#mash data
thebreakfastgenie · 11 months
M*A*S*H cast writing and directing contributions by season
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For the purposes of these figures, Comrades in Arms Part 1 and Comrades in Arms Part 2 were counted separately.
I thought it would be fun to look at how the cast contributions beyond acting evolved over time!
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majorbaby · 4 months
at the end of s02e11 carry on hawkeye, trapper is sitting on hawkeye's cot, right?
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here you can see trapper partially in this shot:
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... where is his hand, lol? is he reaching across hawkeye and resting it next to his hip? in front of frank and margaret and henry and god?
i also enjoy that frank and trapper have the same fond smile while margaret has had enough of this guy (all of them)
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Round 2 Wave 3
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tapiocapo · 1 year
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They’re bffs
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the-voldsoy · 4 months
ok yall what are we calling this ship
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
today will ramble about why I hc Sidney Freedman as queer (leaning on gay and aro) (as of a third of the way through s6)
1. first of all there was this fic (sidenote: I do not know if all these mentions of Leavensworth are actually spoilers or not, but I am become 99% sure that Hawkeye will actually lose it at some point and briefly get hospitalised, don’t tell me though), which I read about 4ish seasons into the show and made me go... “huh, yeah, I could buy that” and has since continued to marinate in my brain, both because Hawkeye and Sid have a very particular relationship that Hawkeye doesn’t have with anyone else (which comes from Sid’s professional and narrative role), and because Sid has... a vibe
2. so then I thought about Sid’s role in the Narrative (covered here), and how that makes him an inherent outsider. He comes in to this established Place and disrupts the status quo. The interesting thing is of course that “disrupting the status quo as queercoding” is usually framed as villainous, whereas he does so for the betterment of his peers, whom he respects a great deal
3. and of course the status quo is already not particularly Straight by virtue of other characters and the general non-normative construction of gendered roles in these sorts of environments (in real life, as well as narratively) -- not just Klinger and Margaret, although they’re the two most obvious ones, but voiced generally through the idea of what women’s roles are in the home/the workforce + nurses speaking openly about sex in what feels like deliberate reversals of how the men talk about sex, Radar’s and Potter’s working relationship, and of course Hawkeye with everyone, but especially with BJ (and Charles may be new to me, but I hazard there’s a lot there too, not least the foppishness...) -- so the question is how does he disrupt the space?
4. Sid is most of an enigma of a person (and not in the caricatured way that Flagg Who Represents The Military In All Its Ridiculousness is), who comes in and allows all these characters’ vulnerabilities to come to the front, without having to share his own (because he’s a psychiatrist, that’s his Narrative Role as well as his military role) -- we don’t know much about him (yet, this may change), which means there’s a lot of easy projecting that can be done, but he is someone one can feel for. And what we do know is that there is... something... about the 4077 that draws him back. For whatever reason, what he needs is to be around a bunch of misfits like these on occasion, for his own health... misfits whom we’ve already covered exist in an incredibly non-normative set of relationship structures + of course the anti-military and anti-conformist sentiment (sidenote: something that Margaret’s tension centers around -- we did just have the episode with the dog....)
5. which, speaking of -- some characters beyond Hawkeye with whom I really like his interactions: Klinger and Margaret. Their frustrations and vulnerabilities in various ways center on being misfits amongst misfits in interesting gendered ways, and he talks with them about it better than anyone else, although Margaret is slowly opening up to others (especially Hawkeye, but it was always Sid who understood her first). He seems to feel deep compassion for people who live as contradictions, and he allows those contradictions to shine, if just for a moment
6. simply put: he queers the space around him, simply by letting them be even more them. The other characters’ feel no inhibitions or shame around him. His status as an outsider, his demeanour around them (sincerity, soft-spokeness, interest, lack of judgement) brings out whatever element of Them that they usually try to tamper down on. That’s, again, because it’s his Role, but it means his Character contains something hard to pin down (and that hard-to-pin-downness I choose to read as queer too)
7. he’s also got some interesting Gender -- his role is to listen, and especially to bring those ugly, terrified, “unmanly” emotions to the forefront and to work through them -- again without any shame attached to those emotions... unfortunately that’s still kind of a wild place for a guy to inhabit in a story (never mind in real life...) He exists to listen, to have compassion, to let others be vulnerable, and he’s very very good at it
8. also, purely technical and less “feelings” analysis, because of how he’s used in the story, his interactions have a habit of feeling very chemistry-laden, especially the ones he has with Hawkeye (whom I will not go into “why is queercoded” because there’s about a million gifsets and analyses on him and one little text-post could never do all that justice -- but also just “Hawk’s Nightmare”) + he hasn’t had a straight love story written for him. Apart from his desire to be present at the 4077 and to help others, he’s not really someone who’s written with wants so traditionally (it may or may not happen, shows like these tend to give everyone at least one romance arc, but so far he hasn’t, so he’s also got that distinction amongst the rest of the cast)
9. (the TL;DR of the first bit of that last point is that his interactions with Hawkeye are kinda sexy by the way, in case that wasn’t clear)
10. I could read him as ace, but I do take a lot from how he is around Hawkeye, not in a necessarily sexual way (lest you be fooled by point the ninth), but as an unspoken kinship that floats in the air between them. Their ease around each other is very particular in comparison to how they are around everyone else -- the aromanticism read comes from his desire to be at the 4077th, simply because it makes him feel better. An untraditional preference when searching for companionship/rest/support/family, even in narratives ostensibly about found families. To project, it’s not so far off from how I engage with my own particular aroness. I like to enter in and out of others’ lives, not disparate from them, so much as checking in on my families and spending quality time with them in R&R -- his place in the story feels familiar to me
11. what can I say, me and everyone in the story every time Sid’s around: 😍
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lucysweatslove · 1 year
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A very lunch-y dinner with so much veg… oh and some orange root plants that are absolutely not in any way a vegetable.
