#maybe i'll try talking about it in person today we'll see lol
vampirian · 5 months
for someone who has and has had basically zero experience when it comes to romance/sex i sure still get into the most sitcom situations bc of it anyway
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Can you please write a fic about the golden oldie of one bed in a hotel room with wanda maximoff and venom reader? I miss enemies to lovers 😭
Hell yeah I can!
Hotel Room hell
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Summary: You and Wanda are sent on a mission together but you don't get along, and when a woman tries flirting with you she needs to confront her feelings, or does she? Maybe she'll just play with you instead
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, terribly written smut, oral (W receiving) swearing, etc
Words: 5,300 (Got way too carried away 😳😂)
A/n: this has been finished for 2 days but I kept reading and changing things so let’s hope for the best lol
"I'm sorry ma'am but there's only one room left” the poor hotel receptionist repeated for the 3rd time to an angry redhead "I can't stay with her in the same room, we don't get along"
"She doesn't like us does she?" Venom said in your head and you just shrugged
"We'll be in different beds Wanda whats the big deal? You tried calming the situation down, you didn't really like her either but you were tired and all you wanted to do was sleep
More bad news incoming "oh actually the room only has a king bed available" this poor front desk person
"One room and one bed?! This is ridiculous!" You didn't say this often but Wanda was acting like a Karen right now "Wanda it's fine I'll sleep on the couch"
That seemed to calm the stressed redhead and she grabbed the key from the desk storming up to the room leaving you to deal with the woman "I'm so sorry about her she's normally really nice"
She laughed "trust me we get many characters around here, she's not even the worst I've had today, thank you for trying to help though"
"She is flirting with us! We need to ask her out! You have been very lonely recently!"
You forced a smile ignoring that insult from your symbiote and looked back to the woman who asked you a question and waited for your response "sorry? Did you ask me something?"
"I asked you if you were dating your friend?"
You shook your head "no no we don't like each other"
"Then why stay at a hotel? Seems a little odd" she laughed and you laughed with her, she was right but when Tony Stark gives you an order you have to listen apparently "trust me I know" you laughed with her
"So if you're not dating her, does that mean you're free tonight then?" She was asking you out, oh wow okay
"Oh yeah, yeah sure I'm free, do you have anything in mind?" You stumbling over your words and blushing hard was the cutest thing she'd ever seen even if you yourself felt yourself getting stressed
"A drink at the bar maybe?" She said and you nodded "absolutely, when do you get off?" Feeling confident you lent close on the desk leaning your head on your arm and she did the same smirking "isn't it a little too soon to ask when I get off?"
"Is she talking about what I think she's talking about?! I may be an alien but I recognise flirtatious attitude!"
Scratching your head to calm the irritation known as Venom you coughed trying to wet your dry throat, you won't be embarrassed
"Well maybe I'm just trying to time our date, knowing when you get off helps me decide the correct time" that didn't sound as good as you thought it did and both of you knew it but she decided not to hold it against you "I finish at 7, I'll see you at the bar, order me a pornstar martini"
"Pornstar martini? Sounds interesting"
"It's delicious, who doesn't love a pornstar?"
You laughed, god she was funny and hot, what a great combination "you got me there, okay I'll see you at 7" you went to leave but her hand grabbed your arm pulling you close and she gave you a kiss on the cheek "see you then"
Walking to the room with a smile on your face you went to open the door but you were stopped by black tentacles claiming your hand "what are you doing?"
"I feel tension inside and I do not think we should be going inside until Wanda has calmed down"
You huffed "you're being dramatic, we know she hates us what's the point?"
Ignoring very real instinct of Venom you opened the door barley surviving a thrown lamp thanks to Venom catching it in one of their tentacles
"Wanda what the fuck?! This place is expensive you can't be throwing shit around!"
You looked at Wanda seeing red swirls all around her body, okay she was definitely angry "where were you" she said sternly making Venom growl in a defensive state, they didn't like being told off
"I was talking to the front desk woman-
"She asked you out" she interrupted you and you had to hold back from letting Venom out "okay and? She's hot"
Wanda scoffed "oh so you'll just fuck anything that shows you attention huh? You should've been a man because you just think with your dick"
You just stood there dumbfounded, even Venom was speechless "what the hell are you talking about? Why are you acting like a jealous ex girlfriend?"
The witch stood up and stormed into the bathroom slamming the door "we're on a mission! You need to be focused, not staring at a blonde bimbo's chest!"
"I was not staring at her chest! I'm a lady!"
The silence on the other side of the door was deafening and you weren't sure on what to do
"I believe she may still be mad at us, should we do anything?"
You lowered your voice "and risk being murdered in a nice hotel room? No let's just go to the pool" picking out a bikini from your suitcase you headed down to the pool.
When you got there, you realised something "Can you swim?" You whispered to yourself and waited for the alien's response
"Yes I can swim, I was the fastest swimmer on my planet I won plenty of awards!"
You rolled your eyes "you know you don't have to continue talking, you could've just stopped at yes I can swim-
"Who you talking to stranger?" It was the woman from the front desk "oh hi, no one I'm just thinking about how to say sorry to Wanda"
She sat down on a sun lounger bringing you with her and you flopped down with her "honey I don't think you need to apologise to her, she doesn’t like you”
You shrugged "she got stuck with me on this....business trip so I owe it to her to behave"
"She wants us! Quick kiss her!"
Your hand reached to rub at your head calming down the incoming headache “anyway enough about Wanda, I thought you didn’t finish work until later?”
She shrugged “well I saw you coming to the pool and got someone to cover for me, do you want to go swimming?"
You did but you weren't sure, after Wanda's outburst she was definitely watching you, you thought you could even feel her eyes on you "I don't know..."
"Come on, I bet you look so hot in your bikini" she purred at you making you fault a little "oh er yeah, sure okay let me go change" you got up a little to quick nearly stumbling but froze when you felt a pair of hands steady your legs "hold on darling, seems like you need some help"
Her laugh was fun, you even managed to not notice her hands sliding up and down your legs rubbing circles into them
"Ah Y/n I believe we should stop because I feel some eyes on us that are angry"
You ignored the voice and in about 10 seconds you'll really wish you would've listened "so, how about my offer of swimming?"
"Y/n what the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Ah fuck me" you whispered pushing yourself away from the woman and turning around to Wanda storming towards you "Wanda I-
"Get back to the room now!" She was angry that much was easy to see but you didn't know why, why was she acting like this?
"Wanda I don't know what the problem is-
"Ahhh! Y/n she's in our mind!"
You felt yourself getting dizzy walking away and falling into the pool spluttering and failing to stay afloat "oh Y/n you're so clumsy now come on you need to stay in the room while we're here"
She pulled you out of the water and pushed past the woman trying to have her way with you dragging you to the room and throwing you inside "we're here for a mission! Not to be a whore!"
"Dude, are you on your period or something?? What have I done? I know we don't like each other but you need to chill out"
Wanda hasn't looked at you yet, all she did was pace around the room "I-i'm sorry I don't know what came over me, it just pissed me off seeing you flirt with that bimbo because she doesn't deserve you"
"She is being quite confusing Y/n I believe it may be a trick"
You couldn't even think of what to say, did she just say someone didn't deserve you? "Wanda" she ignored you "Wanda look at me"
She looked up at you "I'm right, she just wanted to sleep with you"
You shrugged "and? What is this, the 1800s? I'm allowed to sleep with someone"
"Well I don't like it!"
"I'm getting a headache Wanda just say what you truly feel and let me and venom go to sleep"
Wanda scoffed "that's another thing, venom, venom this venom that, it's a parasite! Bruce could've gotten rid of it for you, you'd be normal but no you want to keep it so you can feel special, news flash! You're a mess and when you come in at 4am covered in blood and collapsing on the floor I'm the one picking you up and putting you in bed!"
That's how you get to bed? You don't even remember going out and killing people in the first place, does Venom know?
You lowered your head "do you know about this?"
The symbiote remained quiet so you asked again
"Venom answer me do you go out and then come back covered in blood and making a mess everywhere?"
"Well when you are asleep I can go outside and be my true self"
Your face drained of colour, oh god is that why you couldn't sleep much? "Venom come on dude! Why do you have to keep going out and killing?! I get you live chickens to eat"
Venom remained quiet so you looked back to Wanda "Wanda I-
She held her hand up stopping you "doesn't matter Y/n, go back to your "date""
Before you could respond Wanda was already back into the bathroom, her favourite place to be it seems
"Are you mad at me?" they whispered and you held yourself back from smacking yourself in the head knowing while it would hurt them it would hurt you more
"Yes but it'll pass, I need a lie down"
"What about the attractive blonde woman downstairs?"
You rolled your eyes "I don't want to sleep with anyone right now"
you lay down on the couch closing your eyes just wanting to go back home, but no, Tony wants you both to kill some people and take some important files or something you weren't actually paying attention, he only wanted you to go because of the alien inside of you
"You are thinking very loudly Y/n"
''Well I have a lot on my mind don’t I Venom?”
Before you could finish the bathroom door opened and Wanda came out “do you have anything to say?”
You looked towards her with your eyebrows raised "what do you mean?"
"After all the shit I do for you you owe me a apology" she came towards you and you instantly jumped up backing away from her making her laugh "are you scared of me?"
"When you stalk towards me asking for an apology it's a little scary yeah"
Wanda glanced behind you "and does Venom think I'm scary too?"
You hadn't noticed the black tentacles sprouting from your back in a defensive stance and then you suddenly heard the low growling coming from inside you
"Venom relax, it's okay I promise we're fine" the growling stopped and the tentacles retracted back into your body
"You still owe me an apology" she repeated and you rolled your eyes "can't we just get along for 10 minutes?"
"No, but I'll leave it for now, we should go to sleep we have an early day tomorrow" she turned her back to you starting to remove her top and you gasped "what are you doing??"
She turned her head to you "getting dressed for bed?"
"B-but can't you do that in the bathroom?" You stumbled over your words blushing and Wanda rolled her eyes "we have the same body anatomy Y/n there's nothing wrong with seeing me naked"
"Is this flirting? If she's removing her clothes that means she wants us correct?"
You shook your head "I-okay" you mumbled casting your gaze to the floor where Wanda's shirt then her bra ended up, Wanda smirked knowing exactly how you were feeling and while she hated you she would like to have a little fun
"You know since we’re here can you look at something for me?” You thought nothing of it and looked up immediately regretting it when you were faced with her chest “Wanda!”
“What? You wanted to help me correct?” She smirked and you closed your eyes “Wanda this isn’t appropriate, we don’t like each other and I don’t feel comfortable”
She rolled her eyes lifting your chin up but you still refused to open your eyes “malen'kiy I’ve been inside your head, you may hate me and I hate you but the images you think of when you think you’re alone are just delightful”
“Really?” You replied and Wanda’s smile dropped pushing you to the ground
“You’re a creep Y/n I’ve never been in your head because that stupid parasite stops any interaction from me, but now I know, you keep those disgusting images to yourself” still not opening your eyes you heard her slam the bathroom door again, Jesus that doors seen more action than you in months
“Y/n I believe she has left and we can open our eyes now”
You slowly opened your eyes and were met with Venom’s face too and you flinched “god I’ll never get over actually seeing your face”
“Because it is so beautiful”
You grimaced “hmm sure let’s go with that” you stood up drying yourself down and sitting on the bed “well I’m getting changed before she comes back out and beats me for looking at her wrong”
You quickly changed and got under the covers awaiting the angry witches return
“Oh so the couch isn’t good enough anymore?” Those were her first words exiting the bathroom dressed in a shirt and her underwear getting under the covers and placing a pillow between you both as some kind of wall of protection
“Don’t you dare touch me or I’ll tear your body from the inside out with my magic”
Rolling your eyes “please Wanda stop trying to turn me on I won’t be able to control myself if you keep teasing me”
“Keep your parasite at bay too”
Low growls from said parasite left your body and you shushed them “I promise they won’t do anything, even they have standards” you snapped back, closing your eyes you hoped to fall asleep quickly and you did
Through the night you were in and out of sleep waking up at one point and the pillow was gone removed by Venom
“What are you doing???” You whispered
“She is thinking of us”
You peeked a look at Wanda “she isn’t, she’s not angry”
“She is muttering your name and whimpering”
You scoffed turning over facing away from her “you’re being ridiculous Venom, she wouldn’t be whimpering about us, she’d be laughing and happy because she’s probably stabbing us”
Your whispering woke Wanda up and before she could shout she noticed the pillow gone and you muttering to that alien when you turned around you stopped talking and sat up quickly
“Sorry Wanda I didn’t mean to wake you, I didn’t move the pillow venom did and I’ve shouted at them already-
“Oh shut up” she kissed you to shut you up and you blushed hard pulling away but Wanda’s hand gripped the back of your neck keeping you in place
“I still hate you” she breathed out kissing you again sitting you both up and eventually pulling away leaving you speechless “I’m so confused”
“I’ll keep it simple Y/n, I hate you, you hate me, we’re here in this bed and I’ve not had sex in 7 months, even then Vision wasn’t the best in bed so I need to get it out of my system”
While she was talking she’d taken her shirt off and straddled you and went to kiss your neck but you finally regained some form of control placing your hands on her shoulders stopping her “Wanda wait this isn’t right, can’t we go back to hating each other properly?”
