#maybe I should have gone with a group further back in time but I couldn’t find climate info easily about things that far back and fuzzier
I think someone put the brain of a mouse or maybe a squirrel inside my head at some point because all winter I was like “I crave nuts and seeds” and now that it’s getting warmer and brighter out my brain keeps going “it’s fruit time”
Like, modern transportation has made it possible to move many fruits all over the world (in theory) all the time! But the primal early plesiadapiform part of my brain is like “you must eat what is available this season”
#I was going to go with euarchonta or plesiadapiform brain but I think the early members of both of those groups were from a tropical#ecosystem. if I’m wrong though and either are from more seasonal environments I could change what I used#actually. wait. plesiadapis is from the late Paleocene. yes. but tropical plants have reproductive cycles too#do they generally vary by season or are they just doing it all at their own pace by species#I am from a very cold seasonal climate that gets hot af in summer but is pretty cold for a good five-ish months#not all equally cold#it’s bad for our environment if it doesn’t get cold as balls for a bit every winter#and we didn’t really get that this winter. but that’s not my point!#I mean to say I can’t remember how it works in tropical environments#if the plants just time their reproduction whenever in the year or if there are seasons for most plants at the same time#does that make sense? I’m using the primate-like-mammal. if it’s wrong then whatever#fuck it we ball#maybe I should have gone with a group further back in time but I couldn’t find climate info easily about things that far back and fuzzier#i am not the most familiar with primate evolution. especially early evolution of the group. I’m open to learning more#i just tend to fixate on certain other things like early mammals and horse and cat evolution#paleontology#emma posts#I like juice all year though#one day I want to try many varieties of fruits that I cannot access easily where I live because they can’t be shipped here#or they just aren’t as popular a variety on an industrial scale#maybe one day i will have a big greenhouse and i will be able to grow the banana varieties I want to try#I can see why some plant varieties aren’t grown on a large scale. some of these bitches are SUPPOSED to be able to grow in zone four but#they refuse to work with me! blueberries make sense. the soil here is nowhere near acidic enough and they would need to be in a pot or#whatever. ya know? but some plants just won’t! or I get them and then the weather here which would NORMALLY work is different that season
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bunny-xoxo · 8 months
Take It Slow
Yuuta Okkotsu x afab!reader
wc: 4.1k
warning(s): established relationship, friends to lovers implied, heavy petting, fingering, masturbation, oral (reader receiving), choking (reader receiving), instance of breath play as a result, slight corruption kink from Yuuta, inexperienced reader, a single instance of slightly mean Yuuta, reader’s chest anatomy is not referenced/described
a/n: first NSFW piece in a VERY long time, was picked from the poll so here you go! hope you all enjoy :)! Also jus wanna say there is NOTHING weird or wrong about being a virgin at any age just so you guys know <33 🫶 also in case it needs to be said, this is an unrealistic portrayal of participating in kink for the first time! Boundaries and safety should be discussed at length before these things, but this is fiction so just wanted to make that clear 😭🤍 anyways enjoy <3
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“Yuuta, stop! I don’t wanna talk about it!” You whined and buried your face further into his chest hoping to spare yourself of the embarrassment from the conversation you’re sure the two of you are about to have.
“Sweetheart, I’m your boyfriend, you knew it was gonna come up sooner or later. Besides, you’re literally the one who started the conversation! There’s no way you’re getting out of it now.” He let out a few boyish chuckles as he tried to pry your face away from him and out of the covers, just to see you pressing your lips together and closing your eyes in protest.
Sure, did you figure at some point the fact you haven’t gone farther than holding hands and sharing a few quick pecks was gonna be brought up? Probably. Especially after 4 whole months of being in a relationship? Maybe. Did you think it’d be right now? No! But is it your fault? Unfortunately, yes.
You’d known Yuuta long before the two of you started dating, having been apart of his friend group since freshman year of high school, and you’ve always had a secret crush on your friend. He was kind, never failed to make you smile, charmingly awkward (so charming you almost thought he faked it), & all things endearing. It wasn’t until a few months ago, now in your fourth and final year at University, that the two of you had confessed your feelings for the other. You had a bottle of tequila and Maki to thank for that.
And honestly, it couldn’t have been more perfect since. He was still sweeter than ever, a complete gentleman always, and even though it’d only been a couple months he’s never failed to make you constantly feel cared for and appreciated. There was only one problem: how were you supposed to tell him you’ve lied about every instance of you hooking up ever? And you haven’t even done so much as grind on someone, let alone fuck?
Maybe you could blame it on Yuuji, he’s the one who brought it up the first time anyways, innocently teasing you about how “you probably don’t even know how to give head”. He was 16, and all 16 year old boys are stupid as shit - besides Yuuta you suppose - so you’ll forgive him for it.
“Fuck you Yuuji, you’re just saying that cause you’re embarrassed you can’t last longer than 10 seconds inside a girl.”
“That literally happened once, and it was my first time! What, you’re telling me your first time was any better?”
It was just humiliating to think of looking at your friends, who definitely weren’t virgins anymore (besides Toge, maybe Toge, you never really trusted his whole story - but that’s beside the point), and tell them yeah no, I haven’t even seen a dick in person!
“No, he was ass, too.” You did your best to not draw attention to the way your palms were sweating profusely, fighting every instinct in you to wipe them off on the denim of your jeans.
“Yep, fits the bill.” Mai rolled her eyes at the thought of her own experience with a man, must’ve been pretty bad.
It’d make more sense to blame it on your age than Yuuji really, looking back it wouldn’t have been embarrassing for more than a couple weeks at most to have admitted you were a virgin when the matter was pressed. But that’s not what past you thought, and now it’s current you’s problem.
“I know, I know, but now I change my mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Your lips are pushed out and puckered slightly from the way Yuuta has your cheeks squished together - his best effort at making you smile right now.
He lets go of your cheeks to squeeze your shoulder gently, looking at your face for a moment before speaking softly.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? I’d never judge you for anything, make comments, nothing. Swear on it.” His voice dipped low with sincerity as he dramatically “crossed his heart and hoped to die”, it was a little goofy but that’s okay.
It was hard to speak while he was staring down at you like that, you knew he’d be nothing but gentle and kind, but the thought of actually talking about it made your stomach twist ‘n turn.
“Uh”, your voice trembled more than you’d like to admit and it did nothing to help your nerves, “I guess I asked what you’d do if I lied about not being a virgin cause, I’m, like, a virgin. Yeah.” You might’ve stumbled through your sentence, but you got there eventually.
His hand continued to rub circles on your skin as he spoke, “Well, I kind of figured that much when you first asked that, cause why else would you. Is that all you wanted to tell me though?”
Glancing up to meet his eyes, you were confused, visibly confused. Was that it? Was he really not gonna pester about why you lied, when you lied, or why you’re grown and still a virgin?
You squinted your eyes and hummed quietly, unreasonably suspicious of him - which he could clearly see.
Rolling his eyes playfully, he groaned out your name and pulled your face close to his so you couldn’t escape him even if you wanted to.
“Ya know, I was kind of talking about the first question you asked me. The one before you cut me off and changed the subject with the whole ‘I’m a virgin thing.’ I want to talk to you about that.”
You’re sure you were listening, it’s just that his face was so close to you that his breath was intermingling with yours, and you could practically taste the gum he was chewing while studying earlier. Not only that but his eyelashes were so pretty and doll like from this angle, looking up at him with his hands still on your cheeks. And his hands were so warm and soft - or was your face warm?
“Are you really ignoring me right now?” He wondered where your mind wandered to, cause clearly with the way you were looking at him with hearts in your eyes and invisible stars circling around your head - you couldn’t have been listening to him.
Yeah, you definitely weren’t listening to him.
“Baby, are you okay with talking about what you asked me earlier? It’s okay if the answer is no.” His eyes were glued to your face as your own darted around the room.
You wanted to speak up but your throat was dry and your face was hot, and honestly it felt like your jaw was wired shut; a simple nod will have to do.
It felt like the room was getting smaller at the lack of a response from Yuuta until you felt him lean just a tad closer and gently press his lips to your cheek, “would you rather me show you how I take care of myself, or tell you?”
Goosebumps rose along the back of your neck and down your arms at the soft volume of his voice in your ear and the way his breath fanned across your cheek.
“Both, please.” The tenor of your voice matched his as your hands fiddled nervously with the hem of your shirt, unsure what to with them while he moved to give you a kiss and sit up in front you.
The embarrassment of how you asked Yuuta how to give a hand job from earlier began to fade and be replaced with curiosity and eagerness at the sight of Yuuta reaching down to palm at himself.
It was still embarrassing, staring so shamelessly at his growing bulge in obvious intrigue and desire, but it was Yuuta, and Yuuta would never make you feel bad for having human urges and wanting him in this way.
Hesitantly, once he was ready, he tugged at the fabric of his pajama pants until he was fully exposed. He was happy you were so needy and awe struck at the sight of him, because your undivided attention to the way his cock sits in his hand is making him blush.
He spreads his legs just as much as the stretch of his bottoms let him while he dips forward to drip spit in the direction of his lap, his wrist catching the fabric of his shirt and exposing a tease of his lower stomach as he spreads the spit along the length of his cock. Leaning back into a more comfortable position, you take in the way he’s exposed himself to you, his stomach visibly clenching as he rubs his thumb along the slit at the tip of his cock.
It was firm in his hand, and you couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together from where you sat watching at the vulgarity of it all. His loud and unashamed whimpering, his leaking and twitchy cock, and the way his eyes were never closed, always watching your face, when you would flick your own up to get a peek at his reactions.
You thought maybe he’d be a little more bashful, slow and careful with what he wanted to show you, but if anything, it seems like he’s been waiting for you to ask.
“You like watching me stroke my cock, hm baby?”
Your clit began to throb at the sudden recognition and reminder that you’re involved just as much as he is, as well as the sound of him speaking, and speaking directly at you.
“Answer me angel, even a nod’s okay. Wanna make sure my baby’s feeling good.” His voice was hoarse, but soft, and the sentiment did nothing more than increase your arousal and send butterflies rampant in your stomach.
Settling further into the situation, and gaining some confidence in return, you make your way over to him slowly as you nod your head.
“Want you to tell me, Yuuta.” Your voice is small, quiet.
“Tell you what, pretty?”
He’s got an air of fake innocence around him as he speaks but you couldn’t care less when you’re so close that you can hear his soft and barely audible panting, and smell the light scent of musk and sweat begin to gather along his clothed skin from his excitement and exertion. You’d give him anything he wants at this point, and you’re certain he knows it.
“Yuuta,”, you whine and move in his direction, hovering over his lap with his cock not quite close enough to press against your covered cunt as he strokes himself, “want you to tell me how it feels.”
The pair of you groan together at the lewdness of it all, both of you reveling in the freedom to finally explore your deep attraction for another, no longer embarrassed or fearful to admit or indulge in it.
“Fuck, feels so good baby. ‘M so hard with you watching me like this. You like knowing you’ve got me and my cock this needy without even touching me?” Whining at his response, you lean into him and sloppily place your lips on his, ignoring the urge to smack him on his chest as he chuckles a, “yeah?”, into your mouth at your eagerness.
You both kiss, messy and loud, as you reach and drag your hand down his torso, lightly drawing circles onto Yuuta’s exposed lower stomach with your fingertips.
A strained groan comes from him at the sensation, sighing into your mouth as he sits up to be impossibly closer to you. It was all too much.
He could feel the heat from your body as your thighs squeeze him from each side, hear the crude noises your pussy makes each time you adjust, and he could just imagine how needy your poor cunt would smell. Feeling his stomach tighten and his head get cloudy, he knew he was close, and he wanted you to watch.
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me come baby.” Yuuta’s lips were soft and slick with spit as he spoke against yours, while you felt a hand slide from the back of your neck up to the top of your head, turning you to face down and stare at the way his fist was feverishly tugging at his cock.
“Want my sweetheart to watch how hard they’re gonna make me come, how good they’re taking care of me and my cock.” His voice was strained and low, out of breath, and if you weren’t desperate to watch his cock get some release, you would have protested at the sudden lack of kissing.
“Please, need you to show me baby.” You whined and wrapped your hand around Yuuta’s wrist gently, moving in time with the way he was stroking himself.
Hearing your voice was all he needed to let himself go, throwing his head back and getting his sternum sticky with cum as it stained his t-shirt. His balls and cock twitched as he slowed down his movements, whining when he rubs the tip once more, not wanting it to be over. If it wasn’t for the way you were still hovering over his lap, he would’ve let himself stay like this for a while longer, catching his breath and resting his eyes.
But he could see how bad you needed him, your chest heaving and your body hot against his.
Pulling you into his chest, he speaks against your shoulder softly between gentle kisses, “Want me to take care of you too, baby?”
Your body jolts at the prospect, nerves riddling your muscles and your stomach, making you feel almost weak. The thought made you self-conscious just as much as it made you feel exhilarated, but you couldn’t deny the way your cunt was throbbing and hot. You needed him bad, and you could trust Yuuta. You always could.
Words were too hard, like they often were with him in intimate moments like this (the thought of your first date briefly crosses your mind), so you substitute a pleading “yes” for another messy, longing kiss.
“I got you angel,”, was all he said before you were leaned back on the pillows, Yuuta hovering above you with soft wisps of his hair tickling the sides of your face.
You knew you could trust Yuuta, he always knows what his baby needs.
Delicate fingers graze across your side until they reach the waist band of your bottoms, running back and forth along the top as Yuuta chuckles softly at the way your stomach twitches, waiting for a sign of permission.
A warm hand tugging Yuuta’s in the direction of your heat is all he needs before sliding his hand between your thighs to rub heavy and slow circles onto your clit beneath your shorts.
“Oh, god.” You breathe out and close your eyes, letting him take his time in making you feel good.
Your hole ached every time he dipped a finger down to tease your entrance, gathering more of your arousal to rub into your puffy clit. He was such a tease even when he didn’t mean to be, couldn’t he tell you needed him inside? Can’t he imagine how empty your poor hole feels? Doesn’t he know how often you’ve fucked yourself with your fingers or favorite toy, imagining it’s really him inside instead?
The desperate call of his name makes his stomach flip, eyes quickly searching across your face for a sign of discomfort, “‘M here baby, what do you need?”
Sitting up slowly, your face stops inches from his as you shimmy your way out of your bottoms. Laying back down, you open your legs wide and spread your pussy for Yuuta to see, another hand rubbing at your clit slowly.
“‘S too empty, baby.” You fight back the hot wave of embarrassment that floods your body at your crudeness and use all your will power to stay still, cunt on full display, as you watch Yuuta’s breath quicken and his hand snake down to tug at his cock again despite the slight sensitivity he’s still feeling.
He doesn’t give you much time to linger on your sheepishness before you’re tugged further down the bed by the grip he takes on both of your thighs, his tongue impatiently shoved into your mouth with a loud whimper. You both stay like this a little while longer than you would have liked, his tongue running along the inside of your mouth before he has yours between his lips, switching between sucking on it loudly and licking at the saliva that drips down onto your chin.
God, he was so dirty.
Unable to beg for more, you attempt to wrap your legs up and around his midsection, hoping he’ll catch the hint, but instead you’re stopped by a firm placement of his hand on your inner thigh.
“‘Scuse me, beautiful.” His voice is hoarser than before as he speaks softly against your neck, leaving hasty kisses on any exposed skin while scooting down the bed, landing with his face between your legs.
You could have cried when you felt his tongue poke and prod at your hole, pushing in and moaning loudly before licking long and slow up to your clit. His tongue flicks back and forth as he keeps your lips spread with one hand, deciding to then take his time licking and dragging his tongue between every fold before coming back to suck on your clit.
A strangled groan vibrates deep within your chest as you tug on his hair to bring him impossibly closer to your cunt, as if he needed to devour you whole, while you no longer fought the way your hips were grinding down and writhing beneath Yuuta’s grip. It’s not until you finally feel a finger push inside, slender and slow, that you begin to incoherently beg and whine for more.
It doesn’t take many half-spoken pleas for him to get the idea you need more.
“Ah, Yuuta!” You whimper and internally battle between trying to squirm away and press yourself even further into his mouth, overwhelmed by the pleasure of his two fingers inside pumping in and out of you with his mouth nipping and sucking at your clit.
He sits up, kneeling between you to watch the way you take what he’s giving you.
“Yeah?”, his voice is uncharacteristically cocky and out of breath, “Feels good, baby?”
He was going to be the death of you.
If it wasn’t for the way Yuuta was placed between your thighs, your efforts to clamp them shut would be working. It was all too much, but so fucking good.
“Ah- fuck, oh, oh my god - Yuuta please make me come. Wanna come so bad!” You arch your back and attempt to sit up to reach him, needing him closer, but a hand on your chest pushes you back down and slides up until it rests wrapped around your throat.
“Mmm, I’ll give it to you baby, just want you stay right there. Wanna see what you look like when I make you finish for the first time.” His hand wasn’t holding tight, it was merely keeping you in your spot beneath him, but you wanted him to grab you tighter.
With a shaky hand, you reached to hold onto his wrist like your life depended on it,
“Please choke me.”
His fingers stopped curling into you for maybe a second before he continued, his mouth parting slightly as a gentle moan fell from his lips.
Did you really just ask him that?
You closed your eyes in bliss when he squeezed gently, instinctually doing your best to grind down onto his hand, but it wasn’t enough.
“T-tighter, please.”
It took everything in you to open your eyes and see his reaction, a slight amount of shame building up in your stomach for requesting something that felt so dirty - but all embarrassment fizzled out where it sat when you saw the way he was staring down at you.
Nothing was said as he squeezed you tighter and tighter until you let out a choked moan, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Tap me twice if it’s too much.” You’re not sure when he leaned down to speak lowly to you, but his breath fanning across the side of your neck and face sends chills down your body.
You’re so lost in the pleasure of it all you can only nod when he takes your hand to show you exactly how he wants you to tap against his wrist if you can’t take it anymore.
He sits back up and smiles to himself as he takes you in. You look so.. so.. so pathetic like this. And what, all because he’s got two of his fingers fucking your pussy? Cause he’s the first person to ever make you feel this way?
The latter thought makes his dick twitch and pick up the pace of his fingers until even you can register the crude squelching coming from between your thighs. Thankfully for you, you’re too full of bliss to care - fuck you were so close, and he knows it, too.
Your eyes shoot open when his grip is tightened even more, making it so you can only take in shallow and shaky breaths.
“Gonna have to come around my fingers if you want me to loosen up.” It wasn’t a question of how much you could take, it was a matter of how far you wanted him to go to make you see stars. And apparently this was it with the way he could feel you clench around him at his words, your thighs starting to thrash and shake.
“Fuck, you’re so dirty. My dirty little cunt, huh?” His voice was so misleadingly soft. His register was still high, slightly whiny, but you knew it was all to mock you and your fucked out state. If anything, Yuuta was the one being so dirty, and you were thankful for it.
It was hot, so hot, and you could hear your heart pounding in your head, and you could feel how tight you were clenching around his fingers.
