#maybe we arent meant to be
what can you say to make multiple strangers, your own family, and trained UNIT force members run away from you. thats what im stuck on. they specifically showed how it wasnt the persons proximity to ruby that made a difference
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suckishima · 5 months
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okay this is so small but makes me really happy. taketora just got done talking about how much he admires tanaka and how cool and "manly" he is, which like makes sense right, both tanaka and taketora are always being shown as these like loud "boy's boys" archetypes who do everything with power, talk about girls, and emphasize "guts" and "manliness," so obviously taketora would respect tanaka
but then he immediately turns to also think about how much he admires fukunaga in the same way—fukunaga who doesn't display any of those same qualities that taketora was just admiring about tanaka. fukunaga is quiet, fairly low-key and doesn't flaunt anything ever. dude just goes around making weird puns that 1 people often barely even hear and 2 apparently seem to baffle everyone. but taketora sees all of that and sees how fukunaga still shows up and gets the job done more than successfully—he's one of the top point getters on the team—and taketora respects him for all of that, still calls him a "man's man" and tbh more than respects him, he admires him and sees him as a rival
and idk that just makes me happy, like 1 it's a nice small way of furudate saying that yeah "manly" is a thing that's important to taketora but it doesn't just mean one stereotypical thing—like it's showing that taketora isn't as one dimensional as we would have thought and that he sees things from multiple perspectives (we also saw this from him back during the whole "guts" thing with kenma and how he respects him too)—and it's also an example of seeing fukunaga from another perspective too. it's because he's so low-key that even we as readers have probably barely noticed how much of a rock he is for the team, but if you got back through their matches you can see how often he does score—he's quiet but he's always there. and i just like that furudate takes a moment to not only acknowledge fukunaga but to do it from taketora's pov in order to really hit it home to us how true it must be
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neurotypical-sonic · 4 months
Im tired and should be asleep and also am not great at media analysis so I shouldn't be forming opinions or whatever but like. so far the plot for the knuckles series just seems really similar to the movies. some Bad Powerful guys want to capture knuckles for his Alien Power, and are using his quills to both power their weapons and track him down. so knuckles teams up with a cop to Escape and Defeat them. obviously the show isnt out yet and the trailer hasnt given everything away so I cant judge the plot fully yet, who knows maybe theyre hiding something fun, but. just from the trailer - which was designed for people to judge btw, dont get on my case about judging it before its come out - it doesnt seem to be anything particularly new
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
what pisses me off the most is mutliple news outlets posting like the casting has been "confirmed" as if their sources arent just some rando at cinemacon announcing it when he "wasnt supposed to" + other news outlets getting the hype😭 like paramount or jeff fowler havent said a WORD. WHO is confirming it😭???
yeah maybe its because i really wouldnt like this if it was true but the whole situation feels weird. the site is allegedly reliable, and they claim they have multiple sources, but like. what ARE the sources exactly? they wont say . who told you this. and no official sources are saying anything as far as i know?? and theyve been keeping everything about this movie as secret as possible and i dont remember knuckles' casting leaking in advance like this so . idk.
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caruliaa · 10 months
one of the worst phenomena in fandom is when theres a character that everyone loves so much and thinks is the greatest guy ever who only ever does nice good things and then some other people start to point out examples of that not being true and then their narrative starts being that that character sucks forever so much and is only ever awful and the worst and we cant have any nuance about literally anything ever yayyy yipee !!!
