#maximum pelt
prokopetz · 1 year
Bullet hell inspired tabletop RPG which emulates its source material by giving you a maximum of ten seconds to make all of your decisions each turn while the GM blasts poppy French techno and pelts you in the face with origami frogs.
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wolven91 · 1 year
They're Good Boys
“Abigail, get away from it!”
The human made no attempt to move away from the obviously apex predator that they had found evidence of, only days before on the latest planet to be surveyed in the oddly unresearched system. The planet was an iceball relatively close to the canid home system Anul. This system had been largely ignored due to the dangerous gravity wells that peppered the whole system. It was only now that they were investigating due to the unusual amount of stranded ships becoming an issue. Mainly because these ships were beginning to contain humans. 
Now the humans were seemingly desperate to get killed as the predator was a gigantic beast, the human barely came up to the top of its leg, its shoulders and back were only just reachable to the shorter human and even to the avian Guelex,  they barely reached its head. The poor avian was currently displaying his stress via extending his plumage to its maximum.
“He’s fine, see; he likes me!” The human shouted back, turning her head towards Faa breifly. The giant predator continued to lick and slather over the human’s ear instead of her face directly.
“It. Is. Tasting. You!!” He tried to penetrate the human’s exceptionally thick skull, but to no avail. The human turned back, reengaging her scratches to the sides of the monster’s face while using a strange voice, one reminiscent of the way one would speak to a young hatchling.
“Oooh, you’re just a big ‘ol space puppy aren’t you? Who’s a big space puppy? Who's a big scary six legged space puppy!?”
The creature collapsed to the ground and rolled onto its back partially, the human, not using this opportunity to flee, instead moved to rake her hands through the fluff that made up the creature’s belly. The set of hind legs began to kick in time to her attention.
Faa felt like he was going to moult at this rate.
“Human Abigail?!” Faa no longer cared for the Human Abigail who had the good sense not to climb on top of the predators. Human Max however, had appeared behind where Human Abigail was currently face deep into the belly of the beast, riding atop a different member of the behemoth’s pack.
“It’s like riding a horse! Only not really and completely different!” Human Max shouted from its back, his legs and stomach were completely obscured by the deep pelt of the creature. He reached down to scratch behind a massive ear, causing the creature to tilt its head and take several sideway steps in that direction.
“See! They’re good boys! It’s been years since I rode!”
“They- They’re not ‘good boys’! They’re dangerous!”
A large branch came flying from behind an ancient tree that had been growing on the ice planet for centuries. Moments later two more of the creatures came bursting from the undergrowth before growling and pulling at either end of the tree branch, fighting amongst themselves. Human Sarah appeared, pushing through the snow that reached her chest.
“Guys, they know ‘fetch’!”
“Awesome!” “Cool!” The group shouted.
Faa simply put a taloned hand on his face and shook his head. If Faa got eaten because of these Apes, he’s going to have words with the God of Challenges. 
This wasn’t fair.
“Faa, look, we can make it all the way back to the ship before nightfall if we take the Good Boys.”
Faa opened one eye at Human Abigail without removing his hand, Human Abigail was currently laying against the creature’s stomach on her back. She looked cosy and warm, ignoring the giant megafauna that was her ‘bed’.
“By riding them?”
“By riding them. We’ll have to give them treats though...”
The creature she was laying against, flinched, and sent her stumbling. It brought its muzzle all the way round towards Human Abigail and began to press it into her at different locations while the giant bellows of its lungs worked to sniff at her vigorously. The others that were in ear shot also took notice, as if understanding her meaning, if not her words. Human Abigail had the good sense to back up from the trio of predators that approached a few steps before falling over backwards into the snow bank.
Faa looked on in horror as he assumed the creatures began to eat Human Abigail, he didn’t even want to say ‘I told you so’, but before he could shout, run or even grumble, Human Abigail’s laughter broke out from below the muzzles that were pressing him into the snow.
“Stop it! Argh! I don’t have any on me ya daft things! Stop licking me! Let's go back and you can come with us! Pleh! Urgh! It got in my mouth! No!”
She had the decency to sound distressed now, but Faa knew she’d not learn from this experience, none of Faa’s team ever did. No wonder these humans didn’t travel in large groups; they hardly got any work done.
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monstersdownthepath · 10 months
Monster Spotlight: Mngwa
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CR 7
Chaotic Evil Large Magical Beast
Bestiary 5, pg. 173
These terrifying man-eaters are a far cry from their original form found in folklore and fairytale, existing only to kill, torment, and punish a particular person, group, or community which has despoiled or disrespected the spirits of the primeval jungles of Golarion. They are hatred embodied, but it's not an indiscriminate hate. No, each Mngwa is born with a Focus of Hate, a creature or group of creatures (up to and including whole cities in some cases) marked for death by the spirits which crafted the shadowy cat, and its these creatures that the Mngwa focuses its wrath upon, ignoring all else unless its murderous spree is interrupted. The Mngwa always knows the exact distance and direction of the closest Focus of Hate, unerringly tracking them so long as they're not shielded by any effect which could block scrying... but a Mngwa is not a stupid, mindless beast. If its focus is shielded magically, then it will track them mundanely, following their scent and the trails they leave behind, stalking them from the shadows when they believe themselves protected, with even the prepared and paranoid often ill-equipped to spot the prowling beasts until its fangs are tearing through their throats.
When I say that Mngwa are nearly impossible to detect in the darkness, I say it completely without exaggeration. Their darkened pelts give them a +23 to Stealth checks when in forest or jungle terrain, and their Jungle Stealth allows them to utilize their full 40ft speed without compromising that intimidating number. They have a constant Feather Step effect allowing them to ignore difficult terrain entirely, and can use both Chameleon Stride and Pass Without Trace at will, the former bringing their Stealth to +27 and making them nearly invisible unless you're standing right next to them, the latter allowing them to evade any attempt to track them without magic. Not that tracking them would do much good, because these beasts are Creatures of the Night and literally stop existing when the sun rises (and are rendered temporarily powerless by Daylight and similar), reappearing near the site of their creation the next night with the benefits of a 15th-level Heal spell nursing whatever wounds they sustained and allowing them to continue their reign of terror.
But doling those wounds out in the first place is difficult, as one must survive the surprise round. As one may expect from a big cat, a Mngwa that has spotted its prey prefers to get the jump on them, which it almost always will, sometimes even allowing its prey to fall asleep first just so it drag away and dispatch the weaker and more vulnerable first like the horror movie monster it is. Once the redshirts are gone and people start staying awake every night, Mngwa charge in with Pounce, allowing them to make their Full-Attack which, predictably, is a Claw-Claw-Bite. The bite deals 2d6+7 damage, while each claw deals 1d6+7 and inflicts 1d6 bleed damage... and all three attacks can Grab onto whatever they hit, and any creature that remains grappled during the Mngwa's next turn can be freely Raked by two additional 1d6+7 + 1d6 bleed claw attacks, letting the beasts swiftly shred anything they get their mouths on. Most creatures targeted by the Pounce rarely survive failing their first Escape Artist check to break its grapple, because that's 6d6+42 damage PLUS 1d6+4 bleed, typically enough to dispatch any creature hovering around 5 Hit Dice even without critical hits.
