#maxine caufield
kuyapan · 1 year
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She stood there, speechless
Drew Max C. on MS Paint for a drawing-with-prompts hangout with my sib! Chloe asking Max to save Arcadia Bay hit me immediately.
Five-minute prompt of a waffle-related tragedy
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frogyjones-art · 1 year
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Fanart I made of Max Caulfield dying in a glue trap
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onyx-archer · 4 months
A Timey-Whimey (Shit)Storm: A Critical Look at Life is Strange 1's Ending.
It's been a hot minute since I did one of these essay type posts, and I know that the title is may suggest some kind of dislike of the game or something, and incite the ire of fans, but at least hear me out a little before getting mad. I actually enjoy these games, along with the comics, so I'm coming at this from a place of love. I especially have a soft spot for the original Life is Strange, I've just had this on my mind for a while.
Obviously, there will be spoilers for "Life is Strange," but I will also briefly cover spoilers from the Life is Strange comic series, and a brief, albeit minor spoiler of Life is Strange 2's 5th episode, and some stuff from Life is Strange: True Colors' "Wavelengths" DLC. If that ain't your bag, then you've been warned. All of it will be under the cut anyway. Before that though, I have some other house keeping to get out of the way.
I want to make it abundantly clear up front what my stance on the game being covered is, so there's no room for misunderstanding. I quite like the original Life is Strange. It's probably my favorite game of it's type (narrative adventure game in the Telltale style). I don't like Before the Storm or Life is Strange 2 though, but both of those will eventually get their own posts. I do like True Colors though.
I also want to make it clear that I am 100% on the side of "Pricefield," but I'm not really making this post from the place of a Pricefield bias or whatever, so I want to head that off at the pass.
With that, the rest is under the cut. Again, hella spoilers inbound, you've been warned.
Life is Strange is the kind of game that I have a pretty lukewarm opinion of genre wise, but manages to keep me engaged through the way it unfolds. I'm not especially fond of the narrative adventure game genre that was popularized with Season 1 of Telltale's The Walking Dead, despite having played quite a few of them. I like a few, sure, but it's generally not something I'm fond of. If not for the fact that Chloe's character design appealed to me (you'd know why if you've seen my original characters), I'd have never even touched it.
I have fond memories of playing the original Life is Strange with my best friend back when it was still being released, and how we'd actually hash out our thoughts on what decisions made the most sense in the moment while playing. I initially remember hating the ending of the original making my choices feel meaningless (as by the time "Polarized" came out, my friend and I weren't able to play together due to us living in 2 different cities at the time), and it was only after letting it marinate for a while that I came to the conclusion that I liked one of the two possible endings, and disliked the other.
I'm (rather obviously) on team "Bae," as far as the endings to the original are concerned. To me, this is the only ending that actually makes sense unless you want to argue that the whole point of the story is some fatalist, deterministic experience at it's core (which I've certainly seen argued multiple times), but I don't think that ideology is even remotely interesting to think about, and is flawed as hell. That's beside the point though. The part of this post that is dedicated to the first game is, primarily, about the reason why that ending is the only one that makes sense to me.
Throughout the game, Max (and by extension, we, the players) use her time travel powers to ultimately solve a few puzzles, and to otherwise scope out minor multiple decisions we make during the story. The moment we see Max use her powers for the first time is when Chloe (whom she doesn't recognize at the time) is shot in the girl's washroom at Blackwell. However, before she does this, she sees the vision of the Storm, and is jolted awake by it in the middle of class.
From here, the game tries to heavily imply that Max using her powers to save Chloe from being shot is what ultimately made the Storm come to pass, and drops mentions of the concept of Chaos Theory multiple times. I'm not going to bother explain what that means, but it does at least make some kind of sense. Max using her powers can alter the course of things, and create an untold amount of diverging timelines. We see this obviously through the "Bay" ending, as Chloe's death happens, and no storm comes. This is clearly to enforce the idea that Chloe not dying does something that causes the storm.
