#marrish fic
elisela · 5 months
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minnesota on my mind lydia/jordan au, getting together, long distance relationship
“The red dots right there, on either side of the goal. Harder to see when you’re behind the net,” he says. “This your first hockey game?”
“How could you tell,” she deadpans and he laughs, his arm brushing up against hers. It’s a nice laugh—clear and genuine, and Lydia finds herself smiling back at him. “I’m Lydia, by the way.”
“Jordan,” he says, nodding a little at her. “Given it’s a mortal sin to be from Minnesota and not know about hockey I’m going to guess you’re visiting.”
“I could have just moved,” she says, and he shakes his head.
“No one is moving here in December. They do that in the summer, then complain about it when the snow starts and doesn’t stop.”
read chapter 1 on ao3!
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cozyrosykay · 1 month
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It’s been over a year since I updated this fic and it wasn’t a huge update but something is better than nothing at this point
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gremlinbabe · 1 year
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Sterek kink/bdsm club fic
*** wanna write this but could use some help cuz I’d like 30+ ish chapters. Lmk if you’re interested must be 18+ to participate. Supernaturals & pack dynamics exist but supernaturals aren’t known outside of other supernaturals (they all got a spidey sense for it) , Derek is led to supernatural club by his mentor. Stiles and lydia are co owners of said club. All characters will be 21+***
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Scott McCall , Jackson Whittemore, Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Issac lanhey, Allison argent , Cora hale, Jordan Parrish, Malia Hale ,Ethan and Aiden Steiner, Braeden (teenwolf)
Main Ships: Sterek(stilesxderek),Berica(boydxerica) , scissac(scottxissac), jethan(Jacksonxethan), malira(maliaxkira), allisaac(Allison x issac), Jordan x Lydia x Aiden(Aydia, marrish, & SOME Jordan x Aiden)
Secondary ships: sterica & stoyd, some derica, some doyd, jydia(cool with each other but past), Malydira(after jydia breakup), (romantic but taking it very slow because they’re new to men but find each other attractive- will cuddle or occasional kiss)Jordan x Aiden, Cora x Isaac (practices flirting with each other 24/7 but 100% platonic lol ), Cora x og female character(romantic)&(ace!Cora likes nude photos cuz she thinks their neat) , mentions of some scallison (cool with each other but past cuz of different views on wanting kids so they aren’t together BUT both really like issac & think he deserves nice things and date him separately)
Main tags:canon-divergent, magical emissary!stiles, Alpha!Derek, Beta! Erica, Boyd, Issac, Cora, Scott, Allison, Aiden , Ethan, Were coyote!Malia, Kanima! Jackson, kitsune!Kira, Mentor/mistress! Braeden (still working on the tags)
***Prequel***- In beacon hills everyone knew everyone and Derek was tired of it. He’s known for a long time now that he’s bi but he’s always wanted to explore his kinks further or attend some kink or bdsm clubs to see what they could offer him. But being from such a small town everyone’s business is a little too intertwined. He knew he had to leave town if he ever wanted to explore this side of himself. So he joined a site for likeminded individuals who wanted to explore their kinks. He didn’t want to go into this blindly so he knew he had to get educated by someone before stepping into this lifestyle. He talked to many people but eventually he ended up becoming friends with a certified mistress,kink educator, and club event coordinator named Braeden. She explained all the ins and out and do’s and don’t to Derek and explained to him that what he might be looking for is a dom/domme. Knowing that he wouldn’t find a dom and maintain his privacy in beacon hills he had asked her about other places he could go outside of cali. After confirming if he was willing to move to explore his kinks. She recommended a some popular locations. But there was one place in particular stuck out to Derek. She told him that there was a lot of options in New York rumored to have some of the best places to vet for a genuine dom. If he was gonna be serious about this lifestyle and invest his time and energy Derek knew he needed to find a job in the same state even if it wasn’t super close to the clubs & that was fine he didn’t need anyone following him home. Working up the nerve to actually move all the way to New York he started applying to jobs that he could put his auto mechanics degree to good use. At the same time filling in braeden that the next few weeks to some months could be a bit hectic on him so he might not be as consistent in messaging. She understood that moves can be messy and helped him find a moving company for his stuff. But he took the time to clean up any loose ends in beacon hills. Soon he found a place and was getting call backs for jobs. After everything was secured, movers moved the last of his things and he was more settled into his new apartment he filled braeden in on his last few weeks. After adjusting a bit more to his new space he called up braeden. He knew there were special ways to get into some club. So he hired braeden as his mistress for the weekend . He invited her over to his home and she gave him a quick rundown of what to expect, rules, and makings of a safe word.
