#mariana stiles
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sirslexx · 15 days
¥: means nsfw
Stiles Stilinski:
[this is me trying] -
Scott Mccall:
Allison Argent:
Theo raeken:
Liam dunbar:
Lydia Martin:
Malia Hale:
Derek Hale:
Isaac Lahey:
Kira Yukimura:
Hanna Marin;
Spencer Hastings;
Aria Montgomery;
Hope Mikaelson;
Josie Saltzman;
Lizzie Saltzman;
Landon Kirby;
Milton Greasley;
Jed Tien;
Cleo Sowande;
The vampire diaries
Elena Gilbert;
Caroline Forbes;
Bonnie Bennet;
Stefan Salvatore;
Damon Salvatore;
Jeremy Gilbert;
Tyler Lockwood;
Katherine Pierce;
Jenna Sommers;
liv parker;
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss;
Jennifer Jareau;
Aaron hotchner;
Spencer Reid;
Derek Morgan;
Penelope Garcia;
Luke alvez;
Tara lewis;
Elle greenway;
Matthew simmions;
Alex blake;
Kate Callahan;
The walking dead
Rick grimes:
Daryl Dixon:
Maggie Greene:
Rosita espinosa:
[Innocent] - ¥
[Craving] -¥
Glenn rhee:
Nick nelson;
Charlie Spring;
Elle argent;
Tori Spring;
The Fosters
Callie Foster;
Jesus Foster;
Mariana Foster;
Jude Foster;
The Family;
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Can you love someone you've never met? Someone you never talked to in real life? Percy wondered as he logged in to his profile and was greeted with the bright red sign of a new message.
His heartbeat quickened, he knew who it was from. Angelofdeath, the person who can build him up with a few words, and tear him down by not reacting immediately to something he sent.
Percy sighed. He knew he wasn't in the best headspace, he wasn't sure of his own feelings, own thoughts. He just knew he wanted to be close to his friend, he wanted to see him, compliment him, love him, kiss him and hold him close. He hated when Nico didn't talk to him for days, he hated the jealous churning of his stomach when he saw Nico interacting with others.
Shaking his head in an attempt to get his mind out of the downward spiral, and clicked on the message.
no, I don't think you want to go there
because it's clear I would win
italian cuisine is there *shows the top of the mount everest* and american is somewhere there *shows the mariana trench*
anyways, i hve to go
sleep well
love you ♥️
Percy couldn't stop smiling, but at the same time, his heart felt heavy and painful.
"Love you too," he whispered into the silence of his room.
pff… you clrly never tsted the NY style pizza
that's just 👌
beats your tiny no carb no grease thing
good luck for your exam!!!
ilytoo ♥️
He noticed that he got an ask too, from a familiar anon.
anonymous asked you:
I’d be happy to keep you warm ;)
It was probably a reaction to his previous post where he complained about the weather. He was coming home from school, and even in the warmest, fluffiest coat he owned he was freezing, and he just had to make it into his followers' problem too.
He didn't really expect this, but he should have. As always, he briefly entertained himself that maybe his favorite flirty anon was Nico, but he shook it off. Nico probably would have commented. It was probably one of his followers teasing him or maybe they were too shy to flirt off anon.
He answered back with an
"Anytime, babe, I'm here, waiting for you ;)💙",
and closed the tab. It wasn't like the one person he wanted to talk to was available. Either he was in the middle of his exam, or celebrating his success with his classmates.
Thinking back the first time he interacted with the Italian, it was funny that they reached the point where they felt so comfortable with each other that there was no day - except for those days one of them was too depressed to log in - they didn't talk.
He still remembered that ask from a righteous Nico after he posted "Steter>>>>>Sterek".
Angelofdeath asked you:
sTetEr iS bEtTeR tHaN sTeEk HOE DARE YOU?! (yes, it's hoe, because you are a HOE!) I followed you because your TW edits are 👌 but your taste… 😬
Percy remembered the indignation he felt as he wrote a 3k+ reply to why Steter was better (because of Peter's V-neck, obviously, but also, because of Peter and Stiles are both fucked up similarly).
He got back a similarly long essay on why Sterek was better, and that was the start of their little competition.
As they tried to one up each other with their respective ship, they started to talk. And love the other ship too. And soon, instead of being the worst enemies, they became the biggest supporters of each other.
Nico became a very important part of Percy's life. Bad or good, Nico was always there for him, being the loveable sarcastic asshole he became so dependent on. Their interaction, while still involved fandom talk, turned into just talking, sharing stories and feelings. Nico told him about growing up with his mother and sister who died way too early. Percy talked about Gabe, the stepfather he had when he was young, how he left both physical and emotional scars on him. They bonded over having absent fathers and shitty school lives. Percy was the first person Nico came out and Percy still felt touched and soft at the knowledge he made Nico feel safe and comfortable enough to do so.
He opened the hellsite again, not able to resist the temptation. There were two notifications - a message and an ask.
He opened the ask first, knowing he would spend the rest of his night talking with Nico.
Anonymous asked you:
I wish you'd mean that…
Percy stared at it, uncomprehending. The anon was always flirty, teasing… lighthearted. He liked the black heart anon, they were lovely, but he never thought…
He thought he was the only one having an unrequited online crush. He never thought somebody had an unrequited online crush on him.
