#maya puppy is chilling with me
rosicheeks · 1 year
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yoichichi · 3 years
“Here, Here, Little Piggy”
wc: 5.5k
this fic contains dark content
𓂅synopsis: you should really be more careful walking home alone, big bad wolves are known to prowl the area at night.
𓂅cw warnings -> fem bodied reader but no pronouns used, monster fucking - werewolf, fear play, stuckage, dub con, size kink, breeding, biting, chasing, animal death, description of gore, mentions of blood, one use of the nickname “puppy”
𓂅cast: Kōtarō Bokuto as Werwolf
a/n: wow so yes it is March, and yes I’m finally going to continue posting my kinktober pieces LMFAOOO - the ideas were too golden to abandon now that I’m back from my hiatus on this blog! I put way too much work into the prep to completely abandon it 😭 so anyways, just enjoy some smut for bo and lemme know if you guys are down for me to finish off my kinktober works! Ty all and love ya <3 and of course - this fic contains dark content so read at your own discretion
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Staggered goodbyes echoed from the welcoming warmth of your friends home up into the brisk night air and were lost somewhere up in the heights of the towering trees surrounding the whole property. The slam and click of their heavy, wooden front door cut the boisterous sounds off abruptly and left you with an eery remnant of the friendly banter until there was only silence.
You’d hadn’t meant to stay so late studying with your classmate, Maya, and you wouldn’t have either if their mom wasn’t so adamant on making small talk with you.
Originally, the pair of you were supposed to meet up at the dining hall on campus and find a nook to work together there - but an unexpected sewage build up, in addition to a sewage spill in one of the nearby bathrooms in the building - put a pause on those plans. If the caution tape that was dramatically taped across all entrances wasn’t telling you your study date was canceled, the smell sure was. But your peer had a better idea.
“It’s only about a 45 minute walk out from here! And we really need to get this work done. I promise my ma won’t mind, she’s super chill and really likes meeting people I know actually.”
Christ, that’s nearly an hour.
If you weren’t so desperate to finish this project off, you would’ve said no and suggested just meeting early in the morning and seeing if it was open by then. But considering neither of your dorms were an option (thanks to inconsiderate roommates both of you had the displeasure of knowing), and the library was always too packed to properly focus, “ma’s house” it was.
Maya’s mom was actually super sweet like she said, even bringing you some snacks & water halfway through on a literal silver platter. You shouldn’t have been surprised by the theatrics of it all though, their house felt like a hidden away manor. For only being a 45 minute walk, it felt like a world away from your bustling college campus.
The stretch up to the home was cutoff from the rest of the city with a thickly wooded area, the majority of it spent on the dirt driveway up to the home. You weren’t sure how far the woods stretched, but you knew it had to be expansive enough for coyotes to feel welcome considering the stories Maya shared with you on the walk there.
“Oh my god, I actually really like it at night when sometimes you can hear them howling. It sounds super scary but really…” the excitement in Maya’s voice faded out as you slowly shifted your focus to the forest’s edge on your right.
You could only see about maybe 30 ft in until the trees became too dense to register what was beyond them, and that was in the dimming daylight. But the blue-greenish hue coming down from the sky didn’t help either, making the colors of the woods muddle together until it was a mess of fog and figures.
It was … off putting. Beautiful, but certainly not inviting. How many coyotes were waiting in there now, watching you two walk, and you not even being able to see them.
You must be psyching yourself out and making your brain imagine things, because at the exact moment you had that thought you swore you saw a flash of something move far back within the trees. The muscles in your legs tensed as a flash of nervous sweat rang out from your body.
Sudden laughter from ahead of you snapped you out of your nightmare-ish daydreams and back to your conversation with Maya, you didn’t realize how far she had gotten.
“Ah sorry, am I freaking you out? I’ll stop talking about it!” She had her lips pursed and her eyebrows raised, a little more than nervous that she was ruining the first time she got to actually hang out with you outside of class.
You shook your head and jogged to catch back up with her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and giving her a warm smile.
“No, no, you’re all good. I’m just not used to being in such a cool place like this. I mean, it’s definitely a little creepy, but it’s just because I’m used to the city more. Keep talking, I like your stories.”
The rest of the time there you spent it studying, and listening to more of her horror- er, interesting, stories, for a good majority of it. Which was all good and fine, until now.
You were left standing in the dark outside of her home, and the trees all around you felt bigger, taller somehow. Ma offered you a ride home but you stupidly denied, saying you wouldn’t want to give them any troubles. It took a lot of going back n forth before she caved, saying you better send Maya a text once you got home safe.
But now that you were out here on your own, you regretted your decision. However your pride got the best of you and you decided that it’d be more embarrassing to go back inside and say you’ve changed your mind after all the hassle you went through to walk back by yourself.
Why did you feel so obligated to put yourself in bad situations to make sure others wouldn’t be inconvenienced by you?
Shaking the thought and reminding yourself you weren’t in a bad situation, at least yet, you turned and began your trek home.
It wasn’t very late. Taking a peek at your phone before shoving it back into the pocket of your coat you read that it was only half past seven; yet it was dark and cold enough to convince you it could’ve been midnight.
You blew puffs out in front of your face and smiled at how noticeable the cloud of breath was, deciding you’d focus on that rather than peer into the pitch black around you. Thankfully, the moon tonight was bright enough to illuminate your path and even a bit of the forest floor on either side of you.
There was only a single streetlight placed alongside the trail a few feet from their home, and it didn’t do it’s job very well, a dim orange glow emitting from it only lit a small diameter around it. At least tonight the moon was picking up its slack, covering the rest of the trail for you as it peeked through the trees overhead.
It was almost comforting, how big the full moon was as you peered up at it. It felt like a friend escorting you on your walk back, staring down at you from its spot in the sky. The bright light changed the whole mood of the walk from dark & foreboding to serene & soothing.
But maybe you should focus on the uneven trail in front of you instead, because before you knew it you went tumbling forward onto the dirt as your shoe caught onto something in the ground, undoubtedly a tree root.
You yelped as you landed on your side, your backpack knocking some on the wind out of you, and your cheek sore from the scrape of the ground. If only it wasn’t so cold out, your hands would’ve been out of their pockets to catch your fall.
“Fuck.” You groaned and pulled out a warm hand to press to the side of your face, hissing at the sting from the contact.
Groaning, loudly, you sat up and onto the ground, it was so cold you could feel the damp chill through your jeans. Tiny specks of red started to appear on the blue denim against your knees, not at all surprising to you with the way they burned, before you sighed and pushed yourself back up onto your feet; you made sure to leave your hands out of your pockets this time.
Adjusting your bag, you took a few steps forward and did your best to ignore the dull ache from the friction of your jeans against your bloody knees.
So much for a serene walk home.
Reminding yourself to keep your eyes ahead of you, making note of any dips or bumps, you looked at your phone once more to check the time.
You sighed and did the mental math, determining you should be home no later than 8:30 (if you were taking your bum knees into account).
If you were lucky, your roommate might be already asleep. They tended to head in early most nights. It was nice considering that meant your interactions were kept to a bare minimum thanks to your late night study habits. Maybe you should slow down even a little more, just to be sure they-
Your head twisted to turn in the direction of the sound. It came from across the dirt road, surprisingly wide, in the blackness of the trees on the other side. All coherent thoughts vanished from your mind, a mantra of run run run run clouding your head instead.
You swallowed thickly and tried to calm your breathing, and your heart beat, as you reminded yourself that you’re surrounded by woods. That twig snapping could be anything.
A fallen small branch, a deer, small rodents, the wind, other various non threatening forest life. It doesn’t have to be a coyote… did coyotes even approach humans?
No, surely they didn’t. You’re a human, the worlds like, “top predator” or whatever.
Reminding yourself that you’re the thing forest animals are scared of, as silly as it felt considering your were one more noise away from wetting yourself and breaking into a sprint, you continued forward - a little more aware of the sounds around you.
Maybe you should put in your headphones? No, it’d only make you paranoid considering you wouldn’t be able to hear if someone, or something, was coming up behind you.
You didn’t look towards the noise right away this time, instead your kept your face forward.
The noise came from your left this time, maybe 20 feet deep into the woods. 20 feet too close.
It was definitely closer this time.
Should you run? No. What if it wants a chase? Were bears all the way out here? No, definitely not… right? Cause if they were-
Any apprehension you had to running was flung out the window as you sprinted forward, jumping over any bulges in the ground and ignoring the steady thump of pain into your lower back from your bag.
You made the decision to not look back, figuring if something was getting close you’d hear it anyways. But really, you just don’t think your heart could take glancing back to be met with a whole ass wild animal chasing you down.
Why the fuck didn’t you have any bear spray on you? Oh that’s right, cause you go to college in the city and you never thought-
Your self scolding was cut short at the rapid sounds of soft pads of feet approaching and branches snapping coming up from your left side.
Holy shit.
“Help! Please!” You don’t know who you were calling out to, considering you still had a ways to go until you were out of the thick woods, and you were definitely too far from Maya’s house to be heard.
You almost puked at the idea of your friend walking out of her moms home to find your mauled and mutilated body.
The running was getting closer, you were tempted to look to your left to try to catch a glimpse of what could be chasing you; But before you could, a second figure emerged from the tree line to your right and disappeared behind you - a harsh wince and yelp echoing in the darkness.
You turned in time to see two figures barrel into the darkness, the noises coming from them - snarling, snapping, growling, wincing, crunching - they all made your stomach turn and bile sit at the back of your throat.
Your steps faltered a little as you came to a small stop - was that a fucking man?
Was that a person that went tumbling with the other mysterious animal? You didn’t care enough to wonder any longer and turned back around to continue running forward, your chest heaving and nostrils burning from the cold night air.
You heard the sound before you processed what you saw in front of you. Something was flung and landed in your path just a few feet ahead of you. Steam seemed to be coming from the mound.
Warily, you took a couple steps closer until you came to an abrupt halt, it’s a coyote - or rather was. It’s been ripped open; tattered bits of fur are surrounding the open… wound, the moonlight reflecting off the puddle of blood filling up around the corpse effectively confirming it wouldn’t be jumping to life anytime soon.
A world of mixed feelings washed over you: fear, relief, nausea, confusion - but none of them compelled you to move forward, to run home. You were frozen, terrified at the sudden realization that whatever did this was left for you to meet. Was it the thing chasing you earlier, or was that the coyote? Did it - or maybe he - save you? No, it was probably fighting off it’s competition for it’s next meal - you.
The sound of breathing behind you brought you back to the present. You were left with no choice.
With shaky legs and a queasy stomach, you turned to look up at what could’ve ripped that animal apart in a matter of seconds, to be met with… a man? You can’t fully tell in the dark, but whatever it is sets your nerves on edge and your body rigid with terror.
The figure that was towering over you, easily about 7 ft tall, was almost human. Big, broad shoulders rested on top of a pair of thick biceps, and you followed them all the way down to big, no massive, hands. Seemingly normal, minus his height, but something was off.
There were.. claws? Nails wouldn’t describe the silhouette with justice, they definitely looked like claws. You didn’t fail to notice the suspicious liquid, thick and heavy, dripping from the tips of its claws and onto the ground with an audible drip, either. And there was maybe some.. no definitely some hair, although it looks more like light patches fur, across what you’d assume are his- it’s- forearms.
The torso was one of a regular man, an absolutely ripped one, but a man nonetheless. You stopped bringing your gaze down when you saw the light hit a deep, defined v-line and a patch of happy trail that seemed to keep going, afraid of what you’d see if you kept looking down. But when you brought your eyes up, you weren’t put at any ease.
You locked eyes with a pair of bright golden ones, bright enough you didn’t need the help of the moon to see them peeking through tufts of silver hair. The moon did however illuminate the glistening deep red covering the bottom half of his face.
A hand came up to wipe his mouth with the back of it until his face was mostly clean, before he offered you a… smile? You weren’t sure if it was meant to be a comforting smile, or a threatening display of baring his teeth - because that’s all you could focus on. A prominent pair of sharp, white incisors - as well as an even longer pair of canines - sitting behind his lips.
Nothing was said between either of you, just those bright eyes boring into yours for what felt like an eternity, before you decided it was now or never.
Slipping a strap of your backpack off of you as quickly as you could manage, you swung it off your other arm in the direction of that thing with as much force as you could muster before turning to sprint back down the path.
But you didn’t make it far, barely even half a step, a grip on the back of your coat stopping your feet from carrying you any farther.
“Where are you going?” A voice, slightly soft and sounding genuinely curious, comes from behind you.
….. Did he just talk to me?
You were yanked back against his chest with little to no effort from him, and hit a surprisingly softer surface than you were imagining (not that you were imagining what his chest felt like) and warmth - enough warmth for you to feel the heat emitting from him through your puffy jacket.
Your body shuddered at the feeling of him bending down to your height behind you, his warmth surrounding you know, and his hair tickling your cheeks. He nosed at your jaw and neck, his breath also tickling you slightly as he took shallow breaths in.
Was he smelling you?
You whimpered quietly in surprise, and a bit of fear, when your head was yanked back suddenly, your neck now more exposed for him to explore. His tongue slipped past his lips to leave an experimental lick across your pulse, the breeze catching the wet patch and sending more chills down your body.
“Let me go.” You sounded firmer, more sure than you thought you would. But he must’ve read through your feigned confidence, because his grip didn’t loosen one bit, and instead he asked you,
You blinked, surprised your throat wasn’t ripped out as a response instead. Regardless, what the fuck were you supposed to say to that? It’s not as if you were prepared for a conversation, but what does he mean why?
“Because… I said so. And I… I have class in the morning.” You kept your stare up and jutted your chin out, hoping to god you looked unfazed while your mind ran through all possible options of what the hell could be going on right now.
“If I let you go, do you really think you could run from me?” He almost sounded genuine, like he wondered himself if you’d be able to get away from him, as if the answer wasn’t obvious.
You felt like you stopped breathing at his question, because you knew it was really more of a proposition. And his loosening grip only further proved your assumption.
“Go ahead, see how far you can get. I’ll even give you head start. Besides, I liked how you smelt when you were scared.” He made sure to bring his face closer to your neck as he spoke his last sentence before letting you go completely, smiling to himself as you stumbled forward. You didn’t even realize how close he had been holding you.
You jumped to your feet and turned to look at him one last time, a bright toothy smile on his face, before sprinting forward and around the tattered coyote with all your might.
It was almost embarrassing, how hard you were pushing yourself to run. Did you actually think you’d be able to get away from him, whatever he was? It didn’t matter how hard you tried to shake the negative thoughts out of your head - you felt hopeless and you’d barely even started. But the weight jostling in your coat pocket reminded you not all options were lost - your phone.
Pulling your phone out as you continued to run, you held it above your head in hopes of having some bars and - yes, you do! Just one, but one should be-
A tree root, another tree root.
You, and your phone, go flying forward for the second time tonight - but unfortunately not together.
It plays out like a scene out of a movie, you’re laying there on your chest with your hand reaching out as you watch your phone bounce and slide under a fallen log to the side of the dirt path. And when you stretch your head up to look, it’s nothing but overgrown wild berry bushes - bounds of thorns and thistles everywhere in your sight - and your phone was beneath it all.
Shuffling over as quickly as possible, you can barely see the glint of your phone screen in the darkness of the night, and it’s more than an arms length away.
That phone is your saving grace, you have no choice. You won’t be able to reach and crawl through the overgrown sticker bushes, but lucky enough there’s a small dip in the ground beneath the log - just enough for a person to slip through if they really had to.
Slipping your coat off, needing to have as much space as possible to get between the log and the ground, you tossed it across the path to the other side of trees. Maybe he’ll smell your scent and go the other way?
Don’t worry about it, just hurry the fuck up!
You drop to the ground swiftly, hoping and praying to yourself that the sounds of the small twigs snapping beneath your knees weren’t loud enough to call for that man- no, that things attention. Laying onto your stomach, you attempt to scramble underneath the fallen log to reach your phone, but it was a tighter squeeze than you had anticipated. You sucked in a deep breath and held back your winces as you did your best to ignore the pine needles scraping and stabbing into your skin, and stretched your arm until the tendons and muscles began to burn until you realized this was a fruitless venture. And now you’ve just wasted precious time.
Hoping this went unseen and that the damp forest floor beneath your body muffled all noises of your shimmying, you pushed back on your palms to make a hasty escape - but you didn’t budge.
Surely you were starting to get splinters from how hard you started to push your palms into the ground, but you weren’t moving. You took deep breaths and tried to stay calm, but it’s been too long. He’s definitely catching up by now. It’s not like you made it far either.
Pushing one more time, you moved just a tad, but the searing pain that ran across your lower back from the harsh bark of the log scratching you suddenly made you holler - which you definitely shouldn’t have done.
“What are you doing?” A familiar voice chuckled from behind you.
It didn’t take but 5 seconds for tears start to spill from your eyes and down your face, surprisingly the first time you’ve cried so far tonight.
You ball your fists up when you hear him stepping closer to you until he’s standing right next to your legs, he has to be judging by how warm you’re already getting.
A warm hand comes out to lift the bottom of your shirt up, your scratch stinging more as the cold wind whips across it.
“Oh, you should’ve been-“
“Please don’t kill me! Please just let me go - I won’t tell anyone what the hell happened! Or - or what I saw! Th-thank you for saving me from, the um-“
He was surprised, and confused, as you started to ramble, in front of him. It’s not like he was listening all the way anyways, he was far too focused on how compromising your position was.
“Just please don’t kill me, please…” You sniffled and let your forehead rest against the dirt, chest constricting at the thought of how helpless you are like this. You couldn’t even fight back if you wanted to.
“What makes you think I’m gonna kill you? You think that’s what I’ve been planning on doing to you?” A pair of strong hands pull your ass up by your hips slightly, and run along your inner thighs soothingly as they press them apart.
Your eyes go wide at the realization of what he’s implying, yet your stomach flips at the idea, too. You’re silent as you feel him maneuver around behind you…
It’s a much better option than dying, right?
“No- I- just, just let me go!” You do your best to squirm and tell him you don’t want his cock buried deep in you, but your body wants other things.
And you hate the way the thought doesn’t actually despise you immediately, instead a dull throb from your cunt responds to his desires, and he knows it, too. You gasp when he suddenly has his face buried between your thighs and against your jeans, inhaling your scent deeply.
“Oh, you smell better like this.”
It’s not fair - it’s not your fault that he’s not… ugly. And you can’t deny that the thought of how big he is, especially compared to you, doesn’t turn you on at least a little. It’s easier to make yourself think you want this - that’s what you’re telling yourself, that it’s probably just easier to… convince yourself the idea isn’t completely off putting.
I mean, he’s probably huge, so you’ll need to be properly prepared and soaked to take him anyways. You can be sure of that judging by his height alone, and just the sheer body mass of him. Not to mention how thick and broad he was when you first laid your eyes on him…
“Whadya thinkin about, baby? You’re really working yourself up, I’m not even touching you.” He laughs softly and your body goes hot at his words.
You get even more pissed at yourself at the way your body continuously reacts to him, but you aren’t given any more time to yell at yourself when your jeans are quite literally ripped off your lower half.
God, you’re so small and helpless beneath him, and he knows you love it just as much as he does - he can tell you do. He can smell how exciting this is for you, as if the way you’re practically dripping wasn’t telling enough.
He knew he wanted you the moment he saw you walking with your little friend earlier, knew he needed you. Not only that, knew he needed to breed you, make you his. He sat and waited, followed you on your way back and thought about how he should do it. He didn’t want to scare you - well, he thought he didn’t. But then that other animal started to stalk you, and your fear wafted off you in such potent waves, and you smelled so good, he couldn’t stop his dick from twitching as he watched you run.
But you were his to fuck, to play with, maybe even to keep; so he’d be damned if you got hurt.
The thought alone makes anger rise in his chest, but the sight of your damp panties brings him back down to earth and remind him of the goal at hand - to fuck you till all you can think about his how bad you need him to fill you up.
Bokuto growls behind you before dipping his head down to lick against the wet patch on your underwear. He groans at the faint taste of you and sits up to discard you of them completely, surprisingly slowly, and whines when he sees the strings of arousal connect and break from your needy cunt to your long and forgotten underwear.
He grabs onto your thighs with enough force for the tips of his claws to just slightly break the skin, but any discomfort is disregarded when he buries his face in your heat and messily shoves his tongue between your lips.
His tongue is hot and wet, and his eager movements to scoop up as much of you as he can taste makes your toes curl and your eyes clench shut in surprise.
Fuck, this feels really good.
He pulls back and pants, spitting down onto your ass and watches his saliva drip down onto your clenching hole.
“Fuck, already so needy for me to fill you up, huh?” His voice is raspy, and you no longer care how odd or humiliating this all is, how weak you are - you want him so bad.
But all you can do is whimper in response when he bites down onto the fatty part of your ass, surely leaving a mark, before going back to licking long, languid stripes against your cunt. Your eyes roll to the back of your head when you feel him move to start sucking on your clit with a need you’ve never felt any man please you with before.
Your thighs want to squeeze together but they can’t with the unmatchable strength he has, keeping you open and spread for him to do as he pleases to you. His constant sucking and licking on your clit suddenly becomes too much as you feel your orgasm coming close, your stomach clenching and thighs shaking.
“Ahh! Fuck!”
You scream when it hits, he’s relentless and doesn’t stop once throughout until your squirming bad enough to catch his attention, who’s unapologetically pussy drunk. He only stops and pulls away, giving you a break, cause he needs more.
