tielmamon · 9 months
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toapoet · 2 months
Ciri meets up with them on the Path after a hunt of her own, wading through the long dry grass to a clearing they found. She lopsidedly walks in with her trophy, swipes a grubby hand through hair and across her face, and threatens Jaskier with the world’s filthiest hug. He balks at that, going off about how she must have inherited that from her father. “No! No, no! You and your father both, you’re both awful! You’ll bathe before you come anywhere near me, you little devil!”
Geralt watches in amusement as he folds Roach’s blanket, thinking about the countless times Jaskier hasn’t hesitated to pounce on him after he’s come back from his more dirty hunts. He wisely chooses not to comment on this in front of their daughter, but brings it up a few days later when Ciri is exploring the nearby town and they manage to snag a private room at the inn. He gets a slap on the arm, an annoyed look, and a lovely night being scratched and bitten and marked up to the high heavens by his own little devil.
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ladyannemarie5 · 11 months
Funny how Geralt always stayed on the sidelines with Jaskier's conquests for fear of a broken heart and yet he got a front row seat to watch the bard fall in love with the prince.
Geralt would cut the bard off when he started talking about the virtues of whatever man or woman he spent the night with, but he had no choice but to listen to Jaskier when he told him how the prince learned his song, because the poet appealed to their "best friends" bond.
Geralt smiled inwardly when the bard left his conquest for the night alone to go order him a bath and wash his hair with special soaps and oils after the hunts. And then the witcher had to witness Jaskier leaving him to go order Radovid a bath because "his long blond hair has never been anything less than perfect and cannot be left uncared for, Geralt." 
Geralt always distracted the bard with a story of past hauntings with terrifying creatures every time Jaskier began to compose a love song for his conquest, but nothing could distract the poet when he began to talk about how beautiful and bright Radovid's eyes were and how he wanted to find the perfect words to describe them. 
Geralt faked annoyance every time Jaskier asked to sleep next to him at night insinuating that he was too cold for a little bard. Geralt feigned relief when Jaskier told him that he would no longer bother him with that because he now slept with Radovid and his arms and fur blanket were more than warm. 
Geralt kept as much emotional distance as possible from the bard who approached him in a tavern in Posada so he wouldn't have to deal with a broken heart from falling in love with a human. 
But absolutely no distance in the world prepares him when that night while they were camping alone, Jaskier lying next to him and looking up at the stars, turns to him and says softly "I'm not in love with you anymore, Geralt. You don't have to act cautious around me anymore."
And Geralt can't say anything. Because he simply can't. He must have misheard, maybe the kikimore from earlier hit him too hard or something because there's no way, no world where Jaskier was in love with him. There's no way he would have wasted his chance. 
Jaskier, oblivious to the witcher's stupor, continues "I know I made you uncomfortable with my affections for you, I tried hard not to throw myself at you if I'm honest, but Radovid... I've fallen so much in love with Radovid that I'm ready to let you go. I'm sorry it took me so long to give you and Yenna peace."
Geralt looks up at the stars in silence, not believing what he just heard. Jaskier is about to turn away when Geralt takes his hand. He says nothing, just a simple squeeze. Jaskier breathes a sigh of relief, the witcher doesn't hate him for that, he doesn't ask him to leave as he had feared. Geralt is also relieved that he is no longer burdened with the bard's feelings. 
Geralt allows himself to hold his hand one last time. He allows himself a small luxury, so that he can silently mourn the loss of his bard and curse his own stupidity. Tomorrow he will watch as the bard is reunited with the prince, tomorrow he will watch with a broken heart as they embrace and the prince spins Jaskier in his arms, before kissing him and swearing eternal love. Tomorrow Geralt's heart breaks completely. 
But just for today, just for that night, he allows himself to take Jaskier's hand, draw him into his arms and breathe freely the scent of the man he has been in love with for over two decades. Just for that one night, Geralt allows himself to be happy.
I really love to make me cry ^^
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gothiethefairy · 1 year
geralt and jaskier having an argument that involves ciri
geralt: we agreed this isn't how we'd raise our daughter! 😡
jaskier: "our" daughter? geralt, we're not married. 🤨
geralt: we're, like, a little bit married. 🤔
jaskier: -in a dreamy tone- i know, i love it. 🥺
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podcastenthusiast · 2 years
Obsessed with the books showing us Geralt and Jaskier's whole "I'm not leaving you" dynamic and the way they carry on like an old married couple and fuckin' describing the exact shade of Jaskier's eyes like that, but then expecting us to believe both these men are straight.
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realatlast · 2 years
There's nothing hotter than men in/with power getting on their knees for their husbands don't even argue with me
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 1 year
#married couple
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5a-alf · 2 years
So apparently my actual favorite ship dynamic is. Old people in love.
Not even _old_ old, just ...middle aged. people post divorce, with a job, even (grown) kids, none of that college bullshit. Fully formed adults who found love again and again in life, or maybe who never bothered with it, but now are finding it in this other adult person and they decide to make some room in their life for them. All while doing taxes
I want a mid life crisis not hormones, i want people that know what they want not quivering virgins
Some examples: LawRusso, Hannigram, ineffable husbands (they don't do taxes tho), EreaserMic (MHA), Spirk, SuperBat, every marvel ship basically, Geraskier
Gimme all of it. Middle aged is the best
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i'm so used to fanfic being so extremely exaggerated when it comes to queer relationships that every time i read a witcher book, i'm absolutely flabbergasted
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mrskillingjoke · 2 years
Fanfictions about Jaskier be like:
Jaskier: *exist*
Vesemir: Geralt, you better not hurting our Bard again. He is my son-in-law. If you don't marry him I have other Witcher to do that Job.
