#maybe they'll catch my eye more tomorrow or a couple days from now
theawkwardvirgin · 2 years
There’s this company called Remote Year that organizes trips for remote workers - they provide housing and work spaces with strong wifi so you can remote work at tons of locations around the world, and they arrange weekend trips and evening activities and stuff. And they’re having a black Friday sale for the next 6 days.
Well anyway, I was excited because my mom was saying I should get away next year (because I never do lol) and then I learned about the sale. The trip the Columbia sounded amazing: It was very reasonably priced, had activities I like doing, the temperatures are mild, and apparently the food isn’t spicy. But the US currently has a strong warning against traveling to Columbia because apparently there’s been a lot of unrest, crime, and terrorist movement recently.
Idk I’m just bummed. None of the other locations caught my interest as much :/
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A secret fwb situation between Thomas and Élodie!
Things already got out of hand cuz they both caught feelings, but didn't tell each other. She sees him too close to a girl at a party one day and drinks her jealousy away, their friends leave him to take care of her bc the Leclercs and the Gaslys always take care of each other. Thomas is freaking out, like "Dammit, Élodie! Why did you do this? If your brothers or your father found out you're this drunk they gonna kill us both!". He ends up sneaking her into his bedroom to take care of her.
idk if the ages align, but for what I understand he's a little older than her, right?
Tw: mentions drinking
"How do you tell your friend 'hey, this was supposed to be a no feelings thing, but I've fallen for you, harder than how my mother falls when we go on ski trips. how do we proceed?' without risking them never talking to you again?", Thomas exasperated, "I think your parents know a thing or two about that", one of his friends pointed out as they walked inside the the bar.
It wasn't the best way to deal with the situation, Thomas knew that much, but when a girl approached him, he kept talking to her, completely forgetting that Élodie was also I the same room.
Since the Gasly couple was going on a long weekend trip to celebrate their anniversary, Charles was the first to suggest that their kids could come down to their place and spend the weekend there, given that they were all around the same ages, so they'd have plans with eachother and their friends, so they had all gone to the same bar for the night.
"I wish I didn't feel for him like I do, I mean, look at him! He doesn't care one bit", Élodie said to her friend, "they're just talking, I'm sure it's just that", she attempted to comfort her as she saw her down two more shots, "it's my own fault for catching feelings", she hiccuped.
Things quickly got too much, whether it was the fact that the music had gotten louder and the drinks had become some weird mixture, but Élodie had had enough, and one thing her friend knew for sure is that Thomas would be the only person to deal with this the proper way and help her. Fortunately, their friends understood just how much the Leclercs and Gaslys looked out for eachother, helping Thomas bring Élodie home before heading to their own houses too.
Élodie was lying on his bed, looking significantly better now as Hervé, who had been in charge of making sure the younger ones got homm safe and sound, looked at them, "I don't need to tell you to be more responsible, right Élodie?", he asked, earning a nod, "I know, it was stupid. I'm sorry for doing it. But can you please not tell my parents?", she asked, "not my story to tell, I just need you to be okay, that's all", Hervé said, placing the pills and cup of water on the bedside table, "take these before you go to sleep, they'll help tomorrow. Try and keep quiet, okay? If you make any noise, you'll have Amélie on your door in no time, and I think it's safe to say our dear sister will have a much different reaction to mine", he smiled at his brother, highfiving Élodie quietly before leaving the room.
"I never took you for the drinker", Thomas said, "I'm not usually one", Élodie mumbled back, cursing herself for how much she was enjoying his touch as he rubbed her back, "what happened then? C'mon, El, you know you can tell me anything", he urged.
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was just that she had enough of this situation, and for whatever it meant, her parents always told her to be honest, "seeing you with that girl made me jealous. Because she was talking to you and you're not with her just to fulfill a need and then be friends", she gulped, tears falling from her eyes, "I got jealous because we're not that, even though we said we'd never be that anyway. And it hurt", she tried her best to pull away from Thomas, feeling him pull her in.
"Can I have a go now? I was talking to her because I wanted to forget about the fact that I miss you in ways a friend doesn't miss another. I don't miss just being with you when we sneak away. I miss having you with me in mundane things like going to the shops, or at family gatherings, to be able to hold you longer before you have to leave. I don't want to keep this arrangement, I want more", Thomas said, "we'll talk tomorrow, yes? But for now, know that I'm in if you are", he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, allowing her to sleep for a little bit before they spoke about it with a clearer head.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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mega-ditto-3 · 2 years
Ditto Fic Ideas #26
(TdBkDk 💙🧡💚)
'A Future of Our Own'
A few years into being proheroes, the three boys manage to save a woman from a powerful villain's grasp. It isn't until the foe is defeated, that she reveals the reason for her capture:
She can see into the future.
And she wants to offer them a peek, as thanks for her rescue.
They all refuse, some more reluctant than others, but she manages to pass on her contact information to each of them in case they change their mind or want insight on a stressful mission.
That night, Izuku can't stop thinking of it. He's never heard of a fortune-teller type of quirk, and he's too curious to know what his future will look like. He ends up calling her a few days later and sets up a time to meet. He'd only intended to ask her about her quirk, but is easily coaxed into sharing a vision.
And it's... Honestly a relief. Yes, there's some bad stuff (he's a hero, his life's not going to be easy) but he can handle it. And there's nothings nearly as extreme as the war they went through in highschool.
Though, something in the visions catch his eye...
He, Kacchan, and Shouto, together as a couple- er, throuple? Together. Dating. Married-
It's a bit unexpected, but it makes him very happy to know this is the direction they're headed in. He thanks the woman, excited for the certainty of tomorrow.
Todoroki and Bakugou pick up on his new relaxed attitude, and his subtle shift in attention to them, but neither of them say anything about it. They just accept it as 'Izuku being Izuku' and settling well into Prohero life.
They don't seem to mind the warm affection in his gaze, anyway.
It isn't until a few weeks later, that Shouto understands what happened. He was going on a big mission soon, planned in high detail with little to no room for error, when he remembered the woman's offer and asked for her services to make sure the mission went well.
It wouldn't go well, he found, but now he knew how to avoid the worst of the fallout and still complete his goal of capturing the villains.
Oh and he's going to end up with Bakugou and Midoriya. Neat.
He goes on his mission and heeds the visions warnings, before coming back relatively unscathed and on the receiving end of Bakugou's scolding (worrying) and Midoriya's fretting (crying).
After the excitement calms, and Bakugou is out of sight, Todoroki will casually mention his visit with the woman to Midoriya and Izuku will burst into tears (again). They'll talk about their seperate future's, before discussing the one the three of them craft together, and then a caveat cuts through their plans:
Bakugou still doesn't know about his future. About THEIR future.
They conspire against him.
The next few weeks, they start dropping the future-vision woman into mundane conversations without ever revealing they'd already visited her. They sift through the remnants of what they remember from the visions, trying to find when EXACTLY Bakugou would come to them after seeing his future, but they're unsuccessful. The anticipation is really starting to wear on them, but they wait.
Then Bakugou confesses his love to them, unexpectedly, and Izuku and Shouto can let go of the breath they've been holding for nearly three months.
Shouto: "Finally."
Izuku: "I'm so glad you visited (the woman)! What else did you see in your future?"
Katsuki: "My future...?"
Turns out, Bakugou never went to the fortune teller. He'd just decided to finally act on his blooming feelings after pining for two years.
Although mortified at being the last (and first?) to know about their future together, after Shouto and Izuku are forced into an explanation, he's a bit smug that he never needed a quirk to make his move for him.
Though, maybe he'll still cash in that future-vision offer later... When he wants to know which week has the clearest skies for his wedding day or something...
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shadow-tumbler · 6 months
Whispers of the Spirits, Roar of the Dragons
Chapter 1
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3rd person pov
Things had just clam down after the hole gorka situation and it was business as usual for the spending but what nun of them knew that there'd another situation to deal with readin8g their way. In a old wearhouse on the outskirts of the city lived a few unusual people "are you sure this is how you wanna protect them? Maybe you going would be better?" A younger female says to an the older looking one "that would simply lead to more questions and I don't think it's the best till I know they'll be okay" she says to her younger friend. The younger one takes a deep breath "well I got the internship so I'll be able to keep a closer eye on things like you wanted" she says and the older woman nodded "thank you dear, now we need to do a check of the city" she says and the two head out. Meanwhile at the paranormal research center an unusual looking orbe was brought in and to be safe after last time it was put in a special lock box till it was time to fully study it.
*the next day*
Cleo's pov
I was kinds nervous for this, I mean I've been a fan of the ghost for basically my hole life and I'm getting the opportunity to work with them so I may be internally fangirling. I took a breath as I step into the room and I'm amazed at everything I'm seeing "you must be the intern" I hear someone say I'm met with the sight or Winston Zeddemore himself "that's right sir" I say with my best smile. He returned the smile "well welcome to the paranormal research center, from your resume I can see you have quite the nack for paranormal investigation" he says "yea well it was all just me conforming or denieing any claims of hauntings by people" I say as he starst showing me around. There was a photograph on the wall "who's that?" I asked pointing it out "that is Talyn Spengler, she was a ghostbuster along side me, egon, Ray and Peter, this hole centre was actually her dream so I did this in her honour" he says. There was a ting of guilt in my gut but I kept myself cool "I'm sure she'd of loved all of this" I say trying to comfort him as the doors open and a few people walk in "that would be the rest of Spenglers" Winston says as he went over to them leaving me standing there.  okay this is gonna a lot harder than I thought, I looked around and my eyes landed on one man that made everything stop and I felt this pull towards him "hey lars would you mind having the intern work with you for today?" Winston called out and the man looked over at me.
It was like everything felt so right form just that single glance and I walked over to him "hi there my names cleo" I said "well as Winston said my named lars" lars says and I worked with him. It was so fascinating to watch him work but since i was just an intern I couldn't stay at night "I'll see ya tomorrow" I said to lucky as I see that girl as like the sister I've always wanted "see ya Tomorrow" she says and I take one last look at lars before walking out.
3rd person pov
It was a couple hours later that the ghostbusters got the call and they rushed to investigate, as they get to the location Phoebe swears she sees a pair of eyes watching them from the treeline opposite the building they were heading into. She sneaks off to take a look and Callie just catches her as she disappeared into the tree line "Phoebe!" She called out as she, Gary and Trevor go after Phoebe starting to run when they hear a scream but when they find Phoebe the sight before them was unbelievably. Before Phoebe was a dragon that had completely black scales but something felt familiar about its eyes "hi" Phoebe says softly and the dragon smiled softly at her. Another dragon pokes its head out of a Bush this one was had a white body and legs but a black head, black wings and a black tail "GUYS!" egon was heard yelling and the dragons quickly flew off before the other ghostbusters came over. Phoebe was still stood there in shock as her mother explained what they had just seen "I may or may not know someone who can help identify them" Winston says and he quickly made a call.
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princessozera · 3 years
Devious Licks pt 2; MC's devious lick
((Long post ahead))
MC paced their room, alternating between tapping a pen against their fingers to staring at the makeshift bulletin board on their wall. They were never one to back out a of a challenge, and now just about every student in RAD had stolen something. Most had only stolen smaller items; textbooks and classroom desk/chairs, one of MC's friends had even stolen a pair of gargoyles from the library ("THEY'RE A COUPLE MC, IF I ONLY TAKE ONE THE OTHER WILL HAUNT OR KILL ME." MC's friend has always been a little eccentric, but considering they were in the Devildom, MC didn't know if they were joking about the sentient gargoyle statues.)
It was 2 am, but MC couldn't sleep as they planned their own elaborate devious lick. While they knew their magic wasn't strong enough to do something like Mammon's double staircase or even Lucifer's library statue, they HAD to be better than Belphie's couch and Asmo's bathroom lamps. But the question was; what is something cooler than a couch and lamps that HADN'T already been stolen or pre-hexed by Lucifer? MC paced around their room for another 5 minutes before a picture on their desk caught their eye. It was a group photo in RAD's entrance foyer, MC and Satan had just hosted the first ever R.A.D science fair and all the winners and student council got together for a celebratory photo. They stared at the photo for a while, trying to find exactly why they were so drawn to it, when a lightbulb went off.
That could work. My room needs some new décor anyways.
The plan was easy enough to form since it mirrored what Luke had done, but MC made sure to pack a second backpack and a plastic tarp to maximize their chance of success.
Everything was straightforward and MC was actually kind of disappointed in how easily they pulled off their plan. No one had questioned the large item in their arms and no one noticed it was missing all throughout the school day. Maybe it wasn't as important as they originally thought. They were trying to figure out where to stash their loot in their room when Asmo burst in, dragging Belphegor with him. Whatever request he had started to make gave way to curiosity, asking about the tarp.
"Oh, I wanted to do the devious lick trend too so I stole the Demon King's old horn. You know, the one that was next to the award display case?" MC unwraps the horn and lets them see, surprised when they both stagger a few steps back.
"MC! That's not a horn, that's one of the Demon King's claws!" Asmo looked paler than normal and even Belphegor couldn't seem to find a snarky comment to make, clutching his pillow just a bit tighter. MC balks and looks back at the 'horn', immediately sticking out their hand.
"IT'S BIGGER THAN MY ENTIRE ARM. I- it-!!!" MC can't take their eyes off the claw, mystified at the revelation. The demon king had always seemed large in portraits with Lord Diavolo but he'd been a baby so of course his dad had been huge, but not THAT huge. What kind of eldritch horror size-
"MC I know you think this trend is fun and all, but you should put that back-"
"Yeah... Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow mor-"
"No way!" Asmo shoves the discard tarp back into MC's arms and waves them away. "If Lucifer catches you with that or Barbatos realizes it's gone we're ALL getting suspended for a year, we'll cover for you but go put that back NOW!" MC wants to complain, but it's probably for the best. If this had been more fun to steal maybe they'd be putting up more of a fight but for now they'll return it.
"Time for a new lick," MC mutters to themselves as they strap the claw onto their back, using the round trip from RAD to come up with their next brilliant stunt.
Why steal from a school when you can steal from a castle?
MC had gone alone over to Diavolo's castle a few times before, and on days like today knew that Diavolo and Barbatos would be too busy to entertain them so MC could go anywhere in the castle. Considering that there is a gala that's going to be held in a week, maybe even the Little D's would be too busy for Barbatos to order one of them to watch over MC.
MC's target this time was even larger than the claw, and they had to sneak a few tools from RAD's workshop just in case, so if anything this was a double steal. Diavolo had so many beautiful paintings in his castle, he could spare one or two. And with no laser technology or video cameras, MC didn't have to pull any tricks from the countless spy/heist movies they'd seen with the brothers.
Their prize was left of the entrance hall, 4 corridors down and past 5 doors. MC passed gilded vases and artifacts older than the castle itself until they came into view of their favorite painting. It wasn't the largest or most extravagant in the castle, but MC had found this when wandering the halls- avoiding yet another party of elites that Lord Diavolo had insisted they attend. It was a full body painting of Lord Diavolo's father, the demon king. Even in shadows, the dark colors of the painting radiated power and commanded respect. There was something comforting about the painting, and Diavolo often found MC staring at it, telling them a new story of his father's triumphs and accomplishments as king. MC always came to see it whenever they visited the castle.
Thankfully, MC didn't need any of the tools they stole to take the portrait off the wall, but it was larger than they originally thought, so all plans of sneaking it out in an art portfolio bag were out the window. Now their only hope was to waddle out of the castle before Barbatos or Diavolo came looking for them. They made it as far as the entrance of the grand hall when a voice called out.
"MC, you know it's not stealing if I can see you and I'm letting you walk out the door with it right?" Barbatos appears from around a column near the stairs, and for a second MC wonders how long he's been waiting there to catch them leaving.
"YOU SEE NOTHING, I AM SIMPLY WALKING WITH A LIMP BECAUSE I SPRAINED MY ANKLE DOING A BACKFLIP," MC yells back, not stopping out of fear that they would lose their grip and drop the portrait, but they did try to keep it perpendicular to their body so if Barbatos calls for them to turn around they could keep it hidden behind them.
"You don't know how to do a backflip."
"You cant prove that!"
"Bring the painting back by tomorrow or I'll make Solomon cook you a buffet."
"THAT'S COUNTS AS A DEATH THREAT-" MC yells back to cover up how much they were straining to keep a straight face- this portrait weighed A TON. They manage to shake the door shut behind them before finally dropping the picture for a minute, groaning in sweet relief as they let their arms rest. The 15 minute walk home turned an hour long, having to stop frequently to rest amd MC considered rolling the portrait at one point, but they decided that they liked living.
"Great. 2nd failure," MC groans as they prop the portrait against their desk, making sure to lock the door before flopping down on the bed. MC couldn't help but admire how handsome the Demon King looked. This must have been painted eons ago but MC was willing to bet he still looked f-i-n-e. Since they had to return the painting soon and the brothers were all gone, MC spent the rest of the day talking to the painting as they did their chores and homework. Inconsequential things, school work, the devildom's best features, their favorite food. But as MC went on, they couldn't help but think back to Diavolo's stories and wondered how the actual demon king would respond to a human in the devildom. As much as they tried to see it, the eyes in the portrait just never seemed cruel to MC.
"I'd love to get to talk to you before I leave. You might kill me, but it'd be interesting none the less," MC gave a wistful sigh as they continued staring at the painting. "But you'd have to be alive for that. Or at the very least back in the Devildom- Diavolo never told me what happened to you." When MC took a second to step back, they suddenly recognized exactly where this portrait had been painted. The elevated walkway, and 4 stairs cases cascading down to the next floor- that was where MC and the brothers had been sucked into the painting the first time they ended up in the snake-Labyrinth! MC remembers that there were another 3 floors to go down from there, but they'd never had the chance.
What were the odds the Demon King being closer than anyone expected?
"Ah Barbatos, I thought I'd find you here," Diavolo smiles as he steps into the palace kitchen. "What are you baking today?"
"Midnight velvet cupcakes and lemon-blueberry scones with an herbal tea," Barbatos said as he closed the oven and set a timer for the cupcakes to cool. "MC should be here soon to study, so I decided to make some human desserts as well."
"I can't belive MC's been over twice a week for a month now just to study," Diavolo let Barbatos turn around before snagging an unfrosted cupcake, which Barbatos courteously pretended to not notice was missing from the cooling rack. " I considered if we should lower their work load, but since they only really need the palace library and not our help, I guess they're fine. MC is so quiet when they study that I even forget they're in the castle."
