#marilyn was a musical prodigy
carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“Everyday people, in their own sweet way, Like to add a coat of paint and be what they ain’t! That’s how our little game is played, Livin’ like a masquerade, actin’ a bizarre charade, While playing the saint!”
~“Facade” from Jekyll and Hyde
Ahhh, no!! Carewyn!! D:
Ahem -- yeah, this is a counterpoint to a piece I’ve done in the past about Jacob and how he got ensnared by Charles Cromwell and R’s web...but this is going to take a little bit of explanation! First, though, my musical accompaniment while working on this includes Things Are Not What They Appear from Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World, Elsie Lovelock’s cover of Trust in Me from The Jungle Book, and Wolfsong by Omnia. 😊
Okay, right to it. Those of you who know Hogwarts Mystery, there’s a moment toward the beginning of year 6 where MC meets Jacob in his old room at Hogwarts, after following Sickleworth the Niffler, who’s carrying a white quill that it turns out is a threat from R, reminding MC that R still intends to “collect” on one of their friends’ lives. Well, this scene has always bugged me, because Hogwarts is supposed to be nigh impregnable, to the point that even Voldemort couldn’t get inside during the First Wizarding War -- so how does a non-Hogwarts-graduate like Jacob get in so easily?
My answer -- that is not really Jacob. In my canon, the person Carewyn instead meets is an agent of R, who -- with inside help from another agent who plays as the newest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor -- was able to sneak into the school and impersonate Jacob with Polyjuice Potion. And this agent impersonating Jacob is none other than Carewyn’s maternal uncle and heir to the Cromwell Clan, Blaise. 
Blaise Cromwell is a character who -- quite honestly -- I think deserves multiple punches to the face. He is ridiculously possessive of his family, seeing them as akin to prized toys that no one else is allowed to touch but him, and his sister Lane and her children are no exception. Blaise is just as determined as Charles is to force Lane, Jacob, and Carewyn back into the fold of the Cromwell Clan, and he has no moral compunctions that might temper that desire. He’s more than willing to lie, deceive, torture, or even kill to achieve that goal. And because he was raised by Charles -- who like Jacob and Carewyn was born with immensely powerful Legilimency -- Blaise became a master of Occlumency at a young age, all in the effort of maintaining some privacy in and control over his own mind. This Occlumency and Blaise’s rather convincing act makes it so that Carewyn at first has no idea that she’s not speaking to her brother...at least, not until Blaise as Jacob collides with her in Knockturn Alley, while Carewyn herself is disguised as Patricia Rakepick. But for now, Carewyn is completely unawares...not just because Blaise was so good at capturing Jacob’s mannerisms and overall attitude, but because he sounded so sincere, speaking of his desire for their family to be as it once was. It made it so that when he so “reluctantly” accepted her help with the Vaults on the condition that she not involve her friends “unnecessarily” the way he did Duncan and Olivia, Carewyn didn’t suspect anything amiss. And well, Blaise does want his family as he once had it. He wants his sister Lane back at the Cromwell estate...and he does want her children there with them. Sure, for her and them, it’d be a cage, but they’d learn to accept it. They were family, after all -- the Cromwell estate, and the Cromwell Clan, was where they belonged. 
For however terrible of a person Blaise is, however, I will point out that the moment Blaise collided with Carewyn in Jacob’s old room was the first time he’d really been able to interact with his niece. And however much he was focused on his goal, it didn’t mean he felt nothing, seeing her for the first time. 
