#matter management software
mattersuite · 2 years
Good project management helps law firms to manage legal matters and other legal tasks more efficiently and cost-effectively. Here are some important tips regarding project management that will help law firms and attorneys in effective planning, cost control, and risk management.
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alertarchitect · 4 months
So! A new Doom game got announced!
Here's the trailer for those interested, it will help with what I'm about to go into:
As a bit of a Retro Throwback Shooter Shitter myself, I have some Thoughts. Read on if you're interested.
So, first of all I like the premise of exploring the time the Doom Slayer spent fighting demons alongside the warriors of Argent D'Nur. It's a time period that was purposefully left pretty damn vague in Doom Eternal, and the Slayer's lore before waking up again wasn't even really talked about much - if at all - in Doom 2016 from what I remember, since they were trying to play it a little safe due to Doom 2016 being a soft reboot of a series that hadn't gotten a new game in 12 years at that point, with the last title (Doom 3 and its various editions that attempted to improve it a bit) being a pretty big departure that had a wealth of issues, such as it being a Doom game with one of the worst shotguns ever put into a shooter. So it's a cool idea to explore this time frame of the Doom Slayer's history, and possibly show the events leading to the Slayer's imprisonment in Hell before he was rediscovered and subsequently awoken by Samuel Hayden in Doom 2016, including the Makyrs' fall from grace.
Second, I'm actually kinda hyped to see id Software still working on making retro throwback shooters. I was worried they'd get shuttered and their IP sold off after Rage was such a flop back in 2011, and they didn't make anything after it for 5 years until Doom 2016 came out, so it's nice to see they've found their groove again - making some of the best examples of the retro throwback shooter subgenre. Doom 2016 started the BoomShoot Renaissance, and Doom Eternal is still one of the best examples of the genre, mechanically. They are masterclasses in using an old formula while keeping the level design and visuals fresh with modern game design principles that have improved a lot since the 90s, along with new game mechanics to keep the moment-to-moment gameplay feeling fresh as well (such as the weapon / stat upgrade systems, the movement abilities you get in Doom Eternal, etc.). Seeing them pushing that even further is a treat to behold, and I'm confident it's going to be a pretty damn fun game, as long as it doesn't get forced into being $70.
Final point, though, is a bit of a downer for me personally. Why in the fuck are they making a game in the Doom series that's going for a more medieval-ish feel, when the Quake franchise is right fucking there and begging for a better modern entry than goddamn Quake Champions?? Seriously, making a Quake game calling back to the first game in the franchise - with the Lovecraftian inspirations, the more medieval-ish setting, the unique monsters like the Shambler you didn't see much of past Quake 1 - would be a fucking money printer. But no, Microsoft wants them to play it safe so they can get a guaranteed blockbuster because Quake Champions hasn't done very well since it came out of early access in 2022, which is definitely a fault of the Quake franchise not having any consumer interest and 100% for sure not because Quake Champions pivoted into being a fucking hero shooter trying to emulate the feel of old arena shooter deathmatching!! It's not like a soft reboot wouldn't be sorely needed after the goddamn disaster of a story that was the Quake 4 campaign! It's not like a modern Quake game that actually relies on having a fun weapon sandbox instead of relying on taking your opponents off guard with fucking superpowers on cooldowns is something the fanbase they're trying to pander to would nut in our fucking pants over or anything!!!!
TL;DR: This game looks really good and fun, and I like to see id is still making banger games, but I'm actually kinda angry that they'd rather make a Doom game with medieval vibes rather than using that other fantastic retro shooter IP they own to make something that kind of vibe would actually fit into better.