Geralt: I didn't plan to do it. And you are not the first who told me that. *pointing behind himself*
Hundrets of fangirls: *Mad glance to Geralt*
Vesemir: you better remember that.
Geralt: *grunts*
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(this all happens in one cutscene btw) hello show watchers i have this fun thing for you its called The Books & The Games, they have this special little guy called emiel regis rohellec terzieff-godefr-
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 year
Curse Fic Recs
I absolutely love Witcher fics where a character gets cursed so I thought I'd share some of my favorites! All of them are Geraskier except for a few Lambden ones at the end.
If anyone has other fics to reccommend, please feel free to give them a shoutout – I’d love to read them!
Cursed Jaskier
A Friend in the Wild by @samstree (Rated T, 1k)
In which Geralt acquires a tiny mouse friend who wouldn't stop following him.
If There's Any Sleep At Night by @smolalienbee (Rated T, 22k)
A mare, also known as a mara or a zmora - a malicious entity, a bringer of nightmares and a demon of the night. An easy enough contract to fulfill, if only frustrating, or at least that’s what Geralt believes when he first sets out to hunt down one such mare. What he doesn’t expect is to be wrapped up in a tale of a wronged soul, of love and of joy.
My Name is Hidden On Your Tongue by @anarchycox (Rated T, 10k)
Jaskier is cursed. Well his whole family line is. Every male born child cannot be named. They can be given a name, but it will never be a true one and people will always have an allergic reaction to saying this false name. Only a soulmate speaking your true name aloud will break the curse. The family though has never cared, they've only cared about the family fortune and marrying well. But Jaskier cares. He is determined to travel the world, find his soulmate and learn what his name is. And the best way to travel the world seems to be with a rather taciturn witcher named Geralt of Rivia. If he started to hope that Geralt would be the one to say his true name, well that was one thing that Jaskier would not say aloud.
The Cursed Jewels of Lettenhove by GoldenDaydreams (Rated T, 8k)
Geralt has no intention of getting involved with breaking a curse and naturally ends up very involved.
Silver and Copper by @heronfem (Rated M, 56k)
Jaskier is kept from becoming a bard. Geralt finds him anyway.
Priceless by @handwrittenhello (Rated M, 38k)
Jaskier was cursed as a child; when spilled, his blood turns to rubies and his tears turn to diamonds. When his secret is discovered, Geralt must save him from those who would take advantage of it. Together they work to break the curse, but the cost might end up being too steep.
Set My Wings on Fire by bilboakenshield27 (Not Rated, 4k)
Jaskier gets turned into a bird and has to warn Geralt about an ambush.
Sleep of the Dead by @dancedelion (Rated T, 20k)
Jaskier thinks he hit rock bottom when Geralt flushed twenty years of friendship down the drain, but then he finds himself suddenly translucent and rudely walked through by a traveller. Apparently he's dead - that's certainly a new low. He needs to find out what happened, and who better to help him than the man who's made more than clear he wants nothing to do with him.
The Sandpiper by @welcomemysentence (Rated T, 2k)
When Jaskier gets cursed into an actual sandpiper, the little coast bird, the only way to save him is with true love's kiss.
What's Engraved Upon My Heart (In Letters Deeply Worn) by @made-of-constellations-blog (Rated T, 6k)
Jaskier gets cursed to be a lark with a strange failsafe to turn him back. Geralt misses this, and realizes too late that he's not ready to lose his bard.
to be held by @wanderlust-t (Rated T, 1k)
The knife dropped on the ground. And Geralt’s thoughts reached to a halt for a moment. He had no rope. Not anything to keep Jaskier still. To hold him back. Oh. That was going to be a really long night.
Catskier by @al-in-my-head (Rated T, 17k)
Due to an unfortunate encounter with a mage while him and Geralt are apart, Jaskier is transformed into a cat. It just so happens that Geralt likes talking to animals.
Cursed Geralt
A Marvelous Night for a Moondance by @flowercrown-bard (Rated T, 1k)
There was a warning every child living near Oakwood Valley knew. "Don't go out at night, or you'll disturb the Moonlit Dancer." No one truly knew who the Moonlit Dancer was, but everyone agreed on two things: The Dancer must be dangerous. And he must be oh so lonely.
animal instinct by leodesic (Rated M, 13k)
Despite Jaskier's hard work, there are still plenty of people who hate witchers. They think they're monstrous, inhuman, only held back from violence by a thin veneer of control. One mage has a plan to spread his views by capturing a witcher and bewitching them to remove their control. When the Butcher of Blaviken walks into his hideout, he's convinced he's found the perfect candidate - and a convenient way to get rid of the pesky bard that's been singing his praises. Jaskier is forced to agree witchers are not human, but that doesn't mean they're dangerous. In fact, he's astounded by how many of Geralt's uncontrolled impulses involve touching.
Connecting dots by @dapandapod (Rated G, 3k)
Geralt is hit with a lying curse, and it takes Jaskier an embarrassing amount of time to figure it out. Now, it Jaskier only would stick to the safe questions....
