#marius x Daniel
vamp4rebatscave · 5 months
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Daniel probably telling a boomer reference that Marius doesn't catch
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thisautistic · 4 months
marius is THE BEST vampire in tvc because he just wants to hang out and paint and fuck by the end of the series. In this essay i will....
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half-as-big-as-life · 14 days
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they mean sm to meeee
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xxhellonursexx · 1 year
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Some people go to the movies on Friday night.
Daniel ends up in the raggedy-ass play area of a community center while Marius turns a lecture on Ancient Roman foreign policy into a debate with the two other people who showed up.
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aloafteas · 2 months
it's funny to me how Daniel and Marius just basically became dads, Marius made Benji for Armand because he knew Armand wouldn't do it himself and they just kinda ended up with a 12 year old iPad kid with a podcast
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dotlookstired · 4 months
Supernatural/vampire chronicles crossover.
The town around the bunker had seen a series of strange disappearances lately, and Sam and Dean Winchester were determined to get to the bottom of it. Their investigation had led them to the local bar
They walked into the dimly lit bar, the air thick with the smell of alcohol and the sound of laughter and music. They settled at the bar counter, scanning the room for anything unusual. It didn’t take long for something to catch their eyes: two people they’d never seen in the town before, a small auburn-haired teen with strange mannerisms. At first glance, they thought the teen was a girl, but on closer inspection, they noticed the boyish features.
The teen was talking animatedly to a skinny young man who looked to be maybe in his late twenties and maybe a bit tipsy. “Why did you have to drink from that drunk guy? The night has only just begun and you're already tipsy Daniel,” the teen said to the young man.
“Well, at least my snack was a totally normal guy and not some teeth-for-a-face demon with black goop for blood. You're probably gonna get some sort of disease now. You've already got a stomach ache,” Daniel replied.
“Luckily, I didn't drink much. That thing tasted so bad; it had so many teeth. Nothing needs that many teeth! And that pitch-black blood kinda burned as it hit my tongue,” the boy said, with a shudder. The tipsy young man, Daniel, just nodded his head along as the teen continued rambling.
“Are you even listening, Daniel? That thing was scary. I'm scared; how are you not?” the auburn-haired boy asked, exasperation creeping into his voice.
“Well, Armand, I did spend a good portion of my human life dealing with you and all your nonsense and your sharp teeth. So maybe I'm just desensitized,” Sam and Dean exchanged a glance after eavesdropping. The boy - Armand - looked too young to be in a bar, and the conversation revealed a lot of information.
Armand had noticed them staring and read their minds; he knew the brothers were looking for something suspicious, and they suspected he and his fledgling were vampires, the cause of the recent missing human cases. Armand saw that they had killed vampires before; granted, they were really weak vampires, but it still scared him.
He knew they were eavesdropping and watching; there was no way for him to alert Daniel to the situation.
“These two are definitely up to something,” Dean whispered. “Yeah, for sure. Let’s try talking to them,” Sam replied. But before they could move closer to them, a waiter brought over a plate of fries that Armand had ordered to appear human.
“Uh, maybe they aren't vampires,” Sam whispered to Dean as they watched Armand struggle to get ketchup out of the bottle before putting a fry in his mouth, which only added to the brothers' confusion.
“Yeah, vampires don’t typically eat French fries,” Dean replied. “That kinda sounds like it could be the title of a weird children's book,” Sam said. At this point, Daniel had also noticed them staring but couldn't hear their thoughts over all the other humans.
Tired of being stared at, Daniel turned to Sam and Dean. “Can I help you?” he asked, his tone a mix of irritation and curiosity.
Thinking quickly, Dean smiled. “Sorry we didn't mean to be rude; we've just never seen you guys around here before. Are you new to the area?” he said smoothly.
“Yeah, we just got here yesterday,” Daniel replied. “Mind if we join you?” Armand was starting to become more uncomfortable, but he didn't want to look suspicious. “I suppose,” Armand told them.
