vrnicky · 2 years
Tell me more about your version of Coffee. (You know, just in case I were to become better friends with the guy)
EHEHEHE some information about Coffee coming right up!
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Cofi works as a freelance artist! And is actually working on a webtoon! But not a lot people know he is the one behind those two jobs, he keeps his identity a secret for his own good lol.
It's actually fun seeing the webtoon blog have some skeleton hands always grabbing either cookies or a coffee. He is the mystery of the blog but also very well known from all his lineart!
He is really a sweet monsters that had to grew up in bad conditions, not in the economy way, but in the way his parents wasn't around, Wine raised him, overprotected him. He is just really shy and nervous at meeting new people his brother doesn't know. Yet the other part of his past is still a mystery...
While he loves his brother and is thankful for everything he has done for him.. he feels that he isn't enough. Or well that was what he thought before he started working! His team is so nice to him and do an awesome teamwork!
If you're curious about the team:
Cofi- main lineart and sometimes grayscale
May, a river monster, his undyne- the one with the ideas and the history in a pdf
Gomez, a ghost monster- the first sketches and the concept of the pages
June, a wolf monster- the first base colors and backgrounds
"Mousse", a human from his au- the shading and lighting and the dialogues
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womenappreciator9000 · 7 months
y’all please, i literally had a eureka 💡 moment in the shower. i’m talking a full on revelation, please encourage me
(ignore the ominous blinking from the aa sprites, i’m scared too)
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aerodynamic-acephalic · 6 months
i don't think there is anything more dear to me than the weird "it's not romantic, it's not sexual, but 'platonic' and 'familial' don't quite cover it" relationship between:
the edgelord who may or may not have committed several atrocities.
the ray of sunshine who has been through too many atrocities but remains a ray of sunshine regardless/in spite of it.
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poisonous-honey · 1 month
Red In Stones
Who’s Here! Reader/Player, Paimon, Aether, Bennett, Zhongli
Contains: SAGAU (Not the Cult), nothing else really, there’s like 2 curse words idk, Player sucks at redstone, Player is only referred to with “you”
You can read on AO3!
Note: Holy moly. I have no memory of writing this despite it sitting in my docs for quite a while lol. Looked it over and thought it was simply dumb fun so here it is :)
It's been a while since you've been transported to Teyvat, your Teyvat, and even longer since you've learned they were all self aware. Travelling the world of Teyvat first hand with characters people you adore has been the best thing you could've ever hoped for. Though the longer you stay here and the more you get used to the place, the more you start to wonder, What would it have been like to land in another one of your games? To travel the land of Hyrule with Link, solve crimes with Phoenix Wright and Maya, steal hearts with the Phantom Thieves, hang out with Papyrus and Alphys if Sans and Undyne don’t kill you first… beat the shit out of a certain purple guy. The possibilities were endless!
Everyone had caught you daydreaming about it at this point, but no one had made any attempt to bring it up in conversation. That is until Aether offhandedly said that they could enter other parts of your device. Including all of your video games.
After a lot of begging and promises of farming (and swearing to a few you wouldn’t just up and abandon them the first opportunity you got), they finally agreed to let you explore other game worlds. As long as a few of them came with you and you had to start with a simpler game within your library. Not that you were complaining.
Now you’ve been having a blast in Minecraft for a few days with a handful of other people who were willing to join you for your journey. Unfortunately, you broke your only way to communicate with the others so you've been forced to stay at base.
You feel like your head is spinning as you look up from the vague instructions you wrote on your piece of paper (that very much just amounted to a couple of scribbled squares with red lines and the words “GOOD LUCK” off to the side) to the mess of a contraption you have sitting in front of you. A tower strategically placed dirt and heaps of redstone dust lay in the middle of the main hall, taking up a majority of the space in the room. The rest of the place filled with discarded blocks of various redstone uses and an excess amount of redstone itself litters the floor. 
Walking over to the other side of the room and jumping over a tripwire you still haven’t picked up off the floor, you grab what you hoped was a repeater. Lifting it you notice a third torch attached to the stone slate and realise it’s actually a comparator. At this you get lost in your own head, trying to remember what it did and if you could use it instead of looking for the repeater, when the front door bursts open behind you.
“Hey have you seen- HUH!? What happened here? Why is everything such a mess!”
The sudden shrill from Paimon startles you as you nearly fling the comparator across the room. Unfortunately you end up tripping over the wire on the floor and falling into the rest of your test, making the dirt tumble over and breaking all the redstone connections you spent the last few minutes trying to figure out.
“OH, Paimon is so sorry! Paimon didn’t mean to freak you out, are you okay?”
Looking up you see Aether lending you a hand to help you out of the pile of contraptions you’ve ended up in. You gladly accept his help and take his hand, letting him pull you up from the wreckage. Once you're standing to your full height you start to dust yourself off as you reply to Paimon.
“Yeah I’m fine. I was using more redstone than necessary, so that ended up cushioning my fall.”
