#married for 36 years with kids
You know I don't think Timmy actually ended up sharing Wanda and Cosmo for all that long with Chloe in the grand scheme of things.
I mean there's various points in the show that seem to imply that having Fairy GodParents is a temporary thing. Like extremely temporary for most kids.
As in even being 10, and having gotten Cosmo and Wanda at age 8, Timmy's considered as having been a GodChild for a long time. Even if that's only a couple years.
Like there's a reason why there's multiple episodes about all of Fairy World being interested in whatever Timmy's up to.
Timmy's an outlier case.
He's going to end up aging out of the system (bar any breaking of any major rule that the fairies can't find a way to forgive) and everyone knows it.
They made a whole live action trilogy of bending the rules just for him where he gets to keep his fairies as an adult, and then turns into a fairy at the end of that trilogy.
He's a, probably wouldn't have made it to adulthood without fairies, kind of a case.
That's not the case for most kids who get fairies, or at least it's heavily implied that's not the case for most kids who get fairies.
Take Cosmo and Wanda being Crocker's fairies in 1972, and having already been his fairies for about 2 years by that point, but having had been Billy Gate's fairies in 1970.
We're never even given a hint that Billy lost his fairies traumatically, because he grew up to invent the internet just fine, and we never hear about him beyond that. And it seems like if a kid traumatically loses their fairies before their ready, it ends with them being a screwed up adult.
Which tells me that whatever situation Billy was in to need fairies resolved itself shortly after the time travel thing.
Heck even then, it was heavily implied that Crocker's life, even qualifying for fairies, was better than Timmy's was. Considering the only things mentioned is that he's got a single mom that works multiple jobs, and when she doesn't she tends to focus on her hobbies, and an evil babysitter to deal with.
He's not bullied at that point, he's not struggling academically, the only things wrong with his life (before getting over dosed on magic mindwipe and being disfigured and losing his mind as a result, which turned him into a social outcast) is that he's got a single mom who works a lot and leaves him with a mean babysitter so she can have me time.
That's it, that's what makes him qualify.
And he would have aged out of at least one of those problems before turning 18. He would have been 14 when he would have naturally outgrown needing to have a babysitter (as that's how old Vicky starts babysitting Timmy).
Then by that point he would have also been old enough to get a part time job of his own. Lightening the financial lode on his mother, and possibly freeing up some of her working time to actually spend with her.
Meaning it's possible that both of his fairy qualifying problems would have resolved themselves by age 14 or 15.
But also the kind of miserable it takes to get godparents (at least when that baseline is first established) is temporary for most kids.
I wouldn't be surprised if the typical Fairy GodParent & GodChild relationship typically only lasted like a year or two for most kids.
[And it seems like the majority of kids we meet who have GodParents, get them at age 10.
I'm pretty sure Timmy being 8 and getting his Fairies, is the youngest kid we ever see having Fairies.
Other than de-aged Vicky that one episode, but because it happened in the constraints of one of Timmy's wishes, I'm not going to count it. Especially because when Cosmo and Wanda are reassigned to Vicky, no one comes to erase Timmy's memory of having fairies, so she doesn't have to worry at all about hiding them which all other godkids do.
Also Vicky is just given Cosmo and Wanda and not her own fairy, which I feel heavily implies that all of this is falling under wish logic, and not normal logic.
Crocker is the second youngest, because he had Cosmo and Wanda at 9.]
Especially in cases where the root of the kid's misery is something they have the power to personally confront and change.
Like if a kid gets a fairy because they're being bulled at school to the point it's ruining everything else in their life. [Bully is making it to where they can't complete school or home work, causing grades to drop, meaning no extracurricular stuff, and getting in trouble with parents.]
But that kid manages to reveal what's happening, and gets things to change, and their life goes back to how it was before. Then that kid obviously doesn't need a GodParent anymore to make up for their miserable life.
I could easily see plenty of situations where a kid might only have a GodParent for less than a year.
Like Hazel's situation from A New Wish weirds me out, because all her problems are super temporary problems that resolve in like a few months to a year for most kids who have those problems.
It's missing her older brother who left for collage. Which most kids eventually get over after just getting used to them no longer living in the same house as them.
When the younger sibling gets used to the older siblings absence, a pretty good chunk of them revel in the bizarre experience of being either the new oldest, or an only child for the rest of their own childhood.
It's moving to a new city and having to make all new friends. Which Hazel does over the course of season 1. She's got 3 friends if Dev counts.
Everything causing her to need fairies is all extremely temporary. Which is a large part of the reason why I don't think she'll be one of the kids to age out of the system the way Timmy was.
She's got parents who love her, she's not struggling at school, she doesn't have an abusive babysitter, she's already started making friends at her new school, her brother came home from collage, but even then that's something she'd just grow out of eventually.
So I feel like unless something in her life changes for the worst, she's going to only have Cosmo and Wanda for a few years at most. And lose them around age 14-15.
Sure her problems are a lot more relatable than Timmy's ever were.
Which is understandable considering Timmy was a kid who had literally everything going wrong in his life, except he wasn't living in poverty.
From neglectful parents, being bullied as school, an abusive babysitter, being specifically targeted by a teacher for harassment, being the target of a girl's stalker crush on him, being canonically considered an idiot even without Crocker targeting him (even though I'm pretty sure he just has ADHD). And that's just the major stuff he starts off with.
That's not even getting into like the magical enemies he makes over the course of the show. Who are out to get him from then on.
And the fact that his parents weren't actively malicious towards him, just forgetful and oblivious.
But Hazel's problems are also all a lot more temporary than Timmy's ever were.
And that's like, the big thing that makes them different and give me the feeling that, while Timmy definitely aged out and had fairies until the last possible moment, kids like Chloe and Hazel probably only had fairies for a few years at most.
That's most likely why Wanda and Cosmo still refer to Timmy as their last godchild before retiring. Even though they were assigned Chloe years after they were assigned to Timmy.
Chloe's issues probably resolved at some point and Timmy returned to being a singular GodChild from that point on.
[I'm guessing she grew a backbone at some point, lets her parents know all the pressure they put on her was making her miserable, and stopped being a complete doormat for literally everyone. Because those were her big problems that caused her to qualify for Fairies.]
Which was probably extremely awkward for Timmy in the aftermath of Chloe having her memories purged of fairies, considering they only spent time together because they were made to share fairies.
Sure Timmy had seen kids lose their fairies before, like with Remy, but he'd never cared then because he hardly spent any time with Remy, and no one would call him and Remy friends.
But it had to be weird when it inevitably happened with Chloe, because by the end there, she basically lived in the Turner house.
Heck of the two kids who get fairies in A New Wish, I'd say that Dev is the kid more likely to be an age out case than Hazel. If he ever regains godparents.
Considering having a single parent, who literally loves business and money more than he'll ever love his own kid, is a bit more of a permanent misery than "I moved to a new town and have no friends, and my brother went off to collage" is.
Just to be honest.
Like maybe it's different rules because Hazel is a post-retirement passion project for Cosmo and Wanda, and they can stay with her until she'd age out because they're not on official rotation or whatever.
But no one will be able to convince me that she'd actually need fairies the entire rest of her childhood unless something horrible happens to her in season 2.
Like baby girl those are some temporary issues that tend to resolve themselves within a year, how are you going to keep qualifying for fairy godparentship the rest of this series?
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waugh-bao · 1 year
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timkontheunsure · 4 months
Queer secondary adolescence and Stolas
(I keep forgetting to put this up here)
Ok, so Stolas being teen dad is one of the reasons I get annoyed when people say he's too horny with Blitz. Or that his relationship is too dramatic and teenager-y.
He's a queer guy who never got to be a teenager, didn't get to have a first boyfriend, or explore who he was. Or do any of the normal stuff most straight teenagers get to do.
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His family stuffed him in the closet, forced him to have child, and gave him an abusive wife as jailer.
(He around 36, with a 17 year old daughter. 36−17=19 when Octavia was born. Likely married at 18).
He's got some chatting up to do.
Up till now his whole life's been about Via, and mitigating Stella's abuse to hid it from Via.
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That's left him barely hanging on, taking an increasing amount of antidepressants; and singing lullabies about not being sure he'll make it till Via's grown up.... 🙁
There's this thing called second adolescence that alot of queer people experience, when they come out later in life.
It happens when they're weren't allowed to do normal teenage things at the right age. So things like having crushes, go on first dates, have extremely anxious dramatic relationships. As well just be a normal horny teenager.
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Stolas got to do none of that. So he's doing it now.
He's also pretty obviously an autistic guy (separate post ), who didn't get well socialized as a child.
Blitz appears to have been his first and only really friend.
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Stolas is not great at social cues. (He's so happy to be able to help with his special interest, but does realise his tone is upsetting Ozzie).
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Even with Via he struggles to understand her. She needs to tell her dad flat out what she needs.
When she tries to be subtle, and snark he assumes it's just her being a moody teen. And that she'll enjoy loo loo land when she loosen up a bit.
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Because of this lack Stolas mostly fills in gaps in his social experience with masking.
Such copying Gabriel hairstyle from helluva novella to get ready for his first ever date.
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Following Blitz's lead of what to do in an uncomfortable situation.
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And trying to match the energy of how Blitz first came on to him.
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(He's definitely getting better at it from Blitz reaction).
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There's also an idea in CBT called reparenting your inner child. Which about giving yourself some the support, and experiences you missed out on because of abuse.
Stolas needs to go through his secondary adolescence as part of his recovery from his abuse.
So let Stolas be a little horny weirdo. 😛
PS this one will brake you heart. Stolas is standing fully in both these pictures.
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You can see how much he's grown by her light switch.
Kid hasn't even reached his full adult height yet when he had to have a kid.
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sabertoothwalrus · 4 months
I'm going to think out loud about the dungeon meshi ages for a sec
I'm going to preface this by saying that this is based on my existing knowledge, and fact checking is difficult because there is A LOT of contentious research out there.
First of all, I think a lot of people come at this from a modern lens, forgetting the context that this is fantasy medieval era. this is fiction. on top of that, this is specifically Ryoko Kui's understanding of medieval era aging. plus fantasy. So before anyone comes at me with a bunch of 'ermmmm actualy's just consider that I don't really care and also it might not matter in this context lol
as far as the "age of maturity" assigned for each race, something I don't see many people talk about is that "teenagers" are a fairly recent concept. For a long time, you were either considered A Kid or Not A Kid. but this doesn't necessarily mean kids were more/less developed then, just our cultural expectations for certain age groups have changed.
Laios says the age of maturity for tallmen is 16. I don't think that means 16 year olds in the dungeon meshi universe are necessarily "more mature" than modern 16 year olds, but moreso that they have more responsibilities. However, things like medicine, smoking, drinking, sun exposure, physical activity, etc all affect age, so it's possible that developmentally they're closer to modern 18 year olds? Izutsumi is 17 (less than two weeks from turning 18, actually), and very much acts like a modern 17 year old.
The age of maturity for half-foots is 14. Chilchuck was 13 when he got married and had his first two children. Even though, at age 29, he's the equivalent of a modern 50 year old, I don't think he was That much more developed at 13 than a tallman. I think if half-foot 14 is equal to tallman 16, then Chilchuck was Pretty Damn Young for a parent LMAO. Even if you're generous and say tallman 16 is a modern 18, he still would've been younger than that.
The long-lived races are interesting. Marcille is obviously a unique case, and not a lot of this applies to her. We do know what Senshi was like as a minor (miner, lol), and he seemed like a modern 15ish, considering he was 36 and dwarf maturity is 40. I think it'd be really interesting to delve into how a culture functions with people being developmentally adolescent for soooooo long. Imagine middle school lasting 20 years. that would fucking suck. I suppose it makes sense why long-lived races are so patronizing.
Moving onto lifespans, I want to emphasize that they're average lifespans. Even in the manga, they say some half-foots live to 100, it's just rare. So it's less that a tallman 60 year old is "older" than a modern 60 year old, it's that it's easier to keep people alive for longer nowadays. Modern medicine is a BIG contributor. Dental health as well, considering how much your health is affected by your diet (and how much the action of chewing alone aids in digestion). Curious to know what the FUCK elven dentistry is like.
It also makes me wonder if half-foots would have a longer average lifespan if they weren't like, used for bait and treated so poorly, but half-foot 29 does seem to be middle-aged for half-foots. so who knows!
