#maxon comic
tomoleary · 1 year
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"Tarzan by Rex Maxon, Li'l Abner by Al Capp, Broncho Bill by O'Neill and The Captain and The Kids by Rudolph Dirks. Bottom margins have text noting that they are part of "Tip Top Comics Gift Picture" series. These complete a series of four premium pictures that were obtained w/two "Tip Top Comics" coupons and 10¢. ©1937 By United Features Syndicate Inc.”
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shadowwingtronix · 2 years
"Yesterday's" Comic> Wonderworld Comics #8
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> Wonderworld Comics #8
Superman had the better War Of The Worlds crossover. Wonderworld Comics #8 Fox Features Syndicate (December, 1939) Hello, homepage. I have nothing to write here to really pad out the pre-jump part of the article. Anthologies are hard to review for and that was apparently all the Golden Age had. Considering doing a different comic next week just to give myself a breather. There’s a lot of stories…
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typosandtea · 24 days
Got tagged by @irradiatedpiratebooty (Thankyou!) to post some wips…. 😅
No pressure tags for: @sirmanmister @acorncoffeeformysweetheart @charliesvarietyhour @fuzzydreamin @bokatan :]
I’ve got so many abandoned sketches / concepts and very few wips that make it past that because usually by the time I’ve hashed out the sketch I’ve figured out if I like it and if i have the ability to pull off what I am picturing yet ahahah and the ones past sketch are often abandoned for ‘I cant figure out why I don’t like this’ rip
(I’ve also tacked a half written danse fic on the bottom!)
Some active wips✨ (Danse like its 2015, silly comic based on this post, sketch of Murphy and Nathan)
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Some I’ll hopefully come back too??????????? (Tacky mug, Danse and Frankie in Far harbor (based on Night Letter by @/watchyourdigits, I paused for falloutober and never picked up again sorry :/ ), Sweetbrew fallout 76)
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Proper abandoned rip (Danse as a dnd paladin (a request that I didn’t finish since the vibes are bad, sorry @/never-gonna-danse-again :/), and a silly comic based on this screenshot of mine)
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And some writing since I’m trying to figure out how to do that yay ⤵️
(Untitled, unfinished) Danse, 2nd person, Danse is kinda oblivious, ‘How does Danse deal with loving and being truly loved by a railroad sole, even after the events of rr fallout 4.. (poorly)’
Dawes, Worwick, Brach and now Keane. All good soldiers dead too soon, too young, under your command. With a heavy heart you know now that soon you'll watch as you lose Haylen and Rhys too, before succumbing yourself to the ever growing tide of ferals that has been ebbing closer over the course of the battle, it feels like an eternity has passed since you saw Keane fall to the abominations, time seemed to have broken, though you know that its only been half an hour at most. If you survive the onslaught you'll have to organise a proper memorial.. if..
Reload. Aim. Fire. Assess the situation, update tactics. Breathe. Reload. Aim. Fire. Godless heathens! Rhys is injured! Breathe. Reload. BREATHE. Aim. Fi- Fire rains down on the ferals from outside the compound. Reload. Update tactics with Haylen, while more gunfire and another molotov begins to part the irradiated sea of scum. Aim. You catch a glimpse of them. Fire. The remaining abominations are dealt with swiftly, and while thankful for the well timed assist you can't help but to be cautious of them after all of the opposition your team has faced in the commonwealth. You ask them about themselves and they ask about you in return, thinking back you never got a straight answer out of them but no time to think about that now. Leading the way, you fill the silence with a debrief of Gladius' disastrous mission here, after all they had seemed interested in the Brotherhood, even if the sunglasses clad man with them had frowned. Arcjet brings more surprises, in both the unwelcome form of gen 1 synths, and the strangers' apparent combat effectiveness and familiarity with facing them. Between both of your combat prowess, the dilapidated laboratory is soon devoid of any synthetic 'life'.
