#matt simmons x child! reader
Can I request a gender neutral reader with Matt Simmons as their father. Any plot!!!
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Matt Simmons X Child Reader
Second one for Matt!
Summary: Matts 5 year old Y/N comes to the BAU looking for theit Dad, but ends up meeting the team instead.
Third person pov...
It was early morning for the Simmons family, everyone was running a but late even Matt who was already late to work by a couple of minutes, said man comes running into the Kitchen where his children arw.
"Good morning everyone and good bye have a great day!" He exclaims kissing all his kids on thr head and kissing Kristy before running out the door the off to work.
5 year old Y/N then jumps up from their chair and rushes after their daddy their little legs getting tired, but they made it in time. "bye Daddy" they yell waving bye to their dad, As Matt drove away, 5 year old Y/N watched silently from the porch, waving goodbye until the kid could no longer see it in the distance.
Y/N was already missing their Dad, they then walked back inside and back up at the table, the 5 year old continues to eat their breakfast. Kristy sighs at her husband before turning back to the children.
Most of them were ready to go apart from the youngest Y/N, they were only 5 and didn't have school yet.
Currently said 5 year old was enjoying their breakfast laughing as their older brother makes funny faces at them, Kristy laughs at the siblings.
"okay that's enough you all need to get ready we have to leave soon" she says as the older children all run off leaving their Mum and baby sibling alone.
Y/N smiles at their Mummy making the woman coo and kiss their forehead, suddenly the toddler is alone in the kitchen, suddenly they spot a lunchbox, gasping the kid grabs it and runs off after their mum.
"Mummy! Mummy!" yells the little 5 year old, then Kristy is coming over to the kid, she then picks Y/N up looking them over for cuts. "whats wrong N/N" he asks the toddler in her arms.
Said toddler then wriggled around in her arms and pushes a lunchbox into her face. "daddy forgot his lunch!" they exclaim as if it was thr end of the world. Kristy gives a mock gap. "then we'll have to bring it to him" she says making Y/N smile and nod.
Hours later, Y/N and their Mum are in the car on their way to the BAU to give Matt his lunch. Y/N was feeling wide eyed and a little scared as the kid walked up to the entrance of the BAU, their Mum had dropped them off and rove to owkr.
The 5 year old held the lunchbox tightly in their arms before marching off to the building, they sighned in to see 'Matt Simmons' at the front desk, as they walked the 5 year old got many strange looks from agents.
Soon they arrived on the right floor, the 5 year old marches again towards the doors to the BAU units room, soon they reached the door, confused the kid stands outside it.
Should they knock or just open it. What if he wasn't in there? What would they do then? As if on cue, the door opened, and a tall man stepped out. His face was unfamiliar, but Y/N could feel something inside them telling them that he was some kind of friend.
"Hi there" the man said he looked young, giving the little kid a awkward smile. "My name is Dr. Spencer Reid. Can I help you with anything?"
Y/N took a deep breath before mustering up the courage to speak. they were a bit nervous, but they knew their daddy was somewhere in this building and sending Reid away without getting any answers was not an option.
'Is my daddy here" they ask, big E/C eyes looking up at him. The Dr was confused who was this kid, as he goes to talk he is saved by JJ walking by. "JJ help me" mutters Spencer making the woman laugh.
JJ then looked down at the little kid. "hello sweetheart, im JJ.do you know your daddies name?" she asks the 5 year old child, Y/N nods confidently. "his name is Daddy, he works here can you help me find him?" they ask, their answer makes the adult sweat drop.
Of course they were asking a little kid what their dad name was. JJ smiles kindly and holds out her hand to the kid. "how about we find him together" she suggest earning a smile from the kid. "yes please, im Y/N!" exclaims the child.
Spencer and JJ then walk into the bullpen with little Y/N holding JJs hand skipping slightly. "well, its nice to meet you Y/N welcome to the BAU" exclaims JJ matching the kid energy.
"whos the lunchbox for Y/N?" questions JJ finally noticing the lunchbox clutched to the kid hands it was a lot bigger than a regular kids lunchbox. Y/N looks at the lunchbox in their arms and grins.
"its daddies, he forgot it" they explain making JJ awe at how cute it was having your kid bring you your forgotten lunch.
Throughout the hour Y/N hadn't found their dad yet but had met almost every member of the BAU team apart from one someone called Matt Simmons whos name sounded a lot like Y/Ns daddy.
As the kid waits, they sit on Spencer's desk little legs swinging as they ask the genius many questions about everything and about his job, beside them JJ and Penelope are smiling while Luke laughs at the state the man is in.
Emily, Tara and Rossi watch from the side, suddenly Matt wonders through the doors, he looked up when he heard his youngest kid voice, he was both surprised and delighted to see Y/N eagerly talking to the team and bombarding Spencer with questions.
"N/N!" he exclaims gaining an audience. Gasping the Kid almost falls off while scrambling to get down the desk once they were on the floor they sprinted into their dads arms.
"daddy you're here I brought your lunch!" yelled the 5 year old, the team watch as Matt picks the child effortlessly into his arms kissing their forehead taking the definitely squished lunch from them.
"thank you vey much N/N" he said earning a cheer from the H/C kid in his arms.
The team enjoyed getting a chance to meet Y/N, and as a result, the kid was invited back periodically to chat and learn more and bother spencer with more questions.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot three in a row im on a roll!
Requests are open!
Word count: 1152
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babymetaldoll · 1 year
"Little Miss Reid, entrepreneur" (Spencer Reid x fem!reader x their daughter)
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Summary:  Spencer and reader help their little daughter with her very first lemonade stand, and the whole BAU family gets together. Requested: Nope   Warnings: This might be too fluffy: Reader discretion is advised. Category: Hardcore fluff . A/N: Hello! I wrote this for @imagining-in-the-margins Summer Sunshine Fic Challenge, I hope you enjoy it! Promp: Character helps their child with their first entrepreneurial venture... a lemonade stand. They weren't expecting half the damn FBI to show up.   Masterlist
Summer vacation was an interesting time at the Reid’s house. With both Spencer and (Y/N) having only two weeks off from work, they had to plan in advance and schedule all their activities, to make sure they had enough time to do everything their kids wanted to do with them during the break. Raven was already five years old, and Vicent was already two, and both Spencer and (Y/N) really wanted to make it up to them for always being away, solving cases with the BAU. 
That’s why that year, their “Summer fun plans” included a trip to the grand canyon, visiting lots of museums, going to a water park or two, and most importantly: helping Raven with her first lemonade stand. 
The little girl was obsessed with the idea of running her own business ever since she had visited her cousin Henry, and he had a little lemonade stand outside his house. Uncle Will had explained to her that that was Henry’s way to earn some money to get a new bike, and that was enough to plant a seed in the little girl’s brain. 
- “Dad, remember when you said I couldn’t get a pony ‘cos they are too expensive?”- Raven asked her father later that night, after reading a bedtime story together. 
- “Yes, they are too expensive and we don’t have enough room to keep a pony here. Why do you ask?” 
- “‘Cos… you know how Henry wants a new bike and he has a lemonade stand to save money and get it?”- suddenly Spencer knew exactly where his daughter was going with that question. 
- “Yes, I know.” 
- “I was thinking…”- Raven made a pause and looked at her father, who was trying not to laugh.- “I know I can’t get a pony, but what if I have a lemonade stand and save a lot of money and you take me to Barnes and Noble and I get to buy all the books I can afford?”
Spencer never saw that plot twist coming. Of course, there was no way he could say “no” to his kid. Raven was very smart and she knew her dad would be thrilled with that idea. So, after a long logistic debate with his wife, and a talk with Nono Rossi, Spencer and (Y/N) scheduled a day. That Saturday, Raven was having her first lemonade stand in David’s front yard. They decided to do it there ‘cos it was a more family neighborhood than their street. You don’t usually see kids with lemonade stands in front of an apartment building, do you?
While (Y/N) went grocery shopping with their kids and got everything they needed to make lemonade, Spencer asked for professional assistance from a Lemonade Stand professional: Matt Simmons. 
- “So, did you ever sell lemonade as a kid?”- Matt asked Spencer as they set all the materials and tools in Rossi’s backyard. 
- “No, never. I really wasn’t into outdoor activities, as you might imagine.”- Spencer replied and Matt chuckled. - “But once one of my neighbors set one, and my father forced me to go and buy a cup.”  
- “Why did he force you?”- Matt questioned, confused. 
- “He wanted me to have friends my age. When I was seven, my best friend was the librarian.”- Spencer explained and looked around - “So, where do we start?” 
- “Did you get spray paint?”
- “Yes, all of Raven’s favorite colors.”- Spencer grabbed a few cans and tossed one to his friend. Rossi walked over and left a cooler filled with cold beers. 
- “I’ll leave this here, and in case you need me, I will pretend I can’t hear you while I spend my morning reading in my studio with the AC on.” 
- “Thank you for letting us do this here, Rossi.”- Spencer smiled at him as he shook one of the spray paint cans. 
- “Anything for mi principessa.”- David replied and waved as he walked back into the house.- “Good luck, kids!” 
Spencer had been right: Matt Simmons was a lemon stand pro. In two hours they had a green and lavender stand made with four wooden crates. One rod on each side of the stand helped hold a banner (Y/N) had made the night before that read “Raven’s Lemonade” and on the front, Spencer hung another banner that read: “Lemonade: ¢50” 
- “All set!”- Matt smiled proudly and tapped on Spencer’s back a few times. - “How do you feel?” 
- “Excited, pleased with our work… nervous?” 
- “Why are you nervous? Your kid is going to be thrilled!” 
- “I know, but… what if no one shows up? She would be broken-hearted…”- Spencer sighed at the thought of his baby pouting, and Matt shook his head right away.
- “There is no way that could ever happen here. Not under this heat and not in Rossi's neighborhood. Elderly people are very supportive.”
- “Hey!”- Rossi argued, overhearing Matt’s comment on his way out. - “Who is elderly?” 
- “Your neighbors!- Simmons explained right away, trying not to laugh.   
Raven Reid yelled and jumped with excitement when she saw her lemonade stand. She ran around Rossi’s backyard, nearly hyperventilating. She hadn’t been so excited since Santa brought her the telescope she wanted. 
- “It’s so pretty, daddy!!”- the little girl jumped into Spencer's arms and he caught her with a bear hug.
- “I’m glad you like it, birdie.”- he replied and kissed her chubby cheek. - “Did you and your mom get lots of lemons?” 
- “Yes, and some lemon bars too, in case someone is hungry.”- the little girl explained. 
- “Good idea, boo. Did you thank Nono Rossi for letting us set the stand in his front yard?”- the little girl shook her head and Spencer quickly set her down.- “Go tell him thank you.”- and off the girl went, running and yelling “Nono!” on her way into the house. Spencer stared at her as he stood in the middle of the backyard, putting all the tools Derek had given him a few years earlier back into the toolbox. His heart felt full of love knowing he could give his kids the childhood he never had. 
- “Hey there, Bob the builder.”- (Y/N) walked out to the backyard and smiled at her husband. - “This looks amazing.” 
- “Thank you.”- Spencer whispered and felt her lips on his immediately. 
- “Raven is ecstatic, she wants to start making lemonade right now.” - and just in time, they heard the little girl’s voice calling for her mommy. 
- “You heard the boss.”- Spencer whispered and kissed his wife one more time. Meanwhile, I’m gonna move this outside to the front yard.” 
- “Great, Pen said she was gonna come and help around four, so we should be ready on time.” 
When (Y/N) said Penelope Garcia was going to help, she pictured her friend slicing lemons and making lemonade along with her in Rossi’s kitchen. She never imagined her friend was going to… well… be Penelope Garcia, and take things over the top, as usual. 
First, Garcia didn’t slice a lemon, she might as well have chopped the entire tree: she got to Rossi’s with homemade lemon cupcakes, lemon cake, lemon tart, and lemon cookies (lemon shaped, of course, and covered in yellow frosting). She had so many trays with goods, Luke was forced to help her. He picked her up and gave her a hand carrying everything over to Rossi’s. 
- “Oh… my… good.”- (Y/N) whispered as she stared at the number of treats her friend had baked, piling on Rossi’s kitchen island.  
- “I know, I might have gone a little over the top, but once I started, I didn’t know how to stop.”- Garcia apologized and smiled guilty at her friend, who only had one worry in her mind. 
- “Ok, now I’m scared. How are we going to sell all this?”- (Y/N) asked, but Garcia dismissed her fears and shook her head immediately. 
- “Don’t worry about that! I’m sure Raven is going to do great. We’ll charge a dollar for everything, so she won’t get confused with math.” 
- “She is Spencer’s daughter”- (Y/N) chuckled as she spoke- “Math is not the problem. But Pen, I’m just scared no one is going to show up and she’ll feel discouraged. I don’t want my baby thinking she failed.” 
- “Nonsense! It’s a lemonade stand, everybody loves a lemonade stand!”- Garcia replied and grabbed a fresh lemon- “Now, let’s make more lemonade!”
Raven ran out of Rossi’s front door carrying a stack of paper cups and a bag of paper straws. Right behind her, her mom carried a big glass dispenser filled with fresh lemonade. Raven’s little stand was ready and open to the public. A glass jar on the top of the counter was ready to be filled with the profit of the dar. Spencer stared at his daughter and took a few pictures with his phone. Garcia and Luke carried some of the sweets to start the sale, and Rossi opened his wallet.
- “Are you my first customer, nono?”- Raven asked, making her mom and dad chuckle. 
- “I am, mi principessa. Can I have a cup of lemonade and a cookie, please?”- Rossi placed a dollar and 50 cents in the jar, and Raven’s eyes shone with joy as she poured her first order. 
- “I’m gonna need a lemonade too.”- Luke said as he paid and waited for the girl to give him a cup as well. 
- “Enjoy, uncle Luke.”- the little girl said and turned to her little brother Vincent, who was playing on a blanket on the grass their mother had set for him. - “Vinnie? Do you want some lemonade? For you, it’s on the house.”- the little girl grabbed her brother’s sippy cup and filled it with lemonade, as her parents filmed the entire moment on their phones. 
JJ and Will showed up a few minutes later with Henry and Michael to support Raven’s little business. The kids played on the street with their skateboards, as Raven sat behind her stand, waiting for her customers. 
A few of Rossi’s neighbors walked toward the lemonade stand, and Raven was shining. Her parents sat with little Vincent on his blanket and watched from a safe distance as their daughter took care of her paying customers. Meanwhile, Luke and García walked to the backyard with Rossi, Will, and JJ to enjoy the pool.  
- “Fresh lemonade, get some lemonade”- Raven said to everyone who walked down the sideway and passed her stand. Everybody stopped and bought something for the little girl, she looked adorable while selling her products. But at a certain point during the afternoon, no one was coming. And Raven looked at her money jar feeling discouraged. 
- “Mama… what if no one else comes?”- the little girl walked toward her parents and sat on (Y/N)’s lap. Her mother wrapped her arms around her and kissed her cheek a few times, making the girl chuckle. 
- “Come on, it’s still early. It’s been what? just one hour? I promise by the end of the afternoon you are gonna be sold out of all the things you have in your stand.”- (Y/N) smiled and kissed her daughter’s cheek one more time before she stood up and walked back to her stand to wait for her customers. Spencer waited until Raven was far from them and turned to his wife. He didn’t have to say anything, she knew what he was thinking. It didn’t need saying. The two of them shared the same fear.   
But after just a few more minutes, something weird happened. Anderson parked his car in front of Rossi’s and waved at the Reid’s as he walked to Raven’s stand and ordered a lemonade and a slice of lemon pie for him and his boyfriend. And less than a minute later, Andi Swan’s car parked down the street, and she showed up with her husband to get a lemonade and a lemon cupcake. Not only that, but Matt Simmons, his wife, and all his kids showed up, excused themselves for being late, and ordered lemonade and lemon cookies for the entire family. Raven was on fire, and her parents were… confused to say the least. 
Where were all those people coming from? The cars kept parking: Ashley Seaver showed up with her kid and husband and got lemonade and lemon cake for her family. She hugged (Y/N) and Spencer and introduced them to her family, while more FBI agents kept showing up. 
Alex Blake parked and nearly ran to the Reids as her husband followed close behind. Kate Callahan showed up as well, with her kids and husband, and soon after, Tara Lewis came along. Raven got to ask her mom for help to serve all the customers, and soon Pen and Luke showed up with more sweets and to refill the lemonade jar. Somehow, what had started like a simple lemonade stand ended up being an FBI get-together family party.  
(Y/N) turned to Spencer and the two of them stared at the scene in shock. Pen and Luke walked to them and Garcia smiled and waved at everybody. 
- “What did you do?”- (Y/N) asked her friend and she simply giggled. 
- “I might have sent a few emails to everybody at the Bureau and some former agents telling them your little Birdie had a little entrepreneur of her own, and encouraged them all to come.”- Garcia explained and smiled innocently. 
- “Everybody is here! We only need Elle and Hotch and we’d have the biggest BAU reunion ever!”- (Y/N) looked around in disbelief and chuckled. 
- “You are forgetting me, little mama.”- (Y/N) froze and turned around slowly. That voice. She could never forget that voice. Derek Morgan stood in front of her, holding Savannah's hand and a stroller with their little boy: Hank Spencer Morgan. 
- “Derek!!”- (Y/N) jumped and ran to hug him, as he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. 
- “Mrs. Reid! I missed you so much!” 
- “I missed you too!”- (Y/N) said and turned to Savannah, who opened her arms and wrapped her in a hug.- “And you are gorgeous!!”
Spencer stared at their reunion with the biggest smile on his face, holding Vincent in his arms. 
- “Is that my little nephew? You haven’t sent pictures of him this week! He looks so much bigger! What are you feeding him?”- Morgan joked and looked at Spencer. - “You look like you could use a nap, boy wonder.” 
- “Two kids are more work than chasing serial killers”- the young doctor replied and chuckled as Morgan hugged him, tapping his back a couple of times.- “I missed you.”
- “Me too, brother.”- Morgan replied and smiled at his friend- “But I’m sorry to say I’m not here for you, I’m here for my little princess. Where is she?”- Derek walked to the stand, waving at their former colleagues on his way until he reached Raven and held her in his arms. 
- “Uncle Derek! You are here!!”- the little girl yelled and wide opened her eyes - “You have to help me with my stand!”
- “That’s what I am here for! Lemme see what your old man did here…”- Spencer stood behind his friend and waited for him to inspect the construction. 
- “I’m proud, you used the right nail for the wood.”- Morgan said, nodding. 
- “Of course I did.”- Reid replied, almost insulted 
- “Who helped you?”- Derek asked, and before Spencer could deny getting any help, his daughter explained.  