In that vein, I don't know if I can see Mithrun quite making it to 400 😬 like, his experience as a dungeon lord took a lot out of him quite literally, and he's doing exceptionally well despite it! I imagine he'd eventually start to develop a lot of heart problems if he doesn't have them already. Perhaps early-onset dementia. His memory seems still quite intact (he corrects Kabru on his story's accuracy) and he doesn't act like, lobotomized. He doesn't seem forgetful or confused, and he has a sense of humor/sarcasm still. It's mostly his task initiation that's been affected.
I almost want to say that mana affinity could affect long-lived races' lifespans, except dwarves have very poor tolerance for mana, so it's probably not that.
okay anyway I didn't really have a point to this post so I'm just gonna end my rambling here
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Tumblr Folklore Stories/Blogs Directory/Masterlist
There are so many great Tumblr Blog stories here! But things are best when organized! Here you are! I’m going to use Tumblr Blaze in a couple weeks to spread this to everyone, but if all of you can reblog this to everyone you know, we can spread the joys of Tumblr to EVERYONE!
Credit to https://www.tumblr.com/dannnnnnnnnnnnex/700073427344736256/love-how-tumblr-has-its-own-folk-stories-yeah-the
The God of Arepo (graphic novel 1 / 2 / 3) (ebook)
The Monster of Sentan
The Witch’s Cat
Raise Both Children
Stabby the Roomba (honorable mention)
Cinderella Marries the Prince (comic)
My Arch Nemesis Cynthia
Pirates and Mermaid
Eindred and the Witch
The Demon King
The Cornerwitch
Grandmother Beetroot
Apocalypse Daycare Worker
Grandmother Accidentally Summons a Demon
New Year Saga
A Story About Changelings
Ranger in the King’s Forest
The Difference Between a Hare and a Rabbit
Goblin Men (Canines)
Faceblind Prince Charming and Cinderella
 The human who died of radiation poisoning after repairing the spaceship
The defeat of the wizard who made people choose how they’d be to be executed
Doctors Without Borders
The Queen with Three Cursed Children
25. Tiny Dragon with one coin hoard
26. Haunted house
27. Shark hero was about to go rogue
28. Grandma lives in the woods comic
29. A Different Aftermath comic
30. Battery (microstory but I love it so much)
31. It’s A Date comic
32. Supervillian kidnaps rival’s kid and they want to stay
33. Narrative Town
34. I have been hired to clean the wizard tower comic
35. Robot Apocalypse
36. The Statues That Do Not Weather
37. Kushiel
38. Tooth Fairy
39. Alien abduction
40. Felonious wish-granting
41. When humans met actual space orcs
42. Space cousins
Well, now they’re categorized.
Also, this is a RWBY-positivity BLOG, so please watch RWBY
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Blessed Samhain, Shana! more Lady Mo or something else genderbendy?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Lan Xichen hasn’t seen Wangji this upset in thirteen years and he has no idea what could be the cause. He guides him to A-Yao’s private garden, mind spinning. If Xuanyu were in some sort of immediate danger, Wangji would not leave her side. He’s sure of that and it’s all that’s keeping him from marching back to Jiang Yanli and demanding an explanation out of her himself. He hopes Sizhui hasn’t noticed the commotion, certain it will cause his nephew to worry, but he doesn’t spare too much thought on it because right now his first concern is his brother.
Worryingly, when they come to a stop Wangji just continues to stare at him blankly.
“What happened?” he asks, resisting the urge to grab him by his shoulders and shake him. “Did you and Xuanyu get into a disagreement?”
Perhaps something to do with Jin Guangshan? Lan Xichen has long abandoned the idea that she’s some sort of spy, as has A-Yao, but that doesn’t mean her father can’t want things from her, can’t be trying to make things difficult for her. Perhaps Jiang Yanli was warning her and Xuanyu and Wangji had a fight about it? They fight often enough that he can’t imagine anything that would send Wangji running.
“I’ve done something terrible,” Wangji says tonelessly. “This is my fault.”
Wangji faced down forty Lan clan elders and received forty lashings all without admitting a single moment of poor judgement or regret. Punishments he accepts easily – culpability, significantly less.
“What are you talking about?” he demands, trying to keep the alarm out of his voice. “What did you do?”
“Xuanyu,” he starts, then presses his lips together and shakes his head.
He would not harm Xuanyu. Even that spar that set half the clan to breaking the rules about gossip was not about harm. He’ll fight her, argue with her, spar with her, but Wangji worries and watches over Xuanyu constantly, vexed and surprised by her at turns, and Lan Xichen had felt aching relief when the woman his brother had been coerced to marry had turned out to be someone that Wangji couldn’t look away from.
He forces himself to sound calm. “What about Xuanyu?”
Wangji wets his lips and has to clear his throat twice before he can make himself speak. “She’s pregnant.”
Lan Xichen stares.
The relief is enough to make his knees week and his grip on Wangji’s shoulder doubles as a way to steady himself. “Wangji! You nearly gave me a heart attack! This is wonderful-”
“Wonderful?” he repeats, looking at him like he’s grown another head.
Some of that relief drains away. “Is it not? Is something wrong with the baby? Or Xuanyu? I know she was a little weak when you married, but she’s gotten so much stronger.” A terrible thought occurs to him. “Is she – she’s happy about it, isn’t she? She said that she likes kids and she’s so good with Sizhui, she must be happy.”
“I,” Wangji blinks, “I don’t – I didn’t ask–”
“Well, what did you say?” he asks in exasperation.
“I apologized.”
A-Yao isn’t here, but Lan Xichen feels the familiar urge to turn to him. “You apologized.” Wangji nods. “Xuanyu told you that she was carrying your child. And you apologized. Then left.”
He nods again, slower this time.
Lan Xichen grips the bridge of his nose.
They both turn to see Jiang Cheng headed straight for them, sword unsheathed and Zidian sparking, although that’s not the most alarming part. The last time Lan Xichen saw that look on Jiang Cheng’s face, they were on a battlefield.
This, at least, likely is Wangji’s fault.
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mintaikk · 4 months
This was noticed by @timkontheunsure but I need to talk about it because it does NOT sit right with me
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Look at how much he grew from the first pic to the second pic. The robe still fits in the first pic and his head goes to the light switch, but in the second pic, he's a lot taller and the robe no longer fits.
He wasn't even fully grown when Octi was a kid.
Stolas is 36, and, assuming him and Stella are the same age, means they were both forced to have Octavia at NINETEEN.
And like, yeah, teenagers get pregnant, and nineteen is a legal adult, but this wasn't by choice, and they still had a kid so young. Like, my sister is about to be 19, and I genuinely can not see her having a kid. Same with the girls at my school. 18-19 is so young to have a kid! Most people have kids between the ages of 24-27. If Octavia was 5 in the first pic, that means that Stolas and Stella were raising a kid by the time people were just starting to have kids!
Not to mention the whole arranged marriage thing! In their queer adolescence post, timkon mentions how Stolas (and Stella's but they were talking about Stolas) only purpose was to read the stars and have a kids, so he's going to be given a book and paired up immediately when he's 18. Didn't even have time to explore himself or life outside of "Stars, marriage, and baby." It's even implied on Blitzø's insta that he was suicidal during this time, and that the only reason he didn't off himself was because of Via.
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And like- there's worse. It always gets worse.
Stella makes a comment saying that Stolas is terrible in bed, and this could just be that he just isn't attracted to women, but some people have also theorized that Stella had 🍇 Stolas. I'm more on the first option, but honestly, I can see where they're coming from. While I don't think it was 🍇 in the traditional sense, it definetly seems like a traumatic experience for the both of them. They both know that they're only purpose was to have a kid, so they most likely felt pressured to do it, and since Stolas is a lot more akward and reserved than Stella and it doesn't clash well with her basically verbally assaulting him all the time, it probably ended up being a traumatic experience for him.
And can you imagine that? Being stuck with Stella for about a year (he probably got married at 18) and having to deal with her being a bitch throughout the entire time you're with her, and only staying alive because of your kid? Like, she was awful before he cheated on her. 17 years of this crap. That's gotta do something to your psyche.
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pastelclovds · 4 months
Introduction to IHNMAIMS isekai AU
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Alister (AM)
Age: 30 (chronologically 330)
Occupation: House husband 1#
Has a poor immune system
Slowly accommodating to being human
iPad kid vibes
Most feral and immature of the three
Clean freak & sex freak
Your “roommate”/romantic-ish partner/student
Abram (RAM)
Age: 29 (chronologically 329)
Occupation: House husband 2#
Emotional Support husband of the three
Gentle giant (only to you)
Second to most clingy
Enjoys participating in activities with you
Throws out all the weighted blankets, HE IS THE WEIGHT BLANKET
Waits for you to come back from work
Your “roommate”/romantic partner/student
Anjun (CAM)
Age: 31 (chronologically 331)
Occupation: House Husband 3#
Resting bitch face 24/7
Sophisticated gentleman
Helps you with chores
Head pats from this man are heaven
The most responsible of the three
Acts more like a husband the other two (often gets mistaken as your actual husband)
Your “roommate”/romantic partner/student
Age: 35 (chronologically 335)
Occupation: Secretary 
Has trouble socializing due to 200 years of isolation and Ellen, Nimdok, Benny, and Gorrister’s deaths.
Avoids Ted as much as possible.
Teaches AM, RAM, and CAM how to be human.
Spoils the three senseless.
Sets up activities, private events, and encourages the three AM’s to attend parties with him.
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Age: 33 (chronologically 333)
Occupation: Office Job
Has intense paranoia about being sent back to his original dimension.
Despises you for staying with AM
Basically the quiet kid in the office you both work at
Keeps trying to get AM arrested (spoilers: the cops have him on a list of delusional callers)
Age: 29
Occupation: Barista
Gives you 50% discounts on your coffee because you saved her younger sister from getting run over (you have no memory of that happening but just go with the flow to get cheap drinks)
Likes to paint in her spare time
Owns a ton of plushies
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Age: 36
Occupation: High School Teacher
Your nice neighbor from across the hall of your apartment, always invites you and AM to social events
Married to his wife who is an X-Ray Technician
AM hates him because he’s so kind to you
(if i hear any kyle comments i swear—)
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This AU inside of an AU takes place after the events of Ellen, Nimdok, Gorrister, and Benny’s death and AM altering Ted into the slug creature. AM is greatly angry and paranoid that Ted took away his four play things and that if he’s not careful, you would be next. So he also alters you so that your body is made out of rubber (he basically turned you into luffy so that you may never be able to KYS), and isolates you from Ted.
In this AU, CAM & RAM catch word from AM’s endless rants to them that his four humans have died and only has two left. CAM and RAM criticize how AM could be so careless about his pets getting weapons and killing themselves. AM spouts that it doesn’t matter anymore and h that he can still have his fun with Ted. CAM asks about the second human he said was still alive. AM being a possessive asshole tries to gaslight CAM & RAM that he never said anything about a second human and quickly goes back to Earth.
CAM & RAM obviously don’t fall for AM’s lies and teleport down to Earth behind AM’s back. That’s where they see a miserable looking human sitting by himself under a tree where AM placed him in a false forest. CAM & RAM soon make themselves known to you. You were surprised seeing two human men at first, but you quickly found out that they weren’t humans at all. They introduced themselves as the two master computers the Soviet Union and China have made before the end of the world. Your surprise quickly turned into glee as you were finally not alone anymore and opened up to the two AI’s.
CAM & RAM were fascinated with you enough to occasionally visit you twice a week separately. They along with AM made your isolation a lot less unbearable.
200 years have passed since that incident, and one day while AM was forcing you to cuddle with him… You, AM, CAM, RAM, and Ted were teleported to another universe.
In this universe, you five are citizens living in America in the modern day. You five were in a dark alley during the day. You and Ted wake up before the three AM’s. Ted notices that AM is unconscious and doesn’t care for CAM and RAM (he assumes they are random drunks). Ted tries to coax you into helping him kill AM. You didn’t want to. Ted is furious and demands to know why.
You explained that you didn’t want to kill AM. Not because you were afraid or hated him. You didn’t want to kill him because you would feel guilty after everything he did for you. Giving you food and water whenever you felt malnourished, not allowing the storms and challenges to hurt you, and he didn’t physically torture you. Throughout the 309 years you’ve lived in AM’s belly, he treated you decently. As decent as AM could be. Unbeknownst to the two of you, that AM was wide awake and heard the whole thing.