She had told him that there was a club named hourglass that she’d like to take him to but he had to be led in by collar and leash so it’s known that she’d be in charge of him and making decisions about his safety physically and emotionally for the night . He excitedly nods but he knows she always needs a verbal agreement.
“Yes mistress I’d love to see the club you want to take me to, I don’t mind the leash” he said a little breathless.
“Good, I can lead you there but I have some friends that attend events or work there that could potentially point you in a better direction. You’ve been interested in exploring more with men, if you want to chat with specific people you should always come to me first to check if they’re ok to talk to. Some people have limits for themselves or their partners. If anyone piques your interest you can always let me know and play but participating isn’t mandatory if you don’t feel like in getting in anything tonight you don’t have to. If you’re uneasy you can always come find me I’ll be near and keeping a eye out but I want to you have a more organic experience . And last thing most people understand traffic light rules but remember SSC, RACK, and always remember to have a safe word if you plan to participate. And if none of my friends can provide it for you themselves. I’ll always take care of you.” She sends back a flirty wink.
“I.. I don’t know what to wear” he explained.
“That’s alright sweetheart I think I something perfect for you” she grinned. She opens the bag she walked in with.
You sure you aren’t psychic?” He asks. She laughs “no I just know you’re a newbie.
She pulls out a long sleeve mesh shirt, tiny leather shorts that would barley hold anything, and a slim black leash attached to a soft collar with a spiral on it looked like a piece of the tattoo on his back.
“I let the club owners and staff know I’m bringing you today so if they see a tall, tan, and handsome man with a spiral collar just to keep and eye out in case there’s an emergency and I’m not near.” She explained. “ now get dressed and let’s get going” she handed over the bag.
“Are you changing too?”Derek asked curiously.
“Yes sweetheart I’m already dressed under this” she emphasized by picking up the edge of her shirt.
“Yes sweetheart I’m already dressed under this” she emphasized by picking up the edge of her shirt.
Additional possible tags: established friendships and relationships for the most part, polyamory, partner switching, smut with plot, supernatural kink club, primal dom, primal sub, cuckolding, switch/verse ,asphyxiation, ropeplay, blood play, knife play, vampirism, Voyeurism, spanking, feet, handcuffs, blindfolds, role play, Olfactophilia, Navel fetishism, Odaxelagnia, Narratophilia, Pygophilia, Omorashi, Pedal pumping, Salirophilia, Troilism, Wet and messy fetishism, Autoerotic asphyxiation, Feederism, Transvestic fetishism, Toxophilia, Lactophilia, Liquidophilia, Maiesiophilia, Maschalagnia, Mazophilia, Pictophilia, Kleptophilia, Algolagnia, Heterophilia, Hoplophilia, Hybristophilia, etc.(a lot honestly lol)
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alphinias · 1 year
This ? might be too messy, & possibly difficult: Who's development toward being a couple do you think was better? Stydia or Jiara? (I do love them both, as well)
Hmm. Overall development towards being a couple? Probably stydia. With stydia we went on such a journey; Stiles’s life long infatuation grew into a mature adult love, and Lydia went from ignoring his existence, to viewing him as one of her best friends, to falling head over heels.
That’s not me saying I think stydia is better but when you throw around the word development it’s hard not to pick them! Nor do I think the execution for stydia was flawless or anything. There were many stretches of episodes where they didn’t even have scenes together and then random threads that didn’t really make sense like the teasing of marrish. It’s also like 80 episodes of slow burn vs 30, though.
