#maybe she was technically one of my bosses? but we started on the same day and bonded over
the-trans-dragon · 1 year
Could a person with mental illness do THIS?
*spends 20 minutes trying to respond to a text, too anxious to commit to a first word such as "Hey" versus "Hi!" versus maybe a unique catchphrase I should incorporate into my personality like "Banjo bonjour!" or, if it would be more logical, "Bonjour banjo!"*
#🙃#its a specific person who i never really decided what kind of relationship we have#maybe she was technically one of my bosses? but we started on the same day and bonded over#trying to adjust super quickly and not make mistakes (or to learn from them very quickly) and then we#had some really nice chats about our lives and families and partners#so its like. we are casual coworker acquaintances and we are Girls Who Are Friends (im not sure if she#knew i was trans and nonbinary. i think she assumed i was a woman. but the way she perceived and interacted with my gender was comfy in a#very specific way that makes me feel Okay Being Seen As A Girl. it still doesnt feel like ME. but i can fit inside it without#contorting and hiding parts of myself. kinda like the pants i bought at goodwill that definitely didnt quite fit but#my wife hemmed them a bit and i could squeeze my butt into them if i held my breath and they were a great pair of work pants for $7#anyways lol she was like a peer/mentor/cool aunt's even cooler best friend/woman you sat next to at the ER one time and she felt like you'd#known her forever but it was probably just because it was 2:30AM and neither of you had slept and were both lowkey curious if you were gonna#die before getting medical help/drunk woman who accidentally says something you've needed to hear for the past decade. lol#so idk if its a “hello” situation or a “hiya” or a “hey sup” or what. :3 well there went another ten minutes while i#rambled in the tags. okay byyyyyye.#sorenhoots
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bookworm551 · 1 year
Take the Edge Off | Part 2 | Focus
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Things are tense between you and Miguel, and it all comes to a head when you try working a mission together.
A/N: this is technically a part 2, but it stands on its own pretty well. I might just keep going with these posts bc I can’t get him out of my head
Warnings: p in v, fingering, biting (ykwim), MINORS and my roommate DNI
Word count: 4.4k
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
With all the time you spent in Miguel's dimension, sometimes, you forgot that you had your own. You loved spending time amongst the Spider-Society, so many of different people who were like you in all the important ways. It was a nice environment, but it was also nice to be home every once in a while.
You'd been home for about 10 days now. You had never gone so long without being called in for a mission, and while it was nice to take a break from capturing anomalies, it also made you a little nervous. You came back the day after Miguel had visited you and left you a new gizmo...
...among other things.
Now, it had been nearly a week and a half, and there had been complete radio silence from Earth-928. You were starting to think that your little encounter with Miguel was to blame. Maybe he wanted you out now.
You had gone out to your favorite spot in the city to clear your mind. Just as you were preparing to swing back home, a beeping noise captured your attention from your wrist. Your heart leapt as you raised your arm in front of you, and Lyla's glowing, yellow form appeared from your watch. "Hey there," she greeted casually. "Boss wants you to run backup on an anomaly on Earth-287."
You smiled faintly as the code appeared on your device. "Sounds good," you replied, standing to your feet and walking onto the side of the building so that you were staring straight down at the street hundreds of feet below. "I'll be right there."
You activated the code, and a dimensional portal opened up in front of you further down the building. Taking a breath, you let go of your grip on the building and allowed gravity to pull you down into the portal. The shift in gravity was exhilarating as you emerged from the portal into Earth-287.
Emerging from the portal, everything was dull. The sun had set a while ago here, but even if it had been out, the colors would still be strangely muted. The building that you stood atop of overlooked a large city with strange gray, yellow, and green lights. This was a weird dimension.
Standing together, Pavitr and one of the many Peter Parkers was there. Upon seeing you emerge from the portal, Pav perked up. "You're here!" He said in an excited voice as you approached. You smiled under your mask and replied with the same energy, "I am!"
Glancing around, you noticed the lack of a certain presence you had expected to be there. "Is it just you guys here?" You asked casually. Before they could answer you, a cold voice behind you said, "What are you doing here?"
You whipped around and found Miguel's figure looming over you. Though his face was concealed behind his mask, you could tell by his rigid stature and unwelcoming tone that he was not very happy to see you. This was not really the greeting you'd hoped to receive from him.
"Lyla sent me," you told him defensively. "She said you wanted me to run backup with you." The eyes of his mask squinted down at you menacingly. "I didn't send for you," he said in an level tone. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and stared up at him stubbornly. "Then why am I here?" You demanded to know.
"Actually, you did mention calling for an extra member," Pav reminded him cheerfully. You looked back at Miguel with triumphant posture. "And here I am," you said. Miguel didn't seem amused, and he stared down at you for moment before sighing in resignation.
"Fine," he muttered reluctantly before turning away from you to look at his watch. "We have a Goblin anomaly somewhere in the vicinity. This is a routine bag and tag, but we need to cover our bases and sweep the area separately. Whoever finds him first needs to call it in for the rest of us. Am I understood?" His gaze seemed to be fixed on you, and you felt like his last question was directed at you.
You cocked your head a little at him before replying in a smooth voice, "Yes, sir." Miguel didn't reply nor did he give you any sort of reaction, but you could feel his eyes on you as you walked toward the edge of the building. "I call the north side," you stated before casually falling off the side and swinging away.
Leaving them behind, you were gliding between the buildings, looking for any signs of the anomaly or any traces of environmental glitching he may have left. You swung through the strangely-colored city until you landed on the top of a building to observe the cityscape below. You crouched low on the edge of the building, scanning carefully for any signs of the anomaly.
After a few minutes, you were about to get up and swing away before the sound of feet landing behind you stopped you. You whipped around and shot a web reactively. Miguel sidestepped your web, his head tilted in an unimpressed posture.
"I told you, I called north," you said with a huff of annoyance. "I have reason to believe the anomaly is somewhere in this direction," he told you vaguely. You put a hand on your hip. "Okay, well, this is my direction. I'll let you know if he shows up," you stated stubbornly.
"Hey, this is my mission," he argued. "I can go where I want." You rolled your eyes under your mask. "Whatever," you muttered. "Just don't get in my way."
He chose not to respond to your comment. An uncomfortable silence settled over you, and you didn't know whether to leave it or to try to alleviate it. Miguel made the choice for you. "Where have you been?" He asked finally. It was an attempt at a normal conversation, at relieving some of the tension that was wedged between the two of you.
You shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "Home. I figured you'd call if you needed me, and you did."
"Need is a strong word," he muttered. You scoffed softly. Miguel never wanted to seem like he relied on anyone. "Well, in that case, I can just go home. The newest episode of my favorite show comes out tonight." Despite his face being hidden behind his mask, you could tell that Miguel was unamused. "Let's just focus on finding this anomaly," he grumbled, turning his face away from you back to the streets below. 
"I'm focused," you told him casually. "Are you focused?" "I could probably focus if you could shut your mouth," he snapped. "Maybe I would if you asked nicely for once," you shot back, a smile pulling at your lips behind your mask. "Ever heard of saying please? Or maybe...por favor?"
His head turned slowly to look at you, and it was impossible for you to tell what he was thinking. "No?" You said. "Okay, then I'll do as I please."
He sighed in exasperation but didn't say anything. Just as the silence felt overbearing, a large crash captured your attention. "Sounds like our guy," you said before somersaulting over the edge of the building and swinging toward the sound. Miguel was right behind you as you both headed for the noise together.
There in the streets was your guy. Goblin was recognizable across any dimension, and this was no different, but looking at this short figure below, you almost wanted to laugh. He was thin, and his figure was stooped, and he didn't have a glider like you were used to seeing. This would be a cinch.
The anomaly spotted you before you could reach him, and he crouched with a sneer and called out, "Spider-Man!" Then, seeing your figure next to Miguel, he added, "...and company?"
"I'm Spider-Woman!" You clarified cheerfully as you shot your web at him. "Nice to meet you!" The little goblin rolled out of the way before your web was able to catch him.
"Where am I?" He demanded to know. Behind your mask, you rolled your eyes. "Always the same questions," you muttered. "'Where am I?' 'Who are you?' 'What is this place?' When are you guys gonna switch it up and ask how I'm doing?"
"Can you stop talking and focus?" Miguel snapped as he tried webbing the anomaly to no avail. You sighed. Banter was your thing. In fact, it was almost every Spider-Person's thing except for Miguel. It was definitely not his thing.
"You'll have to forgive my colleague here!" You called out to Goblin as you twisted in the air to avoid one of the bombs launched at you by him. "He's a little crankier than usual. I'm not sure why."
"You want to know why?" Miguel called out to you in irritation, webbing a bomb and throwing it back at the villain below. "It's because you're getting on my last nerve!" You sighed in exasperation. "I'm pretty sure you've only got one nerve, and someone's almost always on it," you grumbled.
You both managed to knock the anomaly into a dim warehouse. Together, you webbed his arms to the wall he was cornered into. He was looking around frantically for an escape. "Listen, bud, this isn't personal," you told him. "We just need to make sure you go home." You felt pretty confident about this whole mission, definitely one of the easy ones.
Goblin stopped struggling to free his hand and looked at you with a crazed smile, and you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up at the sight. "Workplace relationships can be tricky," he stated. "I think you two should try resolving some of this tension."
Before you could reply, the anomaly kicked his leg, and a small, metallic sphere came rolling out of the sole of his boot. You barely had time to say "Uh oh," before the explosion knocked you and Miguel backwards. As you were recovering from the impact, the Goblin actually took flight, breaking free of the web bindings.
"What the hell?" You exclaimed. This Goblin didn't use a glider like you were used to, he had some weird type of rocket boots. He flew up and smashed his way out of the warehouse window and out to the sky with a loud cackle.
"He's getting away!" Miguel shouted as if you weren't already aware of the fact. You both slung yourselves up to the window and outside the building, but the Goblin was much faster than you both, and before you could catch up, he was out of sight.
Miguel punched the wall next to you and snarled in frustration. After taking a few breaths, he lowered his arm and stood completely still except for his deep, even breathing. His back was toward you, and you could tell that he was holding back a tidal wave of fury. Well, you might as well break the dam.
"You're awfully quiet," you stated reluctantly. "Anything you want to get off of your chest?"
Miguel whipped around and looked over you menacingly. "You let him get away!" He shouted at you.
"Me?!" You asked incredulously, ripping your mask off of your face. "How was that my fault?" His suit receded from his face as well, displaying his frustrated expression. "You were supposed to catch him! It's a very simple expectation," he told you angrily.
You scoffed. "Well, excuse me for not knowing this Goblin had flying boots instead of a glider," you said. "It's just as much your fault as it is mine."
Miguel wasn't happy with that statement. He took a step closer to you and crossed his arms over his chest. "It is your fault," Miguel snapped at you. "And now he's gone again." You stepped toward him defiantly and crossed your arms to mirror him. "Maybe if you weren't breathing down my neck, I could've gotten him," you retorted.
"That's your excuse?" He asked in an exasperated tone. "Yeah, it is," you replied sharply. "What's yours?"
"You're distracting me."
"I'm distracting you?"
"What does that mean?"
"It means," he said in a low voice as he took another step towards you so that his face was inches from your own, "you are distracting me. You never should have come on this mission." Your heartbeat sped up a little at how close he was now, and you couldn't help but look at his lips as he spoke.
"Well, too bad," you told him stubbornly. "I'm here, and you've got to deal with it. So, instead of fighting about it, why don't you get off my ass and help me catch this guy?"
"You don't get to tell me what to do," he argued. "I'll stay on your ass if I want to." You raised an eyebrow at his comment and had to suppress a snicker. Miguel realized as soon as the words left his mouth how they sounded, and he closed his eyes in a mix of exasperation and embarrassment. "Just focus on finding the Goblin anomaly," he grumbled.
"Oh, so you don't want to stay on my ass anymore?" You clarified with a smirk. He scowled down at you and snarled, "Do you ever just shut up?" You weren't deterred by his temper. Instead, you batted your eyelids up at him and gave him an overly-sweet smile. "Only if you ask nicely, remember?"
Miguel finally had enough of you. He shoved you back against the wall, making you gasp in surprise, and placed a hand on your throat. "I'm done being nice with you," he growled before crashing his lips down on yours with every ounce of his frustration.
You kissed him back with as much aggression, your tongues exploring each other's mouths impatiently. His hand slid down from your neck to grope your breasts over your suit. You sighed loudly as his hands roamed across your body, and when he pressed his knee between your legs, you couldn't stop the moan that emerged from your throat.
"What about the others?" You gasped. "What if they find us and—," Miguel cut you off with another open-mouthed kiss. "I don't give a fuck," he murmured against your lips. "They can watch for all I care."
You took a shuddering breath as he pulled at the neck of your suit. It had been designed for easy removal when you needed a quick change back in your world, but now, Miguel was using it to his advantage to pull it down over your shoulders. You didn't resist him disrobing you. You hadn't expected this at all, but with the frustration you both caused each other, you shouldn't have been so surprised.
You pulled your arms out of your suit as he peeled the fabric off of your torso. Miguel didn't have the patience left in him to properly undress you. Your suit was at your knees before he abandoned any further effort of taking it off. "Fucking full-body suits," he muttered in annoyance as he pressed heated kisses to your exposed neck.
You huffed an amused breath while you kicked off your boots and the remainder of your suit. His lips left a trail of sloppy kisses from your collarbone, up your neck, until they finally found your mouth. His tongue forced its way between your lips, and you couldn't help but moan at his overpowering touch. You barely even felt rough surface of the wall against your back as Miguel pushed his body against yours.
He was so tall that it seemed like his figure was devouring yours. To remedy the height different, Miguel's large hands hoisted you up by your thighs close to his own height and pushed you up against the wall roughly. You grunted at the force of his body shoving you against the brick, but you didn't care, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer. You had both hands gripping his head, pulling his mouth to yours eagerly, tongues practically down each others throats.
