#maybe I’ll post about my current sole survivor
a5tr0n0m1cal · 8 months
Y’all tired of my reblogs yet snsnsnsn
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ivymarquis · 3 months
Say You Won't Let Go
Last House on the Right
Pairing| John Price x F!Single Mom!Reader Rating| E Word Count| 1.1k Kinks/Content/Warnings| Post Apocalypse!AU, Single Mom!verse, pregnant reader, mentions of pregnancy related eating issues + vomiting, Reader's got some separation issues. Fair warning this is so half baked I haven't even decided what kind of apocalypse it is, but somehow Ive got a whole plotline regardless.Same pairing as my fic Blind Date
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You can’t believe your luck. 
You’re not sure what exactly it was about this house in the dead of night that had you so transfixed, but your intuition has paid off in spades. 
The area’s been abandoned, to your knowledge leaving you the sole inhabitant meandering around. 
Or maybe waddling would be a more apt description.
Fear and uncertainty of the outside hurry you along into the house. Most everyone- the survivors- has splintered off into groups. There’s no evidence of anyone still living here (admittedly it’s not like you’ve taken the time to check every room, but there are signs when a house is inhabited), but you luck out that the cabinets haven’t been picked over. 
It’s been entirely too long since your last meal, and it takes a good amount of restraint to not devour the can of ravioli too quickly. 
As much as you’re tempted, you know there’s a fine line between what will and won’t have you immediately throwing up in the sink- grazing seems to keep the worst of the upset down.
There’s no hospitals to jaunt off to if you end up dehydrated. Excessive vomiting is not ideal post end of days.
If you were in your right mind- not frightened, isolated, starving, cold- and not focusing on how the unheated chef boyardee might as well be a five star michelin meal for all you can think right now, you might have been paying more attention.
The sound of a safety clicking off behind you freezes your blood far more than the cold. That sound is deliberate. Whoever’s behind you- gun pointed at you- wants you to know they got the jump on you.
“Hands where I can see them,” the order is gruffly barked at you.
You feel stupid. Of course all of this was too convenient for you to simply be catching a break. It wasn’t exactly well lit and designed to draw you in- but you’re an animal caught in a trap regardless.
The fork clatters against the counter next to the can as you go to comply.
“Turn around. Slowly.”
You’re not much of a threat in your current condition. That much is obvious.
Time stopped having any sort of tangible meaning a while ago. You should know how many weeks you are, but the days run together fending for yourself and you just know that you’re close. There’s no hiding the swell of your belly.
The man at the doorway looks as gruff as he sounds. Your mind spins like a tire in mud to process everything in front of you in the poor moonlight. Military, that much is obvious. You’re not actually sure if that’s a good thing. Handsome from what you can see, though historically your type has been men who don’t have a weapon leveled at you.
The taciturn expression on his face falters when he spots your bump, but you’ve learned by now to not expect any sort of special treatment.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize immediately. “I-I didn’t know anyone was here. I’ll leave, I swear.” 
He looks at you another moment before a look of resignation washes over him.
“Turn back around. Keep your hands up.” Oh God. Your mind immediately goes to the worst- That this man, for whatever reason, has decided that your infraction has signed your death warrant. That he can’t quite bring himself to fire on a pregnant woman staring him in the eyes, so the last thing you’re ever going to see is some tacky wallpaper and ugly cabinets.
You yelp when one of his hands finds the pistol on your hip. Holy shit you didn’t even hear him cross the room.
“Easy, love,” he soothes as he starts to frisk you for more weapons. “Not gonna hurt you. You have anything else on you?”
“A knife in my back pocket.” It doesn’t even occur to you to lie; putting yourself in his good graces is your only option and you can’t do that by lying.
His hands slip under your jacket, the hem oversized and hanging even with your arms up, making a wrong guess at the first pocket he checks before grabbing the knife out of the second one.
“Anyone going to come sniffing around looking for you?” A fair question, but one that sticks like a knife between your ribs.
The “No,” that escapes you is softer than you meant it to be, voice warbling as you try not to cry.
Hormones would have had you on the verge of tears at any given point, and that would have been before the end of the world and before your group abandoned you. You’re well entitled to your tears, you think, but try to stuff them back down anyway.
“You’re out here alone,” he grouses, sounding like he doesn’t believe you. The like this? is implied.
Your arms are still up, and they’re getting tired. Everything tires you out these days.
Like he can read your mind, he releases you with a “you can set your arms down now, love.”
“Thank you,” you’re in full fawn mode, turning to face him. While he’s clearly decided against killing you, you’ve been scared and alone for the past few days and you really don’t want to be separated from the only person who will give you the time of day right now. 
“Is there anyone else here? Other soldiers?” Your fate is sealed and lies in the soldier’s hands regardless of his answer.
Nothing with change, no matter what he says, but you think you’re less intimidated if it’s just the two of you. 
The world’s gone to hell in a handbasket, and yet you’ll never forget watching 28 days later when the line I promised them women was dropped.
“Got separated from my team.”
He turns away from you, gesturing to follow him out of the kitchen and towards the living room.
He’s limping.
You haven’t seen him move until now. You’re more an expert on busted hardware than busted body parts, you can’t tell if it’s a fresh injury that’s still healing, or an old one that’s set in place.
“They left you.” They left me, too.
“They didn’t leave me for dead, they think I am dead. Gonna take a bit more than that to get the job done, though.” 
You have no reason not to believe him. Despite having just met him, the man is like a living manifestation of everything masculinity is supposed to be- down to the surly attitude despite him herding you further into the house. It doesn’t take much to figure out that he’s tough as nails and sure why not flirt in death’s face that her last attempt wasn’t good enough?
You sit on the couch he points to, as he settles into the leather chair across from you.
“Christ what’d I’d do for a fucking smoke right now,” he mumbles, pawing at his chest absent mindedly on reflex.
You mean to sit stiff as a board, but your body is tired and the couch is surprisingly comfortable.
The soldier, however, sits like he owns the house. “And now for the question of what to do with you.”
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sky-kiss · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
@makesometime tagged me. Complain to her. Now you have to suffer.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I have 40. Which shocks me. Gun to my head, I couldn’t have told you about more than 15 of them. So that’s a surprise.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 187,262.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I have what one would call idiot-brain. I can only focus on one fandom at a time. I come and go at the whims of my hyper-fixation. I’ve written one fic for a lot of fandoms.
              1) Baldur’s Gate (The new hotness. My love. My dear one. My rotten soldier).
              2) Final Fantasy XV
              3) Fallout 4 (Nick, my beloved)
              4) Avatar: The Last Airbender (Baffling)
              5) Persona 5
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
              1) Personal Space: Cloud/Aerith at 748
              2) Law and Order: Nick/Sole Survivor 649
              3) Cigarette Day Dreams: Nick/Sole     571
              4) Some Old/Something New: Nick/Sole 412
              5: A Splash of Color: Cloud/Aerith 386
My top five is dominated by Nick and Cloud/Aerith, hahah. But, with a little work, we can frikkin’ shove the Raphael fics up there and dethrone the robot silver fox and the babies. Love my niche ass pairings.
5. Do you respond to comments? Almost always, yes. It’s fun to engage.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending: /stares in one-shot. Uh. Maybe Ash and Ember? It’s more bittersweet than angst, but it’s still the end of Dark Souls 3. So it’s going to be sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending: Chance. It’s a short one for Full Metal Alchemist. Hohenheim comes back and Trisha doesn’t die.
8. Do you get hate on fics: I’m very lucky. I’ve never received hate on Ao3 or here on Tumblr. This is not an invitation to start though, I swear to god.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do write smut. It’s not my favorite thing to do, and I think it’s one of my weaknesses. I’ve done some kink stuff, but don’t post most of it. That might change. Thanks, Ascended Fiend Raphael.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not posted. I do have an Avatar/Westworld fic on Ao3, which is a batty combo.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not directly. Pretty sure I’ve inspired some fandom trends before, but like. I write in very small corners of fandom.  We share one dumb brain.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, yes. A Dreamless Sleep was translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I’ve collaborated and had shared universes, but don’t think I’ve directly co-written. I’m a control freak.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I don’t frikkin know, dude. I like a lot of ships. Currently, it’s Raphael/Durge or Raphael/Haarlep/Durge. All time? Zero clue.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Doing It to Death will never be finished lol. I look at it and my soul hurts for Evelyn, but it ain’t happening. I have other WIP's on Ao3 and they will never be finished either, but like. I don't care about them.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think it’s my characterization. Maybe scene setting or dialogue. I don’t know. I hate my writing 99% of the time. Like, I need enough time apart from the work. Once I’ve forgotten it’s mine, I can appreciate it a little more.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Pacing and plot. And smut. Pacing long-form fanfiction absolutely baffles me, just because it differs from the pacing of a traditional novel. It’s really challenging to balance, and I have no idea how to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don’t have a problem with it, but probably wouldn’t risk it. Maybe if someone else handled the translation?
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Mummy, haha. I was 14.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I’ll do. Three.
              1: Sex, Love, & the Infinite Void: Raph/Durge. It’s the longest story I have on Ao3, and the only multichapter one that’s made it passed chapter 2. And I’ve enjoyed hell politics and character building. I want to finish this damn thing.
              2: The Outsider: Evelyn/Corpo!V. I love Evelyn, and it was fun to experiment with a more cybernoir writing style.
              3: I Don’t Think About You Anymore: Raph/Tav. It was just a fun and clipped style to write. It was very loose, free, and I’m proud of the end result.
I'll tag @kiss-inferna and @adarlingmess if they'd like to suffer this.
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londonhalcyon · 1 year
Tagged by the ever wonderful @dumpsterhipster! I’m procrastinating work, so let’s do this.
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
I’ll be working out of state over the summer, but I’ll keep plugging away at The Mad Witch when I have time. Maybe I’ll finally get the first chapter of my Skyrim fic done too. I’ve had to rewrite the beginning twice, so third time’s the charm.
2) Rec a book:
It would be too predictable to say Gideon the Ninth, considering I have a whole Locked Tomb sideblog and am currently on my third (or is it fourth?) reread, this time in audiobook form.
Sooo I’ll recommend Echo After Echo by Amy Rose Capetta. Sapphic romance, murder mystery, and gorgeous prose—it’s one of my favorite books. Every once in a while I pull it off my shelf and flip through it, which often leads to a full reread.
3) Rec a fic:
I’m trying to pick a fic I haven’t recommended before. Actually, I think I’ll rec two:
For Fallout 4 fans, “Dead Man Talking” by Rad-Roche. It’s a Nick Valentine/Female Sole Survivor fic with its own take on both the main quest line and Long Time Coming. Leans heavily into noir and the pure existential crisis of being a synth, so it can get dark at times, but I don’t think it gets nearly as grim or explicit as the tags suggest. It’s Nick POV, so you can expect plenty of witty dialogue to balance out the tone. It is complete, with a sequel coming soon.
For HPHM fans, “You do not have to be good” by wheatieflakes. It’s both post-canon HPHM and post-canon HP where the characters are essentially living in the darkest timeline. The Order lost the war; most of its members are dead (including Jacob’s sibling) or in hiding. Penny is the main protagonist, but the POV is split with several other familiar characters. It is incredibly dark, and at times it made me so tense or anxious it felt like someone was pressing down hard on my chest (which might be because I forgot to breathe), so definitely not a light read. Incomplete and on indefinite hiatus, but it is incredibly well-written with absolutely fascinating takes on magic and Legilimency, so worth checking out.
4) Rec music:
The music I listen varies from moment to moment, but a song I’ve had on repeat lately is “Sleeping in the Kitchen” by Madilyn Mei and Addison Grace.
5) Share one piece of advice:
If it’s after midnight, go to bed. The world won’t end if you complete your work tomorrow instead. You’ll do a better job if you get some sleep. If you’re worried about making a deadline, ask for help—either an extension or support. It’s better to take care of yourself than to destroy your own sanity trying to get something done.
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solesurvivorjen · 2 years
Where I have been...
Hello, for those of you who have continued to support me during my long awaited absence. Thank you, I appreciate you waiting for me patiently. Even if some of you aren’t on here anymore. 
I know I said about a year or so ago I would make a post about why I’ve been away. Well to simply put it my partner, Eric died of cancer at the beginning of 2021. If most of you had read my posts back in the day he had brain cancer for a very long time. He had it off and on since 2009. It has taken me so long to grieve him and to try and pick up the pieces. 
My life has changed so much since he’s passed. I’ve had a lot of up’s and downs. I had people abuse and use me for pity points. I’ve also had people support me and helped me get back up. I’ve met people who have listened to my story and I consider them very close and hold them dear. 
I’ve had a lot of people that I once considered friends leave me due to some lies and differences they’ve had with me. However they do not matter anymore. Those who have stayed by my side and supported me. They are the ones who matter. Without them I don’t think I would have healed as much as I have. My heart is still very much shattered but with time and lots of love it is healing and thriving. 
