#maybe b4 the father reveal
kit-o-nine-tales · 2 years
Alistair is smart; he just doesn’t want people to realize it. I want to call him king for that, but…. sgjdhdkekkd THAT’S HIS WHOLE PROBLEM.
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peachpopfizz · 8 months
yk the first couple of episode drops were a bit ehh to me but like.. these two just hit Right. maybe bc i knew what to expect pacing/story wise now? either way, they're def my faves so far, especially ep 5. that's my Favorite favorite :]
spoilers for both eps under the cut, mostly just me blabberin abt what i liked (warning: its alotta alastor)
for ep 5, at first i thought charlastors/radiobelles were winning (and while i don't ship it myself, i was happy for em) but then the realization of 'wait wait wait this isn't romo at all, alastors tryna be a FATHER FIGURE?!' hit instead and i went WILD bc thats 1000% my preferred dynamic for charlie and al. so uh.. yippee dadlastors, sorry charlastors..? gsjahafdaj
also the "Ha! Fuck you." im normal im normal im NORMAL im SOOOO FUCKIN NORMAL (IM CRAZY IM VRAZY I CRAZY IM CRASTY IM FUCKI)
mimzy!! (mimzie??) her intro was abrupt, but she seems like a doll, and her hug with al was real cute. tho i do think she needed that metaphorical kick in the ass abt al's thoughts when it comes to her leeching off his strength for protection. about that..
and one more thing b4 i move onto ep 6, i've already seen some ppl comparing what al did to husk in the hall to angel and val's dynamic, and while i do agree the two are both trapped in unsavory deals (loser, baby literally confirms this) i don't think al's ANYWHERE near as bad as val. was what he did fucked up? oh, yes, definitely. but it really?? shouldn't be surprising??? al's in hell ‘n has all this status for a reason, so i was really just waitin for a moment like that to happen. however, it didn't do any lasting damage. at least i really wouldn't say so. most it did was scare the shit out of husk for a minute, nowhere close to what val does to angel on the daily (see: episode 6). tho im willing to admit i might be lookin thru rose colored glasses bc i love al as a character. my opinion might change when/if the actual conditions of al and husks deal are revealed, but as of rn, i think al acted as he did there bc husk attacked a reeeally sensitive subject. he would've just been the petty bitch he always is if husk said like.. anythin else. oh and uhh yeah im abt 85% sure he and lilith have SOMETHING goin on. idk who the hell else would be powerful enough to have alastor on a leash
..oh yeah, lastly, lucifer was cool :] silly silly guy (with lotsa trauma) that hit me right in the daddy issues. funny tho, i rlly dont have much to say abt the guy despite the ep literally being focused on him. his song with charile was spectacular though, i need to listen to it on its own immediately
okokok, episode 6, finally, hopefully shorter than the mess of text above
first off. vaggie = fallen angel theorists, i would like to bow down and apologize for ever doubting you. i was one of the skeptics, i really was, but the show did it in a way that (albeit rushed, but what hasn't been so far?, thaaanks, 8-episode limit..) made it seem believable, with assdam calling her out for it..
but putting adam aside, uh, lute?? maam?? holy fuck, step on me??? please???? i mean uh. sick character design yk ahah ^^
whats her name.. emily? the younger seraphim girl, i liked her, she was a cutie. she really did just seem like heavens version of charlie. and the older seraphim woman i (expectedly) have mixed feelings abt. i feel like all would've be great it adam got outta her damn ear cause she might've actually be down to try the hotel with em gone.. angel was doing so well
speaking of angel, ANGEL!! oh lookit that character development, charlie's gonna be so fuckn proud!!! also, CHERRI!!!! saw someone else say cherris the devil on angels shoulder while husks the (heh) angel, and i have to say i agree. they both want the best for him, they just have different ways of goin about it.
unsurprisingly, fuck Valentino. although i did notice he was wearing a dress today, so. (through gritted teeth) slay.
thiiink that's all i gotta say for today?? besides the fact that next week is gonna be agonizing, ofc :] buckle up ppl we might get a genuine, emotional chaggie fight come next thursday
..oh yeah!! molly!!! we briefly saw molly!!!! i hope youre absolutely thriving girl, you deserve no less <3
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What would it be like, in your AU, if Donatello had grown up with Draxum from the start like in other Separated AUs?
Not really different from the story Draxum told him, to be honest.
I mean, he wouldn't have been Galois; Donnie chose that name and Draxum probably hates the French. He would have named little experiment B4-27 after some great Yokai hero, or maybe something from mythology. (oh, Draxum's Norse, so maybe he'd have named the turtles after Asatru gods? Raph would have been Odin and Loki would be hilarious for Leo. Draxum would probably be sad about not having any daughters to name Freyja or call his shieldmaidens) Erm. But anyway.
There were reasons Draxum crafted the story he did-well, for one, there were very few people who could refute the story, and by telling him that he grew up isolated from all but a few people would keep Galois from wondering why no one seemed to remember him. But it was also exactly what Draxum would have done. He would have kept Gale's existence a secret, attended to all his medical needs and homeschooling him all by himself, because he wasn't lying about the reasons for sequestering him away. Other scientists and weirdos would want to kidnap him and poke at his DNA. He'd have Splinter to think about in this scenario as well, because Lou would definitely try to kidnap his son back if he knew Draxum still had him. His creation was also very illegal-Draxum could do a lot of bribing and threatening and throwing money around to make the problem go away, but he wasn't 100% sure he'd get away with that and wasn't willing to risk his last son getting taken away. Plus, he's not fooling anyone, the government knows exactly what Galois is. Abducting a homicidal teenager who's been trained in self-defense, who's usually seen by his father's side or accompanied by an equally murdery adult, that's one thing. Disappearing a six-year-old while he's wandered away from the one adult overseeing twenty children during recess, that's much easier. Draxum wouldn't have revealed his existence until this stage, when he's about ready to put his plans into motion.
And I'm...unsure of when that stage would have actually fallen, whether it would be sooner or later than canon. Taking care of Galois might have lit a fire under that drive, compelling him to eliminate the human threat once and for all before it could harm his son, before he knew what his father was really doing. So Galois could be a child and a teenager and have the life he deserved. The fear of Lou Jitsu coming back to steal his son might have also stoked those flames and further increased his animosity towards humans.
But on the other hand, it would have given him something to focus on. I've mentioned this in regards to Bella and Pax, but Draxum didn't immediately start spiraling after his sister's death. The seeds were planted, along with all the other unnecessary deaths in his life, but he didn't start on this genocide shit for a solid decade because he was busy taking care of his niece and nephew. It gave him something to focus on, something to put himself into, and even though he was angry for what humans did to them, there were still moments of joy. After Pax moved out, after Lou Jitsu smashed his plans and made off with his turtles-he had none of that. Just him and his big house, surrounded by dark thoughts and painful memories, and nothing to keep him from lingering on them.
Taking care Galois would have lifted much of that. He still would have been bitter about Lou taking the other three, angry and scared of everyone who would take the only good thing left in his life away from him-but he'd have a child to raise. He wouldn't have had much energy for evil plotting when he's so tired he's accidentally mixing baby formula into his coffee. Hard to brood when your kid is drawing you the cutest and funniest picture of your shitty gargoyle employees. He still would have genocided the humans, since there was no future where humans and Yokai could coexist without one destroying the other...eventually. He'll get around to it. He's busy recording a video of his kid trying to do ballet.
...I feel like I just did a whole lot of rambling without saying much. I might ramble more tomorrow, it's very late and I have a therapy appointment in the morning.
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thenixkat · 1 day
oh i can just select the page on this site. Mushroom
ooof that is not facial perspective that is incorrect
just that's not good. Like nose? how flat the facial features are to cram them all in? just no man what a bad dad
no wonder getting a 'good job' from Kafka makes her blush. Acquired nicer father figure pls explain what a uni-organ is
also Kafka is so bad at keeping a secret identity
you didnt have to show yer face and transform infront of rich girl ya coulda transformed behind some rubble or something.
ok sir, you could tell her she did a good job after saving her and didnt have to reveal yer identity
why are you so bad at secret identity
local 32 yr old strongest creature in history
says the man who turned into his monster form at the monster slaying exam
big ass power tools
i like how the vice captain just forgot about these plot points that he picked up on b/c he Kafka was really endearing
also luckily for Kafka and Ichikawa they didnt say anything suspect while Mina was secretly listening to them
also lady talk to yer fucking friend
Kafka better than me, if that's all my exfriend that i was trying to reconnect with had to say to me after I almost died, more than once, and poured my heart out about how I felt about trying to get in the fucking force (not knowing she was listening), and did help save someone I'd just fucking move on with my life
no. 9 is wild. Just sitting bare ass and bare feet on a public toilet naked
i also like how this inhuman monster was able to apparently hold down a job for who knows how long.
Tho if what happens latter is accurate it probably ate and replaced the dude who got the job rather than like went through a job application/interview
heh imagine, local intelligent monster studying humans looking up how to succeed in a job interview on its phone also yeah the anime added more action and character interactions. SO as far as I can tell its a decent adaptation that in some regards improves on some regards
her mouth looks off right here
i dont think her mouth should be at that angle if her nose is at that other angle it also seems kinda high up?
… her nose might be too small as well local 27 yr old woman is just… ma'am why are you a stone wall? Talk to yer fucking friend
ya know the way the vice captain is thinking about shit, that maybe Kafka has something to do with the mysterious kaiju that showed up and vanished, tells me that a person turning into a kaiju isn't an idea that seems farfetched to at least this one guy in this universe
and like later when Kafka got outed, folks didnt seem mindblown about the idea of a kaiju shapeshifter but that Kafka was secretly the mystery daikaiju and secrets and feelings of betrayal. But the idea of a kaiju pretending to be a human as a concept just doesnt feel like something folks think as that far-fetched. and then he found Kafka very endearing and forgot
also yeah i do agree that Aoi guy should have been browner in the anime than he was
hey if he's doing like 1% every 2 months in… X years he could be average
he is very proud of himself tho yeah sometimes the noses are too small on character's faces in some panels
which then leads to the mouth being higher than it ought to be it least that scene is shorter in the manga
also having a paunch doesnt cancel out his arms and back being fucking shredded
we're told convos at the dorms are monitored. And see that there should be shit picked up on audio while folks are in the supersuits. But none of the characters who know Kafka's secret yelling about it ever gets picked up on. And its not like they're good at doing spot checks b4 saying shit
Kafka's like 10cm taller than the vice captain so someone got shit wrong in this panel
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cowboycakes · 3 years
Do You Get My Letters
✥ Pairing: Levi x fem!Reader, somewhat Reiner x fem!Reader
✥ Themes: Fluff, angst, sadness, big ass plot twist
✥ Warnings: Female bodied reader (she/her pronouns,) Pregnancy and birth (nothing gory.) Mentions of death, violence, and threats. Manipulation.
✥ Synopsis: You are carrying Reiner's baby when he betrays Paradis. Levi decides to step in.
✥ Word Count: 2.2k
(there is a part two up to this fic, but i've decided i'm going to rewrite the ending at some point.)
Anon's Request: Hi! I saw your requests are open so here I want to give my little scenario a try! 🕳🤸🏽‍♀️ I thought abt this last night, I’m currently rewatching AOT after 6 yrs and yet to finish season 4, so sorry if I’m wrong abt timelines/the plot? My request is the reader was with child with Reiner, but b4 reader told him, he betrayed and exposed his mission. Levi stepped in to help reader. And btw, I just finished watching ep 3 of season 4, so maybe Eren telling reiner abt his child and he regrets leaving the reader? And reiner jealous at the fact Levi is most likely considered his child’s father at that point. I can’t come up with an ending, so I’ll leave it up to you if you do take in my request. If this isn’t your type of writing I totally understand!
Note: This story is canon divergent. It is set in season 4, but in a universe where Reiner is not revealed as a traitor/the armored titan until a few months before season 4 takes place, as the reader was having relations with him until then and did not know his secret. I’m sorry if that change bothers you, I just wanted to write this as sort of its own story. This story contains season 4 spoilers! It also has nothing to do with the canon ending of AOT.
Dear Reiner,
I hope this letter somehow gets to you, I don’t quite know where to start.
In a perfect world, I would be so happy to tell you this. You’d be ecstatic too, I think. And before you try to second guess me: I’m sure by now, don’t worry.
I’m pregnant.
I guess we weren’t careful enough before you left. I feel like an idiot. And lost. But I’m not hopeless. I know myself, I can make it work somehow. With or without you.
I’m still in shock about you. How could someone so close hide so much? You’re a talented spy I suppose, a great asset to Marley. You made me trust you with my entire life. You made me love every false thing about you. And this is the rude awakening I get in return.
I’ll raise our child to value honesty and kindness, all in spite of you.
The paper was damp with tears after you lifted your pen for a final time. You wished you could just keep the whole thing a secret: go make a quiet life for yourself somewhere else. It wouldn’t be right. Not after all of the dishonesty that man had spewed to you over the past few years. You had to tell him.
The door to the office room you’d settled in to write the letter creaks open. It’s Levi. He looks at your puffy eyes somberly, sympathetic. He was the first person you had told about the entire situation. Not because you were close, just because you needed help.
You fold your letter and stick it into a sturdy envelope. Levi takes it in his hand.
“That piece of shit doesn’t deserve a thing from you. Not a letter. Certainly not tears,” Levi says, using a clean handkerchief to wipe a stray drop from your cheek, “but I am proud of you.”
You take the handkerchief from him, feeling more tears stream down your face.
“Proud? I’m a fucking idiot,” you say through your sobs.
“Don’t even try to pull that self pity shit with me. Things happen sometimes. And you’re strong enough to commit to getting through it,” he responds.
You stand up, pushing your chair out. You look at him as you dry your face off again.
“I’m alone. How the hell am I supposed to do this shit alone?”
“You are not alone,” Levi replies. You’re shocked when he pulls you into a hug. “I’m going to help.”
You had never seen this side of him before. You look at him as you pull away slowly, tears still welled in your eyes.
“Are you sure? That's a big burden, Levi. None of this has to involve you.”
“Not the biggest burden I’ve ever taken on,” he shrugs. “There’s a lot of death around here, Y/N. Everyone is going to be happy about the little bit of life you’re giving us.”
You chuckle. He’s cynical, but he’s right.
He licks the envelope as he walks toward the door.
“Want me to run you a hot bath or something? Is that the type of shit pregnant people need?” he asks.
You laugh, a little harder than normal. It felt so relieving to laugh.
“Sure, Captain,” you respond softly.
Dear Reader,
I received your letter before the battle in Marley. I actually got to hand it to Reiner myself. He knows everything now. He broke down in front of me after reading it, going on about how much he regrets everything. How he wishes he could change things and be there for you. He begged me to kill him right there.
The world will eventually not have suffering like what you are going through now.
Eren Jaeger
Your jaw had dropped reading it. He begged me to kill him.
You hand the letter Levi had just delivered back to him. He reads it with a furrowed brow.
“Do you think…” you begin, your voice shaky, “do you think I could send another letter?”
Levi purses his lips, “Possibly. I can ask Jaeger. But right now, you need to bring your blood pressure back down.”
You were over seven months along now. You had found out about your pregnancy late, after being in denial for four whole months. Hange insisted on checking you out after you’d thrown up every morning for a week.
Levi had since gone on a parenting book reading spree; he made you read several of them too. He knew just about everything you needed to do to make a healthy baby: what to eat, what not to eat, how to exercise, when to go to the doctor, etc. It was really sweet how much he cared. You knew it gave him hope, something to fight for, something to come home to.
You were terrified when he left for Marley. You kissed him for the first time when he returned. Just about everyone you knew had to fight. You wished you could be out there fighting with them like you were supposed to. Maybe you could have made a difference.
Levi takes your hand, squeezing it to bring you out of your thoughts.
“What can I do?” he asks.
“Get me a glass of wine,” you grumble.
“Absolutely not.”
Dear Reiner,
Reader does not know I’m sending this. So keep it that way, or I’ll kill your sorry ass. Or maybe not, you’d probably enjoy that. In that case I’ll get creative.
How does it feel? Being a fucking deadbeat? Is it everything you’d thought it’d be and more? Fucking her and leaving her with nothing, like she belongs in a whorehouse. Reminds me of what happened to my mother. Pieces of shit like you came in and sent her to her death, leaving her kid behind to starve.
I wasn’t about to let her suffer like my mother did. But you were. I’m glad your choices haunt you, Reiner. You fucking deserve it.
I’ll be there for the both of them from now on, doing everything you were never capable of. She’s due any day now, I’m sure she’ll try to write to you.
You feel your first contraction while napping on the couch with Levi. You were settled in between his legs, your back leaning up against his chest. He had his hands on your stomach; he loved to feel the baby kick and tell them some of the happier stories in his memories.
The two of you had grown so close over the past few months. You slept together every night now. You didn’t want to leave each other’s sides if you didn’t have to. Levi would cuddle and massage you any time your pregnant body was ailing you.
You had fantasized with him about life after the war. He wanted to be a husband, a father, to live peacefully in the countryside. And he wanted more than anything for you to join him.
The first contraction wasn’t painful enough for you to make much more than a grunting noise, but Levi woke up the second he felt your stomach contort a bit. He was on very high alert these days.
“Holy… shit…is that what I think it is?” Levi whispers, “Don’t answer. I’m getting Hange.”
He crawls out from behind you and sprints out of the room.