Which one do I like better? It’s like picking between my children to be honest. Stydia was my first real ship fandom where I actively made my fandom account and Jiara was my first fandom that made me write fics so they are both super special to me. But probably jiara, I think?
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
wip wednesday
Haven’t gotten much writing done because i’ve overscheduled myself lately… but here’s a longer part of my Sterek stardust fic.  I think i’ve shared parts of this already but a bit more… well… it’s something.
Thanks for the tag @imsupposedtobewritting​.  tagging @radio-chatter @quietborderline @tkwritesdumbassassins @missanniewhimsy​ @redhoodiskra​ and whoever wants to play along. No obligations as always.
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Title: Untitled Stardust Sterek fic
Fandom: Teen Wolf, Stardust
Pairing: Noah Stillinski/Claudia Stillinski, Sterek eventually, will prolly have shades of Dackson, Marrish, and whatever else floats my boat. Greenberg/Finstock for funnies. Maybe Chris will get with Noah.. maybe he won’t. 
Other tags/warnings: crack. First-ish draft. Blending two different things together always gets interesting. Cut for length. 
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Noah Stillinski was a practical boy man.  Normally he was very rule abiding and would never think of doing something as out of character as jumping through the gap in The Wall and exploring the field on the other side but tonight there was just something that seemed to be calling him through the gap. 
Hence his current argument with Bobby Finstock who was just a year older than him.  
“I’m not letting you through!”
“Why not?” Noah challenged, folding his arms over his chest while eyeing the field on the other side.  It looked just like the field on this side, wet with dew in the slightly chilly late spring night. The only oddness was that the grass on the other side moved like there was wind when it was completely still on this side. 
How odd.  
He wanted to know why. 
Why did the other side of the Wall seem to not follow the natural order of the world? He’d even written to the Royal Natural Science Society about it and gotten a very dissatisfactory answer that his observations must be wrong without any further investigation.  Clearly it was up to him to investigate these oddities and write back the London scholars… but first he had to make it past Bobby Finstock. 
Finstock hadn’t been the best in their class as he’d been more devoted to playing the new sport of lacrosse rather than studying.  Unfortunately, the man was very good on defense and wicked with that stave in his hands that he’d just rapped across Noah’s now swollen nose. 
“I said no one passes!” 
Rubbing his nose, Noah tried to shuffle a bit to the side but Bobby just moved slightly to better block him.  
“Look,” he started, gesturing toward the field on the other side.  “It’s just a field.  Same as the field on this side.  Why don’t you just let me—“
“That’s a no,” Bobby interrupted. “Nobody goes past this point.  I swore an oath.”
“An oath?” Noah’s eyebrows were climbing as he folded his arms over his chest to look Finstock up and down.  He knew that the Finstock family was profligate enough that they weren’t exactly hurting for help running the local haberdashery and Bobby’s… er… taste was a bit eclectic to say the least. 
“A Solemn Oath.”  Noah could hear the capital letters. 
“To do what exactly?”
“To keep any and all passers by from accidentally crossing the boundary,” Finstock leaned forward and gestured to the standard stone fence to either side of the gap.  “Meaning the Wall.  This wall where I’m standing guard.  The Village Council inducted me.”
“Well there’s a problem then.”
Cocking his head, Bobby chewed on his lips in confusion like an overgrown puppy. “What sort of problem?”
“You see I don’t want to accidentally cross the gap.  I very purposefully want to go through.”
“But you can’t!” 
“You just said your oath said ‘accidental’ crossings.  Were you incorrect on your word usage?”  Noah was perhaps being a bit cruel.  Bobby’s worst subject had always been writing composition and reading. 
“You can’t go through,” was the repeated protest but it was weaker this time. “It’s dangerous!”
“How so?”  While he’d been arguing, Noah had managed to sidle up on Finstock’s right side so he pointed back towards the village that could be seen just over the rise. 
“Because it’s dangerous,” Bobby made a chopping motion of his hand back towards the faint lights of the village.  “Anyone could just stumble through if I wasn’t here.”
