#mateo valorant x you
sovasleepy · 1 month
beauty sleep (pt 2)
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[ gekko x reader ] - when you fell asleep last night, gekko tried his best to take your makeup off for you. this morning, he has to answer for what happened ; part 1
warnings: reader is gender neutral but wears makeup so take that as you will
notes: anon requested a pt2 so here you are :) i hope you enjoy!
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you didn’t know exactly what was wrong, but you knew it was something.
staring blankly at the ceiling from your spot on the bed, you attempted to blink the sleep out of your eyes. you stretched, yawned, then gave up and pulled the sheet over you again. you were tired, the world could wait ten more minutes.
drifting off, you recounted your steps of last night. had something happened? why was their this sinking feeling in your chest? you remembered walking back to your room, and vaguely hearing gekko’s ramblings as he explored your room. you remember feeling tired, and thinking that you could just shut your eyes for a few minutes.
that “few minutes” must have turned into a few hours. but there was nothing off about… oh. makeup.
rolling over, your eyes fell to the trashcan that was now stacked with makeup wipes. that was something you certainly didn’t remember. you wandered into the bathroom, only to see the container closed and neatly tucked into its usual spot.
this had to be something of gekko’s devising. no one else had been in your room, so it had to be, right?
after taking a moment to wake yourself up and get ready, you started your journey to gekko’s room. as always, his door was shut, but you could see the light coming from underneath his door and hear one of his little buddies warbling about something or the other.
gently, you knocked on the door. he answered, although his words were muffled by something. again, you knocked. this time his response sounded vaguely like “one second!”
a few moments later, gekko opened the door. he had his toothbrush hanging out of one side of his mouth, his hair wet and tousled. he leaned against the doorframe with his forearm, highlighting the tattoos adorning his damp skin. he had recently woken up too, it seemed.
“oh,” he mumbled, then took his tooth brush out of his mouth. “you can come in. let me just finish up real quick.”
you smiled softly and nodded. he padded off to his bathroom as you sat yourself on the end of his bed, then took the opportunity to look around. his sheets were askew and a few of his personal items were scattered around. on his nightstand, his wallet sat atop his uncharged phone. last night’s t-shirt was thrown onto the floor, with his pants halfway hanging out of the hamper. at least they had made it in, you suppose.
he padded back in a few moments later, usual cheeky smile on his face.
“hey. we grabbing breakfast or something?”
“well… i kinda wanted to talk about something.”
the change in your friend was instant. he stopped walking towards you, the rise and fall of his steady breaths stopping as well. the color seemed to drain from his face and his eyes widened.
“uh- yeah. yeah, sure, what’s-“ he stopped to clear his throat. “what’s wrong?”
you paused for a moment, realizing that you had had so much time to think about what to say and not actually done so. finally, you found some words and vaguely put them into a sentence.
“last night… i was- i went to bed last night. like, just straight out of… i got in bed and conked out, i mean. but when i woke up, my makeup was gone. or… not on my face is a better way to put it.”
“yeah.” gekko said. a little part of him seemed to relax. he took a few steps forward and sat down beside you on the bed. “that’s- that’s odd. maybe you sleep walked.”
“i know you took it off.”
“oh.” his shoulders slouched.
a silence hung in the air. it felt both awkward and comfortable, like when something feels odd or hurts for so long that you settle into the sameness of it. you could see the gears turning in gekko’s head as he tried to find the right words. you didn’t care, not really, but watching his attempt to respond intrigued you beyond measure.
“i… i didn’t know if it was weird?” he finally said. he stood as he began talking, taking a few tentative steps away to put some space between you. “but i thought i had read- or maybe i heard you say that falling asleep with makeup on wasn’t good. and i wasn’t sure how to go about it.”
his face was pinched with worry and you noticed the movements of his hands. he used them when he talked now, but even in the silence between his words and yours his hands rubbed together nervously.
he was terrified, the poor thing. you could almost see his heart beating out of his chest.
you let a soft smile appear on your face. almost immediately, his anxious movements stopped. the worry that pinched his face softened into something like hope as he awaited your response.
“thank you. you did it right. i think so, anyway… i didn’t really inspect your work.”
gekko sighed. “good. i was worried.”
“i could tell you.” you said, laughing as you stood to take a step toward him. this time, he didn’t move to create more space between you.
“i wasn’t really sure like…” he paused and seemed to think for a moment. “how many makeup wipes am i supposed to use? are they crazy expensive, like did i just blow half your paycheck? i can pay you back if i did, i just-“
“‘teo, you did fine. they’re not crazy expensive, i assure you.” you said, grabbing for his hand to keep him from picking at his nails once more. “and it depends on how much makeup i’m wearing. if the wipe gets dirty, get a new one.”
“ok. and how… hard do i need to be?” he seemed to cringe at himself.
“enough… i’m not sure how to describe it. hard enough to get the makeup off in a few passes, not so hard that all three layers of my skin are gone.”
“got it. and for your eyes, does it hurt?”
“be more gentle around my eyes, but otherwise no. unless you’re pouring the makeup remover in my eye, it doesn’t irritate.”
“ok, solid. thank you.” he smiled and almost seemed a little proud of himself.
you couldn’t help but smile back at him. he was all smiley, dimples appearing at the corners of his mouth. his eyes were much more bright and happy than they had been a few moments before, and his posture had straightened from the slouched shoulders he had been wearing prior.
“no problem,” you said. “meet you in ten for breakfast?”
later, you would pretend not to notice the note in his phone titled “y/n — makeup” or the lists titled “do” and “do not” within it.
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l0serloki · 1 year
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Long Missions!
Valorant Agents reacting to their S/O going on a long mission
(Gekko, Chamber, Phoenix, Sage)
CW : GN!Reader, eating (Chamber), mentions of sadness (Sage), mentions of anxiety (Chamber & Sage), sexual hints (Phoenix)
A/N : I’ve seen a lot of the Sage requests I got and thought she would be a fun one to add to this! I’m currently writing a lot so if I haven’t gotten to your request - it’s not on purpose!
Gekko :
He will BEG Brim to let him go with you. (Brim continues to say no.)
“Babe, I get we are saving the world and stuff but how am I going to sleep alone now.”
100% acts like the world is ending the last day.
“Y/N, hurry and come here! I need to hold you for one last second.. I want to remember how you feel!”
When you go to leave he will continue to wave goodbye and pretend to run with the jet.
“Don’t forget me babe!! I love you!!”
Gekko’s fingers dusted your cheek as the two of you laid in bed. He had just gotten done complaining for what felt like the five hundredth time about your upcoming mission.
“I don’t see why Brimstome won’t let me go. I am a total help to the team! Plus, imagine how lonely I’m going to be at home. Babe, you gotta do something about it!”
“Mateo, what in the world am I supposed to do?” You raised an eyebrow, watching as his chestnut hues fell.
“I don’t know.. Maybe give me a kiss?” He leaned forward, a grin spreading across his face.
You could only roll your eyes, leaning in to peck his lips.
“I’ll give you as many as you want if you stop complaining, dork.”
Chamber :
I just KNOW he sets up a special dinner.
If you don’t want to go out he will surprise you with it at home.
His darling has to have a comforting last day before they leave!
Long talks at the table & him discussing plans with you to make sure you’re okay. (And to put his anxieties at ease.)
He’s the type to rest on the couch with some soft music playing & just rubs your back. It makes him feel super close to you!
When you leave he will give you a kiss and a pat, threatening Brim to take care of you out there.
“You make sure to give Y/N backup, yes? If you don’t we will have problems..”
“Mon amour, are you okay? You haven’t ate much.” Chamber picked at his food, giving you a questioning look.
To be honest, you were worried about tomorrow. Brimstone had asked you to come along on a tedious mission for the whole week. You could already feel your bones aching and the longing for your bed and you hadn’t even left yet!
You shook your head, stabbing at the food your boyfriend made.
“Fine, Vin. I’m just stressed about the upcoming week. I know we went over everything, I am just not looking forward to it.”
Vincent hummed, leaning across the table to give you a forehead kiss.
“That’s a normal response, love. Let’s finish up and we can go lay down. Sound good?”
Phoenix :
“So you’re going without me. WOW. My own partner hates me.” (he is so sarcastic)
He takes you to the practice range to make sure you’re ‘top notch’ before leaving.
Be real though.. he finds your shooting hot and y’all end up making out.
“I guess I can see why Brim chose you. Still won’t be as bright as me though.”
Right before you leave, Phoenix gives you one of his jackets and a kiss on the cheek.
“Be safe, darling. I love you.”
“I cannot believe that Brimstone doesn’t think I’m fit for this mission! I mean come on.. You, me. We are the dream team!” Phoenix exasperated, hands flailing in the air. You could only snort as he continued to complain, pacing back and forth.
“I mean.. Who else would be there to protect you? Well.. More like you would protect me. That’s beside the point! I’m going to miss you.” Phoenix smirked, face touching yours.
“Oh yeah? How much?” You smiled, waiting for his snarky remark.
“Mm.. Why don’t I just show you.”
Sage :
She is a bit anxious but knows you will do fine!
“I will miss you a lot. I hope everything goes smoothly out there.”
She is really affectionate and makes sure that you’re mentally prepared to face enemies!
Cuddles in bed and a movie the night before!!
When you go to leave she will give you encouraging words & a kiss!
“You are so strong. I believe in you, my gem. I love you.”
Sage’s hand was wrapped in yours, head resting on your chest. Everytime she wasn’t invited on a mission you were going on she would get sad - not that she would ever admit that. The two of you had been cuddling in bed and watching her favorite movie in hopes to raise the mood.
You looked down at your girlfriend, her eyes drooped and her breathing was slowing down. You used your other hand to rub through her slick hair, bringing a kiss down to her forehead.
“Goodnight, my angel. I love you.”
A small smile appeared on her face, hand gripping at the material of your t-shirt.
“Night, honey. I love you too. Sleep well.”
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kazvha · 3 months
Hellow! Hope you're doing well 🫶 I would like to request a lil scenario or headcanons featuring Gekko from Valorant with a fem!reader. Basically reader is going to meet his parents (or her mother only) but compared to them, reader really is not into family stuff, they aren't close at all and when she's confronted to her friends' parents for example she gets uncomfortable even if they're kind and all. So the scenario would be about Gekko comforting reader before the meeting and also, why not, reassuring her after. Hope it inspires you and don't hesitate to ignore if you're not comfortable! Have a nice day! 🤭
Summary: Meeting Gekko's mom as someone who isn't comfortable around their friend's parents
Notes: Hi, thanks for the request! As a socially awkward person & an introvert, I really felt that one lol. I hope you like my take on this. Have an amazing day!💐
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• Gekko invited you to meet his mother for the first time, but being around your friend's parents always made you nervous and uncomfortable, no matter how kind they were to you
• You wanted to be honest with your boyfriend, so you voiced your concerns. "Hey Mateo..."
He raised his head. "¿Sí, nena?"*
• "I'm really nervous about meeting your mom. You know that I'm usually not into that family stuff... I don't know how I should act around her."
• Seeing your conflicted face irked something in Mateo, he wanted to lessen your stress. Introducing you, the love of his life, to his mom, one of the dearest persons to his heart, was a happy occasion after all.
• Placing his warm hand on your cheek, he reassured you with a comforting smile. "You don't have to worry at all babe, I'm gonna stay at your side the whole time! And I already told my mom that she should take it slow, I'm sure she will be considerate."
• Gekko stayed true to his word and didn't leave your side🤍
• His mother was so excited to see the person who captured his son's heart. When she welcomed you two at the door with a big grin and a hug, you could just awkwardly pat her back. At the same time, you felt Mateo's palm rubbing your own back tenderly.
• You all moved to the living room and started talking about your relationship over some snacks. Mateo's mom also asked you some questions about yourself and your likings, which you answered fumblingly.
• Your hand was intertwined with Mateo's hand and he squeezed it every few minutes, reminding you that he was there for you
• After some time his mother said, "Please tell me if you ever feel uncomfortable or if I overstep your boundaries alright, love? We don't need to hit off as soon as possible."
• You knew she meant it well, but it would probably take you a long time to get used to her. Nevertheless, you nodded because you were grateful for her sincerity
• Mateo brought you home afterward and asked you how you felt. "It seems like my mom likes you a lot! How was it? I hope it wasn't too much, should I ask her to tone it down more next time?"
• "It was... Not too bad. You being there all the time definitely helped! I have to say though the hugs she gave me felt extremely awkward."
• He put his arm over your shoulder and kissed your temple as he giggled, "Nice! I'll ask her to skip the hugs the next time you meet!"
• His bright eyes met yours and his gaze instantly softened. With a sincere face, he went on, "I know it was not easy for you, so thank you for doing this for me anyway and trying your best. I really appreciate it."
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* "Yes, babe?"
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babyboiboyega · 30 days
Gekko Headcanons #1 : The Cookout
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Pairing: Mateo De la Fuente/Gekko x Black!Gn!reader Headcanon: Taking Mateo to a family cookout would include... Content: fluff, profanity Word Count: 2.6k Author's Note: its been toooo long since I've written something, and of course my newest hyperfixation is the thing that gets me to write again LMAO gotta love it y'know? I am very new to the world of Valorant and this character, so please...if any of this seems ooc, kindly let me know. I'm still learning about him, I'm still feeling him out, but I just enjoy the character so much already. I also enjoyed writing this, so I hope y'all enjoy! <3 Tag list: @liyaawrites (aka, the person responsible for this obsession!!)
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I wanna start off by saying that the second you mention taking Mateo to meet your family, the boy is geeked out of his mind. Maybe it's in passing during a conversation, or maybe you consciously bring up the topic once you feel it's the right time; either way, it’s met with wide, brown eyes that sparkle in excitement, and thick lips that part on an immediate agreement. Not only does an agreement follow, but he also immediately starts to ask what he should bring. What kind of get-together is it? Does he need to know anything beforehand? How does he need to dress, because he’ll be damned if he shows up underdressed when meeting the family of the person he loves. He only stops worrying when you tell him exactly what the function is – a cookout – and what he’s expected to bring – some dish that your mom/grandmother/auntie or other family member is requesting. And once those questions are answered, he goes straight to worrying about making sure it’s up to their standards. You have no idea why, but your family gives you and him the job of bringing the macaroni (and not any store-bought macaroni- they’ll know the difference). When he learns that it has to be homemade and that its a staple in the entire cookout, he instantly looks up recipes while thinking back to the ones his ma or abuela would use, wanting to put his own spin on it while also wanting to make a good first impression. It gets to the point where you find him up late one night, his phone’s screen illuminating his features from where he lays beside you. He’d turn his phone to you sheepishly, apologizing for the bright light and displaying a page called “how not to make macaroni and cheese” or something along those lines with a sheepish smile.