#doom#doom 2016#doom eternal#quake#retro shooters#boomer shooter#id software#fps#retro fps#Seriously I hope it was a decision from Bethesda or Microsoft management to do this shit instead of a Quake game#and not the devs' choice#because if even the *devs* don't want to make Quake games#especially ones that follow more in the footsteps of the first game instead of Quake 2 and beyond#where they went from “Lovecraftian medieval-ish game” to just another “Shoot the aliens Mr. Space Marine!!" series#that'd actually make me kinda sad tbh#Quake Champions#would be a horrible note to end such a good series of games on for the foreseeable future#Seriously the reason I have trouble enjoying the PvP in games like Destiny#or even just hero shooters in general like with Overwatch (ignoring the other problems involved with anything made by fucking Blizzard)#is because it feels like you're actively discouraged from relying on a well-made and fun weapon sandbox#instead you just use your Superpower Buttons as much as possible bc they just matter *more* than any weapon#other than maybe D2's heavy weapons#possibly CAN matter in a match#I know I sound like a nostalgia lord here but seriously just give me more games like Splitgate. Halo. or Unreal Tournament#hell even fucking COUNTER STRIKE is more fun to me bc it's your gunplay that matters#Team Fortress 2 as well#since despite it arguably being the progenitor of the hero shooter subgenre it still maintains its roots as a Quake / Half-Life mod#where the classes don't have Magic Superpowers but instead weapons and items that are part of a large and mostly healthy toolbox#Hell I even prefer Titanfall 2 bc even though it KINDA has superpowers it's more about the movement and shooting#than your 1-2 use killstreaks n shit
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courtjester69420 · 8 months
The thing with conceptualizing what Aubergine does and why is I always have to take 5 steps back and remind myself that he fundamentally is a guy who sucks.
He’s a guy who is a little incapable of considering other people as being real and is ambivalent towards changing that. He just also happens to have an inexplicable draw where people want to be in his inner circle so bad because once you’re part of his hoard he’ll go to any distance for you. Does he consider you real? No not really still, it is very much a possessive instinct but alas his easygoing medium meangirl demeanour and in-group slay have made the red flags look more festive
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
When I get a few free moments (read: a short series of consecutive, uninterrupted, totally me-time evenings), I am itching to finally finish something I have been thinking of doing (for so very long-- far longer than you might guess):
Learning a few new editing tricks in Photoshop (or procreate) so I can mimic the style of Something(tm) that I already have in mind.
Applying that knowledge to making a few new icons and then selecting one of those for my tumblr account ... and maybe using another one of those icons for a side account that I might have created shortly after I caught the CP2077 bug but have since ignored bc time, what is it?.
Messing around with tumblr themes because -- lol -- I need to use my shitty CSS knowledge for something better and more exciting than that Obsidian Monstrosity I've been custom theming.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
PDF Tools & Software: Uncover the 4 Business-Boosting Perks - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/pdf-tools-software-uncover-the-4-business-boosting-perks-technology-org/
PDF Tools & Software: Uncover the 4 Business-Boosting Perks - Technology Org
Working with documents. Image credit: Stanley Dai via Unsplash, free license
In today’s fast-paced business world, managing business data is becoming a more and more challenging task. What sets businesses apart is a major concern among the other crucial aspects of business productivity. 
PDF tools and software – up-to-the-mark document management solutions play a significant role in doing so. Undoubtedly, due to the availability of a diverse array of PDF tools and software, every business person can stay ahead of the curve. 
Also, they can focus on more creative and productive tasks to get more perks and rewards. In this thought-provoking blog post, we’ll let you know how you can grab business-boosting perks, so let’s enumerate them individually. 
Ensure Business Document Security
When it comes to running a successful business, document security is what every business owner prioritizes. That’s why different PDF tools and software-providing firms, like Sodapdf, offer all-inclusive PDF solutions that will help them improve their business practices and secure data. 
Some inline PDF tools also provide password-protect PDFs and digitally sign PDFs which can assist you in limiting access and monitoring activities in documents. 
What’s more, compressing PDFs to a smaller size by using top-notch PDF tools can make it easier to share and store files in safe and secure ways. 
Save both Time & Money
Indeed, not all PDF tools and software are created in the same way. Some are free, while others are paid. However, they can save more time and money for business owners. 
If you leverage a free PDF tool that provides so many PDF functions, it means you won’t need to purchase expensive software subscriptions just for doing basic things with your files. 
In addition to saving money, it can also save you and your employees precious time, which will assist them in focusing on the other must-do tasks. 
Streamline Workflows & Boost Productivity
PDF tools and software also serve as an excellent way to boost your business’s productivity. You’ll find more ease when it comes to unlocking, converting, merging, signing, and compressing PDFs. You won’t need to switch between multiple software programs simultaneously. 
As PDF tools come in super-amazing and user-friendly interfaces, it means you can work more efficiently and timely, resulting in securing a definitive win. 
You won’t have to get special training on how to use these tools. You can perform tasks such as merging PDF, compressing PDF, converting PDF, or signing PDF within no time at all. 
Offers Stress-free Collaboration
It won’t be wrong to say that digital PDF tools can make document collaboration an absolute cakewalk. As we all know, collaboration is a must-have part of almost all jobs and business endeavors; the online document management software and systems give the opportunity to share data and collaborate effectively. Hence, this is a beyond-ordinary time-saver. 
