#martez sisters fic
dystopicjumpsuit · 10 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 1
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Remember Us
Rating: T (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged; regardless of rating, minors DNI)
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 2.8k
Warnings: minor angst
Suggested Listening:
Summary: Soldiers. Heroes. Deserters. Traitors. They've been called many things. As the Galactic Empire rises from the ashes of the Republic, a small group of clone troopers and their allies will find a new identity: Rebels.
Echo, Rex, and Gregor are on a mission to save as many of their brothers as they can. The task is daunting, and their friends are few. But from these small and desperate beginnings will come a spark of resistance that will set the galaxy ablaze.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones.
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Remember us—if at all—not as lost violent souls, but only as the hollow men.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
The Marauder pushed off the landing platform with a roar of thrusters and rose through the underworld portal until it disappeared in the swirl of air speeder and starship traffic. The repair shop where Rex had set up his base of operations was deep in the lower levels of Coruscant, and Echo knew the ship would keep ascending long after he lost sight of it before it reached the surface. His decision to part ways with the Batch had seemed very straightforward and logical as he’d discussed it with Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech, but in the face of Omega’s tearful farewell, his resolve had nearly crumbled.
He knew that the rest of the Batch would never let any harm come to the girl; her safety was their only priority. But Echo needed to do more to help his fellow clones, and with Rex, he would finally be in a position to do so. And so he merely watched as the ship departed, bearing his brothers and sister back to Ord Mantell and Cid’s endlessly questionable jobs.
He turned to rejoin Rex and Senator Chuchi. They had been conversing discreetly, giving him privacy and space as he said his goodbyes. The senator watched him now, her luminous eyes soft.
“It’s very brave of you, Echo, to stay behind and join our network after everything you’ve been through,” she said.
“Thank you, Senator,” he said, “but I’ve never been one to back down from a fight.”
“Please, call me Riyo,” she said.
Echo nodded as Rex clapped him on the shoulder.
“Come on, brother,” his old captain said. “I’ll show you around.”
The tour didn’t take long. The repair shop apparently belonged to Trace Martez, the young thief Echo had encountered on Corellia. Rex had taken over the shop when Coruscant got a little too hot for the Martez sisters’ comfort. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement: Rex needed a home base, and Trace needed someone to make sure the shop didn’t fall victim to the seedier elements of the underworld. Rex had set up a kitchen, a temporary barracks, and a small training gym at the back of the shop. There was a tiny room that served as a makeshift office and command center, and finally a communal refresher with two open shower stalls, an enclosed toilet, and a small sink. The garage contained few creature comforts; mostly they just used crates for furniture, though there was a broken-down old sofa with a holotable set up in front of it.
The accommodations were spare and shabby, which was familiar to Echo, but he was struck by how out-of-place Riyo looked in the shop. With her elegant clothing and elaborate hairstyle, she looked far too delicate and fine for her surroundings. Still, she didn’t display either judgment or discomfort at the sparseness of the shop. Echo stole occasional glances at her, admiring the soft curves of her face, the graceful line of her throat, the way her wide, intelligent eyes took in everything around her, missing not a single detail. He wondered how to describe the exact shade of her hair. Was it mauve? Or maybe violet was more accurate. Her gaze shifted to him, and he looked away quickly.
The unmistakable whine of a speeder bike landing on the platform outside interrupted his train of thought, and soon footsteps echoed through the shop.
“Rex? You here?” a woman’s voice called.
“Back here, Cerra,” Rex replied. “I have someone I want you to meet.”
The woman strode into view, faltering a little when she spotted Echo.
“Echo, I’d like you to meet Cerra Kilian,” Rex said. “She handles logistics. Very good at getting things clones aren’t supposed to have.”
“Nice to meet you, Cerra,” Echo said.
The woman clasped Echo’s hand in a reserved greeting and nodded at Riyo. “A pleasure, Echo. Senator, it’s good to see you again.”
“And you as well, Cerra,” Riyo replied.
The contrast between the two women could not have been more stark. Riyo was lovely, with her wide, golden eyes, azure skin, and glossy lavender—no, lilac—hair. Everything about her was soft and feminine and fragile, almost ethereal. Cerra was taller and more solid, her face more angular, and everything about her spoke of practical decisions, from her buzzed head, to her faded mechanic’s coveralls and sturdy boots. More striking, though, was the difference in their expressions. While Riyo’s face was gentle and easy to read, Cerra’s guarded eyes revealed nothing of her thoughts. 
“Got a lead on that electro capsule the clone assassin used,” Cerra said.
“What did you learn?” Rex asked.
“It isn’t underworld tech,” Cerra said. “At least, not as far as any of my contacts could tell. More likely military-grade.”
“Then it probably was Rampart’s work,” Rex said grimly. 
“Hard to say,” Cerra said. “We know somebody was pulling Rampart’s strings. I’ll keep looking.”
“I hope I don’t sound selfish, but I can’t help wondering. Do you think I might still be in danger?” Riyo asked.
Cerra looked at Rex, wordlessly deferring to him.
“It’s difficult to say,” Rex said. “For now, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for your guards to take additional precautions.”
“I can take a look at their security protocols and offer a few suggestions, if you’d like,” Echo offered.
“Thank you,” Riyo said, gazing up at him with gratitude in her eyes. “I would imagine that someone as accomplished at infiltration as an ARC Trooper would be the best person to find weaknesses in security.”
“Former ARC Trooper,” Echo said, wondering what else Rex had told her about him.
“I don’t think anyone could forget ARC training,” Rex said with a quiet laugh. 
Cerra’s eyes flickered to the front entrance of the repair shop, and Echo turned automatically, preparing for a threat. Instead, he recognized a familiar face.
“Didn’t realize we were having a party,” Gregor said as he strode into the room and clasped Echo’s forearm in greeting. “Good to have you with us, Echo.”
The commando nodded at Rex and Riyo, then draped his arm casually over Cerra’s shoulders and handed her a travel cup. The woman pushed him off with an indistinct grumble, but she took the cup with the barest hint of a smile.
“I got some intel on a clone in the 41st Elite Corps who wants to get out. Name’s Fireball, do you know him?” Gregor asked.
“I’ve met him,” Rex said. “Good man. Good soldier.”
“Is the 41st still on Kashyyyk?” Echo asked. “I was there recently. Rex, it could get ugly.”
“It’ll take some time to plan,” Rex said noncommittally.
“That’s not the only thing we’ll need to plan,” Gregor said. “If we’re going to be extracting clones, we’re going to need a way to get the inhibitor chips out of their heads. AZI took mine out on Ord Mantell, but we don’t have a medical droid of our own.”