He didn't reply. He couldn't. He kept it in his inbox, hoping that in time, he would know what to do with it. For now, he clicked on his messages, finding a string of swear words, keymashes and threats in Italian still coming from Nico because he dared to mention the "abomination that has no right to call itself pizza".
Percy laughed, already knowing he would get this reaction. He knew Nico. And that was why he was afraid of doing anything. He knew Nico, and he wanted to keep knowing him, being friends with him. He didn't want to lose him.
But maybe one day… maybe one day he'll have the courage to say something to him- but until that, he was content to be his friend. Because being in love with Nico wasn't overruling his love; the romantic feelings just complemented the platonic ones. And maybe he would get a clue on what to do with his flirty anon. Because as much as he loved Nico… he kinda liked the anon too.
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stylinskies · 7 months
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lose yourself inside your busyhead. — a stiles stilinski playlist.
false confidence — noah kahan. // mr.forgettable — david kushner. // anyway — noah kahan. // crazy = genius — panic! at the disco. // are you satisfied? — mariana. // invisible — 5 seconds of summer. // icarus — bastille. // cigarette daydreams — cage the elephant. // busyhead — noah kahan. // the archer — taylor swift. // talk too much — coin. // television/so far so good — rex orange county. // the space between a rock and a hard place — 5 seconds of summer. // mind over matter — young the giant. // tip toes — half alive. // lighten up kid — mayday parade. // scrawny — wallows.
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braedenhales · 2 years
Oooh, very curious to know the songs you associate with Teen Wolf fandom 👀👀👀
My taste in music is straight garbage so listen at your own risk.
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Die in Your Arms by Justin Bieber because of all of the ships that had their love interests literally die in the others arms like ?????
Truth or Dare by Marianas Trench
Alive by Sia
99 by Elliot Moss because of all the characters that just disappeared but mainly Kira
Lovely by Billie Eilish&Khalid for Theo, could also go for s2 Jackson
Afraid by No Wyld obviously
Way Down We Go by Kaleo
Gallows by Katie Garfield like above the music department knew what they were doing
I Don’t Know Why by Imagine Dragons I have no idea let’s just accept it and move on
Not really a song but Prayer Skit by DMX for Boyd and sort of kind of but not really but because I know that it is what the writers were going for his intended dynamic with Derek from Boyd’s death scene
I can’t listen to Invisible Chains by Lauren Jauregui without thinking of Stiles because of a certain someone who will not be named 😤
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micro961 · 11 months
Aria - Smile versione portoghese
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Il nuovo singolo del produttore e compositore Mariano Schiavolini oggi in una versione nuova sempre cantata da Ariel Jones
Assieme Edizioni torna a dare voce al nuovo singolo di Aria, "Smile". Un brano che oggi trova una sua versione in lingua portoghese, versione richiesta dal mercato sud americano, e come per la versione in inglese, anche qui con la nota cantante Mariana, in arte Ariel Jones.
«L'approccio al tutto ha modalità differenti e originali, proprio per quel modo di sfiorare le note, giocando sulla modulazione, utilizzando un glissato naturale, come nel fado, e un pò come viene usato nel blues». Aria
Tornando alla versione originale, "Smile" - come si può vedere nel video ufficiale - è un'espressione di gioia, trasmessa attraverso i sorrisi di persone di ogni provenienza, che interpretano la danza con gesti spontanei e unici. È una canzone di fratellanza universale il cui testo è stato scritto dalla grande autrice di Cambridge (EN), Nicolette Turner, già parte dei Celeste lo storico gruppo di Aria, formazione prog sinfonica che ha anticipato la musica New-Age, diffusa in California negli anni '70.
Le influenze ritmiche funky jazz e R&B sono presenti nella canzone, in particolare grazie alle due bande di ottoni, argentina e brasiliana, che sono anche sostenute da un basso in stile rock/jazz, suonato dall'americano Joseph Patrick, bassista di Steward Copeland (Police).
La vocalist è Ariel Jones, una cantante dell'isola di Madeira, che ha interpretato la canzone prima in inglese ed oggi in portoghese, dopo aver contribuito al testo nella sua lingua madre.
Oggi è la volta del nuovo singolo “Smile”, il cui video è stato presentato in anteprima per Global Talent World, il canale inglese di X-Factor con oltre un milione di iscritti. Ad ottobre 2023, su richiesta del mercato sud americano, “Smile” si arricchisce anche di una versione in lingua portoghese cantata dall’artista Ariel Jones.