No matter whether you need to share a document in a communal space, get multiple signees, or convert it in a more conveniently accessible format, choose the right online PDF software. So you can enjoy your work and faster yet stress-free collaboration. 
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helpamalm · 2 months
Help my family in northern Gaza survive
Dear Humanity,
My name is Amal, and I am from Gaza. We are 5 family members. Currently, my family and I are living in northern Gaza under conditions of starvation, shelling, and gunfire. Gaza is experiencing a devastating war that has forced many families, including mine, to flee our homes repeatedly. Each time we are displaced, we are unable to take anything with us, losing the little food and clothing we managed to store.
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We are enduring an unimaginable crisis right now, facing severe shortages of food and water tainted with harmful viruses and bacteria. This contamination is causing dangerous skin and respiratory diseases, and we are now also grappling with an outbreak of polio.
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The scarcity of food is not just a hardship; it is a relentless torment, leaving us weakened and ill. Our lack of income, or rather its complete absence, is tearing our family apart, leaving us helpless and struggling to survive.
This suffering is beyond what any living being should endure. Imagine spending just one night in these conditions how would you feel? From the depths of our hearts, we desperately implore you to support us, to help us escape this famine and the devastation of war.
Our home, my workplace, and all my sources of income as a software developer have been destroyed due to the war. With no stable place to stay and no source of income, we are struggling to survive.
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We urgently need your help to:
Purchase essential food and clothing for my family, Secure a temporary shelter, and Leaving Gaza and seeking a safe place to start a new life for me and my family.
Therefore, I implore you to help us provide food, water, and a safe place outside of Gaza for me and my family. Your donations will make a significant difference in our lives. Every contribution, no matter how small, will provide us with the relief we desperately need and the hope to rebuild our future.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Your support will give us a chance to overcome this crisis and look forward to a better tomorrow.
Dear Tumblr Community,
I am delighted to be part of this comunity and seek your support in sharing a post I've crafted. This isn't merely a collection of words but a crucial part of a fundraising effort to assist my family during these challenging times.
I have faith that you will help amplify this message to reach a wide audience.
Thank you sincerely for your support.🙏❤️
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six-of-ravens · 11 months
rage-making curry is fun because there's nothing more cathartic than chopping uncooked squash, but also bad because I AM going to chop a finger off.
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squadsymarketing · 1 year
The Importance and Various Ways of Showing Appreciation at a Workplace
Acknowledging the importance of employee appreciation is one thing; taking action to cultivate a culture of appreciation is another. This endeavor may seem daunting, but in reality, it's about integrating simple, thoughtful gestures into your workplace routines.
Let's explore some methods of showing appreciation at the workplace.
Tangible Rewards
Tangible rewards provide a physical manifestation of recognition. They come in various forms and sizes, from small tokens to more substantial rewards:
Gift Cards and Bonuses: Monetary rewards such as gift cards or bonuses can be effective tools to show appreciation. They offer employees the freedom to treat themselves to something they might not ordinarily purchase.
Paid Time Off: Another tangible way to show appreciation is by offering additional paid time off. This not only acknowledges employees' efforts but also demonstrates a commitment to their work-life balance.
Company Swag: Branded merchandise can be a fun and cost-effective way to show appreciation. Whether it's a stylish company t-shirt, a useful gadget, or a chic coffee mug, employees often appreciate these tokens of recognition.
Non-Tangible Rewards
Non-tangible rewards, though costless, can sometimes mean even more than tangible ones. They hinge on the aspect of personal connection and recognition:
Public Recognition: A shout-out at a team meeting, a feature in the company newsletter, or a post on the company's social media channels can significantly boost an employee's morale.
Thank-you notes: Personalized thank-you notes can make a big impact. Taking the time to write a heartfelt note shows that you not only appreciate the employee's work but also the person behind that work.
Listening to Your Employees: Regularly check-in with your employees, ask for their opinions, and genuinely listen to what they have to say. This can make employees feel valued and heard, a key facet of showing appreciation.
Click here to know more - The Importance and Various Ways of Showing Appreciation at a Workplace
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theolawfarm · 1 year
legal matter management software | THEO
Theo is an office management software for law firms along with a law practice management system. It's suitable for any kind of large and small offices and law legal matter management software. THEO enhances efficiency overall since it is able to recover, archive and store information about client case histories Case management, case dates, the time spent on a clients or cases associated time history, billing and many more.