“Ah,” Noah deliberately took a step backwards over the few stones in the gap. “That would be truly terrible if they didn’t know where they were going.”
“Yes!  Exactly!” Bobby agreed with him, waving his stave. “See that’s why you can’t—wait a minute!  Get back there!”
Noah just laughed as he ran across the field away from the gap in The Wall, his pant legs becoming wet from the dew on the long grass that had never been cut to his knowledge so it came up to mid thigh. Finstock made no move to cross over himself, just shouting for Noah to come back for a minute or two before he was out of hearing range. 
Around him, the night wind whispered through the trees further on and he could see the faint markings of wheel tracks—a road!  
Stumbling slightly as he entered the roadway, he looked left and then right.  No other travelers were visible in the moonlight. 
Looking up, Noah realized that the moon was full or almost so. The canopy of stars seemed brighter than they had earlier but he marked it up to the time of night. They sparkled, their light seemingly strengthened despite the full power of the moon’s reflecting light and the sky was inky midnight blue between. Cricket songs sang through the evening air and the fireflies danced in spiraling waltzes, their lights flickering in a dazzling concert. 
Which way?  To the left or to the right?  
A faint flicker of light through the trees beckoned him to the right that was neither moonlight nor firefly.  A vague outline rose above the trees of some structure so he started making his way towards it. 
Soon he could make out more details.  A parapet—a wall of some sort common to old towns but that were rarely in this sort of condition. It looked like it was practically brand new—the stones neat and untouched by canon fire or bomb that rose several stories above him as he followed the road until he reached an open gate.
“Who goes there?” Was the disinterested question from the guard standing sentry.
“Um…. Noah.  Noah Stillinski,” he stammered, eyeing the stained coat and breastplate of the sentry before his eye was caught by the long pike that the man leaned on while he drank from a hip flask, the sweet scent of brandy on the man’s breath even at five paces. 
“Well, Noah Noah Stillinski…. What business do you have in Stormhold?”
Stormhold?  “Um… I’ve come to visit the uh…” he could see beyond the gate that there were signs for a night market.  “The market! Yes the market.”
The guardsman looked him up and down, the corner of his mouth turning into a smile that was a bit too rotted to be genuine. “Well then be off with ye,” he gestured with his pike to hurry Noah along.  “Be careful laddie!”
Barely avoiding a touch from the rusty point of the pike, Noah scrambled through the gate. The cobblestone road was mostly clear but there was dust and dirt as well as manure to be dodged lest it end up caking his shoes that were not the right footgear for his wild excursion. 
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outtoshatter · 1 year
9 and 10 for the new year fic ask to make up for my fail!
9. Is there an upcoming show/movie/book that you think will lure you into a new fandom?
Hmm, probably not, but who knows! I'm usually a "burrow" type of fan, and Sterek has been my Thing for years. I'm hoping that my own original stories will lure me to writing those haha
10. Is there a ship that you want to try for the firs time in the new year?
I'm going to try my hand at background Marrish and also!! Allydia for the first time! We'll see how I do!
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thebigoblin · 2 years
The song I got: She Loves Control by Camila Cabello. I'm getting Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish vibes.
can be read on ao3 as well
Lyrics I'm taking inspiration from:
She loves control, she wants it her way // And there's no way she'll ever stay unless you give it up // She loves control, she wants it her way // And all it takes is just one taste, you wanna give it up
The Banshee & Her Hellhound
Her lips taste like euphoria, and he devours it until they're both panting from a shared sense of victory, both their eyes dark with lust but bright with the promise of a new dawn.
They've finally defeated Monroe and her army of Hunters, and tonight is all about celebrating that victory. They're all back in Beacon Hills, enjoying themselves at the party thrown by Ms. Martin and Noah—he assumes the others are enjoying themselves, either by immersing in inane and predictable chatter or by tucking into secluded corners, like he and Lydia.
He can't help but smile at the thought, fingers lacing through Lydia's and pulling her closer with a gentle tug, her legs bracketing his against the door of her childhood bedroom. His head rests against the hardwood lightly, Lydia's free hand resting on his face, scratching at his lightly stubbled jaw.
