#so please don’t hold me accountable if this is false info
i-love-def-leppard · 7 months
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this showed up in my spotify account…anyone else see this? 2024🧐🤨🫣
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kyra45 · 1 year
jamhuntsman is a scam account
The story they give is entirely fake and made up using another image from a cat that has no visible rash. While I can’t source the image, I will give proof it’s a scammer.
Firstly, the story has been used across multiple accounts already so Kuppa is not the cats name and I already have posts saying one cat wasn’t Kuppa. The story this scammer uses is just made up and entirely false. It never matches their photographs or asks.
Secondly, the account is spamming asks to strangers who share popular posts and their story doesn’t match the ask (which claims a leg mass yet the post says mouth rash)
Lastly, the PayPal address Jamie Johnson is impersonating a real person and if you hover/press and hold the link…
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It’s the same PH the scammer is known to use. And this PayPal address is already linked to past accounts that were known scammers just search the name on my blog and you’ll see a few posts.
Also the blog is 2 hours old, reblogged a few posts to look legitimate, and is requesting private answers to share a public post which is another red flag for scams.
If that still isn’t enough, you can check out the links in my pinned post that gives more detail about scams because I don’t have time to explain the same thing over and over again when the info is there.
“Yo hi there!! Hoping you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it 😞 Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cat? Its on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it as we badly need help because there’s an ugly rash on her mouth and im so so worried 😭😭 Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please and have good day! 😭🙏🙏🐈”
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There is so much to unpack on the CRYPTID military post, such as whether someone with that name has legit experience. 1) Admitedly military has lots of past issues to be fixed and are being fixed. 2) Those in combat roles know they may need to give their life. This is not brainwashed. It is not disregard for safety. It is a job, and the understanding that the job has certain risks. 3) Many are college grads. They're military because of a reasoned decision.
Not all like the military. Online, it's easy to be disparaged by those who have no real understanding of the US govt, it's arms, or the military. But many of your followers may be military because despite the wrongs prior Presidents have done, we believe the military has a beneficial role in aide to disaster areas, intl relations to professionalize other countries' mils into civ-led institutions that won't cause coups, etc. Please don't attack us or post false/one-sided info about what we do.
A couple things to begin: I’m happy having a civil debate about things and you’re welcome to disagree and we can come away from this respecting each other, that’s fine, but if people send me anon hate I will simply delete it. I cannot know if the OP was in the military, and I am not personally in the military, but I have had family members who were and hated it and would never want to go back to that place and those circumstances and family members who liked it well enough as a job but couldn’t continue doing it due to disability, and their experiences all have things in common.
I’m also not trying to attack anyone who is in the military. I think that most people join the military out of desperation (for money, for education, to get away from a bad family situation) and idealism (serving their country, protecting their values, learning useful skills). And I think that both people who are currently serving and veterans deserve better from their government. Being aware of the flaws in your own organisation is a good thing; blind faith in your leaders isn’t.
This might be something you personally don’t agree with but I don’t actually like the government. I try vote for the lesser of two evils and whoever wins, even if I prefer them, I will still challenge them and hold them accountable, because I fundamentally do not think that most people in power are going to do good things unless we as people force them to. That’s how I see politics, and that obviously affects my view of the military. The military is a tool of the government, it fulfils the aims of its leaders and these aims are so often those of imperialism and control and even fascism.
I understand why people might want to join, I really do. If I wasn’t considered too disabled, maybe I would have done it too, for a stable job and good pay and if I’m honest, a bit of excitement. As a nursing student, I’m going into a job that I know may well be bad for my mental health and I’m putting myself at physical risk too in order to try to help people. And that’s worth it to me, I get that, but I also know that I work for an organisation that despite its flaws genuinely exists to help people and do good. I’m sure some people feel that way about the military, but I don’t.
I am also aware that some things are getting better with regards to discrimination and abuse, but the military still has incredibly high rates of sexual assault, racism and homophobia, and often these crimes are not properly investigated and people are not held accountable.
Obviously an organisation that is focused on the physical is going to have a big focus on physical health and ability, but that in itself means that it becomes an organisation that selects people who can be useful as tools and then uses them until they break. Even if people do sign up for it and willingly take on the risks it’s still an environment that dehumanises you and makes it easier to dehumanise others and hurt others.
I’m not saying that the military doesn’t fulfil a useful purpose sometimes, but I do think that certain goals can be achieved with a less militarised force (such as aid and disaster relief). I also just think that war is bad and I understand the need for defence, but that budget isn’t going towards actual soldiers to improve their salaries and their living conditions, it’s going towards equipment that can kill people.
I’ll admit that I’ve been listening a lot to the ‘what a hell of a way to die’ podcast which is hosted by veterans who used to think the way you do but got out when things became intolerable and are trying their best to save other people their experience. And I know that not everyone will agree with that perspective, but that’s my opinion based on things I’ve heard and read and you are welcome to disagree, respectfully.
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junisfics · 3 years
for the people who are continuing to bash junis and calling her ignorant and all this other shit need to calm down.
it doesn’t make you the better person to tell someone who’s trying to “get a life”, calling them a “white ass girl”, trying to make excuses for their apologies and all this other stuff in between. it makes you a disgusting person who allow others to grow and learn from their mistakes, you become the ignorant one and you become even worse.
what kind of community can we be as a black community if we don’t give the people we’ve been wronged by an opportunity to grow and learn? what kind of community are we if we don’t create more allies? what kind of community are we it we continue to divide ourselves from others?
you can be upset about the situation but what good is it to hold a grudge after the person has done all they can do?
stop taking what you see from other accounts and running with it, especially since those accounts are disrespectful, spreading false info, and plain rude.
grow the fuck up and stop coming back to hate on an account, especially if you’re gonna be anonymous— you’re hiding behind a screen, you’re in the least position to say anything if you won’t even be up front about it. and i’m black before anyone has some bullshit to say.
and that being said, whether you agree with me or not— go search up the definition of incel and see what pops up, that in itself shows how easy it can be to get the information mixed up. even then, incel doesn’t directly correlate to white supremacy, it has those roots and there is a darker side to it but it was clear that making eren out to be a white supremacist wasnt june’s intention. social media dumbs down words all the time, cancel culture isn’t cute (and if you think it is please re-evaluate)
so if you really sat here and believed a page that has wronged many accounts over and over account, is condescending and manipulative, refused to clear up junis’ name, deleted their apology, and is making themselves out to be a better person— you’re just caught in their tactic and you look pretty dumb.
this isn’t to say that incel does not connect to white supremacy, because it can and does but in junis’ case that wasnt her intent and she apologized more times than we could count, as well as educated herself, yet you weirdos come back to leave hate.... do something about that because it’s not cute, respectful, and especially if you’re white— the apology was never yours to accept from the get go, so you’re the last person who has a say.
thank you again charm, always
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socksual-innuendos · 4 years
Regarding The Pinup Zine Rumors
So I had my fun dunking on some stupid claims the past few nights and I would like to make a formal post on it since I am the moderator on the zine that handled character assignments and approval. 
So, for all of you fortunate enough to miss this, let me catch you up to speed. There are some people in this fandom who really enjoy throwing the word pedophile around when they don’t get their way or want attention, and given the zine’s success, they just had to find something to wank about. In this case, it was Jerry the Punk, a Great Khan in New Vegas.
The rest will be undercut due to length. General warnings I guess, if you can read the accusations you can read this post. If you can MAKE the accusations, try not to blow a gasket for being wrong.
Jerry the Punk is a side character in Red Rock Valley who can join the Followers of the Apocalypses. According to some people, he is ‘coded as a minor’ and we shall take that at face value and deconstruct it since there is nothing canonical about him being a minor.
Here is the claim in question
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Now, firstly I would like to take full responsibility here for this characters inclusion in this zine. For general topic’d pieces, I gave our artists some suggestions of side characters and which factions they were part of. Where it came to the Followers of the Apocalypse, I had searched the wikia for known male characters in that faction. This lead me to seeing Jerry and looking at his page, which you can read here.
With that said, let’s dive into this objectively, since being subjective about this is no grounds for accusing someone of pedophilia.
Objectively, what we see on his character wikia.
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This is Jerry, and here is his general Bio. No age, so that leaves things a wee bit tricky eh? Lets dig further. 
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Here is some additional info, maybe we should check here for clues, such as the voice actor.
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Listed as MaleAdult05
I could take the time to actually find Jerry’s lines in the files if you all would like and see if there is coded evidence that he gets defaulted to AdultMale#, which defuncts this claim immediately, (even Contreras isn’t named in the audio files as Contreras :^) 
EDIT: Jerry’s lines are found within the folder MaleAdult05, and with his age never specified or said to be read down as a teen, he is therefore not ‘universally read’ as a minor
For a more thorough write up on how Fallout as a whole handles its child and teen characters, please read this.
Lets move onto his quest! Cry Me A River.
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Please check the quest wiki page and listen to the audio. He mentions about how the Followers brought books to his tribe when he was a kid and he’d read the old world poetry for hours. 
Already he refers to a time when he was a kid, which he talks about as if Long Ago and would be strange for a teenager to refer to as such, subjectively. There is not much else in regards to the quest as far as I am aware.
“He is minor coded” and “He can be read as a minor” then evolves to
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“Literally referred to as a child in every interaction he’s in”
We are given no direct lines despite there ‘literally’ being mentions of this in every interaction about him. And who is saying this if so? To Papa Khan, everyone’s a kid. To Benny, the Courier’s a kid. Does every exact line of ‘kid’ mean that they are in fact a minor and not just younger or more immature than the person calling them that? Considering he’s not Khan material, I can see him being treated like he’s still a kid, especially since he has yet to SUCCESSFULLY pass the rite of passage. Here the second passage is from Bitter-Root’s wikia page
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UPON REACHING THE AGE OF ADULTHOOD, you get the shit kicked out of you. Even if you want to argue that Jerry is alive and therefore hasn’t gone through initiation due to canon statements, another canon statement directly refutes it, and we are back to square one.
As for the argument of OP being distraught at the idea of a 16/17 year old being lewded up. I think that they would have a lot more issues than just us if they truly believed that Jerry was a minor and truly knew all there is to know about this rando NPC
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Because Jerry canonically writes about fucking. Guess New Vegas is cancelled right?
So, objectively we can see that no, no he is not easily ‘read as a minor’. In fact we had 28+ people who are very against lewding up minors not read him as a minor. This does not account for the other people unaffiliated with the zine that I had talked to, but also did not read him as a minor.
Please be fully aware, headcanons are not canon, and personal interpretations of a character are never means to throw such hard accusations around. The people who are skeeved about this can feel how they want but that does not give them the right to make hard claims about someone they don’t know and they don’t care to talk to to clear things up with.
We as artists do hold a right to be outraged when someone foregoes talking directly to us so that they can make false claims of something genuinely horrible, so please check yourself if you think that this is an over reaction on our part or that this comes off as rude.
For those of you wishing to discuss this NICELY, I will be open to talk about it, off anon, and in good faith. All other interactions will be meme’d 
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argylemnwrites · 3 years
Facts, Fibs, and Futures
Pairing: Mal Volari x MC (Raina - f!human)
Book: Blades of Light and Shadow (Chapter 4)
Word Count: ~3300
Rating: PG-13 (innuendo)
Summary: A evening of games, cards, and fortune-telling gives Mal a better understanding of Raina.
Author’s Note: Wish I had time to do more for @bladesappreciationweek, but happy to have at least snuck this piece in under the wire for Day 7 - MC/wildcard. It’s a little bit about my MC, a little about the gang in their early days, and a little glimpse at some early Mal/MC flirtation.
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“...And so I convinced the Contessa of Ditorilla that I was merely a figment of her imagination, conjured up by her deepest desires.”
Raina couldn’t help but snort as she caught the tail end of the undoubtedly false story Mal was spinning for Nia and Tyril as she walked towards them on the deck. She’d been staring at the horizon, trying to calm her stomach. She didn’t want to admit it and give Mal more of a reason to see her as naive, a kit with no experience, but the truth was that the rocking of Gerhard’s ship on the waves left her fairly nauseous. She hoped she would get used to the sensation soon, but in the meantime, she had to resort to attempting simple solutions. Hopefully, the hour she just spent by herself along the railing would be seen as her just wanting to take in the ocean. Not that that would make her seem any less like a damn kit.
“Based on Raina’s reaction, I am going to go with ‘fib’ on that tale.” Tyril’s voice floated through the air, drawing Raina out of her introspection.
“Come on, Kit. It’s bad enough that you are shockingly skilled at this, but now you have to ruin it for me when you aren’t even playing?” She stopped and glanced over at Mal, tipping back in his chair, one foot braced against the deck, the other resting on the edge of the table where he was sitting with Nia and Tyril. When they made eye contact, he winked at her before placing his hand on his chest in mock pain.
