#maybe you're overeacting
michamiw · 4 months
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"why do you smile when you talk to him christine? I told you that you must not love any mortal human!"
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plantgirlpropaganda · 2 years
Really excited to finally leave this goddamn state and no longer be reliant on my parents good will so I can finally start screaming without restraint.
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beevean · 4 months
I noticed when Amy was on her board, Sonic reached a hand out and screamed for her, and... idk. Of course Sonic would be worried, but in this case it seems like a bit of an overeaction? Like, Sonic would react like this if Amy died or something, not because a board went haywire.
I remember Sonic having this same reaction when Elise died on the egg carrier, and a similar one when Shara died. In this situation it seems a bit extreme for him to do the scream and outreached hand. He also did something similar in the egg city arc when Amy's hammer was shot out of her hand. Idk why they made Sonic so overprotective of Amy for some reason
Mmh. I didn't notice this, but you're right. Sonic would absolutely be concerned for Amy, but he's not really the yelly type?
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I think the big font is more warranted in the second case lol
I don't think this is, like, subtle ship tease lol. Probably just a way to increase tension.
or maybe sonic is compensating for lanolin's complete lack of concern for other people lolololololol
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levi-thein · 1 year
short vent under the cut
if you do invite him then what the fuck am I gonna do?. I'll just be the fucking fifth wheel. now it'll feel like I WAS THE ONE INVITED NOT THEM. gods, not even one fucking decent day with out you talking about your lovelife huh?
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How would The skele's react If a s/o Just started to give out agressive compliments ? like it sounds like there about to say a rude thing but its super Nice.
Undertale Sans - Please don't do this, you're going to give him a soul attack. Sans is a skeleton that reads faces, and when he sees you angry but after that you're just complimenting him, it's messing with his non existent brain. He's confused every time and it can make him uncomfortable if it happens to often, because it's giving him the impression he doesn't know how you are reacting and it's stressing him.
Undertale Papyrus - He's fine with it. I mean, it's pretty much like Undyne. As long as you're not trying to noogie his skull or suplex him, he doesn't mind. He might mimicate you some times just as a revenge.
Underswap Sans - It's making him giggling every time, because it gives you a silly face. He's pretty fine with it too, mostly because Alphys is kinda acting this way too. Though, he won't do it back, because he knows his brother can be easily startled by people screaming.
Underswap Papyrus - He flinches and looks at you with terrified eyes. He doesn't even understand what you said, you screamed at him for no reason and he doesn't know why and now he has litteral tears in the eyes. Yeah, maybe don't do that. Ever again.
Underfell Sans - He will happily reprocicate. Red loves this and he thinks it's a nice way to express his feelings without looking totally stupid. If you both stupid in T instant, then saying he loves you has more chance to go as a joke if you rejects him. ... right?
Underfell Papyrus - He was prepared to scream back in self defense but then you just screamed compliment at his face and now he is completely confused. Are you praising him or are you angry? Is that ironic? Oh shit, he doesn't understand irony. You broke the skeleton. Edge is looking blankly at you, sweating, unable to decide if he should thanks you or screams at you.
Horrortale Sans - Bad idea. Terrible idea. As soon as you come in the room screaming, he jerks up in alarm, then rushes next to you to protect you from whatever you're screaming out, growling at the emptiness like an animal. You can try to explain it's just a joke, he's not believing you. Now deal with your overprotective clingy boyfriend for the day, you did this to yourself.
Horrortale Papyrus - He shrieks in shock and the food he was holding fly in the air. He looks at the disaster, concerned, then turns slowly towards you. You swear you can hear him growl a little. "HUMAN. SIT DOWN. I THINK WE NEED TO TALK." Oh shit. You're in for a lecture. You sigh and obey. Behind you, you can hear Oak laughing at your misery.
Swapfell Sans - He immediately goes royal guard mode and throws bones into the wall, missing Rus who was entering the room from an inch. Now, when he realises you're not in danger, and that you just say he has a nice suit today, he coughs a little, sits back in the couch and acts like nothing happened, a bit ashamed. Ok, maybe he overeacted, but you spooked him. Rus needs a moment.