As for the comic I have thought it over for a long time. I have been in the works of redoing the comic all together and revamping it into digital form. I’ve also been drawing quite a bit. Mostly Loki stuff as of late. Loki and MCU have been my current obsession and he still gets me through a lot of the heartache. Hell, even my cat is named after him. I still play fallout from time to time. I played fallout new vegas but didn’t get all the way through. As of now I’m just trying to find a copy of it and maybe I’ll hook in the ole 360 so I can play it. 
Just know that every post I make, everything I do from here on out will be for myself. I am my own inspiration now. I am inspired by those closest to me but I am the one that will keep my torch lit. Eric will always be memorialized here as he is the one that got me into Fallout and he is the one that encouraged me to write my stories of my sole survivor and Hancock. He helped with so much of my comic and helped inspire me to create some of the stories I had in the making. I have some written down that he pitched to me and I hope I can share them all with you one day. 
Soon I will post some art I’ve made over the years. Again thank you for your patience and always sticking by me. I will keep moving forward. Forever.
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portergage · 3 years
pinned post ✨
Wassup, I'm nukaven, older than 25 and from France's best part, Bretagne 🔥
This post is mostly some sort of masterlist for my blog and my works, but maybe I'll add more stuff in the future.
(Everything is under the cut so it won't take too much space).
I'm currently working on one big fic (and its upcoming sequels) you can find on my AO3:
Don't mix Nuka with steel, a Fallout 4 canon divergent story involving my raider Overboss Nate and Arthur Maxson. [blog posts] [fluffy one-shot] [art tag] [screencaps tag]
I've started to learn to draw by myself in January 2021, so don't expect masterpieces, but I intend to get better 💫
My art tag.
I have several OCs and I often post about them (alright, mostly Nate but he's my favorite child, I admit):
Nate Carter, my Fallout 4 Sole Survivor, raider Overboss and a total disaster chad. [art tag] [screencaps tag] [playlist] [references file]
Jessie Shepard, my first Mass Effect commander, renegade queen and sinnamon roll. [art tag] [screencaps tag] [references file]
Marlene Sullivan, my other Fallout 4, medic born into the Wasteland and now part of Nuka-World.
Cordelia Chen, a fallout 3 OC for which I’m writing a little fic. [references files]
Nikki, my Courier Six.
Vincenzo Volpe, my Cyberpunk 2077 V, a street kid who loves grenades a bit too much.
I will gladly chat with you, don't hesitate to send me a DM ✨ (I, however, have the memory and attention span of a goldfish, so I apologize in advance for the lack of response sometimes)
I also have ko-fi right here 🌟
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yelena-bellova · 4 years
Don’t Be Afraid: Poe Dameron x Solo!Reader - Chapter Fifteen
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Chapter Fifteen: Under New Management
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n and Poe await an update on Leia and attend a meeting with the rest of the Resistance. Afterwards, Y/n takes the opportunity to have an important conversation with Poe.
Warnings: light angst
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: I didn’t spell check this one too much because I was happy with how it turned out and if I evaluate too much, I’ll end up hating it lol. I’m trying not to overthink my writing anymore, easier said than done. Hopefully you enjoy!
She was going to be alright.
Most likely.
The medics couldn’t give me a definitive answer as to whether Mom would live or not. She was a fighter, they’d said, and her pulse and oxygen levels were stable. However, none of them had ever dealt with a patent having been sucked into the vacuum of space so they were basically guessing. Coma patients could go either way, they’d told me sadly. I was frustrated, but understanding and thankful for their honesty with me. Mom was placed in med bay quarters and was to be heavily monitored. 
We sat at either end of her bed, Poe near her feet and me holding her hand and studying her peaceful face. The medics had left, assuring me that if they detected her levels changing so much as one number, they’d come running. Her skin had finally warmed up, the ice crystals on her face had disappeared. She looked so normal, as if she was simply taking a nap. What I’d have given for the situation to be as normal as that and waking her up as easy as calling her name…
Poe and I sat in a tense silence until the beeps of our communicators broke it, a message alerting us that a meeting was to be held. Attendance was mandatory. 
I drew a breath slowly, trying to collect my thoughts and calm my ever racing pulse. I could practically hear my mother’s voice telling me to go do my job and not worry about her. She would be right, war didn’t wait for illness and truth be told, I wanted to go do my part. The Resistance was in shambles currently and the desire to help piece it back together was almost overwhelming. By no means did my drive lessen the difficulty of leaving Mom alone and comatose.
I rolled my head to look over at Poe, “We have to go.” He sighed and rubbed his face harshly, it was just as hard for him to leave her, “Yeah…We come right back after though.”
We rose from our seats and I laid a featherlight kiss to Mom’s forehead, squeezing her hand one last time before hesitantly walking away. Poe took my hand into his and pressed his lips to it as we left her room, I was beyond grateful for his steady presence during all of this. But the lingering cloud of guilt still hung over my head that I hadn’t told him yet about my secret. Now that he had noticed when I’d sensed the bridge’s destruction, he was inevitably going to have questions. At some point amidst the chaos that had suddenly overtaken our lives, I’d find a time to tell him. 
We retained an appearance of professionalism once we reached the second bridge, dropping our hands and going to stand with our respective groups. It felt wrong not having him sit with me and the other commanders, I watched him bite back a sad smile as he mixed among the other pilots. Commander D’Acy looked more prepared than I was capable of as I approached her, “I can deliver the news about your mother if you’d like,” she offered, the two of us standing off to the side of the room, “Is there any news?” “No, unfortunately,” I answered, “But I’ll give the news with you. She would kill me if I left my duties to others.” D’Acy nodded and we walked together to the center of the room, silence fell as we took our places. I awkwardly stepped forward, I wasn’t used to commanding the attention of a room. I was sent on missions, some like Jakku and some diplomatic, I even helped with battle strategies. But I wasn’t typically addressing crowds, it felt strange to have everyone’s eyes on me.
I took a deep breath, “General Organa…Leia,” my voice almost faltered, but I squared my shoulders and pictured my mother standing tall, “Is unconscious but she’s recovering. That’s the only information I have and unfortunately, it’s the only piece of good news I can give.” I turned to D’Acy for confirmation, even though I already knew what I was about to say to be true.
“Admiral Ackbar, all of our leadership,” I paused, trying to find the strength to finish, “They’re all gone.” Groans and gasps left everyone’s lips, this part of leading was one I could quickly learn to hate. I didn’t like disappointing people and my stomach twisted as I took in everyone’s faces. Poe, though distressed, gave me a small nod of encouragement to keep going,
“Leia was the sole survivor of the bridge by some miracle,” I continued, omitting the aspect of the Force, “If she were standing here with us, she would say to save your sorrow for after the fight. Right now, we have to live by those words, as hard as that may be…Commander D’Acy?” I traded places with her, taking a seat and waiting for her announcement.
“The chain of command is clear as to who should take General Organa’s place,” D’Acy began, my eyes flickered to Poe who I noticed sat up straighter at her words. I also took note of the fact that I had as well, why was that? I had always assumed that my mother would put me in command should something happen to her, it felt wrong to think of someone else doing it.
“Vice Admiral Holdo of the cruiser Ninka,” D’Acy announced, Poe looked just as unknowingly disappointed as I suspected I did. 
I’d met Holdo several times over my years in the Resistance, I’d never had a fully formed opinion on her. She was reserved yet held a commanding presence, but I’d always gotten the impression that she didn’t care for me. Our leadership styles differed greatly, she carried an air of superiority that I made sure never to. The few times that Dad had come up in passing conversation, her expression had always changed to one of distaste. Maybe she held the fact that my father was a smuggler against me, I was never sure. It didn’t matter, she was now my superior. Mom had chosen her and not me. 
Holdo stepped forward as D’Acy came to sit next to me and the room awaited her words.
“Thank you, Commanders,” she nodded in our direction, “Four hundred of us on three ships. We’re the very last of the Resistance. But we’re not alone. In every corner of the galaxy, the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol, and they put their hope in it. We are the spark that will light the fire that will restore the Republic. That spark, this Resistance, must survive. That is our mission. Now, to your stations, and may the Force be with us.” She knew how to give a speech, I’d give her that. My mother’s influence was audible in her words, but the lack of layout of a plan worried me. Were we all just supposed to go back to business as usual? Ignoring the fact that there was a fleet of Star Destroyers on our tail? None of it felt right.
The crowd begin to disperse, doing exactly what they’d been told. D’Acy and I stood to leave but not before she placed a hand on my arm, 
“Please update us if anything changes on your mother.”
“Of course,” I nodded. I turned around to go find Poe, but rather than join him I saw him in pursuit of Holdo. No doubt he was thinking the same things I was, but Poe took action while I debated internally. Still, it couldn’t hurt to see where Holdo’s head was at. I climbed the steps and made my way towards them, as soon as I was close it seemed the conversation was already ending. The last words I caught from Holdo were “stick to your post and follow my orders.” As she gracefully walked away, Poe was left dumbstruck in her wake. I chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, “She didn’t fall for the Dameron charm?” “You won’t do any better,” he replied lowly.
“Oh, don’t worry, I already know she doesn’t like me,” I said quietly before heading in Holdo’s direction. It was unlikely I’d get anything out of her that Poe hadn’t. but maybe I could approach her differently. I was Leia’s daughter, I’d grown up in Galactic Senate meetings, diplomacy was one of my skills. 
“Vice Admiral,” I called, Holdo turned to face me, “That was a wonderful speech, very inspiring. I was wondering what our plan of action was regarding putting distance between us and the Star Destroyers.”
“I appreciate your concern, Commander Solo,” she smiled politely, “At the moment I’m advising everyone to stick to their posts and let us handle things.”
“Well, yes, I agree. As a Commander, this is my post and I’m supposed to help handle things.”
“Your job for the time being is to stay with your mother,” Holdo placed her hands on my arms patronizingly, “We can handle everything from here and if you’re needed, we will find you.”
There it was. I was supposed to stay out of the way while the adults handled the situation. I’d earned respect among my co-workers and proved that though young, I knew what I was doing. But Holdo and I had never consistently worked together. She saw me as a young, naive woman put in a position she couldn’t handle. 
“With all due respect, Vice Admiral,” I smiled, trying to hide my growing frustration, “While I will be checking in on my mother regularly, I also want to do my job. And right now my job is to help us get out of range of those Destroyers. So if there’s a plan in place, I’d like to be made aware of it.”
“Commander Solo, I understand your frustration with the situation. But I’m going to tell you the same thing I told your boyfriend, Captain Dameron…Stick to your post and follow my orders.” With that, she went on her way leaving me in the same position I’d found Poe in. If there was a plan, I clearly was not going to be let in on it. 
Mom hadn’t changed in the short time I’d been away. Though I’d returned with the hope that I’d find her awake and ready to take charge. 
I was pacing the room anxiously, playing back my conversation with Holdo and trying to map out the conversation I was about to have. Poe would inevitably end up here and I couldn’t put off telling him about my powers any longer. I couldn’t hold back the painful details or make it sound simpler than it actually was, he was getting the messy truth about the secret I’d kept from him.
“Hey," he greeted at the door, having changed into his fatigues, “Any change?” “Mmm mmm,” I hummed, “Which isn’t a bad thing but…” “Obviously not what we want.” I shook my head and sighed, “Holdo’s just as fun as I remember.” Poe bristled at the memory of his interaction with the Vice Admiral and placed his hands on his hips, “Yeah, don’t think for a second that I’m letting that one go. What’d she say to you?” “Stick to my post and follow her orders. I’ll be commed if they need me, otherwise I’m supposed to stay here at my mother’s bedside. She also definitely holds the fact that we’re together against me.” He groaned in disgust and ran a hand through his hair. How Poe managed to look so wildly attractive in the worst circumstances befuddled me, but it was a welcome distraction. I’d always loved how he looked in that dark brown leather jacket…
“Okay, so Holdo may not have a plan,” he started, gesturing towards the door, “But what about us?”
I turned to Mom, wishing more than anything that she was awake. I needed her guidance and the Resistance needed her leadership.
“We’ll come up with something but right now,” I walked towards Poe and took his hand, “I need to tell you something.”
His expression changed to one of concern, he quickly took my other hand, “Is something wrong?” “No, and yes, but mostly no. It depends on how you look at it but,” I stopped and tried to give a small smile, “I’ll let you decide whether it’s good or bad.” I led him to our seats next to my mother and sat close enough that our knees pressed together. Poe’s hands immediately rested on mine as he leaned forward, I inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled before laying my hands on top of his,
“You know me, you know my story, you know my life hasn’t been…easy,” I began nervously, “With all I’ve told you, you’ve never once judged me or treated me differently.” “Right,” Poe chimed in, his eyes never leaving mine, “I love every part of you.”
I smiled at his words and dragged my eyes down to our hands, “I guess I’m asking you to love one more part.”
I stood up slowly and positioned myself a few feet away from him before reaching into my jacket. I unhooked my lightsaber and held it up, flipping the switch and watching the weapon come to life. Poe’s eyes went wide, his jaw fell slack and he twisted his body to face me. It took a lot to stun Poe into silence but this was easily the most shocked I’d ever seen him. Rightfully so, I’d just dropped a bomb on him.
