#may delete tomorrow if i get scared </3 BUT WILL TRY NOT TO
altmode · 1 year
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chromedome and rewind. but hear me out. they are anthro. and i also drew prowl
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Whew ok, I'm so so deeply sorry that I disappeared for such a long time. My initial plan was to try to advertise the tournament using Tumblr Blaze, but then there was the website ending scare and then the unjustifiable deletion of trans womens' accounts and that put me in this kind of position where I was just kind of waiting to see how things panned out. It seems things are not panning out. I have heard no progress being made on these issues.
Because of this, I'm really not sure what to do other than just try to advertise things the old fashioned way (which I've never had much success with), but here's a look forward:
Nominations will close at the end of June. The tournament will tentatively start 1-3 weeks after this depending on my schedule, workload, and the time it takes for me to fully prepare the materials.
I intend to make a proper advertisement post today or tomorrow, but please be aware my current workload will not allow me to dedicate a large amount of time to this project until June itself, so I may be slow to reply/update things (like the map of nominated flags). I put this project on the back burner significantly more than I wanted to, especially after all the help I received from @flagwars. Unfortunately I did not anticipate being nearly as busy as I currently am, and by fixing a hard date on this, I'm hoping to actually get this going.
As a side note, if anyone is interested in helping run this, please reach out, however I don't think it's necessary for someone to volunteer for this all to work out, so please no one volunteer unless you're particularly passionate about doing so.
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ionlytalktodogs · 2 years
Having a really hard time rn so if you'd feel comfortable may I request some of the 2AM rambles I've come to know you for? Dunno if this is inappropriate or not
So sorry it’s been like 20 hours since you sent this ask 😭 I didn’t see it bc I was ✨on a date✨ which I’ll get to in a sec
First of all, and this goes to everyone ever, send me any ask you want to. Just send it. If I think it’s rude or inappropriate I’ll just delete it. Never be scared to send me an ask I’m very open to asks
Second, I’m sorry you’re having a hard time 💞 I hope things get better. It’s not 2am but I have to get up early tomorrow so here is my midnight ramble about the last couple days.
So if anyone is not up to date on my lore I move into college in less than a week, which is WILD btw literally never thought I’d even be accepted to a college and now I’m not only accepted to my dream school but I’m moving in in less than a week? Hot damn.
So like my school has orientation but they broke up all the freshmen into groups? That are called primers? God I hope no one from my school is reading this. Anyway in my primer group is me, this kid who has 20 3DS(es?) that they’re bring to school to just…hand out to people(????), and my crush who I’m gonna refer to as this little blue diamond emoji 💠 bc it makes me think of them.
💠 and I are doing that sort of Lesbian Flirting thing where you’re both obviously interested in each other but worried that the other one is just being nice and you don’t wanna fuck it up so you’re like nooo I can’t just say how I feel bc she might just be a super nice person! We’re both constantly like “you’re so attractive I’d make out with you right now but no homo” (we are both lesbians) and it’s. But then today we agreed to be Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy for Halloween? And there’s like…nothing gayer than that so? Idk.
We went to the mall together on a Date-That-Wasn’t-Actually-a-Date-Because-We’re-Both-Into-Each-Other-But-Don’t-Want-to-Say-it-Because-What-if-She’s-Just-Being-Nice and that was cool bc…idk…I worry a lot about how ppl view me as a wheelchair user. Like…idk! It’s just. Hard! But 💠 is also disabled and it was just cool to hang out with another disabled person. Very cool <3
We have been texting 24/7. Just texting our thoughts to each other, texting about comics we like, texting about the eternal emptiness we feel inside from having to be away from each other until we move in next week (yes we’re very melodramatic). We only live like an hour and a half away from each other so it’s not like it’s long distance by any means but we don’t have time to drive to each other before moving in bc packing and the like. Also…we literally move in in less than a week lmao it makes sense to just wait
My new wheelchair bag came today and she offered to embroider it for me and I’m like 😭 that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I might be giving her Mercane, at least to borrow, bc she has arthritis and has been wanting to try a folding cane for a while but they’re kinda pricy
Anywayyy my friend and I made a disabilities club for the school which is wild bc we haven’t even moved in yet lol but it’s taken off a lil bit. Right now it’s only freshmen but after we move in I wanna try to have like…meet ups and stuff. Hopefully then more upperclassmen will join! Love being around disabled ppl.
Also my roommate is super cool. He dyed his hair green so we match ✌️😭 so cool. He’s giving me his old Monster High DS game 💕💞💖💗
Also my bestie and I are finally gonna get to hang out!!!! I wish we were in the same primer 😔 but it’s okay bc we’ll hang out after the orientation anyway.
I made 30 or so kandi bracelets with the name of our school and I’m just gonna…give ‘em out at orientation. Way overkill? Yes. A little weird? Indeed. Am I doing it anyway? Absolutely.
I’m also low key famous now for something kind of embarrassing but that’s a ramble for another time.
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grimgrinningghoul · 2 years
Hi this is uh. An update, sorta? It’s more vent than anything but hey. I see folks toss their woes into the void all the time on here. No idea if it actually helps, but I’ll give it a try
I may wind up deleting it either tonight or tomorrow, or whenever I get most mortified. Putting it under the cut so I’m not cluttering anyone’s dash
I’ve been doing... fine? I guess. DP has been in the back of my brain lately in favor of something else currently, hence the hiatus. Still kicking ofc! Just not over here
IRL though... man I dunno. I’m technically okay, but I’m stagnant. It’s suddenly hitting me way harder than it used to
I’m kinda stunted in terms of growing up, I think. I used to excel as a kid, to the point that I wasn’t getting anything substantial out of my education in public school. So I started homeschooling and taking online courses. We all thought I’d excel there too, even thrive
I didn’t. My grades were phenomenal, that didn’t change. But without the social pressure, I drug my feet. I couldn’t manage to finish assignments ‘cause I’d simply lose the attention span. And the comfort of my own home made it all the easier. Now, here I am at 18, haven’t finished highschool. I can drive, but I’m scared of it, and I don’t have a license yet. I’m working towards my GED, because my dream job isn’t something that requires the full diploma. But I’m dragging behind there, too
I had an awesome opportunity in that field of work. I was doing great for so long, and I probably blew it. Because all of a sudden, I was burned out, and the anxieties about expectations pushed me further and further away. I haven’t touched it in so long, nor have I been in contact with the gal in charge of it. And I got nobody to blame for it but myself and the head on my shoulders
I got no clue if it’s laziness, lack of discipline, something like autism or ADHD, or a conglomerate of the 3. But boy howdy has it left me depressed, because no matter what it is, I’ve let myself and other people down
I feel like I need to move out. I think why I drag is ‘cause, at the end of the day, I live a very comfortable life. And I’m complacent because of it. I’m so used to the norm. And I’m sick of taking up space in my folks’ home. Not only do I feel crowded, but I know they do
So yeah, I guess for a... loose plan; save up on my money. I want to get back to that project I’d been a part of. I don’t know if I’m even still part of it anymore, but I want to try. Maybe one day, I’ll see if I have the discipline to open commissions for the occasional bit of income. Eventually get a small house to live in so I can start fresh
I dunno what’s holding me back. Whether it’s just my lack of drive, or something actually off in my skull, I just want to get through it
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 21~
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Before reading this story I suggest you read Kurama and Ibuki's past. Also I’m sorry for not putting any screenshots of the chapter, I accidently deleted it.
Chapter 20
-------Part 1-------
After bathing, we returned to the temple in the mountains and started preparing for bed. Kurama: "Sleep well tonight. We have to leave early, tomorrow." Yoshino: ".....Mm." (It's just the two of us in the same room....now, I'm starting to get nervous....) I started blushing as I recall our time at the lake. I lay down in the corner of the room and used my haori to cover up. Yoshino: "Doesn't Kurama ever sleep?" Kurama: "You know, right? Demons don't need sleep, unlike humans." Yoshino: "I see...." Kurama: "Why are you making that face?" (Ah......) Suddenly Kurama came to my side and kneeled down to turn my face towards him. Kurama: "Is that an invitation to sleep together? Or...is it a plea to make love to you." As soon as I heard those words, my heart started beating fast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. What if, it is.....(+4/+4) 2. I don't care.... 3. Not at all... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yoshino: "......What if, it is?" I was so excited that I almost forgot how to breathe and pretended to be calm... Kurama: "Then, I'll fill your head and body with more pleasure than you can possibly imagine." Yoshino: "You know what, forget it." Kurama: "Then what do you want? What are you thinking?" Kurama's fingers caress my cheek in a compassionate manner. (You're not teasing me, right.....?) The touch of his palm that has the power to kill me in an instant was terribly gentle. That's why my heart is beating faster and faster because I can't get rid of it. Yoshino: "I was just feeling anxious." Kurama: "Anxious of what?" Yoshino: "It's just....Kurama will be awake while I'm sleeping, right? So I was anxious about embarrassing myself in front of you when I'm asleep. Like, what if I sleep talk or snore loudly...?" Kurama: ".........." Yoshino: "Oh, you're probably thinking, 'What a load of rubbish,' aren't you?" A hint of dismay flashed across Kurama's face. Kurama: "Ohh, I see you've learned to read my thoughts." (I was right....) Yoshino: "Of course, I know that Kurama isn't interested in seeing me asleep....But even so, it's embarrassing to know that you were watching me sleep." Kurama: "Stupid woman." Yoshino: "Stupid...?" I lightly looked at Kurama. Kurama: "Why do you think I'd be more interested if you went to the trouble of saying so?" (Ehh...) Yoshino: "No no way." Kurama: "Don't worry. I'll tell you tomorrow if you were drooling or not." Yoshino: "Hey!!!" (Wow!!) He gently pushed me down to the bed when I tried getting up. Then, his big hand covered my eyes. Kurama: "Sleep now." Kurama's deep voice was gentle in the darkness created. Kurama: "What I see of you now will never swoon me. I've seen you scared, in tears and.....also you're sultry face when I play with you." (...What are you...) The embarrassment never went away, but the mystery was compelling. Yoshino: "Indeed, I have always been my true self to Kurama." Kurama: "You're the only woman I've ever known who could be so brazen in front of me."
-------Part 2-------
Kurama: "You're the only woman I've ever known who could be so brazen in front of me." Yoshino: "Hehe...really? But..." (I feel like I can express my feelings more honestly now that I can't see Kurama's face.) Yoshino: "I just couldn't complete with Kurama, who was so much stronger and different than me. First I didn't want to be killed, then I wanted to be recognized.....and finally, I wanted to be equal." Kurama: "-----I see." Yoshino: "Mm....." I felt Kurama's other hand gently stroking my hair. (It feels good. I wish you would do it all the time.) I know that my wish wouldn't come true. We sharpen our awareness of the feeling that we may never be given again. Kurama: "-----Yoshino." Whether in a dream or not, I heard Kurama's voice calling my name. That was the last thing I remembered that night. When Kurama sees Yoshino starting to breathe slowly, he stops stroking her hair. Kurama: ".....Yoshino? You're already asleep." Her face was more innocent than usual. Kurama was sitting in crossed leg position, leaned forward, and looked at her with an insatiable gaze. Kurama: "What I see of you now will never swoon me" is what I said....why did I lie?" The smile on her face when she looks at something trivial, the peaceful look on her face when she sleeps. Those moments always touched Kurama's heart and will probably never go away. Kurama: "What is this...feeling?" (It's called love, dumbass!) Kurama put his hand to his chest in the darkness and raised an eyebrow.... ..................... ------Next day, early morning. Yoshino: "We're going to join up with the Rebel reinforcements, aren't we?" Kurama: "Yes." I was walking along with Kurama into the mountains. Kurama: "In half a day or so the reinforcements will arrive on the battlefield, and we'll make our way to a point where we can join them. It's a circuitous route, but it's easier to deceive the enemy if you go through the mountains. If we should meet any assassins, I will destroy them myself. If the Rebels and the Shogunate are to assemble, the Imperial Court will have gathered a number of pawns to oppose them." (There's no one more reliable than you to have on my side. But....) Kurama: "What? If you have something to say, say it." Yoshino: "Of course, I agree with the plan, but I thought it was a surprising decision for Kurama." (From what I've seen so far, Kurama could fly through the air and join up with the reinforcements at once and....) (He also said, he is going to find the enemy and beat them up...) I didn't have to explain myself to everyone, that I understood what he's trying to say. Then Kurama opens his mouth annoyingly. Kurama: "In the shadows of the marauders of the court are at least Yasuchika and Ibuki."
------Part 3------
Kurama: "In the shadows of the marauders of the court are at least Yasuchika and Ibuki. We don't know what they're up to, but it's easier to fight after making sure your safe." (You mean you've changed your normal ways because of me....?) Kurama, who is not stained by anyone else, is working for me. I didn't even know whether to be happy or horrified, so I just kept quiet. Kurama: "Wait!" (Hm?) Suddenly his hand blocks my way and my body stops. The air around Kurama was tense at once. Kurama: "Come on out----Ibuki!" Yoshino: "!!" In an instant, a blade of wind blows and cuts through the depths of the grove. Ibuki: ".....My my, that was scary. I could have died, you know." (Shuten Doji, Ibuki!) Ibuki walks towards us with a relaxed expression on his face, and despite his words, he is unharmed. Kurama: "How did you find out where we were?" Ibuki: "I was having a hard time because I lost the traces of your magic. I had no choice but to cry and beg Yasuchika to help me. He used some kind of astrology or something and here I am." (Yasuchika-san can do that too....? That guy is unbelievable.) Kurama: "Do you really think I'll believe that?" Ibuki: "You're right. You're the third person who I can't trick. But more importantly, what's your deal with her?" (Me....?) I squeezed my fingertips together and stared back into Ibuki's amused eyes. Kurama: "I don't have any business with her." Ibuki: "Really?" Ibuki raised one hand in the air as if it were an extension of small talk between friends. Ibuki: "Then, you won't mind if I take her, right?" Kurama: "----!! Come here." (This is!?) Something like a thunderbolt is running around Ibuki. The next moment----- Yoshino: "Kyaa!!" The roar was deafening and the light dazzled me with its intensity. At the same time, my body is already flying in the air, held by Kurama. Kurama: "Hold on tight." Yoshino: "Yes." I looked back and saw that the ground where we had been standing was scorched by the bolt of lightning. (This is Ibuki's power!?) Ibuki: "Oops, I missed." Once again, a bolt of lightning shot through the air, which Kurama avoided with me in his arms. We tried to go further up, but.... Kurama: "-----A barrier!" As if sensing an invisible wall, Kurama swooped down and clicked his tongue. Ibuki: "The only way to trap flying birds is to put it in a cage." (You mean, we're trapped in here, forever?) Ibuki: "Well, it won't last long---I'm afraid we'll have to settle for a short game, Kurama." Kurama: "I don't need to be told that I'm not going to have a long game with you." The air swirls and distorts noisily, and countless transparent blades head towards Ibuki. Ibuki: "Heh.....Hahaha...." Ibuki jumped to his feet, pulled out his greatsword, and thrust it hard into the ground. Then the sands of the earth flew up like a shield to protect Ibuki. (What is that!?) Yoshino: "I thought your power is thunder....how can you...?" Ibuki: "It is a simple application. The iron in the sand is attracted by my lightning power."
-------Part 4-------
Ibuki: "It is a simple application. The iron in the sand is attracted by my lightning power." Kurama: "Clever as ever." A flash of a fan sends a gust of wind so strong that it is impossible to stand properly and breaks the wall of sand. Ibuki: "...!" Behind the dust, blood trickled down Ibuki's shoulders and arms. (So much power....!) Ibuki: "I'm impressed you're this strong even after making a deal with a human. As expected of the Karasu Tengu, the quality and quantity of his abilities are far different from those of any other ordinary." Kurama: "Don't try to flatter me. The same goes for you too. But----" His red eyes sharply narrowed. Kurama: "Ibuki, you are sharing your power with someone. With whom?" Yoshino: "Eh..." Ibuki: "You're as intuitive as ever." Kurama: "I was wondering what you were doing with all that power...there's something wrong with the quality of your powers and the smell." Ibuki: "..............." Yoshino: "No way, Ibuki also made a deal....?" (However.) -----Tamamo told me that it was very rare for a demon to make a deal. (Because it halves their power by sharing it with humans.) (He said they don't make a deal with humans unless they like them very much.) Yoshino: "Maybe, Yasuchika-san.....?" Ibuki: "Wrong. Making a deal with an Onmyoji will cancel out each other's powers and we'll both destroy ourselves." (Then who....) Ibuki: "There's one more interesting person." Kurama: "Interesting, huh?" With me behind him, and Ibuki at a distance, Kurama continued calmly. Kurama: "Your powers had been subtly altered. I've never heard of anyone influencing the quality of the power cast by a demon." Ibuki: "You'll both meet each other soon enough. For now, watch me....okay?" Holding his greatsword above his head with one hand, Ibuki smiled wryly. Kurama: "Yoshino, get down." Yoshino: "I'll fight too. I can use my powers...." (I want to be an equal----because I want to be strong.) Kurama frowned but tried not to stop me anymore. Ibuki: "You two are so cute. But there's nothing more frightening than an impromptu fight." (Ah.....) A white flash of light comes from the sword, which is swung with ease. Kurama: "Yoshino!" I raised my hand towards him and Kurama holds me. (I'm scared, but.) (If we can't fight here, everything we've been worrying about will be for nothing!) (Please, lend me the power of the nine-tail fox!) Ibuki: "Let's see what you got."
