#maybe i'll tell everyone who's in the pirate crew later
sasukimimochi · 1 year
🏴‍☠️🎶🌕 - tiny-fox-queen (pirate flag, music notes, full moon)
Travelerji/Merxian AU See the first three prompts here.
Warnings: implied violence, implied kidnapping, injury/blood mention.
Full Moon Shanty
Wei Wuxian felt too heavy, it was hard to even lift his head.
“So you refuse to cry, huh? Don't you want to show your true self?” The pirate donned in golds and dark browns lifted the merman’s chin; the urge to rip his head away and bite the fucker’s hand was an immediate response but the merman was so tired after being treated so roughly that he just leveled him with a glare instead.
Refusing to say anything to the detestable pirate, he turned his head away with as much force as he could muster. The pirate tsked and let him, standing up and brushing his hands off as if having touched something quite disgusting. “Alright. Think about it a bit longer then.” He adjusted his hat and left him there in the brig, bruised and bleeding.
He heard the pirate crew cheer once more and break out into a sea shanty soon after, deceivingly joyous. Wei Wuxian had once enjoyed the far-off sound of a sea shanty; now he wasn’t sure he’d ever see it the same way again.
🎵 Here's a health to the dear lass, that I love so well,
For her style and her beauty, sure none can excel,
There's a smile on her countenance, as she sits on my knee,
There's no man in this wide world, as happy as me 🎵
He lifted his head, staring at the nearest crack in the boards to the sky. Seeing the moon shine so brightly into the darkness of the brig, he felt a renewed desire to move- to escape.
🎵 Here's a health to the company, and one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry, all out of one glass 
Let us drink and be merry, all grief to refrain
For we may or might never, all meet here again 🎵
The merman took a deep breath and grimaced as his arms changed, shifting into ethereal, shimmering blues and slipping through the chains that had once held him up against the wall and nearly falling to the floor once he had. He winced and rubbed his wrists, panting quietly as he listened to the sailors cheer and sing, eventually getting up to check the brig and see if there was some way he could get out.
🎵 Our ship lies at anchor, she's ready to dock 
I wish her safe landing, without any shock 🎵
Finding a small crack in the hull, he glanced back and around one more time to make sure no one was there before his body shifted, spilling like water through the cracks and back into the sea. 
🎵 If ever I should meet you, by land or by sea
I will always remember, your kindness to me 🎵
He swam and swam and swam, the sound of their voices disappearing past the waves of water. All he could think about was to return to his traveler’s shadows. to rest.
Here's a health to the company, and one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry, all out of one glass 
Let us drink and be merry, all grief to refrain
For we may or might never, 
all meet here again 🎵
Lan Wangji lifted his head and shielded his eyes from the sun, staring out over the glistening waters with a frown.
He hadn’t been finding nearly as much lately. Usually, he found shells, stones, pearls, and all sorts of fantastic things. He always hoped it was his faceless savior, and…well, now he was hoping it wasn’t.
He folded his arms over his knees and watched the sea foam over the shore, worry heavy in his chest.
Check out other MDZS Projects on my masterpost! ❤
Merji/Travelerji WIP Wangxian Prompt 1 WIP Merxian sketch / Merxian 1 (nudity & wips included) Merxian 2 (sfw) Merxian 3 (B&W) Wangxian Prompt 1 cont. sketch
I created these two mermay au's for mermay prompts i'm writing. (check back to the prompt list for updates)
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ageingfangirl2 · 10 months
I Want A Divorce! Shanks (OPLA)
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You get ill and Shanks offers to do your jobs around the ship, but he gets distracted easily and wants your praise. You love the man-child, but sometimes you have to tell him to actually like his age. Shanks x Reader FLUFF!
'You have a high fever so I'm going to recommend bed rest until it breaks, can't have you getting any worse,' Hongo states, placing a cold cloth on your forehead which was nice in your current state.
You cough, 'I guess I can take it easy Hongo.'
Over Hongo's shoulder, you notice Shanks watching and listening intently to the doctor's orders, 'I'm going to do all your jobs so you just rest up.'
You and Hongo snicker sharing a moment, both of you knowing Shanks wouldn't be able to cope with all that you did around the ship without complaining. Hongo pats your shoulder as he gets up from the bed. Shanks immediately takes his spot, tucking you in. You were the fourth crew member to join and the only female, and had been charmed into dating the notorious red-haired pirate.
'I love you darling but you don't even know half of what I do around here,' you whisper, throat sore.
Shanks puffs out his chest proudly, 'I'm going to make you proud, I'm going to do so good everyone will be begging me to do your jobs instead.'
You smile as he leans down and kisses the cold cloth.
Shanks bursts through the doors of his quarters which you shared and throws himself on the bed next to you burying his face in a pillow. He could be an overdramatic diva at times but he was your diva. Before you can say anything Lucky walks in holding a tray of food that makes your mouth water and forget your partner.
'How are you feeling? Hongo said you should eat more fruit so I made you a fruit salad for after your soup.'
Ignoring Shanks who was now mumbling into the pillow you sit up and accept the tray of food and glass of water, 'You're all too good to me Lucky. How are the new guys?'
Lucky shrugs his shoulders, 'confused and maybe a little scared because they follow your instructions which makes captain grumpy.'
You nod, 'I'll talk to him. Thanks for the update.'
Lucky leaves and closes the door behind him. Shanks rolls onto his side and reaches for the fruit salad but you swat his hand away, 'My fruit salad captain.'
Shanks pouts, sticking out his bottom lip and shooting you his best puppy dog eyes, 'Why didn't you tell me what you did? I wouldn't have agreed otherwise. I love you, but dealing with the new crew is tedious.'
Just wait until he found out all the other odd jobs you did to help out the rest of the crew, there was a reason people called you mother hen. You pop a slice of apple in your mouth and sigh, 'What do you want me to do darling? Give you a pat on the back? Feed you a treat, give you a belly rub and call you a good boy? It's not easy but you never back down from a challenge. I know you'll give it your all until I get better.'
Shanks sits up and stops pouting, a look of determination in his eyes, 'You're right I can do this. I'm going to make you proud.'
You scoff as he steals some grapes and jumps off the bed with a new lease of life, you really did have him wrapped around your little finger.
Your fever had come down and you didn't feel like death anymore, but Hongo insisted you stay in bed for a few more days. The crew had bets on Shanks he didn't know about, he'd gotten better at doing your jobs but wasn't great. You promised to stay in bed so the crew could make some money off your partner.
You were sat up in bed reading the newspaper feeling much better and enjoying relaxing for once. Shanks walks in and climbs on top of you, lying on you with his full weight, 'I know your secret babe,' he chuckles, head now resting on your chest, eyes locked with yours but he doesn't look upset.
You put the paper down and start running your fingers through his hair, 'Hongo asked me to stay in bed longer, I actually enjoyed not having as many responsibilities, makes a nice change. I'm sorry for deceiving you, Shanks.'
Shanks nuzzles into your hands more enjoying the massage, 'Now I know how much you do I want you to slow down. I'll try and help more when I can, and the crew promised to fix their own problems before coming to you for help babe.'
'Thank you. However, you lying on top of me is making parts of my body fall asleep.'
Shanks smirks, 'I'll wake them up when I need them.'
You throw your head back and laugh at his playful and flirty antics, 'I want a divorce.'
Shanks matches your laughter, 'I'm never letting you go, you mean too much to me. Maybe a few years after the marriage you can talk about a divorce.'
For all the years the two of you had been together you weren't engaged, everyone assumed you were married and the two of you kind of went with the flow. Little did you know Shanks wasn't joking about marriage this time around.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Can you maybe do one of one piece men hearing their shy s/o yell at them for the first time? Or first time their shy s/o acts bratty ? Can be fluff , agnst or NSFW, whatever you'd like my love. I'm sure it'll turn out good , I loved your other ones that you've written!! ❤️❤️ BTW that sanji speaking French got my good 😫😫🤌 *chefs kiss*
I'll do all three! I hope it's alright that I only do Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp for this one! Since I'm going to do three separate scenarios for each, it would be a lot of work to do that for as many characters as I included in my last post! If I missed anyone you specifically wanted, let me know!
Straw Hat Men + Shy!S/O Yelling for the First Time 🍋
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Summary: How your Straw Hat boyfriend reacts to hearing you raise your voice for the first time in an angsty, fluffy, and NSFW scenario.
Waring: NSFW, MDNI, fluff, angst, fem!reader
Note: I did mark this one with a lemon as I usually do with NSFW content, but only 1/3rd of it will be! The different scenarios will be marked with a '💕💔🍋', for fluff, angst, and smut respectively. If you've seen any of my masterlists, they also operate under this same key.
Monkey D. Luffy:
💕 Your least favorite part of being a pirate was the fact that your boyfriend was your captain. If you could leave and join a different crew without it being a relationship ending action, you would most certainly consider it. It wasn't always bad of course, but with it was bad- it was awful.
As your lover, Luffy was stubborn, but as your captain it was ten fold. once he settled on a bad idea, there was no changing his mind, no matter how much your opinion as his partner mattered to him. Typically, it was something you could look pasted, but you had to admit, his last bright idea had left you bitter with him, and the way he hounded you for answers as you why you were ignoring him was doing him no favors.
"Awe, c'mon, babe!" he giggled, wrapping his elastic arms around your waist, pulling you back to him after you'd walked away from him. "I'm sorry you got all wet!" he offered, only receiving a sharp glare form over your shoulder.
Earlier that day, he had decided that everyone would go into the town to do some shopping on the island you'd ported on. You picked out a lovely floral sundress, and worn it out of the store after buying it, excited to show him how pretty it looked on you. To your surprise, and later anger, he enthusiastically scooped you up and tried to swing you along with him back to the Sunny, only to miss. Not only did you both collide with the ship's hull, but you also fell into the water, making his survival your responsibility.
"Luffy, that dress was very expensive. I rarely buy myself nice things, and the one time I did, I didn't even have it for ten minutes before you ruined it." you pouted quietly, still unwillingly wrapped in his arms.
"I'm sure it's not ruined, babe, we can wash it." he dismissed, making your blood boil. You couldn't contain your frustration at him.
"No, we can't!" you snapped, pushing him away to glare at him with hands on hips. "It's silk, you can't just toss it in the washing machine! I has to be professionally cleaned, and you just had us set sail away from the only place I could take it to! Who knows how long it'll take us to find another island with a dry cleaners', and even if we found one tomorrow, it wouldn't matter! The stain is already set!"
Luffy simply blinked at your ranting. He didn't understand any of what you'd just said. He wasn't even entirely sure what silk was or why it was so different from regular fabric, but he could recognize that he'd upset you, which he felt bad for. "Awe...I'm sorry babe." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck shamefully.
"You should be!" you huffed, crossing your arms and turning your back on him.
"Tell you what," he smiled, wrapping his arms around you again, this time laying his head on your shoulder. "Next time we port, we'll go out- just you and me and I'll take you shopping again. I'll have Nami set some of my money aside and it'll me my treat. And I'll see if Franky can build something that can wash silk." he negotiated, melting the tough coating around your heart. "We'll get you all the expensive clothes you want, and that way, you'll be able to to clean them if you need to."
"Luffy..." you swooned, turning in his arms to face him. "You promise?" He nodded with a ear to ear grin, and you threw yourself into his embrace. "Oh, I can't stay mad at you, you're too sweet!"
💔 The second time Luffy heard you raise you voice at him, it was a gut wrenching scream, accompanied by tears. The part that disturbed him most, however, was the fact that it wasn't really at him, but more for him.
"Stop it!" your voice rang out across a smoking battlefield, crack and desperate. "Please, stop, you'll kill him!" You were yards away, but you could still see the light leaving your boyfriend's eyes as he laid motionless on the ground from where you were being subdued.
The marines had ambushed the crew while at an island you'd stopped at for supplies. Kizaru stood over him, glancing over at you when he'd heard, his signature smug grin unfaltering as he made his way over to you. "That's the point, dollface."he cooed. "Dead or alive, or so the saying goes."
"P-Please," you negotiated. "Please, you can have me instead. I-I'm worth something right?" You struggled to remember your current bounty.
"You want me to give up one of the most wanted men on the seas," he chuckled, looming over you. "For a measly ten million berries?Honey," he smirked, eyes darting to Luffy, still unmoving, and back to you. "The only thing that makes you worth anything is your value to him. Now that we've got Straw Hat, we don't have a use for you."
"That's...not true..." a broken and tired voice graveled from where he once lay. Your hopefully eyes snapped to your partner as he slowly rose to face the admiral in your stead.
"Luffy!" you shrieked, relieved tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Still kickin', huh?" Kizaru laughed, turning his attention back.
"That's not true, (Y/N)." your captain continued, entirely ignoring his enemy, yet still walking towards him and not you. "You're worth so much more than being my girlfriend. You're a Straw Hat, and that means so much more!"
🍋 Luffy had never known you to be the most verbal person when it came to physical pleasures, and the silent sighs and tiny gasps became a common song that he learned to enjoy above all others. that was until he heard what you were really capable of.
"Oh, fuck, Luffy!" you cried, tossing your head back in eustasy. He froze entirely for a moment, gazing up at you in awe as you rode him, bouncing with delight, and cursing his name like the sailor you were. You were so entranced that you failed out notice his lack of participation as he watched you put in all the work he normally would.
Hearing those loud, dirty words tumble over your lips did something to him- snapped some sort of line that tethered him to his control. "(Y/N), baby?" he spoke lowly, breaking you of your spell. You immediately began apologizing, bringing your hands to cover your blushing face, only to be caught by the wrists. "What have you never moaned for me like that before?"
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me!" you sputtered, humiliated by your lewd behaviors.
"Well," he decided, guiding your trembling hands to his hair, before winding his rubber arms around your waist and clenching your doughy thighs as hard as he could without doing actual damage. "We're gonna fuckin' find out!"
Roronoa Zoro:
💕 You had been ignoring Zoro all day long and it was starting to drive him crazy, though he wasn't going to let you on to that fact. He eyed from from across the deck as you chatted with Nami about something he didn't care about. Anytime you would catch him looking at you, you'd huff, turn your nose at him, and make it a point to very sweetly ask Sanji for something. Every time, the doting chef would give into your every whim, bringing you parfaits, making you something special for lunch, or even a fancy glass of water with cucumber and mint. Finally, your boyfriend decided he'd had enough.
"Why are you acting like such a brat today?" he grilled sternly, looming over your lounge chair as you tanned. "You better not be trying to make me jealous of that damn cook."
You gasped dramatically, sharing a shocked looked with Nami, before you both rolled your eyes at him. "You've got some nerve calling me a brat." you spat back at him, turning your attention back to your magazine.
"Well, you're acting like one!" Zoro protested.
"Yeah, well," you huffed. "At least Sanji's nice to me and gives me attention when I want it!" Nami silently agreed with you, nodding her head as you spoke.
"Oh my God," your boyfriend groaned, rolling his eyes and slumping his shoulders. "Is that what this is about? Damn, you're so annoying."
You scowled at him, throwing your magazine onto the floor in a fit. "No, Zoro, you know what's annoying? Trying to spend time with your boyfriend, only to get passed up for lifting stupid weights!" you shouted, collecting the attention of many of your nakamas, which embarrassed him quite a bit. "All you do is work out or clean your damn swords! I wake up, and you're not in bed because your training, I go to bed and- same thing!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry I have to train to keep you protected you highness!" he snarled back at you. "It's not like I've saved your life or anything."
"Oh, thank you for not letting me die! Boyfriend of the damn year!"
"Jesus Christ," he growled, finally giving in under all the stares of his crewmates. "I'll skip work out tonight and we can cuddle all night, okay?"
"Okie dokie!" you beamed, demeanor immediately shifting back to the kind, sweet girl everyone knew you as. Zoro sighed, exhausted by your manipulation tactics; he needed a nap.
💔 Zoro's body froze solid, hearing you're voice from a location he couldn't pinpoint. His mind went into fight or flight mode as the fear and desperation in your voice struck him like a pendent in a church bell, sending vibrations all throughout him. "Zoro!"
"(Y/N)?!" he called back, spinning as he took in his surroundings. He could see so many people, but none of them were you. Where were you?
"Zoro!" Suddenly, you broke through the crowd, making a mad dash for him, leaping into his arms before he could register it. "Oh my gosh, I thought I'd lost you!" you cried into his chest. "I was so worried!"
He was still frozen, for the first time in his life unable to act. "Y-you were worried about me?" he stammered, having trouble wrapping his head around the idea.
"Yes!" you replied, nuzzling into his throat. "There's marines on the island, and when I turned around and you weren't there I thought you were in trouble!"
"If that's the case, you should have gone back to the ship." he scolded you lightly, trying to mask how much his heart melted at your concern. "Now we're both in danger."
You shook your head quickly. "No, I'm not going anywhere without you! We'll go back together!" You insisted. "What if you get lost again?"
His stern face softened into a loving smile, reflecting his feelings in the moment, before grabbing you by the hand. "Fine, let's go. You lead the way."
🍋 Zoro had never heard anything more lewd that the sounds he was extracting from you now. You were laid out in his arms, across his lap, his fingers reaching for invisible buttons inside you, making your tummy do flips. Each breath you took was ragged and punctuated a needy whine. Typically, you sang a song of soft hums, using his name as a refrain every so often, and he did adore that, but nothing could compare to the arousal he got from hearing you curse.