The witch shook her head giggling “oh princess you want me too, I know it now, tell me how does the parasite help you in sex?”
You couldn’t believe what was happening, this feels like something out of bad comedy love movie
“I don’t know, they only come out when scared or excited”
Wanda licked her lips smiling “excited? I can get them really excited”
“Y/n is this a trick? I feel like this is a trick”
You shrugged “I think she’s serious, just stay there until I figure it out”
Wanda watched the interaction rolling her eyes “I’m very serious Y/n” she pulled you back into another kiss starting to move her hips on your thigh but you put a stop to that grabbing her hips pausing her and pulling away “no, no Wanda I don’t feel right about it”
“Tell her you’ve never been intimate with another person”
Venom said and you shook your head refusing to tell Wanda about you never sleeping with anyone, unbeknownst to you Wanda knew, Venom couldn’t keep her out when you were sleeping
“It’s okay Y/n I know you’ve never had sex, and I can’t wait to ruin you for anyone else”
You gulped unable to say anything instead letting Wanda kiss down your neck and removing your shirt pulling away and admiring your chest noticing the metal bars “nipple piercings? What a naughty girl, do you have any other piercings?”
You shook your head not wanting to say something to ruin this beautiful yet really strange encounter
She didn’t say a word just leaning down kissing each nipple making you shudder “Wanda I-I don’t think-
She huffed pulling away and rubbing her face “Y/n I just want to fuck the anger out of my body, you’re being really selfish”
“Wanda I’m sorry, it’s just I’m scared that Venom might take over and hurt you”
“I’ll do more than that if she keeps calling me a parasite!” They growled taking over your body a little clawing at Wanda’s hips cutting into her
“Shit, they’ve got some sharp claws there” she laughed a little and you gasped “oh god Wanda I’m sorry!”
“Shush, listen Venom you horrible little clump of mold I need this, now either you let me fuck Y/n or you come out and give me a hand” roughly kissing you she was suddenly flipped onto her back and pushed down into the bed “woah, where did that strength come from?”
“Well Y/n is weak and if you want rough sex then I’m the only one here to give it to you”
Wanda’s eyes glowed red bringing you back to the front “I want to sleep with you, Venom can help but you’re the one who I want to look at.
You nodded “okay”
“You need all the help you can get, I will give you something that will drive Wanda wild”
You opened your mouth revealing Venom’s long tongue poking out licking up the side of the redhead’s face “oh god I didn’t know they had a tongue like that”
Not wasting anymore time you kissed your way down her body leaving marks and saliva in your wake until Wanda grabbed a handful of your hair pulling you to in between her legs
“Get on with it Y/n”
“But I’ve never done it” you said and you felt her pull your hair tighter “doesn’t matter, just fuck me with your tongue”
Venom growled from inside of you gripping her thighs spreading them apart and licking up the arousal that had dripped down and licking over her panties making her groan “fuck Y/n”
Moaning at her taste you ripped her underwear from her body circling her clit with the long tongue enjoying the moans coming from Wanda, god why have you never eaten anyone out before? This is fucking godly.
"So much better than Vision!" She shouted out and you (Venom) growled against her core sending vibrations throughout her whole body making her groan "how about you stop talking and let me do my job"
Thrusting your tongue into Wanda’s tight pussy had her crying out not caring about the other guests in the hotel instead feeling very full and unable to move, your tongue felt like heaven reaching places Wanda couldn't have imagined possible, what else could Venom give you? God Wanda couldn't even think, maybe another day.
Your hands gripped her thighs tighter cutting into the skin again but neither of you cared. You felt Wanda clench around the tongue and you groaned wanting to stay in between her thighs for the rest of your life
"F-fuck I'm gonna cum!" She screamed refusing to let you come for air trying to thrust her hips in time with your tongue but her sloppy movements couldn't keep up with you
"Grab her hips to keep her still! She isn't helping my rhythm!"
Your hands pushed Wanda's hips to the bed doubling down on your efforts with your tongue refusing to let her go, bringing orgasm after orgasm from her juices leaking down her thighs covering your face and the bed
You were so occupied that you didn't hear or feel Wanda try to weakly push you away until a small amount a power sparked your chest pushing you away, you were breathing heavy with Wanda's juices and saliva coating your face
"Wanda?" You climbed back up the bed trailing your fingers up her body liking the way her body twitched with every touch until you reached her face "Wanda are you okay?"
The witch shook her head "are-are you sure y-youre a virgin?"
You laughed "yeah, yeah it was Venom's tongue I was a puppet" Wanda didn't have the energy to respond instead working on her breathing, you turned to the nightstand picking up a small towel wiping your face clean and turning back to the woman surprisingly kissing her, Wanda groaned at the taste of herself enjoying the taste and the way your long tongue wrapped around her own claiming her.
Pulling away the tongue disappeared and you left you with your own small tongue again
"She does taste very good, a little sour but that might be her attitude"
"So what now?" You asked, choosing to laugh at VEnom’s joke later, watching the way Wanda's chest rose and fell in quick succession "seriously? You as a virgin fucking wrecks me with that parasite's long tongue and you have the audacity to ask me 'what now?' Fucking ridiculous Y/n"
She flopped back down onto the bed and you held in a laugh "sorry Wanda, are you okay?"
"Sure, I don't think I'll be walking for a while anyway"
"We treat Wanda like a lady but she will not admit that she loves us? And she still calls me a parasite!"
Wanda sat up in the bed looking towards you "what else can Venom give you?"
That surprised you but you also sat up "er I don't know, the long tongue not enough for you?"
Wanda let out a breathy laugh "it'd be much better than a plastic strap on"
You raised an eyebrow wondering what she meant until Venom spoke up "I cannot give Wanda what she wants, because I don't have any genitalia, I apologise"
You giggled "sorry Wanda Venom doesn't have that or any genitalia"
She sighed "I guess it's for the best, I don't want little alien babies"
You both burst out laughing forgetting how you both feel about each other for the time being "we should probably talk about the mission"
Oh yeah the mission, that was the last thing on your mind right now "I guess so"
Suddenly the door opened and you both nearly jumped until you recognised one of them.
"Well well well, guess I was right telling Tony it's better if we came with you, clearly you two have other things on your mind more important than the mission" she laughed and the other woman came into the room instantly laughing and falling to her knees dramatically
"Holy shit! I knew it! Clint owes $40"
"Natasha this isn't funny” Maria slapped her on the shoulder pushing her to the ground ignoring her giggles and looking back to you both "okay okay we've all had a good laugh now you two get dressed, we've got some intel on the target and need to get there quick"
When Wanda didn't move you held in a giggle and Nat pulled herself off of the floor eyeing Wanda up "don't tell me you can't move...that good?"
Wanda rolled her eyes "jealous Nat?"
The other redhead snorted "please, Maria does things you've never even heard of, I'm a trained assassin and talented ballerina and yet this woman takes me down every time"
She looked very proud of herself while Maria blushed hard "babe please calm down, Wanda why can't you move?"
"It is because of my long tongue isn't it Y/n?"
You gave a small nod in response to Venom and got out of bed to get dressed leaving the poor naked redhead on her own "go on Wanda tell us while she's in the bathroom getting changed"
"You know the parasite she has?" Wanda started
"Sure..." Nat said
"Well it has a long tongue and so Y/n has never had sex so I think they had a talk in her head and then this long tongue appeared from her mouth, way too much saliva though, I thought I was going to drown when she kissed me"
"That's the best of both worlds! A tongue and basically a strap on in 1, Shit Wanda I'm jealous"
Maria rolled her eyes "I thought I did things you've never imagined before?"
Nat kissed her pouting girlfriend "you do baby but that alien has like a 13 inch tongue that's thick too, I'd fucking die"
"I'm still alive over here guys"
"Yeah okay sure, why haven't you moved from the bed?" Nat walked over to the bed holding her hand out for Wanda to take which she didn’t
“Oh come on Wanda it’s not like I’ve never seen you naked, you get crazy at the Christmas party”
Wanda huffed taking Nat’s hand and hosting herself up from the bed leaning into Nat who casually looked over your body “you’ve got so many hickeys and scratches on your thighs and stomach, you look like you’ve been attacked”
“Yeah by an alien” Nat laughed
“Do you remember that you two hate each other?” Maria interjected and Wanda shrugged “I needed to fuck someone who didn’t have a robotic dick or a vanilla attitude”
You came out of the bathroom dressed and looking awkward “there she is, the virgin who managed to paralyse a witch from the waist down” Nat congratulated you while Wanda tried pulling away from her
“Nat please come on, let’s just go and sort this mission stuff out” you moved through the room towards the door but were stopped by Maria “hold on princess, we don’t really have to go that quickly, you two hate each other right? So what happened?"
You thought about it "maybe she was jealous about the woman who was flirting with me?"
"You mean the easy slut basically spreading her legs for you by the pool?"
The three of them stared at Wanda who doubled down on what she said "I'm right, if she didn't work here I bet she would've just stripped naked in front of you"
Nat picked up some sweatpants and a shirt from the floor giving them to Wanda "Wands I don't think you can talk about someone being easy when you're stood here naked"
The witch grumbled taking the clothes from Nat limping into the bathroom to get changed
"You two are a riot" Nat told you and you shook your head "Nat please don't make it worse, I'm really fucking confused" you flopped down onto the bed covering your face with your hands, when you felt a hand on your arm you looked up to see Maria
"Why label it? So you gave head to your enemy so what? I'm pretty sure you can still be enemies but still sleep with each other if you wanted"
You sat up sighing and giving Maria a hug "thanks Mia, I don't want to be sappy about the whole thing, you're right and its over now"
Nat clapped her hands "Alright! Now let's go and get dinner before we starve, I bet your little Venom is hungry too"
Did she mention food? I would very much like food! But my food!"
"Venom wants to eat what they normally eat" you said looking at Nat knowing full well what they want
"Well, can they wait until we get to the mission? They'll be loads of tasty horrible humans for them to devour"
Venom's head appeared from your back eyeing up Nat and spoke in a gravely voice "Natalia, do you promise me I can eat the humans? Last time I was refused that luxury"
"God you're really ugly aren't you?" Nat laughed and you shook your head "Nat! They get sensitive about how they look"
The alien retreated back into your body without another word cursing Nat in your head
Wanda came out of the bathroom fresh faced and dressed "shall we go?" She walked towards the door opening it and letting the two women out "meet you guys in the lobby okay?" Maria patted you on the shoulder giving you a kiss on the cheek
When they both left Wanda closed the door and sat down next to you "say what you want to say Y/n"
"I want to know what's going on Wanda, do we still hate each other? Because the way you were screaming my name and clenching your thighs around my head it sure doesn't seem like it"
Wanda rolled her eyes pulling you suddenly into her lap and kissing you hard, pulling away you were obviously even more confused that when you first started
"I still hate you and that stupid parasite but I don't want you sleeping with anyone else, you can't flirt with anyone else either" her hands wondered your body landing on your ass giving it a squeeze making you jump slightly
"Wanda just admit you don't hate me, what's the problem?"