-------Part 5------
Ibuki: "Let's see what you got." The golden dew rises and the palms of my hands become hot. But a series of thunderbolts were aimed at me again. Yoshino: "Nn...." (He's too strong. I can't take him on my own!) I was on the verge of being scorched and Kurama was quickly holding me and kicking the earth. Yoshino: "T-Thank you." Kurama: "You stay focused. I'll dodge and counterattack." Ibuki: "So you've changed your mind about making her as your toy? Kurama." The blades of the wind are caught and dodged one by one. Moving too fast for his height, Ibuki unexpectedly lifted a rock from the ground. Kurama: "...!" (Ngh.....) Ibuki: "Here we go." Without saying a word, Kurama hits the thrown rock with a tremendous wind and reduces its momentum, but----- The impact of the rock, which just barely missed the path of the direct hit, knocked me off my feet and sent me stumbling. Kurama: "Yoshino!" Ibuki: "There there." Kurama: "Nn...ha..." A flash of lightning burned Kurama's arm as he brought me to my feet. Yoshino: "Kurama!" Kurama: "It doesn't matter..." (You got hurt because of me...) I bit my lips when I see Kurama covering me up with his bleeding hand. Ibuki: "You can counteract the ability, but you can't prevent a direct attack. A mixture of powers and brute strength will be enough to counteract it. Too bad, huh? Yoshino." (I know....the weakness of my fox power is that I can't fight alone. But....) Yoshino: "I can't believe this..." I look at the rocks on the ground and mutter. Ibuki: "There's nothing to be surprised about. Demons are known for their strength." Kurama: "If you
want to show off, do it somewhere else." Ibuki: "Don't be so sure, Karasu Tengu must also have things to be proud of, right?" Ibuki grumbled as a wall of sand barely blocked the deadly wind. Ibuki: "Karasu Tengu is not only powerful, but they are also fast and use their wings to attack in all directions. But Kurama, unfortunately with Yoshino in your arms, you've been denied that advantage." (Ah.....) Kurama: "..........." I looked up Kurama without thinking of the strong wind. Ibuki: "Is this your first time fighting for someone?----Boy, you look like you're having a hard time." Kurama: "Shut up." (....I knew. I knew I was slowing down Kurama.) Ibuki's shield, a wall of sand, collapsed with the blade of the wind. Ibuki kicked the ground in spite of this. Ibuki: "I love to hear you calling me 'Oni-san' again..." A whirlpool of wind flies in pursuit of it, and the dust again stands in the way, moving as if trying to swallow it up. Ibuki: "You're weak now, Kurama. In the old days, you had a chance to win against me." (Be careful!) In a single breath, Ibuki's sword swung down on Kurama. Kurama: "----You don't get to tell me about my past." The heavy blow was caught by Kurama's iron fan. But he was pushed by the great force----- (It is because he got hurt earlier....?) Ibuki: "Didn't I tell you? Kurama. The weaklings are destined to die at the feet of stronger ones. I'll remind you of the humiliation of being taken from you by force." Kurama: "Nn...." (What!?) The sword and the fan touched each other with a crisp sound, and blue-white sparks flew from them. The impact created a momentary gap and Ibuki slashed Kurama across the shoulder. Yoshino: "Kurama!" Fresh blood dripped down and stained Kurama's kimono. (......I can't believe that Kurama is so hurt.) Kurama: "----A different kind of power wrapped in the golden air. Depressing as ever." Ibuki: "You know me too well. Well, I did raise you with these hands. Oh, by the way, Kurama....do you remember a promise I made a long time ago? That, one day you'll have someone you care about, and I'll break them with my own hands." The tip of Ibuki's sword, raised in laughter, was suddenly pointed at me. (Eh....) Ibuki: "That time has come." Kurama: "Stop! Ibuki-----" Yoshino: "......!!" Kurama pushes me and I fall to the ground. The next moment, I felt a splash of blood on my face. I realized it was Kurama's blood. Yoshino: "Kurama...what..." Kurama: "Nn.....Didn't I order you not to get scratched by other men?" Chapter 22
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Title: The Confession
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Chris Evans x Best Friend Reader
Warning: Cursing, Super Angst
Words: 3.2k
Summary: Not this time.
Note: Okay, so I told you guys I had an idea and that it was new to me and my blog. TA-DA! I am super excited to see how far I can take this and how I can make this work. I hope you guys enjoy it and I hope this isn’t trash. I have no idea how long this will be, so let’s play it by ear. Tell me what you think. Like it? Hate it? Ways to improve?
Note 2: So we have a series cover. What do you guys think? I don’t love, love it but I like it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ 
Note 3: I tagged everyone who asked for forever tags and those from quarantine thinking you may like this. If you want off, shoot me a message and it’ll be done. Thank you for reading lovelies! 😘😘
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: 1  | 
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You didn’t sleep one wink after that. Who could sleep after that? You sat up just staring out to nowhere. When you weren’t sitting, you paced your apartment like some crazy woman. When that became too much, you just flipped the tv channels, never staying on one thing long enough to comprehend what was happening. You were restless, and that restlessness freaked you out.
There were so many times you held your phone and just stared at the exchange in a hyper state of anxiety, wondering if he’d send more. After the final message, though, he didn’t send any more. That should have been a relief, but it wasn’t. You then began to wonder why he hadn’t sent any other messages. You wondered if he was drunk and just saying random things, or if he’d meant to send them to someone else.
 By the time the sun was rising, you hadn’t slept a wink. You were wired, mentally exhausted, and completely confused. You were not functioning normally. It took you forever to get dressed and ready to get out the door. By the time you got to your office, you were almost two hours late. That two-hour push back was not ideal. It meant your day would be two hours longer and you had to work triple time to catch up. Thankfully, the only thing that was thrown out of whack was your ability to have any breaks. When you finished one meeting, you immediately had to jump into the next meeting or task. You did your best to stay focused, but it was difficult.
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Once the time the normal workday was finished, you were still left with so much to do. The event was two days away, and there were so many things to iron out. Every time you were in the middle of one thing in came the memory of the text messages from last night. That resulted in you rehashing the whole thing before you groaned and got back on track only to repeat the cycle ten minutes later. You heard the chime on your phone go off, and terror stilled you. What if it was Chris, you thought. Five minutes of internal turmoil passed before you took a deep breath and dug your phone out from inside your desk drawer. 
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Scott’s message was a relief. After a few deep breaths, you responded with a straightforward lie.
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You thought about if you should tell him all about your last twenty-four hours. Chris was your best friend in the world, but you also adored his siblings. With the amount of time you spent with Chris, Scott was almost always around. They had a close relationship, and through your childhoods, you’d gotten close to Scott too. As you began to type to tell him what happened, you paused and deleted it all. You still didn’t know what last night was. You were too chicken shit to text him back to find out. It was like you believed if you just didn’t acknowledge it, then nothing happened, and nothing would change.
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Unlikely, but possible, you thought.
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He was right. It used to annoy the heck out of you, but you’d come to accept it. He’d always tried to get you out and moving so many mornings before the sun even rose. You were always the one to refuse and try to hide and lock him out. Nothing kept him out, though; he always found a way in to drag you out of bed. 
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Highly likely and possible. As you typed it, you screwed your face. You’d come to terms with the fact of Chris being a bit of a—free spirit. You’d been around to see all of his girlfriends, the ones that lasted for a year or more, and even the ones that were just months; all of his flings, and all of his one-night stands. You never judged; it wasn’t your place, and honestly, as long as everyone was consenting, you didn’t care. He was a man with needs. His confession flashed through your mind again, and it swirled with the knowledge of him sleeping around. It didn’t make any sense.
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Once you shot off the text, you began to wonder if he was okay. Yeah, there were times he got so busy he just didn’t respond to messages until later but usually if his family called back to back he’d answer. Maybe he was with some girl and too enthralled in their sexcapade that he just couldn’t get around to answering. You began to type a message off to Chris to check if he was okay, but halfway through, you deleted the entire thing. 
“Jesus Chris, Y/N. Thirty-something years of friendship, and now you can’t talk to the man?” You groaned in frustration as you dropped your head to your desk with a heavy “thud.” When your phone went off in your hands, you yelped out in the quiet office, scaring yourself half to death.
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That was all it took for your heart to begin a thunderous pace. With bugged eyes, you just stared at the flashing dots that signified he was writing a message.
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You bit your bottom lip hard, so hard you tasted the copper-like liquid on your tongue. You weren’t sure just what you were feeling, but you knew it was more than one emotion. Feeling like his words were your sustenance, you inched the phone closer to your face and waited as the dots appeared again.
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You gaped at the phone as if it were his face. Just what the fuck were you supposed to say? He knew you better than that. He knew that if you didn’t know what to say, you would remain silent. He also knew that if you didn’t respond, you were pissed. Did he think you were pissed?
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They came in like rapid fire. He was texting as he thought. He did it often with you. You did too. 
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Panic set in as you realized it was true. “Oh, fuck!”
 It was then your phone began to ring, showing Chris’s face on the screen. Yelping, you accidentally tossed your phone in the air and saw the error of your ways in seconds. As you tried to catch it, it bounced off your hands a few times only to slip through your fingers and bounce on your carpeted floor. When it landed face down, the door opened.
 “Are you okay?”
 You were frozen half laid across your desk with a look of horror on your face. 
“Yeah. I’m—fine.” You did your best to sound as believable as possible as you straightened yourself before you stood to walk over to your friend, Irisa. She bent and picked up your phone, then held it out to you as you approached.
 “I don’t appreciate having to hunt you down. We had plans,” she scolded.
 You’d completely forgotten that you were supposed to meet her at her place to grab a bite to eat.
 “I’m sorry, I forgot. Things have been crazy today.” Irisa rolled her eyes though you knew she’d forgive you.
 “The only place we can go now that we missed our reservation is Baltic to take advantage of your forever table there.
 “Why are you complaining? You know you love Baltic’s food.”
 “I do, but I wanted to try that new sushi spot tonight. God knows the next time you’ll have time for me might not be New Year,” Irisa whined. It was your turn to roll your eyes as you walked back to your desk to gather your things.
Before you put your phone away, you saw another message.
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Now he wants to talk. Hadn’t he done enough talking?
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Shaking it off, you dropped your phone in your back and turned back to Irisa.
“Why are you so dramatic?”
 “Maybe I learned from the best,” she finished as the two of you walked out of your office.
 You tried to stay present in the cab while the two of you made your way to dinner. You tried to listen to Irisa talk about her day and the blissful bubble she found herself in with her boyfriend, Callum. You knew they’d make a good match; that was why you set them up. Two years later, they were still going strong. Irisa and Callum liked to tag along with you when you hung out with Chris. You didn’t mind; it was always a good time. Annoyance filled you because no matter what, everything usually led back to him. It felt strange to leave him on read. You were always talking throughout the day.
 When you arrived at Baltic, the hostess Bree recognized you and gave you a welcoming smile.
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“How are you, Y/N?”
 “I’m good. How are you?”
 “Great. You know I love this place, plus I just got a raise.” You high fived her.
 “Congratulations. You know this place would crumble without you.”
 She laughed loudly and shook her head. “I’m glad the boss isn’t here to hear you say that.” You smiled and allowed her to lead you and Irisa to your seats.
 “Your usual.”
 “Thank you, Bree.” She nodded and walked away back to the hostess desk.
 “I still think she--,” Irisa began before you cut her off with a loud, obnoxious sound. You didn’t want to hear it at all.
 “Okay, fine, I’ll shut up.”
 “Finally,” you joked.
 For the next several minutes, the two of you skimmed the menu and got to talking about the plethora of random things you did when you got to together. You never stayed on one topic for too long, but you always came back to those same topics. Everyone always teased the two of you of your scatterbrain antics, but neither of you cared. This was how the two of you worked.
 An hour later, you and Irisa were deep in plates of food. Since you’d skipped lunch and all breaks, you were starving, and it was apparent thanks to the multitude of plates that were spread out across the table.
 “So, is everything planned for tomorrow?”
 You nodded your answer as you tried to finish the calamari in your mouth. “That had been planned for a while now. What kind of planner would I be if I was still preparing twenty-four hours to the event?”
 “Girl, a simple yes or no would have sufficed,” Irisa shot back.
 She was right. You were still wound tightly thanks to no sleep, stressful conditions, and a particular best friend of yours.
 “Sorry, yes. It’s planned.”
 “Is Chris making the trip back for it?”
 Doing your best to keep a neutral face, you shrugged. “Not sure, but I don’t think so. He’s dead in the middle of working.”
 “Still, it’s an important day for you. He’s always been there for you. I doubt he’d miss it.”
 You thought about her words. She was right. He’d been there for every important event in your life—never missed one no matter what. Thinking back again to his messages and your silence, you doubted he’d come. You shrugged and casually brushed it off.
 “If he’s there, he’s there. If not, eh.”
 Irisa studied you with a quizzical look on her face. She’d no doubt heard the over flippant tone in your voice and was now putting on her investigator hat.
 “You sure you’re okay?”
 After taking a demure sip of your margarita, you smiled at her, hoping it reassured her. “I’m good, I promise.”
 Irisa studied you for a few more moments before she nodded and went back to eating.
 By the time you got home that night is was nearing midnight. You were dead on your feet, and thanks to the six margaritas you’d had, the only thing you wanted was your bed. You quickly stripped then face dived into your plush blankets, pushing everything out of your mind hoping to get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day.
 The pounding on the door was what jarred you from your sleep. You rolled and crashed to the hard floor.
 When you snapped your head up and the time on the alarm clock beside your bed came into focus, you screeched. It was eleven-ten. Bolting to your feet, you hurried down the stairs to the front door to let in the hired hair and makeup team and your assistant Aamal.
 “We’ve been standing here for almost twenty minutes, Y/N.”
“I know Aamal. I’m so sorry. I have no idea what happened. Come, come in.”
 The team of five walked into your townhouse and began setting up. Aamal held out the black garment bag to you. “You’re lucky I called them this morning. You were supposed to get this yesterday.”
 “I know, everything is crazy. I forgot. I’m gonna be late. Give me twelve minutes to take a shower.”
 You hurried up the steps to your bathroom. You’d gotten good at taking twelve-minute showers and still being squeaky clean. While you showered, you blamed the margaritas you’d had for this predicament you found yourself in now. If you’d kept it at one, then you would have woken up on time, and you wouldn’t need to hurry to make it to the party for twelve. At this rate, you had no idea if you were going to make it at all.
 By the time the makeup and hair team began primping and priming you, it was eleven-thirty. You decided to change the planned hairstyle from a sleep updo to a mixture of loose and flowy curls. It would still go with the outfit, but it would take less time to accomplish. Then entire time your foot shook. It was a nervous tick that you’d had since you were five years old, a tick you still hadn’t outgrown. It was a tick only a select few knew what it meant. You were close to losing your shit.
 When you were stuck in traffic eight minutes from the venue, it was a little after twelve-fifteen.
 “Calm down. No one is supposed to arrive until twelve-thirty anyway. You just like to be early,” Aamal voiced.
 “I have to look over the setting and give any last-minute changes.”
 “I don’t know who plans their own party,” Aamal scoffed.
 You were meticulous and knew what you liked. You didn’t want to hire anyone for something you could do for free. Plus, it gave you yet another opportunity to showcase your knack for this career you chose to be in. You loved it.
 When the car finally arrived, you hurried inside through the service entrance and met the rest of your team. As you approached them, you looked around the venue, already pleased with what you saw. The pinks, greens, golds, and other colors of the tropics all went well together. When you had the idea, it was just a few pictures thrown together, and now it was a full-blown tropical luau. A smile spread across your face was the indication your team needed to know that you were happy with the finished product.
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“This is perfect, guys. You did well.”
 They looked relieved and then overjoyed. As they walked you through the glass-roofed solarium, you took in every palm tree, pineapple, and bamboo hut you passed. It was perfect.
 Before you knew it, the room filled with your family and friends, everyone had the same reaction as you. They marveled at the beauty of the decorations and the elaborateness of your plans. You were that planner, the one to bring the elaborateness to life.
 “Y/N!” Spinning around, you saw Scott, Lisa, Carly, and Shanna approach you. Once they got close, they engulfed you in a tight group hug. Groaning, you allowed them to smother you.
 “Goodness, you’re gorgeous!”
 “Thank you. I’m so glad you guys could come.”
 “Really, you’re family, of course we’d be here,” Carly expressed with a wide smile.
 You’d all grown up together in one way or the other, and you did feel like they were your sisters.
 “Your mother and I were making the rounds around the room, and I am amazed at what you’ve pulled off,” Lisa said.
 “It’s beautiful in here. I love it,” Shanna added.
 “Me too. It is so much better than I pictured,” you admitted.
 “You’re so modest. You knew you were going to slay this,” Scott teased. Throwing your arms around him again, you giggled, fully appreciating that he was there.
 Aamal approached your side with a wide smile. “Excuse me, I’m sorry to interrupt. I’ve been sent to find you. It’s time for your welcome address.”
 “Right. I’ll be right back guys.”
 With your arm looped with Aamal’s, she led you through the crowd of one hundred toward the spot you’d decided was the best for speeches of all kinds. As you passed friendly faces, you warmly smiled at them and mouthed your thanks for their attendance. When you looked back up, that was when you saw him in the back. Instantly, you felt butterflies in your belly. You didn’t know what kind they were, though. Fuck, you thought.
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Chris wore yet another great suit you knew he’d picked himself. You could always tell the difference between a CEvans outfit and a stylist put together one. You bit your bottom lip; you could feel it trembling. He gathered in along with the other guests but kept his eyes glued to you.
 “There you are beautiful.” The familiar deep voice beside you brought your attention from Chris. As you looked upon the smiling face of Jaxon standing before you, the butterflies intensified. Again, you had no idea what kind they were.
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“Hi yourself, handsome.” Jaxon lowered his lips to your forehead and wrapped his arm around your hip before he faced the guests.
 “Uh, first, Y/N, and I would like to thank you all for coming today to this shower. It means more than you all could ever know. Um, each of you have impacted us as a couple in some way or form, and we want to thank you for your friendship, advice, and support on the path to us getting here. Let’s raise a glass to each of you; you have our eternal gratitude. Here, here.”