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vyndahlia · 1 year
Donations & 3d/mmd Commissions
pls format right this time....
Hi this is where I swallow my pride and beg for money! TLDR Is I was forced out of my apartment of 3 years last November by a POS abusive man who forced his way into our lives with little consent. With no time, no options and the safety of my pets and friends to consider, I took the first chance I got and left my home, my job, and the state I've lived my whole life behind. I am not doing well since moving, I failed to get the job that I've had for 3 years and they won't even tell me why. So I'm taking donations here https://ko-fi.com/vyndahlia to help with grocery/pet food money and also commissions.
I Don't know how to promote commissions as this is just going to get removed from tags for having links iirc so I'm f'd no matter what. If you aren't sure if I'll do something, just ask! I'm willing to work with you if it means making rent money. I will, for free, within 24hr if possible, let you know if I can or cannot do what you want at the cost you're offering.
Below I'm posting a doc with the streamlined version of humanoid commissions, the 150 is the best deal for you and me. It's essentially functional as is. (but I'm a don't name ur files kinda guy so u might need to do some Organization in PMDE) I'll consider bending the rules or reducing features to cut costs if you discuss prior what you need and what you're willing to sacrifice for it, the only restrictions with what I will do are the following:
Always low poly/low spec. Talking around 1-2k poly. This is my style, my preference, I don't know how to work with high poly. Minimal textures (My arm is shakey and just the face takes hours and the pain lasts for days) I cannot convert outside of Metasequoia or MMD. I can send you an un-rigged .x or a rigged .pmd/pmx and you are free to convert to whatever you want with your own skill, or pay someone else to do so. I genuinely encourage this, I'm absurdly picky, I don't use plugins to aid me and honestly entering in every angle of the physics allowance manually is exhausting after awhile.
RULES AND REFERENCES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YcdK5XgCShlbqdEp_SX6zVuUIA2Zss9TBiPyT7-9Zvc/edit?usp=sharing
WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE PRICE(these guidelines are not absolute but it is easier to have pricing estimates this way) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hxvX35I0uYhZusRSjFnwWtOSArj7BZQNQMS2R4voSto/edit?usp=sharing
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there are MANY more refs on the 1st google sheet but here is devon. I can also animate a little for you but I don't know if I'd accept very much money for it cause I might fail. maybe like 10$ per attempt and $20 per seamless loop
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fandomobscura · 2 years
You mean to tell me that Reinhold Weege of Night Court credits also wrote for MASH
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thebreakfastgenie · 11 months
Number of M*A*S*H appearances by main cast members
I only included actors who appeared in the opening credits at some point during the show's run. A lot of Kellye Nakahara's appearances are uncredited and my methods would not give me an accurate comparison between her and main cast members, but she appears in more episodes than quite a few regulars!
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Methods Data was sourced from IMDb. Exact episode counts vary by source due to variation in how two-parters are counted. "Credit only" episodes in which an actor did not actually appear were excluded, a were uncredited voiceovers that were reported on IMDb.
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heademptyonlyvibes · 5 months
please help me settle a debate with my friend.
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caseys-breanna · 1 month
Ok I just finished rewatching The Rundown Job and so far I have -
The most ridiculously peacocking display of competence porn. What do you mean "'sup Eliot." What do you mean "who needs luck". Where is your damn shame? Where is hundred more episodes of just like this? 10/10 worth every watch.