Thinking about it now, you don’t think a heaping pile of redstone is a good idea anyway. If you powered it, would it explode or would it act like a regular block of redstone? You huff, it was probably for the best that the idea was destroyed, that’s a test for outside the house.
“Well at least you’re okay, but this wouldn’t have happened at all if you kept the room orderly! There’s a ton of blocks in random places and so much of our decorations are missing and there’s redstone everywhere! It’s even on the ceiling! How did you even get it up there!?”
Hearing that you look up and see Paimon is actually correct. Splotches of red dust cover sections of the ceiling and slowly fall back to the floor as small red particles. It almost makes the room look like a redstone sand cave or like a tornado came through here. You have no idea how you managed that.
You shrug and give Paimon a halfhearted smile, “I couldn’t tell you. I wish I could though, that’d actually allow for a lot of possibilities-”
“That’s not the point! What were you doing to cause such a disaster in the main hall?”
Paimon questions as she interrupts you, causing you to drop the attempt at a smile to sulk instead. You look away from them to the mess you’ve made of the whole room. It’s now hitting you how long it’s going to take to clean all of this up.
“I was trying to remember how to use redstone.”
Paimon looks absolutely flabbergasted at your response and Aether tries and fails to keep his giggling to himself. You glare in his general direction which gets him to try a little harder to not laugh in your face. 
Paimon starts waving her arms around to bring your attention back to her,  “And you were doing this inside why???”
You shrug again, not able to think of an answer. At least not a satisfying one when all you can think of is ‘the old man thinks i’ll freeze to death’ as a reply.
Zhongli had asked you not to leave the house when he received news of your communicator breaking and left a while ago to fix it. It was the only way to send messages and receive updates from everyone else in this world, as well as checking coordinates, so not having one put you at risk. Especially since you often walked off on your own at any slightly interesting thing you saw in the distance. He feared you’d get lost without it and end up stuck in a snowy peaks biome… somehow.
You would’ve just burrowed under the floor to explore the lush cave nearby, but he grew wise to that after you created a bit too many hidden exits for the fun of it. He ended up layering a ton of obsidian underneath the floor.
(You: Yo Zhongli what the fuck??
Zhongli: It’s an attempt to stop you from creating pitfalls in the house. There has been one to many occasions where Bennett has fallen into one of the many holes you’ve produced.
You: Okay fair, but where’d you even get the obsidian from? Only the Traveller has a diamond pickaxe at the moment.
Zhongli: :)
You: HELLO!?)
“No one can find me if I wander off on my own, so until my communicator gets fixed I’m stuck here.”
Paimon shakes her head, “Paimon guesses that makes sense, but that still doesn’t explain how trying to learn would cause such a mess!”
You pull out the page with your instructions and wave it around, “I was trying to recreate my magnum opus!”
“No offence, but your ‘magnum opus’ currently looks like a blood bath.”
That was the last straw to break Aether’s self control as he starts laughing. He bends over with a hand on his knee and a hand covering his mouth. You scowl at the both of them and cross your arms, “Laugh it up why don’t you.”
Aether quickly stands up straight and waves one of his hands in front of him as the other stays rested on his chest, “No no no I’m not laughing at you. This is just such a bizarre situation to witness.”
You sigh, guess you can’t argue with that. It’s not like this could happen in Teyvat. Well, you guess it’s more like they wouldn’t allow this to happen in Teyvat. Some of them go above and beyond to make sure you know you can talk to them whenever you want and always have the means to do so.
Aether calms down soon after, though you can still see a bit of mirth in his eyes, “Back to why we originally came back, have you seen Bennett anywhere?”
Paimon's eyes light up as she also remembers their original purpose coming back and swiftly turns bashful, “Oh yeah, we were supposed to ask for Bennett’s whereabouts.”
You shrug for the third time in this conversation. In the back of your mind you hear someone threaten to chop your shoulders off, but you wave it away. If they wanted a better answer they should’ve asked a better question.
“The last time I saw Bennett he ran out of the house before I could stop him. I assume he went to find a cave, or a swamp.”
They look at each other in confusion for a second before Paimon asks another question, “Why would he want to go to either location? Paimon gets wanting to go mining, but what does a cave and a swamp have in common that both will do?”
Aether speaks up right after, “We did find a swamp not too long ago, but it’s pretty far away. I don’t see why he’d want to go there either.”
He looks at you curiously, probably also wanting to hear your answer for Paimon’s question. You sigh and turn away from them to dig through one of the many chests you’ve laid next to the walls. You don’t exactly need anything at the moment, but just standing there talking to them surrounded by dirt and redstone was making you restless.
“Slimes. Slimes can either spawn in a swamp or in a slime chunk underground. Seeing as there’s no way for us to see if an area is a slime chunk or not, and you guys actually found a swamp already, I imagine he went there.”
Paimon, “Okay that’s one question answered, but that just raises another! Why does he even need to find slimes?”