"1d6+4?" Correct! The Murderous Claws of the Mngwa adds a flat +1 bleed damage to a bleeding target every time they hit, to a maximum of 1d6+7, so even escaping their grapple won't stop the pain, AND it allows the shadow cats to track victims much more easily if they can't staunch the flow. The only mercy offered by the Mngwa's melee is the fact it's got only 5ft of reach, rather than the 10 of a typical Large monster (it still has 10ft of space, though!), so it can only Full-Attack creatures it's standing right next to. Disengaging it repeatedly to force it to step back into melee makes its damage more manageable... provided, of course, you avoided its three grapple attempts when it first Pounced.
Unlike most big cats. Mngwa aren't glass cannons. They have 20 AC and are shielded behind DR 10/Magic, which may as well make them invincible if they're stalking a bunch of level 4 or 5 idiots who have no idea what they've done. Even managing to bypass their DR and cut them down to size does nothing but delay the horror, because so long as the Focus of Hate exists the Mngwa cannot permanently die, returning to life 1d4+1 days later once the sun sets. There are only two ways to prevent the creature's nightly hunts: every single Focus of Hate must die, or the spirits which created the creature in the first place must be appeased somehow.
In the case of the former, depending on what the crime was and how many creatures the Mngwa is focused on, the players may just help the jungle cats in their quest. Of course, ANYONE can be stuck with the jungle's curse, from a dickish thieving invader, to a group of otherwise innocent locals who made a terrible mistake, to the player characters themselves, so this is often not an option. Appeasing the spirits is usually the way to go, so a big part of the Mngwa Mystery is figuring out why it's here, which typically involves finding out precisely who among a crowd it's targeting and getting some answers out of them. Even in a higher-level campaign when the Mngwa isn't a direct threat to the PCs, its relentless inevitability make them a danger to NPCs the party may be tasked with trying to protect.
One way or another, the players have to figure out who it's trying to kill, why, and how to undo whatever they did to enrage the jungle. Mngwa cannot communicate their desires, so some intense detective work is needed! ... Just be careful not to make it TOO intense, or else you may end up with a situation like the most chilling one in it's lore: some unfortunate bloodlines have been haunted by these creatures for generations, the cats passed down from parent to child like a living curse as memories of why the thing is hunting them are gradually lost to time, leaving entire families without the knowledge of why the night itself grows claw and fang to hunt them.
You can read more about them here.
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agentrouka-blog · 9 months
I've seen a handful of people speculate that if Jon is truly alive (assuming that the wounds he received at the end of his chapter in ADWD were fatal to begin with), he could maybe inform the Vale of the ongoing food problem at the Wall and therefore, Sansa (or rather "Alayne" in this case) would receive that message and maybe try to reunite with Jon in some way. It sounds a bit wishy washy to me... Do you think that theory holds any merit?
Hi there!
Well, GRRM made very sure to explicitly state that the Vale is sitting on a big food surplus in his TWOW Alayne sample chapter, and that Littlefinger is pressing certain lords to hoard it in order to drive up potential profits in the future and weaken his political opponents.
And while GRRM also made sure in ADWD to emphasize the dire food situation in both the Riverlands and at the Wall, it is only Jon who actually connects this to the Vale in his thoughts:
Our best hope may be the Eyrie. The Vale of Arryn was famously fertile and had gone untouched during the fighting. (ADWD, Jon IV)
He then proceeds to show us Jon negotiating for a loan with the Iron Bank and collecting (meagre) funds from the wildlings as part of the agreement to let them pass the Wall.
Bowen Marsh sighed. "If they do not slay us with their swords, they will do so with their mouths. Pray, how does the lord commander propose to feed Tormund and his thousands?" Jon had anticipated that question. "Through Eastwatch. We will bring in food by ship, as much as might be required. From the riverlands and the stormlands and the Vale of Arryn, from Dorne and the Reach, across the narrow sea from the Free Cities." "And this food will be paid for … how, if I may ask?" With gold, from the Iron Bank of Braavos, Jon might have replied. Instead he said, "I have agreed that the free folk may keep their furs and pelts. They will need those for warmth when winter comes. All other wealth they must surrender. Gold and silver, amber, gemstones, carvings, anything of value. We will ship it all across the narrow sea to be sold in the Free Cities." (ADWD, Jon XI)
(Jon. Why. Not. Tell. Him.???)
So GRRM obviously sets up the idea of money procured for the Watch in order to buy food, and food sitting by waiting to be bought in the Vale.
There are complications, of course: Jon's stabbing and potential loss of direct political influence in the North (at least for a while), the uncertainty of the loan going through given Tycho is still roaming around the North, Littlefinger's desire for maximum profit, alternative needs for the food such as the Vale's own starving wildlings which are the mountain clans....
But the connection is obviously there.
I doubt it will be handled as neatly as (recovered) Jon asking and them selling. Much more likely, it is Sansa herself who will try and forge a connection between the North and these food stores GRRM took so much care to inform us of through her POV. The bread riots in KL would have left a lasting impression, and there is the imagery of food used both to tempt her (wine, lemon cakes, pomegranates) and to depict her rejection of Tyrion:
He wanted something from her, but Sansa did not know what it was. He looks like a starving child, but I have no food to give him. Why won't he leave me be? (ASOS, Sansa IV)
(She ends up serving him overcooked peas during tense and unpleasant dinners.)
What happens when there is food and there are recipients she very much wants to feed, after reuniting with Jon and learning the true extent of the plight of her people?
It may be that Sansa herself will be pressured to pay a high price for that Vale food if she wants it to go North. Whether she ends up having to pay it, is a different matter, but it would absolutely set up a nice mirror between Jon and Sansa in the North toward Joffrey and Margaery in King's Landing, when she arrived with the bounty of the Reach to feed the cheering people - who had been starving due to her own family's blockade of the food supply in the first place. The dark irony of that might be turned on its head. A starving North, a princess with the key to their survival, hard choices, high drama.
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anthrofreshtodeath · 7 months
Long time no see! 😂
How about "slowly intertwining fingers while the other is driving" ?
It's been awhile! This one is kind of angst-lite.
Jane wants only to drive. She wants to rev the engine of her cruiser; she longs for the satisfaction that cutting and weaving through traffic gives her. It’s asshole behavior, she knows - but she’s an asshole. She relishes being an asshole, especially when she’s angry and especially when she’s been handcuffed, when someone bridles her rage and forces her to swallow it down. 
Hope Martin and Paddy Doyle are quite good at that. 
So are the guards at the maximum security prison she’s just left with Hope and Maura in tow, because they quite literally would have cuffed her if she’d leapt over the table to throttle Paddy like she’d wanted to. But Paddy, and Hope, know that fact intimately. And that’s why Hope waited to be forced to talk to Paddy. And why Paddy shut up about Hope. They knew the only safe place for them to see one another and still get Jane and Maura the information they needed was to do it in prison. 