- “Uncle Matt said he had plenty of experience with lemonade stands, so he helped daddy.”
- “Simmons?”- Derek chuckled and turned to Reid.- “You two did a great job.”
- “Thanks.”- Spencer smiled and turned to Raven. - “So, what is your uncle Morgan going to have, birdie?”
- “For you, lemonade on the house, uncle Derek.”- the little girl said and handed him a paper cup. - “But if you want to eat anything, you are gonna have to pay, ‘cos auntie Penelope said we had to split the profits.”- Morgan tried not to laugh, but failed, as Raven stared at him, waiting for a reply. 
- “If that’s the case, I’m gonna have one of everything, thank you very much.”- and the little girl’s face lit with excitement as soon as she heard those words. 
The afternoon ended, the FBI agent returned to their cars, and the BAU family moved from Rossi’s front yard to the back. David, Derek, and Luke prepared a barbecue, the kids played in the backyard, and (Y/N) and Spencer put away the lemonade stand. Nothing was left, not even a cookie. The sale had been a complete success. 
- “How much did she make?”- Mrs. Reid asked her husband, who held the money jar and shook his head.
- “Over three hundred.”
- “Wow… she is gonna go crazy with the books.”- and as (Y/N) said those words and finished cleaning the last jar that was left in the sink, Spencer stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. 
- “Thank you.”- he whispered in her ear and sighed. 
- “What for?”
- “For giving me everything I ever dreamed of.”- (Y/N) turned around and stared at her husband for a few seconds. She then leaned in and kissed him sweetly. 
- “Eeewww!”- Raven said as she saw her parents kissing as soon as she walked into the kitchen. - “Uncle Derek is right, you are always kissing.” 
- “Hey! Come here-” (Y/N) commanded with a smile and the little girl giggled as she walked to her parents.- “It’s a good thing your parents are always kissing, and we are also always kissing your chubby cheeks!”- and as soon as she delivered that line, both Spencer and (Y/N) started kissing Raven’s cheeks. 
Summer was soon going to end, but those happy memories were definitely going to last forever.    
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
CM Fanfiction on AO3
I'm a bit of a stats nerd, and I've been wanting to put this together for ages. The following are some statistics regarding Criminal Minds fanfiction of AO3. Do with this what you will, but if ever someone tries to tell me this fandom isn't misogynistic -- I will just point to this post.
I spent an abhorrent amount of time putting this together, hope it's interesting to other people. Please don't send me hate mail for my opinions.
Base Statistics
Total Fics Tagged Criminal Minds: 34,561
These stats were compiled by me on 20/06/23 via AO3's filtering system.
Note: These were taken at face value, meaning these numbers may not be exact. In order to get exact statistics, I'd have to stringently filter out things like mislabelled fics, spam, fics with multiple categories (to find pure slash, femslash fics), etc.
Tumblr will destroy the resolution of the graphs, just click to see full res :)
Fanfic statistics gathered from AO3, episode totals gathered from IMDB.
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CM Fanfiction by Category
Most Popular Category: F/M (26.2%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 34,561
These totals weren't all that surprising, in a fandom that is largely obsessed with two men and no one else, I sort of expected this.
The only reason F/M has the largest amount of fics (vs M/M) is because 37% of all F/M fics are "Spencer/Reader". (More about pairings below)
If 'x reader' fics were excluded from the data, then the distribution would skew to: 34% M/M vs 24% F/M
Sorry, I just saw the 'other' category is the same colour as F/M on the graph. Other accounts for 2.3% of all fic categories
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CM Fanfiction by Rating
Most Popular Rating: Teen and Up (30.3%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 34,561
I think it's interesting that the most popular ratings are Teen and General -- even though a huge portion of readers only read Mature/Explicit. There are absolutely incredible works that are rated Teen and General, and it's just a shame people don't read them as much as smut. That's probably the same in most fandoms though.
Top Relationships for Each Rating: General Audience: Spencer/Reader Teen and Up: Morgan/Reid Mature: Hotch/Reid Explicit: Hotch/Reid Not Rated: Spencer/Reader
It's no secret that this fandom worships Hotch and Reid above all other characters, but I think there's something to be said that a M/M ship dominates the Mature and Explicit ratings. Slash fic (M/M) has always been more popular than femslash (F/F) in pretty much any fandom, and the history of fetishization of mlm relationships in fanfiction (the fetishisation usually being written by cishet women, not talking about queer people writing queer fic) is always worth discussing.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Characters
Most Popular Character: Spencer Reid (19.9%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic:*indeterminate due to crossover (multiple characters per each fic)
No surprises here with the top three being the men who make up some of the most popular ships.
Notice how Jack Hotchner, a CHILD who was in 22 eps out of 300+ -- is featured in MORE fics than main characters (who were in multiple season) like: Luke, Matt, Tara.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 (BAU) Characters
Most Popular Character: Spencer Reid (20.5%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: *indeterminate due to crossover (multiple characters per each fic)
This one is filtered by BAU members only. Sorry, 'reader', this is about main characters only.
Notice how Gideon (45 total episodes, 2015 fics) and Elle (27 total episodes, 1371 fics) made the top 10 list even though characters who were on the show for YEARS missed out.
Main Characters not in the Top 10: (* denotes section chiefs. Bold denotes characters who appeared in more episodes than Gideon) *Erin Strauss (24 total episodes, 1361 fics) Alex Blake (48 episodes, 1190 fics) Tara Lewis (97 episodes, 1108 fics) Matt Simmons (49 episodes, 642 fics) Ashley Seaver (13 episodes, 279 fics) Kate Callihan (23 episodes, 247 fics) Jordan Todd (8 episodes, 130 fics) *Mateo Cruz (6 epsiodes, 88 fics) Stephan Walker (15 episodes, 66 fics)
All three men who didn't make the Top 10 are men of colour. Which is worth pointing out because the main reason Derek and Luke both made Top 10 is because they are popularly shipped with Reid. Outside of Morgan/Reid and Reid/Alvez -- I doubt they would have been tagged as much as they are.
Also worth nothing that Tara Lewis who appeared in 97 episodes, which makes her the EIGHTH highest billed character (above Luke, Gideon and Elle) -- doesn't even make the Top 10 most written about characters. She also happens to be the ONLY Woman of Colour on this list. Coincidence? Doubtful. She's also the ONLY canonically QUEER character -- and yet....even in the F/F tag she doesn't make top 5 (more about ships below)
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Relationships
Most Popular Pairing: Reid/Reader (24.5%)
Most Popular Character Ship: Hotch/Reid (18%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 20,873 out of 34,561 (*includes fics with multiple pairings tagged)
This was WILD to me. I knew that 'Spencer x Reader' fics (I grouped ones tagged 'reader' and ones tagged 'you' together for this graph) were popular but I wasn't prepared for how skewed this data was. I don't have much to say about it anything involving Reid tbrh
Only three out of ten top relationships DO NOT involve Spencer Reid.
For people who don't know: using a slash ( / ) to denote a pairing means the pairing is romantic, using the ampersand (&) to denote a pairing generally indicates a non-romantic relationship.
Notice the ONLY F/F pairing that made Top 10 was JJ/Emily (with only 10%)
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 M/F Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: Spencer/Reader (52%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 9741 (72% of the total F/M fics on AO3)
Look, I don't know what to say about this. It speaks for itself. This show had an incredible ensemble cast who were all integral to the show's success -- yet, the only character anyone cares about in the fandom is the generic white dudes. Misogyny at it's best.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 M/M Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: Hotch/Reid (45%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 7870 (75% of the total M/M fics on AO3)
Again, no comment about the most popular ships
I was, however, surprised that Hotch/Rossi made Top 5
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 F/F Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: JJ/Emily (71%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 2927 (65% of the total F/F fics on AO3)
For people who don't know: using a slash ( / ) to denote a pairing means the pairing is romantic, using the ampersand (&) to denote a pairing generally indicates a non-romantic relationship.
It's not surprising that JJ/Emily dominate the femslash category. They have always been the main femslash pair in this fandom. However, they only make up 49% of all F/F pairings!
I was surprised to see that 'x reader' fics took 2 out of 5 slots on this one. And I was especially surprised that Emily/Penelope made top 5. (I mean it's only 148 fics, but there they are)
Again, note how Tara Lewis (a canonically sapphic character) isn't a part of ANY of the top 5 pairings, even though she was in 98 episodes. That's a travesty imo. Tara/Emily trails at about the 7th most popular F/F ship with a mere 115 fics
In Conclusion...
Most of this was to be expected. This fandom has always praised the male characters while pushing the women aside, so the amount of works focusing on Reid and Hotch wasn't that surprising.
I think it's interesting how people tend to throw Jemily shippers under the bus (broad statement made via my 18 years in this fandom), because Femslash is by far the smallest portion of the shippers in the entire fandom. People just hate women
Do with this information what you will. This was mostly compiled because I've always been curious, and also I think it serves as an important archival tool for the fandom.
Please don't send me hate mail for my opinions.
Word Count & Additional Tags Information Below Cut
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CM Fanfiction by Word Count
About 52% of all CM fics (34,561) are under 5,000 words
This was a really fun one to do, and was mostly included because I was curious. I think it'd be worth getting even more specific by trying to work out the average word count for all fics under 5,000 words.
Hey, if you're a marathon author with long works -- look at YOU!! You're a very small percentage in this fandom, and as someone who prefers long-form fic -- I am personally thanking you for your dedication.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Addition Tags
Most Popular Tag: Fluff (21.7%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: *indeterminate due to crossover (multiple tags per each fic)
I honestly expected angst/whump/hurt/comfort to be first on this. I guess if you add up all the variations of those type of fics, they'd be top tag.
Obviously this one isn't ever going to be perfect, because tons of people either don't tag their fics, or they don't use the prescribed tags above. Still, I thought this was worth adding to the post.
For more stats please see my, [Tara Lewis Fic Stats Post]
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
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Series Summary: After being arrested, Spencer Reid desperately tries to get back home to his daughter, Camellia, who was placed into foster care in your home.
Pairing: Single!Dad!Spencer x Foster!Mom!Reader
Content/Warnings: gun violence, blood, child abduction, mentions of drugging and raping (what happened to spencer in mexico), hospitals, swearing
Word Count: 2.6k
Chapter 6
“Callie! Come on, you don’t want to keep your dad waiting!” you called out.
Callie ran down the stairs as you collected your purse and keys.
“How do you know he’s going to let us see him?” she asked curiously.
“Just trust your foster mom, okay?” you winked at her and opened the door.
There was a woman already at the door who looked like she was about to knock.
“Can I help you?” you asked.
“Hi, I’m Carol Atkinson, Callie’s new foster mom,” she extended her hand out to shake.
“I don’t want to go, Y/N,” Callie hugged you tightly.
“You’re not going anywhere. My coordinator, Eileen, never mentioned a transfer. I’m certainly not going to give Callie away to a stranger unless I see some paperwork and a phone call to Eileen,” you replied.
The woman sighed exasperatedly, “You should have just let her go. You made this so much harder for me,” she pulled a gun from her purse.
You shielded Callie behind you. You could hear the buzzing of your phone in your purse.
Penelope Garcia calling
“Shit. Going to have to do this quicker than I thought,” she huffed.
“Callie, run!” you screamed, lunging at the armed woman.
You had managed to knock her down to the ground as she shot you. You were wrestling, trying to pin her arms to the ground. She kicked your stomach right where your gunshot wound was. You toppled over on to the ground in pain and the woman got up and grabbed her gun once again.
“You bitch!” she exclaimed, shooting you two more times in the thigh for good measure.
You couldn’t even think. The pain was taking over. Everything was going dark.
Emily was speeding down the street in the SUV with the sirens on full blast, Matt was in passenger and JJ in the back.
“Garcia, have you managed to get in contact with either of them?”
“I’ve tried calling each of them ten times and no response from either.”
“This is starting to look really bad,” JJ grimaced.
“Hey, what the hell is this guy doing?” Matt pointed to the erratic driver in the other lane, speeding upwards of 80 miles per hour in a 40 zone.
The car swerved in front of the SUV and the two cars collided.
“Prentiss! Simmons! JJ!” Penelope screamed through the busted car monitor.
“No one is seriously injured,” Matt stated, looking around, “But we’re going to be a bit further behind than we would have liked.”
Emily and JJ exited the car and approached the erratic driver with their guns ready.
“Slowly place your hands outside of the vehicle and open the door from the outside,” JJ commanded.
A pair of hands did as followed. A familiar man slowly exited the car with his hands up.
“You’re one of the guards at Spencer’s prison…what the fuck is going on here?” Emily furrowed her brow.
“What’s up, Garcia?” Luke answered her call as him and Tara drove to the prison.
“Just when we get the victory of Spencer’s release, Prentiss, JJ, and Matt were in a car accident that was seemingly a planned attack. You’re going to need to get over to Y/N’s house ASAP once you pick Spencer up and be careful,” she warned.
“Will do. We’re pulling up now,” Tara stated.
Why would Y/N be a no-show with Callie after being the one to convince him to have visitors again in the first place?
Spencer sat in his cell during visitor time. He was utterly confused and deflated when his name wasn’t called because he was actually looking forward to having visitors again after Y/N’s pep talk. Plus, Callie had her soccer championship game two days ago and he was dying to know how it went.
“Reid,” a guard came to his cell and unlocked the door.
They must have just been running a little late, he thought to himself as he was guided to the room.
Instead of Y/N and Callie though, Tara and Luke were standing there, looking very stressed out.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer gulped.
“Good news, you’re free,” Luke explained, “Bad news, we have good reason to believe Callie and Y/N are in trouble.”
The door was wide open when they pulled up to Y/N’s house. Spencer opened the car door and was sprinting towards the house before the car was even parked.
“Reid, you don’t have a gun!” Luke hopped out of the driver’s seat and followed him in.
“I’m going around back,” Tara called out, making her way through the side yard.
“No, no, no,” Spencer murmured as he saw your bloody figure slumped over on the hardwood floor in the entryway.
He crouched down on the floor next to you, taking your head in his hands, “Y/N, can you hear me?” he asked.
You opened your eyes slightly and tried to respond but ended up coughing up blood instead. Spencer turned your head to the side so you wouldn’t choke on it.
“I tried so hard to stop her, Spencer, you have to believe me,” you whispered with tears in your eyes.
“Shhhh,” he stroked your hair back, “I believe you. I believe you, Y/N. Thank you so much for being so brave.”
Your eyes fluttered close as much as you were trying your hardest to keep them open.
“The medics are five minutes out,” Luke sighed.
“She doesn’t have that kind of time,” Spencer panicked, grabbing loose clothes and sheets to keep the pressure on your wounds, “Just hang in there, Y/N. You’re not going to die. I’m not letting you die.”
Luke cleared the upstairs as Tara came back inside, holstering her gun.
“There’s no one out there,” she spoke softly, “But it looks like someone was dragged from the grass in the backyard to the driveway.”
Spencer thought prison was his personal hell. He was wrong, this was. He would gladly go back if it meant Y/N and Callie would be safe and sound.
“What do you got for us, Garcia?” Luke asked.
“So someone must have hacked into the prison’s database and changed Cat’s personal information because Lindsey Vaughan was listed as her sister. Cat was on an immediate family only visitor list so this was Lindsey's only way to visit her,” Penelope explained.
“But why did she need to visit her at all?” Luke wondered out loud, “What’s in this for her?”
“Oh, newbie. I have a feeling this relationship was more than just professional,” Penelope replied.
“They’re lovers,” Tara finished.
Spencer was in the backseat, staring out the window. He just got out of prison and now he was going back to another one with his daughter missing and Y/N barely clinging on to life.
“Garcia?” he asked softly.
“Yes, Reid?”
“Can you do your work from your laptop if necessary?” he inquired.
“Yes, I can. I might be a little slower but I’ll manage,” she replied.
“Could you go to the hospital that Y/N is supposed to be arriving at? I just want updates on her as much as possible.”
“Of course, anything for you. As soon as I know, you’ll know. P.G. out,” she ended the call.
The SUV pulled up to the gated fence of the prison.
“You ready, Reid?” Luke questioned.
“I don’t have much of a choice,” he said, unbuckling his seatbelt.
Spencer stood outside the one-way mirror, staring at one of the most clever unsubs he has ever faced.
“Are you sure you can do this?” Tara asked, “You've already been through so much today.”
“If anyone else goes in, she’s just going to demand me. The only way to get Callie back is playing by her rules,” Spencer said, walking towards the door to the interrogation room.
Spencer entered silently, taking the seat across from her.
“Spencie,” she smiled.
Her sickeningly sweet grin nauseated Spencer to his very core. He took a deep breath before continuing.
“Where is my daughter?” he asked calmly.
“You mean the boring old preteen or the one in here,” she placed her hands over her belly and began to rub it.
“That’s not possible,” he shook his head adamantly, “We’ve never-”
“I know we’ve never,” she cut him off, “Ask me how I did it.”
“How did you do it?” he replied flatly, already sick of her little mind games.
“When Lindsey drugged and framed you for murder, I also asked her to bring me home a little souvenir,” Cat smirked.
“You had your lover that was pretending to be your fake sister drug and rape me so you could impregnate yourself in addition to framing me for murder?” Spencer asked incredulously.
“Sounds a bit soap opera-y when you put it that way but yeah,” she replied, “You’re going to be a dad, Spencie!”
“I’m already a dad. Where is Callie?” he changed the subject to the more pressing matter at hand.
Cat frowned, “Do you not care about our baby?”
“Not really because I don’t believe you,” Spencer stated.
“Go look at my medical chart if you want,” Cat leaned back in her chair.
Spencer quickly stood and exited where Tara and Luke were looking over a file.
“She’s pregnant, Reid,” Luke confirmed.
Spencer ran his hands through his hair frustratedly, “Is there an update on Y/N?”
“Garcia said one of the nurses said it doesn’t look good,” Tara stated somberly.
“Damn it,” Spencer yelled, kicking a chair and sending it flying across the room.
The interrogation with Cat was going nowhere. Every time Spencer would bring up Callie, she would swiftly change the subject back to her pregnancy.
“What are we thinking of for names? I’m personally a big fan of Y/N,” Cat smirked.
“Don’t you dare say her name,” Spencer snapped.
“Maybe Callie then and you could just replace the old one with a better version,” she pushed his buttons further.
Spencer’s blood was at its boiling point. One more unhelpful word out of her mouth and he felt like he would explode.
Like an answer to his prayers, Tara entered the room, “The prison guard confessed for a more lenient sentence. We have a location on Callie as well as confirmation he is the father of Cat’s baby.”
“Thank god,” Spencer murmured to himself, standing up from the table and beginning to walk away without even a second look at Cat.
“You know you’ll never be the same man after prison. I did that to you,” Cat tried to get in one final jab.