"Shit, Zoro, I-I-!" you were beyond the point of forming fully coherent sentences, most of them fading after a few words. His own breathing quickened as he worked you better and better by the minute.
"Yeah, baby," he groaned, his face contorting into a frustrated snarl. "Tell me all those dirty words you know."
God Usopp:
💕 "I said I'm sorry!" he squeaked, following you out of his workshop and into the bathroom. "It was an accident!" You ignored his pleas for your forgiveness as you walked up to the sink, leaning over to dip your head under the faucet. He had been showing you his newest star, when he shot it at a shelf, which in turn shook, knocking a bottle to toad oil onto your head. Your silence terrified him as he stood idly by watching you try to rinse it from your scalp. "I-If you let me take a bath with you, I'll wash it all out-" His nervous negotiations were cut short by your harsh glare.
He wrung his hands, pacing back and forth as you disrobed and slipped into the washroom, heading straight for the shower in the corner. Reluctantly, he followed you, fully clothed, unsure if he was meant to or not. "I really am sorry," he admitted, stepping up behind you as you say on the stool and poured a bucket of water over your head. "Here, let me." he insisted, thoroughly rinsing your hair before massaging product into it. You wordlessly allowed him to was the oil out of your hair, enjoying the quiet of the moment, until he ruined that too.
"A-Are you gonna break up with me?" he piped up anxiously.
"No!" you shouted with an exaggerated sigh. "I'm not going to break up with you over this, Usopp, I'm just mad!"
"Sorry," he replied, embarrassed at his silly question. "Thank you..."
"For what?" you snapped, wishing he would simply stop talking for a few minutes.
"Giving me another chance." he answered quietly. You felt your heart tear a bit at his insecurity.
"Usopp, I would never leave you over something this small." you confirmed, glancing at him over the shoulder. "I know it was just an accident, and I forgive you. I just need a few little quiet time to cool off."
He nodded, prompting you to relax as he lathered your scalp. Within minutes, you were putty in his hands, and happy as a clam again.
💔 The way his name came out of you mouth tore Usopp apart. Though you weren't together yet at this time, he still held so much undying love for you, but his pride had gotten the better of him. He ignored your sobs as he walked away from the crew, choosing a broken ship over everyone who cared for him- including you.
"Usopp, you stop right there!" you commanded, tears steaming down your face as you struggled to run after him. You'd seen him respond when Kaya did this, and you genuinely thought it would work, but obviously, given the circumstances, his love for her was much stronger than what he had claimed to have for you. "Please, come back! Usopp!"
You tumbled to the rocky shore of Water 7, having tripped over your own feet, your vision too obscured by tears to see straight. "Please!"
"C'mon, (Y/N)," Nami sniffled, pulling you to your feet only to hold you back from pursuing him further. "He's made his choice."
🍋 Usopp marveled up at you from between your thighs as you sat perched atop his face. As you rode, bucking your his against his chin, you failed to notice the escalation of your volume, but he didn't. He adored your shy, soft moans- even thought of them in his sleep but this was entirely new, and so much better.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you chanted. "Love riding your pretty face, baby!" He melted beneath you as you writhed, crying out in ecstasy, using him the way you wanted. He watched as you raised your arms, tangling your fingers in your hair. "Wanna cum all over your face!" you sighed, entranced.
"Do it, angel." he purred, voice muffled by your heat as he ate his fill. Your eyes shot open as you realized your dirty thoughts had spilled into the open air.
"Oh my God!" you squealed, instantly pushing yourself away form his face, leaving a snail trail down his chest to where you currently sat at his pelvis. "I'm so embarrassed, I'm so sorry!"
Usopp's fingers delicately laced with yours as he pulled at your hand. "Get back up here," he cooed, guiding you back to your previous position. "Please cum all over my pretty face."
Vinsmoke Sanji:
💕 You pouted in the corner of the dining room as Sanji served dinner, setting your plate down in from of you, and delicately tying your napkin around your neck as he always did. "What's wrong, Mon amour?" he asked, softly petting your hair, only to have you turn your nose up at him. The rest of the crew looked on in curiosity as the chef continued to serve, all the while struggling to get you to give him time of day.
After the meal was finished and everyone else had left the table, you stayed to help him clean up as usual. "Mon trésor, talk to me." he insisted. Once again you ignored him, prompting him to take the dishes from your hands and set them aside, before cupping your cheek to ensure that your focus was only on him. "What's the matter?"
"Oh nothing," you scoffed. "Just wish I had a boyfriend that was only my boyfriend is all."
Sanji stared at you blankly, puzzled by your sudden aggression towards him. "I'm all yours, amour, why would you think otherwise?"
"You seem to be pretty friendly with every other girl you come across," you muttered bitterly.
"Are you jealous?" he smirked, only to find that, to you, this was no amusing matter.
"I shouldn't have to be!" you snapped, sniffling a bit. "I shouldn't have to feel like I have to compete for your attention..." He stood in front of you, lips ajar from surprise at your level of emotion on the matter. After a moment, he softened, pulling you into his chest.
"This world is full of beautiful people, male and female," he soothed as you resisted the urge to cry in front of him. "We can never simply turn off our attraction to people, but at the end of the day, you should know that you take up all the space in my heart."
"Some apology," you scoffed, trying to push his affections away.
"It's not an apology," he corrected. "Though, maybe it should be. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, amour." he cooed, petting your hair and letting you be frustrated with him. Sanji was never one to try and sort out a problem immediately. He knew emotions took time to ease through, and how unhealthy rushing that could be. "Would you like some time to yourself?" he offered, pulling away from you to look into your eyes. You shook your head lightly, before nuzzling back into his chest. "Would you give me a chance to make it up to you?" You nodded shallowly, your hair getting mussed and collecting static from his shirt.
He smiled sweetly, parting from you, and holding you at arms' length. "Tell you what," he began, glancing over to the sink full of dishes. "Give me a few minutes to clean this up, you go get in the tub and wait for me."
💔 You stood in the pouring rain, outside looking in on a private moment. Sanji, the man who'd sworn his eternal love for you was there, embracing his wife to be the day before their wedding. His face was battered and bruised as he whispered to her. "Let's get married tomorrow."
Against all your better judgement, your shattered heart forced agonized screams from your throat as you sobbed, slamming your fists on the glass. Your shoulders shook as the rain mixed with your tears as they slid down your face. Just beyond, you watched as Pudding, the woman who'd taken your place nearly jump from her skin, fearfully snuggling deeper into his embrace as she eyed you as if you'd hurt her.
Sanji however never bothered to look. He heard you, he was just choosing to ignore your cries, no matter how deeply they bothered him. He could feel his decisions effect you in the form of guilty sweat dripping down his spine. Eventually, he turned his back to you, pulling his bride away as they exited the room. He couldn't stand the pitiful sight of you any longer, lest he begin to weep himself.
🍋 Sanji stared down at you, love and passion exuding from his pores as he made love to you. He held your legs securely over his shoulders as he eased in and out of you, counting how many times your breath would hitch before you could exhale. "Me prends si bien, chérie." he purred, leaning into your ear, nearly folding you in half.
"S-Sanji..." you whimpered, face numb from the overwhelming pleasure you were under. You couldn't hold back the way your volume was increasing, no matter how humiliating. He was worth being embarrassed for.
"Oui, mon amour?"
"F-Feels so good!" you affirmed, the need to feel useful swallowing you whole. You wanted to be an active participant, not simply a toy, but the way he loved on you left you paralyzed. "Wanna make you feel good too..."
"Tu me fais me sentir divine, chérie." he soothed, letting go of a weighted breath. "Continue juste à chanter comme ça pour moi, d'accord?"
Mon amour/amour = My love/love
Trésor = Treasure
"Me prends si bien, chérie." = "Taking me so well, darling."
"Oui, mon amour?" = "Yes, my love?"
"Tu me fais me sentir divine, chérie." = "You make me feel divine, darling."
"Continue juste à chanter comme ça pour moi, d'accord?" = "Just keep singing like that for me, okay?"
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Can you imagine if the Vinsmokes gained their emotions back when Sanji saves their lives at WCI, but it kinda hits them all at once, so they become massively attached to Sanji.
21+ years of familial love for their brother smacks them in the face, only for them to find out Sanji has REALLY over protective boyfriends in ASL who monopolize Sanji all the time (this can be the gods au or just regular ASL+S)
Gods can you imagine the guilt? Not only just all that love but the guilt, shame, embarrassment, and horror at what they've done. Reiju just watching them and Ichiji asking her why she never stopped them, how often she helped Sanji after what they did? He needs to know and the answers 'i didn't want the attention ' and 'not enough' rip through his chest like niji's lightning.
Sanji's gone, with his crew and they've only just escaped Big Mom's pirates and her prison and everything so they're not exactly primed for the real world. But without Germa and being free means they need to find their own way. So uhh, they guess first things they'll go find Zeff and thank him? And they do. Zeff and everyone is confused about the apology/thanks combo they're getting. Especially because it revolves around Sanji and Germa. Zeff is ready to kill them all but Patty says they can work for their forgiveness and puts them in the dishpit.
It's good for them, they're working through a lot of things and Zeff keeps making them push back against him verbally. They're...healing, but they need more but at least they're also developing some skills that can help them in their pursuit. Over time, maybe about a year ish later they decide to find Sanji. To go apologize, they won't ask for forgiveness, it's not something they deserve but he needs to their regret, their sorrow, their change. For them to be like him like their mother wanted. Maybe their skin is no longer metal, still extremely durable but they can be bleed.
Following the Strawhats is a challenge and Zeff warned them about it though. He gives them his lot of the Grand Line, a log post, and demands letters. They agree as Reiju stays with Zeff. As they set sail Zeff tells them to not be afraid of Sanji's boyfriends, they'll understand eventually! Which makes Niji ask the hell that means to no response. It takes a few months but they're doing fine. Mostly.
The New World is a bigger challenge than they expected but when they catch up the crew is fighting Marines and it's all an out assault from both sides. Ichiji says they should attack the Marines so they do with their powers and uhhh, is that a guy with three swords coming after them? Oh shit it's that Roronoa Zoro guy! Fuck!
Yonji is trying to calm him down while evading him. Ichiji and Niji are still focusing on actually fighting the Marines who start to retreat and the fire dives down so Luffy snaps onto their ship with a rubbery twang and pure anger and Nami, the hot chick they remember is there on a cloud. Right. Okay. They can do this!
"You broke the agreement so we're going to sink your ship!" Luffy yells at them in warning.
"We want to to apologize to Sanji." Ichiji says evenly.
"I'll see if he even wants to talk to you after what happened." Nami growls as the cloud takes her back. They get a signal to meet at the ship. Not to board, so it's kind of awkward with the height differences between the ships. Luffy and Zoro jump up onto their ship as Luffy slings an arm around Sanji with a cowboy guy who is glaring viciously at them.
"Speak your piece and get the fuck away!" Sanji yells at them.
"Were sorry! We are not owed forgiveness for anything!" Yonji starts.
"That's not an apology." The cowboy says.
"Oh, Sabo's going suuuper to love this." The robot says.
"Ah, do you want us to say? We don't know what you told them and don't want to cause more problems." Ichiji asks.
"Start with the cuffs." Luffy demands.
"Cuffs?" A few voices ask.
"Sorry we let Judge put those on you!" Ichiji says with a wince.
"Sorry for our childhoods!" Niji yells. "And electrocuting you with that plate in your back, especially. And calling you a failure after you got shot."
"Wait-" Zoro tries.
"Sorry about the dungeon?" Yonji tries which flummoxes the rest of the crew except Sanji.
"Oh my God they're going to die." Nami says.
"Zeff says you should write more, he's kind of been doing the whole push back thing he did with you? Reiju's still there." Ichiji says.
"Alright, I'll write to the fucking geezer but if I see any of you before I come back to Baratie I'm not who you have to worry about." Sanji threatens.
"Just one?" Luffy asks.
"Nah, let Sabo deal with them." Cowboy says. "Zeff is more likely to forgive him."
"Doubt that, lets get the fuck outta here, I need to start lunch." Sanji says walking away from the railing. With the crew chattering after him. When the brothers get home a few months later there's a blond guy talking with Reiju and Zeff and smiling politely with another orange haired girl beside him.
"Don't threaten them too much." Zeff warns.
"I would never sully this fine established like that." The blond says with mock offense.
"Don't sully it with blood either." Zeff stresses.
"Of course not! I'll do it elsewhere and no one will know." The blond smiles at the chef. "Bye guys!" He chirps, grabbing a pipe from the floor and leaves with the other girl who mimics slitting her throat at them with a smile as she skips out the door.
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sky-fire-forever · 11 months
Responding to your line that you put in the water for izzyxreader asks —
Maybe reader is super tough all the time, and so they and Izzy bond over repressing feelings and everything, and then Izzy goes through his transformation and healing era and the reader feels abandoned because everyone on this crew is touchy-feely and now they’re all alone in putting mind over emotion
But then they find out some really bad news (maybe they lost a loved one or something) and fall apart at the seams, and Izzy is there to pick up the pieces
[AN: I try to leave it vague as to what the bad news actually is, so I'll leave it to your imagination! This is my first time writing X Reader fic, so I hope it's any good! Also, I am posting this on mobile, so I apologize for any formatting errors]
Izzy Hands is the only one on the ship who understands you. Or so you thought.
These days, it doesn't seem like anyone understands you at all. Izzy included.
It used to be you and Izzy against the world. The two of you understood what it means to be pirates: It means bottling up the fear and the sadness and the… all of it. It means facing the world with a brave face despite how you might feel inside.
You both understood that. Once.
Izzy seems to have forgotten. He wears his emotions on his face now. He talks about them. He wears the title of Unicorn with pride. Things that Izzy wouldn't have been caught dead doing once upon a time.
It seems so easy for him now. He sits with the crew, smiles with them, congratulates them on a job well done. He belongs with them.
And all you can do is watch.
You're almost envious of his ability to change, to grow. It was less lonely being an outsider when Izzy was on the outside with you. Now, you just have to look in and watch as he builds this fantasy family. You wonder how much it will hurt him when it comes tumbling down.
"You could join us, you know," Izzy tells you one night as the crew huddles together by the light and you stand on your own. "No point in you drinking all alone."
You scoff and wave him off. "I don't do well with people." It's an old excuse, one you've used for years.
Just as he always has, Izzy sees through it. "You don't need to push them away. They're... not what we thought they were."
You narrow your eyes at him. "Just because you've gone soft doesn't mean we all will."
Izzy looks at you with something like sadness in his eyes. "The invitation's open."
But it wasn't an invitation you could accept.
Not until later, when a letter comes for you.
As you read it, your hands begin to shake. Your vision gets blurry as your eyes fill with tears. Before you know it, your entire body is trembling.
"Fuck," you whisper. "Fuck!" You shout it at the sea, crumpling the letter in your fist and hurling it at the ocean.
You can never catch a break, can you? The world loves punishing you no matter what you do. People like you don't get a happy ending.
That's something you've always known. You're a pirate and pirates' lives are full of bloodshed and misery and death. A happy ending has never been in the cards for you. Hell, you never even expected a happy middle.
You've never seen the point in crying over the shitty hand you've been dealt. Expressing emotions changes nothing, fixes nothing. So what's the point?
But in this moment, you can't hold it all in. You fall to your knees as tears hit your cheeks. You sob so hard you can hardly breathe. The world around you becomes a blur as you begin to cry.
Strong hands come to wrap around you. Your first instinct is to fight, to shove away whoever is offering you comfort. But you're just too tired and weak to bother.
"I've got ya. I've got you, love." Izzy's soothing voice washes over you as he pulls you into his lap. "I'm here."
Not long ago, the idea of Izzy Hands gently holding you as you fall apart would have been laughable. But here you sit, curled up against his chest as he rubs circles into your back.
You hiccup, trying desperately to regain some control over your breathing. "H-Hurts," you whimper through the tears. "Fuck, it hurts."
"I know," Izzy says softly. "I know, love. I know it hurts. Just let it all out, yeah?"
He presses a kiss to your temple and you squeeze your eyes shut. Sob after sob wrecks through you and you're powerless to stop it.
There's a reason you keep your emotions to yourself. Crying is painful and it's weakness and it fucking sucks. Why would you choose it if you could lock it all away instead?
But somehow crying in Izzy's arms doesn't feel quite as bad as you feared. It still fucking hurts, but he holds you through it, whispering gentle assurances all the while.
And when you've finally cried yourself out, a part of you feels… lighter. Like a great burden has been lifted from your shoulders and all it took was falling apart.
"Shit. I'm sorry," you mutter as you wipe your eyes on the back of your sleeve.
"Nothing to apologize for," Izzy says. "How are you feelin'?"
You hesitate before answering. "Better," you admit somewhat grumpily.
He smiles like he knows how much it pains you to admit that crying helped. "It's easier to fall apart when someone will help pick up the pieces." He reaches up to cup your cheek, brushing away a few stray tears with his thumb.
You swallow and if you had any tears left to shed, you're certain you'd start crying all over again.
Instead, you just wrap your arms around Izzy and hold him close, burying your face in his neck.
"Thank you," you whisper.
He holds you close like it's easy to do it. Like being there for you isn't the burden you know it must be. "Always, love."
And you believe him.
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ladyluscinia · 11 months
Izzy, Bottles, and Apologies
Izzy's arc in S2 has been a wild ride.
