moment I send it. That is, if Dumbledore taught it to me well.
And I wish that you could hear me
When I talk to myself
You’re my best friend, you’re the most important thing ever to me. You make all the bad feel okay, and the good feel even better. You’re always there for me, whether I’m being an absolute bitch to you or sobbing my eyes out, you’re right there with me. You mean the world to me, James. But I cannot stand the term best friend. Everytime you say it, it's like a punch in the gut.
But this plane might not land safely
So, what the hell do I have to lose
If I just tell you?
I need you to know, James, that-
I wanna eat pancakes for dinner
I wanna get stuck in your head
“James, a letter is on the table for you. I believe it’s from Y/n!” James’ mother called and he raced down the stairs.
“Y/n sent a letter?” He asked, his eyes flitting to the table and landing on a white envelope. He smiled excitedly and grabbed the letter, ripping it open and reading the words.
I wanna watch a T.V. show together
And when we're under the weather we can watch it in bed
His smile dropped as he read about the crash, immediate worry filling his body as a pit settled in his stomach. His throat closed up, as if he was about to cry and he shook his head.
“What is it, Jamie?” His mom asked, worry on her face as she gazed at her son.
James shook his head, “S’nothing.” He mumbled and walked back to his room, letter clutched tightly in his hand.
I wanna go out on the weekends
I wanna dress up just to get undressed
I took a nervous deep breath as we boarded the plane, praying to whoever is out there to keep me and my family safe. However, I wasn’t naive enough to not know that despite my prayers what is planned to happen, will happen. And there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it, no matter what they try. 
I think that I should probably tell you this
In case there is an accident
And I never see you again
James sat quietly on his bed, staring blankly at the picture on his shelf. The picture of him and his best friend, the girl he loved most. The only sign of life in the boy was his soft breathing and the erratic bouncing of his knee, a tell-tale sign that he was nervous. Anxiety filled his veins as he thought about every possibility, each one worse than the last, none of them seemed to have a happy ending.
So please save all your questions for the end
And maybe I'll be brave enough by then
A gasp left my lips as the plane shook and I grabbed tightly onto my seatbelt, praying for the plane to stay in the air. It leveled out quickly and I let out a sigh of relief, rubbing my eye gently. This is the dumbest thing ever.
Don't wanna say something wrong
Don't wanna be weird
James sat nervously at the airport, his leg once again bouncing up and down. So far there was no news of a plane crash or anything like that, so he still had faith. He re-read the letter at least two dozen times, the words not quite settling in. His best friend, of almost six years, the girl he was in love with, loves him. And she wants to spend the rest of her life with him. The idea was absolutely mind boggling to the poor boy.
But if you're still in love with her
I think that I'll leave it there
And I won't ever tell you this
“Sirius, shut up. You’re annoying and you smell like a wet dog.” I said with a smile as Sirius and I turned a corner our fourth year. 
“Woah.” Sirius breathed and I looked up, my heart shattering at the sight. James stood there, his hand on Lily’s cheek as he softly kissed her. I cleared my throat and turned around. “Y/n/n-”
“Not now, Sirius.”
Oh, 'cause to tell you is too scary
So I'll just say something else
Like how was fall semester?
And what was that song about?
I smiled happily as I left the plane, a weight lifting off my chest as I walked into the airport. I linked arms with my mom who held hands with my dad as we walked to the exit of the gate. I walked out and my eyes immediately met James’.
He widely smiled as he jumped out of the chair and ran over, almost tackling me to the ground with a big bear hug. He held on tightly as he swayed us side to side, switching from foot to foot. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He mumbled, not letting go.
“Me too.”
I'll try to hide the way I feel
But I'll just wanna shout
What do I have to lose right now?
“Okay, you two, let’s not block the way, yeah?” My mom said with amusement laced in her voice. James let go and took the carry on bag from my hand, also reaching over to grab my moms.
“I got these for you, ladies.” He said with a smile and I blushed as my mom waved him off with a smile. 
“No special treatment for me, James?” My dad teased and James managed to grab his bad as well.
“So sorry, ma’am. I do have a very important question for you two adults though.” James said with a serious look on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he winked.
“Yes?” My dad prompted.
“May I steal your daughter for the night? Please?”
“Yes, of course you can.” My mom interrupted my dad and winked at me.
