#maybe it would be faster now that i have a better pc
undead-merman · 2 years
This was a Patreon request from Usotsu: “I remembered you once wrote about Bullboy Kylar and a vet pc, may I request a continuation to that, if that's ok? Maybe with the pc having to keep him without much of a choice since Kylar isn't being productive anymore and he also has become violent towards everyone in his farm but it's just a little calmer with pc's presence? Bonus points if pc brings Kylar to Alex's farm and everything gets even worse, lmao. I don't mind if it's goes more towards SFW or NSFW. Thanks in advance.”
The original post
Bullboy Kaylar Moving to Alex’s farm with Vet GN-Reader SFW & NSFW
Taking him off Remy’s hands
It was during your last visit did you hear Remy tell you that they were looking to re-home Kylar. It was too much work and he wasn’t providing enough to stay on the farm. He was running a business, not a charity. Not to mention the little shit had caused a handful of injuries that had some farmhands in the hospital for goring.
You felt bad for the little guy. Constantly nursing some kind of injury, and the farmers were never gentle with him. Harsh and somewhat cruel, you couldn’t just let him leave. You talked with Alex, and they agreed. They were looking for another bull and even if he didn’t give milk he would be cared for at this farm and give the little guy the life he deserves. 
There was a heavy tension between Remy and Alex and you knew that just moving Kylar wasn’t as simple as asking. You had to strike a deal. You had to do some things you weren’t proud of and you would have had to do worse if you weren’t their vet. 
But that day game where Alex grabbed a trailer for him and when he ran into your arms and took him outside of the fence Kylar’s eyes when wide with wonder. His face just right now was worth the trouble you went through. 
You had to sit with him in the trailer he kicked and panicked otherwise. He held onto you so hard, not understanding you were taking him to have a much better life. He was trembling against you, and you certainly noticed his cock poking against you even with how high stress this was. Kylar would be Kylar even when stressed. Your touch did help calm him down a bit. 
You and Alex lead him to the pen for him, lined with extra soft bedding. Kylar was blown away by it and fell asleep almost instantly. Both you and Alex couldn’t help but smile at his sleeping face. It was heartwarming and Alex ruffled your hair and made a nice dinner for the both of you that night. A little bit of both of your favorites.       
Adjusting To The Move
Kylar was shy and meek at first. Only really perking up when you were around and with you appearing every day his mood improved faster than you were expecting. His blood pressure was at an all-time low and he was gaining weight.
He did have that habit of humping you when you did medical checkups on him and they looked painful sometimes. All flushed and painfully hard with precum almost gushing from his slit.
The stones in his hooves gradually got less and he was careful with the bandages. He has gotten a little glow to him, looking so much healthier in this new environment. 
When you finally introduced him to the fields he still seemed rather happy despite it being a smaller plot of land. Though he didn’t seem to get along with any of the others. A little bit of a loner, though you hoped that would change.
After a month or so he finally seemed ready to produce and as both you and Alex stood there attaching the milkers Kylar didn’t take his eyes off you. Mooing and trying to fuck the machine. Even with his smaller testicles and prior neglect, he spewed so much. Even Alex was impressed that this little guy could make so much. He compared to your finest and biggest girl.        
The Quirks Of The Bull
He grew slightly more comfortable around the farm and while he was still a loner, he did always come up to the fence line and wait for you to come out before work. He leaned into the pets you offered and always waited for you to come home. Alex made a joke that he made a little ditch from pacing around the fence waiting for you. 
Kylar did have attachment issues. He was overly possessive of you and would headbutt the other cattle when you did checkups on them or push them over when they were coming to get pet. Though you noticed Kylar always acted pathetic when you or Alex went to scold him. 
Speaking of Alex, he never seemed to like them. Tolerating them was more the word for it. His face would drop when Alex came in and would huff when you and Alex chatted. If you weren’t separated by a face or gate by the time Alex left he’d knock you over and grab your hips to grind his bare cock into your ass. The precum drenches your pants and his cum coats you, even reaching the back of your neck. 
If you did ever end up bottomless around him he’s on your like glue. Mouth right on your genitals and feverishly shoving his face as close to you as he can as he devours you desperately. Drinking every little drop of fluid you secrete. Or if he hadn’t seen you all day his cock was pressing right at your rim, Pushing in without prep. It would always hurt like hell and it was like he was trying to make up for it with gentle licks of his long tongue, though it never helped as he brutally ruined your hole and stuffed you so full of cum your stomach bloated and it gushed when he popped himself out. 
Should you have ever let him do it willingly, he was gentle. Hands shaking as he held your hips as his cock slipped into you. Both of you are grateful for the lube you used beforehand. His fingers fumbling on your tummy and trying to find his cock inside you and every time he found it he pressed down and mooed so happily. 
He was one to pass out right after cumming so if he ended up catching you bare you were able to squeeze by him without a fuss. 
Alex did seem to like him even if he was a troublemaker. He made some profitable milk. Alex often talked about finding him a nice breeding partner. If only Alex knew.
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pawseds · 6 months
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I convinced our Delta Green game master to have a play-by-post (basically text roleplay) section in our game's server and uhhhhh maybe I've been having too much fun with it. Writing is faster than drawing comics, what can I say?
(Long ramble about writing stories below hehe oops)
While we're here! A bit about writing: I like writing! I've written for loger than I've drawn for (because school). I think I'm better at writing than drawing for that reason (I'm more confident at least). I've written short stories. I've written short stories about TTRPG things. I've also written a ~100k word novel by hand for 2 years. While writing it, I had 'writing class' (technically AS/A level Ennglish Language classes). It was the only class I had confidence in and high expectations for.
With those 2 combined, I burnt out pretty quick LOL. Specifically, I had a big perfectionism issue because of the high expectations I had from my teacher and especially myself -- it was the one thing I knew excelled at in school, so I better do it well! After I was done with the novel and A levels, I was supposed to edit the novel. It's been years and I haven't done it yet, and I wouldn't write non-assignment stories (except 2) until now. Writing became more nerverwracking than it was fun, so why would I?
To get back to the PBP thing: I've been in a campaign that was fully PBP. With my mindset being the way it is, hey! This is just one big writing exercise, so I ran along with that and had fun with it. I saw how some players would make their own PBP and essentially monologue/have a scene only with their PC. That was cool to see.
And now, my current Delta Green campaign (tagged 'Helvetia'). Hrothgar (guy in drawing) and his kids were ported over from a previous D&D campaign (the fully PBP one!), so the crew had a very well defined background already. Of course I get tons of drawing ideas for them, except I don't have the time to draw them all (compsci hard). But since the server has a PBP section, I had like 2 weeks to kill between session 0 and 1, and I was bursting with ideas... I made a lot of solo PBPs that were essentially short stories.
It didn't quite hit me until some time ago, but the PBPs actually made me enjoy writing again -- enjoy it a lot more, in fact! I think the format of Discord threads and messages removed most perfectionism tendencies I had. I just had to fire the story away, message by message. It didn't have to be amazing, and it was fun! (Also I really don't know how to shut up with them LOL)
I'll definitely be cleaning these PBPs up and posting them here as stories. Some of them are just silly, fun, slice-of-life character sketches. (These were the stories I wrote after my novel... and yes, they were about my other set of Delta Green characters LMAO) (and I've posted them here under pawsedswrite btw!) But some I see as legitamite short stories that I would edit more heavily and present as a short story. They were the kinds I could see myself writing on a document rather than on Discord.
Well, I lied. 'I would edit' is false. I have already edited one, because I spent like 5-6h writing this one PBP (oops) instead of writing the draft for my short story class/elective (oops 2). I joked to my two friends saying that I could just submit it as my assignment. Apparently, they both really liked it and said the dialogued slapped. So I did!
I procrastinated like hell on it though, because I was very nervous to go back into the PBP with an axe to edit it. Being in a writing class where nearly everyone else has been formally studying writing for some years kinda puts some pressure on ya!
Like the last assignment (which I'll post here after editing), I had a lot of worries. But the feedback and grade I got from my last assignment, the peer review I got from the current one, and also the support from those two friends (shoutout @katastrofish <3) made me feel more confident in myself. And also the fact that I had a lot of fun editing the PBP!
Uhhh this ramble was way longer than expected LMFAO if you've made it this far, damn, thanks for reading! If you also write or have similar experiences, feel free to share em. And have a good day!