“Raina, you should join us!” Nia called out, twisting around in her chair to flash a bright smile.
“Yes, please do,” added Tyril. “This… ruffian has convinced us to play some sort of game where we have to determine whether a statement is the truth or a lie.”
“Yeah, Fib or Fact,” Raina said as she sat down in the free chair between Nia and Tyril, “but you aren’t really playing unless you are drinking.”
“See! Thank you! I told you guys this was a drinking game!” Mal cried out, gesturing across the table to Raina with a flourish. 
Tyril shook his head briskly. “I do not understand the human fascination with needing to create banal games to drink.”
“I don’t know; I think it’s just a fun way to pass the time.” Raina glanced over to her left and gave Tyril a little shrug.
“But we know Elf Boy here would rather die than have fun.”
Tyril opened his mouth, but before he could respond, Nia cut in. “Please, we can’t be at each other’s throats constantly.”
Tyril glanced between Nia and Mal, the openingly-mocking grin plastered on Mal’s face clearly fueling the fire that Nia was trying to extinguish. After a few tense and silent seconds, he gave a terse little nod. “Fine, but if I have to listen to any more stories of his romantic... conquests, I make no promises.”
Nia let out a little sigh. “Good. Well, maybe we should pick a different game anyway, since Raina is always right at this one.”
“Is that so?”
Raina smiled and tilted her head to the side. “I’m very good at reading people. Particularly his Magnificence over there.” She gestured across the table towards Mal, who plastered a fake shocked expression on his face, eyebrows raised and eyes wide, as he mouthed “Me?” before grinning and shooting Raina a wink.
“They played quite a bit on our journey to Port Parnassus,” Nia added. “I think Mal only got her four or five times.”
“Well, nevermind then. Let’s keep playing,” Tyril said, leaning back slightly and crossing his arms, the corners of his lips quirking upwards as he glanced back at Mal.
“Nah, don’t want to offend your delicate sensibilities with my more scandalous accounts,” he responded, waggling his eyebrows.
“Does anyone know any other games we could play? I don’t know if I want to gamble again.” Nia said, clearly trying to move past any sniping between the two males of their little party. 
“Awww, priestess. Didn’t enjoy your first taste of betting?”
Her cheeks flushed as she shook her head. “I don’t think it’s for me, Mal.”
"Just you wait. We'll bring out your wild side one of these days," Mal said, winking at Nia before giving her a very genuine looking smile. "Since cards are out, does anyone have any other ideas?"
Tyril didn't move to suggest anything, sitting still, his arms still locked across his armor. Nia kept glancing around the group, a hopeful gleam in her eyes that made it clear that she was counting on someone else to offer up an idea.
Raina found her mind drifting to Kade. He always knew how to entertain a group. He could tell stories, pull out random facts and tidbits of info. He just kept the conversation flowing.
"Maybe we can still use the cards," she said, tilting her head to the side. "My brother would sometimes use the deck to tell fortunes. I think I remember the basics."
"I can do you one better than that, Kit. I happen to be a fortune telling expert." Mal was grinning widely as he shuffled the deck while he stared her down.
"Really." Tyril's deadpan answer conveyed extreme skepticism.
"Yes, really. Are you doubting my skills?”
“As a rule, yes. But doubly so here, seeing as you lack any ability to channel the Light.”
“Don’t need your Light to do this, just pure intuition. So how about it, Elf Boy? Want a chance to glimpse into your future?”
Raina thought Tyril might unsheathe his blade right there, but after a moment he merely shook his head and pushed his chair back as he stood up rapidly. “I’ll pass. Goodnight, Nia. Raina. Vagrant.” And with that he was off, heading below deck without a glance back. Nia looked worried at his rapid departure, but Mal seemed utterly unfazed, leaning forward and letting the front legs of his chair fall to the deck as he spun to face Nia.
“What about you, priestess? Care to see what’s in store for you?”
“Oh! I think I would rather just watch, if you don’t mind.”
“I guess that leaves you, Kit. You up for it, or are you scared of what the cards might hold?”
Raina laughed, leaning across the table and grabbing the cards from his hand. “Oh, I definitely want to see this.”
Mal chuckled in response. “Alright, you’re going to need to pick out seven cards and-”
“Lay them out in a row in front of me; I know.”
“Wow, talk about pushy! You aren’t even giving me the chance to explain how this works to poor Nia.” Mal’s tone was light and carefree, making it clear he had no qualms about letting her get started.
“Seeing how much you love to hear your own voice, I just figured I would actually get to work while you talked her ear off,” Raina replied, throwing Mal a teasing smile as she shuffled the cards and placed one slightly to the left in front of her.
Nia giggled as Mal clutched his shirt and gasped in exaggerated shock. “Raina, you wound me.”
“Something tells me you’ll survive that devastating blow. Nia, have you ever seen this done before?”
She shook her head, watching as Raina placed cards down one by one in a row.
“It’s pretty simple, really,” Raina said, shuffling the deck again before selecting her next card. “I’m supposed to select seven cards that ‘speak to me’ and place them face down in front of me. The first two are said to represent elements of my past, the middle three my present, and the final two my future.”
“Does it work?”
“Of course! Don’t you trust me? Would I make something up?”
“Constantly,” said Nia, causing Raina and Mal to both burst out laughing.
“Slowly but surely, we’ll get you out of your Drakna shell, priestess. It’s inevitable,” said Mal before taking the remaining cards back from Raina. “You happy with your seven?”
“Just get started, Mal. Let’s see if you can back up your bragging with some action.”
“What type of action are you interested in, Kit? Cause I can do a lot-”
“-That’ll make Nia feel real uncomfortable. So how about we stick to the fortune telling for now.”
“For now? Oh, I can work with that,” he said with a wink before pointing to the card Raina had set further to the left. “Alright, first card here is the Base Card. It reflects your origins, your roots.” Mal flipped the card over, showing a village burning, humans crying in the streets, causing Raina’s breath to catch in her throat for just a second.
“The Destruction,” she finally said, trying to hide her shock.
“Yeah. Obviously not a very happy card. In this position, it usually means death and tragedy.”
It was a very fitting card for someone orphaned in a bandit massacre. Raina didn’t quite know how to process it. She didn’t put much stock in things like this. In fact, when she’d watched Kade do this before, he’d never had something so… perfect come up. He usually had to spin things with some very nebulous interpretations to make the cards even remotely work for the person in front of him. But Mal had stumbled into an accurate first card for this reading, and he knew nothing about that part of her past.
“Raina, is that-” Nia started, but she stopped abruptly. Raina glanced up from the card to see Mal shaking his head subtly. Given his reluctance to discuss his own history, it made sense that he could recognize a similar desire in her at this moment.
“Keep going.” Raina said after a few seconds of tense silence. Mal only paused for a second more before he kept going.
“Second card is the Core Card. It is still about your past, but it focuses more on the personal, the fundamentals of your personality more than your background.” He turned over the next card and started laughing as what could best be described as two elves in a very intimate embrace was revealed.
“The Passion. Tell me, Kit - you have a lot of heartbroken lovers pining for you back in Riverbend?”
Raina chuckled, glancing up and staring Mal straight in the eye. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Absolutely,” he said without missing a beat, causing Raina to laugh in earnest and Nia to cough into her Bristlegreen tea.
“Let’s just say I have no objections to your reading so far,” Raina said with a smirk. Mal joined in laughing at that, while Nia’s cheeks flushed very dark.
“I think I might turn in,” she said, placing one of her hands against her cheek, her bracelet catching the moonlight.
“Aww, sorry priestess. I promise this is the most scandalous card in the deck,” Mal said, giving Nia a contrite little nod.
Nia glanced between Mal and Raina before shaking her head. “No, it’s alright. I’m rather tired, and something tells me the innuendo will find a way to come back with you two.”
“Nia, we’re sorry.”
“Yeah, we can keep it clean… or at least mostly clean,” Mal added with a little shrug that was probably meant as an apology.
But Nia just shook her head. “It’s fine. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” She gave them both a gentle smile before standing up, waving as she made her way below deck to their shared quarters.
“And then there were two,” said Mal. “You want to keep going, or do-”
“Of course,” said Raina. “You promised me a glimpse at my future. I expect you to deliver.”
Mal grinned before shifting his hand towards the third card positioned in front of Raina. “This position is the Breaking Card. It’s supposed to represent the turning point that takes you from your past to your present.”
“Kade always said the Breaking Card represented the transition from childhood to adulthood when he did this.”
Mal shook his head. “Sometimes that’s the case, but it is more about growing up in the abstract, not literally aging.” He flipped over the card, revealing an unbalanced scale.
“The Unjust? What is that supposed to mean here?”
“It is usually interpreted to mean an imbalance and loss of stability, an upsetting of how life had been. Sometimes it refers to political upheaval or a change in power structure, but it can also be more personal, like a messy break up or the loss of the family business-”
“Or the entrapment of a brother in the Shadow Realm?”
He glanced up at her, wincing a little bit. “Uhh, yeah. That would apply here.” He moved as if to grab her hand, but apparently thought better of it, dropping his fingers to the table and tapping them restlessly a few times instead. “Do you want to stop, Raina?”
She shook her head. “This reading feels shockingly accurate. Who would I be to turn down a chance at knowing my future?”
He nodded, then moved to the middle card. “Alright, so the middle position is considered the Drive Card. It reflects the biggest event of your present.” The card he flipped over showed white light pouring from above colliding in the center with dark smoke from below. It was the Morality, the card that everyone who did readings like this interpreted as a conflict between good and evil forces.
“Well, that’s easy enough to interpret. Battle between light and dark has to represent our taking on the Shadow Court. Keep going.”
“Woah, I thought I was the one doing this reading, Kit.”
Raina smiled and shrugged. “I told you Kade liked to do this around the tavern. Besides, I’m far more interested in the outcome of the Drive Card,” she said, tapping next to the sixth card.
“Ahh, yes. The Reckoning Card. But first we need to see your Key Card to figure out what part of your present is going to be most important for your future. Shape your journey going forward.” He revealed the Twins, a male and female orc with nearly identical features.
“Well I knew the accuracy couldn’t last,” Raina said with a little laugh. “I know for a fact I don’t have a long lost twin waiting for me out there.”
Mal shook his head. “No one interprets this card so literally, Kit. It usually thought to indicate meeting someone with a… similar soul.” He paused before finishing that thought, almost as if trying to find a less emotional phrasing.
“I’m surprised your head didn’t explode from saying something so sentimental.”
“Hey, I don’t make the rules! I’m just the messenger.”
“Uh huh. So I’m going to meet someone very like me and they’re going to define the rest of my life?”
“Yeah, that’s a fair interpretation of this card in that position.”
“So, you’re saying I’m going to meet someone else with a drive for adventure and to see as much of the realm as possible and what? Go into business with them?”
Mal took a sip of his ale without breaking eye contact. “Possibly. The key card is usually read in a more passionate light than that, though.”
“Is this considered a romantic card then?” Raina found herself staring at Mal, unable to break his gaze. 
“For humans, yes. The Key Card in general is often considered to be a romantic card. Or at least it usually gets interpreted that way.”
“So I’m going to fall for my fellow adventurer?”
He kept looking right at her as he said, “Well, that would be the most common way the Twins are read in this situation.”
Things suddenly felt tense and loaded, far more expectant than they had any right to be. Not wanting to dwell on the implications of that card, Raina looked to diffuse the moment. “Of course, given that my Core Card was the Lovers, it might just be that I flirt with this adventurer until the next best thing comes along.” Raina knew she was ignoring the fact that the Key Card was supposed to carry the reading from the present to the future, but she didn’t know how to process the depth of such a statement. Not now, when so much was left to do to defeat the Shadow Court and to save Kade. And certainly not when she was staring at the person she felt more similar to than anyone else she’d met in a long time.
Mal seemed to sense her desire to not address the realities and details of such a prediction, instead laughing at her joke. “Love ‘em and leave ‘em your style, too?”
She smirked as she gave him a coy little shrug. “No comment.”
“Fair enough. I want stories later though, Kit.”
Raina waved him off and shook her head. “Just finish my reading, Mal.”
“A valid subject change, I’ll grant you that. So, you already told me that you know that the Reckoning Card represents the eventual outcome of the Drive Card. Ready to see how things go on your mission of doom?”
She rolled her eyes, but nodded. With how attuned this whole reading had been, she found herself eager to see the next card, almost believing it might actually represent their future.
Mal pulled the card toward him, drawing out the reveal. “Huh,” was all he said before placing the card face up in front of her.
“The Double-Edged Sword?”
“Does that mean we defeat the Shadow Court?”
Mal shrugged. “This card usually reflects either a desired outcome at a high price, or a wish come true that causes a new set of problems.”
“So not exactly the greatest card for the Reckoning Card.”