“Think they’ll like this one?” “Teo…baby…it’s 3 am.” “...you’re right, I should look for another one-”
The days leading up to the cookout are spent with him constantly going on about how excited he is to meet your family – specifically the cousins you’re the closest to and have mentioned before. In response, you warn him that your family can be…a bit much, specifically when someone brings their partner around. They have a tendency to ask too many questions, get a little too comfortable joking around, and are just all around loud and obnoxious sometimes…and he’d only reassure you with a knowing smirk and a raised eyebrow that not only is his family the same, but he’s so used to being around large families as his used to have get togethers all the time. He’s dealt with it before, and it'd be worth it to deal with it again if it meant he got to meet your folks. Despite the sentiments, you still warn him – especially of that aunt who always likes to make smart-ass comments and loves calling others out despite having her own problems in her life, to which he lets you know that he’s dealt with one of those and he’ll make sure that y’all are far away from that aunt at all times. He would offer to keep you dancing all night just so you had an excuse to not talk to that person, which would only lead to a conversation involving line dances. 
Despite Mateo's affinity for the punk/skater aesthetic, I’d like to think that his Hispanic roots have resulted in him having a good sense of rhythm. I also like to think that he listens to a lot of music in his spare time, fostering an appreciation for different genres. With that being said, I think our boy could keep up with the line dances. When you offer to teach him a few just for fun, he’d be excited as hell, his lips curling into a full-blown smile as he’d watch you turn the music on and scroll through the first ‘cookout line dance’ playlist you find. When you find a suitable one and try to teach him, he’d be playful about the entire thing, claiming that he needs you to do it a few times although you know its just so he can see you dance, his eyes lingering heavily on your hips as you do so. And when you finally get him to join you, you realize that he may not have the steps down, but he’s got enough swag and rhythm to keep up and look like he knows what he’s doing, which is enough. 
“One more time, princesa- I promise. I’ll get it this time.” “You’re just looking at my ass, Mateo-” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” (with a shit eating grin on his face)
Now…when it gets to the day of the cookout, you two would be up pretty early, going to get the supplies to make the macaroni before starting on it at home. He’d want to help so badly, but he’d also have no problem getting your input on it – after all, it is your family and you know how they usually like their macaroni. But he’d also insist on doing most of it himself which would result in about a few hours of him moving around the kitchen with a focused look on his face. His focus is only broken by you checking in on him, it instantly changing to a cocky, yet playful, smirk as he would nod to the pan that’s in the oven. 
“How’s it goin, baby?” “Look at that masterpiece and tell me how it’s goin, mi carino. You see that golden brown on the top, you smell that delicious, scrumptious, decadent-” “Aaaalright, that’s enough-”
You know I have to mention the process of picking out outfits. I absolutely believe that Mateo would not only be down for, but would love being one of those couples that wears complimenting outfits. Not matching completely, but maybe having one article of clothing that’s the same color or maybe even wearing the same accessories. You two have too much personality and style to limit yourselves to wearing the exact same thing when going out, so he would love to wear complimenting outfits. He’d always make sure to pick colors that you enjoy wearing despite thinking that you look beautiful in every color. 
“What about green?” “Oh…well…you know I don’t exactly look the best in green, baby.” “I wholeheartedly disagree, but we can look for something else, mi amor. No problem-”
I think that he’d be so invested in making sure y’all look good that he’d kind of forget about the macaroni that's in the oven. You can’t even blame him, because you’d be able to see the excitement radiating off of him as he gets ready, so you’d just gently, but amusedly, remind him. 
“Teo.” “Yeah?” “Your macaroni-” “Mierda- my macaroni-!”
His attention would instantly switch to the macaroni, so much so that he’d still be standing in the kitchen, his eyes on the oven when you walk in fully dressed with Wingman trailing behind you, Mateo’s shirt in his beak as he chirps and trills. You wouldn’t be able to understand him, but you don’t really have to to understand the comedic radivore’s noises. You’d only be able to nod and agree with the little guy as you both watch Mateo hurriedly throw on his shirt before taking out the macaroni. 
Now…lets get to the cookout itself. He’d hear the music and chatter immediately after stepping out of the car and would just look at you with a smile and excited eyes, offering to take the dish with one hand and your hand with the other. You’d be able to see that recognition in his eyes, the myriad of sounds that signify a family fellowship being ever so familiar to him. Homeboy would walk in the door with a wide and inviting smile, greeting people politely while also showing that he can be rather extroverted when he wants to be. Of course, he gets the typical ‘this must be yo lil friend’ from your family members, but he takes it in stride. But while taking it all in stride, he’d also make sure to kiss your cheek, your forehead, hold your hand, wrap an arm around your waist– anything to show that the words ‘lil friend’ are just a title your family members have given him, and that the truth is he’s yours. 
He’d show the macaroni to the family member(s) in charge of the food, watching with baited breath as they take the foil off of the top, their eyes looking at the golden-brown cheese on top before looking up at you two with a smile. 
“Oooh, this looks good, Y/N.” “Actually, Mateo made it. I just helped him when he needed it; it was all him.”
He’d absolutely be geeked when they turn to him with an impressed look, their smile widening as they set it on the table with the rest of the food. And if you thought he had a big head when being told that it looked good, it’s nothing compared to when the first family member comes up and tells him that it tasted good. Chile, you’d never hear the end of it…though you don’t want to. It’d be endearing and sweet that he takes so much pride in making something your family enjoys. And when it comes to him actually eating the food prepared, he would not hold his appreciation back. There’d be a lot of ‘who made this’, followed by just as many ‘dios mio’s as he can dish out. The same goes for the dessert portion, especially the homemade pound cakes from your family members. Yeah, he’d have no problem asking for a to-go box; one for food, and one for dessert. 
Throughout the duration of the cookout, he’d find himself constantly in conversation with someone from your family, whether it be because he had been pulled into a conversation, or whether it was because someone approached him with the intent of asking questions. Either way, Mateo would be game for any question asked, usually answering with an air of confidence, friendliness, and humor that made others love him instantly. When asked questions about you two’s relationship, he’d be quick and incredibly willing to answer, his eyes glancing at you adoringly as he does so with a smile on his face. It’d get to a point where you would have to ‘rescue’ him from more questions, citing that you wanted to dance just to get him away from your family member(s). And he’d happily let you pull him away, however, not before promising the uncles gathered around a table that he’d play spades with them the next round. 
At some point in the night, you’d lose him for a few minutes, coming back to his empty seat after fixing a plate of dessert for both of you, and after scouring the yard, hoping that he hasn’t gotten himself into a less than pleasant conversation, you finally find him. Except he isn’t in a conversation- not with an adult, anyway. No, he’s seated in the yard, not too far at all from the kids table, smiling widely as the kids from your family gather around him. Their hands reach for and gently run over his hair, the dyed shapes and colors instantly catching their attention as they speak over each other, asking him questions.
“Why’d you do that to your hair?” “Did it hurt? Why’d you pick spots?” “My mama says people who dye their hair like that don’t want a job.” “Can I do that to my hair?”
You’d only be able to watch in fondness for a few minutes as he struggles to answer their questions, his facial expression showing exactly how much he enjoyed being the center of attention for the kids. It would get to a point where he’d look up at you with an expression that screamed for help despite the smile still on his face, and you wouldn’t hesitate in rescuing him. You’d never seen Mateo around kids before now, but going off of the vibes and interactions you’d see, it’d be easy to come to the conclusion that he’s pretty okay with kids. Because of his chill demeanor, not only is he seen as ‘cool’ to the youngins, but he’s also easy to interact with. It would certainly help that he’s got a little crew of adorable creatures who are intelligent enough to interact carefully with the kids. There’d be peels of laughter and excited chatter as Wingman does a trick when prompted by Mateo. There’d also be a time where Wingman turns to Mateo, chirping quickly and constantly looking back at the kids…and after a short conversation between the two, he’d probably smile, nodding his head towards the kids with a ‘have fun, be careful’. That’d be the only thing Wingman needs to hear before turning and joining the group of kids in their activities, the laughter being a constant noise as long as the creature is interacting with them. 
When it gets to the end of the night and people start filtering out of the yard, he’d check in with you, asking you if you’re tired or if you still want to hang around with a look of understanding for whatever answer you give. It's only when you smile tiredly and sheepishly at him that he’d nod with a smile, telling you that maybe it's time to go. It wouldn’t be long before you two have a bag with your to-go boxes in them, making your rounds with your family members and saying goodnight. He’d leave Wingman to play with the remaining kids until it’d be time to go, waving him over once you two are ready to leave. (You can’t help but feel like you two have your own little family, and the earlier sight of him interacting with the kids certainly adds fuel to that thought). 
The ride home would be spent going over certain conversations and interactions that had happened during the night, showing just how attentive Mateo had been the entire night. You’d also learn of some of the conversations he’d had when you weren’t around…and he’d instantly wave away your apologies for the nature of those conversations, an easygoing and amused smile on his face as he does so.
“Please tell me she did not say that to you- I’m so sorry, love-” “No need to say sorry. It was pretty funny, so its okay, mi cielito. So…you tried to turn the speed all the way up on the treadmill, yeah?” “Yeah, that’s enough of that-”
To put it simply: Mateo would be ecstatic that he not only got to spend an entire day with you and your family, but that he got to see how you interact with your family. It’s truly nothing like seeing the love of your life in their safe space with people they trust. He could’ve sat and watched you speak to cousins, aunties, uncles, whoever else and would’ve been completely satisfied. He’d go to bed thinking about the glow you had on your face as you spoke to family members you’d missed, and how he’d heard and seen you genuinely laugh with cousins when recounting old stories, and how you and your family connected over food, music, and fellowship...and yeah, he’d have to admit to himself in the middle of the night, while holding you close, that he couldn’t wait to have that with you in the future.
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A/N: I hope that was fun to read, it was certainly fun to write! Once again, this is my first time writing for this character that I just found out about like...two weeks ago, y'all...be patient with me while I'm learning. BUT I'm gonna really try to write more this summer because I definitely won't have time to in the fall, so keep an eye out!
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mateoluvr · 1 year
gekko/mateo x f!reader 
wc: 1.3k | fluff 
a/n: currently down in a deep hole for this man and perhaps going to try writing again cuz of him!? ngl this is lowkey half-assed im srry if it sucks SOBS + not rlly proofread.. 
you and mateo were basically best friends, not a second goes by where you both aren’t making great memories with each other. but, everyone usually mistook your relationship with him and was surprised to figure out you both weren’t dating. especially his friends from his workplace, whenever he wasn’t on an assigned mission or training with harbor, he was most likely with you. reyna would always try to tell him to just shoot his shot with you, because she figured out he grew feelings for you.
“mijo, I don’t understand how you two aren’t official yet.” 
“I doubt y/n sees me more than that reyna..” he sighed.
“no estés triste, you’ll never know until you pop the question.” reyna tries to reassure him.
“sí tienes un punto.. but what if I ruin our friendship over it? I don’t want to scare-“ he gets cut off, when he feels the vibration of his phone. he pulls it out of his pocket, and it was a message from you.
[ y/n ]
hey!! r u down to grab some boba tomorrow? it’ll be a treat on me since you’re going on another one of those missions soon right?? 
he smiles at your message. reyna asks if it was you who texted, and he nodded. 
“what’d she say?”
“oh she wants to grab some boba tomorrow since brim assigned me and the others a task soon.”
“sounds like a perfect opportunity to call it a date and just tell her mijo.” she chuckles, as his face turns red at the thought. 
“but what if-“
“shh, I don’t want to hear back talk at me just do it you’ve prolonged it way too long.”
mateo sighs and accepts reyna’s words at last, and she leaves his office and wishes him good luck tomorrow. then he remembers he forgot to respond to your message oh shoot he left you on read. he immediately sends a quick message back so it didn’t look like he was ignoring you. 
[ mateo ] i’m so so sorry I didn’t respond sooner!! :( but i’d love to!! same place & time?
to his surprise, you immediately replied back.
[ y/n ]
don’t worry about it! but yeah :D
[ mateo ]
great! see u then :p
[ y/n ]
yep!! can’t wait ^-^
he hearts your message and sets his phone aside so he could finish the last few of the assignments his mentor harbor gave him. although all he could think about was seeing you again (even though you guys literally just saw each other a few days ago). hours went by, but he managed to finish, he grabbed his bag and went home on the train with his little buddies waiting for him at the door, and he told them about his day and how he made another plan with you tomorrow! they all approved, especially wingman, he’s happy that you make mateo’s day lighten up. 
then the day finally came, he woke up earlier to help his mama out with some house chores before he left the house later.
his mind kept reminding him about the words reyna said to him yesterday. he kept pondering if he should actually ask the question later when he sees you. part of him wants to do it and hopes for the best, but the other side is just scared to lose over a few words. he shakes it off, and decides to go get ready and made himself look presentable. he wore his usual vest over his black shirt and touched up his hair. he let his little fellows tag along since why not, and off they went on his skateboard. 
when he made it to the shop you both agreed on meeting at, he saw you staring at your phone, probably listening to music with some earbuds. he slowly approached you and tapped your shoulder.
“hey y/n!”
you slightly jumped from the sudden touch, and looked up from your phone screen and saw the green hair boy with wingman on his shoulder. 
“oh hi mateo! and aww wingman’s here too.” you smiled, taking him off his shoulder to give wingman a hug. 
“hey, hey, the rest is here too, dizzy, mosh, and thrash.” he chuckles as your attention was focused on wingman. he adores that his critters and you have such a nice bond with each other, it’s too much for his heart. (he’s in literal awe whenever you’re having a good time with them)
you both finally decide to enter the shop to grab some boba after having a small chit-chat outside. 
“what do you want mateo? it’s on me!”
“it’s okay y/n don’t worry about it.” he pushes away your wallet in hand, but you kept insisting. after constant bickering on who’s going to pay, mateo lost because of how persistent you were. the cashier looked so lost while the two of you were arguing and sighed in relief when you both finally agreed on something. you both got your drinks and sat down at a table, and continued your conversations from earlier. as you were both talking you couldn’t help but notice how jittery mateo was, and how he was barely making eye contact with you. 
“is everything okay?” you ask in a concerned tone, putting your drink down.
“i- uh..” he mustered, trying to calm himself down. 
“you can tell me mateo, what’s wrong?”
mateo started to panic a bit more, and then before he knew it he finally confessed. 
“i really like you y/n!” he blurts out, and when he realizes what he said, he covers his mouth immediately. you also paused at the sudden words he just said to you. it was utterly silent for a moment, both of you trying to process what just happened. he was the first to break the silence, and apologized for his out-of-the-blue confession. 
