#maybe the best of the three?? maybe?? well. best songs. imo.
tuesday again 9/24/2024
you might be wondering “is my dear friend tumblr user girlfriendsofthegalaxy still unemployed?” the answer is yes. take this cat off my hands please i don’t think he’s causing the unemployment but he certainly isn’t helping
via Wendy @dying-suffering-french-stalkers, Huoy Meas' ប្រគល់ក្ដីស្នេហ៍មកខ្ញុំវិញ. figuring out what this incredibly zippy Cambodian rock song is named and what it's about was really difficult bc spotify is a bane upon this earth and won't let you fucking copy-paste and OCR was not working on the Khmer script. i ended up listening to the first couple seconds of each of her songs on apple music, and finally figured out this roughly translates to Give Me Back My Love and is about begging a fuckboy for closure.
via the spotify discover weekly, Night Club's Pretty Girls Do Ugly Things. all Night Club's songs sound the same so if you like one, great news! i had this song on for a full gregorian hour bc, i am only a tiny bit ashamed to say, i was storyboarding a The Man With No Name fancam to this. i think it would go pretty hard.
Smoke you like a cigarette Choke you like a lariat Fatalistic tourniquet Do you want more?
thank you mackintosh.
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i did not Adore any of these comics from the library. i sort of enjoyed Night of the Ghoul, a one-volume TPB by Scott Snyder and Francesco Francavilla. i think ive blogged about this before but every once in a while i'll get a bee in my bonnet to read some horror comics even though i am a giant baby about horror movies.
Night of the Ghoul is about how you can't save your dad from PTSD but also about a lost horror film and also about the extremely dad behavior of tracking down every scrap of info about an auteur. there's also a monster.
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the subtle art changes from present day to the remains of the film to the non-film flashbacks are well done, imo. the cover screams mignola but the inside pages are really fun pulp nonsense. i love a piece of genre writing that rolls around and delights in being a piece of genre writing.
im doing my level best not to get sucked into tiktok but i DO love watching this lady revive antique nail polish and look for dupes for shades from like the 20s. she found an almost exact dupe for a shade produced during wwii which is crazy insane to me!!!
The Asphalt Jungle (1950, dir. Huston), it's a very painterly heist noir. i even like Sterling Hayden in one of the more prominent roles, even though i think he generally has the appeal of undercooked dough.
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much like Fritz Lang's M, it presents the criminal element of the city as its own class with its own reputation and reference systems. it got in some trouble with the censors for having a VERY clearly laid out heist plan and execution. it's also got the babiest Marilyn Monroe in one of her earliest roles
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this was such a gloriously messy movie. everyone is such a fucking mess. this woman only known as Doll is heartbreakingly, head over heels in love with Sterling Hayden's character. she's a little flighty and bumbling and silly, but determined! they're constantly orbiting the gravitational weight of her desire for this man and desire for a real life with this man. and that's just one subplot! she has maybe five minutes total screentime! she should have gotten a supporting actress oscar!!! everyone acted their fucking hearts out and it was so much fun to watch!
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monument valley is in the netflix games library this month (i don't actually know what their liscencing agreements would even look like, they and the studios they worked with were very tightlipped about that when they were rolling this out three years ago) but i assume it's going to be on the service for a while. i have never played this game, which makes me feel a little bit like a bad gamer. you can tell it's ten years old from some of the color and texture choices, but WOW did literally everyone take inspiration from this game.
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this is the platonic ideal of a phone game. i get why everyone went insane about it and there was a brief boom of geometry-based puzzle mobile games. it is MUCH much harder now to get people to pay money to play a game that has a planned endpoint and planned number of levels, so netflix is a good home for it.
i was often frustrated but always delighted. the level below involves making something happening that made me genuinely gasp out loud in glee. well worth the annoyance of downloading the netflix app and scrolling through the poorly labeled and poorly sorted carousel of games.
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great retrospective, a bit about how you need to have tiny teams go off and just kind of fuck around and bring weird stuff back, and a lot about how they actually designed the levels
The end result had a pixel-perfect axonometric aesthetic that not only went hard on its references to Dutch master artist and printmaker Maurits Cornelis Escher, but also dug deep into classic video game design, going right back to early arcade machines and 8-bit titles. Each of the ten levels is like a piece of fine furniture, built with invisible dovetail joints and inlaid with marquetry, stuffed with secret compartments and little design flourishes. Gray cites the world of theatre and stage design, as well as graphics, as important keystones in the way the levels were constructed. ‘Ken would always talk about flower arranging, and how you frame a silhouette of a level on the screen,’ he says.
update on the Phantom Menace fabric: pinked the raw edges and threw it in the laundry again with a very large quantity of vinegar. 50% poly was too high for it to really do anything, which is interesting. it didn’t lessen the seam edge effects either, which is a little annoying bc the seams were so gigantic and that’s a good chunk of fabric to lose. i am going to buy a camp shirt pattern at some point when i have money again but for now it goes in The Box
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also! thrifted a pack of o-rings for jars for a dollar and finally put my grains etc in my pretty jars. they’re going to live in the pantry but today they live out on the countertop
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tuliptic · 9 months
Crazy Form: My Ego's In This Show
First PAC of the year!! When in real I've been working on it since last year lmAO.
My main personality is peaking through this blog again cuz Ateez is back with another banger and as an Atiny, it’s my calling to do this. This reading is gonna be slightly different imo, tho I have no idea how to phrase myself on how different it is.
Most of us, if not all, have a certain side to us that can be considered crazy. The definition of crazy differs according to people and context, where some can be out of control, unbelievable, mad, or just enthusiastic. One person’s craziness is just another person’s normal, so just treat it as… How you want it to be. 
To me, this song yells about being yourself, not confining yourself to the social structure and expectations of the world. They might think we’re crazy but there’s nothing wrong with being yourself as long as you’re not harming anyone. Just close your eyes and not look if things are not to your liking, and steer away from me. Leave me alone, I don’t mind.
As usual, you can meditate before you pick a pile. However, for this reading, I’d say go for the one you first focused on, as craziness can be spontaneous. Found your pile? Let’s go see what our Crazy Form has for us!