Don't Go Stealing My Heart by @thesilverqueenlady (Rated T, 17k)
When Jaskier is stiffed by a lord on payment, he decides to help himself to proper compensation. Alongside the correct amount of gold and silver, he also steals a beautiful silver wolf's head medallion. It's safe to say that he is not expecting the medallion to be haunted by the spirit of a very grumpy, very handsome, very cursed Witcher.
Cuddles, Curses, and Confusion by me :D (Rated T, 3k)
Geralt becomes oddly affectionate after being cursed by a mage. Jaskier would just like his life to be less complicated, please.
Spectre's Soul also by me :D (Rated T, 31k)
When Jaskier tried to go on a date with a man named Rience, he did not expect to nearly be killed. He certainly did not expect to discover a beautiful valley while running away from him. He very definitely did not expect to find out that the valley was haunted — by an absurdly beautiful man. Or: In which Geralt is cursed to be a ghost and Jaskier is the first person in decades to talk to him.
Cursed Aiden
Headache at First Sight by YorkAndDelta (Rated T, 12k)
A story of how Lambert ends up looking after a cursed cat, helping a Witcher from a rival school retrieve his gear from angry mages, and maybe finds love along the way.
Cursed Lambert
the mortifying ordeal of being known as a cat by @skaldingrayne Rated M, 10k
Lambert is cursed to be a cat. Fortunately, he finds Jaskier.
You can find my other reclists here!
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if you have time i would love to see what you do with prompt number #5 “i can’t believe i married you” with geraskier please!! i feel like geralt would say this when jaskier is being silly and ridiculous but also jaskier would use it when geralt gives him only one good morning kiss instead of two lol. but only if you have time!!!! ��✨💖✨
Jaskier is still half-asleep as he shuffles to the fridge, his eyes bleary and unfocused after a late night of composing. Hoping for a few slices of last night’s leftover pizza, he opens the fridge, only to let out a little shriek of surprise when he finds a pair of bulbous eyes staring back at him.
“Geralt!” he yelps. “What the fresh fuck is in our fridge?”
His witcher appears in the doorway, already dressed and ready for the day. “A drowner head.”
“Right, good,” Jaskier says. “Let me rephrase. Why the fuck is it in our fridge?”
“It didn’t fit in the freezer.”
Geralt’s lips twitch. “Its brains are useful for potions. I’m going to harvest them later.”
“Not in our kitchen, you’re not.”
“Would you prefer the bedroom?”
“Geralt, I swear to Melitele, if you get drowner brains on the duvet—” Seeing the grin on Geralt’s face, Jaskier breaks off, scowling. “I cannot believe I married you.”
“Hm. Jask, we’re not married.”
Ah, right. They’ve been together so long, Jaskier forgets that sometimes. Their friends and family are always complaining that they act like an old married couple anyway. “And if you keep putting drowner heads in the fridge, we won’t be!”
Geralt comes to press a kiss to Jaskier’s forehead. “Go take a shower and I’ll make coffee and deal with the drowner.”
“You’ll make the coffee before you touch drowner brains, right? Avoid cross-contamination?”
“Drowner brains are good for you. Protein.”
Jaskier huffs and turns on his heel to leave the kitchen. “I want a divorce.”
“Again, not married.”
Jaskier starts up the stairs, calling over his shoulder, “Then we should get married just so I can divorce you.”
“Okay!” Jaskier makes it to the top of the stairs, then pauses, registering what they just said, and turns around. “Geralt?”
From downstairs, there’s the rumble of Geralt’s answering hum. “Hm?”
“Did we just get engaged?”
“I think that’s traditionally what comes before marriage and divorce.”
Jaskier hurries back down the stairs so fast that he nearly trips over his own two feet. He finds Geralt standing right where he left him in front of the fridge. “Do you really want to get married?”
Geralt looks at him like he’s started singing in gnomish. “Sure.”
“Sure?” Jaskier lets out an exasperated laugh. “Geralt, my love, this is one of those things where I’m going to need an unequivocal yes or no from you.”
Geralt leans against the front of the fridge, frowning slightly. “I never thought you wanted to get married.”
“What?” Jaskier is bewildered. “When did I say that?”
“Back when you were dating Vespula.”
“Geralt, I was twenty-two when I dated Vespula! That was nearly a decade ago! Of course I didn’t want to get married.” Jaskier throws his arms around Geralt’s neck. “I never thought you wanted to get married. All that witchers walk alone bullshit.”
Geralt’s lips twitch. “I think that ship has sailed by now, Jask. I think it sailed about five minutes after we met.”
“Well yes, probably,” Jaskier says. “So, Geralt, will you marry me?”
“Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just so you can divorce me over drowner brains.”
“Darling, you should know by now that it’s going to take more than drowner brains to get rid of me. I told you when we first moved in together and I’ll tell you now, you’re stuck with me.”
“You know you love it.”
Geralt’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, pressing a kiss to the tip of Jaskier’s nose. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
The few times Jaskier has pictured proposing to Geralt, he’s imagined grand gestures: singing a love song in front of a crowded stadium of fans, holding a sign as he jumped out a plane, a moonlight boat ride and a four-string quartet. But standing with Geralt in the kitchen, still in his boxers with a drowner’s head in their fridge, somehow feels more right than any of those fantasies.
They just hold each other for a moment before Jaskier pulls away. “Want to go get breakfast to celebrate?”
Geralt’s eyes are soft with fondness as he watches him. “Did you propose just for an excuse to go get pancakes and mimosas?”
