#maybe it's to do with the fact that i fixate on crushes but. i definitely feel intense attraction to ppls specic features it's not like i
ruruvxz · 15 days
Or any Hanni fic would be great. Like domestic hanni would be extremely cute too.
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Girlfriend!Hanni Pham x Fem!Reader
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↳synopsis: Taking a well needed rest was everyone’s dream after a long week of slaving away on your desk, filling out spreadsheets and whatnot. And you were no expectation to that rule! But even if you yearned for that break, you couldn’t get it because of a house party you were invited to; that just so happened to be the same day as your anniversary you forgot about. Your poor girlfriend couldn’t take it any longer!
↳cw: swearing, neglectful reader, mentions of alcohol, jealous Hanni, fluff
↳wc: 2.6k
a/n: genuinely this has been marinating in my drafts for so long, I keep forgetting what I want to write. sorry it took quite a while to get back to this request but we’re all good! anyways hope you enjoyed!!
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You felt awfully sluggish today, maybe it was the copious amount of tasks your awful boss assigned to you, or perhaps it was the looming fact that you agreed to party at some old high school friend's apartment. Not to mention the fact that you'd only have a few hours of rest at your apartment before having to get up again, you really could've just declined the offer but your friend needed you to be there, and you didn't want to be a flaker!
As you dragged yourself to your shared apartment with your girlfriend, you inserted the key into the door and snapped it open, letting out a loud grunt as you pushed yourself through it. Immediately coming inside you scent the pungent aroma wafting in the air, the trace getting more noticeable as you walk past the kitchen. Popping your head inside you see your girlfriend, Hanni, trying to cook up something. It was surprising since she usually wasn't the one to cook, nor come home before you.
From the look of her messily thrown-together bun, staying intact by a flimsy claw clip, she returned not too long away. Hanni looked a bit too fixated on what she was cooking that she didn't even notice you coming in, letting out an exasperated sigh you walked over to her. Rubbing her back while leaning over her shoulder, Hanni was a bit surprised her body jolted at your touch.
"Oh, your home!" She squealed, turning her gaze towards yours, her glasses almost falling from the bridge of her nose. "I'm making us dinner!" She smiled, looking back at the pan that was slowly grilling a few vegetables. You took the time to inspect all the work she put into constructing the perfect meal, and honestly, you were looking forward to her cooking.
"Thank you so much, Hanni, I needed this." You expressed your gratitude before she lifted a piece of broccoli to your lips, giving a little chuckle as you ate the broccoli without hesitation.
Sadly, as you munched on the green vegetable, you felt your phone vibrating in your back pocket, your ringtone filling both your and Hanni's ears. It wasn't all that uncommon for anyone to call you after you clocked off, but from the contact number it most definitely wasn't an innocently confused junior coworker, it was your friend. "Shit" you mumbled as you checked the time.
"I'm so sorry baby, I just realized I have something to do... I can't eat dinner with you tonight." You sullenly spoke, putting the phone back in your pocket, Hanni just gave you a distraught look. "I just remember I'm meeting up with Belle, she's having a get-together." Mumbling as you continued. You felt so awful but you already promised Belle— Hye-Won that you'd meet up with her, but your poor girlfriend was slaving away to make you both a delicious meal.
"Oh uhm! It's okay Y/N don't worry about it—, we can always have dinner another time" Hanni reassured, clamping her palm on top of yours; it felt so heart-crushing seeing your girlfriend reacting this way, but you already made a promise to a friend. "M' sorry baby, I promise we'll have dinner together next time... it's just I don't wanna let Hye-Won down."
"Don't worry about it Y/N! There's always next time." Hanni laughed weakly as she pulled her hands away from yours, breaking any contact she had with you to flimsily play with her food. Being the pushover she was, she couldn't get herself to protest against you, even if today was special, not only to her but also to you, to both of you. Today had marked your 2nd anniversary, a day which would've and should've been celebrated together in each other's arms, but that completely flew over your head. Technically it wasn't your "lovers anniversary" as per se, it was more like the day the both of you first met. It was a tad bit silly, you both met in the university entry week and kindled your friendship turned relationship from there.
But the story of how you met wasn't even the focal point, what was more important was the fact that unbeknownst to you, you had been subconsciously ignoring her the whole day. Whether that be this morning when you mistakenly abandoned her when you hastily got ready for work, greeting her with an empty apartment when she woke up. Or when you unknowingly lost your phone the entire day just to be greeted with multiple missed calls and messages from your girlfriend.
It was all too much, and Hanni felt as if she was losing you, what was she even to do? She can't confront you about it for fear of scaring you away even further, but if she continues to ignore the issue who knows what will happen? All she could do was cook you one of your favorite meals in the hopes that you'd fall back into her arms. And by the stare you were in, it didn't look like it was quite working; maybe it was doing the opposite.
Overwhelmed by the thought of you leaving her, her face scrunched into an unpleasant one, overthinking every minuscule detail, plotting different ways she could get you back. Even if you were dense, you weren't an idiot and could see the discomfort written all over her sweet pout. "You know... you can come with me if you want baby." You offered reaching your hand out to pinch her cheek, shaking it around a bit to tease her.
Hanni's eyes instantly lit up at the idea, maybe this could get her the perfect opportunity to get through to you, and maybe you'd leave your little meeting with your friends to have a proper date to celebrate your anniversary. "Really? I can?" She asked pushing her hair out her face as she looked up at you, practically jumping at the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with you. "Of course bun, I'd probably be bored out of my mind anyways." You laughed taking your hand off her cheeks to ruffle a bit of her hair. "C'mon' let's get going bunny— promise you'll like it, baby."
This was a mistake. Everything about this "get-together" was a mistake. Hanni was under the presumption that this was a small little hangout with a bunch of close friends, but it could be farther from the truth. In all reality she was stuffed like a pack of sardines with a bunch of people she had never met, you told her it was a high school reunion but she didn't know half of your graduate grade would come. All of which you apparently "knew" somewhat, whether it was from mutual connections or you genuinely liked hanging out with them.
Whatever it was, you ditched her to go hang out with a bunch of pals you hadn't seen in a while, leaving her to sit on a crowded couch and socialize with three other girls she'd never met. Hanni's bubbly personality was only able to get her so far before eventually getting more and more drained as the girls got to talking more. Maybe it was because they kept talking about mindless topics or maybe it was because her eyes kept lingering back to yours. Your carefree attitude when you gave your devoted attention to the girl who was talking to you infuriated her more and more.
The girl had soft curly locks that reached to her waist, she was undoubtedly taller than Hanni and was a lot more different from her. Just the way she presented herself struck a cord within Hanni, especially when she was all so bold whenever she touched the hems of your shirt. The curly-haired girl's personality was oddly touchy, getting more and more bold as she rubbed your back and your arms with a soft giggle. The fact she was getting away with this and the fact you were so dense about this made your girlfriend bubble up with rage even more.
In your defense, you got more and more uncomfortable by the touch but were far too intoxicated to convey your message. Resorting to backing away slowly whenever she got too close, it was the least you could do as you knew your girlfriend could be here any time. As the curly-haired girl continued your conversation it took Hanni far more constraint, not to have had to pry the curly-haired woman's hand away from you. Although she was left on the couch watching from afar not saying a single peep to not stir conflict with someone she did not know about.
This didn't negate the fact that Hanni was still aggravated, to the point that she hadn't noticed she tightened her grip on the plastic cup, that it started to leave soft dents. Oh how she wished she could just chuck her drink at the girl next to you and drag you away, but she was better than that.
It wasn't until the curly-haired girl got a bit too handsy when she was checking out your necklace that Hanni got you for your birthday that she finally got Hanni to reach her tipping point. She threw the pillow that was resting on her lap back on the couch and excused herself from the conversation she was having with the other girls. Strutting over towards the both of you and wrapping her arms around your waist tightly. Making sure to dig her head in the crook of your neck with a pouting face. "What are you guys talking about..." Hanni whined playfully as her gaze burned into the woman's in front of her.
"Huh? Hey baby, she was talking about how much she liked the necklace you got me." You replied honestly, a bit oblivious to the girls glaring at one another.
"You must be the lucky girl, Hanni was it? I'm Aaliyah." The taller girl replied, tucking a strand of her curly hair behind her ear with a soft laugh. She took one glance at Hanni, before pulling her attention back at you, completely ignoring her presence before talking once more. Almost as if Hanni was just some close friend, then an actual partner for you; the conversation lasted for a bit before your girlfriend cut her off once more.
Her grip slid away from your waist and swung around your neck as she talked, grasping onto you tightly when she spoke. “So how about you? Has anyone been lucky in your life?” Hanni asked bluntly, a bit of a rude question from your point of view, but what were you to say about that? “No, not anyone I can think of right now,” Aaliyah replied irritated by her question using her free hand to fix your puka shell necklace, before Hanni used her arm to swat her away. The tension grew thicker as your slightly drunken state was standing right in the middle of the two girls.
It came to a point where both girls were having a sarcastic and bitter conversation about relationships, as you stood there, Hanni’s arms around your neck while another girl was flirting with your face. You were beyond embarrassed and just wanted to run back to the car and hide, but the way the conversation was going it didn’t seem like it. “That’s a shame you can’t find a good match, maybe avoid going for other people who are taken? I don’t know just a hunch.” She bit back, taking a jab at how out of all the people in this party she was flirting with her Y/N.
“You’re so right, sorry I didn’t see a leash on them.” She laughed and looked back at you and back to Hanni, the way Hanni wrapped her arms tighter after that comment struck a nerve with her. “Oh dear, why would anyone need to do that, maybe if people respected others there would be no need for that.” She scoffed, before releasing her grip off of you and giving her full attention to the snarky woman in front of her.
“Oh don’t be THAT insecure—“
“Don’t be like that Aly.” You finally spoke up, defending your girlfriend while your head pounded at the situation and the fact the music was oddly getting louder. “C’mon bun, let’s go.”