I wanna eat pancakes for dinner
I wanna get stuck in your head
“James, I love spending time with you but why tonight? I’m tire- wait.” I cut myself off as the door opened and a sweet aroma filled my nose. James smiled cheekily at me and ushered me in. I hesitantly walked to the kitchen island and gasped.
“Pancakes for dinner.” He said from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “And for the record, you’re always on my mind.”
I wanna watch a T.V. show together
And when we're under the weather we can watch it in bed
I wanna go out on the weekends
I wanna dress up just to get undressed
“Nope. You’ve already said your piece.” He said, letting go and stepping in front of me. He grabbed my hands and looked me in my eyes. “It’s my turn.”
I think that I should probably tell you this
In case there is an accident
And I never see you again
“From the moment I laid eyes on you, attacking Sirius with spells we didn’t learn in class until second year, I swore I was in love. You were all I talked about in letters back home, and to Sirius and Remus and Peter.”
“But Lily?”
So please save all your questions for the end
And maybe I'll be brave enough by then
“Lily was a coverup. She knows, by the way. In fact, I didn’t even realize it until she told me. Y/n, you are my best friend, and I love you more than the Earth itself. You are a magnificent witch, with such an intelligent mind and beautiful face. I love every part of you. So, sorry for the lack of originality, but-”
Well, maybe I won't ever say what's in my head
No, I won't have to say anything
“I’d love to have pancakes for dinner, and like I said, you’re already stuck in my head. I want to watch a TV show with you and rewatch it together when I get you sick, or you me. I want to go out on the weekends with you and obviously I want you to dress up so I can tear it off.  I want you, Y/n. I want you.” 
I pressed a kiss to his lips, removing one of my hands from his to cup his cheek. He used his free hand and gently rubbed up and down my waist, committing the curve to memory. We pulled away and rested our foreheads together with giddy smiles.
You'll say it instead
taglist (if u wanna be added comment :) I'd highly recommend, not to toot my own horn but my stories are pretty great);
@poetrypirate @1lellykins @loving-and-dreaming
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person4924 · 1 month
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hi !! i’m sam !! and uhhh that’s all u need to know but there’s more under the cut !!
(also im trying to make this aesthetic and cute but idrk how so if u have any tips pls pls pls !!)
yes i’m sad (secretly a dinosaur)
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basic info
i’m sapphic of some sort and ace!!
i go pretty much by any pronouns atp but they is usually the best!!
i’m a minor. so please don’t be fucking weird.
i’m american (even worse, the midwest 😨) unfortunately but literally as soon as i fucking can im booting it and moving to norway
i’m neurodivergent of some some sort
i have a sideblog that is currently a confessions blog but it might change cus no one actually does it!! but if u would like to do a (general) confession then it is @just-a-little-lad4924
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just general facts about me !
my personality type is INFP-T
i have 3 cats!! one at my dads, her name is graci (after gracie abrams ofc) and she’s about a year and a half, and 2 at my moms: regulus (guess who named him!! 😱) and libby and their siblings and are currently abt 3 months !! i could yap abt them forever i love them sm
my favorite color is dark green, fav season is fall, fav holiday is christmas or halloween, fav animal is cats or sharks or moths or jellyfish
i appreciate tone tags and try to use them as much as possible
im always bored so asks and everything are super duper cool !
i love love love making ananlysis' of basically anythng sooo if theres like a song or ship or something i could totallly write an essay abt it or smth !
uhhh idrk what else !!
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fandoms AKA past hyperfixations that i’m still attached to but im not necessarily still in the fandom: harry potter (fuck jkr !!), MCU, KOTLC, marauders, boy meets world, it, osemanverse, paper girls, teen wolf, owl house, shameless, glee, stranger things, andi mack, tlou, riordanverse, brooklyn nine nine, new girl, hamilton, grishaverse, community, dawsons creek, bojack horseman, criminal minds, ted lasso, scooby doo, everything sucks!, the sun bearer trials, atypical, octonauts, dead boy detectives, will and grace, how i met your mother, the maze runner
uhhh can u tell i don’t have many friends.
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fav movies (not counting fandoms): tick tick boom, my girl, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, little rascals, empire records, bottoms, nimona, little women, 500 days of summer, benny & joon, beautiful boy, call me by your name, lady bird, stand by me, RWRB, addams family values, the breakfast club, spiderman ITSV/ATSV, the outsiders, luca, the perks of being a wallflower, dead poets society, big daddy, the edge of seventeen
once again. i have very little friends. and very many issues.