Contatti social Instagram: www.instagram.com/ariathecomposer/ Sito: www.ariamusicworld.com
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Messina: "La Vara di Messina una storia di fede lunga 500 anni", entra nel vivo la programmazione edizione 2023
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Messina: "La Vara di Messina una storia di fede lunga 500 anni", entra nel vivo la programmazione edizione 2023. Il programma di eventi dell'Agosto Messinese, promosso dall'Amministrazione comunale, nell'ambito delle iniziative in onore della Madonna Assunta che culminano nella tradizionale Processione della Vara del 15 agosto, si è avviato con gli appuntamenti dedicati al trasporto, collocazione e a seguire la benedizione del cippo della Vara a piazza Castronovo, sino al trasferimento dei due Ceri Votivi dalla chiesa delle Barette alla collocazione nell'atrio di palazzo Zanca. Il calendario di eventi dedicati alla Vara prevede anche appuntamenti a piazza Unione Europea, nell'ambito della rassegna denominata "Là dove un tempo sorgeva il teatro dei dodicilmila", apertasi lo scorso sabato 5 agosto con "Messina in festa sul Mare" dedicato alla rievocazione storica dello sbarco di Don Giovanni D'Austria, oltre ai due Concorsi rispettivamente, "Balconi addobbati in onore della Vara di Maria Assunta, a cura del Gruppo storico-culturale della Vara dell'Assunta e dei Giganti e quello fotografico "La Vara di Messina" dell'Associazione "Messina Sacra". Venerdi 11 agosto, alle 11, al Palacultura (Sala Rappazzo), si terrà la conferenza dal titolo "Una Festa a colori, sulle orme di Franz Riccobono", curata dall'Associazione Amici del Museo "Franz Riccobono" dell'Istituto Italiano dei Catelli; dalle 17 alle 19, a Rocca Guelfonia (Cristo Re), ultima giornata dedicata alla Mostra iconografica della collezione Franz Riccobono dal titolo "L'AGOSTO MESSINESE", realizzata in collaborazione sempre con l'Associazione Amici del Museo "Franz Riccobono". Seguirà nella stessa location, alle ore 19 "Cuntu dei Giganti di Messina", narrazione in stile medievale sulla vera storia del Gigante e della Gigantessa che fondarono Messina, recuperata dalle cronache e rievocata nel suggestivo scenario del castello Matagriffone, iniziativa realizzata in collaborazione con l'Associazione Amici del Museo "Franz Riccobono" e la Compagnia d'armi rinascimentale della Stella, curata dallo storico Daniele Ferrara. Alle 21, infine, sarà realizzato il Concerto in Cattedrale dal titolo "Ascensio Marie Virginis": musiche del '600 a cura dell'APS Ludus Orionis, eseguite da Giovanni Lombardo con Giannalisa Arena all'organo. Da venerdi 11 fino a lunedi 14 agosto, dalle ore 10 alle 12 e dalle 17 alle 19, al Palacultura si terrà la Mostra "Vara e Giganti, dell'Associazione Amici del Museo Franz Riccobono". Giornata intense di appuntamenti anche quella di sabato 12 agosto, già alle 7, si procederà al Trasferimento dei Giganti e del cammello da Camaro Superiore a Camaro Inferiore; mentre dalle 18 alle 20, al Monastero di Montevergine, si terrà l'esposizione della "Dormitio", correlata da pannelli illustrativi degli aspetti storici e religiosi del simulacro, a cura dell'Associazione Culturale "Messina Sacra". Infine, alle ore 19, la preghiera dei Primi Vespri e la Veglia mariana, iniziative animate dalle Clarisse e presiedute dal Cappellano della Vara, padre Antonello Angemi. Domenica 13 agosto, alle ore 7, altro trasferimento dei Giganti e del cammello, questa volta da Camaro Inferiore a piazza Unione Europea. Dalle 9.30 alle 12.30 e dalle 18 alle 20, si svolgerà la Visita alla "Dormitio" presso il Monastero di Montevergine; mentre alle 10.30 si terrà la Celebrazione Eucaristica, sempre al Monastero; in serata alle 19. spazio alla preghiera dei Secondi Vespri e la novena in preparazione all'Assunzione della Beata Vergine Maria, animate sempre dalle Clarisse; alle 21, a piazza Unione Europea, sarà il momento di "In Festa coi Giganti", Canti e Danze della tradizione, spettacolo folk a cura dei Gruppi folclorici di Messina "Mata e Grifone", "La Madonnina", "I Cariddi", "Insieme Siciliano" e "Cantustrittu". La vigilia del Ferragosto, lunedi 14, a Palazzo Zanca, alle 18.30, si terrà la cerimonia di premiazione dei concorsi "Balconi Addobbati in onore della Vara di Maria Assunta" "La Vara di Messina"; a seguire alle 19, il momento dedicato alla partenza del Cero Storico e del Cero di S. Maria della Lettera da palazzo Zanca verso piazza Castronovo, da dove alle 19.45, si reciterà il Santo Rosario, mentre alle 20.30, ai piedi della Vara, l'Arcivescovo Mons. Giovanni Accolla presiederà la Celebrazione Eucaristica. Alle 21, infine, la Passeggiata dei Giganti e del Cammello con partenza da piazza Unione Europea fino a viale Giostra e rientro, accompagnati dai Gruppi Folk "Mata e Grifone", "La Madonnina", '| Cariddi", "Insieme Siciliano" e "|Cantustrittu"; e sempre alle 21, a piazza Unione Europea, Cunti mediterranei" di e col "cuntastorie" Gaspare Balsamo, a cura del Centro culturale Mobilità delle Arti. Mercoledi 15 Agosto, il giorno della Processione della Vara, "Una storia di fede lunga 500 anni", così come titola il cartellone degli eventi in programma una giornata intensa e piena di rituali nel pieno rispetto della tradizione e della devozione dei messinesi alla Madonna Assunta. La lunga giornata di Ferragosto avrà inizio alle 07.00 con lo stendimento delle corde e la legatura al cippo della Vara; alle 9, toccherà allo sparo di 21 colpi di cannone a salve da Forte San Salvatore; mentre dalle 11 alle 17, a Largo Minutoli, a cura dell'Ufficio Postale distaccato di Poste Italiane ed in collaborazione con il Circolo Filatelico Peloritano e il Comune di Messina, si terrà l'annullo speciale sulla cartolina raffigurante la Nave Ammiraglia di MSC World Europa accanto alla Vara, che per l'occasione rimarrà in porto fino alla tarda serata di ferragosto. Alle ore 11, nella Basilica Cattedrale, il Solenne Pontificale presieduto dall'Arcivescovo Monsignor Giovanni Accolla, mentre alle 17.30, a Piazza Castronovo avrà inizio la recitazione del Santo Rosario e, a seguire, ai piedi della Vara il mezzosoprano Samantha Accetta intonerà l'Ave Maria di Schubert; alle 18.15 si realizzerà il tradizionale momento della benedizione delle corde; e alle 18.30, il momento solenne della partenza ufficiale della Vara da piazza Castronovo, accompagnato da spari di batteria e lancio di bigliettini. Lungo il percorso della Processione saranno eseguiti lo sparo di "salve a giorno" al momento della fermata della machina votiva davanti alla Prefettura, a piazza Unione Europea ed a piazza Duomo, dove la Vara concluderà la sua corsa con il saluto e la benedizione dell'Arcivescovo, il quale terrà la Celebrazione Eucaristica in Cattedrale. Alle 23, il momento conclusivo del 15 agosto, con l'attesa esecuzione di fuochi pirotecnici dalla Madonnina del Porto, a cura della ditta "Pirolandia" ed offerti dal Gruppo Caronte&Tourist.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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lingeringscars · 2 years
?? give me
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! / always accepting
maya & mariana/stef/layla/spencer. gay is all i know.
