#maybe its just. Everything that is happening in the world on top of personal stuff but drawing has felt frustrating and like a chore lately
lovelyjj · 1 year
i feel like jj would be so sweet in the morning, like lots of kisses and cuddles and stuff. if its okay can you maybe write something about it
Morning After
jj maybank x reader
wc: 778
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JJ's warm hand reached across you and found home on your stomach. He splayed his hand out and pushed against your skin. His bare hand heating your skin. He then peppered kisses along your spine. He nuzzled his nose into the back of your neck afterwards.
JJ cuddled into you from behind. You were slowly but surely regaining consciousness. You felt JJ's warmth from behind you and smiled. JJ began leaving kisses on your shoulder blade. Your exposed back was tempting JJ. You were both aware of the fact that both of you were naked.
It just meant you were enjoying skin to skin contact. JJ moved his kisses to the top of your shoulder. You felt all tingly all over from the sensation of his kisses. Your heart was beating faster in your chest with the proximity of the two of you and all the love you were feeling.
JJ then turned you on your back and hovered over you. JJ leaned down and attached his lips to yours in a searing kiss. JJ kissed you with passion and he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
After a long moment you pulled away and JJ let out a whine. JJ rested his forehead against yours and nudged his nose with you nose.
"Good morning angel," JJ cooed.
"Good morning J."
"Last night was... amazing. You were amazing," JJ smiled.
Then JJ proceeded to lay back down on his side and you turned back around laying on your side facing JJ.
Last night you and JJ had sex for the first time. It was everything you could ask for and more. It was truly special and spectacular. JJ spent the whole time worried about you and made sure you were ok. He worshiped your body and made love to you in a way that made you feel like you were the only girl in the world.
He catered to your needs and treated the experience like it was all about you.
"Thank you for last night it was perfect,"
you sighed.
"I love you baby," JJ voiced.
"I love you too JJ."
JJ smiled and his heart warmed at your confession. You were staring into JJ's pretty blue eyes. JJ leaned over and kissed your forehead.
"I wish we could just stay in this bed together forever," you commented.
"Me too sweetheart, I never want to let you go," JJ responded.
JJ then figured he would enjoy the time he does have with you while he can before he has to go to work.
"My angel, my baby, Love you so much." JJ expressed but in between words he placed kisses on your face. He kissed your cheek and then the other cheek. He kissed your nose and you chin. Then he went down to your jaw and littered kissed there.
You were laying on top of JJ with your hands under your chin looking up at JJ.
"Tell me a story," you pleaded.
"You want me to tell you a story?" JJ questioned.
"Yes please."
"Ok once upon a time there was a girl who was absolutely gorgeous. She was kind, considerate loving and caring. She was perfect and everyone knew it. She had one problem though, she had nobody to love. She desperately wanted a partner."
"One day when she was at the beach she saw a surfer emerging from the water. The surfer happened to walk right by her. They ended up talking for hours. They ended the night watching the sunset and exchanging phone numbers." JJ continued.
"Pretty quickly they became fast friends. Their relationship blossomed and they eventually started dating. They easily fell in love and became inseparable. Their love for each other was one like no other. Their love for eachother could move mountains. And they lived happily ever after."
You were drowsy and laying on JJ's chest.
"That was a good story, thank you," you hummed.
"No problem baby."
JJ snuggled closer to you and wrapped his arms around you encasing you in. He rubbed up your arms trying to give you warmth. He pressed kissed to your hair.
JJ wasn't a morning person but if he could spend every morning tangled in the sheets with you, he'd die a happy man. There was however, parts of the morning that he did love. He loved pressing kisses to your skin. He loved cuddling into you. He loved the physical touch that happened.
JJ loved you and he loved being with you. He loved mornings with you in it. After the night you had, you giving yourself to him for the first time he couldn't wait to have many more morning afters.
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twisted-king · 5 months
Hi! Hello! I was wondering if you wrote any platonic hecs in twst? If you do, can you write gn!mc always finding a away to mention/talk about her home world? Maybe add a little bit of homesickness for angst👀.
Platonic hcs with the first years pls:>
Btw I really love you writing style!♡
AAAA oh my gosh thank you so much! I have no idea what im really doing aha...
Absolutely!!! here's a key:
Epel Ace Deuce Sebek Jack You
First year friend group + Reader who talks about home
They love you
they REALLY do
But this is excessive.
"Back at the farm we used to drink hot cider after a long day out in the snow, actually one time we-" "Heh.. like how my mom and I used to..." "Used to what?" "Oh its nothing... Just a tradition. We'd get together every Tuesday and go for bubble tea" "Oh..."
Epel understands feeling far from home, and he wants to try and relate with you but he doesn't know about half the stuff you're saying.
"hahah I got a higher score than you this time. Mayeb you shoulda studied a bit harder like lil ol me~" "Shut up Ace! It's a difference of like... two points!" "Two more points than you!" "oh you-" "My friends and I used to compare scores all the time, she always asked for help studying but.. haha she always got better grades than me."
They feel SO awkward when this happens
Deuce almost feels like he's showing off in some kind of way. He wants to be an honor student AND a good friend to you, so he's trying to creatre new memories with you, he's just having some trouble.
"Hey! I uh- I learned out to make one of Trey's tart! The one from the unbirthday party you liked so much?" "Oh thank you Deuce! It's kind of funny actually-" oh no,,, "My sibling and I used to bake for each other to say sorry."
Ace on the other hand is curious, but he kind of wishes you could be with the group sometimes.
"And then Lucius was like-- On top of Deuce- get this- while he was STILL sleeping" "No way..!" "Seriously?" "Hah- how pathetic, I NEVER fall asleep in Trein's... admittedly dull, lessons." "I used to have a dog, he could sleep anywhere"
And suddenly, it's quiet again...
Jack tries to keep your mind off things
He takes you out on relatively silent runs, he invites you to track meets, you can join or just watch him and Deuce! You've been looking a little down recently so, this makes sens to Jack, Deuce enjoys having you watch him run too, his friends give him extra motivation to beat his last personal best!
But... now you're crying?
Ace, Epel, and Sebek are on their way too, they wanted to do something nice for you and suprise you and -oh no...
They drop everything.
Your friends rush toward you, maybe you're hurt? you like... NEVER cry around them.
And suprisingly, Sebek can get you through the worst of it
"You're sad. and far from home. and that is hard. Especially for a pu ny huma-" "Sebek!!" "Right, uh... But we are here with you now. And we care for you."
"You're our best friend, I don't think anyone would be 'round here if it weren't for you."
"I don't feel as alone, riding solo just... wasnt it."
"'Sides, class isnt nearly as fun without you in it?"
"We really care about you, Prefect. You're our friend."
They gather around you, peacefully letting you cry after they let you know how muhc you mean to them.
"I just... I miss home so much..!"
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seresinhangmanjake · 1 year
For the Drabble!
How would Jake react if eve starting only asking for you and would cry if Jake picked her up?
Dad!Jake Seresin x female reader
words: 1250 (this kind of took on a life of its own and expanded way past the ask, but this is where my head went)
Oh Baby series
So I picture this under a very specific circumstance, that being like, Eve is three now and has a decent understanding of stuff. 
She's in preschool and knows all about her parents' jobs and brags to her friends about how her daddy is the coolest because he's a pilot and she's going to be a pilot one day too. Basically believing her dad is the bravest guy and has the most important job in the whole wide world, until Jake and Mama sit her down one day and explain to her that Daddy is going to be gone for a bit, and he'll be missing some important event or something to Eve. Like maybe she believes in half-birthdays and convinced her parents to have a little three-person celebration for being three and a half. But now Jake won't be able to be there and so Eve is devastated and sobs all night, but that sobbing turns into anger because she just can't believe Daddy would leave her and Mama for so long (even though he has no choice).
Jake has a couple days before he has to go and Eve has pretty much been giving him the silent treatment, thinking he certainly wouldn't leave her while she's upset. So she's grumpy and stubborn all the time, especially when Jake tries to pick her up from school or tuck her in at night, and no way will she let him hold her without throwing a fit and asking for Mama instead. 
Then it's like the night before he has to go. Jake's miserable because he thinks his daughter hates him though you tell him that's not true. And he's uncharacteristically terrified that something might happen to him, that he won't ever see Eve with a smile on her face the way he is so used to seeing his baby girl. 
You tell him to go try to talk to Eve one more time, so he goes upstairs to her playroom where she's playing with her toy planes, and he crouches down beside her and says "Baby girl, I'm so sorry." He tries to touch her shoulder but she scoots away and turns her back to him and Jake just sighs, drops his head, and whispers "I love you, baby girl. Always." Then kisses the top of the blond curls, the same honey shade has his own, and leaves to join you again. 
Immediately by the look on his face, you know your little girl did not cut her father any slack. And you're so heartbroken for the both of them (and yourself honestly, because Jake leaving destroys you each time). So you walk him to the door and he kisses you for what feels like forever. And you don't want to let him go but you know you don't have a choice, so you unwrap yourself from around him and let him grab his bag before he starts over to his truck. 