The S1 Izzy enjoyers are feeling vindicated as hell, many people are fully revising their opinion of him, and the people still hating him have a new criticism or off the wall theory daily. David Jenkins LOVES Izzy and is having the time of his life trying to make sure everyone else does too. They had Con O'Neill sing in drag!
And naturally I have thoughts.
This is gonna be a two part post, I think. First, as much as people are celebrating Izzy having realized his arc and come into his own - from the singing to the apparent BlackBonnet shipping - there are some threads they could pull on that might reveal more arc to come. And I am really hoping they pull them, so I'm gonna tell you why you should too!
And second, I have some minor points I dislike and concerns that this might be the end of the arc. Which would be disappointing but I think I get why, so I'm gonna discuss that too.
To start...
"How are you handling all this so well?"
Here's the thing about S2 Izzy - while I need to be clear his behavior is not OOC or inconsistent with S1, it is happening rather fast. I'm pretty sure that has a lot to do with out of universe reasons I'll get into later, but in-universe it stands out. Now, he's hardly the only one operating on an accelerated schedule - the timeline for this season is an insanely fast not-even-two-weeks - but Izzy's defining struggle in S1 was fear of change. That was the cause of his friction with Edward, and what made him an antagonist in the first place.
In S2 he's gone through a lot of trauma, yes, but that fear is noticeably less present than I would expect.
Izzy in 2x06 has been cleaned up from his sobbing mess phase for just over 48 hours and he faces Edward with a joke, and then that night sings a moving French serenade to the crew. The next morning he's teasing them about finally hooking up and spends the day offering both Stede and Edward relationship advice.
He's a newly realized man... shedding repression and embracing who he could be. Accepting his breakup with Edward and trying to openly support the relationship that's better for him.
It's fun!
It's also, potentially, a bit of a flag. Maybe not a red one, not yet, but... pink-ish? A bit orange?
Let's look a little closer at those frayed edges.
"Well, you see, I have a system..."
There's an exchange from right at the start of the Pilot episode that has echoed through the entire series so far:
"Bottle it up?" -> "No, Frenchie! No, that's the worst thing you could do!"
Not talking to other people, not addressing your traumas... that's the kind of shit that just builds and builds inside you. When the cork eventually pops, the resulting damage can be a lot. Look at the finale of S1, where all of Stede's bottled up guilt and insecurities laid waste to his relationship with Edward, and then inadvertently became the first domino in the Kraken.
S2 is quick to bring this scene back into the forefront. The first time we see the Breakup Boat crew talking in 2x01, Frenchie reveals that "Bottle it up?" wasn't just a random comment he made, but a philosophy of his:
"Ah - well, you see, I have a system for dealing with all the terrible things I've seen. There's a box, in my mind, and I put the things in the box, I lock the box, and then I don't open it again. Works like a charm."
Apparently, Frenchie is the only one it actually seems to be working for.
Now, the show has been drawing some interesting lines between Frenchie and Izzy. From both serving as Blackbeard's First Mate to being frequently shown as a duo - tormenting Navy guys together on Sunday's raid, Frenchie holding Izzy's hand, Frenchie leaning on Izzy's leg in the cell, Frenchie behind him raising the flag in 2x05 - it's fitting that Izzy echoes Frenchie's preferred coping method. First he frames the non-acknowledgement of harm from Edward as just... part of piracy. He's a pirate, so he's fine with it.
And then we get Izzy's little whittled shark reveal and the conversation with Lucius about his leg:
"I don't know what you're talking about. Shark did this... dangling my legs over the side of the ship. Served me right, too."
Lucius calls him out on the unhealthy behavior, and Izzy concedes his point:
"O-kay, that seems healthy. Using a bit of fiction to help cover up your trauma." -> "Yeah, well... not moving on is worse. Twatty."
And to give him credit, he's right in his advice to Lucius. Filling his sketchbook with pages and pages of Blackbeard trauma is Lucius's form of bottling it up - thinking in endless recursive circles about his tumble off the ship and everything that followed. We already know chasing revenge instead of living is bad - Jim and Spanish Jackie established it last season, and Pete just echoed them. When Izzy advises Lucius to move on, that's what Lucius does.
But what Izzy is doing with the shark? That's not the same thing at all. He's lost a leg, grazed a bullet off his own head, and was snarling drunken accusations at himself in the mirror... he's not moving on from that. He's bottling it up with a nice dose of self-blame.
Cutting the legs off the unicorn for not doing it's job right and saying "served me right" about his fictional shark? There's a real dark knot of emotions there.
(Recall, too, that Edward deflected his hurt from Stede's abandonment into a "fictional character" during his chats with Lucius, and that delayed the explosion but couldn't stop it.)
So... Izzy's definitely coping with trauma in a way the show does not advise and often circles back to. Can we see any signs in 2x06 and 2x07?
The Weight of Things Unsaid
At the very start of 2x06, Izzy gets the thing he spent all of 2x05 mentally bracing himself to never hear - an apology from Edward for his leg. He walks up to initiate conversation and begins talking like nothing has changed. Edward is back in his leathers. Appropriate, given that his penance onesie was nothing genuine, just "how long do I have to wear this fucking thing for?" And Izzy is ready for them not to address the obvious hurt, to just smooth over a few jabs and go back to normal... but even Edward's mumbled little "Sorry about your leg" is so significant and difficult he flees as soon as he gets it out, leaving Izzy to sit, incredulous, with the acknowledgement.
It's still almost definitely not enough.
There was so much between them in 2x01 - 2x03. The writers literally did BlackHands love confessions on both sides. An apology from Edward Teach - a man who historically does not apologize - is a huge first step but still only the first step. The real things unsaid are so much bigger than a leg.
We get something else, too... Edward commenting on Izzy's drinking.
"Jesus. Really putting that away, aren't ya?"
Izzy has had booze a lot this season. He lost a leg and pain meds aren't really an option, so not surprising, but notable. Edward, advocating for substance abuse to deal with bad feelings, calls him a lightweight in 2x01. When they are found with the dead seabird in 2x03, Izzy takes a pointed drink from his bottle, and then 2x04 he spends the entire episode completely plastered. He seemingly sobered up for 2x05 - probably to focus on sword training and his whittling project - but now the bottle is back again before Izzy disappears for several hours.
And a little liquid courage might explain his going all in for the Calypso's Birthday performance.
I do appreciate that the performance on it's face is something completely unexpected for Izzy, but when thinking about it... it does make sense.
We already know music and performance were available on Blackbeard's ship even before Stede. Edward learned to play shanties on the piano somewhere, and singing is a common and encouraged part of sailing culture. Izzy's choice of song to perform is something a lot more emotional, but this is probably not his first performance for a crew.
Makeup, too, is in fashion for men and women at this time, and OFMD has shown it as such before. Izzy has never worn fashion makeup, or tried to be beautiful, but the concept wouldn't be alien to him. Wee John's description of a dramatic party look might even have intrigued him specifically because Izzy has actually done "looks" before - of the terrifying "theatre of fear" kind. The Kraken did have his whole crew in makeup for their raids. Taking the opportunity to embody something a bit more vulnerable and try to bring joy to this crew that took care of him is meaningful as fuck.
And it's still a drag performance!
It's a good pair of moments - before and after Ned. Proof that all this isn't just coping method - that's not what I'm arguing here - and even if Izzy's still bottling up a lot of feelings he's not doing the same full pressure bomb thing as he did in S1. There's been growth!
(This is why the flags are only pink-ish / orange-ish right now.)
Episode 2x07 though... I'm not so sure he's doing good as much as pretending it's all good.
Showing up to make his joke in the morning is a fun moment. I especially enjoy Edward's little "fuck off" with no bite to it 🤣🤣🤣 Reminder they do live together on a ship, so this is likely not even close to the first morning-after that Izzy has gotten front row seats to. But, at least to me, there's also a very performative feeling about it. Izzy being very Look how normal I can be about you fucking your boyfriend, Ed - and Edward picks up on it too. That's why he turns to Stede and whispers "He's jealous" as Izzy walks away.
Izzy continues to make jokes and give advice through the day to our main couple, but he's... subdued. I think his fake chill also disguises that he and Edward aren't on the same page about what they discuss at the docks, hence his poor advice to "listen to it" when the "it" in question is Edward's immediate desire to run away from Stede and become a fisherman. They are talking again, but haven't resumed communicating.
I also think it's relevant that Izzy goes to try and support Stede after Edward dumps him, because we're still waiting for Stede to stop bottling things up. He doesn't talk about Badminton or feelings of inadequacy or even the babiest little olive branch to Edward about "hey my dad kinda sucked too." Edward's two exes are sitting in the bar corner together, thinking about all the shit they won't talk to him about until it kills all three of them. Exciting!
The pressure is building. It has to circle back to Stede in S3. I'm hoping at the same time, it circles back to Izzy, too.
Hoping we get to explore some of his anxiety, and his internalizing negative self-image and blame. At the moment, I think Izzy might have less gotten over his anxieties and more just let go of the wheel of his life entirely, and fortunately had people around to steer him in okay directions. It would be really interesting to explore that more.
(Even if I have some concerns they may not.)
Subtle as a Cannonball to the Face
Izzy's character arc was always going to be a long journey - not because he was somehow morally worse than everyone else, or required particularly painstaking growth, or even because there was going to be some great need to "hold him accountable" for S1. No, it was going to be a long journey from an antagonist start for the same reason I mentioned earlier: Izzy's core struggle is fear of change.
OFMD opens with two protagonists recklessly pursuing change in ways that harm themselves, their relationships, and others, and a primary onscreen antagonist resisting change in a way that harms himself, his relationships, and others. There's no easy morality here - they all fuck up. And they all require the entire show to actually figure out the correct balance of change and growth and facing the past.
"I think the three of them are on an arc together that's pretty inseparable." - David Jenkins (Source, 9 Oct 2023)
So... why is there a chance that everything I've mentioned above is going absolutely nowhere and Izzy's arc has been wrapped up with a bow in S2?
It's late March 2022, the fandom's age is still only countable in weeks, I personally haven't even watched the pilot yet, had only even heard of the show 3 days before... and one of David Jenkins first post-finale statements is telling people to pay attention to Izzy's POV and his and Edward's love story on rewatches (Source, 25 Mar 2022), and then soon after comparing Stede to a homewrecker in Edward and Izzy's toxic marriage (Source, 15 Apr 2022). Lots of links because this stuff was available to the fandom from the start.
By the first half of May 2022 (while poor Mr. Jenkins is still anxiously trying to get his series renewed for S2, since the confirmation won't come until June 1) the takes on Izzy have soured a lot. It's not a "homophobic gay" joke anymore. Now it's "Izzy is the embodiment of colonialism who enforces a racist and homophobic ideal of Blackbeard on Edward" and "pretending Izzy could be canonically gay is homophobic" and "Izzy bought Edward as a slave from the British". Harassing anons have already started on tumblr. No first hand experience with Twitter but I've heard horror stories. These takes are spreading like wildfire through the fandom, with a heavy backing of white fans accepting and spreading anything that sounds vaguely racially-conscious as something they just missed in their privilege and need to listen to POC about. Or listen to other white fans that say they've been listening to POC.
The anchor hoist in 1x09 (that was a complete directing coincidence, as the crew confirmed in late May) is being taken as incontrovertible proof that Izzy is a violent racist, and the relatively small Izzy fandom pushing back against any of these reads is being likened to toxic fangirls declaring Kylo Ren a poor widdle victim because they think violent white guys are so hot their brains fall out. This is happening loudly and in the public forums of social media.
Can you imagine being David Jenkins right then?
This is one of your favorite little guys, who you wrote a silly little homoerotic pirate jealousy arc for. He's kinda cringefail and tends to be a dick, but you cast a guy who you think embodies him with so much sympathy and genuine emotion. You're so excited to explore his direct relationship to the main couple of your series even more. Unfortunately, you and a lot of the cast and crew are also engaging maybe a bit too much in fandom spaces, which very few of you have much familiarity with navigating as creators. AND there's still renewal stress!
If I were him, I too would consider that perhaps my intended Izzy arc was a bit too nuanced and drawn out, and maybe I needed to clear up some misconceptions as soon as I got the opportunity.
Enter S2.
MAX reduced the budget for the season significantly and it shows - particularly in the whole thing having to squeeze into 8 episodes - and I wouldn't be surprised at all if worries over a S3 renewal / S3 budget impacted S2 writing as well. Character arcs got pinched, goals had to be prioritized... and from the looks of the season, "make sure everyone knows Izzy is not a homophobic villain tormenting Edward as fast as possible" came out as a big goal.
I mean they open with a dream sequence that literally mocks the idea of a heroic Stede rescuing Edward from the dastardly Izzy. It's not subtle.
And the lack of subtlety is kind of what's concerning me.
Izzy's arc is (I think) leaving enough threads that they can extend it into S3 with the reveal he's not actually fine and done developing, but they also seem to want his S2 arc to end in a place where maybe he is. Lots of giant signs pointing to him and saying "Look! Everyone likes him!" or "Look! He's also gay!" at the expense of some of his cringefail or dickish charm. My guy had anxiety he dealt with poorly in S1, and I do think they are trying to frontload or adjust the arc so he's basically (or at least seemingly) over that before the next hiatus.
The best way I've seen it described is that the show no longer trusts the audience to pick up what they are putting down, and so they feel the need to really hammer it in. Not necessarily OOC, but definitely de-emphasizing any of his rough edges that were originally just written to not be any worse than the other characters.
This is why Izzy gets shot by Edward in the very first episode for a bunch of complicated reasons that are really good character work and not super hard to discern, but then later they have Izzy point out to Stede why he got shot twice. It's all very "look into the camera and say the themes", because to some degree they are afraid everyone is going to get easily convinced Edward shot him for calling him a namby-pamby that one time.
It makes me worried they are too afraid of misinterpretation to commit to the arc they originally conceived of, even with the finish line in sight in S3.
And, again, I get it, Mr. Jenkins. In October 2022 he made a funny quip and a boner joke on a tweet about Edward's blanket fort and the hordes descended to scream victoriously about how he was cutting down the Izzy stans for their racist infantilization crimes of thinking Izzy would *checks notes* help hold up a blanket. It's a very reasonable conclusion that this fandom cannot read and needs to be spoonfed Izzy's arc.
It just sucks that a toxic section of fandom's misinterpretations appear to have undercut a strong - and, honestly, not that complicated - character arc so much that S2's BlackBonnet arc can be about fuck ups and backsliding, but Izzy needs at least the illusion of having no flaws left come hiatus time.
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velvetydream · 4 months
꒰ :🥀 [ The harsh daily life - Welcome to Aurora ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Part 4 - The harsh daily life
Summary : Finally having found the perfect job for you on the ship, a new mistery arose. The name of a mysterious woman slipping past the sleeping captains lips.
Pairing : Pirate! Hongjoong x Fem! Reader
Word count : 1883 Words
Genre : Genre : Fluff, Romance, Slow Burn
Warnings ➵ None??
a/n : Still so sorry for not posting this last week! Just been rly caught of with my exam this week and also just overall being stressed by school! I'll tr to write next 2 or 3 chapters this weekend tho so I got a lil puffer for the next weeks!♡
《 Masterlist 》
┌───────────────────────── ·  ·  ·  · ♡
Your day wasn't over after the quick meal you had with Wooyoung and Seonghwa. Right now you were sitting in the crows nest with Wooyoung, him explaining his job to you, you were quit glad that you were with Wooyoung right now and didn't had to train with Jongho again.
"I'm glad that you decided to tag along with us, it's gonna be a lot of fun." You were just as glad as Wooyoung, was he the one you should be the most thankful to, he was the one to help you stay on this ship, with this crew.
"What did you want to tell me while we were eating? About the captain?" Curiosity getting the better of you like always, now looking at Wooyoung who shifts a bit uncomfortably by your question. "I can't tell you, Seonghwa was right, it's Hongjoongs secret, either he tells you himself or you won't know, I'm sorry." His answer made you pout slightly but you could also understand, you probably wouldn't want your secrets spilled out to everyone either. "It's okay, maybe I will know someday." Looking out of the crows nest again, you look to the horizon where the sea meets the sky. It's still not late, maybe the middle of the day, the sun was standing high above the two of you, making it quit hot up in the crows nest.
"Hey Wooyoung! Mind giving away the princess for a bit?" Mingis voice was heard suddenly, looking up at the two of you with a smile on his face. "Sure! See you later." Wooyoung tells you, as you make your way town carefully, Mingi still staying at the bottom of the net, in case you needed help or need to be caught im case you slipped. "Thank you for agreeing to helping me, I really need the help. You can read right?" Mingi asks, following him into the captains cabin, Hongjoong not in sight. With a yes to his question, Mingi gets out a box from a cabinet and pulls up a second chair. "I'm in charge of keeping the maps organised and also having a protocol of the kingdoms and islands we visited by now." Mingi explains, sitting down on Hongjoongs chair, he probably did this in his room, as it had the biggest desk and also wouldn't have any disturbances. "You can sort the maps alphabetical for now." Mingi explains, getting out a pencil to start drawing on the map, probably adding islands they recently discovered.
Now sorting the maps, you sometimes look at the few books on the desk, on each one of them was written the word 'Ateez' and Aurora, looking up at Mingi now you speak up again, : "On the books, the word Ateez, what is that?" Immediately after finishing your sentence Mingi let's out a chuckle, laying down his pencil. "You are currently on the ship Aurora with the crew Ateez, Ateez is our Crew name." Mingi explains to you, before going back to sketching the map.