“i’m sorry y/n! i understand if you don’t wanna be friends anymore..” he puts his head down on the table in shame, face burning.
but, then the unpredictable happened, and he heard you say, “why would i think that silly? i like you too mateo,”
his head perked up, barely making eye contact with you, he asked if you were sure.
“of course mateo, i’d never think you’d ask- i’m happy you told me though i wouldn’t have the guts to confess to you,”
“i’ll tell you now y/n if you confessed i would’ve taken you in a heartbeat.. you’ve basically been there for me for the thick and thin; anyone would be lucky to be with you- soy serio,”
he grabs one of your hands, and uses his other free hand to hold your cheek, which makes you flustered. mateo still barely being able to make contact; yet still pulling off bold actions amazes you. before anything too intimate happened, wingman rushed up to mateo and pulled on his leg. he looked down, and saw wingman holding a flower, he wanted him to give the flower to you.
“gracias wingman!” he says as he fist-bumps him. mateo hands you the flower wingman picked nearby.
“thank you! that’s so sweet,” you smiled which makes mateo and wingman happy. after you finished your boba, you both decided to go by a nearby park to finalize things. (also so mateo’s buddies can have some fun) you both sat down at a bench while mateo’s critters went to play some basketball with each other. mateo tries to maintain himself so he doesn’t say anything stupid like he did before. 
“so- y/n what would you say we are now relationship-wise?”
“it’s up to you.”
“okay then.. mi cariño y/n will you be se mio para siempre?” 
“of course mateo, i’d love to.”
“i promise when i come back from my mission i’ll bring you anywhere or do anything for you!” 
his eyes light up thinking about all the plans he’d wish to make with you. he pulls you in for a hug since he’s too embarrassed to kiss you in a public place. you embrace his warm loving hug, knowing a new chapter in both of your lives will be starting soon. 
“te amo y/n.”
“i love you too mateo.”
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acaaciia · 1 year
your writing is actually incredibly like SO good my gawwwd i need Gekko smut. Like so bad
Strip Poker
relationship: Gekko x Reader || Mateo x Reader
listed tags: smut!, dom!reader, oral!, reader insert, gn reader
trigger warnnings: 18+, smut! Minors dni, head giving, spitting
synopsis: A game of poker takes a turn when you decide to raise the stakes.
Inspired by Baby Tate’s song - Slut Him Out
author note: First request! I'm very honored lol. But, I've never written smut! before that wasn't a gag for franticfanfic, so I hope this is okay.^^
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“Royal flush!” You announced. 
You displayed your hand of cards to the man in front of you, smirking as you watched him toss his cards to the carpet. “Time to drop em’.” you said, signaling to the last thing that kept Gekko from sitting in his underwear.  
“Aww man.” He exclaimed, “How do you keep winning?” 
You collected the cards laying on the ground, watching as the green haired man slowly got up from the corner of your eyes. “Beginner's luck.” You teased, shuffling up the deck of cards in your hand. 
Gekko grumbled, but said nothing as he turned his back to you. You could hear the sound of his buckle coming undone and him unzipping his pants. You couldn’t help yourself from stealing glances as he slid his pant’s down his toned legs, revealing the fabric of his underwear
Gekko turned around slowly, his anxiety peeking as he turned to face you. His face was flushed as one of his hands attempted to cover the front of his crotch, hiding away his bulge.You waved around another set of cards to the man, with an ‘innocent’ smile gracing your features.   
“How about another round?” You proposed. 
The man who was now left in nothing but his underwear, furrowed his eyebrows at the cards in your hands. His dignity was already low due to the amount of games he had managed to lose. He wasn’t sure he could take another round, where he’d end up having to find a way back to his own hotel room in his birthday suit without getting caught. 
“Come on [name], I’m down to mis pinches chonies.” He pleaded, grabbing a pillow from the couch to give him some form of decency, “You’ve still got everything, even your socks.” He pointed out. 
You merely shrugged your shoulders at the man. It was true, you had yet to lose a single piece of clothing. To be fair you hadn’t been completely honest when you had told Gekko that you had never played a game of poker in your life. You had, but you enjoyed the idea of him teaching you. Even so, to win this type of game required luck and you hadn’t expected to win every single round. 
It wasn’t your fault that he had suggested the two of you play a couple of rounds of strip poker while hanging out in your suite. You would be lying if you said the idea had unnerved you, no, if anything the idea of it sparked a flame within you. You weren’t dumb, you’d seen the way Gekko looked after training, the way his sweat dripped down his body to the point that he would get fed up with the feeling of his tank sticking to his body like a second layer of skin. Forcing him to pull the piece of clothing over his head and reveal his toned body. You had seen the same scene so many times by now, you were pretty sure your mind could play it on loop, down to the playful grin he always managed to flash at you when he noticed you eying him like your next meal. 
But this was different, more intimate. You would’ve been a fool to pass up an opportunity like this. You wouldn’t allow a shot like this to slip out of your fingers, not if you could help it. 
You stood from your spot on the floor, tossing the cards to the side. Your hands were quick to fiddle with the hem of your shirt as you pulled it over your head, leaving the man flustered as you started to strip in front of him. 
 “What if we raise the stakes then?” 
“Miereda” Gekko moaned out, his breath caught in his throat. 
His body tensed and pleasure flooded his system as you spit saliva over the top of his dick, your tongue swiped it around forming an even coat before you took the tip into your mouth. Your mouth worked on the tip, licking around each crevice before going down lower to take in more. 
As part of your agreement you made sure not to break eye contact as you forced his cock further down your throat. Your eyes were steady watching every little reaction that presented itself on his face. The way his eyebrows furrowed as he struggled to keep his head down and eyes open. The way he bit his lip in a futile attempt to hide away any noises. This was better than anything you had ever seen. 
You weren’t the only one who thought they had the best view. No, if Gekko could read your mind right now, he would argue with you about that immediately. Never in the entirety of the time that he had met you, did he ever think that he would be living out the dreams he only ever played in his head when it was just him and his hand alone. Your head between his thighs, man it was a sight to see. Your gaze was intense but jesus, the way your plump lips slid around the length of his dick? 
He was already in his own world as his pupils tried to focus on those beautiful eyes of yours, lost in the pleasure you gave him. But when you lowered your mouth even further on his cock to the point where he could feel the inside of your mouth convulse and tighten in protest, as you gagged around him.  He swore he felt his body shoot out into orbit. 
He was a goner, his eyes instinctively shutting as he felt the pressure in his abdomen building up like a dam that’s been waiting to break down. You were quick to slap the side of his thigh, reminding Gekko of his agreement as he forced his eyes to open and meet your own. 
He would have to thank you for that later. No matter how hot his face felt with the embarrassment of being put on display for you while he came, nothing was better than watching the way his semen dribbled down the sides of your mouth
You took your time pulling your mouth off of his dick. Your gaze never wavered, despite the tears that stayed in the corner of your eyes, as you finally pulled away. You were quick to open your mouth, showing off the mixture of saliva and semen that pooled in your mouth like it was some kind of trophy. 
 He knew he couldn’t expect you to swallow it. Honestly, he fully expected you to go out to the bathroom and flush it away. He wasn’t dumb, he knew there was no way it was in any way appetizing for you. 
Though he can’t say that he had anticipated what was to come next.
You gripped his thighs as you pulled yourself up from your spot on the floor to stand between his legs. You wrapped an arm around his shoulders while your other hand grabbed his chin, tilting his head back. The smile you gave him was devious, he knew you were plotting something, but with how beautiful you looked in the moment, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. You were just so alluring. 
Your thumb played with the bottom of his lip gently, that is until you forced it in his mouth to pull his jaw down. With his mouth open and on display for you, you spat into his mouth, returning all liquids that were in your mouth back to their original owner. 
His eyes widened as he felt the thick, salty, semen fill his mouth. Before he could protest your actions, you closed his mouth shut and wagged a finger in front of his face with disapproval. 
“Now, now, let’s not forget who lost the last game.” you teased, sitting yourself on his lap, “Plus I’d hate to just leave things here,” You hands lowered, circling the tip of his cock gently, sending a shiver down his spine.
Gekko rolled his eyes at your comment, he had previously considered that it would be a win no matter who won that game. But he would be a liar if he didn’t think that what you were putting him through wasn’t hot. He would swallow what little pride he had left along with his cum.. if it meant he could keep a good thing going. 
“Que maldita eres” he said, opening his mouth for your inspection.
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noobydabooby · 8 months
Gekko x reader
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Tw: Angst??
Gekko looked at your weak form as you lay against the wall, blood seeping from your bullet wounds. His eyes weld up in tears as he tried talking to you to keep you with him.
“Focus on me (Agent name) please you can make it Sage is on her way.”
Wingman made sad noises next your legs, shaking you constantly to keep you awake. You desperately tried looking into his eyes, failing to do so but still managing to keep your eyes open.
“I’m fine Gekko,” Your voice trembled.
A single tear finally broke through Mateo’s eye, his head hanging low as he tried hiding his tears from you.
“You’re gonna be alright (Name),, its just a small wound,” He sniffled
You weakly brought your hand up to his face and made him look at you. His red eyes met your dying ones. You smiled at him to try to cheer him up. His sniffles becoming more frequent the longer he looked at you.
“Remember…when we first met?” Your voice trembling as you spoke, your lips smiled slightly at the thought of your first encounter. Gekko slightly laughed through his tears as the memory played through his head.
When Gekko first arrived, he let all of his little buddies wander about anywhere. You were on a mission, so when you came back to see a purple monster sitting on your bed you were terrified. Of course Mateo explained everything and you too laughed it off, grabbing you some boba as an apology. Ever since then you too were always seen together, sticking like glue.
Gekko brought up other funny memories in an attempt to keep you awake, and was successful at first. Your energy draining as you used your strength to give him an answer back, even if it was just a small laugh.
Mateo got an alert from his headpiece, “Gekko? I’m on my way right now, I’ll be there in 10-15 minutes, try to keep them awake in the meantime,” He responded to her with a simple okay.
The two of you tried to keep up the small conversation, but your eyes starting to fail you, your head losing it’s balance as you feel yourself coming closer to death.
“Mateo..” you used his real name to catch his attention. “I’m not gonna make it..,” You breathed out, desperately trying to get air into your body.
Gekko’s tears started swelling up in his eyes again, blurring his vision. He put his hands on either side of you head to keep it still.
“No Nonono..please stay awake (Name), stay with me please. Please don’t leave me! You’re everything I have,” he sobbed, pulling you in to give you a hug.
With your remaining energy you hugged him back, leaning close to his ear to whisper. “I..I love..you M-Mateo..” Gekko’s tears wouldn’t stop falling from his eyes, all he could think about is images of you smiling at him.
He hugged you tighter, “I love you too..(Name) I always have from the moment I met you,” he sobbed. With your remaining energy you hugged him one last time before falling limp. His eyes widened as he pulled you away to look at you.
“(Name)? (NAME) PLEASE YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS, PLEASE WAKE UP,” He repeated his words desperately to wake you back up.
Sage had found him crying into your shoulder, his tears falling frantically. Sova had to rip him off of your body since he wasn’t letting go.
Ever since then, Gekko had lost his good positive attitude, he locking himself away from everyone else, not even opening the door for Reyna. He often laid in his bed, looking at pictures of you and him, wishing it was him instead of you. He wondered what he could’ve done differently, if there was a way he could’ve saved you.
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jettjournals · 22 days
Tangled in Desire | NSFW
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The night air is warm as you and Gekko find yourselves alone in his dimly lit room, the gentle hum of Los Angeles nightlife filtering through the open window. His radivores have retreated to their globule forms, giving you both some privacy.
You've known Gekko for a while now, your friendship growing deeper with each shared adventure and quiet moment. Lately, you've noticed the lingering touches, the stolen glances, and the unspoken tension building between you. Tonight, that tension feels particularly thick in the air.
Gekko's eyes, deep and filled with a mix of affection and desire, lock onto yours as he steps closer. He hesitates, as if considering whether to close the distance. "I've been thinking about you all day," he murmurs, his voice low and husky.
Your heart races, but you simply smile, stepping a little closer yourself. "I've been thinking about you too, Mateo."
He reaches out, his hand brushing against your cheek before he pulls you into a gentle kiss. It's soft at first, exploratory, as if he's savoring the moment. His lips are warm, moving against yours with a tenderness that makes your knees weak.
As the kiss deepens, the world outside fades away, leaving just the two of you in this intimate bubble. Gekko's hands trace the contours of your body with a mix of urgency and reverence, each touch igniting a fire within you. Yet, he takes his time, not rushing the moment, letting the anticipation build.
Clothes are slowly discarded, each piece falling away as if in a dream. His gaze roams over you, filled with admiration and longing. "You're beautiful," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion.
You respond with a soft sigh, your hands exploring his toned body, tracing the tattoos that tell stories of his life and adventures. The air is filled with the scent of desire and the sound of your mingled breathing.
Gekko's touch becomes more insistent, his kisses more demanding, but he still holds back, drawing out the moment. He whispers your name, his breath hot against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "I want you," he says, his voice raw with need.
Finally, the slow burn reaches its peak. Gekko gently lowers you onto the bed, his body hovering over yours. His eyes search yours for any hesitation, and finding none, he moves forward. The feeling of his body pressing into yours is electric, a culmination of all the anticipation.
He enters you slowly, almost reverently, his eyes never leaving yours. The sensation is intense, a mix of pleasure and deep connection. He moves with a careful rhythm at first, each thrust measured and deliberate, drawing out the pleasure.
As the passion builds, his movements become more urgent, his need matching your own. You meet each thrust with your own, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. The room is filled with the sound of your mingled moans and the rhythmic creak of the bed, a symphony of shared desire.
Gekko's hands are everywhere, caressing your skin, holding you close, his lips never far from yours. His whispered words of adoration and desire fuel the fire between you, driving you both toward a powerful climax.
When release finally comes, it's overwhelming, a wave of pleasure that crashes over you both. Gekko holds you tight, his body trembling with the force of his own release. For a moment, the world outside ceases to exist, leaving just the two of you, connected in the most intimate way possible.
As the night deepens, you find yourselves tangled together, sweat-soaked and sated, a sense of deep connection and satisfaction settling over you both. Gekko's arms wrap around you, holding you close as he whispers sweet nothings, making you feel cherished and desired in a way you never have before.
With Gekko, the slow burn was worth every moment, every heartbeat, every breath.
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seneitut · 11 months
i know that most of your fics are more with sub gekko but.. do u also have some dom gekko fics? i wanna see how u would write him in that position hehe
[Gekko x F!Reader]
Words: 3.1K
Tags: NSFW +18, fully smut, fluff , touching, vaginal sex, service top!Gekko, Sub!Reader, Missionary, Cowgirl, Consent (bcs is sexy), mentions of obsession, couple in love so much love.