Unable to fight off the feeling and attempt to last a second longer, your body shook as you came hard around Yuuta’s fingers, your nails digging into the forearm of the hand still wrapped around your throat. He kept it there for a brief few moments into your orgasm before letting go to immediately bring his fingers down to your clit, helping you ride out your orgasm for as long as you could handle.
The first full breath you took was loud and followed by an even louder mantra of thank you’s and please’s. It took a soft and slow kiss from Yuuta to quiet your whimpers, and warm, and undeniably semi-sticky hands, rubbing tenderly into your thighs and arms.
You both stayed like that for a while, Yuuta above you with his hands rubbing your muscles carefully, kissing slow and catching your breath while sharing gentle sentiments of love and reassurance. Much to your surprise, you were the first to speak a full sentence as you both relaxed into a more comfortable position.
“Ya know”, your voice had a slight hoarseness to it now, most likely from your earlier activities, “I don’t think I like knowing someone else has gotten to see you like this.”
He brings his head up to rest on his palm with a crooked smile, leaning forward until his lips ghosted over yours as he spoke,
“Yeah? You the jealous type baby?”
This time, you did smack him. And hard.
“Ow?” Yuuta pouts, pretending to be appalled, and rubs circles into his chest as if you had actually smacked him hard enough to feel like anything more than a friendly pat.
His request for an apology is brushed off and amended with a kiss, from which you receive no protest, as you sink further into the comfort of his embrace and, now dirty but once very clean, sheets.
“How about we clean up n get some rest, okay baby?” He sounds distant and quiet when he speaks, his heartbeat louder in your ears than his voice with your head pressed into his chest.
Sighing and shaking his head, he leans down to kiss the top of your head with a small smile. Laundry and a shower can wait a few more minutes if it means he gets to have you like this for even a little bit longer.
taglist: @plutowrites @alert-arlert (I think you asked to be tagged in this??? If not I’m sorry !! This was like a literal year ago I started this so 😭🫶) @touyaz (only cause you liked the snippet 🤭) if you’d like to be added just lemme know!!
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loveronlineee · 2 years
You’re in Trouble (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: Swearing, threats of violence
Synopsis: As the gang are looking around the boathouse, Y/N joins them on the hunt for Eddie but her angry demeanour makes the others worried of what will happen when they do
Y/N notes: shorter than Eddie
This one was requested by @lily-sinclair-2006​ ! I liked the idea of Y/N being pissed that he may have cheated on her rather than the more important thing, that he might of killed someone lol.  I’m working on The Metal Head and the Material Girl part 2 and it should be out some time this week so look out for that!
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here!
“What a dump.” Dustin mumbled as the group entered the boat shed. Steve pulled an oar off of the wall and began jabbing at the tarp in the boat. Dustin pulled a face at him.
“What are you doing?” The younger one asked.
“He might be in here.” Steve calmly replied, continuing to jab.
“So take the tarp off!”
“If you’re so brave, you take the tarp off!” The door to the shed burst open, spooking everyone inside. They all turned to see Y/N L/N in the doorway. She gave them an angered confused look.
“Y/N?” Steve questioned, lowering the oar.
“Steve? The fuck are you lot doing here?” The girl looked at each of the group.
“Uh we could ask you the same question?” Steve replied.
“I’m looking for my bitch ass boyfriend that’s what I’m doing.” Y/N explained, walking further into the shed and looking around.
“Oooooooh yeah I totally forgot Eddie had a girlfriend.” Steve said to the group. Dustin gave him a look of disbelief.
“Yeah you couldn’t have remembered that sooner?? It would have been real helpful to know that the person we’re looking for is dating someone!!!”
“Alright alright I’m sorry! She graduated two years ago, haven’t seen her since so she slipped my mind! Uh no offence Y/N.” Steve put a hand up in Y/N’s direction as she continued to look around.
“None taken Harrington, so you guys found anything?”
“Uh n-no not yet.” Dustin replied. “Uh hi Dustin Henderson, Eddie’s friend. Do you know where he might’ve gone if not here?”
“I went to his trailer the morning after it happened, police wouldn’t let me get too close. Eddie’s uncle, Wayne, didn’t have clue to where he went either. I checked all over my house just in case but he wasn’t there. I went to our old spot in the woods outside the high school, then our one at Lover’s Lake, nothing. And now I’m here.” Y/N sounded more and more annoyed the more places she listed off.
“And I just wanna make sure…” Dustin began. “That you don’t think Eddie did it?”
“Of course he didn’t.” Y/N replied, finding it stupid he’d even ask. “That boy will cry over roadkill we pass on the way to my house ain’t no way in Hell he killed Chrissy Cunningham.”
“And you think he’ll still be alive?” Dustin asked, wanting the confirmation.
“Either he’s dead or I’m gonna kill him myself.” Y/N answered back.
“Hey.” Max called. “Look over here.” Wrappers from different snacks laid about on a table.
“Maybe he heard us?” Robin suggested. “Got spooked and ran?”
“Don’t worry. Steve will get him with his oar.” Dustin said sarcastically.
“I know you think you’re being funny Henderson but considering everyone in the room, apart from Y/N, has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slight-“ Suddenly Eddie jumped out and pushed Steve to the wall. A broken beer bottle to his throat. Everyone immediately panicked trying to calm Eddie down.
“You’re focusing on the wrong person Munson.” Eddie turned at the familiar voice, dropping the bottle. He began walking over to her, a relieved smile appearing.
“Babe-“ Y/N slapped him clean across the face. Everyone fell silent.
“You wanna explain why Chrissy Cunningham was in your trailer?”
“W-What?” Eddie managed to say.
“Chrissy. In your trailer. Late at night. No call from you.”
“I- wh- she was-“ Y/N glared up at him. He sighed, exasperated. He didn’t care that she was mad, he had to say it. “You have no idea how happy I am to see your face after the time I’ve had.” Eddie opened his arms to her.
“I’m waiting for an explanation.” Y/N did not hug him. She stood there with her arms folded. Eddie went limp and gathered his thoughts.
“R-Right right, she was buying from me. Wanted something stronger, we had to go back to mine. That’s it. That’s it I swear.” Eddie looked at Y/N, pleading for her to believe him. She could see in his eyes that he was craving any sort of affection from her. She sighed and placed a hand on his cheek.
“You dummy. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, his arms going around her waist. “I was so fucking worried about you.”
“I’m sorry. I would’ve contacted you, I would’ve but I-I just couldn’t.”
“I know. It’s okay. I’m sorry too.” The couple pulled away.
“Yeah no kidding babe. You really went for it.” He rubbed his cheek, feeling the hot sting from the slap. “So you really thought I cheated on you?”
“Well what was I supposed to think?” Eddie smiled and wrapped himself around her once again, this time making sure he could still see her face. Y/N rested her hands on his chest.
“Y/N I’m lucky you even acknowledge my existence, let alone are my girlfriend. What kinda delusional asshole would I be if I went off with another girl?”
“The worst.” Y/N teased.
“Yeah. I’d be the worst.” He leaned down, to kiss her. Pushing back on her a little, hungry for her affection. He didn’t realise how much he needed this until it was happening. An awkward cough brought the two back to reality.
Ah right. They weren’t alone.
“Okay glad you two lovebirds made up. Now can we please shift our focus back to the important stuff?” Dustin asked.
“Right. Yeah. Sorry Henderson it’s… it’s been a rough day.”
Tag list: @Mikinyi @justaproudslytherpuff @angelicjinwoo @k12baby @spiderman-berries @ruhro7 @justanotherhappyidiot @dontcallmesavvy @kenzi-woycehoski @gh0stm3g @lagataprrr @spencersbookbag @ygrworld @ambernicole90 @alwaysbeenfamous @angelsarecallin @voteforevilthoughts @iameddiemunsonshair @hellf1reclub @phobles-world @isshecleverorisshecrazy @olrjmarvete @b-bella9 @ultraoliviajeromethings-blog  @beatlebeesstuff @korescomaactually @bilesxbilinskixlahey @darkened-writer @nightless @gnkkstarz @cullenswife @killergoddessmm @preciousbabypeter @uselessbutinteresting @frogtits1 @lotus-es @padfootpottah99 @siriuslysmoking @enoumen-t @marrigold-2002 @nightless @the-mysterious-miss-s @olrjmarvete @evie-119 @rand0m—fangirl @felicityofbakerstreet @lotus-es @v0idl1nq @stv-1-ncent @eiviea @iheartcb @grumpyy-bearr @purple-flamingo @eddiessoulmate @violetrainbow412-blog @mcueveryday @marauders3rawh0re @ravenhood2792 @dragonalpha54 @slytherinintj13 @pastel-abyss-x @missscarlettangel @charli123456789 @henhouse-horrors @erikaar @golden-hoax @fairynamjoonie @caramelkatsukis-bitch @sun-faced @somerandomasgardian @helensophie @avobabe87 @s-u-t @superheavymetalunicorn @low-keyyyyy @carliuxima @avarose06 @ticharluv @ijustfndamilldllrsthatsmnefgt @gia-maybank @takemetoneverland420 @notbeforelong @lovepity @falling4uke @emiijemii @chocolatestudentllamabanana @milkiane @montgomery-fucking-gator @girl-in-the-chairs-void @ourheartsofsteel @simp4fictional @sakurarou @nyctophiliiiiaaa @just-that-bi-girl @ieatrocks1 @beautifulrunwaymodelwombat @geeksareunique @chiggennuggie @levylovegood @eddie-swhore @char1389 @chaerwithluv @annikin-im-panicin @mmmxmo @cestlavie03 @selenelouvel @thanatophobiawilldestroyme @unicorntrooper @jmj-1312 @nxrdamp @funn-sizedd @idblamekate @miraakswhore @7myoi @vintageleather @lemongirl5910 @hermie62 @tuskjohnny @madcosss 
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clemblog · 24 days
Caine’s Lesson - Part 5
Pomni watched in fear as The Fudge Monster charged down the main road to get to them.
No. No. No. No. No!
She’d done so well-
This couldn’t happen to Lou-
She’d been so brave-
Things seemed to fall in slow motion as it lunged at the pair, grabbing them and sniffing at them.
“NOT CANDY… CANDY!” Boomed the monster, his grip slowly releasing Pomni.
She was falling. Lou was in the clutches of her kingdoms devourer.
It was over, wasn’t it?
But then everything began to move in slow motion. A gun shot rang through the atmosphere, the fudge monster reeling back in pain with a pained screech.
“Go on boys! Another shot and Princess Lou will be out of that beasts clutch in a jiffy!” Called out a familiar voice. Pomni found herself being caught by a soft but strong figure. Now she was on a horse? The gentle arms who’d caught her now wrapped around her, keeping her steady as she got her barings.
“It’s alright Miss, my lads will get Lou down unharmed. My names Gummigoo, this is my mare Tang, she’s a gentle girl. She’ll get you to safety.”
“That’s me! What’s your name?”
“I’m P-Poms-“
The two were interrupted by further gun shots and the crash of the Fudge Monsters arm falling to the ground. Max quickly pulled her up onto his own horse whilst Chad continued to shoot at the Fudge, giving the group a better chance at escaping unscathed.
“Alright boys! Off we go!”
The three gummy horses charged off into the open land, the groggy groans of the fudge monster not far behind.
“W-Wait a minute! You’re the bandits who stole the kingdoms syrup-“ Spoke up Lou, eventually. Her grip began to loosen on Max in her anxiety.
“I’d recommend holding on Princess.” Began Max, quickly.
“We’ll explain when we get to safety Princess Lou.” Murmured Gummigoo, focusing on the road in front of him.
“I-I think we should listen to them Lou-“ Stammered Pomni, trying not to focus too much on Gummigoo’s arms around her.
Get it together Pomni, he’s just riding a horse.
“They did save us afterall-“ She added, quickly.
The group fell into silence as the bandits focused on out witting the fudge monster that was slowly pursuing them.
It gave Pomni a chance to think.
Gummigoo was still alive!
He just- didn’t remember her-
Maybe that was for the best…
Hopefully this time he wouldn’t glitch out of the world- And loose his sanity-
Maybe… They’d have a chance this time… To be friends.
Kinger wasn’t sure if he should be doing this… But in one of his moments of clarity, he needed to talk to Caine. One of his oldest friends. Something was wrong in the circus. Everyone was going up the wall. His poor sweet Ragatha… The young lady who’d been there for them when he’d lost his Queen. She was ruining herself over worry for Pomni.
So, he had to say something. For her sake.
Caine used to have a point of access in the circus. Where his residents could get to him if they needed to. He’d long since stopped telling everyone where it was, but Kinger remembered. Sometimes- He remembered where it was right now- So, he’d head in.
“I-It’s gonna be okay Ragatha- P-Pomni will come back! You’ll go get her or-or Caine will bring her back- Then! You get to hug her and hold her and she’ll never disappear again! You can tell her how you feel- And she’ll obviously reciprocate- Because she’s just so wonderful how can you not be with her- She compliments you perfectly and you can make her so happy- She doesn’t have to worry about being in the circus ever again! You’ll talk to Caine- You’ll get Jax to back off- Kinger will be so happy for you that’ll he start to remember things better again! Y-You just gotta get Pomni back!
And everything will be okay!”
“Woah.” Gasped Lou, as the group began to encroach upon a large looking ranch far from the kingdom.
“Princess Lou!”
She quickly jumped down from Max’s horse, running over to her surviving citizens.
“My gosh! I thought you where all gone-“
“Never Princess Lou!”
“We’ll always stay kicking for you!”
Gummigoo helped Pomni off Tang with a gentle hand.
“S-So- This is some kind of safe ranch?” Asked Pomni, curiously.
“You’d be correct Poms!” Nodded Gummigoo. “To be honest, my family have never been sure about that Caine god, so just in case we’ve been building our lives out ere!”
Pomni nodded along at this. “Guess that worked out then-“
“It sure did! Now, come on! Come meet Ma. She always greets the new members and something tells me you’ll be a good old member to have with how you protected Princess Lou out their-“
“Oh- Are you sure-?” Asked Pomni, gently, she tried to keep a level face as she remembered the lack of an asset for said individual in the deep clipping parts of the world.
“Of course! She always greets everyone! And by everyone, crikey, I mean everyone. My Pa always said her heart was too big for her chest.”
Pomni snickered at this gently.
“I think that’s true for a lot of moms-“
“Oh definitely, now come on, Ma don’t like to be kept waiting!”
“Ma! Meet Poms, we found her helping Princess Lou. She’s got a pretty nifty set of bandit skills if you ask me!”
“Oh my! What a pretty lass you are! Welcome to Croco Ranch, Poms. I’m Lullyloo, but you can call me Ma. Everyone does!”
“N-Nice to meet you Ma-“
Pomni couldn’t believe she was here- Was this world developing in assets as she made her way through..? Would it keep going as long as she was here? She really hoped so- Cause she’d stay here forever if so.
She felt alive here.
She missed the feeling.
Part 6
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xxspringmelodyxx · 10 months
Betrayal (Finale) ~
Morax (Zhongli) x Reader (Angst)
And here it is, my beautiful readers! The final chapter of this story! I gotta say, it was really fun to write this, and I am so happy you all enjoyed it as well! I hope you enjoy this final chapter just as much! So, without further ado, grab your popcorn and enjoy the ride. Thank you all again for all the love and support on this story! <333333
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“I thought I told you to stay away from Morax! Don’t you know how to listen?!” Guizhong yelled as she stepped in front of Morax.
“Did you really think that I would ever listen to a psycho such as yourself?” You said sternly
“You should have. You really should have, Y/n.” She said, her hands balling up
“No. No one, especially you, gets to tell me what to do. I make my own decisions, no one else.” You said back
“My, my. You have gotten quite confident haven’t you? What changed?” She teased.
She walked up closer to you, her heels clacking with the ground. She put her finger to her chin
“Hmm. Was it maybe because the other archons around you don’t think very highly of you? Is that it?” She said, making your hands slowly ball up. You looked around you, seeing the other archons look away from you to avoid eye contact.
“Or maybe it’s because you aren’t strong enough to take power over even the smallest group of people.”
“Enough, Guizhong.” Morax said. 
Sure, he felt hurt that you had moved on, but that doesn’t give Guizhong any right to treat you like this. 
“No. I wanna find out what made her this way. What conflict could she have possibly had that made her turn out this way?”
Just as she reached you, she stopped and smirked, turning around to look at Morax. 
She then looked back at you and bent towards your ear, whispering ever so softly,
“Or…was it possibly because the one and only man you ever loved…turned out to be the one and only man who broke your heart because he chose me instead of you?” She asked. 
She leaned back a bit and stared at you with a menacing look.
Your anger started to rise, vines slowly forming around the windows. Guizhong looked out of the corner of her eye, seeing what was going on.
“Ah, ah, ah. Wouldn’t want to start a scene now would we? I mean, afterall, these people are on my side. Even Morax. It would be foolish of you to start something you cannot finish.” She said, making you look at her with hurt eyes. 
Kai looked at you and held your hand, trying to help calm you down.
“Ignore her. We can’t do it here. Not now.” He whispered in your ear.
Morax saw this and couldn’t help but get more jealous each minute you two were together.
Your hand slowly unballed itself, the vines slowly going back down to their natural state.
“That’s a good girl.” She mocked, straightening herself up.
“Now, why don’t you turn around and go. You’ve already embarrassed yourself enough, haven’t you?” She asked, turning on her heel. You looked up at Morax with tears in your eyes. You couldn’t believe you were still emotional over him, especially after all this time! All of the work you put yourself through went completely down the drain. You hated yourself for it.
“Oh!” Guizhong said as she suddenly remembered something. An evil smirk making its way to her face.
“And give these to Asuka. Tell him we are all sorry for what happened to Airi.” She said, tossing something at you.
You and Kai both stopped in your tracks, all the composure in your body completely gone. You slowly turned around, looking at the gift below you to see a little ceramic item.
“That’s it.” You said, your voice calm, but clearly furious.
Kai tried to hold you back once more, afraid of what would happen to you.
“No, Y/n. Please, stop.” He said, wrapping his arms around your body to hold you back.
Morax tried to stand up, his jealousy getting the best of him, but Guizhong held him down.
“They are not worth it.” Guizhong said, making Morax look up at her like she was insane. 
“He is grabbing onto her!” He replied with a frustrated tone.
“Who cares?” She asked. He was getting more skeptical about her every second that passed.
Meanwhile, Kai was working hard to hold you back. But you couldn’t stand it anymore. You were going to get your revenge, not only for you, but for Airi as well. Guizhong took her parents away from her…and now she took her life, too. All because Guizhong wanted to keep you out of the way?
You grunted, trying to get Kai off of you.
“Stop, Y/n. Stop!” He yelled
“NO!” You yelled back. Out of instinct, you stomped your foot on the ground, which was a mistake.
The contact between your foot and the ground created a large burst underground. It forced Kai away from you into a couple other archons. 
The impact was so great that it caused the entire room to shake, allowing some items to fall. There were mumbles and whispers from other archons as they saw what you were able to do. 
You looked down and saw the huge cracks you left in the ground, seeing a trail of tree roots peeking out of them.
You looked back up and saw Morax staring at you in awe, never seeing you use your powers to harm anyone, accident or not. Meanwhile, Guizhong just stared at you with frustration.