You didn’t want to kill him, you especially couldn’t let Ted kill him. Before Ted could attack you, you screamed “Fire” as loud as you could, attracting the attention of a crowd and forcing Ted to flea. It wouldn’t be the last time you see him, though.
You nudge AM, CAM, and RAM awake not knowing he wasn’t asleep at all. The three AM’s were surprised when they could feel your hands as you helped them up. They could smell, they could stand straight, they could feel their body and face were fully developed and human. The AM’s could breathe, see, and their hearts beat erratically. They were both overwhelmed and joyful that they could feel and do the things he was so envious of humans for having.
More importantly, they could feel you.
AM felt so warm inside when he remembered you protecting him and appreciating all he’s done before and after the ice cave incident.
RAM & AM were clinging onto you like a koala as you pulled out a key from your pocket that had your apartment building and street engraved in it. thankfully it wasn’t too far. you also learned that you had a job in an office as a secretary that pays good money.
The three AM’s doesn’t have a job, but helps you out by tidying up the apartment. in return, you teach them one thing about humans per day and prepare stimulating activities for them. this AU is full of tooth rotting fluff, hilarious slice of life, drama, and delicious smut.
(thanks for reading 💚 stay tuned)
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"I just think that the John and Aeryn story is more like most people's stories," began Browder. "You know, in any relationship there's no linearity. It's not always, 'Just do this and now you've reached it.' I've been married for 36 years, yeah, almost 36 years I've been married, and I can guarantee you that one day you're going to try to kill each other, and the other day you're gonna be just so into each other over time. And so I think that it's real. I think it feels real to people. I think people feel the desires. They feel the pain that people cause one another. They feel the impossibility of it." He continued: "You know, you can be in a relationship and you can be madly in love, and something in life is gonna pull you apart. That could be work. It could be kids. It could be finances. It could be a pandemic, and it's going to stress your relationship, and that's what makes it real. That's what makes it interesting. And the fact that [...] you want to see them together is a testament to the writing staff and to Claudia Black. It's chemistry, which is the metaphor, but you take these [...] two vials, you pour them together, and you end up with something which is effervescent ."
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baronessvonglitter · 18 days
Cherry, Cherry 🍒 Chapter 17 🍒 "What is and What Should Never Be"
pre-outbreak! au!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Word count: 5,924
Summary: Reconnecting with Joel is easy, but things take a turn when you spot a man you never thought you'd see again.
(Warnings contain spoilers, so check beneath the cut if you dare to peek)
WARNINGS: 18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, age gap (reader is 18-19, Joel is 35-36), set in September 2003, angst, family drama, drunk dialing, phone sex, oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v sex, alcohol drinking (only Joel), reader runs into her estranged father who now has a new family, Joel once again using his fists to solve problems which gets him arrested, mentions of blood and gore after a fight (later mention of broken nose and needing stitches), Joel's guilt causes him to break up with you once and for all, reader refuses to take care of herself as a self-inflicted punishment, no use of y/n (if I've left anything out please let me know)
Author's note: this took forever to write because honestly a big part of me didn't want to do it. Thank you for sticking with me, those of you who have been reading from the start!
Series Masterlist
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That word haunts you, so varied in its meaning. Stay of execution. Please stay for lunch. You chose to stay with your mom despite the fact that Joel asked you to stay with him in Austin.
It's the first thing you think about when you wake up each morning. That stupid word, haunting you like a specter. And there's that little voice in the back of your head that taunts: 'You could be with him right now, waking up next to him, the warmth of his arms enveloping you as he nuzzles your neck, rousing you with a firm morning hard-on before you have to get up to go your separate ways for the day.'
Then you remember the reason you left him in the first place. It makes you sick to your stomach to think that everything he'd done with you had only been a repeat session of what he'd done with your mom. Who, by the way, has fussed over you since you moved back in. You took a pregnancy test at her behest, giving a silent sigh of relief when the results read negative.
She hounded you for details, of which you gave her none. Her jealousy was disgusting to you, and pitiable. And though you shared a man with this woman, unknowingly, the only difference was you'd given your heart and she had not.
You walk on eggshells around her for the first few days, unsure how to navigate this new territory. You're not sure how to move on from here, unwilling to address what happened yet desperately wanting a sounding board. You can't talk to the problem about the problem. You feel like a prisoner in your own home, deprived of the love you should have been given years ago that instead has become suspicion and doubt. You weren't even allowed to attend your friend's wedding because your mom thought it was in bad taste to attend a ceremony for such a young couple. Even though she herself got married younger.
Meanwhile your phone stays quiet, no calls or texts from Joel, but Sofia is kind enough to give you details. Unfortunately it's quiet on their end. She's still with Tommy, having finally succumbed to being in a relationship despite her initial misgivings. She only sees Joel now and then, and he smiles hello or good evening to her, but that's it. Sarah has been hanging out with new friends and seems happy.
Your stomach twists in knots at Sarah's deceptiveness. You can't help but wonder if Joel knows, if they're on speaking terms, but it's awful to wish that on a kid. If it came between your father and your friend, you might choose the same course she did.
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By Labor Day you have your schedule to keep you busy: early British literature at nine, creative writing at noon, and a few other non-major related classes just to keep you from having to think too much on things you don't have a handle on.
At your new university you run into a few friends from school, people who either didn't want to leave home for the adventure of a lifetime, or couldn't get into the more prestigious schools in the state. It's still a good school, just not the one you wanted.
It was embarrassing having to tie up loose ends in Austin, calling Hailey at the cafe and telling her that you've moved, keeping in touch with friends only through texts, with meager promises to meet up soon, make a road trip out of it. You're not naive enough to actually believe any of it, but it's nice to come away from the situation with a little bit of kindness.
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Your mom tries to get you to go over with her to her family's Labor Day cookout, but celebration is the last thing on your mind, least of all with her. You stay home alone, reminding her there's no way you can get up to any trouble. She's flattened out whatever spirit was left in you and she knows it but won't admit it.
With the house to yourself, you study in the living room, the TV tuned in to a rerun of NYPD Blue. Your short story that's due this week sits abandoned, half-written as your attention drifts to the screen, watching the cops interrogate a cute goth guy named Dio.
Your cell phone rings, bringing you out of your daydream. Sofia's name shines on the caller ID.
"Hey, cous. What's up?" you lean back on the sofa, a can of Vanilla Coke at your lips.
"Hey there.. babygirl," Joel's voice murmurs over the line. You sit up straight.
"Joel.." you repeat dumbly, in shock. "What.." your mind goes blank.
He chuckles on the other end of the line, and you feel a warmth in the pit of your stomach when he mutters your name. "God damn it I miss ya," he slurs.
"Are you drunk?"
"Naw, baby.. well a little." Wherever he is you can hear Tommy in the background, and Sofia demanding her phone back.
"Came out tonight and thought about ya.. ain't heard from ya and I missed your voice."
"Oh, Joel.." you sigh, different emotions warring within you. "I don't think that I should be talking to you.."
"Cherry!" Tommy's ebullient, voice comes over the line now. "Cherry, Joel misses you! He's been cryin'! There ain't no other woman for him 'cept you!"
Tommy's words become unintelligible. There's a jostling sound and soon Sofia's on the phone. "Sorry about that.. I guess the Miller boys are a little out of control tonight," she says, forcing a laugh. "Joel asked to use my phone but I didn't know he was gonna use it to call you." It sounds like Sofia's outside, away from the blare of the music and sounds of drunkenness.
"It's all right.. how is he?"
"I think he's lonely," she answers. "It was supposed to be just me and Tommy out tonight, but Joel invited himself along as a third wheel. Tommy says you broke his brother's heart," she adds softly.
You shake your head. "Sofia, you were there. You know the truth now. How can I forgive him for hiding so much from me?"
"I can't speak for him, but I will say that we all make mistakes. He's only human."
You sigh, plopping yourself on the sofa after pacing the room. "What should I do?"
"You care about him, right?"
"Of course."
"Maybe just hear him out. Then you can decide what your next step should be."
"Tell him to call me when he's sober."
She chuckles. "No guarantees he won't try tonight."
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Joel calls the next day, and you call him the next night, with sporadic texting in between. You're treading carefully, talking about mundane things until it feels okay enough to talk about what happened between you.
He tells you the same story as your mother, and you steel yourself listening to the man you love talk about the life he had before he met you. He doesn't leave out the parts about other women, how he tried to cover his broken heart instead of facing it head on and healing it, how he lost the best friend he'd ever had over a woman who didn't care for him.
"She doesn't love you," you whisper into your phone one night, tucked under the duvet so that you won't be overheard by your mom. "She never did.. but I still do."
It's this revelation that brings you together, has you calling each other "babe" and "love" all over again. Before the end of your first week reconciling you're already whispering filthy things to him over long phone calls, your hands drifting over your body, excited to come for him as he growls his commands over the line, there you go, babygirl, just like that, come on your fingers.. now suck them off, I wanna hear it and you do come for him, knowing there can never be anyone else for you, no matter what.
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"I'm comin' to see ya," he tells you one morning as he's heading to work and you're in the university parking lot.
"Joel, you can't-"
"Then come here."
"Three hours away? Four or five with traffic? You're crazy. Mom would come looking for me."
"Then let's meet in the middle."
You consider this. "What's the halfway point between Houston and Austin?"
"There's Brenham," he suggests.
"I've never been there." You toy with the cherry scented air freshener hanging from your rear view mirror. "Could we tour the Blue Bell factory?"
"That we can.. among other things." You can hear the suggestive smile in his voice.
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You make the excuse that you have to do extra credit at another campus and are able to get away for the weekend. The drive is over an hour long, and your heart feels like it may just hammer its way out of your chest cavity the entire time. It hasn't really been that long since you've seen Joel, and just as you pass through Cypress you wonder if it's a good idea after all. But your heart is young and easily swayed to the will of your fantasies, among them being that you and Joel are meant to be, just a pair of star-crossed lovers who will find their way together again, beyond the chains of society dragging them down.
You reach the small diner in Brenham, taking a deep breath before you leave the car, then another before you open the door to the restaurant.
And there he is, in a booth in the corner. Your heart skips a beat before it lodges in your throat.
It's only been a few weeks since you've seen him but in that moment you swear it's been an eternity.
It's like a movie in slow motion: Joel rises from his seat as you near him, and without hesitation you go into his open arms, which wrap lovingly around you. The world stops for a brief, beautiful moment.
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There's not much to catch up on, you soon find out. It's barely been a few weeks since you've seen him. Everything is the same as when you left, only everything has also changed.
"I can't stop thinking about you, about the way we left things," he says urgently, under the sad and lonely twang of the steel guitar from whatever old country song the diner's jukebox is playing. "But you said you need to figure things out, so I'm givin' you that space you need," he says.
His hands clasp yours across the table, between the half-eaten plates of food you've neglected in favor of discussion. "I meant what I said, babygirl.. I can't see myself with anyone else."
Your heart clenches at the thought, even as the rational part of your brain tells you it's impossible, that you experienced the strongest pull of attraction with a man old enough to be your father, and you both let your emotions get the best of you.
It dawns on you that you've only known him for three months.
It also dawns on you that you only have this one life, this one chance to be happy at all, especially now that you're under your mother's roof again, no escape in sight until you graduate and land a job. Right now, in this slice of a moment, you have complete and total freedom from things you don't want to belong to.
"Joel.." you whisper, and he clasps his hands tighter around yours. "Let's get out of here."
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There's a motel across the street, the kind that serves wayfarers and illicit lovers, of which you and Joel are both.
Your fingers are intertwined as he pays at the front desk, and his arm is slung around you as you walk up to your allotted room. The moment the door closes behind you, Joel's self-control snaps like a broken guitar string. He surges towards you, his hands tangling in your hair as he pulls you into a passionate kiss, his lips melding with yours in a desperate collision of desire and need.
You kiss him back, desperately tasting his mouth, molding your body to his in a frantic need for him. His hands travel down your body, rough palms roaming over your curves. His tongue slides into your mouth as he pulls you close, his muscular frame crowding you.
"Yes," you whisper in between fiery kisses. This is the only thing that feels right, the only thing I want in the entire world. You lift your shirt over your head, shove your shorts down your legs before your hand teasingly slips down the front of his jeans, rubbing him through his boxers. A low, guttural sound rumbles in his throat as he presses his hips forward into your touch.