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
Could you please do it for Sylus too? Please https://www.tumblr.com/strwberri-milk/753546840195186688/hi-good-morning-afternoon-evening-ive?source=share
ive got a very loose idea of who he is right now so it might not be the most accurate - might be a little too cold, abrasive? but hopefully i adjust as we slowly learn more about him uwu
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He keeps track of everything relevant to you. He doesn't necessarily check obsessively, but if something's happening in Linkon he expects to be alerted fairly quickly. Ever since the two of you became official you began to tolerate Mephisto's presence a lot better than before. Sylus won't tell you but he's glad you do, able to let his mind rest in ease that there's a quick way to get at you.
When Mephisto returns to his home worse for wear Sylus immediately knows something's wrong. He retrieves the recording device from the bird, quickly scouring the footage for the last time the crow saw you. He's met with your face, blood that he hopes isn't yours as you try to tell Mephisto to go. At this point the little robotic bird is too compromised for the recording software to do an effective job but that's all he needs to see.
He heads into the city, seeing all of the recovery efforts. He was under the impression that the crisis was ongoing, neglecting to actually check the date that the recording software recorded of the video he was watching. He pulls out his phone as he makes his way around the city, trying to get in touch with you.
When hours start to go by with not even a peep from you he feels equal parts fury and desperation mix inside of him. On the outside he just looks incredibly pissed, nobody able to figure out why this man looks so angry but it's just the way he looks when he's worried about you.
He doesn't want to contact anybody else in your life, respecting your wish to keep him as separate from your coworkers as much as possible. That doesn't stop him from hacking into phones and computers, trying to figure out if any of them have eyes or ears on you. He finally manages to find a promising text thread sent by one of the officers you work with, finally making it to your hospital.
Surprisingly, he's patient with the staff at the front, waiting for them to go through procedure before finally coming into your hospital room. You look perfectly fine, him breathing a sigh of relief that you don't see.
"You're alright," he says at the sight of you, standing next to your bed.
"Sylus? I didn't call you, did I? I mean - my phone's been out for days at this point."
His brows furrow at the mention. Days? He didn't realise he'd drop the ball that badly.
"You should have known I would have found you no matter what. Even without tracking your phone."
"Oh - Mephisto! How is he?" you ask quickly, sitting up in the bed.
Sylus immediately reaches out to grab your hand, scowling at you in a way that's not exactly unkind but you still don't like it. You shy away from his touch just the slightest bit, feeling bad for worrying him so much. He sees the way you flinch, taking your hand in his a little more forcibly as his other hand comes to support your back.
"He'll be fine. Just some repairs - nothing worse than what he might sustain at the N109 zone. Focus on yourself."
"I don't need to. The doctors said I'm fine, really. I got there after the worst of it."
He looks at you skeptically, shaking his head.
"I don't care what they said. Rest until you're well enough for me to check you out. Then I'm taking you home. With me. You're going to get yourself into more danger if I'm not watching you."
You sigh to yourself, knowing there was no way of you arguing your way out of this. Despite his cold demeanour you know he's just looking for a reason to spoil you and you might just have to milk it a bit.
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flufflecat · 2 months
the scavenger hunt password chain through the book of bill has everyone stumped at the silas birchtree question. so far the chain is:
RIDDLE -> "Would you like to play a game?"
YES -> "What's Mcgucket's favorite soda?"
MOUNTAIN DON'T -> "What's a medieval homonym?"
LYRE LIAR -> "The 20th ingredient of anti-cipherizing tonic?"
HAROLD'S RAMBLINGS -> "How is clown repellent made?"
UNION MADE -> "Bill's govt file number?"
29121239168518 -> "Who comes from Zimtrex 5?"
GREBLEY HEMBERDRECK -> "What's on Bill's flag?"
A RAT -> "Thurburt's number?"
3466554 -> "What leaves a thin line in the snow?"
TINSEL SNAKE -> "The 6th option on Bill's editing software?"
TORTURE MENTALLY -> "Name an unpronounceable wizard"
XGQRTHX -> "Where do tri angels come from?"
333 SUNDAPPLE LANE COZY CREEK IL 60714-94611 -> "Bill Cipher's lawyer?"
MULTILEVEL MARK (or CAESAR ATBASH & VIGENERE) -> "Who defeated Silas Birchtree--?"