Spencer didn’t even turn around when he called back, “Watch me.”
The SUV pulled up to the cabin in the woods.
“JJ, Emily, and Matt are 5 minutes out,” Luke checked his phone.
“I think I can talk her down,” Spencer stated, “I helped her in that case years ago when she was just a little girl.”
“It’s our best shot,” Tara shrugged, “Luke and I will surround the other exits. You go in the front.”
Spencer approached the front of the house slowly with a gun in his hand. He peeked in the window to see Callie crying as Lindsey strapped her to a bomb device.
“FBI, freeze!” he swung open the door, training his gun on Lindsey.
“How did you find us?” she asked frantically.
“None of that matters anymore,” he replied, “You need to put down that remote and come with us.”
“No, Cat told me I need to do this. I’m doing this for her,” she demanded.
“She is a sociopath, Lindsey. All the love you think she had for you was faked. You were just a pawn in her game,” Spencer explained.
“No, she loved me,” Lindsey insisted.
“I know she seems good at pretending but she is using you. She doesn’t care what happens to you. She left you alone, harboring the kidnapped child of an FBI agent, to take the blame all by yourself,” Spencer spoke.
Lindsey looked at the remote in her hand.
“Don’t do this, Lindsey,” Spencer warned, “It’s exactly what she wants. Think for yourself.”
Lindsey dropped the remote to the ground and started crying as she was cuffed by Tara.
Spencer ran over to Callie and unstrapped her from the device before pulling her in for the biggest hug ever.
“I missed you,” she sobbed into his chest.
“I missed you too, sweetheart. I’m never leaving you again,” he promised.
“Is Y/N okay?” she asked with watery eyes.
“We can only hope,” Spencer spoke softly.
When you awoke for the first time, you started hyperventilating. A nurse ran in at the sound of your heart rate monitor rapidly beeping.
“Y/N, I need you to breathe for me, sweetheart. You’re okay, you’re safe,” she rubbed your back soothingly.
“Callie,” you panted.
“She has a couple of bumps and bruises but is in pretty good condition,” she assured you, “Now, let’s get some solid food and medicine into you and then I want you to rest some more.”
You nodded, laying back down against the pillow.
While Callie was resting, Spencer slipped over to your room.
You were sleeping gracefully despite the three bullet wounds on your body. This further proved Spencer’s theory that you were an angel.
“How is she doing?” he asked the nurse who was taking your vitals.
“She woke once and was very startled. She ate a little bit of food so we could give her some stronger medicine. She was asking about your daughter,” the nurse answered.
Spencer chuckled softly, “She got shot 3 times and she’s still putting Callie first.”
“She’s incredible,” the nurse nodded
“I’ll say,” Spencer agreed.
You awoke a day later, alone again.
“Good afternoon,” the nurse greeted you.
“Can I go home now?” you asked.
You hated hospitals despite being a doctor. They stressed you out and now served as a reminder of you being shot.
She looked at your chart skeptically, “The doctor suggests you stay for another 5 days at least.”
“I’ll sign the waiver that I’m going against doctor’s orders,” you stated.
“Okay, I guess there’s nothing I can do to stop you. Let me get that form and your prescriptions,” she sighed.
You cautiously attempted to get out of bed, muttering curse words at the pain. This was a bad idea but you had to get home. You felt suffocated here.
You changed into a pair of clean sweats that were left for you and tucked the crutches under your arms.
The nurse returned shortly after, giving you your meds and instructions on how to take care of your wounds.
You shakily hobbled into the hallway.
“Do you want me to get that gentleman for you?” she asked, concerned.
“No, no. He has his daughter to worry about. I don’t want to be a burden. I’ll call a cab.”
“You just took multiple bullets for his daughter. I doubt you’re a burden,” she replied.
“I’ll be fine,” you insisted, stumbling into the elevator and punching the ground floor button.
After an incredibly awkward cab ride home, you realized you didn’t have your wallet on you. You tried to tell the cab driver you would just run in and grab some cash for him but he told you it was fine because you ‘looked like you had a rough enough day as is’. You thanked him and headed into your house.
You opened the front door and the first thing you saw was your giant blood stain in the entryway. You sighed, hobbling past it on your crutches and up to your bedroom. You threw your crutches off to the side and collapsed into bed.
A/N: i really hoped you enjoyed this chapter cause i had a lot of fun writing it! thanks to @samuel-de-champagne-problems for beta reading! also i’m 18 followers away from 1k AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED!!! and the series taglist is back open :)
main taglist (just ask to be added/removed): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana-deactivated20210709 @hoodpankow @mochionly @spencerreid-187 @babymetaldoll @fics4arainyday @ssavanessa22 @all-tings-diego @idonotexiste @beepbooptoop @tvandfanfic @mggsprettygirl @big-galaxy-chaos @navs-bhat @spencerreidsmommy @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @mggs-sidehoe @rexit-mo @hufflepuffhaze @thisismynerdyself @xoxospencerreid @wifeyprentiss @reidsbookclub @writingintheroses
series taglist: @ilovespencerreidmarryme @nani-2305 @obsessivelysearching @fantasynerd09 @bvttercupbby @britishspidey @ladyravenclaw @belledawnidk @annesauriol @smokey102 @lady-himbo @kaitieskidmore1 @westanspencerreid @manuosorioh @haylaansmi @unhea1thy0bsessions @meganskane @lovergirl24 @queenariesofnarnia @asexual-booknerd @spideyyypeter @yeehawbitchs @emma-is-a-nerd @lellsinthesky @itsdars @aliahemmings97 @xdsage @cutekashi @theodore-likes-frogs @girlgotattitude448 @royalestrellas @co0chiegrip1 @bakugouswh0r3 @uhuhuh @spenceoffense @yoongi-holland @kennedywxlsh @geniusgub @donkeykongsmassiveballs @jinxy175 @yikesyikesyikes95 @anime-for-live
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fandom-monium · 3 years
Kinky but Not Really
Summary: In which you make an odd request, and Spencer tries to fulfill it. “I don’t want to disrespect you...”
WC: 1.8k
TW: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fluff, cussing, established relationships (blegh), light use of sexual themes including light degradation, light violence, and the slamming into walls (nothing explicitly sexual or nsfw bc im a wimp), specifically post-prison Reid, ft. Garvez and Rossi
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Spencer loves you. He’s never doubted that for a second.
Your laugh as you throw your head back. Your eyes, the way they crinkle when you grin too wide. Even your style, whether you’re in joggers or suits, just does something to him he can't quite explain. Really, he loves you. 
Even if you’re weird.
Spencer knew what he was getting into, okay? He didn’t consider it earlier in your friendship, but as time went on and you two grew more comfortable around each other it became apparent that he wasn’t the only… outlier in the team. By the time you officially got together, he was already used to it.
But somehow you still manage to surprise him.
“You want me to what?” 
“I know it’s a lot to ask,” You wince as Spencer coughs. With his sleeve, he wipes the coffee dribbling down his chin, staring at you as if someone hit you over the head. It has to be the only viable explanation, considering what you’ve just asked him. “But hear me out.”
Spencer sits up and sets his mug on the coffee table. “Wh...what? Why? No-what? When?”
You wring your hands together, shifting your weight foot to foot as he squints at you. “Okay. When: um, some time after you came back from prison? I think? Why, I’m not sure. That’s why I’m asking you.” 
“I don’t know, (Your Name),” Spencer rolls his lips together, anything and everything that could possibly go wrong racing through his mind. 
“Nothing extreme! I don’t expect you to slap me across the face⏤”
“Oh my god⏤”
“Just small things! Start off light,” You think for a moment. “Like shoving me around or smacking me. Calling me names.”
“I hear where you’re coming from, but I don’t want to…” He flushes, his voice hushed like what he's about to say is forbidden, “disrespect you.”
You take his hands in yours with a bright smile, “Hon, I love you, but please. I’m the one asking you to get violent with me.”
“What the-when did you up your demands?”
You continue, “Like, if you think about it, you’d be doing me a favor. Respecting my wishes by ‘disrespecting’ me. So, what do you think?” You watch him carefully, legs tucked under you, a hopeful sparkle in your eyes. He can almost see the dog tail wagging behind you.
How can he say no?
"Alright, if that's what you really want," Spencer sighs, smiling as you break out into a grin. He laughs when you tackle him into the couch, thanking him repeatedly. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll try. But starting tomorrow.”
“That’s fine!” You sit up, smiling down at him. Your lips wiggle as you try to suppress your anticipation. “No pressure, just do what you feel comfortable with and we’ll see from there?”
Spencer bites his lip and nods. “Sure.”
The men of the BAU are distinct; you can tell just by looking at them.
David Rossi, though the eldest, the senior, is suave and has a level of sophistication that could only come with age. It’s in his blazers, his stride, the warm yet knowing eyes. A reassurance that eases the people around him.
Matt Simmons rocks the young dad vibes, with the smooth-shaven face and simple clothing. Not to mention a smile that makes him good with both children and adults alike.
Then there’s Luke.
Luke nearly falls out of his chair as Garcia stomps over, sitting up in attention as the click of her pumps grow nearer. “What? What happened?”
“You! You happened,” Garcia hisses, looming over him while Rossi comes up from behind. 
“Penelope, we don’t know for sure⏤”
“Who else could possibly do this? Matt and you could never. Only this troll could have done this,” She whips back on Luke, her eyes⏤usually bright with mischief⏤burning and accusatory. “Fix it!”
And just to tick her off, because that’s the purpose of their relationship: “No.” 
She sputters, fuming pink as her lipstick. And as Luke revels in the oncoming eruption, sneering at Garcia, Rossi⏤that wise geezer⏤squints at him.
“You don’t know what we’re talking about, do you?”
“... Not a clue.”
Maybe I should've retired. Rossi sighs, “Spencer and (Your Name) have been off today, and we think they’re having a fight.”
“And you think I have something to do with that?” Luke's face pinches in offense.
“You didn't see them today, have you?" 
Garcia, shaking off her fury, is more than ready to spill the tea. "Kay, so this morning on the way up, I saw Spencer and (Your Name) waiting for the elevator and Spencer just snatched their coffee. And he didn’t even bother to let them into the elevator first.”
Luke frowns, “I mean, it's a bit ungentlemanly but I don’t think that means they’re fighting.”
(Had she shared the lift, she would have seen how apologetic Spencer was, nearly bursting into tears as he hands you the cup of coffee, throwing you whatever cash he has.)
“And during lunch I caught them down the hall by the break room,” Rossi recounts, wincing at the image, “They were talking in hushed tones, then Spencer shoved passed (Your Name) and stalked off.”
(If he’d check on you, he might have caught the proud gleam in your eyes, grinning wide at Spencer’s attempt at getting rough with you.)
“And you still think I’m involved?” Luke raises an eyebrow at Garcia.
She’s completely unapologetic as she scoffs, “Listen, I don’t know how Spencer can stand being friends with you, but clearly you influenced him in some way because before he met you, he was my sweet summer child. Now…” She withholds a sob, Rossi sympathetically patting her shoulder. “You’ve tainted him!”
“I… I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“Then don’t,” Garcia sniffs, drying away tears. “Just bring our Spencer back!”
“Bring me back from what?”
They jump in unison, turning to find Spencer has returned from his break and is now back at his desk. He eyes them curiously as they fumble for an explanation.
“Hey, Doc,” Luke, deciding to end all this turmoil, asks, “Are you and (Your Name) having uh... lovers quarrel?” 
“A what?”
Garcia shoots him a look, “A ‘lovers quarrel’? Really?”
“Well, I doubt they’re fighting, and honestly a lovers quarrel sounds much less intense than⏤you know⏤fighting.”
“No, we are not fighting. Why would you think⏤oh, you saw...” Spencer’s face falls, melting into embarrassment. 
"Saw? Son, we witnessed," Rossi huffs as he crosses his arms and stares down Spencer. "Would you care to explain?"
"I know what you're thinking, but I swear it's not what it looks like. This is..." After his explanation, his embarrassed flush only deepens at their mortified expressions. 
"I've never wanted to be this close to you."
"My sweet summer child is no longer."
"Guys, chill. I for one am glad Spencer is willing to…” Luke gives him an awkward smile, “keep it interesting. The best relationships take effort, right?”
Spencer hums, nodding, “Exactly. We’re doing great⏤”
“Hey, guys,” You greet as usual.
Without missing a beat, he faces you and snaps, “Damn it, (Your Name), for once stop running your mouth and get me a drink.”
Luke, Garcia, and Rossi freeze, gaze switching between Spencer and you, waiting with bated breath. They haven’t seen Spencer remotely like this, not since prison. And despite knowing that you asked for this, they’re fully prepared to throw themselves in front of him just in case. 
But instead of reacting violently as they expected, you pause, taking his poor attempt at a glare in stride. Then you smile, heading to the coffee machine. “Sure, no problem.”
Spencer turns back to them. “See? B-better than ever...”
“Dude, are you crying?”
“So you couldn't do it, huh?"
Shoulders drooping from exhaustion, Spencer slumps against your desk and sighs, “No, I’m sorry.”
You shrug, “It’s okay. Thanks for trying though. As a reward, let’s get take-out. My treat." You press a kiss to his cheek, but the smile you shoot him only serves to make his heart sink. “Meet me at the elevator, k? I’ll get my things.”
“Okay...” As Spencer shrugs on his satchel, he can’t help the guilt squirming in his stomach. Why does he feel like he disappointed you? Or more accurately⏤didn’t meet your expectations. Sure, you’ve had your fair share of disputes and as Luke put it, “lovers quarrels”, but never has he felt so… defeated.
Is this what failure feels like? It sucks.
So as the elevator shuts, as it dings with every descended level, as you babble about what you should have for dinner, Spencer makes an executive decision. 
A final stand, if you will.
You turn to Spencer, “So, what do you want for dinner⏤”
You yelp as your back hits the wall, the back of your head cushioned by Spencer’s palm because he’d rather kill himself than hurt you, pressing his body against yours. Warmth envelopes him, and as you meet his gaze, he musters all the dark emotions he can, the side of him he didn’t realize he had until prison. He feels it⏤the fury, the disgust, the merciless violence⏤bubble to the surface, and he can’t deny the satisfaction he gets seeing your eyes wide with shock; the entire day you’ve seen him coming, taking every one of his attempts like a joke in spite of his best efforts.
At least now he feels like he’s got the upper-hand.
Spencer leans in, bumping his nose against yours in an Inuit kiss. It’s a gentle contrast to his next words, and as your breath hitches, he bites back a smirk, pulling back to meet your eyes.
“What I want is for you to shut your mouth and put it to good use.”
Your jaw slackens.
The elevator dings and you both jump, Spencer quickly pulling away from you as the door opens to the parking garage. Luckily, no one else is around and Spencer leads the way as you head for your car. But you’re silent as you walk, and he wonders if he went too far. Was he too rough? Disrespectful?
“Hey, (Your Name), are you⏤” Spencer looks over his shoulder, only to halt at your expression. 
You give him a toothy grin, face flushed and eyes crinkling as you tilt your head at him. “Yes?”
...Ah. If you keep looking at him like that, his heart might burst.
Letting his bag drop at his side, Spencer pulls you into a tight hug, and for a moment you sway together, hearts beating in time, breathing steady.
Spencer sighs, “I don’t get it.”
“It’s okay, I don’t get it either!”
He smiles into your shoulder, chuckling. Yeah, he loves you.
Especially because you’re weird.
AN: hello took a break from studying and wrote this trash at 2 am whoops
to the user that requested some rough d/s smut with degradation and rough play, im sorry but my asexual ass just could not with this one. but as a kinky asexual i rolled with it✨
pls take the “rough” play and “degradation” lightly. it’s not supposed to be accurate representation. this is just reader and spencer experimenting and having fun!!
i love that yall have the hots for post-prison reid while im over here just wanting to tuck him into bed and kill anyone that brings him harm😳
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akimagies · 4 years
late night phone calls: Matt Simmons
Matt Simmons x female!Reader (Rossi’s daughter)
WARNINGS: tw: mentions of Scratch
SUMMERY: Based off of 13x01, and how I see the events of it happening between Matt Simmons, and his fiancé Y/N Rossi that night
A/N: so just a little heads up: yes, this character’s father is the david rossi AND the communications liaison for the team. no, i do not have her mother being married or even divorced to david. she (and her twin brother) are byproducts of a one night stand between their parents, and the two had shared custody of them. ((i am thinking of making this a series, so if you like this please comment or message me saying i should continue this))
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Late night phone calls during the night were never the best to happen, especially because it wasn’t from either of the two people sleeping in the bed together. Y/N Rossi had recently just started her maternity leave, and the short hours of sleep had just started since there was a newborn baby in the home. It seemed like the little baby girl in the house could wake up to a pin dropping on the floor. It also didn’t help that their three-year-old son liked to wake them up early in the morning as well. So, when Matt and Y/N heard one of their phone’s ringing, the two immediately shot up from their positions on their bed, and leaned over to the nightstand to see which one of them was getting the call. When Y/N looked at her screen though, it showed nothing but some Facebook and Instagram notifications.
“Simmons here.” Was what Y/N heard from the other side of the bed. She was thankful that it wasn’t her own phone call. With the baby still trying to get a sleeping schedule, the poor woman was exhausted.
“Hey-hey! Penelope calm down, repeat what you said but slower.” Matt repeated as all he heard on the other line was just gibberish. Penelope finally calmed down on the other side of the line what was going on. Scratch was back and six team members, including his future father-in-law, signals were all offline. Matt was the one member that wasn’t on the BAU to know about all the current information on Scratch. They choose him since he would be someone that wouldn’t be with the team incase Scratch attacked, and Penelope would be able to call to help with the case and actually know what was happening. “Alright, I’ll be at the office as fast as I can.” Matt said as he swung his legs over his side of the bed and started to head for the closet to put some actual cloth on, instead of the boxers he was wearing.
With the lights and the movement that happening, Y/N sat up from the bed and looked over at her fiancé. “What’s going on? Why are you getting dressed?” She asked as she sat up in bed, turning her lamp on as she looked over at Matt getting dressed.
“Garcia called me; she needs me to come in to help her.” Matt told her as he looked over at her as he threw one of his shirts on before grabbing a button up to put on over the shirt.
“Well, I guess that means I should get up and start getting dressed too. Pen’s probably going to be ringing me soon. I could call my mom up and just drop off Alexander and Lacie with her.” She said rubbing her eyes as she slowly started to sit up, but Matt hurried over to her and pushed her shoulder’s back down towards the bed.
“Nope, Penelope strictly said that you were not to be called onto the case Y/N. You just had a baby. You need some sleep, and since the IRT disbanded, I’ve been dying for a case.” Matt said as he leaned down to place a kiss on top of her forehead. “I will be back as soon as I can, alright?”