"Well MC has always been serious about their studies, but it would be good for you to check on them between tasks- as their host. Try as I may I can't seem to find the time so I usually send the Little D's to check on MC." Lord Diavolo nods as he continues to nibble on his cupcake, lost in thought. These less formal moments with Barbatos were special to him, but the heavy air he's been feeling all day has ruined the moment. He wanted to ask Barbatos if he's also felt a change in the air, but maybe he was just being paranoid- Barbatos would have mention if anything was wrong. Lord Diavolo and Barbatos continued to make small talk, and Diavolo even tried his hand at decorating a few cupcakes.
Before Lord Diavolo could make his way back to his study, the ground in the kitchen began to shake and both he and Barbatos grabbed the counter to keep upright. He flashes back to the "earthquakes" that MC told him about once, but nothing like that has ever happened in the Devildom. Once the shaking stops, little D number 2 runs into the kitchen, in such a panic he slams straight into Barbatos's legs and doesn't even think to apologize. He's breathless, rambling something about MC and the brothers and tugging on Barbatos's leg, so Lord Diavolo and Barbatos follow him out. They expect to head to the foyer, thinking the brothers may be in the courtyard or the entrance hall, but say nothing as the little D drags them to the throne room.
There, in the throne that was so massive it managed to dwarf Diavolo's demon form, sat the Demon King in his full 25 foot, ""human"" form, clearly visible over everyone's heads. Diavolo didn't pay attention to the brothers as he made his way forward, eyes glued to the borderline arrogant smile that Diavolo had only ever seen a handful of times outside of a portrait . As his father's dark amber eyes finally met his own, Diavolo reached to the front of the throne steps and caught sight of MC- sitting happily to the King's left, a ruby betrothal necklace nestled against their chest.
Bonus/the actual request/:
Diavolo reacting to MC's devious lick of stealing his dad ((I put some of my own HCs in to fill in Barbatos/Simeon's backgrounds))
Absolutely dumbfounded
There was no graceful, crown-prince appropriate way to handle this, and in his utter shock he resorts to smiling and nodding along to whatever his father was saying.
He had to be hallucinating right? How many times had he dreamt of this? Coming back from a stressful say at RAD, or taking a break from his paperwork to find his father back like he'd never left. Although his father's words were falling on deaf ears, his voice still resonated in Diavolo, a heavy vibration in his chest that was the only indication right now of the King's true power. It was like the weighted blanket MC had once brought over; it was welcome and so comforting that Diavolo felt tears prick the edges of his eyes.
But he couldn't understand the image in front of him. He'd spent a few good sleepless nights early on- worried about the program. Diavolo imagined his father would think unfavorably of it, of seeing humans on equal footing as humans. Of course he'd always hoped that it wouldn't be the case, be he'd never talked about such things with his father before he left. But here he was now, the Demon King lounging around with an easy smile, one arm thrown around the chair MC sat in to bring it closer, with warm and adoring eyes.
He couldn't keep his eyes off of MC or that necklace either. Did MC know exactly what they were wearing? Did they understand the implications? They had to, MC never did anything haphazardly in the Devildon, and they were far too relaxed in the face of the brothers' anger to not know.
When Diavolo said he wanted to use the exchange program to unite the realms and hoped his father would approve whenever he returned, this was probably the farthest possibility from his mind. He'd come to terms with his father's disappearance years ago, and had believed that the program would be 10 to 20 years in before the Demon King caught wind- far too involved for him to put a stop to it.
"When did they even-" Diavolo couldn't even finish the question in his head when the answer hit him square in the face. The biweekly visits. MC had been using their work as a ruse to come visit and hang out with father. Diavolo felt a little hurt, not even that MC had knowingly lied and kept this a secret from him, but a lie that could have been so easily discovered- like they didn't think Diavolo was smart enough to catch on. But in the end, he really wasn't since he and Barbatos had no idea this was happening right underneath their noses.
The clashing stress of a millennia ruling alone, elation at seeing his father, MC's seeming betrayal, along with darker emotions he didn't want to acknowledge were jarring, and Diavolo started feeling sick to his stomach- it was too much to process at once.
So for now, Diavolo accepted his father's hug graciously, feeling no shame in how strongly he hugged him back. Diavolo returned power over the Devildom back to his father with no resistance, and when Barbatos was sent to cook up a feast for the Demon King, he took the chance to escape the suffocating throne room.
Back in the quiet of his own room, Diavolo couldn't help but try to see only the positive in this. But for every time he tried to conjure up the imagined pride and happiness from his father, he could only remember his favorite moments with MC. He tried to tell himself it was going to be okay, now he could enjoy more time with Lucifer and Barbatos! He would still have full control over the student council and exchange program, but anything above that could be handled by his father again. He'd get to hang out with everyone and perhaps make more friends- but MC couldn't be one of them anymore.
As he focuses more on MC and their time together, he starts remembering how alone he'd felt before the program. Yes, Lucifer had been his friend before all of this, but he'd always been a bit detached, keeping Diavolo at arms length all these years. After MC came along and Lucifer's relationship with his brothers had improved, Diavolo had also become closer with all of them. MC's influence over all of them was not lost on him. But now MC had to stay with the Demon King. At any moment the King could order MC to stay in the castle, and if they wanted to learn, he'd get a private tutor for them- extend the library to an entire wing, fund research and all the little experiments MC wanted to do- as long as they stayed by his side.
Diavolo ignores the anger, the resentment, pushing it down as he's done so many times before. It use to be easy, anytime he started to get mad at his father leaving him, Diavolo could reason it away and go back to being excited at the prospect of seeing him again.
By morning, Diavolo is himself again, cheery and congratulating MC and the King on their relationship, much more receptive to his father's comments and praise. Diavolo fills him in on anything MC hasn't told him already, and tries his best to take it all in stride.
Everyone knows Lord Diavolo is happy for his father's return, but those who saw the newest family portrait couldn't help but wonder why it seemed that he was painted just a bit too far away, in colors just a bit too muted to match the loving couple next to him.
Of all the path's he'd seen for this program and MC's life, this was one he hadn't seen before.
He'd come to care for MC; he's prevented a handful of incidents for them and likes spending time with them. He did come to terms that they probably couldn't be together and that the brothers and even Lord Diavolo had a better chance with them, but this was uncalled for.
Barbatos couldn't help but feel a bit offended, but it was mostly because he was caught off guard- the Demon King coming back wasn't the sort of thing that would just "slip through the cracks", and for the King to have not annihilated MC on sight was nothing short of a miracle.
Since Barbatos had previously served under the Demon King, he caught himself right as he was about to take a step to be at the King's side. Always to his right and 6 steps behind, the omnipotent butler cloaked in shadows.
But if he was being honest with himself, his loyalties lay with Lord Diavolo now, so he stayed by the prince's side and hope the King wouldn't call for him.
Once Barbatos gets over his own disbelief, he keeps glancing back to Lord Diavolo, trying to figure out how he's taking it. The prince had come to master that easy smile, and even Barbatos was struggling to understand how deeply Diavolo was taking this to heart. He saw the way Diavolo looked, confused and a bit hurt between MC and the King, and if Diavolo challenged his father to the throne in that very moment, Barbatos knew whose side he would take.
Angels + Solomon
Luke is at risk of getting a heart attack right then and there. He wants to be mad at MC, to yell at them and shake some sense into them, but he can't even bring himself to stop shaking. The Demon King wasn't even trying to be intimidating, but Luke couldn't make himself look up to see where MC was. How could MC sound so bright and unbothered in this moment??
Simeon couldn't help but admit he was impressed; he'd always said MC was amazing and so charming in their own unique way, but getting the Demon King around their finger was something else entirely. However, he does think this is all some weird nightmare dream that he got from trying out Solomon's recent kitchen monstrosity. It takes a week and formal wedding announcements to let the shock subside into mild panic. He wasn't worried about the Devildom citizens, but Simeon couldn't help but wonder how the Celestial Realm would take the news. MC was a human and had no hold in the Celestial Realm, but human-demon marriages and subsequent hybrids could start a precedent that he thinks they would fight over. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that again.
Solomon: "I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous, I'm not-" And if he was being honest with himself, he didn't know if it was because he'd rather be in the King's place or MC's.
going through the 5 stages of grief except most of them are stuck on denial or bargaining
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Lilith, watching from the ghost realm: "HELL YEAH, GET IT MC!!! YOU'RE KILLING IT! "
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rosiesung · 3 years
7 Days || Y.JW
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for @geminirules "Just Friends" collab
Pairing: Jungwon x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Friends to Lovers AU
Words: 3.63k
Warnings: Reader calls Jungwon a dick.
Synopsis: You are dared to pretend to be in a relationship with your best friend Jungwon. Initially, you go through with the childish challenge, knowing it will be insignificant to your friendship. But as the days pass, you begin to realise your true feelings for him. Will your revelations ruin your friendship? Or will something beautiful blossom because of them?
"I dare you to pretend like you're dating Jungwon for a whole week."
You looked at your best friend with wide eyes, a similar expression of surprise on his face. There was no way you were going to do that. It would be way too awkward.
"Come on y/n. Don't be a party pooper. It's not like you guys are going to fall in love."
Of course things wouldn't turn out that way. No matter what, nothing would change the way you saw Jungwon. He would always remain your best friend and nothing more.
Jungwon looked too embarrassed to say anything. Both of you knew it was just a dare. What was the worst that could happen?
"Fine. Starting tomorrow Jungwon's my unofficial-official boyfriend," you announced, linking your arm with his. Jungwon hid his face in his hands as everyone around you screamed and cheered. This was going to be one interesting week.
☀︎ DAY 1 ☀︎
Since you only had to put on a show in front of your friends, you figured the best thing to do would be to hang out with Jungwon in solitude. He didn't have a problem with your plan. You both had been having playdates together ever since you were three. He was comfortable being alone with you.
Both of you met at your secret spot. A small grove behind the schoolyard. It was a place the two of you had found while skipping classes one day. Ever since then, this was where you spent time together whenever you needed some peace and quiet.
"I can't believe you actually agreed to this," Jungwon said, mindlessly plucking the grass he laid on. You sighed, staring at the row of trees beyond. "A dare's a dare. Besides, we have nothing to worry about because we don't have feelings for each other."
Jungwon sat up. "You know that we can't avoid all of them for the entire week right? They're literally planning to hang out at the cafe just so they can see us in the act." He sounded worried. There was no need to be.
"Of course I know that. So what? We'll let them see what they want to. It's not like they're going to make us kiss or something. The most we'll do is feed each other and hold hands."
Unlike Jungwon, you had already thought everything out. You knew how far to go while respecting the boundaries of your friendship. All Jungwon had to do was trust you.
He cringed in disgust at your words. "You're going to pay for landing me in this mess. We've barely even started and I already feel so miserable."
You patted his shoulder, flashing him an assuring smile. "You're not alone in your miser mister. After this is over, I'll do all your homework for you."
Jungwon laughed. "Learn how to do your own first. Then you can come and ruin mine."
☀︎ DAY 2 ☀︎
As Jungwon had predicted, your friends called you out to the cafe. Both of you were supposed to show up together. Jungwon met you a block away from the cafe, looking incredibly reluctant. "Are you sure you want to do this," he asked, just about ready to turn back around.
There was a determined look in your eyes. "Remember when he had to play Hansel and Gretel's parents for that play we did in preschool?" Jungwon nodded. He could never forget that day. "If we managed to get through that, we can get through this without a problem."
That made sense. Appreciative of your pep talk, Jungwon took your hand and whisked you away to the cafe.
By the time you reached your destination, both your hands were sweaty. Jungwon was just as nervous as you were. Not only because you had to pretend like you were dating, but also because your friends weren't going to miss the opportunity to tease you.
Seeing you two enter hand in hand, everyone began hooting and cheering. Jungwon's cheeks flushed almost immediately. You had to drag him towards the table you were supposed to sit at. "It's nice to see you two arriving together," one of your friends said, making space for you.
Taking a seat, you watched in horror as they placed a glass of juice with two straws in front of you both. No one had to explain what its purpose was. You glanced at Jungwon whose eyes were fixated on the glass hesitantly.
"If we get this over with now we'll be at peace," you whispered, leaning forward to place one of the straws between your lips. You looked away when Jungwon did the same, feeling the heat in his face on your cheek. You were certain you had never downed a drink so fast in your life. It didn't take long for you to finish the contents of the glass, quickly sitting back up to catch your breath. Your friends couldn't seem to get enough of the event, laughing and clapping avidly.
"You guys are so cute," some said. "Both of you would make such a nice couple in reality," said others.
Sitting there amongst your terribly evil friends, you wondered how you were going to get through the next five days with Jungwon.
☀︎ DAY 3 ☀︎
Your friends had invited you to another escapade at the park. You couldn't tell what they had in plan this time but you were sure it wasn't going to be enjoyable. At least this time, you and Jungwon didn't have to show up hand in hand.
When you reached the park, Jungwon was already there. Your friends beckoned you over, making you stand next to him.
"Now that our subjects have arrived, here's your to-do list. First, remain holding hands the entire time we are here. Second, Jungwon, give y/n your jacket if she starts feeling cold. Third, walk her back home and make sure you give her a nice, sweet little kiss before she goes inside."
Jungwon let out a noise of surprise. He wanted to run as far as he could and never come back. Holding your hand was fine. He had gotten used to it because of the previous day. He didn't mind giving you his jacket, but you were already wearing one so he didn't see why he would find the need to. Jungwon could do many things. But kissing you was not one of them. It didn't matter if it was on your cheek, your forehead, or the back of your hand, because there was no way on earth that he would bring his lips anywhere near yours.
What neither of you realized was that your friends were willing to go to the farthest lengths to make sure you went through with their tasks. They made you two walk in front of them so that they could see your hands intertwined. When the sun went down and the air started getting colder, they made you take your jacket off so that Jungwon would be left with no choice but to give you his. Just when it seemed like your night of torture would come to an end, they even made you share a single cone of ice cream. When it was finally time to go home, two of your friends followed behind you to make sure that Jungwon did his bidding. It was awkward enough walking through your neighborhood hand in hand. Those who knew you cast looks of confusion and surprise upon you two. Eventually, you reached your doorstep. Jungwon let go of your hand, standing in front of you. He looked everywhere but at you, avoiding your gaze. You glanced behind your shoulder, rolling your eyes when you saw your two friends filming you from behind your neighbor's car. They weren't even attempting to be discrete.
"Hurry up and kiss me already. This is too embarrassing," you urged, slapping Jungwon's arm. He sucked in a breath, pressing his lips in a thin line. "Do you think it's not for me? I mean, I'm the one who has to kiss you for heaven's sake."
"Stop pitying yourself and just get on with it. The longer we stand here the more reason they'll have to punish us tomorrow."
Jungwon stared at you long and hard. He squeezed his eyes shut and leaned forward, pressing his lips onto yours without a second thought. You froze, eyes going so wide they might have popped out of your head. Even though it was probably only for two seconds, it felt like an eternity. Time froze as you stood in the foreign feeling of his lips on yours. He pulled away almost immediately, skipping down your driveway as fast as he could with a short wave and 'good night'. Still stunned, you entered your home, breaking into a smile when you closed the door.
☀︎ DAY 4 ☀︎
The next day, Jungwon asked you to meet him at your secret spot. So far, your friends hadn't made any plans to get you together. You saw Jungwon sitting in the middle of the grove, laying down on the damp grass as he usually did. Walking over, you sat down beside him, flicking his forehead so that he would open his eyes.
He grinned on seeing you, sitting up with a soft groan. "So, how was your night?"
You furrowed your brows at the question. It wasn't like him to ask you things like that. But you decided to overlook it. Maybe he was still feeling a bit awkward after the kiss you both hard shared the previous night.
You shrugged. "It was fine. How was yours?"
"I couldn't sleep," he revealed. It sounded like he'd been dying to tell you. "Why's that," you asked, believing that you had an idea of the reason.
"Last night scarred me," Jungwon shared, pretending to gag. You didn't know why, but hearing him say that made your heart sink. Suddenly, you felt horrible. "Was it really that bad," you asked, genuinely curious to know what he thought of it. Jungwon nodded, making you feel even worse. "It was worse than I thought it would be," he added. Your eyes started stinging. A lump formed in your throat and the longer you held it back, the more it hurt. You knew you hadn't been eager to kiss him, but you would argue about how 'bad' it was. But bringing that up right now would just be stupid. Jungwon would misunderstand where you were coming for and that would just lead to another disaster entirely. You had told yourself that you weren't going to let this dare get to you, but four days in you were already slipping. The longer you sat there, listening to Jungwon whine and complain about everything he'd had to do with you so far, the harder it became to control your emotion. Not able to take it anymore, you got up abruptly and ran away, leaving Jungwon sitting there extremely puzzled.
☀︎ DAY 5 ☀︎
You didn't respond to any of Jungwon's calls or texts. You didn't have it in you to face him. He would be disappointed if he found out the real reason behind your sappy mood. So you were gonna wait till you got over it before facing him.
You still couldn't believe that you had been so affected by Jungwon saying that he hated the kiss. Despite telling yourself that you disliked it too, you couldn't help but think otherwise. There was something so magical about it. You had never felt that way because of a kiss before. Whenever you thought back to it, an exciting warmth rippled through your mind. Your heart danced in glee and a wide smile formed on your lips.
But you weren't supposed to feel that way. Jungwon was your best friend. Besides, he hadn't kissed you willingly. You didn't understand why it felt so special to you when it clearly meant nothing to him. You knew you couldn't blame him for that. His mind was wired to see you as nothing more than a friend. You found it hilarious. Here you were, realizing that you probably liked your best friend after having continuously assured yourself and him that something like that would never happen. The sad part was that Jungwon would never reciprocate your feelings. You were all alone in this.
A knock sounded at your window, startling you. Slipping out of your reverie, you glanced towards it, eyes widening in surprise when you saw Jungwon crouched before it. You didn't think twice before letting him in. He entered your room and stood in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest. "You wanna explain what happened yesterday?"
You frowned and turned away shoulders slouching disinterestedly. "Is that what you came here for," you asked, regretting letting him in?
"Well did I have a choice? You've been blatantly ignoring me while all I've been trying to do is make sure you're alright," he said, stepping closer to you.
"I'm fine. If that's all you needed to hear, you can leave now," you replied. You didn't need him prying and prodding at you right now.
Jungwon stood his ground, clearly not satisfied with your answer. "No, you're not y/n. You aren't fine. Tell me what's bothering you."
You sighed and faced him. "Trust me, you wouldn't want to know."
Jungwon furrowed his brows. He didn't know what that meant. "I think I'll be the judge of that."