Gekko’s hands are cold to the touch when he roams your thighs with a slow caress, trembling slightly when you part your legs so he can settle between them easily. 
His breathing gets uneven when his hazel eyes travel up your naked body, splaying beautifully under him, and he gulps down his nervousness when you direct him a soft smile. 
From the tips of your toes, to your knees and above, he devours the sight with hunger and dripping with lust.
Flustered, his cock twitches in between his legs watching your glistening folds and how moist it has gotten, that he licks his lips unconsciously. 
Gods, he wants to eat you up, dive in and drown between your legs if possible. 
This carnal passion has been burning him from the inside the moment your clothes began to fall to the floor; piece by piece, layer by layer, he unraveled you until you were bare and ready to give yourselves to each other in this dance of love.
To hear your screams, moaning his name and chasing after the good feeling without reprieve. For you to hold his head in place, pushing him against your sex while he sucks and licks you up, thrusting his tongue and feeling your walls clamp on him from the pleasure he can only provide to you.
This all will stop being the fantasies he's created throughout the time he's known you. All the images and possible scenarios where you both make frenzied love, collecting them in his brain for his every night routine when he jacks off to the thought of you, this is all gonna be real for him.
But for that, he has to take the first step, even if he is dying with anxiety.
��May I?” he asks, both of his thumbs are massaging your navel. There is a tinge of shyness in his voice that melts your heart with tenderness. 
You are unable to deny him anything.
“Of course, love.”
Grinning softly, he moves his hand up your chest, caressing your skin with carefulness and hovering under your breasts, massaging the mounds with timidness.
He rolls your nipples between his fingertips in a brave attempt to pleasure you, pinching them until he has you gasping and has the time to go down and kiss you between the valley of your breasts softly.
Whining, you raise your hips, searching desperately for some friction and for Mateo to stop teasing you so endearly. He smiles, the blush on his face intensifies when you pout at him and he winks playfully; you cannot help but go wild with love for this silly man.
Reaching for his face, you encourage him to lean on, enticing and tempting as you look, it is impossible for him to not obey your silent requests. Slotting your mouths together, Gekko drowns in the feeling, sighing in pleasure when your nails racks down his back in a possessive hold and your legs cages him against your body.
His arms find purchase next to your head when you bite his lip softly, tongue making its way into his mouth, making him lightheaded and almost lose his composure. 
Kissing him feels like a fever dream, an experience out of this world with how giddy and enamored you fall under his charm and taste. He reciprocates the kiss with the same fervor and passion, tongue toying with yours, fighting for a dominance he knows he can easily get but letting you take the lead. 
Your hips fit one upon the other, grinding with slow movements until his member slides in between your lower lips, covering it in your juices, and making pressure against your clit that sends shivers down your spine. Gekko’s hips stutter at one specific thrust, gasping into your mouth and weight wavering on top of you. 
Your hands caress his arms, toned and muscled, covered in beautiful tattoos framing it way up to his neck until you have your whole world in your palms.
Despite burning with desire and lust clouding your mind, you take your time to look into his eyes, gazing lovingly and longing, trying to get him back from the clouds and attention on you.
“I love you.” you whisper, thumbs soothing his skin with tenderness. “I'm so in love with you, Teo.”
Mateo’s eyes water at your words, smiling brightly and kissing your lips with eagerness. Your words bring a sense of accomplishment that has his heart bursting with so much love that he cannot help but let a tear roll by his cheek.
He laughs then, peppering your face with tiny kisses to avoid being so emotional over some significant words to him—he goes for your cheeks, mouth and temple, smooching them with the same amount of affection till he has you giggling with delight.
“I love you too.”
Hovering over your lips, he kisses you with gentleness. Your hands go around his shoulder, chest against chest, hot skin pressed against your hot skin, mouths slothing together and hips sliding the bare minimum to get the stimulation going.
Getting a spike of boldness, Gekko thrusts his hips against yours, the underside of his cock stimulating your clit with the harsh movement you groan against his lips.
Moaning loudly, you raise your pelvis, chasing after the pleasurable feeling and making circular motions with your hips. Mateo's half-lidded eyes watches you with desire dripping from every ounce of his body, getting back to his kneeling position and holding your hips still.
“Chica mala,” he whispers. The pet name makes you feel unspeakable things, surprisingly. “Stop moving so much, you're making this harder.”
His broad hands squeezes your sides affectionately, moving upwards until he's cupping your breasts firmly against his palms this time. Thumbs run over the hardened nipples, enticing more beautiful sounds from your mouth that has his cock twitching in anticipation; he decides to tease you further, sucking one of your breasts inside his mouth. 
His tongue circles around the areola, sucking softly and pulling the nipple with his teeth. His right hand rolls the other nipple between his fingertips, pinching softly and grabbing the mound to ground himself. He repeats the motions once, twice, until you are squirming under his weight and dripping wet.
You thrash under his ministrations, chanting his name softly while he abuses your chest as much as he wants and marks every inch of skin with his love bites and hickeys.
The skin is his canvas, and he's never felt more like an artist decorating every part with his watermark, watching his marks bloom into existence against your tender skin—bruising a shade darker than your color skin; from your neck down your chest and, maybe, if you'd let him, between your thighs.
He's in love, he feels so much love and passion and want and desire; Gekko never thought it was possible to be this infatuated with someone, this desperate and melting from the inside seeing your pleading face look up at him, as if he could hang the moon and stars for you.
Gekko has never been the one to be this obsessed with anybody, but there's always a first time for everything.
Kissing your temple, he rests his forehead against yours, pants intermingling and his hazel eyes boring deep into your eyes.
“You’re so pretty.” he whispers, smiling softly. You whine embarrassed, it only fuels him to keep going. “Tan bella, dulce, mi amor, mi vida.” 
You’ve heard him say those things to you before with different layers of meaning. Each time he would explain, with an embarrassed smile and cheeks flushed, what it means to him when he calls you by those pet names. It is endearing when he fumbles with his words and actions.
But this time, his slurred voice, deeply whispering promises of love without a single layer of shyness, only lust clouding his eyes and desire pouring from his voice while his hand touches every inch of your skin—it sets you on fire.
“I can’t believe this is happening.” He raises up, hovering over your body menacingly. His eyes never leave yours. “Finalmente eres mía.”
Sobbing, your hands lay against his pecs, massaging the muscle with tenderness, “Mateo—I can't wait anymore.”
Huffing a laugh, his big hands roam your legs to your thighs, up to the curves in your stomach and squeezing. You whine, embarrassed, but he reassures you with a soft smile and a whisper of: beautiful, while he touches you shamelessly.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asks, his thumb reaches your lower lip, caressing it softly. 
Nodding your head, you kiss the digit, holding onto his hand and letting it roam down to your chest until he grabs the mounds with desire. 
“I can wait a little longer.” He continues, watching the moment desperation hits your eyes.
He’s bluffing, of course, because he can no longer contain his need to make love to you. The head of his cock is oozing of pre-cum, hard as rock and wanting to be engulfed in your warm walls. His hips are still, his heavy member resting against your outer lips and coating itself with your own desire; it is tempting to go for it when you’re this wide open for him, so vulnerable, so eager.
Is like having a pretty present he isn’t allowed to have yet. It heighnes his want, the tension in the air and how appetizing you’re starting to look the longer he holds back.
“I need it, please.” You’re begging him at this point, grinding against his member. But is not enough, “Fuck me, use me, do whatever you want, but please, give me some relief.”
Sighing, Mateo squeezes your breast before freeing his hand to grip onto your hip and guides the tip of his cock to your entrance, testing the waters and only applying certain pressure to keep you on your toes.
Groaning, you hold onto his wrist, desperation swimming in your eyes, "Mateo, now, please.”
The tension leaves your body when he finally shelters inside your warm cunt, inserting himself slowly and enjoying every little reaction he gets from you. The tightness in which you’re gripping his cock is enough to send his eyes rolling back, mouth open and soft groans of pleasure flowing from his mouth. 
Gekko can’t help it, hips stuttering when he’s fully in, he moans your name, completely entranced in the way you’re locked together in this intimate way. 
This isn't the first time for you, and he's known that. You've had sex before, you have the experience he lacks, but that doesn’t deter the pride swallowing him from the inside when he sees the mess you’re in right now. And all because of him.
Your eyes are glazed over, watching him through blurry eyes and every single touch or feeling heightened to its limits. Face warm, nipples perked up and your cunt trying to suck him in, you wonder what the fuck did Mateo do to reduce you to this puddle of lust under him.
Having had sex before, you know how it is to be fucked or simply used for other’s pleasure.
But then why, why does being penetrated by Mateo felt so fucking good and different when he’s never done this before?
His hips have started moving in and out, slowly, to get a feel of this new sensation and experience. Dragging his heavy cock out of your pussy, and inserting himself with a quick slap against your pelvis sends jolts of pleasure to the both of you.
“Oh!” You whine, eyes wide open this time. 
Mateo reaches for your hands, clasping them together on top of your head while his other hand raises your leg above his shoulder to have a better position. He starts a fast rhythm, smacking his hips against yours on a deafening slaps of skins.
With the new position, his cock inside of you reaches your insides in ways you’ve never felt before; it makes you see stars every time the head of his member hits your g-spot in every thrust and Mateo groans in tandem with that deep voice of his.
His face warms heavily watching your breasts bounce with his movements, feeling like a pervert with just observing them and switching his focus from your face, the erotic expressions you're making to your cunt drooling out.
Gasping, Mateo buries his head in your neck, mouthing the skin and biting down more marks to decorate the already purpling bruises. 
“Teo, teo! Harder!” You break free from his hold, and your hands fly to the back of his head and aim his mouth to yours to kiss him passionately. Your right hand holds onto his broad shoulder, racking down your nails as he slows down his movements to make his thrusts deeper and harder.
Mateo is enjoying himself a lot. 
Tasting your lips against his mouth, hands pawing all over his body in need and want, and one of your legs holding him in place; Gekko has never felt more desired in his entire life than now, and is such an ego boost because it's you who wants him in the bed, sharing this passionate moment and vulnerability.
The woman of his dreams, the one he’s been pining for so long, the one to reciprocate his feelings; he can almost feel the tears gathering on his eyes with the overwhelming sensations of love and pleasure clouding his mind.
“I love you so much.” he whispers against your lips, groaning your name in gasps. The hold on your leg in his shoulder is wavering at the same time his snapping hips are losing the constant rhythm in which he fucks you. “I want you to ride me, can you do that for me, love? I want you bouncing on my cock.”
You nod desperately, letting him manhandle you while changing positions.
Letting go of your leg, Mateo makes some distance to help you sit up properly before laying down himself.
You climb on top of him fast, already guiding his still hard cock to your entrance and not giving him a chance to say anything but moan in surprise when you slam down your hips against his.
Bouncing as fast as you can, you open your legs to give him the full view of your pussy being penetrated over and over again by him and holding your weight against his thighs.
His reaction is such a price, face beet red and hands pawing over your legs to your hips and stomach, he doesn't know where to grab you from nor do with his actions. Mateo never expected you to be this wild when it comes to pleasuring; but refuses to reject the full experience if it's with you.
The tightening coil inside his lower belly is approaching fastly. The head of his cock brushes once again against your core, making you moan his name and ride his dick with wild abandon to help him chase his first climax with you.
You don't mind waiting once again, you don't mind letting him cum inside of you if it means he's going to be happy and satisfied. You love Gekko deeply, you love him so much you would do anything for this man.
And he proves, once again, that he loves you with the same fervor and passion. 
One of his hands helps you steady the rhythm of your snapping hips, with him timing his thrusts against your pussy to make it harder and deeper. His right hand goes straight to your clitoris and begins masturbating you alongside the smacking of skins.
Giving yourself up, you scream his name to the gods above, your own climax approaching rapidly with how skillful Mateo is with his fingers rolling on your little nub of pleasure and how good his cock is drilling inside of you.
“Mateo! More, more, I'm close!” You whine loudly when the thrusts become only grinding against his pelvis, too tired to keep jumping. 
This new position gives you all the stimulation you need to reach your first orgasm of the night, though, screeching his name and holding onto his chest for leverage while riding the climax rocking your body and its core.
Closing your eyes, stars burst under your eyelids while riding the sensation of breaking apart and being so full at the same time.
Mateo is not far behind, both of his hands helping your movements until he bursts inside your warm walls, coating the insides with his seed and groaning your name in a soft whisper.
The both of you grind against each other with soft movements until overstimulation runs down your systems, and only then, you stop completely to slump on top of him; his softened cock still buried inside you.
Panting heavily, Gekko kisses the top of your head, a silly smile adorning his features and hands massaging your sweaty back for some comfort. Cheek against his chest, your hands run up to his neck so your finger toys with his pretty earring hanging from the earlobe.
“That was amazing, love.” He mutters, voice completely honeyed with satisfaction and loaded with affection. “You felt amazing.”
“Hmm, did you have fun?” you ask. He nods eagerly. 
“I've been wanting to do this with you for a long time.” Confessing his deepest secret doesn't embarrass him as much, the deed has been done, what is there to hold back? “You are so gorgeous, how could I even resist you?”
“How filthy, pretty boy.” Biting your lower lip, you hum to yourself. “I wonder what else goes through that head of yours.
Laughing gravely, his eyelids drop slightly, the corner of his lips tugs in a teasing smirk. “Want to find out, gorgeous?”
“So eager for another round?” 
“I'm eager for you.”
Flustered, you warm at his words. “Is that so?”
Mateo doesn't waste a second to lock eyes with you and for his hands to start roaming your naked body on top of his. If it weren't for the post-orgasmic experience, you would have bet anything to confirm his irises looked like hearts watching your every move, too entranced, too enamored.
“Why don't you jump right here and test the waters, hm?” He asks, licking his lips. “I bet it is uncomfortable having my cum buried deep inside your pussy. Let me help you with that.” 
Spent but interested, you let him help you kneel on top of his mouth, wide open and pierced tongue peeking out playfully when your cunt hovers closer to his wanting lips.
“You're gonna need to hold onto something if you wanna stay up there.” He warns, you raise a brow at that. “You're not leaving until I milk you dry, mi amor.”
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batofburnside · 6 months
Tell Me
Gekko x (Fem!)Reader
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Hi everyone! This is my first Gekko fanfic and my first fanfic posted on tumblr. I am hoping for this to be a 3+ parter. I used google translate for most of the Spanish that wasn’t just a few words so I apologize if anything gets lost in translation, I am not fluent.