“Karthon chop fields,” Cerra said. Riyo and the three clones all turned to her. “I’ve been looking into it. My source says there are at least three downed Venators slated for decommissioning on Karthon. We can pull the surgical pod from one of the med bays and set it up here.”
“It’s risky,” Rex said.
“Not as risky as Lotho Minor or Bracca, now that the Empire has stepped up security after your adventure there last year,” Cerra said. “I can get it, but I’ll need help. Gregor, you in?”
“I’d like Echo to go with you on this one,” Rex interjected.
Cerra didn’t react except to nod. “It’s going to take a few days to get the supplies together.”
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Over the next few days, Echo began to get a feel for the small group living in the repair shop. Rex was right: his organization was spread thin. Echo wasn’t exactly sure how many others were involved, but at the moment, the only people besides himself who were at the garage were Rex, Cerra, and Gregor. Any others were either deployed on missions or based elsewhere. The three of them were run ragged. Rex looked even more exhausted than he had during the war. Cerra was quiet and remote, keeping to herself and rarely instigating conversations. Gregor was the only one who still seemed to have a sense of humor. 
In addition to running missions with Rex, Gregor was the self-appointed quartermaster and chef of the group. He was a surprisingly good cook, and when Echo complimented the food, the commando grinned.
“It’s nice to be the one in charge of the kitchen instead of just washing dishes,” he said.
“If I start cooking, does that mean I can skip dish duty?” Cerra asked.
“No thanks, I’ve tasted your cooking,” Gregor laughed, his eyes bright.
“Rude, but fair,” Cerra acknowledged.
It was the night before Echo was due to travel to Karthon with Cerra. The group sprawled around the holotable, chatting quietly as they ate Gregor’s spicy yobshrimp stew. Echo was jittery. He wasn’t nervous about the mission itself; he’d completed hundreds of missions. But they were always with his brothers or a Jedi. This was his first time with a civilian. Still, Rex obviously trusted Cerra enough to send her after the surgical pod, so Echo tried to quiet his nerves.
“I can take KP tonight,” Echo offered, looking for a distraction.
“You’re on,” Cerra said immediately.
“Sucker,” Gregor giggled.
The kitchen was a spectacular mess, and it took some time for Echo to finish cleaning up. By the time he did, he could hear music blasting from the training gym, and he went to investigate.
Gregor leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, as he watched Rex spar with Cerra. Her face was flushed with exertion, and beads of sweat speckled her forehead and dripped down her temples. Echo could tell that Rex was holding back, though Cerra had surprisingly good form. She clearly had training, but it wasn’t enough against an opponent who was taller, stronger, heavier, and had been trained literally from birth to be a killing machine. Gregor occasionally tossed out a dispassionate suggestion or command, focusing on techniques specifically for fighting a larger combatant.
“Pull guard, Cerra, just like we practiced,” the commando coached.
Cerra grabbed Rex’s forearm and took him to the ground, locking her legs around his waist. Echo immediately recognized the move; he’d practiced it often enough during ARC training. He hadn’t sparred with anyone in ages, and he wondered if his prosthetic legs were agile enough to do it. He suspected so; though they were not quite as dexterous as his legs had formerly been, they made up for it in durability and strength. A single kick would be strong enough to snap a limb or break a spine.
“That’s better, Cerra,” Rex praised. 
“Next time, rotate your foot to the outside,” Gregor said, unimpressed. “Unless you want to break your own ankle or get your leg pinned.”
Cerra slapped Rex on the back of the head. “Stop taking it easy on me.”
He grinned down at her. “Sorry, kid. Gotta walk before you can run.”
“First of all, I’m twice your age, and secondly, a real opponent won’t pull their punches,” she said.
“That’s why you have a blaster,” Rex replied calmly. “Want to go again?”
She nodded, but Gregor intervened. “You need to rest up for tomorrow’s mission.”
Cerra released Rex immediately, and he stood to his feet, then extended a hand and pulled her up from the mat. She was breathing hard, and Gregor tossed her a towel to dry off. She spotted Echo and acknowledged him with a jerk of her chin.
“Maybe Echo can teach me some sweet ARC moves while we’re en route to Karthon,” she said.
“Didn’t Fives show you any?” Gregor asked.
Rex winced, but Cerra mopped her face and arms with the towel.
“A few,” she said.
“You knew Fives?” Echo asked, surprised.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’m going to hop in the shower.”
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“I can’t believe we’re taking that rust-bucket to Karthon,” Echo said.
The rickety shuttle was practically an antique. The sublight drive rattled alarmingly when it started up, and even the hydraulic struts for the ramp only worked about half the time.
“It’s old, but it still has some tricks thanks to Trace,” Rex said. “It’ll get you there and back. Besides, it’s the only ship we have with a cargo hold big enough to transport the surgical pod.”
“She’ll fly all right,” Cerra said as she joined them. “Not fast. Hopefully she won’t leak like a sieve.”
Rex was holding two travel mugs of caf, and he handed one to Cerra.
“You’re a god among men,” she said, taking a blissful sip.
“Is the other one for me?” Echo asked.
“Kark no,” Rex said, chugging half the liquid in one go. “Get your own.”
Cerra strode up the ramp and flopped into the co-pilot’s seat. “Don’t worry, Echo, we can stop at Starcups on the way out.”
Echo pulled a face. “Starcups barely qualifies as caf. More like syrup and blue milk that once heard a rumor about caf.”
“Still gets the job done,” Cerra shrugged. “Let’s roll.”
In the slow, dilapidated old shuttle, it was a full day’s jump to Karthon. Cerra was mostly silent once they entered hyperspace, tinkering with the electronic guts of a clone armor cuirass that she’d modified heavily. Echo, accustomed to Wrecker and Omega’s raucous banter and Tech’s spontaneous infodumps, found the silence deafening. He wished Gregor had come with them on the mission. The commando’s relaxed attitude and cheerful personality seemed to pull Cerra out of her shell in a way that Echo had not yet figured out how to do. He was no sparkling conversationalist, but he didn’t enjoy silence and solitude—not any more. 
It had only been a few days, but he missed the Batch. He missed Tech’s monologues as they copiloted the Marauder on long hyperspace jumps. He missed Omega’s endless questions and cheerful commentary. He thought of the way the tears had welled in her eyes as she hugged him goodbye, and his chest ached at the memory.
The cuirass sparked, and Cerra flinched and cursed.
“Need a hand?” Echo offered.
Cerra sighed and dragged a hand across her eyes. “I think I fried one of the connectors when I heated the plastoid to reshape the chestplate. The control unit fits, but I can’t get it to sync with the HUD.”