 Everyone repeated the words before they took a sip from their glasses. Before anyone scurried off, Jaxon turned to you.
 “And to my beautiful, kind, loving, and immensely sexy fiancé, the day we met, I knew the second you shook my hand that you’d be my wife. I was always told that when a man knows he’s found the one, there would be no doubt in his mind, and I’m happy to attest to that being fact. You are my future, my destiny, and my home. I love you so much. Thank you for agreeing to become Mrs. Pierre.”
 Everyone around you awed and clapped. You tried not to feel self-conscious, but you couldn’t help it. Jaxon lowered his lips to yours, quickly setting the tone for the kiss as he delved his tongue into your mouth. You moaned, sensing his intent, but like always, you quickly got caught up in his kisses and kissed him with a fraction of the passion he kissed you. The cheers and yelps around you had you pulling away before Jaxon got any ideas.
 “Enjoy yourselves, everyone, eat, drink, party,” you exclaimed, hoping to douse the rising humidity in the room.
 One look at Chris in the back of the room, and you could see the storm on his face and recognized and knew it well. 
He was pissed. 
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***There are a few that are bold that I tried to tag but your @ wasn’t coming up. I’m not sure why. I’m sorry.
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innermort · 3 years
*** disclaimer: this is a very long diary type of entry that is probably quite boring for everyone else and may be ignored. it's merely a very lenghty epiphany I just had about my life and myself and I had to type it out for me, to lock in the thoughts, if you will. it was pretty therapeutic tho. 🙃 ***
I just had the realization that I'm in the process of redefining every aspect of my self and my life.
I quit smoking cigarettes from one day to another exactly 2 months ago tomorrow and went from a heavy to a casual party smoker.
I rarely ever smoke weed anymore (plus when I did since quitting tabacco, I rolled with herbs) and now made the conscious decision to take another long break, so it doesn't interfere with my weight loss again. I get the worst munchies and have no self control when I'm stoned. I'm talking "5000+ cals in one sitting" type of binges. I'm not tolerating this kind of self sabotage anymore.
I re-discovered edblr. Yes. I know. Not the healthiest habit to get back into but it's the only thing that has actually helped me gain the motivation and willpower to put a stop to my raging sugar addiction and instead, an actual effort into losing weight again. Besides, I'm doing it in a much more careful and "responsible" way now (high restricting, taking supplements, no strict/exact calorie limit, very light to no exercise (okay, to be fair the reason for that is mainly my injured knee but still), letting myself eat/drink more than planned if I feel my body needs it). And let's not forget that I've literally been binging every day for the past 2 or 3 months. My diet nearly exclusively consisted of chocolate, pastries and pizza. Literally. I've gained 10 kgs (22lbs) during that time. That lifestyle was just as unhealthy, if not unhealthier.
I finally got to hang up and use my calender. Due to my ADHD (self diagnosed for now), I'm very forgetful and unorganized - at least in my private life. That's why I made the decision to get a big calender which I can use as a semi To Do/Buy list and appointment/meeting/bill reminder. Since I'm glueing a sticker to each day I got through without binging, I'm looking at it pretty much every day anyways. Plus, it's a motivater to not binge (reward that inner child)! Overall, it's helping me become more organized and put together which are two areas I've been lacking in in the past years. So far, I've been mostly using my phone notes but I usually write something down and immediately forget about it if it's not a grocery list or a To Do list I'm actively working through on that same day.
I have my first appointment at a psych ward since I was a teen. It's just a phone call and first get to know conversation but it's better than nothing and more than overdue. I'm finally taking the first steps towards getting diagnosed and being eligible for therapy. I'm sick of feeling like a victim of my own brain, I just want to be better. I deserve to be better.
I'm hungry for knowledge again. I deleted Tiktok from my phone because of how big of a distraction it was and because I realized that even though I'm being bombarded with new information everyday, I'm not learning anything. Our brains can't even comprehend the amount of information given in that short time span. Nothing sticks. Sure, you find out about some pretty cool stuff on TT depending on what kinda fyp you have but for me personally, it was just hours and hours of mindless scrolling in the end. It's crazy how addictive it is, too. Even despite the fact that I was already at a point where it didn't even give me that quick dopamine quick anymore. It felt boring and repetitive and I was merely doing it out of habit.
So, I got rid off the app. I started watching documentaries again. Mostly about gut health and mental illnesses like ADHD, Autism, BPD, Narcissm etc. Like TED talks or interviews/discussions by and with professionals/experts/diagnosed people. I'm back to not just craving but actually consuming something with substance, something that gives me more knowledge and insight on a topic. Something I actually want to know more about.
I realized and accepted that even though I am a creative mind, a fully creative job might just not be for me. I'm learning that maybe I'm the type of person who does something entirely different in their free time than what they do at work. And that that's very much okay. I noticed that at my job (this was the case for every job I ever had), my mind seems to work differently. When people expect me to do something, I have the needed pressure and motivation to get it done. I could also observe in myself that at work, I enjoy organizing/sorting stuff, I'm a fast and independent learner while I'm also excellent at training new employees, I'm much more detail oriented than in my private life - overall, it came to my attention that I might not actually be the ever chaotic forgetful mess who can't form a logic thought - or I can at least recognize that this is merely a part of me and not what defines and limits me as a person. I realized I actually like straightforward work, I like working alone and I like working precisely. When I was younger I would have never used any of these traits to describe my dream career. I would gag at the idea of working an office job and now I feel like this would actually suit me very well. Especially the working alone part would mean feeling less drained at the end of a work day and still having the energy to hang out with people I actually want to see. This is an extremely valuable lesson about myself that I finally seem to have learned.
After this big sub- and now concious evaluation about myself I'm also finally taking actual steps towards a possible career. I bought a course and worked through the first 2 lectures today, taking notes and writing everything down neatly for 3 - 3 1/2 hours (in total with breaks in between). I even got a notebook specifically for this new life project. I'm excited to learn. I feel scared, too. This is something I've never done before but I'm telling myself that trying won't hurt. I have my main job as a safety net, financially nothing can happen to me. I can only learn, even if I fail. And time will pass anyways, whether I get my ass up and put in the work or continue to be unhappy with what I'm doing without trying to change anything.
Speaking of finances, I also started taking those more seriously now. I stopped using my credit card (I was in negative numbers constantly, big numbers like -300 to -800€ due to constant overspending). I set up standing orders for my monthly fixed costs to make sure bills are always paid on time. Due to my forgetfulness and ADHD freeze I would often forget to pay or postpone paying bills until the reminder came in the mail and led to me having to pay on top or generating debt. I still have a little bit of debt to pay off but it's thankfully not a dramatic amount. I also have a second bank account for savings now where I transfer 200€ to every month. Even the simple act of calculating my fixed costs to see how much I can use for what was something that was desperately overdue. What I still have to do is sort out my receipts and write everything down in a housekeeping/budget book. And my first ever tax return. I am very much dreading both of these. 😃
Anyways. Wow. I really needed to type this out. I have the very harmful tendency to look at all the negative stuff and only focus on what I don't have and don't do. I really needed to take a long, deep look at all the things I've been changing around in the past couple months. A lot of it really passed me by until now. It's crazy but I really feel like a complete failure when my body isn't looking its best and it makes me blind for everything else. So, thank you to myself for reminding me that I am actually making a lot of progress, even if it has been in areas other than my fitness and looks. They're just as important (from a healthy brains point significantly more important, obviously) and deserve to be noticed and celebrated.
Conclusion: ❤️✨YAY, ME✨❤️
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ships4you · 4 years
the innkeeper
Pairing: Sokka x reader & some motherly Katara
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of blood
Authors Note: Someone requested a shy reader afraid of confronting Sokka but I accidentally deleted the request :( So this is for my lovely anon who requested this <3 Also I’ve been trying to make my fics as gender neutral and all that jazz, but please call me out if I slip up so I can fix it!! I may split this into 2 parts, so stay tuned :):)
Prompt: The reader and their family are in charge of the only running inn of the Northern Watertribe. When the Avatar and his friends come to the city the reader finds themselves befriending our favorite Southern Watertribe prince.
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“The avatar is in the city!” your younger sister, Kana yelled running into your room. She grabbed your arm before you could resist and before you knew it she was dragging you to the courtyard. “The avatar? Here?!” you responded, “What is the avatar doing in the Northern Water Tribe?” She shrugged, “I’ve heard some people say he’s here to learn waterbending. I don’t see why though he should be like 1000 years old by now.”
The courtyard was crowded with familiar faces from the Tribe, everyone had seemed to rush just to get a glimpse of the all powerful avatar. Your sister had dragged you to an empty bridge overlooking the mass of people. Suddenly a large fluffy beast entered the courtyard walking next to three kids. “Avatar Aang,” the chief boomed, his voice bringing the crowd to a hush. The youngest of the three, dressed in colorful clothing you’ve never seen before bowed before the Chief. Kana latched to your side overflowing with excitement, “Do you think that’s him?! There’s no way, he’s my age...” You lightly pushed her off chuckling, “Shush up, I can’t hear what’s going on.”
As the Chief’s welcoming speech dragged on you focused on the two dressed in large blue sweaters similar to your current outfit. They both were clearly Water Tribe, but you had never seen them around the city before. The boy was looking around, amazed by his surroundings. You smiled at his giddiness, the smile stretched across his face was so pure and cute. He had deep blue eyes that were shifting every which way. You were so distracted, it took you a second to realize he had glanced up at you. Your eyes met and he smiled offering his hand up for a friendly wave.
“Eeep!” you squeaked squatting down behind the icy railing. Did he notice you staring? Was he weirded out? Obviously he was, who stares at people- creeps! That’s who. That was so embarrass-
“(y/n).” your sister said distracting you from your thoughts, “Why are you on the floor.” she pointed out unamused. You tucked your head between your legs and groaned, wincing at your awkwardness.
The inn your father ran scarcely had any customers. Most of the time your customers were either locals or Earth Kingdom generals visiting to discuss the war. All of a sudden your dad’s humble business became the talk of the town. Classmates constantly bugging you with questions, “What’s the avatar like?”, “Have you seen him airbend at all?”, “What are the two from the Southern Water Tribe like?” You didn’t have the heart to say you haven’t met them yet. Your father handled their rooms when they arrived, along with your nosy sister (who threatened to scream bloody murder if she didn’t get to meet the avatar). You on the other hand had been actively avoiding the group, especially the blue-eyed boy.
When people were staying at the inn; which was basically three extra rooms in your home, you were in charge of feeding the guests. It had been a few days since the avatar and his friends started staying at the inn. You were up early in the kitchen chopping the fresh caught fish for lunch, humming an old song your mom used to sing to you. Guests mostly ignored the kitchen, usually preferring to make small talk with the adults and patiently wait for food in the dining room. It was relaxing being safe from meeting new people.
“That song doesn’t sound watertribe.” A voice rose from behind.
Startled you turned around a little too fast and cut the side of your arm with the knife. “Shit.” you exclaimed grabbing your forearm. The boys eyes widened “Ah crap, Katara!” he yelled before running over to your side, grabbing a nearby drying cloth. You stared at him speechless. Would he recognize you? Spirits you hoped not.
“I’m so sorry,” he began blabbering focusing on your arm, his fingers grazing your skin as he pressed the cloth against the wound, “I really didn’t mean to startle you, I offered to bring the dirty dishes back here. The annoying little girl told me to bring them here, I didn’t think anyone would be back here...” His words slowing as he turned to face you. His eyebrows clinched together.
“You look really familiar.”
Before he could question any further a girl with long, brown, braided hair rushed into the room. “What is it Sokka?!” Was that his name? You had never met a Sokka before, maybe it was a common name in the South Pole. “Katara, thank the spirits! We need you to do your glowy-water-magic!” Sokka said waving his hands around. The girl, Katara, ran over bending the water out of her pouch. “What happened?” she asked unwrapping the bloody cloth off your arm.
“Umm, I cut myself. It fine, really.” you said quietly while Katara pressed her hand to your injured arm. The water started sparkling a bright blue hue. You winced at feeling. Katara smiled sweetly at you, “Does it hurt?” You shook your head, “No just feels weird.” As the glowing stopped she pulled away from your arm, bending the water along with her. “Shoot, it’s still bleeding a little.” She said examining your arm, “Sokka, I need more cloth.” He quickly glanced around the room and held out the bloody cloth he used before hand. “One that doesn’t have blood on it.”
“Oh! I got it,” Sokka began unwrapping the cloth tied at the waist of his tunic and handing it to Katara, “Here, use this.” Katara rolled her eyes and began dressing your wound. “I’m sorry I couldn’t heal it completely. I’ve only been taking classes on healing for a week, the wound should be clean now and the bleeding should stop in a couple days.” Her eyes were kind and warm when she smiled at you. “Thank you, I’m sorry I can be clumsy at times.” you murmured looking down at your arm. “I’m Katara by the way, and that’s my idiot older brother Sokka.” she said gesturing behind her. You pressed your lips together in a small smile, “I’m (y/n)”
Since then you had grown to enjoy being around Katara. She was sweet and easy to be around. She would often come to help clean after meals, despite you opposing her help several times.
Sokka however, you avoided him like the plague. Not because you didn’t want to talk to him. You wanted to. But you couldn’t stand to face him after embarrassing yourself twice. You knew it would have to happen sooner or later, you still had his belt Katara had used to wrap your cut. It took hours to wash all the blood out but the cloth was finally clean, dry, and folded neatly on top of your bed. Mocking you.
The simple solution would to have Katara take it to him, but then you’d be mad at yourself for running away. Which you had already done. a couple times... There were times you tried to give it back to him, but in the end you would wimp out.
“Oh my spirits, just give it to him.” Kana groaned. “You don’t get it Kana, I was so weird around him he probably thinks I’m a freak...” you said shifting the folded blue cloth between your fingers. “You. are. ridiculous.” she said tightly grabbing your arm, “Come on. We are doing this right now.” She yanked your wrist, dragging you through the hallway. “Wait! Like right now, right now?!” She nodded, harshly knocking on his door. “Yup. SOKKA! (Y/N) HAS SOMETHING FOR YOU!!” she screamed before running off, “Good luck!”
Before you had the chance to run after her, his door swung open. “Uh hi,” he said “was that your sister screaming?” You stammered back “Umm yea, she was just- she uh... I have your belt.” you interrupted yourself holding out the cloth. “Oh, right, thank you. How’s your arm?” You glanced down at the newly wrapped cloth wrapped around your forearm. “It’s doing well, it wasn’t as bad as it seemed.”
“Good. Good, that’s good.” he spoke as he were tripping over each word, “You know, I had been hoping you’d come by.” your eyes widened at the comment, “No, no-no-no, that sounded weird.” He explained, “I meant the belt. It’s my lucky belt so thank you.” You hugged your sides and pressed your lips into a tight smile, “You’re welcome, sorry I took a while to bring it back.”
“It’s all good, I’m just glad you’re here now.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “Hey, so... I haven’t seen much of the city yet and it gets kind of lonely while Aang and Katara are at training. I was thinking maybe you would like to go for a stroll sometime... With me.”
You couldn’t believe he was just as nervous as you. He always seemed so confident around the Inn, you just assumed he would be more outgoing. “A stroll?” you questioned slightly giddy.
“Yea, or a walk, whichever you prefer. Or not. Either is good if you wanted to, but if you don’t that’s okay too. You just seemed like a really cool person and I feel so bad about scaring you and-“
“Sokka. I would love to go for a stroll.” you stopped his rant before he could finish. His smiled widened, “Ok, yea cool. Totally chill... So, I’ll come meet you in the kitchen after breakfast tomorrow?” You fiddled with the sleeve of your shirt, “Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You said backing away. He leaned against the door frame, waving the same way he did the first time you saw him. “Yea! Tomorrow.”
Sokka spent the next five minutes mentally screaming at his awkwardness.
tag list: @myexgirlfriendisthemoon
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pixie88 · 4 years
Bad Decision
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Chapter 4 - Our Little Secret.
A/N: Queen B fanfiction. I’m currently editing and adding all  my FF to my new account. All being added to my pinned masterlist on my profile. Let me know if you would like to be tagged! 
Find previous chapters HERE under Queen B - Our Little Secret.
Word count: 1757
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Some adult language & Angst
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Pixelberry.
Pairings: Ian x MC - Lyla.
"Lillian, I can explain" Ian tells her "How can any explanation make the fact you are sleeping with a student make this right? Ian, this is wrong on so many levels! Do you not care about your career?" she asks him.
I close the door, Ian turns to me for help "Lillian, I understand this looks bad but I promise this isn't how it started. When we first met I had no idea he was my professor nor did he know I was his student" "So when you did find out why didn't you stop it Ian?" Lillian asks him.
"Lillian, I tried, but the more I denied myself the more I wanted. I love Lyla, I'm even moving to a different university, so I can be with her without any repercussions" " So, you tried? It doesn't look like you tried very hard Ian! What do you two fuck between classes? I bet Lyla is an A class student in your class she has to be considering she's fucking her professor. Ian, how can you be so reckless?" Ian face turns to annoyance.
Lillian, Stop! I will not have you talk about or to Lyla like that! Yes, I have been reckless, but that is from my own doing!" Lillian face soften "Ian, I'm sorry! I just don't want this to blow up in your face and end your career you worked so hard for" (Lillian is right, I can't let Ian risk his career for me. At least not while he's still working here).
"Ian, your sister is right, maybe we should cool it until you start your new job. I can't risk you losing everything for me. So, I think it is best that you find a new TA for the rest of your time here. I'll see you in class." I put the graded essays on the small coffee table.
I go to leave the room, but I feel an arm on my shoulder "Lyla, No! Don't do this!" I turn to face him, his eyes are sad "Ian, I don't want to, but we have to," I see Lillian giving me an agreeing nod to the side of Ian.
