#mark heyman
homesickpiranha · 1 year
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The Boogeyman (2023)
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20th Century Studios ha diffuso, online, il trailer e il poster di The Boogeyman (2023), il nuovo adattamento cinematografico de Il babau, racconto presente in A volte ritornano (Night Shift), collezione di storie brevi di Stephen King. Scritto da Scott Beck, Bryan Woods e Mark Heyman, The Boogeyman vede alla regia Rob Savage (Host, Dashcam) e debutterà nelle sale USA il 2 giugno 2023.
La storia vede protagoniste Sadie Harper e Sawyer, due sorelle distrutte per la morte della madre e che sono state messe da parte dal padre, un terapeuta che sta facendo i conti con il suo dolore. Quando un paziente inaspettato si presenta a casa loro per chiedere aiuto al medico, trascinerà con sé anche una terrificante entità soprannaturale che tormenta le famiglie e si nutre della loro sofferenza.
Nel cast figurano Sophie Thatcher, Chris Messina, Vivien Lyra Blair (Bird Box), David Dastmalchian (The Suicide Squad: Missione suicida), Marin Ireland e Madison Hu.
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
The Boogeyman Trailer
Based on the short story by Stephen King, 20th Century Studios and 21 Laps’ The Boogeyman follows the Harper family. “High school student Sadie Harper and her younger sister Sawyer are reeling from the recent death of their mother and aren’t getting much support from their father, Will, a therapist who is dealing with his own pain. When a desperate patient unexpectedly shows up at their home seeking help, he leaves behind a terrifying supernatural entity that preys on families and feeds on the suffering of its victims.” (20th Century Studios)
The Boogeyman stars Sophie Thatcher, Chris Messina, Vivian Lyra Blair, Marin Ireland, Madison Hu, LisaGay Hamilton, and David Dastmalchian. Rob Savage directs from a screenplay by Scott Beck, Bryan Woods, and Mark Heyman.
The Boogeyman releases to theaters on June 2, 2023.
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adamwatchesmovies · 10 months
The Boogeyman (2023)
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I enjoyed 2023's The Boogeyman enough that if my memories of it fade away, I won't be upset. While it shows that the film is not the nightmare-inducing, wet-your-pants-in-terror experience the people involved might have hoped for, it also means I'm likely to accidentally watch it again in the future.
Therapist Will Harper (Chris Messina) is struggling to cope with his wife’s sudden death in a car accident. One day, a man enters his home office unexpectedly, explaining that his children were all killed by an evil force that emerged from their closets. Convinced that the entity latches onto families going through dark times and that there is no escaping “The Boogeyman”, he commits suicide. Soon after, Will’s youngest daughter, Sawyer (Vivien Lyra Blair) claims to see the creature. Her father thinks nothing of it but his eldest daughter, Sadie (Sophie Thatcher), thinks there's more to the dead man's story than delusions.
The obvious movie to compare The Boogeyman to is Lights Out. Both feature an unseen monster that lives in the darkness and can only be repelled by light. Between the two, Lights Out is more memorable, but I actually like this film better. The major difference is the monster, whose origin remains shrouded in mystery even at the end, making it much scarier. The Boogeyman is only shown in any sort of clarity during the last, final confrontation. The glimpses we catch reveal a relatively simple design but director Rob Savage and the creature artists do this thing with their monster’s mouth that’ll give you goosebumps. I admire this film for not being so in love with The Boogeyman that they "shine a light" on it, ruining its ability to scare in the process.