“Like I need an excuse to get pancakes and mimosas.” Jaskier is smiling stupidly. “Let me go get showered. I can be ready in twenty minutes.”
“See you in an hour.” 
“Har.” Jaskier turns and hurries up the steps. In the bathroom, he draws back the shower curtain, slapping a hand over his mouth to stifle his shriek at what he finds inside. “Geralt!”
“What?” Geralt calls from downstairs.
“What the fuck is in our shower?”
“Oh,” Geralt says. “That’s the rest of the drowner.”
“Excellent. Just so you know, I’ve changed my mind about that divorce!”
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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jeanblack2056 · 6 months
So. I haven't posted here in a while
But I'm writing a new Geraskier fic! It has a badass omega Jaskier who's seen some shite already, Warlord Geralt who ends up marrying him to prevent war, and a loooot of horny.
This is a little fanart I just drew during a lecture, featuring one of my favorite scenes so far.
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
Tips for those of you that wish to enjoy Geraskier as a romantic couple, without erasing Jaskier's greyromantic (more specifically sapioromantic) identity.
Alright, here's the deal...
I've recently gone on a very long rant re: how queer baiting has conditioned most of us, in the queer community, to read any emotionally intimate friendship between two same-gender characters as romance.
A) The lack of officially acknowledged same-gender relationships on screen - in major TV shows and series that aren't specifically about LGBTQ+ themes - has put us in a situation where, if he want to enjoy any same-gender romance at all, we are forced to interpret close "officially platonic" (*cough*StormPilot*cough*) pairings as romantic couples.
B) The TV and movie industries have been purposefully encouraging such perceptions, and inserting as many "romantic cues" as they can into such same-gender "friendships", to keep their LGBTQ+ audience involved in those stories without alienating their more conservative audiences by having to depict some actual queer romances.
So, not only are non-queer people under the impression that it's perfectly typical, for same-gender friends, to constantly become so emotionally and physically close and intimate with each other that they behave as if they are almost dating while also being 100% straight.
But, they don't realize that there is barely any equivalent of straight men/women characters on screen developing such emotionally and physically intimate friendships without them inevitably "getting together" romantically at some point.
Unless one of them is already romantically taken, that is (and even there, a dreaded "love triangle" may occur and they'll still wind up together anyway!).
But, if the boy and the girl are both straight and available, and they behave as you would expect a married couple at some point, obviously they are romantically/sexually into each other! What else?!
If it's two same-gender characters, however?!
Well, it's obviously a friendship all the way (while nevertheless often heavily dousing that friendships with romantic subtext).
And sadly, the way queer baiting has been heavily messing with our perceptions of platonic vs romantic relationships is putting the aromantic community at a huge disadvantage.
What huge disadvantage, I hear you ask?
I mean, after all, if all those emotionally close and intimate relaltionships remain platonic in canon, shouldn't people on the aromantic spectrum be happy about it, and feel represented? Don't they have tons of "queerplatonic ships" to choose from, and enjoy as such?
Sadly, no.
The answer is firm and resounding NO.
Wanna know why?
Because, most of the time, whenever a relationship might read as "potentially queerplatonic", it is virtually never acknowledged as such.
It is virtually never about them.
It has absolutely nothing to do with both, or one, of those characters being on the aromantic spectrum.
When we talk about classic models of "bromances", those are virtually always occurring between two men that are assumed to be otherwise straight (or, at least, one of them is, ex: Jace Herondale & Alec Lightwood from "Shadowhunters"), or two women that are assumed to be otherwise straight (or, at least, one of them is).
When "bromances" occur between a man and a woman (I'm thinking Steve and Robin, from "Stranger Things"), it is usually because one of them is gay.
The implication and the message being sent to us with all those close friendships is thus a very clear:
"You can only achieve such emotionally close (queer)platonic friendships, and/or companionships, because you are not sexually compatible.
Otherwise, you would already be forming a romantic couple, and/or secretly longing to be in one.
If Robin wasn't a lesbian, she and Steve would obviously be dating."
And the reason why Steve and Nancy still love each other that deeply - despite no longer being a couple - is because they still have romantic feelings for each other despite Nancy also having romantic feelings for Jonathan and having chosen him as a romantic partner...
So, that has nothing to do with queerplatonic relationships, either, at all!
Also, can someone please sit these three kids down and have a good discussion regarding polyamorous relationships with them? Thank you!
So, how could anyone on the aromantic spectrum identify with those friendships, and/or feel represented by them, when they are always treated as being either "lesser than" a romance, or "a consolation price" when romance isn't an option?
That's not even bad representation, it's a complete lack of representation!
Yet aromantic love (be it defined as alterous, platonic, etc.) can be as beautiful, intense, and sincere as a romance, and there's a deep, almost spiritual connection there.
It is not "lesser than", but simply different.
The kind of emotional intimacy you share, and the way you connect together with the person you "platonically/alterously fell in love with" feels different.
The relationship dynamic you may achieve together, and the kind of commitment you may choose to make with those friends (that may even become life partners), as well as your needs and expectations, tend to be different than what would be expected of a romantic partnerships, although there can be many overlaps.
Aromantic forms of platonic/alterous love aren't a consolation price when romance isn't an option!
They deserve to be seen and treated as a first choice.
Those relationships provide a unique and profoundly valuable way of emotionally and sometimes even physically (because physical attraction can be sensual rather than sexual, and there are best friends that are comfortable enough to be sexually intimate together without any desire to form a romantic couple, too, by the way) connecting and being intimate with another person.
