#maybe another europe tour?! idk
i-love-def-leppard · 7 months
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this showed up in my spotify account…anyone else see this? 2024🧐🤨🫣
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iltalintu · 11 days
thoughts about käärijä touring in poland etc + hot käärijä in a pool
"when Blind Channel did a European tour recently, they had this same promoter(Contra) operating only one part of their tour = Germany. Their shows in Poland were managed by another, English promoter. Apparently Poland does not belong to Contra's area of ​​operation."- info from discord
my thoughts:
i think käärijä is trying to go to poland, but financially it's better to do one part of europe and later another part of europe. also we dont know what goes behind the scenes, artist might want to go, but for what ever reasons he cant go or can go later. maybe it just easier to tour in west than in east. idk, not an expert. Honestly i think that they are trying their best to do gigs in east, and they cant announce anything yet. they do know he has many fans in poland.
if it looks like artist and his management arent doing anything most like they are doing, but cant tell us until it's 100% sure the gig in country so and so will happen.
dont know who made the video sound edit, found it from pinterest
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shit-talk-turner · 28 days
Whether they're broken up or not, I find it spooky how she's following in Taylor's footsteps in weirdly specific ways. Maybe it's just me but the second I saw her photo just now, all I could think of were the selfies Taylor was taking towards the end of their relationship - all dead eyes, expressionless, short hair, his glasses/accessories… when you factor in that she's also gotten more aggressive with fans, getting clingier with the WAGs, and seems to be getting more distant from him (at least publically)… idk. It feels familiar. ///
I totally disagree. firstly, because when Taylor posted photos or hinted something to Alex it was after the month of July, when they had both already broken up. she still stayed at his house, she acted as if they were still together, while thousands of fans already knew about Louise's existence on Europe tour with him. And another thing, Taylor wasn't clingier with the Wags in 2018 before the end just with Lola and Alyssa. We rarely saw her, Katie and Kelly (Breana didn't like her) together. So, no, I don't see any similarities.
that’s still very similar despite some very specific minor differences
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astralfuchs · 2 months
Given how “unique” a Miku concert would be I’m surprised Crypton themselves didn’t send some team members or equipment personally to make sure things are set up right bc other than some performers that might hide their face/wear disguises idk how many usual concert locations have something prepped for “holo” projections compared to Japan and their Vtuber boom (although I’d rather buy a plushie from a booth but hopefully at least the theatres would have good sound quality)
Sucks for any workers scrambling and getting hate/hope it doesn’t affect the sales of any other indie ppl performing their concerts
The weird thing is it worked before. I went to miku Expo 2018 in cologne and 2020 in Berlin. Both times it was an actual hologram concert with the same band as magical Mirai. Neither of these two locations had a concert like this before, I'm pretty sure. All of the equipment must've been toured around with thew Miku Expo crew. Going against advertising and expectations (basically all of these concerts, and like all of them in recent years were holographic) without notifying buyers beforehand and also not even afterwards when people keep asking is, to put it lightly, customer unfriendly at best and a scam at worst.
I arrived a bit late in 2018 since I only had standard so I don't know how it was there, but in 2020 people went around giving out free stickers and badges, or general stuff they got from other miku events. One of them seemed to be a huge meiko fan so when she gifted me something I gave her the meiko badge I got from the random gacha button bags. Stuff like that really made it feel like a community coming together, so reading that giving out badges, stickers, etc. wasn't allowed this year, even for people who specifically got an okay from cfm and also got their stuff stolen from is surreal.
I had vip in 2020 and as far as I know everyone got their vip merchandise, which doesn't seem to be the case this year, which makes no sense because you would know how many people at this location have the vip ticket. Another thing I read is that vip ticket holders were supposed to be let in earlier for merchandise and the concert hall but it didn't happen, which also worked flawlessly before in my experience.