After finally blinking a few times, he began to stammer out a response, “Y-Yeah, okay, that’s uh, that’s something worth mentioning.” I sighed, at least he wasn’t freaking out yet. Involuntarily I rocked the saber slightly from side to side, Poe’s eyes followed the blue blade in wonder. I didn’t know if he’d ever seen one in person but the way he was reacting to it made me think he’d only heard stories.
“How long have you been a…had this…” he fumbled, “How long?” I deactivated the lightsaber and hooked it back inside my jacket, “Since I was a child.” Poe’s eyes blew open again and his brows raised, “You kept it a secret for that long?” I once again took my seat across from him, “I discovered I had the Force when I was a kid, only one other person knew in my family and…” I fiddled with a loose thread on my jacket, “And it wasn’t my mom or dad.” “I got it,” Poe said softly, his fingers coming to brush over my knee comfortingly.
I forced myself to keep going, “I kept it a secret through my life because I was scared of what I could do. Imagine being eight years old and knowing you have this power, I was terrified of myself for the longest time. Eventually, once I was older, I began practicing using the Force. Just stupid stuff like moving pens. It felt…good. Like I’d been denying a part of myself by not using the gift I had.”
My pulse began to pick up as I sorted through the more tragic parts of my story, “I, uh,” I cleared my throat to try and dislodge the lump forming, “My lightsaber came from a confrontation I had, with him. I knew he was in trouble and I took the Falcon to go rescue him,” I focused my eyes on my lap, “I was too late.�� Poe was tearfully listening to my every word, he was hunched over with his hands clutching my legs. It grounded me in a way that kept me able to recount my tale to him. He was my rock. “Ever since then, I’ve been training on my own,” I continued more steadily, “Mostly in the forest back on D’Qar or in my room. Things changed on Takodana. I used my saber during the fight to protect Finn, him and my dad saw and the secret was no more. Afterwards, Dad had words for me that I’ll spend the rest of my life grateful for. He’s the reason that I decided to stop being so afraid of my powers.”
We were both smiling at that point, me from the warm memories and Poe probably simply because I was. 
“Everything came to a head at Starkiller,” a chill ran down my back, “After my father was killed…Ren and I fought each other and he tried to get me to join him. I was so angry, I wanted to kill him for all the wrong reasons. If he’s going to die, it should be to save the galaxy not because of a personal vendetta. My dad, for all his shortcomings, was not a vengeful person and neither am I.”
I bit my lip and turned my gaze to Mom, “I thought I’d kept my secret hidden from her but turns out, she knew all along. I don’t know why I was so surprised, of course she knew…”
Poe laughed and I followed immediately after, slipping my fingers through the cracks between his. He squeezed my palms and smiled proudly, 
“You are the strongest woman I’ve ever met,” he complimented, staring into my y/e/c eyes with so much love, “I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of you.”
“So you’re not, I don’t know, scared?” I asked, scrunching my face slightly out of fear of what he could say.
Poe chortled and moved his hands to my cheeks, pulling me in for a soft kiss. I could feel the warmth and tenderness in the motion, it was sweeter than the recent ones we’d been enjoying. When we pulled away, he rubbed his thumb slowly over the skin, “I could never be scared of you, sweetheart.” Relief flooded my body, I’d never felt so unconditionally loved in my life by anyone other than my parents. With how little I’d thought of myself since I discovered my powers, I’d fallen into the belief that everyone else would feel the same way. Poe was destroying every lie I’d told myself with each second that he stared at me with adoration on his face. 
“I do have one question,” Poe leaned back in his seat, “If it’s not a secret anymore, are you gonna stop hiding your lightsaber?” “Huh,” I chuckled, “I hadn’t even thought about that.” “What’re you waiting for?” Poe crossed his arms and lightly bumped his boot against my shin, “I want everybody to know I’m in love with a badass Jedi.”
“I’m not a Jedi,” I was quick to end that assumption. Though I was embracing my gift, I wasn’t ready to take that definitive step yet.
“Whatever you say, Master,” Poe jested followed by a charming wink.
I smirked at him before getting up from my seat, Poe had a point. There really was no reason to hide it anymore, it would probably feel great even. I unhooked the lightsaber from my jacket, letting it weigh in my hand for a few seconds as I gazed fondly at it. The more at ease I became with my powers, the more I grew to love the weapon I’d once feared. Taking a quick glance at Poe who was grinning proudly, I attached the saber to my holster for anyone and everyone to see. It felt right. Poe rose to come stand in front of me,
“Thank you,” I whispered, resting my hands on his chest. 
His hands found their new familiar spot on my waist, “For what?” “Being you.” Poe leaned down and nuzzled his nose against mine, “I’m not me without you.” I wanted the moment to last longer, we needed it. Peace in the type of circumstances we were in was rare and fleeting and I knew it would have to end soon. The First Order was chasing us, my mother still lay unconscious and there was questionable leadership guiding us, but at least I had Poe. With him, I was fairly certain we could figure our way out of anything.
“Poe, Y/n,” a voice interrupted our lovely silence.
We broke apart to see an urgent Finn in the doorway with a black-haired woman standing behind him.
“What’s going on?” Poe asked.
“This is Rose,” Finn gestured to her, Rose held up a hand in greeting, “We think we may have figured out a way to escape from the Destroyers.”
A/N: *sigh* Everyone deserves a boyfriend as supportive as Poe. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know if you’d like to be added to either of the taglists ☺️
Taglist: @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @springfox04 @constantdisgrace @holybatflapexpert @seninjakitey @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet @leilei-draws @eternal-fandoms @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @imaginecrushes @eternallyvenus @thescarletknight2014 @simplybarnes @captain-america5 @breyasficletblog @caseymcflurry @stumbleonmywords @april-14-blog @i-ievu @ultrunning @desperatelytryingtosavemyself @caswinchester2000 @meraki-loki @lovinnholland @wishing4wishes @fruitloopzzz
Star Wars Permanent Taglist: @paintballkid711 @katrynec @caswinchester2000
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a-tcos · 4 years
I have another ask. . . Let's say... we get Black Butler into Cabin In The Woods corner~(which btw is my all time favorite horror movie besides the OG first films of Nightmare, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Wrong Turn) what stereotype would they be? Either from the film or any others that weren't added sadly
YESSSS (I love cabin in the woods!!). I’ll try to add all of the stereotypes from the movie but I’ll also subvert and add others here and there as the black butler characters :
I mentioned in my previous black butler horror AU post that o!Ciel Phantomhive and Hannah Annafellows would be survivors akin to the Final Girl. Hannah is sensible but “pure”, the same goes for Ciel (except the purity thing is weird because I usually write him as a child, you know?). I also see Lizzie Midford falling into this category. Hannah and Lizzie are closer to the OG idea of a Final Girl, but oCiel takes it one step further by being ruthless and cunning, doing whatever it takes to survive and outsmart the horror.
Grell Sutcliff is likely to survive, but she’s definitely the Genre-Savvy Horror Nerd (ie. Randy Meeks from Scream). I see her being into horror and true crime so hardcore that she’ll use what she’s learned to help her survive. I did mention that those skills, in turn, could be used so that she could be a killer, but I don’t see her killing off any of the cast. Even when she directly expresses that she’s thought of murder, I just don’t see her actually acting on it. If he’s included, Othello definitely fits the “Genre-Savvy” type while also being a bit of a geek.
Claude Faustus and Agni are the Smart Guys, but in different ways. Agni is completely kind and compassionate while being knowledgeable and practical. This is his current outward and inner appearance. I do think Claude has the capacity to be truly nice to few, but put an emphasis on few. He has the same skills as Agni, but he is not as sociable or charitable as Agni. He is paranoid and suspicious. In fact, I can see him as someone who is a Big Bad, someone who could kill off the other characters and feel no remorse. Claude is obviously terrible in canon, but he has the somewhat-unique character of stoicism and mysteriousness that lends itself well to portraying him in different ways. I’m also grouping these two together because I can see them getting along (not as well as Agni gets along with Seb, but I see Agni as someone who’s now willing to be friendly with anyone).
The closest characters to the Dumb Jock stereotype are Ronald Knox and Prince Soma. They’re not exactly jocks, but they’re active with strong personalitities and make rash decisions. However, Ronald isn’t dumb and I can never get mad at Soma for not knowing any better.
I don’t really think any characters from Kuro really fit the Stoner stereotype. I definitely have headcanons that a lot of them have at least tried weed or regularly smoke for various reasons, but not anyone who fits that exact stereotype. I’ll quickly say that I see Claude and Undertaker smoking the most out of all of the cast. Undertaker is just a fun guy so of course he would and Claude deserves to feel mellow (perhaps that’s why he’s calm? /j).
I think William T. Spears is a really interesting character in put in a horrror setting because he has a lot of elements from different archetypes (at least in my characterization and headcanons of him based off of what I took from canon). He looks like a Workaholic Dad but has no spouse or children. He seems smart but he hasn’t had the time to exactly show off his skills. He seems like an easy kill, frankly, but I love writing him because I think he deserves more development.
I have to say it: Undertaker screams slasher to me (or maybe even similar to Jigsaw). I don’t always like writing him as a big bad from the get-go, though; i definitely like writing him as just being this Weird Guy. I can’t believe that I have soft spots for Claude and Undertaker. I do see those two getting along despite them literally never meeting in canon (season 2 is canon in MY heart, it’s just that the season 1+2 canon are different from the manga canon, aka the main canon). Either way, he’d fit one of three tropes: Slasher, The Old Guy That Warns the Cast To Get Out, or Goth. These could also go hand in hand, though.
Alois Trancy? I mentioned seeing him as a victim, but not being the first to die; he’s the character that really deserves to survive but you just know won’t because the writers hate him /j. In all seriousness, i would love to say that if I were to write him in this AU he’d survive, but I can’t say that. Alois Trancy will always deserve better, but I think he’s just a character that’s almost always doomed to die, even in most AUs. Not sure if that’s any particular trope or stereotype, but I just think he’s so important and lovable that he has to die (you know, to tug at the heart strings).
I mentioned most of my thoughts on Bard, Finny, and Mey-Rin on my other horror AU post, but I’ll add that Mey-Rin is technically final girl material. It’s just that I see all of them surviving or none of them surviving whatsoever. They’re all the Comedic Relief that happen to have survival skills and would 100% survive had it not been for Ciel and Sebastian getting involved.
Did I purposefully put off Sebastian until the very end because I’m a jerk? Yes. Is it because I solely think he’s the perfect slasher victim? Yes. Or maybe I just think he is in this AU. I mean he’s attractive and skilled with very few drawbacks. I do headcanon him as having anger issues and impulsive behavior (as well as being not the smartest man by a long shot), but I digress. He’s very skilled, almost as skilled as his canon counterpart. However, this isn’t exactly a horror trope/stereotype. Sexy characters/characters that partake in vices dying first? Oh, now that’s a trope. I hc human Sebastian as being a sex worker, and unfortunately that isn’t good for him in horror. If I’m writing then he’s not the first corpse to show up, but if he’s grouped with anyone mentioned here EXCEPT for Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard... he’s definitely one of the first - if not the first - to die. When I mean “the first corpse to show up”, I’m talking about minor characters that would kick off the main plot in a similar way to Drew Barrymore’s character in Scream.
That was a lot BUT I’m in love with this AU. I gotta do more with it (writing, drawing, rp, or anything really). Thank you for this ask!! I’ll definitely answer more asks about this as well as start making my own content w/ it.
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detectiveidiotboy · 3 years
Bygones and Burials, Chapter 1
Preston Garvey/Female Sole Survivor/Robert Joseph MacCready
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Lovers, Kidnapping, Execution, Rescue, Slow Burn, Romance, Polyamory, Falling In Love, Whump(maybe?), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Near Death Experiences, Injury, Canon-Typical Violence'
Location: AO3
Preston Garvey was down on his luck. The militia he'd given his whole life to support had fallen at the hands of the Gunners, the settlers so many of his comrades had died to protect were reduced to a meer handful, and all he had left to defend was a tiny village called Sanctuary and the lives inside. It wasn't much, but he would be damned before he let anything bad happen to it.
Robert Joseph MacCready was down on his luck. The Gunners had finally pushed him over the edge - he'd never been a good person in his life, but he wouldn't allow himself to become a monster just for a few caps. Unfortunately, when you sign up with the Gunners, you're supposed to give them your whole life, and they don't take too kindly to being cheated.
MacCready and Preston were at a low point in their lives, and then along came Nora - a woman from before the war with an unusual skillset for her time and more determination than one person had any right to be. Preston can't trust MacCready, but he trusts Nora, and when she asked him to save the merc's life he couldn't refuse.
[notes under the cut]
yay! i'm finally posting this other fic of mine - and just in time for the last day of preston appreciation week! it's technically not about preston in particular, but it's the first work i've written that has him in the spotlight for so much of it. i had a lot of fun writing him, so i hope he's just as fun to read about.
as an aside... i'm trying a new post format for tumblr. since tumblr has made it nearly impossible for posts to get any traction with links in them, i'll be linking to the fic in a reblog of this post (check the notes). the fic is currently up on my ao3. peace <3
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
The Mettle Of A Man; Part Twelve
Fandom: Fallout (4)
Pairing: Eventual Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Enjoy!