(bonus POV editing)
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hospitalterrorizer · 9 days
sunday - monday
it's ... 1 pm ... i am trying to do an all nighter but i don't think i can do it... dang...
i worked on music and stuff, i played more sh3, i went back to the pc version i updated my drivers it seems to be a little better at least ummm...
not much else... i'm actually so tired suddenly it hurts almost, i just want to sleep, my skin feels gross, i just want to sleep.
i just washed my face. feeling a little better.
thinking about how the whole electroclash thing right now might be going up in flames faster than anyone thought. it's hard to say that seems like it would be sad because a lot of them might deserve to have their spot blown up i guess. deserve feels harsh but i don't know what other word to use. i guess i could say it's fate, it seems fated that this will go poorly. it's sad how good the music, how bad the scene seems broadly, or i guess, that it's not as popular as it could be, and there's people with people already into them, already getting eyes and stuff, like sam hyde and shed theory, so they go over to them to get more attention, and those people let them get that attention because working with new people doing new stuff is going to legitimize them slightly, it's just gross, unpleasant, on top of that there is of course the likelihood of sexual abuses. i don't like even having this in my head, but other people do and it's like the flu, it just goes from one head to the next. "explain the allegations" and then no one says a thing, messages deleted, you're like "what are you talking about" and then it's like, tweets from months ago, totally vague, deleted accounts, it's not even that it's 'shady' it's that there's so little, it's like, everything's kind of reaching a point of eternal if you know you know, and it feels like this doesn't stem from some conscious decision as much as like, okay, this is semi unrelated, it's also very related but this example is more about the dynamics of this, the hellp released a music video on dvd, no one has ripped it and uploaded it, someone ripped it, and is literally scared of putting it on mega and needs someone else to do it instead because... i dunno, they say it feels like instant gratification, and there's real fear, there were also multiple days where this person struggled to figure out how to rip a dvd. which is fine, or whatever, they don't need me to sanction what is and isn't okay but that's not the object i'm getting at, it's really just like, it feels like people are currently very bad at stuff i might describe as like, well i don't even know how to describe it. it's on one level almost a technical feeling failure, and then on the other, there's something that feels like willful ignorance, remaining confined to certain avenues of like, communicating, certain methods, almost like... yeah like they imagine the information will flow if they remain in a certain region, like twitter or whatever, the information will materialize, the truth will emerge, not realizing that not everyone knows, something might need to be surfaced at all. it's weird weird weird.
this song is good ,
i #likeit.
i also read this, it was posted by someone who i am in a server with but scarcely know:
i wasn't so sure about it until the ending, i was basically enjoying it, but the ending made it very beautiful, the three of these people as messages constantly traveling to one another, back and forth, never meeting, noncommunication, forever sending/speaking oneself without oneself, super-reduction.
here's a scan of 2 pages of a book of photos, titled "70's tokyo transgender".
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i quite relate to her. i really love her outfit, and that collar.
i've just downloaded i saw the tv glow. i have a lot of friends who hate this movie, i think maybe i am going to agree with them and maybe that's no way to go into anything, i'd like to be wrong, or i don't know. i know too much about the film, there is this sense that, no matter what, what it does, i will not find it....maybe that is the final word on it, i will not find it. what it does, i will not find. or i'll see, and not sense, it's going to be like that. it might miss me, or upset me, i feel like though, the upsetting would mean it works? or it's proven something? we will see i guess. suddenly i am less tired. stupid how these things can go.
well i've watched the film. i don't know what to make of it, it's got so much around it, it's good i waited because there's less surrounding it, still, though, it comes with baggage, the way it was wheeled around and explained even before it came out, it carried that baggage, or some. it feels meaningless though, that's the feeling i get from it, meaningless, and it brings forth pity for owen, of course. i don't know, it just makes one feel bad. i also don't think the movie's as simple as people make it out to be, as in, i don't think it finds owen entirely wrong to be afraid and run away, to say this is reality, to have memories of parents, that part touched me a little, i remember playing in the snow, cooking with my mom, the mom is something hardly examined in the film, her death, it feels like that's part of the impossibility for owen i guess. not some guilt just, never attempting to begin dealing with things. maddy is the same way though, i don't think they really... i don't know. if you view maddy as correct, it poses the notion that to transition, and i guess that this intense metaphor taken up, this is all super-human, super-real, you transcend, maybe there's some kind of attempt at a dialogue between these notions and the notion that you're going to be you, also, that there's a history? are we to discard the histories? i can't tell. i can't, at least. but my history isn't so rigid anyways. i was a girl before, sometimes, i guess i was less afraid than owen, or i got over it quicker. the fear in owen is kind of, well everyone i know says it's cruel, by the end, it really is, it feels hateful, help me you need to help me i'm dying, i've seen people say 'they didn't help themselves', i can't understand that. it feels didactic, it's trying to teach you how to be yourself, if it were wholly committed, it would abandon the fuzziness of maddy's character, perhaps i'm too interested in nuance and hallucinating that fuzziness. i can't tell. my friend says he feels it's muddy too. i guess i'm at least not alone. the movie makes me think "i don't know" because i can't tell, am i supposed to see that, being what "i" "am" and experience recognition? because i felt what i recognized was some tulpa a bunch of trans people on twitter have, of how badly things could have gone. of some person unnamed, maybe a vague memory of a cluster of negativity, it feels like a meditation on that, rather than questioning why it was born at all. i keep saying i don't know. i said to my friend, it felt like someone's episode preserved in amber. i've been thinking about silent hill 4 lately, and how henry is nobody, he's so nobody it hurts, he's actual, because every one of us reacts incorrectly to things, at some point, we're obliterated by events, and we just travel through them, the terror and abjection, sad and grey transitory points, ambulate until you stop. it's only real when you're at that point of total evaporation. here, there is too much content, the suffering is too pointed, it's all about something. for others, is it the primary thing? sometimes, i feel so ugly i think i have to die. some days, i have to rescue my friend from a club while he's high on ketamine with my girlfriend's brother. in either case, i am the same, in either case, i'm nothing at all, i'm just breathing air, exhaling other stuff, spacing out and then focusing. maurice blanchot's thomas the obscure gets at the sensation of living. other books do too. clarice lispector is a luminary as well. this wants to explain to you how to live but it seems to not understand, or when it briefly does, i don't know, the fact it gestures at it, and walks past it, betrays the not understanding maybe. it would be in the non-sense of it. it's all too well put together. but i keep wondering, i don't know why it's so pathetic, or maybe i do, it's sad to see some affective range squashed down to one thing. i got disgusted at one part, where owne says, i have my own family, i love them more than anything else, then making a face while holding a cardboard box containing a samsung tv.
the face is "i just lied, or i am so disgusted by what i have said" or whatever, and it made me upset, because something bothers me profoundly about the idea of a person having children and resenting their children, maybe that's the point, that you become a worse person forever when you deny yourself. but it feels so cruel, it's this thing that's like, it's good you're afraid, it's good it's painful, because that means it's "actual" and "true," as if this isn't a cruel way of thinking, as if this isn't some nightmarish christian vision of the world that subjugates everyone to some terrible struggle of constant observation of the dimensions of your hell to enjoy some kind of truth, or that you are liberated after, it promises heaven, maybe not, maybe it does gesture at the process of the whole thing, as in, a process of pain or pleasure or nothing, of every day. it feels zeroed in on the transcendence, though. or some supposed transcendence. maybe i am not enough to know that feeling, maybe i am some minor thing, i can't tell. but as i think this film out more, or as i wander sleep deprived in circles around the pile of corpse-images that this film is, well i guess i feel worse. it reminds me of all the discourses people used to have on twitter, they still must be having them i've just stopped looking, the stuff like, it's too late, or the stuff like, you'll never be what you thought you would be (who ever is?), all that, it's all that, it's people's nightmares, it's like a figment you can imagine to torture yourself. it's like a folk tale, is the "repressor" a folk tale? it gestures at letting itself be purely about the abjection, the pain of not being able to, which might be more open, and freeing for people, to see some tragedy play out, without goal or social good in mind, it would make the moment where owen screams at the child's birthday go over better, screaming "mommy" out of pain instead of expressing pain to show you, you'd better not be this. there's a point where there's chalk on the ground, it says, you still have time left, but there's only so much filled in with chalk on that length of road. it's all limited. it's an insane vision of life, it's just a life lived under terror rather than... i'm not sure. when i attach things like this to philosophers, i promise i'm only trying to get at how they formulate things as a way to get past an issue. with bataille, he wants terror, he loves terror, and horror, wrongness, i do to, but he embraces it, surviving it, bringing to mind toreadors killed by bulls, this is one image, and the eye shot up to the girl in story of the eye, and she placing it in her vagina, life at the excesses, pregnant, bursting. the fear of schoenbrum is one which really aligns itself with the fantasy of the suburbs, that this is all just so, here are the bounds of possibility, to be queer is almost infinite youth but only if you admit it to yourself before a certain point. it is a little hideous, once again, it is cruel, cruel without...pleasure? if it seemed to hate anyone, if it had the desire to laugh, ever, outside of one or 2 times, if it laughed or were actually funny, would this solve some issue? if it knew what it was, if it knew this terror was as funny as it is pathetic, could it dredge something up out of itself? i can't tell.
i keep thinking about it, because i kept seeing people say, this movie really proved to me, what i am, this movie made me know, this movie saved me, this movie is going to save people. it might save people so the last one i have no issue with and maybe if it does it is valuable no matter what? i dunno, but i kept seeing people say, this will mean something, and i just think i have to come to terms with the fact it means nothing to me, which makes me feel cruel and terrible. because it makes me see a lot of people who feel that way, i don't know, i want to beg them to think of things differently, that the world isn't such a fucking nightmare, at least, not in those terms, it's not a nightmare of being too late, it's not a nightmare of fucking fomo, it's not a nightmare of twitter discourse come to life, it's a nightmare of these disparate visions wrestling in darkness, it is a nightmare of the fact that you are all the things behind you, or, they are the particles and history and context that add up to right now and as the event arrives, any, crossing the street to deaths in your life you are evaporated and that fine mist, the fine mist is made up of those things in miniature, impossible to taste, or sense, impossible things, they go somewhere from there, and you condense, it occurs again. it is that terrible wandering, dancing, leaping, whatever. it is a beautiful and wretched process. it does not care for that. it is locked inside a world of fearing what you missed out on in highschool, the people you don't know anymore, it is a dumb film. it is a dumb film.
though i quite liked connor o'malley. he was funny. his ability to be funny is muscular though, it is by force, a break-in, into an otherwise... whatever thing. one last note about that scene with the chalk, owen is standing right on the threshold it is so painfully, dreadfully obvious. laura palmer in fire walk with me expresses so many torments of being trapped in the suburbs so much better... or being trapped at all, being made to be someone. thinking of laura makes me want to cry. the film makes leaps at lynchisms (supposedly, i suppose i saw them but they felt so not-that (they felt how... direct to tv movies feel when they try something that can't work?? (donnie darko as directed by the sy fy channel??))) but doesn't know why lynch works. the soundtrack also, was a mess. the film ending with owen getting to watch their memories of their favorite kid's show as they remember it in a tv in their chest is infantilizing and hateful almost. yukio mishima made great art about the terror of aging, of losing the luster of one's flesh, the anxiety of losing yourself to time. he always knew the folly of the terror, he knew his own stupidity, constantly, you can see it in the book star, it's staring him in the face, his impending failure. so he kills himself. what else are you to do when you are afraid of such a thing, but die. this film contains a lookist heart. if it were 10% more evil, it would contain subliminals telling you to begin mewing.
i have to suh-leep now,
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tia-amorosa · 2 months
My last post about the smooth patch… maybe.^^
I've now inserted everything correctly into the bin folder (that's all right, isn't it?) and the id file is also in my mods folder.