He wants to taste you more, give you more, but he can’t with you stuck like this.
He sits up and wrenches the log off your body, a sigh of momentary bliss leaving your lips, before he pulls you out from where you were by your waist with his other arm.
Your vision isn’t clear from this perspective, you think you’re dangling upside down, slung over his shoulder, but before you know it he has you flipped back around and standing on your own two feet in front of him - and fuck were you right, he is big.
Bringing your gaze up, now eye level with his chest, you crane your head up to look at his face with wide eyes.
“C’mere.” You’re lifted up by the back of your thighs until your calves dangle at the sides of his waist with his arms resting under the bend of your leg, warm hands gripping your sides.
Instinctively, you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, pressing chest to chest, irrationally scared that he (yes, the same man who previously tossed a log off your body like it was a twig) might drop you.
But all focus is lost on that thought when you feel the fat head of his cock - the girth of which you don’t even want to imagine right now - slide between your sticky lips, nudging against your swollen clit.
A whimper falls from his lips as he starts to poke and prod against your entrance, his head slowly pushing in and you can already feel the stretch of him. A small dose of fear mixed with an overwhelming amount of anticipation runs through your body. You can’t tell whether it’s your own lust clouded mind or some power he might have over you - but you need him now, greater than your apprehension for his size.
“Need you, need you now. Gotta fill my puppy up.” He huffs down at you and you can’t help but flutter a little around the tiny bit of him that’s made it’s way into you at the use of the nickname.
You nod against his chest and wiggle in his grasp, hoping he gets the idea that right now, that’s all you want, too.
He does his best to slowly sink you down onto him, but fuck the feeling is unbearable - you’re so warm and soft around his cock, and he can’t help but think about how it’s the perfect pussy for him to breed.
Biting down onto your shoulder, he sits you onto the rest of his cock, your cunt squelching and dripping onto his thighs and heavy balls. You yelp a little from the pain of it all; his sharp teeth sinking into your shoulder far enough to leave a scar, with the vague feeling of a small trickle of something warm dripping down your back, and the burn from the way you’re stretching around him. But the first time he lifts you off to slam back into you, all you can think about is how bad you need to come around his cock.
Your head leans back and your jaw goes slack, his pelvis - dawning a furry patch of pussy soaked coarse hair - rubbing against your clit with each roll of his hips. It’s like he’s hitting every spot inside of you at the same time, too, repeatedly brushing against the one that has you drooling and whining: “please, please, please!”
He leans his head down to speak into your ear, panting heavily with each smack of skin, “Yeah? Wanna make you feel good before I fill this dirty pussy up.“
Giving an unexpected tender kiss to your neck, he growls before picking up his pace - thrusting in and out of you hard enough to have your head rocking back and forth.
Fuck, you were so close.
Reaching a shaky hand down, trusting his strength to keep you up, you rub weak but rapid circles onto your clit. Thankfully, not much more effort needed to be exerted from you for you to reach your climax.
Bokuto presses kisses into your mouth, open in a silent scream, as you squeeze around his cock and twitch in his arms.
Leaving a gentle kick across your lips, he groans and whines before his thrusts still - your own orgasm enough to nearly make him pass out from the sensation - as he shoots his hot seed into you. He has so much, the inside of you not nearly enough for it all, as it spurts out onto the sides of his thick cock.
You’re not sure how long he held you in his arms like this, swearing you were going in and out of consciousness by the end, but eventually you feel him pull himself out of you that leaves you with an emptiness you couldn’t begin to describe.
But rather than being set down, you’re still held in his arms. The warmth from him is overwhelmingly soothing now, lulling you to sleep as your exhaustion starts to take over you. There’s only vague murmurs of something sounding like “keeping you safe”, or “keeping you home”; but right now that’s the last thing you care to think about as his hands rub up and down your back.
That’s something for tomorrow you to worry about, just like tomorrow you will worry about where your backpack with all that hard work went. However, you have a feeling deep in your gut that your missing bag will be the last of your worries in the morning.
taglist: @plutowrites @touyaz
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iceaxeflynn · 2 years
I was playing through PA:AA Trials and Tribulations, and I just realized that no one talks about Recipe for Turnabout.
Why? How can no one in this fandom not go bat shit insane for Phony Phoenix? I mean look at this man
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He’s bat chit insane. The madlad is literally an anti-Phoenix. He calls himself the Tiger. He growls at the jury. He’s so scary the Judge hides under his desk.
Gumshoe, the Judge, Maggey, AND EVEN MAYA don’t register that its NOT PHOENIX.
He’s constantly screaming. He’s growling. He tells Phoenix that for every dumb question he asks he’s gonna sue him $50,000.
I refuse to acgnowledge this Furio Tigre erasure. That case was a fucking wild ride. That man impersonated the most popular defense attorney and almost got away with it, and it was heavily implied that he was dating the granddaughter of the
Did I mention he roars like a tiger? I don’t think you understand. This man has AUDIO DIALOGUE THAT PLAYS EVERY TIME HE ROARS. EVEN PHOENIX HIDES UNDER HIS DESK FROM HIM.
And then lets step away from fuckin Tiger Phoenix for a minute.
We ALSO learn that Gumshoe is SUPER SOFT for Maggey Bryde. She gets arrested for supposedly being the murderer, and Gumshoe is in HYSTERICS. He runs around like a lost puppy doing everything he can to get Maggey out with the same if not more panic than he had when Edgeworth was arrested. AND ITS SO??? WHOLESOME?????
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Like he’s SO CUTE TOO. He makes Maggey lunches, because he notices she’s been loosing weight and doesn’t want her to be unhealthy. When he understands that Maggey is mad at him because of a misunderstanding, he avoids her because she says she doesn’t want to see him, and he doesn’t want to push himself onto her.
Not only that, but they have PERFECT ENERGY TOGETHER. They’re both like energetic dogs you can rely on. They’re excited, and they’re here to do their best. They can do no wrong.
Also, Gumshoe and Maggey LOVE the same foods and it’s adorable. You can’t change my mind; straight ships can be adorable too I’m literally a gay man call me homophobic I dare you.
First up we’ve got who I like to call
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Grandpa Seedman (A.K.A. Victor Kudo)
What a man. What a madlad. He makes me want to dump him in a fucking silo of birdseed.
Why is he here? Why does he have all that birdseed? Why can’t he calm down and stop throwing it for five seconds? If I had to guess what Wendy Oldbag’s ex-husband would be like, this is exactly who I think it would be. They’re both insufferable to no end. Let me throw them outa window.
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Then we got Monsieur Essential Oils (A.K.A. Jean Armstrong)
What In The Royal Fuck. Where are these roses coming from. Why does his restaurant look like a Hello Kitty Lolita Cafe. He’s also half a million dollars in debt. I would ask why but if you took one look in hid goddamn restaurant you would understand why. Also literally everyone in the game thinks his food is shit.
Please sir. Please you’re so gay it hurts. He’s literally April May but a guy. Actively flirts with Gotot which is pretty funny so you get some extra points.
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Wednesday Addams (A.K.A. Viola Cadaverini)
So little miss is the granddaughter of a fucking MOB BOSS and she is literally true crime. Constantly mutters about offering you tea. Would be a nice gesture if the murder in this case WASNT CAUSED BY SOMEONE BEING POISONED THROUGH A DRINK also the fact that the MURDERER IS HER BOSS
She’s actually pretty chill, despite how off-putting she is. Would love to listen to true crime and watch the Twilight Zone with her. She deserves better.
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He also rides a teeny fuckin scooter thats like neon pink and blue which is so goddamn funny to me especially considering the fact that that tiny ass scooter caused a massive crash which he walked away from unscathed but the DRIVER was sent to the EMERGENCY ROOM and had A MILLION DOLLARS worth of surgery done.
This man can fight god and win the only reason he didn’t get away with the murder is because bitch straight up went “haha Phoenix Wright you dumb bitch thats not the poison bottle I used get your facts straight” and Godot has a fucking ANEURISM because all of these witnesses are SO FUCKING STUPID
Godot was the real victim here holy shit this fucking case was the most bat shit insane stuff how the FUCK did no one talk more about this PLEASE
TL;DR Give Recipe For Turnabout more love. It’s the most unhinged shit on the planet.
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lovesgonnabe · 3 years
Love Is Worth It Episode V - We Got The Pandemic Blues Under a New York City Skyline
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Characters: Chris Evans x Maya Alonso-Evans (Black OFC)
Warnings: straight fluff, cursing, implied smut.
Word Count: 3485
Summary: What happens in NYC stays in NYC!
AN: The NYC Skyline prompt is by @iguessweallcrazyithinktho thank you so much for letting me use your theme I hope I did it justice. If you haven't read any of her stuff what are you doing get on it!
Disclaimer: There’s only slight edits so there may be errors. Also if you haven’t noticed this series will have many time jumps and things referenced here may make more sense later on in the series when new episodes come out so please bear with me.
Taglist: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss, @canadian-girl87, @i-just-like-fanfics, @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful​ if you would like to join the taglist message me.
Please leave a note and tell me what you think!
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June 13th, 2020
Being with Chris had its many perks but not working was definitely one Maya never wanted to take advantage of.
When Chris first brought it up when they got engaged she looked at him like he had two heads and said “I worked to hard put myself through school to get these expensive ass letters behind my name to just stay my ass at home” and that was the last time they had that conversation.
But fast forward to 2020 If you told Maya that she would have to close both of her dermatology offices in the middle of award season a few months ago she would have laughed at you.
She just couldn’t see herself not working because she loved what she does, but with both New York and Boston putting in place stay at home orders there’s nothing she could do.
It didn't help that it was only Maya in Boston dealing with work and all that entails, Delilah's up in the air school situation, and a whole hoax of things while Chris was in L A being as supportive of a husband and father as he could be on the other side of the country.
At least Dodger was being pretty normal.
Thanks to Chris's family for being so helpful where they could because for a minute Maya felt like she was beginning to drown.
This saga starts with the beginning of the pandemic.
January was chill there were whispers that there was a deadly pandemic on the horizon but no one took it seriously.
February Chris had left at the beginning of the month to LA to promote his new show Defending Jacob and it wasn't like anything out of the ordinary the couple worked, and called each other daily.
Chris told her he'd have to be there through March but would be home in time for Maya's birthday in April.
Her lawsuit against Boston PD was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount that was donated to charity and trust me that lawsuit cost them a pretty penny because Chris was threatening to go to the press and Boston PD did not need anymore negative press.
After finding out that the older officer already had many reports against him for abuse of power he was "let go" by Boston PD and the other officer was demoted to desk duty and sent Maya an apology letter for his actions
She thinks he only did it because her husband is Chris Evans but she tries not to be a cynic.
In mid March with her offices were forced to close and the lives of her twenty employees were in her hands, but sin there was no money coming in she had to regrettably furlough all of them until she could open back up.
This news could come at a worse time because Lilah's school was trying to transition them to online learning for the rest of the year.
So Maya now had to also be her home school teacher for the last 2 months before summer vacation .
Maya does feel blessed because she was still able to teach some derm online classes through NYU, and her family was healthy but Chris still wasn't home.
Because of travel restrictions in LA on April 1st Maya found out that the earliest Chris could be home was in possibly July or Mid June if they are lucky because he need to start filming for Grey Man that was set in Boston.
Then rumors started to swirl that Chris could be cheating on Maya but
She doesn't play that and isn't a dummy
Chris isn't stupid and
He's been in their home in LA quarenting with his brother Scott the whole time so if some foul shit did happen she would be the first one to know and on the first jet smoking to beat some ass.
But hey when it rains it pours.
In interviews Chris would say he was "quartining with his family at home in Boston."
They would try to make the spaces look just like Chris and Maya's homebase in Boston even going as far as strategically moving photos of them in the background to make it look like his office at home.
And it actually work most people thought Chris was in Boston anyways and it was all gossip the others thought he went back home to clean up this mess.
But nope Chris was not in Boston he was 2,764 miles away and this time it all just felt different and he hated not being able to be there with them during this crazy uncertain time and Maya just needed a vacation.
In April Maya and Delilah just had dinner at the house for her birthday they facetimed Chris and once Liliah had gone to bed Chris and Maya had sexytime over the phone.
The rest of the month Maya just went with the flow and did the same through June.
Now we are all caught up and in the present day.
It's Chris's 39th birthday but he was still in LA.
Maya stayed up to call him at midnight in LA because that was their tradition but now it was about 12pm and Chris has not picked up any of her phone calls Maya was annoyed.
Maya and Delilah sat in the Den as Maya was detangling Delilah's freshly washed hair getting ready to put her curly hair into braids as Mulan played on the tv in front of them.
"Mommy can I call dad it's his birthday and I haven't got to talk to him today. Lilah says playing with Maya's phone.
"Go ahead sweetheart maybe you'll have better luck them me." said Maya as she sectioned Lilah's hair.
As the facetime ringtone went Dodger who was laying in his dog bed next to Lilah began to bark and then he ran for the front door Maya looked that way but didn't see anything since the alarm didn't go off either which she found strange.
She shrugged it off only for a second until she heard a bag hit the ground as she quickly stood up the only thought in her head was to protect Delilah helping her to hide under the couch.
As the person entered their den Dodger continued to bark and she grabbed a pair hair scissors about to attack the intruder until she saw his face and exhaled the breath she didn't even know she was holding.
"CHRIS you scared the shit out of me" she said before he could say anything.
He laughed "Baby I didn't mean to scare you" Chris said
Lilah screamed and crawled from under the couch.
"daddy, daddy, daddy I missed you and Happy Birthday." Lilah said running into Chris's arm.
"I missed you to babycakes you been taking care of mommy for me" Chris said holding Lilah and walking towards a still shocked Maya.
He kissed Maya's forehead trying to pull her into a hug but she rolled her eyes and pushed his hand away.
"Chris i thought you weren't coming home till July" Maya asked
Chris shrugged "plans change now are you gonna come and give daddy a kiss you what"
He said flopping on the couch with Lilah on his lap.
Mays sucked her teeth peeked his lips and told Lilah to come so she could finish her hair.
Her saltiness cause Chris to laugh as Lilah moved over to her mom.
They were sitting on the same couch so Chris bent over and began to whisper in her ear. "Stop acting like that baby I wanted to surprise you"
Maya gave minimal response and Chris didn't like that so then he brought heat.
When he walked Maya had on a beige short set the top was fairly tin and the shorts barely covered her ass, he could see her nipples stand at attention on her delicious breast when walked.
It's been 3 months since he's had sex with his wife and boy can he feel it. He gave her tigh a firm squeeze now pecking her spot behind her ear forcing Maya to stop mid greasing Lilah's scalp to take a deep breath.
"if you stop acting up tonight I'll do that thing with my tongue that you like if not daddy won't be letting you cum at all tonight.
Chris said moving his body back to his original position smirking at his shooken up wife whose attitude did a 180 quick, fast and in a hurry.
Chris was no home and with his girls and he couldn’t be any happier.
After braiding Delilah's hair Maya went and they dropped her off at Chris’s moms which was a fight in itself because she wanted to stay with her daddy but Maya had other plans.
The original plan was to take Chris out of the country for his birthday but plans change.
Before Chris showed up today Maya had nothing planned for Chris's birthday because he was not suppose to be home they were just going to the same thing they did for her birthday.
On there way back home my had an idea with there hands intertwined Maya began to speak.
“So birthday boy what do you want to do for your birthday” Maya asked
“You know I don’t care as long as I’m with you my love” Chris said kissing her hand.
Maya giggled “Well we’ve dropped Dede at your moms and Scott said he could take Dodger”
She states looking at the puppy through the rear view mirror as Chris began to rub is thumb over her knuckles.
“It seems you already have a plan for us babe” he smirks
“I know you are just getting home but how about we drop Dodger off and I was thinking maybe drive to New York, I need to get out of Boston and have a bit of a staycation”. She said.
Chris chuckled and looked at Maya as the stopped at the red light.
“Wherever you lead I’ll follow. He said
“You are so corny old man” Maya laughed as she leaned over and peek his sweet lips.
They continued their drive to Scotts and talked enjoying eachothers company for the first time in a while, they were so wrapped up in each other that Dodger had to bark to remind Chris he was about to pass Scoots house .
Maya laughed at the puppy then pet him telling him how good of a dog he is.
“Alright birthday boy Scott has Dodger now let's switch its my turn to drive you around” She said.
They headed home to pick up a few things and then The Evans were off and headed for there trip.
After the 3 and 1/2 hour drive they got to New York and the barren streets shocked them.
They are staying in there penthouse apartment on the upper east side that over looks Central Park and New York's famous skyline.
Before settling in Maya decided to get groceries once she got back Jazz played softly in her ears as the punchy aroma of the candle Slow Burn hit her nose.
“Hey Chris I'm back” she called out to him.
She was met without a response just the smooth stylings of Frank Sinatra.
Maya put the groceries in the kitchen and headed to their master bedroom.
Kicking her shoes off and following the rose petals into the bathroom that revealed Chris who sat in all his glory in the pink tinted bathtub.
Apparently he did not hear her as his eyes stayed closed and his arms outstretched.
And all Maya could do was admire the greek god that was her husband.
His long wingspan encompassed the entire back of the tub as his strong biceps would flex ever deep breath he took. And don't to get Maya started on those baby blues which were one of the only things Lilah did not get from Chris. Those same blue eyes were now looking straight at her.
“I was hoping you’d be back soon” he said
Raising his head to look at his goddess of a wife smirking at him.
“So I’m guessing you would like me to join you?” She asked
Maya teased him as she began to slowly remove her clothes.
“Hey aren’t I the birthday boy that shouldn’t even be a question Maya so you better bring your sexy ass in here” Chris said to her as his arms still laid on the back of the tub looking like a king”
Maya stepped in with Chris’s help the warm water encapsulating her body as she sinks down.
She sighs in satisfaction when her body is finally completely in the water as she lays into Chris’s embrace.
They just sit there and enjoy each other company, washing the dirt off of each other from the day, and stealing kisses from one another.
Maya and Chris were that couple you loved to hate they didn’t show off their love that much with Chris’s anxiety and Maya’s destain for public scrutiny because she’s black woman with a man of Chris stature, PDA was mostly off the table. However behind closed doors they are the cutest most intimate couple you’d ever meet.
Once she was clean from her road dirt Maya left the water first placing a kiss on Chris’s lips as she headed to start dinner and Chris laid back and continued to relax.
Once Chris finally got out the bath he found Maya in the kitchen halfway finished with dinner.
“Jesus babe it smells fantastic in here and I see you changed the music” Chris said
He was now fully dressed in a blue t-shit in matching joggers, his hair damp from the bath as Lauryn Hill's rendition of Can't Take My Eyes off of You played in the background.
She chuckled “only the best for you my king”
"Mhm I like the sound of that" He said as he went in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of white wine and poured them both a glass.
She was at the counter cutting up veggies.
“Ok so how long do I have wait before I can devour all this?” he asked placing the glass in front of Maya.
They took their first cheers of the night tapping the glasses together.
Maya took a sip and moan at the taste of the wine.
“Soon Chris don’t stress it babe you will be fed very soon” she said.
Her hips began to sway to the music as she hummed along.
At long last, love has arrived, and I thank God I'm alive
Chris walked up behind her wrapping her arms around waist swaying with her body and catching the rhythm.
You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you
Moving her hair to her left shoulder Chris begins to kiss her neck.
"Remember when we first bought this place." Chris asked
"Yes you didn't want to you said my place in Brooklyn was enough for us" Maya said putting the knife down and melted into Chris's strong arms.
"Mmm but you did an excellent job at convincing me why we need this place, 3 bedrooms right in the Heart of the city just for times likes these when want to get away." Chris said with his arms still wrapped around her.
She laughed "I thought it was because you fucked me against the balcony on our terrace is why you said yes"
He smirked at the memory "well that to"
Chris sucked on her neck and moved his down her satin dress but the timer on the pot decided to be a cock block and go off before he could make a move.
He groaned and Maya laughed directed him to get ready to eat.
Just as the food was finishing up Chris set the dining table for two, taking the rest of the flowers from his bath laying them out between the kitchen and there Terrence where they were having dinner overlooking the city.
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It was a beautiful night. There was a soft breeze and the city was a glow quieter that usual but still a sight to behold.
Maya brought out the food as Chris poured them another glass, they both sat prayed then rose their glasses to cheers again.
During dinner Chris made some corny jokes that always seemed to put Maya in a better mood as Maya would slyly rub her foot up Chris’s pant leg.
Next came dessert still out on the terrace they shared a slice of cake (more like Maya fed Chris cake) which is how she ended up in his lap enjoying the very expensive yet immaculate view they had from their home.
He rubbed her thigh as he kisses her shoulder just thinking of the fastest way to get Maya out of her dress.
"god you are beautiful" Chris said
His hand now playing with the trim of her panties under her strappy white satin dress.
"Oh no birthday boy you not fucking me out here tonight you gotta come inside for your last present" Maya said.
Chris groaned Maya got up seductively waking back inside her curves just begging him to follow her
“This woman Is going to be the death of me” Chris thought as he came back inside and closed the door that lead to the terrace.
Maya handed Chris his third and final glass of wine of the night.
He raised an eyebrow "Are you trying to get me drunk Mrs. Evans so you can have your way with me?" he asked.
Taking a sip from his glass he smacked Maya the ass and watched it move as she walked towards their living room.