TW: mentions of murder, angst, (kinda?) manipulation
Premise: Gekko is your boyfriend and has been for a few years. Before you made it official you were best friends and attached at the hip. You both attend the same college in LA. A few months ago he came to you and let you know he had received a scholarship to a prestigious and private university up north, and that he accepted it. What the reader doesn’t know is that there is no college and that he has been recruited into the top secret Valorant Protocol. He has been told by Brimstone, Sage, and Reyna that you and the people close to him are to know nothing about what he is up to. But as you start to sense his lies, will your relationship survive?
Words: 2.8K
“Ta da!” You exclaimed, removing your hands from the view of the person who sat in front of you, allowing them to get a full view of their new hair in the mirror.
“Woah, mi Amor” Your boyfriend, Mateo, whispered as he inched closer to the mirror, a smirk forming on his lips while he took in his new hair color. Green - neon green in fact. When he had called you over for a surprise you didn’t expect that he was going to dye his hair before he moved away for his studies. You definitely didn’t expect that he chose neon green of all the colors.
As you mixed the color and applied it, you had silently mourned his beautiful blonde that was now to be covered. But, seeing the glimmer in his hazel eyes as you met his gaze through the mirror made all of your worry go away. He was certain this is what he needed as he moved away from his mom and from you.
“Do you like it?” You asked, nervous about your work. You had really only dyed your own hair once before. You were worried about patchy areas or leaving it on too long.
“Like it?” He replied back, “Me encanta, cariño! I love it! Thank you” Mateo turned around and moved the chair he was sitting on out of the way, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you. Your laughter harmonizes with his. As he places you back down on the ground, he cups your cheek before giving you a quick kiss. You lean into his kiss, trying to savor the last bit of time with him before he leaves.
“You know…” you start to say as you pull away, “I’ll always support you, but you don’t have to change yourself for new people” you said in regards to this change in his hair as well as the new tattoo he has been hiding under long sleeves. Mateo tenses up slightly at your words, involuntarily rubbing his wrist where his new tattoo lay on his skin. He wants nothing more than to tell you about Kingdom, about the Valorant Protocol, about everything. But for your safety, he can’t. So, as far as you know, he’s going to a private university up north to finish up his degree.
“I’m not changing for anyone, mi amor. These were just things I’ve been wanting to do for a while.” He says as he reaches his hand out to you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “What’s this?” He smiles, “¿una sorpresa?” seeing a bit of new color in your hair hidden by your nape, twirling the new strand of neon green hair around his finger as he changes the topic.
Your face flushes red “well… I had to do a test strand and… now I have something to always remind me of you while you’re away.”
He chuckled slightly and hugged you tight, “Now we match. But, no te preocupes, I’ll video call you whenever I can. I promise, (y/n).”
You leaned into his hug, “I know, Teo. That doesn’t mean I won't miss you any less” you closed your eyes as you held onto him tight, struggling to prevent any tears from leaving. Mateo sighed slightly as he rested his chin on the top of your head. He pulled you in closer to him, one hand on the back of your head, the other wrapped around your shoulders. The decision to join the Valorant Protocol had weighed heavily on Mateo’s shoulders. It hurt him to leave you, more than you would ever know. But, he had to do this. He had to do this for his mom, for Reyna, and especially for you.
He loosens the hug, looking down at you. “Ey, why don’t we show my mom my new cabello?” He smiles, trying to cheer you up. You shake your head, “Teo no! She’ll kill me!” You laugh.
“Nah! I’ll tell her it was all my plan. Vamos!” He grabs your hand before you can protest and hurries out of his room, dragging you with him, “Ey¡ Mamá¡ Tengo algo que mostrarte¡'' he yells, while you giggle as he pulls you through his house.
The reaction from Mateo’s mom was roughly how you expected it to go. You watched as she went through the stages of grief in regards to seeing her son's natural hair replaced with Green. You had tried to stifle your laughter as Mateo tried to sheepishly explain his reason and thought process all while she yelled at him in Spanish. Eventually she gave in and had Mateo set the table for dinner. The rest of the night was how it normally went when you had dinner at Mateo’s house. You loved his mom’s home cooked meals, and gladly accepted the seconds she forced upon your plate. As you ate, you smiled at the shared banter between Mateo and his mom, laughing at the remarks and jokes you could understand. Normally you picked up a few words here and there, and a select few phrases when Mateo and his mom spoke in Spanish, which is a big improvement from when he first brought you over for dinner 4 years ago.
As the night ended, Mateo walked you to your car carrying a bin of homemade tamales his mom had packed up for you and your family. He pulled you in for a kiss before sending you off. “Drive safe, cariño. And text me when you get home, por favor.” He opened your car door for you and you nodded “of course, babe. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You asked, as you were going to be taking Mateo to the bus station to see him off.
“Sí, señora. I’ll see you tomorrow” he said, giving you another kiss on the cheek. “Te amo”. You returned his kiss before getting into your car, “Te amo también” you smiled. His eyes glimmered in the streetlights as he smiled, he loved hearing you say the phrases he taught you. He loved sharing his culture with you.
You pulled your car away from the curb and started your drive. Mateo waved as he watched you drive down the street, waiting to go inside until he saw your car disappear as it turned down another street. He walked inside and to his room, reaching under his head he pulled out a sash, similar to an over the shoulder bag, and set it on his bed. “Mi amigos, you can come on out now” he whispered as four tiny animal-like creatures appeared from the central area of the sash. A yellow one that stood on two legs, a blue one that floated in the air and seemed to have a hard shell of sorts on the top. A green ball that hopped straight into Mateo’s hand, and a pink creature that seemed to swim above the ground like a shark. The yellow creature walked up to Mateo, sensing any distress and grabbed onto his arm, noises similar to gargles emerging from the small creature. The man smiled as he understood what the creature was saying, “Thank you Wingman. I just sometimes wonder if I’m making the right choice. ?Sabes¿”
The blue creature came up to Mateo and rubbed against his cheek, while purring. He chuckled, “thank you, Dizzy. Unfortunately, I can’t tell (y/n). It would put her in danger, there is no way I can do that to her.
The shark-like creature grumbled, Mateo turned to it, “I’m sorry Thrash, I know you don’t like being hidden from her… or anytime, but it would just cause too many questions. Don’t worry girl, after tomorrow you won’t have to hide anymore.”
Just then, Mateo’s phone buzzed and he smiled seeing the text from you; ‘Home safe <3’.
The ride from Mateo’s house to the bus station had your stomach filled with anxiety. You had been dreading the day he left, and had hoped somehow it wouldn’t come. But it was here, and in just a few minutes you would be dropping him off and would only see him maybe once or twice every few months. Mateo’s mom riding in the back of your car also did not help your anxiety. Of course you loved his mom, and you’ve known her for years, that still doesn’t mean that you weren’t absolutely terrified of embarrassing yourself in front of her.
Mateo noticed how stiff you held onto the steering wheel of your car. He reached over and placed his hand on one of your shoulders to try his best to smooth you, “(y/n), you alright?” He said. Before you could answer his mom spoke up, “Mateo! Don’t distract her while she’s driving, tu sabes mejor!”
Mateo groaned and pulled his hand away, turning his head towards the window as he rolled his eyes, “vamos mamá, está bien.”
His mom huffed, “no esta bien, Mateo! Es imprudente.”
“Sólo espero que no seas imprudente con el protocolo-“
You heard Mateo inhale as he turned around quickly in his seat, “¡No puedes hablar de eso! ¡tú lo sabes!“
“simplemente no quiero que te lastimes. Solo estoy asustada Mateo…”
He sighed, his voice changing from worry to understanding, “Lo sé mamá... Estaré a salvo, I promise.”
Mateo turned back in his seat and you looked in the rear view mirror to see his mom silently wiping underneath her eyes. “Is everything alright?” You asked in a whisper. Mateo nodded, “Sí. She's just worried about me being in a new place.” He said, telling part of the truth. “I understand that feeling,” you replied. “Well, like I told mamá, I’ll be fine, mi amor. I promise” he said resting a hand on your knee.
You looked back in the mirror again, to his mom silently trying to compose herself as more tears fell from her eyes and you wondered if that was truly what his mom was worried about.
After you pulled your car up to the bus station, you helped grab Mateo’s things out of the trunk while his mom pulled him into a hug while kissing his temple. “Mamá, chill” he laughed after the 4th or 5th temple kiss. He walked over to you and grabbed his bag from your hand, “(y/n) I got it! You should have let me help you.” He said as you handed him his skateboard. “I wanted to give you some time with your mom.” You smiled. He set his bag and skateboard on the ground before pulling you into a kiss, not caring that his mom was just 3 feet behind him, you wrapped his arms around him as you focused on how soft his lips felt. You wanted to memorize as much of his warmth, smell, and feelings before he left.
As you two separated, his eyes lit up, “I almost forgot! But I got you something.” He said as he started digging through a pocket on his bag. As he found what he was looking for, he pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to you. You delicately took the small box and opened it to find a beautiful and tasteful heart shaped locket. Engraved on the back ‘for mi amor. Love, Teo’ “Oh my, Mateo…” you said, in shock. “How much did this cost you?” You asked, hoping he didn’t spend a ton of money on you.
“Don’t worry about it.” He said, grinning like a puppy, “open it.”
You took the pendant and saw the hinge where it opened. As it did you noticed the two pictures inside. One the left side was your first selfie with Mateo, shortly after you two began dating. He was kissing your cheek and your eyes were closed in a moment of bliss. On the right side of the locket held a more recent picture of you and Mateo. You two were both making silly faces at the camera, but it captured the essence of your relationship. “Those are two of my favorite pictures of us” He said, pulling you out of your memories. “I just wanted you to have something to hold close to your heart while I was away. I hope it’s not too…er..sappy?” he said, his face flushed as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Teo, thank you so much. I love it. Me encanta!” You said before throwing your arms around him. He held onto you tight before you both heard a familiar and soothing voice from behind you. “Que dulce, Mateo.”
You released your arms from Mateo and he set you down before looking in the direction of the voice, and his eyes lit up. “Zyanya!” He said, walking up to the tall and intimidating woman before giving her a hug.
“Mateo, (y/n), great to see you.” Zyanya said before walking up to Mateo’s mom and giving her a hug. You had met Zyanya before. You knew she wasn’t related to Mateo, but that she and Mateo’s mom had a close bond, and that he had always seen Zyanya as an aunt. Other than that, you didn’t know much about the woman. She was always friendly to you, as she knew you made Mateo happy. You refrained from asking her much about herself, as she always had this intimidating aura when she was around, and you couldn’t quite explain it.
“We better get going, cariño. The bus will be here soon.” Zyanya said to Mateo. You had heard Mateo mention before that Zyanya would be riding the bus and then train with him up to his school as she apparently lived nearby. This arrangement was apparently planned by his mother to ease her worries about him traveling alone, at least that’s what he told you.
Mateo nodded, “Sí, we should probably get to boarding.” He said, a solemn look flashing over his face as he looked to his mom and then towards you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close, wiping away a tear that had fallen from your eyes without your permission. “I’ll text you as soon as I get there mi amor. And then I’ll video call you and show you my dorm, and you can help tell me where to put some decorations. Trato?”
You nodded, sniffling as more tears fell from your eyes. You wrapped your arms around him. Pulling him into another hug as he kissed the top of your head. “I have to go no, mi amor. Te amo mucho. More than anything” he whispered to you, before giving you a quick goodbye kiss.
After he pulled away he went over to his mom and pulled her into a hug, giving her a kiss on the top of her head as well. He whispered something in Spanish, that you couldn’t quite make out, but saw as his mom nodded and gave him a kiss on the temple. His mom exchanged a hug and a few words with Zyanya before the two of them walked to the doors of the bus station. Zyanya was the first to enter, Mateo took a pause as he turned around and waved before entering.
As the doors shut behind him, you couldn’t help but shake the pit of dread that had immediately fell into your stomach. He was just going to school? He would be back before you knew it for a visit. So why did you feel so anxious? The fact that you couldn’t visit him there had upset you when he first told you about it, but it was something you quickly got over. You understood some schools had weird and random rules. Or, at least that’s what you were telling yourself.
After you dropped Mateo’s mom back off at their house, you drove straight home. His mom of course sent you home with some food, which you put into the fridge to save for later as you had no appetite at the moment. You texted Mateo that you had dropped off his mom and made it home yourself, staring at the screen you waited for the usual instant reply, but nothing appeared. You stared at the screen for a few more seconds before scrolling away, you and Mateo had never shared your locations with each other so there was no need to try and see where he was. Maybe he had fallen asleep on the train? Or maybe he and Zyanya had to switch trains and were busy boarding. There were many scenarios you could think of, but each one was starting to bring back the pit of anxiety that had burrowed into your core. You put your phone face down on your desk and turned on some music to try and distract yourself from your mind. You knew the absence of Mateo was only going to get worse, in four years you haven’t gone a day without seeing him at least for a few minutes. Before you two were officially dating he was your best friend. Whether it was him bringing you lunch to work during your breaks, or your date nights, and the occasional sleep overs at your house your life was always filled with an aspect of him.
Hours later your dad knocked on your bedroom door and opened it, finding you struggling with your bed as you had pushed it from one end of the room to the other.
“Watcha doing?” Your dad said, trying to speak over the music you had blaring in your room.
“What??” You said, as you continued pushing your bed towards the other wall, not hearing your dad over the music. Your dad sighed as he walked into your room and made his way through the maze of furniture you had created. As he approached your speaker he turned the music down, pulling you out of your trance. The resistance of your bed finally up against the wall had you sink to the floor, catching your breath as you turned and rested your back against your bed.
“So….” Your dad started, “redecorating?”
“Mhm” you answered. Resting your head in your hands, not realizing how much energy you had actually used in the last few hours.
“Has Mateo updated you yet?” He asked
You paused, trying to pretend like you didn’t hear the question before you let out a soft, “no.”
Your dad walked over to you, sitting down quietly so that his back was also resting against your bed. “He will soon, maybe his service is really bad. You did say he was going to be up in the mountains up north? Right?”, he said, reaching over to rub your back.
You shook your head. It had been hours nearly 13 hours since he said goodbye to you at the station, and he hadn’t even texted you back yet or that he was safe, “no he probably met some better friends, and he’s going to forget about me” you said through ragged breaths, tears starting to form.
Your dad pulled you close, “you know that’s nonsense right? I’ve seen how he looks at you. That’s not something you can throw away after a few hours. Ever since your mother, I’ve been scared of me not being able to see the signs of someone who is not right for you. But with Mateo, I saw all the right signs of someone who would take care of you.”
You leaned into your dad, it had taken him a while to learn the right things to say for two daughters when they needed help. And even when he didn’t quite get it right, it always meant a lot to you. The First Light had affected many families in many different ways and for your family, your mom was in the wrong place at the wrong time when she was a victim of an armed bank robbery by two newly radianite humans trying to test out their new powers. Your dad stepping into your moms shoes when she died after you were only 12 and your sister was 8 sure wasn’t an easy role. But, you had so much appreciation for everything he had given for you and your sister.