Lane had been Blaise’s favorite sibling when they were young -- admittedly largely by default since they were closest in age and Lane was both intellectual and disinterested in social gatherings enough that Blaise enjoyed her company -- so her departure had a profound impact on Blaise, just as it did the rest of the Clan. He missed his third sister dearly, and hearing that she’d not only married a Muggle, but that that wretched man then proceeded to abandon her and her children upon Jacob’s Hogwarts letter arriving at their door, Blaise felt a surge of overprotectiveness toward both Lane and her children. They deserved better than what they’d had to live with -- they deserved to live well, not in poverty; they deserved to be treated like high society, not like freaks; they deserved a real home with the Clan, not living in a Muggle gutter. Jacob and Carewyn’s experience with their father should prove to them the superiority of wizardkind over Muggles -- not drive them further into the arms of Muggle lovers like the Weasleys or Mudbloods like Olivia Green or Ben Copper. With Blaise himself a widower and single father, he’s imprinted some of those twisted paternal instincts onto both Jacob and Carewyn as well -- and when he met Carewyn for the first time while disguised as Jacob, he witnessed her capacity to love first-hand. For while he wore her brother’s face, this usually stoic, pretty little teenager fussed over Blaise, fixing his robes and expressing sincere and open concern for his safety. The closest comparison point Blaise had for Carewyn’s behavior was that of his own deceased mother, Marilyn -- and yet there was no sense of asserting control here, with Carewyn. Charles only used “concern” as a means to an end -- to get a better read on who he was talking to. Even Marilyn would express concern by taking some authority over her children -- telling them to sit up straight, fixing their collars and hair to make them look perfect, because she wanted them to succeed, which would also reflect well on her. But not Carewyn. Her caring was given with no caveats or conditions -- no semblance of dominance or control. It was so...selfless.
Blaise had had no concept that any relative of his could be so weak-hearted. And yet all it did was make him want to bring her into the fold more.
People are rife to take advantage of a child like this. The people around her already have taken advantage of her. These ‘friends’ of hers that she’s so desperate to protect from us...what have they done, to deserve her caring? Who are they, to deserve her loyalty? Muggle lovers, Mudbloods, paupers and orphans...they are not her family -- we are her family!
The thought made Blaise’s inside flare with resentment and anger. 
And I intend to treat her like it. 
At one point during their meeting, Carewyn asked the man she thought was Jacob if something was wrong. Blaise tried to play this off, simply claiming he was lost in thought. Sensing Carewyn might be starting to pull away from him, Blaise offered a shred of vulnerability. 
“...It’s just...the last time I saw you...you were only a child. You still would be a child, if not for the Cursed Vaults...”
Some resentment slipped out despite himself. As much as he wanted his family back together, and as much as he knew his father Charles’s word was law so long as he was head of the Clan, Blaise really hadn’t wanted his son or any of his nieces and nephews to be involved with R. He’d fought hard to keep Tristan and Pearl and Claire’s children out of this whole mess. 
“...I wish I could shield you, Pip. I wish that...things could be just the way they were.”
Carewyn’s eyes softened. Feeling compassion in her heart for who she thought was her brother, she then opened up her arms and encircled “Jacob” in a hug. The gesture made Blaise flinch. 
“Me too,” Carewyn murmured. 
The warmth of her embrace flooded Blaise with a strange, trembling kind of pain -- an ache he hardly knew the origin of. He so rarely received hugs as it was, but this kind of hug in particular -- however much it comforted Carewyn as much as him, once again, there was no sense of transaction, no sense of control. She was just offering him comfort, and she found comfort herself just in giving it...such a weak-hearted gesture, and yet expressed by such a firm, warm embrace. 
Abruptly, before he fully knew what he was doing, Blaise had lashed his arms out and seized hold of Carewyn, cradling her against his chest the way he did his own son, Tristan. The strength of his hug made Carewyn give him a light squeeze in return, which in turn made tears clutch at Blaise’s throat. Forcing them back fiercely, the heir of the Cromwell Clan simply held on tighter, resting his head on top of Carewyn’s as a choked song drifted absently from his lips. 
“The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms... When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, So I hung my head and cried.”
Blaise hardly knew the origin of the old song anymore, aside from it being his main choice of lullaby for his son, Tristan, when he was young. Carewyn seemed to know it, though. Her lips even curled up in a small, sad smile of her own as she sang the chorus with him --
“You are my sunshine...my only sunshine... You make me happy when skies are gray... You’ll never know, dear...how much I love you... Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
Patricia Rakepick had told Blaise that Carewyn was a true Cromwell, when she sang. Seeing what she meant, by hearing the warm, trained tone of his niece for the first time, made Blaise squeeze Carewyn that little bit tighter.
Oh, if only his mother could’ve heard her, Blaise thought of Marilyn at the grand piano so many years ago...if only she’d had the chance to hear Lane’s daughter sing...
“We can’t forget Laney’s baby. We must get something for the baby...”
When Blaise finally forced himself to let go of Carewyn, he cleared his throat, trying to pull himself together as he turned away. 