Because, like they surmised, Jane wants to kill the both of them. She wants to kill both of them with her bare hands and she wants to whip through the streets of Boston like a maniac and she can do neither.
Standstill traffic on the bridge back into the city.
It’s a one sentence horror-story to every Bostonian, really. But even more so to Jane today. Hope, coward that she is, has stayed completely silent in the backseat on the way into town, despite all the revelatory, criminal shit she shared in the interrogation room. Maura, saint that she is, also remains quiet, peering out the window of the passenger side while rain starts pelting it, sending periodic glances Jane’s way.
And Jane’s embarrassed by it, though she’d never say so out loud. It’s fucking embarrassing to have all this fire and nowhere to put it. To be so angry and to be so close to two confessed lawbreakers who repeatedly lied to and used their relationship with Maura to manipulate her and do nothing? Jane’s foot might punch a hole through the floor of the Crown Vic. All she can really do is shove her left leg against the driver’s side door, her knee up to the window, and squeeze the wheel until her knuckles blanche. Which means, on top of all the hellish shit she just endured, Maura now has to watch. She’s gotta make room for Jane’s mood. That makes Jane madder, more ashamed.
It reaches an apex when Maura resettles, apparently tired of counting raindrops, and releases a calming breath when her shoulders press against the padding of her seat - she lets the hand that had rested against her own face fall into her lap, and sneaks the other over to Jane’s on the console. 
Jane’s brows furrow and she considers yanking herself away. More than wanting to wound, Maura shouldn’t have to do this. Hold onto her weakness like this, pacify this. But Jane stays, because Maura’s fingers wrap slowly around her own, and the touch is warm and sweet and hot all at once as the cold from the outside threatens to seep in. 
So, Jane accepts the calming of the beast. Until, that is, Maura says something.
“I know you’ll never make me walk through those doors,” she says darkly to Jane, eyes stormy and assured. “You’ll never be the reason I go back.”
And then Jane realizes… their hands. Hope leans, is angled so that her gaze lines up right with their union. Maura speaks, her voice carrying toward the middle of the cab, so that Hope can hear. Jane understands that it isn’t placation at all - it’s a point. My relationship will never be as ugly and twisted as yours. Your relationship is and forever will be beneath mine. Maura has simply used Jane to make it.
Jane finds she likes being used much more than she likes being pitied. Even if she still wants to slap the bubble light on and burn through all the cars in front of them.
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simplykayley · 6 months
I love the Zionists that instantly move to discredit your education on a topic as soon as you disagree with them. 😂 I mean that's not swerving into the right wing discrediting of higher education as soon as information doesn't agree with your biases at all!
Also, cracks me up when people have to delete whole conversations so they can frame the argument how they want it to go so they could come out the maximum victim. Like wow, your opinion must be so sound if you have to completely delete the whole discussion and then construct the whole conversation from your POV as the innocent victim who was just pelted with rocks. 💀💀
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thetrinitywcrp · 8 months
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Member Applications are OPEN!!
From the River Dagda to the bogs of the northeast, feral cats have made this pocket of Ireland their own thanks to three sisters long ago. It all began recently enough that the oldest of clanmates might remember their fiery pelts.
The clans of the two eldest sisters’ creation remain, fighting for claim of the Trinity territory pine forest. On the horizon far beyond the sea, the youngest sister’s legacy waits.
But this story is only for the ears of clan cats. Maybe you'll lend your loyalty to the Trinity and join them?
The Trinity is an 18+ WCRP Discord server set in Ireland in the mid to late Middle Ages. You can look forward to:
༄ a custom naming system based on patronymic surnames ༄ two deputies per clan with their own troop of warriors to lead for unique dynamics! ༄ unique traditions: FateClan cats own crows; HopeClan cats can garden! ༄ an activity check that occurs every month and is strike-based to not punish players ༄ liquid time: rollover occurs every month but threads have a week to be completed ༄ a lush environment; mossy pine forests, deep bogs, and rolling emerald hills ༄ no currency or shop; no paywall for disabled characters! ༄ a very simple and optional rolling and stats system ༄ a very LGBTQ+ friendly safespace ༄ staff with guides for handling conflict and other situations ༄ a very active owner who works from home ༄ semi-literate to literate roleplay with a focus on quality over quantity ༄ multiple major events and holidays planned that will involve all characters
For more information, click our links below!
Rules | FAQ | FateClan | HopeClan
Want to apply? Click below! You do not have to make a character to apply; all characters will be made in the server to allow for collaboration between players.
The Trinity WCRP Member Application
Applications will be closing on February 4th, 2024. Applications may be extended. You must be 18+ by February 4th to apply. Depending on how many people apply, we are anticipating on accepting at most 22 for a server maximum of 30.
Want to start working on your character early? Here's our character template! As a bit of advice, try not to make your character's backstory too fleshed out or name all the characters that are related to yours. Your clanmates might be able to fill that gap for you!
The Trinity WCRP Character Template
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asklostcelestia · 1 year
Design a Character Contest
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Hello my little ponies, with part one of Ask Lost Celestia concluded it's time for a little something fun! That something being a contest!! 
The only requirement is that you must be following the @asklostcelestia blog and you must submit a drawn entry (bases are allowed, as long as credit is given to the original base creator). Please note that art proficiency is not a factor! You can submit 2 entries maximum.
The character I'm asking to be designed only has two requirements:
They must be a bat pony  (not a vampire pony)
They must be unable to fly well (Broken wing, sick, pregnant, etc.) 
Gender and backstory are up to you, though I will say I may make small edits to the backstory as needed. Please also note that this character will likely face danger, permanent injury, or even death depending on how the story goes. If your character is submitted, I will then have full control over how they are used, though you will be credited for their design on the blog.
Some helpful pointers are that I prefer bat ponies to have neutral pelt colors such as gray and brown, though the occasional black, white or reddish/orangish are also acceptable. The bat ponies are nomadic so may carry bags with goods or other tools on them. They also typically wear painted accessories made of simple materials, like twine, clay, or wood. These aren't hard rules to follow but could add a little extra appeal to your entry.
You can submit your character design through direct message with this account or to my discord DMs. Feel free to upload the file somewhere else and link it to me if you prefer, but please do not submit it through the submit button, as it may be lost. Please either message me through your main account or tell me what your main account is so I can verify you follow the blog.
Entries are due October 25th
Above all, have fun!!
~~ Questions and Answers ~~ Q.) Is this like a cameo?
A.) Nope! You are designing a character specifically to feature on the blog and fill the specified role and fit in with the theme and setting of the blog.
Q.) Are we wholly giving you the character if they win?
A.) Yep, the character will be mine. I will use them as I see fit for the purpose of the blog. If you do not win you can use the character however you like!
Q.) Does my character NEED a backstory?
A.) Not at all! It is completely optional. It is up to you how much detail you put into the character beyond their design.