Part One: ArcJet
Part Two: The Prydwen
Part Three: Orders
Part Four: Finding Brandis
Part Five: Weston Water And Oberland
Part Six: Meeting Preston And Matthew
Part Seven: Radstag And Radstorm
Part Eight: The Return To Sanctuary Hills
Part Nine: Domestic Ruminations
Part Ten: Institutionalized
Part Eleven: Two Weeks, Three Days
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains a brief scene of attempted sexual assault. Stay safe!]
Mark twenty-eight nuclear warheads .
  Backhand squinted down at the paper, up at Ingram and then back at the paper. "Oh, is that all?" She asked sarcastically. "What, you don't want me to grab milk and eggs while I'm out?"
  " Easy , smartass." Proctor Ingram laughed. "We know the general location. All we need is for you to sweep the area, get rid of hostiles and secure the payload. Simple!"
  "Yeah? Where's the general location then?" Backhand challenged.
  Ingram spread the map out on the desk, tapping the area circled in the lower left hand corner. "It's a military site, Prescott I think? One of our scribes was able to triangulate it using the documents you and Danse scooped from that veteran housing development."
  "In the Glowing Sea." Backhand groaned. "I had kind of hoped to never need to go back out there." I'd better start getting some damn perks for all the legwork I'm doing , she thought uncharitably.
  " Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die ." Ingram quoted at her, laughing again when Vega grumbled under her breath. "C'mon Vega, you're like the Brotherhood's poster child for Commonwealth recruitment. Where's your Ad Victoriam spirit? You have to spearhead this, if only for the eventual publicity."
  "Ah, the press ." Backhand retorted. "Who's my backup, then?"
  "Your sponsor, obviously! Though I'm guessing after this you'll be welcomed into the fold for real." Ingram mused, her expression thoughtful. "Danse seemed better when I saw him last. I think the time off the Prydwen has really done him some good."
  Vega tried to hide her flush of pride, quickly asking, "Other than the lack of big boomers, how is Prime looking?"
  "Pretty good, I'd say! It was a real stroke of luck that you got us Madison back, even if working with her makes me want to set my pubes on fire." Ingram answered frankly. "We're both too stubborn to function well together, but sometimes we can shut up and actually get shit done. Those are the times I believe we might have a shot here."
  "Your confidence is overwhelming." Backhand said dryly. 
  The other woman gave her a lopsided grin. "I've seen too many ops go south to put all my eggs in one scientist's basket, Vega. At least we'll have the numbers of the Minutemen on our side in case Prime can't get off the ground."
  "Has Quinlan had any luck getting that information unscrambled? My buddy hit a dead end pretty early on with the encryption, and he's dying to know whether he actually helped or whether it's all junk data." 
  Truthfully Sturges had gotten much further than either of them had expected (the fact that he knew there was data on the tape at all was a miracle), but Ingram didn't exactly have to know that. The older woman's sigh didn't sound overly promising though.
  "Nothing yet. He and his scribes have been working as close to around the clock as they can get without disrupting Cade across the way. It's always a process in close quarters." The proctor hummed. "With any luck, maybe a few more days?"
  "I'll keep my fingers crossed." Backhand promised. "I know it'll probably all be considered confidential information, but still."
  " Excuse me, Paladin?" Arthur snarled.
  Danse stood by the door to the elder's quarters, his posture perfect. "I said no, Elder Maxson." He repeated. "I will not be engaging with you any longer." 
  "Dare I ask what has brought about this insubordination? " The younger man queried.
  Danse stood firm. "This is not insubordination, Elder Maxson. You have exploited me long enough and I refuse to let you continue."
  "I'll have you exiled, Paladin." Maxson threatened. "One word from me and your status goes up in smoke. We are on the brink of war with the Institute and you wish to weaken our ranks? You're a good soldier, Danse. Don't make me send you away."
  Danse shook his head. His hands, clasped at the small of his back, trembled nervously until he clenched them into fists. "I'm sorry, Elder Maxson, but I refuse to allow you to manipulate or abuse me any further." 
  "Are you disobeying a direct order from your elder, Danse?" 
  "I am simply-"
  A knock on the door to Maxson's quarters interrupted whatever Danse had intended to say, and a split second later Knight Vega poked her head around the door. "Apologies, Elder Maxson." The woman said with a salute. "I was unaware that you two were having a discussion. Paladin, we are departing in ten minutes."
  Arthur jerked his head to the side to indicate that Elizabeth should leave. " Get out , Vega." He barked. 
  She hesitated and Danse closed his eyes in defeat, knowing that he was screwed the second she departed.
  He heard the door close and Arthur was abruptly on him, one hand gripping the paladin's throat to force Danse's head against the wall as he tore at the zipper of the other man's jumpsuit. "You are going to fuck me, Danse, so I suggest you warm up to the idea." Maxson hissed against his ear.
  Danse felt nauseous, dirty as Arthur pawed at him. Say no, damn it! What's wrong with you?
  The only warning either man got was a barely-audible knock on the door before Paladin Brandis barged in. Arthur whirled on the older man, murder in his eyes for the barest second. " Brandis! " Maxson roared. "How many-"
  "I have sixteen new aspirants seeking to rise to knight or scribe, Elder Maxson!" Brandis waved a sheaf of papers at the younger man. "I also have seven squires who believe they are ready for evaluation to ascend to aspirant. Oh, was I interrupting something?" He remarked, blinking in a befuddled manner at the clearly-furious elder.
  Maxson stared back at the older paladin, his chest heaving. "Don't think for one goddamn second that I don't know exactly what you're up to, you old fool!" Arthur's blue eyes were fairly crackling with rage. 
  "Me? The only thing I'm up to is trying to get this paperwork taken care of." Brandis protested blandly. "You're so suspicious , Maxson. It won't do you any favors." Brandis seemed to finally notice Danse standing there slackjawed and the older paladin began to scold, "zip up your uniform, Danse! We're a military , not a frathouse!" His eyebrows raised, all but begging Danse to take the opening and flee.
  Danse gulped and floundered to apologize, zipping up his suit. He caught the barest glimpse of Maxson's thunderous glare before he turned tail and bolted. The cowardice burned at him, but really, what else could he do?
  He shouldered past Vega lurking just outside the door, and stormed down the catwalk to the grease pit without a word.
  Their aerial approach to the Glowing Sea was silent and riddled with turbulence. Danse could identify the territory of the area from a fair distance away, the way the radiation tinged the sky to a sinister yellowed bruise a sure indication.
  Waypoint Echo was precariously positioned on the very edge of the Glowing Sea. Danse felt a fair amount of trepidation as he and Knight Vega approached the area after they disembarked the vertibird. He had never ventured into the Glowing Sea, but he supposed there was no time like the present.
  He was glad to at least find a familiar face, although Haylen didn't appear happy to see him and Vega. The scribe looked tense, wary. Danse supposed he could understand that; the post was much less than favorably placed. They were only just outside the heavy haze of radiation, and the radstorms weren't inclined to remain stationary for too long. To say nothing of the deadly creatures that tended to emerge from the area and wander north. Waypoint Echo was not a hospitable assignment by any stretch of the imagination. 
  His scribe had never searched for the easy jobs. Danse felt a wave of pride for the woman he had sponsored back when she was nothing but an initiate. Haylen had rolled with the punches and become an admirable scribe, a loyal friend and an incredible asset to any team she joined. "Scribe Haylen!" He greeted her warmly with a salute. "Ad Victoriam. Another day, another assignment."
  "Paladin Danse," Haylen addressed him through gritted teeth, oddly not returning his salute. "Can I get a word with you before you depart? It's urgent." She was already grabbing his arm before he even nodded, the scribe leading him away from the camp. Knight Vega was listening intently while the other field scribe briefed her on their current situation and any observations they might have made.
  "Scribe Haylen, is something amiss?" The paladin asked, a little concerned once Haylen had moved him out of earshot of the encampment. 
  The petite woman whirled on him, looking more furious than Danse had ever seen her. " How could you not tell me?" She hissed. 
  Danse stared at her, bewildered. "I...what do you mean, Haylen?"
  "Don't play dumb with me, Danse! Quinlan got the list decoded. He knows . Maxson knows. Hell, maybe even Vega knows! Maybe she's leading you into a trap right now." Haylen took hold of his gauntlet once more. "Danse, you have to run ."
  "Haylen, I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about." Danse replied, thoroughly puzzled. What would Quinlan decoding the Institute information have to do with him?  
  Haylen's fingernails scraped at the worn red-orange paint denoting his rank as she gripped down even tighter. "Danse, you...do you really not…" she appeared to be trying to ask something, but couldn't seem to amass the words.
  "Take your time. Get your mind straight." Danse said kindly. "Whatever it is, I'll hear you out."
  She sobbed suddenly, her small frame rattled by the outburst. "Oh Danse , I'm so sorry." She whispered.
  Backhand lingered on the edge of the camp, half-watching Haylen appear to argue with the paladin about something. Trouble in paradise? she wondered, turning the distress pulser for their endeavor over in her hands before she tucked it away in her satchel. 
  "Man, I guess whatever Rhys passed along to her earlier really has her in a twist." One of the other scribes commented. "I dunno' if I've ever seen her this heated."
  Danse thundered back towards the camp, leaving Haylen to call his name plaintively. "Ready to continue our mission, soldier?" He gritted the words out at Backhand. 
  Backhand raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of mood, but then recalled what she had interrupted earlier that morning and reasoned that he had more than every right to be a little testy. The woman simply nodded and fell into step behind him. "See you guys soon!" She said to the soldiers occupying Echo, waving in farewell. Haylen didn't wave back, the scribe looking wholly dejected. 
  Was she crying?
  "Hey Danse, is Haylen alright? She seemed upset." Backhand inquired after they had been walking for several minutes.
  "We had a discussion." was all Danse said in reply. His tone didn't exactly encourage further questioning, so Backhand decided that she should probably, maybe , just this once, not attempt to converse.
  "Sorry, didn't mean to pry." She mumbled. 
  "I'm certain you didn't. But we can't afford to be distracted on this mission." Danse instructed firmly. "There's too much at stake, Knight Vega."
  "Oh, absolutely!" Backhand agreed. 
  "I need you to take point during this engagement, as you're the one who knows where we're going." Danse paused, letting her come up alongside him. "We can't lose sight of what's important. If we do, the Institute has already won." 
  The paladin, in spite of his words, seemed out of sorts. Spacey , even. His grip on his rifle was uncharacteristically slack, especially considering how hostile their environment was. 
  Backhand was reminded of his behavior during their search for Brandis and she said as much, prodding the paladin to respond. "I'm fine. Just...thinking," he muttered. "I apologize, I'm not very good at following my own orders. I lecture you on distraction while also being distracted."
  "After this campaign is over, I vote for a little R and R. The proverbial run ashore. Sound good to you?" Backhand asked, tilting her head.
  Danse cleared his throat. "I wish I had your optimism." He said plainly. "Once the Institute hears we have these munitions, assuming the bombs are even here in the first place, it will be all-out war. I'm not so foolish to think they'll surrender or melt back into the shadows under the threat of our superior firepower. They will demand a live test." The paladin gestured vaguely around him at the blasted landscape. "I know for a fact that Maxson won't stop until the Institute is nothing but a fractured husk. The idea that there are innocent people down there, good people who will be slaughtered with the bad…" He shook his head. 
  "It's sobering." Backhand murmured in agreement, not sure why she was surprised by the paladin's display of humanity. She had been in and out of the Institute over the last few weeks, building a rapport with the various scientists and synths and also passing along pertinent information to the Brotherhood. All the while Shaun pressured her to take over his position, " before I am gone, Mother. " She hadn't known that Danse was actually listening to her field reports.
  "It's grotesque entrapment. People who wanted a better life, people who wanted to help the world, people who thought they were helping." Danse sounded disgusted and strangely upset. "Bodies snatched in the middle of the night, or lured in by the lie of bettering mankind!" He had turned to her as he ranted, his pauldrons rising and falling rapidly from the force of his body against the frame of his armor. "He's your son , Vega, how could he--"
  "He's not my son anymore." Backhand cut him off, stung by his heated words. "The man who leads the Institute may be related to me through biology, but he is not my son, Paladin Danse." She heaved a sigh, looking away. "I guess he really never was, in a way. His father...his father told me he wanted children. Once I got pregnant, though, it was like the reality of it became too much for him." Her laugh was a sad noise, mirthless and hollow. "And if he thought it was too much, imagine how I felt. I didn't really have a lot of agency in the matter, I just wanted to make him happy and when I realized that not even that could make him happy, I kind of lost it. Hence the divorce and stuff. I loved that baby more than anything in the world, but I know that I wasn't a great mom. I was in way over my head. Scared. Terrified . Alone. And then...then he was taken from me. Just like that."
  "Knight Vega, I...forgive my outburst, please. I didn't mean to imply that any of this is your fault." Danse mumbled. "I simply...I-I mean, I see you, the way you interact with the people of the Commonwealth, and I can't wrap my head around the fact that someone even tangentially related to you could be capable of such...heinous machinations."