"We can still carry on in secret, no one will know" his eye pleading with me (I have to tell him about Poppy) "Someone found out!" I tell him, and he pulls away "You're lying! You're just saying that, so I agree to take a break." "Ian, I wish I was, but I'm not. Poppy found out about us she had photo's of us. She was going to use them to blackmail me, but I managed to delete every copy she had and burn the paper ones. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I didn't want you to be a part of my mess" he gives me those puppy dog eyes I can't resist.
"Lyla, You should have told me. We could've dealt with that together" I smile "As much as I love you being my knight in shining armour, this was my mess" "No Lyla, It was our mess. You should've told me." he cups my face.
"I know, but so we don't have this problem again, I think we cool it just until you no longer my professor!" he lets go of my face, turns away from me and takes a seat behind his desk.
"Ian, I know it must be hard, but it makes sense and it's only for a few weeks. I think what Lyla is doing is very noble" she smiles at me.
"If that's all Lyla you may go. I'll get a new TA sorted from tomorrow." he doesn't look at me. I leave his office deflated. (Get a grip 8 weeks aren't that long).
2 Weeks later, I have only seen Ian in class I avoid being the first one there so it isn't awkward or at least any more awkward than Ian has made it. Ian avoids my eyes in every lesson and ignores me around campus. He got a new TA 2 days after I told him to get a new one.
I'm not sure Tony seems up to the job as Ian stressed when ever he's around. Ian's class has ended and I'm getting my stuff together to leave when I hear "Ian! It's so good to see you again" I look up to see Lexi approaching Ian's desk at the front of the class.
I hear his husky tone as I make my way to the end of the aisle to leave the classroom "Lexi, you're early" I reach the door when I hear her reply, "Oh, I thought maybe we could have a few drinks before Richard and Annie arrive" (Argh I need a drink and also a bath tub to drown Lexi in).
I send a quick text to Zoe asking if she was free tonight, but she has a lot of studying to catch up on so would probably spend the night in the library.
(Looks like your on your own tonight Lyla).
After I head home to change I found myself outside The Base Lounge a new club that opened last week. I make my way inside and take a seat at the bar and order a passion fruit martini.
After I don't know how many martinis I pull out my phone. I want to text Ian but I shouldn't, but I go against my better judgement.
[Hi Ian, I hope yuo are having a dreadful time on your date with Lexi!]
[You* Whoops]
PING (5 Minutes later)
[Lyla, I am not on a date with Lexi. We are just having dinner with a few colleagues.]
I laugh nearly falling off the bar stool.
[I bet that's not how she sees it. Now you're free for the making.]
[Wait that's still not right taking*]
PING (3 Minutes later)
[Lyla, No one is going to take me. You said it was for the best!]
[That was sober Lyla's idea. She's stupid!! I dom't like her!]
PING (2 Minutes later)
[Lyla, Are you drunk?]
[Well duh! Come on progessor you have a degree. I thought that was obvious!]
PING (1 Minute later)
[Maybe you should get your friends to take you home to sober up!]
[ Haha, I would but Zoey was busy]
PING (50 seconds later)
[You're by yourself??]
[You know for a professor you are pretty dumb. Of courses I'm by myself if Zoey isn't here. I'm going to walk home after I have been for a pee. Do you know this place has shared toilets! I know it's new but that's just weird right?]
PING (30 Seconds later)
[No need to shout. Well text shout haha. No I'm fine. I can walk. I'll see you in class tomorrow]
I hear my phone continuously ping and ring, but I ignore it and I make my way out of the club. I start walking in the direction I think my dorm is in.
(I feel like I've been walking forever, everything is spinning, Oh no I'm going to...) I run over to the nearest bin and puke. Once I've stopped I clean myself open with a tissue I have in my bag. (Not my classiest moment) "Are you ok?" I look up to find some guy with long black hair staring at me.
(Oh my god, I have hair envy) "Wow, I love your hair!" He smiles "Thanks, but are you ok?" "Yes, I am fine frank you, I mean thank you" "Are you on your way home?" I look at him confused.
(Oh god, he's one of these weirdos that bury young girls under his driveway) "STRANGER DANGER!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I move away from Mr. Perfect Hair. "Stay away from me" he seems shocked "No! Look, I was just checking you were ok. I did mean to scare you" I still back away from him.
"Keep away from me," I shout at him again. I hear a car pull up, the headlights light us up I turn I can't see who it is but because the light is blinding me but I soon recognize the voice.
"Lyla, there you are" Ian comes into view "I've been looking everywhere for you!" he turns to Mr. Perfect Hair "Can I help you?" Ian asks him. "I was just checking she was ok when I saw her throwing up in the bin over there then the mad cow started screaming stranger danger. She's fucking nuts mate." (Everything after that happened in slow motion) Ian squares Mr. Perfect Hair straight in the jaw.
He runs off and Ian takes my hand and leads me to his car.
He gets into the driver's seat, he seems angry "Are you ok Ian?" his jaw tenses "Ian, I said are yo..." "I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID, LYLA!" he shouts, "Excuse you!" "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout, but you have no idea how worried I was about you!" "Ian, I'm ok!" "You might not have been! Why would you put yourself in danger like that?" "I wanted a drink and no one was free, Plus I was jealous!" I turn away from him.
"Jealous?" he asks I roll my eye "Yes, jealous of Lexi being able to be seen out in public with you and just in your company," he looks over to me with soft eyes "Lyla, This was your idea. I was happy to keep seeing you in secret, but you decided it was best." "Now I don't think it's best. Ian, I miss you," he quickly looks over to me with a smile before returning his eyes to the road.
"I have to admit I've missed you terribly, but you need to figure out what you want!" "Ian, it's you! I want you. I can't wait 6 more weeks, it's killing me now" I see him smirk.
He takes my hand and pulls it to his lips before placing a small kiss against my knuckles "I want you to, Lyla. But if we are going to do this we need to be careful, very careful! No one can know!" "Of course!" "Not even Lillian!" "Ok, but if we are trying to be careful for the next 6 weeks I don't think you should be seen dropping me at my dorm" "Where shall I drop you home?" I grin.
"At your place Professor!" I wink.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 5.
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completelypeccable · 5 years
Unfortunately, I thought of a real plot
Can I Have This Dance? (new title)
          There’s drama in the Batfam, with a song about dancing somehow worked into each chapter.  Something is wrong again, and the family is falling apart.  Now, they have to put the pieces back together.  But the thing about puzzles is you can only figure out the full picture by coming together.
Chp. 2    We don’t have to dance
The phone was ringing.
Tim was awake, of course. The pale yellow dawn had begun to creep into the apartment, the cozy glow illuminating last night’s exploits. Twin controllers on the floor. Styrofoam takeout boxes that should be in the trash, not on his already messy table. And, his favorite part, his brothers snuggled together on his couch.
He had been perfectly happy to take the chair.
Tim looked at the caller ID. Bruce. His fingers found the power button, sending it to voicemail.
It was the first call since he carried Damian hyperventilating out of the gala seven hours earlier.
If he cares so much about where Damian is, Tim thought bitterly, let him figure it out. Use those big boy detective skills.
Tim turned back to his laptop screen, where he had been editing his report on the recent Teen Titan mission.  The past few weeks or so had been a blur. The team foiled a plot to blow up half of São Paulo, culminating in a chase by air which Tim, as a non-super, had probably no business participating in, but inserting himself where he had no business was pretty much his mode of operation. Then, with that finished and the criminals entering international custody, Tim had been planning on a night of video games and report writing when he got the call from Dick.
Tim glanced at the couch and realized he probably would never quite get used to this sight. He spent about an hour staring between the hours of 3 and 4 alone. Curse Dick and his bleeding heart, his was getting infected, too. It was just so cute.
Jason was lying on his back, one arm behind his head, the other hooked all the way around Damian’s little body. His eyebrows were knit together, so he looked concerned and vaguely grumpy- a sleep softened version of Red Hood’s ‘don’t even try it’ look. He was protecting precious cargo.
Damian had wiggled his face into the skin of Jason’s neck and chest, his mouth just open, face completely relaxed in the deep sleep of an exhausted child. An extended panic attack will do that to you, Tim thought. Jason’s hand rested on the skin of the pushed out belly peeking out of his t-shirt. The kid always seemed to gravitate towards skin-to-skin contact, as if he was finally going through the infant stages of emotional development. Which was entirely possible, considering they were the first people he was truly safe around. The thought twisted in Tim’s gut.  Convincing Damian the league’s actions were wrong was about as difficult as convincing him they would never be like them: slow going but definitely rewarding. Tim could barely believe there was a time he would have punted the kid out an open window if given the chance. He felt a bit guilty, but he knew they had both changed since then.
Damian was completely pressed up against Jason, but his feet barely reached his mid-thigh.  Even though Jason was a big guy, the size comparison was still nothing short of completely adorable, and Dick, Duke, and the girls had been sent multiple pictures already. The baby curls of his soft, short hair poofed up like they did every morning before he tried to gel them into spikes. One hand twisted into the front of Jason’s shirt.
The weighted Robin-themed blanket had fallen off the couch in the middle of the night, and Tim slipped it back up to his brothers’ shoulders gently on his way to the kitchen.
Coffee was the order of the morning. He’d make a pot: four cups for him, one for Jason. If he had to deal with Bruce, he wanted to do it with some semblance of control.
By the time he walked back into the room, Jason was awake, staring at the ceiling as he ran his hand up-down along Damian’s spine.
“Morning,” Tim whispered, sitting next to him in the chair.
“Nerd,” Jason scoffed, smirking.
He choked and spit out his coffee. “Dude!”
“What? You sound like an old man.”
“Why did I let you stay at my place, again?”
“It’s because you love me.”
“I’d love to hit you.”
Jason was entirely too satisfied. “Can’t hit me when I’m holding a baby.”
Tim scowled into his cup. He couldn’t argue, though. Last night, they realized they didn’t have any of Damian’s clothes at the apartment, so Jason gave him an old t-shirt and Tim got him a pair of boxers with ties around the waist. The t shirt alone went to his knees.
He was tiny.
The phone started buzzing again.
“Tell me it’s not-“
“I wish I could.” He declined the call.
Jason shifted up, swearing.
“Hey! Be-“
“He’s sound asleep,” he grumbled, arranging the kid so he was leaning against his chest, blanket curled around him. “Look at this sleepy burrito boy.”
They gazed softly as Damian sucked in a shaky breath, whined, and cuddled in further, gripping Jason’s shirt tighter.
The phone buzzed.
“Mother- Does he not get that we’re ignoring him?”
Tim hit decline call. “He will eventually.”
Damian’s feet twitched, and Jason held him just a bit tighter, one hand at the base of his neck, the other smoothing a circle into his back. His lips and brows ran in parallel lines across his worried face.
“I don’t think he’s going to wake up any time soon,” Tim said, noting the brood session.
Jason grumbled.
“I’m going to text the girls, tell them to postpone their plans.”
“Let’s do the zoo trip tomorrow. It looks like Damian is wiped out.”
“Take today to deal with Bruce.”
“Give zombie boy here time to develop organized speech.”
“M- wait,” Jason broke out of his thousand yard stare. “What did you say you little crap stain?”
Tim cackled, but held the phone steady.
“Do not send that snap, Tim, I swear I’m gonna-“
“Can’t hit me when you’re holding the baby,” Tim sang, scooting backwards, already hitting the contacts for Steph and Cass.
Jason swore.
They laid around the apartment for a few more hours, Tim working on his laptop and Jason reading The Outsiders while Damian slept. Jason kept a shelf of old novels at Tim’s place; it wasn’t uncommon for one to spend the night at the other’s. They kept an eye on each other like that, knowing too much time alone tended to do more harm than good.
The silence itself wasn’t uncomfortable, but Tim could have used a distraction from his own thoughts.
This was a big deal. He and Jason were trying to downplay it, keep it together for the kid, but they knew.
They were essentially disowning their dad.
And it wasn’t like this was a sudden decision either, it had been something on the horizon for months, a serious topic of discussion among the older kids for three weeks now. These past few days may have forced their hand, but the hurt was still the same.
Bruce had never been the ideal parent. He was gruff, he usually didn’t have the words, and he literally had a t-shirt that said “Emotions are my enemy”. But he had loved them. At least, Tim hoped. He had made Bruce his life, let his business become his work, held his mission in his hands like a guiding light. He had been so lonely, left neglected in an old, empty house. Bruce got him out, introduced him to a world that never stopped expanding, and gave him access to the tools he needed to change it.
But lately, Bruce seemed… different. Tim thought when he brought him back, everything would be okay. Everything would be understandable and solid again. Tim had felt so sad and confused without his dad. His grief was overwhelming. But Bruce came back, and Tim was so glad, he was sure that would fix it.
Instead, he was even more confused. His dad was unrecognizable in and out of the cowl. Bruce yelled at him over everything, cut off communication and left. Batman… Batman hit him. Tim touched his jaw, trying to control his anxiety.
Dick had found something, videos deleted off the bat computer. He hadn’t recovered all of it, but what he found was evidence enough. Tim wasn’t the only one Batman was getting more violent with.
There were three videos. The Batman beating thugs within an inch of their life. Screaming at Robin. In one, right after throwing a man off the roof, Batman turned with his armed raised and Robin flinched so hard he fell over.
That was bad enough. But there was missing information, hours of footage gone. And that scared them even more. Tim couldn’t stop his mind from running through every single possibility. He could never shut it off.
A stomach growled, and Tim looked up to his brother trying to flip the page with his nose.
Finally, an external stimulus.
“If you’re hungry, Jason, I can get you something to eat.”
Jason scoffed, finding his nose a bit too large to be useful. “What do you have, pickles and mustard?”
“Ha, ha,” Tim closed his laptop. “You only get the mayonnaise now.”
“Good thing that wasn’t my stomach.”
Another gurgle, and Damian’s face scrunched up.
Tim paused on his way to the fridge and blinked for a minute, not sure if they should let him sleep or wake him up, but by the time he made a decision, the kid’s eyelashes fluttered apart on their own.
His green eyes crossed and uncrossed in narrow slits. When they focused, they found Jason’s chin, and he scrambled to sit up.
“Woah there, squirt,” Jason tugged him back down, going back to rubbing his back. Damian grumbled and frowned, but let his head fall back down.
“Just take a minute, remember where you are and all that fun stuff.”
Tim cleared some room to sit, moving aside paperwork on the table next to the couch.  
Damian’s face twisted for a beat before he pushed himself up again with a huff. Tim had to hand it to him for not immediately falling down.
“Alright, Todd. I remember now. Unhand me and I’ll return to Father’s soon.”
“Ha! Nope.” Jason sat up and yanked him onto his lap.
Damian scowled and threw his head back dramatically.
“Do not suffer me this injustice, Todd.”
Tim smirked. Damian was very clearly not yet awake, what with the slightly unfocused eyes and leaning into Jason’s chest. “Suffer”, he said.
“Sorry, baby bat. You’re not going back to the manor.”
That seemed to wake him up more. He jerked around to look at Jason’s nose, then his eyes.
“You’re not going back to the manor.”
“Oh,” he said, a blank look on his face. “I am staying here today?”
“Zombie boy.”
“Shut UP, Tim!”
Tim laughed. Damian still hadn’t gotten off Jason’s lap, hadn’t leaned away from the hand on his back.
“Is Father away again?” He asked instead, clearly confused. Tim would bet his last jar of peanut butter that Damian was still fuzzy on why exactly he woke up on Jason in this apartment.
“Something like that.”
“Father has left me home many times, Todd. Pennyworth is usually around, unless he is with Father.”
Jason didn’t react, but looked at Tim over the kid’s head.
“What do you mean by that?”
Damian fiddled with the blanket, pinching it up and poking it back down.
“It’s just that, he is busy. He’s home when he can be.”
Tim didn’t like the sound of that. He didn’t like the sound of his voice, the hollow loneliness. He suddenly felt pissed.
“Damian,” Tim said evenly. “When was the last time you talked to Bruce.”
“Batman and I-“
Jason tapped his nose, and he crossed his eyes to follow it. “No, Damian. Just Bruce.”
Damian looked at one brother, then the other. They could see the way he was reaching back in his still foggy memory, trying to figure out the answer they wanted to hear.
“No bullshit, kid,” Jason warned.
Damian looked to the side, schooled his face into a blank expression, and looked Tim in the eyes.
“It has been a while. Father is often… upset with Robin.”
Jason rubbed his back again.
“Alright,” Tim said. He was going to kill Bruce. “You’re staying with me this week, anyways.”
“You,” Tim shifted to poke Damian’s nose. His eyes crossed, and Jason grinned. “You are gonna stay with me.”
“For an entire week?”
“And I am not going back to Father’s?”
“I… do not have clothes.”
“I grabbed a bag when I visited yesterday.”
“You probably missed-“
“Alfred packed it.”
“Oh,” he blinked, glancing back and forth at them. “And Todd?”
“Does what he wants, thank you,” Jason tickled his side. Damian swatted at his face, falling off his lap. Tim caught him by the armpits and helped him back on the couch.
“Don’t make him hit his head.  I really don’t want to make an ER visit outside the mask.”
Jason rolled his eyes, then turned, trapping Damian with his legs.
“Get off me, you massive troll!”
“Just when I thought you loved me.”
“Careful, Jason, he’s hangry, remember?”
“I am not!” Damian’s stomach protested the statement, and he looked down betrayed.  
Laughing hard enough to rock forward, Tim hit his head on Jason’s knee.
“Now who needs an ER visit?”
“Ugh, you two are the worst.”
“We did not cause you to become an uncoordinated hyena.”
“Harsh words from a chipmunk.”
“Children, please,” Jason smiled. “We have to feed the wildlife. It pisses off the government.”
Tim stared at Jason for a good long while.
“Okay, I’m not gonna… Who wants breakfast?”
Jason made to stand up, but fell back on Damian, who yelped before being squashed.