"Because we can't have hate sex if we like each other can we?" sucking a mark into your neck she smirked when you groaned
"Y/n you need to focus!"
Venom dragged you off of the woman surprising both of you "the hell was that??"
"Venom doesn't want me near you" you said being dragged to the door but it was slammed shut by Wanda's powers "oh baby, your alien will learn to love me, now come on we need to finish that mission so I can take my post mission adrenaline out on you later"
She gave you a cheek kiss on the way out of the room leaving you dumbfounded "great, my first time was with a witch who is possessive over people she hates"
"On my planet she would be treated like a queen because of how mean she is"
You laughed "thanks Venom, that made me feel better"
"I aim to please Y/n"
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walrus150915 · 8 days
cw: discussions of nonsexual grooming
There is one thing that has been spinning on my mind ever since I watched the movie. This conversation isn't that popular in the fandom, probably due to its uncomfortable subject matter, but it needs to be discussed. I'll be the one to start
The Director has groomed Ambrosius and it affected him far into adulthood
(A really long analysis post)
Warning: I'm not a psychologist neither am I really educated in this sphere, and I never was a victim of grooming, so don't take my words as 100% truth. However, I'm a literature student, so I can analyse a few scenes and make a conclusion lol
So, to start off, let's share the definition of grooming, shall we?
"Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them."
Now, of course Ambrosius is an adult in the movie, and we can't exactly know his entire history with the Director. So this analysis will take a few things as truth despite them not being confirmed
- the Director has been by Ambrosius's side throughout most of his life. Considering the fact that she's been around even when Ballister was a child, the same can be assumed about Ambrosius
- we as viewers do not see Ambrosius's parents (because this is quite unnecessary to the narrative, maybe we'll see them in a sequel Quane and Bruno were teasing buttt¯\_(ツ)_/¯), and he's been in the Institute since childhood, so it seems like the Director was the most reliable adult in Ambrosius's life
Despite Ambrosius being a grown man, the effect the Director has on him cannot be denied. His relationship to the Director is like half his character arc, the man being torn between his loyalty to the kingdom and his lover
I will take a few scenes from the movie where Ambrosius and the Director interact and try to analyse them
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Starting off strong, we've got the "acting like common children" scene. I could point out the obvious bias the Director puts in her words (villainizing an oppressed group of people as a rich white woman in power how nice of her) but we ain't coming to her throat for classism today. Pay attention to her praising Ambrosius and singling him out. "Thankfully, we have a descendant of Gloreth to lead us"
Are other knights happy to be around Ambrosius tho? The answer is no
(Text below is taken from the screenplay. The scene is after Nimona's and Bal's escape)
Knights: I knew we never should have trusted Ballister./If Goldenloin hadn't trusted him.../Well, if Goldenloin hadn't helped him...
Todd: This is his fault!
Knights: Yeah!/Tell him, Todd!
Goldenloin realizes all eyes are on him
I think it wouldn't be wrong to assume Ambrosius's colleagues dislike him at best and outcast him at worst. Compared to Todd, who seems to be the more liked one amongst their peers (bro really is a jock bully high school stereotype in his 20s isn't that embarrassing), Ambrosius is isolated. He doesn't have anybody except Ballister and the Director. And as you all know Ballister and Ambrosius are separated for the most of the movie. So it leaves him with the Director as the closest person to interact with. Yeah...
Also in this scene she displays TWO tactics groomers use to manipulate their victims: isolation and favouritism
Another scene I'd like to pay attention to is Ambrosius's ✨iconic✨ freak out
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"What's on your mind, Ambrosius? You can talk to me"
"...I'm fine, Director"
This scene actually left me confused on the first watch because it looks like a perfect moment for the Director to seem at least somewhat sympathetic. It truly seems like she cares about him
Honestly it's pretty hard for me to surely say whether or not she's being sincere or not but her goal is definitely to win over Ambrosius's trust, to make him believe she's a safe person (now that his real safe person is away ajdjdjj). That is also another tactic for groomers to manipulate their victims
And I think it would be fair to mention Director's attitude towards Ballister's and Ambrosius's relationship. It's obvious she knows about them (...not like it's rocket science have you seen these lovebirds) and disapproves. She doesn't outright state it but it's really clear
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"Sir Goldenloin, is your loyalty to this Kingdom or to the knight who consorts with a monster?"
Again, amazing case of manipulation. She doesn't say Institute, nor "me" or whatever. She says kingdom. And she clearly knows that it works on Ambrosius, because he is, after all, Gloreth's descendant. Gloreth was the original protector, and Ambrosius is supposed to be the protector now. By choosing Ballister he betrays the kingdom, his bloodline and Gloreth
Now, I know this scene is not Ambrosius & the Director because it's Nimona in disguise but considering how good Nimona was in playing her part we might as well assume real Ambrosius would act the same.
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Look at these eyes. He's afraid of her. She has the complete power over him. And Ballister is aware of this (if that's how he told Nimona to act)
Off-topic but I watched Nimona with two of my buddies yesterday and during this scene they both went like "Wait, who is she to Ambrosius again? Is she his mother? Because she acts like she one" and they are so damn right???
Now remember the fact that during one of the interviews Eugene Lee Yang said that the Director is Ambrosius's parental figure. Do with this information whatever you wanna do
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I'm still not over her audacity in this scene. Her lip didn't even twitch and she's killing a person whom she praised for his bloodline. Saying "May Gloreth forgive you" while DRIVING A SWORD THROUGH HIM is beyond evil like??? Chill out Nancy Reagan???
I could say that this is the scene that debacles the American model minority myth (with East Asians being put on a pedestal and used to further reinforce white supremacy). A white woman killing an East Asian man while using a Christ-like figure to justify her actions (Gloreth is literally mentioned to be a Christ figure in the art book), and, if we take into account the theory that she wanted to set Ballister up so that it looks like he killed Ambrosius, BLAMING IT ON A BROWN ASIAN MAN was really a choice huh
The Director killed Ambrosius the second he questioned her, the second he wasn't useful to her
And how was he being useful to her? Allow me to introduce you to the scene which made me SUPER uncomfortable once I realized what was going on
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During most of the movie Ambrosius acts rather impulsively, reflexes play a big part in his body language. And what does he do? He protects her with his body
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"We need to get you to safety!"
Ambrosius was trained in a way that he needed to protect the Director with his body and his life.
Even in scenes where Ambrosius and the Director don't interact you can see how much Ambrosius is brainwashed.
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"She manipulated you. She manipulated both of us. But together we'll take her down, you'll be a knight again"
"Thank you. The Director can't-"
"The Director? Oh, no, Bal. I'm talking about your sidekick"
Ambrosius refuses to even think about the effect the Director has on him. He's insisting on Nimona being the manipulator despite him being manipulated
Finally, when Ambrosius realizes something is CLEARLY wrong, he still tries to talk some sense into her
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"But what if we're wrong? What if we've always been wrong?"
Despite him being a constant witness to Director's misdeeds he tries to do everything peacefully. Look at his face. This is a face of a man who doesn't want to harm. He gives the Director a chance to improve herself. I think he would forgive her after everything she's done
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...but being a conservative she'd rather explode than admit she's wrong. So she attempts to kill Ambrosius again
This, again, says that no matter how much mercy you show to hateful people, they'll continue to be horrible to you. Just because they think they have a right to
Analysing Ambrosius's and the Director's relationship I think it'd be more than valid to state that she has, indeed, groomed Ambrosius to exploit and use him for her own (political and other) benefits. Other knights were brainwashed and groomed too, but something about her attitude towards Ambrosius really bugged me the wrong way
She is an excellent manipulator and Ambrosius fell victim to that, which is no surprise
Thank you for reading this! It took so long to make😭 If you want to add on anything in the reblogs please do, because the discussion HAS to happen at some point
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3416 · 1 month
hey emma! do u mind expanding on mitch’s utilisation this post season and how theyre not maximising him at what hes best at so he can contribute elsewhere where the team is lacking like you mentioned in your post? fairly new to hockey so im a bit behind :( thank you!!
i'm not an expert on this but lfksdj i can rant. jonas siegel dropped an article today about mitch's playoff impacts, so i'll drop some screenshots you can read here if you don't have an athletic sub.
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and there is also this video from yesterday that essentially breaks down the way mitch adjusts his game to the playoffs vs the regular season and the way mitch adjusts to play more conservatively (which, despite the 'best playoff performer' narrative, still makes him better than most players on our team. by not a small amount lol)
but mitch has been put on the second line this postseason to essentially shut down the bruins biggest offensive threat in david pastrnak and they've done that extremely effectively. his line has taken a vast majority of their shifts starting in their own dzone, meaning they aren't immediately set up for success bc they have to win the puck back away from david & co and are tasked with making their way back down to their own ozone and trying to make an offensive impact that way .. which has allowed auston's line to already start their shifts set up in their ozone 80% of the time apparently. in that way, i don't think the first line's been very effective bc they're sitting at a net neutral rn despite scoring 'the most' goals for us.. meaning they're getting scored on as much as they're scoring, lol. (auston himself is actually at a +2 but bert and domi are getting caught out and prayed on so they're at 0 +/- wise lol)
leafs have a real problem creating offense in the post season, and instead of being able to load up and let mitch do the elite playmaking he can do by being a little LESS defensively responsible and more quick w his hands and thinking on his feet on the rush, they've been forced to play mitch in a more defensive position bc other forwards can't take that spot on the second line and effectively shut pasta/bruins down. essentially, mitch doesn't get room to do what he's best at (help draw attention and make room for the best shooters on this team and then pass to them) bc he has to worry abt making the smart and safe plays to keep the puck away from the bruins scary offensive threats and it's making him look like he's been neutralized... when REALLY.. he's being used in a position that is not favorable to the best offensive parts of his game but rather relied upon for his ability to be responsible. even if he WERE putting up points with auston, people would say they don't matter since they're not at Clutch moments so lol. this team is just built weirdly and domi and bertuzzi are liabilities defensively so they've been put with our most responsible forward on the top, but so far they're not making a huge difference. it is what it is, and willy coming back will certainly help with some off the rush offense probably, but willy is also a defensive liability but he's being played with holmberg and calle who are both way more solid in that way.... luckily the bruins 3rd line isn't as dangerous as the top 2 so maybe he and the swedes will be able to feast on them 🤞🤞🤞
we will see what game 4 holds tonight... i think this team could be so much better with some actual upgrades on d, but we will have to SEE what treliving does this summer. it is very annoying to watch magical mitch marner with real creative vision have to take on a more under appreciated role as a defensive bedrock of this team, but idk what i expected considering we were LITERALLY playing him as a defenseman this season, lol. i have way more fun watching him play globetrotter and put up points but he is basically an elite jack of all trades. siegel's article talks abt the key to that line's offense being him shooting more, so we'll see if that's something he personally incorporates, but a lot of the critique of him this year in the postseason has been so unfair in comparison to the position he's being put in.
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 23
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*Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 861
AN: So once I finish posting the rest of the chapters, I'm thinking of writing some drabbles within this universe to help flesh things out a bit more? Maybe via request if there's stuff people would want to see? Not sure how all this stuff works on here/protocols or whatever so we'll play it by ear I guess. Also sorry the formatting for the texts is such shit, copying and pasting from the AO3 editor made some things weird lol.
Hyungs please tell me that Tae's just listening to porn super loud
I mean… [y/n]'s not in her room
This is torture
We should be happy for them
Are you?
I want to be…
Aw Hobi it'll be okay
You'll get your chance to talk to her about it
I don't think I should
I don't want to ruin things or make her feel guilty
I wouldn't write it off immediately
Maybe she feels the same way
I wish
But it's ok!
I'll be happy if she's happy
Hyung :(
You were right
I know
You don't even know what I'm talking about
Yeah but I'm always right
I wish I could refute that but I've got nothing
So what's up?
Oral is amazing
Which one was it?
Lol don't you mean who?
Bitch we both know that was a multiple choice question with 7 possibilities
Well I know it's not Jin since he's waiting or something stupid
He's a gentleman!