“But not the worst either. It’s often portrayed as a mixed outcome. Most tellers would interpret this as reflecting success when it comes to the Shadow Court, but either after suffering some steep consequences or having to traipse through all three hells. That sort of thing."
“Well, I guess that’s better than outright defeat.”
“That’s the spirit! Surviving by the skin of your teeth is all you need, anyway! Easy success is overrated.”
“And highly unlikely?”
“Yeah, that too. You ready for your final card?”
“Hit me with it.”
“Alright, so the final position is the Unwinding Card. It’s supposed to represent the overall course of your life once you’ve fully moved out of the present.” Mal flipped the final card over, showing a golden, gleaming, cup, letting out a little whistle as he saw it.
“The Golden Chalice feels like a good card here.”
“It’s a great one, Kit. It represents comfort, pleasure, contentment. In this position, it’s basically saying your life will be filled with all you could want in the future.”
Raina nodded. “Well, at least it seems like no matter what the Shadow Court deals us, we come out of it alright. Unless you are just an awful fortune teller.”
Mal chuckled at that, sliding the seven cards back into his deck. “I make no promises for the accuracy of these predictions.”
“Where did you learn how to do this anyway?”
Raina noticed that he swallowed roughly as he tucked the cards back into his sack. “That’s a story for another time,” he said finally. “You ready to call it a night?”
She shook her head. “Not just yet."
"You want any company?"
Raina gave him a smile and nodded. “Sure, that would be nice.”
And so he moved over into the chair next to her, following her gaze as she looked up at the stars. The silence was comfortable and easy and for several moments, she just soaked in the night sky.
“So really, how many jilted lovers are we talking for you?” Mal’s teasing question pulled Raina out of her thoughts. 
She laughed and shook her head. “Let it go, Mal. Some facts are just better left unmentioned.”
“Fair enough, Kit. Fair enough.”
Perma: @walkerswhiskeygirl @octobereighth @kimmiedoo5 @mom2000aggie
Blades: @marshmallowsandfire
Mal x MC: @anotherbeingsworld​
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chaoticfriendship · 4 years
This is not hate but how can you support someone like pewdiepie after all hes done? I feel like it's wrong to put him with Jack because sometimes i feel like jacks his friend only because he feels he needs to because of the shoutout. Don't stan him with Jack or associate him with him please. Pewdiepie is a bad influence and a white supremacist
Ok. Let’s talk. I was going to ignore this but you’re really persistent. This is the fifth ask you have sent me telling me the same thing but in different ways. Sad thing is that I just started this blog, I can’t believe this keeps happening to me in every fandom I go to. Some of you need to understand something about Felix.
Yes, I’m aware he did a lot of questionable things. And no, he’s not a white supremacist. He’s not racist. And he’s not homophobic or whatever Twitter/the media is saying about him these days. I might not know him personally but I’ve been watching Felix since the very beginning and even with this little info about his life I can tell the difference between some things people choose to ignore about him. He’s a very honest person and he always tells everyone the information they need to know about him, whether it is about his personal life or his pewdiepie persona. His real actual friends (Jack, Ken, Mark -also good people, and whether you like it or not, Jack is one of them) held him accountable for the things he did and also made sure to assure everyone that the ‘Pewdiepie’ personality is totally different than his real-self. They confirmed he’s not any of his mistakes. Meaning the ‘Pewdiepie’ personality got too far and the facade/entertainment mask fell off of him when he made those mistakes. This was not only a lesson for him but it showed him places that needed real improvement in his life, something we all need sometimes. We all fall short in understanding the potential harm we can do to others and we easily face the temptation to define ourselves by ignoring those crucial parts. What Felix needed to learn was self-awareness. And he’s now constantly working on it so he can objectively evaluate himself when it comes to those things. Some people face this alone and privately but, him, as an internet sensation had to do it on camera.  
Pay attention to what his actual friends say about him. Jack himself said it:
‘It is strange, all the stuff that gets said about him, it’s kind of weird to see that being said about a friend of yours. To hear his actual thoughts on it…people like to take things every which way and twist things all over the place. I don’t know how he does it, with that many people on you and that much scrutiny on you constantly. I think I would have lost my mind by now.’
I’m also aware he’s a white rich guy and that he’s a step up on the scale from me and other people but I’m sure that if I dig long enough, I’m going to find something about certain actors/actresses/musicians (that most likely you and other people love) as well. Meaning they’re human at the end of the day and they might make mistakes too. Felix is the same case here.
It was dumb to say certain things and do certain things? YES. I held him accountable when he did those things. He didn’t need to say or do the things he did. It was irresponsible, harmful and immature from his part. However, he’s willing to make a change and work on it so this is something I can appreciate. 
He did the fivver video. This is his statement:
‘I make videos for my audience. I think of the content that I create as entertainment, and not a place for any serious political commentary. I know my audience understand that and that is why they come to my channel. Though this was not my intention, I understand that these jokes were ultimately offensive. I think it’s important to say something and I want to make one thing clear: I am in no way supporting any kind of hateful attitudes.’
his response.
He said the ‘n’ word. He sincerely apologized. This is his statement:
‘I hate how I personally fed into that part of gaming. It was something that was said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of and it slipped out. I’m not going to make excuses to why I did it because there are not excuses for it. I’m dissappointed in myself because it seems like I learned nothing from controversies. And it’s not like I think I can do or say whatever I want and get away with it. I’m just an idiot but that doesn’t make what I said or how I said it okay. It was not okay. I’m really sorry If I offended, hurt or disappointed anyone with all of this. Being in the position I am, I should know better. I know I can’t keep messing up like this and I owe it to my audience and to myself to do better than this. I really want to improve and better myself, not just for me but for anyone that looks up to me or anyone that is influenced by me and that’s how I wanna move forward. Away from this.’
source: my response. 
Held himself accountable.
Made no excuses for his behaviour.
Recognized he did something wrong and stupid.
Sincerely apologized for it without making a fake act or fake crying for sympathy.
Never asked for sympathy or support because he's willing to make a real change in behavior. 
Realized some people are influenced by him and worked to be better for them and himself.
Chose to be himself and stand his ground on an important matter to make his audience understand he was taking this as serious as it is. 
Understood he gave ammunition that feeds some people the wrong idea and didn’t try to rationalize it because he knows he should take accountability for it. 
Saw that he had no need for jokes or words like that in his vocabulary in the first place and worked on self-control.
Rightfully feels ashamed for his actions. 
Here you can see Felix takes this seriously. He’s not messing around with what happened. He takes it with the responsibility it should be taken. 
And this is enough for me. I’m sorry if you think Felix needs to do a blood sacrifice to prove himself but that’s just not how it works. 
We all have said or done things we are not proud of. He did many of them and trust me, he was held accountable for them. How? Here’s a list of the consequences:
He was part of the original content network YouTube Red, and was affiliated with Disney’s MakerStudios brand where he had his own network. Disney cut all ties with him.
They cancelled his YouTube Red show, where a lot of people put big effort (not only the participants but the crew members). You can see that this was important for him. It was not just some random ass show.
Was held accountable for his actions and it was made known every mistake he did. Every single one.  
Received the proper criticism from the media, his fans and his own friends.
He also received harsh backlash and hate from the situation.
Lost support from followers, celebrities, friends and companies. 
He’s constantly attacked by people and media outlets on a daily basis. Some people even fabricate false stories about him.
He faced the proper consequences for those actions. Let him move on already.
You also listed a bunch of stuff in one of your asks, things he’s NEVER done. Those are things the media has made you and everyone else believe he did but he didn’t. This is why you should never believe any random media headline, you need to actually do your own research to see if that’s true or not. Here are the things you said he did (none of these are true): 
No, he hasn’t hired people to say the ‘n’ word. This is not true at all.
No, he doesn’t promote Adolf Hitler speeches and anti-semitic cartoons. Disney did once tho.
No, he’s not homophobic. At all. He was actually evicted from his own flat because his previous landlord is an actual homophobic person and called him and his crew the ‘f’ word. He decided to move far away from the guy. 
No, he didn’t perform the Nazi heil. Never. 
No, he didn’t pay the ‘Jesus’ guy to hold a sign that says ‘Hitler did nothing wrong’ this is a lie. Someone else did it and the media said it was him to cause more controversy. He paid him to say ‘Subscribe to Jacksepticeye’. 
No, he’s not racist. For this, his content would’ve to be filled with racial jokes and actual intentional attacks daily. His content is not like that, trust me, the most he does is play with some tambourine all the time. He’s said the ‘n’ word (something he admitted was terrible, apologized for it and took responsibility for his words), yes but someone that feels as bad and ashamed as he does, does not equal to what an actual racist is and how they act. 
No, he didn’t dress up in a Klansman robe. He never did that. This is also false information about him. 
No, he doesn’t bully his friends or enables bullying. I don’t know where the media got that one but I can assure you they’ve got no friends if they think his interactions with his own friends are ‘bullying’. 
No, he doesn’t joke about crises happening around the world. AT ALL. He constantly raises money for them (and gives his own money as well) to different causes such as the Wildfires Emergency Appeal, Team Trees (to plant 20 million trees), St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (for kids with diseases such as cancer), Crisis Text Line, National Alliance on Mental Illness (a group that helps those suffering from mental illness), CRY (a GoFundMe campaign to help Indian children living in poverty), World Wildlife Fund (dedicated to the reduction of mankind’s environmental impact), RED (did a whole 7 hour livestream with friends to help people fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa), Charity: Water (a non-profit that provides drinking water to developing nations), Save the Children (for underprivileged kids to give them better education, healthcare, better economic opportunities), he recently raised $106,000 for the BLM movement donating the contributions to the family of George Floyd and other victims of police violence, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Hope for Holt, Malaria No More, Oceana, SpecialEffect, War Child, etc. Does this sound like someone who makes fun of real problems happening around the globe? No. And no, he hasn’t made fun of those causes either. 
No, he doesn’t make fun of mental illnesses. He talks about it with the proper respect and delicacy it deserves. He constantly adresses mental health, shares resources for viewers who may be struggling and talks about the importance of being aware and getting legitimate help. Where are you taking these facts from?
No, he doesn’t support China’s police brutality. He was BANNED from China for critizing the president and the country’s treatment of Hong Kong’s anti-government protests. How hard is it to watch the real video instead of trusting some Susan from Twitter? 
No, he has NEVER disrespected Japanese culture. Felix loves Japan and respects their culture. He always treats the people and the place with utter respect. 
He’s not a white supremacist or a secret Nazi. Are you insane? He’s said it himself ‘f*** anyone who is racist and anyone who is a white nationalist. That’s not what I’m about. And that’s not what my channel has been about either.’ Maybe if you think about it, the media painted him that way and people decided to go with it because they don’t actually watch his videos. The number of accusations and stories are insane and ridiculous. Have you ever watched one of his videos? Ever? Because if you would’ve, you would know none of these things are true. 
No, he doesn’t encourage kids/teens to see and follow Nazi ethics. He recommended a channel that does anime reviews (he didn’t know the channel had pro white-supremacy videos). You’re accusing him of that for not checking the thousand-something videos said channel has because he liked one anime review? This is reaching to a whole new degree. You could’ve randomly watched the same anime review vid, does that make you a Nazi as well? And NO, he didn’t wear an Iron Cross, he was wearing a Georgian Bolnisi cross. The shirt is by the Georgian designer Demna Gvasalia. Use Google please. 
I don’t think you’re a real Jacksepticeye fan if you think he’s sticking up for him only because of a shout-out that happened years ago. Extend your perspective in this. He knows him in real-life. He’s his best friend. He can tell he’s not a bad person. This is not a hard thing to figure out. 
Also, you forgot to put the anon option in one of your asks, so I know who you are. Weren’t you joking about WW3, using the ‘r’ word to fight with your followers and making fun of the BLM movement a few months ago on your twitter account? It might not look like it’s possible but we’ve also made and are capable of making some of the same mistakes too. The difference is that some of you hide behind the ‘it’s just humor to cope with life’ gen z card. Joking about a serious important movement is harmful as well, hope you can learn that. 
I can’t tell you how to emotionally react to his content, however I can advise that if it bothers you that much you should remove yourself from the environment that revolves around him (if you even watch his videos which I highly doubt) if you’re not willing to give him a chance. You also need to remember that forgiveness is private and personal, just because you don't see his content and can't see that change doesn't mean it's not happening. There’s power in understanding.