If you look at the plot, it isn’t anything revolutionary, with the creature incrementally terrorizing the family until they’re properly seasoned by fear to strike, or what have you. The investigation thing we’ve seen enough times that at this point, I find it more interesting when the characters are too busy dealing with the monster’s rules, what’s happening now, or their own drama to flip through microfiches at the library - I’m thinking of It Follows or Talk to Me as good examples. What we get in The Boogeyman isn’t badly done, but it’s what you expect. To that, I say "Surprises are nice but sometimes, having your expectations met is also nice". What's new are the bits of family drama. The Harpers make the film more engaging than if we were following random teens getting bumped off one by one (see Slender Man, for example). Take Will. He's a therapist but is clearly unwell psychologically. He won’t even attend the family therapy sessions. Everyone in the family is broken in one way or another, which makes you understand why it takes so long for everyone to realize what's happening. The performances from the cast, particularly the young actresses are quite good. You like the characters and sympathize for them even when they’re doing some of the “horror movie protagonist” stuff you hate, like going into the dark basement or wandering alone in the house with no lights on.
To survive, the Harpers will have to band together. In the meantime, you get some pretty good scares. We’ve seen that bit where a child hears a strange noise and decides to check under the bed to see what's happening before, but it remains effective. Watch this movie in the dark, by yourself, in bed and the next time you need to use the bathroom at night, I'm sure you'll jump as close as possible to get to the light switch for fear that something will grab your feet if they don’t land far enough.
It isn’t too hard to find ways you could improve The Boogeyman but what it does, it does well. It’s scary enough, with some good performances and a couple of neat tricks to spice things up. Perhaps most importantly, it doesn’t drop the ball when it comes to the important plays. I think the worst thing you could say about this film by Rob Savage is that it’s “workmanlike” rather than inspired but at worst, that just makes it a film you watch once and be happy to have seen. (November 25, 2023)
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d-lanx · 11 days
Punk: "I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to make money."
Also Punk:
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bro was like “I'm not here to make friends” and then proceeded to make friends with literally everyone. collecting besties like pokemon.
probably forgot somebody but I already hit the 30 photo limit. but i think i made my point just fine
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georgiapeach30513 · 12 days
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thesamoanqueen · 1 year
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📸 by Mark Torres
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ultradude13 · 1 year
The Undertaker, Paul Heyman and Gordon Solie....three legends of pro wrestling in one segment.
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cinema-winding · 1 year
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Çizgili Pijamalı Çocuk
Kötülük asla güzelleşmez sadece mış gibi yapar
Bir çocuğu kandırmak kolay mıdır?
Nazi Almanyaında geçen bir çoçuğun,etrafındaki bütün olup bitene bir anlama veremediği ve bütün bunları bir oyunmuş gibi algılayan saflığını anlatan gerçekten bir çocuğun dünyasından bakmak . Aile içinde kapanmayan yaralara tanık olmak derin bir sızı bırakır içimizde filmden sonra . Tarihin en büyük soykırımlarından birine yeniden yeniden ve yeniden tanık olmaya hazır mısınız .
Vicdan derin bir kuyudur her zaman inmesi ve çıkması zordur.
2. Dünya Savaşı’nın kara günlerinde, arkadaş olmaya çalışan iki çocuğun hikayesi.
Bruno'nun yaşadığı yer, 1.5 milyon Yahudi'nin öldürüldüğü Auschwitz toplama ve yok etme kampının bitişiğindedir. Oğlunun tellerin ardında yaşananlarla ilgili gerçeği öğreniceğinden kaygılanan Brunoun babası bir nazi subayıdır ve yeni görev yeri bir yahudi toplama kampına komutanlık etmektir.Bruno arkadaşlarından uzak kalması nedeniyle kendine yeni arkadaş aramak için çıktığı keşifte cizgili pjama giyen ve bir telin arkasında hayatını sürdüren Shmuel ile tanışır.Bu zorluklarla gizlice yürüktükleri arkadaşlıklarının karşılığını,savaşın o acımasız yüzüyle ödeyeceklerdir.John Boyne’un dünya çapında olay olan romanından uyarlanan bu filmde .
Tarihin acılarıyla dolu bu anısına küçük bir çocuğun gözünden aktararak , masumiyet ve insanlığın iç içe geçen dehşetini bizlere yeniden hatırlatıyor.