But then you hear little, rapid footsteps, and you turn to see Eve carefully holding the railing of the staircase, moving down as quickly as she can while still keeping in mind Jake's stair safety rules. Then, like a little speed demon, she sprints past you out the door, screams "Daddy!" in such a desperate wail, and runs right into his legs, clinging to him like a koala to a tree. 
Then you start sobbing because she's already sobbing and Jake's got tears on his cheeks as he drops his bag and lifts his daughter into his arms, holding her as tightly as she is him. And he's kissing her cheek and whispering in her ear, likely promises that he'll come back, because there's no way he won't do everything he can to return to his family. 
When he looks at you, you completely lose it, because your husband is leaving, and you and Eve are really going to have to be each other's support to get through the coming months. So you walk over to them and kiss him and hug him so Eve is squished between you. 
But then he has to go. He doesn't have a choice. And trying to remove Eve from him is as hard as prying a drilled in nail from a sturdy wall with only your fingernails. 
When he's gone, Eve pulls on your hand so you can watch his truck drive away. She won't leave until she can no longer see it—not that you would dare leave either—and when you do finally get her inside, you give her the special ice cream you bought in preparation for your hearts hurting. You feed her a big bowl, and you watch her, knowing this is her first true heartbreak; the first of more to come. 
At bedtime, you tuck her in beside you, because you don't want to be alone either. She manages to sleep, fully emotionally exhausted, but you just stare at her little face in the dim glow of the moonlight, and you run your knuckle over her cheek like you've done since she was born, and you promise your girl that you'll make it through this; after all, you'd both done it before, she was just too young to remember. 
Every day. Every single day, Eve mentions her Daddy. Asks about him or tells a story about him or promises that when he gets back she's going to take him to Disneyland "because he should get a surprise present when he comes home." You agree. 
When you get your first video chat with him, Eve is bouncing on your lap, waiting for his face to pop up. She tells him every little thing that's happened at school. Her best friend got a new doll and she wants the same one but only if it can also come with a pilot outfit. The butterflies they'd been taking care of in class were finally released. She tried to name them all after the Daggers but the teacher said the whole class had to agree on the names, which she thought was "stupid." You scold her for her language, but you're chuckling a bit too. Then she says her teacher is having a baby, and "when are you and Mama gonna have another baby?" She wants a brother. 
When you tell her to go play—really so you can get a few minutes alone with your husband—he asks about that baby boy too, and you promise when he comes home, you'll work on it (after the surprise trip to Disney, of course. Or maybe during). 
You tell him you love him so damn much. He tells you the same. 
You meet him when he comes back, and when Eve spots him, she rushes off, weaving through other families to get to him. You catch up and you're crying because they're stuck together like glue, and that's all you ever wanted for them. He sets his baby girl down for a moment to kiss you in a way that manages to scratch the surface of all the pent-up need you have for each other. Then he picks his baby girl back up, and you go home. 
You watch movies and eat ice cream and when it's bedtime, Jake tucks Eve in after about a half hour of her talking his ear off. He loves it though, because he loves her and he missed her sweet voice so much. 
Then he joins you and you work on releasing all of that pent-up need and desire. And you're just about to fall asleep in each other's arms when you whisper "by the way, Eve is taking us to Disneyland."
A/N: this was my manic brain spilling thoughts
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @cinderellasmissingshoe @novagreen04 @multifandomlover4life @mayhemmanaged @memeorydotcom @ryiamarie
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Madara as Regina Mills and the Infinite Tsukuyomi as his curse, season 1 of Once Upon a Time style
Tobirama as Emma, coming in to break the curse, and Hashirama kind of filling the roll of Snow White, the brothers unable to recognize or remember each other but feeling each other's loss all the same (which in itself is kind of the greatest punishment for Izuna's death that Madara could give, save for actually killing one of them)
Maybe Kagami as Henry? Him somehow breaking through the curse and finding Tobirama and trying to bring him back to the little town of Konoha, knowing he's one of the only people who can get through to Madara. But also Tobirama doesnt remember anything anyways, so to him he's just humoring this kid
Ok actually scratch, rewind, lets take this from the top;
Ok so. Madara casts the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but instead of it being a dream it casts Konoha into the modern world, where everyone is given some role to fill in the little town of Konoha, and only Madara remembers how they all got there.
Madara sets some stuff up, like gives certain people certain roles and memories, and also bc something something magic something something the perfect dream, within the bounds of the town, Izuna + some other dead people exist. Madara isn't especially focused on the other dead, just Izuna, so he actually is partially unaware of the details of who else may have gotten revived (Itama is totally there somewhere, lost in the crowds)
Now, Madara did not truly design this town, nor the lives of the people in it. He could have, but he didn't bc he was a bit focused on just his own wants. So a lot of families got separated, things got mixed up, that sort of thing. Including the Senju brothers. Hashirama and Itama have no idea that they're siblings, and Tobirama is another ballpark all on his own.
You see, in a bit of a petty act and also a bit of paranoia bc 'something something best sensor in history' something something 'dont wanna take any chances' and also definitely a bit of last minute impulsive 'hey fuck you, I get my brother back but you dont, bitch' Madara pressed the "you are just a normal man who has no family" illusion onto Tobirama then kicked him out of town
With that said and done, Izuna by his side, Hashirama also positioned suitably close (maybe as an aid since he's Madara is the mayor?) Madara goes ahead and pats himself on the back and enters the Infinite Tsukuyomi himself, forgetting it all and able to truly live that happy, blissfully unaware life he had worked so hard for.
(Just ignore the burning fires in the background where Madara didn't think to double check if anyone else's roles lined up well with their original selves. Or the fact that Itama and some other dead people are totally wandering around in the bg, both them, their families, and even Madara none the wiser)
So anyways, just like in Once Upon a Time, time itself is pretty much frozen. No one ages, every day runs about the same, and honestly who knows how long this town has been here now-- because its residents sure as hell dont!
But then.
One day, somehow little Kagami somehow awakens the Mangekyō Sharingan, possibly through a pure chance fluke of the illusion wavering for unrelated reasons (bc it also supresses any chakra use) and Kagami's mangekyō's ability, whatever tf it is, allows him to break himself out of the genjutsu.
Making him now the only person in the town who's aware of the fact that they're all in some sort of illusion-- though the details escape him bc hes like. 13 and didn't know everything happening behind the scenes.
Oh also note, the ages and time frame of this is just all over the place and we will not think ab it too hard.
So Kagami ofc begins to investigate, he has very little idea of whats going on at all but he does quickly pick up on the fact that he can find just about anyone in Konoha here-- but not his sensei. And Sensei always knows what to do, so now he has a mission
Queue Kagami somehow tracking Tobirama down in the outside world, just like Henry did with Emma. Don't know the specifics of how tho!
So now cut to Tobirama:
First off, him as a parallel to Emma Swan is actually so good its kind of funny. I say he gets to keep being somehow able to 'know when someone is lying' (it's the traces of his obnoxiously powerful sensing abilities leaking even through the best of genjutsu)
He's some kind of private detective maybe? Idk but whatever he is, he's freelance and travels a lot
(Which helps keep attention from the fact that he, even removed from the town, does not seem to age-- something even he himself has not noticed)
So Tobirama is just living his kind of shitty, honestly a little depressing life. He has no attachments; He always feels like he's missing something or someone; He can never seem to connect with anyone, and people even seem to forget he exists when he's out of sight for too long (almost as if they're made to forget, as if he really was never meant to be here or be seen)
And then one day this tiny kid is banging on his door calling him Sensei and begging him in tears to come back to the village because everyones gone crazy and someones cast a genjutsu over EVERYONE and Izuna is somehow alive again and--
Woah woah slow down. First, who the fuck are you actually.
*insert stressed Kagami brain car crash noises here*
So yeah !! Tobirama doesn't know who tf this kid is, but he will drive him back to town and give his parents a good talking to.
Hikaku, Kagami's polite and stressed looking uncle, is very relieved to see him back home
Kagami is literally begging Tobirama to stay it's actually painful to watch and no one can understand why he's so fucking pressed about it. And for some reason, Tobirama decides to stay. But only for a little bit, you hear?
(It will not be for a little bit.)
And just like that, the clock tower begins to move, and time begins to pass once more. And both Kagami and Tobirama slowly piece together what exactly happened to get them here, and how the town might be broken out of it's enchantment
So like. Tobirama and Hashirama having no idea they're brothers. Double to that, Itama is somewhere around! And no one fucking knows it!
Madara does not know what he's done, he is living his best life fr fr, but in contrast to how Hashirama and Tobirama seem to instantly click, Madara just kind of fucking hates this guy on sight for some reason. There's a lot of tension there and everyone in the office is making bets on if they're gonna kiss (Izuna has money riding on it)
So like Madara, Izuna, Hikaku and Hashirama running the mayors office n stuff, with Madara as the mayor
Tobirama eventually ends up as Sherrif just like Emma which is also irony bc smthn smthn Uchiha police force agenda or whatever. And then him and Madara regularly get into very public fights over clashing ideals
Im tied between saying that the timeline for this is like, just wishy washy "hey dont worry ab it" and tossing in Kakashi's generation + others for fun and to fill in spaces
Or saying that just like how the Infinite Tsukuyomi seemed to bring some people back to life within the boundaries of the town, there are some legit time bending aspects of it, and just like how we have people who are supposed to be dead, we also have people who just shouldn't be born yet. Fun stuff!