The pain worsens and becomes much more frequent while he’s out looking for Hange. You stand up eventually after getting the urge to walk around - and your water breaks. You start panicking, unsure of how dilated you were and how much time you had left before pushing. You really wished you’d done more than just skimmed through those birthing books right about now.
Levi and Hange eventually come sprinting back into the room with a wheelchair and cold rags to find you whimpering in pain on the couch, trying your best to control your breathing.
You’re rushed down the halls to the Scout’s infirmary, where Levi had made sure the perfect room was set up for you - and it had been that way for two months.
The next hour goes by in a blur. Hange knew the biology of how to deliver the baby, and Levi knew how to coach you. He helped you hold your legs back when you pushed, and helped you count out your breathing. Hange attended to everything that might have made Levi faint, like checking your dilation and making sure the baby was coming out at the right angle. You got lucky having these two by your side.
Through all of your efforts, you finally hear a cry. You look up to see Levi holding your tiny new baby as Hange wiped them clean. He was smiling, way bigger than you’d ever seen him smile before, with tears in his eyes.
“Here,” he says softly, handing her to you.
You cradle her on your bare skin. “She’s so perfect, Levi! Look how sweet she is!” you coo.
“What are you going to call her?” he asks, stroking your hair as you gleam down at your baby.
“I was thinking,” you smile, “Kuchel.”
Levi lets out small gasp. Tears start streaming down his face, his efforts to stifle them failing.
“Really? I think that’s,” he wipes his eyes, “a wonderful name.”
Dear Reiner,
She’s finally here! Oh my god, she’s precious. Levi and Hange helped to deliver her. Labor went smoothly. Levi started to cry when he saw her for the first time. She really is just that perfect. We are calling her Kuchel, after Levi’s mother. He cried when I told him that, too (don’t tell him I’m sharing those crying details.) I've decided to give her Levi’s last name as well.
Levi set up the perfect nursery for us.
If you really did feel guilty for leaving - don’t be. I’m happy.
She has your eyes.
Dear Reiner,
Kuchel said her first word today. Of course it wasn’t mama, she’s such a daddy’s girl. She started crawling awhile ago, we are now working on standing up on our own. She has all of this blonde curly hair, too. She’s growing up so fast.
Dear Reiner,
Levi proposed a few days ago. It was so perfect. We found a nice house with room for a farm that will be perfect for a family.
I can only wonder how you’re doing, now that the war is over.
Are you even alive?
Dear Reiner,
I’m expecting again. Levi is beyond excited. I am too, of course. Kuchel started school this year. She is such a smart kid.
I still wonder about you. After all these years.
Message after message, word after word. No response. You had decided he must be dead. The devastation after the war would argue that he was.
That is, until you found yourself rummaging through one of Levi’s desk drawers, looking for baby Isabel’s lost pacifier.
You felt the bottom of the drawer shift. A false bottom?
You pry at it until it comes open.
Dozens of opened letters. With Marleyan postage stamps.
You pull out the first bundle you see. They’re all from you. Unopened. Unsent. You set them aside, your jaw quivering.
You pull out the second bundle and gasp.
Dear Reader,
Eren showed me your letter. I am terribly sorry. Let me fix this, somehow. You can come to live with me in Marley. I will take care of you. Please.
I’m not just a traitor, a liar, a farce. Everything between us was real. I can explain everything. Just trust me.
Dear Reader,
Do you get my letters?
I’ve only heard rumors about our new baby girl. I wish I could see her. Just once. For a second. Do you have a camera? I know they’re hard to come by in Paradis. I can send one.
I’d do anything to change this. You know I would.
To Levi,
You son of a bitch. I know exactly what you’re doing. You think this is protecting her, but it’s not. Just let her talk to me. She would listen, she would understand. You said yourself that she writes. You manipulative, sick bastard. That is MY child. She will never be yours. No matter what you brainwash her to believe, your dirty Ackerman blood does not run through her veins. She deserves to know. You are the farce, Levi.
There were dozens more. All opened. All from Reiner.
You sink down to the floor, tears spilling from your eyes.
You are the farce, Levi.
But, why? He was just protecting you, right?
The office door opens. You jump, shoving the letters back into the drawer.
“Mommy, why are you crying?” Kuchel asks.
You take a deep breath, staring down at the letters, thinking about everything that could have been.
“Are you happy here, Kuchel?”
“Yes!” she chirps, “Every day!”
“Then it’s nothing, baby. Mommy just got hurt. She’s better now.”
Your daughter giggles and skips out of the room, leaving you to hide away the rest of the letters.
I REALLY HOPE I understood your request, Anon! I actually had a lot of fun writing this. It isn't something I would normally think to write, but I'm so glad you shared this idea! Sorry for the sad ending, I love playing w people's emotions ;)
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marahuyos · 3 years
anon asked: Hi I really liked that hc with the pointing lips, I didn’t expect to see this on the tag list and my filipino heart couldn’t contain it 🥺 this is my first time requesting for a genshin fanfic heheh. I want to request a hc something to do with Harana, where the characters (albedo, Diluc, kaeya, maybe xiao 👀 and other characters you would like to add) sing from your window to persuade/court you since it’s part of (our) S/O culture so they wanted to impress them with this... IKSNSJS
*:・゚✧ nakilig ako dito putaena AHAHAHAHHA
doing this quickly bc i wanna do it b4 windblume ends sksks. also i’ll go and link some songs fitting for the characters (all filipino ofc. spoilers its all ben&ben HAHAHAHAHA)!
tw: none
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✧ Diluc Ragnvindr | Ben&Ben - Araw-Araw
Umaga na sa ating duyan 'Wag nang mawawala Umaga na sa ating duyan Magmamahal, o mahiwaga
• It’s apparent that Diluc can sing since he won first place in the music minigame. He was taught at a young age on playing and dabbling in the arts like any other young noble should. It comes as no surprise that Diluc knows how to sing and play.
• It was you who had to tell Diluc this tradition when the Windblume Festival hits. When hearing the prospect of reciting poetry to your loved ones, you immediately got excited, which made Diluc question your sudden excitement.
• “Back where I’m from, there’s a tradition where a person will sing to their crush if they want to court them. It’s usually underneath a window sill but either way, I do want to experience it at least once!”
• He imprints the sight of your soft smile at the memory of the tradition. He thinks back on his time learning music as he cleans a beer glass. He’s not a bad singer by any means (ngl i thought diluc was voiced by jonah scott bc hoo boy he sings. but imagine my surprise when he was voiced by mishima skks). He can definitely carry a tune but would he risk his entire dignity by singing under your window sill with a song that he barely knows?
• If Kaeya wasn’t there, then maybe. Maybe.
• So he opts for the next best option; serenading in a private and romantic place. It wouldn’t be the Dawn Winery, there is too much traffic to try and attempt to sing. Windrise is an option but Diluc knows that the sisters of the church comes and cleans the statue (and Barbatos knows that he doesn’t want Barbara to faint from his voice). His next bet is Starsnatch Cliff, where numerous Cecilia flowers are littered across the cliff. 
• With that plan, he now attempts to memorize a song from your country. Diluc’s a fast learner, so he has no trouble learning the notes, the lyrics (though his pronunciation leaves little to be desired), and finally, the emotion carried through the music. Now that’s where he struggled since he doesn’t know how to convey emotion compared to other musicians. He tries his best, even asking Venti for help (enrolled is what Venti would use but at least he was paid with the best alcohol).
• Now to actually play the damn thing. He already struggled when inviting you out to Starnsatch Cliff (and bribing the couple that was there away), he hopes that his fingers wouldn’t twitch from nerves. It was when he began strumming his guitar that he realized something: there was no point in proving that he can sing. There was no point in learning a different language when there were many other different things he could’ve done to impress you. There was no need to potentially embarrass himself.
• But it was worth it when he sees your wide-eyes, your parted lips, and the warmth on your cheeks when he leans in closer. It’s worth it to see your eyes shine just like the stars in the sky when you understood the lyrics. It was worth it to see you say the words that Diluc longed to hear from your lips as he sealed them with a kiss.
Dawn has come within our cradle I pray you never fade Dawn has come within our cradle I love you, my ethereal
✧ Albedo | Ben&Ben - Ride Home
Took a morning ride, found a place up in my mind, no one else can see Maybe it's fate that we lose control In circles around, we go We become who we ought to know We just gotta let it go We just gotta let it go
• I think it’s safe to say that everyone knows Albedo can sing when his VA posted him singing. He can carry a tune and play decently on the strings. It’s just that he closes himself off in his research in Dragonspine all the while the Windblume Festival is in full swing. It’s not like you to leave someone behind while everyone is celebrating so you stand by Albedo for the duration of the festival.
• He says that you didn’t have to keep him company, more so if you don’t know anything about alchemy, but you were adamant to not leave the alchemist alone. Albedo can’t help the warmth fluttering in his heart that you wanted to stay with him. He wanted to try and teach you basic alchemical stuff so you wouldn’t feel bored or left out but he feared the shakiness in his voice would hinder him.
• So, you two talk about each other instead. While Albedo didn’t have anything noteworthy to talk about, you said to him about how you wished you can partake in the music game in hopes to play a love song. You told him that you wanted to try and sing a love song to your crush since it was a tradition in your country. While he bristled at the fact that you have a crush, the way your eyes flitted towards him, with a wavy smile on your face solidified his feelings for you.
• Having that information in mind, he quickly makes a harp out of the materials he has on hand. Such a feat is nothing to Albedo but it wasn’t the music that he was afraid of, it was giving his feelings away to you so suddenly. Learning a new language wasn’t so hard (because he learned it when he immediately realized he had feelings for you, what’s stopping him from learning everything?), but he fears that you may take it the wrong way.
• Or rather, he fears that he may do something he regret towards you.
• But he perseveres. When you were up sitting on a rock formation, studying a rare flower, Albedo stood below you, harp in hand. The sight of him, his beautiful eyes that were used to be so sure are now nervously flitting from side to side. His voice was carried out to the wind, deep and soothing just like the winds that caressed your skin. Albedo is nothing short of nervous but he was sure that he had his point across when he sees your blushing smile.
• All fears vanished when you jumped down a giggling mess, saying that this was the best Windblume Festival ever when you leaned in and kissed him.
So I'm coming home to you, ooh You, ooh You're all I need, the very air I breathe You are home, home
✧ Kaeya Alberich | Ben&Ben - Pagtingin
‘Pag nilahad ang damdamin Sana ‘di magbago ang pagtingin Aminin ang mga lihim Sana ‘di magbago ang pagtingin
• Kaeya won’t deny that he’s just as musically inclined as Diluc. As siblings, they’re naturally competitive against one another, always competing to see who can play the better piece. He wishes he could go back to those days, but bygones are bygones. Now, he strums his harp just for fun. Still, he’s not one to serenade to random strangers so it’s a first time for him to be laying his heart out in the open.
• Kaeya, like a responsible captain, steals you away and joins in the festivities with you with an arm around your waist. Reluctantly, you humored him, as you recount previous stories that you’ve experienced. One particular story that he keeps in memory was when you were serenaded once in your own bedroom window. While you had to turn down the one courting for personal reasons, you can’t help but feel warm whenever you remember the memory. Ever since hearing the bards’ sing their songs for the festival, you can’t help the flutter in your heart.
• Now, Kaeya is a very adaptable man, so he quickly thinks the best way on how to confess to you. Sometimes he has to curse himself from being so successful at flirting at absolutely everyone that he knows you could pass it off as being Kaeya. So he figures out the next best thing.
• Now, unlike Diluc, he’s willing to throw away his dignity for you. He’s willing to throw anything away from you because you were already so etched deeply in Kaeya’s heart.
• He’s a fast learned like Albedo, so it wasn’t hard to learn your language and do the correct pronunciation. All that’s left is to sing it and where. He hopes he could sing it underneath your balcony but you lived near the Cat’s Tail Tavern, where the noise has been raucous in this time of year.
• So he decided on going to the safety of your home, “drunkenly” stating that he was too sloshed to go back to his duties so he wishes to stop by your home until he sobers up. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see, so you relented Kaeya in resting on your couch as you prepared some water for him to sober up. At that moment, he prepares his act. 
• With his guitar in hand, he stands up and meets you in the kitchen. With his fingers elegantly strumming against the strings, his silky voice permeated across the house. His one eye watched your own widen at the sight of the man singing. He relished it even more when he sees the recognition in your eyes when you know the song that he's singing. Each lyric has been beautifully sung and amazingly enunciated that you wondered if Kaeya was a native to your homeland. 
• Kaeya wasn't normally a sap like this. He doesn't just do this to anyone. He even wonders what's the point of this when he doesn't even know that you'll accept him for who he truly is-for what he will do when things go awry. He recounts the words of a bygone father and he feels every ounce of sin he’s committed claw his back.
• But your gentle touch sends them away. Your hands burn the sins to ashes as you told him your ‘I love you’ in your language. And he understood it perfectly.
If I reveal just how I feel I hope you won't change how you look at me Admit all secrets I keep I hope you won't change how you look at me
✧ Xiao | Ben&Ben - Kathang Isip
Pasensya ka na Sa mga kathang isip kong ito Wari'y dala lang ng pagmamahal sa iyo Ako'y gigising na Sa panaginip kong ito At sa wakas ay kusang lalayo sa iyo (lalayo sa)
• Could Xiao even sing? Guizhong may have instilled some Liyue music in his veins when he was still a baby adeptus, she may have pulled her hair out once or twice when Xiao keeps breaking the guzhengs. At least Xiao has a decent voice, so Guizhong wouldn’t strangle Xiao with a forced sweet smile on her face. After the archon war and the yakshas fall, Xiao never sang or picked up another instrument ever again.
• Not when he passed Mondstat, hearing the insufferable bard play his tune, hearing the people who’re safe from karmic binds profess their love for one another, it made him sick. But by Guizhong’s hair would he waste this opportunity to leave you alone in the Windblume Festival. Even if he has to drag you away from the crowd in fear of him lashing out. He is not apologetic to him dragging you away but he does wonder why you would rather choose to spend your time with him rather than enjoy the festivities.
• It was at the city walls, you and Xiao enjoying the almond tofu you prepared beforehand. You did most of the talking, talking about random things that you can get. Xiao would always dutifully listen because he-honestly-you’re the only mortal that wormed his way into his heart and now he wants more but afraid of the consequences. He listens to you rambling about a courting method where one person serenades the other while they were in a higher place, just like the city walls.
• Human courting rituals have been the most confusing thing to Xiao; why go through such great lengths just to confess to someone your feelings? Shouldn’t straight up saying it be better and save time for each party? Even when he says this, he can’t help but watch your eyes glimmer at the thought of someone serenading you, in a night just like this.
• He was willing to embarrass himself for you, as he planted his feet on the wall railings. “Wait here.”
• He jumps and before you could say anything, he uses his Anemo Vision to keep him afloat. On his position, he was below you by a few feet. You watched in confusion when he summoned a lyre (and you could make out a scowl on his face, as if he was cursing the instrument) and soon, he began strumming it.
• His harp skills... could do some work. Some tone-deaf bard might have bawled his eyes out if he hears him play, but he was willing to swallow that embarrassment when he gets to have his point across. He hopes that he does, laying his heart like this just for you to take apart, for you to heal, for you to do whatever you want with it. He was willing to be weak and revere to you as someone as grand as an archon. 
• Xiao wasn’t expecting you to understand but when he sees tears in your eyes and your hand covering your mouth, he immediately stopped his singing and hurried to your side. Though, he didn’t have to. You already jumped down and got caught in his arms. He felt your tears soak his skin, your incoherent babbles muffled by his shoulder but he could make out that Xiao’s feelings aren’t one-sided.
I'm sorry For this imagination of mine I guess it's just because of my love for you I will wake up now From this dream of mine And in the end I will stay away from you (stay away from)
240 notes · View notes
btxtreads · 4 years
country boy - kth
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader Word Count: 9.4k Genre: fluff, smut, Cowboy!Taehyung Rating: +18 Trigger Warnings: oral (m-receiving), fingering, denied orgasm, penetrative sex, delayed orgasm, unprotected sex (pls wrap it b4 u tap it), just rlly cringey smut im sorry Banner Credits: Thank you so much for @kimtaehyunq​ of the Bangtan Headquarters Editing Team for this banner! It’s so pretty??? ajshjsahjsa
*some scenes inspired by the Hannah Montana movie and Girl Meets Texas because I have no country knowledge. I just felt the cowboy Taehyung spirit*
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The tranquil plains and farmlands was nothing like the tall, concrete buildings and noisy traffic-filled roads that Y/N was used to.
Her eyes almost rolled back in exasperation as the car rolled onto a driveway leading up to a decently-sized wooden house complete with horses and a small cabbage patch at the side.
The perfect image that describes country.
Y/N’s father turned and faced her with a grin.
“We’re home, pumpkin,” he said.
“Right,” Y/N tried to smile—she really did, but she couldn’t. How could she?
Her father told her that he was going to England for three months for his job—which Y/N was totally fine with. What she didn’t understand was why she couldn’t go with, or at the very least stay in her house alone with her dad.
Why did she have to stay back with her grandmother?
Y/N stepped out of the car, a pained smile on her face as she watched her father unload her suitcases from his car.
“Alright, I’ll see you in about—ten weeks?” her father asked as he handed off the suitcases to Y/N who only sighed.
“Dad, I really don’t get why I have to stay here.” Y/N said, her eyes darting around the area. “I could’ve stayed with mom.”
Y/N’s father’s eyes turned sad.
“Honey, your mother’s busy—“
“Ah, yes. Too busy fucking her boyfriend to house her daughter for three months. I forgot.”