And what currently makes Geraskier unique in canon, is that they've established that Jaskier, at the very least, would have been 100% compatible with Geralt romantically and sexually (given he's a panromantic pansexual).
What makes the way Jaskier has been canonically falling in love with Geralt different from the usual BrOTPs the queer community are usually offered, however, is the fact that Jaskier's desires for Geralt are not romantic, but platonic in the way aromantic people are known to experience love.
Jaskier having no romantic crush for Geralt would thus not prevent him, at all, from wanting to share a loving relationship, and even perhaps queerplatonic partnership with him.
He could still love him in an amorous way. He could still yearn for sharing some sensual (or even sexual) intimacy with him.
Between having what people typically consider "purely platonic" and "purely romantic" feelings, there is a wonderful universe of affections and attractions for Jaskier and Geralt to explore together!
And aromantic people can experience the same level of heartbreak and loss upon losing their "best friend in the whole wide world" than they would a romantic partner.
I mean, when you listen to Jaskier sing:
Did you ever even care With your swords and your stupid hair?
in "Burn Butcher Burn", I've always felt like it was a callback to the very first things that Jaskier physically noticed about Geralt, and what initally sparked his (platonic? alterous? sensual? sexual? aesthetic? all of the above? other?) attraction for him!
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If we compare the way Geralt and Jaskier behave together on screen with queerplatonic partners in real life, there is no proof of anything romantic going on.
I can't stress this enough.
HOWEVER, sadly, queerplatonic partnerships aren't really ever explored and acknowledged as such on screen. So, most people are very unfamiliar with them.
Instead, the TV and movie industry typically makes same-gender characters behave in an amorous manner to suggest romance and bait their queer audience.
AND it took them 4 FREAKING YEAR (we're actually a bit closer to 5 now) to confirm that Jaskier fell in love with Geralt platonically, rather than romantically, while canonically establishing Radovid as being Jaskier's very first sapioromantic crush.
This is where real life collides with fiction in a deeply heartbreaking way, to me...
Because during those 4 years, the queer community has been reading Geraskier as a romantic couple the way they've been taught and conditioned to identify queer romance on screen.
Most of them likely haven't even considered the possibility that Jaskier could have been on the aromantic spectrum, and thus "squishing" (hard) on Geralt rather than "crushing" (romantically) on him.
I don't believe that any of those fans would have had any desire to ignore and/or reject aromantic love and/queerplatonic relationships representation, if they'd known earlier on that Jaskier simply wasn't someone that experiences romantic desires (unless certain very specific conditions are met).
And 2 complete seasons is a very long time for romantic Geraskier fans to get profoundly attached to their ship, and feel somewhat gaslighted by the show's producers and writers when suddenly they're told "Oh no, they were 'just friends' all along! Nothing romantic to see here!"
(Of course, with the establishment of Jaskier as a greyromantic, they were never 'just friends' in the typical sense, but I've feeling that many fans have missed how significant Jaskier experiencing his very first crush was to the narrative.)
So, I believe that the knee-jerk response of pure disbelief that Geraskier could have been representing anything other than a romance can be expected and understood within that context.
HOWEVER, the unfortunate consequence is how that anger and disbelief has lead some fans to claiming that Geraskier can only be read as romantic.
Using some arguments such as: only someone romantically in love with Geralt could ever have experienced the level of heartbreak that Jaskier did, and written a song such as "Burn Butcher Burn", following their breakup.
I've seen some arguing that, if Jaskier's feelings had been "platonic", he wouldn't have been so hurt by their "break-up".
What those that have been shipping Geraskier romantically for over 4 years are truly expressing, I believe, is:
"Once again, I feel like I've been emotionally used and baited by the TV industry that keep on denying any romantic intent whenever they heavily layer a same-gender friendships with romantic subtext; and I can't agree with what they've done, or accept that Geraskier should be read as platonic!"
And I do hear you, I get it, I see how wrong it is that you have been made to feel that way, and I do not believe that you should be forced to embrace Geraskier as being aromantic / queerplatonic, or made to feel guilty for wishing to continue to ship Geraskier romantically.
But what I want to help you realize, is that by using such arguments, what your fellow queer siblings, on the aromantic spectrum, are hearing is:
"The way you love not only does not exist, but even if it did it can't be as strong, nor as valuable, as romantic love."
And that's not okay. The anger and hurt you feel is okay and 100% justified, but insisting that aromantics are not capable of such love, by saying that Jaskier's behavior with Geralt has always been obviously romantic, is not okay!
If you've been using those arguments before, first take the time to acknowledge how you feel, realize that you are not to blame for those feelings, remember you're still an amazing person, and take a fucking deep breath, alright?
Because you're 100% entitled to blame the people that have kept messing with your head and your perceptions through their queerbaiting practices for those mistakes you just made.
If we go purely by classic TV show queerbaiting standards, that relationship did seemingly present itself as romantic. You weren't wrong for seeing romance there.
But queerbaiting isn't real life.
Remember this: queerbaiting is not at all representative of how relationships work in reality.
In reality, you have romantic same-gender relationships that read as romantic and that are romantic.
In reality, you also have queerplatonic relationships that people often mistake as romantic, but are nevertheless queerplatonic.
In reality, queerplatonic relationships do happen between same-gender partners, but also between sexually compatible men and women, too.