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fav music people: gracie abrams (if u couldnt tell), taylor swift, noah kahan, mitski, boygenuis, julien baker, phoebe bridgers, lucy dacus, hozier, the head and the heart, conan gray, RKS, queen. harry styles, the fray, olivia rodrigo, coldplay, billie eilish, maya hawke, bo burnham, chappell roan, the smiths, the revivalists, addriane lenker, lorde, fiona apple, alex g, ani defranca, radiohead, montell fish
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just general interests: poetry, art, writing, sitcoms, stand up comedy, greek mythology, the sky (like the stars, moon, sun, etc. astronomy metaphors are my everything), moths, jelly fish, ocean animals in general (first special interest 💪💪), pretty much just animals in general, 90's movies, cinematography, bo burnham (i didnt know where eles to put him), annotating, musicals
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fav books (also not including fandoms): the perks of being a wallflower, the outsiders, i fell in love with hope, ill give you the sun, and more but i dont remember the names atm !
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my fav ships (buckle in! i apologize.): wolfstar, jegulus, jily sometimes, pandalily, dorlene, rosekiller, drarry, jeric (bmw), reddie, charlie/nick, tara/darcy, tao/elle, lister/jimmy, pip/rooney, kajemac, sterek, isaac/stiles, malia/stiles, lumity, gallavich, ronance, solangelo, valdangelo, kinda percico, dianetti, wesper, kanej, trobed, joey/pacey, ralvez, spencer/ethan, kindaaa moreid, painland, newtmas
i might have missed a few but these are My Guys. /gn
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spotify!! - my character playlists are my pride and joy and reason for living, i could write essays about how each song could specifically fit the character and situation. anyways!!
airbuds - idk if anyone uses this but if u do add me!!
ao3 - i have 1 fic that is my fav thing ever (a camp halfblood group chat) and the other two... are there
tiktok - this is my alt that i blocked all my friends on and i have like my fandom shit but i don’t post that much and im barely on tt to begin with but yeah !!
pronouns page
spotify stats - idk if anyone uses this but also yeah !!
i have a super duper cool discord server that u should totally join too… link
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i have a tagging system
sam shut the fuck up - og posts
asks!!! - asks
crazy? i was crazy once - big lists and essay things
sam sings :O - lyric/music posts
it’s so hard to be a lizard… - any jokes i make because im literally bo burnham
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and i think thats it!! if anyone has any ideas of things to add then yeah !! or how to make it look prettier cusss uhhhh yeah.
oh yeah and this is an official @i-luv-multiple-ppl fan account so !!
and creds to @cafekitsune for the dividers!!
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15 notes · View notes
lilacella · 2 months
So this could be the end of the fic if you want to end on a untainted happy/fluffy note. There will be two more chapters but then the ending will be a bit more bittersweet, so suit yourselves.
Also, I am being very nice to the traitorous rat here because I think he deserves some happiness too (in this parallel universe at least)
Chapter 9: Old married couple
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"Of course he will be a Griffindor! He is our son. How would he be anything else?" James cheerfully loaded cake onto their plates. It was the day before Harry's first year at Hogwarts and of course the upcoming sorting ceremony was topic number one at the table. James seemed so convinced about the outcome, that he had gotten Griffindor themed cake for the occasion, full with red and golden decor.
Harry made a nervous but excited face.
"I can't wait for tomorrow! Do you think I will make friends on the train dad?"
"Of course you will! We all met on the train back then and look at us now." James gestured at the other marauders.
James and Lily had invited everyone for Harrys goodbye party: Of course Sirius and Remus were there but so were Grimsley and Avery, Mary, some of their Auror friends and the few magical kids, Harry had befriended in his time at muggle elementary school. Even Peter had shown up with his wife, Christie and their baby daughter Rose.
They hadn't had such a big get together in a while, probably not since Sirius and Remus housewarming party three years ago, when they had moved to a little cottage in the cotswolds. Sirius had gotten it for a reduced price. He had been the one who finally had managed to relocate the agressive poltergeist out of the house and into a more suitable, abandoned asylum. There it could socialise with similarly inclined ghosts and terrorize the youth that occasionally broke into the place to party. Sirius had haggled the price so low that even Remus couldn't find any counterpoints in giving up the shack for the humble limestone building with the overgrown backyard. He had actually loved it from the first time he'd set foot into it but had tried to remain neutral towards Sirius. He hadn't wanted to sound demanding.