“Alright.” Y/N said smiling as she looked up at Matt and smiled up at him. “I love you, and be careful, please.” She said as she squeezed his hand tightly.
“I always am, aren’t I?” he asked her smiling before placing a quick kiss onto her lips before he walked out of the bedroom door and hurried down the steps, knowing that the team really need his help. He was glad that he didn’t tell Y/N, knowing if he did, it would have worried her even more then she was already.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It didn’t take long for Y/N to fall back asleep, except this time, it was her phone that woke her up. “Hello?” She asked as she answered the phone.
“Is this Miss Rossi?” the female voice on the other side of the line asked.
“Yes, this is she, can I ask who this is?” Y/N asked a she soon stood up from the bed and started to walk over to the closet.
“This is Nurse Hugh’s over at D.C General Hospital. Your father, David Rossi, was brought in tonight with the rest of his team. Since you are his emergency contact, we decided to notify you. He is though refusing medical treatment for right now, so we would really appreciate it if you could come down at this hour and speak some sense into him.” The nurse asked her over the phone.
Of-course her father was refusing treatment, it didn’t shock her at all. “Yes, I will be down as soon as I can.” She said to the woman over the phone, before hanging up and hurrying to throw on some cloths that looked appropriate, all before hurrying and throwing a diaper bag together for little Lacie, and pack some snacks and things to entertain Alexander. She knew that she would have to bring her son and the little baby with her now, to try and convince her father to actually get medical treatment.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It only took a short time to drive to the hospital, and soon enough, she was walking in with Alexander holding her right hand and walking, while she had Lacie in her stroller. “What the hell are you doing here? Your supposed to be on maternity leave, not working a case?” Luke asked once he saw the woman walking in with her baby to the hospital where all the team members. He soon grabbed the stroller out of her hands and started to walk with her while pushing the stroller.
“I’m not coming to work the case Luke, I’m my dad’s emergency contact. So, they called me to say he was denying medical treatment.” She said before following Luke to the room where her father was staying in. Once inside, she saw her father laying on the hospital bed, with a bandage taped around the hair line on his forehead. “Now, why the hell are you denying medical treatment?” Y/N asked her father as she watched Luke place the baby stroller off to the side for her.
“I said, I would accept medical treatment once Luke and Spence went to my office and opened my desk to grab those Cubs season tickets that I’ve been promising him.” Rossi said, giving his daughter a pointed look, as to stay just go with it.
“Alright, well can you two head off then? I would really appreciate it if my father was actually checked out by the doctors.” She told the two men standing in front of her before watching them walk out of the room.
“Grandpa, up.” Alexander said as he put up his arms while standing on the side of his bed. The two were very close, maybe it was the fact that her father insisted on Sunday dinners with the family now.
Y/N walked over to the side of the bed and put her hands under Alexander’s arms and picked him up to sit on the edge of the bed, as she pushed some of the strands of hair out of his face. “You didn’t call your brother or mother about this all did you?” Rossi asked his daughter, hoping that she wouldn’t have called either.
“Mom, no. She would have been glad that you were in here and said you deserved it. It may have been decades since everything, but mom keeps grudges. Nicholas on the other hand I did call.?” She said as she soon saw her father about to start lecturing her on calling her twin brother this late at night. “I called him just to let him know what’s going on, besides he’s not even asleep yet. He’s off in California working on a case.” She told her father. It wasn’t a surprise that THE David Rossi, who started the BAU, would have twins that would both be working as Special Agents. While Y/N now worked for the BAU with her father, she at first worked before with the IRT, where she met her fiancé. While, her twin brother Nicholas worked for NCIS.
“Well, I’m glad. I only one worry child for tonight.” Rossi told his daughter smiling. Soon enough, the doctors were allowed to come in and check Rossi for the injuries he might have sustained in the car accident.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It only took a few hours, but the team had been able to catch Scratch before he could do any more harm to anyone. It might have been wrong to say, but Matt felt amazing right now. He had been missing the thrill of being out there in the field, working on taking down an unsub. Yet, all he wanted to do now after taking down Scratch, was take his family home. Which is why he was standing in the open door, looking into Rossi’s hospital room to see Y/N and Alexander both curled up on the tiny couch with one another, while Lacie was asleep in her stroller. “I told her that she needed her rest.” Matt said sighing as he walked into the room.
“And you really thought she would listen? I raised her; I know she has selective hearing.” Rossi told Matt smiling as he chuckled shaking his head. “Take them home, you all need your rest. Their keeping me over night just to make sure nothing is wrong with me. Then you all can come be my ride home since my car isn’t here.” Rossi told Matt smiling.
“I’ll just leave Y/N’s keys here for you, then you can just drive home and we’ll all come over later in the day for dinner.” Matt said smiling before walking over to where Y/N was sleeping, and shaking her shoulder gently. “Hey, time to go home and get some sleep there.” Matt spoke quietly, trying not to wake up Alex in her arms.
Y/N nodded her head before sitting up from the bed slowly before getting up and passing over slowly before looking over at her father. “Are you sure you are okay for us to leave you for the night?” She asked her father as she soon started to wheel Lacie around the room.
“Yes, I am perfectly fine. You two get some sleep, and make sure my grandchildren are up and ready to eat some of grandpa Rossi’s food tomorrow.” Rossi told his daughter smiling.
“Well Alexander is the only one that can eat your food, as for Lacie, I can’t promise she’s going to be up. She likes to take multiple naps throughout the day.” Y/N said smiling as she walked over to her dad and kiss his forehead. “Love ya dad.” She said smiling.
“Love you too sunshine.” Rossi said smiling as he watched the couple soon walk out of the room.
“Alright, let’s go home and get these kids to bed.” Matt said smiling as the two of them soon walked out to his black SUV that was parked near the front of the hospital.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It seemed as if sleep was just not for the two parents tonight once they got back home. Alex had woken up right when the car stopped, so Matt had gone to go read the young boy a book. While that was happening, Lacie had decided to wake up as well, though she was waking up because she was hungry. So, Y/N had heated up a bottle for the little girl. By the time that the two children had back fallen asleep, it was near 3 in the morning.
The two parents soon laid back down in their bed after the event full night. Y/N placed her head on Matt’s chest and soon asked, “We can do this right?”
“Do what?”
“Be two working FBI agents, while also being parents of two kids?”
“Of-course we can.”
“A-are you sure?”
Matt soon moved up a little to look down at her. “Of-course we can, we are two badass parents that can handle everything that’s thrown at us.” He told her smiling.
Y/N soon let out a yawn. “Your right we are two badass parents.” She said smiling
“And now these two badass parents need their sleep.”
“Oh, you are correct about that. I love you.” She said as she let her eyes flutter shut.
“I love you too.” Matt whispered to her before pressing a kiss into her hair, and letting his eyes shut as well.
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goldentournesol · 4 years
Christmas Miracles
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(Spencer Reid x fem!Reader)
The one where Spencer and Reader finally get pregnant after 2 years of trying and failing.
Length: 3.2k
A/N: TW pregnancy, thank you for requesting this anon, so sorry this is late, i know you asked for fluff but i added a touch of angst too because: hello, have you met me? also please accept my feeble attempt at a Christmas fic. i sure do hope no one goes through my search history now haha, anyway ENJOY! (sorry if this is crappy) It is officially Christmas where I live so MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!
The click clack of her heels against the tiled floor of the hospital almost seemed too loud. She felt as though her presence was too much, but she had promised Kristy she’d be there. It almost felt unreal. Here she was, celebrating the birth of yet another Simmons baby when not a single Reid had been conceived. It might have been selfish of her to have such thoughts, but she couldn’t help it. Not when the one thing she and her husband had been praying for day and night came so easily to everyone but them.
It’s been two years since their wedding and for two years she’d felt nothing but the impending feeling of failure hanging around her shoulders. All she wanted was to give Spencer what he deserved, she knew how much he wanted kids. He didn’t even have to say it, it was evident in the way he treated Henry, Michael, and all the other children of the BAU. 
She’d left her job as soon as Spencer texted her and said she’d meet them at the hospital. She took a deep breath before locating the familiar faces of the BAU in the waiting room.
“Hey!” JJ smiled, racing to hug her first.
“Hi, any news?” Y/N asked, pulling away from the hug and looking for her husband among the faces, smiling in recognition. She spotted him in a chair, adorning a hoodie that was much too large for him with “Washington DC” printed in bold letters across the front.
“No, not yet.” Spencer reached his hand out to her and she stepped towards him, smiling as he stood to embrace her. She pulled back once again and looked at his hoodie in amusement.
“Do I want to know what happened?” She giggled, gesturing towards his outfit. He laughed bashfully.
“I, um, had an...incident with the sprinklers at the park.” She watched as his cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink. She laughed and nodded.
“Alright then.” She took a seat beside him and forced the lump in her throat to break itself apart. But Spencer knew how she felt, of course he knew. Which is why he offered both his hand and shoulder to her as they waited. She gladly accepted both, wishing the heaviness in her chest would dissipate.
About a half hour later, Matt emerged from one of the rooms, announcing the birth of his baby girl. Everyone swarmed around him to give him celebratory hugs, Y/N felt as though someone had to unglue her from her seat. She smiled as wide as her face would allow and hugged him.
“Congratulations!” She exclaimed, trying her hardest not to make it sound forced.
“Thank you, thank you all.” He said, inviting them all into the room, where the wailing  of a newborn baby could be heard. To many it could sound annoying, but Y/N was almost desperate to hear it. Before entering, Spencer grabbed her hand gently and stopped them in their tracks, reaching out to cradle both her hands in his.
“You okay? We can leave now if you want, just say you had an emergency at work or something.” He said quietly to her, knowing how it would make her feel if she were to see this baby right now. He never wanted to push her too far. He could see the uncertainty swimming around in her irises, but his wife was never one to back down from anything she’d promised someone else.
“I’ll be fine, Spence. I promised Kristy.” She whispered and he nodded, although he felt something was off in the pit of his stomach. He brushed it off as she pulled him into the room after her. Her eyes landed on Kristy cradling her baby girl and her heart melted at the sight.
“Oh, she’s beautiful, Kristy.” Y/N cooed, momentarily forgetting about the heaviness in her chest as the baby’s tiny eyes curiously wandered over to her.
“Thank you, Y/N. Would you like to hold her first?” Kristy smiled tiredly and everyone’s gaze fell onto Y/N, an unreadable tension silently floating in the room.
“I-I’d be honored.” She let go of Spencer who watched as his wife carefully scooped up the baby into her arms. His heart swallowed his chest from its swelling. He could barely control the softness in his gaze before Matt came up next to him and grabbed his shoulder, making him smile. The way she carried the baby with so much compassion was a sure sign for Spencer, this woman was meant to be a mother. The mother of his children.
Y/N grinned with slight tears in her eyes as she stared at the baby in her arms, “Hi, baby girl. You’re so beautiful.” She cooed softly as she swayed them slowly from side to side. The baby quieted down in her arms and it was a wonderful sight to see. Spencer’s heart was surely beating its last beats.
“Oh, she loves you already.” Emily said from the far side of the room. The comfortable weight of the baby in her arms had suddenly turned into 7.8 pounds of complete and utter dread. She had allowed herself to think that it was her own child for a split second. 
What a huge mistake. 
A tear escaped Y/N’s eye as she realized she’d have to part with this beautiful gift of life. She forced a smile and handed her back to her mother carefully. No one noticed the shift in Y/N’s mood, too enthralled by the baby, except Spencer, of course. She quickly wiped away the stay tear as she took her place next to Spencer, who had tried to take her hand in his, but she pulled away just in time. He breathed a heavy sigh as she silently fell apart right next to him.
After a few moments of failing to keep herself from falling apart in front of the team, she tugged on his sleeve harshly and he knew he’d have to excuse them. So he did, they said their farewells and were on their way to her car. She handed him the keys silently and avoided his gaze until they were in the car together.
“Sweetheart…” Spencer started, reaching out to caress any part of her, only wanting to provide a semblance of comfort.
“Please--please, don’t, Spencer.” She whimpered softly as she shrunk away from him and into the passenger seat, the tears falling freely now. Spencer frowned deeply and began driving them home in silence.
She wondered if she’d ever have the opportunity to be in Kristy’s shoes. All she wanted, as of right now, was to be a mother. The universe had been so, so unkind to them both throughout their lives. God knows Spencer’s been through hell and back more times than they can count. Despite all that though, Spencer was truly the best support system she could ask for. He never pushed her too far, he always understood her, never made her feel bad for not being able to get pregnant. But that didn’t take away from the way she felt. The way she felt like she was failing Spencer. The one thing her body was made for, and she couldn’t do it. 
Spencer walked them both up to their apartment and put on the kettle to make some tea as she disappeared into their bedroom, probably to take a shower. For months and months, they’d been trying, and nothing seemed to work. It was taking a toll on Y/N and he couldn’t help but feel useless.
It went on this way for about a month, although Spencer and Y/N were getting much better about talking about it, as well as beginning to explore other options. Spencer kept convincing Y/N to get out of the house more, he insisted that perhaps time apart and engagement of individual activities would strengthen their relationship. So Penelope suggested a girls night in at least once a week. They would order junk food, watch sappy movies, and sometimes cry about their lives.
One night, all the women and spouses of the BAU were at Penelope’s, watching a movie and munching on crunchy snacks. Y/N suddenly sat up straight and gasped, pausing the movie quickly from the remote.
“What is it?” Tara asked, looking over at Y/N on the couch.
“What day is it?” She asked, slightly panicked.
“It’s...Saturday?” Emily replied.
“No, no! What day of the month?” She exclaimed, searching for her phone in between the couch seats.
“It’s the 12th, why? Is it someone’s birthday?” Penelope asked, confusion settling in.
“The 12th?!” Y/N exclaimed in shock.
“Y/N, what’s on the 12th?” JJ asked impatiently.
“I’m late! I’m 2 weeks late. Let me check first.” Y/N pulled up her phone and checked her period tracking app. The women all glanced at each other excitedly, “I’m late…”
“OKAY! Stay here, do not move. JJ and I will go get you a bunch of tests! Don’t move!” Penelope exclaimed, rushing up to put on a coat over her pajamas and slip on some shoes.
Y/N stood and began to wring her hands nervously.
“What’s wrong, isn’t this great news?” Kristy asked, her face showing concern.
“Yes! Yes, of course. Just...what if it’s n-not real, what if it’s negative? I-I don’t think I can handle that again.” Y/N said as her eyes filled with tears. Her heart seemed to have stilled in her chest and her throat began closing up in response to her anxiety.
“Even if that happens, we’re right here. We’ll be supporting you through it all.” Tara said, standing and hugging her tightly. The second she was in her arms, she began sobbing. The slightest comfort brought waves of fear and anxiety. Emily and Kristy frowned and felt their chests pull at the sight of her being so upset. Tara smoothed down her hair lovingly and convinced her to have a seat until Pen and JJ returned.
A few moments later, they came bursting through the door, “Alright, did you drink enough liquids, do you have to pee?” JJ asked, unpacking and handing her the tests.
“Umm, I don’t know but I’ve been peeing a lot anyway.” Y/N replied and JJ nodded.
“Okay, that’s a good sign.” Kristy nodded encouragingly.
Y/N moved to the bathroom and took the tests. She opened the door slightly and looked towards Penelope, “Can you come in? I-I’m too scared to look at it alone.”
“Of course.” She stepped in and Y/N left the door open for anyone else to come in. Soon they all gathered in or outside of the bathroom. Y/N sat on the closed toilet and wrung her hands nervously, a habit she’d picked up from Spencer. Penelope waited the appropriate amount of time and looked at the tests that were face down on the counter. She looked towards Y/N for approval and she nodded, holding her breath. She wasn’t a profiler but she was trying to read every single microexpression that crossed Penelope’s features. The room was heavy with anticipation as they all watched Penelope look at the tests.
Soon enough, her face broke out into a large grin, “Guess we’re getting a baby genius!” She exclaimed and everyone cheered loudly in response. 
Y/N was frozen in shock on the toilet as everyone rushed to embrace her, “W-what?” She uttered in disbelief, tears clouding her vision quickly.
“They’re all positive! A baby Reid is in the oven!” Emily cheered, showing her the tests. She put a hand to her mouth to slow down the sobs escaping her. She hugged them all tightly and she knew, she just knew that this happened thanks to the sheer powerful energy of all the women by her side. The thought gave her goosebumps.
“Oh my God! I have to tell Spencer!” Y/N shouted in the midst of all her tears, just imagining the pure joy that would be on her husband’s face as he learned the news.
“If you leave now, you’ll make it before he gets home from Derek’s.” JJ said, checking her watch. Y/N nodded and raced out with the tests, putting on her shoes quickly.
“I love you all so much! Bye!” She yelled into the room before darting out the door.
She stopped by the grocery store to pick up some buns, an empty box, and a pair of the cutest baby sneakers she could find. As soon as she got home, she filled the box with the sneakers and the positive tests. She also placed a single bun in the oven and waited for Spencer to come home.
“Y/N, you here already? I saw the car parked downstairs--is everything oka--” he cut himself off as he found her in the kitchen holding something behind her back. His eyebrows raised suspiciously as he eyed her, “What’s going on? What are you up to?” He couldn’t resist smiling at her smile, the previous anxieties melting away.
“Check the oven, baby.” She said, leaning against the counter across from it. His brows furrowed even more as he peeked inside.
“I don’t get it. The oven’s not hot and this is likely a store-bought bun.” Spencer Reid, despite being a certified genius, he could be extremely oblivious at times.
“Yes, and where is it placed?” Y/N hinted.
“In the oven?” Spencer reached in and grabbed the bun. He turned around to face her, the bun in his hands.
“Yes, exactly! It’s a bun in the oven.” She laughed, giving up. She watched as his face lit up in realization.
“Wait...what?” Spencer said softly in disbelief, placing the bun down on the counter and taking a few steps towards her.
She grinned and pulled out the box from behind her and opened it up in front of him. He took it from her and inspected the test and the shoes with a dropped jaw, “W-we...you’re--” He laughed a wet laugh and placed his hands on her belly, “We’re gonna have a baby?” His voice cracked, tears clouding his eyes quickly.
“We’re gonna have a baby.” She confirmed and he pulled her into possibly the tightest hug she’d ever received from him. His shoulders began shaking in her arms and soon they were sobbing messes in front of each other. She rested her head on his chest and he kissed it over and over again until they both calmed down.
“I’m gonna be a father.” He finally said, smiling down at her with a dopey, lovesick smile.
She nodded, returning the smile, “The best father. Now come on, let’s have a seat and start planning.” She giggled, pulling him out of the kitchen and to the couch.