“...I should go. The longer I’m here, the more of a chance someone’ll see me. Can’t afford to get you in more trouble, on my account...”
Carewyn frowned. “Mm...”
Even with how disappointed she looked, she still nodded. Blaise turned to her much more seriously. 
“Best not tell anyone I was here, Pip,” he said. “If your friends are anything like mine...I doubt they’ll just stand back and watch, if they know you’re helping me with the Vaults.”
Carewyn’s eyes fell away as she nodded again grimly. She clearly didn’t need to be convinced -- she’d already come to that conclusion herself. 
Good, thought Blaise coldly. The more she separates herself from them now, the easier it’ll be for her to let go of them and return home to us. Then she’ll know what home and family truly are.
The memory of trying and failing to completely modify Ben Copper’s memory outside the Ice Vault -- of seeing him fearfully mumbling Carewyn’s name in his sleep in the Hospital Wing, after he was recovered -- made Blaise’s fist clench around his wand as he left the room and disappeared down the hall. 
Everything would be the way it should be, Blaise thought, once he brought Lane and her children home. He’d make sure Lane, Jacob, and Carewyn had everything they could ever want, once they came home to the Clan. He’d make sure they were content -- that they’d have everything they needed, at home, where they belonged.
Then they’d stay. They’d stay, and never leave again.
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demonspeeding666 · 2 years
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Keith Flint and The Prodigy
And that photo of Sailor moon Usagi Tsukino and Liam Howlett is so beautiful and funny at the same time because they're my fav inspirations and my fav things and never saw that photo of Maxim with Madonna is so nice and I did saw Keith and Manson together in that picture so awesome
Thank you Keith Flint for your music and your style and your voice
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fionaisntdead · 2 months
intro !!!!
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abt me: 17 y/o, she/they/it/whatever rlly idm !!, tcc n columbiner…, i like goth shit..and,,,..,hatsune miku..and,,,.dylan an eric…i liek women..and cats.., i also rlly like music like so much pls talk to mehy about it… u can call me fifi or fiona or fi or..,,. like anythung rlly.. im also severely autistsic
music i lobe: nine inch nail, skinny puppy, type o negative, kmfdm, marilyn manson, depeche mode, mayhem, lebanon hanover, sisters of mercy, christian death, lifelover, bauhaus, rammstein, jack off jill, hole, kittie, london after midnight, alien vampires, icp, chemical brothers, the prodigy, ministry, pig, she wants revenge, rob zombie, slayer, lifelover, animal collective and soooososo muchm more !!!!
interests: like i said before..,,i like cats..a lot, aslo big ol fan of music..,, fav movies are house of 1000 corpses and elephant 2003, i also like uuurhhrmg..,.daydreaming and smoking and doddlinf an and listening to music. i allso like dr pepper and ..and the white monster and that monster with butterflies on it…,i also.., deeply enjoy cigarettes…m,, .,nn alcohol … anndd/...,,, coffee :3
disc - fionaisntdeadd
snap - unusualhab1t
insta - 3verlastingcontrast
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strawbrygashez · 2 months
Cal x Derick HCs \(^_^)/ tw for sh and uhh I guess things similar
•Literally the most freaky couple ever. They cut each other, can and will tell you the most disturbing facts out of no where like how successful certain suicide methods are and the process of body a decaying, will be that annoying ass couple that sit in the hallway together, will tell each other that they thought about killing each other the other day and swoon over it and .. just stuff like that. Horrible for each other but also they are on the same exact wave length and it’s like they can read the other’s mind.
•They talk about the weirdest shit that won’t make sense to anyone but them and neither of them are ever caught off guard over what the other is talking about. like Cal talking about aliens or Derick talking about how how he’s gonna get a new box cutter to cut himself soon because he lost his old one. To them it’s just the same as an old couple talking about what was in the newspaper today.
•Cal bought them matching friendship charm bracelets 😋 they collect charms that remind each other of the other. They both wear them all the time.
•They have a little jar of each others blood. How romantic🩸maybe they’d put some into necklaces that have a tiny little jar u can put whatever into.
•Derick is always holding Cal from behind since he’s a good amount taller. He does it even more so because it makes Andre uncomfortable seeing them handsy.
•They write poems together! A common theme in their poems is dying and being one together.
