#maybe give some context to some of his decisions
puhpandas · 21 days
I keep thinking about how on earth they would canonize ggy bc like. at this point if they have to sacrifice Gregory screentime of just him to make something we already know actually canon, I would rather just take the screentime, but on the other hand they have to canonize it if they want to do anything at all with that plotline, and that makes me wonder if theyll stick with it as canon in the games at all or just leave it as background knowledge if u read the book 😭
#like i love ggy just as much as the nezt person and go crazy at how canon it is but not yet#but also i like gregory a lot more and ggy isnt the only reason hes my favorite#gregory was my favorite for a whole year before ggy even came out#i want him as a person to be developed more than his ggy plot when we already know its real#but gregory himself desperately needs more time focused on his character to tell us more about him#maybe give some context to some of his decisions#best case scenario honestly is Gregory has a protagonist plotline where it showcases his character and relationships with others#as the game progresses naturally with dialogue and stuff (freddy and vanessa being his guides or something)#with the focus being saving cassie#but as the game reaches its climax gregory realises for some reason or another that apparently he was ggy and did all those things#and was the mimics fave#but its established he had amneisa before security breach so he didnt remember and still doesnt#he just knows he did it and has to deal#so it doesnt completely take over everything else about his character#and then whatever happens at the end of that game has cassie saved and joining 3 star#who GOT DEVELOPMENT in this hypothetical#like idk i want ggy to be canon but i dont want it to overtake gregory#yknow what i mean#it should be background to him not the other way around#vanessa and cassie already have that big main possession plotline#pandas.txt#tbh if they replace gregorys backstory with something equally interesting I'll be ok with no game ggy#we already have a whole book to mess around with i wouldn't mind it being a little au even tho i know it isnt#its VERY canon and ill 100% be alright and happy w game ggy#but im nervous for how they would establish it in a game if at all#with how much gregory needs screentime just as a character and if he'd need to wait even longer after a ggy reveal#thoughts#gregory
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liveontelevision · 3 months
Okay, this started as a rant about Lucifer lore and turned into an argumentative essay on why Lucifer is a bottom. My b.
18+ Smut ahead, lots of angst
Here's the thing about Lucifer. He was an awesome dreamer, fell in love with Lillith, and was banished to Hell. Literally forced to see what the gift of good will can do at its worse. Unless he's made some personal contact with a sinner to get like updates about what the gift of good will did right, he had to be stuck in a depression for centuries, at least until Charlie was born. And while that would've definitely given him a new passion, he'll never feel confident in dreaming again.
With how much he dislikes sinners and what they represent, i wonder if there had to be some strain on their relationship when it came to Lillith taking control? They never really talk about if they had a fallout or if she just disappeared, but i dont think they really got divorced either.
When Lucifer looks at that family picture and winces, does he feel bad about not contacting charlie? About something he did to make lillith leave? Or maybe he feels bad about being upset at lillith for leaving in the first place? There's so much to umpack there i live for the lore.
Love Interests:
But when that comes to potential love interests in the future, Lucifer hasnt had to court anyone before like ever. Not in the circumstances that they live in a big city like Hell. So when he finally ends up catching feelings, he has no idea. People around the hotel literally need to pick up on context clues for him and have an intervention to tell him he's in love again.
Even if he hasnt seen lillith in 7 years, their relationship had to be a drastic change compared to new love. I think that his love interest would also pick it up before he does, and you would let him work at his own pace. Fuck, it is so important that he goes through this process at his own pace.
With so much strain on his past relationships with loved ones, he fully gaslights himself into thinking he doesnt deserves and isnt allowed to feel affection anymore. I hate making characters i love suffer. But i feel like in his state of mind he'd go through depressive episodes and panic attacks, maybe some night terrors. Theyed be about his past and his subconscious would essentially tell him he has feelings again, and he shouldn't act them in case he scares you away and abandons you, like heaven. Or drives you away like lillith. Or purposely blocks you out like charlie. Mans is struggling i swear. He needs some comfort.
After finally coming to terms, hes a nervous wreck about every decision he makes. He'll constantly stare in the mirror in the mornings, making sure he looks his best, would plan mental scripts before even having a conversation with you, and would become a bumbling mess just trying to make jokes out of the situation, some base level actions, like how we saw in the show. He'll manage to finally ask you out, but all he really knows how to do is profess an undying love (i feel like his confession to lillith was hella dramatic) so it was a little awkward, but still cute. And of course you said yes.
So let's say its been 5+ years since he moved into the hotel, met you and finally managed to confess his feelings. When it comes to the actual relationship? You give him reassurance and support him through his mental episodes, and laugh at his jokes and praise him for everything he does. He has such intense imposture syndrome though, that even other demons have to reassure that theres no way you dont love him with all your being. Because it is literally obvious to everyone but him.
He's pretty good at doing the romantic fluff stuff in public, he loves to make a big show out of treating you like royalty and even trying to embarrass you when you become close enough. He's always more charasmatic in public, it seems easier than doing that alone.
Not in a negative way, but Lucifer is so never to be alone with you. You take the lead a bit more in those scenarios, suggesting ideas like movies or just coming up with small talk yourself. He needs someone who'll be patient with him. Being alive for millions of years AND being left or shamed by all your loved ones during that time is literally the definition of Truama.
Of course he's been bottling all that shit up, he has no one to confide with. There's no one who's been alive and witnessed it all the way he has. So bless you for loving and caring for him even without understanding all hes been through.
You'll have some rough patches, where this emotional side locks him away from you and everyone else. It might be a few days before you see him. He'll lock himself in his office, pumping out ducks by the dozen just to keep himself from sleeping, because he's scared he'll have night terrors if he feels asleep. He's in a constant loop;
"what if i fucked up?"
"what if i try to talk about it and then they realize how bad i fucked up?"
"what if that's enough of a reason for them to leave me?"
"what if i scare them away?"
"what if that fucks this up?"
"what if i fucked up.. Again..?"
After he leaves his office, youre excited to see him out and about, but you cant make a big deal out of it. You have to speak to him calmly, make sure he's physically okay before talking to him about his thought process. It might take awhile, but he'll eventually trust you enough to open up. And of course it'll never be bad enough for you to leave him, he's just struggling.
Physical Contact:
It takes him an even longer time to become physical with you. He hasnt been intimate for over a decade at this point, but as soon as he becomes comfortable with little affections like hand holding, cuddling, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissing? Hoo boy, he melts after your first kiss. It couldve been even a small peck and he would still become a nervous wreck just trying to ask for more.
He'll ask for physical touch more than provide it at first. You'll give him a quick kiss and he'll look up at you super eager just like, "another?" He'll grow into tastful pda's, linking arms, quick hugs and smooches, holding hands all that.
He becomes putty in your hand when you're alone though. You'll nudge him to lean against your shoulder or even lay his head in your lap while youre lounging or watching movies. He becomes so relaxed in your presence, that you'll want to suddenly peck him just to see his suddenly flustered reaction.
You'd give him massages that he would always be hesistant over. He was always a little nervous that he wasnt giving enough to you, but you were quick to assure him that wasnt the case. You'd straddle his hips while giving him a slowww massage. It starts with light touches, tracing your fingers over his shoulder blades and spine. You'd trace your fingers over his chest when you would cuddle too, depending on the position. Or stroke his back sweetly. It was enough of a distraction to keep his mind occupied, away from any spiraling thoughts he might be having.
He purrs. Convince me that he doesnt purr. (You cant)
Being secluded for so long probably means that he doesnt fly as much as he used to. It was probably a passion of his, and he was especially delighted to share it with lillith and charlie.
So during those 7 years he barely flew, he also didnt take care of his wings. I feel like theyre something to be summoned, so they arent constantly tucked into his back. You'd basically scold him sometimes to just let you clean his wings.
You'd do it in like a spring-type bathhouse that Lucifer would have in his castle somehow. It was one of the first intimate moments he's experienced in years, so he was generally going insane. Feeling your hands and a little comb rake through the feathers on his giant wings? You'd have to tap his shoulder sometimes to keep him from falling asleep to the relaxation alone. After the first time, the water you used was pretty dirty and he had a lot of loose feathets that were combed out. Damn, he needed this.
After awhile, you sit down and would have a discussion about being intimate in bed. Lucifer would be absolutely nervous about overstepping by asking this, (even though you've been together for about a year at this point). He would use his mental scripts and basically practice what he wanted to say.
It would mainly be him saying he wants to do this because he loves you and youve done so much for him that he wants to give back to you in this way. It would consist of him saying its okay if you dont want to, or if you ever want to stop to just say so. But of course you want to, how could you not?
It would start slow, he actually tries taking the lead in this specific situation. He would kiss you first, his lips trembling at the thought that this is actually happening. Feeling his nerves, you'd cup his face and stroke his cheeks with your thumbs lightly. That will help him ease up enough to start letting the passion take over more.
He'd become more confident in slipping his tongue into your mouth and placing his hands on your hips to pull you closer to him. Lucifer would get lost in the moment, pulling you to straddle his lap as he kissed and licked and bit his way across both your shoulders and down to the softeness of your breast. After leaning back to look at the damage his eyes would become increasingly wide, looking up at you with a flustered expression. Seeing you losing it as much as he was, gave him enough courage to keep up at it.
He would almost hesistantly take a hold of your breasts and would massage them softly, running his thumbs across your nipples and becoming absolutely delighted at the reaction you gave. The adrenaline from the pleasure would make you start grinding against his lap, which would make lucifer's hands on your hips pull away for a moment and make his breath stutter. Lucifer would look you up and down as if he didnt know what to do next, studying your body with darting eyes. You'd press a small kiss on his forehead before guiding his hands back onto your hips with yours, keeping your eyes on him the entire time.
"Are you okay, Luci?" He would gulp before nodding his head and turning ridiculously red across his face, maybe from the idea of what was to come, maybe just from your voice alone. You'd keep your hands ontop of his at your hips as you'd keep moving, letting out breathy moans. He would be holding his breath without realizing, an absolute nervous wreck just from the view.
He would already be hard just from the previous make out session, so this would cause him to lean his back against the bed, his strength giving out. You'd keep up at it, feeling his hips jolt up to meet yours at times.
He was a sweaty, twitching mess in front of you and you hated to admit how much that excited you.
His scripted plan was immediately forgotten, but he was quick to remember that he wanted to please you.
He'd snap out of his state of intense pleasure, to carefully switch positions, him looking over you with your back against the bed.
You both discuss it, of course, attempting to set boundaries before hand. Even just the tender discussion would get him riled up. So he'd lean foward and kiss you again, showing off his forked tongue before peppering kisses down your entire body, until he was close enough to let his hot breath heat up your folds.
You'd feel his nervous breath on you before delving in. He would be hesistant of course, but would be quick to get used to your entrance after running his tongue across your entirety multiple times. Lucifer loves providing pleasure this way, so his brain immediately knew what to do once the nerves past. He was quick to take a tight hold onto your thighs to keep you in place as he entered you with his demonic lengthy tongue. He would look up at you as he sort of aimlessly dug around at first, waiting for a reaction. Once he'd see you dip your head back with a muffled moan, he would close his eyes to focus all his attention to that one spot. He'd reach his thumb around to circle and massage your clit that he would find far too quickly. You'd arch your back and try to get more friction against his tongue, but it's easy to forget that he is quite literally the strongest being in Hell. You weren't going anywhere.
He'd love feeling your hands in his hair and would absolutely lose it feeling you pull hard when he'd hit just the right spot. As soon as he set a steady thythm and was hearing your voice become more unhinged, he'd speed up to an extent that you didn't realize was possible after going for so long. You discussed cumming before and he made it very clear that he was okay with you finishing on his face. Fuck, he wanted it. You still warned him, moaning out his name to get his attention, "I-I'm almost there- K-Keep doing that.. like that..! Luci-" you'd almost direct him though the whole process, but were quick to become a moaning mess unable to communicate with words. You'd reach your limit and he would let you buck up into his face this time, loosening his grip on your thighs. He'd pull away after licking you clean, sending overstimulated pleasure across your entire body, with a line of your juices following his tongue as he lifted his head. He would pant with his tongue still sticking out of his mouth, and even through hazy eyes you loved seeing his demonic tongue and thinking about how it just drove you to climax.
Things would switch up again, and you'd sit him against the back of the bedframe. you'd have another quick discussion before seating yourself slowly on his length, which had been throbbing for any contact since the night started. The first few times, he'd do his best not to cum immediately. He hadn't been touched like this in a while, after all. You'd only begin to move once you made sure he was okay since his struggle was written all over his face.
The moment you began to keep a steady space, he would jut his hips upwards, becoming needy to feel this sensation he hadn't felt in over a decade. The first time didn't last long. It was sweet, and he would constantly moan out your name and babble on about how much he loves you. The entire time, you'd be praising him through every move until he was going too fast for you to get a sentence out.
He'd cum inside of you, another previously discussed topic. You essentially had to beg to convince him it was okay. You'd collapse onto his chest, a position he didnt see often. While the two of you always cuddled, you were so focused on making sure he was comfortable, Lucifer realized you didnt often get the chance to just relax on top of him. So after realizing that? Aftercare was amazing.
He'd let you sit with him inside you for a while, before pulling you off and immediately cleaning you up. Some nights, when he felt especially dominant, he would lap up his own cum from your incredibly sensitive cunt. He would swallow some of it, but was mainly pushing anything that dripped out back into your entrance.
After cleaning you up, he would wiggle his way back underneath you and pull you onto his chest, enjoying taking care of you the way you took care of him.
After the first night, lucifer would be much more confident. He'd have that healthy glow, but would be more assertive during meetings, more communicative and wouldnt shut others out as often. It really helped him realize how much you gave to him, and he was determined to give all that and more back to you.
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roseykat · 6 months
You know what would be funny about this? That after they're done with the business and come back to her, all horny and ready for action, now she's the one that's busy or not in the mood anymore. Maybe she took care of herself already.
I'd like to see how they react when the positions are reversed and they're forced to wait instead (or deal with it themselves instead)
Ohohoooo Lyra thank you for this opportunity. I had to go all out.
Here is the context to these reactions prior to this post if anyone is wondering lol
TAGS: smut as per, female masturbation, swearing, begging, teasing, mentions of sex toys and restraints, orgasms, nudes/explicit videos.
A/N: I just realised Hyunjin's one is a bit more softer lmao
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With Chan, he said for you to give him twenty minutes to finish his work, and within that span of time, you’re no longer preoccupied with being so pent up and horny for him. Instead, you’ve grown tired given how late at night it is, resulting in you falling asleep on the couch.
Chan on the other hand managed to work his way through to the prospect that you’re both going to fuck, thinking about it in the back of his mind while he works that it turns him on. He’s never fucked you in his studio - yet. Thought about it however? Multiple times.
He’s always envisioned him fucking you over his desk, having you ride him on his chair, even the couch you lie on is where he'd fuck you too. The both of you would be able to make as much noise as possible with the room being soundproof. Therefore, Chan was hoping there would be a day for it to come only for him to turn around and see you dozing away peacefully.
“Baby,” Chan calls out to you softly, shaking your arm gently.
You open one eye to see that he’s finally finished but wondered briefly if it had actually been twenty minutes or two hours that went by, “done?”
“Yes, just like I promised,” he says.
“Okay,” you stretch and sit up. “Let’s go home.”
Chan stares at you blankly, “but I thought - didn’t you say-“
“I did, twenty minutes ago,” you cut him off. “But, now I’m tired.”
He doesn’t understand, “you don’t want to do it here?”
“Not at the moment, no,” you say to him. “Don’t wanna get caught either.”
You pick up your bag from the side of the couch leaving Chan still remaining in his seat. He looked devastated and surprised at the same time at your response but was nonetheless respectful of your decision. His dream of fucking you in his studio, for the time being was now put on hold.
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Minho comes back home, almost with a skip in his step knowing that he’s about to get laid. It’s been a while since he fucked you last. But that’s his fault for neglecting that aspect - neglecting you more importantly, above anything else.
As he arrives home, he sets his keys on the hook by the door and takes his shoes off before searching for you throughout the apartment. Minho spots you in the bathroom, bathrobe on, hair bundled up on top of your head with a towel, and a face mask on.
He knows that once you’ve done your skincare, there’s no chance of him fucking you tonight. It means that you’re only prepped and all ready to go to bed, not ready for anything physical.
“I thought you were horny?” Minho asks, visibly confused.
“I was…but now I’m not, and I want to go to bed.”
“W-What about me?” He almost panics.
You chortle, making your way out of the bathroom, past him, and onto the edge of the bed, “what about you?”
“Well I need you too you know.”
“Maybe wait until tomorrow. Plus, I’m spent,” you respond. “All those toys you bought me really did do the trick. I came so many times without you.”
Minho pretends not to be pissed, but he most certainly is, “I’m glad to hear that they have some use then.”
“What do you mean ‘some’ use? I use them quite often thank you very much” you tell him in a rather indignant tone of voice.
“Why use them when you have me?” He retorts, taking offence to that information.
“Toys are more convenient,” you reply just to rub salt into his wound. “I can use them whenever and wherever. Can’t use you when you’re one - never here, and two - don’t make me cum as hard.”
Minho knows you didn’t mean that. You had to be fucking with him. Either way, just hearing you say that makes his blood start to boil.
“I’ll fuck that attitude right out you,” he glares down his nose at you.
You test him even further, “if that’s what you wanna do then you’re just going to have to wait until tomorrow, just like I said.”
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It hadn't been long since Changbin left for the gym. As much as you wanted him to stay behind and spend some time in the bedroom, you knew you should let him do what he wants. But since that hour and a half that flew by with his personal trainer, you had found yourself busying all around the house.
You had some breakfast, cleaned up in the kitchen, lounge, bedroom, and even tackled the bathroom, all before Changbin came back home. You felt satisfied and accomplished that you were able to do so much in such a timeframe.
Changbin also felt accomplished, but for completely different reasons. He's always guaranteed to feel good after a hard gym session. So much that adrenaline pumps through his veins half an hour after, especially when he’s hitting his PB’s. He doesn’t know what to do with himself other than what he thinks he knows best…
“Whatcha making?” He asks once he's back home, leaning against the counter as he watches you chop up a whole bunch of fruit.
“A lot of fruit salad because I knew you'd be hungry after the gym,” you answer. “Plus I wanted some too.”
“Yum,” Changbin says, dawdling a few steps to stand right behind you. "But I'm not hungry for fruit."
His hands gently hold your hips, pressing you flush against his. He's not always bold like this when it comes to admitting that he's turned on. Changbin will state that he is sometimes, but doesn't always act on it. Usually it's you that needs him. Always jumping on him the minute you feel the slightest bit horny.
"I can make you something else if you want?" You suggest, deciding in the moment that you're going to make this hell for him.
“I want you,” he whispers against the back of your neck.
“Not sure if we have that in the fridge.”
Changbin chuckles, "funny. Whatever happened to you wanting me to stay longer this morning?"
"Not too sure what you're talking about," you say cluelessly.
"I'm one hundred percent sure you wanted me to dick you down before I left for the gym," Changbin guesses very rightly.
"Is that what you thought?”
“That’s exactly what I thought.”
“That’s a shame,” you sigh with regret. “Maybe if you were here earlier, you might’ve gotten what you actually wanted. So for the meantime you’ll just have to settle for a bowl of fruit.”
You finish chopping up the fruit, then place all of the different pieces into a bowl and turn around on the spot to hand it to him. Grabbing your own bowl too, you head over to the table to sit down leaving Changbin in the kitchen, turned on and befuddled.
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Fifteen minutes was all Hyunjin gave you after wanting some time to finish off his artwork before heading to the bedroom with you. He had spent practically all day fixated on his hobby while you were at work and came home visibly flustered - needing him so badly.
Unfortunately for you, fifteen minutes takes up too much of your night to wait. It was then that you decided to take matters into your own hands and get yourself off instead. All you needed was your vibrator and a homemade sex tape you and Hyunjin filmed on your phone from over a month ago for you to cum in minutes.