Yeah whatever
Dude how
Fuck yeah I'm the best
Well that's only half the story
What did you have a 3some with him and Jimin or something
Thanks, I think…
Come over now
I need to hear everything
Yeah yeah fine
Ohhh you should get one of them to rim you
I bet between 7 pokemon at least one of them uses that move
Please don't use pokemon in sex analogies
And nah, not my thing
You can't knock it until you've tried it
One could make the same argument about scat porn
Ok not the same but whatever
Your loss
You think your brother eats ass?
How do I delete a person
That's called murder, babe
I bet he does, since he's perfect
Don't forget I'm right about everything
I'm gonna throw up
Good morning to my lovely wife <3
Good morning to my handsome husband! <3
Not to stress you out or anything
But I wanted to warn you
You know how most of our rooms are on the same floor?
Oh my god
So some of the guys might be a little awkward today
I don't mean to push, but can you talk to Hobi soon?
Ok I will today
Thanks :)
And I'm so sorry
About what?
You sounded good ;)
Oh my GOD
Can't wait to hear more of those pretty sounds in person
You can't just say stuff like that
You weren't so shy in my car the other night
Are you seriously trying to turn me on at 8 in the morning?
Is it working?
… Maybe
Well you know where my room is
I'm happy to help out 😇
Wow so generous of you
I'm still in Tae's room though so I'm all set
See you after I have my breakfast 😘
I'm going to murder you fuckers
Whatever for?
Taetae, do you know what Kookie's talking about?
Not a clue 😗🎶
To be fair
What would you do if you woke up and she was naked in your bed?
I mean it's not my fault I woke up to her grinding on my dick
I'm just a man
Her butt is so cute btw
Why are you telling me this
Ugh she's so pretty
And that thing she does with her tongue omg
I fucking hate you guys
We love you too, Kookie!
Do you know how exhausting it is to angrily jack off not once but twice
Be patient Kookie
All in its own time
What's that supposed to mean?
Read 8:13am
You did not just leave me on read
Delivered 8:20am
Oh god fucking dammit NOT AGAIN
If it makes you feel better it's just Tae
I had to leave my beautiful [y/n] for dance practice 😭
Life is cruel
Words cannot express how little I give a shit about you right now
Give me an hour actually
Bruh you bout to get dicked down?
Get it girl 🍆🍆🍆
Do you guys want to go for a walk?
Meet you outside
Yeah good god I thought Kookie was the rabbit
Hyung, do you know if there's some event happening today?
No one's in the kitchen this morning
no idea
Well I have coupons to that diner by us
Wanna go get breakfast?
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Tags: @singukieee @persphonesorchid @xmochiloverx @taestefully-in-luv @meavie @silscintilla @forpunishers @jnghs @avadakadabra93
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harmonyckrs · 2 months
DAY 5 in Twisted Strangetown: The One in Control
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Today marks the second day of staying with the Curious brothers in order to ease Pascal's worries. Due to this, we've had limited contact with the General, but I will assume that Boss has been able to resume communication with him.
My observations of the Smiths is that they are just normal (bruh). Further observation is needed. There's nothing particularly off putting about them that isn't any more off-putting about everyone else (you spent a whole day observing them with and your conclusion was this? This is why Ajay likes me more LOL). I admit it was nice to see other people with alien descent, though I wasn't a huge fan of the General talking about how all aliens were evil before proceeding to call Chloe and I "the exception." He was quite apologetic when he realized it offended me, however. I suppose he still has a lot to unlearn in regards to his alien biases.
I also overheard Pascal and Lazlo discussing a conversation they over heard Chloe having with Vidcund's kidnapper and her fuming over the riddle that he gave her in order to meet up with him in person. We've come to the conclusion that it might be an art museum, but it'll take some time to figure out which one. Either way, Chloe's recklessness may cause some hardships later (seriously? It ain't that big of a deal). We'll have to claim that the kidnapper was simply just trying to reach out to whichever family member will listen. Hopefully they will buy it.
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C: So how's the subject doing, Aktu?
A: His name is Vidcund, and he's doing fine. I explained everything to him, and I think he's starting to cooperate. How are you feeling?
C: Really tired. And my head still hurts, but I'm sure it'll be gone in some time. What happened to the hat you always wore with that suit?
A: Dropped it by accident.
C: You realize that they could track you with that, right?
A: They couldn't even figure out my riddle! I don't think they're smart enough to use my hat to trace me here.
C: Figuring out who a hat belongs to through collecting DNA from it and solving a riddle require two different skills. They probably have your name already.
A: Well, I...fuck.
C: Just lay low for a while, and don't do anything stupid. If he's calm enough, you can probably just let him go and give him one of the rings we have that'll keep him immune to mind control.
A: Are you sure? We only have so many of those.
C: Yeah. I'm sure he cares about his family, right? We can use him as our mole with the promise of helping the rest of his family.
A: Good point! I'll give that to him as soon as I can.
C: Good. I don't want to use up too much battery on this hologram machine, so I'm going to end our call here. Just remember what I said...
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I don't remember feeling this awful since having to leave Strangetown 20 years ago.
I was just a teenager! What was I thinking, going up against one of the most powerful people in all of Strangetown? And what was [REDACTED] thinking, fighting a fourteen year old for power? For the sake of the Watcher, I'm just a colony drone! I'm not powerful like the Birth Queens or Pollination Technicians!
And that's why I need to keep training. If I won that fight, then everyone would've been safe from [REDACTED]. And maybe I wouldn't feel as though they're always watching, even when we're miles away.
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A: The weather is pretty nice today. Do you want to go outside?
V: Aren't I a hostage?
A: You're a test subject, not a hostage. Plus, you're really far from Strangetown, and Cyd and I have connections in all of Bluewater village from getting rid of the other guy who used to live here.
V: Makes sense. Who was the other guy?
A: Oh, nobody important. Think his name was, like, Malcolm Lemongrab or something. I forgot.
V: Malcolm LANDGRAAB? The heir to the richest family in the world?
A: Oh, shoot! You know him? That explains why the police came by with all those annoying questions. Cyd had to pretend to be Malcolm over the phone and act like he got abducted by aliens in order to get them to go away!
V: ...You're the worst criminal ever.
A: Well, it's my first time. So is that a yes or a no on the outing?
V: Eh, sure. Why not?
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As I'm forced to remain in bed to recharge, I think about [REDACTED] and what they did. A part of me wonders what they have to gain from altering everyone's personalities. Power? Some sense of superiority that they have the ability to control everyone there? Fear of being discriminated against?
No matter. Once Aktu and I are done with this experiment, we'll be able to find a way to release Strangetown from the control of [REDACTED]. Peace will be restored, and Porthos and I can finally rest knowing that we've completed our mission.
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I think I'm ready to meet that subject now! What was his name again...Vincent or something? Ah, I'll figure it out.
Either way, it's a step closer to freeing Strangetown from [REDACTED]'s control.
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dead-air-radio · 2 months
Omg here's me just talking about my day so if you're here for gore and sexual stuff this is not it. This is more like a rant/vent lmao so if you're here for me this is for you lmao
Bro I need you guys to understand how much I love this friend of mine. Like not in a romantic or platonic way like neither. He's genuinely like god I don't know what I'd do without him he's literally family, him and their gf are literally closer to me than my actual family and they are in fact my family. Like okay family lore guys gather round but when I had first met my ex it was by one of my best friends if your an Og you know her as M. And pretty much she had 2 best friends that were her ride or die for like 7years and one was my ex and the other was the dude I'm talking about in the beginning I legit might as well just call him my dad cause we'll he is. He was there for me throughout me and my exes relationship and he'd talk with me a lot and we like bonded instantly into like mentor type ass bond. And when my ex started becoming more and more abusive I thought my dad( my friend) would side with him cause yknow people usually side with the person they know longer and they were best friends. And at first I'd talk about it and he never once made me feel like he thought I was lying or that he didn't care. Ofc in the beginning he chopped my ex being so harsh and stuff to 'oh that's always him he's my brother and he'd do nothing like that on purpose I'll give him a talk and just know it's okay to tell me these things etc etc." At the time he was in a bit of disbelief cause well the way my ex acted towards people was like slowly ramping up.
And then I full on had confessed to my dad how he would do certain things (which I didn't even consider rape or abuse at the time) and immediately he just blocked him he sent a message before he did to my ex being like " hey the way you treat Sawyer who you know I see as my son is not smth I want in my life and if you don't cut the shit I don't want to talk to you nor do I want you going around sawyer" (when I read these messages i cried so hard lol I love my dad sm) also my dad (still talking about my friend guys lol) he's a pyshcology major and he's becoming a therapist and when I was trying to detach myself from my ex it was really hard cause I thought I deserved it and it didn't count as rape etc etc.
Pretty much I didn't want to write this man out to be a rapist especially to his 2 best friends. When I had told them about what he did to me it was as a reason why I was gonna stop talking to all of them cause I didn't want to paint him to be a bad person and that i knew if i kept talking about it to them they wouldn't like him so I was basically just trying to pretend like I was never introduced to them so they could keep liking my ex as their brother. But both have stayed by my side even after me n my ex stopped talking. They hate him which makes me feel guilty but I'm glad they've been here with me. I would not be alive if it wasn't for M and my dad. (This is the ex that made me stop using all socials and cut myself off the face of the earth and decided maybe I should try tumblr cause no one I know uses it and I could vent there so you can thank him for you guys hearing this ig lolz)
Anyways lore aside present time so my ex lived a couple hrs away from me but in the same state and M lives like a couple mins from me but my dad lives in a whole other different state and I've only seen him once in person and it was the week my ex and me stopped talking and the week I almost committed suicide but like after my attempt the next day he was pretty much at my door and it was so amazing I love him so much. And then after that day he had to go drive back home :( and it's been almost a year since I first saw him.
Cut to today and he surprised me last week saying how I'd feel if we went out to eat. And I'm like bro I'd love that but your not here only for him to say he'd be coming to see me and we hung out today for the second time in person and guys I'm literally in love with this man like not romantically like idk hoe to express that this dude is literally my dad I love him like he's my own blood. And he got me sushi and refused to let me pay. He got mad at me anytime I looked at price tags lol.
He's just so great. We only had 5hrs to hangout and he surprised me with a new skateboard so we went skating together too and now the day is over and he's already on his way home :( I miss him so much anyways this post was just me talking about how much I love my dad lol and I'll post pics of my skate board too <3. This genuinely was one of my fav days I loved seeing him and I got a gift from his gf (literally my mom lol) and it's a little wolf stuffy. And they said it reminded them of me. Cause even irl people joke about me being a puppy/dog boy lol. Anyways guys I'm not fatherless lmao. I just miss them and it's gonna make me sad they had to leave lmao
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e2019 · 6 months
happy birthday lyn ^_^
hello again Anon my dear friends, lidtrdkcfs you’re always so nice to me ‘!!
E lol <no idea what j Tyrol this but alppl did
Ignore end line Reak plz no Ickes Abel $&&&&&
— — —
wow omg i did not at all realize just how messed up i was earlier today when i (attempted) wrote hhqq(
the above ^ portion of my reply... how embarrassing ugh
anywaays srry for taking so long to respond to this that it's no longer my bday anymore but whatever genuinely who give a fuck. anyways my day was half happy half not. so i had plans with my brother (twins so same bday) but i got called into work as always. then i got confused about ho0w long my shift was supposed to be. people kept telling me 8hr then 12hr then 16hr then 6hr etc etc...
my brother was already doing stuff for our bday (i told him not to wait for me) so i walked around downtown for a while. talked to more homeless people. this one guy named carlos said i was an angel god sent to him. he gave me this bracelet (Figure 1, left) that has a bunch of crosses and a portrait of some female saint (mary?) on it. i asked him if it was real, he said yeah, i'm not sure about that but i said oh well, you see this cross necklace i got on (Figure 2, right)? i ain't never took it off since i first put it on real silver i shower with it n everything. and i'm doing the same with this bracelet now so it better not turn my arm green. maybe i'll take it to a jeweler to find out for sure.