Merchandise being not enough for everyone is sadly not new, I was in line for it in 2018 and when I was three people away the store people shouted they were all sold out, which was very much a bummer but I thankfully bought the penlight and t-shirt beforehand in the online store so it wasn't too bad for me and as I said I was quite late to the so definitely in the latter half of the people that got in. Still should've been more but I would chalk it up to being the first concert in Europe and them not having expected such a huge crowd maybe. How this is still the case 6 years later and in America where there were concerts way before 2018 is beyond me.
I don't know if this is because of crunchyroll (it probably is tho) but I can't say cfm is innocent either since they partnered with them and it's their job to ensure everything is up to standard, which clearly didn't happen.
For me, I was really happy to hear there was going to be a Europe one again, especially since I really loved it, it is such a magical experience so the last year's being online only made me super sad since it isn't the same in the slightest, but seeing it's also partnered with crunchyroll I decided against it. It's because I loved it so much that it really saddens me to see what is currently going on (also probably why I wrote so much, very sorry). Miku Expo is one of the best, magical and insane events you can go to as a vocaloid/piaproloid fan and I wish for all fans, people who've been in the Fandom longer and already have been to Miku Expo, and newer fans that didn't have the chance yet, to have that same experience but this is not it. This being someone's first miku expo experience is just a sad thing to think about considering what a massive downgrade the experience is. I hope there will be official statements soon and that the people who are currently experiencing it still have a good time.
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ididkn0w · 1 year
So we got to the factory and met the Turkish family company ppl that we had met in Vegas. N it’s like silly that I’m thwre bc of course im like a kid and like have no involvement in this n like yeah I’m just always there. So then we were in this like conference room for like two hours I’d say? Maybe more and like they were obv talking about business n shit n I don’t understand half of it so I’m zoned out most of the time thibking about u. Did I tell u about how I thought about about that time I ran away to u😭 I just don’t know if I alr talked about it n I don’t wanna repeat myself. Ok so yeah I was just there n like whatever and they were always offering Turkish tea or Turkish coffee and I loveeee Turkish tea it’s soooo good I just know u would like it I’ll try to buy u some. I took a pic of it for u and they also gave us son Turkish snacks n they were yummy I think u would like them but they were good I just don’t like nuts at all. It reminded me that i wanted to eat Colombian empanadas with uuuu😩😩😩 So then they gave us a tour of the favors which was like an hour n a half it was rlly cool it reminded me so much of my grandpas factory in Colombia I wish I could take u there n like I rmb they would put me to “work”in the factory but all I ever did was like sort some cables or smth just so they could keep me busy n shit. But yes I’d love for u to come. So yes ok so there were sooooo many puzzles everywhere like on the walls like paintings u can see In Some of the pictures I sent. So basically the owner was the one who made all of em he loves puzzles n they’re huge n there was like thirty of them hung. So ofc he was my grandpas age and then their sons were like my moms age and then they have a son who is my age around but he wasn’t there n like ofc it’s just like Ik we don’t give a fucj we too young n whatever. He is in college in amstwrdamn n I kept thinking about us visiting there it would be soooo good. So yes then we went down to the factory on the first floor oh wait we went to the top floor first that was the view it’s so cool. So basically where the factory is is an area where only automotive companies can be so alllll of that area is auto part companies which is cool as fuck to me like a land with only factories and only auto part factories. Well turkey is the country with the best and biggest auto part like industry. It used to be textiles but I think it’s now china or somewhere in Asia. But I’m pretty sure it’s china. This factory supplies to European ford and Renault. That’s called smth like oem Idk what it stands for but yes that means like to the automotive company’s themselves and then there’s another one that’s called after market and so in the auto parts industry it’s either oem or after market. So this company was oem and ours is after market which means to places like o Reilly and other popular ones I forgot the name of. Basically we’re not as “successful”? As them id say? I think they have like more and stuff but it’s all by region so basically they’re rlly good in turkey and in Europe and so ours is like “America” and in Colombia Ik it’s like a “leading” auto part company. But I mean it’s just Colombia. So basically what everyone wants is a “door” to America. Everyone wants to get into the