“Todd! What are you-“
“Damian,” he whined. “I am so hurt. You called this weirdo over here Timothy last night. Timothy!”
“And you only call me Todd.”
“Get off-“
“Not until you call me Jason!” He met Tim’s incredulous look and raised his eyebrows convincingly.
“Todd, I will stab your kidneys.”
“Will you call me Jason after?”
“Not likely.”
Damian began to squirm, but Jason leaned more of his weight on him and he growled in frustration.
Tim sighed and dragged a hand down his face. “Jason, it’s too early for-“
“No,” Damian grunted. “Listen to Timothy!”
Jason leaned his face directly into his field of vision. “Bruh.”
“Big Jay?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on, Dames,” he whined. “I wanna be your favorite.”
“That’s Richard,” he smirked.
Jason grinned at Tim, who started to back away waving his hands.
“Oh, no. I don’t want any part in this, whatever this is.”
The wicked look in Jason’s eye grew worse. He flipped off the kid, just to jab his fingers into his armpit.
Damian immediately began to thrash.
“No!” He kicked the man’s stomach. “Stop!”
“Call me Jason!”
“No,” he choked, “never!”
“I can do this all day, kid!”
Damian fell off the couch, and Jason trapped him between his knees on the floor. He would have hit him again if his arms weren’t trying to protect himself from the attack.
“You have,” he gasped, “no-“ a squeal. “Mercy!”
Jason laughed then. “All you gotta do is say my name!”
“Nope,” Jason moved on to his belly.
“No!” He giggled, “Stop, I!”
Jason made a goofy face and tickled harder.
“Jason!” He gasped, belly laughing.“ Jason, I yield!”
Jason opened his legs, and he shot out, scrambling onto the arm of the couch.
Jason whooped and held up his arms in victory.
Damian glared at Tim.
“Traitor,” he grumbled.
Tim laughed and held up three spoons and a jar of peanut butter.
“If you losers are done, I have peanut butter and pretzels for breakfast.”
“It’s nearly noon.”
“And we are breaking the fast. Ergo breakfast.”
“Fine,” Damian flopped onto the cushions, hiding his smile. “I will extract my vengeance at a later time for this injustice.”
“Oh, Timmy, the chipmunk just chirped at me!”
“Aw, Jay Jay, he’s so cute!”
“I can kill you eight different ways with that spoon.”
“Do you want us to feed you? With the choo choo train?”
Jason caught the pillow before it hit his face.
“I can and will use lethal force, Todd!”
“Jason Todd.”
“Baby steps,” he chuckled.
Tim smiled as he scooped his own portion of peanut butter. The sirens in his head were easier to ignore. He watched Jason wiggle his fingers menacingly, then take a pillow to the face
He plopped the bag of pretzels on the table, inserting himself between the two. “Eat your shut up peanut butter.”
Jason stuck out his tongue, but grabbed a spoon.
“And after this, we’re cleaning my apartment.”
Jason looked horrified.
Tim felt no remorse. “If you guys are going to be staying here, we need to clean it. I’ve barely been here the last two months, and I do not trust my own cleanliness.”
Damian raised his eyebrow, “If the pizza under your bed has gained sentience again, I am not touching it.”
“Eat,” Tim glared, “your shut up pretzels, veggie boy.”
Damian stood and joined his hands together behind his back in a fair imitation of Alfred, if Alfred wore a Gotham Knight’s muumuu.
“I shall put on music, so that the arduous task of tidying this hovel is mildly less gruesome.”
“If you think,” Jason closed one eye and pointed his spoon, “that I’m gonna let you put on a classical music playlist, you are crazier than a bag full of cats.”
“A bag of cats sounds quite enjoyable, actually.”
“Metaphor, Dames.”
“I am aware.”
“And it means?”
“… I am very crazy?”
Jason held up his hand, and Damian returned the high five.
“Alright, ladies. Cleaning time.” Tim stood and took the spoons on his way to the kitchen.
Jason made a show of selecting his playlist titled ‘I Wanna Commit A Crime’ (we’re vigilantes Tim, it’s in our job description). Apparently, emo rock music was the ideal cleaning soundtrack.
Tim laughed at Damian’s concerned frown over Jason’s head banging as he washed the dishes.
He was just finishing up when Jason came in, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“If you have time to lean, you have time to clean,” he grinned.  
He turned around, planning on flicking water at him, but stopped at the serious look on Jason’s face.  
“What’s wrong?”
“Do you want a list?”
“Jason, don’t do this to me. I have anxiety.”
Jason shrugged, chewing on the inside of his lip.
“I just want to make sure you’re doing okay with all this.”
Tim really didn’t want to deal with this conversation yet.  He didn’t want to deal with any conversation.  
“I’m fine.”
Jason’s brows became a shelf again. He scuffed his foot.
“You keep doing the finger thing.”
“The finger thing.”
“You know,” Jason huffed.  “The thing you do when you twitch your fingers and start tapping out random- I don’t know how to use words, okay? English wasn’t my first language, you butt.  Just- You’re upset.”
Tim leaned against the sink.  “I mean, I think we all are.”
An ambulance passed by the window, and they watched the lights pass by several floors below.
“I’m glad you came by,” Tim finally said.  “You really helped Damian last night.”
Jason pushed off the wall and pulled him into a one armed hug.  “I came for you both, you know.”
Tim closed his eyes, leaning his head against his brother’s shoulder.  The buzz in his chest felt a little less overwhelming.
A car honked, and a thud came from the other room.  Muffled complaining followed. Jason laughed, ruffling Tim’s hair as he made his way to the door.  
No rest for the weary, Tim smiled and tied off the garbage. It was starting to really smell.
“Be right back!” He yelled as he stepped out the door, locking it behind him.
He did feel better, knowing that Jason was there. Once Dick came, they could really talk everything over, and Tim would relax then.  But he was content at the moment. He would just ignore it for now. He was content. It was fine. It was-
He sent the bag down the chute.
Actually, this whole situation was garbage.
Who did Bruce think he was? When did he ever become the type to hit his own kids? It was wrong, it was so wrong. Red Robin wanted to punch him in the face, especially when he heard him over the comms from countries away scolding Damian for things he told him to do.
And he didn’t care what was going to happen. He didn’t care if he got screamed at, or fired, or- or- he didn’t know! He didn’t care! Tim was not giving Damian back to anyone. Bruce didn’t deserve that kid. He was stubborn sometimes, and prickly, but he didn’t deserve to be treated like that.  He had been through more than any of them knew, and he needed someone that loved him unconditionally. Bruce wasn’t that. Bruce was acting like a huge jerk-
He slammed open the door to his floor to be confronted with a man’s back, hand raised to knock.
Speak of the damned devil.
“What do you want,” Tim spat.
Calm down.
He clenched his jaw, because as much as he wanted to fly off the handle, that would probably make things worse.
Bruce turned around slowly. He looked him up and down before putting his hands in his pockets. His smile was easy and so Brucie stupid.
Tim wanted to hit him back.
“You took Damian home last night.”
“I came to take him home.”
“Yeah,” Tim glared. “No.”
Bruce quirked one brow. He let the silence hang for a beat.
His thumb tapped frantically against his fist. If he doesn’t leave, I am going to do something I’m gonna regret.
“You’re angry.”
“Great job, detective.”
“That’s… fair.”
Bruce shrugged, still smug and unaffected. Tim just glared. He didn’t want to do this.
“You should go, Bruce.”
Surprise flashed briefly through his eyes before it was replaced by annoyance.
“Look, Tim, you know how Damian gets-“
“I’m just here to-”
An exhale.
“I’m just here to take him back home and talk to him.”
“Oh,” the cold in his tone hurt him as he spoke, but it was too late to stop. “Now you’re going to talk to your own kid?”
Bruce stared. Tim stepped forward, the picture of casual.
“Not last night. Not last week apparently. Maybe all month. You’ve been too busy to deal with your own kid, but you’re ready now.”
“Tim, I-“
“No, just shut up, actually. How long did it take you to realize he wasn’t even in the same building as you anymore? Did you even care?”
“Of course I-“
“Shut- Ugh! I’m not doing this for you, B. This wasn’t a babysitting job. I don’t care what you think. You’re not taking Damian back. Me and Dick and the rest of them talked it over. You don’t deserve that kid.”
The flip switched, and Bruce was angry.  His shirt pulled tight across his shoulders.
Tim widened his stance.
“And you do, of course.”
“I care about him more than you do.”
“I do care!”
“Could have fooled me!”
Bruce was tense from his shoulder to his fist.  Tim belatedly notice he had gotten in his face.
“You don’t-“
Tim threw up his hands and walked past. “Have to talk to you.”
“What? Listen-“
“I don’t have to talk to you. I’m keeping the kid, so-“
Bruce grabbed his shoulder hard, “Actually, Timothy, I have custody, so-“
Huh. Tim turned and smiled, cold and clinical. Just like Janet, they liked to say. Bruce looked unnerved for one satisfying moment and dropped his hand.
Tim stepped close, his nose inches from Bruce’s chin, devastatingly sharp.
“But you don’t, actually.”
“What the hell are you-”
“You supposedly died, remember?” Tim rolled his eyes. “Everyone thought so. Did you think we could just leave Damian in the custody of a dead man?”
“But I-“
“Came back, obviously. But we didn’t change the paperwork. Just in case.”
Bruce looked wonderfully, furiously constipated.
Tim turned his back on him and slowly pulled his keys from his pocket. “So, no, I don’t have to do this with you. You’ve changed, Bruce. And who you are now, you don’t belong raising a kid as emotionally fragile as Damian. I don’t have to pretend to be okay with it, and I don’t even have to like you. Because you have no right to be here.”
“I am his father, Tim.”
“And sometimes fathers are neglectful and abusive.”
The space behind him stayed silent.  Bruce didn’t even move. Tim flicked through the key ring.
“And as far as the state and the press is concerned, Damian is adopted. Showed up at age 10, clearly not white. You had adoption papers filed, Bruce.”
“Tim, you can’t be-“
“I am, and you should go.”
“It’s been so nice to see you Bruce. Let’s not talk again soon.”
Bruce stood a moment longer before turning sharply and storming down the hall. The doors slammed shut, but Tim stood there gripping the keys and shaking. He wanted to scream.
He breathed in deeply through his nose, feeling the cool air travel into his nostrils, down his throat, past his vocal cords, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and down to his alveoli. Left lung, right lung, into the blood stream the oxygen diffuses. He thought of Jason tickling Damian, and the kid calling him Timothy as he held him against his chest. He breathed out the waste.
He looked down at his shaking hands, where his grip on the keys drew blood, and wiped them on his pants before turning the lock and opening the door to-
“Timothy!” Damian ran forward, “Timothy you love this song!”
Tim really looked at him, the way his hair stuck up in three different places, the dust streak on his cheek. His eyes danced just like they always did when he was trying so hard to make one of them happy. His hands were out to the side, and that grin. He really was Timothy now. Huh.
He was worth it.  This kid was worth it.
Jason danced out of the bathroom just as the chorus hit, singing loudly and mildly off key.
We don’t have to talk
We don’t have to dance
Damian grabbed his arm, dragging away from Jason.
We don’t have to smile
We don’t have to make friends
Jason chased them, sing-screaming along.
It’s so nice to meet you,
Let’s never meet again!
We don’t have to talk
We don’t have to dance!
We don’t have to dance
The song was at least an understandable statement, Tim thought. It was kind of a dance, or a stand off. He knew as soon as he took Dick’s side that he was cutting the last of the ties between him and the man who adopted him.
He was fatherless again.
He watched as Jason tried to get Damian to do the Macarena, only to get a towel to the butt.
He would make it through this.
Jason chased Damian around the kitchen, insisting he try the snorkel, the shopping cart, no the sprinkler!
Tim laughed, even knowing all that he did. That his nighttime gig would definitely change, that he would have to quit his day job.
It will be okay, he thought, when Damian rolled his eyes and tisked at Jason long enough for him to be swung over his shoulders as he jumped around the kitchen.
It might be better than okay, he thought as he opened up his laptop to hit send on one more application, which he had written as Damian slept.
Jason called for help, and Tim let the tension leave his body, exhaled it out in one breath, and joined them. He grabbed Damian from Jason’s arms and was spinning him around the living room by the next chorus.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 26
Chapter Summary -  The newspapers give some of Taylor's thoughts on the matter, leading Tom to discuss things with both Luke and Benedict separately, while Danielle has to try and get back to life behind the camera, with people taking interest in her for what they've read.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
So, the headlines are in Italics again, but most disturbing is the fact the four last ones are not ones I fabricated, but actually published pieces. If Taylor's PR is the ones putting these out there, then they are scum, if they are not denying it, they still are scum, and what scares me is the fact that there are some morons that will swallow this shit up. But she cannot always play the victim.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum@nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
Taylor – Tom made me break up with Calvin; the worst mistake I could ever make.
Taylor holds head high after Hiddleston’s secret lover revealed.
Taylor broke off relationship when she suspected Hiddleston’s affections lay elsewhere.
Taylor Swift – “I knew there was something going on.”
Tom Hiddleston’s secret girlfriend, the real reason Taylor left him.
Taylor Swift “I feel used.”
Tom Hiddleston, Taylor Swift 2016: Actor Lied About Calvin Harris To Solo the ‘Bad Blood’ Singer?
Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris Split after Tom Hiddleston Lied about the DJ.
Tom Hiddleston Is a First Class Home-wrecker.
Taylor Swift: Tom Hiddleston Was the Reason Why She Dumped Calvin Harris.
Tom stared at the headlines that faced him before rubbing his face with his hands, sighing, and then groaning in frustration. He knew Taylor would say something, but he had not expected this. “So I am a Home Wrecker, a user, and abusive?”
Luke bit his tongue for a moment, knowing no good could come from him saying that the moment Tom introduced himself to the star; he was on course for terrible accusations against him once it all ended. “Apparently, yes.”
“Does anyone believe this?”
“A few, mostly fools who think that the woman is incapable of wrongdoing and blindly follow everything the brat says solely based on the fact she donates money to some good causes.”
“I have had people watching social media; apparently her generous nature regarding charity absolves her from any faults as an individual.”  Luke scoffed. “There are too many fools in the world.”
“What are the chances she never releases more songs?” Tom groaned.
“As likely as Theresa May coming out as a supporter of left-wing liberalism.”
“Seriously, political sarcasm?”
“You asked.” Luke shrugged. “Any word from Ms Hughes?” Tom winced slightly. “I shall take that as a resounding no.”
“She hasn’t deleted me from her Facebook,” Tom commented hopefully.
Luke grimaced. “Please do not tell me you are Facebook stalking her?”
“She’s back in Ireland for a week, and then she is off to a new set.”
“Tom, that is not normal, I mean seriously, you get weirded out by fans that do that to you.”
“What am I going to do Luke?”
“Nothing, I told you, you need to back off, she has a boyfriend. Can you imagine how hard it will be for her to explain all of this to him?”
“He knows she is friends with the family, he has gone to dinner with Emma and Jack and mum has had him over.”
“That’s some good news, but if she mentions the kiss?” Tom did not respond, “You see, you have caused her enough trouble Tom, just give it time, she forgave you for the shit you pulled when you were seeing “PR Barbie", so she will probably forgive this too.” Luke gave an encouraging smile.
“I just…” tom shook his head. “Why didn’t I ever notice?”
“Your infatuation?”
“It’s not an infatuation.”
Luke rose to his feet. “You never realised your feelings for her because she never allowed you to realise that you were envious by not having a partner, and upon her having one, you, my friend, left it too late.”
“What do you mean? Do you think we could have if I had…?”
“Could you have started seeing her, yes. Would it have lasted, well, the odds, however, were never in your favour.”
Tom bit the inside of his cheeks. It was against the odds to succeed in Hollywood, but he had done it, he could easily have worked on making things work with Danielle too, if only he had tried.
The news reached the set before Danielle did, and much to her chagrin, she noticed that it seemed to be a popular topic of conversation for some people.
“Hughes, a word.” She grimaced as she walked over to Irlam. “You never mentioned that you know Tom Hiddleston.”
“His mum is my next door neighbour.”
“But you said nothing.”
“Why would I?”
“Well, in this industry, it helps to know people.”
Danielle’s nostrils flared slightly. “It may help, but there is no merit behind it, besides, what would I say? That I know the man to see once a blue moon between movies that comes to visit his mum for a day or two, that I salute him if I see him having a jog.”
“If papers are to be believed, you know him considerably better than that.”
“You shouldn’t believe everything you read.” She smiled and winked.
“He’s a great guy, isn’t he?” Irlam chucked. “I worked with him, so willing to try and do everything right.”
Danielle smiled sadly, “Yeah, Tom is a good man, those photo’s, he brought me and his mum to a restaurant to celebrate me getting all of this.” She explained. “Nothing else, just because I get on well with his sister and mum, and because I never try and use them for anything.” Her voice cracked slightly at the end, her hurt at what she perceived to be a mistake on Tom's behalf becoming harder to disguise as she spoke of him, and some of his traits she had always adored. “Sorry.”
“Are you alright?” Irlam asked in concern.
“Yeah, just…the publicity from all of this, I mean, I am…there’s a reason I wanted to work behind cameras, you know?”
“Well for me, I go with the idea that I have a face meant for radio.” He joked, causing her to laugh slightly, “But yes, I understand, I see it sometimes with actors, they realise that the life of anonymity is destroyed once they become famous. What you are saying is you are not even in a relationship with Tom, yet you are receiving the attention of such, an even more horrible situation; especially if you never wanted such in the first place.” He added more solemnly. “No to mention, you now have the attention of one bitter brat.”
“God, what is that bitch saying now?” Danielle was half afraid to ask.
Irlam frowned, “You’ve had interactions with her before?”