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junjiie · 1 year
해찬  ##  🗯️ ⠀ &THEAFTERPARTY..
profiles ⠀ 🎮 ⠀ moneysexual.
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KANG YN # 00 LINER ━━━ barista, forever on the graveyard shift. says he’s a TA so he can teach people how to become the worst possible version of themselves but it’s actually for music technology. firm believer that the ‘i’ve lost my number, can i get yours?’ line actually works—and for him, it usually does.
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CHOI SOOBIN # 00 LINER ━━━ head barista, lords his superiority over yn any chance he gets. complains about his art history class as if he didn’t choose it as his own major, graduate with honours, and then reapply to be a TA of his own free will. believes that no pickup lines work, regardless of who’s saying them.
LEE JENO # 00 LINER ━━━ works in the café across the street, him and yn have some sort of star-crossed lovers thing going on that they play up to the max in front of soobin. isn’t a TA because he’s terrified the students with start pelting him with tomatoes and booing him out of the room if he messes up a singular word.
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YOON KEEHO # 01 LINER ━━━ communications major, planning to use his social science skills for evil (somehow). campaigning to get a slot on the campus radio so he can both judge other people’s music tastes and show off his own. knows at least one person from every social circle there possibly could be.
LEE HEESEUNG # 01 LINER ━━━ would be every professors favourite student, if he ever showed up to any classes. on the official unofficial list of campus crushes despite being seen on campus maximum six times every semester. in the the coffee shop yn & soobin work at so often people think he works there.
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 (・o・;) 💣 ⠀ previous mlist next
JJ ₊ ⠀ yns last name isnt kang 4 any particular reason i j like the way it sounds. KANG! also gn
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taglist ## @wave2love @so2uv @mins-fins @kimgyuuu @wtfhyuck (perm) &&& @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @kosmicbomb @222brainrot @haohyo @dinonuguaegi
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Magnolia: Talk about one of your favorite side-characters.
Well, if I had to put down one, I would probably put down ðe leaders of Clikt, a village founded in ðe goal of controlling ðe entire island.
I call ðese 3 leaders side characters such in ðe stead of villains is due to ðem having a direct hand in an island wide peace treaty.
Ðe characters go as follows;
1. Jivi, who serves as ðe motivation of ðe group, fights wiþ an axe and dagger combo. She is known for peeling shields from arms and armour from corpses. She is also known as one of ðe 2 cannibals on ðe island, only partaking in such to fuel her blood rage in battle.
She wears various pelts, hunted only by her, ðat form a flexible and durable defense against common scrapes. Considering ðis island is hope to man-eating boars and bus-sized insects, ðese pelts range wildly in source.
2. Is Jiva The Shield, serving as ðe morality and guard of ðe group. She wields a tower shield and her Hammür, which serve her well in keeping an impenetrable defence and braining entire armies.
She decks herself in a complete suit of leaðer, which is dyed red and white, in ðe same stripes ðat emblazon her shield.
3. Is Givak The Knife, ðe last member of ðe polycule and most tactical minded out of ðe 3 queens. She keeps a large supply of þrowing knives on her at all times, which she is known to use in every plan she makes. She isn't very head strong, often leaving ðat to her wives, but she will always get her way þrough cunning and wit.
She only ever wears her fox skins, which are two fox pelts ðat stretch around her chest and pelvis, so as to keep maximum speed and minimum weight.
Ðese are just half of ðe leaders in my new story I am writing, which is based on a dream I had a couple monþs ago!
I shall perhaps in time share ðis piece, as I am most proud of its quality and direction, but as of know ðere is quite little done, and I wish to flesh out ðe story more and get some momentum in ðe plot before I commit to pasting it on Ao3.
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Meet Ségdae Tonyx
The Picrew used was TOON ME! &lt;<B>> by @/hellosunnycore.
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A leopard seal selkie hailing from the cold shores where the Shaftlands meet the Coral Sea. Only the hardiest of beings can call this domain home. Where the waters are enough to cause hypothermia to humans, beastmen, fae, and merfolk from more temperate waters.
Name; Ségdae Tonyx 
Other names; Dae, Tony
Birthday; November 30 (Sagittarius)
Age; 37
Height; 210 cm
Dominant Hand; Ambidextrous 
Gender; Genderqueer
Pronouns; They/Them
Sexuality; Demi-sexual
Romantic Orientation; Demi-romantic, pan oriented
Hobbies; Gossiping with Trein & Crewel
Pet Peeve; Crowley interrupting their classes
Favourite Food; Tempura shrimp
Least Favourite Food; Lemon tea 
Talent; Surfing
Subjects They Teach; Ancient Magic, Art, Biology
Unique Magic; Selkie Song
Languages; Selkish, (insert TWST language here)
Other; Autism & ADD, lots of freckles, a few scars, nearsighted with astigmatism
Selkie Lore
No one quite knows if selkies are merfolk, fae, or beastmen. Some classify them as a mixture of all three, scholars argue what clan they belong too. Whereas selkies just see themselves as selkies alone, not connected to the other clans. They are few in numbers though, some are more social, whereas others led solitary lives. 
Leopard seal selkies are the most solitary, and one of the largest of their clan. In their seal skins, the largest members reach upwards of 4 metres [12.6 feet] long and 500 kilograms [1,100 pounds]. While in human form, it is far more common for them to range between 190 cm to 205 cm tall. 
All selkies can morph between seal, human, and the in-between stage. Should someone pick up or touch their coat, they are bound to them until the person sets them free, a contract. For a selkie to willingly give someone their coat is a marriage proposal.
While in human form, selkies do keep features of their seal forms, such as their teeth, markings and speckles, and have large eyes and pupils. They also have extra webbing between their fingers and toes. Their hair being the same main colour as their pelt.
Ségdae Lore
Ségdae was raised by a crabeater selkie family after they were found on an ice sheet with no sign of their mother anywhere. Due to being raised by crabeater selkies, Ségdae is far more friendly and outgoing than other leopard seal selkies; they only met one other and she stayed away, swimming back to her mother.
They do feel a bit different and outcasted, as many other selkies, sea creatures, and mers often swim far away from them, afraid. This has led them to wear a cheerful persona around others, but in private they are much more quiet and introspective. They have a hard time making friends, and close relationships, and is only really close to their adoptive family. It doesn’t help that people often stare at them, as they are above the regular maximum height for a leopard seal selkie at 210 cm; making them stick out in a crowd.
But when they became an adult, they took all the things they were insecure about as a child and came to love them. Their height. All of their freckles. Even the scars that they got from getting caught in a net many years ago.
They decided to become a teacher due to an art teacher they had during their teenage years that helped them through some difficult times. They also are very curious and encourage others to try something at least once.
Ségdae can be best described as… eccentric. The professor has a hobby of saying the outmost deepest, and life-altering tidbits of advice and knowledge and then proceeds to be a doofus and joke around.
