haveyoubeentothiscity · 7 months
Population: 330,760
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ordinary-beautiful · 1 year
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Maseru Nights
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travismosh · 8 months
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Downtown Maseru
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ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕊𝕀𝕆ℕ 𝟚: 𑁍𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕦𑁍
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Second commission complete! This is Maseru, a newly fleshed out DND character for Kaeya in a redesigned regal, luxurious version of their usual outfit. Though it does seem like something darker is lurking behind those golden eyes... a covetous little devil, always wanting more. Though he wasn't summoned properly, so his capabilities are nerfed within his recent travels. Masaru is proper in most situations, coating all his words with honey to get what he wants.
This was a wonderfully fun creation to make, getting to play with the patterns as well as the sparkling metallics--it was an actual joy to make. I played with coloring style a little as well as some backlighting. It was a very enjoyable experience all over!
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Commission Info Available Here!
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alenasbdesign · 2 years
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Happy Independence Day, Lesotho!
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travelella · 2 months
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Maseru, Lesotho
Tatenda Mapigoti
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thedineandwine · 10 months
A hearty meal!
Enjoy a flavoursome meal to boost your mood and keep you energised throughout your stay at Avani Lesotho Hotel and Casino.
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wise-journey · 11 months
The Enchanting City of Maseru: Lesotho's Best Kept Secret
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As a passionate traveler, there is nothing I love more than unearthing hidden gems in unexpected places. One such gem is the city of Maseru, the capital of the enchanting kingdom of Lesotho. Tucked away in the heart of Southern Africa, this city left a lasting impression on me, not just for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, but the warmth of its people. Allow me to take you on a sensory journey through Maseru.
The Topography of Maseru
As I woke every morning in the city of Maseru, I was greeted by the sight of the sun rising over the magnificent Maloti Mountains, painting the sky in hues of oranges and pinks. This mountainous backdrop is Maseru's defining feature, creating an atmosphere of tranquil isolation from the rest of the world.
Culture in Maseru
The culture of Maseru is deeply rooted in its history. The Basotho people have a rich tribal heritage, evident in every aspect of their lives, from the colourful traditional Basotho attire to their rhythmic music and dance. Experience the Local Markets There's nothing quite like the hustle and bustle of Maseru's markets. During my visit, the vibrant sounds of bargaining vendors, the scent of fresh produce mixed with earthy traditional herbs stimulated my senses.
A Taste of Maseru's Cuisine
As a culinary adventurer, I relished the chance to sample traditional Basotho dishes. Papa or cornmeal porridge, served with a hearty, spicy meat stew and morogo, a type of wild spinach, is a must-try.
Nightlife in Maseru
Your trip to Maseru would not be complete without experiencing the city's pulsating nightlife. As the sun sets, the city comes alive with the sound of music and laughter, offering a perfect ending to the day.
As I lay in my bed at night, reflecting on my experiences, I found myself captivated by Maseru's spirit. The beauty of its landscapes, the richness of its culture, and the warmth of its people left a lasting imprint on my heart. This is not just a place to visit; it's a place to experience. I hope that my journey through Maseru has inspired you to discover this enchanting city for yourself. Before You Go - Be prepared for changeable weather. Bring layers as it can go from warm days to chillier nights. - Don't miss the local cuisine. Try papa accompanied by a spicy meat stew and morogo. - Visit the local markets for unique souvenirs and a taste of local life. - Respect the local culture. The Basotho people are proud of their heritage.
Final Thoughts
The city of Maseru is a treasure trove of culture, history, and beauty that promises a unique and unforgettable experience for every traveler. Read the full article
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pudgy-planets · 5 months
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In fact, all members of the Senshi’s family, specifically the boys are very well endowed.
In fact, Kaito (second picture) is even larger than RJ on account of being Haruka’s child.
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amitytaylor · 7 months
another reason i’m so heavy on bkdk being canon is bc Maseru literally looks and acts EXACTLY like Izuku 😭 the way they sit with their hands in their laps, the nerves, the softness, he wear GREEN!!! there’s been moments where i wonder if Maseru is actually Izukus dad (i know he’s not) bc of the parallels and BABY THEY ALWAYS SAY YOUR RELATIONSHIPS REFLECT YOUR PARENTS 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣
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countriesgame · 5 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Lesotho, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
Be respectful in your comments. You can criticize a government without offending its people.