“Awh Y/N, we were only playing around!” Aaliyah responded rubbing her nape before looking at Hanni’s scorned expression, it intimidated her nonetheless. “You play too much Aly…” You responded looking back at Hanni, stroking her head before resting a sweet kiss on her flushed cheeks, explaining to her how Aliyah was just a friend who likes to tease other people’s partners for some sick reason.
“She’s an… oddball, that’s for sure, she’s just messing with you.” You laugh lowly, continuing to run your fingers through your girlfriend’s hair as she wraps her arms around your waist. It didn’t take long before you soon forced Aaliyah to apologize to your girlfriend before you left, it was a bit awkward, but they were both able to set the record straight. Finally making it back to the car and hurling yourself in the passenger seat to let Hanni drive back home, being the most sober one between the both of you.
The drive back was silent, but she still resented you for the fact you forgot your anniversary, once you both made it back to the apartment she quickly changed and headed to bed. You found it odd that she went straight to the bedroom without a mindless conversation or a sweet treat, so you quickly ran to her aid. Maybe something was wrong! (There most definitely was, she was on the verge of tears as she laid her head down on the pillow, hoping that maybe by some miracle you’d realize how much today meant to her. And how quickly you forgot her anniversary for the whole day.)
“Hanni, is everything okay? Why do you look so down?” You asked kneeling in front of her as she rested her head on the pillow with her eyes squeezed shut. She didn’t reply, as she just turned her head away from yours, looking to the other side to get some rest. “Don’t be like that, what’s wrong hun?” You asked standing up and stroking her arm over the covers, to give her some comfort, from the discomfort you didn’t know you caused.
“Today was our anniversary.” She cried as she rolled back over toward you, tears welling up in her eyes. You felt awful as you continued to rub her shoulders, you really didn’t know it was your anniversary today, and when you looked at your phone to clear your suspicions everything clicked.
“What.” She barked as she hid herself over the covers once more, hiding her crying face. “Our anniversary is tomorrow, not today.” You laughed as you pulled the covers away from her body to show her your phone with the date plastered on top of the time. Hanni’s cheeks burned red as she sat back up, apologizing profusely for the way she acted, as you laughed at the whole situation. Once she finally stopped apologizing you grabbed her and pulled her into your chest as you ran your fingers through the back of her hair. Spending the rest of the night in each other's arms before the clock finally struck midnight.
“Would you look at that?” You looked up at the clock, displaying a perfect midnight. “Technically it’s our anniversary today.” Laughing you nudged Hanni before she pushed you off playfully as she stared at the clock.
“Happy anniversary Y/N.”
“Happy anniversary Hanni.”
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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flirting with them
notes: i present to you, the 3 absolute worst (best) people to flirt with: "cranky & in denial", "goes through a crisis when you compliment him" and "utterly confused but ready to marry you if you ask"
if you like my works, feel free to commission me!
contains: character x gn!reader, shameless flirting
characters included: rollo flamm, azul ashengrotto, malleus draconia
word count: 2.7k
warnings: glorious masquerade spoilers, enemies to lovers with rollo
dark content creators & consumers do not interact
Listen, Rollo goes through enough of a crisis already over the fact that he likes you, one of those insufferable Night Raven College students who use magic so carelessly and gaze at it with wonder and excitement. But you flirting with him? He goes through all 5 stages of grief over that.
Up to the point where you start actively teasing him, Rollo does a good job at convincing himself that the reason he’s just particularly fixated on you of all the NRC students, is because he just hates you the most. Nevermind the way his heart skips a beat when you smile at him while touring the City of Flowers before he revealed his true colors to you. How you had invited him to sit with you and share some local food as you exchanged experiences and thoughts. 
He tries to ignore the way his heart is beating faster when he sees you at the Masquerade Ball. He tells himself it’s likely just that he’s anxious about not having succeeded with his plan. He pushes down the idea of kissing you breathless and being held in your arms gently as you run your hands through his hair and kiss his forehead- 
God, what am I thinking…they’re my enemy, he thinks to himself. With a hateful expression he makes his way over to you, determined to tell you how he’s not done yet and one day he’ll erase magic from this very world. That you’ll fear his name and- oh god you’re winking at him. 
He’s blushing furiously but he still has that angry expression on his face, so it just looks a little like Riddle when it’s off with your head. His mind is going haywire though. They winked at me…oh no…oh fuck…abort immediately, he decides to just avoid you and glare at you from a distance but at this point it is too late. A certain hunter had already told you how Rollo had been staring at you this entire evening whenever you weren’t looking and that he “probably wanted to have a dance with you”
So you make your way over to him and ask him. His heart skips a beat and he wants to reject you and tell you off but what he wants even more is to indulge you and have a nice evening with you. “What makes you think I’d want to dance with you?”, he spits out and crosses his arms. Yeah. That’ll work. Good job, Rollo.
“I don’t know, you seem pretty desperate”, you shrug, trying to suppress a smirk. The AUDACITY, he thinks but can’t say anything in response, just taking your hand and starting to dance with you. He remains silent and you poke his cheek. “You can be so cute when you stop being cranky for two minutes”, you tease and he can feel his cheeks burning. At this point you’re well aware that he’s got a little crush on you, because against his own perception of things, he wasn’t exactly subtle. 
He looks after you with rage written on his face and confusion in his heart as you and the other NRC students leave to head back to your own school. That’s all he can do. Watch you leave.
What did he care anyway? You were just an obnoxious magic enthusiast who- 
He gazes in surprise upon the small rose that had been placed on his desk. It is definitely enchanted, has a soft glow and some of the petals are floating around it. There is a little note attached to it: Thank you for the dance, Rollo ♡ - Love, y/n.
He looks at the mirror in shock when he notices the soft smile on his face upon seeing your note. He hates magic so much. But maybe…maybe he could make an exception for you and you only. 
Definitely rants to the gargoyles about how much he hates you and the way your eyes sparkle in the sun and how your laugh sounds like a thousand beautiful symphonies. Yeah he definitely hates you, no doubt.
He sometimes posts about school events on his Magicam and on pictures he’s on he tends to find little compliments from you. This makes his day every single time but god forbid anyone notices.
He eventually starts conversing with you over text, having quite a few long conversations and bonding despite how much he wants to deny it. You’re still flirting with him shamelessly and never miss out on wishing him a good night with a heart emoji attached. He sends one back once or twice, claiming his hand slipped on the keyboard.
When he sees you again, at the culture festival, he sits at the table with you and a couple of your friends. You ask him whether he is going to watch the VDC and he insists he sees no reason in watching a singing competition. “I mean we could always go backstage and kiss for a while if you’d prefer that”, you say nonchalantly and so casually, it makes Rollo choke on his drink. The other students at the table are definitely staring at you two and Rollo wishes he could merge with the ground at this moment.
He pulls you aside after the incident to a hallway where there’s no people. “What the hell did you think you were doing?”, he hisses at you and clutches onto his handkerchief until his knuckles turn white. “I apologize for putting you on the spot”, you say sincerely, “you look pretty when you’re flustered, though.” “Do you ever shut up?”, his breath hitches in his throat. 
“If you take me up on my offer I would”, you wink at him and find yourself with Rollo’s lips on yours within seconds. As soon as he gets to kiss you, the very thing he had been longing for for months now, it’s like a switch flips in his brain. His kiss is fiery and aggressive at first but then melts into your touch just like he had wanted for so long, kissing you softly as he feels his hands shake. He feels you smile into the kiss upon noticing how gentle and loving he is now and Rollo holds onto you, resting his head against your shoulder breathlessly as soon as the kiss was over. Both of you remain silent for a while before Rollo speaks quietly, his voice shaking: “I love you.” 
You chuckle and pat his head. “I know”, you kiss his forehead gently and he closes his eyes.
Rollo hated magic, he knew that much. But somehow every moment with you felt so magical and made him so happy…
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Azul is used to people being mean to him and also to casual, neutral interactions but never has anyone been so blatantly verbally affectionate with him and this man doesn’t know how to handle it. 
It all started when he had asked you to come to the Mostro Lounge VIP room as Valentine’s Day was getting closer, because several people had declared that they were ready to sign a contract with him if he could get them a date with you. So he presented the terms to you and offered you help in a class you were bad at. He didn’t think you’d accept so easily. 
“So, let me get this straight, all I’d have to do for this is to go on a date with one of those guys involved in the whole contract thing with you?”, you raised an eyebrow and Azul nodded, extending his hand to you to seal the deal, as you had blatantly refused to sign a contract. But that didn’t matter. After all, he’d already get what he wanted from whoever you would pick to go on a date with. You shook his hand and Azul smiles at you. “Well then, shall I show you who was ready to make a contract with me for your company?”, he showed you his typical business smile and you just replied dryly. “That won’t be necessary. I’ve already picked.”
Azul was confused. “But you don’t even know who asked?”, he raised an eyebrow and threw Jade and Floyd a questioning glare. They didn’t seem to know what was going on either. “I said ‘someone involved in the whole contract thing’”, you reminded him, “do you have any plans on Friday?” Azul’s face fell. He was already blushing and glaring at the twins who were snickering quietly. “No?”, he croaked and pushed his glasses back with his eyes widened. “Great!”, you smiled at him and got up, waving him goodbye, “I’ll see you at 8 then? I’ll pick you up at Mostro Lounge!” 
As soon as you had closed the door behind you, Jade and Floyd started wheezing uncontrollably. “What just happened?”, Jade asked under his breath, “did they just scam you into a date?” Azul’s expression darkened, as did his blush. “I DON’T KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED”, his voice cracked and he wanted to curl up in his octopus pot, “stop laughing.”
Once you've learnt of his past, you've become much more gentle and less teasing with your flirting. He deserved the reassurance that you were serious and genuinely liked him. You’d often tell him that you thought he looked nice when he wore a new outfit and complimented him for his achievements in class and his business strategies. You even went as far as to tell him that his octopus form probably looked cute. He just didn’t know what to do with you. 
Upon being asked whether you were trying to make fun of him, you looked into his eyes with a serious expression and told him you meant everything you had said to him. 
