#mariel sparks
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Marielle Franco: two politicians and ex-police chief arrested over Brazil murder
The Rio de Janeiro councillor and her driver were assassinated in 2018, sparking an international outcry
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Two powerful politicians and Rio de Janeiro’s former chief of police have been arrested as part of a federal police operation targeting the suspected masterminds of the 2018 assassination of Rio councillor Marielle Franco.
The operation – named Murder, Inc – was launched at the crack of dawn on Sunday and came just over six years after the shooting of Franco and her driver, Anderson Gomes, caused an international outcry.
Brazilian media reports said three prominent figures were arrested: the federal congressman, Chiquinho Brazão; his brother, the former state congressman, Domingos Brazão, who is a adviser to Rio’s court of auditors; and the former head of Rio’s civil police, Rivaldo Barbosa.
The Brazão brothers have long faced accusations of involvement in organised crime – claims they have denied. During the 1980s, the men were reportedly known in Rio as the “Irmãos Metralha” (The Beagle Boys) – a reference to the Disney cartoon villains.
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ncisfranchise-source · 2 months
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Now 10 weeks out from the double-episode series premiere of CBS‘ NCIS: Origins, TVLine has an exclusive first look at two key characters — “probie” Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Special Agent Mike Franks — in the NCIS prequel spinoff.
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Though longtime NCIS fans may fancy themselves well-versed on Jethro’s younger days (which have been glimpsed in a half dozen or so flashback episodes over the past 21 years), “They don’t know as much as they think they do,” posits David J. North, who serves as co-showrunner on Origins with Gina Lucita Monreal. “Seeing Gibbs arrive at NIS on Day 1, and seeing how Gibbs became Gibbs…? You will realize there’s so much to explore.”
For example, “We’ve not seen that dynamic between ‘probie’ Gibbs and Mike Franks,” played on the original NCIS by franchise front man Mark Harmon and guest star Muse Watson, Monreal notes. Coming to NIS “so fresh out of the Marines, it gives Gibbs a different kind of shading than we’ve seen before as a character.”
Adds North, “The way he looks at Franks, you can see that bit of awe in his eyes.”
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NCIS: Origins’ series regular cast also includes Mariel Molino (Promised Land) as Special Agent Lala Dominguez, a former Marine with a dark sense of humor (and whose dynamic with Gibbs is “filled with sparks”); Diany Rodriguez (The Blacklist) as Special Agent Vera Strickland, “a no-nonsense, sharp-witted Brooklynite who’s tough as nails” (a character originated by Nip/Tuck‘s Roma Maffia in the Season 11 NCIS episode “Under the Radar”); Tyla Abercrumbie (The Chi) as Field Operation Support Officer Mary Jo Hayes, a “mama bear” who has wryly dubbed herself “HSIC” — Head Secretary in Charge; and Caleb Martin Foote (Made for Love) as Special Agent Benjamin “Randy” Randolf, the agency’s all-too-lovable “golden boy” tasked with showing Gibbs the ropes.
NCIS vet Mark Harmon, who starred on the mothership as Gibbs through early Season 19, will not appear in the series, but he will be heard as its narrator as well as serve as an executive producer. Sean Harmon, who played Young Gibbs in the aforementioned NCIS flashbacks and came up with the idea for the prequel series, will also serve as an EP.
Click below (or here for direct access) to take a photographic tour of the oh-so-1990s NCIS: Origins set. And if you want scoop on the new series, you know the address: [email protected]!
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bluemoonbabes · 9 months
Debris fic. More Bryan instropection. A sort of alternate take on 1.12 that focuses more on emotions.
Grime coats his skin, caked on dust and dirt and blood, on splattered on his forehead, smeared on his cheek, embedded beneath his fingernails. His uniform is too hot, too scratchy, too baggy, has always been, and the gun in his hand too heavy. The heart in his chest too scattered and weighty to keep. It’s buried too, the same time she is, left to waste beneath the world.