Miguel's hands were gripping tightly at your thighs before he reached up and pulled down on your underwear. He wasn't holding you up anymore, relying instead on your ability to stick to the wall to keep you upright. Now that he didn't have to support you, his hands were free to do what he liked.
Your breathing quickened as his fingers teased the outside of your hot entrance. He traced over your clit, causing you to groan and throw your head back against the brick. "Is this what it takes to get you to shut up?" He growled in your ear. You wanted to say something snappy back to him, but right as you opened your mouth, he pushed two of his fingers into you, and you were unable to do anything but let out a gasping moan.
Your fingers ran through his hair, gripping it tightly as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of you. "Not such a smart ass now, huh?" He observed smugly. You wanted desperately to prove him wrong and shoot him a smart retort, but the pace he was setting with his fingers rendered you speechless.
You leaned your head against his as you took shaky breaths to regain some semblance of thought. "What h-happened to focus on the— on the mission?" You managed to ask through panting breaths. His fingers were curling inside you, making it difficult to speak properly.
"I told you," he whispered in a low voice, his lips tickling your ear. "You're distracting me. How am I supposed to focus when you're here with me?" He placed a wet kiss on your neck, and you sighed at the sensation.
"All I can think about is how good you feel around me," he murmured against your skin, "and all the pretty sounds you make." His fingers continued fucking you while his thumb started moving in circles around your clit, forcing a loud moan from your mouth.
"Even your scent," he continued. "I could smell you the minute you arrived. It's been driving me fucking crazy." Your legs were starting to shake as you felt yourself growing closer. Miguel could sense it too, no doubt, from your staggering gasps and the tightened grip you had on his hair.
"And now, you're letting me touch you like this in the middle of a mission," he said. "How do you expect me to focus on anything when you're here?" His voice sounded frustrated, angry almost, and that frustration was evident in the way his pace increased.
You were gasping his name over and over again, unable to say or do anything else. He was touching you in all the right places in all the right ways. The resentment you had felt for him before had completely transformed into lust, and as he continued moving his fingers in and out of you, you knew you weren't going to last much longer.
Miguel ran his tongue up the side of your neck before whispering into your ear, "Look at you. Are you gonna cum on my fingers while we're on a mission?"
As if to answer his question, your whole body began shaking, and you let out a trembling moan out as your orgasm overtook you. Something resembling a laugh came from Miguel's lips as he felt your body clenching around him, and he was pulled in closer by your gripping arms. Your breathing came in shallow gasps as your body trembled with his touch.
After a moment, his hand slowed down until he pulled out of you completely. Dazed, you blinked your eyes open to look at him. His eyes were red with lust, and he brought his hand up and sucked his soaking fingers without looking away from you. Your body was still twitching from your high, and the sight in front of you made you moan softly.
"I'm not done yet," he murmured as he gripped your jaw in his hand. You were still recovering from the intensity of your orgasm, and your head was limp in his hands. He noticed and moved your face back and forth to test your submission. "Dios mío, you're a mess," he noted with a smirk. "Are you gonna let me fuck you like this?"
Still trying to recover your breath, you were barely able to give him a faint nod of your head. "That's right," he said softly, placing another kiss on your neck, but you were barely registered it as you felt something hard at your soaking entrance. Miguel had retracted his suit just at his waist, and it seemed that this time, he hadn't even bothered with wearing anything underneath.
"Must be convenient having a nanotech suit," you commented under your breath. "It's not nanotech," he corrected. "It's much cooler than that." You rolled your eyes. Even during sex, he had to be right. "Whatever," you replied. "You don't have to nerd ou—"
You cut yourself off with a sharp gasp as Miguel pushed himself into you without warning. You tugged at his hair reactively as the stretch of your pussy made you whine. "Just shut the fuck up," he muttered into your ear.
He gave you a second to adjust before he started moving his hips against yours. You head fell back against the wall as he thrust in and out of you desperately. He had no regard for how the rough brick was scraping against your skin. He was now engaged entirely in his own pleasure, using you to channel all his frustration into satisfaction. You didn't mind one bit.
His pace was relentless. His head was pressed against your temple, and his panting breaths tickled your ear. You still had a tight grip on his hair as he fucked you mercilessly while your other hand held onto his shoulder in desperation.
Miguel's hands were digging into your thighs as soft grunts formed in his throat. "I've been craving you all week," he told you with a gruff voice, interrupting the repetitive sound of his hips slapping against your cunt. "The way you feel, how you take me so well, it's all I can think about."
You whimpered in his ear as he continued rolling his hips against yours at a savage pace. You were getting high off of his words, and all you could do to encourage him was moan. "I've been...thinking about you, too," you whispered to him, the overwhelming sensation of him railing into you causing you to pause every few words. "Late at night...when I'm all alone. I think about h-how good you feel...inside me. It makes me so hot."
Miguel growled in response, your words obviously having an effect over him. His lips met yours in a hungry kiss, and he actually let out a soft moan of his own. He let go of one of your legs to bring his hand up to the wall to support himself, and you heard the brick next to your head crack as his fingers clawed at the stone.
He pulled away from your lips and brought his mouth down to kiss your neck. His movements were growing more desperate and sloppy, and you knew he was getting closer to finishing. After a second, he raised his head up from your neck to rest against your own.
"Do you trust me?" He whispered in your ear.
What kind of a question was that? He had you pinned to the wall, fucking you mercilessly in another dimension in the middle of a mission. You certainly didn't not trust him.
Still, at his relentless pace, you found it difficult to speak properly, so you nodded your reply. "I want to hear you say it," he grunted. You were breathing hard as you tried formulating words. "I do," you gasped. "I-I do trust you."
That seemed to satisfy Miguel. His hips moved faster and harder into yours, and without further warning, he sank his teeth into the base of your neck. You cried out in alarm as you felt the tips of his fangs pierce your neck. You hadn't expected him to do that, but you couldn't deny that the pain made the pleasure even sweeter.
For Miguel, having his teeth in your skin made him go wild. It was like a primal reaction, and whatever self-control he'd had evaporated. He began pounding into you, using your neck almost like an anchor while he thrust into you over and over again.
Your eyes became unfocused as a knot formed in your stomach from the overwhelming sensation of Miguel's cock and teeth inside of you. "Don't stop," you begged with a gasp. "Don't stop, I'm gonna—"
You couldn't even finish your sentence before another powerful orgasm took over your body. A loud cry emerged from your throat as your thighs tightened around his waist, and your whole body began shaking. You gripped Miguel's back and hair desperately as his movements became erratic.
Just as it was becoming too much for you, Miguel's body tensed, and he let out a long, rare moan against your neck as his hips grew still and he came inside you. He took a couple seconds to recover his breath before he released the grip of his jaw on your neck. You let out a small whimper at the feeling of his teeth being removed from your skin. In response, Miguel ran his tongue over the two new sets of puncture marks you now had.
"Was that alright?" He asked with surprising softness, referring to his bite. You nodded honestly and replied, "I thought it would hurt more than that." He licked over it again as he pulled out of you, earning a quiet sigh from you. "Believe me, it could have," he said in a low voice.
You turned your head to look at him, meeting his eyes with your own, and you couldn't help the faint smile that pulled at your lips. You tilted your face up and kissed him. It wasn't the ravenous kisses from earlier, it was soft and slow, a token of appreciation.
"You're not allowed to come on missions with me anymore," Miguel mumbled against your lips. "Do you understand?"
You chuckled softly at his statement. Truthfully, you'd forgotten you were even on a mission. You opened your eyes to look at him before you whispered, "Yes, sir."
His jaw twitched, and he ran his thumb over your lips in admiration. "We need to get going," he told you after a pause. You looked up at him with a sly smile. "Think you can focus now?" You asked. His eyes flashed up from your lips to your eyes, and a faint trace of a smile formed at his mouth.
"I wouldn't count on it."
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25 Days until Tears of the Kingdom Release. Is it really? Haha the smaller the number gets the more I doubt reality. I've just been waiting for this game for so long that even with all the marketing and the trailer analysis it's hard to believe its actually happening.
Spoilers under the cut for the last batch of screenshot trailer analysis.
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So this tear has the recall chicken symbol on it. I checked. Zelda also has the Master Sword with her. Either she's fixing the sword and that's something only she can do or Zelda is in the past so the sword isn't broken yet and she is leaving something there for Link.
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Ganondorf, mummy version I'm assuming, spewing red malice stuff but much brighter red this time. I wonder if Malice is just Ganondorf's version of fuse. Link gets green glue and Ganondorf red. After this there is a shot where the red stuff hits the sky and starts summoning monsters. The trailer transitions it to make it look continuous but once we get into the game we'll most likely find that it's separate cut scenes or different parts of the same cut scene but not continuous. Honestly, I think this might be where Link and the Master Sword get attacked but I'm still not giving up on the possibility that the malice emerges from the Master Sword outwards as Fi looses control on Demise.
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I'm pretty sure I mentioned the lack of lynels in the other analysis I did. Welp here they are with their massive antlers (oof on the damage those things will probably cause) and the sword looking thing sticking out of one of their heads. I wonder what fusing Lynel horns to shields, swords, or arrows will do. I think I'll fight some just for that.
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What else do I have to say? It's the main man, Ganondorf. I can't wait to kick his ass again.
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Never seen this enemy in any of the Zelda games I've played. However, I will look forward to this boss fight/mini boss fight and whatever skill or item we need to defeat it. Maybe ascend or some ice weapon? I heard that ascend works on certain enemies and I'm very curious about which ones. It'd be interesting if this enemy tries to swallow Link and Link just ascends through the roof of its mouth.
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This is Hylia or some version of Zelda from the past (yeah I'm aware that Hylia is technically a version of Zelda but whatever.) I think she's very pretty, super amazing, and very strong considering she laser beams a bunch of Molduga with no sweat.
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RIJU!!! Look at my girl double wielding swords (Can we do it too as Link? Nintendo?? I wanna duel wield.) Riju appears to have grown into her own and mastered her lightning powers without needing the Helm. I'm so proud of her and I can't wait to fight along side her.
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I can't tell you how cool it is to see that Link will be working and fighting alongside other citizens of Hyrule. The resistance in Twilight Princess walked so that TOTK NPCS can run. At least that's my hope. Also neat looking sword Link.
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Now this part of the trailer nearly gave me a heart attack. I was like no freaking way will the new champions literally fight besides Link and not just in a cut scene. How sick is this? Of course, I heard some people say co-op but I don't think that's what's happening. You see the blue glowy stuff on Sidon? Yeah it was on Tulin too. I think the new champions might be like summons, automated companions. I think Nintendo took the wolf link amiibo and the Yunobu follow quest and beefed it up. I'm very excited about it.
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So Riju doesn't have a tear that we can see and they haven't shown Yunobu but Tulin and Sidon have different tears. I'm very curious about what these things do. I'm also amused that Sidon got blue and Tulin green considering the colors of Mipha's Grace and Revali's Gale. I'm not sure about the symbols on them since I don't think they correspond to any of the abilities icons unlike recall. Anyway, it's just another thing that can't be answered until the game is out.
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Giant fire gleeok or three headed evil dragon or whatever it's called, it's a sick looking boss that I can't wait to fight. Also the weapon that Link is using looks so other worldly. It's got the shape of a wing and its probably ice related. I wonder what enemy Link got it from but it does remind me of Naydra so maybe it's a dragon part? Nintendo really popped off with the Fuse ability.
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So Ganondorf is most likely what this mural figure represent but look at the Hylian (i think it's a hylian, could be a Zonai) beneath him. I think the figure with its hand raised represents either Link or the person who owned the ancient hand and sealed Ganondorf.
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It's a bit hard to see but see these four warriors? I think they might represent the four champions since these guys are the only warrior figures in the middle of the horde of monsters. The warriors that aren't yet in the midst of monsters must represent the other NPCs, the citizens of Hyrule that are also fighting back. I think the mural is neat and I wonder where we might see it in the game.
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Lastly, Zelda holding the Master Sword and saying "You must find me Link." The first time I watched the trailer I went "Zelda?? If Link has to find you then where the heck are you??" And that's where time travel to the past is looking like a more and more likely theory. The only other theory I have involves realms/alternate worlds since A Link Between worlds exists and so do the Twilight and Silent Realms. But again, I think we'll just have to wait and see what the game has in store.
Thank you for coming to the end of this analysis with me. I'm ecstatic to have my questions answered on May 12, 2023.
Edit: It has been brought to my attention that Riju does in fact have a visible tear and I even posted a picture where it is visible. Guess my brain was so focused on how badass she looked while duel wielding swords that I missed it. Welp that's three for three tears so I'm expecting Yunobu to have one.
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In Heartstopper, how did Moana asking Mirabel to prom go?
Mirabel blinked. Her eyes shifting from the trumpet, the scroll and the tacky costumes Camilo, Marco and Moana were wearing - a clash of several different periods of history. Camilo had gone for some Shakespearean look, Marco looked like he was some kind of Viking, and Moana was dressed for the Regency era. What on earth were they doing? They had exams to be studying for.
“I told you not to play the trumpet without lessons,” Marco mumbled to Camilo.
The theatre kid shrugged, “Well, technically speaking, I did have lessons. I just didn’t listen to a word of what Dolores said.”
“I’m confused,” Mirabel said, “Are you lot trying to fail your drama classes or trying to scare people off? …I suppose it doesn’t matter when you are completing both simultaneously.”
“I’m asking you to go to prom with me.” Moana explained, beaming.
“Ta-dah!” Camilo waved his hands, dramatically.
Mirabel glanced around the empty school playground. It was the end of the day, most kids didn’t hang about by choice and any who were here previously, quickly disappeared the moment these three came out like this. She carefully approached them, trying not to drop the many books she was carrying in her arms.