Choosing to debrief outside you stumble through attempting to compliment their outstanding combat abilities, for a civilian. You part ways after gifting them Righteous authority and an accepted invitation to join the brotherhood, much to the dismay of their companion it seems. On the walk back to the station you realise that you feel lighter than you have in months, if just a little bit crispier too.
Months pass and things have been going well for the soldier, their already good combat skills have been steadily improving, Maxon has promoted them already! They are turning into a model knight, albeit with some unorthodox choices sometimes, but you want them to succeed you know they can!
After a particularly gruelling day of clearing out yet another super mutant nest you mutually decide to camp out in a suitably defensible old house, "you're quite the soldier" you say for not the first time, casual conversation comes easily with them, easier than it has for you in years you realise with a pang. And so you tell them about Kreig and how you are pushing them the same way he pushed you, to grow into the potential you see in them, and then you apologise. For being like Kreig, pushing too hard without explanation or reward. The soldier is silent for a while, before replying, but you see a new glimmer in their eyes, of understanding. They take first watch, and you drift off to sleep easily for the first time in recent memory.
Much progress has been made in the brotherhood's hunt for the institute, with the both or you being assigned more missions near constantly it seems someone has noticed your effectiveness as a team. You've heard whispers of rumours and caught the occasional stares drifting around the prydwen, but you pay them no mind, speculative gossip has never been of any interest to you, especially not something so obviously false as those rumours, that would be inappropriate after all. Your thoughts drift to the soldier, and realise just how much they have come to mean to you and how little you've told them anything about you, how could you have been so selfish after they have bared so much of their soul with you? Their life prewar, the death of their spouse at the hands of the cruel institute mercenary, the hunt for a way into the institute and their overwhelming fear at what they will find there. How much pressure they feel from everyone to be the perfect soldier, you sigh internally thinking about that, you owe them an apology it seems. With your mind made up now you just wait for them to return and for a suitably private moment to present itself. The opportunity arises later that day, they have just returned to the prydwen after a week away, and much to your surprise beeline straight for you with a smile before even turning in their documents or missions. They seem to be oblivious to the stares and raised eyebrows of the mess's other patrons, and a round of suitably authoritative glares ensures they will remain so. Brandis just smiles, damn him.
You warmly accept their request to join them on a routine acquisition for Haylen, but you know by now that no mission will ever be ‘routine’ with them, not that you mind the challenge. En-route to the target zone you cant stop thinking about what you are going to discuss with them, how will you open such a sensitive topic with them? Its been a substantial period of time since you’ve spoken to anyone about back then, not that you could ever forget him, after all how could you when he haunts your sleep like some sort of sorrowful spectre of loss, guilt and pain.
Lost in your ruminations as you are you nearly walk right into the Soldier as they signal ‘hold’ and ‘danger’. Snapping back to reality while cursing yourself for your inattentiveness internally, you spot the obvious threat almost immediately: a roving band of super-mutant scum and worse yet, a suicider. Outstanding. Your friend signals for stealth and for a flanking manoeuvre, you never did understand their insistence on such quiet methods when you both have access to power armour, but you’ve seen enough of their handwork enough to trust their tactics, even with their continual overestimation of your lacking stealth capabilities. As quietly and you can in full power armour you move into position on the opposite side of the pack to them, shoulder your rifle and wait for their signal. You can feel your heart rate quicken in time with the warming thrum from your charging laser rifle as the anticipation and adrenaline flips the switch to combat mode. They don’t keep you waiting long as a well placed laser volley from them sets off the unsuspecting suicider right in the middle of the pack. As the stragglers stupidly turn in the direction of the apparent danger you fire on their backs with deadly accuracy. With the element of surprise now used to its fullest, you charge into optimal combat range as one of the remaining brutes correctly picks you as the bigger threat, Good. Its better if you are the target. A few more well places shots from the both of you and its over as quickly as it started, “Outstanding!” you complement their marksmanship and tactics as they walk over. You notice of the charred abominations still writhing nearby and you put it out of its disgusting misery with a well placed stomp.