She passed the cuirass to Echo, who inspected it closely. She was right; there was a tiny scorch mark on one of the connectors.
“We’ll have to salvage another chestplate to get replacements,” he said. “Decent chance we’ll find some on Karthon.”
“At least it’ll give me some protection for now,” she said. “I’ll just have to go without a helmet until I can get it fixed.”
“I can help with the modifications, if you’d like,” Echo offered. “I have some experience with armor mods.”
“So I see,” she said, eyeing his custom suit. “I figured your armor wasn’t exactly off the rack.”
Echo chuckled. “Not exactly. My squadmate Tech helped me with my first set of armor after Skako Minor, but this set I modified myself. I added some extra features. Aside from the obvious.” He gestured to his scomp.
“What kind of features?” she asked.
“Electrical surge prevention,” he said.
She nodded. “Kix told me you got a hell of a jolt at Anaxes.”
“You knew Kix as well as Fives?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she said. “He’s gone, too.”
Darkness flickered across her face, but she took a deep breath and her usual stoicism slid back into place. Echo reached out to lay his hand on her shoulder, but something about her posture made him think she wouldn’t appreciate the gesture. He faltered and dropped his hand back to his side. After a time, he broke the silence.
“So,” he said. “How well did you know Fives?”
“Pretty well,” she said flatly. “So how about those sweet ARC moves?”
He wanted to push, wanted to know more. Rex had given him the bare-bones account of Fives’s death, but there never seemed to be enough time to actually process it. Cerra was the only person in Echo’s life other than Rex who had known his twin, but her walls seemed to be made of durasteel, reinforced with beskar. And the last thing he wanted to do was scug her off right before he headed into a mission, trusting her to have his back.
“Rex went through ARC training, too, you know,” Echo pointed out. “He knows all those moves. But I can show you a trick or two that I learned from Clone Force 99.”
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stellanslashgeode · 3 months
Fic where a few years after the war ended Ahsoka decides to reconnect with her family and finds out she inherit the old Tano ranch on Shili. But she has to be married before taking legal possession through some archaic Togrutan law.
But that’s okay because the half dozen girlfriends she’s gathered through her travels just follow her around wherever she goes. It’s just her and Barriss and the Martez sisters and Bo-Katan and Kaeden Larte and whoever that other farm girl is and who knows who else and it’s a 90s harem anime?
Asajj pops in as a relationship advice guru who gives horrible advice.
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panther-os · 1 year
Thoughts on Episode 5, Phee, and Shipping:
I love Phee, so first of all, jot that down.
That being said, I didn't really like this episode. Part of that is me being biased, because I wrote one (1) Tech/Phee fic and got myself attached, and their interactions in the first five minutes were promising enough to disappoint later, but a greater part is... where's the beginning, middle, and end? What's the point of the story? What plot has been pushed forward or what character has developed?
You could define the beginning, middle, and end by their location - ord mantell, inside the mech, inside the mech bridge - but that's not the plot. If the purpose was just finding the Heart of the Mountain, why did they have to leave it? Because stealing is bad? We got to see more Phee and I'm grateful for that, but the only thing that's really changed about the characters is Hunter's gone from not liking Phee to tolerating her. Are we going to find out why next episode?
My worry, biased and all, is that they're going to shoehorn in a Hunter/Phee romance where it doesn't make sense. If Hunter and Phee get more time together and a relationship that develops in a way that makes sense for the characters and the story, great! I will continue shipping Hunter/Echo and Tech/Phee and canon can suck my dick as always, but I won't be upset at the show. If there's no romance at all and it was all just rumors, I'm cool with that. If it's something that winds up crammed down our throats no matter the actual dynamic because "main character" and "pretty human he's not related to", I'm gonna be pissed.
I was also saying in response to last week's episode that I was really hoping for more character-focused episodes. This was not it. The main characters were very obviously Phee and Omega, with Omega in the role of the Wide-Eyed Wunderkind and Phee as the World-Wise Wench. We don't actually learn anything about Phee - her hopes, dreams, goals, character. The whole episode focused on her being intuitive and a treasure hunter and a storyteller - and at no point was any of that expanded or built upon from the exact impressions we got in her very first scene. It was more an advertisement of her skills than anything else. Nothing about Omega's character was changed, she was simply a crutch for the Phee advertisement instead of a sexy lamp (in the trope way, y'all, don't be gross) like the rest of the batch. In some ways, it felt like she got negative character development - like she was suddenly early Season 1 Omega again.
Maybe the point was to paralell Supply Run. Omega is safe with Phee like she isn't with Fennec - the last adult human woman to play a major role in the batch's lives other than the Martez sisters who were already proven allies to the audience (and if I shipped Hunter with any adult human woman it would be Rafa, but that's neither here nor there). But there were better ways to have shown that. Maybe the point was to set the batch up for more treasure hunting adventures in the rest of the season. Maybe that's important enough to need context later on. But there were better ways to have done that.
I'm also worried that if this episode is completely filler and irrelevant to the rest of the season, that's going to reflect on how fans treat Phee, which is going to impact whether or not we see her again. I'd really like to see her again - in this show or in others - but that's not going to happen if the writers and showrunners make all her screen time extraneous to the plot.
TL;DR: We have no plot, no point, no character development, just a handful of things that might be relevant later on and already concerning treatment of a promising Black female character by the production team. And I, personally, have a gut feeling we're going to get a poorly written romance that may very well actually doom the show if people react to it like they have to this episode.
But there's always next week, and I will choose to have hope things improve until they noticeably don't. 🤞
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baba-fett · 1 year
🔥🔥🔥burn it all down🔥🔥🔥
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Karrde, for you I took a moment to think of a good one.
If you watch Star Wars, and you look at the Jedi and your only thoughts are how bad they are, or that they're a cult: you're missing the point of Star Wars. I think a lot of people like to vilify the Jedi because it's the 'edgy' thing to do, and yes they made mistakes but they are still VERY CLEARLY the good guys. I've read so many fics where the Jedi are written as uncaring assholes, when that just really isn't the case with what we see in canon besides a few exceptions (looking at you Pong Krell, and that weird Luminara moment with the Martez sisters but that's a whole other discussion). We see so many canon examples of the Jedi caring for their clone troopers, rescuing them and putting their safety first. Mace Windu gets so much fannon hate because people are dumb and racist, but in s7 we see him make sure all the clones can get to safety while he risks his life to disarm a bomb.