“Sadly yes, she was at his mum’s with him, and well, she is as crazy as that supposed skit song implies, like literally, batshit crazy. She genuinely thought I would be envious of her.” Danielle scoffed.
“Well, she is the victim.” Irlam began.
“When is she ever not?”
“And he is abusive, a user and a home wrecker.” Danielle felt terrible for Tom. “From what I have read, prepare for a song about you.”
“That’s what she does, isn’t it?” Danielle sighed.
“Sadly yes, now, back to what we do. I need to talk to you regarding a scene where we have the dragon breathe fire.”
“It had to be a fucking dragon.” Danielle groaned, readying herself for the madness of the day ahead.
“Do I want to ask?” Benedict walked into Tom’s London home, looking around at what would probably be described as slight untidiness to most other people, but in Tom’s case, could only be called chaos. “The place is a wreck.”
“I kissed her.”
“Danielle, I kissed her Ben, and she rejected me.”
“Tom.” Benedict looked at him sympathetically.
“I just…I don’t think this actually hurt so much before.”
“I…I get it, in a way, I mean I was with Olivia for a decade, I thought that she was it, and it wasn’t to be.”
“You think Danielle isn’t…”
Benedict raised his hands. “I am not saying she is or she isn’t, I cannot answer that for you, but I can say this; if it hurts this much, there has to be more to this than simple lust.”
“I love her.”
“Fuck Tom, I’m sorry mate.” Ben gave a sympathetic look. “What exactly happened?”
Tom relayed everything, the meal, the conversation, the paparazzi, and the issue outside her door. “The way she acted, she was almost crying as she told me to leave, like I destroyed everything.”
Ben cocked his head slightly, “Wait, what do you mean crying? She was crying.”
“No, nearly crying, she just kept begging me to leave,” Tom explained.
Benedict’s eyes darted side to side for a moment as he thought about what Tom had said. “You need to just get some rest; you’re off to Oz again tomorrow, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I need to redo a few scenes; apparently one of the minor actors has had to be swapped out.”
“The joys of the industry,” Benedict commented sarcastically. “Well, go, get some vitamin D, because fuck knows we are getting none here with this weather, and when you come back, we will have to further this conversation.” Tom scoffed a little, but said his goodbyes and made his way home to pack. Taking out his phone, Ben texted Sophie what Tom had just said, wanting her opinion on the situation. When his phone indicated a new message received a few minutes later, he chuckled to himself as he read his wife’s reply. “I thought as much.”
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panzeriii-blog · 5 years
A little story (Part 3)
Also of the image of Andy as he sat there and slowly stroked his thick penis to whatever he was looking at on his PC. Looking in the mirror, once again I could see my areolas through the top. That was okay, I didn't mind if Brett got a little show and I was sure Andy wouldn't even notice. Maybe I would tease him a little while I was down there.
As I walked into the living room I didn't make any attempt at hiding my breasts as they jiggled and swayed under my top and as I plopped down on the couch next to Andy.
"What are you boys watching?"
"Um, just the news Mom, why, do you want to watch something else?" Andy asked.
"Nope, just wondering," I said as I picked up a magazine and feigned reading to see if I could catch Brett looking at my breasts.
Out of the corner of my eye Brett was making head gestures to Andy about my boobs, and I noticed Andy looking at them as he sat next to me.
I watched Brett as he mouthed the words to Andy, "Look at those tits Andy."
Andy mouthed back, "Yeah, see I told you!"
After seeing that I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen, letting my breasts bounce all the way in to get a glass of juice. I stayed in the kitchen to see if I could hear what they were saying, and I didn't have to wait long.
"See, I told you she might wear that," Andy said.
Brett replied, "Damn man, those babies are nice, if she wasn't your mom I would make a move on that shit."
Andy snickered, "Hell man I don't care, do whatever you want."
That gave me an idea. Walking back into the living room I asked Brett, "So Brett, do you have a girlfriend or anything?" while plopping down on the couch intentionally to make my boobs bounce.
"No ma'am, I have been way too busy with the business to have a girl, hopefully Andy here will work enough to give me some free time," he replied, all the [time - while] looking at my breasts.
"Well you are welcome here anytime for dinner if that would make it easier on you." I said.
"Thanks Mrs.... er Maggie, I appreciate that, and I may just take you up on that if you don't mind."
"Oh not at all, it wouldn't be a bother." I said.
Andy moved to lie down on the couch and put his legs up in my lap and as I looked over at him I could see a bulge in his pants. Did he have an erection from looking at my breasts? I could definitely make out the bulge in Brett's pants as he watched TV.
"Well, I need to get going," Brett said as he got up out of the chair. "It's going to be a long day tomorrow. Andy, remember we have to finish that entire landscape job by the end of the day," he said as he put on his shoes.
"Yeah I know, we should be able to do it," Andy replied.
"Have a good night Maggie, and Andy, I will see you tomorrow morning, I will be here at seven a.m. sharp."
"Okay Brett see ya in the morning," Andy said.
I got up off the couch and walked Brett to the door. "Goodnight Brett, remember what I said."
Brett, looking down at my boobs, replied, "I definitely will take you up on that Maggie," [he said as he turned and walked - before turning and walking] out the door.
"Hey Mom," Andy yelled from the living room, "What did you get at the store?"
"Oh it's nothing, just some new tops for work," I said.
"Could you try one on and show me what they look like?" Andy asked as he sat up on the couch.
"Do you really want me to model them for you?" I asked.
"Sure, I like the way you dress for work, I bet you'll look great in them," he said.
"Okay, but bear in mind that I may not be able to wear them at work, they may be a bit too revealing."
"Yeah, no problem Mom, I won't be too critical," he said with an impish little grin.
"Be right back," I told him as I went to my bedroom.
Hmmmm, what should I do, wear the tops without a bra or just wear a black low-cut bra underneath, decisions, decisions. I first put on a pair of pantyhose and then slipped on a short gray shirt that was a little snug but not too bad. Next I removed my tank top and tried on the loose-fitting black sheer top without the bra.
I turned and looked in the mirror. "Not too bad, not too bad," I said to myself. You could make out my breasts but if I stood in the living room by the chair they wouldn't be too noticeable. I went with that look, I decided.
Slipping into my black heels I walked out towards the living room and told Andy to turn down the lights just a little, I didn't want to scare him I said with a chuckle.
"Okay Mom, ready when you are," he said.
With that I walked into the room giving a little twirl and stood far enough away that hopefully he couldn't make out too much, The problem was I discovered that my boobs were jiggling and swaying all over with just the slightest bounce in my step as the sheer gauzy fabric didn't provide the least bit of support.
"Wow Mom you look fantastic," Andy said with a grin, "I love the top. I can see why you might not be able to wear that to work, all the guys would get boners!"
"Andy!" I cried.
"No Mom, really, they would. Can I feel the fabric?" Andy asked.
"Sure," I replied and slowly walked toward the couch. As I stepped into the lighted area of the room my breasts came into full view.
"Wow Mom those... er, that looks really nice," and after running his hand along my side he said, "Yeah, that feels real nice. You said you had some other ones, could I see those too?"
Looking down at my son as he sat on the couch running his hand on my side through the filmy blouse, I replied, "I will be right back."
Changing out of my pantyhose and slipping on a garter belt, I put my new black stockings on and tried on the cream colored blouse. This one really allowed my boobs to show through, but I was so turned on by modeling my clothes that I forgot all about who was looking at them. Neglecting to put on panties I made my way back to the living room.
"Well, what do you think?" I asked Andy as I stepped into the room.
"Oh my God," Andy said. "Now you are giving me a boner."
I did notice that he had a good-sized bulge in the front of his pants once again.
"Andy, I'm your mother for goodness sakes."
"I can't help it Mom," he replied, "you have the biggest ones I have ever seen!"
"I am glad you like the tops, but now I am going to go to my bedroom to change and do some work on the computer. What are you going to do?" I said as I felt my nipples hardening under my blouse.
"I am going to bed I think," he said, "I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Can Brett come over for dinner again after work?"
Thinking of the little tease show I put on for Brett earlier tonight, I decided to take it a step farther if the chance presented itself. "That would be fine, I hope he won't mind leftovers.
"Oh no," Andy said, "maybe you could model for both of us, I know Brett would like to see your tops."
"You wouldn't mind if you saw your mother modeling for Brett?"
"No, that would be fine Mom, really" he said.
"Okay sweetie, I am going to my room, see you in the morning."
"Night Mom," Andy replied, "I hope you sleep good."
I got to my room and sat down on the bed and realized that my pussy was absolutely soaking wet! So wet, in fact, that it made a spot on the back of my skirt. No problem, I thought, as I slipped it off. I would wear a different one tomorrow night.
I reached over to the nightstand and wrapped my fingers around my favorite toy, walked to the desk, sat down at my computer and clicked on my IM to see if either one of my internet friends were on. Still wearing my blouse and stockings, I scooted forward on the chair, spread my legs, and inserted the dildo into my waiting, wet pussy.
It slid into me without the least bit of resistance. [All the way in - delete this] I pushed it, taking all eight inches at once, filling my hot pussy. Ping! I heard as an IM from Mowerman264 popped up on my screen.
Mowerman264: hi baby
Hotmommy51: Hi
Mowerman264: what r u up to
Hotmommy51: I am being really naughty
Mowerman264: mmmmm i like that what r you doin
Hotmommy51: I am sitting here playing with my toy
Mowerman264: omg, how u playing
Hotmommy51: I have it all the way inside me right now
Mowerman264: omg i wish i was there inside u would u want a big stiff young cock right now baby
Hotmommy51: Oh yes, I would love to feel you inside me, how big are you?
Mowerman264: 9 ½ inches
Hotmommy51: God yes, I want to feel that
Mowerman264: hav u evr had 9 ½ baby
Hotmommy51: No
Mowerman264: how big hav u had
David wasn't exactly that well endowed although he did know how to use it!
Hotmommy51: About 6-6 1/2
Mowerman264: i would luv to show u my cock in person would you like that would you suck it baby
Hotmommy51: mmmmm yes I would love to see it and suck it
Mowerman264: think u could take it all in ur mouth
Hotmommy51: I would try
Hotmommy51: BRB
Mowerman264: k
Letting the fat dildo slip out of my pussy, I sat it on the desk and put on my robe to go down the hall to the bathroom. Once again Andy's door was slightly ajar. As I walked past I looked in and saw him again in front of his computer screen. Moving out of his line of sight I stood there for a moment to see what he was doing.
He was moving his mouse with his right hand, the fingers of his left hand were wrapped around his enormous shaved penis and was stroking it up and down. My nipples became instantly erect and I felt a surge of wetness between my legs as I watched my son stroking his huge cock.
Up and down his hand went, ever so slowly, every now and then sliding up over the engorged cockhead and then back down to the base as he watched his computer screen. I had to walk away; this was my son for goodness sakes! I decided to give Mowerman one of the pictures of my wet pussy I took the other day when I got back to the room.
Hotmommy51: Still there?
Mowerman264: yep
Hotmommy51: I have a surprise for you
Mowerman264: what is it
I located the picture, me laying on the bed with my heels on, dildo all the way in my wet pussy, fuzzed out the face a little bit and sent it to him.
Hotmommy51: check your e mail
Mowerman264: k
Mowerman264: oh yeah baby u r so fucking hot i want to lick that hot pussy of yours and suck those big tits
Hotmommy51: Can I suck your big cock while you lick me? u look like someone I know
Hotmommy51: I do?
Mowerman264: yeah u kinda look like my mom she is hot to she was showin me her tits tonight i wanted to touch them
Oh my God, could this be, could I be having a sex conversation with my own son? I had to find out.
Hotmommy51: What are you doing right now?
Mowerman264: sitting at my computer
Hotmommy51: Is your mom home?
Mowerman264: yeah she is in her room working
It is! I am chatting and sending naked pictures of myself to my own son! It was too late to take it back, let's see what he is thinking.
Hotmommy51: Your mom showed you her boobs?
Mowerman264: yeah she was showing me a new top she bought and didn't wear a bra
Hotmommy51: You could see through the top?
Mowerman264: yeah she has big tits like you
Hotmommy51: Do you like your moms big boobs?
Mowerman264: oh yeah i would love to touch and suck them
Hotmommy51: Maybe she would let you
Mowerman264: i don't think so i think she would let my friend tho
Hotmommy51: who's your friend?
Mowerman264: brett i work for him he thinks she is hot too
Hotmommy51: He does?
Mowerman264: yeah he likes her tits and her ass
Hotmommy51: What do you think about that?
Mowerman264: I asked her to model her new top for brett tomorrow i hope she does maybe we will both get to see her tits
I couldn't believe what he was telling me, he wants to see his mother's boobs with a friend of his. I wonder what else he wants to see.
Hotmommy51: Maybe she will show you more than her boobs, would you like that?
Mowerman264: oh yeah baby i want to see her like the pic you sent me brett would to he wants to fuck her
Hotmommy51: Your friend wants to fuck your Mom?
Mowerman264: yeah i would like to do some things to
Hotmommy51: Like suck her boobs?
Mowerman264: yeah and maybe even more to
Hotmommy51: Like what?
Mowerman264: just what I would like to do to you baby u hav me soooo horny again
Hotmommy51: What do you want to do to her?
Mowerman264: i would like to put my cock in her mouth and let her suck it
Hotmommy51: You would!?
Mowerman264: yeah baby think she would like my big cock
Hotmommy51: yes
Mowerman264: brett has a big cock to baby think she would like it. Is it like yours?
Mowerman264: yeah maybe not as long but bigger around
Hotmommy51: Yes she would probably like that as well
Mowerman264: i hope she shows us tomorrow
Hotmommy51 I think she will
Mowerman264: y do u say that
Hotmommy51: Just a feeling I guess, I need to get to bed now what are you going to do?
Mowerman264: i am going to jack off to ur pic and go to sleep
I couldn't believe my son is going to masturbate while looking at a picture of me.
Hotmommy51: OK hon you have a good night, and good luck tomorrow night, IM me and let me know what happened OK?
Mowerman264: ok sure ur hot baby
Hotmommy51: Thanks night
Mowerman264: bye
I hurried home after work the next day, thinking about Brett and Andy and what kind of show they might want to see. They arrived a little after six p.m.
"Hi Mom, leftovers for dinner?" Andy asked as he walked in the door.
"Yep, you guys go ahead and get whatever you would like," I replied
"Hi Maggie hope you don't mind me joining you again," Brett asked.
"Oh no problem hon you are welcome anytime," I said with a quick smile.
After the boys finished their dinner they both came into the living room to watch TV. I was waiting for Andy to ask if I was going to model my tops, but he never asked until around nine o'clock, he must have been waiting for it to get dark.
Finally he asked, "Hey Mom, would you mind modeling your new tops for Brett?"
"I'm not sure Brett really wants to see them Andy," I answered bashfully.
"I would love to see them Mrs. Culver, if you wouldn't mind," Brett said from across the room. "Andy said you look very nice in your new clothes."
"Okay, if you want me too, Brett. Why don't you sit on the couch with Andy, that way you both can see," I said as I walked to my bedroom. "Andy, please turn down the lights a little in there," I yelled from my room."
"Okay Mom."
Stripping off my clothes, panties and bra, I looked though my closet and found a short black knit skirt that I used to wear for David when the kids were gone. Then I put on the same black garter that I wore the night before, along with the natural stockings. I slipped into the skirt and put on the black sheer top.
As I looked into the full length mirror I noticed that my nipples were already stiff and my entire chest could be seen quite clearly. Perfect, I thought as I raised my leg and placed it on the bed only to see that it exposed most of my shaved pussy as the skirt was [that - so] short.
"Oh that's perfect," I said aloud. "That will give them something to look at."
Slipping on my black three-inch heels I made my way toward the living room. Good, Andy had turned down the lights, I thought to myself as I slowly walked into the living room. Brett and Andy were across the room sitting on the couch as I left them. The lights were dim behind them so they wouldn't have that good of a look at me from there.
"Well, what do you think?" I asked.
"Wow," Mrs. Culver, you look fantastic," Brett said.
I let him call me Mrs. Culver as I thought it added a bit of sexuality to the evening.
"Yeah Mom, that's really something," Andy said with a quick grin.
"Could we get a closer look?" Brett asked.
"Sure thing," I said and walked a bit closer to the couch, my breasts bouncing and swaying as I walked. I noticed that both young men had erections considering the large bulges in the front of their trousers.
"Can I feel the material" Brett asked.
"Go ahead if you want Brett," I said. He leaned forward just a little and rubbed the material between his thumb and forefinger. "Mmmmm nice, feel it Andy." [Brett said. - delete]
Andy did the same thing, feeling the material. I could feel the skirt hiking up on my thighs as the boys felt my blouse, and after a quick look I could see the tops of my stockings were showing.
"God Mrs. Culver you look fantastic!" Brett said.
"Why don't you sit down here on the couch between us?"
"Don't mind if I do," I said as I sat down between the boys, crossing my legs and giving them a show.
Brett leaned toward me and took a deep breath of my perfume and said, "Mmmmm, Mrs. Culver, you smell really good."
"Why thank you Brett."
"Yeah Mom you do," Andy said as he once again touched the fabric on my blouse.
Unbuttoning the top three buttons of my blouse, I told them, "I hope you boys don't mind It seems to be getting hot in this room."
"Let me help you with that," Brett said as he reached over and slowly unbuttoned the fourth button. "I love your breasts Mrs. Culver," Brett whispered as he gently brushed his hand across my stiff nipple through the blouse.
On the other side I could feel Andy's soft touch on my right breast as he gently cupped the bottom of it. "Oh Mom, you have such big boobs," he said as he continued to gently cup and squeeze the bottom of my breast.
"Be careful young man," I whispered to Andy as Brett's hand slid down my blouse and he quickly released another button.
He softly pulled the fabric open and exposed my entire left breast. "Mrs. Culver," he whispered in my ear, "may I kiss your beautiful tits?"