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pinkpluswhite · 1 year
when seth rollins wears something i would wear and he makes it look 1000 times better
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jordyvix · 1 year
Stephen King's THE BOOGEYMAN Scares up the Big Screen
Based on the short story by Stephen King, THE BOOGEYMAN is a well-crafted adaptation that offers decent frights with a touching family drama.
On the heels of a tragic loss, a fractured family is tormented by a mysterious creature with a hunger for kids. Based on the short story by Stephen King, The Boogeyman is a well-crafted adaptation that offers decent frights with a touching family drama. The film opens with the subject of the original short story but quickly shifts focus to the Harper family. Having recently lost their wife and…
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pr0wlerpunk · 1 year
Title: Trust Me.
Person: Roman reigns
Requested: |Yes|No|(part 2 was yes)
Part 1. Part. 3
★Trust Masterlist
Warnings: manipulation, obsessiveness, dark!Themes, surprised ambush(only mentioned but not written as a scene), yelling, slight!abuse(a hand gets raised as if to slap but never happens and reader gets choked by Roman), angst, cussing,
description: it’s been a week after Roman said he trusted you and things are starting to go down hill..
Pairings: Romantic!roman x reader, slight!romantic!Jey x reader, slight!romantic!Jimmy x reader, slight!romantic!solo x reader, also includes a very friendly Paul heyman
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Pic creds: WWE
(Pics have nothing to do with story 😋)
A/n: you’ve read the warnings so please if they make you uncomfortable do not read.
Choking will be marked with a “☹︎“ and will end at “☻︎“
Not proof read!
Roman was pissed, all he could see was red when he heard what happened, more importantly what you did
After he talked to you and poured his heart out you had gone and betrayed him
How dare you
He had got word from someone that they saw you with Sami and ko laughing and having a good time
At first he didn’t believe them
Then he saw the picture
Ko and Sami on both sides of you laughing and smiling
Oh was he furious
But from some talking with his cousins he was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and actually let you explain
That was until Jey and Jimmy got ambushed by Sami and ko themselves
Now he was livid
As soon as they got back he made solo go find you
Which is where you’re at now
Sitting in front of Roman as he quietly glared at you…
“___ do you know why I had solo bring you here?”
His tone was different then what he ever used before making you slightly uncomfortable
“No Roman, I don’t…”
You answered honestly confusion lacing your voice
“Wiseman, show her the picture”
Paul was quick to walk towards you with his phone in hand
Handing the phone to you as he quickly walked back to his original spot
You eyed the picture seeing nothing wrong with it
about to open your mouth Roman spoke
“Don’t say anything.” His tone was demanding making you shiver as you quickly shut your mouth
“Boys, come.”
watching as Jey and Jimmy stepped up until they were in front of you heads both turned down as they looked to Roman for further instruction
Roman nodded and finally they raised their heads looking everywhere but you
You couldn’t help the soft gasp that left your lips as you caught a glimpse of their faces
“Look at them ___ look at what you did..”
Your brows netted together hearing what Roman was accusing you of
But your attention was still set on the twins
They had busted lips, with bruises forming on their jaws as small cuts littered alongside their noses
“Jey, Jimmy” your voice shaky as they both locked eyes with you
“What-what happened?” You went to get up but the look solo gave you had you glued to your seat
“Who did this?”
Your voice shaky as you tried racking your brain for who had the balls to try and hurt two vital members of the bloodline
Roman stared at you in disbelief
“Who do you think did this ___ ?”
His tone was way darker than before, almost as if he was trying to intimidate you..
“Roman I-I don’t understand”
You could sense him getting angrier and it honestly scared you
His abrupt yelling startled not only you but everyone else in the room besides solo
“I brought you into my family, I cared for you, I Trusted you.”
His palms abruptly slapping into the arms of the leather chair he was sitting in created a loud noise that echoed throughout the room making you jump slightly
“And this is how you repay me?”