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writingforfun0714 · 7 months
Hi everyone,
Sorry it’s been so long, I’ve been having some writers block. I’ve been trying to work on the block by drawing some fanart that I’ll post on my main @mabrego0714
Here are my WIPs I’m working on IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER so comment/reblog if you have a preference:
—Arcane Sisters of Mine fic Chapter 5
—Bad Batch AU—Jedi OC
—Game of Thrones/Jungle Book crossover
—Clone Wars Clone One-Shots (Day in the Life Of series, Shinies, etc)
—Delta Squad Reader Insert fic
I actually started getting writers block around the midpoint of Ahsoka. I hadn’t really had high hopes but it really fell short for me. I won’t get into it in this post, but because of my dissatisfaction with the show, my faith in Disney Star Wars has fallen. While I did think Rebels was more ‘kid-oriented’ at first, I didn’t hate it and I even grew to love it as a young adult (iirc Rebels is Disney’s first SW content). The Sequel trilogy should’ve been a wake up call.
Then, Clone Wars Season 7 was announced. I thought the animation was beautiful (aside from the horrendous clone model), and the soundtrack/music is incredible. That being said, I have some major problems with the story(ies). I liked the ideas but not the execution.
The Bad Batch’s intro is a perfect example.
It’s clear that the group is quite different in CW S7 than in their own show (which I won’t get into rn since those that have seen my previous posts know I hate tbb). In TCW, they are introduced as a unique clone squad that all have enhanced senses. They are shown to be disobedient and disconnected from the other clones, which makes absolutely no sense. They appear different to the ‘regular’ clones who have a derogatory nickname of ‘regs’. Their mission is to save a ‘reg’ clone who we (the audience) thought was dead: ARC Trooper Echo.
We see Rex’s loyalty to his men through his faith that Echo is alive. Despite being clones, Rex KNOWS the sound of Echo’s voice because of how long he’s served with him. Because of their prejudices, The Batch is skeptical and Crosshair, the sniper, even taunts Rex about Echo’s death. Despite being in the wrong, Wrecker, CF99’s weapons expert and largest of the group, defends Crosshair and attacks Jesse for defending Rex. That clearly set up a good group character arc of learning that all clones are brothers, not just the ones closest to you. At the end of Echo’s story, we learn that CF99 offers him to join the squad and he accepts (despite the group looking down on Echo and judging him once rescuing him).
We don’t learn until TBB that what little progress, if any, towards having a good relationship with clones is gone.
Next we learn about where Ahsoka’s been since walking away from The Jedi Order. It’s assumed she’s been hiding on the lower levels of Coruscant surviving. Her story opens with her speeder bike dying and her falling onto a garage platform belonging to the Martez sisters. Lots of people dislike the Martez sisters story arc due to their attitudes and behaviors. While I don’t hate them like a lot in the fandom seem to, they aren’t my favorite characters and I thought there were a lot of better stories that could’ve been told with Ahsoka.
That brings me to Ahsoka’s character. I get that people change over time and she was obviously still hurt by the Jedi Order, specifically the Council, but I didn’t like how easily she partnered with Bo Katan in the finale and sided with her cause given Bo’s history. She easily dismissed her relationship with Anakin (and Rex to an extent) despite her recognizing everything he did for her. But other than that, I loved Ahsoka meeting/fighting Darth Maul and the O66 moment for her and Rex was so tragic.
I loved the clones but I thought one person would’ve made it next level good: Kix, the 501st medic. I know in Legends he was frozen in carbonite/hypersleep or something and was woken up by pirates about 50-60yrs later, making him the last clone since the others have accelerated aging (aside from Boba/Omega). But I would’ve loved to see Kix either with Ahsoka and her 501st half or at least mentioned about being with Anakin and his 501st half.
So while I generally enjoy CW S7, I definitely prefer making my own interpretation and looking at fan-made art/stories.
Because I enjoyed the animation and music of CW S7, I was excited to see another show that has the same animation about clones: The Bad Batch. This is definitely one of those shows that has great ideas but the execution actually hurts it. They are shown to have lighter skin than the rest of the darker ‘regular’ clones and they all think they are superior to the other clones but especially Crosshair. Again, I won’t get into it, but TBB is a dumpster fire of racism and horrible story telling.
I definitely prefer the live action shows, but even then it’s hit or miss. Like I said, OWK and Ahsoka fell short for me. However I love Andor, Mando and TBoBF.
Which finally brings me to the upcoming Star Wars content animated and live action. SPOILERS—YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
First, the Mandalorian movie. I’m more hesitant about this movie despite my love for the show but that’s mostly because of Ahsoka. I didn’t like how Ahsoka was handled and because it left on a cliff hanger, I’m sure it’ll tie into the Mandalorian movie with Thrawn probably taking the role of the villain. I don’t think I really have any expectations other than it’s not bad, though Felony will helm the project so I’m not holding my breath.
Second, the Rey Skywalker movie. I definitely think Disney knows how badly they messed up with the sequel trilogy and will try and redeem Rey’s character. I think it’s an interesting premise. She knows Luke, who had a failed Jedi school, and she chooses to do the same, knowing it could fail like Luke’s but chooses to do it anyway. I’d love for this movie to show a new villain instead of Palpatine/Sith. I could see more Dark Jedi or even Night Sister magic being the main conflict instead.
Next, the James Mangold Star Wars movie. Supposedly it’s set thousands of years in the past and will focus on the first Jedi. I think that’s an interesting topic and a great chance to form new ideas as well as bring in Legends/EU content. However, with the mixed reviews of Indiana Jones 5, I’m tempering my expectations accordingly.
I know Taika Waititi has a Star Wars movie coming out as well but idk anything about it other than he wants to have original characters (which I think is good).
I think Shawn Levy has a Star Wars movie coming but again, no details about it since he’s been busy with Stranger Things S5 and Deadpool 3.
I believe Rian Johnson also has a trilogy set in a new place the lore has never explored before but I don’t think this trilogy is coming any time soon.
I believe that’s it for movies so over all I’m hesitant, but that’s because I need more info.
Now for the shows. I’ll start with the new ones.
Lando will obviously focus on Lando Calrissian played by Donald Glover. There’s no info about any idea of when the series will take place but I kinda hope it’s like right before the sequel trilogy.
Skeleton Crew has a good concept of a Jedi in hiding finding 4 Jedi kids and as long as it doesn’t get too family friendly and the writing is good I’m sure I’ll enjoy it. I’ve always thought this was the story they should’ve told with the Jedi Younglings in TCW arc.
The Acolyte is about the growing dark-side powers in the final days of the High Republic era (~200yrs before TPM). It seems like a noir-detective style show (like AotC) with a Master/Padawan duo investigating a series of crimes. It seems pretty cool and I’m excited for it.
I’m hoping Mandalorian S4 will be better than S3. I really want Din to call Grogu his son. Not his kid, not his boy, but his SON. SAY IT.