  "I'm a byproduct of the Great War, Paladin Danse." Backhand smiled thinly. "A relic from times of pretend plenty. The Institute raised Shaun, shaped him into their perfect leader. He doesn't understand the struggles of the real world. He can't understand the ugliness of war, not like how someone who lived through it can." 
  "You would think the perfect leader would want what's best for his troops." Danse remarked.
  "He's dying , Danse. The only reason he thawed me out again is because he's dying, and the Institute wanted me to take over." Backhand confided, scoffing a little. "Can you even believe that shit? His board of directors really thought my altruistic, bleeding-heart ass would take over their body-snatching extravaganza. Hell, they seem confused every time I tell them to fuck off."
  "You turned them down?" 
  The bewilderment in his tone caught Backhand by surprise. " Yeah , Danse. Obviously."
  "The promise of returning the Commonwealth to its former glory wasn't enough to sway you?" The paladin queried, his voice laden with that rare sarcasm he employed. 
  Backhand chuckled wryly. "Did you forget the part where I've seen the Commonwealth at the peak of that former glory? It wasn't better. It was just a little less irradiated." She thumped her pauldron against his own after a moment. "Hey, I'm with you, okay? No matter what happens, we'll get through this and enjoy that sweet off-time." She promised. "I know you can't see, but I'm definitely smiling under here."
  "I can tell." Danse lapsed into contemplative silence, and Backhand wished she could see his expression. Something, anything to clue her in as to what he was thinking about. 
  They passed a crashed plane, the trail of wreckage from it extending well past Backhand's limited field of view. Danse tuned into its distress signal like a reflex, and Backhand half-listened to the mayday broadcast of Skylanes one-six-six-five. 
  "... left engine failure, we're out fifteen three at this time …"
  The plane had been coming in the day the bombs dropped. Due to its location in the Glowing Sea, Backhand could only assume no one had survived. She almost wanted to ask Danse to turn off the broadcast, but the signal quickly petered back out into static as they carefully descended the ridge past the plane.
  The shattered remains of sparse buildings jutted from the caustic ground like the incisors of a gargantuan beast, offering a semblance of shelter only to roving feral ghouls or ambitious mole rats.
  It was a man-made hellscape, awe inspiring in its grim misery, and Backhand felt like she understood Danse's taciturn mood a bit better now.
  Abruptly, a towering monolith was brought into sharp contrast against the green sky by a sullen flash of lightning. Backhand swallowed, unnerved by the stark stone structure that loomed up out of the wan light like a dark pyramid to a forgotten, terrible deity.
  She tried to shake off her fanciful thoughts, scolding herself for being so easily influenced. This wasn't some silly story, some maniac rumination on the subject of doomed expeditions and places where man shouldn't go. This was just one more thing that humanity had built.
  "And here we are." She announced needlessly. "You ready?"
  "My power armor is within nominal parameters, so I would say I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Danse replied simply. 
  Working together, they muscled the double doors open and cautiously made their way into the pyramid-like structure. Backhand grimaced at the bank vault-esque door that greeted them, raising an eyebrow and cocking her helmet at Danse. "I'll bet...fifty caps that I can just give this a spin and it'll bust wide open." She said confidently, resting a gauntlet on the handle.
  "Nice try, Vega." The paladin replied, his tone dry and humorless. "Don't forget we have a job to do."
  Vega grumbled to herself and spun the handle, watching the ancient tumblers creak and separate before the door slowly swung inwards. "Bingo." She breathed, stepping gingerly out onto the old catwalk. "Shit, it looks like ArcJet in here."
  "Remarkably similar." Danse agreed. "Be very cautious about what you shoot in here, we don't know what will explode. And remember to check your corners. I don't want to lose you to something we don't see." 
  Backhand swallowed hard, saluting while inclining her head to indicate that she received and returned the order. "Ad Victoriam, Paladin Danse."
  "Ad Victoriam, Knight Vega." 
  Silence hanging heavy in the air, Vega plodded down the rickety stairs of the catwalk. She briefly debated just hopping the railing and taking the plunge, but ultimately decided against it. The stiff gusts of wind from the door had stirred the centuries of dust into a thick haze, and warning lights still spiraled in amber circles, casting disorienting shadows over everything.
  "It would appear that this facility was converted into a launching silo as well." Danse commented, gesturing at the large gantry-like structure that took up the majority of space in the middle of the pyramid. 
  Down, down, down they went, past multiple security doors. Feral ghouls rose to greet them, some still clad in the tattered remains of army fatigues. 
  "I've had nightmares like this." Backhand admitted during a brief moment of reprieve while she painstakingly tapped away at the keys of a terminal. "Sergeant Cathan and the rest of my squadron turn into ferals and I have to put them down." Danse's heavy gauntlet landed on her pauldron, squeezed once, and then departed. "I know it's dumb to be worried about. They've been dead for…" Vega trailed off, finally getting the double blast doors open and turning off the weakly buzzing alarm in the same stroke. " That's it." She said in relief. 
  Danse took point during this secondary half of the expedition, the paladin staying unusually quiet. Backhand chalked it up to him focusing more on his targets, lest a stray laser hit one of the caged warheads. 
  Down into the bowels of Prescott they trudged, soldiering onwards through tunnels made tight by the bulk of their power armor. The headlamp on Danse's new helmet illuminated the cramped, half-collapsed areas as he scanned from three to nine and back again.
  "Left up here." Backhand broke the silence, directing him through a hole in the wall to circumvent a rubble-filled dead end and then overtaking him when he paused to check his rifle. "We should still be able to pick up the tunnel around this junk."
  "Affirmative." Danse replied shortly. "I would advise that we not attempt to clear any debris. We don't know what will collapse on us."
  Vega grimaced, "good point. That's why you're the paladin." Oddly, he made a scoffing sound, but she dismissed it as him being sarcastic again.
  When the tunnel finally opened up into an enormous room, Vega breathed a little easier. Ahead of them loomed a massive set of red double doors, tarnished with age but still holding strong. What appeared to be a control room was situated over the doors, and Backhand quickly spotted the stairs that would lead her upwards.
  The body sprawled across the top of the stairs gave her pause, however. It wasn't a feral ghoul, but a Child Of Atom. Backhand glanced up to the door to the control room, then back down at the body. 
  Up. Down. Up again.
  And she continued over the body, one massive gauntlet knocking comically gentle on the door.
  "Enter." Intoned a voice from inside the room. Behind her, she heard Danse's rifle hum as he primed it.
  " Easy , cowboy. Let me see if I can get this settled peacefully." Backhand whispered. She had no idea whether Danse had heard her or not, but she prayed he had as she set sabaton into the room. 
  The Children Of Atom had always been a ragged-looking bunch, their lives dedicated to the pursuit of " the Glow " and worship of what they called " the Great Divide ". This man was no exception, though the room was also occupied by a turret and assaultron. Two things no one wanted to deal with in close quarters.
  "Halt, stranger. You stand upon Atom's sacred ground." The religious fanatic announced grandly. "Speak your business or be divided where you stand."
  Backhand mused over her reply for a moment, finally stating, "we seek the Glow of Atom, my uh, brother ."
  " You? " The man scoffed, "you, who slaughtered Atom's most faithful as you stormed this compound?"
  "We sought to release them to Atom's embrace. Return them to the universe to be...divided anew. After all, matter cannot be created or destroyed, only repurposed," Vega replied smoothly, "as dictated by the Law of Conservation of Mass, writ by his most holy eminence Antoine Lavoisier." 
  "Ah, I see you are a scholar of the sacred texts as well!" The man remarked, a smile crossing his stern features. "Forgive my ignorance, sister. When I saw your armor, I feared that you came to destroy this holy ground." Backhand blinked behind her helmet. That had been strictly high school science bullshit, but she would take the victory. "I assume you wish to bask in Atom's Glow then, as one of his faithful?"
  "We seek to spread Atom's glory via the use of these munitions." Backhand explained. "Our organization requires these vehicles to distribute Atom's might. Please, permit us to utilize them."
  "You will put them to good use? That is all we can ask for!" The Child Of Atom's eyes filled with tears of what Vega could only assume was gratitude. "I had thought we would stand guard over this holy ground for all of time. Please, take this and prepare to enter His inner sanctum." He took her gauntlet and pressed a scrap of paper into it, gesturing at the worn-looking terminal on the table beside the sputtering turret. "Follow the brilliance of the Glow, and it shall lead you to the relics. May Atom's radiance warm your soul." He breathed, those teary blue eyes focused on the visor of her helm. 
  Vega inclined her head respectfully, praying that Danse would stand aside and let the man depart without a fight. Clearly she needn't have worried; the paladin obligingly shifted the bulk of his armor out of the way so the religious zealot could leave the room peacefully. 
  "' His most holy eminence' ?" Danse repeated, his tone wry. "You certainly have a gift, Knight Vega." 
  Backhand grinned under her helmet, reading the password off the scrap of paper and then carefully punching it into the terminal. "What can I say? A little diplomacy and a healthy sprinkling of mumbo-jumbo goes a long way." With a simple keystroke, the massive doors creaked open. The woman bowed as best as she could in her armor. "Shall we?" 
  Danse appeared to have returned to his silence, simply nodding and walking back out of the room.
  What's gotten into him? Backhand wondered.
Part Thirteen
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seigephoenix · 3 years
Tagged by @alyssalenko! Thanks for the tag!! Gonna tag anyone who wants to play!
Get to Know Me
1: Why did you choose your url?
It's my gamertag on Xbox.  Simple as that.  XD
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
@seigesinbin - 18+ only.  It's my 100% smut blog for my anime fandoms.  I didn't want to clog anyone's dash with my anime fandoms (since almost 100% of my mutuals were video game blogs).
@hereliesotometrash - I figure this one is kinda obvious.  My otome obsession.  Currently playing Collar x Malice: Unlimited
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2017 officially.  I lurked for about a year prior to starting my own blog
4: Do you have a queue tag?
What's a queue?  I kid.  No, I do not have a tag for it.  ^^
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
To find and follow a Fairy Tail artist that I loved.  Then I discovered ME blogs and DA blogs.  Been here ever since.
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's my Canon Sole Survivor Alexis from Fallout 4.  I was in a Fallout binge and now I'm far too lazy to change it.
7: Why did you choose your header?
This scene in the game really hit me in the feels.  Sole wakes up from the big freeze after witnessing their spouse get brutally murdered defending their baby.  They went to sleep as the bombs had fallen.  And wake up 200 years later to the aftermath.  It's just a truly tragic scene that really resonated with me.
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
On this blog?  I think a meme I made got 3k notes.  
Now on my sideblog?  Sheesh.  I trolled an Anon hater with a meme.  It's now approaching 100k notes.  *whispers* Make it stop.
9: How many mutuals do you have?
Fuck I don't really know anymore.  I love them all though.
10: How many followers do you have?
607.  And I block a pornbot every two days or it'd be more.
11: How many people do you follow?
421 and that was after I culled the deactivated Tumblrs.
12: Have you ever made a shitposts?
That's basically all this blog is now.  But yes.  I have made a few but I keep them untagged so hopefully no one finds them.
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
More often than I should over the summer BUT I did not have the child with me.  Now that she's with me I check it maybe 3 times a day
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Yeah.  It wasn't pleasant and ended in legal measures being taken against the other blog.  And made me really see I had to be careful with who I trusted online after everything was done and over with.
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I dislike them.  I don't reblog them. The whole trying to guilt me thing puts me off them.  I don't mind awareness posts.  I've reblogged some and often times I'll click on the links to do my research before donating.  Somehow it's difficult to trust Tumblr links so I try to fact check before I post now.  Not always successful but I'm human.
16: Do you like tag games?
I definitely do not mind them.  Now that mobile is a bit easier to work with I can answer them a lot easier too.
17: Do you like ask games?
Definitely but I rarely get Asked anything unless it's a prompt based game.  🤣 I partially blame myself because I'm not the most active user there is.
18: Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Nah but I love them all.
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theggning · 4 years
What are your opinions on Nick/Sole/Danse poly ships? (Also, I adore your Watchtower fic, so much!)
Thank you! I have definitely thought a lot about this ship too, though perhaps not in the way some readers might have been hoping I did. I don’t think they work at all as a romantic poly, at least not in AATW!verse. 
Disclaimer: It’s fanworks, nothing is impossible. I think any ship is viable if you have the right setup or put in the legwork to make it convincing and in-character (you could also be out-of-character, I suppose, but honestly those kind of fanworks don’t interest me at all. I’m here for characterization.) There could ABSOLUTELY be a version of Nick/Sole/Danse that works out. Maybe your Sole is different than mine, or you could put in the development to get over some of the hurdles I’ll mention and pull it off just fine. I’d love to see somebody try it!
But I’ll be coming at this from the direction I did in AATW, with my setup and with Nora Carter as the Sole Survivor. And here are the Thoughts I had about Nick/Sole/Danse as a romantic triad in my own ‘verse: 
- The main hurdle, really, is that Nick and Danse are barely becoming friends over the course of AATW. They’ve only just begun to find anything admirable about the other person. Danse is learning about Nick’s good heart and exceptional empathy, and Nick has only just started to see Danse for the selfless, loyal good dude he is without the BoS brainwashing and bigotry poisoning him. I think it’s a massive stretch to find anything romantically attractive between them at this point. So if this ship were to happen in AATW, it would be less a poly-triad and more a V-shaped relationship with Nora at the center.
