#maybe you should try writing anything first aj
aranostra · 5 months
ooc // me wanting to make soulsborne verses for all my dune muses and dune verses for all of my soulsborne muses? more likely thank you think.
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super-rangers · 3 months
The post you reblogged about wanting to write but being tired is so real 😅
Here’s some silly/random questions if you want to think about The Characters™️ without committing to anything of substance!
1. Who in the group (if any) are stoners
2. Has Janis ever spray painted anything for her art? (pulling this question straight out of the movie Crush with auili’i, which, you should definitely watch if you haven’t seen it)
3. Who are dog people/who are the cat people out of the group?
4. Do you follow the very popular idea that Cady is obsessed with The Lion King?
5. Is Regina down bad enough for Janis to let Janis do her makeup/eyeliner or would she be like “I love you but im not about to look like an art freak” lmao
6. What classic piece of media in lesbian culture would Regina be watching after coming to terms with her sexuality (the L word, Buffy, oitnb, etc..)
I fully respect your peace so if you don’t feel like answering these, no worries, just thought it would be fun to get your take on some silly things. I hope your day is going great!!!!
too tired to write, just gotta daydream about the characters instead 😂
ooo I love random character questions
I think Janis occasionally smokes, but maybe not too often. By extension, Damian is also an occasional smoker. (a part 2 to the question that you didn't ask for, but a character it would be interesting to smoke with would be Gretchen, I think it'd chill her out and it'd be funny to see her like that lmao)
I think she's incorporated spray paint into some of her art, but I don't think it's reached AJ levels (I loved Crush, such a cute movie!!!)
Dog people: Cady, Aaron, Damian. Cat people: Janis, Regina, Gretchen. Karen just likes animals (Janis is also just an animal person, but I think cats win by just a little for her)
not really? Like I think it's fun but it's not something I incorporate into my own characterization of her
Janis would get one opportunity during halloween one year, and she makes sure not to waste it 😂
I think she'd go for the classic L Word to start with, but I think she'd be a closet Buffy fan. Doesn't want to admit to liking a 90s fantasy show, but she's obsessed. Janis would try to get her into Xena, but I don't think Regina enjoys it at first lol. Regina loveslovesloves But I'm a Cheerleader. Generally speaking, she finds lesbian period pieces over the top, but she enjoyed the deviousness of The Handmaiden
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cicaklah · 1 year
my girl @ronniebox tagged me and so here we go!
Rules: List ten books that have stayed with you in some way, don’t  take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to  be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman - my mother gave me this book to read when I was maybe 11, it was her copy that she had bought when Pratchett came and gave a reading at our local library in like, 1992. I'd say no book has been more formative to me, but in writing this I don't think thats true.
The City and the City by China Mieville - I got into Mieville through my girl @crimeandcricket, and was horribly traumatised by the body horror in perdido street station, and was way too influenced by his often pretentious writing style, but the city and the city is a masterpiece I'll never recover fully from and changed me for the better.
The Children's Hospital by Chris Adrian - I'm fairly sure no one but me loves this book, but it is also a book that multiple people stopped me when I was reading in public just from the cover image. My favourite kind of book is a book that can only be written by one person, and Adrian is a theologian and paediatrician, and this book uses every single one of his hyperfixations and also made me cry more than anything else.
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster - Actually, this book probably did more to calcify my sense of humour than Pratchett did. The smartest, funniest, coolest children's book ever, and this has reminded me to get the tattoo of Tock on my wrist.
Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield - I read this every christmas morning as a treat to myself. I also adore White Boots, the ice skating book, but Ballet Shoes is such a perfect gem of a story that is the favourite of my grandmother, my mother and myself.
Shabanu/Daughter of the Wind by Suzanne Fisher Staples - The first book that made me cry, inspired my fondness for camels and was probably my first feminist awakening? I've only read one of the sequels, but it was so brutal I still haven't emotionally recovered entirely.
The Amateur Cracksman by E. W Hornung - my mastermind specialist subject, a book that consumed me across time and space, Raffles my beloved, Bunny my beloved, I remember the moment I read the first story and my life changed literally forever. The Black Mask and A Thief In The Night are also obviously amazing and really all three should be considered one book, but something in my life changed for the better when I read the line 'AJ Raffles would be my friend!' in The Ides of March and I realised oh no, they're mine now.
Exhalation by Ted Chiang - very hard for me to choose a Ted Chiang story so thankfully I will pick his second collection, which has The Life Cycle of Software Objects and also the one about the parrots. It does not have Hell is the Absence of God or stories of your life, but tbh, software objects was the first of his stories I ever read, so it deserves to be here, even if it guts me like a fish every time.
Rivals by Jilly Cooper - if I could have anyone's writing career, it would be Jilly Cooper's. Everytime I read this insane soap opera of a book it holds me hostage until I finish it, and its like 700 pages long. The most wonderfully 80s OTT sex farce about horrible people trying to buy an ITV franchise. I genuinely can't believe that disney plus are making it into a series.
The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson - One of his least famous books and yet I think his best? I had read the Mars books several times before I picked this up, but this alternate history where 90% of Europe are killed by the black death, following how world history changes through the eyes of characters who reincarnate but always find each other, somehow??? it grabbed me by the throat and never let go.
tell me YOUR formative texts pls @crimeandcricket @deputychairman @myth-blossom @skylightpirate @stickthisbig @apricotbones @postalninja @cajunandfire @within-infant-rind
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Mysterious New Member-Chapter 1
Summary: After a set of unusual circumstances, the BF5 find themselves with a new member. Although they're glad for the extra manpower during the war, there's still something off about their new teammate. Vert can't quite put his finger on it, but he knows there are secrets to be found. There's little time to figure it out, however, as tensions rise between the BF5 and the Reds. All they can do is hope their newest member doesn't have something to do with it.
Or: The BF5 fic I wrote when I was younger, stopped working on, remembered again years later and decided to revamp. Also on AO3 and FFN.
Writing below the cut so I don't clog anyone's feed.
"Zoom! Head for the Key. Agura and I will cover you," Vert ordered over the radio. The scout gave an affirmative and shot off to the right; Agura pulled up alongside the Saber and stayed level as they rumbled towards a group of Vandals, kicking up desert dust.
"Oh, no you don't," Agura said as one of them swerved to chase after Zoom. She slammed on the brakes and launched a grapple at him, dragging him to her front tire before batting him away like a pest. She turned in time to see Vert send his car into a spin, blades out, knocking away several Vandals. She charged at the remaining group, ramming two aside before launching into the air to pounce on the last one, engine roaring. The poor thing barely knew what hit him.
"That takes care of that," Vert said, adrenaline still coursing. "How're you guys holding up?"
"Everything's good over here," Spinner said, giving his younger brother a high five after they took out Krocomodo. "How about you, AJ? Did that cat give you trouble?"
A groaning Kalus lay in a heap beneath his chariot. AJ rumbled past him to join up with the Buster. "Nope. Not a scratch."
"And I've got the Key," Zoom added, popping a wheelie on his way back to Vert and Agura.
"Alright, team, meet up at the Earth portal so we can head out of here." He waited until the scout was nearly caught up to put the pedal down, and the three of them rode back into the canyon.
The Zone had an unusual layout; large, open spaces the size of a football field before winding, narrow canyons. A bit like massive crop circles, to put it in Sherman's words. They'd gotten a reading on the Key pretty early on but had to split up due to not knowing which path was correct. It took some trial and error, and numerous run-ins with the Vandals, but nothing they couldn't handle.
Vert rode through the portal first, followed by Zoom, Agura, Sherman and Spinner, and AJ. When they were all out the scout grabbed the Key, tossed it and slapped it on the front of his bike.
"Good job today, guys," Vert said, taking his first calming breath in a while. "Now let's head on home so we can–Huh!"
In the distance, a black car was racing away. A cloud of dust was left in its wake.
"Who is that?" Agura asked, already scoping them out. "Do you think they saw us?"
"Whoever they are, they're sure in a hurry," AJ said, feeling uneasy. "Should we, like, go after them or something?"
"Maybe they didn't see us," Spinner offered. "They could've just been out driving. It wasn't like they were right here."
"I can go check it out, if you want, Vert." Zoom had his hand on the throttle, ready to go.
Vert thought about it. "No," he said finally, trying not to sound worried. "Spinner's right. If they were closer I'd say yeah but… they were already pretty far. The Salt Flats are perfect for racing. It's probably nothing."
"If you say so," said Agura, still on edge.
"It didn't take us that long to exit the portal," Sherman reasoned. "It's really unlikely they saw anything. And even if something does come up, like a video, we can always just deny it and say it was special effects for a movie."
"C'mon, guys, let's get back to base." He didn't want to stay out here any longer than necessary. Sure, it probably was nothing, and more than likely his nerves, but that didn't make him feel any better.
They went about their usual business upon returning, each of them branching off to spend the rest of the evening relaxing. The next morning was nothing out of the ordinary either, though it did see Spinner get into an argument with Tezz about having 'borrowed' one of his gaming devices for an experiment. All in all, nothing noteworthy.
Vert strode through the Hub and found Sage sorting through files by the Mobi. He walked over to her. "Morning," he said, getting her attention. "Everything alright?"
"Yes, everything is fine," she said after a brief hesitation.
Vert recognized the pause all too well. "You seem worried." Ever since the whole Mobi 3.0 ordeal, she'd been getting far more expressive. At this rate, she'd be easier to read than Stanford.
Sage took a second to process how she wanted to respond. "There is something that's been… confusing me," she admitted. Embarrassment wasn't something she had personal experience with but she knew the feeling when it arose.
"What could possibly confuse you?" he asked, worry gnawing its way to the surface. Was it something to do with Krytus? The Sark? Was the planet in danger from some sort of catastrophe?
"It is nothing of life-threatening concern," the Sentient said, seeming to read his mind. "It is just some abnormal readings I've been getting."
"From what?"
She pulled up several screens showing charts and graphs, and divided them. "These readings are from the Storm Shocks," she said, pointing to the graphs on the right side. "The initial burst of energy from the portal opening combined with the electromagnetic waves they generate upon interacting with the planet's own electromagnetic field. All perfectly normal."
"And the weird ones?" he questioned, eying the other screens. The activity there was much lower, hardly a blip compared to the massive impact the Storm Shocks had.
"These are not from Storm Shocks. At least, not from the kind we need to worry about." At his bewildered look, she added, "Sometimes a portal does not open fully and only a mere spark is produced, so to speak. It is quite normal, however, it should not be so frequent. What I'm picking up could merely be residual energy, but it is unlikely. The locations are inconsistent with those of the Storm Shocks and it is appearing at different frequencies. It is most perplexing."
"Sounds like it's worth checking out. Is there anything we can do to help?"
"You can see if you find anything at the locations of the anomalies. Perhaps Sherman and Tezz could be of assistance."
"Got it. We'll head out right now."
"I will send the coordinates of the most recent one to your cars," she said to his retreating form.
A few minutes later saw the Buster, Splitwire and Saber roaring into the desert. Tezz took the lead, his need for answers kicking in, while Vert and the Cortez brothers flanked him.
"Hey, Vert," Sherman said when they were halfway there. "Take a good look at where that most recent anomaly was."
He glanced at the map, not getting it until he zoomed out a bit. "That's where that car was," he said in shock.
"What car?" Tezz questioned, curious as to how an ordinary vehicle could cause such a reading. It wasn't high-powered like theirs, it wasn't even close to the level he was sure his project car had managed. But it was there nonetheless, and that should've been impossible.
"Oh man," Spinner said, "that means that guy does know something."
"We don't know that, bro."
"Why else would his car be leaving such weird readings?"
Vert cut in before Spinner could draw anymore conclusions. "Relax, Spin. That's what we're going to find out." To Tezz, he explained, "Yesterday when we exited the portal there was a car racing away from us. It was too far to say he was waiting but after what Sage said about those readings…"
"You think they might be involved somehow," he finished.
"Exactly. We can't let people find out about this. It's too dangerous and could cause some serious problems." He eased off the gas as they approached the area. They slowed to a stop and he got out. "Nothing out of the ordinary so far. Sherm?"
"Aside from the odd readings Sage picked up, nothing's wrong here."
"He is right. There's no trace anyone was here." With nothing but miles of rocks and sand, it wasn't worth getting out and looking either. Tezz typed on his console, trying to track where the mystery driver may have went, but the trail fizzled out after several hundred feet. There were a few nearby towns some miles away and a near day had passed; they could be anywhere by now.
Vert took in the surrounding area and hummed. Radioing in to base, he said, "Agura? We could use your hunting skills out here."
"On my way," came the response.
"What are we gonna do?" Spinner wasn't one to question Vert's leadership, but he couldn't see the point in this.
"We're gonna trace their tracks as far as we can and hopefully get some answers." He hopped back into his car to wait. "If anyone can track this guy, it's Agura."
Ten minutes later the Tangler skidded to a stop beside them and Agura stepped out. "What have we got?"
"So far, nothing," said Sherman. "The residual energy they left behind stops about seven hundred feet West. After that, they might as well have vanished."
"There's no tire tracks left either," Spinner added.
She scoffed. "I don't need something as easy as tire tracks. If there was a car passing through here, I can find it, even if it sprouted wings and flew."
"And that's why I called you. Lead the way."
They drove to where the energy trail died and let Agura do her thing. She inspected the ground and took a quick reading on the wind. "They went further West," she said. She brought her binoculars up. "Actually, I'd say about half a mile down, they turned Southwest. It's out of the way of Handler's Corners, but there is another town out that way. That's gotta be where they're staying."
"I don't know how you do it," Vert said. He didn't think he'd ever get tired of watching her work. She never ceased to amaze him. "Alright, team, let's go do a little reconnaissance."
"You want to go to the town? Isn't that taking a risk? I thought you said they might be involved." Scientific interests aside, even he knew not to risk exposing the BF5. Even if he was dying to know what was causing these anomalies.
"We're not gonna go into the town. Let's just see if we can pick up any readings. If we don't find anything by the time we reach the outskirts, we'll turn back." They drove off full-throttle, Vert in the lead.
Sometime into their journey, Sage called in to check on them. "Have you found anything, Vert?"
"We know the anomalies are being caused by a person. We're trying to see if we pick up anymore readings from a nearby town. We think that's where they're at. I'll let you know if we find anything else."
"Understood," she said before disappearing.
"I don't have anything so far, Vert," Sherman said in preparation of the sure-to-come status report. "Actually, my scans haven't picked up anything since we left that last one."
"I do not have anything unusual either," Tezz supplied. "We're getting close to that town as well. Perhaps we should turn back?"
Agura hummed in agreement. "Yeah, Vert. Knowing this guy's out here doesn't really help us that much. It isn't like we can follow him into town. If there's nothing else out here we really should head back. What if a Storm Shock opens?"
"You're right. We'll have to try something else. BF5, head back to base." They spun around and raced back to Handler's Corner's.
Sage met them as soon as they arrived. "I have found a pattern in these anomalies," she said, drifting over to the gathered Battle Force. "It seems they occur most commonly at night. Whoever is causing this is being very careful not to be observed."
"Well, I guess we'll just have to catch them in the act," said Vert. "We'll have to set up a stakeout. We're gonna find out what's going on here no matter what."
Chapter 2: here
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
4, 6, 22, 31, 43 from the OC questions?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Oh, there's a lot(I still love them). Most are from the DA fic(s) I wrote before joining tumblr, and the main one is my beloved canon Warden Rahna Tabris
Tumblr media
What was supposed to be a one-shot(maybe two-shot) about the start of her grieving process when romanced!Alistair died killing the archdemon somehow wouldn't stop growing and by the end of it I had 665k for her, spanning four longfics, several oneshots, covering Origin' epilogue scene through Witch Hunt, ft a very slow burn, friends to lovers second chance romance with Jowan. (seriously. I think it took 100k for there to be a hint of actual romance/crushing)
I love her dearly and she is still my canon Warden, but since I spent so long writing her and only her and her story seemed pretty much done at the end of her last longfic, she hasn't really talked to me since I finished. Since that was...6mon-a year after I joined tumblr she's not as "known" as the others. (Also she's the only muse I've written in first person. So that may be a factor in why I haven't written her more😅)
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
I think Jaaide and Janine would get mistaken for sisters if they were in the same universe(both blonde, they have similar jawlines/cheekbones). Which is ironic bc Jo Wyatt is my "voice claim" for Janine, to make sure I keep her with a consistent speech pattern when I write. xD
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
Not mischaracterize, exactly, but I think I/other people focus more on the sweetheart/goofball side of Vikkari, when he is also extremely badass in a fight, especially after doubling down on his Mythic path after the Abyss(warpriest, man, he can kick your ass with magic OR the huge falchion he's lugging around or both). I think it's a byproduct of me mostly writing downtime scenes where he's joking around with Seelah or being really sweet with Arue(or Etain in that AU). If I wrote him more fight scenes, which I should do since I love writing combat :3, it would be easier to remember.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Jas would have the same theme I do, with sunny yellow background, some cute wallpaper-like art of butterflies as the header image, and a cartoonized/goofy version of her Official Queenly Portrait as her pfp/sidebar image. (green with the aurora borealis as header for mobile) She mostly reblogs inspirational/scriptural quotes, recipes for sweet breakfast and dessert food, and animal pictures. Nature and art for things she likes also make frequent appearances. She also posts a lot just rambling about her day, stuff she saw or did, her family/friends/Tristian(yes he's his own category).
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
Definitely like red hair, freckles, and green eyes, though I try to only have one or two of the three per character, not all of them(AJ and Tel have red hair + freckles but blue eyes, Jas and Tragen have red hair/green eyes but no freckles, Endrali and Trinne have freckles, Jaaide has green eyes etc etc) Also brown or grey eyes.
I like making bookworms. I love making siblings sets(*glances at the... five I have in SWtOR*), usually with a good relationship. Snark. Supportive and fiercely protective. There's a lot.
OC Asks
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lab-trash · 2 years
Villian Arcane
This is the last chapter for a little bit, since it's the last one that I have completed. I have a really rough time writing on the weekends, so hopefully I'll be able to write more tomorrow.
Chapter List
Oliver didn’t share the fact that he knew where Marcus had been hiding out. 
Why should he? Marcus would’ve moved by now. Chase wouldn’t be there. It was fine. Oliver had no reason to turn over Marcus’s base. 
Oliver had a feeling the others were keeping something from him. That they knew something that he didn’t know. 
Normally he wouldn’t care that much, maybe he’d be a little bitter about it, but it felt more important this time. 
Maybe it was because of Marcus. He wanted to know as much as possible.
And in all honesty, when he overheard Kaz and Skylar talking, he didn’t know if it was on purpose or not. 
“Do you think Oliver might be easier on Chase if he knew?” Skylar asked. 
“Honestly, probably not. He’d probably be even worse on him, knowing how bad he’s been lately.”
Oh, fun, overhearing your supposed best friends talking about you like you’re a piece of trash. Lovely. 
“I hate to agree, but you’re probably right.”
“Plus, it’s not like there’s anything actually going on.”
“I disagree,” Skylar said, “I mean, you heard that radio transmission. There’s not nothing going on.”
Oliver fucking knew it. That was a bit upsetting, that they were just keeping this a secret from him. 
Sure, he did like Skylar, and he would be upset if they started dating, but he’d still want to know. 
“I just don’t think anyone should say anything about it unless we get him back.”