United States industry like that’s why hay everyone wants. If ur in the United States and leading that means ur very successful. And my mom I’ve told u before is in charge of that. My grandpas company is in Colombia but she is like in charge of like the distribution in the United States I’ve kinda mentioned that before. I’m rlly just trynna explain what I understood😭 so Ik I’ve also told u that they want to make a factory in Mexico rmb we talked about monte rey? That ur parents could move there? So the thing is u probably know what nafta is already but if u don’t just know case idk if it’s like an American thing I learned in like middle skl😭 but it means North American free trade agreement and basically Canadá United States and mexico Can trade without like tariffs n stuff. N that’s why “we” don’t like china like
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strhwaberries · 1 year
okay, i just want to briefly talk about the wayv fanmeeting so if you’re curious pls read but just know that i’m highly emotional and these are my own feelings and maybe it’s not going to be a super accurate account at all
so first what i want to say is that when they arrived on stage we noticed kun was sitting on a chair while the other four were performing, idk if that was the case in london as i haven’t seen any videos but just to say that yet again, an idol is physically unwell after a very long tour, and ofc he apologized to us and we told him not to, and he was like “i’m feeling better already so maybe i’ll dance a little tonight” and we were all like nooooooo pls rest, also i have to say this in passing but he looks better for real ?? like how ?? kun pls calm down, i know you used to be my bias but don’t come for me like that
anyway. ten. let’s talk about ten. another man i used to bias. coming for me again too. well well well. obviously the man loves his cats so he travels with cute pictures of them, how can i not fall for that, it’s just impossible. he showed us pics of his previous trips to paris where he had shorter hair and he was like “oh should i cut my hair” and everybody screamed nooooooo and surely that would be a crime, he looks extremely good with longer hair, why is that dude so attractive, also why is he so goddamn cute with cat ears when he asked us what was the french word for nyan and we said miaou and he said it and oooohhhh goodbye my heart, also all his interactions with yangyang are so cute it’s like two brothers, and when yangyang said they didn’t need to go see the mona lisa bc they had ten, why are these men so adorable, i love love love them so much, but i was supposed to talk about ten and now i digress bc i’m thinking of yy
my baby. idk, i don’t have the words, but he said “bonjour je m’appelle yangyang” and i was gone, i ascended and i’m still high up there, i can’t help it how my eyes will always seek him and how i’m always transfixed by his presence on stage, like yes i’m aware there’s ten and kun and even xiaojun but YANGYANG, i only want to look at yangyang when he’s dancing
oh bc yes i forgot to say, i had a seat way up high but right in front of the stage so i had a really good view - unlike at the atz concert where i couldn’t see a thing - so ig maybe that’s why i’m super happy, it’s really nice to actually see the choreos - and yes i typed whoreos and then corrected myself but my god they did love talk and nectar so what am i supposed to say, i love when men are sexy on stage, i love when they’re cute also, kpop is bad for the heart but it also makes me so happy, i hope they know they saved me, like literally, even my mom said i sounded good on the phone today, i wish i could have told them but maybe i’ll do that another time, they promised they would come back for a real concert and i know they always promise that but i hope this time it’s true, i know they want to come back to europe, esp yangyang he looked super emotional when he talked about how he used to live in germany, i bet he was super disappointed they didn’t stop there
i’m talking too much so i’ll just finish with this, they sound amazing live, they’re super fun and endearing, apparently hendery has a lot of french fans, like the venue literally went crazy every time he did or said something, and ten bought macarons and coffee and a lovely antique mirror and wine and cheese and yeah if yangyang wasn’t up there ten would be my man but it is what it is, honestly the dude knows what’s good about life, i’ll just stop there but i’m going to cherish this moment for a very very long time - and i almost didn’t go bc i was feeling so depressed but i’m glad i did even tho i was stuck in traffic jams coming and going and there were thunderstorms on the highway, it was totally worth it
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sayitaliano · 1 year
which city would you recommend visiting in northern italy in january? (there’s nothing i don’t like, besides skiing)
You can visit basically anywhere. Every city, even the smallest one, has something cool to see, something historic. Gonna mention a few I know better. but ofc it's more about what do you like and what you want to experience (the moment you know that I can be more accurate with my suggestion).