After a while the door opens and closes, in walks the captain, taking of his coat and hat and laying down on his bed, eyeing the two of you.
"Is she good help Mingi?" The captain speaks up now, closing his eyes, your eyes stay fixated on the maps you were sorting though. "Definitely, it was getting a bit to much for myself, so I'm glad for her help." He praises you, making a smile appear on your face. "I see, well don't be to loud please, I want to take a nap." Putting his hat over his face now, the captain trys to fall asleep, while you and Mingi go on with your work.
After probably two hours you and Mingi finished, standing up and leaving the room carefully so you won't wake up the captain.
"You seem to get along with everyone quit fine, it's nice to see that you're getting used to being on here." Mingi talks while walking around the deck with you, nodding when someone greets the both of you. "Everyone is quit nice, so it's really easy to adapt to the crew and get used to them." A nod was seen from Mingi as you two continue your little stroll along the ship. "Just wishing everyone would start to call me by my name, Y/N, and not princess, I'm not a princess anymore." Explaining this to Mingi, he send a sympathetic glance towards you. "You just have to tell us and we will gladly call you that Y/N." A relieved sigh leaves your lips, hoping that all of them would call you that soon.
"But you can't expect all of us to call you that, you're the princess of our crew now, isn't that right Wooyoung?" San smirks, while approaching you and Mingi, Wooyoung following and speaking up now, : "You're right, she'll stay the princess of this ship." Rolling your eyes slightly, you still couldn't suppress a laugh. "That's okay then, as long as you two still know my name." Now it was the turn of the two man to laugh, telling you they would never forget your name ever.
After talking with the three man a while, Seonghwa soon approaches you with two plates in his hands, by now the sun was starting to go down, painting the sky and sea in a beautiful orange and pink sky.
"You should eat enough, tomorrow the training will continue." Handing you the plate, Seonghwa sits down on the railing, followed by you.
"San told me about a few of the memebers, how long have the others been here?" Seonghwa looks your way now, laying his fork down on his plate. "Me and Hongjoong started this, a small boat, we ran away from our homes and never returned. Yunho joined us shortly after that, a few other man joining too, the ship always getting bigger to have more place. Yeosang and Wooyoung joined us together, we found them stranded on an island, no one knowing where they're from or who their family is. San is a runaway, like me and Hongjoong, that's why we took him in, we saw ourselves in him. Mingi joined shortly after him, his father was a knight, but he didn't want to live that life, so he joined us. Jongho has been here the shortest, he sneaked onto our ship one night and the next after we sat sail we found him, Hongjoong was mad I tell you, but after noticing his abilitys he made him part of the main crew quickly." Glancing at you a few times, you take the information in. It was quit a lot of information to take in.
"It's a lot of information I know, but everyone on this ship has their own story, past and secrets." At the word secrets you had to think back to Hongjoong, what secret did Wooyoung want to tell you.
"Eat up, the captain want's to have a little talk with you." Bidding his goodbye, Seonghwa takes his now empty plate and walks away, probably to bring it into the kitchen.
You finished quickly, bringing your plate away and making your way to the captains cabin, knocking once and then twice. It was quiet. So you slowly opened the door, walking in and closing the door again.
Hongjoong was layed on his bed, his hat still over his face, his right leg over the other one. Walking closer, you ask yourself if the captain was sleeping or awake and already noticed you.
Reaching out a hand hesitatingly, you take of the hat and to your surprise, was the captain still asleep. His eyes closes, just now did you notice his long lashes, his face for once looked soft and relaxed, much different to the either scowling or smirking face. Placing the hat on his desk, you walk over to him again reaching out again to wake him up, but stopping midway, as a word or more like, a name slips past his lips.
Confused you now place your hand on the captains shoulder, shaking him awake slightly. Said man opens his eyes and looks up at you, as he sits up with a groan and stretches his arms out.
"Seonghwa said you wanted to talk to me." You explain why you were disturbing the captains sleep, the female name however still on your mind. "Ah yes, I wanted to see how you're holding up, Mingi praised you a lot today and even Yunho was pleased with how fast you are learning." His voice sounded rough from sleep, as he now sits at the edge of his bed and starts putting on his boots again. "Ah I'm just glad and happy that I can be of help on this ship." Hongjoong glances your way shortly, before continuing to tie his boots. "You will be helping Mingi from now on, study our books and read some others too, you're one of the few people that can read, we need every help that we can get with the books." He now stands up, stretching again. You just agree and are now send out again, still wanting to know who that name belonged to and the best person to ask was Wooyoung.
Making your way over to the quarter deck where Wooyoung was leaning on the railing, talking to San.
"Wooyoung! Can I talk to you for a moment?" He send you a nod, guiding you further to the back of the quarter deck, asking you what you wanted to talk about.
"I have a question about the ship, did you ever have a woman called Jiwon on board?" As soon as Wooyoung heard that name, he went pale, looking around. "Where did you hear that name? No one is even allowed to mention that name!" Speaking in a hushed tone now, Wooyoung looks at you with furrowed brows and a serious look on his face. "Hongjoong was talking in his sleep when I wanted to wake him up." A slightly scared look on your face now, caused by his reaction. "Okay, you're not allowed to speak to anyone about that name do you understand me? No one. Tell no one that you heard that name, especially not the captain, got that?" Wooyoung makes sure to make you promise you this, which you did.
Of course his reaction to that name made the question mark in your head just grow bigger.
Who was that woman? Was she a crew member? Was the captain close to her? Where was she now?
Walking away from a visibly disturbed Wooyoung, you make your way to your room, a lot of the people already under the deck sleeping. Upon arriving in the room, you start to change into the dress shirt from Seonghwa again and lay down on the bed, facing the ceiling again, which was painted a night blue and had lots of stars painted on there.
This crew may be your new family, but you still didn't get a lot of their doings or opinions.
The most questionable one was definitely Hongjoong, followed by Jongho, even Wooyoung seemed weird after the last talk you had with him not long ago. Maybe you should just ignore and forget it for now, sooner or later you'll probably hear and understand their motives.
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
Hi! I heard you wanted ideas to write for Law!
I have one! Terribly specific hope thats ok!
How about something along the line of a extreme fluff ? Like Reader helps to nurse the crew back to health after loosing the ship and perhaps during a separation moment ( reader stays behind to fight the marines or something? Up to you!) And then at some point the following exchange happens:
Reader: " its not goodbye, I still want to see the submarine again! "
Law, being carried away by Bepo: " I ... I will find you! I will get you back!"
Reader:" I will be back, for as long as you want me to!"
Maybe a few tears here and there?
Thanks! Hope this helps!
Hi! I appreciate your request. I'm not the best at fluffly moments, but I will try my best. Thank you so much for the details. I'll see what I can do~
See You Later- Law x GN!Reader
CW: fluff, soft moments, comfort, non-graphic action
I'lll be right back okay! Just keep going ahead!
Law would say he was confident in his ability to keep adapting as situations called for it. You have to be when dealing with the Strawhats, of course. However losing your ship, getting ambushed by Marines, and knowing your lover is fighting can cloud one's mind.
It really wasn't supposed to go this way. In a rare spur of luck, the Marines were able to track down the Polar Tang when the crew needed to restock, and the news didn't travel fast enough. Law made the ambitious call to the guys on watch to go out to sea while the rest would wait it out and call for escape when appropriate.
Everyone had been running around with their respective mini groups trying to hide in the shadows and find ways to not draw attention. Things were going well for the first two days, but then more naval reinforcements came. The group was meeting in an abandoned warehouse when the ambush occured.
You wiped a bit of blood from the corner of your lip before putting up your fists again. You scanned the building again--ready for more opponents.
"Captain! I think we're safe for now." Bepo announced aloud.
The group seemed to collectively let out a breath as they saw either knocked out soldiers on the ground or a few retreat in a haste.
Law sheathed his sword. "We need to be cautious. There's no telling when-," the man then sunk onto a knee before going into a coughing fit.
You looked over at him before gasping at the sight of blood on his shirt. "Law, your wound is reopening. We need to get you back to the ship."
Though a knowledgeable doctor, Law was still a stubborn man. He wouldn't leave without being certain that everything would be okay. "I'm fine. We just need to find a new place to hide, and-"
"There's no need to find a place to hide. We need to escape before more Marines come. We're near their base. We'll be safer at sea." you argued.
"But there's no way we're all going to make it out right now. There's too many of us." Law groaned. There was a more reasonable solution, but he wasn't going to consider it.
You, however, weren't going to allow things to drag on. You shook your head. "Some of us can stay while you go on ahead. There's enough of us to hold off our enemies while the others escape to safety."
"I'm not leaving you. As captain, I"
"As a nonmember of the Heart Pirates, I do not care what their captain has to say." you rebutted sternly. It had been one of the things you two talked about in the past. There was always the possibility of a conflict of interest with you onboard. With your life as a outlaw before joining, you knew what to expect. Yet, you couldn't let go of all your freedoms. You didn't really need a reason to bring it up before, but Law needed a reminder. You were not an underling who needed protecting. Moreso, you were looking out even for his greater good.
"Bepo," you stated while giving a strong look.
He seemed to understand what you meant and saluted. "Aye!" he paused and looked at Law, "Sorry Captain!" Law was thrown over the shoulder of his friend which shocked him before arguing.
"Wait! No! Y/n, I'm not leaving you. I'll-," Bepo started running away while a few other members followed.
You smiled gently and waved. "This isn't goodbye at all. I'll see the Tang again."
"I... I will find you! I will get you back! All of you!"
"I'll be back, for as long as you want me to!" You beamed before running out the warehouse in the opposite direction along with Shachi and the others. "Let's keep Law and the crew safe for now."
You quietly hummed a tune while wringing out a towel. You dampened it fresh hot water before placing it on your patient's forehead.
"...I'm still mad at you."
You chuckled. "I'm sure you are." you continued to redress Law's bandages. "Too bad though, I get to play nurse."
"You shouldn't have done something so reckless."
"I think you forget which one of us had a bigger bounty when we met." you teased.
"I can't lose you." you paused after hearing that confession.
It had been a stressful couple days for Law after separating from you. His group was able to get back on the Tang, but by the time they tried to reach for you, your lot was already engaged in another battle. It took awhile and periods of no communication before it was safe for you to steal a boat and meet the crew out at sea. Law was quick to get the submarine to surface and you all onboard. You were safe with minimal injuries, but it seems you underestimated how much Law worried.
You caressed his cheek and smiled. "That stress is going to put you in a grave before any battle will." you paused and sighed. "You can't get rid of me so easily, Law."
The man scoffed before closing his eyes and enjoying your touch. "You're too stubborn to give up." he joked weakly.
You chuckled, "Precisely why you love me." You then kissed his cheek. "I love you too. I won't let anything go between us."
Thank you for requesting! I liked how this turned out--simple and sweet. Please share your thoughts. I appreciate you reading this
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Sparks 18+
1,000,000,000 Berry Woman, some mistakes, Goro Goro No Mi, Law x f.Reader, a sex scene, a date with Law Sabaody, four years with the Heart Pirates, Sabaody Auction House, fiance Law
Your alone when you met Law and Bepo he tests you and you pass becoming his girlfriend and part of the crew. There is a sex scene. Then Law takes you on a date on Sabaody later you all go to the auction house where you meet the other of the worst generation then escape from the marines.
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"Hey there pretty thang come over here" a huge thug pirate says to you.
"What are you gonna buy me a drink?" You say snarkly.
"Not with that attitude, maybe if you came back with me to my inn. I'll let you have as much as you want" he says laughing to his other mates.
"Ya I dont think so bye" you wave as their all shocked with electricity and fall flat on their asses as you leave the bar bottle in hand. As you make your way to port you see a sub, polar bear in orange, and a guy wearing a yellow and black sweatshirt with a white and black hat. Feeling in a more friendly mood, not about to kill someone, you wave to them but they didnt see you. So you walk up to the deck.
"You look familiar but I just can't place it" you say as the man in black and yellow turns to you. Making eye contact some of your sparks fly up into the sky. He just looks shocked as he speaks
"Your (n) arnt you?" While you go
"Yea howd you know?" You ask quizzically wondering how the hell he knew who you were. He flashes a blue sphere around you all then pops a wanted poster into his hands as the blue sphere dissapears.
"See" he hands you your own wanted poster. 1,000,000,000 Wanted Dead or Alive (n) D. (LN). You look at it in shock.
"Wow I've never actually seen it before that's so cool!" You exclaim as the polar bear peeks over your shoulder.
"Wow that's alot of berries" the polar bear says which takes you aback.
"What you can talk?!" You squeal.
"Yes hello um" he looks at the poster again then says
"Hello (n) your sure worth a lot of berries" he says but your enamored with this gaint fluff ball.
"Must hug must hug!" You pounce on the polar bear hugging up and petting him making him blush under his fur.
"You are just the cutest thing ever!" You say giggling.
"Hey get off my mink go find your own"
"Well I would if I could I've been around the world all ready and haven't found no mink sir."
"By the way what are your names? I'm (n) but you allready knew that" handing back the wanted poster the blue sphere appears the wanted poster dissapears then the blue sphere dissapears again.
"I'm Trafalgar D Water Law, and this mink is Bepo" Law states blankly.
"You guys will do, let me join your crew!" You excitedly ask.
"No. Your too much trouble with your bounty being so high. I dont want any trouble" Law states coldly. You frown as he says that.
"First I have an incurable disease now I cant be apart of any crew cause their scared of me what's next? Maybe I should just kill myself!" You walk off the deck onto the pier and sit on the pier turned away from them. You hear then bickering between eachother. With a deep sigh you hear
"What kind of disease?"he asks
You turn and say
"Fibromyalgia or Fibro for short" as you stare at Law he comes over and stands next to you but a good distance enough away.
"And why should I let you join my crew?" He says coldly.
"Um because I'd be a great asset and I can blow an entire island off the map with my Goro Goro No Mi" you state happily wondering if youd get a crew.
"Tell you what if you can make it to my sub, without opening the door, and it being underwater I'll let you join my crew. Hell I'll even consider you my girlfriend" he sports with confidence.
"Okay challenge accepted!" You yell. As Law walks back onto the deck of his sub he yells for everyone to get inside as there about to submerge.
'Nows my chance to show him what I can do bet he wont be expecting this' you think to yourself as the sub allready went underwater.
"Oh shit quickly now" using observation haki you pin point the sub if you fuck this up you could end up in a wall.
Laws POV
"Look I dont want her to join my crew much less be my girlfriend. Her powers must only be linear. Theres no other devil fruit that can teleport Bepo so shes gone no-" you felt a tap on your shoulder from behind. Turning only to see
"(N)?! But how?!" Law shutters at the thought.
"I'm made of electricity I can teleport duh" (n) says nonchalantly.
"... I can teleport duh" you say nonchalantly.
"Theres only one thing though Captain" you say cutely.
"What's that?" Law asks shaken.
"Are you a man of your word?" You whisper in his ear causing him to shiver. Since his bounty is way lower than yours, he can be intimidated slightly.
"Yes I am a man of my word" he grumbles.
"Yay! But I'm not wearing that" you point to the boiler suit.
"Fine anything else I should know?" Law grumbles even more.
"We share a room ... boyfriend" you let the last word slip slowly through your tounge.
"What no way! I cant let a stranger I just met share my room like that!" Law yells pinching the bridge of his nose.
"But where is your girlfriend supposed to sleep?" You press further.
"Okay fine, only if itll get you to shutup!" Law snaps angrily.
"Ouu scary" you play with him. He turns to Bepo and says
"Not a single word of this to anyone. I'll make an announcement later" he says to the cute giggling Bepo.
"Yes Captain" and Bepo walks away down the hall.
"So going to give me the tour?" You say calmly.
"Fine come on since your all ready here" Law states annoyed.
"You should know I'll protect what I love, not saying I love you but I'll protect what's close to me" you say with calm (c) eyes. He turns his head then looks forward clearly thinking.
After a minute of walking
"This is my office through that door over in the back is my bedroom." Law says coldly.
"Dont you mean our bedroom Captain?" You say seductively as he gains a slight blush pulling his hat down slightly you could just tell though. He shakes his head as you both walk down the hall the other way to see a lunch room?
"This is the mess hall where you get food" then walking back and around to a place with lots of buttons.
"This is the control room I repeat do not under any circumstances press anything" he points directly at me.
"Why would I do that I'm silly, not stupid" you say crossing your arms.
"One more place come with me" Law says while walking down the hallway even further to a room with beds and electrical equipment.
"This is the med bay dont touch any-"
"Ya ya dont touch anything I got it boyfriend" you state trying to rile him up.
"And that right there has to stop no calling eachother boyfriend and girlfriend the crew must not know" Law states coldly. You reach up and pinch his cheek.
"Oh come now boyfriend surely you dont hate me that much" he slaps your hand away.
"You have to be insane" he states confused as to why his life is this way now.
"No I just like teasing you Trafalgar my sweet" you say sweetly.
"How did you know I wasnt going to rape you or chain you with sea prisim stone cuffs?" Law asks seriously. You look him in the eyes and say
"I know a good person when I see one Trafalgar Law. I've been around the world and back I have 1,000,000,000 berries on my head, and you think you know better than me?" You question which hes taken a back and thinks for a minute.
"You do have a point I suppose if you wanted us dead you would have done so allready" Law states. You just laugh
"Want you dead? I only just met you silly and as long as you stick to your side of the bed then will be fine" you say laughing with makes him blush slightly. You notice and say
"Oh? Is someone falling for me right away?"