“Until we get him back, Kaz,” Skylar corrected sentimentally. Oliver couldn’t fight the urge to roll his eyes. “We’re getting him back. No matter how long it takes.”
“I know. I’m just afraid of losing him forever.”
“That won’t happen. Not right now at least.” Oliver heard two thuds that was probably Kaz punching Skylar in the arm, and Skylar punching back. “I’m serious though. You know Chase is coming back. I don’t think he’d let himself go without… y’know, saying it in person.”
“That’s sweet. And the annoying part is that you’re probably right. He’s such a sap.”
“It’s hard for him to get close with people. It makes sense that he’s so… sentimental about it.”
“I know,” Kaz said. He sounded happy about it. 
Oliver had enough. He wasn’t going to barge in on their conversation, so he just walked off. 
Fun fact about their entire apartment: It had a PA system. It was the same speaker system that set off their mission alert.
Bree’s voice rang out over it as Oliver was walking down the stairs. 
“Guys, new note, get down to Mission Command.” 
He heard Kaz and Skylar’s footsteps shuffle quickly, which made Oliver feel a bit annoyed since he wasn’t in too much of a rush. He supposed he should be, but it’s not like hearing from Marcus was very odd for him. 
They all went down in the hyperlift together, where the rest of their affiliates were; Bree, Davenport, Douglas and AJ. 
“What’s the new note say?” Kaz asked urgently, standing close to Bree. 
“‘I hear you’re missing your precious (former) leader. I don’t know why you keep looking for him, have I not been saying that you’ll get him back? (Seriously, have I not?) “And it’s not like you’ll find us anyway. Trust me, it’s impossible. I’m smarter than all of you combined. I could take another one of you away and you still wouldn’t be able to find us. “I don’t understand why you’re still trying. Just be patient.’”
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Oliver exclaimed. 
“Yeah, agree with our current enemy,” Davenport muttered bitterly. 
“Like I’m known for being patient,” Kaz droned sarcastically. “Has Marcus never had friends? Does he just not understand… being attached to a person?” He asked, only half joking. 
“I mean, he liked his mom,” Douglas said with a shrug. “And he was pretty clingy at first. But I don’t think he ever had actual friends.”
“He hung out with Nico Alverez at school sometimes, but I don’t know if they were like… actually friends,” Bree added. 
“Where was this note?” Skylar asked.
“We found another place that he could be and had Bree go there.”
“Where was it?” Oliver asked as if he didn’t know.
“A base that Douglas used to share with Krane,” Bree said. 
“The last place they were was an old base of mine too,” Douglas commented. 
“Maybe that’s just where he’s staying,” AJ said with a shrug. “Going to different ones, maybe every day. How many bases did you have?” Douglas chuckled lightly.
“Do you remember where all of them are?” Bree asked. Douglas hesitated. 
“Yes,” He said, but it sounded a lot like a question. 
“So no,” Donald spoke up, earning a quick punch in the arm from his brother. 
“Well, get the coordinates for the ones you know the location of, and I’ll check them all,” Bree said. 
“I could probably get all of them, but it’ll take me a little longer,” Douglas said. 
“Start with the ones you know first,” Bree said. Douglas nodded as he began working again on the cyberdesk. 
“I wish we could get his location faster,” Kaz said with a sad look on his face. Skylar put her hand on Kaz’s shoulder and Oliver fought the need to grimace. 
“We all do,” Davenport said. “We’ll get him back.”
“That’s what he’s been saying,” Oliver muttered. 
In all honesty, Oliver definitely preferred life without Chase. He absolutely did not understand where everyone else was coming from when they talked about how they missed him. 
He really wasn’t looking forward to when he came back. 
He couldn’t just say that though. Everyone would hate him. 
That wouldn’t bode well for him. 
Oliver had mixed feelings about that, honestly. It’s not like they liked him anyway, and he was starting to not like them. But he still didn’t want to be on their bad side.
Not yet.
“Why can’t we track them actively?” Kaz asked, a bit uneasy seeming. 
“We can only track where a transmission came from, we can’t track the device itself,” Donald said. 
“Why not?” Kaz asked, “Didn’t you guys make the radio things?"
“Chase did,” Douglas said, “He’d know how, but we don’t.” Kaz sighed.
“Of course,” He muttered. “I guess we just wait until the next transmission.” Skylar shook her head.
“Have we had any luck finding Marcus directly? That was something you guys were working on, right?” She asked. Douglas sighed.
“I mean, I’ve been working on it, yeah, but no luck. Any identifying things I put in there must be long gone by now,” He said. “Giselle must’ve changed something, or maybe Marcus himself.”
“Marcus can change his own code and shit?” bree asked. 
“Yeah,” Douglas said, “If he automates it and then hooks himself up, then yeah. But he might’ve even found a way to do it wirelessly, since he’s got those supersmarts.” 
Oliver thought back to the base. There were wires everywhere, but that didn’t mean they connected to Marcus. 
“So that’s a dead end…” Skylar groaned. 
“Mostly, yeah,” Douglas said. Skylar scrubbed her hands over her face. 
Kaz sat down in a chair at the cyberdesk. He let his face squish against his fist. 
“What’s wrong?” Oliver asked, seeing the sadness in his eyes. Kaz moved his eyes to look at Oliver, filled now with anger instead of woe. 
He let out a hefty sigh before standing up and leaving through the hyprerlift. Bree followed. 
“Oliver, I know you don’t like Chase,” Skylar said, “But the rest of us do. You need to be more mindful of what you’re saying.” 
“I didn’t—”
“You did,” Skylar said. “Kaz is in a bad place right now. It’s not every day someone just disappears,” She said.
Douglas and Donald left the room, probably to avoid the drama.
“Kaz is unmedicated right now. Did you know that?” She asked. “His parents haven’t gotten him his medical information to give to a psychiatrist. Chase was his coping mechanism. Chase kept him happy, and kept him productive, and helped him relax. It wasn’t perfect, but it helped. Two years, Chase helped him so much. And now, he’s not eating. “He keeps forgetting to drink water, and he forgets to do anything that isn’t looking for Chase. It is the weirdest hyperfixation in the world, but it makes sense. And you saying stuff like that is basically the same as someone… I don’t know, lighting your comic books on fire. “That’s the closest I can think of,” She said. She paused. “Okay, no. It’s like if someone kidnapped me and kept taunting you about it. That is exactly what this is. Gain some sympathy, Oliver. We all know you hate Chase. But Chase tries for you, and we all try for you. It’s your turn now.”
And with that, she left. 
“She has a point,” AJ said, startling Oliver. He forgot he was there. He was sitting in a chair with his legs up on a cyberdesk like he usually did. 
“Damnit, man— why are you still here!” 
“Chase is my best friend,” AJ said, “The closest thing I’ve ever had to family. Your parents both left, you should know what it feels like to be alone.” He put his legs down, leaning forward, a fist on the table. “How did it feel when your dad went to England? That’s what I’d compare it to.”
AJ got up, opening one of the passage doors with his tablet, and walked through. 
Oliver’s sensitive to stuff like this. People he cared about talking to him like that. In that way that was like yelling, but wasn’t. That stern tone of voice. 
He’d start crying. He wouldn’t be able to stop. 
But he felt nothing right now. He didn’t care. 
Maybe it was because he knew Chase was okay. The yelling was empty. 
Not that his mom’s yelling matches had reason behind it. No valid reason, at least. 
Maybe Oliver’d matured, gotten over that trauma. 
Or maybe he stopped caring.
He pushed that thought away, taking a hefty breath before heading upstairs.
He attempted to enter the boys’ room, but it was locked. He didn’t even know the door could lock. He knocked quietly. 
The door opened quickly, Skylar behind it. 
“Skylar?” Oliver asked. 
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight,” Skylar said. “Kaz wants to be alone.”
“But you’re in there.”
“I don’t count,” Skylar bit. “I’m not human.” Oliver huffed a breath.
“Fine,” He said. 
“Your blanket is on the couch,” Skylar said before shutting the door. The lock clicked. 
Oliver slept surprisingly well that night.
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nowitstimetoheal · 2 years
Dear Dad
Dear readers ~ first of all, I want to warn you that this letter discusses my actual childhood sexual assault, neglect, and describes a disturbing amount of hate and anger I had and the thoughts of homicide and my suicide attempt. This will not be for everyone. If these discussions trigger you, please know your feelings are valid. It’s alright to be triggered even though people want to weaponize that against you and make it seem like you’re overreacting. You are not overreacting. You’re hurt and are dealing with things that people can’t see or feel for themselves. Being triggered is your brain’s way of protecting you. I’m sorry you’re going through whatever you’re going through. I hope that if you choose to read this that it might be able to articulate your thoughts or helps you see things in a different light. I hope that you find peace. I hope you will know love. I hope you can heal. You are worth it. Your life is worth living. I know it’s easy for some schmuck to say that. It’s entirely different to mean it. I’ve been through my own hell and it took me a long time to accept that my life is worth living. I sincerely hope you can reach that same bliss. Because it really is so freeing to realize you matter.
October 6, 2022
7:17 PM - Surprise, AZ
Dear Dad,
It’s been a long time since we last spoke or saw each other, so I’m sure this is out of the blue and you’re wondering why I’m suddenly writing to you.
Maybe you’re interested. Maybe you don’t care. Maybe you think I’mw writing to ask forgiveness for what happened between us. The truth is that I don’t care one way or the other how you feel. I’m doing this for me, and me alone, so take it as you will.
Since the beginning of the lockdown, I’ve been watching a lot of tarot readings. Yes, I know mom wouldn’t be happy about it and you probably think my soul is going to hell because of that.
Save me a seat, I guess.
Anyway… these readers have told me over and over again that I have something from my past that I need to heal so that I can move on and be happy. It’s easy to say that love and abundance are coming into someone’s life. I could start up a YouTube channel and do just that so I can quit my job, but then I found a couple of readers who mentioned things I’ve never told anyone. Not my closest friends, not my fiancé, not a priest, religious leader, a therapist… not even my dog.
It’s taken me nearly three years to figure out what they were talking about, but then, a few readers mentioned that I could use my gift to help others heal.
It dawned on me immediately what it was that I needed to heal and so, here I am, using my gift of writing to make myself vulnerable so I can try and heal this pain so that I can have the life you robbed me of.
The first memory I have was of two men standing over mer, one holding my wrists in one hand, my waist in the other while the other man held my ankles up while he raped me.
Remember that, dad? You should. You were there too. You were watching all of it happen just feet away. But instead of being enraged to the point of murdering these men like other men have, you just stood there and watched.
What happened that would lead you to allowing your only daughter, your three year old child to be raped by two men?
Did you care about how this would affect me for the rest of my life? Did you think I would forget about it because of how young I was?
Did you ever look at me or at my mother and think of what happened?
Do you regret it? Do you wish you had done anything different to protect me?
Part of me doesn’t think you did. Know why? Because of how you looked at me until I left the family. Yes, I’ll admit it. I left the family. You didn’t actually disown me. You gave me two options: respect you (and that absolute cunt of a wife you moved into mom’s bed weeks after she died you bastard) or leave. I couldn’t respect you because you chose to believe her over me. You let her label all the food except the spaghetti for me and AJ to eat. You let her tell me to get a job if I wanted to eat while you told me I couldn’t have one. I couldn’t respect either of you for that so I left.
But anyway, I digress….
You looked at me like I was a piece of meat you could have. That’s why I hid in my room all the time. Remember that orange halter dress I had when I was in high school? I loved it so much. I felt so pretty in it and you had to go and take that away from me by ogling me.
Sure, it was going to happen. I wanted my boyfriend to ogle me. I wanted other cute guys at school to ogle me. That was fine because they were my age.
A girl should never be sexualized by her own god damn father.
You fucking disgusting dog.
I wanted to kill you and AJ when I was five. Did you know about that? I wonder if mom knew. I wonder if anyone knew that. I had plans on how I would do it. I was going to put bleach in your coffee. I didn’t do anything because I knew I would be caught. I was so angry, but I didn’t know why. 
I had forgotten what had happened. I just knew anger. I knew I was afraid of you. I knew I hated the way you looked at me. I hated being around you.
We all did though. 
Mom wanted to divorce you when I was five. She was talking to your mom about it once. We were at grandma’s house. AJ and I were standing in the front room, remember the one she used to put the Christmas tree in so we could see it from the street or see the neighbor guy who played Santa Claus? The room where we played Monopoly and checkers? That room.
Grandma told grandpa that mom wanted to divorce you. That was when mom came straight to me and told me to tell her if I ever didn’t like you.
I wanted to say how much I hated you, but I didn’t. I was scared. 
It wasn’t fair of her to put it on me, but I think about it sometimes. Would she still be here if I had spoken up? If I had been braver, would she have gotten cancer? Would we be happier? Would we be normal? 
Do you realize the pain you’ve caused? Do you care? Do you wonder what would have happened if you and mom had divorced? Did you have to be in control? Did you threaten to take AJ and I if she pursued it?
She was so sad, but had so much to give. Do you realize that? She could talk to anyone like she’d known them forever. She was the most beautiful woman in the world to me and I think you put her in a glass container like a firefly because you didn’t want to give her up. You stifled her, you stifled me, you stifled AJ. You ruined three lives because of how fucking selfish you were.
I didn’t understand why I was so angry all the time. I didn’t understand why AJ got all the attention no matter how hard I tried. You took so much happiness, so much joy, so much life.
I wanted my uncles to do terrible things to me. I wanted to crush weak men. The rage I had was hard to control. 
It wasn’t until a few years ago, just before the pandemic, that I remembered what had happened. I watched a documentary about a girl who admitted to having the same kinds of thoughts I did. It was terrifying and confusing. Everything snapped back into my mind like my brain had tried to hide this terrible memory away with duct tape, but the tape failed and memories flooded back to me.
I realized this is why I lashed out so much when I was a kid. Why I had a bad relationship with food. Why I couldn’t form a decent relationship with anyone. I had to have control over absolutely everything because I was the only one who could keep me safe. Do you understand that? As a *child* I had to control things because I didn’t think anyone would protect me.
I acted out as a way to cry out for help. I didn’t know the words to use. I didn’t understand what had happened so I did what I could to get someone, ANYONE, to help me. But no one listened.
I could have jumped up on top of a table in a crowded room and screamed until my vocal cords snapped and no one would care.
It would just be “Shut up Zoë. AJ’s the only one that matters. Not you. No one cares that you were raped and that you were only three. No one cares. You don’t matter you stupid, pathetic, useless, ugly little cretin!”
Why didn’t I matter to anyone? Why did no one love me enough to protect me? I was a baby. I was so small. Why did you hate me? Why did you do this to me? WHY ME?!?! I wanted to die. I took a handful of pills the night after mom died. I was so scared of what you were going to do to me.
What did you do that led up to you letting your coworkers rape me? Oh yeah, I remember them wearing their camos. 
The weird thing is, I’m not angry with them. I will never have justice for what happened. Not from them, not from you. I’ve struggled thinking a higher power cares about me. It’s taken me a long time to figure out what I believe in religiously and spiritually, but I’m making progress. I’m learning to be grateful for all the bad that’s come into my life and I’m trying to look at things that go wrong in my life and try to understand why it’s happened. 
I’m going to have to learn how to clearly and efficiently communicate my emotions, especially when I’m upset, to my partners. I’m going to have to learn that most people aren’t going to flip out on me when I’m angry about something and trust they’ll listen to me and do what they can to rectify the situation. Do you understand that because of something you let happen to me when I was a child has made me so skittish and pathetic that I can’t ask my partner to turn down his music a little because I am terrified he’ll lash out at me? He has a terrible temper - like you -- fuck he’s so much like you - but it’s not fair to think he’ll get upset about something simple like a volume adjustment. It’s not like I’m asking him for $200.
I have a lot of work to do to become normal again. It’s going to take so much trust in other people and I am scared I’m going to fail and be alone for the rest of my life.
Step one involves getting back out on my own. I’m going to have to leave my current fiancé because I realize he’s not good for me. He just doesn’t care about me. I think he has a lot of personal work to do for himself too. I hope that me leaving will help him see that and it’ll be the catalyst to him becoming his best self.
Step two is to make myself a priority. Eat better, exercise, pay off debt, save money, buy a car, make close friends I can have fun with and trust, start my own business, take a cooking class or two, and dare to be able to dream of having enough to save up for retirement. 
All of this pain over a stupid decision you made when I was three.
I hope you can taste your regret.
I will never have justice and fuck you for that.
But what more can I do? What more can I say? I could keep on hating you and pulling those memories back up. What good does that do for me? It doesn’t. It just keeps hurting me and I’m so sick of being tired and sad. I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of not having love in my life. I’m tired of not having friends. 
I heard you remarried and are actually happy now. That’s good. I heard AJ got married and had a baby. I’ll never know my nephew or sister in law because I can’t be around you and you’ve all poisoned AJ against me.
I hear you became a born again Christian. 
I pray God will deal with you on my behalf. You’ll get yours in ways I can never carry out.
I’m still angry, I’m still hurt (I’m crying hard right now but this has been cathartic to write). Can you be angry and still forgive? I have to let this go. I have to. I’ll never heal if I don’t and I want so much to heal. It won’t happen overnight, I know that, but in time it will. I just have to take this first step.
I hope one day I find a friend who is close enough to me to be like a sister and her dad is a good man who loves his daughter unconditionally and would do anything to protect her. I hope I can look at their relationship and pretend that was us. Would that be a Band-Aid though?
I was so proud of you being in the military. For a long time. I remember when you went off to Desert Storm and how grandma hung a picture the news station took of me when you were coming back. I had a big floppy hat on and a little American flag. I think I had on a pink and white striped shirt and my hair was short.
You know… I didn’t know you worked with the Special Olympics. That’s really commendable and admirable and I’m proud of you for that. That was really touching to learn.
I’m sorry to hear you have cancer now and are having problems paying for monthly bills. Fuck cancer. It sounds like your prognosis is good and I’m glad to hear of that. Just because I’m angry with you doesn’t mean I wish the worst on you. I’m not you. 
I have to move on from all this. I have to let this go. I have to heal. I have to love myself and learn how to live. I have to be both a mother and a father to myself. I have to protect and care for my inner child the way you and mom should have. I know I treated mom like she was perfect after she died, but I was a kid when she left us. What more could you expect? Did you know she said she wanted to call me Sai? I wish I had been brave enough to ask her why. I presumed she was talking about Sais. I didn’t understand where that came from because I thought our conversation had been pleasant. I didn’t know what I had said to make her say that. I just walked away because I was scared to ask. I wish I knew what she meant.
Anyway, I have a lot to do, so - I forgive you. Completely. I hope you know peace in your golden years. I hope one morning, you wake up early and go for a walk. I hope that morning, it’s misty and the sky looks like it’s made of velvet until the golden orange sun rises and bathes everything in light. I hope that morning is quiet and cool. I hope when that morning happens, you think of me. 
Take care daddy.
 - Zoë
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brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (12/n)
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Author’s notes: OH HELL THIS IS LONG. It makes up for the short last chapter. Also I apologize... I’m posting this just shy of 3am, I just finished writing it and I’m not even sure it makes sense. Spelling and grammar errors are because it’s well past midnight and I haven’t fully edited it. You know me, I like to edit things to death.
BUT IT IS CHRISTMAS TIME! To balance that out, Tyson’s going to get a little deep, a little vulnerable. This stung to write, especially knowing how things played out with his time with the Avs, but sometimes the truth hurts. I promise though, once you get past the first part, it’s Christmas in July fluffiness.
Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC
Warnings: Language. It’s insinuated that Tyson and AJ are partaking in some activities of the 18+ variety. Tyson’s got some sad feels going on, but he’s being open about it, in a healthy way.
Word Count: 5360 (sorry. I couldn’t stop writing details!)
Need Part 11? https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/688999944222277632/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-11n
With the big holiday looming, AJ was trying to get Christmas presents finished after work, while trying to keep it hidden from Tyson. She was happy he had a couple road games again soon so that she could bang out a few crafty things for his family, not knowing otherwise what to even get them. In fact, AJ worked hard making a deal with Tyson that they wouldn’t spend a lot of money on each other, seeing as how she didn’t have a lot to spare since moving to Denver. He repeated over and over that he didn’t need anything fancy, but never truly agreed to the terms of the agreement either. 
This actually worried AJ a bit.
What was worrying her more though was that despite the success the team was having, Tyson was coming home after games and practice seemingly more glum than she’d ever seen him. Sure they’d celebrate the wins with post-game cuddles and or more adult activities (*ahem*), but she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something else going on.
After a solid win against the Rangers, the two lounged in AJ’s bed, still naked, when Tyson was simply staring at the ceiling and sighing. Normally he’d be more engaged with AJ, stroking her hair as she’d have her head resting against his chest and listening to his heart beat slow. She could tell something was bothering him though as he simply had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, and felt his foot tapping under the sheets. The beat was a continuous thumping, and actually would speed up occasionally before he’d sigh again.
When AJ would ask what Tyson was thinking about, she was typically met with a “mmm, thinking about you babe,” or maybe “thinking about that sound you made when I…” This time was far from that.
Tyson sighed. “Nothing.”
AJ tried to not take it personally, but something was definitely eating at Tyson. She wanted to push the question again, but wasn’t sure how he’d take it. She looked up to see him still staring at the ceiling thinking about something as he clenched his jaw. Clearly his mind was elsewhere and she was going to break the silence again to get to the bottom of this.
“Hey, this isn’t like you,” AJ was trying to choose her words carefully, “You know you can tell me anything.”
Tyson closed his eyes, and tilted his head back toward the headboard as he inhaled one more large sigh before blinking and looking down, seeing the look of concern on his girlfriend’s face. Wrapping the other arm around her gently, Tyson hugged AJ close.
“I’m sorry I’m just not all here tonight. Things are just… I… fuck. I’m just frustrated with how I’m playing.” Tyson paused for a moment. “I just don’t feel like I’m where I should be at, ya know?”
“Like… your level of play? Or here in Denver?”
“To which?”
“Both,” Tyson started fidgeting again. "Can I tell you something not a lot of people know?”
AJ nodded, unsure of what was about to be presented to her. But she just let Tyson talk. The distilled version is that he told her the story of getting drafted, his single year at UND, and being brought up to the Avalanche almost immediately. Being bounced back and forth between the affiliate team and the Avs due to injuries (both his own and others on the Avalanche), and how he ultimately felt cheated on the development that players get when they enter into an NHL career. 
Then he dropped a bomb AJ had no idea about.
“I asked to be traded two years ago, but Joe wouldn’t do it. But then I started playing better, like I felt like I was doing something right. Last summer I was the last choice to be protected in the expansion draft. And then re-signed me for two years… but… this season has just been tough. Those feelings are creeping back in. I’m not sure this is where I’m supposed to be. You’ve seen how I’ve been playing. I’m just… I’m just not playing well and I don’t know why.”
There were tears forming in AJ’s eyes. She was so frustrated and angry for him, and she wasn’t even around him for most of those parts. She could see that the Avalanche system failed him. Tyson looked down at her, almost afraid of what he was going to see, but was not prepared for what he saw.
The two processed the moment, and AJ finally spoke up.
“I had no idea, it never occurred to me that this is where your mind was. Thank you for being open like this though, transparent. I’m not sure what to say, other than you know I’ll support your decisions.” 
AJ felt Tyson’s body loosen up beneath her, his hand reaching up to play with the slightly tousled waves of her hair. His heart beat slowed, as if telling AJ this story freed up the stress that was eating at him. Lips touched her forehead. Her arms snaked around as much of Tyson as she could, hugging him tight.
“I love you babe. You’re a really good listener, you know? Thanks for making me get that out, it’d been gnawing at me for a while.” Tyson kissed AJ’s forehead again, seeing that the tears in her eyes had subsided. “I just need to figure out where things are going, I guess.”
It was realized how late it was, and the two snuggled up under the covers, with AJ offering to be the big spoon that night. Although she was shorter and didn’t have the wingspan that Tyson’s arms had, she wrapped her arm over the top of his torso, pulling him in close. He cuddled into her embrace. AJ peppered kisses along his shoulder blade, feeling him drift off.
Morning came early, but it was a good morning. AJ made it to work on time, and Tyson was off to practice before the team headed out to Nashville afterward. This was going to be the night, along with the next night while the Avs played, when AJ was hoping to get those Christmas presents made and maybe a little bit of shopping done. She also had a plan up her sleeve for an upcoming game, but plans were going to be quick to change.
Players across the league were starting to contract COVID again, but the team still traveled to Nashville, and lost pretty badly. Pretty much after the game, the rumblings of the postponed games started, and it frustrated teams and fans alike. AJ was frustrated as she had tickets to one of the postponed games, even was going to travel to it, but it was what it was. She kept the ticket though, not knowing when the game would be made up.
The team was pretty grumbly upon their arrival to Denver, but one thing to cheer up Tyson was the arrival of his mom and sister the following week. And with no practices, Tyson was freed up that weekend to spend time with AJ, and prepare his place for the arrival of his family. He was hoping that AJ could come with him to pick them up at the airport, but unfortunately she was still working. Just because his branch of the company wasn’t working, she still had to. 
With his place cleaned up, Tyson was ready for Laura and Kacey to arrive, with gift bags starting to appear under his tree. He admitted that he’s not the best at wrapping presents on an Ask the Avs segment, and he was proving his point, having made another Target run with AJ to pick up bags and tissue paper. AJ offered to wrap presents, but he wanted to take care of his gifts himself. 
AJ’s handmade presents finally got finished, and finished up her own shopping. It was pretty tough figuring out what to get Tyson, because what do you get a guy that has a $2M contract? But she had a few things figured out.
Monday came, and Tyson sped to DIA to pick up his family members who just flew in. He texted AJ when they were heading back to the city, and back to his apartment. He also offered an invite to get dinner with them, but unfortunately, work had other plans for AJ that evening. While she’d have loved to have met everyone and got some dinner she didn’t have to cook, she ended up working late. She also figured it would be a good chance for the family to have some time together, without her intruding right away. 
Or, at least that’s what she said. Truth be told, she was really nervous to meet Laura and Kacey. But it was inevitable that it was going to happen. AJ just really wanted Monday night after work to unwind though after a tough day.
Tuesday night she couldn’t get out of it as easily, as Tyson called AJ at lunch, saying that the two ladies really wanted to meet her. She reluctantly agreed, and told him to maybe go for a slightly later reservation somewhere, she was covered in bits of ceiling tile and dust from running cabling in a new office area. AJ definitely needed to get cleaned up. As soon as she could duck out of work, she headed home, and snagged a shower before Tyson swung by her place to pick her up, family members in tow.
Heading out to the Grand Cherokee, AJ found Tyson and Laura in the front seat, Kacey in the back. AJ got nervous as she gets horribly motion sick when not in the front seat, but took the chance and sat in the back. (And honestly, Tyson kind of forgot, considering she really never sits in the back seat, so he had no reason to really think about it.) She was okay as they headed off to a little bistro closer to Tyson’s place. 
Thankfully, both Laura and Kacey were absolutely amazing - very easy to talk to, and such a joy to see Tyson and Kacey pick at each other, teasing. Laura and AJ would roll their eyes at each other when the two would go at it. AJ was getting a taste of what it is like for some people who have siblings, as she herself is an only child. The foursome spent a lot of the evening just chatting, sharing a bottle of wine and grazing on their meals. Tyson would tap his foot on top of AJ’s occasionally, and share smiles with her. He loved the fact that she seemed at ease immediately with them. Before they knew it, the waitstaff was letting the table know that they were closing soon, so they’d need to head out soon.
Plus, unlike Tyson, AJ still had work.
Doubly thankfully, AJ was able to sit in the front seat on the way back to her home. As Tyson pulled into the driveway, he put the vehicle in park, but kept the engine running. A stare was shared between the couple, suddenly aware that it wasn’t a typical night that they’d get to make out a bit (or more) before calling it a night.
An awkward, chaste kiss was shared. 
Kacey gagged, giving Tyson shit. “Gross.”
Laura just rolled her eyes.
AJ mouthed, “I’ll text you,” as she hopped out of Tyson’s car. 
Tyson mouthed back, “Love you, Eggo.”
She blew him a kiss before shutting the door. Tyson had a silly grin on his face as he watched AJ unlock her door and get inside. His mom even gave him a little grief for not walking AJ to the door, but she was happy enough that he at least made sure she got inside okay.
Tyson texted once everyone was home and inside his place, getting ready for bed.
Tyson: Mom and Kacey really like you. I really like you too, just in case you didn’t know. 
AJ: Really? I could tell they liked me, but you, had no idea. (kissing emoji) I like them too. I think things went well though? I wasn’t too awkward?
Tyson: Not at all. I think we’re going to go hiking tomorrow. Not really sure of the plans, but I’ll let you know what I figure out. 
AJ: Sounds good. I gotta get to bed though, a lot to get done in the next couple days. I think they’re letting us have off on Friday but it’s not for sure yet. Love you, babe. Sleep well, sweet dreams.
Tyson: I’m going to miss snuggling with you tonight, but I’ll make do. Love you, sweet dreams. (kissing emoji)
It was a long couple of days, and they left AJ exhausted. A number of new cubicles/offices needed to be finished by the beginning of the new year, with new employees coming in. Tyson peppered in texts/photos while she was at work, of what the three Josts were up to. They indeed went to Red Rocks and hiked around, spent some time at the mall in Cherry Creek (not to throw Tyson under the bus, but he had a couple last-minute presents to snag…) and just explored Denver metro a bit. 
Friday found AJ off work as she managed to get all of the wiring done late Thursday evening. Leaving Kacey and Laura at the apartment, Tyson insisted it was just AJ and himself that went grocery shopping to pick out things for dinner. And it was insane how busy it was - everyone else was getting last minute meal trimmings as well. But with a cartload of food, the two checked out and headed back to Tyson’s home. The rest of Friday was spent being lazy, and watching movies together, and snagging some pizza for dinner.
And it was another awkward good night - AJ didn’t feel like it was appropriate to spend the night at Tyson’s with his family there (granted his mom and sister were sharing the guest room, but still). This time, avoiding getting a talk from his mom, he walked AJ to her car. It was the first time the two had a few moments alone.
Tyson was itching to just hop in AJ’s car and fool around.
As much as AJ wanted to do so as well, she had to remind Tyson that Santa could still add him to the naughty list.
“Pfft, you know I’d gladly be on the naughty list if it meant getting to make you scream my name as you dig your nails into my skin…”
AJ bit her lip and pulled Tyson in for a long kiss, but also had to be the voice of reason and break it up.
With a dazed look on his face, AJ sent Tyson back upstairs so he would not get too much crap for having been outside too long. She let him know she’d be back in the morning to help start cooking.
Tyson still got heckled by Kacey as he walked back inside.
“You LoVeEeE her!”
“Shut up Kace. And yeah, I do.” Tyson smiled as he headed to bed for the night.
Kacey was just happy to see that he’d gave up the games and actually stuck with someone for a while. Glad that it wasn’t some instagram model with no brain and no waist. Both she and Laura thought AJ was a good match for him.
Christmas Eve started early, with AJ buzzing downstairs up to Tyson’s apartment. Going to get her, he carried her backpack as she carried a box of neatly wrapped gifts. Opening the door, AJ was greeted by the smells of Laura cooking their traditional Christmas Eve breakfast. The box of presents were placed under the tree, and Tyson hid AJ’s bag in his room, unbeknownst to her. AJ made it to the kitchen where she was met with a hug from both Laura and Kacey, and offered to help with cooking breakfast. 
After being told to just hang out for a few moments, breakfast was actually on the table, and the four talked about what they’d normally do for “traditional” Christmases, although it occurred to AJ that Tyson’s Christmases hadn’t been that the past few years as the NHL doesn’t shut down too much for the holidays, but maybe a day or two. AJ told stories of what her family would do at home, but how plans had changed this year too since she was having to work still. She insisted she was going to head home for a weekend in January though to celebrate. 
With the plates cleared from the table, AJ ran to Tyson’s room to get her bag and pull out her laptop, and brought out her webcam as well. Since his grandparents could not make the trip, the four of them facetimed Grandpa Jim and Grandma Emily. This was again AJ’s first time “meeting” them, so she had some nerves, but just like the rest of the family, Grandma and Grandpa were kind-hearted, good people, easy to talk to. And at the end of the call, Grandpa Jim made AJ promise she would come up to visit as soon as she could.
From so much excitement that morning, Laura took a nap, leaving Tyson, Kacey, and AJ to start prepping food for the next day. The three measured, chopped, marinaded, sliced, spread, and mixed all sorts of ingredients, until everything on the list was done. Laura returned for dinner, which Tyson made the spaghetti and meatballs he made for AJ on one of their first dates. And at the conclusion of dinner, AJ whispered to Tyson she ought to head home soon. The look on Tyson’s face fell, and you better believe that his mom caught it.
“You know, AJ, you can still stay the night. You’re adults, even if he’s still my baby boy.” 
Tyson turned bright red. AJ jabbed him in the arm and giggled.
AJ was secretly hoping for this resolution anyway, it’d been far too long since she’d slept decent - mainly because she’d been up late the past few nights putting finishing touches on presents and wrapping the gifts. And she definitely missed snuggling up with Tyson, even if he’s extremely warm in bed and she had to kick the blankets off.
Before everyone called it a night, a tradition that AJ was not prepared for unveiled itself. Laura pulled some boxes from behind the tree, and handed them to her kids, as well as a matching box for AJ. AJ looked at Tyson, who just smiled and nodded at her. The two Jost kids opened the boxes, and Laura reiterated the nod at AJ for her to open her box as well. Inside was matching pajamas for all the kids, all with the same flannel print. AJ touched the fabric, and looked over at Laura, not even sure what to say.
“It’s going to be a Jost Christmas, so… you need to be appropriately dressed. Merry Christmas, AJ!”
Kacey and Laura hugged AJ, who was still a little stunned. Tyson wrapped his arms around some of his most favorite women in the world. The only thing that would have made it more perfect was if Grandma and Grandpa Jost had been there, but Tyson already had some plans brewing. 
“Thank you guys, I don’t… wow. I don’t even know what to say right now, other than Merry Christmas,” AJ stumbled over some words, “thank you guys so much for accepting me like this, I wasn’t quite expecting it!” She hugged all of the Jost family again.
With a smile, Laura sent all the kids off to bed, as Christmas was soon. Everyone changed into their pajamas, and crawled into their beds.
Tyson, of course, was trying to start a little something (wink wink nudge nudge) but AJ still insisted that even if it was his place, probably still not a great idea to, and she quoted, “scream your name while I dig my nails into your skin.”
He simply laughed and kissed her deeply. Sleep was already taking hold of him after a long day, and despite the nerves still poking at him to remind him he’d never made what he was going to attempt, he fell asleep quickly.
In the quiet apartment, AJ crept out of Tyson’s room with several items in her hands pulled from her backpack. The three items were placed in front of the tree, each with a tag for a Jost. She then grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, and snuck back into bed. Tyson mumbled as she slightly shook the bed as she climbed in, but it wasn’t enough to fully wake him up. He rolled over and nuzzled his nose into AJ’s neck.
Feeling like it had just been a few moments, when in actuality, it’d been more like 6 hours, Tyson was wide awake and shaking AJ gently to wake her up.
Being the morning person she isn’t, AJ grumbled and tried to pull the blanket over her head.
“Nooo! C’mon get up! It’s time to open presents! Let’s goooo!!!!”
AJ knew Tyson was actually a morning person, but this was a whole other level that she’d never seen before. The smell of coffee was wafting from the kitchen, and AJ sat up with her eyes still closed. She grumbled as she threw her legs over the side of the bed, and stumbled toward the master bath to put in her contacts and tame her hair into something appropriate. She was NOT going to let Tyson have another chance to post another bedhead photo of her on IG. He did let her know that she was supposed to stay in the jammies though, because that’s just how Christmas works. 
The kitchen was full of grumbling women, it was literally Tyson that was chomping at the bit to get everyone moving.
“Tys, it’s not even 8am, WHYYYYY?” Kacey was rubbing her eyes and putting her glasses on.
Mugs were out on the table, and Tyson was pouring Laura and Kacey coffee, and had a mug with two bags of Breakfast Blend already going for AJ. This did at least make AJ smile, she saw him sneak the box of tea in their cart on Friday at the grocery store. With some warm, caffeinated beverages in hand, the four went out to the living room. 
“What’s this?” Tyson eyed the jars in front of the tree, one for each of the Jost family. The jars contained some layers of brown, and then something white and fluffy. He handed them to each member of his family.
“Hmm, I don’t know. Santa must have shown up last night.” AJ chuckled.
“But, where’s yours, if Santa was here?” Tyson looked genuinely concerned. “Were you on his naughty list?”
The childlike wonder, even though Tyson was well aware Santa really didn’t pay a visit, was amusing to AJ. It was one of the things that she loved about him - his sense of whimsy was always there. 
AJ admitted she was Santa’s helper, and made homemade cocoa (with a kick) mix  - it has a dash of cayenne pepper in it. And with it, she whipped up a batch of homemade marshmallows to put in it.
Tyson was next to play Santa, and handed out everyone’s stockings. Kacey and AJ both rolled their eyes at Tyson’s overly large stocking in comparison to everyone else’s, but it was a funny gag. Everyone took out sweets and small gifts from their stockings. Tyson must have clued in his family because some of AJ’s favorite Canadian candies were in her stocking. There was also a tiny object at the bottom of AJ’s stocking.
After reaching in, AJ held the object in her hand, with Tyson intently looking at her, while she stared back very confused.
“Tyson, what did you do? We said we were only going to spend so much on Christmas…”
His giggle filled the room. “It’s not what you think, yeah? It’s just a key to get in my building so you don’t have to wait on me to come get you.”
It was AJ’s turn to smirk, because clearly the two of them are indeed a good match. Tyson found a tiny package in his giant stocking at the very bottom. Carefully unwrapping the tissue, he also found a key.
“What did we say about watching how much we spent on gifts… you really shouldn’t have gotten me a new car, babe.”
AJ simply rolled her eyes, “Great minds think alike, Jost.” She stuck her tongue out at him before grinning.
Tyson was already grabbing his keyring and adding the key to AJ’s home on it. Once finished, he continued playing “Santa” and distributing the few remaining packages. Each person had several packages in front of them, including three identical packages (except for the wrapping paper) in front of Tyson’s family members. AJ had two packages in front of her as well. They each took turns opening a present - and AJ had them all open hers’ at the same time.