Swapfell Papyrus - Just like his brother, he goes in self defense mode, catches his shoes and throws them both in your face at full force. Strike. Twice. You falls on your butt, half knocked out. ... Oops. Rus immediately comes to apologise, worry he might have break you skull or something. Don't scream at him, it makes him panic !
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vonxodd · 2 years
Just thought I'd drop in and say I do love your gifs 🥰 I love the spooky ones in particular and you gifed a set of Cherry really early in uk2 time which I adored. I also am loving your drcan gifs at the moment and the drphil ones too!! I hope you're having a good day 💫
thank u sm <3 <3
maybe i am overeacting and i know stuff like this shouldnt bother me much lol but i ty again juno, i appreciate this ask a lot 💞im happy to hear that there are ppl liking the drph/canada gifs! 
omg i remember that cherry gifset i made, i do wanna make more content of her again sometime in the future . anyways  i hope your day/night goes well too 💗
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empressapprentice · 3 years
Hello, I just have some questions for Nadia. While I really like her character, I can't help feeling uneasy when I read some of the (mostly paid) scenes with her because the devs were so set on making her a dom (like the throne scene for example). It felt like they made her sexuality a big part of her personnality and it saddens me because I really liked the bonding scenes with her (horse riding, the scene in the fields and when she talks about her hobby in mecha). I really didn't like when she called MC "pet" or implying that she would show them around like some accessory. Is it just me overeacting? Otherwise, how would you write her with an OC who isn't submissive at all or feels ill-at-ease in said situations?
Hello anon! Thank you so much for asking this. I actually have been meaning to address Nadia's dominance but haven't quite processed my thoughts well enough to publish them. However, this question is definitely something I can answer!
Firstly, I do not think you're overreacting at all. It is completely valid for you to feel that way while reading her route and I commend you for giving it a fair try, like reading the horse riding scene, etc. We all approach situations involving sexuality based on our own preferences, history, etc. The one thing I will say, is that I don't believe Nadia's sexuality and dominance is emphasized more than the other characters. All of the characters in the game are pretty kinky and very interested in sex with the Apprentice. I don't feel that Nadia is inherently more sexual than the other characters, this is just how the game was designed. (I know you didn't compare Nadia to other characters, I just suspect that it stood out more to you because her choices/preferences don't line up with yours and wanted to bring it up.)
As for how to address it in your own writing, I've got plenty of ideas. Nadia likes to spoil her partner, so writing her as a service partner is a great place to start (top or bottom doesn't matter really, just choose based on your comfort level). But I think you can even go deeper if you spend a bit of time picking apart some of her personality traits and relationship history. We don't know a ton about what her marriage to Lucio was like, but we know that she felt stifled and powerless. So it makes sense narratively that when she met the Apprentice that she immediately went for a position of control. However, her relationship with the Apprentice deepens over time and she grows to trust them. I think it makes perfect sense for her to back down from being so dominant and allow her partner to take the lead, at least occasionally. Honestly while I really like Nadia's dominance I wish that towards the end of her route, she would pull back a little and let the Apprentice take charge. It would be a really natural transition and you could take it to whatever degree you're happy with.
I also wanted to address the "pet" thing. To me, it's an indication of how much pride she has in her partner. If you again look back at her marriage to Lucio, she wasn't proud of being his wife. She recognizes the Apprentice's strength and values their relationship. I chose to interpret her words as her saying "I love you and I want to show the world how much you mean to me." She finally has a partner that she considers her equal (whether said partner enjoys taking a submissive role in the bedroom doesn't affect how Nadia views them during day-to-day life) and she wants everyone to know! So to take that dynamic and flip it, I could see Nadia enjoying and taking pride in being a good submissive, in making her partner happy. It would also be fun to incorporate ideas of possession/ownership into play. Maybe she wears a collar in the privacy of her bedroom. Maybe it feels good for her to know that she "belongs" to someone who is smart, brave and kind. It feels good to take off the mantle of leadership, authority and decision-making and give herself to someone that she loves and is proud of. (Something to consider too, while the dominant partner is usually seen as having more power, the sub can stop play and control the intensity of a scene. Leaning into the idea that Nadia maintains her power and autonomy while letting someone else take the lead is a good way to make sure she's still in character.)