However, where this concept begins to eat shit like a skateboarder failing to bail properly from a bad Tre Flip is when Max goes back in time via a photo for the first time. She prevents the death of another person, Chloe's father, William. As we all know, this action has the consequence of Chloe eventually getting into a car accident and becoming quadriplegic, and is doomed to die when her respiratory system gives out due to the nature of the injury.
Now, this specific timeline brings with it questions, and the game doesn't really bother to answer them, despite it being a big hole in the whole "Chloe's death prevents the storm" idea.
The main question is "why didn't William not dying yield a storm?" If the idea of preventing a person from dying has far reaching consequences, and can lead to a storm, then why did William's survival not lead to a storm? Wouldn't that be a bigger shift to the "natural order of things" that Max saving Chloe did?
The cop-out answers I've heard to this are things like "she wouldn't have done it if she didn't save Chloe first to begin with" and "she didn't over-use her powers during the period of William's accident, so the storm wouldn't have been bad." I've even heard the idea that Chloe's accident is the universe saying "fuck you" to Max saving William, and while that is certainly believable, it ultimately makes you wonder "why are the dead whales even a thing in the 'William Lives' timeline?"
The second time I was left wondering is "in the timeline where Max is taken to the Dark Room, Chloe is very dead, so how is it that the storm happens at all if Chloe's survival is the reason it happens?"
Naturally, people will say "the act of saving Chloe sets things into motion, so it's too late to stop the storm by that point." It's here where I call bullshit, because it then makes you ask the question I brought up earlier: "why didn't the timeline where William lives have a storm after he was saved?" If the universe is pissed that Chloe lived, then her dying should prevent the storm, right? But if the universe is pissed at her living, then why isn't it pissed about William cheating death due to Max's intervention?
If it was just the timelines where William died but Chloe lived, I'd be like "alright, sure, Chloe cheating death caused the problem." But Willian's death being prevented doesn't do the same, so it's inconsistent reasoning at best.
Again, by the logic of the "Chloe being alive causes the storm" viewpoint, William should lead to that happening 5 years prior if he survives the day he's supposed to die, but that doesn't happen. If the storm is caused by Chloe being alive, then what does it matter which day she dies, so long as she dies before the storm is scheduled to happen? Unless you want to argue some divine punishment is occurring via a pissed off God, which would make the whole thing feel worse, then there is no logical consistency with the idea of "Chloe Alive = Storm, but William Alive =/= Storm."
It's by this logic that I think that the storm is tied to Max using her powers, rather than specifically the act of saving Chloe. This is then later reinforced, at least in part, by the sequel comics. Now, I know people will argue aren't canon, but they offer a look into a post "Bae" ending, and answer some questions about it in an official capacity, even if it's just meant to be a single view as to what could happen.
In those comics, Max's powers are tied to the storm, and are tied to her flickering between different realities, which lead her to a universe where Chloe and Rachel are alive and in LA for 2 years. She is later forced to confront another storm, and is able to prevent it from doing any damage, and then uses it to power a leap back to her original reality, albeit with the help of a guy who has the power to travel between dimensions, Tristian.
So in short, official media confirms that the powers are connected to the storm, and not necessarily Chloe's life. Max first uses her powers to save Chloe, sure, but the storm isn't linked to Chloe's fate by itself.
However, this is merely part of the justification I have for what I ultimately think is the "better" ending. The other is a simple question: how do they know that Max preventing herself from saving Chloe will stop the storm
Yes, we as the player, the outsider looking in, know that Max preventing herself from saving Chloe will lead to a Storm-less timeline, but in the scene where they decide that is what they have to do to stop the storm from happening, Max says that she caused the storm, and basically says it's due to her fucking with time. So how do they come to the conclusion her using her powers, the thing that caused the storm in the first place, to fix one more thing suddenly prevent the storm? Why would she even think that's a good idea when the consequences of her meddling with time are literally barreling toward Arcadia Bay?