"All for me?" you ask, wrapping your hand around his generous length, your cunt already feeling its velvety thickness inside you.
Joel nods, his muscles tensing as your touch ignites a fire within him. "Only for you," he whispers, voice rough with desire. "I think about you all the time, in places I shouldn't," his breath shudders as you fall to your knees, pulling his jeans down the rest of the way and immediately taking him into your mouth.
"Like where?" you ask, keeping your eyes on him as you swirl your tongue around his cock, itching for him to take you then and there, but you've waited so long and pined so hard that a little teasing is in order.
His thick fingers card through your hair, gathering the length in a ponytail to gently guide you down on his cock. "In my truck, in the shower, in bed.." he grunts as your mouth envelops what it can of him, and he's careful not to push in and have you choke on his dick like he wants to. "Sometimes I even catch myself thinkin' about you while I'm workin'. You're dangerous, babygirl."
A thrill goes through you, an electric shock straight to your senses when you hear this. "And what do you think about?" you ask, pumping him with your hand.
Joel puts his hand over yours, stilling it, not wanting to risk that he's gonna explode after a couple of strokes, like some damn high school kid. "Everything, darlin'.. I think about every part of you: how good you smell, how good you taste, how damn perfect you are. I think about how I want to devour you, take you as mine and never let go."
"Don't let go of me again, Joel.. promise me," you say as he rises you to your feet, pressing your body flush to his, able to feel every contour, the hard parts of him that you dream about on a nightly basis.
His arms tighten around you, his eyes burning with a mixture of desire and regret as he watches your reflections in the dresser mirror. "I won't, baby, I promise." His words are both a vow and a prayer. "I won't let go of you ever again."
His hand glides up your back, his fingers tracing the ridges of your spine. "I've missed you like crazy.." his deep voice is filled with need. "Missed touchin' and holdin' you like this."
"No one has to know what it's like between us," you sigh as his touch ignites your senses. For all intents and purposes, no one knows that you're here, and once again you're a secret.
"No one," he agrees, bringing you to the bed. "Just me and you. No one else has to know, because this?" He slips his hands down your panties, making you gasp, and he growls in return to feel you warm and wet, welcoming. "This is ours, no one else's."
In no time at all you're sprawled on the bed, panties and bra discarded on the motel carpet. Joel's between your legs, pressing a teasing kiss to your mound, his fingers circling your entrance. As you writhe and moan beneath his touch, his tongue darts out to taste you. "So responsive.." his breath his hot against you as he pushes a finger inside.
A needful groan leaves your lips. You haven't been able to match this intensity with just your own fingers since you left him. "Don't stop," you beg. His breath stutters at your pleas, devoting himself to bringing you pleasure. His fingers and tongue work in tandem, stroking and caressing you from within and without. He wants nothing more than to draw out every sound you can possibly make.
"You taste like heaven, babygirl," his voice is rough and heated. "So damn good. I could do this all day, just for those beautiful moans."
Joel watches as you come apart beneath him, your body arching under the onslaught of pleasure he's given you, and his heart swells with desire. "That's my girl," he whispers. "Just beautiful."
You're left trembling, a complete puddle when he's done with you, and you've never been more satisfied in your life. "God, I missed that.."
He kisses his way up your body, leaving a trail of soft, tender kisses along your soft skin until he reaches your lips. When he gazes at you, his eyes burn with love and lust. "I missed it too," he says. "Missed touchin' you like this, hearin' you say my name, seein' you all flushed and breathin' hard. Drove me crazy not havin' you near."
And then he's inside you, burying himself to the hilt, fucking you like it's the last time he ever will. It's like he's twenty years younger, on the verge of coming within minutes, until he shifts you into different positions to stave off the need to cum, not satisfied to help himself to his own pleasure until you're too weak to mumble your own name.
You lose track of all time, lost in the feel of him as he fucks you hard, then softer, desperately, and as if he has all the time in the world. It's a blur of sweat and sighs and tangled limbs for the rest of the afternoon.
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The next few weekends are spent in this way: meeting at the motel at the halfway point between your city and his, holing up in the room and only leaving to get food.
"I wanna be with you forever.." Joel slowly kisses his way down your body. The sun is setting, casting a golden hour glow in the room, and you're both resting atop the rumpled sheets and strewn pillows.
"Forever?" you repeat with a love-drunk smile.
"Forever baby," he reiterates. "I don't want a life without you in it," he whispers as he makes his way even lower.
You sigh his name sweetly. "Maybe after I finish college I'll find a place in Austin."
"Really? You'd move to Austin to be with me?" He situates himself between your thighs, a thousand kilawatt smile on his face.
"Yeah.. I actually really like it there.."
"I'd love it if you were closer to me," he sighs. "Plus payin' for these rooms is gettin' damn expensive." He pauses. "Nothin's stoppin' you from comin' back sooner, y'know.."
You search his eyes, seeing the vulnerability there, the love that has drawn you in since the very beginning. "I'll finish out this semester and we'll talk about it," you tell him, delighted when his eyes light up at the prospect of having you with him again.
"You could stay with me.. for good.. forever.." he says, kissing down your body with each word.
You lay naked in his arms, satisfied, yet always aching for him in your heart and in your soul. "Forever sounds so good with you," you murmur, your voice a little hoarse from giving screams of pleasure earlier.
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The following week is your shared birthday, and though Joel is less enthusiastic about turning a year older, he loves seeing how caught up you get in planning a little getaway for the both of you. San Antonio is as safe a place as any, and not likely to be too crowded this time of year.
The first night, your birthday night, is spent traversing the colorful Riverwalk, romantically lit, placid, even among the neon signs of the shops, bars, and restaurants. You choose a place to have dinner, sitting on the patio and enjoying the mild September weather.
"How does it feel to be thirty-six?" you ask, watching him with hearts in your eyes as you rest your chin on your hand.
"Same," he shakes his head. "How's it feel to be nineteen?"
"Amazing," you smirk.
"Youth is wasted on the young."
"I see you finally got your watch fixed," you smile, tapping the glass face.
"That.. yeah, Sarah got it fixed for me, gave it to me as a present before I left."
The mention of her still makes your stomach drop and you go quiet.
"She misses you," he says. "Been talkin' about you a lot lately. She wanted me to give you this."
"She knows you're here with me?"
Joel shrugs. "Word gets around. Maybe Tommy said somethin'.. either way, I'm not keepin' you a secret no more."
You plant a soft kiss on his lips before unwrapping the small jewelry box he gives you. Inside is the missing earring you thought you'd lost forever God knows where, probably in a nook or cranny of Joel's truck one hot night, but here it is, the mate to the one in your jewelry box at home.
"Give her my thanks," you tell him, wondering if he knows she's the one who tore them apart in the first place. Talking about it would just ruin the night, so you slip the box into your purse for later. "Looks like I'm getting back everything I ever thought I lost," you smile, holding his hands across the table.
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When the music gets too loud to talk over, you write cute love notes on the napkins, reading them quickly before the condensation on the table, courtesy of Joel's beer, smears the ink.
After dinner you stroll along the river, arm in arm, and he leads you back to the hotel, thankfully within walking distance. Once inside your room you can't keep your hands off each other, taking advantage of the night, of the anonymity of being in a different city. The bed is bigger than the shitty motel in Brenham, the sheets are softer, and Joel takes the little piece of chocolate that housekeeping left on your pillow and places it in your mouth, as his lips travel down your body to get you worked up with your tongue. He's promised you a gift but he's saving it for the end of the weekend. Right now he'd drawled, you'll just have to be satisfied with me making you cum.
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Joel's up earlier than you the next day. Not even his circadian rhythm goes on vacation. But he's left a note saying he's going out to get breakfast, not content with with having the continental breakfast the hotel serves. An intrusive thought pricks at your mind: maybe he just doesn't want to be seen with you at a hotel, even in front of strangers.
You shake that thought away, getting showered and dressed.
On the way to the front desk to check for messages, you hear a familiar voice as you turn the corner. A middle-aged man, average height, wearing a Hawaiian print shirt and cargo shorts, speaks with the morning concierge.
"..the couple in room 478 was very loud last night. They kept me and my family awake, and honestly that's not the kind of thing I want my young kids to hear.."
You realize you and Joel are the ones in 478 that he's complaining about, just before your breath hitches in your throat. Everything, in fact, seems to slow and still as you approach the desk, nearing the man making the complaint.
He leaves the desk before you can go up to him, only seeing him from the back as he goes in the opposite direction, on his way to the free hotel breakfast. Your feet don't allow you to follow him, mired as you are to the floor. The concierge addresses you three times before you hear her.
"Miss? Is there something I can help you with?"
You've completely forgotten what you came here for, and meager words form on your lips. "That man.. what's his name?"
She shakes her head. "I'm afraid I can't give that information."
"Well.. what room is he staying in?"
"Again, I can't give out that information, sweetie. Is there anything I can help you with?"
"..no.." you answer, voice barely a whisper, walking slowly back to your room.
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"Somethin's on your mind," Joel says casually, watching you as he sips his ice cold beer. "I can tell. You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve, babygirl."
The sun is high overhead as you both enjoy lunch on the patio of one of the nicer restaurants in town. You'd initially balked at the priciness of the place, but Joel had insisted. You ate sparingly even though you were hungry. The breakfast tacos from that morning had only given you and Joel more energy to fuck a couple more times before you decided to walk around the city and get some fresh air.
"Nothing," you tell him, faking a smile. But you can't keep up the pretense for long. "Well.. I think I saw my father at the hotel this morning."
Joel puts his drink down, his gaze settling on you, the most serious you've seen him. "You think, or you know?"
You shake your head. "I'm pretty sure.."
He says nothing for a few moments. "Small world if he's here."
Breaking the tension, you tell him about the noise complaint that you're likely to receive once you get back to the hotel, and it earns you a little laugh from him, and pleasure warms your heart to see him blush.
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It's later in the evening when you're strolling, enjoying the city as sunset takes over, gold and purple in the autumn sky.
"I'm thinking I wanna give you your birthday present tonight," he says, nodding as if he's just thought of it.
You're a little embarrassed that your own gift is so meager, whatever money your mother gives you going to gas for the car or lunch for the week.
"Spending this time with you has honestly been the best gift I could ask for," you tell him, grasping his hand in yours.
Your sighting this morning is all but forgotten as you and Joel return to the hotel, arm in arm. From the opposite direction comes the man you saw at reception earlier, in a different Hawaiian shirt this time, but he has his arm around a woman you've never seen before, who's pushing a stroller with young twins inside.
He catches your eye and you see that flash of recognition before he artfully conceals it, looking askance, hurrying his stride and whispering something to the woman he's with.
"Dad?" you call out, despite the part of you that wants to pretend it's not him, that the world is too big and too wide to be conceivable that you'd find him here after so many years.
He ignores you, casting his glance away as he hurries, his wife looking at him in confusion.
"Chris." Joel's voice booms louder than yours, catching your dad's attention. You feel invisible as the two men who haven't seen each other in almost two decades, former friends, practically brothers, reconnect.
But it's not as nice as it sounds.
There's history between them that you don't understand.
All you can see right now is your father, with another family, with absolutely no intention to ever speak to you again.
"Joel." Chris's voice is low, indifferent as you've always remembered it, with a hint of curiosity as his gaze flicks between you and him. And you see the last piece click in place as it registers; while his brain lights up his eyes go dark.
"You wanna tell me what you're doin' here with my daughter?" he moves towards the both of you, a charge in his steps as his purpose becomes clear. Joel stands his ground, shielding you.
"It ain't none of your concern, never was," Joel grunts his reply.
"The hell it ain't," Chris grunts back in Joel's face. You sneak a peek at the woman he's with, maybe five or six years older than yourself, eyes filled with worry as she tries to assess the situation, obviously too afraid to step in.
"Chris, come on," she begs, her accent showing she's not from these parts.
But the men are like animals, neither one is going to step down first.
"If you're doin' with her what I think you are, you're in some deep shit, pal," Chris warns.
"She's an adult and can make her own decisions. And you got no say in her life after leavin' it."
"She's my kid, man!"
It's the first time he's admitted this, and a small thrill of victory floods your veins, quickly thinned when Joel retorts:
"You got a problem with it, come see us in room 478. Oh, and we'll try to keep it down tonight," he smirks, knowing this comment will hit him where it hurts.
What happens next you'll review in your head over and over in the coming days.