•Romeo and Juliet core. They want nothing more than to die together one day
•Not only are they freaky but they are also cringe. They are that video of that girl saying ‘stop ✋’ after some dude recorded her resting her forehead against her mans forehead. They cuddle all the time and once Cal comes out and tells his parents he’s with Derick and they accept it, they are all lovey dovey when Andre is over and it makes him want to vomit.
•Cal likes how tall and weird/out of it Derick is. When he’s quiet he’s almost got this kinda Michael myers thing about him and cal loves it 😛 He’d probably beg him to dress up as some silent horror movie character for Halloween so he can ‘freak out’ cal. Weirdo.
•They find the weirdest books and movies to show each other. Like really weird dark or artsy shit. The only thing they don’t have similar taste in is music. Cal can’t stand Derick’s screechy black metal and Derick thinks most of Cals whiny emo grunge music is lame but it’s alright :) They can settle on stuff like NIN, KMFDM, Type O negative, Deftones, Prodigy, and Rammstein. (And maybe just a little Marilyn Manson)
•Speaking of bands, once Derick gets with Cal he’s inspired by all of Cals band shirts to get some of his own. Mostly all of them are black metal bands but Cal will still steal some every now and then because the designs are admittedly really cool. Derick would only wear one of Cals if he absolutely had to (also I dunno if Cals shirts would fit him too well bc I think Derick might be a tiny bit broader)
•Andre becomes an absolute angel in Rachel’s eyes compared to Derick. While Andre just made her kinda uncomfortable and worried, she’s sure Derick has a dead body in his basement 💀
•Cal and Derick smoke and drink a lot. Their favorite place to is in grave yards.
Kinda related, not really, but they like to lay down on the ground together in grave yards and talk about how they want to be buried together ‘like this’.
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shakespearenews · 1 year
Over his first two decades in film, Branagh’s signature work was Shakespearean, beginning with his 1989 directorial debut, Henry V.
In this respect, he followed in the footsteps of Laurence Olivier, whose directorial debut was his wartime Henry V (1944), and Orson Welles, another wunderkind with Shakespearean credentials.
Olivier and Welles created three Shakespeare films apiece. Branagh has, so far, directed five: Henry V, Much Ado about Nothing (1993), Hamlet (1996), Love’s Labour’s Lost (2000) and As You Like It (2006)...Even Branagh’s self-aggrandising autobiography opens each chapter with lines from Shakespeare.
In addition to courting association with Shakespeare, Branagh’s choices cultivated association with his stage and screen precursors. Like Olivier, he has played both Henry V and Hamlet. Branagh even portrayed Olivier in My Week with Marilyn (2012).
...My PhD, completed in 2009, considered Branagh’s self-fashioning through Shakespeare, little anticipating in the subsequent 13 years he would direct films as disparate as Marvel’s Thor (2011), the Tom Clancy action movie Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014), Disney’s Cinderella (2015), the intimate All is True, children’s fantasy Artemis Fowl (2020), his Poirot trilogy and autobiographical Belfast (2021).
...Branagh genre-hopped even within his Shakespeare films. His dramatic entrance in shadow in Henry V evokes Darth Vader; his arrival on horseback in Much Ado about Nothing summons The Magnificent Seven (2016); the musical numbers in Love’s Labour’s Lost echo classic Hollywood musicals.
Hamlet, in particular, invites association with Hollywood epics. At 242 minutes, it was the longest commercial release since 1963’s Cleopatra, the first 70mm British production since 1970’s Ryan’s Daughter, and shot by Lawrence of Arabia’s focus-puller Alex Thomson.
...The film’s palatial wintry setting recalls Doctor Zhivago, as does Julie Christie’s casting as Gertrude. Charlton Heston’s casting evokes his popular biblical epics. Placing Hamlet’s “How all occasions” soliloquy before intermission mirrors Gone with the Wind’s famous pre-intermission speech.
Branagh’s staging of Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” monologue even suggests Taxi Driver, where anti-hero Travis Bickle likewise fantasises dangerous courses of action before a mirror.