The last thing I want to point out, because I could keep going on but this is already so long, is that Nadia immediately presents herself to the Apprentice in the magic shop as an authority figure. She is hiring a magician and is the one in control. As the route progresses, you begin to understand that the Apprentice was the one who initiated the events of the game. It was the Apprentice who came to Nadia during her lowest point, her emotional rock-bottom. Nadia reached out to the Apprentice out of desperation. So the way she presents herself in the prologue and the first few chapters of her route are a mask for how hopeless and down she really feels. When you frame the story this way, it is the Apprentice who is taking Nadia through the events of the game. They determined how their relationship with Nadia unfolded. Their dynamic is often framed as Nadia is the ruler, the Apprentice is a follower. But the Apprentice is just as in control as Nadia is. I think understanding how much Nadia relies on the Apprentice is crucial for writing a "reversal" of the in-game idea that Nadia is dominant.
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aio-rya · 4 years
Kabedon! Diasomnia Headcanons
Fem!Reader SO x Diasomnia
「Requested by: Anon」
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Sebek ⚡
・You trying to pin him against the wall will only result in him, as tall as he is, pulling you apart and kneeling to check on your body to see that you have not hurt yourself.
・He thought you had stumbled. The height difference between you was relatively large so that was the most logical conclution for him.
・Of course he would check on you immediatly, after all, you were his significant other, the most important person in his life aside Malleus, so he was never letting anyone or anything hurt you.
・You will blush madly, he will immediately notice and stand up, placing his hand on your forehead and your cheeks trying to perceive if you have caught a fever.
・When you move from his touch and look away, he will ask —or, well, shout— with a concerned look "What's going on?" trying to hug you.
・With a defeated sigh, you will explain that you were trying to caught him between your arms against the wall to look a bit intimidating but in a romantic way, maybe planning just to look at him, maybe planning to steal a kiss from him, maybe just to look at his reaction...
・He smiles, kindly as he takes you between his strong arms and whispers that it's fine. He will not get that serious over those little details you're trying to do.
・Next time you try it, he will remember that first failed experiment so he could avoid another overeaction.
Silver 🗡️
・Maybe trying to surprise him this way will be easier, since he's drowsy most fo the time you spend together. It's not because of his Narcolepsy but because of his trust on you.
・He was about to yawn when you pinned his back against the wall, you have caught him with his guard down, his eyes widened as he stared directly at yours.
・"What's going on, [y/n]? Is everything all right?", he asked while his hands moved to caress your arms lightly. You looked away and folded your arms slowly until he finally grabbed you in his arms. You sighed, smelling his sweet parfum, some combination between flowers and a bitter but lovely man smell.
・You explained him what you were trying to do, and that you just failed since you couldn't hold his stare.
・He will just giggle and gently pull you away as he stretched your arms and placed your hands against the wall again, over his shoulders.
・He leaned back and looked down with a tender smile to see you, blushed. "What's supposed to happen next?", he asks as you tiptoe to —or at least to try to— reach his height.
・He loves your surprised expression when he acts as if nothing happened but willing to try again as long as this can make you happy. He couldn't completely understand the finality of this behaviour, but since it involves only you both, he may believe it's one of those "couple things" he must learn more about.
・Surely you're shorter than him, but that's the enchanting thing of the whole situation. There's nothing Silver would not do for you, the love of his life.
Lilia 🦇
・Trying to caught this old man distracted is one of the most difficult things in the world. You must have a good plan.
・"Fufufu~ darling, are you trying to push me up against the wall?", he will ask with a mischievous smile, placing a strand of your hair behind your ear and a hand on your waist. Leaning forward, his nose almost touching yours as you blushed and tried to gently free yourself.
・He started walking towards the opposite part of the hallway until your back hit the wall behind you, he lifted your chin with a finger and looked you straight in the eyes. He was amazed that you tried it, even knowing about his reaction speed and his obvious anticipation.
・"Such an ingenious attempt, my dear", he chuckles, you know Lilia enjoy teasing you often and he's going to take advantage of your nervousness right then and there. You're the cutest human he has ever seen, and he loves to see every face of you.
・"I'll try it again..." you whispered, facing him with determination. He bursted into a sweet but hilarious laughter as he let go of your body and started walking to your destiny together.