As he took you and your friends to the Atlantica Memorial Museum to return the elementary school photo, Grim was excited. “Maybe we’ll bring back some sort of treasure from the ocean!”, he exclaimed. “But we already have Azul”, you insisted and the octopus merman blushed immediately. “Please just stop”, he begged and sighed, although your words definitely made him feel good, “not in front of people…”
Over such a short time he had already learnt to expect your flirting. That didn’t mean it made him any less flustered. 
Once you had returned the photo and had a moment alone with him, you took his hands into yours and told him you were proud of how far he had come. Azul squeezed your hand gently, a silent ‘thank you’ for the love and affection you were so ready to give to him after all of his hardships.
Malleus doesn’t actively recognize your flirting as such. Don’t get me wrong, he’s so on board with this and really flattered but until you tell him directly what you feel for him, he still assumes you just see him as a good friend.
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“Shall I give you a blessing?”, he smirks as he asks you this question on your birthday. You cup his face gently. “You’re my blessing, Malleus”, you say with a soft smile on your face and Malleus looks at you with his signature surprised expression. Lilia chuckles, mumbling about how bold you are. Malleus is just awestruck. He doesn’t know what to say at first. He’s blushing and then takes your hands in his. “Thank you. I feel honored. It means a lot to me to hear that”, he says genuinely and his thumb brushes over your hand softly.
Malleus loves your little affections so much. He didn’t know how starved he was for them until he experienced them for the first time. He treasures so much how ready you are to speak your mind, especially when it comes to telling him how you feel about him. Little does he know that’s only a small part of how much you truly love him. 
You were a little late to the Masquerade Ball during the student exchange meeting, eventually opening the big door to the entrance hall of Noble Bell College for your big entrance. Malleus spots you almost immediately, marveling at how beautiful you looked, dressed up for the occasion. Your eyes meet his across the hall and you make your way over to him straight away, taking his hand in yours. “I really like this song they’re playing right now. I think it’s time for our first dance of the evening”, you smirk at him, just waiting for him to follow you. Sebek is yelling at you how you could possibly have the audacity to not just assume you could dance with him but not even ask Prince Malleus Draconia ‘Would you please share a dance with me?’ first. But Malleus adores when you’re bold. After all this time of people being too afraid to even talk to him, he’s fascinated how assured you are to approach him with your wishes and requests with no hesitation. 
“You seem quite determined”, he chuckles and leads you to the dancefloor. He’s absolutely relishing in the fact that you walked into this event dead-set on getting a dance with him, implying your upcoming dance wouldn’t be the last one that night either. It makes him feel so special. More than the treatment he receives from others as a prince does. Because it feels like you have seen right through him, accepted every part of him and decided you wanted all of it. 
You dance through the evening with Malleus, telling him how much you liked the song he presented as a gift for the other students. “I could listen to your voice for hours”, you brush a strand of hair out of his face and Malleus leans into your touch. “I would gladly sing for you again. You need only ask”, he smirks. 
You later stop by his room, knocking on the door softly. Malleus opens it, having taken off the heavier, pompous parts of his masquerade outfit; now only dressed in a pair of black pants and the see-through black shirt worn under the complex and ornate fabrics of the costume. His hair is slightly disheveled and he has his bangs pushed up, letting you see his dragon markings. Upon seeing you, he instantly smiles. “You look so beautiful”, you mouth, making Malleus chuckle and smirk at you. “So do you”, he insists. “I’m never going to overshadow the talking gargoyle but I’ve made peace with that”, you sigh and step into the room, Malleus closing the door behind you. He laughs at your comment, then gazes out of the window. 
“The night in the City of Flowers seems to show a different expression than during the day”, he says and turns to you, seeing you smile at him with a mischievous expression, “that face…you are also interested?” His smirk matches yours now. “Malleus, what do you think I came here for at this hour, hmm?”, you chuckle, pulling out a map from your pocket, “so…you can teleport us out of Noble Bell College without being seen right?” Malleus puts his hands onto his hips. “Nothing easier than that.”
After you explored the city at night, you end up sitting at the roof of a tall building, looking down on the beautiful city. “I’m very glad I got to share these memories with you”, Malleus takes your hand in his again and you look into his eyes, cupping his cheek gently. “You’re so precious to me…you have no idea”, you mumble quietly, smiling at him fondly; filled with unconditional love. Malleus squeezes your hand and looks at you with the same expression. “I think I’m starting to understand”, he whispers as the sun rises on the horizon.
Malleus loves when you’re bold with your flirting, he loves when you show your teasing side and flatter him with a clever line. But he just as much craves the moments when you’re calm and serious, just smiling at him and letting him know how much he means to you, even if he doesn’t know yet whether you intend for it to be romantic or see him as a good friend. He treasures your affection and how you’re unafraid to give him your love and appreciation in a way no one ever has to him. 
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sebastianravkin · 2 months
My hyper fixated autistic mind keeps running the Neil-Gaiman allegations around and around in my head and I need to find a way to move past the hero in my mind. Even though I believed Neil-Gaiman when he said ‘you never want to meet your heroes’, even though I am old enough to know better, even though I assumed Neil-Gaiman probably had issues and hangups that didn’t come through in his friendly and wise public persona, I have still been hit hard by the extent that I was wrong. I need ritual, closure, a way to move on. So I WILL BE HOLDING A PRIVATE FUNERAL FOR MY HEAD-CANON NEIL-GAIMAN. Maybe others want to hold their own funerals, maybe it will help, and so I put this out there for you to consider.    
To be clear - and many may disagree and I am fine with that - I do not care in theory if Neil slept with younger women, I slept with older men and think of myself as better for it. I do not care that Neil practices BDSM as long as it is safe and consensual. I do not care if Neil had an open marriage if it was agreed upon by both parties. I believe Neil is autistic, and that can make intimate (or really any) communication difficult sometimes, but I do not think that is an excuse. I believe Neil suffers depression and suicidal ideation, but I do not think that gives him a pass for treating others poorly. 
I care that Neil took advantage of women who were at a disadvantage - financially, professionally, mentally, emotionally. I care that he was proposing sex with women after being married to his first wife for only a year and who was probably obliviously at home with their new baby. I care that Neil is no where near the man I thought he was, I hoped he was, I believed he was and that made the world a slightly better place. 
So, I will be holding a funeral for Neil-Gaiman. For the man who spoke of his own heroes - Terry Pratchett and Gene Wolfe - as polite and kind and wise and (I made the mistake of assuming) as role-models for his own behavior. For the man who appeared to be so kind and funny, with no ulterior motives, on Tumblr to so many fans. For the man who has written the books that I have read and reread to get through various crises in my life and so I assumed he had a deeper wisdom than I about life. For the man that I had a serious crush on since the 1990s. For the man who inspired various aspects of my own writing about, and understanding of, humanity. This man is fictionally dead, because this man was a fiction. His art lives on, and I will continue to love the art because I can not simply turn that off. 
What will this funeral be like? Probably some candles. Probably some tears. Probably burning a photo or two, but never never a book. Comfort food, definitely. Sad music. Maybe watch my favorite moments in Good Omens. Or read my favorite short story in Trigger Warnings. Or maybe just work my way through The Sandman again. I will grieve him like I grieve the end of a good book, or the death of a favorite character in a story, or the loss of a favorite place on the landscape.
The fact that there is some other dude out there that looks like Neil-Gaiman, who I think of as just Neil (because every ‘Neil’ I have known was an ass, which should have been a red flag really), is too bad. Maybe Neil is self-destructive, maybe Neil harms others to harm himself, maybe Neil will find help, find a way back from the depths he has thrown himself into. Or maybe Neil is just a dick; always has been, always will be. You can be autistic and self-loathing and depressive and suicidal and still be kind. But you can also be all of those things, and also just be a dick.
R.I.P. Neil-Gaiman.  I am done. I have no more to say on this.
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uyuartik · 1 month
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inspired by the song | ao3
You wanna guess the color of my underwear
You wanna know what I got goin' on down there
God, you can’t fathom the set of events that led to this moment: the stupid patrol missions, the meaningless match of you and Joel, the most irrelevant pair there could ever be (well, irrelevant except your little, tiny, barely consequential crush on him), his grumpy ass sitting in the corner annoyed yet lenient (a true grace as you touched his nerve with all that attempts to deepen the conversation or your high pitched “Five more minutes!” and “Please!”s in the morning, alas surprise, he was more so annoyed with himself for how much he let you get away with it )as you sifted through every nook and cranny, finding little stuff of use and the cards. It was meant to be a drinking game, posing all sorts of questions, and probably intended for people younger than you. Well, maybe not you, but definitely Joel.
But, this moment-
Your giggles and comments on the cards that were met with his groans and quips were cut sharp when the prompt on them caught you off guard, and the room was immediately silent. Even the shuffle of his bag while he rummaged through it was practically non-existent, thus your first reaction, an embarrassing squeal, had made him turn to you. Fuck, you felt so small and alive to the core when Joel raised his eyebrow, quietly asking you what made you stop, and also challenging you to keep going, even though he could already imagine the reason.
“Uhm, nothing, we can skip this one.”
“No, I want to hear it.” This was probably his wicked way to get payback for all the nuisance you’ve caused him, yet there was no grin behind his words, only the gruff you desperately adored. It was enhanced due to tiredness, no surprise there, and it was visible even from the outside, his huge shoulders slightly sagging, hair mussed up, muscles left bare for your viewing pleasure as he settled into the cabin you two would spend the night.
You pressed your thighs together first, the words “guess the color of my underwear” and Joel himself occupying your mind at the same time already doing things to you. Realizing each second that the silence lasted was making this more awkward, you cleared your throat. “It- it says guess the color of my underwear.” 
Then, his eyes became fixated on you, up and down and up again, burning into you, and you cowered, blinking. That was the moment realized that he had thrown his bag aside, standing in the middle of the room, his attention solely on you now. there was an element to his aura that you hadn’t seen before, some sort of pressure and resistance, a flame engulfing his skin.
