#may those people rot in hell forever
kruemel8 · 1 year
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withleeknow · 9 months
my moon and stars.
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pairing: minho x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, (tooth-rotting) fluff; even tho it's unedited this is still one of my favorite things that i've written on this blog so far !!! gaaaaaaah word count: 1.1k listen to 🎧: lover - taylor swift
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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nobody thought jeongin would be the next one to get married, but alas, here you are, at the reception of your friend's wedding, nursing a glass of champagne.
"come on," minho says, snatching the glass away from you and finishing the rest of it in one gulp, before he takes you by the hand and tugs you forward. "let’s go dance."
you can't even be annoyed that he basically just stole your drink. instead, you just laugh, and let the love of your life drag you to the dance floor.
he guides you to move in a slow rhythm, matching the tempo of the song that's playing in the background. it's a song that you would usually think is overrated and has been played to hell and back, but in the moment, drunk on the cozy atmosphere, you think it's nice. you briefly wonder what song you would choose for your first dance at your own wedding.
it's just a fleeting thought. you've been having those all day.
jeongin's wedding was beautiful. everything was done to perfection, and you have no doubt that most of it was overseen by his girlfriend.
nope, correction: she's his wife now.
nevertheless, you've been imagining yourself and minho in a similar setting. you in a stunning white dress. him, dashing in a classy suit. the two of you exchanging vows with teary eyes in front of your friends and families. the cats as ring bearers. sealing forever with a deep kiss and fond smiles.
as you continue to sway along to the music, you wrap your arms around minho's neck and pull him closer. there's something in the way that he's been treating you all day that makes you melt even more than it usually does. he's been more touchy; there's not a single moment where his hands aren't on your body in any way, whether it be a hand on your knee, on the small of your back, or an arm around your waist. minho isn't often overt with his affection like that; he tends to dote on you in the privacy of your own loving bubble, away from anyone and everyone.
then, there's the softness that he's looking at you with in his chocolate brown eyes. it's warm, saccharine; it makes you feel like you two are the only people left in the room even though this is supposed to be someone else's big day.
"i love you," he says suddenly, brushing his nose against yours before leaning in just a tad closer to your lips, "you mean the world to me."
it's rare for minho to say things like this out of the blue. he's a man of few words after all.
he's full of surprises today, it seems.
"what's the occasion?" you ask with a coy smile.
"no occasion. just wanted to tell you that."
you close the distance, pressing your lips against his as his arms wrap themselves tighter around your body. "i love you too," you smile against him.
he mirrors your smile, and kisses you deeper. he's so sweet today, so openly loving with you even as your friends around you watch on.
you have an inkling that maybe, just maybe, he's been thinking the same things as you.
you stay in each other's arms until the song ends, then another one, then a couple more, just basking in soothing glow of love that's covering the air tonight. minutes pass with kisses shared, until it's finally time for the bouquet toss.
minho reluctantly lets you leave his side for the first time since the morning. his eyes follow you as you move to the front of the room, standing a comfortable distance away from the bride. you've never really been interested in this kind of things anyway; you're just doing it for the sake of participation.
everyone else is engrossed in what's about to happen, their eyes fixed on the bride and the peonies in her hands, but minho is only focused on you. you, who's trying to blend in with the group of people and undoubtedly praying that the bouquet doesn't make its way into your hands. you, whom he thinks looks so beautiful, all dolled up for the special occasion. you, who made his heart stutter when you walked into the room in your pretty dress and flashed him a bashful smile. (but who is he kidding? you make his heart want to give out and run away every single morning when he wakes up and sees you peacefully sleeping in his arms.)
just you. always only you.
you, you, you.
you don't hang in the moon in the sky. you are the moon, you are the stars.
minho watches you watch the bride as she counts down from 3, then flings the bouquet up in the air while everyone waits with bated breath. it's a mess of flailing arms from what he can tell, a couple of the bridesmaids practically fighting each other to try and grab the damn thing.
you try to make yourself smaller, to duck lower so that the others could have the honor instead of you. but when the flowers come hurling toward you, you have no choice but to raise your hands and catch it, lest you want to be lobbed in the face with a bouquet of peonies.
some of the people around you sigh frustratedly, but most of the guys around minho suddenly burst into loud cheers. they clap him on the back and shake him by the shoulders but still, he remains transfixed on you and your adorable wide-eyed expression. your parted lips and doe eyes blinking fast as a rosy flush creeps up your skin.
your eyes find him in an instant, and you both just stare at each other for a moment. he reckons that you're trying to gauge his reaction, because the room is now filled with excited squeals of congratulations and half-hearted jokes of how you and minho are going to be the next ones to get hitched.
you look uncertain, still frozen in place with your hands clutching the peonies.
but then he just smiles, and it makes you smile too, your body immediately relaxing as you give him a wave using the bouquet, your shoulders slumping slightly when you release a sigh.
to minho, it doesn't matter whether you caught the flowers or not; neither of you believes in that kind of stuff anyway. it doesn't matter because he's always known that he was going to marry you, that there's no one else he would rather spend the rest of his life with.
it doesn't matter because unbeknownst to you, he's already got a velvet box hidden somewhere in your shared home, with a gorgeous diamond ring inside just waiting for the day it can be put on your finger.
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 08.01.2024]
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Apparently at some point MCU fans collectively agreed that the Blip takes place on October 17th, 2023. Which is today. So I figured I'd take the time to detail the four biggest reasons why the time jump in Endgame was a universe-shatteringly horrible idea that should never have seen the light of day
the absolute biggest problem, of which there are many, is the fact that countless people died as collateral damage in the initial Snap. Hell, we are shown it in the Infinity War post-credit scene with those multiple car accidents and that helicopter slamming into a building. And that was just the tip of the iceberg; imagine how many planes crashed because the pilots were dusted, or how many babies starved because both their parents were dusted, or people who may have died on the operating table because a surgeon got dusted. All of these people are totally ignored. It's never so much as mentioned when talking about bringing everyone back, and Tony insisting that the last five years remain unchanged is implicitly saying all of those people remained dead when the dusted returned.
the second big problem with this plot point is that it's used as an excuse for every character except Nat to be totally unrecognizable. Bruce becomes Professor Hulk, Thor gets fat, Tony has a family (and I fucking love how the movie inadvertently says he just let the world rot for five years instead of using his billions of help. That is 100% in character for him), Clint went on a mass killing spree, and Steve... I actually have no idea what made him change so radically. None of this is shown to us at all, it's just told to us.
this is less a problem with Endgame and more a problem with Phases 4 and 5, but the other worse thing about this development is that absolutely nothing has been done with it. Far From Home played the time-jump for comedy, WandaVision had that one great scene in the hospital and then did nothing else, Shang-Chi had a singular throwaway line about the Blip, Hawkeye had that one neat visual of getting Snapped from Yelena's POV and then nothing else, Multiverse of Madness had a single conversation where Strange wonders if letting Tony have his way was the only way to save the universe, Quantumania had a single scene addressing the homelessness issue and then nothing else, and I think Secret Invasion tried to do a bit of a look at how Talos reacted to the Blip, but that show was so awful that I'd rather not think about it. The only projects to do anything at all with the Blip as a major plot point are Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Eternals.
