marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
╰•★★ OBX: RUDY P. / JJ M. ★★•╯
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⤷ fics/drabbles:
- mine.
- you try weed for the first time with bffstoner!jj
- jj x fem!reader {smut}
⤷ prompts/visuals:
•camera roll/dating jj. // lumberjack!jj vis //biker!jj
•stoner!jj // late night drive. // mechanic!jj.
⤷ hc/thoughts:
- adhd/anxiety |
••• jj/rudy smutty visuals:
• jj’s hands/fingers: one || two. || video of Rudy’s fingers || jj ||
⤷ | icons.
- misc. from s1
- S1/1 // || 2. || deny,deny,deny sc ||
- (S2) - one. || two. || (3) ||
••• | jj & pope | icons:
- jjpope s1 | s1 #2 || [SEASON 2] S2 ||
- sc s1. || sc 2 || s2 sc ||
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⤷ bts: video (1) | video w/ chase |
— ⤷ rudy & jd: video of rudy trying to kiss jd || jd & rudy driving. || jd and rudy bts vid. || video of jj dancing w/ jd. || pics of jd & rudy || rudy & jd from jd tiktok || bts vid ||
— ⤷ rudy & chase: v || video (2) || c&r singing || bts pic || drinking & dancing ||
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tabbedtabby · 5 months
good luck, babe! | chapter 2
regina george x reader
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summary: After the Queen Bee of North Shore makes up rumors about you taking pictures of girls in the changing room, you decide to take matters into your own hands. You didn’t think that would mean coming to a reluctant agreement with Regina George.
a/n: i wasn’t gonna add cady but now i am because it’s convenient for me so just pretend she’s in the last chapter lol. also they get high way faster than what’s accurate but i wrote this in like 4 sittings it felt longer to me pls spare me. if the picture collage thing is ugly i’m sorry i’m not a tumblr native 😭 but anyways big thanks to everyone who interacted with the first chapter mwah!!!!! (photo creds from left to right: @/mediorcesav on insta, @/marvelsgirl616, casual mv by chappell roan)
When the bell rings after 7th period, you’re already halfway out the door.
You’re already sober enough from earlier so you’re desperate to get outside, even if Regina will be there. You bite the inside of your mouth in annoyance. You like your after school alone time; you didn’t want the person who literally ruined your social life to be there. At least maybe she’ll leave right after you smoke. You realize she most likely won’t after you remember she drives. How could you forget that bedazzled orange Jeep?
You feel the dappled sunlight sink heat into your skin once you enter the woods behind the baseball field. It really was a nice day. You make your way to your usual spot and lift up the pile of sticks and leaves that hide your forest stash. The guy who sells to you charges a ridiculous amount for carts compared to just the plant so you try to use them sparingly. Even if this shit stinks up the whole forest.
You’re not sure if Regina will care or not if you start without her, so you pull out your phone to pass the time. Besides, you want to be sober anyway when she finally shows.
After about 20 minutes of standing there, you start to get impatient. You almost pull the bag out to start without her before you finally see a flash of blonde hair from behind the trees.
“Took you long enough.” you mutter, already opening the bag without paying Regina much attention. Your patience was windeled, and you don’t especially want to talk to her anyway.
“Sorry I have a social life. I guess you wouldn’t know,” she snaps back, her voice strained.
You feel the annoyance crawl down your back like a centipede, and you have to bite the inside of your mouth to stop yourself from saying something back to her. She holds basically your life in her hands since you’d be both fucked and poor if she decided to snitch on you. Probably not a good idea to start a fight on the first day of your little deal, but she made it difficult.
You grab one of the cans from under the pile of leaves as you see Regina cross her arms a couple feet away from you. Her eyes watching your every move makes you a bit wary on instinct. You feel like a mouse being stalked by a snake. You grab a decently sized piece out of the bag and put it on the crushed can. You couldn’t be bothered to roll your own blunts, so this was the next best thing.
“How much have you smoked before?” you ask, just wanting a general idea on how much she should have so that you wouldn’t have to drag her to the parking lot. Apparently, she takes great offense.
“What are you, my mom? Just hurry up so I can get out of here,” she says begrudgingly, like being out here was the biggest possible drag on her life. She was really grating on your last nerve right now.