“I don’t have to. I already know.”
You didn’t know what possessed you to say “Then say it.”, your shaky breath already betraying your bravado.
His heavy boots thudded, echoing as he walked towards you, pounding in your ears while your heart was pounding in your chest so much so that it probably was visible from the outside, but it even got worse as he held your chin, redirecting your face to establish eye contact, a deeper one this time that you couldn’t run from. You couldn’t help but keen into his touch, straightening your back and feeling the muscles of your lower body twitch.
“Black. Lacy on the sides. With the little bows.”
Yes, naturally, the patrol partners saw each other in every possible scenario in the couple of days the mission lasted, so there was nothing out of the ordinary that he saw you in your underwear while you were getting ready for bed- but that details, meant he looked, not just saw. Joel looked at you. 
And that was a fact your brain had trouble processing.
“How-” The basic question was all you could utter, and even that was interrupted, shutting you up for good. Even while confessing, he was the one in control, finally having the courage to speak his mind, set free by your obvious intrigue. The faintest of wavering in his voice only added to his strength, his true self, his true feelings.
“But my favourite is the pink one. Thin enough to fly in the slightest of breeze. Hiding basically nothing. Especially that secret tattoo you have.”
In a few seconds, the information “of course, neighbors may occasionally see each other’s laundry hanging in their garden” was shadowed with “Joel sees me through my bedroom window- fresh out of the shower or after hot summer nights and possibly more.” Subsequently, you wondered, what else did he do? Did he hold out his breath as he discovered his chance? Did he try to abstain, only to fail after a week? Did he replay the scenes in his mind as he talked to you during the day? Did he touch himself, imagining it was your hand- and hoped more?
His thumb caressed your lip, the thick callouses dragging across the sensitive skin, and you took that as a yes to your unasked questions. In return, you peeked out your tongue to lick it, pulling him in as he released a content hum. In search of being closer, you rose to your knees, holding onto his wrist, and his other hand slithered across your thigh, dancing around the hemline of the t-shirt you called a pajama.
“So, you want to prove me right?”
a/n: hope you liked it! it was too good of an inspiration to pass, and i thought a drabble would compliment the vibe of it. don't forget to leave likes and reblogs, it means the world to me! thank you all for being here!
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not yours~teaser
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pairing: jisung x minho x reader
summary: jisung has a secret little crush in his close friend Minho’s partner but it’s not as secret as he thinks it is
warnings: in teaser- dom reader, sub jisung, blowjob, edging
in full fic later- dom reader, switch minho (kind of), sub jisung, overstimulation, dacryphilia, blowjob, anal fingering, oral fixation, pegging, degradation, praise, probably more as i go along the writing process
word count: 1.1k (so far)
a/n: i guess i'll leave you all with a teaser, i'm going on a break from tumblr and social media as a whole for now to focus on other things and i'll come back to this eventually-i just feel like being mean lol
anyway, lmk if you wanna be tagged for when this does eventually end up coming out
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Your hands are all over his body. 
Touching. Feeling. Teasing. Tasting.
Tongue swirling around the head of his cock, nails digging into the plush of back of his thighs nearly hard enough to draw blood. Your body, lying between his legs, gripping them so hard as to keep him in place given how squirmy he is. 
Its ecstasy, pleasure boiling in his gut, searing heat all throughout his body as his hands try to grasp at your hair, try to lead you, try to move you to go faster.
You only slow down at that, tongue tracing over the prominent vein and hand cupping his balls.
He nearly sobs.
"F-faster-d-don't stop, please", he croaks, voice hoarse from moaning, cracked from begging, rolling his hips up, "please don’t stop." His hips buck up, hitting the back of your throat.
You almost gag, pulling off of him quickly, with a stern glare, pinching his thigh and revelling in his hiss of pain and anguished cry of being denied once more. 
Your lips twitch at that, trying to fight back a smirk at how utterly pathetic he looks under your touch.
All flushed and hard and begging, crying as he begs you to continue.
Kissing up the skin of his inner thighs, licking a long strip up until where you got just where he needs you before you stop, and look up at him as if just realizing the death grip he has in your hair.
He whines, looking at you with the neediest eyes he could possibly muster but that seems to have no effect on you, frowning with a sense of glee while you brush away his hands like they're nothing. 
“If you do that again, I stop again and maybe that time for good.” You hiss, staring up at him with a dark look glimmering in your eye, proving the words to be anything but a bluff.
He whimpers in reply, toes curling as he resists the urge, fisting the sheets instead. This was more than enough for him to wish you had put cuffs on his hands.
"So...mean,” He whines, so cutely, so pitifully, even to his own ears. “You-you're being so mean."
You only smile back up at him, seeming to take pride in the fact before you take his cock back into your mouth, eyes alight with a special kind of sadistic pleasure at his desperation.
Only you could make him like this-all whiny and desperate, almost crying, so overwhelmed with pleasure, willing to beg and plead for the chance. 
“Oh, but you know you love it so much when I'm mean to you, don't you, Sungie?” You pull away for a short second to whisper and then he was losing his mind again.
You feel so good, your mouth so warm and so wet around him. Your movements skilled, practiced in a way that makes him lose his mind, that makes him want to thrust so, so much, so much his thighs ache and his fingernails dig into his palms in an effort to not touch.
And you could tell-fuck you could definitely tell, making him all the more hot with the way you glance up at him every so often, making even more flustered as the wet dream continued.
It all felt so real. And he wished it was real. Wished it was actually you touching him and not just his mind coming up with it’s own ways to satiate his own depraved desires
It felt all so faint, not even close to being enough. 
So strange as he slowly came out of it and you moaned around him, his body was screaming for more.
An ache like a burning desire, his body and his mind begging for it, pleading for it. 
For more and more and more and more until it couldn't take.
His eyelids twitched and the clarity of everything began to waver.
No. No. No. No. No. 
Please no.
His mind desperately tried to cling to the strands, to the made-up memory, anything that could bring it back.
Even though he knew.
It was over. 
A lost fight.
He slowly blinked as he woke up, rubbing his eyes to clear them. His body was hot, sweat coating his skin in a thin layer, all of his blankets were kicked off and now laid in a messy heap on the floor.
He groaned, the inevitable between his legs apparent after such a dream.
Thoughts swirled through his mind, hand coming down to palm the bulge as his other arm covered his face in the crook of his elbow.
The dream.
Fuck, what a dream.
He moaned quietly, trying to keep his mind blank beside that but it wasn’t long before the guilt set in.
How could he do this? 
Have a wet dream about you while you laid fast asleep in the next room with your own boyfriend? With his friend who was your boyfriend.
If Minho ever found out he would surely kill him, never talk to him again, never let him see you again.
If he knew that his best friend was in the next room, touching himself right after having a wet dream about the love of his life.
The guilt that set in was an instant boner-killer and before he could even cum he no longer felt in the mood.
He didn’t linger long, sitting up and swallowing to realize how dry his mouth and throat was and how he’d forgotten to bring water with him to bed.
Slowly rolling of the mattress, he got up and grabbed a pair of sweatpants off the floor, pulling them up over his boxers for at least some level of decency but still decided to stay shirtless.
It was too hot for that and it wasn’t like anyone would be up anyways, the time that read on his phone-practically blinding him as he turned it on proved that, showing it was well past midnight and no one would be up for a few hours.
As assumed, the dorms were empty besides where everyone slept in their respective rooms. It was quiet and dark as he silently walked through it, trying not to make any noises and risk waking everyone up.
He passed the door to Minho’s room and thoughtlessly paused, lingering on the spot for a few added seconds before moving on.
Completely missing the faint line of light peeking under the doorway.
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a/n: just lmk if you wanna be tagged for the finished project :)
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biteofcherry · 2 months
Okay, so picture this:
You’re out on the town with your friends, it’s a late night of bar hopping in a city you’ve never been before. Tonight is your last one there, so they insist on making the most of it well into the early hours of the morning. You find yourselves in an old historic part of town and are drawn by the energy of a storefront, somehow still open at this late hour. Your friends are caught up in themselves, sharing jokes with tipsy laughter as you enter the door alone, greeted by an old woman. In your drunken unfilteredness, you spill everything to her: why you’re on this trip, why you sometimes feel unlucky in love, how you’ve been pining after this man, but for some reason he doesn’t seem to notice. She offers you some tea, it would be rude to turn down her hospitality, but she’s got a twinkle in her eye. She’s actually a witch doctor who can make potions to grant your wish of not being alone anymore. She can make the man you want, want you back, or at least give them that extra push (bc they def already have feelings, just don’t show it and try to shove them down). When you return home, having forgotten about your drunken encounters, you’re confused as to why this man is all over you. Is it:
work rival Steve, childhood friend Ransom, or neighbor Andy ?
okay okay okay 👀 let's think
Why would we pin after a work rival? I mean, I get that it's Steve and it's reason enough. Valid point. Are we like serious rivals? Enemies about to become lovers? Is there heat and threats and unresolved sexual tension?
Ransom can be a childhood friend, but is he worthy of pinning? He's handsome, but also a spoiled asshole who treats his staff poorly. I suppose he's good to us and maybe even spoils us a bit. He's definitely cozy to snuggle up with on autumn evenings, watching movies.
Is the gloomy neighbor Andy a just widowed/divorced hermit, who gives charming smiles, but keeps to himself? Does that intrigue us? Do we want to make him smile more often and imagine ourselves as fixing his broken heart?
I don't see myself pining after Ransom 😜 I would find him hot and want to fuck him, but for me he's not a type to be crushing on. At least not for the adult me. My teenage self could probably fall for the smart but cunt appeal.
So I'm left with neighbor Andy and rival coworker Steve...
Who am I kidding, we all know who I'm going to choose! BUT let me tell you, it wasn't just because he's Steve. It was the fact he was given the enemies to lovers sort of trope and lots of tension that just begs to be resolved. And yes, I can see myself having some fixation on a man that is hot, but also challenges me on an intellectual level and understands the value of our work, is possibly admirable in his field, too.