As soon as they sat down next to the odd pair, Sam noticed that the plate of French fries had barely been touched. “I’m Dean, and this is my brother Sam,” Dean introduced. “Not hungry?” Sam glanced at the plate.
Daniel almost laughed, but Armand interrupted, “Not hungry right now. I tried something earlier, and it upset my stomach.” Sam decided to change the subject.
“So, what brings you two to this boring town?” he asked, trying to sound casual.
“We just wanted to get away for a bit; things back home in New York were getting a bit too much for me. I prefer peace and quiet, and I'm trying to get back into writing,” Daniel replied before putting a fry in his mouth to appear human.
“You're a writer?” Sam asked, kinda excitedly.
“Yes, but I haven't written in years. I'm hoping being away from the city and getting some alone time with my lover will help inspire me,” Daniel answered. The brothers looked a bit confused, and the pair recognized why, but before Armand could intervene, Daniel tried to ease their worry and confusion.
“We get this a lot; he’s actually older than me,” Daniel replied with a laugh. Dean awkwardly changed the subject.
“I overheard you talking earlier about a creature with lots of teeth and something about snacking on a drunk guy, what was that about?” he asked. The odd pair looked shocked. “It’s just a little inside joke we have; something bad did happen earlier, but we like to grossly exaggerate things,” Armand lied.
Dean decided to check if they were warm. “Oh, still sounds like you’ve had a pretty rough night though; mind if I steal some fries?” Dean asked.
Daniel slid the plate closer to the brothers, and as Dean was reaching for a fry, he awkwardly brushed hands with Daniel and Armand and found Daniel to be warm but Armand to be cold and corpse-like. At this point, the brothers were really confused.
“Well, we should probably get going; I do have work tomorrow. Nice meeting you guys,” Dean lied as he nudged Sam away from the counter.
Armand let out a sigh of relief as soon as the brothers left. “Are you alright, boss? You seem really tense,” Daniel asked before taking Armand's hand in his own. Armand explained what he had seen in their minds. Daniel groaned in annoyance. “I just got my typewriter set up and my workspace all cozy just a few hours ago. Are we going to have to leave?” Daniel asked.
“Not yet, I’m wary of them, but I think if need be, we could overpower them. Also, curious about what they do and what they know about the creature we encountered earlier,” Armand replied, glancing in the direction where the Winchester brothers had exited.
Outside, Sam and Dean were having their own conversation. “That was weird, right?” Sam said.
“Yeah, definitely. Armand's cold as ice but not acting like a vampire, and Daniel is warm and seems very human. We need to keep an eye on them," Dean agreed. “And track down that Leviathan that they encountered," Sam added.
“Right, let's get back to the bunker and do some research. I have a feeling things are about to get interesting,” Dean said, leading the way back to the Impala.
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desertfangs · 4 months
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Soul of an Artist Marius/Daniel - 1061 words - Prince Lestat Era Fluff
Marius paints flowers on the walls of an abandon house and he and Daniel discuss art.
My last entry for @vcmicroficmay for the prompt "spellbound." No Wal-Mart in sight. I cut 300 words and still couldn't get it under 1000 but at this point, I figure it's close enough.
This pure fluff with like... a teaspoon of angst. Sorry not sorry.
Whole text beneath the cut or cross-posted to AO3.
Daniel watched as Marius’ paint brush moved in swift, effortless motions and vibrant flowers sprang to life on the decrepit wall. Watching Marius paint was spellbinding, the brush dancing over the makeshift canvas in elegant movements. 
The flowers were beautiful colors: violet, orange, and yellow. It was incredible how quickly the empty wall became a lush garden. 
Marius stepped back to examine his work and then glanced over his shoulder at Daniel, who sat on the grimy floor with his back against the opposite wall. 
“You don’t have to stay,” Marius said. “You must be bored.”
“Never,” Daniel scoffed. “I could watch you paint for centuries.” 
Marius laughed, the sound low and rich. It washed over Daniel like a warm wave. “I doubt you’d tolerate it for even a decade.” 
Daniel smiled. “Is that a dare? Because we’d need to find a much larger house for that.” 