It was nice seeing everyone again.
Lily returned to the dining room with a sour expression. "Petunia will not be coming. She says that 'such a ridiculous occasion' is no place for her precious little Dudley."
"Did you tell her there would be cake? That usually attracts that boy."
"Don't be mean, James. He's just a kid..."
"He's a little greedy Bastard, that's what he is."
"James! There are kids at the table!" James shot his wife an apologetic look and then glanced over to Sirius, faintly rolling his eyes. Sirius smirked back from over his tea cup.
"You should be glad they're not coming. They would have ruined the mood anyway," Sirius tried to cheer up Lily. She sighed.
"But she's my sister..."
"So what. Regulus is my brother and I for sure won't invite him to anything. Sometimes siblings are better left where they want to be."
Lily sank down in her chair and started listlessley picking in her cake.
"Maybe you're right. But it still bothers me..."
"I am glad they aren't coming," Harry stated. "Dudley always tries to take away all my stuff."
"Next time he tries that you call me and I will give him something special to take home," Sirius said grimly. Remus kicked him under the table and shook his head.
"Sirius. We've talked about it. No cursing the kids."
"Just this one..."
"It wouldn't have to be a bad one, even. Just something that makes him grow a little fur or maybe some beaver like incisors..."
Peter almost snorted out his cake, laughing at Sirius suggestions.
Remus shook his head again.
"No. None of that. They are muggles!"
"You two sound like an old married couple, you know that," Avery exclaimed amused.
James smiled fondly. "They always did. Do you remember that time when Remus would keep forgetting his beard shavings in the sink?"
"He still does," Sirius said grumpily.
On the way to the platform Harry suddenly plucked on Sirius sleeve.
"My shoe's open," he said sheepishly, pointing towards his untied shoelaces. Sirius frowned. Harry was by far old enough to tie his own shoes. But maybe he was too nervous? Sirius decided not to press the issue and knelt down instead, tying the shoe, while the others kept walking. Harry suddenly bent down to him.
"Uncle Sirius? What if I don't...what if I don't get sorted into Griffindor?" His voice sounded anxious and it broke Sirius heart. He looked up to the boy and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"Harry. You will. And even if you don't. It doesn't matter, we all will love you no matter where you end up."
"Even if it's Slytherin?"
"Even if it's Slytherin. You know, my cousin Andromeda, I think you've met her once, she is a great person. She was a Slytherin too. There are some good eggs in between all the idiots."
Harry smiled relieved.
"You promise?"
"I promise." They shared a tight hug.
"Harry?" Lily called out, having noticed the absence of her son.
"Coming," Harry called back and took off towards her.
When Sirius stood up, dusting off his knees, he saw Remus watching him with fond eyes.
"Gadding with Ghouls." Sirius read the title of the book in his hand with a mocking tone. "He claims he captured a ghoul with a tea strainer! Well I'd like to see that in action!"
"Can we leave please? All these people are 'gadding' on my nerves," Remus grumbled and looked around the overfilled Flourish and Blotts in disdain. Sirius chuckled and put the book back.
"But Remus, don't you want to meet the famous adventurer Gilderoy Lockhart?"
"Juding from the success of the adventure I witnessed I'd say he seems rather incompetent," Remus said and tuggedd on Sirius arm. He had really no interest being stuck in this crowd for any longer. This had supposed to be a nice little trip to diagon alley, running some errands together but of course this attention seeking twat had to have a book signing today. Sirius smirked at him and wrapped an arm around Remus waist.
"Alright, Moons let's go."
They were about to leave when they bumped into someone.
"Oops sorry, just trying to get out of here," Sirius said cheerfully only to stop in his tracks when he recognised the man. Elliot.
Remus clenched his jaw.
It had been twelve years, but still. Remus couldn't surpress his jealousy.
"Sirius?" Elliot looked pleasantly surprised. "Fancy seeing you here. Got your book signed by Gilderoy?"
Sirius snorted.
"Certainly not. That guy couldn't catch a ghoul if it was already tied down at his feet."
Elliot raised an eyebrow. "I...You think?" He glanced thoughtfully towards the table at which Gilderoy was holding audience.