That’s all you needed just one orgasm to settle yourself down. To drain all the stress from your body. Although, it was a bit hard to stop after one when you had made it to three. After that, you were just about ready to head to bed.
At that point, Hyunjin finished off the area of the piece he was working on and departed with it for the time being. As he was cleaning up, the sound of running water from the bathroom catches his attention.
"Baby?" Hyunjin knocks on the door.
"Mm? You can come in, I'm just in the bath," you say to him.
He opens the door and walks in to see that you were fully relaxing in a nice hot bubble bath. There was a scented candle lit on the counter, creating a dim setting and a beautiful aroma that filled the room.
"I thought you were waiting for me on the bed," he says, pulling up one of the chair stools from the corner of the bathroom to the side of the tub.
"I was," you say to him. "But I got impatient so I dealt with it myself."
Hyunjin was annoyed to hear that. Not annoyed at you, but himself, "I'm sorry I made you wait. Over a stupid painting of all things-"
"It's fine Hyunnie," you quickly tell him, hoping that he won't feel guilty about it.
"You're not still in the mood are you?" He tries his luck.
"Sorry baby," you respond regretfully. "I'm just so tired."
He thought as much, but Hyunjin isn't mad. He'd never get angry or upset with you for not doing something you don't feel like doing. He is however, happy that you don't feel pressured into fulfilling his needs too.
"That's okay love, I'll cook us some dinner yeah?"
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Ever since Jisung saw the state you were in since they finished the show, he couldn’t sit still throughout the interview that took place prior. All he could think about was how many different ways he was going to fuck you when he goes back to the hotel room.
He wants to have you ride him in the bathtub - watching your tits bounce in his face and for him to suck. He wants to fuck you against the wall of the shower, or fuck you against the windows for everyone to see. To fuck you on the desk, on the bed, even the floor.
Thinking about it all, Jisung had fully worked himself up that he swore he was semi-hard during the interview. If you hadn’t of headed back to the hotel, Jisung would’ve found you, taken you into a dressing room, and fucked you raw there.
But no. He had to deal with a painful hard on that he was trying to conceal from everyone on the ride from the venue to the hotel. Once he had made it up to the room in a frantic rush, he closes and locks the door behind him and spots you on your phone, sitting on the bed.
“Please, please, please, please I need you so bad,” he says, nearly gasping for air as he speaks.
Jisung paces over to you and kneels on the floor before the edge of the bed as his head rests between your legs, nuzzling into the inside of your knee. His hands glide up your the sides of your legs, right up the waistband of your pyjama shorts. He was waiting for you to give him the green light to tear them down and eat you out like he’s been deprived of it.
His sudden appearance took you by surprise at first, but after seeing that state he was in, it was like low hanging fruit - an opportunity too good to pass up.
“But you left me Sungie,” you say mournfully. “I had to get off all by myself.”
“I know. I’m sorry, I did say it was only going to take an hour, but it wasn’t my fault because the interview took longer than it should’ve. They kept asking-“
As he babbles away his excuse, almost like he’s about to cry, you can’t help but laugh silently in the back of your mind at how quick Jisung can just flip like a switch. Before he was smug and cocky about leaving you flustered when you needed him. Now he’s on his knees, literally begging for your body.
You use your foot to palm over the hard tent in his pants, forcing him to stifle whimpers, “you’ll be lucky if you even get to cum in your pants Han Jisung."
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Felix had spent the last half an hour listening to you whine, moan, cry, even scream in the background as he was gaming. Prior to this, he had you lie at the end of his bed, bound pathetically, and tortured with a vibrator that he carefully mounted over your clit. After leaving you like that, his instructions were clear - don’t cum.
As if you were going to listen to him.
Felix had no idea that you came. Multiple times in fact. You managed to pass off your orgasms as frustrated moans without him noticing. Felix should’ve realised after he finished gaming when he turned around and saw the wet mess you involuntarily made on his bed. He didn’t care though, Felix just wanted to fuck you, and was ready for it too.
“Good girl,” he praises, turning the vibrator off and removing it, thin strings of cum still sticking to the toy as it’s being moved.
He could’ve fucked you like this; bound and helpless, but the biggest mistake he made was releasing you from the restraints. Now you were able to move, to stand up from the bed and head over towards the bathroom.
“Thank you,” you say to him before he can even register what you were doing.
“W-Where are you going?” He asks, puzzled.
"Going to have a shower now."
"You're not...you don't want me to fuck you?" Felix responds, struck with so much surprise that his mouth remains ajar.
"I came though so..."
"You came? When I told you not to?" He questions.
"Come on,” you jibe at him. “You didn't actually think that I wasn't going to, after just leaving me like that?"
"Can't I fuck you then?" He urges his suggestion.
"Tonight maybe, if I'm not tired," you shrug. "Looks like you'll have to take care of yourself in the meantime."
Felix doesn't want to do that. He doesn't want to take care of himself. He wants you instead. But that was to be a lesson learnt on his behalf for not fully acknowledging your needs.
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It had been hours since you saw Seungmin last. Whilst you had the home to yourself, he was at the company with Jisung, piecing together the last of a song they want to release in the future. You knew how hard he was working on it and even felt a bit guilty after almost interrupting it completely from earlier on.
It’s not always like you to let your needs get the better of you. In saying that, they’re your primal needs. Being horny is not exactly something you can help and having a boyfriend like Seungmin, there is zero guarantee that you'll behave yourself.
He's a fine man and the thought of his body and all the instances when you've had sex were used as a reference to help get yourself off while he was absent. Straight after that, you came right back to your senses, truly reinforcing the meaning of 'post-nut clarity'.
Since you had no idea when Seungmin was returning, you weren't going to wait around for him and decided to get out of the house for a bit after showering up and getting ready. You managed to take yourself to a nice cafe, pop into some stores to look at clothes, purchase a few other items - all before Seungmin realised you weren’t home and called you straight away.
"Yes," you answer.
"Where are you?" he gets straight to the point.
"I went out," you respond. "Why's that?"
"It's just that I'm home and I was hoping that you were too."
"Oh, no I'll be out for a while," you tell him, hearing a disgruntled noise on the other end of the line.
"How long?"
"A couple of hours I guess? Why?" You ask again.
"Because I'm fucking hard, and I need you."
You stop dead in your tracks, mouth slightly parted in shock. Seungmin very rarely admits things like this. The majority of the time, he wants to make it about you rather than him. He delights in the reactions he can bring out of you when you're in the exact same state that he's got himself into now. And for what reason you're not too sure.
When he left the house, he didn't reciprocate any sign of being turned on, at least not as much as you were. Maybe, as he was away, he was thinking of you - he had to have been thinking about you to work himself up like that. Then for him to admit it is something else...
"Really?" You reply. "And what are you going to do about it?"
Seungmin groans, "come home please. I need to fuck you - that's what I'm going to do about it."
"Hmm, I dunno. I am supposed to be meeting up with a friend soon..."
"Reschedule with them or go later,” he suggests, growing steadily impatient. “Please come home, for me.”
“Nah, I dunno,” you sigh. “I don’t want to be that friend.”
“Fuck, I’m not gonna last until then,” Seungmin says to himself even though you can hear him loud and clear. He does sound really desperate.
“Sorry Minnie, looks like you’ll have to figure this one out on your own.”
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The few sources of motivation that Jeongin had to drag him throughout the remainder of dance practice were a couple of explicit photo of yourself. That was to be followed up with a five second video of you pleasuring yourself in front of a mirror, waiting for Jeongin to come home.
He made sure that his phone was on mute and that nobody was close by just in case. Once he was safe, Jeongin played the video. Watching you tease your clit, fingers sliding down to your wet hole but not fully fucking yourself.
Jeongin swallows, exits out of the video, locks his phone, then tries desparately to forget the images he just saw in order to continue with the last ten minutes of dance practice. But as soon as that's over, he's out the door and doesn't look back. On his way home, he decides to flick you a message as a forewarning for what's about to happen when he arrives.
From Jeongin: I asked you to send me another pic, not a video of you playing with yourself. Think I might have to punish you for that.
To his displeasure though, he never received your response. All he gets is an empty apartment, nobody else home except him. So he decides to text you again.
From Jeongin to you: where are you??
To Jeongin from you: out
From Jeongin to you: now you respond to my text
To Jeongin from you: didn’t even see it sorry
From Jeongin to you: okay well, you can come home now.
To Jeongin from you: what for? I’m at the supermarket getting groceries
From Jeongin to you: shit, ring me
You look down at the messages from Jeongin with suspicion. He was acting weird, but that’s probably because you had in fact sent him a series of nudes this morning that he’s clearly going feral over. However, you decide to do as he asks if you and ring him.
“Hey,” you answer.
“Please get me off.”
Your eyes widen, “whatever happened to ‘hello’?”
“Y/N I’m serious,” Jeongin responds pleadingly.
“I’m in a public place full of people Jeongin, now isn’t really a good time,” you tell him flatly. “Plus, you have hands.”
“Hands that aren’t going to do the trick because I need you,” he replies.
“Oh, so you need me?” You tease him.
“Yes, fuck - I need you, please just-“
“Hold on my phones about die, I’ll see you when I get home.”
The line on Jeongin’s phone cuts as he looks down at his screen in horror as if the device is melting through his fingers. His heart plummets into his stomach. There’s no way you just left him like that. You wouldn’t do that to him. You wouldn’t just leave him hard and horny. You’re supposed to be his good girl.
Supposed to be at least.
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wreckmetoji · 1 year
Close to Heaven 
A fic in which Vash finally gets what he’s been yearning for and then some.
↳ Vash the Stampede/Reader
↳ Nicholas D. Wolfwood/Reader
content warning. gender-neutral pronouns, afab reader, mild overstimulation, unprotected sex, profanity, alien anatomy, whatever the plant equivalent of a creampie is, shameless smut, fluff, slight angst, wolfwood tops vash and vash tops you, everyone is winning
I recommend reading Wanna Be Yours for context 7.2k words
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Life was unforgiving, there was no such thing as being dealt a good hand. At least, not unless it was at the expense of another person. Vash knew this better than anyone, but long ago had he accepted he wasn't here to have a good life. He was here to fix what was broken, help the people that needed it, and while that didn't always go as planned, he always tried his best.
You just pick yourself and dust yourself off, that's what I admire about you the most, Vash. Even eight months later, Vash could still hear your voice in the back of his head when he went on with his daily life. He'd hear you chide him while he poorly patched himself up in alleyways, he'd hear you tell him to eat more when he denied himself of decent meals, or yell at him to get up and keep going when he fell. It wasn't easy, of course it wasn't, making that decision to leave. He wanted you to have the best life he couldn't give you, and if you managed to find that happiness, then he was more than willing to cut his losses and hope that one day he would run into you, see you flourishing and happy and alive. So, he continued, hopping from one town to the other, helping when and where he could. Vash heaved a sigh, pushing his way through the doors of the tavern he was staying in. Today had been a bust, nearly managing to get roped into an encounter with July Military Police, he was completely unable to secure himself a vehicle or mode of transportation out of the city. He was running low on money, he would really only feasibly be able to stay at this inn a couple more days before he would need to start running small jobs around the city. That would surely be risky in itself, knowing that if he were to be exposed to the general public for longer than a couple of hours, someone was bound to try and turn him in. He'd leave tomorrow, even if it was by foot.  Shuffling over to the bar, he plopped down in one of the tall stools, waving at the barkeeper he had come to enjoy chatting with over the last few days. She was friendly, older, definitely making more of her money off of regulars and locals than tips and travelers. She had mentioned it was refreshing to see a new face that wasn't sour. "Hey Nadina," Vash greeted as she sauntered over, glass and cloth in hand, "Things been busy today?"  This earned him a playful scoff, to which he chuckled at, knowing the two occupied tables covered in cards and bottle caps were enough of a tell. "If it was busy, I wouldn't have to work here every day," She quipped, pouring a pint for Vash without him even asking, "Did have an interesting fella come in today, though." Smiling, Vash accepted the drink from her, already pulling out a couple of bills from his pocket to place on the counter in front of her. He lifted the glass to his lips, humming inquisitively to her previous statement. "Yeah," She continued, giving him an unimpressed up and down, "Said he was looking for you." Ah. Maybe he would have to leave a bit earlier than expected, if the Military Police were already this hot on his tail he was bound to be cornered in his rented room. That would get messy, and he wouldn't want poor Nadina to fork up a bunch of nonexistent money for property damages he was inadvertently the cause of. "Did... They say why they were looking for me?" He dared question, giving her a sheepish smile.  "No, just mentioned you by name, described you. Didn't even introduce himself, but I'm sure you could spot him in a crowd," She mused, shining up some spare glasses behind the counter, "Had this massive cross he was carrying around. Must've thought himself a priest or something. Wouldn't be able to tell by lookin' at him though, sketchy lookin' bastard." Suddenly, his smile was gone. Vash swallowed, eyes wide in disbelief as he stared at Nadina. She caught this, her hands pausing their ministrations as they exchanged stares.  Vash broke the silence first, his voice breathy and barely above a whisper. "Did he have anyone with him?" Nadina didn't answer, not at first, obviously too caught up in his immediate reaction. After he cleared his throat, taking another long sip of his beer, she pursed her lips and quirked a brow. "No, he didn't have anyone with him," She crossed her arms, leaning against the back counter, "You know him then?" With a nod, he threw back the rest of his beer, placing it back on the counter with a thunk. He decidedly left out all and every detail of who that stranger was or how he knew him, mind reeling as to what he was doing around here looking for Vash. His head spun, and it definitely wasn't from the less than seven percent beer Nadina had so graciously poured for him. "Thanks for the drink Nadina, think I'm gonna hit the sack early though." He didn't give her a chance to interject, taking out an extra bill from his pocket and slapping it down on the counter. A tip, but also hopefully buying her silence. She nodded, taking the pile of bills and pocketing them in her half apron as Vash gave another friendly wave, crossing the pub floor and heading up the old metal staircase.  Fuck. Wolfwood was here, and he was looking for him, but most importantly, he didn't have you. Did he leave you behind? Were you hurt? Did he lose you? It had been at least eight months, a lot can happen in that amount of time. Maybe the two of you split up, and he was worrying his head about nothing at all. Still, he couldn't shake the bad feeling he had. Part of him wanted to find Wolfwood, ask what happened, if you were safe, but the other part of him didn't know if he wanted that answer. Seeing him would only serve as a reminder of what he had to let go anyways.  Unlocking his room, bumping his metal arm into the heavy material to force it open– perks of renting one of the cheapest rooms in town– Vash entered the small space, leaving it opened a crack. He wasn't going to be staying long, and he didn't have much to gather up. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could avoid the police and secure a ticket for the last bus out of here. It wasn't too late, the sun now just peaking over the dunes in the distance.  Vash shoved his sleepwear in his bag, yanking the cords shut and swinging it over his shoulder. He'd cut his losses on paying for the room tonight, and besides, if things went sideways he could always sneak his way back in without the stress of trespassing.  He had managed to sneak past the bar without Nadina noticing him, or maybe she did and just decided not to say anything. She was a perceptive woman, nothing slipped past her, so maybe Vash was foolish for thinking he could. He pushed his way through the doors, setting a brisk pace that didn't look too suspicious as to garner unwanted attention, adjusting the straps of the bag on his shoulder as he stepped through the weighted double doors of the shoddy bus station. The clerk was in the middle of cashing out as Vash ran up to the till, putting down a little more money than necessary just to secure his ticket in case the gentleman was in a poor mood.  Being eyed up and down never got easier. It was always fifty fifty on whether he had to run if they recognized him, or if they just thought he was some weirdo. "A ticket– please! A ticket please. Are there any seats on the last bus?" He was sure the desperation was even more suspicious, but he couldn't care. Not right now, at least. "It doesn't matter where it's going." The man grunted in response, taking the money– all the money– that had been placed on the counter in front of him. He scribbled something down on his receipt paper, tearing it off and clipping it to the bus ticket he then handed over. Vash smiled gratefully, brows upturned, before turning on his heel and speed walking out the door. People were lined up in front of the doors, already boarding. At least he wasn't going to waste any time. He sucked in a deep breath, stepping forward when the line moved up, his eyes scanning the crowds in the streets to make sure he wasn't picked out. And then he saw an apparition. And apparition, or an angel. Off to the side, two or three buildings down, back facing him but he could recognize it anywhere. He could point it out with no doubts, the presence you radiated was something he still constantly saw in his dreams. He had spent so many nights laying next to you, how could he forget about all of that in a measly eight-or-so months? His breath was caught in his throat, lungs feeling tight and his eyes stung. Suddenly everything hurt, his heart, his eyes, his muscles, he couldn't move. You were talking to an older man, his brows furrowed as he looked up and around. He pointed his finger towards Vash, and everything moved so slow. You turned, eyes wide, and he could see the tears welling up from where he was standing. You were beautiful, so so beautiful, hair a bit longer than he had remembered, new clothes he hadn't ever seen before, but... You were the same. The same lips he had traced with his thumb, the same cheeks he had squished in his hands, the same eyes he could stare into for hours, just watching every sparkle and light flare every time you talked about nothing in particular. Then your mouth moved. He couldn't hear it, but he could see it plain as day. Vash? He watched you, watched as you took one slow step forward, then another, then another, steps slowly increasing in pace until you were running full sprint towards him. He was now stood in front of the open doors of the bus, ticket gripped so tightly in his still–flesh hand that it was barely legible. He didn't get a chance, didn't get a chance to step onto the bus, didn't get a chance to say anything to you, didn't get a chance to pull away or run like he thought he wanted to. Not before you were hurling yourself into him, arms wrapped so tightly around him he thought you were trying to crush every bone in his body. The impact made him huff through parted lips, cerulean eyes wide and glossy behind tinted glasses. You said something, something he couldn't hear with how hard you had shoved your face into the fabric of his jacket. The bus driver called out, catching his attention. He said something along the lines of are you getting on, and Vash didn't even register the fact he was shaking his head no. All he registered were the bus doors closing, and his shaky hands coming around and resting on your back. "You're so stupid!" You shouted, sobbing into his shirt. Your shoulders shook, your body trembled, and he could feel the wet of your tears seeping through the fabric. "You're so stupid and I'll never forgive you!" There were so many things he wanted to say in response.  I missed you so much. Every day without you felt too long. You're my everything. None of it came out, he tried. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a pathetic, choked out cry of your name. You looked up at him, and he watched as his own tears cascading down his face landed on your cheeks. His fingers fisted the back of your shirt, his arms starting to quiver, his glasses fogging up. Your hands reached up, pushing his glasses up into his hair, then sliding back down to rest on his cheeks. He leaned down, pressing his forehead up against yours as you whispered, "I never stopped looking for you." Vash kissed you, now for the second time, but instead of grief and distress and sorrow, there was relief. Comfort. Solace. He kissed you, and this time you kissed him back. You pushed your soft, beautiful lips up into his, finally letting go of all the heartache you had evidently been carrying with you for the eight months since he had left you. He pulled back, only for a second to look into your eyes, before he kissed you again, and again, and again. He kissed you breathless, his hands coming up to cup your face, mimicking how you were holding him, only pulling back far enough so he could see you. You still shared your breaths, shared the heat radiating off of each others' faces, shared wet tear stained cheeks. You were even more breathtaking than he remembered, the way your wet eyes shone in the setting sun, how your lashes clumped together, your sentimental smile enough to make him swoon.  "You two are making a scene," Vash heard from behind him, lips parting as he snapped away from you. Wolfwood stood with a stern look, cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he stared at Vash over his glasses, "July police are in town right? Maybe not a good idea." To say he was confused would be an understatement, eyes flickering over to you when you muttered a meek apology, an embarrassed smile on your lips and red ears. Vash opened his mouth to speak, apologize, his heart threatening to break all over again until Wolfwood shrugged, adjusting the cross slung over his shoulder and rolling his eyes. "Just save it for later. Good to see you Spikey," He nodded, walking towards the tavern Vash was staying at, "You got a room, right? Let's go, I could use a drink. Walked through the entire town all damn day." Vash furrowed his brows, mouth opening to speak, before he felt you grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers between his. He looked down at you, expression somewhere between confusion and distress, but you smiled and shook your head, giving him a small tug as you pulled him along behind Wolfwood. "I'll explain. It's okay." He complied, following wordlessly until the three of you had entered through the tavern doors. Nadina looked in his direction, her eyes widening slightly before smiling. "Welcome back," She greeted, holding up three fingers inquisitively. The three of you nodded in unison. "Comin' up." The three of you sat, mostly in silence until Nadina came over with the drinks. Vash didn't miss the way she eyed up Wolfwood, and then yourself, especially with how tight you were holding Vash's still flesh hand. Once she had gone back to the bar, starting casual conversation with other patrons, did you begin talking.  "I don't want you to feel like I'm deceiving you," You began, eyes everywhere but on him, "I'm... We're still a thing." You gestured between yourself and Wolfwood with a finger, earning a curt nod from the priest as he slugged back his drink. He felt his heart ache again, something he hadn't felt in a while. He smiled, disingenuous and sad. He should have known better, Nadina had told him it was Wolfwood looking for him after all. The second he saw you, he should have known Wolfwood would have been in tow. He should have gotten on that bus, he shouldn't have froze the second he saw you. "But," You continued, "The night everything... The night you left, I told Nick about what happened. I told him you kissed me, I told him you left, and..." Your tiny voice tapered off, and he could see you fighting back tears. He wanted to reach up, wanted to cup your cheek and brush the cool metal of his lost-technology hand under your eye to catch the wet before it trailed down your cheek. He clenched his fist, forcing back the urge, glancing over at Wolfwood who really only seemed to be half interested in the conversation. You sighed, calling his attention back to you. "I told him that I care about you Vash. So much, and... He was okay with that." Vash furrowed his brows, lips parted in visible confusion. You took a deep breath, clearing your throat a bit. "I failed to realize that I had feelings for you too, but I felt bad already being committed to... this," Once again gesturing between Wolfwood and yourself, "We talked about it. Talked about having you join us, or at least try things out and see how they go." You held your palm out flat, pointing towards Wolfwood as he slowly nodded. "So– you– you aren't mad at me then?" Vash asked towards Wolfwood. The tanned man scoffed, leaning forwards on the table as he stared at Vash. "You aren't seeming to get it, so I'll spell it out for you Blondie," Wolfwood tapped his index finger on the table, "Us. All three of us. Relationship, or whatever the fuck you wanna consider it." It took a moment for Vash to register what you both were saying, brows furrowing again as he glanced back at you, then Wolfwood again, earning a nonchalant shrug as he grabbed at the glass sitting in front of you, tipping it back and drinking half the contents. You didn't seem to notice, or you did and simply didn't care, your thumb rubbing busy circles into the back of his partially gloved hand.  "So," Vash cleared his throat, scooting a bit closer to you in his seat, "You... Both of you... want...?" "You're both easy on the eyes, 'n I don't mind sharing," Wolfwood cut in unabashedly, both yours and Vash's cheeks heating in surprise at his boldness. "Both my type too, lucky me." He sparked up a cigarette, hanging his head over the back of his chair as he blew smoke up and away from the conversation being had. Vash was quiet, taking in all the information and emotion, the relief and the anxiety, as he looked back and forth between you and Wolfwood.  "It's okay if that's not something you want, Vash," You smiled, understanding and sweet, "I can reimburse you for the bus ticket, and you can leave first thing–" "No!" He took his hand from your grasp, holding them both up to stop you from speaking. "No, I– of course, of course I want this but, I mean... Are you two sure?" Wolfwood and you chuckled in unison, your hand coming down to settle on his bouncing knee. He remembered when you used to do that, when you would be in a pub or a diner and a bounty hunter would walk in, how you would place your hand over his restless knee or hold his arm, and suddenly any anxiety he had about the situation dissipated into thin air. He smiled, laughing a small bittersweet laugh, and finally picking up his drink. Vash would let himself be selfish, he would let himself have you, have Wolfwood, even if something could go horribly wrong tomorrow, or the next day, he would enjoy you now.  "Okay. Yeah, okay!" His agreeance called for a celebration, your hand going to reach for your now empty glass of beer, slapping Wolfwoods arm in faux outrage. You laughed, and Wolfwood waved your hand away, insisting that he would buy you another one. You argued, bickering with him in good fun about how you have no money, I'm the one paying, and Vash laughed. A hearty, genuine, full laugh that used his entire diaphragm. It turned heads, and the smile that reached his eyes made you melt. The argument in front of him dissipated, your quick hands grabbing the empty on the glasses and heading over to the bar. Vash watched you leave, the smile never leaving his eyes as his heart swelled inside his chest. It almost felt like too much, almost felt overwhelming, seeing you so easily chatter with Nadina as she prepared more drinks for the three of you. He turned his head, giving Wolfwood such a soft expression he swore he could see his sun–kissed neck and ears go red. The night carried on, more drinks and more laughs and more playful bickering, the occasional hand on your knee, or his thigh, or feeling Wolfwood bump his leg with his own. The three of you had managed to stay up until closing, getting ushered upstairs by Nadina to the room Vash had rented. All three of you had more than enough to drink, considering at some point every single person had tripped going up. Vash shoulder checked his door after inserting the key, chucking his bag down beside the door. The bed was small, probably much too small for three people comfortably since it could barely be considered a full. A heavy thunk gathered his attention long enough to see Wolfwood resting The Punisher up against the wall in front of the foot of the bed. You giggled, and he smiled, watching you lay back onto the bed. Vash closed the door, shucking his coat, glasses, and holster off and tossing them over the desk in the corner, before flopping down on his stomach next to you. His metal arm laid over your torso, mechanical thumb running gentle circles into your sides. It was sweet, it was how things should have gone before, maybe this is just setting things right– "Move over," Wolfwood complained, and when Vash looked up he could see the tanned man throwing his pants into a crumpled pile in the corner with the rest of his clothes. Really, Vash hadn't even noticed him strip, only to be left in his boxer briefs. His cheeks flushed red, quickly averting his eyes as he readjusted himself and you on the bed so you were now laying properly. Vash had wedged himself back against the wall, your back pressed to his front, as Wolfwood climbed in to join. "Tight fuckin' fit," Wolfwood grunted, and Vash would have been embarrassed at his phrasing if you hadn't laughed at him and playfully swatted his chest. Considering the limited space, the three of you had to shuffle around for a bit to get comfortable, one of you earning an elbow to somewhere sensitive, or a knee to the thigh, but finally everything settled into a comfortable position. Wolfwood laid on his back, arm outstretched for both you and Vash to rest your heads on, your back to his side, face to face with Vash. It didn't take long for Wolfwood to doze off, his light-sleep snoring filling the otherwise empty room. Vash tried to sleep, really he did, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He couldn't stop staring at the curve of your jaw, the halo of hair on the arm and pillow below you, and your beautiful dazzling eyes. This time, he didn't have to shy away when you met his gaze. This time, he could stare and stare until he went blind. And, as enamored with you as he was, he could see that same infatuation as you stared back.  "Hey," You whispered, closing your eyes as his metallic hand brushed a strand of hair behind your ears. "Hey." Those were the only words you exchanged, afraid you might wake up your sleeping companion. That didn't stop you grinning from ear to ear, though, and it didn't stop him from shuffling impossibly closer, or his cold mechanical hand running up and down your side, slowly skating up. He traced a trail with his fingertips, going from your side, to your back, up your arm, brushing over your collarbone, and up your neck. It was feather light, scared that if he pressed any harder you would disappear into a cloud of smoke. His fingers stopped at your chin, index finger gently hooked underneath, while his thumb traced the outline of your lips. Vash sucked in a deep breath, half lidded cyan eyes staying locked on the slight part of your mouth as you kissed the pad of his metal thumb. He exhaled in a puff, watching the hairs to the side of your face shift in place. "This doesn't feel real," He admitted in a whisper, barely audible had you not been mere inches away from him, "I feel like I don't deserve this." Frowning, you pressed another kiss to his hand, and he vaguely registered the warmth of your palm on the side of his neck. It was as gentle as a mayfly's wing, and had he not seen your arm move, he would have missed it. The same hand reached out, grasping his wrist and pulling it away from your face. Vash swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, his still tipsy mind hazy as you leaned in and placed your petal soft lips on the corner of his mouth. It wasn't enough, he could never get enough, he thought as he turned his head, greedily taking you in and kissing you so gently. His eyes fell closed, fingers threading between yours. Shifting slightly, his other hand came up from beneath him, cupping the back of your neck. It was slow, languid, gentle, like you both had all the time in the world to simply exist with each other. Vash wanted to make up for lost time, apologize for leaving you in that motel room, tell you how much he missed you, but instead he spoke with his actions. He kissed you tenderly, lovingly, over and over again, his hands holding you so close you might think it was his last night alive. "I never stopped thinking about you," He whispered between kisses, turning you over on your back. He propped himself up, torso hovering over you as he kissed your cheek, nose, jaw, the shell of your ear. The sigh you breathed had him closing his eyes, scrunching his brow and committing it to memory.  Untangling his fingers from yours, his metal hand reached down, firmly grasping your hip as his lips moved down. He wanted to do this for so long, shower you in love and affection, to be showered in love and affection back. He wanted to give and take and exist in a world that was entirely you. When his lips came back up, there was more intensity behind his kisses, welcoming the part of your mouth with his own. Your mouth was warm, welcoming, and he could taste the lingering booze left behind when he pressed his tongue into your own. There was a whine, and it took him longer than it should have to realize it came from him, pulling back quickly when he felt a shift in the bed beside the two of you. A thick strand of saliva kept your mouths connected as he glanced over, seeing Wolfwood tugging his arm back and tucking it behind his head. Vash stilled, waited, and when he heard the telltale snores again, he was back on your lips in an instant. "Vash," You breathed into him, your hands grabbing the back of his shirt and fisting the material in your palms, "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere."  You sounded amused, and his fingers gripped you just a little bit tighter as he kissed you just a little bit harder. "I know." But he didn't know. He didn't know when would be the last moments he spent with you, and he didn't want you to slip between his fingers again. He didn't want to dance around his feelings to keep you safe when neither of your futures were guaranteed tomorrow. So, instead of pulling back when you patted and rubbed his back, he slipped between your legs, his hands grabbing at your thighs and pulling you into him, adjusting your position. He hunched over you, forearms resting beside your head as he took more and more, stealing the breath from your lungs, soaking in your tiny whines and insincere protests. There was a fire in the pit of his stomach, and everything about you, everything you did, stoked the flame, made it burn brighter, hotter. Vash didn't know where this boldness came from, brushing your bangs back from your face and kissing you once more, the heat of his hand searing your skin as he dipped his fingers just below the band of your shorts, hiking your leg up around his waist. Immediately met with eager compliance, Vash smiled against you and rubbed an affectionate stroke on your outer thigh. His hand moved up, further and further until his fingers were tangled in the strands of your hair. He lowered himself, just a bit, but it was enough to have his pelvis rub up into you. The moan you let out was less quiet, but he couldn't care less when you were pulling him so much closer, arching your hips to press up into him. He shuddered, a small hiss making it past his teeth as you rubbed up into him. He was already getting so worked up and he didn't even know if you would be okay with something so different, something that could send you running. "I want you," He sighed into your temple, cheeks flushing, "Just... Promise you'll try to keep an open mind?" He was suddenly bashful, watching your brow quirk at his request. "Wha– why?"  "It's– my, ahem... It's a little different than, uhm–" Vash paused, a shiver wracking up his spine when you reached down and palmed the front of his pants. You kissed him, obviously not swayed by his lack of human anatomy– he didn't know why he expected anything less from the person that would patch him up and nurse his hard to reach wounds. He relaxed into your touch, cock pulsing in its confines as you flattened your palm and stroked up and down the front of his pants, arms shaking as he pulled back from you with a sheepish smile. "Sensitive," He explained, fingers pushing up the hem of your shirt until you lifted your arms, allowing him to pull the fabric off and toss it behind him and onto the floor. His eyes widened, before softening, hands clutching at your sides and moving up and down soothingly. "Beautiful." Both hands, metal and flesh, gripped your ribcage, thumbing over the perk of your nipples. You reaction was immediate, back arching, one hand flying to cover your mouth. Vash exhaled, breathing ragged as he repeated the action, this time watching your face contort, trying your best to keep quiet and not wake Wolfwood next to you. He pinched your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, gently rolling them in his grasp. Your airy moans urged his own whine, his lips replacing one of his hands, working you just a little faster. Hands moved, clothing was discarded, and by the time Vash had gotten his senses about him, you were in nothing but your underwear, urging him to tug his shirt over his head and throw it into the dark with the rest of your clothes. Vash knows he was supposed to savor this, commit it to memory, but your wandering hand stroking his cheeks, pulling his hair, pawing at the front of his pants, had all of his senses kicked into overdrive. You were beautiful, more so than he had ever imagined, and he didn't want to wait another second to have you. The warm pad of his thumb came up, pressing into your bottom lip, urging you to open up for him. He kissed you, more tongue than lips, while his metal hand caressed the innermost part of your thighs, the tips of his fingers teasing up against your clothed clit. When you moaned into his mouth, he moaned with you, the sound less quiet than desired and entirely debauched. Handling you with utmost care, his hand peeled your underwear to the side. Vash was surprised when you didn't flinch at the cold– but then again he was probably warmed by your body heat– as he dipped his fingers into just slightly, coming back up to circle your clit. Sounds he didn't think he would ever get to hear cascaded from your lips, and he greedily lapped them up like his last meal. Occasionally returning your noises with a choked out moan or breathy whine, his fingers trailed back down, one finger slowly dipping into your heat. When you gasped into him, he curled his finger up slowly, pulling back before pushing in a second. You were soaked, and your combined groan echoed off the walls of your small shared room. "Having all the fun without me," Broke the silence, hands on Vash's hips from behind making him startle out a high pitched eep! "Got room for another?" In all honesty, Vash hadn't even noticed Wolfwood move, and he wondered if it's because he was so wrapped up in you, or if Wolfwood was really that quiet. His cheeks flushed a deeper red, if that was even possible, when he glanced down, watching Wolfwood press his tented boxers up and into his ass. Cerulean eyes shot back up, like a deer in the headlights as Wolfwood ran a hand up his bare spine slowly. Vash turned to glance at you, only to see you biting your lip to suppress a shy grin, then back at Wolfwood. He nodded, barely finished the action of agreeing before he was being grabbed by the back of the neck and tugged up. Back to his chest, Wolfwood moved his hand around his neck to cup his jaw, pulling him into a mind-numbing kiss. His lips were rougher, chapped, and he could taste the leftover nicotine lingering on his breath when his mouth was pried open by his tongue. Vash moaned, eyes rolling back into his skull when Wolfwood reached around with his other hand, cupping the front of his pants and giving a gentle squeeze. Back arching, Vash bucked into his hand, pulling back to fix Wolfwood with a half lidded, embarrassed expression.  "It's... it's different," Vash explained again, earning a snicker in response. "You got a hole?" His expression fell, eyes wide in shock, nodding slowly. "We're all good then." He should've been embarrassed, really. Should've been embarrassed that Wolfwood speaking to him so directly made his cock twitch, or embarrassed by the fact when he glanced over you were touching yourself below him, but he couldn't. He locked eyes with you, his breath catching in his throat as you pushed yourself up on your forearms. You sat up on your knees, hands holding his waist as you kissed him again. Being pulled back and forth made his head spin, and he didn't know who was unbuttoning his pants and pushing them down his hips, but every touch and sensation and movement had him absolutely delirious. A hand was on his face again, Wolfwood squishing his cheeks to open his mouth and pull him back for another debauched, sloppy kiss. He didn't have time to be bashful about his state of undress, but the way you gasped when his pants and boxers had been pulled to his knees had his body tensing. Wolfwood seemed intrigued, parting only far enough to glance down. Vash slapped his hands over his face, not daring to peek through the cracks of his fingers. "Vash," You breathed, a yelp leaving his lips when he felt your smaller hand grasp him, "You're so gorgeous." Finally, Vash had gathered the courage to look at you from behind his hands, seeing the intrigued, bewildered expression on your face. You were tracing the neon glyphs running up his length, which would look like a normal human appendage had it not emerged from opened, flourishing petals. He was twitching with every slight touch, panting behind his hands as your fingers moved down, hips jumping and cock bouncing with even the slightest graze. "C–Careful, sensitive." Slick ooze coated his entire length, your hand glistening after releasing him from your grasp. Vash tossed a glance over his shoulder, seeing Wolfwood's furrowed brows and focused expression. Oh God, he thought this was weird didn't he? His worries dissipated the second Wolfwood reached around, using two fingers to gather up the slick coating him. He smirked, using his thumb to smear it around on his fingers before pulling his hand back. Vash would have been confused if he didn't feel a slimy finger circling his asshole, making him gasp and jump. "Tell us if it's too much," You soothed, laying back on the bed and coaxing Vash to come with you. He complied, of course he did, forearms holding himself above you as you whispered sweet words, followed by a quick, "Touch me again." Skin–warmed metal prodded at your entrance again, moving up, then down, before two fingers slowly entered you. In unison, Wolfwood pressed a finger into Vash, pulling a surprised mewl from his throat. Still, he melted into the touch, fingers pausing only briefly as he caught his bearings, before curling his prosthetic digits and stroking inside of your dripping cunt. The sounds you made were heavenly, his legs shaking as Wolfwood slowly worked him open. A second finger was added, his back arching and pressing down into your chest as he choked out a cry. "You're so pretty," You murmered through the haze, a grunt coming from Wolfwood behind him, "Please, Vash... I want you." Three words he never thought he would hear, three words that almost had him cumming on the spot paired with the quick work Wolfwood was making of him. He nodded frantically, glancing over his shoulder at Wolfwood, seeing his boxers now gone, cock impossibly hard and heavy under its own weight. Vash audibly choked, eyes wide when he made eye contact. "B– aha, big," Vash stuttered intelligently, earning a smirk in return. "How–" "The man upstairs blessed me in that way. Dont worry your pretty little head about it." Wolfwood pulled back, shucking down Vash's pants the rest of the way and pulling them off, allowing him to look back at you and crowd you in his space. Metal fingers gripped himself by the base, swiping one, two, three stripes up the line of your pussy, making his body jolt every time. The head caught on your entrance, his arms shaking as he slowly, oh so slowly, pushed himself into your welcoming heat. The slide was easy between your combined slick, his slow inch-by-inch entrance more for him than you to adjust. Once he bottomed out, you breathed a sigh, and he whimpered into your neck. Vash wasn't given much, if any time to adjust, before Wolfwood was pressing his cockhead against his hole, only managing to get two or three weak thrusts into your clenching heat before he was being split open. He was loud, the moan ripped from his throat when Wolfwood pushed himself in, filling him so good and so much. His cock twitched, jumped, and throbbed inside your soaked cunt, earning a string of pleas and mewls from your lips. He couldn't think straight, couldn't see straight, and he didn't even register the fact he had started moving back and forth in your heat in time with Wolfwood's thrusts until a particularly spongy spot inside him had been prodded by the other man's cockhead. "Ah, s–so much!" Crying out in pure bliss, Vash quickened his speed, the slap of Wolfwoods hips against his ass barely audible over his moans and mewls and whines. It was almost too much, almost enough to push him over the cliff of overstimulation, just barely toeing the line. Tears pooled in his eyes, knocking his forehead against yours as he panted into your open mouth. "I love you, I love you I love you I–" Vash sputtered, only a fraction of his brain working well enough to know he was going to cum fast and hard if he didn't try to anchor himself. "'m gonna cum, please, please cum with me." He didn't know who exactly he was talking to, you, Wolfwood, or both, but he was desperate. Bringing down the pad of his thumb, he spun quick hard circles around your clit, revelling in your gasps and whines. His hips stuttered when Wolfwood slammed into him with a particularly hard thrust, knocking him forward into you deeper, harder. He couldn't stop himself even if he tried, his voice caught in his throat as he choked, wailed, tears falling from his eyes and drool slipping from the corner of his mouth. Moan after syrupy thick moan, he emptied himself into your welcoming heat. The shockwaves of Wolfwood pounding into him mercilessly pushing you over the edge with his restless fingers. He could never forget your please, please, please now that he was the cause of your pleasure, pumping you full of viscous fluids and bringing you to your own finish. In sync, Wolfwood growled behind him, grabbing a fistful of his hair from behind and tugging him so his back arched, feeling a warm wetness spill into him. In silence, the three of you quivered, bodies shaking from the intensity as you stilled. The hand in his hair loosened, his body falling slack on top of you, both of you grunting at the impact. His cheek was pressed against your chest, smearing the drool running down his chin against your smooth skin. "Fuck," Wolfwood broke the silence, pulling out and away from Vash, "That was..." "So good," Vash slurred, mind broken as he continued to quake on top of you. Both you and Wolfwood laughed, turning him on his side to the center of the bed. He groaned, eyes glancing down between your legs to see the sheer amount of liquids that had left a sizeable puddle on the sheets. He couldn't find it in himself to be shy about it, simply smiling at you and murmuring an insincere, "Sorry." Your hand came up, gently smacking his chest in jest as you curled up as close as you could, partially to avoid the quickly cooling liquid and partially to bask in the afterglow with him. Wolfwood sighed, content as he laid down on the other side of Vash, throwing his arm over both of your waists. "No cleanup?" You mumbled into Vash's chest, earning a scoff from Wolfwood in return. "You wanna get up?" "Nooo," You whined. "Then it can wait 'til mornin'." Vash exhaled a weak laugh, his heart feeling so full, so warm, turning his head back to look at Wolfwood and getting a surprisingly tender kiss in return. Turning his head back to you, his warm fingers tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he placed a slow, gentle kiss on your swollen lips. Just as he began to doze off, Wolfwood steadily snoring once again, he heard your exhausted, crackled voice in the back of his mind. “I love both of you. So, so much.” And in that moment, Vash the Stampede knew he had so much more to look forward to in his following days.