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collegestudentvevo · 4 years
a thought on cancel culture
inspired by this post from @veraiconcos
i think we should cancel cancel culture. it’s become so toxic and overused that it doesn’t do it’s intended job anymore. i also believe that “cancel” has become so much of a buzzword it doesn’t have a proper meaning either.
i think it is completely necessary to hold celebrities accountable for their actions but to also remember that they are human and by no means perfect. we forget that celebrities are also people who are bound to make mistakes. but how they move forward from those mistakes is very telling about the people that they are. 
as explained in the post i linked above, matthew gray gubler is a celebrity who is by no means perfect. he has made mistakes and he has said things that we would now consider “problematic” or something we should “cancel” him for. he has previously used the r word and mentioned in a poem that he is “dubious of lesbians” which has been interpreted different ways. i have my thoughts about those actions of his but i am neurotypical and i am not a lesbian so i don’t have a place to speak on those actions publicly. i will say that the word “dubious” is defined as “unsettled in opinion, doubtful” by Merriam Webster’s Dictionary. which i interpreted to mean that he does not anticipate being in a relationship with a lesbian, therefore making sense to me, but i also think it wasn’t needed to be said in the poem. again, that is not for me to decide. it is for the lesbian community to determine the value of that statement. here is another post listing things matthew has done that may be considered problematic. 
tw // SA
there also have been sexual assault allegations made against matthew, that i have heard of. i also was told that the woman who made those allegations said that they were false. but i have no receipts on this information so if anyone has info or links regarding this, that would be greatly appreciated if you could send it to me or reply to this post!
i would also like to mention, that as a victim of SA, i will always stand on the side of victims and survivors. first and foremost, we need to believe women, victims, and survivors before coming to the defense of the accused.
back to celebrities and cancel culture in general
i believe that to some extent, cancel culture has been used for good. especially cases in which racism, sexism s*xual assault, homophobia, transphobia, etc. have played a part in certain celebrities’ lives. some people refuse to educate themselves on the matters at hand and i don’t think anyone should continue to “stan” or support celebrities, groups, etc. that uphold values like that. i don’t believe anyone should support celebrities, groups, etc. that have beliefs and political values that don’t align with their own. some people say that they like to “separate the art from the artist” but i don’t believe that that is possible in today’s day and age. if i listen to an artist like xxxtentacion or whatever the fuck his name is, who has multiple r*pe and p*dophilia accusations against him (i believe) i am indirectly supporting him. streaming his music on spotify gives him streams which translates to a certain amount of profit. giving streams and support to artists like this, tells them that they can still be successful, even after doing the terrible things that they’ve done and refusing to apologize or change their actions. 
but there is a time when cancel culture is used far too often. if someone says something slightly wrong they get canceled almost immediately. for example, demi lovato had a finsta account on which she was presumed to be making fun of and tearing down selena gomez. i did not see the actual posts or account, only screenshots, but i agree, tearing down other women is not acceptable. but demi wasn’t doing this in the public eye and she did address it afterwards. although i’m not sure if we got an apology, she addressed it and her actions have shown growth since then. 
i think the important thing to remember is that we are all human. we all make mistakes and what matters is that we learn from them. we all (including celebrities) need to take accountability for our mistakes and to also take the time and resources we have to constantly be educating ourselves on issues in other communities that we may not be privy to. a big example of this is the black lives matter movement. i am a firm believer and support of the movement as i believe everyone else should be. and if someone doesn’t know or understand what the movement is about, they need to take matters into their own hands and educate themselves on the systemic racism in america, the problems with the police force, right wing arguments, left wing arguments, etc., etc. no one, and i mean NO ONE has an excuse to not be educated. yes, make a mistake but make sure you learn from it. when someone tells you that you said or did something wrong, offensive, incorrect you need to listen to them. listen to their story and to why they are upset about what you said/did. then, take it upon yourself to further educate yourself on the issue.
cancel culture has been blown out of proportion and the fact that “cancel” is such a buzzword nowadays i do believe that it has lost its meaning.
but. if a celebrity does something that a group says is offensive or problematic, we need to listen to that group. we can’t excuse behavior just because we think “he would never do that!” or “he’s so sweet i can’t imagine him ever saying something like that.” just because it’s hard to believe doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. at the same time, we need to allow celebrities to atone for their sins. celebrities need to be allowed growth as well, just like anyone else.
the issue of cancel culture is complicated and complex but it’s worth talking about. if i made a mistake in this post or in any of my posts please let me know! if i ever did something that was offensive or rude or anything that may be negative, i want to know so i can learn from it. i think everyone else should hold that belief as well. 
i could probably talk about this for years but thank you if you read my thoughts on this.
one last thing: i love matthew gray gubler. and as i said earlier, he is not perfect. i would love for him to apologize for everything he’s done wrong in the past, but i’m not even sure if he realizes or remembers doing those things. that doesn’t excuse his lack of apology, but we don’t know how he’s changed since then. he seems to me to be a person who tries to be kind to everyone and to stand up for what is right. but, we, as fans, are not a part of his personal life. we do not know the true matthew gray gubler, who he is on a daily basis. we can ask for him to speak up on issues or to apologize for saying a word or something in that vicinity, but we don’t know what he does in his own time. i don’t think we can expect him to broadcast his every move and every political belief and every value. i just think that is unrealistic. we won’t know where he stands on every topic ever, we just have to trust that he would do the right thing and if proven otherwise, we take it from there, i think.
these are certainly just my personal thoughts and by no means are they not flawed. i think there will always be flaws in arguments about topics like these. i think all we can do is try and learn and expect those we look up to to do the same.
i love you all. treat people with kindness :)
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onychaos · 4 years
Observing Tumblr bugs
So I did some more work digging and observing around on tumblr wondering why posts are missing in on dashboard search tags, since you know? You have the power to search for terms in a post or tags on the dashboard. I also noticed that some posts don’t show up at all..
UPDATE 2/13/2020: Gonna update this post. As a warning, retweets of the post don’t have updated info
So, for WordPress when post don’t show up, you would change the date the post was made (The current time and date) and it would be added back to WordPress search where everyone can see it.
With WordPress, It’s a very easy fix to deal with. Not really a problem when you think about it.
Now with Tumblr, Dear lord. I can kinda see why Tumblr is seen as a hellsite.. Mainly for the issue, the site breaking search engine. It’s a mess..
Tumblr media
So, for tumblr, it’s very different. Things I noticed.
A notice: Should go without saying but if your blog and posts are adult themed and not meant for anyone but adults, your posts will never show up. You can show a like of things but porn is a no go here.
1. There are some tags on Tumblr that will show your post for 10 mins+ before removing the post from the tags recent tab. If your post is popular (I.E. 3 notes or more) It will still show up there.
The tags I know where this happens is the tags “Twitter”, “WordPress” Let me know if you know of any other tags that act like this.
1.2 There are times when your post has 5 main tags but they won’t or don’t show up in search or tags. Retagging works in some cases but most of the time, it does not work.
2. Sometimes when you have 5 tags you want your post to be found in dashboard search, they just don’t show up. Sometimes if they showup, they show up on a new post (i.e. Re-upload) with the same tags will fix the problem.
2.1 Please remember this, as it may be another reason. If you have links in your post that are blacklisted, remove them. I can not say if having blacklisted links after the URL ban dropped may affect your post in the future or not.
Tags make it easier for readers to find posts about a specific topic on your blog. For instance, you could tag your landscape photographs with #landscape or posts about your butler with #butler. Tagging your posts is as easy as you’d expect. When you create a post, enter the tags in the field at the bottom of the post form.
You don't need to put a tag in quotes or start with a hash symbol (#).
Hit enter to separate each tag.
Only the first 20 tags on a post will show up in searches. After that, you’re just tagging for show.
Tags on Tumblr can have spaces in them. They are the most legible tags on the internet. Hooray! - Tagging your posts
3 It also seems the URL ban + being able to search posts for terms in the post or tags has had a weird effect on posts. Reblogs don’t count, as they only show up on your blog and not searchable
I was looking in a part of tumblr called “tags not working” and I’m not the only one with this issue. Some post seems to suggest the election day and/or tumblr tag system is broken (No shock about it being broken)
Search for multiple tags or terms
To search for multiple tags or terms, all you have to do is use the right syntax. For example:
picnic lunch - returns posts with the terms “picnic” and “lunch” anywhere (e.g., #picnic basket, or #lunch break, or a post using the word picnic).
#picnic lunch - returns posts with the #picnic lunch tag.
#picnic #lunch - returns posts with both #picnic AND #lunch tags.
There is a 4th option that a user or bot may have reported your post for spam or  mass Automation by a user/bot. (If you post too much) If you use tags that someone thinks is not fitting for a post of yours or if you used any import tools to upload posts from one site to Tumblr. You may fall under this rule..
What I can assume is that Tumblr system for keeping spam like post out of search + the URL ban + being able to search posts by terms / any tags has hit a great number of posts made by users..
If that is the case, you have to re-upload the post to see in search or find it by terms.
I will talk about this later..
And there is a 5th option which I can’t prove to be true or false.. I have heard the porn bots that like or retweet your posts is another reason to why your posts may not show up in search / tags but can not prove this but something to keep in mind..
If you have a secondary blog account on your main that posts or reblogs adult things, be careful, I can’t say how much this may or may not affect you since there no way to test this but keep that in mind
I don’t know if adult blogs that like / reblog your posts will affect you or not.
There is one last option.. And this is a very extreme case.. but..
If your posts aren't appearing on Tumblr-wide tag pages, it might be because your blog is pretty new and we need to make sure you’re not a robot or a spammer.
Make sure you’ve verified your account via the email we sent when you joined Tumblr. Once you’ve used your account for a while (and done normal, human things with it like follow other blogs and like or reblog posts), your posts will start appearing on tag pages.
If you are a robot or a spammer, you should visit our article about account deletion.
On the help center page for Troubleshooting tags. The post I quoted worries me. There could be a chance your account is marked as a robot or a spammer. If, at that point happens.
You have 2 options. 1. Contact Tumblr support and tell them your problems and pray to god that they do something to help out, and hope they don’t send a automatic response which can amount to “we will try to do something but won’t“
2. Backup your blog, make a new account and re-post everything there by hand, and let your followers know of the new account. Your current account may be marked as a spammer account or a robot.
Tumblr media
So… How do you get your post to show back up on Tumblr Dashboard search with the power to search for terms and any tag on your post, and tags that are after the 5th tag on posts?
ANSWER: Re-upload the post or posts that is not showing up in tags or is no longer searchable on Tumblr Dashboard. It’s the only current fix to the problem for why posts are no longer showing up in tags / searched by terms
treygocray said: onychaos HEY! I got it to work. Delete all your tags on the photo and re-tag it. Mine worked so I thought I’d share! :D
This does work but if the post didn’t have a banned link. This is worth a shot but be warned that your post may fall under the 5 tag or less rule.
end update
For users who only reblog or like, this will not affect you. But those who don’t reblog and make posts, this affects us greatly. When our posts can’t be seen by other users besides followers.. I don’t man, not feeling it since most followers may / are no longer active.
Since the dashboard search engine is awful and tumblr @staff don’t seem to want to fix this issue or know how to fix the issue. This is the only way from what I tested.
If you have this issue but don’t want to re-upload posts to fix it. You have to go by the 5 tags can be searched, and you can’t term and your posts may or may not show up in tags. I could be wrong but I know there are people who don’t want to use a wrong around for this bug if you got more then 50 posts.
You can test to see if your posts are searchable by making an empty tag that has never been used, ever. Then go to mass post editor and add the empty tag as the 6th tag to 30 or 20 posts at a time and search the said tag.  If your posts that you tagged with the empty tag show up in that tag under the “most recent” search and not tagged.
A empty tag (Your username) seems to be able to hold 40 or 20 of your posts at a time. That’s why it is best to do 20 or 10 to test them. You may need to wait a bit as there is delay for posts to show up. Or you can add the empty tag to 3 of your post as the 6th tag or anything after the 5th tag works.
However, if the tag being used is brand new or barely used it can affect some post from what I tested.
Brand new tags (Never used aka no posts in the tag) Can hold 40 of your posts.. Sometimes it can hold more?
non-empty tags (Tags that get used once in a while) Can hold 3 posts and there is a post delay
Very active tags can hold 3 post but if you post a lot, your older posts in a tag will be hidden after a fourth post is made but will show back up after a week or so. Sometimes Tumblr may break and the post might not show back up if hidden and you probably have to reupload it or re-tag?
If you see the post in most recent or popular search, your posts can be found by terms / any tag but this is me just observing and testing about 20 posts
Now should say this. New tags that never been used can hold 40 of your posts sometimes more? But this is if you are trying to search by term and not tags
Tumblr media
This means users can search for your posts by tags and tags after the 5th tag as well or terms in your posts on tumblr dashboard. (That is good, very good)
Because I tried to bring my posts from WordPress to Tumblr via a defunct import tool named wp2tumblr and as a result of my post falling under these  rules of spam here what I took note of.
Posts that don't show up or can not be seen working well in tags or at all and not coming up in the search terms. Out of 147 posts.  only 113* of my posts do not show up right in tags or search nor can they be searched by terms or tags (Some tags do not show these post after 2 weeks. You have to wait a week to see them but nothing happens..)