"I do. Now would you mind." Sirius tried to squeeze past Elliot but he turned to stop them.
"Sorry, not to hold you up but..." He mustered Remus closely. "Are you Remus?"
Sirius rolled his eyes.
"Yes. Don't know why..."
"Oh, that's nice! I'm so happy for you," he smiled genuinely at Sirius but he didn't return it. "You put him trough so much pain. I'm glad you two figured things out. Maybe...maybe we could all meet for tea sometime? I could bring Gilderoy."
They gave Elliot a puzzled look.
"Oh," Elliot explained. "I'm here for him. He is my boyfriend you see. Anyway, I'd better get over there. Was good seeing you Sirius." He patted Sirius shoulder and Remus was tempted to shove him into the next shelve. Sirius looked after his ex with raised eyebrows.
"He...and Gilderoy. Huh. Weird combination."
"We will not be meeting them for tea, won't we," Remus asked pleadingly. Sirius smiled at him and shook his head.
"No bloody way. Let's go."
"I really think it's weird they are together. I wouldn't have thought that Elliot would be fooled so easily," Sirius said thoughtfully while they walked up the path to their cottage.
"Why, is he so smart?" Remus asked not without salt. Sirius raised an eyebrow at him.
"Are you jealous? I know that tone."
"Well," said Remus while unlocking the door. "Can you really blame me? You dated that guy for months and now he wants to meet you again? And did you see the way he looked at me..."
"I did what?" Sirius interrupted him.
"You dated Elliot."
"I didn't."
Remus stopped in the hallway and put down the bags he'd been carrying.
"What do you mean, you didn't? You brought him to James and Lilys wedding. James told me you'd been seeing him for a while. Said you were 'quite a match'."
Sirius laughed loudly.
"James said that? Well I suppose I never really talked to him about it much...Remus, we never dated. We were never together. I just brought him to the wedding because I didn't want to face you and Greg all by myself. I honestly just met with him because he would listen to my whining about you..."
So that's what Elliot had meant. You put him through so much pain. The words kept ringing in Remus ears.
"So you never..."
Sirius shook his head.
"I mean...we hooked up once, after the wedding but it was...it wasn't great. I kind of regretted it."
Remus frowned.
"What do you mean?"
Sirius just shook his head defensively.
"Just wasn't great."
Remus chuckled.
"Was he bad in bed?"
Sirius flinched, but shook his head again.
"I don't want to talk about that. Let's just get this stuff put away."
Remus suddenly felt uneasy. He wondered what had happened between the two. Sirius had been really cold towards Elliot but he had thought that it probably had something to do with their breakup. But now he knew, that they never had anything to break up to begin with. What did Elliot do? Remus decided not to press this issue further. Sirius didn't want to talk about it and pressure him would only make him shut down.
He followed Sirius into the kitchen.
"So you never dated Elliot then? Did you...But you did date people while you were gone, right?"
Sirius didn't look up from sorting the potion ingredients they had bought and shook his head once more.
"Noone?" Remus asked in disbelief. "I mean I'm sure you had options..."
Sirius turned around looking annoyed.
"Yes Remus I did. But we have talked about this so many times. I don't want anyone but you. And after the Elliot thing I was quite certain that I also don't want to sleep with anyone else. I know it sounds fucking pathetic but I guess that's just who I am!"
Remus felt gutted, like always, when Sirius proved his utter devotion to him. He didn't deserve any of this. He didn't deserve to be able to hurt Sirius, to make him desperate, to ruin him for everyone else. But, like always, he didn't know what to say. So remained quiet and helped Sirius put away their purchases.
They sat on the couch, wrapped up in the same banket, Sirius cosily snuggled in Remus arms, and watched the rain pour down outside.
Sirius leaned his head against Remus shoulder and Remus nuzzled his hair.
"Is Harry coming home for Christmas?" Remus asked, finally breaking the comfortable silence.
Sirius nodded. "As far as I know. Do you want to go this year?"
The Potters had, like every year, invited them to spend the holidays with them, but so far they had always either declined or Sirius had gone by himself. Remus had a difficult relationship with Christmas since it had been then, almost thirty years ago, that he had been bitten. It had been then, that Greyback had ambushed him and changed the trajectory of his life forever. Ever since, Remus couldn't quite find it in him to feel particularly festive. James and Lily knew that and understood and Remus knew that Sirius did too but he also felt bad, for always being such a Grinch. Harry had introduced him to the movie a few years ago when he and Sirius had been babysitting and Remus had felt called out.