Definitely looking forward to Andor S2 the most. I thought Andor was slow at first and a bit complicated due to how many characters are introduced, but I loved the story and the actors had the passion that made their roles believable.
I could not care less about The Bad Batch S3. No matter what happens, I definitely prefer fandom ideas/my own headcanons. I MIGHT binge watch the season once all eps are out but I will NOT be watching on episode release days.
That brings me to the planned animated Clone Rebellion show. I’m assuming it’ll be the same CW style set after TBB S3 and focus on Rex (and possibly Wolffe+Gregor) which leads me to believe we won’t get much in the way of the clone rebellion in TBB S3. If this show uses the same damn clone model I will cut out Disney Star Wars. I don’t mind making my own stories/AU’s/etc, but Disney in general is on thin ice as it is.
Thanks for letting me get all that out. This is basically why I haven’t been writing. I’ve been pretty disappointed with Disney as of late due to their horrible live action remakes, mid-level animated movies like Elemental, Strange World, Lightyear and mediocre SW content.
If you’ve made it through this whole post, thank you for your time and I promise I will post something soon.
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majorshiraharu · 4 years
Always there for you - Martez Sisters Fic
Celebration of Star Wars POC 
------------------------------------- Summary: After not being able to spend much time with each other lately the Martez sisters decide to cook food together and cut each others hair, happy to be spending time together and enjoying things they did as kids. -------------------------------------
"Trace?!" Rafa called out, walking through the hanger of their shop, "Trace, where are you?" 
"Right here why?" Trace replied walking out from behind a ship she was repairing, accidentally scaring her sister, "Ahhh! Trace why'd you do that?" "Do what?"  "Scare me like that." "I didn't mean too, -- but it was funny." Rafa pretended like she was bothered by her sisters joking - but after a moment laughed along with her, pulling her in for a side hug as she rubbed her hand through Trace's hair. "Hey," Trace grumbled trying to escape her sisters grasp. "Your hair is gettin' messy sister."  "So is yours!" Rafa runs her hand over her own head feeling how much her hair had grown in, no longer the nice smooth shave it had just a few weeks ago. "We can cut each other's hair again, it's always so much fun to do and it's been a while since we've gotten a chance," Trace said as her expression changed now looking sadder, Rafa had been away a lot more lately doing odd jobs and out trying to find business for their mechanic shop. Thanks to her efforts the shop had a steady stream of work, almost too much for Trace to keep up with despite her plentiful energy and enthusiasm for her work. "I would love too," Rafa replied placing a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder, "Let's go home, Trace, we can cook some food and cut our hair."  "Sounds like a plan!" Rafa slides her arm across Trace's shoulder pulling her close as they walked home. ------- Rafa took off her coat hanging it off the back of her chair as she walked over to the kitchen counter. Pulling out some ingredients and setting them to the side of the stove, Trace brings over a pan handing it to her sister. "Why don't you go clean up and change out of that umm work clothes and I'll get started on the cooking."  "Awww but helping you is fun." "Well then be quick, I’ll just prep the stuff."  "Got it, I'll be back in a flash!" Trace said running off to the refresher. Rafa cuts up veggies setting them aside on a plate to add in later, as the rice cooks in the pot, -- not long after Trace runs back into the kitchen in her comfy clothes ready to help. 
"The rice is almost finished, throw in the veggies," Rafa said pointing at the plate at the back of the counter. Trace grabs the plate throwing the veggies into the cooking rice after gently mixing it, - once it finishes cooking they throw it all into the pan adding seasoning and some leftovers, this was something their mother always did when they were younger, the food was similar but always tasted special. They fill their bowls and sit down, catching up with each other, talking about the shop, their parents, and how they were doing. It was important to Rafa to always know how her sister felt, hoping that despite being the only family she had left that she knew that they would always be there for each other. After the sisters finished their food, taking extra time to indulge and enjoy the flavorful meal, they get up, cleaning off their dishes, and putting away the extra food for the next day. "So can we cut each other's hair now?!" Trace asked with a wide smile and bright eyes.  "Yes," Rafa replied walking to the refresher, finding the clippers and a towel, "You first Trace." Trace grabs a small stool and sits down watching in the mirror as her sister started to cut her hair, making sure to leave the lovely curls in the center, - she leans down intently looking over each area brushing at it with her hand before standing up straight again, "All done, how's it look?" "I love it, you always do such a great job, thank you!" She replied giving her sister a big hug, "Now it's your turn!" Taking the clippers from her sister as Rafa sat down pulling the towel across her shoulders and combing her section of hair to one side, "Now remember Trace don't cut that part," she said pointing at the section.  "Aw I did that once, it was an accident, I promised it wouldn't happen again," Trace mumbled making her sister laugh. "I know I know, but as your sister, I'm required to tease you about it."  "Very funny, but being bald did suit you though." "Trace!"  "I won't! I promise." "Thank you." Trace bends down slightly to get a better angle, turning on the clippers and carefully moving them around Rafa's head, shaving off the one side completely before moving on to the back of the head. She lifts up the sectioned part of hair, making sure to avoid it as she shaved under it, to just the length Rafa liked. Happy with her work she stands up, turning off the clippers and putting them to the side before leaning back down to loop her arms around her sister, "So what do you think?" "Another wonderful cut Trace, thank you, and thank you for not shaving it off." Both of the sisters laughed helping each other clean up the hair, sweeping up the floor, and putting everything back in its place. "I'm going to go pick out a film for us to watch tonight, it's been a while since we've gotten to do that." "Trace, you have to work tomorrow and so do I, it's already pretty late, we should get ready and go to sleep."  "Pleeeeease, Rafa, please I'll do your chores for a week, I just want to relax and watch a film like we use too." "Okay, but make sure it's not a super long one, I'll get ready while you pick one out."
"Yes!" Trace shouted jumping in the air before running off to find a film. -- Rafa sits down on the bed scooting back to lean against the wall as Trace turned on the film, the holoscreen lights up the otherwise dimly lit room as Trace crawls onto the bed. Grabbing some covers and pillows from the corner to put behind their backs, throwing the cover over her and her sister as they got ready to watch the film. Not even halfway through the movie Trace fell asleep, her head falling onto Rafa's shoulder, -- "Sleep well Trace," Rafa whispered leaning her head against her sisters’ as she too fell asleep, the sound of the movie fading as she dosed off. She missed days like this, they didn't happen often anymore but she treasured every moment of it.