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Pile 1 - Pile 2
Pile 3 - Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. Also, I do not consent to my work or images being used by third parties on this platform or other websites as well.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sweet Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1
A card to represent you: Death
For some reason I see you as someone who prolly is into the punk genre? Something metal? You’re constantly transforming yourself, trying new things, finding your way throughout the world probably through means that are not well received by others. Weirdly the word osmosis came to mind? You tend to throw yourself into the exact situation to learn and understand why people react a certain way. It sounds cool, but to people around you, they think you’re out of your mind cuz it could mean that you may go to the extremes to get the experience you want. But to you, you prolly feel proud of it cuz you are constantly growing at an astounding speed.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Three of Wands rx
You tend to not credit yourself? It’s giving me the feeling that you tend to look at things from the sidelines, may it be your success or achievements. You don’t mind the credits, but to others they’ll get mad cuz you were not credited accordingly. They tend to not understand why you’d let your work get taken away or used (I think the same too). This appears to be a mystery to people around you, but you know what you want, so you’re chill with it. It’s giving me the feeling where you do things to gain experience and to build yourself, not to gain recognition. May be wrong here, but you know yourself best. OvO
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Seven of Pentacles
You already chose to not take credits over your own work, and it will drive people crazy that whatever you’re doing is not the peak. You’re currently doing things at your own pace, to figure things out as you go. One day, when you decide to unlock a passion and work on it diligently, yet continuing to not take any credits for yourself, the people around you will flip. You know about this, but you’ve surrounded yourself with people who support your vision and share your values, they who believe that you’ll be able to create your own legacy sky. For some of you, you may also feel that it’s weird if you choose to take credit. Maybe it’s because there’s more than what is seen by the eyes in the material realm. For some reason I’m thinking of Saturn energy here, so some of you may be Saturn dominant.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - Justice rx
What I’m feeling from here is that you can use this to get out of situations, especially unfair situations. It can sound pretty mean but if things take a bad turn, you, being in no leadership role, can get out of it. This is also one of the reasons you dislike assuming the leadership position. To some, you may like assuming the leader position, but you’re not given the chance or you’re currently not there yet to take on the role. You’re also the type who likes to explore stuffs and hence, you have the skills and ability to venture into anything else new that you are interested in. The world is wide and there are a lot of things for you to try, and you probably go crazy with everything you wanna try, ignoring how small your plate can be.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - Queen of Pentacles
For some reason, the word “connection” came out pretty strong. Networking and connection was the first to pop up in my head. Y’know how people have been told to separate work life and personal life? That’s not what you’ll do, probably. You make friends and create connections through work, and they slowly become part of your personal life as well. I think this is a charm of yours where you are just capable of creating new bonds because of your comforting presence and of your communication skills. You don’t necessarily need to be very protective or nurturing; people just find you comfortable to talk to and the new friendship starts to grow from there. Eventually, they become part of your life even though you may not remain in the same workplace.
Overall energy: Justice, Six of Swords rx
I like how Justice came out twice for you, signifying that it’s a strong theme. Justice could mean being fair, but to me, it also talks about being critical in both mind and action. You possess a mind that’s sharp, where you can see and evaluate the various situations that you’re in, noticing details that many people don’t. It’s like… You’re being guided through all of these so you’re able to throw yourself into as many passion projects as you like. However, remember to keep things in moderation else you’ll feel the burn-out or you’ll get overwhelmed with everything going on. Take care.
Pile 2
A card to represent you: The Hanged Man rx
This card in reverse usually talks about delays, resistance, and even self sacrificing too much. Have you been doing so? Have you been creating a lot of inner tension within yourself, where you try to maintain the exterior peace of the environment and ignore the need of your own inner peace? Remember that external peace isn’t your peace, and that you need to take care of your own needs as well, as you’re in charge of whatever that’s in your life. There are a lot of other ways to maintain a balance out there, you just need to review your priorities and how you’d want to execute it.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? -  Three of Cups
Socialisation is the first word that came into my mind. There’s a high chance that you’re an extrovert, where you gain energy by being around people. Not exactly a party animal kinda feeling, but more of a… Vibe assimilation? It’s like, you throw yourself into a place with a good vibe and you kinda absorb the good vibe and make yourself feel better with it. Once you’re feeling better, you feel that you’re more prepared to face whatever problems you were facing. It’s also the other way round, where you give out good vibes and fun times to those around you who are having a hard time. But also, you need to be aware if this is their preferred love language or you may not be helping them the way they need it.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Page of Cups rx
Are you a romantic? Cuz this card here is giving me this vibe. It feels like… You’re a romantic in heart, where your heart is open to love as it manifests into the world. Take this as a reminder to not go wild. You can fall in love deep and quick, and can jump to new relationships easily. To you, you just view love as love, and you think it’s alright to get into or break off relationships cuz you’re loyal to love. However, a relationship doesn’t work only on love, but also responsibilities, loyalty, and a lot of other aspects. Ground yourself, find out what is it that you want by getting into relationships. From there, only you figure out how you can work things out without potentially harming other people in the relationship.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - Wheel of Fortune rx
I feel that with your Crazy Form, you are very capable of changing the courses of lives. Plural. It’s not only your life that you’re changing, where you learn through the relationships and experiences you’ve gone through; but also the lives of others who have been in relationships with you, where they may learn a thing or two, or even have problems with the idea of “love”.  You know that you’re the co-creator of your life and destiny, but also, you need to be aware of the impact you have, how you can also change the lives of others for the better. You now know you have the power, how you’re gonna use it is now up to you.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - The Devil, Page of Swords
You can be the Devil, where you can draw out the worst possible potential in someone; or you can also be the Messenger, where you share your knowledge and wisdom to those who are interested in them. There’s a lot you can achieve, but ultimately, it depends on which path you want to tread on. You, Pile 2, you know you’re fire, you know you can warm people or burn them. I don’t want to repeat things but yeah. You can make a name for yourself, may it be in a nice light or a not-nice light. Whatever you choose, make sure you think through the consequences of your actions, and if you’re alright or satisfied with the outcome. 
Overall energy: Temperance rx, Four of Wands
Overall speaking, there’s a lack of balance in this pile. It feels like the energy is scattered, and that now you’re taking your time to piece the puzzles (scattered energy, self-expectations, better understanding of yourself)  into a nice and harmonious picture (you). You are searching for a community where you are comfortable with, you can work together with. I don’t think this pile has much difficulties in self-acceptance, but if you do, do work on them as it could be your greatest challenge. Once you’re through that?  You’ll be surprised by how much power you have.
Pile 3
A card to represent you: The Hierophant
I… Am conflicted with how I should word myself. The Hierophant is usually related with traditional and conventional methods. There’s a hint of tradition here, but what I’m feeling is more of a… Fusion? It’s like you’re working with whatever and whichever part of the tradition you agree with, and mixing it with something else to have a new blend. This is you. You are good at combining the best of both worlds to bring forth something new that is comforting to you and the people around you. You may also have been told that you have a healing presence? Or you’re working on your inner healing right now, especially childhood trauma. 
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Ten of Wands rx
The way you willingly and fearlessly take up responsibilities is what people (including myself) think is crazy about you. Most people will consider and ponder, weighing the pros and cons before deciding if they wanna take up the responsibility to take up something or anything. But for you, it’s like you have some sort of blind faith that you’ll be able to do things and hence, you take up the responsibility. You also have almost no fear in showing or exposing your vulnerability. You understand that being vulnerable doesn’t necessarily mean weak, and you honour that part of you, showing it and proving that being vulnerable doesn’t mean you can’t achieve things.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - Four of Pentacles rx
You’re actually… restraining yourself a lot. Unknown to the people around you (or even yourself), you have always felt the need to exert control over particular things, or even other people, but especially yourself. The controlling side of yours is due to the insecurities that you’ve experienced, probably as a kid, where you need to have a certain control over situations so that you can be assured of your self value. You probably have gone through child trauma and do not hold trust in the world, nor in people around you, which led to you wanting to be in charge of things so you can exert dominance to make sure you’re not on the passive or losing end.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - The Magician rx, Five of Cups rx
You can use that controlling energy and redirect them to some other things, such as creativity expressions (creating new things to have fun) or even focusing on healing past traumas. All of these require a lot of energy and time, which is something really suitable for you to work on as you expand not only your views on things, but also to learn acceptance and to be kinder to yourself. Expansion is a huge theme where you need to find things out and figure them out as you journey in life. There’s a lot of time for you to figure things out, so it’s best to not rush and learn to take things at your own pace.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - Eight of Pentacles
Success is guaranteed if you put your energy in the right things. You’ll be able to become the pinnacle in whatever fields you have decided to step into. The tenacity you have, the diligence and hard work you’ve put into curating your portfolio and honing your skills will be well repaid in the forms of success, achievements, recognition and even power. However, there’s a need to maintain balance in all things, and to continue striving and improving. Know that you’ll need to constantly learn how to change your controlling energy to something that’s more… beneficial? Something that can help you (and/or the people you care for) in the long run. 