She laughed "I wouldn't have to get you drunk to have my way with you Mr. Evans"
Their living room had floor to ceiling windows that overlook Chris's second favorite city, and that's where Maya stood wine glass in hand looking all the people that looked like ants. But all Chris could think about was how this woman fell for him.
She watched the scenery and he watched her but when that signature trumpet blew he remembered that the music was still playing and so did she.
Maya turned around to see Chris was watching her one hand in his pocket and the other still holding his wine, she made a face at him.
"What are you looking at me like that Chris, you ok?” she asked hand on her hip taking another drink from her glass.
The moon shined off her skin like she was in the sun, her white dress reminding him of their wedding day the way it hugged her figure.
Still speechless Chris walked up to her placing both of their glasses on the coffee table, he brushed her hair behind her ear and she moans nuzzling her head in his touch.
"Baby I am absolutely perfect because I am here with you" he says.
Chris softly pulls her by the waist bringing her flush against her body as raspy voice of Louis Armstrong in Le Vie En Rose brought butterfly’s to Maya’s stomach because this was their song.
His hands lay softly on her waist as her arms lay around his shoulder as they dancer slowly around there living room.
Hold me close and hold me fast, The magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose.
His cologne sent waves of pleasure and warmth through her body, when Maya laid her head on his chest not wanting to let him go. As their heartbeat became in sync the moonlight casted their sillones on the ground.
They were two lovers who were lost in eachother hoping to never get out and wanting to hide from the world it felt new but familiar.
Once the song ended Chris kissed her so deep and and passionately Maya thought she was gonna cum then and there.
Chris's hands moved from their previously respectable position making circle on her hips to the bottom of her ass telling Maya to jump causing Maya wrap her chocolate legs around his waist.
As Chris walked he kept repeating how much he missed Maya so much while he was in LA.
They couldn’t even make it back to their bedroom for their first round of many.
And Maya was a goner as Chris made love to her all night in every corner of their apartment as the city watched as the couple were engulfed with each other.
But there was a little voice in the back of Maya's head "Well damn how are we going to top 40 next year" it asked.
The preoccupied side of her brain shooed hat thought away so she could just enjoy being with her man at this moment.
Thanking god there was no more space between them like the miles before.
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alyafae-a · 3 years
𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐒 ( 1x06, this is long ) [ personals do not like do not reblog ]
—   “ kate, you’re my partner. your mess is my mess. ”  first of all. kate is his mess already thank you very much. second of all, YES HI THATS WHEN HE SIGNED THE ADOPTION PAPERS. and in a side note: wanna bet this is what he said to natasha as well? BC THATS WHAT HE DID —   look, clint building all these cool trick arrows is still my jam! i love it so much i can’t even explain it. like. just think about him sitting there, tinkering, building these cool arrows, trying out new ones etc. THIS IS FUN —   yel’s hairsytle is just so on point in this episode it’s a dream UGH I CANT —   the way i get nat & clint vibes from yel and kate. like it’s different of course but... it’s also the same —   kate tries so hard to just press another button. she tries. so. hard. AND JUST SLAPS YEL ngl hot. but got she’s like that smol child that just wants to push all the buttons. this is why clint needs a vacation! (he loves her of course) —   kate and yel ‘fighting’ is what i would have imagined them to be like if they had been in cw also the vibes again —   no but love how supportive they are, giving compliments and stuff. that’s what we want to see :3 —   natasha watching her sis trying to shoot clint like “sis... no... don’t” —   kate is beauty kate is grace ... not so much grace; also the way everyone makes clear they know her full name —   her and that dude talking about his relationship and how her advice has been helpful i CANT —   can’tget over jack either like... that dude... what —   clint didn’t even bother to try harder to fend off the dude... a mood —   LOOK CLINT SITTING IN THAT BIG ASS CHRISTMAS TREE IS EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WHEN MY CAT IS SITTING IN OUR TREE = clint is a cat ... ALSO THAT OWL OH MY I LOVE IT —   NO BUT THE LARPERS SHOWING UP IN COSTUME GIVES ME ASGIA.RDIANS/ETER.NALS FROM WISH VIBES —   “ we’re all gonna die *laughs* ”  yes clint good that’s the vibe we want WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY —   the way clint didn’t want KATE to get her down from this tree. i wonder how long he would have been up there until he found a safe way down. it did look fun tho, would take that ride as well —   OKAY BUT CLINTS COSTUME! ITS SOMETHING ITS NOTHING I LOVE THE COLOR THO  IT MAKES ME HAPPY —   kate getting the dangerous arrows is literally just a puppy getting a new toy —   god them fighting together CHILLS they have no business being so epic. THE TOY CAR THO STOLEN BY AN OWL —   look, lesbian but clint shooting arrows without looking and hitting its aim is just so damn hot. like SERIOUSLY  —   “ nice shot ”  -  “ yeah, no shit ” ngl this reply does something to me? we love some good confidence. clint always has nice shots! that’s his whole game —   maya with her hair open hits differently
—   NO BC THE WAY @whistlewidow​ AND I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS AND ITS SO CLOSE TO BEING EXACTLY WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT !! THE FIGHT/CONVERSATION!!!! YEL NOT BELIEVING HIM AT FIRST AND HE PROVES IT TO HER LIKE!!!!!! —   I FEEL SO VALIDATED OKAY YOU HAVE NO IDEA !!!!  —   ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE WAY CLINT REALLY DOESNT EVEN TRY TO HURT YEL ??? HE ONLY BLOCKS HER AND IS JUST SO PASSIVE!! BC !!! HE KNOWS NAT WOULDNT WANT THIS —   cIint’s “ i couldn’t stop her ” bc he has always known she’s better than him  WE FOUGHT BUT SHE WAS BETTER THAN ME —   “ why do you deserve it? ” - “ i don’t ” my fucking clint its bc she loved her fam and wanted to do this for them —   THE WAY HE LETS HER HIT HIM!!!!  —   THE WHISTLE!!!! IT HAD TO BE SOMETHING LIKE THAT !! IT HAD TO BE SOMETHING SPECIAL BC OF COURSE NAT WOULD TALK ABOUT YEL “ SHE TALKED ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME ” —   also thank you for summing up bw —   “ SHE LOVED YOU ”    i TOLD you he would say that I TOLD YOU SO —   “ i loved her so much ” - “ me too ” : NO BUT THE WAY THIS VALIDATES ME EVEN MORE bc my hc is still that clint and nat are soulmates (platonic & romantic) AND LIKE ITS ALWAYS BEEN OBVIOUS HOW IMPORTANT SHE IS TO HIM BUT TO HAVE HIM SAY IT HITS DIFFERENTLY I AM NOT OKAY THIS IS GIVING ME SO MUCH —   well, i wanted them to hug tho... like yeah wasn’t going to happen but... LOOK i wanted them to celebrate christmas together. she was supposed to meet his kids who loves auntie nat
—   kate saving her mom like, youre a good hero. also uh, kin.gpin’s hat is nice —   hmmmm the stab stab from maya :/ well done girl  —   also yeah i thought eleanor was going to die. but i guess... her being imprisoned ... close enough? —   the way she underestimates her own daughter like??? make it more obvious you don’t know her. but it’s okay that’s why clint adopts her —   the dude had an arrow in his chest of course this wouldn’t kill him. oh well but maya. hot.  —   GOD THE LARPERS also the girl flirting with jack? i mean, good for you. the way i wanna write jack tho? pathetic —   “ every now and then you come across somebody that just makes you better in every way ” this is so wholesome BC YES KATE MAKES HIM BETTER NAT MADE HIM BETTER for the sake of the show YES LAURA AND THE KIDS MAKE HIM BETTER!!! —   just clint being a dork tho, that’s my jam. that’s my boy —   “ AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU ” CLINT IS SUCH A PROUD DAD AND HE LOVES HER DAD MODE ACTIVATE —   “ we gotta walk that dog ” don’t wanna know what lucky did all this time... bet he’s like vina —   GOD YES ALL OF THEM CELEBRATING TOGETHER IS JUST !! obvious BUT SWEET! and how they all welcomed kate bc yeah she’s part of the fam now —   LOOK LAURA!!!! also obvious but LOVE HOW MY CHARACTER TAG FOR HER IS EVEN MORE VALID NOW agent minx —   headcanon confrimed: clint sees a stray, clint must adopt —   kate’s name ideas YES i mean they suck but!!! —   “ I ACTUALLY HAVE AN IDEA ” ... TITLE
—   the way, in my mind, they would all celebrate christmas together. the bird fam, kate, lucky and yel. 
—   this fucking musical i can’t this is hell i mean i hate musicals in general but ... this hurts. x.x 
thx for reading if you made it this far. <3
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docholligay · 3 years
House Lights
@phrdycg sponsored this fic, with the prompt “Rin gives Futaba a pep talk” I’ve been toying with it all month, trying to get it right! Thank you so much! 
Rin Miyamoto was well aware that most people would have considered her profession a failure, including many of those who shared it. 
It was a cruel twist of the theater world that many of them who taught how to walk the boards of the stage had themselves been washed out of it. There was, for this reason, sometimes the edge of bitterness in the words of the teachers, advising the girls with a flash of jealousy for the ones they all knew would make a success, a flash of pity for those they knew would not. 
Rin was one of the few who seemed to seemed to find it a calling. She had always been small, which had been a distinct disadvantage in getting the roles she craved, and she was a hard worker more than she had the natural light of a star descended upon her. It was almost a relief when she was offered the job at Seisho offhandedly, even though she knew what it meant. It was a chance to have a stable, nice income and life for her and for Ayaka, she had thought, and Ayaka had gone there herself, on the production side, so there was a certain amount of pride for both of them. 
Even she hadn’t expected to enjoy it so much more than she ever had being on the stage. 
But enjoy it she did, and now, in honesty, she would never go back to the life she had before, grasping for each role and gazing onto those in position zero. She had a spring in her step every morning as she packed up her bento, sure of the reward of watching these girls learn and grow every day. 
This joy did not mean, however, that there was never some amount of tolerance that needed to be exercised. 
Last week, it had been yet another dust-up between Claudine and Maya, that on-again, off-again that most students wish would remain off-again, and save them all some time and trouble. Rin had tried to express to the girls that dating another actress rarely turned out well, in her experience, and that all of class B was right there, as a saner and safer option, but mostly this went unheeded. She had to assume that there was some similar reason for Futaba to be sitting at her door with a hangdog look. 
“Futaba,” she unlocked the door to the office room, “Can I help you with something?” 
Futaba looked up at her, distracted, as if she might have forgotten she was sitting in front of the teachers’ door at all. 
“I...yeah, I was just..” she looked up and down the hall. 
“Come in,” Rin swung open the door and hung up her coat, “I’ll get water started for tea.” 
Futaba had always been a bit of a mystery to Rin, in some ways. She’d come in following Kaoruko like a little puppy, and just from seeing that, Rin might have assumed that she’d never make it, but then she blazed through the auditions like a hot knife through butter, only to dull again as soon as she had made it, carrying Kaoruko around. She seemed to simultaneously long to be something more and be incapable of allowing herself to have it, in a way that might have fascinated Rin more deeply if she wasn’t already involved enough in the romantic lives of teenagers. 
Rin poured the water into two mugs and set them down on the desk in front of Futaba, who took the handle of the mug and ran her thumb up and down it, staring at the mug, no, through the mug, silent as stone. 
“So…” Rin ventured, sipping a bit on her tea, “..can I?” 
“I don’t know. I--” 
It spilled out of her suddenly, a realization that it was true, that she wasn’t sure if Rin could help at all or not. She rose to her feet, shaking her head, and started for the door. 
“Futaba!” Rin found herself standing, half insulted by the waste of time this had all been, half concerned that there was something so much deeper than Kaoruko’s heat and chill amiss with the situation. “You can’t just--come back here, Futaba.” 
Futaba slowly walked back to RIn’s desk, and sat down, Rin pulling at the edge of her blazer and straightening it before she sat. 
“What is it?” 
Futaba took a sip of the tea, considering, but she made no attempt to break for the door, which heartened Rin at least a little. Finally, she looked up. 
“Do you think I can do it?” 
Rin took a sip of her coffee and furrowed her brow. “Depends on what ‘it’ is.” Is it continuing to make me guess what’s going on? She thought, not unkindly, because the answer to that is no. 
“The stage.” 
It wasn’t the first time Rin had been asked the question, and it was always a loaded one. It meant so many different things at once. Sometimes, the question was, “Will I lose my nerve on the professional stage?” Sometimes it was “Do you think I can get work?” And sometimes even more it was, “Can I make my parents understand that this is a job worth having?” There were others, she supposed, but mostly they were all variations on those same themes. 
“I think..” she chose her words carefully. It would be easier, to ask which of those questions she meant, but it was Rin’s observation that introducing the idea that there were multiple ways you could fail at the stage never improved much of anyone’s mood. “That you should think about why you’ve having doubts.” 
It was an imperfect answer. There was no good answer to a question you didn’t fully understand. But Futaba seemed to turn the response over in her mind as she sipped her tea, seemingly ignorant to the non-answer it was. 
“It’s just…” she looked over at Rin. “I know the roles I want. I think I can work for them, for me, not for anyone else, now. But people like Maya, they’re always there, right? And why would you want me when--you know--you could have her?” 
Ah. That was the question. Rin had looked in the mirror, and asked it herself, years ago. She had asked it herself, and plunged forward anyway. She was a hard worker. That was maybe the best thing you could have said of Rin Miyamoto, that no one pursued a role quite like she had. That no one studied the theory and the work. But her voice was only average, and though she was a good dancer, she was short, and so some of the girls towered over her, which made casting directors look right over the top of her. 
It was like looking at her young self, looking at Futaba. 
What would she have, could she have, said to herself, all those years ago? Would she have told young Rin that she would never get anything approaching a lead role? That she would be stuck to the side for her entire career, before retiring to little fanfare to go teach? That there would be disappointments ahead, and it wouldn’t matter how well she learned every single line, because there were some things that she could not change, and those things would wash against her like a wave every single time? 
Would she have told herself to give up? If she could save herself the time and trouble? 
Futaba looked at her expectantly. She’d shown such growth in the last few weeks, such commitment.
“I think that you should make it their job to tell you no,” Rin nodded, “don’t say no for them. Show up. Work hard. Perfect every little thing you can. Every audition is your chance to convince someone. Maya can’t win every time.” Rin chuckled. “I think. Een if she can. She can’t try out for every show, right?” 
Futaba smiled, and nodded. “She can’t play every role.” 
“That’s right. There’s a dozen Mayas out there, Futaba,” Rin set down her drink, “And they have enough audience without you watching them all the time, too. Keep your eyes on your mark. Make them work for it.” 
If it were up to Rin, there would be a limit on how many times someone could take the leads in a year. The other teachers argued that it was important for the girls to learn about the brutality of the stage life as early as possible, but Rin always wanted to counter that they were young, and there were plenty of chances for them to learn that some people did seem to hit every single pitch in life. Would it matter to Maya, to get another lead role? It was unfair to accuse Maya of not working her hardest, but it was not unfair to accuse her of expecting to win every role she attempted. 
It would be arrogance, if she wasn’t so correct. 
Futaba smiled and nodded, drinking down a large swallow of tea as she did so. She seemed, if not completely convinced that all was well, to at least be resolute in her decision to keep trying. 
“Thank you,” she gave a little bow and set the glass down on the table, “sorry for bugging you. I was just thinking.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” Rin shook her head, “If I’m not here to talk you through this, why am I even here? The confidence is the hardest part, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” she nodded and picked up her bag, “I guess it is. Thank you, again.” 
She turned to go, this time with a spring in her step, bag slung over the side of her now-straight shoulders. It was a good conclusion to the meeting, and maybe Rin should have left it alone, but she couldn’t. There was too much of her life behind her now, and if she could spare one girl the way she’d felt...
“Futaba,” she called after her, and was rewarded with a quick swing of the head, “I just want to say…” she thudded the end of her pen a few times on the desk in front of her, “I’m happy you’re really buckling down, with the stage work. You’ve got the talent. But I also, “ she considered carefully, “I also want to say don’t let the stage get in the way of being happy. There are a lot of ways to work in the theater, a lot of ways to be around it. It isn’t all position zero.” 
I’m happier teaching than I ever was acting, she wanted to say. But Futaba’s furrowed brow told her that maybe that was too much--when you were this age, there was no stop between perfect accomplishment and crushing defeat. We start this world with so much of black and white, the greys only coming in as we learn to mix. 
It would be impossible to explain to someone her age what it meant to come home to someone every night, how nice the simple act of sitting next to someone, cooking with them in the kitchen, how much seeing the girls grow as people, could fill you with something that was nothing like fame or adulation, that was so much quieter but so much warmer. 
There were some things people had to discover for themselves. There were something that took time to unearth. 
“Right.” Futaba said, thus proving every suspicion Rin had on the subject. 
“You’ll do great.” Rin added. 
She meant it. Maybe not in the way Futaba would have her mean it, but Rin realized, looking at her, that Futaba would be okay. There were dozens of ways to be a success, even if it took time to find them. Maybe she would find the stage. Maybe she would find home. 
But as Futaba left the room, Rin looked back to her own life, and realized that for people like Futaba, and like her, there would always be some sort of path. You could only fail if you didn’t believe in a new way to win.
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apollostears · 4 years
don’t look, don’t touch | l. zhang
Request: A night out on your honeymoon turns into something more when others can’t stop touching what’s his.
Fandom: EXO
Pairing: Lay Zhang x black!reader
Warning(s): angst-ish, smut, light spanking, dirty talk, & swearing
Creator: maya
A/N: this took me forever to write and i am so sorry!! hope you love it!! xx
*gif not mine*
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New marital bliss was a thing. Oh My God was it a thing! You had never seen Lay so at peace and happy then when you did after y’all had gotten married.
His energy matched yours and anyone from a mile away could tell that y’all were newlyweds. Well...almost everyone.
“You’re looking a little too sexy for dinner in a hotel restaurant.” Yixing’s voice was light as he emerged from the bathroom, his hands fastening his cufflinks.
You smirked at him through the floor-length mirror. “Is my handsome husband being a little possessive?” You teased, sending him a wink through your reflection as you applied some gloss to your lips.
Yixing wore a knowing smile on his face as he approached you. Coming up behind you, he caressed your curves through your silk dress and pressed himself up against you.
“Not all, my darling wife, i’m just feeling sorry for all the men that will never know what it’s like to have a Goddess at their side.” He spoke into your ear before pressing a kiss to the tip of it.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you couldn’t help but smile at his loving compliment. “You are such a romantic.”
“I can show you how much of a romantic I am. What do you say Mrs. Zhang?” Yixing was a devil and he knew that as he lightly nibbled on your neck.
You had to suppress your own desires as you wiggled your way out his arms. “Sorry baby, but it’s day four of our honeymoon and you’ve had me to yourself this whole time.”
Making your way across the room, you slipped your heels on and grabbed the shiny room key that matched the aesthetic of the building.
Peering over your shoulder, you saw your lover pouting. “The faster we eat, the faster you have me to yourself.” You bribed him with a light voice.
Yixing perked up a bit at that, grabbing the rest of his things and following you out the door.
That didn’t stop him from making a mess of your lips on the short trip down to the lobby. By the time the doors opened, his lips were glossy and yours weren’t.
“If I look a hot mess when we get off this elevator Yi, we fighting.” You warned, stepping off the elevator before him.
“Mhm, i’m sure.” He responded, placing a hand at the small of your back as the two of you walked towards the host.
The young male smiled at you two, ready to make a good impression. “Good evening, how may I be of service to you today?”
While Yixing handled the reservations, your eyes wandered to the decor of the resturant. Although a hotel resort was where you were staying, the place never lacked in its interior design. It felt like some high-end place off fifth avenue and you were so grateful that Yixing decided on something like this.
“Holy shit, [Y/N] [L/N], I can’t believe it’s you!” A voice you never thought you’d hear again, had startled you from your thoughts.
Shifting your gaze, you found the culprit. It was your ex, the one before Yixing, and he stood with a group of men in dress suits.
A soft smile found your lips and you gave a small wave. “Hey Ezekiel, long time no see.”
Your tone was light, having no ill-will to the person who ultimately led you to your soulmate. “I never thought I’d see you again! How have you been?” He questioned, giving you a side hug, but not removing his arm.
“Very good actually, just here with my husband. How about you?”
Casual as ever, you naturally removed yourself from his extended embrace and politely waited for him to answer. The shocked look on his face bringing you more satisfaction than normal.
“Husband? You got married?” Mouth agape and eyes wide in shock.
Before you could speak, Yixing had appeared next to you with a firm hand on your waist. “Honey, our table is ready. Who is this?”
Ezekiel was in even more shock to see the handsome man that had became your husband. With a smile, you introduced the two and could feel Yixing tighten his grip on you.
“Nice to meet you but we have to go.” You barely had time to squeeze out a farewell before Yixing pulled you to y’all’s table.
You pouted at his behavior and kept a confused look on your face as you got ready to speak to him.
“So...what was that about?” You asked, picking up your menu to hide your face from his eyes. You wanted to seem causal about the situation, the only emotion showing would be confusion.
“They have that wine that you like, want me to order you a glass?” Yixing asked, smoothly avoiding the question.
Peering your eyes over the menu, you gave him a glare but didn’t press the issue. “Sure.” Your tone was clipped, but that didn’t seem to phase your husband as he hummed in response.
Men. You thought to yourself before focusing all your attention to the list of items in front of you.
Deciding what you wanted, you put your menu down and studied the man in front of you. Your husband was a work of art, incredibly gorgeous with an aura around him that couldn’t be touched.