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
I was literally thinking about all the fics where Stiles is like "and then Derek pushed me around 🥺" like... Derek did the steering wheel thing because Stiles made him STRIP FOR A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD BOY.
I started to read an article that opened up by criticizing the "physically abusive sterek ship" and backed out immediately, like you people need to remember that the show exists and that is not based in reality.
Pack mom Stiles.... gah. Stiles would never help Isaac with his homework. Derek would!! But Stiles? Hell no.
Stiles is literally a fucking creep. He walks around telling everyone that he loves Lydia. He has no boundaries. I love him that way. He's a snarky little asshole who would definitely just show up in Derek's apartment one day and Derek would be like "how did you get in here?" And then Stiles reveals that he pretended to be a doordash driver with a delivery and then picked the lock on Derek's front door.
fun fact my url before this one was creeperderek. i am fond of that url. he of loitering at tree lines and creepily disappearing into shadows in the boy's locker room for no fucking reason.
stiles does have a lack of boundaries and really intense anxiety about the people he cares about.
he listens to the police scanner regularly and monitors his father's diet due to his intense, almost uncontrollable anxiety about his father. he's terrified his dad will die and has an intense fear it will because of him.
all of that of course stems from his mother's death when he was so, so young and how claudia in her cognitive decline blamed stiles and accused him of trying to kill her.
this anxiety also extends to scott and melissa to various degrees due to their significance to the stability of his life for so long and why he's irrationally scared to tell his father the truth despite knowing if the sheriff understood what was really happening it would help more than hinder.
than there's other things like how he has a copy to the key to the mccall house that melissa isn't aware of and it's made pretty clear that stiles took the imitative. scott didn't give it to him.
scott doesn't seem all that bothered by this but scott is one of the few people who knows and mostly understand stiles. they live in each other's pockets. scott would be oddly touched but also be like bro what in the fuck? because really, stiles what the fuck?
people find that fucking weird and creepy.
it truly wouldn't surprise me at all if stiles had a copy of the loft key and derek knew he did and said nothing about it because these two are weird little freaks that probably have frequently creeped on each other.
we do get indications they speak outside of what we're shown. two little maladjusted bastards sharing one brain cell to creep on each other.
if stiles showed up in derek's loft derek probably wouldn't even be surprised. in fact he'd tell stiles he took longer than expected, peter did it better and he sucked.
it's so funny that fandom developed the idea that derek sneaks into stiles's bedroom all the time via the window and we literally never see this. it never canonically happens. though it's not said how derek got inside in wolf's bane so maybe a window but frankly i find it more plausible derek just, you know, broke in the house via a door.
putting a read more on this because i had a lot to say lol
stiles and lydia. ooh boy.
sentiment within fandom swayed a lot on these two and i've seen the common argument that sterek fans don't like stydia as a paring because it's not gay, or something to which i say lol no. i, personally, don't ship them romantically because for like 2 seasons stiles didn't see her as person and she mostly ignored his entire existence.
he fixated on lydia in the 3rd grade which would've been around the time claudia declined and than passed away. he held onto that crush tightly, put lydia on a pedestal making her more into an ideal than a person.
there's moments where we see them genuinely connect but there's so many scenes between the two of them until like season 3 that are cringe and uncomfortable. my main issue is that lydia never really says much about it either.
it's like until she becomes a real girl to stiles her position doesn't matter even when we see her be uncomfortable or weirded out around stiles.
we actually do see stiles and derek develop boundaries with each other. stiles uses derek to literally queerbait danny in wolf's bane. both derek and danny seem to realize this as it occurs and derek pointedly, purposefully retaliates with violence which isn't great but it makes it clear that derek is not okay with what stiles did and a line had been crossed. s2 has derek also indicate to stiles it's not okay to touch without permission.
remember the finger tippy taps stiles's gives derek when boyd dies? that's stiles having learned derek's physical boundaries over 3 seasons so that he is able to offer him comfort in a awful, terrible moment.
in conclusion derek and stiles aren't abusive and it's odd people latched onto that idea. they're abrasive assholes to each other and lack boundaries in the beginning because their maladjusted people for various reasons while also just being two little freaks about each other.
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mysticbeaver · 4 months
Your opinion on all the side characters? Or what you like or dislike in each of them?
Thanks for the ask, and it's a long one! Nice for a change. Let's see...
- Jonny 2x4 - one of the characters I'm guilty of neglecting... But I think he's a fun, quirky kid (even when he's supposed to be annoying). I remember when I first watched Dear Ed (where he got in a fight with Plank) the scene at the playground made me sad for him. It seems to me there's not much Jonny fanart here on tumblr compared to how Plank and him are considered icons of the show elsewhere. That's probably what makes some like me less interested in the character... I hardly react to pics of real Plank IRL, sorry Plank fans 😅
- Sarah - she's fun... c'mon! Again, non-tumblr fans are on a different planet, the hate boners people have for a 6-7(?) year-old character are entertaining... for a while. I love that she's actually intimidating and strong, she ain't just bark and no bite, another less slapstick-focused show would have handled her differently. A lot of people cheer for the scene where Ed shouts at her in Little Ed Blue, cause they want to see her get "just desserts", but I never care about that, I like her for the rabid little princess she is lol. I also like people's headcanons of her treating her brother better as she grows up, and hopefully escaping the unhealthy favoritism from her parents.
- Jimmy -  even more than Sarah, the hate he sometimes gets is really tedious to me... he's always entertaining, especially his "theatre kid" moments, and his squeaky voice borders on "dog frequencies" sometimes haha. The only thing I've found slightly odd is maybe his flaws and negative traits (spoiled, Sarah always has his back, secretly a cunning little bastard) are sometimes given a free pass just because he's queer-coded, maybe? This only ever bothered me exclusively in relation to someone like Kevin being written off instead, but this my own bias, just a lighthearted observation (for real tho please tell me if this is a dumb reasoning)
- Nazz - she's the nicest and most well-adjusted "normal" kid around (if you ask me kevin ain't normal haha), but had an unfortunate starting point of "girl all the boys have a crush on", which she was never developed out of, or at least not nearly enough as she should have been. I've read something about the writers struggling to figure out what to do with her, maybe? Can't remember. Some people point out her hidden intelligence, but I think it would also be interesting to explore her negative traits, mainly I see her as slightly two-faced/flighty when it comes to how she interacts with the Eds.
Kevin - oh boy, my sense of this character is probably so skewed... The one character I used to get upset and annoyed about like an idiot, in regards to other people's takes and such, sometimes I resent the fact I ever got fixated on the character... why??? Help 🤣 I guess what torments me is that the viewer was never really meant to like him or find him interesting in any way? and doing otherwise is just a case of "fandom brainrot", I dunno what others think 😵‍💫 His jerk/bully role is definitely handled in more interesting ways than other shows would, there's enough meat to the character I guess it's possible to be invested in headcanons/developments. (or so I convince myself...)
Without getting too rambling, let's just say I love him as much as I'd find it entertaining to see him get incinerated by a flamethrower lmao.
Rolf - my other favorite ofc, and a much more pleasant one lol. Nothing embarrassing about loving this character, for sure. In fact I'm probably guilty of not seeing his flaws, but I guess he can be arrogant, and violent/gross with his traditions, when he could learn to be lenient considering how he's treated with a fair amount of tolerance by the cul-de-sac. But in the end he's just a kid trying to get used to a new land and culture.
Kanker sisters - I never thought much about Lee but my eyes have been opened by the implication that being the oldest one in a tough family/social background kinda excuses a lot of her behavior... But others can analyse this better than me.
I think Marie is the unfortunate middle sister who maybe had the least distinct personality? (beyond her aesthetic hinting at her being a punk chick), thankfully she's got plenty fans (btw her being underdeveloped is more food for thought for marie x nazz/nazzarie 👀...). I haven't got much to say unfortunately, other than my first eene ship was eddmarie exactly because of Marie development.
I'm guilty of seeing May as the most innocent one (certainly thanks to that bit where she cries in Hanky Panky Hullabaloo) and the only Kanker I'm keen on shipping with an Ed (the Ed).
Bro? - well... He serves his purpose haha. And he's got an interesting aesthetic. I do like people being invested in the character and even liking him or imagining a more redemptive interpretation of him. Fans have been able to like much more monstrous characters in fiction, being a Bro fan is no big deal... "I can fix him" sure go ahead! You're a saint 🤣
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Don't worry I'm definitely not rushing!! There's so much content and I'm still learning- stuff like wizards and warlocks scare me since they seem so complicated so I've been using Karlach and Lazael since they seem more straight forward for now. Astarion is definitely my favorite playstyle though- I've always loved Ninjas so being able to do 2 bonus actions is...*so* nice! Yeah- I can't say I'm surprised at the fixation 😅
Admittedly, I do absolutely adore him and am looking forward to writing for him; already have a fic in progress in fact- but I've seen a very similar thing happen to another character where he's either made entirely negative and insane or entirely positive and has to be "protected" when it's really a mix of both. Some parts of fandom I think are just like that 😅 Glad I found here and other more indie blogs who focus on npcs and niches though too so I get a wider variety!!
I'm so weak to being patronized and being talked to all condescending like and I just imagine this mean, bully male drow just targeting this crybaby Human in camp. They try to act all tough, but the drow just knows they're being a brat so he'll put them in their place. He's so damn *mean*- and he only gets worse when they run to their camp mates for help, or to hide. He steals your diary, telling you to "come get it" in a note he leaves them and they have no choice but to reluctantly leave their camp mates tent to go into the forest. It's dark- and even with their weapons, the Human's hypervigilant- but they still get taken off guard. Pulled back against a tree by their fragile little throat. Reading their most personal thoughts to blackmail them- ugh. Their crush in camp- how desperate they are, maybe even their secret kinks and desires? Gods, I'm so weak.