“You know, it’s thought that the saying bun in the oven originated in 1951.” He began explaining and she suddenly burst into a fit of fond giggles, hoping their child would get his intelligence and definitely his good looks.
At exactly 10 weeks, Spencer insisted that she get her first ultrasound. She didn’t mind, she just wanted him to be there, and with his hectic schedule, it was hard to find a perfect time to go. But alas, they figured it out and Spencer was practically bouncing on his feet in excitement in the waiting room. Y/N placed a calming hand on his knee and smiled reassuringly. They took turns calming each other down. Even though Spencer had read every book about parenting and children within reach, he still felt so unprepared as a first time parent.
“Mr. and Mrs. Reid? The doctor is ready for you now.” A nurse with a clipboard announced, making Spencer shoot up out of his seat and helped his wife out of hers.
Soon, they made it into the office and before she knew it the doctor had already spread the icy cold gel on Y/N’s growing belly. A steady, repetitive noise could be heard throughout the room, bouncing off the walls. It sounded like an underwater heartbeat with a tad of something sloshing around.
“Oh, do we hear that? That’s the sound of the baby’s heart-Oh! What do we have here?” The doctor announced as she maneuvered her way on top of her belly.
“What is it?” Spencer anxiously asked, peering over at the screen.
“It seems as though there are two amniotic sacs as well as two healthy heartbeats! Congratulations, you’re having twins!” The doctor exclaimed happily. The couple stared at each other in an absolute stunned daze.
“Twins?” Y/N had to make sure she was hearing it correctly.
“Yes, a pair of healthy twins.” The doctor confirmed.
“That’s...th-that’s only a 4% chance. This is amazing!” Spencer uttered, hugging her tightly.
Over the course of the next six months, Spencer and Y/N have been living on the absolute tips of their toes. Y/N was extremely clingy at times and Spencer was terrified of leaving her, should he be called in for a case. As the twins’ due date nears, Spencer turns into a shell of himself and instead a home for festering anxiety and fear. He’s terrified something might go wrong. Whereas Y/N could not wait for the babies to be out of her! The day couldn’t come sooner.
Thankfully, serial killers all over the country had decided to take a break for Christmas time. Spencer, Y/N, and her belly were invited to every gathering leading up to Christmas eve. She wished she wouldn’t have to waddle along for much longer.
As the two sat in peaceful silence, listening to instrumental versions of their favorite Christmas music and munching on gingerbread men, something felt off.
“Uhhh, Spence?”
“What is it, sweetheart?” Spencer asked, sitting up, failing to notice the large pool of liquid now under his wife soaking the couch.
“My water just broke.” She announced, feeling her breath quicken.
“Oh-OH!” Spencer shot up from the couch and quickly grabbed the hospital go bag that’s been living by the door for the past few weeks. He put on a pair of shoes for her and carefully helped her off the couch.
“Spencer, it’s Christmas eve, we’ll never find a place in the hospital!” Y/N panicked slightly as she waddled to the door, trying to control her breathing.
“Shh, baby don’t worry about that right now. I just need you to do the breathing exercises we practiced so much, okay?” He said calmly, doing her breathing exercises, prompting her to imitate him. He surprised her by being so calm and composed all the way to the hospital then she remembered he’d once told her that he finds he does his best work under intense pressure.
20 grueling hours later, two beautiful baby girl Reids were born into this world on Christmas day. It truly was a Christmas miracle. The team filed in on Christmas day to find one exhausted Spencer standing and an even more exhausted Y/N on the bed, each cradling a baby girl of their own.
“Oh my, oh, they’re so beautiful.” Penelope gushed, her and JJ leaning over Y/N’s bed to peer at one of the girls. Luke, Tara, and Emily walked towards Spencer, who could not stop grinning. 
Seriously, his face should have been split in half at this point from how much he’d been smiling. There was no one else in this world he’d rather have a child with, and he was blessed with not one, but two enchanting Christmas miracles who will surely steal his heart and never return it, and he’ll be more than okay with that.
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This is for humor, not wet Wednesday, or to be used as a fic. You and Matt are best friends and joke around a lot. When you find out he is expecting his 5th child you give him a box of condoms. LOL
Team Simmons
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Platonic!Matt Simmons x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, alcohol and mild consumption of, pregnancy jokes 
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1.5k
Author’s Note: I lovedddd writing this :) 
Jake ran over to you as you walked through the door. “y/n!” he shouted as he hugged you. 
“Hey buddy! happy birthday!” you hugged him back and handed him a huge gift bag that had his birthday gifts in. 
“Someone went overboard with the gifts again, didn't they ?” Kristy smiled at you from the living room. “Hey pretty lady” you made your way over to give her a hug. 
“How’s the bean?” your hand rested on her belly, “good” she smiled. 
The rest of the team had already arrived, JJ and Emily were outside with the kids as Luke showed them the tricks Roxy could do. Penelope took this moment as her chance to take some pictures, ones you were sure would be sent out to everyone in the morning. Tara, Spencer and Rossi were having a conversation about something you couldn’t hear at the moment. You and Kristy had made your way to the kitchen when Matt came down with the girls, one in each arm. 
You took Chloe from him, holding her on your hip. “Not even here for 5 minutes and already stealing my kids ?” Matt asked you 
“Haha Simmons, very funny. You’re just mad cause she loves me more, isn't that right kiddo ?” you tickled her side, she let out a loud giggle before you put her down. 
Everyone made their way to the backyard. The kids ran around as Roxy chased them through the yard, JJ yelling for them to slow down before they fell over or trample the girls. Rossi stood by the BBQ because he refused to let anyone else cook, although Spencer told him using the BBQ doesn’t exactly count as “cooking” 
Emily had found Matt’s wine stash and opened a bottle which her, Penelope and Tara were working on. You were sitting beside Luke as you looked around the yard. 
You really did find a family with each other. 
David chased his brother to the pool, the boys jumped in which only further caused commotion, as Micheal and Henry jumped in after them. Kristy and JJ both looked like they were about to lose their patience, there were now 4 very hyper boys splashing in the pool.
The noise and laughed had caught Roxy’s attention. Her head perked up from beside Luke’s leg and before he could grab her collar, she made a run straight into the pool. 
“Boys! Get out of there!” Kristy told them, all of them laughing and ignoring her. 
“If you don’t get out, we’re gonna go home right now” JJ gave her boys a stern look, hoping if they got out, so would Jake and David but again, they just ignored the two woman. 
“Matt, will you come get your children ?” Kristy looked over at Matt who could barely move with two very comfortable looking girls sitting on his lap. 
“Babe, I can’t” he gave her an apologetic look. 
“I got it” you got up and walked over to the pool, Luke followed you. “Rox, c’mon girl” Luke whistled, Roxy too, ignored him. You chuckled as you watched the boys and Roxy in the pool, they all looked so happy. 
“Boys, c’mon” you crouched down in front of them, the 4 of them swam up to the edge of the pool. 
“Kristy worked hard to put together this party and it’s only fair that we be good for her, right ?” 
The boys looked at each other and smiled. “Okay” Jake said, smiling at you. You stuck your hands out to help them get out of the pool, Jake grabbed one hand and Henry grabbed the other and they both tugged. 
You fell right into the pool, you swam back up to the top, “are you kidding me?!” you laughed, wiping the water from your face. 
Kristy sighed, walking about from the pool, leaving you and the boys in the pool. JJ shook her head, “you’re all in trouble, you too y/n” you laughed as she walked away. 
“Rox, come here girl, come on” Luke was still trying to get her out of the pool. “Alvez, come here. I’ll push her to you, you help her out” he crouched down and you did get Roxy to the edge of the pool, and out of the pool. Luke was still crouched down as Roxy shook the water off and all over Luke. 
“Hey, help me out” you stuck your arm out to Matt, who made his way over to the pool after giving the girls to Kristy. He grabbed your hand only to be pulled into the pool. 
“Y/n are you serious?!” Matt shouted as he splashed the water towards you. You laughed, the boys clung onto their father as JJ’s boys clung onto you. One by one, you helped the kids out of the pool and then got out yourself. You and Matt had a close relationship, he was your best friend, basically like your older brother. 
Once everyone had dried off, the boys got their fair share of yelling from their mothers, you got yelled at from Rossi after he saw you encouraging the boys and their nonsense rather than getting them to listen to their mothers. Everyone had settled down and had dinner, Kristy and Matt wrangled the kids together to cut Jake’s birthday cake and attempt to get one decent picture before they all ran off to do their own thing. 
Jake and David were in the other room with Henry and Michael while the girls were upstairs. “Y/n, you gotta stop buying so much for the kids. They have a million and one things already. Between you and Penelope, we can stop buying stuff for them” Matt chuckled, you smiled at him as Penelope let out a gasp. 
“Matt, I'll have you know that’s my job as the cool aunt! I must- it’s my duty to spoil them” she stated, taking a sip of her drink. You nodded in agreement, “what she said” 
It was always nice to have the team together outside of work. Matt and Kristy sat together, her legs rested on his lap. Tara, Spencer and Penelope sat on the other couch, Luke sat on the armrest of that couch beside Penelope. JJ and Emily were on the two seater and Rossi was on the recliner, you sat on the floor beside him. 
“Oh!” you looked around for your bag. Rossi looked down at you, “what’s wrong kid ?” 
“I have something for Matt” you pulled your bag over to you, digging through the contents of the bag and finding what you were looking for. Everyone was now looking at you, you pulled out a little wrapped box with a bow on it. Tossing it to Matt, he catches it. 
“What’s this?” he shook the package
“Open it” you smiled, your head resting on the chair behind you. 
Matt ripped the paper off the box, Kristy let out a ridiculously loud laugh when she saw what you had given Matt. 
“Are you serious ?” Matt asked you, holding back a laugh. 
The wrapping paper on his lap had covered what you had given him. “What is it ?” Luke asked him, Matt held up the box of condoms you had just gifted him. The whole room erupted in laughter. 
“As much as I love you guys, and I really do. My wallet can't handle all the birthday and Christmas gifts.” you laughed. 
“You're telling me” Matt laughed as he tossed the box to the other side of the couch. 
“But seriously, it would be nice to give your wife here a break. She's literally always pregnant Matt, I don't even understand where you find the time” 
“I know right!” Luke piped up, Penelope smacking his side “be respectful!” 
“Yeah, thanks for these” Matt laughed as he tossed the gift paper at you, making you laugh. 
“You’re welcome” 
David had wandered into the living room after getting a glass of water, he picked up the box as he sat beside his father. 
“Yeah bud?” 
“What are these?” 
Matt looked over at him to see what he was referring too, you held back a laugh. Matt took the box from him, “nothing bud, grown up stuff” Matt told him, giving you a look after you let out a stifled laugh. 
David shrugged as he made his way back over to the other room. 
“I’m gonna kill you l/n” he stood up as did you. 
“Only if you can catch me Simmons” 
taglist: @aaronhotchnerr @mac99martin @aaron-hotchner187 @tclaerh @luke-alvez @iconicc @lieberhers @pumpkin-reads @ssa-holmes @katexrichardson @sluttytears @thelukealvez @scandinavian-punk @rosesonmyheart @haleymalaffey @shotarosleftpinky @mrs-dr-reid @hqtchner @averyhotchner @andreasworlsboring
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
october schedule
October 3rd - CM fanfic week: day 1
Wheels Up 9.4K
Characters: Spencer Reid, Reader (Y/N), Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Savannah Hayes, Emily Prentiss, Elle Greenaway, Tara Lewis, Jennifer Jareau, Matt Simmons, Luke Alvez
Summary: JJ goes on maternity leave, Spencer falls in love with her replacement that he's supposed to be mentoring, Emily Prentiss and Elle Greenaway work a case together that brings Simmons and Alvez in for help...
Warnings: Genius!Reader, mutual pining, idiots in love, drinking, star gazing, lots of fluff, mentions of past assault, grooming, drug addiction, spencer's trauma, Abductions, Rape, Murder (typical canon violence)
October 4th - cmfw day 2:
Crystal Clear 4.4K
Summary: With Emily finally back from the dead, it seems like the best time for Y/N and Spencer to vow to love each other till death do us part.
warnings: mentions of Emily's death, allusions to sex, weddings, drinking mentions.
October 5th - cmfw day 3:
Knockout 800
Pairing: Landlord!Derek x tenant!Reader
Summary: Derek has the worst timing when it comes to the beautiful woman who's renting one of his homes.
Warnings: walking in on someone naked -- general awkwardness, kissing, sexual inuendos, (always let me know what else I need to tag)
October 6th - Emily Prentiss birthday bingo/ cmfw day 4:
Let the Memory Live Again 2.1K
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Female Reader
Summary: of all the endings she could have worried up in her mind, she never imagined Emily Prentiss would leave her like this.
Warnings: bi reader, allusions to sex, angst, mentions of character death, depression, talk of murder, side spencer x reader but she turns him down
October 7th - cmfw day 5:
Family Dynamics 5.6K
Summary: Spencer's daughter is afraid to tell him about her boyfriend, thinking he'll be too overprotective of her so she makes a plan to get him to ease up a bit.
content warnings: Spencers daughter POV opens the fic up, sibling dynamics between Indie and Henry, child-like teasing, first dates, reader is a single mom, Spencer's wife died in childbirth, general fluff, kissing, JJ and Spencer are besties in this
(not doing days 6 and 7 as full fics anymore)
October 13th - Thorn fic
October 25th - Hallo-ween (spence)
October 26th - House Calls (wes)
October 27th - Spector Spooktacular (Raymond)
October 28th - The Reid Family (spence)
October 29th - Trick or Treat (Franklin)
October 30th - Rated R for Revenge (chip)
October 31st - Black Magic (spence)
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vroomvroommuppett · 4 years
nothing like you - matt simmons x fbi fem!reader
master list | tag list | requests (or send them in ask box - i check the ask box more)
summary : reader and matt both work for different traveling units of the fbi and it causes much time apart. the two of them finally get some time off to spend together and spend it talking about the different locations they’ve been for cases and the sites they see, either in passing or before leaving the cities they go to for work, and how even the interesting parts of the job don’t compare to spending time with each other and that being apart has been difficult for each of them. reader is a traveling forensic anthropologist that works for the fbi
requested by : @bau-jj
a / n : sorry it’s taken so long !!
pairing : matt simmons x fbi fem!reader
song : nothing like you by luke combs
catergory : fluff
warnings : general cm stuff
word count : 726 words
i'm on this red-eye rolling down a runway
window seat, nonstop one-way
2 pm, gate b10, it can't come soon enough
i've got a mid-flight magazine and a mixed drink
i wish time would fly right with me
damn the days that baggage claim's in another taxi town
but they always bring me back to you
you and matt both worked for the fbi. he was on the irt (international response team ; basically the international bau) and you worked as a traveling forensic anthropologist. because of your guys schedules with matt being who knows where in the world and you being domestic but still traveling, it was hard for the two of you to have any time alone together.
i've seen california and the fields of oklahoma
from thirty thousand feet, can't beat the view
crossed the mississippi, watched the mountains over tennessee
become a carolina sky that was so blue
and still ain't seen nothing like, nothing like you
finally, the both of you had time off, which was spent sleeping and making up for lost time. one night after dinner, you were curled up on matt's side watching something on the tv. it was quiet until he asked you something.
i've spent every mile missing you, baby
it's enough to drive me crazy
"i love you"'s from hotel rooms
they sure do make it tough
but they always bring me back to you
“how has work been?”
“it’s been good. tiring but good. what about you?”
“same as you. you know what?”
you looked up at him.
“no matter where we are in the world, what we see and do, whether i am in england chasing down an unsub and you in texas, seeing how people died, we always seem to come back together, even if it is for a few hours. and yes it’s been difficult, but everytime you text me to tell me that you’re home, i get so excited because i get to spend some time with you. i know that when we have kids, one of us might have to retire, or i transfer to the bau, we will always come home to each other, because there’s nothing like you.”
you smiled at him.
“yeah. you working at the bau would be nice because we could have lunch together. and there’s nothing like you too, matthew simmons”
he kissed you and picked you up and brought you to your guys bedroom and both fell asleep in each other's arms.
i've seen california and the fields of oklahoma
from thirty thousand feet, can't beat the view
crossed the mississippi, watched the mountains over tennessee
become a carolina sky that was so blue
and still ain't seen nothing like, nothing like you
in all these nothing towns
you in this whole world around
you're the only place i wanna get back to
two years after the two of you had that talk, he proposed to you and you said yes. a year later (after having to reschedule due to both of your guys jobs) the two of you got married. since you guys worked in different departments, you changed your last name to simmons. a year and a half after you got married, you had your first child, which was a girl. somehow the two of you kept working for the irt and as a traveling forensic anthropologist, and still had time for each other and your daughter. two years after your daughter was born, you had twins, one boy and one girl. you retired from the fbi, and matt got a position on the bau because assistant director barnes shut down the irt and because ssa aaron hotchner and his son jack had to go into witsec because of peter lewis, or mr scratch. when scratch was killed, hotch did not return to the bau, so matt took his place. a year and a half after your twins, you had another set of twins, one boy and one girl. the two of you couldn’t be happier.
'cause i've seen california and the fields of oklahoma
from thirty thousand feet, can't beat the view
crossed the mississippi, watched the mountains over tennessee
become a carolina sky that was so blue
and still ain't seen nothing like
and still ain't seen nothing like
and still ain't seen nothing like
nothing like you
nothing like you
i hope it was what you were wanting !
tag list
@imnotsomewhore @theinsanespaceship15 @m00sethemurderer @aluxya @izzyl13 @sw33tgirl
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Matt Simmons x child daughter reader
I'm now on season 15 and I love it!
Summary: y/N Simmons is ill, so her Mum takes her to her work, while her Dad has work. When a hostage situation happens.
Literally watched this episode yesterday and I loved jt and got the idea for thus oneshit for Matt.
Third person pov...
When their youngest child woke up ill, Kristy and Matt knew one of them had to look after her, but both had work, Matt held their coughing daughter in his arms bouncing her and patting her back as she coughed.
Kritsty was getting her some water to drink, the 5 year old woke up with a bad cough. Matt continues to pat and hug his youngest child, "Daddy, I wanna go with Mummy" she rasps.
Matt smiled his daughter knew he was busy woth his work. "It's okay Honey, Mummy will be up soon" she said to her, all his children knew how busy his was at Work. As she continued coughing Matt checked his phone and almost curses he missed a call from Emily, he knew he was late to work by 15 minutes.
The Dad then maneuvered his youngest to hid other arm and held her up against his shoulder while his other turned on his phone and called Emily,
Y/N coughed again and Matt rubbe dher back Comforting her as she coughed his poor Baby. The little girl buried her face into hid shoulder needing the comfort from him.