"Oh shutup I am not" Law states.
Four Years Later
Having grown quite close to Law you finally gotten him to call you his girlfriend and you call him your boyfriend. Most if not all the crew knows but also know never to speak of it. You've had many battles with Law and you've had many night of cuddling with him as well. You became his medical assistant and fighter.
"Please oh please can we go to Sabaody Law? You never take me on any dates" You plead as your on the floor of his office head in his lap.
"Okay damn (n) well go to Sabaody I'm curious of something too"
"Hmm?" You pick yourself up go to your shared bedroom and fall on the bed.
"I need cuddles!" You yell as you hear him say
"Room Shambles, Shambles" then he reappeared in your shared room and slides into bed with you. Wrapping an arm behind your head holding you close.
"I told the crew to redirect the sub to Sabaody" you look up at his gorgeous grey eyes and say
"Thank you Trafalgar" as you kiss him on the lips he reciprocates kissing you back but deeper using his tounge to fight for dominance which he always wins. After some time you both break for air, panting you hug him close giving butterfly kisses to his neck causing him to shiver with pleasure.
"Remember how we first met?" You whisper as he nods slowly.
"You were that crazy girl who wanted desperately to be apart of a crew, so I took you in" Law says quietly.
"I think your forgetting the part where you wanted nothing to do with me love" you state quietly as well.
"Okay you wore me down then" he retorts. You giggle as he looks at you.
"You'll never admit it will you my dear boyfriend?" You coo to him as he nods then pulls you close hugging you from behind now.
"I'll admit your the best thing that's ever happened to me yes" he whispers in my ear causing me to shiver. Holding his hands in mine I decided to mess with him putting both his hands on my breasts. And hugging his hands. He exhales sharply into my ear.
"What feel somethin you like?" You tease as he grinds his bottom against you you feel something stiff.
"Oh so you wanna play with me?" You question knowing the answer. You flip around replacing his hands back on your breasts. Slowly getting undressed you undress him. Both blushing hot and ready. He takes a hand places it at your entrance to feel the wetness you have created making you wiggle with every stroke. You place a hand on his member and start to pump sensually with your thumb on his tip making him moan softly. As he inserts a finger into you your pump a little harder making you both moan in pleasure. He inserts two fingers when you've dilated causing you to moan out
"Trafalgar!" As you keep pumping he inserts a third finger as he embraces you in a kiss your tounges fight for dominance. Precum on your hand you knew he was ready.
"Oh (n) look your so wet do you want me that bad?" Law asks pulling his fingers out causing you to frown and cry out
"Please fuck me Trafalgar I cant wait anymore" you say as he bends his hand out to your mouth you open and tounge his finger with your wet on them until you suck it clean.
"Good girl now I will help you" Law states pulling his member from your hand he positions himself at your entrance and slowly going in making sure you adjust to his size. Moaning as he slowly fills you, him moaning as your entrance tightens around his cock then releases to move more inside. You both are loving this sensuality. Playing with his hair he shoves the rest of his length into you causing you to moan loudly. He leans down to your ear
"Shh sweetheart can't let them know what's happening now can we?" He coos into your ear.
"Oh.. right.." you managed to say before he starts pumping his member inside you first slowly then he picks up his pace. You tried desperately to snuffle your moans by biting your tounge but they slipped through as he thrusted harder and faster. You bit your hand to snuffle the noises but the bed was creaking more than you were moaning. He leans down still thrusting and kisses you to make your moans more silent. Tounges flicking back and forth. Hands in his hair tugging slightly. Breaking for air you semi yell
"I can't hold it I'm gonna cum Trafalgar"
"And here I thought with a bounty of one billion you would last longer" he says snarkly smirking wide.
"I can hold it dear" you say as he continues thrusting for what seems like an eternity. Your eyes gloss over as you start to drool a little as your snapped out of your trance.
"Im.. gonna.. cum.. (n) get ready" you hear Trafalgar say into your ear. You grinding against him and him thrusting inside you you both finally reach climax
"Trafalgar!" Huffing and panting he stays deep inside of you, soaking it all in. Hes raised over you in a pushup position your hands playing with his hair.
"Wow Trafalgar your good" you say quietly in his ear.
"Well you are my first so I hope I did well for you" Law states huffing.
"You are always amazing sweetheart" you say sweetly to him and kiss his lips. After a minute he slides out of you slowly causing your whole body to tremble. He stands by the bed extending a hand to you.
"Come on let's get cleaned up (n)" you swing your legs off the bed and try to stand but your a bit wobbly. Law supports you until you can walk then you both head to the shower. Once in you close the sliding glass door and he turns on the water.
"Did I rip you? Are you hurt at all?" He asks concerned but you shake your head.
"Really dear I'm fine you were wow! Just wonderful" you say as you hug him close pierced breasts clinging onto his chest.
"It will be at least five days until we reach Sabaody love" Law states blankly as you nod soaping up and getting his back.
"Ah that feels good" he says almost moaning at the feeling but grunting instead. Once done cleaning up you both wash off then get out and dry off. You stealing his sweatshirt and sweatpants. Him dressing in his regular attire.
Five days later
Every night you had marvelous sex and then cuddles after cleaning up. Eventually you arrive at Sabaody with the whole crew excited.
"Bepo, Penguin, Sachi and (n) come with me" you exclaim for the crew to hear as some sad awees are passed around but they understand why. Law cant protect everyone if need be. After the chosen crew assembled on deck Law says
"Do what you want for a couple of hours I have business with (n)" as they all nod and walk in the direction of the theme park.
"Ah great..."Law states.
"What's wrong dear?" You say while squeezing his hand.
"Nothing let's go (n)" he says pulling you by your hand in the same direction. Your wearing a white short ruffled at the bottom dress with spaghetti straps and pearls hanging off the shoulders. With beige platform wedges. As you are being pulled by Law to the theme park he goes up and buys tickets for rides and gives them to you.
"Here choose a ride" Law sighs deeply knowing what you really want. With eyes sparkling you walk around holding his hand as you were about to walk up to a ride you bump into Sachi and Penguin, they look you both up and down seeing your holding hands.
"Ouu Captain is out on a date with (n)!" They exclaim.
"Shh! Dont tell anyone else or else" Law commands them they just nod.
"Yes Captain!" And run off to ride more rides.
"I want to ride the rollar coaster Law!" You point at a gaint rollar coaster in front of you while holding his hand gently yanking him forward.
"Finee" Law relents as you both wait in line then becoming next he admits
"I uh dont like rollar coasters (n)"
"Well too bad? It's all ready our turn get in" you say with the evil eye and push him into the seat as others sit in the rest of the cart.
"Are you ready?" You say as Law says
"No" "No -No!" As the rollar coaster swings downward Laws yells in fear as you yell
"Yesss!!!! Whoohoo!!" As the ride comes to a stop he realized he lost his hat on the ride.
"Room Shambles" poof his hat returns to his hand as he puts is back on. You pull Law to all of the exciting rides as he grumbles but agrees, then after you see the tea cup ride.
'This will be a good break' you think to yourself.
"Let's go over here!" You pull Law over to the tea cup ride and then get into a gaint teacup. Still holding one of his hands you spin the tea cup with one hand then see a familiar white and orange bear.
"Heyyy Captain! Heyy (n) Are you on a date?!" Bepo yells over to us twirling the cup.
Law and you say at the same time before he relents.
"Yes! Okay it's a date!" Law yells as the ride ends. Realizing he yelled out that last bit he gets off the ride and pulls his hat down hiding his embarrassment. Holding back onto his hand Bepo says
"Awee you both are so cute together. I'm so glad your taking time for yourselves"
"Awe thank you so much Bepo but I'm sure Law has had more than enough for today though" you say to Bepo.
"Dont tell anyone Bepo" Law says to Bepo. Waving goodbye to Bepo you take Law to the food stands getting corn dogs, and cotton candy. Him having to wipe off food off your cheeks, him blushing thinking hard about something it seems.
"Whatcha thinking bout handsome?" You question him.
"Hmm? Oh nothing" He says and looks away blushing squeezing your hand as you squeeze back. Smiling wide your fulfilled.
"Okay I'm done Trafalgar" saying to him. Surprised he nods and says
"All right theres one place I want to go so now you stay close to me okay?" Curious you agree
"Sure Law whatever you want" you say to him while he pulls you to the meeting spot for the gang to meet up. You break hands before the gang shows up. After a short time Sachi, Penguin, and Bepo show up.
"Ready everyone? Let's go" Law says cooly. As you all head to the auction house you find seats and sit down, Law next to you, arm behind you. While the rest of the gang sits behind you both. As the show begins you whisper to Law
"What is this?" He whispers back
"Its a human and creature auction house, shh dont draw attention to yourself (n)" you see celestial dragons sit down up front and see Captain Kidds crew on the right. After awhile of seeing lame devilfruit users, fish men, and humans. You see a gaint glass bowl with the figure of a mermaid under the light. Then suddenly other pirates come running into the auction house yelling something about the mermaid while other Pirates burst through the roof. Suddenly the short black haired man with the strawhat punches the celestial dragon straight in the face breaking his glass bowl on his head. As they go to the stage to recuse the mermaid. Then Laws crew and you walk out the front door along with Kidds crew and the Strawhats crew. Suddenly there are marines everywhere as all the Captains get in battle stance you just chill right behind Law not attracting attention to yourself. After the Captains start playing around with the marines, some spot you and tell their Captain from the marines. "Its (n) D. (LN) the 1,000,000,000 woman!" Some small marines say.
"Capture her at any cost!" Their Captain yells as marines run toward you all. The pirate Captains fight of marines as they all break apart. Law takes your hand and runs with his crew to the sub.
"Everyone grab on to (n)!" Law states
"Room Shambles" and you all appear by the sub and run on board and close the door.
"Room Shambles" Law dissapears.
'Hes probably telling the guys in the control room to submerge' you think as you walk to your shared bedroom and plop down on the bed. Looking at the bracelet that Law had won for you from a stall game. Its babyblue with pearls and shells on it.
"Shambles" Law appears in your shared bedroom.
"Are we okay?" You ask him.
"Yea were deep enough the cannon balls cant reach us now"Law says blankly. Law sighs then says to you
" I wanted to do this at the theme park but their were too many people.. please stand (n)" Law asks politely. You curious, stand in front of him.
"Yes??" You ask. Law gets down on one knee slides a little box out of his pocket and opens it up to you.
"(N) D. (LN)I know I've never said it but I'm ready now. I love you (n) Will you marry me?" He gulps.
'Wow hes putting his heart on his sleeve for me oh my gosh!' You think to yourself as you say
"I love you too! Of course I'll marry you Trafalgar!" You blush as he blushes deeper as he slides the ring on your finger.
"I've been thinking about it for a long time (n)" Law gently says to you as you nod. You hug him close as he wraps his arms around you.
"I never thought I'd find true love Trafalgar Law" you smile into the bottom of his neck.
"Well now your soon to be (n) D. Water Law. How do you feel about that?" He asks.
"I love it like I love you cutie" you say while nuzzling his neck. Kissing up and down his neck causing him to shiver.
"Let me get this beautiful dress off you now" Law smirks widely as he starts to undress you for another adventure safe deep under the sea.
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I waaaaaas gonna do character ref drawings and explain it all like that HOWEVER!! most of them (everyone who isn't just a pirate, basically) just look exactly like they do in canon so unless I think of anything to add to their already existing outfits there isn't much to do there. SO INSTEAD you just get a mile-long ranting textpost about who each character is and how they fit into the storyline. <3 You're welcome <3 I can draw other scenes later though!! If you've read it lmk if there's a scene you wanna see with the DT characters and maybe I can draw it. 👀
I'm assuming most people out there aren't as obsessed with this story as I am so I'll explain the plot as I go along with each of the characters. Also!! Technically just a Treasure Island story set in the DT universe, so starting off we've got Scrooge and co. living at the mansion (with Della!) all together. I'm not sure how much of the plot has actually happened though (other than that Della is there somehow) because for this story to work they have to have not encountered most of the villains in the series. SO. IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE (which also means appearance for the most part) HERE'S THE CHARACTER LIST AND AN EXPLANATION FOR WHY THEY ARE THAT CHARACTER-
Huey Duck as Jim Hawkins-
Y'know. Main character. The one who always does the craziest things with the worst ideas that end up being the best ideas in the end. Lives at the mansion with his family and such.
Flintheart Glomgold as Billy Bones-
He's a ranting raving pirate who shows up at the mansion someday, saying he heard Scrooge could help him out with something. He's reluctant to say what however, and they let him stay at the mansion because he has money and can basically pay rent for staying. He spends a lot of his time down at the docks looking for something in a disguise he calls 'Duke Baloney', and eventually asks and pays Huey to keep an eye open for a certain pirate with a missing limb. I think it would be funny though if he ended up not dying (and idk how much of the alcohol we're putting in this, I don't think it would work to have him die of a stroke after drinking too much 👀), there's just some other random thing that somehow boots him out of the story for the rest of the time. In a very Flintheart Glomgold manner. I don't think I have a character for Black Dog yet, so that leads us into our next person-
Magica de Spell as Pew-
She's this scary-ass pirate who shows up at the mansion one day looking for Glomgold, gives him the Black Spot and tells him he has until 10 before the other pirates are going to break in and steal the map he secretly has. After Glomgold dies (or doesn't, depending on what I do with him XD) and she does break into the mansion with the other pirates (only Huey and Della were at the mansion at the time and after going through all of Glomgold's stuff- and finding the map- they decide to stay hidden when the pirates show up 'cause they know they can't get rid of all of them), and ends up being defeated somehow (not sure if she should actually be killed or not) when Scrooge gets home and the rest of the pirates flee.
Scrooge McDuck as Squire Trelawney-
You know Scrooge, the second he sees the treasure map Della and Huey got from Glomgold he's already making plans to find it. He sets everything up and funds it all, hires all the crew and has his family come along.
Gyro Gearloose as Dr. Livesey-
His ass is not a medical doctor!!! He still goes along to help out with stuff. I think the only reason it matters what kind of doctor he is because that one time when he gets into the arrangement that he's the doctor for the pirates... technically that could work as Beakley but she's Captain Smollett and she's injured at that time. So who knows. Livesey is supposed to be the more levelheaded of all of them, he's the one who's reasonable and stops Trelawney from being impulsive. HOWEVER with Gyro's actual personality I guess we have to switch that here. XD
Mrs. Beakley as Captain Smollett-
Scrooge is technically funding/leading the voyage but doesn't properly know how to lead a crew, so he asks Beakley to do that for him. She is entirely against going on a treasure hunt, knowing what's at stake with all of the crazy pirates (who aren't afraid to kill people to get what they want) that want this treasure as well, but ends up going along because she wants to make sure everyone stays out of trouble. She does end up being the one who is badly injured during the fight with the pirates however.
Fethry Duck as Ben Gunn-
Ooohh so this is one of those characters who just lines up so perfectly. He was marooned on the treasure island (wink wonk) for two years, and ends up being kind of crazy because of it. He runs into Huey when he's running from the pirates, and tells Huey he's insanely rich and that Scrooge (ik in the book he said Livesey but Scrooge makes more sense in this setting) can come find him if he ever needs to talk about stuff. Huey later ends up taking his boat to get back onto their ship.
Negaduck/Jim Starling as Captain J. Flint-
He's the guy who started this all. It's his treasure that's buried on the island, he's the one who gave Glomgold the map right before Negaduck died. It's most of his old crew who ends up going along on Scrooge's adventure so they can get the treasure for themselves after Flint buried it an didn't tell anyone where.
Gandra Dee as Abraham Grey-
She was one of the crewmates who was initially inducted into the pirate's scheme before she switched sides at the last second to help Scrooge. Ik Grey doesn't really have a big role in the story other than that thing that I literally summed up in one sentence, but maybe Gandra could be given a more important place later on?? I'm not sure.
Black Heron as Israel Hands-
She's a pirate who doesn't play a huge role in this other than when Huey gets back to the ship to take it back from the pirates she's at a low point so she agrees to help him sail it to the north inlet. Once they get the ship beached she tries to kill him, but Huey ends up getting rid of her out of self-defense instead (IDK ABOUT ACTUALLY KILLING HER but y'know if we go by the book it means Huey actually gets to shoot Black Heron 👀). I have to admit she's mostly cast as Hands because there's that one time when Hands climbs up the ropes with a knife in his teeth chasing Huey and if THAT ISN'T THE MOST HERON THING EVER IDK WHAT IS
Mark Beaks as Mr. Arrow-
Yeah he's not an important character, I just think it's funny to have Beaks be the guy who is literally labeled as useless by Beakley the moment she meets him and who also dies by falling overboard before they're even halfway to the island. Like the dude didn't even make it to the first fight.