In a strongly stereotyped TV and movie world, where relationships are oversimplified and watered down to follow rigid rules and expectations, canon Geraskier is a relationship that feels refreshingly real.
This is the kind of friendship I have with some of my own best friends. I know at least 5 friends (and maybe more, but they're the first 5 faces that popped to mind), for whom I've got 100% platonic feelings for, that I'd feel 100% comfortable rubbing chamomile onto their lovely bottom, alright?
On TV? Thanks to a legacy of queerbaiting, such a scene feels gay as hell!
In real life? Look, if you've pulled a muscle in your buttocks, and a massage will do you good? Pants down, my friend! Pass me that chamomile oil, I'm here for you buddy!
You're a heterosexual man and I'm a pansexual woman? I don't see how that changes anything to the task at hand! Or how that would be supposed to make me suddenly develop romantic feelings for you I've never had! You don't suddenly fall romantically in love with a best friend just because you've *gasped* "touched the butt", for frak's sake!
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Just... give me a moment to recover from that ludicrous idea...
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So, you want that butt massage or not, dude?
The physical contact might be affectionate, sensual, and feel intimate... but friendships are emotionally and quite often physically (though a bit more rarely sexually) intimate, too.
And demisexuals, like myself, might actually tend to favor and enjoy sensual intimacy (tender caresses, kisses, snuggles, etc.) more than they enjoy sexual intimacy, even with their romantic partners.
So, I can't blame any of you for how you might have instinctively responded to the announcement of Geraskier being canonically platonic.
But, now that it's done, and you've hopefully let that frustration out, I am inviting you to shake off all that queerbaiting conditioning, reclaim power over your own mind, and reflect on how love happens in real life, outside of those distorted TV standards.
I am inviting you to reflect on how those arguments might accidentally be invalidating the love that is experienced by another marginalized queer community.
And hopefully, bringing some measure of comfort to the aromantic community, as well, by letting them know that the vast majority of Geraskier fans that did have that knee-jerk reaction of saying "Geraskier is obviously romantic because there's no way Jaskier would have responded like this, or loved him so much, if there was no romance!" likely have been reacting that way because the TV and movie industries have been constantly "teasing them" with romance, while laughing in their faces and telling them that they are crazy for reading romance into those dynamics (hence why I'm calling it downright gaslighting)!
As aromantics, you did not deserve having your own sexual identity invalidated.
After all, I think this is literally the first time that aromantics have been offered some actual representation on a show that does not specifically revolve around queer characters or queerness, and a chance to openly explore a (queer)platonic ship where one of the two characters is an acknowledged greyromantic.
The last thing you need, is to have people come and mock Jaskier and Geralt's relationship, by saying that it can't be anything other than romance.
But, knowing where that hostile response towards the idea that Geraskier might be platonic comes from, might help you hopefully understand that the hostility wasn't meant for you, and that I'm sure the vast majority of the fans of that pairing would have been more careful, with the way they've been expressing their own hurt, if they'd realized the kind of message it sent.
Because if there are people that should understand how having their own sexuality being erased in fandom hurts - ex: whenever someone decides that they are going to start writing a canonically bisexual or pansexual characters as either straight or gay, depending on the gender of the character they are pairing them with - it should be bisexuals and pansexuals.
So, if you are unfamiliar with sapioromantism, here's what to know:
Sapioromantics are greyromantics that experience romantic attraction towards a person in response to the way they perceive that person's intellect.
This is what awakens their desire to form a romantic bond with another person and, under the right circumstances (because I'm guessing they might also need to find the other person aesthetically attractive, for example), allows them to fall romantically in love.
Otherwise, they can still fall in love with people, but platonically/alterously.
The show officially decided, this season, that Jaskier was to experience his very first crush with Radovid, feel confused about his feelings, sense that there's something different about the way he's attracted towards him, etc.
BUT there's no obligation for you to follow the show canon when it comes to Geraskier.
There's no obligation, at all, to give up on Geraskier as a romantic ship or pairing.
The fact is that Geralt is a deeply intelligent and insightful man, too. So, it's not unrealistic that a sapioromantic could have been attracted to that side of him, and fallen in love with Geralt romantically as well.
Yennefer is another smart, brilliant woman that can absolutely be romantically shipped with a sapioromantic.
There are many, many different types of intelligence, and what Radovid appears to specifically be displaying is more specifically high levels of emotional/relational intelligence, true.
But that's how the show decided to portray the specifics of Jaskier's sapioromantism.
And you won't be erasing a character's sexual identity if you decide to have your own version of Jaskier romantically connecting with other forms of intelligence.
People mention that Geralt, in the books, uses way more words than on the show, and would apparently rather discuss philosophy with Jaskier, at times, than hunt monsters.
You won't be disrespecting or erasing the aromantic community if you make Jaskier become romantically attracted to other models of human intellect.
You really don't have to accept Geraskier as a platonic ship after having grown attached to them as romantic partners for over 4 years! I don't believe it would ever be fair to ask that of you or even remotely necessary!
And, as far as I'm concerned, I'd never dare tell you that you "misread" Geraskier as romantic. I think Joey Batey might have been exploring the idea of Jaskier being an aromantic or greyromantic seeking a queerplatonic relationship with Geralt since seasons one, yes...
However, as he said in interviews, he had never received any clear answer regarding his portrayal of Jaskier's queerness before Season 3.