“Y/N!” Her father chastised to which Y/N only rolled her eyes.
“Why can’t I just stay alone at home? Or go with you?” Y/N sighed. “Why here?”
The two’s heads turned as the door to the house opened, revealing Y/N’s grandparents with a wide smile.
“Because you haven’t been back here since the divorce three years ago. Grandpa and Grandpa really miss you.” Her father explained softly.
Y/N only sighed, looking up at the sky in frustration.
“Whatever, let’s just get this over with,”
She now has to spend three months in the country. No friends, shitty wifi, no way out.
Except maybe an unruly horse.
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Y/N sat in the living room, her father long gone as he drove back to the city for his flight the following morning.
Her grandmother came carrying a small platter of freshly baked cookies.
“Still hot!” She said as Y/N smiled softly.
No matter how much she despised the country now, she would never tell her grandparents.
Her grandparents were her only anchor during her parents’ divorce—her grandmother a total sweetheart who bakes cookies and cakes for all her cravings and her grandfather being a tad enthusiastic in learning the ins-and-outs for all her passions and interests.
No, this was the least she could do—pretend she was having at least a decent time.
Y/N gulped and took a cookie.
“Thanks, grandma.”
“Oh, and I invited some of your friends over, by the way.” Her grandfather said, appearing at the doorway to the kitchen. “Thought you’d want to catch up with them, kid.”
“I have friends?” Y/N asked, raising her eyebrow. “Who?”
“Oh dear, Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon and Chaeri, remember?” Her grandmother asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Ah, them.” Y/N nodded.
She supposed the three of them were her friends—in a way.
Friends she hasn’t spoken to since she was ten.
There was a series of knocks at the door which made Y/N flinch.
“Ah, reckon that’s them. You should get the door, honey.” Her grandmother said, moving towards the kitchen. “I’ll leave you children be to chatter.”
“Okay, thanks.” Y/N shrugged, standing up to get the door.
She was greeted with a tall boy with slicked back hair, a plaid polo, and a heart-shaped smile.
“Hello, Hoseok.” Y/N smiled softly backing away and waving him in as she peeked at his companions. “Seokjin, Namjoon, Chaeri. Come in!”
“Oh, it’s Hobi, Jin, Joon and Chae,” Hoseok said, waving nonchalantly as he took a seat on the couch. “We’re friends!”
“Sure,” Y/N shrugged, closing the door as she took a seat on the armchair opposite Hoseok. “We haven’t talked in like—what, fifteen years? Felt awkward to call you that.”
“Once friends, always friends,” Namjoon smiled as Jin nodded along.
“So, how have you been, how’s the city treating you?” Chaeri asked, leaning over. “Any cute city boys you wanna tell me about?”
As Y/N chuckled, Jin scoffed at the Chaeri.
“Please, I’m the most handsome person you’d ever meet. Y/N probably hasn’t found anyone handsome since me.” Jin commented.
“Ah, yes. Worldwide handsome, I think i remember.” Y/N nodded.
Jin grinned, pointing finger guns at the girl.
“Well, the city’s been great. I got a lot of great friends, and met a lot of cute guys, Chaeri—but no one as handsome as you, Jin.”
“See?” Jin boasted, grinning at his friends.
“I’ve seen handsomer,” Chaeri commented.
“I’m your boyfriend!” Jin gasped, appalled. “I should be the most handsome creature in the entire planet for you!”
“You guys are dating?” Y/N smiled, tilting her head.
“Yeah, and they’re disgusting.” Hoseok stuck his tongue out at the couple.
“They’ve been dating since two years ago—they’re pretty clingy.” Namjoon commented, to which Chaeri tutted.
“Yeah, no. Jin is clingy—I’m not.” Chaeri shook her head and pushed a whining Jin away.
“Anyways, how have you guys been here?” Y/N asked, changing the topic.
“Ah, good enough,” Hoseok shrugged.
“The old plains we used to hang around in became a pub. Oh, and Hansul’s sister went to the city to train to be a famous idol.” Namjoon recalled.
“Is she?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, also our grade school teacher—remember her?—got remarried for the fourth time after you left,�� Hoseok shared.
“Yes! The guy had a son, about our age—Taehyung. They moved here weeks after the marriage.” Chaeri gossiped. “Took the town by storm,”
“Took the town’s girls by storm,” Jin huffed.
“Ah, let me guess. A fuck-boy?” Y/N asked.
“Not really, he doesn’t really mind them much. Never really saw him flirt back to any of them—spare a girl or two.” Namjoon shrugged, leaning back.
“Ah, a heart-throb, then?”
“Sure,” Hoseok said. “You could call him that,”
“Hm,” Y/N said, shaking her head before shooting the group a  mischievous smile—changing the topic. “So, tell me something—Does Namjoon know how to saddle a horse now?”
“Maybe if he didn’t keep breaking saddles every day.”
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It was hours after Jin and Chaeri they had to go for a date night, which prompted Hoseok and Namjoon to leave as well.
Y/N then decided to go out on her own to familiarize and acclimatize to her childhood home—after all, she’ll be here for three whole months.
It’s been two hours of aimless wandering when she reached the field she used to play with her friends when she was younger.
Her eyes landed on the big wooden-building with the big signboard that said “Big Billy Restaurant and Pub.”
“Oh, so, this is the new pub,” Y/N said to herself.
Moments later, a boy—about her age—stumbles out of the pub wobbly and red-faced, with a bottle of whiskey still in hand.
It was a look Y/N knew from her time in the city—he was shit-faced drunk.
Y/N chuckled, gazing at the boy who seemed to have had more alcohol than he could handle.
As soon as she turned around to leave, she could hear him clearly scream “you!” from the top of his lungs.
Y/N jumped in her spot and turned, raising an eyebrow. “Me?”
“Yes, you,” The boy said, clutching the beer in his hands. “youuuuuuuuu.”
“Meeeeeee… what?”
The boy collapsed on his knees and sobbed. “You broke my heart!”
“I did what now?” Y/N dead-panned as the boy wailed in front of her. “Dude, get up. What the fuck?”
“Ji-eun! Why?” The boy wailed, pounding on his chest with his fist. “I-I did everything for you! I loved you so much!”
He sniffled as he took another swig of his whiskey.
“My name is Y/N—“
“What did I do wrong th-that made you replace me?” The boy slurred sadly, waving his arms. “Whe-Where did I go wrong?”
“What?” Y/N groaned, running her fingers through her hair as she crouched down and shook the boy’s shoulders. “Buddy, I’m not Ji-eun. I’m gonna go.”
As soon as she finished her words, the boy let out a loud sob and jumped on her, clutching pathetically at her torso.
“Dude, let go of me.” Y/N hissed as the boy sobbed in her chest.
“Ji-eun, please! Be with me again! I don’t care if you want me to be your second man, I’ll be okay with that.”
“That’s so pathetic—“
“Ya, Yoongi-hyung, that’s enough.” A deep voice chastised from a few feet away.
Y/N’s head shot up, her eyes landing on a tall raven-haired boy frowning a few feet away.
He was, in simple words, majestic—godly—etheral.
His eyes were the prettiest shade of dark brown she’s ever seen, black hair slightly gelled and parted in the middle—showing a little forehead, his denim jacket snug on his body.
He grinned a little as he studied the sight.
“Ah, hyung. What am I going to do with you?”
The boy, Yoongi, only sniffled as he pulled back from Y/N.
“Taehyung, Ji-eun—“
Y/N’s eyes wandered back over to Taehyung with an open mouth. So this is the teacher’s step-son Taehyung who moved here.
“That’s not Ji-eun.” Taehyung chuckled, walking over to help Yoongi up. “Now, how about we stop bothering the little lady and apologize.”
“I’ll help you talk to Ji-eun tomorrow, Yoongi-hyung,” Taehyung shook his head, shooting Y/N a small grin as Joon-hyuk pouted. “Now, come on,”
“S-Sorry,” Yoongi hiccuped, his lower lip shaking in a sad pout.
“Uh, that’s fine,” Y/N shook her head, amused.
“Can you wait for me out here?” Taehyun asked to which Y/N only raised an eyebrow to.
“Uh, sure?”
“Thanks, I’ll be right out.”
“Sure,” Y/N shrugged. “Goodluck with Ji-eun, Yoongi.”
Yoongi burst into tears as Taehyung snorted, leading him back into the pub.
Three minutes later, he sauntered out of the building with a smile.
“I’m back,” Taehyung said. “I’ll take you home now,”
“Thanks, but no need,” Y/N shook her head. “I can do just fine on my own,”
“I don’t mind, it was the least I could do after that whole scene with Yoongi-hyung.” Taehyung smiled, waving her hand. “Lead the way.”
Y/N bit her lip as Taehyung’s smile widened.
“Come on, I insist.”
“If you’re sure.” Y/N shrugged, starting to walk as Taehyung matched her pace beside her—hands in his pockets as he hummed. “Is your friend okay?”
“Oh, drunk beyond belief but nothing new with him,” Taehyung rolled his eyes. “He gets drunk a lot—it’s sort of a natural state to him,”
“He’s alright, then?”
“Yeah, I called his brother to come take him home,” Taehyung shrugged before smiling again. “That’s nice of you, Taehyung.” Y/N mused.
At this, Taehyung raised his eyebrows.
“Your friend, Yoongi, called you Taehyung earlier,” Y/N explained before widening her eyes. “Oh, unless he got your name wrong too. In which case, I’m so s—“
“It’s fine,” He laughed, waving his hand. “No, it’s Taehyung, yeah.”
“Oh, goodie.” Y/N smiled as Taehyung tilted his head.
“What brings you here, L/N?”
It was Y/N’s turn to raise her eyebrows this time.
“Small town, news gets around.” Taehyung laughed. “You were a face I couldn’t recognize, and you did say you were Y/N earlier too.”
“Ah,” Y/N nods slowly, before stopping. “Wait—you were there? Why didn’t you come sooner?”
At this, Taehyung burst into laughter at Y/N’s wide eyes.
“It was really funny to see you struggle.”
“Nice to know you enjoy my pain,” Y/N mutters under her breath.
Taehyung smirked over at her. “Hm, yeah, I do,”
Y/N bit her lip, her mind threatening to cloud over with inappropriate images that should absolutely not pop up in a conversation with someone you just met.
Y/N cleared her throat, her cheeks brushing a furious shade of red as she looked up at the night sky.
“But—uh, listen. I don’t plan to take Yoong-hyung to Ji-eun tomorrow if he doesn’t remember so just—can you keep that part a secret?” Taehyung said, rubbing his hand behind his neck. “He’s just a real sweetheart with Ji-eun,”
“By sweetheart—“
“By sweetheart, I meant a real pain in in the ass.”
Y/N laughed loudly, making Taehyung grin.
“Yeah, if I understood correctly, I don’t think Ji-eun needs to have a chance to be forgiven,” she shrugged.
“Yeah, she screwed him up real nice.” Taehuyng snorted. “Yoongi-hyung’s all tough and edgy but when he falls in love—I don’t know. Ji-eun's really done it.”
“Hm, I hope he gets over it soon,”
“Yeah, me too.” Taehyung hummed in agreement.
Y/N smiled. Attractive, funny, and a gentleman who cares for his friends—how much more beautiful can this guy get?
Upon surveying her surroundings, Y/N cleared her throat once more.
“Well, we’re here,” Y/N said, pointing at her grandparents’ house behind her. “I should—uh,”
“Head inside,” Taehyung nodded,  waving as Y/N slowly walked up the drive-way.
Y/N took another glance at Taehyung, which only made him chuckle.
“Good night, ma’am,” he smiled, tipping an imaginary hat.
“Good night, sir,” Y/N giggled, tipping her imaginary hat back at the boy.
Taehyung laughed out loud one last time before turning around and making his way back to the direction he came from.
Y/N shut the door behind her and leaned back on it with a sigh.
Who the fuck was that boy and why was he the hottest person she’s ever met her whole entire life?
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“It’s so nice that you volunteered to give us an extra set of hands at the ranch, kiddo.” Her grandfather gushed happily as he led her over to their barn. “We could really use the help,”
“Yep, real nice,” Y/N said, teeth clenched in frustration.
It was the next morning when she woke up to a new day of what her grandmother called an “honest day’s work.”
Y/N thought it was just a country saying—how wrong she was.
After breakfast, she was immediately ushered to prepare to go help at the barn because, apparently, her father said she whole-heartedly volunteered to do ranch-work.
This was something she never said she’d do.
Her grandparents, however, were ecstatic that she wanted to “immerse in the country-side”, so what choice did she have?
Her grandfather opened the doors to the barn, and she was immediately greeted with the sight of hay—so much hay—and a boy sitting next to a large table by the corner.
There, Taehyung sat with a phone in his hand.
“Taehyung is here today, he helps us from time-to-time,” Y/N’s grandfather said, leading Y/N over to the boy.
At the sound of his name, Taehyung snapped his head up and shot the two with a smile.
Taehyung looked absolutely sinful with his messy hair, high-waisted pants and brown leather belt.
His white shirt has the sleeves rolled up, perfectly showcasing the muscles in his upper arms when he raised his hand in a wave.
“Hello, grandpa,” Taehyung grinned before winking at Y/N, tipping an invisible hat in her direction just like he did the night before. “Ma’am,”
“Taehyung,” Y/N said smiling slightly.
“Our boy Tae here will be giving a bath to old Sally and Pumpkin today to prepare them for the big horse race tomorrow,” Y/N’s grandfather explained, handing the girl over to Taehyung with a pat on his back. “Now, you help him do that, maybe take the girls for a spin while you’re at it,”
At this, Y/N’s grandfather bid the two a quick farewell and left.
Y/N gulped at Taehyung’s smirk.
“So, how’s your day, Y/N?”
“Ah, pretty great so far, I guess?” Y/N smiled nervously as Taehyung raked his eyes on her from head-to-toe.
“You look beautiful today,”
“Thank you,”
“So beautiful, that it’s a shame that you have to get out of those clothes,” Taehyung quipped happily.
Y/N’s eyes widened, her mind short-circuiting as she processed his words.
Taehyung let out a guffaw when he saw her wide eyes, shooting a quick wink.
“Mind out of the gutter,” He smirked, turning around to rummage around a small cabinet nearby. “Your clothes look expensive—not to mention it’s white. Don’t want to dirty that.”
Y/N glanced down at her current outfit—a white shirt she bought from Gucci and denim shorts.
He was right.
“W-Well, you’re wearing a white shirt, too!” Y/N defended weakly to white Taehyung laughed, standing up with a plaid top in his hands.
“Yeah, well, this white shirt is worth $4 for three pieces,” Taehyung joked. “I think I can afford to ruin it a little bit,”
Y/N smiled, taking the top Taehyung was offering.
“And this shirt?”
“Spare clothes I could bear to get ruined just for you,”
Somehow, the only words Y/N’s brain processed were I could ruin you.
Trying to maintain her composure, Y/N licked her chapped lips—an action noticed by Taehyung.
Taehyung’s eyes locked onto her lips, making him lick his own as well before clearing his throat.
“Well, suit up. This is going to be fun!”
Y/N grinned.
Yeah, this was going to be fun.
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It was absolutely not fun.
It was one whole week of torture, for both Taehyung and Y/N.
One whole week of “you’re doing it wrong,” “stop whining it’s not hard,” “maybe if you actually listen,” and the likes and Y/N had enough.
It was one whole day of horse-riding—apparently, it was a good exercise for the horses—and Y/N was officially done with the whole country thing.
She marched into the barn and collapsed on the chair, leaning her head on the table.
Within a few seconds, a livid Taehyung marched inside the room—his pretty brown eyes wide in anger.
Y/N raised her head up and sighed in irritation. “Leave me alone, Kim,”
“The fuck do you want?”
“You fucking screwer up, Y/N—again. For the millionth time this week.” Taehyung seethed. “The horse was going too fucking fast—I told you not to go that fast, but did you listen? No,”
Y/N clenched her teeth as Taehyung continued his rant.
“I told you to pull the rope to slow the horse down. Did you listen? No,” Taehuyng continued. “You said you put the saddle on perfectly, but you didn’t—“
“Taehyung, for the love of god—Shut the fuck up.” Y/N groaned running a hand on her face.
“Time and time again, you screw up, Y/N. What if you fell, huh? Hit your head, get a concussion? What am I supposed to tell your grandparents, huh?”
“That I fell,” Y/N hissed, glaring at Taehyung. “That fucking simple,”
“No!” Taehyung said once again, raising his hands in anger. “Are you that stupid not to follow such simple instructions—“
Y/N scoffed standing up and turning around to leave.
Immediately, Taehyung was at her heel, still continuing his rant.
“If you just did it the way that I told you to, then—“
“I’m doing my fucking best, okay?” Y/N screamed, turning to face Taehyung in anger. “You know I know nothing, I’m doing whatever the fuck I can—you can’t blame me for failing when I’m doing the best that I fucking can,”
“Yeah, that the best you can do?” Taehyung scoffed, crossing his arms. “Then you’re pure absolute shit at this—why did you even volunteer to help?”
“Because my father told me to!” Y/N argued back. “I didn’t even want to, but even then I tried all that I can to help you—“
“Well, you were absolutely no help.”
“You think I don’t know?” Y/N screeched.
“Tone it down,” Taehyung hissed. “You need to learn how to shut you’re fucking mouth,”
Y/N raised her eyebrow in disbelief in irritation.
“Oh, do I, now?” Y/N scoffed, leaning forwards with an angry glare in her eyes. “Fucking make me, country boy,”
With a scoff, Taehyung leaned down and crashed his lips on Y/N’s.