He was power and just the very thought of his strength had you squirming in your seat.
Noticing this, Yixing raised his eyes over the menu. “Something wrong?”
His concerning voice went straight to your core as you put on a tight smile. “Nothing honey. Do you know what you want? The waiter is coming.”
You had already caught him coming up behind your husband and he was a little on the cute side, but very young. You’d call him adorable, a puppy.
Nodding his head, Yixing closed his menu and put it on top of yours just as the man had arrived.
“Good evening, my name is Lei and it’ll be my pleasure to serve you.” The young man had introduced himself, all his attention on you.
But you were too caught up in the way his name was like your husband’s.
“Awe babe! His name is like yours!” You cooed, looking at your man excitedly.
Yixing hummed in response, his eyes focusing on the male who blatantly disrespected him in front of his wife. Not to mention the way he was trying to pry on you like you weren’t on a date.
The young man’s smile was beautiful, bashful that you were cooing over him. “What’s your name beautiful?” He asked, shifting so his body would cover Yixing.
Pulled from your ignorance, you noticed what he was doing. The kid was trying to lay game in front of your husband and shamelessly check you out.
Just as you had prepared yourself to speak, Yixing was up and by your side quickly.
“Her name is none of your damn business. I’ll be sure to leave a comment with the manager about your behavior kid.” He spoke sharply, before turning to look at you. “We’re leaving, lets go.”
You were stunned to say the least and your movements were robotic as you let Yixing guide you out of the restaurant.
Once y’all stepped foot on the elevator, you had finally processed everything. Your husband was seething, he was tense as he stood slightly in front of you. You were unsure on if you should speak, but decided it might be best to do so.
“Yi...what’s wrong hun?” Your voice was soft, nonthreatening so you wouldn’t set him off.
“When we get in this room, I want that dress off and you on your hands and knees on the bed.” Yixing’s voice was stern, reigniting the flame in your belly.
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish, surprised at his dominating nature. He wasn’t always like this with you, but it never failed to take you by surprise.
Yixing didn’t appreciate your silence and he turned his head to the side and glared at you from his peripheral. “Am I clear?”
“Y-yes sir.” You stuttered out your answer and soon licked your lips after, feeling your mouth go dry from the thoughts of what he’d do to you.
The elevator bell dinged and the pristine doors slid open. Yixing stepped out first and you followed. Letting you in the room first, you hurried to the room and did as told. A chill ran down your spine as the cold air hit your bareback.
The electric blue panties you wore felt damp against your core as you waited in anticipation. Hearing the front door click and dress shoes hitting the marble floor, you craned your neck to see Yixing come in the room.
His tie was loosened and his top two buttons were undone. His hands worked to unfasten his cuff links and your eyes almost rolled back at the sight.
“Face forward.” He commanded, not even glancing your way.
You swallowed a desperate whine and did as he said. The expensive curtains were pulled back and you could see all the lights of Shanghai.
Pulled from your thoughts, a sharp smack to your ass cheeks had you jolting forward in surprise. “Ahh!” A cry of surprise escaped past your lips before you could stop it.
Another smack followed and your ass was caressed shortly after, blending the lines between pain and pleasure.
“I wanted to take my wife out on a date, but instead was met with men who couldn’t seem to tell who she belonged to. Now I have to mark what’s mine.”
You didn’t stop the small moan that escaped your lips as you clenched your pussy around nothing. Yixing was hardly like this, choosing to make love instead. Those guys must’ve really pissed him off.
“I’m ready daddy.” You assured, giving him the green light to do as he pleased.
Yixing hummed in content and you soon felt a dip in the bed behind you. Wet lips and cold fingers covered your ass, close to where you wanted him most.
“My good girl, always ready to please her daddy.” He cooed, his hand slipping between your legs to rub your mound. The other, pulling at your nipples.
Your back arched and you moaned, your hips rolling back for more friction. The sting of force that spread across your cheek made you moan even louder, having grown accustomed to the sharp feeling.
“Such a slut aren’t you? Wearing that dress, allowing men to look at what’s mine. This is what you wanted isn’t it?” Yixing roughly pulled at your nipple and slapped your pussy causing more moans to tumble from your lips.
Panties slid to the side, Yixing began to tease your wet hole, groaning at the slick that had already started to form.
“Fuck you get so wet.”
You slightly pushed your hips back, hoping to get his fingers to slide in. Noticing what you were trying to do, Yixing gave a dark chuckle and situated you so that the top half of your body was hanging off the edge of the bed and your lower half was draped across his lap.
The sound of fabric tearing sounded through the room and you were sad to see the electric blue panties tossed to the floor. “I’ll buy you more.” He muttered, silencing any issues you had with his abrasive behavior.
“I’m going to fuck you using my fingers; don’t move and don’t speak, understood?” Yixing spoke sternly in your ear, pulling at your hair a bit.
Your breaths were quick and short from his touch alone. You were sure you’d be feeling everything that he gave you tonight. “Yes sir.”
Yixing rubbed your clit a bit and you struggled to stay still, but when he suddenly plunged two fingers deep in your pussy, you really had to find some strength not to move. Clenching your fist around the Egyptian sheets, your hole clamped around Yixing’s fingers.
“Relax for me love, I got you.” He cooed, rubbing circles on your lower back to relax your muscles.
Letting out a deep breath, you focused on relaxing and tried hard not to make a sound as he pistoned his fingers through your pussy. Any other time, you’d feel self-conscious of the sounds coming from your hole, the slickness of your juices creating air pockets of noise, but you were so strung out you couldn’t care.
“So warm and tight—shit! I can’t fucking wait to replace my fingers with my cock.” Yixing’s mouth spewed vulgarities and you could only listen. His dirty talk made you grow wetter and you could feel the knot of pleasure forming.
Tears blurred your eyes as you reached a euphoric state, a third finger slipped through your barrier and violated you in the best way possible. A choked sob was held back in your throat with your teeth biting down on your tongue. Toes curled and back stiff as a rod, a wave of pleasure came crashing over your body as you shook with tremors and clamped around Yixing’s fingers.
“That’s it princess, good girl.” He praised, relishing in the way your walls fluttered rapidly around his fingers. Once you calmed down, he slowly removed his fingers and licked them clean, enjoying your taste.
Breathing heavily, your eyes were still closed as you came down from your first orgasm of the night. Gently sitting you up, Yixing cupped your face and brought his lips o yours for a passionate kiss.
Feeling yourself sink into his arms, you leaned more into the kiss and moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips and tongue. Yixing pulled away first, attacking your neck in love bites while you sat there in his lap, allowing yourself to be loved on and marked.
“You are everything to me Mrs. Zhang and I want the whole world to know.”
“Show them then.” You softly said, cupping his face in your hand and staring deep into his eyes.
Capturing your lips in another kiss, you felt yourself being lowered back onto the bed, a comfortable weight settling over you. Seperating for just a moment, Yixing made haste removing his clothing and shoes, tossing them wherever before climbing back on top of you.
“You ready?” He asked you, holding eye contact with you as he awaited your answer.
Nearly five years together and he still asks for consent, it makes butterflies erupt in you every time. Nodding your head, you smiled. “As always.”
Without further prompting, Yixing’s grabbed the base of his cock and slowly rubbed it against your folds, moaning with you at the feeling. “Please baby, I need you.” Whines spilled from your lips like an apology, desperately wanting to be filled by him.
With a smirk, he did as asked. With a swift snap of his hips, he buried his cock deep into your pussy. Your mouth dropped open and your breast were pushed upwards as you arched your back. Sweat had began to form and your pussy contracted wildly while moans pushed past your lips.
Yixing gritted his teeth as he tried to focus on not nutting just from your face alone. He always told you how pretty you looked while getting fucked and if you kept squeezing him like that, he would surely buss quick.
“God, you’re so tight! Fit me so well baby, shit!” Yixing swore, slowly moving his hips back and forth to gain a rhythm.
In no time, Yixing was pounding into your pussy at a speed that border fast and slow. Pulling his hips back enough to snap them back into you, making his cock hit your spot every time. Your hands wandered his body while moans tumbled out, your nails dragging down his biceps before pulling him closer to you. This fuck was different than the ones you’ve had since being here. While it started off rough, Yixing is handling your body in the softest way possible.
His hands were positioned on either side of your head, gripping the sheets there. His eyes were mesmerized by the way your tits jiggled with each thrust he gave. It was becoming too much to bear. “I love you. I love you so much.” The words came from Yixing’s lips in urgency.
Tears had started to form again and you reached your hands up to pull him into a kiss. Using your tongue to caress the inside of his mouth, one of your hands began to pull at the hair on the nape of his neck. As his thrusts grew faster, you anchored your legs around his hips to hold on.
Pulling away, you struggled to catch your breath as the knot formed again. “R-rub my clit baby, i’m so close to cumming.” You cried, focusing on the feeling you were about to recieve.
Bringing a hand down to your throbbing clit, Yixing harshly rubbed circles on it, desperate to see you cum. “Oh shit! Right there, right there, right there!” You squealed, bucking your hips into his hand.
Watching your face scrunch up the closer you got to climaxing had Yixing’s cock twitching inside of you. The feeling itself made you moan and clamp down on him as you came hard. Feeling your walls tighten around his cock as you orgasmed, had him cumming right behind you with a violent yell.
Your thighs trembled as Yixing collapsed gently on top of you. The sounds of heavy breathing filled the hotel room while y’all tried to gather yourselves. Lazily, you began to run your fingers through his hair, feeling him relax even more.
“I love you forever Yi. That’s a promise I do not regret making.” You spoke softly, basking in the afterglow of love making.
Tilting his head to the side, Yixing looked up at you and kissed the valley in between your breast. “I am eternally yours and i’m sorry for reacting that way. I love you too much to let you go. You’re going to be the mother of my kids and grow old with me, I can’t have anyone else thinking otherwise.”
All you could do was smile at your husband’s slight possessive behavior. Marriage wasn’t going to be easy, but with him by your side, you could get through anything.
Taglist: @knjkitten @olamidey
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 8
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Maya got ready at her shoot as she looked at herself in the mirror and scrolled through her instagram feed to let time pass, searching Tim’s name in the search bar as she looked through as raised a brow at how many fans adored him and posted pictures with him and events   “Well damn, he’s wanted” she nodded impressed as she continued to read captions, not understanding most of them since they were in German, raising a brow as she saw heart emojis on captions “Too bad he’s mine”. She grinned as she saw more and more from men she assumed were his friends always talking about how respectful and hardworking he was in the business   She sat up startled from her lurking when she heard a familiar voice and sighed “Are you kidding me ? What the hell are you doing here ? This is a private shoot”    Marcel sighed as he stepped through and thanked the security guard “I saw you on the same company’s page who works hair and makeup for NXT, I put 2 and 2 together when I saw their stories and you happened to be tagged. I know, it’s very stalker of me”    “Extremely” she answered sternly as she covered herself in her robe “who does that ? This is my job you psycho. Once again, head empty no thoughts in that pretty big ass head of yours”    “I don’t even know what that means” He admitted quietly as he stood in shame in front of her “are-are you calling me stupid ?” Maya let out a breath as she shook her head “Kind of, now tell me why you’re here ?” she asked as she got touched up “and make it quick preferably, this is my work remember”     “What’s this I heard about Tim insulting you ? Why didn’t you tell me when it happened ? I’m gonna assume that’s why you were crying the other day at the store ?” he asked, giving a small nod when he saw her face look down at the floor “and yes, Walter told me everything so don’t worry you don’t need to go into details I just wanna know if you’re okay”   “I am fine, we’re all good” she nodded “I’m going to see him tomorrow, he has a match and he invited me”
  “What ?” he whispered as he looked up at her “y-you’re gonna go see him ? After what he did ?”. Marcel knew how much wrestling meant to him, how much he prided himself in his work. He knew Tim inviting Maya over was a big step for him in how he felt about her.
  “Absolutely I am, I wanna see him wrestle and how he is in that environment. I’m gonna assume you’re gonna be there too ?” Maya asked as they got her ready 
  “Yeah, we have a match too and well chances are Tim’s gonna introduce you to me so what are we gonna do ?”
She stiffened at his question and fixed her curls as she looked in the mirror as she slid off her robe revealing a one piece bathing suit with a deep plunge as she turned to look at him “If you think I’m gonna tell Tim that you and I had a 3 year long relationship then you’re dead wrong. No way I would ever tell him something like that at his workplace, so let’s get this straight alright ? Tomorrow you keep your mouth shut and you tell your little friends or whomever to not say a thing or I’ll have my other model friends put a word out that you guys like screwing around when you’re on the clock”
     Marcel widened his eyes at her look and tone as he clenched his jaw “Maya I-”
“Maya nothing” she snapped back “You really think I didn’t know ? You really think Walter also wouldn’t tell me that you tried to get Alex and Fabio or whatever the fuck his name is to tell Tim for you ? To do your...our dirty work ? He texted me everything just before I got here, how you wanted to tell Tim abruptly and then I’d have to deal with the rest. Alex ? Yeah did you forget I also helped his wife out with her bridesmaid dresses and got to know the both of them really well ? He sent me an instagram DM telling me everything too, basically apologizing for your shitty actions. You’re a spineless little coward Marcel, 3 years and you haven’t changed one damn bit”
  “I-I...it w-wasn’t like that” he stuttered out nervously stepping forward
“Bull shit !” she exclaimed as she slapped him across the face and breathed heavily
Marcel stood back as he rubbed his cheek and gave a frown as his blue eyes stared at hers “I’m sorry, I just….I still love you” he whispered as he left hastily
  Maya sighed as she rubbed the feeling back in her hand and let the makeup artist fix her eyes “Mickey, did you tell him I was here ?”
 “You try saying no to that piece of German goodness” Mickey shook his head “His accent came out and I melted, then he did the whole pleading puppy dog thing with his blue eyes and well, I was sold. I’m sorry Maya, I didn’t realize how big of an issue it would be. You really gave it to him good though, he walked away as if you stomped on his heart”  
“Yeah well I didn’t wanna do that exactly” she admitted “He’s just being sneaky and I hate it, it reminds me of what happened when we were in a bad spot”   
“Well I’ll tell you this girl, Timothy Thatcher is all man and would never do that shit to you” he giggled Maya raised a brow as she let out a chuckled “and how do you know I’m seeing Tim, what’s going on here that I’m not aware of ?”   Mickey smirked as he dabbed some gloss on her lips “Tim from what I’ve seen and heard is quiet but apparently he told some of the guys that you’re gonna go see him and he’s a little...giddy. Now I’ve been working hair and makeup there a while and I’ve been there since he got there and nothing has made that man do a complete 180 like you have”   She blushed as she listened and looked around the room “So you think he...likes me likes me ? Like he wants me to be his...you know ?”   “Girlfriend ?” he chuckled “oh yeah, I heard from Candice, who heard from her husband Johnny who heard from his friend Oney that Tim told him tomorrow was pivotal”  “Oh” she whispered softly as she walked with him “I’m not gonna expect anything though, especially after this whole fiasco. I’m gonna have a nice day with him tomorrow and focus on that. Now let’s get this thing done so I can call him”   “You’re just as whipped as he is” Mickey chuckled as he helped set her up ______________________________________________________________ “What’s with that face ?” Tim asked Oney “You’re red and you’ve been on your phone for like 5 minutes, Oney ?” he sighed as he walked over and took his phone and let out a tight cough “this-this from today ?”   “Yeah” Oney nodded as he took his phone back and put it in his pocket 
“Um all I can and want to say is….you are one very very lucky man Tim, very lucky”
  “I like her for other things besides her looks” Tim rolled his eyes as he grabbed his gym bag “she’s a good person, she’s understanding, she’s really smart and funny. She’s a great cook, she’s super funny” he chuckled “and she-what ? why are you looking at me like that ?”
  Oney grinned as he walked with him to the showers “You really like this girl, it’s not just a little rendezvous like you had thought it’d be. I’ve known you for a while and never have I seen you act this way towards a girl”
  “Don’t” Tim warned as he took off his shirt “It’s just that I like her and I feel she feels the same about me and you know that’s it”
  “So it’s okay if she dates other guys while talking to you ?”
“I never said that” he said almost immediately as he turned around “Why ? Is she ? Have you heard anything ?”
 “Chill out, I was just joking but point proven” Oney chuckled “I say you ask her out, officially like to be your girlfriend”
  Tim nodded as grabbed his things “I was thinking about that after tomorrow”
“I think you should” Oney nods as he looked around “oh look it’s Marcel, shit look at his face” he grimaced
  “What the hell happened to you ?” Tim asked concerned “Your cheek is red as can be, are you okay ?”
“We need to talk” Marcel said sternly “Alone, and it has to be now”
Tim nodded as he changed and followed him outside
   Maya arrived at her apartment as she exited her elevator and saw Tim standing against her door “hey” she grinned “what are you doing here ?”
  “So when were you gonna tell me you were engaged to one of my closest friends ? Or did you plan on keeping that a secret forever ?” he asked wasting no time as he crossed his arms trying his best to stay calm
  Her stomach turned as she blinked trying her best to catch her breath “I-I…. Tim listen, I wanted to tell you I did, I promise I did but things happened and then the Walter thing and I just couldn’t find the appropriate chance to do so but I promise I was. I promise, you have to believe me” Maya pleaded as she reached for his hand flinching when he yanked it back
  “I don’t believe a word you said, I don’t. I don’t even trust anything you’ve told me in the past, probably more lies from you. I’m not gonna insult you or demean you like I did last time because quite frankly...you’re not worth it” he said coldly as he stepped back “Have a nice life and don’t contact me again”    
 “Tim, please don’t do this” she whispered tearfully as she grabbed his arm lightly
“Don’t touch me” he responded quietly as he carefully lifted her hand and placed it by her side “Goodbye Maya”
  He left her apartment quickly, and didn't look back knowing if he saw her face he wouldn’t be able to leave. Once in his car, he wiped his eyes quickly as he turned on the radio and sped off back to his place where he knew he could release his emotions freely and privately
  “What did you do !” she practically screamed into her phone “You fucking told him !”
“It needed to be said” Marcel said quietly “I’m sorry, I am but we both know you were gonna wait it out too long and it would only make things worse. I did this for the both of us”
  “I fucking hate you” she spat out “and I will never ever speak to you again in my life, ever. You’re dead to me” she hung up
  Marcel rubbed his face as he threw his phone across his room and laid down in bed as he looked up at the ceiling and drifted to sleep, trying his hardest to forget about the chaos he selfishly created
  All eyes were on Tim as he entered the Capitol wrestling center the next morning, he heard and saw it all as he walked into the locker room. The looks of pity people gave him, the mumbles and whispers they gave each other as rumours about what had happened at the gym went around. None of it mattered, at least not to him. The damage had been done and if there was one thing that was hurting him other than his heart it was his pride. He knew deep down it had been kept for him for a reason, but the lying and deceiving still hurt.
  “Hey” Marcel said quietly as he opened his locker “Listen I won’t bother you but I just want to say I’m sorry about what happened and it's my fault entirely. Maya wanted to tell you after today” he finally admits “After your match, she wanted you to have a good match and then break it down to you on he own time and I selfishly told you because I still love her and in my stupid head I thought that once you knew and let her know she would somehow want me but instead she told me I’m dead to her”
   Tim nodded as he laced up his boots and didn’t bother to look at him “yeah well, that makes two of us. I don’t want her around me, I don’t wanna hear from her again or anything like that. It’s done and over with and we should just not speak of her again. She’s something of the past and well I’m not gonna hold your past against you”
  Marcel furrowed his brow “Y-you’re not going to attempt to talk to her ? She’s pretty sad Tim….”
“Nope” he shook his head “She’s the one who started this so it ends, I don’t like things like that and I can’t just let it slide by. Her choice was made to lie, so now we leave it at that please. I don’t care nor do I wish to hear about her again”
  “I understand” Marcel nodded as he put on his tracksuit and headed down seeing everyone glare at him as he sped down the hallway to catering sitting down by himself in a table and beckoning over Fabian and Alex “Over here guys”
    “No thanks” Alex muttered as he looked at him and turned around “I prefer not to deal with you unless it’s necessary for tv”
“Agreed” Fabian nodded
“I know it was a mistake okay, you can stop with the harsh punishment.I should have never tried to involve you two either and I’m sorry I did. I regretted this whole thing as soon as I opened my mouth and saw his face. I was selfish and it was wrong, can we just stop now ? Please” he pleaded “I hurt Tim, I hurt Maya, Walter isn’t answering any of my messages or calls. I get it now, I do” Marcel rambled “Please just sit with me, you don’t have to talk to me but just sit with me so I can at least have some company while everyone stares at me”
    “No” they both answered in unison as they shook their heads and left him alone
Marcel looked down as he played with his plate of food feeling all eyes on him as he tried his hardest to ignore the stares and whispers and took out his phone seeing still no messages or calls from Walter and sent one last message   “Hasst du mich jetzt ?” (do you hate me now ?) “Nein, nur sehr enttäuscht” (no, just very disappointed)
He sighed and put his phone away as he shook his head, upset at himself for what he had done but knowing deep down he didn’t regret it. Maya was his one true love, the one person who understood him and helped him cope with the loss of his father and deal with the emotions rather than ignore them and hold them in.