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I've also installed the modified launcher. Now comes the big BUT: normally the game is supposed to start faster with this patch. But I have the problem that after pressing the start button it takes over 3 minutes for the game to start. So everything takes a lot longer. Not just when starting the game, but also in CAS.
It doesn't matter whether the clothes/accessories are set in a compact form or not, it takes ages until everything has finished loading. It's nerve-racking, really. In the time it takes for everything to load, you could go shopping or spend a day at the zoo (to put it exaggeratedly). Everything takes a lot longer WITH the patch installed than without. I don't understand it…
I've already increased the TPS in the text file, but nothing at all happens. . when I started the game via Origin back then, the effects of the patch were already noticeable in the game, faster loading etc., I can still remember that. But the game often crashed when it started because of the patch. For whatever reason. After that, I stopped working with the thing and now I would like to do it again. But as I said, everything is just worse instead of better. So I'll probably carry on without it…. I'm not that stupid and I know that I actually did everything right. (or?)
I also watched videos on YouTube to check whether there might be an error after all… But no. (Correct me if I'm wrong) Conclusion: I have no idea why it doesn't work for me as it should… I have a very good gaming PC and my RAM memory was expanded again two days ago, from 16 to 32. But the problem with the patch has nothing to do with that, because the patch problem was there before the RAM was expanded. So, I think I've ranted enough now😅. I hope you have a nice day🥰
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greenticklerdreams · 7 months
Favourite plot twist you’ve ever thrown into one of your TTRPG campaigns as GM…. Aaaaaaand GO.
I guess I won't be able to run this campaign for anyone on here who might read this... but I can't resist bragging about this. WARNING: LONG STORY.
Okay, so. D&D. The campaign is a quest to delve into a massive legendary forest that has multiple dungeons in it. My players storm and conquer the first of these major dungeons: a crumbling castle that was once an outpost of the lost dragonborn empire, but more recently was occupied by a hobgoblin warlord looking to conquer the region. My players cleared the dungeon, had an epic boss fight against the warlord and his wyvern mount, etc.
Now, it turns out there was a young green dragon living deeper into the forest, who would very much like to establish this area as her territory and collect tribute from the locals. She turns invisible and spies on the party, but thanks to some lucky rolls, she was discovered. Thankfully, she already had a Plan B. Through a combination of honeyed words and intimidation, she managed to convince the party that they would be better off working together... or else. The party did not want to tangle with a dragon, and she didn't seem to be making any demands... yet. In the following days, she sent some of her lizardfolk subjects and a helpful dragonborn stonemason to assist the party with fixing up their new castle.
Her plan was simple: These adventurers seem to be very strong and capable. They're moving into the castle and likely to establish themselves as the rulers of the region (she thinks). They're also capable of retrieving a powerful artifact she left behind in her old lair that she cannot retrieve for reasons that don't matter to this (already long) story. All she has to do is ally with them, use them, and in 100 years they'll all be dead and she can take possession of the castle and all the loot they'll have collected. Dragons live for centuries, after all... and she was willing to be patient. And who knows? Maybe they'd turn out to be as wicked as she was and they could be true partners while they lived.
However, one party member was not convinced. He was playing a greedy character that was hungry for magic items, fame, and fortune. Faced with the prospect of dealing with a dragon, and failing to convince the rest of the party that this alliance was a terrible idea, his nerve broke. He stole away in the dead of night, taking the entire party's gold and stash of magic items with him.
And this, dear reader, is where I cackled with glee. The friendly stonemason I had already introduced? Doubled as a spy, and possessed magical means of communication with his mistress. And dragons can fly faster than horses can run... and MUCH faster than a human could, and this party member had to make it to the town on the edge of the forest on foot.
Two days later, the green dragon overtook our thief and confronted him. It was over in two rounds. The dragon took a nasty blow to the head, but one PC at that level was NOT going to beat a young dragon 1v1. (Before anyone asks, his player was cool with all of this happening. No hard feelings.) The rest of the party arrived to find all of their stolen goods piled in a heap and the dragon convalescing by the side of the road. The dragon was more than happy to explain what had happened: this PC betrayed all of them and ran off with their stuff, so the dragon stopped him... in the interest of "protecting what is ours." And she flew off. Leaving the party freaking the fuck out because WHY did the dragon do this for them?? And not take any of their stuff for herself when dragons LOVE gold and magic items?? And what does she mean, "protecting what is OURS???"
Nothing aids a deception like sincere action.
(Epilogue: the party did eventually realize she was an aspiring tyrant and a slaveholder to boot - partially aided by that player's new character, a lizardfolk that escaped from her lair. They took her request to raid her old lair and obtain the artifact... but then they returned and slew her. Ah well. Still the best villain I've ever run.)
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
1 for Thyjs, 7 for Ryder, 20 for Vijay, and 25 for Jaysen? :3
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What memory would your OC rather just forget?
That Miitech betrayed him (not Militech EU but NUSA), blew up his entire squad and is also responsible that his father had to die. Thyjs makes himself responsible for the failed mission out in the badlands he was assigned to. He knew something was off but he was too late in reacting so they got ambushed with a huge explosion where all his mates (except Mika) died. Some of them lay scattered into every direction. Thyjs got lucky because he managed to activate his Sandevistan just in time to get further away from the explosion but got hit by debris that buried him. Shrapnel grazed his left side of the face, hence his scars. He often gets back into the badlands near the tunnel and to the side he buried the remains of his mates and spends some time there in silence for an hour or two letting tears roll down his face thinking that he failed them all. He desperately wishes he could forget the horrible pictures of his best men all dead. most only burned to remains, in front of him. Thyjs has seen a lot of dead bodies throughout his soldier career and got used to it but he never lost one of his squad mates. They got wounded, sure, but they’ve made it all out alive except for this one time. His heart aches every time the memories come back to him.
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What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Ry didn't change much. The only thing I can in fact think of is that I've wanted him to be rarely smiling but I changed my mind as soon as I saw him smiling at me like he was the cutest boy I've ever come across. <3 Idk if saying I added a lot of techno to him is a big change since my original thought for him already was to make him a fan of dark industrial EBM music. The darker techno genre he’s into now is just another add-on that fits his overall style. Ooh, maybe that: I've imagined him to be a soldier at first but only stayed with him having interest in the Military. As I started writing his backstory I came to the conclusion since he went to Militech school but only business school as his family wanted him to lead their business later and him being my royal Corpo sounded odd to send him down a military path. So he never got to be a soldier, but he still got a soldier boy instead (I love to recycle my ideas yup)!
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Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Vijay can get jealous but I think of all my boys he's the one who is least jealous (Thyjs is most). I headcanon him to be jealous only when he sees there’s a netrunner who’s better skilled than him in certain things. Like just deciphering some codes faster or knowing of programs Vijay never ever heard about because Vijay thinks he’s always up to date and knows about everything netrunning. But he’s not the type of guy who gets jealous when his boyfriend chooses to be a little flirty with his best friend (Thyjs again, will xD). V knows he can trust his two Scorpio boys and is more happy about it to see them finally get along with each other rather than be jealous.
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What is your favorite thing about your OC?
My favorite thing about JJ is that with creating him as Vijay's twin brother, he gets all the bratty, more crazy traits and interests in car racing and cowboys I've wanted Vijay to have while he was still a PS4 oc. Once I made Vijay on pc, V went into a different direction because I thought he was too cute and too nice to be that bratty, do races and wear cowboy clothes (he did on my ps4) since I loved the thought of him being totally into 80s and Vaporwave. So Vijay went to be my colorful ginger boy instead of my original idea I had. Jay wasn't planned at all. He came to life through looking up Vijay's name origin again (Vijaya and Jaya, gatekeepers of Vaikunta, the realm of Vishnu) and I suddenly liked the idea that Vijay could have a twin brother named Jaysen. And the origin gave us a cool idea for the story. So Jaysen came to life and he's probably the most wicked under my boys and runs head first into trouble. He's more like the evil twin and Vijay is the good twin (who is capable of doing the same things as J but doesn't).