His soft lips were enough to shut her up until the next decade—only if he kept kissing her until then.
Y/N gasped, eyes wide as Taehyung harshly gripped her waist and pulled away.
“Shut you up real nice, didn’t I?”
“Fuck you,” Y/N hissed, leaning back up to reconnect their lips—hands and fingers immediately darting up to wrap around his neck and play with his hair.
Taehyung growled as he roamed her body with his hands, pushing her towards the table.
As soon as her back hit the piece of furniture, Taehyung pushed her up to sit.
He disconnected his lips with hers and immediately moved to her neck.
Y/N moaned as Taehyung quickly located her pulse point and lightly sucked.
“You’re such an asshole,” Y/N said through her moans, tilting her head to provide him more access.
“Yeah, you’re making out with this asshole,” Taehyung growled out as he returned to kissing her lips, a faint purple mark blooming on her neck.
Y/N whimpered as Taehyung’s hands reached up and grasped one of her breasts, groaning lowly as he bit her lower lip.
“Tae, please,”
“Please, what?” Taehyung muttered against her lips.
“Touch me,” Y/N moaned out.
“Fuck,” He hissed, feeling Y/N’s hands travel up his shirt.
Y/N pulled away and reached for his leather belt, slightly panting before—
Immediately, the two sprung away from each other fixing their messy hair and clothes.
As Y/N fixed her hair, the barn door open to reveal her grandmother with a smile.
“We’ll talk about this later,” Y/N muttered to Taehyung, who only smirked at the girl as he wiped the corner of his lips.
Y/N cleared her throat, slowly releasing her breath.
Kim Taehyung made her want to bite off so much more than she could chew.
“Honey, you have visitors,” Y/N’s grandmother called as she got close enough.
“I do?” Y/N raised an eyebrow.
Her eyes panned over to the entrance of the barn where a tall boy with a delicate bunny smile poked his head through.
“Hello!” Jimin cheered as he appeared behind Jungkook.
“Guys!” Y/N gasped, peeling away from Taehyung. “Jungkook!”
Taehyung blinked in confusion as Y/N darted forward and met Jungkook in a fierce embrace, being lifted up in the air and twirled as Jimin laughed behind them.
“Holy fucking shit, I missed you!” Y/N said, cradling Jungkook’s face in her hands.
“I have so much I need to tell you about,” Jungkook gossiped as Jimin reached the pair.
“So does she,” Jimin chortled.
He grabbed a few strands of Y/N’s hair and set it aside, chuckling as a dark purple bruise revealed itself on her neck.
Immediately, Y/N slapped his hands away and backed up as Jungkook chuckled lightly.
“They’re going to be staying here until the summer festa,” Her grandmother shared, making Y/N gape.
“Wow,” Y/N gasped, leaning against Jungkook who wrapped his arm around Y/N. “a whole week with me?”
“Two weeks, actually—You and me,” Jungkook giggled, squeezing Y/N at his side.
“And me, you turds.” Jimin scoffed as Jungkook slammed his palm on Jimin’s face.
“Kook, fuck off,” Jimin scoffed before pulling Y/N’s hand. “Anyway, show us around!”
“Of course—“
Taehyung let out a small cough, making Y/N snap back into reality as she turned to Taehyung.
His eyes danced between her and Jungkook, with an eyebrow raised.
“Oh, uh, in a while, Jiminie,” Y/N said as Taehyung glowered at Jungkook.
Jungkook was either impassive or downright oblivious.
Judging by how he only grinned at Y/N as he rocked back and forth on his feet.
“I have to talk to Taehyung in a quick whi—“
“Actually, I think I have something to talk about with your grandmother.” Taehyung declared, voice low and firm. “Don’t want to take you away from something important,”
“Mrs. L/N, I wanted to talk to you about horse-racing,”
Y/N’s brows furrowed as Taehyung swiftly turned on his heel and marched out the back-door of the barn to the stables.
Y/N’s grandmother raised her eyebrows in confusion, facing Y/N. “Honey?”
“Touchy,” Jimin whistled as Jungkook snorted. “What was that all about?”
“Ah, that’s um,” Y/N glanced back at the back-door Taehyung exited from, almost expecting him to burst back in.
But he didn’t.
“Nothing, guys,” Y/N cleared her throat. “Just him being an asshole,”
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Y/N hasn’t seen Taehyung in over a week.
Yeah, Kim Taehyung was indeed a grade-a asshole for basically sucking her face in the barn and then leaving her for dead for about a week.
Well, it’s not exactly just his fault.
But Jungkook and Jimin were here—she’s gotta spend time with her visiting friends!
Jungkook and Jimin burst through her doorway, screaming at her.
“Are you ready yet?” Jungkook screamed at her ear, tugging at her white dress.
“Jungkook, scram,” Y/N said irritably as Jimin collapsed on her bed.
“Y/N, you’re taking too long. I want to party,” Jimin whined, which Jungkook promptly followed.
“Yeah, stop trying to look pretty. You still look ugly anyways.” Jungkook commented, which earned him a slap at the back of the head from Y/N.
“What he means is the guy you made out with probably won’t be there.” Jimin shrugged, giggling as Y/N promptly turned around to shoot him a nasty glare.
“Who?” Jungkook said, oblivious doe eyes wide in surprise.
“That cute Taeyong guy from the barn when we got here,” Jimin huffed. “Remember she had a hickey?”
“Oh, yeah!” Jungkook gasped.
“It was just in the moment,” Y/N said, pursing her lips as she turned back to her vanity to apply the last few strokes of mascara. “at least for him, I think.”
“You see how he glared at me?” Jungkook snorted as he sat next to Jimin. “That’s not in the heat of the moment. He was, like, about to throw me against the wall for even hugging you,”
“That’s hot,” Jimin hummed.
Jungkook furiously turned a bright shade of red as he floundered around.
Y/N rolled her eyes.
At least her two friends were having a good… relationship, fling, whatever it was.
She picked up her lip gloss—cherry bomb.
As she applied it to her own lips, her mind wandered.
She distinctly remembers the same shade being transferred from her lips to Taehyung’s that day in the barn.
She can almost see his smirk as he wiped it away from his face.
“Y/N, are you dooooone?”
She gulped, snapping back as she slipped the gloss into her bag.
“Yeah, yeah. Come on,”
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It was a big celebration at the pub.
Of course it was—it was the summer festa.
It was a big celebration all over the town.
There were food booths and picnics at every open park, rodeos and races at the open house, and a big discount on alcohol at the big party held at the pub.
There, Y/N sat by the bar with a beer in hand as Jungkook and Jimin did a surprisingly good rendition of Hannah Montana’s hoedown throwdown at the stage.
“It’d be fucking stupid to pass out on not popping, locking and polka dotting when I’m in the fucking country, Y/N,” she remembers Jimin chastising before dragging a pliant Jungkook to the stage.
Tuning out Jungkook and Jimin aggressively screaming “do the hoe-down throwdown!” through the excessively loud speakers, Y/N turned to the bar and peeked at the group beside her.
“Oh, Hobi!”
Hoseok turned around with a smile, two tequila shots in his hands.
“Y/N, didn’t know you’d be here,”
“Where else would I be?” Y/N snorted, taking the tequila shot glass Hobi offered.
“With your family, or at the rodeo?” Hobi shrugged, clinking his own shot glass with Y/N before drinking.
Y/N hissed at the alcohol’s burn as another voice sounded out.
“Someone can handle her alcohol,” Jin said teasingly, ruffling Y/N’s hair as he and Namjoon arrived.
“I did this practically everyday in the city,” Y/N huffed, batting her hands as Namjoon snorted.
“I pity your liver,” Namjoon said sympathetically.
“Where’s Chaeri?” Y/N asked to which Jin only shrugged.
“She’s at home, helping her mom cook for the big celebration. She’ll meet us here in about an hour or so,” Jin replied.
Before he could continue, a familiar voice called his name.
Jin turned around, smiling as Yoongi came into view.
“Ah, Yoongi great timing,” Jin smiled, slinging an arm around the boy.
“Stop touching me,” Yoongi whined, although he made no move to push Jin away.
“This is Y/N, our friend when we were kids,” Hobi introduced, pointing to Y/N who waved.
Immediately, Yoongi’s face burned red. “Ah, yeah. We’ve met.”
Y/N’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh, you remember?”
“I’m really sorry for last week,” Yoongi apologized, shyly giving Y/N his gummy smile. “I was in a, uh, really bad place,”
“That Ji-eun girl was a bitch for doing that to you, by the way,” Y/N snorted. “Did you talk to her the next morning?”
“Ah, no. I figured she didn’t deserve a chance to explain,” Yoongi shrugged as Namjoon gaped.
“What exactly happened?”
“Ah, he was, uh—pretty drunk,”
“An understatement. I sobbed on her and thought she was Ji-eun,” Yoongi winced, making the rest of their company laugh. “If it wasn’t for Taehyung, I probably would have sobbed on her all night.”
At the mention of the forbidden name, Y/N tensed.
Immediately, a feeling of sadness and longing passed through her—one whole week without something she got so used to.
“Oh, yeah, which reminds me,” Hobi piped up. “I would’ve thought you’d be with Taehyung now. You guys have been working together for the past weeks right?”
Yoongi nodded along, hands grabbing at the beer bottles appearing at the bar behind Y/N.
“He only ever talked about you, actually.” Jin snorted. “It got pretty annoying,”
Jungkook and Jimin suddenly appeared, presenting Y/N with a topic change.
She cleared her throat and smiled, gesturing at the two.
“These are my friends from the city, by the way. Jungkook and Jimin, these are Jin, Hobi, Yoongi and Namjoon.”
After a brief introduction, the group immediately dabbled into different topics before settling on the festa itself.
“So, what other things happens during the summer festa aside from parties where everyone gets wasted?” Jimin asked, supporting on a red-faced Jungkook who was coerced by Jin to take three consecutive shots.
“Well,” Hobi trailed off, trying to recall the events.
“There’s a horse racing track in two hours, Yoongi’s going to join,” Namjoon recalled.
“Oh, you’ve been drinking, though?” Jungkook slurred, pointing at Yoongi.
“Will you be okay?”
Yoongi only snorted, waving nonchalantly.
“That means he’ll be okay.” Jin translated, to which Yoongi replied with a two thumbs-ups.
“Oh, and bull-riding on old Hellraiser happening in like 30-minutes at the rodeo house.” Hobi supplied, turning to Y/N. “Did you wish Tae a good luck today?”
Y/N tilted her head, mind practically floating at the mention of talking to Taehyung again.
“Ah, I haven’t exactly had the time to talk to him recently,” Y/N shook her head.
“Well, you should,” Yoongi snorted, taking another swig from the bottle in his hands. “He’ll need all the luck he can get.”
Namjoon, Jin, Hobi and Yoongi exchanged confused looks before Hobi furrowed his eyebrows at Y/N.
“You don’t know?”
“Don’t know what?”
“Hellraiser is the bull. It’s an annual festa thing for men brave enough to try riding her,” Namjoon said.
“Then it’s probably fun,” Jimin supplied to which Jin shook his head.
“Not really. Hellraiser is named that because she’s too tough to ride. She’s sent a lot of riders to  the hospital, that bull,” Yoongi shook his head.
“The longest anyone ever rode her was…” Hobi trailed off, looking at Namjoon.
“3.8 seconds.” Namjoon supplied. “That was Mr. Han—three years ago. He was sent to the hospital, he couldn’t move until about six weeks in. Took a week knocked out and multiple critical injuries—it was painful to watch,”
“Scary,” Jungkook commented.
Y/N shushed the tipsy boy before furrowing her eyebrows, heart racing a mile a minute.
“So, Hellraiser is a murder bull in-the-making,” Y/N said. “What’s that got to do with Taehyung?”
Everyone was silent before Yoongi raised his hand.
“No, yeah, I’ll tell her.” Yoongi shook his head, muttering about ‘cowards.’ “Taehyung’s having a go at Hellraiser in about thirty minutes.”
At this, Y/N froze.
This bull—Hellraiser—sent a grown-ass man to the hospital in a one-week coma and multiple critical injuries that took five more weeks for him to be able to move again.
This bull was going to hold Taehyung’s fate in half an hour.
She wasn’t exactly sure if she was ready to see Taehyung in the hospital. She can’t.
They said they we going to talk about what happened at the barn. She had to ask him why he didn’t even talk to her this week or why he left her that day, or—
“Y/N,” Hobi sighed.
Y/N flinched in her chair, gulping as she turned to Hobi who sighed as he held her shoulders.
“I can see you’re nervous about this. Go to him before he goes on,” Hobi reassured.
“I have to go,” Y/N agreed with a nod, her eyes quickly sweeping over her peers.
She shot out of her seat, barely registering Jungkook and Jimin bid swift farewells to their table-mates before following her trail.
She didn’t care—her gaze was directly set on one location and one location only: The Rodeo House.
Suddenly, the subtle red poster on the doors with the big black bull and the words “Hellraiser” on the front wasn’t so subtle anymore.
Y/N burst through the doors in anger, taking a sharp corner into the door labelled Challenger’s Lounge.
The inside was wide.
All around her were white walls, buffet tables, large televisions showing the arena outside and people wandering about as they waiting for their own respective challenges with their friends and family.
But none of this mattered to Y/N—No.
All she could see was the tall raven-haired male all decked out in denim by the television, crossing his arms and tapping his foot as he looked up at the live broadcast from outside.
This was a sight she could remember perfectly—it was what he wore when she first met him outside the pub.
Exactly in the same position.
She noticed his unruly hair that normally would’ve inserted some pretty sinful thoughts in her brain, and how we bit his lips and nipped at his nails in nervousness—a habit he usually did when Y/N went too fast while horse-riding, or how he raised his eyebrow slightly at every interesting thing he could see in the television.
Normally, Y/N would stop and Kim Taehyung in all his glory and she almost did—but her anger won in the end.
“Kim Taehyung!”
The said boy flinched, turning around with his mouth wide-open in surprise as he saw her.
Y/N looked so out of place around the plaids, leather and denim people sported all around her—she was decked in a flowy white dress and her hair was pinned back.
She looked so innocent, so delicate and gentle, but the anger in her face told Taehyung otherwise.
“What the actual fuck?”
“What?” Taehyung asked, ignoring the curious gazes casted on them
He grew even more confused as the girl marched towards her.
“A murderous bull? You’re going to ride a murderous bull?” Y/N seethed. “Are you out of your fucking mind?”
“Technically, Hellraiser hasn’t murdered anyone yet,” Taehyung supplied. “Just critically injured. You know, maiming.”
“Is that supposed to be better?” Y/N hissed.
Taehyung shrugged, crossing his arms with a frown.
“Well, no, but I gotta.” Taehyung supplied.
“I just gotta,” Taehyung said, crossing his arms again. “If I could actually get to ride that bull for more than 3.8 seconds, It’d be really big for me,”
“How—“ Y/N started, but shook her head in exasperation. “You know what?”
“If you do this, I’ll never speak to you again,” Y/N said, her voice firm. “Taehyung, please. Don’t get on that bull.”
Taehyung uncroseed his arms, his eyes turning soft.
“Y/N—“ He gently whispered, reaching out to her.
His eyes flitted over to the door as it opened once more to reveal Jungkook.
“Oh, Y/N! I finally found you,” Jungkook said, walking forward. “Been looking all over for you. Jimin, she’s here!”
Taehyung’s gaze immediately hardened, confusing Y/N.
He cleared his throat before stuffing his hands inside his pockets.
He turned and trailed his gaze back to the televisions, his voice low as he spoke.
“I’ve lived 24 years without you, I think I’ll be fine.”
Hurt danced in Y/N’s eyes as she slowly backed away.
“I’ll never speak to you again,” she nodded solemnly.
Taehyung could only look at her as she took Jungkook and Jimin with her and walked out of the lounge.
“Taehyung, it’s time,”
He had more things to worry about.
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It was a few hours later when Y/N sat alone on a log in front of a campfire.
Jimin and Jungkook were long gone, talking about the time and how it’s late.
But she didn’t want to go home—not yet.
So here she was, a few feet from her barn alone and staring at a campfire without her friends.
A few footsteps told her there was someone coming.
She couldn’t really find it in her to care.
The figure took a seat beside her and cleared his throat.
It was Taehyung.
Silly, denim-wearing, tall as fuck, messy-haired Kim Taehyung.
“I, uh, stayed on the bull for 5 seconds,” Taehyung shared, biting his lip as he also stared into the fire. “I fell, but nothing bad happened. A little sore,”
Y/N only hummed, still gazing into the hot flame.
After a few minutes of silence, Taehyung huffed and stood up.
“Alright, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Y/N replied blankly, her eyes still trained on the fire.
-“I don’t understand,” Taehyung angrily said, his eyes glaring onto Y/N from his position. “Why are you ignoring me?”
Y/N only stayed silent.
“Why didn’t you want me to ride that bull?”
Y/N clenched her teeth, her eyes firm on its spot as she gazed at the burning fire.
“Because I like you!” Y/N exploded, her eyes wide in anger as she turned to Taehyung. “Because I don’t want to see you get hurt,”
“Should there be any reason why?” Y/N replied as Taehyung gaped at her, silent in her spot.
Y/N squirmed in her chair, sighing in exasperation as she shook her head.
“Let’s just watch this fire.”
There was a few minutes of silence between the two.
Taehyung turned his head to look at Y/N, who looked back at him. “Stop,”
He sighed and gazed back at the fire, slowly turning his head to stare back at her.