Mariel stands before him. Clean, pristine, almost lucent in all the wrong ways, illuminated by a harshened light that comes from nowhere, like some generated figment of his imagination. But here, a foot from her grave, a half mile from base, gunpowder and copper staining his nose, it’s all an illusion. Bryan is quite suddenly aware of how he hasn’t been here in a long, long time.
Yet as he faces down Mariel, blank eyes of a puppet with no soul, all he can feel is blankness himself, hollow with the lack of understanding, almost hurt by it. His heart is bleeding, but the artery is cut from his head, like he’s watching it bleed rather than feeling it. So he has to ask, desperate, raspy;
She asks with him. Almost like she mocks him. And that, of all things, is what makes the first fracture in the dam that conceals what he should be feeling, the first spark of anger licking through. It’s quelled only as she reaches out to him, and staring at that hand, no other option before him, his stomach shredded, his heart buried, all sense of his internal self hollow and gone, Bryan reaches out as well.
But before they can touch, his heart stops, his body jolts, his vision turns white, and all of a sudden he is flung up out of his seat, back in the real world, back in Orbital, that dam fracturing an inch further.
The Debris is taunting him, Bryan thinks, in the darkened halls of a malfunctioning Orbital building. It’s laughing at him, for his failures, for his sufferings, for the fact that he is still alive through it all. It wants him, he thinks, wants him like how it took Kieran and Mariel and enthralled the techs. Wants him like a lab rat for whatever database of humanity it’s trying to build, intriguing by the old, scarred-up little rat refusing to die, always failing yet refusing to let life take him nor himself take his own life, returning again and again like a pest.
He deserves it, part of him whispers, this odd sort of reckoning as he sees her behind the techs, a buried girl unearthed to haunt him, her memory zombified just like his heart, taunting him. The lights flickering on and off just to spook him, to play with his patience and courage like a little puppet, to pull his strings until they snap, taunting him. The chair, the one Mariel had died in, appearing for a split second, taunting him, remember?
And then Mariel, herself, standing there, so real. And still blank, eyes glazed over and soulless, nothing but a suit of flesh for the Debris to dress itself in. Yet still, staring at her, there is something that draws him. Her appearance untouched from last time, the all-knowing presence of the Debris, her hand stretching outward. Whatever it is, Bryan doesn’t know, he only aware of this all-encompassing desperation to know
She says it with him, like she’s mocking him, and that is the last blow that the dam over his feelings can take as it crumples beneath the strike of her mockery. Anger floods into place, a burning, seething rage as the question rings in his head why? She doesn’t get to ask that question. Only he.
Bryan shouts, “Why?”
Why did she show him that memory? Why is the Debris interested in him?
But as his rage billows in his gut, surges through his veins, churns white-hot beneath his skin, it’s more than just now. It’s Why did she have to die? It’s Why couldn’t he have died instead? It’s Why didn’t she listen to me? Why didn’t anyone stop her? Why didn’t I stop her? Why did this have to happen to her? Why did this happen to me?
The silence that follows is putrid.
Fate never answers, because it’s never really been there in the first place. It was just chance that had him sent to Afghanistan. A roll of the dice that had him stationed in Surobi. By coincidence that he met Asalah. By accident that she died. By accident that he didn’t.
He thought he had come to terms with it. Made silence with it. Patted it down until it was tolerable enough to live with. Yet having the Debris resurface it all again, not just in the memories it forces him to relive but in the flashbacks that followed him home, the nightmares that jolted him awake, the alertness that drains his body, Bryan is met with wrenching grief and a desperate, clueless anger.
Why him?
He knows it was by chance and choice and fate, that he had no control over it, but that’s far from a satisfying answer. It’s never been enough, such a bland explanation, such an empty reasoning as to why, even now, he suffers. He can’t live a day without pain or fear or panic or disillusionment, floating half-conscious of his own body because it’s too uncomfortable to exist wholly, always a little bit tired because he’s forgotten what it’s like to get a good night’s sleep, some sore popping up everyday because of how rigorous that instinctual need to be alert has become, his heart shredded and torn with grief and guilt that he can only bury lest it kill him, and that’s all because of happenstance?