- Which leads to most of the rest of the problems. Neither Nick nor Danse are really in a place where they’d be comfortable with a poly arrangement focused on a third person like that. Danse especially is bouncing back from the absolute nadir point of his life, having his self-identity and confidence completely destroyed. He’s uneasy with himself and who he is, still mired with self-loathing about being a synth. I think he’d be very sensitive to the idea that he’s not “good enough” for Nora on his own. If she expressed the idea that she wanted to open up their relationship, he would assume this was her way of informing him gently that he’s not doing it for her, and he would instantly take it in the worst possible way-- that it’s because he’s a synth and she’s not happy with him. 
- Everything I just said about Danse being sensitive and self-conscious? Triple it for Nick. He’s far more internal with his struggles about his synthhood and has had a lot more time to cope with it, but there is very much a part of him that feels inadequate because he does not have a human body. Quite honestly, I’m kind of uncomfortable with any ship that casually sticks Nick as the third person in a triad where the other member has the body of a human man. Especially if he is not romantically involved with the other partner. Done too casually or without any development, this can feel to me like having a Nick as a “sidepiece” alongside a man who can take care of her sexually (implying that Nick cannot) and I just... find this extremely cruel to Nick. 
- I feel like both of them are pretty much “all or nothing” guys. They are both independent and used to being alone, career/goal-driven men who are happy enough being single, and frankly do not suffer headaches and drama. Nick especially would not be interested in dabbling in a ship where it even seems like drama might become a factor, and isn’t willing to waste his time if he feels like he’s going to have to struggle or fight to be involved. He would want to give all of himself to a romantic partner, and expect that in return. Otherwise, why bother? He’s doing fine on his own. 
- Same with Danse. Post-BB, he doesn’t necessarily need a romantic relationship to keep him steady. He needs a strong relationship of any sort: friendship, brotherhood, allies, or just someone who cares at all what happens to him. He has a fairly traditional outlook on things and is not about to try to expand his mind about his ideas on monogamy at a time like this. If you want to be with him, then do so. But if you’d be happier with someone else, then he wishes you well. 
- Yeah on that note, both Nick and Danse are extremely selfless (to the point of it being a character flaw.) So selfless that they both care more about the happiness of Nora over their own. If it even looked like there was going to be a conflict over her, it would be a race to see who would duck out of the way first. In AATW, it was Nick. And I genuinely believe they are both mature and thoughtful enough to not create any drama over this, and talk it out like adults. Neither are interested in a “love triangle” and neither think highly enough of themselves to want to fight over Nora’s affections. 
- I don’t consider friendship as “lesser” than romance. Friendship isn’t “runner-up” to romance, and ending up friends with someone you had romantic interest in doesn’t mean you “lost.” Nick feels exactly the same way. Nick and Nora have a deep and powerful relationship, and she considers him the best friend she’s ever had. He is genuinely happy with this, and genuinely wants Nora to make whatever choices she wants that make her happy. He has a crush on her, but as he states in ch 10, it’s “[his] problem, not hers.” Those feelings are his to deal with on his own, and not her responsibility to soothe or make better. Could he confess to her at some point and see how she feels about it? Of course-- but to what end? At best, Nick thinks, he’d start drama with her current relationship. At worst, she has to reject him, feels uncomfortable, and he screws up their friendship. It’s just not worth it to him, and as long as he has Nora’s friendship, he is absolutely happy with that.
- Though Nora is romantically interested in Danse, I think their relationship is nowhere near as strong as her friendship with Nick. Their romance is still very tender and tentative and new, and both are being very cautious and slow with it. Meanwhile, Nick and Nora are very comfortable with each other, laugh a lot, spend a lot of time together, and have intimate emotional conversations very easily. She is much tighter with Nick than with Danse at this point, even if the relationship dynamics are different/different types of love. I didn’t have the chance to say so in the fic anywhere, but Danse is very much aware of this. He knows Nick and Nora are close. He knows that if he acted like a jerk or tried to push the issue or laid out some kind of ultimatum like “it’s me or him-” Nora would dump Danse’s ass in the garbage immediately. For good reason! Jealousy is extremely unattractive, and she would never put up with him trying to police her friendships. Danse is also immediately eager to step aside if Nick decided he wanted to pursue her-- but as Nick pointed out, Nora is romantically interested in Danse, and that is her choice. Both of them are mature enough to respect her choice, and respect how Nora feels about the other. 
So yeah, tl;dr: AATW!verse Nick and Danse are nowhere near friendly enough to consider a romance with each other, both have buckets of self-worth issues that make a V-shaped relationship a disaster in the making where somebody gets their heart broken, and Nick is 100% content with being friends with Nora despite his crush on her. 
Once again, could Nick/Sole/Danse have any possibility of working? Sure! If you put in the legwork and thought, you could make an argument for just about any pairing you want. I’d love to see someone do it! But I don’t really see it happening in this particular case, in this ‘verse, with this Sole Survivor and this setup of Nick and Danse even consenting to speak to one another. 
(Am I in the business of expounding my Thoughts on Pairings now? I just might be.) 
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rwby-nwbe · 4 years
Just Finished RWBY Volume 4...
...and I actually liked it?
[Spoilers Ahead, Y'all Know The Drill]
I mean, from what I've heard the Volume gets a lot of flack but honestly? I don't think it deserves it.
Yes, this is the first volume without Monty, and yes, the fights lost a bit of their momentum compared to earlier volumes, but aside from that... it's actually pretty good?
Alright, let me give you the play by play character style.
Ruby Rose
There goes my baby... off to destroy evil.
Ruby hasn't changed much, at least to a noticeable degree, compared to the rest of the cast. Actually, no, that isn't true, she just hasn't changed in a way that would force her overall character to noticeably shift. And I think that's fine. She's still a child at times, and is still really optimistic. But the thing is, she has matured. She doesn't immediately jump head first into danger like she used to, and it's clear she's still trying to process what happened at the Fall of Beacon. And yet, she's pressing on, and I'm glad that she and the rest of Team RNJR have each other's backs.
My only concern is what will go down in Mistral...
Weiss Schnee
Welp, Jacques Schnee, congrats! You've joined Cinder and Adam on the hit list I'm writing up!
The a-hole aside, I really like how Weiss played out this volume. According to what I've heard, volume 4 took place about 6-8 months after Beacon, so I'm kinda sad that Weiss was stuck home for all that time. On the bright side, we get a look at her progress on her summons, which looks to be coming along quite nicely. Then we see the concert, and ooh does that make my blood boil. I'll get to Jacques in a bit, but personally, I'd have no qualms watching him burn, figuratively, or literally.
Fly, Weiss, fly from the coup. Give your bastard of a father the metaphorical middle finger he deserves! (P.S. Klein is best dad.)
Blake Belladonna
Oof. I hurteth.
So Blake tends to stay away out of fear that she'll hurt her friends (i.e. some alternate version of survivor's guilt). In order to make amends from her point of view, she heads home to Menagerie. And once again, we're reminded on why humanity sucks sometimes!
Humans: Here, have this desert island for your large spanning species that covers just as much ground as we do.
Faunus: But... but it's so small!
Humans: Is it? Oh well, we can't have everything!
Me: Y'all LITERALLY have several freaKING CONTINENTS-!
*Ahem* That said, Sun came along! And we met Blake's parents! But first, Sun; I'll admit, I had mixed feelings about him being there at first, but that was mostly because Blake was being angsty and despite Sun's best intentions, virtually nothing he did help. Although, towards the end of the Volume, he managed to help Blake realize why her way of thinking was wrong, so props to him for that. Uh, Sun, could you maybe knock like a normal person? Wait, Blake, DON'T SLAP HIM FOR IT!!!
Ah, Kali, you're just as chaotic as Sun, oh dear... Ghira, never change, man. Never change.
Yang Xiao Long
Oof. I hurteth again. (ADAM!! LET ME DESTROY YOU, DANGIT!!!)
So Yang has been... adjusting to life after Beacon and without an arm. Oh, and Adam gave her PTSD! Isn't that just swell?
[When the find your corpse it'll have Wilt running through your spine and your skull severed with bullet shots from Blush I swear-]
Luckily, Yang gets a prosthetic from Atlas. I was afraid she'd reject it, but it's actually kinda nice to see that she takes to it rather well. And after seeing Oobleck (YAY!) and Port again, it's cool that she's just trying to find her footing. Though, Tai, you might wanna consider NOT flying to close to the Sun Dragon, capiche?
And all this culminates in Yang finally getting back out in the end of the Volume, hoping to find some answers. Hopefully she takes Tai's words to heart.
Jaune Arc
But seriously, it was... kinda off-putting to see Jaune act so... morose. Granted, we all know why (PYRRHA!!!), but still. I'm glad his team is looking out for him and that he's slowly starting to recover like everyone else. His conversation with Ruby in Kuroyuri was also really touching. Come to think of it, didn't Blake have a similar conversation with Sun? The PARALLELS!
Also, that upgrade, tho. CUT THAT NUCKELAVEE INTO DUST, MY DUDE!!!
Nora Valkyrie+Lie Ren
You can't talk about one without bringing up the other.
Guys, this was as much a Renora volume as it was a RWBY-Post Beacon volume. The Fall triggers some odd behavior in Ren, but we figure out why pretty quickly once we reach the Kuroyuri episode.
First, young Ren and Nora... adorable!
Second, I was NOT ready for when Nora had to talk Ren out of charging blindly at the Nuckelavee. The slap. The way Ren sees young Nora and then sees current Nora. Nothing could prepare me. Nothing.
They are so SOFT together, it's just... <3
New Characters (and Old ones, too)
Lightning round, baby!
Qrow Branwen. So Qrow serves as the inside man. He knows what's been going on, and he fills the rest of us in. We also know why he tends to keep his distance, because his semblance brings bad luck to allies and enemies alike. The poor birb. Glad he managed to survive Tyrian!
Jacques Schnee. Egotistical manipulative piece of garbage whom I will not feel sorry for once he's put in his place. 'Nuff said.
Whitley Schnee. Mixed feelings. Mixed feelings everywhere. 'Cause on one hand, I've seen plenty of the fandom's takes on his character putting him in a positive light, but on the other he starts getting kind of unbearable after Weiss loses her title as heiress. Then I have to remind myself that Whitley is the "Fawn" reaction to trauma. Weiss is "Fight," Winter is "Flight," their mother is "Freeze," and Whitley is "Fawn." Stuff like that helps me contextualize that when Whitley says things about their dad like "It's foolish to not do what father asks," or "It's barbaric. It's beneath me. Beneath father," Whitley's not just saying that 'cause he's a bit of a brat. That's his coping mechanism to the abuse Jacques put him and the rest of his family through, and it's probably been a long time that he's been telling himself stuff like this so he can keep in his father's good graces and not risk getting a slap to the face like Weiss, while also trying to deal with the fact that Weiss and Winter get a freedom that he never had a chance to get. And you have to remember that Winter and Weiss were abused to, and that trying to blame Whitley's current condition on the two of them doesn't make things any better. They're not obligated to care about Whitley just as much as Whitley isn't obligated to care about them. It would be nice if either one of them could get through to him, but they were all trying to combat Jacques in one way or another. Whitley was just the odd one out. And if you really think about it, the biggest brain play you can take from all this is to blame it solely on Jacques. I swear, when I get to Volume 4 in my NWBE AU, one of my top priorities will be getting Whitley the ever loving hell out of that accursed mansion alongside Weiss, mark my words.
Klein Sieben. Ladies and gentleman, the only valid man under the Schnee roof! And a Seven Dwarves reference no less. Thanks, I love him! Glad he helped Weiss escape his father's clutches.
James Ironwood. Oh boy, boss man is starting to lose his grip on things. Granted, he's trying to do the right thing, but it's clear his paranoia is getting to him. You know crap is getting bad if the most valid person in all of Atlas simultaneously needs to be told to get a grip from Jacques of all people (especially if he's making a point). Hope this doesn't trigger a downward spiral...
Ghira and Kali Belladonna. Ghira is done and Kali just wants to have fun. I love their dynamic and interactions with Blake and Sun! It was a nice wind down from everything else going on, though I don't think that'll last for long.
White Fang. So we got three more WF members: Fennec, Corsac, and Ilia. The Albain brothers are sleezeballs already, since they're working with Adam and all. Ilia's working with them too, but I'll have to withhold my judgement since she appears to have an as yet undisclosed connection to Blake, but I don't want to get my hopes up since she already stabbed Sun, so... Low expectations, but still expectations.
Salem's Group. Yup, Salem's a villain alright. I'll be keeping my eye on her, she just reeks of trouble. Cinder apparently lost her voice... eh, probably for the best. Emerald, Mercury, get the ever-loving FRICK outta there, you're clearly out of your element! Hazel, you're... fascinating. Neutral Evil, perhaps? Watts, you're on my radar, especially with the last episode of the Volume. And Tyrian... well, he's clearly beyond the point of no return, entirely devoted to Salem, and his psycho-sadistic tendencies are enough to freak Cinder of all people out. Needless to say, I hope something or someone takes care of him before the damage becomes irreversible.