“Trying my best.” you respond dryly, giving her a snide smile as you fiddle with the lighter.
“Well, obviously it’s not good enough. What are you even doing, anyway? This is the shadiest shit I’ve ever seen—”
You blow the first hit out of your mouth harshly. “Can you please just shut the fuck up? I don’t want to be out here with you either!”
“That’s shocking. I’m surprised this isn’t your ultimate wet dream, being alone in the forest with me,” Regina sneers, nothing but disgust on her face. Like you were some kind of animal instead of human.
“What’s that going off of? The photo collection that you made up?” you snap, putting the can down for a minute. “Believe me, I want nothing to do with you either. But since we’re gonna be out here every day, you could at least make it a little easier.”
You can tell she wants to rip your throat out just by the way she looks at you. Pursed lips, downturned eyebrows, piercing blue eyes surrounded by eyeliner almost as sharp as the look she’s giving you right now. She’s way too tense for someone about to get high.
“Whatever.” she finally says, although the edge to her voice makes you want to scoff. Better not to sour her mood more than necessary, though.
Pleased with the newfound silence, you light the piece on top of the can once more and take another hit. It’s strong enough to make you cough, and you sit down against the foot of a tree. Regina raises an eyebrow at you.
“I thought you were supposed to be some kind of professional,” she says, but her voice isn’t quite as taunting as before. It almost sounded like a joke. Maybe she was considering not making this hell for you after all.
“It’s not good if it doesn’t make you cough.” you respond with a shrug. She looks at you expectantly, but you pretend you don’t see. You don’t want to have to stand back up just to pass her the can.
Eventually, she sits next to you (albeit, begrudgingly) and you pass the can to her, lighting it again when she puts her lips up to it. She explodes into a coughing fit the minute the smoke hits her lungs.
You can’t help but snicker at the sight of Regina George coughing her lungs out with just one hit from the can. It was almost strange to see her not perfectly arranged the way she was at school. You were up close enough to see the strings that sew her together.
She glares at you from the corner of her eye, but it only makes you laugh harder. You’re acting stupid right now and you’re aware of it, but you can’t stop. It’s a nice sort of high. Not like when you smoke too much and everything starts to blur together, which happens more than you’d like to admit. But this is nice. You lean back until your back touches the grass.
Regina has a couple more hits until she’s smoked about everything that’ll come out of it, and you both just lay there on the forest floor. You’re surprised she isn’t whining about dirt getting on her outfit. Maybe she’s too stoned to care. She never did answer your question about her tolerance.
Your thoughts go elsewhere as you stare up at the sky. The tops of the trees cover most of it. The sun from behind the leaves make them look almost as if they are glowing. It’s so beautiful. You wish you could reach up and feel it between your own fingertips, the fabric of the sky.
“You don’t care about what I think about you.” You hear Regina say, her voice only a couple of feet away from you. It sounds more like a statement than a question.
You don’t why it’s funny to you, but it is. You feel the laugh escape your lips before you can stop it.
“I guess not.” you respond, even though you’re not certain if she wanted a response. It sounded like she was just thinking out loud. You feel that.
“Everyone else does. They grovel to me like lap dogs.” she says amusingly, although her voice drags and you can tell she’s starting to get tired.
“You don’t like it?” you ask with surprise.
“It’s the way it should be,” she declares, as if you’re stupid for even asking. “But everyone else is a less hot version of me. It gets annoying talking to the same clones that hang onto my every word. Like, just be normal for once in your life,” Regina complains, an annoyed edge in her tone near the end. Somehow you could tell she was talking about Gretchen. That poor girl really did hang onto every little thing Regina said or did. It was almost worshipful. But in an unfortunate, sad kind of way.
Her problems didn’t seem all that hard compared to others, but you don’t say anything. It’s intesting to you to hear her talk about this stuff, to see what goes on in her head. You’d never really considered what her life was like. You wonder if there’s a reason she’s the way that she is. There must be. Everyone’s a product of their environment in some shape or form. Of course, it doesn’t excuse everything she’s done, but that thought makes you want to get inside her head somehow.
You shake your head at the silly train of thought. Regina George was just plain mean. Nothing more to it. You turn your head to look at her as you realize you never responded.