Each of their boxes contained a wool scarf, perfect for the chilly winters in Canada and/or Denver. But what made them special was that AJ spent the last week crocheting them all. Each was a different color, but all were well received and appreciated. She let out a huge sigh of relief, especially as she had no idea otherwise what to get them. It was then her turn to open the gift from Laura, Kacey, and the grandparents - a Canada hoodie. Tyson had filled them in on how many hoodies she had in her collection, but they were happy to add another. It was oversized and super soft, and AJ couldn’t wait to put it on. Tyson had his mom and sister open their presents next, and then there was a giant box in front of AJ.
The box was labeled fragile, but the from tag said it was from all of the Josts in attendance. Kacey advised to not shake the box, despite it being extremely light. Slowly opening the wrapping paper, and untaping the box, AJ found it filled with All Dressed and Ketchup potato chips. AJ started laughing.
“He told you, didn’t he…” AJ realized she asked Tyson to bring her back some chips the last time he went to Canada for a game, and he said he’d try. Instead, he had his family smuggle chips across the border for her. “You guys are the best though, I can’t get the good stuff down here!”
It was time for Tyson to open his present from AJ, a flat packet. It too was light and he wasn’t sure what it could be. He looked at AJ quizzically, all while taking the bow off the wrap and placing it in his curly hair. AJ shook her head in disbelief at his silliness as he slid his nail under the tape to undo it, revealing several packs of Ukulele strings. His eyes lit up, and he gasped at the items in front of him. 
“It’s perfect, I love them. How did you know I needed new strings?” Tyson still seemed flabbergasted at the present.
“I know a thing or two about ukuleles, and… you’ve never changed the strings on yours. It was time.”  AJ smiled and winked at Tyson. She was proud for figuring out something that Tyson didn’t know he wanted or needed, but he was excited to get. Especially that it wasn’t something he would buy himself on a whim.
Tyson’s mom and sister opened their presents for each other, and everyone started cleaning up all the paper that had accumulated all over the floor. Tyson interrupted though, saying there was one last gift, but AJ was going to need to find it. He explained that she needed to find the pickle ornament in order to get it, thus leaving AJ to have to explain the pickle ornament tradition to his family while she searched the tree. 
Knowing that AJ was on the shorter side, with little T-Rex arms, he did have mercy on her and didn’t put it at the top of the tree. However she did find it around the side, toward the bottom. It was sitting on top of a small, maroon velvet box tied with a ribbon. Confused again, she shot a look at Tyson, mouth agape. She was a mixture of confused AND concerned, because she had no idea what was in that fancy little box. It didn’t look like one of those type boxes, where Tyson would find himself down on one knee, but she was intrigued. And was probably going to be mad because while she didn’t even follow the guidelines on how much money to spend, she probably didn’t spend as much as he did. (Uke strings aren’t cheap, but… things that come in little velvet boxes aren’t either. And they cost more than uke strings.)
AJ touched the box, still looking at Tyson.
“Open it!”
The tiny box found its way off the branch and into AJ’s palm. Unsteadily, with shaky fingers, she untied the ribbon, and looked at Tyson one last time, as if she were questioning if she should.
“Would you just open it already? Holy smokes babe, you’re taking too long!”
Laughing to herself, she opened the lid, and her free hand clapped over her mouth to silence the sharp intake of air as she saw what was contained within. With the lid fully open, she saw the dainty white gold chain that had a black sapphire surrounded by a halo of sparkling white diamonds.
“Tyson, fuck, you should not have done this. You really… really shouldn’t have. What happened to the whole ‘let’s not spend a lot of money, okay?’ bit?” AJ was fingering the charm still, eyes glued to it.
The whole time though, Tyson saw the corners of AJ’s lips curling, despite her best efforts not to smile and feign being upset. “But you like it, yeah?”
She whipped her gaze to Tyson. It was like Laura and Kacey weren’t even there in those moments. 
“How… how did you know? I mean, I purposely did not point out any jewelry and have never dragged you to the counters or showed you anything… just… how?” AJ was so confused.
Tyson’s cheeks turned pink, realizing he did well. “I might have talked to Jess. You do like it though, right?”
All AJ could do was nod, and Tyson laughed as he hopped up to pull it out of the box and had AJ lift up her curls so he could clasp it behind her neck. A single happy tear fell down her cheek and she turned to kiss Tyson, before suddenly remembering his family was there.
Laura smiled at her son, and was so proud of what he pulled off. She was a little frustrated that he didn’t follow the money idea AJ put out as well, but… she wasn’t going to call him out for it as she saw that AJ wasn’t truly mad at him, just overwhelmed and surprised. 
Kacey on the other hand… “Ugh, will you two just go be gross NOT in front of me?” 
She laughed, and got up and hugged both AJ and Tyson.
Cleanup of boxes and paper resumed, and then it was time to actually get dressed and start cooking Christmas dinner. It was the second thing of the day that Tyson was especially proud of - while the women worked on side dishes, Tyson put the finishing touches on his prime rib roast. In fact, he was so happy with how it turned out, he had his mom take a photo of him with it to post on Instagram. 
All the food was prepared, and everyone sat at the dining room table, enjoying all the tastes that were prepared for the season. 
And all Tyson could do was smile as he watched AJ look down and admire the gemstone-encased charm hanging from her neck. For him, it was one of the best Christmases he’d ever had. Part 13 can be found here: https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/690276933824561152/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-13n
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wikiangela-fanfics · 3 years
"I keep my promises" - Sambucky
This is part 2 to "You should smile more"
part 1, part 3
I started writing it before episode 6, so the fact that they dealt with all that Flag Smashers stuff is just really vaguely mentioned! and it's not important to the fic because I'm all about the fluff lmao
also, because of that, the cookout scene is not here but I might write a different fic about it idk
There will be part 3! might take a while though haha
again, thank you SO SO SO much to @tasteslikestrawbebbies for beta-reading ♥♥♥
Enjoy ♥
Bucky kept his promise. Or at least the part about coming to visit once they were done with everything. Sam just hoped he really was gonna stay, as long as possible.
He was excited for Bucky to visit. At least until he actually saw Bucky on his porch one morning, and suddenly he was really nervous. What do they do now? Do they hug hello? Do they kiss? Damn, Sam desperately wanted to kiss those lips again.
But Bucky just said “Hi” and smiled, making Sam feel the stupid butterflies in his stomach again. In the short time they hadn’t seen each other he almost forgot how annoying this feeling was. Especially since it was caused by none other than Bucky Barnes, the one-hundred-year-old ex-assassin with a staring problem, whose smile was enough to make Sam forget his own name.
“Took you long enough.” Sam said, rolling his eyes, really trying not to grab Bucky’s perfect face and kiss him breathless. He wasn’t really sure where they stood. Bucky did make an impression that he wanted this to go somewhere, last time he was there, but then they hadn’t seen each other, and there wasn’t really time to make out or have heart-to-hearts on the mission. And then they hadn’t seen each other again for a few days after they dealt with all that shit. And Sam was almost sure that maybe Bucky changed his mind, but now here he was. Standing on the porch, looking so gorgeous in early morning light, bag in hand, without as much as a text, again. Of course, they had talked on the phone when Bucky was in New York, and they texted, although not as much as Sam would’ve wanted. But the topic of them never came up.
“I’m here now, aren’t I?” he grinned. “You missed me?”
“You wish.” Sam scoffed, as if he could still deny the fact that he did, in fact, miss Bucky. And Bucky knew that, of course he did. But still, Sam wasn’t gonna just admit it out loud. At least not yet. Honestly, all he really wanted was to stick his tongue down Bucky’s throat, and when he does that, then he can admit that he missed him a little bit. He felt his cheeks heat up at the mere thought and decided that he needed to get it together, because he was being pathetic. It was just Bucky, for fuck’s sake. Just his really annoying not-partner, not-exactly-friend, maybe not even coworker… whatever-they-were-now. “Come on in.” he sighed, opening the door wider. “We’re just having breakfast.” he added, because it was morning. The boys hadn’t even left for school yet. It was early, and Bucky was already there.
He walked back to the kitchen, Bucky trailing behind him, after dropping his bag by the door.
“Hi Bucky!” the boys exclaimed excitedly once they saw him. They were sitting at the table, already halfway through the meal.
“Hey, guys.” he said with a smile, high fiving both of them. Then he looked at Sarah and flashed her one of his most charming smiles. One of those he had never directed at Sam, not that he cared. “Hi, Sarah.” he said, his tone similar to when he first met her. Sam couldn’t contain a small huff, which caused both his sister and Bucky to look at him, Sarah with surprise, Bucky with amusement.
“Nice to see you again, Bucky.” Sarah just said, apparently deciding to ignore Sam, which he was thankful for. He didn’t want to get into that now. Not when he wasn’t sure what that even was. “You eaten breakfast yet?”
“No.” Bucky shrugged, deciding to take off that damn leather jacket of his. Sam definitely did not ogle him as he did. Obviously not. Not even when he was left in just a tight t-shirt. Nope. “The plane was early, and I wasn’t really hungry then.” he sat down at the empty place at the table.
“I hope you are now. Let me get you a plate.” she got up, while Sam slowly sat down too.
“You know you could’ve gotten a later flight, right?” Sam said, taking a sip of coffee.
“Sam.” Bucky said and Sam immediately looked up at him. “Don’t even try to complain, you invited me here. And you really wanted me to stay last time I was here, if I remember correctly.” he added, a smirk on his face, his tone a little teasing, last sentence even bordering on suggestive. Someone felt much more confident than before, huh?
Sam felt his face heat up, but he didn’t answer. He did, however, see his sister look between him and Bucky in confusion, but also with a small, barely-there smile. He knew she would have some questions, especially if Bucky kept it up. Both the comments, and the flirting with Sarah. It was bothering Sam. Of course he wasn’t jealous, but it was bothering him. Only a little bit.
Fortunately, Sarah made small talk for the remainder of the meal, and AJ and Cass were really excited to talk to Bucky too, so it wasn’t quiet. Then the boys left for school, and Sarah was about to start cleaning up, but Bucky stopped her.
“Let me take care of that, you just go to work.” he stood up and smiled that stupid flirtatious smile again. And normally Bucky’s smiles would get Sam to smile too, but right then he wasn’t in the mood.
“You’re a guest, Bucky.” she chastised, trying to grab the plates, but he took them first.
“I insist. As a thank you for delicious breakfast.” for some reason he decided to wink at her in that moment, and Sam’s blood boiled. He loved his sister, he really did, but in that moment he just needed her to leave Bucky alone - even if it was technically Bucky who was doing all the flirting… Sam was really confused about everything, including, or rather especially, his own thoughts and feelings.
“Okay.” she rolled her eyes after a second, relenting to Bucky’s stare, no surprise there. “Just this once.” she said, pointing her finger at Bucky. “Thank you.” she added, walking out of the kitchen.
As Bucky started cleaning, Sam didn’t move to help. He just sat there, admiring how good Bucky looked, and how nice it was to see him in such a domestic setting.
When Sarah finally left the house, Bucky was about to finish washing the dishes. Sam never would’ve thought that he would ever see him doing that. Such a simple, mundane task, and yet it was kind of abstract to see. Sam walked over to him and leaned against the counter, close to the sink.
“I think I told you to stop flirting with my sister.” he tried to sound casual, but when Bucky looked at him with a grin, he knew he failed.
“I’m not.” he rolled his eyes. “Why do you care?” he teased, knowing the answer perfectly well.
“You know why.” Sam wasn’t even going to bother pretending that he didn’t care, or that it was just because he was a protective brother. He thought they were past that.
“Oh, I’m not actually sure.” Bucky’s expression turned mock-contemplative, as if he was straining to remember. “You might need to refresh my memory. You know, I am pretty old, my memory is not the same as it used to be.” he tried to sound and look sad or nostalgic, but he was having too much fun with this conversation. Way too much, because Sam was not amused in the slightest.
“Really? You making memory jokes now?” he raised an eyebrow. He immediately thought about Bucky’s time as the Winter Soldier, when he didn’t remember anything, and how he was struggling with reality as he got the memories back… and even just the memories of the Soldier killing people, that were still haunting Bucky. Sam figured memory might be a sensitive topic, but here Bucky was, making jokes about it. “And you seemed to remember that I wanted you to stay.” he added more quietly, remembering what Bucky said to him earlier.
“Yeah, well, it’s getting kinda hazy now.” Bucky said, putting another plate on the drying rack. “I’m really trying to remember, but I might need a little refre-”
His sentence was cut short by a quiet “Oh, for fuck’s sake” muttered by Sam, who then grabbed Bucky’s face, slamming their mouths together. Bucky immediately kissed back, turning fully towards Sam and putting his wet hands on the small of Sam’s back, bringing him closer. The kiss probably would have gotten deeper and more heated, as Sam was about to add some tongue action, but then Bucky had to pull away. Had to, because he couldn’t kiss while smiling this hard. And when Sam looked at him, there was a shit-eating grin on Bucky’s face. He looked so pleased with himself, probably because he got Sam to initiate the kiss again. Truth be told, Sam probably wouldn’t be able to resist those lips much longer anyway.
“Shut up.” Sam said, lightly pushing him away, trying to keep his expression annoyed, but he knew there was a smile forcing itself on his face, too. Bucky just chuckled, getting back to finishing the dishes. Once he was done, he wiped his hands and turned to face Sam.
“You don’t need to be jealous of Sarah.” he said teasingly, probably just to annoy Sam.
“I’m not- I’m not fucking jealous!” Sam said, maybe a little too fast, and a little too loud. “I don’t care.” he knew he just contradicted what he said earlier, but fuck it. He might have cared, but he wasn’t gonna let Bucky believe he was jealous.
“Sure you don’t.” he rolled his eyes, going to pick up his bag and then to the living room, dropping it on the couch. Sam followed him. “So what are we doing today?”
“What?” he was a little distracted by watching Bucky, as he walked in front of him, so he wasn’t really listening. Damn, the more he was around Bucky, the more he wanted him. Maybe he should’ve visited Bucky in New York, where his family wasn’t around, and… oh no, he’s not thinking about that, not yet. Bucky hasn’t been there half an hour and Sam’s mind was already shutting down all rational thoughts. This was getting ridiculous.
“Do you have anything else that needs fixing? You wanna train again? Or are we just gonna sit here and do nothing? C’mon, I’m a guest. You should plan something to do.” he shrugged, sitting on the couch, while Sam just stood there by the door, looking at him. He didn’t really know where to look. His eyes wandered from Bucky’s muscular chest covered by the super tight t-shirt, to the strong flesh arm, to the metal arm that looked so alluring, to Bucky’s face and the blue eyes that stared at him a lot, and the lips that Sam was dying to kiss again.
“What?” he repeated, feeling his breath quicken a bit. Then he finally managed to snap out of it. He needed to get a grip, Bucky was already way too smug about this whole thing they had, whatever it was. “You didn’t let me know when you were coming, I didn’t-” he sighed. “I guess I can show you around the town. It’s not much, but.” he shrugged. “And we’ll figure out what to do later when we have to. But we could maybe go for a drink in the evening. Or grab something to eat.” he was just thinking out loud now, but Bucky smirked again. Sam was glad he didn’t finish his last thought out loud. To grab something to eat he actually wanted to add: just the two of us, without my family, especially my sister who you seem to like to flirt with, but I am not jealous. Yeah… he might need to talk to Sarah before he accidentally acts like a complete asshole towards her, which was probable, as he was not thinking when Bucky was around.
“You inviting me on a date, Wilson?” his tone was teasing and Sam immediately wanted to throw some snarky comment or just deny it, but… that was actually a nice idea. If that’s what Bucky wanted.
“Depends. You up for it?” he asked, putting a smirk on his face, and trying to sound and act casual, leaning on the doorframe and almost losing his balance, making Bucky’s lips twitch as if he wanted to laugh. Sam would be glad to hear that beautiful sound, but he would also be really annoyed that he was laughing at him, so he was glad Bucky kept it in. “So?” he prompted when instead of answering Bucky just kept looking at him.
“Sure.” he shrugged, as if it wasn’t as big of a deal for him as it was for Sam. “But just so you know,” he added, that freaking smug smile back on his face. “I don’t put out on the first date.” and he had the audacity to fucking wiggle his eyebrows.
“What?” Sam’s brain short-circuited. “Why would you say-? What?” Bucky just laughed and gave him a knowing look, as if he noticed how Sam was ogling him since he got there. And knowing Bucky and his perceptiveness, he probably did notice. “You’re so annoying.” he just sighed, his face on fire, avoiding looking at Buck now. He tried to be cool, but he was painfully aware that Bucky could see through all his bullshit.
“Hey, you wanted me here.” he reminded again, that Sam did, in fact, invite him there. And he was quite insistent, not only when Bucky was there, but when they talked on the phone, he did try to subtly ask when he was planning to visit.
“I’m starting to regret that.” Sam said, trying to seem annoyed, but they both knew he was not serious.
“Well, tough. I’m here now.” Bucky answered, but then he added, his tone more earnest: “I promised I’ll visit and stay until you want me to leave. And I keep my promises. So whenever you want me to go, just say the word.”
Sam finally looked at him. Bucky seemed a bit unsure now, and he didn’t even bother trying to hide it. His eyes found Sam’s, staring into them from across the room, as if he could find the answers there. Of course he must’ve known that Sam wanted him to stay, that was just their usual banter. But apparently, he needed a bit of reassurance.
“Buck, don’t be ridiculous.” Sam rolled his eyes and let his lips form into a small, fond smile. He quickly crossed the room and sat down next to Bucky, who kept looking at him. He didn’t even correct him on calling him ‘Buck’ so that was good, and it made Sam happier than it should. “It’s gonna take more than you being annoying for me to kick you out. And that’s a good moment to remind you to stop flirting with Sarah.” he added, not able to help himself, and Bucky grinned again.
“I can’t believe you’re jealous.” he said.
“Say that one more time and you’re out of here.” Sam responded sternly, getting genuinely annoyed. Of course there was no way he would actually kick Bucky out, but he could at least pretend to consider it.
“Mhm.” Bucky rolled his eyes, clearly sure now that Sam won’t want him to go. But before Sam could say anything more, Bucky leaned in and kissed him. And Sam immediately melted against those lips. He briefly wondered what it all meant, what they were, where they stood… but as Bucky slipped his tongue into his mouth, all thoughts disappeared. He felt like he was floating somewhere outside his body. Or as if he was flying, it was the same rush of excitement. His hands were all over Bucky, it was as if they were just doing it on their own, he barely registered their movements. He was trying to bring Bucky as close to him as possible. Bucky’s hands, however, he felt all too vividly and intensely. He felt every little touch, as Bucky’s hands moved along his arms, to his back, to the back of his head, to cradle his face… And it felt pretty insane, too, with one flesh, hot hand, and the other cool metal, both leaving Sam’s skin burning. Insane in all the best ways. And adding Bucky’s amazing lips to that… he was a mess. He could not form one coherent thought. Bucky knew what he was doing and he was an amazing kisser. And the one and only thought that came to Sam’s mind was, if he’s that good at kissing, I really want to see what other things he can do with his mouth… and other parts of his body. But he didn’t allow himself to go there. Not yet, not now. Not on his sister’s couch, minutes after Bucky was flirting with her, which, yeah, bothered Sam.
When they pulled away, Sam was out of breath, Bucky was panting a bit too.