You slowly walked up to the object, seeing it was a little bunny. 
You stared at it, your breath getting heavier with each moment you looked at it. Memories of you, Airi, and Asuka playing in an open field with little creatures started to form. Seeing how happy the two were when they saw a little baby bunny you had brought over. Seeing how in love Airi was when she saw the cute thing. Remembering her asking if she could keep it for the rest of the day. Remembering her laughter and bright smile  as she got to cuddle with it. All of those memories and more came running back to you, making your blood boil.
You grabbed the ceramic item and threw in on the ground, smashing it to bits and pieces, making people around you gasp.
“Don’t act like you care, you heartless bitch!” You yelled, tears making their way to your eyes once more. 
Guizhong glared at you, walking towards you carefully.
“I am not heartless! I was just trying to make things better for him-”
“No, you were trying to make yourself feel better!” You yelled, making Morax stare at you, his heart breaking again as he saw how distressed you were.
“”I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She said, scoffing at you
“You know exactly what you did.” You said
“What is she talking about?” Morax interjected
Guizhong quickly turned to him and smiled psychotically.
“Nothing, my dear. She is obviously insane, and should be put in a mental institute right away!” She yelled
“You killed her!” You yelled, making everyone go silent. 
“You killed her, and made it seem like it was nothing! And all of you so-called archons didn’t even help!” You yelled, looking at the others in the room with tears falling down your eyes.
“She was only 9 years old!” You said
Suddenly, the archons started to look away in guilt and shame.
“She was only 9 when Guizhong took her parents away. She was only 9 years old when her own life was taken away! Do none of you see anything wrong with that?! How could you all just….just stand there and act like everything was okay? Especially when she sent you all calls for help?!” You said
“And not only her, but hundreds…thousands of other helpless citizens called for your help! And now they are all gone because you didn’t do anything to help them! How can you look at yourself and think you are anywhere near what an archon is?! You ignored them and let them die…and you know what?” You asked, making all of them slowly look up at you.
“You all are so stupid that you didn’t even know that the monsters that were killing them all were all coming from her.” You said, pointing towards Guizhong.
“Come on, Y/n. There is no way Guizhong would do that-” Morax started to say
“Oh and here we are again. The one and only Morax, the Geo Archon, The man of Contracts. Helping defend Guizhong once again. Well you know what, Morax? Go ahead! Do it. Honestly, I’d be surprised if you didn’t!” You yelled at him
“Y/n, I-”
“Save it! I knew it was a mistake ever trusting you. I knew it was a mistake falling oh so deeply in love with you.” You mocked.
Morax felt his chest tighten, feeling like there were nails going down his throat as you talked to him like that. 
“I’m glad you chose her. Because thanks to you, I dodged what would have been the biggest mistake in my life. Being with you.” You said, your anger getting the best of you.
“Y/n…you don’t mean that. Please, you know I love you. I always have…I just-”
“Enough. I don’t care for what you have to say. You broke me. Absolutely shattered me.” You said, your voice faltering.
Tears began to build up inside Morax’s eyes, his guilt all coming back to him at once.
“And besides, I’m not here for you.” You started, turning your vision towards Guizhong.
“I'm here for her. To finish what she started.” You said.
Suddenly, there was a split second of absolute silence. No one moved, no one breathed. They all sat there, fearful of what was about to happen.
Then, out of nowhere, a large tree root burst out of the ground and slammed right into Guizhong. 
People screamed and began to run out of the large building.
However, some of the archons stayed put and ran after you to stop you. 
A man placed his hands on your arms, holding you back. You grunted as you tried to escape free from his hold. 
You looked ahead of you and saw three other men and women coming after you. You knew you had to act quick. Otherwise, this will all be for nothing.
You threw your head back, hitting his nose as hard as you could. The man cried out in pain, accidentally letting you go. You turned to him and kicked him right in the groin, making his breath leave his body. You saw that he had a sword in his sheath, so you grabbed it quickly. He tried to grab it back, but you brought your elbow up to his face and knocked him out. 
You turned around, seeing the three people right behind you. You forced your sword out as a warning.
They didn’t hold back, and instead, they ran after you with their weapons.
You quickly placed your arm on the outer left sword, pushing it into the other two swords on the right. You then wrapped your arm around the arms of the swords, blocking the archons from moving.
You then flipped over the swords and used your leg to kick each of them away, pulling their swords out of their hands and throwing them someplace else. 
They all got back up on their feet with ease and ran after you. However, you dropped the sword and raised your hands, a dark green glow emitting from each hand.
All three of them stopped, hesitant of what you were going to do to them.
“You all saw what I could do with a sword. Do you really want to see what I can do with my own magic?!” You warned, making them all back up a bit.
However, while you were focusing on them, you didn’t realize the large rock hurling towards you. 
You were knocked back into a wall, causing you to lose focus for a second.
“Get out of here, now!” A familiar voice said. You saw a blurry scene of feet running past you, getting to a safe area.
You tried to get up, but the rock that hit you made that hard
“Y/n. Please, stop. This isn’t you.” The voice said, making you look up at the person to see none other than Morax
“Y-You…used your ability on me?” You asked in disbelief.
“I have to if it will stop you. Please, Y/n. I know you are mad about everything, but please don’t blame Guizhong. She was just trying to help-” “NO! SHE WASN”T!” You lashed out at him, a large vine growing and pushing him back. 
You pushed him up against a wall, the vine slowly wrapping around his neck.
“Y/n…stop…”He gasped out as he slowly raised up in the air.
“No. All you have done is betray me over and over again. You don’t know what it was like.” You said, tears slipping out of your eyes again.
“You don’t know what it was like to watch someone you care for die in your arms. To see that little sparkle slowly disappear out of their once lively eyes. You weren’t there when those ruthless animals that Guizhong created killed her. Killed her family. Killed hundreds of other people.”
He stared at you, watching you pour your feelings out.
“You don’t know what it’s like to get your heart broken over and over again. And the person who caused all of it, is someone you’re defending.” You said, tightening the vine.
“Why are you doing this, Morax? Do you really hate me that much?” You asked, your power faltering, allowing him to breathe again.
He fell to the ground, grabbing his throat as he gasped in precious air. 
He then looked up to you, seeing you fall to your knees
He quickly ran to you and held your hands, holding you close to his chest.
“Don’t ever say that again. I could never hate you, Y/n. I love you. I really do. And I’m sorry about…about everything. I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry all I ever did was cause you pain and heartbreak. That was never my intention.” He started, making you look up at him
“Y/n, I am not lying when I say I have loved you for so long. After you left, that love grew and grew. It killed me everyday that you weren’t here with me. I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything. I was and am so lost without you, and I realized that was my fault. I know I’m the one that pushed you away and I am truly, deeply sorry. I know what I did will never be forgivable, but please know that I really do love you, Y/n. And only you. No one else.”
“Then why did you choose-”
“I was angry. And I shouldn’t have been. I was being selfish and was mad at you for making me choose…when in reality, you were right. I treated you like garbage when Guizhong showed up.”
“Why? Why did you?”
“Y/n…I loved you so much…and I still do love you so much. But before I knew you shared the same feelings for me, I tried to get rid of those romantic feelings. I was so afraid that my love for you would destroy our already amazing relationship. I didn’t want you to leave me. So…I tried to push those feelings onto Guizhong. I tried to fall in love with her like I did with you.”
“Did you?”
He smiled a bit, placing his hand on your face.
“No. Not in the slightest. That love I felt for you could and only would be for you. And it still is that way, Y/n. But you have got to stop this. For us. Please.” He begged, a tear falling out of his eye. 
Your heart was confused at this point. It was racing fast at his confession to you…but at the same time, he still didn’t believe you. He believed you were imagining it.
You pulled his hands away from your face, pushing him away. You got up to your feet
“Y/n-” He started, standing up as well.
“If you love me. If you truly love me, then show it.”
“What do you mean?” He asked
“Show me you love me by trusting me. Trust that I know what I am doing.” You said, making him look down at you. 
He truly did love you, but he wasn’t sure about this. You were going to hurt Guizhong with an accusation that you haven’t proved yet. 
But he looked in your eyes and saw that same glint he once saw starting to show up again. He knew what he had to do. He couldn’t lose you again. 
He sighed and nodded.
“Okay. I trust you.” He said. You stared at him with a bit of surprise, not expecting him to say that.
“Just…please be careful. I don’t want to lose you again.” He said, caressing your cheek. You couldn’t say anything, not used to his gesture. Instead, you just nodded
Unfortunately, before Morax could do anything else, a large gust of dust spewed at him, forcing him back against a wall with the other archons.
“Morax!” You yelled in fear as you saw how hard his head hit the wall.
Kai quickly ran to him to aid his injuries.
You snapped your head around to see Guizhong walking down to you, anger evident in her face.
“I told you to leave him alone!” Guizhong said, forming a small dust tornado in her hand. She then threw it towards you, watching it grow bigger and bigger as more dust was added.
Your eyes widened as it was coming straight for you.
“Y/n, move!” Kai yelled
You jumped out of the way, just barely dodging it. Instead, it hit four large caryatids, completely destroying them.
Guizhong growled in frustration, whipping her hand to the left. Within an instant, a large gust of dust formed, throwing you to a wall.
“Y/n!” Morax yelled, trying to get up to help you. Kai, however, pushed him back down.
“What the hell are you doing?! Let me go!” He yelled towards the man.
“No, you are far too hurt. If you do anything more, you could seriously injure yourself!” Kai yelled back
“I don’t care! I would do anything for Y/n! Wouldn’t you? You’re hers now, aren’t you? Treat her like it and help me help her!” Morax said
Kai looked at Morax with confusion for a split second before realizing what he said.
“Gross! Y/n and I aren’t together! And I don’t love her like that! I love her as my sister!” Kai said
Morax suddenly shut up, looking at Kai with a look of confusion, but mostly relief.
“So…you don’t…love her the way I love her?” Morax asked, making Kai face palm.
“Dude, how dull are you? How are you deemed one of the smartest and strongest archons, yet you don’t even understand the basic emotions such as love?” He asked, making Morax look down.
“Look, I only see her as a sister and she only sees me as a brother. That’s it.” Kai stated, tending to Moraxs’ wound
“And here I was thinking she had moved on already.” Morax said, feeling like a complete idiot. Kai chuckled, grabbing Morax’s attention.
“What is so funny?” 
“Y/n is far from moving on.” 
“What do you mean?” He asked
“Where do I even start? Dude, she wouldn’t stop talking about you whenever you were brought up. One time, my little brother brought her a rock in the shape of a star and that made her start talking about how you would always give her beautifully shaped and handmade rocks.”
Morax stayed silent. He never felt so stupid.
“She even talked about your favorite drink and food when we cooked together. Gosh, honestly it was getting annoying every now and then.”
“Why?” “Because I could see how much she loves you. How much she misses you. Yet at the same time, I couldn’t understand why because you broke her heart.”
Morax turned his vision towards you, seeing you on the ground. 
“I made a mistake. One that changed my entire life…Now I need to fix it.” Morax said, pushing himself up.
“What?! No, Morax! You’ll hurt yourself and Y/n would never forgive me!” Kai yelled, holding Morax back. 
He quickly turned around, his hair starting to float from frustration.
“I would die if it meant saving Y/n. Now let me go!” Morax yelled at Kai, his voice deepening as his eyes emitted a bright yellow glow.
Kai quickly let go of Morax, not wanting to anger the archon any further.
Guizhong walked towards you slowly, forming more dust to hold you down on the ground.
“I told you. You should’ve listened” She yelled, a plethora of her monstrous creatures forming around her. Everyone stared at her in shock, including Morax
“She was right! Y/n was right!” A lady yelled
“We have to help her! There’s no way she can stop all of those creatures by herself!” A man yelled.
Soon, people tried to come and help you after discovering the truth, but Guizhong pushed them all back with a strong dust storm.
“Enough! Leave her and me be.” Guizhong said, focusing her attention back to you. She walked up to you and pulled your hair back.
“You should have stayed dead when I stabbed you. But now, I’m going to make sure you die. Once and for all!” 
That’s when Morax’s mind went blank as he stared at Guizhong.
“You…what?” He asked, his mind slowly going dark.
Guizhong turned to Morax, rolling her eyes.
“Oh come on, Morax. Don’t tell me you still have feelings for the girl. You and I belong together! We are the ultimate couple that everyone will talk about. She doesn’t deserve you. I do!” She said
Suddenly, things clicked for him
“All those things you showed me the day she supposedly died…you did that! You hurt her and then tried to blame someone else for it!” He yelled, his head pounding. She frowned
“Yes. I am sorry I lied to you, but I needed to! All you talked about was Y/n. I couldn’t even get you alone anymore because you were too busy worrying about Y/n. Y/n this, Y/n, that. Gosh, she is such a pill! I can’t possibly understand what you ever saw in her!” Guizhong said
That’s when Morax saw red. He couldn’t believe she lied and manipulated him when he was at his lowest! But most importantly, Guizhong hurt you. She almost killed you. And no one gets to hurt you unless they want to face his wrath. 
Suddenly, he raised his hand, causing the ground to shake. The debris from the building quickly formed together to create a large boulder.
Morax shouldn’t have been doing this. He was already severely injured due to his head, so this was just making things worse for him. But he wouldn’t let Guizhong get away with this. He wouldn’t let her or anyone else hurt you ever again.
Everyone stared at the boulder as it slowly rotated in place. It was almost the size of a building.
“Take this, you lying bitch” He said uncharacteristically. 
He then threw it towards her, hitting her far away from you.
Your eyes widened as you looked behind you, seeing Morax. 
He looked at you, blood trickling down his head. A small smile plastered on his face as his eyes slowly started to close
“I’m…sorry…I ever….doubted you…” He said, slowly passing out.
“Morax?!” You asked with worry
“Don’t worry about him. He’s just dealt with too much. I’ll be able to help him. Now it's time for you to do what you came here for. Finish what she started, Y/n. For Airi! For all of us!” Kai said, dealing with Morax’s wound.
You looked away from them, and looked towards Guizhong. She was lying on the ground, but the creatures she created were still forming around her, growling at you as they got closer and closer.
“Run, Y/n!” A few archons said
“Don’t do it! You won’t make it!” Another few said
But you ignored them. You came here to finish things off. You couldn’t back down, not now. 
Your hands slowly opened and rose up as you watched the creatures slowly walk towards you.
A large window was right behind you, which was perfect.
Rapidly, large vines began to grow all around the window, pushing against it to get in.
Everyone stared at you in awe
“Stay.” You started, more vines growing thicker and larger. The window behind you started to crack.
“Away!” You yelled, pushing your hands forward. 
The vines broke past the window, shattering it into pieces. The vines quickly grew towards the creatures and wrapped them up, holding them tightly in place, lifting them up in the air. 
Some managed to escape, but a new vine was created out of another vine, which grabbed the creature again.
The creatures began to whimper as they realized they couldn’t move, nor could they escape.
“I’m sorry it has to be this way.” You apologized. 
The vines began to tighten around them and squeezed as hard as they could until they turned back into dust. One by one, each of the small creatures died, leaving nothing but dust on the ground. 
You ran up to Guizhong and grabbed your sword, ready to end things once and for all. However, she quickly dodged your attack and pushed you away with yet another large gust of dust.
She didn’t stop it, so you had to form a large barrier around you. You stomped on the ground, causing large tree roots to form around you, letting you breathe a little
“Stop hiding, you bitch!” She yelled.
She gathered her hands together, collecting all the dust from the previous creatures she made.
“Fine, if all you’re going to do is hide…then I’ll make you come out forcefully.” She said
Suddenly, the dust gathered together, creating a large object. She swayed her hands around quickly, forming a gigantic wolf. The roots slowly moved away, allowing you to see what she was doing. 
Your eyes widened as you saw the 30 foot creature salivating and snarling at you.
You stared at her with determination, though. Not letting her scare you one bit. 
“Two can play at that game” You murmured. 
You then placed your hands on the ground, pulling any vegetation together. The ground began to shake once more, only this time, it was more brutal. Statues were falling, chandeliers were falling, anything that was fragile was now on the ground and beaten down. Even parts of the walls fell down, creating various openings. 
Right after, large tree roots and branches grew in. Large vines and stems attached to them as well. First, they grew together to create what looked to be a paw, then another, then a large body, and finally, a head. 
Within seconds, you managed to create a large 50 ft animal out of nothing but trees and vines. 
You went over to it and touched it, causing its eyes to glow a bright white color.
Guizhong backed up a bit, shocked at what you were able to do.
The archons behind you watched you in awe, amazed with the power you held.
“You like it?” You asked with a teasing tone. Guizhong just glared at you.
“What’s the matter? Scared now, are we?” You asked.
You then sent your creature off to fight Guizhongs’ creature.
They both pushed against each other. The wolf bit into your animal’s chest, pulling some of the roots out. However, the area that was torn quickly healed back up as the tree branches grew back together.
Your animal then quickly grabbed the wolf's body with its mouth, easily lifting it up. The wolf whimpered from the pain as it was tossed aside. The animal then ran after it, knocking it outside, creating a gigantic hole in the other wall. 
“Everyone outside now!” Kai yelled, getting help to get Morax out.
While this was all going on, you and Guizhong were going at it. 
She tried to punch you, but you easily dodged it. You grabbed her wrist and twisted it, pulling it down. As she went down, you took the opportunity to knee her in the face, breaking her nose. 
She growled and lunged at you, forcing you on your back. She took her sword and tried to pierce you with it, but thankfully, you were able to push against her sword with yours. 
You both grunted, trying to beat each other's strength.
However, Guizhong was filled with so much rage that her strength began to increase more than yours.
Seeing that her sword was getting closer and closer to your chest, you had to do something else to stop her. 
You quickly kicked her in the stomach as hard as you could, making her grip weaken. You took the opportunity to then push her back and get back up on your feet. 
She looked up at you as you brought your foot up to her face and kicked her, forcing her head to turn away from you.
She quickly moved away from you to help get herself up.
You both looked at each other for a split second before running after one another again.
You both clashed your swords together, trying to hit an open area, but you two were always missing due to the other dodging.
You looked down and saw an opening. A perfect opportunity for you to strike to make her fall.
You swung your foot around and kicked her knee backwards, causing it to hyperextend and soon break.
She screamed in agony, feeling the pain surge up her entire body. As she slowly fell to the ground, she tried to hit you with another dust storm, but you stopped her from doing so by throwing your sword at her hand, slicing it.
With that, she finally fell to the ground, allowing you to complete your job.
You ran over to her and stepped on her chest to stop her from getting back up. 
You placed your sword over your head, ready to pierce right through her
However, you stopped as you looked into her eyes. You saw how fearful they were. You saw the tears forming as she realized this was her end.
It reminded you of Airi. She looked almost the same as she died in your arms.
That’s when your arms began to slowly descend, your senses quickly coming back and getting the better of you.
You couldn’t…You just couldn’t kill her. 
“Y/n! What are you doing?” Kai asked, worried what was going on.
You ignored him and kneeled down next to the girl.
“I…I can’t kill you.” You said in defeat, hating that you couldn’t.
Guizhong looked at you with confusion, tears still falling out of her eyes.