This year would be different. This year, he wanted them to go.
"Yes. I think I will." He gave Sirius a smile who looked up at him in surprise.
"Really? Are you sure you'll be alright? You don't have to. I understand..."
"I know. But I want to." He kissed Sirius head. This year he had a plan.
Remus was indecisively picking through the rings on display when the clerk approached him.
"Looking for anything in particular, Sir?" she asked.
"Yes. I need a ring. An engagement ring."
"Ohhh, how nice! These are the regular rings, may I show you the way to the diamond ones?" The clerk was already on her way but Remus shook his head.
"No, no diamonds. I'd rather take one of these, thank you." The clerk mustered him disparagingly. She probably thought that Remus was trying to be cheap. But that wasn't the point. Sirius didn't like diamonds.
"Do you happen to have any with a black opal? Preferably silver?"
He could still remember the discussion they had had in 3rd year, when some girl had asked them all what their favourite gemstones were. Remus had said amber, and Sirius had been adamant that amber wasn't a gemstone because it was technically just fossilized tree sap. Only to pick opals, a second later and Remus had made the point that opals weren't gemstones either, but rocks. They hadn't stopped playfully bickering about this for years. It still was one of their rare inside jokes that James wasn't a part of.
"There is one but it isn't a classical engagement ring. I really think that you should..."
"Show it to me, please," Remus said kindly but firm. He knew what he wanted. He finally knew.
Remus was standing at the sink, thoughtfully twisting the ring between his fingers. It was perfect. Sirius would love it. Or would he? Sirius had said his favorite gem was black opal, but that had been twenty years ago - Merlin, he was getting old. What if his taste had changed? What if he liked diamonds now? James had gotten Lily a diamond. Maybe he was being cheap and just hiding behind the thought of getting Sirius something special. Maybe he should return it and...
"What've you got there?"
Remus spun around, startled, fumbling and finally dropping the ring which rolled across the kitchen tiles before it tipped over with a clink, right before Sirius feet. Sirius raised an eyebrow.
"Well that's a way to propose," he joked and picked up the ring. Remus stared at him like a deer in the headlights. This was not how things had supposed to go. He had intended to propose at Christmas. Wrap the ring up like a present. Maybe with a little note. He would have had enough time to figure out what to say.
"I didn't hear you come in," he said stupidly.
"Got off early today. Thought I'd surprise you."
Sirius stepped towards him, obviously entirely unphased by the situation.
"So what's this about? It isn't cursed, isn't it?" Sirius held up the ring, inspecting it suspiciously.
"I certainly hope not, I just bought it." Remus voice was weak with anxiety. Why didn't Sirius say anything? Did he think this was stupid? Was he making fun of him?
"You bought a ring? For what?"
For what?!
"I...For you!"
Sirius looked surprised.
"For me?"
"Yes. I...," Remus reluctantly took the ring back from Sirius, nervously fidgeting with it. He finally straightened up and forced himself to look at Sirius. At this point, he might as well do this now. He took a deep breath. "Since we've been together, you showed me over and over that I am the only one for you. And I just wanted...I wanted you to know that you're the only one for me as well. And I wanted to ask you if you want to..." he paused, steadying his voice "If you want to marry me?"
Sirius eyes widened and then immediately filled with tears. He dropped into Remus arms clinging onto him for dear life. Remus hugged him back tightly, feeling Sirius trembling. Was he crying?
"Sirius? Are you okay?"
Sirius lifted his head from Remus shoulder and looked at him with glistening eyes.
"I...Yes." He wiped his eyes. "I'm okay." His voice croaked and Remus gently cradled his face with his right hand.
"So, is that a yes or a no?" He asked, still a little anxious.
"Yes! Of course I...Remus I love you so much!"
Remus let out a relieved laugh and clumsily pushed the ring on Sirius finger.
"Is that an opal?"
Remus nodded. "Remember how you said they were your favorite?"
Sirius nodded and tears were rolling down his face again. Remus had once again made him cry, but this time at least they were happy tears.