During breaks, they can be seen in the teachers’ lounge chatting – or gossiping – with Trein and Crewel. They also have a habit on popping into classes when they have a free period, helping out with grading papers or starting an improv play in Trein's class to get the kids interested in that royal from the Queendom of Roses.
They cannot stand Crowley. Tries to avoid him whenever possible or make his life a living hell. They only refer to him as Dire, just to show that they have zero respect for him… They also put surströmming in his office and the entire wing of the school had to evacuate.
Unique Magic & Coat
Their Unique Magic is called Selkie Song, and it reveals their deepest desires; to both them and Ségdae. They can only use it if they’re wearing their coat though.
Not a part of their UM, but they also do have a selkie coat that they have on them on all times, or in a chest with several locks so that no one can steal it. It's the pelt of a leopard seal, fading from a creamy white on the belly and fading to a dark slate grey on top. It has lots of freckling and a few scars on it, corresponding with their own. Wears it under their regular clothes.
When they don’t think Crewel is looking, they do look at his coat; they think he looks very posh, a beautiful coat. Avoids touching his coat due to Selkie customs. They nearly had a stroke when they accidentally picked it up when it fell off his chair one time. Crewel just shrugged it off as a Ségdae thing.
Other Notes
Despite being very imposing, they are very kind. They often help out other sea life when in their seal form; penguins often still look terrified when this happens though.
Often blows raspberries, and makes their seal calls when excited. Also flaps their hands when they're happy and talking about their interests.
They go into their seal form when they feel overwhelmed, swimming in the depths away from the chaos on land.
Tends to say things very bluntly, and it has caused them to butt heads with others in the past.
Keeps a surfboard in their office, and would love to bring their class to the beach for some lessons.
Got the nickname Tony from Sam, and it soon caught on to Vargas and Crowley. Trein calls them Professor Tonyx, whereas Crewel calls them Ségdae. Their students usually call them Dae.
Their eyesight is meant for underwater, so they're nearsighted on land with some astigmatism. They have both glasses and prescription goggles for labs.
What People Think Ségdae Is Like (first meeting)
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What Ségdae Is Actually Like
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Casual Wear/Alt Outfits
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This is really just them lounging around their own home; also a view of their scars and all their freckles!
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The other prime comfy outfit, this time with their hair up!
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laventadorn · 9 months
Just saw your post about Snarriet Christmas fic and I SCREAMED I LOVE THE IDEA
So, I was thinking about snarriet just casually having a conversation blahblahblah - anywhere in Hogwarts in Christmas season would be fine but prob in Snape's chamber - and suddenly a mistletoe appears over them, out of nowhere in the air.
Harriet would definitely panick, and Snape would nonchalantly try to get rid of it like it's nothing(even tho he is also panicking silently), but suddenly the mistletoe starts going bananas -
And this is what I thought of. Phew. But honestly, I would appreciate whatever you write. <3
i saw this when you sent it and of course forgot i did not reply orz my apologies!!
lmaooo i'm imagining fred & george patented mistletoe, i don't know what it would be called, but everyone starts calling it mistle-woe because woe betide anyone it attaches to -- like it would start biting you if you didn't kiss, or lock you in a magic forcefield, or pelt you with berries. fred and george manage to get the mistle-woe to sprout over doorways or other places people are going to be passing through, and one pops up over snape's classroom, for maximum mischief, because people (or snape) getting attacked by mistletoe as they're going into his classroom is the sort of thing fred & george would find hilarious. but then one day it's occlumency lesson time, and the mistletoe pops out, ready to do its stuff.
harriet and snape simultaneously attack it on sight with a stream of fire and the poor thing gets vaporized. not even a piece of ash is left. RIP mistle-woe, RIP fred and george.
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Hey! How would y'all like to hear another rambling from me?
So, for those that are aware of the Pokemon anime, you all know about this thing called Battle Bond.
For those that don't know: Battle Bond is a transformation that first debuted in XYZ, and was displayed when Ash and his newly-evolved Greninja's friendship reached it's maximum possible potency(No, I didn't stutter, I said potency), and resulted in a new transformation, creatively named Ash-Greninja(Or Satoshi-Gekkouga for those watching the sub).
Here's what Greninja looks like:
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I'm sure that the Kalos Fans really like this big guy. Not that I blame 'em. He's really cool, it's no wonder why he's in Smash. Also, I'm pretty sure this is a screenshot from Journeys, but that's besides the point.
...And then there's Ash Greninja:
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The man, the legend, the absolute gigachad. Like, he's just the embodiment of cool. Literally all that was added was sideburns(And a few sunburns), and my mans went from S1 Deku to Titan Luz on the Badass-o-Meter. The embodiment of cool, this rare Greninja wields a large shuriken on his back at all times, instead of having to constantly create new ones on his legs. This is the same pressurized water that is known to slice through metal, btw.
"That's cool and all, but what's your point in mentioning this?" you may be asking, and I'm getting to that. Greninja is the only known Pokemon with Battle Bond as an Ability. Well...
Why can't there be more?
Why is this frog the only Pokemon that can become a cooler version of itself?
There are a lot of Pokemon that could really benefit from Battle Bond, but I'll stick with just one for now, with tidbits of lore sprinkled here and there(Based on some headcannons that I've had, and I'll be taking some creative liberties). If this post makes its rounds(Also, when I come up with more Pokemon that could use Battle Bond), I'll add more Pokemon to the list, and I'm going to display how humans can play a bigger part in this whole shebang.
Feraligatr... We love it, at least a third of us had used one before, it's awesome, right? This Pokemon, like many others, needs a bit more love, and I think that this is a solid place to start. I don't have an image of my concept design on me right now(I drew the image already, but I'm having yet more technical issues), but I can provide a reason for this existing.
In my headcannon, Feraligatr is a Pokemon that has existed for a long, long time, dating at least to the first Ice Age. As a result, this Pokemon has spent a fair amount of time around humans, traveling with them when hunting was involved. Many humans would acknowledge this fact, and begin working with Feraligatrs as a result. A very small few would be able to connect to them on a closer level, and this would cause a change within the Pokemon, and some names that are completely accepting some revisions.
In this form, Feraligatr completely embraces its roots, and dawns a much thicker extra layer of scales in the color and shape of a pelt from another animal/Pokemon, similarly to Croconaw, along with extra padding across the limbs and tail, all of it functioning both for warmth and as a disguise. The spines running across it's back are a deep, blood-red and are much more jagged, as a way to continue attacking its opponents if/when its in a tough spot. To bait its opponents/prey into a false security, they will fake their own death while exposing the bright-red streaks on their torso. When they approach, the Feraligatr will suddenly leap up and clamp its prey with its jaws, waiting for their bodies to give in to blood loss/fatigue, where they will finish them off.
Amber Apex Feraligatr(Based on it's intended trainers to reawaken this form: Gold, or Ethan if you're a HGSS kinda person) will have sharper, longer claws, with the ability to reinforce them with ice or pressurized water at will, alongside being able to materialize ice anywhere in their field of vision, appropriately being given the Water/Ice typing.