Her eyes are closed, hair splayed out on the forest ground. She looks stoned as fuck, her chest rising and falling dangerously slow. You snort and roll your eyes. How low was her tolerance? You already felt mostly normal again.
Somehow she still manages to look perfect, even if you could mistake her as a corpse. You lay your head back down. Your parents wouldn’t mind if you were home a little late, right?
After that, you and Regina would meet to smoke behind the school almost every day, except when Regina had plans with her friends and you would just go alone. You still wish she wasn’t there, but sometimes she’s okay to talk to when she isn’t being a priss. She complains about her friends and boys and how sometimes in the morning her eyelash curler refuses to work. It’s entertaining to hear about how shallow her problems are. You still want to punch her most of the time, though.
This time around, however, she’s complaining about math. Something about her teacher failing her on purpose or something to make her have sex with him to get her grade up. You seriously doubt that’s true, but you listen anyway.
“Like, he’s totally obsessed with me. I know how to do the work, but he always marks it as wrong anyway. That Cady girl helps me with it, and she’s some kind of math freak.” Regina exclaims, taking a huge hit from the smoking can. She immediately sputters and you take the can back from her with a slight roll of your eyes. That’s probably enough for her.
“Is she, though?” you ask, taking a hit from the can yourself. “She’s in my Calc class and lately she’s been doing really shitty. I guess you guys are rubbing off on her,” you say with amusement.
Regina takes a deep breath, an agitated sigh coming out of her. “What’s the point of her tutoring me, then? They’re gonna take me off the soccer team if I don’t start passing like all of my classes. It’s like she wants me to fail.” she seethes, and she sounds genuinely upset. She could afford to pay attention in class instead of doing her makeup if better grades is what she wants, but alas.
You kind of want to offer to help her, but it’s her own fault so you bite your tongue. You put the can down with a sharp sigh. You’d rather not smoke too much around her in fear that you’ll start acting stupid and she’ll post it all over the internet. Just the slightly more giggly high is fine for now.
Regina stares bullets through you as your stash back under the pile of leaves. You pick up your backpack and get ready to leave. You feel fine enough to walk home.
“You’re not gonna offer to help me?” she asks indignantly, as if you owed it to her. You have to bite your lip to keep from groaning in annoyance. Could she be any more of a spoiled brat?
“Why would I do that?” you respond, feeling that your distaste seeps through your voice as well as your expression. You’re tired, both from school and from hanging out with Regina for too long. You just want to go home.
“Because I’m keeping your secret?” she says with that tone that reminds you of a viper. The one she uses to get whatever she wants from people by threatening to ruin them. Your chest bubbles with that same anger as that day in the cafeteria.
“Dude, I’m literally your plug. I’ve done enough for you to keep your mouth shut.” you snap, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. She was really starting to piss you off. That’s how it was with Regina; just when you think she’s all right, she starts doing this bullshit again.
“So what? I don’t need weed. I can break our deal whenever I want. Besides, you’ll only tutor me until the end of the month. It’s not that deep.” It’s only the beginning of October, so you’d be wasting more of your time with her for the next month, but of course she doesn’t include that. God, you’re so pissed off, but what can you do? Not be able to smoke anymore? Get suspended again? You hate that she can just hang this over your head until you comply. You bite your lip hard enough to draw blood as you stare at her, one of her hands on her hip and her eyebrows raised as if you’re a dog she just told to heel that won’t listen. Your hands bunch into tight fists until your knuckles turn white. You really wish you had seen her with that bruise right about now.
“Fine.” you spit, pushing your way out of the clearing and back towards the school. Great. Now it would take even longer to shake Regina off. You shoulder branches of leaves out of your way, your feet kicking at the dirt. You wished she could just be fucking normal and that she never started any of this in the first place.
“I better see you tomorrow, loser!” You hear Regina scream from somewhere behind you. God, you were gonna kill her. Or yourself. Whichever came first.