Extra cards: Five of Pentacles
An extra message for you right now is that you still will need to go through some things before you reach there. You’re still in the process of learning, and you’ll face your own trials soon enough. You need to be aware of your own mindset, your own actions; only then you’ll be able to make the necessary changes for you to be able to unlock your highest potential. Your guides are also actively sending you messages. Trust in your guts, your feelings, your guides; they’re your strongest compass and confidant.
Overall energy: Death, The Star
This pile focuses a lot on the importance of change, and how it’s capable of making your life better or worse. However, it also reassures that there’s a silver lining within every dark cloud. There may be a sense of defeat for some who chose this pile, but it is also a sign of telling, where you’re called to surrender the old and limiting beliefs before you can be reborn into limitless possibilities. The process of being reborn is not easy, and you will need help around you to go through those times. Not saying that you can’t handle everything alone, but getting help and assistance from people around you, especially those who are close to you can help you and make your life so much easier. So why go through the long-winded route?
Pile 4
A card to represent you: The Emperor
I’m getting a… Growl? People probably paint you as dominant or domineering at times (or most of the time). You may have a stronger masculine energy, even if you identify as some other genders. There’s this fire energy that feels like Scorpio as well, where people (including your subordinates and to some extent, friends) may feel afraid. Some of you are aware of this and are pleased with this, but some of you are unaware of this trait of yours. You can choose to either work on it and be a benevolent king, or you can be a tyrant. The choice is yours, you are who you want to become.
1. What do people think is crazy about you? - Temperance, Two of Pentacles
You’re able to remain your balance amidst the changes that are happening around you. There’s just this… Stability in you that assures the people around you. Pluto is in Capricorn and it’s about to enter Aquarius for good. We have seen how things changed around us, and how there were more… THings that have been constantly happening. Yet, even with the never-ending chaos, you still manage to keep your emotions and rationality at a healthy level. You know that you rely not only on yourself, but also your dreams and your spirit’s energy to reach your highest good. But still, you achieving this is just insane in many people’s eyes.
2. What craziness is in you that has not been unleashed? - King of Swords rx
People are seeing the balanced side of you at the moment, but they probably have not thought of you being a person who focuses more on the mind than the emotional side. You probably have the habit of noticing the slightest things, and you’re very capable of putting the small pieces together to form the bigger picture. If anyone ever wrongs you, this side of yours will appear and will probably mess up their life cuz they messed yours. You do put in effort in keeping this side of yours aside as you’re very much intending on keeping things civil.
3. How can you use your Crazy Form to your advantage? - The Chariot
If you ever wanted to take over the corporate business, you’re very capable of doing so. Take the wheel, steer to where you want to head to, and hit the gas. You will not be lost as long as you are sure of where you’re going. Also, because of this introspective side of yours, you can help a lot of those who are in need. I’m somehow seeing you piecing up information to gather evidence against domestic violence cases. You are willing to help, as long as they ask. The same goes to you, where you’ll also receive help from the universe when you ask for them. You just seem to be in sync with divine timing, which is something you can pay attention to.
4. What can you achieve from this entire thing? - The High Priestess rx
I am very tempted to say that you’ll end up losing your feminine and intuitive side, but there’s more to it. Sure, there may be chances of you straying away from the quieter side of you, but it is also a chance for divine intervention where your guides are re-introducing you the importance of your feminine side, showing you how being in-tune with your emotions can bring you to places you’ve never thought of, to bring your the emotional fulfilment that you’ve never imagined. More importantly, it’s an opportunity for you to learn the importance of stability and sustainability, and make sure that whatever you do and learn is gonna be part of your life, part of your identity.
Overall energy: The Hanged Man rx, The Tower rx
There’s quite some blockage here that you’re facing, where you may feel challenged with everything that’s happening around you. Remember that you’re not in control of everything around you, that things happen for a reason, and that it’s okay to go along the flow from time to time. The Universe is trying to guide you to where you’re supposed to be, so stop being stubborn and learn to accept things for the time being. At least, until you’re strong enough to go against what you’ve decided to fight. You’re meant to do great things, to achieve so much more in life. But first, you need to learn to accept your flaws and the harsh reality, only then you can be sure of what you want to rebel against.
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qwertyfingers · 3 months
Is the Get To Heaven dislike real or for jokes?
it is mostly A Joke About Contrarianism. I still like it but its easily my least favourite EE album and has some of their weakest singles aside from no reptiles imo. the fact they still play regret distant past AND spring/sun at like Most Shows winds me up when they will then only play one man alive or reanimator song makes me turn into the fucking jokerrrrrr. but i find myself getting bored during the chorus repeats for those three in a way i dont for tracks from any of the other album? idk. on a technical/"objective" front i'm aware its a very cohesive & well made & Good Album but i also just Don't Like It as much as the others personally. THAT BEING SAID from the wheel->warm healer is a perfect run of music like i have no notes about that. it's complicated!!!
i DO think a lot of my irritation of it is simple contrarianism because I've been an EE fan since 2009 and the fact that Many modern fans have this very strongly held opinion that GTH is The Best One and they'll never make anything like it again frustrates me deeply. like they talk about it the way weezer fans talk about pinkerton and i am tired of it sorry!!!! its been nine years! there are six other albums!! cold reactor is one of the best tracks they've ever put out!!!!!!!!!!!
any criticism i have of GTH needs to be understood as coming from a place of still listening to this album dozens of times a year every year anyway like i listen to everything everything a LOT and these are the deranged rantings of a man who would still rate it at the lowest at maybe a 6.8. basically i just think they should replace the singles with the first three deluxe tracks with maybe some rejigging of the order and itd be a better album ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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bro-atz · 8 months
ateez watching indian movies with you
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author's note: i'm a brown atiny who majored in film aka bollywood/indian movies are a huge part of my identity— i was watching kal ho naa ho the other night nd was thinking abt whether or not atz would watch indian movies w me and what their reactions would be. also, i def missed a huge chunk of movies so pls excuse me ehe
taglist: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads apply for the permanent taglist here!
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hongjoong: this poor baby he's so dedicated to his work but would do his best to make time for the two of you to watch a three hour long indian movie with you, only to fall asleep part way through. he'd last the first 10-15 minutes then pass out, and if you're watching a south indian film, he'll immediately wake tf up when a gun goes off or during the first fight scene. he'd really want to watch rrr with you but fully fall asleep, only to be scared awake during the scene with ntr jr (bheem) wrestling the tiger and be scared shitless from there. however, if you're watching a romcom? gl bc the man is definitely fully asleep and will wake up at the end and say, "that was good i enjoyed it!" you want to be mad at him, but he looks so well rested that you're glad he enjoyed the movie in some way, shape, or crazy form. but fr he'd love the movies that are super detailed and conceptual like if he watched pushpa: the rise, he's definitely highly anticipating pushpa: the rule. he's a 2 part film kinda guy imo he loves the long development and the intensive research and the dedication a director puts into his work. i think he's a rajamouli guy for sure. maybe even like sholay, lagaan, english vinglish— you get the idea.