You have a feeling someone is not going to like your response. At least now they're asking questions you know the answer to.
“I was complaining about not having enough slimeballs to make the number of sticky pistons I wanted and having to wait for Zhongli to get back, when Bennett suddenly said he’d be glad to get them and ran out the front door.”
As you predicted, Paimon instantly starts to get aggressive again. Before she can go on a tirade again you turn to them and raise your hands, trying to defend yourself.
“I didn't ask him to go! I didn't even know he was there until he was gone! Believe me I would not have asked him to go look for slimes, especially on his own. They’re such a pain to find, I'd have at least wanted to be there with him so it wasn’t so unbearable.”
You’re suddenly struck with a thought and go to reach for your communicator, only to groan when you remember Zhongli still hasn’t come back with it yet. Instead you turn back towards the two who are still standing near the doorway to the house.
“Now that I think about it, he hasn’t died yet has he? Cause I haven’t heard anything around the house. I think I’ve been the only person here since he left.”
Paimon shakes her head and Aether pulls out his own communicator to check the chat messages. He scrolls for a bit before shaking his head too. Paimon is about to comment on how strange it was to not hear anything from him for so long, when the door slams open behind them and they both immediately jump out of the way. 
Bennett himself comes barreling through the doorway, a bunch of slimeballs bundled in his arms as he laughs triumphantly.
“Hey! I got your-”
As quickly as he came in, his smile drops just as fast. Without missing a beat Bennett ends up tripping over the wire that was still left on the floor and plummets. He falls face first into the floor, promptly getting covered by the piles of redstone on the floor, before vanishing in a puff of smoke. Everything that was in his inventory scatters across the already cluttered room, and the slimeballs he was holding bounce in your direction. Once they get close enough, they’re absorbed into your own inventory, showing you he ended up collecting 5 stacks of them.
“Well… that was probably a record for him, right?”
Both Aether and Paimon stare at you, which you elect to ignore, and that’s when you realise Zhongli is standing in the doorway. One of his arms crossed over his torso while the other is covering his face in what you assume is disappointment. Maybe he’s the reason why Bennett lasted this long. It would be a bit of a shame, since that would null his new record, but at least he didn’t die hundreds of blocks away from the base.
Ignoring both the looks being given towards you from the peanut gallery and the slight disappointment radiating from Zhongli, you try to be as pleasant as possible. You hope that a little bit of him at least finds this situation amusing.
Clasping your hands behind your back you try to radiate the perfect image of innocence, “Why hello Mr. Zhongli! What a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see you back so soon!”
You notice his lips quirk a little, but his eyes still glance around the room and come to a stop at Bennett’s items still hovering on the floor.
“I haven’t been gone for long and yet you’ve still managed to make a mess of the place.”
You sigh and droop your head, “In my defence, I was left unsupervised and unable to leave to take my creative liberties elsewhere.”
Zhongli looked like he wanted to say something in response to that, but decides against it and hands over your fixed communicator instead. A small tired smile rests on his face as he lets out a sigh and steps closer to you, cutting the string on the floor with his spear in the process.
Finally with the communicator back in your possession, you skim through the messages you missed (noticing that Bennett indeed hadn’t died until now) and send a grateful smile towards Zhongli.
“Thank you Zhongli!”
He nods in acknowledgment, “It wasn't a problem. I’ve reinforced it, so It should not break on you again. Though…” He pauses to take in the full extent of the wreck you’ve turned the room into, “It appears you have much to fix before you can set off on another one of your journeys. I shall help you clean this mess.”
You deflate, but don’t argue since this whole thing is your fault in the first place, “Thanks Zhongli…”
You hear Paimon giggles at the predicament you’ve landed yourself in from behind you before speaking directly with Zhongli, “It’s a good thing you were actually with Bennett. Who knows what kind of trouble he could’ve landed himself in that far away from the base.”
Ah, so she was thinking the same as you.
Zhongli shakes his head at that thought though with a smile, “I only met him on the way back. Most of his voyage was done on his own. I saw him running away from a coven of witches with the bundles of slime already in his possession. I merely helped him escape the witches and escorted him the rest of the way.”
Both yours and Paimon's brows raise upon hearing that. You keep forgetting Bennett is still an experienced adventurer despite his luck. You need to remember to give him more credit. As you think that Bennett finally comes tumbling down the stairs. His face is beet red as he collects all his items that littered the floor. He ends up tripping again, on air this time, and yet again gets covered in redstone. He lives this time though and has to deal with it until he can wipe it all off.
You and Aether reach your hands for him to grab at the same time which has both of you chuckling. When Bennett looks up he grins wide and just grabs both of your hands. You and Aether end up using a bit more force than necessary to lift him up and he nearly crashes into you guys, but he rights himself pretty quickly.
“Are you alright?” “You good man?”
