#marius x louis
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don’t forget that Marius had thought about fucking Louis in QotD! (The first few paragraphs of this ⬆️ page)
I wonder what else he will think if his dick could work😏. Though he will most likely go fuck Armand first. Then Daniel.
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Interview with the Vampire Do You Know What It Means to Be Loved by Death
I do believe I felt some trepidation when the name Lestat was uttered. Who? My dear American friend, who thinks of me often and who has dominated my mind ever since I laid eyes upon him... don't.
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inmydefensespring · 5 days
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Those Who Must Be Kept (your little boyfriend who hates you a bit)
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notfeelingthyaster · 3 months
the vampire lestat is much more armand x lestat then louis x lestat, so we're getting a LOT, and I mean a LOT of armand in the next season
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This scene was so poignant and I feel really shapes their relationship. They are both at a loss in what they do and who they are and what they want now. And we definitely see how the choices they made here affect their relationship in the modern day. ( Yes I'm letting the tale seduce me, you are supposed to people! )
But also anyone want to join my hate Marius club? I hate that way he walks, the way he talks, the way he dresses.
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jsuisunptitsucre · 6 months
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It's all I have to say.
I had fun doing that 😂
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siegelst · 3 months
so i been thinking of the vampire eyes and i noticed the pattern. Lestat's eyes were light colored - so is louis eyes and then when turn claudia it wasn't the same. Why?
Lestat turn louis while in love with him. claudia's eyes are different cause at the time she is a stranger to Lestat. Same with dress lady - louis says he did it out of obligation for claudia which is why different eye color. which makes me really want to know what Marius's eyes color is. is it the same or different to Armand?
yet when later on
so when armand turns Daniel his eyes are the same as his maker. and think we see this is why its the same is that lestat loves louis and louis love lestat always - so this could be the same for Armand and daniel rather or not daniel remembers the DM era
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thewencesvamp · 1 year
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Armand also paints.
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aloafteas · 2 months
This song screams 1994 movie Daniel Molloy, someone fact check me🙏🙌
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lestatbaby · 5 months
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I wanted to create a collage of #iwtv men boobily breasting, and it ended up as Lestat's Diary/Hunky Vision/Mood board (The second one featuring his live reactions)
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forbiddenvc · 5 months
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The beginning of our 2024 social media presence, as promised. We'll be posting quotes, fic reviews, fan art and more. Come say hello!
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Interview with the Vampire / Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light
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moondustinfj · 11 months
Daniel Molloy posted:
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Louis de Pointe du Lac tagged Lestat de Lioncourt
Armand liked this post
Lestat de Lioncourt replied: I went to the kitchen to get my yoghurt and within 2 minutes, you all ganged up aganist me!! I see how it is! So i should just fuck off and make all of your wishes come true!!
Daniel Molloy, Louis de Pointe du Lac, Armand and Marius de Romanus liked this post
Armand tagged Lestat de Lioncourt:
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Lestat de Lioncourt blocked Armand
Daniel Molloy replied:
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Louis de Pointe du Lac tagged Lestat de Lioncourt: Come on mon cher it was just a joke, no need to make this ugly. I was the one to tag you in the first place
Lestat de Lioncourt replied: You aren't the one making this ugly beautiful one. Those two idiots are
Daniel Molloy tagged Lestat de Lioncourt: simp.
Lestat de Lioncourt blocked Daniel Molloy
Lestat de Lioncourt unblocked Armand
Armand tagged Louis de Pointe du Lac: Thank you for taking my side Louis xoxo 💞💞
Lestat de Lioncourt blocked Armand
Louis de Pointe du Lac replied:
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Marius de Romanus tagged Lestat de Lioncourt:
(this is Daniel btw)
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dotlookstired · 4 months
Supernatural/vampire chronicles crossover.
The town around the bunker had seen a series of strange disappearances lately, and Sam and Dean Winchester were determined to get to the bottom of it. Their investigation had led them to the local bar
They walked into the dimly lit bar, the air thick with the smell of alcohol and the sound of laughter and music. They settled at the bar counter, scanning the room for anything unusual. It didn’t take long for something to catch their eyes: two people they’d never seen in the town before, a small auburn-haired teen with strange mannerisms. At first glance, they thought the teen was a girl, but on closer inspection, they noticed the boyish features.
The teen was talking animatedly to a skinny young man who looked to be maybe in his late twenties and maybe a bit tipsy. “Why did you have to drink from that drunk guy? The night has only just begun and you're already tipsy Daniel,” the teen said to the young man.
“Well, at least my snack was a totally normal guy and not some teeth-for-a-face demon with black goop for blood. You're probably gonna get some sort of disease now. You've already got a stomach ache,” Daniel replied.