“So that was, uh.” Sam started, just to say anything, but his brain didn’t seem to be working yet. “Fun.” he finished and Bucky snickered. And Sam cursed himself silently. Out of all the things he could say, that was fun was what came out of his mouth. Fun? Well, it was fun, but more importantly it was hot and fucking amazing.
“Yeah, it was.” Bucky agreed with amusement. Then he leaned back on the couch, the metal arm on the back of it, behind Sam. “So are we going?”
“Where?” Sam asked dumbly, momentarily completely forgetting everything that happened before that kiss.
“You were gonna show me the town? So we’re not stuck here the whole day?” he raised his eyebrow. “I wouldn’t mind staying here and making out, but we probably shouldn’t. You know, I don’t want you to get too… excited.” he added, looking deliberately at Sam’s crotch, where his pants might have been starting to get a bit too tight. There was an amused and smug smirk on Bucky’s face.
“Fuck you.” Sam grumbled, feeling his face heat up again. God, that was embarrassing. They only made out, and here Sam was, half hard, not able to stop himself from thinking about how hot Bucky is, and what he wants to do to him… His thoughts were reaching a dangerous territory, so he needed to get out of the house, where he would be able to focus on other things than Bucky. He’s always known Bucky was hot, but before they kissed, he was able to keep it together. Now, though...
“Sam, not yet.” his tone was exasperated. “I said not on the first date, so certainly not before it, either.” Bucky said and Sam started to regret every decision he’s made that led them to this moment. “I’m kind of old-fashioned.” he added with a shrug and a smirk.
“You’re such an ass.” Sam covered his face with his hands. “And you’re not old-fashioned, you’re just super old.” he added, his voice muffled by his hands. Bucky laughed and nudged his shoulder.
“I’m just messing with you, relax.” he said, ignoring the ‘old’ comment.
Sam lowered his hands and leveled Bucky with a stern look, earning another chuckle, which was such a great sound, he couldn’t help that the corners of his mouth turned upwards a little bit.
“Well, I’m glad you’re having fun at my expense.” Sam replied, rolling his eyes. But then, a small fond smile appeared at his face, and he added: “I like to see you smile.”
“Uh, thanks.” Bucky’s cheeks reddened, and he looked away for a second. Interesting. So he could shamelessly make sex jokes, but couldn’t take a compliment without blushing? That was important information. Sam didn’t know exactly why yet, but it was very important to remember. “I think we kinda established that last time.” Bucky added, referring to Sam blurting out that Bucky should smile more, but at least that whole situation led to them kissing, so he was happy.
“Yeah, but I just needed to tell you again. You have a really beautiful smile.” he said just to see Bucky’s face go red. He wanted to say more of what he likes about Bucky’s appearance, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop and he would give Bucky more opportunity to make fun of him. While Sam loved Bucky’s smile, his laugh happened to be the greatest sound he ever heard. His eyes were captivatingly blue, his face was so gorgeous Sam could stare at it for hours at a time, his jaw and those goddamn cheekbones... And his soft, kissable, amazing lips… and don’t even let him get started on the rest of Bucky’s body.
“Okay, let’s just talk about something else.” Bucky said, still not looking at Sam.
“We should probably go.” Sam said, licking his lips, as Bucky looked back at him. “I really don’t think I can trust myself when I’m alone with you right now.” he muttered and it was when Bucky’s eyes widened in surprise and then a smirk appeared on his face, that Sam realized that he said that out loud. “Fuck me.” he closed his eyes, wishing for the earth to open up and swallow him. And then he thought that he should really stop setting himself up for all Bucky’s jokes and teasing.
“Buy me dinner first.” Bucky responded and Sam couldn’t help himself, he reached out and punched Bucky’s arm that was behind him. What he forgot to take into account was that it was the vibranium one. He didn’t use much force, but his knuckles meeting the metal still hurt.
“Shit.” he hissed, clutching his hand with his other one. “It’s all your fault.”
“Obviously.” Bucky rolled his eyes and chuckled, taking his arm away from the back of the couch, and taking Sam’s hurt hand into his instead. Then Sam watched in awe as Bucky brought his hand to his lips and delicately kissed the knuckles. “If I’m gonna stick around, you gotta be more careful. Aim for the right one.” he said with amusement, shifting so that he was fully facing Sam now, and put his right arm more forward.
“Imma remember that.” he murmured, his eyes on his hand still in Bucky’s grip. “I’m gonna-” he quickly got up and started making his way to his room. “Gimme a minute and we can go out. Around people and distractions.” the last sentence was whispered already at his door, but he knew Bucky heard it, enhanced hearing and all, because he heard him laugh. Damn, seeing Buck so relaxed and happy and laughing… Sam felt all warm inside and his heart was doing flips every time he heard that wonderful sound. He was honestly a bit afraid of how he felt around Bucky. He could barely control himself, what he was doing and saying. He found himself wishing they could just have that date, maybe two, and he could finally do what he has wanted for a long time now - just jump Bucky’s bones. Of course, even if Bucky was kidding about it, Sam knew he was an asshole and he was going to keep his ‘no sex on the first date’ rule, or whatever it was. But he had a feeling Bucky wanted him as much as he wanted Bucky. And the whole sexual tension and frustration were driving him crazy, so sue him for wanting to relieve it. Obviously, he wanted Bucky in more ways than one. He wanted him in his life in general, he wanted Bucky to never leave his side, to kiss him and hold him, and sleep next to him, and just to be in every aspect of his life, eventually. But for now there was one thing he could focus on the most. And Bucky’s comments and jokes were not making it easier for him. Additionally, the more time he spent around Bucky, the more Bucky smiled and laughed, and just seemed so comfortable and relaxed, the more Sam’s heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. It felt as if his feelings for Bucky were growing every second. He occupied Sam’s mind all the time, and it was getting annoying. Damn Bucky Barnes and his piercing blue eyes and a gorgeous smile that lights up the room. Sam was so gone.
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missorgana · 3 years
call me what you want
pairing: bucky barnes/sam wilson
fandom: marvel cinematic universe
rating: general
word count: 2741
warning: alcohol, swearing
summary: Bucky thinks he quite likes Sam calling him nicknames, but he likes his smile more. (more tfatws canon compliant fluff.. just because!)
(look at me, once again ignoring exams to write stupid fluff instead. anyways! don’t have much to say but hope u enjoy!! <333 missing them already)
read on ao3
Bucky doesn’t realise just how long he’s been looking at Sam until the man glances over and calls him Buck.
When he thinks about it, his eyes never leave him. Not after those staring contests of theirs, which he’ll admit to himself and no one else that he’s the most responsible for. Not when Sam turns his back to him, focus returning to the mission and Joaquín and Redwing.
He’d roll his eyes at the nickname, but that would mean looking away from Sam, and losing eye contact with Sam.
“Don’t call me that,” he says instead, hopefully conveying his disagreement with a tight-lipped look. He considers smiling. Seems inappropriate.
The other man does smile, “Why not? It’s what Steve called you.”
Sam’s smile looks right. Feels right. Bucky’s had people smile at him before, sure, plenty, but it hasn’t ever felt exactly like this. He’s not sure what it means, though, so he pushes it the furthest way back into his consciousness.
“He knew me longer,” Bucky explains, pretending like it matters, “And Steve had a plan.”
The shorter man seems like he’s holding in a laugh, a smug one. That suggests he knows the obvious lie when he hears it. 
Bucky can see the gap between his teeth.
If he turns his own lips into a smile when Sam turns away again, the man currently preparing to jump out the chute doesn’t need to know. If he spots it and gives him a funny look, he doesn’t need to know the reason behind the smile. Bucky knows.
Because Sam’s always calling him a  cyborg, Bucky fumbles for some sort of retaliation. His name’s too short to make fun of, he contemplates. Damn him.
“I can see the gears turning,” the shorter man laughs, hard and out of breath. Bucky still can’t stop looking at him, for some reason. He bends over a bit when he laughs, picking up a faster pace than himself. Bucky makes sure to catch up.
His comeback ends up being, “Sure you can, birdman.”
He can tell the other man feigns offence, raised brows and nose scrunching at the edges. Sam smiles so easily. Bucky wonders what that’s like.
“Oh, I see how it is,” the man next to him speaks up, eyes dancing easily over the open, practically deserted field they’re surrounded by. There’s a car buzzing faintly a fair amount of miles away, Sam wouldn’t notice but he does, super soldier senses and all, “For the record, that movie’s not too bad.”
Bucky kicks a rock and some dirt to the side. The rock’s weird looking, all sharp edges, almost like spikes. Yet it’s so small. He decides to look at Sam instead, “What movie?”
A honk lets them know they’re not alone. He thinks this might be what disappointment feels like, because the other man stops himself after “I-” and shakes his head instead, causing Bucky’s brows to furrow and right hand to twitch and something sinking inside his stomach, “Nevermind.”
He has to remember to google that later.
Bucky doesn’t really care that Karli told Sam to come alone, because Sam also knows that he’ll be coming with him, no matter the protest.
He’s got a hunch Sam also knows that he was lying, again, reattaching his vibranium arm and gaining the senses back and pretending not to be all that shocked.
“You okay?” the man asks and he answers, “I’m fine.”
Of course. It’s fine. Kind of annoying, how Sam looks at him with a worried glance, trying to hide it but failing miserably. Bucky doesn’t look away when their eyes meet. The shorter man blinks, slowly, like a question.
And he always gestures for Sam to go first.
So he does, too, on the Wilsons’ boat, when he’s tightened near every damn screw and lifted every imaginable thing like it’s nothing, and yet the other man still refuses to ask for help. He accepts it when Bucky decides to put a cool hand on his hip, though.
Sam stills. He himself doesn’t move till the man in front of him does. Seconds seem like years.
“Alright, show-off, don’t overwork yourself,” he tells Bucky, laughing without much of the familiar smugness. The dimples in his cheeks are deeper now, wide eyes. Bucky expects Sam to be looking at his left arm, but his gaze is resting somewhere under his chin. His throat, above his chest.
He thinks he’s getting the hang of this nickname thing, “Sure thing, Sammy.”
And the other man throws a towel at him in response. “Sammy? What are you, five?”
Sam’s sweatshirt has a small hole in it. Near his hip, a tiny thread poking out. The fabric slides up when he raises his arm, revealing a sliver of his stomach. He imagines his skin to be soft, like his arm. It seems the man notices his fixated stare on the spot, looking for whatever the subject of his attention, wiping his forehead in the hem.
Bucky shrugs, “Give or take a hundred years.”
He understands why Sam’s chuckle doesn’t reach his brown eyes at that. What he doesn’t understand is his pupils, significantly dilated. Stupid serum advancement, stupid awareness.
A spot of sunlight touches the other man’s face, and he squints, covering himself with a hand, moving out of Bucky’s sight.
This is how he realises he’s still holding a grip on the now tightened pipe, harder than he thought. He’ll make sure to fix the bending he caused before Sam notices.
Sam is a good dancer. Not that Bucky’s an expert on it or anything, far from it, but he’s not tripping over his own feet or cursing or slinging his sister around like a ragdoll.
His nephews are jumping around them, too, a couple of their neighbours in a slow dance, another reaching out and offering Bucky a beer, which he accepts. The serum doesn’t allow him to be affected much, unless he deliberately seeks being unsensibly drunk, but he likes the bitter taste, regardless.
Sarah straightens her brother’s arm and rolls her eyes in the direction of himself.
Sam turns his head about a millisecond later, winking before spinning her around. It’s smooth as hell, despite not breaking eye contact with Bucky. 
"Come on, Buckaroo!" the shorter man raises his voice, nickname just plain awful, "Get up here."
Bucky decides to shake his head as a reply, he's always preferred observing, really. Besides, he thinks he might be too quick on his feet. Too spinny, urging to not stand still.
Sam doesn't drag him up. He didn't expect him to, but it still surprised him, for some reason. The shorter man looks severely gentle with his hands on the small of Sarah's back, not surprising.
He gets a shake of the man's head and a shimmy of his shoulders. "Man, you're no fun."
Bucky huffs, “Whatever you say, darling.” Sam blinks in disbelief at the name. Sarah snaps him out to carry on with the dance. He likes having the man’s attention, he thinks.
He considers hiding his smile behind the rim of the glass. But really, there’s no need to, and he doesn’t feel like it.
The other man always grins as opposed to simply smiling. It grows just an inch when he notices Bucky smiling back, and there’s these tiny, sensitive hairs standing up on the back of his neck, he feels it immediately. Blood rushing to his face. Maybe it’s just the alcohol.
Just about every window in their house is open, his t-shirt sticks ever so slightly to his lower back with sweat, and a moth is fluttering around the lamp in the corner. It’s comical, tiny wings and body staying so close to that light, not really doing anything.
Eventually it’ll die, he guesses. Well, it has to, of course. But when the living room thins out and the light dies and everything turns quiet, it’ll simply wander around, lost, until that warm glow returns.
That stupid bug bathes in the light like it’s the only thing in life that matters. Bucky feels a sudden urge to look at Sam again, and the other man isn’t looking at him anymore, but it doesn't matter, his presence is enough.
Actually, he thinks he might fear looking away from Sam. Scared he’ll miss something, anything. A look or a smile or a joke or a movement. Some warmth radiating off of him, because the man has so much that he doesn’t even mind giving away a little to his surroundings. 
Bucky’s quite like the moth, in that sense.
Now, Bucky didn’t plan on kissing Sam today.
He’d been planning on it, or he wanted to  ask , but most times it was like the certain moment faded too quickly and he felt guilty for not doing anything about it.
When he woke up to AJ and Cass playing with the shield and the man cooking breakfast in a tank top, Bucky wondered if he should do it, then. It felt weird to try with both his nephews and sister in the kitchen though. He also sort of wished he had gone for it on the lower deck of the boat. Maybe Sam would think it was inappropriate when they were working.
When they circulated around each other the last few days, training, talking, Bucky gaining a deeper understanding for the other man and finding a way to convey an apology that sounds  right, it feels like they’re more of a team.
Connected. Stronger, maybe. Sam doesn’t need his super soldier strength at all, though, but it being wanted anyway, that makes him want to smile more. As much as the shorter man, maybe, if he’s capable.
Bucky decides the next time, the next moment, it’ll come, like all the other moments he’s been discovering and making him sort of breathless. In a good way.
“Thanks for the help,” Sam tells him, instead of a goodbye, “It meant a lot.”
Usually, these sentimental moments they keep having will be ended by the other man lightening the mood, so to speak. Not breaking it, just making it airy and familiar. His stupid jokes that aren’t even stupid, or annoying, anymore, they just remind Bucky of something like safety. He hasn’t asked, and Sam hasn’t said, but he feels like he’ll be there if he falls down. He’d do the same for him.
The man doesn’t joke around, now, despite himself attempting to muster the same smugness, “Of course.” He feels like it sounds more sarcastic than he intended. 
He quite likes that boat. Likes the people on it more. One particular person.
Bucky really thinks that’s the end of their conversation, their own way of saying  see you around  , but instead a voice catches him when he turns around, “I’m just telling the truth, baby.”
Naturally, he turns back, but now Sam’s got his back turned.
Funny, how they keep going back and forth like that. Watching, even when the other isn’t looking. He knows he’s been doing that a lot, there’s no denying it.
A feeling in his hand, the way it twitches, makes Bucky feel like this might be a new moment.
He doesn’t really wait for a reaction before following. Like the moth. Meant to follow. When Sam stops, he stops. Then, reaches over the shield in the man’s grasp and lets his fingers touch the nape of Sam’s neck.
Bucky half-expects him to push him away, but the shorter man kisses him back immediately, and  that makes him want to smile. So he does.
It’s short, close-mouthed, the softest experience he’s ever had. Soft lips, stubble meeting, even if the shield pokes his stomach, doesn’t matter.
When Bucky draws back, Sam’s grinning like an idiot.
He also lifts an expectant eyebrow, like he’s waiting for him to explain himself. Maybe say some romantic bullshit, but he’s scared the words will fail him. Too focused on the other man’s Adam's apple when he swallows, too busy counting his eyelashes, so he doesn’t forget.
Bucky doesn’t want to forget anything about Sam, ever, for the life of him.
He adjusts the bag on his shoulder, before giving the man one last smile. Sam looks weirdly proud of him. “It’s for luck.”
Bucky guesses a kiss is the sort of thing you talk about, but the mission at hand doesn’t allow much talking. He manages to hear Sam’s speech, grab every word and hide it within him and completely pretend he didn’t. The other man knows his bullshitting, again.
“Great job, Cap,” he tries to smile, showing his teeth, like Sam. The man next to him eyes him curiously, for the first time since Bucky met him, looking endearingly shy.
He still laughs, sounding almost like a song Bucky’s trying to remember, “It’s Cap now?”
And given Sharon’s wound, he can’t stick around, but the text he receives about a  party  at the Wilsons, a cookout, that doesn’t surprise him, actually. Doesn’t surprise him that he’d go to Louisiana in a heartbeat and pick up the cake Sarah asked for, even if it slides around in the carseat and doesn’t look all that appetizing when he arrives.
The Wilson siblings roll their eyes at him. They both smile. Sam looks like the sun.
Bucky’s so busy being overrun with kids staring at his left arm that he doesn’t notice Sam slipping out of the group. If it makes him panic just a little not knowing where he was, well, that’s nobody’s business but his own.
The shorter man hasn’t gone far though. He’s looking out at the water, the sunset.
It’s pretty. Looks prettier when Sam stands there.
He knows, he  knows he’s not damn good with communication. The other man told him so himself. But he can’t stop trying, even if it feels like he’ll swallow his tongue.
Sam doesn’t acknowledge him when he comes up behind him, not at first, but Bucky thinks about his easy smile and red shirt and the lines in his palm and the ghost of his lips on his when he says the first feeling that comes to mind.
“I hate everyone else in the world, but you.”
It makes the other man chuckle and turn his face towards him. When he smiles hard, really, really hard, his warm eyes crinkle at the corners.
There’s a small birthmark on Sam’s throat, he notices. And one on his earlobe.
“Really?” he asks, as if it’s up for discussion.
Then that smugness returns like a charm with the comment, “So you like me more than Steve?”
And he would be annoyed, but his own smile is kind of preventing that feeling to surface. “I hate Steve,” he answers, with a certainty that surprises them both. Sam’s tugging at the hem of his shirt.
Then, “You liked Natasha, though,” and Bucky wants to roll his eyes so goddamn badly, which is clearly what the other man was looking for. He thinks he finds him adorable. The pink hue of the sky touches his being so perfectly. Hazy eyes, teeth nearly gleaming in the light.
“No, I mean what I said,” and Bucky knows what’s coming, of course he does, “But you can’t not like Rhodey, I mean...”
Sam is so fucking ridiculous. He doesn’t ever want him to stop making him smile like this.
“Sam, please, I’m trying to-” but Bucky doesn’t quite get to finish that sentence. Not because the other man interrupts him, at least not with his lips, which he wouldn’t complain about, or his words, but because both of Sam’s hands come up to cradle his face in the most tender fashion. He thinks he might be going crazy.
So he just looks at the man for a minute. Contemplating how loud his beauty is, how much love is in his eyes and how it’s somehow directed at himself. It feels overwhelmingly peaceful.
And Bucky feels Sam’s breath on his cheeks before they connect their lips again. Long overdue. His tongue tastes like coffee and butterscotch.
When they pull apart, the shorter man bumps their noses together. Bucky quite gladly could stay like this forever.