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freakz-talent-agency · 3 months
Step into the shadowy, electrifying world of ENDGAMES, the alternative DJ sensation who has risen from the underground to become a formidable force in the music industry. As the prodigy of legendary American rock star Marilyn Manson, ENDGAMES brings a unique blend of dark, pulsating beats and haunting melodies that captivate and mesmerize.This exclusive DVD package offers an unprecedented look at ENDGAMES' journey to the forefront of the alternative music scene. Featuring intense live performances, never-before-released tracks, and intimate behind-the-scenes footage, "ENDGAMES: TEAR ME APART" is a must-have for fans and newcomers alike.
**Live Performances:** Experience the raw energy and hypnotic stage presence of ENDGAMES through stunning live footage from electrifying shows around the globe. Feel the adrenaline and immerse yourself in the sonic landscape that has earned ENDGAMES a cult following.
**Unreleased Music:** Dive into the vault with a collection of unreleased tracks that showcase ENDGAMES' innovative sound and evolution as an artist. These rare gems offer a glimpse into the creative process and musical experimentation that defines ENDGAMES' distinct style.
**Behind the Scenes:** Go beyond the stage and explore the enigmatic persona of ENDGAMES with exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Witness the artistry and dedication that go into crafting each performance, and gain insight into the mentorship of Marilyn Manson, whose influence has shaped ENDGAMES' career and artistic vision.
"ENDGAMES: TEAR ME APART" is more than just a DVD—it's an immersive experience that celebrates the dark allure and innovative spirit of one of the most compelling figures in alternative music today. Join ENDGAMES on this extraordinary journey and discover the depths of their musical prowess and the legacy of their legendary mentor.
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hanasnx · 7 months
Nine inch nails:
Capital G
Terrible lie
The hand that feeds
We’re in this together
Tennessee Love
Catfish Billy
Billy crystal
Let’s roll
Make believe
All girls are the same
Rich and blind
Fuck u
The prodigy
Flux pavilion
Tech nine
Marilyn Manson
In this moment
Pretty reckless
Dada life
i added the songs to the playlist and out of the artists recommended to me i’ll be honest i’m not gonna check out their discography cos it takes a lot more time. i’m not impressed with g-eazy nor marilyn manson or pretty reckless, but in this moment is one of my favorite bands ever. the rest i don’t recognize and probably won’t look into unless i’m given like a sample of them you know? but i really do appreciate you recommending them :) and thank you for the songs
if you’ve recommended in this moment chances are you like a lot of their music so i won’t bother listing my faves but lmk if u want them <3
my fave my yelawolf is devil in my veins
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fangomusic · 3 years
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Happy Halloween
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90ssuperheroes · 5 years
The Soundtrack: Spawn
Released in 1997, this amazing soundtrack features big name Metal and Rock acts mixed with equally big name electronic music acts and producers, a concept previously used for the “Judgement Night” soundtrack.  The soundtrack entered the Billboard charts at #7 and stayed on the chart for 25 weeks.  The standard version featured 14 tracks, but a special edition featuring cover art from Spawn #39 featured a 15th track (listed below).  In all, 3 covers were available.
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We eat the children is a national American tour founded and organized by the creators of After Dark Media and I got stuck in a Emo Phase 2022. The WITCHHOUSE music based tour is due to start at the end of November, (26th) and ends in early December (5th).
The tour headliner ENDGAMES is the American prodigy of American Rockstar Marilyn Manson and produces and masters all his tracks, remixes and  original songs since 2010.
The artist hasn't been signed, but partnered with local music labels and net labels around the world untill he got a six figure check from SONY music and used it to organize a online tour, live streaming on the Facebook app, and selling tickets for only $10 to watch the live stream.
AFTER DARK MEDIA and AFTER DARK UNDERGROUND sponsored the 2022 tour alongside the Dallas metal music industry and plans on hosting a Halloween Eve party as well as a Halloween special the night of.
Presale for the tickets started August 2022. And promotion started two weeks later untill the day before the first date. The tour was widely becoming known for celebrating Goth PRIDE in the month of October and having very wide conceptual ideas in this tour, in the setlist, and in the general idea of the shows all together.
It's said that THE WE EAT THE CHILDREN TOUR is a tour for the people
who fear and feed the machine, who smile out of fear and live in terror of being eaten by the reflection of the grace of God. 
Recklessness of your broken faith.
Breathlessness in your tears. Fear. Hopelessness in a vision of torment and pure existentialism.