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Hello! It's me again. I'm probably pestering you, lol. I think a lotta people give flack for the Octavinelle trio being ruthless and "behaving like a Mafia." But I think considering where they live it makes sense? They live in the ocean. And the ocean is a kill or be killed environment, where you have to the strongest and toughest. If not? You at least have to be quick witted and unable to be seen, otherwise you'll be dead. If the trio become too soft they'll be fish meat.
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I think the fandom is pretty divided when it comes to perceptions of what the Coral Sea is like. On one hand, you have the people who think of it as like living in Atlantica, which is basically just like living in a peaceful and pretty city (but underwater). Then you have the people who think the environment would be so different it would shape its inhabitants to behave differently as well. The second one tends to be a darker or grittier interpretation which aknowledges dangers such as other undersea creatures and treacherous living conditions.
Personally, I lean on and enjoy the latter, since TWST rarely ever designs purely for the aesthetic of it; one example of this is how the twins are confirmed to be bioluminescent in the Magical Archives. This is a decision that was not made “because it would look cool”, but because many deep sea creatures rely on this trait to intimidate potential predators. It would make more sense for the cold waters of the Coral Sea to change its people rather than merfolks’ cities simply being civilizations moved several leagues under, especially seeing TWST time and time again really consider the geography and history of each new location and how those inform the cultures that form there.
However, I want to state that the Coral Sea would be very different depending on which area you’re in, just like how there are nice parts and bad parts of a city. It’s not ALL nice or ALL bad. For example, the Atlantica Museum in book 3 appears to be in a more photic zone, so there’s more sunlight and it appears pleasant to be in. Even the merpeople there seem to be different than the Octatrio; they less so resemble specific sea creatures and are much more akin to being human-like. We have yet to really see how the benthic zones are—but we do know they must be harsher, since Floyd has mentioned exploring shipwrecks and various dangers there (like sharks).
I also want to point out that there are subtle signs in dialogue which could imply merpeople prefer traits that promote survivability and adaptability in the ocean. Azul’s bullies are noted to taunt him for his weight, but also for his bulky tentacles and inky tears. Now why those traits specifically??? Because these impede his ability to swim swiftly (making it harder to escape danger) and easily give away his location (if he’s in hiding or camoflauging).
I’ve seen others suggest that maybe these comments are because of racism against octopus merpeople, who are a rare kind of merfolk. This is entirely possible, yes! But thinking about it like that… Isn’t it also possible that there aren’t a lot of octopus merpeople at the moment because it’s more difficult for them to escape or to hide from predators? Which then informs and perpetuates preexisting prejudices. In this context (plus the bullying), it makes sense why Azul may have “hardened” as a defense and survival mechanism. The same goes for the twins, who were explicitly taught how to defend themselves (although this also goes into the Leech mob family theory, which is a whole separate matter) and have often made references to fighting others in the Coral Sea. Their upbringings also play a part in their personalities, but so does the environment they grew up in. Like Azul and the twins, you’d have to harden mentally or physically to some degree to ensure your survival through tough circumstances.
It’s hard to say for sure though! A lot of this is speculation based on current but infrequent lore, and the Octatrio themselves are a very small portion of all merfolk. They may not be representative of the behaviors of all other merpeople, and we should keep this in mind when referring to them as our exemplars. That’s why I’ve been hoping for a Coral Sea hometown event so we have a more concrete idea of what life under the sea is like 😭
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radioisntdead · 1 month
It's 4 am, I haven't slept and I'm supposed to be sleeping but Alastor shenanigans are plaguing me, headcanon time folks! Throwing the reader in at random times
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Alastor is stunned when you shine a flashlight at him, like eyes wide, smile stuck, ears forced straight,
Deer in headlights fr fr
He's NOT happy once he's freed from the flashlight pause, if y'all are romantically involved you are getting bitten, if you are not romantically involved, then you are getting threatened, sucks for you good luck.
Dude makes deer bleats, it's canon
Imagine just giving the dude some form of affection like a slight smooch on the cheek and BLEAT
Also hooves, I imagine dude has to get his shoes custom-made to fit comfortably,
Do y'all think he could tapdance with the hooves? Like click clack, I have no idea how tapdancing works it's late, I'm sleep deprived and delusional.
If you know how tapdancing works feel free to infodump in the comments I love reading infodumps
I have no context but onlyhooves popped in my head and I found that hilarious,there are probably people who have a thing for hooves in that universe in a non cute way. Yucky shame on thee.
Anyways put this man shoeless, hooves out on a fleshly waxed/mopped floor or something and he's becoming Bambi, he is NOT dignified when he's slipping and sliding, do not laugh at him you will get bit and I said it once and I'll say it again this man probably has something, Now I adore Alastor that deer guy is why I'm in this fandom BUT THAT MAN DOES NOT HAVE GOOD HYGIENE,
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Why do I like this guy? [It's probably because this is the only fictional character that I unwillingly got a thing for that's ace and I feel safe in that way, only in that way though he would kill me. Or I'd kill him first because I AM NOT GETTING TAKEN OUT BY THAT DRENCH HIM IN HOLY WATER]
Anyways back on topic y'all would 100% have to chase him down with a bucket of water, soap and a sponge.
Like use the flashlight to stun him and throw him into a bathtub, dab shampoo and conditioner in his hair and leave him there to soak, this is a weekly debacle
Like he'll take a bath on his own but that's like once a month maybe twice if lucky
You will have to remind him to brush his teeth and stand in the bathroom and watch him brush his teeth, y'all are going to have to change out toothbrushes often because he destroys them brushes his sharp ol' teeth
also I just realized his teeth GLOW? Brushing isn't going to make it any less yellow but maybe glow more.
Deers apparently do this lil' ol' foot stomp while agitated and I can't remember if Alastor does a lil stompy stomp in the show but I can just imagine dude leaning on his radio staff probably bickering with reader because y'all are trying to get him to brush his teeth and then stompy stomp.
You could probably dress him up festively for Christmas, he won't do it willingly but you could try, put Christmas lights on his lil' antlers make him grow em' out and you can put ornaments on it too
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I should be sleeping but I'm doing this instead, I am making great decisions here!
I'm yawning rn and that has lead to me thinking he probably unhinges his mouth like pennywise to yawn, Sometimes I wish I could do that, big yawn.
According to his wiki Alastor is a canonically a foodie and cooks
He has a cookbook that he made himself, it's handwritten and looks like it belongs to a older woman [COUGH COUGH he took care into making it look like a cookbook his Ma had cOUGH COUGH]
I imagine he cooks in bulk [me projecting but that's because when I cook it's usually for my family] and before the hotel he would pack it in advance like "this is my delectable lunch, and this is my partners lunch for tomorrow and this is for-" but after the hotel it's just "Salutations! I made dinner now feast."
I imagine there's a few checks to make sure he didn't put any sinner meat in there, like Sir we did not consent to cannibalism.
He usually makes dishes with sinner meat separately.
Dude sleeps with his eyes wide open, dry ol' eyes, give him some eye drops like sir you had glasses in life, I'm assuming your eyesight got fixed to some degree, TAKE CARE OF IT this is coming from someone with glasses, I want good eyesight SOBBING.
anyways if y'all were married for example in life the first time you go to snoozeville and you wake up you freak out because he's staring at you and he did NOT DO THAT WHEN HE WAS ALIVE.
Dude definitely got freakier in death, like dude was a funky lil' charmer that killed people, I can't emphasize enough that this man killed people, Remember it's alright in fiction but we don't condone it irl.
And now he's a funky cannibalistic dude, still kills people
Imagine keeping a diary or something and one entry is just like
"Dearest diary, Alastor has developed a taste for sinner flesh."
I really don't use Alastor making puns in my fics enough, I need to put that in more I ADORE puns
I've been kicked out of like two gcs because I wouldn't stop making stupid puns at bad times.
Same with the 1920's-1930's slang and just everything like that was my hyperfixation for a good bit [I say good bit like I wasn't a walking talking wikipedia article and like it isn't actively ongoing] [I am SO GLAD I WAS NOT BORN THEN I WOULD NOT SURVIVE FOR MULTIPLE REASONS.]
Dude has chest fur. Also random tuffs of fur around like his elbows or knees.
I also headcanon that he sometimes sleepwalks, so you wake up at 2 am and he's just standing over you, watching.
Assuming you're used to it you just blink before turning around and going back to sleep, add in a "Alastor go back to your side of the bed"
When he's not freaking you out with his sleeping habits he's staying awake for multiple days in a row.
Okay I'm going to sleep now goodnight folks, Let's see if this makes any sense when I wake up.
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strawberrymochin · 2 months
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Dropping Megumi at school :- you and gojo drop the fushiguro kids at school.
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Megumi comes out of his shared room wearing his new school uniform. You and satoru both decided to admit them to a new elementary to change their surroundings and for better education.
'Megumi-chan, the uniform looks good on you!!' Tsumiki squealed with excitement as you tie her hair into a pony tail.
'Aww Megumi, you look so cute just like your sister.' you couldn't help but melt at this sight. The kids were looking so adorable, just like you imagined.
Gojo ruffles megumi's hair, earning grumbles from him. 'you seem all ready for your new school, make sure you study well. After that when I come home you have practice sessions with me.' Megumi mutters a low 'hm' fixing his hair.
'Come here, Megumi lemme fix your hair.' you say, 'And satoru, go get their scl bags.'
'where is it?'
'Ofcourse in their room. Go get it fast. Don't wanna be late on the first day of class.'
Megumi comes to you as gojo goes to fetch their bags. You fix his hair quickly and tell him to join Tsumiki at the table and have breakfast.
You were in the kitchen where gojo brings their little school bags. You've already prepared their bentos. Decorated with utmost love and affection. You've left the lunch open to let the hot steam evaporate a bit and now it's time to close the lids and stuff them into their school bags.
Gojo takes a bite out of megumi's lunch box, when you protest 'hey! No eating out of kid's lunches.'
'But I'm hungry, just one more please.'
'nope. I've already made pancakes for you. If you're hungry then have them.'
'But you didn't decorate it like these lunches.'
'are you a kid?'
'don't you love me? I want some of that too.' How can you forget the strongest sorcerer can be such a pain in the ass. He sulks as you question your life decisions.
'Gross!' a voice interrupts gojo's sulking. You both peek out of the door to see Megumi giving a disgusted look at his Sensei.
'What do you mean by gross?!' an offended gojo questions the black haired tetchy boy.
'By gross I mean your behaviour.' Megumi declares offending gojo even more. He storms off the kitchen to lecture the 6 year old on how to show respect to his elders, which the kid deliberately ignores.
You sigh realising what you got yourself into. You turn to the counter refilling the empty space of Megumi's lunch box, gojo ate. A smile appears on your lips unconsciously, you know you will see them bickering like this a million times and maybe that's a thing you would treasure.
Tsumiki watches gojo lecturing her brother, who doesn't even spares him a look and continues eating his breakfast as if the man shouting beside him doesn't exist.
'Enough! Finish your breakfast. Otherwise we are gonna be late.' you want, shutting gojo up.
'I'm done.' says Tsumiki, Megumi follows her next after finishing his breakfast. Gojo's the last one to finish, after stuffing the entire pancake into his mouth at once, earning a critical look from you three, to which he responds, 'whmff wff afe geffimg lffe?' (he chokes on his pancake)
Tsumiki couldn't suppress her laugh watching her guardian struggle choking on a pancake, 'what language on earth is he speaking?' asks Megumi, creeped out.
'nothing he's just telling we will get late, now you two get your bags while I deal with him.' you drag gojo to the bathroom, hitting him firmly on the back to help him vomit.
After dealing with gojo and his dumb decisions, you go quickly to fetch your camera.
'whats that for?' gojo asks after gulping water, coughing a bit.
'To take a group picture, now hurry!'
You set the camera on a tripod, setting a timer gathering the kids as gojo joins in. 'Come on kids, smile.' Tsumiki smiles for the picture, Megumi does too. You squat down to their height along with gojo.
After gojo's rash driving, you guys reach the school and you wish both of them good luck for their first day in school with a kiss.
You noticed gojo sulking while he drove you back to the apartment.
'hey what happened? Whats with the sullen face huh?'
'YOU DON'T KISS ME WHEN I LEAVE FOR WORK! This is partiality.'
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crumb · 9 days
i love how benson is, on the surface, this devil-may-care kind of character, going around shooting people, dragging randy around to fix his life and scaring the hoes in the process—but at the same time there are these little details that show how much he does care. I mean the big obvious one is his motivation for wanting to fix randy, fix randy and help him not turn out like benson and the rest of the people in the small town, we all know this and have gone over these themes. but the smaller details, unintentional or not, those are really nice. Benson being the only one at Burger Burgers Burgers who has his sleeves cuffed and his shirt tucked in. This is one of many details that shows Benson does care, he cares about how he looks and how he's perceived to some extent. because let's be honest, it does set his character apart from the stereotypical 'redneck working at a fast food joint'. Which then gives an added weight to when he walks outside for his cigarette and untucks his shirt. he's releasing himself from this more restrained version he's presented himself as up until that point. Which then ALSO makes Chris saying "Benson, why do you fucking care?" even funnier. because like... Benson basically responds by killing him which in a way is him saying "hey, you're right, why do I fucking care?" lmaoooo Benson is also the only one, other than Randy (and I guess hardy?) who is wearing BBB uniform trousers. Chris is wearing cargo joggers and Jess is wearing a mini skirt with fishnets. If benson really didn't care about that job, or how he looked at that job, would he be wearing 100% of the uniform, well fitted, cuffed, tucked, cleaned, and ironed? And then when changing outfits at his house he puts on a fuzzy yellow/green cardigan and graphic ringer tee, the choices of which feel very intentional and like they're his favorite pieces of clothing. Which I think must be true if you think about him knowing this is his swan song, he wants to go out looking good. But what he doesn't change? His trousers. You'd think after killing three people at a job you probably don't particularly like and dragging their bodies around, changing out of the uniform would be a relief, other than wanting to just get out of clothes that are recognizable to the restaurant. Which makes me think his BBB uniform trousers are the best/most well-fitting trousers he owns which in itself is interesting. I mean look at the clothes he gives randy, they're not that much different in body size so even on benson those jeans would've been oversized as hell. This somewhat cleaned up version of himself that he presents, especially pre-killing spree, juxtaposed to his home life and his car is, I think, a great representation of Benson as a person. His home life, the clutter, his Ma in the front room, the clothes he gives randy, the junk strewn around his car—versus his cleaned and cuffed and tucked uniform and his stylish cardigan and graphic tee (idc what you say i love the cardigan)—I think it shows someone who is struggling but putting on a brave front, trying to come off as put together, as someone who knows himself and doesn't care about other people's perceptions, but at the same time so desperately does care and hates that he cares, and hates that he can't seem to change things. he can only dress them up a little to look presentable to passersby. and maybe it's one of those "the walls are just blue because they're blue!!" type situations and the wardobe dept or kyle or carter or the art director and whoever else, maybe it's just simply style/design decisions by one or several of them and there's no subtextual meaning behind it all—but even if so, I love that, to me at least, it's developed this deeper meaning within the context of the film and the character.
Don't even get me started on the Kurt Cobain cardigan and Benson having a shotgun in his trunk.
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btsficsandsuch · 10 months
You Better Figure It Out- Part 2
Yoongi can’t figure out a way to prove to you that he never cheated. When you hear stories about his encounters with other women it starts to make you question your decision.
Part 1 Here
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The plane ride back home was difficult. You tried your best to hide your tear stained face but after a few hours you just stopped caring. People stared and whispered, but your mind and your heart were so full of other things that it didn’t even matter to you. Yoongi had called you 16 times by the time your plane took off. You lost count of how many text messages he’d sent. Some of them apologizing, most of them begging. You had been cheated on in the past and Yoongi knew that too which is why you were extra hurt.
You wanted to believe he didn’t cheat on you but how could you? Your last boyfriend managed to hide his infidelity from you for six months and the two of you lived together and even worked for the same business. You and Yoongi spent a significant amount of time apart so it would be super easy for him to hide it from you. You thought of all the times he left for tour and you couldn’t go because of work and you wondered what he did when he was alone after the show or all the times he was locked in his studio all night and told you not to come by because he was busy. Now you were wondering exactly what he meant by “busy”.
When you finally made it back to your apartment the first thing you wanted to do was take a hot shower. Opening the bedroom door you were hit with a wave of disgust when you looked at the bed. The bed that you and Yoongi spent countless nights in cuddling, talking, showing each other love. What if he brought other women home and cheated on you with them in that bed? Suddenly you felt dirty being in that apartment. It didn’t feel like home any more. You grabbed another bag and packed some clean clothes. You were going to go stay with a friend for a while until you could find a new place. Luckily Yoongi wasn’t going to be home for a while so you didn’t have to worry about getting all of your things out just yet.
Over the course of the next few weeks Yoongi still called and texted you every day. Then you started getting texts from the boys asking you what was going on because Yoongi was inconsolable since you left. You knew things were serious when you got a voicemail from Bang PD letting you know that he was starting to get really worried about him. Part of you wanted to call and make sure he was okay at least but you ultimately decided against it. He brought this on himself and it’s not your responsibility to fix it. If things weren’t stressful enough for you, you still hadn’t found somewhere to live and the tour was almost over. Yoongi would be home in a few days and you weren’t sure what you were going to do.
You just arrived home from work when you heard your phone going off again. You went to delete the message assuming it was just Yoongi again but stopped when you saw it was Namjoon asking if the two of you could meet up now that they were home from the tour. You were hesitant but he promised no Yoongi so you gave in and you agreed to meet him the next day.