'I've got a hacker *enter bf*, and a thief *enter gf*'
Only Parker noticing 'too many cops'. It's such a cool detail throughout the show how observant she is just offhandedly, unlike Eliot who observes actively.
Parker pretending to promptly fall asleep as soon as they're in the truck, only to have the handcuffs off in seconds.
"What do they say about me? I hope they gave me a cool nickname." I'll bet all the kudos on my most popular fic that he hacks into his own pentagon file regularly to make up his own nickname.
"Hell your girlfriend's already out of the cuffs" *Parker smiling and sliding them off* AND IT'S DIRECTED NOT TO HARDISON, HER EXPLICITLY STATED BOYFRIEND, BUT AT ELIOT, THEIR BOYFRIEND.
Putting Hardison in those glasses. Those damn glasses. I need a glass of water jfc it's hot in here
'For better or worse, we change together'. Aaaaaand that's on wedding vows.
"I'll drive." "Hold on." "Exactly." "No, I mean hold on. (Our gf is a former gateway car driver)". "Oh. Oh you mean. Yeah."
The hand on the wrist and eye contact and saying 'I'm not afraid. I got the best thief and the smartest guy I know chasing this guy'
Figuring out the job TOGETHER
This is Hardison. Hardison likes his personal space. These are Parker and Eliot. Parker and Eliot also like Hardison's personal space.
The eyes on each other's lips during unlocking doors and saying thank you
'Kiss for luck?' the sequel: love boogaloo
"BOOM MY BOY THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!!" first of all that's his boy so jot that down
Also side note this episode shows the fascinating way Hardison uses his brain and I wish we saw more of it because it's fascinating how he derives what he does from the few bits of data he gathers
"He's on the train!" "Yeah well so am I." "When you pick him out of the crowd-" "No. I'm ON the train! 🙄 Never mind..."
Two good ole boys behind the wheel 🎶 chasing the target and their gf in a million dollar car 🎵 two good ole boys-
*Hanging by her fingertips from a running train roof almost mashed into pulp by signage" WOOOOOO HOOOOO
The way Parker picks him out, not by using thief sense, but mastermind sense that he's immune -> got vaccinated -> pain in the arm. Brilliant way to pick someone out from a crowd while not raising panic
Keeping him talking till she takes the briefcase that he HANDCUFFED to himself right under his nose. How? Well, she's Parker.
"I kept one diamond. Sorry." I love her
Finally "kiss for luck" the trilogy comes to an end
*casually endangers self* "Fire is the only thing that kills it right?"
"Don't do that to me, I can't lose you. Do you understand? I can't lose you. Don't scare me like that. I can't-"
Eliot Spencer: *Barks 'Alright!' at the guy touching him to literally patch up his bullet wound.* Also Eliot Spencer: *ditches crutches so he can lean on his girlfriend and boyfriend*
"I work with them now." Would you like to stay for dinner? "Honor among thieves? Something like that." WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER??!!!
"I don't do hospital." "I told you, he takes getting shot very lightly." Uh huh, you know what I smell? LOVE. In the air! Might be some blood from those bullet wounds too ig.
What a show.
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serialunaliver · 4 months
ok this has been bothering my inner loser nerd senses for a while so i'm gonna say it, generative ai does not actually mash peoples content together like a collage. it recognizes patterns in data and generates original content using neural network techniques.
for example, let's say you did actually make an ai based off ao3 fanfics. what the ai would learn to do is not copy and paste your fanfic, but learn to form its own sentences that are coherent in the english language (or whatever language said fics are in). it's essentially like a child learning a language but the child is a robot...a robot who now knows the word "omegaverse" in this specific scenario.
there's genuine concerns to have about generative ai, but it bothers me when people start with inaccurate claims about the technology itself, because like...why? what's the point in the misinformation other than making people more paranoid?
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cthulhusstepmom · 11 months
Evidence that Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish is not what he seems-Lt. SR:
Soap smells like rain, it took a while to put it together because it's not Soap himself that emits the odor, it just follows him. It's less potent inside and when it's sunny outdoors but if you concentrate it's always there.
He has never been observed touching a gun or grenades without gloves. Almost every other explosive he handles with no regard for his own safety gloves.
HE EATS WEIRD SHIT. While he doesn't eat much of the food on offer from the cafe, he does eat consistently when outdoors, usually plants or flowers. Things he has eaten: dandelions(edible), garlic(edible), thistle(edible but he ate it with the thorns), foxglove(toxic, showed no adverse reaction), Several unidentified flowers and berries, grass(technically edible?) Etc.
Will sometimes refuse to enter a place before abruptly going in. The data is not consistent between different buildings or locations. Further research is required.