“I said stop.” Y/N hissed. “Just stop, I want you to stop,”
Taehyung sighed angrily and stomped off, leaving Y/N in her lonesome.
It was expected. She expected that.
She wanted to sit there and think, but she never got the chance to.
Just as quick as he left, Taehyung marched back to the campfire—his sleeves rolled up and arms bulging in strain as he carried two buckets full of water in his arms.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes wide in alarm as he approached.
“Taehyung, what are you—“
Not replying, Taehyung stopped next to her and dumped both buckets of water on the campfire.
Y/N could only look at him in shock as he panted in frustration, turning back at the girl.
“Will you talk to me now?”
“What the fuck do you want from me, Taehyung?” Y/N screeched, slamming a hand on his chest.
“I want you to talk to me.”
“You want me to talk to you? Fine. Let’s talk.” Y/N hissed, slamming a hand once more on his chest. “Why did you leave me that day, huh? Why did you leave me for a fucking week blank?”
“You tell me,” Taehyung glared back at Y/N, who only smiled angrily.
“No, I’m asking the questions. You wanted to talk—now, give me an answer.” Y/N sighed, sitting back on the log. “You’re a good guy, Tae. I believe you’re a good guy. I believe you won’t just turn back and leave me for dead,”
“Because if you weren’t you wouldn’t be here trying to ask me to talk to you.”
Taehyung sighed, sitting down next to her.
Silently, Y/N shook her head. “I like you. You’re a good guy, you’re a good friend.”
Just when it was all good, it spiraled back into a huge ball of disaster.
“Just a friend?” Taehyung scoffed. “Right. I should have known.”
He stood up with angrily, muttering the same sentence all over again. “I should have known,”
“See, this is what’s wrong with you!” Y/N angrily said, standing back up as she screamed at Taehyung’s back. “You’re making me so confused! Just a friend—this is bullshit.”
“You’re the one who said it,” Taehyung argued, but his words fell on deaf ears.
“Why did you kiss me that day, huh? What, you just wanted a good fuck that day? Were you angry you never got to do it, huh?” Y/N hissed.
Taehung raised his eyebrows, scoffing in disbelief.
“You’re one to talk. Who’s been dangling her city friend all around the fucking town, huh?” Taehyung replied.
“Dangling?” Y/N angrily laughed. “You’re the one who hasn’t talked to me in a week, you fucking asshole. You don’t get the right to talk about my friend like that.”
“Wow, you’re really up his ass, huh.” Taehyung shook his head. “Is his dick really that good, huh?”
At this, Y/N stopped.
His what now?
Taehyung might have been clever and charming—but his ass was definitely oblivious.
If he just thought for a second, he’d realize that Jungkook was as straight as a bendy straw.
Still, she couldn’t stop the word that spilled out her mouth.
“Fuck yeah. Fucking Jungkook is so fucking good, I couldn’t fucking walk for a week straight,” Y/N hissed, enjoying the way Taehyung’s expression progressively got angrier and angrier. “Fucking him would probably be a million fucking times better than your sorry ass.”
“Yeah?” Taehyung angrily growled.
“Yeah,” Y/N replied.
“We’ll see about that,” Taehyung gruffed, stepping forward and crashing his lips on hers.
Y/N’s response was immediate.
Her lips meshed with his so perfectly as she melted against his body, her arms wrapped around his neck.
Taehyung pressed closer deepening the kiss before Y/N pulled away.
“You know what? Fuck you, Taehyung,” She hissed before falling down on her knees.
“Oh, I will,” Taehyung smirked as watched Y/N reach for his leather belt.
As the girl cussed at him, she pulled the belt away and agressively pulled his pants down.
He was well-endowed. He wasn’t too thick, just the right size for Y/N’s hand, but he was long.
He wasn’t hard yet, but he was getting there.
Y/N almost hesitated and wondered if he would fit in her mouth as she placed a tentative lick on the tip.
Taehyung drew in a breath, his hands reaching to tangle in her hair.
Fuck it, Y/N thought before enclosing the tip with her mouth and sucking.
“Just like a fucking lollipop,” Taehyung guided as Y/N made her way down on him.
He was too long. What she couldn’t reach, she used her mouth.
“Fuck,” Taehyung hissed, groaning as he threw his head back.
Y/N pulled away and licked the underside of his shaft, sighing as she regained her breath.
Taehyung shuddered as Y/N’s thumb brushed over his bulbous head.
“You’re so fucking big,” Y/N moaned as she pumped him.
Taehyung could only look down at her with a smirk.
“Bigger than Jungkook?” Taehyung asked with a smirk making the girl roll her eyes.
Trying not to feed into his ego, Y/N descended back on him—going as deep as she can go.
Her hand reached up to fondle his balls, grunting in effort as she shifted back and forth on him.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking good at this,” Taehung groaned, his hands tightening in her hair.
He gave tiny thrusts that only increased his pleasure ten-fold.
“Feels so fucking good,” Taehyung hissed out, throwing his head back. “I can’t wait to feel you, shit. I’m going to fuck you so hard,”
Taehyung could swear, as he looked back down to the girl on her knees with him in her mouth, that this was probably the most beautiful sight he’d ever see.
Y/N whined in her spot, feeling her panties grow damp at Taehyung’s words.
She reached down and lightly rubbed at her crotch—aiming for a small sense of relief.
“Holy shit,” Taehyung hissed, looking down and catching Y/N palming herself.
Y/N moaned lightly, and Taehyung can feel it as Y/N shoved him deeper down her throat.
“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!” Taehyung groaned out. “I’m almost there, I’m cumming.”
At his words, Y/N swallowed around his dick.
This was his last straw. Taehyung threw his head back as he released his load on her.
Y/N opened her mouth, letting him fill her mouth with his essence.
When Taehyung climbed down from his high, he looked down to see Y/N pull herself away from him and swallowing.
Somehow, this got him going more than the actual blowjob.
“Taehyung,” Y/N started, staring up at him from her position.
She was a mess—his mess, he thought.
She was still on her knees, her hand still holding him as she looked up at him with the biggest puppy eyes. Her lip gloss smudged around her mouth and her hair was totally mussed around.
“Taehyung,” she repeated. “I-I need you.”
His eyes shifted towards her family’s barn a few feet away, smirking.
Seems like he’ll get to fuck her there after all.
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The moment they entered the barn, Taehyung shoved Y/N against the closed door and immediately went for her neck.
Y/N could only groan loudly as his hand shot up to fondle her breasts over her dress.
“Taehyung,” Y/N groaned, making Taehyung close his eyes with a groan.
Right there and then, he could die happily hearing her gentle voice say his name in the dirtiest manner.
Taehyung pulled away after he satisfied himself with a couple marks on her neck, moving to nip at her jaw and place another rough kiss on her lips.
“All mine, all mine,”
Y/N only whimpered, her head hitting the wooden door as she tilted it back.
Taehyung’s fingers made quick work of the zipper behind her dress, harshly pulling it off of her and somewhere on the barn.
As soon as Y/N heard the soft thud of her dress, she straightened her head up and furrowed her eyebrows.
“Tae, that’s Gucci—“
“Shut the fuck up,” Taehyung growled, pulling down the cups of her bra and attaching his lips onto her right nipple.
“Oh my god,” Y/N can only moan, closing her eyes as she heaved.
With a nibble, Taehyung pulled away. “All of this is fucking mine, make sure your city friends know that.”
“They will, they do,” Y/N breathed out in a whine as Taehyung returned to fondling and sucking on her breasts.
Y/N gasped as she felt him hard on her again, hips pressing roughly on hers.
“Take it off,” Y/N breathed, her hands underneath his denim jacket and tugging on his white shirt.
Taehyung made quick movements.
He barely registered his jacket and his shirt hitting the ground behind him as he felt Y/N’s hand fondle him.
“Y/N,” he breathed out, making the girl whine.
“Tae, please,”
Taehyung hissed, dragging her body away from the floor and harshly bending her over the fence of an empty stable.
His hand landed a sharp smack on her ass, making her grip the metal railings she leaned on.
“Taehyung, please,” Y/N whined, her head lolling forward.
“You’re so wet,” Taehyung said, rubbing his finger over the damp patch on her panties. “Who did this?”
“You did,”
“I didn’t hear it,” Taehyung quipped, landing another harsh smack on her ass. “Who did?”
“You did,” Y/N moaned louder, whining as Taehyung delivered another sharp smack. “You did, you did,”
Satisfied, Taehyung smirked and gripped her thin panties—ripping the delicate lace apart.
Y/N was so lost in a haze of lust that she didn’t even notice.
After a brief moment of anticipation, Taehyung placed his thumb of her hooded clit.
He took pleasure in the way Y/N inhaled a sharp breath, lowering her head down and releasing a high-pitched whine.
He played with her, rubbing her clit at a torturously slow pace and fingers itching closer to her slit but never dipping in.
“Taehyung, touch me please,” Y/N whimpered.
“What do you want?” Taehyung asked, eyes light with mischief.
“Stick your fingers in me,” Y/N whined.
“Whatever you want, princess,”
With two fingers, Taehyung eased his fingers inside her warmth.
He didn’t start slow, no. He set a fast, rhythmic pace that had Y/N quaking.
He let his thumb continue its assault on her clit, his other hand securely gripping her waist.
Y/N shuddered on her spot, eyes closed as she thrusted her hips on his hands.
At that moment, he could swear that she looked like a goddess.
As Y/N clenched on him, he abruptly pulled away.
Y/N let out a high-pitched whine turning her head to see a smirking Taehyung.
“What the fuck?”
“I said I was going to fuck you real good, Y/N,” Taehyung said, turning her around. “I intend to stick to it.”
Y/N shuddered once more, readjusting her grip on the fence as Taehyung massaged her waist.
“I’d love to taste you, but next time,” Taehyung sighed, positioning himself in her entrance before stopping. “I, uh, just realized I don’t have a condom,”
“Taehyung, I’m on the pill,”
“Good,” Taehyung sighed in relief. “I don’t think I can wait any longer,”
Before Y/N could let out a retort, Taehyung thrusted in.
Y/N released out a loud moan, her head falling down limply as Taehyung thrusted in and out on a rough pace.
“Holy shit, you feel so amazing,” Taehyung muttered as he smoothed his hands on her back. “You feel so perfect,”
“Tae, Tae,” Y/N only whimpered as Taehyung thrusted harder.
Y/n’s body shook everytime their hips met, her moans getting louder and louder.
“Scream for me,” Taehyung huffed, “Let everyone know who’s making you feel this good,”
“Tae, please, harder!” Y/N almost cried.
Y/N whimpered, her hands reaching back to lay on Taehyung. “Please, please. I’m gonna cum.”
At her words, Taehyung slipped out of her and picked her up.
“Taehyung, wha—“
He set her down on her back, gazing at her as she lied on the table.
He pulled her closer, prying her legs open as he hissed.
“You’re so fucking hot,” He muttered before plunging back in on a different angle.
Y/N could almost scream, throwing her head back in pleasure.
Taehyung’s tanned skin was covered in sweat by this point as he grunted and panted with every thrust.
The barn was filled with nothing but moans groans, and the sound of their hips slapping against each other at every single thrust.
After one particularly hard thrust, Taehyung fixed his grip on Y/N’s leg—hitting a particularly deep angle.
His hand reached down to press over Y/N’s lower stomach, smirking as a bulge appeared at every thrust.
Y/N whined, a whole new plethora of pleasure clouding her brain.
“Are you going to cum?” Taehyung asked mischievously as he thrusted harder and faster.
“Yes, yes. God, yes.”
“Hold it,”
Taehyung groaned in effort, each rough thrust losing rhythm.
“Please, please, please,” Y/N whimpered, her hand reaching down to grasp over Taehyung’s please.
“With me,” Taehyung said through gritted teeth. “Now,”
As soon as she felt Taehyung explode inside of her, Y/N allowed herself to indulge in pure euphoria—his name falling off of her lips in a loud prayer-like chant.
All she could see was white. All she could feel was his shallow thrusts inside of her as he filled her up.
Taehyung kept thrusting as both of them, letting out silent moans and groans as he rode down their highs.
Y/N breathed out, completely spent as she climbed down from her orgasm, turning slightly to Taehyung with a smile.
“Hi,” she muttered, to which the boy only replied with a grin.
“Hi,” Taehyung replied, still hovering above her and tucked a lock of hair beneath her ear.
He leaned his forehead on hers as she giggled, raking a hand through his hair.
“What… exactly is this, Taehyung?” Y/N asked.
Taehyung hummed.
“Is this just for like one night? A spur of the moment thing or—“
Taehyung smiled.
“If it isn’t obvious yet, I really like you too,” Taehyung said. “Fuck you were so cute that day, when I saw you when Yoongi was crying on you,”
Y/N chuckled as Taehyung laid his head on her chest. “And those weeks at the barn, I was really nervous to spend so much time with you,”
“Is that why you were so mean to me?”
“Aren’t city boys mean to the girls they like?” Taehyung asked, hands roaming her sides in a loving caress. “I thought I was too late because of Jungkook,”
“You-You do know Jungkook doesn’t like me, right?” Y/N giggled as Taehyung buried his head in her neck again, laying little nibbles here and there. “He likes Jimin,”
Taehyung froze and raised his head.
“Wait, what?”
Y/N laughed at his stupefied gaze, throwing her head back in amusement.
“But… all those things you said about fucking him was—“
“Not true,” Y/N shook her head. “He’s gay, Taehyung. He’s always liked Jimin. I think Jimin likes him, too.”
Taehyung frowned, his hands caressing Y/N’s waist.
“So, you don’t like him?”
“Of course, not. Not like that,” Y/N shook her head, reaching up and laughing. “The way you got so riled up when I told you I fucked him, though. You were so—“
Taehyung leaned forward, crashing his lips on hers once more.
Y/N inhaled sharply, her hand climbing up to lightly rake on his back as she arched hers.
She could feel him harden against her hips once more.
“You need to learn how to shut your fucking mouth, baby.” Taehung mumbled lowly against her lips.
Y/N smirked, tilted her head as she felt Taehyung adjust himself to her entrance once more.
“Make me, country boy,”
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
break the news... (day 14)
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A/N: @obxmermaid​ this is the 14th entry in the lives of Draco and YN as we get closer to christmas they have now been stuck in the school as their classmates have gone elsewhere for the holidays. but a fire message from YN’s parents inviting them to a gathering makes this a whole less boring. 
pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Prompt: “come on down for the weekend, the family is gathering and we would be honored to have you both here.”
mentioning: @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
the message, ah yes the fire message a way for wizards and witches to communicate  without the use of modern technology. also very good way to be somewhat discreet.
this is how you got a fire message that changed your weekend of a lifetime. 
“dearest daughter, you and Draco are invited to come home for the weekend to enjoy our family gathering. this is the one day a year as you know that the entire family gets together under one roof, grudges and petty judgements go out the window. minus your father who is doing well, but the doctors are getting his magic up to full strength again. please reply and say you both will be in attendance for it would mean the world to us. love mom.”
you turned to draco as you both took one look at the fire message and smiled. 
Draco: i guess we need to pack a weekend bag. we can share a bag right?
YN: yep. but a fair warning this weekend my family will be doing all sorts of magic. its like this every single damn year. its basically one big game of catch up that lasts the entire weekend. 
just as draco was about to speak your fire place went crazy. then a figure resembling your mother appeared.
YN: mom?
Laura: ah daughter thank goodness i found the right one. so did you get the fire message...
YN: yes we were just discussing it. 
Laura: oh come on down for the weekend, the family is gathering and we would be honored to have you both here. please say you will come... you know the family will want to know how you are doing and meet draco...
YN: yes thats what im afraid of, all the grilling and questions and and... oh fine.. but do us all a favor and hide the bourbon from uncle ned, you know how lushy he gets. wait which place is it at this year?
Laura: ive already done that... oh dont worry ive spoken to dumbledore by fire message he will have a port key ready. 
YN: oh so you knew i would say yes. 
laura: i hoped you would. now we will see you both on friday at 3pm or sooner. by the way your father is fine. i know you probably got my update note but to reaffirm he is fine. he woke up. the doctors were able to heal him all up. he wont be at the feast they are keeping him a few more days to make sure he is fully functional with his magic. 
YN: we will have to find time to visit him then... 
Laura: yes. now we will see you both in a few days. remember YN be nice to these people they are family but they are gonna be ruthless to anything they dont understand yet. 
YN: what do you mean?
Laura: i mean some of the family is old school like they dont think open relationship policy is a good idea. 
YN: well this will be a shock for them then. see you on friday mom. 
the fire went back to normal as you flopped back onto the couch your head spinning, you know how your family reacts to the abnormal.
You bringing home a boy, who is not from your own house is like people who don't listen to the law.
The law is hard but it is the law. This was one thing you were desperately prepared to fight for, this was your life you werent gonna let your family determine how you get to live it. 
anyway back to the story, you and draco decided to pack and you both went to dumbledore’s office on friday at noon and went through the port key landing just outside of paris at one of your family country mansions. 
Draco: love, this place is incredible so why would we not come here more often. 
YN: cause i want to be independent so i take only what i need and every month they transfer 10,000 into my bank account and another 10,000 into my gringotts. both of these accounts were of my parents doing, not mine. but its mostly their way of support before we go further we need to figure out how to approach this to my family. 
Draco cups your cheeks and kisses you when he pulled back he spoke calmly. 