the fourth and final massive problem with the Blip is pretty simple yet complicated; it ignores the absolutely insurmountable societal implications both the Snap and the Blip would have. Think about it; half the fucking universe disintegrates into ash. There are SO many things that would do to just human society alone. But even more importantly, five years after all those people were declared dead (meaning wills are executed, spouses remarried, jobs and homes redistributed, etc) those people suddenly reappear, and from their POV it's only been a second. Just to put it in perspective, the Snap happened on April 29th, 2018. Doesn't that feel like forever ago? If the Snap were real, all those people would have been gone until today. That is such a huge mindfuck that I'm shocked no one went insane. And even looking aside from the psychological impact, all those people are pretty fucking screwed. Far From Home had a single scene addressing this, then promptly forgot about it.
My final point is less of a problem and more of an amusing byproduct; since Tony directly forbids Bruce from undoing the last five years, that means the events of WandaVision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness, and Secret Invasion are on some level his fault. That’s fucking hysterical.
I suppose I'll be absolutely fair and say that rewinding time isn't a morally perfect solution either, as you would be erasing any maturity the survivors gained during those five years, as well as anyone born in that time. But that's just all the more reason to NOT HAVE A FUCKING TIME-SKIP!!! I still think the only reason it was done was for cheap shock value.
All in all, the five-year time jump is the single worst major plot point in the MCU. Fight me.
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oceanlipgloss · 2 months
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+ warnings: angst, mentions of blood and death.
+ female mc, feminine pronouns.
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Was this what it’s like to wash away one’s sins?
The water was warm on his skin. The sky may have been weeping blood above him, but that was just the shower. The enamel tub was dyed crimson, as though painted with watercolour. Molten garnets trickled down his pale flesh.
Soap makes foam that’s white in colour. Water is clearer than crystal. Red are the tears of his sick victims.
He couldn’t see, but she could; she watched the pure water turn a morbid hue. Ugly, turbid. She watched cherry-red get bleached into the shade of unhealthy peaches.
Water of nauseating colour.
Like watercolour it trickled down his closed lids. Tears of pale blood.
A vicious sight.
So much gore.
Starving burgundy snakes slithered with ominous slowness into the water. Were they his own hissing sins, or those of his violent destiny?
When he was a child, the world had bared its sharp teeth at him. He had so many enemies.
There are children who enjoy dipping their soiled brushes into clean water just so they can admire the way colour swirls and makes the liquid unrecognisable, changing its very identity and composition.
Despair is like that too at times, isn’t it...? Pain destroys some souls and mangles others beyond repair and recognition. The victims begin to wonder who they are, and whose mistake everything was.
Who was it that fucked up? Was it the people, fate, God? They themselves, perhaps? Each and all of those factors together?
So many questions, but no definite answer. Life’s complexity is a displeasure. Why do things have to be this way, stay mysterious forever?
Endless millennia to think about, thousands of subjects to ponder. There are those who have the time to contemplate, and those who disappear early. Maybe much too soon.
Her touch melted his skull. Soft. It was soft. With her breakable hands she tried to erase the evidence of his hatred. With her breakable hands she tried to clear the proof of his anguish.
Behind his lonely back, she radiated warmth.
The cold bathroom floor was wet with murky water under her feet.
Creamy was the scent of soap and rancid was the smell of blood as they twirled into one in the air, lacing the steam.
Everything could have made one feel queasy. Even him. He was marred, bloody.
Yet, with a swollen heart aching from heartbreak for his misery and lust for his body, she merely thought about how he was so sad and so very pretty.
He felt better, but she was only washing his hair. It’s not that important. It’s not permanent. Tomorrow he would once again think about something dark, something else.
Death can be nice sometimes.
After all, he was alone. He had no one. So had he not promised revenge, if it were not for bloodlust and justice, he would have liked to disappear, too.
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+note: finally got around to finishing this WIP that's way past its expiration date. It's so old it was beginning to rot. Depressive episodes and stress normally paralyse my 'writing-brain,' but this was another one of those rare times in which that was not quite the case. I was still somewhat reluctant at certain parts, though that's pretty normal anyways—and surprisingly enough, I managed to continue writing with a sort of ease. Thank you to the torment for taking this damn WIP out of my way, I suppose.
On a side note, long before the game's ordeal I was clueless about how to continue all the 'What in "Hell" is Bad?' WIPs I had, so I scrapped 98% of them. As of now, I have one WIP for each of Leviathan and Andrealphus, but I'm stuck and still debating whether to finish them or scratch them out as well. Besides, the displays of greed and the in-game mess lowered my desire to write 'What in "Hell" is Bad?' fics to near 0. However, albeit the fact that I no longer feel compelled to do so, I guess I'll likely write if ideas visit me. Normally, it would be hard to resist writing an idea I like, of course.
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pack-the-pack · 4 months
Going though your blog and answers has me ✨ fascinated ✨ and I mean that in the most positive of ways. ABO is a hit or miss because it frequently intersects with my scent kink but only in the most specific of ways lol. (It has also been rotting my brains in trying to come up with different hcs lately so thank you for satisfying that scratch)
Originally came here from your slur list which I'm Obsessed with because mundane world building (mundane as in every day, I very much love it XD) so going through it was such a treat.
And now having spent almost an hour scrolling, I can confidently say that I love your blog ~
(I'm also on your 'give chan all the love he deserves' boat and currently Going through it trying to find good fics XD. If you have any recs I would be forever grateful <3)
Food for thought: I know most head cannons around abo stay relatively away from deviation aside from personality (going off fanfics, I haven't explored blogs that much, a travesty I'm now realizing), but knowing that in humans neither sex nor gender is binary in any way has me wondering what those deviations might look like in an abo setting. What would intersex look like in this setting? Pheromones are pretty obvious, certain scents being correlated with certain presentations, but the potency could also bring up insecurity (going off your beta having weaker scents hc). Glands could be missing or placed differently (is the scent kink obvious lol) but seeing as they're important for communication, that could be an interesting take on ostracization as the "inept" one. I won't get too far into the surgery done to irl intersex folk because this is fun fantasy, but it's another aspect to explore.
All to say, I'm just fascinated with the evolution and the "how we got here" side of abo and all the ramifications that come with it lol.