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guyfieriii · 1 year
Gem Amra Kheli
Translation: Games We Play
I finally did it, you guys. A lil' drabble is what I could muster for some fluff for you guys. It's set in the same story as Young Price and Bluebird.
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Pairing: John Price x f!Reader
It started as something to pass the time. 
A stakeout wherein hours felt endless, like watching that drop of water dangling from a faucet unable to fall. You think if you kept your eyes turned away, it might surprise you — but lo and behold, it’s still fucking there. 
It makes you fidget. The waiting around for something, anything, to happen. It’s a weird kind of limbo to be stuck in. You’re on edge, as you often are, consciously aware and on the look for seemingly nothing. A harrowing trap in the betwixt and between tension and routine.
The consistent reverberation of the air conditioning that might as well have been a prop. The spice laden bouquet wafting upwards from the chaiwala on the pavement around the corner with his recurrent chorus of ‘Kichu chā chai?’ to everyone who passed by. 
“Just try it.” He insisted. 
You made a face at the terracotta cup he held between his thumb and forefinger — it probably held a little shy of three sips worth inside. 
“There’s a kettle in the corner if I want tea, John. You didn’t have to—”
“Try it.”
That was a week ago, and your kettle remained untouched.  
“Blue.” He began, his hand firmly planted on the back of yours— you were unknowingly peeling off the edges of your nicotine patch.
“Hmm?” You shook it off, smoothing over the frayed edges of the acetate film. 
Another day of nothing and no one. Not counting the ensemble of transient strangers at your feet, just going about their day. Too random to find a pattern in, not haphazard enough to find any interest in surveying. 
You watched the sun descend from its perpendicular position to half-mast, pulling with it a polychrome of burnt sienna and honeyed marmalade. The mismatched rooftops across your horizon interrupted its gleam in blocks of tan and taupe. 
You tried to count them all.
“Play a game with me.” He takes a drag of his cigar, a shameless grin etched across his face.
“Nasty little habit you started there, John.”
“Just as you quit yours, love.”
“Fuckin’ prick.” 
You resist the urge to inhale, let the murky smoke invade your lungs. The scent of it is a spiritous mix of all things provocative.
You glance down at your worn out patch and it mocks you back.
You might just—
“Go on, then.” 
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“Timor-Leste” His voice crackles over comms, as you make your way through the streets of Leipzig. 
“Dili.” You pull your little notepad out from underneath the breast strap of your vest, and a pencil run down to its last couple inches, from the lip of John’s beanie which now rests on your head. “You’ve asked me that one before, John.” 
“Doesn’t count then. You better not add that one to the tally.”
“Already have.”
That summer evening in Calcutta inaugurated a tradition of you parading your geographical prowess. Whenever you grew listless, and the silence grew too comfortable, he would ask. Eventually you began to keep a running score, once yours and his intrinsic competitiveness seeped in. 
So far, you’ve only lost twice. 
You haven’t decided what prize the grand victor would earn. It could be anything — he said as much. 
“Can’t have it be a competition without something to compete for.”
“You’ll figure something out, I’m sure. Since I’ll win.”
“Bit naive to drop the chance to ask me for anything you want, love.”
You already know what you want, but—
“Remind me never to lose to you, John. Christ.” 
“Lesotho.” He starts again.
It takes you a minute before you answer, with some uncertainty. “Maseru?”
“That a question or the answer.”
“Am I right?”
He confirms eventually with a gruff affirmative. 
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You peruse the pages of your now-filled notepad, the edges of it curving upwards — 154 tallies for you, and 42 for him. 
Amongst those are little messages swapped between you and him. A limerick, now and then, or maybe a reminder. A cartoonish sketch of him on the top right corner of a page which he’s since torn off. It now lives in the coin zipper of his wallet. 
As predicted, you won. 
And it was a victory rendered bittersweet by its arrival. You kept your ask simple. 
“Buy me a drink.” You said.
“I’ve bought you loads.” He countered with an expectant look. “We can do better than that.”
Yes, John. We can. 
“What would you have asked for? If you’d won.” 
“A kiss.”
“I’ll have the same, then.”
He obliged, of course. And it was everything you had imagined and then some. 