Draco: we will handle this with smiles, and friendliness and happy thoughts, we are the only people who matter in this relationship, the people who support us matter as long as they support our union. at the end of it, we are the ones that matter and have final say in this relationship. that and the ministry when we tell fudge. 
YN: yes that, we need to do that soon... maybe sooner than we think if this dinner doesnt go well. 
Draco: well lets go inside, im sure your mom knows we are here... dear we are just prolonging the inevitable. 
YN: your right. lets go... but im surprised that someone isnt here to greet me... 
you let out a sharp whistle, letting your purse sit now on the ground. just as you did that, you heard a screech. 
Draco: what was that love?
YN: that is my griffin... 
Draco: im sorry what... 
just then a griffin with golden feathers with tints of black and brown through it lands in front of you. approaching you as you bow, the griffin nuzzles your face with its own. 
YN: i missed you too girl. Draco, this is Opal. Opal this is Draco my boyfriend. 
Opal turns to draco, Draco bows to Opal who approaches Draco and sniffs him and waits a few seconds and then nuzzles Draco’s head. draco then began petting Opal. 
YN: she likes you, its always polite etiquette to bow to a griffin or a hippogriff before approaching it.  this gesture will show the griffin that you are not a threat. this is a show of good faith. of good will. 
Draco: opal, I think we need a guard to get to the door.
Opal growls lightly before leading the way to the door. You both get to the door and opal nudges you before she bows letting you and Draco go inside. your mother comes round the corner from the kitchen and rushes to hug you. 
Laura: im so glad you both are here... now YN your room is fully prepared for you and Draco. not to worry i pre warned most of the family that someone has a big announcement. no one questioned or said anything. not to worry though, people will begin to arrive in a few hours. go on up and un pack. 
YN: its good to see you too mom. this way love. 
you take draco by the hand as you both walk upstairs down the hall and too the right. into your master suite or as you call it “the tower”. this room complete with your own walk in closet, a king size canopy bed, your own bathroom. decorated in a teal color to combine yours and dracos magic essence. 
YN: this is our room for the weekend. 
Draco: its perfect. i love this bed and the color and you. 
You turned to face him, to meet his eyes with your own. 
YN: careful love thats seduction in your tones. we have 2 years to wait before we can be married. or even consider that possibility. 
Draco: doesnt mean we can lay here for as long as possible and just play wizards chess or something. 
you snap your fingers and you both were laying with a wizards chess board on the bed.
YN: we are gonna play this till we are called several thousand times. by everyone who wants to see me and grill me and... ugh... this is stupid.... my family is so passed screwed that its a long long time between gatherings for the reason of they dont know what they want, against every fibre of better judgement that they have, they dont know how much the world has changed.
Draco: love don't worry too much. Let's just play and not worry about anything else right now. Nothing is gonna ruin our weekend. Nothing at all. i believe white goes first love. 
you have been planning your entire strategy for this game you were 6 moves ahead of draco and you planned to keep it that way. 
YN: pawn to g4
draco: knight to f6
YN: pawn to g5
draco: knight to d5
YN: knight to a3
draco: pawn to e5
to this point you had counted for every angle every move that draco could possibly counter. 
YN: knight to c4
Draco: queen to g5
you now had an opportunity to get rid of his queen if you did it correctly. 
YN: pawn to d3
draco: queen to f6
YN: knight to a5
draco: pawn to b5
YN: knight to f3
draco: your good love, but im slightly better... bishop to b7
YN: only as a slight... but not better enough. Knight to b7
Draco: knight to c6
YN: pawn to e3
Draco: love that wasnt very smart of you... knight to e3
YN: love that also wasnt smart of you. Pawn to e3
draco: clever love, pawn to d5
YN: bishop to d2
draco: pawn to e4
You smile as you begin to make Draco think you are preparing to checkmate his king. 
YN: bishop to B4
Draco: oh my dear you are not gonna win right now... bishop to b4, by the way love, check... 
you were so unsure of what to do, now looking at the board you knew now that you were screwed, you were about to loose. 
you had to attempt to get your king out of check. 
YN: im not gonna go down without a final attempt... king to e2
draco: sorry love, queen to f3... i believe its checkmate!
Yn: how I had this all planned out, I had this all planned out... Omg congrats love you win.
You kissed Draco, his hands pushing the chess board off the bed. That started the make out session of the next 10 min. Before someone came up the stairs and knocked on your door...
You turned toward the door and snapped your fingers...
Yn: come on in
You and Draco sat on the bed in each other's embrace watching as the door opened to reveal Hermione Harry and Ron.
You both got up and embraced them. They were here but how did they know.
Hermione: didn't think I would miss family gathering weekend did you... plus i figured we could use the backup, plus these 3 are the first outsiders at this family weekend. you my dear cousin could use a little bit of extra happiness before the rest of our family arrive. besides did you show Draco the extension of the grounds. all the griffins that you have trained. 
YN: he did meet opal who took to him right away. he did surprisingly well for his first encounter with a griffin. But tomorrow we will go to the griffin sanctuary. Tonight we meet the family. I've been avoiding going down, how many are here yet?
Hermione: too many, more than usually show up first. no one has fought yet so its good and pleasant so far. cuz we should put on the family crest!
though you didnt want to Hermione pulled out a bag from your closet and led you into the washroom. you both put on the knee length black dresses and did a hair check before exiting back to the guys. 
Draco took one look at you, came over and kissed you...
Draco: that dress is absolutely gorgeous on you!
YN: thank you love, this is the family crest, its style takes after our hogwarts crests. but it is our family crest. i however look forward to the day when we can be married where we have the freedom to disappear under new names so we can live our lives in hiding, in peace. 
no one except draco heard you say those words as your ears heard the sound of fencing swords... you and hermione took off down the stairs and watched as your uncles all have fencing swords and are fencing throughout the house/property.
YN: well the fun begins. hermione tell the guys to stay upstairs im gonna stay here and watch this wait for my chance to intervene. 
hermione: i should be by your side for this...
YN: no you should wait with the guys, make sure you give them their anti tracking bracelets. make sure that they understand the rules, make sure that they know what they are and are not allowed to do while here. make the rules abundantly clear.
Hermione gives you a swift nod, realizing that you were right, she went back upstairs to the boys. You let out a ear pi3rcing whistle forcing your family present to stop in their tracks.
Yn: family, family should we not be calm, should we be merry and sheath our swords for it is supposed to be the one weekend out of the year where we gather together as one whole magical family, but today you me, you pessimistic grown ass men are acting like children on this the weekend of peace. So every man in here and on this property shall hence forth not herald another sword as long as we all exist within this property border, for today i tell you all that im the one with the announcement.
You turn to see hermione coming down the stairs, draco following behind her, harry and ron behind him. Draco comes up at your side, proudly sporting his house crest as he places his hand to your own. 
YN: this man beside me is my announcement, this young man is my boyfriend of 2 and a half years, this is Draco Malfoy. yes his parents are followers of you-know-who but Draco is different, i saved him from his parents, i saved him from whatever they wanted for him, more importantly we saved each other. without draco i would not be standing before you all to declare that my parents have blessed this union and we are the start of the open house relationship policy in the wizarding world, which now states “any witch or wizard that so sees fit to love someone not of their own house shall be free to be with whoever their heart desires within or without their house crest. for eternity shall this be!” Draco and i will be the first of a long line of students to follow our hearts. if i earn not even one of your approvals this weekend just know this, my parents support us and these 3 behind us support us, the school and its professors and students support us. we are supported and loved in every single direction. but a week ago Draco gave me this necklace with our couples initials and our anniversary date which pairs perfectly with this ring i gave him, neither of us are leaving this relationship and no one can make us. 
for the room was silent all eyes were on you, and neither you nor draco said anything else, you both just walked over to the kitchen to help mom with some baking and rolling of spring rolls, and mixing of drinks yet still no one said anything, they just all stared at you both. 
by the end of the first day you guys had been among the people, no one said a word to either of you. the night was peaceful, you both stood out on the balcony as opal slept beside where you both stood (yes the balcony is big enough for a griffin to sleep on... odd how story telling can be warped to our standards as authors) you both went inside after an hour and a bit later and went to sleep.
the next morning when you both woke it was to the sound of drills and hammers, something was going down and from the sound of it something was happening. 
you both went to the balcony and discovered that the family was building something in the yard. opal was freaking out but she was also tied to a post in the yard. 
YN: either my family has decided to work together or we are in lots of trouble. 
thats when you received a fire message.
YN: its from my cousin she says that the family locked her ron harry and my mother in the barn with the griffins, tied up opal and insist on crucifying us all insisting we are all under the dark lords influence unless you and draco renounce your relationship and never see each other again.
Draco: what are we going to do... i cant live without you, and im never going to renounce our love. 
YN: i have an idea but im gonna need you to do a fire message as well, send one to hermione in the barn tell her that she needs to comfort my mother, help is on the way... i have 1 message to send myself, to hogwarts. 
you prepared your message as draco did his, you both sent them off, you knew hermione couldnt reply but she could receive, the one going to hogwarts however arrived in the hands of who you addressed it. 
dumbledore received the message, he summoned minerva and snape to his office... 
Dumbledore: im afraid this is not a social call, this is quite urgent in fact, a literal matter of life or death. YN and Draco had left yesterday to YN’s parents place, but i just received an urgent fire message... this reads, “Headmaster, this message is Urgent! we need help my family didnt take the news of me and Draco being together very well, they plan to crucify us, to crucify mine, hermiones, dracos, harrys, rons and my moms magical and physical forms. we need assistance, they have me and draco locked in the tower, and the others in the barn. please bring help, we need to get out of here. but they boarded the room we have a balcony but we wouldnt survive the jump. help us, get us out of here, by any means necessary and headmaster thank you for letting me and Draco live our lives together. help us asap!”
minerva: what do we have to do albus, how do we save the children and YN’s mother...
Dumbledore: quite easily, we 3 are going to YN’s family property where i will tqalk to the courtyard, one of you goes to the barn, the other goes to the tower,  we meet back in the courtyard hopefully with everyone safe and sound. hopefully in that time frame i will have calmed down the courtyard and come up with a plan. now lets go... 
the 3 professors by port key traveled and arrived outside the gate to your family estate. with 3 wands this would surely work better than expected. 
snape, minerva & dumbledore: bombarda maxima
with that the gate, and half the wall on either side of the gate blew up, shattered into a thousand pieces. the explosion was loud enough to shake the entire estate. you and draco stood up slightly knowing that help had arrived. 
your family on the other hand saw snape, minerva and dumbledore walk through the debris and they parted like the red sea, going completely silent, dropping whatever they were holding. for they all knew that this was not gonna be an easy task. 
snape went toward the barn in which he found Harry, Ron, Hermione & of course your mom in the corner tied up like animals. he used his wand to untie them all and then waited for the signal to start emerging from the barn. 
minerva went inside the house and up the stairs, where she found and broke down your tower door. 
Minerva: time to go grab what you need lets go. 
YN: thank you so much professor for coming. 
Minerva: i am just glad im not too late... now lets see what dumbledore is saying to your family. 
Dumbledore was now on a platform speaking to your family. or at least those that were in the courtyard. 
Dumbledore: these children have done no harm, these people have made nothing wrong, why do you all believe they should be crucified, they have done nothing wrong except learn to love. 
one person exclaimed: they are working for the dark lord
another person exclaimed: their relationship is toxic and needs to be purified by crucifixion
another person screamed: cause its not right, this is not how the rules dictate... 
dumbledore was fed up with all the same types of answers...
Dumbledore: i albus dumbledore have seen the love that these 2 children share, ive seen it projected through their school work and through their vocals, its as pure and good as any in house relationships that have happened. ive decreed this to the school and am waiting for my meeting with the ministry to tell them about this. it will be a few weeks for that but i state this to you all: whoever goes from here to another soul and speaks ill of what has happened here shall henceforth no more have the ability to speak anything bad, and further more i decree that as long as there are good people running hogwarts, the houses can be free to love whosoever they desire! this began with Draco and YN, this decree is sealed by the signing of this parchment by me, professor mcgonigal, professor snape, YN and Draco. these 2 and the rest of their friends and family are not to come to any harm... now commence with the signing... YN and Draco first, then minerva and severus, i will sign last. 
you and draco walked up to the parchment, you signed it first then handed the pen to draco who followed in signing the parchment. then minerva and severus signed next, then dumbledore before he spoke again. 
Dumbledore: now all of you clean this yard up, none of you will be able to speak of this day, none of you will remember the horrors that were unleashed today. now go back to cleaning this yard and repairing this wall, YN didnt come back for family weekend and you guys do not remember anything. 
the spoken words echo on the property as your mom gave you, hermione, draco, harry and ron a longing look that seemed to say ill see you soon. like that you all ended up back at hogwarts in dumbledores office. 
Dumbledore: i wonder if i could speak with YN and Draco alone a moment. 
Minerva: of course Albus, i will make sure these children make it back to the dorms. come along children. 
the 5 people left the room leaving you and Draco alone in the office. 
dumbledore: now children lets speak a bit about what happened... 
YN: its my fault headmaster, i was so looking forward to telling my family, i didnt know it would go that wrong... i thought the old laws were no longer in effect, that crucifixions were illegal in the muggle and wizarding worlds. 
Dumbledore: unfortunately the old laws are the laws that were drilled deeply into lots of witches and wizards and mostly in pureblood families such as both of yours. but unfortunatly we can not change their minds or their ways for that matter, the only thing we can do about this is move forward starting with my meeting with the ministry. now i expect you both to take the day, relax, take a load off and just relax its best not to speak of what happened to anyone its better that not very many people know yet. now be off, spend as much time as needed to push this days events from your minds. 
you and draco walk out of the room, down the hall, through the changing stair cases to the shared dorm, where your room was.
He walked through the door with you, you both fell back on the bed. Just exhausted mentally.
Draco: are you OK love?
Yn: no I'm not... My family rejected me, rejected our relationship. for that they will have to learn the hard way with the decree, hopefully they will listen to that and hopefully when and or if fudge decides to make the announcement in the daily prophet. i know every single member of my family makes the effort to read the daily prophet... So we are gonna make sure it's front page worthy...
You turned over to face him and watched his eyes search your own. He was concerned about you, about your feelings, about your well being.
Draco brushed his hand gently against your cheek and smiled.
Draco: just lean into me and close your eyes. Don't dwell on what happened, dwell on our future think about that.. I love you YN, I love you so much! Just relax my love, just relax.
You leaned into the arms of your love, and happily lulled off to a state of peace and relaxation. You were not sure what tomorrow would hold but as long as nothing else bad happened you would be fine.
~to be continued~
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knoxhq · 4 years
► ( rudy pankow & cis male ) according to the school’s records, knox drury is a 22-YEAR-OLD senior studying political science, and he lives over in moriarty. he is a gemini, so that must be why others describe him as dignified, humorous, cowardly and naive. when i see him, i’m reminded of walking into class an hour late with sunglasses on, the feeling of anticipation as you wait for a firework to fully blossom, the sound of party music leaking through the walls of a bathroom. ( gibby, 20, they/them, est. ) ◄
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hello everyone !! so i won’t even lie to u guys, i am NERVOUS and it’s literally only bc this is the first group i’ve joined in so long like dfdhkjsfjad the last group i was in was almost a year ago but i ended up having to leave due to personal reasons and didn’t get to write so like !!! idk i’m excited !! anyways w that in mind, pls bARE with me bc i have like one (1) braincell and i forgot how to write intros. anyways enough of me rambling, lemme give you knox !!
also this is a bad intro pls dont judge me im trying 2 like. rewrite what i had b4 the storm took it out n like, i lost the braincell
full name: knox hale drury.
nicknames: drury.
age: twenty two.
gender and pronouns: cis male and he/him
sexual & romantic orientations: bisexual, biromantic, femme leaning.
major: political science.
housing: moriarty.
triggers: implied bullying, police and incarceration ( dw i didn’t make him jj 2.0 ).
nobody gets to pick their beginnings. it’s something that people tell knox all the time, hell, it’s plastered in every stupid coming of age movie, book, film, everything he’s ever seen. you don’t pick who your born into, you don’t pick who you get to be. and to an extent, he does think that this is true but he can’t help but wonder if maybe, if people could pick, if they’d pick differently. because he knows he certainly would pick differently.
it’s not that he even came from a bad home - hell no, he had the most loving family ever. his mother was a saint, a warm sensation bubbling up in his chest when he thinks about her warm cookies or the way she tried to still tuck him in even as a teenager. his father had his flaws, we all do, but he was a good and honest man. hardworking, he showed knox what that stupid american dream is that everyone likes to preach about. 
no, it had nothing to do with them but rather the overall opinion on him and his family. see, the drury’s weren’t well liked - they were seen as lowlives and as shady, the kind of people who you’d only go to if you wanted to get stabbed in the back. generations of drury’s fit this narrative but no, his father was determined to change that. and so was he, even if nobody around him seemed to want to give him a chance. 
knox would go throughout school with this name attached to him like a dagger to his throat - whisperings in the hallway of, “oh, my mom said the drury boy might be steal things if you let him over,” and other random, rude remarks. of course, the people that get close to him know better - they see him for who he really is.
that person is knox. he’s a golden light, often more selfless than the rich pricks who run that small town. he’d give his jacket or umbrella to people even if they didn’t ask if it just so happened to be raining outside, and despite the fact that his family didn’t have a lot, he’d still go out of his way to try to give when he could. 
he eventually graduated high school - one of the top people in his class due to his father’s encouragement, and after a lot of debate, settled on attending haddon university - miles away from that sweet, small little hometown he knew, but a fresh start where he didn’t have to work for anything. he could just go in being him, with nobody attaching a new narrative to him. it was what he wanted, what he dreamed of.