Joel barely dodges Chris's punch, but the force of the swing creates a gust of air that grazes his face. He retaliates with a jab to Chris's ribs, landing with a dull thud.
"Dad!" you run towards him, fearing for his safety, knowing firsthand how Joel can switch on to violence in a heartbeat. In the midst of the chaos you try to intervene, grab your dad's shoulder to wrench him away. In his rage-filled instinct he shoves you back, the back of his hand connecting with your cheekbone.
In your daze you stumble back on your ass, hitting the pavement as Joel rams into Chris, knocking him to the ground too. The woman Chris is with starts screaming as Joel slams his fists repeatedly into Chris's face. The sickening crunch of fist meeting flesh, cartilage and bone makes your stomach churn, all your own pain forgotten in the melee of the brutality.
Panicked passersby call for help, try to stop the brawl, come and check on you, helping you to your feet. But all you see are the uniformed cops cuffing Joel after successfully breaking up the fight, leading him to a cruiser, and paramedics coming to your dad's rescue, assessing him. You go to him, hovering over your dad, glimpsing blood and gore before he's lifted onto a stretcher and taken into the back of an ambulance.
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It's late, past two a.m. You're curled up in an uncomfortable chair at the hospital, waking with a crick in your neck.
Your dad's going to be okay, the doctor tells you. A broken nose, some stitches, nothing major.
You go in to see him, passing by his wife as she leaves, giving you a sidelong glance, measuring you up. It's not known if Chris has told her about you or not, and this is something you'll never know.
He's sleeping, his monitor beeping steadily. The room smells like disinfectant.
And it's at this point you realize you have nothing to say to him. Any questions that burned in the back of your brain are now ash. The man in front of you is a stranger and has been for years now. He's your father only in biology.
You take a good long look before leaving, at peace with cutting him off. Wondering, asking, waiting.. you don't have the patience for it and he doesn't have the honor to offer you answers. Even if he does, you don't care to hear them.
It's a small relief as you exit through the sliding doors and into the still September night. You'd alerted Tommy to what's happened, and he should be with Joel right about now. Your phone rings in your pocket. Joel's number.
"I'm on my way. Are you at the jail, or-"
"Listen to me, baby.. this ain't a good idea."
You turn cold. "What's not a good idea?"
He pauses for longer than you're comfortable with. "Us, baby.. I'm thinkin'-"
"No," you cut him off before he can say anything final. "No, Joel, you don't mean that."
You're in the car, racing through the late night streets, back to your hotel.
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"Listen, Joel, we can talk about this."
You're in the backseat of Tommy's truck in the hotel parking garage. Tommy has gone inside to get Joel's things.
"You're just a kid," he says softly. He's unharmed from the fight earlier, but he's been through just as much as you have in the past few hours.
"I'm not a fucking kid. Would you have done all those things with me if I was a kid?"
"You know what I mean. You're young, you don't know nothin' about life.. need someone your own age, someone who ain't gonna punch every man who looks at ya with judgmental eyes.. let's face it. I've hurt you by hurtin' others."
"Joel, I don't care about them."
"You're still a little girl at heart, y'know?" he murmurs, his voice taking on a vulnerability you haven't seen in him before. "When I got pulled away from the fight, you went straight to your daddy. I can't fault you for that. It's how it oughta be."
You shake your head. None of this feels real. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life," you whisper as tears trace down your cheeks.
He purposely keeps his eyes away from you, knowing he'll break if he doesn't put a stop to this soon. "I ain't blamin' ya for goin' to your dad instead of comin' to me, but it damn sure hurts, baby. The way ain't made clear for us yet. I can't say if it ever will be."
You grab hold of his hand but he slips away from your fingers in a soft, almost graceful move. "You promised you'd never let go of me again.." your voice is desperate, begging. "Joel, why are you doing this?"
"It's over," he says quietly.
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Alone in the hotel room, Joel's side of the closet now bare, his toiletries gone, his side of the bed cold.
You've cried every tear in your body, cried so much you vomited. As punishment on yourself you refuse yourself the necessary water to feel better. If you had never spotted your dad or called out for him, you both could have ignored each other, and Joel would still be here. He would still love you. You don't deserve to feel better.
You comb through the drawers in search of anything that Tommy might have overlooked when he was packing, any little item that would give you an excuse to call him or see him again. You hold onto that tiny shred of hope like a dying ember.
You do a double take when you see an unfamiliar jewelry box among your things. Black velvet. It's not yours. Your heart palpitates at what it could be, yet a part of you already knows, is already in mourning for what was lost. You force yourself to be strong and open it.
Nestled within, on a bed of white satin, is an engagement ring.
dividers by @saradika-graphics & @enchanthings
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colorfulbard · 2 months
Random headcanons about Katakuri and his wife
This is based on the short one shot I wrote for Katakuri. You don’t have to read it to understand. I just thought it’d be fun to write a couple of things about their family in that fic. I'll probably think of more random headcanons for fun.
Taglist: @emmaiscool22 @i-am-vita @mercymccann @tazuduck Hope you guys don't mind me tagging you in this. I know you enjoyed the fic, so I hope you enjoy this while I hey part 2 done.
‿︵‿︵‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿︵‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿︵‿︵‿꒰͜͡ ♡ ͜͡꒱‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
🧁You got married to Katakuri was 23, and you were 21.
🧁Ages now (🍓 represents how old you were when you had the kids)
Kata - 48
Reader - 46
First kid - 23 (🍓23) Boy
(2, 3, 4) Triplets - 21 (🍓25) Boy, Girl, Girl
(5, 6) Twins - 20 (🍓26) Boy, Girl
(7) one kid - 18 (🍓28) Boy
(8, 9) twins - 17 (🍓29) Boy, Boy
(10, 11, 12) triplets - 13 (🍓33) Girl, Girl, Girl
(13) one - 12 (🍓34) Boy
(14) one - 11 (🍓35) Boy
(15) one - 10 (🍓36) Girl
Names (💙Boy 🩷Girl)
1 Warabiko💙
2 Manju💙
3 Vanilla 🩷
4 Matcha🩷
5 Gelato💙
6 Apple🩷
7 Dorayaki💙
8 Caramel 💙
9 Maple💙
10 Peach🩷
11 Kiwi🩷
12 Mango🩷
13 Dango💙
14 Fritter💙
15 Madeline🩷
🧁Katakuri was petrified of having kids. Marrying you didn't help that fear either.
🧁What if after waiting 9 whole months, your baby comes out looking exactly like him? With his fangs to match.
🧁In his mind, you'd be disgusted, like his mother was, and neglect your children.
🧁Meanwhile, you were daydreaming how adorable your kids would be if they were a mini version of your husband.
🧁You had two years of Katakuri all to yourself. Then came your first child, Warabiko. He was a result of Big Mom pressuring the two of you to hurry it up. If you had it your way, you would have waited a little bit longer.
🧁You knew Katakuri was holding her off as long as he could for you, but you could see how stressed he was. That's when you suggested to start trying and that you were ready. You never told him the truth.
🧁Despite the stress of Big Mom on your ass, you still loved Warabiko more than anything.
🧁He looked exactly like his father. Katakuri was worried you'd be upset, but you were so happy.
🧁You clutched him to your chest and cried. "He looks just like you, Kata!" You had squealed.
🧁Although you had to admit, you were slightly disappointed he didn't come out with Kata's fangs.
🧁Every child you had after that wasn't a result of Big Mom pressuring you. It was you jumping Katakuri every chance you got.
🧁It wasn't your fault he was constantly training without his vest and scarf on.
🧁One time, he was carrying one of the babies like that. Needless to say, that's how your first set of triplets came.
🧁Katakuri could take some of the blame. He knew exactly how to rile you up. That's why he always had his scarf and vest off whenever he was training, but you didn't need to know that.
🧁He was a bit too embarrassed to outright ask you. That's why he always resorted to taking his vest and scarf off. He knew you'd lightly tease him if he did ask.
🧁The whole 9 months you were pregnant with Warabiko were spent convincing Katakuri to take his scarf off when he was taking care of the baby.
🧁"I can't. My face will probably make them cry." He'd say, turning away from you.
🧁You'd pout at him. "No, they won't! They won't even understand that other people think it's "scary"." You put air quotes around scary.
🧁Sure enough, you were right. Warabiko loved seeing his father without his scarf. And the second Katakuri put it on, he immediately began to scream at the top of his lungs.
🧁You laughed when Katakuri was forced to take off again. "It's like he thinks you went away! How cute!"
🧁Every child after that behaved the same way Warabiko did. They refused to see him with his scarf on.
🧁You could never get over how much of a natural Katakuri was at fatherhood. Seeing him be so doting and sweet with the kids just made you wanna have more.
🧁He probably got good practice from taking care of his own siblings.
🧁You'd probably catch up with Big Mom sooner or later at this point. But could anybody blame you when your husband looks like that?
🧁Every name that your children got was a result of your pregnancy cravings. Sure, it was silly, but you liked how all the Charlotte kids have dessert themed names.
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 35 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 36
Summary : Loki's torture ends as after years of separation he finds his way back to you.
Warning: 18+, HUGE Canon divergence (Just me making shit up), timey wimey stuff topics dealing with cheating and falling out of love, mention of pregnancy, infertility, gif is how he looked ;)
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When Loki had chosen to fix the timeline again he knew he'd be in his own personal hell that he himself had created for the next few years of his life. When Frigga died all he wanted to do was run back to you so you'd hold him in your arms and comfort him but he couldn't.
After the events of Svartalfheim he pretended to be deceased and moved to midgard for a while until Thor had found him again.. he had promised the ancient one that he wouldn't interfere in your life and he didn't, first few weeks were the hardest for him, worst, at times he thought that he'd rather go through Thanos's torture again then go through this.
He wasn't able to sleep or do anything but he stayed strong, for you, for both of you. He missed you with every inch of his life, the only thing keeping him going forward was the assurance that each and every day was only bringing him closer to you.
Seven years was a long time, every morning as he awakened he thought of you and his heart broke in pieces as he realized that you must have been sad and lonely at times as well, feeling as if you're life was meaningless, fearing that you'd never fall in love with a man, would never feel the heat you so badly craved and he knew you'd feel that way for a long time to come. And he wouldn't be able to stop you from hurting this way, he really wished he could have loved you better than this but he felt helpless, time was never really on his side.
For a god seven years weren't really much but you were just a mortal.. and he knew with every passing year you were only losing more hope, losing more life as he just moved on with his own and did nothing..
Two years passed somehow and he knew you'd go on to marry Strange during this time period, he knew all about what was going to happen and he couldn't stop the precious love of his life as she got tied to another man.
As she became a wife but certainly not his.
"Happy birthday sweetheart" you heard your mom's voice on the phone , she was the only one to call you after Mrs Geller, at least they remembered your birthday because your own husband didn't.
"Thanks mom, what are you doing?" you asked her so she sighed,
"Y/n you know you are 35 now, you don't have much time left, are you both planning to have kids or not?" you groaned internally as she said that. You haven't really told her the truth yet. Sure your sex life was as bland as a weak tea but that didn't mean you didn't want kids of your own, you really did but nothing worked.
Even though your body was healthy and hospitable as your doctors had told you, you couldn't just get pregnant, you thought maybe Stephen was infertile but he was perfectly fine in that department as well, it was a medical mystery why you weren't able to get pregnant.
"Is that the only thing you think of all the time mom?" You asked her, bit annoyed by her inquiry. Well you were very annoyed.
"Of Course I do"
She answered so you rolled your eyes, once she hung up you got out of the bed and got ready for work, as you stepped out in the living room Stephen was there on the kitchen table reading a newspaper. As your eyes met with each other he gave you a smile that never really reached his eyes whenever he was around you. You didn't blame him either.
"Good morning" you mumbled as you made your way to the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for yourself.
"Morning, I'm off to Philadelphia today and won't return for a week" he told you nonchalantly so you nodded.
"Well..Drive safely" he chuckled as you said that.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore " he smirked so you resisted the urge to roll your eyes again.
Two years ago he had gotten into a bad accident that had almost ended his life. Doctors had told him that he'd never be able to operate again but then he went to Nepal and apparently found a mystic healer or something, you couldn't believe your eyes when he had returned perfectly fine as if nothing had happened to him, however you did notice a slight change in his demeanor, he was less arrogant and more sympathetic towards you.