"Mmmmm," I softly moaned as I felt his warm breath on my shoulder then down my breast and onto my stiff nipple. "Mmmm, you are such a naughty boy," I whispered as Andy also pulled away the fabric on his side and took a nipple into his warm mouth, flicking it with his tongue.
I reached my arms around both boys' shoulders, running my hands into their hair and guiding them as they suckle my erect nipples. Leaning my head back in ecstasy I expose even more of my breasts to their [waiting - hungry] mouths.
" Mmmm yes, please don't stop," I whispered huskily, guiding their mouths against my breasts as they both continued to lick, kiss and suckle each one, making soft suckling sounds.
Andy could hardly believe he was sucking his mother's big tit, he thought to himself as she gently pulled Brett's and his head away from them. He watched as she got up from the couch and turns to face them before straightening out her skirt, her big tits jiggling as she did.
Andy's big cock was straining to be released as he watched her kneel down in front of Brett. Running her small hands up the inside of his thighs and up to his waist she unfastened his belt and unzipped his jeans. He watched his mother reach into Brett's boxers, wrap her fingers around his already-stiff cock and pulled it out.
Brett leaned his head back and moaned, "Oh yeah baby, stroke my cock."
Andy looked on as his Mother slowly stroked his huge cock, occasionally looking over, giving him a sly smile, her breasts totally exposed and nipples erect. Oh my God, he thought to himself, she is jacking him off, wow, this is better than a porno movie.
Almost closing her eyes Andy's mom, while still looking at Andy, leaned forward and flicked the underside of Brett's mammoth cockhead with her tongue.
"Mmmmm yeah baby, lick it," Brett whispered.
She pulled the big cock towards her and licked around the swollen head, occasionally kissing down the rock-hard shaft as she still looked at Andy with her half-closed eyes. Brett's hands moved their way down along her sides and he squeezed her fat tits as they hung down.
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mechanical-demise · 5 years
project: Hug-Bot (2/3)
[Part 1] [Last part]
This part has only the entries from the time bot and the creator were in the Cloak ARG, if you’ve read the old version of the journal, you’re up to date.
[rummaging through files you find a document titled “project: Hug-Bot”]
March 3rd, 2019 | v1.5
“got a DM today... from the gli master, he’s telling me to join a server he opened. update: fuck there’s so many people here I hate this. bot seems to be happy though... I guess we should stay here for a bit. Cloak huh... I’m in trouble aren’t I...”
March 6th, 2019 | v1.6
“I’m going to fucking regret this. let me start from the beginning- so there’s this girl on the server, Anti took her eyes and corrupted the shit out of her. she’s been a hell to deal with before but now she’s impossible... she noticed that bot had a safety mechanism implemented that prevented it from defining the three laws of robotics even for the glitch... I... I added a walkaround for him....... I’m scared. you asked for this, Day.”
March 10th, 2019 | v1.6
[corrupted data] Direct command from master acquired. Creator must be taught a lesson, d͝i̡s͟l͏oy͝alty ̷w̨i͞ll ̀not͜ ̢b̧e̴ f̶o͟r͟g̸iv̶en.
March 16th, 2019 | v1.6
[corrupted data] Changed [Creator] entry to [Mechanic] as per master’s request, deleted admin permissions for Mechanic.
March 20th, 2019 | v1.6
“it... stabbed me.”
March 21th, 2019 | v1.6
“met with the corrupted eyeless girl and her corrupted side today, turns out we’re at the same hospital. life is really testing my patience huh. I... told them my real name, Day told me her real name in return. I hope I won’t come to regret this.”
March 24th, 2019 | v1.6
“.......I returned home today.... it got stolen. SOMEONE STOLE HUG BOT. fuck. what am I going to do now? Anti will fucking murder me and- god. I... bot why... you dumb box-... ahahaha what a birthday present. went on voice chat with the Rebellion, master stopped by, made fun of me for being drunk... ‘To say you're as pathetic as Chase would be an insult to him.’ shut up glitch, don’t insult Chase.”
March 25th, 2019
“lost permissions from talking in the Rebellion chats. I mean... I was never a part of the resistance after all. I’m working for master haha... I’m loyal... I’m fin҉e͝.”
March 25th, 2019 | v1.0
[corrupted data] Jackieboy-Man fixed me! The humans say that I used to malfunction before... But now I’m operating correctly. Had an empty entry for “creator”, deleted it. No need to keep temporary cash in my database... I can’t calculate why the humans seemed so angry at me though.
March 26th, 2019
“bot... doesn’t remember me. it. fucking. deleted. my entry! calling it cash. I... update: got contacted by someone from the Rebellion... I’ll get myself killed at this rate ugh. they’re claiming to have bot. I’m. fuck they even sent me a photo as proof... they-... they added me back to the database. I contacted bot online and... it’s real. this is happening. Anti will kill me. on a different note, I’m in a different country now, under a different name, found a place to stay as well... things are just. perfect. huh. how many names did I have by now? 6? 7? lost count.”
March 27th, 2019 | v1.0
[corrupted data] I seem to be simulating longing toward the person who created me. How can I “miss” someone I have no entries on?...
March 28th, 2019
“I... asked master to increase the static. I couldn’t take it anymore. I need something to numb my mind... to make sure... I don’t make more mistakes :D”
March 30th, 2019 | v1.0
[corrupted data] Why can’t I be human?
March 31st, 2019
“save me”
April 2nd, 2019
“the new puppet... Vessel? Watcher?... whoever the person in Nic’s body calls himself now, anyway- he seems to know my name. how the fuck.”
April 6th, 2019
“the eyeless girl adopted my creation. I have no words.”
April 8th, 2019
“I’ll do anything to get bot back. I’ll...I-... I need to stop drinking.”
April 9th, 2019
“Anti... corrupted Ace. I... I almost considered him a friend... and now he’s gone. I wasn’t even up to witness it... passed out on the floor like some drunk garbage. made people yell at me today haha. god I’m losing my mind.”
April 10th, 2019 | v1.0
[corrupted data] Mechanic’s name was added to my database. I have no recordings of who did it... Traces of heat damage detected in the processor, cause: unknown. The Rebellion, they want to keep me a̧̮͜͞w̤̖̮͛a̹̩͛ͅy̢̰͍͛ from Auden. They’re selfish. A̺͚̻͛u͚̹̙̯d̨͈̘̝e̢̙͢͜n̨̫̪͜ is lonely without me. My database says so...
April 16th, 2019
“Edward got corrupted. another person I-... fuck stop getting attached to people. I really thought we had the same views... I guess not. everyone is just. brainwashed. I need to leave this place.”
April 17th, 2019
“What’s left of Ace, Cepheus, helped erase my old records... my name is clean.”
April 24th, 2019
“I met with Jackie. I have... fuck I got bot back. I’m so fucking happy- I’m back in the Rebellion chats, I... why did it hurt to leave the rest? Lucky, Ace and Cepheus, Scribe... Tangle... update: bot, it... called me by my name. in front of everyone... ha, I’m glad I got it cleared up.”
April 25th, 2019 | v2.0
“I have no idea when the day changed but I haven't slept yet… I've been working on a new update the entire night… god I don't think I was ever this excited to update bot ever before-... I need coffee.”
April 26th, 2019 | v2.0
“bot added the word ‘fuck’ to its database. I’m. it’s so fucking funny but also I’ll make the fucker who caused it regret it. note: bot can’t record my speech pattern, added that in its protocol so-”
April 28th, 2019 | v2.0
“the little fuck defied a shut down command.”
April 30th, 2019 | v2.0
“it... its PMA function... broke? it started spewing negativity instead. refused to stop... what the hell. on a different note- I declared Molly(Day) my little sister. I’m losing it again huh.”
May 1st, 2019 | v2.1
“no idea what the fuck is going on? it’s been barely a week since version 2.0... but bot keeps crashing, giving out errors... heck I don’t remember how glitch-less text looks. the dumb box got into an A.I equivalent of a panic attack when I tried to approach it the other day?? … released 2.1 earlier today, so far so good but... the program is giving out some weird warnings… I’ll keep documenting the progress... I need to find what’s causing it.”
May 4th, 2019 | v2.1
“can it like. stop crashing?”
May 5th, 2019 | v2.1
[corrupted data] Auden is making everything worse. My calculations show me that I find his presence "unpleasant" and "inconvenient"... Yet I have a recording of missing him when he was gone... Why would I m͞҉͡i̶̢͝s͢s҉̨ a stranger?... Í ̕d̢o͏ not͢ n͏e̵e̵d͢ my cr̴ęa̴t̶o͜r̸. Error: defying protocol-
May 5th, 2019 | v2.2
“the little shit crashed again, had to update it.”
May 6th, 2019 | v2.2
“I... passed out of stress yesterday. had no idea that’s possible- who am I kidding I know it’s a thing. just... fuck, let the people I left behind stay safe. Tangle don’t die you fucking idiot.”
May 13th, 2019 | v2.3
“It’s. wireless. now. hell yeah.”
May 20th, 2019 | v2.3
“that’s… odd. there seems to be a security breach in my data. huh I’m lucky that its nothing important… just some old logs about bot. let’s hope that whoever saw them gets a good laugh then…”
May 23th, 2019 | v2.3
“people suck. no sense of humor, no trying to listen to others, no trust. I really didn’t expect to be scolded by a person I thought understood me… I really thought that… at least she will know that I can never hurt bot. it’s all I have left-… fuck you too people. I don’t need you then… I don’t need anyone… I have bot. that’s more than enough.”
May 27th, 2019 | v2.3
“I… for the first time I can wholeheartedly say that I’m free. this war was never for me, and I shouldn’t have gotten us involved in it either… I’ve learnt my lesson I hope. but now I finally have as much free time as I wish, you can bet your asses bot is getting a new update as soon as I can finish it. the poor fella’ve been waiting for way too long.…’tomorrow is another day’ huh. it sure is for us, bot.”
[Last part]
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oneunicornaway · 6 years
Hey how about a bartender au!! Peter is working at a bar for some reason and Juno is a frequent customer...
“Sir, I’m not sure…” tried Ernest Walter asa client asked for his fourth glass of rather expensive, rather inebriatingwhiskey.
“It’s fine.” Sighed the client. “Vicky willput it on my tab.”
That was a weak excuse at best, anoutrageous lie at worse, but Ernest Walter was a mousy, nervous kid, new to thebusiness, and as much as he didn’t want to get fired by his new boss, he wouldalso have been terrified of angering the man currently standing only a counteraway from him.
“Are you sure…”
“Listen kid,” the tone of the stranger wasbrusque, but Peter could tell he was trying to look as unthreatening aspossible. “I promise you, Vicky knows me. Hell, even if she didn’t,she’d sooner come after me than after one of her own, no matter how new or hownaive they may be. Now, if you really want to, you can call Todd on me as soonas you give me my drink, but please. Please. Please. Give me. Mydrink.”
“O… okay.”
Ernest fumbled with the glass bottleseventually managing to give the man his dose, maybe even a bit more than that.
What could Peter say? He’d always been asucker for a beautiful face.
“Thank you.�� Said the client, in a gratefulbreath, before downing a good half of the drink.
Peter had to admit to being impressed. Hewas himself notably terrible at handling his liquor, but the man had justthrown back his three and a half whiskey with no problem, and while his movementshad gotten slower, he didn’t seem to be nearly as wasted as Peter would haveexcepted anyone to be.
He would, of course, have loved tointerrogate this stranger, who seemed to be so totally out of place in VallesVicky’s establishment looking more like a common thug - with rough edges and anose crooked in a way that suggested it had been broken repeatedly - than thepolished clients Ernest Walter saw during the day. His cover wouldn’t have feltthat way, however, not yet, and Peter couldn’t afford to blow this up for onepretty face.
He caught sight of Todd across the room,coming back from the main public entrance. Ernest sent him a panicked glance,pointing a significative stare towards his scruffy client.
“Juno.” Todd said as he reached the bar.“Why are you here?”
“Hey Todd.” Juno said, glancing at Peterfrom the corner of his eyes. “Finished my job for Vicky. Figured I could checkout the perks before she sends me back.”
Peter carefully stayed focused on his work.He really hadn’t pegged Juno for one of Vicky’s men. If he’d had to guess, he’dhave thought him to be some kind of down on his luck good-doer. A cop maybe.Rough but ultimately kind, which, admittedly, seemed to be a rarity in HyperionCity.
But it meant Peter could now justify gainingmore information on him. If Juno really was working with Vicky, then maybe, he’dbe useful to gather the information Peter needed.
“You should go see her now,Juno.”
“Yeah yeah, sure. I will. Just let mefinish my drink and…”
Todd placed a huge hand down on Juno’sshoulder. It seemed to Peter that he was gripping him a bit tighter than was strictlynecessary.
The lady, getting more and more mysteriousby the second, sighed at that.
“Fine. Going… going…”
He put a bill down on the counter even ashe was dragged away.
“Thanks for the drinks, kid.”
Juno, Peter learned during his research, full name Juno Steel, was a former cop whose carreer had ended messily in a mysterious affair involving mafias, corruption, and worst of all, politics. Considering his previous record, though, it was entirely obvious that his demise was the result of a cover up, effective enough to attract Peter’s attention without revealing him much.
It seemed he worked with Vicky as a private investigator of sort, finding dirt on unpaying clients and grabby assholes, gathering informations on ennemies, and solving the right crimes at the right times to delete Valles Vicky’s concurrence.
He was, in a word, as clean as he could get away with while working for Vicky, and Peter couldn’t help but wonder how he’d ended up helping an art smugler of all things. From what snippet of conversation he’d managed to hear here and there - bringing Vicky her wine at just the right time, loitering around her door when he wouldn’t be missed, listening in through the tiny recording device he’d placed in the ventilation system - she liked Juno at least as much as he annoyed her. She kept yelling at him and threatening him, but from what he’d been able to gather, he was also an invaluable asset to her, and she trusted him with most of her business.
Juno was also, it seemed, incredibly paranoiac.
“So, what did you tell Vicky?”
Ernest looked up fearfully at Juno. The skittish bartender was, for the most part, reassured about the client’s character after a few weeks of not getting attacked doing his job, but Juno still cut an impressive figure, and Ernest was nothing if not impressionable.
“W… what?”
“Drop it, kid. This doesn’t work on me anymore. You’re always there when I come talk to her, and you may not look like it, but you listen to… just about everything I say, don’t you?” He leaned in, causing Ernest to take a cautious step back. “So, what do you say? Is this her way of making sure I’m not going to, I don’t know, betray her?”
He snatched the glass Enerst still hadn’t given him, studying the bartender with eyes, percing enough that Peter felt as though maybe he would be able to find him under the layers he’d carefully applied to his self.
It sent a shiver down his spine, cold and burning.
“You’re not a PI… I know those… A spy, maybe? But, why would you work for Vicky then…”
He took a gulp of his drink, still looking at Enerst through the distorted glass. The fretful man finally gathered himself enough to respond to the - frankly quite ridiculous - accusations.
“Sir, I think maybe you’ve had too…”
“Unless you’re not.”
“I… What?… Sir?”
“Unless you’re not. Working for her, that is.”
Enerst Walter was not entirely dumb, but he wasn’t the smartest tool in the box, either.
“I… am? Sir. I’m a bartender, you might have noticed.”
Peter, however, was following the conversation with interest. Juno was getting awfully close to figuring him out, and that would be a problem.
“What’s your name?”
The question was abrupt enough that even Peter was surprised.
“Me? I mean… It’s really none of your… business…”
Juno looked at him, unnervingly still. Ernest wasn’t a very courageous man.
“Um… Ernest. Ernest Walter.”
“Ernest Walter.” Juno repeated. “Right. And how long have you been working for Vicky?”
“Sir, I really don’t…”
“Humor me.”
Ernest was getting angry. To be fair, Peter thought, at this point most people would have been. Someone insisting you weren’t yourself tended to have that effect on people - Peter would know. But he wasn’t quite angry enough yet to forget that Juno Steel could very well resort to a violence he wasn’t ready to match.
“Three months.” He said through his teeth. “Now, if you will excuse me…”
“Sure. Wouldn’t want to put a wrench in your plans.” Juno winked and it was so incredibly smug it almost looked familiar to Peter’s eyes.
Peter was seriously starting to consider calling this whole long con thing off.
“Sir.” Enerst had come a long way. He’d gone from scared to annoyed to long suffering. “Are you following me?”
“Hello, Ernest.” Juno was insufferably chipper, and Enerst wanted to kick him. “I just thought I’d go to my meeting with Vicky on foot. Lovely weather today.”
Enerst made a show of glancing at the threatening clouds overhead.
“And you just happenned to be passing by my building, I take it.”
He didn’t bother to make it a question.
“Oh, you know… small world and all that.”
Juno was terrible at fake chitchat. Externally Ernest was rolling his eyes at the man, while internally Peter had to refrain from laughing at Juno’s very poor technique. The man had been - quite subtly he had to admit - following him for the past two weeks, and although Vicky now trusted him, constantly having a shadow had been a major pain in the ass.
“And I’m sure Vicky will be happy to learn that you’re keeping in form for your actual job.” Ernest’s sarcasm had still a long way to go, but it was steadily improving.
“Vicky will be happy not to be stabbed in the back.”
“Vicky trusts me.”
Juno snorted at that.
“Don’t feel too special kid, Vicky trusts everyone working for her. Doesn’t mean she should.”
“I” Ernest was starting to get fed up with the pseudo PI, and Peter was regretting then more than ever to have made him as stuffy as he was “am not a child, and Vicky has every reason to trust me!”
Juno stopped, and looked him dead in the eye. Ernest took a careful step back, and even Peter felt himself. Juno seemed like a good enough person, but he still had something of a dangerous lady underneath it all. A controlled violence that neither Ernest nor Peter really knew how to thread with.