The signature move it has is Glacier Barrier, an Ice-type move. It functions similarly to Protect, with a fun twist. If the opponent makes contact with the user while its in effect, it will give them frostbite, cutting their Speed stat while causing small, continuous damage over time. This effect remains in place until the user or the opponent switches out. If the move fails, the user becomes Frozen for two turns, unable to perform any action, not even being able to return to its Poke Ball in that time.
A busted move, but there's a clear-cut a reason not to spam it. That checks out, right?
Now, onto the humans, another big topic in this post.
It seemed kinda weird that the games mention that humans fight alongside Pokemon, with the anime literally confirming that... but don't ever show it happening. Like, I get that games like Pokken exist, and they're technically cannon, but that game in particular sorta relies on something similar to Battle Bond anyways.
Back to my main point, why can't humans have transformations, as well? I'm not saying like, physical changes to them or anything like Pokemon ReBurst(God, that manga feels like a fever dream, check it out sometime), but something like... aura manipulation. Pokemon like Lucario pretty much confirmed that aura can manifest in a physical state. Like, one you can touch, feel, and get whacked upside the head with. Better yet, it can take a form depending on the user's wants and/or needs.
So, it makes sense that, if their Pokemon is the only thing they can think about during combat, surely their aura would take the form of the Pokemon in question, especially if that Pokemon is their ace!
I'm guessing that it'd look something like Naruto's Kurama Link form(Or whatever it's called, I never really kept track with the series), but like, if someone hue-shifted the heck out of it.
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I'm sorry if this looks awful, but this is the furthest my latent ability of Photoshop carries me, please don't flame me T-T
Obviously, it wouldn't always be blue. I always hated how the anime basically told you that all human auras were blue, yet Mystery Dungeon literally contradicts this. The color of the aura would based on the human's personality or, in rare cases where the Pokemon's aura overpowers their own, it would take on the color of the Pokemon's aura, or overall color scheme in some situations. If there are multiple colors, it'd be the two most prominent colors, the less dominant between the two simply being a highlight.
In many cases, it could function as a sort of failsafe if a Pokemon or human is in danger of dying, of course only triggering in that context if they've had the best of best of best friendships. And, with enough training, it could even be triggered on command! ...Well, kind of. It's more like the transformation would take less effort to both sense it arriving and activate, but it is overall near-impossible to really use whenever you want. Just... not impossible.
Something else that, while it might be a stretch, could also be really cool, is the idea of the human gaining the abilities of a Pokemon. Again, not physical alterations(At least, on the body itself), but you'd gain the skills and more "passive" abilities of your partner. For example, if you triggered the Bond Phenomenon with something like, I dunno... Samurott, or dare I say, Zacian, you'd gain their expert swordsmanship, meaning that you'd wanna carry a sword on you at all times just in case you need it. Another example of this would be something like Absol. If you were to activate the transformation with that Pokemon, you'd gain its future sight abilities(Something more like Sir Nighteye, if that helps).
And something else would be that you could help a Pokemon with the handling of a move. While we're speaking of Naruto anyway, let's use Noivern as an example(Naruto would totally be a Noivern, fight me). If a Noivern was using something like Shadow Ball, their Trainer would be able to help them keep it stable while using the Bond Phenomenon, since Noiverns aren't well-adept at using Ghost-type moves. They wouldn't be able to add anything to it, as humans obviously can't use moves like Pokemon, but their aura would be more than enough to keep the Shadow Ball in a spherical shape.
It would be pretty awesome, right? These were all the examples I could think of at the moment, but I'd love to hear some suggestions and other practicalities this transformation could have. Heck, I'd like to see some of your trainer OCs with a transformation like this, if your're willing to show me anything.
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spookyspaghettisundae · 6 months
Teeth Glistened in the Gloom
Large, leathery wings flapped. Every flap thundered with tremendous force. Every flap produced a gale, whipping up chunks of frozen earth and pine.
The pterodactyl screeched again, having mounted its prey on Appalachian soil.
Mischchenko’s arm broke. A bone’s audible crack blended into the cacophony caused by the prehistoric creature. Then the woman’s pained scream joined the choir.
It all happened so fast. In the blink of an eye, their relief over having survived a swarm of mutant insects was erased by the big winged beast attacking them.
Both Chloe Grant and Valentín Ruiz acted on pure instinct. Former soldiers, drilled and disciplined as they were, they responded in kind to the animal’s brute force. The futuristic, silvery rifles in their hands flared up, discharging electric blasts. The EMD batteries whined after every shot.
One, two, three, with a deliberate delay before the fourth blast. Grant and Ruiz pelted the pterodactyl, causing it to stagger and stumble, backing off its prey while its body jiggled and jittered from the havoc the EMD’s were wreaking upon its muscles and nervous system.
Mischchenko was crawling away from the animal as the shots landed, and the beast reeled.
Then, like a dark angel, the menacing silhouette of a second pterodactyl swooped down upon them from the mist and the treetops.
Their EMD rifles had been set to low power output, to conserve energy and slow the onslaught of the insect swarm prior. Now, those settings were too low to incapacitate either pterodactyl outright. As Carter once put it, until they readjusted settings, the two field operatives were currently wielding glorified cattle prods.
The winged dinosaur on the ground shook its head, as if to regain its bearings in a very human fashion. It was far from unconscious, only somewhat stunned, and that sensation would wear off soon.
Its wings spread with a menacing span, matching that of the one swooping down.
All in the blink of an eye.
How was it that time ever stretched into infinity when things were unbearably slow, while being contracted into painful shortness whenever pressure was at its worst, and the danger overbearing?
Ruiz was caught off-guard, busy adjusting his rifle to maximum output. Grant saved his hide by taking a potshot at the second pterodactyl, in the split-second before it could pounce on him in its crashing descent.
This, too, was not enough to stop the beast outright. It wasn’t even enough to change its trajectory. The only good thing that came from her shot was how it alerted Ruiz to the pterodactyl in the nick of time.
He ducked. Shouted in pain. His EMD rifle went flying in a different direction than the creature as it curved back upwards with another mighty flap of its wings, another gale from the leathery thunderclap. The pterodactyl had winged him, but he had been more fortunate than Mischchenko, emerging from the hit without any broken bones.
Mischchenko’s crawling had taken her to retrieve her own EMD rifle. Unfortunately, her now broken right arm afforded her only poor aim. The shot she took at the ascending pterodactyl missed, singing the firs around their clearing.
Ruiz dove for his rifle while Grant carefully lined up a shot at the same time. The pterodactyl’s deadly shadow circled high above in the fog.
He pulled the trigger first, fast. Then he uttered a string of profanities—as sparks flew from his EMD instead of a shot, and the weapon fizzled and crackled with electricity from its short-circuiting. The dinosaur had damaged it on impact, rather than breaking his bones.
“Ground team, come in,” Pruitt spoke on the radio. Alarm shook his voice. “We lost you there for a while, what’s going on down there? Over.”
Too high and far away to understand the gravity and danger of their situation, and too distant to offer them any immediate help, answering Pruitt needed to wait.