“Of course, I’d be going. The whole class is going. That is kind of the point.”
Nobody said anything, as it was clear that Mirabel hadn’t understood. Camilo visibly faced palmed at his cousin, who still seemed none the wiser.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have used that Shakespearean translator,” Moana whispered to her comrades. “Do you think something got lost in translation?”
“No. I just think she’s an idiot.” Camilo offered.
“But she isn’t an idiot! She’s really smart!”
“Well, maybe she’s just really oblivious?”
Marco cleared his throat, “You could just try asking her normally?”
Moana nodded. “Good idea, Marco. We should have just done that in the first place.” She stumbled over the muddy grass, staining the bottom of her dress to reach Mirabel. Camilo and Marco followed behind, only for one of them to slip and pull the other down. They burst out into a flurry of laughter. Moana giggled a bit herself and was amused to find Mirabel doing the same, though trying to hide it. “Mirabel, I wanted to—”
That’s when a car pulled up, a very out of breath Luisa rolling down the window as Mirabel approached.
“I swear I didn’t forget you, hermanita!” She yelled. “My boss asked me to cover Santiago’s shift and I panicked! I got out of there as soon as I could, I swear!”
Mirabel chuckled at her sister, “It’s only been ten minutes since the bell. You’re fine. I asked my teachers if I could borrow these textbooks in that time. There is nothing these exams can throw at me that I won’t be prepared for.”
“Yep, your exams that are still over a year away.” Luisa opened the door, watching her sister clamber in and helping her shove the pile of books into the back of the car. She glanced back at the others, “Wait, what are they doing? Is this some bad improv again? I told you, next time they start, just walk away.”
“Oh, I have no idea; something about prom.” Mirabel answered. “How is Santiago? He is the one who just had a baby, isn’t he?”
They didn’t hear the rest of the conversation. Mirabel closed the door, buckled herself in and Luisa pulled away.
Moana was just left standing alone on the pavement, by the time Marco and Camilo, both thoroughly covered in mud joined her. They both grinned at her in anticipation.
“So… how’d it go?” Marco asked.
“Is she gonna come dress shopping with us?” Camilo questioned, at the same time.
“She… I don’t think she got it…”
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kiwiwinjindouche · 7 months
Nightmares From the Void: a horror Dishonored AU
(unless this title is already taken by something else or idk sfwjdwmfjdj i've not found anything? but let me know if it does)
I've talked about it a little some time ago, and even if I have to figure out more things (this is really getting out of hands), I have some bits to share!
Putting all this under a 'read more' cuz this is going to be a huge post.
I'd love to have your thoughts about it, if you feel like it!! <3
Quick description:
This may be a Horror!AU, but it’s definitely not just “OOOO JUMPSCARES AND GORE”. Horror isn’t just that, you know? And the best part about this is looking for references and more information because this is so interesting and so much better than just blood and viscera everywhere. I really wanted them to have their own little vibe, despite everything, and playing with the different kinds of horrors and fears. This all needs a bit more thinking yet, I’m sure, but I really like it so far.
There’re uh, changes, and maybe I’m thinking this too much like a third person game? I don’t know, maybe in first person it’d still look great.
This is just about Dishonored 2 (for now, at least?), and I mostly though about the main villains, to be honest. But as time goes by (and as I’m writing this post), I want to explore the other areas too.
I find some of the ideas a bit too obvious, somehow, but eeehhh :fingerguns: My mindset was kinda 'how could we go further, and into the horror genre, than this?"
After the ritual to bring back Delilah, in 1849, powers from the Void started to spread into Aramis’ mansion, crawling into the veins of those who were here. They slowly turned them into more monstrous versions of themselves. The closer to the ritual you were, the bigger the impact the Void had on you. Some of the guards got infected as well, but way less than the main crew. Memories of alternative lives flashed through them too.
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Differences for the coup crew:
Mission 1: A Long Day in Dunwall
Enemies: /
Description: Something feels off, as a puppet-ish Luca arrives. Then, Delilah appears, and the crowd is horrified by her look and all the vines and flowers.
Additional notes: Delilah can flee with Alexi’s corpse, so the player must fight her later as an undead.
Boss battle: Ramsey is not affected by the Void, so nothing changes.
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Mission 3: The Good Doctor
Type of horror: Kind of slasher, ‘virus’, body horror
Enemies: The guards are infected with bloodflies and mushrooms (? Virus?). They technically are undead and immortal, but weak. They can be killed for good with fire. Guards + Bloodflies.
Description: The player tries to escape Grim Alex’s grip. They can carry a torch to keep her away.
Additional notes: There are a torch, blueprints and upgrades regarding fire equipment in Vasco’s belongings.
Boss battle: First, the player must find the main nest of the bloodflies and burn it. Grim Alex follows the player, and she can control the bloodflies. If the player tries to kill her, her body gets infested with bloodflies and she charges back. She is afraid of fire. Her fight only has one phase, and the player either helps her with the serum or kills her for good.
Why this? Because Alexandria is already kind of infected by something, and I think she should be a bit more unhinged when you face her. I decided to go with a wendigo/rake vibe for her. She follows you everywhere you go, and you can’t really get rid of her if you don’t have fire. Everything feels more organic yet dead at the same time. There should be a spark of hope somewhere, though.
Inspirations: RE / TLOU / Redead / Scorn / Outlast / Bloodborne
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Mission 4: The Clockwork Mansion
Type of horror: Psychological
Enemies: Cyborgs and clockworks. The guards are a bit weaker than the original soldiers, but they can share some capabilities. Guards + Clockworks.
Description: A kind of Hide and Seek in the mansion. The player gets knock out at the beginning and must find their stuff.
Additional notes: Sokolov is saved after the fight. They are eyes on the wall.
Boss battle: The player fights Kirin in his laboratory. He is waiting for them and jumps on his greatest clockwork (a huge one). First, the player fights the robot. Phase two, the fight is taking place beneath the laboratory, in the basement, room of the generator. The player can tear Kirin’s artificial arms/legs apart. The final move is pushing him against the generator and watching him getting electroshocked. Either it kills him or not is up to the player, depending on the power of the shock (player can get to the room before the battle).
Why this? I was thinking about more clockworks and mechanical things. In fact, the starting point of all this was for Kirin to build cyborgs too. Then, the idea of him having bugs features came to me, as a reference to him tearing their legs and such. But then, and as much as I wanted to avoid the spider thing, Kirin playing with you, as you try to escape his mansion (his web) sounded more fitting.
Inspirations: Lies of P / Shining / Bacterial Contamination / BG3 (Malus) / Mimic / Nosk / DrOctopus
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Mission 5: The Royal Conservatory
Type of horror: Paranormal and jump scares
Enemies: Zombies and stuffed animals. The guards are slower but hit harder. Guards + Witches + Animals.
Additional notes: Lots of illusions. Aggressive skulls. Moving around through mirrors.
Boss battle: The player has the option to fight a big cursed plush to get the defective lens. With each hit the doll takes, it loses a member part (leg, arm…) and the player must destroy them too before they go back to the doll. Then, mirror labyrinth to get to Breanna, while the player is followed by zombies. Breanna’s fight takes place in a room surrounded by mirrors too. If the player goes behind the scenes before phase two, they can use the defective lens and remove Breanna’s powers, leading them to the non-lethal ending. Phase two, she is mostly stronger than before, but also helped by the doll if the player didn’t destroy it earlier.
Why this? I had the idea of zombies for Breanna for a long time. Again, just thinking about “how could we go further?” But zombies weren’t enough. And then I thought ‘well, there’re also a ton of dead animals there’. I also wanted to find something revolving around the lenses, or rather, glasses, hence the mirrors, and the illusions. As for the cursed plush, we already know witches have some voodoo plushies they use from time to time, so I thought it was a good reference to this too.
Inspirations: Twilight Princess (Blizzeta) / Collector (Hollow Knight)
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Mission 7: A Crack in the Slab
Type of horror: Liminal spaces and gothic horror
Enemies: Ghosts. The guards don’t attack the player unless player attacks them first. They have 1 hp and respawn at each time switch. Guards.
Description: The player travels through Aramis’ mind. They must find all the broken memory pieces to restore Aramis’ health and spirit. The player starts with a 45 minutes chrono. After 15 minutes, the level starts to fall apart. The player can use clocks and hourglasses to slow or speed time.
Additional notes: The level falls apart, much like Aramis’ mind. Clocks, hourglasses. Maybe some enigmas. The player still can’t use their powers.
Boss battle: Race against time. The player must travel through past and present to stop the boss – who is TBD still (a strange chimera? And echo of Luca?). To help Aramis fully recover, the player must defeat it. Else, they can either decide to kill him or let him stay insane.
Why this? What better than liminal spaces and fear of the nothing for Aramis? His mind is falling apart, and so is the level. You must be a bit quick into this labyrinth. As I’m writing this, this needs some more thinking, but maybe thanks to a new power (or simply, a better ‘Possession’) you can go to Aramis’ mind instead of just wondering around his mansion. The idea stays the same, but still.
Inspirations: Backrooms / Crys Tales / Poes
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Mission 8: The Grand Palace
Type of horror: Survival…?
Enemies: Puppets. The guards are more agile, dodge more the attacks. Guards.
Additional notes: Show off. The player must repair the false duke and the pieces are all around the palace. Inspired by the royalty and the Game. Some puppets and guards wear masks. There are music boxes in the palace (around the ballroom). Puppet and some bits of flesh.
Boss battle: Luca waits for the player in his ballroom, where they find multiple false dukes dancing with the ‘guests’. They must find the right one and defeat him. They can also be helped by a dysfunctional puppet they must repair first – Armando. Then, Luca twisted and turns into a giant puppet with wacky movements.
Why this? So, this might be the less ‘horror’ one, somehow. Depends on if you are fine with getting surrounded by puppets or not. But why puppets? Because Luca longs for control. He is creating himself a perfect little world where everyone will obey him. And yet, he is one of them, because Delilah is already using him. I had in mind a ballroom, more excessive and unnecessary shows off. He is rich, he is powerful, he doesn’t care about the others.
Inspirations: Little Nightmares / Steelrising (ambient) / Skull kid puppets / Nutcracker
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Mission 9: Death to the Empress
Type of horror: Analog horror and strange imagery, a bit of dark fantasy but tiny bit
Enemies: A bit of everything and living paintings. The guards are moving when the player is not watching. The paintings can catch and block the player, attack them or simply scare them. Guards + Witches + Clockworks + Paintings.
Additional notes:
Boss battle: First, the player fights her outside, but there are other living paintings that attack them. Every weakness moment of Delilah, the player can reunite her with her soul. Then, she runs into her perfect world, the player shall follow her, but instead they find a crying Jessamine. They have a small chat together, until the player realizes it’s Delilah using her powers to stab where it hurts. The player then fights Delilah, but with Jessamine’s appearance. Lastly, Delilah charges a final blow, and statues are attacking the player. They must survive a certain amount of time. Then, the final blow explodes and both her and the player are thrown out of the painting. The player wakes up before she does, and either they decide to kill her or not by messing with the ritual.
Why this? Well, I know analog horror is also about found footage and doesn’t suit Dishonored, but the weird imagery looks just fine for a painter. Also, what about moving statues? Surely this is not new, and not all of them would move obviously.
Inspirations: Mandela Catalogue / A Hat in Time / Layers of fear / Canvas Curse (Drawcia)
And that's ... almost it? Wait, could this be... what's up there???
Epilogue: Secret Meeting
Type of horror: Cosmic horror
Description: If the player found all the runes and bonecharms throughout the game, after the credits they appear in the Void. The Outsider comes to them to talk about their run, their choices, and asks them if they wish to see his true form. Then, the player can decide to fight him.
Why this? Because I wanted to add cosmic horror to the list! And the Outsider is already kind of that, the Void is a space beyond true comprehension and such. I still have to figure out his ‘true form’ as a powerful being.
Inspirations: Lovecraft
AND NOW, that's about it so far! As you can see, some things still need a good thinking and such, to be worked on. I've also started to think about a playlist, but I'm not sure about it yet and this is going to be for later. There'll definitely be more to it, I just don't know when lol.
THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU'VE READ IT ALL, it means a lot!!!! 💗​💗​💗​
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evenmyhivemindisempty · 2 months
Now that I have written 18 (!!) Donald Pierce fics, I figure it’s probably time to organize them a bit for tumblr! So here we go!
Your Mercy’s Got Teeth, Baby: Here’s the thing. It’s technically in all of the Reavers’ contracts that they give Alkali-Transigen blanket permission to perform medical testing on their bodies after death. Donald just hadn’t figured that would still apply to someone who got revived. On the run from Alkali, Donald Pierce finds himself short on options and friends. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Logan is none too happy to see him again.
Heart, for a Loss: Five times Donald Pierce thinks he’s in love, and one time he actually is. (CW: non-con, underage)
Stand at Attention: After a tough mission, Donald Pierce and Frank Castle share some alone time.
What Nightmares May Come: The Corinthian reacquaints himself with Donald Pierce. (CW: implied non-con, implied child abuse)
What Good Girls Get: Truth be told he’d been expecting something more in line with ‘power-drunk cop’ or ‘horny marine’ when Gabby had brought up the whole roleplaying thing a few weeks back. But he guesses he can’t begrudge her having a type, even if it means he’s gotta be some butch dyke at the grungiest lesbian bar in Mexico City. Donald figures he can be a good girl. Just this once, and just for her.
Twice Shy: Stranded in the past, Logan expects to spend the next few decades blowing his time and his cash on cheap alcohol in dead-end small towns. He doesn’t expect eighteen-year-old Donald Pierce, pretty, bitchy, smart as a whip, and on the doorstep of the rest of his life.