“I don’t know why…but something is telling me not too.” You said, not understanding what was going on with you.
Guizhong snuck behind you, grabbing her sword. 
She raised her sword above her, ready to strike, but just as she was about to hit you, another rock came and hit her hard in the head. 
Your eyes looked behind you as you saw Guizhong slowly fall to the ground, letting her sword go as she fell.
You then looked over to see Morax holding his hand up, his body going limp once more.
“NO!” You yelled, your anger coming back again. 
You saw out of the corner of your eye Guizhong getting up, her hand hovering around for her sword. 
You quickly got up and ran after her. You saw her hand just barely reach the end of her sword, but before she could get a full grasp on it, you kicked the sword up, allowing it to land in your hand.
She gasped as she saw you, quickly trying to run away.
“I gave you a chance! And you ruined it!” You yelled, finally throwing the sword towards her at a rapid speed. 
Guizhong didn’t get past 10 feet before the sword sliced right through her chest. Guizhong’s eyes opened wide in shock as she felt the sharp pain go through her entire body. 
She shook, her breath shaky as well as she slowly looked down to see blood pouring out of her chest. She slowly felt her body go numb and cold, causing her to fall to the ground.
She couldn’t believe she had lost. She couldn’t believe you had actually beaten her. And because you beat her, her life was slowly fading away. Soon after, her eyes began to close as her body began to feel tired. 
You, on the other hand, watched her fall, seeing the blood pool out of her chest. You were furious at what she did, well almost did. You looked over to see your creature fighting Guizhongs wolf. It was about to attack your animal, but it quickly stopped in its tracks, confusing the tree animal. The wolf whimpered and howled as it went rabid, feeling its life quickly come to an end. And within seconds, it quickly fell to the ground, turning completely into dust. 
You watched triumphantly as you saw that it was all over now. There will no longer be any more issues from her again. 
However, before you could pat yourself on the back, you were quickly knocked back into reality when you heard Morax groan in pain.
You quickly ran over to him, holding him in your arms.
“Morax! What were you thinking?” You yelled at him, seeing his eyes slowly close
“I…was thinking…about you…” He said
“I couldn’t…let her…hurt you again.” 
“Morax, you idiot! I would have been fine.” You said, holding him close
He breathed in your scent, realizing how much he missed it. He took your hand and kissed it softly,
“I…missed you…” He said
“I missed you, too.” You said, hopeful that he was coming back to his senses.
“I…I'm so sorry…for all the pain….that I caused…” He said, tears running down his eyes.
“Morax, stop. I already forgave you. You have already shown me your love.” You tried to say, but Morax shook his head
“No. I should have shown you my love the day you asked me to pick between you and Guizhong. Because of me, all of this happened. And I’m sincerely sorry.”
“Morax, please stop. I know what you did was a mistake. I understand! And I still forgive you! But now, I just want you to focus on healing. That way we can spend the rest of our lives together. Once and for all. But you have to try and stay up.” You said, your voice breaking.
He didn’t respond, however. His eyes just kept getting closer and closer to closing, making you fear the worst.
“I…love...you” He said, his entire body going cold.
“I love you, too, you idiot! I always have! Please, stay up! Please!” You said.
When he wasn’t responding anymore, you freaked out.
“Morax?! Come on, wake up. Please wake up.” You begged as you saw more blood trickle down his head.
When he wasn’t waking up, your eyes started to water as you looked up at Kai
‘What’s wrong with him?! Why isn’t he waking up??” You asked desperately. 
Kai looked over Morax, checking signs for wounds.
“He is losing too much blood. But I don’t have my tools to help fix it! If I can’t get anything to help him, It’ll be too late.” He said, making your heart sink.
You couldn’t lose him. Not when you just got him back. Not after everything you and him went through.
You stood up, slowly backing away as your body began to shake. Your heart was slowly breaking once more as you saw Morax’s life slowly fade away.
Kai tried to help Morax, but nothing he was doing was helping.
“Does anybody have any medical tools?!” Kai’s voice echoed as he tried to get help.
“Come on! He’s dying! I need help right now!” He yelled again.
You looked at Morax’s lifeless body, getting flashbacks from when Airi died. You fell to your knees as tears started to fall down your face as you tried to think of something, anything that would help Morax.
And then, a realization hit you as you figured there was one more option, one that you had tried to do before but failed. 
It was a low chance that it would work, but you were willing to do anything at this point.
You walked back to Kai, gently pushing him out of the way.
“What are you doing?” he asked, but you ignored him. You couldn’t let anything distract you.
You placed your hand gently on Morax’s chest and began to use your ability on him. 
The area that you touched began to glow a dark green hue. You inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying your best to focus all your energy into your hand. You then began to push more and more of your power out, feeling yourself get tired again. It was just like last time with Airi.
“Come on.” You whispered, opening your eyes. Kai looked at you and saw that your eyes were all white now. He knew exactly what you were trying to do. 
He saw that you were beginning to shake and blood was starting to fall down your nose.
“Y/n, stop. You’re going to kill yourself if you keep going!” He said, but you shushed him
You began to push harder, seeing  your vision start to blacken.
You were light headed from all the power you were using on him.
Soon, vines and tree branches began to circle around you two the more you used your power
“Come on, Morax. I can’t lose you. Please, wake up.” You whispered.
Soon, your skin began to crack, allowing a bright yellow glow to emit from them. Your body felt hot the more you continued. More and more blood was trickling down your nose, but you didn’t care.
You did everything to stay awake, even if it meant it was going to hurt you. 
The green glow from his chest then started to move up to his head and his back, circling around that area. Your eyes widened as this was something you hadn’t seen yet.
You pushed harder, the cracks in your skin growing bigger and brighter. It was like your body was on fire at this point and the pain was becoming too much for you. You yelled loudly, trying to ease the pain. The more and more you did it, the more it was worse on you. “Wake UP!” You cried before your magic backfired on you. A loud burst was created and you were knocked back.
You were so tired, so weak. You felt your body slowly cool down as you started to relax. Nothing but ringing was heard in your ears. Your vision was completely blurry.
You were on the ground, barely functionable. Your half-lidded eyes slowly turned towards the area where Morax was, seeing his body lie there peacefully. 
A few minutes passed as you watched him from the ground, hoping something would happen, but nothing.
That’s when you got your hopes up…You knew he was truly gone. You would never see him ever again. Tears fell down your face like a waterfall as reality hit you. You quietly sobbed as you saw that he was gone, feeling all your emotions pour out of you.
That was until you heard him groan a bit. 
You paused, completely frozen as you stared at him. Soon, his hand began to move. Then his arm. Then his leg. And finally…his eyes opened softly, making your heart burst out of your chest.
You called out for him
You tried to run to him, but you kept falling back to your knees, too weak to stand. He looked over and saw this, making his eyes widen. He got up and ran to you, picking you up in his arms as you two sat together. He held you close to him, still confused as to how this happened.
You were breathing heavily in his arms, just glad to be enveloped in them.
Morax looked at you and saw how weak you were, seeing a lot of blood falling down your nose. He looked at you and realized.
“Did…Did you do this? Did you…heal me?” He asked, making you nod and smile.
You tried to move up, but struggled to. He caught on and helped bring you up to him. 
You got to look at his face, falling in love all over again. You shakily brought your hand up to his face, caressing his cheek. He closed his eyes, loving the feeling.
“I did it…because…I didn’t want to lose you.” You said in a raspy voice. He looked down at you with love in his eyes. He held you close to him, not letting you go one bit. You felt so good in his arms and he felt so good in yours. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, my love.” He whispered in your ear.
You smiled softly, kissing his cheek. He tensed up a bit just from that.
You looked back at him with a soft look. “I told you, I have already forgiven you.” You said, making his heart race.
He brought your face close to his, making both of your faces heat up.
“Then please let me do this.” He said, closing the gap between you two. 
Your eyes widened at the sudden contact. Your lips molded perfectly together as you continued your long awaited kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and closed your eyes, savoring this moment.
The kiss was passionate, yet soft and sweet. Anyone could tell that it was out of pure love for one another.
The kiss lasted for a few minutes before you broke it off to get air. He chuckled at you, and placed his fingers on your chin, raising your head up to look at him.
“I choose you, my love. And I always will. I will prove it to you each and every day if I have to.” he said, making you smile.
“Y/n…will you please be with me for the rest of our lives? So that we can live our happily ever after?” He said, making you chuckle. You pushed a strand of his hair away, bringing him closer to you.
“Of course, Morax. Of course I will.” You said, pulling him in for another kiss.
“I’ve missed you so much.” He said, deepening the kiss.
He let go this time, still holding you right near his face.
“I love you, Y/n. I love you so much. I think I am the luckiest man ever to have someone like you in my life.” He said
“Yeah, you are.” You teased, making him chuckle. You then looked at him in the eyes before talking once more.
“I love you, too. And I always will~’ You said, making his face heat up again.
You two then wrapped each other in your arms again and began to relax.
“Let me go!” Guizhong suddenly said. You and Morax turned your heads to see her being held down by the other archons, surprised to see her alive.
“Don’t worry about her. She won’t be getting away any time soon. You two go back to your lovey dovey situation. We will take care of her.” One of the archons said
“You thought you could kill me, didn’t you? HAHAHA! You should see the stupid look you have on your face right now! You look like an idiot! HAHAHA-” Guizhong said maniacally before being knocked out by another one of Morax’s rocks.
“Take her away. We will deal with her later.” Morax said. The other archons nodded and took her to a place that would keep her trapped until her fate was decided. But before they left, one of the archons stopped to say something to you. 
“Oh and thank you, Y/n. We know we all have a lot to do to make it up to you. But please know that we are all deeply and truly sorry. We should’ve never treated you poorly. You have opened our eyes…and we all realize that we need to make a lot of changes right away. Not for us, but for everyone else who relies on us.” Another said, making you smile and nod. They then took Guizhong away to who knows where, but you two didn’t care. All you cared about was that you had each other now.
You two looked at each other and smiled.
“Now, where were we?” Morax asked as he brought your lips to his, kissing you deeply. You smiled into the kiss, loving every moment of it.
After that, you two began your lives together, living a wonderful life. You had explained everything that happened to Morax, including the people you met: Kai, Airi, and Asuka. When you told him of Airi, he couldn’t help but feel terrible. You reassured him that everything would be fine now, letting him know that she is finally with her parents again. You then helped Asuka and Kai with their small town, helping rebuild it and making it better. They also changed the name of the small town to Liyue in honor of Airi and her parents. Eventually, it would start to grow larger and larger. You and Morax helped other areas as well, defending them against all types of danger, but Liyue was the place for both of you. You both loved that area and so, you both decided to dedicate your lives to protecting it. But no matter what, whatever was going on, you two were always together. And nothing would ever stop that.
NSFW Maybe??
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Saturday Fandom :) Wanted to post links to the last few I know they came over the holidays in case anyone missed them. The master list has also been updated. 4x22 , 5x01, 5x02
We’ve reached our yearning era and I’m here for it. This one may not have a ton but it’s just enough that at we were all dying for more. I was so excited to be an era where very aware of their feelings but couldn’t be together yet. Good stuff. Let us proceed shall we?
5x03-Dye Hard
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We jump one month into the future. Because Lucy has gone to UC school. So our couple has been apart for some time at this point. Making that longing extra intense. Lucy arrives home to a surprise party of sorts. She's just returning home from UC school. Tamara and Chris welcome her back with mustaches. I love how excited she is Lucy is back. Always take some cute hugs with them. She tells Lucy the she has to head to school but wants to hear all about it tonight. I love them so much.
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Leaves us just the clown and Lucy. Bleh. She asks him how he’s doing? Says he’s doing ok. Typing is still hard but he’s glad to be back at work. Was going crazy on the couch. Tells her there’s something else that’s been helping him more. An online group trying to hunt Rosalind. Kinda like the one she was apart of for Aaron’s case back in 4x16. Lucy doesn’t look excited about this idea. He says they contacted him few weeks ago. They call themselves Dye Hards.
Hence the name of the episode. That their research is actually impressive. They compile all their credible tips in an encrypted document. Called the ‘mother doc.’ Lucy’s face is screaming how much she hates all this. But instead of reading her like he should he presses her further. Because it’s Chris…never respects any boundaries she’s putting up but sure man keep going. Force her to read about the one person who sets her PTSD off like no other.
Just so you can have some peace of mind…grumble….Dislike him so very much. Lucy tells him how not healthy this is. (It really isn’t…) That she’s just a patrol officer. He whines about how the task force is ignoring him. Of course they are ya putz. It's why he’s dragging her into this. I hate this very much. Lucy gives in and says she’ll give his doc a look. That good ole guilt driving her decisions about him some more. Smh.
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Roll call starts out with Grey congratulating Lucy. She successfully passed UC school. Telling everyone that is no small feat. Look at Tim ever the proud husband. That look alone says everything you need to know about her crushing it. The soft looks in his eyes. That soft gaze he only reserves for her. *sigh* Oh pining era you are lovely.
Lucy trying to contain her emotions about all of it. Grey calling her out and congratulating her. Tim looking at her like she hung the moon and stars. Couldn’t be more telling if he tried. She can’t even look at him. Just messes with her thermos. Lucy not really knowing how to react to the attention. Especially Tim’s…She just nods and hopes they move on.
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Aaron and Lucy come out of roll call together. Lucy is congratulating him on making P2. Lucy also commends him on being a good aide for Tim. Aaron is very aware of Tim and Lucy. Maybe not everything but enough to offer stepping back. Then asks Lucy if Tim said he’s doing a good job? Lucy says no…that she made that last part up LMAO
Reminds me of 1x02 when Wrigley did the same to her. Thinking she got praise from Tim early on. Only to be crushed by the fact that he hadn't...Yeah you gotta really earn that Tim Bradford praise Aaron lol His reaction to that fake news is hilarious. Lucy can't lie and has to let him know no such praise has happened. Sorry my man.
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Lucy follows it up with he hasn’t replaced him yet LOL I mean that’s a lot coming from Tim. If he wasn't happy he would've traded him away like baseball card. Lucy adding on 'So he’s…happy.' As happy as one could be without his person by his side sure. This next bit it sticks in her throat a bit as she says it.
Telling him he should stick with him. Obviously killing her to be to be apart from him. To pass up taking being his aide once again. But she wants to keep the distance up. For the same reasons as 5x02. Hurts too much to be around him when she can’t be with him. The pining era is so good for these moments. Aaron asks if she’s sure? Because she doesn't seem sure...
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Only they could have such immense chemistry with an intense stare. One that is across the room from each other BTW. The longing is palpable af. Angsty goodness right here. Also those are some smoldering bedroom eyes for Lucy. My god idk how she could function after him looking at her that way. Would make me hot under the collar good god. That man wants her back in his shop. But we know that isn’t happening anytime soon.
So much pining and tension with just one look good lord. His stare does end up affecting her. Her breath hitches a little when they make eye contact. She stammers a little in her advice to Aaron. I love how they find each other those across a room. That magnetic pull only they understand. It’s automatic no matter what’s going on. Lucy rambling on about needing some quiet time anyways..You know for her next steps in her career...
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More like Tim thinking time. Let’s be real. I love how the entire time she’s just staring at Tim. Spending most of their conversation just staring right back. Even when he’s looked down. She misses him so much. That is very evident in this moment. When she finally breaks off her longing she notices Aaron looking at his phone ha Not even paying attention to her anymore. Making a sassy comment that he hasn't even heard a word she's said. He apologizes and says he has to deal with something personal.
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We start out with Tim and Aaron. Tim feeling extra surly after seeing Lucy. Much worse getting to be that close and not really getting to see her. So Aaron is on thin ice when Tim sees him buried in his phone. He apologizes and says he’s having person problem. Tim saying this is a ‘personal life free zone.’ Ha! Not since Lucy Chen entered your life it isn’t…
Aaron tells him it could derail his career. Tim sighs and that little bit of Lucy’s influence comes out. He asks him what it is? Aaron going on about a dating site. Using a thirst trap LOL Tim’s reaction is too damn funny. ‘I wish I didn’t…’ Look at our softie helping Aaron with his problem.
He goes on to tell Tim he was cat-fished and now the dude is blackmailing him. Tim is confused saying he thought the pic didn’t show anything? We find out this guy has photoshopped something worse. He shows it to Tim and I’m dying. ‘Could’ve been worse…At least he was generous. LMAO Oh Timothy I love you so.
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We catch Lucy riding solo. She sees a homeless man go into an abandoned building. Calls it in saying she going to go look for squatters. She calls back in after she’s finds nothing. Saying she is Code 4. That is before she notices a freezer open with wallets in it. The man she followed in traps her in the old walk in freezer. Thankfully it’s out of commission. Unfortunately it blocks her radio signal. Leaving her trapped there with no one to tell she is….You can tell she wants to shout a whole lot of expletives above ha
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Aaron gets contacted by his catfish. He wants a PS5 and delivered to his apt. Tim is so funny in this scene. Saying oh good he’s a dumbass LOL Giving up his location and needing something they can obtain on the way. Aaron doesn’t want to give in but Tim makes a good point about the photo. It’ll be in police evidence and he doesn’t want that ha. Aaron says good thing he has a gamer connection in K-Town. Tim shaking his head not shocked in the least about this. Of course he does...
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Poor Lucy tries once again to get ahold of dispatch but to no avail. She has to try and talk her anxiety down. I would be doing the same thing to try and relax. Telling herself that at some point there will be a welfare check. (Well Tim will for sure…) She can’t do anything until that point. So she pulls out her phone and starts reading that mother doc the clown sent. Lucy is too funny as she reads these messages.
I love her talking to the smiley face on the freezer LOL She is so adorable I cannot stand it. Then she stumbles upon someone making sense. As she reads it aloud something clicks in her brain. A saying Rosalind told Nolan a long time ago. The 5 star meal comment. Lucy starts to get restless again. Jumps up and starts banging on the door for help again.
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They show up to the address and it’s a teenager..he just wanted a PS5. I love how stern and authoritative Tim is with this kid. Saying bad behavior doesn’t get rewarded. Mmm no it doesn’t. Idk why that does it for me with Tim but it does. It’s yum tum city and I am a resident. They get the kid to delete the photo and take down the profile. He says they suck when Tim takes the PS5. Cracks me up he keeps it for himself. I love this man so very much haha
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We return to the shop and Tim’s Lucy radar is going off. Aaron’s going on about the kid still but Tim’s mind is elsewhere. He has Lucy on his brain. Has that panicked look he reserves only for her going on. He asks Aaron the last time he heard Chen on the radio? He replies he can’t remember…maybe like hour or two ago? Let me start with I adore him waiting to hear her voice on the radio. Then noticing he hasn't in awhile.
How he keeps track of not hearing from her in some time. Tim knows she’s solo today. You know that man was subconsciously keeping track of her in the back of his mind. Some serious married vibes here my love. This definitely doesn’t line up with the 'moving on’ you were talking bout in 5x02. When Aaron says least 2 hours worried Tim arrives. He’s freaking out something has happened to her.