You can visit Turin, even more if you're insterested in something "esoteric" (there's the dark side of that city -with all the monuments and stuff- which is interesting, either if you believe or not in those things), not to mention it's close to the Alps if you want to take a trip there to just see the landscape or visit some castles.
In fact, if you go to Aosta and the Aosta Valley, you'll have loads. You don't have to ski at all, you can enjoy the villages, the castles, the history of the city -Aosta- (at the end of january 29th-31st there's also a very famous street market in which you can buy wood stuff and typical food and much more), maybe visit some vineyard or cheese/ham producers (many offer guided visits+free tasting), or just go up on the mountains and walk on the snow to a close cabin to enjoy the view and some warm chocolate...
In Piedmont there are also the Langhe, which are hills basically but there are even more vineyards and things to eat (the food tourism there is really strong + there are nice villages and castles as well)
Another city is Novara: it's between Turin and Milan (by train is like 1 hour from Turin and 40 mins from Milan). It's surrounded by rice fields (many typical foods are made with it), it's close to the mountains (same thing I mentioned), it's close to hills (same as Langhe), it's close to the 7 lakes (between Piedmont and Lombardy) and a couple of them are pretty famous: Lago Maggiore (the biggest, so many interesting things to see like the San Carlo Borromeo statue -copied by the Liberty statue of NY-, the Castlli di Cannero -close to Switzwerland too- which are ruins in the middle of the lake but once were the customs, but there are also 3 famous Isole Borromee too which are so beautiful and the Isola Bella for example has a beautiful park+villa) and the little Lago d'Orta with the even more little precious Isola di San Giulio and the monastery (but also an amazing history). I love the vibe there. But back to Novara, it has lot of history too, and a very interesting Cupola di San Gaudenzio which used to be the tallest brick Cupola buildt on a church (it doesn't touch the ground) of the whole Europe (made by Alessandro Antonelli: there's a special tour about him to see all his amazing works) and ofc you can go up on the Cupola too and see the landscape and Milan from there (if the weather allows ofc... fog is there very often). Oh, the patron Saint is celebrated with street markets on january 22nd (cool enough, Aosta is a couple of hours away, js). lol im not selling away this town i swear...or maybe i am but ik it well<3
And yes, Milan but... do I have to talk about Milan? The Duomo, the Castello Sforzesco, La Scala and so much more. Sondrio, which is up near the mountains but it's a cool city too. Bergamo, divided into uptown and downtown (meaning the first is up on the "hill"). Mantova with all the museums to visit like Palazzo Te. Padova, again with the University history and the Cappella degli Scrovegni (Giotto's job). Venezia, and I think I don't have to add anything, lol But also Genova and the Cinque Terre (we're in Liguria: you're near the sea too), and Emilia Romagna with cities like Bologna, Modena, Riccione (which probably is more alive in summer?Idk): history, food, landscape (from the mountains to the sea)... Trento is a cool city too, and despite it being in Trentino, you can visit the city and the area around, and enjoy the landscape without having to go skiing
The Northern area as a lot to offer, it only depends on what you want to do (visit cities and their history, stay more in nature -and which kind-, do both, just eating and relaxing in a spa...) :) so if you want to drop another ask with a request, I'll gladly suggest something more in tune with you!
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vicsdeangelis · 1 year
I really hope you'll get a ticket but c'mon, the dates aren't few. These guys toured north and south america in september- december 2022, are touring europe in february - may 2023 and then in july - december they have 30+ shows scattered over 5 different continents. I'm very happy about their success but they're clearly overworked to an extent I haven't seen since One Direction so I don't think I want more dates. And i say that as sb who had to travel to another country to see them.