Bennett beams, his smile is so bright you think you’ll die, “Yeah I’m perfectly fine! Fantastic even! That was one of the best solo adventures I’ve ever been on and I ended up getting a lot of those slimeballs you wanted- Wait, where are they!?”
He starts to pat himself down and frantically looks everywhere on the floor for a hint of where they could be. You place a hand on his shoulder to stop him before he runs out of the house in a panic thinking he dropped them somewhere.
You hold up a stack of slimeballs for him to see, “Don’t worry man I got them. Thank you by the way. You really didn’t have to do that for me.”
He just looks at you again with another smile that you swear rivals the sun, “It wasn’t a problem! I’m glad I could be of help!”
Paimon puts her hands on her hips as she looks him over in concern, “That’s great and all, but isn’t the swamp super far away? Why didn’t you even tell anyone you were going?”
Bennett scratches the back of his head, “Yeah, it was a pretty far trip, but I got to see so many cool things on the way! Like, there was this one mountain I found and it was full of goats-”
He continues to ramble on about his adventure and all you can do is sigh. You know you need to give him more credit for all the effort he puts into his adventures, and you definitely will, but it really does feel like the world is out to kill him sometimes. Personally, you don't think getting punted off the side of a mountain, or getting spit on by llamas, or accidentally falling into the deep dark would make for a fun adventure. Knowing he went through all of this just to get you slimeballs makes you a tad guilty. They should be more concerned for Bennett's safety over yours cause this is ridiculous.
Then again the reason he even died wasn’t because of any of that, it was because he tripped on some string you left on the ground. You guess you won’t bring it up in fear of either Zhongli lecturing you or Paimon rattling off in your ear again.
It’s when Bennett finally gets to the part of his tale where he reaches the base he remembers the room is currently a disaster zone, “Oh yeah! Why is there so much redstone on the floor anyway? Does it have to do with what you needed the slimeballs for?”
You nod your head at his question and reply before you can think, “Yeah. I was trying to remember how to make an automatic door. I need sticky pistons for it.”
You didn’t have any time to react before Paimon was on you.
“Wait, WHAT!! That’s your magnum opus? An automatic door!?”
Groaning, you bang your head into the wall. It seems you didn’t get to escape a lecture afterall.
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shinyasahalo · 1 month
Top 100 AO3 Fem Ships (Aug. 21, 2024)
(F/F) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (Supergirl TV/DCU) 21,747 fics
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(F&F) Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor (Supergirl TV/DCU) 2,969 fics
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(F&F) Maya Bishop & Carine DeLuca (Station 19 TV) 2,229 fics
(FGQ/F) Akiyama Mizuki/Shinonome Ena (Project SEKAI) 2,169 fics
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(F&F) Original Female Character & Original Female Character (All Fandoms) 1,897 fics
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(F/P) Niijima Makoto/Persona 5 Protagonist (Persona) 1,860 fics
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(F&F) Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair (Wednesday TV/Addams Family) 1,842 fics
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(F/F) Kugisaki Nobara/Zenin Maki (Jujutsu Kaisen) 1,762 fics
(F/F) Clary Fray/Isabella Lightwood (Shadowhunters TV) 1,755 fics
(F&F) Anna & Elsa (Frozen/Disney Theatrical Universe) 1,742 fics
(F/F) Sansa Stark/Margery Tyrell (Game of Thrones TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 1,723 fics
(F/F) Azula/Ty Lee (Avatar Last Airbender) 1,712
(F/F) Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager TV) 1,697 fics
(F&P) Paimon & Traveler (Genshin Impact) 1,687 fics
(F/F) Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV) 1,679 fics
(F/F) Alex Danvers/Kelly Olson (Supergirl TV/DCU) 1,669 fics
(F/F) Azusawa Kohane/Shiraishi An (Project SEKAI) 1,645 fics
(F/F) Tobin Heath/Christen Press (Sports RPF) 1,643 fics
(F/F) Delphine Cormier/Niehaus (Orphan Black TV) 1,635 fics
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ceruleanslob · 6 months
sorry I've been inactive but here's some random ace attorney aus I thought of (yes, it's mainly wrightworth and krisnix since I'm obsessed with the 3 of them and all their possible dynamics):
misplaced affections- instead of Miles being Phoenix's fixation it was Kristoph (basically a swap between Miles and Kristoph in their role in Phoenix's life)
In a Painterly Way- Kristoph is an artist who is well-acclaimed until Phoenix Wright, a famous art critic, critiques his art for having no soul. The two basically meet and butt heads.