And for now, I'll wrap this up with Oscar Pine. I'll admit, it was interesting how they set up Oscar's character as a slow burn this Volume. We learn he lives a quiet life with his aunt in a barn, and at first we're wondering "Who the heck is this kid?" But then Ozpin shows up and suddenly everything is like "Oh... wait, WHAT!?" So yeah, Ozpin just brought another child into thia conflict. At least they're both not happy about it, and hey, they met Qrow! Hopefully that keeps things from getting too crazy down the line. We still need answers, after all.
Well, those are my thoughts. Sorry they took so long. Hopefully Volume 5 won't be so hard to complete. Well... cheers!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (15 May 2020)
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the writing ask- I AM SO SORRY I COULDNT STOP!!! xoxo
aaaah these questions look SO GOOD thank you so much <3 <3 for this ask meme, which will be open all weekend!
1. tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
i pulled open all of my WIP google docs for this and my laptop started whirring ominously, lmao. this is going to be a Little Long but i love talking about my wips so who cares!! (under the cut because EXCERPTS)
guys and dolls but gay - very, very casual rewrite of guys and dolls if sky masterson was a woman. i’m loving how chill i’m being about this one because it’s so much fun to not have to worry how i’m going to write lyrics in a not-weird way and just focus on the story. this one’s first because it’s theoretically closest to being finished.
sky, laughing: “oh? people. all the people you turn down every day. well, i imagine there’s someone out there that’ll catch your eye.”
sarah, stiffening: “...yes, there will be.”
sky: “and what might this person be like?”
sarah: “he will not be a gambler, for one.”
sky does not miss the pointed pronoun. “i’m not interested in what he won’t be, i’m interested in what he will be.” she sits down on the desk, in a pointedly masculine pose, and sets her fedora next to her - at her most Hot Queer, basically. “how will you know when he gets to you?”
my fic for the aos rarepair fic exchange - i can’t give any plot or ship details, for obvious reasons, but it’s 1.3k and i’m having fun with it!
steven roadtrip of destiny - canon divergent fic set at the end of steven universe future where steven goes on a roadtrip instead of... canon. it deals with some heavy emotions and it’s also a character study so it’s tentatively shelved until i get around to rewatching suf. but i am projecting on steven like crazy and it’s really, really cathartic. it’s taught me a lot about myself too lmao.
He’s never been anonymous before. He kind of likes it. It means he can fold his arms on the table and put his head down without Pearl worrying about his posture, or someone asking him if something’s okay.
In the last few months, he’s grown to hate people asking him how he’s doing, or if he’s okay. He always ends up lying, because he doesn’t want to worry them, and he ends up feeling worse.
Probably because it’s more of him supporting other people without supporting himself.
He should have told someone how he was feeling. He should have reached out. Sadie could’ve helped him. Lars would’ve listened. Connie would have hugged him and then found him the appropriate mental health professional.
(God, Steven wants a hug. Also the appropriate mental health professional? Whoever that would be.)
untitled aos fic - i don’t want to give a lot of details because :eye emoji: and also i don’t know much about what the plot of this is going to be anyway, lmao. but here’s an excerpt:
daisy “that actor who doesn’t shut up about data harvesting” johnson (@daisyquake) tweeted: two weeks :eyes emoji:
Elena Rodriguez | Seven Cents S2 Streaming On Netflix Now! (@yoyorodriguez) retweeted and added: the problem with being friends with daisy is that you SHOULD have some insight into what her tweets mean but you still have no idea
Fitz (@justfitz) retweeted and added: Try being married to her
untitled star wars twins fic - because i am a total and massive nerd. i’m just kind of stuffing everything i have feels about from the post-anh era into this and planning on figuring it out later? i’m really loving talking about the culture of alderaan (and the culture of the survivors) and also i just love writing luke and leia’s relationship... so much......
(no excerpt for that one because i’ve basically posted all of it in various posts lmao)
aos ds9 au - i’ve posted a LOT about this already and i want to keep the plot a surprise but fsk is in this and married and half the cast is aliens, what else do you need in life.
“Good morning,” says Jemma, coming into the room with her hair wet and her uniform crooked. “Hello, darling.”
“Hi,” says Daisy, turning her face up for a kiss. Jemma obliges absently as she walks past, looking around the room.
“Has anyone seen my hair clip?”
“No,” say Fitz and Daisy in unison.
and of course, last but never least in my heart, chapter 3 of the magnum opus - writing this is on hold until my brain decides to stop hitting me over the head at every possible moment, but there’s like... 2k written so far? it’s. it’s going.
“Yeah, yeah,” says Coulson, and makes quick work of the right gauntlet. It’s only halfway through the left one that his fingers slow and he says, quietly, “Simmons designed these, didn’t she?”
She lets out a quick breath. “Yeah.”
He stays quiet for a few more seconds, finishing up the last of the straps, making sure they’re tight enough. Finally, he says, “She should be helping you with these.”
Daisy pulls her arms back and swallows down some words, or maybe a couple of feelings, or maybe a sob. “Yeah, well.”
2. tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
the last sentence of the magnum opus!!!!!!!!!!
no, lmao, i’m gonna try to be serious. i really, really want to write some librarians fic in the near future? also MORE OF THE SENSE8 AU. i’m DYING to write some stuff about that. especially sam’s cluster, for some reason? Let’s Make Him Suffer (Comedically)! one day i’m gonna finish that list of what cluster/situation each song is about and then it’ll be over for all of us!
3. what is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
i spent about eight months imagining a scene where riza hawkeye was really injured and mustang was holding her in his arms (basically the promised day scene but with more privacy) so does that count?
hmm, just for some other possibilities: glinda telling dorothy about elphaba, laura somehow seeing or speaking to natasha during catws, a good omens au of the good place (specifically the ”i don’t even like you!” / “you doooooooo” scene), kencyrath au of star wars (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE, except setting up the first scene alone would take 7k, but i want to talk about leia and luke and their MESSED UP TRUST ISSUES in this au).
oh, also, something about star trek tng where jean-luc and beverly and jack were in love and then jack died and picard left. more specifically a scene set during the pilot episode where jean-luc very cordially offers beverly the option to transfer off the enterprise, that he wouldn’t dream of holding it against her, and beverly very cordially telling jean-luc to go fuck himself. i want to write 30k of that broken triad. i want it so bad. i dream of that fic. maybe one day when i find myself with a completely empty month or two, i’ll binge all of tng and Write Some Stuff.
4. share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
since you and i have tww in common, i’m gonna do a tww fic! otherwise i’d have to reread literally every fic i’ve ever written, lmao.
(this is long but i put this post under the cut so i have RIGHTS. also consider this a sneak peek for the j/d fic in the sense8 au?)
“It’s okay,” says Helen. She sits for a moment in silence, seeming thoughtful. “The Congressman and I are in the same cluster,” she says eventually. “I’d- I supposed that’s easier on the Secret Service?”
“Yes,” says Donna. “The-”
She stops herself from saying anything further. President Bartlet and the First Lady aren’t exactly quiet about who’s in their cluster, especially with senior staff, but that doesn’t mean she should go talking about it in an unsecured room in LA, of all places.
To cover for her blunder, she gives up something else: “The same with Josh. They got really lucky with him, actually. It’s just him and me, so they won’t have to worry about anyone threatening the Chief of Staff through the barista in the local Starbucks.”
Helen looks up from the Ohio numbers she’d drifted back to, a slow smile creeping up on her face. “Josh is in your cluster?”
“Uh-” says Donna, feeling like national security wasn’t worth whatever she’s just blundered into. Oops. “Josh- Josh is my cluster, ma’am.”
She catches her mistake the second it’s out of her mouth, but Helen doesn’t call her on it, more focused on other revelations. “No wonder you two look at each other the way you do!” she says, sounding delighted. Donna shuts her eyes, praying for this to go away. It’s not that she’s ashamed of Josh - it’s just so, so complicated, and other people never think about how difficult it was. Still is.
i’m just... i really liked the idea of donna fumbling and having to reveal this to cover up for what else she was going to say? i don’t know why i’m so charmed by this. i think it’s because it would be impossible in the show - you can’t show what someone was going to say on television, not without a lot of setup and very careful scripting. it’s just a really fun situation to write about and i’m really proud of this conversation in general.
also helen santos was a dream to write and i love her a lot. i kind of want to write one of the fics in the series about her and her cluster solely because like... look at her. she’s a delight in literally every scene. i love her.
5. what character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
daisy johnson!!! i love writing daisy johnson!!!! she is the most adhd character i’ve ever written and i literally just have to transcribe my own inner monologue and it works perfectly!!!!!
Swing shift: 1600 hours to 2400 hours. Daisy always ends up getting back to her quarters at like 0030 hours, when Jemma is asleep and Fitz is reading some kind of technical journal. Then she has to eat replicated pizza, alone, and freshly replicated pizza is actually pretty hot but it feels cold at that time of night, like, spiritually.
6. what character do you have the most fun writing?
...whoops i literally just answered that lmao. uh. i also really love writing sky masterson in the guys and dolls fic? she’s just weaponized hot queerness in a suit and i love her for it. she is intentionally trying to seduce this repressed lesbian and it’s really funny and also really hot of her and it’s so much fun to write.
also, i wrote chidi for the tgp fic and it was possibly the most fun i’ve ever had with a pov, although that was also because i was purposefully trying to mimic the tone of the show. i still think that line about michael and a grenade is, like, the funniest i have ever been in my life. but chidi’s panic was surprisingly easy to write? all of tgp’s characters have such STRONG voices, it makes writing fic ridiculously easy as long as you don’t get stuck on a plot for six months.
7. what do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? would others agree?
oof, this one is ALWAYS tricky. uh? uhh?? i’m going to ruin everything by saying this but i basically alternate between the same two sentence structures and i am really frustrated about it. i also alternate between the same two styles of endings and i always use the same beginning (set scene, main character pov, thoughts-as-exposition, back to scene).
BUT ON A MORE POSITIVE NOTE i like to talk about emotions and relationships and character development!! i have my “queer subtext goggles” superglued to my face, lmao. i like to think about how characters must have felt about things in canon and how it must’ve influenced them. i like making people deal with the consequences of their actions, especially how it’s influenced they themself. i also just really, really like writing people who love each other, whether it’s romantic or platonic or anything in between. i just want them to be happy! i just want them to stick together! doesn’t matter what fandom, i stand by it.
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greyias · 4 years
FIC: Smoke and Mirrors - Chapter 16
Title: Smoke and Mirrors Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight Rating: T Genre: Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn Synopsis: Something’s rotten on Carrick Station, and Theron won’t rest until he finds out what. But picking at the frayed threads of suspicion quickly unravels a conspiracy much larger than even the Republic’s top spy can handle on his own. (A mostly canon-compliant retelling of the Forged Alliances storyline, as seen through the eyes of Theron Shan.) Author’s Notes and Spoilers: See Chapter 1.
Chapter Index: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Crossposted to AO3
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As far as targets went, Rian Darok was proving to be an exceptionally dull one. The contents of his schedule turned out to be incredibly mundane, as it just consisted of meetings with other SpecOps officers. Once he returned to Coruscant, there had been a brief hope that would uncover the proverbial smoking blaster. However, it seemed to lead to just more meetings, and an interminable amount of time spent in front of a data terminal searching for nothing of interest whatsoever.
The low-profile made sense, though. If Darok had a hand in what happened with Tython, that kind of thing would have taken a lot of time to plan out. Theron had tried scrubbing through the man’s personnel files on his breaks, but it was spotless. There was zero indication that Darok was anything but a loyal citizen of the Republic, and had no reason to collude with the Empire. In fact, he probably had more reason than most soldiers to hold a grudge. In fact, according to his personnel record, he probably had more reason than most soldiers to hold a grudge. He was the sole survivor of an Imperial attack on the Dorin’s Sky while it had been serving in the Nanth’ri System...
The location gave Theron pause, and he stared at Darok’s file. The galaxy was a big place, and seasoned veterans would have served all over the map, but that particular system was familiar. Wasn’t that the same system where Revan had fallen to an Imperial strike team? That same funny feeling that had been haunting him since this whole thing had started crept up again, starting at the base of his spine and slowly crawling its way up, until every hair on the back of his neck stood on end. It was circumstantial at best but… it was odd how connections to Revan kept popping up. First with Jensyn, and now Darok. 
If he didn’t know better, he’d almost suspect they had some little secret club. Of course, that didn’t make much sense. Revan was dead, and all of these connections were just… coincidence. Funny. The timing of the attacks on Tython and Korriban were supposed to be coincidences too.
He glared at Darok’s file, but it didn’t yield any further insights or secrets.
The Tython investigation was beginning to wrap up, and Trant had begun to redirect resources. The Analytics Division was moving on from post-mortem reports to dig into the data that Theron had managed to extract from Korriban during the strike team’s raid. Of course, that wasn’t sitting well with Theron either. His data was clean, he knew that, but the intel that had started all of this mess, the one that they’d raided Korriban for had yet to be turned over to the SIS yet. 