“Luckily, I didn't drink much. That thing tasted so bad; it had so many teeth. Nothing needs that many teeth! And that pitch-black blood kinda burned as it hit my tongue,” the boy said, with a shudder. The tipsy young man, Daniel, just nodded his head along as the teen continued rambling.
“Are you even listening, Daniel? That thing was scary. I'm scared; how are you not?” the auburn-haired boy asked, exasperation creeping into his voice.
“Well, Armand, I did spend a good portion of my human life dealing with you and all your nonsense and your sharp teeth. So maybe I'm just desensitized,” Sam and Dean exchanged a glance after eavesdropping. The boy - Armand - looked too young to be in a bar, and the conversation revealed a lot of information.
Armand had noticed them staring and read their minds; he knew the brothers were looking for something suspicious, and they suspected he and his fledgling were vampires, the cause of the recent missing human cases. Armand saw that they had killed vampires before; granted, they were really weak vampires, but it still scared him.
He knew they were eavesdropping and watching; there was no way for him to alert Daniel to the situation.
“These two are definitely up to something,” Dean whispered. “Yeah, for sure. Let’s try talking to them,” Sam replied. But before they could move closer to them, a waiter brought over a plate of fries that Armand had ordered to appear human.
“Uh, maybe they aren't vampires,” Sam whispered to Dean as they watched Armand struggle to get ketchup out of the bottle before putting a fry in his mouth, which only added to the brothers' confusion.
“Yeah, vampires don’t typically eat French fries,” Dean replied. “That kinda sounds like it could be the title of a weird children's book,” Sam said. At this point, Daniel had also noticed them staring but couldn't hear their thoughts over all the other humans.
Tired of being stared at, Daniel turned to Sam and Dean. “Can I help you?” he asked, his tone a mix of irritation and curiosity.
Thinking quickly, Dean smiled. “Sorry we didn't mean to be rude; we've just never seen you guys around here before. Are you new to the area?” he said smoothly.
“Yeah, we just got here yesterday,” Daniel replied. “Mind if we join you?” Armand was starting to become more uncomfortable, but he didn't want to look suspicious. “I suppose,” Armand told them.
As soon as they sat down next to the odd pair, Sam noticed that the plate of French fries had barely been touched. “I’m Dean, and this is my brother Sam,” Dean introduced. “Not hungry?” Sam glanced at the plate.
Daniel almost laughed, but Armand interrupted, “Not hungry right now. I tried something earlier, and it upset my stomach.” Sam decided to change the subject.
“So, what brings you two to this boring town?” he asked, trying to sound casual.
“We just wanted to get away for a bit; things back home in New York were getting a bit too much for me. I prefer peace and quiet, and I'm trying to get back into writing,” Daniel replied before putting a fry in his mouth to appear human.
“You're a writer?” Sam asked, kinda excitedly.
“Yes, but I haven't written in years. I'm hoping being away from the city and getting some alone time with my lover will help inspire me,” Daniel answered. The brothers looked a bit confused, and the pair recognized why, but before Armand could intervene, Daniel tried to ease their worry and confusion.
“We get this a lot; he’s actually older than me,” Daniel replied with a laugh. Dean awkwardly changed the subject.
“I overheard you talking earlier about a creature with lots of teeth and something about snacking on a drunk guy, what was that about?” he asked. The odd pair looked shocked. “It’s just a little inside joke we have; something bad did happen earlier, but we like to grossly exaggerate things,” Armand lied.
Dean decided to check if they were warm. “Oh, still sounds like you’ve had a pretty rough night though; mind if I steal some fries?” Dean asked.
Daniel slid the plate closer to the brothers, and as Dean was reaching for a fry, he awkwardly brushed hands with Daniel and Armand and found Daniel to be warm but Armand to be cold and corpse-like. At this point, the brothers were really confused.
“Well, we should probably get going; I do have work tomorrow. Nice meeting you guys,” Dean lied as he nudged Sam away from the counter.
Armand let out a sigh of relief as soon as the brothers left. “Are you alright, boss? You seem really tense,” Daniel asked before taking Armand's hand in his own. Armand explained what he had seen in their minds. Daniel groaned in annoyance. “I just got my typewriter set up and my workspace all cozy just a few hours ago. Are we going to have to leave?” Daniel asked.
“Not yet, I’m wary of them, but I think if need be, we could overpower them. Also, curious about what they do and what they know about the creature we encountered earlier,” Armand replied, glancing in the direction where the Winchester brothers had exited.
Outside, Sam and Dean were having their own conversation. “That was weird, right?” Sam said.
“Yeah, definitely. Armand's cold as ice but not acting like a vampire, and Daniel is warm and seems very human. We need to keep an eye on them," Dean agreed. “And track down that Leviathan that they encountered," Sam added.