The Soldier shows you the location Haylen specified on their pip-boy, its just on the other side of this small commercial district, if the mission goes smoothly you could be back on the prydwen by nightfall, sharing a whisky to chase away the taste of messes’ latest attempt at dinner. You both freeze as you hear the distinctive sound of laser fire nearby, one look and you both move towards the commotion weapons hot. At the first sign of creepy plastic and blue lasers you charge with an “AD VICTORIAM!” but you barely get a round in before mini-gun fire tears through the remaining machines. After ensuring that they were in the clear you join the soldier as they approach the heavily armed newcomer. You meet the strangers glare with a level one of your own, before they can say anything your friend asks what they are doing here, “kicking ass, though it looks like HQ messed up scheduling again” the stranger answers. Ah this must be one of their minutemen acquaintances, you had heard they were getting more active lately, and poor organisation is expected from the civilian militia. The strangely dressed silver haired minuteman explains that the subway has been overrun with gen 1 synths, your friend offers to help, “it would be an Honor to assist in exterminating these abominations” you agree, though this earns you a strange look from the minuteman. No matter. Unbeknownst to you the Soldier and the minuteman share a significant look behind your back. No pathetic synths stand a chance against the three of you as heavily armoured as you all are, you briefly considered extending the minuteman an invitation to join the brotherhood, though you reconsider when they lament the ‘deaths’ of the machines, such a naive outlook would never be allowed to continue in the brotherhood, don't they know how dangerous synths are? With the battle dust settled, “damn!, you’re one ass-kicking angel of death” the stranger compliments your friend as you all backtrack to leave the dingy subway, “agreed, outstanding work as always” you contribute, they are positively beaming at the combined praise. The minutemen leaves with more crude but positive words, its good to see that the minutemen have at least some capable fighters on their side, it is a noble cause.
The target artifact is soon acquired with minor resistance from some more mutants, but the hour is too late to return to the prydwen now. They suggest that a settlement nearby will be a safe place to camp for the night, you agree, and privately hope that the arrangements will be secluded enough for the difficult conversation you have planned. A short walk in the dark later and you both arrive at the small nursery and are immediately accosted by a group of hysterical settlers. Eventually the soldier calms them down enough to learn the location of the kidnapped one, an older man. The mutants are just across the road as it turns out, why on earth they have tolerated living a stones throw from these monstrosities for so long is a mystery, but at least the proximity makes for a brutally quick rescue, you both use the night to you advantage and the monsters are dead before they can even take up arms. The man is injured so you carry him, trusting your friend to have your backs on the way back to the settlement. You mentally resolve to make significant note of how much mutant and synth activity there is in this region in the next mission report. With the settler returned, sustenance and a semi-secure place to set up camp for the night acquired (to be continued oops, 1/4 affinity talks written, the 4th being romance dialog)
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deepdreamnights · 6 months
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Real name: Tyrannodus Maximus (translation) Known Aliases: Ty Maxon, the Dinoman of Wisconsin, Shellbreaker Occupation: Champion of Core City, adventurer Identity: Public Legal status: Citizen of Core City. Legal resident of the United States with a criminal record (pardoned), escaped felon in Ultramerica. Species: Dinoid Tyrannosaurus Rex Place of Hatching: Core City Martial Status: Single, betrothed. Known Relatives: TyrannoLucian (father), MegaloDiana (mother), TyrannoMaxine (grandmother, deceased), TyrannoCass (brother), TyrannoJulia (sister), Lady StegoJune (fiance), DeinoSteve (blood brother), Tyler Wrex (second cousin). Known affiliations: Warriors of the Core (member, current), Sevenfold Guardians (member, reserve), Wally Manmoth (ally), Johannes Factotum (ally), WoMinotaur (ally), Dr. Underfang (nemesis), Department of Inhuman Affairs (contractor). Base of operations: Soapstone, Wisconsin, Core City in the Fossilized World. First appearance: Tyrannomax #1 (1975)
From the Coctus Catalog, it's TyrannoMax!