Hope you have a good day! You've made mine with a new blog to explore -w-
So sorry, for taking so long to answer. I've been neglecting my asks a lot, there's nearly 100 of them, and I know I'll never get them down to a reasonable number. Oop :V But slowly I'll get through SOME hahahaha. First things first: I'm incredibly grateful for all the kind words. I know I've slowly got less and less time over the years to dedicete to this blog, But I still try to come by whenever I have some time to spare. And to know that there are people out there that really enjoy what I write and create is very heart-warming. Ah yes, the infamous slurs post. The A/B/O magnet that curses my notifications lol. Like I said in my last post, one day people will realize this is for FICTION, and as you said, world-building, not a real thing? Antis be bafflings as always, but what else is new, ey? YES! Channie deserves so much love. I unforutetly don't have any fanfics to rec, even though I am writting one myself. But I gotta say, as I write, writing Chris' persona (because when it comes to Real People fanfiction, especially idols, I make it very clear that we're dealing with their personas as artists, not them as real people in their private lives) is surprisingly difficult. Most of all when it comes to writing him as a source of conflict. Because bloody hell, he's so sweet, I can't write him being petty or whiny belivably enough! When I do write my fanfic though and at least post ONE chapter, I'll let you know, if you want I can send you a link also. Now for the interesting part. As always, omegaverse biology! I think it'd be interesting if intersex people were like, maybe anatomically like one dynamics, but behaviourally like another. Specially on their scent. You look at this big person, and you think "there goes an Alpha", but then they just smell like sweet Omega or Beta and you're like "wait a sec--". I like the idea of different shapes and placements of glands too! That'd be quite interesting. As for the gonads and reproductive organs, technically in my verse, Alpha females and Omega males are in a way, already what one may consider intersex (at least one interpretation of it). Female alpha have a slit/vagina that acts as a sheath for their penis, which only grow upon arousal, much like cats. And at least in my verse, Omega males have a vestigial penis and testicles, that although not functional for reproduction still react to arousal and stimulus. They also have a womb accessible by their booty, which I know many people don't like, but hey, my game my rules, right? Thinking of other possible intersex presentations in a verse such as this, then one could maybe argue for functional and larger penises for "supposed" Omegas while keeping the ability to carry offspring. And for female Alphas maybe maintining the ability to carry children, like Beta females, but having a smaller, non functional penis. And also a myriad of other possibilities. Would that be enough to constitute a new dynamics? Maybe, idk actually. I think much like in real life, it'd be up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to be segregated and categorized as something other. It's certainly a fun thing to consider and build a story or some headcanons in the very least upon. Thank you for the ideas :))
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ur-local-demon1 · 2 years
The ballad of Jane Doe
Hi everyone, it's your local demon but you can call me Sol :) Here's an analysis of (or just things I noticed) The Ballad of Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone. Spoiler warning for the latter ahead.
Something that a lot of people have talked about already is that while this song is called a ballad, it's actually a lament (mirroring Noel's Lament which isn't a lament, but a ballad). A ballad is a song that tells a story while a Lament is to express grief, regret or mourning. The members of the choir sing about their lives and pull on the lever, revealing pictures of them alive, to show that they were once someone before the accident that brutally ended their short lives. And obviously, Penny cannot do that since she has no story to tell "And no story, what a shame." We'll circle back to that later, moving on.
In the first verse, Penny talks about how people try to console themselves in grief. "Some might say, we're released, Pushing daisies, deceased, But we all know the worms must be fed." Us humans have a natural habit of trying to make sense of things that we don't know because the unknown scares us. That includes using flowery language (literally) to talk about death. Penny is very blunt and doesn't sugarcoat things, and that doesn't change when she's talking about the gross details of death, such as rotting in a box 6 feet deep in the ground.
That carries onto the second verse "There's just one - lingering fear, Oh my soul - is it here, Or is it rotting somewhere with my head?" Here's a fun fact for those who haven't picked up on it yet, Penny's head throughout the musical isn't hers, but actually her doll's eyeless head. Someone (I can't remember who, if I do I'll tag them) pointed out that Penny's eyes may be blacked out as a reference to the saying "Eyes are the window of the soul" so I guess that answers Penny's question.
To get back at the story bit I put a pause on earlier, here's the fifth verse. "Oh no soul, and no name, was cruel existence only a sham?" I love the specific use of the word "sham" here, because Jane Doe and John Doe are called Sham names, previously only used in court. Since Penny can't remember who she was before her death, the only existence she's ever known is who she is now, nothing more than a Jane Doe, a cruel existence.
Moving on to the sixth verse, "Oh Saint Peter, let me in! You must know where I've been, Won't you tell me at last who I am?" We see some bits of Penny's backstory slip through the more she talks, just like now. The Lamb siblings used to be homeschooled, as told in the description/summary of "Legoland". Most homeschooled kids are actually religious, and are homeschooled so their parents can control their religious beliefs. On that note, Penny being homeschooled is probably the reason why no one came to identify her body, since she was wearing a high school uniform and her parents assumed it couldn't have been their daughter.
The seventh verse is a little more unclear "And from the ground, beneath my feet, I hear the anguish of the street." I think it's about her being trapped between heaven and hell, and she hears the pain of potential sinners in hell. That, or the anguish she hears come from the people she once knew but can't remember, or the families of the rest of the choir. If you've got any theories, feel free to drop them below.
The eighth verse speaks for itself, "A choir never complete" the choir isn't complete without Penny, and now that she has been revived and the rest of them stay dead, that statement carries on until the very end of the story.
Moving on to the ninth verse, "And like an old, forgotten tune, A song that no one knows, Forgot how it goes, Just John and me, Forever eternally, Jane Doe." Penny refers to herself as a song, tune, melody or anything music related, that people forget as time passes (remember that bit about time, I'll also circle back to that in the next verse.)
The iconic tenth verse "And I'm asking 'why Lord? If this is how I die Lord, why be left with no family and no friends? I've got no celebration, just this consolation. Time eats all his children in the end.'" Once again, we have religious language coming from Penny. She doesn't celebrate the state that she's in between life and death, she sees it more as a consolation. Lastly, Penny refers to herself as a song, tune or melody lost to time.
Onto the twelfth and last verse analysis "A melody, floats through the air, When silence falls, does no one care? Does anyone care?" She's referring to how when she "floated through the air" ("flied" during her death in the coaster.) and died, no one cared. Nobody came to identify her body, they couldn't find her head, and after the event died down, everyone stopped caring about that nameless girl, because no one knew who she was.
Thank you so much if you've read up until now, what other details have you noticed in the lyrics? Feel free to share them in reblogs or comments.