3AM After the End: While the mutant children continue on to the border, Logan is captured by what’s left of the Reavers. So is Donald Pierce. Turns out, they aren’t all too happy with their old boss. (CW: non-con)
Rinse and Repeat (and Repeat and–): Woulda, coulda, shoulda might as well be on Donald Pierce’s tombstone. Instead of dying, he finds himself continuously repeating the day that started it all, and gets to find out if he would, if he could, and if he should. (CW: non-con)
Colorful Places series (completed: yes)
Friendly Favors, at Cost: Gabby had been expecting a bullet to the back of the head for her role in helping Laura and the others escape. Instead she gets a suite in a ritzy hotel, courtesy of Donald Pierce.
The Marrying Kind: Gabby and Pierce struggle to settle into their new life in hiding. Gabby realizes something’s gotta change.
A Study of Similarities series (completed: yes)
Variations on a Theme: Donald Pierce meets a different version of himself. He’s still deciding if he likes him.
Three and Just Begun: Donald Pierce tags along when Doc Donnie gets a booty call. He has a better time than he expected.
Winning’s in the Way We Lie: For some reason, there's no "Yes, I want to reveal deep and disturbing truths about our shared sexual histories with my clone" answer on the clonefucking poll. Donald wouldn't pick it, but maybe Doc would.
Where Wolves Fear to Prey series (completed: yes)
Good-Time Boy: It’s the first time in ages Donald Pierce hasn’t wanted to be the first guy out of the room. After a month of playing engineer for the Blackguard mercenaries, Donald is actually sorry to leave. Apparently they feel the same way, because he gets a surprise going-away party… and then the surprises just keep coming. (CW: past non-con, accidental non-con)
Like a Virgin: Donald wants to get fucked. He doesn’t want to have to like it.
Perfect Reflection series (completed: yes)
Deja Blues: Ty Shaw sees the taciturn stranger at the bar and sees an opportunity for some fun. It’s a pity the stranger sees something – or maybe someone – else.
Difference of Degrees: Ty thinks he’s just signing up for some sexy, naughty roleplay when Logan asks him to be sorry. Ty may be in over his head.
Belly of the Beast: Ty’s not in the mood. Logan is. (CW: non-con)
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morganofthewildfire · 2 years
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The Trouble With Tinder
a rowaelin oneshot.... maybe
just a little fun au! parts of their job are inspired by The Hating Game
If Aelin Galathynius was certain of anything in her life, it was that she hated Rowan Whitethorn.
A coworker at the same publishing firm as her, she’d known him for a few years at this point. And throughout those years, she hadn’t warmed up to him whatsoever.
They were technically at the same level, but he treated her like he was her boss, always assigning tasks and acting like he needed to double check her work. Acting like he was better than her. It was infuriating. 
But she needed this job too much to quit, so she had to just deal with it.
“Aelin?” The receptionist, Elide’s, voice crackled through the intercom in her office. “Rowan’s asking for you.”
But sometimes, it was harder to deal with than others.
“Okay, thanks Elide,” Aelin called back, huffing through her nose. She was being summoned, like a fucking animal. But instead of just protesting and staying put, she pushed out of her chair roughly, stomping to the door in her excessively tall stiletto heels. 
Flowy pants, a silky tank top, and heels. It was pretty much a variation of the same outfit every day, and she always felt powerful in it. Powerful, yet feminine, two attributes that were not contradictory.
And in her feminine outfit, she traveled over to one of two doors in her office. One led out to the main room, where most of the other desks were situated, her team of publicists working on their own work assignments. She and Rowan were both co-managers of the department, Rowan heading up more of the editorial side of things while she worked more on marketing. They both delivered reports of the company’s progress to their managers, the Executives whose offices were upstairs.
This quarter's report was undoubtedly what he wanted to talk to her about.
So she went through the second door, which unfortunately connected right to Rowan’s adjoining office. She didn’t like being that close, but as their positions were close, the access was necessary.
“What, Whitethorn?” Aelin asked drily, pushing open the door and leaning against it. Like always, her heart stuttered a bit when she looked at him. He was just sitting at his desk, in his white button down and his smooth backed silvery hair. 
He looked like he did everyday, but that was the problem. He was hot. 
Dangerously hot. And wickedly intelligent, though she didn’t like to admit it, which nearly attracted her as much as his looks did. 
But he was a major asshole, so she was able to push aside whatever lingering attraction she had. 
Especially when Rowan gestured idly to the chair in front of his desk, making her fume at the dismissive nature of it. Making sure her indignation was known, she swayed over there, sitting down roughly and crossing her legs, leaning back into the chair and bouncing her foot. 
“I read your part of the report you sent over,” Rowan said, still typing away on his laptop, not looking at her. 
“Okay,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “And?”
“It’s fine,” he said, flatly, but she could hear the judgment in it.
“Fine?” She questioned, raising a brow. And he finally looked up from his laptop, pausing in his work and leaning back in his chair. 
“There’s a few weak areas that I tagged and emailed back to you,” he said, and she felt that familiar burst of anger.
“I sent that to you as a favor so we could make sure we’re on the same page,” Aelin spit, crossing her arms. “Not so you could check my work like you’re my teacher.” Rowan narrowed his eyes.
“When someone’s work is known to be a little lackluster, it’s best for everyone to make sure that it’s adequate,” he said, smiling smugly.
“You bas-” she started to curse, until he cut her off.
“Language, Galathynius,” he chastised, returning to his laptop. “We’re in an office, we have to be civilized.” Oh if she could say what she really wanted to right now…
“I’m not making the changes you’re suggesting,” Aelin said instead, her jaw clenched. “My work is fine. And I’m sure our bosses will agree.”
Rowan rolled his eyes, closing the lid of his laptop. “Whatever you say, Galathynius,” he said, sliding his laptop into his bag. “If you want to keep shoddy work, that’s on you. I’ll just look better for the upcoming promotion.” Oh fuck him. That was another reason tension was so high between them, there was the promise of a promotion hanging in the balance, a promotion to the executive team instead of lower management.
Both of them were under consideration for it, but only one of them could get the job. 
Aelin wasn’t necessarily obsessed with the idea of it, really her dream was to be an author, and publish books of her own. But it was better than where she was at now, and she couldn’t stand the idea of Rowan being her boss.
“Where are you going?” Aelin interrupted her own train of thought, realizing he was standing up and packing. “It’s lunchtime.”
“None of your business,” he said, shooting her an odd look as he walked toward the door. “Just worry about your own work.” He pushed open the office door, unable to resist shooting one last retort at her. “It needs it.”
He shut the door behind him, leaving Aelin sitting there alone. 
She needed a fucking drink.
She did in fact get a drink. Her best friend Lysandra left work early and came over to her apartment at her insistence, where they drank wine and got ready before going out and getting more drunk than Aelin had been in months.
But she needed it. Desperately. Especially if she’d be working overtime next week to fix her already perfect work. Except it wasn’t perfect. After his dismissal in his office, she’d gone back and looked at the changes he’d suggested to her part of their presentation. And unfortunately - he was right. She’d missed some important pieces, and overemphasized pieces that they didn’t need to highlight.
His suggestions made it stronger. Which pissed her off.
She started cursing him under his breath as she fought with her keys to unlock her front door. She and Lys had taken an Uber home, and now all she wanted to do was just collapse into her bed.
Aelin finally managed to get the door open, after several minutes of rattling the handle, and then she stumbled inside, shutting and locking it behind her. She rubbed her face idly as she maneuvered into her bedroom, smearing her already ruined makeup.
She flopped onto her fluffy bed, kicking off her heels idly as she sunk into the way too comfortable comforter. Damn Rowan. Damn his perfect eyes and his perfect tattoo and his perfect muscles. And his perfect ability to make her lose her temper.
She hated him.
With the alcohol coursing through her, she reached for her phone, barely able to see the screen through her bleary, mascara coated eyes as she unlocked it. Her dress was riding up her thighs, her face partially covered by a fluffy pillow as she scrolled through her apps, looking for something to distract her until she inevitably fell asleep.
Instagram, Twitter, that random game she’d downloaded after an ad had convinced her to… so many options.
But her self-sabotaging self decided to click on Tinder.
It was 2 am on a Saturday night, or Sunday morning depending on how you looked at it. Anything on Tinder right now was just an absolutely horrible idea. But she was ready to make an absolutely horrible decision.
The first face she saw was handsome enough. A little boring maybe, with brown hair and brown eyes, and a down to earth, rugged look that would have suited her back in high school but not now. Chaol Westfall. He was six feet, according to him, and was a cop. 
At that, she swiped left. 
She didn’t need to date another cop.
The next face caught her eye. He was more classically handsome, with black hair and bright blue eyes. And a wicked grin that made him look like he could keep up with her mischief and relish in doing it. Dorian Havilliard was his name.
Nope. She recognized that last name. She didn’t need a daddy’s boy or a nepo baby in her life. Rich maybe, yes. But spoiled. And that would irritate her.
She huffed as she scrolled through an uncountable number of faces, swiping left, left, left, for all of them. Until -
Green eyes. Distinctive silvery hair. That tattoo. 
His first picture was a simple one, a candid of him with his hands in his pockets, clearly turning to someone off screen and laughing. His face was brighter than she ever saw it, and something in her chest warmed and unfurled. Must be the shots.
She scrolled down in his profile, glancing over the information. It was all stuff she knew. Where he worked: with her; how tall he was: a delicious 6’4”; where he was from: Doranelle; whether he was a dog person or a cat person: dog. Their only neutral territory was her dog, Fleetfoot. He pretended not to care whenever she’d show pictures of her to other coworkers, cooing over how cute she was, but Aelin would catch him peering over someone’s shoulders, hoping for a look.
And she knew for a fact he had a picture of his own dog framed and on his desk. 
And there the dog was, in the next picture on his profile. He was crouching down on what looked like a dock at a lake, posing with his adorable terrier mix of a dog, smiling yet again. 
And shirtless.
She was way too drunk for this. So drunk she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his tan, mouthwatering, skin. He was so godsdamned muscular, with a godsdamned six pack, and arms. He could totally lift her and press her against a wall, and throw her on the bed without exerting any sort of effort at all. 
And the tattoo. She only ever got a glimpse of it out of the collar and sleeve of his work shirts, but here it was in all of its glory. Black, swooping ink, tracing down those muscles of his. She wanted to trace every inch of it with her tongue.
She’d start there, before going down his chest, laving over every inch of his abs, hands running up and down that smooth skin before dipping into the waistband of his pants, taking his whole length into her mouth, playing with him until he came down her throat…
Gods. She needed to fucking stop.
But the heat was already racing through her, pooling uncomfortably in her core. Her toes curled in her sheets, biting her lip as she stared at the screen. 
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was her infuriating thumb, but before she could change her mind, she swiped right. 
Her eyes went wide as it loaded, her heart thumping in her chest until it stopped completely as her phone lit up with a truth she couldn’t comprehend.
You have a match!
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bellmo15-blog · 5 months
The OTHER Plugsuited Demon Beauty.
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Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting one to talk about.
It's hardly a secret at this point but Devil May Cry 2 is widely agreed upon, when people aren't busy ragging on the 2013 reboot that is, to be the worst game in the series. And there's plenty of good and valid reasons for that. Aside from the obvious stuff that people love to meme on anyway like how over powered the guns are or that one of the bosses is literally a tank there's stuff like how the games story isn't explained very well, Dante had all the personality and charisma that made him so likable sucked out of him, the game's world looking bland and lifeless compared to the first games setting which still looks wonderful even today, the only other melee weapons you can get are just reskins of your starting one with only very minor differences and how pretty much every problem this game has could of been avoided if Capcom didn't force a completely different team who had never worked on an action game before to make it in only 2 years. And people act like publishers treating there devs like shit is a new thing this generation...
Even with all the shit DMC 2 does wrong and rightfully get's crap for there is one aspect from it I actually really do like and it might surprise you to hear what it is. Lucia. I actually kind of really like her. Not so much her gameplay because it has the same issues as Dante's gameplay and I'd argue is even worse because she has several awful underwater sections, but more just everything else about her.
Her design for one thing I really like especially since her Devil Trigger makes her look like a Mega Absol but also her story two a little. She learns during her campaign that she's actually a defective demon created by the games main villain Arius and the rest of her story she's having one big existential crisis due to a fear she's going to lose control of herself and become a monster killing everyone which for as wired as this sounds is actually kind of relatable. Because let's be completely honest here, how many of you people have learnt something about yourself that you have no idea how to react to or how to process and spend a good while worrying about it? Hell, I didn't even know I was autistic or what the concept of Autism even was until I was 14 years old and you bet I spent several days not knowing how to even process that at first. Not to mention the several years I was worried I'd grow up to be an angry and bitter man because of how my own farther had anger issues himself. I mean sure, maybe Lucia's story could of been handled a lot better in game and fleshed out a lot more but it is because of the likely un-intended relatability that does actually make me like her a bit.
Which brings me to the whole reason I decided to get her in Rei's White Plugsuit in the first place. Aside for the colour matching Lucia's original design I mean. I mentioned in the Trish Plugsuit pic ChaosCroc did for me that the whole reason I was motivated to get that was because of how Trish being a demon created in the image of Dante's mother Eve was very similar to how Rei in Evangelion was created as a clone of Shinji's mother. Only there are multiple Rei's in Evangelion in the event that one happens to die. Just like how there are technically multiple Lucia's and the one we follow in Dee Em Cee Too is a defect. And that justification pretty much speaks for itself! Lucia had some similarities to Rei and it inspired me. And I'm happy to have gotten this pic. Especially since over the years I've actually wanted Lucia to show up again in new game a little because it sucks that she's stuck in the worst game in the series and anything past that she DOES show up in is in supplementary material we might never get outside of Japan.