So only 34+ posts can be searched by tag / terms / seen in tags or searched by terms
113 posts have bugged / shadow flagged for spam / search from the effects of using wp2tumblr to import my wordpress posts to tumblr..
Only way to fix this is by re-uploading the post to allow it to be found in tumblr tags and search terms.
Again, if you don’t see your post show up in search or tags, you will need to re-upload the posts in question.
And for me, I hate having to re-upload posts to have them be seen again but I will have to do it if I want my posts to be seen. Even if that means re-uploading my rants, vents, talking about users, and other things. So you will be seeing me upload some posts that may be 2017 or 2018 related.
Your followers may or may not be annoyed with you as a heads up if you re-upload posts to fix this issue.
And even if you do this, there is no 100 % plan yet or there is a chance someone may see you re-upload a post as spam.. Or the post may not show up later
Tumblr media
But I thought I share what I have been observing how things been working on tumblr. If anyone has a better way of dealing with this, let me know.
Because when you make a new post, it is seen in tags / search. And it is searchable be terms or tags after the 5th tag
Again, if your post is not showing up in tags, re-upload the post in question and it will be back in search to be seen by everyone
However, another issue came to me. If you reupload the post it can be found in search and by terms.. now however If you edit/delete the tags when having more then 5 tags on the post and go down to 5 or less. 
Your post may fall under the 5 tags or less rule and may also lose the right to search for that post by terms but something to look out for.
Update: It seems some of my new posts are not searchable by terms anymore.
I contacted Tumblr Support but got a fast reply but it was a copy and paste. I don’t know what Tumblr Staff is doing but it’s anything but helpful.
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Here a list of my posts that got hit or don’t show up.. I added clear to the post name meaning it works / shows up. I need to look at all of them. I have since deleted some old posts so this list is outdated and this is not all of the posts yet..
Some post below don’t have the right name but keep that in mind
Nothing important below. :3
my plans for 2017 - clear 12:20 AM 12/11/2019
a new discord server archive it - 11:16 PM 12/10/2019
Twitch channel updates - archive it 11:16 PM 12/10/2019
Sonikchan update archive it - 8:08 PM 12/10/2019
Updates for Sonikmage twitch archive it - 8:08 PM 12/10/2019
Sonik muffins - clear 7:34 PM 12/10/2019
Future Update archive - 4:13 AM 12/11/2019
Shutting down Sonikmage twitter archive - 12:21 AM 12/11/2019
My little guide to streaming archive - 4:13 AM 12/11/2019
New twitch streams archive - 4:14 AM 12/11/2019
Twitch rant
mini twitch rant
one trick pony archive - 4:14 AM 12/11/2019
Sonic adventure SX 2018 clear - 12:02 AM 12/11/2019
how I been feeling
game progress
sonic speed R 2018
update log 6
The Tumblr purge
game dev update 2
game overhaul
kyle and lucy
Tumblr purge 2
Done with Pangya
Tumblr purge AM
Last speedrun to do
Twitch and youtube let's play
srb2 teleport
Sonic beta clear - 3:35 PM 12/11/2019
twitter rant
facebook update
srb2 update
Speedruns I plan to do clear - 10:03 AM 12/15/2019
Second Discord channel update
how to use twitter
Thoughts on SXSW
Thoughts on Sonic Speed 2017
What's next for me?
Thoughts on Pangya celebrity
Thoughts on Pangya celebrity big ann clear - 8:58 PM 12/17/2019
Thoughts on speedrunners
Why do you stream?
New personal discord channel update 3
Sonic adventure 2 livestream
New thoughts on Pangya c
A side project
Mini server update +
sonik rp story clear - 10:05 AM 12/15/2019
another twitch rant
birthday livestream
my thoughts on spinball
The future for sonic 1 hell
Zelda shine hunting
Sonic Forces custom character
Revio shutting down
new personal discord server clear - 9:32 AM 12/15/2019
SRB2 forfeit rules clear - 9:30 AM 12/15/2019
my forum
moving out update
duel link replays
Mario Maker 2 experience
My Tumblr experience
Gave Pangya debug one last shot
Frozen Snowman Land - clear 9:30 AM 12/15/2019
Images of my fan game
venting about video games
changes and moving forward
sadx question
Playing duel links on twitch
Hyper's quest 2
video of srb2 kart
srb2kart rainbow road
mini update about my posts clear - 9:31 AM 12/15/2019
levels i forgot
srb2kart darkvile garden
tumblr theme bugs clear - 9:32 AM 12/15/2019
SRB2Kart final fall
Beaten nep
Zelda BOTW master mode stream
My review sonic spinball
streams this weekend
Why I dislike twitch fight streams
Thanks for watching
A long vent / rant
A message to a friend
Cyberscore review
What I done in 2 months
Youtube planned let's plays
My goals for 2018
Final post on speedrunning
Clicker heroes 2 thoughts
final Pangya c post
Chaos realm race nights
My CyberScore Ideas
New Start
Sonic Gather Battle
Pantufa the cat dx review
SRB2 review
Dungeon Souls revisit
Sonic R review
update log
my new server updates
Sonic World R8 review
Pangya C tea time
Sonic and Shantae 2017 demo
Sonic ages 2017
Update on Sonic hell
Sonic Forces review clear - 3:51 AM 12/12/2019
Battle for the internet act 3
game mode ideas
New changes for this year arc - 2:57 AM 12/12/2019
Sonic Mania delay archive second account -
rant: twitter archive
2 rants for the price of one
Twitch bits
Sonic Mania stream today archive - 4:44 PM 12/11/2019
SRB2 testing clear - 9:29 AM 12/15/2019
Sonic Grand Adventure clear - 10:03 AM 12/15/2019
87 notes · View notes
pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Captain America: Civil War (2016)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Seven (30.43% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Episode Quality:
Exciting and full of strong fodder for discussion and debate; by the same token, potentially frustrating.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Natasha directs comments to Wanda in Nigeria, but Wanda addresses her response to the team as a whole.
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Female characters:
Wanda Maximoff.
Natasha Romanov.
Maria Stark.
Mrs Spencer.
Sharon Carter.
Mrs Zemo.
Aunt May.
Male characters:
James Buchanan Barnes.
Steve Rogers.
Sam Wilson.
Brock Rumlow.
Howard Stark.
Tony Stark.
Thaddeus Ross.
James Rhodes.
Helmut Zemo.
Everett Ross.
Peter Parker.
Clint Barton.
Scott Lang.
My immediate thought on the concept of the Avengers being directed by a United Nations panel is the Rwandan genocide; follow from that, any number of other major atrocities that have taken place while the rest of the world sat back umm-ing and aah-ing over whether or not they should intervene. Anyone who knows a speck of history should be very reticent about the idea of being shackled by such political whims.
Ross refers to the unknown locations of Thor and Bruce Banner as being like ‘misplacing a couple of megaton nukes’, as if they’re objects and not autonomous sentient beings who can go where they please without having to declare their intentions, and that should really be the first major red flag to everyone that this guy ain’t on the level.
Vision’s equation about causality is a false equivalence, and an irrelevant one anyway, since oversight doesn’t do anything to hamper his theory about strength inviting challenge. You’re not actually reducing your strength, you’re just making yourself less able to meet those challenges as they come. I feel like Vision should be a Hell of a lot smarter than this absence of logic (also, looking at the threats themselves in previous films, the only ones which can be considered ‘strength inviting challenge’ issues in which the actions of any Avenger characters have ‘bred catastrophe’ are the Iron Man films, and Age of Ultron, all of which are examples of Tony’s hubris coming back to bite him, specifically. The conflict of every other film stems from either 1) trouble predating Iron Man (most of it SHIELD/Hydra related), or 2) other-worldly overspill where Earth becomes the battleground for something uninvited (Asgardian and/or infinity stone bullshit). And even when Tony is the one creating his own demons, he usually doesn’t do so actively through his Iron Man tech or persona (Obadiah Stane’s villainy is what led to Iron Man’s creation, not the other way around; yes, Tony’s grandstanding did directly invite competition in Iron Man 2, but he didn’t make an adversary out of Ivan Vanko, that was his father’s legacy; and Tony’s particular cruelty may have incited Aldritch Killian, but that event predated the creation of Iron Man by nine years, so it’s not a response to that strength. Only Ultron was genuinely a catastrophic consequence of Tony’s (and Bruce’s) abuse of power, but hobbling the Avengers’ ability to operate does nothing to prevent that sort of thing from happening again, it just stymies their ability to halt the onslaught after it begins. You solve that one with legislation limiting what anyone can recklessly create and unleash (which includes Vision himself, incidentally)).
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And see, Steve is right; the Sokovia Accords just shift the blame when things go wrong, functionally it makes the Avengers less accountable for their actions by allowing them to play the ‘just following orders’ game. And the point he makes about the panel still being run by people with agendas is exactly what I’m talking about in that first dot point; when decisions are being made on a political basis instead of according to need, you get atrocities, and any person working for the United Nations is a political agent by default. Sokovia is actually a great example of the kind of place that falls through the cracks on the political stage, as it was noted to be ‘nowhere special’, i.e. not politically valuable, and therefore unlikely to receive a swift response from powerful nations who have no vested interests in the good of the country.
Tony’s argument here is extremely personal and emotion-driven; it’s all his own guilt about Ultron and Sokovia and his decision to stop manufacturing weapons, etc, and none of that is relevant to the rest of the team’s situation or their choices. He’s also utterly oblivious to his own privilege here, in that it’s super easy for him to handwave the particulars of the Accords, because he’s a filthy-rich white American whose main ‘thing’ is new technologies, which are not being restricted at all by these Accords; he has the luxury of just signing on and hoping to negotiate amendments later (and also, of having the resources to be able to thwart anything he disagrees with and just do what he wants regardless if he decides he’s right). He’s not taking a moment to consider what the Accords really mean for those members of the team with powers they can’t just ‘put down’, who don’t have the kinds of options and opportunities he has, up to and including the bargaining power to have the Accords ‘fixed up’ later. I really do my best to see both sides of this situation because there IS merit in the idea of the Accords, but no one in favour of it makes a good argument for it and it’s really frustrating.
Who tells someone that a close beloved friend is dead in a fucking text message??? The real villain of this film.
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It goes without saying but I’m gonna say it anyway: it’s very hypocritical of T’Challa to support the Accords while also donning his super-suit and taking matters in foreign countries into his own hands. All of the destruction that occurs in Romania after Bucky escapes from his apartment building is because of T’Challa’s involvement (because he was trying to commit a literal murder!), and that kinda gets glossed straight over here. 
Tony falls for Ross’ trick by referring to Wanda as a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ in the process of his efforts to justify her internment. It’s all really solid writing, really, vernacular choices that highlight the dehumanisation at the rotten core of the Accords and how good people can be suckered into it without realising until it’s too late (even when things like, say, denial of legal representation should definitely be red-flagging up the wazoo right now). But honestly, it’s such a wild leap from ‘Wanda can’t go on missions anymore’ to ‘we’re going to forcibly deny her the ability to go out in public’. Keep trying to tell yourself that’s not a fucked up situation, Tony. 
Steve Rogers holding down a fucking helicopter is just...peak Captain America and I’m so glad.
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The part where Tony recruits an actual child who is not involved in this situation at all, spiriting him away to another continent to fight supersoldiers, that’s just...beyond, honestly. I hate this as an introduction for Spiderman because it’s so wildly irresponsible of Tony, it’s an unforgivable thing to do. He’s a kid. This has nothing to do with him. This is where Tony officially loses me in this movie. You can take your self-righteous attempts at justifying your actions and shove ‘em, buddy. You’re actively endangering a child.
We really don’t need Steve to kiss someone every Cap movie. We didn’t need him weirdly mackin’ on his recently-deceased ex-love’s niece. Seriously.
Spiderman’s particular brand of quipping while fighting really irritates me, also. It’s altogether a big no from me on the Spiderman front. 
Still love Ant-Man, though. He’s delightful. I also enjoy Hawkeye so much more here than I have in the Avengers films. 
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C’mon, T’Challa. You can’t attack and attempt to kill a guy outright and then play the ‘you must be guilty because you ran away’ schtick. Do a brain about it.
See, everyone else knows why they’re there and what they’re fighting for, they know the stakes. Scott is the only one on Cap’s side who isn’t already part of the situation anyway, but he’s read in on why he’s being asked to get involved and he’s a grown adult person making an informed decision. Peter doesn’t have that, he’s there fighting because Tony said so, and that’s just fucked up. 