Then Sam asks, an unspoken conclusion, but voices the question regardless, because, well. He’s pretty sure they both need it, “You plan on sticking around?”
This smiling thing is kind of straining Bucky’s jaw. He’ll get used to it.
“Don’t even need to ask, sweetheart.”
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
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Other parts
Jared Padalecki
Misha Collins
Jensen Ackles
This part sucks ass but I low key like it. I’ll probably end up redoing it soon
"Hello welcome Ad" I say opening the front door for the camera crew and Alex comes up behind me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm Yn Calvert" I say.
"And I'm Alexander Calvert, come right in" he says and I smile up at him.
"This house was built by my great great grandmother when she was in her 20's and then it was a gift to my great grandparents on their wedding night and then it was given to my grandparents and then my parents and then when Alex and I got married my mom handed us the keys" I say.
"We're currently in the middle of upgrading and rebuilding everything and we've been working on it for three years now" Alex says.
"This is our living room" I say as we walk in to it.
"This is honestly my favorite room in the house, when we're actually staying here the boys and I spend a lot of time in here, playing games, playing the piano and having quiet reading time" I say.
"I learned with kids a while ago that we can't have all the fancy things and I'm cool with with that because I enjoy the family vibes we created" I say going to the wall that holds all the photos.
"This is Misha on his first day of kindergarten" I say pointing to the photo.
"I cried harder than he did" I say laughing.
"This is a picture from our wedding night, I adore this picture so much because all of the couples can be seen dancing around us, I remember this moment because Flicker by Niall Horan was playing and at that point it was one of my favorite songs and right there you can see Jared and his wife being all cute" I say pointing it out.
"All the art you see in here is made by two of Yn's sisters who run an art shop" Alex says.
"They've been painting ever since we were young and the work they put out is amazing and every time we get a visitor they always ask where I got it from and I can easily promote my siblings" I say laughing.
"Over here is our kitchen" Alex says walking up the two step departing our kitchen from our living room.
"We tore down the wall because we wanted the open space, all the natural light and when I'm making dinner I can keep an eye out on the kids and they can eat their snacks at the table and watch tv or play the game while I'm doing whatever I need to do" I say.
"Let me show you my favorite part about the kitchen" Alex says leading them over to the sink.
"Yn cooks dinner pretty much every night which leaves me and the boys with the clean up and they like how big the sink is" he says showing off our farmhouse sink.
"Makes washing dishes so much easier and Aj use to take a lot of baths in here" he says patting the sink and I laugh.
"You sound like you're trying to convince everyone to get one" I say and he laughs with me.
"Maybe I am" he says taking them to the other room.
"Over here is where our dining room was but we don't use it so we made it into a branch off living room" Alex says.
"We celebrate the holidays here and it's perfect for Christmas when we have our families and friends here and the living room is taken, we have these two ceiling chairs and then some cushions and bean bags I like to think of it as a sort of cozy corner, this usually turns into the kids hang out spot when there's a group of them because we have the gaming tv here and they can just lounge and enjoy whatever game they are playing" I say.
"The backyard is what I'm probably proudest of" I say opening the folding sliding glass doors and we step outside.
"We have the pool over there completely gated off because Aj can't fully swim yet and he likes to play outside when I'm on the patio writing" I say.
"And on that side we have the boys playhouse from Charmed Playhouses, Yn seen a picture of one and she fell in love with them and decided that the boys needed to have a Harry Potter themed playhouse" he says.
"It's literally so cool in there, I should have just walked you to the playhouse and did a tour of that" I say laughing.
"We got Harry Potter because I've always been a massive fan and Misha when he was around three he fell in love with it and I knew I had to do it plus it's perfect for both boys and girls" I say.
"Now up the stairs on the right we have the office" I say sliding the glass sliding door open and stepping inside and Alex follows me in.
"There's not a lot here" I say.
"We're currently working on expanding this room because Alex has his desk and I want a space where I can put all of my art stuff so we're in the middle of that" I say.
"This is also where Yn keeps her awards because she's too embarrassed to show them off so she keeps them tucked away up here where she can glance at them to remind her that she can always be better" he says moving the picture frames they are behind.
"This is the hallway" I say and Alex laughs.
"Yn loves this hallway" he says.
"I do, I love it so much" I say giggling and I stop walking.
"This is why I love this hallway so much" I say pointing at the pictures.
"My family is very big and very all over the place. From my birth dad I have six siblings and on my moms side I have five and it's like crazy trying to get everyone together and when I found out I was pregnant with Mish everyone came and they showed up and I managed to get a few decent shots out of it" I say laughing.
"And next to that I have my all time favorite picture of me and my baby sister Zendaya at the oscars in 2015. It's a photo from the red carpet and I was telling her I was pregnant and this was her reaction" I say laughing.
"Moving on, the first room we have belongs to Misha, they are both down for a nap right now in Aj's room so I can show off Misha's room" I say opening the door and stepping inside.
"My mom actually designed this room for him and she put it together while we were in Canada while Alex was filming so we came back to it and it was a nice surprise, Misha loved it more than anything" I say laughing.
"She got him a moving bookshelf and every time we go to the store he asks for a book so he can add them to the book shelf so that way no one will know which books opens the bookshelf" he says tipping the book back and it slides open.
"This is his 'hey Misha clean your room bub guests are coming' hiding spot" I say.
"Gets the job done" Alex says and I laugh rolling my eyes.
"Until I have to come in behind him and clean it" I say.
"This is the game room" I say.
"It has all of the games your mind could ever imagine" Alex says opening the doors under where the tv sits and it is stuffed with games.
"Texas thunderstorms have taught us that we can never have enough games or candles to entertain us when we lose power or when it storms so much the boys are up all night" I say.
"Next is our bedroom" I say stopping at the closed double doors and I push them open.
"This is where the magic happens" he says and I laugh rolling my eyes and I step in.
"Our bedroom was one of the first things we did when we moved in, we tore it apart and with the help of my best friend slash Alex's fake father and his wife and we rebuilt this room in about two to three weeks and it was like the best time of my life" I say.
"In this little hole is where we keep Misha when guest come so we can pretend we did all the work around here" he says and I laugh.
"You're an idiot" I say and he laughs with me.
"This is a laundry chute, there's one in the main rooms such as ours, Misha's and Aj's and they can just send the clothes right to the basket which then I can just dump into the washer" he says and I nod.
"Plus there's never any clothes lying around, everyone should have one of these" I say.
"Through here is our bathroom and closet" he says opening the door and we go inside.
"It's just a bathroom it's nothing special to me but to Yn it is everything" he says and I press the button and the shelves come out the cabinet.
"It's my vanity but when I'm done I can put it away and not worry about anything getting messed up ever and I love it because everything is unorganized but you can't see the clutter" I say getting off of the pouf and I go into the closet.
"This is probably the most extreme room we have in our house because honestly I'm addicted to shopping and I need the space. I always wanted like the closet that Hannah Montana had and I didn't get it but honestly this one has hers beat so I'm not complaining" I say and Alex laughs.
"Like I said about the bathroom I don't get it" he says and I laugh.
"And the last room" I say opening the door showing off the nursery and I step inside them following me.
"You're the first ones that aren't apart of our inner circle to find out and we want to use this video as an announcement" Alex says and I nod.
"This nursery is for our princess who we are happy to announce will be born in four months" Alex says. "January 1st" I say smiling at the camera.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
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(not me making this awful cover but i wanted this to have one lmao. i do not own the picture i used, so credits to whomever made this lovely pic)
So first of all, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the 100 followers LIKE?????? where did thAT come from I just- you guys are sO AMAZING !!! I am beyond grateful for all of your support and your kindness and I'm so happy interact with you pretty people.
I really don't have any rules, nor characters I don't wanna write of that I can think of as in right now. (please if state if u want it to be nsfw bc my first instinct is write sfw stuff)
ANd, as a thank you, I made this super duper fantastic song lyric prompt list that you can choose from (you can absolutely send in a lyric that isn't in the list if you want) and just send me a sw character and we'll see how that goes!
Song lyric prompt list
• already requested, but you can ask for them again!
1. I don't need anything fancy, I just need me and you slow dancing. - Slow dancing by Aly and AJ.
2. I've been trying hard not to talk to you/act a fool. - Sunflower vol. 6 by Harry Styles
3. Say it's been long six months, and you were too afraid to tell her what you want. - How you get the girl by Taylor Swift
4. And if you have a minute, why don't we go? Talk about it, somewhere only we know. - Somewhere only we know by Keane
5. To the strand, a picnic planned, for you and me. - From Eden by Hozier
6. Why she had to go? I don't know, she wouldn't say. - Yesterday by The Beatles
7. I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you. - Fallingforyou by the 1975
8. Take on me, take me on, I'll be gone, in a day or two. - Take on me by a-ha
9. Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do. - Like real people do by Hozier
10. You wanna say no, no, it ain't gonna work, but then you fumble your words, oh you're running out of reasons. - Running out of reasons by The Wanted
11. You love me, but you don't know it yet. - Happy accidents by Saint Motel
12. I don't really care what they would say, I'm asking you to stay. - Level of concern by twenty one pilots
13. You know I talk too much, honey come put your lips on mine and shut me up. - Talk too much by COIN.
14. I know that you're scared because hearts get broken. - Golden by Harry Styles
15. I try and try to erase you, but you won't disappear - Everywhere by Niall Horan
16. I heard you ask about me through a friend, my adrenaline kicked in, because I've been asking 'bout you too - Nervous by Shawn Mendes
17. Every time I'm leavin' you, you don't make it easy. - Sunflower by Post Malone and Swae Lee.
18. I wish that I could believe, that there's a day you'll come back to me, but still have to say, I'd do it all again. - Just want you to know by Backstreet Boys
19. Well, tell me do you hate me or do you wanna date me? - Van Horn by Saint Motel
20. Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain. - Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift
21. I know I would rather be together alone, in a big top circle and a world we can call our own. - All our own by Radio Company
22. Every time I find the words to end it, something in your eyes won't let it. - Shandi by KISS
23. Just dance in my living room, love with an attitude, drunk to an 80's groove - Only human by Jonas Brothers
24. I spend all my time, waiting all night for you. - No going back by Yuno
25. I need to know, if this is mutual, before I go. - Mutual by Shawn Mendes
26. I will sing to your every day, if it will take away your pain - Miss missing you by Fall out Boy
27. If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. - If I could fly by One Direction
28. When you rise in the morning sun, I feel your touch in the pouring rain, and the moment that you wander far from me, I wanna feel you in my arms again. - How deep is your love by Bee Gees
29. If I wake, I'll move closer without waking you, sleeper, sleeper, what's been tiring you. - Rise by Helena Deland
30. All we do is think about the feelings that we hide, all we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign. - Drive by Halsey
31. I never sat by the shore, under the sun with my feet in the sand, but you brought me here. - Malibu by Miley Cyrus
32. With a sunset and a moonrise not so far behind, to give us enough light, to lay down underneath the stars. - Constellations by Jack Johnson
33. Dancing through our house with the ghost of you. - Ghost of you by 5sos
34. And we all sit around the fire, we feel a little warmer now. - Woods by Hollow Coves
35. Won't you kiss me once, baby? Just a kiss goodnight, maybe. - Put your head on my shoulder by Paul Anka
36. If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?- Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
37. Baby just came back around, said she needs time to explore, said I can’t love her no more - Baby came home by The Neighborhood
38. When I kissed you I meant it. / I wanna be more than a friend. - Do it again by Pia Mia
39. I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me. - Ivy by Frank Ocean
40. If you're awake then I am too. If you're lost then I'll find you. If you're hurt then I'll fix you. - It's U by Cavetown
41. They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the I love you's. - They don't know about us by One Direction
42. Can I kiss you or not? / Are you still mad at me? I'm hoping not. - Like to be you by Shawn Mendes and Julia Michaels
43. Kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again, it's been a long, long time. - It's been a long, long time by Harry James
44. Kiss me hard before you go. - Summertime sadness by Lana del Rey
45. You said you'd meet me out there tomorrow, but tomorrow never came. - Tomorrow never came by Lana del Rey ft. Sean Ono Lennon
46. How can I miss you so much when you're right here? - Miss you so much by Miley Cyrus
47. The way she tells me I'm hers and she's mine. - Cherry wine by Hozier
48. No need to say goodbye, you'll come back, when it's over. - The Call by Regina Spektor.
49. Common sense tells me kiss the girl goodbye / I think I love you - Common sense by Joshua Bassett
50. If I could tell her how she's everything to me, but we are a million worlds apart and I don't know how I would even start - If I could tell her by Ben Platt ft Laura Dreyfruss
51. I'm giving you a night call to tell you how I feel - Nightcall by Kavinsky
52. We went for a drive, at 2:30 in the morning. I kissed you, it was pouring. - Remember that night? by Sara Kays
53. Don't wanna hand you all my trouble, don't wanna give you all my demons, you'll have to watch me struggle from several rooms away, but tonight I'll need you to stay - The run and go by twenty one pilots
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papa-nihilism · 3 years
I just read your last headcanon.
I was wondering: how would Bucky feel about seeing Zemo with kids? Knowing all his past and his grief?
Hello, anony!!!!! After I got your ask, I couldn't help but thinking about a little scene featuring them + kids. I hope you don't mind me taking some time to answer this but I wanted to write it for you <3 I hope you like it! :'') SOOO I DID IT! It's on "read more" but you can find it here as well, for AO3 users!
Bucky should have seen it coming at some point. Halfway through dinner at Sam's house, the host's phone rang with an urgent appointment - a "moon stuff" appointment as the trio affectionately called occurrences for Captain America that could not be postponed. Although Wilson's first instinct had been to deny it - after all, he had promised Sarah he would look after AJ and Cass that weekend while she took a few days to herself. His gaze met Zemo's across the table as Bucky had stood and made his way toward his friend, taking the phone from his hand. "All right, no problem, he'll be there soon. Good night, Torres", Barnes said into the phone, ignoring the mostly confused looks Sam was giving him. As he hung up the phone and handed it back to Sam, Bucky turned his gaze back to his friend, "Torres told you to be here in half an hour," he finished, returning to his previous seat at the table, as if nothing had happened.
Noticing Sam's look, Zemo let a short smile appear on his face, "We'll take care of the boys, Sam, don't worry," the Sokovian said, trying to reassure him. “Go fetch your affairs, we will be fine”, he said. Although he was past the stage of distrusting Zemo -even thought he and Bucky had been in a stable and healthy relationship with each other for a long time and Wilson trusted his friend's judgment, there was a certain difference between having weekly dinner nights to tell them the news and meeting once or twice to share a beer and leaving their nephews in the care of their two friends without warning. However, Sam knew that of the pair - and possibly from all his social circle -, the Sokovian was the closest thing to a family man he had around and the boys liked Bucky a lot. Maybe... maybe he could give them a vote of confidence.
"If you need anything - anything at all - be sure to call me," Sam repeated for the twentieth time before leaving the house, and by that time, both Bucky and AJ and Cass seemed to kick the other out the front door, looking forward to the long videogame duel that would take place that night - under the judgment of Zemo who always made sure to keep them competing as fair as possible.
Sam's nephews were already in their beds asleep, enveloped in the tranquility of sleep and the Sokovian lullaby tune that Zemo was humming - although they were a little older than children who necessarily needed lullabies to be lulled to sleep, Cass and Zemo protested that no one was "too old" to be lulled to sleep - which caused AJ and Bucky to giggle a few times. The scene, however, had been enough to leave the American slightly touched.
The thought of children being a part of their everyday life was something that Bucky avoided doing. The dream of building a family had not crossed his mind even in the 1940s, before his life was completely taken over by chaos, and in those more than ninety years he would be lying if he said the thought had ever occurred to him again. For all intents and purposes, he had Zemo, Alpine, Sam, Oeznik... those who had become his family - and he was happy.
One of the main reasons, however, why that thought had not occurred to him was also Zemo's own grief over his own family - the family he had lost along with his country. Helmut was someone dedicated to the memory of his family, he paid his respects and remembrances with a certain frequency but he had certainly moved on - not only to the mourning itself but mostly for allowing himself to continue living, for allowing himself to rebuild a life that, as far as Bucky wanted to believe, was being on his side.
However, standing there, watching Helmut carefully lull the Wilson boys to sleep, Bucky couldn't help but wonder if those thoughts were part of Zemo's mind.
As they returned to the living room of Sam's house, far enough away from the guest room where AJ and Cass were so that their voices wouldn't disturb the younger ones' sleep, Bucky unceremoniously flopped down on the couch, and a few seconds later Zemo nestled into his arms just as Alpine did, in a configuration that had become natural to both of them. The fingers of Barnes' left hand quietly stroked through Zemo's brownish strands. "I think we did okay, right?" uttered Zemo, in a calm tone, although he seemed somewhat distracted - and this time it wasn't by the small mess of chip jars and video game controls that lay across the carpet near the television. "Speak for yourself, AJ is a terrible loser at video games," Barnes muttered, making mention of the brief moment when he and Cass had beaten the older boy in a wrestling game match, receiving a shower of chip chips in his face and hair from the other.
Aside from the typical messy moments, the evening had been uneventful. Pleasant, even. Zemo let slip a smile that resembled a showcase of melancholy. Bucky moved somewhat worriedly, nestling Zemo a little closer in his arms. "You look... sad, though," he whispered, not wanting to alarm the shorter man too much with his concern. "I'm fine, just...thinking," the Sokovian began, aware that Bucky's blue eyes were watching him intently yet avoiding meeting them directly. "I was thinking about my Carl. If... he and the boys would be friends. I believe so, they are as energetic and fanatical about games as my little one was," Zemo confessed. It was common for him to remark about his son - his favorite candy, some stories of family trips or important moments of the little boy's childhood that had been left in the past, but not forgotten.
Bucky's gaze still watched Zemo thoughtfully, and, aware of the other's audience and attention, Helmut continued.
"Carl would be a little older than AJ, I believe, but... I wish he was here. That he had met you. Surely he would have many questions to ask about your Avengers friends," the shorter man confessed, with a soft giggle. "Don't look at me like that, they are your friends," he added, as he observed the American's frown. "I'm not sad, I promise. Just thoughtful," he said, trying to assure Bucky that he was indeed alright. "You worry too much, James," he finally concluded, leaving a short kiss on Bucky's cheek closer to him.
The American attempted to reassure himself with Zemo's voice and his apparent calm, nodding slowly to what he had told him, while his fingers still stroked the shorter man's hair carefully. "It's fun to watch you with children. You are patient and caring. I can see that AJ and Cass like you," Barnes said with a short smile. "I don't think I would object to us taking them over to stay at our house once in a while, what do you think? Alpine would certainly love the company," he murmured. The thought of the Persian cat cohabitating with children was certainly something too chaotic to bring into the already chaotic lives they lived, but he couldn't deny himself the closeness to the two youngest Wilsons, let alone something that seemed to bring some comfort to Zemo's heart. "We can talk to Sam and Sarah about it when he gets back, but... right now, we need to get all this potato chips out of your hair," Zemo said, taking a piece of the yellowish food from Barnes' dark strands, who was smiling a little wider now that he knew it was okay.
It was hard not to smile in the presence of someone who seemed to understand and complete him in every aspect of his life. Somehow, they had managed to build something together that made them feel safe in a world that certainly had showed them what danger was.