  “Are you gonna go after her ?” Tim asked nonchalantly as he sat with him “because you can, I don’t care”
  “What ?” Marcel asked his head shot up quickly
“Don’t act stupid Marcel, you still love her and I know you did this in a way to get me to be mad at her so I”d leave her alone and therefor you could go after her”
   He knew him so well, so well it truly fucked with him “Yeah” Marcel nodded “I let her go once and it ruined me and now she’s here and right now she wants nothing to do with me but I’ll give her that space and then I’ll fight, I’ll fight like I should’ve fought for her 3 years ago and this time, she’ll end with me” he looked in his older friends eyes “We’ll get that happy ending we both wanted”
  Tim simply give a short nod as he sipped his water “Then go ahead”
Marcel looked around as he got up and left back to the locker room, not wanting to cause anymore awkwardness between them and sat by himself as he listened to music
  “Well if it isn’t the life ruiner” Oney rolled his eyes as he stood in front of him “Are you happy with your actions ? With ruining the one thing giving Tim genuine happiness ?”
  “Oney, please” he rubbed his face “This is something you don’t understand, don’t get involved”
“You ruined the one thing my friend wanted, I’m sure as hell gonna get involved you traitor” he shoved him 
  Marcel sighed “Don’t do this, I don’t have the energy to-” he stumbled back as he held his eye and groaned
“You deserve that and way fucking more” Oney spat out as he left ______________________________________________________________    Maya wiped her eyes for what seemed like the 500th time as she once again got sent to voicemail and let out a frustrated cry getting up when she assumed her takeout was delivered “I said to just leave it at the door” she whined putting on her hoodie “stop knocking !” she finally yelled as she opened the door ready to rage “I clearly said-” her eyes widened at the scene in front of her “what the hell happened to you ?” she asked   
“Oney punched me” Marcel said quietly as he removed the ice bag he had and revealed a bruised and bloodied eye
  “Oney ? That’s Tim’s friend” she said as he remembered his face from the gym
“Yes him, he punched me in the locker room for….for what happened” he said quietly “I needed to get out of there and the only place I could think of was here. I know you hate me and wish I was better off dead but I just had to come. I’ll leave though if you want me to”
  Maya looked up at him as she opened her door and stepped aside “come in”
He stepped inside and sat down on her couch “I’m sorry, I am so so sorry” he whispered “I acted so selfishly”
    “What’s done is done” she whispered “You unfortunately can’t take it back, and truth be told you were right” she admitted “I would’ve just kept waiting and waiting to tell him and let time pass by, in a way what you did benefited me more than anyone Marcel, you did the hardest part and all I had to do was explain myself”
  He shrugged as he bit the inside of his cheek and looked up
“Don’t cry” Maya chuckled weakly “I’ve been crying since last night, and I’m positive I can cry for the both of us and this whole fiasco
  “I’m not” he blinked away tears quickly
“You’re doing the thing, the cheek thing and looking up. You really think I wouldn’t forget how you try to hide emotions after all this time ? she scooted over as she gently patted his hand “You’re the ugliest crier too” she joked trying her best to lighten him up
Marcel gave a light laugh as he sniffled “You’re really good that you know ?”
  Maya gave him a small grin as she dabbed his cheek with a tissue and got the alert of her food delivery “stay for dinner ?”
“Absolutely” he answered as he nodded. Sometimes life truly does work in weird weird ways.
12 notes · View notes
tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de octubre 2021
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Una considerable cantidad de series se nos presentarán en la tele próximamente. Como siempre, habrá que ver si cantidad es lo mismo que calidad.
¡Feliz octubre!
Verde: series nuevas.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de octubre:
SWAT (5T), Magnum PI (4T) y Blue Bloods (12T) en CBS
The Many Saints of Newark en HBO Max
Maid (1T completa), The Guilty, Forever Rich y Diana: The Musical en Netflix
3 de octubre:
Ridley Road (1T completa) en BBC One
The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2T y última) en AMC
4 de octubre: On My Block (4T y última) en Netflix
5 de octubre: Escape the Undertaker y Dave Chapelle: The Closer en Netflix
6 de octubre:
CSI: Vegas (1T) en CBS
Brassic (3T) en Sky Max
La venganza de las Juanas (1T completa) y There's Someone Inside Your House en Netflix
7 de octubre:
Young Sheldon (5T), United States of Al (2T), Ghosts (1T) y Bull (6T) en CBS
One of Us Is Lying (1T) en Peacock
The Billion Dollar Code en Netflix
The Outpost (series finale) en The CW
8 de octubre:
Nancy Drew (3T) en The CW
Leverage: Redemption (1bT) en IMDb TV
Pretty Smart (1T completa), Family Business (3T y última completa), Mio fratello mia sorella y Grudge en Netflix
Acapulco (1T) en Apple TV+
Madame X en Paramount+
Justin Bieber: Our World en Prime Video
10 de octubre: The Equalizer (2T) y SEAL Team (5T) en CBS
11 de octubre:
The Baby-Sitters Club (2T completa) en Netflix
We're Here (2T) en HBO
The L Word: Generation Q (2T finale) en Showtime
12 de octubre:
Chucky (1T) en Syfy
The Oval (3T) en BET
13 de octubre:
Dopesick (1T) en Hulu
The Sinner (4T) en USA Network
Legends of Tomorrow (7T) y Batwoman (3T) en The CW
Sistas (3bT) y Twenties (2T) en BET
Just Beyond (1T) en Disney+
Hiacynt y Distancia de rescate en Netflix
14 de octubre:
B Positive (2T) en CBS
Guilty Party (1T) en Paramount+
Legacies (4T) en The CW
Aquaman: King of Atlantis (1T) en HBO Max
Another Life (2T completa) en Netflix
15 de octubre:
You (3T completa), I onde dager y De slag om de Schelde en Netflix
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1T) en Prime Video
Day of the Dead (1T) en Syfy
Cobra (2T) en Sky Max
Puppy Place (1T) en Apple TV+
Halloween Kills en Peacock
16 de octubre: Misfit: The Series (1T completa) en Netflix
17 de octubre:
Succession (3T) en HBO
Fear The Walking Dead (7T) en AMC
Hightown (2T) en Starz
19 de octubre:
Queens (1T) en ABC
Runt en Apple TV+
20 de octubre: Found, Night Teeth y Stuck Together en Netflix
21 de octubre:
The Blacklist (9T) en NBC
The Girl in the Woods (1T) en Peacock
Sex, Love & Goop en Netflix
One of Us Is Lying (1T finale) en Peacock
22 de octubre:
Invasion (1T) en Apple TV+
Inside Job (1T completa), Locke & Key (2T completa) y Maya and the Three (1T completa) en Netflix
Dune en HBO Max
24 de octubre: Insecure (5T y última) y Curb Your Enthusiasm (11T) en HBO
25 de octubre: All American (4T) y 4400 (1T) en The CW
26 de octubre:
Todo lo otro (1T) y Dolores en HBO Max
The Last O.G. (4T) en TBS
27 de octubre: Sintonía (2T completa), Hypnotic y W lesie dzis nie zasnie nikt 2 en Netflix
28 de octubre:
Luis Miguel: La serie (3T y última completa) en Netflix
Walker (2T) en The CW
Love Life (2T) en HBO Max
29 de octubre:
Colin in Black & White (1T completa), El tiempo que te doy (1T completa) y Army of Thieves en Netflix
Swagger (1T) en Apple TV+
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin en Paramount+
Estrenos de series
Maid (Netflix)
Para lidiar con la pobreza y la falta de vivienda, una madre soltera (Margaret Qualley; The Leftovers, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood) comienza a trabajar como criada en casa de una exitosa abogada (Anika Noni Rose; Roots, Assassination Nation). Con Nick Robinson (Love, Simon; A Teacher), Andie MacDowell (Four Weddings and a Funeral, Groundhod Day), Billy Burke (Revolution, Twilight), Tracy Vilar (House, M.D., Partners), Xavi de Guzmán (The 100, Take Two), BJ Harrison (Chilling Advenures of Sabrina, Motherland: Fort Salem) y Rylea Nevaeh Whittet.
Basada en las memorias de Stephanie Land (2019). Escrita por Molly Smith Metzler (Shameless, Orange Is the New Black). Dirigen John Wells (Shameless, Animal Kingdom), Helen Shaver (Vikings, Orphan Black) o Nzingha Stewart (Little Fires Everywhere, Black Monday). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 1 de octubre
Estreno en España: 1 de octubre en Netflix España
Ridley Road (BBC One)
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Vivien (Agnes O'Casey) es una joven judía que, en 1962, abandona su vida cómoda en Manchester e, inspirada por el Grupo 62, una coalición militante antifascista que combate el neofascismo en Reino Unido después de la guerra, se infiltra en el NSM, un movimiento neonazi que está creciendo en Londres, tras la desaparición de su novio. Completan el reparto Rory Kinnear (Years and Years, Penny Dreadful), Tracy-Ann Oberman (It's a Sin, After Life), Eddie Marsan (Ray Donovan, Gangs of New York), Tamzin Outhwaite (New Tricks, EastEnders), Samantha Spiro (Sex Education, Me Before You), Rita Tushingham (In the Flesh), Danny Hatchard (Our Girl, EastEnders), Tom Varey (Ackley Bridge, No Offence), Julia Krynke (The A Word, Line of Duty), Gabriel Akuwudike (1917, Hanna), Danny Sykes (Bulletproof) y Hannah Traylen (Harlots, Unforgotten).
Basada en la novela de Jo Bloom (2014), escrita y producida por Sarah Solemani (Barry) y dirigida por Lisa Mulcahy (Years and Years, Blood). Cuatro episodios. 
Estreno: 3 de octubre
CSI: Vegas (CBS)
William Petersen (Grissom), Jorja Fox (Sara), Wallace Langham (Hodges) y Paul Guilfoyle (Brass) vuelven a esta secuela de CSI (2000-2015) a la que se unen Matt Lauria (Friday Night Lights, Kingdom), Paula Newsome (Chicago Med, Barry), Mel Rodriguez (The Last Man on Earth), Mandeep Dhillon (After Life, Bulletproof), Jamie McShane (Bloodline, SEAL Team), Robert Curtis Brown (The Handmaid's Tale, Station 19), David Paladino (You), Sean Alexander James (The Morning Show) o Johnny Rey Diaz (Pam & Tommy).
Escrita por Jason Tracey (Elementary, Burn Notice). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 6 de octubre
La venganza de las Juanas (Netflix)
Cinco mujeres con la misma marca de nacimiento, y todas llamadas Juana, deciden investigar sobre su pasado y descubren una red de mentiras montada por un poderoso político (Carlos Ponce; Devious Maids, Julie and the Phantoms). Protagonizada por Juanita Arias (El señor de los cielos, Como tú no hay dos), Sofía Engberg, Oka Giner (Señora Acero, Gossip Girl: Acapulco), Renata Notni (Mi adorable maldición, Sueño de amor) y Zuria Vega (Mi marido tiene familia, Que te perdone Dios). Completan el reparto Carlos Athié (Mi adorable maldición, Que te perdone Dios), Federico Espejo (La casa de las flores, La jefa del campeón) y Pablo Astiazarán (Ingobernable, Club de Cuervos).
Adaptación mexicana de la telenovela colombiana Las Juanas (1997-1998). Escrita por Jimena Romero (Más sabe el diablo, ¿Quién eres tú?). Dieciocho episodios.
Estreno: 6 de octubre
Estreno en España: 6 de octubre en Netflix España
Ghosts (CBS)
Comedia monocámara adaptación de la serie británica en la que una pareja hereda una casa de campo destartalada y llena de fantasmas. Protagonizada por Rose McIver (iZombie, Woke), Utkarsh Ambudkar (The Mindy Project, Brockmire), Brandon Scott Jones (The Good Place, The Other Two), Rebecca Wisocky (Devious Maids, For All Mankind), Danielle Pinnock (Young Sheldon, Get Shorty), Richie Moriarty (The Tick), Asher Grodman, Sheila Carrasco (Jane the Virgin) y Román Zaragoza (Austin & Ally).
Escrita y producida por Joe Port y Joe Wiseman, productores de Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist o New Girl.
Estreno: 7 de octubre
One of Us Is Lying (Peacock)
Cinco estudiantes de instituto son castigados y enviados a la sala de detención, de la que solamente cuatro salen vivos. Todos son sospechosos y todos tienen algo que ocultar. Protagonizada por Marianly Tejada (The Purge), Cooper van Grootel, Annalisa Cochrane (Cobra Kai, Heathers), Chibuikem Uche, Barrett Carnahan (Cobra Kai, Alexa & Katie), Jessica McLeod (You Me Her), Melissa Collazo (Swamp Thing), Mark McKenna (Wayne, Sing Street), Martin Bobb-Semple (Pandora, Free Rein), Karim Diané (StartUp), Sara Thompson (The 100, Burden of Truth), George Ferrier (Dirty Laundry), Miles J. Harvey (American Vandal), Zenia Marshall (Date My Dad), Hugo Ateo (Siren, The Terror) y Alimi Ballard (Queen of the South, CSI).
Basada en la novela de Karen M. McManus (2017). Escrita y producida por Darío Madrona (Élite, Los protegidos) y Erica Saleh (Evil, Instinct). Dirige y produce el piloto Jennifer Morrison (Euphoria). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 7 de octubre
The Billion Dollar Code (Netflix)
En los años 90, dos pioneros de la informática alemanes fueron a juicio con una demanda multimillonaria para luchar por sus derechos como inventores del algoritmo de Google Earth. La historia real de la dura batalla de dos grandes amigos contra un oponente aparentemente invencible cuenta con el mundo del hackeo en Berlín y el idealista mundo de los inicios de Silicon Valley como telón de fondo. Con Mark Waschke (Dark, Tatort), Mišel Matičević (Babylon Berlin, Tatort), Leonard Scheicher (Das Boot, Das schweigende Klassenzimmer), Marius Ahrendt, Lavinia Wilson (Deutschland 86, Deutschland 89) y Seumas Sargent (Spy City).
Creada y producida por Oliver Ziegenbalg y Robert Thalheim, escrita por Ziegenbalg y dirigida por Thalheim.
Estreno: 7 de octubre
Estreno: 7 de octubre en Netflix España
Pretty Smart (Netflix)
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Comedia multicámara centrada en Chelsea (Emily Osment; Young & Hungry, Hannah Montana), una altanera e ingeniosa intelectual sin habilidades sociales para vivir en el mundo real que, cuando su novio la deja inesperadamente, se ve obligada a vivir con su despreocupada y jovial hermana Claire (Olivia Macklin; The Young Pope, Filthy Rich) y sus amigos: Grant (Gregg Sulkin; Runaways, Wizards of Waverly Place), un dulce y romántico entrenador personal; Solana (Cinthya Carmona; Greenhouse Academy, East Los High), una antigua abogada que ahora se dedica a la sanación; y Jayden (Michael Hsu Rosen; Tiny Pretty Things, Jessica Jones), un influencer de las redes sociales.
Creada, escrita y producida por Jack Dolgen (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Diary of a Future President) y Doug Mand (How I Met Your Mother, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend). Producida por Kourtney Kang (How I Met Your Mother, Fresh Off the Boat) y dirigida por Pamela Fryman (How I Met Your Mother, Frasier). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 8 de octubre
Estreno en España: 8 de octubre en Netflix España
Acapulco (Apple TV+)
Comedia bilingüe centrada en Máximo (Enrique Arrizon; Las hijas de Abril, La jefa del campeón), un joven mexicano que en 1984 consiguió el que creía que sería el trabajo de sus sueños en un resort pero que resultó ser un puesto mucho más complicado que le haría cuestionarse su moral y sus creencias. Eugenio Derbez (No se aceptan devoluciones, Dora and the Lost City of Gold) producirá y narrará la serie interpretando a la versión actual del joven. Completan el reparto Damián Alcázar (Narcos, Señora Acero), Camilla Pérez (A Teacher, Gotham), Raphael Alejandro (Once Upon a Time, Bunk'd), Jessica Collins (The Young and the Restless, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), Chord Overstreet (Glee), Vanessa Bauche (Luis Miguel: La Serie, Rosario Tijeras), Rafael Cebrián (Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste, Narcos), Fernando Carsa, Regina Reynoso (La rosa de Guadalupe), Regina Orozco (La casa de las flores, Mi marido tiene familia) y Carlos Corona (El señor de los cielos, Doña Flor y sus dos maridos).
Inspirada en la película How to Be a Latin Lover (2017). Creada por Austin Winsberg (Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, Gossip Girl), Eduardo Cisneros (No se aceptan devoluciones) y Jason Shuman (Anger Management) y escrita por Winsberg y Chris Harris (How I Met Your Mother). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 8 de octubre
Estreno en España: 8 de octubre en Apple TV+ España
Chucky (Syfy)
Serie continuación de la saga cinematográfica protagonizada por Chucky (Brad Dourif) en la que Jake (Zackary Arthur; Transparent, Kidding), un adolescente gay solitario que sufre acoso y busca su sitio tras la muerte de su madre, encuentra al muñeco diabólico en una venta de garaje. Alex Vincent, Christine Elise McCarthy y Jennifer Tilly volverán a interpretar a Andy Barclay, Kyle Simpson y Tiffany Valentine. Completan el cast Devon Sawa (Final Destination, Casper), Teo Briones (Ratched, Pretty Little Liars), Alyvia Ayn Lind (Daybreak, Masters of Sex), Fiona Dourif (True Blood, The Blacklist), Barbara Alyn Woods (One Tree Hill; Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show), Björgvin Arnarson (The Seventh Day) y Lexa Doig (Continuum, Arrow).
Creada y escrita por Don Mancini (Child's Play, Bride of Chucky), que también dirigirá el primer episodio. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 12 de octubre
Estreno en España: Enero en Syfy España
Dopesick (Hulu)
Limited series que explorará el inicio de la crisis del opio en Estados Unidos y cómo afectó a varias familias, cuyas historias se cruzaron, desde el lanzamiento al mercado del fármaco OxyContin a finales de los 90 con una promoción que obviaba los altos índices de adicción que generaba. Protagonizada por Michael Keaton (Birdman, Beetlejuice), Peter Sarsgaard (The Killing, The Slap), Kaitlyn Dever (Last Man Standing, Unbelievable), Rosario Dawson (Luke Cage, Jane the Virgin), Will Poulter (The Maze Runner, Midsommar), Michael Stuhlbarg (Boardwalk Empire, Call Me by Your Name), Jaime Ray Newman (Veronica Mars, Bates Motel), Will Chase (Nashville, Smash),  John Hoogenakker (Jack Ryan, Castle Rock), Phillipa Soo (Hamilton, Smash), Jake McDorman (Shameless, Greek), Ray McKinnon (Deadwood, Sons of Anarchy), Cleopatra Coleman (The Last Man on Earth, In the Shadow of the Moon), Andrea Frankle (Cloak & Dagger, The Purge), Rebecca Wisocky (Devious Maids, For All Mankind), Meagen Fay (Agent Carter, Malcolm in the Middle) y Trevor Long (Ozark, Low Winter Sun).
Adaptación del libro de no ficción de Beth Macy (2018), escrita por Danny Strong (Empire, The Butler) y dirigida por Barry Levinson (Paterno, Rain Man). Producen Strong, Levinson y Keaton. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 13 de octubre
Estreno: 12 de noviembre en Disney+ Star España
Just Beyond (Disney+)
Antología que adapta Goosebumps, las historias gráficas de R.L. Stine en las que distintos personajes realizan viajes de autodescubrimiento en mundos llenos de brujas, aliens, fantasmas o universos paralelos. Podremos ver en la serie a Mckenna Grace (The Haunting of Hill House, Designated Survivor), Nasim Pedrad (Scream Queens, New Girl), Lexi Underwood (Little Fires Everywhere, The First Lady), Henry Thomas (The Haunting of Hill House, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial), Christine Ko (Dave, Upload), Malcolm Barrett (Preacher, Timeless), Sally Pressman (Army Wives, Good Girls), Cedric Joe (Space Jam: A New Legacy), Riki Lindhome (Another Period, Enlightened), Tim Heidecker (Moonbase 8), Gabriel Bateman (The Mosquito Coast, Outcast), Cyrus Arnold (The Exorcist), Arjun Athalye (Are You Afraid of the Dark?), Jack Gore (Billions, The Kids Are Alright), Logan Gray (Vengeance), Elisha Henig (American Vandal, Mythic Quest), Rachel Marsh (Before We Go), Jy Prishkulkni (The Birch), Izabela Vidovic (The Fosters, Supergirl) y Megan Stott (Little Fires Everywhere).
Escrita y producida por Seth Grahame-Smith (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Hard Times of RJ Berger). Produce R.L. Stine. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 13 de octubre
Guilty Party (Paramount+)
Comedia negra en la que Beth Burgess (Kate Beckinsale; Underworld, Serendipity), una periodista sin prestigio, trata de salvar su carrera siguiendo la historia de Tony Plimpton (Jules Latimer), una joven madre que está en prisión y condenada a cadena perpetua por asesinar a su marido aunque ella dice ser inocente. Beth tendrá que lidiar con contrabandistas de armas, la cultura del clickbait o su propio pasado. Con Geoff Stults (Enlisted, Little Fires Everywhere), Laurie Davidson (Will, Cats), Andre Hyland, Tiya Sircar (The Good Place, The Fugitive), Alanna Ubach (Euphoria, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce) y Madeleine Arthur (The Family, Snowpiercer).