In short, the metatextual element of this scene causes the internal logic of the choice to make no sense. If the use of powers causes the storm, then why would they even think using them again would fix things? If it's Chloe being alive, then William being alive should have done the same thing.
Basically, I think the issue with the ending isn't inherently the choice itself, but the logic for why the characters would even think a Hail Mary play like "go back in time and prevent yourself from saving Chloe in the first place" would even remotely work, given that they have two running ideas of the cause of the storm, and only one of them actually makes sense outside of a passing thought.
The issue with the "Bay" ending is that it leaves you with questions that have no good answers, but the "Bae" ending's questions are easier to answer.
In the "Bay" ending, if the photo jump is to the past where Max knows she can rewind time, even if only barely, then what's stopping that Max from abusing her rewind anyway? If the powers are the cause of the storm, then leaving her with the knowledge of it even being a thing is dangerous for the week leading up to Post-Photo-Jump Max's return, where that Max knows to not abuse her powers. Heck, if past-Max doesn't know of the rewind yet, and Photo-Jump Max knows that, then she can still save Chloe, and past her wouldn't know about the idea of time travel, so she'd not abuse the ability. Sure, there'd likely still be some kind of repercussions for messing with things, but it'd be significantly lessened if her powers are the cause of the storm, and not Chloe surviving.
So again, if Chloe's death has to be the thing that prevents the storm, why didn't saving William cause a storm? Why didn't Chloe dying to Jefferson at the end of Episode 4 stop the storm? If it's not Max's abuse of her powers that causes the storm, then what's stopping her from abusing the power in a Chloe-less world? We know thanks to the comics that she retains the ability to time travel after the week is done. Hell, if the "leaks" of an alleged Max-focused sequel game being in development are true, then it also confirms Max keeps her powers in a more concrete way than the comics did, so what's stopping her from abusing them outside of a sense of grief over losing Chloe?
I ask those questions because the act of letting Arcadia Bay get destroyed in the "Bae" ending doesn't highlight the issues with explaining how the storm came to be in the first place, and it ultimately could be either Chloe surviving when she should have died, or a consequence of Max abusing her powers during the week. It ultimately says "this is the cost of saving your friend. You made this bed, now lay in it."
The "Bae" ending reinforces the idea that Max shouldn't mess with time, and it shows the active consequences of doing so. It actively makes the "your choices will have consequences" thing the game shoves in your face at the beginning of every episode actively mean something, but in a way that isn't inherently obvious from the jump. From a metatextual standpoint, it's honestly really smart to have the idea of "choices and their consequences" be more of a theme rather than just a mechanic. Max ultimately has to live with the fact that her selfish desire to save her friend cost hundreds of people their lives, and she's not the only one who knows about that burden, because Chloe will have to spend a long time coming to terms with the fact that Max chose her over the lives of others when push came to shove. It ultimately feels like the journey meant something in the long term.
Conversely, the "Bay" ending just leaves me like "so there's no real consequences for anything, because this is how things would have played out if Max didn't have powers." Sure, Max has to live knowing her friend is dead because she wasn't allowed to save her, but she'd at least live knowing she did it for the greater good. It tries to say "this is the right choice" but fumbles because it ultimately just leaves people like me poking holes in the time travel logic. So long as she doesn't try to prevent someone's death again, she's free to use and abuse her powers however she wants. It doesn't reinforce the idea of "messing with things has consequences," it just lets Max have the ultimate do-over, where the only consequence that matters is her best friend is dead. She has to live knowing she let her friend die. At most, it's a tragic thing that will affect a few people, and that's it. To me, it just feels incredibly hollow.