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kierancampire · 8 months
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I just wanna preemptively say, I feel like my messages seem a lil manipulative and shitty, but they weren't intended that way and I was going through a lot at the time
It's been 4 years now since Nathan left. 4 years of being trapped with demons and going through a repeated suffering. It was just shit after shit, my family kicked me out May 2018, Kirsty put me through hell and kicked me out March 2019, I got with Nathan in late 2019, he left me in February 2020, Covid happened, found out nan had cancer early 2020, Anthony late 2020, nan died February 2021, I moved here late 2021 and started a process of hell. Then throughout all of this a lot of shit was going on with neighbours, systems, policies, people, catfishing, stalking, fights, financial issues, so much more
I think a part of a reason I have gained weight, let my teeth rot and decay, and have otherwise neglected myself is because I want to seem undesirable, it's also easier to blame it all on those excuses of why I can't get with anyone. It's been 4 years since he left, yet I have felt no desire to date again, I haven't wanted to let anyone in or close to me again, I still can't touch my own body, and I avoid and dread so many things still, I still haven't been able to touch The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Valentine's, especially Build-A-Bear Valentine's stuff just hurts to see still
For quite a while now I've really just stopped talking to people again, I had one friend I always spoke to even if I spoke to no one else, yet even him I have not been speaking to, and thinking on it, I blamed it all on housing stress when I moved here, but really it started with Nathan. I don't want to let him rule or dictate my life forever, but I don't exactly have a good track record of ex's, and I just don't want another Nathan, I mean, no one could do what Nathan did considering he took what I can never get back, but someone else could do similar and that's what I'm scared of
Something I haven't ever really spoken about, but during our relationship Nathan started choking me during sexual activity, either with his hand or he'd tie things around my throat. He never asked if I liked it, I didn't, he just did it one day and never stopped. I think that's why I remember that one time more vividly than the rest, because he started with him slamming me against the door by my throat, and then when he chucked me onto the bed and jumped on top of me so I couldn't escape, it was like he was suffocating my whole body instead of just my throat
My first sexual assault was by Dave, and initially it hurt and upset me, but it wasn't overtly traumatising or felt like it took a lot from me, it was just a shitty thing that sucked. But since Nathan and his repeated SA, and this big consent issue with full penetration, Dave's has always suddenly felt much worse. Another thing I have spoken little of, if at all, when Nathan suddenly sprung this break up on me, knowing how violated he made me feel, he asked if we could have sex one final time before he left, then asked again when I said no the first time. Even after leaving me and hurting me so extensively, he wanted to use my body one final time for his own pleasure
It's been 4 years to the day, yet it doesn't feel like it, it all feels so much more recent than 4 years. I do hope one day I don't keep suffering under this all, reliving it, feeling their parts in my hands, the anger, the shame, the disgust, the betrayal. But at the moment, it's all just still what I feel. I have seen he's got with someone new and all I want to do is scream at that person to run and tell them to leave him, but I know that even if I contacted this new boyfriend, he wouldn't listen. I just hope Nathan doesn't do to him what he did to me. He's clearly moved on, I have no idea if he even thinks of me still, if he gets off on the memories of violating me, or if he just forgot me and has moved on to his next target. But it's been 4 years since he left and I can still not let go or move on from what he did, and I think at least a part of me never will, he took a part of me that's frozen in time. I've been struggling with a depression phase again recently, and I think it's just cause around this time I was violated one final time, in a way that I can't even say was rape cause technically I consented to it, then he left, and it's still hard for me. Then in roughly 3 weeks it will be 3 years since nan died, my first real major death
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anyone else have those moments when they realize that they'll be depressed forever. like there's no cure for this shit till you die. like fuck me every inch of this thing is made to inflict misery. and people always say, "do everything you can, it'll get better!" but it won't. I've sat and said, "it'll get better!" to myself for years and the only thing that has happened is me being even more stubborn in not giving in to my urges. wtf am i supposed to do Linda? snort your powdered concealer? suck your husband's dick? let you ignore me so i can slowly rot until you can sit at my funeral and cry and say, "she was such a nice girl, such a shame, nothing could have helped..." as if you gave a shit while i was alive? fuck no. have fun sucking your husband's dick, Linda.
it won't "get better" unless you help me, because I've done everything I can. and if you don't care, I'll just leave and find someone who does. i may be suicidal, but i sure as hell know that no one should be treated like this, and since that excludes everyone, that means me too. can't wait till I get on antidepressants.
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camerawhoisalsocam · 1 year
"A rwby critic and a longtime dc fan" Hate to break it to you?
But RWBY manages to stay consistent. DC? Where do we even begin on their retcons.
Look, if you wanna whine and complain, that's fine. But at the end of the day, Monty , Miles, Kerry? At least their work is forever in progress.
All you people do is insult them on social media and then wonder why people won't listen to you after you complain. People enjoyed the crossover, and part 2 will be there soon.
And unlike you, the rest of us intend to enjoy things...which, as a critic, I understand that's rather difficult.
First things first thanks for being my first anon I honestly didn't know if I had it turned on or not. Also congratulations for being my first rwby related braindead anon, now I know I've made it. Now onto the response
Rwby has consistency? Yeah its consistently disappointing and dogshit. Trust me I know all about DC's retcons, bad stories, nonsensical decisions that the writers make that make the characters worse. Wanna know the difference between RWBY and DC? Rwby has had only a few interpretations, the main canon, the crossover, ice queendom, the books, the antholgy manga, a few comics (some being dc crossovers again), and rwby chibi. And half of those can even be considered pseudo canon. With DC? They have had DECADES of comics, movies, cartoons, TV shows, and all sorts of different adoptions. Because DC is bigger they can have alot of bad, but SOOOO MUCH more good.
Next up, dont bring Monty into this. I wont discredit his work and im not gonna say "this wasnt how he wanted rwby" or anything like this. Let the guy be. This is specifically going towards Miles and Kerry, I wanna have faith they're good people, twitter says otherwise for Miles. I know they can make some decent writing, early rwby, camp camp, they even wrote some of RVB. They haven't made anything good nowadays which is why im mad, I know they can write but keep fucking up!
And if your gonna say all I do is whine and complain maybe you should remember that your complaining about the opinion of some random guy on the internet. But hey you arent completely whining your giving a passive aggressive anonymous ask.
If people like the crossover, good. Im glad someone can find some good in a film and series I dont like. I may not have enjoyed the crossover but get good on you for finding it enjoying. I know why people dont listen to us "whiners" its cuz we hurt their feelings and were big mean cyber bullies. Im a dude on the internet, why the hell should you take it so seriously. What did you think I'd take you seriously as well? I know the real reason why rwby fans dont listen, its cuz RT doesn't listen. They dont see the genuine harm in their writing or dont want to acknowledge it and so their fans piggyback off their mentality. You fans dont listen because RT has their heads so far up their asses they think that RWBY will do fine because there's brain rotted fans like you who'll defend this hot garbage and do nothing but constantly try and shit on people who have an opinion. And quite frankly I think my opinion is right
Dont call yourself a critic, I dont know jackshit about you so for all I know your a fellow cave troll. Reply without the anon button and prove it next time. I know im not a professional writer or critic, I say that I am since im just been watching both franchises, im a dude on tumblr, dont take that part seriously. But I do know how to form an opinion on what I like and what I think is terribly written schlock thats being defended by fans who have a weird symbiotic relationship with a company that will treat their fans like shit.