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Chapter 6: What Was Left Behind
Snatcher felt his form began to shake as he turned the corner from the stairs, glancing into the dark hallway. He still remember back when he used to walk through these halls, talking with the servants or the former love of his life. Newspapers now littered these halls, black writing all across them. "Happily Ever After" "Princess" "Queen" and "Prince" were a few words he was able to point out.
The small footprints seemed to be heading straight to where the attic should be. That was good, he didn't want to be here trying to chase down who made them. Still, who in their right mind would willingly walk into this place. He did his best to ignore the faint, ice chilling laughter he could hear from under him, going through into the room on his left. Just find out who it is, and get out.
More newspapers and black writing filled the walls as he slowly floated through the rooms, the only different thing he saw being a large bit of blue and green near some switches. He just ignored it, focusing on getting to the attic and getting out. He floated over to the attic door... only to see it was locked. There wasn't a key nearby... how the person got past was beyond him. Looks like he was going to need a key...
He sighed as he floated to the room behind him. Knowing Vanessa, she likely kept the key high up, outside the reach of a normal person- he let out a shout as he saw the red eye staring at him. He braced himself for the icy chill, but nothing happened. He slowly took a second look, finding it to be a painting of sorts. Underneath were some words, a few were hard to read, but he did his best to make it out.
"I" Bad hand writing "it was" More poor handwriting. "I just didn't want you to get" He couldn't tell if the next word was 'unbound' or 'sunburned'. He didn't know which he would consider more worrying. "All I asked was for you to never leave this house."
How did he not see the signs sooner? Expecting him to never leave the house? Didn't she know that would have killed him sooner?
He sighed slightly, floating into the room he first came in from, glancing to his right. He found himself glancing up after catching the words 'Prince AJ' on a random newspaper, and paused slightly. Another sentence was written above him, although he was half tempted to believe they were carved into the wall itself. Ice witch had the claws to do so now, after all. He floated up to get a better look.
"My prince, I'm sorry what happened to your house. If'' Vannessa decided that was the perfect place to write another 'Happily Ever After' message, make those words impossible to read. "it then neither will I."
"My house?" He asked himself, tilting his head to the side slightly. He lived in the manor since he was a child... right? His memory of life was fuzzy. He shook his head, he wasn't here to dwell on the past. He floated back into the main hallway, heading into the door across from a TV on a dresser. This would be a great place to surprise some poor soul...
He shook his head slightly. Many died in this place, including himself. The last thing he should be thinking of trying to get the jump on someone. He floated into the room, then headed straight to the room across from there. He glanced to his left, seeing two bookcases full of books on the wall. The key was up there, out of any normal humans' reach. Luckily, being dead meant he could just grab it even if he was short.
He grabbed the key, and floated into the door closest to where he currently was. The third floor was supposed to have more in it... right. He was pretty sure his bedroom was up here, at least. With how empty it was, you assumed this would be where she kept most of her frozen victims, but he had yet to see one. He floated to the door that was the exit to that room, glancing up. Another message, this one perfectly clear.
He stared silently for a brief moment. The entitlement of this woman... he crossed his arms with a huff. "Well maybe I should have." He stated, shaking his head as he headed back to the attic door. Bacon, the freaking moon!? At this point she likely would have ordered the death of his own family just because he also happens to love them!
He sighed slightly, looking down at the ground as he put the key in the lock, which allowed him to remove said lock. He floated up the stairs silently. He still remembers when they first met when they were young. She was so much sweeter back then... more true to her word. She seemed more fit to rule a kingdom back then.
As soon as he entered the attic, a calming aura greeted him. Like this was the safest place in the whole building. Like it wasn't possible for that demon to get to him... He soon spotted the footsteps that lead him here, coming from a hole in the nearby wall. They kept marking the floor, until they stopped. Stopped in front of the chest in the middle of the room. He glanced too it, slowly floating over.
"Clever hiding place..." He commented to himself. The chest didn't move. He couldn't even here breathing. Maybe whoever it was died while hiding? It would be a shame, do so well avoiding a chilling fate only to die from something as simple as a panic attack. Made him chuckle at the idea.
He heard something. It was barely above a whisper, but he heard it. It sounded like a whimper, or something similar. It had to be the person, or thing in the chest. Oddly enough, that small whimper sounded familiar. He couldn’t place where... "Hey, miss ice witch is downstairs. It's just the two of us. No reason to be hiding away from me." He tried sounding friendly. Maybe he could lure this soul into giving said soul to him later.
"Y-You won't hurt me?" The voice made him on guard. It sounded so... innocent. So familiar. Again, he couldn't place where. It was small... weak. Like it was scared to make any sound.
"Of course not!" Snatcher waved a dismissing hand. He jolted slightly when he heard a creek in the background, afraid he may have just alerted his ex to where he was. But a glance behind showed no one was there... Although it did remind him of the creepy choice in a paint job. Yes, the tale of Moonjumper was a big thing in Subcon, but... he shook his head, giving a reassuring smile to the chest. "Why would I hurt you?"
"I-I saw you, taking some of the icey people away a bit ago. I-I thought you were working with evil lady.." The voice was still shaky, but it seemed to calm down. He could see movement in the chest lid, a little huff as the figure inside opened it slowly. Snatcher watched in curiosity.
Two bright yellow eyes were the first thing he noticed, staring at him in a bit of worry. They were partly hidden behind purple- no, black, no both hair? It was pure black, or close to it, but it glowed purple near the edge. The same could be said for the edges of her face, hands, sleeves, cape, and hat. Her hair also features small little swirls. Her mouth could be clearly seen as one yellow glowing line.
Snatcher didn't know what to make of the sight. This shadow, she looked exactly like Hattie back when she first stepped foot in the forest! Only she looked exactly like him at the same time. The tears dripping down her face where even the same yellow his own eyes would be. Not that he ever cried to find out about that fact.
"What... but how." The child tilted her head in confusion at his words. Snatcher was trying to rack his brain about the whole thing. The only things that ever looked close to this was when he turned into copies of the kiddo to throw her off when they fought. "What's your name? How did you get here? Why are you..."
"I don't know..." The shadow copy looked down slightly, messing with her hands slightly. Similar to what he did whenever he was reminded of those death wishes. Or when he was hiding something in general. "I just... woke up here one day. I've been hiding from misses bad queen ever since..." She seemed to cuddle herself at the thought of the lady.
Snatcher tried to think of how something like this could be possible. She just woke up here one day and just been stuck here? It didn't make any sense. Unless the Hat Girl downstairs was a clone and the real one died by Vanessa's hands, a ghostly version of her should be impossible. A ghostly version that had to run and hide all it's life... like a puppet in Vanessa's show. "Is there... any place or thing you know outside of here?"
The child shocked her head slightly. "No... The only thing I've ever known from the outside is... you." She glanced at his confused expression. "I've seen you about.. this many times before." She held out her hand, showing two up on one and all five up on the other. "Well.. actually this counts... so.." She lifted another finger.
"My yearly trips to the manor..." He didn't notice he picked up the child until she made a small noise of confusion or fright. His body just sort of.. did it on his own. "Seven times... The exact amount of times since she was last here..." He looked down at the child, who was confused by his words. He tried to think of what could have happened to create such a small, adorable...
He recalled watching Hat Kid fight that annoying toilet. Many would assumed he lied about her soul being inside to make her more willing to do the dirty work. But the soul actually did get stuck inside. Still, he wasn't going to deal with it himself. He recalled seeing a faint bit of purple and yellow, like her soul, dash away at one part. He assumed it was a trick of his eyes because the toilet was still bouncing around....
"Are you ok, Mister Noodle?" The young voice, just like the girl's but with a faint echo called up to him. He glanced down at her, and somehow he knew there was sorrow in his eyes. This soul, or a piece of one, has never known anything outside of this prison. That was a fate he wished on no one.
"Oh, I'm fine! It's you I was worried about." He covered his mouth slightly. Did this piece of a soul have some sort of ability? He was just... drawn to her so fast. He slowly removed his hand, giving her a soft smile. "Seven years... I left you here so long..."
"Please don't feel bad!" She was waving her hands in the air, as if to enfenzise her point. "It's my fault, really. I always hid when I saw you... you were a bit scary to me... I didn't want to risk you being bad like her..." She held her head down in shame, garbing her cape and wrapping it around her slightly. It was more pinkest near the bottom, and was torn with holes... was it originally like this or did something happen...
Snatcher and the shadowy child both jolted slightly. There was the sound of some sort of crash downstairs... Snatcher nearly forgot about Hat Girl and Platinum. He needed to go down there and get those two out... maybe the parents as well if they weren't ice statues by now. "Well, I'm not making the same mistake again..." He glanced down at her. "I can take you away from here, would you like that?"
The child let out a gasp in surprise, and a bit of joy. "R-Really, you mean it?" her mouth formed a smile, showing off two little fangs. Just like his own... his own... "I-I would love that! I-I wanna be away from the evil queen.." She then frowned. "But.. The door is locked..."
Snatcher let out a chuckle at that. "She used all the locks she has for doors inside of this place, the fool. It's just some snow blocking the front door. All I have to do is give it a shove and we're home free!" He looked back down at her, seeing she had grabbed a small bit of his mane-thing, as if exsaming it, then reaching for her own neck. "A little funny how we both look so similar, huh kiddo?"
"Kiddo?" The child repeated, pointing to herself slightly. She seemed to be confused by a lot, to which he couldn't blame her. All Vanessa likely did was have whiney fits or shout at her prey. Likely didn't teach the kid a lot. "My name is kiddo?"
Snatcher glanced at her silently for a moment, taking in her statement.
"Did I... say something wrong?" The small shadow asked, tilting her head to the side. She didn't show anymore sights of fear, which was good in his eyes. She was just... naturally confused. He couldn't blame her. If their roles were reversed, he probably would be asking the same questions the little shadow kid was asking. Little... Shadow Kid. "Hey, are you alright? You were... staring blankly for a few moments there."
Snatcher looked down at her with a smile. "I'm fine, Shadow Kid... do you like that name? I think it fits you." He couldn't help but poke at her nose slightly, the ghost child letting out a giggle when he did so.
"Shadow Kid... it's perfect!" The child- Shadow Kid bounces in his arms slightly. She looked up at him with a toothy smile. He could see hope in her eyes, likely the first time they ever had it. She held onto him as he began to float to the exit for the room. "What's your name, mister noodle man?"
"Well, I have many names from the locals around these parts." Snatcher said, a bit of a smug tone in his voice. He had to be quiet though, as he floated back into the third floor, knowing Vanessa could very well be nearby. And the last thing he wanted was to get them both caught when he just promised the young girl freedom. "But the name I personally go by is, The Snatcher. I'm basically the true ruler of subcon." He chuckled at the child's awe.
Platinum held his breath, although he didn't need to breath in the first place, as he pushed himself into the corner. The red and black Elsa being slowly walked down the stairs passed him, a growl in her voice. Lighting stuck outside as he held back a shout, running up the stairs as soon as it was safe. "Hattie!" He whispered-shouted, hoping his sister was alright.
And fell to his knees at the sight. Near a dresser in the hallway stood an ice sculpture. One who bore a familiar ponytail. Her face seemed to be gone, ice covering all it's details. "No...NONO!" Oil tears fell down his face as he raced to the being that was once his sister. She was.. she was dead. Dead and it was his fault because he screamed at the lighting-
There was a tiny crack sound, and then ice flew off the girl's body. She let out a slight gasp as she caught some air, the tip of the nightcap swaying side to side faintly. "It's been too long since I last used an ice hat." She shrugged and looked at her brother, who still had some tears going down his face. "What do you think? Pretty neat."
"I thought you died!" Platinum hissed, trying to stay as quiet as he could as to not alert that creature back up here. He couldn't feel angry from much longer, because another crash of light from outside had him pulling Hat Girl into a hug, shaking slightly. "P-Please don't scare me like that again." He begged, feeling a few gentle pat on his back before she stepped away. "We need to get our Dads, find Snatcher, and get out now."
"You're right. But we need to be careful when we go to leave." With a snap of her fingers, her backpack appeared. She slung it over her shoulder, placing the cap inside once it was open. She then pulled out her mask and headband, placing them on her head gently.
He tilted his head slightly, letting out a brfit giggle. "You look a little funny in that." He stated, Hat Girl rolling her eyes at the statement. The two quietly stepped into the bedroom. She noticed the Mafia Goon was still frozen on the floor, but the closet was back up. Platinum seemed to take note of the closet too, walking over.
She walked behind him, trying to stay quiet. She knew it was likely safe, but she didn't want to risk Vanessa having set up some sort of trap inside it. "Stay behind me." She whispered, pushing her brother back behind her. She could faintly hear something within now that she was closer. With a histiate breath, she swung open the closet door.
Two quick shouts met their ears, and a laser blaster was pointed at them. She looked at the two men, who allowed themselves quick breaths of relief, the cybrog's blaster turning back into a normal hand. "Hattie! Platinum! Oh that was you we heard! What are you doing here?" Reginald asked, hopping out of the closet and hugging the two. Right Hand Man hopped out beside him, although he simply glanced at them.
"Looking for you, clearly!" Platinum stated.
"Ya s'ouldn't 'ave come. We would 'ave gotten ourselves out sooner or later." Right Hand Man stated, shaking his head slightly. Although he and Reginald glanced at each other faintly. The two had faintly heard the kids voices, and knew they had to act sooner or later. They kept fighting about what would be the best way. Mostly because all of the ideas involved sacrificing themselves. Great minds think alike, the saying goes.
"You're right... but you're not hurt, right?" Hat Girl asked, beginning to take a closer look in worry. That's when she saw the crystal-like blue over the cybernetic side of RHM's face. "Papa, your eye! What happened?!" She asked.
Right Hand Man sighed, holding his lover's hand as the group began to leave the room. "Well, we just came out of t'at beer pool place, talkin' about t'e work it will take to drain it out, w'en t'at red mist demon appeared. I tried firin' my laser eye at it, but it just touc' t'e blast 'nd turned t'e laser to ice!" He threw his hands in the air in frustration. "Luckily it only got to my eye before I broke free, t'en we 'id in t'e closet."
"Out of all the places, why the closet?" Platinum asked, a faint smug look on his face. The cyborg rolled his only visible eye.
"There you two... four are" Snatcher called, floating over to the group as they got to the stairs. Hat Girl noticed he seemed to have something close to him, but couldn't make out exactly what it was right now. "Ohh, so your parents aren't human popsicles. Well, isn't that great news!" He let out a chuckle, before noting the glare from the cyborg. "What?"
"Well, at least you brought someone with you..." Reginald sighed, offering the ghost a faint smile, and said ghost simply shrugged. As soon as they stepped onto the first floor, the group paused, they didn't see her, but they knew Vanessa was nearby. They quickly raced under a nearby table as Vanessa entered the hall.
"What are we going to do?" Platinum asked, glancing at where the front door was. "We need to get there, but she'll get us." He glanced back at Hat Girl, who seemed to glance at her hand. She made a small tap at the tips of her fingers, and with a faint green glow, a small stack of cash magically appeared in her hand. "Wait, how did you-" He would have let out a yelp as the thunder came, but Right Hand Man was quick to cover his mouth.
"Get ready to run... or float in Snatcher's case." She said, she glanced at the floor brefitly, trying to find a place to throw the cash. That's when she noticed something... odd. Two shadows were coming from the queen's being. One was of the monster she had become, the second being a reflection of her human self... She shook her head, she couldn't let that distract her. She threw the cash into the kitchen, it blowing up upon impact with the floor.
"AH HA! I FOUND YOU~" Vanessa called, walking past the table they were under, into the kitchen.
"Quick." Right Hand Man whispered, racing to where the front door was. The group falling, Snatcher placing something... someone? He placed whatever on his back as he slammed his arms into the doors, bursting them open. They could hear a growl from behind them. "Run!" He held Reginald's hand, as they began to run down the path they came. They could all hear footsteps behind, the queen's rage was in the air.
"Stay back!" Hat Girl called, garbing her umbrella as they passed the dweller bell, slamming it once she passed by.
Vanessa reached out to freeze them all where they were standing, as a warning to any more cockroaches that dared to go into her home. But it simply slammed agesist that cursed purple wall. She let out a shrike of rage. "I'll get you! No one comes across my path, tries to take it away, and leaves alive!" With a huff, she began to return to her home.
The group was silent, all staring at the purple wall in worry the Queen would somehow break through. It was only after a full minute of silence did they allow themselves to truly relax. They all headed to the bridge, Snatcher picking up the teens as he floated across while Right Hand Man held his Husband close as he did the same. Hat Girl sat on the ground, allowing herself to catch her breath, looking at the snow filled land.
"I'm never going back there again." She stated, and hoped this time it was true. She then glanced over at her parents, the ones who took her in, the ones she just put in danger. "I'm sorry. I should have told you about the manor. I should have... It's..."
"No, before you say it's yer fault, it's not." Right Hand Man said, kneeling next to her and placing a hand on her shoulder, brown eye staring into her sky blue ones. "S'ould've asked ya about t'e place first, I was just in a rush to get some sort of s'elter I didn't t'ink too." he looked at her, giving her a soft smile. "T'e cold wasn't helpin' my thought process either, at the time."
"But it isn't your job to look into the details." Reginald sighed, walking up to them. "I should have known something was off."
"And I guess I shouldn't have screamed when the lightning flashed. But I had every right to be afraid!" Platinum stated, stopping a foot ageist the ground as he pointed to the others, who just gave him a confused look. He was silent for a moment, before sighing. "I.. Thought we were all blaming each other so I decided to join." He looked back at them, smiling as he heard Hat Girl chuckle.
"Well... I'm just glad we're out..."
"Out... Out!" Shadow Kid called happily, hoping off the phantom's back as she fell on the floor. The group glanced over at the sound of the young voice, and found themselves staring in shock at the young girl. She spun around in a slight circle, smiling brightly. "I'm out! It's so pretty being out! Ooo~, what's that loopy thing!"
"W'ot in t'e-" Right Hand Man stated, causing the shadow to glance over, then hide behind the phantom. Must be one of those excitable yet shy types. He glanced up at Hat Girl, hoping she could offer some sort of answer. But she was looking at the creature with the same confusion he had. He turned back to Snatcher, giving him a questioning glare. "Excuse me, g'ost. But can you explain w'y t'ere's a copy of Hattie?"
"Oh, it's quite simple. And please tone it down, you're scaring her." Snatcher said, giving the cyborg his own glare. "I believe she's a part of the kiddo's soul, broken off and taken its own form in the manor. Hat Girl must not have noticed she left it behind..." He picked the shadow child up.
"Well, ain't she the cutest little thing!" Hat Girl gasped, racing over to the purple figure. The child flinched at first, but then looked at the teen in curiosity. The two looked so similar, as to be expected considering they were two of the same soul. She even had the same type of clothing she would wear when traveling all over this planet. "Heya little one! I'm Hat Girl. You.. sorta came from me!"
"H-Hello... I'm Shadow Kid." Shadow Kid introduced herself, and Hat Girl couldn't help but let out an 'Awwww'.
"You're one of the most innocent things I've ever seen in my life." Reginald said, smiling as he walked over to the small group. He patted her on the top of her head, being careful not to knock off the hat, smiling at the giggles he got in return. "It's nice to finally get to meet you, Shadow Kid. Say.. how would you li-"
"No, Reg. The answer is no." Right Hand Man quickly stated, crossing his arms to show his point. Reginald let out a huff, while Hat Girl and Platinum both glanced at each other, shaking their heads. Shadow Kid tilted her head in confusion, as Snatcher held her close. "Platinum 'nd Hat Girl are enoug'. We talked about t'is, no more kids."