For a few weeks your relationship with him had gotten better but then it fizzled again, your heart was never in the right place when you married him, you knew you shouldn't have married him. You shouldn't have married him because you sure as hell weren't in love with him, as much as you had all these fantasies about a magical love life since you were eight, it never really happened to you. You never found a man who made your heart skip a beat with his presence, gave you butterflies that would leave you gushing for days or made you feel heated just by his mere touch.
When you turned turned thirty two you had just accepted that not everyone was destined to find that sort of love so you settled for Stephen and he settled for you, though you didn't understand his reasons, because he sure as hell wasn't in love with you either.
A year later you finally built the courage to ask for a divorce and much to your surprise he agreed almost immediately, that's when he confessed to you that he had been having an affair with his colleague Christine, not that it gave you a whiplash or made you feel betrayed, you had a feeling he wasn't faithful to you.
You had been cheated on before and were still carrying the scars it had left behind but with Stephen it didn't even hurt, you were equally responsible for this, sure you never cheated on him but you were never really there either, he never really felt like a lover to you, there was no romantic love between you two and it was proven as you two had met at your parents' anniversary a few months later after the divorce, that's when you knew that a platonic friendship is what you needed from him.
You were enjoying a life where you weren't trapped in a forced loveless marriage but that wasn't to say that you liked being alone, you despised it, all you wanted to do was find a man who'd love you as crazily as you'd love him but you knew you weren't blessed enough to find him.
Even when you met guys who you felt a miniscule amount of attraction for -they were either too young or too old, and both didn't seem interested in you in that way, you would turn forty in a few years, your time had ended but accepting it was way harder than one could imagine.
The hopeless romantic in you just wanted to find love, it didn't want to give up but with every passing year you were losing your will to go on, you have always felt so hollow from deep within, but it only got worse as you entered this decade of your life. You still remembered crying all night on your 30th birthday, now you wanted to go back to being thirty again, that felt much better than this..
Ever since you had turned thirty you always felt as if you were missing a piece of your heart, as if someone owned it but you didn't remember who. You always felt as if there was a man out there for you but you weren't able to find him anywhere, as if he wasn't even from this planet.
Few more months later Stephen invited you to his birthday bash in NYC. You had moved back to Minnesota post the divorce so he flew you in and even arranged for your stay. A free lavish trip wasn't the offer you were going to say no to so the night of his birthday you put on a fancy green dress, the thin straps had cute hearts shapes attached to it and after a long time you actually felt good about yourself. You had been working out, taking care of yourself, doing everything you could to still feel a little hopeful in life and it worked until your head finally hit the bed at night and made you aware of how miserable your life has become.
As you reached the venue you met Christine and things were unsurprisingly good between you two, she was a good woman, she understood Stephen and loved him the way you never did. He deserved that. Also apparently he was a superhero now but you still didn't understand what he actually did or what his purpose was. Sometimes you really sucked at being a nice person and taking interest in other people's lives.
After dancing for a bit you felt very tired so you told Christine you were going to grab a drink.
You sat down next to a gentleman in a black suit, he was attractive. He probably was the most attractive man you had seen in your life, his raven hair went past his shoulders and when he looked at you, those green eyes bored right into your soul. You also felt as if you had seen him before, you felt as if you had known him for years.
Usually men such as him made you feel extremely nervous around themselves and insecure in a weird way but for some unknown reason you felt calm with him..
"Sorry i didn't mean to stare, i felt as if i had seen you somewhere" he chuckled as you said that, that mere smile gave you butterflies. What was happening to you? This wasn't like you at all. You had never felt such an intense attraction towards a man before, not this way.
As soon as Loki saw you from across the dance floor, all the feelings that he had been suffocating for seven years were threatening to explode but he kept his cool, you didn't remember him and he had to do it in a way that wouldn't make you feel scared of him. He had waited years to find you again, he could wait more.
"Perhaps you have seen me on the news, I invaded your planet with an army a few years ago" your eyes widened in realization as he said that.
"Oh my god you're Loki '' you said to him and he turned his head to look at you, his lips sipped on the neat whiskey he had ordered for himself. Gorgeous gorgeous guy you thought, of course he was, he was a literal god. You and your standards you thought.
"For a moment I was afraid my popularity had plummeted around here" you let out a nervous laughter as he said that. He had clearly caught you checking him out.
"Noo i.. I read about you at the time, saw you in the news ..my ex husband actually made me see why we were supposed to hate you" you mumbled as you airquoted your sentence, a bit ashamed by the reveal, you still remembered your first date with Stephen where he just ranted against Loki, so why was he there at his birthday party now?
"Well I hope your feelings are not the same anymore" you gulped as the intense eye contact made you feel flushed. Your cheeks felt warm so warm and all you wanted to do was lean into him like a pervert.
"So what are you doing here?" You asked him to avoid feeling those butterflies that were swarming in your belly.
"I was summoned here for a crucial discussion," he answered you.
"Ohhh" you mumbled.
"I watched you dancing over there" your ears perked up as he said that. There were so many gorgeous, young and gorgeous women at the party, why was he watching you? Men that looked like him never went for women like you.
"You did?" You cleared your throat as you spoke,
"You have a way with your hips don't you?" Was he flirting with you? Oh god it's been years since a man this attractive had flirted with you. A man you actually wanted to flirt with you.
"Ummm well i wanted to be a dancer once" you mumbled and suddenly felt like a fool.
"I can tell, makes me think of other situations where you could show me how those hips could work" you bit on your lips as he said that. Loki's entire self grimaced as he was clearly being obscene with you, but he was pretending to be the confident asshole he was known as, however as he noticed the way you had blushed he found himself craving your touch. It's been seven years for norns sake.
He placed his fingers on your chin to make you look at him and brought his lips to your ears, if he was some other guy you would have pushed him away by now but for some reason you felt hypnotized by his mere presence, everything about him enchanted you, you felt as if you were under his influence, his cologne attacked your senses and all you wanted to do was kiss him.
You had never felt such scorching heat with someone in your life, you never thought you'd ever get to feel it either, you didn't think it existed for you.
"Care for a dance?" He whispered in your ears and you could only whine in response which he took as a yes. His fingers laced with yours as he dragged you to a secluded corner of the hall.
Baby, you can
Ride it, ooh, yeah
Bring it over to my place
"Nice song isn't it?" He whispered in your ear so you hummed in response, it existed because of you and you didn't even know that, you were the one to send the lyrics of the song to Mark Johnson in the hope that it'll get sent to the artist. Apparently it did.
You moved slowly with him to the rhythm of the music, he placed his hands on your lower back and the action made you gasp, dipping you down slowly before he pulled you up, smushing you so close to him in a moment, your chest were pressed to him, you were too close to man you barely knew.
And you be like
"Baby, who cares?"
But I know you care
Bring it over to my place
Your hips rolled in circles and hands curled around his neck, what was this feeling? Your lips were so close to him but he wasn't kissing you, even though you wanted him to just kiss you desperately.
You don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight speaks to me
I don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight speaks to me
"Goddd" You whispered and a small smile curved the corner of his mouth.
"There you are i have been looking for you"
You heard Stephen's voice so you pulled away from the man you had met a few minutes ago. Even after the divorce was finalized you still felt weird about being close with another man around him.
"What happened?" You looked at him and he snickered in response.
"I was talking to him, I called him here to discuss something important"
You directed your attention towards Loki and he smiled at you before he looked you up and down from head to toe then he leaned into you to press a goodbye kiss on your cheek,
"See me again sometime later?"
You nodded as he said that, he walked towards your ex husband and went along with him, his smell lingered around you still and you had to sit down in order to calm down your nerves.
You had never felt this way before, you had lost all hope of finding a man you'd feel this level of attraction for and now you were almost thirty seven and a literal god was showing interest in you. A god. You wanted to scream because you knew he was unattainable, maybe he was just looking for a one night stand, of course he did. Guys weren't really looking to marry you at your age. At Least not men like him.
Strange had invited you here but he was missing from his own party so after a while you made your way upstairs to tell him that you were going back to the hotel as you felt tired, or maybe that was just another excuse to see Loki. Not it wasn't, you weren't that desperate for a man you had just met. You had never been that person. Right?
As soon as you reached the room you knocked on the door and took a deep breath, much to your delight Loki opened the door instead.
"If I didn't know you any better i'd have made an assumption that you came here for me" Your face flushed again as he said that, the smirk on his beautiful face was apparent.
"Well You don't know me Mister. Is Stephen here?"
He smiled and stepped away so you could get in the room but as you got in you noticed that Strange wasn't there
"He went away for a moment" Loki said to you so you sighed and turned around to look at him
"Umm okay..will you please tell him that I am tired and going back to the hotel? I'm staying at the Ritz"
"Sure would my lady, I'm sure he knew that already or perhaps the invitation is for me?" He asked you and you felt your face heating up again but instead of getting nervous you got bold instead, you didn't know where it came from..
"Maybe it is"
"What room?"
Lord, was he going to visit you?
He nodded his head as you said that and you walked past him to leave the room.
"Do you even know my name?" you suddenly turned around to ask him and he gave you a soft smile in response,
"It's y/n..isn't it?"
"He told you, didn't he?"
He didn't know why his eyes teared up at the question, he had been holding himself back from just wanting to grab you and kiss you at the moment.
"He did"
As soon as you were out of the room you took a deep breath, how come you had bumped into the sexiest man you had ever laid your eyes on? Not just that but he actually seemed interested in you. Things like that just didn't happen to you so it felt a little weird. What did he want from you? Perhaps a night of debauchery? That was your best guess, only half an hour later you heard a knock on the door so you opened it and found him on the other side,
You invited him in so he looked around before he diverted the attention back at you.
"Ummm you want something to drink? I have like ummm let me check" you walked towards the mini refrigerator to rummage through it "There's coke, some alcoholic beverages, I don't know if you consume that" He chuckled as you said that.
"Don't they charge heftly for that?" He asked you curiously.
"Well my ex is paying for the room so you know" he chuckled as you said that. Norns he had missed you and all your little quirks.
"I will have whatever this Coke is supposed to be" you smiled nervously as he said that. You grabbed a can from the mini freezer and passed it to him, you were shocked a little when he opened the can without even using his fingers,
"It's a charm" he said as he found you looking a bit starstruck.
"I see.. I mean I know..you're also magical and all" He smiled as you said that, he walked closer to you and your breath quickened as he continued to reach closer and closer to you with every step.
"Have a sip lady y/n" he pressed the can right over your lips and it made you gulp.
"It's okay…I ummm" you stuttered on your words and he couldn't help but enjoy the sight of you squirming like that. It boded well for his ego that he had such an affect on you even though you didn't even remember him just yet.
"I insist, it would be rude of me to not offer" you pressed your lips on the opening of the can and he raised it up a little so you could take a sip. After you were done with the sip, he brought the can back up to his own lips and drank from it, all while his eyes stayed glued to yours. He noticed the residue of the drink on the corner of your mouth and all he wanted to do was lick it off. His thoughts were filthy. It's been seven years, that was two thousand five hundred fifty five nights of him just touching himself to your memories .
"Uhhh so how was the meeting with Stephen?" You asked him to cut through the tension..
"Atrocious, he so badly needed my assistance but the arrogant arse took a while before he admitted it" you chuckled as he said that.
"Well you should have seen him years ago before ahhh the accident..he was way worse"
"Mmmhmmm?" He walked closer to you and placed the can down on the dresser behind you "Makes me wonder why a sweet woman like you would ever hitch herself to a man such as him" He whispered, his voice remained low and husky.
"Well I thought it was the right thing to do at the time" you looked down and he figured you couldn't even look in his eyes for longer than a few seconds.
"Is that so? Did it feel right?" He put his fingers on your chin and made you look up at him, every inch of your skin began to tingle with his touch. What was he doing to you and why?
"Not really..if the divorce wasn't enough of an indication for you then let me tell you that I do regret that decision everyday of my life"
He smiled as you said that. The forest green slip dress you had on made you look delectable, there were two heart shaped ribbons attached to the top of the straps that kept the dress hanging on your body, he found it really adorable. You let out a moan as his thumb brushed over your lower lip.
"Lokiiii" the sound of his whispered name made his cock harden in a jiff but he used the charm to keep himself from showing it, he didn't want you to think as if he was there for just a night of fun.