He stood Making his way towards you as You looked away feeling tears prick your eyes
“Look at me”
You felt his presence in front of you but yet you still refused to look at him
Afraid that if you did you wouldn’t hold back
But He was growing impatient at your disobedience
“I said, Look. At. Me”
Slowly you turned facing him and you swear your heart stopped
He looked so intimidating
And it scared the living fuck out of you
He bent down to your level leaving almost no room between you two
“Answer me ___”
His voice gruff as his hand ran slightly along your shoulder to your jaw
He waited
And then he snapped
He rose to his feet pulling you with him as he hand gripped your throat
You heard Paul gasp as you were lifted off your feet by Roman’s large hand
Tears fell freely as you clawed at his hand to try and let you slightly free, but it wasn’t working and you were loosing air fast
Ears ringing as your vision began to blur
Still you could slightly hear Jey yelling at Roman to let you go as Jimmy started pulling and grabbing at him
It wasn’t until Jey said something that snapped him out of his trance that he let you go
Solo was quick to walk over and check on your choking form as you regained air into your lungs
Once you could breath again you stood with the help of solo and turned to watch Jey and Roman
Who now was yelling and shoving each other around with Jimmy trying to talk them both down
It want until Roman raised his hand towards Jey that you broke from Solo’s arms to step in
“Roman Please!” He stopped lowering his hand to glare at you
Taking a breath you finally explained
“The picture, it was three years ago..”
His eyes softened slightly but his glare never faltered
You looked towards Paul and gestured for him to give you the phone
With shaky hands he handed it to you
“Look at the picture again,look at my gear” Roman tour his eyes away from you to finally look at the phone once again
“That’s my rookie gear Roman”
Finally his eyes softened as he looked at you
He could see the yellow and purple marks in the form of fingerprints start to form around your neck
Where He grabbed you.
Then it hit him
He had put his hands on you
He hurt you
And he broke
Brows furrowed as Tears fell down his cheeks
“Oh babygirl”
Hearing his voice crack made your heart break
“I’m so sorry”
You shook your head
“I should’ve never grabbed you like that”
He was so genuine you knew he felt bad
“You have to believe me when I say I didn’t mean it”
He pleaded
“Please Trust Me and know I will never do it again”
It was silent until you took his hands in yours smiling softly..
“I know Roman, I forgive you”
A wide smile graced his lips hearing those words come out your mouth
“It was an accident it’s ok”
He nodded agreeing with you
“I Trust You”
Hearing those words he quickly brought you into a hug
“Oh thank you baby!”
He pulled back slightly and pressed a kiss to the crown of your head before pulling back again to look you in the eyes this time
I’ll make it up to you princess, I promise”
He watched as you smiled before burying your head into his neck as he placed his chin on your head…
The three brothers stood confused at what just a cured
How could you take Roman back after he literally choked you…
Then they realized.
You were Hooked
Roman had built up enough trust with you so you wouldn’t runaway
Roman knew if you were to runaway you would be a liability, you knew too much…
Now They stared at you and Roman with one shared thought
How do they get you to trust them the same as you trusted their cousin?
Taglist: @eddiems-whore @le-le-lea @slasherswh0reeee @lolsimmaho @mostlikelythedevil @nikotokitaswife @christinabae @janesakainoa @jeyusos-girl @niknakbucks92 @harlem11680 @pinkwithhearts @bandkiddo @itsmaybaby @blackwomenluxurylifestyle @thesamoanqueen @mohawkmama @visi0naryyy
In red=can not tag
Please message me to be added or taken off the taglist😋
(I honestly don’t know if I liked this because of how harsh it gets so next part won’t be so harsh I promise!)
(Also what do you guys think Jey said to Roman?)