and he loved it. his first semester there was memorable as he found himself surrounded by new friends and people he even considered family. back home, however, things were slipping.
the drury family was never rich, ever by any means, but business was low. nobody wanted to go there, fearing that his father was just as shady as his grandfather. as things got worse, his father had to resort to other needs - stealing, lying about taxes, and doing everything he could to try to make it by. 
it finally caught up to him when knox came home for spring break - red and blue lights flashing outside as loud noises went on throughout the house, until finally someone swung knox’s door open and briefly blinded him with a flashlight, demanding to know where his father was. by the time knox got a grasp on the situation, his father was being rushed off in the back of a cop car. 
he plead guilty almost immediately and for the next few months, knox did school from home to stay with his mother. it was then that he switched his major from what had initially been just a vague, business degree to political science in hopes of going into law after getting that degree - a way of changing things, of helping people so they never got to that point. 
for now though, he’s gone back to haddon’s campus where he study’s away and occasionally finds himself slipping and partying, glasses always covering his eyes as he slinks back class, getting almost nO sleep every night.
so i need u to know right now... knox is baby, FDSHJDFSHAJK
like he’s not by any means like he’s kinda a gross dude like, absolutely randomly burps n is like lol oops n shit, very little manners, will grab clothes off of the floor to put them on kind of man BUT LIKE as a whole ?? he means very well FDSJFAHJ he’s very gentle and will sit there and admire flowers on a bush and then get mad if u pick one bc ur hurting it like. he’s baby.
he also is very loyal to the ppl he’s friends w tbh like. damn he will never leave ur side
that also makes him kinda... super, actually, naive. you see, while knox is incredibly loyal, he often finds himself ignoring signs of toxicity for the sake of preserving a friendship - he fights for people who won’t fight for him, he lets people back in too easily, he just. he sees the good in everyone, even if there isn’t any good.
regardless, he’s not easy to just... manipulate to an extent. while he’ll fall for you being innocent, you can’t ever try to make him think he’s something he’s not - he knows his intentions and he knows they’re usually pure and he’s not gonna fold for anyone if it comes down to him or them. 
bt like again he’s baby
like i dont think he ever gets mad but damn when he does its probs scary as shit like bc he nEVER gets mad !!! hes like. a golden retriever ig
if u cannot tell im trying really hard not to make him too much like jj bc i realize that might be a big thing ppl do n i dont think jj is baby bt like. knox? knox is baby DSFHJKFDHKJ 
he’s just. idk. he’s very protective and cares about his friends a lot and will walk you home even if you went to HIS place and like is always ready to give you a jacket if it’s raining and he’s just lowkey a big, kinda dumb at times, teddy bear and i think that’s valid tyvm 
wanted connections.
friends. — please. knox will lOVE ur muses just let him be their friend tyvm plus he’s a bit of a social butterfly now and i think he’d honestly have a lot of friends.
best friend. — i’m gonna keep this to one muse bc idk i think it’d be really cute if knox got to have his own like, ride or die where they care abt him as much as he cares about them and they’re always there for each other and like !!! that’s cute !!! also found family trope bc i think that is.. again, kyoot, ty
frienemies. — so these are always like, super fun to plot out and i think there’s a lot to work w here... like give me ppl who are happy that knox is loyal and would defend them but would push knox to the side n not do the same for him... also friendships where knox fucked up ?? where knox, despite his goodness, couldn’t keep his mouth shut and revealed a secret to their friend group bc u see he can kinda be a gossip fsjfdaskj. idk there’s a lot u can do n i’d love to brainstorm!
enemies. — pls. like. we can brainstorm this too so i dont just ramble but pLEASE?? please.
flings. — honestly romantic ships are not the point of rps but romantic flings and stuff can be really fun to plot and i love getting soft about them so like ?? idk dude lets fling it up n have muses date for two weeks n then break up like thats swexi, dramatic, 10/10
exes. — i mean this is kind of like flings but i have an idea... give me an ex of knox’s who really was like. everything knox wanted. hell, the two had a really good relationship - they were in love and etc etc gushy details but they ended up breaking up bc they just. they weren’t meant to be! as sad as it is like it was as simple as that! and then the angst comes in after they break up bc god they still love each other so much but they just aren’t meant to be and they see them with other people and oh it just hurts but like, bonus points if they manage to become good friends even after this !! (sidenote, idk i wouldn’t want this to be a full ship tht gets back together bc idk i think there’s a bittersweetness in stuff like this n its just. like. its ok !!! idk !!! )
roommates. — and they were roomates- fdshjkfdsahjk
other things. — honestly these are half assed plots but i’m down for anything !!! i’m still fleshing out knox a lil too bc i really did make him on the spot so pls bare w me :)
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bluepluto03 · 5 years
mcu spiderman rewrite/au i may or may not do
ok so first quick disclaimer! i do not hate the mcu spider man movies in any way!! i actually enjoy them quite a bit and have seen homecoming like 4 times! and i absolutely adore all the actors in the movies, especially tom, zendaya, and jacob 
but the problem w/ the mcu spiderman movies is,,, they’re just not spiderman. at least from a writing/thematic perspective, which sucks bc so much other stuff about them is great! like tom holland is the perfect peter parker, which is why it seems so close to being right, but with the way the script is actually written... it’s just. not spider-man. 
i feel the need to explain all this/my problems w/ the movies b4 i get into the actuall au idea/plot, so please bear with me for a sec
for context, I’ve loved spiderman my whole life. i’d watch the cartoons when i was younger, and then went back and watched them all again when i was a bit older and figured out how to pirate stuff lol. i didn’t really know how to get into the comics, so i just kinda read wikis and got second-hand info from fanfics and the other movies
to me, spiderman, (at least, peter parker spiderman,) was always about like... a kid, who saw the world was broken and fixed it because he could. he had the power to fix stuff, so he did. 
as a kid w/ mental illness and a not so great home life... that was something really really important to me. to see another kid out there, who’s been through some shit, but finally has the power to make stuff better, so he is! and it would make me think, maybe i can change stuff for the better, someday, if i just get my chance
but,,,,, the problem is mcu peter parker isn’t that. 
instead of becoming spiderman bc he knows there’s bad in the world and wants to fix it, suddenly his motivation is impressing tony stark?? and don’t get me wrong i don’t hate tony, but the way they wrote his and peter’s relationship basically trapped peter. he could no longer be his own hero, bc he was tony’s successor. and that's never who peter parker’s spiderman was?? he was never a follower, he was a trendsetter. he didn’t become spiderman for approval, hell he had dozens of newspapers constantly slandering him. 
honestly the following in someone else’s footsteps thing was always a miles morales thing. he had to step up to the plate and fill the shoes of a spiderman who had already existed for years and was beloved by the whole city. obviously thats not all he is and simplifying his character to that is incredibly obtuse, but i bring it up bc tbh alot of stuff w/ mcu peter parker is just straight-up ripped off from miles morales. like how peter now goes to a fancy private school, is no longer poor (which is a huge thing w/ peter parker’s character in like every other incarnation), has a living father figure, and is bffs w/ ned, who is a straight-up rip off of miles’s best friend ganke. (for the record tho i adore ned and jacob i’m def keeping him in my rewrite,,,, also i’m glad he’s in the movie bc having a plus sized poc protagonist thats not constantly mocked is incredible) 
so, i’m complaining about all this stuff lol but ur probably wondering how exactly how i wanna fix it lol,,,, 
first, give peter an arc thats more than just..... i want tony to believe in me. my idea for that is basically a type of thing where he learns to rely on others! bc like... peter isn’t good at working w/ others lol, he’d much rather do it all himself so no one else gets hurt. (like in the andrew garfield movies where he just,,,, webs his gf to a car so she can’t run into danger lmao) 
the plot would start at a similar ish position to homecoming, though tony never recruits peter for civil war. tbh not sure if it even happened but we’ll disscuss that later
peter’s been spiderman for a few months, after a trip to oscorp left him w/ a radioactive spider bite. currently no one knows about it, and he’s doing a pretty ok job of dealing w/ everything on his own. until he takes down a big bad, lets say rhino for now, and gains a ton of publicity. after stooping a hudge disaster he’s suddenly in the limelight, and catches the attention of one norman osborn, aka the green goblin 
now, quick sidenote. green goblin is genreally seen as pretty goofy, but there are comic versions of him that are legit terrifying. if im being honest i didn’t even know about that version until i read aloneintherains fic birds eating other birds so ig thats kinda ish how i’m imagining this version of norman? though alot more composed, like the man who could someday turn into that 
so norman becomes intrested in my boy peter, and starts sending ppl after him. possibly the sinister 6, but uhh maybe not bc tbh i think this “rewrite” needs to be split into 2 “movies”/works and i might wanna save that for the hypothetical pt2 (btw if i write this it won’t b for a while cause i got other stuff going on but ig if ppl are intrested i might write some snippits/make more content for it) 
so basically the main plot is peter dealing w/ all these big bads on his own, doing ok at first but later getting really fucked up, and eventually revealing himself to ned and mj which ends up being the only way he can save the day in the end. by relying on others! yay!! 
thats it for the main plot, but don’t worry y’all we got other stuff going on too lmao 
so, for one. my boy peter is realizing he has a crush and just,,,, freaking tf out. (i have yet to decide if it’s on ned or mj. or both. sue me) the crush isn’t definitely resolved in p1, but i imagine there’d be some cute thing of him suddenly realizing and freaking out and almost revealing his powers. 
thing 2! tony stark! he is still in here, and still a mentor to peter, but in a pretty drastically different way. one, he doesn't know about peter being spiderman. he doesn't even suspect it lmao. he just gets involved bc of.... some sort of reason bc peter is so smart. do i know why just yet? no. does it matter? probably but i’m writing this pretty late after i had school all day so i’m too tired to care 
bc tony basically gives peter a real internship/mentorship type thing, peter now has access to all this tech!! and all these funds!! fucking lit!! so he changes from his pajama suit to the fancy one, tho he actually built it!! which i feel like him making his suit is a really big really important part of his character. so it doesn't really have all those random things tony added, tho peter might add stuff himself. he gets Karan as a like assistant ai as part of his internship but she never gets put into the suit
for the fist part tony plays a super minor role but like,,,, the first part is about osborn taking an intrest in him, and him confiding in ned and mj. the second part norman is become progressively more dangorus and peter has to fight him and stuff, kinda proving he is strong enough to be spiderman/be trusted to the whole world, beyond just ned and mj. also him actually getting together w/ either one or both of them bc...... bc i want that. 
oh btw idk if tony finds out or not in p2? if he does it’s either at the end or in a scene like the one w/ may bc like. please imagine the shenanigans of peter and ned (who both have high intellegence but low wisdom) in tony’s lab, obviously trying to hide the fact that peter’s spiderman. like he walks in on them and peter looks all frumpy bc he’s been trying to change real fast, and ned’s shirt is messed up bc he just stuffed the mask down the front of it, and mj is just. chilling behing them. so tony just like assumes stuff and is like....aight.... have fun.... 
oh btw the last big change that i didn’t really have anyway to insert natrually into this,,,, so remember how i said ned was kinda a ripoff of ganke? well, the writers claim he’s a “composite character” so i figured, why not give him traits from other famous spiderman side character so he actually is a composite character! 
so like,,,, throughout p1 it’s referenced that ned has a kinda dickish estranged ish dad that he hates and his mom doesn't really like but kinda forces him too... theres some mentions of his dad wanting him to transfer to a private school and being kinda rich, bur he dosen’t want to bc he knows his dad is a total dickead,,,, anyway end of the movie we find out norman osborn is ned’s dad, and ned hates him even fucking more bc it’s like bitch?? u tried to get my (maybe) bf murdered?? tf?? and its lowkey bc he can’t reveal peter’s id, but then in p2 after norman takes matters into his own hands and tries to kill peter on his own ned just fucking yells at him while the man is in jail and is like fuck u lmao 
soooo thats my really messy au idea!! i’m really tired sorry if this is hard to understand or rude! for the record i have nothing against the ppl who adore these movie’s, i just think they could be better! 
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kidblink-182 · 6 years
the lightning thief tour
i saw the lightning thief last night and hOLY SHIT! JUST HOLY SHIT! click the read more for my notes n stagedoor experience n shit. obvi SPOILERS
-so the show starts off with a quite literal BANG i’m talking bright white light and thunder noises so chirren b careful if you go to see it -i almost screamed when james went onstage and THATS when i knew this was real -hooray for grungy dancing our parents suck -they tore down the lightning bolt curtains and chris slid out and i lost my mind -“their father kronos-” “KRONOOOOOSSSSSS” -“please see me by the sphynx” (glass display turns around from pyramid to sphynx) -“i was on this field trip, and the x-rated art they had there? crazy.” -percy is literally so flamboyant and so sarcastic i was cracking up the whole two hours -james as gabe oh so help me gods -he sounded so desperate/afraid the whole time -“BEAN. DIP.” on the literal verge of tears -i loved sally so much. she can riff like it’s nobody’s business, and i can never get enough of it. i love carrie but jalynn... oh, jalynn. -“oh look. a goat in a trash can.” -classic “you’re a furry” joke. classic 10/10 -“i’m half goat!” “i’m sorry, this is just a lot to take in right now, okay?” -they did sally’s “death” in slow motion, which made it even more hard to watch. -also BIG FUCKING SEIZURE WARNING FOR THE MINOTAUR SCENE THAT SHIT IS INTENSE -i.... don’t know how to feel about poseidon. ryan literally goes to the bottom of his vocal range for poseidon and it’s the funniest shit (my mom loved it), and he’s like... he’s like a demon surfer. lowkey like jonathan raviv’s poseidon a lil better but ryan? oh gods he’s incredible. he’s the only man who can pull off hawaiian shirts. -annabeth comes in one of those wheel cart things you use to haul heavy shit -“another terrible day” in E minor? oddly needed and very refreshing. -chiron’s “reveal” scene was... interesting to say the least. -their sign :( my fave song of the show. so emotional. chiron puts his hand on percy’s shoulder at one point, percy shows so much emotion, and ryan can sing like an ANGEL i love his vibrato -when luke came on stage i literally whooped so loudly -oh gods there was this one scene luke: welcome to the dysfunctional family! oh, there’s someone who wants to see you grover: percy, i’m so sorry. satyrs are supposed to be protectors. i’m the worst satyr in the world. percy: grover, i’m so glad you’re here right now. then they hug and i sob -“it’s not a lightsaber” -oh btw jorrel is SO DAMN CUTE -clarisse’s battlecry is my energy -RYAN IS IN DRAG THIS ISN’T A DRILL RYAN IS IN DRAG AND IT’S SO EASY TO RECOGNIZE HIM BUT IT’S THE BEST THING TO WATCH -HE LITERALLY “HITS” HIS CROTCH WITH HIS AXE BY ACCIDENT -percy wheels himself in on the toilet. QT. -“she could’ve killed me!” “the plan would have worked either way.” -grover did a cute lil tap dance in “i’m the child of pan” -while crying you just hear grover go I DON’T LIKE THIS SONG ANYMORE then just keeps fucking dancing -“as long as you are here with me puts arm around percy” -“mr d wants to kill you- i mean, talk to you” -“it’s not just some silly lightning bolt on a traveling musical tour!” -“look at the boy! he’s hardly a thief!” “oh, i suppose, unless you’re a good actor, and OHOHOHOHO, i’m the god of drama, and i can say HE’S NOT.” -mr d’s obsession with dolphins is my will to live -the oracle is actually really fucking silly bc of everyone hiding under her dress -“AND YOU SHALL FAIL” “spirit fingers FAIIILLLLLLLLLL” -oh god good kid was making me feel things. the emotion, the lighting, the fog, the music, i was on the verge of tears. chris is so talented. -“if you’re the son of poseidon and you wanna be alone, don’t go to the lake. it’s the first place they look. don’t worry, i won’t tell chiron you’re here.” -“and i’ll be the second first! :D” -annabeth does a riff on her high note of QUEST and we don’t talk about it enough
-RYAN AS AUNTIE EM IS THE REASON I GET OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING. -“i had a boyfriend... deep voice ONCE.” -he kept moving his hips and dropping into a deep voice and moving his hips and i was sure i was gonna die -“nemesis... nemesees.... nemisisises... WE DON’T LIKE EACH OTHER.” -perc+grov literally pulled a dirty dancing so percy could chop off her head. -“but it wasn’t your fault.” “you’re right, it’s yours.” -kristen’s vocals were stellar as usual and they used this badass lighting to make it look like sunlight was pokin out through windows as lil disco lights. -oh btw i was blinded like 3214732148904722 times but idgaf -“i know a way to get our parents to notice us HELP ME BOX THIS HEAD” -“care of: ~perseus jackson~ and ANNABETH C H A S E.” -was ares wearing a tracksuit? what the literal- -HKJFDSALK grover pulled his hair up during the slomo part and it stuck upright -percy’s like “i swallowed a bug” -“i’m gonna pass out... pass out... p a s s  o u t.” -KRONOS MADE ME ALMOST PISS MYSELF IT’S SO CREEPY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK -grover shakes him awake like “you really do drool in your sleep,,,,” -in tree on the hill jorrel was actually sobbing and chris got up at one point to go to him and it was so touching -the scene above them made my heart ache too, especially the freezeframe during “maybe if i’d been a little bit braver” where thalia’s collapsed and luke and annabeth are holding each other i just... a h -charon as the elevator woman is GREAT -her riffs made me want to get up and start boogie-ing -“like? the fish sauce?” -ARGUABLY THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW WAS HADES -HE’S FUCKING GAY -LIKE FLAMINGLY FLAMBOYANT. I’M NOT EVEN KIND OF JOKING. LISP AND EVERYTHING. THERE WERE T E A R S. -ares wears a tank top in son of poseidon and i died -sally and poseidon flirted like hell and POSEIDON SHOT FINGER GUNS AND POOR PERCY WAS SO AWKAWRDHFALHFJDASFJHK -in last day of summer percy tried reaching out for luke early but luke just walked away b4 mr d came on stage -luke grabs percy by the shirt when he says “good!” and shoves him back -gods i can’t get over james’ vocals. so good. SO GOOD. -luke took the banner w him when he stabbed percy and ran -bring on the monsters was actually a huge bop and i didn’t cry like i thought i would :0 -all in all i re-lost my voice screaming over this shit and i’m so grateful i got to see it
-so the stagedoor was super vague @ first bc i heard they weren’t doing it from a parent, but not even the staff were sure -so mom let me hang out by the stagedoor to see if ppl came out -chris came out first & i didn’t even recognize him til he was right in front of me (dramatic ass all bundled up like an eskimo) and he felt bad bc he couldn’t stay long and didn’t have a pen to sign anything but i couldn’ stop saying oH MY GOD OH MY GOD -then jorrel came out and was like “i can’t sign anything either but pics would be much quicker if you wanted them” and igOT TWO PICS WITH JORREL GUYS THIS IS NOT A DRILL -he was like “it’s so cold (findlay ohio) how do y’all live here?” and i was like “we don’t know” his dramatic southern californian ASS i loved him -i got a signature from sarah, and she was super sweet (she took the pic for me bc my fingers were numb from the cold. NEGATIVE WINDCHILL GUYS. WELCOME TO OHIO. -i asked jalynn to adopt me and shes like YALL ARE TOO SWEET and i got her signature too -i ALSO met kristen and got her signature+picture as well, idk how i wasn’t panicking but i was so flustered -someone told kristen they’d take a bullet for her and she went DON’T DO THAT -everyone else walked past and couldn’t bc of the cold but we cheered for them anyway -so yeah by the time i got in the car my fingers were literally burning and i couldn’t feel my legs but I GOT SIGNATURES AND PICTURES AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERS -i also got a t-shirt -who’s hardcore? me. i’m hardcore.