“I love you, dad.” You said, sniffling as you regained your breath.
“I love you too, (nickname)” he replied, ruffling your hair. You laughed as you struggled away from your dads grasp. The sound of your phone vibrating, gaining your attention, you jumped up and ran over towards your desk, jumping over the furniture scattered about. You walked back over to your dad beaming, “it’s Teo!” You said.
“Hey, what did I tell you?” He shrugged. You rolled your eyes as you started pushing your father towards the door of your room, “I love you dad, but get out. Now! Please!!”
“I’m leaving. I’m leaving.” He said, sighing as you closed the door in his face. “It was so much easier before boys came into the picture.” He muttered while looking up towards the ceiling.
You answered your phone to Mateo’s smiling face, “(y/n)!! Mi amor, Te extraño mucho!!” He exclaimed though his smile faltered when he saw your eyes were red. “Querida, have you been crying?” He asked
You shook your head, “I’m okay, I missed you too, mi amor. How was your train and spending time with Zyanya?”
Mateo knew you were lying about not crying, but he also knew you enough to know that if you wanted to talk about it, you would. He just hoped that you were alright. “It was peaceful” He said, “you would have loved the views” he wasn’t really lying. He was sure the view he had from the helicopter to the remote island of the Valorant Protocol was on level with the view of mountains from a train ride.
“I'm sure!” You said, “did you take any pictures?”
“Oh, um.. Sí!! Yeah I’ll have to send them to you when we’re off the phone.” He replied.
Before you could ask him about his hesitation, you heard what sounded like a gargle coming from behind him. “Mierda!” He quickly jerked his camera to the right before setting it face down on his bed. His camera turned black as you heard him scramble about his room muttering something you couldn’t make out.
“Teo, are you alright?” You asked.
It took a second before he came back. “Lo siento, mi amor. I was trying to hook up this retro gaming system and it randomly turned on with the volume all the way up.” He said. He was feeling guilty about how much he was having to lie to you, but he couldn’t show it on his face.
“Oh! I see.” You laughed, “that’ll be fun once it starts working when you want it too.”
He chuckled slightly, his eyes looking over to one side of the room. “Sí”
“So, show me around your room!” You said.
Mateo smiled and nodded, “Sí señora”. He had already hidden everything that had to do with the Valorant Protocol, and set his “window” to a nice wooded view. He turned the camera around and showed you the bare bones of his room. It was bare with just a desk, bed, closet, and a dresser. Though, you couldn’t help but notice… there was no gaming system in his room. It wasn’t like him to lie to you, so you decided to let it go.
“Seems spacious” you replied. “Lots of room for activities. So, have you met anyone yet?”
“Yeah!” He said, enthusiastically. “There’s some people I think we would get along with. They’re a few doors over to me but I don’t know much about them yet. They seem nice though!”
You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy, you suddenly pictured all the times he would be hanging out with people he was meeting and how you would be left in LA. “That’s great.” You said
He noticed the sudden sullen look in your eyes and frowned, “(y/n), are you alright?” He asked.
As you went to answer him, an alarm went off in the background of his room and the lights began to flash red. “What is that!?” You asked.
“Uh.. Fire alarm!” He said loudly, an uneasy look on his face. “We were told it would be muy ruidoso. Don’t worry it’s just a drill but I have to go!” He said, trying to talk over the alarm. You noticed that there was a voice accompanying the alarm but you couldn’t make out what it said. “Te amo!” He yelled before the call ended.
“-Te amo-“ you tried to get it out in time for him to hear you but you were only left staring at the video image of yourself. You threw your phone down on your bed and sighed as you stared up to the ceiling. Something shady was going on. You didn’t want to believe it, but Mateo was lying to you about something, and you needed to get to the bottom of it.
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sovasleepy · 4 months
wingman (x2)
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[ gekko x gn!reader ] gekko has a nightmare. wingman goes to find the person that he knows gekko finds comfort in — you. wc: 1.6k
a/n: this is a continuation of this gekko fic, but this can be read as a stand alone.
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the red lines that made up the time on your alarm clock read 3:28 am. it took another few moments before you realized what exactly had woken you up; there was someone tapping at the door. you groaned to signal that you were awake, still too half-asleep to form words but not asleep enough to be able to ignore it.
feeling your way along the wall, your hands finally find the door. you open it, but when you peer outside there is no one to be found. that is until you hear a warbling sound at your feet. through your sleep-blurred vision, you look down to find wingman.
he was shifting his weight from one of his stubby little legs to the other, and was now emitting a low whine. was he… worried? anxious? something was wrong. there had to be. why else would he be at your door at three in the morning, if not because something was wrong?
“hey, buddy,” you spoke softly. “what’s wrong?”
he gave you another high-pitched noise before beginning to scramble down the hallway. as expected, he stopped in front of gekko’s opened bedroom door. you hesitated for a moment, wondering if you should step in. it wasn’t your room, and while gekko and you were friends, it wasn’t as if he had given you the right to walk into his room at any given moment. even then, shouldn’t you knock first?
biting back that thought, you knew that wingman wouldn’t have retrieved you from your room in the dead of night for nothing. you followed him through the opened doorway and attempted to follow him through the dark room.
eventually, you heard the tapping of his claws on the ground and then the rustling of sheets; presumably, wingman was trying and failing to jump up onto the bed until he finally succeeded.
that theory was confirmed a few seconds later, as he finally turned on the lamp situated on the nightstand. he gargled in annoyance, closed his eyes, and shook in a way akin to a wet dog. with his eyes now adjusted to the light, he turned around and clambered his way over to sit on gekko’s chest.
the man in question was sound asleep. he was wearing a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, dark green blanket tangled around one leg and covering half of his chest. his breaths were steady and shallow, every few breaths emitting the remnants of a snore. nothing seemed to be wrong.
at the end of the bed, dizzy seemed to have stolen a portion of the blanket for herself and was asleep in the nest she’d made of it.
“mateo?” you called his name gently at first.
he didn’t move. not that you would expect he would, being that he was very clearly fast asleep. wingman whirred at you.
with a deep breath, you stepped forward and put part of your weight onto the bed. you reached out and lightly shook him, calling his name once more. nothing. you shook a little harder, spoke a little louder. still nothing. alright, maybe you were getting a little worried now. how heavy did he sleep?
you leaned more on the bed, peering over his sleeping body. your weight supported by one hand, the other found his jaw. with your thumb on one side of his face and the rest of your fingers on the other, you turned his face gently to study his features. he seemed fine enough apart from the sleep lines carved into the left side of his face and the slight pinch of his brows. you called his name once again.
this time, he shot up in bed with a gasp. in doing so, his forehead collided with yours and sent you backwards. an attempt to catch yourself on the heel of your palms failed miserably as he moved his leg from beneath you. the little amount of support you had from your hands was swept from underneath you and you fell onto your back. your back and head were met with the warm and fuzzy sensation of his blankets.
although you were vaguely aware that his room smelled of him, you were now fully aware of the scent of lavender and sage that lingered to the blanket previously wrapped around him.
“y- wings? what the…” gekko groaned and rubbed at his eyes. it was another few moments before he registered that you were there. “y/n? what are you doing here?”
“that’s a good question.” you answered. you attempted to sit up once again, finally succeeding this time. “wingman woke me up. acted like something was wrong, so i followed him here.”
it was now that you noticed how off gekko looked. his eyes were wide and watchful, especially considering he had been fast asleep a few moments ago. his chest rose quickly and fell heavily, tanned fingers whitening with the grip they had on his bedsheets. wingman warbled absently as he scampered atop gekko’s lap and plopped down almost comically. he stared up at you expectantly, although you weren’t quite sure what he was trying to communicate.
gekko made a noise somewhere between a huff and a laugh. “i was having a nightmare. i guess wings knew… that, or i accidentally kicked him off the bed in the middle of it again.” the little green creature whirred at the word ‘again,’ but made no further complaints.
“ah. i wonder why he came and got me though? other rooms are closer than mine. neon’s for one, or even reyna’s. i assumed if he was looking for someone to comfort you, he’d go to her first. not that i wouldn’t comfort you! i just—”
“i understand.” he said, usual smile returning to his face. “i’m sorry about him, dunno what got into him. you should get some sleep though. it’s too early for this, little man.” he looked to wingman at the last sentence, who seemingly ignored him.
“well, goodnight anyway… and sorry for the scare. and goodnight to you too, wingman.” you said. the creature made a noise somewhat like a purr in response, followed by an indignant noise as he realized you were leaving.
your hand had barely touched the doorknob when you heard a thump, followed by the scampering of claws across the floor. wingman pawed desperately at your leg.
kneeling down, you asked him what was wrong. he shifted his weight from stubby leg to stubby leg, before turning around to look at gekko. the creature gargled, which made noticeable heat rise in gekko’s face.
“no! i mean, yes, but no.” he responded. again, wingman made a noise, and he spoke back. “it’s not like that…”
“ok, it is like that. but i can’t just— that’s not a thing, alright, buddy?”
“it’s just… a weird thing for humans to do. i’m sorry.”
you never thought you’d see so much annoyance and attitude come from the small, blob-like creature that was wingman. finally, gekko sighed. he threw his head back and took a deep breath.
“he… wants you to stay.”
it felt rude to laugh. but you couldn’t help it. against your best attempts to stifle it, a small laugh escaped you. as strange a request it was, you didn’t mind it. you were far too lost in your sleepy state of mind to care much about it, but you also knew how persistent gekko’s friends could be.
“yeah, i’ll stay. scoot over.” you spoke. wingman hummed, clearly pleased.
despite the darkening of his cheeks, gekko moved over in his bed. in the back of your mind, you thought about moving back to your own room once the two of them were asleep.
however, as you settled in beside him, you began to drift off. the low trill of dizzy somewhat-snoring and the warmth radiating off of thrash didn’t help either.
the next thing you remember was the blinding light of whatever the hell had been shining into the room at this hour. you realized soon after that the shining was inside of the room, coming from the overhead light. brimstone stood in the doorway, jett and phoenix behind him snickering amongst themselves.
“what are you two up to?” brimstone asked. you couldn’t quite tell the tone of his voice — he sounded so stern and almost angry, as if he was your dad who had caught you in a more compromising position. yet, there was a playful lilt hidden in his voice.
“wingman happened.” you huffed, still too half-asleep to care to explain.
whether or not he was actually upset you didn’t know, but he reminded you that breakfast would be ready soon and to come to the kitchen once you were ready. you nodded, still rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
the door clicked closed. as the laughing and teasing jokes made by phoenix and jett disappeared down the hallway, you finally decided to get up.
you now realized the position that gekko was in. he was a stomach sleeper, but was laying half on top of you. one leg was thrown across yours, his arm wrapped around you, and his face tucked into the crook of your neck.
“hey,” you called, voice soft. “it’s time to get up.”
he didn’t answer, but wingman warbled and scampered across the bed to snuggle into the space between your bodies. an attempt to move out from under the man failed. he hummed softly, muttered something that sounded like “a little longer” and pulled you closer.
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lateraniansweets · 1 year
watchu got there?
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pairing: gekko (mateo) x reader
notes: wow i cant believe i come back from an unplanned hiatus with a valorant fic wow (send valo asks pls) n e ways this can be read romantic or platonic tbh
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“No no no no shhh,” you put a finger to your lips, shushing the creature squirming excitedly in your messenger bag, “we gotta be quiet Wings.” 
Wingman stops squirming and peeks his head out from the bag, “Gworyaet?”
You nod, “Yep. We gotta be quiet or we’ll get caught.”
Wingman nods, holding out a flipper in front of him–mirroring you, before returning inside the bag. You pull over the bag flap and crouch, eyes sweeping the corridors leading to the common room.
The common room door opens automatically and you step inside. 
Like the hallways earlier it was empty, its usual dwellers away on a mission or in their own quarters. 
You sit yourself down on the couch, swiping away the paint-splattered tools left on the coffee table to make room for your smoothie. Glancing to your right you find one of Cypher’s cameras hidden in the pile of scrap that was once Maxbot.
You give the camera the finger. 
Cypher was probably in his office right now, laughing at your dumbass sneaking around HQ while holding a smoothie. 
“Well whatever,” you help open Wingman’s own drink before taking a sip of yours, “it was worth it–” 
The door to the common room opens, revealing a haggard-looking Mateo “Hey ___ have you seen Wingma-”
“No.” You answer a little too quickly.
“Oh,” He walks inside, checking the nooks and crannies of the common room, “Well tell me if you do! I’ve been looking for him all–”
You both freeze. 
Mateo looks behind him and then under the coffee table, 
“Wings?!” he calls out.
A gurgling noise comes from your bag, two yellow ears peeking out from it. 
“Hey ___,” he gestures to the bag “What’s in there?”
Choosing the worst timing possible, Wingman pops out of the bag, holding a smoothie. 
Again you pull the bag flap over him and look Mateo dead in the eye, “Nothing, just a smoothie”.
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note: yes this is based off of this meme
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kazvha · 3 months
Can you please make a valorant x gn! reader (please have phoenix and gekko) and their opinions on is their s/o watching asmr. ( made for sleep and not boyfriend asmr stuff🤢) this is my first ever request so sorry if it sucks! and thank you!
Summary: Phoenix and Gekko with a s/o who listens to asmr
Notes: Thank you for your request anon, I had fun writing this!!🤙🏾
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• Phoenix was skeptical at first. He thought that if you needed help sleeping you should just drink chamomile tea or something
• And he was also there at your disposal! He'll gladly be your personal cuddle bug if it helps you fall asleep faster
• You were tired of his comments, so you insisted that he should try it out at least one time instead of judging you for no reason
• So he finally tried it out after a lot of resistance. He put up the asmr you recommended to him and went to sleep with his earbuds on. And let me tell you, this man slept like a baby
• "Why didn't you put me onto this sooner? I feel like a newborn baby!" Phoenix said the next morning, as he eyed himself in the mirror
• You smiled dryly. "Jamie, babe, you didn't want to listen to me." 😀
• After that he went sleeping with asmr every day. Every night he tries out a new one to find out which one he likes the best
• The best combo is you two cuddling together while listening to the asmr on the speaker. It's a truly relaxing experience, I do 100% recommend
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• Gekko totally gets it. Not everybody can go out like a light and if asmr helps you, that's great!