Okay. Ik what you're thinking at this point. I'm missing a character!! The character who is probably the most important one!! The person who organized the mutiny of the pirates in the first place!! The one who should've been listed right up there next to Huey!! And, I assure you, I'm not. I'm just saving the best for last. 😉
Bradford Buzzard/The Mad Ducktor as Long John Silver-
Yes, yes, I know it makes more sense to just have Bradford as Silver, we don't really need Mads in there. HOWEVER. Silver has been one of my favorite antagonists since I was 7, and Mads is one of my favorite characters of all time now. SO. I'm making this AU even more self-indulgent by throwing him in there as Silver as well. Because I love both of them and I can. AND! BECAUSE!! Silver has a very diverse personality, depending on the situation he's in he can change in an instant to fit whatever works best. So. (that was the tldr, the rest is just further explanation for that) (Oh yeah, they are separate characters still tho they just act as the same character in the au) Bradford is the more cunning side of Silver. He's the one who sets up the mutiny, the one who keeps switching sides to save his skin, the one who is the mastermind behind all of this. The one who comes up with the idea to sneak away with one of the bags of gold in the end, never to be seen again. Mads is the friendlier side of Silver. He's the one who was the nice old innkeeper who was besties with all of his customers, the one who was also best friends with Huey right off the bat, the one who had EVERYONE fooled that there was DEFINITELY NOTHING SUSPICIOUS GOING ON because HOW ON EARTH could someone so friendly be a part of Negaduck's old crew??? He's the one who said he was excited for Huey to get on the island, so he could run through the trees and just feel the life around him. The one who ended up saving Huey from the pirates when they were about to kill him, and the one who even Beakley said she trusted at the beginning. On the other hand, that means he's also the scarier side. The one who threw his crutch at someone so hard it broke his back before immediately leaping on the guy and stabbing him until he died. The one who tied Huey up and angrily yanked him along as they were looking for the treasure. The one who said the rest of the pirates could do whatever they wanted with the good guys when the mutiny happened, as long as Mads got to personally strangle Scrooge (that lines up so perfectly tho 'cause in the book Silver actually says that he wants to wring Trelawney's neck and SCROOGE IS TRELAWNEY AAA). The one who even Captain Flint was terrified of, even though Flint in this story is pretty much the Ultimate Bad Guy who is the reason for all of this happening. IT ALSO WORKS to have Mads as Silver if we're going by my '17 design, who is missing his left hand (instead of his leg like Silver is). He's the pirate who Glomgold told Huey to look out for for him, a chicken with one hand. Because they are the same character they are together a lot, Bradford's the one in charge of everything and Mads essentially works as his enforcer. Which means he's also pretty much Bradford's right-hand man as well. Every time Bradford switches sides to save himself, Mads goes along as well, and because he's the nicer part of Silver he's also the one to smooth-talk everyone into going along with all of Bradford's plans. Soooo yeah, that's it!!! Most of the other characters are just there as themselves, Della and Donald act as Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins with the exception of Donald doesn't die at the beginning and both of them go on the journey as well. Dewey, Louie and Webby are all there too, part of the good guys of course. They could possibly act as Tom Redruth and John Hunter, who were servants of Trelawney's who both ended up dying (THOUGH!! THEY DON'T DIE!! XD). I'm sure there are a few other minor pirates that some other villains line up as. Honestly we could throw in whoever else we wanted as background characters on the journey. Fenton, Duckworth, Gladstone, Lena, Violet, whoever. OH one last thing- I'm thinking of a way to work in Mads' own Lil' Bulb (who I named Blacklight) as Silver's parrot, also named Captain Flint (or Negaduck).
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I wrote this yesterday and I'll need to completely rewrite it, but I thought I'd share anyway.
Idk, I just want some positive interaction.
It's that thing in which Harry and Uma get married after Core 4 chose good except I didn't get that far.
They chose good.
They chose good, they said, and left the Isle as it is. Left the Isle children in the prison they were born into.
They chose good, they said.
Gil stares at the TV in Chip Shoppe in disbelief as the restaurant descends into chaos, the faint music and royal declarations completely driven out by dreams full of frustrated rage.
If he looked up, he’d see Uma, alternating between clutching her necklace, Harry’s hook, and stabbing a table with her knife, as one does, and Harry, looking at Uma with sad eyes only to glare daggers at the TV the next moment.
Bonny and Gonzo yelling obscenities at the screen, while Jonas holds Desiree down so she wouldn’t destroy their only source of outside news and soap operas.
„Bloody backstabbers, feed the to the sharks, skin them alive, make them hurt–“ the sentence is interrupted by something that certainly aren’t sobs, and Gil doesn’t want to look up.
He is a coward, just like his father said, isn’t he?
He just doesn’t want to see his friends hurting.
He doesn’t want to see the de Vil cousins, huddled up together in a corner, caught in their own private circle of hell. Torn between being happy for their youngest cousin, and a burning rage at the whole world.
Gil is glad to say he can’t relate, even if it isn’t a good thing necessarily. Everyone he cares about is still on the Isle, and he doesn’t even feel angry. Just a bit disappointed, and sad. But not surprised.
It’s weird that Uma is surprised, isn’t it?
She always sees the best in people.
Gil finally looks up at her.She is shaking her head, her braids flying everywhere like in a storm. There are shattered plates at her feet.
The TV is still playing.
More royal blue and lavish gold and, of course, purple that drives Uma into rage and tears.Gil gets up and turns off the TV.
No one even notices, save maybe for Harry, who briefly nods at him before turning back to Uma. Normally, Gil would smile at this, but today? He quietly sits back down and takes a sip of his drink, which doesn’t burn nearly enough for the circumstances.
„When we get out, we will show them all what it means to be an Isle kid!“ Uma declares, looking around the restaurant, and the pirates shout their agreement.
„We will tear them apart-“
„Auradon will be ours!“
„The lands and the seas!“
„We ride with the tide!“
Gil isn’t sure whether the Captain or the first mate gave the order to get on the ship, he just knows that they did. And the order to get alcohol? Well, that might have been unspoken for all the pirates care.
Gil stops in front of the door, letting everyone else pass, while Uma and Harry walk in the front. Well, not everyone.
When he checks the room, he sees the de Vil cousins, still sitting by their table. They make no move to leave.
„You good there, guys?“ he asks.He only receives three blank stares in return, before Hunter shakes his head and answers: „Yeah. We will join you in a moment. Just–“ he doesn’t finish the sentence, and Gil can understand why, really.
„Okay, then,“ he nods at them, „If you need anything, just shout.“
„We won’t need anything,“ answers Ivy, „We are fine.“
That, in itself, means that they are not fine, but Gil knows better than to press. They said they’ll be fine, so he needs to leave, tell the Captain where they are, and ideally remember to check up on them later.
Similarly, it isn’t really his problem if the de Vils help themselves to some of the alcohol that was left at the shop, especially as the crew solidly raided both Hook and Ursula anyway.
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AKA - Break a leg, kid! (Sanji's bad day)
AKA AKA - a blond and a red-leg walk into a bar
AKA AKA AKA - how many pirates does it take to sew up a swordsman? (answer: just one, if he's also a chef)
my episode 5 reaction
Luffy just straight up dissociating over here. A grand start to the episode
Will the trope of someone about to do surgery asking for alcohol and then drinking it ever not be funny? I don't know, but I don't want to live in a world where it isn't
Mihawk wears cowboy boots 👢
I'm so glad they don't call him Hawkeye all the time like they do in the anime. Dracule Mihawk is an objectively amazing name - why the hell would he need a nickname?
Luffy cleaning Zoro's swords + his mental spiral/rant about wanting Zoro to recover is such a gut wrenching moment.
Love me a group of grown men making fun of a child. Poor tiny Sanji has already been through enough guys (as we learn much later in the series) and then Zeff tries to add oregano to his food? The inhumanity of it all!
Just two guys, stuck on a rock, trying to not starve to death. Just a guy watching a bratty kid walk away with all their food. Just a child, laid out in the sun, waiting to die. Just a pair of survivors, dreaming of a restaurant in the middle of the ocean. Just a-
(warning for gross) but like, Zeff was planning on dying and letting Sanji eat his corpse, right? And if they were stuck there for 85 days... what did they eat? Did they finish eating his leg? Bc that seems like the only option. How am I the only one wondering this??
Ngl I don't get the fairy tale Nami reads to Zoro. Maybe that's why I don't get her perspective. Cause she's yelling at Luffy and it's clear that she's upset, but on what planet could Luffy have stopped Zoro from going after Mihawk?
Koby is over here, trying to be helpful by asking Garp to accept his grandson for who he is. Which Garp obvs takes to mean, "if he wants to be a pirate so damn badly, then I'll treat him like a pirate. And kill him"
Meanwhile Arlong slams open the door, late to the party with his Starbucks, ready to make everything worse for everyone.
Luffy trying to talk to an unconscious Zoro - so soft, so pure.
"I can't let innocent people get hurt because of me" must sting. Poor Nami. Everything she's running from is catching up, and here's Luffy literally running at them
HOW DID YOU NOT NOTICE THERES AN EAR IN THE BAND OF YOUR HAT?? He was just repairing the hat last episode!!
Ok Nami I get it. I get it, right. But telling Arlong to drop him in the sea is such a fucked up thing to do. I can only think that she has faith that one of the crew would go and save him. That has to be it, right?
Nami changing into a slinkier outfit when she goes back to Arlong's crew is Noted.
And there's Sanji, diving into the water to save Luffy, a guy he literally just met. Did he realize that Luffy couldn't swim?
Garp makes his stupid little speech wearing his stupid little dog hat. What is with these ppl wearing animals on their head?
Helmeppo looking over at Koby when he hears about the new plan bc he's caught the friendship bug and it's given him a bad case of feelings
Luffy going to Zoro at his lowest moment to say 'i need you right now. I need you back' is so pure. And of course Zoro wakes up for him
Love me a man who wears a full suit to join his new pirate crew. And when he has a beautiful, emotional goodbye with his father figure? Sanji cries and I cry and we all cry about found families.
The return of Buggy! Poor Sanji is standing at the back, prob wondering what the fuck he's gotten himself into
I'm saving the last two episodes for tomorrow. And once I've finished season one, I'll prob go back to watching the anime. I was at episode 60 I think
Onwards and upwards
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Wayward Waters Chapter 2
Hello everyone! Chapter 2!
time to have them explore more of the world!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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My first assumption upon getting properly on the boat was that I would indeed fit on the deck as an Ardua, three times even.
The second was that the ground wasn't as steady anymore.
The waves that gently swapped against the boat made it rock back and forth slightly, Arthur would probably have thrown up by now already.
I walked over the deck with Robin in tow, taking a closer look at the middle mast and the deck itself.
There were crates strewn about and some crewmates were tying them down to the ship with rope or lowering them into the ship itself through a hole.
Robin leaned so far over one that he almost fell in but I managed to snatch the back of his shirt before he did.
Having him on the deck properly again we went to search for Rikaad, if he was on board already he could tell us what to do.
I could shift into a giant, maybe I could help with the cargo somehow?
Thought that might scare people so maybe not, 
not to mention i was still hauling Robin's bag around with me while he had mine slung over his shoulder.
“Do you see Rikaad? Or even the captain? I want to now where to put our stuff”
The ginger shook his head.
“No, I don't even know who the Captain is! Ohh do you think he has an eyepatch? Like a pirate? Or a wooden leg?”
“No idea, I guess look for someone with the fanciest gear? Or like someone with medals on their uniform?”
I kinda doubted the captain would look like one of the pirates from stories, but then again I had no idea what to look for.
Continuing to look around we walked up a set of stairs, where we did find Rikaad talking to a man who wore a big dark red coat that had yellow accents and golden buttons.
Considering he was talking to Rikaad, that was probably the captain.
Rikkad suddenly turned around to face us,  as weird as it was that he knew we were there.
“There you are! Come here for a moment i'm going to introduce you to the captain of this vessel”
We walked over as instructed and he introduced the captain, who apparently was named Nemas.
Judging by his appearance, while still human, he wasn't native to Kamerasca and he had a face tattoo in the shape of a thorny rose stalk.
No wonder the ship was called Victory Rose.
“Welcome onboard! I hope none of you are prone to get seasick as we will spend a few days on the sea!”
Without missing a beat Robin replied.
“No, we left the one that gets sick back at home!”
the captain roared with guttural laughter.
“AHAHAHA good one! One less thing to worry about then,  last time I had a seasick guy onboard he fell in the water! Now then I'll have one of my crewmates show you your cabins later! We only need to tow the last crate and get all of the crew!”
He jumped over a railing to the lower part of the big deck and I could see from up here he was filling his lungs with air.
That guy could yell loud, I should have held a hand over my ears, and what the hell were ship wives?
Whatever, I followed Rikaad and Robin down again to the deck where a sailor with a scarred throat mentioned for us to follow.
We did as instructed and the man led us to a bunch of cabins in the back of the ship, Rikaad got the biggest seeing as he was king.
Robin and I got one somewhat close and tossed our bags inside before going back on deck to watch the city get smaller and smaller behind us.
How weird, my entire life I had spent scared of being murdered in the city, and now I was on a ship to the trader islands with the king himself.
To Make sure I REALLY wasn't dreaming I pinched myself, yeah no, wide awake.
But still crazy to think about, so I just sat there for a while and watched Kamerasca get smaller and smaller. 
But I still made sure to keep an eye on Robin who clambered all over the place, ready to sprint after him should he even get close to falling in the water.
After a few minutes of that he joined me and we watched as Kamerasca slowly disappeared, talking about what details we could still make out.
At some point nothing of Kamerasca was visible anymore, not even the Castle and I had to admit this was a very fast boat despite its size.
Not that I knew anything about sailing though.
Since it was midday when we left it was only a few hours till dinnertime, I wondered what that would be like on the ship, did they also have a big table? Did that even fit in here?
Though maybe they would just hand out rations to the people and leave them to eat them on their own.
I did see a table in the captains quarter, though that one had been full of maps and other stuff I couldn't even name, Oakley would have had a blast with that I'm sure.
I decided to look around the deck a bit while Robin went and talked the ears of some sailor off about the boat and whatnot.
What I did find weird was that none of the sailors even batted an eye at me, considering my bastard status and pointy ears that was a tad strange.
I decided to talk to a few of the sailors out of curiosity.
As it turned out they just didn't care,  and had seen way weirder things on their journeys, they even pointed out the various injuries they had gotten from unusual creatures.
For example a missing finger from a horned wolf who had looked pettable for way too short and a chunk bitten out of someone's leg by a seadrake, as well as the sailor from before with the scarred throat.
The other ones told me he was mute which made sense given he hadn't made a single sound and the reason for that and the scars was that he got into a bar brawl with a tall and bumpy skinned guy that had possessed tusks.
Apparently the being aimed to rip out his throat with said tusks and I winced in sympathy, that must have hurt as hell! 
But he obviously survived, and when I asked how they told me their Captain had fought the attacker and cut his head off with the tusks still embedded in the mute man's throat. 
They brought him to a doc like that to prevent him from bleeding out.
What a wild story! And it was nice to know that according to them it was one of the least freaky things they came across.
They also told me they kept the tusks and they were somewhere in the captain's quarters.
These guys had quite the wild stories! And scars to match!
Suddenly a three legged gray cat with a blue bandana tied to its neck jumped up next to me and startled me.
The sailors laughed and told me the cat was named Smokey and supposed to catch rats and mice on the boat.
They had fished him out of the ocean in a bag and suspected someone tried to get rid of him like that.
The cat suddenly meowed with the most scratchy voice I could imagine, not even some of the hardcore smokers in the taverns of Kamerasca sounded like that!
No wonder he was called Smokey, not only did he have gray fur he also had a voice like he had gargled gravel.
The furball looked at me for a moment with weirdly yellow eyes before sprinting away to some crates.
“He's got good ears! Probably sensed a rat or something!”
For something with three legs he was pretty fast I had to admit.
Before anyone could say anything else a loud gong sounded from who knew where and the sailors all stood up and walked towards some carts that had been brought out by what I assumed were the cooks.
Suddenly I got tackled by Robin, who squealed in joy.
“They have a cat on board! And he has a job! Have you seen it? I wanna see it!”
I took a few seconds to recover from that, so he was aware of Smokey but hadn't seen him huh?
“Uh yeah i have, Smokey if i recall correctly? I think he went to hunt some mice? Maybe if you wait you'll see him?”
He pouted for a second before noticing the carts as well.
“Is that food on the carts? Do you think we are allowed to have some?”
Good question.
“Uhh lets ask someone first, they may have made extra somewhere for us so we don't intrude over there”
He nodded and we went to look for anyone who looked like they knew about such stuff.
Not finding one we decided to just knock on the captain's door to ask him.
He opened it with a sandwich in his hand that smelled strongly of fish.
“Ah hello there, can I help you with anything?”
He seemed confused,  probably thinking someone had already told us what to do.
Robin answered him faster than I could.
“Hi! Do you know where we are supposed to eat?  We can't find our group!”
His brain was all over the place once again it seemed,  but at least Nemas didn't seem bothered by the blunt question.
“Ah, I knew I forgot something! Sorry about that, I was busy with the maps! I think you can just go to the kitchen and ask, no wait you don't know where that is, eh, let me show you”
With hat he stepped out of his room and winked us to follow him,  fishy smelling sandwich still in hand.
I just shrugged and went after him with Robin right behind me.
He led us down some stairs not far from his door and showed us how to get to the kitchen.
It looked pretty much like a normal kitchen, aside from the fact things were bolted extra secure to the ground, like the tables and other working spaces.
Made sense, if bigger waves hit they would just slide around.
He organized us some bread and marmalade and then led us back to the deck. 
I silently thought next time we should just look for Rikaad.
We still thanked him and he went back into his own room, half eaten fish sandwich in hand.
How he could stand to eat something that smelled like that was beyond me though.
Deciding not to put crumbs all over the place we ate near the railing, only to have to flee to our cabins as seagulls appeared. 
So we ended up eating in our shared cabin instead, picking a feather out of my shirt.