“Y/N it’s good to see you. How are you?”, Namjoon said while giving you a hug. You smiled, “I’m alright. How was the rest of the tour?” He sighed, “Tiring to say the least but we love it.” There was a long silence before he continued, “So you probably know why I wanted to talk so soon after getting back.” You nodded realizing that they would’ve just got in this morning. He continued, “Yoongi didn’t tell us the full story. He just said he messed up and he doesn’t know how to fix it. All I know is he’s not been the same Yoongi since you left.” You weren’t sure how much you wanted to involve him. At the end of the day this was between you and Yoongi but you thought maybe he might know something. “Namjoon, I want you to be 100% honest with me. Has he ever cheated on me?” You decided to give him more context before he answered, “He accused me of cheating and then admitted that he cheated on me. When I proved that I didn’t cheat he tried to backtrack and tell me that he never cheated. I don’t know if I believe him.”
Namjoon was quiet for a while like he was trying to decide how to answer. Finally he spoke, “Look Y/N I’m not with him 24/7 so I can’t tell you for sure.” You felt your heart sink. He continued, “But I can tell you there was this one time while we were on tour we had met a group of girls. We were all hanging out and drinking. People started getting touchy with each other. This one girl in particular really wanted Yoongi. I mean she was all over him.” The thought of some other girl all over him made you sick. You weren’t sure what the point of this story was and why he was telling you it. He continued almost like he could read your mind, “Yoongi kept pushing her away and telling her he wasn’t interested. She was persistent. Next thing I know her top is flying across the room and she’s straddling him in just her skirt and bra.” You’d had enough, “Joon what is the point of this story?” He chuckled, “Let me finish. He immediately shoved her off of his lap and left the room. Later that night Jimin found him asleep in his bed with his laptop open showing a slideshow of photos of you and he was hugging that tshirt of yours that he brings with him anytime we leave the country. My point is he could’ve easily had that girl if he wanted but he didn’t. Instead he laid in bed staring at pictures of you and clutching your shirt like it was the last thing he had left of you.” You had forgotten all about the blue tshirt you had gotten on a family vacation when you were 17. It was one of your favorites and Yoongi had accidentally packed it with his belongings before going on tour one time. He shyly told you how he had slept with it every night because it felt like you were there with him. Ever since then you let him keep it and it became like a comfort blanket for him when he was away.
Namjoon brought you back to the present as he continued, “Like I said Y/N, I can’t guarantee what Yoongi does when I’m not there but from what I do see I personally don’t think he’d cheat on you. The opportunity has presented itself several times over the years but he never acts on it. Ultimately though it’s up to you to decide if you want to move forward or end the relationship now. But please at least talk to him either way. We are really concerned about his well being right now.”
Even though you were more conflicted now you thanked Namjoon for talking with you and went on your way back home. You tried to clear your head on the walk back. On one hand you really believed that he wouldn’t cheat based on what Namjoon said but like he also said he’s not with him all the time. He was right about talking to him though. You knew that had to be done even if it was just to discuss moving your things out. You sent a quick text to him asking if the two of you could talk back at the apartment. Almost instantly you received a text back letting you know he was already there so you changed direction and made your way over.
You let yourself into the apartment for the first time in weeks. It felt even less like home than it did when you last left. You found Yoongi standing at the kitchen counter making two cups of coffee. You couldn’t believe how terrible he looked. His skin looked of a grayish color. He had dark bags under his eyes like he hadn’t slept in months. It looked like he had lost close to 20lbs since you last saw him. He looked up when he noticed you standing in the room. Slowly he walked over and handed you a cup of coffee, “I made it just like you like it.” You softly smiled and took the mug from him before sitting down. He stood staring for a moment like he was unsure where he should sit. Eventually he settled on the chair next to you.
“How have you been Y/N? Are you taking care of yourself?”, he asked. “I’m doing alright. How have you been?”, you inquired. He was biting his lip. Before he could speak the tears started flowing from his eyes. He started hyperventilating and shaking. Instinctively you reached for his hand, “Yoongi breathe. Just calm down and breathe. When is the last time you ate something or even slept?” He shook his head, “I don’t know. I don’t really care to do either any more.” “Yoongi you have to take care of yourself. Please. I hate seeing you like this.” You got up and checked the cabinets to find something to eat. Thankfully there were some instant noodles you were able to heat up. Setting the bowl in front of him you spoke, “Please eat. It’s the least you can do for me.” You watched as he finally started to eat the noodles. It was almost like you could see some life immediately brought back into his body.
You let him finish his meal and calm down a little before you decided to move forward with the reason you were there. “How do we move forward from this?”, you asked. He stared out of the window, “I don’t know Y/N. There’s no way for me to prove to you that I didn’t cheat. I love you more than life itself but I can’t force you to forgive me. What I did was disgusting and I broke your trust. I understand if you don’t want to continue this relationship any more.”, You sat in silence for a while before finally speaking up, “I agree Yoongi. I can’t trust you any more and I don’t think I can continue this.” He winced at your words before solemnly nodding. “Please take care of yourself Yoongi.”, you whispered before making your way to the front door.
You were finally able to find an apartment you could afford even though Yoongi had offered to let you have the apartment you shared. It didn’t feel right so you declined. You hadn’t heard from Yoongi since you stopped over to get the rest of your things. He still looked miserable but he didn’t say much. He helped you carry down some of your boxes to your car before disappearing to your once shared bedroom.
It had been several weeks since you heard from him when one day you got a text from him saying he had a box of your things at his studio. He said you could stop by any time and pick it up. You told him you’d stop by one day after work and that was the end of the conversation. It’s was a Friday evening and you were able to sneak out of work a little early so you thought it would be the perfect time to go get your stuff from his studio. You made the familiar walk to the building and then made your way past security and up his room.
Standing in front if his door you were about to knock when the door suddenly swung open and a woman came storming out slamming the it behind her. “Seriously, he already moved on?”, you thought feeling your heart break. “Oh are you here to see Yoongi? Well good luck. I swear I could walk in there naked and he wouldn’t even notice.”, she said dripping with sarcasm. You were pretty speechless not really sure what was going on. For some reason this woman thought you wanted to have this conversation so she continued, “Some guys are so blind or maybe just dumb. I’ve been trying to get with him for years. He always shot me down saying he had a girlfriend. I’d say what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. He still wouldn’t give in and told me he’d never do that to her. Whoever his girlfriend was must’ve been something special. Then I find out that they recently broke up. So I’m like okay cool. Now is my chance but he’s still rejecting me claiming he’s still in love and trying to get her back.” She eventually walked away still rambling. You were in disbelief at what you just heard. How could someone be so selfish?
You knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. When he did you greeted him with a slight smile, “I just met your friend. She seems nice.” He chuckled and invited you in. “So what’s her deal? It seems like she’s been giving you a hard time for a while.”, you asked. “That’s just Mae. She’s been working here for like three years. Her dads one of the big shots so she gets away with a lot. She’s been flirting with me and making advances on me for years. I think I’m the first person to tell her no in her life so she doesn’t like it.”, he said with a laugh. You began thinking back to the story that Namjoon told you about how Yoongi had rejected the girl while he was on tour and he also kept rejecting this Mae girl. You started wondering if maybe he didn’t ever cheat on you. He’s clearly had plenty of chances but has always turned them down.
You were shaken out of this thoughts when Yoongi spoke, “Your box is by the door. There’s some notebooks and supplies. Your favorite fuzzy socks are in there. I know you’ll want those back. Your favorite tshirt is also in there. I forgot it was still in my luggage.” You looked over and saw your blue vacation shirt that Yoongi always took with him on tour peaking out of the box. You were fidgeting with the sleeve of your blouse wondering if you’ll regret this next action or not, “Yoongi, you really never cheated on me did you?” He looked up at you, “Y/N I swear on my career, on my family, on my life itself. I never cheated on you. When I saw you at that pub and I thought you were getting that guys number I was hurt and scared and angry. I always expected you to leave me one day because I’m not the best at this relationship thing and I thought that day had finally come. I wanted you to feel the hurt that I was feeling. I said the one thing that I knew would hurt you the most and I’ll never forgive myself for it.”
You could feel the tears starting to well up in your eyes. You missed him so much. “Y/N you can say no if you want but can I hug you?” You nodded and he slowly wrapped his arms around you. It had been so long since you felt a relief like that. No one could hold you like him, comfort you like him, or love you like him. “Please give me another chance. I promise that nothing like this will ever happen again. You’ll never doubt my commitment or love for you.”, he whispered to you.
You pulled away to look into his eyes. It felt like years since you’d done that. His eyes were filled with sincerity. “I’m not saying I forgive you and I’m not saying that things will go right back to the way they were because it’s definitely going to take time but I do think that if we work on this we could repair our relationship.”, you said. Yoongi smiled, “I would really like that.” He took your hand in his, “If you like you could stay here for a little bit. I’ll order us some food. It’ll be like a repeat of our first date.” You thought back to that night and chuckled, “Yeah that sounds nice. Just please don’t spill your drink on me out of nervousness this time.” He laughed as he started ordering the food from his phone. You went over to the box of your things on the floor and took out the blue tshirt. You walked to Yoongi’s computer chair and laid the shirt over the back before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He looked back at the shirt and then up at you before smiling. You took a seat on the couch and continued to watch him as he pondered over what to order. You knew he was the one that broke your heart to begin with but you also knew deep down that he’d be the one that could slowly stitch it back together.
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lightlycareless · 5 months
Hiii, I just imagined a scene where Naoya and y/n sleeping in the same bed, but they don't get along, because y/n hates him for the things he did, but then he asks her with the most pleading voice ever: "can I hold you?" and it just melts my heart. (for the arranged marriage au)
This was really sweet and angsty :( I had to write it I'm sorry. lol I won't distract you from it now!!
Anyways, here are the warnings: misogyny. arranged marriage. you're getting yelled at.
Happy reading!!
Also, I'm unsure where this arranged marriage au came from, but I tend to take it as a guiding point as the context behind naoya's and y/n's relationship hahaha—unless this is referring to first it hurts? unsure unsure... hope you like it anyways :3!
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If were talking about a marriage that even when having a rough start, Naoya and you still managed to fall in love…
Then we gotta go all the way back to the beginning. Where you don’t know Naoya at all, and technically, Naoya doesn’t know you either.
Yet, he still knew he wanted to marry you. Because of all prospects out there, you were perhaps the best choice… or maybe there was something deeper inside him pushing him to favor you?
But regardless of what you and Naoya think, the moment both clans know of their suitability, an agreement was struck, a marriage of “convenience”—intended to obtain a better future, or at least a more tolerable present.
Due to the nature of this decision, you obviously weren’t consulted. Not even aware of until a week before the grand celebration!
Still, you did your best to call off the engagement. Justify that this union couldn’t amount to anything due to your ignorance regarding the Zen’in and their ways, how you wouldn’t be able to fit in what they considered appropriate, and how unwilling you were to put your family in such humiliation—things that were more than anything, trying to appease your clan’s approval, not truly reflecting your true emotions…
But the decision was firmly set, so much so that as soon as Naoya became aware of the faintest possibility of his engagement crumbling, urged your family to push the date earlier, just so you couldn’t argue against it any longer.
Eventually, the ceremony finally occurs, and while everyone is celebrating the union of a powerful clan and all the benefits that ensued, you couldn’t be any more dejected about it.
It was nothing but evident, even in the pictures taken afterwards, that the only ones happy about this were everyone but you.
How they were elated to see your suffering is something that you’d never be able to comprehend, as well as the “friendly” manner Naoya attempted to approach you, as if trying to distract you from the fact that he roped you into this union, probably even threatened your family into it given his clan’s reputation…
You didn’t want to do anything with him—nothing at all. Not even giving him a chance to get to know him. He didn’t deserve that.
All that he could get from you was nothing.
And that would be apparent in the way you’d avoid him at all costs, to the point where even your marriage was not consummated during the honeymoon.
The Zen’in elders had yet to believe that such thing had been the truth; thinking it to be some kind of baseless rumor created from the owners of the ryokan both stayed in order to… well, humiliate the Zen’in heir—either way, they did not believe it. Didn’t think someone like Naoya could’ve allowed such transgression to occur...
But it did.
It was the undeniable truth: you did not want to be near him in any shape or form.
Because you didn’t even agree to marry him, what made them think you’d be willing to be intimate with Naoya?!
Unfortunately, your reasoning isn’t something the elders from both his and your family cared about—they simply wanted to see fruits of this union to cement their agreement as soon as possible.
And to achieve that, they started pressuring Naoya to act.
Naoya would try to first “ease” you by giving you gifts, as his relatives would suggest, for “women, as much as they’re sentimental, they’re also materialistic. Specially the modern ones.” They’d say. “Give them a few things, tell them nice words, and you’ll see how easily they succumb to your demands.”
Naoya didn’t question their patronizing words, nor cared to demand respect towards his wife, because at that point, feeling both humiliated and perhaps discouraged by your aloof behavior, all that your husband wanted was to close the broadening gap between the two, one that had evidently grown bigger and bigger with each passing day.
The gifts started with basic things he believed girls liked, such as: jewelry, clothes, accessories… objects that you didn’t end up paying mind to, or actually liked for they were none of your allure—just to highlight the fact that he knew nothing of you, nor bothered to find out.
Given the failure of this attempt, Naoya swiftly believed you were the type of person that liked to be rewarded with a good time, going out and such.
And while Naoya wasn’t particularly fond of these activities, not when he’s already gotten what he wanted, didn’t mean he was sympathetic to the fact you were nothing but apathetic to his alternatives—if anything, you appeared to be disgusted by them.
Naturally, it didn’t take long for Naoya to grow desperate beyond this point.
Yes, he imagined that something so out of the blue couldn’t sail smoothly at the beginning, didn’t expect it either… but shouldn’t his efforts count for something? Be recognized for what they’re worth? For what they represent?
It’s not easy for him, it couldn’t be for someone raised in the circumstances he did.
But if the things that are worthwhile take effort, then why isn’t he seeing results??
Naoya is tired of the way you dismally behave towards him. The way you always ignore him, the way you act like he’s not even there, when he’s your husband, the man who you will more likely spend the rest of your life with. The father of your children!
Yet, you act like he is nothing.
At the thought, alongside the nth failed approach, Naoya loses his cool.
Dropping everything on the spot and yelling his frustrations at you, careless of who saw, where he was, in such way a way that lets you know he has been holding onto this for a while now—
And that he’s not only capable of that, but more.
Naoya didn’t mean to.
Naoya didn’t intend to… lash out the way he did, yell as loud as he did, insult you as harshly as he had done…
But it simply came out like that.
His emotions getting the best of him, completely overriding any semblance of common sense, decency… and seemingly putting down the last nail onto the coffin this marriage was doomed to be enclosed in from the very beginning.
The only time Naoya manages to snap out of his trance is when he sees the frightened, tearful way your eyes look back to him, body trembling, throat tight, speechless, as you take one, two steps away from him, before turning around and running away, to seemingly nowhere he could find you for the rest of the day.
Your husband was never one to measure his words, care about the way they could impact others, but when he sees the consequences of his actions for the first time in his life, he quickly finds himself regretting all that he done towards you, immediately urged to mend whatever he could before this marriage crumbles even more—if there was anything to rescue by this point.
But as much as he considered himself to be diligent, a good sorcerer, with a keen eye that nothing ever escapes him, he can’t find you.
No matter where he searched, or how many times he’s asked the staff to cooperate, demand an answer of your whereabouts less they wanted to be fired, you were nowhere to be found.
At one point, Naoya believed you had escaped the estate. Even though there was nowhere for you to run given the location they were in, he couldn’t overrule this possibility thanks to your prolonged absence, to the point where he’s already gathering up a search crew to find you—
Until he finds you back in his bedroom, lying on your side of the futon, with your eyes to the wall, as close as the edge as possible, just as you always did when sharing a bed with him, already deep into slumber.
The first thing anyone would’ve done is demanded an explanation from you, seek to know where you’d been, reprimand you for thinking this was even right in the first place…
But all that Naoya could muster is a sigh, relieved to see you again, seemingly well, and there with him once again.
Yet, as much as he is glad to see this familiar sight… he knows nothing has changed.
If anything, it just worsened.
Naoya is tired.
He doesn’t feel like putting up a fight, or stopping you when you inevitably move away from him once he joins you in bed; so, all that he does is dismiss whatever plans he had in mind before changing out of his attire, stepping into his nightwear, slip onto the futon, and drift into sleep, which he assumes will happen in a matter of minutes.
But it doesn’t.
No matter how much he tries, how many sheep he counts or how many numbers he goes through, Naoya cannot succumb to his exhaustion, ignore the presence next to him, nor his desire to be close to you.
Even if you were there, he doesn’t believe it. He can’t believe it.
Because for a moment, for a very, very brief moment, he thought he’d lost you.
And it was the worst feeling he had ever experienced in his life.
He knows, deep in his heart, that his attempts haven’t been nice. He knows that his actions hadn’t been ones that many would consider right when trying to approach their partner, seen them fail countless times in the past—
But even with all these failures, having lead them to nowhere…
Naoya still wants to be close to you. Wants to be in your life, and you in his.
He doesn’t ask for much, he never needed much if he’s being honest.
To simply have you there, alongside him, was enough to achieve what he considered his own personal happiness.
So, with all the pain in his heart for his actions and the relief to have you there with him for another night at least, he is urged to move closer to you. Slowly shifting onto his side and sliding closer and closer to you, until he’s barely inches away from you.
Naoya’s never said it before, but his thoughts always remained the same when it came to it: he loves your scent. The overwhelming way it filled his mind, with thoughts of nothing of you…
Of the shiny way your hair looks underneath the sunlight, how soft he imagines it to be, or at least has the idea from the brief times he’s touched it, regretting how he always seemed focused on everything else but that, how he would do anything to thread his fingers through it, or make your face brighten when he compliments it.
And of course, the undeniable, most vital thing he could not live without: your warmth. The sensation that always welcomed him whenever joining you at night, which he wishes he could bask in all the time, every single second of the day: when coming home from a long day at work, or when he’s feeling particularly down.
Naoya would do anything to have you in his arms, and to not feel like he was forcing you to be there, trapped with nothing less than your tormentor.
Was it too much to ask?
… will he ever live to feel such a thing?
Can today… be the difference?
“Y/N.” Naoya whispers, softly, enough to not wake you up if you’re already asleep, but loud for you to hear if you. “Are you… awake?”
You don’t answer, yet… Naoya knows you’re awake given the way you unwittingly tense at his voice—just about the common way you’d react to him.
But even if this was proving to be the same as any other time… his heart still felt like this could change.
Or perhaps hoped it would.
“… I didn’t mean to scare you, you know?” He continues, but you still do not respond. Perhaps you were asleep after all…
Until a sniffle proves him wrong.
The sound, albeit small, was tremendous in Naoya’s mind, resonating in every crevice of his thoughts, rattling his heart and shattering whatever he had left of it, guilt settling deeper into his soul.
If he had any doubt that he had been a mad monster towards you, the same kind that his family often bred into existence—
Your tears ruled him out of any uncertainty.
To believe he embraced these ideals in the past…
But not anymore.
Because all that he cares about now is caring for you, the way he always should’ve done, and comforting you from the struggles he knows he put you through.
One step at a time.
“Can I… hold you?” he whispers, there’s still no answer from you…
But it’s maybe in the tone he asks you, or because he asked you in the first place, that you don’t do anything when his arms hovers around you, don’t put up resistance when he finally touches you, wrapping you into an embrace and pulling you towards his chest—Naoya taking in your warmth, a sentiment so… soft yet welcoming, he never thought he’d be capable of experiencing in his life.
Yet, he did, here, with you, his wife.
The only woman he has ever set his sights on for something more than just a good time, the only person he feels he could do far more than just have there, living with him, inspired him to go to the end of the world and back, just to see her smile.
Naoya always believed that something silly as this could never happen to him. Thought it stupid, delirious, an invention for people to not feel as pathetic and lonely as they really were.