• He even helps you with finding new ones. Every time he discovers a new asmr that he thinks you would like, he sends it to you
• Sometimes he uses asmr himself for his afternoon naps or if he wants to wind down and destress after a long day
• Something tells me that he attempted to do a personalized asmr for you, but he failed terribly. He never brought this up lol
• Mateo is such a sweetheart. He will tuck you into bed and set up your favorite asmr for you. "Which one do you want to listen to tonight?" Then he'll turn off the lights before leaving your room. "Buenas noches, cariño mío. Que duermas bien!" *
• And if you two sleep together he doesn't mind listening to your asmr too!
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* Translation: "Good night, my dear. Sleep tight/well!"
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liyawritesss · 1 month
Could you possibly write more on having what's basically a long distance relationship with Mateo as he's an agent? I found your headcanons for Gekko with a s/o who is his hairdresser so cute and it's rare to see him written with a citizen!reader (or really find a lot of writing about him at all at this point lol-)
Honestly I just want more fluffy words written with this concept-
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-> synopsis | what would a long distance relationship be like with agent gekko from valorant!
-> pairing | mateo armendariz de la fuente/gekko x blk!gn!reader
-> contains | pure fluff, a couple of curse words, 2nd person (you, your, yours), terms of endearment in spanish at the end
-> a/n | aaaahhhhhh tysm for this request! gekko absolutely has my heart so it was my pleasure to write these out! I also agree that the gekko tag (quite frankly a lot of the valorant agent tags) are kinda dry, so here’s my contribution to it! hope you all enjoyyyyyy <3
-> join my tag list!
-> tags | @f3r4lfr0gg3r @badass-dora-milaje @lees-chaotic-brain @uranometrias @jacuzziwaters
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I'd like to say that some instances in this scenario will play out differently depending on the timeline of your relationship. What I mean is, certain things can be different depending on if you met/were friends with/started dating Mateo before his induction into the Protocol compared to if the two of you met afterwards. In this instance, we'll go with the route that you two werre good friends before he joined Valorant. Regardless, however, his love for you is very strong and withstands whatever distance his job puts between the two of you, and even though it gets hard sometimes, he reassures you that no one else has his heart but you.
Honestly pray for you and his' phone battery because there's not a time - if he can't help it - that he isn't on the phone with you. Obviously not when he's in the battlefield (he tried it twice and got scolded by you and Brimstone individually. So instead of calling you he listens to the playlist you made him), but throughout the day he's got your phone ringing. You two also fall asleep on the phone together most nights, whether it be just through voice call or though video call. Sometimes he wakes up before you due to training or an early call, and he takes the time to admire your sleeping form. If it's you who happens to wake up before him, you do the same, tracing the curve of his head on your phones screen and imagining being there with him. Yes, you both snap screenshots of each other, but neither of you know it!
On the occasion you both wake up at the same time you'll both do your morning routines together. It consists of a lot of sleepy groans from Mateo - he hates having to be a morning person - with you encouraging him and hyping him up for the day ahead. He returns the favor with a lot of sleepy flirting and compliments on how good you look, and also gives you encouragement for the day ahead. Alongside his pals of course, of which Wingman is the most vocal.
His radivore friends miss you just about as much as he does whenever the two of you are away from each other. If he's moping - they're moping. They kind of play off of Gekko's emotions a little bit, especially when it comes to you because they love you just as much as he does. You did give them shelter and a place to hide after Gekko rescued them, after all, so they're just as protective and loving of you. In fact, sometimes one of them will even waddle or fly up to Gekko with his phone spouting garble that only he can under stand as them asking to call you so they can say hi to you. Mayhaps there's a battle for attention from all five of the little crew but there's definitely enough of you to go around!
Mateo likes to surprise you with little things to reassure you that no matter where he's at or what he's doing he's always thinking about you. Some mornings you'll wake up to a fresh bouquet being delivered to your door, or lunch being delivered to your place of work or university. Sometimes you come home to random packages you know you didn't order, but quickly surmise that Gekko is the culprit when a little gift note is found on the inside of the boxes.
Playing off that, he has his card linked to your phones e-pay so whenever you feel like going out, ordering takeout, etc, he'll have you do it on his expense. It took a while to get you to agree to this because you didn't want it to look like you were just using him for his super covert - yet highly paid - status. But Gekko was quick to put that kind of thinking down: "Hey, in a way, I'm technically buying the stuff for you! Y'know since it's my money? Eh? Don't sweat is, chica, it's all good. Lemme take care of you, yeah?"
A handful of other agents know about you and have even greeted you! Reyna says 'hi' every once in a while, while the likes of Phoenix and Neon are always hounding him for a chance to say hello to you, making jokes about how they're looking out for him in the field for you. Jett knows you because she asked Gekko to ask you if there's any good Korean spots the team should hit up if they're ever in L.A. (of which he took 'offense' to, as if he wasn't sitting right there!). Killjoy is his brainstorming buddy on gifts to send you because she does the same for Raze. Basically most of the agents on the younger side know that Gekko's got a partner, while the older ones acknowledge it but don't pry/aren't as invested in the relationship.
When coming home to visit during vacations, Mateo will go all out for making up for lost time. It essentially consists of doing the things the two of you used to two as teenagers - skating around town, taco-truck hopping, tagging some walls and ending the days with a visit to the boardwalk. Most days however, the two of you just prefer to stay in and enjoy each other's presence for the time that you have each other. Little at home dates like movie marathons, sip-and-paints, cooking dinner together are some things that help the both of you reconnect after being away for so long. And of course, dying his hair!
Gekko will let you do anything to his head to be honest, he trusts you completely. You're both very artsy as well so he's always down for whatever you've got planned, and you've done a variety of styles on him, including hearts, stars, flowers, smiley faces, different prints, and more. At the end of his visit the two of you will do your hair the same color so that it's one way to show you're connected with the inevitable comes and he has to leave.
He also got you two those mood bracelets that are connected no matter where he is in the world. A couple of programmed taps will let you know all of how he’s feeling - how much me misses you, how much he loves you, good morning and good night signals, and even a series of flashes to represent kisses! And of course he had Killjoy to jailbreak it and program more sayings in it, but eventually it got to be too much for the device to handle, so she literally just made yall a new pair in your favorite colors that can send those same messages and even emojis! (yes he spams you with kissing emojis - and so do the radivores!)
He’s got so many nicknames for you it’s insane - sometimes you wonder if he ever uses the same one twice in a day! He likes to see your reactions to each one and concludes a couple to be your favorites judging by how shy or squirmy you get. HIS favorites however, in no particular order: mi vida when he’s being sweet and charming, querida when he’s being silly and playful, and carino for those serious moments and when you wake up/go to sleep together. He gives you cute (albeit sometimes random) nicknames as well that make you giggle and he loves that from you. You’re sure his little critters have some for you too but he doesnt tell you due to ‘critter-rangler confidentiality’.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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mateoluvr · 1 year
what are you hiding?
gekko/mateo x f!reader
wc: 3k | angst | tw: mentions of wounds, blood + gunshots
context: you are unaware of this ‘agent life’ that he held. it gave a bad impression onto you one day when he comes home extremely late in the night, covered up in wounds. and he refused to explain himself. 
a/n: i tried to add like a scene at the very end.. and im lowkey questioning myself if i did ok with it or not LMAO anyways enjoy!! took all my writing juice from today on this :’> 
after another excruciating long day of work, you left the office to be greeted with pouring rain from the gloomy sky at the entrance. 
oh great. 
you groaned, you didn’t have an umbrella with you. so you decided to go to  a nearby café to wait out the rain, because you weren’t about to walk home and end up getting drenched. 
you ordered a small coffee with two sugar and one cream, and sat down at a table. you pulled out your laptop and decided to work on other assignments at the very least if you wanted time to pass by quickly. before you knew it, a few hours had passed since you got to the café. you check the time on your phone, and was shocked to see you’ve been there for three hours. it was now 10pm, and you got there around 7pm-ish. you quickly packed your things, and left. but of course it was still raining, but at least it was just a drizzle so it was bearable to walk home through. 
once you got home, you call out your boyfriend’s name.
“mateo! i’m home.” 
no one answered back though, which you found odd since he was usually home by now. you checked your phone to see if he texted you or anything, and to your surprise there was no trace of him. you sighed, and just decided to go shower to ease yourself. 
after that, you decided to cook up something quick and made an extra portion for mateo whenever he came back. 
another hour passes, you already ate while his food was still sitting there, and he was still absent. you started to worry, and decided to try to call him, but immediately got sent to voicemail.
‘the person you were trying to call is unable to pick up the phone at this very moment. please try again later’
confusion and frustration was all you could feel at that very moment. 
where the hell was mateo? 
you ended up shaking it off, and just packing his food portion and placing it in the fridge for him to eat later. you took a sticky note and wrote ‘there’s food in the fridge’ and placed it on the counter so he knew whenever he decided to come back. 
as you got in bed, in defeat of trying to stay up for mateo you felt your phone vibrating against your skin. it was a call from your boyfriend. you perked up and answered.
“hermosa, can you open the door? i forgot my keys.” 
“okay teo, give me a second.” as you hang up, walking down the stairs to make sure you don’t accidentally trip. you unlocked the door, and before you greeted mateo, you couldn’t help but notice the bandages and bruises he had around the exposed parts on his body. 
did he get into a fight?
no. he couldn’t have. 
you knew him, he wasn’t that type of guy. or was he..? you were immediately snapped back into reality, when your boyfriend was calling your name, waving at you.
“earth to y/n, you okay?” he asks out of curiosity, because he saw your eyebrows furrow when you glanced at him.
“oh sorry.. here come in.” as you walked away from the entrance so he could come in. as he got settled, you started to question the bandages and what-not.
“mateo.. are you okay? you’re all wrapped up.” the concern in your voice was noticeable. 
“i’m fine cariño, please don’t worry.” he tries to reassure you, but you didn’t buy it.
“can you at least tell me what happened, and why’d you come home so late..?” 
“it’s nothing that imporant y/n, por favor odio cuando estas preocupado.” he replied with dread in his voice. 
mateo tries his best to change the topic, and ends up convincing you that he was fine. but you couldn’t help but feel this ominous gut feeling, deep down you knew he was probably hiding something from you, but couldn’t pinpoint why or what he was keeping secret from you. 
“if you say so then, i left some food for you in the fridge, i’m going to go to sleep it’s late.” you yawned, picking yourself up the stairs.
“gracias, goodnight bebé, please sleep well.” 
as days go by, you come home to no one, mateo coming home very later than usual. you hated this new regular thing, and your suspicions about mateo grew by the day. you couldn’t shrug off the fact that he was hiding something from you, knowing he wasn’t someone to lie or keep secrets from you. so, why was he doing it now? did you do something wrong? so many negative questions to yourself rushing through your mind, it killed you not knowing the truth. your intrusive thoughts got the best of you. which ended up you going into his room looking through his things in any hopes of context clues. part of you felt guilty for snooping this low, scrummaging through his belongings. you ended up finding some pieces of paper labeled “valorant protocol,” and him going by a codename of “gekko.” you were intrigued wondering what’s this?
you read the notes, one reading 
“..gekko we need you in tomorrow. you, astra, harbor, and neon are going to go to 14°07'AD.4"N8 74°53'XY"E8 to investigate the sites. we’ve gotten reports of radianite being present, please report in the commons room by 7am sharp tomorrow.”
huh? who are all those people, and what was ‘radianite’? you puzzled. you look through the rest of the pile, and all of the messages seem to be around the same, with different coordinates and names each time. but, even with these clues you couldn’t  figure out what this truly meant. sure, he definitely is hiding something, but what does all this mean? you tried to see if there was anything else, and ended up finding his extra id card attached to a lanyard at the very bottom of his nightstand’s drawer. his face was on it, along with his alias ‘gekko,’ the name you know him by, and his agent number (22) it presumes? 
before being able to process it, your phone rang. it was from an unknown number. you picked up, and before you knew it tears trickled down your face. you got news that mateo was in the hospital. you left his room in a messy state you created, trying to get to the hospital as fast as your two feet could get you. you were out of breath by the time you got there. 
you ran to the receptionist desk to figure out what room your boyfriend was in. 
“our patient mateo should be in room 215-a ma’am.” the receptionist informed you. 
you went straight up, and practically barged the door to his ward open. you saw him hooked up to an iv pump. you ran towards him, calling out his name in an unsteady tone. he was unconscious. the doctor walks in a few minutes after your arrival, explaining what happened. 
“he is currently in critical condition, we are unsure if he’ll be up anytime soon- or even make it i’m sorry ma’am.” 
you were in denial, there’s no way your loved one was right there in front of you in that state. 
as the doctor tries to keep his professionalism, deep down he felt bad for you, you sat there beside mateo weeping. 
“..i’ll give you some space ma’am, once again i’m sorry.” the doctor walks out, closing the door to contain your privacy, but someone else ended up entering. it was a tall broad man, who wore a greenish-jacket. unsure, of who he was you were startled, which also startled him.
“who are you?” you asked while wiping your tears away from your face with your shirt’s sleeves.
“oh hello there, i’m harbor, gekko’s coach, and you are?”
“i’m y/n, mat- gekko’s girlfriend.” you stuttered, still getting used to this unfamiliar name he also went by.
“ah, i see, he talks about you a lot when we’re training. the boy has the attention span of a goldfish.” he jokes trying to brighten up the room’s sorrowful presence.
you appreciated his attempt to cheer you up a bit, but couldn’t bring your mind off the motionless mateo laying on the hospital cot.
“mr. harbor, do you know what happened to him?” you turned to him, seeing his eyebrows furrow realizing how bad of a state mateo was currently in.
“i- yes i do.” he replied grabbing a chair placing it aside you. he started from the beginning.
[flashback to the day of the 14°07'AD.4"N8 74°53'XY"E8 investigation mission]
“alright agents, you are now entering the city of flowers, please be careful and wary of your surroundings as this area is currently unfamiliar to us.” brimstone says through the earpiece.
“‘gotcha jefa.” gekko replies in a playful tone.
the four agents go to the center, and workout a plan before heading to their designated places.
“okay, astra and neon, you two explore site c, i’ll take gekko with me to explore site a. we’ll meet back up on site b, copy that?” harbor explains.
they all nod, taking off to their sites. as gekko and harbor reached site a after a few minutes of following a map with the area’s layout they hear there was another person following them.
“coach.. did’ya hear that?”
harbor nods in agreement, and asks him to send dizzy out to scout close by. he takes dizzy out of his pouch, and sends her up.
“up you go!” dizzy doesn’t catch anything, and drops back down.
“you did good.” gekko whispers retrieving her back.
“that’s odd.. i swore that footstep was nearby.”
“well, she didn’t see anything so i guess we’re just hearing things coach.”
“maybe we’re paranoid, but please keep your guard up still, that’s the only information we have as of right now.”
they continued to slowly explore site a, but gekko ends up wandering somewhere else without harbor noticing until it was too late. a gun shot was fired, harbor was alerted, and turned his back to see gekko missing.
harbor yelled out his name, not knowing where he could’ve went he comms into his earpiece that he’s missing to the other two. neon and astra ran towards harbor’s location immediately.