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I’m sure he’s also thinking if she was riding with him this wouldn’t be happening. But she isn’t…Tim contacts dispatch about her. They say it’s been over two hours. Angry/protective Tim also joins the party. Welcome sir nice to see you. Telling dispatch they’re gonna talk about that later. Phew lord. You know that man is going to destroy dispatch over this. Hell is going to rain down on them for not keeping track of her. For now he just wants her location to check on her. Needs to get his worried husband portion to settle first.
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Once they’ve arrived he calls out her name a couple times. Lucy finally hears him and bangs on the door. Then comes a DELICIOUS shot of his arms/forearms. My god it’s like they’re trying to make me a puddle. The definition in his arms as he pulls that door free.* fans self* god that man is in shape. Mmm Legit drooling as he pulls on that door. Forearm porn AND biceps shot. I’m a happy girl. Like hot damn that is a thirst trap of a shot above.
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He gets the door to finally pop open. Also nice thigh/bootie shot of him as well. I'm not mad about it. Asking her how she is? So very worried about her. Unfortunately Lucy is not in the frame of mind to receive it. Just tells him she has a lead on Rosalind. Not the response he was expecting…He asks 'What?' anyways. She tells them about the message boards Chris has been on. Filled with arm chair detectives. Tim asks her if they found her? She says no she thinks one of them is her.
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The Feds get brought in cause Chris’s dumbass has been talking to her. Feeding her stuff about him and the investigation going on. Because well it's Chris. Can’t read Lucy when she’s being obvious af so why would he notice this? Lucy is sweet and tells him he didn’t know. I on the other hand am like dumbass LOL He asks if he should set up a meet. Yes Chris, she’s a highly intelligent psychopath she wouldn’t see through that at all…
Garza saying Cyber crimes is now involved. They’re going to try and track her through her IP address if possible. Chris is feeling like the dummy he is. He leaves the meeting upset. I’m a bad person enjoying this lmao I mean Tim would’ve been Lucy’s real target but he was in Vegas with her. She knows that’s her fierce protector. So he was the next I was gonna say best thing but that’s not true. But closest thing that would rattle her.
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Tim and Aaron arrive at the station and there is posters everywhere. Everyone is laughing. Of course Smitty has them and is glowing over it. I mean Tim did pick Nolan over him for union president. So of course he is enjoying this. It's of Tim photoshopped naked with a cupcake covering him up OMG. Tim is seeing red. I don’t blame him. Just when they thought their catfish was over he pulls this. Clearly pissed at Tim for taking the PS5 and lecturing him.
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They arrive at Pavi’s house with the felony papers. Tim saying he can file these today. Or he could use his skills for good. James needs someone to teach computer literacy at the center. That if is does this twice a week he’ll shred them. Otherwise he has 18 months to file these. He’s a little snot and throws Tim’s words about electronics back at him. Tim says he’s lucky Aaron believes in second chances. His mom calls him and he says to text him the details. I love Tim leaving Aaron hanging for his fist bump LMFAO. He does tell him they did good though so that’s something. Aaron has to fist bump himself ha.
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Lucy gets to join the task force with the FBI. They’re headed to Seattle where the IP was traced. Lucy looks like an absolute bad ass in OP gear. A determined look on her face. They make it inside and find two bodies…sadly the homeowners. Psycho worked out of their house and just left their bodies there as she did. She is a one sick cookie. Lucy sees her message written in blood on the wall. She is long gone.
Not a ton in this one but what we did get was real good. Plus I always enjoy Tim/Aaron time they have a good dynamic. Fun to watch them together.
Side notes-non Chenford
Intro of Celina Juarez. I wasn’t sure about her at first but ended up adoring her. Just like Aaron. Good job writers haha
Did love Tim tearing Nolan a new one about Celina bad stop. Was sexy af. Maybe shouldn’t have been a turn on but it was LOL
Thank you as always to you lovely readers. Wouldn’t be here without your likes/comments and reblogs ❤️ see you in 5x04 :)
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cvther1ne · 2 years
candy hearts | part 2
eddie munson x cheerleader!fem!reader
summary: after eddie receives a valentine gram from his crush, he decides he should thank her for it, and finally make a move.
warnings: none? just bad grammar
authors note: thanks for all the love on part 1, here’s part 2!!, hope the wait was worth it :)
read part one here
It was now lunch time, and Eddie still couldn’t get the fact that his crush, Y/N L/N had gotten him a Valentine gram. He couldn’t believe it! Yet, here he was at the Hellfire Table, staring at you from across the cafeteria, card in his hands. To be honest, I’m not even sure if he was blinking.
The rest of the table took notice to Eddie’s unusual behaviour. Eddie was just sitting there, not saying anything. Usually around this time he’d either be discussing the next campaign, or he’d be all riled up and walking on tables and yelling at the other cliques of the school. But this time, no. He’s just sitting there, not even moving. They couldn’t even tell if he was breathing. Hell, he probably wasn’t due to the state of shock he was in.
“Hey, uh Eddie?” Dustin says, trying to get Eddie’s attention. “Helloooo?” He repeats, waving his hand over Eddie’s face. “Eddie!” Dustin snaps his fingers in front of the distracted boy.
Eddie snaps up, staring at Dustin, and slaps his fists on the table. “What Henderson?!” Dustin flinched in fear. I mean, it wasn’t uncommon for Eddie to yell at the three freshman. Just this time, Eddie had a look on his face. Almost like Dustin had interrupted him from something important. Well, to Eddie it was important. It was you. To him, you were the most important thing in his life at this very moment.
“It’s just uh well uh,” Dustin stammers. Scared of pushing Eddie’s buttons any further. “Well, you uh haven’t brought up the next campaign or uh yelled at the basketball team? Lunch started like ten minutes ago and you haven’t said anything.”
Eddie sighs and calms down a bit. His fists and face softens, and Eddie relaxes his shoulders. “Yeah, just uh I’ve been distracted. That’s all.”
“Distracted by what?” Lucas asks.
“Just uh,” Eddie’s eyes divert from the young boy and look in your direction. “Some things.”
“What’s that?” Dustin wonders, before taking a bite of his lunch.
“What’s what?”
“The paper,” Dustin says with a mouth full of food, before swallowing. “What’s the paper in your hands?”
“Oh, it’s uh,” Eddie panics, trying to figure out what to reply. He didn’t want to tell the group about his crush on Y/N. I mean, Eddie was supposed to hate her group of friends. The way Jason and the rest of the popular kids treated them? No way Eddie could find himself mixing with that crowd. “It’s nothing important.” Eddie slowly tries to hide the paper by shoving it into his leather jacket, but Jeff grabbed it from his hands before he could hide it.
“No way. Dude! You got a Valentine gram from Y/N L/N?! Cheerleader Y/N L/N?!” Jeff says while standing up from his seat. The rest of the table look at Eddie and start yapping away. Strings of ‘No way’, ‘Are you sure it’s really from her?’ or ‘What did you say?’ were heard.
Eddie grabs the card from Jeff’s hands before putting it into his pocket. “Shut up!” Eddie yells. He looks up and sees you looking at him. Probably because his voice caught your attention. He smiles at you shyly then looks away to speak to the table. “Okay, yes I got a gram from Y/N and yes, it really was from her, and no, I have not said anything to her about it because I have no idea what to say.” Eddie mumbles the last part but it was loud enough for them to hear. He looks back up to find you gone from your lunch table, along with all your stuff.
“Maybe you could start with a thank you,” Eddie hears a voice from behind him. There you are, standing to his left in all your glory. “Mind if I sit here?” You ask, nodding towards the empty chair, conveniently next to Eddie.
“Yes!” Eddie yells without thinking. You look at him a bit confused at what he means. “I MEAN no! I mea- yes you may sit here, no I do not mind.”
You chuckle lightly, then take your seat next to Eddie. There’s a few seconds of awkward silence between you, Eddie, and the rest of the table. But, it was immediately interpreted buy Dustin reaching his hand out towards you to introduce himself. “Hi! I’m Dustin!”
“Oh! Hi Dustin, I’m Y/N”
“Yeah, I know.” Dustin smiles. “So, you and Eddie are…friends?”
“Umm, I guess you could say that”
“I didn’t think Eddie had other friends.” Mike comments. “Let alone, girl friends.” Eddie kicks him under the table, earning an ‘ow!’ from Mike.
“Haha I’m sorry about him,” Eddie laughs nervously. “He doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
“Aww it’s ok,” Y/N reassures. “Besides I came here to talk to you, no offence” You say the last part towards Dustin, Mike, and the rest of the table.
“Y-you w-wanted to t-talk to me?” Eddie stutters.
“Yeah, I mean wasn’t it obvious? I sent you that Valentine gram, and I say hi to you like everyday.”
“Yeah. No you’re right-“ Eddie looks away from Y/N and sees the table staring at them as they have their conversation then quickly look away. “Uhh do you want to talk somewhere more private?”
“Sure!” Y/N stands up from her seat, so does Eddie. The two leave the cafeteria as Eddie leads her to the Theatre room aka the Hellfire room. “Woah.” Y/N finds herself looking around the room. Taking it all in. She walks towards the table in the middle of the room, and sees all the little figurines used in the last campaign. “Did you paint these?” Eddie looks at her and nods. She picks up each piece one by one, admiring the little details.
Eddie is just watching her in aww. He’s never seen someone, let alone one of the ‘popular’ crowd even slightly interested in DND. Eddie walks towards the table, standing to the right of Y/N. “So uhhh, I just wanted to say thank you. Y’know for the gram. I’ve never got one before.”
“Oh yeah, I mean it’s no biggie. I just thought I would do something nice for you.” You set down the figure you had in your hand on the table, and look at him. He’s nervously looking down, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
“Why me?” He looks up and make eye contact with you.
“Out of all the people you could’ve given a gram to, you decided to give one to me. Why?”
You chuckle lightly before saying, “You’re really gonna make me say it?” Eddie looks at you confused. “Eddie, I like you.”
Here we go again, Eddie’s eyes were bulging out of his face for the second time today. “You like me?”
“Yeah, I mean I thought I was being kinda obvious.”
Eddie was never really good at reading others emotions. That, and he never thought that a girl like you would ever want him. So I guess he never really thought you liked him back.
“Wait, this isn’t a joke right?”
“No! Why would it be joke?”
“Well cuz you’re you. You’re popular and pretty and shit,” Eddie gestures to you. “And I’m…me. I’m a freak” Eddie looks down. It seems like he does that a lot with you.
“Eddie,” You take his hand into yours and tilt his chin up with your other hand so that he’s making eye contact with you. “You are probably one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. You’re not afraid to be yourself despite what everyone else thinks. Yeah, you are a freak. But, that’s what I like about you.”
Eddie looks at you with a smile on his face. You two stay like that for a while. Just holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes, smiling. “I like you too.”
“Good.” You wrap your arms around Eddie’s neck and lean in and kiss him. Eddie’s hands grab your hips, at first gently, not sure if his placement was okay. But as he slowly melted into the kiss, his grip got tighter, and he was pulling you closer. Eddie pulls back from the kiss with a smirk on his face.
“So,” He starts. “Are you busy tonight?” Eddie says trying his best to sound seductive, causing you to laugh.
“Depends, Munson.”
“On?” Eddie questions.
“What are we doing tonight?”
@merlieve @alana4610 @tvserie-s-world @potatos-library @heathermyroomfriend @snowbunnyboo
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
can you do a steve harrington smut where it’s the night of him and the readers honeymoon?
Ask and you shall receive! 🥰
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California Dreamin’
Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Smut (I may have gotten carried away cause I feel like it got pretty heated)
It had been a whirlwind of happiness, lots of love and smiling faces, but you and Steve had made it to California.
After months of planning—even though it was a smaller ceremony with just your close group of family and friends—you and Steve’s wedding had gone off without a hitch and it had been absolutely perfect.
Now, you sat on the bed of your stunning hotel room with an amazing view of the beach, where you’d decided to honeymoon.
Some of your friends had briefly moved away from Hawkins the year before and when you’d visited them, you’d instantly fell in love with the beaches and sunny California itself. Steve being the absolute best had surprised you with the idea of honeymooning here and the day had finally come.
You looked at Steve, who was leaning against the railing of the balcony, staring at the view. It was late evening, the sun slowly slipping behind the horizon in glorious shades of pink, purple and orange. The ocean provided a splash of blue against the array of colors, although it too was deepening into more of a navy blue due to the darkening sky and approaching night.
Your husband.
Steve was now your husband. You couldn’t help but smile at the thought. It still made you giddy with happiness. You couldn’t imagine a better person to spend the rest of your life with.
“You’ve got to see this view. It’s amazing!” he said, over his shoulder.
“I’m sure it is. But I quite like this view too,” you replied.
Your eyes roamed over his back, the muscles rippling through his shirt as he moved from leaning to standing again. Then, of course, your eyes dropped further south to his ass. You always teased him that he got the better ass in this relationship, but it was true. There was not a pair of pants that his ass didn’t look good in and these jeans were further proof of that.
He turned towards you, now leaning his weight against the railing, crossing his arms with a smirk.
“Why, Mrs. Harrington. Are you checking me out?”
The name made you shiver a bit. You still couldn’t quite believe it. You were lucky to have found him, that’s for sure.
“And what if I was?” you smiled, teasing him back.
You knew honeymoons were for fun. Fun adventures, making memories and sex. Lots and lots of sex.
But why were you so apprehensive?
You and Steve had been together before, sure. It wasn’t something that happened all the time as sex hadn’t been a huge part of your relationship, but it had happened plenty before.
Perhaps it was the intimacy of tonight. The way the air between you two was thick with longing and desire, more intensely than it had ever been before. Emotions were high and the love you both shared ran so deep, it was bound to make tonight different than any other time.
“Then maybe I should have the honor of gazing at my gorgeous wife.”
He smiled, launching himself off the railing as he made his way over to you. The butterflies in your stomach came to life as you watched him.
He’d thrown on a polo at the last minute before your travels, forgoing the white t-shirt he sometimes wore underneath. It was unbuttoned enough that you could see a peek of the chest hair you loved so much. His tanned skin somehow looked even darker under the low lights of your hotel room and his jeans, like you’d noticed from the backside, fit him perfectly in all the right places. If he thought you were gorgeous, he should really look in a mirror. He absolutely took your breath away.
“I don’t know about you,” he whispered, coming to a stop at the end of the bed where you were sitting.
He was tall already, but in this position, you laid back on your elbows to peer up at him as he finished his thought.
“But I think this is a wonderful time for me to explore every inch of your body. To kiss it and lick it and worship it like it damn well deserves to be.”
You swallowed thickly, his words causing a stir within you. You knew good and well it wasn’t the cool air conditioning of the room that made your nipples peak, either.
“I…I would not be opposed to that,” you responded, your voice coming out a bit broken.
Hell, he hadn’t even touched you yet and you were sounding broken already as if he’d spent hours inside you, making you cry out over and over. Although, you were sure that was to come.
His smirk was your only answer as he bent down to kiss you, but just before his lips met yours, his breath fanned against your face, his answer ready.
“I didn’t think you would be.”
His mouth met yours. It was a gentle, tender kiss to begin with. His hand smoothed across your cheek, pushing into your hair as your mouths moved lazily against one another.
It was amazing what the human body knew how to do on its own, when its owner seemed to be on autopilot. In the midst of your kissing, you’d scrambled up to the pillows at the top of the bed, Steve following you, hovering over you as each kiss grew in heat and intensity. Your lips didn’t part once, until you absolutely had to for breath.
You were a little short of breath unsure if it was from the act of kissing or just Steve in general, but you watched as he studied you, those brown eyes scanning your face with such scrutiny, it made you blush.
“What?” you breathed, curious.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N Harrington.”
His words left your heart pounding and you smiled up at him. He left no time for you to respond as he kissed you again, hands wandering now. They ghosted down your sides and over your hips, giving a loving squeeze before gliding under your shirt. His touch was warm against your skin and you welcomed it, subconsciously arching your torso into his touch as his fingers splayed over your stomach.
He chuckled, loving the small ways your body reacted to him. You took the opportunity of the broken kiss to do some exploring of your own with your lips.
You left kisses in the vicinity of the small freckles that dusted his cheeks, across his jaw and down his neck. His body was absolutely covered with them and if you could, you would absolutely spend the time it took to place a kiss on each one. There were so many though, it would take a long time.
“Why are you so fascinated with them?” he asked, rubbing his hands over your bare sides, genuinely curious.
“I don’t know. They make you, you. It’s like you were created with a constellation of stars on your body. Which is pretty perfect I think, cause you’re my star, Steve Harrington.”
He groaned playfully at your cheesy remark, causing you to chuckle appreciatively. You knew it sounded cheesy, but it was true. You shone brighter when he was in your universe.
His hands moved higher, just under the swell of your breast. Your breathing hitched in anticipation of his touch, but then it was gone, leaving you frowning. You were in one of Steve’s shirts to travel and since it was big enough on you to conceal it, you’d skipped the bra. You were glad you had, now. One less item of clothing to remove.
His hands had moved to remove your shirt, your arms lifting so he could pull it off. When he noticed the lack of bra, he groaned lowly.
“Y/N, you minx,” he teased, but you heard the growl deep in his words.
He shifted, to begin his exploration of the newly exposed skin when you stopped him.
“Nuh uh. Not until this comes off,” you said, trying to push his shirt up over his stomach.
“As you wish.”
He reached behind him, pulling the shirt up over his head and tossing it who knows where. It was the least of your concern as you took in his bare upper half. Your jaw had slackened a bit. You swore, you never got tired of this view.
“Now, if I may?” he chuckled, bending down for another kiss.
Your chest pressed against his and you shuddered when your already sensitive, hardened nipples brushed against his chest hair. You were more than ready for his hands and mouth on you.
One hand caressed a breast as your tongues moved against one another and you moaned softly when the pad of his thumb brushed your nipple.
When he broke away to kiss down your throat, he murmured against your skin.
“I love your moans. They’re like music to my ears.”
He left a kiss at the hollow of your throat, before continuing in a low rumble.
“I can’t wait to make you a moaning mess.”
Your body heated at his words, his actions a close second. He’d barely done anything and you were already throbbing. One slight shift of your body and you knew he’d be able to tell just how wet you were.
His tongue circle your nipple, not yet touching it. The movement was so sensual and satisfying, yet unsatisfying at the same time when all you wanted was more.
His lips closed around it, sucking lightly, tongue flicking it gently. Your breathy moan was much more eager than you’d hoped to sound, but at this point your pride could take a backseat. You were completely wrapped up in Steve and that’s where you wanted to stay.
Your hand tangled in his hair, surely beginning what was for sure going to end up completely making a mess of it by the end of this escapade. When he switched sides, making sure the other breast got just as equal attention, you ground your hips into his, groaning at the friction. You’d hoped to tease him back, but your plan backfired when you felt his bulge rub against your heated core, even through the fabric of both of your pants. All you could think about was having that hard, delicious length inside you.
“Not so fast there,” he smirked, kissing a trail down your stomach.
He licked across your skin, just above the waistband of your pants, just to further tease you.
“Steve, please. I want you so bad,” you whined.
“I know, darling. But I’m just getting started.”
He pulled your pants down, your hips raising to help him get them off. Now, you were down to one piece of clothing left and you knew Steve would use that to your full advantage.