So, you couldn't really have "misread" something they hadn't fully made up their minds about now, could you?
Queerplatonic relationships do often read as romantic, too, as they tend to share many similarities.
What hurts, is when Jaskier's behavior and the strength of his love for Geralt is being used as proof that his emotions can't be platonic, and/or ignore that Jaskier is being portrayed as a greyromantic in Season 3.
Aromantic representation matters.
I'm therefore hoping that we can find the right balance between allowing everyone to ship their favorite character(s) with who they want romantically if they need to; while at the same time avoiding to erase Jaskier's sapioromantism, and/or arguing that platonic/alterous attractions can't be as important nor as strong as romantic attractions.
I think with a little empathy, the queer community can find the right point of balance between everyone's needs, and be given the opportunity to ship and enjoy Geraskier (queer)platonically and romantically, without invalidating Jaskier's sexuality in the process either way.
I know this post is similar to that other one I'd made, but I've heard few a-spec people saying that they'd had to stop following certain fans, because of the way those fans were were aggressively arguing that it was impossible for Jaskier to have been loving Geralt platonically in Season 1 and Season 2.
And so, I felt it needed to be said again, with this time giving a bit more importance to the aromantic side of that issue, and offering fans that ship Geraskier as a romantic pairing some information on what sapioromantism is, and how you can make Jaskier's greyromantic identity work as part of your own romances and headcanons.
You could decide to have Jaskier experience romantic feelings for the very first time with Geralt (instead of Radovid), and be adorably awkward about it! The possibilities are pretty much endless!
I just hope you can realize that what's happening on the show is not yet again another case of "Stormpilot" or "Stucky", or any other same-gender straight guys acting queer together!
Geraskier is canonically queer. Possibly queerplatonic, but most definitely queer, because Jaskier is a pan greyromantic that fell in love with Geralt in a platonic/alterous way, and might have experienced sensual and sexual desires for him.
It's a queer ship, regardless of whether you ship them platonically or romantically.
Personally, I think I'm likely to enjoy
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But that is entirely up to you.
Just please be mindful that, when you start mocking the idea of Jaskier and Geralt having platonic feelings for each other, you are ridiculing a canonically queer ship, as well as the type of love experienced by a canonically queer greyromantic character, though.
This is what I have a problem with.
And no, saying "Well, I can headcanon that Jaskier isn't a greyromantic because he hadn't come out as greyromantic in Season 1 and Season 2, so I'll continue to write him as being able to fall romantically in love with anyone!" is not okay.
Back in 2012, when Mass Effect 3 came out, Kaidan Alenko was revealed to be a canonically bisexual character, available to be romanced by both fem!Shep and m!Shep.
However, since some women were uncomfortable with Kaidan's bisexuality, they decided to continue writing him as straight in fanfiction arguing that, because he could only be romanced by fem!Shep in ME1 (and everyone had thus assumed he was straight since 2008) they were allowed to continue to write him as straight, and ignore the character having been established as bisexual in the 3rd game.
Yet, the fact that Kaidan is bisexual, rather than straight, does not create any obstacle for him to be in a romance with fem! Shep!
There is no rational reason to headcanon him, or continue writing him, as a straight character moving forward once he's come out as bisexual!
"Well, my Kaidan Alenko is straight!"
Congratulations! You are expressing a biphobic view of the character!
Understandingly, the bisexual and pansexual communities were angry about it, and called them out on it.
So, let's not put the aromantic community through the same thing, shall we?
Because there is absolutely no reason to ignore Jaskier being on the aromantic spectrum while romantically pairing him with Geralt, Yennefer, or even both!
If you purely go by the books or the games, it's another story. They have their own canon.
But if you are writing / using the TV show character, Jaskier being a sapioromantic has been made canon, and is not creating any obstacle for him to experience romantic love for other characters than Radovid.
Other characters are plenty intelligent enough to realistically spark a sapioromantic connection with him, should you wish to!
Have Jaskier be intrigued/enamored with some of their intellectual features, and you'll be doing just fine.
If you're unsure how to do that, simply ask.
Ex: once that romantic spark has been ignited, you don't need to have the character continue to constantly obsess about the other character's intellect... I'm demisexual, and I don't keep obsessing about how trustworthy I find my sexual partner to be, despite the fact that my own sexual desires are usually "sparked" by a deep sense of trust/emotional safety with the other person.
There is also the notion that you can occasionally find yourself with an exception that feels different without the character themselves knowing why. Ex: a friend that identified as a lesbian (romantically and sexually) found herself desiring a man for the first time and, to this day, she still has no clue what was special about THAT man, but she decided to go with her instincts rather than "Oh no! It doesn't fit my label or established orientation, and therefore I shall skip a chance at romantic love and sex with this wonderful man!"
You want to introduce a bit of flexibility to Jaskier's sapioromantic instincts? You can do it respectfully, while still finding a way to point out, in your writing, that him having a crush on Geralt, Yennefer, or [insert name of the character here] is still an uncommon occurance.
You can enjoy what you love, without erasing a canonically queer character's identity to suit your own romantic narrative, is basically what I'm saying.
And you can enjoy your own romantic ship, especially, without mocking or belittling a canonically queer aromantic ship (Geraskier).
The rest is 100% up to you!
Our sweet aromantic sisters, brothers, and non-binary siblings deserve some love and visibility, too. And to enjoy things that have been made canonically theirs without becoming the unfortunate casualties of other people's disappointment.