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seonghwa: seonghwa's a super emotional audience member— everything affects him so deeply, especially scenes with heartbreak or little kids. like, the scene in kuch kuch hota hai where kajol (anjali) finds out that srk (rahul) is in love with rani mukherji (tina) and she's just sobbing and then the song plays? hwa is fully sobbing. he's like clinging to you and drying his eyes and you're patting his back while whispering "it's just a movie it's okay" but it's not okay because unrequited love HURTS. he's definitely more of a bollywood romcom person and probably will want to binge all of srk's movies with you one night, and during the most romantic songs, he'll stand up and copy the iconic srk stance (you know the one with his arms stretched out and then the female lead runs into his arms) and he'll 100% expect you to run into his arms. he's a karan johar bitch fr... either karan johar or yrf. i feel like he wouldn't really vibe with south indian films and end up preferring the sappy, bollywood romcom. but, he's totally an indian serial slut and would binge everything like there's no tomorrow (yeh rishta, iss pyaar ko kya naam doon?, bade achhe lagte hain, and so on) but in terms of movies, he'd love kabhi alvida naa kehna, kabhi kushi khabi gham, kal ho naa ho, dostana, kuch kuch hota hai, chalte chalte (just call him an srk stan and move on).
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yunho: one word: golmaal. he would love the shit outta rohit shetty i'm telling you. like, yes, he appreciates the fine cinema that comes from india, but rohit shetty's got him rolling on the floor in fits. yunho gives such bakwas indian movie vibes but we're here for it— like, the dumbassary in golmaal 2 is everything to him, and chennai express would send him into fits (especially the drunk srk scene). he'd also 100% get up on his feet and start dancing to the upbeat songs in the films more than anything, though, he would fully make fun of the super dramatic scenes with the bawling and sobbing— and i'm not talking about truly tragic scenes but like when the sadness is overdramatic and it suddenly starts raining while the main character is crying (specifically the song tujhe yaad na meri aayee from kuch kuch hota hai) so it's safer to stick to the dumb funny movies... maybe give good newwz a whirl
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yeosang: yeosangie is happy to do anything and everything with you even if he knows the movie will confuse the shit outta him. you'd probably start the guy off on the sequel to a movie (my brain immediately went don 2 or dhoom 2) and he'll be so mad confused the whole time, so he'll keep asking you questions during the movie because he wants to be just as invested in it as you are. more than anything, though, he's more invested in you explaining the movie because of how passionately you talk about the plot and the characters and the dialogue— you might as well forego the movie and just describe the movie to him while spooning in bed. that being said, he'd probably also rewatch the movie a couple of times to fully wrap his head around the film now that he's acquired your commentary and can pair it with the visuals in the film. either that or the poor thing would fall asleep... but he'd fall asleep on your shoulder and just sink into your embrace so fuck the movie just cuddle and take a nap while armaan malik sings in the background
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san: san is such a wild card imo but let's be real i feel like he'd be such a horndog while watching movies so it doesn't even matter what movie you put on he'll only be half present, especially if the don series or race series or lust stories is playing oh dear god don't show this man cocktail if you want to actually watch a movie with you... or pathaan dear lord help BUT i feel like he'd be more interested in the family related movies— like where family is everything so k3g, ala vaikunthapurramuloo, bomarillu, chillar party, main hoon na, tararumpum, etc. also maybe even the ones about friendship, so zindagi naa milegi dobara, 3 idiots, dil chahta hai, jaane tu ya jaane na, rang de basanti, kai po che— again, the wildest of cards. he'd be down to see anything honestly. anything for his love wink wonk
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mingi: god this boy i feel like he would ask all the questions in the world like every other dialogue it's just another question (but they're all related to the movie so it's... okay?) but he just won't have the patience to wait for the next scene to answer his question. no, he wants to know from you so movies like 83, chak de india, dil bole hadippa, paan singh tomar, jersey (BUT THE TELUGU ONE JFC NOT THE HINDI ONE I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH), dangal, basically any sports movie would be best for him because most of his questions would be about the sport so there's no chance of you spoiling the movie for him but i feel like he'd also be a huge priyanka chopra fan but some of her filmography is........ traumatizing? confusing? i'm thinking fashion specifically for trauma while what's your raashee? is just so unbelievably confusing. he'd also like deepika padukone, alia bhaat, samantha, rashmika— as long as she's pretty and a talented actress, mingi's gonna vibe
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wooyoung: indian movies are his jam imo he'd get up on his feet every single song and dance his heart out even if the song is super duper sad (man's is fully dancing to naatu naatu but then also sadly jamming to komuram bheemudo two seconds later the duality is insane). his favorite actors are definitely allu arjun, vijay, hrithik roshan, varun dhawan, tamannaah— and he would rewatch the shit outta abcd and dhoom 2 because the dance numbers are truly impeccable. movies like abcd, rab ne bana di jodi, chance pe dance are right up his alley but i also feel like he'd have fun watching bunty aur babli, jhoom barabar jhoom, race gurram, etc. he's a happy-go-lucky kinda movie guy, imo
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jongho: jongho's the type to be super judgmental but like in the best way possible. he sits and watches the movie quietly with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows furrowed. super quiet and super serious. you sneak glances at him every so often but you seriously can't tell what's going on in his head until he debriefs you after the movie is done, which could go one of two ways: he spares your feelings and tells you he likes the movie (if you tell him that this movie is your most favorite movie in the world) or be completely straightforward with you and dive into an in-depth film analysis. i feel like he'd prefer the movies with gorgeous soundtracks though and want to learn to sing some of the songs (we hate kabir singh in this house but bekhayali would shake his world, and fanaa oh lord he would love that ost with all of his heart... maybe even the main hoon na ost) but lordy any ost with sid sriram is his JAM
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ghst-signal · 3 months
Writers Guild Presents: When I Think About You, Flowers Grow Out Of My Grave
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When I Think About You, Flowers Grow Out Of My Grave
A Hastur/Ligur Doppelbanging Fic Featuring Hastur, Ligur, and, a surprise guest, Angel!Ligur
CW/TW/Tags: Hastur POV, Hastur-centric, Maggot Husbands*, Rare Pair, Hastur Has a Penis, Ligur Has a Penis, Both Ligurs have a Penis, Bottom Hastur, Top Ligur, PWP, Porn with very minor plot so the threesome makes sense, threesome m/m/m, anal sex, anal rimming, anal fingering, blow job, ahegao**, facial, bifurcated tongue, Porn with Feelings
*I promise absolutely no maggots in the story - this is just their unfortunate ship name
** sorry to @vieux-yeux for making you learn a new smut word while beta’ing this and then immediately making you think about Hastur in this context***
Summary: There’s nothing left for Hastur after Armageddon fails and the trial against Crowley flops. Nothing except to get drunk and mope. However, against all odds the only demon he would admit to being a friend (and alright maybe even something more) is back and he’s brought an angel with him. Written for Good Omens After Dark Doppelbanging Event 2024.