"Maybe we should go inside?" He suggests, wary of someone catching them. Especially if that someone is Lydia's mother or her to-be stepdad, who also happens to be his former boss.
Lydia clicks her tongue, green eyes looking up at him through eyelashes, making her seem oh-so-innocent even as she brings her fingers closer to his mouth, her thumb that was previously resting on his jaw inching closer to his lips. "Good Deputy," she smirks, well aware of what that title does to him, "Are you afraid of being seen with me?"
He doesn't say anything, because his answer is that he is and he isn't; he wants the world to know that they're together, but he definitely doesn't want to do so by getting caught like this. Instead, in a moment of confidence, he bites her thumb, just a little nip to distract her. She gasps, more surprised than anything else, and he giggles. The sound comes unbidden, but he can't control it.
He just bit Lydia Martin's fingers. Lydia Martin. The feared and revered Banshee of the Supernatural world that is thankfully still known only to a few; the woman who single-handedly screamed more than a dozen men and women into her submission; the legend who brought not one, but two Hales back to life; the woman who was the pseudo-Alpha of the McCall Pack and is now the Second of the reestablished Hale Pack.
Jordan is in that Lydia Martin's presence. And he's not doing what she wants.
"You little shit," she says, her breath fanning across his collarbone because she's the true definition of a dynamite in a small package, and then she's taking control by pulling him down by fisting both her hands in his hastily thrown on t-shirt and kissing him breathless.
When he blinks himself back to a more steady ground where his brain is not going holy fuck i never want to stop kissing her, he finds Lydia looking at him with her lips pursed, cheeks flushed and her eyes bright with a mischief that makes his heart trip all over itself to make space for all the memories he wants to make with her.
"I'm your little shit, though," he tells her, words holding more weight than he means to.
Lydia intertwines their fingers again, and this time she tugs him towards her so that they both enter her bedroom together, right feet forward. "You are," she agrees, toeing off her heels, using his shoulders to balance herself, "And now that we're in my bedroom, I intend to do things to you, Deputy. Are you ready?"
He laughs and lets her lead him.
It feels good. It feels right.
(When Ms. Martin knocks on the door some time later to tell them to come down for dinner and, "Be decent, you two! Keep your hands off of each other while at the table," he surprises himself by laughing with Lydia instead of being embarrassed. But if he's being honest, there's nothing embarrassing in being love with Lydia Martin.)
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whenwordsmakesense · 3 years
I am still doing prompts from this list (you can check what all I'm comfortable writing if you click the link to the list) so if you want you can send me a # from it and a ship!
I have completed:
Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar: #42
Jordan Parrish/Lydia Martin: #55
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski: #14 | #16
I am working on:
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski: #13, #5
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elisela · 4 months
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minnesota on my mind (2/9) lydia/jordan au, getting together, long distance relationship
“Is this the part where I ask what you’re wearing?”
She grins and unzips her sweater, hanging it on the chair in the corner that she only uses as an extension of her closet and grabbing the pair of pajama pants that dangle over the arm. “You could, but you’re probably going to be disappointed in the answer. It’s cold outside.”
“What, dipped below seventy? You poor thing.”
Lydia swipes the call away and taps on her weather app. “It’s fifty-nine, thank you very much.”
“I can’t imagine how you’ll survive the night,” he says. Despite the dry tone he sounds more upbeat than he had earlier. “Might want to add some extra blankets on the bed.”
chapter 2 on ao3!