His breath still lingered with the taste of his last cigar. His lips, softer than they looked, pressed against yours in a way so chaste, you’d have thought it was his first. 
And when he finally pulled away—
“Let’s see how well you do with state capitals.”
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Chaiwala - Tea Vendor
Kichu chā chai? - Do you want tea?
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beybuniki · 4 months
you’re art is so fucking PRETTY
ALSO, i was not ready for a Mitsuki, Maseru Inko throuple but Baku and Deku’s reactions in your art was hilarious.
thank you :) but that throuple piece isn't mine, it's a mutuals!
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bioticharge · 4 months
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Junior Lieutenant Gabriette Badeau (b.2156 d.2178) was an infiltrator class who gave her life in the raid of Torfan. She was Shepard's significant other of almost two years at the time of her death. Gabriette's parents were both Alliance. Her mother, Iryna, was an engineer from the Ukraine who helped design Alliance ships, and her father Etienne was an infiltrator class from France who was part of a special forces team.
Gabriette was born on an Alliance ship and grew up largely on ships and stations. She was often described as a quiet but happy child who grew into a woman with varied interests, including a wide range of literature, a passion for cooking and fashion, and an extensive skill in competitive marksmanship. She enlisted at age 18 and excelled in both her training and the structure of Alliance life, which she had been practically raised in.
Gabriette and Shepard met when she was 20 and Shepard was 22 when they were both assigned to the Alliance ship SSV Maseru in 2176. She described meeting Shepard as love at first sight, and often joked that Shepard was slower to warm up. Despite Shepard's initial insistence that their relationship remain casual, the two ended up forming a deep and abiding intimacy over time. Gabriette was gentle by nature, patient, and easygoing. She didn't mind how damaged Shepard was, and often told her she would take her as is.
She was Shepard's first major love, and Shepard struggles with the guilt of being responsible for Gabriette's death. While she feels strongly that her choices on Torfan were necessary, the sacrifices she made there were not made lightly. Shepard often dreams of Gabriette, but she never talks about her. She does keep her Alliance portrait programmed in her omnitool.
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Les 6 continents du monde sont :
L' Afrique
L' Amérique
L' Asie
L' Europe
L' Océanie
L' Antartique.
Afrique du Sud: *Pretoria
Algérie: *Alger
Angola: *Luanda
Bénin: *Porto-Novo
Botswana: *Gaborone
Burkina Faso: *Ouagadougou
Burundi: *Bujumbura
Cameroun: *Yaoundé
Cap-Vert: *Praia
Comores: *Moroni
Congo: *Brazzaville
Côte d'Ivoire: *Yamoussoukro
Djibouti: *Djibouti
Egypte: *Le Caire
Erythrée: *Asmara
Ethiopie: *Addis-Abeba
Gabon: *Libreville
Gambie: *Banjul
Ghana: *Accra
Guinée: *Conakry
Guinée équatoriale *Malabo
Guinée-Bissau: *Bissau
Île Maurice: *Port Louis
Kenya: *Nairobi
Lesotho: *Maseru
Liberia: *Monrovia
Libye: *Tripoli
Madagascar: *Antananarivo
Malawi: *Lilongwe
Mali: *Bamako
Maroc: *Rabat
Mauritanie: *Nouakchott
Mozambique: *Maputo
Namibie: *Windhoek
Niger: *Niamey
Nigeria: *Abuja
Ouganda: *Kampala
République Centrafricaine: *Bangui
République Démocratique du Congo: *Kinshasa
Rwanda: *Kigali
São Tomé et Príncipe: *São Tomé
Sénégal: *Dakar