Marius made a sound, a mixture of amusement and exasperation. He continued adding flowers to the vines. 
“Why don’t you paint the walls of our flat?” Daniel asked. 
Marius’ brush stopped mid-stroke. “Would you really have me rendering gardens on the walls while you try to watch your television programs?” 
Daniel snorted. “I’d rather watch this than Star Trek. ” 
Marius’ expression turned dubious before he turned and examined his work. Satisfied the mural was done, he added more paint to his palette before rounding the corner. This next wall had windows, or used to, though the glass had blown out leaving only rusty, metal frames. 
Marius lifted his brush and then stopped.
“Come here, Daniel.” 
Daniel stood, moving to Marius’ side obediently. Marius dipped the brush into the paint, a mixture of red and yellow that made a deep orange, and handed the brush to Daniel.
Daniel stared at it curiously.
He was no stranger to paint brushes, of course. He’d gone through hundreds of them in the creation of his model worlds, small brushes that his deft, long fingers manipulated expertly to paint tiny houses, trees, and buildings. This brush was larger and the canvas before him was blank.
“What should I paint?” Daniel asked. 
“Whatever you wish.” 
He stared at the orange paint and suddenly a memory came to him of poppies weaving in the wind alongside a highway in California. He pressed the brush to the wall slowly, his movements stilted and uncertain. He managed to shape the petals into a convincing outline of a poppy. 
Marius smiled, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “You have an artist’s soul.” 
Daniel laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far.” He handed the paint brush back to Marius, who within minutes filled in the fine details, making the poppy burst forth from the wall as if it were growing there. 
“It’s astounding how you bring these things to life,” Daniel said. “It’s a true art.” 
Marius raised an eyebrow. “Like the worlds you built.” 
Daniel thought of his models, long abandoned and rotting in rooms in houses he no longer visited. Little worlds that sometimes looked impossibly real, as if a wizard had shrunk a chunk of the real world down to miniature scale. He’d been so proud of them. He’d spent hours painting and perfecting his methods, figuring out how to make the water look wet and the greenery lush. It had been an obsession that had captured his wounded mind, but it had been a passion, nonetheless.  
“You think my models are art?” Daniel asked. 
Marius tilted his head, taken aback. “Of course. What else would they be?” 
Daniel shrugged. “You just never seemed very impressed by them. Or that I used kits sometimes.” 
Marius was silent for a moment. Then his shoulders sank. “I may have been a little wary of being too indulgent of your fragile mental state.” 
Daniel frowned. Marius had provided him the means and space to build his models. That had certainly been indulgent.
 “Supportive and tolerant, yes,” Marius answered his thoughts, “but I wanted you to come out of your obsession. Those model worlds captivated you so totally.” 
It was true. Daniel remembered hours upon hours focused on only making the worlds as he saw them in his mind, the houses on the hills, the train tracks laid just so, the little roads winding over the landscape. He would pass out at his work table or on the floor of his work room when sunrise overcame him. He remembered nights where Marius spoke to him and he didn’t register more than the sound of his voice. 
“The models were a distraction. Sometimes too much so.” Marius set his brush on the edge of the palette and placed a hand on Daniel’s shoulder. “It doesn’t mean they aren’t art. They were created with great passion, that much was obvious.” 
Daniel smiled. He was proud of what he created, and though at times the memory of his single-minded obsession felt strangely alien, he missed having an ongoing project. 
“Perhaps we can come up with a project together,” Marius suggested. “You can build a structure and I’ll use it as a canvas.”
“Yeah, okay,” Daniel says. The thought of building something with his hands again was exciting and frightening all at once. He knew his fixation was a symptom of his madness, not the cause of it, but it was hard not to see them as linked. 
Marius smiled, easing the knot in Daniel’s stomach. He would never encourage him to do anything that might jeopardize his hard-won sanity. He lifted his hand and ruffled Daniel’s short, ashen hair. 