・As his significant other, he's willing to fake surprise or even to get his guard down for you to make as you please. He's an expert on pranks and teases, that includes the one you just tried on him. You won't get with it that easy but, eventually... You will.
・You may think of trying again, but he will find out about your thoughts, putting it harder each time to see how far can you get to have your payback. So he will approach hanging off the ceiling and scare you, he's always a step ahead!
Malleus ✨
・In this case, the situation will completely turn around.
・"Well, well... What do we have here?", he will ask, trapping you between his body and the wall. It's not difficult to understand the situation: he just turned it to his convenience and you were the victim now.
・"You are brave for your size, human child", take it as a compliment. You're smaller than him but that didn't stop you from trying, and you are not frightened by him, oh no. He's aware of it, that's why he turned tables: he wanted to see your reaction.
・You blushed slightly but that didn't stop you from facing him with a smirk. Your beloved Tsunotaro wanted to know the reason of the sudden decision of trying to immobilise him.
・"A romantic gesture?", he ask. Well, he thought that romantic gestures were thing like giving flowers, chocolates, a poem or two, maybe a song, dancing under the moonlight, going on a date to some lonely place and appreciate gargoyles together... But this?
・You will hug him and hide your face on his coat as you quietly explain that you just wanted to try something new, some way to surprise him since he's always a gentleman. Acting as if you were the most valuable treasure in the world. Being the princess of his prince, literally.
・He will let that pass since he didn't even know what's next now that you're against the wall, looking at him as he leans forward, his face so close to yours. He will let go of you, would you try it again? Maybe. Would he let you get away with it? Maybe. After all, you, his beloved human, keep surprising him.
・Later, he will ask Lilia for advice like what was the romantic objective of that... Wall-slamming thing. When he finds out that it is useful as some human seduction technique or to steal a kiss from you, well... Prepare yourself. Malleus will to try it and you can't scape.
I'm alive, I'm alive, oh yeah~♪♪
「If you caught the reference, I love you」
I'm sorry for taking so long, but finally I'm free and I'll be fulfilling your request this week! Plus, I have a little surprise for you all~
I hope you like this one!
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isa-chi · 7 years
Episode 538 takes my breath away every single time. Literally.
Every screen or page makes me stop breathing for a few seconds. I only realize I’m holding it when my chest starts to hurt D:
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somensfw-blue · 2 years
Im seeing!! Some weird talk abt that shirtless pic of wilbur! (Not here just in other tumblr places) and its! Weird. I see pol mentioning and talking abt his happy trail a lot and im just! 🧍🏾‍♀️ Are we sure this is all fine and dandy my kings and queens?! If it is then carry on but. I think the happy trail stuff is going into very scary territory. Like I think he looks very nice! But i dont think we should talk. About him. Like that. Or maybe im just being overeactive. - 🐩
i don't think you're overreacting at all. there is definitely a line and i haven't seen the comments so i'm not sure what they are but knowing the internet i'm sure some are definitely crossing it, even if it's just to the "hey! that's weird! stop" side of the line
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3raaaachachacha · 3 years
Thank you for responding back to my ask about the pet peeve and I couldn't relate more to the friend and boy one. My close friend is always busy and I understand that, but she always makes time for boys over me despite being friends for a while. I don't know if I should say anything because I feel as if she'll play the victim and tell me I'm overeacting and not happy for her and so on. But it's seriously upsetting me. What would you do? By the way your kinktober is amazing! I'm enjoying reading it on my breaks.