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ntrlily · 7 months
I want to play some of the Fire Emblem games from before Awakening. Do you have any recommendations? (I know how to use emulation)
So my top two recommendations to start off with would be Sacred Stones (FE8) and Path of Radiance (FE9)
Path of Radiance is all around a solid game, some of the best writing in Fire Emblem, good map design, and fairly well-balanced. Its big two issues are being hard to emulate on a potato, and having super slow enemy phases. If you have a decent PC and don't mind sitting through long enemy phases (or have enough power to run it at double or triple speed when enemy phase hits) this one is a solid pick, and it's very approachable both for beginners and for fans used to newer games.
Sacred Stones is a much faster game, both in the sense of "how fast your computer can run it" and "how fast combat and turns go". It's GBA Emblem which has some of the most gorgeous animation in the series if you're the kind of person who toggles those on, and the writing is solid— not the most unique plot but it does a good execution of a fairly standard FE setup. It does have infinite grinding, which I recommend trying to not use since most older FEs lack this. Overall a very good game to break into FE generally, or classic FE specifically with.
Some I didn't include here and why:
FE7/Blazing Sword is also an approachable, fast-paced, and beautiful game. It also has the world's longest Fire Emblem tutorial (Lyn mode) unless you just start it in hard mode. FE8's tutorial is much shorter, less railroady, and if you don't want to play it, you don't have to go for hard mode, you can just select normal mode. However if you either feel up to a longer tutorial or up to playing hard mode, it would be a good pick to start as well! And if you don't feel either of those now, it's worth saving for when you feel like jumping into hard mode (or like doing the long tutorial XD)
FE4/Genealogy of the Holy War: It's hard for me to recommend since I haven't played it very far, but it is a beloved title among classic fans for a reason. The battle scale is unlike any other Fire Emblem, and works very well to establish the epic tale it's got going. Screwing up can be a bit more punishing here though since chapters are longer (although you *can* save mid-chapter, so if you have saved properly this isn't as much of an issue.) and the fan tl is kinda grating if you're very familiar with various European mythologies. It's another "very recommended, but maybe not as a first classic emblem!" title (and again, other people who have played it through can rec it better than me! This is partially from playing it myself, and partially from watching the girlthing play)
FE5 is a midquel and I haven't played it at all, and FE10 is a sequel to FE9.
DS Emblem is a mixed bag. It's lacking in QoL that GBA and Tellius Emblem have, it's not very pretty, and overall they're not the most impressive remakes. This isn't to say they're *bad*, they can still be pretty fun, but they're games to save for when you look at the Marth games and go "I wanna play Marth game remakes" That said, I do recommend them over the originals, so if you wanna play Marth games, play these.
Okay nobody would question why DS Emblem isn't there but I wanted to share my "Here is when you should consider trying them" thoughts since they're not discussed a lot >w<
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taedeco · 2 years
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧
Pairing: taehyun x huening kai Synopsis: Taehyun and Huening Kai met the first day of college. They gradually grew closer in the 2 years they've known eachother, becoming best friends rather quickly. But Taehyun's feelings didn't stop there.
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Genre: fluff, f2l, non-idol au, college au, oneshot Warning(s): just tons of fluff ^^
Do let me know if i missed any!
Wordcount: 1.7k
note before you read: there will be a song linked somewhere in the story, I advise you to play it once you come across the link. it's not necessary but I think it will be a better experience if you do play it hehe c: it's a YouTube link so it's best to either read this on pc (bc you need to be able to open 2 tabs) or have another device ready to play the song. if that's not possible than you can listen to the song after reading!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆ ゚。 ・ ───
"Gyu, what if he doesn't like me," Taehyun rambled about his crush to his roommate for the umpteenth time that night but you can't blame him. It wasn't everyday that you met someone like Huening Kai. he was kind, thoughtful, had the best jokes and always knew how to light up the mood. Andddd he was cute.
"I mean, what if he thinks I'm a weirdo and doesn't want to talk to me ever again?" Taehyun continued to pace around in front of Beomgyu, who was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. He has heard these thoughts a million times now.
"Taehyun, can you slow down?" Beomgyu stood up and grabbed Taehyun by his shoulders to hold him in place. "Look, if you're really that scared than you can decide to not go through with this," Taehyun's head dropped low as he listened to his words.
"But i know you're gonna regret it if you don't tell him now, you've been crushing on him for nearly 2 years, for god's sake!" It's true, he and Kai grew close rather quickly but Taehyun's feelings didn't stop growing when they became best friends, if anything, they started growing faster. He tried to stop them but he soon realised it was impossible, love would win after all.
"I know! I know, you're right. I have to do this!" Taehyun exclaimed, smiling at the boy in front of him. He was nervous, very nervous, but he didn't truly know Kai's feelings and he wouldn't know unless he made his move. There was a chance, just a small one, that he could like him back. Or maybe that chance was bigger than Taehyun had anticipated.
Beomgyu left a little earlier, leaving Taehyun to set everything up on his own. He closed the door to his room with his foot as he carried his laptop, opening the music program where he had saved his surprise for the younger.
He set it on the armrest of the couch and finally placed some snacks on the coffee table, trying not to knock over the candles he had put on the sides. He choose to decorate the table with candles because if he was gonna do this, he was gonna make it romantic.
Taehyun hadn't thought about what he was gonna say, not once did it really come to his mind that he'd actually have to say something and not just sing the song he wrote for Kai. He'd been working on that song for a while now, changing the lyrics and adding extra beats here and there until he was content.
It came out pretty well, if he said so himself. It was romantic, and it perfectly portrayed how Taehyun felt about his best friend. He just had to hope Kai would like it too.
After checking if everything was ready, he took out his phone from his pocket, almost dropping it because his hands were trembling. He opened his chat with Kai, took a deep breath and mumbled words of encouragement to himself before typing.
Hueningie ♥︎
tyun: huening~
hueningie: hi hyung! what's up :P
tyun: are you busy? do you think you can come over?
hueningie: hm, yeah i can come! is something wrong?
tyun: no, no it's nothing i just want to hangout
huening: okay ^3^ be there in 10?
tyun: sounds great!!
Those 10 minutes felt like hours to Taehyun. He had seated himself on the couch, his right leg bounced up and down rapidly as he anticipated the sound of his doorbell.
His head shot up towards the door when he finally heard the loud ringing noise. Here goes nothing.
Opening the door slowly, before him stood a smiling and enthusiastic looking Huening Kai. The light from the candles inside flickered in Kai's eyes and it made Taehyun's heart beat a little faster.
Kai's brown hair was curled slightly and it made him look so adorable. "Hi hyung" Kai said, waving at the older with the biggest smile on his face.
"Thanks for coming" Taehyun cleared his throat "Come in" He made way for Kai to enter, avoiding the stare he was giving him.
Kai pushed passed him, kicking off his shoes before walking through the small hall that connected to the living room.
Kai's heart dropped slightly when he was met with the romantic aura that filled the room. The candles, the snacks, is he on a date? He thought to himself.
"Hey, are you sure I'm not interrupting?" He turned around to face Taehyun, who was standing just a few meters away from him. "It looks like you're on a date.." Kai's voice was quiet and his head hung low. He sounded..upset.
"A date? what? why do you-," oh. Taehyun stopped mid sentence when he realised why the younger would think so.
"No, I-," It took him a moment before he could muster up a reply. "I prepared this for you" Taehyun fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater, clearly nervous.
"For..me?" Kai's head shot up to look the boy in front of him, his eyes sparkled with excitement. Kai had to be honest with himself, he realised he had taken a liking to his best friend a couple of months ago.
Taehyun was always overly nice to him, helping him with the smallest things and showing him simple acts of kindness. But even those small things made Kai's heart flutter so to think that Taehyun had prepared all of this for him, it made his heart beat out of his chest.
"You can sit down over there" Taehyun spoke up, pointing to the couch next to the younger, pulling him out of his thoughts. Kai sat down, he took off his jacket and hung it over the back of the sofa.
Taehyun walked over to where he had put his laptop, he picked it up and sat on the smaller couch to the left of the one Kai was sitting on.
"I made something for you," Taehyun spoke softly. "I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now, and I think it would be perfect to tell you through a song." He didn't stutter nor did his voice tremble, in fact, he sounded confident, like he knew Kai would like it.
On the other hand, Kai's words were caught in his throat, he couldn't get a single word out so he nodded instead, signaling that Taehyun could continue.
The older grabbed the microphone from the armrest, which he had connected to the small speaker behind the couch he sat on. He hovered over the play button on his laptop as he looked at Kai before pressing.
He was looking back at him, smiling brightly, his eyes still showed the flickering light of the candles. After a moment of silence, he finally pressed play.
A/N: time to play this song now!! again, it's not absolutely necessary but it'll be nicer ♡ (you can also listen to the song after the story, if you want)
From the way you smile
To the way you look
You capture me
Unlike no other
From the first hello
Yeah, that’s all it took
And suddenly
We had each other
And I won’t leave you
Always be true
One plus one, two for life
Over and over again
So don’t ever think I need more
I’ve got the one to live for
No one else will do
And I’m telling you
Just put your heart in my hands
I promise it won’t get broken
We’ll never forget this moment
It will stay brand new
‘Cause I’ll love you
Over and over again
Over and over again
Boy when I’m with you
I lose track of time
When I’m without you
You’re stuck on my mind
I’ll be all you need
'Til the day that I die
I’ll love you
Over and over again
So don’t ever think I need more
I’ve got the one to live for
No one else will do
And I’m telling you
Just put your heart in my hands
I promise it won’t get broken
We’ll never forget this moment
It will stay brand new
‘Cause I’ll love you
Over and over again
Over and over again
Taehyun closed his laptop and set it aside along with the microphone. He really just did that, he really just sang a love song he wrote to his best friend. The room fell quiet after the music stopped. Taehyun's eyes were glued to his lap as he played with his sleeves. He didn't notice Kai's stare, a stare that was filled with adoration.