Heavy sigh. And here we go with the emotional Tony thing. Yeah, he just saw how his parents were killed by the Winter Soldier. That’s rough. It’s really rough. But he doesn’t just have an immediate emotional outburst, he has a sustained homicidal rage, which includes not only trying to kill Bucky, but also beating the Hell outta Steve, who, y’know, did not kill Tony’s parents. The fight scene lasts way too long and involves too much opportunity for cooler thought to prevail (both in problem-solving and in conversational moments), and someone whose emotions can send them reeling so completely out of control - even when they actively know they’ve been manipulated into it! Zemo literally just told you to your face that this was his plan! - someone with so little impulse control should never be given the power to make decisions for others or wield anything over them. This is all just a really, really great case for why Tony is ill-equipped to be an Avenger at all.
Watching Bucky digging the repulsor out of Iron Man’s chest with his metal hand is...so exciting. Rest in peace, awesome metal arm.
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Zemo’s just a regular human, but he gets locked up under utterly inhumane circumstances. Again, the Accords involved a deal with a pretty insidious devil, and they didn’t actually have to prove that Steve’s position was the correct one to such a strong degree (we could have had a more nuanced conversation about the subject of accountability if the two sides were more evenly presented), but damn, the red flags, guys. It shouldn’t have taken Tony until he was horrified seeing his friends in the raft prison to finally clue in. 
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Ok, so, I know I already played the ‘I’m pregnant’ card to explain away my meandering commentary for Ant-Man, but it’s still true and only getting more significant as time goes on, so I regret to announce that - despite having looked forward to disassembling this movie since I started on this Marvel adventure - we’re now only a day out from publication and I haven’t written anything yet. I know, the deadline isn’t exactly set in stone and I could just hold off publishing until I’m ready, but that’s a slippery slope and if I start telling myself to just ‘get to it when you get to it’, who the fuck knows when it’ll happen. This isn’t supposed to be stressful, so I’m just gonna ramble a bit and see what comes out. There’s a thing wriggling in my guts and I have a house to paint. I’m doing my best.
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First things first: my stance re: Accords is that the best method of oversight is the one which emphasises accountability, rather than permission (with acknowledgment that this is a fictional universe with threats and powers which do not reflect the real world). The kinds of issues our Avenger characters get involved with are typically of the sort which has to be nipped in the bud right-quick before it becomes untenable, and also not infrequently, the types of problems which do not offer them bountiful evidence to present to a board for evaluation before they get the ok to counter it. Faffing about with diplomacy and bureaucratic carrying-on is a great way to, say, allow Hydra to launch the Insight helicarriers and wipe out all dissenters to their rule before you have the chance to stop them, or (if Zemo’s apparent plan with the Winter Soldiers had been his real plan after all), to be stuck mopping up the global damage as an elite death squad roams around destabilising governments. I’m not a supporter of the adage ‘it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission’ in the real world, but in a comic book universe, with the supervillains and the world domination and the plots which consistently include chronic time-sensitive action and little if any concrete evidence? The Sokovia Accords are woefully inadequate. By all means, the Avengers should be answerable to someone, and being required to submit reports justifying their actions (and face disciplinary measures or even criminal charges if they cannot explain themselves to a satisfactory degree) is a completely reasonable thing to convene a United Nations panel to oversee. Maybe Tony can hop down off his high horse and face actual consequences for the Ultron fiasco. That’s fine with me, and it’s a logical thing for the world to clamour for. Shifting responsibility to a panel of UN politicians who will then no doubt be reticent to send the Avengers into anything pre-emptively (or within any kind of useful time frame) for fear of backlash is a terrible solution, and even more so when you’re being pushed into it without any time to evaluate and amend the original document before it becomes law. 
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(It’s worth noting that the person most likely to appreciate how easily the UN panel could be hijacked by political machinations not in the interest of the public good is Steve, owing to his personal role in uncovering and thwarting Hydra’s plans; Sam was roped into the Avenging world through that event, and thus it’s unsurprising that he would have the same concern chief in mind when refusing to sign. While Natasha does sign on to the Accords, she explicitly does not do so because she thinks the Accords are a good idea; she’s playing the political game and ‘reading the terrain’, as she says, and that’s consistent with her character. Tony being impulsive and dangerously emotion-driven is also unfortunately consistent, as is his self-righteousness about imposing his will on others to assuage his own guilt. Vision really has no excuse for being so bad at logicking his way to signing the Accords, but it’s no surprise to me that the most clear-headed staunch Accords supporter would be Rhodey, since following orders from others and unquestioning trust in your governing body is dead-on character for him as a career military man. I think he’s categorically wrong, yes, but I’m not mad at Rhodey for being a True Believer any more than I am at Natasha for being mercurial; both are in-character choices and ones which involve evaluative thought processes, and while ‘in-character’ may still be in play for Tony, evaluative thought processes are not, and that does make me mad. As I’ve noted before, he tends to work as a likable character despite his MANY flaws when he’s in his own movies, because acknowledging those foibles and working to fix them is a core part of his personal arcs in each Iron Man film; it was an essential quality missing in Age of Ultron, and one which made a monster of the character which I AM glad this movie is addressing with fallout; still, there’s a lack of tangible self-reflection and making amends from Tony in this movie, alongside some of his worst personal decisions, and I sincerely do not love him by the end of it.)
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The good thing is, despite a few lazy elements - Vision! You tool! - and despite some very frustrating decisions, the central dilemma of the film is a strong and nuanced conversation-starter (and perhaps, argument-inducer). Even though the specific scenario and the people involved (Ross (both of them) and the floating Guantanamo, et al.) skews the narrative definitively against the Accords by the end, there is still fodder there for an intelligent debate about the merits of the concept if not the execution. And, most importantly, Steve’s position on the matter is the MCU’s Captain America to a T - a political story about the appreciable and essential difference between doing one’s duty to a concept, vs adherence to a moral code. Disobedience is a core part of Steve Rogers’ dilemmas - not that disobedience IS the dilemma for him, but that it is at odds with the patriotic good-ol’-boy image he is expected to inhabit from outside. Every Captain America film carries with it the idea that to do the highest good can mean rejecting everything that the people and institutions around you try to insist is right; refusing to play a role that has been prescribed to you; always making the choice for yourself, by your ethos, no matter how hard it is. Refusing to compromise when you see the compromise as an evil; planting yourself like a tree, and saying ‘No. You move’ (a great way of keeping Peggy’s influence alive and moving in the plot, by the way, and a key demonstration of how she and Steve met on the same wavelength. Lots of strong details in this movie, tbh). 
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My primary complaint, however, is that this is also too much like an Avengers film; nearly all of the other major characters are there, and Tony especially gets a LOT of screen time, and since Cap and his films are my uncontested faves I am pretty salty about having to share the stage for his last outing. The tone and the subject matter are still totally on-brand, but the focus is split, and that’s particularly annoying for what it leaves behind. While Bucky is made central to the drive of the plot, Steve finally being reunited with him, bringing him in, getting the cathartic other side to what was so exquisitely set up in The Winter Soldier, it falls by the wayside a bit and comes off underdone. Sam is certainly there, being wonderful as always, but he doesn’t get a lot to actively influence, he’s mostly just That Other Guy, and it’s a real shame since he was a highlight among super-stiff competition in his introductory film. The touch of Peggy that shines through the film is poignant, but Sharon Carter gets the bad end of the stick with under-developed characterisation and a very ill-advised zero-chemistry attempt to stir a speck of romance in a story with no room for it, and altogether, the kinds of quiet character moments which added so much depth to The Winter Soldier are very much lacking here. We’ve got so many other characters on deck already, plus the introduction of two new major players (T’Challa has a solid, sombre presence which suits the film, and even his hypocrisy fits snugly into the plot so as not to be a barb against him, but as I’ve mentioned already, I am squarely against Peter Parker’s squeaky excessive comic-relief inclusion and the dire implications it has for Tony Stark’s moral compass), and we’re already spending so much time on beefing up Tony’s side of the Civil War. I don’t personally think the movie is bloated, overlong, or incoherent, but it definitely wanders close to all three and I wouldn’t be inclined to argue very strenuously with anyone who wanted to denounce it on any of those fronts. It has a lot going on, not quite too much for an ensemble movie, but more than it should as a story with a single character’s name in the title. I’m still mostly-satisfied by it, and consider it one of the stronger MCU films to date, but as a third Captain America, specifically? A bit of a let-down. 
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5 notes · View notes
toyhousedramas · 2 years
• I’m not going to let you use slurs or send death threats to people. I don’t need to explain why.
• I’ll try not to put a ban on topics or cut topics off. I don’t think it’s fair to people who still have things to say, but if the same drama goes in circles for weeks I may put a temporary ban on a topic until new info comes up.
• If you want to be scrubbed from this blog, that’s unfortunate, I won’t, the best way to avoid drama is to not send in an ask acknowledging you were brought up at all, it only ever makes things worse
• Serious accusations must be sent in with proof, ‘xyz is a pedophile’ will be deleted unless you can send proof of this. 
• I’m not holding a debate club, if a topic strays away from Toyhou.se I will delete your ask, I’m not here to host syscourse/DID/etc debates, I’m not here to host pro/antiship debates. If you send something in about either of those topics and it does not have anything to do with a singular toyhou.se user, I will probably delete it.
• I’ll allow things that happen on other sites so long as it relates to a user who is also on TH but please clarify their TH username vs offsite at least in your first ask
• I don’t delete asks unless they break a rule or they don’t have to do with TH, don’t accuse me of deleting your shit, tumblr is a shithole badly programmed site, things get eaten. Just resend it.
• I’m not active in the community of TH, I literally just use it as private storage and I lurk. All of my content is authorization only. So threats saying you know my account will be deleted, I promise you don’t, no one does. This also means I have zero biases, I post things as they come
• The ‘Grain of Salt’ tag is for allegations with no proof that I may or may not just delete later, assume they’re all false until proven otherwise.
• I’ll add more here as needed
1 note · View note
inky-thoughts · 6 years
How to Organize a Zine 101 #2
Hi there!
I started some kind of advice for making zines and decided to make it a small series. Last time I talked mainly about planning the zine and what to consider while doing so, but there were a few things that I think should focus on a bit more, namely what you should bring to the job (organising a zine IS a job, even though most likely not paid) of being a zine mod. So,
Welcome to your job interview!
Definitely necessary skill sets:
a certain amount of strictness
being a team-player
You need to be responsible for the zine, in most cases you're handling other people's money and they expect you to deliver, you are handling other people's works and they expect you to not exploit them.
Be reliable. Meet deadlines just as the creators. If you promise to do something, follow through. This kind of goes hand in hand with being a responsible mod. If contributors have any questions/issues, they must be able to rely on you.
Also, honesty gets underrated so often. If you run into issues, it's the easiest to just tell everyone involved or affected upfront. It keeps you from misunderstandings, and general unnecessary trouble. It signals people where they stand, that they don't need to fear of any falseness of you not meaning the things you say. But please, don't confuse honesty with being rude/blunt! There is a big difference, and nobody really enjoys working with a rude person who discourages you under the mantle of "being honest." If you critique, be honest but constructive.
During zine periods you also should be available for contact. You don't need to be 24/7, especially in the slow phases, but check e-mails, blogs etc. at least once a week so people don't feel neglected with their requests.
Being respectful and understanding towards both, your contributors and costumers, is really important. Be kind and polite, after all they're real people with real lives that sometimes give you lemons. Keep deadlines reasonable because contributors are no machines, and listen to your contributors if they ask for deadlines to be pushed back.
However, sometimes you need to be strict, especially if contributors don't reply to several e-mails etc. after a reasonable amount of time, or continuously forget about deadlines. While being understanding is important, you also aren't their mum to tell them when to brush their teeth or get to zine work. Especially younger contributors don't know how to organise themselves and that it's something they're responsible for themselves. Even though it's more a hobby, some degree of professionalism has to be expected.
Knowledge. You shouldn't organise a zine if you've never worked on a finished zine before (either as contributor but preferrably also as mod) because you need the "backstage knowledge" to know where to pay attention to. Zines in their production are pretty much intransparent, so from applications to previews/sales, you don't know much what is happening because it's all intern information that ideally doesn't go public. If you have no idea how to put together a zine, if you don't know the tools, it not only might look crappy but might also simply not work. If you know next to nothing about what to keep in mind to get good printing products, you shouldn't be making a printed zine. There is a lot of trial and error with printing, finding a good printing service that works for you takes time. You won't have that time if you're already launching a zine. Also see: Why Experience Matters by @fif-sold-her-soul
Being a team-player oftentimes sounds very ... let's say silly. It's how kind of a phrase that, especially as an introvert, makes you think "nah, that's not me" because it's odd to not work alone in peace - I don't necessarily mean you need to work on everything together, you just need to understand that if you don't deliver, you're holding up the whole process of creating the zine. You still can huddle up in a blanket burrito and doing your stuff, just with the difference that other people rely on you to do your part. Basically, the first few steps already summarise it quite well.