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outerbanksgirl616 · 3 months
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Hello. This is a side blog I made to post more Outer Banks stuff on. { main: @marvelsgirl616 }
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911madness · 25 days
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hello. ♥️
- my name is Elle. My main is : @marvelsgirl616
- dedicated to the 911 fandom (& 911 lone star)
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featherandferns · 4 months
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS???? https://www.tumblr.com/marvelsgirl616/749854858473013248?source=share (IT'S RUDY WITH A PUPPY!!!)
i see jj and puppies and i think of u
thank you for blessing my day with this video <333
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beefybuckrrito · 3 years
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Hi there, lovelies!! @chrisevansgoodgirl @messrfeathers @rainbowkisses31 @marvelsgirl616 💖✨
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Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged By: @buckywilsonbarnes Thank you for the tag!! 💜
Three Ships: Sambucky, IronWinter, Stuckony (Buct I'm a major multi-shipper so I ship almost everything 😂)
First Ever Ship: Dude, it was during my Twilight phase that I really started shipping so my first ever ship would be like,,, Bella/Jasper, lol
Last Song: Starving By Hailee Steinfeld
Last Movie: Fantastic Four (2012), it was my first time seeing any fantastic four movie, tbh
Currently Reading: Well non-fic-wise, I'm reading Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer and Alice by Christina Henry. Fic-wise, I'm currently reading a Sambucky fic called Carry On, Carry On by Fen_Telban on AO3, as well as The Flowers Tell A Story, a Stuckony fic by QJK13 on AO3
Currently Watching: Teen Wolf. I'm on Episode 8 of Season 2 at the moment!
Currently Consuming: Nothing, tbh
Currently Craving: A country fried steak from anywhere that makes one, omg. Literally my favorite meal, hands down. Luckily, we're going to Cracker Barrel for my birthday this month and they have one that's so good 😌
Tagging: @buckybeardreams @sergeantbbarnes @marvelsgirl616 @just-two-kids-from-brooklyn @ace-of-gay @breakablebarnes @peoplealwaysleave89 @olstansoul @we-are-n0t-d0ing-get-help @hallecarey1
You don't have to do it if you don't want!!! Just thought it would be fun 💜
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reelovesbuckybarnes · 3 years
I seriously need to ask ...
Did anyone check out sebastian's audition tape for fifty shades of grey? Oh ...my...God i watched it last night and the sound of he's voice not only did excite me but it also had send shivers down my spine and i swore my heartbeat doubled. I fell asleep at 5 am this morning south African time 😋
He's voice is so seductive and hot. Wow he would've been the perfect Christian grey. Oh wow
Oh wow
Oh wow.
That man is just so hot 🔥
@book-dragon-13 @suchababie @buckybuckobucky @georgiapeach30513 @igotnoname4thisblog @navybrat817 @navybrat817-sideblog @bitchy-whore-buck @beefybuckrrito @jobean12-blog @another-widow @jewels2876 @srmdarling @sponsoredbytonystark @marvelsgirl616 @lalahbug
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marvel-girl-13 · 3 years
WIP Game
Tagged by @blackinkpen, thanks, love.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs
So I don't have a specific folder for WIPs so I had to do a tiny bit of hunting, haha.
pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
Green and Gold (subtitle pending)
Black and Blue: I feel like a hero and you are my heroine
Black and Blue (subtitle pending)
Tagging: @bibbitybobbitybooyah, @buckyhoney, @marvelsgirl616, @crimsonrae
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
╰•★★ OBX: RC/DS ★★•╯
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⤷ •• fics:
- possessed.
- NSFW 💭🔥: one.
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⤷ •• icons:
- season one: one. | two. | three.
- season two: one. | two | three | four. | five. | six. | seven. | rarry | eight. | nine. |
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⤷ •• prompts/visuals:
- stalker!rafe vis. | stalker!rafeu vis. 2 | rafe hanging out with the pogues. | giving rafe a bj | rafe & ward | shopping w/ rafe | rafe on his knees | motorcycle ride w/ rafe |
⤷ ••• biker!rafe masterlist: link.
⤷ ••• dark/obsessedrafe! vis. •••
-> if I can’t have you then no one can.
-> i’d let the world burn for you.
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••• drew/rafe smutty visuals:
- vid of drew saying “oh fuck”
- rafe/drews hands: num. 1 | num. 2
⤷ ••• rafe angsty visuals:
- one. |
( sarah & rafe meme ) incorrect rarry
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— bts pics: diff pics. bts. | drew & rudy | charles & drew.