A girl is dead. Gone. All because of chance.
There is nothing in that but emptiness.
Mariel reaches out her hand to him, and glancing at her, yet not quite questioning it, too furious to think right, Bryan takes it.
Because the Debris wants to understand him.
Bryan cries out, a mangled shout of fiery fury, and breaks away from Mariel. There had been, for a split second, a sense of compassion. The Debris just wants to understand him. But it has been at the cost of his own stability and his own health.
Sacrificing him just so they could understand him? Making him relive the worst years of his life just so they could understand him? Resurfacing every putrid feeling, every bit of guilt, every bit of grief, every bit of anger, every bit of heart remaining, that he had buried for his own survival, just to ‘get to know him’?
Bryan sneers at Mariel, because all he can see when he looks at her is the Debris, the Debris and Afghanistan and guns and blood and dead eyes on a dead girl and a grieving grandfather and camouflage uniforms made crusty by dirt and vile taste of MREs and the rancid stank of oil and copper and rotten flesh, and it bubbles up his chest, surges through his throat, staring life in the face as he bellows out
“Fuck you!”
His chest heaves beneath his breath, but like a flood breaking through, he can’t stop, shouting at the top of his lungs
“Fuck you for everything you’re doing! Fuck you for bringing me back here! Fuck you for the panic attacks and nightmares! Fuck you for killing Asalah! Fuck you for everything you’ve taken from me! Fuck you for everything i will never get back!”
Sleepless nights he will never get again. Discarded meals he will never eat again. Painlessness he will never feel again. Faces he will never see again. Voices he will never hear again. Peace he will never find again. Youth he will never get back. All gone. Zapped. Like a snap of his fingers. And for what? To have it all played again in front of his face like it’s evening entertainment?
He lost his youth to a war that he never even fully understood. He lost his body and brain because of one decision he made as a teenager. And maybe there is something that has come of it, even just one person he helped, but right now, staring Mariel down, having the worst of it spat back at him, all Bryan can feel is contempt and pure, unadulterated fury.
Then, like a cut string, he crumbles as the fury melts into grief, as the shouting disintegrates into tears.
He’s tired. He’s so fucking tired. His body is sore. His head hurts. His heart aches.
All he wants is to sleep. To sleep for a long enough time that he isn’t so tired anymore, and maybe, if it can be spared, a little less pain.
The tile is cold on his knees but his tears are hot on his face, blubbering out against his will that’s been shattered on the ground.
And suddenly Bryan is aware that’s he’s alone.
Mariel has left.
So all he does is cry, because it’s all he can do. Shout and cry and sleep it off, because he will never get any of it back.
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I've been wanting to give the romance genre a shot, and since I like modern fantasy, I thought A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon sounded like a good start.
Mariel Spark is supposed to be the most powerful witch, but she only ever feels like a failure, unable to get basic summoning spells right, even if her plant magic is unparalleled. When trying to recall the magical name for flour to summon ingredients for muffins, she accidentally summons a demon, Ozroth the Ruthless. Now they're stuck together until Mariel sells her soul, but as time goes on, Ozroth doesn't want to see her lose it.
This book was fun, even if it took me a while to get into it at first. It's possible that wasn't the book's fault, though. Like many, I've looked down on the romance genre before, which is completely unfair (especially when I read YA, which is also looked down on), so it might have just been me struggling to get into a new mindset to enjoy a genre I'm not well-acquainted with.
I am well-acquainted with cozies, though, so Witch's Guide felt like a perfect starting point for me. It takes place in a small town full of eccentric people, including an elderly character who wears absolutely ridiculous clothing. I'm pretty sure Alzapraz would get along with Gertie from the Miss Fortune series by Jana DeLeon (that or Gertie would put Alzapraz's immortality to the test).
The world-building was straight-forward and perfect for a cozy or romance, the magic system reminding me a little of Sabrina the Teenage Witch... actually, maybe Charmed more. There's rules and limits, sure, enough to keep the stake of the premise high, but it's easy to tell from the get-go that Mariel and Oz will get their happily ever after (this is a romance after all, and the genre has its own rules and limits).