If you hadn't realised canon Geraskier was a queer ship, and/or understood/noticed that Jaskier was being portrayed as a greyromantic that experiences romantic attraction for the first time in Season 3, it's okay.
Once again, I'm not taking the time to explain all this to blame those that jumped on the "b-but... Jaskier so obviously has romantic feelings for Geralt!" conclusion.
Had they been a sexually straight man and woman on a TV show, chances are they'd be "romantic endgame" or at least go through a "romantic phase" (a practice that is deeply wrong and damaging, too, IMHO, and does not allow to properly represent what platonic / alterous love is, and/or offer queerplatonic relationships any actual visibility), yes.
And, like every instance of queerbaiting, it ended up with the close emotional and physical intimacy between them not leading to any romantic conclusion.
But it did lead to a very much queer conclusion, and Jaskier having been portrayed as a character that fell in love with Geralt aromantically, thus being highly representative of a queer community.
This is that "but" that I sincerely hope you now understand, and will be treating with the same care and respect that you want others to show the representation of your own sexuality.
If you are a fellow panromantic/pansexual, or even bisexual, omnisexual, polysexual, etc. Yes, the representation also affects you / is close to you.
But Jaskier has been canonically established as more than pan. He's also a-spec on the romantic side, and it's actually the first label that Batey used to describe his romance with Radovid.
That his romantic desires be triggered specifically by the way he connects with a person's intellect, rather than their gender, matters to the community it represents.
Now that it has been brought to your attention, please do not lose sight of that over your own joy of him being queer, and romantically/sexually compatible with men. It's all I'm humbly asking of you.
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limerental · 1 year
limerental's themed self-rec lists
read my old fics, you cowards! these are majority witcher fics, because i have an illness.
silly goofy modern au
how long we were fool'd - jaskier/yennefer(&geralt)
married neighbors yennskier, suburban dad!geralt, modern witchers, little kid ciri, aroace geralt, relationship misunderstandings, borzoi roach, supernatural mystery, some canon-typical violence, found family nonsense, and my own clairvoyance in writing yennskier husband-wife but it was spring 2020
(don't) poke the sleeping dragon - jaskier/yennefer/geralt
a retelling of bottled appetites but it's a nerdy fantasy music festival, copious drug use, yennefer's sick wizard van, unicorn edibles, golden dragon dildos, outdoor sex, geralt getting pegged and double penetrated, a dialogue only threesome, accidental yearning old friend geraskier tenderness, and someone once told me they wouldn't read this fic because yen had her tits out in the summary and i will always remember that criticism for the rest of my life
as if you were a mythical thing - yennefer/geralt
old married couple, dom/sub dynamics, sex unicorn mention, geralt is very vanilla but loves his kinky wife, and he's too autistic about horses not to ruin ponyplay with horse facts
this one might hurt
long on the road & how light carries on - geralt/jaskier (eventual geralt/regis in the sequel, plus many platonic relationships)
the 80s trucker/hitchhiker au that got away from me, vietnam vet trucker geralt, aging hippie musician jaskier, AIDS crisis, terminal illnesses, dealing with mortality, falling in love, road tripping, copious american geography, period-typical queer community issues, and then... life after loss, aging, grief and mourning, queer and traumatized family dynamics both found and otherwise, finding love again, and watching the sun set on a life well lived
in dark and twisted braids - fringilla &/ yennefer
aretuza school days slumber parties, girlhood crushes, pining, unrequited love, i shook a sorceress and intergenerational trauma fell out, the inherent adolescent horror of making lasting decisions about your future when you are barely 18 but even worse because there's war and violence and permanent alterations to your body and forced sterilization and your little schoolgirl crush on someone you thought was a friend ends in betrayal and bloodshed and you end up on opposite sides of the war and she never even looked your way or thought about you and--
then send down the storm - aiden/lambert, lambert/geralt(/yennefer)
witcher roadtripping, just guys being dudes, horse stuff, winter at kaer morhen polyamory but different, ~trauma~, the mortifying ordeal of accepting you deserve more from life and also of being known, but it's too late (or is it?), grief and mourning and loss and love that was worth its loss, and also, the character death(s) are largely temporary.
aw that just ain't right :/
the witch in her tower - eskel/yennefer(/geralt)
dark fic, fairytale elements, hurt no comfort (mind the tags), morally dubious heartbroken yennefer, pining and years of yearning for geralt eskel, unrequited love, non-consensual mind control during sex, flashbacks to messed up witcher child abuse and violence and cruelty, the inherent horror of mutated and manipulated little boys becoming men who think they can't or shouldn't love paralleled with the inherent horror of enchanted and manipulated little girls becoming women who-- you get it.
the flesh calmly going cold - geralt/jaskier
this one's gross for real, a hunt gone wrong, hurt NO comfort, major character death and it's gross and tragic, gore, necrophilia, organs lovingly described (and jizzed on), basically it's just like that scene in twn where filavandrel exploded but if francesca humped his goo after. sorry.
blood of the covenant (water of the womb) - geralt/&renfri, geralt/stregobor
supernatural pregnancy body horror as revenge, ......pregobor, black sun princess trauma and curses, apocalyptic monster fetus imagery, it's about women and violence against women and evil men suffering for inflicting that violence mostly, and also the evils of standing by and watching evil happen. also, yes stregobor is magical yucky bella swan pregnant and then bad stuff happens to everybody.
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