"It's you. You're bothering me," you spoke, narrowing your eyes at him. Jungwon hadn't been expecting that. But he didn't let the surprise show on his face. "What did I do?"
"You made me feel so worthless and undesirable. But that's not your fault. I can't blame you because you're right to think that way about me. I'm just pitying myself here and there's nothing you can do about it so please, just leave me alone." The tears were coming back again. You didn't want to break down in front of Jungwon. His face fell. He didn't know what to say to that. He thought you knew he was just being overdramatic. He seriously hadn't meant to hurt you. Before he could apologize, you turned to him. "I don't think I'll be good at keeping this a secret, so let me just tell you that I'm starting to catch feelings for you. If that makes you uncomfortable then you can leave. If you have something to say, just say it and go. But don't ask me why I feel the way I do because that's something I'm yet to figure out."
Jungwon was at a loss for words. He stood there, gaping at you like an open-mouthed fish before turning on his heel and exiting through your bedroom door. You heard your mother yelp on seeing him, probably wondering where he had shown up from. A part of you wished that he hadn't left, but the other was glad that he was gone. You felt like a fool for letting all of this happen. You should have never agreed to this dare. Who would have thought it would lead to something like this? There was nothing you could do now. There was no way you could change the way you felt. Because at the end of the day, it was as clear as ever, that you were undeniably in love with your best friend Yang Jungwon.
☀︎ DAY 6 ☀︎
Jungwon couldn't stop thinking about everything you had told him yesterday. He would never have imagined that you would catch feelings, especially through such a childish dare. Your friends had called you out to the park again today, but Jungwon wasn't going to go. He knew you wouldn't be there so there was no point. He wished he could tell you that he hadn't meant half the things he'd said about the kiss at the grove that day. He was just trying to show you that the kiss hadn't made him feel some type of way. Not just that, but he was also attempting to persuade himself that he indeed had loathed it. Maybe he should have been truthful instead of lying about it.
This was exactly what he'd been afraid of. Jungwon was always fond of you. He cared for you and he wouldn't lie when he said that he loved you. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that maybe he felt that way because he thought of you as more than a friend. Jungwon didn't want to convince himself that he liked you just because you had confessed to him. He wanted to understand the way he truly felt about you.
He knew every little thing about you. No one knew you as well as he did. Jungwon cherished your friendship and the time he spent with you. Whenever anything bugged him, he always came to you, knowing that you were the only person who could make things better. He relied on you more than anyone else. He couldn't go a day without speaking to you. After yesterday, he realized how important you were to him. The fear of losing you ate at him the longer he stayed away from you.
Jungwon hated knowing that you were sad. It hurt more to know that he was the reason behind it. He wanted nothing more than to hug you and apologize for making you feel bad. He felt guilty for everything he had done. It had only been a couple hours since he had last spoken to you, but it felt longer. He missed you so much.
So he left you a text, asking you to meet him at your secret spot. He kept his phone close, waiting till you replied. But you didn't. You probably wanted nothing to do with him. Nonetheless, he still hoped and prayed that you would give him one last chance to make things right again. He couldn't afford to lose someone as special as you. There was nothing for him if he didn't have you.
☀︎ DAY 7 ☀︎
Jungwon laid in the grass, staring at the dull sky above. It was filled with clouds, hiding the sun. The grove felt so big and endless when he was alone. When he was with you, it was much more cozy and bright, even if the atmosphere was gloomy.
He had been waiting for you for quite a long time now. You hadn't replied to his message last night, but he knew you had seen it. Just before he was about to lose hope, he heard the grass crunch a few feet away from him. Jungwon didn't have to look to know it was you. No one else knew the path to get here.
"What do you want," you asked, voice small but laced with malice. You were cross with him. Jungwon wished to change that today. He patted the space next to him. "Let's not pretend like we hate each other. You could do the worst thing to me but I'd still admire you."
You didn't argue and sat down beside him. Other than the tension in the air, everything felt normal. There was a scowl on your face. It must have taken a lot of convincing for you to come here. Jungwon needed to get to the point.
"I'm sorry about everything I said. I didn't even mean half of those things."
You scoffed. "Oh really? They sounded pretty heartfelt to me."
Jungwon sat up. "I was just trying to enforce the idea that I wasn't into you, on myself," he revealed, hoping that you would forgive him. "And being a dick was the only way you could do that? Jungwon, you weren't the only one who was attempting to suppress their feelings," you refuted.
"I know y/n. And it's my fault for not realizing sooner," he admitted, hanging his head. You sighed and shook your head. "This is so immature. I can't believe we're letting a stupid dare get in the middle of our friendship."
Jungwon chuckled darkly. "Maybe it's a sign that our friendship has run its course."
You turned to him. "What is that supposed to mean?"
Jungwon smiled. "I gave it some thought yesterday. We're both attempting to be in denial of our feelings. Obviously, that isn't working out. If it wasn't for this dare, they would've remained buried deep down somewhere. But I guess you could say everything happens for a reason." He took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. "I never realized how much I loved this feeling until I had to go a whole two days without it."
You couldn't even hide your smile. "Where is this going Jungwon?"
"Maybe we should give this a chance. Give us a chance. Who knows? It could turn out the be the best thing that's ever happened to us," he said, meeting your eyes.
"And what if it doesn't? We would be throwing so many years of friendship away."
Jungwon shook his head. "How long are we supposed to contradict how we truly feel about each other? That would take a heavier toll on us."
You laughed, squeezing his hand. "It doesn't hurt to try I guess."
Jungwon beamed. "That's the spirit!" It felt nice to see you smiling at him again. He was grateful for that. It was funny how a large part of his mood depended on you. If you were happy, he was happy. If you were sad, he was sad. His entire world revolved around you, and Jungwon knew the best thing to do was strengthen that bond.
"So, will you be my girlfriend," he asked, smiling cheekily. You bit your lip, looking at him through your lashes. "Of course I will."
A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading this fic. Please let me know how you found it! Thank you so much!
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yunhosthetic · 3 years
[3:38 a.m.]
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pairing: san x seosang
top: san
bottom: yeosang
genre: smut
words: 1463
yeosang mumbled to himself while staring at his computer screen. he took a quick sip of his cappuccino and shook his head.
"nope. it doesn't sound genuine enough," he sighed in disbelief and tapped the backspace key a few times to clear out the words he had typed.
waking up at three in the morning with a house full of seven crack heads is the worst decision yeosang has ever made. he would sit in his room writing a fanfic about two male kpop idols being a couple. he wouldn't talk about it to anyone. not even to wooyoung, his roommate.
the blonde yawned out of boredom and being tired and lightly scratched his cheek. looked at the time on the corner of his computer screen.
"three thirty-eight... and i still haven't posted anything in my writing account for a month, except for silly life updates," yeosang complained then closed his laptop and set it under his bed.
"i'm going to grab something to eat really quick. i'm hungry. maybe get another cup of cappuccino while i'm at it."
he quietly left the room and tip-toed to the kitchen. once yeosang made it there, he opened the cabinet of snacks and grabbed his two packs of dried, sea salted seaweed. he opened the other cabinet that was filled with coffee mugs of all kind. some being LGBT and BT21.
yeosang grabbed the shooky mug and set it on the kitchen counter. he opened the bin of coffee beans and poured a cup into the coffee machine, thankful that it wasn't empty. seonghwa and mingi went out grocery shopping recently and hongjoong, san, and wooyoung restocked everything after their necessary walmart run.
while turning on the grinding button, he heard soft taps from the hallway. a tired groaned followed by it.
"sangie," a voice groaned, sounding a little annoyed from the coffee machine being on, "we can't have coffee until six. what are you doing up at this time?"
yeosang looked over his shoulder to san. san was his best friend for five years and his lover for six months. the two met in high school months before graduation and college orientation. san was never the one to make fun of yeosang, unless he's done something weird or being effortlessly funny towards the roommates, and he can let someone be themselves.
he cleared his throat and added water to the boiling water kettle, making a cup for himself.
"i can't sleep. once i'm up, i have to do something like making coffee," the blonde simply answered, cautiously pouring water into the grinded coffee and mixing it with a spoon.
"it's been like for years. i tried counting sheep, but i am an adult. none of that crap works unless it's booze."
san let out a quiet chuckle and took a seat at the kitchen counter.
"well, you have me. you could've just asked for some cuddles. we all know you don't drink. you're a light weight for fuck sakes," he reminded.
"you never had a drink before. not even a fake daiquiri."
"and i don't plan to any time soon. i will forever be an uber to all of you drinkers, including jongho," the older added then stretched and rolled his shoulders while the coffee was brewing into the coffee jar.
"ouch. that hurts my feelings, sangie," san teased, getting up from the stool and walking over to the male. he circled his arms on yeosang's waist and swayed him to side to side, smiling fondly.
a deep red blush covered yeosang's face. he could feel one of san's hands going under his shirt, and his thumb gently pressed against yeosang's nipple, which caused him to let out a soft gasp and closed his eyes.
"s-san, baby, what're you — w-we can't. not right n-now," he whispered helplessly while san placed soft kisses on his neck and shoulder.
"please, yeosang. it's been weeks that we've done it. you've been avoiding me for too long, baby," the other whispered back.
the black and red haired male turned off the coffee machine and pressed his body against yeosang, his chest touching his back as his other hand pulled yeosang's pink lace panties down to his lower thighs. san scooped him up and took him to his bedroom, his foot pushing the door closed once they were in.
the two began making out passionately. yeosang's back against the wall while san held his wrists pin above his head with hand. yeosang moaned when felt precum dripping out of his tip.
"sannie, please, please," he whispered through the kiss as san pulled away to take yeosang's shirt off and cover his chest with hickeys and bites.
"come on, bunny. speak to me. what do you want me to do?"
yeosang felt chills going down on his back from the pet name. he has always been san's bunny. he was hardly a brat in the bed, unless he was impatient with the teasing.
"touch me, please. i need you inside me, san," he begged, rolling his hips against his boyfriend's.
"can i ride you, please? i've been good all day."
san groaned softly from the friction and nodded his head as his reply. how could he say no to an idea like that? what yeosang wants is what yeosang gets.
the couple pulled away and lied down on the bed. yeosang hurriedly took off san's sweatpants and boxers and handed him the condom. he stood on his patiently while san tore the package with his teeth and carefully slipped on the condom.
"are you prepped, bunny," he asked while yeosang sat on his lap and placed his hands on san's chest, straddling him.
"yes, i am. only for you, san."
"good job, bun. you're going to take my cock so well. you won't be walking for a week," san praised, making yeosang bite on his bottom at the idea.
yeosang positioned his hole to san's big cock and slowly slid down, letting out a broken moan. his nails dug onto san's skin while adjusting to his size. san held his waist and groaned at the friction.
maybe san was right. no. he was definitely. yeosang has been avoiding his and san's sexual needs for too long. all the working and errand runnings have took up so much of their time. they'll have to make it up by this and possibly going to breakfast and dinner.
"so tight ~ start moving, babe ~"
and yeosang did what he was told. he rode and bounced on san's cock like there was no tomorrow. the cal king size mattress squeaked, and head board thud against the wall over and over.
the two men were a hot mess. both of their sweaty bodies grinding up against each other, slobbily kissing and leaving marks on their skin that wouldn't leave in a day or two. san flipped yeosang and thrusted deeper inside him. his cock going in and out of yeosang's turning him on more and more till san hit yeosang's prostate.
"right there! right there, san! oh fuck~ 'm cumming," yeosang screamed in pure bliss, close to his orgasm.
a knot form inside san's stomach, and his thrusts became sloppy after giving yeosang permission. he came on his chest and stomach, tears staining the bed sheets. he spasm and panted softly. san pulled out and came into the condom.
"fuck... that was so great, honey. you did so well. let's get cleaned up before hyung catches us."
san and yeosang slept in that morning, cuddling under the sheets and wearing new pajamas. the sun's ray seeped through the curtains. yeosang groggily opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep off his eyes. his brown orbs stared at san, who was peacefully asleep and had his arms on his waist.
"such a cutie," he whispered and heard a knock on the door.
yeosang slipped out of san's arms and stretched and cracked his knuckles. he walked to the door and opened it just to see jongho with a smug smirk.
"you forgot these panties, hyung," the youngest teased, holding the evidence in a plastic bag.
"i don't know if you know, but i'll say once for you horn dogs. these walls can talk. we heard every little thing."
yeosang blushed in embarrassment and sucked in his teeth. he grabbed his panties and closed the door. he rolled his eyes and turned to see san waking up and getting out of the bed.
"was that jongho? that little shit," san mumbled and sighed.
"where should we go for breakfast, bunny? it's on me today. "
"it doesn't matter. i just wanna spend time with you this week and next. forever actually."
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Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 3
"Her heart belonged to someone who couldn't stay"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 5,300
Warnings: mild angst, violence, badly written missions(I'm sorry), fluff
A/N: this song is so fun, and as always with this series I suggest listening to the song of the chapter. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
A/N: a big thank you for @chrissquares for making these amazing dividers! And thank you @nacho-bucky for beta reading this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and on YouTube
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"Hydra is moving fast and advancing, tomorrow they are going to make a move on a not so secret lab in Germany which works on energy cores, we do not know the exact thing that they are after but we are going to stop them from getting it. Reindeer games you are quite familiar with Germany so try not to take over it this time." Tony projected then the layout of the place. You didn't dare look at Loki, you already knew the scowl he had on his face, barely distinct but you knew it was there.
"Why can't we just warn them today and ambush Hydra?" Clint asked from the end of the table. But you didn't look at him.
You strategically chose your sit, no temptation to look at Loki, not returning the looks that you knew he would send you. No memory of just earlier today. Hell, you still felt the ghost of his lips on yours.
"We suspect that with the knowledge, they might try to strike a deal with Hydra and in exchange of money, they will give them the supply they want. It's safer for us if they start on bad terms and we step in to make sure it all ends."
"We only got a handful of the weapons they created, so be aware of that and stay safe. That lab is intricate and big. Bucky and Clint will be on guard outside, take out any Hydra agents that may lurk guarding outside. The rest of us will spread out to protect and evacuate the relatively innocent folks, and the others take out the Hydra super guilty folks. Point Break, Horny Head," you bit back a laugh. "Try to see if there is anything Asgardian in the Hydra weapons."
You were the first out of the door after it ended. You were not going to wait to see what will happen. You almost felt like a prey, his prey, and he was about to catch you any second now.
"Y/N, are you not going to stay?" Steve asked when you were about to head out making you turn to face him, your eyes couldn't help but momentarily wander who Loki who thankfully had his eyes lowered. "We were going to review the mission details."
"Oh no, I'm feeling a little tired today," you tried to hold Steve's eyes but you knew he knew you better than anyone here, well almost. "Just fill me in tomorrow."
You did not see the look Steve gave the raven haired god when he watched you leave.
How could Loki not stare?
Just a couple of days ago his life was empty of you, and then you entered it again knocking the breath out of him just like the first time he saw you.
And just a couple of hours ago you were in his arms and he was kissing you like he did that one time he came home to you after a hard day with his father, and hel, you kissed him like you did that time he came back from a long fight after a week of being absent from your touch. Your kisses always reminded him what he was fighting for, despite the treatment from his family, he fought through to get to his solace, to get to you.
And now he is back to nothing.
And you are back in an empty room where his presence still lingered. Just like the night he left.
Out on the hanger, you were on the open quinjet ready to go when you felt a presence behind you.
"What exactly can you do?" you turned to him after you tightened the dagger strap on your leg.
"Why does it matter?" you went further inside the quinjet, at the very least you didn't want wondering eyes on you.
"I want to know what happened to you." The question made you look back at him. You couldn't figure him out now, he was just as different as you were but that's not it- he left you, no explanation, and now he is here kissing you and wondering about you as if he actually cares. But then again, why would he leave if he cared?
"I don't know what happened, I started to feel bad and I thought it was just a virus or something, but then I started seeing things… and then I just had these powers." You sighed, there were too many incidents before you understood what was happening.
"Nothing prompted it?" he pressed. He was almost towering over you now as you stood against the wall.
"No, not that I know of at least."
"What are they?"
"I can manipulate people's vision and emotions. I alter their reality as I like and control what they'll feel." You looked down then. "That's what I did to you."
"You put me in the invasion in New York, making me scared." You only nodded to him, you didn't like using your powers but sometimes they are needed. As if he read your mind. "You know that it's-"
You saw Natasha and Tony walk into the quinjet then, followed by the two supersoldiers who found you in the corner. You saw the strange look on their faces.
"I know exactly what it is Loki, now we need to focus on the mission." You walked around him and went away, sitting in the co pilot seat next to Natasha.
"Anything interesting happened today?"
"No Nat, nothing. Let's just get to that lab." You helped her start everything, ignoring the look she gave you at the answer.
"Thor?" Steve called to the god as the two went aside to talk out of earshot.
It was colder than you thought. Now you could only pray to any god out there, maybe Greek just strictly out of spite, that the lab will be much warmer.
"At this point, I think we lost the element of surprise boys." Natasha said through the comms as you drove towards the lab, snow covering the ground mostly white but as you got closer and more agents appeared it started to look red.
Bucky and Clint were on top of the trucks, shooting the guys that were securing the lab building from a distance.
With Thor and Loki taking down the guards on the tower, blasts came from besides you.
"Bucky, on our right, take them out." You yelled to Bucky who turned and blasted the vehicle and the agents in it.
"They're out, now could you just try to keep us steady? I don't want to fall off of this thing." He complained as you made another twisted turn, avoiding getting wrecked into a tree or a guard tower.
"You're a goddamn supersoldier, I'm sure you'll manage. Plus, it seems like we will have to leave the vehicle behind soon." You looked at the blockade just before you and Natasha.
"In three?" she asked and you nodded to her, pulling out your guns and shooting the men in front of you.
Then the blockade hit the cars. Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and you jumped out of it and over the blockade, knocking some of the guards.
You looked up and saw Loki fight. You've never seen him fight before.
He brought down yet another tower, pulling out knives out of nowhere and then disappearing behind the guards and he knocked the tower to the ground, its wooden form breaking down in pieces.
"Y/N look out!" you heard Steve calling out to you, he came in with his motorcycle, knocking out a Hydra agent who was about to attack you.
"Thanks Steve!" you called him and went to move away and fight.
"No, hop on, I need coverage." You nodded to him despite his bowl of crap. Hopping on the motorcycle behind him, you shot whoever was in sight. You got closer to the lab and in front of you a new rush of agents lined up. "Thor, we need you here."
"Oh no," you groaned. "You're going to do something really stupid, aren't you?"