But like Kakashi Obito and Rin are totally around. Somwhere. Also Sakumo but Kakashi still believes his father is dead and Sakumo can no longer remember Kakashi exists (rip)
Itama is the towns one weed dealer and also a plant scientist bc I fucking refuse to give up on the stoner Itama agenda, that is my default Itama in every AU now. Oh also he's like an adult, and we're also sticking with the him and Tobirama being twins agenda
He and Tobirama meeting for the first time with sheriff Tobirama arresting him for selling weed pass would be the funniest thing
Touka is the deputy sheriff and she and Tobirama get along like a house on fire, and then bc convoluted reasons they somehow rope Itama into working w them for parole/community service or smthn. Dream team!!
But yeah thats it thats the post thanks for listening Im gonna go stare at a wall now
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Not sure if you're still active, but here's a 'prompt':
Maribat, but without the wish-fulfillment:
The bats-family comes to Paris, and the usual Maribat stuff happens. Shadowmoth is found, Lila gets revealed, Marinette gets to castigate her friends to the bone beofre dimissing them as vile people beneath her notice and Adrien gets summarily replaced because Plagg's Miraculous is apparently Ladybug's engagement ring and Damian is "just better". To top it all off, Marinette is taken under Batman's wing, and without an active threat in Paris leaves for Gotham.
It's not what she expected.
She realises the true depths of human cruelty without the insanity of Akumatisation to hide behind,
She gets to learn what it's like to be the last person to know plans because SHE'S not the one calling the shots anymore, indeed: she's the most junior person int eh chain of command. She's the one who has to shut and obey when push come to shove, and get excluded from decisions that effect her and information that she should have but Batman keeps locked up under "need to know". And she's not on the list.
Because why would she be? She was the child who struggled to find Shadowmoth while she had a box of magical superweapons- including one that could give her any power she asked of it- when it took Batman his Robins maybe a week at most to do the same with conventional methods.
She even finds out that Batman has a dozen contingencies in place to take the box and Miraculous from her if she goes rogue. Based on information he's accumulated from her while she spent time under his roof and trained to impress him.
Oh, and to add salt to the wound: Damian makes it clear that he doesn't consider her his equal. Guardian or not. Certainly not someone he's going to take orders from, or someone he's interested in romantically for that matter. It takes more than a reasonably attractive face and talent for magical devices to interest Damian Wayne; and beyond those things what's exceptional about Marinette Dupain-Cheng compared to the other potential love interests he already had?
Did it occur to her that he might already be in a relationship before she gave him the ring? Because it seems like she's committing the same sin that Adrien Agreste once did in assuming the bearers of Destruction and Creation have some special destiny to be together.
(Adrien could tell her how that works out).
So now Marinette's stuck in a new, far less friendly city, speaking a foreign language and in a home filled with strangers she impulsively threw her old life away to be with. And she has to live with it because of how she burned her bridges.
Great Post! You put a lot of thought into the prompt, and the idea of Ladybug being brought into a situation where she's way in over her head and not instantly the main person in charge (just because she holds a powerful set of magical earrings) actually sounds great! Though that itself could be its own fanfic idea.
I myself am not personally fond of the Maribat part of the fandom or the idea of even mentioning it, given that it and the the idea of Marinette and Damian ever being a thing represents everything bad about the salty part of the fandom, especially from people who likely never read any actual DC comic involving Damian.
However, I do appreciate how you deconstructed the idea of not only Damian instantly being Marinette's love interest, but also how Marinette meeting the Batfamily would instantly make her part of it or even their favorite, since neither of those would likely ever happen given the dark and gritty nature of Batman comics contrasting with the light and generally perfect world of Miraculous.
I mean, the idea of Marinette relating in any way to the BatFam would be ridiculous in canon, considering her generally perfect and happy family life in comparison to everyone in the BatFam differing flavors of trauma. By comparison, Lila being a bitch or her friends not believing her seems mundane by comparison.
Anyways, love the post!
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hellspawnmotel · 2 months
Two questions:
1: Thoughts on Deltarune Toriel and her relationship with Kris alongside what her ultimate in the story will be like? Personally, I think we may get a lot of development with her if she joins us in the chapter 3 Dark World, but that’s just me.
2: Thoughts on also what Asriel’ stole in DR will be like? Considering how much of a fan-favourite he is and how Toby’s definitely aware of that, it feels we might good some subversion thrown out with him, whatever that may be like. Love to hear your thoughts on this as well.
um..... honestly I don't have that many thoughts on either of them as characters in deltarune, haha. as I've said before, I'm not really into making theories for its own sake and most of what I do is just speculating on really vague stuff, based on dialogue and themes- okay so maybe I do make theories LOL I just like doing analysis better, but I really don't have anything new to say about toriel or asriel, that hasn't been said before......
..........except, I'm not totally convinced that asriel actually exists? in deltarune?? like he exists in the lives and memories of the characters obviously, but on a meta level I don't know if he has like. a character file, a sprite, etc, if that makes sense. I dunno, I sort of suspect that might be why kris can't reach him- nothing actually exists outside of hometown and the dark world, because that's all that needs to exist to make the setting of this video game. I kinda hope that's not true because it would make me pretty sad and I'd love to meet an adult asriel, but I can also totally see it happening! on the other hand, that idea has been done before in so many other settings that involve a metanarrative or "fake"/artificial location (I can think of at least three off the top of my head) and I'm sure toby also knows that so he might not go for that angle, or do a different kind of twist on it. after all dess also "doesnt exist" within the game proper outside of other characters referencing her, same as asriel, but she's clearly a physical entity in the code. it might be that rather than not existing at all, asriel just hasn't been "built" yet because it's not time for him to appear, if he's going to. so like- he exists within the story of deltarune and he's just off having fun at college, but outside in the next layer that sits in between the game world and our world, where gaster is doing whatever, he doesnt. gaster (if we're to assume it IS him behind everything) hasn't made him yet. yknow. or hasn't acquired him. toby still has custody. I hope that makes sense
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wasyago · 1 year
some rambles about gillion trans headcanons and other stuff
im realizing that i write these posts because i have no one to talk about riptide with, so this is like a monolog that is meant to be a dialog? sort of? the point is, the thought process is unpredictable and this is just everything that goes through my head and not like a structural point or anything and some things are random and not uhhh pretty(?). i dont even know why im writing these disclaimers, no one cares probably?
anyway. so, if gillion was a trans man, how would that work?
did he know from the young age, before the elders even, that he was a boy? was it just an obvious thing for him and his family? was he loved and accepted? and when the elders took him away, did they accept him as well? did they even see him for a kid/a person he was, or did they only think about the prophecy and didn't care what gender The One was? when gillion got older, did he get his top surgery inside the walls of the palace without anyone questioning him or looking down upon? or did he have to sneak out? probably definitely not sneak out, im not sure gillion ever left the palace or seen the world outside much. did he even get top surgery?
that's an interesting question to me actually, because if tritons (in this campaign at least) hatch from eggs, do females even have bigger boobs? technically no, right? do they even have boobs? i mean, they do have chest muscles and stuff, but do they have nipples? the one time i drew gill without a shirt i didn't draw him any, so im gonna say "no" for now. sorry im huge bore when it comes to these types of questions, i don't even know why actually... is it weird?
uhh what was i talking about... so i guess yeah, if female and male tritons don't have that different of a body structure, gillion probably didn't even need a top surgery to begin with. and maybe he didn't experience much in terms of dysphoria, which honestly? good for him, he had enough going on already...
but if gillion wasn't trans before the elders? if he was fine with his gender, he was only five after all, he had better fiveyearold things to worry about. what happened after he was taken away? was it his own realization, just at an older age?
or was it forced on him by the elders? (its definitely a darker concept and would be out of character for the elders, but as an alternative universe I think its interesting as well). because "the chosen one", the hero of the prophecy, the one who will decide the fate of the world and who will protect the undersea, in the eyes of the elders could've only be a man (if they were misogynistic). and when they come to this family and they see a 5 y.o. girl, what can they feel except disappointment? they will try anyway though, because what are they supposed to do? and if they need a man for a prophecy they will get him one way or another...
again, a darker concept, and i think i like it like an au better than a headcanon for the main campaign. because it's ooc and brings up slightly different topics from the original.