Oh God- or imagine a Human who's *scared* of the dark? Or a Drow who makes them scared of the dark by constantly frightening them during it? The predator/prey dynamic? *Please*. Also, self-indulgent(like all this *isn't* lmao-) because I'm sick atm and can't take large pills but Drow watching a Human work themself up to taking the medicine and just- taking it himself and then kissing them to force it in their mouth, not breaking it till they swallow, purple fingers dragging down their throat to make them shiver and raise thier shoulders. You've ruined me author. I can't do this. 😭 When I transfer my side blog to my new main blog I may have to write something for this dynamic because of you. So glad I could make your day a little brighter like you do ours lovely! Thank you for all that you do, as always! Sorry this is so long- the writer inspiration hit out of nowhere lol ❤️ -S
Fuck yeah ninja Astarion, let's fucking go!
That sounds wonderful anon, feel free to share your fic whenever you're finished <3 I'm sure it will be amazing.
And god yes, you get it, the whole human kink thing. Especially how condcending the elves would be with it, fuck especially the drows who already think they're above other elves.
Like maybe the other species keep their restraints a bit while in the party with the human, as much as their mind runs wild, they attempt to show some decorum and dignity. Only act like the perverts they are when the human isn't watching.
But once the male drow joins them? He's picking on the pathetic little human on his first day. Pulling and picking at your clothes, asking if humans really just walk around wearing slutty clothes all day?
He probably gets off on tormenting you, reminding you how he's hundreds of years older than you so you should shush your pretty little mouth and let him do what he wants, afterall aren't you humans so obsessed with showing respect for age? Then show him the respect he deserves whenever he pulls you on his lap, out of the blue and without a care to whoever is watching.
It's like second nature to him how casually he demeans your entire being, everything you ever hoped to achieved he probably has already, every place you wanted to see or travel to he has already seen, most historical events you read about he has lived through himself.
So in every way, he tells you that he clearly better than you. So don't go whining whenever he steals your diary and taunts you with all of your embarrassing secrets, or whenever he takes something precious from you and make you beg for him to give it back.
He teaches you some words in drow elvish, excepts they're completely not what he told you they meant. Watching you confidently call yourself his personal slut when you thought you were saying something else. Refuses to give you his name, makes you use all of these titles that are so humiliating to yell outloud midbattle, but he won't help you if you don't use them so poor you.
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growling · 7 months
you know i do not think about whether i may or may not be somewhere on the aro spectrum or whatever that often, partially because it's significantly harder to look for something that isn't there as opposed to "would you fuck the male human specimen (yes/no/depends)" do you get what I mean did I say something. But also can somebody explain what the fuck does "romantic attraction" entail. I swear everybody has a different definition. It's like. Where do I even start like I think I would want a relationship or something that'd be poggers can you give me like 2 girlfriends I can keep in my house and let them run around freely and do stuff but like the only requirements would be that you're a close friend beforehand. Like where does the line between friend and partner start aside from like just what I call you. Growing up I always thought romance is just the Advanced Friendship + Fornication permit ig but obviously that's wrong since people frequently marry people they fucking hate and would never hang out willingly unless they were sucking and fucking or discussing who owes eachother more money. Actually hold on how is friendship different from romance exactly can you explain like I'm 5. Describe romantic feeling and how exactly is it different from platonic. How the fuck is a crush/infatuation different from just really liking somebody/their attention and being fixated on them in a pal kinda way like I don't think I'm "in love" with anyone I've ever . Nevermind actually. People say "friends cannot have sex that's immoral and perverse ONLY touch your current one (1) true love or else you're blurring the line between friendship and romance thus leading them or whatever the fuck" and I do NOT get it <3 I would in fact prefer to ONLY fuck my friends (because I actually would know them. lmao) if they're also cool with it as a beloved and cherished bestie bonding activity, for fun, or perhaps even competitively. Recently I fucking realized (took literal ages) that when people say they have a "crush"/are "in love" with a celebrity they never met in their entire life they don't mean they admire them, think they're beautiful or engaging in a bit, they mean they are literally straight up romantically attracted in-love with them what the hell. The information you don't even need to KNOW somebody to want a romantic relationship with them (and I'm not talking sexual I mean just purely romantic. I could mayybe get the sexual one but personally I'd never do that with a tv man. or is that hypocritical of me) fucking changes everything because then that means it's entirely separate from friendship in that you don't have to get to know the guy even I grrrhgghgrrrhhh. I'm literally shaking, Jesse what the fuck are you talking about what do you MEAN what does ANY of this mean. Are you lying to me is everyone just doing this for shits and giggles what the fuck. I wasn't so ffucking feeling strongly about this subject when I started typing this out but now I DEMAND an explanation maybe perhaps a powerpoint presentation up until I deduce what does it mean to be romantically attracted to something I won't be able to debate on whether or not I'm capable of it. Anybody want to count every instance of "romantic" I typed out in this wall of text sorry there is not another word . Damn
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ask-artsy-oncie · 9 months
What’s Jules’ and Kit’s relationship from them first meeting onwards? Do they move in together at some point? How do they keep in contact? Stuff like that.
They exchange contact info after Jules is given a tour of the Sea Duck. I think it takes a little while for them to meet up, again, but they do. They're too fascinated by one another not to.
I think, though, if I want to explain how their relationship goes from one stage to the next, I ought to examine their social lives and how it impacts the development of their romance.
Kit's doing very good, now! In that, he has his family, he has Della (fuck canon, Kit and Della are childhood friends TO ME!!!), he has now former pirates he works with and can bond with, he goes out drinking every so often, like. I still consider him an introvert but he's got a pretty healthy social life and doesn't really struggle to have positive friendly interactions on the regular. He's just a generally good-natured guy like that.
HOWEVER, god, his romantic experience is weird. It's not like he never "noticed" girls or boys, but the vast majority of his focus growing up was on learning how to fly, getting into flight school, getting his pilot's license, etc. He just didn't have time for romance because he had other things at the forefront of his mind, and it took up a lot of his mind, too. I think it was something that gave Baloo great joy (in the sense that it meant that at least Kit "wasn't growing up too fast") and Rebecca a lot of anguish (in the sense that she had certain expectations for certain milestones at certain ages).
Into adulthood, maybe perhaps a little stunted from ignoring those kinds of feelings throughout his teen years, I don't think Kit really winds up in a serious relationship at any point prior to Jules. And I'm not even certain it's something he even cares to look for. He's very fulfilled by flying and cloudsurfing, among other things, yknow? I do think he ended up in short flings and even one-night-stands (he's still an adult with needs, and that's just how he went about dealing with it) throughout his 20's and early 30's, so he's not totally inexperienced in romantic endeavors, just not committed.
And he's also just fucking horrible at being self-aware about his attraction, as well. I've said this in a previous post but Kit develops crushes on pilots very easily. They don't last terribly long, but he's never aware of how obvious it is, or that much has even changed within him. Maybe after the fact, but rarely ever in the moment. His family absolutely teases him over it. Della is more exasperated by it.
Meanwhile, Jules has very little experience socializing outside their family. They'd always been the shy one among their siblings, and as they grew up they'd made one or two school friends (basically, they socialized just enough that their reclusive nature was never noticed, by their family or themself), but rarely ever got close enough to anyone like they were with their family.
They do, however, technically have a leg-up on Kit in that they did briefly date someone in a superficial high school sort of way. Lol.
Jules was just also pretty damn absorbed into their fixation on learning magic and magical history to really focus on maintaining friendships and other relationships after high school. Their siblings all grew up alongside them and got busy with their own lives. Jules gradually, without meaning to, became more and more reclusive. Stuck in their own head. Very painfully aware that they would like to form friendships and even romantic bonds at this point in their life, but totally intimidated by the process of doing so.
It's by chance that Kit makes the first move on that fateful day. And does so in a way that opens Jules up to him in a way they'd definitely struggle to without prompting. And they click pretty easily, it turns out.
Jules's proficiency is in magic, of course, but engineering and machinery really fascinates them. They genuinely were hanging off Kit's every word as he explained the mechanisms of the Sea Duck and compared them to those of other planes, what each part did and if and how it did it well. Meanwhile, Kit has had a pretty limited encounter with magic. In Talespin he's shown to be at least a little superstitious, and I, of course, have a very self-indulgent headcanon that he reads tarot, but he doesn't know the fine details, how or why things work the way they do. Actually seeing someone flying on an honest-to-god broomstick made his brain go "!!!!" and he absorbed Jule's long-winded, tangent-filled explanations with no complaints. Beyond just vibing with having related special interests, they're also both invested in the other's respected special interest.
It makes for a pretty great feedback loop, so when they do meet up, they tend to hit it off really well. Before Jules knows it, they've made their first friend in a long time. It happens without either of them really even noticing. It's suddenly just so normal to have one another in their lives. Suddenly, Jules is wedged into Kit's life, seamlessly, and Kit is wedged into Jules's. Kit is swinging by Jules's shop in his free time, just to see them, and hopefully goad them into having a conversation with him and giving him their attention, despite them being on the clock. Jules is starting to show up to Kit's shows when they can, and, with Molly's permission, ends up waiting backstage for him on the regular, hoping that they'll get to steal a moment or two of his time.
But Jules absolutely is having a very new experience after spending so long, alone. Whether they consciously realize it or not, they're pretty overwhelmed by this foreign feeling of having such a close companionship with someone, now. Not to mention that Kit is, physically, very attractive to Jules. What I'm saying is that Jules develops a crush on Kit pretty quickly. And once they notice they can't even bring themself to deny it when pried by one of their sisters.
They like Kit. A lot. But he's also the first friend they've had in so long, and the last thing they want to do is ruin that by letting romantic feelings get in the way. So they don't act on their feelings, which they feel is the smart, mature thing to do. They just want to be able to enjoy having a friend, right now (though it doesn't stop them from becoming a blushing, stuttering mess when Kit gets too close or grabs their hand and holds it, or, god forbid, some adventure perils cause Kit to pick them up. They have had to refrain from asking Kit to crush them SO MANY TIMES NOW--).