Mariel's inner struggle hit hard; she was an easy protagonist for me to sympathize with, especially when it came to her faults. She turns on Oz and her friend Themmie, when they were only trying to help and defend her to her mother. She felt like a well-rounded character, and it was nice seeing her bloom just like her flowers as the story progressed.
Oz undergoes his own transformation, and I enjoyed seeing how they worked both against and with each other. I also both cringed and laughed during the first sex scene, when Mariel asked Oz if demons knotted, only to then describe it when Oz had no clue what that meant. Makes me wonder if Mariel's a destiel girlie or a wincest girlie.
To be honest, I'm not totally sure if I'll read the sequel, A Demon's Guide to Wooing a Witch. The first two chapters are in the back of my copy of Witch's Guide, though, so now that I'm settled in my new apartment, I might read that before deciding. (Though I'll need to wait until I have more money in my savings before buying any books ^^")
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ash-and-books · 10 months
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Rating: 4.5/5
Book Blurb: Mariel Spark knows not to trust a demon, especially one that wants her soul, but what’s a witch to do when he won’t leave her side—and she kind of doesn’t want him to? Mariel Spark is prophesied to be the most powerful witch seen in centuries of the famed Spark family, but to the displeasure of her mother, she prefers baking to brewing potions and gardening to casting hexes. When a spell to summon flour goes very wrong, Mariel finds herself staring down a demon—one she inadvertently summoned for a soul bargain. Ozroth the Ruthless is a legend among demons. Powerful and merciless, he drives hard bargains to collect mortal souls. But his reputation has suffered ever since a bargain went awry—if he can strike a bargain with Mariel, he will earn back his deadly reputation. Ozroth can't leave Mariel's side until they complete a bargain, which she refuses to do (turns out some humans are attached to their souls).   But the witch is funny. And curvy. And disgustingly yet endearingly cheerful. Becoming awkward roommates quickly escalates when Mariel, terrified to confess the inadvertent summoning to her mother, blurts out that she's dating Ozroth. As Ozroth and Mariel struggle with their opposing goals and maintaining a fake relationship, real attraction blooms between them. But Ozroth has a limited amount of time to strike the deal, and if Mariel gives up her soul, she'll lose all her emotions—including love—which will only spell disaster for them both.
A witch with no control over her magic accidentally summons a demon and now he can't leave until she's given him her soul... and what starts off as fake dating begins to feel very real as they spend more time together. Mariel Spark is prophesied to be the most powerful witch in centuries of the famed Spark family, yet to her mother's constant disappointment, she can't seem to really get her magic working and only seems to be really good at plant magic. When a summoning spell goes wrong, Mariel accidentally summoned a demon for a soul bargain. Ozroth the Ruthless is legendary among demons, he was powerful and merciless and collected tons of souls... that is until he found himself with an actual soul inside of him and now he's being summoned by Mariel, and he see's her untapped powers and if he can strike a deal for her soul he can earn back his reputation that was damaged when he found himself with a soul. The only issue is Mariel didn't mean to summon him and refuses to enter into a soul bargain and he can't leave until she does. It only makes matters more complicated when Oz begins having actual feelings for her and the more time they spend together the more the feelings between them grow... yet Mariel can't give up her soul and Oz is a literal demon who is immortal... can they really have a relationship? With Mariel's pressuring family, her untapped magic, and Oz's own demon boss after him, their lives are about to get very complicated. This was a really cute witchy rom com. Mariel is dealing with a lot of stress and family dysfunction and just needs someone in her corner and Oz is such a sweet boyfriend for her. Her friends were really fun to get to know and I can't wait for the second book!! I loved that we got to see Mariel and Oz grow as people and how they both support and love each other and it was just so cute.
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ijustkindalikebooks · 2 years
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Review: A Witch's Guide To Fake Dating A Demon by Sarah Hawley.