“Right, let's get back to the bunker and do some research. I have a feeling things are about to get interesting,” Dean said, leading the way back to the Impala.
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queer-is-future · 1 year
apologies if this has already been discussed
but in all the fantastic metas I’ve seen discussing the halves of faces for Louis, Lestat, and Armand in the s1/s2 promo posters, many have pointed out that we have no promo poster for Daniel despite him being an important character (it’s not his time yet in the story)
but he DOES have a very interesting image on the cover of his so called “brutally honest” memoir of a man (is it him or someone else??idk) whose “brain half” is covered with that weird grainy image you used to get on vhs tapes when they malfunctioned in the player or had their content erased
[and sometimes if you paused in the right place or played the tape slowly you could see some of those lost images]
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and there’s a face of someone hidden in the black part by the dude’s shoulder who is looking directly at us
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and that vhs malfunction thing continues on the back to Daniel’s author image who we know has memory loss around the original interview (lost of theories as to why)
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so Daniel’s memoir has the same half face as the promo posters but is it him in that picture or someone else? who is the face in the background? curiouser and curiouser said alice.
[also is the roman weiss thing a nod to Marius?? idk.]
“Everything would go all right for months as Daniel felt compelled to move from city to city, walking the pavements of New York or Chicago or New Orleans. Then the sudden disintegration. He’d realize he had not moved from his chair in five hours. Or he’d wake suddenly in a stale and unchanged bed, frightened, unable to remember the name of the city where he was, or where he’d been for days before. Then the car would come for him, then the plane would take him home.”
The Queen of the Damned, Devil’s Minion
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flo-nelja · 5 months
Arranged marriage for the meme!
Yay! I don't have a vivid imagination for this trope, so more than half are cases where the arranged marriage is totally canon.
Thorn/Ophélie (La passe-miroir/The Mirror Visitor)
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It's very classic arranged marriage (for supernatural reasons) turns into resentment that stops them from realizing the good things about the other turns into alliance turns into unspoken love (painful for the reader) and maybe more? It fully worked on me. I especially loved how the description of Thorn (the book is Ophélie PoV) turn from uncharitable descriptions of an average looking man to very horny descriptions of an average looking man.
If you don't know the series, I can advertise it more. It's good French fantasy.
2. Louis/Caesar (Kimi o Shinasenai tame no Monogatari)
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Yeah I have at least one m/m canon arranged marriage, is a dystopian future where romantic partners and reproduction partners are totally disconnected. It's a painful case of arranged marriage with love only on one side, it's a mess and they don't make it work. I enjoyed it though. ^^
3. Xavin/Karolina (Runaways)
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In the category: arranged marriage to end a war. This one starts with love only one one side (it helps that one of them was raised to see this marriage as a positive thing and the other never heard about it), but they make it work. For a while. Because they're separated because you can't get peace that easily. Not the main romance for Karolina, but my fave.
4. David/Josiane (L'homme qui rit)
This one has a creepy age difference, but the relationship is fun despite it. They're capricious nobility of the kind "we could have loved each other so much, but the fact that our parents decided this for us is totally ruining the concept". I have hope for them in the future.
5. MIlly/Lloyd (Code Geass)
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They are a case who absolutely don't fall in love with each other and break the engagement. I think their personalities go well together, though, and that they could have been good friends if not for the "ugh" reaction of being arranged engaged.
6. Khonnen/Leah (The Dybbuk)
Tragic version! Their parents engaged them to each other before they were born, and because of this they feel drawn to each other (it's a world with magic) and fall in love. Leah's uncle has forgotten about the promise and wants his niece to marry a rich man. The boy dabbles in dark magic to get her anyway and dies, but his ghost is possessing her. It's absolutely not healthy. Still shipping it.
7. Philip/Elizabeth (The Americans)
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Communist spies in the eighties who are technically work colleagues but have a marriage licence and actual children. It's a slow burn romance and I love it.
8. Eponine/Marius (Les Misérables)
This one is absolutely not canon! I don't know why, I came across the idea of Marius thinking he has to marry Eponine out of gratefulness for Thénardier saving his father, either because he's naive, or because Thénardier is manipulating him, and I thought it had potential for being absolutely awful (complimentary)!
9. Ciel/Elizabeth (Black Butler)
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You know, they're cute (they're cousins but I don't care). As of recently in the manga it's more complicated than this, but if anything it made me ship it even more.
10. Twilight/Yor (Spy x Family)
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Both got married to have a cover for their (opposite sides) spy activities. Neither knows about it. It's written as cute anyway, on the arranged marriage that becomes real side, with their common affection for their (arranged) daughter a big part of the feelings. It works for me.
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