mason & shane. i do think they'd be neat. also maybe finch but I would have to think about that.
link/amelia & one chicago. crossover of my dreams.
amber & everyone is unhelpful but hello??? callie. mariana. vanessa. idk everyone.
alberta & gigi/sonya/mal/june. some guardians and sonya.
callie & harper/thea/christian. :')
daisy & logan. i cannot remember if we talked about them but i want it so bad. the parallels. the not being able to control powers and it overwhelming them. daisy just deserves to help so many people with learning to control their powers.
angeline & harper. thank u. also luna?? and lydia. i think they could all help her in different ways. sydney is currently bribing people to tutor her, so maybe spencer too. shauna!!!!!!!!!!!!! needing to adapt to society.
deborah/tasha & jacinda. moms doing their best for their kids and also mechanics. jacinda is also a cook.
mermia & june. we haven't really talked about them. i also think lydia here too. thank you.
mikhail/sasha & valerie. i'm thinking about sibling duos and val being protected from the supernatural and just. lots of thoughts.
tasha & prue. they deserve to be in love that is ALL. i have been saying you have been saying we agree. i think even dax has been saying. we're RIGHT. i also think any of my ouat muses could be fun to play with. valerie. taking care of someone who is closeish to your age after parents deaths. val & hayden have a v ozeraesque relationship. it'd be a lot.
octavia & finch/stiles/ruby. i'm right. also octavia & eden/june/mal but like. t/100. at least until i can figure out how to v/a eden (unless i u know. have. in our messages at some point.)
simon & sonya/lydia. i'm literally so curious about this. spirit users with someone who was manipulated by spirit. lydia who was held captive... sonya who turned ... what we talked about w/ lydia & bellamy. i am LITERALLY so curious.
claire & eden. my little geniuses working together. jake. tell me they would not be besties i dare you. reina. the things you do for knowledge. lydia. knowledge is power but also lydia as a mean girl turned someone who helps. lydia and miranda both having similar powers and it giving credence to things that are happening.
eve & lydia. i think. they should date? i just care a lot about the transformations is all. also see above about lydia and miranda. mariana. i'm not sure but i do think similar energy. spencer. spencer said eve is my favorite barista. marian & jacinda can also work with her.
kara & spencer/serena. they should hook up at some point.
malia & finch/ruby/logan. struggles with powers. struggles with society. struggles fitting in. rachel/shauna/fatin. having horrible things happen to you and needing to readjust to society once you return. christian. murdering parents who try to kill you, too.
allison & christian. hello we could do something so fucking hot here with allison coming back and christian's parents... june. being manipulated by the people close to you about the deaths of the people close to you. inej. knife wife and bow gf. thea. not having any hobbies. moving around and not having friends. pleasing parents. hehe so much there. faran. intensity about your own thing.
alex & june. i am sooo right about them. i can't explain this outside of like becoming weapons. fighting from the inside. learning about corruption. using your wealth and power. losing your families because you were betrayed by someone you trusted.
liars & glass house. i just know that they would all hang out thanks. specific: hanna & stiles like we have been saying. aria & peyton/jess. emily & gigi. they can work together at the brew. alison & ryan. ryan giving her a chance when she returns. mona & layla. something about layla & carrie and layla giving mona a chance in season 3 because she was sick and needed help and they aren't so different. caleb & tyler. they would be so fascinating.
echo & alina. not having a home. being manipulated by someone in power. not having an identity to hold onto that can really be yours.
hayley & jacinda. and vanessa. yaaa. whew okay for jacinda like she gives up her daughter because she believes it is the best thing for her, and I think it would be such an interesting dynamic.
jo k. & jacinda. mom friends. i also think emma s. i think they could really help each other. sylvie. more friends.
isabella & layla/bellamy/spencer/rachel. this is about parents. this is about mental illness. this is about not being trusted.