"He always does something stupid, Y/N you should know him better." Bucky retorted and you laughed.
Thor came up besides the two of you. Getting down behind some rocks you guarded them.
"It seems like they are lining up for us."
"How kind of them" Thor raised his hammer and Steve his shield and it pounded as they hit each other, the energy sending the guards and the tank flying, obstructing them and their weapons.
Almost at the lab, a tall man stood in front of you, he had a weird shaped weapon in his hand, before you could advance and use your powers on him, the sky suddenly turned dark, you saw lightning and then his pointed weapon shot lightning energy towards you. It was too fast but you were whisked away before it could hit you. One of Loki's hands covered your head while the other snaked around your middle.
He pulled a long spear and was about to shoot it forward when he saw the man had disappeared.
"Brother have you seen that?" Loki called to Thor who ran next to the two of you. Loki still held you, but you pushed him away with a small thank you, looking at Thor instead and taking a few steps backwards.
"What was that?" he looked at his brother.
"It can't be, I destroyed it long ago." Thor shook his head.
"You saw what happened, it had to be it. Nothing else could do it." The blue eyes turned to you. "Are you okay darling?"
"I'm just fine, I can take care of myself." Pulling out your own knives, you saw Natasha and Pietro up ahead. "And don't call me that."
After you left Thor came up to his brother.
"What are you doing? What is going on with her? Loki were you-"
"That is not your business, stay focused on the fight. We need to find that weapon they used."
The inside of the lab was quieter than outside. Tony and F.R.I.D.A.Y detected the German scientists and you split up to look for them, and hopefully take whatever energy core Hydra was here for.
Jumping a story down, it was weirdly quiet.
"Hey guys, I'm in the east wing, something feels wrong." You waited but nothing came back but static, "Guys? Fuck."
Turning around you saw Hydra agents coming out of a door you hadn't seen before, they started to shoot at you, coming from both of your side, you used one guy for coverage, making them shoot at each other. Locking eyes with one of them, he soon fell with a scream, eyes foggy. You slit the throat of the guy you used and focused on him instead. In a field of enemies, he got up and shot everyone he saw around him. Once satisfied you let him fall down alongside all the others he shot.
You saw other agents coming your way but there he was again, Loki pulled you behind him and shot daggers forward and duplicating himself. You saw a couple running away to what you only assumed was another secret door but you lost them as you turned a corner.
"Guys, there's nothing here." The captain voiced through the comms.
"The comms are working again, great." You sighed.
"What do you mean there's nothing here?"
"I'm saying that this was a trap, there wasn't anything special that these scientists were working on, this is not what we thought it was."
"How could we have been wrong here?"
"I don't know but we have to go now, I don't like this."
Soon enough on the quinjet you tended to Clint's wound, he took a nasty shot. And your wounds weren't near as bad.
"Could they have had something that seemed insignificant to them but Hydra needed it for something?" you heard Tony talk to Steve.
"No, they weren't working on anything right now. The lab was for research, not for weapons."
You picked up on another conversation then.
"We have to tell father what we saw, Loki."
"No, I searched the building, and I didn't see the guy nor his weapon. Father will just send an army here when we don't even know what it is we are searching for." Loki reasoned.
You just tried to clear your mind and focus on helping your friend.
The sunset painted the rooms a lovely shade of orange from the windows. It was quiet as people were either resting, or in the infirmary. You walked through the hallway leading to the Avengers elevator to take you to your room.
He came in front of you from the corner.
"Hi." You didn't know what to say now, he saved your life twice today.
"Are your wounds alright?" you let him inspect your hands and arms. This was new to him too, seeing you fighting like this.
"Don't worry, they'll heal." He still didn't take his eyes off of you, his delicate petal out here fighting and risking her life.
"Let me heal them." You leaned on one wall as he stood in front of you, covering your wounds with his hand. You heard him mumble a chant and your skin tingled. You told yourself it was from the spell.
Then he looked up at you, and the look in his eyes was one straight out of your daydreams.
"I should just tell you to leave but-" your breath shuddered, your mind trying to make peace with your heart's will.
"I never stopped thinking about you and I." He admitted, you put your hands on his chest and slowly they slipped up to his shoulders.
"I heard that you have some other girl now, I heard they'll be a wedding soon." The pain in your voice did not go unnoticed.
"It's true, but I never thought I'd find you again. That was arranged, nothing happened yet and nothing will happen."
"I never stopped thinking about you too." You bit your lip and pulled him closer to you. "We know exactly where this leads, why go in circles?"
"My love, we can just call it even. We can't ignore this forever." His hand caressed your cheek now, you leaned into him.
"We're always going to come back, aren't we?"
"I'm afraid so, my dear." Your lips finally met, and you let every worry and fear go away, kissing him back with just as much passion and love.
And there it was again.
The first kiss.
"Will you stop messing it up?" you laughed at Loki as he tried to get the music player to work until he finally gave up and let you do it.
"That thing is just stupid midgardian technology, there is no use to it!" he complained as you magically managed to get it to work, a soft melody fell upon the room.
"I finally got you to agree to teach me, this is far from useless!" you laughed as you came up to him, playing with your dress as you twirled in it. You moved the furniture so you could dance in your living room.
"I don't understand why you even want to learn it, no one on Midgard knows it and it is not like you have balls around here anymore." It was quite barbaric to his taste.
"Yes but I want to learn this dance, I bet it is super pretty and elegant," just like you, you thought but didn't speak up. "I bet the balls there are amazing."
Loki showed you the right position and took your hand. He brought you close and prayed that you won't be able to hear his heartbeat.
"They are. Maybe one day I'll take you to see it," you had a bright smile on your face then. "You know, just so that these lessons won't be for nothing."
"Of course, whatever you say." You held onto him tighter as you almost fell. "I expect a nice dress too, I can't come to Asgard with a human earth dress."
He laughed at you, but it turned into a groan when you stepped on his feet, supposedly it was accidental.
"While you look beautiful in this dress, I bet you'll look just as beautiful in an Asgardian dress," you looked up at him surprised, you forgot how close you were, hel you forgot completely about the dance as you just stood there and swayed back and forth. "Like a true Asgardian goddess."
Loki didn't mean to say that but once it left his lips he couldn't even feel embarrassed about it, no he didn't even feel vulnerable when he saw the way you looked back at him. You moved your stare between his lips and his eyes.
"Do you really think that?" you whispered, scared to break whatever it is you have built in this room, in this moment.
"Absolutely." He closed the small distance and he already knew that he was a goner, you took his heart and mended it with your own. He could feel your passion in it, in your first kiss. He'll be damned if it will be your last. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him ever so closer, deepening the kiss. He smiled then before you pulled away just a bit, a huge smile graced your face and you lit up the room. Your red lipstick was smeared a bit, your bottom lip was swollen, and he wondered if he ever told you how much he liked it when you put this lipstick on.
"This was inevitable, wasn't it?" the smile never left your face and he didn't know what he did to deserve you.
"I'm afraid so." You couldn't keep in the giggle that escaped you, this man will be the death of you, you were sure of it.
He had never felt as loved as he did in that moment.
The kiss after a bad meeting.
Loki got to your home as soon as he could, he couldn't wait to be in your arms. His father was- well, his father as usual. He just needed some peace right now, and that was you.
He walked into your apartment, he saw your computer open on your desk with various papers all around it but he didn't see you.
"Darling?" Loki called you and you pocked your head out of the kitchen. You immediately took off the apron and went to him, he smiled at you even though he knew you'd see right through it- you always did.
When you reached him, you gave him a tight hug, playing with his hair until you felt him relax under you.
Then you pulled back and kissed him so delicately but it was all he needed. Your kisses surely had some magic laced in them, because you somehow made him feel completely content.
"I love you." He whispered to you.
"You what?" you must've heard wrong. You told him you loved him months ago, but you understood that he needed more time, it was harder for him to open up like that. But while he didn't say it, he surely made sure you felt it that night. Sleeping was not included in that.
"I love you." He repeated and you smiled, going to say it back, "Do I smell smoke?"
The kiss after he came back from war after a week of not seeing you.
The moment you saw the green shimmer from the living room, you got out of your bed and all but jumped on your boyfriend as he took off his armor. He managed to balance himself and you, but then you pulled away from the hug and attacked him with a bruising kiss, you gave him easy access to your tongue and tried to pull him closer by his hair.
"I missed you so much." You leaned your head against his forehead, you both panted heavily. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"
He could see the moment the light bulb in your head lit up and he chuckled, he shook his head but he let you see for yourself, he knew it would calm you down.
You lifted his shirt up and saw the small cuts on his stomach.
"You're not okay! Loki come on, I need to clean these cuts." You dragged him to the bathroom and pulled out your first aid kit.
"Darling, I'm a god, these small cuts don't affect me." He rubbed your back but you didn't listen to him.
"And I'm your girlfriend so shut up and sit down. Maybe you got hit by a poisoned spear or something that is like- I don't know what's up there but I don’t care!" he saw how worried you were, eyes bloodshot, he hated to leave you. So he nodded and let you take care of him, his hand raked through your hair calming you down. He had never felt more cared for, or loved.
You swore at him all kinds of curses, telling him to stay safe and be more cautious.
He swore he was going to marry you someday.
Asgard felt different now. After you went back to your room, with a smile that you tried to hide but he caught, he and Thor went back to Asgard- they needed to check some stuff to make sense of what they saw. It was night now so luckily most of the people were sleeping. Most but not all.
As the princes walked through the corridors, lady Iyllir was there with her maids, which she quickly pushed away when she saw them.
"My princes, I am so glad to see you back in Asgard, it's almost midnight now how come you are still with your armor?" she frowned at the cuts and light bruises she saw in the dim light.
"We just got back, and we are both very tired so we are going-" Thor put a hand, keeping Loki in place.
"It is really late, I'm sure my brother will be happy to escort you back to your chambers?"
"Oh that would be great, thank you my prince, have a good night!" she bowed to Thor and took Loki's outstretched arm. He sent a nasty glare at his brother but walked with Iyllir towards her chambers.
"I hope you are okay, your cuts still haven't healed." She took his hand, gently examining the cuts.
"I assure you I am fine, these cuts will be healed soon. Midgardian weapons cannot wound me badly." He gave her a smile and she only nodded.
"I miss our time together, you are great company. I hope you are staying longer this time."
"We will be staying for a couple of days I assume."
"Oh, great, so tomorrow we can go to that nice garden that you said you will take me to!" she gave him a kiss on the cheek quickly before turning around and walking into her room. "Goodnight, my prince."
He groaned to himself, he did promise to take her there. He pondered about it as he went back to his room. The lady and he had quite a good time- that was before you came back into his life. He walked the long way around to his room.
"This place really is beautiful like you said." The redhead looked around at the flowers that were around them and the tall bushes that created a barrier from the outside of the garden.
"They have been using magic to grow the bushes around the entire ground, making them into walls of this place." He remembered what his mother told him about this place.
"Thank you for bringing me here, I never knew this place existed." She smiled at him and sat on the ground next to him.
"It's my pleasure," and for a moment those barriers made him go back to a couple of months ago, when he would wander around in thought about the lovely lady his father brought for him to meet, soon to arrange a marriage. "Did you manage to finish the book I gave you?"
"I did, it was really interesting. I find history fascinating so the book was splendid to read."
They talked like this for a few more hours, talking about books and exchanging stories.
Before he knew it, Iyllir got closer and closer to him, sitting right beside him. The silver tongued prince went silent when he saw her lean in, all the while smirking at the look on his face before returning her gaze to his lips.
He considered his options. You were his only love, perhaps you always will be, but will you stay after all that is over? Can he still come back to you? He remembered the reason he left, the moment was scorched in his mind but now things were different. Maybe this time he will be able to stay, would you let him? After all, all you agreed about was temporary, just for old times' sake.
Their lips touched now.
"I can't." Loki said, before leaning back from the offended girl in front of him.
"Why not? Our parents brought us together to marry."
"Perhaps yes, but while you are great company I am not ready for this yet. We should go back, I have a meeting to attend to soon."
When they got up, she refused to take his hand. It was a silent walk back.
"Thor, are you sure you checked it all?"
"I did Loki, the vaults were lacking multiple weapons. They were old ones. Do you think you could tell exactly what is missing?"
"I'll do my best." The vaults closed behind them and Loki started to scour the items present, while trying to find the missing.
"I saw you were taking a walk with lady Iyllir today."
"What about it?" Loki went deeper into the place, looking at the empty stands and mentally taking note of all the items that should be there.
"I also saw you were around Lady Y/N a lot. You still haven't told me how you know her." Thor studied his brother, following him to the big closet.
"I was on earth and I happened to meet her, I did tell you."
"I'm not as big of a fool as you think I am, I can see the way you look at her. And the way she looks at you."
Loki didn't know if he was relieved or frightened as he found a way out of this conversation when he opened the doors.
"My wand, Thor my wand is gone!" Loki's eyes went wide alongside Thor when they saw the other weapon that was missing.
"This is ridiculous, why is he throwing a party in the middle of this mess? We can't waste time Thor, we need to tell them what those Hydra mortals have." Loki scowled as he got through the people dancing in the crowded room.
"Will you keep it down Loki? These mortals don't know a thing. I'm sure Tony will listen to us when we find him.
Looking around the room, he saw several other faces he recognized, and then he saw you- grinning and laughing with a guy he did not recognize. One of the mutants- was her name Wanda? She came up to you with a hug, and joined in on the conversation. Maybe it wasn't like what he thought. He hoped so, when you looked straight at him. In the daze, he looked at the tight little skirt you wore, his mind was lost and didn't notice when you reached him. The crowd seemingly closing around you, a barrier that let you be alone without watching eyes.
"See something you like?" you smiled at him, he couldn't help but return it, not ashamed of looking at every inch of your body before answering you.
"Yes, very much" he put his hands on your waist, bringing you closer. You put your arms on his shoulders, keeping him close.
"We said we will start anew, right?"
"Yes." You leaned your head on his chest, and the two of you started swaying not along to the music but to your own heartbeats.
"I missed this, Loki. I missed us." You confessed to him, he didn't have to answer, you knew.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love that red lipstick of yours?" you chuckled and lightly kissed the side of his. He sighed at the contact and your heart fluttered at the red mark your lipstick left on him.
He brought your chin up with his hands and didn't spare a second before attaching his lips to yours. He didn't know how he survived without your kisses, without your touch. He actually did know, it was hel. He would go sleepless at night, conjuring up figures of you beside him but that could only help so much. When he missed you most, he would go to Heimdall and ask about you. He was the only one that knew after all, he was the only one who knew about his only weakness. But then so many things have happened, some distracted him from the loss of you until he got used to it, and some… some he had to keep you in his mind just to survive through the very worst things that were inflicted upon him.
But now that you were in his arms again, he knew it will be even harder to let go of you if you asked him to leave afterwards. And he made sure to show you how much he still loved you in the kiss until you parted and looked at him, your eyes begging.
"Take me home, Loki. Take me away."
With the temptation, it was something he couldn't deny the both of you.
The minute he teleported the two of you to your room, your lips were back on his, pulling him with you until you hit the bed.
You made quick work on taking off the white shirt he wore, as he unzipped your skirt, letting it fall to the ground before he picked you up and laid you beneath him on the bed.
You looked up at him, feeling whole again remembering all those other times you were just like this, he always had the same James Dean type daydream look in his eyes, right before he made sure you remembered who your heart belonged to.
He promised himself to show you how much he missed you, and make up for all those years apart.
You spent the next few hours devoting yourself to each other, you were sure everyone could hear you scream his name in pleasure. But you didn't find it in yourself to care when he made you feel this good.
"What do you mean you didn't get the weapon?" the agent backed away, scared.
"We didn't expect it, and besides- he was there!" begging for his life, he hoped he will get out of these woods alive, the weapon in front of him was powerful enough.
"Who was?"
"There were more of them than usual, we didn't expect him to be there- we couldn't get the weapon!"
"You will be given one last chance to do this right, if you fail I will make sure you pay the price for it."
He was then handed the weapon, wrapped in a cloth.
"Do you remember how to use it?" the agent considered it, before he grabbed it in its hilt.
"And this stone heals it, right?"
"Exactly, use it when I'm gone."
He did just that, pulling out the sword, examining the weight of its powers, looking at the gem stone, then turning back and stabbing the other agent behind him. He let him bleed, before finally taking out the stone, and he watched in wonder and the wound healed. This will be fun.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 28 - The Club
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Once again just a friendly warning that this episode features and discusses teenage drinking
Varian stumbled out of bed and yawned. He looked at the clock and noticed the time. 6:30. Shoot! He was suppose to be up before six!
He threw on some clothes and rushed down stairs to the cafe.
Hiro and Aunt Cass were already down there setting up for the day.
"Sorry.. I slept in." He apologized. "Why didn't anybody wake me?"
"Oh well, I figured you could use the sleep. Besides it's only thirty after. Sit down and have some breakfast." Aunt Cass placed a couple of egg sandwiches on the table along with a cup of coffee and a cup of orange juice and encouraged the two boys to have a seat. While they both ate, Aunt Cass blithely carried on the conversation.
"So how did last night go?"
Varian eyed Hiro who glared at him over his sandwich but didn't say anything. "It went great actually. I even met someone while there."
"Oooh, that's wonderful sweetie. I'm so happy that you're making friends."
"Her name's Carol and she's a freshmen at the Art Institute. She just moved here from Mississippi, so she's new in town like I am."
"Oh, so she's what, 17... 18?"
"I..I honestly don't know. I didn't think to ask. But she invited me to another party tonight. If it's okay, I thought I might go. I could find out then."
"Another party?" Aunt Cass raised an eyebrow. It was a holiday weekend sure, but it was unusual to get invited to two parties in two days.
"Yeah, it's Jessica's birthday. She's Carol's friend and another person I met at the art school. They're all going to some restaurant to go dancing at. I forgot the name of the place, but Carol was going to text me directions if I could make it."
Aunt Cass thought a moment about it and then nodded along. "Well okay, just let me know where and text me when you get there. Also, once again, try not to stay out too late."
"Wait." Hiro interjected. He couldn't believe the ease with which Varian lied, nor could he believe that the other teen had just tricked Aunt Cass into letting him go out again to another wild party. He considered telling the truth right then and there, but the angry glare from Varian reminded Hiro of their argument last night and how Varian held dirt over himself as well. So he came up with an excuse instead. "I...I thought you wanted us all to spend more time together this weekend?"
"Well there's still Sunday tomorrow." Aunt Cass answered. "Why don't we have family movie night again? What do ya say? We could go out to the theater and catch a new release. I think their playing some sort of superhero movie this week."