And Kit? Honestly was pretty smitten with them from the get-go, but again, he really isn't aware of it. He of course gets teased, he's so obvious about it, but he brushes it off with the same lighthearted comebacks as he always does with their teasing. Like he just does not make the connection. He just really, really, really enjoys being around Jules so he acts on those feelings and doesn't really put deeper thought into them...
... Until his crush ends up lasting so long that he inevitably comes to the realization that he has one, while he's still having one. Uh oh. Kit ends up entering a sort of crisis mode where he's suddenly hyper aware of his feelings for Jules and can't behave normally (or rather, calmly) around them anymore. He gets too jittery, too blushy, too dumb around them, now, and it's making him frustrated with himself. Meanwhile, Jules repressing their own attraction to Kit is starting to get kind of painful for them. There's romantic tension between the two of them that is just begging to pop at any given moment. Their loved ones are way too invested in this repressive disaster unfolding before them, btw. Things are super awkward between them now, despite their best efforts, but they're also attached enough to each other that it doesn't stop them from spending time with one another.
And, see, Jules has a pretty bad habit of talking aloud to themself. It's a holdover from only really having themself to talk to when there wasn't a customer to be helped. They're not loud about it, but they're definitely audible. And they're in turmoil at this moment, so they're definitely talking to themself every chance they get.
Despite their own self-awareness, Jules does not actually recognize that Kit reciprocates their feelings. They believe that things are getting more and more awkward because, in bottling up their feelings, they believe said feelings have gotten "worse" and are putting the strain on their friendship they feared it would. So their next step is just to convince themself to get over their feelings. To cross the peak of this awful mountain they've been climbing, already. That this isn't going to last much longer, that it's just their physical attraction to Kit messing with the rest of their feelings and it'll go away. That, sure, maybe right now they're in love with Kit and extremely attracted to Kit, and--
The door to their shop is open.
Kit is standing in their doorway.
As Kit still does, in order to suffer through incomprehensible sentences and blush so uncomfortably hot, just so he can hear Jules's voice and see their smile and be with them, with their attention on him.
He's probably heard to much.
He has heard to much.
The tension pops like a bubble.
And it really is such a drastic relief to the both of them that, all this time, they were just being idiots and there really wasn't much of anything to worry about. They're adults, dammit, they shouldn't have to dance around one another, if they both like each other romantically they should just give this dating thing a shot, right? The two of them think so.
And so they end up in a sort of honeymoon phase, where they're still extremely reactive towards one another. Blushing, stuttering, babbling, awkward messes. But it isn't painful for either of them, anymore. It just makes them feel warm and happy and giggly, until everything calms down properly and they settle back into their familiar familiarity. They're just both friends AND lovers, now.
I'm gonna stop it there because it's past 1AM and I am extremely tired, but this is them going from acquaintances to friends to a couple, at least. If I was more coherent I'd probably have a better narrative structure to this? But maybe I'm just being too harsh on myself. If this satisfies you, anon, then I'm very happy :)
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hyunjinspark · 9 months
JADE 🗣️🗣️🗣️
the screaming anon is back (what I’m now calling myself) & I just have to say…
ch. 18? the angst? the heartbreak? THE PHOTO BOOTH PICTURES??? the argument beside the train? the fact that her professor was a fucking creep? all of it.
the wait for this chapter was so worth it. the way you pieced everything together was incredible. the way that still, with everything going on between them, your writing reminds us that Hyunjin & y/n are the only two people who truly see each other. nothing else matters when it comes to them & I find that so imperative to remember as a reader. & the way that you convey their hurt & how we’re able to physically feel that heaviness & hurt & frustration alongside of them??? but somehow still feeling light whenever a laugh or a smile between the two is mentioned??? wheeew bestie, I feel it all. not to mention how heavy & exhausting it felt to be reading Hyun’s POV. like I felt so bad for him & all he wanted to do was see but also protect y/n. 😭
I had a feeling that it was the professor who was going to make some kind of pass at her, & I was completely devastated to read this, and to feel her devastation & confusion & terror was heartbreaking & unfortunately familiar due to something similar happening to me. but!! I trust you & your writing & the life that you’ve created for Hyun & y/n so I have a feeling that all of this is just the catalyst to come back together somehow. that Hyun is going to show up & be the steadfast anchor that she needs in the middle of this storm. to ease her mind & kiss her doubts & fears away. my god. 😭
& I’m sorry to bring it up again, but the photo booth pictures!!! her copy is ruined & I feel so ridiculous for sobbing when I read that they were crushed in the process but they have to make a comeback, right? like hyun has another copy & we’ll get the full explanation of how he got them?? maybe???
I love this story down to my bones & I will never not be obsessed with it. my love for it grows with each chapter & ch. 18 is just another example as to why. thank you for sharing this with us. for trusting us with your words & your creativity. for providing a story that feels like a friend & a comfort & a cozy place to reside. I hope you’re happy & healthy & are looking forward to the new year. thank you for all that you do. ♡
welcome back !! 🗣️🗣️
ohh this is such a sweet review. they are the core of the story so despite the misunderstandings, ofc they still belong together 🙁 its a relief to hear that it still conveys their bond, amongst everything going on !
im sorry to hear about that ! the professor truly sucks but yes all of that is a catalyst for everything else to come, it was also not meant to be “random” suffering for the sake of angst and i hope it doesnt come off as that 😭 it is an important plot point to the arc of the story and how everything will fall into place.
hyun definitely needs to be that anchor :( im glad you are fixated on the photobooth pictures,,, hopefully there is the other copy…
thank you for this message 🥺 i reread it a lot, and it made me feel happy.
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sm-writes-chaos · 11 months
Trick or Treaaaaat!!!!!
Treat of course!!
Here’s a short story of Norah and the gangs encounter with a werewolf like creature.
Norah’s ears twitched. There was no doubting it now, she was being followed.
Though it tried to hide its presence the occasional stick was broken. And not by any other creature, these sounds were slow and muffled. Trying to be covered up. It was difficult to be quiet in a dense forest such as this, and Norah knew that her presence was very well known to whatever was out there. Though maybe she just imagining things. Alphair had requested mushrooms for dinner but he was too scared to gather them in the dark woods. The moon shone brightly but darkness still crept in corners and crevices. Normally Norah thought that Alphair wouldn’t mind gathering mushrooms himself, but the fact that it was an orange moon tonight made things worse. Why did the color orange ever have to exist? Norah thought. It was quite ugly. She trudged on through the forest, wondering when these mushrooms would show themselves already. To her it seemed that even the plants cowered from the orange moon. “It’s just a color guys, no need to be scared.”
The plants shook their shaking leaves in response. Norah scoffed and gave up on them. Crack Another stick. A louder sound. Closer. Norah whipped around but the sound wasn’t coming from behind her. It echoed in the trees and seemed to come from everywhere. She stood in her place turning and twisting, looking wherever she could. Growl Norah tensed and looked to her right side. It definitely came from there. The wind blew her hair in her face, wanting to avoid the direction of whatever was there. For a moment she couldn’t see anything. When she finally smoothed her hair out of her face, she felt hot breath on her neck. She froze. Looking at the ground, she slowly turned her eyes upwards. A mangled fleshy beast towered over her. Fangs showing and ready to strike. It’s fur covered in grime and its claws filled with blood and dirt. It’s yellow eyes fixated right on Norah. Norah made eye contact with it and it immediately let out a screech that forced Norah to cover her ears. Without thinking she turned her back to it and ran in the opposite direction, no matter where it led. The beast, fully aware that she saw it, no longer tried to hide itself. It crushed and pulled whatever plants and trees were in its way. Norah’s legs burned and she narrowly missed tripping too many times. She knew not where she was going, as even the orange light ceased to lead her way. The beast snarled and growled and Norah could only imagine what sort of things it had done with those fangs and claws. The wind tried to assist her by pushing her forward but with all the plants it was hard to navigate. Twisting trees and fallen branches became more common than ground and Norah didn’t know how much longer she could keep this up. Until she heard a familiar scream. A short high pitched scream broke through the air and reached Norah’s ears. She stopped immediately but the beast didn’t catch up with her. She turned around and the orange light illuminated a familiar sight. He was the source of the scream, coming outside to check on Norah but not expecting a beast such as this. “Rufus what are you doing here??”
“Well helping you obviously. I was wondering why you took so long and it looks like you do need help!”
“Yeah no shit. Do something about it!!”
Rufus gulped and held his ax firmly in his hands. The beast sniffed around, taking in the arrival of new prey. But it was distracted by another scent as well. Norah crept a little closer but she didn’t know how much she could do. She couldn’t control her powers very well and she might end up hurting Rufus or the plants. Nonetheless she held her arm out, ready to let it out if she needed to. While the beast was distracted by whatever scent it was catching Rufus climbed up a tree for a better angle. When he was satisfied he readied his ax for the beasts head. The beast noticed his new prey had moved and tore itself away from its distraction. But before it could leap toward Rufus it was stopped in its tracks.
“Lorium Gorpus!”
Norah had never heard that spell before but she sure as hell had heard that voice before. The beast was forced to stop and a net appeared around it, keeping it still.
“Alphair what did we talk about with the net? I can’t get a good shot with a net in the way!”
“Sorry Rufus I panicked!”
Norah couldn’t help but smile, even though they were idiots they still tried to save her. Rufus groaned at the inconvenience.
“Just throw it already who cares if there’s a net!” Norah called out.
Rufus readied his ax again and it swooshed through the air. It glided perfectly, being aided by the wind and Rufus’ skill. The beasts eye was trained on the ax but it couldn’t do anything. The ax buried itself into the beasts neck, and it crumpled to the ground with a thud. The trio jumped for a moment from the impact and Rufus nearly lost his balance. The trio reached eachother and Alphair expressed his concerns while checking up on everyone.
“Seriously Alphair we’re fine can we see if that thing is really dead or not now?” Norah asked.
Alphair hesitated but gave in, “you should really be thanking me.”
“But I’m the one who delivered the final blow you know.”
“We don’t even know if it’s dead yet!” Alphair pointed out.