— pics: happy/sad |
— videos: drew & chase dancing | drew 1. | tiktok of drew + nicholas |
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
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Link to my Pinterest account.
★̶̲ 『 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒 (𝐎𝐁𝐗) 』 ★̶̲
★̶̲ | 𝙅𝙅 𝙈𝘼𝙔𝘽𝘼𝙉𝙆/𝙍𝙐𝘿𝙔 𝙋𝘼𝙉𝙆𝙊𝙒: masterlist.
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★̶̲ 『 DC TV 』 ★̶̲
★̶̲ ★̶̲ — [ TITANS ] ★̶̲ ★̶̲
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
•• 𝐉𝐉’𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 •• {smut}
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•• Pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader ••
•• Sum: he eats you out for the first time and then you fuck. ;)
•• WARNINGS: slightly dom!jj?, rough sex, p in v, he calls you a slut and a whore…lmk if I should add anything else.
•• A/N: this is my first time ever writing smut so please be kind. 😭 these pics were my inspiration.
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+ minors dnr! I do not permit anyone copying and posting my work anywhere else! SMUT BELOW THE CUT! Enjoy! +
*you’re making out with jj and he’s taken your shirt and bra off*
He smirks and whispers huskily, "Ever had someone eat your pussy out, princess?"You blush and shake your head no, feeling yourself getting wetter by the second.
"well, you're in for a treat then," jj says and starts slowly, his tongue exploring your pussy and teasing your clit. he then inserts his fingers into your pussy as he fingers you while he eats you out. "you like that, princess?"
you let out a whimper that turns into a needy moan as he relentlessly eats you out.
"good, princess. I want to hear you moan for me," jj growls, adding another finger and speeding up his movements. he uses his other hand to grind your hips against his face as he continues to eat you out, feeling you get wetter with each passing second.
You moan as you feel your pussy is being licked and fucked harder and harder. His movements becoming rougher and more dominant. You can’t help but moan as you see a dark dominant glimmer appear in his eyes as he fucks and eats your tight pussy.
Jj smirks against your pussy as he hears your moans grow louder and more desperate. he starts to finger you faster and harder, wanting to see you lose control under his touch. "you like that, princess? you like the way I make you cum?" he slides his fingers out of you and brings them to your mouth, forcing you to suck on them and taste yourself on them. "such a good little princess for me.” He pulls his fingers out of your mouth.
He goes back to eating you out, occasionally sliding a finger back inside of you and feeling how wet and ready for him you are. His eyes darken and in a low dominant growl says "you want me to fuck you, princess?”
You whimper and feel your pussy clench around nothing as he pulls his fingers out. He stands up and pulls his pants down, freeing his hard cock. he grabs your hips and slams into you, making you cry out in pleasure as he fills you up. "this what you want?"
“Yes! oh fuck!” My eyes roll back as he thrusts and pounds into me. His grip on my hips tighten as continues to fuck you hard.
He growls out “Fuck princess, look at you taking my cock like a good little slut." he starts fucking you harder and faster, pulling on your hair as he takes what he wants from you. "you like taking my cock like this? hard and fast? Mm fuck princess.” His eyes darken as you moan and nod. Your pussy clenches around his thick cock he says in a low husky voice "you're such a dirty little princess for wanting this, aren't you? taking my cock like a good little slut for me." He continues to fuck you hard and he starts to feel your pussy clench around his cock harder and he says dominantly.
“you're going to cum for me, princess. you're going to cum all over my cock and then i'm going to fill your tight little pussy with my cum. You’re gonna take it like the good little slut you fucking are, right?”
You let out a loud moan as you start to get close to cumming. His balls tighten as he starts to cum. He lets a low growl out as he continues to pound into you as he fills your tight and needy pussy. You moan as he continues to fuck you through both of your orgasms. As you both come down from your orgasms he plops next to you. Both of you trying to catch your breath.
He looks over at you with a flushed and sweaty face, a blissful smile on his lips as he says sweetly “you’re such a good little slut for me, I love you princess” he places a kiss on your forehead. He grabs a washcloth from the bathroom and wipes his cum off you. He gets back into bed and curls up around you and spoons you. Soon enough you both drift off to sleep in each other’s arms.