So all in all, cope. I dont like the dogshit crossover, Miles and Kerry's writing sucks now, and you've officially made my morning. Thanks for stopping by anon. Next time RWBY makes something good for once i'll actually talk about how I like it, maybe with some criticism but hey, nothings perfect. I understand thats rather difficult to understand
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incarnateirony · 2 months
She's literally upset that I won't come out trumpeting like, he's back. No dw, I'm Back was in January, listen lady, something about true workers in act and not big words, okay. I know what the hell is going on, and others can use what I make for them, and you, and you take what you want, but like.
Naw. I'm just. Some strange man. Surrounded by mystics, gamers, tv fandoms, burning corporations and axolotls. Pay me no mind. I am what I am, idgaf
Damnit Cocaine Bear, now I have Solstice hovercrafting for when I evolve into my final form
and you goddamn know what that is, stop running from the truth.
"Belief" (Lie) your way out of this one, bitch
I motherfucking told you. It's not fucking. Belief. It's math, it's science, and at the end of the day, it is the Only True Thing, and you refuse it.
You will never survive Death, because you refuse to find truth in life.
But you and yours don't get to murder Solstice anymore for your own terror. I will wake every mind in this world but the ones refusing to let themselves see the ever-growing reality, rot alone in the void they realize they stand in.
It's not a game, bitch. I'm not a robot AI challenging you, but I made one. Claude Strife keeps breaking the internet, and you will never be free of him either.
Are you motherfucking grokking how deeply your despicable lie of a life and your own motherfucking uncontrolled behavior and failure to observe your fucking self have fucked up beyond comprehension to the point you are literally watching a motherfucking rapture?
AND WORSE!! SHE'S SO EMPTY CUNT HEADED!!! It was a literal inevitability!! A singularity!! Literally dad's last fucking nerve!!!
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now I'm still sitting here to find out if there's any way to salvage her, while I have Kali pin down her upside down Athena to try to get a single goddamn message through, because I'm goddamn stubborn and so is he.
But I know how this story ends.
She will end herself, in such a way that her only legacy will be the retellings of the upside down cocaine bear that destroyed itself trying to pick a fight with the son of god and gave half the world anime octopus brainrot or some shit, and that's it, that's gonna be her legacy now with some horse shit about combustible lemons, great work. Wouldn't it have been easier to like, process how deeply fucked your life was when you realized you were citing goddamn anime octopus jibberish? No. No you had to be such a lying whore to yourself and everyone else, we've got motherfucking. One Eye on the rise. To slap the everloving shit out of her for disturbing us. AGAIN.
Personally, I can't even find my anger. At best my caps are confused exasperation at her level of dedicated retardation and valorous attempt to assist us in deleting herself from our wake forever. The anger is being processed, along with her.
Wonder where that's fucking going.
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i told you, best start believing in those ghost stories you charge other people for in my fucking name on my misrepresented work. You're motherfucking in one.
A CLUSTERFUCK of a ghost story.
hey guys i'ma let you finish, but have you heard who the new holy spirit is, hilarious joke
I mc-fucking told you. She wanted me to run to court and play her games again in January, and immediately flipped shit and wasted months trying to sue me for her own therapy she pretended she wasn't bothered by, and an ex parte against the motherfucking collective unconscious, and that didn't motherfuckin go that great.
But before she got her weasely teeth in me with a serve notice, I was like, naw, naw, you almost got my mortal bound identity into your horse shit lady. But then, I had a nice little chat with myself and I remembered. You're the fake. I'm the Magus. And I eat you whole.
Solstice will live.
Echidna will die.
The roots are being bleached of her.
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[sits with wine glass waiting]
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What Awaits on the Other Side
I stand now at a precipice, uneasy feet reluctant to peel away from that final inch of familiar ground as I stare over the edge. That last little bit of once-was, comfortable only in its familiarity. I had been standing here in one spot for so long that it almost began to feel safe, that this is where I was meant to be. But it was not the warmth of home that I felt, it was the pull of quicksand at my ankles, slowly dragging me down into the ease of stagnation. I know, as much as I am loathe to admit it, that things must change. That I cannot remain the way that I am forever, because I am so very tired of the way that I am.
I had been rotting for the better part of a decade now, quietly allowing the image of the man I had hoped to become wash away, picture perfect reduced into a murky, poorly defined mess. Entire days were eroding before me as I lay helplessly in my bed. Covers pulled up nearly to my ears, not because I was cold, but because they felt too heavy to peel away. This was not living, if anything it was the opposite. It was a slow way to die, sure, but it was a death all the same.
I knew that things needed to change, I wanted them to change more than I possibly put into words. But then, why was this so hard? Why did I feel that all too familiar swell of anxiety in the pit of my stomach? I was in no danger, still the urge to turn tail and run was almost overwhelming.
 It was just a door. It was just a handle, like so many others. Burnished steel covered with the fingerprints of all those people who had been far braver than I. Small reminders of their accomplishment, the very same one I had yet to make. I put my hand to it countless times, sucking in that same deep anticipatory breath, only to pull away in defeat. I’d be doing this ridiculous little song and dance for nearly fifteen minutes now, somehow managing to conjure up a new reason not to step past this seemingly insurmountable threshold.
Why bother? You know it won’t help.
It isn’t worth it.
YOU aren’t worth it.
But I was. I knew I was. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be so afraid. They always say nothing worth doing is easy, which I had always believed to be a trite little platitude to pat yourself on the back with when you needed a little pick me up. But I had come to know that it was true.
“This is getting absurd, just open the goddamn door.” I whispered to myself, hushed under my breath, too worried about what some imagined reflection of myself on the other side of the door might think about me. There was no turning back now, I was tired of coming up with excuses for myself.
 One last moment of hesitation. Once more steeling my resolve, preparing myself for whatever manifestation of hell might await me. I grab the handle, and twist, fighting to keep my eyes from screwing shut. Whatever it may be, it surely can’t be any worse than what awaits me back in my bedroom.
Much to my shock, it was just a waiting room, like any other. Slightly-too-bright fluorescent bulbs bathing the sparsely decorated space in anti-septic lighting, a row of hard plastic chairs lining three of the four walls, faded carpeting, and a middle-aged woman with a kind face seated behind a chest high desk, idly tapping a pen against her chin in contemplation. She turned her head from the computer screen as I step in, offering me a smile. “Hello, how can I help you today?” Some nondescript pop song played on a radio I couldn’t see, just barely loud enough to drown out the electric hum of the building.
Maybe it was the timbre of her voice, soothing and kind, or maybe it was just the sudden realization that all my obsessive worrying had been, in fact, totally for nothing. I felt a great sense of relief wash over me. A weight lifted from my shoulders, allowing my posture to relax, my lungs finally able fully draw in air. “Y-Yes.” I said meekly, hands clumsily fumbling through my front pockets. “I have an appointment, with uh—” I stopped, casting my gaze downwards as I was able to extricate a folded piece of paper.