Excerpt: Hastur was drinking himself to discorporation—or something close to it—in a remote area of Hell. After the death of the only demon he would have ever considered a friend (and maybe something more if he was being honest but he wasn’t drunk enough for that yet) and the botched trial of the traitor, there was little else to do but wallow in self-pity and grief.
He goes to take a swig of the cheap whiskey, finding only drops remaining. Growling in displeasure he throws the bottle against a wall, watching the glass shatter and gather with the remains of the other three before it. The destruction that usually brings him some amount of satisfaction doesn’t make him feel any better. He just feels empty. He considers miracling up another bottle, but he isn’t sure if he can in this state. He could ask an Eric, or some other junior demon, to fetch him more booze, but he had hidden himself well in this little storage closet deep in the bowels of Hell. There are few places to find privacy from the massive throngs of demons and he’s pretty sure he is the only one that knows of this place now. He remembers when Ligur first showed it to him as he lets a ghost of a smile fall to his lips.
Continue reading on AO3
Thank you so much to my beta’s @isiaiowin (another demon lover, go check out her ShaFur fics!) and @vieux-yeux. This story would have a lot less commas and not make as much sense if it wasn’t for their tireless work!
@goodomensafterdark thank you for being the best good omens community a goblin could hope for!
PS. If you don’t know the song I stole the title from, please give it a listen. It’s by my favorite band Dead Man’s Bones. They only have one album and it is amazing imo. (also it’s a duo and one half of it is Ryan Gosling if that entices anyone)
***JK I’m not sorry at all
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myloveforhergoeson · 5 months
Hiya! 😊 You're now a writer for the show. What three episode storylines are you gonna write? (In other words, what are you gonna make the boys do?)
ohm y god i literally have so many episode ideas but i'll try not to repeat any of the ones i've made posts about (except my first bullet bc im so passionate about it) so i'll give you my big list. most if not all will likely be something i DO end up writing about in my own story because ehehe i love making them do things
ones i think i've mentioned before:
a returning to minnesota chapter!! not for anything but nostalgia, getting to see the guy's favorite places, seeing their friends and families, bringing them back to realize how far they'd come. not so shy spon for my fic but i wrote a chapter like this last month and it's probably one of my favorite things i've written to date. it let me explore some of the boys' past, family dynamics, a little bit about Katie and agh i can't believe btr didn't capitalize on that at least once. ik its expensive to fund sets and hire new actors but idk i imagine it like an hour special where they could afford to shell out a bit more. idc when it happens, could be after they sign their record contract or the last episode or whatever :)
sketch comedy episode, something akin to saturday night live or so random
graduation! like you and i talked about lol i think it would be sweet
get me in the writers room stat:
originally i'd planned a "home alone lost in new york" like chapter for my story around thanksgiving where the boys are going to perform at the parade in town but they end up having their own adventure around the city beforehand. boyish antics, screaming gustavo, beautiful scenes, the works. i was just in too much of a slump to actually put it to paper :)
more tour-focused chapters (again, spon for my own fic lol) the episode in Canada was cute and the one on the bus was fun but idk there's just so many elements toward touring that i think they could've capitalized on; homesickness (for CA or MN), hardship of a go go go schedule, or fun things like being able to travel with your best friends and not ending up on the world's most wanted list lol. i know they tried really hard with this one so i don't blame them too much but my vision is just different and that's okay!
crossovers! while i'm so very happy dan schnider didn't have either of his disgusting hands in big time rush, i do remember watching the icarly/victorious crossover for the first time and wishing big time rush were there. it takes place in LA! the victorious kids are singers! carly, sam, and Freddie are pop culture experts! it would've worked really well :) so i'm writing that as a chapter for my fic LMAO
generally either an episode focusing in on or more scenes including james and lucy since the writers wanted them to be together so bad. inherently there's nothing wrong with them being together, but i do not think the relationship was given enough time to develop. give me lucy discovering her feelings for him, give me james not being creepy and obsessive about her; something more needed to be done on both of their parts to make me believe in it
additionally on that note more with jo/kendall and logan/camille; i love them both but they also had little development, just more than james/lucy. maybe they give carlos a gf (not alexa IMO, sorry. that got into weird territory for me idk why they made him be with a "real" person when he isn't other than they were already together irl) earlier and they can all have like conversations about their gfs and how much they love being together idk
and another generally, there were many songs btr put out that i love so much and feel like deserved their own episodes for hehe. i know not all of them have storylines easily transposed but i think they used confetti falling like four different times in the last season when any other love song from their third album could have been placed instead
and also another generally, and i know the early 2000s would've never allowed this for children's television but they should have and i'm the writer now!!!, but more representation all around. maybe some episodes about cultural heritage that didn't make stereotypes the main focus, canon LGBTQIA+ characters, holidays that aren't christmas, aspects like that where all kids can see themselves represented... LA is such a huge melting pot, it's not all white kids trying to make their dreams come true!
good god that was long SORRY AKJBSKJGBAB i have a lot to say and there's a lot im trying to incorporate into my story to add in what i think enhances the already present storyline. that's what's so beautiful about fandom, i love that we can have conversations like this :)
but what about you? anything you'd like to add in? i'd love to know <3 thank you for the question!
ask me a question! save my life!
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leave-your-body · 26 days
hiiii juno :)))) ive been getting really into mcr lately and with you being my Certified MCR Mutual tm i thought you could give me some recs maybe .............. so far I've only listened to the black parade and i really liked it :))))
HI ARI how have u been!!!!!!!!! i love u my king i hope u are Well.
now.. HEAVY BREATHING. Yes i will give u recs.. THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME this made me really really happy!!!! sorry if this is way too in depth btw unfortunately i cant be casual about Anything
so for recs, it really depends on what music u like!! i OBVIOUSLY recommend like, the entirety of three cheers for sweet revenge. its The mcr album imo (tho not my fav, but we'll get to that in a sec), like its the one that feels the most Them and there is not a single song i would skip. i recommend watching the music videos for these too (for this album, they have mvs for helena, the ghost of you and im not okay)
NOW. my FAV album is their first one. bullets is a MASTERPIECE and even tho Objectively i have to say its not their best one, in my heart it totally is. this is the album that got me hooked on them. im obsessed. OBSESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post-hardcore emo masterpiece... again this is a no skip album but like, more so than 3 cheers. i dont just listen to these songs i fucking Feel them. BUT that being said it depends on what kind of music u like!! for specific song recs, listen to vampires will never hurt u and skylines and turnstiles (<- this is the FIRST SONG gerard wrote for the band after 9/11... Wow), but my personal favs on that album are drowning lessons and demolition lovers and honey this mirror. Smiles
aside from that, youve already listened to black parade (the bsides are ALSO worth listening to, theres only 3: my way home is thru you, kill all yr friends, and heaven help us). danger days is their most hated album but i think those ppl just hate Joy and Whimsy and Fun. i recommend watching the music videos for na na na and sing bcuz they have a Storyline but thats a whole other post. and other than that i also rec listening to bulletproof heart, summertime and vampire money
LAST ONE I PROMISE. this is REQUIRED READING: listen to foundations of decay. their newest single..it changes lives i Promise. i say 'i must fix my heart' once a day at LEAST
AGAIN SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG!!! I HOPE U ENJOY MCR let me knwo what u think :) obviously dont feel pressured to listen to all of these or even any of them!! but thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about them haha. and if u need anything else mcr-related i unfortanetely know everything about them and am more than willing to help out. okay bye
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the-banana-0verlord · 6 months
Answer some or all I wanna know more about you 👁️👁️
Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
Alright, ill try lmao
1.no, i dont have freckles!