soulmate au- this one has variations:
soulmate marks -Edgeworth and Phoenix are together like the soulmates they were always meant to be, but when Phoenix meets Kristoph, he gains another mark; Edgeworth is not pleased
soulmate heartbreak- au where if one feels that their love for their soulmate is unreciprocated, they're given another soulmate. Phoenix thought his love for Edgeworth was unreciprocated so he was given Kristoph as a new option.. spoiler alert: Edgeworth likes him back this whole time and unfortunately for Phoenix, fate doesn't offer take-backsies
the soulmate diet- au where you can only taste the flavor associated with your soulmate/s in your life until you meet them for the first time. For Phoenix Wright, he can only taste berries: Strawberries and Blueberries specifically. (Of course it's narumitsu and krisnix ;)
Crack undertale au - no plot changes and not to be taken seriously, just the characters taking the roles of the ones in undertale
Frisk-Klavier Chara-Kristoph Toriel-Mia Asgore-Godot (????) mettaton-max galactica Undyne-Franziska Alphys-Ema Flowey/Asriel-Maya Sans-Phoenix (Beanix) Papyrus-Larry Grillby-Edgeworth (??? not sure) WD Gaster- Gregory Edgeworth Muffet- Angel Starr Monster Kid-Pearl Dogamy & Dogaressa-The Delites Greater Dog- Gumshoe Gerson-The Judge Temmie- Trucy (???)
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thewitchqueen281 · 2 years
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These character will be FACING OFF to decide the most ADHD out of all of them!
Links for each round will be posted here as they come.
1) light trash talking encouraged but don't get too personal and stay kind. if someone tells u to back off back off
2) any conversation of how "dumb" or "self absorbed" these characters are is off the table. I'm not kidding. do any research on adhd before making insensitive comments like that.
3) No arguing about whether or not these characters have adhd. they have adhd because I said so. deal with it.
4) Winner will face off against Reigen. Because @ice-block thought it would be funny.
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girlbosswar · 2 years
I apologize for the wait
Here are the round 2 matchups
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Sharpay Evans (High School Musical) Vs. Queen (deltarune)
Reko Yabusame (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
Megaera (Hades) Vs. Agent 8 (Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion)
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog CD) Vs. Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Morganthe (Wizard 101) Vs. The Administrator (Team Fortress 2)
Audria Rose (Descendants) Vs. Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
Toriel (UNDERTALE) Vs. Aspheera (Ninjago)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die -Death Game By Majority-) Vs. Callie (Splatoon)
Marina (Splatoon 2) Vs. Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Ema Skye (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Daisy (Super Mario Land)
Nyota Uhura (Star Trek) Vs. Regina George (Mean Girls)
Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs. Lady Iron Fan (Monkie Kid)
Hornet (Hollow Night) Vs. Franziska von Karma (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All)
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place) Vs. Buffy Anne Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Gertrude Robinson (The Magnus Archives) Vs. April O’Neil (ROTTMNT)
Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman) Vs. Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) Vs. P.I.X.A.L (Ninjago)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club) Vs. Korra (The Legend of Korra)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) Vs. Lady Macbeth (Macbeth)
Susie (deltarune) Vs. Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
Rumi Usagiyama (My Hero Academia) Vs. Lauren Mallard (Welcome to Night Vale)
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) Vs. Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Frye (Splatoon 3) Vs. Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
GLaDOS (Portal) Vs. Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Marina (OMORI) Vs. Clawdeen Wolf (Monster High)
Alcina Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) Vs. Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder) & Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Vs. Aradia Megido (Homestuck)
Dahlia Hawthorne (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations) Vs. Lucina (Fire Emblem)
Marie (Splatoon) Vs. Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) Vs. Solar Flare (Plants vs. Zombies)
Mia Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) Vs. Agent 3 (Splatoon)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing: New Leaf) Vs. Tabitha Chrysanthemum Scarlet (Scarlet Hollow)
Astrid Hofferson (How To Train Your Dragon) Vs. Athena Cykes (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies)
Rapunzel (Tangled) Vs. Nami (One Piece)
Nadja (What We Do in the Shadows) Vs. Bridget (Guilty Gear)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) Vs. Yosano Akiko (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) Vs. Helen Richardson (The Magnus Archives)
Akane Kurushiki (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors) Vs. Clementine (Stray)
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things) Vs. Annabeth Chase (Heroes of Olympus)
Jinx (League of Legends/The Arcana) Vs. Lotus (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) Vs. Kitty Softpaws (Puss and Boots)
Boss (AI: The Somnium Files) Vs. Coco Adel (RWBY)
Harumi (Ninjago) Vs. Lady with an Ermine (Leonardo da Vinci)
Edalyn Clawthorne (The Owl House) Vs. Darling Charming (Ever After High)
Pearl (Splatoon 2) Vs. Carmelita Montoya Fox (Sly Cooper)
Vex’ahlia (Critical Role) Vs. Queen (Chess)
Lup (The Adventure Zone) Vs. Sweetheart (OMORI)
Sister Beatrice (Warrior Nun) Vs. Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Samus Aran (Metroid) Vs. Clover (Zero Escape: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)
Jessie (Pokémon) Vs. Fiona (Shrek)
Dana Cardinal (Welcome to Night Vale) Vs. Rose Lalonde (Homestuck)
Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll) Vs. Lucille Sharpe (Crimson Peak)
Undyne (UNDERTALE) Vs. Ryūko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
Mari (OMORI) Vs. Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY) Vs. Elizabert Megafig (Bugsnax)
Cleo de Nile (Monster High) Vs. Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Barbie (Barbie) Vs. Cynthia (Pokémon Diamond/Pearl)
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nightowlqueen · 7 months
Instead of making a giant collage I've decided to recap my daily Femslash February posting from twitter/bsky into just one post here (under a cut of course)
February 1st: Suletta Mercury x Miorine Rembran from Gundam: The Witch From Mercury
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February 2nd: Falin x Marcille from Dungeon Meshi
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February 3rd: Grandmother's of Yuri, Haruka x Michiru from Sailor Moon
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February 4th: Yuzuki x Makoto from Skip and Loafer
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February 5th: Korra x Asami from Legend of Korra
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February 6th: Nomoto x Kasuga from She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat by Sakaomi Yuzaki! It's an ongoing series that I HIGHLY recommend!