And a pain you can't explain stemming from within.
The setlist for every show is a hour long including visuals, lights, and unseen rare footage.
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lettherebemonsters · 3 years
♫: my muse’s favorite song, band, and/or music genre -- for any muses that you've been dying to talk about
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Ryan Torres loves the band the Prodigy and he would totally headbang to songs like Spitfire, Funky Shit and Smack my Bitch Up!
Though had he lived past 1994 (technically I have him still active after 1994 as a condition of escaping partly the Shadyside Curse) he would have totally binge listened to Korn and Marilyn Manson. Watch him chasing after teens while Warship my Wreck and This is the New shit blasts in the background.
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Harry Rooker comes from the more 'boomer' generations (or pre-boomer, given how he was implied to have been disfigured while serving overseas in WW2) so he tends to enjoy the more quiet, almost whimsical songs.
His favorite song is definitely Hush Hush Hush (Here Comes the Boogeyman) by Henry Hall, and can be heard humming it at times when at work or alone. He's tried listening to modern songs but finds most to be oppressive. Though he's discovered a love for the 'milkshakes' song (you damn know which one I'm talking about.)
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You bet your butt that had Tommy Slater lived past 1978, he'd have LOVED bands like Alice Cooper. But given that he's a ghoul of sorts after being resurrected in 1994, he's still a big fan of Blu Oyster Cult's Don't Fear the Reaper.
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randomvarious · 4 years
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Today’s compilation:
Kerrang! The Album 2001 Nu Metal / Alternative Metal / Hard Rock / Industrial Rock / Heavy Metal / Post-Grunge / Metalcore / Pop-Rock / Rap-Rock
Piggybacking here off of a post I did a few weeks ago in which I made two separate points: one, it's totally okay that you liked bad music at one point in your life and you should feel free to listen to that music and admit that you still like it even though it's bad, and two, we've pretty much decided as a society to go ahead and almost completely memory hole the fact that in the early aughts, outside of the boy bands, Britney, Christina, and Eminem, both nu metal and butt rock were the most popular forms of music in America. Bands sold albums that went multi-platinum, they sold out nationwide tours, and they had longform magazine cover stories written about them.
But what a lot of people don't seem to realize is that nu metal and butt rock weren't just some completely American phenomenon either; they were hugely popular in the UK, too. What, you thought the Brits just all listened to Radiohead or some shit back in 2000? How presumptuous of you! No! Wrong!
Case in point, Kerrang!, a British music weekly that's been known to transform the focus of its content every few years or so to meet the popularity of whatever the current rock moment is. They started out by examining the new wave of British heavy metal and hard rock back in the early 80s, but guess what their main area of focus was by the early 2000s? That's right, nu metal and butt rock! And guess what else? At that point in time, Kerrang! was also the bestselling music weekly in Great Britain, somehow managing to outsell the likes of the much heralded NME. So, believe me when I say that the UK has been just as cringeworthy with its collective taste in music as America has been.
With all that in mind then, I find myself enjoying a decent bit of this Kerrang! double-discer. Could it have been winnowed down to just one CD? Probably. More of it’s baaad filler than isn’t. But then again, I wasn’t the target audience for this thing back in 2001. My knowledge of nu metal and butt rock is really only at the surface level in that I’m only familiar with the stuff that was played on MTV, top 40 radio, and at sporting events. And those are the songs from this comp that I tend to hold near and dear to my heart, except for this one Pitchshifter song, which I’d never heard before listening to this comp, but they sound like if The Prodigy somehow ran out of both fame and money and decided to try to cash in on the nu metal gimmick, which is a sort of alternative timeline that entertains me to no end when I think about it.
So, in conclusion, is Kid Rock simply one of the most embarrassingly bad acts of all time and also trash personified? One hundred percent. But when "Bawitdaba" comes on, am I gonna transport myself back to 2000 and sing my heart out to it just like I did all those years ago? Also one hundred percent. Bad music can be good for your soul.