oh, don't get me wrong they are working super fucking hard, and yes, if you include the dates they haven't played yet they're traveling a lot. my thing is about the announcement of a world tour when the only place (continent wise) they've included that they hadn't played yet was australia. in europe itself they used to play in more places other than england, france and germany, but now it seems those are the only ones they go to with like a couple of others scattered in between maybe
also, why do they refuse to go to portugal????? girls, who hurt you????? ksjsksjskshgu
my thing isn't necessarily "there aren't enough dates", it's more of a "i was expecting more if you're gonna call this a world tour", you know?
maybe when they establish themselves more they'll go to more new places, idk
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twopoppies · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of non American fans try and gatekeeper Harry after tour ended. They keep saying that Harry should cancel his dates here because he seems not as happy here. As an American fan I take offense to that because I’d like think that fans who come to the shows to love and support him would make him happy but apparently not. Maybe he seems less happy here because of the leech that follows him around like a lost puppy lol . Idk am I being stupid for feeling offended?
Hi sugar. I don’t think you’re stupid. But I think it’s a pointless thing to be offended about. It’s such a silly argument to be having in the first place because it stems from such a place of entitlement — that is, people are arguing about who most deserves to have the bulk of his attention.
His tour schedule is determined, first and foremost, by money. Last year’s tour and much of this tour was also determined by Covid regulations. His personal feelings about one country or another is likely pretty far down on the list. And Olivia has followed him around just as much in Europe as she did here, so I don’t think she’s playing any part in it. He’s been very clear in the last few years that London is his home and Los Angeles is work. Probably most places outside of London are work (and sometimes a vacation, if he actually takes them). So why the aggressive need to stake claim to him?
I just find this fight very, very weird. There are so many better things to focus on… I don’t get the point of this one.
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watchingsparks · 2 years
Everything I Know About KinnPorsche (from reading Astro’s fics and whatsapp essays)
Allow me to begin what will most probably be a chaotic and badly organised attempt at a summary (inspired by this post by @saffflina and requested by my good pal Astro) with an overview of the show: Kinn, heir to a mafia empire, falls for bodyguard Porsche. Drama and action ensues (as well as some spicy scenes). Also, it’s based on a book that I don’t think is as well loved as the show, mostly because it has questionable content in terms of consent and the like.
Kinn is the son of mafia boss Korn, (elder?) brother to Kim, and is in love with his bodyguard, Porsche. (I have no idea what happened to his mother or if he has any other siblings.) I believe that Korn is not the nicest of people, and that Kim is chaos incarnate. (Side note, Kim is too good-looking for his own good. It’s also worth noting that, from what I have been shown, everyone in this show is beautiful. BEAUTIFUL!!!! A n y w a y) I don’t know much about Korn beyond him being an evil mastermind but I do know that Kim has feelings for Porsche’s brother, Porchay (aka Chay). 
Speaking of Porsche, I don’t know how he got involved in the bodyguard industry or why his brother Chay gets brought into the mix either (I believe Chay’s still in school but I also could have confused this with fic ideas), and all I know of Porsche’s past is that he had a hedgehog that died and it traumatised him. (Fair.) What I do know for sure is that Porsche likes Kinn back and I believe by the end of season one they are a couple! Yay! Beyond Chay, Porsche’s family is a complete mystery to me (do they live far away?), and all I know about Chay is that he is musical (I think he plays the guitar?). 
Kim and Chay either get together and then break up or they just hook up but regardless Kim breaks Chay’s heart and Chay is v sad. Chay is Baby so this means that Porsche has beef with his brother-in-law, which is not ideal tbh.
The other couple I know of are Pete and Vegas. I have no clue how Pete fits into things but Vegas is the son of another mafia family trying to overthrow Kinn’s. Vegas’ father is abusive and messed him up a lot, but I think Vegas now realises that and is trying to help himself get better? Pete also knows this, and so forgives Vegas for torturing him and it turns out that maybe they both have feels for each other. 
Other characters I know of are the bodyguards Big, Arm, and Pol. I don’t know much about them tbh but I think either Big or Arm is head bodyguard/in charge of all the others (including Porsche, who he doesn’t like/didn’t get on with at first). There’s also someone called Tankhun (or Khun) who def isn’t a bodyguard but where he fits into the family tree, idk. He’s v stylish though.