The boys exchanged awkward glances but in the end agreed. Neither were ready to include Aunt Cass into their current feud. Besides she looked so happy at the thought of them all going out and spending time together as a family, that they just didn't have the heart to disappoint her.
They finished breakfast and Hiro left to meet with the rest of the gang. Varian however stayed to help with the cafe as promised.
"You know," Aunt Cass said while they washed up the morning dishes together. "I know it's only been a month, but I want you to know that we're all so glad to have you here. It hasn't been the easiest thing in the world readjusting, I know, but things are really working out; you're making friends, you and Hiro are really coming together here lately, and most of all you make our family just a little bit bigger and a whole lot happier just by being here."
She placed a loving hand on his shoulder, and Varian felt his heart drop at those worlds. He still didn't feel like he fit in here with the Hamadas and his relationship with Hiro had only degraded over this past week, which was already rocky enough to begin with. But Aunt Cass was so loving and hopeful that Varian only felt guilty for not measuring up to her ideals.
He gave her a small smile but deep down he couldn't wait to get out of here and back to another party. One where no one really knew who he was nor cared. Where he could drown out his intrusive thoughts and self doubt with a stiff drink.
"He went to the frat party?" Honey Lemon asked in worry.
Hiro was with the rest their friends at Joe's Dinner, recounting his argument with Varian last night.
"And you're sure he'd been drinking?" Gogo also asked with a frown.
"He said so himself and he smelt like beer when he came in." Hiro confirmed.
Gogo's eyes narrowed but she didn't say anything further.
"So what did you do?" Wasabi asked.
"Nothing. I..I wasn't sure how to tell Aunt Cass." Hiro looked around at his group of friends who were all giving him judgemental stares. "Look, I was still in my armor, alright. It was past midnight, and Varian had a point when he said that he covered for us all the time."
"You mean he covered for you ." Fred pointed out. "You're the one hiding your superheroing from Aunt Cass."
Hiro heaved a sigh, but Wasabi added his own opinion before he could offer up a defense. "You should have told her. Both about the drinking and about you being in big hero six. She's going to find out someday anyways and the longer you put it off the worst it's going to be."
Hiro cast his eyes downward unable to come up with a retort to that.
"Where's Varian now?" Gogo asked.
"Working at the Lucky Cat and after that he's going to another party."
"Another one?" Honey Lemon interjected.
"Someone he met at the other party invited him to go dancing tonight. He convinced Aunt Cass that it was just innocent birthday party." Hiro explained.
Everyone exchanged worried looks.
"You need to tell Aunt Cass." Gogo insisted.
"No, wait." Hiro pleaded. "Look, maybe we can handle this ourselves. Varian won't listen to me, but he might listen to all of you. Then there'd be no reason to involve Aunt Cass in any of this."
"And if he doesn't listen?" Fred asked.
"Hiro, why are you so against just letting an adult handle this?" Wasabi added.
"Look, Tadashi would go after him. He'd be there to help and try to reason with him, not be a snitch."
Hiro's explanation only elected more worried glances.
"And did it ever occur to you that Tadashi wasn't always in the right?" Gogo asked.
"What do you mean?" Hiro asked with trepidation.
Gogo sighed, "Look, we all miss Tadashi. He was a wonderful person… but that doesn't mean didn't make mistakes. Just because he kept trying to bail you out of those bot fights himself doesn't mean he should have."
Hiro had no words for that. Never in a million years would he have questioned Tadashi's methods. If it wasn't for his brother he would still have been bot fighting, and would have either been hurt or in juvie right now if not for trying to reach out to him.
He searched Gogo's eyes questioningly before she heaved a sigh in frustration and relented. "Fine. Where is this party?"
"I don't know. We'll probably have to just follow him; catch him before he gets there."
"Then I propose we suit up." Fred said. "To the headquarters!"
Varian stood in line to get into Monroe's with Carol and the rest of her friends. He'd had rushed to find Jessica a birthday card and a small gift and met them all at the restaurant right around nine. Only the restaurant, wasn't a restaurant, it was called a 'club' instead. There was still food and drink to be had, but the real reason folks came here was to dance, and Varian could hear the loud thumping music even from where he stood outside.  
"Must be a really popular place." He shouted to Carol over the music and other party goers. "I don't see how we'll be able to dance with such a crowd."
Carol laughed "Yeah, Monroe's like the hottest spot in town. But there'll be room, the line just makes it look more crowded than it is."
Varian looked up ahead and spotted a large man at the front of the line. People were handing him cards or flashing their wallets towards him. Upon inspecting the cards he would then let them in through the door.
"What's he doing?" Varian asked.
Carol looked at him in surprise. "Checking I.D. They don't let you into the club unless you can prove your 21. That way they don't have to check everybody who wants to buy a drink inside."
Varian's heart stopped. No one here knew his actual age he realized. At the last party it didn't seem to matter so he hadn't brought it up, but here he'd be found out and no doubt made to look the fool all because he didn't meet some abritay requirement.
"I...I don't think they'll let me in then." Varian admitted to the girl.
"Why not?"
"Well, I haven't a license yet, and.." Varian was going to admit the truth but Carol interrupted.
"Oh, cause you just moved here." She nodded her head as if she had just figured out his problem. "Well you have some other sort of ID don't you? A passport or a visa?"
"Yeah I have both those things, but you don't understand.."
Carol placed a hand on his chest to stop him. "Don't worry boo. We got you. We'll make sure you get in." She gave him a smile and a wink.
"Wouldn't be first time we snuck someone in." Jake put in.
"It wouldn't?"
Jessica laughed. "You think we're all 21 one? I mean I am, it's my birthday, but I wasn't always. Besides it's a dumb law anyways."
"If you're old enough to vote and join the army, you should be old enough to drink." Another one of Carol's friends, Daryl, interceded.
Everyone in the group seemed to be in agreement with this sentiment and Varian relaxed just a little bit. Though only a little. He wasn't necessarily voting age either.
"There's no age laws in Corona. Everybody drinks." Varian added.
"That's right, Europe doesn't have the same laws as we do." Carol said as if only just now considering the difference.
"I went to Germany once." Mary said; she was Daryl's girlfriend. "I was in high school and was able to get into a bar no problem. They just don't care over there."
"I'd love to visit Europe someday." Carol said, changing the subject. "I think Ireland would be a cool place to visit."
"I'd like to see Spain." Jessica threw her opinion in. "Would you take me see Spain baby?" She asked of Jake teasingly.
"Sure, if you got a couple of thousands of dollars lying around." Jake joked.
This elected more laughter from the small group of poor college students, and Varian's worry began to wane. Only to kick back up once they reached the front of the line. Panicked he dug into his pocket and pulled out the fake passport that Professor Granville had given him.
"What's this?" The bouncer at the door said incredulously.
"It's a passport." Carol said forcefully before Varian could answer. "Ain't you ever seen a passport before?"
"It's not even in English." The guard threw back annoyed and he flipped the booklet around to show off the I.D.
"Well of course not." Carol rolled her eyes. "It's in Russian. He's from Russia."
"Ok, prove it. Say hello in Russian." The bouncer clearly didn't believe them.
"Um.. privyet?" Varian answered hesitantly. It was a bit of a loaded question as there was more than one way to say hello in Russian, but Varian defaulted to the more informal greeting as it's what he and his dad would use most often.
The guard raised an eyebrow still not convinced.
"I also have my visa and college I.D. if you want that instead." Varian offered helpfully as he pulled out his wallet. He didn't think it'd be enough to let him in but better to be cooperative then to start a fight.
Just then Daryl from behind them yelled, "Hey, what's the hold up!?"
The bouncer took a look at the long line spiraling behind them and rolled his eyes while heaving a frustrated sigh. He didn't have time for this. "Fine." He said as he handed back the passport. "Go on in."
"Thanks." Varian mumbled as he took the I.D. back. He couldn't believe that had just worked.
"Yeah!" Carol added and then stopped to ask Varian in a whisper. "Uh, how do you say thanks in Russian?"
"Spasibo." Varian replied.
"Yeah, Spasibo!" Carol called back to the security guard in very bad mispounation of the word before they headed into the club.
"He's already left. We just missed him." Hiro said as he hung up the phone.
The gang huddled upon a rooftop across the street from the Lucky Cat. They had wanted to catch Varian while he was leaving, but it seemed like they were too late.
"Did your aunt say where he went?" Gogo asked.
"No, and I couldn't figure out a way to ask her without raising suspicion."
"Why not just call him instead?" Honey Lemon suggest. "Ask him himself where he's at and tell him we want to meet up."
"I doubt he'd want to talk to me" Hiro sighed.
"I'm on it." Wasabi said, but after several rings the call went to voicemail.
"Now what?" Fred asked.
"Looks like we'll just have to track him down the old fashioned way." Hiro said as he walked over to Baymax and mounted the robot. "Let's go."
Everyone dispersed to look for the wayward teen.
"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" The merry group chanted as Varian and Jessica competed to see who could finish a whole pint of beer first. The others having given up the challenge before hand. They were neck and neck but the birthday girl sputtered with laughter at the last minute and Varian scored the win. He slammed the empty mug on the the table with a wide grin as the rest of the gang applauded.
"Ok, you win," Jessica conceded. "But beer is easy. I'd like to see you try that with some hard stuff, like whiskey or tequila."
"I don't know what tequila is, but your on!" Varian shouted over the den of noise.
The club was dark and smoky, with the only light coming from the flashing strobe globe twirling above the dance floor. Music blared a thumping beat that resonated in your chest and patrons crowded around to dance, drink, and make out. The little group had taken up a small round table off in the corner so as the better hear each other talk, but even then one had to half yell to be heard.
"Hey, can we get some shots over here?" Jake called to a waitress, then he turned to Varian and said, "Okay, you wanna play? We'll do a round of shots. Most down the hatch wins. Loser pays for the drinks."
"Deal" Varian agreed.
The waitress brought a tray of shots and Varian eyed the small glasses smugly. You could down one in a single gulp. This would be easy he thought. Only to nearly lose with the first sip alone. Whatever this tequila was, it was stronger than either ale or wine and burned the back of his throat as it went down. He finished the drink and tried to suppress a cough.
"Not as easy as you thought it was, hun?" Jake smiled as he picked up his second glass.
Varian however was not one to give up easily, and besides he really didn't want to blow through all of his hard earned money in one night. So he steeled himself and grabbed another shot, and then a another, and another.
On the fourth shot Varian saw Jake starting to slow, his face becoming red from alcohol. Varian too was becoming lightheaded but he pressed on and nabbed his fifth drink. He didn't notice if Jake had drunk his fifth yet or not, he was too focused on winning, but as he reached for the sixth he heard the other guy call out defeat.
"Okay, okay! You win!"
Varian flashed a grin and drunk the sixth anyway in celebration; just to rub it into other college kid's face. This last glass he also slammed hard upon the table in victory as the tiny crowd around him cheered.
Jake pulled out his wallet to pay the tab, both annoyed and begrudgingly impressed that he had lost.
"You're like the scrawniest guy alive; where do you put it all?" Daryl asked incredulously.
Varian shrugged his shoulders as he had no real answer to give.
"Well let's take a break from the booze for a while." Carol interceeded. "I mean we came here to dance after all. That is if you boys can still stand after all that."
She tugged on Varian's sleeve and pulled him to the dance floor and the rest of group followed after them.
Varian stood in the middle of the floor at a lost of what to do. He wasn't a bad dancer persay, but he didn't know any American steps and he doubted any of the more traditional folk dances that he knew would fit with this type of music.
"So..how does this dance go?" He shouted Carol above the music.
She laughed, "Anyway you want it to. Just feel the music." She swayed her hips in time to the beat to give him an idea.
Varian figured he would look silly doing that, it was clearly more of a move for women, but he did see most of the men jumping up and down and so he tried this in time with the music.  
"Yeah, that's right! You got it!" Carol encouraged as she slid closer to him.
"Any luck?" Gogo asked Hiro as the gang gathered on top of a building in the middle of downtown.  
Embolden, he grabbed her hand and gave her a twirl. This enlightened more laughter and they both broke down into giggles before carrying on with their dance.
"Baymax found an energy reading similar to Varian's close by, but it's fuzzy. He's probably in one of the buildings around here, but there's like eight or more clubs just on this street." Hiro explained.
"Well we can probably go in and check while you can stay out here and keep an eye on things." Honey Lemon suggested.
"Yeah, but there's no guarantee they'd let any of us in either." Fred pointed out."None of us are over 21."
"Look maybe we're over reacting here?" Wasabi offered optimistically. "What makes you think Varian could of snuck into any of these places? The kid still looks like he's twelve and he doesn't even have a driver license. Or it could even be that he was telling the truth about it being an innocent birthday par...."
He paused mid-thought as they heard a familiar laugh coming from the street below.
"I have found Varian." Baymax said, stating the obvious as they all peered over the roof to see their friend drunkenly walk out of one of the clubs across the street. He was with a short girl with a dark curly afro and they were giggling over something as they made their way towards the bus stop nearby.
"Or he could be stumbling out of a bar with a drunk girl hanging on his arm." Wasabi corrected himself, clearly disappointed.
Honey Lemon frowned. "I know her...she's in the sorority at SFAI."
"Carol." Gogo confirmed. She had been dragged to the occasional makeup party there, by Honey Lemon herself no less. "But she's a freshman. No way she's old enough to be drinking either."
"Peer pressure can often persuade people into partaking in unsafe activities." Baymax stated as he launched into his health education protocols. "If someone is pressuring you into doing something that you don't feel is safe; say no and walk away..."
"Uh, yes, Baymax. We know." Hiro informed the robot.
"So do we go down there now to talk to him, ooorrrr..." Fred asked, but the arrival of the bus answered for him. Varian and the girl boarded the public transport before anyone could to do anything.
They all exchanged worried and exasperated looks with each other before taking off to follow the tram.
Varian stood in the middle of the bus holding on to one of the center poles. He and Carol were the only two occupants aboard besides the driver, and he could have sat down anywhere, but he was beginning to feel woozy from all the alcohol and standing upright helped to keep him balanced.
Carol however decided to sit down. She sat across from him with her face in the palm of her hand and her eyes sleepily staring out at nothing in particular.
"Do you have to work tomorrow too?" She asked suddenly, breaking the quiet.
"Uh..not sure. Probably. I usually work weekends. Either way though, I know my aunt has been talking about us all spending some 'quality family time' together all weekend long."
Carol smiled. "Responsible, family man, a great dancer, it's a wonder you're still single."
Varian blushed but laughed off her comment. "Responsible? Me? Yeah, no…..but family does mean a lot to me and I did promise Aunt Cass, soooo, sorry I had to bail out early again. But you know, you could have stayed at the party without me."
Carol shrugged. "Eh, I was about done anyways. The guys are fun to hang out with and all, but after awhile you start to feel like a fifth wheel, ya know?"
"Yeah, I know how that feels like." Varian agreed dryly.
"But you do know you didn't have to escort me home right?" Carol added with a laugh.
"I know, I just, I wanted to make sure you got home safe."
"Ever the true gentlemen, hun?"
Her smile grew wider and Varian couldn't tell if she was teasing or flirting. He rubbed the back of his head self-consciously. He was beginning to like this new girl, but he wasn't always the best at picking up social cues and he didn't want to ruin anything by being presumptuous.
"Well, I don't know about that, but looking out for one another is just what friends do, right?"
Carol looked surprised by that comment. "I..I guess…I have a hard time picturing Jake or Daryl doing anything so chivalrous through."
She snickered at that, but Varian tilted his head in confusion.  
"But I thought you guys were friends?"
"Oh don't get me wrong, they're good people and all, it's just all we do is hang out at parties sometimes. I don't expect them to like loan me money or come and bail me out of the slammer or anything. We ain't that close."
She sounded nonchalant but Varian nevertheless grew concerned.
"Then who is?" He asked.
Carol was caught off guard by that question.
"Who do you call when you need help?" He clarified.
She opened her mouth to answer, but no sound came out and she just as quickly closed it again. They awkwardly stared at each other for a few moments before the bus came to a stop in front of the SFAI campus. Carol quickly got up and hurried off the tram. Varian rushed after her.
"I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong?"
She didn't answer him but instead started to storm up the front porch steps in front of the sorority house.
"Look, I didn't mean to offend you." He called after. "I..I just…"
He trailed off and she paused on the stair. She didn't turn to face him, but the very fact that she was no longer running away encouraged him to try again.
"Look, I just, I know what it's like to be on your own, and I know how hard it is to move someplace where you don't really know anybody and nothings familiar and you don't feel like you always fit in. I.. I just meant that if you ever needed someone, for anything, you could call me...you know, if..if you wanted to.. that is."
She finally turned to look at him with that admission. There was a pout on her face and tears threatened to spill from her eyes, but she tried to make a joke instead to distract from this.
"You know most folks don't talk like you do." She half heartedly laughed. "You sound like a character out of a cheap rom-com."
He offered her a small smile. "Eh, well, what can I say? I am Russian remember."
They broke down into soft giggles at that.
"You wanna come inside and grab a coffee?" She asked after there laughter had subsided.
"Oh, I'd love to, buuuut it's after one. I should probably get going soon." He declined.
"Well alright, but you have my number, so don't be a stranger." She said before giving him a wink and another of her charming smiles.
She waved him goodbye before heading inside. Varian waved back and then turned to leave, only to be confronted by the rest of his friends waiting for him at the bus stop.
They were dressed in their armor and stood there glaring at him sternly.
"Hey...guys.." Varian slowly said, confused as to why they were here."What's going on?"
"We could ask you the same thing." Gogo replied.
"Uh...well, I'm heading home from a party, soooo..." He made to leave, fully ready to just walk to the next stop instead of hanging around for yet another argument, but Wasabi placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
"Do have any idea what an incredibly stupid thing you just did today?" His friend asked.
Varian cast him an angry pout and back-peddled away defensively. He stumbled a little, still feeling tipsy from the tequila, but righted himself before falling.
"You can barely even stand up." Wasabi admonish, further driving home his point.
Varian huffed in frustration and threw an accusing glare at Hiro. He was getting really tired of everyone judging him and he rightly guessed that the other boy had dragged their other friends into this. However before he could respond, Gogo laid into him instead.
"You broke your promise."
Varian's stomach dropped as he realized that, yes, he had indeed went back on his word about not trying to purchase alcohol. Yet, he still wasn't ready to admit fault. Who were they to act so high and mighty? It was just a few drinks? It wasn't like he had hurt anybody.
"So what's it to you?" He threw back."It's not like what I do affects any of you. Me going to a party now and then doesn't harm anyone."