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canismajors · 3 years
star wars lore that makes my brain go brrrr
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djarrex · 3 years
So I just read this fic where reader is with Rex and Ahsoka and she's pregnant with Hunter's baby and then they reunite and he finds out and it was *chef's kiss* but now I'm going absolutely feral imagining reader getting separated from Rex after order 66 and she ends up finding and joining TBB while looking for him and Echo is kinda looking out for her as she's like midway through her pregnancy and then she reunites with Rex and he finds out they're having a baby and this was really long but I'm ASDKJASJFKSAJKDSAJGD FEELINGS
ahhhh!!! ok so where can I find this fic of which you speak?? it sounds incredible omg. also. I can't even begin to imagine the emotions that Rex would experience upon being reunited with his love after months of assuming he'd lost her, to find out that she was safe with Echo and the others and pregnant with his child???? oh lordy.
That whole time Rex had assumed that she'd moved on, since it took him longer than he'd planned on to return home, and by the time he was able to sneak his way in to try to retrieve her to take her with him, she wasn't there. He wouldn't have a way of knowing that she had actually left home with the hopes and determination of finding him; she knew that Rex couldn't have perished, there was just no way, since she'd figured he'd been through and made it out of a lot worse in the past. The day he was supposed to come home after the mission on Mandalore was the day she found out she was pregnant, and was so excited to tell him - especially since one of the last, brief conversations they had was him informing her that things were changing for the better, and that the war looked like it was finally coming to a close.
Anyways, flash forward a few months or so and she ended up running into Echo and the boys. Well, they ran into her. Echo quickly recognized the woman walking through the market, even with her face somewhat hidden beneath the hooded cloak. How did she end up all the way out here? A flicker of hope lit up in her chest when seeing her love's oldest friend, but upon boarding their ship, they informed her that they hadn't yet heard from Rex, but knew he was alive going off of what Cut had said a few months ago. When Echo found out she was pregnant, he nearly broke down into tears. Even though he was not the leader the squad, he tried his hardest to convince Hunter to squeeze in more time to locate Rex. For her, and for Rex.
Flash forward again about a month or two later and they were all at Cid's. Cid had since taken a liking to her, and often allowed her to stay back at the parlor with Omega (sometimes Omega, at least) while the others did the sarcastic Trandoshan's dirty work to pay for their stay, among other things. Echo kept a close, caring eye on his closest friend's love, and made sure she had all she needed to keep comfortable during the pregnancy. Echo had asked Tech about some of the things that could be done - even researching newborn and infant care in case he would be needing to fill those shoes. Echo was more than ready to take care of her and Rex's baby; he felt strongly that he owed that to his former captain, but also, he loved them both and would do anything for them. Echo was fully prepared to leave his squad if that meant getting her and the baby somewhere safe and steady.
Rex heard from the Martez sisters that a squad of rogue clones, a little girl, and woman had helped them back on Corellia, and that they were supposedly staying on Ord Mantell, per the words of the friendly little girl. Something tugged at Rex's heart when they mentioned the small involvement of that woman, and of course because there was a squad of rogue clones and a child operating out of that seedy planet, Rex needed to go see for himself. He didn't dare ask too much about the woman in particular, not wanting to get his hopes up or to create false, misplaced hope in his heart.
Through some digging around in town he came to find that 'Cid's' was the place to be. He entered the parlor with caution - the hood of his cloak secured atop his head. Taking his seat after ordering a drink, the captain watched, listened, and waited. 
Finally, they walked in - Sergeant Hunter’s squad, minus Crosshair, but with... a little blonde girl. Tech and Echo made their way to the office in the back while Hunter, Wrecker, and the unfamiliar child stood in front of the bar while speaking back and forth. Rex observed their interaction from the narrow space between the brim of his hood and the lip of the lifted cup, and watched Wrecker and the kid sprint out the front with matching smiles on their very different sized faces. Hunter turned to head back in the same direction of Tech and Echo, but he paused - looking over at the far end of the parlor in Rex's direction. Rex made no sudden movements - sipping his drink casually while making sure to keep his head down.
None of them appeared to be chipped - or at least, they weren't acting like they were.
It didn't take long for Rex to get antsy. There wasn't yet any sign of this woman he was sure was here with the boys, they were taking a while in the back, and then a couple of lads decided to pester him about 'sitting in their seat'. Perhaps Rex shouldn't have threatened the pair with a short series of blaster bolts aimed at the exit in warning, but it had ended up working in his favor.
Hunter had come running out with Tech, Echo, and that Trandoshan in tow - blasters in their hands as they surveyed the scene before them. The cloaked captain sat his smoking, dual pistols down on the table in front of him, and slowly turned to face the welcoming party. Cautiously removing the hood from his head while keeping his guard up, Rex scanned the shocked faces of his brothers.
Echo spoke first - his expression morphing into something Rex couldn’t translate. Then the top of a woman’s head poked out from behind the four of them - Echo turning in her direction and guiding her through.
The next few moments seemed to have went by in slow motion once he caught sight of her - when she caught sight of him.
The first thing Rex noticed after reluctantly breaking away from her embrace was the belly. Round and protruding, and it was probably not too comfortable for her when pressed against his armor. The Martez sisters left out the fact that the woman was pregnant.
"Are you- you're- is that-"
Rex knew that the answers to his stuttered blend of questions were stupidly obvious as soon as the words left his lips, but he just couldn’t think straight. She was here, and full with his child. Tears were already streaking down her cheeks as she nodded - Rex cradling her wet face in his gloved hands, wiping away some of the tears with a thumb. He felt his own eyes start to burn, but couldn't care less. Rex had just reunited with the love of his life and found out he was going to be a father in the same moment. He looked over her head at Echo in the background, who was smiling with the softest expression he’d ever seen on his brother’s face. Through their eyes alone they communicated: I was trying to find her, she was trying to find you, thank you for keeping her safe, I would do anything for you two, I know you would
“Let’s, uh, give them some time,” Echo said to the ones who stood around him - rubbing at his eye with the back of his hand. Cid shook her head and sighed loudly before turning to head back to her office, and the others followed. 
Then it was just Rex and her, and for some reason, neither of them were sure on what to do - unsure on how to find what was supposed to come next. There was so much lost time to make up for, so much happiness and joy to squeeze in a single moment; luckily, they had forever laid out in front of them - a path crystal clear and bright. They just needed to find the beginning of that path, then they’d navigate it together.
"I thought I lost you," they said in unison - their foreheads pressed together and lips connecting.
I’m here with you now
I love you
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missshezz · 3 years
Fourteen and a half hours later and my frustration over the bullshit that was the “season finale” of the Bad Batch burns hotter than ever. I posted a warning last night for people to use filters because this post is going to be anti-Omega and severely critical of the Bad Batch writing.