Even if you like the "Bay" ending, I think you have to admit that the "Bae" ending has the time travel feel less problematic from a narrative logic standpoint. It, at the very least, doesn't require the answer to the question of "what caused the storm in the first place?" unlike the "Bay" ending, where it's left up in the air if it was Max's powers or Chloe's life that was behind it. From here, I'm going to basically go into some minor points as to why I think the "Bae" ending makes the most sense as the "canon" one for the series after the first game. These are not as important to the broader point, but still. If you wanna dip from the post now (assuming you made it this far) then cool, hope to see you when I talk about why I hate Before The Storm, cause that may interest people.
Some people like to suggest that the "Bay" ending has more potential for expansion, but I strongly disagree. That ending's future story potential, at least as far as Max is concerned, is just "Max has to learn to deal with the grief of losing her best friend" and otherwise has no real direction. If she meets Steph or something in a future game, for example, it ultimately will be a bit awkward for Max, and that's it. In the "Bae" ending, there's actual potential for drama if Max interacts with a former resident of Arcadia Bay, knowing she let it burn for the sake of one girl.
We can see how each ending effects David via the 5th Episode of Life is Strange 2. We know that regardless of Chloe's fate (at least as far as the two timelines that branch off from the first game's ending are concerned), David ends up in Away. David and Joyce split in the timeline where Chloe dies, and obviously Joyce died in the storm in the timeline where Chloe lives. We see how this effects David, but even then, there's more of a story to be told with Chloe surviving vs dying, at least in my view. Chloe and David being able to set aside their past issues and becoming the family Joyce had longed for them to become is a far more interesting story than David trying to reconnect with Joyce after Chloe's death split them apart. I'm not trying to suggest David is a great character or anything, but it's notable that Chloe and David's relationship is more interesting to explore in a post-Storm world, because he actually has a reason to become a better person in a Joyce-less world vs a Chloe-less one. It ultimately makes more sense for him to end up in Away because of Joyce's death rather than Chloe's. We see he really wants to be there for Chloe when he saves Max from the Dark Room, and we see how much Chloe's death affects him in that timeline, so I'm not saying he wouldn't relocate because of it if she died in the bathroom... but the drastic change he undergoes between Life is Strange and Life is Strange 2 really only makes sense in a world where he lost Joyce, and has to be better for Chloe's sake.
Steph is another character where it only makes sense to have Arcadia Bay get demolished, rather than have Chloe die. Sure, Steph is a very emotional character at her core, and runs from things that make her uncomfortable, no matter how good her life is going outside of that... but I honestly think it makes more sense for her to run from the past in a world where her hometown got levelled, because she'd have some kind of survivor's guilt because of the fact that she lived and her mom didn't. Yeah, she could still have survivor's guilt after learning both Chloe and Rachel died, but I'd argue it'd make more sense that she'd be running from Mikey in a world where the scars of Arcadia Bay run deep, rather than what happened to Chloe and Rachel. What reason would she have to avoid Mikey, her best friend, in a world where she doesn't have to feel bad that Mikey's family (presumably) died in the storm? In a world where her survivor's guilt would make talking to others from Arcadia Bay more painful and awkward for her? You could argue that, yeah, Chloe's death could hit her hard because they were good friends, and that because of Chloe being friends with Mikey too, that she'd avoid Mikey for that... but I just think it's more believable that she'd cut herself off from her past in a world where Arcadia Bay was destroyed.
Either way, this post and the time it took to write it got away from me, and I may have to refine it later when I eventually turn these essay type posts I've made into videos. For now though, hopefully this was an interesting read, and hopefully I've conveyed my views on the ending of Life is Strange's first entry at least somewhat succinctly.
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thxqutee · 3 months
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𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐄𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐞
𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴, 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘵. 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩.
𝘼/𝙉 : First fic WHOOPWHOOP plz be nice! 😋
First smidge of dialogue is from the actual game, but the rest is from yours truly!!
Story MAINLY starts after Max makes her decision..
Very slow burn.. 😔
I’ll be as active with chapters as I can!!