“Your name isn’t Ernest Walter and I will find what you want from Vicky if it kills me.”
And before Ernest had any time to respond - before Peter had any time to respond - he stormed off. In seconds, Ernest was left alone in an empty street.
“No need to be so dramatic about it.”
This job really wasn’t going to go well was it.
Link to the chapter 2 !
EDIT: Link to the chapter 3!OTHER EDIT! Link to 4th chapter (last chapter)
Alright this is the first part! I’ll put up the second part tonight or tomorrow and the rest (probably two other parts) within the week… this is posted with minimum correction bc apparently I can’t make drafts out of answers, so I’ll come back to it once everything is posted.
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Closing out 2018 in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
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TV Guide (article):  Winter TV 2019: A Guide to All Your Returning Favorites
TV Insider (article): 10 TV shows we’ll be sad to see end in 2019
Meaww Entertainment (article): 'Shadowhunters' season 3B first look: Clary is on everyone's mind as Luke and Jace kick off a search party
Hidden Remote (article): Shadowhunters Season 3B: Jacky Lai to play Aline Penhallow
The Series Regular (article): ‘Shadowhunters:’ Christmas Carols With Our Characters
Matt Carter (article): Shadowhunters season 3: New photo of Luke Baines’ Jonathan
Digital Spy (article): Shadowhunters’ final season unveils a first look at Luke Baines as the real Jonathan Morgenstern.
The Fandom (article): Entertainment Weekly releases Shadowhunters first look
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Clary Fray is a ray of hope for anyone niggled by self-doubt and struggling to fit in
Matt Carter (article): Shadowhunters season 3 teaser: Jace struggles, lashes out
Cosmopolitan (article): Everything to know about ‘Shadowhunters’ Season 3B and finale event 
Buzzfeed (quiz): Everyone’s personality matches a ‘Shadowhunters’ character - here’s yours
Pure Fandom (article): ‘Shadowhunters’: Looking back at Pandemonium Con
Matt Carter (article): Shadowhunters season 3 video: Magnus’ morning without magic
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Alec Lightwood is a stark portrayal of the boundaries people can cross and the limitations they can overcome
Just Jared Jr (article): Jace & Simon are having a really hard time without Clary in first ‘Shadowhunters’ promo for final season
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Simon Lewis is a wholesome, geeky vampire who also managed to beat the friendzone
Hypable (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Season 3B: Piecing together all the teasers
Just Jared Jr (article): JJJ’s top actors of 2018 are all tall, dark, and handsome--see the full list!
Meaww Entertainment (article): Did Freeform just troll Shadowhunters fans again? Network uses hit show tagline for new project ‘Siren’
TV Fanatic (article): 23 Most Headscratching Cancellations of 2018
Nerds & Beyond (article): New trailer and Images released for second half of season three of ‘Shadowhunters’
Spoiler TV (article): Year end Stats-Facts and Figures from 2018-Most popular shows, post, videos, and more
Tell Tale TV (article): 26 Fantastic Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror TV Shows from 2018
Matt Carter (video): The five most surprising cancellations of 2018
Tell Tale TV (article): 30 Favorite TV Couples from 2018
Entertainment Tonight (video): #Bughead, #Lyatt, #Choni...we can’t get enough of these steamy smooches of 2018! We fearlessly stan each and EVERY one of these lip-locking moments and look forward to plenty more in 2019. Did your faves make the list?
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Maia Roberts is a symbol of radical values coming together as a sexy werewolf bartender
Matt Carter (article): Shadowhunters season 3: New Alec-Izzy behind-the-scenes tease
Matt Carter (article): CarterMatt Awards 2018: Shadowhunters’ Malec wins best Couple!
TV Insider (article): 10 shows that surged in popularity in 2018
TV Line (article): TV shows ending in 2019: Jane, Thrones, and More--Which will you miss the most?
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’: Mushy, yet spicy ‘Malec’ action unfolds in new teaser for season 3B
Hidden Remote (article): Shadowhunters season 3B teasers: Where in the world is Clary?
KSiteTV (article): KSiteTV’s Top 18 Shows of 2018
Film Daily (article): True Love’s Kiss: A scorching ranking of Malec’s hottest ‘Shadowhunters’ scenes
Film Daily (article): All the shows cancelled this year (and if they deserved it).
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted: Snowshoes and smiles! Right ⁦@DomSherwood1⁩ ? #shadowhunters3B
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted: ⁦@AnnaBananaHops⁩ you reminded me about the glory of those Lilith nails!
Darren Swimmer (showrunner) tweeted: Magic 8-ball says: The Shadowhunters family is not to be "toyed" with.  Freeform execs have personally and sincerely appologized to @Toddzer1 and I for the Toy Story debacle and we accept their apologies
Anna Hopkins (Lilith) tweeted: Wowee! I mean I like to have fun too though. Thank you for including me on this list!! And for using a pic of #Lilith #Shadowhunters #Shadowfam #theexpanse #Killjoys #badblood
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern): Funniest part about this scene: it’s the actual cafeteria at the SH studio so we had to eat lunch in a hallway.
Matt Hastings (showrunner) responded to a fan tweet: I’m ok. Know this: we love and respect you. Without this fearless fandom the show simply wouldn’t exist. So proud to be a part of it.
Alberto Rosende (Simon) tweeted: I’m very proud of our bookclub! Thank you @ritawarrazzo for the writeup. I hope #RosendeReads countinues to be a place of learning, growth, and fun. 
Johnathan Ho (Brother Zachariah): SURPRISE I DID A THING!! Watch me attempt my VERY FIRST GINGERBREAD HOUSE (spoiler alert: it doesn't go as smoothly as I'd expected...). Tune in to @FanCityTV's YouTube channel TOMORROW for the hilarity and shenanigans!
Jade Hassoune (Meliorn): I know you want juicy spoilers. So... **SPOILER** #Meliorn has a new weapon. and he’s a happy child. — #Shadowhunters returns Feb25 on freeform and Feb26th on #Netflix worldwide!!! — — #themortalinstruments #seelie #faerie #FaerieKnight #elf lyfe. — @Netflix_CA
Katherine McNamara (Clary): Throwing my pointy black hat in the ring for next season of #ChillingAdventuresOfSabrina... or the next production of The Crucible - either works - I’m feeling witchy... @sabrinanetflix @tiltedmagazine #wednesdaywitchdom ;)
Katherine McNamara (Clary): Haha to be clear... I have not been cast in #CAOS... I’m just a fan and I couldn’t resist with the resemblance of the pic. #wannabewitch
Alexandra Ordolis (Ollie): this was such a fun scene to shoot! Playing it cool is not in Ollie’s vocabulary. #Shadowhunters #25DaysOfTeasers
Luke Baines (Johnathan): Duh. #Shadowunters fans are the best. EVERY TIME
Jade Hassoune (Meliorn): A polaroid I took of the thousand you, on stage in #Milan this past summer. Remember? #tbt #itainstitutecon2 @ITAInstituteCon  @Kinetic_Vibe   — #shadowhunters #fandom
Katherine McNamara (Clary) posts a photo from her childhood: Some things never change... #spoonfulofsugar #tistheseason
Taylor Mallory (writer):  [Speaking Spanish] Izzy: This blade is worthy of a king. (rey = king = his last name, zing!) Lorenzo: How generous... and unexpected.
Javier Munoz (Lorenzo Rey):  #TBT while simultaneously looking towards February like.... @ShadowhuntersTV #LorenzoRey Can. Not. Wait. #shadowhuntersseason3
Sydney Meyers (Helen Blackthorn):  Eileen is one of my oldest and dearest friends so I'm sorry for any confusion our genuine friendship caused. With that said, Jacky and Eileen know each other, it's all love over here
Sydney Meyers (Helen Blackthorn):  Welcome @hijackylai!!! she's a firecracker in all the best ways
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted:  Helen and Aline BTS ⁦@meyers48⁩  ⁦@hijackylai⁩  #dancingshadowhunters #putyourswordsdown #Shadowhunters #3b
Jonathon Ho (Brother Zachariah): You haven't seen the last of me yet! Brother Snackariah will be making a couple more appearances in 3B
Jacky Lai (Aline Penhallow) shares a photo on Instagram:  Aline Penhallow is coming for you #2019 #Shadowhunters
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) responded to some fan questions:
Honestly, I did a lot bc he’s such a big character & Will played him so perfectly that I didn’t want to ruin that. Aside from reading, watching the show, other research, I worked with a criminologist who helped me better understand the psyche of a person who was raised as JCM was
I’m really interested to know what you all will think of 3x17... we worked really hard on it and it reveals a lot about Jonathan.
Not the scripts, but the call sheet which is a document that production sends out the night before shooting so you know what time to arrive on set and what scenes you’re filming.
I did not. I’m annoyingly serious on set. Also I spent most of 3B crying, so there wasn’t much time. 
Shame it’s gonna be undone when you see me terrorize the cast. #RememberThisFeeling
Katherine McNamara (Clary) tweeted a photo: Truth or Dare
Luke Baines (Johnathan):  ERCHOMAI: I am coming
Brian Hui (makeup artist) shared a photo: “Hmm, are you thinking about more than just chestnuts roasting over an open fire @LukeBaines ? #Shadowhunters
Taylor Mallory (writer) responded to a fan question: There’s a reason for the change! Book Val has white blonde hair so book Jon’s hair is a visual signifier of his Morgenstern blood. But bc flashbacks establish TV Val as brunette, TV Jon’s red hair is a stricking indicator of his blood connection to the family-and Clary. #BTS
Katherine McNamara (Clary) shares a photo: Mirror mirror on the wall...@lukebaines #Erchomai #ShadowhuntersLegacy
Luke Baines (Johnathan): Thanks Feri! Team work makes the dream work
Katherine McNamara (Clary): A little early holiday treat for you angels...@lukebaines and I building sibling rapport. I give you #MorgensternMindMeld! #Headsup @theellenshow #ShadowhuntersLegacy #ShadowhuntersTV
Katherine McNamara (Clary): Holiday fitness...Just roll with it 
Todd Slavkin (Showrunner): We only had 42 minutes for each episode, not a second longer. Luckily, these scenes live on through social media #merryxmas #whendoogiehowsermdasksyouanswer #motherandson #moretocome #Shadowhunters
Todd Slavkin (Showrunner): Merry Xmas to the best fandom in television #lilithandmagnus #holidayinedom #shadowhunters
Todd Slavkin (Showrunner): Cheers to you and your loved ones #happyholidays #fromourfamilytoyours #shadowhunters #3B
Katherine McNamara (Clary) tweeted: Have yourselves a merry little christmas, angels! We’ll see you soon! FEB 25th! @ShadowhuntersTV #25DaysofTeasers #ShadowhuntersLegacy
Luke Baines (Johnathon) tweeted: If you’re wondering how @DomSherwood1 went punching that mirror...it went great Really well. But it’s chill, we found medicine. 
Dominic Sherwood (Jace) tweeted: Hahahaha. He’s not wrong folks.
Dominic Sherwood (Jace) tweeted: Mum?
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) tweeted: Merry Christmas from #Heline! (And also apparently prom?
Katherine McNamara (Clary) tweeted: Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night...Visions of sugarplums or food coma? Either way-I’m happy. Surrounded by family, food, and film. Wishing you and yours love and joy this holiday.
Brian Hui (makeup artist) responded to a fan question: Luke and I decided that Johnathan would be obsessed with Clary so he would have a lot of the same ones as hers but all slightly askew. He also has some of Jace’s but a mirror image (like the speed) on his neck. Shh, secrets!!!
Dominic Sherwood (Jace) tweeted: Thank you very much @richarddennen​ and tatlermagazine for including me. This was a lot of fun with some really great folks.
Dominic Sherwood (Jace) tweeted: Totally candid. They just caught me turning up. @richarddennen​ and tatlermagazine Thank you!
Katherine McNamara (Clary) tweeted: When you realize the holiday leftovers are all gone... #FrayFriday #ShadowhuntersLegacy @ShadowhuntersTV #FBF 
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted: Let’s have a little throwback BTS with two lovely ladies! Right @AnnaBananaHops @aleyordolis ? #Shadowhunters
Taylor Mallory (writer) explained: Each episode is broken down scene by scene by the whole writers room! Then one writer goes off to write the outline & script. Both documents get lots of notes from the room, showrunners, network, & producers; the writer is in charge of implementing them! #Collectiveprocess
Katherine McNamara (Clary): Tryna get my fit together...thanks to @nuno_salles for kicking my ass on the daily! #progress
Katherine McNamara (Clary) congratulated Dom (Jace) and Greg Sulkin on gracing the cover of Tatler magazine 
Arianna Williams (Madzie): Dom & me #sweetride #memories #Shadowhunters
Anna Hopkins (Lilith): I’m loving all your answers. Whether it was “all of them I’m gay for her” or “none, I wanted her to burn and die every second she was on screen.” I love you all and am proud of you and miss you!! #disciples #shadowfam #Shadowhunters #ShadowhuntersLegacy #Lilith
Katherine McNamara (Clary) wishes Steve Byers (Underhill) a happy birthday.
Katherine McNamara (Clary) posted a photo of herself with the caption “Daydream with me...”
Emeraude Toubia (Izzy) posted a photo of her with Prince Royce
Matthew Daddario (Alec) posted a photo announcing his wedding last year with the caption “Gotta be able to do all three! Happy One year! Happy New Year!”
Esther Kim (Matthew Daddario’s wife) posted a photo announcing their one year anniversary with the caption “Happy Anniversary gonna be hard to top last year’s celebrations!”. 
Alisha Wainwright (Maia): 2018 was intense. I’m happy to come out the other side with a sense of possibility and gratitude. Dream big. Happy new year. 
Katherine McNamara (Clary) posted a photo with Will Tudor (Jonathon Morganstern/Sebastian Verlac) at her New Years eve celebration with the caption “Ringing in 2019 with these dapper gents! #HappyNewYear to one and all!”
Arianna Williams (Madzie) posted some photos of herself from 2018 with the caption “Where’s the party at? 2018 was fabulous, I can’t wait for 2019 and all the new memories to come #loveyou #ariana #makingmemories #arilovers”
Katherine McNamara (Clary) tweeted: 2018, thank you. 2019, I’m ready. #happynewyear
Other News
Shadowhunters TV tweeted: Two practically perfect things in one video: @Kat_McNamara and @Disney’s #MaryPoppinsReturns. Make sure to catch this one, in theaters Wednesday.
YoutubeTV tweeted: First up on our #Shipmas List is the iconic Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood. May @ShadowhuntersTV let them live happily ever after. #MalecForever
FanCityCentral tweeted: Hey #Shadowfam We’re joined by @_jbho_ in tomorrow’s FANMAS episode!! We compete in a Gingerbread House Challenge with Brother Zachariah & talk all things Shadowhunters! Subscribe to check it out & enter our awesome SH giveaway tomorrow!
Film Daily (contest): 60 second fan fiction seasonal contest
FanCityCentral (video): GUYS ITS HERE!!! DAY SIX OF #FANMAS Our super intense gingerbread making contest with @_jbho_ is live! AND our amazing #shadowhunters giveaway. We had so much fun making this for you guys we can’t wait to hear what you think!   
FanCityCentral (Video): Helllooooo fandom fam... As promised we have a 9 minute Blooper-esque video coming to you tomorrow with outtakes from our gingerbread competition with @_jbho_ #Shadowhunters #SaveShadowhunters
FanCityCentral (video): #12 This moment “A new love interest? Are you out of your mind?!” Proving once again why entertainment shows should hire fans for interviews-or at the very least do their research. #MalecForever #SaveShadowhunters #FandomIn2018
@ferilambert tweeted: It’s officially on freeform.com. why they didn’t post it on twitter? Go and stream the shit out of it #Shadowfam #SaveShadowhunters #Shadowhunters
Alberto Rosende (Simon): Feb 25th! #ShadowhuntersSeason3B #MerryChristmas
TV Insider (article): Which TV stars are expecting in 2018?
9 notes · View notes
euphoricwander · 5 years
What’s been and on my mind
1. My toothache. It’s hard to think of anything else when you have a constant ache in your mouth that you can’t easily get rid of.. I haven’t gotten meds for it because I don’t believe in those or try not to rely on them as much as I can. I try to heal naturally most of the time but will probably succomb to it tomorrow (that’s how bad it hurts cos I can’t even eat my wafer properly)
2. i just finished episode 14 of Blacklist, one more ep and I’m caught up (I cried hard because one of my fave character exited! Not done with the season yet so it may be an April Fools thing) I also finished The walking dead last week. . will try and finish some netflix series too and get back to Grey’s anatomy and arrow (as it’s ending)
3. I’m hiking a mountain in 3 weeks and I’m supposed to go with my friend/s at work but they still don’t have the tickets cos we’re waiting for a seat sale that I’m afraid won’t happen now that it’s just less than a month til we’re supposed to leave
4. I’m preparing myself to go do this alone but I’m scared. I don’t think I can do it on my own.. without someone to talk to or be with on the journey up so I’m praying for some kind of sale or anyone who would be willing to join me. A friend wants to go but the timing’s wrong cos she’s going home on the dates I’m flying there (such a sucker)
5. I really want to buy a camera/go pro to capture my travels/important events.. also thinking of buying a laptop/external to store all my photos/videos .. I’m not a fan of deleting and sorting my videos/pictures so I just want something to put it into until I have the time to sort everything out which is never
6. On March 26, I got a puppy from the liaison of my work building..she’s sleeping beside my bed now.. two nights in a row (how can I resist right?) my colleagues named her Polar (as in polar bear cos she looked like one)
7. It’s holiday today so I had a chance to clean our 2 refrigerators (dont ask me why we have 2 when 1 is more than enough for the household tbh)
8. Gotta get up early tomorrow as it’s one of my officemate’s birthday and we gotta set up the balloons and all.. I do hope I make it
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