"B..but you could get hurt." Honey Lemon timidly said.
Varian looked at her confused. What did she mean hurt? It was just a party.
"You snuck into a club at sixteen with bunch of strangers." Fred explained. "Like that's just ain't safe, man."
"Fred's right," Wasabi added, "anything could have happened to you in there and we wouldn't have known."
And for the first time, Varian started to actually feel guilty as he realized just how worried his friends were for him. However his defensiveness kicked back up when Hiro added his two cents.
"You need to stop and think about what you're doing first. You can't just keep jumping into situations without…"
" Oh knock it off!" Varian interrupted. "I am sick and and tired of everyone telling me what I can and can't do! I've been on my own since I was fourteen! I know how to take care of myself, alright!"
"No you don't." Gogo pushed back. "You know how to survive, and I hate that you had to, but that's not the same thing as actually being mature. Now just stop and come with us; we're taking you home."
She reached out to grab hold of Varian's sleeve and to pull him along, but Varian wouldn't comply. He wasn't entirely sure what happened next, in his addled state, but she pulled in one direction and he tugged his arm away in another. Either her blades rolled out from under her or he didn't realize his own strength, but either way Gogo wound up lying flat on the ground after their struggle.
Everyone froze in shock and Varian felt his heart race as his anger turned into alarm and shame.
"Gogo!" Honey Lemon rushed to her friend's side to help her up. "Are you alright?"
Gogo refused the help however. Instead she gave Varian a hurtful and angry glare as she picked herself off the ground. His breath shallowed as he waited for her to go off again, but all she did was shake her head at him, turned around, and then skated away.
That was somehow even worse than a lecture.
Honey Lemon followed after her.
"Dude, what is wrong with you!?" Hiro reprimanded and all Varian could do was look at him with wide eyes. What was wrong with him?
"I...I...I don't know!" He choked." I just...I just wanted to forget… just for a little awhile. Forget that I'm...I'm.. b-broken."
"And how does this help?" Wasabi asked, and Varian had no answer.
"Look, I know you've been through some really messed up stuff." Wasabi continued. "More than most people ever will, and I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you can't keep on like this." He sighed in defeat. "Come and gets us when your ready to actually deal with things." And then he too turned and started to walk off.
Fred cast worried glances between Varian and the direction of where their friends were leaving, unsure of what to do. Ultimately, he too turned away and reluctantly made after the rest of the group.
Varian could hardly see through the tears now. They were leaving him. Everyone was leaving him. They always did at some point, and here he had dared to hope things might just be different in this new world. Yet, he had no one to blame but himself.
That's when he noticed Hiro and Baymax still standing there, watching him disquitedly.
"Well, aren't you going to leave too?" He asked accusingly.
Hiro took a moment to find the answer, but when he did he said, "Why should I? We're going to the same place, remember." He held out a hand to Varian. "Come on, Aunt Cass is waiting."
Varian blinked through his tears to see Hiro standing before him with his arm outstretched and a look of concern on his face. Varian's breath quickened and his vision swam. He had felt lightheaded all night and now the added stress of the recent fight only seemed to highlight just how drunk he really was. He was so sure he had been careful, that he hadn't really had that much, but that didn't stop the ground from rushing up to meet him as he fell, nor the darkness enclosing around him as he fainted dead away.
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sojourntime-aux · 4 years
Day 5 (August 6th): Facing Their Fears – What are your OC’s fears and failures? How do they deal with them? Have they been able to overcome them? Will they ever be able to?
Day 5 is a bit of a contrast from my day 4 stuff! Also I may have played fast and loose with the prompt for today, but I hope y'all enjoy these! @khoc-week
> Warning for implied death, or atleast characters MIA.
Tabitha wasn't supposed to be here, she knew that. She especially wasn't supposed to have discovered this.
'No.. no no no.. that can't be..' Tabitha stared at the place in her notebook where pages once had been. Now she was sure she had written something there. Entry upon entry, missing. 'Just like my memory.'
Tears welled up in Tabitha's eyes, although she wasn't quite sure why. All she knew was that her heart tugged at these flashes of memory she was having. The pictures of this someone else she seemed to know, to have spent time with, to have written about, to have.. Tabitha could barely remember her.
What else did they take from her memories? From everyone's memories? Who else did they take?
Tagen leaned on Kathrynn, the low light of her flat helping to calm his nerves. This was the most relaxed he felt in weeks.
The three of them had started their search for their missing friend only two weeks ago, after she hadn't been seen for their end of the day routine for a week. Tagen had spent days on end searching world after world, and asking everyone one he saw if they had seen her, until Tabby and Kathrynn made him stop and rest. Tagen still looked every day for their missing friend, having not given up hope she would come back.
"Do you believe she's alright?" Tagen mumbled, trying to be hopeful. Kathrynn stopped in the middle of running her fingers through his hair, almost frozen.
"W-what?" Tagen opened his eyes and lifted his head, pulling away from Kathrynn a bit. He could tell there was something wrong with her, just wasn't sure what.
"Tabitha. Do you think she's okay?"
"Um... Yeah sure, if that's what you believe..." Kathrynn glanced down, unable to look Tagen in the eye. Tagen narrowed his eyes, giving Kathrynn a distrustful look.
"Do you know something?" With those words he could see he hit a nerve. He was on his feet now, glaring at her, staring her down with anger burning in him.
"What do you know Kathrynn."
She had followed him onto his feet. She only glanced up at Tagen for moment, but long enough for him to see the overwhelming guilt written on her face.
"I-i'm sorry.." Kathrynn tried to reach out for him, but Tagen backed away. The two of them had become a lot closer over the past couple weeks, closer than they had ever been. That was gone now. Tagen drew his keyblade, wincing at the heat in his hand. He then pointed it directly at Kathrynn.
"Where. is. Tabitha."
It could only be a matter of time, right? The more she thought about it, the more Kathrynn felt the claws of uncertainty within her.
'Could I already have that within me?' Perhaps Tagen's ramblings should have been put a stop. They were what probably got Tabitha. And Tagen... He gave in probably long before she could have known. 'But I should have. I should have seen it. It was right in front of me, wasn't it?'
Tagen's words still echoed within Kathrynns mind, some of them haunting her to her core, some just making her sick. She kept telling herself she had to be strong, she still had Tabby to protect. She couldn't give into all this like they had.
'But didn't I already?'
"Hey Tabby, you okay? You seemed a little bit lost in your head today." Tabby looked over at Tagen, who was currently helping him put away dishes before they headed up to the rooftops.
"Yes. I guess I've just got something on my mind is all. Its nothing big." Tabby said, and he put the last dish back in its place.
"Spill. Y'know you can always talk to me." Tagen turned around and leaned back against the sink, making a bit of a point that he wasn't going anywhere until Tabby talked.
"Okay... Well you ever get this feeling that your mostly just a face in the background? And not much else?" Tabby glanced over at his friend, who was giving him a look.
"Is that how you feel?"
"Sometimes.. I don't know, I guess." Tabby confessed. "I just wonder if I've made a big enough impression on the world, to be worth remembering."
Tabby carried out two bowls to the table outside his house. Kathrynn still wasn't talking much, but atleast she was eating. Setting down what he was carrying, Tabby gently pushed a bowl of hot stew in front of his friend.
"Here. It's nice and hot."
"..thank you." The was usually the only response he got now.
Tabby look at the other spots at the table, that had once almost always been filled. There used to be so much chatter around their little picnic table, now it was just...silence. Kathrynn didn't even want to go up to rooftops anymore. Tabby didn't know what was wrong, he could only assume it was heartbreak for their two missing friends.
Slowly their little group had fallen apart, and Tabby couldn't help but wonder about which one of them would be next to go missing, and if he did, he would just fade into obscurity...
The girl glanced back over at Tabitha, catching her staring. 
"Need something, sugar?" She asked playfully. Tabitha only blushed, shaking her head and mumbling out a small 'No.' Kathrynn and the other chuckled.
Suddenly the girl moved, making Tabitha look up again, only to gasp slightly. She was holding the heart shaped glasses out, giving them over to Tabitha. She knew Tabitha had never seen her without them, but that wasn't the purpose behind this action.
"Here sugar, take 'em. They're a little lucky in the finding things department, so maybe they'll help you find some answers." She could tell Tabitha was still a little flustered, which made the other girl smirk. She took the opportunity to slip the glasses onto Tabitha's face gently herself. 
"There. Now," She stood up and stretched, running her hand through Tabitha's fuzz. "Ive gotta turn in early, big line up for tomorrow. But I'll meet you guys here again soon, 'k?" She said, looking back over rooftops, to trying and hide her own blush now.
"Bye, see you soon." Kathrynn waved. Kathrynn had clearly picked up on what the gesture ment, or atleast the part that was important. "And Tabitha says thanks." 
"Oh I know." The other girl replied, before turning and making her way off the roof. Once she was on the ground, she glance back up at the roof top where her friends still were.
'Please. Tabitha. I'm doing something dangerous, and possibly stupid tomorrow. But it's for you. You have to remember me if anything happens.'
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
"They'll try to lure you with pretty songs and sweet words. If you value your life, do NOT listen."
This took forever, I’m so sorry. This is my first attempt at actually writing a fae story! Particular thank you to @mariniacipher​ and @potestessemagishomosexualitatis​ for help with Sneky Boi
Little Songs
relationships: Royality; Roceit; possible pre-Royaliceit
word count: 3,038
read on ao3
Roman King always has a song in his mind. Always. He wakes humming, he sings arias in the shower, he serenades the kitchen and its occupants as he makes breakfast. If he isn’t singing, he’s listening to music, the beats and rhythms and words flowing through his veins, as vital and ever-present as his blood. Sometimes it’s Disney ballads, sometimes pop songs he can’t get out of his head, and frequently it’s show tunes from the latest production to open on Broadway. And sometimes it’s little songs that his boyfriend doesn’t quite recognize but loves all the same.
So it is not a surprise when Patton Amhrán hears Roman making his way to the kitchen and the tune he’s humming is one Pat has never heard before. He thinks almost nothing of it. He just hums in response as Roman loops his arms around his waist from behind and rests his chin on Patton’s shoulder.
“Good morning, honeybear,” he purrs, still barely awake.
“Good morning, sweetie,” Patton responds, continuing to fry eggs. “You’re up early for a weekend.”
“I woke up with an idea!” Roman replies, grinning. “Since my rehearsals don’t start until Monday, we have all of tomorrow free, and it’s supposed to be so nice out- let’s go on a hike!”
Sliding eggs onto a plate, Patton grins. “Ooh, we could be outdoorsy! That sounds wonderful. Where would you like to go?”
“Rowanberry Woods is just outside town, how about there?”
Patton freezes, turning slightly to see Roman’s expression. The actor’s face is open and happy, completely unperturbed. “Cupcake, why there?”
Roman shrugs. “I’ve just heard so much about it. Everyone around town talks about it so much.”
“Well, that’s true, but that’s because we’re mostly locals. So we all know about it, quite well.”
Roman starts humming again, catching Patton’s hand and pulling him into slow waltz around around the kitchen table, ignoring the freshly-prepared breakfast. “My ginger-peachy love, what is there to know?”
Patton can’t help smiling, so besotted is he with this wonderful man he has the fortune to be in love with. In the morning light that slides into their window from pearly-grey clouds, there’s already a firecracker energy in Roman’s dark eyes. But there are other concerns at the moment.
“It’s a sensitive forest, a chroí.”
Patton shrugs. “The trees are… touchy. And the clearings aren’t much better.”
Roman grins. “Oh my god, Pat, are you talking about fairies? Lo said this would happen!”
Patton grimaces. “I know, I know, the fae aren’t real, Logan has explained their impossibility many times. And yet, everytime someone treats the woods in a less-than-respectful way, it goes badly for them.”
Roman keeps dancing Patton around, shifting from waltz to a calmer sway so that he can kiss his boyfriend’s cheek. “Then we won’t offend the trees, sweetie-pie. I just want to see it! And there’s supposed to a view of the whole valley from the hill.”
Patton feels his knees go just a little quivery at the kiss, just like they always do. Roman’s just so pretty and wonderful and Patton is absolutely infatuated. And now Roman is staring at him with those big brown eyes and how can Patton do anything other than agree?
He makes the mistake of mentioning their plans to Virgil, who’s just as native as Pat. Yes, the other man is more frequently subjected to his boyfriend’s skepticism now that they’ve moved in together, but Virgil waits until Logan is in the washroom to give Roman a warning.
“I know you Americans think you’re too progressive to be affected, but listen to me. The fae folk are very much real, and very clever. They’ll try to lure you with pretty songs and sweet words. If you value your life, do NOT listen.”
Roman rolls his eyes and scoffs, but he’s still humming, tapping a beat on Patton’s waist as they lean against the counter in Virgil and Logan’s kitchen for family dinner night. “How could anything distract me, Tall, Dark, and Spooky?” he asks, a bravado-filled grin flashing out against his dark skin. “I’m in love with the prettiest song the world could have given me.”
“The prettiest song?” Virgil asks.
“I’ve been learning just enough Irish to know what Patton’s last name means,” Roman says, more than a little proud. He caresses Pat’s face, grinning with his own achievement and adoration in equal measures. Patton blushes, leaning into his partner to kiss his cheek, too distracted by that beautiful smile to wonder why the steady tap-tap-tapping of Roman’s long fingers hasn’t stopped for hours.
The next morning is bright, comfortably warm and relatively dry, but fluffy grey clouds cover the sky. Roman is practically skipping as he and Patton climb the hill through the lush woods. They stick dutifully to the path, but Roman has far too much energy to walk slowly. He walks ahead to take pictures of flowers and leaves, then comes back to carry the picnic hamper and let Pat walk unburdened, gets distracted by birds flying overhead, and gets even more distracted by pulling his boyfriend close to kiss him softly and sweetly.
Somehow they manage to get to the top of the hill, setting up the picnic they brought. Patton relaxes, enjoying the nice weather and the view - it really is lovely. He can see his hometown and the neighboring towns, too, and the white dots of sheep up and down the hills. It’s a warm green bowl, brimming with familiarity and life.
Roman takes a couple of selfies with the view, then plops down next to Pat to capture them both, kissing his boyfriend’s cheek as the phone clicks. Patton smiles, and pulls Roman closer to connect their lips, and then again, and again, and Roman’s phone is set aside as both men are thoroughly distracted by each other.
Parting, Roman is panting just the slightest bit, and Patton is no better off. They smile at each other, glowing, and Patton caresses Roman’s cheek.
“If you stand on that rock there, you’ll get the best view.”
“But the best view is right here,” Roman responds, turning his head to kiss Patton’s hand. A blush spreads across his boyfriend’s pale cheeks, and he smirks. “I’ll go check it out though. Maybe it manages to be half as breathtaking as you.”
“Stay on the path, okay?”
“Yes, dear,” Roman drawls, already walking away.
Patton reclines on the picnic blanket. It really is so lovely here- why doesn’t he do this more? Is it just the trap of living so close all the time that he can never make a special occasion out of local attractions? One of the many wonderful perks of dating Roman has been having a newcomer to show around, so that every occasion becomes special. He hopes the view is all Roman was hoping for. Glancing down, he grimaces. Roman’s phone is still on the blanket.
“Sugarpie, did you want your phone for pictures?” he calls.
There’s no response. He looks up to see his love just short of the wide, flat-topped rock he’d pointed out. Roman doesn’t seem to be able to hear him- or to move. Patton looks down and blanches. Both Roman’s feet are solidly planted within a circle of tiny white mushrooms.
“Wonderful view, is it not?”
Roman turns to see a man smiling fondly at the valley below.
“It is. Sorry, didn’t mean to intrude- I didn’t realize anyone else was up here.”
“What intrusion? I’m always here,” the man says, turning to smile directly at Roman. Roman gulps, hoping it’s not audible. He’s no longer sure they’re a man- he’s never seen any man or otherwise who was this beautiful. Smooth, porcelain-white skin is interrupted by a gorgeous mottling of golden spots that loop around their face. Hair so bright it appears to burn even in the clouded sunlight flys up in bright reds and oranges above a smooth-skinned face. But their eyes are what catches Roman’s gaze. They are green, so green the color is redefined by their existence. All the richness of summer leaves, the soft glow of moss, the bright energy of springtime buds- all these hues must have been inspired by the sparkling emeralds that stare back at him.
“Are you staring?” they ask, a smile spreading across their lips.
“Forgive me,” Roman says with a courtly little bow, playing up his theatrical nature. “It’s not often I encounter such beautiful creatures as yourself.”
“Charming, aren’t you,” they laugh. Roman chuckles as well, and turns as they do to face the view again.
After a moment, a tune starts to dance along the breeze. It’s lovely and soft and old, and the harmonies wind together in gentle concert. Roman is humming along before he consciously notes the presence of the song. Still humming, he turns, and realizes that this lovely being is the one singing, harmonizing with themself. The minute the question appears in his mind of how that is possible, it is overshadowed by the realization that this is the song he’s had stuck in his head for days now, the one he hasn’t been able to place, the one he has no memory of learning until the day he couldn’t stop singing it.
Now, he starts singing the higher melody, and the other stops singing both parts to harmonize directly with him, stepping slightly closer as their words and sounds wind together. Those green eyes are staring at him, and he will do anything to keep their attention, to keep studying the sparkles and shades. But his mind feels more and more clear, and the strange, itching restlessness of the past week melts away. Together, the song rises and falls until they slow to a finish on a last sweet note.
“Thank you for joining me, dear one,” the other says with a smile. “May I be graced with your name?”
Roman blinks, and says, “My friend keeps calling me Princey. You can too, if you want.”
Lips as pink and soft as sweet pea blossoms stretch into a grin. “Your friend is very wise to recognize such royalty. You may call me Dee, if you’d like. Are you from here, beautiful Prince?”
“No, I’m from across the pond,” Roman says. Dee is still staring, almost unblinking, and with the endearments, it is making Roman flush. He blesses his dark skin for hiding his blushes as the other tilts his head in curiosity.
“America? How dashing,” Dee murmurs. “And yet you smell like Eire, and you’ve learned our amhrán.”
Roman suddenly starts, reminded of his boyfriend. He turns, only to see Dee is standing very, very close to him. “Wait, where am I? Am I still on the hilltop?”
“Where else would you be, álainn?”
Patton panics for a solid minute as he tries to get his boyfriend’s attention, but the faerie circle has him caught entirely. Patton’s breath comes faster and faster and his heart is beating out of his chest - is Roman okay? Is he hurt? Is he stuck forever?