Sirius looked breathtaking. His silky black robes falling perfectly around his body, the silver stars on it shimmering in unison with his eyes. Remus couldn't believe how he ever got so lucky. Sirius was smiling at him happily, holding his hands in his. A strand of his dark hair had fallen in front of his face and Remus wanted to reach out and brush it behind his ear but he was interrupted by Sirius expression changing first to expectancy, then to confusion and finally worry. Before Remus could wonder what could have upset Sirius on this special day, Peter nudged him violently from behind.
"Remus! You have to answer!" he hissed. A quick look around told Remus that everyone was staring at him. Including the officiate. Right.
"Uh...sorry! I do! I do...I was just distracted." He mumbled the last part more to himself but Sirius must have heard him and squeezed his hands in reassurance.
"And do you, Sirius Orion Black take Remus John Lupin as your husband?"
"I do."
Sirius smiled again.
They were sitting on the terrace of the venue. It had grown dark and it was still cold outside but they bothe had needed a break from the constant attention of other people.
Huddled together for warmth they were enjoying the stillness of the night around them. Sirius gently turned Remus head towards him and pulled him into a tender kiss. Remus let out a happy sigh, muffled by Sirius lips and threaded his fingers into his hair. Sirius licked teasingly against his lips and Remus immediately responded, deepening the kiss. When things, quickly, became a little too heated Remus pulled back, catching his breath.
"We can't get too carried away, love. We're still in public."
"It's our wedding night. Who can blame us?"
Remus chuckled.
"We should still wait util we're home."
Sirius rolled his eyes and buried his face in the crook of Remus neck and snuggled against him.
"Hey, I didn't say we should stop kissing all together," he protested, putting a finger under Sirius chin to lift Sirius head back up. Their lips met once again, gently, Sirius hand cupping his cheek.
"Can't we just stay here?" Sirius asked lazily. Remus smiled fondly.
"I'm afraid that would be considered quite rude. It is, like you said, our wedding night. We have guests to entertain."
"They can entertain themselves." They shared a giggle.
"Just five more minutes," Sirius mumbled and pressed his lips on Remus again, rendering any sort of protest useless.
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jmagnabo92 · 7 months
Midnight Munchies
My first piece for bingo! WOOHOO!
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When James can't sleep, he convinces Sirius to take a trip down to the kitchens.
Despite the fact that both James and Sirius don’t need to study and aren’t nearly as stressed with regards to N.E.W.T.s that everyone else is, they’re still up in the middle of the night unable to sleep.  James isn’t sure why, but as he sees Sirius toss and turn, too, he decides to get his attention.
“Hey, Padfoot, you awake?”
Sirius hums.  “Clearly.”
“Wanna go for an adventure?” James asks, thinking that maybe they could go for a run as Padfoot and Prongs or at least down to the kitchens.  There’s no one other than his boyfriend that he’d rather be with when he can’t sleep.
Sirius rolls to his side and props himself up on one elbow.  “And where would this adventure be?”
“Down to the kitchens?” James suggests.  “Midnight snack?”
Sirius grins.  “I could go for a midnight snack.”
“Then, let’s go.”
James doesn’t bother with changing out of pajamas, instead moving to get the invisibility cloak and Marauder’s Map, and is at the door in seconds.  
“Eager, are we?” Sirius teases.  “Not even going to change?”
“Not when the only person that’s going to see me is my boyfriend.”
“The house-elves will see you.”
James pouts.  “It’s just unnecessary.”  
Sirius laughs, so James pulls on his hand and leads him out of the dorm.  
James loves any excuse to hold his hand now that they’re together and as he throws the cloak over them, he’s even more excited to be close together.  He smells like the forest, which confuses James greatly since they literally enjoyed the Prefect’s bathroom earlier before Remus came in and complained that just because James is Head Boy does not mean Sirius should gain access to the Prefect’s bath.  James had told him to stuff it, since he’s literally been sharing the passcode since he became captain of the quidditch team in fifth year.  
Despite the smell, James still loves it, so they quickly make their way down the stairs and out of the common room.  They use the map to dodge professors and perfects (although James – had he been dressed – could easily claim that as Head Boy he could roam all he wants, but he isn’t so he uses any close call as an excuse to press close to Sirius up against a nearby wall, prompting Sirius to kiss him and nearly forget what they were up to.