Beyond characters falling for each other, I don’t really have a clue as to what the plot of the show is. I know that the bodyguards have to refer to their employees as Khun [name] (which must get so confusing with Khun being called Khun as well as being called Khun in terms of his underlings) and it is polite to call people P’[name]. Final observations are that I am aware of Kinn’s family having a medical bay in their home and owning a helicopter, and also that people tend to wear suits a lot (this just might be thanks to Astro’s fics, idk).
Outside of the show’s characters, I know that the showrunner is called BeOnCloud and Astro is moments away from petitioning him to get season two rolling. There’s also a KP world tour which baffles me as a concept (but, like, in a good way) and Astro is also moments away from petitioning the tour to make it to Europe asap. 
I’ve probably missed out many things but that is as much as I can dredge up from my tiny tiny brain. Here endeth the ramblings. 
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mirclealignr · 2 years
LMFAOO fr tho i wanna see arctic monkeys so bad but like idk if they're planning on coming to europe soon let alone here?? idk, it may be too expensive to go to italy or ausrtia if they ever do have a europe or world tour
i just feel like the tickets are already so expensive but then you also have to add gas prices and time and everyone being grumpy in the car because they have to drive us there and it just gets too much eventually but tbh, i would go through that for them. maybe once i start making my own money it can be possible - it depends on them tho
another band i would sell my soul to see live is chase atlantic
they are planning on going to europe
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BUT NOT THE UK?? NOT WHERE THEY’RE FROM?? THEY HAVE TOURS FOR EUROPE, SOUTH AMERICA & AUSTRALIA BUT NOT THE UK?????? i’m waiting until they announce their UK tour and then i’m putting myself in debt to go. i’m sure they will, because it would be so weird not to but they’re taking their sweet time.
and i bet they’d be good!
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darkerthanblack-666 · 2 years
"something has been off with them for a while" I honestly have been thinking the same thing lately, They just feel so different to last year. I really don't know what it is exactly either
My friend says the fame got into their heads 😅. I don't know if it's true or not, maybe she's right, idk. I don't want to make such statements when I don't know the reason for their behavior, but I can try to point out some things that I dislike in what they're doing now. I just really don't want to start a drama... it's not any kind of hate, if I really dislike something I just ignore it and move on. That's how I always operate.
There are some fans who will always pay for everything and will always praise everything, but not everyone has a fat wallet and if they want to sell out stadiums in the future, they can't just cater to a small group of people. The whole introduction of VIPs was basically like "don't like it, don't buy it, some people want to buy, which means there's no problem" and then the whole focus was on people, who paid for that thing (which was what, 30 people per concert? and some of them were huge, like a few thousand crowd of people).
Their VIP offer was also really poor, it was basically paying for the opportunity to give them gifts (I had no VIP and I came early, so I had first row anyway, just not in the center, they also didn't have a photographer and took photos with people's phones, so they were complaints they met people after concerts in some countries for free... if they offered something extra in the VIP package it wouldn't be an issue). My friend showed me a different band's VIP offer with a price that's similar (I don't remember how much in eur it was for BC, but in PLN it was a similar price to the one in dollars here):
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Come on, pizza party? BC you really need to try harder... and set up a box for gifts at your merch stand for people, who didn't buy a VIP ticket. Unless you don't want more gifts, then just say you have too much stuff.
Other than that, I felt like they mainly paid attention to the first row at the center during the concert, which was VIP people (maybe it's just my impression, if someone else who was in Poland disagrees, just say so). There are more fans than just 30 people in the crowd, seriously. Joel's explanations of this thing on social media totally didn't make sense and I hate the idea of paying to just meet them. I don't think anyone is important enough to pay for breathing the same air as them, just at a smaller distance than during the concert. If they want to earn this much money, they really need to come up with a better offer (and before someone says it's not much money... I'm Polish, to us it was more expensive than to people in other countries, because they set the same price everywhere... they really should consider that the market in Central [minus Germany] and Eastern Europe is different). Just because someone is willing to pay this much money, it doesn't make it a good deal and those people might also go away if they don't get something better next time.