2. I WISHED i found Coffee and tea good because its so aesthetic but it tastes bad imo
3. I checked my spotify and its girls just wanna have fun by cyndi lauper so i suppose its that
4.i move a lot but i usually end up on my side.
5. I move too much to sleep with a lot of them because they always end up on the floor. Although i do sleep with my malleus plushie.
6. Thats a hard one, because i do both. Though i think of writing as my primary hobby/eventual job, i definitely have more fun drawing(until art Block comes knocking that is)
7.depends on the thickness. Right now i have three eith two being thin and one being medium, but i could sleep with one really thick one.
8. Mitski!!! I love her so much. Otherwise I like mother mother and marina
9.the third of november!
10. 154 cm or 5 feet. No that is not short
11. Blue-grey-kaki. I like to think of them as blue.
12. All my mutuals, all my irls, my mom, my dad, and my little sister
13. Abandonnent, failure, the future in general.
14. Yellow and light blue!
15.fall! Its so pretty
16. Im not sure yet but i can maybe have someday a small tattoo. Im not a fan of qhoel body tattoos for myself.
17. Well my ears a pierced but im not gonna get more.
18. My two irls! Talking about not getting neuvillette in gneshin ;-;(and murder)
19. I dont have a best friend per se, although i do have a closest friend. Weve been friends for at least three years(already? Damn)
20. Honestly i miss my first mutual on here. I hope they come back soon ;-;
21. It just started but its been pretty good up til now!
22. About 9-10 hours?
23. I mean, there is bound to be other forms of life in space, just thousands of lightyears away.
24. Monday cause my friend said she didnt think we were friends.
25. Id say 1890 to 1900? Though the living conditions were meh i like the aesthetic
26. Generally being silly ig? I suppose i act childihs as a comic relief.
27. Currently my favorite book(s) is the Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson! It's been clawing it's way into my brain.
28. I'm actually doing quite fine. I'm a bit stressed since i'm going to boston soon but i can push out the bad thoughts!
29. I usually procrastinate decisions as far as possible. If it's a small one maybe like 2 minutes but if it's bigger ones it'll take longer(with the answer being no a lot)
30. Something i'm dreading but also am excited for is summer! Bye school but hello summer job ;-;
31. My irls and i(can i really call them irls? i met only two of them irl and once or twice. anyways-) are planning a roadtrip after we're all 18(aka in a bit more than 4 years)!
32. Either my friend's (irls+ moots) houses or in paris. I've always wanted to see paris.
33.open, my cats need to be free to walk in and out!
34. sunflowers and roses(i have a list on the meaning of each rose color) daisies are also cute.
35. i...guess? i own a banana shaped stress ball(that is very dirty i dont use it much) but idk if it counts as a squish.
36. yes, almost more than my first name. although my first and second name are kinda in the same name. it's like first name-second name.
37.cats!!! I have two(named chicken nugget and nebraska)(my family also owns dogs but oh well)
38. I'm a bit scared of heights but i wouldn't say i have a phobia
39. i usually go to sleep at 10:30 pm on weekdays, and 11:00-11:00 on weekends(when i don't have to wake up early due to sunday class)
40.Although i haven't been to a real beach a lot, i like it! And i always prefer sunny days so sun it is(to experience sunset on a beach... must be the dream)
41. I'd say the owl house! It's so colorful with two of my main kins.
42. @xen-blank @thehollowwriter @quartztwst @boopshoops @saionjeans (so sorry for the tag non-moots! Also i would've included all my moots but it said five ;-;)
43. Yes, i have five siblings! One oldest sister, two older brother, a little brother and the baby of the family, my little sister. i have middle child syndrome.
44. Either my mom or my little sister. I hug and say i love you to them very often. Or i said it to malleus last. One of them.
45. Tbh i have no idea in which circomstances i would die for something. maybe if i could trade my life with someone's close to me. or for peace on earth idk.
46. a big ol hug from my malleus plushie. it's a real emotional support.
47. no i have not. or maybe i did. i will probably forget it soon.
48. my two parents absolutely.
49."I wish to expérience it someday" (speaking of old lady gossip)
50. can i send you the same questions? :3
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Hi! I'm interested in working through the Hatchet field stuff while I'm on break. Is there a recommended viewing order? Or can I jump in anywhere?
ahahaaaa i am SO SORRY I am just now seeing this. in my defense i caught covid about the time you sent this (and also infected my mom who does NOT do sick well) buttt if you're still looking,
tbh you can start anywhere, because while they're all related, they aren't connected--like you'll appreciate certain jokes and callbacks, but in that way I guess it's like an anthology.
Technically, the first musical is The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals. If you know someone who doesn't like musicals, they might actually like this one (PROMISE ME YOU'LL THINK ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS) It's the first introduction to Hatchetfield and there are some recurring characters in the next musical, which is Black Friday. It is about Black Friday and consumerism and the amazing line "I've met god. he had nothing nice to say about you" BITCH OMG. The most recent musical is Nerdy Prudes Must Die, and honestly imo it has the least connections to the first two, so you could probably start with that one if you wanted--again, you'll appreciate some jokes more if you've seen the other two. It does also have more Lore, but I still think you'd be fine not knowing anything about it. I don't know that much about it and it was still good, because--
---there's a whole series of web-icals? Social Distance Musicals? Whatever, it's called Nightmare Time and they dive deeper into the lore of Hatchetfield and I've never managed to watch more than the opening number of the first one (it's a sound quality issue, i just need to watch it on a laptop or something) but look to be really cool and interesting and maybe deal with the same Hatchetfield? Because the Hatchetfield in each of the musicals is...not the same one. Or it is, but different timelines. Or different dimensions. Something. I think Nightmare Time does more into that.
Basically, you could watch them all as standalones, there's not really a plot that goes through all three of them, but characters and concepts that do.
But that's the order I'd do them in. From a theatre nerd standpoint, it's also really cool to see how they've evolved musically. Just technically with how they're putting numbers together and adding vocal layers. NPMD has a few songs that i would LOVE to see the sheet music for so I could try and figure out who is singing what. Honestly the best comparison I can make is "Wait For It" from Hamilton.
Anyway I hope you enjoy them!!! If you want to shout opinions at me i am here for that :)
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robin’s opinions about sparks albums 1971-1979
because I wanted to review them like I’ve seen a lot of people do, but I am simply not strong enough to rank them by how much I like them (I love them all dearly). these are all my opinions so please don’t come at me 😇
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Self-Titled (1971) (I often wonder how they came up with such genius stuff as their first album, but then again, it’s the Maels and of course they did) Bops: SLOWBOAT!!! 💞💖💗, Saccharin and the War, High C (and many more…)
Flops: Biology 2 :| it's fun sometimes but I usually skip it (as many people do). Sorry not sorry Earle Mankey 🫢
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A Woofer in Tweeter’s Clothing (1972)
Bops: Girl 👏 from 👏 Germany 👏 (far beyond the rest of the album imo), Whippings and Apologies
Flops: The Louvre (it’s actually ok but I never feel like I need to listen to it), Batteries Not Included 👎
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Bops: Amateur Hour (this is everyone’s favorite but it’s the best song I have ever heard in my life), Barbecutie, Talent is an Asset, and more!