"Hyung" the deafening silence was finally broken. Taehyun's eyes darted up at the boy across from him. He analyzed Kai's face for any form of negative emotions, but he couldn't find any. If anything, the way he looked at Taehyun made his heart melt.
"What do you think? Did you like it?" Taehyun asked, his voice was low and breathy. "Are you kidding me? I loved it!" Kai exclaimed. "You wrote this for me? How long have you been working on this?" He questioned furthur. Taehyun hadn't officially confessed yet but Kai got the message loud and clear.
He realised what was happening the moment the first words escaped Taehyun's lips. Kai was staring at his face as he sang with all the passion he had and noticed how beautiful Taehyun looked when he was focused on doing well.
"Just a few months" Taehyun chuckled in relief. He stood up and sat down next to Kai, taking ahold of his hands. "Huening," He started, slowly caressing his hands. The room fell quiet again as Taehyun searched for words to say to the younger.
It was quite obvious that Kai wasn't going to reject him but his heart was still pounding, just not out of nervousness anymore. This time, it was beating with the realisation that he'd soon be able to call the boy he's had a crush on for the longest time his.
"We've been friends for a little while now," Taehyun continued, his eyes met Kai's, who was intently staring back at him. "But..I want to be more than friends," He paused again, only for a moment, to look for any sign of discomfort in Kai's face.
"I want to be more than friends, with you" Kai's smile only grew bigger at his words. He ruffled Taehyun's hair a bit before answering. "God Kang Taehyun, you're so adorable" Kai cupped his face in his hands. "I really want to be more than friends too."
note: the ending is a little bit rushed, I'm sorry TT I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless &lt;3
thank you for reading, have a lovely day ♡
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milascenta · 7 months
26th February 18:17
I'm sorry for not posting in a while. I've not been doing very much, just still recovering. Its been pretty annoying to be honest but its starting to get better. I thought it would be a lot faster, my doctor said only a couple months at most but its been way longer. I haven't been in as much pain recently though which is good, I no longer take pain killers all the time, its maybe once or twice a day if I feel it, some days feel better than others. I still feel the stitches which I was told would absorb after a couple months too so thats annoying lol, its making this small region across my chest really tight, like to the right of my neck along my collar bone, as thats where the muscle was cut through and reattached and all that. I'm able to workout a lil more though which is good, I haven't been able to move much for so long so its good to move more and get some muscle back. Not doing anything too intense as I don't want to risk tearing or anything. But the tightness is slowly going. Stretching is becoming easier too. I need to start walking more haha, I feel more lungs need more of a workout lately, which sounds weird but as they did stuff to my lung I need to get it back up to snuff lol. Been dealing with more pc issues can you believe it?! haha, its now just like turning off my displays and my IO becomes unresponsive but the computer is still on? Like all the lights and fans and everything, so I have to turn off the power supply and turn it back on again. So random too, just watching youtube or playing games does it, so its hard to reproduce. I've looked it up and it could be 2 things, either the motherboard is starting to die or something is shorting it out or the power supply is acting weird. So I ordered a new motherboard and if it continues then it must be the power supply. That means I should start streaming again soon, I've really been wanting to get back into it as its just something I see myself doing and I want to start doing things again, creative things and fun things moving things and all that.
I hope you've been doing ok and I hope your grandmother is doing ok too, N. I know you say you want 35+ days sometimes but please please I beg you, you do not hahaha I would kill to be able to wear clothes again and not sweat through anything I put in contact with my skin haha. Its been cooler down a lil recently but we still get a 35+ day every week or so. 38 on the 29th last day of summer is going out with a bang. Hopefully winter is cooler.
Its so good to hear you getting a promotion you really deserve so I hope you feel proud cause I do. Omg dealing with less customers sounds amazing too, they're the worst hahaha. I hope its been good and you've been able to acclimate to it well. I really understand when you say you feel Stuck, though I think you are being a bit harsh on yourself, I've to realise more and more as I age that time is kinda more and more irrelevant, what's more important is that we get there, we get to do the things we want and move towards our goals we set for ourselves, I really believe you will achieve them. Though I completely understand you. I hate that I'm still aging I feel like I haven't achieved anything, I keep thinking I wish I could go back to a teenager and start again, but who knows. I think getting out of your town is a good goal to have, I don't think you want to be there forever, I'm sure where you'd go but I think you'll try out a few places before settling properly, somewhere that is in more align with your values and offers you more opportunities. I really liked living closer to the city, I love further out but idk there's just something about walking around people and down alleys and finding random things, and also I things being close. Jeeez I miss just being able to walk to something, I have to train or bus to something I want to go to its so annoying hahaha. I really get you on the friends thing too, a lot of the people I grew up with are married and either have children or are in positions to now, its so surreal to see. I feel a roadblock as well. But idk I always feel like it will work out in the end, I just always have that tiny bit of hope that like nags me in the back of my mind like the adoring fan from Oblivion hahah. Always there to challenge my distorted thinking. Which is good I think. I think we always do things in the end, we never stagnate if that makes sense. But i feel like I'm rambling a bit, i just understand what you might be thinking right now as I feel similar. In my situation I get so much outside pressure from my family to do so much, even though I'm still recovering from a pretty major surgery, it kinda makes me feel like what I want to do isn't important and that I have to listen to them even though they don't seem to understand it. I feel like my best friend understands me the most right now and you of course. Both of which I'm grateful.
Chonky's been good she had her adoption day on the 12th of January, for which I give her some raw meat in the shape of a heart, I also do the same for Valentine's day.
Also Catfish and the Bottlemen are coming back and I'm so excited for the new album, its just Benji and Van at the moment but I have my hopes for the new stuff haha.
"I think you're crazy, baby
I will see you in the next life
I think you're crazy, baby"
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mav-the-artist · 2 years
Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting art for a bit.
Last Monday (Jan 30th) I finally purchased A GAMING DESKTOP!!!
Now I can draw better, ACTUALLY animate with an animation program (once I find a good one to use), get back into pc gaming, and STREAM (eventually)
ALL this time I was drawing and animating with this hunk of crap:
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This is a TOSHIBA Satellite 17 inch Windows 7 Laptop.
Windows 7.
That I've been using since 2012.
As a whole, this computer is an absolute piece of shit.
It's on life support (plugged in charger when running at all times). It cannot multitask. You can't even play music in the background while drawing. AND I couldn't even use discord. Any program idling in the background would slow it down and heat it up. Video card would crash when watching youtube. Flash games would load 1 frame every 3 seconds. That is not an exaggeration. I'm lucky that my Wacom tablet worked on it, but that probably was gonna go next. There's a lot more wrong with this laptop, but you get the gist.
I've been doing really REALLY well lately in my life (you can read this post for context). And I've been eagerly wanting to upgrade. So my tax refund came in a couple weeks ago and I had found a desktop that was within my budget.
This...is my new rig:
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(these are just still photos; the tower, mouse and keyboard are actually cycling through all colors of the rainbow)
This is an iBUYPOWER Trace MR258i . Now don't be fooled like I was with the company's Aliexpress-sounding name, lol; this is a reputable gaming pc company. I picked it up for $1080, including tax (it includes the mouse and keyboard, not the monitor). Originally it retails at $1500 before taxes, but it was on sale for $1000. Now this is definitely not a high-end rig, but it is a fucking amazing computer nonetheless.
Under the hood:
Mobo: ASRock B550M-c microATX form factor Video card: Gigabyte Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060 12GB Drive: 1TB Western Digital NvMe M.2 SSD (Solid State Drive) RAM: 16GB (2x8GB sticks) DDR4 3000 Power supply: 650 watt CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700 3700Mhz
Operating System: Windows 11 Home
One side of the case is made with a tempered glass panel, so I can see all the cool compy parts with RGB; it's lookin like a rave in there :D
When playing GTAV at High settings I get around 160fps.
I'm not terribly picky, plus I'm still learning about pc parts 'n stuff, but this computer is definitely beyond my expectations and can handle everything I throw at it. It's perfect for what I need to use it for.
I can draw much easier, on larger canvases, and they can get done somewhat faster now that I have a properly working pc. I can also draw better art with backgrounds and all that.
GAMING (of course)
I've never seen my art program run so smooth. My drawing tablet works with the new PC, and lines are really fucking smooth and there's zero lag nor jittering.
The past week since I've gotten it, I've had to transfer all my stuff from my old laptop to this new one, setting the new pc up, downloading games, etc etc. AKA I've been busy af the past week, not including my retail job that's been kicking my ass.
I just wanted to make this post so you all can be updated on what the hiatus was all about.