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jtmarx · 5 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scott McCall/Theo Raeken, Allison Argent/Derek Hale, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Cora Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Liam Dunbar/Mason Hewitt, Braeden/Malia Tate, Melissa McCall/Marin Morrell, Ethan/Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish, Chris Argent/Isaac Lahey Characters: Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Allison Argent, Derek Hale, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Stiles Stilinski, Cora Hale, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Melissa McCall, Braeden (Teen Wolf), Malia Tate, Lydia Martin, Jordan Parrish, Ethan (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Theo Raeken, Chris Argent, Isaac Lahey, Peter Hale, Meredith Walker, Jennifer Blake, Deucalion (Teen Wolf), Garrett (Teen Wolf), Violet (Teen Wolf), Calaveras (Teen Wolf), Dread Doctors (Teen Wolf), Gerard Argent, Kate Argent, Tamora Monroe Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Vigilantism, Canon-Typical Violence, Mad Science, Implied/Referenced Brainwashing, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Fantastic Racism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Sexual Content, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Pining, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Summary:
When Scott McCall finally appears in Beacon Hills after three years of being presumed dead, he brings with him a host of mysteries. With every question Scott and his team answer, three more seem to pop up. With the stakes increasing by the minute, how will they manage to free Scott from the chains of the past three years?
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camcantarella · 5 years
eep! @ whoever has been visiting my ao3 profile ever since bobasheebaby shared my link and leaving kudos on all my old fave marrish fics I ♥️ you all. also reminds me that I'm supposed to be continuing the fics I was working on before my writer’s block hit, so um thanks for that
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dcharmaine · 6 years
as you can tell my marrish feels are strong rn and i NEED to finish all those abandoned marrish fics i have saved up on onedrive from the last like year and a half
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
AO3 Wrapped 2022
Tagged by multiple people for multiple things but I think @radio-chatter  was the one who tagged me for AO3 wrapped (sorry I’ve been…uh distracted, busy and sick which has not been a good combination for getting around to inboxes or replies). Thanks for tagging me everyone—it really does make me smile to see people thinking of me.
Okay. So.  Tagging whoever wants to play along?  @monsterrae1 @tkwritesdumbassassins @missanniewhimsy @outtoshatter @elisela @muffinsandsweets @quietborderline @bwtch or anyone else.  No pressure. 
Works Published: total or things that got a chapter yeeted this calendar year? I have 21 works that have had at least a chapter published in 2022.  My total number of works (as of December 22nd) is 46 on AO3.
Word Count: Sadly I don’t track this from year to year so I’m just going by my total word count on AO3 stats page: 1,277,012. Which wow.  I am wordy. I am vaguely remembering I was right around the million word mark last year but I might be hallucinating that from all the cold medication I’m on. 
Hits: Again I don’t track this (both for my sanity and the hit my vanity would take on the wide margin swings for my favorite pieces vs things that are just in big fandoms). According to the stats page my total hits is 131,627. 
Bookmarks: That I made or others made?  My total bookmarks (of fics I liked enough to add them to my personal collection) is 1,009.  The total number of times my works have been bookmarked by someone is 2,487.
Most Popular by Kudos: Shocking nobody, this is Family, Familia, ‘Ohana at 1,373.  Again I do not keep track of my stats other than posts like this one. 
Most Hits: Also Family, Familia, ‘Ohana at 38,202.  It’s in a popular fandom with  a popular pairing. *shrugs*.  
Longest: Well…. Does this have to have updated this year?  My longest work ever remains An Andromeda Tale at 673,530 words.  If we’re talking this year… it’s FFO at 120,488 words (it beats out the Outlaw and the Cartel Boss by 15k published words—even if I think my unpublished word count would make Outlaw overtake FFO)
Shortest: Ha.  For once this is both this year and ever.  Blackmail Material is 334 words. 
Most Comments: An Andromeda Tale and FFO are tied at 127 comment threads total each.  Again, I don’t really track my stats year by year but I would probably say that if we’re just talking this year it’s probably FFO as I haven’t updated AAT in over a year.  Just assume I am wearing a very ashamed face when I say that. 
Fic that made me cry: er… none of mine.  I have been known to shed a tear or two reading someone else’s angst fic but I try not to emotionally damage myself while writing—ie I take a break if I’m getting too worked up. If we’re talking tears of frustration over how something isn’t working…. Yeah…. Um…. We’re not going to talk about that. *whispers: ALL OF THEM*
Fic that made me smile: All of them and yet none of mine. Cackle—yes, of course when I put in a detail that I think is particularly devious.  Sighs of relief that I’m done?  Yes.  Smiling…. Maybe. 