From outside came sound of mortals approaching. They were down the old dirt road a ways, far enough no mortal would hear them yet. Marius growled in annoyance. Daniel helped gather the paint and supplies into a bag, while Marius collected his brushes and tucked them beneath his arm. 
They slipped out of the abandoned house and made it all the way to the main road long before the mortals arrived. Marius frowned as he walked, clearly frustrated at the interruption. 
“Like I was saying, our dining nook could use some color,” Daniel said.  
Marius turned, almost as if startled. “We don’t use the dining nook.” 
“All the more reason to decorate its walls.” Daniel bumped him playfully in the shoulder with his own shoulder as they walked and Marius smiled. 
“As I said, the soul of an artist,” Marius said. 
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don’t forget that Marius had thought about fucking Louis in QotD! (The first few paragraphs of this ⬆️ page)
I wonder what else he will think if his dick could work😏. Though he will most likely go fuck Armand first. Then Daniel.
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bubblegum-blackwood · 2 years
Tournament: Best Marius ship
Vote for who you ship Marius de Romanus with the most!
If you blanket-statement hate him then this tournament isn't made for you, so please don't negatively interact with it. This is purely for fandom fun and my own curiosity.
Also I scoured AO3 to find enough ships for the tournament and was vaguely surprised by some of the results I got lmao. Y'all freaks
Day 1 (13 Feb 10:00 PST):
Armand vs Louis, Daniel vs David, Mael vs Avicus, Bianca vs Akasha, Pandora vs Benedict, Botticelli vs Zenobia, Eudoxia vs Lestat, Raymond Gallant vs Thorne
Day 2 (14 Feb): Armand vs Daniel, Mael vs Bianca, Pandora vs Botticelli, Lestat vs Gallant
Day 3 (15 Feb): Armand vs Mael, Pandora vs Lestat
Day 4 (16 Feb): Armand vs Pandora
Winner: Armand
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half-as-big-as-life · 13 days
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Daniel half-as-big-as-life feeling ill over maridan? Its more likely than you would think
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nothing-but-paisley · 4 months
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The similarities between "Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion" and the murals at the Villa of the Mysteries are making me deeply unwell in ways that should be studied.
The Bacon triptych is from 1944, just before Armand and Louis met. It is reminiscent of the modern art Armand says he cannot love or understand which he compares to Louis in the book, distant from him before their breakup. It could possibly be taken as a symbol of Loumand's relationship.
The other paintings are mentioned in devil's minion and associated with Armand's relationship with Daniel of course, but they also put me in mind of Marius (classical Roman art, flagellation, the color red). In the book, the Villa murals are "looking on" as Armand and Daniel consummate their relationship--almost like Marius is haunting them.
Not sure what any of this means, but paintings are clearly significant in this show. Super excited to add more red string to my pepe silvia board!
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inmydefensespring · 5 days
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Those Who Must Be Kept (your little boyfriend who hates you a bit)
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aloafteas · 2 months
This song screams 1994 movie Daniel Molloy, someone fact check me🙏🙌
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dotlookstired · 3 months
I finally finished the alternate ending for my Armand/Daniel eggpreg fic
This is an alternate version of the previous fanfic I wrote where it's vampire mating season. Daniel notices a change in Armand and is worried. Armand explains the cruel joke that is mating season: vampires can’t reproduce by mating, but every century, they feel this deep, instinctual desire to try. Soon, he will feel the need to build a nest, mate with Daniel, and then lay an egg. However, because of the hormones still in his system, he'll still want to care for it and will become very depressed when he finally comes to his senses and realizes it will never hatch. Except in this version, with some help from a fae, the egg does hatch and there is a happy ending. I do plan on adding another chapter to this later that will have them taking care of the baby.
Daniel had let his hunger build enough. He didn’t think so, but Armand refused to let him go hungry any longer. “You are not coming back to your typewriter until you’ve fed properly!” Armand growled before kicking him out of their bedroom, which doubled as Daniel's office. Usually, Armand was gentler with encouraging Daniel to feed, but lately, he’d been in a weird mood. Daniel figured perhaps he had done something to anger his master, or maybe Lestat had done something to piss him off.