The thing was still completely intact so I put it in the wooden box I took with me.
No idea what for but maybe someone would want it as a souvenir?
After eating we decided to unpack what we needed and I saw that the room had a bed and a hammock so we would have to choose who got what.
“Which one do you want? Bed or hammock? I'm fine with either as long as i don't fall on my face”
Robin shrugged.
“Uhh can I have the bed? Last time i went in a hammock i managed to get trapped in the fabric somehow”
Why did that not surprise me?
“Sure, take the bed,  but make sure that when we leave to check under it for your stuff”
He nodded and started searching for something in his bag while I hung my own on a hook on the wall and climbed into the hammock to test it out.
It was alright, it swayed with the motion of the sea which had a strangely soothing effect.
Grabbing my bag I fished out the medication Oakley gave me against the nightmares and took what he prescribed from it.
It was late and running all over the boat today had been exhausting, especially as I had to balance myself a lot on the unusually swaying ground.
Yawning and wishing Robin a goodnight I fell asleep pretty quickly.
I got woken up by Robin this time, which was worlds better than Nea as the only thing he did was poke my shoulder.
I blinked blearily at him.
“It's breakfast time! And this time I know where to go!”
Oh right, that was good, how long had he been awake for?
At least half an hour if he found that out already.
“Really? Good, gimme a minute i'll be right out”
“Okay! I'll try to find the cat! I really wanna see it!”
He nodded excitedly and weaseled out of the room, probably to go onto the deck.
Yawning, I stretched and then awkwardly climbed out of the hammock.
I really wasn't used to that huh.
Whatever, this arrangement wasn't for terribly long anyway.
I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on before following Robin up to the deck.
He was there staring up the middle mast with curiosity.
I went next to him and looked up as well to try and see what had captured his attention.
“There's a guy up there! What do you think he's doing?”
Looking up I could indeed see a leg stick out from a platform at the top.
Ohh what was that called again? Something Nest or so?
“i think that's the lookout, like the guy that informs people if there's land nearby or other ships”
He tilted his head like an inquisitive dog.
“Really? You think we could go up there?”
What? Up there? Quite frankly as interesting as that was, it seemed dangerous, especially for people that had never done this.
“I'm not sure if we are allowed to, besides that doesn't look very safe so id rather not, what if i fall? Or fall on top of someone?”
Falling itself was bad enough, falling on top of someone else was even worse as then I wouldn't even be the only one injured.
“Oh, you're right, and that does look pretty high up, so maybe not”
I nodded and he dragged me to where he last saw Rikaad, which turned out to be the same spot where he introduced the captain to us.
He was still there even, as well as the captain who apparently told some tale that happened to him sometime.
Man these sailors loved telling stories huh?
He was just about done with the story when we walked up the stairs though.
“Ah hello there boys! Hope sleeping with the waves moving the boat wasn't too bad for you!”
In my opinion it had been fine actually.
“Yeah it was pretty okay”
He saluted and then jumped over the railing onto the main deck again.
Rikaad looked after him.
“I do not think that man likes stairs”
Then he turned to us and before he could say anything Robin had tackled him in a hug.
To Rikaads credit he didn't even flinch, or even move a millimeter.
Instead of doing the normal thing and telling him to let go Robin was hoisted over his shoulder like a sack of flour.
Right, Rikaad was strong, so it was no wonder that he just carried Robin like that while he led us to an empty but pretty big cabin that had tables haphazardly bolted to its floor.
On the tables itself which had strange indents so the plates wouldn't slide off was some food, half of which I did not recognize.
And most of what i did not recognize was some sort of fish anyway, well it probably was the cheapest and most efficient thing to do.
Remembering the not so good smelling sandwich of the captain I'd probably leave that alone though.
While I tried to choose what to eat, Robin had already run around the tables and grabbed random things, Rikaad was nowhere to be found once again.
I went to a table that was in the corner away from the other tables which had some strange brown blocks stacked onto it.
One of the sailors was sawing a piece with a serrated bread knife.
Deciding to be bold i asked the man what that was.
“What is that? Some type of bread?”
He turned to me while stacking some of the crumbly stuff on his plate. 
“Hardtack! It's basically made from flour and water and some salt”
The entire thing only had three ingredients? No wonder it looked so strange, but then what was the white stuff? Wait did it move?
“Uhh why is it moving? What is that?”
“Oh that's maggots!”
Replied the sailor in a cheerful voice and scooped some of them onto his plate with the Hardtack before walking away.
I tried my best not to gag and instead went outside, As an Ardua I didn't need to eat as long as I had sunlight and I've never been more glad for that than now.
I really regretted asking now but there was nothing to be done about that.
No wonder that table was away from the other ones, but why the FUCK would a maggot infested salty flour block even be a meal option?
No, I didn't want to know, but considering it was made from only three easy to get ingredients it was probably meant for longer journeys where they couldn't stock up on fresh things.
Still, eew.
I didn't really want to go back inside so I walked over the large deck again, looking into the grid covered holes into the holding room of the ship.
Through the sparse light I could make out lots of crates tied to the ship and I wondered what was inside of it.
Maybe I could ask someone? Or would that be rude?
As far as i knew the cargo might as well be classified or whatever.
That and most of the people were still eating, at least the ones that weren't needed to keep the ship going where it was supposed to.
Looking up at the sunlight I kinda wished I could just turn into my Ardua form and take a nap on the deck.
But I didn't know if the ship would hold me or not, but maybe I could ask the captain? He did call the shots here after all.
Where was he anyway? Back in his cabin?
Since that was where he was last time I decided to check there, politely knocking on the door.
I heard footsteps on the wood and after a moment he opened the door, this time holding an entire smoked fish, who at least didn't smell bad.
“Ah hello! Do you need help with anything?”
He seemed quite confused, which honestly was fair.
“Uh, I just wanted to ask some things about the ship? If I'm allowed to?”
He winked me inside,  waving his smoked fish around and I followed him inside.
“Of course! I always love talking about my ship! 
It used to belong to my grandfather but I inherited it because my father would rather work a sawmill for whatever reason,  but hey if something here gets broken he's the best man to fix it!”
I felt like I was in for a not that factual rambling.
“Oh that's nice, I just wanted to ask some basic things really, like how much cargo can this vessel hold?”
He motioned for me to sit on a chair that was covered in maps, 
which I politely set on the ground.
As I sat down I spotted a weird set of coat hangers screwed into the wall and it took me a second to recognize them as tusks,  probably the same ones from that one sailors story.
So they weren't kidding huh?
“How much can it hold? Well if you're smart about weight distribution that can be multiple tons! Of course that does depend on the crate sizes and how heavy the things we transport actually are!
For example if we transport cotton that's a whole lot lighter and easier to distribute than like Marble blocks!”
He stopped gesticulating with the fish for a second, biting a chunk out of it.
“Oh wait, I think I get why you ask that!”
He did? What?
“You do? What?” He slapped the fish loudly onto a random plate.
“Your king has already informed you of the thing with the enemy ships and since my dear Victory Rose here has a very large and flat deck that can hold multiple tons he asked me to bring you guys there! 
He also informed me that one of his men could shapeshift, which is why they needed my boat and didn't take the Royal fleet!
So by that I'm assuming you're the shapeshifter? Do you really turn into a giant green lion?“
I was taken aback by that information, Rikaad had just told him that? Then again he did say he'd like me for the intimidation factor and doing that one a normal boat would just make it sink.
And informing the captain that I would eventually do that was probably the only option to not randomly get harpooned, so it did make sense.
I just wish he told me that.
“Uh, yeah, yeah I do turn into a giant ‘green lion’ though it's called an Ardua sooo…
Uh the thing i was here for was to actually ask if i could shift on the deck? 
Like if i do that i can just use sunlight instead of food and also showing what it looks like in a calm environment might be a good idea instead of suddenly having a giant being appear while in conflict with other ships?”
He clapped his hands loudly and I flinched back.
“Brilliant! What a good idea to demonstrate so my sailors don't get a heart attack! Having them distracted during a fight would be a bad thing! Especially since a ship requires a lot of things at once to sail properly!”
Huh, I was just rambling out of nervousness but he thought it was a good idea? Well I wasn't complaining.
He stood up abruptly and walked to the door, I followed behind him still a bit taken back by the waterfall of words he'd used.
He turned to me as he opened the door and strolled out backwards.
“Got any more questions? Oh since you don't really need to eat as long as you can shift have you even tried the food on the ship? If so, how'd you like it? The cooks I have onboard are from all over the known trade routes!”
That guy could talk a lot,  even more so than Robin who at least tried to stay on topic.
“Uhh, i did look at the tables? But I did go outside again after I was offered what one of your men called ‘Hardtack’.
I'm not a fan of eating live bugs and the stuff was teeming with maggots sooo…”
Alone the memory made me suppress a shudder, i didn't want to be rude but maggot infested flour block was not something i wanted on my plate.
“Ah the good ol’ Hardtack, it's for the longer journeys! And since it's only flour and a little bit of salt with water there aren't many nutrients in it!
Maggots on the other hand are full of em’! So like half the sailors started eating them with the hardtack when there wasn't much else!
I guess some of them came to like it and now they are eating them even when we got other stuff!
Also one of the cooks figured out how to fry them so they taste even better!
Though i guess to a landrat like you that seem rather unappealing”
Ah, that made some sense? Probably? 
If they got used to it they were not as squicked by it as others i guess.
And the captain really did talk a LOT, which i didn't find always necessary but whatever, as long as i understood what he was saying it was fine.
I started to regret asking as he led me to the front side of the large deck but there was nothing to be done about that now.
Ughhh and only because a bunch of maggots squicked me out!
To be fair the sight had briefly reminded me of what I had seen in the forest so long ago.
I had basically kidnapped Robin back then and walked aimlessly through the forest where some weird multi eyed fox deer with tusks rammed a maggot infested tree only to have magpies swarm down and eat them.
Not a fond memory, and I still had no idea what that even was about.
I didn't want to anyway. 
Captain Nemas led me to the front of the deck where there was enough space and told me to just hang out here while he informed the crewmantes.
Oh, that would mean they would stare at me, Now I really regretted asking.
But my rambly assessment that it was better to show them beforehand what the Ardua looked like was still valid.
I wasn't keen on having someone aim the ships cannons at me because they got scared or confused me for an enemy.
Also it was a little funny seeing him run around in his captain's coat and hat and tell his sailors not to freak out when a Giant ‘Green lion’ appeared today.
He was talking as unrelenting as the waves crashing against the boat and chatted to everyone about whatever they were doing.
That took quite a lot of time, during which Rikaad actually appeared, which made me wonder where the fuck he was staying on the ship.
“I have to say, informing them beforehand what an Ardua looks like is a good idea, less chance of anyone freaking out and losing focus should we clash with the Maringand Boats”
I numbly nodded at him, while it was the smart thing to do I still wasn't really comfortable having people stare at me.
I didn't even want to talk about that as I was sure I'd lose my nerves beforehand.
So I talked about the first thing that came to mind, which was still the Hardtack thing.
“I guess so, did you see that they have some sort of maggot flour block called hardtack? After i saw that i just went outside again”
His usually rather emotionless face cracked for a moment, and it was safe to assume by the face he made for a split second that he did indeed see it.
“I have, regrettably so, seen it and then left the room just like you did”
Glad to know I wasn't the only one who had a negative reaction to it.
“Well someone did explain why that was there,  but a warning would have been nice still”
He nodded in agreement and I had a feeling neither of us would go back there today.
Looking past Rikaad I could see captain Nemas still running around, which on the ever swaying boat was impressive as he'd not once fallen over.
By now he had informed the majority of the sailors,  some of which just continued working, 
apparently not thinking anything much of it.
Hoo fuck, but at least there were barely any people gawking as i was sure my nerves wouldn’t have been able to handle that.
As i thought Nemas was done taking his mouth off at the sailors and came back over, waving at us as he did so.
“Well! Now nobody should freak out! If you're sure there's enough space you can show what your other form looks like! 
I do wonder though why it's green? An animal isn't a plant after all, 
then again I rarely see either of those out on the ship anyway!”
Tuning out the captain talking on and on I stood a few paces away and turned the gem on the bracelet that let me shift.
In barely a moment I changed into the familiar giant form of the Ardua.
For a second i expected someone to scream or otherwise be terrified but as it was no one gave really a fuck.
These guys were weird, well so was i.
The only one gawking at me with curiosity was the captain, but he was mainly staring at my back, saying in the most confused voice I had ever heard.
“Are those plants? On your back I mean, and are those dandelions? aren't you a mammal? Not a plant?”
I loafed like a cat on the deck to get more stability on the swaying wood before answering him.
“Well, yes that's plants, but I'm still a mammal, they just grow there like hair, I think they are meant to help me absorb sunlight? Not sure though”
He came a little closer to examine it in more detail,  an almost childlike wonder in his eyes.
Well, he did imply to have lived on the ship for most of his life,  so who knew when he'd gotten to see field flowers closeup last time? 
Just then Robin walked out of the ship, a gray colored cat in his arms.
When he noticed me in my Ardua form his face visibly brightened and he walked over as fast as he could without tripping or dropping the cat.
Strangely enough the cat didn't seem to mind as Robin put him on the ground in front of me,  instead opting to brush up against my elbow and upper arm.
It was weird that cats weren't scared of me, they had every reason to.
Maybe it was because I somewhat looked like a big version of them?
“I think there's catnip growing on your shoulder and elbow”
Catnip? Why that? And how did Robin even know what that looked like?
Oh wait nevermind that last question, but still, catnip? No wonder the tiny Felines still came up to a giant plant lion thing like the Ardua.
It wasn't that they weren't scared, they just wanted catnip.
I felt kinda disappointed by that, I had hoped that I wasn't so scary even in that form but as it turned out they just wanted one of the plants that grew on me.
But that was still better than them being scared so there was at least that.
I stayed as an Ardua for the rest of the day, with Robin sitting next to me or using me as a pillow while cuddling with the three legged cat.
The cat himself purred at the attention, Which considering his voice sounded terribly scratchy and stopped at random intervals to pick back up stutteringly a moment later.
The sailors for the most part were only mildly distracted, not really caring somehow about the, who even knew how tall, Ardua next to them on the deck.
The only one that complained was someone that needed to move a heavier crate where I was in the way.
That was solved by standing up for a bit and letting me shove it through under myself.
While sunning myself I heard some of the sailors tell more stories, some of them even about sea monsters.
Huh, i wondered if there were any sea monsters in these waters, I hoped not.
Though it was really strange that no one batted an eye at me unless I was in the way, so I decided to ask Nemas the next time he came within earshot.
“Nemas! I have a question, could you come over here for a second?” He walked over to me at a brisk pace and tugged at his coat when it got snagged by the corner of a crate.
“What is it? Don't tell me you got seasick! That would be bad! Or is-”
I interrupted him before he talked even more again.
“No, I'm fine! Really! I just wanted to ask how you and your men are so indifferent? I guess? About a literary Giant with claws on your boat, i mean anyone else would be pretty afraid”
He tilted his head for a moment and I could see his tattoo in great detail.
“Well, we aren't afraid of you because you really can't do anything to us without also dooming yourself.
You don't know much about ships, and a big one like this needs many people to keep going, on top of that if you even where to destroy it then you'd be stuck in the middle of the ocean and drown.
So we don't really have any reason to be afraid, if you fuck us over then you're also absolutely screwed!”
Oh, well, he was right about that, if anything happened to the boat I'd just go down with it, and that would suck.
So really, they didn't have reason to believe I would do that, I didn't know shit about boats anyway.
Then Nemas pointed at the cat who was laying on top of a sleepy Robin.
“Also Smokey doesn't seem to have anything against you! And thus far he's always hissed at shady people!”
Huh, id better not mention the catnip then?
Probably better if I didn't. 
Though if their bar was, cant fuck us over without dooming themselves and the judgement of a three legged cat they might run into big trouble someday.
Though they also agreed to let us on board to fight other ships.
These guys were weird, though I had not much room to talk in that regard.
It wasn't too long after that the sun went down so I shifted back to the human sized one much to the dismay of Robin and the cat who now had no more catnip.
To be fair he had chewed a good chunk off my elbow so there was bound to be some on the ground.
I gave him a friendly pat on the head and then left for my quarters with a tired Robin behind me.
How he was tired after doing basically nothing was a mystery to me, though maybe he'd run around the inside of the ship while I had shifted.
Whatever, I went to my hammock and used the rest of the daylight to try and read something Rikaad had lent me to help me get better at reading.
It was a book about how to write neatly and legibly, of course he'd pick something like that for me.
The book itself was incredibly boring, so much so that I fell asleep before it got properly dark.
The next time I woke up was because I got flung out of the hammock and face first onto the floor.
What the fuck?-
The book that was previously on my lap landed on my head.
I tossed the thing to the side before standing up with a pounding head.
Only to fall over immediately again.
Getting my senses back in order I noticed that the entire floor was tilting left and right like mad, making balancing a nightmare.
Then I heard it, loud waves crashing against wood and the heavy pitter of rain.
A storm!
The ship tilted heavily to the left and I slid on the wooden floor into the table.
Ugh, good thing it was bolted down to the floor.
I looked over to where Robin's bed was only to find it empty.
What? Where was he?
I fell over again to the other side into the wall,  the book I had tossed earlier colliding with my leg.
Grabbing at the wall i stood back up again, trying to see if Robin was anywhere else in the small room.
He wasn't there.
Why? It had been late, He should be here sleeping?