josie & harper. that arc when josie leaves the school and goes to a regular hs. i think they could get into loads of trouble. i think it would be loads of fun.
lizzie & lydia. also aurora and lydia. i think these could be a dream come true for me.
nicki & elsa. maybe their medical student runs overlap idk. they have such different personalities i think it would be very interesting to see. theo. i see no reason why they wouldn't overlap sometimes because hospital/first responder stuff.
laurel & lydia. i don't know i'm just right. but god valerie. younger siblings who have died and come back. protectors. caretakers. maybe ironically val decides to go to law school once she and hayden move.
sam & fei. they/them icons. doing what you can to protect your family. loving your family intensely despite their flaws. supernatural worlds.
scott & hope m/kaitlyn/finch/glass house. in the spirit of supernatural creatures coming together and forming a pack. in the spirit of trying to save people and failing. in the different perspectives and mindsets.
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MERCOLEDÌ 28 SETTEMBRE 2022 🔸♦️ MARIA CHE SCIOGLIE I NODI ♦️🔸 Maria che scioglie i nodi (Virgen Maria Knotenlöserin) è un dipinto a olio su tela realizzato intorno al 1700 dal pittore tedesco Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner e conservato ad Augusta; da esso ha avuto origine una grande devozione mariana. Il dipinto, in stile veneziano con influenza barocca, di cm 182 x 110, fu realizzato dall'artista nella chiesa di St. Peter am Perlach, su commissione di Hieronymus Ambrosius Langenmantel, un nobile prelato e canonico dottore. In esso viene rappresentata Maria al centro, con al lato destro un angelo che le porge un filo pieno di nodi intrecciati e al lato sinistro un altro angelo che raccoglie il filo libero dai nodi che Maria ha sciolto. La Vergine è rappresentata con la luna ai suoi piedi (secondo la visione riportata al capitolo 12 dell'Apocalisse), mentre calpesta un serpente (rappresentazione del diavolo, secondo la profezia di Genesi 3,15). In basso al centro è rappresentata la scena biblica di Tobia: il giovane israelita, in viaggio per raggiungere colei che diventerà la propria sposa, è guidato dall'arcangelo Raffaele e accompagnato dal proprio cane, simbolo della fedeltà di Dio.[1] Sul capo, Maria ha una corona di dodici stelle, simbolo di trionfo e di vittoria. Il numero dodici è tradizionalmente ricco di simboli: essendo il prodotto di tre (la Trinità) per quattro (l'umanità), indica la perfetta unione tra umano e divino. Nel mondo ebraico dodici rappresentava la pienezza: dodici sono le tribù d'Israele, dodici gli apostoli scelti da Gesù. La corona richiama anche il capitolo 12 dell'Apocalisse, in cui si presenta la visione della lotta tra la donna il drago. Il manto azzurro di Maria rappresenta la trascendenza, la vita divina, Maria "piena di grazia". Il colore rosso, tratto dalla terra, indica la dimensione umana. La tunica rossa della Madonna vuole indicare, quindi, la sua totale sottomissione alla volontà del Padre che ha reso possibile l'Incarnazione del Figlio. Gli angeli sono servitori di Dio e custodi del cammino dell'uomo (Esodo 23, 20-22). A destra si vede un angelo che porge a Maria un nastro con nodi di tutti i tipi. Link 🔗 in bio (presso Barcellona-Pozzo Di Gotto, Sicilia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDIXhIMhpu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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24 + Names
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | LAD | Legacy
Inspired by: https://goodplaceofunfortunatevents.tumblr.com/post/190350200616
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izzylcwis · 7 years
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*rosa’s voice: how long have you two been married?*
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puppypackquotes · 2 years
My Headcanons
Theo & Liam are engaged
Mason & Corey are married with a fully grown daughter and son named Jesus & Mariana from The Fosters (They are Twins)
Hayden is engaged to Gwen
Theo has a younger sister name Davina
Scott is in a relationship with Isaac
Scott is Pansexual
Stiles & Lydia are married with two daughters Rhyme, and Harmony from Chicken Girls
Eli is Derek & Stiles son
Stiles has 3 kids (Eli, Rhyme, Harmony)
Kira is a Lawyer
Allison came back to life (Thanks to Theo)