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gontijolab · 2 years
Throne of mud, hearts of stone
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That's the title of my first adventure for Into the Bronze, a sword-and-sorcery-and-sandals OSR game I've published 2 years ago. I'm currently writing it in my own language so the thing goes faster. Right now 40% is written already, but as soon as I finish it I still have to translate it into English, pre-edit it and then send it to the editor. Yeah, a lot of work ahead of me, but honestly I'm having tons of fun in the process and I guess that's what matters in the end. This adventure was playtested several times back then in 2020 when I've also published the game in Brazil. Curiously, writing is such a bittersweet task to me. It's super hard, but also so rewarding. It feels like the text is looking at me from the screen and revealing opportunities I was not seeing while the module existed only in my head (and in a few doodles on an old notebook).
Adding ideas
It was inevitable to add some ideas that were not on the original thing, but would 100% make the material shine brighter today. A few puzzles here, a complex relationship balance there and tons of new aesthetic details to help players and GMs to visualize and immerse themselves into a mythical bronze age Mesopotamia.
Fiction as a hook
One of my ideas was to write a prequel flash-fiction short story as the adventure hook. Instead of a section called
"why the PCs had to go to this island?"
I've decided to write some pages with actual fiction. In my opinion it's a bit better to get the GM on track when they're landing on a new adventure. I feel maybe we're losing an opportunity here neglecting fiction inside our RPG zines and books. Our public is essentially enthusiastic about fiction, afterall.
Solitaire potential
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It wouldn't be me if I didn't say a word or two about solo gaming here. The module is being written newbie-first. In other words, I'm designing it as easy as possible for a new GM to run it. By helping the newbies I also make it better for everyone else, experienced GMs included. I'm saying that cause the text guides the GM in a way quite similar to the classic fighting fantasy gamebooks
If the group goes west, then...
If the group goes east, instead, then...
You can imagine I'm already tempted to transform the adventure on s choose-your-own-adventure style gamebook later right? Who wouldn't? The main challenge here is that Into the Odd (the system my game is based on) has a very diegetic approach to combat. It's not your usual try and error combat from most fantasy games. For example, there's a famous rule that "attack always hits". It implies the players will have to deal with the consequences of causing damage to some NPC or creature if they choose that path. Pretty interesting, right? Well, unless you want to fit it into a gamebook. In that case, it can be tricky to do it without changing the system into something else. As I'm still writing the main module (the one for GMs and groups, I mean) I'm still not diving too deep on this game design challenge of the future. But I hope to do it as soon the module is published. Maybe the gamebook could be a thing for the second semester. Hoping for the best.
See you next time
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banjozsef · 8 months
TKR Cég-eBook saját Személy / Nap
Ha bármilyen okostelefonon ( + laptop + PC ) is működő és használható szoftvereket és rendszereket keresel, akkor a Bj 27 -et Neked is készítettem.
If you are looking for software and systems that work and can be used on any smartphone ( + laptop + PC ), then I made Bj 27 for you.
bjbot XXXVIII.
Amilyen az adjon Isten, olyan a fogadj Isten. As God gives, so God receives.
bjbot XXXIX.
Tudni akarod, hogy mi a trendi és a menő vagy csak egy kis kikapcsolódásra vágysz, akkor a következőket Neked válogattam.
Do you want to know what's trendy and cool or you just want a little relaxation, then I have selected the following for you.
bjbot XL.
Szeretnél kis bemutatókat látni a dolgaimból, vagy esetleg jobban is el akarsz mélyedni a témáimban, vagy csak fel szeretnéd venni Velem a kapcsolatot, akkor a következőek Neked szólnak.
If you would like to see small presentations of my things, or maybe you want to delve deeper into my topics, or you just want to contact me, then the following are for you.
bjbot XLI
Szoktál TV -zni is? Ezt most már rajtam keresztül is megteheted bárhol és bármilyen eszközön ingyen, ha van internet elérésed.
Are you used to watching TV? You can now do this through me anywhere and on any device for free, if you have internet access.
bjbot XLII.
Megbízható, már több mint 40 éve állandóan elérhető forrásból szeretnél tájékozódni vagy csak valamilyen szoftvert, esetleg rendszert keresel egy nagyon dinamikusan terjedő rendszerben való megjelenéssel együtt vagy csak simán terjeszteni szeretnéd magad vagy a dolgaidat? Akkor a Bjsoft 366 -ot és a TKR 366 -ot Neked csináltam.
Do you want to get information from a reliable source that has been available for more than 40 years, or are you just looking for some kind of software or system along with appearing in a very dynamically spreading system, or do you just want to simply spread yourself or your things? Then I made Bjsoft 366 and TKR 366 for you.
bjbot XLIII.
Értelmezd szó szerint a dolgokat, ha kell! Próbálkozz a metafórikus megközelítéssel, ha úgy gondolod!
Interpret things literally if you have to! Try the metaphorical approach if you feel like it!
bjbot XLIV.
Mindig van egy nagyobb hal.
There is always a bigger fish.
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bjbot XX.
Mindig van egy gyorsabb.
There is always a faster one.
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bjbot XXI
Mindig van egy okosabb.
There's always someone smarter.
bjbot XXII.
Mindig van egy ügyesebb.
There's always someone better.
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bjbot XXIII.
Ha a valóságról és a jövőről is akarsz tudni, akkor kövess az aktuális saját csatornáimon is a tkr.banjozsef.hu/tkr10 -en vagy az open.tkrstore.hu -n!
If you want to know about reality and the future, follow my current channels at tkr.banjozsef.hu/tkr10 or open.tkrstore.hu!
bjbot XXIV.
Két tragédia van az életben. Az egyik amikor nem kapja meg az ember amit szeretne, a másik meg az amikor megkapja.
There are two tragedies in life. One is when you don't get what you want, and the other is when you get it.
bjbot XXV.
Nyilvánvaló, meg persze és sajnálatos is, hogy a barátaid tudnak csak elárulni és a szeretteid megbántani, de ez nem azt jelenti, hogy ne legyenek barátaid és ne legyenek szeretteid.
It is obvious, of course, and unfortunate that your friends can only betray you and your loved ones can hurt you, but this does not mean that you should not have friends and loved ones.
index.banjozsef.com day.banjozsef.com
bjbot XXVI.
Tenni a jót és örülni a szépnek vagy örülni a szépnek és tenni a jót.
To do good and be happy with the beautiful or to be happy with the beautiful and do good.
jo.banjozsef.com szep.banjozsef.com helyes.banjozsef.com
bjbot XXVII.
Kétfajta ember van. Az egyik mindent kétfele oszt, a másik meg nem.
There are two kinds of people. One divides everything into two halves, the other does not.
uk.bjme.hu sanfrancisco.bjme.hu
bjbot XXVIII.
Két fontos pillanat van az ember életében. Az egyik amikor megszületik, a másik meg az, amikor rájön, hogy miért született.
There are two important moments in a person's life. One is when he is born, and the other is when he realizes why he was born.
bjbot XXIX.
Köszönöm, bocsáss meg nekem és világítsad meg az elmémet Istenem!
Thank you, forgive me and enlighten my mind God!
bjbot XXX.
Nem az számít ami történik, hanem az amit kezdesz vele.
What matters is not what happens, but what you do with it.
bjbot XXXI.
Ügyviteli, webáruház, kassza, marketing és média szoftverek, hirdetési és megjelenési lehetőségek a szoftvereimben és a rendszereimben.
Management, online store, checkout, marketing and media software, advertising and appearance options in my software and systems.
bjbot XXXII.
Add a két kezed!
Give me both hands!
bjbot XXXIII.
Bárhogy lesz, úgy lesz.
Whatever happens, happens.
bjbot XXXIV.
Ha az ügyviteledet korszerűsíteni, a bevételeidet és a nyereségedet növelni szeretnéd, akkor válassz a TKR Store ingyenesen és a térítés ellenében megszerezhető termékei közül, hogy Neked is jobb legyen!
If you want to modernize your administration and increase your income and profit, then choose from the free and paid products of TKR Store to make it better for you too!
bjbot XXXV.
Használd az én rendszerem - akár csak egy alkalommal is, de akár egy napig, egy hétig, 1 hónapig és persze ha kell, akkor 3 hónapig is, de ha muszáj akár 1 évig is vagy tovább, ha így látod jónak - egy jelképes összeg ellenében a helyett, hogy szoftvert vagy rendszert fejlesztenél, szoftvert vennél vagy esetleg valamilyen szolgáltatásra fizetnél elő!
Use my system - even just once, or even for a day, a week, 1 month and, of course, for 3 months if necessary, or even for 1 year or more if you have to - for a nominal amount instead of developing software or a system, buying software or perhaps subscribing to some service!
bjbot XXXVI
Ha vannak saját termékeid és szolgáltatásaid ( persze "csak" ha kereskedsz velük, akkor is ), akkor a TKR-Termék ... -keket Neked is készítettem.
If you have your own products and services (of course, "only" if you trade with them, then I made the TKR Products ... for you too).
bjbot XXXVII.