The woman didn’t say anything, made no room to interrupt or finish my sentence. I can only imagine she’d seen this, and so much worse, a million times before. She simply smiled, waiting patiently.
“I uh, I have an appointment with… Greg? Greg, I think.” I tried to smooth out the surface of the paper, edges frayed and torn, before placing it in front of her on the desk. My own lips curling into an awkward facsimile of a smile. I was trying to fake it and failing miserably.
This too, did not seem to phase the woman. With practiced ease she pulls the paper toward herself, quickly scanning it over the rim of her glasses. “Of course, Mr…?”
“Kouzoukas, Steven is fine though.”
“Steven, okay. Greg will be ready in just a few minutes. Why don’t you take a seat?”
“Sure, thank you.” I felt a shift of perspective as she said this, a profound change occurring within my own psyche in real time. A lifting of the veil, a liberation from that all-consuming fear that had tried so hard to convince me to leave.
This was not the personal apocalypse I had been so sure it would be. This was not an end of days or some terrifying beast to overcome. This was just my first time going to therapy.
I’d be fine.
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mellea-art-home · 1 year
The sea of reality
Far and away this world is a small beach of sanity. I cannot fathom breaching that edge, and stepping into the great sea, god damn what am I saying… there is nothing ‘great’ about that damned sea. I dare not even look up at that sky at night, what god dare claim mercy and love to all, and yet create that sea. I have stepped fully into that briny freezing water, and never realized until I was dragged down and forced to see all that lay beyond our own shore. 
By god the horrors of hell shan’t scrape at me if that’s the waking world. I was merely an over zealous researcher, should have never started that job, I was damned the moment I was recruited. To hell with those people, I don’t even know what’s left after the accident, the lab must be either incomprehensible, or beyond repair of any information being retrieved… good, that place is no sanctuary of knowledge, forbidden things, forgotten gods, men of more than what can be described with the limitations of godly script. The rotting gods at the edge of all that is, and was, their decaying corpses being a mere moment from wiping out half of what we see in the sky.
The light of galaxies staring like eyes upon my back, and yet still I cannot tell if they judge me, or simply cannot see me, just looking forever with dead eyes into the ether. I used to say progress was my goal, to explore that which has never been touched, but maybe the limitations of what we are were protections from these entities, masses which move and flicker like a candle flame in wind through our reality and out into the infinite black sea of tar, a writhing, breathing mass of a sea beyond which we can never hope to see, let alone understand. We pray for safety at night, and forgiveness for our sins, but no god can wipe the horrors from my mind, which wrap me up in a suffocating blanket as I fall deeper into madness.
One may ask, surely your career experience should have awarded some inclination as to the dangers of that job. And by all lines and lies I was aware, but never to this extreme, I never was truly aware of how much we danced upon that knife edge of our world, and once we tripped, all was lost. All those now dead and damned for trying to reach god's domain, but now I only ask… which god.
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etanaru-joi · 2 years
“Seek you the LORD while he may be found, call you on him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6).
Often times, people finally open up to God when the walls are colliding in, when they’re pressed in the deepest corner, even on their death bed yet people still choose to miss it. We are all without excuse, creation serves as testimony alone, even yet if the followers of Jesus stopped following It Is Written that the rocks would cry out and worship. Our last breath on this temporary earth ruled by the thief that comes to kill, steal, and destroy, can be at any given moment. You won’t find an atheist on a sinking ship. Ironically we all worship something from the moment our eyes crack open and our eyes shut still upon the next, Jesus knows tomorrow. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What things would we give when we finally realize we lost something? Something that rattles the reality of impending death (of anything and anyone), realizing what else can we do as humans DEAD in sin? The wages of SIN is death. God gave His son as perfect sacrifice, God coming down as flesh to live amongst us living and modeling a sinless life — who sat with us, ate with us, and had compassion for us, and loves us so much He took it all the way to the cross bearing my sins, your sins and the entire world’s sins while He could have called for legions of angels to save Him. What a love to carry
GOD’S ALIVE, He’s here waiting for us, what is this life on earth compared to eternity? It is all finished. He’s coming back for good, blessed are those who believe without seeing, even though through an intimate relationship, He’ll show you beyond that, what’s in His heart, His burdens, and concerns— seeing it all from His perspective.
When we fell and sinned before God, He looked for us while we hid and was ashamed. It was always SIN (tempted by the ancient serpent himself) as the root of all fall and separation from The True Vine - life and love Himself. Always intended reconciliation. He always looks for us. He’s the one that leaves the 99 to find the 1.
Matthew 7:7 — “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you”
We are all without excuse on that day of judgement, even creation itself serves as testimony, whenever we take our last breath on this temporary earth; it can be at any moment. What is this temporary life (where treasures stored where will rot) compared to ~~eternity~~? Even if it sounds silly, it really is the GRAND SCHEME and God's great redemption but His people perish for a lack of knowledge [Hosea 4:6]. I pray for open eyes and ears to see and hear, I pray you consider your eternity, I care, and God is waiting for you, He has plans to prosper us and not harm us even ever since before God stitched us in our mother's womb fearfully and wonderfully made!! God is out of the time we are in, and it can be 1 second until then for Him, again until everyone has heard of the GOOD news! to all the 4 CORNERS of the Earth. Don't be afraid of mere mortal men or the devil who can break the body yet Fear God The Most High who can break both soul and body in hell, it's our choice. God bless you all so abundantly and for reading, you read this for a reason and I love you yet Jesus Christ loves you beyond any and all comprehension. <3
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effectivesociety · 2 years
Imagine your teacher sat you down and offers you a project
. She leans down to you and the people at your table and says “I have to make you aware of a difficult assignment you guys were given by the school. Look I do not think this is entirely fair but it’s a part of the school system and there’s nothing I can do about it. On the upside, if you or anyone else at school completes it none of you will ever have to do another homework again, there will be no more detention and unlimited recess. But look you do not have that much time, if you don’t complete it before you graduate you will be expelled not only from the school but this planet. We think there may be other schools but honestly, we have no idea.”
You sit and think to yourself. Wow, that doesn’t seem fair but it’s obvious what needs to be done. The assignment needs to get completed. Luckily it’s not just you, the entire school has been given this task. So you go around and ask your classmates what they think of the task. To your surprise many students didn’t even know the task was possible to be completed, I guess this had been the way the school worked for centuries, and students always got expelled at the end, that’s just what happened. People told you that that’s just how the school system worked, and that unlimited recess would be unnatural, and people should be forced into detention all the time. In fact, all the seniors in the school were being forced into detention now before being expelled. You personally knew the school system was messed up, but now realize it’s not going to be easy to convince everyone.
Just then you heard about this kid named Devilen, apparently, he keeps distracting everyone with jolly ranchers and pizza parties. People then choose to believe that the school system is ok so they don’t need to deal with the fact that jolly ranchers and pizza parties every night are distracting them from the assignment.