“Calm, Patton,” he tells himself. “Breathe. In and out. I can do more once I can breathe. In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. Just like I tell Virgil.”
He breaths, slowly, bringing his galloping heart back in line. Wait, that’s it! Virgil!
He grabs his backpack, rifling through for the emergency pack Virgil tossed in years ago. Wedged into a corner at the bottom, he finds it: iron, rowanberries, and a smooth stone with a hole worn through it. Patton braces himself, slipping the rest of the packet in his pocket, and looks through the hole of the stone. There’s Roman, appearing as normal… and there’s someone else, tall and bright. But Patton still can’t hear them.
Throwing caution to the winds, Patton strides over to grab Roman’s hand, and sound comes roaring back.
“Oh, Princey, you brought a friend?” Deceit purrs, turning to face the newcomer to the circle. “How did you know I love meeting locals from down in the valley?”
“Dearest, you know who that is, right?” Pat whispers frantically, squeezing Roman’s hand tight.
“They call themself Dee,” Roman whispers back. His tone is reverent as he watches Dee stroke a golden hand through their hair. “Aren’t they beautiful?”
“This is why Rowanberry Wood is so dangerous, sugarplum!”
“This forest’s name isn’t properly Rowanberry, did you know? Rude, isn’t it? Calling our home by the name of a plant that keeps us away from you?
“What is its true name?” Roman asks
“Would you believe me if I said Eden?”
“As much as I believe your name is truly Dee,” Patton interjects.
“Clever boy,” the fae says, trailing a smooth finger along Patton’s jawline. Despite his fear, Patton feels a shivery tingling sensation run down his spine. It must be a glamour, but this creature is undeniably beautiful. “Just for that, you may call me Deceit, instead.”
“Is that a title, or a warning?”
“Prince, why is your paramour so rude?” Deceit pouts at Roman. “And he hasn’t even introduced himself, what manners are these?”
“You may call me Morality,” Patton interjects. “You know. The thing that reminds you of right and wrong. And tells you that the right thing to do is leave this circle,” he says fiercely, tugging his boyfriend’s hand.
“Morality,” Deceit says thoughtfully, rolling the name on his tongue. “You’re local, dearheart, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I’m from around here,” Patton responds stiffly. “And I know enough about this forest and you to not fall for your tricks or misdirections.”
“You think that of me? I’m hurt,” the fae responds, splaying a perfect white-and-gold hand across their chest. “Why would I wish to trick you, when I only want your company?”
“Honeyblossom, can’t we stay a bit longer?” Roman asks, still staring at the fae’s bright eyes and hair.
“Dearest, it’s all an illusion,” Patton says softly. “They’ve got a glamour on, to seem more human. They’re not like us.”
“I only wished to avoid alarming you, but I can remove it if you want,” Deceit says with a shrug. They gesture, and the air around them quivers like hot sand in the sun, rippling and resolving back into full detail.
And what detail it is. Their skin remains porcelain-smooth and white, but the gold disruption shows itself to be shining, golden scales, patterned down their face and trailing down their chest. It’s topped not by bright orange hair, as it appeared, but sheets of fire, rippling waves growing from their skull and flickering up into the sky. Their soft fingers are tipped in golden claws.
With the vanishing of the glamour, the illusion of regular clothes have also disappeared. Roman and Patton can now both see, very clearly, that the golden scales trailing all the way down the fae’s body, following their curves, and leading their eyes straight to the only covering the fae has: a strange, leaflike gauze that covers only the area where torso meets legs. Patton may be the only of the two who is obviously blushing, but Roman’s wide eyes speak volumes in themselves.
“I hope I haven’t scared you, my lovelies?” Deceit asks. The shape of their face has morphed, become higher-browed, but that’s not enough to conceal their smirk.
Patton recovers first. “No, you haven’t. And we’re still going to be leaving now, right love?”
A sharp elbow in his side shakes Roman free of his stunned state. “Um. Yes, dear. We’ll do that. We will… stop looking at them.”
Deceit laughs, and it sounds like sparrows tweeting and the harsh bray of crows. “Dear Morality, you know I can taste lies in the air. Your Prince has no desire to depart.”
“R- Prince. Please, just come with me, okay?” Patton murmurs into Roman’s ear. “We need to go.”
“What’s the risk, love?” Roman asks. “It’s an adventure, a new discovery! I can’t wait to tell the nerd.”
“Please,” Patton begs. “I’m… uncomfortable, sweetheart. My feet are outside the circle, let me pull you out, okay?”
Roman hesitates.
His eyes linger on Deceit. They’re clearly inhuman now, but still beautiful. And their eyes are deep and dark, like staring into the tree canopy at the peak of summer. They sparkle like a pirate’s hoard and Roman wants nothing more than to learn the secrets he’s sure the fae could teach him.
But with a force of will he turns his head back to Patton. Dearest, beloved Patton. Who is even more pale than normal, his freckles standing out like paint on his cheeks. Whose hands are warm where they’re holding his. “Okay,” he whispers. But he makes eye contact with the fae once more as he’s tugged back to the hilltop.
Patton keeps tugging him until they’re back at their picnic blanket, and then down the hill once more, sticking to the trail. Patton presses a piece of iron into Roman’s fist, and holds tight to his own in the hand that’s not clasped fast with Roman’s. Patton gets them out of the wood as fast as he possibly can, heart still pounding over their near escape.
At the top of the hill, from within the circle, the fae known as Deceit watches them go. They’re disappointed - they’d hoped to be able to talk to them further. The prince tastes of far-off lands, baked warm by a more-present sun. And Morality, a local, with all of that wise caution the humans used to grind into their children. The fae court could never hope to compare to the delightful intrigue of humanity.
But they have a consolation for how quickly these young men left them. They lift their hands, grinning, at the tiny twist of hair wrapped around their finger. Morality didn’t show up quite fast enough to prevent Prince from freely giving them a piece of that gorgeous, dark, rough hair. They’d not charmed him or bewitched him in any way. The minute the young man had started to sing along, they’d dropped even the beacon spell they’d sent out into the world, the one that had apparently caught the Prince in the first place.
They absolutely must see their Prince again, and his Morality too. That much is certain.
General Tag List:
@residentanchor @royally-anxious @bewarethegrammarpolice  @jemthebookworm @arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse​ @thelowlysatsuma @adorably-angsty @max-is-tired @almostoveranalyzed @hawthornshadow
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch. 32)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: None
Note: One more chapter and maybe a bonus if you guys are lucky! 
Word Count: 4,550
Summary: Emma and Drake hide out in the states from the press. Drake finally gets to meet Emma’s parents! And finally, the big return! How will things in Cordonia be for Drake and Emma after avoiding it for months? 
Chapter 32: Bad Karma - Ida Maria 
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You better believe in karma Baby it's gonna sting The wheel of life's gonna do you in So I don't really have to do a thing You took me outta my money You messed up my love life and my career You better believe in karma Guess it's gonna start getting weird right here
Bad karma (oh, yeah) Baby that's what you got Bad karma (oh, yeah) Whether you believe it or not The universe is gonna getcha You'll be scratchin' the seven year itch You know what I think? Bad karma's a bitch
When they landed in Texas Emma felt her stomach rolling, she was nervous about meeting Drake's mom for the first time. He sensed her nerves and squeezed her hand leaning down to whisper in her ear.
“You don't need to be nervous.”
“How much did you tell her Drake? What if she hates me?” Emma looked around for a trash can, she felt like she was going to be sick.
“She knew about our arrangement with Liam, that's it. She's the one who told me to get my ass on a plane and come back, trust me she's going to love you.” Emma nodded and let Drake pull her along, waving at a woman with long black hair.
“You must be Emma! Drake's told me so much about yo-” she reached out to pull Emma into a hug, but Emma bolted to the nearest trash can, and got sick. Drake came over and held her hair, Bianca awkwardly standing back.
“Oh my god. She's gonna hate me.” Emma groaned as Drake rubbed her back, passing her a tissue.
“Your pregnant Walker, she's not going to be mad at you for that. She's going to be happy she's going to have another grandkid.” Emma wiped her mouth and straightened up, walking back over to his mom.
“Sorry. It's so nice to meet you!”
“You feeling alright darling?” Emma smiled.
“Just fine, airplane food.” Bianca smiled knowingly but stayed silent. Bianca drove them to her ranch and grilled Emma.
“Okay Mom, I think that's enough. You're going to scare her away.” Emma gave Drake a thankful look.
“I wouldn't have all these questions if you had brought her here at some point! You've been married for three years and this is the first time I'm meeting her.”
“Mom.” Drake's voice got a warning tone.
“It's fine Drake. I wish we could've visited before, circumstances just didn't allow it.” An awkward silence fell over them as they drove up to the ranch. Drake grabbed their suitcases, Bianca and Emma hung back in the kitchen.
“Want something to eat or drink?” Emma shook her head and Bianca raised an eyebrow.
“Stomach still upset or something else maybe? You're glowing dear. Does Drake know? I saw Liam's announcement, I'm sure you have a lot to talk about if you didn't talk on the plane.” Emma's eyes grew wide.
“I uh, yeah he knows. We do have a lot to talk about, but I had an idea I was hoping you could help me with.” Drake descended the stairs and heard Emma and Bianca speaking in hushed tones.
“Mom, I'm going to give Walker a tour.” Drake grabbed Emma's hand.
“Why do you call her Walker like it's her name?” Drake rolled his eyes.
“It's nothing, just our thing. Anyways, we'll see you for dinner.” Drake dragged her out of the house and helped her onto a horse. They slowly rode together across the entire property, it was breathtaking and a literal breath of fresh air to the palace and press constantly following her.
“This is beautiful Drake!” He looked over at Emma and she was the happiest he had seen her in years. Of course, she had been happy they got back together and after their moment on the plane, but this was different, a more carefree kind of happy, the kind of happy she had been right after they had gotten married.
“We should stay here Drake, leave it all behind.” he sighed.
“Walker, I love this place and I love you. Cordonia is our home though.” Emma knew he was right, but she didn't want to go back. Ever.
“Drake I… I don't know that I can go back. After everything. New York was my home for a long time, I love Cordonia, but I missed the states.” Drake pulled his horse over, so he was right next to her and squeezed her hand.
“I get why you're afraid, I do. Cordonia was my home though, my mom didn't move here until Savannah and I were adults. Besides, you can't run from Liam or the press forever, you have responsibilities in Cordonia like your duchy. Not only that, but think of our friends, you know Maxwell and Hana wouldn't let you stay away too long. I'm not saying we have to leave tomorrow or anything, but we will have to go back eventually.” Emma groaned.
“I know. I want to have the baby here though Drake, I want privacy. I don't need the press breathing down our necks, I want our baby to grow up like a normal kid, just like we talked about.”
“I think we can make that happen Walker.” Drake smiled and leaned over to give her a kiss before they continued the tour.
They stayed in Texas with his mom for a month, Emma loved spending time with Bianca, but she was driving Drake crazy, and Emma's sex drive had been low, partially because of all the nausea that seemed to hit her at every time of day, and also because Biana was just down the hall and the bed wasn't exactly the quietest, it squeaked any time one of them turned over. Emma still wasn't ready to go and face the press though, she had seen headlines and they were still about her and Liam. Wondering where she had gone, who she was with, how Liam was handling the fact that she had run off with his baby, if it even was his baby. That was her favorite headline. The unstable American duchess who couldn't handle the pressure of being Queen. Drake snatched her phone from her before she could read another on the plane to New York.
“Walker you shouldn't bother. The press is like vultures, they're as bad as the ladies at court.”
“They're right Drake! I couldn't handle it and I ran off.” Drake rolled his eyes.
“No Walker. We're taking a break, taking time for us, time we never got to have. We're planning a wedding, getting ready for a baby, there's nothing unstable about it.” Emma snuggled up against Drake.
“You're right. I just, I guess it bothers me that they still haven't left me alone like Liam asked.”
“We'll figure it out together Walker. For now, we should worry about making new memories in New York, happy memories.”
“I want you to meet my parents too.” Drake's brows knit together in confusion as he looked down at her.
“I thought-” Drake didn't finish the sentence, the one time he had asked about her family hadn't gone well. All she said was that she had no living relatives.
“They are. They're dead, but their graves are here, I know they would've loved you. Even if you can't meet them, I still want to take you. I know it sounds dumb, but I used to go and talk to them, I haven't been since before I met you. A lot's happened since then.”
“I don't think it sounds dumb at all. I'd love to meet your parents.” They were renting a tiny studio apartment on a monthly basis, it took them a couple weeks, but they had settled in well. Emma took a deep breath and smoothed over the black dress she was wearing, she was going to take Drake to her parents graves and she was nervous about it. Drake sidled up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek.
“Are you ready?” Emma nodded and let out a deep breath grabbing Drake's hand. He grabbed some flowers off the table and they hailed a cab to the cemetery. Drake climbed out and helped Emma out, he began walking in a general direction, stopping when he felt resistance. He looked back and saw Emma standing still, clearly nervous.
“I’m scared Drake.” She shook her head, her breathing shallow and uneven.
“What's scaring you?”
“I've never taken someone to my parents graves. I haven't been here in four years Drake. I'm an awful daughter.” Drake pulled her in close and kissed her forehead.
“No, you're not. You were living your life, you're here now with your husband and our unborn baby. They'll be so happy and proud of you and how far you've come. I want to meet them; can you show me now?” Emma nodded and took a deep breath to steel her nerves.
“Hey Mom, hey Dad. I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry. I didn't forget about you, I've just been busy. I got married to the most wonderful man ever, Drake. He's here with me and...and we're having a baby. I love you, and I miss you so much.” She choked back a sob as Drake stepped up and laid the flowers down at both headstones clearing his throat.
“I, uh. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, I'm Drake, your son-in-law. I'm sorry I never got to meet you, but I'm so incredibly grateful for you both, for the wonderful daughter you raised and that I got the privilege to marry. I'm sure you had an idea of what kind of man you wanted your daughter to end up with, and I uh, I'm going to try and be that man. I hope that I can be a good father and raise this baby so, it turns out to be as amazing as a person as your daughter.” Emma felt tears sting her eyes, she didn't think it was possible to love Drake more than she already did, but after hearing him talk to her parents that’s exactly what happened. Drake, who had been kneeling stood back up and looked at Emma wiping a tear.
“Walker? What's wrong?” She smiled and grabbed his hand, keeping it against her cheek and leaning into his touch.
“Nothing,” she whispered, “I just love you so much. Thank you for coming with me today.”
“Of course, Walker. I love you and this baby, I'm glad you let me meet your parents.” Drake rested a hand on the tiny bump there and grabbed her hand.
“Bye mom, bye dad. I love you, I'll come visit more often. Maybe I'll have your grandkid with us next time.” They strolled hand in hand back towards the road, a content silence between them.
“Car accident.”
“They died in a car accident. I was 20. The roads were icy one night on their way home from dinner, it was just a freak accident.”
“I'm sorry Emma.” She smiled and squeezed his hand.
“It's okay Drake. It's been ten years, I'm just really glad you got to meet them.”
“Maybe when we get back to Cordonia, we can visit my dad, you can talk to him. I haven't been in a while. He would've loved you, and to know that he would've been a grandpa, he'd be over the moon like Bastien.”
“I'd like that a lot Drake, I want to thank Jackson for giving me such an incredible husband.” Emma chuckled.
They stayed in New York for two months, Emma knew they needed to return to Cordonia. Their friends had been respectful of needed space, but they were starting to grow worried and more insistent, she was ready to face them all though. They flew into Cordonia late at night without telling anyone, going straight to their cabin. The next day after they had let everyone know they'd returned, they went to Valtoria. Hana had been holding down the fort, but it was time for Emma to step in again. Neither of them had spoken to Liam since they left, Emma was mad that he had done nothing to tell the press to leave her name out of the headlines, that it wasn't his baby she was carrying. They hadn't spoken to Olivia either, while Olivia and Emma were still friends, it was awkward because of Liam. That day they received a message from a royal carrier, Liam was hosting a ball in honor of her return and offering her a chance to publicly be announced at court with Drake if they wanted.
This was everything she had wanted and fought for during her time as Queen, but now that it was here she was unsure. Drake never wanted to be a Duke, in the eyes of Cordonia they weren't even actually married as they'd never filed any paperwork. She was pregnant with his baby out of wedlock, just another rumor for the press to run rampant with, she couldn't hide it either. She had a visible bump now no matter what she wore, it was small, but unmistakable, besides the press already knew she was pregnant. They decided to go on the condition that press wasn't allowed in, Liam agreed. The night of the ball Emma chose a dark blue gown that was off the shoulder, beading under both breasts. It hugged her curves, but wasn't tight, it was a perfect fit and it showed off her bump which Drake loved. He wore a new suit that matched, also dark blue with the pink tie he had worn to her wedding to Liam. She straightened his tie and they walked out hand in hand, but before they even got to the car they were flooded with camera flashes.
“Your grace over here!”
“Your grace, are you with Drake Walker? The Kings best friend?”
“Your grace, is he the father of your baby?”
“How does King Liam feel about this? Does he know he's not the father?”
“How long has this been happening your grace?”
“Was the weight of the crown too much?”
“Why did you lie to the people for so long?” They fired off question after question. Emma felt dizzy, so many familiar faces from previous social events. One man, the one who always wore his ball cap backwards got in her face. Emma stumbled back, and Drake caught her.
“Get out of here! Leave us alone! Can't you see she needs some space!” Drake yelled, but his voice was drowned out.
“Are you the father?”
“You're wearing a ring! Did you secretly get married while you were gone?” Emma's head was spinning, it felt hard to breath, she couldn't see because of all the camera flashes.
“GIVE HER SOME SPACE! SHE'S PREGNANT!” Drake helped Emma steady herself and made a path through the press to the car. Emma didn't feel like she could breathe again until she couldn't hear or see the paparazzi anymore. Drake was disheveled and sweaty casting worried glances over at her.
“Vultures. Don't they have anything better to do than worry about other people's lives. Hell! Liam asked them so give you some space.” Emma rested her hand on Drake's, the last thing she needed was him all worked up, they still had to face Liam and the rest of court for the first time since the announcement about the divorce. They arrived at the palace, but neither of them moved, Drake watched Emma closely.
“Do you still want to do this Walker? We can turn around.” Emma shook her head and opened the door taking a deep breath.
“Let's do this.” Emma climbed out first and waited for Drake, they walked into the palace together. Emma whispered to the herald how to announce them to the rest of the guests, they were the last to arrive.