Scroll by now if you somehow didn’t heed that warning…
That’s what this episodes was. Thirty minutes of no stakes, no consequences, no emotional impacts or investment in the outcome (because you could telegraph they were all going to survive), little actual drama, and a massive copout in the end (which I predicted weeks ago).
There’s no build into season two (yay more of the same aimlessly plodding along and working for Cid shit we have gotten all this season), no hook to keep us interested (Nala Se working for the Empire was predicted back during Fives arc), the characters learned nothing and are essentially left as they were in the beginning of the season.
We got tweets hyping the hell out of this episode…
And that’s all it was: hype.
From episode one the characters of Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and especially Crosshair have been de-characterized, pushed aside for a child character that makes no sense (and who was also hyped up and fallen flatter than a pancake), sent on missions which were really cameo appearances to lead to Rebels (hyping that disaster in hopes of getting more people to watch it), wasted time on things that went nowhere (Omega being hunted as a prime example), and rehashed and repeated plotlines from other shows and movies.
Bad Batch did nothing but flatter the egos of Dave Filoni and Jennifer Corbett by highlighting characters from Clone Wars and Rebels. Characters that were unnecessary and best held for season two or three of BB to have worked in the larger scheme of things.
Rex was all but wasted in his few appearances. His only real purpose was the first of many glaring plot holes the show suffers from: the inhibitor chips.
Gregor and Howzer both were also wasted. Chekhov’s Gun, folks…. “details within a story or play should contribute to the overall narrative.” The purpose of this is to keep writers from making false promises by including details, events or characters that do not play a crucial role in the outcome of the story.
Cody, Wolffe, even Kix were kicked aside for the Martez Sisters, Hera and her parents, and the also wasted Cad Bane (who was bested by a child).
Cody especially should have been included in this show at some point since a) he was kriffin Marshal Commander and b) had a connection to Clone Force 99.
Folks, I’ve read over a thousand pieces of fan fiction in my time on the internet. I’ve seen better from the worst fan fic writers than what we got in Bad Batch. Those writers have passion for their fandom and the characters.
The writers of Bad Batch produced a soulless, aimless, plot-hole riddled mess that left me empty, cold, and unsatisfied by seasons end.
No big questions were asked or answered.
No big moments of revelations that changed lives occured.
No development of any of the characters.
No epic battles.
What we got was lied too.
The Bad Batch wasn’t about The Bad Batch.
It wasn’t even about the clones.
It was about one character and one character only: Omega.
The child created before the Bad Batch but who nobody, least of all Clone Force 99 saw until their magical return to Kamino following Order 66.
Omega who saved the day not once this episode but three times.
Omega who clearly wasn’t part of the original plans for the show and who was painfully shoehorned in just to pacify the Couch Warriors.
Omega who took up episode space and scenes needed to develop and cultivate an actual plot.
Omega who knows everything, can do everything, is loved by everyone she meets, has no flaws, is a pure genetic copy of Jango, learned no real lessons (outside of what dirt feels like) or experienced any real growth in sixteen episodes.
Omega who has thicker plot armor than even Ashoka Tano (who was also shoehorned into many episodes and arcs she wasn’t needed in).
When you remove Omega, the show flows in a way that almost makes it work. The finale would have functioned better if she wasn’t involved because it would have forced the BB and Crosshair into a higher stake situation. The element of fear about their survival actually comes into play and there’s an emotional investment built to see them find a way out of their predicament.
AZ was also a copout. It was the one character defining moment this show had to give Omega something to actually grow and learn from next season. Instead, he’s saved and the BB fly off Kamino in the midst of sunshine while leaving Crosshair behind (again).
Speaking of, a stronger finale would have had Crosshair go with them. Why? Because their struggles to overcome their differences, Crosshair struggling with his chip and choosing his brothers or the Empire sets up season two.
Lazy, inconsistent writing.
That’s all this season has been.
I will continue to say it despite the hate it inspires.
We got robbed, folks.
Again and again and again.
We should be blasting dear ole Dave and all the writers on Twitter for lying to us. They promised us Bad Batch, hyped up epic moments that’d leave us in tears and gave us a show that was anything but.
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gffa · 4 years
I'm not sure if you've talked about this before, so forgive me if it's already been asked: What's your opinion on the planets of Star Wars, i.e. the tendency for entire planets to be mostly just one biome?
My thoughts are sort of all over the place, in that there’s a lot that goes into a question like this, like “how common are single biome planets?” versus “how common are single biome planets that can support life?” because, like, if you have a world that’s entirely iced over or as hot as Venus is, you’re probably not going to be able to support life on it, while most of the SW planets we see do support life. The real answer, of course, is that rarely is there a point to showing anything other than one area of a planet in a story, so you get, say, a “desert world” or an “ice world” or a “swamp world”, but I like to think that (even if they’re described as a “swamp world” etc.) they’re not actually like that over the entire planet.  Maybe not as diverse as Earth is, but Dagobah maybe has some deserts and some icy areas as well.  Maybe Hoth is warmer near the equator. I mean, look at Kessel in The Clone Wars vs Solo, we see the spice mines area and it’s rocky, somewhat barren looking terrain, but then Ahsoka and the Martez sisters go on their mission and they go into a lush area of the planet. So, until proven otherwise (and even then I’m skeptical), I just assume most SW planets aren’t actually single biome planets.  But that it’s useful to describe them as such, because if you’re looking for an ice world for your fic, I can pull up a list of “ice worlds” then!
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Continuing publishing here my fics. Today the one which I giggled the most writing it.
It was the first time I dared to publish something I knew it wasn’t a well known loved ship. But I’m still in love of the way it turned out. After it, I came with the idea of: in your AO3 account you publish what you want! If people don't like, they can die mad about it.
Summary: An alcoholic night with the Martez Sisters made Ahsoka revisited her past. She has never been lucky in love. Short after that, coming back from a mission, she found at her door step someone who has been searching for her for the last eight years...
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intermundia · 4 years
I’m the one who sent in that ask for your ABO take, and uhhh ma’am say what you will but it certainly met MY brief!! It was filth *and* it was romantic, just how I like my ABO!!! Thank you!! Of course this is now making me idly speculate on the sequel where they actually have to leave the order, and Anakin deals with overprotective Alpha Obi-Wan. If his state before they were mated is an indicator he’ll prob destroy Palpatine and anyone else a little too easily. TLDR this was perfect.