His power/ability box is under the fold.
Physical Strength: TyrannoMax’s strength is exceptional, even for a dinoid. He can lift (press) 10 tons with his arms or tail. Known Powers & Abilities: Like all diniods, TryannoMax’s muscles and bone tissues are more dense and durable than human analogues, resulting in vast strength and resistance to physical damage. His scales can deflect an armor-piercing .50 caliber machine gun fire at 30 feet. TyrannoMax’s bite force is sufficient to bend a 5” diameter titanium rod. His teeth and claws are both sharp and strong enough to rend metal, and he’s able to leap up to sixty feet forward or twenty feet straight up from a standing position. Like all dinoids, TyrannoMax possesses a high degree of psychic affinity, which he can access through his psychic roar. This unique psychic talent allows TyrannoMax to imbue his roars with psionic power. He can attune the pitch of his roar to deliver physical psychokinetic force, stun the minds of those in its path, or induce fear and panic in enemies. Known Weaknesses: Dinoid physiology is only partially warmblooded and is vulnerable to cold. Temperatures below 56 degrees Fahrenheiht reduce TyrannoMax’s speed, strength and concentration in direct proportion to his body temperature. If lowered to the freezing point gradually, he will involuntarily enter a state of hibernation. Rapid freezing is deadly to dinoids.
TyrannoMax's art was made in the same fashion as the Wally Manmoth comic, with his body being composited out of several Midjourney attempts and his head coming from Dall-E 3, since MJ's rexes are always too modern for the 70s throwback of Tmax.
From there the colors were removed entirely, and the new lineart touched up and then re-colored using the classic comic colors from the DC 1981 style guide. And then "vintaged" in the process.
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riewritten · 1 year
i thought abt sharing this to my art blog bc... art... but then this is something i'm writing for school rn so i'm sharing it here instead ( ´ ◡ ` )
the story prompt i did last 2021 was pitched to one of my writing classes (TV script making). last sunday, a groupmate was thinking about making a character sketch (like the document) but i thought about making a literal sketch 😭
chau asked if i plan to turn this into a comic (@frenchdyer ily i wouldn't even share this here if not for your words of encouragement ILY). i need to ask permission from my groupmates first but if they ever agree, i think i'll work on this one! aAaHhHHHhHHh
for the context of character sketch, BLUE indicates the past whereas PINK indicates the present design.
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her design was heavily inspired by csm's asa mitaka bc they share the same attitude and (a bit of) upbringing!
so the working premise of this story is that our main character, LISA (20), takes a tired nap at the nearby convenience store after catering to her sister's funeral. however, when she opens her eyes again, she finds herself in a timeline five years before her sister, KRISTA, died! as her uncanny encounter ensues, she targets one goal: seek revenge for the people who had bullied her, which, she believes, were the primary reason why her sister ended up dying.
moving on to the next character, we have MAXON (20)!
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indeed, he is basically erwin smith with black hair. i mean, maxon is an intelligent boy (student council, too!) so i thought, why not integrate the commander in his physique? tho ofc, he is far from erwin's personality. we made him a very flawed human being.
he is a former co-worker of LISA's sister, KRISTA, at the minimart 5 years ago. he also used to be LISA's classmate.
during funeral, MAXON tries to initiate a conversation with LISA only to no avail because our protagonist isn't in the mood to talk. funny enough, he was also at the convenience store LISA took a nap in. MAXON closed his eyes & heaved a sigh due to forlorn, but then finds himself in the same disposition as LISA when he opens his eyes again—in his 15 y/o body five years ago, at the classroom, and KRISTA is still alive.
to make things more fun, MAXON and LISA will not have a clue about their disposition (like, LISA would assume that the MAXON she talks to is none but a measly kid and vice-versa).
as MAXON's regret lurks around his mind, he sets two goals: to change the way he acted with LISA's bullying incident at school and help the two sisters the best way he can. WHY THE REGRET, THOUGH? because in the original timeline, MAXON was as a mere bystander. even when LISA's disposition worsened that came to a point of dropping out of school and having KRISTA work more to support her therapy, MAXON did nothing.
the last main character would be KRISTA, whom funeral was depicted in episode 1.