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he said of course the bracelet is real it's been passed down thru his family and he never thought he'd find anyone worthy of giving it away to but then he met me i guess! then i told him about how i got my necklace the same way from my family! and then he held my hand the one i put the bracelet on and said this long ass prayer i think it was Genesis 49:25 or something like that? (anyone have any idea what it might have been? it ended with something about above & below or something like that). i asked if he was catholic or protestant because i almost thought this was like some catholic rosary prayer thing, but of course he gave the typical "i'm nondenominational" speech. sometime later i said "god damn" and he got real serious and said "dont take the lord's name in vain" and i said "jesus died for our sins so he would want me to do whatever i want until it's time to beg for forgiveness on my death bed" and he said "all will be forgiven in the end..."
then he wanted me to go to 7/11 with him because that was the nearest ATM. he also said "you can get whatever you want in there... anything..." and i repeated "anything...?" and he remained insistent. i'm not sure what exactly was happening here, but the story is that carlos's (family?) don't trust him with his money (SSI) so they give him only like $100/week of it. so since i have a phone and cash app, he put me in contact with this woman isobel. she's the one who transfers him the money always is what it seems like. at first i thought she was another bum, but i think she's a normal person who is a relative of carlos and is just trying to take care of him best she can while he actively chooses to live wrong? but idk. i also asked if this was a money laundering scheme because if so i want to be washing thousands not hundreds etc, but they said no it's nothing like that...
anywho, carlos called isobel from my phone and told her cash app me $100 for him, then we'll go take it from the ATM. isobel of course wanted to talk to me because who the fuck am i? so i took my phone back and said "yo wassup, this is lyn." big mistake. she immediately went OFF on me about "you just met 20min ago i dont know you i dont trust you im not gonna give the money to you." and i was like "yeah i get that well you know what i got $100 cash on me i'ma let him hold on to it regardless of if you cash app me or not." then carlos took the phone back, argued with her for a while trying to convince isobel she "[doesn't] understand, this isn't just anyone this is lyn she's my guardian angel..." to which isobel said "did you hear how she answered the phone? 'yo wassup'? how is that any way to talk to someone you never met before?" (i should mention carlos is hard of. hearing, so he always had me put her on speaker, so this is why i could hear both sides of the convo so well). finally i was like alright enough of this bullshit we're not making any progress like this. made carlos hang up and tell isobel we'd call her back in a min. gave carlos the cash and took a pic of him holding it. sent to isobel. finally she asked for my cash app, sent me the money. never in my life have i met someone so difficult to get along with. fucking bitch.
anyways, then we go to 7/11. idk how to use an ATM for cash app so we try to ask the cashier, but he gets pissed off at us and tells us to leave the store right now. but first i have to go to the back of the store near the ATM again to pick up my jacket and shit that i had set down cuz i was carrying so much stuff from work. and the cashier starts yelling at me that i can't have a backpack in here. like yeah of course i'm gonna leave it unattended outside around here. so i tell him give me a minute i gotta get my shit but he just keeps screaming at me all the way out the door.
there was nothing left for us to do at this point but go stand in a doorway of some closed down building and smoke cigarettes. more & more people showed up every few minutes and without fail they offered me cigarettes (which i accepted) and meth (which i declined). seriously can't believe i said no to drugs for once in my life. i didn't even have any desire to take or use it at all. idk why maybe because i don't see the point of using anything any other way than IV anymore and of course none of these people shoot up either so... then some random guy walked past and asked me how old i am. i said "it's my bday, i just turned 25, what do u got for me? ;)" he nodded at me and went inside a convenience store across the street. halfway thought he was gonna buy me alcohol or something, but he came back out with nothing, so i yelled to him "wait what the fuck? ur really gonna do me like that on my bday?" he looked over his shoulder at me for a second but kept walking away.
then my coworker called me and asked if i could come back to work for a longer shift. so i said goodbye to everyone and they extensively warned me to watch myself i shouldnt be walking around here alone at night but i just said "i wouldnt do stuff like this if i cared what happens to me" and walked away. and then i spent the rest of the night at work. that's about it. so how has y'all's day/week been?
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narbevoguel · 5 months
Hello guys. It's been a while since I made a post like this, but today I wanted to talk about my art. I haven't posted something proper in forever, and to say I haven't spent this entire time at least doodling a thing or two would be a lie, but there's a reason why I haven't been posting much and just keeping my art semi private, or multiple, let me explain (I'll have a TLDR at the end if you don't wanna bother with this, but written awfully):
First, I believe you guys deserve more than some stupid sketches. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy sketching, aesthetic aside, drawing multiple sketches a day is how I pushed myself to experiment new things and just get better overall, plus I draw them fast, so I could pull a bunch of sketches in the time it takes me to color just one, so I could spill one silly idea after the other. I don't know why or exactly when I started to feel like this is just not worth it for you guys, that you deserve more from me than what I put out, that maybe I disappoint you immensely. This isn't even about reach, I don't care about that, this is about me showing something worth to see.
Second, is how I chose to spend my time. Last year was a very busy year for me overall, my job became increasingly demanding at times, lotsa personal issues that stressed me out immensely, which resulted in me using my remaining free time doing other activities, including spending time with people I shouldn't have been so permissive with (except my gang, that's why I made it a New Year's Resolution to annoy you guys more, you know who you are), it became a thing where I was even afraid to say no to them in favor of my art or other me-activities in fear of them taking it the wrong way, which, in a weird way, ended up happening anyway and resulted in long term passive aggressive conflict, and well, all of this negativity and then some, especially combined, made me reluctant to pick my pen up most of the time, which leads me to my next point.
Third, not drawing as often made me lose my momentum considerably. I could draw stuff comfortably without much artblock, if at all, or something I thought looked ugly. It just came out naturally, sometimes without even using references, it was crazy, but I feel I lost that momentum; don't get me wrong, I don't think my art looks worse than before, far from it, I did a comparison a couple of days ago and I noticed that despite all these issues, I have indeed improved a lot, thing is, I still feel it doesn't look good, I can't seem to know where I want to go with it, or what I want it to look like, I have no idea how to describe this feeling of "I hate immensely what I've been doing", maybe I'm beating myself up too hard and this is a result of not sharing anything with you guys, but I want to be comfortable with the characters I always draw before I bring them out again (although for some reason Purah's perfection always makes my doodling easier, she has become my ultimate comfort character it seems, hah).
All that said, I want to change things this time. I'm not sure if I'll post more like I did before, or if I'll post less than I used to, but I want to post things again. Maybe won't start soon, but will definitely do it. I've even been stocking up on traditional materials to pick the pen back up in other ways as well (haven't done this since my college days, so I'm a bit excited), I don't want to make promises I can't keep (you guys know I'm terrible with keeping up with stuff lol), but I will try my hardest to post more finished pictures and less sketches. It might result in me posting less art and/or jokes as before, but we'll see where that leads me. I'm still not sure if I'll continue to keep the sketches to myself or not, but one step at a time, step one is to just stop beating myself up, turns out my negativity knows how to throw hands. If you read ALL to this point, my most sincere thanks, I know it isn't easy to put up with my crap, and if you didn't it's fine, I still love you, in fact, I'll sum it up for you below.
TLDR: I'm a stupid piece of crap that didn't know how to manage my free time which resulted in me developing a very serious case of imposter syndrome and I'm throwing hands back in hopes, no, in expectancy of walking out of it a victor, for my sake, and for you guys as well.
Anyway, thanks for reading, short or long version, and remember, a Purah a day, keeps uh, the heart happy and brain mushy, or something like that.
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I saw you posting about being in a boring class right as I was scrolling through tumblr out of boredom during my lecture lmaooo. And now I'm enduring a 40 minute bus ride in a packed bus, so I decided to come and ramble to you a little (I know, shocker, I never do that).
It's literally nothing big or anything but remember that pretty guy with the long hair from my class that I told you about once? Well just as I was trying to figure out whether I only like the way he looks because of his pretty hair, he cut it lmaoooo. And like his hair is still to his shoulders which is pretty long but it used to be to his waist so it's a considerable change still. But here's the problem - he looks just as good and even more babygirl like that 😔😔😔.
And I haven't talked to him in a while because I'm not so sure what to say since our interests don't exactly align too much and he's also always with his friends (the way he loves anime and gaming and I've only watched death note and played the sims lmaooo).
I'm also the kind of person who can't properly have a crush on someone until they actually know them well, so I'm just in the stage of finding him very attractive and yet not actually having a crush on him. Long story short, I know I should just make an effort to talk to him more but it takes a lot of energy for me to talk to people I don't know well :/
Thank you for listening once again, Rid. I think this time I've thoroughly proven that I can ramble about the smallest thing. How are you doing, love, how are the classes other than this boring one? 💞💞💞
hi lovely. i know i never usually let you wait so long, so i'm sorry 😭
first of all, the irony of us being bored at the same time during class 🤣 and secondly, wait.. it's an amazing sign that he's still just as good looking, right? that means it wasn't just the hair !! though, if you decide to talk to him, i'd definitely dive into your interests at some point, bc ofc, that's how you'll find out how compatible you are.
tbh, take your time. it's fine to be shy about these things, it's rlly fkn hard to gather the courage to talk to someone. think it through, maybe make a mental list as to what you'd say to him if you spoke (and you like to ramble, i'm sure you'd find something!! i talked a guy's ears off just today 😭). but don't rush it. i bet you'll find a way and time to approach him... it'll be fun. remember he's just a human being, too!
death note? AMAZING CHOICE BTW. if you want more recs (not for the guy, but for yourself)... definitely watch the movies 'your name' or 'i want to eat your pancreas'. angsty af but so so so good.
and honestly, ivi, ramble whenever, you know the drill. i'm just happy you feel so safe and comfortable here to do so 😭 i've been pretty damn tired these days, but i'll always read and reread your messages and love them, so keep them coming 🥺
i've been okay, love! tired, as mentioned, and i'm so so worried about not being able to indulge in hobbies or be here much anymore once work starts, too. idk, i love being here, but today i couldn't put down much in my google doc, and i'm just scared of getting to a point where i can't do anything at all anymore lol but we'll see! thank you for stopping by and asking, sweetheart <333
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Episode 14: "It's just us two, plus this extra vote."—Zee
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In this round: Alex destroys the competition in Puzzle Paradise; Jack narrowly beats out Colin on Purgatory and comes back after tribal council; Zee plays another idol but ultimately doesn't need it (on brand); Champ dabs throughout tribal council; the newly formed 28 and Up alliance splits their votes in case Zee has an idol; and they would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids and their Banked Vote
Okay, well the back-up plan still worked! Props to Jack for going down swinging and for making it until that last tribal before ever receiving a vote. And props to Champ for reading the way the votes were headed. So Trin is talking jury management and I'll be honest: Kaleigh and Michael are both playing bigger games than me, when I think on it. Michael has had 2 big moves so far and the girls are at least still talking to Kaleigh, but they've fully stopped talking to me. Steven sent his advantage to Kaleigh, Astyn would probably vote Michael as an original Calypso unless they were still upset that he's the one who went home over them, and I'm not gonna get Kolby's vote cause he think I flipped on Soca (props to Zee for that gotta admit). I burned Eman at least once at this point, with stealing their half of the extra vote, though to be fair, that was only a last resort after Zee stole Michael's. Jack I could maybe get but he reached out to me specifically about the Eman move which we ended up not doing so he could easily be feeling burned by that, but realistically he's probably just more impressed with Michael's/Kaleigh's game over mine. Tony would vote Michael. Steven and Colin are the only ones that really feel up in the air but they're also probably impressed by Michael's moves. I am. Even if the girls don't want to vote Kaleigh they'd probably vote Michael over me. There's still a lot of game to go, though, and I don't want to get ahead of myself. But I don't see how I win unless I'm in the finale with other people and tbh that's not a Final 3 I want to be in!! This is all for fun (and stress) and Michael and Kaleigh are the ones I had the most fun with so obviously if I can't win, I want one of them to! I Sorry I'm bad at wordle and choose your own adventures so I never found an idol, I guess? I can make the case that my game was always more social and that I was always willing to be flexible until someone made it clear they were no longer interested in working with me, but at a certain point, all y'all made it clear you didn't want to! If I keep offering I either look a fool or desperate. Again, this is getting aaaahead of myself and damn I would love to get immunity at least once for both security and a little bragging rights, but we'll see what happens. Even if I am kind of the goat out of the three of us, I can't NOT hope that our 3-person minority could make it to the end together after all this.