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presdestigatto · 5 days
im gonna complain about some twitter behaviour in the tags as per usual just to get it out so 😭😭
edit because there are more crazy related tweets on my tl but i need someone to well-intentionally explain what “looks like ferrari” means considering how he doesn’t look like schumi or any of the ferrari drivers that ik of at all or im just going to continue assuming its some subtly racist thing
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hate how im now at a point where im legit like kicking my legs and grinning like an idiot over fictional characters SEND HELP
#take One Guess who im talking about. YES ITS KOI BOI#hes so prettyyyyy and cute and lovely and i love looking at him i wanna hear him speak and laugh and sing just AAAAAAAAAAAA#(turns to my own brain) BITCH WE ARE MEANT TO BE AROACE WHY ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH TWO FICTIONAL CRIMINALS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?????#my brain: (that fuckin anime girl gif from evangelion (i think??))#like fuuuuuck man is it self shipping if u use a proxy? like. hes an oc but he's a stand in for me. he is me and i am him but we also arent#he is his own person and i am my own our lives are very very different but i use him to express love for Mad Dog and Koi Boy#cause they could actually love him if i were in their world i wouldnt stand a chance but my boy has one so he loves them for me#its far easier to imagine him kissing them than it is for me to imagine myself kissing them but that might be because im wired weird#idk it *feels* like it counts yknow. my dumbass out here gettin jealous when i see a Certain Ship cause like i disagree with it on#a Fundamental Level. and on TOP of that half the time the art is so CUTE and im like 'motherfucker that should be ME' or i guess my lad but#STILL am i making sense?? doesnt help that i worry im like. misreading what content i have but also fuck you i can do what i want and also#i get him more than yall kgyugkhjhk (jk jk. Unless) basically when i call them my boyfriends i fuckin mean it#look its Real Missing Nishiki Hours i love him i wanna kiss his perfect face someone shoulda shown him love i could save him and he could#make me worse <3 I Want Him#and do not get me wrong i may be focused on him but Majima is still my wifey too!!! hes mine you cant have her <3#i just have koi boy brainrot i very much desire them Both (YES THAT MIGHT BE WHY I SHIP THEM TOO LOOK I ALSO THINK THEYD WORK WELL TOGETHER#OR AT LEAST HAVE A FUN DYNAMIC TO EXPLORE I SHOULD DATE THEM AND THEY SHOULD DATE EACH OTHER WE ALL HAVE 2 HANDS)#might delete this in the mornin who knows but im feelin silly i wanna talk about them i wanna talk about my boy but idk if ppl would really#GET IT yknow i can think of maybe Two People and that INCLUDES bestie but just aaaa point is i love my koi boy so much hes so lovely <3 <3
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littlestarlex · 1 month
hearing my political influencer roommate say "I won't promote Biden because he hasnt called for a ceasefire to the genocide, but I am still voting for him" is so genuinely tone deaf and stupid and it alone convinced me I am DEFINITELY not voting for that stupid motherfucker (I already wasn't going to, but it confirmed I was making the right call)
the sentiment I keep hearing is "as long as it isn't Trump" but it's so frustrating to think, for some people, Biden is as bad as Trump, for some people his lack of action on major policy change has altered their lives permanently in ways than will never be undone
"well Trump is going to enact a national abortion ban, doesn't that scare you?" sure, but I'm scared right now for the very real people currently unable to get the Healthcare they need because of loss of roe v. wade, for some people that ban is already in place and they're facing very real consequences of it as we speak
I'm scared for my friends, my family, myself, and all the people I may never know who are being impacted RIGHT NOW by the democratic presidency we're currently under
just because I am not currently impacted does not mean it shouldn't be a priority, just because it doesn't directly impact me doesn't mean I should just let it go
they cannot have my vote just because they're blue, just because they pacify us with small scale wins while continuing to fund the very things that keep us from being in a position of power
shit in the government can take a long time, I get it, but clearly they can move quick when it's something they all want, like ripping the power from the people and silencing voices that want genuine change
they all want the same thing, just because democrats aren't up there screaming on stage doesn't make them any less evil than republicans
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patrice-bergerons · 4 months
I have so many ideas I could explore for Jack and Ianto but the thing is they are hardly the only ship I care for and when I write for other fandoms and when 19 whole people kudos a new fic, they leave more than 2 words in feedback underneath. A single "loved this!" does not a writer feed, and sure, no one owes me comments, but I don't owe anyone fic either, and I would rather explore other, equally interesting, ideas i have for ships where people engage with my writing 🤷‍♂️
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palebloodpresence · 1 year
what if i said my genuine opinion of "rom the vacuous spider" is that she's actually not like, peaceful because she's stupid, she's just extremely fucking chill bc she's so enlightened. like she WILL defend herself but really she just wants to hide in her cool lake world and hide dark rituals