But now that he’s had a taste of that emotion, or at least something he considered remotely similar… Naoya doesn’t want to let go.
Naoya wants more. Wants to know if he’s deserving of such, wondering if this could be his reality, a marriage that wasn’t built in frustration, fear, the constant disgust for the other, or convenience…
He… wishes to believe so.
All that was left then, was to know if you thought the same.
Maybe, considering you didn’t push him away…
Truth to be told, you had your own thoughts, your own doubts; naturally.
The question of whether there was any hope for you to begin with constantly lingered in your mind.
If there was even a reason for you to remain here if Naoya had been nothing but less than desirable, and that’s without even considering his family.
How little to nothing your husband had done to defend you, alongside excusing those that have wronged you, or how he intentionally keeps you isolated from the world for some unknown reason…
And now, intimidated you into thinking your life could be in danger through his own furious actions.
Any other night you would’ve rejected Naoya, just like you always did. You would’ve pushed him away, demanded to keep his hands to himself, as you did your best to survive the night.
It was obvious by this point that you didn’t sleep—no one could expect you to do so in these conditions; how you even managed to stand up in the morning without passing out due to exhaustion was a surprise, but at the same time, it’s not like you could do anything else: whether you tried to separate yourself from him, the staff and his relatives always pushed you against it.
So, it’s why you were here again at the end of the day, in his futon, listening to his surprising request…
Which you should’ve rejected, especially after the horrible way he treated you for rejecting him again.
Yet, you didn’t.
And maybe it was his tone, or maybe it was the fact that he asked you for the first time…
But not only did you not push him away, you stayed there, and allowed him to touch you.
Because at the end of the day, just as Naoya thought it impossible for him to feel something nice, something he once considered delusional, stupid, impossible…
You also wondered if this is what it felt like when having a husband that cared for you.
That held you with intentions of protecting, cherishing, and not to demean and humiliate…
To have a partner to love and be loved by.
Only for tonight, you’ll let his actions answer for you.
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I like to think that after this, things begin to improve between the two 🥺❤️
Anyways, thank you so much for sending in this ask! I really enjoyed diving into this particular scenario, agghhhh 😭😭😭 I cried a bit.
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
(p.s. something like this will happen in my main fic aagagaaggagagaa spoilers)
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jamietwat · 7 months
Jamie would be so annoying when Roy’s reading. Like no, he has no interest in reading the same book himself. No, he has no interest in Roy reading to him and wasting that much time on it and trying to pay attention
Instead, he’s out here asking Roy annoying questions every single time he sees him reading. Which wouldn’t be as annoying if Roy wasn’t trying to read while Jamie just sat there and went “What’s that book about?” “That sounds boring” “Okay, that part sounds okay I guess” “Well what’s happening now?” “Why the fuck would anyone do that?” “Wait, what the fuck is that guy’s problem?” “What’s happening now?”
Roy tries to give him short answers in an annoyed tone but Jamie takes no hints and ignores the outright “well if you’d shut the fuck up and let me read, maybe I’d know the answer” kind of responses
But the more Jamie does it and the more often that they’re training and he’s asking about if Roy read more and about what happened, the more this genre of Jamie’s annoyingness starts to grow on him just like every other way Jamie used to annoy him
Roy likes talking about it when he’s not actively trying to read and being interrupted and then fuck him, he’ll never admit it but he starts to like being interrupted and getting to rant about characters’ stupid decisions and being validated in his disbelief by Jamie just soaking up his biased summaries and doubling down on most of his opinions and starting the stupidest fucking debates about the rest (which sometimes ends in Jamie having no fucking idea what he’s talking about and it being amusing for that reason and sometimes Jamie somehow understands a character’s motivations better than he does and Roy has an oh moment and he may or may not admit that to Jamie depending on his mood and how fed up with Jamie he is at that exact moment)
And then every once in a while, Jamie makes some fleeting reference to some book in an interview and it’s always something he hasn’t read himself but that he’s just heard about from Roy and at first it mostly flies under the radar, but eventually the public catches on to the pattern
Jamie makes some reference and later a fan makes some tweet about how he’s read their favourite book and Jamie responds with nah roy did and told me abt it
Later on, Jamie publicly calls a book his favourite despite not having actually read it because it was the most fun to talk about with Roy and he was annoyed when Roy didn’t have time to read more when he wanted to know what happened but he doesn’t give that context so for all the public knows he actually read it
But then later, he makes another comment in another interview about the same book and no one there knows enough about the book to realize he is blatantly missing some information that he would have known if he’d actually read it but later tons of people are commenting about it online and Jamie responds like roy didnt tell me abt that part
He tries to make some reference to the team trying to make some inspiring locker room speech and everyone thinks it’s great until Roy corrects Jamie’s blatant lack of awareness of how that worked out for the characters just for that to be notably less inspiring and more of a downer and now the team is distracted by how sad and unfair the book none of them has read is so Roy just sighs and lies and makes up some new events set after what he’s corrected to try to get the team back to happy and inspired from what Jamie said instead of deflated from what actually happens and they all just believe him until Sam reads the book later on and is devastated to find out that Roy made the whole happy ending up
Jamie publicly talks about another book later on that an interviewer has read and gets asked a question about it and just goes “I don’t think Roy’s gotten to that part yet” and seems completely oblivious to the confused looks he gets
And when people finally notice the pattern from the times he’s referenced something on social media or in interviews they’re like does Jamie Tartt even know how to read??? Why is every single book he ever talks about just something Roy Kent told him about??? And when people ask him about it, Jamie’s just shrugs and is like “I’m far too sexy to waste my time on reading. Roy telling me about whatever he’s reading is much faster. Roy isn’t even surprised by that because that’s one of Jamie’s go to answers he’s given every time Roy has said something like “You do realize you could just read this book yourself instead of pestering me with questions every five seconds, right?”
(Another one of Jamie’s go to answers is “Yeah, I could. But annoying you’s more fun.”)
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waklman · 1 year
Like A Princess
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summary: more glimpses into your relationship with rooster where you give him the princess treatment instead.
pairing: bradley bradshaw x female reader.
warnings: very brief allusions to sex. 18+ blog in general.
a/n: continuance/epilogue to princess treatment (read for context!) missed this duo so i decided to bring them back but more extensively this time :). indepedent bf x princess treatment gf trope.
word count: 2.8k
something ‘bout you masterlist.
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“Get on.” 
“What?” Bradley watches in confusion as you turn your back towards him. But he quickly catches on once you start to bend your knees, lowering yourself in front of him. You want to carry him into the house.
“Nope. Absolutely not,” he shakes his head, waiting for you to get back up. But you don’t. “I am not getting on your back. Are you kidding me?” He scoffs, sounding almost offended. 
“You saw me bring in twenty bags of groceries just last week, without making a second trip back to the car,” you proclaim proudly, still squatting in front of him. “So c’mere,” you call out to him again, blindly reaching behind you, searching for his legs.
“So?” he huffs, pushing himself further in the car, moving away from your yearning hands. Bradley’s well aware that putting up a fight is going to get him in trouble, but there’s no way in hell that he’s letting you transport him inside. “If you give me a piggyback ride, it’ll send us both back to the hospital again,” he protests. 
You stand back up at his statement, spinning on your heels to face him, with two hands planted on your hips. 
Bradley gulps, seeing your fingers drum against your hip bone–you don’t plan on taking no as an answer. “Tell me how you’ll get inside with that ankle then,” you press him, eyes drifting down to his injury. 
The kind nurse—who you spent most of the night with, tightly bandaged him up, but it’s obvious that his ankle is still swollen under the wrappings. 
Bradley takes notice of the glint of remorse in your eyes as you assess his sprained ankle. The ‘playful’ wrestling from earlier had taken an unexpected turn once you sent him flying off the bed, resulting in a last minute trip to the emergency room. 
And though Bradley insisted that it wasn't your fault, you still found it hard to swallow back the guilt you felt every time you looked at him. 
Bradley sighs, carding a hand through his hair—unsure of how to talk you out of this, he knows you're just trying to make up for the accident, in your own strange way. “Honey, if you lift me, we’re both going right down,” he tries to reason with you. 
“You don’t think..I’m capable?” You pretend to deflate. If insisting won’t work on him, maybe some light manipulation would. 
Bradley begins to sputter–just as you predicted, reeled in by your pout. “What? No of course not–Honey I just–”
Bradley bites down on his tongue—not wanting to say the wrong thing. 
You take it as a chance to cleverly bat your lashes at him as he gives you an empty stare, trying to weigh the decision in his head. 
And like always, Bradley can’t muster up enough willpower to combat your pleading eyes. “Let’s give it a try,” he sighs, admitting defeat.  
You automatically spin around before he can change his mind, biting down on your bottom lip as your mouth stretches into triumphant grin.  
“But if you can't even lift me, I’m walking on my own, okay?” he clarifies, hesitantly wrapping his arms around your neck. You hum, agreeing to his rule, attaching his legs onto each side of your hips–clamping two hands around the back of his thighs to support his weight. 
After sucking in one deep breath, you easily lift him up in one go. 
Bradley can barely process what’s going on as you begin taking determined steps towards the intended destination. “What the hell?! How are you—What?!” Bradley gawks at your strength, snapping his neck to look behind him, seeing his precious Bronco grow further from his vision.
“Holy shit, have I been dating the she-hulk this whole time?” He asks in disbelief, hung onto your back like a koala. 
“..I told you..I could…do it,” you answer through short breaths, lugging him up the front steps. “Yeah…remind me to never get you mad," he lowly mutters, resting his chin on top of your head. The vibration of his throat can be felt against the back of your head.
You’re both in front of his door now. “Bradley,” you whine. “I would never lay my hands on you.” 
“Okay? So who had me in that deadly headlock earlier?” He scoffs, still sour that you won the round with that move. 
You give his thighs a quick squeeze through the denim. “Okay? So who wanted to fight like WWE wrestlers in the first place?” You remark. 
Bradley blows air through his nose. “Whatever," he whispers under his breath. You don’t even have to see him to know he’s rolling his eyes too. 
“Whatever," you mock him, imitating his deep voice.
“Now let’s get you inside, princess,” you finally declare—putting an end to the bickering. You hoist him further up your back, and Bradley gladly lets you, despite his protests from earlier. 
While you remove one hand from him, searching for the keys in your pocket, Bradley moves to press a ‘sorry i’m being so stubborn’ kiss to your cheek. 
You smile, feeling him rest his cheek onto your shoulder next. “..Thank you for takin’ care of me babybear," he shyly mumbles in your ear.  
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“What do you think you’re doing back there missy?” Bradley asks, eyes still trained onto the tablet in his hands. 
“Nothing..” you mutter, halting all movement. But there’s really no point–your hands are already half way up his back, lifting up the back of his shirt. You’d been slowly trying to slip off the cotton tee–since getting him hooked onto the romcom, How to lose a guy in 10 days. 
After strategically placing the device in his hands, it didn’t take long for Bradley to start making comments on how Matthew Mcconaughey’s character is a jerk for being annoyed by his girlfriend’s purposeful attempts of sabotaging their relationship. ‘Baby I’d so let you name my dick Princess Sofia if you wanted to–I don’t get this guy’s problem with it. He’s mad for no reason,’ he said.
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that he’s most likely the only man on earth that would let that slide.
Bradley’s attention is momentarily pulled away from the movie dialogue, feeling you move your hands around to his stomach, playing with the pudge there. Bradley hadn't been on base recently, due to his ankle–so he hasn’t been keeping up with the extensive workouts that came with being an aviator either.
His abs were quickly replaced by a little pouch, which you loved. “Can I rub your back?” You ask, looking over his shoulder to see his reaction to the scene.
Bradley purses his lips, reading over the subtitles. “Is that why you’re tryna’ distract me with this?”
“Is it working?”
“So can I? Rub your back?” You ask again, pinching his belly, seeing that he’s fully absorbed with the movie's climax point now.
“Only for a few minutes...” he absently mumbles, not realizing how you easily coaxed him again. You let out a light laugh at the face he makes towards the screen, the two characters are currently in an intense argument, there’s a spout of harsh words being thrown back and forth—and it’s causing Bradley clear distress. 
You tug at the hem of his white tee, and Bradley swiftly pulls the shirt over his head, giving you free range with his naked back. The piece of fabric is quickly forgotten on the floor as he reaches for the tablet again, eager to see what happens next. 
You start by working out the knots located on his shoulder blades first. The way he instantly rolls back his shoulders, leaning into your touch, makes you smile. 
He doesn’t notice how much time has passed. You’ve been kneading his back in sections for more than just a few minutes at this point.
“Not there. A little higher please.”
“Look who’s enjoying himself,” you tease, kissing over the spot you just rubbed your thumb over.
Bradley frowns, dropping the tablet as the credits begin to roll. He reaches behind him, peeling your hands off his shoulders, now aware of how long you’ve been massaging him. “You spoil me,” he lets out a breath. 
He adjusts himself on the couch, so that he’s facing you now. Bradley wastes no time, reaching his hands under your shirt, swiping his calloused thumbs over your tummy. “Your turn,” he says, grinning down at you.
“Hey.” You squint at him. “You just want my shirt off.”
Bradley raises his eyebrows at you. “So you will take your shirt off?”
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“I think the stache is okay now, honey.” Bradley tries to convince you again, making sure to not move his lips too much. 
You’re perched onto the bathroom counter, with him standing between your legs—Bradley’s hands are playing with the waist band of your shorts while you trim his grown out facial hair. 
After learning that his first day back to work is tomorrow, you were set on preparing him for the special day, as if he was going back to school–and not preparing to join in on a serious mission instead. 
“I want it to be perfect,” you coo, trying to line up the scissors to his mustache again. 
Bradley’s gaze drops down to the tongue that cutely sticks out your mouth, you’re razor focused. “Doesn’t have to be,” he lamely replies. 
“Yes it does,” you pout. “Wanna make it look just like your dad’s,” you settle, looking back down at Bradley’s phone on the counter. You made him pull up a picture of his father, so you could replicate the shape of the mustache onto his face. 
Bradley tries to match the smile his dad is sporting in the picture, hoping it’ll get you to see the resemblance in facial hair. He squeezes your hips with his large hands, wanting to hear approval from you.
“Nice try,” you detect his ploy with squinted eyes, grabbing his jaw. 
“It looks fine to me,” he retorts, shifting his view to the mirror behind you, checking himself out. 
You furrow your brows, noticing a stray hair you forgot to trim off. “Not yet.” You slip your fingers back into the scissors again, snipping off that one piece of hair. 
He replicates his dad’s smile at you again. “How do I look now?” 
“Pretty. Like a princess,” you answer, leaning in to kiss the tip of his nose. 
Bradley can’t help but to crinkle his nose, you kiss him so softly that it tickles the skin there. “Thank you for doing this for me,” his eyes soften, voicing his appreciation for you.
“I could spend the rest of my life doing this for you, if you just asked me to,” you answer honestly, sweetly smiling at him. 
Bradley just blinks at you in response. The rest of my life. The simple confession that slipped your mouth rings out in his head, making him feel dizzy. 
You start to play with the hairs of his mustache, brushing your fingers over the little bristles there, unaware of how your statement made Bradley feel like he got shot by cupid’s arrow. “I packed lunch for you by the way baby. Make sure to grab it before you leave tomorrow,” you remind him. 
“..Bradley?!” You’re alarmed—not by his silence—but by the way his skin suddenly flares up. He’s completely flushed all the way down to his neck, and his pupils are severely dilated. 
You panic, pressing your cold palms against the red splotches of his cheeks, holding his face in your hands—desperately trying to cool down the hot skin. “Hello? Earth to babygirl?” 
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“What’s for lunch?” 
Bradley unwillingly scoots over, making room for Hangman to squeeze himself between him and Bob. “Nothing for you, if that’s what you’re asking.” Bradley grunts, defensively moving his lunch away from the blond. 
“What did she pack for you, babygirl?” The blond taunts, slapping a hand against Rooster’s back. 
Irritated by Hangman’s use of your pet-name for him, Bradley briefly gives him a look, before returning to his food, bringing an outstretched hand over his lunch box, obstructing Jake’s view of his meal for today.
Natasha coughs in her cup, pulling it away from her face. “Babygirl…? I thought she called you princes—”
“Protein wrap and strawberries cut into hearts.” Bradley abruptly announces, shoving the largest strawberry he could find into Phoenix’s already open mouth, shutting her up. 
She roughly swallows the massive piece of fruit, throat bobbing as it travels down to her stomach. “Hint taken,” she says through clenched teeth, elbowing Bradley’s side. But it doesn’t affect him at all, he barely moves at Phoenix’s rough jab. 
Everyone else at the table starts to snicker amongst themselves, reminded by the pet name they overheard you call him in the car awhile back.
“I think it’s sweet,” Bob speaks up, coming to Rooster’s defense, patting his mouth down with a napkin. 
Every pilot at the lunch table snap their heads to Bob, intrigued by his decision to join in on the conversation.
Bob clears his throat, trying his best to not mind everyone’s eyes on him. “It looks like she was careful enough to pack something healthy for him, plus it’s the correct portion size to fill someone of his stature too. My momma—she uh, always said making food for someone should be considered a love language in itself.” Rooster smiles at him appreciatively, in which Bob timidly returns the gesture. 
This had to be the most the quiet pilot has ever contributed to a conversation, and it causes a stir amongst everyone having their lunch break. Bob’s shared perspective makes everybody think to themselves—When was the last time someone packed them a lunch?
The rowdy table of aviators has fallen quiet, until Hangman decides to speak up first. 
“Hey so, you and your girl,” he starts. Across from him, Coyote is desperately trying to catch his best friend’s attention, making faces at him, begging him to stop his sentence there. 
“Have you guys thought about havin' a third?” 
At first, Rooster doesn’t react. He just absently looks ahead at Fanboy, who starts sweating bullets, as if he was the one who asked the question.
Everyone else at the table pretends to be busy, deciding to watch the scene unfold from the corner of their eye, silently chewing on their food. 
It’s spine chilling—the way Bradley starts to slowly twist his head to face Hangman. For a second, Natasha expects his head to spin all the way around, like the girl from the seventies horror film, The Exorcist.
“If I wasn’t freshly healed, I would mash you into Payback’s potato salad to the point no one could detect what chunk is Jacob Seresin and what chunk is a piece of potato,” he warns, coldly—causing Payback to drop his fork at the imagery.
"..So that's a no."
"It's a no." Bradley reiterates.
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“Now where did you find a girl like her?” the familiar voice fills his ears.
Bradley knows exactly who it is, smiling to himself as Maverick slips onto the bar stool besides him. “Not sure, but I sure feel lucky.” 
“Two beers then?” Penny asks, seeing the two men wait together. 
Maverick nods, smiling politely at her before looking over to where Rooster has been staring off at. 
Across the bar, you’re laughing along with the rest of the team. Each person has a rose tucked behind their ears, which you individually placed. This is your first time meeting his team, and you wanted to make a good impression, bringing everyone a flower as a thank you for looking after Bradley when you’re not around. The scene makes Bradley’s chest warm. 
“She reminds me of dad.” Bradley quietly confesses, recalling the times his father brought his mother flowers to show his love. Bradley might be a carbon copy of his father physically, but you act more like Goose in every other way. 
If this was a couple years ago, this would’ve made Bradley feel sad. Back then, any mention or reminder of his parents made him itch in discomfort, it was a sore spot for him for awhile. But that was until you came into his life. 
You were unlike anyone Bradley’s ever dated. At first you were shy about it, not wanting to scare him away with the unusual way you took care of your partners. 
But after a while, he noticed that you began to buy him flowers at any occasion. You even made an effort to open the door for him instead, refusing to follow the rules of ladies first. And you insisted on driving the Bronco, convincing him that he deserves to be a passenger princess too. 
Bradley came to a quick understanding that you weren't doing it to people please, no. You did it simply because you felt like it, it was effortless the way you loved him. 