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
The Boogeyman Trailer
Based on the short story by Stephen King, 20th Century Studios and 21 Laps’ The Boogeyman follows the Harper family. “High school student Sadie Harper and her younger sister Sawyer are reeling from the recent death of their mother and aren’t getting much support from their father, Will, a therapist who is dealing with his own pain. When a desperate patient unexpectedly shows up at their home seeking help, he leaves behind a terrifying supernatural entity that preys on families and feeds on the suffering of its victims.” (20th Century Studios)
The Boogeyman stars Sophie Thatcher, Chris Messina, Vivian Lyra Blair, Marin Ireland, Madison Hu, LisaGay Hamilton, and David Dastmalchian. Rob Savage directs from a screenplay by Scott Beck, Bryan Woods, and Mark Heyman.
The Boogeyman releases to theaters on June 2, 2023.
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judgementdayslittle · 2 months
Can you do one where reader has an encounter with the OG Bloodline? Like when TJD and Bloodline were supposed to team up
Sorry this took so long! Trying to get back into the swing of things.
-Your were, of course, nervous to meet The Bloodline. They looked so scary on TV!
-Your caregivers assured you that it would all be okay and they won't lay a finger on you. And you believe them, because anyone who would date hurt The Judgement Day's babies were in for a world of pain!
-Still, you did feel nervous. Though those nerves calmed down when Mami found a llama toy for you and Dom to play with!
-You were having so much fun playing and cuddling up to Mami, you didn't even notice when Roman, Jimmy, Solo, and Paul Heyman entered the room.
-When you did, you instantly jumped off the couch and ran to hide behind Papi.
-Papi chuckled and ran his fingers through your hair. Comforting you gently.
-"It's okay sweetheart. You know they wouldn't dare hurt you. Right?" Damian gave them a glare at that last part.
-You slowly poke your head out to look at them. Giving them a little wave.
-Roman and Jimmy give you a smile. Paul is too busy handling business, and Solo is... Well, he's Solo.
-You're placed back on the couch with Dom while they start talking business. It sounds boring, so you time out.
-You and Dom play with the llama and some of your other toys for a while, until you see a shadow hover over the two of you. It's Jimmy.
-He starts asking you two what you're doing, and you shyly show him your toys. Luckily, he seems nice and invested!
-A little later, Mami said she wants to talk to Heyman, alone. But you wanna stay with Mami! So you whine and hug her tightly, like a koala!
-She very quickly relents and let's you sit on her lap while she talks to Paul.
-He looked confused, but Mami kept warning him to pay attention to her, not you.
-Your mostly zone out again, just happy to be with Mami. But when you hear Mami tell Paul to 'Acknowledge me' you laugh and turn to Paul to say "Acknowledge Mami!"
-Causing Mami to laugh and give you a big kiss on the cheek! Leaving a lipstick mark.
-"You heard the little one." She would say proudly.
-In the end, Mami called you her big helper! Even though things would still of gone to plan no matter what, Mami still saw you as her good luck charm!
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georgiapeach30513 · 13 days
Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals with Chris Evans, Mark Kassen, and Joe Kiani, Part 1
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denmark-street · 3 months
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The series has named Francesca Gardiner as its writer and showrunner and tapped Mark Mylod to direct multiple episodes. Both are Emmy winners for HBO’s Succession — Gardiner as part of the show’s producing team and Mylod as both director and producer. Gardiner’s credits as a writer and producer also include His Dark Materials at HBO, Killing Eve at BBC America and The Rook at Starz. Mylod has directed episodes of Game of Thrones and the upcoming second season of The Last of Us for HBO as well as feature film The Menu and Showtime’s Shameless and The Affair, among others. The Potter series was originally slated for Max, where it had been in development since 2021. As part of a strategy and branding shift for the streamer and its Warner Bros. Discovery sibling HBO, however, the series — along with It prequel Welcome to Derry and the just-ordered DC Studios drama Lanterns — will become HBO originals, meaning that they’ll air on the cable channel as well as stream on Max. [...] Gardiner and Mylod will executive produce the series along with Rowling and her Bronté Film and TV partners Neil Blair and Ruth Kenley-Letts, and David Heyman, who produced the movie franchise. Warner Bros. Television and Bronté Film and TV will produce the show.
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