LET'S! FUCKING! GOOO! I'll have more to say later, once more strategy gets talked, but FUCK THIS FEELS GOOD. I DOMINATED THAT.
sigh this game is rly something huh??? colin and jack are in purgatory, we are at final six, and colin is presumably coming back today. zee lost her vote last round so i’m guessing colin did that LOL wonderful. who will go home tonight? i do not know. i need to go to the grocery store for pesto and tinned fish. so. we have champ and zee, obviously a tight pair, and then me, alex, michael, and tony. champ and zee are SCRRAAAAAMBLING! i do feel zee has an idol, but that might j be bananas. but i do feel it. she is RELENTLESS. now saying she’s down to flip on champ. my god. maybe we will try to make it seem like it’s gonna be champ in the hopes that zee will feel safe enough to not play her idol (if she has one) and then j vote for zee. i still have my steal a vote and my idol. idk what’s gonna happen tonight. alex won the puzzle challenge and did insanely well, good for u alex!!! like damn!!! everyone has been kinda offline for the past couple days, it feels like we are j all burnt out - we have been playing for 33 days and i’m just zzzzzz tired. we’ll see what’s in store tonight. also i started reading a good book it’s called the indifferent stars above :)
So we lost Jack last tribal after Tony flipped, another hot girl, gone with the wind. This is very much not ideal, however I did expect it. Tony and Michael are Ride or Dies, I’ve been saying this since we hit the merge. Michael and Tony refuse to vote each other, so when Tony suggested Michael last tribal I had a bad feeling, especially with Eman gone, Tony had no reason to align with us anymore. But I banked my vote in the hopes that things would go well, and as a bit of security in case they didn’t. Currently there’s six of us left, Champ and I have been playing from the bottom/in the hot seat ever since the Raffy vote out, and since then our numbers have been quickly dwindling from flips and vote outs. It’s just us two, plus this extra vote. Problem is, I don’t want to use my idol, because if I use my idol and Champ goes home, then I’m idolless, and I was planning to use this to idol myself into final four. Our only hope right now is to pull one or two people from the other side onto our side.
Last night I said to Kaleigh like, what is going to happen once they finally vote the rest of us out? They’ll have to turn on each other. I should probably say more about that today too tbh. Like, she’s the only girl, and if Jack comes back that means they’ll have to turn inward at final four, and if not, they’ll have to turn inward at final five if Colin is the one to come back. Tony and Michael would bring each other without a doubt, so it would be her or Alex battling it out in final four, or Alex would vote with the majority in final five, adding Kaleigh to the Jury. All she replied last night was “oh I’ll have to think about it. I want to see the challenge results.” which roughly translates to “Oh I won’t be voting with you, I just want to see if either of you win the challenge so we know who to pick.” Kaleigh also said last night that she “wasn’t willing to go to rocks” if it was a 3-3 vote, so I suggested she bring in Alex and we vote Tony or Michael, genuinely I don’t even care if it’s Tony at this point. I doubt she will but we’ll see.
The final countdown! I’ve obviously flipped over to the 28+ club and it’s been nice so far. I’m trying to go final 4 with Alex, Kaleigh, and Michael but tbh, would love to make it to final two with Michael but only time shall tell! I’m nervous if Jack returns as he knows I voted for him. I’m also nervous about Colin because I’m not sure if he’ll want to work with me.
Me and Champ really need to bust our asses off and pull some A-level gameplay in order to survive this tribal in the slim hopes that Jack comes back. I’m suggesting that we tell Tony that Alex and Kaleigh suggested either him or Michael for the tribal, and that they’re planning to blindside them, maybe even fabricate some messages that Kaleigh could have written. Tell them that since it’s only us two we genuinely don’t care anymore and just wanted to let them know. Then suggest that they Vote Kaleigh with us. I mean, I’ve been playing/trying to play a pretty honest game so far, but at this point it doesn’t really seem worth it if it means I get voted out. I really don’t want to waste my idol. Not after last time. Also there’s at least one other idol out there that somebody else found, and it could be Alex or Kaleigh since Alex said that stupid chicken phrase. If we can scatter their votes, then we can have the power in numbers with our three votes. And we could finally get Michael out, OR, vote Kaleigh, but I don’t really want to take that risk.
Last ditch efforts to flip me by zee and Champ are kind of wild, but it's survivor. Feel like I'm going home tonight, every night I don't go home from last tribal on is a win to me. They should really cut me. If they were smart they would cut me rn.
Everyone left in the game is so ugly tbh except queen Zee- she’s so iconic duh! Musty Michael thinks he’s running the game LOL! Anyways tonight I’m dressed for my funeral tonight🫶🏻
Tribal Council
Zee: Tony (Bonk)
Zee (Banked Vote): Tony (Bonk Bonk)
Alex: Champ (I’m just part of a split that’ll hopefully result in you still being here. If not, nothing personal I promise <3.)
Kaleigh: Zee (i somehow doubt ur going home but ily :’))
Michael: Champ (Hey no hard feeling we just ended up on different sides, I could see myself playing with you in the future! Who knows it could be me tonight.)
Tony: Zee (your challenge endurance is unmatched and I’ve had a great time playing with you.)
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icharchivist · 1 year
i feel you on being sad about ff7r, i actually loved it at first because i personally really liked a lot of things about how they expanded the midgar section of the game and i wasn't thinking too hard about how some of the plot changes might remove a bit of nuance, or the sephiroth stuff, because i was just having so much fun while i was playing. but then the ending happened and the stuff with zack on top of it and i progressively got more annoyed because i just wanted it to essentially still be the original story??
i won't go on too much about it because i don't wanna leave an essay in your inbox but i just feel like, the original game is from 1997. it certainly has its own flaws and things that might make people not wanna play it, and it deserved to be recreated in beautiful 3d graphics and brought to the attention of a newer generation of gaming fans who may not have given ff7 a second look before. i wanted people who would get into this amazing story for the first time because of the remake to get the original story, more or less, and could've overlooked some flaws with how they expanded/changed it if it was still basically the same plot! i'm still gonna play every part of the remake but the whole stealth sequel thing they're doing is such a bummer to me lol, i've already talked to a lot of my friends and family about it and strongly recommended that they play the original game even if it might be a bit dated.
i'm glad to hear about your experience with it and relieved it was a bit of the same.
oops a bit more under the cut (no spoilers this time though! just salt.)
Honestly i'm a bit on the same ground there because i did really enjoy playing the remake, it's fun, it's dynamic, there's new quests i think are really fun and great, and i was so hyped with seeing everyone else that i was willing to give even Sephiroth a shot. tbh originally i thought it might be just straight up hallucinations that aren't motivated by Sephiroth himself, just playing on Cloud's trauma, and while we lost the subtility, i am a sucker for exploring more of Cloud's trauma and complete collapsing "This Is Fine" mental health.
I was always a bit iffy about the Specters but i did go through the game mostly happy with what i got. But yeah ultimately it's really both the conclusion of the Specters storyline and the Zack scene that left me "huh." for a while.
And honestly my reactions when the game was over was just "okay i'm not. sure what to do with it but i'll guess we'll have to wait and see."
but it's sitting on it for a few years now that really make me go, actually, i really dislike it 😭
Originally i think i wanted to go easy on the game because i was buying onto the "well maybe it's too much to expect them to do a plot that is exactly the same as the OG, they keep talking about how they don't want to redo the game 101 and i guess that's fair", but now in retrospect i'm just "... but it was advertised to be a remake. And Yuffie's DLC can show very well how they can do new things adding to the game without making it a straight up sequel. and why is ff7 having a metacommentary plotline anyway" and that's when i started to get beef about it. Like, it's shitty to punish the fans for them being mad they got sold something under false adverticizing.
The Grief theme from the OG is something i care a lot about so this was one of the first thing i started to think in depth about, and since it also meant trying to make sense of "why do i want /this/ death to happen again" it eventually made me think of the others themes i cared about the remake would not be able to follow through properly and *there* you get how i am today, fully jaded about it.
Truly the "Sephiroth locked himself in the Nibelheim Mansion" character arc. Going in with curiosity and coming out with, actually, the more i read the more i think it's too bad.
As for the second paragraph: 100%!!! Like, i've been here for 15 years and i know for a fact that recommending the OG is always met with "oh but it looks so bad" (it's stylized not bad!!! oh well), or "i can't focus without voice acting" or "but the gameplay sounds boring", which is added to how all the others entries in the series have polished graphisms to start with (even if some are early polished 3D and have clunky animation as a result, it still holds up that the more "modern" player can get into it yaknow)
and idk when you compare it to like RE2 Remake that balances remaking the old game with new graphisms and everything and then changing a couple of things either to upgrade the story or to make it more coherent with later update in the franchise.... It's kinda like the type of things we expected i guess???
And i've seen people decide to get into ff7 for the first time by the remake itself. Some people are waiting to see where the plot is going to go via the remake. And while the remake can work as a sequel if you squint, idk how i think about it being the first contact someone has with the saga. (tho i don't know how much i can criticize on that level since i started with Crisis Core, then watched Advent Children, and then i read the wiki for the OG and only played the OG years later. So i have no lesson to give on the "but you're not experiencing the ff7 saga in the right order :(" front)
I have a friend who's a game dev who also only got into ff7 via the remake, and we discussed it last time we met because he knows i'm a huge fan and he wanted my opinion as a Veteran™. Turns out, while he liked a few things from the game, there was a lot out of it that he didn't like and couldn't figure out why (except a few things he called "idk what's going on but it sounds like Nomura's fuckery", you can feel the KH veteran out of him). And the more we discussed it the more he realized that a lot of the things he really didn't vibe with were truly Remake Only Decisions. Like he didn't understand on what level Sephiroth is meant to be a legendary Antagonist while all he does is just being a generic villain who shows up early just to go "heheh i'll do evil", or complained about super long and eventless dungeons that were really just, remake only stuff. and he hated the Specters bc he kept seeing it as breaking from the immersion of the story itself and their appearance seemed to be completely separated from the main story, as if it was another story running in parallelism to the one we're going through.
On the other hand when i started to tell him how it was in the OG for instance and especially the difference in Sephiroth's writing he was nodding along like "*that* i get why it was impactful". (and he's not the type to lie about his feelings on something just to go with the opinion someone is holding, convos got heated before lmao)
So yeah like. idk. I just kinda wish they were forward about it not being a remake. and not derailling the plot of the game itself in order to make a metatextual critism on how fans demands those type of remakes and refuses to accept deviations from it.
So i'm all with you on that too 😭 i'm just so sad bc i remember in 2015 when they announced the remake being so hyped and finally feeling like the OG would be more accessible to people whom i knew at the time didn't want to bother with such an old gem game. But now i feel like it's kinda made even more inaccessible since i feel like some people would stop at the remake itself bc it's already a game that is way way bigger than the OG ever was, and it's already time consuming to start with just to have the same story told in another medium.
When Ever Crisis was announced it was supposed to be a mobile game which would actually go through the whole plot of the saga, without changing anything, but with characters's chibi, and i remember the devs using EC as a shield there like "well if you want to play the OG in good quality tune in for EC". And i didn't keep up with EC's newest news but at the time it was announced it was going to release one chapter at a time for the duration of the server, which. is such a downgrade in every front and also means you won't be able to keep the game on the long term doesn't it? and after the fiasco that was First Soldier this is even more of a dubious take.
All in all it's just, genuinely such a cynical remake and commercial approach it just makes me so sad.
so yeah i'm 100% with you on this one :(
and same i'll play the games, esp since there are still good things into them, the gameplay is enjoyable, the explorations are so fun, it's nice to see the world of the OG being given this approach! For all the stuff i would complain about there's a lot i actively like about the remake, for instance i'm so so glad we get more Aerith & Tifa scenes where they show how close friends they become (bc god the eternal shipwar pinning the girls against one another in a petty catfight was the most annoying part of the pre-remake fandom, despite the OG only ever treating them as good friends, not rivals, so the fact the remake hammers in even more "tHEY'RE!!! FRIENDS!!! STOP IT!!!" is everything to me.).
And there's stuff i think are genuinely good like, actually exploring Sector 7 and making us care about the people in it much more than the OG could prepare us for it! muah very good no note.