Artist is AmeerAshourDraws. Also fun fact, the design of his Ashour Drones was slightly inspired by Plugsuits which is peak!
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art-estrange · 10 months
(AMAMOA) Chapter 2: People Are People
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Professor!Pedro Pascal x Teaching Assistant!Reader
Words: 1073
*All Pictures used (unless stated otherwise) will be found on my pinterest linked in the masterlist*
Story Warnings: MDNI 18+ (mostly in the off chance that I choose to explore heavy themes later on. This will obviously be updated at a later time) Crocs(yes that has a warning, i’m kind of obsessed with wearing crocs and currently own 2 pairs hopefully more in the future)
Story Content Tags (most of this is mentioned in later chapters.): Meet-Cute, First person perspective, Age-gap(F28/late 20s/early 30s x M40/late 30s/early 40s), Art references, new york nonsense written by a non-new yorker, spanish/spanglish, Lots of college technical talk, this was kinda based off a dream, crocs, College AU, AU where pedro isn't an actor/famous, slightly proofread… sorry for typos i'm trying guys😭😭😭
Chapter Summary: Reader comes to a possibly devastating realization on the way to the gallery, however Pedro remains his goofy-golden retriever self. Also Sarah Paulson is there, she’s a fellow professor at NYU and seems to be friends with Pedro… maybe more? 
With my outfit layed out, I slept like a baby with dreams of that sharp nose and bronze skin. The soft caress of his fingers against mine, those gentle puppy dog eyes like pools of warm cocoa. Pedro was in my dreams that night and the anticipation to see him again was almost palpable. I woke up that morning almost with a start, a jolt to rise from the sweetest slumber I had ever had. I got dressed and went about my day completing some lighter chores that I had left till the last minute. With a belly full of breakfast and a latte in hand, I slipped on some shoes at the door and went on my journey to see the man that’s invaded my dreams. On the way to the gallery I had a lot to think about, mostly the fact that when I looked at the fliers, both for the TA/Professor gallery and Pedro's…it was the same flier… I knew I had seen the flier before but I didn’t think it was the same flier I had seen earlier that day. In the back of my mind, despite having only thought about Pedro the whole morning, there was still a creeping feeling that the goofy loveable handsome Pedro I met yesterday…. Is my boss… or pseudo boss?? Or whatever, is the same Pedro that emailed me… the painting professor. It’s not exactly wrong if, per say in future, we were to pursue a relationship… IF that ever happened, not saying it would, but it wouldn't be bad if it did. He’s not my teacher… he’s a coworker… that’s higher up than me but he’s not the one ‘signing my checks’, sort-of-speak. The whole situation is conflicting, I mean there’s no denying that Peter/Pedro from the cafe is Peter/Pedro from my emails, he said it himself, his job has to do with painting and it's the same flier. There’s no way that they’re not the same person… there’s no way that there’s 2 Pedro’s/Peter’s both doing a job having to do with painting, having an art gallery AT THE SAME TIME IN THE SAME PLACE WITH THE SAME FLIER AREN'T THE SAME GUY. I worried about these intricate details, wringing my hands anxiously before texting him to ask if he wanted a coffee on the way there; just another way to delay the inevitable. I arrived with my watered down latte and his 6 shots of espresso over ice, still can’t believe he drinks this. The place was lively, there was light music playing in this brownstone walk-up that sat between an apartment and a warehouse turned studio. It wasn't too far from where campus resides, we were about a 10 minute walk in the direction of greenwich. I sent him a text letting him know I arrived and that I’d wait outside for him with his coffee.
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Out walked the man of the hour. He strutted out in a fuzzy cardigan, no shirt underneath, his messy mop of hair now a quaffed wave of tresses trickling down the back of his head like a soft waterfall. A gold chain adorned his neck surrounded by a light smattering of chest hair. His dress shoes clicked against the concrete as he lifted his sculpted arms, fingers decorated with rings, to pull me into a warm hug. “Oh my god! I’m so glad you could make it! AND you brought me coffee!?” He exclaimed holding me out at arms length, inspecting my outfit and face almost like he’s committing my look to memory. “I mean it was on the way and I wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to celebrate my new friend!” my worries were still in the back of my mind, but on the forefront was how good he looked and how I should be enjoying myself. “By the way I hope you don’t mind, but most of the people here are colleagues from work plus some grad students that’ll be working alongside us for the semester. I mentioned I’m a professor right?” He gestures to the people inside and then looks around as he speaks, ultimately stopping to stare at me as he says the words that I dreaded the most. “Um no, you didn’t! But… there’s actually something I wanted to-” As I get to the topic that’s been flooding my mind, we get interrupted. “Hey! Sorry to cut in! Pedro we’re ready to have like the speech thing, everyones mostly here. Except for your TA… she RSVP'd but like I dunno.” What I’m assuming is a fellow professor, mutters the last part as though thinking out loud. “Oh! Ok thanks! Um Y/N this is Sarah Paulson, a theatre professor at NYU and a super close friend of mine. Sarah, this is Y/N, we met a couple days ago, remember the girl I told you about?” He introduces us as he holds both our hands. They talked about me…wait..they talked about me? THEY’RE CLOSE FRIENDS AND THEY TALKED ABOUT ME?! “Oh yeah, THIS clumsy bitch loves to make people bust their asses! It’s like the spacial awareness isn’t there or something.” Sarah laughs, wrapping her arm around his shoulders, head leaning against his, as she busts his balls about his goofy behavior. “Why don’t we go inside so you can see some of the pieces, maybe you can make some more friends while I have a short convo with some of my coworkers and the grad students?” He leads me in, his large hand guiding me by my lower back as Sarah strides in front of us. The warmth from his hand spreads throughout my whole body just as he levels himself to whisper in my ear “Don’t worry about her, she loves to tell people how much of a mess I am, while being a mess herself…that’s probably why we’re soulmates in a sense” the last part is muttered in thought, almost like I wasn't meant to hear it. Soulmates? Well that complicates things...more so than they already were…
Now's the best time to tell him, otherwise I'll never get to say it. “Hey so before we walk in there’s something I need to tell you…” I pull him aside so as to not block the entrance. “Yeah? What’s up?” he says, those puppy dog eyes boring into my soul, concern written all over his face. “So..”
To be continued…
Note: If you can’t find chapter 1 for whatever reason (it doesn’t wanna show ip in the pedro pascal x reader tag for some reason) you can find it on the masterlist linked above alongside the prologue and this chapter and any future chapters.
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kleo1504 · 7 months
[18+ Story] The Mistress and the Beast (002)
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18+ Story
May include sexual themes
Minors do not interact
The story includes AI generated pics
It’s a complete fiction
This is an original story by me, please do not copy
Just for you to know, I cursed this story while writing it, if you do copy my work, karma and curse will get you 😜
And for AI - feel free to learn from and use my story, I know I can’t fight technological progress 😂
The Mistress and the Beast
(Part 002)
Tessa spends the weekend the way she’s used to. She doesn’t even think about texting Nathan. If he wants to follow the dominant path as he did so far, he’s not interesting for her. And if he’s ready to explore his submissive side, it’s up to him to tell her first, to make that decision. Tessa has plenty to do - she does DIY on the house together with her brother, she devotes some time to training her dogs. They are rescues from a dog shelter, all of them went through hell and back before they got to Tessa. She gave them not only home, love and care, but also clear rules and discipline.
“You put them through a drill like this and they still look at you as if you were their goddess.” Tyler smirks after one of her training sessions as he watches her rewarding the dogs with affectionate rubbing.
“I am their goddess.” Tessa smirks. “Dogs are pack animals. They need a leader, someone to follow. Not only for the rules and drill but also for the care, love and safety. With me, they know what they are asked to do, they aren’t confused about my commands. And when they do well, they are rewarded. They’re having the time of their lives being taken care of and safe. Wouldn’t you fall for it?” Tessa asks cheekily.
“Haven’t I already? Look at us? I’m your younger brother, alright, but I’m still nearly 30. I live in this house we inherited with you and your dogs and I obey you most of the time exactly the same as the beasts do. Not that I would complain.” Tyler chuckles.
Tessa reaches to his hair and ruffles it playfully. “Good boy! It’s nearly dinner time.”
Tyler nods and without the need of being directly ordered he heads to the kitchen to cook for both of them.
Tessa arrives at her office in the FinCorp Bank on Monday only to open an email announcing the appointment of a new CFO for the branch. Tessa blinks slowly but the name and photo don’t change a bit. It’s Nathan Adams, her Friday night date. Tessa is the head of the People & Culture department (modern term for merged HR and PR departments) and Nathan is technically not her boss but he certainly is higher on the corporate ladder now. Tessa smiles cheekily for herself. It would be really spicy if he agreed to submit to her now. She never actually dommed any of her coworkers, not to mention someone professionally superior to her. On the other hand, this could be a potentially tricky situation and maybe it’s better Nathan hasn't texted ever since she left him in that hotel restaurant. Tessa starts her work day as usual, never thinking of him again.
Around noon, Tessa is leading an online conference call with other heads of People & Culture departments in other countries. She’s sitting alone in a glass walled conference room, face-timing her colleagues. She laughs at the last remark of Swiss colleague and ends the call wishing everyone a good rest of the day. Tessa switches the cam and mic off and closes her laptop. As she is getting ready to leave the conference room, Nathan walks in. He closes the door and shuts the blinds.
“I was waiting for you to be finished.” He mentions while he’s covering the glass walls with blinds.
“How considerate of you.” Tessa mentions. She has a feeling this will take a while so she sits back in the chair and waits for Nathan to do the same.
He decides to tower over her instead and Tessa has to bite her lips to stop herself from bursting into laughter. “The way you left last time…” He makes a pause and his eyes wander off her face and down Tessa’s neck. She’s a professional but from that angle, Nathan certainly has a good view at her cleavage.
“Do you want to talk about work?” Tessa asks calmly and takes a deep breath making her well equipped chest rise.
“Of course not!” Nathan says growling.
“Have you changed your mind about my proposition?”
“You mean me submitting to you? Look… That’s… This is ridiculous. Why can’t we just take it lightly and see how it develops naturally?”
Tessa reaches up, clearing non-existent crumb from his tie. “I’m sorry, Mr. Adams. I don’t negotiate here. It’s take it or leave it deal. Either you obey me or we have nothing to discuss. Now if you excuse me…”
“NO!” Nathan shouts but he quickly closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and calms down again. “Wait a minute, Tessa. Please. Look… This is not easy for me… I have never… been in such a situation before.”
“You have never given up your control? Never ever?” Tessa asks with a soft low voice.
“No, never. I always control the situation, people, myself… Everything. Your offer is… I’m just not sure I can do this.”
“You don’t have to. We can part as friends.”
“Yeah, I told myself the same thing like a million times during the weekend but it’s just not a consolation at all. I think… I think we could try your way… maybe?”
“Think? Maybe? I’m sorry but I have to insist on you being sure about it.”
Nathan starts striding around the conference room like a tiger in a cage. Tessa can see how much of a dilemma this is for him. He’s battling himself right now. He might be tempted to try but everything he was ever taught speaks against it. He was surely told that man should always be in charge. His entire life was hard work and hustles, chasing his ambitions, growing his ego. Tessa would giggle at his mental struggle but managed to keep her poker face.
Eventually he stops on spot and turns to Tessa, his fiery eyes locking with her calm stare. “As you wish. I’m up for this.”
“Are you sure?” Tessa asks and her voice drops even lower sounding nearly like the purring of a big cat.
Nathan gulps. “Yes, I’m sure. But… Can we take it slowly?”
“Certainly, Nathan. We can take it slowly.” Tessa gives him a taunting smile. She turns on the chair and stretches her leg in front of her. She’s wearing tight black pants, white shirt and black jacket. And most importantly, she’s wearing ankle high laced shoes today. The laces on her shoe she’s showing now are undone. “Tie my shoe.” Tessa commands him.
“What?” He blinks.
“On your knees and tie my shoe. I’m not going to repeat it.” Tessa announces calmly.
Nathan hesitates for a second. He looks around, making sure the blinds are in place. Then he kneels in front of Tessa. She presses the tip of her shoe against his crotch making him hiss. “Fuck, Tessa…!”
“Quiet!” She shuts him and moves her foot a bit to tease him.
Nathan moans and starts tying her laces up. When he’s done, Tessa leans forward to him and softly rubs his cheek. She tilts her head and presses her lips against his. “Stay motionless. I’m in charge here.” Tessa commands him when he tries to kiss her back and deeper. Nathan sighs but steadies. Tessa teases his lips. She grazes her teeth over his bottom lip, sucks it and bites it. Nathan moans but manages to stay still. Tessa drops her other hand lower and rubs his growing and hardening bulge.
As Nathan’s moans become more frequent, Tessa quits it and backs away from him. She stands up, leaving him panting and kneeling on the floor of the conference room. “Don’t contact me. I’ll tell you when and where we will meet again.” Speechless Nathan nods as she’s gathering her laptop and phone from the table. “And I only have this conference room reserved for only the next 2 minutes. You better sort yourself out before someone comes.” She smiles as she opens the door and walks out of the conference room. Tessa is happy with the outcome.
Tessa makes sure not to contact Nathan for the next two days, building his anticipation up.