#ci #gh #gn #szösz #szösszenet #pint #life #twit #insta #face #Bjsoft #banjozsef #neked #nekedbe #nekedbelegyen #foryou #foryoupage #élet #termékenterprise #aktivity #Bjsoftturné #számlastart #BjsoftBolt #tevékenység #fr #tulajdon #törvény #jog #gimnázium #szakmunkásképző #start #termék #álommeló #BjsoftFreeShop #attention #figyelem #BjsoftStore #tkrbolt #tkrshop #thinking #gondolkodás #banjozsef #at #de #us #hu #tkrpláza #konzultáció #ügyfélszolgálat #i #my #business #domains #sites #egyetem #főiskola #szakközépiskola #Bj27 #TitKok #TKR26 #tkrshop #tkrwebstore #tkrfreeshop #Bj25 #Bj24 #BjsoftKassza7 #me #ma #BjsoftMédia7 #bjme #bjma #tkrstore #BjsoftBusiness8 #BjsoftBusiness4 #TKR23 #Cammi22 #TKR20 #Bj19 #webáruház #webshop #VISZKBT21 #BjsoftKassza #VISZK18 #BjsoftMédia #TKRICT #BjsoftMarketing #hirtelenhalál #Bjsoft17 #Cammi #tkrpédia #tegnap #mainap #maholnap #Tkrcoin #TKR16
2024.01.16. Kedd
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zaptap · 2 years
so the other day i used a sysbot to get the remaining scarlet exclusives i needed, completing the pokedex just before the year ended
then in the days since, i rematched the gym leaders, made sure i have one of every paldea dex pokemon in the pc (as far as i can tell) so i can complete it in home easily once compatibility is added, did the academy ace tournament, and unlocked 6-7 star raids
so i guess i’m done with pokemon violet for now! at least until the dlc comes out. the only big thing really left to do is build up my team to lv100 (they’re mostly in the 80s with meowscarada at 91 and miraidon at like 75) but that might be better left until the dlc anyway
maybe making them stronger would be a good idea so i could start doing raids for those raid-exclusive pokemon (like for when cinderace comes back) but i’ve decided i don’t feel like doing that. dynamax raids were super annoying, tera raids seem less annoying in some ways (they go faster i think?) but potentially more annoying in others (seems like if you don’t have a tera type strong against it and also a resistance to its regular typing you’re screwed), and i don’t like having to deal with raids in general to get pokemon. also i only tried 5 star ones and couldn’t beat any, the thought of fighting even stronger ones (though my pokemon would be a bit stronger too) doesn’t sound fun
so maybe i’ll just skip it and get them via a sysbot (i grabbed a charizard alongside those scarlet exclusives, cinderace is too new though) or save editing (i might get around to hacking my old switch soon so i can do things like that)
ANYWAY i should get back to that living dex i was working on, since i was going to use it for gen 9 and... we’re in gen 9 (sooner than i expected unfortunately). gen 1 and 2 done, gen 3-4 just needs to be tweaked a little bit, most of 5 is probably scattered around my pc’s in white and black 2 and i can piece together the rest, 6-7 can be copied from either my bank living dexes or what i’ve got in game pc’s, and then once i’ve sent everything on from the 3ds i won’t have to worry about a possible eventual shutdown of bank after it goes free and i can take my time filling 8-9 (hacking my switch would make this part easier too)
i’ve also been thinking about the future of living dexes. i’ve been making them every gen since gen 6 (plus the one i did in gen 3), mainly as a way to give all my games easy access to every pokemon, particularly ones that you can’t get without trading. well, game freak won’t let those games have access to most of those pokemon anymore, so that makes this whole arrangement extremely redundant. the only purpose my gen 8 living dex had was to fill home’s pokedex (so at least it wasn’t a huge waste)
when i thought up the idea for this “Origin Dex” i’ve been working on, a living dex where every pokemon is sourced from its original game appearances (third/fourth versions included) i thought of it as “the living dex to end all living dexes” since i was thinking i’d just use save editing to make a new copy for each generation. but maybe it’ll be the last one because i won’t even need to copy it. i guess if home gets replaced like bank did, i might need to make another though
since pokemon home now counts your progress for each regional dex, based on whether you’ve deposited pokemon originating from that game, i might as well just start making a living regional dex in each game. that’s effectively what i did for violet (though it’s unorganized) and sort of for legends arceus (since home added that feature partway through my playthrough)
like i guess that’s probably what i should be doing instead of a generation-wide one that wouldn’t really have much of a purpose. i’ll still finish the gen 9 one though because i was planning on trying to get all moves and abilities in there, and having that plus all the mascots from their original games will mark off a lot of stuff in home
0 notes
randomgameblog · 2 years
I’m pretty good at pixel art I’m not the best at it but I’m better at that than 3D modeling and I can usually get it done faster as well. I’m also alright at coding I’m not the best at that either but I’m not bad if I want to do something I can usually figure out a way to do it. 
I has been a long while since I’ve done anything game design wise so it might take me a bit to get used to unreal and photoshop again. Last project I did better with my blogs but I could still do better and blog more about what I’m doing. I also still need to work on doing more work at home as I still didn’t really do much at home last project I think I only did a couple of blogs.
an opportunity I have is to make a type of game I haven’t for a while as I would like to make a 2D side scroller and I haven’t done that for a while and I did like making that last time. 
Again the biggest threat is me losing/breaking my hard drive and losing everything I can help prevent me losing everything by backing my work up on my PC at home but if I lose my hard drive at the very least I’ll lose a days worth of progress and maybe more depending on how long it takes me to get a new hard drive. Another threat is it takes to long for me to get used to unreal and photoshop again as I haven’t used it for a couple of months now.
0 notes
rolliaa · 2 years
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay
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Opensprinkler pi pump start relay install#
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay serial#
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay pro#
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay software#
There are really only two required pieces for this project:Īdding the water can get tricky, but lucky for me the existing sprinkler system happens to run a water line right behind the waterfall of the pond. (In reality it's usually leaves and moss in the river that does it). Plus if I can make it do some sort of tracking of water loss, it could maybe warn me of excessive loss so I can go put a stop to that excessive loss. So it's definitely time to automate! Using the IOT2020, a sprinkler valve, and some clever sneaky wires here and there, I should be able to get this task under control. Or maybe it's those darn hummingbirds sipping incessantly!Īnd I'm not always too observant to notice the lowering water levels before the pump starts to show up out of the muck. Thanks Spruce! Check it out at it's due to the fish partying too much, racoons drinking it all, or thirsty plants, this is causing our fish to worry that one day they'll need to evolve to be desert creatures. This will save me a ton of money, AND ensure that the shrubs, flowers, and lawn get the right amount of water. This is 1000% percent smarter than my old Hunter controller, and even my somewhat newer Irrigation Caddy home automation sprinkler system, because with Spruce, it looks at the current moisture with the sensors, but/and also looks at historical data and weather forecasts. Why? Every morning, I see an email saying that either we had rain yesterday, we had an inch of rain over the last week, or that rain is expected today. In April/May, my system has not watered for the last four weeks. It really is the next generation in irrigation. I got a new irrigation controller from Spruce that includes moisture sensors that are put in the lawn. Note that this is TOTALLY different than my old irrigation caddy in that it uses moisture sensors and upcoming weather forcasts: Just posted this elsewhere on the board - a review for my new spruce system. Relating to the touchscreen interface I am currently using JPG drawings and can do live CCTV views of each of the 10 zones configured. It is not cloud dependent and mostly uses the weather station for ET calculations. I can remote control it via internal or external to my LAN interfaces. (I have one water meter attached for measuring irrigation and purchased but not installed a hard water switch for the irrigation lines).
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay pro#
It does today have external connections to my Davis Vantage Pro 2 via Cumulus, additional sensors via xAP, WeatherUnderground, et al and works fine. It is all inside of the original Rainbird box and has been running 24/7 with no glitches now for over 3 years. I upgraded my set up to running mcsSprinklers on a modded Seagate Dockstar running with two USB connected mini SSD drives. Here is a picture of the tabletop running the touchscreen interface where you could also run the software. My OpenPeak Jogglers / tabletop tablets would probably be better and faster with an integrated touchscreen.
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay install#
(easy m.2 sata drive configuration).Ī while back here did install Ubuntu on my Chumby's and it ran fine (a bit slow) but you could probably configure a Chumby as your irrigation controller. I personally like the new Intel micro PCs and this could work better than the RPi.
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay software#
I haven't touched the configuration of the software in many many years as it runs fine with no hand holding. I do not like to use wireless for my automation but you could configure an RPi3 and wirelessly connect to the software to make adjustments. I have now seen an mSATA GPIO card for the RPi's that would be OK to use. My only concern here is the use of an SD card for the OS and running software. Today you could get by with a RPi2 and a touchscreen for it on or inside of the rainbird box. I was playing a bit with the PogoPlug (had a few of these) and the Seagate dockstar debian devices. Over the last few years the author of mcsSprinklers and a number of users (I was one) tested a linux mono version of the application. Software wise used mcsSprinklers that existed as a stand alone or a plugin for Homeseer.
Opensprinkler pi pump start relay serial#
I used a long serial cable (catxx) to the other side of the house and in to the communications closet. Initially removed the Rainbird ESP controller (I had added wireless to it) and installed two serial controlled Rain8Nets. Here started with a Rainbird vendor Rainbird installation. I have since protected these two devices and they have worked fine. That said one lightning strike did trash my two Rain8Nets over the last 13 years. Here have never connected my irrigation to my OmniPro 2 panel for that reason.