at the end i think i wont headcanon gill as trans? (although who knows, maybe I'll come around eventually, we'll see) maybe as nonbinary or a secret third thing though. gillion to me doesn't feel like a "man" man, his gender is "a guy" i don't know how to explain it hdgsbbs (maybe im just projecting idk o_o)
I love it when people hc him as trans tho, its very sweet!!!!!!! and i believe he does have the top surgery scars in the official art? so like, pop off king lets go???? (actually i just checked and no he doesn't, but im gonna think he does anyway)
im a little scared to re read this post and i think i'll delete it later probably, but uhhh yeah... again, just rambling and thinking out loud (not out loud but you get what i mean. writing all this down or drawing something really helps me to think and figure things out, so that's why)
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kewpidity · 2 months
i keep meaning to send you this and i keep forgetting omg HERE is your formal invitation [ in fact. a plead ] to ramble about your thoughts on agilink
hmmmMMMMM okay okay okay thank you for this opportunity it took a bit for me to get to it cause i realized that Literally ive never actually talked about/explained my thoughts and feelings about them to someone else in detail??? so it took me a minute to collect my thoughts jkfds
So Basically while i love it in the original canon context, there is a bit that needs to be explained first:
i have a big head canon that agitha is in fact a fairy, the child of a great fairy, that abandoned her and her father, who died when she was v v young
her father had a banker that handles her estate and gives her a little pension until she becomes an adult and can fully inherit her fortune, and thats the explanation i have for why she's so young and already living by herself
beyond that, she's a v lonely girl who doesnt really seem to get on with anybody in town, the only other npc that talks about her really is the guy thats always peering through her window, and it seems he's afraid of her, or thinks she's weird
i chalk this up to otherwordly heritage, but even just within the context of the canon its pretty clear that people either fear her or are at least uncomfortable with the way she acts, and her hobbies
and then there's link, who is open and eager to help, even if its something silly like collecting bugs (which is of course not silly to her at all), he never balks when she acts off putting
on his part of course link is used to dealing with kids, he's the village babysitter after all (which is a bit problematic to play into a ship but what can ya do lmao) but she's also not really. like the kids he would look after? even without the fairy stuff, she's one of those 'aged beyond her years' types, thats just what happens when you're taking care of yourself and living alone most of your life, you dont develop normally and it makes you simultaneously too old and too young (maybe much like being 17 or so and suddenly finding yourself with the fate of the entire world resting on your shoulders 👀)
so now let's talk about link and what the plot would do to him! something that i like about tp link is that he's one of the older versions we get to play as, and he also feels v much like he has an active, established life and a community he's a part of, he has responsibilities to and cares about the people he lives with, which makes it feel all the more heart breaking when he's ripped away from it because of being the chosen hero, cause even after everything, and During everything, his experiences because of the plot are going to make him a fundamentally different person, he Came Back Different if you will, and by the end of the game midna leaves, he has no personal connection with zelda in this specific version, and he feels a bit out of place even now when he returns home, he feels v much alone in this world now even after he starts to settle again
on top of that, when he's in his wolf form, everybody is afraid of him. and on a logical level he does understand that of Course theyd be afraid and of Course they wouldnt recognize him, but on an exhausted and traumatized level, it hurts him v deeply when people he's known his whole life are afraid of him
except for agitha, in fact she isnt phased by him being a wolf at All, and i think that must surely be a comfort to him
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i think one of the most likely scenarios for them getting closer over all is that maybe he gets injured as a wolf, and doesnt have anywhere he can go where they wont be chased away, so he ends up going to agitha's house to try and rest up in a safe place, scratches at her door and all, and she does in fact let him in because she's not afraid of him (this is contingent on the fact that for whatever reason he cant turn back human at the moment, its been a while since ive played the game and i dont quite remember how it works so bear with me here lol) which leads him to trust her more in his human form as well, and they get closer over time because of it
she'll of course figure out link and the wolf she lets in sometimes are one in the same eventually but i'll have to iron out the details a little more for all that
so i guess at the end of the day, the appeal to me for agitha and link is that by the end of it all, they're both out there isolated by circumstance and can seek comfort in each other, even after the dust of the story settles
have some disjointed Thoughts™️ that have been circling in my head for years:
Thought One:
as the Agitha Expert, while everybody else is making dirty jokes about her liking the way it feels to be pinched by a beetle, i know that she's Stimming, so there is a scenario in my mind that plays out where one day while she's pinning insects as she does, she starts putting the pins in her fingers and palms, not enough to hurt or even bleed (think like acupuncture), she's not really thinking about it, she's just Feeling (in the case of her being a fairy, its not just the Autism, its a matter of like. 'i feel disconnected from the things and people around me, this is my life but this is not my body, and these pins are a grounding sensation' sorta thing (so still also the autism but with Extra Flavor ljkfds))
and link walks in to bring her a new bug and obviously is thrown off guard about it. they dont really say anything, but he comes over and takes her hand and v carefully removes the pins, and this is a big turning point for them because the thing about link is he always comes across as v brave and unshakable, but here now, while she's not in any danger or even really hurt, his hands as shaking because he's not sure how to approach this situation but he's caring for her regardless, and it really hits her that this is someone not that much older than her that is absolutely just a guy and nobody is taking care of him despite all the care he puts into everybody around him and how scary that is
Thought Two:
if we're explicitly going with the idea of fairy!agitha, she's going to live a long time, and eventually go into the woods to be a greaty fairy probably, so i imagine centuries down the line, another reincarnation of link finds her, and she recognizes him but doesnt Remember him and it fills her with an intense longing and sadness and she doesnt know why but she wants to give him anything he could possibly ask of her
Thought Three:
sometimes when i think about him turning up at her door as a wolf, i think about old myths about werewolves where the only thing that can turn them back into men is their name being called by someone who loved and trusted them and it breaks me all to pieces
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one day i wanna write something for them, even if its only vaguely connected drabbles or something
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I finished acotar a while ago and I was gonna write a review right away but then christmas happened and I was pretty busy and wanted to enjoy myself so youre getting like two weeks late
It was fine, I really didnt have any strong feelings about the book itself. Like, my main complaints are that it was pretty boring and directionless for most of it and stuff thats mainly related to the next books, if I just look at it as a standalone I would describe it as "not for me, but not that bad"
That is, until we get to Under The Mountain, where everything just gets really stupid and convoluted. That whole section, which is a solid fourth or fifth of the whole book, severely clashes with the sweet fairytale romance that came before it. It reminds me of how all those twilight-knockoff trilogies in the 2010s would have two pretty low-stakes books worth of basically only romance with some weird magic sprinkled on top, and then in the last book it would turn out that the protagonist and her beloved need to Go To War or the world will end except even worse (also now that I think about it, the first three acotar books also seem to be structed like that, so youre getting two shitty plot structures in one. yayyyyyyy)
There was literally no reason for all of that happen, it was honestly just unpleasant reading about Feyre, who had spent the book recovering from her trauma in a way that was genuinely pretty nice to read about, being tortured for three months until she was feeling worse than she ever had before. And some people might say "oh, thats the point, its meant to be tragic" but it didnt feel like tragedy, it just felt tonally dissonant. Also, the entire ending was so weird and dragged out, like that bit where she and Tamlin are staying one last night UTM for some reason and then she talks to Rhysand before they finally leave and its like, BRO dont stay in the Palace of Torments for any longer than you have to, just leave through that portal-tunnel thing
Speaking of Rhysand, he wasnt that bad in this book but Im sure my opinion on him will change. The main thing that sticks out about him is how sjm simply could not resist ALREADY explaining all of his motivations and portraying him as someone whos obviously so noble, despite all the obviously horrific and completely unecessary shit hes doing. Like, theres that scene where Rhysand crushes that guy's brain when Amarantha ordered him to crush his mind and the narration goes "that was actually an act of mercy from Rhysand" ??? that mightve worked better in third person limited where youre working without the implication that the prose is the pov character's actual thoughts, but since its first person and meant to be Feyre's thoughts I was just like "why is she thinking that when she should be thinking 'holy fucking shit, i just signed my life over to a guy who could squish my mind like a grape if he wanted to?!?!?!!'"