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February 7th: Madoka x Homura and Kyouko x Sayaka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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February 8th: Venus x Jupiter x Neptune from We Know The Devil
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February 9th: Meryl Stryfe x Milly Thompson from Trigun
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February 10th: Catra x Adora from She-Ra and The Princesses of Power
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February 11th: Kiki x Namari from Dungeon Meshi
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February 12th: Aerith x Tifa from Final Fantasy 7
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February 13th: Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy from DC Comics
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February 14th: A very special Valentine's Day femslash with Utena x Anthy from Revolutionary Girl Utena
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February 15th: Dame Aylin x Isobel from Baldur's Gate 3
February 16th: Luz x Amity from The Owl House
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February 17th: Athena x Janey Springs from the Borderlands series
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February 18th: Princess Bubblegum x Marceline The Vampire Queen
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February 19th: Alphys x Undyne and Susie x Noelle from Undertale/Deltarune
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February 20th: Leo x Vega, Peony x Silkrose, and Bunny x Velvet all from indie comics Roadqueen: Eternal Roadtrip To Love, Goodbye, Battle Princess Peony, and Vampire Blood Drive by Mira Ong Chua
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February 21st: Starfire x Raven from Teen Titans (2003)
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February 22nd: Lana x Mia, Franziska x Maya, Kay x Ema, Aura x Metis, and Susato x Rei from the Ace Attorney series
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February 23rd: Agott x Coco from Witch Hat Atelier
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February 24th: Sorawo x Toriko from Otherside Picnic
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February 25th: Lyn x Florina, Lissa x Maribelle, Edelgard x Dorothea and Dorothea x Petra from the Fire Emblem series
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February 26th: Lady x Trish from Devil May Cry
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February 27th: Elise and her three love interests Rozenmarine, Freya, and Lebkuchen
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February 28th: Any combination of Shadowheart, Lae'zel, and Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3
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February 29th: Elster x Ariane Yeong from Signalis
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See you all next February!
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self-insert-hell · 7 months
F/O List!
Main Romantic
Julian Devorak (The Arcana)
#leeching love❤️
Nadia Satrinava (The Arcana)
#a royal romance💜
Mettaton Ex (Undertale)
#love machine 🩷
David and Gwen (Camp Camp)
#camp counselor cuties 🌲
Dr. Flug (Villainous)
#more than chemistry 🧪
Penumbra (Villanous)
#nightshade lovers 🌑
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler)
#death’s red kiss 💋
Verosika Mayday (Helluva Boss)
a succubus’ prey 💘
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel YT Pilot)
the love song on the radio 📻
(Note: This tag is purely for my self indulgent stuff! My “official” ship with Alastor is a QPR (aroace x aroace). Plus, I’m on the aroace spectrum irl anyways and I like writing both realistic and unrealistic stuff. Sometimes I just get too hyperfiaxted on a character and may want to self indulge here and there. At the end of the day, Alastor is aroace (romance and sex repulsed) no matter what. It’s why I made a separate tag as I want to respect aroace representation. Also, the tag is for anyone who wants to block it as well.)