~ hi love !! i'm sorry you're feeling this way bc i think we've all been there with this and it sucks. reaching out and telling her how you feel is okay, and if she can't see that you're hurt and just want to see your friend more, then she's not a real friend. having a balanced life for friends, lovers, and family is a MUST. if she can't do that, sadly, you aren't a priority in her life and that's not fair to you. make sure that you are happy with any relationship you have with another. i've held onto too many bad relationships in my lifetime and it's not worth it. i hope you find a bit a clarity and decide on your next action. you've got this !! ~
- Admin 🦋
~ hey hon! ugh i get that completely. unfortunately i know someone like that to, but i’m not one to say anything since i just have a feeling it would come back on me and i don’t have that kind of energy to fight. at the end of the day, its ultimately your decision! if it’s bothering you, then it would be best to mention it, so that it is something lifted off your shoulders and no longer bringing you down. you can tell a lot about someone in these circumstances, so if she isn’t understanding, maybe it’s best to let go and not burden yourself with these kinds of things. i wish you all the best and i hope she can see where you are coming from! good luck!! ~
- Admin 🌶️
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How would the baby ones feel about their best friend being like *casually drawing rainbows and unicorns* my parents are getting divorced :)*goes back to drawing*
Tiny Undertale Sans - He stops, then looks at you. If you doesn't care, then he doesn't care too. I mean, he litterally doesn't have parents. At least he didn't ask "what is a dad anyway?".
Tiny Undertale Papyrus - *GASP* "OH NO! THAT'S SO SAD!" Then Papyrus bursts in tears and comes to hug you. He is a bit overeacting and maybe he's taking that a little too personally, but he's here for you at least.
Tiny Underswap Sans - He stops, sees that you're acting very normal, and just asks himself if he should worry or not. I mean, it's a pretty big news. But if you don't care, well, good for you?
Tiny Underswap Papyrus - "... oh." Well that's awkward. There's a long, long silence. Honey doesn't know if he supposed to say something, he's looking at his drawing, scared to look you in the eyes again, and he won't talk anymore before you do. He's so bad at the social thing. Why would you do that to him?
Tiny Underfell Sans - "ya're so lucky, ya're going to have Christmas twice :( I won't have any gifts because my parents are dead."
Tiny Horrortale Sans - :( He gives you a bite of his cake to comfort you.
Tiny Horrortale Papyrus - ".... I CAN BE YOUR MOM IF YOU WANT? OAK ALWAYS SAID I'M A GOOD MOM." Thanks, I guess.
Tiny Horrorfell Sans - "... Nice." Well, he doesn't know what to say, everything seems awkward!
Tiny Horrorfell Papyrus - "WELL I LOST MY LEGS AND I DIDN'T CRY ABOUT IT, YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL." Still a sensitive subject.
Tiny Swapfell Sans - "I would hate being you. I heard that when parents can't get agree over who is keeping the child, they cut the child in two parts." The kid cries and runs to his mom.
Tiny Swapfell Papyrus - He heard Nox's story and immediately bursts in tears because he doesn't want his best friend to be cut in half. The kid is very confused.
Tiny Outertale Sans - "Too bad. Anyway, would you like to see my drawing?"
Tiny Outertale Papyrus - "That's ok. My parents got divorced too when I was a baby. My mom were making my dad fly and then he got lost in space and time for all eternity." The kid is not happy about that.
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hey off-character but can you and your friend stop the gay storyline? saying stuff like "what if people think you're gay" or using it as an insult is hurtful and really uncomfortable to see. plus it has no relation to the heathers roleplay so theres no reason for it to be included either. thanks
(Heads Up! This post is OUT-OF-CHARACTER)(It’ll also be kinda long so I’ll put it under the cut)
Hey anon! The gay storyline is totally part of the roleplay. Have you not noticed that gay ships are the majority of the OG Heathers fandom? We’ve been playing with the idea of MF and S being a secret couple for a while now, and we’re thinking about how to go about it. Nobody has used gay as an insult. Except maybe an anon, but I obviously can’t boss around an anon? 
Also, you’d be happy to know that my friend [who is in charge of MF’s blog] is lesbian! And I, myself, am questioning... and also a HUGE supporter of LGBT+... as I have a *ton* of friends in that community. 
And about the triggered thing, my *other* friend, the one in charge of JK, has a disorder centered about triggers. 
My apologies if you dislike the way we are writing this story, but we’re not going to change who we are. MF got a pretty rude ask with the same point as yours, they just were very impolite about it. 
TL;DR - We’re not changing the storyline just to appease one person. We’ve done nothing wrong with this storyline. We are simply saying that the two main females are (possibly) gay and in a secretive relationship with each other. And if you see a problem with it, then maybe you’re either homophobic or overeacting.
Sorry, S is kind of based off my own attitude, I don’t know how to be super polite.
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