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no particular inspiration for her charac design but now that i look at it, she resembles the OC i made in dusk in the brightest, which, apparently, loves her younger sibling to her very core too.
LISA and MAXON blame themselves for her death bc of its probable cause: heart failure due extreme stress and exhaustion. that, and KRISTA refused to have her heart conditon treated properly bc financial constraints and her priority over LISA’s disposition). to put it simply, she will be the center of MAXON and LISA’s motivations as they go back in time to change things.
here's the catch: it is ambiguous if they really did travel time or it was none but collective fragments of their imagination to cope with the grief.
for now, our group are onto making the manuscript. i'll ask them if it would be possible for me to turn this into a comic afterward lol.
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longsightmyth · 2 years
And Maxon, comically, was a pirate. His pants were torn in places, and he wore a loose shirt with a vest and green bandanna over his hair. To add to the effect, he hadn’t shaved in a day or two, and a shadow of dark blond fuzz covered the bottom half of his face like a smile.
...is Maxon blond?
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urbancobrastrikeforce · 2 months
Creature Commandos - Hivatalos előzetes
A San Diego-i Comic-Con „Jim Lee & Friends” paneljén exkluzív első pillantást vetettek a Max Original felnőtt animációs sorozatára, a CREATURE COMMANDOS-ra, amely idén decemberben debütál a Maxon. Jim Lee, a DC Comics elnöke, kiadója és kreatív igazgatója meglepetésszerűen üdvözölte James Gunn filmrendezőt és a DC Studios társelnök-vezérigazgatóját, aki azt szerette volna, ha a teremben lévő…
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levisgeekstuff · 6 months
Tarzan van uitgeverij Metropolis
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Naast de vele Tarzan uitgaven bij uitgevers als Classics en Juniorpress, kwam ik laatst enkele deeltjes tegen van een reeks die ik nog niet kende: ‘Tarzan, Koning van de Jungle’. Daar moest ik natuurlijk het fijne van weten. Dit leverde mijn speurwerk op 👉
Koning van de Jungle
Deze serie werd tussen 1961 en 1962 uitgegeven door Metropolis uit Amsterdam. ‘Koning van de Jungle’ telt 57 nummers en bevat hoofdzakelijk daily strips van Rex Maxon. De latere deeltjes bevatten ook werk van Burne Hogarth en Rubimor.
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Naast de strips op comicformaat bracht Metropolis ook nog een ‘lilliput’ reeks van Tarzan. Dat zijn smalle boekjes met een reeks stroken van krantenstrips. Deze boekjes werden per 3 op A4 formaat gedrukt en vervolgens in 3 gesneden. 
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(foto: www.erb-fan.com)
Walter Lehning Verlag
Eerder bracht Metropolis ook al comics uit, zoals de Italiaanse Tarzan kloon Akim en de Duitse ridderstrip Falk. Dat zou geen toeval blijken, want Metropolis is eigenlijk gewoon het Nederlandse filiaal van Duitse uitgever Walter Lehning Verlag, bekend om zijn avontuur- en pulpreeksen.
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nerds-yearbook · 3 years
Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Red Skull (George Maxon version), Dr Abraham Erskine (as Professor Reinstein), Agent X-13, General Phillips, Betty Ross, Slinky, and the Crusher made their first appearance in Captain America Comics #1, cover date March, 1941. They were created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. ("Meet Captain America"/"Case No. 2"/"Captain America and the Soldier's Soup"/"The Chess Board of Death"/"The Riddle of the Red Skull", Captain America Comics #1, comics, events)
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kimgrr · 4 years
⠀maxon schreave users. 𓄼
ㅤ⠀ like or reblog if you saved !