It just genuinely sucks that the biggest problem with ff7r is the actual core of the plotline they're going with to drive the whole story onward. Everything else goes from fine to amazing. And then this thing doesn't work for me. but since it's the most important thing of the game, it undoes everything that made me hyped to start with.
so yeah :( fully 100% with you on this one. Guess we have to push our "play the 1997 game" agenda even harder now. rip :sob:
Thank you once again for sharing <333
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risecupcake · 2 years
Hi, Hello, This is Me
Wow, okay, this feels strange but hi, hello.
To start, I'm someone who is always browsing on Tumblr and I find that the posts that make me the happiest are the ones where I just read about people's days. I love hearing that you studied Japanese for an hour and then took a nap for the rest of the day. I love hearing that you spent the day with your family or you spent it just watching Netflix or reading a book. I love reading those kinds of posts, and for whatever reason they just fill me up inside.
So, I got to thinking and I wondered maybe I should do the same too? If I can see the beauty in the mundane for others, then maybe by posting, I'll start to see the beauty of my own life as well? I don't know if that logic will work, but hey, that's why we're experimenting right lol.
I've had this idea to start posting for a while now, but I kept thinking that I'll do it when I'm in the best mood or at least a better mood. That way, I can have this fully fleshed out and a thoughtful first post. But honestly, if I keep waiting for my perfect mood and the perfect time to upload, I'll never do it or it would at least take me a very long time to do it. Plus, it defeats the whole point. I love reading people's posts even if they didn't have a great day, and I want to post what is most natural and true to me, without having to be in the 'perfect' state to do so.
So, what kind of Tumblr blog will this be, you may ask. Well, I have no idea. It's not going to be about studying because I can't stick to a studying routine, but maybe it will just be a daily life recap? (Daily also sounds a bit much because I am absolutely horrible at being consistent for myself, but... we'll see.)
But yea basically it will be me talking about my day, maybe my life, anything really.
That's part of why I like Tumblr, because it kind of feels like shouting into the void. (Also, I've never been the type to disclose personal life stuff over the internet but I know other people do and now I feel strangely excited as if I'm using the internet for the first time lol)
Anyways enough chit chat, here's a recap of today.
I had a huge essay that was my midterm due today at midnight and I spent the entire day in between classes and even in the middle of classes trying to work on it. (procrastination at its finest) I just barely submitted it in time and yea it barely makes sense, but hey I did it.
I also tried an F45 class for the first time at the gym. And it was great. I've been really needing some physical activity in my life, and that exercise class completely whooped my butt, but I felt proud of myself for doing it in the end.
Also made some coconut shrimp and pasta and rice for dinnerrrr and it was yummmmm!! (mostly instant stuff bc I don't cook)
So yea, it was a busy day but pretty good overall. Hope you guys have a good day too 💛
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
currently replying to you as i die on my bestie's sofa because of too many spaghetti all'amatriciana in my stomach — can't help overdoing every time i cook my favourite pasta sigh ;; but also ahh, how had i missed talking to you
in light of that, today's word you're getting is an extremely italian specific — it's abbiocco, sometimes also known as "abbiocco post-prandiale", it's the world you use when you feel very sleepy after eating a lot. pretty fitting for a country of food lovers eheh
but also! hydro bedo, cryo bedo, pyro bedo, heck, dendro bedo! albedo is good in every shape or form he might come in. seriously, tho, the cryo albedo doppelganger in the 2.3 event?? a m a z i n g i loved it, if characters ever were to unlock new elements for whatever reasons i wouldn't mind seeing elsa!bedo again
CYNO! oh Lord, cyno. as you (don't) know, i also am a huge egyptian mythology nerd. a greek mythology nerd too. just a mythology nerd in general :3 — also the friend whose house i'm crashing is unironically nicknamed after an egyptian god! not spoiling who tho lol
i actually really love all the sumeru men ;;;;; would love to have them all but as you said, scara is coming, and i sure as HELL am not compromising on getting him. would also love to get at least a con of him just because so ;;;;;; might have to skip someone sigh sigh
also ye i know everything about xingqiu and ayato — heck, i have both of them built and i love them but again i'd love to have someone whose hydro application is not burst related sigh ;;
with this i'll sign off, it's musical night tonight! we're making a musical marathon since like, happy hour (made so many snacks for it we'll reach the end of the night stuffed full sigh. oh well, the cheese nachos were great, highly recommended for something that takes like, 30 seconds of effort to make)
good night my sweet bunny, ti voglio bene!
- 🍓
pasta is always good, my friend - no matter what form it takes
now something similar to that word should definitely be added to the english language, that’s so perfect, abbiocco. I’ll definitely be using this one as much as I can.
Dendro Albedo? Now that’s a concept. He actually really suits it because of his interest in life. His skill is literally a flower;;; but it’s sort of fitting it’s not a real flower, with him being artificial n all. A beautiful creation, perhaps even more magnificent than a real flower, but it could never hope to be real. Hm. Maybe Geo really is the perfect element for him.
That’s amazing !! I’ve recently from a friend of mine, if you were kinda nerdy, you would usually have a mythology or history fixation phase while you were growing up - I was sort of both but Egypt always has a special place in my heart. When I first saw him - oh my god I was so happy. I was like YES SOMETHING INSPIRED BY ANUBIS LETS GO !! And Cyno as well from all the leaks I’ve seen about specifically his personality is shaping up to be one of my favourites in the game. (Don’t even get me started on that kit leak, I would’ve preferred to see it in game but still I’m very excited to play him he looks so fun)
I’m so worried I won’t be able to get Scara if Cyno decides to be stubborn and take up all my pulls to get him. Apparently he really isn’t that far away and I’m a f2p so I am;;; in pain. But even if I don’t get him, these characters will all likely get a rerun because of how short the banners will be. Esp Cyno and Nilou - they’re definitely getting a rerun soon. I’m sad about Tighnari though, I don’t think they should’ve announced he’d be on the standard so quickly. And he’s such a good character too. Sigh. I’ll just have to pray that he’ll ruin my pity at some point or come home in a ten pull with the five star.
It sounds like you had a really good night. I’m happy for you - hopefully one day I can experience something similar. Try not to get down about that - I’m happy reading about your friends so don’t stop talking about them. Still can’t help but feel a little envious though <3 just sounds like it’s very nice
I’m so sorry for the wait I’m just horrible with replying. Even my messages from friends are a few days old at this point. I’ll see you soon hopefully
Ti voglio bene, dearest, hopefully you’ll reply again soon <3
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natswritingz · 3 years
Sexting next door / Sam x Reader
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Note : This is my first fic in I don’t know how long, I tried my hardest so I really hope at least someone can enjoy this lol, also might be typos!
Words : 2.4k
Warnings : Sexting, exchanging pictures, dirty dirty talking, talk of oral/penetration/dry humping, swearing, lots of stuff.
The last week had been occupied with a hunt which ended with the three of you searching the woods for an old cemetery, laying all the buried souls to rest. Working with the Winchesters made the gigs easier. You found some joy in their presence, especially around Sammy.
You guys obviously had crushed on eachother, Sammy made the most moves while you took them as innocent jokes. You just didn't want to complicate anything for anyone.
You all had just got back to the motel, while the brothers shared a room like always, you got your own right next door. Your phone sat next to you as you pried off your dirt caked boots, hidden graveyards were something else. The device chimed with Sams assigned ringtone, you grabbed it in eagerness.
"You get settled in?"
You smiled at the text, he knew how to make you feel special even if it's a simple check in. You struggled with a response that sounded natural, typing then deleting, you finally wrote one and went with it.
"Yeah, just got the boots off lol"
"Are you getting anything good on the tv?"
"Nope, nothing"
That was a lie, you haven't even looked at the tv yet, but he didn't know that. You began unbuttoning your grimy top, feeling the cool air nip at your skin while the material still hung on your shoulders. You bit your lip as you typed another text to follow your previous one.
"Finally getting out of these clothes too"
You locked your phone quickly with embarrassment, you couldn't believe what you just sent. He was your friend, but the entire day he had been constantly flirting which made the temptation even harder to resist. The phone chimed after what felt like ages.
"Me too, I was able to get the shower first"
You read the text through squinted eyes, terrified to read his response with fully opened eyes. Your mind trailed to the image of him without anything on, the warm water running down his toned body, it made your heart race.
"Just about to get in"
You nervously pulled at your lip while intently watching the screen.
"Maybe I should hop in too, hot water sounds amazing right now"
"Do it, I'll keep you company ;)"
The wink confirmed it. He was leaving an opening for you to accept or decline before pursuing anything more.
"I'm taking off my clothes right now, what are you doing?"
"Turning the shower on, already undressed"
"I wish I could see that"
He opened it and hasn't responded in a while, you completely fucked it up. You cursed at yourself before seeing the tiny text bubble come up and disappear a few times until one finally came in.
"I wish I could see you take off those jeans, I could not stop staring at your ass today. All I wanted to do was pounce on you, you've been all I could think of."
You gulped at his message, this was would be your first time sexting, you were already loving it. You felt yourself getting excited at his message, reading it over and over. You pulled your shirt off the rest of the way.
"You were looking? That's very unprofessional of you, Sammy. If only I knew, I would've been 'accidentally' grinding against you all day."
Both of your tones suddenly changed, it wasn't the laid back no-period texts you normally exchanged, it was dirty and intriguing. You couldn't wait for him to respond.
"If you had done that, I don't think I would've been able to control myself."
"What would you have done? I would've loved to feel you press against my ass, I'm clenching my thighs just thinking about it."
"I would've pulled you into the nearest room and commanded you to grind against me until you came in your pretty panties."
You groaned at the thought, Sammy made dry humping sound hot, he could probably make any sexual act sound compelling.
"How do you know what panties I wear?"
You found yourself completely wrapped in texting back and forth you forgot about your plans to shower. Deciding to get comfortable, you leaned back onto the comforter. You were invested in where this was going, a shower could wait, unlike this.
"I've done your laundry and seen you in your undergarments before. I think I pretty much know everything about you, Y/N."
"I'm imaging my lace covered pussy grinding against your bulge covered by your boxers. It would feel so good to have you rub against me. I'd be soaking through my panties you could definitely see it dampening both our cloths."
You wanted to get dirtier so you tested the water, you wrote the first thing you thought of. It may have been a little too forward but your lust clouded all rational thinking.
"Jesus. My imagination might not be doing this scenario justice, I think we'd have to try it out next time we see eachother."
The elation in you grew with each suggestion.
"And when will that be?"
"If you keep it up, soon. Have you stripped yet?"
Sam was a great dom, he wanted everything to be in his control and you couldn't help but like it. You could trust him with control.
"I've been so busy with our little daydreams, I forgot I was even going to shower. Laying in bed still partially clothed."
"Take your pants off now, then give your ass a nice spank for me. Make it sting."
You followed his orders, placing the phone to your side as you lifted your hips to remove the jeans. You held the phone again as you flipped, now laying on your stomach, you used your free hand to rub on your cheek before giving it a sharp smack.
"Both are done, I'm thinking this might leave a mark?"
You raised your phone in a rush of confidence, snapping a photo of your ass and the handprint that reddened with time, attaching it to your message, and sending it without any hesitation. The mark was not as big as Sam could do and you dearly wished it was his hand instead.
"Fucking hell Y/N, I was not expecting that. You're making me want to come over right now to fuck you senseless."
"What do I do next? Still have my panties and bra on."
"Take your bra off baby girl, play with your nipples till they're both hard. Pinch them, flick them, be rough with it."
It was easy for you to follow his words, you found yourself loving his demands and dominance, you could keep following them for hours. You held yourself up with an elbow, you pinched the tip hard between your fingertips, rolling them slightly for more stimulation. You moaned with each uncoordinated flick.
"They're feeling so sensitive now."
You attached another picture, your tits in frame with your now erect and red nipples. After his reaction with the last one, you wanted to get more from him.
"So so perfect. Picture I'm there, sucking and biting on them. My warm breath fanning your soft skin. I want to make you feel good."
"You're making me feel good right now, I can't believe we're actually doing this."
"We can stop whenever you get uncomfortable, I want you to be good with all of this."