Minor Romantic F/O’s
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
#great minds think alike 🪬
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
#love gets weird 💛
Angeldust (Hazbin Hotel)
#addicted to you 💗
Howell Wizard (Bee and Puppycat)
#prince beauty ✨
Jack and Sally Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
#my little pumpkin 🎃
Scary Godmother & Company (Scary Godmother 1 & 2)
#familiar spirits 👻
Snow Miser, Heat Miser, and Mother Nature (The Year Without Santa Claus)
#family forecast 🌈
Portia Devorak and Mazelinka (The Arcana)
#the devoraks 🔸
Pines Family (Gravity Falls)
#the mystery family ❓
The Wizard Siblings (Bee and Puppycat)
#welcome to the wizards 🪄
Eddie, Frank, Howdy, Barnaby, Poppy
(Welcome Home)
#a family sitcom 😆
Toriel (Undertale/Deltarune)
#home is where the pie is 🥧
Kris and friends (Deltarune)
#siblings unite ⚔️
Muriel of the Kokuri (The Arcana)
Sebastian Michaelis, Mey Rin, Finnian, Bard Roy, Tanaka, and Undertaker (Black Butler)
Puppycat and Neighbors (Bee and Puppycat)
Demencia and 505 (Villanous)
Soos Ramirez (Gravity Falls)
Charlie Morningstar and Niffty (Hazbin Hotel YT Pilot)
Brett Hand, Andre Lee, Myc, GiGi (Inside Job)
Frisk, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Napstablook, BurgerPants, W.D Gaster (Undertale)
Seam and Spamton (Delatarune)
Julie Joyful and Sally Starlet (Welcome Home)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel YT Pilot)
On the Air 🎙️
Asra Alzanar (The Arcana)
#the magician’s apprentice 🔮
Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
#beehive buddies 🐝
Wally Darling (Welcome Home)
#darling dearest 🍎
Potential F/O’s
Steven Universe
Pink Pearl, Spinel, Steven, Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The mane six, discord, and muffins/derpy hooves/ditzy doo
Proffesor Venomous and Boxman
Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, and Miles Edgeworth
The Amazing Digital Circus
Main cast
BigTop Burger
Main cast
FYI: I’m anti-viv. I just like the pilot.
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make a poll of your favourite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most!!!
tagged by @timothylawrence, ty so much!!!! ily!!!!!!
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lacystar · 9 months
fics 2 write this year (pls give me your thoughts on what ud like to see):
dsmp - tnt duo Russian roulette fic (priority)
dsmp - kristen meeting the dead server members in the afterlife fic
dsmp - emduo wing fic (probably not happening but its on my radar)
ace attorney - phoenix being a good friend and doesn't fucking abandon miles after he has a panic attack in a holding cell after an earthquake and actually comforts him while Maya stands in the lobby and gets orders in n out or some shit
encanto - dolores and camilo 5 + 1 things fic (im as shocked abt this as you are) (priority)
encanto - Antonio and mirabel something something, probably moving Antonio out of the nursery, I had a better plan for this one originally but it wasn't canon compliant enough so I gotta switch it up
bonus: fic where undyne from undertale says dyke
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revolvius · 2 years
The UTMV cast in: BOWLING NIGHT. (Or maybe just game night)
(Alternative: beach day!)
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I just had to pick the beach day man. It's too tempting lmao.
Anyway, yeah. Ink's a goddamn mess.
Maya (Mother!Toriel), Azael (Purged!Asriel), DT (Determined!Undyne), and Demon!Napstablook are by @revolvius / @sagaverse
Inktober Requests (Open until October 30th, 2022)
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The bracket is here!!!
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For the first round, there will be 55 "byes" (the ones who do not have byes were randomly determined, but all were one submission preliminary winners). There was an exact tie between Erina and Robert from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Willow and Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so they both made the bracket! Also, there was so much passion for Agent Beakley and Scrooge McDuck that I just had to include them! So in total, there are 73 competitors. The first round will be released tomorrow and will only be a one day poll so we can jump into the round of 64 quicker! May the best besties win!!!
The participants are as follows:
Maya Fey and Phoenix Wright
Holga Kilgore and Edgin Darvis
Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington
Jessie and James
Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson
Willow Park and Gus Porter
Pat and Ink
Simon Snow and Penelope Bunce
Denji and Power
Donna Noble and the Doctor
Lady Mary Crawley and Tom Branson
Luke Sunborn and Serene-Heart-In-The-Chaos-Of-Battle
Jang Jaeyoung and Choi Yuna
Inej Ghafa and Jesper Fahey
Sana Bakkoush and Isak Valterson
Curt Mega and Tatiana Slozhno
Ted Lasso and Rebecca Welton
Kronk and Yzma
Camilla Hect and Palamedes Sextus
Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing
Sara Chidouin and Joe Tazuna
Ryuunosuke Narudodou and Susato Mikotoba
Marlin and Dory
Kisaragi Gentarou and Jojima Yuuki
Hina Azumi and Eiji Hino
MK and Mei
Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori
Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson
Ahsoka and Anakin Skywalker
Jonathan Sims and Daisy Toner
Pep and Cadebra
Nagisa Shiota and Kaede Kayono
Aang and Toph
Zuko and Sukki
Saruhara Shinichi and Kitou Haruka
Lollipop and Gelatin
Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki
Willow and Xander
Abed Nadir and Annie Edison
Jeff Winger and Shirley Bennet
Percy de Rolo and Keyleth of the Air Ashari
Dick Grayson and Donna Troy
Fig Faeth and Gorgug Thistlespring
Mina Harker and Abraham van Helsing
Violet Evergarden and Benedict Blue
Joey Tribbiani and Phoebe Buffay
Billy and Mandy
Roger and Lyra
Darius and Elinor
Erina Pendleton Joestar and Robert E.O Speedwagon
Julie Molina and Reggie Peters
Shotaro Hidari and Akiko Narumi
Lilo and Stitch
Lucky Luke and Calamity Jane
Sorn and Nam
Maui and Moana
Sunflower and Peashooter
Ash Ketchum and Misty
Rui Kamishiro and Emu Otori
Alejandra Estrella and Adalmundo
Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat
Miguel and Lyla
Ahsoka and Rex
Steven Universe and Connie Maheswaran
Sophie and the BFG
Linh Cinder and Carswell Thorne
Lilith Clawthorne and Hooty
Fezzik and Buttercup
Chon and Pang
Undyne and Papyrus
Wander and Sylvia
Jayfeather and Briarlight
Bentina Beakley (Agent 22) and Scrooge McDuck
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disastrouslyyours · 1 year
Trick or Treat!!