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fileunderground · 4 years
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herochan · 5 years
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Series by Thiago Tallmann || IG
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artworkandturnips · 6 years
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Now that probably sounds really bad, but I had an idea. I think we need to update the Red Skull. I think that in our modern day, where the threats of Nazism aren’t a relic of the past, or some outdated thing, but where they affect people here and now. And Johann Schmidt (an old and classic villain I understand), doesn’t fully work for that. Captain America as a character was created to combat Nazi sentiment here in the States, and I think a new Red Skull would help him continue to do that. I drew a fair bit of inspiration from the admittedly terrible Ultimate Red Skull, who looks like a skinhead. And I want Captain America to punch skinheads in the face.
Make him an American, a shitty, scumbag Neo-Nazi who’s hateful and we get a Captain America who stands for modern American democracy and idealism by beating the piss out of him. Make him someone who doesn’t fight for some 70 year old German cause but wants to twist the soul of modern America. Because that’s what Captain America should be fighting.
(Instead of turning a symbol of American idealism created by two Jewish guys into a Nazi to make a point)
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onedayanauthor · 2 years
WIP Game
Thanks to @mychemicalrachel for tagging me! I was so surprised when I got the notification that I had been tagged in something, but here I am, ready to show the world that I cannot seem to finish anything I start writing lol
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Onedayanauthor’s WIP List
Broken Arms (Andrew, Aaron, and Nicky)
Aaron and his anxiety go to the store (Aaron and Nicky)
Fast Food (Andrew and Nicky)
Wymack's Draft (This is a draft of the next chapter for my fic …And This Is How It Ends… so I guess the cat is out of the bag on which Original Fox dies next…oops)
Voiceless Nicky (Nicky, Erik, and pretty much all the Foxes)
The Twinyards get a nanny (Andrew, Aaron, and Nicky)
That part from Champion that’s missing (June and Eden from the book Legend)
Smoosh The Selection and AFTG together and make Neil as Maxon and Nathan as King Clarkson because F*** him (Neil falling in love with Andrew and while also trying to deal with the chaos of his selection)
I know very few people on here, but I creep from afar on many, so to @yourficstheyglow, @skullcaidd, @gus47, and @etoilegarden, you don’t know me, but I absolutely love all of y’all’s stuff and would love to see what kind of things y’all have sitting in WIP folders :) Have a great day/night/whatever-part-of-the-day-it-is-for-you!
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moss-bride · 2 years
Aka characters I will write for
Night wing/Dick Grayson
Red Hood/ Jason Todd
The joker/ Arthur Fleck
The joker/ heath ledger
Batman/ Bruce Wayne
Superman/ Clark Kent
Scarecrow/ Jonathan Crane
The Riddler/ Edward Nygma
Moon knight/ Jake Lockley/ Mark Specter/ Steven Grant
Optimus Prime
Hot rod
Michael Afton
William Afton/ springtrap
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Freddy Fazbear
Fun time Foxy
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Asa Emory
Amanda Young
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Thomas Hewitt
Bubba Sawyer
Herbert West
Video games (gen)
Vaas Montenegro (far cry)
Elder Maxon (fallout)
Trevor Phillips (gta)
Handsome Jack
Mileena (Mk)
Scorpion (Mk)
Strade (btd)
Ren Hana (btd)
Lawrence Oleander (btd)
Licorice cookie
Postal dude (postal)
John Doe (John Doe)
Simon (Ghost) Riley
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Comics (gen)
Johnny (nny) the homicidal maniac
Melon (beastars)
Prince Nuada
Eyeless jack
Jeff the killer
SCP Foundation
Scp 035
Scp 049
Scp 682
Dr. Kondraki
Alto Clef
Am (I have no mouth but I must scream)
Thranduil (lotr)
Sauron (loftr)
Patrick Bateman
Alucard (hellsing ultimate)
Ryuk (death note)
What I won't write:
Racist requests
Transphobic request
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