Mariel Spark is prophesied to be the most powerful witch seen in centuries of the famed Spark family, but to the displeasure of her mother, she prefers baking to brewing potions and gardening to casting hexes. When a spell to summon flour goes very wrong, Mariel finds herself staring down a demon—one she inadvertently summoned for a soul bargain.
Ozroth the Ruthless is a legend among demons. Powerful and merciless, he drives hard bargains to collect mortal souls. But his reputation has suffered ever since a bargain went awry—if he can strike a bargain with Mariel, he will earn back his deadly reputation. Ozroth can’t leave Mariel’s side until they complete a bargain, which she refuses to do (turns out some humans are attached to their souls).
More romances like this please.
When I requested this book all I saw was witch and was just automatically there for it, and thank god I was, this book is charming, fun and just gently pulls you in from the first page and I loved every second of it.
The chemistry on paper these two characters build gently in this book is just perfection. They have such a good connection and it makes for a funny and creative dynamic that I would love to see more of in the future - these two are just that endearing. Mariel is just a sweetpea, honestly, she's a friend goal and Ozroth for a demon is very human really.
It does give me cosy fantasy romance vibes, which is never gonna lose with me of course, Mariel and Ozroth are great characters that really shine on the page and the plot, I love it. There are good twists, cute romance and moments that make you hold your breath just enough to make this book a great read!
Utterly charming, I loved it and if you love a combination of magical and romance, this is the book for you.
Thanks to Netgalley and @gollancz for the ARC!
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gollancz · 1 year
that awkward moment when the NSFW is actually your work
(available here if you too want to add an extra level of peril to listening to audiobooks in the office ⬇️)
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ghabbb · 11 months
Greetings, dear readers! 💥
🏆 Ghabby's Journey of Academic Excellence 🌟
Welcome to my digital haven, where words weave a tapestry of thoughts, stories, and inspiration. Join us on this exciting adventure as we delve into a myriad of topics, from the profound to the lighthearted. Today, we embark on an intriguing exploration into the life of a remarkable individual—Ghabby Joy Q. Amper. At the tender age of 18, Ghabby has already etched a unique story that mirrors a drapery of passion, resilience, and familial love. Born on October 13, 2005, in the vibrant city of Caloocan, Ghabby's journey began against the backdrop of bustling streets and the heartbeat of metropolitan life. However, her narrative is not just defined by the city lights but is intricately woven with the threads of her family. Ghabby's parents, the late mother Rowena Q. Amper and her father Bombet I. Amper, have laid the foundation of her character, instilling values that have become the compass guiding her path. Despite the untimely departure of her mother, Ghabby's spirit remains unbroken. A proud sibling to Mark Raphael, Angela Bianca, and Trisha Mae, Ghabby finds strength in the bonds of family. Together, they navigate life's twists and turns, creating a support system that weaves warmth and companionship into the fabric of their shared journey. Adding a delightful touch to the family dynamic is Ghabby's cute niece, Marielle Miesha A. Aguilos. The joy and innocence Miesha brings serve as a reminder of the beauty found in the simplest moments, a respite from the challenges life may present. Expect a diverse array of content that mirrors the montage of life—each article a unique color in the palette of our collective experiences. Whether you're here for a moment of reflection, a dose of creativity, or a spark of motivation, we've crafted this space just for you. ✨ Let the exploration begin, and together, let's embark on a journey through the captivating world of words. 🚀📖
📚🎶Ghabby's Wonderland: A Symphony of Stories and Melodies📚🎶
Dive into the extraordinary academic odyssey of Ghabby Joy Q. Amper, a trailblazer from an early age. From clinching the Top 1 spot in kindergarten to consistently earning honors throughout her schooling, Ghabby's academic prowess shines. Her achievements include district-level triumphs in Balagtasan during Grade 6, followed by an impressive 2nd place at the division level. Ghabby's commitment to excellence continued with honors in Grades 6, 7, and 10. In the realm of literary accomplishments, Ghabby secured 3rd place in the Buwan ng Wika: Pagsulat ng Sanaysay (Month of Language: Essay Writing) competition during her Grade 11 year. Join us in applauding Ghabby's journey—a testament to diligence, intellect, and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. 🎓⭐
In the delightful universe of Ghabby Joy Q. Amper, hobbies are not just pastimes; they are portals to enchantment. Join us as we unravel the vibrant threads of her world, where stories, music, and singing converge to create a kaleidoscope of joy. The enchanting realm of Ghabby, where the magic of stories meets the rhythm of melodies. A voracious reader, Ghabby finds solace in the pages of captivating tales, transporting herself to worlds unknown. When not immersed in the written word, Ghabby's world resonates with the harmonies of music. An avid listener with an eclectic taste, she finds inspiration in melodies that paint emotions in vibrant hues. But the magic doesn't end there—Ghabby's voice becomes a melody of its own. With a passion for singing, she turns moments into lyrical expressions, weaving her own narrative through the cadence of her voice. Join us in exploring the multifaceted world of Ghabby—where stories come alive, music dances through the air, and the joy of singing creates a symphony of hobbies that define her unique essence.