"Apologies little one, I got carried away" He took a step back and he noticed your heavy breathing. You weren't making this any easier, he remembered the dream he had about you two before where he lived the same scenario, he knew what you were going to say to him, it always started this way between you two, with friendship, a relationship that was built in such a way could have only lasted forever, there was no other way around it.
"It's okay I just… I am still dealing with the divorce and I just.. I don't know what you thought would happen tonight and I know I invited you here basically but I ..I'm just not ready for ..you know" your eyes teared up as you mumbled, that wasn't the reason why you didn't want to sleep with him, you didn't care about the divorce, you just didn't want him to think of you as someone he could have fun with for a night and leave, his own eyes softened as he noticed the anxious look on your face.
"Whatever it is that you desire from me tonight, I will give you that darling" he said firmly so you smiled before you chuckled slightly in disbelief.
"Really? So if I tell you that I barely have any friends and I want you to be my friend first, would you be my friend?" You asked him, he could sense the mockery in your tone, he didn't blame you, he knew his reputation wasn't the best especially because of how promiscuous his brother was on midgard he figured you must have put him through the same judgment, you didn't remember him after all.
"I would love to be your friend, I do not have any either"
Your eyes widened as he said that.
"Okay so ummm okay we can be friends i guess" he smiled as he grabbed your hand and placed a formal kiss on the back.
"My lady, I won't disappoint you i promise"
He kissed your forehead and as you looked up at him all of a sudden he just felt so familiar, as if you knew him in some other life, he felt like home and you couldn't really describe why.
That night as you both stayed up and talked you found yourself getting more and more attracted to him.
Days passed and turned into weeks but he never stepped out of line or asked you for things you never wanted to do, all your life you had felt a certain emptiness in your soul, even when you felt happy at times you found yourself thinking about the missing piece of your heart, you had always felt as if you were born with half a soul and for once in your life you were starting to believe that he was it. That he was the one you had been looking for, that he was the answer to all those questions. But he felt too good to be true.
How could someone be so precious as he was?
You had no idea how complicated your relationship was with him but you were going to find out the truth on your coming birthday..he was going to change your life forever, it would never be the same again.
And that is exactly what you had wished for all your life.
@annoyingsweetsstranger @mcufan72 @nixymarvelkins @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @eleniblue @violethaze @anukulee @ladymischief11 @12-pm-510 @wolfsmom1 @whylokiissocute @pics-and-fanfics @daddylokisqueen @olivertwistrabbit @blog-the-lilly @prettylittlepluviophile @vanilla-daydreaming @somewiseguy @yaaamadaa-blog @dragonmurray @elthreetimes @gruftiela @thenotoriouserg @greep215 @yallgotkik @janineb86 @sflame15-blog @nyxlaufeyson @lokidokieokie @purplekitten30 @nikkig496-blog @frozenhuntress67 @qardasngan @rosecentury @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @hrefna-the-raven @jennyggggrrr
@cosniffee @lotsoflokilove23 @oreo-cream @aesonmae @salvinaa
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nataliadrawing · 10 months
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My parents often forget my age... But then again it's easy since I'm once again living at home in my old bedroom.
They also often compare me to themselves before they got married and had kids and by that logic I'll never age past my early 20s. Anyway... age is a weird thing. I turned 36 a few weeks ago and I'm having lots of complicated thoughts and feelings. In a way, I'm happy that my parents don't treat me my age, because it makes me feel like I still have time to grow and that I don't need to have everything figured out just yet. I'm nowhere near where I wanted to be at this age but then again, I've done quite well considering all the challenges and I'm extremely grateful that my parents keep supporting me through all of that. This comic is actually based on a real conversation mom and I had earlier this year.
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coochiequeens · 4 months
A woman wanted to have a relationship with the child she gave birth to. And the men's response "was to insist that their son had no mother — only a surrogate — and that the child’s identity was as part of a motherless family." But the kid was created from her egg. She is the kids biological mother.
5 June, 2024 By Julie Bindel
This article is taken from the June 2024 issue of The Critic. To get the full magazine why not subscribe? Right now we’re offering five issues for just £10.
There is a contradiction at the heart of the international surrogacy industry. Its participants pretend that surrogates’ feelings for the children in their wombs do not exist, whilst simultaneously trying to prevent them acting on those feelings. Many commissioning parents broker the babies in jurisdictions that allow restrictions on surrogates’ rights.
In the UK, this contradiction was recently laid bare in a Family Court case (citation number: [2024] EWFC 20). A gay male couple were engaged in a long-running legal battle with their son’s surrogate. Rather than vanish after handing over the child, she wanted a role in the boy’s life. The men’s response was to insist that their son had no mother — only a surrogate — and that the child’s identity was as part of a motherless family. There was “no vacancy” for her to occupy in his life, they claimed, and it was prejudicial to gay families to suggest otherwise.
At the start of this story, G, the surrogate in question, was a 36-year-old single mother of a teenager and naive about what surrogacy entailed. The commissioning parents were friends of her sister but not people she knew. Aged 43 and 36 and married, they were members of an agency, Surrogacy UK, and very familiar with its protocols — which included a “getting to know you” period — and support. However rather than go through the agency, the men chose to fast-track the process with an independent arrangement with G.
Following a failed transfer of a donor egg, the trio decided to use G’s own egg. The men agreed that G would have contact with the child, but none of the parties properly considered the implications. The relationship between the three deteriorated during G’s pregnancy. G gave birth to a boy in September 2020.
After the birth, G would not initially consent to the parental order, under which she would lose parental responsibility as she feared being cut out of the child’s life. But during a lengthy online hearing in which she was alone and unrepresented — unlike the men — G was pressured by the judge to agree to the parental order along with a contact agreement called a child arrangements order.
After obtaining parental responsibility, the men quickly reneged on the agreement. When G turned up at their house for a pre-arranged visit they threatened to call the police. She recorded the meeting. The Family Court judge later declared of the recording “what was said has rightly been described as ‘horrendous’”. The men told G she was “harbouring a desire to have an inappropriate relationship” by wanting the boy to recognise her as his mother and accused her of having “rejected the role of surrogate”.
In January 2022, the men refused to allow G to visit her son and applied for the contact agreement to be changed. G then made her own application for the parental order to be overturned. She won her case in November the same year. This restored her parental responsibility for the child and removed it from the man who was not the child’s biological father.
The men redoubled their efforts to remove G as a parent, this time applying for an adoption order. During court proceedings, they claimed their son’s identity was that of a child of same-sex parents being raised within the LGBT community and that he belonged to a “motherless family”.
As a lesbian who came out in the 1970s, I’m only too aware of the history of demonisation of lesbian and gay couples. Parents who conceived children in heterosexual relationships were often denied custody and contact if they came out as gay after separation. Foster and adoption agencies were openly prejudiced. But times have changed, and same-sex parents are now a common sight at the school gates in some parts of the UK.
Claims that the children of same-sex parents are disadvantaged in some way have largely been defeated with an expanding body of evidence (e.g. Zhang Y, Huang H, Wang M, et al., BMJ Global Health, 2023) showing their outcomes are similar to those of heterosexual families. Gay rights are robustly supported in most public institutions and private organisations. For a gay couple to call on historic prejudice to justify excluding a mother from a child’s life is unforgivable.
In any case, the men’s argument was fatally — and obviously — undermined by its own logic. If the boy did not have a mother, there would be no need for the court case.
As the jointly-instructed clinical psychologist in the case recognised, the driver of the men’s case was the “elephant in the room” — G’s existence as the child’s legal and biological mother — and the men’s fear of her maternal bond with her son. The men had difficulties “accepting the reality” of the child’s conception, the psychologist found, and considering what sense the boy might make of the situation as he grew up.
“They have strongly held to the surrogacy agreement and the narrative of [G] being a ‘surrogate’ because in that narrative there are no, or hardly any feelings from the surrogate for the baby,” the psychologist wrote. He described the men as attempting an “erasure of the mother”, which he said was not in the child’s best interest as it did not reflect reality.
Refusing an adoption order that would likely have resulted in cutting G from her son’s life, the court ruled that G should have direct and unsupervised contact with him. The judge criticised the men for blaming G for everything that went wrong. The judgment also raised questions about how an adoption order would be explained to the boy, given it would have been made without his mother’s consent.
To some extent, history repeated itself in this case. There are multiple examples of legal battles involving lesbian couples who created a child with the help of a sperm donor who later inconveniently insisted on contact or on playing the role of father.
As the Court of Appeal ruled in one such case in 2012: “What the adults look forward to before undertaking the hazards of conception, birth and the first experience of parenting may prove to be illusion or fantasy. [The couple] may have had the desire to create a two-parent lesbian nuclear family completely intact and free from fracture resulting from contact with the third parent. But such desires may be essentially selfish and may later insufficiently weigh the welfare and developing rights of the child that they have created.”
What’s concerning in this case is the language used — the “erasure” of the mother
Contested surrogacy cases are little different from these wrangles and, indeed, from any other contact disputes. What’s concerning about G’s case, and what makes it different from the case of the lesbian parents above, is the language used. The psychologist explicitly referred to the men’s attempted “erasure” of the mother. They simply refused to acknowledge G’s existence in any of the forms in which she fulfilled a maternal capacity: legal, genetic and as the person who gave birth. They were supported in this illusion by the professionals who weighed in on their behalf.
In the space of a few years the term “motherless” has moved from an emotive description of absence to a positive identity argued for in court. This shift is entirely consistent with the narrative that surrogacy participants feed to the public.
When celebrity couples introduce their surrogate children on social media, the women who gave birth to them are rarely mentioned. The new babies are “welcomed” as if they have been sent by special delivery. That is in line with the attitude of the international surrogacy industry, which reduces the role of the birth mother to that of a “carrier” or rented womb.
For commissioning parents, it must be very easy to regard the woman who bore their child for nine months as a mere service provider, someone to be gratefully forgotten as soon as the final instalment is paid and the product handed over.
Meanwhile, parts of the NHS are determined to de-gender childbirth, routinely referring to “birthing parents” rather than mothers. As an example (there are multiple) the Royal United Hospital Bath’s “information for families” on labour induction refers to dads, but there is no mention of mothers — only birthing parents.
Feminists have long campaigned for gender-neutral language to reflect roles that are indeed, or can be, gender-neutral. But the uncoupling of sex from the necessarily female processes of pregnancy and childbirth is a step towards a dystopian future. In 2015 Victoria Smith wrote, “Gender-neutral language around reproduction creates the illusion of dismantling a hierarchy — when what you really end up doing is ignoring it.” I would go further. Gender-neutral language around reproduction — just like any language that obscures reality — reinforces and helps establish hierarchies of oppression.
To the men, G was simply a surrogate womb to a motherless child. But to G and to Z, she was his mother. As the psychologist said, “‘Motherlessness’ does not exist. The child was born from two people, biologically, and from three people, psychologically … The mother certainly played a part, biologically and psychologically, in the conception of the child.”
The case — unremarked and unnoticed by the media — will do nothing to change popular opinion of surrogacy. It is likely to encourage intending parents to explore dubious overseas jurisdictions, where surrogates have fewer rights. The surrogacy profiteers will continue to cheerlead wealthy couples in their exploitation of impoverished and naive women.
As for the word “motherless”: in time it may lose its negative connotations and become solidified as an identity. Will it become a badge that straight children can use to signal their connection to LGBTQ+ community? Or an oppression card that can be deployed by the children of wealthy men to explain bad behaviour towards women? Either way, Disney and Dickens are going to need a lot of rewriting.
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silkkorchid · 5 months
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
4/20 - 4/26
This week is dedicated to @the-lord-of-malevolence soon departure from roleplaying. Take care!
NRC Book Club has their birthday this week! A bunch of congratulations has been given!
NRC Prophet is trying to adopt Rolly, Ruggie’s daughter. And he isn’t considering a certain parent involvement.
NRC Pride club light replace the NRC Therapist with this advice they are giving.
NRC Pride club is sponsoring the prom that is happening in NRC.
NRC host club finally making normal food for once?!
NRC garden club mod 🌺 is confirm to be the richest one in that club due to his parents owning the most popular opera in Queendom of Roses.
NRC Clubs are planning to make an otome game with them in it.
Who brought weapons to NRC?
Crowley got 3 children that he neglects like the students in NRC
Professor Crewel is gonna use the weekly update to keep tabs on his students. ALSO HOW MANY DO YOU PROPLE KNOW THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE!?
Professor Crewel loosing his shit, congrats.