Also, theres that scene where Rhysand comes into Feyres cell to "escape from it all" or whatever and he basically monologues to her about his sympathetic motivations and I just. sarah, girlie, you shouldve saved this shit for the second book. Like, rewrite the scene so that he just comes in eithout a word, hes totally unresponsive to Feyre insulting him or trying to ask him what hes doing here, he just sits down in the corner, knees pulled to his chest, he mutters something vague about just wanting to be left alone, maybe he's even got tears in his idk. I think that would be a far more effective way to have him be sympathetic in a more subtle way than just having him monologue his tragic circumstances and noble intentions at Feyre
Thats about it so far, I'll probably start reading ACOMAF in january when winter break is over and I can read it on the bus and in class again
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shootingstarrfish · 4 months
Do you have any tips on how you do shading ?? Your art really inspires me and I literally suck at shading lmao.
hello anon!!! im honoured i can inspire you sdfhkjh it's crazy to me that i can inspire literally anyone :,DDD <33
tbh i do all my shading purely based on vibes/what makes me happy so im not sure im a good advice person but ill show you a breakdown of how i go about shading and hopefully that might help a bit? :o i've left it below the cut because i have too much to say and it ended up being really long LOL
of course if there's anything you want more details on i'm always happy to explain, just let me know!
okay SO ill use this asmo as my example, i think there's enough to talk about here that it should be helpful hopefully
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so here's my lineart and flats! i do all my flat colours in one layer because i find it easier to make everything look more cohesive when the pieces arent separated (i usually like it when the colours bleed into each other a lil), but i also just dont like the process of having to switch between layers for everything too LOL flats are unfortunately my least favourite part :,D probably because my lineart is so messy hahah
as you can see, the shading is very minimal here, just some subtle stuff in the wings/sheer parts of the fabric and some blushing on the skin, i also stole the orange under eye/liner thing from TBHK because <3
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and then i clean up any messy stuff by just painting over top of everything on a new layer, i also rendered the metal at this stage because i felt like it i guess???
i dont think i did a suuper good job at rendering the metal here (because i was lazy), it looks fine but something to note about metal is that usually you want to push the highlights and the shadows a lot more, as well as the reflections because it is so shiny and smooth this is why you'll see a lot of pink and blue in the metal, to show the reflections of his hair and the sky
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i would recommend using reference to get a better idea of how metal ACTUALLY works but again, i was lazy lol so that's a simple explanation based on what little i know/have observed
the jump here is a bit drastic and you might be like woah starr where'd all this come from?? but this is all in one layer-
('hard light' - 62% opacity)
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this is how that layer looks as a normal full opacity layer, for reference:
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lately i've been using hard light layers to shade! they're very versatile because unlike multiply layers i can do my shading and my highlights within one layer (do you sense a theme of me disliking having too many layers lmao)
SO this is where i have a bit more to say about shading you'll notice the prominent shading colour here is blue, this is because the main environment here (the sky) is blue. i dont know if that's how things work in the real world but it works for me LMAO i usually prefer to have my shading lean cooler purely for aesthetic reasons, i like how it looks more
you might also notice some areas where the blue is a bit brighter, this is to imitate reflected light, again because the environment is blue light tends to bounce around on things and reflect back even into the shadows so this is the effect im trying to get, i like to typically go with a brighter blue cause it gives things a sort of shinier? quality that i enjoy aesthetically, idk if its very accurate to real life tho it also helps me to give depth to the shading since shading isnt usually just one flat blob, and this is a bit of a shortcut to having more dynamic (?) looking shadows
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i also want to point out my use of bright reds on the edge of the shadows:
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i believe this is called diffraction- there's a real legit scientific reason why it happens but i... dont know what that is i just know it happens in real life (maybe not to this extent?) and it looks cool so i do it SFHJKSFH i usually blend it into the shadows though as opposed to into the lighter parts, i find that tends to look better
some miscellaneous things-
don't be afraid to throw random colours around!! who cares about realism, it's fun lmao
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this artwork is a spoiler for asmo's bday so shhhhh but i did want to quickly show that you can also use hard light layers to create a glowy effect, i literally just painted the pink/orange directly on the shadows layer and it helped to make his eyes more glowy
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of course i do go in and paint over a little after and add some layer effects but it helps to have that base there
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now that you've learnt that i dont know what i'm doing, i wanted to highlight a couple of resources that have helped me! i hope they help you as well <3
this video gives some really interesting insights into this artist's process and some problems they had throughout, as well as how they overcame them! it looks a lil clickbaity but i promise it's good!!
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this tweet also shifted how i think about rendering when i want to do something with dramatic lighting!
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+ an attempt i made to replicate this (i wanna try this again lmao it was fun)
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i hope that helps even a little bit, i did my best to explain but sorry if it was mostly nonsense though :,DDD best of luck with your art, anon!! <3333
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swearyshera · 2 years
I want to say I really respect how you're handling Glimmer's arc, her interactions with Bow in particular. Them dealing with the emotional fallout of this in a harsh and awkward but earnest way is really gratifying. I feels like pulling teeth in the best way possible. Glimmer's arc still rings amazingly to me and somehow hasn't diminished since the apology bit.
Is it weird that I "respect" Glimmer's redemption more than Catra's? I guess I always thought Glimmer's heart was in the right place despite like... everything she had going on. I never once felt Glimmer couldn't be redeemed and frankly my opinion on if Catra really "deserved" redemption still flips every time I think about it. If i thought I had a way to annihilate the people who took my family away, I don't know if I'd hesitate to top-rope elbow drop the Big Red Button even as much as Glimmer did. I guess that was Catra's rationale too on a deeper level, but at least Glimmer wasn't fine with the world dying once confronted with that reality, as sad a step up as that is. I feel like the fact I don't feel much sorrier for Catra reflects very poorly on me.
The series had a bad habit of Catra's choices having their more catastrophic potential consequences avoided so her redemption could go down smoother, my most prominent example being the corrupt shera virus. I'd pay damn good money to see how the story could even begin to salvage Adora and Catra's relationship if Adora killed someone like Glimmer or Bow under the effects of that. (not to mention the portal only kills one, albeit very important, person, Adora just happening to survive falling a pit, the story conspicuously forgetting about Angella etc) This sort of thing makes me think the author is cheating or working backwards from the ending they already want. Other characters were involved in some of those choices but that only expands the problem imo.
Glimmer's doesn't kill the universe either, but there's still disastrous consequences for Etheria and people she cares about, pretty much all of s5, and her story is all about understanding what she brought on them, and becoming a more responsible person to her friends/people. I really liked that. The only person Catra is really held accountable to is Adora, and maybe Perfuma on Scorpia's behalf. There's Entrapta but I dont think she operates in terms of blame/forgiveness, at least in canon. I know she literally forgave Catra explicitly, I guess I'm too mean to believe people could let go of stuff that "easily' and write it off like it doesnt count.
I know Catra's arc wanted a more intimate scale and they didn't have time to litigate all this, but my deep gut reaction is "tough shit, you shouldn't have had Catra do all that if you weren't gonna make her face what she'd done", especially since Adora makes a point that Catra is afraid to face people she hurt, then Mermista, Micah and Scorpia are conveniently chipped until the last minutes of the damn show. HP really did Catra a solid there. Glimmer's arc felt more willing to make her culpable in dire shit and not pull punches about it, even less so here, so sincere gratitude from me there. Not that Adora and Catra weren't put through hell but their s5 relationship seems to happen in its own little bubble safe from outside responsibility apart from Adora's martyrdom pathology.
Anyway, very excited to see how the Catra reunion will be handled given everything so far, and for Glimmer and Bow stuff. You've never done wrong by us yet. Sorry for this fucking thesis. Please feel free to point all the ways I'm being a myopic dumbass.
I always see Catra and Glimmer as two sides of the same coin - the same person but treated very differently by those around them. Glimmer had love and forgiveness from the people she grew up with, particularly her mother, whereas Catra had none of that outside of Adora.
But I think the end of season 4, start of season 5, we see a little bit of a flipside of that, and that's what starts making both of them wiser, more mature, etc. Up until then, Glimmer had never really had to deal with consequences for her actions - her mother, outside of grounding her, didn't appear to really punish her when she did things wrong. Even Bow, at least until Fractures, felt he always had to support and agree with her (and his own arc played into that). But when Glimmer decided to plough ahead with her plan to activate the Heart and ignore her friends, she actually had serious consequences for once. She had to deal with losing friendships, attracting Prime. And that wasn't something she'd really had to deal with.
Catra, by contrast, always had negative consequences to even the slightest of actions. Usually by Shadow Weaver, and then by Hordak, she was punished for her mistakes. But in season 5, she gets shown kindness and forgiveness despite her actions, and it too, becomes a turning point for her.
I also don't really see the story as 'redemption'. It's not about Catra or Glimmer redeeming themselves, it's about accepting you've done wrong and making the choice to be better. Yes, they do have apologies to make, wrongs to right, and we don't see a lot of that in the show. But we don't need to. What we see is Glimmer becoming more levelheaded and choosing to use that in place of recklessness. We see Catra choosing to return to Adora in Heart not for herself, but for Etheria. Both these young women have done things that have had a huge negative impact on other people, but they both end up trying to do better, to be better.