I want to hold a little bit of a festive event on my blog! For the month of October, if you drop a trick or treat in my inbox along with up to three characters and two additional words, I’ll respond with a true drabble*!
I’ll include a list of personal interests for reference below, along with more detailed rules, but I am also open to characters or franchises I’m not as familiar with!
*100 words exactly, give or take a few if needed.
You can request ships, but absolutely no incest.
You’re encouraged to keep the requests spooky-season themed in nature, but not obligated!
Please know I can refuse a request for any reason.
Format your requests like this:
“Trick or Treat! Ingo + Emmet, scary movie”
Again, you can request characters not listed! I just compiled a reference of ones I love personally, and may edit if I think of more I forgot.
Ingo (obvi) (PLA Warden or normal Subway Boss, please specify!)
Emmet (obvi part 2) (PLA era included! Again please specify)
Steven Stone
Spamton (Big Shot included, just specify)
Rouxls Kaard
Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright
Miles Edgeworth
Mia Fey
Maya Fey
Trucy Wright
Apollo Justice
Kristoph Gavin
Klavier Gavin
Athena Cykes
Kingdom Hearts
literally any character im so diseased
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disabilityshowdown · 2 years
and we now have every single kid moving forward in the tournament!
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(Image description and list of character names under the cut)
I already have the full 64 character block filled out for our highest scoring nominees, they shall be revealed once we fill out the block of who they are each up against!
Stay tuned for the next polls to fill out the rest of the square
ID: The same 8x8 block of squares with question marks in them I've used before, except now the entire square has been filled out with icons of the following characters:
Red (Pokemon)
Renarin Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
Long John Silver (Treasure Planet)
Brightheart (Warrior Cats)
Symmetra (Overwatch)
Nog (Star Trek: Deep Space 9) AND Spock (Star Trek: Discovery)
Darth Maul (Star Wars Rebels)
Eli Vance (Half Life)
Deadpool (Marvel)
Dr Carmilla (The Mechanisms)
Cassandra Cain (DC)
Black Raisin Cookie (Cookie Rush)
Handy (Happy Tree Friends)
Peppermint (Hi-Fi Rush)
Isabella Paretti (ValorPUNK)
Edgar Jomfru (Metalocalypse)
Helena Adams (Identity V) AND Antonio (Identity V)
Samuel Vimes (Discworld)
Dulcinea Septimus (Locked Tomb)
Nemo (Finding Nemo)
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Merle Highchurch (The Adventure Zone: Balance)
Sir Marc (Penumbra Podcast)
Hermann Gottlieb (Pacific Rim)
Jancy True (Drawtectives)
Cecil Palmer (WTNV)
Gary Goodspeed (Final Space)
Walter White Jr (Breaking Bad)
Jinx (Arcane)
Gazelle (Kingsman: Secret Service)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Cyborg (Teen Titans)
Maedhros (The Silmarillion)
Eugenides (Queen's Thief)
Wylan Van Eck (Six of Crows) AND Linh Cinder (Lunar Chronicles)
Finn Tidestrider (Just Roll With It)
Gunthrie Miggles-Rashbax (Dimension 20)
Echo/Maya Lopez (Marvel)
Sun Spider/Charlotte Webber (Marvel)
Zuko (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Mera Salamin (Epithet Erased)
Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
Vanellope Von Shweetz (Wreck-it Ralph)
Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)
Jean Havoc (Fullmetal Alchemist)
All Might (My Hero Academia)
Custas (Witch Hat Atelier)
Ellen (The Witch's House)
Phosphophyllite (Houseki No Kuni)
Gabriella (Little Mermaid)
Splinter (TMNT)
Undyne (Undertale)
Maria Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Susie (Flight Rising)
Dagen Underthorn (Critical Role)
Kizuna Chieda (AI: The Somnium Files)
Haruka Sakurai (MILGRAM)
Floofty Fizzlebean (Bugsnax)
Demoman (Team Fortress 2)
Goro Majima (Yakuza)
Sunny (OMORI)
Dunban (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Malenia (Elden Ring)
Peter Sqloint (Just Roll With It)
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