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Limp Bizkit - “My Generation” Puddle of Mudd - “Control” Wheatus - “Teenage Dirtbag” Feeder - “Buck Rogers” Filter - “Hey Man Nice Shot” Bloodhound Gang - “The Ballad of Chasey Lain” My Vitriol - “Always: Your Way”
Linkin Park - “One Step Closer” Incubus - “Pardon Me” Marilyn Manson - “The Beautiful People” Kid Rock - “Bawitdaba” Papa Roach - “Last Resort” Queens of the Stone Age - “The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret” Pitchshifter - “Microwaved” Orgy - “Blue Monday”
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chaotic-bells · 4 years
@larrylovely tagged me yesterday to do the Music Shuffle tag game. Let’s see what will show up today :D It will definitely be a huge mess of genres... 
The Dansant - ANNA (oooh I love this one. It’s been a while)
Glycerine - Bush
Live Forever - Oasis
Omen - The Prodigy
Your Love - The Outfield (don’t judge me)
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
A-Punk - Vampire Weekend
Roll The Dice - SHY FX ft Lily Allen and Stamina MC (this is so cool)
Hold On - Alabama Shakes
Superstition - Stevie Ray Vaughan version
The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles - Marilyn Manson
Heart Meet Break - Liam Payne (hi Liam!)
Que’ Onda Guero - Beck
Go Your Own Way - Fleetwood Mac
Reignite - Killswitch Engage (this is really their best album)
The Door - Silverchair (I miss Silverchair. I should listen to them more)
Parachutes - Coldplay (does it count if the song is 46 secs long?)
Act My Age - One Direction 
Joining You - Alanis Morissette
Fear Inoculum - TOOL 
yup. This was a mess and a half. Thanks Spotify. At least I like all of them 
I’ll tag @quelsentiment and @cheekbonetojawbone cause I really wanna hear more about your musical taste! And @herefortommo whenever you have time, no rush :) @whatagreatproblemtohave I know you’ve been tagged, but I’ll tag you too.
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taltos-seidmadr · 4 years
It occurred to me that I never shared the Loki playlist that I made for my Month for Loki back then when I was writing it. It’s the Month for Loki again, and it has stayed technically unchanged since it’s inception two years ago... so I might as well!
This is a part of a series of playlists that are based on the myths, so this is the myth-Loki and not based on my personal experiences or whatever (that playlist is elsewhere lol). Except for the last song. There is always a +1 at the end that is personal.
Overall I just wanted this to be a fun, contrarian and playfully rebellious playlist with a hint of edginess... because that’s exactly what I think Loki is like in the myths: a fun, playfully rebellious contrarian, with a little bit of an edgy addition when the plot wouldn’t be able to move on otherwise.
I feel like this reveals more about my age and taste in music than I expected but I’m not ashamed of it in the slightest
And yeah, you’ve got your fires and air and birds and threads and volcanic activity and everything. Sure. (I have forgotten the snakes oops? Suggest me a song with snake imagery in the comments.)
The tracklist as of today is thusly (with some lyric snippets as teasers)
It’s time to shine / And make all your dreams come true / Come on... wish upon a dog star 1. Dogstar - Hybrid
Are you still denying? / Now I know there is something more / That this is the truth / It’s all in you 2. Path, Vol. 2 - Apocalyptica feat. Sandra Nasic
Come play my game, I’ll test ya / Psychosomatic, addict, insane 3. Breathe - The Prodigy
Now renegades are the people with their own philosophies / They change the course of history / Everyday people like you and me 4. Renegades of Funk - Rage Against the Machine
Get on board and have some fun / Take what you need to turn you on 5. Androgyny - Garbage
I want to hang all your cattle with your velvet rope / Motherfuckers step up and get into an orderly line 6. Better of Two Evils - Marilyn Manson
I can't control myself, because I don't know how / And they love me for it, honestly, I'll be here for a while 7. Blood - My Chemical Romance
I been that bitch, yes I love that drama / Fishy, feminine up-and-comer 8. Call Me Mother - RuPaul
I am the vulture in the space / I’m running in my supersonic shoes / I’m the vulture in the haze / There’s nothing foreseen, no rules 9. Supersonic Shoes - Strong Deformity
Are you deranged like me? Are you strange like me? / Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me? / Do you call yourself a fucking hurricane like me? / Pointing fingers cause you'll never take the blame like me? 10. Gasoline - Halsey
You could light me on fire / and you could kill me in my sleep / You could call me a liar / And you could bury me deep... 11. Light Me On Fire (High Maintenance Remix) - Dub FX
I need your discipline / I need your help / You know once I start I can not help myself 12. Discipline - Nine Inch Nails
Done my time and served my sentence / Dress me up and watch me die / If it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine 13. Emperor’s New Clothes - Panic! At the Disco
for shame’s sake by any other name / when the seeds take / it grows like weeds and spreads like flames 14. The Fuel - Sneaker Pimps
There is nothing you can do that I have not already done to myself 15. Never Wanted To Dance - Mindless Self Indulgence
I was close to the ant / Staying undercover, staying undercover / With a nose to the ground, I found my sound 16. BORN FREE - M. I. A.