And Grant was too high on adrenaline, too driven to survive.
Where Mischchenko missed and Ruiz was prevented from shooting altogether, she shot the flying pterodactyl. Her rifle still only had the output of a cattle prod.
The flying dinosaur therefore flinched. Once, twice, then it screeched in a pitch so high as to pierce the heavens above the wintry Appalachian forest, while completing another circle with another flap of its thundering wings.
“We need backup,” Ruiz spat in response, “Mischchenko needs evac on the double, and Spencer fucking needs to hire more personnel! Over, motherfucker!”
More shots from Grant’s EMD caused the flying creature to circle around with another angry flap of its wings, and it served to draw its ire. Yet another circle, and it screeched again.
She felt that screech, deep down, shaking the marrow in her bones, and curdling her blood.
The pterodactyl was not deterred. Its killer instinct had focused on her.
And the other one on the ground, it flapped its wings again—no longer so stunned, it responded to the flying one’s screech, and spread its wings, preparing to pounce—
Grant ran. She ran to Doctor Solomon’s Anomaly locking device.
She wasn’t thinking clearly, but could imagine no other way. She punched in the three-digit security code, and the device’s locking system shut down.
The nearby basketball-sized floating orb exploded into a big sphere of glittering light. It chimed mysteriously, slowly rotating, inches above the ground… the Anomaly once more connecting two periods in time.
The portal of the Anomaly was once again open.
Worst case scenario, even worse things could now come through. The mutant insect swarm could potentially return. Maybe the ancient warrior covered in blood, with the mutant beast chasing him, would dash through. Maybe a raging wooly mammoth would arrive, or perhaps a hungry T-Rex.
Best case scenario, Grant was going to send these dinosaurs elsewhere.
She shot at the pterodactyl in the air, then at the one on the ground, alternating between her EMD’s shots at them both. One, two, three, and a fourth shot to fully anger both “big birds”, drawing their attention towards her.
It worked without fail.
The shadow in the misty sky flew at her with deadly trajectory. The other made two leaping bounds, frozen grounds crunching after every jump. Both screeched in unison as they descended and lunged.
She had already turned. Ran.
Right into the open Anomaly. She dove into the shimmering sphere and tumbled down a sandy hill—
A sandy hill?
What had happened? A minute prior, this side of the Appalachian Anomaly had been a grassy hill near an idyllic beach in an undetermined era.
The crossroads of Anomalies, with dozens over dozens of Anomaly spheres, still hovered all above the ground here, now…
But the environment had changed. A different biome welcomed Grant on this side of the Anomaly.
She had no time to dwell on this new phenomenon. Grant had witnessed such a shift or paradox before—history changing in the blink of an eye—simply by traveling back and forth through another Anomaly. Airlift pilot Sears had entirely ceased to exist the last time it happened, and only she remembered him ever having existed.
In the new here and now, Grant rolled down the sandy dune of a hill, with neither grass nor ocean in sight. Only dust and bleached stone and cracked earth surrounded her in this new Crossroads of Anomalies.
She grunted at the final impact of her rolling descent when she crashed into a boulder and it knocked the wind out of her lungs. Further robbing her breath, a gale swept over her as one pterodactyl flew over her on this side of the Anomaly, its wings spread with frightening majesty. The other stumbled past her, then tumbled down the other side of the dune as it lost its footing after its leap through the Anomaly, emitting a pained screech when it fell with as little grace as Grant had.
The other already began circling, high above the glittering spheres of the manyfold Anomalies here.
Time froze for Grant. The look she took at her environs was short-lived yet rich in detail.
A jagged rock jutted out of the sand near the Anomaly they had crossed through. A chunk of it was broken off, dragged down with the pterodactyl that had tripped over it.
And the trails they both left in the dune’s sands pointed her in the direction of the Anomaly. Her only way back home. The trails would help tremendously in choosing the right way to go.
Time was no longer frozen and she needed to act.
Pain flared up all over her body from her many falls. The pain only centered her and spurred her on, granting her greater speed. She ran for another Anomaly—any would do, really—but she chose one that flagged in its chimes, with a flickering light that faded in and out as its stability waned.
A Flicker.
A deadly stunt to be sure, as it could trap her with the pterodactyls in a time stranded beyond humanity, but it was the only way she saw to keep these two dinosaurs out of her town time.
She charged into the Flicker, not even wasting time to check if the pterodactyls continued their pursuit of her. She gambled on it. Needed to act quickly. That Flicker could close any moment now.
She crossed the flickering, blinding light into another time.
With a pounding heart, and gasping desperately for breath, she barely managed to take in any thorough glimpse of her new environment, this new world.
Its apocalyptic vision would haunt her with nightmares beyond nightmares.
A city of ruins. Empty buildings, missing all windows, surrounded her. The street she stood on was only recognizable as such from the rusted husks of overgrown cars dotting its length.
Everything in this era was blanketed with creeping vines, and lush with abundant green. And utterly devoid of all human life wherever she could see. This was a world, a time after people.
Grant scrambled away from the glowing sphere, and without fail, one pterodactyl flew through the Anomaly, chasing her into this apocalyptic future. Its flight corrected course before it threatened to crash into a crumbling wall, swerving upwards into a dreary gray sky at the last second.
She clambered up half a wall and rolled through a window. Remnants of glass shards cracked and crunched where she landed.
The other pterodactyl followed, now flying again. It screeched—no longer in pain—but with wrath ringing in its piercing tone.
The hunter’s wrath.
Grant ducked behind the wall, staying in cover, knowing very well the first pterodactyl would locate her and pounce if she made one wrong move.
The Flicker flickered. Her heart skipped a beat. The Flicker was about to close, and she needed to dive back out, and run for it, across the overgrown street, underneath the pterodactyls circling above.
Then something howled. A blood-curdling howl, more terrifying than the two pterodactyls’ screeching in its sound.
Grant had heard it before… in the other wasteland past another Anomaly of the Crossroads. In that barren, ghastly wasteland, even more apocalyptic than these city ruins.
She had no intention of finding out what kind of future mutant creature could make such a sound.
The Flicker flickered again. Almost collapsed. The Anomaly was on the verge of closing.
Counting the breaths she suppressed, she waited till a silent number five crossed her mind, then she made her move. No second too soon, as her fear came true, and she witnessed the creature that had howled its horrific howl in these apocalyptic times.
Spindly limbs displayed uncanny strength, supporting a powerful and muscular body. Its every digit ended in deadly claws, piercing the very stone of the wall above her, roosting on the ledge, and capable of leaping down. Everything of this mutant’s body screamed one message clearly: it could and would tear her limb from limb if it caught up to her.
A strange, gray-splotched head with too many unblinking eyes crowned the future mutant’s slender frame, and a maw of jagged teeth, like a sawblade, opened.
Those teeth glistened in the gloom.
Grant glimpsed this future predator only long enough before new hell and chaos broke loose. It leapt—not at her, but at one of the pterodactyls circling above the building’s crumbling wall. It leapt with such staggering force that the two creatures crashed into a wall on the other side of the overgrown street.