Following this tour on social media also wasn't as much fun as before, exactly because I saw only the VIP thing everywhere. Either the band, or people were sharing it all the time. They even had to include it in their documentary. So I tried my best to avoid going into the tag, it made me upset... Maybe it was fun for those, who bought VIPs, but I've been saying it from the beginning I wasn't going to get one and I didn't, because I always mean what I say.
Another thing is their concerts. Everyone loved their craziness, but now they play so many concerts that most of them are the same, because they're unable come up with anything unique that often. I was really lucky to see Balboa with Samy on stage and sex doll with fruits before the LS concert, usually when I watched people's live videos it was all the same stuff... I understand why they're doing it, but maybe quantity is not the way to go 😅. Look at MCR, how everyone talks about them because of Gerard's new outfits all the time. I don't even listen to them and it got me interested. We also had so much fun spotting Aleksi wear something different all the time in the summer! But they do so many concerts that there's no more space for such small, exciting surprises. They toned down their craziness, too... It was fun to see them live (they put effort in it, so I got what I paid for, no complaints here), but checking updates from their other concerts just doesn't excite me as much as it used to 🤷‍♀️. I think other people feel the same, because even my live videos didn't get much attention (and come on, I even had Aleksi wiping his sweaty hand on his ass, one year ago it would make the fandom nuts 😂)
tl;dr: they need a better VIP deal, need to stop focusing so much on the VIP thing in general, and need crazy shit like Sharks back
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thelasttime · 10 months
i thought there'd be another opener announced but latam dates are next week and its still just sabrina so.... Idk. But i hope maisie joins her on tour !!
me too (plus didn’t maisie hint about being an eras tour opener..maybe for the europe dates at a later announcement)
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snvxiii · 11 months
Thinking about domestic post-LR snstse—
It’s pronounced SnowStelleSerah BTW. I like the alliteration. Estelle got unlucky.
Serah’s a career Woman after she graduates. Estelle’s a housewife who part-times wherever she’s needed. Snow is uh. He’s a cross between househusband and retired senior in his twenties doing whatever the hell he wants. Mostly, he spends his day helping around the town, working on his bike, and enjoying long drives.
Estelle keeps buying plants. She’s addicted to collecting every single little pot of succulent and cacti she sees. Snow and Gadot build all her gardening stuff (note: I’m not a gardener. I just think Estelle needs a hobby that isn’t reading.)
Snow still works out, but also. He’s got a cute belly instead of rock-hard abs. Estelle skips out on working out completely. She’s Done with exercise. Begrudgingly, she will tag along with Snow on his runs sometimes. If he asks. And she is so out-of-breath, despite insisting she could still kick his ass.
They live in a big house with everyone from NORA. They have their private spaces of course, but every other space is shared between, like, 7 people. The NORA House was built from the ground-up, on top of the restaurant. Gadot and Lebreau joke that they’re sick of building the same damn house three times.
Serah commutes and does a lot of back-and-forth between their out-of-the-way town and the city where her job is (IDK what people with history majors do. Maybe she can work with Hope). If she’s going to be gone for a while, Estelle and Snow will visit and stay over.
Snow dislikes city living, now. Sometimes, it comes up if they’d ever move/relocate for Serah’s career or a future family, but no one’s made up their minds. For now, their current arrangement works. Estelle prefers the quiet and space, but ultimately, would settle anywhere. Serah would like to respect Snow’s preference, but she’s also the most ambitious of the three and is unsure about living in their small town for most of their twenties. Snow figures he could stomach another few years if it was for Serah.
When Serah’s goes away for university (it’s, like, two hours away), they set up a group chat and Estelle spams it with with a bunch of stupid memes and cat pics. They visit her every other weekend.