His phone rang twice before Emily answered "Hey Matt, just was about you call you" she said before he got a word in, Y/N started crying just as he was about to answer, he put his phone between his shoulder and ear while comforting his crying daughter.
"Hey Emily, sorry I didn't realise the time, Y/N my youngest daughter woke up with a sore throat been comforting her, I will be in later Kristy can take her today" said Matt as his daughter calmed down and stopped crying.
Emily laughed "of course Matt see you later" she said before ending the call and Matt put his phone back in his pocket, he held Y/N close to his chest ans rubbed her backing, then Kristy walked in a sippy cup full of water for their Daughter.
She smiled and picked up Y/N "here you go honey some nice cold water" she said to the crying girl, Y/N grabbed the bottle from her mum and started drinking the cold water helping her throat. Matt sigh when she stopped crying, Kristy laughed at her husband. "You better go your already late" she said tochim making the Agent curse and grab his stuff.
He completely forgot, he kissed his Daughter and Wife before leaving and drving to work.
Time skip...
As soon as he sits down Matt I'd corned by JJ, Reid, Tara, Rossi and Luke who were waiting to ask why he was so late, the Matt sighs before telling them.
"Well our youngest daughter Y/N, woke up crying with a sore throat so we spent most the morning trying to comfort her and stop her crying, at the minute Kristy is taking her to her work to look after Y/N" he explained getting sympathy looks from his friends and a pattern on thr shoulder from Luke.
"Glad I'm not you mate" he says making Matt laugh, thebother leave his desk leaving Luke and Him, Then Wmily wlaks past then on the phone, something was happening.
"Yes sir, I will brief my team" she says before ending the call and turning to the two men. "Luke, Matt we're gonna need a hands k  deck for this one" she tells them, luke and Matt quickly stand ans start grabbing their stuff. "I jsut got off thr phone with the director he wants the BAU to take charge of a hostage situation in progress down town, the tonto cordon plaza 4th floor of the ALDC" she tells them.
Matt eyes go wide as she tells them where, his face is full of worry. "The ALDC" he says Emilt nods "that's right hostage rescue team is on there way" she says, her words aren't helping Matt only making him more worried. "Kristy and Y/N" he mutters.
Luke looks at the man "what about Kristy and Y/N" he asks the Shaken man. Matt looks up a Emily. "She just started working for the ALDC a few weeks ago and she's taken Y/N into work with her today" he says making his teams eyes widen in horror.
At the ALDC...
By the time Kritsty and Y/N left for thr office it was a couple minutes after matt, Kristy gave her daughter some cough medicine which helped her take a nap, the Mum then drove to her work and got out her Daughters push chair and put the sleeping toddler in it, Kristy then locked the doors and took the elevator upstairs to her office.
When she got there she walked to her desk and sat down she pulled Y/Ns push chair in so knowone would bump into the sleeping child, Kristy then got to work, it wasn't long before three men started shooting gund up at the ceiling. Y/N began crying making Kritsty act she quickly pulled dher daughter to her chest and layed flat on the floor woth
Y/N held to her chest the young girl still crying.
Everyone was terrified, the men the  told them to thr stand up which is what Kritsty did with her daughter held to her chest a hand protecting her head. She saw three men who didn't look old mid 20s maybe less.
The leader then ordered everyone to give up their phones Kristy remembered Matts new phone and quick kicked the bag under a chair making sure knowone saw it, she then handed them her phone, the Unsub looked at her daughter before sneering.
"Just keep her quiet" he said before walking away when one of the workers lied the leader started fo beat him up  Kritsty gasped and hid Y/N from is she shouldn't see the violence. Everyone then got split up and pulled to different area they were scared did as they were told, but Kritsty got hit fir saying something, she fell to the floor, Y/N held protectively in her grab.
Y/N began crying but Kritsty shooshed her and she stopped crying. "Shush Y/N, don't worry Mummy is okay" she said to her making the girl stop crying and sit on the floor, Kritsty was currently leaning against a wall sitting on the floor woth her Daughter sitting next to her looking around her. The little girl saw the mark on her Mum.
"Mama okay" she rasp her throat still sore, Kristy smiled at her caring daughter and rubbed her soft cheek with her finger. "Mamas okay Princess" she whispers as Y/N continues to look at her worried.
Y/N nods her little head "Okay mama" she then went back to picking at he carpet, the three unsubs have been out of the room for a while Kristy then looks around and runs over to where she kicked the phone and quickly grabbed it. Thr only number on it was Matts, she woman quickly turns it on and rings matt.
It rings a couple times before her Husband appears on screen, his worried face turns surprised to relief when he sees her alive. "Kristy are you okay? What about Y/N?" He asks his wife, Kristy smiles at him whiping her tears. "Yes I'm fine honey and so is Y/N" she told him.
Said Toddler then stuck her head into veiw, she was confused until she saw her Dads yon screen and squealed happy, she jumped and clapped her hands. "Daddy! Daddy!" She cried tapping the scream as she thought he was there, the man smiled and laughed at his Daughter she was always so happy to see him. "Hi Princess, you looking after Mummy for me?" He asks the little girl who nodded her head making the man and woman smile at her.
Matt then told Kritsty what he wants her to try and do which is to put thr phone somewhere up high so they could get a good veiw of the unsubs and what they arw doing because they hacked the cameras in the building. "Okay Matt I will" she says before leaving Y/N with on the thenothwr workers while she went to put thr phone somewhere when she found somewhere she went back go her daughter and the two waited to be rescued.
Time skip...
Suddenly the elevator doors opend and SWAT rushed in, Kristy sighs with relief they were saved, she grabbed Y/N and the two ran to Matt he and his Team came in behind the SWAT, Matt hugged his girls close, Y/N babbling happily as her Parents hugged, happy to be together again.
The end!
Hoped you like the first oneshot for Matt, once again sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1530
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aesthbaby · 4 years
You’re Not Alone
Summary: Angst story where Reader and Emily make a discovery after getting into an argument
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x reader (no gender is identified but it is stated that the reader is lgbtq+ and with Emily)
Request: @millipop18 this one
Warnings: Cursing | Arguments | Talk of homophobia
Wordcount: 1.5K
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64. “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.
67. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
“No, I don’t think that.” You’re defensive, and rightfully so. You fucked up and the evidence is written all over Emily’s face, you didn’t mean to hurt her. She damn near snapped on the spot right after you said it. You tried to defend yourself but of course Emily has a point, she always has a point.
“Why did you say that?” She doesn’t sound angry, she kind of sounds hurt.
“I said it without thinking, I didn’t mean it like that.” You and Em randomly decided you wanted to get tacos from the new place down the block after work. Everything was going fine until you ran into Matt Simmons and one of his kids. No idea which one it was, he has a shit ton.
“Well,” She trails quietly. “Did you mean it?” She stops what she’s doing and turns around to face you. Her dark eyes are pouring into your soul and its actually really intimidating to see. “Did you?” She repeats when you don’t answer.
“Did I what?” You’re distracted, you knew you shouldn’t have said that in front of her. Or at all for that matter of fact because it was so unlike you.
She puts down her phone and stiffens her expression. “Did you mean what you said?” Your mouth opens and closes without anything coming out. She scuffs and brushes past you; hitting your shoulder in the process. Shit y/n think! You stand there for a second, fidgeting with your fingers, and trying to find the right words. “Its a simple question, really.” She’s wearing her monotone voice and clenching her jaw.
“No...” You whisper like you’re afraid of your own voice.
Your girlfriend sits on the bench and moves to take her shoes off. “Y/n,” She spits your name out like gum, effectively getting your attention. “When Matt asked me who you were, you interrupted me and said...” She looks to you to finish her sentence but you stay quiet. “Of course.” She mumbles. “You told him, and I quote, “I’m just an old friend visiting the city.” Emily never really “yells” at you but its pretty obvious when she wants to. “What was that?” Her voice is rising. “Friend?!” Her eyes lock on you like prey and this is when you notice her anger is replaced by glistening tears. They’re barely there and Emily wouldn’t dare let them fall. As quick as you notice them, they’re gone again. Emily Prentiss does not cry.
“Em...I-” You’re anxiously clinching the collar of your shirt while trying to get the words out.
“You told him you were my friend...” She looks back down in defeat and it breaks your heart a little. You hear her sniffle and it just adds to the sadness building in your heart. When she looks at you again, her eyes are clear and her face is basically emotionless.
“Emily, baby, I am so sorry.” You sit beside her and gently lay your hand on hers.
She turns to you and asks, “Why?” That’s all she says.
Excuse me? Is what you wanted to say out of sheer shock. Obviously you said this instead: “I don’t know, Em. It just came out.”
“Right,” She nods to herself and then stands in front of you. “Y/n you and I both know this is very unlike you. I mean you’ve hesitated before when it came to telling people we’re dating but I-”
“Woah, when have I ever hesitated to tell people we were dating?” That one really threw you for a loop.
And she looks surprised that you even said anything. “Point being, I can’t help you if you don’t help me.”
The word “huh” was on the tip of your lips but you pushed it back. “Em, I’m okay.” You place your hand over your heart while speaking. “You’re the one who...” Your through suddenly feels dry.
“The one who’s...what? Upset?” You almost want to nod at that but decide against it. “But I’m not the one who said we were just friends.” Why is she talking to me like a unit chief? “And despite my current feelings, I know you.”
You swallow that information like a lump in your throat. “I’m okay.”
She sucks in a sharp breath. “No, you are not and I’d like to know why?” Is this what Reid feels like when the team talks to him? I feel like a child during a negotiation. Confused. You were just about to defend yourself when she spoke again. “Is this about your family?” As your expression, she moves on. “Do you not like Matt? Would you prefer it if our relationship was more private?” She pauses before asking the next one. “Is this about me?”
“What? No! Jesus Em I have nothing against you or us.” Its like the more emotional you get, the more neutral her face becomes.
“Then what is it y/n/n?” She takes your hands in hers. “What. Is. It?”
“I fucked up, I realized that as soon as I said it.”
She lets out another puff of air. “God what is up with you today? You never keep stuff from me. You’re the one who made this stupid rule about always telling the truth even if its undesirable and boring.” Gezz I didn’t think it was that bad of a rule. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
“Oh here we go again with the bullshit. Don’t fucking profile me, Emily.” You stand and head to the kitchen. “Don’t open that box.” As you reach towards the refrigerator handle, her hand stops you.
“What happened?” She’s practically begging you to answer her.
You give in. “I got a call yesterday. I thought I recognized the number but when I picked up the phone the voice sounded fake. Like it was run through an app. They said I should be more careful about flaunting my sexuality.” The words spilled out so quickly you didn’t know how to stop them.
She was stunned, mouth ajar.“I had no idea. When did this happen?”
“Last night. I didn’t really care at first because I thought it was one of my old friends, exes, or something like that. It wasn’t until we were out that it felt like we were being followed. So when we saw Matt I panicked.” The apartment is filled with complete and suffocating silence. Em is looking at you like she suddenly has no idea who you are. “Em...” You take a step to her while she takes one back. “Baby...come on.” She don’t respond, or move, speak, nothing. “Talk to me Em, please.” Nothing. “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything.”
You haven’t seen her look this concerned since the time you ran smack dead into a wall in the middle of the night. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice is so quiet. 
“Because I can handle myself, I was fine up until a few hours ago. It freaked me out. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” You step to her and wrap your arms around her waist. “I just couldn’t tell you.” 
“Yes, you could have. You’re not alone anymore y/n/n. You have to tell me about this stuff. You’re not the only one affected by it.”
“Shit. Babe I’m sorry I didn’t think about it like that.”
She strokes a piece of your hair near your forehead. “Its okay. I’m more upset with myself for not noticing sooner. I do this kind of stuff as a living, you’d think it come natural.”
You pull her flush against you. “I really fucked up this time.”
She laughs at that. “You did, but don’t worry. Tomorrow you will come to work with me and I’ll have my team look into it. For now,” she kisses the top of your head. “You should eat and then tap out for the night. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”
You give her a confused expression. “What do you mean?”
“First we’ll have to go over that call with Garcia, consult with Reid on the wording, hire Derek as a body guard, come out to the entire team about our relationship, and of course we’ll have to get a dog.”
“I like the dog part.” As if on queue Sergio comes out of the bedroom and sits at your feet. “Sergio’s kind of boring.” Despite whispering the last part, Sergio still meows at it.
Em untangles herself from you to pick up her cat. “Y/n doesn’t mean it Serg.”
You lean in to the cat’s small ear. “Yeah I do.”
“Come on babe, lets double check the locks.” The brunette and her cat leave the kitchen to cover your ass.
When she comes back, she’s empty handed. “Where’s the feline?”
“My arms are only for you.” She opens her arms for you.
You walk into the embrace and god does it feel good. After a moment of pure bless you speak. “I’m scared, E.”
“We’re gonna be okay.” She pulls you even closer. “You’re gonna be okay.”
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚・*:.。.。.:*・'・*:.。.
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@iamyouknow-yours @mortallythoughtfulgurl @spencerreidistoocute @andreaxxg13 (sorry this tag isn’t working for some reason) @vivianabakshani @garcias-batcave @davidrossiismydad @ssacandi-ass-prentiss @criminalmindsmoodrn @miidguardian-exe @thestrawberrygirl @lisztomaniacalice @aaron-hotchner187 @fanfictionfangirl04 @mys2425 @afuckingshituniverse @nomit16 @rabid-wild-misfits​ @justaghostmonument
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I am so excited for this! I’ve finished part 1 and 2 but I was thinking about making a part 3? Let me know what you all think!
Hope you like it, feedback is always welcome ✨💞
(Credit goes to Pinterest for the photo)
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“Let’s have a baby” Part 1
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Warnings - Pregnancy, Angst and Fluff 💕
You’d always had your life planned out. Some people called it obsessive and controlling but for you it gave you peace and it gave you goals and things to achieve.
You knew that you would want children eventually but you always worried that you wouldn’t find the right person to have them with. Then you met Spencer.
Your parents were divorced and it was an extremely messy process leading you to lose contact with the both of them as you got older. Being an only child also often made times lonely.
You didn’t want your own child to go though what you did.
That’s why when you first found out you were pregnant you wasn’t exactly overjoyed. You knew Spencer would be over the moon but there was still that nagging voice at the back of your head, telling you, you weren’t ready.
You took 3 tests and they all came back positive. You tried to control your breathing, unsure on how to respond. Thankfully the door went and Spencer had arrived home from a day at the office.
You had to discuss this.
You walk out slowly and the tests in hand.
“Hello my lovely, are you okay?” He asks going to hug you.
Unable to reply, you show him the test as you feel a wave of nausea pass over you.
“Babe what’s all-“ he stops mid sentence as he comes to his sense and a smile breaks out over his face.
“Oh my god! Y/N is this for real?!”
You nod, still unable to talk.
He engulfs you into a large hug, lifting you off the ground slightly.
It takes him a minute to notice your expression and that’s when his own features twist with anxiety.
“Hey, hey baby what’s wrong?”
“I’m scared Spence” your swallow.
He gives you a sad smile and leads you to sit on the sofa in the apartment you shared. He knew your history.
He spoke to you calmly about how much of an amazing mother you were going to be, how he loved seeing you with Henry and Micheal and how much they adored you. He told you he would always be there for you no matter what your anxiety made my you feel or think. He also discussed your options. Yes, he wanted kids but you would be the one to to carry them and he didn’t want to force anything on you.
You subconsciously placed your hand over your stomach and did your best not to cry.
“Let’s have a baby” you grin, sniffling.
And so the journey had begun.
You said hello to morning sickness, pains around your around the sides of your abdomen, and the need to pass urine constantly.
Spencer had been amazing, he would always hold your hair back when you were sick, (permitting he was home) always massage your sides and ensure you were as comfortable as possible.
You found yourself sleepier then normal, and without coffee you were struggling. You didn’t want to tell the team just yet and you were running out of excuses. They noticed Spencer’s nerves when you were in the field and the fact that he checked on you more then usual. You were thankful they didn’t say anything.
Your appointments were all going well which put you at ease slightly but you were stilled filled with worry.
When the second trimester started you knew it was time to tell your friends, your baby was starting to make an appearance and soon baggy clothes would only got so far.
You didn’t want to make a big show or anything and you had soon come up with an intimate idea. After one of your scans and everything was still all well and good, you asked for copies and slid them into cards with the message “A new baby genius is on the way!”
The following day, Spencer subtly slipped them onto his co workers desks and the both of you watched for each and everyone’s reactions.
Penelope was the first to find out. She thought Alvez was playing a prank on her and stormed into the bullpen.
You did your best to remain stoic as he received an earful from his crush.
It lead him to find his and them snooping in the rest of the team desks. You couldn’t help but laugh when they were caught red handed by Rossi.
That laugh was what gave you away. The duo had noticed that both you and Spencer were the only ones who didn’t have the announcement and slowly they begun to the pieces together.
Penelope squeals and point a finger at you.
“You’re pregnant!” She announces, as the rest of the team suddenly file in.
“Who’s pregnant?” JJ asks, leaving you to reveal you secret.
The room was filled with congratulations, JJ begin to hand out tips which you gladly took on board and Emily as Unit Chief, demanded you kept her in the loop and asked for time off if you needed it.
When you first felt your baby kick, you had a moment of total and utter panic. Was you going into labour? No it was to early!
You grabbed onto Spencer who was sat on the sofa beside you and he looked at you confused. You settled once you realised what had happened and reality set back in.
Without saying anything to your boyfriend, you take his hand and place it on your growing stomach.
You watched as his eyes lit up at the movement.
Your body was changing and you had begun to notice. Your breasts were tender and had grown larger. Stretch marks had make and appearance on them and along your stomach also. At night when Spencer was home, he would gently trace along them and whisper to you how amazing and beautiful he found you.
Sleeping at night had become a slight problem as you just couldn’t seem to get comfortable so when Spencer had returned home one night after work in the possession of a pregnancy pillow you couldn’t help but be relieved.
The cravings you’d heard so many stories about had begun and your emotions were running high.
You found yourself snapping at Spencer one evening and then crying at kitchen table at 3 in the morning because you couldn’t find the last jar of pickles. Spencer ended up ringing Matt Simmons to see if he had any, as all the shops nearby happened to be closed.
You were embarrassed to say the least the next morning when you came face to face with Matt, apologising profusely.
Matt just laughed and reminded you that he was the father of five children so he had seen and been through it all.
The third trimester was definitely the worst and most definitely eventful.
You thought you were tired in the first trimester but boy was it 10 times worse towards the end. The extra weight you were carrying caused backache and it didn’t help that you now couldn’t sleep due to being uncomfortable. You feet and ankles had also swelled up slightly and that’s when you knew it was time to check in your maternity leave.