Tessa: You’re going to address me as Mistress in private from now on. Nathan: Seriously? 🙄 Tessa: If you want to waste the time complaining and arguing with me, be my guest. Nathan: 😣 Tessa: Or you can accept your new position and enjoy it. 😈 Nathan: … Tessa: I’m tired of repeating myself, so one last time: You ARE going to address me as Mistress from now on. Nathan: Yes, Mistress. Tessa: Good boy! 💋 Nathan: 🤭 Nathan: Look, as much as I don’t want to sound disobedient, this is not the right time to play. I’m about to hit the stage in like 10 minutes. Tessa: I know, I have a seat in the front row. 👀 Nathan: Haha! Hoping for a great view? Tessa: Oh, I’m sure I’ll have the best view. 😈 Nathan: Wait… This little box with a note ‘Open discretely’ is from you? Tessa: You should use the restroom real quick and open it there. NOW! Nathan: Is - Is this what I think it is? Tessa: What do you think it is? Nathan: A butt plug, Tessa, is this a butt plug? Tessa: And a lube, yes. Use them. Now. And send me a pic as proof. Nathan: Tessa, the stage Tessa: DO IT NOW! Nathan: Yes, Mistress
There’s like a two minute pause in texts and then she sees a photo of Nathan’s bum with a pretty diamond peeking from between his butt cheeks.
Nathan: I have to hit the stage, can I pull it out now? Tessa: No, keep it there. Nathan: TESSA! Tessa: Mistress. Keep it there and I’ll come retrieve it myself later. Nathan: You can’t be serious! Tessa: KEEP it there, Nathan. Nathan: Yes, Mistress… Tessa: Oh! And Nathan? Tessa: Same as you, this butt plug is turned on and under my control. 😏 😈 Nathan: TESSA!!! NO! NO! Nathan: TESSA!? Nathan: Mistress! Please! Allow me to pull it out! Nathan: PLEASE! Nathan: FUCK!
With the last message the announcer calls Nathan Adams, the new CFO, to the stage. This is his bombastic way of introducing himself to all the employees and pitching his vision for the future of the bank. He’s here to give a speech, do an interactive presentation and answer questions from the audience. And Tessa makes sure he gets sweaty and radically turned on by the end of this showcase of the biggest beast in the biz.
Nathan stands behind the speaker’s table and thanks his lucky star this piece of furniture is here. He immediately sees the head of the People & Culture department, Tessa Morrel, his Mistress and probably a divine punishment sent onto his head for all his previous sins, dressed all neatly and strikingly professional. She’s sitting all well composed on her chair, her eyes looking at him and sparkling. The mere sight like this is enough to turn him on. Tessa elegantly swipes her phone screen, quickly checks it and touches a specific part of the screen. Nathan twitches as the butt plug starts to vibrate. His breath becomes heavier and he has to blink quickly and gulp several times before he’s able to start with his speech. For any oblivious member of the audience, he simply looks like being nervous from the crowd.
By the end of the session, Nathan is barely holding himself together. The butt plug has gone through several types and intensities of vibrations and drove him into numerous slips of tongue. Luckily the audience considered it amusing. Nathan on the other hand had to keep his clipboard with notes covering his growing erection whenever he dared to step out of the safety hideout of the speechtable.
Tessa: Go to the restrooms for disabled and breastfeeding mothers.
Nathan reads the message, excuses himself and quickly paces where he was instructed. As soon as he walks inside, Tessa closes and locks the door behind him.
“This isn’t right!” Nathan hisses as he’s shoved against the door and pinned to them by her.
“There are no disabled people, nor breastfeeding mothers today, nobody will need this restroom for now.” Tessa explains.
“That’s not what I meant,” Nathan sighs as Tessa swipes on he phone and the butt plug starts pulsating stronger than ever before.
“I know. You wanted to go slow… Should I slow down?” Tessa nibbles on his chin.
“I swear I’ll cry if you stop now.” Nathan whispers, barely able to speak. “Please, Tessa…”
“Hmm?” She tilts head and backs away from him.
“Mistress! I can’t go any longer!” Nathan corrects himself quickly and reaches his hands to her.
Tessa grabs his wrists and pins them to the door above his head. “Keep them there.” She instructs him. “Don’t you dare move your hands.”
“Yes, Mistress!” He moans.
Tessa can see his erection bulging so prominently under his pants now that it’s a miracle the fabric hasn't been torn already. Her fingers and palms rub Nathan’s torso from his shoulders down south. Once she reaches the belt, she unbuckles it and undo his pants. Nathan moans loudly. “Try to keep quiet. People still pass by this door.” Tessa smiles and quickly pulls his pants down, his boxers following. Nathan releases a quiet sigh of relief as his fully ready and hard member is finally free from the confines of the clothes. “My my! Someone’s hiding a tree trunk under his pants.” Tessa giggles and she lightly brushes over his full length with her fingers.
“Ahhh… Mistress! Please…” Nathan whimpers and the arms he’s still holding up are trembling.
“You have followed my orders. You deserve a reward.” Tessa whispers in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe.
“Yes, Mistress! YES! Please!”
Tessa instructs him to sit on a counter where mothers usually change their babies’s diapers. Nathan does as instructed. He grabs the edge of the counter hard. “Remember not to move your hands.” Tessa reminds him. His erection is now nearly in front of her face. She only needs to bend a bit to lick the tip.
“Oh Mistress, I’m already so close…!” Nathan moans loudly.
Tessa opens her mouth as much as possible and takes him inside, her tongue lapping sloppily, covering his shaft with saliva. She can’t exactly take all of him but still she manages to suck him hard and quick, leading Nathan towards one of the most intense orgasms in his life. He shoots his essence with a throaty scream and Tessa swallows it all, milking him dry.
She backs away a bit. “On your feet.” She instructs him. Nathan is still trembling and his legs aren’t strong as usual but he obeys. Tessa pulls his face to hers and kisses him deeply and sensually. “You taste delicious, don’t you think?” She smiles at him.
“Yes, mistress.” Nathan sighs all breathless. “This was…”
“Turn around and bend.” Tessa interrupts him as she’s putting red lipstick on, gazing into the mirror over the sink. Nathan turns around and bends, his elbows on the diaper changing counter. Tessa strokes his butt gently, grabs the butt plug and pulls it out slowly, eliciting another moan from Nathan. Then she bends and kisses one of his butt cheeks, leaving a bright red kiss mark behind.
“Keep it. We might need it some other time.” Tessa gives Nathan the butt plug and heads to the door.
“Wait!” Nathan calls. “I just want to say… I mean… what you did… This…”
“I know what you want to say.” Tessa smiles kindly at him. She had her doubts about him at first but he’s improving pretty fast. “And you are welcome!” She grins at him cheekily.
Nathan cuts the distance between them and pulls her in for one more passionate kiss. “I wait for your next instructions, mistress.”
“It won’t take long this time.” Tessa picks his pants and boxers from the floor and hands them to him. “You should make yourself decent now.” She pecks his cheek, unlocks and sneaks out of the restrooms.
To be continued...
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commenter2 · 8 months
"Masquerade" review
Angel deals with things.
You could instantly tell this was going to be a porno since Angel never tried to use the 3rd set of arms he hides to escape.
Charlie I think everyone else wouldn’t mind if you had said that Angel’s work was very inappropriate to show. Where was that same courage you had when dealing with Adam?
Again though I’d be okay if one of these problems Charlie has is about her parents, I’m still hoping it’s not on the same level as those with similar problems in Helluva Boss.
So were finally getting the “abusive relationship” story with Angel and Valentino. Nice to see Charlie instantly noticing it.
Admittedly I got a chuckle at the animation of Charlie banging her legs on the floor.
I brought this up in my Charlie and Vaggie “trailer” Tumblr post (link) but I think throughout the series (definitely later this season) we will learn that Charlie sees her royal status as a bit burdensome (maybe it’s also connected how this is related to how she canonically doesn't like wearing dresses XD) like maybe she always just wanted to be treated like everyone else but for her it was hard given she was nicer than most demons and I bet it was even harder to tell who liked her for who she was or if they were doing so out or obligation or using her for fame. That last part could be another good reason why she broke up with Seviathan von Eldritch. Another reason I bring this up is that we will likely see Charlie struggle with doing this until near the end of the season as seen with that makeshift army she makes of her friends and Rosie's people she recruited via singing which does seem to make Charlie a bit confident.
I think what you’re describing their Charlie is getting close to the definition of intimidation. DO IT!
Travis is back, and is an employee of Val’s. Guess the fandom really liked him.
Great first Adam NOW Val, you have the right to defend yourself Charlie! There better be a lot of fan art of Lucifer kicking Val’s ass posted soon.
Val’s robe are his wings. Does this mean if he was in a cold area, he would have to put a jacket over them to actually keep warm XD.
Uh oh here it comes :(
Is that angelic paper Val has or could all contracts look like that?
Since Charlie is the princess of Hell, you think she or someone else could get Angel out of his contract with Val? 
That song number was cringy to watch and I hope something is done soon so we don’t see another one like it.
Looks like Charlie was beating herself up all night for causing Angel’s miserable night.
Angel’s extra eyes are out. Oh crap Angel is going crazy! Its Fizz at M’s clown contest all over again!
Wait it’s still the same day? I thought Val told him to work all night?
Charlie seems to have learned her lesson about boundaries.
Were finally going to get some true Husk and Angel interaction time.
Nice throw Husk, The Joker would be proud.
I think the writers did a good job at describing/showing how self destructive people are like.
Husk being a former Overlord confirmed. Well technically the theory was that he was a still an Overlord but that was being kept secret, no one accounted him losing his title. Hey I guess Overlords can lose titles.
Looks like the Cat in the Hat’s Nobody found his heart! No wait his heart grew 3 times that moment XD
Did Husk just flirt with Angel :3
Angel says because Val has bad eyes he can’t count, but I’m still going to think that it’s because he is so dumb that he can do math.
Aww Angel is starting to change, even making Charlie proud that she cries. 
That or, and I hate ending this on a bad note, the crying could be related to something deeper like people never expressed such emotion to her before. PLEASE LET ME BE WRONG, at least when it comes to her mom and dad.
I’m mix on this episode.
Yeah I know this was going to happen eventually but it was still a bit sad to watch Angel go through all of that, yet still deny help from Charlie. At least it looks like Angel had a breakthrough and will likely decide to finally start to heal himself as well as aid Charlie in achieving her dream. It was also nice to see Husk not be the cranky old cat we know and love him for, bet those who ship Angel and Husk are happy too.
The biggest flaw of the episode was that the plot was a bit hard to get into since the shows spinoff series Helluva Boss has pretty much done this 3 times already, so we know how this is (probably) going to end and are just waiting for the inevitable scene where Angel stands up and finally becomes free of Val. Still it could have been worse when it came to the similarities (check out my review of Seeing Stars) and a few points for not having Ange’s character storyline end in just 1 episode.
We are already halfway done with the first season, and I can already tell that the last 4 episodes are going to be the most intense episodes yet, especially since the next one will have Lucifer in it. I hope that one won’t be as cringy as this episode given the franchise’s history with parents (specifically dads) but at least the good news is that this is only the first season so if it is, there is a chance the characters will change.
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mbrainspaz · 1 year
I’ve actively been trying to be worse at work lately. I don’t know what else to do for my sanity. I’ve got one coworker, technically the stable manager, who I’m pretty sure is making at least $2 more than me an hour and is salaried while I’m still hourly. Btw we’re the same age and both have ADHD, and I came here from managing and running a whole stable on my own and according to rumor he came here from getting fired off a craft beer assembly line for being late, so it just goes to show you that being a charismatic tall white boi will get you everywhere in life. He’s late all the time. Chronically late. 70 minutes on average. He lives on the property his parents’ money must have bought him that’s about 10 minutes away so there’s not much excuse. Believe me—I get the time blindness issues. He actually has medication for it sometimes. I have 3 devices that read me the time every hour and half a dozen alarms. The worst part is that I can’t blame him for not caring—for doing a shitty job. Even while he’s making more than me he’s not really making anything worthwhile. The boss couldn’t fire him because there’d be no one to get distracted and cut down dead trees all evening instead of doing other crucial chores that I’ll have to come in and do on top of all my other work the next day. I do value what he brings, really. Every barn needs a tinkerer who goes on side quests. That guy probably shouldn’t also be manager but WHATEVer. I do my best manage him without overstepping too much. All the time. It’s exhausting,
This morning I was trying to formulate a plan to ask the boss for a raise. I mean—we do the same job! (I do it better.) Next week the ‘manager’ is going on vacation and leaving me to deal with/train the new 17 year old worker who’s apparently never touched a horse, the only person the boss was able to find in 3 months who’s been willing to work for the laughable wage they’re offering. I can just see her guilt tripping me. Acting angry. People with money and power only act friendly until you stand up for yourself. If you’ve ever dared to ask for what you’re owed you know what I mean. The devil light that comes into their eyes. The instant transformation like Bilbo Baggins when he sees the ring. It’s terrifying. I can’t afford to be afraid of that vitriol. I tell myself I don’t care. I do though.
The barn is clean tonight. The horses are grazing. They’re safe and clean and well. I worked 11 hours today to make sure they would be. The manager didn’t even have AM feed prepped for me, after I came in for an extra half hour on my day off to help him with feed the day before. The boss texted me at 1 pm to ask if I needed help, after I’d already done 95% of the work alone. I said no because when she comes out to ‘help’ it’s sweet but ultimately she’s just another person to babysit and I don’t have the energy.
Ever more frequently I have to remind myself—they don’t care. Nobody else cares as much as you. You’re not being paid to care. They don’t care about you.
So instead of abiding by my strict code of honor maybe I do leave work a few minutes early. Maybe I do leave a few buckets uncleaned. Maybe I do bring my dogs to work with me when no one is around, even though it’s strictly forbidden. The manager does. Sometimes I do start work a few minutes late. I can’t be better than management or I’ll start to resent everything. So I actively try to be just as bad as they are.
I’m not very good at it though. I care too much and I know better.