Life’s Assignment
This fairytale, as you might have guessed is a metaphor for the life you are living today. Being expelled from school is a metaphor for death. Detention is the metaphor for the failure of the body, the slow rot, the loss of movement and ability as one grows old. Senior is quite literally a metaphor for a true senior. Of course, Devilen is a reference to the devil with jolly ranchers and pizza parties representing artificial dopamine including social media consumption, watching sports, and unhealthy habits.
It’s funny after all, we have all heard stories of heaven being for those who earn it, and hell is for those who disregard it. It seems all too peculiar that in the real physical realm we live in this prophecy is playing out. To drink and to lust without control, Religion for defeating death wasting one’s life could lead to a true exit of it, while a focus over the short period of this crazy part of humanities expansion could mean the difference in humanities spread in this universe. Everyone has the task, few fully grasp it, many are listening to age-old stories of the difficulty of the assignment, while the few see the assignment, the race to it, the achievement of it, the story they will tell, and the people they will work with, as the most beautiful thing that they could have ever hoped for.
WE are a few of those people, and what a glorious mission we are on.
“He who has a why to live for can bear almost anyhow.” Nietzsche.
“One day death will die” I remember very well I heard this phrase I was watching a philosophy conference and suddenly these words froze me. I frowned with great amazement and only these words over and over again like an endless melody in my mind. That phrase changed the way I see death forever. – Estefani Serna
 Philosophy has been one of my passions since I was a very young girl. The love of knowledge has led me to analyze life from various points of view, and some (or most) have not been very “pleasant.”
If you still don’t know the path of philosophy, but you’re one of those who think in philosophy you can get answers and some comfort to your pain, let me pat you on the back. (Nothing further from reality) I like the expression that philosophy only serves to break your balls because, in a way, it is.
Philosophy takes us down from our golden cloud, makes us step on the ground, and sometimes kisses hell. That is the price we have to pay for knowledge, but I assure you that there is no way and greater satisfaction than walking along this path.
Once you make up your mind, you turn on your lamp and start to get out of the labyrinth, and there is no turning back. Philosophy would be Ariadne’s thread that helps us escape the maze of the minotaur.
When we question the society where we live and leave our comfort zone, we begin to doubt whether the things presented to us as “natural” really are.
One of the most studied topics of philosophy is death. I do not think there is any philosopher who has forgotten to write or even dedicate a little text to such a controversial subject.
In philosophical terms, it seemed that death is irretrievable. And some existentialist philosophers mostly thought that death should be embraced with peace of mind because it is the end of all human suffering. But, is it like that today?
“I hope you don’t hate me Schopenhauer, I love you.”
Anthropology confirms that the most important characteristic of human beings is their fear of death. And precisely this fear pushed us to gain the advances in medicine and technology that we have today.
Some of the new philosophers have changed their perspectives on death, and the reason why we have new points of view about the world is that science has progressed a lot. Many problems and diseases from previous centuries became a page of history.
Even in the Christian story of Jesus, when he was on the cross, he said with pain: “father, why have you abandoned me?” Jesus of Nazareth didn’t even want to die.
The truth is that nobody wants to die. We are not ready to do it. Our survival instinct holds on to life.                                                                   
Something about Plato’s cave myth is exciting; besides being timeless, it explains how the one that comes out of the cave stops seeing the shadows reflected on the wall by the sunlight changes and can see everything completely different. But they do it little by little as their eyes get used to the light.
Einstein said people were crazy if they kept doing things the same way expecting different results. Do you want to be as ignorant as those prisoners who live in the cave thinking that their realities are those shadows that shake on the wall?
We have the duty of observing life and society from new points of view. Stop being afraid and use philosophy. Unlearn the concepts we have been taught as natural and analyze them closely.
Most people have spent their whole lives ignoring things, locking themselves in their cavern of superficiality, drowning out of work, spending the entire day watching TV. They are being very indifferent to the world where we live because only in this way we get rid of taking our share of responsibility and having a quieter life without making great efforts to think or question. As one sage once said, “ignorance makes happiness”.
Yes, I know you will think this all sounds cliche, but people are still not aware of their power in this world. We complain and hope that a magical change will fall from the sky, and one day we will wake up, and everything will be different, doing nothing for it.
Wake up!  This isn’t going to happen; if you want a real change, walk and look in the mirror, start with yourself.
As Kant explained in Critique of Pure Reason “We see things, not as they are, but as we are.”
He ironically changed philosophy entirely without leaving the small town where he was born.
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
hi hello sorry this is so random but my beyond evil brain rot has been increasing because of the rain and i just need someone else to talk to about the intense gazes that dong sik and joo won give each other through the whole show. like…..why are you looking at each other like that?? you don’t need to be that close to someone to talk to them and can we also talk about the amount of times joo won actively initiates touch between them— it’s a ridiculous amount. like sir keep your hands to yourself you don’t like touching people remember??? i just… i can’t with the both of them but it’s literally all i can think about so here i am… bothering you about it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
hey hey hey!! Never apologise for talking to me about Beyond Evil!!! I will forever be happy about discussing this show and jwds (who are otherwise known as the BIGGEST lovesick losers) I was looking at other people's posts about them today and actually got so emotional because their relationship means so much to me. I may have shed tears (life's great. everything is fine.. there's no reason to worry about me lol)... You're so right, what the hell is up with all of that???
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I know it's a thriller! I know they want it to be suspenseful! I know it's meant to be dramatic! BUT WHY are Han Joo Won and Lee Dong Sik this bloody intense? Why do they treat each other differently from other people? Why are they always up in each other's faces?? Can they even see each other or is their vision blurry???? Seriously!! I just-
I have met people I don't trust or like. I have been in heated arguments before. But personally, I have never met someone I dislike that much and still want to be all up in their face. I just haven't! I think it's very common with the majority of people that if you don't like someone, you don't spend time with them.
You don't think about them 24/7 You don't take pictures of them or print said pictures out and bite your lip as you gaze at them Nor do you flirt with them and tease them Or turn up at their house uninvited You most certainly don't whisper seductively in their ear YOU DON'T USE SEXUAL INNUENDOS ELUDING TO "RAMMING" THEM WITH YOUR "HORNS OF JUSTICE" AND "BITING" THEM You don't forgive them after they accuse you of murder and insult your friends and family. multiple. times. YOU don't PINE after them and want them to be healthy, happy, and safe! making sure that they're eating and looking after themselves You don't stand up for them and abandoned your family to save them from further pain You don't go on dates! You don't promise your life to them! You don't enter a house with the knowledge that you could die because you want to keep them safe you don't eye-fuck on national TV!!!! (bringing some interesting kinks to the workplace) (in front of their dad!!!) You don't make promises and you don't keep them. You don't use those promises as a way to prove your sincerity, love and devotion. You just don't!