Redemption is based on how other people treat you. This is a story about how you treat yourself. Both are important.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
I can picture wind being a pain in the butt to the school staff while gather kids to cause chaos because of getting bored from sitting in a chair for hours listening to the teacher rant about something and him of course not liking being talked down because of his age and so when he is taken detention he gets in a fight with the teacher which he wins of course and so reader is called to deal with him. Well yeah wind gets to see reader earlier now but reader is looking at him disappointed and tired. Reader gives him a trade offer that if he does good he gets more cuddles and attention from reader everyday and so wind quiets down and behaves more better altho does sleep in some classes because he is bored and so he is dreaming of him and reader having fun in his world with his grandma and sister like a family. In parent conferences I feel like there is a mini fight over who gets to go there help wind with pranks to get wind's side. When it comes to saving money legend sews up the clothes that owns that get ripped tho says it's for saving money but it's really to get close to reader and take some clothes that reader doesn't notice gone but it gets him butting heads with sage as the chain sees his lies but the chains knows he has dirt on them and that they are close. Wars gets thirsty comments from time to time but he always says their is already someone special to him as he talks about them in his videos at times which causes his fans to get the idea he's dating and so they call them lucky but he calls himself lucky. Twilight gets some of the old people from the farmers market to like him as he seems like those good old fellas and which when they see how he has a hand around reader's waist and seem so cuddly towards reader and so they think reader is his partner and when they notice there not married because of the lack of wedding rings, they ask when wedding is coming closing reader's chance to get away altho this does happen with the other open affectionate and possessive links (I'm talking about courage) they don't get as much praise and help to get their point as across other than sky and sage altho sage gets because he is the first and sky is sky. Reader notices how a lot of her stuff that has her scent goes missing but gives the ides its just them trying to find something familiar in this new world but later on reader fully realizes that they have a bunch of yanderes in their house and they want them but maybe they don't fight back because they aren't as strong as the chain even when they don't have magic altho they do have the high ground when running since this world is still new to them but that's the thing they can run but they can't hide and especially when they realize dink is after them too as running is just going to get more people hurt and hiding won't be good for long as the chain was able to get to them from another world, how is another county going to challenge them too harder pluse things are too personal and deep between reader and the links and we aren't going to get started with fierce.
Known as 👾 anon or numberonehere2008
It's great to see you 👾!!! and now I know why you're so good at coming up with ideas, I've seen some of the other blogs you've popped up on and everything is just sooooo good!!!! also the amount of stuff in this ask that's kinda similar to stuff irl is insane
fun fact the way you've described wind going to school is almost a match with my actual younger brother 🙃 (arguably he's even worse than you've described wind) so I am very used to dealing with someone who would rather rip a door off of its hinges than go to school ANSBXKSK but I'd like to think he at least tries for reader as to not upset them or exhaust them. also just promising wind a trip to the sea if it's possible if he gets a decent grade at school you know he'd be at the top of the class in an instant. The chain would most likely all take turns with reader to go for parents evening, but there's also the chance reader simply goes alone making things much more simple.
legend would be stitching up everyone's old clothes, and possibly even taking up embroidery. I can see him getting very upset if he saw that reader already had clothes they'd stitched up themselves however, and there'd be some mixed feelings there for him. what with wanting reader to have better things for themselves and loving the chance to show them how good he is at it. And definitely not getting the chance to mess up sage's clothes. Wars if he ended up live streaming would be pressured to bring reader in front of the camera by his fans but ultimately I think he'd be too selfish to want anyone who doesn't need to see them see them; making his fans ship them even more with how much he "respects their privacy".
also bold of you to assume Sage hasn't already gotten them rings!!! if he got the chance reader wouldn't be able to walk with the amount of jewelry he gives them, and that's not the only way he'd mark his territory, but if reader hadn't gotten a ring it would be a full blown arms race for the chain to get them one. Reader would also be very reluctant to push sage away since I reckon they've already been together for about a year before the chain show up, and are in a very good relationship at that!! so it'd be more likely that the chain push themselves away before driving a wedge in-between reader and sage. If the cursed links were there they'd be the worst for this!!! and they'd be pushing readers limits real quick, not that anything reader sees as bad happens but to them it's like their worlds are ending.
AKSNDN Sky is very much one of my favourites as well, he and sage could have my whole heart within an instant if they asked 💖💖
as for going abroad? the chain could get to reader with magic. if they didn't have that it'd be a lot harder to get them, what with passports and airport security on top of border controls so unless they didn't lose all of their magic then they've got as much of a chance as anyone else. But unless the chain did something very concerning as a yandere or got caught at least I think reader could excuse it as stress or a different culture, I mean they're already writing off a lot of sage's attraction due to that. although it's not impossible for them to realise how deep it goes, it might just take a while for them to see how bad it is.
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sillygoobermanlol · 1 year
One day before the showcase.
you had decided to take it easy for the next few days with the spider man stuff, you wanted to support Miguel as much as you could. He spent a lot of time perfecting his project and what not. He hadn’t actually ran it yet, and said that he would when the time comes. That was enough for you to get this weird feeling in your chest, like when you almost know when something is going to happen. You had already acknowledged your spidey sense but this was different it was more long term, the feeling felt like it was in the back of your head at all times.
Maybe you were just being weird.
Eventually Sunday came around, Miguel had left earlier in order to make sure everything was ready for his guests. It was 3PM, you checked your phone about a million times waiting for the time to go by. You couldn’t just sit here until eight you had to do SOMETHING, so you decided to go out as spider man again and see what crime New York had to offer.
You grabbed your suit which was still in its early stages, it was all black with spider webs sewn into it. you swung out of your window making sure no one saw you. At first the thought of how high up you were terrified you, but with practice it almost felt like you were flying, the city was quiet for the most part or as quiet as New York city could be. You swung around for a bit catching the eyes of citizens as you went from building to building, then something weird happened.
An earth quake? But earth quakes don’t make things glitch.
You lost your balance and ended up on the ground in some ally way, you had definitely bruised something. You got up groaning rubbing your back, you probably should get home before you got yourself killed. Getting up you quickly grab your phone making sure it wasn’t damaged, with a sigh of relief you check the time, it was 6:30. About an hour to go, you decided to call Miguel to make sure he was alright.
he didn’t pick up
You sigh and web to the top of a roof making your way back home. When you got there you shower and get ready, putting on your suit and cleaning yourself up some more. When you check the time it was 7:20, enough time for you to get there by bus.
You walked into the doors of Alchemax, and asked the nearest person where Miguel was, apparently his entire presentation was in a room he never showed you, great. You followed a few people making your way into the nicely decorated room, the first thing you noticed were the huge red curtains covering god knows what.
You looked around until you saw Miguel, he also spotted you, and boy did he look great. He wore a blue suit that sat nicely on his body and hugged him in all the right places, he must’ve been admiring you also because none of you spoke for a good few seconds when he walked up.
Miguel cleared his throat, “You…clean up nice.” he chuckled.
you tilted your head, “What are you trying to say O’hara, I don’t always look nice?” you tease, it’s not like this was his first time seeing you in a suit, you two went to prom together and it’s one of your favorite shared memories. He scoffed at you sarcastically.
“So, everything going well so far?” you say trying to fill in the seconds of silence between you both, you had never in your life felt this nervous around him.
“Everything is perfect,” he says.
After a little more mingling Miguel stood by the podium reading over the words before he finally spoke.
“I’ve gathered all of you here today because I believe I have created something potentially world altering, my studies have caused me to see life in a different way. You see nothing is ever really lost forever,” he paused. “Because somewhere else it also exists.”
he took another pause.
“The multiverse, a theory that’s almost mind twisting. It’s hard to believe yes, that there are countless versions of you in countless worlds.”
A few concerned looks were shared by the guests and you’re sure you heard someone whisper ‘Is this a joke?’, you gulped not really sure how to take the information you were hearing.
“I have created something that has made it possible to make contact with these worlds.” he stopped looking around the room only to see your terrified face, “That’s ridiculous!” someone yelled.
“It’s not. It’s very true and real.” he said standing his ground.
his eyes kept flickering back to yours making sure you were understanding what he was saying. (You weren’t.)
Soon the curtains opened revealing a big machine, there’s no way he could’ve made this thing himself you thought.
“This…this is the collider,” he said. The machine caught the attention of everyone. “I…I just don’t know if its stable. But I know I can stabilize it,” he said with a hint of unsureness in his voice
And with those words some even left, nobody really had a good feeling about it, not even you. His breath got heavier, he was starting to panic, “Please just, listen to me.” he pleaded but nobody really wanted to hear it, this is when you felt the need to intervene. But his next words sent shivers down your spine,
“you’re all fools, all of you. We could have everything thanks to this yet you’re scared of it just because you don’t understand it.” he stepped away to the side, he sounded angry and at this point people were leaving quickly.
You ran to him, his fingers were in his hair and he looked almost broken. “Miguel.” you said but he stopped you, “You probably think I’m crazy too.” he spat, but his voice broke mid sentence.
You had never really seen Miguel cry like this. he covered his face with both of his hands so you wouldn’t see him. He hated feeling so powerless, he hated looking weak in front of you.
“Hey look at me,” you said pulling his hands away from his face. “I don’t think your crazy, this is just…hard to take in.” you said softly.
Before he could respond you felt your spider sense, your stomach felt as if it had sunken to the floor. You turned around to see a man about three times your size, he wore a black suit and a fake smile.
“Miguel? Miguel O’hara?” he said with a tone almost as if he knew Miguel.
“Yes, that’s me.” Miguel responded clearing his throat.
“Your machine, its incredible. I’m Wilson grant, I think your collider could do great things, Miguel.” He said holding out a hand, Miguel shook his hand hesitantly.
“well you’d be the first,” Miguel said.
“I’d like to make an offer with you.”
“And that is…?” Miguel tilted his head.