And the longest hours I've had in my life / Were the ones I went through to know I was right / So I'm safe... but I'm a little outside / I'm gonna laugh when I'm buried alive 17. Sulfur - Slipknot
You say you wanna be my leader / I think you wanna be my God / You say you on the side of the righteous / I say I'm gonna hang with the wrong 18. Angel Duster - Run the Jewels
Made tissue paper sails / used thread instead of nails / Your autograph was carved across your back / We thought that you were done / but then you grabbed your gun / You pushed and fought and ran full speed ahead 19. How To Look Naked - Black Light Burns
Clothes on the floor, but the bed's on the ceiling / Slurring my lines, but I'm nailing the meaning 20. Silvertongue - Young the Giant
I belong here with the fallen / Here is nowhere, here is everything / I belong here with the broken / We are lost and we have nothing to lose 21. Pray for the Pain You Serve - Gary Numan
I'm the player, I'm the naive / I'm the one who's not addicted / I'm the logic to the fuck up / I'm the broken one who fixed it 22. Seen It All - KoRn
Cause I'll darn you back together / when you think that you're bereft / And you'll wail, you'll scream, but I'll never stop / cause it's all that I have left +1. The Rockrose and the Thistle - The Amazing Devil
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I got tagged by the lovely @hoe-for-rammstein, thank you kindly, I really appreciate it, and I’m sending you a big heartfelt 💖 but holy hell *glances at user-name and laughs nervously* 😂 
Rules: spell out your URL using song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL. 
ich Will - Rammstein
new Dawn Fades - Joy Division
dance Macabre - Ghost
i Don't Care - Apocalyptica 
lake of Fire - Nirvana
ceremony - New Order
until It Sleeps - Metallica
isolation - Joy Division 
mein Teil - Rammstein
hurt - Johnny Cash
no Good - The Prodigy
eternal Wait - Ensiferum
asleep - The Smiths
running Up That Hill - Kate Bush (love the Placebo cover too)
disorder - Joy Division
augen Auf - Oomph
no Reflection - Marilyn Manson
inis Mona - Eluveitie
everything About You - Ugly Kid Joe
loser - Beck
That was fun! And the good news is I’ve seen my entire music catalogue at least 5 times, the bad news is....I have to tag 20 people? Nah, rules are made to be broken, I reckon. Thus, if you’re up for it, I’m going to tag @meer116, @thislovelyoptimist, @tinnike, @struwwelzeter, @par-merlin, @hanhan156, @one-air-ghoul, @mechanicalbride16, @notafraidofredyellowandblue (edit: just saw yours, sorry for the double tag!) @krampvs666, and anyone else who wants to do this 💖
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frczenhearts · 4 years
Tagged by: @afterimagex
Tagging: @fxledheroes, @smugxscientific, @cetacian, @cvldthief, @ncthingstars, @maximummuses, @laughter-in-white, @the-bctman, @princeofgothcmcity, @thehouseofivo
You can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to.
🎵 Make a new post, hit shuffle on your media player and write down the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping! 🎶
(Spooky edit: I don’t use IPhones anymore or IPods anymore, so I’m gonna list 10 awesome songs I like instead. I hope you guys don’t mind!)
1. Calling all the Monsters-China Anne McClain
2.Things that Go Bump in the Night-Tommy SpaSe and the Alchemists
3.Bump in the Night- The All-Stars
4. Warning Signs-The Anix
5. World So Cold-Three Days Grace
6. Spitfire-The Prodigy
7. This is the New Shit-Marilyn Manson
8. Make me Bad-Korn
9. Look to the Skies-Creature Feature
10. The Creeps-Creature Feature
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