#idk i have crazy amount of thoughts on rom lately (makes a post thats half tags) (im sorry in advance)#like that she was blessed by kos.... now how you interpret HER and her relationship w the fishing hamlet may vary but like#kos strikes me as sympathetic towards humans (who are not hunters. it is the HUNTERS nightmare. though ive always wondered)#(why are there research patients there? what did THEY do?)#(anyway. idk i like to think that rom was very kind (if a bit. dumb maybe? but like tbh thats so subjective.) and thats why kos blessed her#thats extremely cheesy and sappy for bloodborne ikik but like. ye#though ive also seen other theories on how she might have ascended that ARENT related to kos giving her eyes#or ones that focus on the cut content abt kos being ebrietas's name at one point in development#which has VERY different implications (+ tbh? more likely#ebrietas has a more confirmed affinity for helping humans and also the whole 'altar of despair' grieving#(which re the character model: tbh i think its MEANT to be rom#but they didnt design it very accurately)#anyway thats all thank u for coming to my impromptu ted talk#OH WAIT edit i forgot to add i think we should consider WHO is calling her vacuous. the brygenwerth scholars? we know SO little about#1. who she was#and 2. where she earned this title. for fucks sake shes not even that spider shaped. whos to say this moniker is accurate?#not trying to start shit. i would love her even if no thoughts head empty#but like i hc her as niceys idk
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ghostlysoupcan · 1 year
i dont get how some people especially neurodivergent people can look at people with personality disorders and be utterly ableist and sanist against them when 9/10 you have more in common with a pwASPD or NPD than you do a neurotypical just based on the fact that mental illness is literally buy one get twelve free in some cases
#like i have adhd. im autistic. aro. schizophrenic/psychotic in some way do you REALLY think id be on the side of a so called empath#the second i even breathe about not feeling a 'human' emotion theyd have me put away thinking apathy would turn me into a serial killer#i have way more in common with cluster B disorders than i ever will with the empaths that claim to be ~*mental health activists*~#at least they claim to be mental health activists until its too messy or complicated and then out comes the slurs and bigotry#like id much rather hang out with a person who doesnt think thought crimes are real and that thinking abt the odd homicidal thought#makes you a twisted fucking cycle path or whatever#maybe its the aro in me and the similar experiences of seeing how bad we are dehumanized for some of us not feeling love#but it rankles like nothing else and if you do this please. reconsider and ask yourself why#if you create a stigma around the 'scary' disorders then how the hell is anyone meant to get help. feeling safe enough to get help.#cause these disorders are caused by abuse and if you really wanted people with a pd to get help you probably shouldnt make it harder.#and if we're going by therapy rules you cant armchair diagnose someone else anyways#sometimes an asshole is Just an asshole#long ass rant but seriously the amt of shit i see makes me so upset because like if someone does that to someone with scary disorders#how long is it gonna be till they start going after autism or adhd for similar traits. its already happened in some empath circles.#just ask yourself that because there is a lot more mental health overlap than you think#it already happens in most empath spaces#You cannot and i mean cannot decide if someone has bad intentions for you based on vibes.#you have to learn to trust people and if they break that trust they arent automatically a narc#just an asshole#and people hardly go around calling people a hyperactive abuser ghoul for them having adhd or being suspected of it
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mxdotpng · 9 months
i think the whole "miles is ALSO spider man" debate becomes worthless when you realize miles is in fact referred to as spider man in every single rendition of him..... except for the ones aimed at 4-8 year olds. which at that point makes your argument mean nothing
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alexanderpearce · 9 months
having to come to terms with the fact that i never actually got rid of my internalised homophobia it's just taken different forms over the years and also half the time i didn't realise i had it
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munamania · 1 year
do you remember when people acted like people do you remember when everyone wasn’t so painfully self conscious and anxious about being recorded without their consent and actually participated in the moment and didn’t base their entire understanding of humanity off of like tiktok trends and superficial judgments and actually tried to engage with people outside of themselves remember when we cared about other human beings remember when we weren’t all so guarded also remember when influencers weren’t a thing
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n0ct0urn1quet · 2 years
shopping for clothes especially online as a Fat Person and someone who wears exclusively an xl is so . hard. because you find a place that sells good quality cute clothes for fat people (specifclally ppl who are like Me who are. short AND fat. bc a lot of times, lke, xl pants for example fit me when it comes to waist and hips but are way way way too long for my itty bitty legs. so they get frustrating to wear sDJJKLjlJJKD) ........ and they end up costing, like, $60. i saw a rly rly cute pair of overalls and i was like oh these are cute!!!!!!!!! but they're $80. and the largest size they had available was medium. sigh.
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earl-grey-love · 2 years
I hope all the queer characters in Mad M*n know how much I love them.
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