At first, it was strange for him, being looked after like that. Bradley wasn't used to receiving gentle treatment. But with time—he learned to love the dynamic of your relationship, because it reminded him of his parent’s marriage. You took care of him the way four year old Bradley remembered Goose took care of Carole. 
“Maybe he sent her your way, kid.” Maverick smiles, seeing the resemblance as you hook Hangman under the flap of your arm, messing up his perfectly combed hair.
And to their surprise, Hangman lets you do it, smiling ear to ear as everyone laughs harder, holding onto their stomachs. “I’m never the best at advice but,” Maverick chuckles. “..you should consider putting a ring on that, she’s special.” 
“I plan to.” Bradley confirms, reaching into his pocket, holding onto the fuzzy box, containing a engagement ring inside.
He could spend the rest of his life with you too.
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gif credits
update- happy to announce that this blurb turned into a series, read more on babybear and bradley here.
thank you for reading, and as always-reblogs are greatly appreciated!
taglist: @pono-pura-vida @teaminator @alana4610 @angellwingsss @nataddz @deliriousfangirl61 @lonelysoul50 @bookchik26 @little-wiseone @blueoorchid
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littlewonders7 · 4 months
Okay here’s my first attempt on a y/n post I have no plan we just winging it!!! Okay so warning this is most definitely gonna have some cringe but I’ll try to make less cringe as possible
So contexts This is a hazbin hotel x pregnant reader where reader arrives around when sir pentious does maybe just before him, they are around 5-6 months in for plot!
Y/n didn’t know whether or not going to the hazbin hotel was a good idea or not as it did stated it was a place for rehabilitation and carrying a 5-6month hell born in your belly might not be in your favor but you were determined to give this hotel a chance for your unborn child!
When arriving to the hotel, you and knock on the door with hesitation your brain still nervous with being rejected, however before you could second guess your decision the door open revealing a tall woman with blonde hair, porcelain skin and two rosey dots on each sides of her cheek
When Charlie heard the knocking coming from the door she couldn’t contain her excitement hoping it’s a new resistant who’s looking to rehabilitate!
However when she open the door excitedly she was slightly taken aback from y/n and her obviously swollen belly-NOT that there’s anything wrong with that however she just didn’t expect it!
Shaking off the stun expression off her face and joyfully greeted y/n regardless
Y/n awkwardly greeted Charlie back, taken aback by the Charlie joyful eagerness, feeling a bit less anxious than before
Charlie was curious upon what brought y/n to come to her hotel as so far she been having a hard time trying to get anybody to join during this past week after announcing the once formally named ‘happy hotel’ so nobody could blame her curiosity
Before she could properly ask y/n reasoning another voice came up that behind them, as they turn around there stood vaggie having just arrived
Charlie quickly introduce vaggie to y/n (though not before remembering she didn’t ask y/n for her name yet)
Y/n then explain their request on wanting to try to rehabilitate and they saw through the tv that’s what the hotel is looking for
Vaggie though happy that Charlie’s ideas had reach a resident, she is wondering on how y/n is planning on rehabilitation if she’s carrying a hellborn as hellborns cannot go to heaven and y/n going through rehab could potentially mean they might leave the child behind
Now hearing vaggie’s concern Charlie is now wondering on y/n thoughts
Y/n understanding their concerns explain that they don’t mind not going to heaven as they feel bad for leaving their little one behind, however they want to go through with the program in order to become a better healthier parent for their child and hopes that they could change their behavior for them
Upon hearing y/ns reasoning Charlie becomes even more determined to help their newest member as she thinks about her own parents and her relationship with them and seeing how y/n wanting to be a better version of themselves for said child really touches her
Vaggie also wishes to help y/n and feels a kind of respect for y/n love for their unborn child and knows how she herself would’ve try to change for the better if it ever came to Charlie
Afterwards both Charlie and vaggie help y/n introduce themselves with the other members
Husk was neutral about it and didnt have much a opinion except saying that he didn’t care as long he doesn’t find y/n drinking or near his bar( grumpy softie meaning y/n to not hurt themselves or their child)
Angel dust did make a comment upon y/ns pregnancy like who a pretty thing like them banged or something like that, however vaggie and Charlie both scold him for his lewd commentary as y/ns situation was not all sunshine and rainbows if there’s no father in the picture, afterwards angel dust did apologize and get kind of bad for the jokes though y/n reassured him that it’s okay and they heard worse and appreciated the apology
Next was nifty, oh boi, nifty is disappointed the new member is not a ‘bad boy’ however still eagerly greets y/n and starts spewing questions after until she had been told to calm down
Alastor was last and to say the least he was not as scary as y/n thought he would be, especially with all the rumors and horrid tales told about him, but could mostly because Alastor is gentleman who also a mamas boy so I doubt he would even try to go against a pregnant individual
I say sir penstious comes after y/n visit but I say when he does join he be gentle and sweet as y/n care for their unborn child reminds him for his care for his egg bois though except the boss/minons dynamic
I say overtime as the story progresses y/n would kind of bond with the crew in a more parent/guardion type of way where y/n would try to comfort Charlie whenever she start questioning her decisions by telling her that y/n has Charlie’s support and thinks what she’s doing is great, probably help organize and plan lessons with her
For vaggie maybe help her to learn to love herself and be less quick on judgement and to hear someone out supporting her and Charlie moments
For husk maybe help him clean and organize the bar and maybe help take care of his well being, probably the guardian in y/n wants worries for husk acohol tendencies even though husk cannot die from it and he still appreciates the gesture
Y/n would probably watch and help nifty clean the hotel and pay attention to her puppet theatrics (though might be concern about that one comment nifty made about killing mother birds in front of children, but nifty reassures y/n that she would bite and stab anyone offending them)
Angel dust would probably appreciate receiving affection and nature love from y/n telling him that they’re there for him when he needs it and take care of any injures whenever angel has a tough night with Val
Sir pentious would love y/n as they pay attention to his ideas and inventions and notice how hard he and the egg bois work. I think he would very happy and emotional somebody took him seriously and paid attention to him. He even make inventions to protect y/n as the months go by
Now we all now Alastor is a mamas boy so no doubt he would start to have protection around y/n whenever they go out, making excuses to make sure y/n stays safe and the more they stay at the hotel the protective Alastor the the rest would become as y/n would be due around the next extermination happens
Okay so after all I would give a mention to Lucifer as i feel they’re interaction would be sweet as Lucifer is struggling to be a better father to Charlie having another individual that can relate to parenting is nice, I feel while y/n stay at the hotel they learn and give advices to Lucifer on how to start trying to build that connection again and Lucifer would really appreciate it
Okay so I really tried to make this better like I have the idea in my head I just really suck at writing and typing in down and my brain and phone is ready to exploded and part of me really second guess even trying to attempt this but I know not everything is gonna be perfect and I like that I tried even when I had no clue what I was doing lol 😂
So sorry for the cringe and have a lovely day y’all
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neonoddeye · 1 year
Heart-Stealer | Law x Gn! Reader
A/N: I will be utilizing my all-time favorite trope for this: the “there’s only one bed” trope! Yes, it’s cheesy. No, I do not care. As a side note, I wrote this for an OC I made, but I’m rewriting it bc I know no one would read it if I left it as is.
CONTENT INCLUDES: …sharing a bed (it’s sfw, just cuddling)
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“Are you sure this is okay, Law?” You ask with a crack in your voice. “I can always bug the staff for a new room…”
“It’s fine, y/n-ya”, Law replies, “I’d rather us stick together here.”
“Fair enough,” you sigh, moving your gaze up nervously towards the top of the elevator. Maybe if you hadn’t decided to accompany your captain on a trip at the last possible second, the single-bed hotel room issue would’ve been solved. Alas, the two pirates have a long night ahead of them.
I hope Law doesn’t hear my heart pounding against my chest right now…
It was a very nice hotel room; whether Law actually legally rented it or threatened a few lives for it, you didn’t know. It doesn’t matter, either, as you admire the luxury that lies before you. Nice going, captain, you remarks to yourself. Life has been new and exciting since you joined the heart pirates recently; you’d even go as far as to say it’s the best decision you’ve made in life so far. The only downside is that you’ve properly fallen for the sadistic captain, the surgeon of death, the literal heart stealer. It feels like an unspoken rule to not fall for your pirate captain, especially if he’s notorious and stands above most typical pirates. It’s not like you were trying to catch feelings for Law; he’s an anomaly in the way he makes you stop dead in your tracks, unable to move under his gaze as if he’d bound you with sea prism stone. You didn’t realize you had been lost in thought for a little too long until the man of interest interrupts your thoughts.
“You should take a shower first, y/n-ya,” he offers, placing himself on a smooth, leather swivel chair with a book already in hand.
You perk up upon hearing his voice cut the painful silence, sweet honey in your ears. “‘Kay”, you give Law a small smile before collecting your things.
The shower was, to no surprise, heavenly after having to shower in a metal box underwater for some weeks. After taking off your clothing and jewelry, you allow the deliciously hot water and its steam to envelop you and wash the day’s worries away. After stepping out, you change into a black tank top and plaid sleep shorts and gather your toiletries to finish your nightly routine. Placing yourself at a vanity, you turn to Law behind you.
“Shower’s all yours,” you smile, trying not to linger your gaze too long as Law swings his lengthy figure off the desk and carefully places his book down. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes as you try not to imagine the intimacy of having such a gorgeous man sleep next to you, even if not in a sexual context. To have him close, feel his presence intoxicate you and lull you to sleep like a drug: it’s something you’ve wished upon a star for.
Moments pass as you dry your hair until the bathroom door slides open. revealing Law in just a pair of sweatpants, his signature hat nowhere to be seen, replaced by a wet mop of jet-black hair. For a fleeting moment, you admire the mosaic of tattoos adorning his tanned skin before whipping your head back to focus on your nightly routine, finally placing the hair dryer down beside yourself. You blink a few times, noticing a rosy shade of pink dusting your pale cheeks and eyes wide enough to hold mini hearts. Soon after, you see Law approach you from behind in the mirror, his chest almost grazing your head as he reaches over to unplug the hair dryer, gingerly gathering it to use himself. The faint scent of hotel soap, mild tangerine and white tea float above you and dizzy your already jumbled senses as he walks back to the bathroom. You sit there in mild shock at the tiny gesture, thinking that Law seemed to linger there for a moment longer than needed. No matter what he did, Law was your own personal siren; your one true opponent in a world you once thought you conquered.
After some internal pep talk, you walk over to the bed, propping yourself up on two pillows as you nestle under thin, white blankets with a book in hand. You immediately feel the bed sink, signaling that Law has done the same, presumably with a book covering medicine.
“Uh… what are you reading?” Law cuts into the tension.
“It’s a book on the geography of the new world,” you respond, your nose still in said book (though you’re not entirely paying attention to it, as talking to Law is much more enthralling). “A pirate on the Oro Jackson wrote it. Not an easy find.”
“I can imagine it wasn’t easy. You’re into geography?” Law pries his gaze off his book.
“Not particularly. I just thought the book seemed interesting. Besides, the knowledge could help us.”
“Thanks for the research, but I think we’re good. I trust Bepo as a navigator.” Law gives a ghost of a smile at the last remark, either at the thought of his best friend or the sentiment of you helping him.
“What about you? Another doctor book?” you inquire, scanning the cover of the book in Law’s hands.
“Yeah. This one’s about medicinal herbs, I’m thinking about finding some on the islands we’ll come across.”
“You’re very dedicated to your work,” you compliment your crush with a glimmer in your eyes. Law’s commitment is truly admirable; you adore how intelligent he is.
“I guess,” Law shrugs. He yawns, placing the book on the nightstand beside him. “Mind if I turn the light off? We need to wake up early.”
“I don’t mind,” you say quietly, the beating of your heart becoming a little too loud for your liking as the reality of your situation sets in.
Does he feel even a bit the same way that I do right now?
Law reaches over to turn off the lamp next to him, leaving the light of the full moon to creep through sheer curtains, beautifully illuminating his sharp features. Law lies on his back, decorated arms crossed at his stomach, and you mirror him, even if it’s not the way you typically lie down to sleep. Silence passes, both parties secretly not sleeping a wink.
“Does it ever bother you?” You start, letting your words reverberate into the unfamiliar pitch black room. “It seems like the entire world is watching you. You were already a monster rookie to begin with, and now you’re a damn warlord.”
There’s silence for a few seconds, then you hear Law stir a bit. “You could say the same about yourself. You joined my crew, after all.” 
You smirk, turning your head to the side. Though you can’t see him too well, your heart swells at the thought of your face being so close to his. You silently thank the gods that you’re able to see such a handsome man this close, even with his heavy eyes and messy hair.
“I don’t think about it much. I guess it’s because I’ve been scrutinized all my life that it doesn’t bother me. I did this to myself, after all.”
“I assume you have your own reasons for being a warlord, but I won’t pry,” you respond softly.
“You’ll find out eventually. We have to face it all pretty soon,” Law sighs. “It’ll be a lot to handle.” Whatever baggage he has, you can tell it claws at him, even now.
“We’re pirates, Law, we handle tough situations all the time. I’m… happy to go through it for your sake. I mean, for the sake of the crew.” Way to cover that up at the end.
Law smiles, genuinely, at your last remark, though the darkness covers it and he turns his head to the side so you won’t see. He conceals his feelings most of the time, but when he’s truly thankful, it shows. And for you, he is eternally grateful for.
The moonlight of the night before is long forgotten as the morning sun engulfs the hotel room, filling your senses just enough to pull you out of slumber. To your surprise, you’re no longer at one edge of the bed, but in the middle, wrapped in Law’s arms as if you never woke up from your dream. Your eyes widen completely, breath hitching in your throat as you feel Law stir awake and see the same shock in his eyes as soon as they open. You both scramble away from each other, mumbled apologies escaping raspy morning voices as you gather yourselves. 
“I uh,” you start, “did not intend on that. I swear.” Shit, he definitely felt my heartbeat.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Law shakes his head awake, trying to understand why it felt so wrong to pry himself away from your warmth. He looks over to see you slightly shivering, clearly at a loss from warmth as well.
He hesitates before his next proposal. “Come here, you’re cold,” he says, extending his arm out. You pause as well, not believing your ears, before slowly bringing yourself back into Law’s chest, his arms gingerly wrapping back around you. You’re both stiff for a few moments, the rhythms of two hearts like taiko drums in the otherwise silent room.
“Is this okay, y/n-ya?” Law whispers into your hair, still stiff against you.
You smile weakly into his skin. “Yeah, it is. Don’t do this for me, though.”
“I’m not.”
Your heart leaps at the confession of Law actually wanting to be this close to you, and your shoulders finally relax into his touch as you allow yourself to relish in his warmth. He follows suit, pulling you a little closer and closing his eyes in serenity. Silence follows again as you both become overwhelmed in the feeling of touch, limbs entangled and gentle grazes of hands on skin sending you both to heaven. It doesn’t take long until you both accidentally succumb to sleep once again, and miss the free breakfast Law had intended to wake up on time for. The extra time together more than makes up for it, though.
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tojisbbg · 1 year
𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙
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❝and i am the idiot with the painted face, in the corner, taking up space.❞  
♡ izana kurokawa ♡
pt. 1, pt. 2
a/n: please read the previous chapter for better context! reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated <3 talk to me! lmk in the comments or in my dms your thoughts :)
content: royal! au, prince izana x princess y/n (reader), arranged marriage, shitty/toxic parenting, angst, cheating, izana’s a jerk, swearing/cursing, maybe smut (?), strangers to enemies to lovers, not checked for grammatical errors.
the long dreaded weekend finally arrived, a rainy saturday evening embraced the kingdom. you were sitting at your vanity in a robe, staring at yourself in the mirror as you tried to familiarize yourself with this new sight. 
you cut your hair. 
well, you didn’t do it, but the decision was impulsive. your once long hair that reached below your ass would always be in a bun or braid. now, it was shoulder-length with subtle wispy bangs to complete it. you smiled at yourself, feeling like the prettiest woman, as you finally had the freedom to do what you wanted. 
your mother never let you cut your hair, nagging at you about how men loved women with long and luscious hair. you hated it, absolutely despised it truly. your hair would always get in the way of tasks, tangled and was a nuisance to wash. 
not to mention your head felt like there was a boulder on it. but now, you felt lighter and a little dainty, too. 
you picked out a lavender colored dress to wear for the dinner, slipping it on as your hands reached for your back to zip it up. you struggled for a few seconds, huffing in frustration as you clicked your tongue. 
you opened your door a little, poking your mouth out as you yelled for one of the maid’s to come upstairs. your eyes suddenly fell upon the figure exiting in the far distanced corner, walking towards your room. as izana came closer, you got a good look of his fit. 
it was simple, a casual white silk button-up and black slacks. yet, he looked so handsome. 
“you ready?” izana calmly asked, approaching your door as you inched back, slightly closing your door more. 
“almost, i just need help with something. give me a few minutes and i’ll be out.” you replied, the tension between you both still a little off from the previous events from earlier this week. 
“move, i’ll help you.” he suddenly blurted out, catching you by surprise as you didn’t have the time to react when he opened your door, inviting himself in. 
“what do you need help with?” izana asked, eyes locking with yours as his hands were shoved in his pockets. for some reason, your words were stuck in your throat, not knowing he suddenly made you feel so nervous. 
“my zipper.” you meekly responded, making him hum in response. he placed his hand on the small of your back, pushing you towards the huge mirror on your vanity as you both now stood in front of it, with him behind you.
izana’s finger’s momentarily grazed the soft skin of your back, sending off goosebumps all over your body. your heart began to beat faster, the proximity to him allowing you to get a whiff of his scent, playing games with your mind. 
“you cut your hair?” izana asked, but his words came out like a whisper, his warm breath fanning over your ears. 
“yeah. why?” you asked, afraid that he’d make some snarky comments about how you look ugly as traditionally, women weren’t allowed to have short hair. 
“no reason, it suits you.” he complimented, making your heart jump from the sudden kindness coming from him. 
he slowly began to pull the zipper up, a hand on the side of your hips as you tried your best not to think much. you looked forward in the mirror, only to find his lilac eyes staring at you. you both locked eyes, unable to pull away. you could feel his hard chest against your back and it made you shudder. 
why did you feel so hot all of a sudden? was he always this attractive? of course, izana’s a king after all, yet; just something about him made your knees weak. 
“lord kurokawa! the car is ready for you and your highness.” the butler called out, breaking you both from the weird trance. 
izana pulled the zipper all the way to the top, clearing his throat as you quickly mumbled an awkward ‘thank you’ to him before he left. you sat down on the small stool, trying to distract yourself from what just happened a few seconds ago by doing your makeup. 
with a few final touches, you headed outside where the car was waiting for you as izana sat in the back next to the empty spot reserved for you. as per usual, the ride was silent as you played with the ribbon tied around the fruit basket in your lap, as you both were taking to your parent's house as a gift. 
as the driver parked the car, you saw your parents standing outside with a wide smile, making you roll your eyes. izana got out of the car, going over to your side as you were startled when your door got pulled open. you stared at izana in shock, watching him offer his hand. 
then you remembered that you guys have to put this little act together to show your parents that you both aren’t miserable with each other and are actually in love. 
without fighting back, you put your hands in his, which was shockingly warm and very soft. after exiting the car, you felt an arm snake around your waist, as izana pulled you close to his body. 
your breath hitched, never being this close to a person before, let alone a man. your knees felt like jelly, yet you tried to keep your facade, so that you and izana don’t get busted. 
“my little princess! how- what in god’s name did you do to your hair?!” you mother screeched, eyes widening in horror as she rushed up to you. izana watched with astonishment, seeing your mother pull you away from his hold. she touched your hair, in denial that you could ever do such a thing. 
“you stupid, stupid, stupid girl! have you not learned a single thing from me? how could you cut off the part of you that gave you your femininity? you look so hideous!” your mother cried out, making you scoff. 