"But she's a part of Hattie's soul, so technically we would still only have two kids!" Reginald claimed defensively. Snatcher found himself warping his tail around where Shadow kid was, looking down at her slightly. He watched her garb his tail slightly, holding it close like it was some sort of blanket. She just seemed so lost about what they were talking about. "Besides, look at her! We can't just leave her all alone!"
"T'e answer is still no, Reg. We already had to deal wit' 'er chaos as a child, I'm not relivin' all t'at." Right Hand Man stated firmly.
"But Rightttyyy..." Reginald was just a kid asking for a puppy at this point. Platinum let out a slight chuckle as he watched. While it would be great to have a new sister, even he was able to see now wasn't the best time to be adopting someone. He found himself glancing over to where Snatcher was, seeing a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Where else would she have to go? We can't make her go back!"
"I could take her."
Reginald glanced over, a bit confused. "What?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Right Hand Man gave the ghost a confused look, although there was a form of relief that could be seen in his visible eye. Hat Girl looked at them both, then smiled as she looked back at the two purple beings. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean, she appears to be more ghost then living, breathing human." Snatcher said, waving his hand as if taking someone in wasn't a big deal. "She has stayed the same age for Seven years, after all. It would be best for her to be near creatures more like herself. Besides, look at her! She looks like a mini me in the shape of the kiddo!" He grinned slightly. "It only makes sense if I let her stay at my place."
"So... basically yer adopin' 'er?" Right Hand Man asked. He watched the ghost gain a bit of a blank face, processing his exact words. "Ye were basically sayin' ya were goin' to be 'er parental figure, after all."
"You're adopting me?" Shadow Kid asked, looking up at the Prince's ghost slightly. He looked down, processing could still be seen happening in his eyes. Then he gave her a soft smile, and nodded. She gave her own smile in response, nearly hoping out of his hands in joy. "Yay!" She clapped her hands slightly, before pausing and looking back up at him. "Wait, what does "adopin" mean." She was confused when the others giggled at her accent imitation.
"Well..." Snatcher let out a bit of a nerves laugh, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand as he tried to think of what to say. He never thought he would say these words to anyone. "Well, you see how Hattie has her two Dads?" He watched as Shadow Kid glanced over at the two man, Reginald waving slightly, before looking back at him. "Basically, me adopting you means I'll be your Dad. Or Papa or Pops, whatever you wanna call me."
Shadow Kid gasped in joy, hugging him. "My heart-'' Platinum called from the side, grabbing his chest.
Reginald gave a small smile to the two. "Well, I'm glad you two have each other now." He let out a sigh, then glanced at his daughter, who smiled brightly at him. "Well, I suppose we should be returning to the orbital station. The clan must be worried about us. And we need to get to work removing the ice from Righty's eye."
Snatcher glanced back at the cyborg, and had to hold back a laugh once he finally noticed the ice covered eye. "Well, I have to find a place for Shadow Kid to sleep anyway. Along with letting the village know of her arrival." He gave the small shadow a boop, watching her giggle, before he turned away from the group. "I'll see you later, Kiddo and Platinum! Preferably when I find a spell to turn the manor's walls into bacon!" with a laugh, he raced into the woods, gone from sight.
"See you!" Hat Girl called, waving her hand quickly. She heard a sigh, and Reginald passed her as the group began their trip back to the orbital station. She walked up to her Dads, a bit heistaite. "So… you guys aren't grounding us right? You guys aren't mad, right?"
"I'm too tired to really be mad." Reginald stated honselty, wrapping an arm around his lover's shoulder. He glanced at the two. "I won't ground you, since we may not have gotten out of it wasn't for you, if we're being honest."
The two teens looked at each other, giving each other a high five with a chuckle. "But," Right Hand Man's stern tone cut them off, bringing their attention to him. "Know t’at unless we find ourselves in a deat’ trap again, you doin’ anythin’ that could put you in ‘arm’s way again will result in groundin’. Is t’at clear?" He watched the two nod at his words, and only then he allowed himself to relax.
"I still wish we could have kept Shadow Kid..." Reginald sighed, as Hat Girl let out a small giggle at his words. She found herself staring into the woods of Subcon, a smile on her face.
Vanessa was the worst, so that meant the worst had to be behind them. Right?
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particularemu · 4 years
Brokenhearted | A Lee Minho/Lee Know Scenario
Word Count: 1531
Type: Like 90% Fluff and 10% Angst
Warnings: heartbreak, unreciprocated feelings
Prompts: 8 (Forget it. You fucking suck.)
Author’s Note: Sorry this took me like 4 months to finally complete. I had a bitch of a time writing this one for some reason. 
I’m not taking requests from this list anymore, but the prompt is from this prompt list.
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Being in love with your best friend is pure torture. 
Being in love with your best friend when you’ve already confessed? EVEN WORSE.
You sighed as you piled a handful of popcorn into your mouth, wide eyes fixed on a cheesy rom-com as you munched on the popped kernels. Minho always made fun of you for watching such pointless movies, but you didn’t care. There was something relaxing about watching two teenagers fall in love despite all the pointless drama surrounding them. You loved movies that had a happy ending. 
If only you were so lucky…
Oh, how you wished your confession ended in a prom date, a first kiss, and a lasting relationship… Now you just lived through twenty-something year old actresses, imagining you and Minho as the main leads. 
The memory of your confession was fresh in your mind as if it happened yesterday. You were a bright-eyed second-year in high school, hoping to confess to your long-time crush, Lee Minho. The boy was smart, good-looking, talented, and he had a great personality. The two of you weren’t that great of friends, but he hung around your friend group often. Often enough for you to fall head-over-heels for him. The two of you always seemed to click when he hung around your friend group. 
Eventually your feelings became too much to handle and you, thanks to the help of your best friend, decided to confess to him. Nothing was going to happen between you two if you didn’t tell him how you felt! Besides… you two got along really well. That means he’s going to say yes right?
Oh, how wrong you were…
You headed up to Minho, note in hand and poured your heart out to him, hoping — praying that he would feel the same way. Minho crushed your heart with eight simple words. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t feel the same way.” 
You were absolutely heartbroken. 
A few days later, Minho happened to see you sitting by yourself at lunch. Instead of sitting next to his buddies from dance class, he decided to keep you company. Minho sat his lunch tray across from yours and took a seat, bright eyes watching you as you finished extra homework. 
“Why are you here?” You didn’t want to sound like a bitch, but you were still pretty angsty after having your crush snap your heart into a million pieces. Not that he intended to… 
“You’re alone.” Minho shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Everyone should have a little company.” The boy chuckled and took a bite of his lunch, eyes fixed on the frantic scratching of your pencil. 
“Isn’t it weird for you?” If it wasn’t weird for him, it sure was for you. You couldn’t help but imagine him sitting next to you every day during lunch, talking about his day, watching him during dance competitions, kissing those plump lips… 
Okay, you were letting your mind wander again. 
Minho tilted his head in confusion. “Why would it be weird?” 
It was really weird. 
Despite the awkward conversation the two of you shared, you still enjoyed seeing his face. Even if you weren’t dating him, you were happy that he still considered you a friend. 
And friends you were!
Over the next few years, Minho became your partner in crime. The two of you were best friends, attached at the hip. You were never away from each other. Unfortunately, your feelings for him never faded. In fact, they got stronger the closer you got with the boy. 
Even five years later. 
Minho barged through the door and tossed his jacket on the end of your couch. “Are you really watching this garbage again?” He chuckled. “You’ve seen it five-thousand times already.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the boy. “No please, let yourself in.” Perhaps giving your best friend a spare key to your apartment was a bad idea... “I come bearing gifts.” Minho chuckled and tossed a candy bar in your direction. “Think fast.” 
You beamed at the chocolate bar as you hopped off the couch, throwing your arms around him. “How’d you know I wanted one of these?” You squeezed Minho as hard as you could, making the boy groan. 
“Too tight.” Minho dramatically fell to the ground, sending the two of you into a fit of giggles. 
“God, you’re so dramatic.” You held your hand out to the boy, smiling when his hand rested in yours. God, you wished…
“You always want candy.” Minho chuckled. “But that’s not why I’m here.” 
“Yeah?” You crossed your arms over your chest. “Why are you here then?” As if you don’t enjoy his company.
“I’m here to ask about that boy you were talking to.” Minho wiggled his eyebrows as he opened his own candy bar, taking a giant bite from the crunchy chocolate. “The one you have a big fat crush on.” 
Ouch that hurt. Why did that hurt?
“I don’t have a crush on anyone.” You mumbled, taking a bite of your chocolate bar, hoping a mouth full of chocolate would keep Minho from asking more questions. 
Minho rolled his eyes. “Yes you do. What’s his name… Chan? I think his name is Chan.” Minho snickered. “Come on, quit playing games. You can tell me anything.” 
Could you? Of course you knew that you could trust Minho, but you felt like telling your best friend of five years that you never stopped loving him wasn’t the best idea. What if things didn’t go well? Instead of sticking around this time, he might just leave you…
You couldn’t stand the thought of losing your best friend, but what if… What if you had the chance to be happy with him? Maybe it was time…
“Can we talk?” Your voice was small, fear taking over your usual confidence. “We need to talk.” 
Minho chuckled. “Talk about what? Your new boyfriend?”
His words hit harder than they should have. Minho was just teasing you, like he always does and yet you took offense this time. Why couldn’t he see that you loved him?
“You know what? Forget it. You fucking suck.” You rolled your eyes at the boy and stormed off to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you. 
Minho tilted his head to the side in confusion as he followed after you. He was beyond confused. You’ve never been this pissed off at his antics. Usually you would laugh along and tell him he was an ass when he got out of line. What happened this time? 
Minho knocked on the door, “Hey, I’m sorry. I’ll listen to you this time.” His brows creased when he heard you quietly crying on the other side of the door. 
He didn’t realize he hurt your feelings this bad. “Hey, I’m coming in.” Minho slowly opened the door to see you curled up in your bed, hugging the fuzzy blanket he got you for your birthday to your chest as you cried. “Aww, sweetheart.” Minho rushed to your side and rested his hand on your arm. “I was just playing.” 
“You’re so fucking dense.” You snapped at Minho, wiping your tears as you brushed his hand off you. “I can’t love anyone else because I still love you.” You scooted away from Minho, trying to distance yourself from the boy as if it would protect you from his response. You’ve done this before, and now you’re about to repeat history. You knew there was no possibility with him and yet, you couldn’t avoid falling in love with him. You looked over to see Minho frozen in place. You couldn’t bear to hear another rejection. “Can you please leave?” 
Minho’s eyes widened even more if that was possible. “No.”
“Minho please just go.” You whined as you turned your back to him. 
“No.” Minho responded. “I can’t leave you like this.” 
“Fucking go.” You used all your strength and pushed on Minho’s chest, knocking the boy off the bed. “I can’t do this again please just go.” 
Minho quickly rushed to your side, taking your hands in his. “Listen to me. These past few years have been the best years of my life.” Minho smiled sadly. “I know I told you I didn’t feel the same way, but sweetheart that was five years ago.” Minho chuckled. “We’re old now babydoll. We’ve grown up.” 
You sniffled and pulled one of your hands away from his to wipe your tears. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Minho snorted. “I’m trying to be romantic.” 
“Just tell me how you feel.” You sighed and tightened your grip around his hands. “Please just tell me.” 
Minho smiled. “I started to fall for you the more we hung out, but I didn’t want to hurt you by digging up old memories. I wasn’t sure if you liked me anymore.” He paused. “Damn, I wouldn’t have liked me. I was a dick.” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “No you weren’t. You were sweet.” 
“I was an ass. I rejected you and then —” 
You silenced Minho with a kiss. Finally, after all these years, you finally got to kiss the man of your dreams. You finally got to feel his lips against yours, and it was pure bliss. You leaned forward, smiling into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“Wow.” Minho chuckled. “How long have you wanted to do that?”
“5 years.” You kissed him again. “You still fucking suck, but I love you.” 
Minho smiled brightly as he laughed. “That’s fair. I love you too, you dork.”
Tags: @jisungsjheekies​ @channiesmixtape​ (my tag list smol lmao. I can’t remember if I had one before I left aj;sdlkfj;asldkfj)
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ash19871962 · 3 years
Warnings- Blood, Domestic Abuse, slight mention of suicide (not my choice criminal minds made the story for rosalyn)
Jennifer Jareau x OC Jareau
Having an older sister was sometimes a blessing and a curse. There was absolutely nothing you wouldn't do for her, after everything she had done for you. It annoyed you how quickly you guys would make up after a fight, but she was your best friend.
Both of your childhoods were incredibly different, having grown up in the same house but with totally different atmospheres. When you were two and JJ was 11, your 15 year old sister Rosalyn took her own life.
After that things changed in your house, you don't really remember it too much but Jj would tell you stories about that time. Especially at night when you were supposed to be sleeping, trying to remember a sister you don't actually remember is very difficult.
Of course you've seen pictures of all three of you but she is still a stranger to you. But to Jj it affects her deeply, Ros was her idol.
Sometimes in the back of your mind you wonder if Jj even likes you or is just using you to replace Ros. After all your 9 years younger than her? But she is still your big sister and you can't think of her like that for long.
It doesn't surprise you as you grew up that Jj is everywhere. Anything that happened she was there, when Ricky that snot nose kid from 1st grade punched you in the face, she spent hours in the garage showing you how to block your face.
At 14 years old she had much better things to do but she stayed with you. Cleaned your nose and made sure you didn't tell mom. Your mom was probably more of an absentee parent, like she was there in body but not in mind too much. Jj says Ros took a part of her, but sometimes you feel jipped.
Mom apparently used to laugh and smile, plan fun things for them all to do. But you can't remember any of this. You only remember Jj. She was the only one who looked after you, kept you safe it was almost like she was your mom at times, but you always remember her.
Remembering sharing a bed with her during storms, playing in makeup singing stupid songs, sharing secrets and just plain missing her.
She would be so disappointed if she could see you now. Not really having a choice anymore anyways, telling her is essential but your still scared what if your big sister can't help?
Shivering in the cool breeze taking into account your still bleeding a little you decide it's time to leave. Wiping the blood out of your face as best you can, the gash above your eye stings.
The fight you just had was nothing new, the bruises on you back would testify to that. Even through all this you still don't know how to even tell Jj.
It's not an easy conversation, she is either going to be so mad at you she won't speak to you or so over protective she's gonna kill him.
Your phone on your lap feels heavy, but the nerves in your stomach feel like a lead weight. Opening your messaging app you text her
Aj- Hey jayge Are you busy, can I call?
A couple minutes ago by and she texts you back
Jj- Abs! Hey hun yeah we're almost done with this case, give me a couple hours I'll text before we head to the airport ok? Love you💜
You don't want to be disappointed but you guess it'll have to do. Grabbing your phone making your way into the house stopping briefly to grab a couple changes of clothes and your memory box which has everything important in it including you birth certificate.
Making a split decision you also leave your phone but write down all the important numbers just in case. Knowing by the time Jj texts, you'll either be in the hospital or with her.
Nothing else in this house is important . Feeling like the worst thing possible is being stuck here, you leave and make your way home to Jj.
Getting behind the wheel planning to make such a long drive from Pennsylvania all the way to Quantico or at least as close as you can get.
First things first she needs a Dr, so she decides to take care of that first pulling out of the driveway and driving putting a hospital search in her GPS, locating one two towns over that she won't be recognized in she proceeds there.
Sitting in her car fiddling her humbs working up the courage to move. Finally making the decision you walk in and start a new life.
A nurse approaches you and escorts you to the back, answering questions left and right
Name Abigail Jaraeu
Age 20
What happened... Your not exactly sure how to answer this so you don't answer.
Getting changed into the stupid gown you realize how alone you are. Butterflies fly in your stomach making you almost nauseous.
The Dr, has a knowing look in his eye as he looks over your injuries, noticing more than you realize.
The gash above your eye takes 8 stitches, your nose is not broken but two black eyes are in your future, didn't even notice the split lip until the dr goes to stitch it 3 more there.
Feeling absolutely terrible it's not done, the rest of the body check shows more injuries none of them too serious just painful.
The broken wrist being the worst, mystified that you could drive all the way there without so much as a twinge of pain.
Apparently adrenaline is a real thing.
Shocked as the Dr starts applying the cast, absently shocked and numb to how you you must look.
You just want Jj.
To hug you, to hold your hand, to kiss your forehead, your scared and you want your big sister, but she is at work.
Surprisingly no broke ribs just jarred heavily, and of course the bruises, you are given a prescription for pain and instructions for the cast, and you sign yourself out against what they recommend but you know you are just ready to be with Jj.
The drive from this place to Jj is roughly 5 hours so you get started.
The phone you left at the house has to be found by now. Memories of the fight flash as your merge on the interstate, setting cruise control you let yourself relax.
The shoving, the broken mirror the outrage that you didn't do anything wrong. It made no sense to you, Johnny was supposed to be a good guy, but he ended up being the scariest thing you've ever encountered.
As your driving you remember Jj is on a case so no one is at her house. Your nephews would be with Wills Mom. Maybe you could stay there till they got back you had a key?
In this situation you didn't think she'd mind.
God you were scared, what If she yelled at you? If she did your pretty sure you would crumble.
Driving is incredibly hard with a cast but you have to make due, you have to get there. Once there everything will work out.
Feeling incredibly guilty now, you think should you even bother Jj? She literally has children what if Johnny came there?
You don't think he's that stupid but you never know. Jj would kill him.
Stopping to fill up with gas using most of the cash you have, you keep driving closer and closer to safety.
For probably the quietest drive your ever made in your life you finally make it to Jj's neighborhood.
Concerned now because it's 2 am and the street is completely deserted, you make up your mind to park farther down the road from her house just in case she's actually already home.
The upstairs light is on, and your basically a nervous wreck. All you want is her, but scared in how she's gonna react .
Slowly getting out of your car, you make your way to Jj's porch and knock softly.
Hearing the footsteps, turns the butterflies in your stomach turn to rocks.
Will opens the door angry someone knocked on the door at 2 am. The second he sees your face his jaw drops, and concern fills his eyes.
Your arms are grabbed into a hug, tears finally fall from your eyes as he calls for your sister to come down the stairs.
Obviously Jj took that offensively, as it's 2 am and she only just got home.
Upon seeing you stitched casted and crying in her husband's arms, all composure is gone.
The next couple of minutes are a blur, feeling yourself be transferred into her arms, sobbing uncontrollably, but strangely you feel better.
Her hands are on your cheeks, and her blue eyes are filled with anguish but at that moment you feel safer than you have in a long time.
"What happened to you Abs? I tried calling you and Johnny said you went to bed"
There is a lump in your throat "Johnny did this, all if this"..
Out of the corner of your eye you see Will leave the room, and in that moment you know, you have to tell her everything..
The story spills from your lips, how he stared out like a normal boyfriend, then he just got so angry at everything how the fights started and how this one ended, how scared you were but most of all how you just had to get to her.
Jj stares back speechless and incredibly livid, her baby sister her best friend was hurt, and came to her.
She pulls you into another hug and in that moment it didn't matter how you looked or were you came from, you were home.
Jj would fix everything, and you would never be able to repay her.
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