“I want to buy your collider.” he said, composure friendly yet unsettling. You looked at Miguel and you couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“No, I’m sorry. My collider isn’t for sale,” Miguel stated firmly,
“I offer you more money then someone your age could ever imagine.” Wilson persuaded, his friendly attitude not being able to keep up for long.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve worked too hard on this,” Miguel said rubbing his nose bridge. “The answers no, Mr. Grant,”
Wilson’s whole demeanor changed, “Well, that’s your choice then.” he huffed, “But you’ll regret it, O’hara.” he smiled once more before turning around and leaving.
“What the hell was that?” you say looking back at Miguel,
“I don’t know,” he sighed. “I just wanna get out of here.” Miguel started to walk away, probably to his lab to collect his things. You stayed where you were a little while longer admiring the machine before you caught up with him.
The two of you waited at the bus stop, it was quiet. The cold wind brushed up against your face, and neither one of you spoke. Miguel was still upset but he kept a stone cold face to hide it but you knew him long enough to know it was bullshit. you needed to talk to him you had so many questions, claiming the existence of the multiverse was crazy. You took a breath before speaking,
“Do you wanna talk about it?” you say softly.
“Come on Miguel, really? A lot of shit happened back there.”
He grumbled at your tone.
“Just drop it, alright?” he said bitterly
“If you..” you paused rethinking what you were about to propose, “If you tell me something then I’ll tell you something.” you said hesitantly.
“What do you have to tell me that’s so valuable, huh?” he spat.
“It’s….just. you’re not the only one that’s going though something crazy.” you mumbled.
“Okay then, what do you wanna know?” he sighed.
“How do you know for sure this works, your collider?” you looked up at him.
“I know because I’ve seen it, that earth quake from today was more then just an earth quake.”
“What?” you say trying to process what he said, “Then what was it..?” you question.
“It’s your turn.” he nudged
you sighed not sure if you should say anything about spider man, but you thought it was time he knew.
“That day, at Alchemax…” you pause, the mention of Alchemax got Miguel’s attention, he looked at you with concern.
“When you found me in that weird spider room, I was bitten by one. And like ever since weird shit has been happening.” you explained.
“Weird shit like what..?”
“Like spider man shit.” you whisper.
Miguel took a deep breath, you once again couldn’t tell what was going through his head. “So, you’re..?” he did a gesture with his hands. “Spider man, THE spider man.”
you nodded looking down at the wet pavement. “I wanted to tell you sooner but I didn’t know how-” he cut you off.
“Prove it.” he said,
“Come on really, my word isn’t enough?” you say,
“I believe you, I just want to see.” he says.
You took a deep breath and rolled your eyes at him, taking your hands you shot a web at him. He looked down at his shirt in disbelief, “Holy shit…” he said under his breath.
“So my best friends a super hero..?” he said
“I’m not a super hero, Miguel. I’m just some unlucky fuck that got bit by a spider, and I’m terrified.” you mumble,
“Hey, I’m just glad you told me.” he said softly, It went quiet for a few more seconds.
“I know everything’s all fucked right now. but we’re gonna figure it out, yeah?”
you nod still looking at the ground, “Yeah.”
“Look at me,” he lifted your face up to his. “It’s going to be alright, chico dulce.”
Then Miguel did something he had never done before, he kissed you. You didn’t know how to feel he had been your best friend for years and you haven’t really thought that he might’ve loved you like that? Maybe it was just the adrenaline or maybe instinct but you kissed him back. He started getting touchy you pushed his hands away reminding him that you two were still at the bus stop.
he cleared his throat, “I’m sorry I don’t know what wrong with me.”
You didn’t even know what to say, this was random but you didn’t exactly hate it. Your mind was now super fuzzy.
“mhm, yup.” you stick up a thumb with a dumb smile on your face.
Miguel laughed at you, he had genuinely never seen you so speechless. Maybe he should kiss you more?
The bus came and you immediately entered the bus trying to runaway from the awkwardness of the situation.
The collider was dangerous, but you didn’t know that.
About two weeks went by, and you and Miguel started exploring a more romantic side of your relationship. You two even went on a date, but had no clue what to talk about since you already knew each other so well, Miguel had even started to up it with the pet names, and calling you and handsome and pretty whenever he could, who knew the guy was so lovey? Miguel had also laid back on the collider stuff although he still worked on it, he was sure that the world would come around some day.
It was nice now knowing Miguel knew you were spider man, you didn’t have to hide your abilities from him anymore, he even helped you train even though he was not quiet about how much he disliked you fighting. You were getting praised as spider man, the media just couldn’t shut up about how amazing you were and neither did Miguel.
Miguel still worked at Alchemax, you had no idea how he could still walk into the place after everything that happened but he did, and that just showed how brave he was. He was working on a few gadgets for your suit to make it better, those being a proper web shooter and stun weapons.
One particularly chilly night, while Miguel was working you decided to go out into the city as spider man again. Miguel had designed a radio for you that intercepted with police ones so you’d know if anything was happening, nothing too crazy you thought as you listened on the rooftop of your apartment. Soon you decided to web around, going from building to building looking down at the loud traffic below you.
You found another building to perch on, you sat down criss cross on the edge looking around.
You heard a loud roar, one that might have shaken the streets.
You watched as panic set in on the streets below you, standing up you look around frantically. In the distance you see an orange glow,
it was coming from Alchemax.
You didn’t even think all you did was try to get there as soon as possible.
The building was in flames people pouring out and choking on the thick smoke. You scanned the crowd looking for even a sign of Miguel, but you were interrupted by another ear piercing roar. your head whipped around, you hadn’t seen anything like it and all you could make out of it is the fact that it was big, it stood in the rubble of Alchemax digging like it was looking for something or SOMEONE.
You were frozen you didn’t know what to think or do, this monster could have killed Miguel for all you know. It growled the frustration on it’s face obvious before it flew away.
You saw Miguel. He was limping, he was ALIVE.
you rushed over, and you could see the relief on his face when he saw you too. he looked weak, his hand over his shoulder and broken glasses on his face.
“Miguel!” you scream with panic in your voice, saying his name let smoke fill your lungs.
There was a small distance between you both, you tried to catch your breath but that just let more smoke in, you choke.
there was a loud creek above you both, you immediately look up at Miguel, and before you could react it crushed him.
blood splattered your face, HIS BLOOD.
“M..Miguel?” you say breathily, you didn’t get an answer and you don’t know if you were even expecting one.
You run over and drop to your knees tearing away at the rubble trying to find him, the more you dig the redder your hands get.
At this point you are wailing, unable to process what happened. You can’t even breathe but you don’t care, your mask and the smoke wasn’t helping.
Your spider sense goes off, you don’t even care, all you do is sit there staring at the rubble and the blood that’s peaking from underneath it.
“Spider man?” a familiar voice says behind you, it’s the man from the showcase.
He says your name this time, you still don’t move.
“I can bring him back.” his words ring in your ears
“He’s dead.” you mumble
“Not in another universe he’s not.” you can hear the smirk in his voice, it’s sickening.
You turn to look at him, “What are you talking about.” you spat
He gets down to your level, “You know EXACTLY what I’m talking about.”
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kylos-starlight · 8 months
Oops :) Gets real under the cut. It's nothing bad though! <3 turns into a gush post near the end~ It's a little long so I get it if no one reads it but I like to voice my thoughts that's all.
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Top of the list he goes. He deserves to be there. Not only are his scenes at the end of IX helping me to overcome my fear of thunder and lightning. There's something else.
A few years ago I lost a certain spark. Every ounce of creativity and passion I had shattered. I was always chasing the next "big f/o" that would spark that passion again, that creativity. I never found it and I got depressed for a little bit because I thought I would never find a love as grand as I had before. So my storytelling became nonexistent, I stopped drawing, and the endless thoughts I used to have were replaced with an endless emptiness so I went quiet. I gave up trying to chase something that I thought would never happen again. I was slowly losing myself
I spent a last few years yes, self-shipping and yes don't get me wrong I love all of my f/o but there was something missing, I didn't feel the need to scream every two second about how much I love them, there was just something "off" with myself. I couldn't voice it or the anons would come with their pitchforks "You don't really love your f/o" plus it was hard to put into words. How can you love your f/o but still feel that something is missing?
cut to my sick ass lazing on the couch in the present time. I get an idea, "Hey I haven't watched the Star Wars movies in like...forever- maybe I'll re-watch them all.. then there are the newer ones I haven't seen yet." So I start watching the movies. I had a few interruptions when I was watching VII and VIII but I kept on watching. I thought Kylo Ren's lightsaber was so badass but at the time thought nothing much of Ben himself.
As the days went on I decided to rewatch VII VIII and IX because of said past interruptions be it people or my sick ass having to take meds and stuff. As I do with most things I watch the second time I really consume it. I noticed something. Something different. The very first time Kylo took his helmet off I felt it the feeling that started in my chest and radiated to my stomach.. butterflies? He spoke and there was no distortion from his mask as he wasn't wearing it and I felt my heart skip a bit. what the hell?
the more I watched the more I learned, the more I learned the more I started to fall in love. Do I condone some of the things he's done? No. Do I still love him? Absolutely. After the movies I sort of just sat there on my couch, looking at my own reflection of the tv. "wow, I like Ben huh?" I said to myself then I shrugged. "Ah, fleeting crush and maybe an f/o" Throughout the rest of the day however I couldn't stop thinking about him. Everything from his appearance to how he talked and how he carried himself.