Malia is a prison guard (She fights a prisoner everyday, and Malia ALWAYS WINS)
Stilinski & Parrish own a Police Station
Melissa is the owner of Beacon Hills Memorial
Nolan has feelings for Brett (But he won’t admit it to anyone)
Brett likes Nolan (The entire Puppy Pack and even Nolan knows it)
Alec likes Lori
Lori like Alec & Eli
Eli likes Lori & Alec
The Puppy Pack (Liam, Hayden, Mason, Corey, Theo, Brett, Nolan, Lori, Gwen, and Alec) all live together
Jackson & Ethan are married
Davina’s adopted Father Marcel visits every single weekend
Jackson & Lydia are best friends
Ethan visits Aiden’s grave every birthday, and Holiday
Boyd comes and go from Beacon Hills
Erica and Boyd are engaged
Danny lives in Australia
Peter likes both Argent & Melissa
Melissa & Argent are married
Liam’s Mom is Jenna from The Vampire Diaries
Kate is working beside Araya running The Calaveras’
Mason is Davina’s best friend
Eli and Hikari are best friends
Cora has a daughter name Talia (Like her Mother’s name)
Theo asks Brett for advice all the time
Liam asks Mason for advice (Because that’s what best friends do)
Everyone loves Stiles’s taste in music
Nolan and Corey play on a National Lacrosse League
Liam plays travel Lacrosse
Nolan and Alec are best friends
Hayden and Nolan are always doing something crazy at 3:00 in the morning
Stiles and Scott are brothers in their hearts
Scott is still a True Alpha
Liam is a Alpha (Not a True Alpha, he killed an Alpha by accident)
Scott & Lydia are always on adventures together
Derek, Cora, and Peter always looks at Talia’s grave every birthday
Derek talks about Talia all the time to Malia
Dr.Geyer and Melissa are best friends
Dr.Geyer and Jenna are still married
Liam’s biological Dad is, Henry Cavill (Since Dylan Sprayberry played younger Superman)
Parrish is Isaac’s older brother
Tracy and Josh are still dead
Mason & Corey went to the same College
Liam & Theo went to the same College by accident
Malia & Kira are engaged
Gabe came back to life
Nolan & Gabe dated for a few months then broke up
Brett is Liam’s Bisexual awakening
Malia & Kira are two Moms with a teenage son named “Jed” from Legacies
More Headcanons are coming
Character sexualities
Character Families
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Dust Us Off by KingWintershield
Mature | 26k | 5/5
A year and a half after Derek left Beacon Hills and then Scott kicked Stiles out of the pack, Stiles found himself answering a call for help from his old friend. The Hale-McCall pack needed him again, so Stiles, along with his eight-month-old daughter Mariana, headed back to California. Already dreading seeing Scott and the others again, Stiles was on edge. What's worse was that no one told him Derek had been summoned too. And Derek hadn't been told that he and Stiles had a child.
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logangarfield · 3 years
Tag Game
Rules: tag nine people you’d like to catch up with or get to know better
Tagged by: @arvinrussellsgirlfriend (thank you!!)
Fav colour: Sapphire Blue
Currently reading: You’ll Always Be My Hero by @stilinskiparker (don’t talk to me about how I haven’t finished Chaos Walking in 3 years and I haven’t touched a physical book since)
Latest song: Good To You by Marianas Trench
Latest movie: Ready Player One
Latest series: 911, Kids Baking Championship
Coffee or tea: Coffee!!
Currently working on: Editing the most recent chapter of my Stiles fic so I can get my other fics worked on and posted
Tagging: @moonvis @hoqwaarts @wnterwidows @natasharomanovf @monroe-marilyn @lgbtjack @bvttercupbby @augustholland @visenyatargaryen 
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forbescaroline · 3 years
send me two characters or ships and i’ll make a gifset of the one i prefer!
below are a list of shows/characters/ships i would like to gif! (looking to gif things i’ve never gifed before or only gifed once)
atypical - casey, izzie, casey/evan, sam/paige
bridgerton - daphne, eloise, penelope, daphne/simon, colin/penelope
dickinson - emily, emily/sue, emily/ben
druck - fatou, nora, kieu my, cash queens, fatou/kieu my, nora/josh
elite - rebeka, nadia, lu, mencia, rebeka/mencia, polo/cayetana/valerio
euphoria - jules, maddy, kat, rue, lexi
ginny and georiga - ginny, max, max/sophie, ginny/marcus, joe/georgia
good trouble - callie/jamie, mariana/raj, callie/gael, malika/isaac, alice/sumi, evan/mariana 