Fic is on ao3!!
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Overlooking the cliff on Arcadia Bay, Max and Chloe were witnessing the apocalyptic storm raging around them with terrifying intensity. Dark clouds churned overhead, lightning split the sky, and the wind howled, threatening to tear everything apart. Waves crashed violently against the rocks below, while debris flew through the air like deadly projectiles. The air was thick and almost humid with the smell of rain and burnt electricity, as the ground trembled beneath their feet with each thunderous boom.
Chloe's blue hair whipped wildly around her face, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and disturbance. Her usually defiant posture was tempered by uncertainty, her gaze locked on Max. Max, her expression solemn and determined yet fraught with the weight of her powers. Her eyes glowed with a faint blue light as she struggled to comprehend the chaos around them, scanning for any sign of a way to end the cataclysm.
Max’s eyebrows pinched together in worry and grievance as she took in the destruction that was caused due to her manipulation and abuse of her own power. She looked at the tornado angrily
“This is my storm. I caused this… I caused all of this” Max cried out “I changed fate and destiny so much that… I actually did alter the course of everything. And all I really created was death and destruction!” She took a few steps forward, observing the hurricane as raindrops splashed on her face and her soaked, messy hair. Chloe turned Max around.
“Fuck all of that, okay? You were given a power. You didn’t ask for it… and you saved me! Which had to happen, all of this did… except for what happened to Rachel.” Chloe aggressively assured Max “But without your power, we wouldn’t have found her! Okay so you’re not the goddamn Time Master, but you’re Maxine Caufield. And you’re amazing.” Both locked eye contact and were silent for a brief moment until Max had looked off into the horizon of the storm. “Max, this is the only way.” Chloe handed Max the photograph of a Morpho butterfly on a bucket, shortly before Nathan threatened Chloe with a gun in the girl’s bathroom.
“I-I feel like I took this shot a thousand years ago.” She locked her eyes on picture.
“You…you could use that photo to change everything right back to to when you took the picture” Chloe’s voice cracked “All that would take is for me to.. to..” She began to sob into her hands.
“Fuck that!“ Max quickly cut her off “No…no way! You are my number one priority now. You are all that matters to me” She comforted. Chloe removed her hands from her face revealing her glossed face and red tinted eyes.
“I know. You proved that over and over again. Even though I don’t deserve it.” Chloe bawled “I’m so selfish…not like my mom. Look what she had to give up and live through. And she did. She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner!” She shouted “Even my s- my step…father deserves her alive. There’s so many people in Arcadia Bay who should live. Way more than me.”
“Don’t say that! I won’t trade you!” Max persisted
“You’re not trading me. Maybe you’ve just been delaying my real destiny” Chloe argued “Look at how many times I’ve almost died or actually died around you. Look what’s happened in Arcadia Bay ever since you first saved me. I know I’ve been selfish, but for once I think I should accept my fate… our fate…” She put her hand on her shoulder. Max shook her head in denial.
“Chloe…” She wept
“Max, you finally came back this week and, you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You made me smile… and laugh, like I have done in years” Chloe sense that Max was staring at her quite somberly, as if she was starting to sense the outcome “Wherever I end up after this… in whatever reality all those moments between us were real, and they’ll always be ours. No matter what you choose, I know you’ll make the right descision.” She exclaimed.
“Chloe, I can’t make this choice!” Max wailed. Chloe rested both of her hands on Max’s and stared at her determination.
“No Max,” The tone of Chloe’s voiced quickly softened “You’re the only one who can”. As tear on Chloe’s waterline sunk back into her eye, a new one formed on Max’s. She stayed silent as Chloe awaited on her decision. “Max…It’s time.” She lowered her hands and backed away.