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sarah-hawley · 2 years
My book is available for preorder now! Here’s the US link. It’s a zany, spicy fantasy rom-com that comes out March 7, 2023!
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kudosmyhero · 8 months
Transformers: Monstrosity #7: Prey
Read Date: May 09, 2023 Cover Date: March 2013 ● Story: Chris Metzen ◦ Flint Dille ● Art: Livio Ramondelli ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: John Barber ◦ Mariel Romero ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● the (what are they? Terrorcons?) look EPIC on the cover! ● Megatron gets enough energy to switch to his alt mode
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● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Megatron finally reaches the Pillar of Rust, but there are no starships or travelers to be found, causing him to accuse Pentius of leading him on a fool's errand. The Quintesson tells him to be patient, and indeed, moments later a ship touches down in the vicinity—only to turn out to belong to the treacherous Terrorcons. They kindly offer their former leader a head start before they hunt him down and destroy him, but despite not having enough energon to even transform, Megatron takes them all on and manages to brutally dispatch everyone but Hun-Gar. He's thrown around like a ragdoll by the Terrorcon and repeatedly taunted by Pentius for it until he realizes there's a way he can have the Quintesson aid him in battle… by ripping out his spark and using it as fuel! As Pentius expires, he praises his "student" for finally becoming a true monster, thus overcoming him, and Megatron in turn promises the Quintesson's legacy shall live on within him. Now refueled, he's able to transform into his triple-barreled tank mode and blast a hole through Hun-Gar's torso, ending the battle. In exchange for being spared, the defeated Terrorcons pledge their loyalty to Megatron, who leads them back to their ship and blasts off to return to Cybertron… and to Scorponok.
Meanwhile on Cybertron, Jetfire reports the discovery of the energon lake and dragon monster underneath the Toraxxis crater to Optimus Prime. Seeing the lake as a resource that could save their planet, Prime orders him and his science team to find a way to contain or destroy the sleeping beast so that the Autobots can gather and refine the energon, but until then the crater is off-limits.
Kup searches for Grimlock in the irradiated wastelands near Toraxxis, eventually attracting his attention by mentioning Optimus Prime, a name which prompts the Dynobot leader to appear and go on a tangent about past Primes who have only served to betray him and his team or hunt them like animals. However, following the reappearance of the other missing Dynobots, who voice their belief that maybe this Optimus guy might actually be helpful, Grimlock calms down and agrees to meet with Prime.
Fan Art: Quintesson Masks by Koilungfish
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swerve's Bar Podcast - episode 03
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Read-A-Romance Month: New Romance Recommendations
A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley
Mariel Spark is prophesied to be the most powerful witch seen in centuries of the famed Spark family, but to the displeasure of her mother, she prefers baking to brewing potions and gardening to casting hexes. When a spell to summon flour goes very wrong, Mariel finds herself staring down a demon - one she inadvertently summoned for a soul bargain.