“geez, missed you too, mom.” you walked past her, not sparing izana a glance as you didn’t want to know whether he’d give you a taunting look or a pitiful one. 
you didn’t want either. 
you walked to the dining space, placing the fruit basket in the middle as you took a seat in front of the usual bland and depressing food at your parent’s house. after eating so well for the past few weeks, you didn’t know if your body could go back to stomaching such awful food. 
“mother, all of this looks delicious.” izana smiled, making you snort as you gave him a questioning look. you could see right through him, there was no way he thought that this nasty ass food was good. nonetheless, he took a seat next to you as one of the maid’s began to serve everyone. 
“thank you, dear. i know my useless daughter isn’t much of a help, so please, help yourself. it’s my secret recipe too!” your mother boasted, making izana nervously chuckle as he dug in. you looked at him, waiting for his reaction and you could see how he quickly chewed and swallowed it before cringing. 
you smirked in amusement, watching him suffer, just like how you had to eat this disgusting food for your entire life. 
“so, how are things going between you both?” your father asked, making izana clear his throat before taking a hold of your free hand with his. 
“sir, i would cross the seven seas just to spend a second of my life with my beautiful wife. you have truly blessed me with your daughter and for that i thank you.” izana spoke, making your heart clutch in pain as you knew that those were a bunch of white lies that he told your parents. 
yet, for some reason, a part of you secretly wished that he meant it. 
“what joy! y/n, do you have nothing to say? it’s been ages since we’ve seen you.” your father’s eyes shifted to yours, as you silently picked at the chicken and surrounding vegetables. 
“i am simply following your rules, which is having my husband talk for me since i am of course to be treated like a porcelain bimbo doll.” you snarked, making both of your parents sigh out in frustration. 
“for goodness’s sake, y/n, can we all please have a nice family dinner?” your mother begged, making you glare at her. 
“i literally did nothing, why am i always the one to blame?” you said through gritted teeth, constantly feeling attacked by your parent’s bipolar decisions. 
“you’re no longer a child, y/n. you know how this world works and the responsibilities that come with it. ever since you’ve arrived here today, you’ve been nothing but a brat. you have nothing good to say or any future plans such as having kids-”
“woah, woah, are you hearing yourselves? having kids? we’re newly-weds, i barely even know his favorite color and you think we’re ready to bring in a child into this world?” your eyebrows furrowed, now getting visibly mad at your parents as your tone became laced with irritation. 
“we’re taking things slowly, nothing wrong with that.” izana tried to calm things down, but his attempt was futile. 
“your father and i had you a year after our marriage. you are a woman, y/n, your role in this world is to birth and nurture a child while taking care of your wife duties such as taking care of your husband. why must you always be stubborn and overcomplicate everything?” you mother shook her head in disbelief, giving you a disappointed looked. 
“your mother’s right. izana will go to war soon and he won’t be with you for some time. having a child would at least keep you distracted and make time pass faster while he’s gone.” you father added on, their ridiculous words making your eyes twitch as you couldn’t believe your ears. 
“so you think i’m some kind of sex machine? that i need a man’s touch and seed to keep me sane while he’s away? do you think i’m that needy and low? god, this is exactly why i don’t want to have a child now. i don’t want to make the same mistake as you both and raise my baby like how you both raised me. actually, i don’t even want you guys anywhere near my future child. you’ll only defile his or her brain with your shitty expectations.” your eyes watered, feeling absolutely humiliated as you dropped your fork on your plate, getting up from your seat as you rushed out of the dining area. 
you heard your parents and izana call out your name a few times, but you didn’t care. you needed to be away from them and get some peace, so you went to the garden.
you went to the cherry blossom tree at the very back, now drenched in the rain as your clothes and hair were now sticking to your body. 
but you no longer cared, sitting on the grass as you cried with your palms covering your face. you were so uhappy with your life, you hated your parents with a passion and you hated how you were stuck in an unhappy marriage. 
you had no one by your side. 
it made you wonder, was it even worth it to keep on going? this feeling of loneliness swallowing you was far too painful. 
there was no use of running away as your parents would find you no matter what, your father would sent out an army of soldiers all over the world to look for you. 
the only real option would just be to end your life, but you didn’t want to give up eveything because of a bunch of assholes. 
“i don’t know, please just shut up.” you whispered to yourself, wanting your inner thoughts to just go away and let you cry in peace. 
“but i haven’t even said anything.” you heard a familiar voice answer, looking up to see izana standing before you, an umbrella in his hands as he shielded your body with it. 
“go away, you’re the last person i’d wanna see.” you scoffed, hugging your knees as your eyes averted to your feet. 
“you know, if you didn’t want to come for dinner at your parents you could’ve just told me. i could’ve made up some excuse or something.” izana sighed, bending down to get eye-level with you. 
“both you and i know that we can’t avoid my shitty parents forever.” you said in a monotone, making him chuckle as he hummed. 
“you’re right, but atleast we could’ve gone when you were ready to face them. this whole marriage things is still very new to process, even for me.” he spoke with honesty, harboring a small comforting smile. 
for some reason, it made you furious. how dare he behave so well with you when he’s been nothing but an absolute shitbag back at home?! 
you didn’t want to be pitied, especially by someone like him. 
“can you leave me alone? i want to feel the rain on me and be sad.” you groaned out in annoyance. 
“okay.” izana blurted out, throwing the umbrella to the side which caught you completely off guard. he took a seat next to you, making you roll your eyes. 
“you’re seriously annoying, you know that? why are you suddenly being nice, i don’t need your pity or sympathy. i’ve been living like this for like my entire life, i’m not some glass doll who needs protection.” you nagged at him, wanting to hit a nerve of his so that he could get mad and leave. 
“i know, and i’m not trying to offer you any of those. your parents are assholes and that’s no lie. i guess what i’m trying to say is that i’ve been living in delusion.” izana’s eyes softened, making your breath hitch as you looked at him through your glossy eyes. 
“what?” you croaked out, still in shock. 
“i thought that you were the blame as to why i’m stuck in this marriage, because you were like those other princesses that begged their daddy to get them married to a rich prince. i didn’t know how badly your parents treated you, i was just so focused on my anger that i forgot about basic human compassion. i thought that because my parents were so loving and caring before they died, every family would be the same.” guilt was plastered all over his face and it was refreshing to finally have someone understand your misery. 
“i mean, in one way this marriage kind of saved me. i’m free from everything. it’s like my escape route, but one where my father won’t have the entire nation’s army search for me. so, i guess it’s not that bad.” you admitted, making him smile. 
god, why did he look so good even with his hair wet and face drenched in the pouring rain? 
your heart was skipping multiple beats at the same time, worrying you on if you were on the verge of having a stroke. 
“izana! y/n! there you both are, we were worried sick.” your parents came rushing to you both, startling you. 
“we’re so sorry, izana. y/n, you have spoiled your evening dress along with izana’s suit. dear god, you have so much to learn. you know, i had this meeting with other neighbhoring queens and they’ve put their daughters in these special classes. honey, we could fix this together. please, let me help you.” your mother gave you sickening puppy eyes, making your stomach churn in horror. you were silent, no longer having any words left to say to them. 
you looked over at izana, seeing his face darken as his jaw locked. you sensed some kind of dark aura embracing him, getting a little nervous yourself.
“what the fuck? can you please stop treating her like she’s diseased? god, you both are so obsessed with her! she’s perfectly fine the way she is.” izana angrily spoke, the vein on his neck popping out as evidence of his fury. you were shocked at his sudden outburst, not expecting him to fight back against your parents’ words. 
“oh dear, izana you’re too blinded by your love. this is not princess behavior, this is freakish, son.” your father tried to fakely empathize with izana. he placed a hand on izana’s shoulder, but izana roughly shook it off, making your parents gasp. 
“what’s freakish is how obsessed you both are in making my perfectly fine wife your little doll. she’s no longer your princess, she’s my princess and the future queen of my kingdom when i get crowned in a few months.” he bitterly spat, making your mother scoff. 
“you oblivious little child, one day you both will regret not listening to your elders.” your mother shook her head in disbelief. 
“yeah, well, i’ll be waiting for that day. till then, please do not ever contact me or my wife.” izana snickered, grabbing your hand before standing up as he pulled you along with him. 
before walking off, izana stopped in his tracks, making you stop as well. 
now what?
today was full of surprises and you couldn’t help but grow more curious as to what would happen. 
“by the way, mother. i would say thank you for the meal, but the dinner was absolutely horrendous. i wouldn’t even feed that to the stray dogs near my castle.” he smirked, as you turned to see the mix of anger and sadness paint your mother’s face. 
you couldn’t help but feel joyous inside, your heart feeling at peace knowing that your parents received the medicine that they’ve been deserving for years now. 
“wait, but how will we get home?” you asked, looking at izana and he looked at you with a mischievous grin. 
“a prince always has a plan.” he answered slyly, as when you both reached the front yard, you saw his car and the butler waiting with an umbrella as he welcomed you both inside the car. 
“lord kurokawa and your highness! i will inform the maids to prepare warm baths for you both as soon as possible.” the butler said in a panicked voice, making you smile. 
“take it easy, man. i just witnessed the best show of my life.” you let out a chuckle, hearing a soft chortle coming from your side. 
“yeah, it was pretty amusing.” izana admitted, making you hum in response. 
the rest of the ride was silent, neither of you knowing how to start a conversation with each other. you decided to sleep, knowing it would be a long drive home. 
you groaned, body aching as you sat up. you realized that you were in your bed and changed into your pajamas. you tried to recall memories of earlier and you remembered that you fell asleep in the car. 
how did you end up here?
“the fuck?” you whispered to yourself. did izana carry you to your room? but what about your clothes, he couldn’t possibly change you out of your wet ones while you were asleep. 
“your highness?” you heard a knock at your door, giving them your command to enter. two maids entered the room, a tray with porridge and what seemed like medicine on the side. 
“what’s that?” you asked, pointing to the tray. 
“ginseng porridge and medicine. lord kurokawa has ordered the cook to make some for you and the royal doctor to give medicine to prevent a cold.” she informed you, making you unknowingly smile. 
“i see. oh, can you please tell me who brought me to my room?” you asked, trying to hide your embarrassment. 
“lord kurokawa carried you to your room and requested us to change you out of your soiled dress.” she said with dreamy eyes, making you blush for even thinking about izana changing you. 
“anyways, you may give me the medicine and take the porridge down. i don’t like eating porridge.” you cleared your throat, opening your palm as you waited for the pill. 
it wasn’t a lie, you hated porridge. you always flushed down the bowl of porridge your mother would bring up to your room, lying to her when she came back to your room to check up on you. 
“but, your majesty, this medicine has to be taken with food.” the maid meekly responded, making you groan in annoyance. 
“fine, i’ll just go downstairs and have yesterday’s left over.” you threw off the covers, the cold air hitting your exposed arms and legs due to the silk gown you were wearing. 
nonetheless, you were starving and headed down stairs. 
the hallway was quiet, the lights downstairs were turned off, indicating that everyone has went to sleep. 
you reached the bottom of the stairs, walking towards the kitchen as you tried to tiptoe. 
“what do we have here?” a groggy voice behind you startled you as you screamed, immediately lunging at the person behind you in defense. the person wasn’t expecting the sudden attack, falling on their back with a thud as you fell on top of them. 
you raised your fist to land a punch but the person beneath you tightly entangled their arms around you to prevent you from doing any harm. 
red alarms went off in your mind, tears welling in your eyes as you were now genuinely scared for your life. being caged in your parents’ castle had the only benefit of preventing you from any crazy harm, now you were fearful if they made any weird ties with shady people to make your life hellish. 
what if this time they wanted to get rid of you, for good?
“let me go! iza-”
you stopped midway when the familiar smell of light vanilla came to your senses. your heartbeat began to relax, making you let out a sigh of relief as you allowed yourself to melt into his embrace. 
“it’s you. thank god, it’s you.” you mumbled into the fabric of his shirt, hugging onto him tighter. you don’t know why, but you can’t decide whether you hate or like izana. all you know is that you didn’t want to let him go right now. 
“who else would it be other than you and me, princess?” izana’s voice was raspy and slightly cracked, as he comfortingly rubbed your back to help you calm down. 
you soon realized what was going on and quickly pulled away, standing up to your feet as you rushed over to turn on the lights. you cleared your throat, wishing you left the lights off as you knew your cheeks were bright red right now since you could physically feel them burning. 
“um, sorry about that. i was just a little paranoid and your voice didn’t sound like how it normally does.” you cleared your throat, avoiding eye contact with him. 
“it’s fine, i just came down for a glass of water and saw you lurking. oh, and for my voice, i have a sore throat. i sent your medicine to prevent it from affecting you, although maybe now i may have given it to you i think.” he giggled, making you smile. 
“yeah, i saw. i didn’t take it yet, i’m trying to look for some food.” you answered him, making him furrow his eyebrows. 
“did the maids not deliver you the porridge?” he asked.
“no, they did. i just don’t like porridge, it makes me gag.” you reasoned, scrunching your nose as he rolled his eyes. 
“that’s because you’ve been eating your mother’s shitty food for all your life so you’ve never had good porridge. this is my family’s recipe, i guarantee that you’ll like it.” izana swears, grabbing your hand before dragging you to the dining space. he walked into the kitchen and plated you another bowl of porridge and heated it up. 
“just take a bite, if you don’t like it i won’t force you to eat it.” he assured, making you sigh as you obliged with his request. 
you scooped up some of the porridge, making sure to get a little bit of everything in it. the porridge wasn’t bland like your mother’s, it had a lot of veggies along with chicken and what seemed like pickled vegetables as well?
you placed the bite in your mouth, tasting the food. the warm food going down your throat brought you some comfort, the taste of the different seasonings including the pickled vegetables brought your tastebuds back to life. 
you quietly inhaled the food, sensing the prideful aura radiating off of izana. 
“it’s good, isn’t it?” izana taunted, making you clear your throat. 
“it’s alright.” you said with a mouthful of the porridge, struggling to speak as he chuckled from your stubbornness. 
silence fell upon you both once again, running out of things to talk about as you ate. izana was trying to distract himself from constantly looking at you by reading his official papers. 
“finally some good fucking food.” you breathed out as you dropped your spoon in the bowl, accidentally letting out a burp as you quickly excused yourself. 
“for a princess that’s be imprisoned with obsessive royal parents, you’re so brash.” he snickered, making you scoff. 
“huh?! the hell’s that supposed to mean, jerk.” you mumbled under your breath, annoyed by his words. 
“i don’t know, you’re just.. weird.” izana laughed, making you roll your eyes. 
“and what about you? i don’t think you can even take a shit by yourself without the help of your butlers.” you retorted an insulted back at him, making his eyes widen. 
“you little shit.” izana narrowed his eyes, making you grin. 
“grow up, bitch.” you remarked, knowing that you won this conversation. you got up with your bowl, heading to the kitchen to wash it. it started to rain once again, the soft pitter-pattering noice radiating throughout the hollow castle, bring a sense of peace to you. 
you walked back to your chair, the shuffling sounds of your slipper against the tiled floor caught izana’s attention. he helped you with taking out the pills, handing it to you along with the glass of water as you drank it. 
“do you like living in royalty?” izana suddenly blurted out, catching you by surprise. 
“of course not, every noble that exists on this planet are nothing but slaves to the cycle of money and power. i am most certainly not one of those dogs.” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“you have a point, but you must admit, we royals live in much better conditions than commoners. we have people to serve us, protection, great housing and food. i mean, it’s a commoners dream to live like us, isn’t it?” izana tried to defend, placing his face on the palm of his hand, now interested to listen to your rebuttal. 
“the devil never makes a deal with a desperate soul if it doesn’t sound appealing. these commoners are completely oblivious about our lives, the abuse and creulty that it comes with. i’d rather live in a old, worn-out cottage with bread and soup as my meal than live this shitty life.” you angrily spat out, wishing that things could’ve been different. 
you weren’t upset with izana’s words, but rather with the fact that every other noble thought the same way as him. which wasn’t a surprise or anything, royal children were brainwashed to believe in this crap. 
“convince me.” he egged further, making you scoff. 
“tell me, did you ever get to feel the rush of the town’s river beneath your feet? the sun kissing your skin as you sit a feild of flower, having a small picnic consisting of bread, butter and fresh jam? or how about watching the stars in the great night sky on a hill?” you questioned him, making izana go silent as he never had an answer to give you. his silence answered your questions, as you gave him a sad smile. 
“me neither, and it’s all because while living in such fame and wealth, we forget to enjoy and cherish the creation of god. we forget to appreciate mother nature’s beauty and the gift of life.” you sighed, putting your head down as you counted the number of drops you heard. 
“wow i... i’ve never thought about it like that.” izana breathed out, eyes widened from shock as you just opened a whole new perspective of life to him. 
“yeah, well, being imprisoned for your whole life makes you think a lot. i’d kill to be a commoner, dance in the streets during festivals with the small children, eat street food, and just live in peace. i want to have flowers in my hair, dance with the stars and sing with the moon.” you dreamily said, similing to yourself at the romanticization of life. 
“is it that fun?” izana hesitantly asked, intrigued by your passionate argument. 
“like a dream that i never want to wake up from.” you giggled like a child, delirious with sleep as you knew these medications would make you drowsy. 
“hmm, i suppose you’ll have to take me to one to make me convinced.” he playfully said, making you hum in agreement. 
“i will, but what’ll i get if i win?” you mumbled into your arms, trying to keep yourself awake to hear his response. 
“whatever that is that you desire, i will service you. but if i win, you must submit to me like we were taught as royals.” izana challenged, making you smirk against your skin as you gave him a thumbs up. 
“you’re on, prince jackass.”
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infactmrmeowz · 13 days
Hello, I wanted to ask you if I could make a headcanon of the One Piece characters if they were the parents of the female reader and how they would treat their son-in-law when you bring him home, if they would interrogate him or not, if you could put Shanks and Mihawk that would be great, thank you
one piece men seeing there son-in-law
Part 1: monster trio
girlllll the way I giggled while writing this was insaneeeeeee best idea frfr + sorry yall for not taking every single one of yall ideas in my inbox ill get to you!!
context warning: cussing
“ WELCOME TO THE FAMILLYYYYY!!!!!!!! “ he said loudly, eeeehhhh he MIGHT scare him away 💔 but your dad trusts him! (Maybe) he will give him the ultimate father-son time together! He really likes your decision on your husbanddd he’ll probably say to you “ aahhhh you chose a good one y/n! If he hurts you, I will kick his ass “ 💞 but overall he’s friendly and not really extremely protective at all, of course he wants the best for you! But he we’ll share very embarrassing stories of when you were little 😬 “ SHISHISHI did you know that Y/n was drinking milk, and someone—- I think usopp— made a joke, and she spit EVERYWHERE!! SHISHISHISHI!!! “ ” DAD “
(The ultimate test to see if this guy is the one if he shares his food with him)
oh… girl if you bring ANYONE who is related to Sanji it’s over for you and him 😭🙏 he will NOT be impressed no matter who he is, that man is going have to do some MAJORRRRRR things for him to even CONSIDER accepting him to the family. He will give him the most NASSTTTIESSSTTT looks, glares, side eyes, just overall being a dick 😭 he will question him like he’s a damn cop, asking him questions not even he knows the answer too. At some point you’re going have to beg him to be nicer Lmaoo. “ So.. this .. is THE guy you’re going for y/n..? REALLY?? Are you 100% SURE about.. uhm whatever THAT is.. “ but at the end of the day, he will accept him to the family after he realizes how happy you are with him 💞
Sanji: uhm. Eh. Eeeeehhhhhhh… okay! He’s a bit.. skeptical with it- BUT he just wants the best for you!!!! He wants to see his daughter that he loves and cares sosososoaos much to be happy with a man! He would obviously be nice, and tell stories when you were little, he would NON STOP talk about you too him “ oh yes yes.. did you know y/n LOVES chocolate cupcakes? I used to bake her those all the time! “ he says, almost proud of himself. When sanji approves of him, he is of course nice to him! Treats him like a son he never had.
AAA that’s it! Cya later alligators! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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