grey’s anatomy - amelia, jo, addison, link/amelia, tom/teddy, meredith/nick, amelia/kai, levi/nico
hsmtmts - gina, nini, ashlyn, ej/gina, ricky/gina, carlos/seb
julie and the phantoms - julie, luke/julie, alex/willie
legacies - josie/finch, josie/landon, lizzie/sebastian, lizzie/ethan, kaleb/cleo, josie/rafael
legends of tomorrow - zari (both of them), ava, astra, spooner, constantine/zari, nate/zari, astra/spooner
outer banks - sarah, kiara, sarah/kira, jj/kira, jj/pope
schitt’s creek - alexis, david/patrick, alexis/ted, alexis/mutt
sex education - maeve, aimee, ruby, otis/maeve, otis/ruby, eric/adam, ola/lily, jackson/cal
skam espana - amira, viri, eva, nora, dani/amira, viri/hugo, eva/jorge
skam france - lola, lola/maya, tiff/max, bilal/jo
skins - naomi, pandora, freddie/effy
supergirl - brainy/nia, james/lena, j’onn/m’gann, alex/kelly
teen wolf - erica, isaac, stiles, scott, boyd/erica, corey/mason, liam/hayden, scott/malia, stiles/malia
the 100 - octavia/levitt, jasper/maya, finn/clarke, kane/abby, raven/shaw
the fosters - aj/callie, wyatt/callie, jesus/lexi, brandon/grace, jude/noah
the oc - summer, taylor, seth/anna, marissa/alex
the originals - freya, cami, marcel/rebekah, jackson/hayley, josh/aiden
the secret circle - cassie, melissa, adam/diana, adam/cassie, jake/cassie, diana/cassie, faye/cassie, diana/melissa
the sex lives of college girls - leighton, bela, leighton/alicia, whitney/canaan, eric/bela
the society - allie, elle, kelly, harry/allie, sam/grizz, helena/luke
the vampire diaries - bonnie/enzo, tyler/caroline, tyler/liv, stefan/rebekah
the wilds - dot, fatin, shelby, toni, nora, martha, rachel, leah, toni/shelby, dot/shelby, rachel/nora, toni/martha, fatin/leah, dot/fatin
yellowjackets - shauna, taissa, natalie, jackie, jackie/shauna, travis/natalie, taissa/van
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rabbitfeet200 · 3 years
Couples: TV shows
I do not support
We Bare Bears: Charlie- Panda,Grizzly, Ice/Polar Bear Panda-Charlie, Grizzly,Nonnom, Nomnom-Grizzly, Panda,Ice/Polar Bear Grizzly-Nonnom, Panda, Charlie Ice/Polar Bear-Charlie, Nonnom, Barry, Ackley Bridge: Hayley-Riz, Tahir,Cory,Clint, Zain, Mo,Waqar,Dan, Nell/Neil, Jake,Naveed, Alya, Cory-Alya, Candice, Naveed, Sian,Shannon, Missy, Nasreen,Chloe Nasreen-Samantha, Lila,Cory, Naveed, Mandy-Steve,Shaiq, Jordon - Chloe, Candice Missy-Aaron, Cory, Kaneez-Iqball, Alya-Cory, Candice-Cory,Jordon, Naveed-Cory My Big Fat Fablous Life/Whitney fat girl dancing Buddy-Whitney, Heather, Chelsea,Brittany Whitney-Chase, Lenny, Ryan,Avi, Ross, Ryan-Heather, Tal,Whitney, Ashley, Buddy, Todd Chase-Buddy, Whitney, The Vampire Diaries:
Damon -Caroline. Elena, Katherine, Stefan - Elena. Katherine, Silas- Amara, Qetsiyah Qetsiyah-Silas, Klaus - Caroline, Katherine, Tyler, Elena, Jeremy- Bonnie, Caroline-Tyler, Klaus, Damon, Bonnie-Jeremy, Kol,Klaus, Damon,Enzo, Luka, Elena- Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Katherine-Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Damon - Jeremy, Emily,
Pretty Little Liars: Ezra- Aria, Alison Emily- Alison, Paige, Wren -Spencer,Hannah, Mellisa, Ian-Spencer, Alison, Mellisa Paige -Alison One Tree Hill: 13 reasons why: Hannah-Justin, Clay, Marcus, Bryce, Alex, Zach,Tyler, Jessica-Bryce, Bryce-Hannah, Jessica, Chloe,Justin, Tyler-Monty, Monty-Tyler Justin- Clay , Hannah, Bryce, Clay-Justin, Tracy Beaker series: Tyler- Jody, Piper, Carmen-Rick, Esmé, Neil, Bird/Noah - Candi Rose/Courtney, Chloe- Jake, Sasha-Josh, Freya, Jody, Courtney, Jody-Tyler, Brandon , Sasha, Courtney, Blake, Gemma, Piper, Mike-Fiona, Candi Rose/Courtney-Bird/Noah, Hayden, Jay/Jacob, Sasha, Jody Frank-Jade, Lizanne Jay/Jacob- Shona, Evie, Courtney Tracy-Seth, Séan, Simon, Peter, Lucy Taylor-Keith Liam O Donovan-Poppy, Lizanne, Mandy/Elektra, Tracy, Sapphire-Ferris, Johnny-Lizanne, Esmé,Keith, Bailey- Alex -Ryan, Ryan-Alex, Elektra/Mandy-Liam, Theresa/Tee- Madison, Keith Kazima- Madison, Justine- Séan, Jamie Johnson: Karen-Ian Ian-Karen Aisha- Eric, Freddie,Liam Eric-Aisha, Freddie, Freddie-Aisha, Eric, Liam-Aisha Jamie-Jethro,Jackie Dillon-Jethro Jethro-Jamie, Dillon Jackie-Jamie, Michel, Hugo/Boggy- Nancy Nancy-Hugo/Boggy- Holly Hobbie Holly-Jason Ryan Reeves, Lila-Robbie Robbie-Lila Teen Wolf: Derek-Paige,Kate, Stiles, Scott-Allison Lydia-Jackson,Stiles, Aiden, Peter- Lydia, Scott Allison-Issac, Scott, Stiles-Lydia, Derek, Peter, Peter-Stiles Gilmore Girls Rory- Dean, Jess, Logan Dean-Rory The Royals: Elenour- Jasper Jasper- Eleanor Elenor-Jasper Unpolished: Bria-Matthew Jennifer-Matthew Lexi-Matthew Matthew- Bria, Jennifer,Lexi Last of the summer wine: Marianna-Howard Howard- Mariana