Ozroth the Ruthless is a legend among demons. Powerful and merciless, he drives hard bargains to collect mortal souls. But his reputation has suffered ever since a bargain went awry - if he can strike a bargain with Mariel, he will earn back his deadly reputation. Ozroth can’t leave Mariel’s side until they complete a bargain, which she refuses to do (turns out some humans are attached to their souls).
But the witch is funny. And curvy. And disgustingly yet endearingly cheerful. Becoming awkward roommates quickly escalates when Mariel, terrified to confess the inadvertent summoning to her mother, blurts out that she’s dating Ozroth. As Ozroth and Mariel struggle with their opposing goals and maintaining a fake relationship, real attraction blooms between them. But Ozroth has a limited amount of time to strike the deal, and if Mariel gives up her soul, she’ll lose all her emotions - including love - which will only spell disaster for them both.
This is the first volume of the "Glimmer Falls" series.
Best Men by Sidney Karger
Max Moody thought he had everything figured out. He’s trying to live his best life in New York City and has the best friend a gay guy could ask for: Paige. She and Max grew up next door to each other in the suburbs of Chicago. She can light up any party. She finishes his sentences. She’s always a reliable splunch (they don’t like to use the word brunch) partner. But then Max’s whole world is turned upside down when Paige suddenly announces some huge news: she’s engaged and wants Max to be her man of honor. Max was always the romantic one who imagined he would get married before the unpredictable Paige and is shocked to hear she’s ready to settle down. But it turns out there’s not just one new man in Paige’s life - there are two.
There's the groom, Austin, who’s a perfectly nice guy. Then there's his charming, fun, and ridiculously handsome gay younger brother, Chasten, who is Austin's best man. As Paige’s wedding draws closer, Max, the introverted Midwesterner, and Chasten, the social butterfly East Coaster, realize they’re like oil and water. Yet they still have to figure out how to coexist in Paige’s life while not making her wedding festivities all about them. But can the tiny romantic spark between these two very different guys transform their best man supporting roles into the leading best men in each other’s lives?
Business or Pleasure by Rachel Lynn Solomon
Chandler Cohen has never felt more like the ghost in "ghostwriter" until she attends a signing for a book she wrote - and the author doesn’t even recognize her. The evening turns more promising when she meets a charming man at the bar and immediately connects with him. But when all their sexual tension culminates in a spectacularly awkward hookup, she decides this is one night better off forgotten.
Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done. Her next project is ghostwriting a memoir for Finn Walsh, a C-list actor best known for playing a lovable nerd on a cult classic werewolf show who now makes a living appearing at fan conventions across the country. But Chandler knows him better from their one-night stand of hilarious mishaps.
Chandler’s determined to keep their partnership as professional as possible, but when she admits to Finn their night together wasn’t as mind-blowing as he thought it was, he’s distraught. He intrigues her enough that they strike a deal: when they’re not working on his book, Chandler will school Finn in the art of satisfaction. As they grow closer both in and out of the bedroom, they must figure out which is more important, business or pleasure - or if there's a way for them to have both.
Something Spectacular by Alexis Hall
Peggy Delancey's not at all ready to move on from her former flame, Arabella Tarleton. But Belle has her own plans for a love match, and she needs Peggy's help to make those plans a reality. Still hung up on her feelings and unable to deny Belle what she wants, Peggy reluctantly agrees to help her woo the famous and flamboyant opera singer Orfeo.
She certainly doesn't expect to find common ground with a celebrated soprano, but when Peggy and Orfeo meet, a whole new flame is ignited that she can't ignore. Peggy finds an immediate kinship with Orfeo, who's just as nonconforming as she is - and just as affected by their instant connection.
They've never been able to find their place in the world, but as the pair walks the line between friendship, flirtation, and something more, they may just find their place with each other.
This is the second volume of the "Something Fabulous" series.
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ncisfranchise-source · 6 months
Young Gibbs just got some company. Mariel Molino (ABC’s Promised Land) has been cast opposite Austin Stowell in CBS‘ upcoming prequel series NCIS: Origins, our sister site Deadline reports.