When they’re visiting Serah, they pick a hotel and stay the night or two (Friday, Saturday) and go back the following night. They’ll go on dates, but Estelle and Snow usually spend the time taking care of Serah’s chores, so that she can focus on her studies and relax. They also make sure she’s well-fed, by bringing all sorts of packed containers. <3
On the side, Serah chronicles what happened before they reincarnated. She doesn’t intend to publish it, but sees it as important documentation.
They get married after Serah graduates. It’s a lot of planning to get everyone’s schedule, so that they can make the wedding. It’s a small one. After, they enjoy a long honeymoon touring Europe. Estelle wanted to see flowers! Serah and Snow are mapping out every single eatery. They go hiking and camping. Estelle did not like this part as much LOL. It did feel nostalgic, though.
Their littol family… crying about it. They’d have a wee little baby. She looks like a fucking conehead potato. Estelle’s like… why is our baby so ugly…
Serah thinks she’s cute (she has a poor sense of aesthetic). And Snow’s like… she is so tiny…. wow… she’s like a little pink meatloaf.
Her name is Soleil. She has pink hair. She’s Snow’s littol sunshine…
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lucidpantone · 1 year
So I just listened to your Lucas rant and I agree with you that I def think it’sa sign he’s supposed to come back. I think superm is probably the safe bet since they think he still has a lot of fans internationally (idk how this will be received by the non lucas fans tho). I also agree with you that I’m not sure they’ll put him back in wavy cause china 100% does not fuck with him. Like his own sales bar closed down after conducting their own investigation on the matter, his selling power in china is gone. Having said that I can’t see them only bringing him back for superm. So whether is for him to go solo after or maybe he gets sent to the Japan group idk they def have plans for him. How do I feel about him coming back, tbh I don’t think he adds anything to a group except controversy so I’m not exactly for it lol.
See this is gonna sound crazy but if lucas was in 127 for example I would be more open to him not coming back but out of all the nct units I do think wayv is generally a family. They all speak the same language, culturally understand one another and they share custody of their fur babies. Also its getting harder and harder for win win to promote with wayv and it'd be nice to have another member that is actually around. Do I think vocally lucas adds much to the group? not really but I do feel like he completes a vibe that wayv exudes? Yeah I do. They all generally just fit very well as entities in this particular grouping. I do think wayv compliments lucas and vice versa. Also here is my other thing. What is the plan with china because wayv is yet to do any tour dates or big promotions there? and so i ask myself who is this group actually for? because they have never really gone after the chinese market and that's SM's fault but i would argue that they are bigger now in malaysia, thailand, brazil, us , europe or singapore. Like if china is the goal and wayv can commit to an actual tour there and promotions under the current geopolitical situation then don't bring lucas back but if china is a pipe dream that's never really ever going to happen due to issues out of the groups control then send them on a world tour and bring lucas back because clearly they won't be promoting in china anytime soon. It really depends wtf is happening with china and if wayv is ever really gonna get to promote there because its been years and they have never even down a big venue concert there because of covid. Its all a mess.
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itisjustfei · 1 year
Day 4: places you want to visit
Tricky questions, because, i didn't really like going outside.
But I do have a dream of visiting places. If possible I want to somehow be in that place without having the pain to do commuting. Hehe.
First one, Germany, Selalu menginginkan pergi ke sana, what am I going to do there? Idk. Tp ever since I started reading, few characters and people I loved were originated from there, and when someone mentioned German, I always have this curiosity somehow. Maybe I will, if God and universe allow it.
Second, maybe a tour around europe? I've seen people doing solo trip there, and how convenient because it was all can be reached by public transportation, it means minimal traffic and minimal drama.
Third, ketika gw sedang di perjalanan menuju salah satu pulau selatan, kan ada jalan selatan, dan pas di kasih tahu bahwa jalan itu tuh nyambung dari pulau paling ujung kiri jawa sampai ujung paling kanan, Yes I know it's somehow become a paradox with my sentence before, tp I love beaches, I never really get tired of them, and I want to visit all of em! Entire south beaches in Java! And I think it's quite romantic yknow if I get a company along the way awhdkbhsjwhe
Maybe I'll add another, if I ever always wanted to visit a place. In the meantime.
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