Spencer didn’t want to leave your side but you knew the team still needed him. You promised that you would be perfectly fine, but he was unsure.
Recently You’d been experiencing Braxton–Hicks contractions, but you told him it was normal and you wasn’t going into labour just yet.
“Spencer, go to work! I’ll be okay I promise. I’ll call Garcia if I need anything and you happen to be away on a case” you gave him a shallow kiss and pushed him out the door. He didn’t move and laughed at your attempt.
“Okay, okay message received.”
You were prepared for another uneventful day so when the doorbell buzzed a few hours later you expected it to be Spencer coming home for his lunch.
It wasn’t....
Suddenly you were plunged into darkness and dragged out of the door.
Panic built up inside you until it caused you to pass out.
Spencer never thought he’d be back here, in his place. He thought he was done with her games. Apparently before her inevitable execution, she had one more trick up her sleeve.
He takes a deep breath and JJ looks at him with concern.
“I can handle this if you want?”
Spencer shakes his head. He had to do this, for you.
“You know what she is like, I have to do this. You know I do”
He pushed open the door to the 4 by 4 interview room.
There sat Catherine Adams, grinning slyly.
“Spencieeeeee” She greets.
He didn’t want to dance to her tune.
He placed his hands calmly on the mental table and met her eye.
“Where the hell is the mother to my child?”
Tag List - @purple-scarf-mistress @ladydansblanche
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Talk to me - Matt Simmons x Reader
this has been requested by an Anon <3
Prompt: #14 - “Why the hell didn´t you tell me?”
Characters: Matt Simmons, Y/N Simmons (daughter!Reader), Kristy Simmons, David Simmons, Jake Simmons, Chloe Simmons, Lily Simmons, the BAU team, the school´s principal & secretary as well as some highschool teens
Warnings: mentions of bullying, harassment, mild violence, angst, hurt/comfort
A/N: guess who´s finally back on track! <3 it´s me & i hope you missed my writings as much as i did writing them :D this is my first story after a really long break so please be kind to me lol. feedback is still appreciated & i really need it so please leave something in my inbox <3 i also hope that my english is still good enough to write on here :D so enjoy!
„All I´m trying to say is that in my opinion, Y/N has changed a lot these past few weeks and I really want to know why. Don´t you?“, Matt tried to reason with his wife as they were currently sitting on the couch in their living room. 
„Matt, she´s 16, okay? She´s a teenager in the middle of Highschool. Changes are normal. I don´t think that there´s a reason to panic just yet. Remember when we were in Highschool? We were the same.“, Kristy answered, trying to be as quiet as possible due to her younger kids already being asleep in their rooms upstairs. 
„I know, Kristy. But haven´t you noticed those weird changes in her behaviour? Like she comes home and immediatley locks herself up in her room. She barely Eats or sleeps. She became quieter than she already has been.“
„Matt, maybe you shoud try to profile our kids less. See, Y/N is just fine. We taught her that she can come to us if there is something bothering her. She knows that. There is nothing more we can do. We have to trust her and her decisions, okay?“, the woman tried to finally end this conversation with her husband, who gave up and sighed. 
„Fine..okay, but I will talk to her about it tomorrow. I need to.“, Matt said as he got up and held his hand out to his wife, „let´s head to bed, shall we?“
Kristy smirked and shook her head, but grabbed Matt´s hand anyway. She knew that Matt was quite overprotective of all their kids and she understood his reasoning. He saw the worst of people and what they were capable of everyday. But sometimes, she wished that he would just let things go. She sometimes missed those times earlier in their relationship when it was just them and Y/N, their eldest daughter, living in a small house. Matt had been a part of the Army and for sure had he been overprotective back than, but not that much. What Kristy also knew is that she wouldn´t get Matt to stop figuring this out. If he wanted to find something out, then he would do everything in his power to find it out. 
Yes, Kristy noticed the changes as well. She noticed that her daughter isolated herself more, that she had become skinnier and paler, that she was quieter and not that happy girl she used to be. Maybe blaming everything on puberty and Highschool was her way of dealing with the fact that something worse was going on and she had failed as a mother, because she hadn´t noticed it earlier. But now, it was too late and she could only pray that it really only is the stress of being an American teenager in the middle of HighSchool. Otherwise she could never forgive herself.
The next morning, Kristy had to leave earlier than usual due to an appointment at work. That left Matt alone at home with his kids. While the younger kids were already dressed and ready for the day, Y/N was still up in her room. Just as he was about to set their bowls of cereals down in front of them, Chloe asked: „Dad, where is Y/N?“. 
„I think she´s still up in her room, darling. She´ll be here in a minute.“, Matt explained to his daughter. 
„Y/N is weird.“, Jake said while munching his Lucky Charms. 
„How is Y/N weird? She´s your sister. Why would you say that?“, Matt asked. 
„She doesn´t play with us anymore, she´s only in her room. One day, Lily went upstairs and knocked at Y/N´s door, only to ask if she wanted to share a pot of ice Cream with her and instead of appreciating the gesture, she screamed at Lily to go away and leave her alone, before she slammed the door in her face and locked the door.“, Jake told his father, who got more and more concerend. So he was right, something was going on. Y/N would never behave like this towards her Younger siblings. She loved them to death; she enjoyed spending every free minute with them. This behaviour was so not her.
„Yes, she was really mean to me. I miss the old Y/N. The Y/N who always played and laughed with us. I don´t like the crumpy Y/N, the mean one.“, Lily said, a sad expression lingering on her face. 
„Dad, you´re FBI. Can´t you find out what´s going on with Y/N?“, David suggested as he drank his glass of water. 
„I´m trying, David. I´m gonna try and talk to her today, okay? You don´t need to worry about this.“, Matt tried to reassure his kids while he checked the watch, „Okay, ladies and gentlemen, you have to leave right now if you want to catch the school bus which will be here in 5 minutes.“
Suddenly, everyone rushed to get their breakfast done. They put their bowls away and put on their school bags when Matt opened the door, already seeing the bus arriving. 
„Okay, there comes the bus. I love you all. Have a great day at school! One last hug.“, Matt smiled as he opened his arms wide and hugged all of his four kids. 
„Bye Dad, we love you!“, the kids said in unisono before they ran off and into the bus. Matt waved them goodbye and waited until the bus was around the corner before he went back inside and closed the door. 
Returning to an empty kitchen, he again checked the clock and saw that Y/N´s bus arrives in 15 minutes and she still hasn´t been downstairs to have breakfast. 
„Y/N?“, Matt screamed, „Y/N, are you up?“
He waited a little while for a reply, but never got one.
„Y/N? Are you up? You have to leave in 15.“, he said again, this time as he was about to climb up the stairs to his daughters room. 
Matt knocked at the door: „Y/N..can I come in?“. It was then, that he heard noises behind the closed door. He was about to knock again, when the door flew open. In front of him stood a pale, tired Y/N, her hair made up in a messy bun. She was wearing a shirt which was way too big for her and a sport leggings, combined with her checkboard vans. 
„Is everything okay?“, Matt asked Y/N as he checked her over. 
„Yeah..why wouldn´t it be?“, Y/N answered annoyed. It was than that Matt noticed the dark circles underneath her eyes as well as the light purple bruises on her arms. 
„You don´t look fine. Can you please finally talk to me?“
Y/N rolled her eyes and moved passed her father and down the stairs, where she made herself a coffee in her To-Go cup. 
„Y/N…please. I´m worried. We all are. Your siblings even think that there is something going on with you. Please, you know you can talk about everything with us. We just want to help.“, Matt pleaded with his daughter. 
„I don´t need your help, Dad. If there´s a problem, I can solve it alone. School is just pretty stressful at the moment with all the exams and quizzes, okay? Nothing more, nothing less.“, Y/N agrued as she grabbed her coffee and bag before heading towards the door. 
„What about breakfast? Did you have a look at yourself in the mirror, Y/N? You´re getting skinnier eachday and what about those bruises on your arms? Is someone hurting you, princess? Please..“, Matt was about to say, but got interrupted by his daughter. 
„For god´s sake, back off Dad. Everything is fine, I can solve my problems alone. I´m a big girl, okay.“, Y/N yelled as she opened the door, „I´m off to school. Love you!“, and with that, Y/N disappeared and left behind an even more concerened Matt. 
„And what did she say again when you confronted her?“, Luke wanted to know. After the incident with his oldest daughter, Matt had to go to work, thankfully it´s only been a paperwork day so far. Luke, Matts best friend and co-worker, sensed that something must be wrong with the father of 5 so he pressured him into talking to him about it. Soon, they were joined by the rest of the team. 
„She said that basically everything´s fine and that school is stressful and all that normal stuff you would say.“, Matt sighed as he leaned back into his chair. 
„But you don´t believe her, don´t you?“, Tara asked. 
„No, I can´t believe this lie. Like does stress cause you purple bruises up your arm? I mean I get that if she´s stressed that she might loose weight or that she sleeps less, but those bruises were bad.“, Matt reasoned. 
„Did you tell Kristy about it?“, Emily joined into the conversation. 
„Yes, we talked yesterday about it and she thinks that it´s normal teenager behavior and that Y/N would come to us if she´s in trouble or else. She just thinks I´m reading too much into it and that I´m too overprotective. I mean I am, but my gut tells me that there is something going on which isn´t good at all. I just wish she would trust me enough to talk to me about it. I mean I only want to help her.“
„I don´t think it´s about trust.“, Rossi said, „I think she trusts you a lot which is why she doesn´t want to bother you with her problems. She knows that you have a lot to do and worry about for yourself so it´s normal that she doesn´t want to bother you with her problems which is absolutley wrong thinking.“
„But she´s not a bother to me and Y/N knows this. I rather prefer her talking about her problems with me and letting me help her solve them than having her to carry them all alone. What kind of a Dad am I if I can´t help my own child?“, Matt exclaimed and got up to get some air. 
Luke was about to get up and follow his friend when Rossi held him back. 
„Let him go. Give him some time, he needs it.“
„And he needs a friend.“, Luke argued. 
„Yes, he does. When he comes back. Not right now, right now, he needs to be alone and sort his thoughts out. We should give him some time and get back to work.“, Emily said and with that, everyone returned to their desks.
Around 15 minutes later, Matt returned to his desk as well to get some work done when his cell phone started to ring. He check the caller ID and with a frown, he picked up the phone. 
„Simmons?…Yes, it´s him…..What?…Where?..How could this happen?….Okay, I´m on my way right now….No, I´m gonna call my wife myself, thank you.“, and with that, Matt hang up und got up to go to Emily´s office, where he knocked at the door.
„Come in.“, the voice from inside said, „Matt, hey. Are you alright?“
„Ahm, yeah about that. I need to head over to Y/N`s school.“, the agent muttered. 
„Sure, everything okay?“, the unit chief asked concerned. 
„I don´t know yet. The principal just called me and said that Y/N has been hurt and that we should come pick her up as soon as possible. I don´t know exactly what happened yet, but I need to go over there soon.“
„Of course, go. Shall someone of us come with you? Do you need anything?“
„No, I´m good. I´m gonna call Kristy from the car and inform her. Is it okay if I take this day off?“
„No worries, we´ve got you covered. Take as much time as you need.“, Emily said and gave the worried man a smile which he returned. 
„Thank you, Em. I´ll let you know when I know what´s up.“, and with that, Matt rushed out of the building to his car. 
„Hi, I´m Matt Simmons. I got a call from Principal Richards a few minutes ago about my daughter, Y/N Simmons. She got hurt and I was supposed to come pick her up as soon as possible.“, Matt explained as he finally arrived at the secretary´s office. While waiting for a reply, he kept looking around, in search for his daughter. 
„Let me check in with the principal.“, the secretary said as she got up and into the principals office, which she exited again a few minutes later. 
„Principal Richards wants to see you before you can go to pick up your daughter.“, the secretary said and led Matt towards the office where Principal Richards was already waiting for the father. 
„Agent Simmons, please take a seat.“, the man greeted Matt and showed him where to sit. 
„What happened with my daughter? Is she okay?“, Matt wanted to know. 
„Y/N is fine or as fine as one can be after she´s been beaten up by a few of her fellow students.“
„I´m sorry, what?“
„Ms. Laney, Y/N´s French teacher was walking out of her classroom when she saw a group of students kicking another student who was laying helplessly on the ground. She immediatley seperated the group and called other teachers for help. We don´t know what got into the teenagers but we believe that this is going on for a long time.“
„How could this happen? Why didn´t you do something against this earlier?“, the agent said, frustrated and still concerned about his daughters wellbeing. 
„Agent Simmons, we´re very sorry that we didn´t take notice of those students behaviors before, but we´re a rather big Highschool, you can´t notice everything that is going on here. Ms. Laney tried to talk to Y/N, but she didn´t tell her a thing. We hope that you or your wife might get through to her, so we can give those students the punishments they deserve because we don´t want bullies at our school. I already suspended them from school for the next three weeks.“
„I´m gonna go and try my best with Y/N but I can´t promise you anything. I tried to talk to her about this before, because I noticed that something was wrong with her, but she keeps quiet about it.“, Matt answered and sighed as he got up, „Thanks for informing me, Principal Richards. I´ll let you know what she said as soon as I talked to her.“
„No worries, Agent Simmons. Take your time talking to her. We really hope she´ll get better soon. We´re here to help, if you need anything.“, Principal Richards said as he took Matt´s hand and shook it, „Ms. Mable will bring you to your daughter now.“ 
With one last nod, Matt said goodbye to the principal and left his office, determined to finally find out what has been going on with his daughter. 
The car ride home went awefully quiet. Neither Y/N nor Matt dared to say a word. Y/N was busy looking outside the window. She knew that as soon they would be home, her parents would want to talk to her about everything. She really didn´t want to talk about it, but then again, she needed to and she was sick of bottling everything up inside her. Y/N just wanted this nightmare to be over. She really thought that she could solve those problems on her own, but she couldn´t and she had to admit that she has been wrong. 
After what felt like an eternity, Matt and Y/N finally arrived home. Matt exited the car first and opened the door for his daughter, who thanked him with a nod. As they entered the house, Y/N noticed how quiet it was and she knew what that meant: her mom and her siblings were out of the house so her father could have THE talk with her. Guess there was now no way around it this time. 
„Are you hungry?“, Matt asked his daughter as he made his way towards the kitchen. 
„No, not really. Thanks though.“, Y/N replied as she let herself fall into the couch, cuddling a pillow close to her chest. 
Matt sighed. He really did not know how to get through to her. 
„You were right, you know.“, Y/N suddenly interrupted his thoughts. 
„Sorry?“, he asked as he walked towards where his daughter was sitting. 
„You were right, all the time. You and Mom, Jake, David, Lily, Chloe…everyone was right the whole time, I-I just…I-I couldn´t talk about it.“, Y/N stuttered as she turned herself towards her father who sat next to her on the couch.
„You know you can tell me anything, princess.“, Matt tried to reassure his daughter. 
„I know, Dad. I know that, but what I don´t know is why I didn´t come to you in first place.“
„Tell me what´s going on. Please, I just wanna help.“
Y/N took a deep breath before she started to explain. 
„I guess it all started in Sophomore Year. Like I don´t actually know what led it on, really. But anyway, there is this group of teenagers, Seniors actually. They always would find something to annoy me with. At first, they would make rude comments in the hallway. Then it turned into harassing outside of school and during breaks where they pushed me against walls and stuff. They were always so rude and mean a-and I just felt so helpless.“, Y/N said as she choked back a sob. 
„Honey..“, Matt tried but got interrupted by his daughter. 
„No, Dad. Let me finish first..please.“, Y/N mumbled, gathering all her courage to continue explaining, „they posted fake news about me on the internet which made my friends turn away from me and the whole school was talking about me. They forced me to do things with them, criminal things sometimes. They forced me to steal tests which they were supposed to take the other day. Today…it hasn´t been the first time they hit and kicked me. It happened multiple times. The only difference to today was that I had enough this morning and confronted them. I wanted them to tell me why the hell they chose me as their victim. I-I didn´t do anything wrong. I don´t bother anyone and I-I leave everyone alone. I just don´t get why people can be so mean to eachother without knowing eachother really well..Well, at first they laughed at me, spat on me. They pushed me around like I´m their toy or whatever. And when I started to defend myself, they began to Hit and kick me and the rest you know.“
Matt was quiet. He never would have thought that this would be the reason for Y/N´s changes. He was in shock. 
Carefully, he took Y/N´s hand in his before he gathered himself. 
„Why the hell didn´t you tell me?“, he wanted to know. He was so confused. His little girl shouldn´t have to go through all this alone. He was mad, not at Y/N. At himself and those bullies who made the life of his daughter so much worse. 
„I-I don´t know Dad. I-I guess I was just so scared. Like what would have happened if they would have found out that I told you? They wouldn´t have stopped, it only would have gotten worse. Also I didn´t really want to bother Mom and you with my bullshit. You have enough to do with the twins and work and..“
„But you matter too. Your life matters to me, to us. This is not okay and I want them to pay for what they did to you. Principal Richards already suspended them, but to me, that´s not enough.“
„No, listen to me. They need to pay for what they did. They need to learn to be responsible for the actions they take. It´s not okay to bully someone, to harass, kick or hit someone. Reason or not, it´s not acceptable and they need to learn this lesson the painful way. I´m just sorry you had to go through all this alone. I really need you to Understand that no matter what you can always talk to Mom and me, okay? We were so worried about you.“
„But I-I needed to protect you.“, Y/N sobbed. 
„Oh Princess.“, Matt sighed as he hugged his daughter very close, „I´m proud of the fact that you did all this to protect us. But nevertheless, you matter to okay? Don´t you forget about this!“
Y/N nodded as she finally let all her emotions out and felt safe enough to let the tears spill over. All the past few days, days full of pain, fear, but also anger, were catching up on her and now she finally felt safe enough to show her weaker side. The one, she always tried to hide from her family. 
Matt tried everything to soothe his daughter, to take her pain away. He knew that it would be a long road ahead of them, but he was ready and willing to go it with her. No matter what. 
CM - Taglist: 
@dontshootmespence @veroinnumera @ultrarebelheart @illegalcerebral @cherrybombs-and-rabbitholes @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @tommyhollandd @crimindsaspe @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @lifeistooshorttowasteyourtime @uncomfie @lookwhatyoumademequeue @tenaciousarcadeexpert @marvelfanlife @sam-carter-in-training @sweater-vest-reid @crimeshowtrash @acespence @spencerreidreads @idkbutspencer @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @princesswagger15 @dionnaea @smolpersonbigworld @spencereid2018  @spensurreed @luna-xxxxx @notsosmartbutcute  
(if you wanna be tagged or removed from the list, please DM me!) 