“Chloe…I’m so, so sorry… I…” She apologized “I don’t wanna do this!” Chloe wrapped her arms around Max’s neck
“I know, Max. But we have to. We have to save everybody okay?” Chloe released the hug “And you’ll make those fuckers pay for what they did to Rachel. Being together this week… it was the best farewell gift I could have hoped for. You’re my hero Max.”
“Oh Chloe…I’m gonna miss you so much” They went in for another hug in the midst of chaos as pieces from buildings swirled around them. Chloe let go of Max.
“I’ll always love you. Now get out of here, please! Do it before I freak.” Chloe laughed at the end of her cry “And Max Caufield? Don’t you forget about me.”
“Never.” Max shook her head. She pulled the photograph out from her left hand, and focused on the image. Everything blurred into a haze, then went blank. Suddenly, Max found herself transported back to the moment she had taken that photograph. A click of the camera produced an instant photo from it. Max let go of the photo, watching it drift onto the cold tile floor. She peeked over the bathroom stall, awaiting to see Nathan’s break in. The door swung open violently, prompting Max to swiftly turn and press herself against the wall, out of sight. Nathan began frantically muttering to himself in the mirror, only for Chloe to confront him, leading to an argument between them. Max leaned herself up against the wall slowly sliding down, allowing the situation to play out. She knew what to expect next when she heard Chloe order him to put his gun away. The gunshot made Max flinch, sending a ring through her ears. Blood from Chloe’s wound quickly spurted out as Nathan desperately tried to wake her lifeless body up.
David Madsen barged in with an armed gun, his body almost going limp once he saw Chloe on the floor. He looked up to see Nathan with his arms up, begging for mercy.
“Son of a…” David dropped his weapon and lunged himself onto him. Nathan braced himself to soften the impact. David put him in handcuffs promptly, only to see Max sniveling in the corner of the bathroom. His eyes softened with sympathy as he pulled a walkie-talkie from his belt “Principal Wells…” he sucked in his tears “Come to the bathroom. A..And bring some officials. Please.” There was a faint echo from the beep of his device. Max felt as if it was safer to cry as much as she wanted. There was no one to hurt her. Not Nathan, and definitely not Mr. Jefferson. David stood up next to Nathan. “We’re um…we’re gonna let the real cops handle this.” He huffed, nudging Nathan with his foot “And the paramedics, they’ll take care of Chloe”. He wiped his eyes, doing his best to keep his composure in front of Max. “C’mon kiddo, follow me.” He assisted Max to her feet while she used her jacket sleeve to wipe away the tears from her face.
David shielded her as they exited the bathroom. Authorities and students crowded the area, their murmurs and chatter filling the air from all directions. He took them to a more open area, with only a few questionnaires continuing to follow them.
“Max? Hey! Max!” Max recognized that voice. She looked over her shoulder to see Warren’s head poking through at what had seemed to be her peers.
“Warren!?” She weakly called out, still latched on to David
“MAAAAX! HEY! I’m right here!” Warren started hopping up and down making himself visible
“Warren…” Max smiled broadly. Warren squeezed himself through the narrow crowd of students. Max and David both fully turned around together as Warren finally made his way through the maze of students. Max let go of David. “Oh my god..” She clung herself tightly around his torso. Warren then wrapped his left arm around her neck leaving his right hand to hold her head. Warren pulled away with both hands being on Max’s shoulders.
“Max, what happened? Are you okay?” Warren asked worriedly. Max studied Warren's features as they locked eyes. It had then it her that this was the boy she had kissed during chaos. He was the one who had assisted her with science tasks and stood by her side, yet he had no memory of any of those moments. This only made her more upset.
“Oh, Warren!” She blubbered. She buried her head into his shoulder and cried loudly. David awkwardly backed away and cleared his throat.
“Warren, correct?” He raised his eyebrow. Warren nodded patting Max’s back as she cried. “Okay, well uh, I think I’ll let you two go now.” He assertively tipped his hat. Warren gave him a thumbs up and watched him walk away. Warren and Max slowly broke away to see the commotion. Police sirens could be heard coming directly from the entrance of the school. Two police officers were escorting Mr. Jefferson down the stairs. Max found relief in seeing him taken into custody as soon as they could. They turned back to one another.