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
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bsfstoner!jj x reader ::
•• summary: you try weed with jj for the first time and it gets a little steamy (jk?….ok you kiss)
•• warnings: weed/drugs (obv.) he calls you princess. So maybe gn…idk (Lmk if I should add more warnings)
•• A/N: if you want more of stoner!jj or for me to add to the fic lmk <3 Ty for reading || also I wrote this at 3 am so sorry for any shitty grammar 😭
**you’re hanging out with jj at The Chateau**
jj pulls out a small blunt from his pocket and lights it up with a lighter he flicks with his thumb. he takes a puff before exhaling a cloud of smoke and turning his attention back to you, blowing some towards your direction playfully. "you want some, princess?”
you contemplate on if you want to our not…I mean it’s your first time smoking at all, let alone a blunt. But you feel safe knowing it’s jj’s and that he’d never do anything to hurt you or put you in harms way. You know he’ll keep you safe as the weed kicks in…you nod and take the blunt from him “I’m gonna try it” you smile nervously and in anticipation.
he grins widely at your response before handing you the blunt and watching as you take it from him. "alright, princess. don't inhale too deeply or you'll choke." he warns, his arm still around your shoulder.
he watches as you inhale the blunt for the first time, waiting for your reaction with a slight chuckle, "Fuck, that's some good shit. Hope you can handle it, princess." he praises.
You cough slightly as my throat feels a bit dry.
he laughs at your reaction, patting you on the back as you cough. "Easy there, princess. Don't want you to keel over." he teases, still smiling as he takes the blunt back from you and takes a few more hits before passing it back. "You okay?"
You nod as your throat feels a bit better, but after a bit you start to feel the weed kick in.
he watches with a grin as he sees the weed affecting you, "Fuck, look at you. You look high as fuck already, princess." he teases, placing a hand on your cheek.
You chuckle slightly and it slowly turns into a full blown giggle…oh no….
he grins at your reaction, watching as you continue to giggle. "You're so cute when you're stoned."
You giggle more as the weed takes into full effect. In a giggle you say “M’not cute!”
he laughs more at your attempt to sound tough, and he holds his stomach as he laughs. "Keep telling yourself that, princess. You're still cute to me." He takes another hit of the blunt before passing it back to you..
You blush at his words and giggle softly as you take the blunt from him, taking another puff.
he notices your blush and smiles wider. "You like hearing me call you cute, princess?" He asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.
with the weed in my system all you do is smile and giggle stupidly and shrug…god you know that if you weren’t high as a god damn kite, you’d be a complete mess. You feel a certain comfort with being high, as it helps smooth your nerves and makes you more confident than you normally are….
he laughs again, shaking his head. "You're something else, princess." He takes the blunt from you and leans in closer to you. he takes a puff of the blunt and then leans in closer to you, blowing the smoke into your face deliberately. He grins at you, his eyes slightly glazed from the weed. "You like that, princess?" He asks, his voice low.
Your brain stops working, with the mixture of the weed, his close proximity and his stupid fucking hot low voice and all you do is yet again stare back with glazed over eyes and a small blush….
he notices your lack of response and grins again. "You're so cute when you're stoned, princess." He leans even closer to you, his lips almost touching yours. "Do you want me to kiss you, princess?"
You feel your heartbeat quicken and your breath hitches in your throat. Everything around you slows down as if the world has stopped around us. As he looks in your eyes all you can think about is him…
he sees the look in your eyes and smirks, closing the distance between the both of you. He presses his lips against yours, his kiss slow and sensual. He can taste the weed on your lips as he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth. He pulls away with a smirk “how was that, princess?”
Stunned you mutter out “y-yeah, it was good” your face red and hot with a small flustered smile. He smirks and winks at you… “I’m glad you liked it princess”
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
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[ ☀️ ] ☹ || Rafe Cameron Icons || Season 2 -> Episode 2
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marvelsgirl616 · 4 months
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⤷ •• | fics:
⤷ •• | visuals/prompts:
⤷ •• | icons:
- SEASON 1: one || two. || w/ dick g. || dick g. || three ||
-> S1 SC: w dg. ||
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⤷ •• :: pics ||
⤷ •• :: videos/tiktoks || TikTok 1.
⤷ •• bts: pics || one. || two. || promo pics || w/brenton. ||
⤷ •• bts: videos || one. || two. ||
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