The last time Theron had asked the Director about it, the face that Marcus had made would have been almost comical. Almost, because a lot of people had died for that data, and now it was apparently lost in some military bureaucracy. Theron considered calling in a favor from dear old dad, see if maybe he could grease the wheels. But that might call too much attention to the fact that Theron was very interested in the origins of all of this.
So unless he wanted to try and involve more people in his crazy conspiracy chase, it was best that he not attract to much attention. He still hadn’t found any proof yet to sound an alarm, just a bunch of odd coincidences and interesting pieces of trivia with nothing to connect them all together. He stared at the terminal in front of him, absently tapping his finger on the keys.
Highwind had reported that Darok, or some men under his direction, had been unusually interested in the Jedi’s library. Theron pulled up the official investigation into the Tython attack. He tried to scan through the findings, but only found reports on destruction, compromised terminals, and some missing artifacts.
With a glance to his surroundings, he slipped out the private datapad he’d been conducting his own personal investigation on, and did a quick check on the current whereabouts of The Defender. It appeared that she’d been called back into duty to help mediate a dispute of succession for House Barnaba in the Tapani sector. He tapped the bezel of the datapad, wondering if it was too soon to say anything, considering he hadn’t uncovered anything yet. The nagging thought about the Archives wouldn’t leave him, so he pulled up his empty inbox, and began to compose a message:
To: Greyias Highwind From: Theron Shan Subject: Nothing Noteworthy Yet
I wish I could say I’ve found something, but it’s been a slow two weeks since I last wrote. The life of a SpecOps commander is apparently very mundane most of the time, filled with meetings, meetings, and more meetings. And when not meeting, apparently they’re in front of a terminal cruising the HoloNet. I’d say your taxes at work, but you don’t really take a salary do you? Still, you get that fancy ship, so I guess that’s something.
I’ve been knee deep in this investigation on Tython. There’s a lot of data on damage inflicted, suggestions for beefing up security, how security failed, and what was taken. It’s a lot, is what I’m saying, and I’m still sorting through it. I keep thinking about our mutual friend and the library though, and what might have been so interesting there. Just trying to find some correlation between that and what we’ve gotten from Korriban.
Just to keep busy mind you, since our buddy is boring me keeping such a low profile. You ever hear anything interesting about that before your trip to Barnaba?
He stared at the letter for a few moments, recalling the previous communication he’d received, and added one last bit:
I also feel the need to let you know that as vast as they are, the SIS databases aren’t all-knowing. There’s a lot of entries on famous pieces of jewelry around the galaxy, but nothing about this bracelet you keep bringing up. Still want me to keep looking?
Satisfied, he sent off the letter, and stowed the datapad away for now. He’d have to wait for answers, and in the meantime, had to close out the official report on Tython.
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When he’d mentioned that the intel side of his job was boring, he wasn’t kidding. There was a lot of snooping, and occasionally some fast-paced running, but there was a lot of waiting that wound up happening between discoveries. The first one came in via official channels, an intel request from Darok on "Isotope-5 Proliferations and Deployment in the Empire". Theron was pretty familiar with the contents of that already, and it made perfect sense for the colonel to be requesting it considering the devastation wreaked by the Iso-5 bombs on Tython.
The second one came to him as he was getting himself another cup of caf from the community carafe, although the sudden arm flung around his shoulders made him nearly spill his drink. Theron at first thought he was being assaulted, and it was only his quick recognition of who the arm belonged to that saved its owner from having his face shoved into the wall.
“Shan,” Jonas exclaimed, “why haven’t we gone out again?”
“Because you’re still banned from the Dealer’s Den for cheating?”
“I do not cheat!” Jonas proclaimed loudly, then leaned close. Theron felt something being slid into his pocket and heard a quick whisper. “This qualified as weird for me. Mind telling me what you’re up to?”
Theron shot him a glance and shook his head minutely, and then made a show of elbowing him away. “You might be right, I hear there might be a crooked dealer there.”
“I don’t like to accuse people of cheating without proof,” Jonas said carefully. “Being wrong about that’s almost as bad as cheating itself.”
“As I said, I just heard, never confirmed.”
Jonas pressed his lips together in a thin line, a little concern surfacing through his cheery facade. “I’ve got to run to Denon, I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it for a rematch at Dealer’s Den for a while.”
“That’s too bad,” Theron said casually, “I wouldn’t mind having another go myself.”
“I’m not a fan of drinking alone, Shan. Gets rather lonely. You really shouldn’t either.”
“I’m touched by your concern for my social life, Balkar, but I’ll be fine.”
“I’m more concerned about that face jumping in front of more incoming fists. Or maybe getting a vibro-knife in the back. Bar fights can easily get out of hand.”
“Funny how that doesn’t stop you from getting into them when I’m around.”
“That’s because we’re both there,” the joking edge from Jonas’s tone was rapidly fading away. “I’m just saying, it’s not a good idea to take on heavy hitters without someone backing you up.”
It probably had been too much to hope that Jonas wouldn’t get some clue of what Theron was doing in his off time after their last drinking session. It was clear that his occasional partner was not going to let this drop, and if he kept the conversation going too long it was going to attract attention.
“What if I took a date?”
“I might get jealous if you start running around on me with another drinking partner. Does he have a good right hook?”
Theron shrugged. “Hers is better than yours, that’s for sure.”
“Her?” Jonas’s eyebrows shot up, intrigued. “This the same girl we talked about last time?”
“Could be.”
“Well, in that case I guess I’ll allow it.”
“You’ll allow it? What are you, my keeper?”
“When you’re being a careless idiot? Yes,” Jonas ground out. “You don’t always look both ways before leaping into oncoming traffic.”
“I’m always careful, and I’m never an idiot,” he corrected.
“You still leap into traffic, though.”
“Have to get across the street somehow. Crosswalks are boring.”
“You’re the worst sort of pedestrian.” Jonas shook his head, and then fixed Theron with a hard, serious look. “Just watch yourself, okay?”
“Don’t I always?”
“No,” he said, “that’s why I’m saying it. Don’t make me find another drinking buddy, Shan.”
“I already told you, we’re not bud—”
Jonas cut him off with a glare, and the usual retort died on Theron’s lips. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and let out a sigh. “Fine. We’ll get another round next time we’re both in town. Happy?”
“Ecstatic,” Jonas said flatly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with the least chatty person in the Denon system. Can’t be late for that.”
“Have fun,” Theron intoned as his fellow agent left as quickly as he came, leaving Theron alone with his caf.
He glanced around, sipping from his mug and making his way back to the data terminal he’d staked out. As he sat down, he fingered what had been slipped into his pocket, marking out the familiar shape of a data chip. Considering the ruckus Jonas had made, it would be best to look at it in the relative privacy of his apartment. 
The rest of the hours dragged by, as he found it hard to focus. His eyes kept straying to the chronometer at his station, as his mind kept straying to the data chip and Jonas’s ill-concealed concerns. He’d tossed Highwind’s name in the conversation to get the other man to back down, but he still wasn’t sure exactly what role the Jedi should play in all of this. She’d provide ample muscle if he needed to make a show of force, but he still had to wonder about her reliability.
She’d been all too eager to throw in with him to uncover the truth behind the attack on Tython, but enthusiasm didn’t earn any extra points with him. If anything, it only puzzled him more. He’d expected a far more grizzled, no-nonsense Jedi from what he’d read in her dossier, and he’d seen some hints of a more battle-hardened personality emerging when she was leading the strike teams. There almost seemed to be a different person that emerged when the pressure wasn’t on. He wouldn’t describe that as normal, because she came across far too earnest and almost compassionate to a fault. When he tried to mesh those observations with her record, including the curious gaps and sparse mission details that smelled of a coverup—he was just left with more questions.
Theron didn’t like questions, as it meant he was lacking intel. And not having the right answers could get him killed in the wrong situation. It was hard to say if this was one of those cases, as he tended to lean on the more paranoid side of things. It still bugged him, though. He preferred to know exactly what and who he was dealing with. Maybe if he’d known more about Darok before taking on the Korriban op, things would be very different right now.
His eyes strayed back to the chrono, watching as another minute ticked by at an agonizingly slow pace, and he tried to calculate the time that had passed since his last missive to The Defender. The previous replies had come in rather quick, but he was already nearing seven days without a response. It didn’t bother him exactly, as it was obvious that there were more important things for a Jedi Knight to be doing than checking her inbox constantly. And considering the six-month gap in her dossier, her being out of contact wasn’t exactly an abnormal occurrence.
Maybe after he looked at whatever Jonas had dug up, Theron would check in on the HoloNet and see what was happening in the Tapani Sector.
Just out professional curiosity. That was all it was.
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kari-izumi · 4 years
001-Yugioh 002-Sheith 003-Renji Abarai
I probably should clarified one per ask lol :p
I'm gonna break this off into three separate posts since i have people outside of V/D who are in one of the other two fandoms who have Sheith blacklisted and because line breaks never work for me on an OP from mobile. I'll start with Yu-Gi-Oh (and legit thanks for the variety in fandoms BTW!)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Seto Kaiba, without a doubt. Even for all the other interests this blog has shifted towards and the volume of VLD content that damn near came close to dethroning it, Seto Kaiba is still my #1 tag.
Like, he's overcome so much and I'm really glad current fandom sees that 1) he's a teenager (the youngest in the group, in fact!) 2) he's a survivor of abandonment even before the adoption and 3) that even though he's not murdering people these days over cards that abuse doesn't just go away and that he's trying.
He's my disaster son, and I live him :)
Least Favorite character: Gozaburo. We know why
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Silentshipping (don't @ me over it, I've heard all the howls about it over dialup)
Character I find most attractive: huh. I don't get much into that aspect of the characters for this fandom, but if I had to take a stand, I'd got for Kaiba after his ab game got turned up to 11 in DSOD. NICE 👀
Character I would marry: I thought about this, but tbh that's a blank for me
Character I would be best friends with: Yugi ❤️ cuz he's best friends with everyone!
a random thought: I can never figure out exactly what Pot of Greed does
An unpopular opinion: L!ttleKurib0h's bad charicature of Tea went a long way towards fostering the irrational hatred this fandom has of her. There's a whole lot about the guy in general that doesn't sit right, most of which has been lost time time and aren't mine stories to tell, but nowadays most of the ppl who hate her usually came by the Abridged series before actually watching the show and not because she got in the way of their yaoi ship of choice.
My Canon OTP: we have none
My Non-canon OTP: Nakamashipping, which is the name for Yugi/Honda/Jou/Anzu
Most Badass Character: Jou, by a long shot. Somewhere in the depths of this blog was a post on how much of Jou's fighting ability and strength was downplayed or removed in DM and it's a shame he, like Renji, got put in to solely comic relief category.
Most Epic Villain: honestly, are there really any "badass" epic villains in this series? Like, they're either cartoonishly evil like the way early antagonists pre-Duel Monsters or victims of circumstances beyond their control. Yu-Gi-Oh really doesn't have a Sosuke Aizen or a [insert JJBA villain of choice here]. Even the Kaibas' adopted dad was just more crazy and given a few panels in the manga.
Honestly, I've never given that any thought before now. 🤔
Pairing I am not a fan of: Kaiba/Pegasus. I have a hard time thinking Seto is going to push aside him using Mokuba in his plans to revive his wife anytime soon, but it's not a hill I'd die on tbh. Truthfully, it's hard for me to hate ships these days.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Do I have pick just one?
I could pick the usual ones of Honda, Anzu, Ryou Bakura (and I was tempted for the last one)
But honestly, I think the one who gets shafted most is Yugi himself. You know how in OItNB where Piper stopped being the focus by mid season 3 and thank God cuz really? It's like that for Yugi after Duelist Kingdom where he just takes a backseat as Yami/Atem gets all cool story.
And even Shounen Jump shafts hi, too. I think it was a post by @engelchenyugi who pointed out that the Jump Force game identified Atem as Yugi in game play footage. That's just...really bad coming from the official publishers. Yugi Mutou might be the most misunderstood and underrated protagonist in their entire library, and I'm saying this as a Bleach fan who's had to hear how supposedly "boring" Ichigo is because he doesn't fight for an overarching goal.
Favourite Friendship: All of them...? But mostly Joy and Yugi for being soft bois who openly love one another.
Character I most identify with: for all the love I give Kaiba, I'm gonna have to go with Mokuba. Poor kid gets dragged along into his brother's reckless ideas and has to sit back until he comes back into reality. Sounds like the story of my life *sigh*
There's a reason this icon hasn't changed in all the time I've had this blog beyond just laziness
I promise I'll finish that one fic one day
Character I wish I could be: hmmmmm, maybe Honda, cuz his family is probably the only normal one in all of canon, even if they don't question that he disappears for that whole weekend where Duelist Kingdom took place. Hey, look, it's the same canon where Kaiba got a dog collar slapped on his and Joy's mom left him with an alcoholic, Mr. Honda gets some slack here 🤣
That's all for that! And if others want to send more, the meme is here! :)
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