“You have some serious catching up to do” Warren chuckled softly. Max smiled, resting herself on him.
“I know, Warren.”
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pink-evilette · 6 months
I am the way I am today because I watched Dan and Phil, obsessed over Twilight, had a book review channel on YouTube, played with dolls until I was 13, read Jacqueline Wilson, listened to Panic! at the Disco, shipped Drarry, had the Maxine Caufield bob, made collages from magazines, decoupaged my box of CDs with pictures of Justin Bieber and Hannah Montana, made everyone I knew as a Mii, wore cat ears to school, watched Geek Remix play Rule of Rose on YouTube and wrote "I love Vic Fuentes" in sharpie on a skate ramp at the park
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frogyjones-writes · 1 year
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General info:
I'll only do requests that interest me this is something I do for fun in my free time so you might get an answer awhile after a submission :]
Most likely to get through headcanons/short prompts done first!
Characters I write for:
Don't be afraid to ask for a character from the same Fandom however! I'm just better with these guy's characterization :]
The Last of Us: Ellie Williams, Dina, Abby Anderson
Dead By Daylight: The Trapper (Evan MacMillan), The Nurse (Sally Smithson), Ghost Face (Danny Johnson), The Huntress (Anna), The Pig (Amanda Young), The Plauge (Adiris), The Onryō (Sadako Yamamura)
Silent Hill: Lisa Garland, Maria, Mary Shepard-Sunderland, James Sunderland, Angela Orosco, Harry Mason
Misc: Sadako Yamamura (ringu), Selene (underworld), Carol Aird (Carol),
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Jill Valentine, Claire redfield (games/movies), Alice Abernathy (movies), Rebecca Chambers, Helena Harper
The Quarry: Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Kaitlyn Ka, Laura Kearney, Max Brinley, Nick Furcillio, Jacob Custos, Dylan Leviny, Ryan Erzahler
Until Dawn: Sam Giddings, Ashley Brown, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley
Life is Strange: Maxine "Max" Caufield, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase, Dana Ward
Tomb Raider: Lara Croft (better with the survivor series), Sam
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner Stanheight, Lynn Denlon
(More to be added later!)
Character x Reader, Character x Character, Some OC X Characters, Polyships, LGBTQ+
Heavy angst/sensitive topics
AUs and alternative settings
Accept headcanon requests for multiple characters
NSFW (suggestive stuff is fine but I'm not writing smut)
Incestual/pedophilic ships (yes this includes adoptive family or parental/sibling figures don't test me)
Any dead dove sort of shit
General NoNo's
Writing examples
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Maxine Caufield and Frodo Baggins are two very similar characters with blonde partners who are the exact opposite of each other
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noys-boise · 2 months
between Maxine Caufield from life is strange, Grant O'Brien from dropout and me from Tumblr i think we can deduct that bisexuals are more likely to get a lot of nosebleeds
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tanuki-pyon · 5 years
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Little redraw
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mynameisthee · 4 years
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Was playing LiS ep 3 yesterday and took a few screens 
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frogyjones-art · 2 years
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The pizza is burnt.
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kirschecomix · 7 years
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Max from Life is Strange! i’ve missed her since all we’ve been getting lately is Before the Storm stuff :’)  You can watch me draw it here
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I don’t trust u if u HATE max caufield. Like she deserves more love. She is the main character for A REASON
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Happy birthday Maxine. I hope you remember me on this day
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shamelessinnerbeast · 3 years
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L I F E   is   S T R A N G E    &    O M O R I
P. 3 - Marshfield <3
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dam-creativity · 3 years
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just a little sketch page :) ill probably take some of these and finish them but heres some food for now
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