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The only mention of Silas is on this page, and nothing in any of the text seems to be the answer.
i swear that the blue triangle has some very, very low contrast green text on it, starting with "SUC" on the topmost layer, but i cant make out anything else no matter how many flashlights i shine at it.
if anyone can manage to get a good scan of this page and up the contrast, that might answer it
the pyramid is confirmed to say "SUCCESS, MIDDLE, FAILURE" (thank you to everyone who commented and let me know!!)
and another EDIT:
the answer to "Who defeated Silas Birchtree is"
thank you @floweramon for letting me know!!
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mattersuite · 2 years
Over the last few decades, the legal industry has undergone a remarkable transformation. Many law firms have adopted the technology as it made their daily legal task and process much easier. Learn more about the role of technology in the legal industry and how it increases the quality of work and daily tasks of the law firm.
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casengineapp · 2 years
Legal Matter Management Software for Law Firm
Our specialized legal matter management software provides more visibility and transparency in various matters that are being handled by attorneys and legal practitioners, by allowing detailed tracking and updates of a legal department’s work. All this with guaranteed top-class data security, for just $19 per month, per user.
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devsgames · 1 year
Okay at this point I've seen so many students feeling doomed for taking a course where a teacher uses Unity or like they're wasting time learning the engine, and while understandably the situation at Unity sucks and is stressful for everyone: y'all need to stop thinking learning Unity a waste of your time.
Learning a game engine does not dictate your abilities as a dev, and the skills you learn in almost any engine are almost all transferrable skills when moving to other engines. Almost every new job you get in the games industry will use new tools, engines and systems no matter where you work, whether that be proprietary, enterprise or open-source. Skills you learn in any engine are going to be relevant even if the software is not - especially if you're learning development for the first time. Hell, even the act of learning a game engine is a transferrable skill.
It's sort of like saying it's a waste to learn Blender because people use 3DS Max, or why bother learning how to use a Mac when many people use Windows; it's all the same principals applied differently. The knowledge is still fundamental and applicable across tools.
Many engines use C-adjacent languages. Many engines use similar IDE interfaces. Many engines use Object Oriented Programming. Many engines have component-based architecture. Many objects handle data and modular prefabs and inheritence in a similar way. You are going to be learning skills that are applicable everywhere, and hiring managers worth their weight will be well aware of this.
The first digital game I made was made in Flash in 2009. I'm still using some principles I learned then. I used Unity for almost a decade and am now learning Godot and finding many similarities between the two. If my skills and knowledge are somehow still relevant then trust me: you are going to learn a lot of useful skills using Unity.
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After nearly 15 years, Uber claims it’s finally turned an annual profit. Between 2014 and 2023, the company set over $31 billion on fire in its quest to drive taxi companies out of business and build a global monopoly. It failed on both fronts, but in the meantime it built an organization that can wield significant power over transportation — and that’s exactly how it got to last week’s milestone. Uber turned a net profit of nearly $1.9 billion in 2023, but what few of the headlines will tell you is that over $1.6 billion of it came from unrealized gains from its holdings in companies like Aurora and Didi. Basically, the value of those shares are up, so on paper it looks like Uber’s core business made a lot more money than it actually did. Whether the companies are really worth that much is another question entirely — but that doesn’t matter to Uber. At least it’s not using the much more deceptive “adjusted EBITDA” metric it spent years getting the media to treat as an accurate picture of its finances. Don’t be fooled into thinking the supposed innovation Uber was meant to deliver is finally bearing fruit. The profit it’s reporting is purely due to exploitative business practices where the worker and consumer are squeezed to serve investors — and technology is the tool to do it. This is the moment CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has been working toward for years, and the plan he’s trying to implement to cement the company’s position should have us all concerned about the future of how we get around and how we work.
Uber didn’t become a global player in transportation because it wielded technology to more efficiently deliver services to the public. The tens of billions of dollars it lost over the past decade went into undercutting taxis on price and drawing drivers to its service — including some taxi drivers — by promising good wages, only to cut them once the competition posed by taxis had been eroded and consumers had gotten used to turning to the Uber app instead of calling or hailing a cab. As transport analyst Hubert Horan outlined, for-hire rides are not a service that can take advantage of economies of scale like a software or logistics company, meaning just because you deliver more rides doesn’t mean the per-ride cost gets significantly cheaper. Uber actually created a less cost-efficient model because it forces drivers to use their own vehicles and buy their own insurance instead of having a fleet of similar vehicles covered by fleet insurance. Plus, it has a ton of costs your average taxi company doesn’t: a high-paid tech workforce, expensive headquarters scattered around the world, and outrageously compensated executive management like Khosrowshahi, just to name a few. How did Uber cut costs then? By systematically going after the workers that deliver its service. More recently, it took advantage of the cost-of-living crisis to keep them on board in the same way it exploited workers left behind by the financial crisis in the years after its initial launch. Its only real innovation is finding new ways to exploit labor.