So I decided to run with it. Would it be one of those f/o where I say I'm crushing and nothing happens? Or maybe it will be like my other recent f/o Alex? Talk about him for a little bit but then the fixation dies almost as quickly as it started?
Neither of that happened. I got flooded with endless thoughts, and ideas. Ideas for moodboards, playlists, art.
I got attached to Ben so much, it's hard to explain it but I feel connected to him in a way that I never thought was possible for me ever again. He makes me genuinely smile and I don't mean just smile with my mouth but makes me smile with my eyes. He makes me blush and laugh and feel like I'm on top of the world in such a euphoric state. I actually feel like we're together- like actually. I know it sounds insane but I have every bit of real emotion for Ben. I feel well- in love.
I said I love all my other f/o too and its true and this might sound terrible and believe me I've thought myself as a terrible person but the love I hold for Ben is higher and so much more different than the love I have for the others..
I thought he'd be like a shooting star. A moment of fun but he'd fade away just as fast as he came into my life.
I'm thankful that wasn't the case. He managed to do what I thought wasn't ever gonna happen to me again. He reignited my spark and love and appreciation. I can't say the last time I smiled this much irl and how much I've had my heartbeat fast and the tint rise to my cheeks.
I guess in short...
Ben makes me feel like I'm alive again.
<- I'm trying so hard not to cry as I talk about this but I mean it's true, I've had so much bullshit happen in my life. I've survived so many hardships and awful people. I forgot what feeling alive was, I thought my new normal was to not expect happiness because it will be met with tragedy and I'll be back at square one. Alone and fighting demons in my mind.
Ben has reignited my heart and I am forever grateful for him, I love him so much already and I hold him so incredibly dear. He makes me feel strong, and loved, and passionate- I love him with my entire soul. So deeply that the love extends past the words themselves. It's so much deeper.
If you read this far thank you <3 It means a lot to me. Thanks for listening to me coherently ramble for once.
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randomvarious · 8 months
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Today's compilation:
Hard Rock Essentials 2000 Hard Rock / Blues-Rock / Arena Rock / Hair Metal / Pop-Metal / Heavy Metal / Adult-Oriented Rock / Progressive Rock / Pop-Rock
God, classic rock really has to be the most over-entitled and over-represented type of music in America, man. I mean, can you think of any other non-contemporary stuff that has a radio station solely dedicated to it in virtually every nook and cranny of this country? It's pretty obvious why it's managed to own so much radio real estate over the years, though—because it's pure catnip for nostalgic white boomers—but if you zoom all the way out and think about all of the music that's come and gone since the 50s, there's really no justifiable reason for this stuff to get so much more airtime than any other type of music from the past. I mean, classic rock is fine for what it is, but it's definitely not leaps and bounds better than everything else.
Take a song like Foreigner's "Hot Blooded," for instance, which is just one of multiple tracks to appear on this triple-disc compilation of so-called Hard Rock Essentials here that happens to deal with the complex subject matter of, *checks notes*, being extremely horny. "Hot Blooded" was a hit in its day, sure, but so were literally tens of thousands of other songs too. And I guess, at the end of the day, I just don't really understand why this song, and so many other ones that are featured on this comp as well, has earned its keep as a fixture of constant classic rock radio rotation. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, is "Hot Blooded" really all that remarkable of a song, so much so, that we need to keep continuously hearing it on our radios year after year? No way!
But, folks, I have to admit that it is actually far too late for me on this front. I am by no means a boomer, but I was, at one point, part of another segment that, like clockwork, fell prey to classic rock radio too: the insufferable tweenage boy subset who grew exasperated with the mindlessness of his own generation's contemporary top 40 fare and decided that "Smoke On the Water" and other songs of its ilk were actually the best shit in the world. Little did we know at the time, and some of us still refuse to see it, that a lot of this shit was actually every bit just as dumb as the stuff that we were trying to so actively avoid. God, how embarrassing.
But I really just cannot help it at this point. As much sense as I've tried to make at the top of this post, I really did have a substantial classic rock phase, and now that shit is just hard-coded into my own DNA. Quiet Riot's "Cum On the Feel the Noize" is not a song that deserves to ever be heard by anyone ever again—it's so fucking bad!—but God damnit, I can't stifle the smile that starts to plant itself on my face whenever that stupid thing comes on. And it's much the same for the vast majority of the other tracks that are on this comp too.
So, while Hard Rock Essentials might be revered as a biblical classic rock sampling for both a certain type of tweenage boy and white boomer alike, for me, personally, it's nothing but security blanket rock. This is music that served me well years ago, and I've clearly outgrown it too, but there are also times when I just love to go back and swaddle myself in it as well 😊. And if I'm with someone who swears by this kinda stuff, I'm obviously gonna fully rock out to it with them too, but then maybe, afterwards, I can make their heads explode with a piece of Philadelphia shoegaze from 1996 that only has 26 YouTube views 🤯.
And I'm not gonna really get too much into it here, but we also really need to have some kind of deep reckoning with this whole propped-up and closed-looped classic rock industry that serves itself with all these nearly identical radio station playlists, cheaply produced TV countdown shows, and countless 'greatest of all time' lists on tons of different websites. I'm not trying to do conspiratorial tin foil hattery, but this whole apparatus really needs to have a stick thrown into its spokes, because it's been dominant as an unchallenged authority on classic rock for far too long. Rather than yet another spin of "Rock You Like a Hurricane," a much more thorough exploration of this vast expanse is indeed possible; I can promise you that.
Ted Nugent - "Cat Scratch Fever" Great White - "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" Kansas - "Carry On Wayward Son" Quiet Riot - "Cum On Feel the Noise" Warrant - "Heaven" Judas Priest - "You've Got Another Thing Coming" Loverboy - "Lovin' Every Minute of It" Blue Öyster Cult - "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" Scandal - "The Warrior" Living Colour - "Cult of Personality" Mountain - "Mississippi Queen" Argent - "Hold Your Head Up"
Foreigner - "Hot Blooded" Bad Company - "Feel Like Makin' Love" INXS - "Need You Tonight" Damn Yankees - "High Enough" Ratt - "Round and Round" Skid Row - "I Remember You" Black Sabbath - "Heaven and Hell" The Doobie Brothers - "China Grove" White Lion - "Wait" April Wine - "Just Between You and Me" Twisted Sister - "We're Not Gonna Take It"
Whitesnake - "Is This Love" Golden Earring - "Radar Love" Joe Walsh - "Rocky Mountain Way" Scorpions - "Rock You Like a Hurricane" The Allman Brothers Band - "Whipping Post" Uriah Heep - "Easy Livin'"
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kalcifers-blog · 7 days
Thinking about SunSpell again and how I desperately need them to have a temporary separation.
I need them to be angsty and yearning but also so upset with each other but missing each other so so badly
Major yapping below
I need Marvin to realise that The Magic Circle can't be trusted and immediately makes plans to start his escape. Naturally he plans on bringing Sunday along with him because- well it's Sunday- they know him better than he does and they've always had each other's backs through everything. It'll be like the old times, just the two of them against the world together.
There isn't a part of Marvin's mind that even momentarily considers the idea of Sunday not joining him.
But Sunday can't.
They can't have Marvin's back on this one, they're all too aware of just how powerful The Magic Circle are, they know how dangerously idiotic it would be to leave- Sunday almost can't believe Marvin would even suggest such a thing. Sunday wants Marvin by their side, they want what's best for him.
Maybe Sunday is just afraid of what the Circle will do to Marvin if he leaves, as powerful as Marvin is, he's still just one person. So they beg Marvin not to leave. Maybe it's the look in his eyes or the way he stands there unmoving but Sunday already knows Marvin has already made up his mind.
Sunday continues to work for The Magic Circle. They constantly ask them to find Marvin- Sunday knows exactly where he is but they never let them catch him. Their last conversation has burnt its way into Sunday's brain and it's the only thing they can think of when they have a moment's peace from the constant workload the Circle has now assigned to them.
It makes Sunday think- and then look into things themselves. And slowly but surely, the nagging thought of "Maybe Marvin was right" claws at the back of their mind.
More stuff would happen obviously like maybe TMC start catching on to Sunday's wavering loyalty to them.
Marvin is off doing Marvin things but is probably having the worst time ever. On top of officially being on the run from The Magic Circle, he's also dealing with Anti appearing in his life and yk perpetually living in a state of near constant paranoia definitely start taking a heavy toll on him.
Sunday officially goes against The Magic Circle themselves with all the evidence they've been collecting against them.
Obviously it backfires on them- possessed Sunday induced SunSpell magic duel happens ending with Sunday regaining control and the pair of them finally reuniting after being so far apart for so long.
It takes a while to regain trust again, but the love they both shared had never gone away for either of them, so they started building themselves back up again. This time with each other's support on their side.
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