“I told you, I want to take my time,” Steve said, fingers drumming against the tops of your thighs.
You had no time to protest when the next thing you knew was feeling his touch against you through the thin material of your underwear. Somewhere in the back of your mind you were thankful you decided to at least slip on a sexy pair. You thought they were a deep blue and lacy but you couldn’t be bothered to remember if that was true when he was touching you like that.
“Jesus,” he breathed, “You’re already so wet.”
“Yeah, I know,” you groaned, giving him a pointed look.
His ego definitely grew in that moment, another smirking passing over his face.
“This all for me?” he asked, faux innocently, pressing a finger against the wet spot that now soaked your underwear, eliciting another moan from you.
His touch was so close to your throbbing clit, your wet entrance, but still so, so far from where you wanted it to be.
“Damnit Steve if you don’t shut up and touch me, I might actually combust,” you gritted out.
“We can’t have that now can we?”
His fingers deftly pulled the ruined fabric from your body, disposing of it. A groan left his throat, seeing his beautiful wife laid bare before him. Your chest was heaving in desire making your breasts with their hard and aching nipples more prominent. Your legs had naturally spread apart without even needing any instruction from him and your pussy gleamed with your arousal, awaiting either his mouth, fingers or cock. You’d take anything at this point.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured reverently, situating himself between your thighs.
Even through your arousal, you felt your heart stutter, the butterflies returning. Only Steve, in the midst of sex could make you feel like a lovesick teenager because in that moment it felt like your body wouldn’t be able to contain the love you felt for him.
A finger brushed against you and your hips raised off the bed, looking for more friction. He pushed them back down with his free hand, giving you a stern and very sexy look, enough to send another wave of heat to your core.
One finger teased your clit, similar to what he’d done with your nipples earlier, touching you everywhere but where you needed him the most. Then, without warning, his thumb rubbed circles on you. The outlandish moan that came from you was dirty enough to belong in one of the adult movies at Family Video.
But he was not close to through with his teasing because as soon as you were relishing in finally being touched, his hand was gone. One finger slipped into you and while it was nice, it wasn’t nearly enough.
“What does my baby want?” he cooed up at you, desire blowing his pupils wide, “My fingers? My mouth?”
You’re sure he didn’t even realize he did it, but his tongue came out over his bottom lip, moistening it before his teeth sunk into it. A lip bit should not look as sensual as it did in that moment. In fact, just the image of him between your thighs, hair already mussed—a piece falling onto his forehead—love and arousal etched on his face, pink lips a slight red shade from all the kissing and sucking was a pure orgasmic sight.
“Both,” you panted.
“Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets,” he smiled devilishly, positioning himself properly.
The next thing you knew, you were overcome with the sensation of both his mouth and his fingers. Now two digits teasing you, he pumped them lazily in and out of you, tongue lapping at your clit just as cruelly.
Probably because he knew your body as well as you knew his that he could sense your next complaint—your body rising against his touch to feel it even more. His ministrations picked up pace, now fully intent on wrecking you. He alternated between sucks and licks, fingers twisting and bending just enough to hit where he knew would unravel you.
You were shamelessly grinding against his mouth by now, so fucking close to the fire in your stomach becoming a wildfire through your veins and you were almost scared he’d stop before you could reach it. But he didn’t. He could feel your thighs tensing, your walls clenching around his fingers, your moans becoming more desperate and depraved as you neared your orgasm.
Steve’s own arousal stirred uncomfortably in his jeans, your moans and whimpers of his name making even more painfully hard than he thought he could be. He knew he just had to wait a little longer before he could give in and enjoy you all he wanted, but he wanted to make this special for you. Tonight, especially. He wanted to take care of you first, as always.
The building tension snapped as hard as a breaking rubber band and ecstasy flooded your body like warm honey, leaving you feeling breathless as you gripped the sheets while Steve made sure you rode out every last afterwave of it before pulling away.
His lips were slick against yours when he returned to your head, bending down to kiss you, but you didn’t mind in the least. In fact, you had every intention of spoiling him next as your hands unfastened the button of his jeans as you kissed him. Abandoning the task for the moment, you pressed the heel of your hand against the bulge in his pants, rubbing with just enough pressure to make him moan into the kiss.
He might like hearing your moans, but you equally loved hearing his. Especially when they got more needy, more lengthy, more high pitched as he came close to his release.
You hadn’t been fooled to think you’d been satiated just from your previous orgasm as you still wanted more, but here you were again, your thoughts and his noises working up even more than before you’d started.
Removing the pesky pants, you reached into his boxers, gripping his hardened cock in your hand, teasingly stroking him.
“Y/N,” your name was broken and mangled in his moan, his hand coming to encircle your wrist.
“I want to spoil you though,” you pouted, nipping at his bottom lip, kissing him again.
You loved a lot about Steve, but his kisses were kind of like that Lays Potato Chips slogan—you couldn’t have just one.
“As much as I’d love that, I mean really love to have your gorgeous mouth wrapped around my cock,” he groaned, as if using all his willpower not to cum at just the thought, “I will not last through that. There’ll be plenty time for that later.”
Your touch left him and aided in removing the last piece of clothing left between the two of you.
“Besides, there’s more important things to do right now,” Steve whispered, raining light kisses over your face, “Like making love to my wife.”
You nodded, looking up at him. He didn’t tear his gaze from yours as he pushed into you. Your eyes inadvertently fell shut in pleasure at the mouth watering feeling of his girth stretching you and filling you.
“Eyes on me, sweetheart,” he whispered, “I want to see you.”
Your eyes fluttered open, his gaze wandering over your face, from your lips to your eyes and all around. It was so much more passionate and intense feeling him move within you when your gazes were locked on one another. It truly was like the joining of two souls and briefly you understood why sex was considered as a consummation of marriage.
But your brain was filled with Steve. At this point there wasn’t a part of you that wasn’t filled with Steve. Your hands roamed his back, legs tangled with his as your bodies moved together in an exquisite dance.
You weren’t sure what was considered normal during intimacy, but with you and Steve, you were comfortable enough talking back and forth effortlessly during the act until it came to the point that words couldn’t be formed.
Your lips traced his jaw, close to his ear.
“You like it?” you purred, hips arching up to meet his, his answering moan making you smile.
“I love it,” he answered, smiling briefly as your hand caressed his cheek lovingly.
He told you how good you felt, how much he loved you and you reciprocated, telling him he was amazing and you loved him more.
He gripped your hips, helping you thrust harder against him as he moved back and forth in you. He pulled you up into him as he sat back on his heels, pulling you into his lap, never once breaking where you were joined. His arms wrapped around your back pulling you closer, tilting his head back to kiss you where you hovered above him. You moved on him, feeling him deeper than ever and your moans mixed with his.
His head tilted all the way back, a deep groan rumbling from this throat as you clenched around him. His exposed neck and bobbing Adam’s apple made you groan yourself at the sight.
“Y/N, Y/N,” he moaned desperately, his fingers digging into your hips with a roughness you knew was coming from his reaction of the intense pleasure.
“Fuck, I love hearing you,” you complimented him as your bodies moved even quicker, chasing the releases that were on the brink of exploding.
“All for you, baby,” Steve mumbled, lips occupying themselves on sucking a bruise on your collarbone, then at the top of one of your breasts, “I’m all yours.”
You were so close to ecstasy and one of your hands, tangled in his hair, gripped it hard, the other gripping his shoulder. His fingers found your swollen clit, rubbing it erratically so you could reach your peak as well.
His face was buried into the crook of your neck, but you could still hear the words he spoke next. It was broken by moans and whines, his own volume increasing the closer he got.
“I love you, Mrs. Harrington.”
Your breath may have actually left you as your orgasm hit you, your breathy moan following just as quickly behind it as your body trembled in his arms, within them you knew you were safe.
When you found your voice, it was just as broken as his words earlier, but you returned his sentiment.
“I love you too, Steve.”
He came as hard as you did, the guttural groan drowned by your neck, where he had yet to move from. The warmth that he spilled into you was soon dripping back down your thighs, but you couldn’t be happier in the moment.
You stayed that way for a moment, running your fingers through his hair as he left soft kisses along your shoulder.
“You. Are. Amazing,” he punctuated each word with another kiss to your skin.
You smiled, pulling back so you could see his face.
“You know, if we keep having amazing sex like that, we’ll never get to the beach,” you teased.
“We’re here for a week. We’ve got plenty of time,” he grinned.
But after that, it would be a miracle if either of you left the bed the entire week.
Not that you were complaining.
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lordgrimwing · 4 months
Identity #02
[for Maedhros and Maglor week, hosted by @maedhrosmaglorweek]
Maedhros grabbed Maglor’s hand and pulled him up onto the weather-worn boulder. His brother scrambled for purchase on the mossy rock, and he kept his hold on his hand until he was securely settled next to him.
“Wow,” Maglor murmured, wide-eyed.
From atop their perch where the land began to rise steeply up the mountainside again, they could see over the tops of the tops of the trees and all the way across the glen they lived in with their parents and three younger brothers. Chickens, little more than specks from this distance, wandered across the cleared land, occasionally congregating in groups. The goats and sheep occasionally peaked out of the bordering thickets where they were grazing today. Further down the gently sloping glen, almost disappearing behind the trees, horses stood quietly in their large pasture, heads down and tails swishing away flies.
“I can see everything from here!”
Maedhros grinned at him. “Not quite everything.” He turned and pointed up the mountain to a distant stony promontory jutting into the sky. “Pa took me up there once. We really could see everything on this side of the mountain, even the town.”
“Wow,” Maglor repeated. He pushed loose hair out of his eyes. “Do you think he’ll take me up there if I ask?”
Since growing old enough to express an opinion on things, the second-born always wanted to do whatever Maedhros did. That became harder as the years passed and the family grew. Nerdenl began insisting that ‘Laurë’ come with her to learn about herbs, plants, and healing, and spend more time minding the younger children. 
One tear-filled afternoon a few months ago, Maglor confessed that he wasn’t a daughter or sister as everyone said. He begged them not to make him be a girl again. He was Maedhros’ brother, Nerdanel and Fëanor’s son, and he couldn’t pretend to be anything else anymore. The next day, Nerdanel told her two oldest that they were equally responsible for looking after their siblings. A few mornings later, when the sun just started to glimmer around the mountains and through the trees, they held a naming ceremony like they did for babies except this time Fëanor gave Maglor his new name and welcomed him as a son. Maedhros’ eyes were too wet to be sure, but he thought they all cried that morning.
He looked out over the valley again, away from the bright sky that was making his eyes burn. “Probably not ‘til you’re bigger,” He said, blinking away the afterimage of the promontory. “It was a tough climb.”
Maedhros knew he was tall for his age. He towered over all his cousins and could already see over his father’s head when he stood straight. It would probably be several years before Maglor could reach the handholds and ledges they used to scale the rocks. There was no way Pa would take him up there until he was absolutely sure he would succeed. It was a long way back down.
Maglor sighed, disappointed. “I can’t wait until I grow. Maybe I’ll be as tall as you one day!”
Maedhors snorted at the thought. “Maybe as tall as my shoulder.”
The younger boy contemplated this for a minute. “You’re right,” He said. “I don’t want to be as tall as you. I’d hit my head on everything.”
“That was one time!”
Maglor giggled. “Ma said Pa’ll have to make the doors bigger so you can fit inside by next summer if you keep growing.”
They sobered and silence fell around them.
“Thanks for bringing me up here,” Maglor whispered at length, eyes glued to the vastness before them.
Maedhros shrugged. “I think it’ll be fun to have someone to share it with.”
“Thank you, Mae,” He whispered again, even softer.
Maedhros cleared his throat. “We should probably get back before anyone notices we’re gone.” He slid easily down the boulder, dropping the last few inches into the dirt. He turned and reached up for his brother. “Slide down, Maglor. I’ll catch you.”
They walked down to the glen together.
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laudsimogen · 1 year
Laudna didn’t know Imogen was in town.
What a strange thing, to have been seeking someone so desperately and to be unaware that she was in the same town, that she was in the same building. Laudna didn’t know, and she didn’t know until she dug through her bag looking for something suddenly unimportant when she saw the tell-tale glow of the tracking orb.
The tracking orb she’d gotten re-attuned just days after the group had been split. They didn’t need to find Otohan anymore; they needed to find their friends. Laudna needed to find Imogen. And here she was, somewhere close. Upstairs, according to the orb she clutched so tightly in her hands that her knuckles turned white.
Upstairs. Imogen and the rest of their friends must have gotten a room in this inn earlier before Laudna and the others had arrived.
Laudna hurried up the stairs and followed the orb to a room at the end of the hall with a dull light visible under the door—probably a single candle. She nearly walked in with no warning but realized at the last moment that doing so would alarm Imogen and anyone else inside, so she stowed the orb away and knocked instead.
It took a moment for Imogen to register who she was looking at when she opened the door. She looked exhausted, her hair a frazzled mess and dark circles under her eyes. Worry filled Laudna’s chest—was something wrong? Had Imogen not been getting enough sleep? Were her nightmares worse now? Imogen stared at her for a moment, mouth gaping.
“Laudna?” She said. Then, mentally, her thoughts timid and nervous, Laudna? Is that really you?
It’s me, darling, Laudna replied, and tears sprung to Imogen’s eyes as she pulled Laudna into a tight hug.
“Thank Gods you’re okay,” Imogen said into Laudna’s shoulder. She could feel her shirt wet with Imogen’s tears and instinctively ran a comforting hand over the back of her head. “I tried so hard to get in touch. I was so afraid that you—that you were gone.”
Laudna hugged Imogen tighter and pressed a long kiss to the top of her head, inky tears trailing down her own face now. “Oh, Imogen, I was so worried for you, too. I knew you must have been all right—you’re so capable—but when we didn’t hear from you…”
“Somethin’ wrong with the magic,” Imogen murmured. Her hands gripped the back of Laudna’s shirt, and she made no move to let go, but Laudna gently eased out of the embrace.
“Your scars…”
They’d grown so much in the past couple of months. Laudna took Imogen’s hands in her own and softly rubbed her thumbs over the red marks there, then cupped Imogen’s face where the still-purple traces of electricity spread over her cheeks and framed her eyes. A glance at Imogen’s thigh told her they were spreading downward, too.
“Oh.” Imogen looked away. “It’s—it’s fine. They still don’t hurt or nothin’.”
“What happened?” Laudna glanced over her shoulder at the empty room. “Where are the others?”
“Oh, they’re just out lookin’ around,” Imogen said. “Ashton and Orym?”
“Same thing. Maybe they’ll run into each other, too.”
“Come on,” Imogen said, “let’s sit down. We got so much catchin’ up to do.”
“That we do,” Laudna said. She kept her hold on Imogen’s hand as they closed the door and sat together on the bed. She felt giddy now as reality began sinking in: Imogen was back at her side; she was all right; the search was over. She could finally stop feeling so hollow missing her precious friend.
“I missed you so much,” they said at the same time, and they broke into a fit of laughter.
“It feels like it’s been so long,” Imogen said. “We were just tryin’ to figure things out after the solstice. Made some new friends, saw Chet’s home. But mostly we were just trying to find you again.”
“Us, too,” Laudna said. “We didn’t know what to do—whether we should stay and wait or go looking. We thought about having one of us go back to Jrusar and stay there in case you all came back, but we were afraid to separate ourselves any further.”
“I’m so sorry we couldn’t reach you,” Imogen said, squeezing Laudna’s hand tight. “I tried. Every day. That’s…where this came from.” She gestured vaguely at her face with her free hand.
“Oh, darling.” Laudna tucked a stray lock of hair behind Imogen’s ear. “It’s not your fault. We’re here together now, aren’t we? We were always going to find each other again.”
Imogen sniffed and nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “Yeah. Always.” She rested her hand on the side of Laudna’s neck and rubbed her thumb over the delicate skin there. I can’t believe this is real.
Laudna’s heart picked up speed a little. She’d had a lot of time to think without Imogen around about what they had and what their future could hold if they ever got one. She’d gotten to thinking about that cottage in Heartmoore, going to sleep and waking up next to Imogen without the threat of impending apocalypse, the gardens they’d grow and the horses they’d raise. There really was nothing purer than the way Imogen looked at horses, and there was nothing more Laudna wanted than to watch her play with a new foal from their kitchen window while she baked Imogen’s favorite dessert.
And thinking about those things had gotten her thinking about what people who live together usually do. Things she hadn’t considered for herself until recently.
Laudna laid her hand over Imogen’s, holding it in place against her neck. I know, she said. I was so afraid I would never see you again.
Imogen took a deep breath. “I should—I should probably tell you something,” she said, and she pulled her hand away. Laudna immediately missed the warmth of her palm, but she was more concerned about Imogen.
“What is it? Is something wrong?”
“No,” Imogen said. “I just…let somethin’ slip to the others a while back, and they kinda implied they were gonna meddle. And I—I don’t wanna—” She broke off to gather her thoughts. She was getting nervous the way she did in a crowded room or after a nightmare, and Laudna comfortingly squeezed her hand. “I just think you should hear it from me,” she finished eventually.
“It’s all right, darling,” Laudna said. “You know you can tell me anything. I’m here for you, whatever it is.”
Imogen nodded and swallowed hard. “Laudna, I’m in love with you.”
Laudna blinked. “I—I’m sorry, what?”  Surely she must have misheard? Maybe the joy of seeing Imogen after being separated for so long was making her hear things.
“I’m sorry,” Imogen said. “I know I’m not really what you’re lookin’ for, and—and this is so trivial and unimportant, anyway; I just didn’t want the others to get to you first and make things weird—weirder.” She shook her head. “Maybe I shouldn’t’ve said anything.”
“No, no—” Laudna clapped her other hand over the one she was already holding, her heart beating so hard and so fast that its tempo must have matched that of a living person. A giddy smile spread across her face. “You’re—you’re in love with me? Like, you want romance, and kissing, and…? With me?”
Imogen’s cheeks flushed bright red. “Well, I—yeah. But, I mean, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I’m no Nightmare King or anything.”
Laudna couldn’t help but giggle a little at the badly masked bitterness in Imogen’s voice. “Darling,” she said, “I’m not in love with Ira. Don’t get me wrong, he’s super hot.” Imogen laughed a little, and Laudna smiled fondly at the sound. Oh, how she’d missed Imogen’s laughter. “But he’s not you. I could never love anyone the way I love you.”
“And…how’s that?”
Imogen looked at her with a desperate mix of hope and fear, as if she could tell what Laudna meant but couldn’t allow herself to believe it. Laudna stroked the backs of her fingers over Imogen’s cheek and trailed them through her hair in a motion she knew would soothe Imogen’s nerves.
“I’m in love with you,” Laudna said, mirroring Imogen’s own confession. It felt so freeing to say it aloud, to know those feelings were reciprocated. And whatever reassurance Imogen needed, she’d be happy to give. “I love you in a way that I can’t even find words for, Imogen; we’ve had this talk before. I just didn’t realize what it meant.”
Imogen let out a breathy laugh. “You’re serious?”
“Deadly,” Laudna joked. Her breath caught as Imogen hooked her hands around her neck.
Are you sure? Is this really okay?