And the other pterodactyl screeched in response, high above, kept out of Grant’s sight by the canyon of crumbling, overgrowing city blocks.
The Flicker flickered. The Anomaly’s subtle chimes faded.
She would not stay to witness more, to learn more. In the shadows beyond a broken wall, the future predator flew with feral ferociousness as its claws mangled the pterodactyl’s flailing wings. Blood sprayed everywhere. They screeched and shrieked and howled and thrashed.
Grant fled. She ran towards the Flicker. It flickered and blinded her as she ran through it, back through the Anomaly.
Black spots clouded her vision, but a wave of relief washed over her as her environment had changed. The Flicker flickered, the Anomaly collapsed behind her.
The relief died as the Flicker’s chimes were snuffed out with its vanished light.
She no longer stood in a desert among the Crossroads of Anomalies.
“Fuck!” she yelled into the void of this new world.
Trees swallowed any echo.
No longer grassy hills by an unknown ocean, nor was she standing among a desert’s barren dunes, either.
She stood in a jungle, teeming with life, and glowing with the light of the dozens of Anomalies all around. The Crossroads persisted, but the world had changed again.
Almost drowning out the chiming sounds from the glowing Anomalous spheres, chirping, chittering, and rustling assaulted her senses. Her heart almost leapt from her chest as she dreaded the return of the mutant insect swarm. Though the Flicker had separated her from the future predator and the pterodactyls, all manner of new danger awaited her here, now.
Nearby, another Anomaly flickered, then closed. Her heart skipped another beat, a dreadful reminder that she may become stranded in this everchanging Crossroads.
Certain death, by all her accounts.
There were no trails in the sand to guide her, no jagged rock.
Between the trees of this fresh green hell, she glimpsed no clues as to where to go.
Time froze again. Despair awaited.
Before despair could overwhelm her, a familiar figure stepped through an Anomaly. Though the helmet on his head concealed his face, she recognized his movements, his shape: Valentín Ruiz stood in the jungle, emerging from an Anomaly. He waved to her and shouted.
“Come on!”
She did exactly that.
Grant pushed past dense foliage, nearly tripping here and there, and followed Ruiz through the blinding light. She stumbled back into the Appalachian forest.
No longer were these woods foggy. Fir trees almost glowed in bright sunlight.
“God damn, am I glad you made it!” Ruiz said, EMD rifle in hand. The weapon didn’t look damaged anymore. To Mischchenko, he waved and then shouted, “Quick, lock it down!”
Mischchenko punched in the three-digit security code, and the spiky orb topping Solomon’s device clicked and clacked and reconfigured its form, aligning to seal the Anomaly. The glittering sphere of the chiming Anomaly froze, then collapsed, shrinking back into the basketball-sized orb, floating immobile, several feet off the ground.
The generator chugged, the Anomaly Locking Device hummed, and the other—
This place, this time—it too, had changed.
A sinking feeling brought Grant’s stomach low, and the world started spinning around her with an incoming onslaught of sudden nausea.
More Future Proof agents surrounded them. Unfamiliar figures. Since when did they have so many operatives to field? Dozens of spotlights were set up, other generators hooked up to power this new camp. Silvery tents had been pitched in a matter of time impossible for the short amount of time Grant had been away in the Crossroads to shake the pterodactyls, and dozens of researchers in winter jackets and Future Proof ID cards clipped to their chests now swarmed this camp that had seemingly sprung up out of nowhere.
And Mischchenko’s arm… it wasn’t broken. She had used her broken arm to operate the Anomaly Locking Device, as if the pterodactyl had never broken her arm. Mischchenko extended her now-healed-or-never-before-broken arm—to point at Grant.
“A round of applause for Agent Grant! That was one hell of a stupid move! But a bold one, and I can’t say I ain’t glad it worked out.”
Half a dozen black-armored Future Proof agents lifted their EMD rifles, no longer aiming at Grant and the Anomaly.
Grant didn’t know what to say.
Was the very fabric of time unraveling all around her?
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riseoftheclansrpg · 2 months
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Deep within the mountains, where the frigid cold wind chills every living creature to their very bones, live a feline community known as the Fjell'byr, who call themselves the Fjell...
The Fjell are a unique feline hybrid mix of the short/longhair feral cat, and lynxes. They live within the mountainous range above the Clans of the Lake, their incredibly thick pelts allowing them to thrive in such a cold environment. Due to how long and thick their pelts can grow, Fjell cannot survive the Greenleaf of the Clans - they are in danger of heat stroke.
1. The fjell display a range of phenotypes in overall appearance, from pure shorthair feral cat (top left image), to a visual mix of a cat and lynx (top right image). They can display a mix and variety of trait combinations appearing above: for example, they could have the build of a feral cat, but the large hybrid head shape, muzzle, and ear length of the hybrid. Another example is having the large paws and long legs, but a feral cat face shape, muzzle size, and ear shape. The range of combinations / visual appearance between the left and right images is essentially limitless.
2. They are on average larger than the feral cat: at maximum height, they stand at 16 inches tall at the shoulder, and with the purchase of oversized, they can be at maximum 17 inches tall at the shoulder.
3. Their legs are much longer, more lean, and less rounded than feral cats. They possess larger claws as well.
4. Their paws are much larger, flatter, and less rounded than feral cats, to allow them ease with climbing such steep, rocky, uneven terrain.
5. A feral cat's spine slopes upwards, in contrats to the fjell, whose spine actually dips ever so slightly.
6. The feral cat's torso is much longer than the hybrid - a fjell will have a stockier, more "rectangular-shaped" torso, comparably shorter in overall length.
7. Their tails are much shorter than a feral cat's - they tend to on average be half the length as a feral cat's tail.
1. The fjell can range from shorter fur like the image on the left, due to having a different, thicker fur texture that is noticeable in touch, or can possess fur as long as the bottom right image. It's more common to possess long fur than short.
2. The fjell are the only cats who can slightly break the "hair" tuft length rule only - eyes may be partially hidden / covered, but please note: the eyes cannot ever be completely obscured/hidden. You could consider the bottom right image as an example of this maximum "hair" tuft length, with consideration to style flexibility.
1. The fjell possess larger, longer muzzles than feral cats.
2. Their ears are larger, and much more pointed than feral cats. Feral cats have more rounded ears in shape.
3. Their pupils are naturally round and large, but can constrict like a feral cat's into slits.
4. The face shape is far more angular, and overall larger, then the feral cat's. 
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elbackflipo · 3 months
hola ^_^ it's maximus, the dj guy. you have exactly the energy I'm looking for in my club, would you like to sign on as a stripper? I can only pay you in alcohol and drugs for the first few days, but I promise you it is 100% worth it. you will be a star
- @maximum-father
i have no NEED for narcotics and booze... the only payment i need are the fat fuckingstacks of cash people will pelt at me for my fat fucking boobs of.which i have... three of them.. yes...
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