Flops: literally none this is a no skip album. Sometimes Here in Heaven can be a little grating but I never let myself skip it (out of loyalty) 💪
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Propaganda (1974)
Bops: B.C. (I am a HUGE B.C. enjoyer), Something for the Girl with Everything, Marry Me, and bonus points to Propaganda because it's cool
Flops: ummm Who Don't Like Kids I guess? or Achoo? but both of those are actually really good, they just have annoying endings so I don't think they count
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Indiscreet (1975) << LOVE her
Bops: Looks, Looks, Looks!!! (SLAYS SO HARD), Hospitality on Parade, How Are You Getting Home/Happy Hunting Ground/The Wedding of Jacqueline Kennedy to Russell Mael/Get In The Swing/Under The Table With Her
damn I didn't know I liked Indiscreet this much
Flops: Indiscreet is OOPS ALL BANGERS!!! No flops here :)
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Big Beat (1976) ok if I thought I loved Indiscreet I REALLY love Big Beat. It was the first Sparks album I liked and it gets a lot of hate but it's my good time boy
Bops: Confusion!!! Screwed Up!!! I Like Girls!!! (The amount of exclamation points in this post is getting appalling‼️)
Flops: White Women I guess?? It's my least favorite but it's still very well produced in terms of music, I just get squeamish about the lyrics (which is funny bc I'm fine with Throw Her Away And Get A New One). I know the song is ironic but still........
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Introducing Sparks (1977) (also my good time boy)
Bops: I looooove Occupation, Forever Young, and Over the Summer and those are just the ones I would rank 10 out of 10!!! There are a lot of other ones that are also fabulous
Flops: Those Mysteries .... I know a lot of people like it but it just does not hit for me. I'm not a huge fan of I'm Not either but it's still a solid 7 out of 10
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NUMBER ONE IN HEAVEN (1979)! aka number one in my heart!! ok maybe number three but no one's forcing me to rank them
Bops: La Dolce Vita, Beat the Clock, The Number One Song in Heaven...... but I hate picking favorites.....
Flops: my other voice 😶 it's good but the rest of the album is incredible, show stopping, fantastic, amazing, and other adjectives that describe how my mind was blown when I first listened to it. I think My Other Voice is nice as a lead up to The Number One Song in Heaven but it is my least favorite on the album
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how do you feel about the running order for the final?
Alright, let's see!
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Austria isn't winning, but could pretty easily make it to top-10 still imo. I personally would have swapped Austria's and Poland's places.
Three red and black stagings back-to-back in the beginning
Switzerland is surprisingly early, but I still believe he'll enjoy large jury support
Poland is summery and cheery between two serious boys, good place for them although still very early in the running order
France is practically performing too early to win the televote but I believe juries will love La Zarra more, especially if she nails the big note
Spain and Sweden back to back is an interesting choice. Two female singers with powerful vocals and songs and impressive stagings, both most likely fitting the jury taste. Is this gonna hurt their chances?
There's gonna be a longer pause before Sweden at least. The producers gave Loreen way earlier spot than I would have expected.
The producers are clearly Finland fans. Finland not only got the best possible place on their half a.k.a. the latest possible, but there are also three ballads in a row before them. I believe Käärijä is winning the televote. The only way to rig this more for Finland would've been to put Loreen even earlier in the running order, but that would have been too obvious. This is our shot to win.
I'm afraid Czechia will drown between Finland and Australia, and those two might also have similar-ish audience.
Moldova will be nice, fresh and simple between two big modern songs.
Lovely late spots for Norway and Germany, they're both probably gonna do really well in the televote.
Israel sandwiched between Lithuania and Slovenia, good for them all.
Also small Balkan countries Slovenia and Croatia so late in the running order, we love to see it <3
Croatia is gonna have huge televote support. UK might benefit from the last place and being refreshingly normal after Croatia, also Mae's vocals might sound better than they are compared to Let 3's.
Bonus: great gag to start the contest with "oh my god, you're such a good writer" and end it with "instead I wrote a song"
Some statistics about the running order below 👇
SInce 2009 when the 50/50 jury/tele system come to use, no one has won performing earlier than 10th. In fact, nobody has won the contest performing earlier than 10th in 20 years, when Turkey performed 4th in 2003.
2009: Norway performed 20th 2010: Germany performed 23rd 2011: Azerbaijan performed 19th (jury winner Italy performed 12th) 2012: Sweden performed 17th 2013: Denmark performed 18th 2014: Austria performed 11th 2015: Sweden performed 10th (tele winner Italy performed 27th, last) 2016: Ukraine performed 21st (tele winner Russia performed 18th, jury winner Australia performed 13th) 2017: Portugal performed 11th 2018: Israel performed 22nd (jury winner Austria performed 5th) 2019: Netherlands performed 12th (jury winner North Macedonia performed 8th, tele winner Norway performed 15th) 2021: Italy performed 24th (jury winner Switzerland performed 11th) 2022: Ukraine performed 12th (jury winner United Kingdom performed 22nd)
Juries are clearly less affected by the running order than televoters, so Sweden is still headed to win the whole thing. I believe Loreen will get enough jury support to win the contest (maybe 300 points from the jury and 200 from the televote), but giving her an earlier spot in the running order definitely evens out the competition and makes it more exciting.
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starscelly · 5 days
my coloring process!! a couple people did say they want to see the process soo. also for reference i do use procreate, but i know all these functions are available on photoshop and (presumably) other programs as well.
far too many visuals + explanation below :3 + silly speed coloring
SO…. i’ll try to organize it step by step? i’m gonna use visuals from my roope piece so. basically early TLDR: grayscale -> flatten + duplicate layers so you have two layers of the gray scale -> put a gradient map on one -> make the other a luminosity layer -> ??? profit maybe
1. after finishing ur sketch or lineart, fill in the figure a medium gray! just a solid fill .. straightforward
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2. start applying shadows and highlights! i do these as clipping layers over top of the filled in shape we just did (i used reference photos, if you do that imo it’s easier to lower exposure on the photos and even up the contrast slightly to see the lighting differences better. but ymmv)
i use three shades of gray that are darker than the color i put down to fill the shape, i layer those so the darkest is on the top. i then use three shades of gray that are lighter than the filled color, i put these on top of the darker shades and layer them so the lightest is on the top. again, just personal preference, that’s how i layer shade/light usually so
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3. this is when things get ugly . for me at least. you can also do this step before doing two… really it can go wherever but i do it here. i hide the above grayscale colored layers, i move my sketch layer above the filled in shape (FOR REFERENCE … don’t color on ur sketch layer. unless you want to i guess), i then apply the base colors on a new layer of the drawing . literally just simple skin/hair/clothes. it looks odd to not add any depth or lines but we have to move
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4. youre gonna wanna flatten and duplicate the grayscale painting layers you did before. there should be two grayscale drawings in your layers that are so stunning and gray and beautiful.