Norah ignored their words and inspected the beast, blood poured from its neck and its eyes looked gloss over. Not even a twitch. The only movement was from its fur that swished in the wind.
“Oh I can’t look!”
Alphair shielded his eyes. Even thought it was a beast that tried to kill then Alphair couldn’t stand to see dead animals. “I think it’s safe to say it’s dead.” Rufus declared while carefully taking out his ax from its neck.
“Can we go home now?” Alphair asked while still covering his eyes. He backed up a bit and ran into a tree.
“Yeah I’m sick of this orange lighting.” Norah said.
“Wait guys look!” Alphair exclaimed.
“Another beast??” Rufus tensed into a fighting stance.
“No, no it’s my mushrooms!” “Oh.”
Rufus relaxed and started to walk without seeing if they were following. Norah helped Alphair pick his mushrooms and they followed after Rufus. Alphair practiced the story he’d tell his mom when they got home all the way there. Norah looked up at the moon and its orangeness seemed to be fading. The lighting was returning to normal, and the forest was comforted of no other beasts.
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rvnwtch · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts on Fennorian and Melina’s relationship? Just friends? He returns her feelings or he doesn’t know? He does know but pretends not to in hopes of avoiding the loss of a friend (Melina or Vestige if he knows both of their feelings and one is unrequited)? I feel like it’s something that’s not talked about often even though it could be a hint to what is going to happen in the Ravenwatch in future content (i hope not lol). People just kinda pretend she doesn’t exists and I feel like Melina and the other members such as Kallin will have a bigger role in the future.
What are your thoughts?
Hello! Thank you for the ask.
So I think Fennorian is aware of Melina's feelings (but only a very little bit, or he thinks he's just assuming things) and he's pretending he doesn't know. From Melina's perspective they're extremely close, but I don't think Fennorian ever mentions her to us at all. (Which is very telling considering how many of his secrets he spills to us, and subsequently get's embarrassed by, as the quests go on) But he does mention his sisters and Verandis all very frequently. So I think they are close but not as close as she probably thinks/hopes. He definitely would have accidentally spilled it if he was into her, because it would have been part of the little quirk he has where he says things and either tries to play it off or like when he says in Markarth "I'm only liable to embarrass myself if I keep carrying on."
(Hot take incoming!!!!) I personally like Melina from her Hireling emails (Don't hate me lmao) and I think she has a lot of potential as a character. And like you said, I also hope they don't make her Fenn's love interest. But outside of the fact that I want him to be a romanceable NPC (lmao) she seems like she falls in love easily and I could see her moving on from Fennorian when she gets bored. In her Hireling emails she mentions a boy named Lyam and another named Jakothon, both of which don't work out. And the emails are sent over the course of 100 days which is around three months. (Not to mention she kissed one of them on the cheek while trying to decide if she was 'serious' about the other guy. She even makes a joke about how one them didn't ask her to marry him so it was probably fine). But I just get the vibe she has a lot of crushes and is just currently super fixated on her crush on Fennorian because he's sweet and they're friends so she knows they're compatible at least in that way. I don't want it to sound like I'm shaming her or calling her shallow or saying her feelings aren't real, because I'm not. I just think she's like that one friend who has a different crush everyday and maybe one day one of them will go somewhere.
But like I said, I actually really like Melina's character and think she has a lot of potential (outside of a love interest for Fenn or a love "rival' or whatever for the Vestige.) It sounds like she gets along really well with Gwendis, if Gwendis is letting her borrow dresses (I feel like I remember her doing this but can't find where?) for dates and helping her get ready for them. (This is definitely from Hireling emails!)
As for Kallin. That man has like two lines in the entire game (I think) and I absolutely love him. I think there's a lot of potential for his character as well and would love to see his character fleshed out more as well. Like maybe a side quest we have to help him on without the vampires of the family knowing, something like that would be really fun!
I also want to see more things with these new recruits into the House like Heloise, Captain Janeve and Kathad??
But of course I want more of Adusa, Gwendis, Fenn and Verandis the most. (I can't help it they just have my heart)
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wow me thinking about dick Greyson? more likely than you think!
Disclaimer I am just a guy on the internet having a self indulgence time for fun, my grasp on canon vs Fanon is shakier than when I tried rope climbing in P.E also I am not a trained medical professional all things related to adhd I talk about come from Personal Experience or further research FOOD AND TEXTURE: fun fact, people with adhd can hyper fixate on foods, found that out from my mom’s doctor. so I think dick definitely has foods that he fixates on and will prefer to eat over other foods. also he would have foods he just can't fucking eat because of taste or texture, like for example when I was younger I refused to eat fried eggs but I would eat boiled eggs, even better example jellies and puddings are things I can eat bc it activates my gag reflex and I hate the way they feel, physically can't swallow them without feeling sick. so ya know ya boy is gonna project that onto the dickster lol. I think he would probably hyperfixate on foods that fall into a similar category of each other I know I do lol. my food hyperfication has been crushed up instant ramen. and has been for a while but specially a certain kind. think dick would hyperfixate on certain brands of cereal because ive seen the “dick likes sugar cereal” thing floating around, and because this the projection corner I think he prefers to eat it a certain way, probably dry because of easy transporting and he can bring as a quick snack for when hes on the go, but I think he also would like the crunchy texture and mouth feel. again projection corner I think he would fucking hate gelatinous foods with a passion. but also like gritty foods would probably be a no go. like he can eat them if he needs too because bat training and all that doesn't mean he would enjoy it lol. and like I feel like when hes knighting hes just in a consent state of near discomfort bc hes masking so hard(lol)  so when hes dick Greyson he sorta lets lose a bit and his symptoms are worse or hes allowed to be particular about things like food when hes a civilian.  and I think he probably likes the texture of the nightwing suit otherwise he would peel his skin off. projecting is fun so I think he would hate rough and scratchy clothes and bed sheets are the bane of his existence so he kicks them off before going to bed other wise he can't sleep. he probably fidgets with his gadgets quite a bit especially when on patrol and hes looking around and nothing much is happening. I think dick would do the leg bounce tm as a civilian a lot maybe play with his hair if its long, or just generally messing with with when hes nervous or fidgeting. idk I guess im making nightwing his “nooo guys dw im super normal im just like everyone I am a functional put together adult haha” which its funny bc masking. I think this dude would have so many built in work arounds like (projecting) audio processing problems, so he probably has people either reapet or smth to like record and play back that or hes just really smooth about (smile and nod and hope to god that was the correct answer) anyway sorry back on topic, i  have dick having a stuffed animal named zitka (?) that an elephant and like hell yeah, but also I think his thing is very much a “ive had a bad time today and I just need to destress for a bit and hold something soft/familiar in a dark room for a bit” as you can tell I am projecting onto dick Greyson a lot lol. anyway I think he would also struggle to like, eat consistently, like eating too much or eating too little bc he gets distracted with a case then over compensates or he gets bored and then eats to get some form of stimulation(I do this lol) I just think dick would chew on things but be embarrassed about it(projection) but yeah I just think this asshole would have a system tm that no one else gets bc his room just looks dirty as hell but hes like Nono guys I set my bag and wallet in the same spot in the corner of the room because if I dont I will spend 30 minutes looking for it and it will be in the freezer. that and I think he would either do really well with cold foods or really badly. I think dick is the kinda guy that would leave his sodas out overnight so they stop being fizzy bc he hates the feeling of the fizz(projecting) but yeah overall I think he prefer sweeter foods as like his comfort/perfered foods. I also like the hc that he can cook he just doesn't have a lot of time too, so he snacks a lot bc he needs the energy. adding my own shit onto it, executive dysfunction got his ass like “I could get up and make a sandwich I know what I need to do I have the ingredients and im hungry but I can't fucking get up to do it” anyway funtimes in hyperfixation with grem thanks for reading the insane rambles <3
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soath · 2 years
Not to be a hater but I am obsessed with the YA-ification of House of the Dragon. The Aemond/Reader fics. We’re neck deep in them. And I don’t object, follow your pelvic region wherever it leads, do what you love, embrace your situation. But the details, specifically. AemondxReader babes, I know it’s all about the self insert but you’ve got to lean into the genre a little more. Get grimy with it! Do your background research! Add some layers of unnerving insinuation, goodness knows there’s some Oedipal stuff to work with and a definite familial fixation plus chivalry responsibility issues. It can’t all be “innocent noble maiden/feisty daughter/Targ SI childhood friends or enemies/forced betrothal/torn apart by war” Off the top of my head, you could do:
The wet nurse hired for Helaena’s twins is getting surprisingly close to the princess, they’re both quiet souls with maybe too low social boundaries. In fact, the girl is so meek she hasn’t spoken up about the fact that Prince Aemond keeps following her everywhere.
Member of a mumming troupe hired for good, clean feast day entertainment bonds with an accidentally incognito prince (sneaking back in from dragon riding) over kitschy ballads about knightly valor— sparking baby’s first ever crush. Baby does not cope.
Aegon tries to be cruel by setting his brother up with a blind whore but the idea of someone who can’t judge him by his face gets him so good he keeps coming back (though he can’t give Aegon any satisfaction by actually sleeping with her!)
Alicent’s twice widowed milf cousin just showed up to court! She’s kind of over the marriage thing for now but she’s down to be convinced otherwise.
Vermax forms an odd bond with one of the keepers in the dragon pit (diagnosis: Valyrian bastard? Visenya shaped?) and Aemond gets jealous, then gets mad at himself for being envious of a stinky little pit girl
Teen Aemond sees his brother hurt a girl and decides to be Honorable and look after her himself, he doesn’t need to bother his mother. Unfortunately his ideas about how to do this are wildly unhelpful.
The Baratheon girl Aegon is canonically betrothed to convinces him to sex her up while their chaperone isn’t looking. Hurrying up the wedding is good for everyone, right?
These are for free, gratis. Just please, diversify the space. Uplift the wish fulfillment. You deserve more, and I deserve to not be scrolling through the same five plots to get to good meta.
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