Cheers: Sam-Diane Diane-Sam That 70 show Eric-Donna Donna-Eric Jackie- Kelso, Hyde, Fez Buffy the vampire slayer Spike-Buffy Buffy- Spike I love Lucy Ricky - Lucy Lucy-Ricky Friends: Rachel- Ross, Mark Ross- Rachel, Emily Mark - Rachel
Parks and Recreation
Tom -Anne
Arthur -Merlin Merlin-Arthur
Sasuke -Sakura Naruto -Hinata
Sakura- Sasuke Hinata-Naruto,
Sherlock Holmes:
John Watson- Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes- John Watson
Fireman Sam:
James-Norman Norman-James, Mandy, Sarah
School of Rock:
Kale- Freedie Courage the Cowardly Dog:
Eustace- Muriel
Spongebob Squarepants:
Plankton- Karen, Eugene Krabbs, Squidward- Spongebob
So Awkward:
Lily-Matt, Rob
Kat-Ollie, Rufus
Steven Universe
Sadie-Lars Lars- Sadie Pink/Rose-Pearl. Pink Pearl/Volly Ball, Lapis-Jasper, Peridot Jasper-Lapis, Peridot-Lapis
American Dad:
Stan - Francine Francine- Stan Miraclous: André-Audrey Audrey-André
The Boom Docks
Tom - Sarah
Riverdale: Betty-Jughead, Archie, Veronica-Archie
Reign: Francis -Mary Mary- Francis How to train your dragon: Hiccup-Viggo, Rikor,Krogan, Keeping up with the Kardashians: Kylie-Tyga, Kim-Ray J, Kanye, Chris, Khloe-Lamar, Tristain, Kourtney-Scott, Kris-Cory, Blac Chyna/Angelia White-Rob, Tyga Rob-Blac Chyna Amber Rose-Kanye The Next Step:
Michelle-Hunter, Eldon, John, Emily-Hunter, Eldon, Mary-Tully, Amy -Latroy, Ty, Finn, Riley-Charlie, Alfie, Richelle-Noah, Elliot,Finn, Piper-Finn, Josh, James- Beth, Amanda,Charlie, Alfie Eldon- Michelle, Emily, Hunter-Michelle, Emily, Henry- Summer Noah-Abi, Amanda,Jacquie,Elliot, Ozzy-Winnie, Elliot, Finn-Piper, Amy, Richelle, Elliot -Richelle,Ozzy, Noah, Red Rock: Tommy -Angelia,Ciara Rachel- Brain, Conner, Michael -Siobhan Rory -Sharon, Niamh, Katie, Enrica, David - Katie, Keith -Alice, Eugene, Adrian- Joan Curry, Séan/Westlife- Nikki,Adrian, Brain-Rachel,Jules, Sharon-Rory, Bryan, Katie-David,Rory James - Davy Webb, Brain-Sharon,Angelia, Eugene-Keith,
Scandal USA:
Fitzgerald- Olivia, Melody
Olivia- Fitzgerald
Melody- Fitzgerald Total drama:
Courtney- Duncan, Gwen
Duncan- Gwen, Courtney
South Park:
Stephen- Linda
Linda- Stephen
Good Girls:
Rio - Beth
Beth- Rio
King of the Hill:
Cotton- Didi
Didi- Cotton
Nancy- Dale
Bojack Horseman
Butterscotch - Beatrice
Beatrice-Butterscotch American Horor story:
Tate -Violet
Once Upon a time:
Rumpelstiltskin/Beast -Belle
Regina - Emma
Emma- Regina
Felicity- Oliver
Degrassi: Clare-Eli Eli-Clare Gossip Girl:
Chuck- Blair Blair-Chuck, Dan Serena-Dan Dan-Blair,Serena Orange is the new black: Alex-Piper Piper-Alex,Larry The Office USA: Ryan- Kelly, Andy -Angelia, Angelia-Andy,Dwight, Kelly-Ryan, Michael-Jan Jan-Michael Smallville: Lex- Lana Lana- Lex The Four O Clock Club Nero-Clem, Katie Owen-Katie, Dragon Ball Z Goku-Chichi Chichi-Goku The Simpsons , Family Guy Homer- Marge Marge-Homer Jeffery- Brenda Brenda-Jeffery Peter-Lois Lois-Peter Rick and Morty: Jerry-Beth Beth-Jerry Hey Arnold: Bob- Miriam Miriam-Bob
Super man/Super girl:
Kara-Monel Supernatural: Sam -Ruby, Lucifer, Lucifer - Kelly, Sam Kelly-Lucifer, Castiel - Dean Dean- Castiel, Sam, Sam-Gabriel, Dean
The Big Bang Theory: Leonard- Penny Penny- Leonard Glee: Finn- Rachel, Quinn, Kurt, Santana, Puck - Quinn, Santana, Shelbey, April, Mercedes,Kitty Will- Emma,Terri,Rachel, Sam-Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Nurse Penny, Artie- Brittany, Tina, Blaine - Kurt, Kurt-Blaine, Brittany, Finn, Rachel-Finn, Will, Brody, Unique-Principal Figgins, Brittany-Principal Figgins, Santana, Kurt, Artie,Sam Santana-Britany, Puck, Finn, Sam,Dave, Mike-April Matt-April Marley-Kitty.Ryder, Ryder-Marley, Kitty-Marley,Puck,Jake, Sue-Principal Figgins Jake-Bree,Kitty, Marley, Quinn-Finn,Puck,Sam, Mercedes- Puck My Mad Fat Diary Finn- Rae, Chloe, Olivia, Katie Chloe-Ian, Stephen,Finn, Rae- Liam, Stephen, Saul,Artie,Finn Linda- Victor Rae-Ian, Katie Chloe-Katie Cobra Kai, The Karate Kid Samantha-Kyler,Yasmine, Alison-Johnny, Daniel, Daniel -Amanda, Alison, Eli- Kyler, Demetri - Yasmine, Tory-the landlord, Johnny-Alison, Robby- Kyler, Shaun/Séan, Eli- Demetri, Daniel - Terry S, Mike B, John Kreese, John Kresse- Johnny, Daniel, Johnny- John Kresse,Terry Sliver,
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