5. hide the grayscale drawing highest in the layers for now. take the bottom one and then we use gradient maps!!! my best friend!!!! this is all gonna be very personal choice on what you want YOUR palette to be. i wanted green/pink so i adjusted the colors in the gradient map to be green/pink
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6. i then take these pretty color layers and mess around with layer settings. for this particular piece, i set the layer to linear light at about 30% opacity. i usually keep my opacity around there, but i’ll jump around between linear light, vivid light, color burn, etc etc. literally just experiment and have fun!!! it should just be adding more color/whimsy to your base colors
7. i then unhide the other grayscale layer. it’s gonna make everything gray again, believe it or not. i turn that layer to LUMINOSITY….. i’ve played around with other layer types but because it’s a shade/light thing i really think luminosity looks best. but again, you play and have fun and figure out your own preferences!
your layers should look, more or less, like this
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AND THATS REALLY TRULY IT …. it’s pretty simple and diverse and allows you to be more explorative with colors if you’re someone who tends to stick to basic ones or only palettes you’re familiar with.. i like it because it’s simple and intuitive for me (i started out doing mainly charcoal so grayscale is my friend) and just fun!! non stressful!! except when you’re fighting layer limits!!!
and for shits and gigs…. coloring speed drawing be upon ye
(song: baby i’m yours - cass elliot)
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taehyungfirst · 1 month
I know it's been a while but am I the only who's not a fan of WHO by Jimin?
Like the choreography seems cool and the chorus is definitely catchy, but the song outside of the chorus is practically non existent and just sounds off...
like I'm not a fan of the "one, two three, four, five"
"why why why why why".
lyrics are eh, except for a few lines.
wasn't active when it first dropped so I have no clue how it was received anywhere lol.
Between Like Crazy and Who, Like Crazy is definitely the better song (imo). Maybe even his best song.
Who was well received, because it was compared to SGMB fiasco and everyone was scared they would get a song like that, but Who was much more better. For example, I liked it. Choreo is good, chorus is catchy, I haven’t focused and I haven’t listened more than 3 times for a lyrics analysis, so I can’t say much about that.
Between LC and Who, I would probably choose Lie hehe
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trialbystory · 1 year
<X> people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by @powertaco (new post instead of reblog due to unwieldy length, original train available through this link)
Three Ships: Well, FrosenSteel/Nuts & Dolts, since I've got that whole Spirit of Competition fic going, obviously.
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Wenclair is still going strong for me all these months after I watched Wednesday, mostly because it gives me such strong Griddlehark vibes (it's not a twofer if I only do a picture for Wenclair, right?)
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Sylvaina is a pretty evergreen ship for me at this point.
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First-Ever Ship: Briar Moss and Tris Chandler from Tamora Pierce's comparatively lesser-known (but better, imo) Emelan books. I've liked these two together ever since my second read through of Circle of Magic, and I doubled down on that when Will of The Empress came out. It's a niche fandom, especially these days, but I revisit these books once every year or two and everytime I do I dream up a plot of Briar being brought in as a lecturer at Lightsbridge after Tris enrolls there and romance ensues. And since I'm actually writing fanfic these days, maybe I'll make it happen at some point...
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Last Song: I have eclectic tastes and just set up the music player on my new phone, so it could be literally anything. But it was actually Grim Grinning Ghosts. Specifically the version by Voiceplay.
Last Movie: I don't actually watch movies super often, so it's been a second. But it was either the 2008 live-action Speed Racer or School of Rock. Unless it was my bootleg of Beetlejuice the Musical. (If the person who made 'BugDrink' is reading this. You're one of my favorite people)
Currently Reading: I'll give 3 answers; on a03 the current tab in my queue is the latest chapter of a Wenclair fic by @boojangs called To Dance With Wolves I'm also still working through Elantris by Brandon Sanderson, and when I go on walks I've been listening to the Locked Tomb audiobooks in the possibly vain hope that the last book is still coming out this year. I'm just coming to the end of Harrowhark The Ninth (I'm not really an audiobooks kind of guy, but the narrator for the TLT ones is PHENOMENAL)
Currently Watching: Season 2 of Heels, about to start Season 2 of Wheel of Time, and also about to start my semi-regular re-watch of Leverage and Leverage: Redemption Currently Consuming: Orange soda from a local-ish beverage company.
Currently Craving: When I was hanging out with friends a few weeks ago I ate at our town's crepe shop for the first time and I've been dying to go back since. Crepe topped with strawberries & lemon juice plus one of the best Mochas I've ever had.
Tagging, if they are ammenable: @misterdadguy, @infinitefern, @probably-riley, and literally anyone else who wants to do these modern-day chain letters.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 10 months
Apparently a lot of people were not happy with S4 when it aired? I don't quite get it, though again I did binge the show when S5 came out so maybe it was different watching it at the time. But I'm curious if that's still the majority view.
But S4 has a lot of stuff I love. Everything setting up Mary's departure is great and the exploration of grief is amazing, the Captain and Kitty moments are adorable, the Sorry Song, Julian and Alison teaming up to be chaos buds, Robin's whole big damn hero moment at the end. And also it has the best Christmas episode, and iPlayer includes that as part of the series. I've heard some people felt it became a little more serious and less comedy but I didn't really notice and the dramatic parts worked really well imo? Again, I've watched Being Human UK and Red Dwarf S7, I've seen how much worse shows can be when they shift tone.
I love the whole show but I guess if I was forced to pick a least favorite based on episodes I rewatch least, it's probably Series 1. Nothing against the quality, it's just the first three episodes especially feel a bit hectic with Alison very much struggling to keep her sanity, it can come across a bit cringy at times. Series 5 also has a couple weak points but that's mostly because pregnancy plotlines tend to grind the story down for me, it's just a personal thing, but again it has some amazing episodes and moments so puts it above Series 1.
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atlasofthestaars · 10 months
We say the reader is Mitski coded because some of her songs such as Remember my name (giving too much of themselves/ wanting to be remembered and needing someone that can handle them), First love/late spring (fear of commitment/holding on to the past), Nobody (feeling alone/having no one that wants you or you can rely on)
I'll write more when I can think of more Mitski songs or you tell me you don't want these lmao
First off, I enjoy engaging with you guys, so don't fret about anything!! Feel free to send in this type of stuff any time!!
this gets kinda long so more under the cut
I'm trying to interpret/answer these best I can without being too spoilery I suppose, so if things are vague I'll probably clarify them in the future when more chapters are out.
I would definitely say Remember my name is interesting as an interpretation! Giving too much of themselves/Needing someone that can handle them is definitely reader coded, but I would not say wanting to be remembered is one part that identifies strongly with them.
First love/Late spring feels interesting but I don't see it identifying with the reader too much because they aren't afraid of commitment imo (otherwise why would they stay in the fire temple for years?) but holding onto the past is definitely a key element to them. I also don't think this song in particular may fit well because it does feel like it deals a lot with feeling immature/maturing too fast which isn't really part of the reader.
I do think Nobody and it's themes of loneliness are the best fit out of these three imo just because of the reoccurring theme of the reader being unable to rely on anyone and feeling like they cannot fit in properly due to the amnesia/past memories. I think this song is neat and I'll give it my certified yeah this fits the vibes stamp.
Maybe I'll make a playlist of reader vibes, but I don't have the best music selection HAHA I'd probably just try to interpret my favorite songs into the reader, but it'd be fun!
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