As he walked through a shortcut through the woods to get to the city, he heard a muffled cry. He froze and looked around. The moon hung low, casting an eerie feeling into the woods. Daniel didn’t see anything but heard more noises coming from deeper in the woods. He quietly stepped off the beaten path and crept closer to the sounds. He found a group of men surrounding a little girl who looked to be maybe around 11.
“Sorry, kid, but you witnessed a deal that could get us all locked up for life if you snitched. We can’t let you go,” the leader said with a wicked grin as he raised his revolver to her temple.
Daniel's rage flared. In an instant, he was upon them. The first man barely had time to register his presence before Daniel’s fangs sank into his neck. The others tried to flee, but they were no match for his inhuman speed. One by one, they dropped to the forest floor, lifeless and drained.
Daniel expected the girl to be terrified but to his surprise, she was just standing on a tree stump, staring at him with unblinking eyes. He assumed she was in shock or too frightened to move. Slowly, he approached her. He planned on erasing her memory with his mind gift and returning her to her parents after he gave them a stern scolding about keeping better track of their child of course.
“I won't hurt you, Are you okay?” he asked gently. The girl didn't respond or even give any indication she heard him at all.
“Where do you live? What are you doing out in the woods at night?” he tried.
The girl smiled. “Thank you, for intervening,” her voice echoed in his head. Daniel nearly fell over in surprise. “What are you?” He asked his voice trembling.
“I believe the word that mankind has for me is fae” she replied, her voice still echoing in his mind.
“You're a fairy? Are you alright though? I saw them being pretty rough with you.” he replied, still in disbelief.
He heard her giggle in his head as she nodded. “You've just learned you're speaking to a fairy, and the first thing you ask is if I'm injured? You sweet little thing. I think for your kindness, I will reward you with something very special, something that no other of your kind has ever experienced or will likely ever experience,” she said.
“Thank you, but no payment is necessary. I already got an easy dinner out of the situation,” he humbly replied.
“You may not want it now, but trust me with what you are about to experience, you will be very satisfied,” she said before jumping off the back of the tree stump.
‘Hey, wait!” Daniel shouted. He ran around the back of the tree stump but found nobody there.
Perplexed, and well fed Daniel made his way home to his grumpy lover.
He found Armand lying listlessly on the couch watching Phil Swift cut a boat in half with a chainsaw and then fix it with flex tape.
“I’ve had one of the strangest nights ever, I discovered a new creature!” he excitedly announced.
“That’s neat,” Armand said without looking away from the tv.
Armand had felt off for a few days now. The symptoms crept in slowly at first: persistent tiredness, irritability, and a slight fever. His joints ached in a way that was both foreign and alarming, given he is an immortal vampire. The mood swings were the worst, though. One minute he would be calm and collected; the next, an overwhelming sense of anger would wash over him. possessiveness would grip him, making him growl at anyone who came too close to Daniel.
Daniel had noticed the changes but had no idea what could be the issue. He was beginning to think maybe Armand was somehow sick, or angry at him for some unknown reason. The uncertainty gnawed at him until he couldn’t take it anymore. Daniel decided to go into more detail about his weird encounter in the woods later. Right now he was more concerned with getting to the bottom of whatever was the issue. “Armand,” he said softly, sitting beside him and taking his hand, “what’s going on with you? You’ve been acting so strange lately. Are you sick? Or… are you mad at me?”
Armand blinked slowly, the fog in his mind clearing slightly as he focused on Daniel’s concerned face. It took him a moment to process the question, but when he did, a wave of realization washed over him. “Oh,” he murmured, squeezing his hand gently. “It’s not you. It’s… it’s that time of the century again.” he said more to himself than to Daniel
Daniel frowned, confused. “What do you mean? What time of the century?”
Armand sighed and sat up, running a hand through his messy auburn hair. “Vampire mating season. It’s a cruel joke, really. We can’t reproduce by mating, but every century, we still feel this deep, instinctual desire to try. The symptoms you’re seeing… are because of that.”