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Helluva Boss Theory And My Thoughts On Small Bean Stolas From Helluva Boss
Stolas’s past small bean self is a precious cinnamon roll and a small bean that needs to be protected at all cost.
if I held him in my arms, I would say the same words that became a meme and is used in different fan arts and is said by a video game character or cartoon character or a movie character....
but the words being slightly different...
like “I haven’t known Small Stolas for very long, but if anything were to happen to him.......I would start Omnigeddon.”
even if that isn’t technically a thing, it is just a word that pop into my head not too long ago, might of been around this year I guess...
basically it’s like Armageddon, but far worse as it would mean it wouldn’t just effect Earth...
if there can be Omnimanity that includes both humans and non-humans, than there can be that word that has do with something far worse than Armageddon.
also I think I will wait until tomorrow or whenever I can, to post a theory about Undertale, Deltarune and Steven Universe...
 and well besides Small Stolas, Blitz and Fizz being precious Goddess’s gifts who need to be protected at all cost...
here is a theory I have that has to do with Heaven in Helluva Boss,
and the band called F*** You Dad, that Octavia was listening to one of their songs....in theory, I think the lead singer of the band might be the Princess of Heaven and the Polar Opposite of Charlie.
 it might be weird theory, but it would make sense that the Princess of Heaven is part of the band that goes by the name F*** You Dad.
the song “my world is burning down around me” is a good song...
well I think it’s good.
even if the theory about the Princess of Heaven being a part of the band F*** You Dad is non-canon, but I guess it could be more of a AU idea I guess.
 if Charlie sees the good in every sinner demon,
then the possible princess of heaven who is like her opposite,
might see the bad in every saint angel, and can see that they aren’t as “saintly” as they seem, and might be a really bad person.
but they were let into heaven anyway, even if they were abusive while trying to “correct” those who are non-believers who were either their own child or someone else.
 and while Charlie tries to get sinners redeemed, the Princess of Heaven could be trying to throw those who were mistakenly let into heaven, into hell instead.
the Princess of Heaven, could try to talk to her Dad about the injustice and not just let someone into heaven without looking into their darkest deeds they have done in their life, and if the darkest deeds are really bad, then they should be send to hell.
but if she did try to reason about it, I guess like Charlie’s parents, she wouldn’t be listen to or taken seriously either.
 I mean we know how some Toxic-Religious people can be, which kind of gives a really bad image to the others who aren’t toxic-religious.
it be interesting if the Princess of Heaven pulled a Persephone and went down to Hell to see which Sinner Demon could be redeemed and be taken to heaven, like her trying to help and co-work with Charlie so they both get what they want.
the two princesses who come from two different kingdoms, of course I know that the original story of Persephone is that Hades had kidnap her because he wanted to marry her...
 I don’t know what else to describe the whole possible Princess of Heaven from Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel going down to Hell and starting to co-work with Princess Charlie.
but that weird theory and thought aside, I’m going to wait until maybe tomorrow or in a few days to talk about some Undertale/Deltarune theories...
anyway see ya later and stay safe everyone...
I’m going to go play on my Xbox One.                           
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nil-the-glitch · 1 year
... is there any other Nil Lore we should know about?
Oh jeez lets see if I can remember it all...
Creepypasta fan during late middleschool/early highschool to the point of scratching a Cheshire grin in our face with a safety pin. Yes I appreciate the irony of it being a safety pin even now.
Also in highschool, got expelled from the first one for (very lightly!!!) threatening a jock with a knife because he was being a dick who wouldn't just pick another bus seat and instead sat in the same one as me, pinning me in. But again, I was very polite - I didn't even open it up! Just showed him I had it.
Second highschool I went to court again over having weed.
Both of these cases were thrown out though and disappeared entirely once I turned 18.
Ate climbing nightshade and lived. You cannot kill me in a way that matters. Yes, it tasted sweet, but it had a slightly drying/tannin-y aftertaste.
Again with highschool - I ran into a moving bus to stop it because it was leaving without me. It worked. For a split second though I thought I was dead and it was kinda peaceful before I recognized that, actually, I could still hear the bus engine running so I must actually be alive.
Chose internal nerve damage via rubbing alcohol up the vageen in order to avoid the then-boyfriends 5-minute mistake that would have otherwise been an 18-year mistake at minimum. Sat there with a straight face while talking to his mother.
Generic parental abuse backstory (a must have for every boss bitch ^-^)
(bio dad gets points for creativity though, I've never heard of anyone else using the bladed side of a cheese grater to spank their child at least)
Went to nursing collage, and the night before my first day of on-site training (as opposed to book learning), drank enough straight vodka (which was bought to be used as a cleaning agent from how high-proof it was) to be falling over while sitting and the nerves under my skin to be buzzing. Survived what probably should have been alcohol poisoning and went in the next day with only a mild headache.
Graduated that nursing college with full 4.0 GPA btw
That ex who almost got me pregnant? Pointed a rifle at me once. That was fun and exciting.
Another ex of mine was online harassing me to the point of resorting to Facebook Messenger to get in contact with me. I eventually contacted his mother about it, she took him to a hospital, and it turns out he had encephalitis that was effecting his behavior and perception. Still have him blocked on Discord though. Guess I technically saved his life maybe??
Also dated a guy who was a Strade kinnie, but they were like... 26 at the time, and I was.... 16? 17? A concerning gap was there. Also they later ended up kinning Lucifer, like, from the actual Bible and not a show or anything. Actual Lucifer.
All around I have a very questionable taste in men actually yet somehow I'm still alive.
Starting to develop a slight complex around it maybe. Go ahead and try bitch. I'll thank you for giving me a reason to be unhinged tho <3
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crazedlunatic · 2 years
The Caldwell’s
“I know that you want to be a captain but there are other people who have been there longer than you.”
“Come on, Dad. Do you think those two idiots should be able to train new people and make them idiots too?”
“They aren’t idiots, Mark. And one of them has a master’s in law enforcement.”
“Yeah because he works part time. Are you serious, right now?”
Matt held the door open for Adrian to go through.
A small girl catapulted across the room and skidded to a stop in front of Matt.
“Hi, Hazel.” Matt laughed.
“I brought my sugar glider!” She chirped as Matt scooped her up. “Daddy’s annoying Grandpa.”
“That happens a lot, Haz.” Matt said as his mom walked into the room.
“I would suggest not going in there.” She said, coming up to them. “Anna is stuck in there.”
“That’s my mommy.” The little girl told Adrian, speaking as if she’d known him her whole life. She then giggled adorable and said, “Grandma, this is Matt’s boyfriend.”
“I had no idea.” Matt’s mother gasped and then smiled at Adrian. “Maybe you should save Mommy and yell for her to come in here.”
Hazel leaned back and yelled, “MOMMY, COME IN HERE AND I’LL SAVE YOU!”
“I’m pretty sure you were supposed to leave the saving part out, Haz.” Matt said as a woman, presumably Anna, walked in.
“Hi, I’m Anna!” The woman, who had dark hair and brown eyes, held out her hand to shake Adrian’s hand. “I see you’ve met my spawn. She’s all her daddy, though, so don’t judge me too much.”
Hazel giggled when Matt leaned down until her long hair was touching the floor.
“Matt, please don’t. She lets me wash it twice a week and I did last night.” Anna sighed.
Matt stood up straight again and set Hazel down.
Matt’s mom went to say something to Adrian but closed her mouth as they heard Matt’s brother start talking again.
“I just don’t understand why the most qualified person—me— can’t have the position.”
“I didn’t say you couldn’t have the position. I said that I cannot nominate you.”
“It’s been an hour.” Anna told Matt. “Someone nominated you.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was Derek. Obviously, I’m two ranks too low to even do that and he probably thought it was funny.” Matt shrugged.
“Well your brother wasn’t amused.” Matt’s mom sighed.
“Which one? We all four work there.” Matt looked confused.
“Obviously the one in there griping.” His mom gave him a look.
“Nobody is going to nominate me. However, Logan and Matt have been nominated and they aren’t even qualified.”
“Pete was nominated too apparently.” Matt’s mom whispered. “He is qualified.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t want it.” Anna said.
“What do you mean, Pete was nominated?! He doesn’t want it!”
“Mark, seriously. The one day all four of us are off at the same time and you’re going to act like we’re still there? Do you realize this has happened once in, like, three years?”
“Well if you didn’t have your door shut this morning I would have done it there.”
“If I could shut my door now, son, I would. You’re reaching Matt’s level of annoying and he’s seven years younger than you.”
“Rude!” Matt called. “Also, when can I pick up my police captain badge?”
A police baton was thrown across the room and fell at Matt’s feet.
“Mark, honestly?!” Matt’s mom yelled.
“That’s police property. I don’t care if all four of you have one. It’s for hitting criminals, not each other.” Matt’s dad then yelled.
“Are you serious, Dad? Logan, Derek, and Matt use them like they’re sword fighting daily.”
Matt’s mother glared at Matt. “How old are you?”
“Fourteen, Mama.” Matt shrugged. “When Pete gets here Mark will shut up because he doesn’t want Pete to know he’s jealous.”
“Why don’t you nominate your brother?”
“I told him I would if he’d let me have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off but he said no.” Matt shrugged again.
“Doesn’t Logan make that decision?”
“Technicalities, Mama. He’s Logan’s boss. He could make it happen.” Matt said. “It’s okay. Dad’s gonna do it.”
“Not if you throw that baton back at him, I’m not!” His dad called.
Matt, who had just picked it up to do just that, pouted and dropped it as his mom left the room.
“I’m here, Mark. Shut up!” Another guy, one who looked very much like Matt, came in.
They heard silence.
“Pete, Dad said I can’t throw this at him. Will you?” Matt held out the baton.
“Hell yes.” Pete grabbed it, walked until he was just out of view of the doorway, and then threw it.
“Peter Nathaniel!” His mother shrieked.
“Guess who got nominated today, Mark? Me!” Pete said and then added, “Sorry, Mama!”
“UGH, REALLY?” Mark exclaimed. “YOU DON’T EVEN WANT IT!”
“I did it.” Matt whispered as Pete’s wife came in. “I love causing him pain because he didn’t give me off for Shop with a Cop last Christmas. It’s my favorite and he was being a dick.”
“Matt is being the most mature person under 31 in this house and there is a serious problem with that.” They heard Matt’s mom say as she walked back in.
“S’true.”  Matt shrugged. “Gabby, this is Adrian. Adrian, this is Gabby. My favorite sister in law… along with Anna, my other favorite.”
“Hi.” Adrian smiled brightly.
“It’s so good to meet you! We’ve heard a lot about you. Everyone has been excited to meet you but nobody wanted to miss it, so for the first time in three years there is not a Caldwell at the station.” Gabby smiled. “It’s a lot less intimidating as you might think and his dad is honestly the sweetest person, so don’t worry too much.”
“That does make me feel a little better.” Adrian admitted as Matt squeezed his hand.
“Plus, if his mom was around you more than one minute, that means she’ll love you.” Gabby added. “Matt, did you really nominate Peter?”
“Uh, yes. Mark’s being annoying.” Matt nodded, expression serious. “He wouldn’t give me a new gas card for my patrol car.”
Gabby rolled her eyes. “He can be so annoying… sorry, Anna.”
Anna, who was braiding Hazel’s hair, shrugged. “No apology necessary. Hazel and I both deal with it too.”
“Oh God. His boyfriend is here.” A guy walked out from in the kitchen. “How much of that did you all hear?”
“Enough.” Matt grinned.
“That’s why you shouldn’t act like a child.” Anna said.
“Yeah, Daddy!” Hazel nodded.
“Are you not going to introduce yourself, Mark?”
“I’m afraid if I go close enough, Matt will throw a baton at me.”
Matt tilted his head, smiling sweetly. “It’s nice being the strongest even though I’m the youngest. I don’t even need a baton to inflict pain, buddy.”
Mark gave him a look but came over to Adrian. “Hi, I’m Mark. I apologize that you’ve made it this far in the relationship that you have to meet us.”
“Uh…” Adrian said. “Hi?”
“Ignore him.” Anna said. “He’s really grumpy.”
“And Pete provokes him.” Gabby said.
Older Matt, or Pete, walked in with a man that could only be their father—Adrian could see him in all of them. All the ones he’d met so far.
Pete walked straight over. “Sorry. I should have introduced myself but I’m the favorite son and brother… and lieutenant. I may even get a promotion.”
Mark glared as Pete grinned.
“Hi.” Adrian smiled—very thankful that at least one of Matt’s siblings was amusing like Matt. It really made hm feel a lot more comfortable.
“And we’ve met.” Matt’s dad came forward. “But it is nice to meet you in a place that isn’t the side of the highway.”
“Uhm… sorry.” Adrian cringed a bit.
“Don’t be.” Mark said. “I’ve gotten Anna out of, like, six speeding tickets.”
“Yeah and Matt himself had eight before the age of eighteen.” Pete said.
Adrian gave Matt a look. “All of your lecturing and you’ve had six speeding tickets?”
Matt raised both arms and said, “I don’t recall this.”
“Of course you don’t.” Matt’s dad said. “You were going forty over.”
“In his defense… he had a banged up first car anyway.” Gabby said.
“You pulled me over for going eight over and you’ve gone forty miles over?” Adrian looked at Matt.
“You can blame one of the captains. He’s the one that saw you going twenty over.” Matt said sweetly. “Plus, I was hoping you’d be a dick so I could find a reason to get a ticket out of it… it was the end of the month and I spent a lot of time in the station that month and was nowhere near my quota.”
“Matthew, you can’t just go around admitting that we’re supposed to give a certain amount of tickets.” Mark looked at him, exasperated.
“Seriously? That is common knowledge, Mark.” Matt’s dad said. “Your brother is too nice and talks to anyone that comes up to him even if he’s on duty which is why he spends a straight week pulling people over at the end of the month to get caught up.”
“Actually, I just park on Laredo. People fly past that curb and I come right out behind them.” Matt said. “I spend 1 hour there each shift on the last week and I could meet my quote for the whole month. The same car that slows down because of my lights will speed going back down it… gotcha buddy. Two in one. And sometimes it’ll repeat, like, three times.”