Aaaaah bless you anon!!! I almost posted it as a Prompted because it was you who put the idea higher up on my queue, but it ended up being so long I made it it’s own story instead haha 💕
I did toy around with imagining how the sequel would go. Like, would they leave immediately? Wait a few months? Would the other Jedi sense the bond and the baby? Would they leave or be kicked out? What would Palpatine do, if his prized future Apprentice just like... ghosted lol
When I wrote it originally, Anakin offered to leave and hide and keep the baby safe—but I didn’t want to imply that pregnant people can’t fight (I dislike ABO weird pseudo-gender roles tbh) I think Anakin could still be a capable warrior, but I just couldn’t imagine Alpha!Obi-Wan allowing his pregnant mate to jump off buildings and get shot at constantly, you know?
So, it made me much happier to imagine them heading off into the sunset together. Either Palpatine dies by falling down a well, or.... we would get a post Order 66 fic where Anakin, Obi-Wan, Luke and Leia, (and Ahsoka lets be real, who let’s say was at the Martez sisters shop during all this) are a family who do Rebellion Crime together haha
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meandmyechoes · 4 years
re: sleeping on each other's shoulder fic
what if, what if i write a sequel-sequel to it, set sometime before S7E02, have Anakin visits the medic office for insomnia or something, and found Jesse doing that to Kix who's too busy with paperwork to shurg his puppy off
wait that means i could copy that with Ahsoka and the Martez sisters
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mtab2260 · 2 years
Usually, in google docs the way I name the documents themselves is I abbreviate the name the fics. For instance, Agent Romanoff — Welcome to Level Seven is AG-LS, and Turbine Addition is TA.
So I was rewatching a few episodes of Clone Wars this morning, specifically the Martez sister's arc (yes, yes, I know but I was watching it for Ahsoka's story, not for the sisters). And you know that moment in the second episode of the arc where they almost get arrested by the 501st for flying in military airspace and the only reason they didn't was because Anakin sensed Ahsoka was on there? Okay, well AU where Anakin wasn't on the bridge when that happened and so Yularen ordered the arrest.
Anyways, my point is I named it The Will Of The Force, and when abbreviating I thought nothing of it until I read it back.
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gffa · 4 years
Scattered Star Wars Thoughts: - I listened to the  Star Wars Audiobooks Panel from SDCC 2019, which was fun but more about the process of creating those books than anything in-world, but a couple of things were of very interesting note: Cavan Scott mentioned how many (most?) Star Wars stories are first person, which I don’t think is meant literally, but I took as a nod towards the whole unreliable narrator thing, or at least in that general direction When he talked about writing for Dooku: Jedi Lost, he didn’t realize he was going to be writing the character from the ages of 10 to 60, “when he left the Jedi Order”.  Is he saying that Dooku was 60 when he left?  I’d love to know, because that book is super loosey-goosey with the timeline in a way that drives me a little batty. - So I read Ms. Barr’s tweets about “Shattered” and how Ahsoka’s story with the Martez sisters matters and saw the preview clip about how Jedi were trained as peacekeepers, but all she’s been as a Padawan is a soldier, and I’m just really not looking forward to any more Jedi Discourse about how they’re making all the wrong choices in this war, how they’re blind about what’s going on because they just aren’t listening, how they don’t kill themselves quite enough for the rest of the galaxy, especially RIGHT AS THEY’RE BEING GENOCIDED. I know the narrative probably doesn’t intend for me to pick up on the context that the show itself has laid out, that there are good reasons they do what they do, as well as people fighting back in pretty much every other era is a good thing, but suddenly it’s somehow bad when the Jedi do it, like, on the Rebels are good people for fighting against the oppression of the Empire, the Resistance are good people for fighting against the oppression of the First Order, but the Jedi are bad for fighting against the oppression of the Separatists, despite that all three regimes do the exact same kind of terrible atrocities. And I’m tired of warily eyeing the show to hold Ahsoka up as a saint, because she has made mistakes, she does let her feelings get in her way, she did that in The Wrong Jedi arc and she’s doing that in this arc as well, she’s justifiably angry, but that still means she’s putting her own anger above her compassion and empathy, she’s putting her own pain above seeing others clearly, and that’s fine, that doesn’t even come close to making her a bad person or wrong about it, but she’s not a perfect selfless person, either. So, with the whole “the Martez sisters set up Ahsoka’s arc in ‘Shattered’“ and “the things she learned about the Jedi”, it’s going to be The Next Round of Hey The Jedi Are Literally Dying In The Slaughter The Empire Is Unleashing On Them And Their Children, Let’s Shit Talk Them Because They Kind Of Brought Their Own Literal Genocide On Themselves Amiright?, and it’s never been that I need or even want the Jedi to be perfect, but the dissonance of what they actually show versus what they try to tell us, like right up to the end, Obi-Wan is trying to help Anakin, Mace is giving the droids a chance, the war was already on Skako Minor they didn’t bring it there, the Separatists are committing heinous crimes (like what they did to Echo) that shouldn’t be walked away from, there are no good choices, Luminara even went back to talk to the Martez sisters, that what Ahsoka learned was “people have lost faith in the Jedi because they don’t spend enough time on Coruscant, because they’re busy fighting the war” and what about that is meant to show that the Jedi don’t care, when Ryloth is burning, when Mon Calamari is burning, when Kiros is burning? It’s just really frustrating, especially when I have to sift through so many bad Hot Takes that are treated as objective fact and I kind of want to scream. Scattered Star Wars Thoughts/2020 Resolutions Update: - Star Wars Audiobooks Panel SDCC 2019 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars s07e04-10 - The Star Wars Show 2020.04.29 Current total:  230/260 Scattered Everything Else Thoughts/ 2020 Resolutions Update: - The Sinner s03e01-08 Current total:  282/260 Star Wars Fic Recs 2020 Resolutions Update Current total written:  183/520
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stuffedeggplants · 3 years
For the prompt: Rafa martez
I forgot to answer this earlier, I'm sorry!
First impression
She reminded me of a person I know who's always dragging people into drama or bad situations and gets really defensive because she thinks she's doing the best for everyone and we're not appreciating her efforts.
Impression now
Honestly it hasn't really changed, lol.
Favorite moment
I was going to say "is there an Echo in here?" but then I remembered that was Trace, not Rafa. In that case it's when Rafa tells Ahsoka that she acts like her image of an ideal Jedi, despite the fact that Ahsoka no longer considers herself one.
Idea for a story
Rafa coming up with convoluted ways for Trace to cheat on her speeder driving license exam even though Trace wants to study for it and take it honestly. It'd be a crack fic, though I'm not interested in writing for Rafa.
Unpopular opinion
I'd have preferred the arc with her and her sister be in season 6.
Favorite relationship
Her romance with Steela Gerrera. Her relationship with her sister I guess?
Favorite headcanon
That the little necklaces she and Trace wear are from things that used to belong to their parents and were broken during the crash that killed them.
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