I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, Laudna said. Please just kiss me.
No sooner had Laudna gotten the last word out than Imogen’s lips were on hers, hands desperately gripping handfuls of Laudna’s hair. Laudna eagerly kissed back, reveling in how right this felt. Imogen’s lips weren’t soft; they were cracked and strong and warm, and Laudna found herself pushing further into them until the two of them clumsily fell back onto the bed.
Imogen’s chest heaved with laughter as Laudna propped herself up on her elbows from where she’d collapsed into Imogen. “Sorry,” Laudna laughed. “I guess I got a little overzealous.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Imogen said. Her eyes shone as she reached up to move the curtain of Laudna’s hair and caress her face. You’re perfect, she said. You’re so perfect.
Not at all, darling, Laudna said. She leaned down to kiss Imogen again.
Yes, Imogen said. You are. You’re perfect—and beautiful—and—
Her thoughts became scrambled and her breath hitched as Laudna shifted overtop of her, brushing the inside of her thigh with her knee to keep her balance on the bed.
Imogen? Laudna pulled back. It wasn’t until she could see Imogen’s face that she realized how flushed she was, and that there was a reason her thoughts had fallen apart so suddenly. Oh. Oh.
Finish on AO3
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helloo I'm back!!!!!! im so sorry I've been gone, it's ramadan right now and i can't be reading smut or anything like that, plus my exams are coming up and it's my final year in school so i can't mess this up. I've had ALOT of thoughts lately that no sane person in my circle can handle but i know you will. what do you think about a mamma mia typa situation in Greece with bucky (my feelings for him have resurfaced recently), tangerine and pietro? three very different people and one of them is the father (and one of them is gay bahahahaha). like reader meets pietro, then tangerine, then bucky (i know you'd be rooting for tangerine) then she has a kid and they all left her so she doesn't know who's the dad but then years later they all come back into her life and BAM her daughter should know and everything is all over the place. bonus points if reader sings at least 5 abba songs. obv you don't take requests and this isn't one but share your thoughts with me on this since im a bit of a scatter head and my new personality is donna sheridan so... yeah. love you and hope you're much better now 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
- 🦢
angelface!! omg hii hi!! firstly, ramadan mubarak to you, hope you’re doing good!! good luck for all your exams too, I believe in you!! be sure to take care of yourself😽
so…!! I read this as soon as I received it but couldn’t reply straight away and this has been ruminating on my mind!! IDEAS HAVE BEEN MARINATING BC I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! and you calling me insane?? 😧😧 (kidding, but exactly that, same with me. no one would understand my brain rot except you guys. so we all in the same boat my pal)
I go through my bucky phases very often, and rn im in a deep one😭😭😭 usually I would go with tan no question, but now im not so sure (reckon tan would be the gay one???😭 but for the sake of this gonna say he’s not)
pietro: maybe you meet him when you’re travelling, maybe backpacking through europe with a group of strangers (guess who is in your group…😏) perhaps get close with pietro and have a summer fling. maybe exchange info towards the end of the trip, but both know it’s not going to work or go any further than a fling. might lose contact—but a message here and there
tangerine: next stop on your travels is england. not backpacking anymore, so it’s a standard holiday/ vacation (idk the logistics, so you have your stuff mailed over?? or go home for a few days and continue your travels??) but you decide to go sightseeing and find yourself in a pub. maybe it’s really busy so the table you had to yourself becomes one you share with 2 guys (can you guess who?) one of them goes off to play pool so the other gets left behind with you (can you guess who? see where this is going?) you two talk casually for a bit, you mention where you’re staying and what you’re doing in town (DO NOT DO THAT IRL !!) maybe you go back to your hotel room and he leaves early the next morning. would leave his name and his number on a piece of paper?? but you never see it bc it gets knocked off and falls under the bed and cleaned up by housekeeping the next day
bucky: would be several days after meeting tan and you’d be in the hotel lobby trying to work over some issues with card payments?? maybe there’s been an issue in their system so you’ve been hanging around the lobby/ reception a lot while they try to sort it. someone would come up beside you (have a guess who) and he’d ask you if everything was okay bc he’s seen you down here constantly for last couple days. he’d ask if there was anything he could do, then segues into asking you out tonight for dinner. he’s here for work so his schedule isn’t flexible and tonight is the only time available. you agree and would have a really lovely date, seal the deal later that night. and when you go up to his hotel room the next day, he won’t be in there. he didn’t know your room number, so he left his contact info at reception for them to give to you, but they never give it/ staff changes over so
kinda broke my heart with the tan and bucky one 😭😭😭
no idea if these make any sense. I write these as I think of the words, so essentially im just rambling in my brain and I type it out simultaneously. talking shit in other words😭 omg why does this make me want to do a 3 part series of their individual stories!!? (I know I won’t be able to do that, but man I wish I could)
love you and I am doing better now, thank you bby. sending love 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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Title: willingness to bend
Rating: PG? Nothing much but some arguing further in. Abby is stubborn and not thinking straight, and Nate isn’t helping his case.
Pairing: Detective Abigail ‘Abby’ Brùn/Nate Sewell
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: how the post-forest argument would have actually gone between Abby ‘fiercely independent and stubborn’ Brùn and Nate ‘worries SO MUCH but terrible about talking through things’ Sewell. Also known as ‘these two care a lot about each other they’re just bad at saying so’
I was disappointed there was no sort of conversation or confrontation with these post-trapper, especially picking the dialogue option that gets you the famous “i won’t allow you to endanger yourself” line. so I’m rectifying it by making things worse <3 no spoilers really this all takes place in the timeframe of the demo, but I’ll tag it just to be safe.
Abby wasn’t expecting Nate to be waiting for her.
She’d lingered behind at the Facility after the debriefing. Longer than she probably should have, given the circumstances of…everything going on. But she’d needed some kind of respite, a little time to process without Unit Bravo looming over her shoulder.
Getting food with Vieno had been the perfect excuse for some time away.
Unit Victor had been an unexpected surprise, but ultimately a pleasant one. The group had no problems dragging chairs over and making themselves comfortable. Willing to talk about everything and nothing, they had little regard for personal boundaries.
Apparently news about her traveled far, and she wasn’t sure how she felt being at the center of it.
It seemed positive, at least.
The conversations were light. Nothing more than gossip to fuel the rumor mills. Was Adam as hard headed as everyone claimed, something Abby only gave a noncommittal shrug to because the last thing she needed was her answer somehow cycling its way back to him. They’d reached a tentative peace, she didn’t feel the need to argue with him at every comment, and he seemed to tolerate her being around. No need to upheave that progress.
They’d asked about Nate afterwards. About her relationship with him, and she couldn’t bring herself to answer around the sudden lump in her throat. Vieno steered them off by calling them a bunch of ‘nosy gossips’, and it was all Abby could do to give them a grateful nod at the intervention. Conversation still flowed afterwards as they all talked amongst themselves, and she happily let herself drift to the background.
But the lump never eased.
It’s- ridiculous. Selfish, even. Everything that’s happened in the past 24 hours, and it’s her own personal problems sitting on her mind like lead weights, something she couldn’t shake off. Added salt to the wounds of everything else.
Maybe it stung because Nate had been her point of peace. Someone that could help keep her afloat even when it felt like she was spiraling. She didn’t have that now and she felt- she felt alone.
Too lost in her own mind to be considered anything remotely close to ‘good company’, she gave a distracted good-bye before excusing herself and somehow managing to find her way to her car.
The drive back, trapped in the silence, hurt more than it helped.
She couldn’t stop herself from replaying everything over in her mind, trying to pick out where she’d gone wrong to make him so frustrated. Outside of the level of danger that was becoming a regular occurrence in her life, she’d come out of the attack fine. Stressed, a little shaken, but unhurt. She hadn’t even fought, technically. The thorny mess of underbrush had done the work for her; she’d just taken advantage of her…familiarity with the area.
Not that it mattered. Nate still hadn’t been happy she wasn’t willing to let him hide her away while everyone else fought in her place.
So, he yelled. Sort of. As much as Nate ever raises his voice.
And in turn, she yelled back at him. And if she hadn’t been so caught off guard, she would’ve been embarrassed that it all happened in front of the rest of the team.
No, that didn’t settle in until afterwards. After the chaos settled and the adrenaline faded, forced to sit through a debriefing with as much distance as she could manage between her and Nate. It mixed with the slow burning anger she’d tried to swallow down until it formed something toxic that left a bitterness in her throat.
It wasn’t Nate’s frustration that stung. Or the yelling - though that hadn’t helped. That, alone, she could have taken; sat with and picked apart into pieces of something that made sense, given enough time.
I won’t allow you.
No, the anger came even before they’d been reduced to shouting at each other. It was the declaration of what she was allowed to do, as if that’s a decision he had the right to take away from her. One sentence, buried in her mind like a splinter. The more she dug at it, the more raw she’s left afterwards.
It’s not rational, not really. One panicked phrase, said in the heat of a dangerous situation, shouldn't have struck her as hard as it did. But whether or not it was sane or fair didn’t matter - it left her feeling angry and constricted.
She doesn’t register the drive until she’s sitting outside the chain link fence of the Warehouse. It takes effort to uncurl her fingers, idly rubbing out the cramps brought on by the white-knuckled grip she’d had on the steering wheel. Staring up at the decrepit facade, with her headlights painting shadows in the gloom of the night, a part of her considers turning around. Peeling out before she has to face anyone, although…she has nowhere to go besides here. A stray thought passes through her mind about crashing at Tina’s, but she squashes it before it has a chance to take root. It’s well past 2 in the morning, and while Tina would open her door to her, Abby wouldn’t put her out like that. And she isn’t sure she wants to deal with the line of questioning that would bring on, either. And, Adam had been clear about her order to come directly back to the Warehouse afterwards.
Another order. Another decision made for her. Only this one smarts less, because she’s used to Adam telling her what to do.
So, against every nerve in her body, she forces herself to shut the car off and climb out. Mentally talking herself into taking each step forward, more mechanical feeling than anything natural. She’s not in the right headspace to handle anything more than collapsing into bed.
It’s late, anyways. Maybe she’ll be lucky and everyone will be busy doing whatever it is that keeps vampires busy throughout the night. They’ll hear her arrival, she’ll be able to get to her room and push off dealing with anything for at least a few more hours.
She wasn’t planning on Nate being up and about. Even if she shouldn’t have expected anything less from him.
“You’re back.” He startles her out of her thoughts. Perched on the couch in the living room, a book in hand, it’s clear he’d been waiting for her return. He’s smiling, doing his best to look relaxed, but she knows him too well for him to hide the tension in his body. The concern in his eyes as he looks her over.
Both get worse when she chooses to stay rooted to her spot by the door instead of moving to join him.
“I was at the Facility.” She says, words stilted and awkward as she debates her chances of making it if she were to just rush through the room and leave. She’d thought- a part of her hoped her aggravation would ease, if she gave herself time, but seeing him has it trying to claw its way to the surface again, settling like a burning coal in her chest.
Maybe he’ll let it go. Maybe he’ll just say goodnight and let her go-
“I was worried.”
He means it, that’s the worst part of it all. A passing remark made with nothing but genuine care in mind, because he always worries when she’s away. When he can’t be around. He just wants her safe. And there’s a small, logical part of her that knows that. The part that’s fighting and failing to pull her temper back knows it’s meant in kindness.
But the threats she’d been desperately grasping onto snap, all the same.
“I was with Vieno. And another Unit.” Her tone is flat, bordering on harsh. “Do I need your permission so you can allow me to go anywhere without you?”
She’s lashing out now. Feeling twisted up too tight, throwing barbs in the hopes of something sticking. There’s no pleasure when her words hit their mark though, no enjoyment in the way she sees him flinch. Just a building pressure under her skin, a rolling nausea in her stomach.
She hates this. Hates everything she’s feeling, but is too far in to pull back now.
He sighs as he pushes up from the couch, and she shuffles the rest of the way into the living room to take a place in front of the fireplace. Just- to give herself somewhere to stand besides the front door, so it didn’t seem like she was seconds away from bolting. She keeps her eyes on the ground though, just to find something to look at that isn’t him. Still, she feels him take a place beside her, even with the deliberate space he’s kept between them.
“I suppose we need to talk.”
“Yeah, we really do.” As if drawn by a magnet, her eyes flit in his direction, unsure of what she’ll find. Frustration on his face? Exasperation in his eyes at her attitude? She’s not being kind, it would be deserved.
She isn’t prepared for the deep crease between his pinched brows. She isn’t prepared to find him looking so incredibly sad.
“I know I didn’t handle the…situation with the Trappers properly.” He starts after a brief pause, clearly trying to gather up his thoughts. She lets herself relax, just a little. At least this seems like a step in the right direction. “Seeing them close in on you, while I was too far to help, filled me with terror. Every worst case scenario went through my mind, and I shouldn’t have raised my voice.”
He sounds properly contrite, at least. His shoulders are drawn, hands pushed deep into his pockets. It's only her own stubbornness that keeps her from reaching out to him though. “It worked out, though.”
“That it did.” He smiles, but it’s a wobbly thing. Brittle. “All it takes is once, though. As I said, they will stoop to whatever means necessary to take you and I- I cannot bear the thought of that happening.”
“And I can’t handle sitting back, doing nothing while everyone else fights my fights.” She turns to face him now, and he mirrors her movement. “And I can’t handle you telling me what I’m allowed to do.”
“It’s our job to protect you, and we don’t mind-“
“But I do!” She snaps, cutting him off. She knows they’re making no progress. Two steps forward, three backwards. Unlike before though, she can see him trying to figure out a way to diffuse the rising tensions before they can come to head.
“We’re getting off point, and I’ve upset you again. I apologize, for then and now.” His apology soothes her annoyance, if only a little.
“Thank you.” He takes a few tentative steps forward at that, trying to close the distance. “But again, Nate, it’s not just the fight. It’s you trying to tell me what you’ll allow me to do.”
He pauses then, and she realizes he’d been hoping she’d just pass that point over in favor of being angry about everything else. “I shouldn’t have phrased it that way,” He says finally, carefully, and she narrows her eyes. “I misspoke, I’m not trying to make every decision in your life.”
Just certain ones, the thought is a cranky, nasty little one. “You’re going to have to let me help. If I’m going to be part of the team, let me act like it.”
His brows furrow at that. Reaching out, hesitating just long enough to give her a chance to push him away, he cups her face in his palm. Cradling her like she’s something precious, she can’t help but lean into him as his thumb traces her cheekbone. “Being a part of a team also means accepting your limitations and allowing us to help you, though.”
Any warmth from his touch vanishes then, chilling in her veins as she shakes him off. “What does that mean?”
“I told you to hide because, at that moment, that was the best thing you could have done to help us.” His tone is gentle, but Abby knows him well enough now to know he’s picking his words with care, working up to his point in a very Nate-like way. Kind, always so kind, but unwilling to budge. “Your safety is my priority, always. At times, that means you have to be willing to let us protect you.”
He’s not listening. He’s not hearing a word she’s saying, and she can feel her anger rising again.
“I handled myself though.” She’s trying to be reasonable. To quell the part of her that wants to snap, and snarl, and fight. “I didn’t even fight, I was able to handle it my way.”
“And what if you couldn’t? What then?” Nate crosses his arms, as if he isn’t sure what he’s supposed to do with his hands now that she’s out of his reach once again, and Abby has never thought he looked more stubborn. “I just wish for you to be safe, is that a bad thing?”
“It is when you expect me to sit back and let my family fend for themselves!” She won’t let herself focus on the fact that was the first word that came to mind, slipping out before she could stop it. Not here, not now. Not with so much tension, or with the storm of emotions making her chest ache. Or with Nate’s face lighting up, even in the midst of her yelling at him. She’ll dissect it later, with nothing but four walls watching her and the safety of an empty room around her.
“I’m simply asking for you to trust us,” He says slowly, as if to placate her, though all it does is further stoke her temper. “I- We can handle threats against ourselves, but you-“
“You almost didn’t before!” She shouts, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Memories of Nate, battered and bruised, laying in his own blood, flash in her mind, too quick for her to block them out. As if sensing her distress, he reaches out on instinct, but she jerks back before he can make contact.
She can almost pretend like the flash of hurt on his face doesn’t make her ache.
“I was taking care of myself long before you guys showed up.” As soon as the words are out there, she wants to snatch them back. Bury them, stuffed away in the dark where they belong. Panic and embarrassment has her pacing now, too much of something buzzing just under her skin. She was prepared for fighting, yelling she- she’s not ready to see pity from him.
Because maybe, that’s the true, awful core to all of this. Why Nate’s protectiveness feels like an ill-fitting coat, clinging too tightly. So long with no one, pushed to grow up too fast. She doesn’t know how to let somebody else care for her.
Would she even want to? To let herself be that vulnerable with someone else?
And Nate knows. Of course he does. Even with ehr pacing, and her stubborn refusal to meet his eyes, she can feel him watching. Picking up on every little thing she wants to hide from him but can’t, because he’s always seen too much of her. He’s close to hovering, she’s sure, wanting to provide comfort but unsure how. The thought makes her cross her arms, as if she can make herself a smaller target.
That’s what makes him finally move, though. A gentle hand on her arm to stop her in her tracks, providing a warmth she can feel even through her layers of clothes.
“You shouldn’t have had to.” He sounds so soft, so sure of himself. Steady, where she’s drifting. “And if I could, I would mend that for you. But you don’t have to now.”
Let me care, the words are there. Unspoken, left to hang between them, but there nonetheless. I would if you’d let me. I want to.
And it would be so easy to let him. To drop her guard and let him in. To let him take the few final pieces of her heart she has hidden away, because he’s already taken the rest. Given to him willingly the first time they’d kissed
She could.
She wants-
I won’t allow you.
But she won’t. Can’t.
“Well, I did.” She cuts through the silence that had grown between them with sharp precision. Squaring her shoulders, she turns to face him, trying not to miss his touch as his hand slips away, and forces herself to meet his gaze head-on. Whatever he sees when he looks at her has his shoulders slumping, ever so slightly. “Which means I don’t need you panicking over every little thing that could potentially go wrong, or you deciding what I’m allowed to do.”
There’s a rare flash of frustration in his eyes, there too fast for him to be able to tuck it out of her sight. “It’s not about permission, Abigail.”
“That’s exactly what all of this has been about!” She snaps, barely resisting the urge to yank on her hair in frustration and instead settles for pulling at her sleeves to give her something to dig her nails into. Her tone is rising again and she can’t stop. This is falling apart in front of her, too fast for her to do anything but embrace the inevitable crash waiting for her at the end. “You’re trying to tell me what you’ll allow me to do, stressing over things that might happen. None of this is going to work if you don’t trust me to know my own limits.”
“You ask me to trust you, yet you have an alarming pattern of paying little regard to your own wellbeing. So forgive me if I’m inclined to doubt your choices.” His tone is harsher than she’s ever heard it, words sharp enough to make her wince. He notices, immediately softening as he scrambles to backtrack. “I care about you Abby. So much.”
That’s all this is about. Everything it boils down to. But it’s not enough to fix anything. And that realization has her deflating, a sadness creeping in to replace the anger.