hope you guys enjoyed these notes lol
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sly2o · 6 years
Season 6 Plot Big Giant Spec Post
A - Major pieces I’m spec’ing for next season when I am feeling semi-confident on spec:
Nightblood is only needed for when BOTH suns are up. 
Clarke will come to view the leader of the peaceful group they meet as a father figure.
“Our People” (Eligius, Delinquents, etc) will be sent on a mission to go mine hytholodium from a nearby asteroid. That hytholodium will be brought back and will power up something important for the finale.
Colonization of the new planet was originally modeled after how England initially settled the New World.
That plan went up in smoke when it was revealed the Earth had gone up in smoke and no subsequent waves of colonizers arrived.
B - Major pieces I am spec’ing that I am low-confident about:
Over the ~200 years that passed since those initial events, the planet split into two major factions: those with nightblood, and those without. 
Nightbloods may be the subjugated class on this new planet. 
 The arrival of our people (Grounders, Eligius, Skykru, etc) will throw the current nightblood v. non-nightblood power balance into flux when it is revealed that the religion that evolved on Earth is one where nightbloods are revered. 
It will become important for the oppressing class to figure out how to control The Flame. 
C - Wilder pieces I am spec’ing:
If the non-nightbloods are the oppressing class, they will power up their version of ALIE in the finale.
OR, if the non-nightbloods are the oppressing class, we will get the AU where the “Mountain Men” got to return to Earth in the finale. 
D - I am personally motivated to spec this, but also I got real reasons
“Unintended Consequences” (or something similar in Trig) will be the name of the Finale
Explanations for why I am spec’ing these things are under the cut, but can majorly be summarized as 1) I read The Sparrow, and 2) assumption that the EligiusIV twitter account is a valid source. 
Warning: contains major spoilers for “The Sparrow” 
A1 - This is implied through the BTS pictures we have of Clarke and Echo on the ground, the fact that “two suns, no sunscreen” was uttered by Shaw, and that in “The Sparrow” there is a species that sleeps through the time of day where only one sun is up. 
A2 -  “Clarke is in a really bad place right now” that Eliza has been saying in interviews, I strongly suspect she is having a similar story to the main character of The Sparrow. In the Sparrow the main character comes to view one of the aliens they meet as a daughter-figure. Clarke already has a daughter-figure (Madi), but Clarke has been missing a father figure for a while now. Plus Jake Griffin was back on set which supports this theory.
A3 - The BTS pictures that came out recently showed our cast on an Eligius vessel which describes a asteroid in the background that had a high amount of hytholodium. A while back there was a summary chart of the fake titles the writers had given to next season’s episodes - including two called “7 days part 1″ and “7 days part 2″ - with a gap in the middle. I strongly believe at minimum a subsection of our known characters will get sent on a mining mission.
A4 and A5 - I’m spec’ing this primarily on how “space colonization” has been stressed in the Eligius IV promo materials. 
To clarify what I am talking about when I say “how England settled the New World” - I specifically am speaking to very early days colonialism (before the American Revolution) when lands were initially being taken away from the First Nations who lived there as England expanded. This is where England would have a white colonizer over there with a plot of land they were setting up for their way of life, and contracts would be made where other white colonizers would become “indentured servants” where they would have a contract drawn up where they got X amount of clothes per year, meals, a place to live, and at the end of 10 years or so of work would be given their own piece of property. Then they would become the lead of their own piece of property - and could coordinate a contract where they get their own indentured servants, and so the cycle repeats. 
The destruction of Earth would have resulted in - to put it mildly - some contract disputes for those who were expecting subsequent waves of people to come to help them set up their own properties. This would set off major conflict among those who settled the new planet.
Particularly a new tweet from EligiusIV specifically mentions “there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves”.
B1-4 - I put these all in a “low-confidence” category because I am uncertain what this “alien” life is and how important it is. My spec is based on a premise that the Alien life is either 1) not really important, or 2) a cute way to say that “we’ve evolved so separately it’s like they are alien to us”. If alien life is a real thing, then a lot of my spec will likely be hogwash. 
B1 - I am spec’ing this because it’s a redux of the Mountain Men vs Grounders, and also because a similar divide is found in The Sparrow. I am also spec’ing this because we know that redblooded people can give birth to people with nightblood. I have assumed that people with nightblood can give birth to people with redblood because otherwise the 100 year evolution that allowed people to reclaim the ground makes no sense. However we don’t really have proof of this thanks to the conclave, and the science/math on this show can be dubious anyways. It’s also another way to divide Clarke from her people which Jason loves to do.
B2 and B3 - This would be a reverse of how the religion on Earth evolved, which would naturally cause conflict, which is part of why I am spec’ing this. 
I am also spec’ing this because 
only the nightbloods would be able to be outside during the day - raising cause for why they are obligated to be the workers
it puts Clarke in the worker class (”let the privileged do the work for a change”)
it implies that that once the redblooded people started to be born that instead of casting them out for being genetically inferior, that work was done initially to protect them. We know Murphy and Clarke are going to be at odds this season, and that them being at odds could in some ways present a different look at “protecting the weak” vs. “taking advantage of the strong” because of how Murphy is tied to Emori who got cast out for being different, and Clarke being tied to this subjugated class. (I hope I explained this properly, since this is a very messy and complicated idea).
The fact that people with redblood worship someone with nightblood would be seen as radical and cause major issue on the new planet. 
An easy way to temporarily placate the masses would be to say that Madi is only raised up as a nightblood because she has The Flame. 
B4 - Irrespective of who the subjugated class is, the fact of the matter remains that a group of people led by a child soldier have landed on this planet and the reason she is raised above others is because she has a chip in her neck. The BTS pictures on the Eligius ship seemed to me to include an electronic schematic of The Flame - which to me begs the question of if they will try to reverse program The Flame this season (or something similar).
I am also low confidence on this one because another thing that could be happening here is that this chip wasn’t meant to last 200 years - and that it is starting to decay in Madi’s head after 125 in cryo, and needs to be repaired. 
Or maybe it’s both things!
C1 - Putting this in the “wild” category for a few reasons. However I will say my primary reason for spec’ing this is because ALIE can relieve pain - and I have to wonder whether she can relieve the pain caused by solar radiation. To me the cascading events here are 1- redblood people can’t access their own mining ship or simply don’t have mining ship, 2- they get Our People to go mine the asteroid, and 3 - they turn on their version of the ALIE1.0 machine in the finale. This presumes the ALIE code was ever sent to these people in the first place. However it is possible it could be retconned that ALIE1.0 was developed as a permanent solution to the “nightbloods don’t always give birth to redbloods” problem - if that indeed was a problem. Also - with the trauma that was caused in the 6 year stay in the bunker, Abby’s addiction being stressed as a longing for the City of Light, and the fact that our main characters are almost evenly divided between those who did and didn’t go to the City of Light - I think the return of ALIE1.0 wouldn’t be so easily defeated. 
C2 - Alternatively, it may be that Abby and Jackson are leveraged because they know (although may be a bit rusty about) the recipe for creating nightblood. They may spend the season recreating that recipe with the scientists on the ground. We did see a BTS picture (that got deleted) where the guy who played Robin Hood on OUAT was in a medical smock and had bits of black on that smock - which may be nightblood. 
Either way for part C - I am anticipating these new “Mountain Men” to find a way to the ground in the finale.
D1 -  Jason has spoken about how Clarke really takes to heart Monty’s message of “be the good guys”. It would follow the plot of The Sparrow, as well as simply fit into the type of show this is, to have Clarke try her hardest to “be the good guy” and then end up “being the bad guy” due to unintended consequences. 
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random larsadie headcanon
so anyway i was bullshitting in a larsadie discord when someone asked for prompts. i was like, lol, “lars and sadie go to church”.
but now that’s it has been like a day i was thinking about it, and.. actually wow!! cute! cutecutecuuuuute!!!! i like this idea actually!!!
idk about all the specifics but i love the idea of Lars being Roman Catholic (the most common religious identity in the Philippines). i can imagine Sadie making an Easter basket for Lars, and coming over early on the holiday morning to drop it off. She goes to knock on the door, but Lars swings it open before she does, wearing a nice short-sleeve dark blue button up and black dress slacks. He blinks down at her, a faint trace of annoyance held at bay by his early morning grogginess. She kinda snorts at first, surprised to see him in clothes like that, but admittedly kind of thinks he looks cute dressed up like that. “Uh, hey. I put together this basket for you and your parents,” she lifts the basket up so he can see. He blushes juuuust a little bit, taking it from her. “Oh, cool, thanks...” is all he can manage to spit out b4 his parents come from behind him, also dressed in their Easter best.
“Oh, Laramie, who’s this?” Martha asks, delighted. “I think it’s that young lady we saw him run into the Universe household with,” Dante says, then looking to Sadie.
“Haha yeah, um, my name is Sadie, actually. Nice to meet you-meet you,” she smiles shyly, realizing she hasn’t really interacted with them to this extent.
“Happy Easter!” Lars’ parents say in unison, and Sadie begins to wish them a happy one in return but Martha gasps, saying, “Oh, we’re running late!” and she scoots her lil mens out the door, shutting it behind them. Lars is still holding the basket, his face becoming redder and redder as the embarrassment of the entire situation starts waking him up fully. Sadie notices his state and steps aside, allowing the Barrigas space to get to their car in the driveway. She tentatively waves, and Lars exaperately waves back, shuffling over to the car. As soon as he opens the back door, his mom cheerfully asks Sadie if she would like to come with them to Easter service.
Lars, of course, turns into a solid block of ice and shatters into about three million pieces. Naturally, he can’t protest like that. >:3c
“Oh, wow,” Sadie stammers, smiling bigger than before. “That’s so nice of you! Really, I, I would like to come, but...” she gestures at her clothes, a plain light grey tee shirt and blue jean shorts. “I feel like this isn’t appropriate attire, heh,”
Lars relaxes just a bit, curling around the inside of the opened car door and watching this interaction with narrow eyes. If he thought he was escaping such an awkward situation as bringing his crush to EASTER MASS with his PARENTS, an already pretty embarrassing situation, well.. he had quite another thing coming.
“Oh hunny, a pretty package doesn’t always need a bow, but...” Martha reaches into her hair, unclasping a white wooden hairclip decorated with beautiful carved sampaguitas (national flower of the Philippines). She leans down, and as though there were much more familiarity between the two women then there truly is, Martha secures the clip just above and behind Sadie’s left ear. “There,” she said, clasping her hands together in giddiness. “You look perfect! You can sit in the back with Laramie. :)” Lars slams himself over to one side of the car as Sadie curiously climbs in their car, fastening her safety belt. Her entire face pink, a small smirk creeping at the corners of her mouth, she glances at Lars’ fumbling hands around the basket in his lap, his flustered expression only revealed to her from his reflection in the window. ‘Guess I better text my mom,’ Sadie thinks to herself as she pulls out her phone.
‘I am SO not going with them next year, oh my god,’ repeats in Lars’ head the entire drive.
I thought it would be really cute that after that experience, Sadie might consider why she and her mother aren’t religious. She one day gets the moxie to ask her mother about it, and Barb mentions that she was raised Lutheran Protestant, but as she grew older religion didn’t really have much of a place in her life. Sadie is almost satisfied but then she courageously asks: “Wh... what about, my dad? Was he Lutheran, too?”
Barb lowers her eyes to the floor for a moment, but then laughs warmly. “Your dad was Jewish, actually! Religion was a lot more important to him than it was to me, that’s for sure.”
And thus begins Sadie’s interest in researching Judaism. She follows a few Jewish religion and culture bloggers, she buys a few study texts, and just for fun she learns to count to ten in Hebrew. She mostly keeps this all to herself, but one day she realizes it’s kind of lonely to do communal things without anyone else. Not wanting to put her mother through any stress by reminding Barb of her father, Sadie nervously texts Lars for help with the one part of Judaism he might know about.
“Hey, uh, I know this is kind of coming from no where but... do you know how to make cholent?”
He takes about 20 minutes before he responds.
Sadie frowns, but rolls her eyes and replies immediately.
“I wanted to make some, but you know a lot more about cooking than I do and I wanted to ask you for help. *angel emoji*”
this time, he responds after only three minutes.
“do u already have all the ingredients”
Sadie wonders why he’s asking that now instead of just answering her question, but she checks her pantry after pulling up a recipe on her phone.
“It looks like I have just about everything except for... pearl barley? Idek what that is tbh lol”
She presses send, leaning against her kitchen counter as she awaits his response.
“b there in 30 mins.”
he sent that one in about 30 seconds, which really took Sadie aback. she didn’t mean she was going to make it today! but, his enthusiasm impressed her a little bit, and she felt good in choosing him of all people.
She sets everything up, and after looking over the recipe again, she starts boiling some water for the beans.
It takes 37 minutes, actually, but the knock on her door after that time passes is distinctively Lars’, a package of pearl barley in tow. Completely in contrast to his performance at the Big Donut, Lars remains methodical and focused, occasionally asking her to read things off from her phone. She tries to help, but he kind of ends up doing most things by himself. She doesn’t really mind, because she can learn by watching him. Eventually she becomes a little embarrassed at the situation, a bit too pleased that he is here and helping her like this. She almost wanted to give him a hug for it... almost.
After a couple of hours they could just set it on the stovetop and wait, and Lars finally seems to snap back into his usual personality and asks her, “Why cholent? I’ve never seen you eat cholent,” squinting his eyes at her, it finally dawns on him that this might be some kind of setup. Was he too eager? Oof!
Sadie blushes, unaware that he’d been paying attention to the things she ate in any capacity. “Well...” she sighs, pulling a chair out from the kitchen table and sitting down. She looks at him, the slightest amount of pain etched into her chubby face. Lars’ brows furrow, his eyes opening fully again. He shyly makes his way to the opposite side of the table, flipping the chair around and sitting on it backward. “You remember when your parents kinda... just decided I was going to church with you guys?”
Lars grimaced, “Mass,”.
“Mass,” Sadie repeatedly apologetically. “That’s kinda it, I’m not... I’m not so good at this religious stuff yet, haha...” and she finally begins to tell someone in her life what she’s been thinking about with regards to religion, and how she thinks learning more about Judaism will help her understand herself and her dad better, and that maybe it shouldn’t be so important to her but it just kind of became important to her.
After her lengthy explanation, the stove timer immediately began going off. She had begun tearing up a bit, so she took the opportunity to wipe her face off on her shirt when Lars shot up to take the pot off the burner to rest. He turned the heat off, sheepishly looking over his shoulder back at her, face still buried in the collar of her own shirt. He tiptoed back over, standing about a foot away from her chair.
“Okay!” he announced, surprising her enough to peek her eyes out from inside her shirt, pretty brown eyes puffed and glossed over. “I can guarantee this cholent is going to be amazing, so,” he grabs his arm, digging his fingers in nervously as he struggles to maintain eye contact with her. Sadie fully emerges from the inside of her shirt, brushing loose strands of hair from her face. “S-so, no crying!” he almost shouts, and the subtle crack in his voice at the end makes his blush deepen. Sadie sniffles, smiling up at him from the table.
“Okay,” she giggles. “No crying.”
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