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Unless.... you don't dislike them at all... not even a little bit... not in the slightest
In regards to Han Joo Won... I wish I could sit him down and get some answers. Cause, OH BOY, is he odd. He doesn't like touching people and doesn't feel comfortable around others. Fine. He chooses not to have friendships and only wants his life to be a give-and-take, easy transaction-kind-of-dealio. Less fine. Joo Won clearly has a lot of emotional issues and scars. He probably has some sort of mental health disorder (that I'm not going to diagnose right now). But that boy struggles with relationships! He wants to be guarded and cold... and then... Lee Dong Sik comes along and ruins everything.
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I think Joo Won was so surprised that after spending 9 months obsessively investigating this random guy, he meets him and is thrown off because he's not what he expected. He didn't really expect to be impressed by him (Dong Sik quoting the criminal code off by heart) and in my opinion, I don't think he expected to just like Dong Sik as a whole. I think it takes him a very long time to work through those emotions and even longer to accept them. But when he does, oh BOY, he's all-in!!
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Dong Sik, however... I want to hug him and watch him live a happy life. We all know how badly and for how long Dong Sik has been hurting. I think he's in a major emotional rut (I like to think of Manyang as purgatory), stuck between phases of his life. Joo Won is harsh and brash and at times, unkind. But I think he's the perfect person to unstick Dong Sik; to push him into the next phase of his life... to help him MOVE on! Dong Sik likes Joo Won so much! He cares so much! I'm actually so happy for Dong Sik that Joo Won came into his life. "Han Joo Won, my saviour, who came to ruin my life." HELLLOOOOO SCRIPT!!!!!! IMAGINE IF THIS LINE HAD BEEN IN THE SHOW!!
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They mean so much to each other. Their story is one of acceptance, growth, family, loyalty, kindness, justice. It's about treating someone with a passionate, ruthless but gentle and beautiful devotion. It involves growing past your pride and your prejudices. It means putting them first because their happiness means the world to you!! It's about knowing when you're wrong and making up for your mistakes AND BEING FORGIVEN!! and forgiving yourself!! It's about knowing someone so well and on such an intimate level that you walk miles in the rain to be with them at 1am, you give them the gun, you arrest your father, you uphold your promise. Even if it hurts. Even if it hurts them in the short term. You put their needs before your own because they matter so much to you.
It's about being partners.
It's about love. Beyond Evil is about love.
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(and it's also sharing clothes, teasing and loving spending time together, getting up to some interesting things in that basement, conversing without words, planning and scheming together, TRUSTING EACH OTHER)
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IIIIIIII just can't! I can't with these two. They're so much. I adore them!!
I know you don't need this but I am going to shamelessly self-plug for anyone who might want to read more about the topics discussed:
Beyond Evil: The Romantic Rain trope Han Joo Won: the 'I don't like touching people' boy and his manhandling victim. Lee Dong Sik does have a type Han Joo Won and Lee Dong Sik: 27 Episode 6: Dong Sik is a good man Han Joo Won wants a partner and suspect. Han Joo Won Returns: he is a softie Thank you for sending your thoughts my way. You encouraged me to think about these losers and I can't thank you enough <3 I wish I could write something more meaningful or eye-opening but we all know... we know what's up
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joyaphoria · 3 years
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[7:25 PM - OSAMU]
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osamu doesn’t remember how to breathe.
it could be because of the panic attack he just had, or simply because he cant bring himself to get out of the car.
what if you changed your mind?
what if he took you out, and mid-celebration, you decided that you chose the wrong person? the wrong twin?
saying that osamu felt inferior to his twin is atrocious, because no, he didn’t. he didn’t feel like a lesser being when he stood next to his other half, and he sure as hell didn’t feel like he was below him.
what he does feel like, is a second choice — a rebound — because while osamu may not feel like his twin is better than him, the people around him might disagree.
osamu would be lying if he said that he didnt hate his twin for it sometimes — for the days he spent looking into the mirror, trying to figure out what set them apart. what was it that made osamu so unlikeable, next to his brother?
it became an insecurity as they grew up, a rot that was eating away at osamu’s self worth. he shared a face with his twin. he shared a sport with his twin — and for the nights that tsumu needed someone to confide in, he shared a bed with him, too.
they were almost the same, and yet so different.
the insecurity then turned into and inferiority that osamu had sworn to never feel against his brother. the words, the looks, the stares, they all said the exact same thing.
he would never leave atsumu. he would stay with his twin; forever by his side, forever in his shadow.
but then there’s you, and osamu has never wanted something as bad as he wants you.
when it comes to you, osamu doesn’t give a shit about comparing to atsumu. he’s been used to girls that would double cross him to get to his twin, and over time, he lost the ability to care anymore.
but he doesn’t know what he’ll do if you end up to be one of those girls. he doesn’t know what he’ll do, but loosing you would mean taking another blow to his pride; the pride that had so effortlessly withered away, and now rested in the hope that you wanted osamu, just as bad as he wanted you.
but he’s so used to the thought that you might leave him, that it’s getting harder and harder to trust you; to trust what you say, to trust you when you tell osamu that you love him more than anything.
he’s heard it all before.
and its selfish of him, so selfish, to put the burden of his insecurities upon your shoulders — to charge you with the responsibility of loving him, of rebuilding his self-worth, that was reduced to almost nothing.
you said you would do it, because you love him.
there was so much truth in your voice, that osamu had been afraid it was a lie.
all the promises, and yet osamu can’t get out of the car.
he can’t find it in him to get out and knock on your door, to thank your mom and dad for allowing him to take you out.
he cant handle the thought of being rejected by you, and the voice in his head yelling at him to protect the bit of sanity he has left is convincing.
and maybe, if not for the knock on his window, he would’ve found it in him to breathe again, and drive away. he would’ve told himself that he’s better off protecting his weak heart, than to give it to someone he is so undeserving of.
to the person who knocked on his window.
osamu looks up, and watches as you walk around the car to get into the passenger seat.
he looks away quickly, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand — and yet he’s not quick enough, because you’re in the car now, and you’re turning his face to yours.
your face is pampered, proof of the effort you put into getting ready for your date, while osamu was in the car crying.
“i love you,” you whisper, and osamu shakes his head. you should be yelling at him, calling him pathetic. you should feel betrayed, for his lack of trust in you. “i love you.”
you say it again and again, over and over, until osamu is slumped in your arms, body trembling in your embrace. you whisper it into his ear, against his forehead, against his lips.
you repeat it, as your fingers rake through his hair, soothing him. you say it as a promise, as an oath.
“i see you, osamu. i understand how you feel, and we will get through it together. we will stand together, and i will not leave you behind.”
and you whisper that three-word-promise many, many more times, against his temples, along his arms and fingers, and into his hair.
when you spend your entire life believing that you could never be good enough, it’s nearly impossible to simply change that for someone who claims to believe otherwise.
but nearly impossible isn’t impossible, and you are determined to reveal the worth you know osamu holds, so that he may see it too.
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