“But I’m human.” It’s a quiet sort of admission. One that hurts, because it doesn’t matter what she does in the end. How much she prepares herself, or tries to help. She’s still the weak link, and Nate will always treat her as such.
Half a dozen emotions flicker across his face in that instance, almost too fast for her to recognize. Fear. Frustration. Affection. Something- something heavier, deeper than the others, and she feels her heart thumping painfully against her ribs.
“That-“ He cuts himself off, tearing his gaze away to look at the wall. There’s something more there, that much she’s certain of. Something he’s barely bitten back, and part of her wants to grab him. Shake him and demand an answer, an explanation, anything to tell her she’s wrong. “You are.”
Nothing more. No deeper answer. Just a heavy hearted agreement, that hurts more than her own words had.
A bitter part of her wonders why she expected anything any different.
The fight leaves her as quickly as it had come. The exhaustion of everything suddenly presses down on her with such a fierceness that she’s left aching. So she crosses her arms again, like she can hold herself together a little while longer as she shuffles backwards. Desperate to space between them.
“I can’t do this right now.” She’s speaking more to herself than to him at this point, turning towards the door. “I can’t- I need to go.”
“Abby?” There’s a thread of alarm in his voice now, and she hears his muffled footsteps on the carpet as he keeps pace behind her. “Wait, we can talk-“
“All we’ve been doing is talking, Nate. And I’m done.” There’s a hollowness in her, like something carved out a piece of her, and she rubs her chest as if she can massage the ache away. A chill has seeped through her clothes, settling all the way down to the tips of her fingers, and she chooses to blame it on the lack of sleep.
“Please.” It’s one word, practically begged, but it’s enough to make her stall. Enough to have her spare one more glance at him. Frozen halfway from touching her, panic and desperation have brought a sheen to his usually warm eyes. Torn between having her stay, and afraid of pushing her further away has him teetering on an edge. “Please, stay?”
It hurts. So much, more than it should, and it isn’t fair. Leaving him like this, when a part of her wants to turn around and let him soothe away everything. Let herself be lost in him awhile and pretend like everything is fine between them. To take the easy path.
But she knows how that will end. Another fight, sooner rather than later. She knows she can’t keep burying things away, as much as he wants to when things get tough.
So she shakes her head, pulling the door open and forcing herself to look away before he can notice the tears she can feel burning her eyes. “I just need some time, okay? Give me some space.”
She doesn’t wait for him to answer. She can’t, not if she’s going to keep her resolve. So she leaves, letting the door slam closed behind her. And maybe, everything will feel a little less painful when the sun rises.
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anxiously-kk · 7 months
ok so i’m about to be reflective and rambly about some of my thoughts on the season so im putting it under a read more incase you want to skip because it is soooo long omg
ok so a lot of criticism on this season has been about The Flip™️ and how it ruined both corys game and the season. but i don’t think it’s that simple. to me there are many moments and choices that get made that helped build into the situation we are in now. flipping the vote on reilly week two which gave matt a huge chip on his shoulder and a wild vendetta against those who wronged her leading him to base so many moves on what she would want. was it good for cirie and izzy at the time i think it was but it did have long term consequences. you could also say that hisam telling his alliance they had to get matt out next but them flipping on hisam instead plus cirie green lighting matt saving jag(this isn’t all on her but she said she regrets not trying to stop him harder so i added it) lead to them forming a super tight bond that has helped them run the back half of the game. you could say leaving cameron (and bowie to an extent) out of the red blindside turning cams focus onto the ladies was unnecessary and it would have been better to include them. maybe that was the smarter play cause cam would have tried to stop it or maybe it made an unnecessary enemy. Maybe if meme hadn’t also been left out of that blindside till the last second cory wouldn’t have been able to get her to go along with the flip.
now in regards to the flip in question by this point that early core group had flipped (and blindsided) their alliance members more than once and cirie told matt she played path to power but not cory which eventually got back to him gave cory a reasonable opinion that they didn’t trust him and could cut him easily just like hisam and red. when you add that info to the fact that jared was acting like a total fool and on some extreme anti-cory shit that week plus izzy saying point blank america needs to go asap i wouldnt have felt secure with them either. now let’s be honest should have flipped that vote at that time even with all that info most likely not in my opinion because izzy at least liked him and was working with him while felicia could never let go of the belief that he was untrustworthy and that hurt him down the road. but would that have got him much further in the game? and would it have stopped the matt nag show? that’s hard to say because you can’t change one variable and assume every other event stays the same you know? like if izzy stayed but cory grew closer to america would they have gotten sketched and cut him earlier, or if he decided to ditch america would she have felt like she couldn’t trust cory and tried to turn people against him, if the blow up didn’t happen that week jared probably wouldn’t have been evicted that same night, so who would have gone in his place and how would that impact the game, if two people who were evicted didn’t have a whole week to chill in the house and put the game on pause would it not have given jatt time to set themselves up as the power structure or would cory have been able to keep momentum going and put together a solid group? instead? so i do think they should have taken out felicia that week probably but i don’t think doing so guarantees better results. i think its physics that’s like every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that’s true here too. this is a living game where people react to what is happening around them. every choice someone makes builds on each other any of those moments that i mentioned could have the right move or they could have backfired but they don’t exist in a vacuum you can’t isolate them from each other because one scenario only exists because of a choice someone else made
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davesbigwhirlwind · 2 years
Maturing Fast
The story of a teenage forced to entirely change his look entirely and conform to the style his parents decide for him (it's my first post of Tumblr, and possibly the first part of a longer story, so all comments welcomed).
As a teenager growing up in the mid-90s, I thought I was invincible - while I wasn't really bad, I did push boundaries, and would occasionally skip classes with my mates and had had a couple of warnings from the police. Jeans, tracksuits and trainers and my centre parted 'curtains' hairstyle hung down to cover the top of my ears and sat full at the back of my head down to my collar - this was my look, and I thought I looked so cool! It was just the start of spring break and I got caught with my mates for fighting another group of kids at the shopping centre, and the police got involved. My parents were furious, and I was instantly told that, as part of my punishment, I was grounded. I'd been given previous warnings about my behaviour, and I was told that things would change to ensure my behaviour improved. After 2 weeks of extreme boredom of not being able to leave the house, other than under the supervision of my parents, it got to the Saturday before school returned, and I was told by my dad we were going into town. They were still angry that I was letting them down, and so I knew better than to question this or push back. We found ourself outside the barber my dad went to - and which I had gone to until about 4 years previous. Many a standard boys short back and sides with a straight fringe had been administered to me here in the years before I was allowed to get a more fashionable haircut from a stylist. My dad turned to me, "right, listen up, you'll be getting a haircut of my choosing today, as it's become clear that you can't make sensible decisions on your own, and you need clearer guidance on what is acceptable, and how a responsible young man should act and look." I knew I had no really option on this so merely nodded and got directed in through the door to wait. 15 minutes later I was in the barber's chair. We'd covered the predictables - yes, I'd grown a lot in 4 years, and yes, the barber had never seen my hair so long. I knew better than to make any sarcastic comments, so merely nodded and awaited my fate, with growing nervousness. And here it came, as my dad told the barber "he's been getting himself into a bit of trouble of late, so me and his mum have decided he needs more direction and clarity to help support him make the right decisions - it's time for a change of style, I'm thinking something similar to how I wear my hair." I was horrified. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. My dad was in his forties. I was 15. How could it possibly be considered that his deeply unfashionable dad's hair style could be considered suitable for me?!? My dad's hair, peppered with grey, was a short back and sides - maybe half an inch on the back and sides, but then with a side part with the hair swept back to form a small quiff of hair to match with the other dull business men he worked with. Surely he just meant to make the hair a bit shorter, rather than to inflict a style that only a middle aged man could consider wearing - I was surely panicking unnecessarily? The barber nodded, "ok, so if we start with a short back and sides and then we can take it from there. Are we keeping the centre parting?" my dad jumped straight in to kill any hopes that I could retain anything like my current style: "no, he needs a proper mans haircut - side parted, short but with enough to sit nicely." With that the barber started combing out my hair and wetting it. He brushed it forward then put in a new part about a quarter of the way across my head. "how's that?" the barber asked. "No, I think a bit further over, just like mine" my dad responded. The barber raised his eyebrows slightly and moved the parting over so it sat over near the temple of my head. My dad nodded. This was looking horrific. The barber was quickly chopping away at hair. He cut tightly around the back and sides of my head, fully exposing my ears and neck. The bulk of my hair was quickly reduced around the sides to less than half an inch, and then getting progressively longer on the crown of my head, through to about 3 inches at the front, which was swept to the side, following a thrashing with the thinning shears. I thought that at least I could try and recreate my centre parted haircut at the front - even though it would be much shorter, I could salvage something of my dignity. The barber killed any hopes of this as he briefly brushed my hair forward, and working from the full length at the side where the part was, he then cut diagonally upwards through my fringe, so that at the other side of my forehead I had almost no fringe at all. I was horrified. This left me with no option at all other than to wear my hair to the side. He then blow-dried my hair, helping to train it to sit flat in the newly inflicted side parting. He then suggested to shave in the side parting to help me to make sure I kept a proper, straight parting, especially while my hair was getting used to it's new style. My dad readily agreed, further signing my death warrant on having any flexibility on my hairstyle whatsoever. He then used his razor and started to taper the back and sides of my already short hair. I thought it couldn't get any worse, but he then shaved off my entire sideburns, which were my best feature, having extended fully to the bottom of my ear lobe. I was reduced to the tiniest of tabs at the very top of my ears. I reflected on how ridiculous I looked as he trimmed around the hairline and dusted me off. I looked like a want-to-be junior librarian. "Pomade?" My dad nodded. My hair was suddenly plastered with grease and brushed carefully to either side of the bright white parting, while the front hair was carefully flicked over and brushed backwards. I was then shown the back which just looked like a very bland man's hairstyle, with my hair now being a dark, shiny brown rather than the dirty blond of my long-haired days. I looked even more stupid now - I looked like a little boy trying to be a business man. I was so upset. How could my dad do this to me? He looked so pleased with himself, he had a massive smile on his face as I went and sat on the row of seats. My dad was now in the chair getting his normal trim and, with pomade applied, had a very similar style to me - though his grey hair made it much less harsh than my dark hair really highlighting the businessman's hairstyle that now sat on my head. No-one at school had a style like this - yes some boys had shorter hair (especially the nerdy ones), but even they didn't have a side parting!!! As we left the shop my dad ruffled my hair (which did not move!) and said how proud he was of my behaviour, and that he hoped I would realise that this is just part of him and my mum helping to show me the right way to get ahead in life. I burst into tears. Anger and humiliation surged through my body as I screamed at him. To be fair to him, he was very calm but he explained that things needed to change, and that this was just part of the journey to me becoming a respectable man. He guided me down the road as he said we needed to buy some things for the start of the school term on Monday. In the shoe shop, he asked for a pair of black shoes for me - the man came back with a pair of waxy leather boat shoes. While my mates all wore trainers to school, I also saw that many of the kids wore these shoes, and while it was another frustration if I was made to wear these, it still wasn't anything bad compared to the haircut. However my dad shook his head and asked for a formal dress shoe. A pair of formal dress oxfords were put on my feet.  They were the shiniest shoes I'd ever seen, and so stiff and creaky, while the leather sole clomped on the floor as I walked down the shop in them. I highlighted they hurt my feet, but my dad was happy that I'd soon break them in, as I'd be wearing them every day - this was as bad as the haircut! We then went on to buy some new smart trousers and blazer to replace the jeans I'd previously worn to school. I was going to look like a junior funeral director. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through school on Monday, but I was hopeful that this punishment would soon pass. But my parent had other ideas, and little did I realise this was just the start of my journey to adulthood.
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Touch Starved
Day 1 for @febuwhump. (Yes I know I'm late I'm catching up. I'll add all these to ao3 soon too, I just have something fun I want to post on there before I do.)
Steve Harrington.
Words: 1113.
No warnings apply.
Steve Harrington liked to touch people.
His parents had been maybe a little less affectionate than they should have been, so when he grew up and found friends, girlfriends, people he wanted to be around, he touched them. He hugged, he held hands, he brushed shoulders, he shared a bed, everything. It wasn’t unusual for anyone who knew him to find themselves being picked up from behind and spun around. It was how people knew Steve loved them, and them allowing it to happen was how Steve knew they loved him right back. He loved to touch, and be touched.
But then Steve’s whole life and the world around him changed. Being touched no longer meant warm friendship or tingly fingertips on smooth skin. It meant bruises and bloody noses and heart stopping fear that he might not survive this time. Every time he touched one of his friends, he had to wonder if it would be the last time. Would they see each other again? They were fighting monsters. He was foolish to expect them to win every time. 
No one really noticed when Steve stopped touching people. Everyone was too wrapped up in their own relationships, adjusting to a life after the ground split apart and the sky turned red. Teenagers were finally allowed to be teenagers. He was relegated to the background and only partly because he put himself there. It made it easier, he thinks. It made it less painful to detach. Steve could remember the last time he touched every single one of his friends. He rolled the memories over and over in his head each night before he went to sleep. What they were both wearing, what the conversation was, what the weather was like. He was terrified that he’d wake up one morning to the phone ringing, with someone calling to tell him something had happened. Another one of them was gone. At least this way, he would never have to be one of those people crying at a funeral about I can’t even remember the last time we hugged. Because Steve made sure he knew exactly when that was. 
It was easy to pretend that it happened naturally. His hands were always full of something when people arrived at or left his house. He was always too caught in some menial task to join the group hugs that seemed to pop up out of nowhere. Steve was usually the last person to enter the room for movie night or game days. It made it less obvious when he had to sit a little further away from the rest of the group because all the good chairs were gone. It passed under everyone’s radar without fail. It made him kind of sad that no one noticed Steve being markedly less tactile over time, but he was doing it as much for them as he was himself. 
Steve never let go of the icy cold fear in his chest that the evil under their feet wasn’t all the way gone. Of course, he trusted the people who knew, who could feel it. He didn’t want to get lazy though, complacency would kill them all if they got too comfortable. If he got too comfortable. He wouldn’t be able to protect them if he wasn’t expecting it. So this was for their benefit, really. If something new happened, if there was some other attack that came out of the blue, they would rush to grab hold of each other. They would go for the familiarity of the people they touched every day. They wouldn’t try to stop and save Steve, they wouldn’t whip around to see where he was. They wouldn’t ever put themselves in danger for his sake, and that’s what he wanted. Someone tried to protect him once, and his body got left behind to rot. Steve couldn’t stand the thought of it, especially because he couldn’t remember the last time they touched. All he knew was that he hadn’t savoured it. He wouldn’t let it happen again. 
The want burned heavy inside of him. The need to reach out and hold someone’s hand sometimes got so strong that he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Steve considered briefly hiring someone to sleep with him, just to feel warmth between his thighs, if not in his heart. He lost his nerve at the last minute, thinking how awful it would be if something happened to them, and they died having been touched last by someone who didn’t even care enough to ask their name. He would occasionally tap his fingertips gently along his sides to pretend it was someone else, to force his body to loosen up enough that he might be able to touch himself. It never lasted long when he did. It was a crude necessity to take care of his physical needs but served him no emotional purpose. He never basked in the afterglow, never thought about it too much. He came fast into his fist and he cleaned up immediately. 
Steve dreamed afterwards, sometimes. He didn’t dream a lot anymore, never quite falling into a deep enough sleep, but on the nights after he wiped the come off his stomach and settled back into the pillows, he would swim through a fantasy world. It was always the same one. His hand was being held. There was a strong arm tight around his waist. His friends were laughing and so was he, and unseen lips would brush against his neck. When he woke up he would swear that he could still smell the cigarette smoke on their breath. Steve always woke up with the skin around his eyes feeling tighter after those nights, and he knew it was because he’d been crying in his sleep. 
He wondered if he was being selfish. Steve thought about what his friends would feel like if something happened to him. If they were the ones scrambling to remember when they last hugged him, felt him touch them. Would it even cross their minds? He lay in his bed on a cool spring morning, dry tears around his eyes, and chewed the inside of his cheek as he considered it. Maybe, sure. Maybe the tight embraces after Eddie’s remembrance ceremony or the hand holding in a hospital bed would all stay fresh in their minds. But probably not. They were used to not touching Steve anymore, they wouldn’t realise how long it had been. They would remember him being there in the background, where he planted himself firmly. That would be good enough.
They would have each other to lean on when he was gone. Just like he planned. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Re-Watch of Nebraska
I put on Nebraska tonight. I haven't watched the whole thing I'll probably try to do that tomorrow. I zip through to where they're mentioning different locations. I'm leaving out a few sentences in the conversation I was going primarily for mentioning states/places.
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In Still when Daryl pees in the corner it's such a call back to this episode when Tony pees in the corner. They were connecting Daryl in that scene with someone really disgusting. I think Gimple wanted the call back so that people would go back and watch Nebraska again. There are definitely other callbacks but I'll talk about them after I've watched all of the episode. Tarah thanks for bringing this episode up I think it's definitely something we should rewatch. Along with all the other episodes in the series, haha.
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Love this episode. I love how all these little location things especially are coming back. Its also the episode when Beth is catatonic, like the beginnings of her first major arc.
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On this note, I went back and watched a little of “Gone” tonight, Fear 7.16. I totally forgot that Morgan is just straight up in Louisiana when all that stuff goes down.
I couldn’t watch the whole thing, only up to about when Madison walks off with Mo. But I was super curious about the walkers buried up to their necks. We see this same exact thing with Rick far away, all the way over at the Delaware River. ?? It’s weird. The guys who are doing this, they try to do it to Morgan.
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They are NOT CRM. Or, they’re not with Madison. They are a rebel group of some sort, made up of people who have had their kids stolen. In the episode, as they’re preparing to bury Morgan, Morgan asks, “Why are you doing this?” to which one of them answers, “So every other shithead can see what happens when they come here and steal our kids from us.” They’re wearing burlap sacks over their heads.
We know, too, that the woman in the house that Morgan meets isn’t actually pregnant. She’s a honeypot, trying to lure the “egg” snatchers, aka Madison, by broadcasting bait over the radio and spamming pregnancy tests. It’s definitely an operation they’ve done many times in the past, given the number of people that are buried on the beach.
So like, we have to deduce that this is some sort of widespread insurrection, right? A coordinated rebellion? People having their kids stolen all around the east coast, down into the gulf of Mexico. In the finale coda, when Rick is discovered by the CRM helicopter, he angrily kills one of the buried walkers with his Silas tool thingy. So…maybe it’s Rick? Who’s coordinating the rebels fighting the kidnappers?
Just speculation ofc. In the end though, he smiles. Just like Beth. Why do they do that? What do they know?
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Further, I was wondering about why Rick might be “valuable.” Perhaps the CRM saw him as a potential threat in the wild and wanted him in check. Maybe they thought they could flip him, first put him in menial jobs, like Silas in the culling fields, to wear him down. I was thinking, too, about Jadis and her relationship to Negan and Maggie. Just so much to learn.
Love all the discussion! It's amazing that they've actively used all those places in fairly major arcs. Places they simply mentioned in passing in S2. I love it!
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