Daniel’s eyes widened in shock.
Armand took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. “Basically It means that for about a week, I will feel the need to build a nest and have lots of sex. It’s intense, and we become very territorial. Afterward, the vampire who was on the receiving end, in this situation me, feels a painful pressure in their lower abdomen, as if an egg is forming. Eventually, they’ll feel the need to push and… lay the egg. Of course, there will be no baby but the vampire who lays it will still feel a strong need to care for and protect it until they come to their senses. It’s a delusion our bodies force upon us. And then… then we grieve over what can never be.”
Daniel listened in stunned silence, his mind racing to comprehend what Armand was telling him. “Other than the intense sex part that sounds kinda awful, there’s nothing we can do to stop it?”
“No,” Armand replied softly. “But I’ll understand if you don’t want to be here for it. It’s… a lot to handle.”
Daniel shook his head firmly. “I’m not going anywhere. We’re a couple we should both have to suffer.”
As the days passed, Armand’s symptoms grew worse. He became increasingly restless, driven by an uncontrollable urge to gather soft materials and create a nest. Daniel watched as Armand collected blankets, pillows, and even some of Daniel’s worn clothes from the basket in the bathroom. Daniel thought it was kinda gross at first but Armand explained that Daniel's lingering scent on the worn clothes was incredibly comforting to him. Armand meticulously arranged them into a cozy, safe space in their bedroom.
Daniel did his best to help, while out on a hunt one evening he stopped and bought some more blankets. while at the store he started thinking about the clothes thing and wondered what other scents might comfort the little vampire. On his way to the checkout line he stopped by the pharmacy area of the store and picked out some sandalwood fragrance oil, the same scent Marius tends to wear around. He could see how important this was to his vampire lover, even if it was all based on an illusion. The process brought them closer in a strange way, as they shared the labor and the anticipation of what was to come.
Then, the mating desires began. It started one night when Daniel was typing away on his typewriter at his desk in their bedroom. Armand had been staring at him from the nest all night, Dnaiel figured it was just another symptom of the vampire mating season. Armand slowly crept out of his nest and approached Daniel. Daniel looked up at him “You alright boss? Are you still having joint pain” Daniel asked.
The rest can be found on my ao3
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desertfangs · 6 months
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Goddamn Aliens 3
Marius/Daniel, Armand/Daniel - 2,528 words - Mature
After spending the night comforting Armand during the fallout of his fight with Marius, Daniel talks to Marius and tells him that he and Armand will be leaving for New York when things settle.
This is another attempt to fill in some of the gaps in PLROA where we know Daniel is there but he is not really on the page. I guess because most of this stuff is not happening in Lestat's presence. But I like to imagine how it happened, hence this series!
This is Part 3. Part 1 is Daniel learning about the aliens, and Part 2 is the aftermath of the fight Armand and Marius have that Lestat tells us about but we don't see on the page.
Short Excerpt:
He looked up when Daniel entered. He wore an elegant red robe. His blond hair hung around his shoulders and his blue eyes were sharp. Vampires did not get circles beneath their eyes but there was a weariness in his expression anyway. 
“Hey,” Daniel said.
“I see you still have all your limbs. I assume everyone is so lucky.” Marius’ voice was light but his expression remained hard. 
“Armand is fine,” Daniel answered.
“I figured as much. I was referring to anyone who may have been unfortunate enough to cross his path.” 
Daniel sighed. He sat down in the easy chair opposite Marius. Like the chairs in Armand’s room, these were made of soft velvet and oak.
“He was kind of on a warpath last night,” Daniel conceded. Marius raised an eyebrow. Either surprised Daniel agreed or perhaps in question. “But calling him a child—“ 
“I said he had childlike qualities,” Marius argued, but then he sighed, too. “I suppose I could have chosen my words more carefully.”
Daniel snorted. “You think? You’d never say anything like that to Lestat or to me, and both of us can be…”
“Immature?” Marius offered. 
“Reckless,” Daniel corrected.
Read the whole thing on AO3
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