Seychelles: *Victoria
Sierra Leone: *Freetown
Somalie: *Mogadiscio
Soudan: *Khartoum
Soudan du Sud: *Djouba
Swaziland: *Mbabane
Tanzanie: Dodoma
Tchad: *N'Djamena
Togo: *Lomé
Tunisie: *Tunis
Zambie: *Lusaka
Zimbabwe: *Harare
Antigua-et-Barbuda *Saint John's
Argentine *Buenos Aires
Bahamas *Nassau
Barbade *Bridgetown
Belize *Belmopan
Bolivie *Sucre
Brésil *Brasilia
Canada *Ottawa
Chili *Santiago
Colombie *Bogota
Costa Rica *San José
Cuba *La Havane
Dominique *Roseau
Equateur *Quito
Etats-Unis *Washington
Grenade *Saint George's
Guatemala *Guatemala
Guyana *Georgetown
Haïti *Port-au-Prince
Honduras *Tegucigalpa
Jamaïque *Kingston
Mexique *Mexico
Nicaragua *Managua
Panama *Panama
Paraguay *Asunción
Pérou *Lima
République Dominicaine *Saint-Domingue
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis *Basseterre
Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines *Kingstown
Sainte-Lucie *Castries
Salvador *San Salvador
Suriname *Paramaribo
Trinité-et-Tobago *Port of Spain
Uruguay *Montevideo
Venezuela *Caracas
Afghanistan *Kaboul
Arabie Saoudite *Riyad
Arménie *Erevan
Azerbaïdjan *Bakou
Bahreïn *Manama
Bangladesh *Dacca
Bhoutan *Thimbu
Birmanie *Naypyidaw
Brunei Bandar Seri *Begawan
Cambodge *Phnom Penh
Chine *Pékin
Corée du Nord *Pyongyang
Corée du Sud *Séoul
Emirats Arabes Unis *Abu Dhabi
Géorgie *Tbilissi
Inde *New Delhi
Indonésie *Jakarta
Irak *Bagdad
Iran *Téhéran
Israël *Jérusalem
Japon *Tokyo
Jordanie *Amman
Kazakhstan *Astana
Kirghizistan *Bichkek
Koweït *Koweït
Laos *Vientiane
Liban *Beyrouth
Malaisie *Kuala Lumpur
Maldives *Malé
Mongolie *Oulan-Bator
Népal *Katmandou
Oman *Mascate
Ouzbékistan *Tachkent
Pakistan *Islamabad
Palestine *Jérusalem-Est
Philippines Manille
Qatar *Doha
Singapour *Singapour
Sri Lanka Sri ayawardenapura
Syrie *Damas
Tadjikistan *Douchanbe
Taïwan *Taipei*
Timor-Oriental *Dili
Thaïlande *Bangkok
Turkménistan *Achgabat
Turquie *Ankara
Viêt Nam *Hanoï
Yémen *Sanaa
Albanie *Tirana
Albanie * Tirana
Allemagne *Berlin
Andorre *Andorre-la-Vieille
Autriche *Vienne
Belgique *Bruxelles
Biélorussie *Minsk
Bosnie-Herzégovine *Sarajevo
Bulgarie *Sofia
Chypre *Nicosie
Croatie *Zagreb
Danemark *Copenhague
Espagne *Madrid
Estonie *Tallinn
Finlande *Helsinki
France *Paris
Grèce *Athènes
Hongrie *Budapest
Irlande *Dublin
Islande *Reykjavik
Italie *Rome
Kosovo *Pristina
Lettonie *Riga
Liechtenstein *Vaduz
Lituanie *Vilnius
Luxembourg *Luxembourg
Macédoine *Skopje
Malte *La Valette
Moldavie *Chisinau
Monaco *Monaco
Monténégro *Podgorica
Norvège *Oslo
Pays-Bas *Amsterdam
Pologne *Varsovie
Portugal *Lisbonne
République Tchèque *Prague
Roumanie *Bucarest
Royaume-Uni *Londres
Russie *Moscou
Saint-Marin *Saint-Marin
Serbie *Belgrade
Slovaquie *Bratislava
Slovénie *Ljubljana
Suède *Stockholm
Suisse *Berne
Ukraine *Kiev
Vatican *Vatican
Australie *Canberra
Fidji *Suva
Kiribati *Tarawa
Marshall *Majuro
Micronésie *Palikir
Nauru *Yaren
Nouvelle-Zélande *Wellington
Palaos *Melekeok
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée *Port Moresby
Salomon *Honiara
Samoa *Apia
Tonga *Nukualofa
Tuvalu *Fanafuti
Vanuatu *Port-Vila
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foundfamilyhq · 10 months
do you have any danganronpa ones in your queue/ones that have already been poll’d?
Yeah, there are 6 characters from that series in the queue, ranging from 362 to 367, so I assume they were all submitted by the same person. They are: Artuno Giles, Maseru Daimon, Nagisa Shingetsu, Jethro Kemuri, Kotoko Utsugi and Monaca Towa
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