Sharp teeth.
Groups things in nonsensical ways. He will only fill a magazine with bullets that total a multiple of 7 or 3. The same for what weights he uses in the gym. When drawing or eating he sorts by 4s. He traded his room to get #13 (right next door, coincidence?).
Cameras will not focus on him, whether photo or video he is never in focus regardless of distance or conditions.
He has never once been in medical for more than half an hour, usually much less. Even though his hands have light burns on them almost constantly.
Dogs hate him. He seems ambivalent towards them and he's never been bit that Ive seen. Cats adore him as do birds.
John MacTavish does not blush. Not for lack of trying even when genuinely flustered or hot, his skin does not flush.
Ghost sets down the small notebook with a minute sound of frustration. The evidence is all there but looking at it, what does it really say? Other than that he's an obsessive creep. A series of quirks and coincidences compiled by a paranoid son of a bitch into a fucking stalker journal. But still, Simon can't help but feel like he's right and he'd be dead a million times over if he simply disregarded his intuition. Even if it is something batshit insane.
At this point however it seems that it'll drive him mad far before it yields any answers. After scouring what little resources were comprehensible on the internet he'd started growing out his hair, intent on tying it in knots to prevent charms. Leaving him with a problem he'd not encountered since he'd first donned the mask: unruly curls and balaclavas don't mix well at all. He'd also kept a piece of stale bread in his pocket for days as he'd read it was a repellent to- and he can't even believe he's considering it-fairies. It backfired, if anything Johnny had been more attached to him and even more touchy than usual. He'd left a small deli cup full of coffee creamer outside his door overnight and found it neatly placed upside down where he'd left it with not a drop left. Ghost chalked that up to some wise guy playing a joke or an exceptionally dextrous cat and firmly shut the door on any other possibilities in his mind. His next test had been a gift of clothing mixed with complements, he'd read that both were likely to drive away any Other. It hadn't been a very extravagant gift, a new pair of gloves and a gruff "well done Johnny" but at the time it had seemed to be the final nail in the coffin as Soap had gone white as a sheet(he can do that but he can't blush???) and scurried off. A quiet dread had filled his stomach the whole day until Soap turned up at dinner, a little quieter than usual but wearing his new gloves and eating more than usual(a scoop and a half of mashed potatoes with 4 packets of butter and 2 packets of sour cream as well as a cookie. The main course of spaghetti and meatballs went untouched though Gaz snapped it up before it could truly go to waste). Though when Ghost returned to his room late that night after trudging through hours of paperwork he found a pile of tiny, aromatic, pink flowers on the floor in front of his door and on top of them a shiny metal comb. Simon's tired brain hardly stopped to think of any of the dire warnings he'd found on forum posts and folklore sites alike, crouching and tenderly retrieving the piece from its bed of flora, careful not to crush any of the tiny blooms. Well... With all the knots in his hair-purposeful and otherwise-he's going to need a sturdy comb anyway.
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kordbot · 10 months
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The Hacker is a support class mercenary, able to take over enemy buildings, mess with the opposing team's equipment, stun enemy players, take over control points and push the payload cart quicker and more efficiently and temporarily boost friendly buildings. He also has a special ability to perform an EMP which destroys all nearby buildings, stuns all nearby enemies and uncloaks all nearby enemy spies. His melee weapon is a huge chunky laptop [which probably weighs more than he does] which has broken into as many databases as it caused concussions. It indeed IS slowly falling apart!
The man behind the class name, the RED Hacker [the BLU Hacker is a separate character that I will post separately some other day for my own sanity] - Quincy Wysocki [friends call him Quince!]. A nervous wreck, failed swing performer and a former data thief, Quincy relies more on dumb luck than any amount of actual skill. If you knew anything at all about technology and talked to him for like 5 minutes, you'd quickly find out that he has no idea what he's talking about. He's all bark, but no bite. He himself claims he's a genius of extraordinary intellect, but he also thinks that electricity is invisible magic.
Then how did he get the job, you ask? He was hired because of some top secret data he got his hands on that the Administrator doesn't want getting out [that he lost a week later]. How is he doing his job at all? Mashing random keys and hoping for the best seems to work most of the time! How did he build his [definitely not war crime material] equipment? With extraordinary difficulty!
He's awful. He's a complete loser. He has never felt the touch of a woman [or man] in his life [an affectionate one, at least]. He has no idea what he's doing 100% of the time. He's Quincy!
If anyone has any questions for and/or about him my ask box is wide open! I will try to do drawn responses to as many asks as I can [: [oc interactions highly welcome!!]
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sgdi · 3 months
reblog for greater reach!
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