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “Secrets” Part 3
The Joker did something so unforgivable and despicable you don’t ever want to see him  again. After months of avoiding The King of Gotham, you really can’t understand why he appointed you as the only person to take care of his son in case of emergency. There’s no way you’ll accept to help the little boy in his father’s absence, yet the three years old has no fault in what happened between you and your ex.
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Frost just called with a security report for The Joker: most of the henchmen in the building are dead; five missing for the moment and his best guess is that they are the ones who sold his boss out and allowed Ezra to get inside the Penthouse. Maybe even helped the New York gang kill the others; no way to know for sure until watching the footage from all the cameras scattered around the premises.
You and J barely convinced Alexis to go back to sleep after he was given a bath: the three years old was very agitated and scared, which is understandable after what happened just a couple of hours ago. The fact that he’s sick didn’t help either: his fever increased and you had to put in extra effort in order to convince him to swallow his medicine.
“Can y-you take him to Los Angeles for a few days until I clean up the m-mess here?” The Joker asks, struggling to wrap new bandages around the surgical marks on his right leg. The soft fabric of the sweat pants keep on sliding down his foot and J lifts it up again, frustrated he can’t manage to keep it in place.
“Yes, no problem,” you agree and check your cell, waiting for your father to call.
Jase didn’t answer his phone and Y/N left a short message urging him to get a hold of her as soon as possible. You really don’t know how you’ll explain what you did: invoking the code in order to offer protection to another clan is a serious matter and The Godfather won’t be happy to hear that J has LA’s alliance now.
Not after everything The Clown Prince of Crime did.
“For God’s sake,” you sigh and decide to be the bigger person, kneeling in front of an irritated Joker that just can’t get the gauze around his scars. “Hold this,” you frown and he grabs one end of the roll while you cover his skin with the dressing. “It seems healed,” you point out, continuing to patch him up.
“The doctor told m-me to do it for one more month. Nothing that can be d-done about the way I talk; I hope it goes a-away,” J shares extra information you don’t care to hear. “A-are you sure you don’t mind t-taking my son?” the question makes you yank at the bandages and the change in mood is evident.
“I don’t mind,” you respond through your clenched teeth. “What I do mind though is being lied to. What I do mind is you being secretly married to another woman. What I do mind is you pretending you liked me,” you pause for a second to breathe in much needed air. “What I do mind is you convincing me that we should have a baby when I didn’t want one. What I do mind is you saying that if it’s a boy we should name him Alexis when you already had a son named Alexis with your wife!!!” you raise your voice, incapable of stopping the tirade.
“So?” The Joker bitterly replies, in a very foul disposition himself.
You slap J and he instinctively closes his eyes before the second strike lands on his already numb cheek.
“A-are you done?” he growls, barely restraining the urge to escalate the fight that just started.
You glare at him without blinking, enraged by the indifference of his hurtful actions. So many thoughts rushing through your head and you don’t have a chance to tell The Joker everything you want because your phone suddenly rings. You take it out of the pocket, correctly guessing your father is calling back.  
“Do this yourself!” you hiss and undo the bandages wrapped around J’s scars, getting up in a hurry.
“W-what the fuck, Y/N?!”
You don’t even pay attention to his tantrum since reporting to the Godfather is more important than listening to your former boyfriend’s complaint.
“When Alexis wakes up, I’m gone! I don’t want to spend one extra single minute in your presence!” you shout and rush towards the terrace, pressing the screen of your cell. “Hi daddy,” you soften your tone and step outside, slamming the glass door behind you.
J forcefully exhales, staring at the gauze loosely hanging down his foot.
“Goddammit,” he grumbles and bites his lower lip, not excited on how the conversation ended.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been a jerk for once?...
Not after what you did for him and his son.  
The woman J used in such a despicable manner didn’t think twice about saving a child that’s not hers; LA’s future queen didn’t even hesitate to save the man that made a fool out of her and didn’t deserve any kind of help no matter the circumstances.
The Joker shouldn’t have been a jerk…
Not today.
Three days afterwards
“Sir, The Godfather is here,” Frost announces on intercom to a less than pleased King of Gotham. 
“…Great…” J talks in a low voice, dreading the imminent meeting he was expecting anyway. “Let him pass,” the consent is given even if Jase doesn’t need it: the mobster is already in the elevator, going up to a Penthouse he hates infinitely more since The Joker’s secret was discovered.
Your father stomps out the elevator, immediately noticing the green haired Clown Prince of Crime sitting down on the couch closest to the center of the living room. The Joker wants to get up but Jase cuts him off:
“Sit down and don’t insult me with more fake respect!”
J smirks and The Godfather is already fed up with person he always despised and barely tolerated because of his daughter’s request.
“I heard we have a situation,” Jase grumbles and halts in front of The Joker, his menacing demeanor warning of a disastrous outcome in case things go wrong.
“You c-can say that,” the vague answer makes your parent lose his temper:
“YOU WILL DO NOTHING! You won’t seek revenge, you won’t move a finger until our year of forced partnership is done!! Gotham is under LA’s protection for 12 months and there’s nothing that can be done!”
“A-apparently,” The Joker’s insolent remark prompts so much outrage it’s nearly impossible to suppress the damage:
“You insolent prick! You were learning how to crawl when I was already building my empire! Do you think I’m intimidated by the likes of you?! I AM THE GODFATHER!!!” Jase shouts while J puckers his lips, aware he shouldn’t push it yet he can’t shut up:
“And I’m The Joker! I w-won’t let anyone…” 
“You’re The Joker?!” your father interrupts. “Do you know you would be dead right now if it wasn’t for Y/N?! Why do you think I didn’t come for you when I found out what you did, hm? Do you think I just turned a blind eye to your affront? ME??!! NEVER!! I wanted to do exactly what Ezra did and my daughter begged me not to!!! You’re still here breathing because of Y/N! Do you understand?!!”
The two men hatefully stare at each other, none of them willing to lose any ground despite the sticky crisis they landed in. J is fuming and your parent is far past enraged: he’s furious to the point of sharing something personal to prove his affirmations.
“I never understood what my daughter saw in you, Joker!” Jase snarls. “I had such a bad feeling about your relationship and I’m never wrong about that stuff!”
“Then y-you should have t-told her!” The Clown bites back since this is the perfect opportunity to retaliate.
“I DID!” your father screams. “But Y/N insisted she loves you and I had to stomach your company because if she was happy, then I guess I had to accept it! And for what?! For you to break her heart again after it took her forever to recover from what happened with Sean?!”
The Joker surely wishes to lash out but the last sentence catches him by surprise: why would The Godfather mention Sean? The insane events that occurred a few years ago are sort of common knowledge in the underworld: Sean was your boyfriend until it was discovered he was actually an undercover CIA agent.
“I failed my daughter,” your father’s firm tone diminishes while confessing to the ugly truth. “Sean passed all the background checks; there was nothing suspicious about him. Believe me when I tell you I was very thorough: I wouldn’t just let anyone come so close to her. And when I found out by accident…” Jase deeply inhales, flustered, “…it was goddamned late, 10 days after he proposed.”
J’s eyes get big at the revelation: he had no idea about this part of the story and for once he keeps quiet and listens, intrigued.
“I went over to their house with my crew and dragged him out of bed in the middle of the night. Y/N was very agitated, not comprehending what was going on until I told her and showed the evidence. I’ll never forget the look on her face: she seemed so lost staring at those papers and pictures certifying that Sean was Matt Simmons, CIA agent infiltrating our lives in order to bring me down. He didn’t care about her; she was just an assignment…”
The Joker wants to finally reply, yet The Godfather won’t allow interference:
“He knew what was in store for him and he kept on begging, promising he was truly in love with her and stating he didn’t report to his superiors in a while and had no intention in doing so. Who knows?... Maybe he did love her after all…,” Jase straightens his shoulders. “I doubt Y/N heard any of his vows; she was too shocked to process the gravity of the news. I should have been more vigilant, but I didn’t see it coming: she yanked the gun out of my hand and shot him in the head. I think she regretted her choice the moment she pulled the trigger, but it was already too late…” your father mutters.
The Joker weights in all this information thrown at him since he had no clue you were the one that killed your ex: everyone assumed it must have been your father.
“Do you know how hard it is to watch your only child die a little bit more each day? I‘m not talking about death in the real sense of the word, but about the worst kind of demise: when you lose someone you loved so much that nothing else matters. And then you came along,” Jase shrieks getting to the conclusion he was aiming for since the beginning of the dialogue: “And you were infinitely more appalling than Sean: at least he was doing his job, while you were nothing but a greedy, manipulative asshole!”
The King of Gotham is so aggravated by The Godfather’s comments his heart is pounding out of his chest.
“Y-you can’t t-talk to me like this!!” he stands up to confront Jase but your parent is immune to the Clown’s threat.
“I can and I will!!” he yells. “That’s why you will do nothing! Got it?! Stay put! In the meantime, be grateful Y/N is such a saint offering safe haven to a little boy that’s not hers! If you think tending to Alexis is a piece of cake, THINK AGAIN!!!!!!” Jase lectures a stunned Joker to the point of starting a physical altercation, but he manages to contain himself and walks away towards the elevator, mumbling: “Son of a bitch!”
The Joker is left in the middle of the living room, completely stupefied at your father’s rant: it’s tough for him to grasp the notion of not being invincible or untouchable. And he is aware why Ezra came after him: because The King of Gotham did to his daughter the same thing that was done to you. J used her also in order to acquire what he wanted since his wife didn’t mind the little indiscretions as long as they were able to get richer, more powerful and influential. And now Nessa was lying 6 feet under after he barely escaped the ambush that almost claimed his life too.
Once his secret was out, everything came crashing down so fast he didn’t have time to process what it all meant: when you claw your way up without any remorse, you might end up bleeding worse than the ones you tear apart.
2 weeks later
Nixon is guiding The Joker around the patio, the final destination only a few feet away: he’s here to pick up his son and the bodyguard thought you’re still outdoors, yet there’s no sign of you or Alexis. Only Harvey Dent relaxing on the cozy sofa under the umbrella shadowing the guest from the late afternoon sunlight.
“Hm,” Nixon halts. “She was here a few minutes ago; I’ll go search for her. Please take a seat Mister Joker,” the man offers and J nonchalantly limps towards the ottoman opposite Two Face, sneering.
Harvey taps his fingers on the mixed drink he’s holding, already annoyed by the green haired visitor.
“Joker…” he acknowledges the unwanted presence.
They watch in silence as the goon disappears inside the house before Dent inquires:
“Are you here to get your kid?”
“U-hum,” J admits. “You?”
The Joker tugs at his longer than usual locks gathered in a ponytail while bending over to grab a bottle of water from the table. A gust of wind blows a few shorter strands right on his face and he brushes them off, huffing.
“Y/N went to put your little boy to sleep; I guess he needed a nap,” Harvey communicates in such a sour manner it instantly irks J. “Some people wouldn’t recognize a good thing happening to their miserable existence even if they had it written black on white.”
The Clown grinds his teeth, vexed:
“You have s-something to say to me, D-Dent?!”
“Oh,” and the scarred ex-politician pauses before gulping down his cocktail,”I have plenty to say to you!”
The clash is inevitable but actually terminated before it blows out of proportions since you are coming out of the mansion.
J stands up and greets a displeased Y/N that was expecting him tomorrow morning, not that it really makes a difference: her world is turned upside down every time she sees him anyway.
“Alexis just fell asleep and I don’t want to wake him up,” you ignore his false politeness and march towards the two individuals postponing their brawl. “He often has nightmares after what happened with Ezra and it’s best to let him rest.”
“C-can I sleep here t-tonight then and we’ll take off in the m-morning?”
You are not a huge fan of the idea, yet you consent for the sake of the three year old that you took under your wing when you didn’t have to.
“OK. You can sleep in his room, there’s an extra bed in there. You can order food, one of my curriers can go pick it up for you. Or you can eat whatever you want from the fridge,” you extend your hospitality and bite in the same time: “I’m sure you remember where stuff is; nothing has changed except…everything.”
The Joker doesn’t reply and Harvey can’t help but realize how much you struggle to keep it together; he wonders if J realized also or if he even gives a damn. Probably not.
“Y/N,” Harvey intervenes. “When you have a moment, could we please work on my transaction?” he elegantly gets you out of the unpleasant meeting using the main reason he’s there for.
You momentarily snap out of it, grateful to oblige.
“Of course. Yes,” you add and escort him through the glass panels leading towards the stairs that will take Dent to the second floor where your bedroom is.
J is left alone, not that he doesn’t enjoy the solitude. He’s indeed debating on what he should have for dinner, maybe dishes he can share with his son after he wakes up from his nap. The Joker wishes to talk to you and he speculates you won’t want to listen to anything he has to say. Why bother?
He lost that privilege a long time ago.
“How much would you like to invest?” you get on your laptop while Harvey is stretching on the leather sectional in front of the TV.
“Same as always, please.”
“Alright, it will take me a few seconds for the wire transfers between accounts,” you type in a frenzy and almost ignore his honest concern:
“Are you ok?”
“Huh?” you lift your head higher while glued to the screen: you crave the welcomed distraction so badly nothing else counts.
“Are you ok?” he repeats and the evasive response heightens his uneasiness regarding the apparent calm Y/N.
“I’m perfect, no worries,” you crack a smile and glance his way.
Dent scratches his scar, disputing on his next sentences.
“I’m asking because…e-hem…because you used to have this sparkle in your eyes and now it’s gone,” he blurs out before he loses confidence in his speech. “I know it’s not my place to comment, but I thought you should know someone noticed…”
Your hands stop on the keyboard and fighting the tears back is somehow so much harder than wearing the mask you parade with in front of everybody, including your father.
“You want to know how I noticed?” he pushes it more, hoping you will understand he’s well intended. “After Rachel died, I see the same emptiness daily when I look in the mirror. It might not be the same situation…”
“Harvey!!” you cut him off and he suddenly registers he’s out of line.
You sniffle and wipe the tears rolling down your cheeks, the bottled up emotions too strong to control.
“I’m very sorry,” he scoots over, upset he made you cry.
You start sobbing and Dent feels so bad he instantaneously curses his stupid decision.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut,” and he’s relieved when you grab his hand and squeeze it.
“Thank you,” you faintly articulate and Harvey offers the box of tissue from the coffee table with his free hand, still uneasy about your present condition. “You’re a good man,” you whisper and he shakes his head, regretfully informing:
“Used to be, honey. Used to be…”
You let go of his fingers and he softly caresses your shoulders since he doesn’t know what else to do.
“Yyyy/Nnnnn,” Alexis pushes the cracked door opened. “Ynnn/Nnnn,” he whines and you jump from your spot eager to lift him up in your arms.
“What is it sweetheart? Another bad dream?” you inquire and the little one rubs his eyes, pouting.
“Whe’s mommy?” he buries his face in your neck, comforted by the woman’s embrace.
“Your mommy’s very far away,” you signal Harvey to sit down since he’s preparing to flee. “I’ll return soon,” you wink and exit your bedroom in order to take the three year old back to his chamber.
“Whe’s daddy?” Alexis yawns and you gather the strength to be cheerful for an innocent child’s sake.
“Daddy will be here when you wake up,” you kiss his temple. “After your nap you can play in the backyard, then we’ll have dinner and you can watch cartoons, ok?”
“U-hum,” he agrees and you lay him in bed, covering him up with the soft blanket.
“Do you want your giraffe?” you push the toy on his pillow and he snatches it, sulking.
“I’ll stay here until you fall asleep,” Y/N soothes The Joker’s son the best way she can, reckoning if it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t be alive right now.  And that makes her sadder.
The young boy got under her skin and even if he reminds her of his father’s deceit, she wouldn’t have it any other way; keeping Alexis close is a way to make sure she always stays alert:
When you give your heart away and it’s returned to you in pieces, a few will go missing each time it happens until there’s nothing left.
Two hours afterwards
J is walking towards your master bedroom, angered he left his cane on the patio: his leg is hurting and the limp only makes it worse. Ten minutes ago he received a text with new information that you and The Godfather will be interested in also: it might not change the situation as a whole, but the plot twist could ensure he takes full advantage of the forced alliance between LA and Gotham. That’s what The Joker does anyway: he exploits every tiny thing to his advantage and the fresh data is certainly no petty scrap.
The door to your room is still opened simply because when you have Alexis over you want him to have easy access to your quarters, most likely to snuggle under the covers with the nice lady that’s taking care of him.
J pries the door open and wants to call out your name when the sight compiles the opposite: you dozed off cuddled up to Harvey, both covered with his suits’ jacket. After you invited him to stay and watch a movie you passed out first and he didn’t dare wiggle; he just used his coat to ensure you’re not going to get cold with the AC blasting from the ceiling. Having Y/N near him felt genuinely peaceful and Dent snoozed without a care in the universe for the first time in years.
And even someone like The King of Gotham can’t help but discern the vague smile on Harvey’s lips: the smile of a man that’s been through hell and he’s finally granted a small piece of heaven.
Part 1: diyunho(.)tumblr(.)com/post/177920419051/the-joker-x-reader-secrets-part-1
Part 2: diyunho(.)tumblr(.)com/post/178630090876/the-joker-x-reader-secrets-part-2
Also read: Masterlist
You can also follow me on Wattpad and AO3 under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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vxlkyrie · 4 years
about the writer ✰
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profile ✰
hello! my name is rj and i’ve always had an interest in creative writing, so why not use that through fictional characters :D
i am 21 years old, born in ‘00
i live in las vegas
i’m filipino!
come talk to me about movies! esp marvel, dc, and star wars movies!
i love true crime shows including: criminal minds, law and order svu, and chicago pd
faq ✰
what do you write?
i write reader inserts that can either be filled with fluff, angst, or both (it’s usually a female reader)
i’ve been trying to explore some au’s, but if you have any ideas pls send them to me!
i write one shots and series
requests are open; i tend to procrastinate, so pls be patient with me :’)
who do you write for?
currently, i write for mcu characters including: steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, and peter parker
i also write for criminal minds, mainly for spencer reid and matt simmons
i want to extend my list of characters i write for as i keep on posting, so stay tuned
what do you not write?
character x character (if it’s the main storyline)
smut (not really comfortable writing about it) but i will have mentions of smut in some of my writing
drug use, child ab*se, r*pe, inc*st
dni if ✰
you fall under the usual dni criteria
might know me irl or my main blog
etc ✰
feel free to send me an inbox anytime!
also feel free to tag me in stuff if you feel like it!
i tend to curse in a lot of my writings (dw i will always put a warning)
if you want me to tag anything as a tw please let me know!
if you have any other questions feel free to ask me!
links ✰
more about the writer
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