Hence the reason it takes far longer than it should to make it the painting with a bowl of fruit and easily tickling the pear, allowing them entrance to the kitchens.  It’s always a sight to see all those house-elves and the tables like the Great Hall down in the kitchens. 
He pulls off the cloak, and let's Sirius lead him to the Gryffindor table.  The house-elves are asking how they can help, and James can’t help grinning as Sirius orders their favorite midnight snacks and the house-elves go running.
“I’m going to miss this, you know?” Sirius says, staring after them as they sit across from one another as always.
“The house-elves?” James questions as the food is brought to them nearly instantly.  “Because we have one, remember?  Mum and dad said they’re giving us Missy when we move to the flat.”
Sirius kicks him under the table.  “No, being here – with you.  Our midnight dates in the kitchens.  This place is pretty special, don’t you think?”
“Of course I do,” James states as he begins playing footsie with Sirius.  “It’s the only place we can date that doesn’t get jeers and attention from the Slytherins.”
“Or being annoyed by Moony and Wormtail who often forget that we want to be alone sometimes,” Sirius offers.
“Or Evans or some other prefect interrupting just because they have ‘questions’ that can totally wait until the prefect’s meetings?” James adds.  He’s always been a little annoyed that their attempts to date within the castle or even Hogsmeade are often interrupted.  
“Exactly,” Sirius states.  “Our trips to the kitchens are the only way for us to date.”
James smiles as he reaches across the table and grabs his hand.  “At least we can plan normal dates after school ends.  Dates where we can just be together… no one to interrupt.”
Sirius grins.  “That sounds delightful.  Still, that doesn’t mean I won’t be a little nostalgic for our midnight dates here in the kitchens.  I mean – not just our regular dates, but our first kiss happened here, James.”
James flushes, he remembers.  
They’d been riding the high of James’ first quidditch cup win as Captain in fifth year and he’d been pining hard for Sirius, but utterly convinced Sirius wouldn’t go for him – they both had expectations – but he realized that he should’ve known better.  As they sat there, just as they do now, enjoying their favorite midnight snacks, James let slip that there was only one thing that could’ve made that night more utterly perfect… a kiss from Sirius.
He hadn’t meant to say it, he’d just been thinking about it, wanting it for so long, and hating that he was pretending to be interested in some bird (he chose Evans because she would never give him a chance) and he just… let it out.
Sirius had been utterly surprised, especially when James had made a point of following up that declaration with kissing Sirius passionately.  The house-elves even cheered, and James had been terrified about Sirius’ reaction until Sirius had kissed him the second time and it took… well, a while to finally break apart and explain.  
“Yes, well, one of us just couldn’t handle pining anymore,” James offers.  “I was never very good at keeping my feelings to myself.”
Sirius grins, “Lucky me.”
He leans across the table and gives him a kiss. 
“The only problem is that now our anniversaries after this year can’t be held down here.”
“Well, that’s just not true,” James teases.  “Because we could totally sneak in every year just to celebrate.”
Sirius laughs.  “Or we become professors and cause real chaos.”
“Sounds like a great plan, Padfoot.  The Professors Potters – Hogwarts’ worst nightmare,” James agrees.  He’s grinning like an idiot.  He loves it. 
“Agreed!” Sirius replies, cheerfully.  “We should go to Dumbledore right now and start the take-over!”
“Yes!” James cheers.  “We’d be kick-arse professors.”
“Hell yeah, we would!”
They cheer and kiss and finish their midnight snacks with stories about what they would do as professors with a promise of a long future together until the house-elves tell them it’s time to get back as they prepare for breakfast.
Their trip to the kitchens is over for now, but James is sure that there would be more in the future.
Thirteen years later, James happily leads a half-asleep Sirius down to the Hogwarts’ kitchens.  It’s their fifteen-year anniversary and despite being ‘responsible professors and fathers’, James is sneaking him to the kitchens to celebrate. 
He’s gotten the house-elves on board for their favorite couple, and he’s so happy and hopelessly romantic.  
He tickles the pear just as Sirius suddenly realizes where they are.  “Oh, Jay, always the hopeless romantic.”
“And you love it,” James retorts.
Sirius smiles.  “I definitely do.”
“Good,” James states and hands him a glass of champagne.  “Here’s to fifteen amazing years together.”
“Cheers to that,” Sirius says, chinking his glass against James’ glass.  “Happy Anniversary, Love.”
“Happy Anniversary.”
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