Gifts: 3.  Death, Rebirth and the Jackal for @tkwritesdumbassassins, Searching for Absolution for @radio-chatter and @missanniewhimsy, and The Marks We Leave on One Another for @radio-chatter and @quietborderline
Collaborations: I’m not sure how to wholly define this… if we’re talking co-written with someone I’d say zero.  However, the usual RC Collective server is often where I go to work out a problem I’m having with plot points on various works.  @tkwritesdumbassassins has been a sounding board for Jackal which is why it’s gifted to them. @radio-chatter and @quietborderline are as always my MReyder peeps and I owe them thanks on most of those works for allowing me to rant/rave about things until I work out my problems. 
Events:  MReyder week and Marrish Appreciation Week. 
Coming in 2023:  finishing one of my longer works?  Adding at least a chapter to all the new WIPS I added because of Mreyder week. I really need to finish some wips in 2023.  I have also been vaguely toying with a complete re-write of AAT and chopping it up into more manageable chunks but that’s going to be a huge project…. So maybe I should just finish some of the smaller wips first.  Promise Me You Won’t Let Me has about 2-3 chapters left which are 1/2 written so it’s looking likely for the first part of the year.  Also want to get a big chunk of To Follow done.  First quarter 2023 should see at least one chapter of FFO and I want to finish Mana’olana by spring break. I’m also trying to get certain things on regular updating schedules: To Catch a Fallen Star (Sterek Stardust fic), Outlaw, Cousin Harvey and Jackal. 
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freyaishtar · 6 years
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Burn, Bite, Scream
Summary: Upon Derek's return to Beacon Hills, a rash of arson fires with supernatural earmarks points to their only resident Hell Hound. Lydia knows she must prove Jordan's innocence, but—with her own not-always-friendly history with the former alpha—the investigation could lead Derek and Jordan on a collision course, with her trapped in the middle. (poly-fic)
Chapter One Sneak Peek:
She was dreaming of fire. Lydia thrashed and kicked, trying to escape the flames. A shock tore through her and she bolted upright in her bed, gasping for air as she opened her eyes.
Trying to get her bearings while she caught her breath in huge, ragged gulps, she looked around. Nothing. The silhouettes and shadowed figures in her night-darkened bedroom appeared undisturbed; everything in place as it had been when she'd fallen asleep barely a handful of hours ago.
Her shoulders drooping, she pressed her palm to her forehead. Sweat beaded her skin, this wasn't good—she could feel the way her long, damp hair matted against the back of her neck and down between her shoulder blades. That had seemed so . . . so real. Too real. This was the third night in a row she'd dreamed of fire.
But the previous nights hadn't been so overwhelming.
She thought she knew better than to ignore these things, but she hadn't been certain before. Now she understood, without a doubt. This was a warning.
"Something's coming," she said in a barely audible whisper, wincing at how cryptic that sounded, even to her own ears.
Climbing out of bed, she grabbed a fresh change of clothes and headed for the shower. It was after two in the morning, but she'd never get back to sleep, now. Besides, this time the dream had shown her something new—a location.
She was perfectly aware she should call Scott and Malia, but with no way of knowing what the warning was about, or when that 'something' might come, she thought it probably best to gather what intel she could, and then report her suspicions to the pack.
And, of course, her thoughts flashed to Jordan. There was nothing to be done for that, though. Hell Hounds and fires did sorta go hand-in-hand that way.
But things had been . . . . Sighing, she shook her head and continued into her bathroom. She and Jordan hadn't spoken or seen one another since the last time they'd rescued each other from some horrible thing. Meetings between them seemed, well, awkward and tense was a mild way to put it. She didn't imagine popping up on his doorstep in the middle of the night to ask if he was aware of any mysterious fires in the area probably wouldn't help.
Cringing at the mere thought, Lydia shook her head as she reached into the tub and turned on the shower.
* * * * *
The night air was brisk against her skin as she got out of her car and approached the broken down storefront on cautious footfalls. Swallowing hard, she looked around. She didn't get spooked easily these days, but something about the area was unnerving. Maybe it was the quiet, maybe it was the lack of traffic or streetlights. Maybe it was the way Beacon Hills just seemed to love having random little shops and things along roadsides in what would otherwise be the middle of nowhere.