Molino will portray Special Agent Lala Dominguez, a former Marine with a dark sense of humor. Per CBS’ official description, “when a tormented Leroy Jethro Gibbs joins her team, the ensuing story between these two enigmatic outsiders is filled with sparks and turns that will keep the audience guessing.”
The newest chapter in the NCIS franchise, which is set shortly after the death of Gibbs’ first wife, will be narrated by Mark Harmon, who portrayed the character for 19 seasons on the flagship series. 
Origins picks up in 1991, just as Gibbs is starting his career as a newly minted Special Agent at the fledgling NIS Camp Pendleton office. There, Jethro forges his place on a gritty, ragtag team led by franchise legend Mike Franks (who was played on the mothership by Muse Watson). TVLine previously reported that NCIS: Origins will also feature a young version of Special Agent Vera Strickland, Franks’ onetime partner played by Roma Maffia in a Season 11 NCIS episode.
Mark Harmon’s son Sean Harmon — who has played a younger version of Gibbs in several NCIS flashbacks, and who came up with the idea for NCIS: Origins — will executive-produce the new series along with his dad and co-showrunners Gina Lucita Monreal and David J. North.
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madeline-kahn · 2 years
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. then tag 10 people to do the same thing
I was tagged by the awesome olivia @queenoftherodeoo
10 songs from my on repeat: it’s overrun by orville bria and the 1975 so i’m restricting myself to one of each 
Lafayette by Orville Peck
Julien by Carly Rae Jepsen
If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know) by The 1975
Silk Chiffon by MUNA
Where Have All The Cowboys Gone? by Bria
Walk Away by Franz Ferdinand
Common People by Pulp
Drive It Like You Stole It by Sing Street
Paris by Taylor Swift
Solid State by FRIGS
10 songs i really like: 
That’s What You Get For Loving Me by Gordon Lightfoot
Eaten by the Monster of Love by Sparks
Kalahari Down by Orville Peck
A Town Called Malice by The Jam
This Hell by Rina Sawayama
Can’t Stand Me Now by The Libertines
I’m in Love With You by The 1975
Wasn’t Born to Follow by The Byrds
Do You Want To by Franz Ferdinand
River by Joni Mitchell
got a little christmas themed at the end there for ya
tagging @spikes-jonze @theodorerex @mike-mills @rogerdeakinsdp @ethanhunt @marielle-heller @esterexpsito @adamsvanrhijn @rogerhealey @ceftali
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writernopal · 2 years
Last Lines Tag
Tagged by @autumnalwalker
Tagging @ anyone! Going to leave this one as an open tag :)
This snippet is taken from "As A Stranger Or A Friend?" Book 3 (Mariel's POV). It's part of one of my favorite chapters (so far) and contains a tiny bit of new lore. 👀 It's still mostly unedited so excuse any mistakes!
I let out a happy sigh as I set the fish down on the cutting board and knelt beside our makeshift pantry. It was little more than a sack of foodstuffs buried in the sand with some rocks overtop it, but it served its purpose well enough, and its humility hardly bothered me. I reached beside the cook fire pit and added a few thin branches in the tented configuration Axtapor had shown me and stuffed a few twigs inside to use a kindling. With the flint and steel from my dress pocket, I struck a few sparks to light the small mass of wood. Once they caught, I quickly leaned in, blowing on the newborn flames gently, encouraging them to grow. They lapped the small branches in a satisfied way, and with that, I decided to begin preparing the stew.
I began to scale the fish, pausing every now and then to gather the scales into a small bowl. Axtapor would be upset if I didn’t, though not over any sort of mess being made, but because they were his favorite snack. He informed me that lizards could consume most of their food raw, along with any parts that weren’t considered edible to humans. Things like shells, carapaces, and scales presented nutritional value to his kind and, in some cases, could be considered delicacies to them, depending on how they were prepared. He was no exception and had a particular preference for fish scales and grasshoppers. I was still coming to terms with his tastes, but I was sure that he was coming to terms with mine too, even if they might not seem so strange to me.
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