“gekko, do you copy!?”
there was no answer, but a few more gunshots were fired from afar. so the three went closer to the sounds.
“water rising!” harbor walls the nearby entrances to make some space.
“how’d you even lose the boy in the first place?” astra questioned harbor.
“i let him out of my sight for a few minutes, and he disappeared.”
“guys! there’s people shooting ‘round here let’s talk later and find gekko first please.” neon rolled her eyes.
“right, we have gekko to worry about right now.”
as they fought with enemies who are present, neon spots the blatant neon green hair boy nearby.
“gekko’s over by a link guys!” she shouts to the others, throwing her wall up to safely cross.
she’s greeted with gekko’s critters all worried about him, wingman especially. she sees the small yellow blob shaking his legs in hopes of a response, but he was already out cold.
“guys! assistance needed, gekko’s unresponsive.”
“blocking fire!” harbor throws out his cove onto neon and gekko.
“this sucks, sage isn’t here to heal him back up.”
“well we have to get out of this predicament quickly, this boy needs serious medical attention or he’s not going to make it,” astra comments.
“brimstone, do you read me?” harbor comms into his earpiece.
“sir, gekko needs help immediately, he’s losing blood by the second.”
brimstone notices, as he goes to check gekko’s vitals on his pad.
“this damn boy, always getting into trouble.. alright i’ll try my best to send support immediately, try your best to make your way back to starting location.”
“copy that.” harbor replies.
harbor quickly explains the plan to astra and neon.
“alright i’ll watch over gekko, you two hold b upper and b main for a bit in case if there’s anymore enemies.”
they nodded, and held their said angles while harbor looks through the area’s layout map to see the safest way back to their starting point. he ends up deciding to shoot through a link’s door, then he’ll wall off the close angles so the three could get out with gekko.
“danger close, neon watch out!” astra yells as she saw a glimpse of a guy around b link, and pushes neon out of the way to shoot at them.
“wow.. salamat astra- wait another one incoming, watch out to the left astra!” 
multiple gunshots were being fired from both sides until astra decided they should get going now since being enclosed in a small area wasn’t ideal.
“we should fall back, i’ll wall off our a link to buy us some time.” astra says going into astral form as she sets out her cosmic divide. 
“i’ll carry gekko, you two just fend them off while we make our way got it?”
as they fought their way out, they ended making it out safely without anyone obtaining major injuries, at most a few scratches. brimstone’s backup support ends up arriving, and they board onto the helicopter he sent out. the three agents panted, tired out from all the havoc that just went down.
“we’re going to have to bring gekko to a regular hospital back in california, sage isn’t at base currently so she’s unable to aid the boy.” brimstone looks at gekko’s body, covered in red. his vest was stained in blood from the gunshot wounds around his chest.
[end of flashback]
fast forward, harbor covered everything that went down which led to mateo being in that state.
“it’s completely my fault he’s like this, i’m sorry dear.” harbor sighs, guilt visible in his voice.
you both sit there in silence, mourning until a miracle happened as mateo slowly regains his consciousness.
“ugh.. w-where am i?” gekko mutters. you and harbor immediately putting your attention onto mateo.
“mateo!” you cried, you wanted to hug him but you decided not to because he was probably still in pain.
“bebé..?” mateo uses the strength that he has to turn his head towards your familiar voice.
“please don’t scare me like that again.”
“good to see you awake gekko, are you alright?”
you both aid him to sit up from the bed, as mateo recollects his thoughts.
“..how’d i end up here?” he asks the both of you, rubbing his eyes.
“i let you out of my sight for a second and you were gone before i knew it gekko, don’t wander off like that again next time you got me and the others worried sick.”
“i’m sorry coach..” gekko frowned, lowering his head in embarrassment.
“mateo, why didn’t you just tell me in the first place about this job you had?”
he stays quiet, but he knew he couldn’t get his way out of this question this time like he did last time you asked.
“oh? gekko never told you about this?” harbor asks in surprise.
“no, he did not.” you sighed in disappointment.
“coach, may i have a minute with y/n?” mateo requested from his mentor.
“ah right, i’ll get going now please have a safe recovery i’ll see you later.” harbor gets up from his chair, and waves goodbye before leaving the ward.
now it was just the two of you in the room.
“i-i’m sorry i lied about my occupation y/n..” he stutters.
“so.. why’d you do what you did mateo?”
“i didn’t want you to worry about me if i ever got hurt. y’know how much i hate seeing you like how you are right now!” he says as he examined your slightly puffy eyes from the crying you did earlier.
“i know how much of a hard trabajadora you are y/n, i don’t want to stress you out more than you already are from work.”
“mateo.. i-”
“i know i’m the worst novio ever! i shouldn’t have had you found out about it like this.. just mírame, i have ivs all hooked up onto me.” he shouts, with a urge to just burst out crying right there and then.
you could see your boyfriend all teary, and you gently pat his back as a signal to him to just let it out; and that you’d be there to comfort him. so he did, he dreaded you seeing him like this, but he couldn’t bottle up his emotions anymore. he wanted you to look up to him, which is why he always kept this strong composure of his, but he just felt like a complete disappointment as of then. 
“teo it’s okay, don’t say that about yourself, your job is clearly more stressing than mine i get it.” you try to reassure him as he sniffled.
“te prometa que, i won’t keep any secrets from you anymore from here on out y/n! mark my words.” he lifts his pinky up, showing he’s making a pinky promise with you.
“that’s what i like to hear.” you replied in relief, as you laced your fingers as you mutually agreed on the promise.
..and after that, everyday after work you’d come visit him for a few hours to check up on him. it went like that for a few weeks before he was able to get discharged from the hospital with a full recovery!
thank god.
you couldn’t imagine a world without mateo, you knew he was a strong guy, and he ended up getting through it thankfully. when everything went back to normal, brimstone let mateo on a break since he’s been working constantly lately and decided that it would be the best for him. you were glad, and with the time off mateo was given, he never left your sight. he ended up introducing you to the other agents in the protocol, all of them complimenting you in different ways. or, he’d take you on dates like he did in the beginning, oh how you missed those days
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acaaciia · 1 year
Site B
relationship: Gekko / Mateo x gn!reader
listed tags: slight angst, hurt/comfort, implied happy ending, semi established, confessions, one-shot
trigger warnings: wounds! blood! slight gore! gunshot wounds
synopsis: Gekko knew what he was signing up for when he first joined the Valorant Protocol, he knew there were risks to his job, but not like this, never like this, never you. 
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“Stay together and stay alive. Remember, we’re just here to gain more intel” Harbor warned stepping off the helicopter and onto the drop site first, “I’m looking at you two." He directed his words toward you and Gekko. 
The rest of you followed Harbor off the aircraft, with your weapons in hand. Reyna was the first to lead the way as she scooped out the surrounding area. 
“Come on coach, you got the best crew in the house!” Gekko winked at you, nudging your shoulder with a giant grin.
You smiled in return, rolling your eyes at his antics, “He does have a point, somos los mejores.(1)” You agreed, shrugging your shoulders. 
“Orale!(2) That's what I’m talking about.” Gekko cheered, giving you a fist bump. 
Reyna rolled her eyes at the two of you, “We’ll round up again back here later, on my signal.” She declared, adjusting her gun with a stern look, “comprenden?(3)”
“Claro, Reyna.(4)” 
“You got it, Jefa.(5)” 
The four of you wished each other luck as you split into groups of two to cover more ground. You and Gekko were to explore ‘Site B’ while Reyna and Harbor would take care of ‘Site A’. The Valorant Protocol was investigating a number of locations today in an attempt to figure out where these mysterious shipments of Radianite were going to and from.  According to a mysterious tip, there were at least two locations that had active shipments moving in and out, but without a precise location, all active agents were split up to investigate the different suspected areas. It was a 50/50 shot that you would actually be the group to find the correct place. 
You and Gekko were perfectly synched up as you made your way towards Site B. You took the right end while he watched your left, the two of you were constantly focused on watching the other’s back. You both had grown to have an immense amount of trust in one another, having joined the Valorant Protocol at around the same time and being trained together frequently, it was inevitable that you would have formed a strong bond. 
When you weren’t training for the next mission, you two were constantly hanging out. If you wanted something to eat, suddenly it turned into a food run for two, or well six of you, if you counted his familiars. Whenever Gekko’s hair was in need of a touch up, you were the first one he called. And when either of you had nightmares due to your line of work, the two of you could always be found in either of your bedrooms, soothing the other till you fell asleep in each other's arms.
The two of you were practically conjoined at the hip and all of the other agents knew it too. Whenever they needed one of you, there was a guarantee that they would find the other as well, to them it was only a matter of time before you two would make it official. 
The two of you weren’t dumb either, you both had caught on to the longing looks you shared, early on. All the times you two had held hands under the table during team outings, rubbing each other's knuckles gently. All the subtle touches that sent shivers down your spine.
But nothing was ever made official. You never outright said that you had feelings for the Hispanic man, you never told him how the way he laughed would send your heart into failure. And neither did he. But maybe that was enough for you two, just knowing you could always count on the other to be there. 
The two of you made it to the surrounding area of Site B with no issues. You two had a perfect aerial view of the site and immediately spotted what you had been instructed to find. You both hid behind some crates while you made contact with the rest of your group. 
“We got eye’s on the target.” You stated over comms, while Gekko peeked around from where you two were hiding to get another look.
“Looks empty from up here,” Gekko imputed his own observations.  
“Great, Site A was a bust.” Harbor replied gruffly, “Proceed with caution until we can make our way there.” 
“You got it coach!” Gekko stood from where you two had been crouching, offering you a hand up which you gladly took, “You heard em’, vamanos.(6)” 
You both made it down to the entrance of Site B and the silence was killing you. It felt awfully too quiet for an area that was transporting something so important, it was too good to be true. 
“Dizzy’s up top.” Gekko called out, sending in the blue critter to confirm if it was safe for the two of you to enter. 
With no gun fire and no gurgles of danger from the creature, Gekko determined that it was clear, but your gut was screaming otherwise. Just as Gekko was about to take the lead in entering the area behind Dizzy but you pulled him back by the end of his sweater vest.
He paused in his steps, looking back at you, “Gekko…I don’t feel too good about this.” You expressed your concerns, “Maybe we should fall back for now and wait for the others.” 
He turned and took your hand from where it previously held onto his clothing, rubbing gentle circles on the back of your palm, “Estamos bien,(7) Dizzy confirmed it’s clear.” He reassured you. 
Although you were still unsure despite his reassurance, you decided to push your feelings behind you. Having faith in the confidence he held with his words, you hesitantly agreed, letting go of his hand as you ready your weapon. 
You entered B Site behind Gekko and kept guard as he retrieved Dizzy from where she spun out. Once she was settled, the two of you continued to ensure the area was clear. 
You made your way back to meet up with Gekko in the center of the shipment center once you had made sure your area was clear…or so you thought.
Your ears rang harshly making you disoriented, your body flung forward and roughly onto the ground without your approval. It all happened too fast and your mind was unable to focus on the area surrounding you and the warmth you felt flare up in your lower abdomen and in your calf. 
The noise felt deafened in your ears but you could still faintly hear your name being called out multiple times, followed by the sound of more gunshots firing above you. Finally, the noise ceased and you felt as though you could finally let your heavy eyelids rest for a bit.
One minute you were laying face-side down, the next, you were flipped onto your back carefully. Your eyes squinted in order to block out the harsh rays of the sun beating down on you until a buzzed, bright neon green head took its place. 
“Shit, shit!” Gekko exclaimed, looking down at your body that held multiple gun wounds. He quickly pulled his sweater over his head and turned it inside out. He cut off a piece and instructed Wingman to apply pressure on the wound on your calf, before applying pressure against your abdomen to keep the blood from gushing out from your wound. 
“Apuranse!(8) [Name]’s down.” Gekko called out with urgency, a series of curses flooding comms immediately. 
Gekko had always known what he was getting himself into when he first joined the Valorant Protocol; he knew the risks that came with his job. But not like this, never like this, never you. He never thought he’d grow to care for someone as much as he did you, but as he kneeled here, keeping his hands over your body with steady pressure. As the blood seeped through his sweater slowly, grazing the palms of his hands, dying them a deep crimson. 
He could only think of all the things he should’ve said earlier. All the times that he held you in his arms and didn’t come right out and shower you in the pet names he wished he had. All the moments you two had come inches away from sealing your first kiss that always managed to get interrupted. 
Maybe if he hadn’t insisted and listened to your gut feeling then maybe you two wouldn’t be in the position you were in. If he had just-
“Is it that bad?” You choked out, interrupting his thought process, swallowing the clot of blood that you could feel coming up from behind your throat. You already knew the answer to your question, but the silence between you two and the way his face was so stern and concerned, it was too much for you. It wasn’t a look that suited him. 
Gekko looked back at your face, trying to keep a smile, “Claro que no, carino(9) He reassured, the shakiness in his voice betraying him, “It’s nothing Sage can’t fix, but I need you to keep your eyes open for me, okay?” 
“Carino, huh? At least take me out to dinner first.” You joked, taking note of his slip up, trying to ease the tension before a small coughing fit ensued from you,”Mierda.”(10) 
“Tell you what, you stay alive, and the minute you’ve healed up I’ll take you out on a proper date. I’ll buy you the flowers you deserve and take you out to that sushi place you love.” He promised you, “No more sneaking around with this, yeah? I want everyone to know que eres mio.”(11) 
“I was thinking some Mierdonalds(12) and a movie, but I think I like your idea better.” You laughed, reaching up to cup his face and wipe the tears that had formed along the corners of his eyes.
Using what little strength you had, you pulled Gekko down for a chaste kiss. Pulling away, he kept his forehead against your own, while still maintaining a hand to your wound, “Te quiero muchisimo.”(13) He confessed. 
 Yo también te quiero.(14)
Here is the key for those who do not speak Spanish lol. It’s not proofread, so forgive my mistakes. 
1. Somos los mejores: We are the best.  2. Orale: Expression of approval/encouragement  3. Comprenden: Got it? 4. Claro: Of course 5. Jefa: Boss 6. Vamanos: Let’s go 7. Estamos bien: We’re okay 8. Apuranse: Hurry Up 9. Claro que no, Carino: Of coure not, dear/love 10. Mierda: Shit 11. Que eres mio: That you’re mine 12. Mierdonalds: Mierda + McDonalds, a play on words lol. (what my s/o calls it) ShitDonalds 13. Te quiero muchisimo: I love/care about you a lot.  14. Yo tambien te quiero: I love/care about you too. 
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