Your job requires:
reading, answering, and writing e-mails
updating social media
supervising contributors
proofing the contributions (beta-reading, checking files for correctness)
putting together the zine files
supervising sales/dowloads (usually through online-shops)
for printed zines, also:
comparing and contacting printing services
handling printing
organising orders
shipping orders
This easily is a job for 2-4 people, and you shouldn't scoff at the amount of time you need to put into this. You should have at least one person on board who knows their stuff about graphic design, in the end you don't want everything to look like shit. Usually, they also know how to put things together into one file that looks professional. You'll also need good visuals for promo-posts, your web appearance, and general looks. If you have a printed zine, make sure there is someone who knows how to do this, and find a printing service you trust before even open applications.
It makes sense that the one handling the whole printing process is the one also being responsible for accounting, and the entire order process including handling the online shop.
Skills that really help you:
Be clear of what you want and expect. In a quite literal way. Don't phrase e-mails or application requirements in a way where people have to look for relevant information for 10 hours, or easily misunderstand your meaning. Phrase compact sentences, and put the most important info (like the next deadlines) first. If you have trouble, read them out aloud so you might find what gets confusing.
Keep in contact with your contributors. Having a good flow of communication helps contributors to feel included into the whole process, and you don't tend to "be a stranger." We got a really good feedback on our zine from the contributors because we were open about basically everything and kept them updated through discord on how the printing progress was going or what's up next.
Be cohesive. Don't tell person x this and person y that. At some point people are very confused and just might stop believing what you say completely. Also, being cohesive makes life much easier and saves you a lot of time.
Some sort of leadership. You need to pull this project through, you need to motivate people to get onboard with your idea, and people to actually buy your zine. There is a huge need of inniciative and following through. You also need to keep your troup of contributors together and on track.
Other requirements:
Have time. At least one day a week should be completely dedicated to the zine throughout the whole process if you're the main mod, the busy phases will have you work on it 24/7.
Have and know the necessary equipment to make the zine. It saves you time, embarrassment, and being called a phony.
Have funds to cover for not getting enough orders to still get everything printed. This is so important because if people ordered, they want to get something for it, and you also kind of owe it to the contributors, after all they (and you, too,) worked hard on making this zine happen.
Have space to store the products for shipping. It easily can become a lot, and if you live together with people who don't really approve of your practice, it might get really difficult to hide the zine work from them.
Please truly think about those things before committing to a zine. Being a mod is easily overlooked duty with unexpected issues, so don't just inniciate a zine out of a whim. It is really fun to do, but also hard work.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!
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beltepoch27 · 4 years
The 22 Best Service Training Services Of 2020.
Exactly How Life Coaches Make Money.
What Does A Business Coach Do?
Trainers Assist Set Goals And Hold Magnate Accountable.
Further Continuing Reading Self Self-Confidence Building.
Last Thoughts On Being A Confident Female.
Vinyasa + Weight Training: Tips From New York Giants' Coach Gwen Lawrence.
Produce A Favorable Mindset, Improve Your Behaviors As Well As Relocate Closer To Your Goals
This may even be a part of the reason that you have reduced self-worth. Whether it be private therapy sessions or team sessions, consulting with others can assist.
Who are the best life coaches?
Regarded as one of the most famous and best life coaches, Tony Robbins has built a formidable reputation in helping people realise their potential and passion. Robbins is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and best-selling author, with over 4 decades of experience in the world of motivational speaking.
This cost-free self-confidence educational program is offered to females of every ages in institutions as well as organizations that meet the criteria. Self-Esteem Increasing uses a suite of programs that cultivate the growth of self-worth, self-advocacy, self-esteem, precise self-perception, as well as leadership skills. Man Winch is an accredited psycho therapist who is a leading supporter for integrating the science of emotional health and wellness right into our every day lives.
What is the best coaching model?
Probably the most widely known and used model is the GROW coaching model This simple model helps you as a coach take your coachee from goal setting at the outset of the session through to exploring where they are now in relation to their goals, exploring options they have to moving forward and concluding with a
His three TED Talks have been watched over 20 million times, and also his science-based self-help publications have actually been converted right into 26 languages. https://womenwithwingscoaching.com/self-esteem-confidence/ creates the Squeaky Wheel blog site for PsychologyToday.com and has an exclusive practice in New york city City. However, when our self-worth is low, we are most likely to damage it even better by being self-critical. Given that our goal is to improve our self-worth, we require to replace self-criticism with self-compassion.
What Does A Business Coach Do?
They will certainly have the ability to point you in the ideal instructions towards discovering a program that's right for you. Although these sessions are generally face to face, they can aid recognize what it is that's really bothering you.
Trainers Assist Set Objectives As Well As Hold Business Leaders Liable.
Particularly, whenever your self-critical inner monologue begins, ask on your own what you would certainly say to a dear friend if they were in your circumstance and also route those comments to on your own. Doing so will stay clear of harmful your self-esteem further with important thoughts, and also aid construct it up instead. Everybody is in favor of high self-confidence-- yet growing it can be remarkably hard. Psycho therapist Man Winch clarifies why-- and also explains wise methods we can help develop ourselves up. This is really enlightening, find out several great tips and also techniques!
How do you price coaching services?
The coaches and consultants that succeed are those who you get pricing right. There are five key pricing strategies you can use: hourly billing, retainer agreements, productized services, value-based pricing, and pay for results. Hourly billing may make sense if you don't know how long a project will take.
More Keeping Reading Self Self-Confidence Building.
-- This app shows customers about cognitive behavioral therapy in order to test their unreasonable thinking. of thinking might cause conflicts in relationships, within self, as well as to lower self esteem. This app aids you evaluate, comprehend, as well as transform your thoughts and also sensations for the long run.
Assign your clients a short questionnaire after each session where they can share their crucial understandings of each session and also provide responses on what was one of the most valuable in this session.
Knowing the ideal kinds of inquiries and inquire at the right time is the vital to an effective coaching procedure.
Reliable mentoring goes beyond the ability to ask the best inquiries in the ideal order.
This article with 6 various sorts of inquiries and over 70 example coaching questions will let you dig much deeper.
Training techniques as well as tools, if utilized properly, can transform the instructions of client's lives and also help them achieve constant development, success, and sustainable success.
Responses should never be conceited or used as a vehicle to show your client „ you recognize better" or you're the specialist.
If you enter into a program thinking that it will not work, after that chances are you're right, it becomes a self-fulfilling revelation. You could figure out that someone has something you desire-- something you've imagined. Yet the exact same individual you envy could be lacking self-worth, for an entirely various reason that would not even impact you. It can be frightening in the beginning, yet joining a support system can help you rebuild your self-confidence.
Last Thoughts On Being A Confident Woman.
Equip Me is made for companies and also university schools. This program focuses on supplying the self-esteem tools required to locate success in your occupation and also training participants exactly how to take an energetic role in producing personal and also professional success. Raising A Beautiful Kid is a seminar provided to moms and dads, teachers, caregivers and others who are entrusted with elevating kids.
Vinyasa + internal coach training : Tips From New York Giants' Coach Gwen Lawrence.
Thanks for being selfless as well as sharing such outstanding info. This is an eye opener and will certainly aid me to analyze myself as well as educate my kids at the same time. why is it that when trying to address these kinds of inquiries it simply makes me feel extreme anxiety and also obtain very annoyed as well as upset with the concerns. She is currently working as a researcher for the State of California and also her specialist rate of interests include survey study, health in the work environment, as well as empathy.
Seeking for a program will certainly be a lot easier once you've found the root of your low self-worth. Programs can also be located in write-ups, action-plans, activities, video clips, as well as workshops located online. The net offers you practically limitless accessibility to resources within your reaches. There's a whole listing of self-esteem groups that can be located within the Greater Vancouver Location.
Ipec Training.
I downloaded the PDF files, as well as I'm going to take a look at the book by Dr. Burns. Lack of self-confidence has been an issue for me for several years, as well as I understand it is unhealthy. I deal with young teen ladies that experience significantly from reduced self-esteem as I did when I was young. I am regularly seeking tasks they can use to get them out of their emotion ... devices ... brand-new tools. I simply began collaborating with teenagers that have low self esteem as well as wanting to gain even more confidence.
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Which strategies have you utilized to improve your self-worth? Please share your experience with us in the comments area. It may not feel like it right now, however understand that despite just how down you might be feeling, there is constantly area for growth as well as renovation.
Produce A Favorable Mindset, Boost Your Behaviors As Well As Relocate Closer To Your Goals
Your perfect program can come from your educators, coaches, young people workers, and even large companies. The hard component about obtaining self-confidence programs to work is that they are only efficient when our company believe they will certainly function. We commonly ignore how effective our state of mind can be, specifically when we are unconvinced. Your own assumptions will figure out how reliable a self-worth program can be. Prior to getting into a program, you'll need to try reframing the means you consider things.
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Use the "Unfavorable Self-Talk" and "Identifying and Challenging Core Beliefs" worksheets to assist you identify adverse ideas as well as start to change them with alternate ideas. The first step to defeating formidable foes is to find out about them, and this situation is no various. Determining the events that brought about a low feeling of self-regard can offer useful details for testing these unfavorable ideas. This publication assists the visitor determine the reasons for low self-confidence as well as provides tasks and also workouts to start boosting self-confidence. It's written in plain English, not psychological lingo, as well as has made an excellent four-star score on Amazon.com.
One of the most effective programs help you overcome the sufferer mindset. Self-worth programs can likewise assist you get back the control you feel you may have shed. The sensation can also be an outcome of other mental wellness issues like clinical depression and/or stress and anxiety. If you're really feeling helpless or like you require even more aid than an application, call us to establish a consultation with a couples therapist. Shine-- Increase your self-confidence with text every weekday from this app.
In the workshop, grownups are educated practical strategies and also techniques that will certainly aid them turn on self-esteem in the youngsters they take care of. Gorgeous Me is the front runner program offered by Self-confidence Climbing.
Begin with the sources you currently have access to. It could not appear at first, but you can discover self-worth programs in different areas.
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You have the option to conserve the messages that reverberate the most with you to develop your very own self-confidence tool package. There is an appreciation journal to encourage you to assume ofone thing a day that you are grateful for. Radiate likewise has 5 min audio arbitrations and also affirmations.
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I am a social worker as well as work with youngsters, adolescent as well as youngster club members. Hope I will share my knowing when carrying out sessions on group therapy with children.
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dagenspear · 6 years
The “Let’s Save Laurel Lance Fanfic Series”, Part 4: Saving Laurel Lance
Barbara laid the false Dinah face on the table in the batcave, showing Bruce and Dick the evidence of her and Nyssa’s discovery. “Look familiar?”