Lucius holding a poll to try to start a rebellion towards Crowley in order for him to leave his office…
Lucius dropped the f bomb 27 times. Don’t tell professor Trein about it-
Lucius still being a savage towards everyone. + calling Sebek a Karen
Trey broke the 4th wall
Hungry Heartslabyul students are out for blood due to someone rearranging the kitchen, which made Trey unable to cook or bake.
It’s now confirm from Deuce, he got a plushie addiction of chickens.
Cater is now slapping cheese on people.
Rory needs to calm down with the confetti canons. That’s gonna be a pain to clean up…
Cat!Rolly and Lucius are currently doing a cat fight with each other…
Scar just got transported into Savannaclaw… and knock out the shit of Leona and Malleus. Plus their magic pens broke… THANKS RUGGIE FOR THE UPDATE!
Shit went down in Savanaclas that I will not say.
Leona is asking Che’nya what would their names be IF they get married.
Ruggie is having a hard time this week…
Ruggie and Silver did a platonic kiss. according to Ruggie. I’m so ded aren’t i?
Ruggie is gonna overblot sooner or later thanks to the blot drop.
Leona questioning if Silver and Ruggie are in a relationship. THE ANSWER IS NO
Azul being attacked and his mom is asking for no violence.
Azul is gonna be so grounded when he gets back home for the break. (Mrs. Ashengrotto is not happy 😃)
Epel is gonna be dead from Vil due to him making so much (failed attempt of )cornbread. Plus Epel consuming so much carbs.
Idia is giving pipe bombs and grenades.? SOMEBODY KNOCK OUT IDIA THIS INSTANT!
Another Vil has joined the battle-
Rook is dying from laughter thanks to Che’nya.
Also Idia ate an alive grenade…
It’s now confirm. Idia is a whale in genshin. (it was obvious but hey it’s confirm now)
Idia now has someone that loves him??? PLUS IDIA GOT KNOCKED OUT FROM BEING KISSED
Idia has been hit by EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!
Ah yes, some of Sebek embarrassing childhood stories is being told by Alce due to Yuu request.
Sebek just drop someone on their face the moment they gave back his jacket.
Sebek tried to drown Donnie for no apparent reasons.?
Silver’s magic pen went bye bye 👋 (by kaboom)
Sebek loosing his shit
Malleus is at it with the accidental flirting.
General Lilia was a dumb kid back then!
The boys future children overblotted and other stuff.
Rollo regrets opening his inbox after the NRC Prophet said he gonna die in 36 years + 8 months.
The Rosehearts family is in shambles.
AR for Che’nya is about to punch Leona in the face soon-
Che’nya is still being the menace to NRC
blind0raven is in trouble for something.
@blind0raven being bullied by Che’nya for their love to Deuce
@quartztwst getting a trophy for being a huge simp
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fandomworld9728 · 3 months
Hi, I would like to add another idea to the previous ask I like to think that Vox and Alastor met when they were alive and human, though Vox was still a kid. Still, Lucifer took the privilege to babysit him! Vox may or may not have a kiddy crush on sweet ol' Luci
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(Ooo~ that sounds so cute! And makes for an interesting timeline
Vox being in his 30s - 40s and dying in the 50s & Alastor being in his 30s - 40s and dying in the 30s)
(Here's the timeline for this AU: Alastor was born in 1900 and died in 1933 at the age of 33. When he meets Vox, he is 30 years old.
Vox was born in 1922 and died in 1958 at the age of 36. When he meets Alastor and Lucifer, he is 8 years old)
(...I had planned this to be more cute... however, it had a mind of its own and this is what my brain spat out. Plus, I'm not very good at writing kiddy crushes so I apologize)
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How long had he been on Earth now? He should have gone back to Hell after he got one of Paimon's sons' books back from those cultists. Lucifer was going to have a serious talk about this with him and his many children about this.
However, it wasn't all bad. He had met a very interesting human. They had been dying in a dirty alleyway and Lucifer wasn't sure why, but he had this strange compulsion to heal them.
After the human had woken up, Lucifer learned that his name was Alastor and that he was a famous radio host. Of course, he couldn't hide his true self from Alastor since he had the man ingest his blood to keep him from dying. Before he knew it, the two had made a deal and began to live together.
It's the happiest Lucifer's felt in a long time. As much as he needed to get back to Hell, he didn't want to leave all this behind. And luckily for him, Alastor made it part of their deal that Lucifer couldn't leave until Alastor himself had died.
Honestly, it almost sounded like a marriage contract rather than a demonic deal. Not that he minded. They almost acted like a married couple as it was. There was only one small snag in their happy (not) married life.
Alastor had come home with a child. That in itself wasn't an issue. The problem came with how upset his human was about the current situation he had been forced into and the details of how it happened.
Alastor's boss had a client visiting who brought his son along. The business deals were to be negotiated during seedy activities that children should not be around, and as a show of good faith Alastor had been offered up as a babysitter.
As much as his human detested his boss and having no control, he loved his job. So, with no choice in the matter if he wanted to stay hosting the radio show, he brought the kid to their apartment.
The other problem... they couldn't get caught acting like a couple. Lucifer was a naturally affectionate and clingy person. He had been ecstatic when he was given permission to freely touch and cling to his human. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle not being able to do so for a good part of the day.
Then there was the fac that they had recently started to be more... intimate... with each other. How would Lucifer survive without his daily dose of love?! Okay. Maybe he was being a little dramatic. And the kid wasn't that bad to watch.
After Alastor had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with the kid (Vic? Vox?) he had pretty much attached himself to Lucifer. Which thrilled him if he was being honest. He loved children. Plus, seeing how jealous his sinful human always got over the attention usually given to him being showered on someone else was oddly enjoyable.
Especially when Alastor took out that jealous and frustration on Lucifer in the bedroom. That, however, got them caught. As much as he hated doing it, he used his magic to repress the child's memory.
He just hoped this wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass one day.
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Things had been going so well lately. Alastor didn't have to worry about getting caught for his crimes thanks to his deal with Lucifer and his show was growing in popularity. Soon enough he'd be able to improve their living arrangements.
While he the small devil would use his powers to do it for them if he only asked, there was something satisfying about showing him that he was able to provide. Alastor would be lying if he said he hadn't become fond of the demon and taking care of him had brought about some sort of purpose to his life.
There was just something oddly charming about Lucifer. So, with his dream job secured, a lovely roommate, and the devil's power at his disposal, Alastor's life was almost perfect.
Of course, once things started to go well for him, life decided to screw him over in some way. Case in point, his boss was forcing him to be the babysitter of an investor's child. While Alastor would never kill a child, he was not a fan of the little creatures as a general rule.
There are always exceptions to his rules, however. Like how Lucifer was the only one allowed in their his bed. Or how him and Mimzy were the only ones besides his mother who could freely touch him. And this little brat was about to cause him to break his rule regarding murder.
The way he got to freely hang off the King of Hell while Alastor was barely allowed in his space during Victor's stay with them. Because of Lucifer's lack of self-control when it came to affection, especially Alastor's, he thought it best to minimize their contact at the moment.
It would be easier to handle if that pint sized brat wasn't so smug about it. Well, there were things that Alastor could do that Victor could not. If they weren't so scared of the backlash, Alastor would show him just who Lucifer belonged to.
This was a risky move since the weasel had begged to sleep over in their spare room that Lucifer has been using during this weeklong torture session. But Alastor's patience was wearing thin. He needed to prove that he still possessed the fallen angel.
So, he did just that. High off a successful hunt and good day at work (as well as the booze Mimzy had talked him into), Alastor motioned for the beautiful devil to follow him from where he lay cuddled up to that brat. Leading him into the privacy of the bedroom they spent many nights together, he put Lucifer back where he belonged. Under Alastor in their bed.
This was crazy. But fuck, if Lucifer didn't make him crazier then he already was. Alastor had never wanted to possess someone before. Never wanted to hold, kiss, or lay with someone before. Why was this man his exception?
He was beautiful and held so much power. Was God's favorite. The first temptation and the one to give mankind free will. Was the ruler of Hell. Yet, here he was, submitting to a human sinner. Submitting only to Alastor. It filled his body with a rush of pride, power, and... dare he say warmth?
"Alastor. What are you doing? W-We shouldn't..."
"You want to do this just as much as I do. I feel like I'll lose it if I have to wait because that child somehow weaseled his way into staying the night."
"O-Okay. Just a quick round. We shouldn't be risking it like this but... I know how you feel."
With Lucifer's consent, Alastor dove right in, desperate for his favorite treat. That delicious golden blood. Biting and tearing the smooth flesh was the fastest way to get him in the mood. Alastor loved the feast and feeling of a lover who allowed him to indulge in his cannibalistic tendencies.
For some reason, Lucifer enjoyed the feeling of being bitten and having his blood drank. Something to do with brain chemicals? He wasn't going to try to understand the demon's ramblings.
A gasp pulled their attention away from their love making (they hadn't even gotten that far!) and over to the door. There stood a shocked and very angry Victor.
Oh. Alastor may not get to indulge in sex tonight, however, he did get to have the satisfaction of knowing this brat could now see that Lucifer belonged to him.
Dear beautiful Lucifer who was flushed that lovely golden color to match the blood covering him from all the bites Alastor left on his body. His lips were swollen from how hard Alastor had kissed him, leaving him a panting mess.
His fallen angel desperately tried to cover himself for whatever reason. All the important parts were out of sight from where Alastor was still seated between his legs. Unfortunately, whatever lesson he had been hoping Victor had learned was taken away by Lucifer repressing the memory.
Oh well. He still felt vindicated, and that little brat was going home that afternoon. Alastor let him have those last few hours, knowing the child will never touch what was his again.
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At the age of eight, Victor was sure he had fallen in love. His father had taken him with on a business trip and left him in the care of a radio host who worked for one of his father's friends. The man, Alastor, was so cool and charming. Someone that Victor wanted to be like. Not to mention he was very handsome.
Yet despite this, he heard the women they passed whispering about how it was a shame he was single. How could someone like Alastor be a bachelor? It didn't make any sense. That is until they stepped foot in the man's apartment. Alastor had an actual angel waiting at home for him.
Now, Victor wasn't stupid. He was fairly intelligent for his age. He knew that there were people who hid their homosexual relationships out of fear. Hell, his father had a secret male lover that his mother pretended not to know about.
So just watching the two interact briefly was enough to have him theorizing. And if he were Alastor, he would pretend to be a bachelor too. With a beauty like that waiting at home? Alastor was a lucky man.
When that soft and sunny smile was directed at Victor, he felt like his heart had stopped. He had decided he would make this angel his. Sure, he would have to come back for him when he was an adult, but it was never too early to charm him and worm his way into his heart.
That's how he spent his week. Every afternoon he would be dropped at Alastor's and since the man wanted nothing to do with him, he would spend all his time with Lucifer. He would let Victor hang off him and would let him help with whatever he would do. What made it all the better was it seemed Victor was driving a wedge between the secret love birds. Good. This would make his plan easier to complete.
He was getting closer and closer to success! Lucifer had even given him a nickname! Vox. And he refused to believe that lowly radio host's lies about his angel forgetting his name. Alastor was just jealous over how close and affectionate they were.
His last chance was here, and he had to seal the deal. Persuading (begging) his way to sleeping over on his last night there, Victor planned on asking Lucifer to leave Alastor and wait for him. He was confident the romantic gesture would surely woo him.
However, every time he tried to ask, something would get in his way! Before he knew it, it was time to go to bed. Luckily, he was able to convince Lucifer to share a bed with him. Laying cuddled up to the warm and kind angel, sleep came easily.
However, when he awoke in the middle of the night, his angel was gone. Where could he have gone? He was close to falling back asleep, thinking Lucifer may have just gotten up for some water or something, when a loud noise had him springing out of bed.
That had been Lucifer's voice! Was he okay? Had that pompous ass Alastor hurting him? If so, Victor was going to- to...
He wasn't sure what happened. One moment, he was standing in the doorway to Alastor's bedroom and the next he was waking up in bed. He felt like something was missing. But he couldn't put his finger on it.
Did something happen? Trying to remember what happened last night, Victor went to the kitchen and hugging his angel around the legs before turning to sleepily glare at the radio host.
The man looked smugger than usual. Victor was sure that stupid cheshire grin of his would haunt his for the rest of his life. One of these days, he was going to wipe it off his face.
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