Creada por Rebecca Addelman (Dead to Me) y dirigida por Trent O'Donnell (No Activity, New Girl). Producida por Addelman, O'Donnell y Beckinsale. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 14 de octubre
I Know What You Did Last Summer (Prime Video)
Un año después del accidente mortal que estropeó la noche de la graduación, un grupo de adolescentes es perseguido por un asesino. Mientras averiguan quién es, descubren el lado secreto de su pueblo aparentemente perfecto y de ellos mismos. Con Madison Iseman (Jumanji, The Next Level), Bill Heck (The Old Man, Locke & Key), Brianne Tju (Light as a Feather), Ezekiel Goodman, Ashley Moore (Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping), Sebastian Amoruso (Solve), Fiona Rene (Stumptown), Cassie Beck (Connecting, Good Joe Bell), Brooke Bloom (Homecoming, Alpha House), Sonya Balmores (Inhumans), Spencer Sutherland (Afterlife of the Party), Chrissie Fit (Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens)
Basada en la novela de Lois Duncan (1973) en la que se inspiró la película de 1997. Escrita y producida por Sara Goodman (Preacher, Gossip Girl). Produce James Wan (Saw, The Conjuring). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 15 de octubre
Estreno en España: 15 de octubre en Prime Video España
Misfit: The Series (Netflix)
Tras la trilogía cinematográfica neerlandesa, Julia (Djamila) y las misfits trabajan en las canciones y las coreografías de un musical que la nueva directora quiere prohibir para que se centren en la disciplina, las notas y los estudios. Julia idea un plan para sabotear las reglas de dirección y trabajar en el musical en secreto.
Estreno: 16 de octubre
Estreno en España: 16 de octubre en Netflix España
Day of the Dead (Syfy)
Oda a la película de George A. Romero (1985) en la que seis extraños intentarán sobrevivir en las primeras veinticuatro horas de una invasión zombie. Con Keenan Tracey (Bates Motel, The 100), Daniel Doheny (Brand New Cherry Flavor, Alex Strangelove), Natalie Malaika (The Color Rose), Morgan Holmstrom (I Still See You), Kristy Dawn Dinsmore (Vikings), Miranda Frigon (Aurora Teagarden Mysteries), Mike Dopud (Power, Arrow), Dejan Loyola (Saving Hope, iZombie), Marci T. House (iZombie, Julie and the Phantoms), Kevin O'Grady (Julie and the Phantoms, You Me Her), Matty Finochio (Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, The Order), Trezzo Mahoro (Van Helsing), Christopher Russell (UnREAL, Dirk Gently) y Lucia Walters (The 100, The L Word).
Escrita por Jed Elinoff y Scott Thomas, creadores de Raven's Home. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 15 de octubre
Queens (ABC)
Cuatro mujeres de cuarenta y tantos se reúnen para intentar recuperar la fama y el estilo que tenían en los 90 cuando se convirtieron en leyendas del hip-hop con el grupo Nasty Bitches. Protagonizada por Eve (Eve, Feel Good), Naturi Naughton (Power, The Client List), Nadine Velazquez (My Name Is Earl, Six), Taylor Selé (P-Valley, The Deuce), Pepi Sonuga (Famous in Love, Ash vs. Evil Dead), Brandy Norwood (Moesha, Star) y Precious Way (Days of Our Lives, Partners in Rhyme).
Escrita y producida por Zahir McGhee (Scandal, Stumptown). Dirige el piloto y produce Tim Story (White Famous, Prince of Peoria).
Estreno: 19 de octubre
The Girl in the Woods (Peacock)
Hay una colonia de carácter sectario en el noroeste del Pacífico que protege al mundo de los monstruos escondidos tras una puerta secreta en pleno bosque. Carrie (Stefanie Scott; A.N.T. Farm, Insidious: Chapter 3), una misteriosa guerrera, huye de esta colonia y trata de mantenerse a salvo en el pequeño pueblo de West Pine, donde se da un debate medioambiental entre mineros y activistas. Allí, Nolan (Misha Osherovich; Freaky, NOS4A2) y Tasha (Sofia Bryant, I Am Not Okay with This), mejores amigos aunque formen parte de distintos bandos, reaccionan de diferente manera ante la llegada de Carrie y de las fuerzas extrañas que comienzan a acechar el pueblo. Además, el antiguo mentor de Carrie (Will Yun Lee; The Good Doctor, Altered Carbon) tiene ahora la misión de encontrarla y obligarla a regresar a la colonia, donde deberá enfrentarse a las consecuencias de su deserción. Completan el reparto Kylie Liya Page (Ninja Assassin), Reed Diamond (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Designated Survivor) y Leonard Roberts (Heroes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer).
Adaptación de los cortometrajes de Crypt TV The Door in the Woods (2018) y su secuela The Girl in the Woods (2020). Escrita por Casey Modderno (The Birch). Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones) dirige los cuatro primeros episodios y Jacob Chase (Come Play), el resto. Producen Modderno, Ritter, Chase y Jack Davis y Darren Brandl, de Crypt TV. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 21 de octubre
Invasion (Apple TV+)
Cuenta una invasión alienígena desde distintos continentes, con el punto de vista de un sheriff a punto de retirarse (Sam Neill; Jurassic Park, Peaky Blinders), un soldado en Afganistán (Shamier Anderson; Wynonna Earp, The Next Step), un matrimonio de inmigrantes sirios que viven en Long Island (Goldshifteh Farahani y Firas Nassar) o una inteligente miembro del control de las misiones del programa espacial japonés (Shioli Kutsuna, Deadpool 2).
Escrita y producida por Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past, The Twilight Zone) y David Weil (Hunters). Dirigida y producida por Jakob Verbruggen (The Alienist, The Fall). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 22 de octubre
Estreno en España: 22 de octubre en Apple TV+ España
Inside Job (Netflix)
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Para los empleados de esta organización secreta, las conspiraciones no son teorías, son hechos. Precisamente, es su trabajo mantenerlas en secreto. Cuenta con las voces de Lizzy Caplan (Masters of Sex, Castle Rock), Christian Slater (Mr. Robot, Dr. Death), Clark Duke (Greek, I'm Dying Up Here), Andrew Daly (Silicon Valley, Veep), Bobby Lee (MADtv, Love), John DiMaggio (Mythic Quest, Disenchantment), Tisha Campbell (My Wife and Kids, Dr. Ken) y Brett Gelman (Stranger Things, Fleabag).
Comedia de animación creada y escrita por Shion Takeuchi (Disenchantment, Gravity Falls). Producida por Alex Hirsch (Gravity Falls). Veinte episodios.
Estreno: 22 de octubre
Estreno en España: 22 de octubre en Netflix España
4400 (The CW)
Reboot de la serie The 4400 (2004-2007) en la que 4400 personas ignoradas, menospreciadas o marginadas que han desaparecido durante los últimos cien años aparecen en un instante sin haber envejecido ni un solo día y sin recuerdos de qué les ha ocurrido en todo este tiempo. Mientras el gobierno corre a analizar la potencial amenaza y contener la historia, los 4400 deben afrontar su nueva vida y hacerse a la idea de que es probable que hayan vuelto por una razón específica. Con T.L. Thompson, Cory Jeacoma (Power Book II: Ghost), Ireon Roach (Candyman), Derrick A. King (Call Your Mother), Autumn Best, Joseph David-Jones (Arrow, Nashville), Khailah Johnson, Brittany Adebumola (Grand Army), Jaye Ladymore (Empire) y Amarr Wooten (Knight Squad, American Housewife).
Creada, escrita y producida por Ariana Jackson (Riverdale, UnREAL).
Estreno: 25 de octubre
Colin in Black & White (Netflix)
Limited series que sigue los años formativos de Colin Kaepernick, el quarterback de los San Francisco 49ers y activista que durante la temporada de 2016 se arrodilló antes de los partidos mientras sonaba el himno nacional. Jaden Michael (The Get Down) interpretará una versión adolescente del jugador. Completan el reparto Nick Offerman (Parks and Recreation, Devs), Mary-Louise Parker (Weeds, The West Wing), Klarke Pipkin, Amarr Wooten (Knight Squad, American Housewife) y Mace Coronel (Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn).
Escrita y producida por Michael Starrbury (When They See Us). Producida por Ava DuVernay (When They See Us, Queen Sugar) y Kaepernick, que narrará la historia. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 29 de octubre
Estreno en España: 29 de octubre en Netflix España
Swagger (Apple TV+)
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Drama que explorará el mundo del baloncesto juvenil centrándose en los jugadores, sus familias y los entrenadores. Tocará temas como los sueños, la ambición, el oportunismo o la corrupción inspirándose en los años de juventud del jugador Kevin Durant. Protagonizada por O'Shea Jackson Jr. (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Isaiah Hill, Shinelle Azoroh, Quvenzhané Wallis (Beasts of the Southern Wild, Annie), Caleel Harris (When They See Us, Castle Rock), James Bingham, Solomon Irama, Ozie Nzeribe (Shameless), Tessa Ferrer (Grey's Anatomy, Mr. Mercedes), Tristan Mack Wilds (The Wire, 90210) y Jason Rivera.
Escrita, dirigida y producida por Reggie Rock Bythewood (Shots Fired, Players). Produce Durant. Diez episodios.
Estreno: 29 de octubre
Estreno en España: 29 de octubre en Apple TV+ España
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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3 notes · View notes
Punkinhead (spooky mini series)
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Warnings: horror, drug usage
Summary: On a camping trip with their friends, Harry and Y/N awaken an evil unlike any other.
Friends to lovers, spooky series
Part One
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Hellen jumped, woken by the sound of her Father's drunken screams. She tip toed to the door of her bedroom. 
"Bout as smart as them cows you're supposed to bring in! An' ya couldn't even do that!" Hellen winced, hearing her father's hand come down across her brother's cheek. Hellen watched her brother stumble, only to be yanked back up by her father. 
"I'm sorry Pa." He whimpered. 
"Know wha? You're gonna keep watch over them cows tonight. Give that scarecrow a break." Hellen heard her brother take in a sharp breath, struggling against their father's hold.
"No Pa! Please-"
"An' maybe Punkinhead'll take ya off my hands! Only need one Scarecrow right?!" Hellen watched her father grab a lamp and some rope, dragging her brother behind him. 
Hellen put her boots and coat on quickly. Surely he was kidding about Punkinhead. Punkinhead wasn't a real thing. He didn't exist. Twenty minutes later she heard her Pa come back inside, slumping into his chair. She waited until she heard his soft snores before sneaking out into the night after her brother. 
It was windy, the pumpkin patch was eerie at night, like little goblins waiting around, ready to strike at any moment. She shined her flashlight up where the scarecrow should have been. In it's place her brother, shivering in the cold.
"Abel!" Hellen shouted. She held the light between her legs, reaching up to try and untie him. 
"He….he's coming." Able wheezed. His eyes were wide, staring at something in the distance. "He's coming for me." 
"What?!" Hellen shouted, but she could feel it, the chill on the back of her neck. She looked up, Abel's eyes were red rimmed and filled with fear. He looked down at her. 
"Leave." Abel gasped. "Go Hellen!" Hellen kissed her brother's cheek before turning away. 
The wind howled and as she ran a piercing scream, blood curdling and filled with agony shook the night. Hellen glanced over her shoulder. What she saw would haunt her for the rest of her days. 
Present Day
“I can’t believe you invited her to go with us.” Kennedi rolled her eyes as she hoisted her gym bag over her shoulder. She stood in the lobby with her boyfriend and their friends. Her dig was aimed at him though, Harry, her boyfriend, who had a female roommate she was not fond of. 
It wasn’t that she was afraid Harry would sleep with Y/N. No, that would never happen. It was more so the fact that they were so close and she was so weird, yet Harry fawned over everything she did. Like she was the greatest person ever….it was annoying.
“Y/N is my best friend Ken. I can’t exactly leave her behind.”
“Yes you can,” Kennedi hissed. “You’re not joined at the hip.”
“I think Y/N’s cool,” Niall interjected before Harry could say anything. “She looks like she could kick my ass.” Niall had liked Y/N from the moment Harry introduced them. She was more on the punk alternative side with ripped leggings, diy vests and a plethora of band t-shirts. Let’s not forget her Doc Martens that were entirely kick ass by themselves. Kennedi rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever Niall, you would.” Kennedi turned her attention back to Harry. “You live with her. You see her everyday. Do you have to invite her everywhere? That’s all I’m asking.” she wrapped her arms around Harry’s waist. “Don’t you want to be alone with me?” Niall rolled his eyes when she bat her lashes at Harry. God she was annoying. 
“We will be alone baby,” he kissed the tip of her nose. Niall smirked at the way Kennedi’s face fell, annoyance furrowing her brows. “She’s my best mate. I can’t leave her behind.”
“You can, you just choose not to.” Kennedi pouted. Harry sighed, dropping his arms. “I’m sorry.” she said quickly. “I just...I worry sometimes.” Niall wanted to be sick. She played Harry so easily. He knew the real reason Kennedi hated Y/N was because she knew Harry. Y/N was first, all the time, and that pissed her off. Harry could deny it all he wanted. But everyone knew.
“Look. I gotta go home, but Y/N and I will meet you guys here bright and early in the morning so...be ready to go.” Harry kissed Kennedi once more before leaving the gym. 
Harry skipped steps as he made his way up to the flat he shared with Y/N. They had met three years ago when Harry had moved to the states for school. She needed a roommate and he needed a place to stay. Though it had taken a couple months for them to get used to each other, it was true, they were practically joined at the hip at this point. 
“Y/N!” he shouted, kicking the door shut with his foot. Their dog, Scrappy, bounded up to him. They weren’t sure what he was, he had been a stray, living outside of their building when they found him. Maybe it was weird for friends that lived together to have a pet. But they did. 
“Hey boy,” Harry knelt down, scratching behind Scrappy’s ear. He could smell food cooking in the kitchen and hear what sounded like Iron Maiden, from the kitchen. 
Y/N was cooking something Thai, a red bandana around her head, keeping her bangs out of her face. “Hello love,” Harry said, sneaking around her towards the cupboard. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. Anyone watching them would think they were a couple, but they knew better. 
“Hey. I’m making chicken teriyaki. Know you’re not much for meat but-”
“No, no,” Harry interrupted. “It’s good.” He filled a cup with tap water, leaning against the counter. “You ready for tomorrow?” he asked, knowing full well that the answer was no. 
“You sure I can’t just stay here? I mean, then my mom won’t have to come take care of Scrappy and I won’t embarrass you in front of your friends.” Harry studied her. Y/N was gorgeous, her humor was dark, but she was such a good and caring person. He hated that people judged her for the way she looked, especially his friends.
“Y/N you don’t embarrass me,” he said, grabbing two plates for her and another glass for her to drink out of. “You’re always home. You never go out….I think you could have fun. Kennedi is...tricky,” he said, unable to find the right way to say it, “but Niall is great. You’ll love Elenore and Gigi. Maya and you could get along really well...Louis , Liam and Zayn, they’re fun.” He took her hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “I want them to get to know you. To like you as much as I do.”
“Harry,” Y/N said, turning to look at him. Harry was extremely close. Their noses almost brushing as she looked up at him. She’d had feelings for him for a long time, but she knew he would never date her. Guys like him didn’t date girls like her. She was lucky just to be his friend. “I don’t want you to think you always have to invite me.”
“I don’t. I’m asking you.” he poked his lip out, giving her puppy dog eyes. “Please.”
“Harry.” Y/N said, trying not to smile. “Don’t.” he wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder. “Don’t give me that look.” he fake whimpered, giggling at the end and hiding his face in her shoulder. “Okay. Okay.” she laughed, tugging at his arms. “Get off me.” she smirked. “Like I could say no to you anyway.” 
That night Y/N crawled into bed, burrowing into the blankets. 
It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to be friends with his friends. She was a loner, granted she had a couple of friends of her own, she preferred her own company. That was until Harry entered her life. He was sweet and fun to be around, he didn’t care how much she liked horror films or if she preferred the pit at a rock concert to front row tickets to see Ariana Grande (she’d gone, much to Kennedi’s dismay.) Harry just fit. He was her one ‘normal.’ Her one piece of consistency. But she hated feeling like she was holding him back. 
“I’m going to have fun tomorrow.” she sighed, looking at the ceiling. “I’m going to have fun on this trip.”
It was a grave. Six feet deep, already laid out in front of her. The cemetery was dark, wind howling around her. The headstone was blank. She stepped forward, fear gripping her belly, she looked down into the grave-
Beep. Beep. 
Y/N’s eyes snapped open. Her body drenched with sweat. She threw her hand over her face, groaning. Why did she agree to get up at six am. Why did she agree to this. 
Harry was already awake when Y/N came out of her room. Dressed in sweats and an oversized Meat Puppets t shirt, her hair tossed into a messy bun. Harry was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, phone in one hand, cup of coffee in the other. He was shirtless, his basketball shorts hanging low on his hips. He smiled up at Y/N, pointing at a plate of eggs and toast on the table. 
“Made you breakfast.” 
“Thanks.” Y/N smiled, sitting down. Harry watched her as she scratched her head, stretching her arms up before digging in. He smiled to himself. He thought she was always prettiest like this. No makeup, baggy, comfy clothes, hair out of her face. He could watch her all day. It was moments like this, when he was alone with her here, he would pretend they were more. He would pretend she was his wife and this was their home. He would never tell her that, he didn’t think she could ever like him as much as he liked her. That’s why he was with Kennedi. He needed to get over it. Y/N was his friend. Only his friend.
Y/N could feel Harry’s eyes on her. She cleared her throat, looking up at him. He was watching her with such intensity, she shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “Harry?” he blinked, looking at her. “Might want to get dressed. We gotta leave in like an hour.” she smiled softly, watching his cheeks go red. 
“R-right.” he stuttered. Y/N watched as he downed the rest of his coffee.
“You know, you could have gotten into the back seat after we picked everyone up.” Harry said as he pulled the van up to the gym. His friends were waiting outside. Y/N rolled her eyes, tapping away on her phone. 
“And let the princess see me sitting next to you? God forbid.” Harry’s jaw twitched but he didn’t say anything. He knew she was right. If Y/N was sat up front by him, Kennedi would blow a gasket. That wasn’t something Harry was looking forward to. He had hoped maybe on this trip they’d get to know each other. Maybe get along. But he was doubting that seriously.
“Harry!” Kennedi squealed, she hopped into the front seat, pressing her lips to Harry’s. Her eyes flickered to the backseat, disappointed to find Y/N wasn’t watching. She would get it through her head this weekend though. Harry was hers. And she wasn’t going to let anyone get in the way of that. 
Y/N took her head phones out as the back door opened and Harry’s friends clammerd in. The one named Niall sat beside her. “Hi,” she did her best to smile at him. 
“Hey,” he gestured to her phone. “What are you listening to?” he asked. 
“Oh,” she held out an earbud. “Black Flag.”
“No shit.” Niall sounded impressed. “Lemme listen yeah?”
Harry couldn’t stop glancing into the rearview mirror. Niall and Y/N sat closely together, talking and whispering to each other. He felt the weight of Kennedi’s hand in his but also the raging jealousy. He wanted to be back there with Y/N. 
About an hour into their trip Harry pulled up to a rundown gas station. As he pulled in an old man and his son came out of the building. 
“Everybody out! Stretch ya legs!” Harry shouted. Niall let Y/N go first, before hopping down out of the van after her. He stumbled slightly, reaching for her hand as he righted himself. 
“Careful there,” Y/N smiled. Niall reached out, gently grabbing her waist. Y/N felt herself leaning up, eyes closing softly-
“Y/N!” Y/N’s head turned sharply. Harry was glaring at her and Niall. “Can I talk to you?” Niall smirked, letting her go. 
He was gonna get through to both of them by the end of this trip. It amazed Niall how blind the two of them could be. I mean, he didn’t even know Y/N but could tell she had some major feelings for Harry. 
“What’s up?” Y/N asked as Harry pumped the gas. Harry looked down at her, trying not to let his irritation at Niall show. 
“What’re you and Niall doing?” Y/N raised her eyebrows. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Just….just be careful please. I love Ni but-”
“Harry.” Y/N cut him off. “Harry this is what you wanted. For me to get along with your friends. That’s what I’m doing right?” Harry huffed, looking away. “Harry you’re not my boyfriend….you can’t tell me you want me to be friends with your friends and then two seconds later get mad when I do.” she glanced over his shoulder. “And Kennedi’s watching….Look I don’t want any drama okay.” Y/N turned away quickly. Just as  Kennedi was walking up on him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"You alright babe?" She asked. Harry nodded.
They got in the van and continued on their way. Louis and Zayn passed around a joint. Y/N talked with Gigi and Maya. They were sweet and Liam was adorable with Maya. Harry stayed up front with Kennedi. He hated hearing Y/N's laugh and not knowing what she was laughing at. He hated that she was having fun without him. 
"Hey! Hey!" Gigi crawled over Y/N's lap, pointing out the window. A sign reading 'Grover's Pumpkin Patch' was passing them by. "Come on Harry! Let's stop!" 
"We haven't even gotten to the cabin yet." Kennedi complained. Gigi rolled her eyes. 
"So? We can take some with us to carve." Kennedi huffed, crossing her arms as Harry made the turn towards the pumpkin patch. Y/N took Niall's hand as they made their way down the dirt path. An old house sat at the top of the hill, the wood rotted and flung apart. An old woman came out to the porch as Harry parked in front of the house, everyone filing out of the van.
"Welcome to Grover's Pumpkin Patch. How can I help ya'll?" She had thin white hair and coke bottle glasses, crows feet withered around her watery blue eyes. Her gingham dress blew gently in the breeze. Harry stepped up, shaking her hand. 