Whatever it was, Lydia stayed alert, ready to defend against some unseen assailant.
Giving herself a shake, she started a slow, measured circle around the building. As she rounded to the back—lined by a thick stand of trees that led off into the woods—she moved carefully, skirting along the shadows. There wasn't a breeze to carry her scent if there happened to be any were-creature around, and the chill in the air even helped that sense, if only a little.
But whatever she expected, it wasn't to find Derek Hale circling the building from the other direction. His eyes narrowed and he glanced around, clearly looking for the rest of the pack.
She halted, and he responded by drawing nearer slowly. She always thought it was odd, the way that every time they ran into each other, he looked her over like this. Almost as though he didn't know what to make of her.
As if they hadn't technically known each other for years, now.
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stilesssolo · 7 years
1, 7, 31, 50? :)
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
I think it’s actually Teen Wolf? I just made my blog about a year ago, although I do reblog Star Wars stuff too, so I guess they’re probably tied :) My first fic I ever published was for Star Wars, but the first fic I ever wrote was for Teen Wolf.
7. List your notps from each fandom you’ve been in.
Jydia, Pydia, Marrish, anything that ships Lydia with someone who either has abused her or is overage or both, Stalia (I will admit that they had cute moments but a lot of the way their relationship made me angry. I feel like if Malia as a character had been handled better in season 4, I would be a lot more indifferent to Stalia.) There are a lot of ships in Teen Wolf that I’m particularly indifferent to, but most of the things I flat out hate are just Lydia being shipped with people that have straight up abused her. 
I’m scared to put Sterek on this list because it’s so popular, but I will say this for them– I love their dynamic on the show, and their scenes are always so good, but I just can’t ship them romantically because of the age gap. I never really saw them that way on the show anyways? (I’ve always been a sucker for Stydia, what can I say.) I think in au fics though their relationship can definitely work that way, if the fic is done well. 
And a bonus one for Star Wars– Reylo is gross. Aside from the fact that they are definitely related, Kylo straight up abused Rey, okay. Get that away from me
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Someone told me once that my writing always sounded so effortless and beautiful and I think I literally cried. Also any time anyone tells me that Pas de Deux is their favorite au I gain like ten years on my life
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I hope you’re ready for this story, because it’s WILD
I got into reading fanfiction because I was looking for the sneak peek of Mark of Athena that Rick Riordan always posts for the upcoming PJO and HOO books. I somehow instead stumbled upon a “The Percy Jackson Characters Read The Lightning Thief AU” on fanfiction.net. I don’t think I even really knew what fanfiction was before that. I then proceeded to read exorbitant amounts of Percy Jackson fanfiction. There was a period where I read a ton of Harry Potter too. I lowkey don’t remember how I made the switch over to Stydia fanfiction. 
For writing fanfiction– I completely, 100% blame The Force Awakens. I, like, had the briefest ideas of a Teen Wolf Star Wars au in my mind for someday if I ever decided to write fanfic, because I used to write original stories all the time when I was younger, and I’ve always loved to write. But then I saw TFA and the Star Wars au just wouldn’t leave me alone. So I started writing it. I finished the New Hope rendition in March of 2016 and told my sister that I had written something (she reads fic too, so she gets me.) I kept working on the Star Wars au without really publishing anything else until I saw the thing for the Stydia Big Bang and texted my sister like “Idk should I do this I really want to?” and she was like “I’m offended you even have to ask just do it.” I made my blog then and wrote Pas de Deux, and now here I am! 
Ask me about my fics! 
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purpleyin · 6 years
Teen Wolf fic - The Door Is Ever Open (Rated T 1/1 Lydia/Parrish)
Title: The Door Is Ever Open 1/1 Author: Purpleyin Rating: T Word count: 549 Summary: Lydia/Parrish zombie apocalypse short, where it isn't so great to have powers of sensing death when there's quite that much of it. Not a happy fic.
On Ao3 or FF.net
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