Wait, his bed was anchored to the floor,  and thus would have noticed the crazy waves sooner than me!
He must have gone out to ask what was going on!
Oh no, oh no OH NO
I stumbled out the door and went along the little walkspace that led to the cabins, trying to get to the outside door without falling over too much.
At one point shortly before I reached the door the entire ship went sideways, making me slam into what was previously the wall.
That would leave bruises for sure.
Then the gravity went back again,  and this time I slammed into the actual floor.
I was now VERY glad they kept everything bolted down.
I managed to get to the stairs only to slam into them as the ship dipped forward, but I managed to catch myself with my shoulder instead of face.
Not bothering to stand up here as I would just fall again I crawled up on all fours, only stumbling twice.
When I reached the top I grabbed the doorknob, holding on for dear life as another wave hit the ship, making the door slam open and me into the adjacent wall while holding on like mad.
Swinging around I could actually look outside, well look was a bit much.
There was a LOT of rain, so much so that I could only make out what was there up to the middle mast of the ship.
Fuck, i hoped Robin was only on the other side somewhere and not in the ocean.
Maybe he was lucky and managed to shelter in the dining room.
I heard a strange strangled and scratchy yowl then, something that definitely wasn't human.
Looking around I saw nothing at first, and over the tosing water it was hard to make out where the noise came from.
Then I heard it again and managed to somewhat pinpoint where it Originated from.
It was the gray cat! He was tangled in a spare rope that had tied itself around the first mast!
Oh fuck! The poor thing!
Against better judgment and survival instincts I went out to the deck to try and get him.
I grabbed another rope that was used to tether a crate that was long since gone now and used it to not fall overboard when the ship tilted.
I slid around horribly and sometimes the waves crashed over the railing, dousing me and making it extremely hard to get to the cat.
I reached him eventually after a big wave drenched us both even more.
I untied him as best as I could in the ever shifting environment while I tried not to slide around too much while also holding onto the rope I had picked up.
I managed to untie him after fumbling around and he still clung to a part of the rope. 
I grabbed him with one arm and held him against my chest where he immediately dug the claws of his remaining front leg in.
That was fine, as long as I got him to safety.
I was thrown over on my ass as another wave hit the ship,  making it jerk suddenly.
While falling over I could see a bit more of the latter half of the ship as I was now closer than before.
My heart stopped for a second as I saw a familiar redhead hold onto another familiar form that was tethered by a rope to who knew what.
Why were Rikaad and Robin out here???  
I couldn't go over though, I still held the cat, so I got as close to the open door as I could and tried to stay steady, which was an incredibly hard task.
I grabbed the cat that was clinging onto me for dear life and then, as mean as it was, tossed him down the stairs into the ship so he wouldn't fall off the boat into the ocean in this storm.
I looked back again to where I last saw the other two, noticing there were some sailors as well struggling to close the main sail.
Oh, that's why there were people out, they needed to close the sail!
Another wave hit the ship, making me stumble.
I watched in horror as the rope Rikaad was tied to while holding Robin suddenly snapped, making them slide over the deck.
To my great relief Rikaad managed to hold onto the railing and Robin at the same time, now they just had to get away from there!
They tried to make their way inside, using the rail as an anchor to try and stay upright while they walked as water sloshed heavily over the boat, threatening to make them slip with each step if they weren’t careful. 
The floor lurched beneath them for a moment as another wave hit the side of the ship, but thankfully they were able to keep their grip on the rail while the sailors continued to try and pull the sail.
Then another wave hit and I was flushed over the railing in a rush of water, banging against the side of the ship as I dangled from the rope.
Only to be hit by another wave that transported me back onto the ship barely a second later.
that was terrifying as fuck, never again please.
There was a loud boom and lightning hit the middle mast, breaking it and making it tip over.
Right to where Rikaad and Robin were!
Oh no!
Without thinking I let go of the rope and sprinted over the deck towards them, not caring about the slickness of the wood.
While I ran as fast as I could I twisted the gem on the bracelet to turn into the Ardua form and dashed forward to stop the heavy wooden pole from falling on top of them.
Instead the thing crashed on top of me.
I slid from the sudden weight and when another big wave hit the boat I was swept over the side into the cold water.
I resurfaced only to have the broken mast hit me square on the head, dragging me under from the force.
At that point my body decided it had taken enough damage to warrant blacking out, which I promptly did as I sank under the waves.
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For the Guardian OC ask: 29, 47, 48, 49
I thought that I might answer these questions a bit different then usually, with answers being from Cogito directly. Just for the funnies.
Also I thought that I can make "voice claims" (that thing where you pick a VA that you think your OC sounds like) for them so:
Cezary Pazura for Cogito-4 and Jacek Kopczyński for Dun-dun. I don't know enough English speaking VAs to pick.
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47. Uh, it's space and I don't want to die so… everything? I mean I'm afraid of dying. And Dun dying. But who isn't.
Also I'm afraid of Vex. I set up a garden where I grew vegetables on Nessus and now they are staring at me and making *sounds*.
I'm kinda afraid that Failsafe will die too. I asked her if she wanted an exo frame and she told me that she wants her crew back and 1000000 glimmer. I need to ask Ana.
I'm also afraid that Traveler is gonna fly away. …Ok, I'm afraid of a lot of things.
Dun-dun: I'm afraid of moths.
Look, he's afraid of moths!
48. Hmm, casseroles? And tomato soup! And ramen. And chocolate cookies! Oh, and jam. And steak tartare. Caviar… Aaaand pierogi, I know a great place in the City where they sell Polish food, and-
Dun-dun: I'm deeply concerned about the amount of food you eat.
Mmmmmm… "więcej ciała do kochania"? (transl. "More body to love", Polish idiom)
49. Nessus. I've been sitting here since the Red War. This is truly a great experience - just me, my ghost and the beach. And murderous robots. And dying AI. And pirates. And frogs. Call that summer vacation!
[hiding because the last answer is long]
29. Ahhh, Red War. Everyone seems to remember where they were when it happened. I would lie if I said I don't but well it's not something I… enjoy remembering. But fine, I'll tell you.
S/2004 S 6. One of Saturn's many moonlets. And you know what? There is limestone on it. How? I think an Ahamkara must have died there… say 540 million years ago. Maybe not on S/2004 S 6 precisely but somewhere there.
The entire thing is like… a sort of dream. Nice and coherent at the beginning but then… Well, uh, I was levitating around 2 meters above the ground, I think. The gravity isn't that big there, I suppose.
I don't remember the conversation I had with Dun-dun when *it* happened. But he said… and maybe I'm just imagining it because he doesn't remember it well either, he said, "I know, I was there when that happened".
This is when I felt really weird - it was kinda like being stabbed in the lungs. The world went dark and the next thing I knew was that I was laying on the ground, gasping for air like I needed it.
I picked Dun off the ground, he was very weak. My left leg… you know, it never was really good but after that it hurt so badly I tripped a couple times on my way to the ship. I think that I left everything, aside from my crutches. Pirates probably have stolen everything already. I never returned there. Don't ask why, I don't know.
The communication channels were dead. I had enough glimmer to fly closer to Earth. It's an actual miracle that I didn't flatten myself on some rock considering that I was the worst pilot in the entire Tower and I had one of Amanda's old Kestrel Class AX0s and I was flying around like a headless chicken. I managed to hide on some asteroid eventually. I'ma tell you something - I've been around since Ikora decided to fry some space dragons and I've seen some *serious* shit but this? Dun could barely keep his shell together and I was running out of glimmer.
Anyway. Finally Zavala sent the signal from Titan and I managed to get there. Everyone lightless and scared to shit. Cayde said some bullshit. Later I met Failsafe because of him. Found Shaw. A lot of good people died but everyone knows that. I managed to get to Ikora too. Her face, terrible sight, I don't think I can explain. Before I managed to ask her anything, someone tripped on my crutches and I lost her in the crowd.
Ah, yes, crutches. Left leg behavior. Amped to 100 because I couldn't fly. I didn't fight in the attack. Don't get me wrong - I know a lot disabled guardians who fought but, like. I fly. That's my deal. Ok, I also didn't want to die. I fucked around Io and then Farm.
There were a lot of things to take care of later - a lot of occasions to redeem myself. Maybe it's better that I lived.
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chainbakery · 3 years
Can I request wind x older sibling reader where they are the captain of their own crew so they pretty much off on their own most of the time and when they came home to find the Chain they go "yup all of you are my baby siblings now, do you all know how to use a knife?"
Chain thought Wind got most of his habits from Tetra, but really it's from reader, Tetra just encourages it
note; gotta love how everyone wants to adopt wind as their little brother, myself included,,, also don't worry! i read your other ask, x readers aren't strictly romantic for me. the context is what tells me if it's romantic or not! gn! reader, platonic.
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"A sword is great and all, but knives are easier to hide... Daggers are good too, I think I have a few extra ones." Twilight looked at you as you continued, Wild behind him watching you searching for something in your bag. Most likely a weapon.
Meeting you was... interesting. The group had arrived to the youngest's home just a day ago, so they had met your grandmother and younger sister first.
Wind had mentioned having an older sibling who spent a lot of their time out of the island but always made sure to keep in contact. Yet, the young hero had been quite secretive. Why? Well, because he wanted to see how surprised the others would be!
The others heroes thought that you just were someone who liked to travel or had to work a lot, maybe a merchant, but a pirate? And on top of that, a captain with your own crew?
Not even Time expected it, but he was good at hiding his surprise.
His calm facade disappeared when you suddenly commented that they all would be your baby siblings from then on. But after sending a glance around the group, none of the heroes seemed to care, even if they were a bit confused.
"Can you tell us some of your adventures later? I want to know what happened while I was away!" Wind wrapped his arms around one of your arms. He loved your stories.
You laughed, giving the dagger you had grabbed to Hyrule and using your now free hand to mess your little brother's hair. "Sure! I pranked Tetra last week, and it was amazing. I'll tell you all the details."
The other heroes now knew who truly had influenced the young sailor. Most of them thought that many of his habits were because of Tetra, because of what the youngest usually said about her, but now it was crystal clear that it was because of you.
Yet, it was nice to see how happy Wind was around you and the rest of his family.
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Kid x Reader | Forbidden
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tw: nothing too explicit, but sex is implied; cussing
When your older brother, Killer, made you join his pirate crew in order to protect you, the idea seemed awful at first. You didn’t want to leave your island, and that lifestyle wasn’t what you used to plan for your life, but ended up having no choice.
At first, you hated it. The guys seemed like pervs and the captain? Oh god, you hated him. He was rude and yelled at everyone for no reason. He was annoying. You two yelled at each other sometimes, and Killer had to interfere.
And this didn’t start just now. In fact, ever since you were children, you two used to fight a lot, even though Kid was a few years older than you.
You don’t know when your feelings went from hate to passion, but you remember how you dealt with it for the first time.
The crew was asleep, but you were hungry sneaking into the kitchen to find something for a midnight snack. And there he was.
The red head started to complain about you as soon as he saw you, for no reason, as always. And as usual, you started insulting him back.
ꟷ I hate you! You’re annoying, rude, egocentric. You think you can yell and tell me what to do just because you’re big and… Strong… ꟷ he got near you slowly, smirking because of your words.
You knew he was very tall, but at that moment, you felt even smaller compared to him. However, he didn’t seem threatening this time. In fact, by his sarcastic grin, you could tell it was quite the opposite right now. He seemed amused.
ꟷ Well, and you’re such a brat. ꟷ his tone was lower and lower, bending over to face you. ꟷ An annoying and small, brat. ꟷ he paused, and whispered. ꟷ But you know, I kinda like it.
By now, his face was mere inches from yours.
You could feel his breath.
His smell, which was a mix of the smell of beer and sea.
Despite the chilly weather, that room felt hotter than ever.
The tension between you was growing, but no one made a move for what seemed like an eternity, until he wrapped his flesh arm around your waist, pulling you closer for a kiss. For the first time you didn’t want to punch his face.
After that night, you two started having your encounters, in secret from the whole crew, and especially Killer. If he found out, you had no idea of how he would react. But you knew it wouldn’t be good. The reason why you were there was so your brother you keep you safe.
Being with Kid was exactly the opposite of that. But the fear of getting caught and the thought of doing something wrong it was too exciting.
A couple of months later, you two still didn’t call whatever you had a “relationship”, but Kid wasn’t even flirting with other girls, and you wasn’t even thinking about other guys; and every night you were sneaking when everyone was asleep to see each other.
Sometimes it wasn’t even for sex, but just to talk and watch the stars. Or even to sit on Kid’s lap while he was working on something at his workshop.
The crew noticed he was in a better mood, not so grumpy, yelling less and treating you better than he used to. Seemed like he didn’t like other guys staring at you or talking about you. He became protective over someone he didn’t like just a few months ago.
No one dared to share their theories aloud, but they knew something was going on.
The Victoria Punk arrived at some island, and the whole crew went to a bar, while you stayed to guard the ship.
You were having a drink at the deck watching the stars and feeling the breeze, when you felt someone hold you from behind. A pair of arms you knew too well by now.
ꟷ You know, the guys might get suspicious. ꟷ you whispered, resting your head on Kid’s chest. ꟷ You never leave the bar so early or sober.
ꟷ Nah, don’t worry. I suggested a drinking contest, so they should be busy for a while, and will end up too drunk to care. ꟷ he brushed your hair so he could have better access to your neck, giving it many pecks, sending your shivers. ꟷ Killer is taking care of them, and I snuck out with some excuse.
ꟷ Are you sure? ꟷ you turned around to face your lover.
ꟷ I’m sure, don’t worry. ꟷ he took your glass from your hand, making you frown for a while. ꟷ So we have some time alone. What do you wanna do?
ꟷ We didn’t spend much time together the last couple of days, uh? ꟷ you whispered, pulling him by his hand, making your way to his cabin. ꟷ So there’s a lot of things I want to do to you, captain…
ꟷ Oh, babe, don’t call me that, you know the things it does to me…
ꟷ I know, and I like it.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Kid started kissing you passionately, desperately. He craved your touches, your lips all over his skin. And although the red head loves being the one in charge, he loves seeing your taking control sometimes, seeing the desire in your eyes.
You made him sit on the bed, while you straddled on his lap, removing your shirt as quick as possible.
ꟷ Why so eager, uh? ꟷ he asked, touching your sides and giving your neck sloppy kisses. ꟷ We have time.
ꟷ But maybe we don’t. ꟷ you said between moans when he kissed your weak spots. ꟷ And I need you so bad.
He couldn’t help chuckle seeing how you needy you were right now.
But before he could do anything else, you heard footsteps.
ꟷ Oh no. ꟷ you said, freezing. ꟷ Is it him? ꟷ you whispered.
ꟷ I don’t know, I'll check. Get dressed, hurry. ꟷ he replied using the same tone, trying to find your shirt, nowhere to be seem.
Gladly, you were still wearing a bra, but he still got his jacket to cover you.
ꟷ Hide. ꟷ he said, placing you sitting on the bed, while he got up to check who was interrupting the moment.
Before you could think, you heard a voice, a very familiar voice, calling the captain.
Oh no.
ꟷ Kid? Where are you? Have you seen (Y/N)? She was supposed to be guarding the ship, but I can’t find her. ꟷ your brother said, opening the door at once, just to see Kid shirtless, and you covered by his jacket, that looked huge on you. ꟷ What the fuck is going on here?
ꟷ We can explain. ꟷ Kid said, walking towards Killer, throwing his hands up in defeat.
ꟷ Are you… ꟷ he couldn’t even say the whole sentence.ꟷ With my sister? Even when I told the whole crew to stay the fuck away from her?
This was one moment when you were glad he wore his mask so you wouldn’t see the disappointment on his face. It’d hurt too much.
ꟷ And you? ꟷ he pointed at you, who was hiding with some covers at that point. ꟷ Seriously? Kid? And you didn’t even tell me? I thought we were honest with each other.
ꟷ Killer, I… ꟷ you got up, slowly walking on his direction. ꟷ I’m sorry, I was afraid to tell you, because I knew that’s how you’d react.
ꟷ If you had told me before, I would never react like that. I’d be pissed, but not like I am right now. ꟷ he turned to look at his friend again. ꟷ Are you just using my sister?
ꟷ I’m not using her! I like her! ꟷ Kid pulled you closer to him. ꟷ I really do.
Your brother left without saying anything else, locking himself in his cabin. He was pissed, he didn’t know what to think or what to do about it.
ꟷ He’ll get over it. ꟷ you whispered, squeezing Kid’s hand. ꟷ I hope he does.
For the next three days, Killer didn’t look at you nor talk to you or your lover. You started to worry.
But one morning, you were with Kid at his workshop, sitting on his lap trying to feel comfort, despite the fact you were still sad for not talking to your brother. The door opened and you saw Killer.
ꟷ If you ever hurt my sister, I don’t care if you’re my friend or my captain, I’ll feed you to the sea kings. ꟷ was all he said.
ꟷ So… Are you okay with him and me? ꟷ you got up, smiling. You felt reassured.
ꟷ I’m not completely okay with this. I’m still pissed because you hid it from me. But I hope I can trust Kid.
ꟷ That means we’re more than best friends now! ꟷ the captain said, his voice sounded quite excited. ꟷ We’ll be brothers in law!
ꟷ Kid, if you ever call me that, I swear I’ll throw you into the ocean.
tag list: @flowersgirl02 - @pure-kirarin - @lofi-coffee
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