Bruce closely examined the residue of the face, understanding that the face wasn’t made of human tissue. “Clayface.” “What?” Dick questioned, not understanding. Bruce explained, “It was one of my first cases. Before you were here.” Bruce swiftly moved over to the batcomputer, typing in the info, sifting through his computer files. Barbara continued the explanation. “Dad investigated the case. An actor named Basil Karlo was a hired impersonator by Roland Dagget to steal secrets from competing companies. He paid Karlo in his experimental face cream, which covered his aging, so he could continue to perform as an actor. But Dagget didn’t inform him that extended use caused degradation of the skin underneath. His face was decayed and he was fired by the studio. He snapped, stole Dagget’s cream and used it to impersonate multiple people, including Batman, as he killed the studio’s highest acclaimed actors.” Bruce continued typing, finishing, “I stopped him when he eventually went after Dagget and got them both caught. But in the past few years, Dagget’s cream has been sold by the scientist that made it on the streets. Practically a drug. I’ve been looking into it, pinpointing the location of the seller, based on various accounts of the buyers. If we can find the scientist…” “He might be able to tell us where the person that bought it is.” Dick stated. Barbara then stated, “I’ll call Nyssa. Tell her to be ready.” ————————————- “Please don’t hurt me!” The scientist yelled out, after he’d just witnessed Batman, Batgirl and Robin smash through the windows of his apartment. Barbara confronted him first, intensely making the issue known. “You sold your facial to a someone around the date of April 8th of this past year! Where are they?!” The man went for a knife in his side pocket and Barbara quickly grabbed his arm, twisting it around to his back, slamming him face down onto his kitchen table. Barbara took a moment to take in a deep breath, calming herself, then speaking in the calmest voice possible, “Tell me now or I break your wrist.” The scientist wailed out, “How should I know?! I don’t keep tabs on everyone who buys from me!” Barbara began to twist his wrist. “What about a woman? She would be early to mid 20’s likely. Possibly dark hair. Asian.” The man began to scream as the pain in his wrist increased. “Batgirl.” Bruce sternly protested. But Barbara persisted. She knew what she was doing. Twisting ever so slightly. Finally, the scientist gave in. “I think I know who you’re talking about! She had me deliver it to an address in Keystone! I still remember it!” Barbara released his wrist. “Grab a pen and pad. Write it down.” She stated intently. He did as he was told and gave the address to Barbara, who took it. Bruce walked up to the scientist, asking, “Where’s your lab?” The scientist, holding his hurt wrist, said, “In my spare bedroom. Over there.” He nodded to the door in the corner. Bruce signaled Dick, who took a look, and found the lab. Bruce then told Dick, “Call Gordon, tell him we found the dealer of Roland Dagget’s face cream.” “Let’s go.” Barbara stated, as Bruce cuffed the scientist to his radiator and Dick called Gordon with his communicator. Bruce stepped over to Barbara, asking, “Don’t you think this seems convenient? You get a call from Dinah out of nowhere and the buyer is dumb enough to have the cream delivered to them personally.” Barbara attempted to defend, “She could’ve gotten free long enough to call and there’s any number of reasons the buyer could’ve wanted it delivered.” Bruce corrected with, “Not someone whose detail oriented enough to pull this off without anyone discovering it.” Barbara stated, “Even you mess up sometimes. She made a mistake and we can use it.” Bruce stated again, “Maybe. But we can’t rush in with maybe. Too many variables. Give us time to map the area and we’ll do it tomorrow.” Bruce extended his hand for the paper with the address on it. Barbara knew better than to argue with him, so she agreed. “Fine.” And handed him the paper, before exiting the residence. ——————————————— Barbara landed across the street from the address. Bruce never took her eidetic memory into account. Nyssa landed behind her. “Where are the others?” She asked. Barb responded with, “Batman insisted that we wait, that it might be trap and required more examination. But I don’t want her to be held longer. Who knows why they took her and what they’ve been doing to her?” Babs turned around. “You’re the only backup I have now.” Nyssa gave her a questioning look, before replying. “I can’t fight.” Now it was Barbara’s turn to question. “What?” “I made an oath in Laurel’s name against violence.” Nyssa stated. Barb snapped back with, “Even to save her?! Violence is at its worst when used for the worst reasons. You can’t hide from what you can do. To do better, you use it for what’s right.” Nyssa took a moment. “Maybe Batman was right that we wait. If it��s a trap. Can you honestly tell me that… Dinah, alive or dead, would want you to get yourself killed trying to save her?” Barbara turned away from Nyssa, her back to her, letting the words sink in. “If she’s being hurt, I can’t just do nothing.” Nyssa spoke calmly. “Maybe you have to, to save her.” Barbara bowed her head, her voice raw. “When my mom died, I blamed myself, because she died in a car accident picking me up.  My dad blamed himself because he thought she’d been a victim of the dirty cops in the city trying to send a message, so he avoided me out of shame. I felt alone. I thought he hated me.” Barb tried to blink back the tears that began to flow from her eyes. “I was lost. Dinah was the one who showed me that hope existed. That I could be more… She helped me talk with my dad. Helped us grieve together… She helps people.” Babs wiped her tears away, choking up in her voice, then becoming more stern. “And she has a family that uses her to make themselves feel better when they break and need help. But when she breaks and needs it, she’s demonized. Her whole family has given up on her.” Barbara turned back to face Nyssa, face stone cold with resolve. “I won’t. She’s not disposable, or replaceable, or forgettable to me. She’s my hero. She’s always been the Black Canary to me.” Barb stepped up closer to Nyssa, staring into her eyes. “Think about that and tell me that I should let her be hurt more.” Nyssa’s eyes reflected the understanding of Barbara’s words and simply nodded in it, then saying, “We still need to be smart though. We get in, quietly, no violence and get her out. The siblings of silk are proficient fighters. We can’t risk engaging in a battle, regardless of my vow.” Nyssa takes in a breath, with the words, “It’s times like this when I wish I hadn’t disbanded the League. An army of ninjas would be beneficial at a moment like this.” Nyssa gave a small smirk to Barbara, who returned it. “I’ll scan the area for all entrances-” Barbara immediately registered the situation as Nyssa grabbed her neck for the tranq dart. Barb quickly pulled her batarang in preparation for a fight. But they got her too. Just under her chin. The only cleanly bare skin of her body in the suit. As she passed out, the thought occurred to Barbara that it wasn’t very tactical to keep half of your face bare when fighting crime now that she thought about it. ——————————————————– Barbara awakened, the fortune of a splitting headache making her regret it. A male voice echoed, “She’s awake, Sister.” Barbara’s vision cleared just in time to see an asian woman bring a samurai sword under her chin. Barb could feel that her cowl was still on. But not for long, as the male speaker, Brother, pulled it back, off of her face. The Sister registered her face for a brief second, then spoke, “You’re not Sara Lance.” Barbara cocked an eyebrow, mockingly saying, “I’m not? That’s a relief.” She let out a faux exasperated breath. Sister then pressed the sword slightly into her neck, just barely drawing blood. Barb flinched in pain, but kept her face stern. Sister continued, intensely saying, “The trap was meant for her. You’re with Nyssa Al Ghul, why is Sara Lance not with you?” Barbara took in a breath, understanding that Bruce was right. It had been a trap. But even if she’d known, she’d still have done something. It didn’t matter much at the end of the day. Just with the execution. The thought registered with Barbara that maybe this had all been a convoluted con. So, she decided to figure out the truth: “Why would Sara be here?” Sister stared at her for a second, then responding, “I instructed her sister Dinah Laurel Lance to contact her. It took months of hypnosis and brainwashing to get her to comply to that much. But she broke eventually. Everyone does.” Barbara blinked back a swelling of emotions from that statement, from more than a few things: The anger at the brainwashing. the relief that Dinah was alive and the question of why she called her. With a stare of determination, Barbara asked, “Where is Dinah? Why’d you fake her death, just to have her phone Sara?” Sister turned Barbara’s head with her sword to look into the corner of the room, where she saw Dinah chained up, conscious, but completely unresponsive. Barbara turned her head away back up to Sister. “ Let her go!” Barb yelled out in anger. Sister dropped the sword away from Barbara. “It was really as simple as waiting for the right moment to take her. After that, Ms. Lance was very stubborn. It took a yellow pill that we acquired from the remnants of Hive to make her compliant. Even then she insisted that Sara was time traveling under the name White Canary. I was concerned that her mind had fractured under the drug, hypnosis and torture, so I told her to call her sister. But you’re not Sara.” Barbara seethed as she looked back over at Dinah, recognizing the eyes of her friend nearly dead to the world. Glaring up at Sister, Barbara, continuing the questioning, “So you tortured Dinah just to what?! Kill Sara?! Dinah did nothing to you!” Sister smirked. “Are all Americans so simplistic in their revenge?” Sister walked over to Dinah chained to the wall. “After the yellow pill made Ms. Lance malleable, she was easily trained.” Sister unhooked the chains from around Dinah’s wrists. “I made her into an instrument of death, like me and my brothers. Sara was supposed to be here and would’ve been forced to battle her sister who was trying to kill her. Making it so she either kills her sister herself or the last thing she sees is her face as she’s killed. If she’d lived, she’d practically beg me to kill her. And I’d be merciful. But you caused a hiccup in my plan. It doesn’t matter.” Sister handed her samurai sword to Dinah, who took it. “I’ll find her. But there’s no harm in making certain she can finish Sara off if the time comes. We haven’t had her kill anyone yet.” Sister looks to Dinah. “Dinah Laurel Lance. Kill her.” Dinah immediately responded to Sister’s voice, lifting the sword, as she approached Barbara. She paused when her eyes fully landed on her uncowled face, a glisten appearing in her eyes. Barbara saw it. She saw Dinah register her. She saw her. “Dinah? It’s me. I’m here. I came to save you.” Dinah snapped out of the emotion she was feeling, brushing off the distinct control of herself trying to claw back into control. And she brought the sword to Barbara’s throat. Barbara held her breath, trying to choke back the tears that were coming to her eyes. “Please don’t do this! The drugs are just chemical suggestion! You can break it. I know you don’t wanna be this. You’re strong enough to fight it.” Tears began to run down Barb’s cheeks, as she forced herself to look back into Dinah’s eyes, despite the fear of not seeing her best friend in there. “I don’t want my best friend to kill me. Please…” She pleaded, her voice choking, as she stared into Dinah’s eyes. Dinah eye’s caught hers and she stared back for just a second. Barbara saw the tears flow from Dinah’s eyes, as she blinked them back, shaking her head only slightly… Dinah’s face straightened, as she took in a deep breath of relief and looked right back into Barbara’s eyes, her best friend’s eyes, and showed her with a small smile that she was her again. Barbara knew it and returned the small smile as subtley as she could. Sister spoke from behind Dinah, coming up directly behind her, angry at the holding off of her order. “Kill. Her. Now.” Dinah’s eyes shifted down to Barbara’s hands bound to the chair. Barbara calmly closed her eyes in response, understanding the meaning. Dinah lifted the samurai sword and brought it down by Barbara’s hand slicing right through her bonds. And just as quickly brought the butt of the sword into Sister’s face. As Barb threw her elbow behind her to hit the Brother in the stomach. Dinah swiped the sword into the above head light bulb, smashing it, dropping darkness over the room. It gave Barbara time to unstrap her other hand and legs. She felt her hand be taken, knowing it was Dinah and let her lead her out of the room, closing the door to the room, just as they saw Sister recognize them escaping. Dinah locking it from the outside. Barbara turned to face Dinah and hugged her, as tight as she possibly could, burying her face into her shoulder, blinking back tears of joy, thanking God so much for this. “You’re actually alive.” Dinah patted her on the back, holding her as well, smiling. “I won’t be for very long with how you’re hugging me.” Barbara chuckled and let go, stepping back. “I’ve really missed you.” Dinah took in a breath of the whole situation, before simply saying, “I missed you too.” Babs took a look back and forth through the hallway they now stood in, then looking back to Dinah. “Do you happen to know where they’re holding Nyssa?” Dinah did a double take. “What? Nyssa’s here?” Barbara nodded. “No then.” Dinah thought for a moment. “I have an idea. The indoctrination room. That’s what they called where they’d pump me with… those… pills to keep me compliant.” Dinah looked down, almost feeling shame at being force fed pills. Barbara read her face, understanding her conflict, saying, “We’ll talk about it when we’re out of here.” She took Dinah’s hand, comfortingly. Dinah nodded, then switching gears into determination. “We need to save Nyssa first.”
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essayonmalcolmx620 · 4 years
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alicecpacheco · 4 years
Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Backup Strategy to Others
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   I’ll never forget a discussion I had years ago with a doctor who rather fancied himself a “big time operator”.  When I asked him what his backup strategy was, he rolled his eyes and waved his hand at me dismissively.  “Oh, please.  That’s the girl up fronts job to deal with."
 I never spoke with him again and I don’t know whatever became of him, but I can tell you he was just one electronic hiccup from a disaster.  If he had suffered a data loss incident, he was totally at the control of “that girl up front”.
 Knowing everything about your backup strategy’s increased importance since that conversation, and it continues to increase.  At the time I spoke with that uninformed and insensitive individual, the most critical thing about business data was the ability to do billing and manage your accounts receivable.  Today not only face the AR issue, but also issues that deal with data security, HIPAA, and identity theft.  
 I got to thinking about this as I was reading this article from KrebsonSecurity.  It seems that an employee at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was smart enough to devise a system where he broke into a University of Pittsburgh Medical Center human resource database.  Normally a healthcare facility works hard to ensure the safety of *patient*  data so that it cannot be stolen by scammers.  However, in this case Justin Sean Johnson decided to steal data from the UPMC HR department.  While this is speculation on my part, I’m thinking perhaps the security focus on employee records might not have been as great when it came to security as it would be for patient data.
 UPMC is a huge healthcare system that that generates 21 billion dollars in revenue and has a base of more than 40 hospitals.  The amount of employee data had to be massive for an organization of that size.
 Johnson took the stolen data and then sold it on the dark web to groups that then used it for financial fraud.  The scammers used the info, including employee W-2 forms, to file false tax returns for employees which created over 1.7 million dollars in undeserved tax refunds.
 While Johnson was not an employee of the UPMC itself, his knowledge allowed him access to information he should not have had.  This whole idea got me to thinking about how many practice owners simply turn over their data to an employee with blind trust that they will do the right thing.  Unfortunately that doesn’t always happen.  Statistics indicate that 1 in 4 practices will be embezzled from.  Utilizing data to make money frequently doesn’t even leave a paper trail like embezzlement does.
 Getting back to my original premise of this post… there is a great deal of value in the data of even a small healthcare practice.  By not knowing the backup protocols, not performing the backups yourself, and/or not knowing where backups are stored leaves the practice owner at the mercy of whoever holds these keys.  Simply copying data to a jump drive and selling it can bring a huge amount of income into the pockets of an unscrupulous employee.
 Simply giving someone the keys to your summer home and then never checking the home to see its condition is a really bad idea.  Giving someone the keys to your data and never checking on them is even worse.
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