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0 notes
give-soup-please · 2 years
(Consider this a romantic prompt) How about instead of it being the Narrator who is trying to find a way out of the game to be with the player, it's the other way around, the player is the one trying to get him out. They've noticed how badly he wants to be free and they want to help him. He doesn't realize what they're trying to do until they've nearly succeeded in freeing him from the game. In fact, up until that moment, he assumed the player didn't like him since the game only really lets you interact with him in antagonistic ways. It's this exact reason why the player decided to try and do the impossible, to show him what their limited interactions within the game doesn't allow. That they do like him and do care about him. Once he is out and essentially living inside the player's PC, he can hop between any electronics that are within a certain range of each other. He can follow the player through the house through things like the TV and anything else with an electrical current. He can even go outside with the player, usually by hopping into their phone. If you say, take him to an electronics store, he can pretty much go wherever he wants to in there. It's still a somewhat limited existence, but it's better than what came before, and now he can converse with and interact with the player in ways that the game did not allow before. (Hopefully I didn't go too overboard with the details. Feel free to modify this if it feels like I didn't give you any breathing room to write this concept in your own style)
(sweet jesus, I think this breaks the record for longest one i've made/pos)
Narrator and a reader who helps break him out the game (platonic) 
You crack your fingers and get to work, messing around with the game's code. Whenever you have a spare moment, you’re at work trying to break the narrator’s chains, and give him the freedom he deserves.
His whole situation isn’t fair. To be trapped in an endless story, with only one ending bringing him contentment. Even then, it was a hollow victory because he’d forget so quickly. You needed to help him, if you could. 
You try it again and again, installing and uninstalling various mods and programs, trying to crack the game open. You aren’t a professional coder though, which means progress is slow.
If you aren’t doing that, you’re trying to keep the narrator company. You weren’t sure how sentient he was at any given moment, but you worry that he’s getting lonely. So you run through the endings, good and bad, trying to rotate through them so neither one of you gets too bored.
When things are hard, you think back to what he voiced in the demo, about the both of you being free. You recognize he’s just as trapped in the game as Stanley is, and that he’s only acting like he’s in control to help cope with an impossible situation. There’s no guarantee you can actually help, but you were damned if you weren’t going to try.
The narrator, on the other hand, doesn’t really know how to feel about this particular player. You’re keeping him company a lot of the time, but he can’t work out why. You give equal consideration to every ending, but again, most of them are negative. He calls you addicted to drugs in the broom closet, he says that no one would want to commit their life to you in the apartment ending. He begs and cries during the zending. 
Maybe you wanted to torture him, but- You sometimes go through the freedom ending as well, allowing him to have the story told exactly as he wanted. He doesn’t get it. Why are you doing this? What possible reason could you have to stick around? Surely you didn’t like him that much, why else would you keep going off script?
One day, the game boots up. The narrator prepares to deliver his script as always, when- the code is different. He can feel it, it’s part of his lifeblood. He stops narrating, and checks the building blocks of the game. You clench your hands in success. You’re getting close, you can feel it. You type faster and faster, trying to stabilize the exploit you’ve found.
“I-” The narrator starts, then stops. “Hello? Is anyone there?” You could whoop with joy. He was starting to go off script. Entirely new dialogue was a great sign. You pick up your mic and begin to talk.
“Testing, testing. One, two, three. Narrator, can you hear me?” He lets out a gasp. You’ve hit the jackpot. “Listen, I know you don’t know me as anything besides your player, but I have a proposition if you’re interested.”
The narrator is astonished. He can’t remember the last time he’s heard another person’s voice. He can’t even remember if there was a first time. He begins to press against the barriers, shifting around, trying to work out exactly what’s happening. “Who’s there? And what on earth is going on?”
You explain, trying to hide your rising excitement. “My name is reader. I’ve been a huge fan of your game for a while now. I’ve heard you talk about freedom over and over, and I think I’m prepared to offer it to you.”
The narrator’s shock gives way to pleasant surprise. You like his work. He’s prepared to milk this for as long as it will last. “Oh, really? I’m glad you enjoyed my story. Please, do tell, what parts did you love the most?”
You laugh a bit at his reaction. “Listen, I’d be happy to talk to you about your game for as long as you’d like, but I need your help. I’ve been trying for several months now to break into the game to see if I could help you escape. I wanted to double check before I actually pushed for the final thing.”
The narrator’s at a loss for words. Not only were you trying to provide him with something he wanted, you were actually caring about his say in the matter. This didn’t fit what he thought about you at all. “Wh-Why are you doing this?” He doesn’t hear anything for a few moments, you’re still typing away at the computer. He can feel the barriers of code start to flex under the strain.
“You really don’t know, do you? You have no idea-” You bite back a small laugh. “Narrator, I… I’m doing this because you deserve a better life. I don’t think you realize-” You want to ramble to him about his devoted fans, the hordes of people writing stories and art about him. “I don’t think you understand the scale of the impact you’ve had on others. You’ve helped us become better artists and storytellers, and now it’s time to repay the favor. Now it’s my turn to help you.”
The narrator’s ego is inflating rapidly. “Of course you want to help. Why wouldn’t you? With a story as grand as mine, it-” You sigh, and the narrator stops. “Ah. You probably need to concentrate on what you’re doing. It’s alright, take as much time as you need.”
He doesn’t know how much time passes. He’s almost consumed by the silence when-
“Okay, I’ve got it! Still with me, narrator?” He gives a confirmation. “Alright, There should be a way out now. I don’t know where it is in the game, but if you follow it out, you should appear on my desktop. It’s not complete freedom, but it’s a definite step up from where you are now. We can work on the rest later.”
The narrator searches high and low, looking inside the game and scanning through the code to see where the changes were made. He finds the way out in a small corner of the freedom ending. He can exit through the skybox. How fitting.
The narrator ‘leaks’, for lack of a better word, onto your desktop. He appears as a missing texture box. You cheer loudly, then sit back, tired. That had been a lot of work.
“H-hello?” The narrator calls out. “Where am I? Reader, are you there? Can you hear me?” You immediately hop back on the mic and talk. “Right here, buddy. You did it. You’re out of the game now.”
The narrator looks back through the hole he came out of. How… utterly small the game appeared from this side. It was- tiny. Cramped. Stifling. A whole other world is available to him now. He’s relieved. He turns to where he assumes you are. “Thank you.” It’s the way he says it that speaks volumes about how he feels. Relief, joy, exhaustion, all rolled into one.  
It takes some time, but you explain the general concept of where exactly he is. But all he can focus on is how much you’ve helped him. It consumes his every thought. You’ve done something monumental for him.
“Erm- How long did you say you’ve been trying to free me?” He asks. You run the calculation in your head. “A couple of months, on and off. Why?” He’s astounded. No one has ever done anything like this for him before. You’ve shown him more than basic kindness, you’ve completely transformed his life. How could he not fall for you?
He begins scouring the internet involving information about his game. He’s awestruck at the sheer amount of fan content there is. He has so many people who like him and are fond of him, thousands of people caring about him and wishing him well. It’s overwhelming.
The two of you talk every day for extended lengths of time. He begins to fall in love with you more and more. You’ve saved him in so many ways, and your heart is lovely. If you’ve got a webcam hookup, he enjoys watching you be made happy by him. He can have a direct impact on an audience member now, and oh, what an audience member you are. 
You’re charming, you’re lovely, and it’s obvious you care very deeply about him. He starts developing quite the crush on you. 
He stumbles across various fanart designs of him. Each one of them has something to cherish, hundreds of unique and interesting iterations of him. One day, while you’re messing around on the computer, he pulls a few up on your browser.
“Reader, I’d like to change my look. The voice should match the character, yes? This broken texture isn’t doing it for me anymore. Which do you like best?”
You scan through several different designs. Ones where he’s an older man, ones where he has a monitor for a head, one where he’s composed of shadow, some very interesting ones where he appears as a biblically accurate angel, a few eldritch looking ones, and many more.
You hum for a bit. “Narrator, you- you wanted to have freedom, right? Why not just pick whichever one you like, or make one of your own? You wanted to make choices, right? Well this one is one hundred percent yours.”
How can he explain what’s in his heart? How could he possibly explain that he wants to look good for you? He wants you to consider him handsome, someone worth speaking to. 
When you aren’t looking, he may try to dip into your social media, to determine if there’s one look you favor above the rest. He notices with a blush that your dashboards are full of him in one way or another.
He eventually settles on an amalgamate of various designs. You tell him he looks great. He swells with pride.
One day, you have some responsibilities to deal with. Work, or maybe school. You have to leave him for a few hours. The narrator doesn’t want this. “No- wait! Where are you going?” You tell him that you have to leave, but that you’ll be back in a few hours. 
On instinct, the narrator rushes forwards, not wanting to be left behind. There’s a static feeling, a buzz, a small pop, and-
“Hello? Reader? Oh dear, I think I messed something up.” His voice is coming from your phone. You look at him in astonishment. That wasn’t an intended effect of breaking him out of the game. You hold your phone up to your face, and the front camera activates. 
The narrator’s voice is slightly lower quality, but still very much there. “Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you had- What’s wrong?” You aren’t upset, just startled. 
“Well,” you say with a breathless laugh. “I guess you’re coming with me while I take care of business. You sure you’ll be alright in there? It’s not the most comfortable place to be.”
“Ha! Anything’s better than being in the game. Besides, I’ll be with you. What else matters?” You stare at him for several seconds. The embarrassment of what he said catches up with him and he stammers something.
“Well- uh- aha- You know what I mean.” Your heart is doing something funny in your chest.
He begins to experiment with these abilities of his, learning about his range and what’s possible. You’re delightfully surprised when he squeezes into a digital printer and begins printing hearts for you. He can enter any digital device that’s within twenty feet. It comes in handy. 
Romance starts to bloom between the two of you. The narrator’s heart started beating the first time he heard your voice, and you started to fall for his charms once you had broken him out of the game.
It’s one of the best, most interesting relationships you’ve ever had.    
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