His message made you smile through the lust, he really did care about you. It wasn't the most ideal timing, but you could easily get worked back up again with his skills.
"Sorry, never wanna stop this <3"
You shook your head with a small laugh as you flirted.
"Good, me neither. You still have your panties on like a good girl?"
"Haven't taken them off yet, you haven't told me to."
"Sounds like someone's enjoying being bossed around, huh? What if I told you to suck me off, would you do it?"
"I'd let you throat fuck me. I want to gasp for my breath when you finally pull from my mouth."
"Your lips look perfect for my cock, I want to see them wrapped around me as I thrust into your mouth."
"I want you to be as rough as you can, Sammy."
You flipped over to your back once again, your hand dipping into your undies, rubbing soft circles over your clit as you awaited another message. You wanted to invite him over that instant but you had to resist the urge, sexting was fun and a good first step for the two of you.
"I've finally entered the shower, I'm stroking myself to the pictures you sent me. Kinda hard keeping the phone dry."
You laughed a little to yourself at the end of his message.
"Your turn?"
Not that your heart hadn't been pounding the entire time, your recent text made it even faster. You bit your lip in anticipation, you couldn't lie to yourself, you've always wondered what he was packing. And just like that, you revived a picture. Your jaw clenched at his size and width, you weren't entirely sure you'd be able to fit him if you ever got to doing this stuff in person. It was hot and impressive.
"How am I going to fit all of you? I don't think any amount of wetness would prepare me for you."
"We'll make it fit princess, I wanna see your warm pussy stretch around me. Fuuuck, I want you so bad Y/N."
"I want you bad too, maybe our next session can be face to face. I can't imagine how you'll make me feel when I have your hands on me instead of my own."
"You touching yourself right now? I don't remember telling you to stop playing with your tits."
"I couldn't take it anymore, I was aching for some relief."
That was true, your pussy throbbed for attention to the point it hurt to not touch yourself. No one else had this affect over you, making you soak through your lace like nothing.
"Fine, you can touch yourself as long as you don't cum until I allow you, and take it easy, I want you to enjoy this."
"Yes, Sammy."
You slowed down, rubbing slow circles on your aroused clit. Everything was heightened and sensitive, what was he doing to you?
"I'm touching myself, paced instead of rushed. I wish this was your hand. Not gonna lie, I constantly think of how good your large hands would feel on my body."
His response was immediate after he quickly read your message, considering what he told you just a little ago, you knew he was getting off to your little conversation.
"On my ass, in my pussy, around my throat. Even you holding my hands above my head or behind my back sounds like a pleasure. I want you to touch and explore every part of me."
The typing bubble appeared just as it did when he responded to every other text, this time you cut off his response with another one of your own, you wanted to get him really worked up.
"For future reference, I'd probably cum instantly with your tongue on my clit and your fingers in me as deep as they'd go."
You weren't a newbie when it came to sex, you knew what you wanted in the bedroom. Being a hunter and constantly hopping town to town, you had your occasional one night stand to release the stress that came with your job.
"Oh really? You want me buried in you while tasting you all at once? I can do that for you princess, I've been wanting to taste you. I'd eat you out till you came on my tongue then I'd make you kiss me, deep."
"You already know I'd return the favor."
You referred back to your message you sent not long ago about going down on him.
"We haven't even talked about getting to the main act and you've got me almost cumming. I had to slow my pace in order to not finish."
You smirked at his reply, biting your lip with a small groan as you still touched yourself. You were hoping you had the same effect on him that he had on you.
"Let's get onto the main act then. How'd you want to fuck me?"
"I can think of a few ways... But I most definitely want to see myself slide in and out of you. I want to enjoy every bit."
"Maybe my hands holding onto the back of my thighs while laying on my back? Everything would be on display."
"I could put your legs up on my shoulders and get really deep in you. Wouldn't that feel good?"
"I'd be seeing stars. And I would not be able to walk afterwards. Feeling you brush against my cervix repeatedly with your big cock, you're gonna fill me so good."
"Y/N you're gonna make me cum. Speed up."
With his permission, you started to rub faster. You moaned loudly, forgetting about anyone else in the seedy motel.
"Fuck, keep moaning."
You blushed in embarrassment, he could hear you from their rooms bathroom which definitely meant Dean could hear you, the strangers on the opposite side didn't concern you. You allowed yourself to moan with each lap, not holding back the cries. You went on for a minute before diverting your attention back to the phone.
"Imagine how much louder I'd be with you inside me."
"I've been thinking about all the noises you'd be making the entire time. You sound so hot. Are you close?"
"Yeah Sammy, I'm almost there."
Your breathing pattern became rapid and harsh, small wines escaping your lips as you played yourself to perfection.
"Beg for permission to cum."
You groaned at his response.
"Please let me cum, please Sam, I'm not sure I can hold it."
It was hard enough holding back your release but even harder to beg with one hand.
"You can cum baby, just cause you've been so good."
Your body released the tension, the relief rolling in as you came in your panties, finally. It hit you hard, your hips shaking as you moaned louder than earlier. You couldn't deny it, you never orgasmed like that when you were doing it solo.
"I couldn't help but finish to your moans"
His response was like his usual ones, not so formal and more playful. You could get used to seeing both sides regularly.
"We should do this more often, or try it in person, either one"
"I am 100% on board with that"
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chosonore · 3 years
summary: choso always takes good care of you, whether you're sick or not. even when you're sick and slightly delirious, your opinion could never be swayed - you loved choso with all your heart.
a/n: honestly, this is purely self-indulgent because i'm sick and i want a choso to take care of me until i know what's wrong and get better 🥺 it's inspired by the naoya fic i've written a while ago but uh this just really reads like a love letter to choso lol. i love him so much i'm not even kidding, no one could ever compare to him
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if you were to describe the relationship between choso and you, it would be comfortable silence. choso didn't speak a lot, rarely starting a conversation on his own unless he was overcome by sudden curiosity. truthfully, you didn't mind as you were a quiet person yourself. and somehow, the communication was effortless, a silent and mutual understanding of your needs. he made you feel comfortable and safe, cared for as he always seemed to sense what you needed. falling in love with choso was easy and so natural, as if you'd been lovers in your previous lives. you'd been a couple for a long time now, but it wasn't until recently that you moved in with him. almost instantaneously, a routine was established - while you were busy with your studies, choso spent most of his time at the tattoo studio he recently opened with his friends. you didn't mind because still, he always made time for you. with no shadow of a doubt, he would always prioritize you before anything. so, every bit of time that you could get was spent together.
as any other day, you woke up alone in your bed, the scent of freshly brewed tea wafting through the air. choso sometimes left early in the morning to work on administrative tasks or tidying the studio but never failed to prepare you a little breakfast beforehand. as you sat up, a wave of nausea overcame you, quickly forcing you to lie down again. it was only then that you noticed you felt strangely cold and your nose was stuffed, shuddering uncomfortably in your clothes. it was rare that you got sick, so everytime it did happen, it drained you rapidly. blindly reaching for your phone, you texted choso, blinking at the bright screen.
me: i think i got sick :( can you pick up some medicine on your way home?
almost instantly, your screen lit up.
choso 💉: ?
"hello?" you croaked as you accepted choso's call and sniffled quietly.
"are you okay? do you want me to come home early?" choso might have sounded indifferent but you knew better. he would never show his concern to you, always wanting to keep his strong and protective persona. he was just that kind of person, he lived to be a good example to others.
"no it's okay, choso. i think it might be a really bad cold, that's all. i'll be fine if i get enough rest."
a hum. choso didn't sound convinced.
"then get some rest, yeah? make sure to have some tea. i'll wrap things up here and come home in a bit. call me if you need anything."
you hummed in agreement, making a weak kissy noise as you said goodbye to him and chucked your phone on the night table. no matter how much you wanted to convince him to continue his work, he would come home regardless. it didn't sit well with him to not care for you while you were sick. a small smile found its way onto your lips, how lucky you were to have found a lover like him. as you drifted off to sleep, choso was quickly finishing his paperwork, earning some amused glances from his friends. it was evident that this had to do with his girlfriend - choso would never let anyone tell him what to do nor do them any favours if it wasn't someone he deeply cared for.
"you're really speedrunning through everything to get back home to y/n, huh? you only got here," geto teased him, looking up from the sketches he was preparing for display.
"she got sick this morning. wanna be there for her in case it gets worse. i don't have any appointments for today anyways so you'll be fine," choso curtly explained, not picking up on geto's teasing undertone. even though they liked to joke about how whipped he was for you, they never questioned him - you were his love, his light. if anything, they envied him for the relationship, a relationship that flowed so effortlessly and easily like a spring working its way through bottlenecks and rocky river beds, silent and yet strong. geto pat choso's shoulder and shot him a knowing look, reassuring him that they could run the studio just fine.
even if you didn't sound like your afflictions were severe, choso still felt uneasy. he wanted to make sure you were okay, wanted to care for you. maybe it was moreso his fear of losing people he loved, but he couldn't deny his caring nature. on his way home, he'd picked up some ingredients to make soup as well as some medicine. music was sounding through the apartment as he entered and placed the bags on the counter, keeping an eye out for you. were you still in bed? he padded towards your shared bedroom, quietly nudging the door open as he squeezed his way in. you were laying on the bed, giggling at a book you were reading, not having noticed him yet.
the bed dipped next to you, making you drop the book you were holding. choso's twin tails came into your vision until you could see the entirety of him hovering above you, scrutinizing your figure in thought. "hi baby," he greeted you with a gentle smile, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "how are you feeling?"
"kinda achy and cold," you described with a pout, leaning into choso's touch as he brushed your hair with his fingers. "did you bring me some medicine?"
choso nodded, explaining that he'd be making you some soup as it was better not to take the medicine on an empty stomach. he wrapped you in the blanket before disappearing in the kitchen. you listened to the sounds in the kitchen, feeling more at ease now that he was home. you must have fallen asleep as the soup was done, its savoury scent rousing you from your slumber. as the primary cook in this household, choso's cooking skills were excellent and never failed to amaze you. sometimes you couldn't believe he was real. choso kept an eye on you as you munched away, handing you the medicine once you were done. he joined you on the bed, wrapping his arms around you as he pulled you towards him. you were placed on his lap like a baby, making you giggle as you leaned against his chest.
"will you play with my hair?" you requested with a small yawn. choso obliged, weaving his fingers through your hair as he worked through the knots and massaged your scalp. you hummed in relaxation, struggling to keep your eyes open. instead, you focused on the tattoos on his arm that was placed around your waist, tracing the patterns with your fingers. when you first met, the skin on his arm was sparsely filled, he'd only started on completing his sleeve tattoos. it was a slow and gradual process. you were always the first person he'd proudly showed a new addition to, and in a way, the tattoos marked the journey of your relationship. you were thankful for him, thankful to have found someone who silently understood you.
he was too hesitant to ask you just yet as you'd told him years prior that you weren't sure about getting tattoos but you knew he wanted to be the one to give you your first tattoo. maybe you were delirious from your sickness, maybe it was then in that moment that you realized you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, maybe it was your overwhelming love- "choso? i think it's time i get a tattoo soon."
choso's hand came to a halt and he made an incredulous noise. "y/n, i don't think- it might be better if we discuss this when you feel better again."
"no, i'm serious. it's just... i trust you so much. you always take good care of me and you're just always there. i'm uh- i honestly can't imagine my life without you, i just love you so much," you confessed with embarrassment, hiding your face in your hands as you finished talking. choso chuckled as he pried your hands away, pecking your lips in adoration. he looked gleeful, as if hearing your admission of love for the first time - the feeling was mutual, you just couldn't believe he was yours.
"we'll talk about this again when you've fully recovered. but i'm happy that you trust me with this."
"i'll be fine soon, i just need a lot of vitamin c," you giggled hysterically. "vitamin choso."
choso groaned but couldn't stop the laughter tumbling from his lips either, opting to tickle your sides and blowing raspberries into your shoulder. you squealed, trying to push him off you before being pulled back into his arms again. choso buried his head in the crook of your neck, placing a kiss on it. he didn't show you his face, not wanting you to see his teary eyes.
"i love you a lot, you know?"
"i love you more."
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