“The guest of honor! Duchess Emma Walker and Duke Drake Walker.” The ballroom was silent for just a moment before murmurs rippled the crowd. Emma forced a smile and grabbed Drake's arm walking down into the ballroom, Emma caught Liam’s gaze, Drake avoided it. Their friends quickly found them, asking all sorts of questions, but mostly excited to see them. Bartie came rushing up to them and wrapped his arms around Drake's legs before going to Emma's, he had gotten so big. Their hearts swelled looking at him, they couldn't wait for that, it wouldn't be long now. Slowly but surely people stopped whispering and started to approach, Kiara first. Drake grabbed Emma's wrist and placed himself slightly between the women, he didn't trust either of them not to start something.
“Duchess Emma, Drake, I'm surprised to see you again.” Drake could feel the hate rolling off Emma.
“It's Duke Drake actually.” Emma pursed her lips.
“Of course,” she cleared her throat, “I wanted to apologize for my behavior before you left court. Madeleine started all the rumors and was practically forcing me onto Drake. I, uh, assume congratulations are in order.” She raised an eyebrow at Emma's belly.
“I think you should leave Kiara. I don't like what you're implying about my wife.” Drake snapped.
“Non, just a misunderstanding. I'm sure there are many people who want to talk to you though.” Kiara stepped away and Emma rolled her eyes turning to Drake. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
“Are you ready to sneak off yet?” Emma chuckled and looked around.
“Absolutely, but all eyes are on us. We'd never make it out of here.”
“Screw it. Let 'em see.” Drake pulled Emma close and dipped her for a kiss, he pulled away when he felt her smile against his lips.
“Where did that come from marshmallow?”
“I've wanted to do that since the homecoming ball, now I can, and I don't plan on wasting a second.” Someone cleared their throat behind them and they turned to see Liam and Olivia standing there. Emma and Drake both stiffened, Drake and Liam hadn't seen each other since Drake had punched him. Emma made the first move, smiling and giving Olivia a hug before nodding politely to Liam.
“Thank you for this ball Liam.”
“Of course. Has everyone been polite?” Drake scoffed behind them.
“Just peachy.”
“How's Lucian?”
“What does he mean? Has someone bothered you?” Drake laughed incredulously.
“The entire court has been staring at us all night, the press practically attacked us outside of our estate in Valtoria. So much for calling off the watchdogs.” Olivia stepped up ready to snap back, but Liam grabbed her arm.
“It's okay Liv,” Liam turned to Drake, “I'm sorry that's happened. I'll be speaking to them first time tomorrow. I know it might be hard to believe, but I've changed, and I want to make up for all the pain I inflicted on you both. Please, let me know if I can do anything for you. I know things can probably never go back to the way they were, but I'd like to try.” He held out his hand and Drake looked at it and walked away. Liam sighed and dropped his hand.
“Give him some time Liam. We're both working on our forgiveness, maybe some of us more than others.” Emma pursed her lips and glanced back at Drake.
“I should go after him, it was good to see you again Olivia. Liam. We'll have to catch up, chat about Lucian.” Olivia beamed.
“Yes, he's doing well. We can talk about it later though, go.” Emma chased after Drake and felt all eyes follow her as she left the ballroom. She found him outside by an empty bar cart.
“Hey, ready to get out of here?”
“I'm sorry Walker. We can go back in there, I just needed a minute.”
“It's fine Drake.”
“He just, I can't believe him! After all the shit he pulled now he's asking for forgiveness? Saying he's changed!” He ran a hand through his hair angrily and paced.
“Drake,” Emma stepped in his path and put her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her, “I hated him. Hated. I do think he's changed, and I think we should give him a chance. He was your best friend. I can’t stand the thought that I had anything to do with you guys drifting apart, so please think about it okay?” He held her gaze for a moment, his eyes softening.
“You never cease to amaze me, let's get back in there. It's your ball after all.” Emma leaned in for a slow, passionate kiss.
“No. Let's go home Drake, back to the cabin.” She let her hands trail down his chest and over his crotch, Drake instantly responding.
“Absolutely. Let's go.” He grabbed her hand and they ran off to the car. The next morning Emma woke before Drake and looked over at him, his hair was a mess and he was on his side facing where Emma had been moments ago, his face squished against the pillow, an arm out on her side of the bed. She had been laying in his embrace for almost an hour, she couldn't lie still anymore, but she didn't mind watching him for a minute before making coffee. He looked younger, happier, so much more handsome when he wasn't wearing his signature scowl. She snapped a picture and wandered downstairs, turning on the news as she waited for the coffee to brew. There was breaking news, Liam was holding a press conference.
“About three months ago, I stood before you and told you Lady Emma and I were getting a divorce and I asked you to respect her privacy, though I never gave you a reason why. Well you have dragged her name through the mud and you cornered her and her companion last night at her home. That is not respectful to her or anyone else! I am horrified by this, what our media has become. I offer you a deal, leave Lady Emma alone, leave her out of this. Leave my son and Lady Olivia out of this, and I will give you a tell all interview. If anyone so much as looks at one of them or speaks of one of them, then the deal is off. You've got 24 hours to think about it. Thank you.” The press was silent and then began clambering after him.
“Drake!” Emma hollered, he came racing downstairs panicked.
“What? Is it the baby? Are you okay?”
“I'm fine. Watch this.” She rewound the press conference for him and got them both a cup of coffee.
“I think he's changed Drake.”
“Maybe.” Emma's phone began to ring, and she saw it was Liam calling. She frowned but answered anyways. Drake watched her like a hawk over his cup of coffee as she took a seat at the kitchen counter. When she hung up he looked at her expectantly.
“Well? What did he want?”
“He wanted to know how much I was okay with him sharing, if he should mention you if asked. The media already figured it out anyways. I'd rather have the record set straight than another fake headline floating around.” Drake nodded, he hated the idea of being in the public eye and everyone knowing their secret, but that was part of the territory and a small price to pay for being with the woman he loved.
Olivia paced back and forth in front of Liam as he bounced their son in his arms.
“Liv.” She held her hand up to stop him. He had mentioned the night before telling the press to lay off Emma and Drake, but he failed to mention it would include a tell all interview.
“What were you thinking? Oh wait, you weren't! This will reflect badly on you, me, them, our son! I can't believe you! Still bending over backwards to please the American.” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“Olivia that's enough!” She stopped and looked at Liam, he had used his king voice, he never used that voice with her.
“This isn't about Emma, it involves her, but it's not about her. This is about us. I'm tired of seeing headlines about you wrecking my 'marriage’ or hearing rumors whispered around court. People calling our son a bastard child! Honesty is the best way to go about this and what we should've done from the beginning, but I'm going to fix it. I don't want our son growing up hearing these things about his parents or himself. It's all gone on long enough.” She considered his words, knowing he was right.
“Well, this all could've been prevented if you didn't need the shiniest new toy every time.” Liam smiled, he knew Olivia and Emma were friends, but Olivia had some lingering jealousy.  
“Liv, you know I only have eyes for you.” She rolled her eyes, he always said that though. She snatched Lucian out of his arms and turned her back on him.
“Liv.” She didn't answer. “Olivia.”
“What?!” She snapped and turned around. Liam was there on one knee smiling up at her.
“Olivia Nevrakis, I have known you for as long as I can remember, you have been a staple in my life and I regret that I didn't recognize sooner just how perfect you are for me. Liv, you are the Queen of my heart and I want you to be by my side forever as the Queen of Cordonia. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” She was speechless, she and Liam had discussed the future before, but it never really involved marriage talk, it focused more on their son. Their relationship had been a kind of slow burn, building up the more tension that grew between Emma and Liam. The silence built between them and Liam began to get a sense of déjà vu.
“Yes! I'll marry you Liam.” He stood up to slip the ring on her finger and went in for a kiss, but she held up a hand to his lips and he frowned.
“I'm keeping my last name though.” Liam chuckled and leaned in to kiss her, this time she allowed it.
“I would expect nothing less Queen Nevrakis-Rhys.”
“Good, now go get ready for your interview.” She pushed him away with one hand before slapping his butt. Liam jumped surprised.
“Just enjoying knowing you're all mine now.” Liam took a deep breath in the palace boutique and out on his best suit before having his hair and makeup done. He was nervous, palms sweating as walked up to the podium in the press room. They fired question after question at him, but he had been expecting them all.
“So, you're saying that Lady Emma was unfaithful to you after you cheated on her?” Liam suppressed an eyeroll.
“No. Lady Emma and I had an arrangement. Our friends were in danger and I needed the Cordonian people's support. I knew that they loved her and trusted her, and so I asked her to marry me, it was then I learned she was in love with someone else. I suggested that she could be with who she wanted, as long as she agreed to play the role of my wife for the cameras and in turn she let me be with Lady Olivia who I love dearly and has agreed to marry me.”
“What about Lady Emma's baby? Are you saying that you're not the father?” Again, he had to suppress an eye roll.
“Do you not feel betrayed by your best friend? Is Drake Walker the father of the baby?”  
“No, I do not feel betrayed, and yes Duke Drake Walker is the father of his wife's baby. I'm very happy for them both. This interview is over now.” Liam stood and left the press room.
Next Time: It’s been a year since Emma and Drake returned to Cordonia! What are they up to now? Has everything gone smoothly? 
Tagging: @notoriouscs @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo@leelee10898@sleepwalkingelite @roonarific@speedyoperarascalparty@andy-loves-corgis @furiousherringoperatortoad@findingdrake @sue9659@smritysriv@larryssunflower@likethetailofacomet drakewalkerfics@zaffrenotes@mrsdrakewalkerblog@agent-bossypants @endlessly-searching-for-you   @cgd03 @simsvetements@jovialyouthmusic @akrenich @jlouise88 @bettys-mom @gibbles82
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spideywars · 7 years
prompt- narry!models they know each other by name but never met, bc they have different friends until they merge in a gala, after their both best friends nag about each other and how they'll make a great couple.
This was so cute and I loved every second of writing this. Enjoy!
He just got off his fourth Gucci photoshoot in Rome, settling himself in his fancy hotel room and watching as some people from his management rushed around him, collecting clothes and makeup to put away for tomorrows next shooting day.
“You haven’t talked about the Met Gala yet, it’s a big day for you.” His hair stylist Lou pointed out as she grabbed the last of her hairspray and brushes to pack in her travel bag. She was giving him a questioning look, interested in what he would answer with.
“I’ve been on and off photoshoots for the past month, I don’t have time to think or talk about that.” Harry sighed out, moving his hands over his face to rub at his eyes. They stung, begging for sleep that has been deprived for a few days now.
“Well before you pass out on me why don’t we talk about what you want to wear? Tina wants to know so she can start gathering a team, its your call.” Lou sat on the bed, travel bag in her hands all closed up and ready for her to take back to her own room. People were filing out by now, saying soft goodbyes to them with their arms full of clothes, beauty products, and papers. Harry was glad Lou was staying though, he’d rather chat with her alone.
“I want gold and flowers, bell-bottom pants of course, maybe a see-through black or white dress shirt underneath.” Harry went straight to business, staring off towards the ceiling above him as his imagination wandered to what he’d wear. He’s worn every colour and shade that’s ever existed, but gold was one of those that he’s rarely gotten to wear. What better place to wear it than the iconic Met Gala?
“Ohh, going right in for the kill aren’t you love?” Lou was typing away on her phone, probably sending texts to Tina as he spoke.
“It’s my first Met Gala, I want people to remember me as soon as I step onto the carpet.” He wagged his finger up towards the ceiling, almost like he was making an oath to the world and himself that he wasn’t going to slack on this. He’s been to many award shows ever since his fame sky-rocketed, but those weren’t anywhere near close to as important as the Met Gala where it was swarmed with music, fashion, and movie icons.
“Alright well Tina is already making orders and assembling everyone together, get some sleep now salt.” She got up and walked towards him to give him a short pat on the chest, her bag tucked under her armpit as she exited the hotel room.
The silence was almost too much when she closed the door behind her, it was nice to hear nothing but the sound of his own breath. This was the part that he remembered he was human, no hectic lifestyle, just himself with a beating heart.
Coffee was an essential in the morning, and with only a weak till the Met Gala as well as photoshoots that still went on, he had a completely packed schedule. He went to constant fittings, going in and out of changing rooms and leaving with a good cup of caffeine to keep him awake for the next flight or next drive.
He was in a car right now, getting a drive to his shoot for Tommy Hilfiger in New York. Lou was sat beside him, reading some magazine and silently flipping through it. Harry didn’t pay attention though, just kept his eyes on the window and watched the yellow taxi’s drive past and pedestrians rush around to their destinations on foot.
“Look at this cover, what a face.” Lou mumbled, she grabbed another magazine from the pile beside her that she usually brought to occupy herself while Harry did his shoots that sometimes lasted a full day. She turned it towards Harry, and he nodded in acknowledgement.
It was Niall Horan who was printed on the cover of the magazine, looking handsome and bold standing on a beach with a see-through white dress shirt on, that being it except for the briefs he wore. His brown hair was all wet, it dripping and falling into a fringe across his forehead.
He was stunning, actually, but Harry knows photoshop and the stupid enhancements that the magazine companies make. He’s never met Niall in person, only knows him by name when he sees him on billboards and shop windows, he could be ugly or completely mediocre looking for all he knew.
“Do you think he’s handsome?” She asked with a cheeky look, biting at her bottom lip and wiggling her brows. He wanted to roll his eyes but kept that expression in, instead moving to focus his eyes back on staring out the window. Lou slowly dropped the magazine onto her lap, now flipping to Niall’s exclusive photoshoot at the back.
“Of course he’s handsome, don’t really know him though so I can’t really be sexually attracted to him…can I?” Harry heard Lou snort and he whipped his head towards her, seeing that she was trying to hold in her giggle.
“What?” He asked, poking her in the side playfully and making her squeal and slap him harshly. She hated being tickled.
“You sure as hell can! I’ve seen this man in person many times, I’ve even done his hair when you went on winter break for one of his shoots for Vogue! Harry he’s a gay man that would be perfect for you.” She always was trying to hook him up with other men. It wasn’t in an annoying way, she never pushed Harry to date if he didn’t want to, she just loved playing matchmaker.
“I’ve got shit to do, don’t have time for a relationship.” Harry groaned, retracting his hands and letting her relax and settle down after a long giggle fit.
“Excuses, excuses. Niall is going to be at the Met Gala too, and you will meet him Mister Styles!” She sounded determined, pointing a stiff finger into his bicep to make him squirm.
The next time Harry was reminded about Niall, it was the day of the Met Gala, him standing in his hotel room staring at the door and watching as people raced around him, frantically trying to get him looking the best he’s ever looked.
He had on exactly what he asked, a white suit with gold flowers all over it, snaking around the sleeves of his jacket sleeves and legs of his pants like vines, blooming along his chest and back, all along his bell-bottoms. He had on a white see-through shirt underneath the suit, it had a ruffled collar that was different from what he asked for, but he was happy with the result in the end when his pink and lush skin was seen through the shirt, making him look even better. Everything was coming together perfectly, but then Lou is walking in with her hair supplies, smiling so big he couldn’t help but get suspicious.
“What?” He asked immediately, watching her with careful eyes as she unpacked her stuff and grabbed for the hair gel, making him sit down on the bed to get his hair in a messy quiff.
“Guess who I just had a chat with?” She sang, happily fluffing his curls up.
“Who?” He asked, wincing when she tugged a little too hard.
“Niall’s stylist Laura, she had come along and told me that Niall was going to be on the red carpet around the same time that you were going to be. She said that you two would be cute walking into the Gala together.” Harry was already shaking his head, rolling his eyes and letting out a huff. He was hoping Lou would’ve let it all slide by and forget about this Niall guy and him getting together, but she was a determined woman and when she wanted something she usually got it.
“We aren’t even matching, we wouldn’t look good together walking in with two completely different outfits. You know the Met Gala more than anyone Lou, couples match.” Harry was making every excuse in the book and Lou was catching on to his desperation to let everything go, and she stared down at him after she stepped back from her work.
“I love you and want you to be in a cute and happy relationship, can you at least try and talk to him? For me?” She gave him a small smile, looking all cute and pouty and rocking herself back and forth onto her feet.
Harry couldn’t help but cave in, because he knew if he didn’t agree now, Lou would be back to trying to get him with someone else soon enough. She’s tried to get Harry with many, many guys before Niall, but this Niall guy has really gotten her whipped. She hasn’t been this determined to get Harry to be with a certain man before.
“Alright fine, I’ll have a chat with him but don’t expect me to come back all love drunk.” Lou was squealing right after he said ‘alright’ and her skinny frame came colliding with his as she gave him a large hug. Tina was yelling at her seconds later though, a ‘don’t ruin the couture!’ Screaming across the room.
He had never been more mad with Lou in his life, and that was a fact as soon as he laid eyes on Niall Horan as soon as he came onto the red carpet. Because Niall was matching with him, with a white suit that had gold lining along the cuff and ends and all along the collar. He had on a white turtleneck shirt underneath and a gold bowtie wrapped around the neckline. He looked absolutely fucking stunning, better than the magazines actually.
That’s why Lou didn’t talk back to him when he had said that they weren’t going to match, because they actually were, and his whole body went into overdrive as he walked right towards Niall as he smiled for the cameras.
Niall looked right at him when he was a few feet away, and Harry’s heart felt like it had grew lifeless in his body when they met eyes, both staring each other down from head to toe. It looks like Niall had some realization across his face as well, with the way his brows shot up into his forehead and his mouth almost hit the red carpet.
“Harry Styles? Right?” Niall asked, making the first move as he stepped a bit closer. They were almost toe to toe, their shoulders brushing as they tried to play it cool for the cameras, acting as if they were just taking some photos together.
“Yep, and Niall Horan?” Harry answered and asked through his charming smile.
“Did Laura and Lou do this?” Niall asked, now moving a hand to grab at Harry’s suit sleeve to pull them along to another set of cameras. Apparently they were going along with the ride now, letting the stylists win by being a couple.
This was probably breaking the internet right now, Harry’s notifications were going to be blowing up his phone more than usual. But he hasn’t decided if he minded yet.
“Yep, never saw it coming…but yeah.” Harry mumbled, now staring at the doors that lead into the building where the Gala was taking place. They were close to going inside now, and he wasn’t sure if they should part ways and do their own solo shots for the cameras yet.
“Well, I would love to have you in my company today Harry Styles, I’ll be saving a seat for you inside.” Niall had said that quietly into his ear, skillfully turning his head only the slightest bit so the cameras didn’t catch their secret conversation. Harry couldn’t even answer before the small brunet was pushing himself away and walking off to smile for the cameras somewhere else.
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