"Hi! 'm Harry. We were wonderin' if we could get some pumpkins?" She smiled, her eyes meeting Y/N's, there was something about the woman that put Y/N off though. She wasn't comfortable. 
"10 dollars. You each can pick one." Harry grinned, reaching into his pocket. "Just stay away from the Scarecrow." She pointed over their shoulder. A scarecrow stood in the middle of the field, with a jack o lantern head. Kennedi snorted. 
"What's that supposed to be?" Harry pinched her side and the woman narrowed her eyes. 
"That is the alter to Punkinhead." 
"Punkinhead?" Y/N repeated. "Who's that?"
"He's a demon. He fetches souls for the Underworld. If you done someone wrong they can summon him, and he won't rest until you're dead." Y/N's blood ran cold, the dream the night before flashing once more in her mind. 
"Sounds scary." Kennedi said sarcastically, "lets go Harry. Get the stupid pumpkin so we can get to the cabin." She tugged on his arm as the group followed them. Y/N lingered by the old woman. 
"It's true you know….you seem like you have sense." Y/N nodded. 
"I should….I should go." 
"Kennedi." Y/N said, her voice shaking with unease. "I don't think you should do that." She looked to Harry, hoping he would say something to his girlfriend, but he only glanced at Y/N and pursed his lips.
Kennedi had made her way straight to the Scarecrow. The old woman had annoyed her and she was gonna show her. She wasn't afraid of anything, especially not some stupid story. 
"Kennedi." Her eyes flickered towards Y/N, she looked genuinely terrified. "Don't." 
"Ooh." Kennedi said, her tone mocking as she grabbed the scarecrow's head. "Is Punkinhead gonna get me?" She yanked the head off the scarecrow, throwing it to the ground. Y/N shivered at the noise it made on impact, squishy as it split apart. Kennedi hopped down from the post, wiping her hands.
"Kennedi." Niall scolded. She rolled her eyes.
"Come on. I don't believe in stupid horror stories. Punkinhead is about as real as the Boogeyman." She nudged Niall hard in the shoulder as she yanked Harry back towards the car.
Y/N stood rooted to the spot, staring at the smashed pumpkin. A chilly breeze swept over her and her stomach was churning.
"She shouldn't have done that." She finally said, turning to look at Niall. "I have a really bad feeling." Niall shook his head, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, turning them back to the car.
"I don't like her either Y/N but you shouldn't worry. Punkinhead is just a story....an urban legend." Y/N looked back at the house as they got into the car. The old woman stood on her porch, still watching them. As they made eye contact the feelings grew. Y/N didn't know what it was, but something bad was on the horizon.
Hellen went back into her house. She went into her bedroom, kneeling down she ripped up the floorboard and pulled out an old book. She brought it to the kitchen, slamming it on the table. 
"Stupid kids. They'll learn." She growled, flipping through the pages. "Here it is." She said, stopping suddenly. 
"Cross my heart and hope to die, please keep me blinded from the sight. When Punkinhead appears tonight. Appease the soul, save the right, bad blood will feed this patch tonight."
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dessarious · 5 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt42
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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The room basically exploded and Marinette just watched. Batman and Martian Manhunter were the only ones that didn’t start yelling or glaring at her. She felt the corner of her mouth tip upward and squashed the smile before it formed. While they were proving her point it was best not to rub that in. She let out a sharp whistle and it actually quieted them. She’d expected to have to get one of the Kwami to intervene. She caught Damian’s smile out of the corner of her eye.
“This is why we can’t have you in Paris. I’m fighting a terrorist who uses people's negative emotions to turn them into supervillains. One outburst like that could cause the destruction of Paris at a minimum. I will not allow that to happen.” She could practically see them trying to come up with arguments. “I have no issue with Robin remaining in Paris to act as your eyes and ears if you so wish as his cover is already set and he’s learning to control his emotions. He’s willing to listen to advice from me and I know most of you would think it beneath you to take instruction from a child.”
All of them were frowning at her. Well, all except Batman who was looking at Robin in shock. The boy in question just shrugged. Superman was apparently done with letting her take control of the meeting.
“We can discuss options certainly, but we can’t let a threat like the one you’re talking about have free reign. It affects more than just Paris as you’ve pointed out. You need our help.”
Damian saw the slight narrowing of Marinette’s eyes and a tightening of her smile. He discreetly took a step back. He did not want to be too close if she or any of the Kwami decided to hand the man of steel his ass for talking down to her. He really wished he were taping this encounter. The only one who spared him a look was his father, The rest seemed to be trying to either glare Marinette into submission or were trying to act far too concerned.  
“The threat is currently contained in Paris and unless that changes you have no reason to interfere. There is only one type of help I’m willing to accept but I’ll need to discuss it with Batman to see if he’s willing.” The other heroes didn’t seem to know how to react to that, except Wonder Woman who split glares between his father and Marinette. His father just raised an eyebrow at the girl. For her part Marinette beamed the sweetest smile he’d ever seen, projecting an air of innocence unrivaled by puppies. The confusion on everyone’s face was worth all the problems he’d had since arriving in Paris.
“What help is that exactly?” Most wouldn’t notice the change in Batman’s voice but it caught Damian off guard. It was… not gentle but slightly less gruff. He was making an effort at least and that didn’t happen. He was starting to think Marinette was Meta, that or the Kwami had something to do with it.
“Robin pointed out that you and your team are known for your detective skills. If you’re willing to try, I’d like to give you all the information I have on Akumas and Hawkmoth and see if you can help narrow down my search. It would be great to have a fresh perspective.” She’d gone from badass to girl next door in a second. It was quite impressive.
“Well, of course. We’d be happy to help?” Batman looked as if he’d been thrown into another dimension and wasn’t quite certain what to make of it. It took all of Damian’s control to keep from smirking. The rest of the League seemed caught somewhere between confused and annoyed.
“Great! Everything’s on this flash drive. Any insights you have would be appreciated. If you have any questions you can get them to Robin and he’ll relay them to me. If there’s nothing further, we really should be getting back. It’s late and I have to be up early.” She didn’t say to go to school and he figured the last thing she wanted to do was remind them of her age. The Kwami all floated back towards her as she stepped towards him.
“Wait! You can’t just forbid us from entering Paris and leave. You need our help and we’re not just going to stand by while children play at being a hero.” Damian sucked in a sharp breath at Superman’s words. He saw the fury on Marinette’s face but Plagg was the one who cracked first.
“How dare you.” Their voice was louder and deeper than it should have been and filled the entire room with menacing vibrations. Wonder Woman actually looked concerned. “Tikki’s bug has been defending Paris for two years and doing a damn good job of it. So good in fact that none of you even saw there was a problem. You don’t get to decide what is for the best. You don’t get to decide to endanger Tikki’s chosen. If I catch any of you or your minions in Paris there will be nothing left of them to find.”
None of them seemed to take the threat seriously until they saw the look of abject horror on Wonder Woman’s face. She knew exactly what Plagg was capable of and Damian could tell that it wasn’t an idle threat. He hadn’t really seen what the Kwami of destruction could do first hand, but seeing footage on the Ladyblog gave him a pretty good idea.
“My chosen is the best option, the only option really. You will support her as she asks but if any of you overstep the consequences will be dire.” Marinette’ opened a portal as soon as Tikki finished speaking. They stepped through with the Kwami directly behind without waiting for a response. Once it closed Marinette dropped her transformation and let out a relieved sigh.
“I think that went rather well, don’t you?” The mischievous smile on her face caused a matching one on his and they both burst out laughing. He was going to be getting an earful about everything later, but it had been worth it.
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secret-engima · 4 years
So in your Naruto FF cover where Noct/Yoru is believed to be a god, what are the reactions of the families of the Chocobros? Cause their Clan member just got poached but they've also been really strange ever since their near death experience that woke up their memories (or did they always remember)? Especially the Hyuuga because they basically had Hikaru/Ignis enslaved and branded. Or even some povs from the Chocobros. (Poor Prompto, being an Aburame lol)
Ooooo tricky. Kinda depends on the family?
Lemme see- Ignis’s family are Most Displeased. They are super possessive of their eyeballs and treat their branch members as slaves anyway so they see it more like theft than a powerful man claiming a friend. Of course, there’s not much they can DO about it considering it’s Yoru and he burns Ignis’s seal off in .05 seconds and also threatens to burn the rest of the main branch to the ground if they touch Ignis again (not in so many words, but his magic does flatten a few of the members with its intensity when they got too close to Ignis.
Tbh that’s probably a blood grudge the Hyuga hold until Naruto’s time even though they stay in Konoha and Ignis is known among the hyuga not only as the blind member but the Stolen Hyuga. A warning to all hyuga of what will happen if they are not careful with their eyes and other such nonsense that only works because younger Hyuga don’t interact with Yoru enough to know that he’s a really chill dude and Ignis is happy where he is.
The Inuzuka are not too thrilled at first, but more laidback about it? Gladio still visits and they can tell that he’s Super Happy about being reunited with Yoru, and Yoru is polite and respectful to them and their dogs like him and you can never go wrong with the opinion of dogs in an Inuzuka’s eyes.
The Aburame ... are honestly the most chill about this? They aren’t too thrilled at first, but Yoru already has a Hyuga and an Inuzuka by then, so there is a precedent, and after a bit of watching it’s clear that these four are basically a Hive unto themselves and Prompto is happy to be there, is healthy and well cared for so they just kinda- shrug and move on. Maybe use the fact that one of their own is “Favored by Yoru” to their advantage during tricky Council meetings generations later.
The oddness and memories thing were long commented on, but ... mostly unnoticed in Hikaru’s case? Among the Branch Clan it was noted, but no one said anything or really thought about it because honestly I doubt the Hyuga have never had an Incident where Branch Members get a bit ... weird post Sealing and post a traumatic experience. That’s a chakra doohickey tattooed to your SKULL, side-effects are not impossible. The Inuzuka noticed it too, but Gladio was still ... himself, just a big more jaded and mature so they let it slide.
The Aburame maybe spent a good few years trying to figure out what the freak happened with Prompto though. Because they’ve never had a bug-a-phobic member before and it’s weird. They love him tho. He’s their disaster child.
Tbh in the Warring States Era nobody was really focused on mental health. If you were loyal to the Clan and could fight that was all that really mattered, weirdo personality changes aside.
Uhhh POVs but only short snips, and pls forgive any inconsistencies with previously establish AU lore my brain is tired and I may not keep all the details 100% straight. Just roll with it.:
After a lifetime of being blind, being able to SEE everything, all around, at any given time is unnerving. This entire era is unnerving and Hikaru has bitten his tongue more than once to keep from railing against it. Against sending CHILDREN, some not much older than toddlers out into the field, against the brand on his head and the heads of so many others that burns on the whim of a Main Branch member.
He keeps his head down, but inside ... he hates. More than a little bit. He is a fractured piece of glass and he knows too much pressure with make him snap, so he does his utmost to avoid those situations (because if he snaps children will get hurt even more than now and nothing will change in the Clan).
Then one day they go to meet Hashirama and Madara, to speak of peace, and of course Hikaru has heard of Yoru, the mysterious forest spirit that supposedly watches over the new village and ensures no fighting happens, but he does not actually think this Yoru will be all that impressive.
He never expects it to be NOCTIS. Noctis, who looks at him with hope and wonder in his eyes, who looks so very unchanged despite lifetimes, who rises and calls him brother and Ignis and friend and CLAIMS him in a way the Clan Head cannot dispute. No one can dispute against Noctis, because he is still a Lucis Caelum and a king and to him, their chakra is pebbles in an ocean.
And for the first time in a long time, Ignis is happy. Ignis has hope.
Gladiolus loves his new family, and he knows they love him back. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss his old life like a wound in his side. Iris’s presence makes it a bit better but also not, because war is cruel and no one cares that she is still so young (older than the other Clans children sent to the field, because Inuzuka treasure their puppies, but still far too YOUNG to the mind of a Shield and Crownsguard). He loves his canine partner and the Pack, he loves that they don’t really question his memories, how his personality has matured and changed since the incident that woke him up.
Even so...
Even so, the absence of his brothers is a bleeding wound in his heart, and when the Clan Head looks at him, Gladio knows the man can see that in his heart of hearts, Gladio is not part of their Pack. He is family, but he has another Pack, another Alpha he swore to a lifetime ago, and that loyalty still howls in his soul far stronger than even the ties of blood and Pack and love that binds him to the Inuzuka.
So perhaps that is why the Clan Head does not look as outraged or surprised as he could have been when Yoru finds him, when NOCTIS looks back at Gladio from an eerily familiar yet not face. That is why, while the Hyuga sputter in shock when Gladio hugs Ignis tight and spins him in a circle for joy, the Inuzuka just watch with comprehension dawning in their eyes. Gladio looks to his Clan Head and says he’s going with Yoru and there is not request for permission. Just a courtesy of announcement. Because THIS- this is his Pack, his Alpha, his Beta, his brothers and littermates. He will follow them above all.
And the Clan Head lets him go.
Prompto wants to know who he ticked off in his past life that had a say in the next, because he HAD to have ticked off someone. Why else would he have been reborn into a clan of LIVING HIVE PEOPLE???????
He thinks he distresses them- no, he knows he does, when he flinches from the clan techniques and hives, from the little insects and their pheromones that the Clan uses as essentially an insectoid, chakra-based texting system amongst themselves. He knows he stresses out his hive for a long time, flinching from the feel of them inside him, from the skitter of their legs and wings and the whisper of their tiny, simple little thoughts in his own when they talk to him.
It .... it’s bad for a while. A WHILE. Bad enough the Clan won’t let him fight (which is fine with him) but also bad enough he loses weight and can’t sleep from the hive buzzing buzzing buzzing under his skin from his distress toward them.
It’s his great great grandma that saves him, quite literally, because an Aburame that rejects the hive is an Aburame who dies, not by any malicious intent on the Clans’ part but just- biologically. Just like starving to death will kill him, rejecting his Hive will kill him too and he KNOWS that but he can’t just- turn off his fear.
Then one day Elder Maya, the oldest living Aburame, sends for him. He comes to her private house with shivering skin and jumping senses and the hyper-awareness of the things inside him buzzing buzzing buzzing trying to remove the source of his distress and making it worse because they WERE his distress-.
Elder Maya takes his shaking hands and leads him to her garden.
It’s- it’s beautiful. It’s so beautiful he could cry for his long lost camera of another life. There are colors everywhere, blues and greens, reds, pinks, whites, and mixed splashes of yellow and purple- flowers that stand tall, flowers that droop, flowers dangling from the vines growing up tree trunks.
And everywhere there were flowers, there were butterflies. Butterflies and ladybugs, the two insects he wasn’t completely creeped out by because they were so pretty and photogenic, and for a moment Prompto is so awed his shaking stops, the Hive inside him goes quiet. A butterfly flaps lazily over to him, a glorious thing with vivid blue wings the color of magic and black dots and swirls that remind him of fire. It settles on his hand and he doesn’t flinch from it like he does the kikachu of the clan, just stays quiet and watches it with a bit of awe.
“You are not scared of these ones,” Elder Maya hums.
“U-um ... no,” he whispers as he watches it, “they’re ... pretty. Cute. They don’t ... they don’t look like they’ll hurt me.” And that’s not really his issue with the Kikaichu, but he can’t explain a phobia to ninja, not well anyway.
“Good,” says his great great grandmother, but not with her lips, with the soft splash of impression-scent-sensation from the butterfly on his hand and he gapes as he realizes THIS is her hive. These ladybugs and butterflies are Elder Maya’s hive. He stares at her and she adjusts the dark glasses she wears, “I will give you some of mine. Why? So you can cultivate a new Hive that you will not be afraid of.”
And she does. And it’s CREEPY, but also ... kinda not? It’s ... it still freaks him out to have bugs under his skin, but these ones ... he knows these ones. He chose them, he hatched them, he raised them. They are beautiful and deadly and soft looking and can strip flesh from a target in seconds and he wishes he had a camera because it would be so cool to have butterflies that can pose on command.
It’s a rocky road, but his shaking stops, and his weight goes back to normal, and his sleep schedule returns, and all the Clan breathes a sigh of relief when they see Prompto ambling around, not flinching from the glittery blue butterflies flitting on his shoulders.
And it’s not like his old life, his brothers he misses so badly, but its kinda nice to never be alone. Wherever he goes, his Hive goes, and his new Queens are kinda ... bossy almost and its endearing in a creepy kinda way. The only thing that would make life better, make it perfect (other than to not need a Hive in the first place) would be to have his brothers again.
And then they go to the new village of Konoha, and he meets the famed and terrifying Yoru, who isn’t terrifying at all, but is instead old and tired and blue eyed, and a fish lover and when he smiles, crooked and shy at Prompto all his Hive SINGS under his skin because he KNOWS.
And suddenly the world is perfect again.
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sundoodle · 5 years
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It's Revue Starlight Monster AU Time 
it's gayer. it fluffier. it's very self indulgent only my ships for me hahahahaaha. All the monsters can transform into humans and back again, this post is gonna be a thread of the animal form ref sheets I made n some tiny details.
A....a LOT of Lore below.
LORE that me and @witchbogs have cowritten  
Human Knowledge of Monsters: 
 Most monster communities Are Isolated from humans, but myths and a vague knowledge that they're out there is the common perception. Rumors if they are dangerous or friendly depends on the region/community.  There are some areas where humans and monsters live alongside each other peacefully. However, noticing if someone is a monster or not depends upon a human's own ability to Perceive Magic 
Our humans are Mahiru, Tamao, Lalafin, Aruru, Akira, and Yachiyo
Lalafin and Aruru grew up around monsters  Akira and Yachiyo grew up within hunter families  Mahiru and Tamao had casual exposure to monsters 
Magical Perception Rank  High: Lalafin, Mahiru, Yachiyo  Mediuim: Aruru  Low: Akira and Tamao
Lalafin grew up in a household that helped protect monsters from hunters. Aruru just grew up chilling with Misora's fam. Tamao had contact with the Hanayagi's but her low perception didn't leave her with much of an impact. Mahiru had the occasional werewolf friend (coughsuzucough)
Akira was raised in one of two very prestigious hunter clans, but her magic perception is utter shit. Her test to become a full-fledged hunter failed because she ended up contracted to Michiru. Akira has no contact with her family and she doesn't really care .
Yachiyo was raised with the other clan and is a full-fledged hunter. Her first solo mission was SUPPOSED to be subduing Fumi, but Fumi transferred and Shiori is....well.  She reports back to her family on the dealings of the monsters in the school.  The accuracy of them shifts.
Our werewolves are Karen, Hikari, Rui, Fumi, Shiori, and Misora 
 werewolves aren't turned, it's a hereditary magic, and families are werewolf packs. however, the transformation only happens if you have a certain level of estrogen in your system.
Transformation can happen at will, however, everyone Will transform during a full moon. Partial transformations often happen when emotions run high and the wolf gets sloppy. Karen, Hikari, and Fumi are all pretty typical wolfies.
Rui is typical in all but size. she is. ENORMOUS. like size of a small car. While the others are generally a normal wolf size. Except also Shiori, who was sickly as a kid, so her werewolf form is rather small, and high levels of stress can keep her trapped in her puppy form for several days
Misora is a trans girl. She is recently started estrogen and reached the threshold for transformations to start shortly before leaving for frontier. most Beginning transformations happen when werewolves are babies, and their bones are still soft, so the transformation isn't hard.  so unfortunately Misora's first couple are painful and she struggles easing into casual ones without the moon. Her fur also starts out real patchy. But everyone at frontier helps her settle in and make sure she's comfortable as possible and are super happy for her when she starts fluffin out
Tsukasa is basically a were-tiger, but with a split tail and some neat magical powers. she helps misora a lot with her transformations and is thrilled to be able to interact more casually with other magical creatures. her fam was real strict on secrecy ( fun side note, Frontier def has a whole lil page dedicated to their 'friendly tiger' who just wanders around and hangs out in the performance dorms so many rumors start flying when a red wolf starts showing up with her )
Claudine, Nana, and Shizuha are all vamps 
full vampirism isn't a heritable trait, since it stops a human from aging. But, vampire clans often adopt orphaned children and turn them if they so choose. Half-vamps are also a thing. Loner vamps are the dangerous ones.
Claudine is a halfie and she chose to join her mother in staying a vampire. She also functions like a Twilight Vampire where she doesn't burn in the sun but sparkles. Everyone just thinks she uses a lot of body glitter. She was originally born in about 1920. Mostly eats meat rare for blood, but if someone offers she’ll take a sip
Shizuha is a pretty new vampire who was raised by a clan. They adopted her from an orphanage and she chose to turn just because she likes her family a lot. Her type of vampire burns in the sun but her health goo is a potion to keep it from killing her. Og born in 1970s. Shizuha’s goo is also her vampire food, but again, will drink from friends who offer (usually lalafin and aruru)
Nana is the oldest vampire. She was turned in a loner accident over 200 years ago. With no vampire support system, she went feral with bloodlust for the first couple decades until she met up with vampire hisame, who calmed her down before leaving her for more civilized vamps.  She then chose to stay in a series of tunnels under where Seisho was built, and stayed there eating rats until Karen dug a hole in the garden and dragged her into the common room to show all her new friends.  Nana works with Junna for her sun-protection and a way to turn mortal. Nana refuses to drink from humans in fear she’ll go feral again
 Junna's a witch. She insists she's simply a scientist with a high magic perception. She deals mostly in potion making rather than spells. She helps Nana create blood-replacements for vampires, vampire sunscreen, and is researching a way for Nana to be mortal again
 Maya and Kaoruko. Kaoruko's family is a high profile and important kitsune fam with lots of connections and fae-touched workers Kitsune can do minor wish/curse magic. they can appear as normal foxes as well. Maya's family is known for their talent in acting and slyness
 Futaba, Ichie, Michiru are fae Fae are elfish beings with a ranging affinity for magic. Tend to work in contracts OR minor miracles.  Futaba is part of a family who became fae-touched as they worked for Kaoruko's. Her magical ability is low but she excels in noticing spells
Ichie is mostly just a trickster. She does pranks or enchants songs to make people feel happier. Usually they work out, sometimes she gets a mess, her magic can be a little wild.