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mariacallous · 1 month
If you’ve rented an apartment in the US in the past several years, you may have had the sense that the game was rigged: Prices creep up not only at your building but at others throughout the city, seemingly in lockstep. A new civil lawsuit brought by the US Department of Justice today alleges that in many cases it’s not just in your head—and that a single company’s algorithm is to blame.
That company is RealPage, a Texas-based firm that provides commercial revenue management software for landlords. In other words, it helps set the prices of apartments. But it does so, the DOJ alleges in its lawsuit, by effectively helping its clients cheat; landlords feed rental rate and lease terms into the system, and the RealPage algorithm in turn spits out a suggested price that enables coordination and hinders competition.
“By feeding sensitive data into a sophisticated algorithm powered by artificial intelligence, RealPage has found a modern way to violate a century-old law through systematic coordination of rental housing prices,” deputy attorney general Lisa Monaco said in a statement.
RealPage’s reach is broad. It controls 80 percent of the market for software of its kind, which in turn is used to set prices of around 3 million units across the country, according to the DOJ. It already faces multiple lawsuits, including one from the state of Arizona and another in Washington, DC, where RealPage software is allegedly used to price more than 90 percent of units in large apartment buildings. RealPage’s algorithmic pricing first gained broader attention when a 2022 ProPublica investigation detailed how the company’s YieldStar software works.
The DOJ civil lawsuit, which was joined by the attorneys general of eight states, is a significant escalation in legal action against the company. It’s also a first for the DOJ, according to officials speaking on background during a call to discuss the complaint. While the government had previously filed criminal charges against an Amazon seller for algorithm-enabled price-fixing, this is the first civil action in which the algorithm itself, the Justice Department official says, was effectively the means of the violation.
The complaint itself quotes RealPage executives allegedly acknowledging anticompetitive aspects of its product. “There is greater good in everybody succeeding versus essentially trying to compete against one another in a way that actually keeps the entire industry down,” one RealPage executive allegedly wrote.
RealPage has repeatedly denied any allegations of antitrust violations, going so far as to publish a six-page digital pamphlet that claims to tell “the Real Story” about its products, along with an extensive FAQ page on a dedicated public policy website. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment. “Attacks on the industry’s revenue management are based on demonstrably false information,” one section of that site reads. “RealPage revenue management software benefits both housing providers and residents.”
“We are disappointed that, after multiple years of education and cooperation on the antitrust matters concerning RealPage, the DOJ has chosen this moment to pursue a lawsuit that seeks to scapegoat pro-competitive technology that has been used responsibly for years,” said Jennifer Bowcock, senior vice president of communications and creative at RealPage, in an emailed statement. “RealPage’s revenue management software is purposely built to be legally compliant, and we have a long history of working constructively with the DOJ to show that."
The DOJ disagrees. “Algorithms don’t exist in a law-free zone,” said Monaco in a press conference to discuss the case. “Training a machine to break the law is still breaking the law.”
In this case, the complaint alleges that those algorithms consistently drove rental prices upward. “RealPage’s software tends to maximize price increases, minimize price decreases, and maximize landlords’ pricing power,” said the DOJ in a press release. RealPage also doesn’t just recommend prices; in many cases, it actively sets them.
“RealPage actively polices landlords’ compliance with those recommendations,” said US attorney general Merrick Garland in today’s press conference. “A large number of landlords effectively agree to outsource their pricing decisions to RealPage by using an ‘auto-accept’ setting that effectively permits RealPage to determine the price a renter will pay.”
The DOJ also claims RealPage has created a “self-reinforcing feedback loop” with its data intake and pricing recommendations structure that also gives it an alleged monopoly in the apartment revenue management software industry. Any competitor who plays by the rules, the DOJ claims, is at a distinct disadvantage.
The Justice Department has spent the past several years staffing up with technologists and data scientists, better enabling them to “interrogate the code,” as multiple officials described the investigative process. While this is the first major algorithmic collusion case, DOJ officials suggested it would be far from the last.
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