“Can you four not talk about law for ten minutes? I know myself, Anna, and Gabby don’t want to hear it so I assume Adrian doesn’t want to either.” Matt’s mom said coming in.
“Honestly, if I’m bored and nothing is going on Derek and I will both sit there and take turns giving tickets.” Matt continued. “You know, when we drive separately. When we drive together we just take every other person ourselves.”
Matt’s dad literally massaged his own forehead.
“Only when it’s dead.” Matt reassured him.
“Yes, I know that… but you shouldn’t admit that in front of Mark.”
“I don’t give a shit what he does.” Mark shrugged. “He leads teams into buildings with drug dealers or murderers which means I don’t have to. I’ve been in the hospital twice. He’s been in four times for serious injuries. Honestly, if it weren’t for how much paperwork I had to fill out, I’d tell him to do it every day.”
“Oh my God.” Matt’s father groaned. “Don’t tell me this stuff. I’m the Chief.”
“No. Seriously.” Pete said. “I patrolled with him on Tuesday and you know that big drug addict who starts arguments in Waffle House all the time and has injured like four officers? He was going crazy with Daniel and Ted. Matt walks in and he just walks over to him and puts his hands behind his back because Matt’s knocked him down so many times.”
“Wait.” Adrian asked. “So… are all four of your sons police officers?”
“Yes.” Adrian’s mom sighed. “Matt didn’t even want to join but his dad told him he had to take law classes if he wasn’t going to go to university… of course he thought the classes were interesting and my goofy baby is gone.”
“I’m still goofy, Mama.”
“Yeah but you’re turning into Logan.” She sighed again. “And your father.”
“Don’t worry. I don’t want that much responsibility.” Matt shrugged.
“Pete, Matt, go start the grill.” Mark said.
“No?” Pete and Matt said at the same time.
“Just do it.” Matt’s father ushered both of them into the room he and Mark had walked in from—presumably the kitchen.
“… Literally all of them?” Adrian asked, looking between the three women.
“Yes.” Matt’s mother nodded. “I am terrified every day of my life… mostly for Logan and Matt. Logan gets angry and Matt’s isn’t serious enough.”
“I’ve ridden with him before.” Gabby said. “He’s serious.”
“You’re an officer too?” Adrian asked.
“Yeah. Pete and I were partners.” She nodded. “Now I work with someone else. Mainly because Pete is so protective.”
“You’re going to Harvard Law, right?” Matt’s mom asked Adrian.
“Yes. I’m in my second year.” Adrian nodded and smiled.
“What kind of law do you want to do?” She looked interested.
Given how Matt had said she barely said five sentences to his previous boyfriends, Adrian figured he must be doing pretty good.
“Civil rights mostly… although I have a feeling I’ll get pushed into environmental engineering cases since I majored in that in undergrad… I’m not in Harvard’s program but I probably know a lot more than the people who are in it.”
“So you’re, like, really smart.” Anna’s eyes were wide.
“I have really, really good memory is all.” Adrian said in an offhand way—because, honestly, if his memory wasn’t as good as it was, he probably wouldn’t have retained as much information.
“I knew all of this already.” Gabby said. “Pete and Matt are really close and Matt goes on and on about you. How smart you are, how nice you are, how hard you work.”
“He does?” Matt’s mom asked.
“Yes.” Gabby nodded. “And how sweet he is too.”
“I mean… Matt’s great.” Adrian said. “He’s sweet, funny, adorable… he’s one of the few people I’ve met that is beautiful inside and out.”
Matt’s mom’s eyes literally teared up.
“He acts like he isn’t smart but I know he is.” Adrian added somewhat lamely.
“I hate the idea of him doing this and it’s not just because he’s the youngest. He loves kids and they love him so much. I know he’d be happier doing something with children.” Gabby said.
“At first I wasn’t really nervous but now every time I hear about something on the news or the radio, I text him to make sure he’s okay.” Adrian admitted.
“We all do.” Anna said.
“And the wait until they answer is horrible.” Matt’s mom sniffled, but her eyes were no longer teary. “It doesn’t really get better and it’s been 32 years.”
“Matt knows what he’s doing, though.” Gabby reassured Adrian. “He’s one of the youngest on the force but there’s a reason he’s already a corporal and over people twice his age. He’s good solo and he’s really good at training and leading groups.”
“Plus, his dad sends him to all kinds of trainings at police academies. The only times he’s gotten seriously hurt has been in situations that nobody could have really prevented it from happening.” Anna added.
“He’s been seriously hurt?” Adrian asked.
“He’s had two broken bones, he was drugged once, and one time he was hospitalized for smoke inhalation.” Gabby said. “He’s a trooper, though. He’ll just act like nothing’s wrong.”
Adrian’s eyes widened.
“Try not to worry about him too much. He’s very aware of what’s going on around him, he’s very careful, and 99% of the time he has no problem controlling the situation.” Gabby promised. “Pete, however, may as well have a VIP room in the ER by now.”
“Mark trains a lot now but he ended up in the ER pretty often too because he’s too hot headed.” Anna said as the front door opened.
“Oooh, he’s here.” A guy who couldn’t have been much older than Matt said, coming into the house. “And Matt’s not here and you’re still alive. Mom must like you.”
Matt’s mother glared.
“I’m Logan.” Matt’s brother smiled and shook his hand. “Come with me. If you stay in here, you won’t get to make Dad love you. If you’ve won Mom over already, it’ll take like two seconds to get Dad to love you… Plus, Matt’s probably afraid they’ve ran you off or killed you.”
“I find that offensive, Logan.” Anna said.
“Just come and let us know when dinner is ready, you two.” Adrian’s mother said.
As soon as they made it outside, Matt’s face lit up.
“Oh, that’s gross.” Logan scrunched up his nose. “Young love.”
“You’re 26, Logan.” His father said after smiling at Adrian. “Did the women interrogate you?”
“Only a little bit.” Adrian smiled and went to sit next to Matt on a picnic table.
“Which means a lot. Was our mom rude?” Pete asked.
“No. She was really sweet.”
“Welp, you two better just go ahead and get married then because she’s not going to let you go, Adrian.” Matt’s dad said as Mark took over at the grill—probably to give him an opportunity to get to know Adrian.
Matt began coughing and Adrian gave him an amused look.
“Oh, you waited this long to bring him around which means you really like him.” Matt’s dad said.
“Well I wanted mom to get used to the idea.” Matt said after his coughing fit passed.
“Well you don’t have blond hair so your success rate was already higher than most of the population.” Pete said.
“I don’t know why she’s so weird about you all dating people with the same hair and eye combination as you.” Matt’s dad shrugged. “So, I have to admit… I heard you work at CMJ and one of my close friends works there.”
“Oh God.” Adrian’s eyes widened.
“He only said good things about you… and something about you being a genius?”
“What?”  Matt asked.
“Uh… I did really well in undergrad and in—”
“Matthew, he had a perfect GPA, a 103 on his LSAT, and was in the 99.9 percentile.”
“Woah.” Matt’s eyes widened.
Mark, Pete, and Logan all looked at Adrian.
“So you’re, like, a genius?” Pete asked.
“I just… have a really good memory.” Adrian said lamely.
“Meaning you’re a genius. You’d get paid tons of money in the FBI.” Mark said.
“Did you hear me say he works at CMJ with Robbie? He’s the smartest person in that building.” Matt’s dad said. “He’s going to be a lawyer which will pay a lot better than the FBI.”
“Wait.” Matt said. “Wait. What? Are you really…?”
“… Yeah?” Adrian cringed.
“You’re a genius.”
“No. I just have really good memory.”
“Which makes you a genius.” Pete said as Logan nodded in agreement.
“I bet all of our knowledge put together would be, like, a quarter of yours if that.” Mark said.
“Maybe he should be nominated for captain.” Logan grinned.
“I will throw this spatula at you.” Mark threatened, holding it up.
“I know this may be alarming because they’re all police officers, Adrian, but I promise they usually like each other.” Matt’s dad said. “And they usually act like adults on the job.”
“Even if he was nominated and won, you’d still be the only one in the family without a significant other.” Pete scoffed. “I mean, Matt has a boyfriend and you can’t even get a girl to call you back.”
“They don’t act like this at work… at least, not in front of people they aren’t related to.” Matt’s dad continued as Mark threw a hamburger bun at Pete. “I never thought I’d see the day Matt was acting more mature than you.”
Matt grabbed the ketchup and after seeing his father’s glare, put it back down on the table.
“Are they always like this?”
“It’s not usually quite this annoying… but it is always pretty annoying. If you get three of them in any combination it’s not bad but you get all four of them and they revert to elementary school age.” His father sighed. “Especially Logan. He’s usually the instigator.”
“It’s just so easy to pit Mark against anyone.” Logan shrugged.
“You probably won’t fit in with all of them because you’re quiet.” Matt’s dad continued.
“Quiet in the streets, naughty in the sheets.” Logan ‘whispered’ but everyone could hear it.
“I am going to kill you after I take him home. I’m going to go to your house and murder you.” Matt threatened.
“He’s forever alone so it’ll take weeks for anyone to find out.” Pete said.
“Dad, that was terroristic threatening.” Logan said.
“Only it wasn’t a threat.” Matt glared. “It was a promise.”
“Can you just explain to me what you see in Matt?” Logan asked Adrian. “Seriously?”
“No matter what I say, I’ll get into trouble with someone so I’m going to go with ‘no.’” Adrian shrugged.
“You must be an oldest child.” Mark said, looking at him.
“Yep.” Adrian nodded.
“Oh God. You’re marrying a Mark.”
“I’m not marrying anyone! It’s been seven months!” Matt yelped.
“Oh, you will.” Pete said. “I can see it. You’ve both got hearts popping out of your eyes Looney Toons style.”
“This is why I haven’t brought him yet.” Matt covered his face.
“Wait.” Adrian grinned. “Are you embarrassed?”
“It’s so cute, isn’t it?” Logan snickered. “Dad, better start saving up for a wedding.”
“I hate you all.” Matt groaned after lowering his hands. “Except Adrian.”
“Because you loves him.” Mark cooed.
“Bye.” Matt hopped and walked back into the house.
“The only time you can embarrass him is when he’s in love.” Pete said. “He’s already said it, hasn’t he?”
“Yes.” Adrian nodded.
“Okay, boys. The teasing stops.” Matt’s dad said. “He’s not been in love since he was eighteen.”
“Which was yesterday.” Logan whispered loudly. He then winced when a baton hit him square in the back of the head.
“HA!” They heard Matt call before a window shut.
“Always.” His dad looked at Adrian. “It is always like this when the four of them are together.”
“Your house was very loud, wasn’t it?” Adrian asked.
“Yeah but 90% of it was probably either Matt or instigated by Matt.”
“I can… totally see that.”
“Then he’s being his 100% true self around you.” Pete laughed. “Which means you must be crazy to even be here.”
“Probably.” Adrian shrugged, causing Matt’s dad to laugh loudly.
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superlutscher · 2 years
My FLR with Sarah: Act V
Although Sarah and I were having a female lead relationship most of the time it felt like a "normal" relationship. Well, I don't know what a "normal" relationship is. Is it a heterosexual relationship with in which both partners are equal? Maybe that is how most people would describe a "normal" relationship. But in most cases, and historically, men would yield more power in a relationship than women. That doesn't necessarily mean, that men abuse their women. Both partners love each other and support each other. You only notice the inequality within a relationship when there is a decision to make and both partners differ in their choice, it is the men how has the final word. And you notice the inequality in the amount of household tasks of which women tend to have more. Sarah and my relationship was just like this, just the other way round. She was the one who made the important decisions. And after a while of getting her used to the idea of being the boss, I also got more household tasks to do. I kept my own flat, but we spent most of the time in her flat. I started cleaning the kitchen, vacuum cleaned the flat, cleaned the bathroom among other things. Cooking remained her responsibility most of the time. Apart from the switched gender roles, the most significant difference to relationships of other couples was her right to have other men. Technically, I had the same right regarding other women, but we both now, that this was unlikely to happen. Until that moment she hadn't had made use of her right to fuck another man, apart from making out with a guy on a party. I have also been on the party and I think Sarah just kissed the guy to find out how I would react. As a response I tried to flirt with a girl, I had chosen a rather unattractive one to increase the probability of success with her, but it didn't work out. She was more interested in another guy whom she also picked up that night. On our way home, I was still jealous and Sarah asked me if everything was alright. I said "Yes",
knowing what was up, she asked "Are you jealous?"
"Well, yes, a bit, but I just have to accept it and will get used to it."
"Okay." then she hugged me.
As I sad before, we loved each other. I told her once, while we were having sex. She was riding me and her huge breasts were bouncing above my head while she held me arms over my head. Occasionally, I tried to reach her big and hard nipples with my mouth, but pressing my arms on the bed prevented me from reaching high enough. I was so excited that I looked her into the eyes and told her that I love her. She responded with "I know, sweetheart". This was, when I reached the point and came inside her. She tenderly stroke my face with her hand and I mourned while my wiener was still wincing. From that day on I almost daily said "I love you" to her.
It took her a couple of more weeks until she was ready to tell my that she loved me. It was already late at night and I was cleaning up the dishes. Sarah wanted to go to bed and came into the kitchen, tore down my pants and put on the chastity cage. It happened so quickly that my wiener didn't have to get hard before the cage was locked. She hugged me and said that she loved me. I was a bit surprised by the cage and her words that I my reaction was a bit weird. I said "Thank you". She gave me a kiss, smiled at me and walked out. I rearranged my pants and suppressed the pain which the cage caused to my wiener and my balls. Although I got used to the cage, the pain didn't cease. It also seemed that my wiener didn't learn that not getting hard inside the cage would hurt less. When we went to bed, I had to wait at least half an hour until my wiener didn't try to get hard anymore and the pain ceased. Usually, Sarah was already asleep by that time.
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