 Michiru works with contracts and persuasion. She made a deal with Akira to form an acting troupe.  Michiru also feeds off of emotion, which is why she wants an acting troupe in the first place. Theatres and compelling plays provide a bountiful feast for her.  Andrew is Michiru's older brother who prefers the guise of a mole. He likes feeding off negative emotions. he sucks
 Mei Fan is a dragon. she cool. she breathe fire. her scales can have some magical properties. she can fly. yeah. dragon. 
 Yuyuko: we just don't know. Except she sleepy and was active during the height of Rakugo/Noh/other traditional Japanese arts
and that is a VERY long thread for the basic information of the plot kjshfjkshf Seiran is technically also in this world. Suzu is a werewolf, Koharu a Kitsune, Hisame a vampire the giraffe and Elle are just the same as in starira. bc i mean they magic. thank you for reading!!!
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because-of-a-friend · 5 years
Adopting a Dog With Seokmin
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Again, sorry this took so long! Thanks for the sweet words and the request anon! I hope you like it!
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Your apartment has become somewhat of a second home for Seokmin
Once you two start dating, he spends a lot of time at your place
It’s a nice break from being cramped in a dorm with twelve other guys 24/7
It’s also nice for the other boys because they no longer find week old gummies lying around in random places
That’s your problem now lol
But he does like the nice and quiet of your apartment
Even when you’re not there, he enjoys relaxing there
He can gather his thoughts and recharge
He does, however, tend to get super bored when he’s there alone
So when you casually mention you’ve been thinking about adopting a dog from the shelter down the street
He can’t help the excited “YES” that he yells out
You literally drop the spoon you’re holding in surprise
“Ok so, we need to get a leash, and some toys, and a bed... and oh! We have to figure out what kind of dog we’re looking for! I’m thinking a poodle... or a shih tzu-”
“Dokyeom, I literally just suggested getting a dog, calm down”
“Oh... right, but like... when are we going?”
You can’t help but laugh
“We can go shopping today and go to the shelter tomorrow”
DK practically pushes you out the door
He is literally vibrating with happiness when you two walk into the pet store
He tells you he’s going to look for toys while you go to get a leash
You sit for a moment in front of the leashes, considering length and if you should get a harness
A sales associate comes up to help you
You start talking to them about adopting and your plans, you talk about living in an apartment and the best options for a dog in that situation
“Hey babe, how about these!”
DK comes around the corner with an assortment of at least twenty dog toys in his arms
The sales associate bursts into laughter
“Seokmin, please, we don’t have the dog yet, how would we know what kind of toys it likes...”
But with the help of the worker, you two get through the store pretty easily and get everything you need
DK only narrows his toy selection down to ten
The employee throws another one in for free
“For the lovely couple, you guys made me smile today”
DK’s grin is insanely big at that
He puts his arm around your shoulder and squeezes you firmly 
When you get back to the apartment, you lay everything out and start to organize everything
You set ground rules for the dog’s schedule, what you need to do every day to make sure the dog is as happy as possible, what rooms the dog is not allowed in, etc
DK stays over so you can go together to the shelter as soon as it opens
He, of course, is so excited that he doesn’t sleep
He keeps waking you up to talk to you about your future dog
“How do you feel about the name Seungcheol?”
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
“Hmmmmm... ya maybe not”
“DK, it’s 3am, I want to sleep, go bother someone else about the dog for a little while”
You drift back to sleep
Only for a few minutes
Because you get a call
You stare at your phone confused as to why Lee Jihoon is calling you at 3:12am
“Don’t tell your boyfriend to ‘bother someone else for a little while’ at 3am, because that someone else is me, and I’m tired”
“Jihooooooooooooooon, just talk to him for a minute”
“And then we pass it off to Coups”
“And eventually everyone takes a shift”
“Nope, your boyfriend, your 3am conversation”
And then he promptly hangs up 
And DK slides back into the room with a guilty smile
“Ok babe, we can talk about dog names for ten minutes, JUST TEN”
He leaps onto you and cuddles you to death while you talk about names
He finally dozes off as he says “Maybe something from Greek mythology...”
You had been complaining about wanting to sleep
But it’s hard not to take a couple minutes to watch him sleep with that ridiculous grin on his face
When you wake up, Seokmin is already in the kitchen making breakfast
Cue incredibly rushed pancakes and a million stares from Seokmin implying he can’t wait for you to say it’s time to go
“Ok you ready to-”
DK leaps up from his chair and grabs your bag and both of your jackets and shoves you out the door again
 Seokmin CANNOT sit still when you walk in
He is ready to find a dog and ready for it to be at your apartment
When you two finally go in, Seokmin runs like a kid to look at all the dogs
You’re obviously excited too
I mean, you wouldn’t be getting a dog if you weren’t
But you weren’t expecting to fall completely in love with one certain dog immediately
By the time you reach Seokmin, he already has like three different dogs he’s telling you about
And you’re walking to see the one he’s pointing at
But there’s a tiny “yip” from one of the cages you pass
You turn for just a second and immediately stop
It’s a tiny, little corgi
And it waddles right up to you
Bleps its tongue out
And you’re sold
You kneel down to greet it through the gate
DK turns to see where you are
And he sees you looking down at the puppy with sparkling eyes
Then he hears you whisper
And he feels his heart clench in his chest
Because this is possibly the cutest thing he’s ever seen
And he sees Woozi yawn like every day
So he comes over to see who you’re looking at 
But he doesn’t really look at the dog
He’s just soaking in the sight of you staring so lovingly at the little puppy
“I see you guys are looking at Daisy!”
You and DK give each other a look as the volunteer comes to speak to you, silently agreeing that Daisy’s name will not be Daisy for long
“Uh ya, she’s real cute, what do we need to do to take her home?”
So you and DK sign the paper work and bring Artemis home (or maybe Athena... Calypso? “Something cute,” DK finally says, “Bella, or Biscuit...Bagel?” “Ok, now you’re just hungry aren’t you?”)
The first thing you do is just let Sunny (or maybe Maya) sniff around the apartment
You follow after her closely, just watching in fascination at everything she does
Then you take her on a tour, showing her around and telling her everything, even though she’s a dog
After a day of beginning to ease her into living in the apartment
You just can’t help it anymore and pick her up and cuddle her for awhile
DK just has his arms around you and and is staring at her over your shoulder
“Mabel” you quietly whisper staring down at her
“Ya,” DK smiles, “Mabel”
You’re both quiet for a minute just staring down at her
Then Mabel yawns and you both squeal 
You let her curl up in her bed, it’s been a long day and you want her to rest
You’re also about to suggest that you both also go to sleep
But there’s a knock on the door
You open the door and twelve boys poor in 
“We’re here to meet Cookie!” Mingyu exclaims
Jun whacks him, “Her name is Sunflower!”
“It’s Mabel,” you laugh
They all gather around and coo at your little corgi
She’s just sleeping in the bed that’s five times her size
A bunch of them come over for the following days to help watch the puppy
DK is really happy to chill with Mabel alone
Now his days at the apartment are filled with playing with Mabel and talking to Mabel and taking care of Mabel
It’s a great way for him to think out his issues and recharge without getting bored
Having Mabel around is great, and a positive change in all of your lives
You spend a lot of nights just cuddled up on the couch with DK and Mabel, just happy that they’re both in your life
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ixchel-sketch · 4 years
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TITLE: AAXILIZTLI / SABER GENRE: Crime & Romance FANDOM: Mayans M.C. SHIP(S): Coco & Original Female Character STATUS: Complete LENGTH: 3,057 words
Which Member of Your OTP takes UNO wayyy too seriously ;  Coco is a total card shark and Maya can barely tell the difference between Uno and Go Fish. Which makes for a pretty interesting game of Strip Poker + 20 Questions.
 “So… explain it to me one more time?” Maya sat with her elbows on the bar while Chuckie spread out a deck of cards between them. She was glad the guys weren’t back yet, even if she’d been waiting there for the better part of an hour. From the looks she’d seen the squirrely man receive it was obvious not all members of the club were comfortable with their resident helper. Only she seemed to enjoy the odd conversations and company that he would provide. “I think I’m a lost cause.”
“ I do not accept that, practice makes perfect,' they say. Practice makes perfect.” Even though he disagreed Chuckie's face kept an upbeat smile, almost puppy like enthusiasm that couldn't be dulled by her harsh self criticisms. Maya's lips thinned, trying to commit the rules of the game to her memory one more time before finally calling it quits. The whole thing had come up after he’d told her the club was having some kind of meeting at the Casino on tribal land...and she’d mistakenly admitted to not knowing the first thing about playing cards.  Chuckie’s hands may not have been as dexterous as they once were but the man sure was able to memorize a set of rules, using the awkward wooden fingers to point out the meaning of different cards and different techniques used to win games. She’d be lucky if she could just remember their names. 
“How’d you get so good at this?” The shock on Chuckie's face at the mild compliment was almost heartbreaking. 
"Here and there and there and here. I'm not good though, not like your boy." 
Dark eyebrows shot up at that remark but Maya didn't have time to comment before the sound of approaching engines rumbled through the sandy yard and sent Chuckie scurrying to complete whatever chores he'd been given before they left. She remained hunkered over the drink that he’d gotten her, finishing it quickly as the noise from outside got ever closer. Mostly laughs and camaraderie between the guys which quieted by only a fraction when they saw her waiting inside. With a brief nod Coco split off from Angel and Gilly, large eyes giving her a quick once over to judge her mood before a small smile spread on his face. “ Didn’t think I’d be seeing you here.” He dug through his pocket to pull out a cigarette and nodded for her to follow him back outside. 
 "I wanted to pick you up some lunch but Chuckie said you guys were at the Casino?" That causes him to side eye her for a moment and Maya quickly back tracks. "You win anythin?" 
"I got some cash." He took a couple drags before pulling his hand away, making sure to blow the smoke downwind from where she stood. "So I can get food later, you don't gotta buy me shit." 
Their relationship was still fresh and she could sense the hesitancy at her taking more liberties to get close to him than she had before. When they were only friendly (because could she really call what they were doing now dating?) she would never show up to the club’s base without telling him first. Or dare to hang out and wait around for him. The way he wouldn’t meet her eyes for too long caused a wave of unease in her gut...was he having doubts? Did she fuck it up without realizing? 
“I know...I wanted to.” 
Coco shrugged, his cigarette nearly half gone already and Maya let out a big sigh that finally got his attention, his brows pinching together in the only show of concern. The times he would go quiet and get lost in his own head were the hardest for her to get used to. Still, determined to derive some communication she charged on, “Well, anyways. I gotta drop some stuff off at a local gallery. They’re letting me put my shit up in return for a few shifts a week in the shop.”
“That’s cool. That mean you’re staying?” 
“For a little while. I need to make more stuff before I can do another venue anyways.” 
Maya bit her lip, looking towards where her bike was chained up and then back at Coco. “Can I come by the house later? I know I don’t have to but I can bring take out?” 
Maybe it was the slight wobble of insecurity in her voice that broke Coco out of his introspective stupor, or the words jarring him back into the present with the realization she was about to take off but he nodded, flicking away the remnant of his cig and pulling her against him in a lose one armed hug. It eased some of the tension that his sudden mood had brought on, the quick peck to her lips erasing the rest. “Sure. I’ll catch you later. Just, uh...text first.”
It didn’t take too long to complete her errands, the cumbersome portfolio she had strapped to the back of her bike only carried a couple pieces that wouldn’t take long at all to put up. But it did give her enough time to think and reflect on the interaction that had just transpired. At first he’d seemed genuinely happy that she’d been there waiting for him, but as soon as Maya had brought up the club business Coco had gone cold. Already she knew most of what went down with the Mayans was on a strict need to know basis and tried to steer clear of asking anything too invasive. But as Maya was finishing up putting up her paintings she paused with sudden realization. 
She didn’t really know much about Coco at all. Sure, they had spent a fair amount of time together over the past few weeks, especially after coming to terms with the severity of their feelings. But none of that time was spent truly getting to know each other. Mostly they just hung out, smoked weed, and watched bullshit sitcoms or reality shows to pass the time.  There was no real way for her to know if Coco’s earlier silence had been of her doing, or caused by something the club was dealing with. It would be an outright lie to say that this didn’t bother her a little bit, the same kind of insecurity knotting up her stomach as she texted him to ask what he would like her to pick up. 
Thankfully, mercifully, Coco texted her back immediately with the okay to come over. She didn't know how she would react if he'd ignored her and left Maya to stew over his abrupt silence. By the time she's pulling up to his house and chaining up her bike the sun has already set. Maya's knuckles barely have time to rap on the door before it's being yanked open and Coco blinks wide eyes at her through the crack. He looks jumpy, posture tense as he moves to hold the door open for her so she can slip inside. 
"Sorry, traffic was starting to pick up so it took me a little bit to get here."
"You don't got to apologize. Thanks." He took the paper bag of chinese food from her and headed into the living room, the smell of cigarettes heavy in the air. Her own dark eyes scanned the room until they landed on the coffee table, a slow smile spread across her face.
"Are those cards?"
"Wanna play a game of strip poker while we eat? I've never actually played it before but Chuckie explained the rules to me today." 
His hands stilled where they'd been emptying the contents of the take out onto the coffee table. An odd expression on his face that seemed to be a mixture of amusement and distaste. "You had him tell you how to play that?"
"What? No, I asked him how to play poker," She came over to sit next to him on the couch, bumping Coco with her shoulder and letting out a peal of giggles at his assumption. "The strip part is only por ti." 
“Hmm. Okay, but I’m not going easy on you because it’s your first time.” His chopsticks raised in her direction as Maya is already reaching for the cards to shuffle and set up the game. She pouts for only a moment before nodding, eyes lighting up as an idea hits her. 
“Well, then every time one of us removes an article of clothing, they get to ask the other a question?” 
He turns hesitant but nods anyways, expression going blank as soon as he’s got his hand of cards and the game has begun. The first couple rounds go simple enough, setting the mood and making it clear that Coco would keep his word. Though for every simple article of clothing she removed, a personal question was asked in kind. They started off easy -- Where were you born? Did or do you play any sports? What’s your favorite color? Maya realized quickly that her chances at winning anything were doomed, her face giving away every hand. Even when she did get lucky enough to draw a good combination, Coco would finally break his stony expression with a small smirk. 
"I fold." He put his cards down face up and shrugged out of his shirt. His cards were still better than hers but something in her expression must have tipped him off to her confidence. Immediately Maya’s shoulders sank and she let out a disappointed sigh, prepared to answer an equally arbitrary question. “How did you get into the travelling artist thing? There’s gotta be other ways to do it.” 
“Oh, good one.” She adjusted where she’d moved to sit on the floor, their food long forgotten as the game had dragged on. Enough time for Coco to have rolled a joint and begun to pass it between them. “My dad was a musician. He started travelling and touring again after my mom finally left him. It was just...an easier life for me than staying with her and my sister in a small town.” 
His eyes bore into her, taking in her words and nodding in response. A blush rose to her cheeks and her shoulders caved inward with a small shiver. Only a few rounds in and she was already down to her mismatched bra and underwear, the wall AC unit sensing just the right time to kick on and cause a chill to run down her spine. Meanwhile Coco was still in his jeans and white undershirt, his one article of clothing standing in stark contrast against the small pile she had building. Perhaps that was why when Maya found herself finally divested of her plain black bra she was no longer in the mood to ask trivial, lighthearted questions. 
“You said before you were in the military? The marines?” “Yeah.” “Why’d you join?”  
He went silent. Usually when she asked a question he would break the still cold expression he wore while holding cards. Coco’s eyes remained locked on hers, instead of the usual attention he would be paying to her topless form. It was obvious he was thinking intently about how to answer and she didn’t want to rush or interrupt him. He abandoned the joint to pull out a cigarette from the pack on the table between them. 
“I had shit to get away from.” 
When that was met with only more silence, his expression turned dour. He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and smoked in silence while his words turned over in her head. Maya tried her best to keep her expression neutral, the stakes higher than any card game. In moments like these it was almost impossible for her to guess what he might be thinking. 
“I did some time. Got out and wanted something different.” 
“Why? You got anymore fucking questions?” She ignored the biting words and got up to sit next to him on the couch, stopping short of reaching out to place a hand on his arm. As it was closing the space between them didn't seem to comfort Coco. He leaned away from her slightly, no longer able to meet Maya's eyes. 
"Nah. I'm good," She shrugged. "I don't wanna make you all uncomfortable and antsy. I'm not a fuckin' child and I'm not here to judge you, man. We all got our shit." 
His head swung towards her, emphasizing each word with a jerk of his chin. As though they were being hurtled at her. "Why the fuck are you here. You don't got anywhere better to be than riding some fuckin' cholo dick? You like slumming it?" 
"Basta, stop it." Her chin wobbled but Maya's expression remained determined. "I'm here because I want to be. Because I like you." 
Silence falls over them once again as she refuses to take the bait and fall into his trap. Coco crushes the butt of the cig in the ashtray and all the fight leaves him. His hand clenched and released over his knee and finally she felt comfortable enough to reach out and place hers on top of it. He doesn't pull away which is all the encouragement she needs to press up against his side where it's warm. Even though she had managed to keep her calm Maya's pulse still raced at the argument they had just narrowly avoided. 
Both of them had short tempers in the right circumstance and it could be a challenge not to react…But not when Coco was so obviously upset and dealing with deeper shit. All she really wanted to do now was to take away the darkness lingering in his grimace. Whatever heavy thoughts he has seem to get a little lighter as he reclines against the couch once again and brings one arm up around her shoulders so she can stay close. Both of her arms slink around his chest to hold him in a tight embrace and he lets out a long shuddery breath before relaxing against her. It must not be easy for him to open up and be any sort of vulnerable and she’s more than willing to reward him when he is. 
“I do have one more question though.” He freezes for half a second before noticing her gaze is directed down towards the only article of clothing she’s still wearing. The switch in moods is so drastic that Coco can’t help but let out a small chuckle and shake his head, the arm around her shoulder folding so that he can pat down some of the waves of her hair.
“Do...you wanna fuck me?” 
He doesn’t respond out loud, simply turns and shrugs out of the wifebeater in one smooth movement. Most of the time the fact that he’s been in the military remains somewhere in the back of her mind, a difference that she has very little interest in dissecting. It’s only when he moves that it becomes an apparent and undeniable part of him. In a moment she’s stretched under him, her head resting on the arm of the couch and his hands trace up her side and pause to cup her breast. Maya arches into his touch, arms wrapped around his chest to hold him close while his other hand abandoned its place clutching her hip to hastily brush her hair away from her neck. He groaned, pressing her even harder into the worn cushions and attacking her throat and collar with kisses and nips. 
“Fuck, take your jeans off.” She rolls her hips up against him and he rewards her by grabbing her ass and pulling her close so that the only thing separating them was the damp material of her underwear and the denim of his pants. 
“Patience, shit, I wanna wind you up first.” 
Maybe it was punishment for all of the questions earlier or simply his own prerogative, but either way she couldn’t bring herself to complain when he pulled away to remove his belt and help to slip her underwear off. His hand was warm and large on her thigh, spreading her open so that he could slip a couple fingers inside to rub against her. The feeling of his teeth grazing her shoulder and his hand coaxing her hips into a rhythm. Just when Maya thinks she may be close to some relief he pulls her into a kiss and removes his hand, swallowing the sound of disappointment she makes. 
Coco’s breath is warm against her skin, his pants slung low and he kicks them off before pinning her against the couch. It’s easy to slip her legs around his waist and help to ease him inside. He let out a soft groan and she answered in kind, peppering kisses along his shoulder while Coco drove into her. One of his hands reached up to tug back Maya’s hair and expose the kiss marked column of her neck. Her blunt nails scrape at his back as the quick pace of his thrusts pushes her over. His own orgasm isn't far behind and Coco all but collapses on top of Maya afterward, enjoying how her hand absentmindedly cards through his hair while they catch their breath. Even if they were just starting out getting to know each other as a couple, there was no denying that they already knew how to satisfy the other completely. 
"So..that was fun." She sighed and turned to press her bare back against the warmth of his chest when he’d finally eased off of her. Coco grunted in response, one arm wrapped around her torso to hold Maya against him. Her eyes caught the abandoned cards and noticed how many of them had fallen from the table to scatter on the floor below. They probably wouldn't end up getting picked up and put away until morning. 
"Let's just stick to Uno from now on?" Finally earning a laugh, the vibration rumbling against her and causing a chain reaction. 
"Pretty sure I can still beat your ass in that, quierida. I'm game for whenever you want to lose." He pinched her pert rear end and earned another high peal of giggles. 
"Okay, we'll see." There was a challenge in her voice but Maya knew he was probably right. 
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