#maybe autistic
blankglassyqueensss · 4 months
You ever start creating scenarios/daydreams in your head too hard that you begin to act out the characters with your movements and facial expressions?
and then realize what you’re doing so you try to stop but fail and continue doing it anyway?
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zealiketea · 5 months
does anyone else tend to rub their face on their partner or pets while cuddling them so that they are on the most central parts of your senses because i do that all the time
is this an autistic thing this feels like an autistic thing
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I got "Tumblr is a hook-up app" to work for me! Yesterday I saw a post written by a trans woman saying she wanted to find male partners she could trust to see her as a woman but who might enjoy calling her a boy as a kind of sexual play, I offhandedly made a reply saying that I think I might be able to give her what she wants, the OP replied to me suggesting I approach her the next time I was in her area, apparently I might be able to give her something she finds really hot but doesn't get very often. That was not something I was expecting, but was a very pleasant surprise! A few rounds of DMing later and me and her have arranged a meeting for casual sex in June, when she already had plans to visit the approximate area I live in.
I asked her if it was OK if I posted about this and she said yes.
I was worried she might be put off when I disclosed that I'm a virgin, but it turned out she's OK with that. So, assuming all goes well, I've basically got an appointment to lose my virginity in three months! OMG SQUEE!
She's post-vaginoplasty/SRS. :dazzled heart-eyes:
If you're a pre-op/non-op trans woman reading this I don't mean to insult your body type, I just have a preference for partners with vulvas/vaginas (preference as in "all else being equal I am pretty sure I'd enjoy sex with a person with this feature more," it isn't a requirement for me to be attracted to somebody) and am happy that a person who wants to have sex with me has a body type congruent with this preference.
I wrote here that one of the biggest things I don't have and would like is an erotic life that sometimes involves having sex with one or more other people, lately to try to fix that I have resolved to try to be less timid about expressing sexual and romantic interest, and it looks like that's starting to pay off!
I spent yesterday evening in a better mood than I can remember being in in years. I've been wondering if I have depression or something but what I experienced yesterday made me wonder if my melancholy is mostly or entirely just shit life syndrome.
Tonight I will have a chicken katsu take-out meal for dinner, because it's the closest thing I can conveniently get to katsudon and the association of katsudon with victory is pleasing in this context.
Anyway, I generally had a really good day yesterday. When I was at the polling place to vote I ended up having a nice conversation with a college student who was ahead of me in the line. It started with me noticing her playing with a stim toy, asking if I could try it a little, and saying I'd never seen an autism symptom list I didn't see myself in, and we ended up comparing experiences of neurodivergence.
It would have been better if the election results were better, in particular I'm unsurprised but disappointed that Barbara Lee didn't get more votes, I had the good fortune to get to vote for her and she deserved to win IMO.
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mismatchsocks · 3 months
shoutout to everyone with cool hyperfixations/special interests because mine is dumb as rocks
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ashtheasher · 4 months
DNI i just spent 15 minutes crying my eyes out about how perfect and amazing zero day is
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w4rcr1me5 · 4 months
I just wanna say that Dan Howell’s book is on sale and it’s signed and I did order one and now I’m having that burst of adrenaline when I buy something related to a hyperfixation
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goblinhellion · 11 months
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I made a comic about my day! Ahah, haha, haaaa..... :V....
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Just because I was good at school no one ever cared if I was actually okay. The rest of my life has been falling apart as long as I can remember but no one cared because I was “gifted” and got straight a’s
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ramyeonpng · 3 months
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remote work is so much better for me personally
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charlies-trainhopping · 5 months
Stimnies lol
Its 5am and im kicking my legs and shaking my hands and feeling incredibly giddy and childish while im watching dannyphantom.exe
I think i have a problem
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inkkkkss · 2 years
Nothing brings me more stress than not being able to process/understand the tone people are using when talking to me
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lelysiany · 6 months
I need a whole drawer of spoons to make voice over videos. I so want to make them however I have to find a way to spend less spoons on this. If I keep using a drawer of spoons every other day to create voice overs I won't be able to pay off the spoon debt.
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Lately a lot of people on Tumblr have been dunking on a couple of articles written by young women talking about their choices to date and marry older men, or, well, really mostly people have been dunking on a couple of choice (cringe, distasteful to left/liberal sensibilities) screenshotted quotes from those articles (I confess I have not read the articles). People have explained the sentiments expressed in those quotes as thinly veiled tradcath baby factory propaganda or kink that these women aren't acknowledging as kink, but my hot take on reading them was to wonder if these women were the kind of neurodivergent people who got along a lot better with adults than with their peers when they were kids.
The specific screenshotted quotes people were dunking on very much felt like they might be what happens when an autistic girl who was proud of how much Daddy, the English teacher, and the hall monitor liked her when she was 13 (because she related to them better and they were frankly kinder to her than her modal peer and she hoped her closeness to them would earn her protection from peer abuse) becomes a twenty-something woman and takes that mindset and applies it to romance/sexuality in an androphilic direction.
Cause I was the boy version of a kid like that and I think if my life had taken a couple of different turns my twenty-something self might have married an older woman and written a cringe and mildly politically/morally suspect essay about how it's awesome and more boys my age should consider it. It'd have sounded different from the girl version, cause gender roles and relevant physical sex differences, but I could totally see it including stuff that might creep out or anger a lot of people here (e.g. suggesting that smart and intellectual older teenage and twenty-something boys might want to try dating older women because older women appreciate smart and intellectual men more, a position that version of me might have arrived at by extrapolating from a comparison of the way adults tended to react to his nerdy/bookish interests and curiosity about the world/cosmos when he was a teenager to the way his peers, very relevantly including the girls, tended to react to those traits when he was in middle school and high school).
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starrycrowz · 6 months
When people don't think ur autistic bc you hide it so well, slay. I think the label was kind of forced on me, though. I sometimes don't think I don't fit the stereotype of being talkative and info dumping at any given chance or whatever it is. Instead, I got the anxiety and depression type where I just can't find the motivation to talk about it in real life.
Hah, maybe I'm not though, who knows. labels labels labels...
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anxietyfrappuccino · 7 months
i've been sitting on the kitchen floor with a growing headache because i'm convinced i'm autistic and i found out about limerence and is it possible for my special interest to be myself and maybe i do maladaptive daydream just not to extend i thought was needed to describe myself as such and and
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zealiketea · 2 months
The more I learn about autism, the more I realize that my mum is probably autistic
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